#&. meta: evan rosier.
fandoomrants · 16 days
No but Barty could still be a Ravenclaw AND share a dorm with Regulus and Evan... Just because he'd spend time there 24/7.
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foursaints · 4 months
re: last post. evan rosier being sacked from st. mungo's & then swiftly scooped up by tom to fill the death eater's need for a healer is something that can be so personal
evan had his own room at the back of riddle house. it was filled with antique surgical devices and "medical" textbooks with the most concerning titles & absolutely NOBODY ever wanted to get healed. i picture like, avery or whoever clumsily healing lucius's wounds until tom comes upon this like ? i've specifically enlisted a VERY SKILLED healer for this exact purpose. and the other death eaters are just like.... i don't know how to tactfully say that you couldn't PAY me to enter evan rosier's den of inferi autopsies & rusty bone-saws. he was FIRED from st. mungo's. his healing magic hurts WORSE than the original wound. he's WEIRD and it smells like DEATH in there
they go anyway because they're scared of tom. barty is the only one who just simply can't relate. that's his happy place
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sofoulandfairaday · 9 months
I actually do tend to put most of the Order we see in the photos around the same years, but my headcanon is that there were other older members but they all died by the time that photo was taken because they were trying to protect the younger kids. I like to imagine that Moody is the only surviving older Order member and he had to watch his peers die one by one and then had to watch as so many of those kids they died trying to protect were killed themselves
Soooo. I can see this working if well justified. There is a line that does justify it in canon, actually- "[...] look, I can’t promise no one’s going to get hurt, nobody can promise that, but we’re much better off than we were last time, you weren’t in the Order then, you don’t understand, last time we were outnumbered twenty to one by the Death Eaters and they were picking us off one by one...”
Voldemort would most likely send his Death Eaters after the best and strongest Order members first, even though they were more likely to take down many of his followers- it's not like he didn't have the numbers. BUT I'm afraid it's a little unrealistic. The weakest fighters in a fight to the death are those who get killed first even with protection.
Just for funsies, though, I'll give you my personal headcanon of the Order members' rough ages. I'm usually flexible if they're changed by a couple of years, but the generations should be kept.
This is the list of confirmed Order of the Phoenix members in the First Wizarding War:
Albus Dumbledore
Aberforth Dumbledore
Alastor Moody
Arabella Figg
Dedalus Diggle
Elphias Doge
Emmeline Vance
Mundungus Fletcher
Rubeus Hagrid
Sturgis Podmore
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew (who turns spy for the Death Eaters in 1980)
All these people survive the war. Then we also have:
James Potter
Lily Evans Potter
Fabian Prewett
Gideon Prewett
Frank Longbottom
Alice Longbottom
Edgar Bones
Benji Fenwick
Caradoc Dearborn
Dorcas Meadowes
Marlene McKinnon
Now. The only girl confirmed to be one of Lily's classmates is Mary McDonald and she's not part of the Order (and I choose to believe that she wasn't; she sympathised, maybe, but I like the headcanon that she's so scarred by Mulciber and Avery's bullying - and that the event that Lily references to Severus is not the only time they use Dark Magic on her - that she wants nothing to do with the fight). I am maybe one of the two (2) people with a mild appreciation for BlackKinnon, and I don't mind Marlene as someone in the same age bracket as them (but I can also see her being older). She is murdered along her entire family, though, and it's unclear whether she was a mother, a sister, or a daughter. I will say that some of their Hogwarts years overlapped.
Dorcas I find way less likely. She was killed by Voldemort himself - the man wouldn't have bothered if she wasn't an Amelia Bones-level witch at least, which means she was mighty, which means she most likely wasn't twenty-one. I like to think that she was an Auror, or a Ministry high-ranking employee with sound principles that just would not bend to the infiltration of the DEs in the Ministry or to Barty Crouch Snr's ruthlessness.
Frank and Alice Longbottom are the same, to me. They're older than the Marauders, I would make them (just like Dorcas) around Bellatrix's age, maybe even older. That makes them around 30yrs old in 1981. Which means they would have had a full decade or more to become the most respected Aurors in the Wizarding World, so well known that what happened to them sparked major outrage, the kind that led to a manhunt for their torturers, and the sentencing of a pleading nineteen-year-old boy. (Of course, Barty jr was guilty, but they didn't know that, didn't know just how loyal to Voldemort he truly was. The Lestranges sentencing - an old wizarding family, a Lestrange had even been Minister for Magic - was clearly one sparked by public outrage. People were crying out for their blood.)
