#"Higher Ground"
filosofablogger · 6 months
♫ Playing For Change Week Grand Finale ♫
Wow, I can’t believe this week is over already!  I’ve had a lot of fun with this music from the Playing For Change Foundation and I really hope you’ve enjoyed it, too!  As I usually do on the last day of my week-long artist tributes, I’m playing a few of the ones I didn’t cover during the week … no lyrics this time, just the music!  Most of these are from the ‘Songs From Around the World’…
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soltlane1 · 1 month
Surah Al-Aʻlā
Surah Al-Aʻlā In The Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High, (Quran Surah Al-Aʻlā 87:1) Who has created (everything), and then proportioned it; (Quran Surah Al-Aʻlā 87:2) And Who has measured (preordainments for each and everything even to be blessed or wretched); then guided (i.e. showed mankind the right as well as wrong paths, and…
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lizthewriter · 3 months
please please please / theo nott
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PAIRING  bad boy!theo nott x popular!reader
SUMMARY  theo constantly messes up and you're sick of it. either he pulls his act together or you pull the cord of this relationship. theo acts accordingly. (blurb)
QUOTE  "please please please, / don't prove i'm right, / and please please please, / don't bring me to tears when i just did my makeup so nice, / heartbreak is one thing, / and ego's another, / I beg you don't embarrass me motherfucker," - please please please by sabrina carpenter
WRITTEN  7.7.2024
"stop moving." you let out a huff of irritation as theo hissed and sharply moved his head away from your gentle touch. you crossed your arms, incredulity written all over your face. "you better stop moving or else i'm gonna leave."
"no," he protested softly, grabbing you by the wrist. he fidgeted with the golden bracelet draping so elegantly over your wrist. "please, stay. i'm sorry cara mia, i won't move."
your hardened expression softened at his words and with a forgiving smile, you drew closer to him. dipping a small cotton ball into some alcohol, you pressed it gently into the wound on his cheekbone, causing him to wince again. purple bruises stained the skin surrounding it in various shades, painting his face a lovely array of color. "how many times have i told you to stop getting into fights?"
he glances away from you with a clenched jaw. "many times," he responds in a constrained tone.
"my friends are starting to say things about you - that you're dangerous and reckless," you told him, patting on the wound gently before reaching in the box next to you for bandages. "and now everyone's expecting me to break up with you to make a statement."
theo sighed and bowed his head, rubbing his temples in frustration. you grabbed his chin and gently tilted his head up to look at you. he relaxed as he saw the warm, loving smile on your face - the way your eyes affectionately met his with an overbearing amount of love. a small smirk started to grow on his face. "i love you theo, but you're getting out of control." the smirk fell from his lips into a deep, remorseful frown. "you need to make this work - so don't embarrass me. don't prove i'm right. or else i'm done."
"she's gone mad," mattheo said with a roll of his eyes, glancing at you from across the courtyard. him and theo were huddling in the corner, a thick air of smoke surrounding them. you were in the courtyard with your other friends, obviously talking and enjoying yourself. theo tilted his head and puffed out another cloud of smoke - you looked extra pretty today. he couldn't exactly place what made today different than other days. maybe you had pulled your skirt up just a bit higher, or something new with your eye makeup or your hair.
"no, she's right. i can't keep fucking up like this," theo responded to mattheo, stomping on the cigarette butt before beginning to walk away. "i think we're done, mate."
"nott, where do you think you're going? oi! what the fuck?" mattheo called from him across the courtyard as he approached you. as you turned around and saw theo approaching you, at first, a wide grin painted your face. but it soon dissipated as you saw who was coming up behind him.
theo glared at the ground as you cleaned up his wounds again. you weren't listening to him, berating him about getting into yet another fight. he tried to tell you that he didn't start it, it wasn't his fault - that he was gonna quit smoking and hanging around mattheo for you.
at some point, he couldn't take it anymore - he pushed himself off the edge of the tub in your bathroom and grabbed his coat.
"where are you going?" you asked him angrily.
"i'm going to prove you wrong," was all he mumbled in response before slamming the door to your bathroom shut, leaving you all alone.
three days passed and neither of you spoke to one another. but on the fourth day, you entered the great hall to find it soaked, dripping in beautiful red roses. they were covering every orfice and surface of the room, every table in the hall. you looked to the professor's table to see roses hung in the air above it, spelling out one simple phrase. i'm sorry.
you glanced towards theodore, who was sitting next to blaise zabini, not at all listening to what his friend was saying. as soon as he spotted you entering the hall, he stood up nervously. people stared at the two of you before whispers spread like wildfire throughout the hall. you weren't sure if you were more flustered or embarrassed by his grand gesture.
you felt someone run up beside you. "you got a right boyfriend there," said a hufflepuff boy that had once tried to put the moves on you at a slytherin party, only to end up on the ground with a broken jaw. "he's just sent every guys he's beat on a care package. a care package!" the boy exclaimed in disbelief. "he's a keeper, that one."
you looked towards theo with a small smile and approached him timidly. "this is all very grand, don't you think?" you asked with an arched brow.
"nothing more fitting for the most beautiful girl in the world. i assume you got my message? hope it didn't get lost in the post," theo said jokingly and nodded towards the floating roses with a sheepish shrug.
you hummed. "i got the message quite all right." and you kissed him on the cheek before sitting beside him at the table. "you didn't dissappoint me after all."
"well not after you threatened to break up with me."
"that was only a motivator!" you exclaimed as he barked out a laugh, shoving him in the shoulder. "seriously, theo, thank you. it means a lot to me."
"you're welcome, cara mia."
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aemondapologistfrfr · 25 days
Table 13 & Cherry Pie
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modern!mechanic!benji x stripper!fem!reader
Summary: Working two jobs to support your mom’s medical bills is already hard enough and of course your car breaks down at the worst possible time. A flirty stranger you meet at the diner offers you help with no strings. Everything seems too good to be true and before you know it, it seems as if it all comes crashing down. 
Warnings: 18+ mentions of long term illness, swearing, cigarettes, oral(f receiving), questionable clientele but nothing in detail, p in v, unprotected, a fight but nothing too intense 
Authors Note: request from @chainsawsangel that i thoroughly enjoyed writing and working on 🥰
Word Count: 8k 
I curse at any higher power that’s out there for allowing my car to break on such a vital day. I shove some cash into the taxi drivers waiting hand and take a deep breath before heading into the hospital. I calm my nerves as I adjust my visitors pass before entering my mother floor. The “inspirational” quotes littered across the wall seem to only aggravate me today as I push through the door. I spot my mother’s doctor and walk up to him. 
“How is she?” I nibble my lip looking at my mother fast asleep in the hospital bed. 
“She did well with the more aggressive treatment we used today. She’s a fighter, don’t worry.” he lays a hand on my shoulder and I slink out of his touch. 
“Did finance come up here looking for me?” I wince looking around the floor. 
“No, we tend to keep those vultures out of this space. Your mother is our first priority. We know you’re doing everything you can.” his eyes linger a bit too long before I slip into my mother’s room. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here on time.” I say softly holding her hand in mine. “You’d be giddy to know that your “hot doctor” called you a fighter and had nothing but praise of you.” I pull my normal chair closer to the side of the bed. 
“My car broke down on the way here and I had to wait forever for a taxi and tow to show up. I’m sorry I let you down again.” I curse the tear that falls down my cheek. “I have to work both jobs tonight, as usual. I’m hoping when I get here tomorrow you’ll still be up.” I kiss her forehead and close her door behind me. I internally groan as I walk to the elevator so I can stop past finance on my way out. The receptionist waves at me as I walk past to the desk I’ve become all too familiar with. 
“Lovely to see you, Y/n. What can I do for you today?” she smiles pushing back from her computer. 
“I only have half of this month’s payment. If I could get an extension. Even just a couple of days. I’m sure I can figure something out.” I pick at my nails as she sighs. 
“Something’s better than nothing.” she grabs the envelope from my hands. “I can only give you an extra ten days.” she looks to me with a patronizing smile. 
“I’ll make it work. I don’t have a choice.” I inhale deeply trying not to let my tears fall. “Thank you.” I nod to her before leaving her office. As I walk outside I let the tears flow as I pull out my phone to waste money on another fucking taxi. I sit on the ground crying until the taxi shows up. I get to the diner with fifteen minutes to spare and push through the front doors seeing that the room is full of customers. 
“Get changed and clock in.” my boss shouts from the grill. 
“Yeah,” I wave him off heading to the back. I pull my black uniform out of my locker and change quickly. I secure the apron around my waist and head to the mirror to deal with my tear stained face. I give up and throw my hair into a bun and walk out into the main area. I type my numbers into the computer and then look around to see which table I should head to first. 
“Thirteens been waiting for a while.” my coworker shouts at me so I grab a glass of water and head over that way. 
“I’m sorry about that wait today, sir. Is there something I could get for you right away?” I smile before I feel my heart skip as he looks to me. 
“A coffee for now.” he smiles up at me. 
“Any cream or sugar?” I fiddle with my pen as I try not to trail my eyes all over him. 
“Yeah cream, thank you.” the way his eyes crinkle has me melting on the spot. 
“And are we waiting for anyone?” I point my pen to the empty booth across from him. 
“Not unless you’d like to join me?” I know my blush is visible now as I turn back to him. 
“Oh I- I would but,” I internally scream at me falling over my words. 
“No worries, baby. Maybe another time.” I nod as he smirks after me as I go back to the kitchen. I pour his coffee and grab a jar of creamer before I walk out to him. 
“Coffee and cream.” I set the cups in front of him as he thanks me. “Can I get you something to eat?” I pull out my pad and pen. 
“What’s your favorite thing here?” he hums looking up to me. 
“Probably our cherry pie. It’s perfectly sweet and tart. Unless you meant like actual food.” I nibble my lip scolding myself because of course this man came here for food and not just pie.
“I’ll try your cherry pie.” he chuckles and I don’t miss the way his tongue darts against his lower lip.
“Anything else I can get you?” I offer him whatever smile I can muster. 
“That’s it for now.” he nods his head at me as I hustle back to the kitchen. 
“Well are you going to pick up more tables or stick with Mr. Handsome over there?” my coworkers tease me. 
I pick up my pad and start scurrying around the diner. Once I get into my flow I easily can juggle my tables. Once most of them are gone I glance back at table thirteen and wonder how he can possibly still be eating that pie. I see he’s only taken a couple bites and now I worry that he’s hated it. 
“If you didn’t like it I can get you something else?” my hands rest on his table. 
“You said it was your favorite so I figured I would save you some.” I scrunch my brows at his words. “Open up for me.” his voice is low as he brings the fork to my mouth. I shrug and wrap my lips around the fork and moan as I taste the sweet tartness. 
“I’ll go get you your check.” I hum licking the cherry from the corner of my mouth. 
“He’s your last table so finish up and I can get you out of here early.” my boss nods to me. I sigh knowing I need more money but I’m thankful that I can get to the club a little earlier. 
“Here’s your check I can come back when you’re ready.” I nod my head at him. 
“No, the rest is for you.” he hands me a fifty for his ten dollar bill. 
“Are you sure?” I blink at him in disbelief.
“Yeah you’ve earned it.” he slides out of the booth and towers above me. “Maybe I’ll come back tomorrow to try some more of your pie.” he leaves me blushing at the booth as he exits the front door. 
I go back to my locker and change back into my regular clothes before heading out the back. I cut down a couple alleys and side streets and sigh in relief when I start to see the familiar neon sign. I twist my key in the back door and make my way down the steps. The other girls wave at me and smile as I walk past. I make my way to my vanity and plop in my chair and sigh. 
I start to pull my bun out and tease my hair up a bit. I pull out a can of hairspray and get to work on making my appearance more desirable. I go back to my locker and pick out my most flattering outfit since I need to make the rest of my mother’s payment in ten days. As I look in the mirror the club manager walks to me and runs his hands up my arms. 
“When are you going to do private dances? You can make more money that way.” his voice sing song as I roll my eyes. 
“I don’t like when these men touch me.” I look him over before stepping out of his reach. 
“No but you like their money. What about a lap dance?” he keeps pushing the subject. 
“I’ll let you know if I change my mind.” I toss over my shoulder before walking backstage to hand the DJ my song choice. 
The rest of the night is filled with my boss begging me to give a man in the front row a lap dance and me respectfully declining every single time. I toss my outfit into my bag to take home and wash and I’m thankful one of the girls is willing to drop me off at home. 
As I walk up to my sidewalk I sigh at the shell of my childhood home. I slam the door shut behind me before trudging up the stairs to burn my skin in a hot shower before I collapse onto my bed and allow sleep to take over 
Next day
I was able to see my mother for a couple hours today and drop off the money I made yesterday in finance. I wait on the sidewalk for my taxi to get here and smoke a cigarette wishing my life was different. As I see the car pull up I stand tossing the remains. We pull up to the diner and I furrow my brows as I see table number thirteen waiting outside the doors. 
“There’s my cherry pie.” a smile spreads across his face as mine heats. 
“You know they’re open even when I’m not here?” I finally return his smile stopping in front of him. 
“But I’d prefer it if you were here.” he opens the door for me. 
“I’m flattered,” my face must be red at this point. “Go take a seat table thirteen and I’ll be there when I clock in.” 
My boss and coworkers look at me with raised brows as they see him go sit in the same booth from last night. I try not to catch their gaze as I make my way to my locker. I clock him in and head straight for table thirteen. 
“What can I get for you today, sir?” I pull out my pad and pen. 
“Back to sir and not table thirteen?” he offers me a lopsided smile. “I thought we grew on each other, cherry pie.” 
“I just never got your name last night.” I hum looking over my pad at him. 
“You didn’t ask.” he raises an eyebrow with a taunting smile. 
“Table thirteen it is.” I roll my eyes and he laughs. 
“I’ll have the same as yesterday.” he hands me his menu and I leave him trying to collect my thoughts. I’ve never been one for flirty customers but there’s just something different about him. 
“I see your boyfriend is back.” my coworker giggles as I huff pouring his coffee. 
“I can only dream. There’s no way that man is single.” I shake my head bringing his coffee and cream to him. 
“What kind of pie would you like today?” I set his coffee in front of him. 
“What’s your next favorite after the cherry?” I nibble my lip thinking. 
“I think our banana cream pie is a close second.” I nod my head with my choice. 
“Then that’s what I’ll have.” he nods his head with a smile as I head off to the kitchen.
I plate his slice and run it back to him before I start tending to my other tables. Table thirteen only asks for refills on his coffee and I can feel his eyes on me throughout the shift. As I’m nearing the end of my shift I make my way back to him. 
“I was wondering when you would come back for your taste.” my breath catches at his words and he slices a piece of the pie. “I can feed it to you again.” I throw my cares away and dip down savoring the sweetness. 
“Did you enjoy it?” I lick the cream off my lips as he looks to me with dark eyes. 
“What are you doing after your shift?” his voice stirs something deep within me. 
“Going to my other job.” I sigh knowing I have no time to entertain the idea of this man at my house. 
“You’re a busy woman, cherry pie.” he tsks shaking his head. “Shouldn’t your man take care of you?” he tilts his head waiting on my answer. 
“I don’t have time for one. Two jobs, an aspiring artist, and a dying mother doesn’t really pull them in you know?” I feel like weight on my shoulders like bricks forcing me down. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” I shake my head trying to figure out what I was thinking pouring my trauma on this man. 
“What’s something I can help you with?” he grabs my wrist to stop me from walking away. 
“Why do you want to help?” I look at him skeptically. 
“Because I can tell you truly need it.” his voice soft. 
“You good with cars?” a smile splits across his face at my words. 
“I’m the best mechanic around.” his voice full of confidence. “What time are you done at your other job?” 
“Around two I know it’s kind of late-“ 
“That’s fine. Do you need me to pick you up?” he pulls out money for his tab. 
“No my coworker can bring me home. Are you sure? It’s really late and inconvenient and I don’t have any money to offer.” I shake my head. 
“I offered to help where I can. Fixing your car is easy for me.” he slips another fifty into my hand along with his phone. “Put your number in.” 
“I put it under Cherry Pie.” I hand him his phone back. “I’ll be back with your change.” 
“No need.” he waves his hand. “Text me your address and when to come over.” he types something out on his phone and I feel mine vibrate. 
“Thank you,” I furrow my brows and walk back to clock out. 
Table 13: Don’t forget to send me your address. 
Cherry Pie: Home Location
Cherry Pie: I’ll be home around two. If you seriously want to fix my car. 
Cherry Pie: I’d appreciate it, but it’s a lot of me to ask of you.
Table 13: I’ll be there. You didn’t ask, I offered. Have a good shift 🍒
Cherry Pie: omw now if you’re still coming 
Table 13: I’m here waiting for you 😌
“How long have you known this guy?” my coworker looks at me as if I’m crazy and I’m starting to think I am. 
“Two days.” I wince. 
“What’s his name?” she sighs shaking her head. 
“I don’t know,” I nibble my lip. “We use nicknames.” I look out the window to avoid her stare. 
“If I wake up and hear about you on the news I’ll find you and kill you myself.” she says parking at my driveway. 
“He’s nice,” I shrug getting out of the car. “And hot so fuck it.” I smile before walking up my drive taking in table thirteens car. 
“How was work?” he rises from my porch swing. 
“Long and exhausting.” I say throwing my bag over my shoulder. 
“What’s your other job?” he asks following me to my front door. 
“Not a lot of people seem to look kindly upon it.” I slide my key in the lock and push the doors open. 
“I don’t judge.” he shuts the door softly behind us. 
“Do you want something to drink?” I turn the lights on in the kitchen and look him over. I take in his tired eyes and start to feel bad. “It’s so late and you’re tired.” I shake my head. 
“I’m perfectly fine.” he nods reassuringly. “I’ll have a water.” he offers me a smile. I grab two waters out of the fridge and begin to lead him to the garage. 
“Here he is.” I flick on the lights. “All broken and sad.” I step in and begin to move my canvases and art supplies out of the way. 
“Do you have the keys?” he turns to me. 
“Yeah one sec,” I run back into the house and grab my keys and hand them off to him. “Do you need anything like help?” I lean on the door frame watching him. 
“Do you know much about cars?” he looks at me with a teasing smile. 
“No but I could hold the flashlight or something.” I look around not even sure if I have an actual flashlight. 
“No, you can just sit there and tell me about your day, baby.” he smiles popping my hood as I take a seat on the stairs.
“I went to see my mom today. She was awake. I gave most of the money I made yesterday to her hospital bills. As long as she gets better though and she is.” I nod looking at the ground as I hear him try to start my car. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he says leaning his head out of the car. 
“Not particularly.” I shake my head looking up to him hoping he can’t tell my eyes are red. 
“That’s okay. Let me know if you change your mind.” he tries to start the car again before he starts working under the hood. “What about the rest of the day?” 
“I went to work at the diner, had some phenomenal banana cream pie, and got some dudes number and I don’t even know his name.” I chuckle thinking about how ridiculous this is. 
“I like table thirteen.” he laughs from my car. 
“I do too.” I hum. “Then I went to my other job where my boss just hounds me to do things I don’t want to do. I’m never forced to do anything but it’s just the constant pressure that is a lot.” I sigh resting my head against the wall. 
“You never told me what your other job is.” he tilts his head to the side. 
“I dance.” I watch as his eyebrows scrunch. 
“What do you mean dance?” I watch him try to twist something before walking back to the drivers side. 
“You know what I mean.” my voice hushed as he turns to me after the car won’t start. 
“You’re telling me that my shy cherry pie is an exotic dancer?” he chuckles shaking his head. 
“It plays the bills especially when they’re medical bills.” I pick at my nails. 
“What does your boss keep asking you to do?” he turns to me.
“I only dance. He wants me to do lap dances and private dances. I don’t want that. Dancing is an art to me and so what if I take off some clothes and get men to give me money for it?” I hate the stigma around dancing in general there’s nothing wrong with it. 
“Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. If your boss makes you uncomfortable he can become very comfortable with my fists.” my eyes snap to his before I stand. 
“No,” I shake my head. “He wouldn’t make me do anything.” I walk up to him with pleading eyes because I can’t lose this job. I’d quit the diner before I quit the club.
“Just tell me if you change your mind.” he nods his head. “I won’t do anything unless you tell me. Go sit back down.” he nods over to the stairs. I sigh sitting back down and watching table thirteens muscles flex as he uses different tools. I have no idea what he’s doing but he looks phenomenal. 
“I think you might be drooling, cherry.” he chuckles watching me stare at his hands. 
“Sorry.” I lick my lips absentmindedly. 
