kairi-lansley · 6 years
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Hey so I have Snapchat?
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Well since it's #NationalComingOutDay I guess it's an appropriate time for me to make this announcement. P.S. I will place the possibly triggering part of this post in parentheses so you can skip over it, because this post is EXTREMELY important about my future.
TW: Sexual Assault.
Everyone was so supportive of me a few years back when I announced that I was no longer going to go through with the transition from male to female and I want to say thank you but I want to explain WHY I really stopped.
((((Shortly before stopping my transition I was drugged, taken back to someone's home, and sexually assaulted for hours on end and I was completely powerless to stop him. After he dumped me off in a parking lot downtown I went to my two best friends' apartment who encouraged me to go the hospital and have a rape kit done. It was so bad the doctor left the room in tears. I went home and told my boyfriend at the time who refused to believe me and said that I was just making it up so I could get away with cheating on him. I reported the incident to the police and the next day two detectives came by my house and attempted to have me retrace the steps to the man's house. However since he had drugged me and intentionally taken turn after turn to confuse me I couldn't find the house and the detectives determined that I was making it up. I reported it but no one believed me.)))))
In order to make sure this never happened again I stopped transitioning.
Over the last year you've all witnessed as I've started to allow myself to embrace my feminine side more again and I've realized that times are changing in such a way that there is more support out here for trans people that wasn't there as much (not as openly at least) when I was still doing it. While doing this in the last year I have come to realize just how fucking complacent I've allowed myself to become with forcing myself to be comfortable with being uncomfortable in a body that has NEVER felt right.
So in honor of National Coming Out Day I want you all to know that I am going back to transitioning. I will be slowly asking my friends to start referring to me as she/her and Kairi (pronounced "Ky-Ree") again. I will be going back on hormones and I have the long term goal of completely transitioning surgically from male to female.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
"For when you need a better grip on ya dick." #NoRegrets
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Hidden In Plain Sight
I can't tell you you're killing me....
I sit here beside you yet alone
Afraid to reach out and touch you
Afraid of the toxins pouring out of your pores
Afriad that I too will be high,
unable to sleep tonight
because you decided to use again.
It hurts.
I seem to dissapear as you gaze emptily at the wall.
Distracted by yet another hallucination.
Drug induced paralysis of mind
but over active in thought
as you tell me again that the watchers stand at our door.
I can't stand you like this.
I love you but you're too lost to know that right now.
You stare quietly, muted, unable to react with anything but paranoia.
I am here beside you
yet you can't see me.
I am screaming your name
yet you can't hear me.
I am lost to you, yes, hidden in plain sight.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Thank you for sharing this @waludeca1 . I needed this today.
Stop thinking about everything so much, you’re breaking your own heart.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Hey guys! So I just did my first Open Mic night tonight! What do you think?
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Thank you for posting this!
Walking the Path of Hermes
Roll with the punches.
Help those in need.
Travel fearlessly, but not foolishly. 
Become intimately familiar with that Hunger for movement. For change. To explore. To see.
Hermes has his palm placed on every word you speak, everything you say that can be understood. In this sense, it’s very easy to call him close. Don’t underestimate that. 
There’s never a good reason to not do the right thing. 
Subtlety isn’t helpful if you’re not being heard or understood.
It’s impossible to hold onto everything you value forever. 
The world isn’t going to pause and wait for you to recover from that loss, either. 
Real self care involves a lot of hard work. 
There’s always something amazing to be discovered in any moment. 
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
ZEUS: “I guess we all learned a valuable lesson, except for me, I wasn’t paying attention and was asleep for most of the time”
POSEIDON: “do you want salt with your answer”
HERA: “just found out the world doesn’t revolve around me. Shocked & upset”
ATHENA: “my kink is when people admit I’m right”
APOLLO: “i’m a brat??? okay and??? I know??? next argument???”
ARTEMIS: “i want that dog” “you want every dog”
APHRODITE: “hey just wanted to let you know, I’m beautiful, thank you and goodnight”
HERMES: “you’re kind of annoying” “kind of? kind of?? excuse me. excuse you. I am fully annoying. i am very annoying. there’s nothing half-assed half-hearted  “kind of” about it”   
HADES: “occupation: the family disappointment”
ARES: “sure, I made mistakes when I was younger. But now that I’m older I’ve learned how to make different, often far more serious mistakes”
DIONYSUS: “i’m dropping hints that I’m not fine”
HESTIA: “there’s so much caffeine running through my body right now. It’s like having a cockfight with my anxiety”  
DEMETER: “im sick of being a person. im going go into the woods lay down in the dirt and become a geological feature. and none of you are powerful enough to stop me”
IRIS: “defending myself: oh yeah?? well i got five words for you buddy: please be nice to me”
EOS: “have you ever met someone that was sunshine in human form”
HEBE: “what the fuckaroni”
HEPHAESTUS: “you can’t offend me. I lack emotion”
HEKATE: “it’s only forbidden if you’re a fucking coward”
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
I recently realized that Hermes is my patron Diety. So I've decided to go full force with worshipping him. Also can I point out that he's hot af?
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For real. Hermes is totally bae.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
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Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
I'm screaming. Omg. 😂😂😂
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
So much this!
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“Sephora will start selling entry-level witch kits in October.”
All right witches, listen up.
Sephora is to begin selling a “witch kit” next month featuring a tarot deck, fragrances, a sage bundle, and a rose quartz crystal for $42.
I think it’s wonderful that witchcraft is making a resurgence, but what I don’t think is wonderful, is that a huge corporation like Sephora is trying to tap into this market.
Why don’t I like it?
Because Sephora has their fingers in enough pies and generates over $4,000,000,000 in revenue per year.
Because witchcraft produce and supplies should be provided by people with knowledge on the practise(s) and who care enough to make sure their products are ethical, of a high quality, and non-appropriative.
Because Sephora will be stealing business from actual witchcraft and occult centric shops who likely don’t make huge sums of money anyway due to the niche nature of the market.
Because Sephora doesn’t need the fucking money!
So, I urge you to share this post and refrain from purchasing this “entry-level” witch kit (and any future witchcraft related product) from Sephora. Instead, support small, witch-owned businesses. We need you and we’ve got your backs.
Here is a list of shops owned by witches. Check it out!
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
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I couldn't help myself.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
I feel personally attacked rn.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Smol baby let me pet you....
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Grindr is gross.
I've come to realize that all of this dating site stuff is kind of a joke and that pretty much any one that has gay men in it quickly turns into yet another hook-up thing. I don't wanna say I've given up but I'm feeling like I have. I'm currently just trying to channel this loneliness (single for five years because I don't put out on the first date) into my music. I'm told that I'm really one hell of a catch; I love unconditionally and fully, I'm caring, affectionate, and tend to put the needs of others before my own. Yet I can't seem to catch a break because everyone is too concerned about prioritizing sex on the first date. How about a change of pace for once? How about prioritizing creating an emotional bond. Sure sex is great but that should be a part of the bonding experience, not the first date.
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kairi-lansley · 6 years
Me: I just wanna meet a man who loves me unconditionally.
*meets a man who loves me unconditionally*
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