#+ the outfit is a little boring compared to these but I might come back and do that one some day
spinningtusk · 2 years
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My cream unicorn cookie re-designs
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I've been a Lukola shipper since last year, and I've been reading all the male POVs. So, I decided to ask the dudes in my life about this whole situation. I talked to some of my male BFFs and my brother. I'll start with what my brother, who's 15 (I'm 19), had to say.
Over the past three days, I showed him most of the interviews, especially the unhinged ones, all the hand-holding clips, Tif's edits, etc. Then I introduced him to the GF and gave him a brief rundown of all the antics - Instyle, NY and London premieres, Deuxmoi, pool pics, Milan, GQ.
Here’s what he thinks:
Luke and Nic LOVE each other. Luke probably loves her more, or maybe she's just better at hiding it. Nic is affectionate towards everyone, so it’s not as apparent. My brother thinks Nic is really funny and obviously beautiful, especially after watching her solo interviews like "9 Things I've Never Tried Before," ASMR, and accents.
Luke is being hot and cold. After I told him about the break after Brasil, he said that makes sense. It seems like whenever Luke goes back to his friends, he comes back acting like a dick. I showed him Luke's hot boy summer phase and the NYE video of them dancing. He said Luke acts like a dick when he's with his friends, especially Rory, who seems like the leader. He even noticed Tom and said Luke should hang out with him more. When I mentioned Rory breaking up with his GF and now dating Sienna (who's 23), he immediately clocked it and said, “Wow, Lukey did the same.” In a very not impressed tone. I couldn't stop laughing.
Nothing happened in Brasil. My brother thinks Nic would never do anything shady. The interviewers and overall vibes of Brasil were super chill, so Luke let himself loose a bit. However Nic seemed the same, maybe a little more giggly.
NY and London premieres:
NY: They looked fine, but Luke seemed pissed for some reason. The hand moment was insane. He thinks the GF blindsided Nic and set up the videos of them hugging, because why aren’t there videos of others?
London: Nic seemed a little wary, and Luke looked downbad. Luke T and Nic either need to work together or date, or both, because they're cute. Simone is definitely a shipper. He also thinks Golda might be a shipper, but she seems to have clocked Luke’s shit and is side-eyeing, which he is too. The Deuxmoi stunt was dumb and embarrassing.
About A, R, and S:
Rory: Luke hangs onto Rory’s every word, so the GF might not be going anywhere as long as she's in the friend group. My brother hates Rory and thinks he's Luke’s constant during the hot boy summer phase. Rory wasn't seen much before that. Other Anons, is this true?
A: A is in the relationship for the perks. The Hailey Bieber cosplay is gross. My brother almost puked when I showed him the thread comparing A and HB’s outfits. A is obviously trolling the fans, which is boring.
S: He doesn’t think there’s anything nefarious going on with S, and it’s good for her that she’s going to Jack M's classes, but it’s weird that it's only happening now.
In conclusion, my brother thinks this whole thing is going to drag on for a lot longer, but that’s a huge maybe since Luke and Nic are coming back for S4. If Luke's friend group manages to infiltrate the sets, it won't matter much because everyone adores Nic and seems protective of her. A is going to stay as long as she can. Right now, my brother hates Luke and thinks he screwed up royally, even as a friend. It’s a bigger deal if there are non-platonic feelings involved. He wants to see Luke make a thank you post for S3, because that's the least he can do. Luke needs to figure his stuff out, and it seems like whenever he's on vacation, things just get worse. Basically, he needs to GET A JOB and things will sort themselves out.
Wow, that was a lot. Never thought my brother would be so mature!
Also can someone clarify if R was still such a huge part of L's life before his HBS?
Damn the 15 yo is smarter than some grown ass folk in the fandom lmao
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dirtybitfic · 5 months
Here for a good time not a long time
Matt Sturniolo X y/n
contains - party , drinking , smutt, dom matt, choking, slapping, dirty talk, pet names(sweetheart, baby, slut, whore)
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Y/n pov-
I was sitting in my last lecture of the day when I got a text from my friend about a party in the woods tonight. I obviously agreed to go since I had nothing else to do tonight .
Once my boring ass professor ended class I drove back to my house that I share with my best friend and two other friends . I entered into pure chaos the second I opened the door.
Hey y/n how was class my best friend Ally said as I set my bag down
Boring as always ... what the fuck is going on in here I ask as I look around to see clothes scattered across the furniture and my other friend Mara running from her room back to the bathroom .