“Come sit closer if you want a better look.” he teases. 
“Have you figured out what’s wrong with it?” I sigh rolling my eyes.
“I think so. I’ll have to come back tomorrow with some more parts and tools.” I scrunch my eyebrows. 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to take advantage of your time and work.” I look up to him. 
“I offered,” he goes to touch my cheek but looks at his dirty hand. “I will be here same time tomorrow unless you would like me to pick you up from work?” 
“I feel like that’s too much to ask.” I fiddle my fingers. 
“It’s not.” he starts to clean up some of his tools. 
“Let me know if there’s anything you need or want.” I call after him as he starts to walk to his car. 
“Shut the garage while I’m still here so I know you’re safe.” he leans on his car and waits as I press the button while we stare at each other until it reaches the ground. 
Table 13: I won’t be at the diner today but I can pick you up after work. 
Cherry Pie: Are you sure? I can have my coworker take me home so you don’t have to do extra driving. 
Table 13: Just send the address and I’ll be there. 
Cherry Pie: and you’ll wait in the car and not harass my boss?
Table 13: Yes I’ll wait in the car 🙄 
Cherry Pie: Club Address
Cherry Pie: Thank you, again. 
As my last song ends I walk off the stage and breathe out thankful to let my body relax. I start to take the pins out of my hair and sit down to take my heels off. I change my clothes and check my phone. I smile at table thirteens texts that he’s here. 
“Don’t tell me you’re smiling at something that man sent you.” she snatches the phone out of my hand. “Table 13: I’m outside waiting in my car, just like you requested cherry pie.” she bursts out into giggles as I snatch my phone back. 
“Let me have some fun.” this spurs her laughter on even more. 
I sigh grabbing my bag and stopping at the refrigerator. I grab out the plastic bag handling it carefully before rolling my eyes at my friend and walking up the back stairs. I find his car and he gets out taking my bags from me. I snatch bag the plastic bag with a smile as he puts my other bag in his backseat. 
“This is a surprise for you.” smile as he opens up the door for me. 
“What is it?” he smiles as he gets in on the other side. 
“You can wait until we get home.” I hum and he chuckles pulling us out of the parking lot. 
“How was work?” he turns down the music and glances at me. 
“I made some good money. I should be able to pay off this month’s bill at the hospital. Though of course my boss always tells me I can make more.” I sigh resting my head on the window. 
“Why don’t you?” his voice soft and curious. 
“I’m not that good at faking attraction and desire. I can’t turn away all the men I find unattractive, I mean that’s what I do already.” I chuckle. “There’s never been a man who’s swayed me enough to say “yeah tonight’s the night I make this man come in his pants.” you know?” I turn my head toward him. 
“I know what you mean. I think about that everyday at the shop.” he laughs shaking his head as we pull into my driveway. “So what’s my surprise?” he looks to the plastic bag. 
“Not until we’re in the kitchen.” I hum getting out of the car. He grabs my bag and follows me into the house. I tell him to sit in a stool at the island as I prepare a piece of pie for him. “You missed my third favorite today.” I place the pie in front of him. 
“I’m terribly sorry, baby.” he looks to me with amused eyes. “What’s today’s flavor?” he tongue darts across his lower lip. 
“Peach.” I hum and he pats the stool next to him. I walk over and take a seat while handing him the fork. He takes a bite and hums going in for another. He takes another piece and brings it to my lips. He slowly pulls the fork out of my mouth as I hum closing my eyes at the flavor. 
“This was a lovely surprise.” he takes another bite and switches off from feeding me and himself. “Let’s go try to fix your car.” he nods once the pie is gone. I follow him closer to the car this time and sit on the ground as he’s under the hood. 
“This is a better view.” my words low as I admire him. 
“I was thinking the same thing.” I chuckles looking at me from the corner of his eye. “So how was the diner today?”
“It was so boring without you there. No one was there to feed me pie.” I pout as I watch him pull out a piece of my car. 
“I just fed you pie in the kitchen.” he rises wiping his brow. 
“Yeah, but not at work.” I bat my eyelashes at him. 
“My poor baby.” he chuckles walking over to me. “I need you to try and start the car while I look under the hood.” he offers me his hand and he pulls me up and I quickly get into the drivers side.
“Now?” I ask not wanting to ruin anything. 
“Yeah,” he gives me a thumbs up. My car makes a terrible noise and I stop instantly. “Well fuck.” he sighs walking back over to me. 
“What’s wrong?” I look up to him. 
“I need another part.” he sighs resting his head on the door frame looking down at me. 
“Is this just an excuse to keep seeing me?” I reach up touching his cheek. 
“Do I need an excuse?” he tilts his head down an inch. 
“No,” my voice barely above a whisper as I tilt my head up. 
“Tell me what you want, baby.” he purrs dipping down ever so slightly as I lean up. 
“Kiss me.” I look to his lips before they fall into mine. It’s a quick kiss that leaves me frustrated and wanting more. “Kiss me again.” I huff. 
“Maybe tomorrow.” he chuckles kissing my forehead. I get out of my car practically throwing a tantrum. “Shut the garage baby.” he smirks leaning against his car until he disappears as the door shuts. I stomp up the stairs and collapse into bed. 
I step out the back door of the club and shiver at the breeze. If he wants to tease me over a kiss I’ll tease him right back. My heels click against the ground as I make my way to his car. He’s out of the car and offering to take my bag from me. I slip into the car trying to pull the oversized shirt down and give up. 
“Where are your clothes?” he rasps turning to me. 
“I forgot them. I borrowed a shirt and I have stuff on underneath.” he watches me try to stretch the fabric down. 
“Do you?” he raises an eyebrow. 
“I’ll change when we get home.” his eyes travel to my legs again before shifting us into drive. The tension in the car is palpable and this is either going to go exactly my way or I’m just going to look desperate. We get to my house and he follows me inside like normal. 
“Do you want something to drink?” I turn reaching up to grab a glass and I feel the shirt slip up. 
“Baby.” he growls from the island. 
“Sorry.” I turn to him with a glass. “What can I get you?” I look up at him through my lashes. 
“Come here.” his voice low and I slowly come to his side. 
“I forgot pie today.” I whisper. “Can I offer you anything else?” 
He pulls me into a kiss and lifts me up onto the island. I gasp as the marble chills my skin as his hands grip my thighs. I whine into his mouth as he digs his fingers in. His hands start to travel up as I squirm and he pulls back. 
“I’d like to have a taste of you tonight then.” his fingers slowly spreading my thighs. 
“Yeah, please.” I whine nodding my head. He smirks before dipping down and trailing wet kisses across my thighs. He places a kiss over my covered slit and I shutter trailing my fingers through his hair. He pulls my panties to the side and groans as he looks up to me. 
“This is okay?” he asks again and I nod pushing his head down as he chuckles. 
“Yes, fuck yes,” I cry out as his tongue licks around my bud. He starts a quick rhythm that has my breaths coming out in pants. My hips grind against his face while his fingers hold onto my hips. His tongue slips down to my core and circles the entrance before bringing more wetness up to swirl around my bud. My legs tremble at his speed as my pleasure starts to coil. I come undone as he licks me through it as I moan above him. 
“That’s my new favorite. I’d have that every day.” he rises up licking his lips. He pulls me off of the counter as my chest is still heaving. “Go put clothes on and meet me in the garage.” he kisses my forehead and walks to the garage. 
I get up the stairs on wobbly legs as I throw my bag onto my floor. I take off my clothes and slide into shorts and a shirt and make my way back down to table thirteen. I should ask him his name but then I know I’ll get attached. I walk into the garage and sit down on the floor near him. 
“Tell me about your day.” I hum watching him. 
“I had a lot of clients in the shop today and none of them were simple fixes which got a little frustrating when my team couldn’t help either. It was a long day.” he signs resting his hands on the car frame before turning to me. “This makes up for it though.” he smiles. 
“If you had a long day you can come back and finish it tomorrow.” I furrow my brow rising. “Or whenever you have time. I don’t want to be demanding. I know the time is so inconvenient but it’s the only time I have and-“ 
“You can’t be demanding if I offered and I don’t mind the time, I promise.” he rests his hands on my arms. 
“Thank you.” I look to him with soft eyes. “I really do appreciate everything.” 
“Tomorrow I promise I’ll have it done. Text me when you need me to come get you.” he smiles packing up his tools. “Have a goodnight.” he leans against his car and watches the door shut. 
As I step on stage I scan the room as normal and my breath stops when I see my moms doctor. I almost turn and run off stage but I genuinely need this money. As I make my way to the center I can feel his eyes on me as he sits back. I try to keep the sultry smile on my face that only falters when I’m facing back stage. When the song ends I wave and exit quickly. 
“The man in the front who looks expensive wants to talk to you.” my boss says coming through the door. 
“I’m not doing a dance for him. No.” I shake my head looking into the mirror. 
“He just said he knew you. You don’t want to look bad in front of rich clientele do you?” he raises his eyebrow waiting for me to walk to the door. I groan getting to my feet. I better not regret this. As I step out the door to the main floor I put on my smile. 
“Well, go over there.” he nods encouragingly and I turn to him and glare. I walk over to my mother’s doctor with my nerves pouring out of me.
“Some of my nurses told me you worked here and I didn’t believe them.” he smiles up to me from his chair. 
“I have to pay my mom’s bills somehow.” I look down to him with a raised brow. 
“If you give me a dance I’ll pay next month’s bill.” his eyes darken. 
“I don’t think that’s appropriate and I don’t do dances.” I start to pull back. 
“Two months.” he grabs my wrist. I look around the club and my boss is nodding encouragingly and I feel helpless. He pulls me down onto his lap and I gasp. “Three months then.” I try to hide the horror of my reality. 
That’s a lot of money he’s offering. It would allow me to save up and get more ahead on my payments but at what cost? Walking into the hospital and knowing this man was all over me and paid thousands of dollars for me to sit on his lap. My boss starts to walk over with a drink and I shake my head hoping he leaves this situation to me. 
“A drink for you.” my bosses voice is celebratory. “You’re the first to get her in your lap.” 
“Is that so.” he smirks looking me over. 
“She’s very particular about her clientele.” my boss chuckles handing the man a drink. “On the house for doing the impossible.” he winks at us and walks away. 
“Three months pay for you to give me something to think about with my wife?” I blink trying to hold back my disgust. I relent because that money could change everything for me right now. I bring my leg to the other side of his thigh and his smile is predatory. 
“Three months pay and we’re staying right here.” my voice firm as I rest my hands on his shoulders as he nods his head. 
I try to block out the next ten minutes and the way his hands feel on my body. My outfit stayed exactly where it needed to but it didn’t make me feel any better about the gaggle of men staring at me. Once I’m backstage again I go to my locker and pull out my phone as I start to pull on clothes. 
Cherry Pie: Can you pick me up?
Table 13: Of course baby. Where and when?
Cherry Pie: The club and now
Table 13: Omw is everything okay?
Cherry Pie: Yeah I’ll see you soon
I sit on the side of the building smoking a cigarette holding my knees against my chest. I blow the smoke up into the sky and curse the stars for my shitty life. I groan as I hear the door open and turn and see that it’s the doctor. 
“I was wondering where you ran off to.” he smirks looking down at me. 
“My ride is almost here.” I murmur taking a long drag. 
“Those will kill you.” he tsks. 
“Sooner rather than later I can only hope.” I sigh hoping table thirteen gets here soon. 
“We can go to finance tomorrow and we’ll get it all paid.” his voice soft and it confuses me. 
“You don’t want to do it anonymously?” I furrow my brows. 
“No moneys money, they won’t talk.” he shrugs before slipping back into the club. I rise to my feet as I see table thirteens car pull around the corner. 
“What’s wrong?” he searches my face as I get into the car. 
“I just- We can talk about it at home.” I shake my head as he pulls us away. The ride is silent and different and I know he can tell something is wrong but I just feel like a baby. 
“Tell me.” he holds the door open for me as I get out. He takes my bag from me and follows me into the house. 
“I was baited- no, I don’t know, I guess it was my fault,” I shake my head. 
“You can tell me.” he goes to cup my cheek and I shrink. It’s not that I don’t want him to touch me I just feel dirty and like I need to boil my skin off. “What did your boss make you do?” his nostrils flare and I feel his temper rise. 
“My mom’s doctor was there and he kept asking my boss to talk to me so I went out to the floor and that’s my fault I guess.” I huff at the way my voice breaks. “I don’t know, I ended up on his lap and his hands were all over me and I just- I need to shower.” I pull him up the stairs with me. 
“I can work on your car while you shower.” he voice low as he follows me into my room. 
“You said you would beat up my boss for even asking me to do that and now that it’s done I’m scared, thirteen.” I turn to him. 
“Benji.” my eyes find his quickly. 
“Benji.” I look up to him seeing him in a new light. 
“Y/n.” the smile that spreads across his face is contagious. 
“Go take a shower, Y/n. I’ll wait right here for you.” he lays back on my bed as I lock myself into my bathroom. 
The hot water and steam melt away everything that came with today. Three months of my mom’s medical bills were paid and I want to feel relief but I don’t know how I’ll face her doctor. Benji. My mind drifts to him and I smile as I scrub myself. His tongue was perfect last night and I can’t help my mind drifting to what else he can do. I wrap myself in a towel and push the door open as steam pours out. 
“How was your shower?” he props himself up on my bed. 
“It was good.” I hum walking over to the bed. “I thought about you.” he chuckles. 
“And what did you think about?” his tongue darts across his lower lip. 
“I need a distraction from today.” my words soft as I drop my towel. 
“Are you sure?” he searches my eyes before even looking over my body. 
“Please Benji.” I nod my head and he has me under him on my bed in seconds. 
I sigh as he attaches his lips to mine. His tongue pushes into my mouth and caresses against mine. I whine into his mouth as he grinds against me and the feel of his pants has me squirming. He chuckles kissing down my neck and licking across my chest slowly making his way down. 
“I need a taste of my cherry pie.” a moan falls from my lips as his tongue licks up my center. 
His rough hands hold my hips down as he swirls around my wetness. My body trembles as his tongue focuses on my bud. One of my hands tangles in his hair while the other one teases and caresses across my chest. My hips jerk against his face as he dips down and pushes his tongue into me. 
“Fuck Benji,” he groans against me and the vibration pulls a string of moans from me. “Right there, yes,” I roll my hips against his nose and release against his face with his name on my tongue. 
“You’re so fucking hot.” he groans as he stands to start pulling off his shirt. 
“So are you, why do you think I keep you around?” my voice still breathy. 
“And here I was thinking you liked me, baby.” he chuckles sliding his pants down and I groan looking at his length. 
“When did I say I liked you?” I smirk as he crawls over me. He lines himself up with my core and pushes in slowly. My toes curl with every inch as small gasps leave my mouth. 
“How’s it feel?” he rocks his hips into me. 
“Like I need you to move.” I whine as I push my hips against his. He chuckles and starts to slowly move his hips as I squirm beneath him. He snaps back into me as he captures my lips before beginning to rut into me. I moan into his mouth as my pleasure begins to coil. He kisses down my jaw to bite across my neck as his name falls from my mouth. 
“You’re doing so good for me.” he coos never losing his rhythm. The coil that was building snaps at his words and he curses into my neck as I pulse around him. 
“Benji,” I whine breathlessly as he continues to push into me. Broken whimpers leave my mouth as I feel pleasure starting to build again. My nails dig into his shoulders when his fingers find my sensitive bud. 
“You gunna come for me again?” he purrs as my eyes start to roll back. I nod my head as I pant beneath him. His thrusts become erratic and a string of curses leave his mouth as my walls contract around him. He pushes into roughly before I feel his warmth spread throughout. He rests his forehead on mine as we try to catch our breath. I sigh as he pulls out and collapses next to me pulling me closer. 
“Just stay.” I mumble as I feel my eyes droop. 
“Fuck what time is it?” I jump up from the bed untangling from Benji who groans wiping his eyes. I check my phone seeing that I have about twenty minutes until I need to go visit my mother and get her bills paid. Which I don’t even want to think about at this particular moment. “Fucking taxis,” I mutter pulling up the phone number. 
“I’ll give you a ride to the hospital.” I turn to see Benji sliding on his pants. “Get dressed and we’ll head out. Don’t worry, I’ll wait in the car.” he chuckles kissing my forehead before slipping into the bathroom. 
I pull clothes on and we’re out the front door in five minutes. I’m walking through the main hospital doors shortly after. My mom is awake and happy and I do everything I can to avoid the doctor’s gaze. He stands a little too close to me but I try not to make a big deal. 
“Well, I’m going to head out..” I hug my mom and kiss her cheek. The doctor follows me out of her room and a shiver goes through my body. 
“Let’s go to finance, I have a break.” he says lowly before walking to the nurses station. I wait for him at the elevator and as we share the small space I beg for the elevator to move any faster. I watch as the secretary types into her computer and hands me a receipt paying for the next three months. I nod at the doctor and flee the hospital. I make it to Benjis and he offers me a smile. 
“How was she today?” he turns to me. 
“She was okay.” I nod my head fidgeting my fingers. 
“Do you want me to drive you to the diner?” he grabs my hands to settle my nerves. 
“I don’t- I’m calling in.” I shake my head not in the mood for the diner today. 
“Home?” he asks. “I can finish your car.” he smiles. 
“Yeah that’s good.” I nod my head and we make our way back to my house. 
I trudge into the front door with him close behind me. I grab us a drink before we make our way back to the garage. I sit on the ground lost in thought about the past 24 hours. I can’t even appreciate this man in front of me and my brows furrow. 
“What’s wrong?” he looks at me from under my hood. 
“I should start getting ready for the club soon.” I sigh looking up to him. 
“Go get ready and I’ll finish up down here.” he nods to the stairs and I slip into the house. I take another boiling shower and start to detangle my hair. I grab a crowd favorite outfit and slip it on before putting sweats on over it. Benji knocks on my bedroom door and leans against the frame with a smile.
“It’s all fixed, baby.” he jingles my keys. 
“Really?” my face lights up and I grab my keys from him and bound down the stairs. I jump into my car and it starts right away. “You’re a lifesaver.” I beam up at him. 
“Of course. Anything you need.” he hums. “I guess I don’t get to drive you home anymore.” he pouts. 
“You can still come over in the middle of the night.” I nibble on my lower lip. 
“Text me when you want me.” he offers me a quick kiss. “I’m going to head out and check on the shop. Maybe I’ll see you later.” his smile causes my heart to skip a beat and I nod my head. 
I decide to leave early for the club and see if anyone wants to go home early. I feel so stupid for calling into the diner. Just because I’m a couple months ahead doesn’t mean I can slack now. I shake my head confused as I see Benjis car. I park and start walking up when the front doors burst open. I gasp as I see my boss thrown to the ground.
“I didn’t make her do anything.” my boss has his hands raised as my breath catches. 
“You knew she was uncomfortable and always told you no.” Benji grabs my bosses shirt. “Do you want me to hit you again?” 
“No.” my boss wails as I look on with wide eyes. 
“No means yes to you I heard.” he chuckles before landing blow after blow on his face. I stumble towards them in shock. 
“Benji,” my voice breaks. “Benji, please.” he stops and looks up to me as his eyes soften. 
“You’re fucking crazy and you’re crazy if you think you’ll still be working here.” my boss turns to me. “You both better be gone before I call the cops.” he rises and staggers back into the club. I look to Benji with tears streaming down my face. 
“Why?” my voice breaks. “Why did you do this? You know I need this job.” I move back as he steps towards me. “My mother’s life is on the line.” 
“No.” I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to see you again. I told you not to do this. You just fucked me over Benji.” I walk backwards to my car keeping my eyes on him. 
“Y/n, please,” he looks at me with pleading eyes. 
“I can’t do this.” I shake my head and grab my handle. I get into the car and peel out of the lot with no destination in mind. 
masterlist 🔌 
part two will be in the works soon xx 
taglist ✍️ 
@clarityisnofun @gabriella-aesthetic @callsignwidow @llynx7 @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @thatgirl101blog @ashovertheriver @zanygot7straykidsbonk @hueanhdang @malfoycassimalfoy @april-notthemonth69 @anaviieiraaa @p45510n4f4shi0n @neocockthotology @thereaderwitch
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
On this here day, GRRM wrote an entry clarifying several things about the dragon lore in his novels, and it vindicates so many Dany stans/Daenerys as the Azor Ahai:
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Saying dragon "mysteries", in-world, will be revealed in the last two books AND Septon Barth got a lot right. I'm taking that to mean that dragons change sex (Viserion, here you come, baby!), like two particular Twitter mutes I have (danylanzhou and Branwynwitch). It also seems like he's confirming that dragons and the first 40 Valyrian families (which include the Targs, then and now) mixed dragon blood with their own in some long past ancient event AND that only these families, therefore, can bond with dragons to rides them safely or befriend them.
