#honestly i also just want to cleanse my room
sh1-n0bu · 2 years
This anon know what is good, i guess i never make a ask so i'm doing now. Can u do that concept with any character (and mc of course) , may a hybrid? Idk, sorry if is confuse, a lil nsfw maybe?
✿ 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙩𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 ✿
characters: cat!6reeze x nb!reader
warnings: fluff!!!! fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff! also modern au!
notes: wanted to take a break from writing smut and take inspiration from my own fluffy bby for this one. also @junerixi , simping for only one☝️anemo boy is an illness. i hope you recover soon😚 honkai:star rail ver can be read here!
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art by Mechodes on twt
oh gods
a menace
a complete menace i say
you know that thing cats do? when they just keep a direct eye contact with you as their little fluffy paw slowly pushes your potted plant or a cup full of drink to the edge of the table while you watch hopelessly bc your hands are dirty or busy doing smt?
yeah, it’s the 5th time the flower shop owner is seeing you this week and your wallet is crying
it’s almost as if you two were sworn enemies in your past life and scaranya is out for blood
doesn’t have that much of a zoomie episodes but when he does oh boy
you better retreat into a safe place but even then you’re not safe from scaranya’s terrifying zoomie powers
he’s literally running and jumping around everywhere
the table, on top of the fridge, the curtains, on top of the washing machine, your little bookshelf - everywhere
scaranya is such a little shit (affectionately)
his preferred way of waking you up is faking puking noises and when you throw your covers off and literally zoom into the living room, he gives you a look as if saying “finally awake, you silly human slave”
sometimes he even jumps on top of your chest harshly but that’s only used if you’re oversleeping with your alarm clock snoozed for the past 20 minutes and you’re running late to work
despises baths with a burning passion
if you’re taking him anywhere a large body of water is, he’s trashing around, kicking, hissing, biting, scratching - the whole pack
after a successful bathing time, with added new scratch marks on yourself, he would not approach you until you fall asleep
after you have fell asleep, he would quietly approach your sleeping figure and give small, shy licks to the angry red scratches he caused as if apologizing for being so aggressive
hates rainy days too, especially the ones with thunder and lightning
jumps up 5 ft into the air if a thunder strikes and runs into your lap, shaking small body curling into himself with all of his cockiness and pride out the window
scaranya appreciates you greatly but he’s just a bit too bad at communicating and so he shows his affection by lapping up the scratches he gave you
“scaranya, aren’t you gonna go out to the back garden and play with the rest? it’s nice outside today”
hmph! what do you mean by play with the rest of the cats? he’s a royal! he’s superior! scaranya has never heard of such bullshit befor- oh! a bird! must. catch!
scaranya and miao gets into fights sometimes and whenever you separate them, scaranya goes to sulk in the corner of the house silently
until you go over to him with a sigh and pick him up gently, he doesn’t even resist - just choosing to simply curl his tail around your wrist
a solid 9/10 kitty if he would just stop being a tsundere
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art by Mechodes on twt
miao acts more like a guard dog than a cat sometimes
the smallest out of all the kitties yet also the strongest one. honestly the sheer amount of times miao has taken down a wild dog 10 times his size just keeps giving you more and more heart attack
doesn’t get zoomies, if anything he stops the other kitties’ zoomies if they go a bit too far - which most of the times escalate into scaranya and miao fighting
cleanse the land house through slaughter bug hunting
a sweet baby
miao’s preferred way of waking you up is to silently sit on your side of the bed and stare until you get that feeling of being watched and wake up to 2 piercing yellow eyes just staring holes into your soul
yes, you have yelled and fell off of your bed many times due to that
you found little miao at a dark alleyway, covered in blood and barely on the brink of death with his tiny paws twitching constantly
grew up malnourished on the streets with his 4 siblings dying out one by one, so due to that miao’s body is very small and he’s extremely territorial with you - his one and only sweet human
always leaves his scent on you by rubbing his head around your ankles
miao is indifferent when it comes to taking a bath, unlike scaranya, and he can be very obedient as well
when rubbing soap into his legs and washing his paws he would stretch out his limbs to make it easier for you to wash him - anything to lessen the load of his favorite human
he also seems to like your co-worker, zhongli a lot
one time you came home with zhongli due to a deadline of a great project coming closer and upon seeing him, miao immediately jumped into his lap, purring lowly, rubbing his head on zhongli’s hand
yes your heart broke at the betrayal and yes miao apologized with a dead rat in his mouth
but if it’s any other guests you’re bringing home, then miao would either get on top of the fridge and simply watch or hiss at the guest
oddly likes being in high places
one time, you made him a small necklace-collar thingy out of a few pearls and he wears that with pride, chest puffed out (a replica of his necklace)
loves sleeping on the lower parts of your bed at night. it’s soft, fluffy and he can keep an eye on you and keep you safe so it’s a win-win in miao’s book
“miao-miao, do you wanna come with me to the back garden to pick up the tomatoes?”
before you can even finish your question he’s already at the back door, staring at you expectantly with his tail thumping slowly against the floorboards
thanks to miao and kazunya your house will never get any bugs, roaches or mouses inside
if feeling incredibly vulnerable and soft, miao paws at your arm to ask for pets bc he just needs the comfort of his favorite human
literally a 9/10 kitty if he would just change his way of waking you up
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art by ayon🌿 on twt
heinya is another little shit (affectionately)
he likes to cause trouble and drama here and there
also really enjoys spilling tea to you
it doesn’t matter if you’re waking up and is still groggy or just coming in through the front door, back from work - heinya is spilling all the drama of the shows he watched on the tv while you were away or the different birds he saw through the window - meowing away at you excitedly
another helpful hand
if you’re coming back from grocery shopping then heinya can take some of the smallest and lightest bagged things and dragging them to the kitchen alongside miao, kazunya and nyaether
heinya’s preferred way of waking you up is to make biscuits - you know that cute thing cats do with their paws squishing at their favorite spot over and over - on your stomach or lower back or! he just meows besides your ear over and over until you eventually wake up
the perfect alarm - heinya
he’s such a sweet baby
and heinya really likes watching real life crime documentaries for some reason
at first when you found this out, you couldn’t help but think heinya is going to murder you in your sleep but soon you realized he just loves crime related things
and bc he like crime related things, you bought heinya a cute spy glass shaped squeaky toy
when getting the zoomies, heinya decides to bite and kick at the spy glass shaped squeaky toy - making the toy let out squeaks at every little kick
heinya enjoys spending time outdoors, sniffing at the different scents wafting in the air, tracking down all different sorts of footsteps and paw marks with great interest - you sometimes wonder if heinya was a detective in his past life
loves to bring you all sorts of interesting things he found - an old ripped part of a newspaper article, a weirdly shaped leaf, a flower he has never seen before, a half bitten chicken still warm - wait where’d he get this?
loves to sleep using your hand as a pillow my cat does that to me so rip bc you have been captured by the amazing detective heinya and you won’t be moving for hours on end, let’s hope you had a nice snack and a toilet break beforehand
chose to wear the smooth, black satin you tied around his neck as a collar - either bc he loves to wear soft things or he just loves it bc you gave it to him
heinya is an incredibly affectionate kitty, always meowing for you for pets, cuddles and perhaps his favorite soft wet food? he’s been really good!
doesn’t really mind taking baths as well, if anything he uses this opportunity to shake bubbles everywhere!
for some reason, also loves to groom your hand. maybe it’s just something your kitties all share?
overall another solid 9/10 kitty, if you don’t mind being splashed with water and bubbles while bathing him
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kazunya, me beloved
literally an angel, how could you ever be mad at him even as he took a whole bite out of your potted plants’ leaf?
another kitty that loves staying in high places like miao and stay outdoors like heinya
joins miao on his duty to cleanse the land house through slaughter bug hunting from time to time
a lazy, sweetheart of a cat that loves to sleep on warm places and the sunlight - you literally had to buy a window sling just for him to nap under the sunlight
another helpful hand!
will drag the lightest and smallest bagged things to the kitchen whenever you come back from grocery shopping - more so if it’s cat food
isn’t a picky eater but sometimes, just sometimes, prefers food with fish in it’s ingredients
kazunya is mostly tasked to wake you up by the other kitties bc he’s the sweetest
wakes you up by purring and snuggling with your face, neck, hands - anything just you in general
soon enough, the small fluff purring and cuddling you wakes you up and as a reward for waking up, kazunya gives you a small kiss - a lick to the tip of your nose - making you laugh
doesn’t meow a lot, only when he has to or if it’s an emergency such as the litter boxes not being cleaned, the food trays being empty etc
always gives you a kazunya kiss as a thank you
a gentle baby, even to the guests
whenever a guest comes over to your house, they always gush about the cute white cat with a small red streak in his fur
kazunya doesn’t get zoomies. even if he does it’s rare like only once a week
always grooms himself to keep himself clean, not to mention his white fur sparkling as well
surprisingly enjoys bath times, would even suggest you to bathe him by tugging on your sleeve then pointing to the bathroom with his fluffy paw!
however there’s just one thing that kazunya does that makes you shiver
it’s that he always, always! brings you dead animals or bugs. birds, rats, mouses, cockroaches, crickets - anything that he managed to hunt - he brings over to you with his tail swishing happily behind him
it’s considered a gift in cat language, you know that! but it’s just a bit dirty especially if he brings over different bugs. the rats, mouses and birds you can handle but the bugs brrr
one time, kazunya proudly brought you a dead wolf spider as you held back a tear and a screech, deciding to take his gift with a forced smile
you never recovered from that
a 10/10 kitty if he would just stop bringing you dead spide - kazunya is that a mf dead tarantula in your mouth?
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art by os_Amaniwa on twt
another best kitty!
a sweet kitty that never complains!
helpful, never complains, never picky with his food - a literal angel
however sometimes nyaeather disappears randomly, coming back after a day or so
he always seems to be searching for something - his twin - you soon found out, by registering him and getting his pet password
and so you decided to help him reunite with his twin by putting up posters, articles, news on the internet, tv, radio - anything to make nyaether happy
after a whole half year of dedication and endless search, nyaether’s twin was finally found!
turns out the person who adopted nyaether’s twin was your co-worker, dainsleif, the quiet and mysterious tall man
after talking to him about the situation of the twin kitties, you both have come to an agreement to let the kitties have a play date once a week
when the day of the first play date has arrived an someone knocked on your door, your kitties gave you a confused look
upon taking nyaether in your arms, you walked over to the front door before unlocking it and letting dainsleif inside. as the blond man placed down the catbag and opened it, from inside stepped out a cute, similarly blonde furred kitty with a baby blue colored collar
upon seeing the kitty, nyaether jumped out of your arms and tackled his twin. cuddling her and licking at her face with a teary eyes - you and your co-worker dainsleif couldn’t help but laugh at the adorable situation
since then nyaether had made a silent oath to always be beside you and be your best kitty! you have done a lot for him by helping him reunite with his twin - nyumine - so he would do anything in his power to lessen your load!
nyaether’s preferred way of waking you up is by giving a gentle meow beside your ear and give your cheek three kisses - repeat the process on the other side until you eventually giggle and wake up
another kitty that doesn’t mind taking baths! however he just prefers the water to have a bit of bubbles to soothe his nerves
likes to sleep in your arms since he has separation anxiety like scaranya - due to the incident with his twin
“nyaether, keep the others in check okay? i’m going out on a quick grocery shopping!”
such a sweet baby🥹
his meows are higher pitched and not full “meow” like kazunya or miao’s instead it’s a short “myaa!”
a solid 11/10 kitty. highly recommend, get yourself a nyaether today!