The Prewetts were Molly's older brothers, so they were way older than the Marauders. They were also killed by a group of Death Eaters led by Antonin Dolohov after what appears to have been a truly brutal fight, so nope. They weren't the Fred and George types of the Marauders Era (also. the Marauders were that!)
Edgar Bones had a wife and children and was considered to be one of the best of the era, so I doubt he was as young as the Fantastic Four. We really don't know enough about Caradoc Dearborn or Benji Fenwick to say, but I somehow doubt it.
Of those who survived.
We know that Albus, Aberforth, Moody, Elphias Doge, Mundungus, and Arabella Figg are all way older than the Marauders, and I've always pictured Dedalus Diggle as a middle aged man (but we only know he's tiny and excitable, so it could go either way). Sturgis Podmore's description fits someone that could have been in the Marauder's year or maybe slightly older, but still one of their peers.
So, really, the green-faced youths that fought with the Order were: the four Marauders, Lily, maybe Marlene and Emmeline Vance (who isn't even listed as fighting with them in the First War, only the second), and maybe Sturgis Podmore. On the side of the Death Eaters: Avery, Mulciber, Barty Crouch jr (who was two/three years younger than the Marauders!!!), Regulus Black and of course Severus Snape.
And, no. Evan Rosier's age is never disclosed, and since he brutally maims fucking Alastor Moody - possibly the greatest Auror ever - I'm inclined to believe that he was at least Bellatrix's age (so 8-9 years older than the Marauders). In my personal headcanon he's even a tad older - but no less cuntier for it. My boy serves as much cunt at 27 as he did at 17 (<3).
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teaforthotxxx · 1 year
Not me thinking of how hinny (harry x ginny) in the books would have gone if Jegulus and Marlily raised harry!!
Like Harry def told Mary and Lily first. Cause hes tryna attract a girl. WTF DO REGULUS AND JAMES know about getting a girl? Also, he wld def ask Mary how she got Lily cause Ginny looks like Lily. I think Marlene wld pull out Mary’s old diary and show Harry a page titled “PLANS TO GET RED”!! I think Mary wouldn’t be much help but Marlene definitely had a “HOW TO GET THE CUTE SLYTHERIN” and she would cancel the word slytherin and replace it with Chaser (Ginny).
I feel like he would only really involve his dads after he gets tgt with Ginny and realises he’s broken 1918827828 friendship codes by dating his best mate’s little sister (something James knows a thing or two abt). Obviously, James would pretend he’s above it all and say “just tell Ron. I mean at worst you get beat up. Padfoot chewed all of my red converses and ate my autographed quaffle. I’m sure Ron is wayyyyyy nicer.” Of course, Harry will tune that out the same way James tuned out Arthur’s same advice. Instead, he’ll look for the diabolical slytherin aka SLYTHERIN SKITTLES for help.
Big mistake: Barty and Dorcas are laughing so hard they fall down. Pandora who already knows how this is gonna end (cause she is a seer) is sighing. Evan is trying to help but can’t because AGAIN what does he know about girls? And also he’s engaged to an only child!! Regulus AKA Professor BLACK to the rest of the students is sighing and questioning how Harry not only managed to find but also date someone who is a mix of both himself and Lily (the two great loves of James’ life).
Unable to help, Regulus will probably refer him to Sirius (consult the enemy). Sirius is probably the last one to know about Hinny (naturally, Reg and Remus found out first cause they work at Hogwarts). He is definitely very salty about it (EVEN PETE knew before him). So, Sirius wouldn’t help his godson. He’d just say something about karma after Harry sasses him for the thirtieth that day.
Eventually, Harry gives up and comes clean to Ron. He braces himself but Ron just goes “oh ok. Sorry I already knew.” He was completely fine with it cause urm Ginny is her own person? And he respects her? So, Harry relaxes. He doesn’t have to sleep in the room of requirements for fear that Ron will send a rat to him. That is until he feels two identical hands on both sides of his shoulders. Fred and George Weasley are looking down at him with matching mischievous grins. “So you’re dating our little Ginny eh?”
