It’s going to be OK. You got this. Need to relate? Logic is your man. Everybody’s got their something. Channel that pain, that energy into something powerful and beautiful. Everybody is beautiful.
Logic “Anziety” Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified
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I do not condemn nor convert but as a daughter of a late alcoholic who countlessly returned to AA and ultimately passed away due to her addiction, there must be alternative options and a broader understanding of how very unique and complex each case of addiction truly is in the modern age. I also struggled with alcohol use until recently, although I witnessed and absorbed its destruction first-hand.
I am thankful for this man’s honesty amid such a popular program, which I personally find rather singular and fundamentally outdated, which does its participants and past attendees a disservice by not considering the science here that success rates are actually in the single digits, as opposed to its claim of 75% success rate. 
I am overjoyed and proud for survivors all around and those in particular who found success through this abstinence-focused program, but I think all must be able to talk about the growing problem, that is bigger and more complex on so many levels than is being admitted by AA’s program leaders.
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Words can’t express our devastation, fury, and sorrow. Our hearts break thinking of the lives that will go unlived, and the families left behind.
If you’re suffering from fear or anxiety, or know someone who is, call the NAMI helpline at 1-800-950-6264 or text NAMI to 741741. Trained counselors are available 24/7 to help you process what you’re feeling, free and confidentially.
Where do we go from here?
This won’t be the last mass shooting in America. Until Congress puts aside the politics of gun control and honestly faces the human toll of their inaction, guns will continue to ravage our communities.
If you’ll be 18 by November 6, 2018, please register to vote. Help your friends register. Help your neighbors register. On election day, organize carpools to polling places. Trade shifts with people who can’t get time off, or babysit their kids. A single vote for gun control is more powerful than all the thoughts and prayers in Washington.
Tens of thousands of people will be killed by guns before we can wrest control of Congress from the gun lobby. Many hundreds will be students sheltering in classrooms. But change is possible.
TurboVote.org will help you register online or by mail. Go now. We don’t have time to wait.
See how much the gun lobby has given to your representative, or spent on their behalf.
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Be grateful for what the planet has provided us.
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Maui, shapeshifter, demigod of the wind and sea, hero of men AND women (2/?)
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Stick to your heart, defend your intuition and you will lead the life you want.
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But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try. Every turn I take, every trail I track, every path I make, every road leads back to the place I know, where I can not go, where I long to be…
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Overtime- it gets easier but remember it is always OK to have ups and down. Your feelings and emotions are 100% valid!
“Life is a journey, not a destination.” Beautiful Day, India Aire
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How are you holding up? You know. Yeah. That feeling never goes away.
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Personal Identity Prompts
Need to re-center or find out more about yourself? Who doesn’t get caught up in the everyday grind and lose track of themselves?
Take a rest and answer these fun example prompts! I look forward to seeing your answers. Sharing your personal qualities is inspiring to me and others :)
- Nickname:
- Favorite movie(s):
- Favorite movie quote:
- Someday I will:
- Secretly I want to:
- If you could invite one person in history to dinner:
- Currently on my playlist:
- Favorite concert:
- Currently reading:
- When I was little I wanted to be:
- My New Year’s Resolution (see my recent post NYResolutions!)
- Spirit animal:
- Favorite food:
- Something that takes me a long time to complete:
- Something I often avoid:
- Dream business or job:
- I currently miss:
- If money and time were not obstacles, what would you do on “Treat Yo’self Day”?
Feel free to add more prompts you found fun and exciting. Who knows where these could lead you!
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I see that the infamous New Year’s Resolution has quite recently transformed in US society from a high expectation set to transform each of us entirely, usually unsuccessful, and this year to a positive goal option for a happier life. I’m so happy that we have come to terms with accepting who we are and seeking better lives! 
I see #positivity a lot these days and for me, the priority is to love all of me, fearlessness whenever I am able, assertiveness and calm in expressing my wants and needs with those I love and being supportive and caring towards myself, essentially putting myself first- AND being OK with that! 
Being humans after all, this may seem like common sense; however, I will attest that childhood shapes us in very unique ways and thankfully, I have redefined #selfishness for myself. It’s my very own objective I set for myself: to feel better every day by being healthier and happier at every opportunity. That will be my life’s purpose, and to spread love and compassion to every living thing I can while on this planet.
Equally important, I am beginning to trust and praise my instincts, think for myself and give myself permission to fall occasionally. The latter has been very impactful, so as to avoid self-harm via #guilt and #shame, a lifelong plague. 
Now,   tell myself to not give up after falling, just get back on! Bad habits are familiar so we trust them, even if they are harming us in the long run and pushes me into deeper and darker despair. 
I started exercising most days at first for a slimmer figure but now i see it’s a confidence booster! Most days I walk on the the beach to #morrorock and back listening to Audible and photographing the variety of sea birds, or walking my dog Mister at sunset (a new #tradition) then circuit training at the lovely #REVAMP Training Studio here in Morro Bay, CA and learning Vinyasa yoga with Bridgette at her studio #OmniYoga in nearby Los Osos. I never liked exercising because it was hard and did not present an immediate and tangible reward. However, I realize now that I like a #routine that mixes things up, which helps with very distracted mind. Some days I am not looking forward to challenging myself but like one of my trainers glistened on me, “You’re one workout away from a better mood,” which nailed down my realization. I also try to engage more with those I look up to most, who are smart, healthy and happy. Some are aging but their lives are happier not having to deal with an increasingly aging body and the pains and diseases that come with them to soon in life.
I struggle with life-long #depression and #anxiety and as such, like most, I feel immense ups and downs on a regular basis. However, after 32 years I finally see what makes me feel better afterwards, as opposed to what I habitually fell into all of my life, simply due to long-time habits and lack of healthy supervision and discipline as a child. So, I need to construct my own agenda from scratch, which makes it quite exciting (and sometimes daunting)! The lightbulb: replacing my old habits that were making me sick with new healthier alternatives. 
I hope this helps in your journey towards a happier life :)
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Post by Ann Sheybani from her blog. A great resource no doubt!
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