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art by os_Amaniwa on twt
a little shit AND a menace (affectionately)
very hyper too! sometimes you wonder if nyenti has ADHD but in cat version
it’s like he’s always in his zoomie mode as if to make up for having 2 kitties that barely has zoomies - which are miao and kazunya
his affectionate attitude doesn’t help as well
twirling, rubbing himself on your lap, hand, bageling his way around you - he’s always sticking close to you 24/7
one time as nyenti was rubbing himself on your hand while you were working on your computer for an important document, he tripped and fell on your keyboard - deleting your entire progress of work with a “myeeew!”
yes, you cried that night
unlike heinya, nyenti doesn’t really enjoy being outdoors - he just prefers to stay on your lap, lazily bathing in the sun - as he sometimes meows with heinya about some dramas
another kitty that loves to spill the tea to you
him and heinya meows your ears off with the things they have seen, watched, witnessed and heard - sometimes even adding some dirt on the other kitties such as kazunya eating leaves from your potted plants, scaranya sleeping on your hoodie bc he missed you, miao destroying the pantry during his duty to cleanse the land etc etc etc
nyenti’s preferred way of waking you up is to play with your hair. whether it be grooming at your hair, playing with them, tugging on the ends gently - it doesn’t matter which form - as long as nyenti wakes you up, that’s all
he also doesn’t do much hunting either, preferring to watch from the sidelines as the others chase some bugs and small animals they found
for some odd reason nyenti likes you to put flowers on top of his head or a flower shaped charms as a collar - his most favorite and preferred one being the white lily
cut the flower's bud and place it on top of nyenti upside down like it's a cone hat and nyenti would give you the biggest, affectionate "myew!" while rolling around on the ground, showing you his tummy
a sweet kitty if he would just stop being a little zoomie induced shit
nyenti is another kitty that hates taking baths
doesn't react as aggressive as scaranya but he likes to yell his defiance a lot and i mean a lot
overall, a solid 8.5/10 kitty if he would just stop meowing loudly in your ears everytime you take him for a bathtime, making you more and more deaf
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weebsinstash · 6 months
in response to one of your latest posts: during stressful situations i also wish alastor would be actively blowing my back out
To cleanse myself of the recent EXTREME STRESS I felt today I'm gonna talk about this man 😩 and actually I have a few specific ideas that are also starting to coincide or be inspired by certain fanart I've seen
First off I'd like to direct your attention to this art which has ruined me for multiple reasons. The tongue and teeth and cat yawn. The concept of him sleeping naked. The haply trail!!! It's ruined me. I'm perverted for it. I'm connecting all the dots. Alastor who sleeps naked regardless as just like A Thing (couldn't be me but you naked sleepers you do you) and decides to keep you company or just genuinely fuck with you by joining you in your bed after you're already asleep and you wake up to him Like That and acting like it's no big deal even if you wake up with him touching you. Or Alastor teasing you, grinning like the Cheshire Cat and implying you're upset because you're flustered and shall we say 'desiring him carnally ' and maybe teasingly calling you a pervert
Actually I think Cheshire would be such a cute pet name for him and his evil little grins especially now that Evil Cat Alastor is a thing. You call him Cheshire as a joke and he starts calling you Alice. Suddenly he's refusing to call you anything else. Suddenly he's changing the way you dress into something similar to his own because, you know, since you two are already matching in other ways---
I was already thinking of and having prior discussions with a friend about Alastor's shadow being MUCH more forthcoming with his feelings than Actual Alastor and then I saw this fanart. Shadow Alastor suddenly coming over and pecking you on the cheek while his real counterpart is completely unaware, beefing with Lucifer across the room. Shadow Alastor who, maybe you have powers and a little smiling shadowy little double of your own and Alastor's double is always trying to pal around with yours, invading their space, throwing arms around em, wanting a kiss, whatever. Maybe you wake up one night and, what's that under your covers, maybe it's the boogeyman, who knows; it's dark and it's real hard to see who or WHAT is groping at your thighs--
THIS ART. Ok. Ok. This artist has other art of Alastor sipping tea while Vox gets railed by tentacles but like can you imagine that in a different perspective. Alastor having certain limits with YOU touching HIM, but he touches you all he pleases whether you like it or not. I think if I was kissing him and unbuttoning his shirt and he stopped me just for something like that i would be so turned off and honestly lowkey wanna walk away but, he hasn't gotten to have HIS fun yet
Sigh. I've got it for him so bad 😩❤️😳
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
What is your morning and night routine ?
So, I don't follow these to their exact details every single day, but these are my ideal routines that, at the very least, I try to accomplish some of these things every day. This is just what I've currently been doing, to keep this as honest as possible.
🩷 Morning Routine -
wake up, drink some water (typically about half a 16oz water bottle)
put on my sweatpants, use the bathroom, wash my hands
brush my teeth, wash my face, do my morning skincare routine (currently using Cerave Hydrating Face Wash, Vitamin C serum, a thick moisturizer, and a lightweight sunscreen, I also apply hyaluronic acid to my lips and lock it in with a layer of vaseline or aquaphor) - need to update my skincare routine on here
make my bed
plug in all my electronics to charge if I didn't do it the night before
sit at my desk, write in my guided journal
answer a journal prompt from the Daily Haloha app on my phone
I typically check my emails, social media's, etc around this time and drink a hot cup of coffee
depending on what I have to do that day, I'll get ready (what I wear depends on where I'm going - gym, only classes, work, etc)
do my hair and maybe some makeup (again, depends)
pack my bags accordingly (school stuff in backpack, work stuff in work bag, respective gym stuff in school bag - all depends on the day)
clear any dishes and unnecessary trash from my room/desk area
pop on my headphones, grab my keys, head to my destination
I did not include breakfast as i typically eat on campus, or i skip breakfast because im not hungry. Some morning i shower and then do the brsuh teeth and skincare but it depends. I will update my ideal day routine for winter break as I will not be working or going to school during that time. it'll be the perfect chance to work on myself <3
🩷 Night Routine -
(shower if i didn't shower earlier in the day)
change into sweatpants and a shirt to sleep in
brush my teeth, wash my face (double cleanse most nights, follow my routine for that night) - I use a skincare diary app to create my routines by day and I love it
complete my night guided journal
scroll my social media's for a little bit
plug in all my devices (except my watch, I wear that to track my sleep sometimes)
lay down, typically zoom call my boyfriend for a little bit
after the zoom call, I honestly watch asmr until I get super tired and then I switch off my iPad.
plug my phone in, take off my glasses, take a small drink of water, close my eyes and fall asleep.
I typically try to wake up between 4 and 6am, and I try to go to bed between 8 and 10pm, sometimes 11 if I plan to sleep in the next day. I didn't include journal prompts or reading as I do those throughout the day and don't count them as part of a set routine.
Will update soon with my ideal routine I want to follow for morning and night during my 6 week winter break! will include gym time, breakfast time, etc. I know these routines don't seem so girly and lovely, but as a stressed-out college junior, this is what I do. I try to be realistic on here, as much as I can.
til next time lovelies 🩷 and thank you for the ask!
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suna-rinn · 1 year
cosita bonita- m. o’hara
IN WHICH- miguel o'hara finds you positively insufferable. (it goes both ways.)
warnings: so much fucking tension omfg r u kidding me just bang already, miguel is honestly an asshole im staying accurate to character (that’s a joke bc he’s honestly more flirty than he would ever be) did i mention that there’s a lot of tension yall should just kiss, he’s also so awkward it’s almost laughable
A/N: i’m so sorry i’ve been MIA ive been writing full blown fanfics on wattpad its honestly kind of embarrassing
A/N P2: i google translated all the spanish. please feel free to correct me; i’m a speaker of english, mandarin, and japanese, so i really don’t expect it to be correct.
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                 •───⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
sometimes, your boss was a complete, total piece of shit. you wish you knew what you were signing up for when hobie, the stupid little idiot, dragged you along with him to his first day on earth 2099, a long way from your shared world of earth 616.
needless to say, you were most certainly not welcome. first things first, you hadn’t even been invited, nor had you really wanted to come. hobie had quite literally dragged you, clamping a tight hand around your wrist and pulling you through the portal with him. 
upon arrival, he had stolen a bracelet from one of the spider-people, slapped it on your wrist, gave you a forceful fist-bump and screamed, “anarchy! yeah?!”
well, shit. how were you supposed to deny that?
inevitably, time came for you to be kicked out approximately two minutes later, when the one and only spider-man of earth 2099 found out he had an unwelcome guest on his world. the look he’d casted you was one of sheer disdain, and you certainly wouldn’t have minded leaving on the spot.
but hobie brown could always be a blabbermouth when he wanted to be. you were useful, he claimed- willing to get your hands dirty when others weren’t, knowing what had to be done. you’d always taken up the part of the spider-punk job that hobie had been hesitant to do back at home- helping people simply came with the radioactive bite. 
that- that did intrigue miguel. miguel o’hara was a harsh, harsh man- but only because he had to be. he was the spider-man that the people needed; not the one they wanted. 
and you and him seemed to be in awfully similar shoes.
         •───⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
“another tough day?” hobie sniffed, flopping down next to you, draping his legs over your lap. up above, miguel looked down distastefully, wrinkling his nose in disdain at the unprofessional display.
“the day is always tough when you work with him.” you huffed back, jabbing your thumb upwards, bringing hobie’s attention to your boss. “hey, new girl! you’re sharing an office with me so i can keep an eye on you! hey, new girl! get me a coffee, if you can even manage to find the cafeteria! hey, new girl! cleanse lyla’s storage for me, if you can even figure out how to do it! hey, new girl-”
“are you finished?” miguel sighed, platform slowly descending, screens wiping blank. “that isn’t what i sound like.” 
“yeah?” you sneered, pulling up a new tab on your monitor- security footage of the room. 
“hey, new girl!” the crappy monitor speaker barked, scratchy. “make yourself useful and get a coffee, yeah? gracias, cosita bonita.”
miguel grunted in annoyance, taking a deep sip from the coffee you’d gotten an hour earlier, physical proof of your labor. you raised an eyebrow at hobie, as if saying, ‘you see this shit?’
“cosita bonita, huh?” hobie whistled, sliding his feet off your lap, and facing miguel. “interesting...” miguel avoided his insinuations, merely raising an eyebrow. 
“aren’t you supposed to be working?”
“aren’t you supposed to be working?” hobie retorted, eyes sliding over to you subtly. miguel grimaced, narrowing his brows. “ay, man. my entire thing is not workin’ unless i want to. down with the system.” 
“get out.” miguel groaned, hand waving mindlessly in the air. “i’ve had enough of you for one day.” 
“tough crowd!” hobie crowed, standing from his seat in surrender. he ruffled your hair- an act of familial-like affection that you’d grown to accept, although you never stopped complaining about the way that it fucked up your hair. “stay focused, boss man, yeah?”
“leave!” miguel shouted at his retreating figure. when the coast was clear, his eyes slid back to you, noticing that you were now back to mindlessly scrolling through reports, blowing a bubble of gum between your lips, almost the size of your face. “¿qué tiene tu linda cabecita en un giro?“ (what’s got your pretty little head in a twist?)
“hm?” you blinked, losing focus and popping the bubble. it exploded all over your lips, and you clicked your tongue in annoyance, before using your tongue to pry the areas that were sticking back into your mouth. miguel urged himself to pay attention, and stop staring at stupid things. “what’d you say?”
“what’re you working on?” he corrected himself swiftly, leaning slightly over your table, head hanging over the double monitors. you tried to ignore him- jesus, did the man ever skip back day-?!  “better be workin’ hard, if you got time to fool around with hobie.”
“sorting through the fuckin’ reports that you don’t want to do.” you sniffled in annoyance. “one day you have me killin’ people, the next day you have me doing secretary work. one day, i swear-”
“-you swear what?” he cut in, leaning over further. you glanced up, tensing when you realized his face was just a few inches away from yours. “hm? what were you saying, cosita bonita?” (pretty little thing)
“...” you gaped, hands frozen still over the keys of the keyboard, before blinking a few times and snapping out of it. you cleared your throat, eyes skimming back over the report you were working on. miguel frowned, leaning back. “nothin’. don’t worry about it, anata.” (japanese for ‘darling, dear.)
“you wanna get me another coffee?” he sighed, standing straight up, ready to go back to sitting at his platform. “i finished the one you got me.” 
“i ain’t your maid.” you retorted, closing out the report you just finished. “if you want me to be one, you gotta pay me better.” 
“o podrías dejar de hacerte la dura y salir conmigo.” (or you could stop playing hard to get and go out with me.) he grunted in annoyance. 
you powered off your PC, standing from your spinning chair and sitting on the front of your desk. “nunca me pediste que saliera contigo, idiota.” (you never asked me to go out with you, you dense idiot.)
he stared at you, unfurling his arms from their tight grip on each other. “¿tú hablas español?”
“hobie dijo que yo era multilingüe cuando nos conocimos. ¿por qué diablos no sabría español?“ (hobie said i was multilingual when we first met. why the hell wouldn’t i know spanish?) you squinted your eyes. “not very smart of you, boss man.”