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morsmortish · 2 months
So hi!
Anyway I was thinking. And you made an amazing post about Evan being afraid of losing control, and Evan liking spiders. My tiny mind bonded those two together.
Evan having arachnophobia. Evan being afraid of losing control, and realizing fear is the strongest emotion. So he keeps his biggest fear on him at all times. It started off small, staring at spiders, watching them and studying them. And then he touched one, and it freaked him out (that was a bad day) but he tried it again. And over time it got better. Until he was finally able to grab one, so he did. Keeping one on hand, looking at it, making a home for it. He named it. All a way to be afraid, because he learned that when he was afraid he couldn’t do anything. So he continued, and you’d think wouldn’t he no longer be scared? No. Because now he’d associated spiders with fear so he doesn’t even have to be scared to have that panic in his chest whenever he sees one.
This happens with all bugs as well. Cockroaches, butterflies, moths, even scorpions, just any bug he finds. Pandora definitely helped with that, as she had her obsession so he had her in mind, a way to continue. Don’t give up, don’t disappoint her.
This is definitely not based off of my obsession with spiders/insects while also being deathly afraid.
i love this take!!!! the idea of evan keeping a spider as a reminder of some sorts…a reminder of what it felt like to be Afraid: the way his body broke out in a cold sweat, the way his heart rate increased, the way he struggled to breathe. he started to feel out of control of his own body, and there is nothing evan rosier hates more than that feeling of helplessness. yes, his pet spider helps to remind him that he can get over his fears, but more than that, having one nestling on his shoulder at all times serves as a very effective reminder of what it feels liked to suffer that overwhelming panic and sense of spiralling that comes from phobias. they remind him of what it feels like to lose control, a fear which rapidly replaces his fear of spiders.
evan being deathly afraid of spiders whilst pandora is obsessed with them is also such a nice part of their twinhood, like him being left-handed and her being right-handed, or each of them having a mole on opposite cheeks. however, this is also why i find it hard to agree with the point about evan using pandora as motivation for overcoming his phobia. the rosier twins are direct Clones-And-Yet-Also-Parallels of each other: the things that are the same between them are identical, and the things that are different are polar opposites. they are like a one and one’s reflection in a mirror- startlingly identical, but simultaneously, every feature is inverted in the glass. i cant imagine evan wanting to disrupt the natural flow of this way they reflect each other, and both twins are much too self-serving to put that much effort (in overcoming a fear) for anyone else, even each other. no, the only reason evan rosier is doing anything monumental is if he directly gains from it, and the feeling of empowerment he gains from slowly recovering control is more that enough.
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marsabillions · 2 months
ik i might possibly be one of like two people who actually read the hp wiki but i need you guys to know that the Rosiers are a Death Eater Family just as much (and maybe even moreso) than the Blacks are
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Any reason you changed Evan Rosier's death in the man who would be king ? I'm pretty sure in goblet of fire it's mentionned Moody killed him.
The Man Who Would Be King by me and @therealvinelle
We needed a Death Eater to die and we remembered that Evan Rosier had been killed early on by aurors. The idea here is that there was a cover up as they didn't want the story of "Bella partied hard and murdered her cousin for funsies at a Death Eater party" coming out so aurors got to take the credit.
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st-clements-steps · 5 months
Once there was muggleborn boy without a father.
And his story was left untold.
Now, it would be of hardly any interest at all if the unknown father were some fallen hero, but what if he was a fallen deatheater? Well that could be a very intriguing story.
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royalthorned · 4 months
thank you @itsjaywalkers and @honeybcj for the tags ily lots these are so fun <33
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
wolf star sweet Sunday
hedonists and heretics
daddy (?) jegulus
bartylily projection project
Evan rosier meta smut
for tags I think everyone I know has been tagged? so open tags please, please let me see what your working on!! and tag me
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yletylyf · 2 years
On the subject of Evan Rosier
I feel like I am alone in fandom in noticing/caring about this, but JKR’s writing about Rosier appears to have a very screwed-up timeline.
This got long, so it’s under a cut. 