We're all trying to find outfits for tonight and we're stressing out she answers as I see her pull out mouse ears.
What... why and what are the ears for? I ask in pure confusion. Its never calm in this house but this is a whole new level of chaotic.
Oh did you not see the theme for the party Mara says as she comes out dressed like a bunny .
No what is it ? I ask as I start to panic knowing I probably have nothing to wear either.
Predator and prey ... girls are supposed to dress as the prey obviously she says pointing to her outfit doing a little spin.
Fuck ... I definitely don't have an outfit for this shit I sigh as I walk to my room deciding to look through my closet.
I looked through and found an outfit that could work .
Okay guys what about this outfit I can be a deer? I ask nervously hoping they'd like it .
Ally , Mara and haley look at me studying me making me nervous.
You know what I like it Haley says as she smiles
Yeah me to mara says as she nods in approval.
Wait I think I might actually have deer antlers you can wear Ally says as she scrambles to her room.
Im questioning why she would own antlers but you know what they are coming in handy so Im happy about it.
Okay yep here they are she says as she hands them to me .
Thanks but why do you even have these I ask as I put them on.
Oh I went as a deer to a halloween party freshman year and just never got rid of them she answers with a smile before pouring herself a shot.
Ally was a bunny, Mara was a mouse and Haley was a sheep .
I honestly don't know what to expect with this party tonight since the fraternity thats throwing it is more on the bad boy side . Almost every guy in this group is covered in tattoos and peircings which I find hot as fuck but some others disagree. These guys's parties compared to the other frats are always out of the ordinary but thats what keeps things interesting.
Okay guys we got like 20 minutes before we need to get going haley says as she starts pouring herself a drink.
We turn on some music and dance around in the living room as we take shots and sip on drinks.
The 20 minutes rolled by quickly and we are all now making our walk to the woods for there party. I know having party in the woods might sound weird but its actually pretty fun here. Our college is located in outside of a city in Pennsylvania meaning we're surrounded by woods.
Guys I don't know why but i'm getting a very weird feeling Mara says as we start getting closer to the woods .
Im glad you said that cause ... I am to Ally says in a slightly wobbly tone.
Guys we're fine we drank a lot so maybe its just the alcohol I say trying to reason with how they're feeling
They all laugh and agree with me after realizing how drunk we really are.
We finally reach the opening path that leads down a dark trail to where the party clearing is .
We all take out our phone using our flashlights to see as we stumble into trees and each other giggling .
The closer we get music begins to flood our ear and light from the campfire comes into view.
We enter the clearing entering the crowd of people and making our way over to the line of tree stumps you can sit on by the fire.
We all sit down and take a look around to see all the guys in black hoodies and sweats holding animal masks. Predator animal masks making me gulp. I start to get a weird feeling when the leader of the frat stands on a big tree stump and yelling for everyone to pay attention.
We all go quiet as we wait of him to speak.
Okay you're all probably wondering about the theme right? he asks with a large smirk . All of the girls nod since all of the guys obviously know .
well we decided it would to change things up and ... play a little game she says as he jumps down from the stump smirking and looking around the crowd at all of our confused faces.
Another guy jumps up and I have to keep my jaw from dropping. He is the most attractive man i've ever seen , Tall with blue eyes and brown hair . I stand there in a trance until I snap out of it as he starts to speak
As you can see all of you girls are dressed and animals of prey he says moving his hand motioning to the crowd . Me and my friends share glances sharing looks of annoyance just wanting him to get to the fucking point.
and us guys all have masks of predator animals he says holding up his mask . I look at his mask noticing it's a wolf .
he smiles as he meets eyes with me making me gulp.
We will be matching a girl to a guy based on their natural predator and prey ... and you girls will be given 10 minutes to run and hide and if you are found by your predator we will be mmm let's just say our way with you . he says smirking .
So i'll give any of you girls the chance to leave right now if you do not wish to play this game . There is no shame in leaving I understand this might not be some peoples taste and thats okay I can see a glimmer in his eye as he watches me waiting to see if i'll leave .
I look over at my friends who look apprehensive about the situation.
I don't know about this guys mara says as she turns to look at the way we came in .
Yeah I just... this is not what I was expecting I mean... they obviously mean sexual shit and I don't think I want that haley says as she steps closer to mara.
Me and ally look at each other with a knowing look silently agreeing were staying.