Which means Nettles is definitely of Valyrian/Targ-descent, which really should have been obvious. One of my mutuals also asserted that this makes the idea of Nettles-Sheepstealer/Rhaena-Morning being interchangeable for their supposed HotD merging GRRM-disapproved bc he makes a point to say that dragons don't tend to move far from their lairs that are usually very high up in mountains and volcanos. Sheepstealer can't be going to the Vale while having a lair in Dragonstone:
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As for the thought of Sunfyre flying miles to get to Dragonstone...this is where he/they were born and where the real magic that sustains dragons is coalesced from hundred of years. It makes sense for him/them to fly to this castle even if Aegon weren't there after he had been bodied by Meleys/Meleys & Vhagar, looking for recovery. This is where the Targs get most of their eggs/dragons and it is near where most dragons in Westeros make their lairs.
Note that he says, in the very last paragraph, how:
Fantasy needs to be grounded.  It is not simply a license to do anything you like. Smaug and Toothless may both be dragons, but they should never be confused. Ignore canon, and the world you’ve created comes apart like tissue paper.
It appears he is VERY not happy about something to do with dragons in the show's second season, how they bond in the show, how a certain dragon is "explained" to have traveled a too-long distance for a certain pale-locked young girl who has been trying to hatch her own dragon for years...I see you GRRM, fighting for Nettles AND Rhaena I see.
Oh, and just bc he said he liked epi 2, doesn't mean that he cannot critique anything about HotD ever again...he is the writer and creator of this universe that they are capitalizing on. As long as a writer of any genre stays logically consistent and relatively undiscriminatory in their original writing, they definitely can tell any of us readers what is real and not real or possible in their own creations! That this is even up for debate is a travesty to logic.
Mind you, this is the same man who said the show and the book are two separate canons AND that adaptations "nowadays" tend to fail bc the adapters think they can make the story "better" and ignore critical lore details. And in his latest commentary on HotD's S2 first two episodes, he says, and I quote:
“Rhaenyra the Cruel” has been getting great reviews, for the most part.   A lot of the fans are proclaiming it the best episode of HotD, and some are even ranking it higher than the best episodes of GAME OF THRONES.   I can hardly be objective about these things, but I would certainly say it deserves to be in contention.   The only part of the show that is drawing criticism is the conclusion of the Blood and Cheese storyline.   Which ending was powerful, I thought… a gut punch, especially for viewers who had never read FIRE & BLOOD.   For those who had read the book, however… Well, there’s  a lot of be said about that, but this is not the place for me to say it.   The issues are too complicated.   Somewhere down the line, I will do a separate post about all the issues raised by Blood and Cheese… and Maelor the Missing.  There’s a lot to say.
Note that the latest post was about epi4 and this one I just linked is only abt epi 1 &2....so where are his thoughts for the hated/comedic epi3?! (we see each other, George). (BTW, I gave my thoughts on his thoughts about 1 & 2, HERE.)
I'll say it once again: though GRRM praised the portrayal of grief, defended Cheese being lost, and loved the dog (the last I don't fault anyone for, I also loved them) in the Blood & Cheese episode, he also expressly talks AROUND how Blood & Cheese and Helaena actually interacted and comments on the Maelor-lessness (therefore the lack of Sophie's Choice) that many people--inclu myself--have been saying was a huge problem.
Now we have two different sources that seem to support the ideas of:
GRRM both not being as "involved" with the actual writing of this show for a bit AND not approving of a lot of critical changes
HotD's writers cannot create anything truly "canon" or "real/true" for this universe, it only can make any sort of "sense" if it also retrieves information from the original tale, which is not really just F&B but THE ENTIRE SET OF AVAILABLE BOOKS!
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hihhasotherfixations · 11 months
Kinktober Day 12: Hate/Angry sex - Price x Reader
Kinktober Masterlist
CW: fem!reader, rough sex, oral (m!receiving), unprotected p in v, angry Price - though not at you
So, the reason these fics of the last few days are late are cause ‘twas my birthday! So I’m catching up now but I figured for my birthday day fic I’d go a little more out than usual, hehe. Enjoy Price using you to blow off some steam ;3
Word Count: 3468
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Walking in through the door, John slammed it shut, an anger and vitriol radiating off of him that had you wide-eyed and silent in a second, sitting on the couch and watching him.
“John?” You asked, but it was like he didn’t even hear you as he kicked off his boots, dropping his bag with only a little too heavy a thunk before he stalked into the house, an angry frown on his face.
Immediately, he walked over to the liquor cabinet, pulling out a scotch and pouring himself a hefty glass, not even bothering with the ice he usually so meticulously put in whenever he poured himself a drink.
Leaning back on the couch, you looked at him, a worried look on your face. “John. Big bear.” You finally got his attention with the horrible nickname you only ever used to tease him, though this time, there was not a hint of teasing or mischief on your face, your brows pulled up in worry. “What’s wrong?”
Taking in the deepest breath you’d seen him take in a long time, it almost seemed as if he was trying to reel in his anger before he sighed out deeply, rounding the couch and crashing down into it right next to you, nearly sitting down on you and spilling his drink; though it was clear his mind was somewhere else as his face twisted up in frustration. “Fucking Norris thinks he can ground my team because he’s ‘higher rank’.” He spat, making air quotes at the end as he took off his hat and slammed it onto the coffee table.
“Whoa, hey, what happened?” You ask, placing your hand on his thigh, to which John started tapping his fingers into his knee.
“Colonel Norris – bastard that he is – decided to ground my team because of a mistake his men made while we worked together a month back. An op went wrong because of it and now he’s making it a whole case, trying to spin it on my team.” John seethed, his fingers stopping their tapping as he instead started bouncing his right leg, frustrated. “Because it’s being investigated, we’re not allowed to go out until it’s solved. But we had a fucking target right in our grasp-!” John sat up, his hand wringing an imaginary neck before he huffed out a frustrated breath, falling back into the couch as he covered his eyes with his hand.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry.” You frowned and John sighed deep, sitting straight to throw back half of his drink in one go, barely even reacting to the burn as it glid down his throat.
“We’re not getting this guy in our sights again. It took me three months to track him down and right as we were planning a mission to get him, Norris comes with this shit!” He hissed, partially turned to you now, just ranting to you. “And I’ve had problems with Norris in the past in Urzikstan but back then it could be excused by him simply following orders from higherup, but this time it’s completely him and I’m bloody done with this bastard!” He growled to you, a fire in his eyes that didn’t seem to want to die out anytime soon.
“Is there anything you can do?” You asked, hoping to diffuse the situation a bit though it had the complete opposite effect, firing John up even further.
“I already tried everything! I sent e-mails, told Norris in person to just hold it off for a week, spoke in meetings about it but this molded muppet used his rank to override any of my requests!”
Seeing he was not going to be stopping, you knew you had to do something.
“How the fuck am I supposed to do my job when he is coming in here during one of the most vital times happening in the last half a year?! For a thing we didn’t even do?! It’s ridiculous and I’m gonna-!” “John- John?” You stopped him mid-ramble, turning his face towards you. “You’re getting too worked up. You need to blow off some steam.” You spoke softly, watching him huff out a breath as he tried to reel himself in, realizing himself he was just throwing everything on you now.
“I know, but I really can’t be bothered. I’m not going to the gym and I’m through my cigars this month. I’m not doing anything else today, sorry Y/N but-“ “That’s not what I meant.” You interrupted him again.
At that, his brows furrowed in confusion and you shifted on the couch, leaning towards him and placing your free hand directly on his crotch, your lips centimeters away from his, causing his breath to hitch.
“Plenty of ways to blow off steam without leaving the house.” You whispered and John groaned, shifting as just your touch – palming him – had him turning hard ridiculously fast.
“Darling, it won’t be pretty.” He gasped softly, trying to keep his composure as he closed his eyes, his lips pressed in a tight line while he leaned forward to slowly place his partially drank scotch on the coffee table.
You however, leaned in and started peppering kisses down his neck while he moved back to lean properly into the couch, having deposited his drink. “I don’t need pretty. Seeing you so worked up is just doing things to me.” You admitted, continuing to palm his crotch, feeling his erection straining against the fabric of his uniform.
Groaning, John just threw caution to the wind, grabbing your hips and yanking you onto his lap, his mouth slamming into yours.
You barely had any time to squeak before it was a mess of teeth clacking and tongue, John wasting not a single moment to claim your mouth for himself while his hands went down and tightly grabbed your ass, squeezing.
Pulling your hips into his, he practically forced you to straddle him as he began to thrust up, rocking his bulge against your crotch desperately.
It rubbed straight against your clit, making your eyes flutter shut as you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing back with fervour.
His hands wouldn’t stop groping your ass, running up and down the expanse of it before he released his right hand, using it to smack the flesh hard. “Take it off.” He commanded, barely breaking the kiss to say it, his teeth nipping at your lower lip.
“O-Okay.” You whispered, trying to catch your breath from the intensity and suddenness of the situation, only to get a firm squeeze to your rear again - you better hurry up.
Getting off his lap, you took off your pants, pushing them down and stepping out of them before looking at your husband.
His eyes were roving your thighs, his pupils blown out before he reached out and held you by the back of the thigh, right under your ass as he pulled you in. “Be good for me and take it all off.” He rumbled as he slid forward on the couch, leaning in to place his lips to the front of your panties, grazing his teeth across it and making you shudder.
“Yes, sir.” You whispered, getting an approving squeeze to your thighs as you then pulled your shirt over your head, unclasping your bra as well.
While you did that, John’s hands roamed up your ass, slipping under the fabric of your undies and up until he turned his hands around and gripped the fabric, bunching it up before tearing it off your ass, leaving you completely naked as he simply dropped it to the floor.
Gasping as he ruined your panties and threw them, you didn’t even have time to protest as John locked his arms under your ass and lifted you as he got to his feet, starting to carry you to the bedroom.
“God, you’re exactly what I need right now.” He murmured against your stomach, his beard rubbing across your skin, making you close your eyes.
“Use me however you want.” You whispered, one of your hands tangling in his hair, making the man groan softly.
“Are you sure, love?” He asked, kissing your stomach while he kicked open the bedroom door, only half an eye used to navigate his way around the house.
“Positive.” You smiled and a little growl left the man.
Before you knew it, you were dropped onto the bed, your husband crawling over you with intent. Yet before he could fully eclipse you, you placed your hand against his chest, stopping him.
“What?” He grumbled, clearly unhappy by being stopped but you just smiled.
Seeing the sly look in your eye, John narrowed his own, trying to deduce what you were planning as you slowly moved out from under him, sitting up while he followed until you lowered yourself off the bed and down onto the floor.
“Thought I could do what I wanted.” He challenged, his chest deeply moving up and down, betraying how worked up he actually was.
“I’m just here to help you along.” You grinned, moving between his legs as you then reached for his belt, starting to unbuckle it, never breaking eye contact as you opened his pants.
As you moved to pull the clothing down his hips, he gripped your wrists. “No, darling. If you want to suck it, you can. But I’m in control. Understood?” He asked, dropping your wrists to instead fish himself out of his underwear, hard and leaking a drop of precum.
Swallowing softly, you couldn’t take your eyes off of his cock, a low chuckle leaving the man when he noticed. Reaching out, he placed his left hand on the back of your head, pulling you closer while his right hand gripped the base of his shaft, angling it towards your lips.
Without complaint, you parted your lips and took him into your mouth, immediately starting to suck.
Feeling that, John let his head fall back as he groaned, slightly rocking his hips. “Fucking hell-“ He hissed and you smirked around him, making the brunet snap his head down to you. “Don’t get cocky.” He warned and you innocently looked up at him, hollowing your cheeks as you sucked, taking him a little deeper into your mouth.
Groaning, his brown furrowed in irritation as he clenched his jaw, his hand tightening in your hair as he then pulled your head down, making you take him even deeper.
Getting the reaction you were hoping for, you moaned around him, sucking as you bob your head, John helping you by beginning to move your head up and down, clicking his tongue to try and stay quiet when he felt your tongue swirling around him.
“God, keep that up.” He grunted, starting to lightly buck his hips up into your mouth while he pulled your head up and down.
Closing your eyes, you just relaxed your throat, letting John begin to fuck your mouth as he shifted to sit on the edge of the bed, his hips beginning to speed up.
Almost as if a switch flipped, John groaned as he began to lose himself, leaning forward over you as he thrusted into your mouth, moving deeper and deeper until you gagged, spit gathering at your lips as he continued to move, pleasure curling through him.
Reaching out, you placed your hands on his thighs, doing your best to stay put, tears in your eyes as he became more and more vocal, pushing past your gag reflex.
His hips eagerly pumped into your throat, his tip hitting the back of your throat as you drooled around him, both of his hands cradling your head, pulling you down onto his cock in time with his thrusts.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum-“ John choked out, abruptly pulling out of your mouth, making you gasp for breath while he panted, his left hand holding the base of his cock, almost as if he was stopping himself from climaxing.
“J-John-“ You whispered but his right hand moved from holding onto your hair, down to your chin.
“Get on the bed.” He ordered through his pants.
Wiping the spit away from your mouth, you nodded and slowly got up, climbing onto the bed while still trying to catch your breath.
Grunting softly, John shifted onto the bed again, spreading your legs as he then spit onto his fingers, reaching down to rub through your folds, only to find you absolutely dripping.
“God, you love me being rough, don’t you?” John huffed, spreading your slick onto his fingers as he then pushed two fingers into you, making you whine.
“Y-Yes.” You mumbled, blushing. Though he always held an air of dominance in the bedroom, John never truly lost himself, always being just a little too careful for your liking whenever he went onto the rougher side.
Pumping his fingers in and out of your cunt, John growled softly, his eyes dark and intense. “You want me to fuck you then? Blow off steam?”
“Properly, yeah.” You whispered, taking in a sharp inhale when he scissored his fingers in response, a slight burn appearing as he stretched you out just a little too fast, needing to be inside you but wanting to prepare you at least a bit. “Leave it.” You gasped, John tilting his head, still scissoring his fingers.
“It’ll hurt, darling.” He growled softly, leaning down to bite at the sweet spot on your neck he knew by heart.
“I want it to.” You mumbled, grabbing his hips and pulling him down, making John huff.
“So you’re working against my command now too? Not even letting me prepare you.” He grunted, still moving along with you as he rubbed his cockhead through your folds, spreading your arousal on it as he clenched his jaw. At his words, you nodded as you bit your lip and the brunet growled. “Very well.”
With that, he pushed into you, not waiting or letting you adjust like normal as he instead shoved in to the hilt, groaning as he felt your heat envelop all of him, his eyes closing as he paused.
Opening his eyes, he then looked at you. “You asked for it.” He spoke lowly, the gravel in his voice twice as prominent as he began to move, his hands shooting down to your hips to hold you down; no easing into it as he began to rapidly pump into you.
Gasping at the burning stretch, you threw your head back, whimpering out a moan as your husband began to fuck you, his hips slapping into yours as he took you with short and quick thrusts.
“My team disobeys me, my superiors sabotage my mission, and now my own wife won’t even let me take care of her properly.” John hissed, a fire burning in his eyes as his thrusts intensified, strokes long and deep.
Your walls clenched around him as you moaned, a flush to your face from the anger and irritation radiating from him as he pounded into you, keeping you pinned down to the bed as you tried to buck away from him and into him at the same time. 
“Stay still.” He growled, the sound of skin slapping echoing in the room as he kept you down on the bed, his tip pushing into your g-spot with every thrust.
“Fuck-“ You gasped, making John groan as he moved, his eyes half-lidded as he could feel every ridge of your cunt, wrapped so tightly around his shaft, rubbing into him as he pushed in and out of you.
“That’s right, take it.” He hissed, his left hand moving up to squeeze your breast while the fingers on his right dug into the side of your ass. “Just like that.” He praised, his voice still rough as he leaned his face back into the crook of your neck.
“John-“ You gasped, only for him to sink his teeth into your skin. “Shut it.” He grunted, bucking his hips into yours in a frantic pace, his cock hitting deeper because of the new angle, rutting into your cervix and making you cry out.
Feeling the entrance of your womb, a loud groan escaped the brunet, his tip bashing into it repeatedly, sending waves of pleasure and slight pain through you, making you moan out more.
“Fuck, you feel good.” The man grunted directly into your ear, making you whimper.
Huffing, he couldn’t take it anymore, pulling back from your neck to tear his shirt from his body, throwing it off the bed and allowing you to see the hair dotting his torso, leaning down into the v-line and happy trail connected to his cock currently thrusting deep inside you.
Groaning, John pushed his pants and underwear down his thighs, not willing to stop fucking you just to take it off, simply accepting it as he felt relief washing over his sweaty body, no longer completely cooking in his clothes.
Seeing his chest bare before you, you whined and reached out, running your hands down his pecs, feeling the coarse hair on his chest, hiding the scarred, warm, soft skin underneath. As you trailed further down, your lip between your teeth, John suddenly grabbed your wrists, swiftly pushing them down above your head.
“Did I say you could?” He growled, punctuating his words with a hard thrust, making you moan out. “Stay put.” He huffed, holding your wrists down with one hand while his other moved to your waist, holding you down while he slammed his mouth to yours, his chest pushed into you.
Whimpering into the rough kiss, your eyes rolled back as heat grew in your abdomen, feeling him fuck into you, your toes curling as he bottomed out with every thrust.
Pounding roughly, John was huffing against your lips with every thrust now, sweat gathering on his brow and running down his back, causing a sheen on his skin mirrored on your own, the exertion and pleasure coming to a head.
“John, please-“ You moaned, your legs weak and trembling, feeling your head start to go light as the heat spread, your walls clenching slightly around his shaft.
“I know, shit-“ John groaned, rutting into you with fervour as his cock began to twitch, feeling you clench around him.
Whining out a moan, you clenched your eyes shut as you arched your back, John moving his lips from your lips down the center of your throat, his teeth nipping and biting as he groaned out a moan of his own, trying to stave off his orgasm as he slowed down his thrusts, getting rougher.
“Fuck, please!” You cried out for him, only for his thumb to descend onto your clit, making you moan loudly as your back fully arched, your cunt tightly clenching down on him.
Feeling that, John moaned, his cock twitching while you came around him, your walls spasming and squeezing tightly, making him groan out low and desperate, his hips bucking as he continued to rub your clit, stretching out your orgasm.
“Good girl, good girl-“ He panted like a mantra, his hips bucking quick and sharp into you, your pussy so greedily taking him in, your arousal coating his entire shaft and leaking down your thighs.
Whimpering out as you came down from your high, John thrusted just a few more time before moaning low in his throat, shoving deep into you, filling you up completely before he released himself inside your walls.
His cum, thick and plentiful, spurted into you, making you whine out at the feeling of it splashing against your walls, your entire body flushed as you panted, exhausted and spent, your throat and voice raw.
“Bloody hell.” John panted, staying inside you as he lowered himself onto you, his arms on either side of your face holding him up while he tried to catch his breath. “Are you okay?” He mumbled after a moment, pressing kisses to the apples of your cheek.
“Never better.” You panted out, letting out a short and light chuckle before you reached an arm up and placed it onto his cheek. “Are you?”
Leaning into your palm, his eyes finally seemed to have calmed the storm, instead holding a loving look towards you. “Definitely a lot better.” He smiled.
Carefully, he rolled onto his side, taking you with him, refusing to pull out as he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
“I love you.” He murmured, kissing the top of your head.
“I love you too.” You replied, closing your eyes as you snuggled into him. “If you’re ever angry, you know where to find me.” You teased and John let out a rumbling laugh, kissing the top of your head again.
But then again, he was definitely considering on taking you up on that offer.
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anghraine · 1 month
I had a longer, grumpier post about this that I've been drafting (it's past midnight but I'm delaying lying down for COVID+asthma reasons), but I actually do also find the raw quotes about Elizabeth at Pemberley pretty funny. Her impressions of the expensive interior are like:
It was a large, well-proportioned room, handsomely fitted up. Elizabeth, after slightly surveying it, went to a window to enjoy its prospect.
The rooms were lofty and handsome, and their furniture suitable to the fortune of their proprietor; but Elizabeth saw, with admiration of his taste, that it was neither gaudy nor uselessly fine,—with less of splendour, and more real elegance, than the furniture of Rosings.