“¡¿por qué no me lo dijiste antes?!” (why wouldn’t you tell me earlier?!) he gripped his hair in disbelief, gawking at you. “shit, man! that’s embarrassing!” 
“sure.” you shrugged, grinning devilishly. “but it was funny. hobie and i thought it was hilarious- why do you think he’s got a shit-eating grin every time he comes in here?”
“eres insufrible.“ (you’re insufferable.) he clenched his fist. “por favor, joder, sal conmigo.“ (please fucking go out with me.)
“tal vez, si me pagas lo suficiente.” (maybe, if you pay me enough.) you snarked. he pinched your side harshly, causing you to yelp. “ow! fuck, okay! do you always harass women into going on dates with you?!”
“no.” he deadpanned. “only when they’re as difficult and annoying as you.”
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funfettiheart · 1 month
Spoilers for the new season of The Umbrella Academy
I think one of the (many) things that really fucked up this season of TUA for me was how they could NEVER keep any of the siblings in the same room for 5 minutes. 2 or 3 of them would go and do one thing and then everyone else would just??? fuck off? and they constantly seemed to forget that any of the other siblings existed.
The plot felt so disjointed and slow but at the same time rushed because at no point did anyone TALK to one another. I know theyre all dealing with their own shit but the most interesting part is watching them deal with it TOGETHER and seeing how each person reacts to stuff happening. But they barely speak to each other, not that any of the subplots were connected to the main plot in any way. What was up with the subway? We'll never know. Why did they get new powers? No idea. Why does Reginalds wife just appear near the end to go "AHA! It was me all along!" like??? Why was Reginald an alien? Why was Jennifer in a squid? How does the main cast dying get rid of the cleanse when there are at least 36 other children born with marigold powers?????
Also, getting new powers from the marigold should have been way more interesting! A new start, a new problem! Or at least a big change? But it wasnt because none of the characters gave a shit! Which has been one of my biggest ongoing gripes about the series: None of the characters care about what is happening. Klaus can literally fly now and there is 0 reaction. Luthers hairy again, whatever. Allison is telekinetic now??? Who gives a shit. Fuck it: KLAUS WAS SEX TRAFFICKED AND THEN BURRIED ALIVE AND NO ONE CARED.
In fact the way the characters are all treated was downright cruel. Luther could have had some much needed depth after what happened with Allison but was reduced to a dumb guy in shiny pants. Bens a dick and becomes obsessed with a woman he's just met and the entire rest of his plot is just that. Lila ricochetes between Diego and Five and is basically just The Wife when her whole thing was being a wildcard assassin. Diego was reduced to a suspicious moron and was the butt of a load of fat jokes for some reason. Allison flashed her new powers around twice and barely appeared in the plot. Victor goes to live out his dream of working for his abusive father. Five got trapped. Again. Klaus went through hell. Alone. Again.
It felt like they forgot how to write more than 2 people interacting. Fuck it felt like they forgot EVERYTHING THE CHARACTERS WERE AND WENT THROUGH IN THE PAST 3 SEASONS. To the point where whole arcs and side characters that were vital to the plot vanish.
And then finally they had this big dramatic ending... where they all kill themselves to save the world. And I felt nothing but dissappointment. The deaths of these characters that I'd seen for seasons, that I cared about and enjoyed left me thinking "I'm glad thats over" because the characters weren't even themselves any more. They fought so hard over the past few seasons to be alive and to live how they wanted and to get away from the horrific trauma that Reginald had put them through. And then the finale is them just... calmly committing suicide with none of their issues resolved. Not to mention the endless plotholes and dropped narrative threads. I'm honestly angry that this is the ending they settled on. "Youre damaged and traumatised and all of this is your fault and it always will be. Now go die about it". How miserable. How poorly thought out. What a perfect ending for season 4.
Sorry this is such a long rant, I have a lot of feelings. But most importantly: Sorry Gerard Way.
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joonslfttiddie · 4 months
Chapter 49: Completion...
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💜Fic Pairing: OT7 x OFC
💜AU/Genre: Reverse Harem/Polyfidelity/Ghosts/AMBW
💜Warnings: Adult Language/Adult Content/Murder/Blood/Attack by stalker/Strangulation/Magik/Spells/Rituals
💜Rating: MA
💜Word Count: 4,280
Jin’s POV
“It’s okay, Jungkook...she’s okay,” I try to reassure him.
“She’s not moving. Is she breathing? HOW IS SHE OKAY?!” Hoseok is obviously in a panic, and understandably so.
“Hoseok, she is okay. She seems to just be resting. I’m sure she’s exhausted after exerting so much energy fighting against whatever that was,” I try to reassure the men who are all gathered around us on the floor. “Y’all, please try to stay calm. This isn’t the time to freak out. We still have work to do. Could someone grab the remaining incense on the counter and the palo santo sticks from that drawer?” I ask no one in particular and realize that I have information in mind that I shouldn’t. I know nothing about this stuff. Hell, I shouldn’t know where Tia keeps her things or each of these men by name, but I do. “Burn it and smudge each room, especially upstairs.”
I don’t consider that the guys don’t know much about this stuff either so I look up to Namjoon and say, “I’m sorry. Burn the tip until it produces a good amount of smoke, then blow out the flame. Allow the smoke to move around each room. Get in every corner and closet. Make sure to open windows up there, too.” He nods his head in understanding, then grabs the mentioned items and jogs out of the kitchen. “JK and Hobi, could you go help Namjoon, please?”
“But-,” Jungkook starts. I already know he prefers to stay here with Tia, but I need him and Hoseok to occupy themselves, to help keep them composed. I can’t imagine what they are going through mentally right now, but I feel the desire to somehow lessen their load and their stress.
“I have her; I promise. Go.” This seems to appease him and, reluctantly, he and Hoseok follow behind Namjoon.
“How are you so sure that she’s okay?” The man next to me, with his piercing eyes, stares into mine as if searching for the truth in them.
“Honestly, I’m not sure, Tae, but I just know. I’m noticing I know a lot that I shouldn’t right now. I’m only assuming Tia gave me this information somehow before she lost consciousness.”
“What do you mean? What information?” Yoongi is kneeling behind me, I’m assuming, looking at Tia over my shoulder.
“Well, I know all of your names. We didn’t get an opportunity for introductions yesterday with all that was happening and then having to go to the station. She instructed me on what to do about that spirit thing, directed me to where the salt was, and gave me the spell, word for word. Also, the directions for smudging the house. I didn’t know what that was until a few moments ago, like, I had no knowledge of it, then I suddenly did.”
“She is truly amazing,” Jimin says, coming to sit in front of me as I’m still seated on the floor with Tia between my legs, her body draped across my thigh. “What is burning the incense and wood going to do?” He leans over his criss-crossed legs to caress her face with the back of his fingers, and then he pinches her cheek tenderly. The love he has for her is obvious, beautiful, and pure, so much so it nearly brings tears to my eyes.
“Basically, it will cleanse the space and us of any negative or evil energies. It’s for our protection and to balance the energies in the house,” I share my newfound knowledge. “Opening the windows allows the negative energy to escape.”
Despite the situation, this is the most whole I’ve felt in my entire life. I feel safe, understood, and seen. I’ve been going through the motions in life, just doing what I felt was expected of me. But here, with them, I feel that I have a purpose. I feel wanted. Needed.
Yoongi, still behind me, says with a quivering voice, “You’ve saved her twice within 24 hours. I don’t know how we can ever repay you.”
“Well, Yoongi, I have a feeling that we’ll have plenty of time to repay him,” Jimin says as he continues to pet her and watch her sleeping face lovingly. 
I guess I wasn’t able to get a good look at him yesterday at the station, but now I can appreciate his ethereal features. He’s so beautiful, I catch myself staring as if attempting to sear every detail into my mind.
“What do you mean, Mini? Is that what this is?”
“What, what is?” I ask Yoongi without looking back but before he can answer, Tia begins to stir.
“Oh my God…beautiful!”
“T, are you okay?”
We all worry over her, trying to make sure she’s not hurt. Before she can answer, Namjoon, Jungkook, and Hoseok return and rush to our side.
“Little!” Namjoon comes over, holding his arm wrapped in a colorful fabric.
“I’m okay,” she says as she sits up slowly as if not entirely sure of her own words herself. Then, she looks at me and smiles. At this moment, I would climb up to gather the stars from the sky for her if she asked me to. I melt inside and the familiar feeling I’ve been feeling since I approached the house earlier today intensifies.
“Jin,” she says excitedly and reaches out to cup my cheek. “How I’ve missed you, my love.”
My love?
Namjoon’s POV
I’m not sure why but I feel that I can put all of my trust in Jin, even though we’ve only just met yesterday. Under his direction, I grab the incense and palo santo sticks, then rush to the foyer to grab the matches I’d seen on the side table. Just as I’m trying to strike the match with shaky hands, I’m joined by Jungkook and Hoseok.
“Here. Let me do it for you,” Hoseok offers and I give him the box. His face looks distraught but his hands are steady enough to produce a flame and light the sticks. When smoke begins to swirl, he distributes the stems between us. He then heads into the living area and I go into the library, sweeping each room thoroughly before meeting Jungkook upstairs where we do the same in each of the spare bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, everywhere. We save our bedroom and bath for last and when I cross the threshold, there’s an immediate heaviness in the air. A thickness that makes me feel like I’m doing something I shouldn’t and will get caught any second now. Nevertheless, we move forward, wafting the fragrant cloud through the murky energy.
Finally, I make it to the far corner of the room to let up the first window, where I’m met with resistance. I’m literally having to push with all my might, noticeably more compared to the others in the other rooms. I eventually get it all the way up and move to the next one only for the first one to slam shut on its own.
“What the fuck?!”
Jungkook is just as floored as I am and rushes over to assist me by reopening and holding the first window. I open the third, the second slams shut, and I see that Jungkook is visibly straining to keep his window open. By this time, Hoseok comes out of the bathroom and rushes over to us and follows suit by opening and holding the second one; I hold the third. Whatever doesn’t want us doing this is strong as fuck, causing my muscles and veins to pop, showing through my skin.
“Shiiiiiiiiiit!” Jungkook yells, using every ounce of strength he has left. Just then, something heavy seems to shoulder check me hard, pushing me into the glass before crashing through itself, sending glass to shatter on the ground below along with pieces of wood and window trim. With my hand on the window sill, I catch myself before I can fall head first out the second story.
“Namjoon! Are you okay?”
The entity is gone, allowing the other men to leave their windows unmanned. Hoseok rushes to check me over, frantically taking in every inch of my skin that he can see. Jungkook does the same, touching and squeezing here and there.
“You good, bro?”
I am fine, that is until he checks my right shoulder. “Ah! Fuck, that hurts,” I let him know.
“Can you move it?” His expression mirrors the concern in his voice.
I try to raise my arm up, and I’m able to a little, but it hurts like a motherfucker. “Ah!”
“Joon,” Hoseok says in alarm.
“Damn. Okay, you can relax. It’s not broken but may be dislocated,” Jungkook informs us, then goes over to one of the nightstands, returning with one of Tia’s satin scarves. He creates a makeshift sling to take some of the strain off my shoulder, which helps a lot.
“Let’s get you to a doctor,” Hoseok announces.
“I will go later, I promise. I just need to make sure Tia is okay first.”
We hear raised voices coming from downstairs and rush down, hoping everyone is okay.
Jimin’s POV
I love the connection that we all share and that it’s so strong and pure, there is no mistaking when we feel it. At the station, as soon as Jin was within ten feet, the pull was undeniable. I couldn’t wait to get home and tell everyone but I haven’t had the chance to, only being able to share the news with Taehyung thus far. I’m assuming that everyone has noticed it now that things have settled down, and Tia just confirms it when she gazes at Jin lovingly, addressing him as ‘my love’.
“Beautiful, are you sure you’re fine?”
“Oh, Jimin, darlin’. I am right as rain, especially now,” Tia says. While I am happy that she is unharmed, I’m taken aback by her voice. And, ‘right as rain’? What the fuck does that even mean? I look at the guys, who all seem just as confused as I am.
Her eyes. They look…different.
When she looks at me, her usual chocolate brown eyes are now speckled with hints of honey and hazel. She stretches her arms above her head, then reaches up to Jungkook. “Well, Koo, don’t just stand there looking handsome. Help a lady up.”