In Goblet of Fire, first we have Sirius saying a Rosier (first name unknown) went to school with Snape and died the year before Voldemort fell. (This whole monologue is extremely suspect in terms of truth, because it also says the Lestranges, a married couple, were in Snape’s gang at school, which JKR later contradicted with Bellatrix’s birthdate. But fandom accepts this speech except for Bellatrix.)
Then during Karkaroff's trial, we have a different timeline of events. Karkaroff is told that Dolohov and “Evan Rosier” were caught "shortly after" Karkaroff was caught. But then in an aside, Moody says it took six months to track Karkaroff down. So how do we have a campaign by Moody to track Karkaroff and kill Rosier six months after Voldemort fell... when Rosier was supposed to have died a year before he fell?
There are two possible ways to reconcile this, I suppose. (Well, three: the first is simply to say JKR is bad at math and write off/ignore her inconsistent details as best we can. I feel like that’s probably what fandom has done here without realizing it). An in-world explanation, though, could be that Karkaroff was captured a year before Voldemort fell and Moody started looking for him a year and a half before Voldemort fell. I reject this, as does most of fandom and the wiki. https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Igor_Karkaroff (“Shortly after Voldemort's first downfall, Karkaroff appeared before the Council of Magical Law”). 
I don’t like this explanation because it does not seem very in line with the rest of how JKR wrote the first wizarding war: that is, Voldemort was winning before baby Harry happened. If he was winning, it is inconsistent to believe the Ministry knew the identity of all these Death Eaters and knocked out at least three of them (four, if you include Wilkes) while Voldemort was still at full strength, a year before he disappeared. And it doesn’t match the way she wrote Karkaroff’s testimony: how few Death Eaters he could name, and the sheer desperation for Karkaroff’s cooperation, to the extent that one name they didn’t know of (Rookwood) got him out of a life sentence. In short, a Ministry who was losing the war was not a Ministry who knocked out Rosier, Wilkes, Dolohov, and Karkaroff in quick succession while Voldemort was at the height of his strength.
The next possibility is that there are two different Rosiers. Actually, we know there are two different Rosiers: one is Tom Riddle’s age. In Half-Blood Prince, “Rosier” is mentioned as a friend waiting at the pub for Tom’s job interview at Hogwarts when he returns from his world travels. It’s actually the simplest thing in the world as an explanation: younger Rosier, Snape’s generation Rosier, died the year before Voldemort fell. Older Rosier, Tom’s generation Rosier, died six months after Voldemort fell, or shortly after whenever Moody caught up to Karkaroff.
The only one that has a first name is the one who died shortly after Karkaroff was caught. So it’s Tom’s generation’s Rosier that is Evan Rosier. But like, yes, I know literally the rest of fandom writes Snape’s generation Rosier as “Evan Rosier” and it would be jarring, weird, and out-of-step for me to do anything else. 
So that is the story of why there are multiple “Evan Rosiers” in my fics. I went all out and made three of them, actually. Long-dead Evan Rosier senior; his son Evan Rosier junior (Tom’s age), and his grandson Evan Rosier III (Snape’s age). I mean, we have no other first names for the Rosiers, so this choice allowed me to work with my explanation for JKR’s bad math as well as widely accepted fandom takes on who Evan Rosier is.
Additional note: I had a friend read the draft of this post and they informed me that a non-trivial amount of Tom-era fic calls his friend “Evan Rosier.” So basically we do have a situation where everyone who writes the younger one and almost everyone who writes the older one are all writing about their own “Evan Rosier.” Just like... without noticing it, I guess? (Not that I’ve read every fic out there, but I certainly have never read a fic that discusses both Rosiers and deals with the different evidence of their death timelines. The wiki doesn’t deal with this either.) And ao3′s canonical tags are “Evan Rosier” for the younger one and “Rosier Sr” for the older one, so I imagine no significant thought was given to that choice, just copying fandom norms.
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fandoomrants · 3 months
For all people wondering how someone can still dislike Snape but like characters like Regulus, Barty and Evan, who were also Death Eaters.
Well... We canonly don't know much about these characters.