Mrs Reynolds could interest her on no other point [than Darcy]. She related the subjects of the pictures, the dimensions of the rooms, and the price of the furniture in vain.
they were shown into a very pretty sitting-room, lately fitted up with greater elegance and lightness than the apartments below; and were informed that it was but just done to give pleasure to Miss Darcy, who had taken a liking to the room, when last at Pemberley. “He is certainly a good brother,” said Elizabeth, as she walked towards one of the windows.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth's impression of the land:
The park was very large, and contained great variety of ground. They entered it in one of its lowest points, and drove for some time through a beautiful wood stretching over a wide extent. [...Pemberley was] backed by a ridge of high woody hills; and in front a stream of some natural importance was swelled into greater, but without any artificial appearance. Its banks were neither formal nor falsely adorned. Elizabeth was delighted. She had never seen a place for which nature had done more, or where natural beauty had been so little counteracted by an awkward taste.
The hill, crowned with wood, from which they had descended, receiving increased abruptness from the distance, was a beautiful object. Every disposition of the ground was good; and she looked on the whole scene, the river, the trees scattered on its banks, and the winding of the valley, as far as she could trace it, with delight. As they passed into other rooms, these objects were taking different positions; but from every window there were beauties to be seen.
They entered the woods, and, bidding adieu to the river for a while, ascended some of the higher grounds; whence, in spots where the opening of the trees gave the eye power to wander, were many charming views of the valley, the opposite hills, with the long range of woods overspreading many, and occasionally part of the stream. Mr Gardiner expressed a wish of going round the whole park, but feared it might be beyond a walk. With a triumphant smile, they were told, that it was ten miles round. It settled the matter; and they pursued the accustomed circuit; which brought them again, after some time, in a descent among hanging woods, to the edge of the water, and one of its narrowest parts. They crossed it by a simple bridge, in character with the general air of the scene: it was a spot less adorned than any they had yet visited; and the valley, here contracted into a glen, allowed room only for the stream, and a narrow walk amidst the rough coppice-wood which bordered it. Elizabeth longed to explore its windings; but when they had crossed the bridge, and perceived their distance from the house, Mrs Gardiner, who was not a great walker, could go no farther, and thought only of returning to the carriage as quickly as possible. Her niece was, therefore, obliged to submit
On reaching the house, they were shown through the hall into the saloon, whose northern aspect rendered it delightful for summer. Its windows, opening to the ground, admitted a most refreshing view of the high woody hills behind the house, and of the beautiful oaks and Spanish chestnuts which were scattered over the intermediate lawn.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 2 months
A fairy's true name
Earlier I wrote about how much trouble I had finding even one example of a fairy trying to learn a human’s name to use it against them, but folktales where it is the other way round do exist!
Until recently the best example I had for this “use a fairy’s true name against them” plot, was Rumpelstiltskin (and all its variants, for there are many). But technically the Rumpelstiltskin plot itself is not enough to claim that knowing a fairy’s true name gives you power over them. After all, a specific deal was struck between the fairy (or dwarf, or imp, etc.) and the human, with the finding out of the name releasing the human from their debt to the fairy. (Best examples including a fairy: Peerie Fool, Tríopla Trúpla, Titty Tod).
But it turns out that the tale type “The name of the helper ATU 500” contains stories in which I would argue it is made clear that knowing a fairy’s name holds power:
In these stories a the supernatural creature in question is a helpful house spirit or neighbour to the human, but immediately leave them forever as soon as they (sometimes through trickery) find out their name, after they refused to tell them:
Hoppetînken, a mountain dwarf (German, Kuhn, 1859)
Gwarwyn-a-throt, a spirit/elf/bogie (Welsh, Rhys, 1901)
Silly go Dwt, a fairy (Welsh, Rhys, 1901)
And these stories contain what I would call “strong circumstantial evidence”:
In Winterkölbl (German Hungarian, Vernaleken, 1896) a grey dwarf who lives in a tree makes a young king guess his name before he will (somewhat reluctantly) consent to let him marry his human foster daughter (she was abandoned, he did not steal her!).
In The Rival Kempers (Irish, Yeats, 1892) an old fairy woman sets a young woman the task of guessing her name, but then gives it to her freely (with some extra help to win her good fortune), because she was polite and generous to her.
Conversely, in The Lazy Beauty and her Aunts (Irish, Kennedy, 1870) the three fairy women who help the protagonist with her spinning, weaving and sewing, actually introduce themselves by name, but they are clearly nicknames: Colliagh Cushmōr (Old Woman Big Foot), Colliach Cromanmōr (Old Woman Big Hips), Colliach Shron Mor Rua (Old Woman Big Red Nose).
But my two favourite examples are Whuppity Stoorie (Scottish, Chambers, 1858; reprinted by Rhys, 1901) and The heir of Ystrad (Welsh, Rhys, 1888, reprinted in 1901). I'll summarise them below the cut:
Whuppity Stoorie (Scottish, Chambers, 1858; quotes from Rhys, 1901)
A woman is left by her husband. She has a baby boy to feed and her only hope is that her sow will have a big litter of piglets. However the sow gets ill and as the woman weeps with the fear that the pig will die, she sees an old woman coming up the road. “She was dressed in green, all but a short white apron and a black velvet hood, and a steeple-crowned beaver hat on her head. She had a long walking staff, as long as herself, in her hand --” This “green gentlewoman” tells her that she knows the woman’s husband is gone and that the sow is sick and asks what she’ll give her if she cures the pig. The woman heedlessly promises her anything she likes. So the green woman cures the pig with a spell and some oil and then reveals that she wants to have the woman’s baby in return, thereby revealing to the poor woman that she is a fairy. The fairy is unmoved by the woman’s sorrow, but does reveal that: “I cannot, by the law we live under, take your bairn till the third day; and not then, if you can tell me my right name.” Luckily the woman overhears the fairy woman singing her own name and gets to keep her child by addressing her as such, after which: “If a flash of gunpowder had come out of the ground it couldn't have made the fairy leap higher than she did. Then down she came again plump on her shoe-heels; and whirling round, she ran down the brae, screeching for rage, like an owl chased by the witches.”
The heir of Ystrad
A young gentleman hides in the bushes to see “the fair family” dance on the river bank. There he sees the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and wants more than anything to win her for his own. He jumps in the middle of the circle of fairies and grabs her by force, while all the others flee. He is kind to her, but keeps her captive, and eventually she agrees to become his servant. She steadfastly refuses to tell him her name though, no matter how often he asks. One night he once again hides near where the fairies play and he hears one fairy lament to another that last time they were there, their sister Penelope (Pénĕlôp) was stolen by a man. He returns home joyfully, calling is favourite maid by her name, which greatly astonishes her. The young man finds her so beautiful, industrious, skilled and fortunate, that he wishes to marry her. “At first she would in no wise consent, but she rather gave way to grief at his having found her name out. However, his importunity at length brought her to consent, but on the condition that he should not strike her with iron; if that should happen, she would quit him never to return.” They marry and they lived “in happiness and comfort”. She bears him a beautiful son and a daughter and through her skill and fairy fortune they grow richer and richer. But one day while trying to bridle an unruly horse the husband accidentally hits his wife with the iron bridle. As soon as the iron touches her, she vanishes. But one cold night she comes to his bedroom window one more time, telling him that if ever her son should be cold, he should be placed on his father’s coat, and that if her daughter should be cold, she should be placed on her petticoat. Then she disappears forever.
I adore both of these stories. Whuppity Stoorie is probably the clearest example of the power of a fairy's name. But The heir of Ystrad is as good a fairy bride story as The Shepherd of Myddvai and that has been a beloved favourite of mine for as long as I can remember. Either way they're both wonderful takes on the power it grants to know a fairy's name.
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ak319 · 1 month
Yan Princess x fem reader
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(Warnings: Possessive, stalker, betrayal, )
Your name in the story is Deniz
Part I
(Your POV)
"But Clara what we can do is ---with the help of the Mayor perhaps negotiate with them. I think they would agree, I mean that family loves doing charity don't they?"
"Yup, they do, Leo. But not behind the scenes. When the camera is off, they are just another ordinary, rich, money-hungry family." My boss Clara sighed for the umpteenth time and took her glasses off. I sat quietly on the sofa listening to their banter for the past ten minutes.
Our organisation, Redwood High Social Work was now facing what seemed like a dead end regarding the 1 acre of land that was designated to be made into a proper field for sports, not only for Redwood but for Knights High which was affiliated to Redwood and was a school for Special Ed. They really deserve that ground. Every kid deserves a good sport and imagine the numerous events we can have in the field. But somehow everything isn't so easy. We received an email last night which was apparently from the palace! Like THE PALACE! We thought that it was a prank but in the morning the Mayor's secretary sent us one clarifying that yes, it was from the palace. And what it stated was that and I quote
''....the field itself isn't the issue but the forest behind it is the property of the Royal family. God forbid none of us would want anyone harmed if there happens to be any hunting activity taking place. Keeping this in mind, it is therefore requested that your honourable organization reconsider its plans and if any compensation is desired, contact the number XXXX...."
"Just read this posh ass shit. I cannot believe the Mayor ditched us like that." Clara snarled flailing her arms once more making Leo rub his temples. I noticed a few gray hairs on the back of his head. Poor guy really be getting old early due to Clara.
"He didn't ditch us Clara. He did what any person would do, listen to the higher-ups. DUH?!"
"Higher ups?! Seriously Leo? Where were these higher-ups when we officially signed ownership documents and paid for the fucking land levelling equipment?! Do you think they gonna refund me? NO! Even if they do it will be half of the amount. Those were the school's funds LEO! The principal will get chewed on by the parents and in both schools! God....I don't---I can't just wrap my fucking mind around this whole scenario. That forest is literally at the edge of the field. The fences have been already built around 2 years ago. There are no reports of any animal attacks. And it's not like we are not going to monitor our children. Do we look stupid to them?! And I swear Leo and Deniz...they don't own that forest. I checked it a million times. Nobody goes there but oh now they do? Kiss my ass! "
I took a deep breath and put down my laptop down on the table before walking over to her desk.
"Maybe, Leo is right. We can only sort this out via a meeting."
"Meeting with who Deniz? I see only one solution. That is to sue them. Imma sue them, Imma sue the mayor too. Like where is he now? Huh? Did he just use us as some campaign pawns? Did you see his fucking website? WE ARE THERE! BUT NOW LOOK WE DON'T HAVE THE FUCKING GROUND. Imma sue his ass." She ran her hand through her curly black locks in anger. I definitely can understand what she is going through. Frustration. Anger. Sadness. But we all need to think instead of rant.
"I did see it, Clara. But you need to calm down. We need to come up with something solid. And suing the royal family? Can we even do that?" I looked at Leo who shrugged.
"See? We are not making any sense right now. What is done is done. So, I was thinking like---we can use the power of media as well. Why don't I call in Alfie and get your words on the front page tomorrow? He is looking for some hot tips as well these days." Alfie was Clara's cousin and a pretty seasoned journalist too.
"Get my words on what exactly?. We need to-" She breathed in for once before continuing "We need to have a chat with both of these parties first, Deniz. Go and keep reaching the Mayor's office. We will get rid of him first. Leo, go inform Knights about this fuckery but feed them some words of hope as well like 'we are working on it and it will be sorted', gotcha? Also, ask them to keep it to themselves. I don't want any parent drama."
"I already sent e-mails to the Mayor's office. Also what about Ma'am Layla?" I referred to our school's principal.
"I'll explain this to her myself." With that, everybody got to work. Honestly never thought that a degree in Science in Policy could lead to such a problematic job. I thought everything was going to be cookies and rainbows. But meh. People ruin everything. And I mean some assholes and I know exactly who this might be. But I need to be calm and focused right now.
Anyway, why is the Mayor even siding with the Royals --- since when are they interfering in the government?. Just as I was thinking this I got a notification on my phone. YES! An email from Emilia, Mayor Alex's secretary.
It said that Carla is invited to a meeting tomorrow. Mhm. This is good news then. Better go tell her.
Fast forward to tomorrow, we were heading to the Mayor's abode. Not his office. His home. Which was odd. It was only me, as I was the assistant to the project manager, and Carla herself, the project manager/organization head, and the driver.
"So don't worry about the talking I'll-"
"You will handle it. I know. Just don't use the word sue ten times in a row and we will be good."
"Deniz, come on. Everybody loses their marbles sometimes. Didn't you once break everything in your room just because your food order was cancelled due to rain or something like that?" She whispered to me about my meltdown. My eyes widened in embarrassment, making her laugh.
"I assume you the most humble Carla, never experienced the emotion "hanger". And guess what--I had my movie ready to be played and my pad changed. " I whispered the last part to her as well. "So yeah, my cosy time was ruined. I would wage a war for that."
"Pft. Imagine you being a Queen. You would wage war everyday then."
"Damn right." Although her words brought an uncomfortable feeling and bitter thoughts in my mind making me shiver but I remained composed.
We bantered and went through some points before finally reaching our destination. I said some prayers as I got out of the car wishing that everything goes smoothly and this gets sorted out today. Glancing over at Carla's blank look as she scanned the front door, I could tell she was hoping the same.
Soon the Mayor greeted us in his formal attire and led us to his veranda where someone else was present too. An old man but his poise screamed of experience and wisdom. His eyes seemed to smile when we entered but the rest of his face was stoic. He was introduced to us as Richard, the queen's butler of some sorts. Just great.
The discussion started and it was revealed by "MR. RICHARD" that,
"As a matter of fact that forest is a part of royal treasury but since this---trifle has started, the King has with open heart decided to hand it to your organization, but..."
All of three of us leaned and waited for the next words out of his mouth. God , he spoke so slow.
"only when Princess Kade returns back from Harvard." My heart dropped.
"And why is that?" Carla's blurted out, in favor of mine and Alex's curiosity.
"Because it is accorded in her name. Her property , her signatures." He spoke looking directly at Carla.
Alex sighed, "Well, this is still a good start. When will she be back?"
"In a month or so, sir. But don't worry, the field will be handed to you as soon as she arrives. She doesn't hesitate when it comes to her duties," Richard eyed me and I held his gaze as fiercely as I could.
That was the moment when my doubts were confirmed and hardened. I know exactly who is behind this and why. But for now, I think Carla's smile means a call for celebration.
(Your POV)
I stepped into my apartment and took a long shower which I had been desiring all day. But at the back of my mind I had a feeling that my feelings of anger and frustration instead of subsiding were about to explode more and that is what happened when I sat down on my sofa with my phone. A call from an unknown number. I picked it up but didn't say anything waiting for the other side to speak.
"Hello? Deniz?"
"Listen, please. I beg you to listen. If you are so keen to figure out that I did it, why don't you see WHY I did it?! Even these curses that you oh so charmingly bestowed upon me right now, you wouldn't do it Deniz if I hadn't done something, because you don't consider me even worthy of your hate Deniz. And here I am, begging for an ounce of affection-
"I didn't ask you to beg!" Her words don't ever miss a chance to rile me up. Why can't this delusional woman just leave me alone?
"You study at Harvard for God's sake yet you cannot--decipher the meaning of a simple word called NO. Why can't you accept-
"I WON'T ACCEPT IT! EVER!. BECAUSE IT'S BASELESS! Absolutely baseless! I refuse to accept it because I know deep down you don't mean-" She took a deep breath before continuing and I could also hear the sound of wind in the background. Almost as if something was hitting a hard surface and I instantly remembered. 'Yeah of course how did I forget she is using a fucking payphone ever since I blocked all her numbers.' How did I even manage to make her go to these lengths? Should I even blame myself? My therapist said no. Yeah. No Deniz, this isn't your fault. Don't you dare take it upon yourself for the crazy stunts of this bastard princess. Should I blame that whole match? That day, that event, that night?
It happened when I was in high school, part of the girl's cricket team in Southampton. After a match against another school and my striking performance as an outclass bowler, being responsible for taking out 3, star batswomen of the rival team, a girl from the audience approached me. Tall, reeking of elegance and mystery. My team captain, Reece whom I was standing beside at the time with some other teammates seemed to know the Princess as we would come to know later on. They both met through mutual acquaintances at a basketball match and were now very close friends. One thing to mention is that I had a thing for Reece due to her caring, charming and dominating presence on the field. I mean come on, she was quite a looker too with her sharp features and those green calculating eyes, her height, and golden brown hair which she kept mostly in a man bun. I always felt shy for no reason when we all would work out in the school gym and she would always come to scold my posture or cause my already pounding heart to nearly blast out of my chest helping me with her muscled arms and hands. LIKE WOMAN SORRY IF I AIN'T AS BUILT AS YOU! I wanted to scream "Hey! Stop treating me as a baby or if am weaker" But man come on, deep down I loved her care and touch. Can you blame my ass? Anyway, I digress. Back to that "After Match Moment".
Reece introduced her as a longtime childhood buddy and kept her background mostly vague and we were already exhausted after the match so didn't pay any heed anyway but mostly all of the team recognized her as the princess of the fucking land that we were standing on. Even though I was drenched in sweat and overwhelmed by the crowd — mostly parents and teachers and now a fucking princess standing in front, I still noticed Kade's lingering gaze on me. At the time, it was somewhat off-putting, but I decided to let it go. Little did I know how I would be drawn into such a heartless game, not only by Kade but also by Reece. I had trusted Reece as a mentor and a friend, and I even harboured a special affection for her that I never disclosed to anyone or dared to confess to her. Reece was the type of person who had many admirers, and my own insecurities made me feel like I could never compete. She could have anyone she wanted, so I focused on my studies and cricket instead.
After the meeting with Kade, Reece initiated plans for an outing which was very rare for her to do so. It was something Hana did, our wicketkeeper as she was the cheery one, the sunshine and the glue of the team. Others didn't seem to notice Reece's sudden change in demeanour, but I did as whenever we went to Reece's house or somewhere out, she seemed to avoid me in a way that is difficult to describe. Like she would be talking to me but not looking at me?. Also, Kade seemed to always show up and eventually became part of our friend group. Thank God she wouldn't stare at me as she did that night but still lingered around me. I always felt strange when we played cricket in front of her and even with her. She always was eager to ball herself when I used to bat and Reece let her do it first , every time. Kade once fixed my posture when I was batting. Like, excuse me?? I am a professional here. I know how to bat. Are you fucking kidding me?! I wanted to smash the bat on her head. Everyone except Reece thought that it was condescending for her to do that. And the fact that she touched me while doing it.
I too lost my shit at that time and did tell her politely that I know how to bat to which she apologised with a smile and backed off.
Reece straight up once "little sister zoned me" in front of everyone at her cabin during a BBQ and both she and Kade laughed as if it was the funniest shit they ever heard.
What shocked me most was Reece's behaviour few days after that. She really took the role of 'big sister' too seriously. She paid extra attention to me as if babying me and often I would find goodie bags in my locker or doorstep after practices and matches. I was...honestly just fed up. Like what fucking drugs are you on , Captain? First, you ignore me and then--this? Calling me and making me your sister? Giving me gifts? Like it took me so much to bury my feelings about her and she is "platonically love-bombing" me?
One day I had enough and texted her respectfully that I don't want all of this attention and I just wanted to be treated like a teammate as before. And asked her if she---likes me by any chance and she is doing all this to impress me. (Which is the one I hoped at that time of my youth and dumbassery that she would agree with and confess her feelings) Fate had other plans and hell broke loose when she rang me and informed me.
'Look, it's me giving you all that stuff but I ain't the one buying 'em', Dizzy. It's Kade, well she likes you and um--so ever since she told me about her crush on you, she sends me these to give em to you- and Dizzy---I can't say no to my friend ....who is also royalty. You should try to understand. She really really likes you. Trust me. She's a bit--aloof when it comes to expressing it. Especially since it's you." She chuckled lightly. "Honestly, you here made a princess scared of you, be proud of yourself...cuz Kade ain't easy to intimidate.."
That was when my whole world collapsed. So all of this ---bullshit--confusion--and- God...
After that, I confronted Kade face to face as Reece called her to school one day. She remained steadfast and pleaded to give her a chance but I was deep in anger and felt played. Not to forget the fact that dating a fucking royalty was not the thing I was even imagining at that point at 17 years old. Informing your parents you are dating a princess.....nah.