We're gonna stay i'm kind of intrigued about how this will go but we understand if you wanna go I answer and smile at them letting them know we aren't judging them for wanting to leave.
okay well we'll see you guys at home okay be safe please
just text us when your on your way home so we know your alive
we will see you guys at home love you ally answers and I say I love you before they head back down the path we entered through.
About 15 other girls left leaving only about 20 of us left.
Okay now that all the pussys are gone lets get started matching up and then ill explain the rules he says with a wide smile that sends chills down my back.
Me and Ally laugh at the fact he called the girls who left pussys and waited for him to continue.
Okay james , Max and Atlas are fox so any of you who are a bunny raise your hand .Ally raises her hand as do two other girls .
Ally is Matched with the guy who's name is Atlas . I have to say he's hot as fuck he has tan skin covered in tattoos, sandy blond hair and light green eyes. I smile at her nervously as she stands next to him.
He gets through everyone else before i'm the last girl unmatched.
You're with me sweetheart he says as he smirks at me motioning me to him . I gulp as I slowly make my way to him.
I step up to his side and notice how significantly taller he is then me .
he looks down at me smirking then looks back at the crowd .
so here are the rules he says as his hand snakes around my side pulling me closer making my breathe hitch. All you girls will have ten minutes to run and hide ... after those ten minutes we will make our way out to try and find you . When we find you we will be able to do anything we want to you ... sexually . Im guessing everyone of you who stayed understood what I was insinuating but just do be safe I need you to confirm to your partner that we have your consent before start the timer.
I watch as the other girls turn and nod smiling giving consent
I swallow thickly as I look up at him and he smiles down at me .
so do I have your consent he asks as he bends down a bit to be closer to my face
yes you have my consent I say with a smile
just so I can gage what you like real quick ... do you like things rough and hard or soft and slow he whispers in my ear making me whimper .
mm rough and hard I say as a smirk plays on my lips . He groans as he looks into my eyes.
Good thats music to my ears he smirks as he stand back to his full height
wait ... I don't even know your name I say softly making him look back down at me .
Its matt and what's yours he asks
Y/n I smile back
Beautiful name he smiles down at me making me blush
Thank you Matt I say and then he turns back to the crowd starting to speak again.
Okay ladies step up behind the stump and stand at the tree line he says . He looks down at me smiling and taps my Sade then let's go letting me make my way to the tree line . Me and Ally stay next to each other .
She grabs my hand and I look at her
We run together okay and then well split apart when we find a good spot to hide she says obviously knowing were both scared of the dark and neither of us want to run alone in the dark ass woods.
Agreed its dark as fuck out there I say motioning to the woods were about to enter.
Okay i'm going to count down from three ... you guys ready? he asks and I look back at him nodding .
3... 2...1! he yells and we all take off going in different directions.
Me and Ally and running getting smacked left and right by tree branches and plants . The moon light is enough to let us see a little bit but not enough to avoid getting smacked by shit around us.
Hold up i'm getting tired lets slow down for one second I say as we slow to a fast paced walk as were both breathing hard.
God it got kinda cold she says and she shivers
yeah my nipples could literally cut through this shirt right now I say making us both laugh .
after catching our breathe we start sprinting again .
why are we running 10 minutes is actually a lot of time ally says out of breathe again.
okay you actually have a good point I say back as I slow my pace but smack my side into a tree making me cry out in pain.
Fuck fuck oh my god that actually really hurt I cry but also cant stop laughing
thats gonna leave a nasty bruise ally laughs making me laugh harder.
One thing about me and ally is we can never be serious any any situation .
We should definitely start trying to find somewhere to hide ally says as she realizes we probably don't have much time left . We start walking until ally finds a large fallen tree to sit behind .
Im gonna go closer to the cliff seems like a safe spot I tell her before hugging her wishing her good luck.
I make my way through the woods following the sounds of water . One thing I love about this part of Pennsylvania is the cliffs something about them is just so beautiful especially at night.
I finally make in to the cliff side and find a large rock to sit in front of and sit quietly looking out at the sky . The full moon shining down as the starts beam around the dark sky . It's so beautiful I almost forget why i'm out here.
Im snapped out of the trance i'm in when I hear a girl scream in the distance making my entire body jolt.
The tension is slowly building as I sit . My heart is starting to race and my legs shake a bit causing leaves under then to shake a bit making me grab the trying to stop them from making any noise that can be detected.