Jungkook takes Tia’s hands, pulling her to her feet and into his chest and just holds her there for a moment. When he releases her, just far enough to look into her eyes which must have flickered back to normal. Jungkook doesn’t seem to notice, barely able to hold her eye contact. Maybe I’m just tweaking. I’m probably just stressed, these past two days have been quite eventful.
“Noona, I’m so sorry,” he says into her hair before kissing the top of her head. “I’m so sorry for how I acted earlier, for not wanting to listen to you. I was so angry, both at you and at myself, but more so because I couldn’t protect you. I would die if he’d taken you from me. Baby, I can’t live without you. I won’t. I should have been here for you.”
He kisses her passionately, eyes closed as one singular tear escapes to trail down his cheek. When he pulls away, releasing her lips, and opens his eyes, opening the dam that was containing the rest of his tears.
“Oh, JK,” her voice is raspy again as she wipes his face, her own tears threatening to fall. “I know that I upset you, I upset you all,” she looks around at the rest of us, “but I couldn’t tell you because things would have ended terribly. I saw it. I saw each of you hurt, killed, imprisoned…I couldn’t allow that to come to fruition, to see that again. I know you all are pissed, and I get it. But I don’t care. I rather have you all here, living, breathing, and mad, than any alternative.”
“Jagiya, you could have given us some type of heads up. Please, try to see it from our perspective,” Taehyung adds.
“Babe, I get what you’re saying, but I would die a million times if it meant you’d be safe,” I add.
“Tae. Jiminie. I hear you, but this may just be a topic we just have to agree to disagree on. If I were put in this situation again, I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again this way. Because if something happened to you guys,” her voice trails off, and the tears spring from her eyes.
“Tia,” Yoongi says, reaching out to take her hand.
Still squeezing his hand, she places it over her heart as the tears trail down her cheeks and continues, “Fuck safety, fuck everything. I wouldn’t want to live if you guys weren’t here. Period!”
“Okay, okay,” Jin chimes in. “I know that I shouldn’t even have a say, but to offer an objective viewpoint, you all are saying the same thing, just in different ways. It’s beautiful, really, that you all would risk your own lives to spare the other’s and that only hints at how deep your love is. There is no true resolution here so try focusing on that love and empathize with each other. I’m sure Tia saw her decision as the best option for the well-being of everyone and you guys would do anything to guarantee her safety.”
“That’s exactly right,” she agrees. “I knew that I would get hurt but I would live. And you all would live. I swear my intentions were just that.”
“We understand that, Little. Like Jin said, we just want to protect you. We don’t want to see you hurting or suffering,” Namjoon says. “But you played us. You played me, and I walked right into it, trusting you blindly, only to be put in a position where I couldn’t get to you in time. I couldn’t help you when you were literally being attacked in our own home. Don’t do this shit again! Don’t put yourself in harm's way to save us. That’s what we are here for; to keep YOU safe.”
“Joonie, what’s the point of being safe if I’m unhappy,” she says weakly. “I wouldn't want to live without you all.”
“Okay, guys. That’s enough,” Yoongi says. “I can see both sides of this but arguing about who’s right or wrong is pointless. Everyone has made their points and each one is valid.”
“I agree. Let’s just focus on what’s important. We are all here, blessed to see another day with each other,” Hoseok says, ending the spat.
We all stop, taking a breather so as not to allow tensions to rise any further, not wanting to risk saying something we can’t take back.
“What happened to your arm?” Jin looks over to Namjoon and my eyes follow to see his arm hanging in the fabric sling.
“Whatever that thing was, when we were forcing the windows open, it slammed his shoulder against the glass. Speaking of, Tae, we’re going to need another window repaired,” Jungkook says, describing the events that happened upstairs.
“Oh my God, baby, are you okay?” Tia reaches out to touch his shoulder, arm, and hand gently, caressing him with care.
“Yes, Little, I’m fine. It may just be dislocated. I’ll get it checked out in a little while, I just wanted to make sure you are okay before I go,” he says and leans down to kiss her forehead.
“That was him, wasn’t it? That darkness. It was Jason,” I ask.
“Yes, it was. I could see his deformed face in my mind’s eye, the way he looked after being shot. It was so gory and his smile…it was haunting. He was enjoying torturing us one last time.”
“Mind’s eye? Like, a vision?”
Jin is fitting in so well, I nearly forgot that he is unaware of what Tia is and the powers she wields.
“Yes. She has many supernatural abilities, including the ability to see visions of the past and future,” I summarize.
“Yea, and evidently, she can fly, too,” Taehyung teases, which seems to lighten the mood even more.
“Supernatural abilities? That is amazing. So, is that how I suddenly had the knowledge of things that I previously had no idea of?”
Tia turns to answer Jin.
“Yes. I was able to telecommunicate with you so that you could finish the job. I have communicated with the others as well, but this time, it had to be you,” she says with a twang in her voice.
“What does that mean?” Jin is just as clueless as we all are.
While we are not quite sure what she’s trying to explain, there's comfort in the word. A feeling of finality has filled the house since Jin came. It has me wondering if he may be the last puzzle piece.
“Wait,” Yoongi says, holding his hands up. “Is no one going to address how her voice keeps changing? Even her accent is different.”
“Beautiful,” I grab her by her shoulders and pull her to face me so that I can look into her brown eyes. “You’re not alone in there, are you?”
“No,” she says with a smile, “I’m not. She’s here, too.”
“Who the fuck is ‘she’?” Yoongi questions Tia, obviously on edge.
“Well, it’s an honor to officially meet you, fine gentlemen,” she says as her eyes switch, letting me know that I’m not tripping. “My name is Tilly.” She looks around at all of us, then reaches for Yoongi. “Are you okay, Suga’? Why, you look more nervous than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I swear, I don’t bite.”
Her voice is now smooth as velvet and her southern drawl sounds sweet as honey.
“Tilly…Tilly…Tilly,” Yoongi says, seeming to search the database that is his memory. “That name sounds so familiar for some reason! Where have I heard that name?”
“Tia has filled me in and let me know that the energy in the house is so high and we’re all vibrating at a crazy frequency right now which is allowing us to witness things we usually can’t,” Jin mentions. “But you used to know Tilly very well. Much like you now know Tia. Is that right?” Tilly just smiles, validating his statement.
“Well, yes and no, hun,” Tilly corrects him. “Tia and I are connected in a mighty special way. My time here on earth was many moons ago, but God saw fit to reunite me with my loves. You see, their lives were taken much too soon and we all suffered at the hands of a Burton, just like y’all. Because of that, the males in that family were cursed, having to wear a scar, a mark to symbolize their transgressions and they never find true love in their lifetimes. My soul was reincarnated in Tia and my loves are within you, which is why you may have fragments of memories, information, and may even dream of things you’ve never seen or experienced. Whenever a little voice has tried to redirect you or keep you out of harm’s way, sometimes it was us. We have protected you your whole lives and in return we have been blessed with a second chance through y’all. I’ve been able to tag along with Tia since she was born and can now communicate with her and you like this because of her familial gifts. I’m so grateful, darlin’, for you allowing me to ride along and for allowing me to tell my story in hopes of explaining some of yours,” Tilly says, with her hand over her heart as if speaking inwardly.
“That explains what I saw earlier! I saw them, like, inside of you two,” Yoongi says, pointing at Hoseok and Jungkook. “It’s like we were moving in slow motion, trying to get to Tia, when I saw you guys split into two people. Like a twin, but I could feel that they weren’t you.”
“I saw it, too! My arm split when I was throwing the salt, just like you’re describing. Jason was glitching as well, but it didn’t look like a twin,” Jin recalls. “Was that his reincarnated version?”
“No, that was his great-great-grandpa, the man that murdered my guys. The anger and entitlement in them two was so strong. They were able to manifest that creature in an attempt to claim us, Tia and me.”
“Oh my God, that is horrible. What happened to them?” The empathy and genuine concern in Namjoon’s eyes is comforting, even for me. 
“Well, we were upstairs, asleep in this very house, when he came over here drunk as a skunk. It wasn’t uncommon for him and his flunkies to come by some nights, yelling and screaming profanities and racist remarks. They even vandalized our property and tried to antagonize the guys, but that night was different. Long story short, he threw a homemade bomb through the living room window and the fuel he used lit the house up like Sunday morning.”
“Wait! That’s what Tony did with that boulder,” Jungkook adds.
“Yep. It was the same window,” Tilly verified before continuing. “When the fire started, it all happened so fast and the house was engulfed before we knew it. We tried our best to escape but only I made it out. Jin was the one to push me out of the window to safety after realizing we all couldn’t get out in time,” she says with fat tears in her eyes as if she’s reliving that day all over again. She looks at him and says, “That’s why it had to be you to finish all this.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that all of that happened to you,” I say, feeling so sad for her. For them.
“Thank you, baby, but it ain’t nothing to sit down and holler about now. It is right sad, but what’s done is done. Plus, I’ve been able to reunite with my hunnies. We’ve been able to watch over y’all as you grew up, matured, and came back together, which has been an utter delight to see.” Her smile warms my heart and I find comfort in knowing they have been looking out for us. “Now that everyone is here, we can all go in peace. I reckon our work here is done for now. We don’t have much time before we’re called home to glory,” she says.
“No, you can’t go so soon. We’ve just gotten a chance to talk to you,” Hoseok says to her.
“Bless your sweet heart,” she says, now holding his hand. “But with my girl on your side, we won’t be too far away.”
We watch as she steps out of Tia’s body, wearing a tan dress with beige kitten heels, and her natural hair is twisted to the back with a side part like Tia wears sometimes. Now, seeing her individually, I can make out subtle differences between her and Tia besides her eye color, which I'm sure most are due to the evolution of fashion over the centuries, though she is still just as beautiful, inside and out. She begins to walk away, holding Tia’s hand until the last second until only their fingertips are touching. They are smiling at each other like two sisters, not saying ‘goodbye’, but ‘see you later’ to each other. 
Tilly walks through our huddle, stopping to embrace each of us along the way, and once on the other side she says, “Come on fellas, let’s hit the road.”
We all gasp loudly while watching our counterparts pull apart from us and, much like watching Tia and Tilly, I’m able to take in their true features. Looking at myself in awe, I notice his outfit and his hairstyle, and I must admit, I’m fly. Well, he’s fly. We’re fly? Whatever, but I would definitely rock this fit even today! I look around at everyone else’s partner, and I’m thoroughly entertained. I wouldn’t believe this shit if I wasn’t witnessing it with my own eyes. 
“You’ve worked hard, brother. Please know that we are always here watching over you all as your spirit guides. If you ever need us, just give us a holler.”  I can feel the weight of his hand when he rests it on my shoulder and then gives it an encouraging squeeze before he floats over to hug Tia. He makes his way around the group, as they all do, spreading love, genuine care, and motivating words.
Not gonna lie. I’m sad to see them all go and watch as they leave the kitchen with arms linked, holding hands, or arms draped across shoulders. We all curiously follow them and watch when they travel into the library, heading straight for the far wall. I’m trying not to blink, not wanting to miss a second and watch as they dematerialize, abandoning their physical forms for a lavender-looking billow of smoke. It moves to slip under the bottom shelf of the bookcase with Jungkook and Hoseok following close behind.
“There’s something under here,” Hoseok says.
The guys come back over to us, Hoseok with what looks like a small, lilac-dyed, leather-bound journal and Jungkook with photos. “Holy shit,” he says, looking down at the pictures and then handing them to Jin.
We all huddle around, trying to get a better look at what looks like Tia wearing a flower crown. Then a picture of all of us.
“Wait a minute, is this-,” Namjoon starts.
“-their wedding portrait!” Yoongi finishes.
“Wow, this is so wild! They look just like us and are all dressed so nicely for their special day,” Jin adds.
“We should frame these!”
“And hang them in here!”
Taehyung and Namjoon speak in unison as if sharing a brain cell.
“Damn, this is so beautiful,” I say. “We should recreate these if we decide to have a wedding one day.”
Tia’s scruffy voice has returned when she agrees with me and says,“Oh, Jiminie, I love that idea. We absolutely should!”