After that, I focused on my studies and game not talking to Reece other than when I had to about the match. I stopped hanging out with her. I hated her. She didn't care anyway as I would later find out from another teammate that Reece looked at me as not her sister but SISTER-IN-FUCKING-LAW! LIKE WOMAN?! During my absence and one of their "Chill Nights", Kade had made it clear to her in front of other teammates that Reece would be her best woman at OUR WEDDING!? Do you get the level of craziness?! THESE TWO WERE MANIACS! Thank God, I graduated somehow and Kade hadn't appeared in my life after the argument with her and neither did her gifts. I also broke off contact with Reece's ass and even rarely talked with other players but they were honestly more supportive and understood my side. However, Kade and Reece's sis-romance was off the charts. Just go marry each other, weirdos.
Fast forward to a few years and voila, Kade is back and more persistent than ever. Even Reece messaged me on instagram that I should get hitched with her as it's better for my future for which I retorted.
'Um, focus on your life, Reece. Heard you've got a league coming up' Yes, she is a national player now. FML. That was my dream too but I am grateful I ain't because she would be playing alongside me. Eugh!
'Also I can make decisions for myself and I don't appreciate people trying to coax me into anything I don't want to do, you know that very well. Match against the Kent Lionesses, 30 sept, 2013? Yes, didn't wanna do a spin, didn't do it and gave u a good 4 wickets. While Tanya was forcing me to do fast bowl. So please, get the fantasy of me being your BFF's wife out of your head.'
She indeed was unhappy but left me on seen after saying you are missing out on a great woman and a great life.
Right. Fuck you too.
Still fast forward to now and Kade is still looking for ways to connect with me and re-enter my life or trying to RUIN the one I have by creating such circumstances which all link back to her. I have blocked so many numbers of her that now she uses payphones.
I need a break.
Back to reality. Oh , she still is rambling.
The line goes silent. Good, now is my time.
"Bye." And I cut the call and powered off my phone. I immediately sent a text via laptop to Carla that I needed a prolonged leave as I was leaving for my (homeland/town). The perks of having a nice boss is that she agreed and didn't even pry much and soon I booked a flight and got ready to pack.
My mind however kept swirling with other notions. For example, what will happen if I say yes to Kade? What If I just never come back and consult all of this bullshit from the start with my family and come up with a plan to start an undercover life.
My body is so exhausted by the memories and anxiety that i just collapse on the bed and make a mental note to think over this during the flight.
Part II
(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Guys, I wanted to make it clear that I just don't like using (Y/N) in stories as I just hate typing it so I will be mostly naming you, the readers ♡. Yes you , my little family of 10 😭. I would like to know your opinion. Do hang around for further parts. Kade Emsworth's side coming up soon. )
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balkanradfem · 4 months
The christian side of tumblr found a post where I made a little joke about how religion puts women into servitude and it's going around gathering bible quotes and arguing whether this is about christianity or other religions x_x I never thought this day would come.. I didn't think christians were on here. And even though the majority of people arguing are christians, I never wrote down 'christianity', I meant all abrahamic religions.
I'm itching to go argue but I know deep in my heart there is nothing to be gained. These people are eager to mock and personally attack whoever is disagreeing with them and that is not a honest intellectual discussion that I crave. I think if you're religious you just have to avoid thinking things like 'why is that so' and 'isn't that awfully convenient' and 'what if this promised thing fails to materialize' because once you start having those thoughts, the entire thing falls apart.
I remember being 15 and realizing that the christian god has no actual use of us, no point in caring about us whatsoever, and no incentive to pay attention to what we do or don't do, but humans very much have a need to believe in the higher power that works to their personal advantage, and that there's someone 'up there' who will make things alright for them, that they have a higher purpose and that if they follow certain rules it will pay out. And this was enough for me to figure out that god didn't create humans, but humans created god, because humans have a need of a god, while god has no need or use for humans at all.
It was only later when I learned about feminism that I realized it wasn't only that, but that it was specifically made to control, exploit and oppress women, praising them for endless servitude, sacrifice, submission and platitude, all while consistently telling them they're filled with sin and never good enough. It's now ghoulish and bizarre to me that the symbol of their faith is a m*n being brutally tortured, that what we feel is holy is endless suffering and pain and death. We're told to aspire for that. That has nothing to do with spirituality, nothing to do with human nature or healthy and happy human lives. It's a worship of death.
There are promises that religious people make towards women, to make them believe it's a path towards true love, or endless rewards for being 'faithful' and 'pure' or a life where they feel safe from disasters, safe from being abandoned and betrayed. There's nothing in life that can guarantee that. Religion can however, offer certain people a community, it can provide services where you come and listen to stories, and stories come with morals (convenient and confusing morals, but people love engaging with moral-type stories and feeling they've learned something), it provides rituals and celebrations that cultures have integrated in their life (after it destroyed the original rituals and celebrations, but we don't talk about that), and it can provide a common ground of understanding for people (sadly the common ground is that women exist to serve and that this is natural). Sometimes it also provides a feeling of superiority for some people, enabling them to mock, humiliate and patronize others for their 'lack of religion'.
So I understand there are community related reasons a person might feel safer within a religion and having this common ground and community, common beliefs, familiarity and stories, rituals and celebrations, it doesn't come off as a horrible thing, especially when the majority of the culture does it. But other things it brings are painful for women, and often hidden. Encouraging hidden suffering, sacrifice, servitude, centering torture and death, and admiration of torture and death, instead of celebrating nature, life, the world we live in and how we interact with it. Centering males as creators when everyone alive was created by women. Dismissing wars, rape, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, genocides and male brutality, while endlessly shaming women for having feelings and not doing a good enough job pleasing the violent males. And generally making a hell for women when they have any thoughts about sexuality or lust.
I know me writing about it here will not have any effect on people personally attacking me for being ignorant and uneducated, but it feels good to write down the thoughts I've been having all day! Being forbidden from thinking in certain direction, forbidden from questioning my own beliefs, is something that plagued me for a big part of my life, and I will not have it anymore. I can say 'this is awfully convenient' when religions declare that m*n are leaders and women are supposed to follow and serve. I can say that putting up statues of a m*n dying in torture is fucked up and morbid. I can say that making me believe that I would go to hell, for not following every order I've been given, is a horrid thing to do to a female child. And I'm happy and grateful that I can think and say whatever I want, without any threat of damnation ever looming over me.
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finnick002 · 2 months
How to kill Mizora in act 3 without damning Wyll
A few months ago I made a reddit post on this matter. Thought I should share this tutorial with Tumblr folks too and add a few more notes plus an alternative method to it.
Players have discovered Flesh to Stone can turn Mizora into a statue, but this tutorial helps you erase Mizora's presence on the material plane. Both methods involves the use of illithid powers, meaning you have to absorb a few tadpoles. But, to quote Wyll, that's "a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things".
Method 1. Drain Intelligence -> Absorb Intellect
You need: A character who has gone through partial ceremorphosis and unlocked illithid power Absorb Intellect,
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A wizard/fighter/rogue (classes that use Intelligence for spell casting) who has unlocked illithid power Ability Drain, and a cleric/druid who is at least level 9. One character may satisfy more than one roles. If you're short on tadpoles, please refer to this page for the locations to find them.
Step 1. Let the wizard/fighter/rogue attack Mizora with any attack roll spells (e.g. Firebolt) to drain her Intelligence. Alternatively, equip Infernal Rapier and melee attack Mizora. Repeat until her Intelligence is drained to 1.
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Step 2. (IMPORTANT!) Let the cleric/druid prepare the spell Contagion. Cast the Contagion: Mindfire variant of it on Mizora. Wait for her to fail the saving throws 3 times. (She needs to succeed the saves 3 times to nullify this spell.)
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After 3 failed saves, Mizora will turn hostile due to the spell effect and a battle commences. This step is to make sure that you can safely kill her. Otherwise, your entire camp would turn hostile, and Wyll and Ulder would no longer be your allies.
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Step 3. Let the character who has gone through partial ceremorphosis use Absorb Intellect on Mizora. It is recommended that this character has a high initiative to act first. Once you successfully hit Mizora, the combat ends, your party gain 1 XP, Mizora teleports away but leaves a pool of blood on the ground.
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And then she teleports back - as a disintegrating corpse that turns into a pile of ash after 1 round. No loot from her. What a shame!
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Playing flute on her ash XD
Method 2. Drain Strength -> Summon Shadow -> Strength Drain
This method is very similar to the first one. You still need a cleric/druid and a character who has unlocked Ability Drain (preferably someone with high Strength), but no one needs to go through partial ceremorphosis. Instead, back in act 2 you need Gale to craft a Shadow Lantern in Moonrise Towers.
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Step 1. Equip Shadow Lantern and cast Conjure Shadow Lantern Wraith to summon a Shadow.
Step 2. Let the character who has unlocked Ability Drain to drain Mizora's Strength. You have many options like melee attacking her, or throwing rotten food, boots, underwear, or anything in your inventory at her. Repeat until her Strength is drained to no higher than 3.
Step 3 is same as step 2 in method 1 - Cast Contagion: Mindfire on Mizora and wait for her to turn hostile.
Step 4. Let the summoned Shadow use Strength Drain on Mizora. She shall die in the same way.
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Babygirl you do need a good rest after 7 years of abuse and torment!
So far, in my testings, dead Mizora doesn't affect Wyll's quest, nor does he have a reaction to it. However, it makes saving Ulder a bit easier: when Ulder steps outside of his cell room, the cutscene where Mizora shows up will be skipped. The spiders will still be summoned, but Ulder won't waste a turn forced to kneel.
PS. You may notice My origin Wyll here doesn't have horns but Karlach is also in my party. Some players have also discovered this way to trick Mizora in act 1, by knocking out Wyll every night until the party have entered Mountain Pass. I will post details about this after I get a reliable way to achieve it.
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comphy-and-cozy · 1 year
Every Summer Has a Story - Andrei Svechnikov
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Pairing: Andrei Svechnikov x Reader (f)
Summary: When you find yourself on vacation with an ex-fling that barely had time to get off the ground before disaster struck, you might find you're in more than you bargained for. An exes/enemies to lovers (ish) fic.
Word Count: 11.5K
Author's Notes: Written for @yuukiyu for @wyattjohnston's Summer Fic Exchange! I had a blast writing this and really channeling my own version of a Tessa Bailey-esque romance novel. S/O to @smileysvech for helping to brainstorm and to @cellythefloshie for beta'ing! Love and appreciate you both so much. Enjoy!
Warnings: Language, alcohol use/mention, smut (18+ ONLY), oral sex (f receiving), angst, fluff, there's only one bed!, wingman!Marty, shit communication skills, scruffy and sweet Andrei.
NHL Masterlist / Moodboard
Red pinpricks shone in the dark, glaring in the silence: 2:49am. The house was quiet, all its inhabitants sound asleep, dreaming peacefully. Except for you.
With a huff, you cast a glance at the figure on the other side of the bed, mustering the dirtiest glare you could as you heaved the blankets back in your direction, a task that proved impossible due to the death grip your bedmate had on the sheets. 
Six months ago, if you’d have told yourself that you’d be in bed with Andrei Svechnikov and hating it, you would’ve laughed until you cried. But unfortunately, you weren’t laughing.  Instead, you were left  wondering how the hell you ended up in this situation and asking the higher powers what you did to deserve this special form of hell. 
As you contemplated your predicament, your mind wandered back to the beginning of the Russian’s saga, thinking back to the first time you heard his name.
“I wasn’t aware this was going to be an ambush.”
Guilt washed over Marty’s face, while Nykki just burst into laughter. “It’s not an ambush, you drama queen. It’s an opportunity.”
“An opportunity? You mean an opportunity to get my heart crushed by some playboy millionaire jock—no offense, Marty—when he inevitably sends the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ text three months down the road?”
Nykki scoffed, while Marty raised his eyes in surprise, an amused smile curling at his lips.
“Come on, you know I have a point!” you said, waving your hands emphatically. “Tell me I’m wrong. Go on, tell me that 98% of hockey players aren’t trash human beings.”
Opening her mouth to argue, Nykki paused, then sat back to look at her boyfriend, who thought through his words carefully.
“There are a lot of bad eggs,” he said, “some of them my own teammates.”
Your eyebrows raised, hand outstretched as if to say, ‘I told you so.’ But then Marty continued.
“But not Andrei Svechnikov.”
Admittedly, when Nykki invited you over with the promise of a ‘proposition,’ you had an inkling that it would involve some devious scheme to get you on a double date with one of Marty’s teammates. The excitement in her eye when you were at her apartment for a girl’s night—a bottle of Cabernet deep, wistfully imagining having a close friend in her journey as the girlfriend of a professional athlete—was a little too earnest to be just a passing fantasy. 
“He’s a really nice guy. He’s so genuine… and kind. I really think he’d be good for you.”
Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you opt to play nice for a moment. “And why is that, Nečas?”
“Because even though he’s a ‘playboy’,” he exaggerated the air quotes with his fingers, “he came from nothing, so he knows the value of appreciating what he has and what he’s worked for. He’s the hardest working guy I know, without question.”
“I don’t know how to explain it, but I just know he’d be the sweetest boyfriend,” Nykki chimed in, ignoring the glare you sent in her direction, irritated that she was teaming up against you. “He’s so sweet to everyone. He just hasn’t found the right person yet.”
“Maybe that’s because he’s busy sticking his dick in everything that walks,” you said sarcastically.
“The guy’s 22 years old,” Marty said, and although your mouth was already open to retort, you fell silent. “And he’s making more money than he ever dreamt about as a kid. He’s young, single, and successful—of course he’s having a good time. That doesn’t mean he’s always going to be that way.”
Though begrudgingly, you had to admit that Marty struck a chord. You couldn’t fault the guy for having fun while he was young; it was what you’d do if you were in his shoes, too.
So, though you were still not fully convinced, you earned a squeal from Nykki when you agreed to a double date with Andrei: bowling and drinks. He was every bit as charming and kind as Marty promised, flashing his knee-weakening dimple at you every time he threw his ball with effortless ease.
The second date followed shortly thereafter—rock climbing followed by ice cream. If he was nervous, you couldn’t tell; instead, he exuded a confidence that was close enough to cocky without crossing the line, and it suited him. The heated kiss in front of your apartment door was nice, too, bidding you a farewell that tempted you to drag him inside your bedroom and fuck him six ways to Sunday. 
With a grunt from the man next to you, your memory replay vanished. Six months later, you couldn’t believe you’d ended up here, sleeping beside a man you once thought you might like to sleep beside for the rest of your life. Only this time, it wasn’t by choice, and you weren’t happy about it.
The trip was a farewell of sorts, to the season behind them and, briefly, to each other before everyone parted ways for the summer. Andrei and Pyotr were heading back to Russia for awhile, Marty to Czechia, and Jesse to Finland. Being the only non-NHL affiliated member of the party, you were the only one for whom this was a ‘normal’ vacation, and you’d report back in Raleigh at the end of the week. 
When Nykki extended the invite to you, you accepted under the terms that you wouldn’t have to spend much alone time with Andrei, but you did have to be cordial. Terms that you didn’t have a problem with, though the prospect of being on a trip with several other couples leaving you and Andrei the only single members of the group felt a little bit like a trap. 
But, Nykki reassured you, showing you the Airbnb listing that had a bed for each of you. Well, one was an air mattress, but you were more than happy to accept that as opposed to the alternative. 
It was all set, and you were actually looking forward to a week in the sun with your friends. The Airbnb was just as advertised: clean, well-decorated, and huge. Each couple had their own room, and there were so many bathrooms everyone pretty much got their own, something you were grateful for to have a little privacy.
You tucked your bag into the office despite Andrei’s insistence that he’d be happy to take the air mattress and let you have the remaining bedroom. Remembering your promise to Nykki, you threw a smile on your face and assured him that it was fine. He lingered in the doorway, and you imagined that he was probably teetering between wanting to push back and not wanting to argue less than 30 minutes after arriving. 
However, as you began to attempt to push the heavy desk closer to the corner to create more room for the air mattress, Andrei didn’t take no for an answer as he walked up beside you and moved it with ease.
“Thank you,” you said, biting back the sassy remark you wanted to make about being able to handle it yourself.
He waved it off with a small smile, exiting the room to leave you to settle in. 
It was all going swimmingly. Until it wasn’t. 
After laying out the air mattress and plugging it into the wall, you discovered a hole in it, making it impossible to blow up or stay inflated.
Nykki wandered in after hearing you cursing, quickly assessing the situation. She helped you search for something—anything—to attempt to patch the hole, but even after slapping a thick stripe of duct tape over the hole, it wouldn’t stay inflated for more than 20 minutes.
“You can stay with me. Marty—he can sleep on the couch,” she offered, though you could see in her eyes that making her boyfriend sleep on the couch wasn’t the ideal situation for her vacation that she’d been the primary planner for.
“No, Nykki, I can’t make him do that,” you shook your head. “I’ll be fine on the couch.”
The only problem with the couch was that while there were a few, they were all in the middle of the living room, allowing minimal privacy as well as blasting you with light as soon as the sun rose daily. It wasn’t ideal, but you’d slept in far worse conditions.
“You can share my bed with me.”
The deep voice surprised you, but not as much as seeing Andrei standing in the doorway, eyes watching the sadly deflating air mattress on the floor. Nykki’s eyes widened, glancing back toward you.
“No, Andrei, it’s fine. I’ll take the couch.”
“It’s a King bed. There’s way too much room for just me. You won’t even know I’m there.”
“That’s a great idea!” Nykki exclaimed, and for a brief moment part of you wanted to flick her in her gorgeous face, because although you knew she’d want you to enjoy yourself, she also wasn’t entirely convinced that the door was closed for you and Andrei. “Then you don’t have to deal with the extra noise when people start to wake up. I know you’re sensitive to the light.”
There wasn’t much arguing to be had, remembering your promise. Admittedly, after seeing the sheer size of the bed, you thought to yourself it wouldn’t be so bad assuming each of you kept to your designated side.
Which is how you ended up awake at 3 in the morning, shivering under the scrap of sheet you had left. 
Staring at the ceiling, you contemplated your options: 1) Stab him to death, 2) Suffocate him with your pillow, or 3) Go searching for an extra blanket somewhere in the Airbnb that you were calling home for the next 5 days.
Unfortunately, option 3 was probably the most logical, so with a heavy sigh, you rolled yourself out of the bed, allowing yourself to wallow in annoyance and frustration. Someone was looking out for you, though, for it only took a few minutes of wandering in the dark to find an entire closet full of soft, warm blankets. Selecting a fuzzy green one, you hugged it to your body before quietly tiptoeing back to the room. You had half a mind to slam the door, but thought better of it, since you had no desire to wake everyone else up.
You weren’t quiet, however, retrieving an extra sweatshirt from your bag before flopping back into bed, part of you hoping his sleep would be disturbed since he’d so effortlessly ruined yours. Warmth slowly began to seep back into your body as you turned your back to Andrei, sleep not far behind. 
The next morning, you woke up in a makeshift cocoon of your sweatshirt and the spare blanket you’d found the night before, tucked into the comforter. Squinting your eyes open in the light of the room, you were relieved to find Andrei was gone, affording you the delicious luxury of stretching your limbs without worrying about nudging him. 
Quiet chatter sounded from above you, along with the distant sound of feet padding on the tile floor, signaling that others were awake. After a few moments of introspection, you made your way upstairs to find about half of the group huddled in the kitchen, slowly sipping on their mismatched mugs amid quiet conversation. 
A low, murmured chorus of “Morning”s sounded when they saw you, taking a seat at the island next to Marty, who offered an affectionate nudge of his knee. 
Andrei was busying himself in the kitchen, cleaning up the empty wine glasses left on the countertop from the night before. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at how helpful he was being–where was that courtesy when he was snatching your covers? 
When he turned, his eyes landed on you. He frowned slightly seeing your expression, but if he wanted to say something, he opted not to.
“Coffee?” he asked, gesturing to the Nespresso behind him. With a quick glance around, you realized he’d made everyone their drink of choice—at least, to the best of his ability, given the limited selection. “I make a grumpy latte.”
“You mean ‘mean,’” Seth corrected. “‘I make a mean latte.’”
Andrei repeated the word, and you could practically see the gears working in his brain to commit the turn-of-phrase to memory. Then his eyes were back on you. “A mean latte, then?”
A steaming hot mug was placed in front of you a few minutes later. With a small, polite smile, you thanked him before joining in the conversation about the day’s agenda—not much, other than a day at the private beach, and a full barbecue feast later on. When you learned Andrei would be staying back with the boys, you quickly volunteered to head to the grocery store with Nykki to pick up supplies for the week.
Part of you was thankful that it was just you and Nykki, wanting to share your updates—and maybe vent a little bit. 
“So? How was it?” she asked, glancing at you from the driver’s seat once you’d parted from the driveway. “Maybe a little snuggle action?”