I try and control my breathing to slow my heart when I hear branches snap close by and leaves rustling as someone or something .
the rustling gets closer and I hold my breathe when all of the sudden a red fox appears next to me only a couple inches away.
It looks at me as if its curious I so badly want to reach my hand out and pet it but I choose not too since I don't exactly want to get bitten and end up in a hospital with I don't even know what.
I watch carefully as it inches closer to me sniffing the air i'm guessing it is picking up my scent. It steps even closer not right by my leg its tail grazing my skin tickling me making me want to laugh but I hold it back so I one don't get found and to not scare the fox.
It makes noise almost as if its laughing scaring me a little bit but it rubs on my shoes shocking the absolute fuck out of me because its obviously wild but I let it happen .
I whisper hi baby in the softest voice as It looks back at me but runs away when it hears a deep voice say " hello" making me jump up with a scream.
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST" I yell as my hand flys over my heart and I bend over panting.
He walks closer making me look back up at him .
I would say i'm sorry for scaring you but... I'm not Matt says with a dark smirk making me gulp .
he steps closer making me back into the rock I had been hiding behind.
your so beautiful sweetheart he whispers to me as his hand slides up my arm making me shiver and whisper a thank you.
come with me he says as he grabs my hand leading me back into the woods.
we walk until we find another clearing where another part of the cliff side is with a much flatter surface.
we walk around a tree and their was a blanket layer out on the rocky ground making me smile and look at him.
I just thought I would make it a little more comfortable than fucking you on a jagged rock or against a tree he says with a shrug
I appreciate that I say with a smile
The sweet moment is gone in second when his large hand wraps around my throat and he pulls me into him as his lips hover by my ear sending shiver down my spine.
im going to make you feel really good sweetheart does that sound good to you he whispers in a deep gravely tone making me whimper as his grip tightens on my neck .
I nod my head answering in a shake out of breathe tone y-yes
mm good girl he says as his lips attach to mine is a deep lustful kiss that has me moaning into his mouth.
his free hand comes to my head pulling off my antlers and throwing them down onto the ground then its on my ass grabbing it roughly making me whimper.
he pulls away as he looks into my eyes with a smirk on his face that has my pussy clenching around nothing.
strip he says in a gravelly voice making me immediately tear off my top and skirt leaving me in only a thong the cold air making me shiver and my nipples to literally harden so much they feel like rocks.
god your perfect he groans as he takes in my figure making me feel nervous .
He smiles at me as he pulls me to him again then walking us back to the blanket and slowly lays me down .
I groan when my back hits a sharp rock thats under the blanket
he slowly lowers himself to be between my thighs as his fingers loops around the band of the thong and slowly pulls them off setting it a side .
So wet for me he groans as he takes in the view of my glistening entrance.
I gasp when is mouth meets my pussy and he licks and sucks expertly in all the right spots .
f-fuck oh my god I whine as my legs start to tremble slightly from the pleasure i'm in.
yeah that feel good he asks before going right back to it.
ugh fuck yes I cry out as he sucks on my clit and slips a finger into my entrance heightening the pleasure more than I ever thought possible.
I grab onto his hair pulling it making him groan into me causing me to moan loudly and buck my hips.
fuck -fuck oh m-my g--od i moan and gasp as I feel my orgasm getting closer.
come on slut cum for me I can feel you pulsing he says into my pussy as he sucks harder and his finger speeds up making my legs shake harder and I cry out as my orgasm rips through me and my juices flow out onto his finger and he laps them up easing me through my orgasm.
i'm honestly shocked he made me finish most guys cant especially not from head but that was fucking amazing .
fuck you're really good at that I pant as he comes up and hovers over me as his chain dangles in my face.
yeah? he asks in a teasing tone making me flush red .
mhm I say as I look into his eyes and move my hands to the base of his shirt tugging signaling I wanna take it off . He lets me slide it off and I put it beside us as my hands run down his warm skin.
he groans as his hands glide over my bare body making me sigh in contentment. His hands move to his belt as he unbuckles it and sets it aside than slips his pants off . I watch in awe of the way his muscles move as he undresses the rest of the way.
My eyes shift down to the large bulge in his boxers making me gulp . He's big like really fucking big . He notices by unease and grabs my chin making me look at him.
You'll be okay I promise he soothe me as his thumb traces my bottom lip. I nod at his statement taking a deep calming breath.
He slides his boxers down as his dick slaps his stomach and my eye widen I know this is gonna hurt like a bitch. Don t get me wrong i've had sex just not with anyone this big before.