Y’all…have you heard/seen the TikTok where a lady says, “What fucking lady?!” after someone has her believing that a ghost is in the room? That’s what I thought about when I wrote Yoongi’s reaction to Tilly 🤣 Special thanks to @yoongiobsessed for beta reading this chapter for me! 💜
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harvestmoss · 2 months
🔮 Alternatives To Casting A Circle
Casting a circle is a basic witchcraft 101 ritual that every witch has done or at least knows and have heard of it. There's a few variations to it, but it's all in it's essences the same. Cleanse a space, place items of the elements, call the elements, deities if you have any, how to exit and enter the circle again, closing it, and etc.
Listen, you do not need to cast a circle for every spell you do. It's honestly over kill. It's understandable if you're planning to do a bunch of spells, most important spell, detailed spell for long hours in 1 sitting/place. But most of us are probably walking back and forth the living room fetching books and tools. Going from the kitchen to the dining table with food, doing something at the front door, is busy with something private in the bedroom, is outside, have roommates, etc.
What I'm trying to say is that, not everyone can sit still in their circle. I cast a circle very rarely, and the times I do I constantly have to exist it to fetch a tool, ingredient, a book, anything that I forgot. It ruins the energy flow having to cut it open and sew it back up. By now, my circle is probably a patched up quilt with the amount of holes I have given it.
Here's some alternatives on what to do:
I have a super comprehensive guide on everything you can do to cleanse a space if you want unwanted energies to stay the fuck away and a clean space.
You can also simply not do anything. Just cast your spell with no worries.
Why not make your whole home the circle? Cast the circle once for your whole home, your front door is now the door into the circle. No need to renew the circle or close it ever (unless you had guest over or something, up to you). Hang bells by the door to scare any energy from entering.
Just sprinkle salt in the corners of your home. Your circle is cast and your space protected.
Or crystals around your home like selenite to keep your energy inside and spells protected.
Sigil by your front door/doormat, nothing enters or exist without your permission.
Do you have a deity, just call upon them to protect you. Bid them goodbye like you would a friend when you invite them over for coffee.
Are you outside? Again, you don't have to cast any circle. Your energy is powerful enough to protect your spell.
Or draw a circle in the sand/dirt with no need to call any elements. You're literally outside, the elements are literally all around you. They're already there with no need to call them.
Feel free to add more alternatives or your thoughts. I've just seen quite a few witches get exhausted having to cast a circle to light 1 candle for a spell and then close the whole circle.
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 7 months
Suneater || Leon Kennedy x Chris Redfield
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A/n: Happy late Valentine's Day, my loves. I have something sweet and special for you all. This is my first time writing canon x canon, so please bear with me. I hope you all enjoy it. This piece was made for @carlosoliveiraa's 'My Bloody Valentine's Day Exchange'. It's all RE, so if you want more treats, pop on over and check out the other exchanges. Unfortunately, the receiver of this gift dropped out, but I'm posting it for you all to read.
Warning(s): canon x canon, flirting, hope, depression, alcohol, support, brief kiss, short and sweet, Vendetta Leon and Chris, 1,272 words.
It was strange, but the only time that Leon Kennedy felt a semblance of ease these days was at the bottom of a bottle. 
And to think, after nearly a decade and a half of cleansing the world of viruses and parasites he should be used to the aftermath, but it was not easy to dismiss the millions or more lost. The guilt tore Leon to shreds, worse than any B.O.W. ever could. Alcohol did not erase the regret, but it did dull his inhibitions, at least for the time being.
He honestly needed a stiff drink after the week he had. Glen Arias was dead, and the antidote had been dispersed across the unfortunate city of New York, curing those infected by the Animality Virus. It was over, for now.
However, Leon knew that someone else would rise from the ashes of Umbrella. They always did. The cycle was never-ending.  
How many lives would be lost the next time? Hundreds. Billions. Leon did not want to think about it. Pouring another glass of ‘Aerial Shot’ he opted not to. 
The American bar in which he chose to spend his evening was relaxed, a blessing compared to the chaos of the city; he thought the constant ringing in his ears would never cease. Besides him, another middle-aged man sat at the bar near the end. Leon knew that he was a regular on account of the bartender calling him by name. And like him, there was guilt in his eyes. 
Leon doubted the man shared the same regrets as him but who was he to judge? He bought him a drink and in return, the man bought him a bottle. Perhaps he could see the darkness in his storm-colored eyes; that he needed a pick-me-up, or perhaps he yearned to take the ex-cop home.
Any other night Leon might consent, but not tonight.
Halfway through the man’s gift, the silvery chime of the doorbell rang as another patron walked in. Leon spared a glance, raising his brow as he recognized the newest addition. 
“Look who it is, the big man himself.”
Chris Redfield spared Leon a sympathetic look and took the seat beside him. The bartender approached, but Chris dismissed him with a wave. 
“Come on now. Are you telling me you didn't come here for a drink?” Leon asked with a slight grin. 
“I came here to see you,” Chris admitted. 
Leon’s heart began to race, but he overlooked the comment, blaming the sensation on the whiskey. 
“What do I owe the pleasure?” 
“I was just worried about you,” Chris answered. “Rebecca and I both were. We thought that you would be here.”
Leon snorted.
“I'm far too busy to have a drinking problem.”
He was not wrong, missions kept him from having any sort of vacation or free time, but he also was not telling the truth. There was a reason for the metal flask in his pocket. No, Leon did not abuse alcohol while on the job, but a drink or two often helped him cope. And he never left a bar completely drunk, not since he was 25. 
It was the reason he was late to his first day as a rookie cop with the RCPD, an action that might have saved his life.
“I'm fine, Chris,” Leon uttered.
He stared at the liquid in his glass and then gently shook it. 
“As fine as one can be doing this job,” he added.
“I can agree to that,” Chris remarked.  
Leon snorted, then called for a second glass, despite Chris’ resolution not to drink. He poured a shot of whiskey and offered it to the brute again. 
“Just one,” Leon tempted. 
“If you let me drive you to your room,” Chris bargained.
Leon could not disagree. He handed the glass to Chris and then picked up his own. 
“Here is to us surviving another day, just to do it all over again.”
Chris frowned but raised his glass regardless. As much as he wanted to disagree, he knew Leon was right. Besides, at the moment, there was no better concept to cheer to.
For the remainder of the time, Chris listened to Leon vent about his job and lack of vacation as he finished the bottle, then once he was content, the conversation shifted, moving from the bar to Chris’ Hummer in the parking lot. 
“I swear,” Leon furthered. Despite the hum of the engine and the unique vocals of Freddie Mercury on the radio, the mockery in his tone could be heard. “There were so many damn bear traps. I was more afraid of losing a foot than I was of the villagers.”
Chris laughed. He was sure in his arsenal of missions he had a few incidents of his own that could top that, but he chose to let Leon have the spotlight. His gloomy attitude had seemed to lighten a little since leaving the bar, to Chris’ relief.
“I don't think I could have navigated through those as easily as you did.”
Leon snorted, giving Chris a flattering look. 
“You big guy, I guarantee you would have lost a foot.”
“You think so, huh?” Chris asked with a smile. 
Leon shook his head, then turned his attention to the road. Something about his smile warmed the ex-cop. 
“I know so…but hey, you have other advantages. I saw the way you tossed the infected in that hallway.”
He saw much more than that, but he would never admit that his eyes had wandered over to Chris a few times.
The latter felt his heart race. 
“We make one hell of a team.”
“Zombies beware,” Leon joked. 
The ride was silent from then on. Leon stared out the window, lost in his thoughts, though he had to admit, they were not as grim as before. This meet-up with Chris had brightened his mood a bit, so much so that once the Hummer was parked in front of the hotel that Leon had rented for the night, he felt…lost.
“Tomorrow comes early,” he stated.
Chris shook his head in agreement. He knew soon, he would have to pack his bags and hop on another plane heading home, or rather to wherever the BSAA wanted to locate him. This short breather was all he was allowed. 
Feeling awkward with goodbyes, Leon reached for the door handle. 
“Thanks for the ride, big guy.”
Chris reached out and grabbed his shoulder, halting him.
“Take care, Leon. You have my number if you need me.”
And he did. At that moment, Leon felt noticed. Despite all his accomplishments, he felt like someone actually cared if he lived to fight another day. His heart raced and without much thought, he leaned into the vehicle and pressed his lips against Chris’.
The big man was a bit shaken, to Leon’s amusement, but he soon adapted and kissed him back. Neither of the two wanted to part, but not sure how far to take things, they did. Chris was speechless. 
“Maybe we'll see each other again soon,” Leon remarked with a grin. 
“Yeah…I hope,” Chris uttered. His heart was racing. 
With no more words between them, Leon tossed him a lazy wave and shut the door. His eyes met Chris for a brief moment, witnessing the big man smile before he backed up and drove away. He stood there a moment more, then took out his flask and poured the contents on the asphalt. 
Chris to him was like the sun. No, his warmth far exceeded that. Leon hoped that he understood just how hopeful for a bright future he had made him. 
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kaedeakeshisworld · 8 months
Home sweet home
cw: reader-san goes back home, work life is somewhat unbearable, talks with psychic friend, Theresa comes through with a reading to give her some guidance, talks about being childfree and a parentified adult as well as its consequences, Theresa encourages reader-san to open a baking business, an much needed 'men are trash reminder', a few other characters are mentioned such as Obi, Vulcan and Benimaru(he is a warning 🤨 ), uni days seem to bring joy and despair to reader-san, no sign of Leo for a total of three weeks(that’s ominous).
gist: reader-san goes back to her place after being with Leo for sometime. In her own words “ this motherfucker tweaking, on God!”(she’s right, I’d be mad too).
Wc: 2141
c/s:  I wouldn’t mind having captain Obi as my bed 😩, I said what I said 😋(that's period me talking). Uhm… enjoy!
Blank/Ageless blogs/MDNI, I will block you!
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As soon as I got inside, I dropped my shopping bags at the entry. I took off my shoes. I went right away to the living room, plopped myself on my couch like I usually do. I take a few deep breaths to reassess the current state of my life. I have to appreciate where I’m at. But also fuck Leo for being a stubborn man. I can’t stand him. On top of that I have to go to work. 
I swear on everything the universe be trying me! Anyways, time to unwind.
I slept like a baby when I got back home. I hugged my huge teddy bear to bring me comfort. I really missed being on my own company, I’m realising. No wonder I had shitty days earlier this week.
It’s been ten days, no signs of Leo contacting me or at least trying like… a missed call or something? Am I this unlucky with men or is it my imagination? I know I shouldn’t worry but single life looks so appealing right now. Might go back to it honestly.
Work’s been kicking my ass. Between orders, new clients, shipping packages, answering questions customers have, updating the site and coming up with new ideas to innovate the concept, I’m lagging a bit. Everytime I come back home, I just shower, eat and sleep. It's as if I were a robot, what am I doing? At least, I haven't cried yet. Not a sign of sir Burns? He's probably busy. I still have his debit card. I better not use it and leave it at home in a safe place.
Wednesday is my day off. I should probably make it a self care day and just do what I do best: me! I'll take it slow. Tuesday evening I should get some candles from the store.
Theresa sent a message. I think she wants to see me.
We need to talk. I'll be there 2moro by noon cya
My reply is
No problem. I'll be waiting
Theresa finds me with a face mask but her face is so stern…
“I know you're not seeing him. Why is that”
How? Ah, she always knows. I let her in the apartment. It would be rude to keep having this convo at the door. Some nosey people might hear. I tell her what she wants to know as we sit on the couch.
“The kid in question and that woman's identity. He doesn't want me to know.”
“Want me to pull out some tarot cards for it?”
“Yeah, sure why not.”
“I get a feel you’re not telling me everything.”
“Uhm… I don't think he'll contact me that soon.”
She takes out of her bag a few bay leaves.
“Hand me a lighter please gotta cleanse before I do anything.”
I don’ really like the smell so I ask her 
“Can you please do another cleansing method. I don’t dig burnt bay leaf smell and you know exactly why.”
“Sure, I’ll just clap a few times.” 
She claps three times then ten times and finally five. Don’t know about that pattern though might ask or not.
She pulls out her tarot deck. Seeing her shuffling doesn't cease to amaze you.
“What should y/n expect of this situation? Strength or maybe his sun sign. My hand burns so it definitely is his sun sign."
Uhm interesting
“Is your boo a july or august leo?” 