Rolling your eyes, you did your best to reign in your irritation at last night’s events. You decided against reminding her that it was her fault you’d been forced into domesticity against your will. “Ha. Fat chance. Turns out he’s a blanket hog. Don’t remember that from…”
Nykki’s eyebrows waggled at the way you brought up your rendezvous together. “Maybe you’d sleep better if you were both naked.”
“Nyk, please,” you said, though you granted a small chuckle at her persistence. “The guy is a dick. I’m extending an olive branch—for you—”
“—for everyone here.”
“Fine, for the sake of everyone’s well-being this week,” you corrected. “But I have no interest in renewing whatever that was—”
“—the start of a blossoming, budding, beautiful romance?”
“If that’s what it was, then he ripped up the roots and poured weed killer all over them.”
Pursing her lips, Nykki cast another glance at you, then conceded with a reluctant nod. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I still think there was a miscommunication or something.”
“His ex-girlfriend left his apartment in last night’s clothes, Nykki,” you said matter-of-factly. “I’m not really sure how that could be a miscommunication.”
She hummed, a non-response, and you allowed comfortable silence to settle between you two as she navigated the route to the grocery store. Looking out the window, you watched the trees roll by as you were swept back to the memory in question. 
Your keys jingled on their ring that was looped over your middle finger, a large green smoothie cold in your hand as you hit the elevator button with your elbow. Taking a sip of your own smoothie–mixed berry with vanilla yogurt–you waited excitedly as you watched the elevator floors tick down. Finally, it reached ‘LL’ and the stainless steel doors slid open.
Punching the 14, you glanced at yourself in the mirror, checking your reflection. Balancing the second cup in the crook of your arm, you fixed your hair and fluffed it up a little, checking your teeth to make sure there were no chia seeds in them. When the ding of the elevator signaled you’d arrived at your destination, you set off down the hallway with a flutter in your chest.
That flutter died quickly when a door down the hallway opened and a blonde girl wearing a wrinkled dress stepped out, bidding a final goodbye to the apartment’s inhabitants. Her hair was mussed, knotted, like she’d just woken up after a long night and didn’t bother to brush it out. The loosely buckled heels on her feet were the final indication that yes, this was certainly a classic case of a walk of shame.
In any other instance, you might be chuckling to yourself, offering a reassuring nod as someone who’d been in her shoes before. Except the apartment she’d just come out of was the very apartment you were heading to. And unfortunately, you recognized her easily from sleuthing on Instagram: she was Andrei’s ex. More specifically, the ex he’d just broken up with a few weeks prior, and you were the new girl in his life.
Or, at least you thought you were. Until right now. 
You were meant to be surprising Andrei with a smoothie from your favorite local shop, something you’d mentioned on your most recent date. When he’d responded to your text asking if he was home, he hadn’t bothered to let you know he was busy yucking it up with his ex-girlfriend.
As the pieces flashed together in front of your eyes, you felt your heart break. Maybe things weren’t going as well as you’d thought. Maybe after some time away, Andrei realized she was, in fact, the one he wanted, and it took being with you to realize that. Maybe you just weren’t his type, and she was.
Self-deprecating thoughts swirled through your brain, taunting you as you turned on your heel and marched toward the stairwell, unwilling to share the same air as her on the elevator, even if it was only for a few moments. Tears filled your eyes as you made your way down, flight by flight, your thoughts only getting worse as you wondered what you’d done wrong. 
By the time you reached the bottom, aggressively tossing the untouched green smoothie in the trash, you’d come full circle to end at one conclusion: You hated Andrei Svechnikov. 
The sound of Siri indicating an upcoming turn pulled you out of your reminiscence, blinking away the memory that still haunted you. While you knew Nykki was right—you had only been on a few dates with him, and there certainly had been no discussion of relationship status or commitment—you still couldn’t push away the fact of the matter that he hurt you. 
What made matters worse was that the dates you had been on were great. He was, as Marty promised, kind, funny, and the banter was the perfect flirt-to-roast ratio. Small though it was, the bud of your romance was just beginning to swell before it all came crashing down.
And the sex? Best you ever had. Like, legs shaking, heart pounding, mind-blowing, life-altering kind of ‘best.’ Funny how Marty had failed to mention that as a possibility.
So, needless to say, not only was sleeping beside him torturous for the sheer distaste you held for him, given everything that transpired, but having to sleep beside his half-naked body was torturous for a whole different reason. His muscles dipped and rippled with every movement, the sheer size of his biceps enough to make your heart flutter.
And that was only while he was asleep.
Awake Andrei was even worse, the dimpled smile paired with the form-fitting, too-short inseam swimming trunks that hung low on his hips, sans t-shirt of course, was enough to make you want to pull your hair out. You couldn’t deny that summer looked good on Andrei, and vacation looked even better; he was more relaxed, the time away from the rink working wonders on his mental health in ways he probably barely understood. His infectious smile was rarely not on his face, which also showed a few days’ worth of facial hair, peppered in along his jaw.
In any other circumstance, he’d be the perfect catch: tall, handsome, rich, amazing in bed. Except he was also a dick. And selfish, and inconsiderate, and an absolute fuckboy. Exactly like you predicted.
You’d told all of this to Nykki, who simply raised an eyebrow at you. She looked at you like she had something to say, like she was analyzing the thoughts inside your brain, but if she came to a conclusion, she kept it to herself, and after pulling into the grocery store parking lot, the conversation was all but forgotten.
A few hours later, the fridge fully stocked with food and plentiful drinks, you sat on the edge of the deck, leaning backward to feel the sun warm on your skin. Nykki was sunbathing beside you, Seth on your opposite side cuddling Gigi in his lap while he watched the others play an intense round of volleyball. 
The sound of the light chatter faded into the background as your eyes closed, allowing relaxation to sink into your bones. You might have had a less-than-ideal sleeping arrangement, but you were still on vacation in a beautiful home on a beautiful beach with your friends, an entire week free of obligation and surely full of core memories. The sun was shining, the ocean was blue, and you were going to make the most of it regardless of the Russian who’d hurt you. 
Coincidentally, your eyes opened moments before the feeling of being smacked in the leg jolted you up, quickly followed by the feeling of cold liquid on your foot. 
“Oh, shit, sorry–”
It took a moment to recognize that the volleyball had veered off-course and not only hit you in the leg, but spilled your drink in the process. And, of course, the culprit was none other than your bedmate, who was looking at you bashfully. It took everything in you not to let your eyes slide down to the way the rest of his torso was shining with a mixture of sweat and sunscreen that made him look like a fucking pageant contestant. His cheeks were flushed slightly pink and he was panting, another action that brought you back to memories you’d prefer not to relive. 
Seth tossed the ball back, breaking the very brief moment of tension between you and the Russian. Resisting the urge to scoff and roll your eyes, you instead waved your hand to show him it was no big deal. It wasn’t, of course, but it certainly didn’t help the irritation that dripped off of you in waves whenever he was around. 
Fortunately, all of it dissipated by the end of the day, you a few seltzers deep playing cornhole. Though you were partnered with Marty, you were conveniently side by side with Andrei, playing against Pyotr. You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol toying with your system or if Andrei’s hand lingered when he’d hand you the beanbags. Surely, though, it was definitely the alcohol when you felt a tingle where his fingers brushed against yours. 
You and Marty triumphed over the Russians in a close victory, celebrating with a late-night jump into the ocean and a warm, roaring fire waiting for you once you dried off. Taking your place in the seat beside Pyotr and slipping on a sweatshirt to cover your damp body, you watched with a grin as Nykki brought all of the fixings for s’mores on a platter.
“What’s a sah-more?” Andrei asked, his accent preventing him from understanding the American dialect.
“S’more,” you corrected. “Like, ‘I want some more.’ S’more. Because they’re delicious.”
Pyotr watched you, perplexed, as you demonstrated, grabbing a marshmallow from the bag and placing it on the end of your rod. Once it was perfectly swollen and golden, you crafted the sandwich, Seth assisting as you placed the graham crackers around the chocolate and marshmallow, pulling it off of the rod and squeezing. Andrei’s eyes widened when he realized—perhaps a little slowly—the point of roasting the marshmallows to make them soft and gooey.
“A s’more,” you said with a grin, handing the sandwich to Pyotr. Cautiously, he took a bite, and you couldn’t help but laugh when his eyes lit up.
“How do you know when it’s done?” Andrei asked, his tongue sticking out as he pushed two onto the rod you handed him. You were quick to take his hand and move it when he proceeded to stick the marshmallows directly into the flame, instead showing him where to hold it to allow for a more even roast. 
“You want to keep it moving so it gets an even cook,” you explained, Jesse watching you intently. “How you cook it is a personal preference—I personally like it when it’s a little crisp on the outside—but I would see how you like it golden first. That’s the classic way.”
Naturally, Jesse lit his on fire in an instant, Pyotr letting his swell so far that it fell off and disappeared into the flame. Andrei’s eyes stayed on you, studying the way you rotated the marshmallow, observing it periodically to ensure an even bake. When he was done, you showed him how to stack the sandwich and place the crackers to pull off the marshmallow cleanly. It was weirdly sweet and intimate and… domestic. You were quick to brush the thought away, like a bug that landed on your arm.
His smile when you handed him the s’more was more rewarding than the actual taste of your own. “Your first s’more.”
“Sah… more.”
“Close enough,” you said, then raised yours. “Cheers.”
Drunk, full, and smelling entirely of campfire smoke, you crawled into bed a few hours later content and happy. You didn’t even mind the dip in the bed beside you, or the soft sound of his breathing in the silence of the room. In fact, you found it almost soothing, allowing it to lull you to a seltzer-infused sleep.
It was the sneeze that woke you up, startling you from a dream you were having about Andrei. The details were hazy, but you remembered a sense of warmth and a flash of his dimple, along with the depth of his voice…
Murmuring a ‘bless you,’ you wrapped your arms around the pillow you were holding onto tighter as you snuggled in, hoping to fall back asleep for a little while longer.
But then the pillow started shaking, and the sound of deep laughter erupted beneath your ear, and all at once you realized it was not a pillow that you were hugging at all, but a human. And not just any human, but a man—a tall, handsome, Russian man. One who you were supposed to despise. No, one you did despise.
With a jerk, you pulled away, sleep still clinging to your eyes despite your surprise. “Fuck, what the—m’sorry.”
As your vision began to clear, you squinted amidst the light to see Andrei, grinning so wide his missing tooth was visible. The cross on his chest was crooked from sleep, and his hair was mussed in a really delicious, sexy way that reminded you of—
“We were supposed to keep to our separate sides,” you said, quickly retreating back to yours. The sheets were cold, and you instantly missed the warmth he provided as you tugged the blanket up to your chin to hide the goosebumps that erupted over your skin.
“I did,” he said, and even though he was right, it didn’t stop you from being annoyed. 
“Why didn’t you wake me up? Or move me?” you scoffed. You’re making it harder to hate you.
He shrugged. “You looked so peaceful. It didn’t bother me.  I know I’m a bit of a blanket hog when I sleep, so if I can keep you warm, I’m more than happy to.”
It was so sweet it was infuriating. Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you simply chose to offer a, “Thanks,” before sliding out of bed and heading to the bathroom. 
The warmth of his body tingled against yours as you changed into your swimsuit, though you did your best to shake the feeling. 
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The next few days passed quickly, a blur of swimming, catnapping in the sun, and full of laughter. You and Andrei managed to form an unusual routine, splitting privacy in the bathroom and generally avoiding each other outside of what was necessary. Since you were the only single members of the group, it was only natural for you to be paired up from time to time, adding to the already uncomfortable dynamic, but you made it work with minimal complaining. 
His kindness irritated you. It seemed genuine, almost like he couldn’t help himself, but it also felt like he was subtly—or not so subtly—trying to make up for what he did. It was strange that he’d never come out and addressed it, but, then again, neither did you, instead keeping that layer of vulnerability buried deep. When you complained, Nykki simply rolled her eyes at you, so you learned to keep it to yourself and let it fester. Surely a healthy option. 
It kept cropping up, though, when he’d return from the cooler with an extra drink for you and when he would check to make sure you had enough blanket before going to sleep, or the time that you turned around to ask Monica to rub sunscreen into your back only to find she’d dozed off and he volunteered bashfully. 
“I’m not going to bite, you know.”
“I might,” you said, mostly teasing but not entirely. You felt a little bad at the surprise on his face, unsure whether to laugh or to drop the sunscreen bottle and walk away. Unfortunately, the feeling of his large hands rubbing your back was divine, almost sinful, and you caught a small moan moments before it slipped past your lips. 
You found it almost nauseating to constantly flip back and forth between loathing, lust, and whatever else was in between. One moment, he’d be irritating the hell out of you, and the next, you found yourself daydreaming about the way his chain bumped against your chin when he—
“I know it’s pretty late in the day, but I brought you a coffee. The way that you like it.”
The sound of his voice made you jump, and Andrei murmured a soft apology. You were lying on a beach chair, sunbathing, engrossed in a romance book in which the main male character reminded you a little too much of the man you were sharing a bed with. The man who was standing beside you, offering you a coffee. He’d taken note of the way you’d rummaged through the small collection of spices in the kitchen, sprinkling a little bit of cinnamon on your coffee, and, without a word, continued to prepare your coffee that way every morning. 
See? Infuriating. 
Accepting the glass from his outstretched hand, you allowed the irritation that bubbled inside of you to simmer for a moment. You really did try to swallow it, to let the olive branch be enough, but then the words were blurting out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“Can you stop being so nice to me?”
Andrei’s brows knitted together, confused. You hated how dumb and cute he looked when he was confused. “Stop… being… nice to you?”
Well, when he said it like that, it sounded stupid.
“Look,” you sighed, “I am trying to be cordial because I made a promise to Nykki not to cause a fuss this week. I appreciate that you’re being so kind, but honestly, it really isn’t necessary. The bare minimum is fine with me.”
Ignoring the pang of guilt you felt when a look of hurt crossed his face, you sat firm while his eyes locked with yours. He was confused; you could see it in his eyes, and you resisted the urge to punch him for having the audacity to be upset that his feelings got hurt.
“I don’t even know why you hate me,” he finally said, quietly, sitting on the edge of the other chaise, eyes cast down at the deck. 
“I don’t—I don’t hate you, Andrei, you just–” you paused, briefly flashing back to the sight of the girl in last night’s dress. Then, you continued, hating how small your voice had gotten in the brief pause. “I thought we had something going, before.”
“We did,” he said quickly, looking up to meet your gaze, like he was surprised that you’d acknowledged your past. “At least I thought we did. I was crazy about you. I think maybe I still am.”
His words struck through your heart, softening the icy crystals that had surrounded it–though, admittedly, they’d turned more into slush over the last week with him. Confusing, infuriating, messy slush. “Then why… how could you–?”
Concern washed over Andrei’s face, turning to face you fully. “What are you talking about?”
“I saw her,” you said meekly. “Your ex–Maya–leaving your apartment that day. In last night’s clothes. I was coming to surprise you with a smoothie. It wasn’t hard to figure out it was a walk of shame, Andrei.”
Andrei’s eyes widened, and he turned onto his back before scrubbing his face with his hands. It took you a moment to realize he was smiling–laughing, actually. Instantly, you were filled with rage; how could he be laughing at you in a moment like this?
You sat up, the urge to punch him in the face passing quickly and making way to being fully ready to move your things to the couch, unwilling to even be in his presence any longer. What a fucking asshole.
“No, wait, I’m sorry—I’m not laughing at you, I swear,” he said, sitting up too, your movement catching his attention. The smile on his face had faded almost instantly, though there were still remnants of laughter in his eyes. Unamused, you paused, mentally giving him 10 seconds to start explaining or else you were marching back up to the house and making him sleep on the couch. 
“You aren’t going to believe me, but we didn’t—I didn’t… nothing happened between us that night, I swear.”
You raised your eyebrows, unimpressed, then blinked at him as if to say, ‘You’re going to have to do better than that.’
“I was out with the guys that night—I think I’d told you that—and she showed up at the end of the night. I said hi to her just to be nice, but she was pretty lit up. And there was a guy there who was being kind of creepy, and… she was just so drunk, I didn’t think she could make it home safe, you know? So I told her she could come back to my place.”
And? That doesn’t mean that you didn’t hook up with your ex that you broke up with and then went on a date with me, you thought. 
“I let her take my bed, and I slept on the couch,” he continued, as if he was privy to the thoughts in your head. “I didn’t—I wouldn’t have done that to you, and I wouldn’t have even wanted to with her anyways. Not after I met you.”
You swallowed. “You didn’t… sleep with her?”
Your heart sank as his words set in. Not because you were disappointed—in fact, you thought you were relieved—but mostly because in a matter of 3 minutes, you’d gone from annoyed, to fuming mad, to mortified beyond belief. You’d spent an entire 6 months hating this man for something he didn’t even do, all because you didn’t have the decency or decorum to confront him about it, and instead gave him the cold shoulder like a 14-year-old girl. You wished you could curl up into a ball and bury yourself beneath the towel forever.
Unable to bear his eyes on you, you covered your face with your hand as if it would take away the burning in your cheeks. 
“Andrei, I–” you stopped, the embarrassment far too strong to continue speaking for a moment. Then, swallowing, you decided on, “I feel like such a dick.”
“No, it’s okay,” he said, shaking his head with a laugh. “I would’ve been mad too, if I thought what you did. I’m honestly just glad you don’t hate me.”
“Oh my God,” you cried out, laughing at yourself as yet another hot wave of shame washed over you. “I’m so fucking sorry, Andrei.”
He smiled, his eyes soft on you in a way that said there was nothing to apologize for, even though you felt like you could—and likely would—continue to apologize every single day for the next six months, the same amount of time you’d spent hating him for nothing. The amount of time you’d wasted when you could’ve been with him.
What was worse, you realized, was that he’d been nothing but kind to you the whole time. Despite your more-than-frosty attitude, snarky quips, and general annoyance, he still stayed upbeat and chipper, never letting it dull his spirit. Marty had been true to his word, after all—not that you’d ever really doubted him.
“Could I—could I kiss you? Please?”
His question had your eyes snapping up to meet his, as if to make sure he wasn’t just pulling a prank on you. He was smiling, but not in a teasing way, and he was watching you, searching for any sign of hesitation. 
“I’m sorry if that’s too forward. I just… I never heard from you again, but I didn’t know what happened, and I dreamt of what I’d do if I ever got the chance with you again.”
Your heart of ice melted into a puddle, trickling warmth in your chest. He’d never given up hope despite your most irritable, ruthless, horrible self. He’d never given up on you.
Meekly, still shy from your horrific embarrassment, you nodded, letting him scoot closer to you before he was leaning into you, pausing just before his lips touched yours to allow you to change your mind. You didn’t, instead closing the small gap and pressing your lips to his.
It was sweet, soft, like the marshmallow in the s’more you’d made for him a few nights prior, filling your heart with warmth that you hadn’t felt since the last time he kissed you. In an instant, all of the irritation, sadness, anger dissipated, floating away with the feeling of his lips. 
When you pulled away, you couldn’t help the grin that spread on your face; it was automatic, curling upward until your cheeks hurt.
“I’ve wanted to do that all week,” he confessed, licking his lips as if to savor the taste of you.
“Maybe you should make up for lost time, then.”
His triumphant smile was the last thing you saw before his lips were back on yours, reacquainting themselves with your mouth. Large hands were quick to cup the back of your head, keeping you pressed against him—not that you had any desire to pull away. 
Your heart was pure liquid as he kissed you, surging through the clouds like a high speed jet, and you were unable to stop your tongue moving of its own accord to flick at the seam of his mouth. Andrei was quick to pick up the slack, allowing his own tongue to deepen the kiss. His fingers threaded through your hair and you sighed against his mouth, feeling the embers in your belly roaring to life under his touch. 
He wasn’t close enough, your body yearning for more. Fortunately, he seemed to be on the same page, his hands parting with your head in favor of trailing down your sides to your hips, encouraging you to shift until you were straddling his lap. It still wasn’t enough, but you couldn’t bring yourself to complain, not with the way his hands began to trail fire underneath the hem of your shirt, sliding against your skin. In a matter of moments, you’d gone from furious, to morbid embarrassment, to clouded with lust as you were enveloped by a blanket of steam.
When you heard the sound of Jaffa’s enormous paws bounding down the dock, it took a few seconds to remember that you were in a public space—far more public than you’d have preferred, given you were moments away from being topless. Quickly, you pulled away and slid off of Andrei, running a hand over your lips in an attempt to straighten up your appearance as you heard Jesse and Pyotr’s voices echoing down the path.