But we do know Regulus was kind to Kreacher, and he did turn against Voldemort. Barty was questionable and undeniably a bit mad, but he was still arguably not too bad towards the students (he did turn Draco into a ferret and he showed them spells he shouldn't have but did he ever bully a child actively??). And we don't really know much about Evan.
But do you know who we canonly know a lot about? Snape.
And we see him acting like a jerk to students. Not only Harry but also Neville, Hermione, others too. He played favourites, and there's no arguing here it was just because he disliked Harry for who his father was. He was acting like that towards most Gryffindors, and he probably did that to Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs too.
Nothing he ever did in order to "help" anyone until the very end was his own actions, it was just because Dumbledore asked him to, and he also did all of this because he felt guilty for Lily dying in the first place.
And it's also not a valid argument that he was like that because he was bullied as a student because we've seen flashbacks of his childhood before Hogwarts and he was acting bad towards Petunia too, and then he's even acting bad towards Lily, who was his only friend. The Marauders might have been bullies but I think it wasn't uncalled for.
All in all, there was maybe only one person he ever cared for, and in the end he lost that person because of his own words and actions. And all he did was because of the guilt he felt. Would he have stopped being a Death Eater if Lily was alive? I don't think so. Would he be kinder to the students? I think he would have actually been worse to Harry then, knowing his parents were together and happy, and his behaviour towards the rest wouldn't have been much different either. In general, I think he would have become even more spiteful person if he knew the woman he loved was having a good life with someone else.
So I think with all of this being said, there are lots of canon valid reasons to dislike the character, while liking characters that are mostly made from fanon. Who knows, maybe they were much worse than him but we don't know that. However, we do know about him.
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ourpyrrhicvictory · 6 years
I mean, it's technically not /canon/ buttttt how did Cassius feel about the whole Evan punching him thing?
SEND META QUESTIONS !!! / always accepting.
SECOND OF ALL , i think it was very much thee most disrespectful thing to ever happen to him. ever. like he will die hating evan for it. he toasted evan rosier’s death the moment he heard. he was extra salty about it. 
but he was also irrevocably affected in another way.
he respected evan in a silent and almost agonizing way. in truth , evan’s words and his entire “ do you know why gods die ? ” speech remains an echo and a mantra in cassius’s head. it will never leave him alone. it stings. it is the first thing to ever make him doubt himself , second guess himself. and it does so constantly. long after evan’s death. on into the second war. those words NEVER LEAVE HIM ALONE. 
i wouldn’t call it humbling in the sense that it made cassius rethink his approach. he was still a violent brute , although in school , he may have been a bit less eager to risk expulsion. again , that has just as much to do with mary’s impact on him as it has to do with evan’s impact , and so that isn’t all that surprising. but the respect he has for evan is more so rooted in evan’s ability to control his emotions. because see , the most puzzling thing to mulciber ? 
cassius has never known moderation. and he has never been sated by the bare minimum. but evan was able to hit him once , only once , and be satisfied with the message. and really , cassius could tell how easy it would have been for evan not to hit him. he didn’t HAVE TO hit him. mulciber NEEDS violence. it’s his only weapon. he could never have the amount of power in his words that evan has , and that frightens him in a way that he isn’t sure how to explain or comprehend. so in that , he feels so vulnerable because evan is , in a sense , stronger than him. and it makes him doubt his own strength. 
after that , he tries to work on his agility , on his footwork , on the quickness of his wand. he doesn’t depend so heavily on brute force and straightforward hexes. he tries to find some sort of skill beyond that. it’s subconscious at first , but eventually it’s impossible to deny. he wants to be worse than he was , and in order to do that , he must be BETTER. 
but he would never admit that. and he would never tell evan rosier to his face that he was right. he would rather chew on that grudge until his final breath. and he does. 
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archopv-blog · 6 years
were there any death eaters who would have helped regulus if he'd asked? anyone in his family?
META QUESTIONS !!! | always accepting. 
so i’ve had this in my inbox for two months , and i am so sorry , but also , i had time to actually consider it , and now i can offer a complete list of those who would have helped regulus if he would have asked.
now let me preface this with saying that the chances of regulus ever asking for help outright is slim to none because first , he would have only wanted to ask sirius and his pride would never allow him to do that. second , his pride in general would have barred him from seeking out help in any capacity from anyone. however , if any of these people would have found out , they would have , at the very least , NOT allowed him to get captured and killed by voldemort. 
in order from most likely to help him betray voldemort to... least likely to turn him in i guess. 