“Don’t know I haven’t asked him. I will.”
“Leaning on the card's meaning and my intuition, he’s a strong man. His values are unmatched for most people in his age range. I also get the feeling that he has gorgeous hair and a beard. Aren’t I right?”
Now that I think about it, I never asked him when it was his birthday. I'll do it if we get back together…
"Leo’s rule hair and all that so he’s also probably on the thicker side if you know what I mean.”
“Yes, spot on as always. Hair wise I didn’t touch it much. I think you’re right, it surely is a handful.”
She pulls out another card. Most of the time she’ll stop when she gets three cards but I get a feel this might be a long session.
“We have ten of cups. It embodies completion in your specific case; it could be marriage. It can also mean some sort of union. I don’t know where you currently stand on that matter.”
“I don’t look forward to it. I never really did fancy that. My whole childhood, teenage and early adult years I took care of babies and children that were not mine based solely on the fact that they’re family. So technically, I am a parentified adult. And while that kind of upbringing could have strongly reinforced the want of having kids, I simply do not like them.”
“So sorry you had to go through that, boo. You’re telling me that you’re prone to be a childfree person than to become a mother?”
“Exactly! Being a mother is not for me. I’m not trying to walk in my mother’s footsteps being the one who is bearing the whole family as well as taking care of a grown child labelled as ‘husband’ that is so useless.”
“I’m with you on that one. Fuck men and their entitlement to think they are doing too much when all they do is complain about ‘where my food at? This house look a mess or even ain’t nobody helping in this house.’ Stop being a clown and start doing something about the shit you whining about. Concerning your guy, he would be the right one spirit says.”
She continues pulling out cards:
“We got knight of wands. It symbolises motion as well as passion. Girl…I’m getting hot like smoking hot.” She says this as she waves her hand close to her face . “Please, give me a glass of cold water with ice cubes.”
“Coming right up!”
You do your little run towards the kitchen and come back with a full glass of water with ice cubes for your friend.
“Thank you, that was much needed.
“So, I think your man is super serious about you ‘cause I’m still hot.” 
She takes off her sweater . “The water didn’t do much but whatever I guess. Spirit tells me that he enjoys looking at you all the time even when you are not aware of it.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes! Haven’t you noticed it?”
“I probably didn’t pay much attention to it.”
“Ace of pentacles stands for potential, prosperity too. This is really good. I feel like it can signal longevity for this union, honey.
The hermit reversed. This could represent you or/and him. The current state of the relationship. Isolation. But not for too long, I would say it is necessary for both of you. It will allow you to evaluate what you really want form this relationship.” 
Doesn’t sound like a desperate situation thanks to Theresa’s insight. I’m so glad she is doing this for me!
“The moon represents illusions. Watch what you say and do. Don’t try anything to rash such as not letting people know you’re leaving. Notify them if you do so, please.”
Is there anything that doesn’t escape her sharp vision? I can’t even lie to her so I’ll say no.
“Another reversed card! Dang it, I don't like where this reading is headed. The devil. Aiming to restore control or maybe we’re getting warned about what he’s packing!! I bet you know what it looks like.” And she winks at me.
“Theresa!”, you yelped in frustration.
“Girl, watch out. I’m just being honest with you. Better safe that sorry in these streets!
For the previous message it deals with let me see to finally grasp what was lacking or to even find some semblance of power. It felt like most things you desired were slipping through your fingers but it’s no longer the case at least for now.”
“That was seven cards. From what I remember the number represents support from the angels concerning love and also means wholeness. So everything you’re currently going through is preparing for a much bigger outcome. I know it sucks now but you can handle it!!”
I catch her staring at the cards. Probably in deep thought.
“You don't look convinced enough.”
“Yep, I still don't know who that Aura is.”
“I can always use my pendulum if you'd like me to.”
“Absolutely! How could I forget that?”
“Only closed questions are allowed to ensure certainty. So, jot them down on a piece of paper, I'll read them aloud.” 
I pull out my stream of consciousness notebook and  write down what I need to know. Then I rip that page and hand it to her. She starts reading it.
“Is Aura Leo's ex partner? No. Does he have a kid? No.
Is he faithful? Yes.”
She puts all of her belongings away. She questions me.
“Y/n are you sure about this relationship?"
“I don’t think sure would be the right term. I know I want him and I long to be by his side. There is always some sort of uncertainty hovering above anything I do. I’m used to it but I wish it wouldn’t be as present as it is.”
“It’s your first in a long time so you might want to take things slow and easy. I know both of you will figure something out.”
“I made some baked goods earlier.”
“Yay. Love yours.”
“Sit down at the table and I'll get everything.” She puts down the oven safe dish and takes a giant pitcher out of her fridge.
“Tada! Cinnamon rolls paired up with Korean strawberry milk.”
“That's a great combo!”
“I know, let’s dig in.”
"Listen" she tells me " if you open a food business be it a truck or a store, I'll be there. I'm not kidding, every single day. Even if my wallet doesn't match my expenses!"
"I accept your undivided honesty and support but that might be for later. Not my main source of income. Could be a side hustle."
“I think I could use some of that spray of yours…”
“Which one? I need your to be specific.”
“The fuckboy repellent one?”
“You sure that's the only one you need?! I think you should also get the goddess era one and plutonian lover.”
“Can I get those too?” 
“Yes. I'll drop them off later today in your mailbox.”
“On another note. Do you know who I saw today? ” 
“Think a little…”
“Fine. I’ll give you some clues.”
“I’m listening.”
“He is peculiar.” 
“Are you for real? You haven’t even showed us a picture and suddenly I’m meant to know what he looks like? Girl, quit playing!"
“You’re right, my bad.”
“I’ll give a clue. It’s someone from uni…”
“The whole buffet also known as Obi. The girls were mad about him. It’s me, I’m girls.”
“No and he only stayed there for a year.”
“Why the hell I didn’t have a one night stand with him?”
“Rumour has it if you do, no other person can satisfy you.” 
“Swear down!”
She nods
“Girl I better find him then. I’m willing to risk my life for that .”
“What about Leo?”
“I’ll give ‘us’ a break. I’m sure he’ll understand after what he pulled.”
“Fair enough.”
“Was it Vulcan?”
“Who was that again?”
“The red haired guy that you could tell was a sub. I wish I had one night with him too. You know trying new things.” 
“Don’t you think something’s missing?”
“Black hair a scary face but girls were head over heels with him?”
“How is he?"
“He is, I guess. I didn’t talk to him that long because back then he only had eyes for you and I’m pretty sure it’s still the case.”
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, you heard it right. When I asked him if he had you know a partner since he did the same and was met with a negative answer. He said’ Y/n is the only woman I can date’.  
“Well it’s… giving obsessive with a sprinkle of stuck in the past.”
“Like you said.”
“You think he’d say it to my face?”
“Uhm, maybe who knows? Miracles can happen?”
“Theresa being shady?? Nah, never thought I’d witness it firsthand!”
“Feels good to be home. I’ll never trade my happiness for a relationship. Mark my words I rest my case.”
Much later in the evening
Such a cute packaging! I’ll keep the little bag. It smells so good.
They're body mist with highlighter in it. Ooh, imma shine bright like a diamond.
Plus it smells so good! I gotta properly thank her. She always comes through.
I also wish Theresa gets her man even though she always brushes the topic off with ‘I'm not trying to trigger migraines by dating men. Plus, I'm not attracted to them so why would I?’
I hope she gets her soulmate or her twinflame. Man whatever she desires shall come to her.
I check my phone. He hasn’t called yet. Should I feel concerned? No, I left him behind because he was being an ass. He and his whole attitude about this Aura. Like where do I stand? Am I important enough to him?
I’m at work! Those thoughts are unnecessary as of now. I better get back on my shit before I find myself running back to his house. I am not a lost puppy.
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Chapter 3 of After all, it's not a bad idea to get a sugar daddy 
Any kind of interaction is widely welcome!!
2022-2024 all rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld.
Translations/ modifications/replicas/property of my work are strictly prohibited. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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chevelleneech · 14 days
idk if you saw but jhope posted a photo with a israel supporter, a zionist , thats just disgusting, sometimes i think why do we even care about these 7 men, like why do we like them as people when we dont even know anything about them, they coudl be israel genocide supporters for all we know, i mean hybe is heavily investing in scooter, disney , and working with all the other pro israel people, and then we say oh they are great people, uhhh these past few montsh have shown that they are not, or have a good possibility that they are not, i mean v posting mcdonalds pics when he must have known teh current situation, hobi with pharell, working with zionists. so we dont even know them, why do we even like them as people, prob should just focus on music , but thats kpop industry it makes you care for teh idols, who are not what they seem to be.
Honestly, at this point with this photo, bts are just digging teh hole for themselves. They write lyrics for social justice and do these stuff. its just crazy man. Like they dont have to be politicians or be having to actively activise for palestine or against zionism, but they can at the very least try to not post pictures or spread or support zionist supporters? or work with them, that much control they must have with themselves. i mean ist not about making music or be polictical but just have certain morals as a decent human being.
I measn sorry, but are they srsly so stupid ? or is South Korea just as backward as North Korea that they can't read or be concerned with world happenings while being in the military or they just cant read news in military. how can a person be seriously this unaware i have no idea.
I have also seen (aside from stupid stuff like what happened with Suga when he apologized, they (bts/hybe) dont concerned with themselves to address any of the things they might have done like these on serious important matters, least recently in the past few years. when they were struggling, they used to. why do we even appreciate these mans morals that we seen on a tv on screen, who knows how they are inside, or like are they just born yesterday and plain ignorant (latter is even worse like ignoring while having knowledge about it)
sry for the rant (i have so far stayed away from this and tried to see from bts side, and be rational but this was just so fucking nonchalant and ignorant of hobi i cant stop myself )
I won’t comment on all the stuff you posted here, because I think some of it is outside my wheelhouse, but overall I do agree.
If they aren’t going to speak up for Palestine, the least they could do is not actively show support for people and entities standing in solidarity with Zionist ideals. I know I’ve not been the best at boycotting everything, but I haven’t been streaming Hybe artists, haven’t been buying from food chains essentially bragging about supporting Israel, and have been doing my best in retweeting and reposting Palestinian voices.
Hobi posting his pics with Pharrell and Joon commenting under it, sucks, flat out. Tae posting McDonald’s despite the year since the boycotts began, sucks. Jin working with Zionist companies, sucks. Jimin and JK working with Zionist artists, suck, and yeah, I do think it’s fair to say they aren’t standing up for what they claim to believe in. I do want to give them room to speak up once they’re out of the military, even Jin, because his words can still cause them backlash, but again… posting Zionist affiliates while in is not a necessity.
The members are actively choosing to stand in solidarity with people who either blatantly or passively want Palestinians dead, and aren’t posting anything to showcase their support of the opposite. It’s not an example of who they shaped themselves to be, unless they’ve always been pro-genocide and ethnic cleansing. Or unless they’ve always been uncaring, and only pretended for the aesthetic. Hopefully we’ll get an answer by the time they’re all discharged.
Regardless, if this is something you choose to step away from them for, you won’t find judgment here. My morals are not without flaw, but I completely understand anyone who decides BTS aren’t worth waiting for in this context. It’s smart business to stand with Zionists, which is honestly why I think so many celebs and companies are. I don’t think they give two fucks about the actual issue, which might be naïve of me, but I don’t think anyone in BTS or Justin Bieber or fucking Usher have thought about Palestinians right to live freely on their land, once in their life.
Which, if they stood with Palestine, would be fine. It’s okay to be unaware of a situation, learn about it, then state how wrong you think it is to bomb innocent people out of house, home, and history. It’s an entire other thing to not know, and either learn or read sparks notes, and stand with the terrorist bombing and colonizing people for no reason. I think these people and companies are looking out for their bottom line, but it speaks a shit ton about who they are inside, when the mass murdering of children isn’t enough to turn down a paycheck.
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carmenized-onions · 21 days
ok this was really fucking cute!
ngl I totally forgot they had locked themselves in the bathroom at the end of the last chapter lol
honestly, shout out to Sara bc those six therapy sessions SHOW
also, love the dialogue where they’re trying to convince each other that Mikey’s death wasn’t their fault. they both really needed that conversation and the reassurance that no, they don’t hate each other :,)
and that cat metaphor! the fact that Carmen’s immediate thought was “I love you” LMAO, pretty sure his brain short-circuits anytime Tony claims him as hers in any way, even as a metaphorical emotional support cat 💕
this part was also beautiful, “You’re not exclusively for Carmen, he knows that. You weren’t made for him—You’re made for many things. But maybe you’re curated.”