You snuck a quick glance at Andrei, whose lips definitely looked swollen, and his eyes were shining in a way that made you want to kiss him again. His eyes caught yours, and you couldn’t help the grin that washed over your face when he smiled at you.
Once Jesse and Pyotr reached the platform, they looked at the two of you sitting side by side underneath the cabana, though neither of them said anything. Pyotr’s eyes lingered for a beat longer, catching Andrei’s in a way that said he’d already figured out everything that just happened. You knew because it was the same way Nykki looked at you a few minutes later, pausing ever so briefly to look at the few inches of space between you before she was back to her task of putting Gigi’s life vest on.  
The rest of the afternoon passed slowly, distracted briefly by a rousing game of volleyball and tossing a water frisbee in the ocean for Jaffa and Gigi. Nykki had made a reservation at a nice restaurant on the beach at sunset, so you headed up to the house a bit early to shower and get ready. Alone in the bathroom, you had a few moments of quiet to yourself to reflect on how your world had been turned upside down in a matter of hours.
The contrast of feelings was strong, almost giving you emotional vertigo—moving so quickly from hate to… what? Figuring out how you felt about Andrei was going to be a strange journey, you thought, but something inside of you was eager to find out. As you thought about him, attempting to remove the incorrect assumptions you’d made about him, all of your other memories of him were fond, happy even, and you found that you were cautiously excited to spend more time with him without the hate-tinted-glasses. 
Naturally, the other part of you was hesitant, unwilling to trust him despite the fact that he’d already debunked your reason for mistrusting him in the first place. Though it wasn’t intentional, he’d still hurt you, or, rather, you were hurt by what you thought he’d done, which meant the possibility of him hurting you again was still there, regardless of the intention. No matter what Marty said, or promised, the door for getting your heart crushed was wide open. And that terrified you.
As you wrestled with the conflicting thoughts in your mind, a soft knock on the door startled you, nearly missing a poke in the eye from your mascara wand. 
“Can I come in?” Andrei’s voice was low, muffled by the door.
You hummed in approval, taking note of the flutter in your heart when he pushed the door open, a smile already on his face. His hair was wet, still dripping from a dip in the ocean, droplets sitting enticingly on his chiseled abdomen; you resisted the urge to watch one of them roll past the hem of his swimming trunks. 
“I, um,” he stuttered, casting his eyes down like he’d just intruded on a private moment, “I need to take a quick shower. I’m sorry to interrupt.”
“That’s okay,” you smiled—genuinely—and finished the last swipe of mascara. “I’m almost done anyways.”
Heat rose in your cheeks as he smiled again, squeezing behind you as you put your makeup away. Things were definitely different, a complete 180 from where you were at the beginning of the week. The feeling in your chest reminded you of how you’d felt after your first date: giddy, like a teenage girl with a crush. And you couldn’t deny the attraction you still had for him, the low pulse in your belly ever-present around his dimple and sculpted arms. 
Andrei stepped out of the bathroom as you were adjusting the straps on your dress in the bedroom mirror, and your eyes flicked to him in the reflection. Of course, his towel was slung low around his waist, the steam around him symbolic in more ways than one.
He swallowed thickly, his eyes connecting with yours. “You look really pretty.”
“Thank you, Andrei,” you said, bashful, resisting the urge to add, ‘You look really pretty, too.’
Tension was thick between you two in the car, though if anyone noticed, no one said anything. Perhaps, you thought, everyone assumed it was the usual distaste and bickering, but part of you wondered if everyone else could sense the change that had occurred between you in the lower level bedroom. His leg pressed against yours, strong and firm, warmth seeping into your own thigh as you did your best to ignore it.
Dinner would’ve been fine, if not for the fact that Andrei’s eyes continually drifted to yours, a sparkle in them like he knew a secret that you didn’t. The glow of the sunset looked like heaven shining on his face, bright and warm in a way that complemented his smile perfectly. He looked like a god, or some kind of divinity, with his perfect bone structure and the deep boom of his laugh.
All at once, it hit you. While yes, you’d made some incorrect assumptions, you used his ex-girlfriend as a crutch to run away because, really, he scared you. He was the first man to ever make you feel so comfortable, so naturally at home; the first one who had real potential of being somebody to you. You did like Andrei—maybe, probably, deep down, you never stopped. 
And if the way his hand lingered on yours when he helped you step into the car was any indication, maybe he felt the same way, too.
Once your revelation struck, it was difficult to think of anything else. It was like a curtain had been pulled back, a spotlight had been cast on everything Andrei. His commentary no longer peeved you, but made you laugh, endearing him to you and deepening the hole he’d made in your heart. His presence, rather than bothering you, enthralled you and set sparks alight in your chest. How could you have missed this?
Back at the Airbnb, a fire was quickly built and everyone gathered for another round of drinks and s’mores for dessert. Up until that day, it had been your favorite part: sitting around the crackling flame, telling stupid jokes and stories that eventually melded into deep conversation. But sitting there, mere feet away from Andrei, less than three hours removed from a realization that turned your world upside down, you could hardly wait until you could be alone with him in the privacy of your room. For the first time, you were looking forward to crawling into bed beside him.
Though you tried your best to act cool, you couldn’t help but glance at your wrist every five minutes, waiting all-but-patiently for everyone to decide they were ready for bed. Your lips burned from where he had kissed you, the feeling of his hands on your body seared on your skin. The warmth between your legs returned—or maybe it never left. If he was as excitedly nervous as you were, he didn’t show it; his relaxed exterior was almost enough to fool you that nothing had even happened between you, save for the low, subtle glances your way that told you no, it hadn’t been your imagination, and yes, he was very much anticipating lights out as much as you were.
It took everything in you not to run downstairs once the final embers of the dying fire were extinguished with water, instead matching Pyotr’s pace as he leisurely made his way back up to the house. You bid him goodnight, watching him turn down the hallway toward his room, and after checking that no one else was around to see you, you darted down the stairs toward the bedroom.
Andrei wasn’t far behind you, the sound of the door clicking shut catching your attention as you worked through your evening skincare routine. The tension between you was almost physically palpable as he sidled into the bathroom beside you, holding your gaze in the mirror.
As he brushed his teeth, his foot side-stepped to nudge yours, a subtle gesture that held so much more meaning. You smiled around your own toothbrush, very aware of his eyes on your ass as you bent forward to rinse. Part of you wished he’d take you right there, but then you thought about how much more space you’d have if you could just be patient for a few more minutes. 
Painstaking though they were, eventually you crawled under the covers, anxious butterflies swarming in your chest as you watched him slip into the bed beside you. For the first time that week, you both intentionally crossed the invisible line separating the two halves of the bed, meeting in the middle in a tangle of limbs and hurried kisses, like making up for all of the time you’d wasted. 
It wasn’t long before the pajamas you had thrown on were removed—part of you wondered why you even bothered, until he was chasing the fabric with his mouth, trailing slow kisses along your skin to replace the warmth. His hands traced the line of your spine, arching your back while his lips created constellations on your chest. Finally, his mouth followed the collar of your shirt past your neck, pausing to run his tongue along the column of your throat.
Once your shirt was tossed on the ground, he held eye contact with you as he descended back down your body, hands cupping your breasts before his mouth was on them, sucking and licking with a low groan. Your legs parted to allow him to settle between them while his hands worked their way down to your hips, reaching beneath you to squeeze your ass. The movement elicited a soft sigh from your lips, trying your hardest to stay as silent as possible to avoid anyone hearing you.
“Been thinking about this all week,” he murmured against your chest, “even though I wasn’t supposed to.”
Your mind was hazy, registering confusion a few moments late. “Why not?”
He paused, pulling back to look at you with an amused expression. “I thought you hated me until about four hours ago. Remember?”
Having his lips parted from your body allowed for a moment of clarity, and you laughed bashfully. “Oh, right.”
Nudging your nose with his, he smiled warmly before returning his lips to yours. You could feel his hands toying with the hem of your underwear, the grin curling on his lips against your mouth.
“What did you say earlier? I have to make up for lost time?”
Before you could even process a response, his hands were tugging your hips toward him, settling onto his stomach to make a trail of wet kisses on the inside of your thigh. The outgrown stubble on his jaw scratched at your skin, but you yearned for more, spreading your legs to encourage him to travel farther.
You could feel his chuckle against your skin, perhaps pleased with your eagerness, but instead of giving in to your silent request, he simply switched to the other leg. It wasn’t until you whined that he granted a small reprieve, pressing a kiss against your center, inhaling deeply.
“I sure missed you,” he murmured quietly, and you weren’t sure if he was talking to you or to your pussy. Perhaps both.
And then finally, his finger hooked into your panties, tugging them to the side as he feasted his eyes on you. His eyes were wide, tongue darting out to lick his lips like he’d just been presented with a five course meal. 
Andrei dove in, his tongue attacking your folds with an intensity you’d never seen before. He laved at your wetness, groaning once the taste of you hit his tongue, arms wrapping around your legs as he settled in. The scratch of his five o’clock shadow was delicious, sending sparks through your body that had every nerve alight in a glow. 
It wasn’t long before your fingers were carding through his hair, your legs pressing against his head as he worked you through an eye-rolling orgasm, doing your best to stay quiet. He was steady, patient, coaxing you through the final waves of pleasure, his eyes closed like he was enjoying it just as much. I doubt it, you thought.
You barely had time to process any words, brain fuzzy and toes tingly, before Andrei’s mouth was trailing its way back up your body, leaving a messy trail of his saliva and your cum on your stomach. Soon, his lips reached yours, reclaiming your mouth like he could barely stand to be away from it—though, if the rigid erection pressing against your belly was any indication, he liked the alternative plenty.
Which reminded you of a fleeting thought you’d had when his tongue was buried inside of you, which was that you wanted his dick. Very badly, in fact. So badly, that you didn’t even realize your hips were rolling up into him with a mind of their own.
“Andrei,” you whispered against his lips. Your hand fumbled its way down the toned peaks and valleys of his muscles, your final destination standing proudly at attention as it bumped against your pelvis. He twitched when you brushed him through his shorts. “Want you. Need you.”
He hummed, and then you felt his lips curl into a smile against your mouth. “Yeah?”
“What do you want, baby?” his voice was low, murmured against the skin of your neck as he trailed down. “Tell me.”
A whimper left you, and he nipped at your collarbone to remind you to stay quiet. “Y- your dick, Andrei. Please. Fuck me.”
Andrei paused, pressing his head against your sternum as he let out a guttural groan. “Been wanting to hear you say that for so long.”
His words earned a flutter in your chest, quickly heightened when his mouth attached to your nipple. He wasn’t in any hurry, and he seemed to be enjoying making you wait impatiently. Not that you could really think clearly with his tongue drawing sinful circles across your breast, sucking in a way that could only be described as worship. 
You weren’t sure if it was 30 seconds or 30 minutes later, but eventually he finally wrenched himself away from your body in favor of removing his shirt. Greedily, your hands moved to drag themselves over the impressive muscle of his core, feeling the ridges with your fingers the way you’d been dreaming of all week. Your attention span was cut short, though, when your eyes were drawn to the waistband of his shorts, fighting for its life to restrain the very erect appendage tucked beneath it.
Andrei wasn’t moving fast enough, and you felt like you were moments away from tears if you didn’t get him inside you right then, so you took the initiative to tug down his shorts. The sound of skin slapping against skin covered the sound of your sharp inhale at finally seeing him, completely bare again.
“God,” you said, “it’s so fucking… pretty.”
A smirk formed on his face, and briefly, you wondered how many girls had told him that before. Probably a lot. But they weren’t wrong; everything about the man felt like he’d been sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. 
Lowering himself down over you, caging your head in between his arms, he pressed another scorching kiss to your lips that sucked the air clean out of your lungs. “You’re so fucking pretty.”
In any other circumstance, you probably would’ve become bashful with a shy smile, but you could feel the heavy weight of his dick resting against your thigh, throbbing, and you found yourself unable to focus on anything else. You spread your legs, allowing him to fall into the cradle of your hips, before rolling them upward in an attempt to entice him.
He loved it, drinking in your enthusiasm in contrast to the sharp glares and snarky comments you’d given at the beginning of the week. But he didn’t let it deter him, instead taking a hand and tracing the outline of your lip with his pointer finger. You savored the warmth of it before he was dipping it into your mouth, then a second. Surely he could feel the vibration of your moan against his digits, smiling to himself when your tongue swirled around them.
“That’s it, baby,” he murmured. “Just like that.”
Shivering under his praise and eager to earn more, you sucked on his fingers the way you’d suck on his dick, blinking up at him like how you’d seen in pornos. He licked his lips, enjoying the sight, a low “good girl” escaping.
His hand left your mouth, a messy string of saliva keeping you connected until his hand was moving to your core, still wet and still throbbing from your first orgasm. Plunging his fingers inside of your entrance, he diligently watched your face for your pleasured reactions, humming to himself when your mouth fell open. 
A long, soft whine escaped, and his free hand was quick to cover your mouth with his palm. His mouth descended along your jaw, whispering hotly in your ear, “Gotta be quiet, malyshka. We have neighbors.”
Helpless, you nodded, pleading with your eyes to keep going, don’t stop. The movement of his hand was steady, patient, striking with intention and precision to have you keening quietly beneath him. Pleasure flooded you in waves, radiating from the pulse of your core, throbbing wantonly around his fingers. His thumb pressed against your clit, drawing slow circles in time with his movements.
The man was a Russian god, plain and simple. For all of the bitching you’d done about his extracurricular activities, you couldn’t find a single complaint now that his fingers were lodged inside of you and he was utilizing his extensive experience to your advantage, drawing you closer and closer to your peak.
But it wasn’t enough, not quite, not when you could feel his erection bobbing against your leg. You whispered his name, quiet but loud enough for him to remove his hand, eyes searching yours for a sign of resistance.
“Andrei,” you repeated. “I need you.”
A grin broke out on his face, though his hand didn’t budge from between your legs. “Fuck, baby. Say that again.”
With a burst of confidence, you reached between your bodies and pulled his fingers out of you, suppressing a whine in the process. Smoothly, and without breaking eye contact, you pulled his hand up to your mouth, taking his digits in your mouth again. He groaned as you sucked off your own essence, savoring the taste and briefly wondering what you’d taste like full of him. 
“I said,” you purred, licking your lips, “I need you.”
Andrei let out a chuckle, shaking his head before biting his lip with a groan. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
I’m pretty sure I already died and went to heaven, you thought, but the words didn’t quite make it out of your mouth.
In an agonizing moment, he tore himself away from your body to retrieve a condom from his bag. He ripped it open and slid it over himself in the few seconds it took him to return to the bed, maneuvering himself between your legs. You couldn’t help the sigh of relief that came when his skin pressed against yours once more.
With unbearable patience, Andrei watched your face as he slid his tip through your folds, wetting himself with your slick. You whined, feeling yourself throb having him so close to where you wanted–no, needed–him. 
And then, with only a smirk as a warning, he pushed forward and sheathed himself inside of you. Your mouth opened in a silent scream, though his groan of approval was questionably loud; if you weren’t being nearly split in half with his dick, you’d have had half a mind to scold him.
But then he was moving, experimentally, and all thought flew from your brain, leaving it completely vacant except for his name. His name, whispered in a prayer on your lips as he worked himself deeper, filling you up completely. Your hands fumbled in search of purchase, finding it in the taut muscle of his bicep, flexing deliciously as he held himself over you.
His lips were on you, on your lips, on your jaw, on your neck, intoxicating you until your brain was in a fog of nothing but pleasure. The tight coil in your belly was unraveling, already, brought halfway to climax by his fingers and drawing you instantly closer now that they were replaced by something even better. Confidence rolled off of him despite his eyes closed, like he was concentrating, hanging on for dear life.
“Feel so fucking good,” he said, his voice rough. “Made for me. Missed this. Missed you.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, a pang of guilt flashing through the haze when you remembered that you could’ve been doing this the entire time.
“You can apologize to me by saying my name again, kisa.”
So you did. Over and over again, calling for him in hushed whispers as if each time you said it, the shame would fade away just a little bit more. 
“You want me to forgive you?”
You’d forgotten how to speak anything other than Andrei, and so you nodded, desperately. 
He seized your lips one more time, kissing you deeper than you’d ever been kissed, enough that you were sure you stopped breathing for a moment. His hips ceased their movement, pausing while he was buried inside of you. “Come all over my cock, baby. Then I’ll forgive you.”
It didn’t take much effort to flip him over onto his back, his hands quick to find your hips to help guide you to your place on his lap. You took the liberty of teasing him back, dragging your core along his rigid length with your hands planted on the firm muscle of his chest. The action alone sent sparks coursing through your body; you couldn’t believe it had taken you so long to realize the electricity you felt when his skin touched yours. 
Sinking onto him, you bit your lip to hide a moan. You didn’t waste any time finding a rhythm, rolling your hips to bring yourself up to the crest. His chest was steady beneath your fingers, and you found it hard not to swoon under his gaze, looking up at you like you hung the moon and the stars, like he couldn’t believe you were there, with him, in that moment.
You watched his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, hitching when you circled your hips and brought a hand to your pelvis. He murmured a few words of encouragement, his jaw tense as he fought off his own impending orgasm, watching the way the pad of your finger brushed your clit. 
“Andrei,” you whispered, just wanting to feel his name on your tongue. “Right there.”
“Yeah? Like that, dorogoy?” 
You nodded, not trusting your voice, and squeezed your eyes shut. His hand sought out your free one, lacing your fingers together as he hummed prayers of worship at your altar. It was quiet, and mixed slightly with Russian, but you made out a few words like “beautiful” and “want to feel you” amid the low whisper of his voice.
Before you could process or even choke out a warning, your climax hit you all at once, the way a roller coaster tips over the edge just before the drop. Heat flooded your entire body, a brightness washing over you as the pleasure wracked through you in waves. Distantly, you felt his hand squeezing yours and heard the vague sound of a groan as he hit his own peak.
You weren’t sure how long you lay there, slumped against his sternum, listening to the sound of his heart beating rapidly in his chest as the two of you became one tangled mess of sweaty limbs and heavy panting. As your heart began to settle down, you felt his fingers tracing shapes along your spine, soothing you.
“D’you think anyone heard?” you asked.
“You kind of… screamed. So they definitely know.”
“Oh.” You felt instant mortification creeping in, mind briefly wandering to how you were going to explain this to Nykki. But then his hand was moving to thread through your hair, combing through it with his fingers, the feeling sending those delicious tingles down your spine.
Eventually, though it broke your heart to do it, you parted from him to allow the both of you to clean up. Once you were back in bed, tucked beneath the covers, you couldn’t help the smile that curled on your face as the reality of the moment set in.
“Does this mean you forgive me?”
He paused, tugging you into him and wrapping a long arm around your shoulders. “There’s nothing to forgive,” he said.  --
Checking your watch for what felt like the fifth time in less than a minute, you sighed impatiently. Six weeks ago, you’d bid farewell to your on-again-sort-of-boyfriend with a series of kisses and a heavy heart. It felt unfair to have had so little time together from the end of your vacation to his departure for his homeland, but you reminded yourself that it was your fault for the poor timing. Still, you’d managed to keep in touch with regular texts and daily FaceTime calls, more often than not ending with you kicking your feet and giggling at the ceiling, though sometimes they left you feeling a different kind of giddy. The man was good with his words, you had to admit, and the deep timber of his voice, even through the phone, could send goosebumps trailing across your skin with a deep shiver and a flip of your belly.
When your phone buzzed, you almost hated yourself for how quickly you reacted, smiling to yourself when you saw his name pop up on your screen.
[Andrei:] Just left the airport. I’ll see you soon 😘
Waiting was nearly unbearable, but worth it when you heard the knock at your door. With a grin, you pulled open the door and launched yourself into his arms without a second thought, laughing at his slight “oof” he let out. 
Eventually, he set you down, hands keeping their place on your hips as he smiled at you. “Hi.”
“Hi. I missed you.”
“Oh, you did? I couldn’t tell.”
“Shut up,” you said, giving him a playful shove. 
Andrei set his bag by the door, unceremoniously plopping on the couch before gesturing for you to join him. After what felt like eons, it felt so good to press your cheek against his warmth, feel the weight of his strong arm wrapped around your shoulder. 
“Hey,” he said a few moments later. You hummed, content and almost not wanting to ruin the moment. “I have something to tell you.”