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evan has his doubts from day one about joining voldemort. his father has mapped out his life for him , and his mother has no spine. evan is terrified of oblivion , of being another body forgotten in the mud at the end of it all. he is going to die nameless , and he hates the idea. if his cousin would have come to him , or if he had been conscious enough to see what reg was doing , he would have helped him. he would have realized that not only was he not alone in his feelings of disenchantment but there was also a way to make a name for himself. now while he doesn’t think much of muggles / muggleborns / etc. , he doesn’t believe in blatant genocide , and he doesn’t think voldemort is best for them. so he would help reg if sought out.  
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now if evan helps , this is a given. evan is his best friend. he loves evan to death and where evan goes , he goes. even if evan weren’t involved though, rabastan wouldn’t let regulus get killed. he’s family , and truth be told , rab doesn’t care which way the war goes. he’s been undermined and downplayed and ostracized and taunted by the entire society. his own parents have constantly and consistently alienated and emasculated him. he’s down for some revenge.
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once again , while rodolphus is dedicated and devoted to the cause and believes in it fully , his family always has and always will come first. that includes both rabastan and the black family. now rodolphus is not going to outright help regulus. he will not play along or aid him directly. however , if he thought regulus was in danger of being discovered or if he believed he was on the verge of getting himself killed , rodolphus is going to intervene. with the amount of time regulus spends in the lestrange house leading up to and after his initiation into the group , rodolphus becomes overtly protective of him. he will not hurt children if he can help it. that is rodolphus’s code , and he will certainly not let the children in his family get killed. he was the one person not all that comfortable with regulus joining so young , but he could hardly stop it. regardless he looks out for him always , and he would be in regulus’s ear a lot , both trying to persuade him to abandon his efforts but also ensuring he keeps himself safe. he does not want to see regulus dead. that is more important to him than anything. 
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for barty , this would be the hardest. regulus is his friend, his closest friend probably especially after joining. now , barty is so fucking dedicated to the cause. mostly out of spite for his father , but it is ingrained in him. he is fucking ready to die for this shit. if he found out what regulus was up to , it would send him into a goddamn spiral because one, he doesn’t want to see his best friend dead. but two , his loyalty has been completely and irrevocably entrusted to voldemort. so i think he would constantly be wrestling with this , but he wouldn’t be able to turn regulus in. if there is one thing barty knows how to do , it is keep a secret. now obviously if you get on his bad side or provoke him , he can weaponize a secret so fast and ruin your whole life , but he does know how to keep one safe. but he isn’t going to actively help. 
bubbles and i talked briefly about this before but while narcissa has her own views of shit , she loves her cousins and would not have let him die. she would have followed his little ass into that cave and dragged him out and taken him home. that’s just the facts. whether she believes in what he’s doing or not , she is going to have his back and that’s what i can say about that. 
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teaforthotxxx · 1 year
My Slytherin Skittles Post-Hogwarts Career HC:
(Slytherin Edition) (Gryffindor Edition)
Regulus Black-Potter was a spy for the order during the war. While he did get the dark mark due to his parents’ insistence, he quickly swapped sides when he realised that what Voldemort was trying to do. He was integral in discovering the horocruxes and tracked them down one by one with the help of Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Dorcas Meadows and Pandora Lovegood (nee Rosier). While undercover, he was made by Peter Pettigrew who then proceeded to blab to the rest of the marauders about how Sirius’ long lost brother was on their side of the war. This greatly annoyed Regulus but it did help him rekindle his relationship with both his brother and James Potter, who publicly declared they were going to get married after the war. Once the death eaters were rounded up, Reg was offered a position as a potions master and NEWTS-level potions professor at Hogwarts. This was Dumbledore’s way of thanking him for his part during the war. He is notoriously strict with his students and as the Head of Slytherin House (a position he covets), he does not accept any form of blood discrimination. He has also started to rebuild the Black name, reinstating Sirius as the heir and helping with Grimmauld house’s refurnishing. He is currently furthering a movement against indentured house elves.