“He can work on his codependency issues in therapy, ok?” Sara has her work cut out for her, bless her heart
HE’S FINALLY ON PAYROLL! The numbers are fucked, but who cares!
“Should’ve believed the you in his head…He’s still working on being the only voice in his head,” oh boy…Sara please be on call
LMAO not Carmen making a quick stop at David’s restaurant before the wedding, please let us know if he had to hype himself up to do this and how he even brought it up to Richie and Fak 😂
“I’m white and overdone, but you’re an entire other goddamn beast…” say it loud, say it proud Carmy ❤️
“Can’t make direct threats in New York, Cousin! Penal code!” I fucking love Richie, you really got his character down bc I can totally see him saying this shit, and I’m crying at Fak shamelessly promoting The Bear
“Carmen completely abandoned the idea of keeping appearances and getting a star through kissing ass…And he did it for you—and Richie…” YEAH HE DID, SO PROUD OF HIM
THE KISS!!! THEY KISSED!!! It’s so cute that she’s literally thinking of a whole ass drink during this, just like he was thinking about a dish earlier ❤️
Tony keeping track of the 168 hours they’ve been apart, too 😂
FACE KISSES!!! They’re so in love it’s disgusting
“Absolutely not forgiven, for being late.” And I KNOW he means that with every fiber of his being 😂
“I don’t think your mouth tastes bad,” awwwwww, I forgot he was feeling insecure about that
“I wanna fly you to Paris.” LMAO, between this and that repressed “I love you” I’m dead, the intrusive thoughts keep winning
“I want you to be permanent and carved in my tables and I want you to wear my jackets and I want you in my kitchen and in my menu and in every dumb fucking conversation I have at Christmas tellin’ family what the fuck I’m doing—I want you in every sentence.” ok and what if I cried??? what then? this is that one scene in a movie where sappy instrumental music is playing in the background and I’m NOT okay, jail for you. wait, actually what song would be playing during this moment? I need the whole vibe
Carmen and his fucking hickeys 💀 like this is him before they even say I love you, I can’t even begin to imagine how he’s gonna react to the actual words
“Mood not dead—Mood present and alive—“ LMAO
Everyone listening in on their conversation 😂 love love love Richie and Syd’s moment with Tony, they’re all healing ❤️
And Tony’s right, outsourcing Ted is cheating and the ultimate form of betrayal. If something breaks, too bad
wait my heart wasn’t ready for Tony and Carmy to interact with baby Michaela…I’m definitely not having thoughts…MOVING ON
“You wanna come up to my room or not?” HAD THE SAME REACTION AS TONY
I love Ratatouille, too. It’s such a classic 💕
“He thought of…roughly fourteen more recipes since leaving the bathroom with you?” oh he’s SO far gone and it’s only been a MONTH. I really love the way you wrote their moments of inspiration by the way. Like you kept adding layers to it throughout the whole chapter whenever they thought or noticed something in particular about the other? Idk how to describe it, words are hard, but the makeup cleansing balm inspired dessert was really cool to read and the drink Tony came up with during the kiss
“Please say yes to the white apron. Please say yes to his team. He’ll get your initials monogrammed and everything.” He’s so adorable, but I think his heart might actually give out when he sees her wearing the apron
“You’re fucking Carmen! You said you were in bed! His bed?” LMAO that’s a perfectly valid reaction, I’d be thinking the same shit
“No, I know, I’m worth more than a Holiday Inn.” YEAH SHE IS!
AHH they’re fully booked! Love that for them
wait, hold up! Was that the first time Carmen called her baby?! and she didn’t even hear it?!
“He’s so excited to have someone encourage his ideas, for once.” I’m gonna cry
“Good God.” is right, Syd.
“But like, like my instinct when I’m scared is to call you.” STOP THIS RIGHT NOW. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE.
I totally didn’t struggle with pronouncing “tchotchke”. Definitely didn’t need to look it up.
“I feel like what I think can only be described as emotionally violent—affectionately.” Thank you for putting it into words because that’s exactly it
“You take a breath, looking her in the eyes…’Love you.’” okay, but why no kiss??? she made out with Carmy in the bathroom, but Syd gets nothing?! make it make sense
anyway, loved the chapter, it was perfect, no notes, wouldn’t change a thing, brain chemistry forever altered, serotonin and dopamine levels are at an all time high, and THIS really is season 3 for me, you should’ve been a screenwriter for the show 💜💜💜
also, how many more chapters do you think are left? obviously never want it to end, but gotta prepare for when it inevitably does :,)
Firsttt of all thank you so much i'm so glad you enjoyed and listen if anyone's got the writer's teams numbers i'm happy to call in folks. someone just match me up with my hero joanna calo and i will handle it. please. please. please.
second of all, length of chapters left!! let me do the math. there's this next one, then there's that one. then there's.... that one. and then there will need to be one after that. and that's kinda good there tbh but i imagine an epilogue will be demanded of me after that one. so like.
so like.... 4 or 5 left? So 19-20 chaps total! We had a good run boys. Hopefully after this next one churns out it'll be an easier flow state for me. i had to rework so goddamn much. anyways itS TIME TO TALK ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS LETS PUT THE KEEP READING ONNN
everyone forgets that the last chapter (two steps back) ended with them in the bathroom. it is why i knew i had to put SUCH a meta opener LMAO-- It was a very brief non-sequitur bow at the end of that chap, so I was happy to remind the class lmaooo
writing a carmen that's gone to a touch of therapy is really so interesting because i think he has a self-awareness that is deeply unhelpful that he is now trying to turn helpful, like a 'oh. bad thought. let's go ahead and jot that down for sara later'. which like hey man. she cannot do all the lifting for you babe.
Man if Richie/Chip get to have the not your fault talk, so does Carm!! Thinking about it right now I think we rarely see those 3 (if ever) act as a trio, the bois are always bickering. doomed dynamic. these toddlers ruin everything.
CAT TALK IS JUST SO I LOVE YOU YKNOW. like how else can one respond to being told "not only do i need you, but i claim you as something and someone i cherish, covet, and find comfort in'. SORRY? SORRY? SORRY? SORRY? WHAT'S UP? maybe me and carmen the chronic over thinker gang are just acting amok in the brain.
i think one day down the line i will do a flashback special, that no one will read because the series would be done, about this road trip. either that or i'm going to keep referencing insane random things to have happened on the road trip that no one will be able to connect together into anything cohesive. but i can say with a certainty for now, these things happened:
Carmen decided he wanted to confront exec
Carmen did want to bitch out as soon as they got there
Richie DID have to pep talk his ass back into doing it
As soon as Carmen got in there he was immediately so hyphy and Richie and Fak did IMMEDIATELY think "oh no he needs to pull back oh no". hence the penal code.
you ever have a friend hesitate to speak up but once they do it's like oh they're going to release a bomb? Carmen's like that to me. using his anger issues for good.
THEY KISSED!!! Stupid bartender and cook dynamic. more must write about this, methinks. They're so inlove with their crafts and each other it's DISGUSTTINGGG YOU SHOULD SAY ITTT
would you rather admit "i wanna fly you to paris" or "i love you", no you cannot yeet yourself you have to pick one.
AHHHH THE PERMANENT PARAGRAPH, when i first read this essay of an ask i was like MUSIC?!?!?!? IN MY SCENE!??!!?! which is funny. because i love music in all scenes. THIS one however, was sort of like, lightly inspired by that one scene in truly madly deeply (you can stop watching after she gets up) , like that very sweet very close very like, realistic but still very day-dreamy love? And that scene with ZERO romantic music. i'm just very titilated by that. there's something about no swelling music that makes me just ?!?!? even more emotional, somehow.
but if we HAD to set something to this? I think I listened to champagne coast a lot while writing/editing, so I'd say that. the WOOOAAAHHHHHHAAHHAWWWAAAHOOOAHHHHH feels fitting.
don't even start the conversation with me as to what carmen's actual reaction would be to a real i love you. i can't even. it'll honestly really ruin my plans if tony spills it soon. i'm going to let her do whatever writes naturally but for fucks sake i don't want to have to sort out what actual demons will be unleashed in that man.
now as for your thoughts on Tony and Carmy interacting with baby. First of all. I want to hear all of the thoughts. please tell me all the thoughts. just cause tony doesn't want kids that bad doesn't mean i don't think about it ad nauseum. everyone send in their kid head canons.
and here's the poll, because i've had many a DM or ask say 'hey it means a lot to me that tony doesn't want kids because FUCK kids' and 100% that but also just out of intrigue, promise this will have no real story effect:
truly just curious. ANYWAYS MOVING ON.
love ratatouille. i have insane personal lore with ratatouille. not that insane. it just weaves into a tapestry. we won't get into it. but i love that rat chef!
and I'M GLAD THE FOOD SHIT PAID OFF. my favourite thing with writing CK is that romance is all about the little shit yknow? love is just being known and being seen and taken care of. and these two really do it for each other in a really good way.
carmen dying on impact upon seeing his favourite new employee in an apron 4k.
you're FUCKING CARMEN?!?!? some variation of this question has been asked i think... 4 times? take a shot everytime. CK drinking game someone make it.
“He’s so excited to have someone encourage his ideas, for once.” I’m gonna cry
this line does also mean kind of a little bit of the world to me. i was semi a carmen hater for season 3 but i came around the bend as i put my empathy goggles back on (you did put yourself in a hell of your own creation though, babe) and the thing is. carmen is great. but no one i think actually verbally says this to him without a very deeply hurtful statement coming before or after. so. like. to be supported in a way that is for both him and his craft? fuck man.
syd's whole scene is such a emotional damage we can't think about it for too long. why didn't they make out. my bad tbh. i'm emotionally violent.
I HAD TO LOOK UP TCHOTCHKE I ALWAYS GET IT WRONG. I THOUGHT IT WAS CHACHKI LIKE VIOLET. BUT THAT BITCH LIED TO ME. i honestly just forgot the word memento i think and couldn't come up with anything else. that's my fault alright.
thank you so much for your thoughts and thank you for WAITING so long for me to actually answer them. do i have any gifts for you,,, i've shared too many wips,,, but what about something stupid like my chaos search history in the making of it?
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this is what really cool people do. this is exactly the type of thing really cool people google.
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blackberry-fool · 1 year
cleansing your room (without smoke)
– sincerely, a witch who isn't allowed fire in her room
sound cleansing:
this is one of my favourite methods! you can sound cleanse in so so many ways:
clapping in four corners of the room
using a drum
rubbing a wet finger around the top of a wine glass
using a singing bowl
hitting a glass to make it ring
you can go around singing a song that you feel has cleansing energy (last year this was zero o’clock by bts for me so there are really no limits)
or just blast it using a speaker
or if you play an instrument you can do that too!
if you feel like it/have the space, dancing around the room could also be effective
honestly the possibilities are endless.
airing the room:
literally just open the window as wide as you can! it’s that easy!
this works especially well if it’s summer and you can draw on the sun’s energy – or if it’s night and a full moon.
you can also do other things like:
take your belongings out of drawers and lay them out
change your bedsheets
or just take them off your bed to air
open the door
and much more! get creative with it – try to get as much fresh air flowing through your room as possible
cleansing herbs and crystals:
create little spell pouches to place in corners/around the room
place crystals in the corners/around the room (i believe selenite is good for cleansing)
you can use the smell of the herbs as well – i like to hang up dried lavender, which smells amazing and really does refresh the energy in a room
another method i’ve seen people use is a cleansing spray:
put your herbs of choice in boiling water and leave them in until the water cools
filter them out so you’re left with only water
then put the water in a spray bottles (or just a normal container)
you can spray your spell water into the air or use it to wipe down your surfaces.
for added oomph, use sun/moon water (you can also skip the herbs and just use sun/moon water if you want)
a lot of these methods can be adapted to cleanse smaller things/larger things, not just a room, of course. imo the best way is to combine all of them, so if you can do that, you’ll probably get the best results! as always, though, this is completely subjective. anyways, i hope this is helpful!