His words gave you pause, sitting up to look him in the eye. He was bashful, smiling, and for a moment you were astounded by how handsome he looked: the 2-day scruff that you loved on him, his dimple peeking out, the glitter of happiness in his eyes, tired from travel.
He took a breath. He seemed nervous, which was unlike him, and you looked at him with concern. 
“I know it hasn’t been very long, since we…”
Andrei smiled. “Yes. That.”
He opened his mouth to speak again, but you interrupted whatever he was about to say, blurting out, “I love you.”
You froze, jaw dropping in horror when you realized what you’d said. It came out of nowhere, a fleeting thought that unexpectedly made its way to your mouth, and you looked at him, prepared for an immediate goodbye.
But instead he was smiling—grinning, actually. “I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend, officially, but you’re ten steps ahead of me.”
Heat flooded your cheeks and you covered your face in embarrassment. “I’m sorry for jumping the gun. I didn’t—that wasn’t supposed to come out. You don’t have to say it back.”
You felt his touch warm on your arm, gently bringing your hands down from your face. His finger tilted your chin toward him. He was looking at you, smiling, eyes warm and happy. “Answer my question first.”
“You didn’t ask me a question.”
He rolled his eyes, then straightened out and with a flourish of his hand, said, “Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
“Okay, you didn’t have to make it sound like a proposal,” you said, nudging his leg to let him know you were joking. “But yes, of course.”
Andrei smiled, moving to cup your face in his hand to bring it closer to him and press a kiss to your lips. He hummed, kissing you deeper, and in an instant, liquid heat began to weave its way through your bloodstream.
He pulled away, almost abruptly, earning a whine from you. You were nowhere near ready to be done kissing him, but then he tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled again. 
“I love you, too, by the way.”
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The Mystery of Love* Third Time's the Charm* Sundress Season*
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dduane · 7 months
Hello! I just wanted to write to thank you.
One of my favorite lines I've ever read is “Jim was already familiar with the incessant activity of that cool, curious mind as it tirelessly hunted answers. But now he saw where the activity came from - Spock’s utter certainty that there was no higher purpose for his life than to burn it away in search of truth, and to give that truth away when he found it. More, Jim saw what fueled and underlay that certainty: a profound vulnerability paired with a great, unreasonable joy”. That, combined with the YW series (which I recently reread), is very good for my soul.
You and your work are truly an inspiration to me! That Wounded Sky quote resonated with me for the theme that joy and curiosity really can underpin an entire, happy, successful life. Young Wizards has so much of the same - books and libraries are magic, but so is nature, and space, and manmade machines, and whales and sharks. Your stories strike a balance I can't always put into words - that curiosity and joy can be self-sustaining. They are not dependent on a single field, a single datum, a single discovery. They can be a lens and a philosophy and they can fit in your pocket for everyday. Curiosity as a mindset, and an exercise in loving and engaging with the world; joy as a result of realizing how many exciting things there are to love and be curious about.
On a parallel note, I am fascinated by how you seem to blend fantasy and sci fi - your Star Trek feels loving and magical, and your fantasy feels grounded and tangible. I am in awe of how many things you've been a part of creating, because it gives me hope that I, too, might avoid having to pick a narrow niche. But in the meantime, I am so grateful to be able to escape into your books, because I fall in love with them again every time, and then I come back and fall back in love with life.
I’m glad to hear it! Thanks for letting me know. ☺️
Also: generally, I think niches are best left to statues. Create what works for you and makes you happy. Life’s too short to waste doing otherwise.
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adventuresofalgy · 14 days
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The terrain around the peat bogs was treacherous for humans, who could easily become trapped in the deeper areas which could suck a full grown cow down into their depths, or sprain their ankles in the many concealed hollows, or trip over endless hidden stems and stones beneath the long grasses. And the surrounding hillsides were steep and difficult to climb, for the rocky outcrops were interspersed with a tangled mass of rough vegetation impenetrable in places, combined with numerous unexpected marshy swamps to snare the unwary wanderer, even on the higher ground.
But for a fluffy bird the landscape presented few challenges or dangers, and on a fine day when he could see where he was going, and didn't have to battle against the wind and rain, Algy was able to flit from perch to perch without any difficulty at all.
Flying up the slope of the hillside a short distance, Algy alighted on one of the many rocky seats which Nature had thoughtfully provided and studied the tapestry spread out across the land. He knew that there were many kinds of plants growing there, but from a distance they all blended into one colourful blanket. He was reminded of a poem by one of Scotland's most famous authors, although he knew that while most of the plants mentioned were present before him, he would unfortunately have to fly quite a distance inland before he could find any blaeberries. What a pity, for a fluffy bird just loves to feast on those ripe blue berries!
Scotland small? Our multiform, our infinite Scotland small? Only as a patch of hillside may be a cliché corner To a fool who cries ‘Nothing but heather!’ where in September another Sitting there and resting and gazing around Sees not only the heather but blaeberries With bright green leaves and leaves already turned scarlet, Hiding ripe blue berries; and amongst the sage-green leaves Of the bog-myrtle the golden flowers of the tormentil shining; And on the small bare places, where the little Blackface sheep Found grazing, milkworts blue as summer skies; And down in neglected peat-hags, not worked Within living memory, sphagnum moss in pastel shades Of yellow, green, and pink; sundew and butterwort Waiting with wide-open sticky leaves for their tiny winged prey; And nodding harebells vying in their colour With the blue butterflies that poise themselves delicately upon them; And stunted rowans with harsh dry leaves of glorious colour. ‘Nothing but heather!’ ̶ How marvellously descriptive! And incomplete!
[Algy is quoting the poem Scotland small? by the famous 20th century Scottish poet Hugh MacDiamid (pronounced roughly MacDermidt).]
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psychics4unet · 1 month
100 Mind-Blowing Ways to Supercharge Your Spirituality 🚀✨
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Start a daily meditation practice 🧘‍♀️
Create a spiritual vision board 🌟
Share your favorite spiritual quotes 📜
Explore different types of meditation 🕉️
Write about your spiritual growth journey 🌱
Engage with spiritual communities 🤝
Practice gratitude daily 🙏
Use crystals for energy healing 💎
Follow and interact with spiritual bloggers ✨
Share your tarot card readings 🔮
Write about your dreams and their meanings 🌙
Read and discuss spiritual books 📚
Explore and practice different forms of divination 🃏
Practice and share mindfulness techniques 🌸
Create and use affirmations ✨
Participate in spiritual challenges or prompts 🏆
Discover tips for finding inner peace ☮️
Explore meditation apps 📱
Experience and reflect on spiritual retreats 🏞️
Learn about and practice different spiritual rituals 🛕
Listen to spiritual podcasts 🎧
Experience and share energy healing 🌈
Set up a sacred space or altar 🕯️
Reflect on the benefits of a spiritual practice 📖
Share how spirituality impacts your life 🌟
Connect with your higher self 🌌
Study and understand spiritual symbolism 🖼️
Learn from various spiritual teachers 🧑‍🏫
Set spiritual goals 🎯
Curate spiritual playlists 🎵
Explore spiritual rituals for different seasons 🌿
Practice self-care 🛁
Connect spirituality with creativity 🎨
Maintain spiritual balance ⚖️
Discover spiritual websites 🌐
Engage in spiritual journaling 📔
Try guided meditations 🎙️
Explore spiritual practices from different cultures 🌏
Develop and trust your intuition 🔮
Understand spirituality's impact on mental health 🧠
Explore chakra healing 🌈
Include prayer in your spiritual practice 🙏
Create spiritual art 🖌️
Embrace spiritual rituals for the seasons 🌿
Experience different types of yoga 🧘‍♂️
Align with your spiritual path 🔗
Stay spiritually motivated 🌟
Use spiritual practices for stress relief 🌿
Cultivate compassion in spirituality ❤️
Discover and explore spiritual blogs 🌐
Recognize the personal growth benefits of spirituality 🌱
Learn about spiritual symbols and their meanings ✨
Build a spiritual routine 📅
Practice forgiveness as part of spirituality 💖
Use spiritual practices to manifest desires 🌠
Embrace rituals for abundance 💰
Connect with nature in your spiritual practice 🌳
Create a spiritual self-care checklist 📝
Explore past-life regression 🌌
Connect with spiritual guides 👼
Maintain spiritual boundaries 🚧
Experience different energy work practices 🌟
Reflect on spiritual quotes and their meanings 🗣️
Understand spirituality's impact on relationships ❤️
Explore spiritual cleansing rituals 🌊
Balance spirituality with daily life ⚖️
Embrace mindfulness 🌿
Try spiritual DIY projects 🎨
Use spiritual practices for healing 🌸
Participate in spiritual ceremonies 🎉
Focus on living in the present moment ⏳
Explore various spiritual healing practices 💫
Build spiritual resilience 💪
Empower yourself through spirituality 🌟
Engage in spiritual challenges 🎯
Join spiritual group activities 🤝
Use and learn about spiritual tools 🛠️
Overcome obstacles through spirituality 🏔️
Seek spiritual mentorship 🧑‍🏫
Integrate spirituality into your routine 📅
Practice self-love in spirituality ❤️
Make a spiritual vision board 🖼️
Use spiritual practices for relaxation 🌸
Express spirituality through art 🎨
Practice gratitude 🙏
Enhance creativity with spiritual practices 🌈
Nurture spiritual connections 🧩
Transform personally through spirituality 🌟
Use journaling prompts for spiritual growth 📓
Experience spiritual awakening 🌅
Boost energy with spiritual practices ⚡
Utilize rituals in your spiritual life 🧙‍♀️
Ground yourself spiritually 🌍
Build a spiritual support network 🤝
Increase spiritual self-awareness 🧠
Improve yourself with a spiritual plan 📋
Make daily decisions with spirituality 🌟
Create spiritual art 🎨
Incorporate meditation into your practice 🧘‍♂️
Practice regular spiritual activities 🌱
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lovelybarnes · 2 years
Maybe Later- B. Barnes
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader, sam wilson, thor odinson Warnings: alcohol, bucky is drunk (ooc? Have we ever seen him drunk i watched all of his scenes lol) About: this quote thing. I dont know if i got what i was aiming for. (“marry me” “maybe later”
Three-oh-two glows red in pinched little lines on your alarm, blunt in the darkness of the room and sharp against the pale light the moon manages through margins between your curtains. The numbers are smudged in sleep as you blink awake from what was meant to be a short rest for your eyes, bent and refracted like you’re looking through a finger-smudged window. You could easily mistake it for a dream if your phone weren’t singing loudly from your bedside table.
With a groan, you slam a hand over it, the piercing noise insistent even with your fingers wrapped around its width. You squint against the brightness of the screen, sitting up when you recognize Sam’s contact name in bold white letters.
“Hello?” you greet tiredly, rolling your shoulders as your weariness begins to pass. The rivets of your jeans dig into your abdomen, your casual shirt proves itself not soft enough for sleep, and you pick at the shoulder. The blankets are creased and made beneath you.
“Hey, sleeping beauty.” Sam’s voice comes through rough and curved in a smile you can see through the phone. “Got somethin’ for you.”
You blink at the wall. “What?”
“A grumpy old man.”
“Which one?” An amused crackle smothers the delicate silence. “What happened to twelve? I tried to wait.”
“Someone had a little too much to drink.” There’s commotion from the other side of the line, a joyous yell and shattering. Sam groans loudly.
“Well, Asgardian liquor tends to stir something in our Avengers,” you mumble, scooting to the edge of your bed to squeeze on your shoes, squished and set next to you at the ready.
“You have no idea.” Sam mutters. Bucky’s voice suddenly comes through, distant and too distorted to make out specifics. “Incoming.”
“I have a little one,” you digress, lashes kissing at their edges in your search for the car keys that had been at your hip. 
“Hey, what the hell was that noise--” Sam begins, far away, before he’s abruptly cut off. “Hey--”
“Honey?” Bucky’s voice is loud enough that you wince and pull the speaker away from your ear, catching a glint from your bed. “S’that you?”
“Yeah, darling, it’s me,” you murmur, voice a little honeyed as you hook a finger through the car key ring peeking from behind a pillow.
“I miss you,” his words bump into each other, so heartfelt he can’t get them out fast enough with a heavy tongue. “Will y’come get me please?”
“I’m on my way. Don’t get into too much trouble,” you command gently, jaw against the soft flesh of your neck to keep your phone steady while you pull at your left shoe.
He makes a disgruntled noise. “F’course not.”
“Don’t drink any more, you’re going to have a killer hangover tomorrow as it is.” You step out of your room and make your way to the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor.
“That is not true. My tolerance is,” he hiccups and bursts into a startled laugh, “high. Way higher than Steve’s.”
“Is that true?” You chuckle, stepping out once the doors have parted. 
“Yeah,” Bucky affirms agreeably.
“Interesting. Can’t wait to see how Golden Boy is doing.”
“Not great, but at least he’s having fun,” Sam cuts in, Bucky’s indignance about it muffled over the phone. “He’s going to regret--Barnes, give me a second--he’s gonna regret ever touching the--Barnes, damn it--the stuff. You asshole, you have your own phone--”
There’s a click and then silence, where you’re left staring amusedly at a dimming screen with one foot ready to climb into your car. “Well then,” you mumble, shutting off the device before you set it neatly in the cupholder between the two front seats. After you’ve turned on the engine and begun to set off, you turn mournfully to the clean inside of your car and hope ceaselessly that it’ll stay that way.
You’re only a few minutes from Sam’s house when your phone rings out a familiar bouncy tune you’d had Bucky pick out for his identifying ringtone. It was sweet and melancholy all at the same time, and it had taken him ten seconds and a look at your beaming face for him to label it as his.
His voice is stretched out and mournful when you answer, your name replaced with a rare Baby?
“Hey, honey. Found your phone?”
He ignores you, breathing out a long sigh. “I miss you.”
“We just talked on the phone,” you laugh. “I haven’t even given you a chance to miss me yet.”
He seems to mull it over for a short moment, elongated in his hazy mind. “Are you on your way?”
“I’m almost there.”
“That’s good because I miss you.”
“Do you now?” you hum.
“Steve knows,” Bucky pillars.
“I bet he does,” you laugh. Bucky hums in confirmation. “How much have you had to drink?” you ask. “You even sound a little different.”
“I missed this,” Bucky muses drily. “I love Asgard.”
“You’re going to take that back tomorrow.” You turn and spot the name of Sam’s street. “But it’s okay because I’ll take care of you.”
What follows you don’t expect. Bucky breathes out loud, nearly doleful, coming out static on your end.
You frown. “Bucky? Is something wrong?”
“No,” he sulks, a complete lie.
You don’t bother pushing him when he’s more stubborn than usual and you’re only a voice on his phone. “If you say so. I’m almost there, okay? I’m going to hang up now.”
“Don’t hang up. I want to hear your voice.”
“I’ll make you a deal,” you catch sight of Sam’s house. “I hang up, and you’ll get a lot more than my voice in a minute. What do you think?”
There’s a petulant sigh on the receiver. “What about the wonders of technology?”
“What happened to ‘we did just fine in the forties’?”
He says your name long and pleading.
“You get very dramatic when you’re drunk, you know that? I’ll be with you before you know it.”
“No. No… c’mon, please, dove.”
“I’m pulling in!” you exclaim.
“I don’t see you.”
“That’s not surprising. Seeing through walls isn’t a super-solder ability as far as I know,” you tease, shutting off the engine and unbuckling yourself. You nestle your phone between the soft crook of your neck as you open the door.
You can see Bucky pout through the phone.
“I’m coming in. Stop gossipping about me to the guys, okay?” you goad, coming to a stop in front of the door. It’s only a glance at the doorbell before Sam, bare-chested, appears in the doorway, haloed by light and smoke from his house. You gape at him. “Why are you--”
“Get him out of my house.”
“I’m trying,” you muster, letting him usher you inside. The house is a mess, with Avengers strewn on the couches and cups everywhere.
“Get them all out of my house. Why did I volunteer to host?”
You shrug, shaking your head as you observe the mess.
Bucky says your name from the phone, reminding you that he’s still on the line, but you don’t need to answer once you spy him in a kitchen seat next to Steve, slumped next to him.
Bucky’s face is bothered, his voice echoed each time he says something. Once you’re a few steps behind him, you hang up and slip your phone into your pocket.
Bucky grunts, pulling a face as he stares at his phone, fingers already moving to your contact just when you position yourself close enough to feel the heat of him on your skin. It’s only a moment testament to his inebriation before he turns, furrowed brows softening when his eyes meet yours. His phone clatters to the table, forgotten.
He murmurs your name, kind and relieved in a melancholy shade. Vibranium fingers twine their way between yours.
“Hey,” you whisper. “I found you.”
“You found me,” he parrots softly, pulling you closer nearly on instinct.
Your free index reaches up to brush a stray strand of brown hair from his face, grazing the warm skin of his forehead, and he leans into it, his other hand going up to grab it too.
You can’t help your smile, dipping down to constellate kisses along his hairline. “Ready to go home?”
He hums his agreeance, watching you with honey eyes. When he moves closer to you, Steve’s elbow slides down the table. With a quick swoop, you remove a hand from Bucky’s hold to cradle Steve’s head before it can slam down onto the surface. You turn to Sam in bewilderment. He shrugs.
Carefully, you set him down on the table, awkwardly patting his hair. “Didn’t think Captain America would go down because of alcohol poisoning, but I guess it had to be something.”
Bucky pulls on the hand he’s still holding, bringing your attention back to him.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, crouching to be able to see him better.
He grins dumbly, majorly soft. “You look pretty.”
You roll your eyes but can’t help the pleased little swoop of your heart. “You look pretty too, you know that?”
“He knows,” Sam cuts in, near accusing toward you.
“Shut up, Sam,” Bucky mumbles.
Sam scowls. “In my own damn house.” He moves to Steve, draping him over himself. “I’ll see you tomorrow, gotta lug all these idiots onto their sides.”
“Okay,” you laugh, “thank you, Sam.”
He grunts in reply, leaving you and Bucky alone. He’s already looking at you when you turn to him again.
“Do you need help getting up?” you ask. He shakes his head but you throw his arm over your shoulder anyway, pulling him to his feet. He’s heavy but at least somewhat steady with your help. “God, Buck.”
“”S all muscle.”
“I know,” you assure amusedly.
The walk only lasts a couple of seconds before Bucky begins to sway. You try your best to hold him up, but are forced to slump into a couch with him when the top of your left knee bumps into one. Instead of helping, Bucky clamps his fingers around your wrists when you move to get up. He’s staring again.
“Y’came to pick me up,” he says, as if just realizing it. “All the way here.”
“Of course. I gotta get you home, baby.”
He grasps your hand. “Baby,” he repeats favorably.
You don’t usually call him that, and even in his drunken stupor, he realizes it.
“What’s the time?” he demands suddenly.
“Three? Four?” you assume, preoccupied with sitting up. He’s distracted enough to sit by as you stand, knees bumping into his. “Very late. Or, early, I suppose.”
He inhales deeply, staring up at you with his lovely eyes.
“What’s wrong?” you query immediately, voice dropping to a softer pitch.
“You came for me,” he echoes.
“I did,” you agree patiently. “Wanna stand up so we can get home?”
“I love you.” It’s the most sober he’s sounded.
“I love you too,” you assure, dipping down to hold his jaw between your fingers. A demuring thumb swipes across his cheek. “You know that.”
“I do,” he whispers.
You smile, squeezing him lovingly between your palms, nebulously elated that he knows he’s loved. “Up,” you murmur, pulling on him until he’s just above hovering over the couch.
“Marry me,” he blurts, as if it’s been on the tip of his tongue, words carved earnestly and permanently; overdue.
You smile at him, focused on bringing and keeping him on his feet. Once he is, you take small steps toward the door. “Maybe later.”
“Y’promise?” he’s your hazy eyes when you’re focused entirely on him, cupping the sharp point of a chair before you can bump into it. Clumsily, he pulls open the door, wanting to wait until you’re out first but you don’t let him.
“I do,” you respond as you guide him to your car, helping him crawl in and looping an index around his seatbelt. His fingers interrupt you before the buckle has grazed further than his chest. “Bucky?”
He extends his pinky and stares at you pointedly.
Complying, you curve your pinky around his.
He’s satisfied, letting you buckle him in and watching as you round the car to your seat.
“Thor should come more.”
“We’ll see,” you laugh, starting the engine.
He pulls at the arm nearest to him before you can begin driving, extending his fingers out expectantly. It’s familiar but strange to see from the driver’s perspective. Still, you obey.
“I’m hungry,” he declares, settling in as you drive. “Can we get pizza?”
“Maybe later.”
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