Barty Crouch Jr. always had a flair for the dramatics. Back in the war, he was known to use polyjuice to transform into others. This ability was what allowed Regulus and Evan to keep their cover while horocrux hunting. After the war, he channelled this ability into his one-man theatre (a production fully funded by his boyfriend sugar daddy Evan Rosier. He has rows of poly juice (bought at a discounted price from Hogwart’s resident potions master). Currently, he is very interested in introducing more muggle plays to the wizarding world.
Evan Rosier didn’t expect to become the sole proprietor of the Rosier vault after most of his family was sentenced to Azkhaban. He was truly at a loss for what to do especially because he didn’t have a cause he was truly passionate about like Reg and he didn’t really have any children he could splurge on like the Potter-Blacks. Luckily, his twin sister Pandora (who had been long dismissed by their family because of her gender and disposition) had a baby! So, he decided to reinstate Pandora and split the vault with her. After that, he decided to invest in Barty’s theatre endeavour (really, he had a hard time denying Barty anything). He is currently Barty’s manager, running the books for Barty’s every creative whim.
As the only skittles to enter the Order, Dorcas Meadows spent most of the war isolated from her friends. When she finally became head healer at St. Mungos, she was extremely sympathetic to many children of death eaters who were forced into the cause or were left orphaned after their parents were sentenced to life in Azkhaban. She eventually founded a mind healers’ department to help those who had experienced extreme PTSD due to the war. Her job keeps her extremely busy, especially because she is always making appeals to higher ups. Thankfully, she is married to a quidditch star with a huge platform. And, it doesn’t hurt that 2/4 of her best friends are from rich influential families.
As expected, Severus Snape is a potions professor at Hogwarts. He was extremely peeved that Regulus was teaching at a NEWT level while he was stuck teaching younger years. He is still quite upset at the marauders and can be extremely petty about how life has turned out for him. He can always be found scowling down the halls, annoyed that Lupin and Reg somehow outrank him in position. That said, he does love teaching, particularly finding errors in pre-existing texts and teaching his students safer ways to brew potions. He was elated when Regulus approached him with some potion help (though, he would never admit it). While he is still in love with Lily, he has started to let his unrequited feelings go a bit. This was mostly spurred on by Dorcas (another Slytherin half-blood) who reasoned that he needed to let go of his toxic feelings and learn to accept himself.
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leogichidaa · 2 years
Welcome to the Leo Show
Tumblr ficlets:
Psychoanalysis Sunday: non-magical AU where Regulus is put in therapy with a psychoanalyst; this is an ongoing series
Nose Goes: lighthearted crack fic about Evan Rosier's nose fetish
Goldcrest Animagus: Regulus finds out his animagus form
Career Criminal Regulus: what it says on the tin
The Love We Can Afford: what if Sirius and Regulus had a younger sister? OG ask | Part 1 | Part 2
Marked: a brief exploration of the erotic and unsettling potential of having the Dark Mark on the upper thigh instead of forearm
What's in the Works:
Incubus: Regulus plots to seduce and kill Jam
The Underdog: BCJ during his time as Moody
Why is Everyone Certain Regulus is a Dead Deserter?
The Lost Boys: Sirius. Percy, and BCJ
"They'll Have Trouble Controlling You!" (BCJ musings)
Who Says You Can't Go Home?: Revisiting the Lost Boys
The Great Pretenders: Remus and Regulus
Mine!: James Potter and Regulus Black
Where is the Loyalty?: Regulus and Peter
Oral Surgery: the Dementor's Kiss
Lovable Except for that Terrible Period: The Upbringing of Remus Lupin
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aurorborne · 4 years
Some metas that I need to write out include
Alastor’s relationship with Rabastan Lestrange in main verse & as a Death Eater
Alastor’s relationship with Regulus as a Death Eater
Alastor’s relationship with Evan Rosier in main verse & as a Death Eater
A meta or drabble about Glenn Moody turning down Voldemort’s request for the Moody family to be on his side. 
 Alastor’s relationship with women; don’t be surprised; all the women in his life are fucking great and Alastor is out here trying really hard to drink respect women juice and it probably has to do with his sister Paige telling Alastor what the fuck is what.
Alastor’s relationship with his sister-in-law(s).
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