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divinationrose · 2 months
Tarot reading 💞
With Tarot cards you have to learn the meanings of 78 cards and every one of their reverse meanings too and each card has different meanings for a person, situation, love life etc.
They don't have the meanings wrote on them haha.
Even so I also can't just state the meaning I also rely on clairaudience, claircognizance and clairsentience.
Your also learning the minor and major arcana, different tarot spread layouts, then your also having to tap into your intuition for guidance and in my case visions, clairaudience and having to interpret them. I also dont just pick any card like some tarot readers do.
I literally shuffle until the card jumps out of the deck, my deck gets super lively I also only read one card that jumps out 98% of the time if more than one does, personally I feel the cards that jump out the one at the top needs to be read most, if my intuiton feels I should read the others I will, this is me personally.
I also cleanse the cards before each read and put on meditation/spiritual/music so I can concentrate and relax. I also reach out to my spirit guides for clarity. I'm new to having visions and doing tarot so currently I'm trying to decipher what is fact and what needs to be interpreted. It's a lot more difficult than you can imagine aha 😂😅
After reading I can feel extremely lethargic and drained. Often my hands burn too. I've also noticed if I have a picture of the person I'm reading for it's a tad more accurate in regards to the visions I see, maybe that will change the more I develop my abilities I don't know and it helps if I'm in a darkish room.
So anyways even though I have had these abilities all my life it's only extremely recently that I'm embracing/learning more about them and developing them and being open to this side of me instead of feeling shame.
Honestly I have had that much growth mentally that I feel it's the right time. So in sense I feel completely new to it all. I only want to help people, and if I can give people clarity on things then all the better haha 😊💞
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acanth3 · 2 months
追憶*マリオネットの糸の先 / Reminiscence*End of the Marionette's Strings
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Nazuna: …..
Shu: Sorry, the phone call took a while. Now that I’ve gathered you two here…
I don’t particularly have any plans for Valkyrie today.
Recently there's been a popular live showdown…
I don't like it, just standing in the presence of other units on stage brings down our high quality of the perfect stage. 
Like a mountain filled with monkeys (lol idk), and it’s not a good idea to make a fuss out of it, it’s also not beautiful..
This is all ridiculous, isn’t it?
So today I managed to borrow the practice room for our lesson, use it as you like. 
I’ll be creating a new costume for our perfect and beautiful stage.
Mika: Oh? Yer’ gonna make new costumes again~? Can I help you?
Shu: Oh please, to be honest I might not have enough hands, but with you? You’ll just be dragging behind with your feet, Kagehira. 
Your present for Nito is also…
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I just can’t stop laughing at the fact you thought about giving this to someone! Ka Ka Ka ♪
Mika: Huh? I was hidin’ it in secret! Oshi-san, when did you find it! So embarrassing it's an invasion of my privacy!
Shu: If you didn’t want it to be seen, you could have just hid it better from the beginning. And didn’t place it around here. 
It’s wrong to complain to me, you should curse your carelessness. Whatever is yours, is mine, mine, mine…Kagehira~ ♪
Mika: It’s true~ but…ugh..
Sometimes, I’ve seen clothes sewn without permission! Oshi-san, is that yer work!?
Shu: Well, what did you think it was, The work of some fairy? 
There’s no way of sewing up to that difficulty you mistaken it for someone else other than me?
It’s good to know your body’s limit, Kagehira. Your only able to be good looking, so I improved the perfection of your costume, be more grateful please~  ♪
Mika: Those clothes were a present for Nazuna-nii! It would have been meaningless if I didn’t do anythin’, Wow! Oshi-san is sometimes an idiot!
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Nazuna: Hahaha….. ♪
Mika: Hah! Nazuna-nii laughed! it’s rare, well I mean it’s the first time I’ve seen him laugh out loud~ ♪
Shu: Huh!? I missed it! Kagehira you’re blocking the view and my vision!
Take responsibility! You failure…!
Nito! Did you really smile? Your adorable smile which cleanses this corrupt world! 
Nazuna: …..
Shu: Agh! He’s back to his usual expressionless face! Kagehira it’s all your fault! Everything!
As for your punishment, take this box and distribute all of these tickets until nothing is left! 
Mika: Auh! I hafta’ sell all these by hand? Aaa~
Shu: Of course! There’s more live unit’s around recently getting ready to perform…
However, there hasn’t been much change in our number of customers/fans. 
The wallets of our fans are limited, it’s an effort to spend it on Valkyrie. 
I really don't want to, but I have to think about it too.
Honestly, I’m not interested in that financial side at all, advertisement? Just what? 
But, then again, looking at the other live performances of those here at Yumenosaki. I can’t waste time being arrogant. 
Live show’s as an idol is a noble piece of art. 
Let me remind you, out of all the normal people in the world. We’ll become the norm/standard for those idols here at Yumenosaki. 
Idols like us…
I dream they don't stand on the same stage as us! I’ll let those fools know what an idol is! KaKaKaKa!~♪
Mika: Of course~ Oshi-san! We’re idols! ‘Valkyrie’ only the strongest on the top! 
Alright! I’m gonna go hand these tickets out~ ♪
Nazuna: …… ♪
Mika: Hm? Nazuna-nii, ya wanna come wit’ me?
Shu: I will not allow that, Nito. Nito, Aaa Nito, Nito, Nito…..
Leave the boring work to Kagehira. Come and help stimulate my creativity by striking beautiful poses! 
Nazuna: …..
Shu: Aah! Hey! where are you going? Listen to what I say.
Is Kagehira better than me? Oh! It’s the effect of the gift, right? On your birthday I’ll also have a very good costume, and I’ll tailor it! 
Huh? What is it, Nito? Hold your hand..?
Mika: I wanna go with you too! what about it, Nazuna-nii?
Oshi-san if ya just stay in sewin’ costumes and hidin’ in this room you’ll get depressed~ Come and take a walk while takin’ a break at the same time while handing’ out tickets~ ♪
Shu: How rebellious! Even if it’s with Kagehira, don’t get carried away! Artists shouldn’t lower their heads in shame and sell their works like this! 
Wah!? Don't pull me, both of you!
Nazuna: Hahaha….. ♪
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Shu: Oh! That laugh! I saw it, Nito! Cute Nito, AaaNitoNitoNito!
I’m feeling motivational to begin creating the idea/concept of our next costumes…☆
Mika: See? If ya wanna go back to the room…let’s just go~ Eheheh ♪
Nazuna: Eheheh….. ♪
Shu: I said don;t pull it! You’ll trouble my doll the fabrics/clothing will get stretched out!
Ah, already? You guys already left as I was talking…?
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Hey! Before i ask my question-
I just wanna say, I love your account, it has really helped me with my journey in witchcraft.
Now to the question:
I really need some help rn:
Some girl did me absoloutely DIRTY and spread lies about me, so im gonna put a hex on her. I know the most important stuff, but a few days ago i found a dead wasp in my room so i have one question:
How do you use dead wasps/ bugs in hexes?
You dont have to answer this, but it would really help me rn!!
Hello anon!
Sorry I didn't answer sooner, my job is very high stress and time consuming. Totally my bad. Was not ignoring you in the slightest.
I'm glad to have helped you. That makes me very happy to hear.
I'm going to be honest though, I personally wouldn't use the dead wasp. It's not like you found it on the street and was like ha Imma get that person. It was found in your room.
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Now...my slightly paranoid ass would assume that shit was an omen or attack or some shit. I don't know. I see something like that and I'm like some shit might be going down. I'd cleanse the little fucker and my room and get it out of my vicinity.
Then again, I had a history with someone who used bugs in their shitty intentions against me so that could be just a me thing as well. That was when I was young, dumb and inexperienced as fuck though.
(also I just do not like bugs, we do not vibe)
As to the answer you seek on what to do with this dead wasp:
Dead buggies are (imo) more suitable for flat out curses. Like...that goes beyond "bitch keep my name out your mouth" to "I will fuck up everything that makes you happy."
But your journey and craft is yours. So do as you see fit. I just highly recommend you cleanse like hell afterwards.
You can use the dead bug as a symbol of your anger/betrayed feeling coming back to the lie spreader.
Get real creative with it: Use the stinger as the bite of their lies now being turned onto them. Or even your own attack.
Take the wings and crush them over a taglock of the person as if to ground the person's lies. May lies fly out of the mouth no more.
Those are my first thoughts.
Like I said, be sure to cleanse yourself afterwards. Don't want that bad energy on you.
When it comes to spells and shit, try and think outside the box. Put a nasty little spin on it, almost like a signature on your own personalized fuck you if you're brave enough.
Do make sure to ward/protect yourself first and foremost. Sometimes even if they don't know it, your target could have something to reflect energy especially if the intent is to hex or harm.
You'd be surprised.
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Better to be safe than sorry, honestly. I've made the mistake myself of just hexing without a ward or two. I learned.
Never spellwork when blind with emotion. That's how you fuck up. Witchcraft is all intention and that's all well and good but emotions can really fuck up the mind if you allow them to.
By all means, put your emotion into a spell; it's a powerful tool. Hell, I've used the intensity of my love for my spouse as a ward for them. I've thought of all the things that make me laugh and happy to bless my nephew. Emotions are a damn good tool.
Just don't let it get out of control.
At any rate, good luck. I hope this helps!
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I also hope this made sense, I need to stop posting in the middle of the night/early morning. Shit be looking live drunk texts sometimes...
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
Christ. Our BFF ZYX gets to punch WWX and also gets to fuck off to somewhere else and instead of a good time it's a motherfucking business conference where instead of learning shit you have to pander to your CEO? and they didn't even get to enjoy the punch. Even Xania-hellscape has to have SOME good parts, lord. This is terrible. Give Yuxun hot cocoa, a blanket, and a panic room.
unfortunately zyx lives in a Society, and the only good parts of this society is the lack of student loans, very dodge-able taxes, and magic sword fighting. chocolate is not in asia yet (let's ignore the chili thing yeah? yeah. that's not my sin, soooo) and panic room = seclusion in a cave
they couldn't even punch wwx, let alone have something to enjoy
they'll get some stuff to use as coping mechanisms next ch. is it better? eh. but a salad will be involved, and nothing cleanses like a nice, simply dressed, vegetable going cronch.
in seriousness, all these things are related. here, we see zyx in compute-error mode, where their mind wants one thing (maybe?) and their habits and survival mindset isn't letting them have it.
another is the implicit discussion on obligation, and what that means to me (aka zyx, and other people of in-between cultures). it might seem... nonsensical how zyx basically makes life difficult for themself, like "motherfucker you have two legs and a sword and you don't need to eat, just walk away?!?"
it's weird, growing up between an individualistic culture and collective one. to an extreme, neither are good. one thing that i can honestly admit that stunted me (and as a result, zyx is clearly Demonstrating) is the fear/inability to ask for help or that they can't do a thing, or negotiate obligations. obligations aren't bad--in like, how you can reasonably expect people will give you right of way on the street, or you should be respectful in public spaces, parents should care for their kids, etc etc--it helps people coexist. however, in a collectivist culture, in one with as high-context of a language as chinese, directly negotiating what obligations you can or want to handle (even if that negotiation will net benefits for everyone) is like if someone peed in your coffee at the coffee shop. you'd be baffled because "did that really happen?" "i don't have the operating procedures for this edge case of a social interaction, of which this barely qualifies"
what makes it more frustrating, to both the reader and myself (and if it's frustrating, then good i'm conveying it), is that zyx clearly has the vocabulary to identify their problem. (contrast with jzx, in which there was a throwaway line in earlier chs + his current frustrations where he doesn't have that vocab, doesn't understand, and gets even more frustrated because it feels like everything is wrong but no one notices.) but what can't be completely done is me showing you guys how disjoint that vocabulary is in both of zyx's 'native' languages. one set of vocabulary developed with one type of interaction and culture, and the other with another type. and they don't have the excuse of childhood bluntness and naivete to allow them to bulldoze through social interactions because that's the whole everything of them being an adult and hyper-cognizant of how they don't belong, needing to navigate carefully rather than other flavors of SIs/OCs that are teens and kids and really do act like that.
things matter, in a very specific way, to zyx and that's why given where they are in this life, it's never gonna be a stress-free fun time.
... unless they become sect leader in the future after things are truly peaceful (for this generation, at least)
then they can justify telling people, "this one is taking paid leave" ✌
"... huzi we don't get paid?"
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