He spits on the tip and for some reason its the hottest thing i've ever seen . I watch as he he spread it around then he comes back over me as his tip meet my entrance.
You good he asks waiting for my answer before he makes a move to put it in.
I nod my head
words baby he says in a sweet tone making me blush.
ye-yes i'm good I answer
he nods as his tip slides in making me suck in a breathe.
he not only long but also thick .
Fuck so fucking tight he groans as he pushes into me more.
I whimper at the stretching feeling and my eyes squeeze tightly shut.
I know sweetheart I know im going as slow as I can he says .
After a couple long painful seconds he's bottomed out . Over never felt so full in my life. He starts to slowly thrust in and out making me whine and put my hand on his chest pushing him away .
He grabs my hand and holds it down by my head.
I know it hurts but do not push me away he says in a assertive tone making me immediately apologize .
He continues thrusting slowly and the pain finally goes away and I cant help the moans that escape my mouth.
fuck oh my - f-faster please I whine and he immediately does what I ask.
His tip hits my g-spot with each thrust making me cry out repeatedly
fuck you think you can handle it rough hmm he asks in a breathy tone that has my eyes rolling back and my back arching.
I nod my head and he grabs my throat roughly .
use your words when I ask you a question y/n he growls making me moan.
y-yes fuck I can handle it I moan as my stomach starts to feel pressure signaling another orgasm is close.
He starts pounding me rough and hard making me scream out.
OH FUCK M-MATT I scream as my hands move to his back and my nails drag down making him groan and pound me even harder.
such a good fucking whore taking me so well he groans as he lightly slaps me making me cry out.
My legs start shaking and I cant help but scream his name as I cum around him . His pace doesn't slow one bit he continues pounding into me making me smack his bicep repeatedly .
f-fuck I c-cant I whine as my hands come to his stomach as I try to push him away.
he slaps me making me cry out in pain .
Put your fucking hands down he growls and I move them reluctantly .
good girl now take it he groans as one of his hands move to my clit rubbing fast circles making me scream . My hands move as I go to grab his wrist but I stop myself knowing hell just get mad.
you're gonna cum for me again like a good little slut he says as he angles his hips to perfectly hit my g spot making my entire body tremble .
n-no I cant I whine as tears well up in my eyes from how over stimulated i'm becoming from the overwhelming pleasure i'm in .
No ... oh sweetheart your gonna need to learn to do what I tell you too he says as he grips my throat roughly and swiftly lifts my legs onto his shoulder moving his body fully over mine so my legs are pressed into my chest.
He pounds into me so roughly i scream and my hips lift off my ground completely . He just grabs my waist continuing to pound me into oblivion .
I scream as another orgasm rips through me and my hearing goes out as my body shakes and my hands fist .
Good girl thats it he groans as he fucks me through my orgasm and my hips fall back to the ground .
He pulls out and flips me over onto my hand and knees .
Arch your back for me baby he says as his hands moves over my ass cheeks giving them a squeeze.
I arch the best I can and he shoves back into me making me gasp and bounce back into him.
He slaps my ass enough time to leave hand prints on each cheek .
he grabs my hips and pounds into me harder making me scream and my hand flys back to grab his wrist .
FUCK FUCK SO FUCKING DEEP I scream as he hits so deep I can feel him bulging inside of me .
yeah you feel how deep I am he asks in a dark tone as one of his hands moves to my lower stomach and presses onto where hes bulging in me making me cry out .
Im moaning and shaking under him as I bury my face in the blanket .
who's fucking pussy is this he ask as he slaps my ass .
I croak out a "yours" but with my face buried in the blanket he didn't hear it.
He grabs me by my hair pulling my face up .
who pussy is this he demands in a deep raspy tone
yours I whimper out
louder slut
Y-YOURS IT YOURS I scream out as I cum all over his dick again and my legs give out and they shake uncontrollably .
He move with me continuing to pound into me rough and deep.
Thats right all fucking mine he groans as he starts to loose his rhythm .
I know he getting close and I couldn't be more happy about it . Im so overstimulated I cant even form words anymore . Im whimpering and gasping as his his start too sputter and he groans loudly .
Fuck gonna fucking fill this pussy up he groans as he grips my hair tighter .
F-fuck p-please I whine as I push my ass into him .
yeah you want me to breed this little pussy he groans as his dick twitches and his breathing becomes loud .
I clench around him from his words nodding my head over and over
y-yes yes fuck please I want it so bad.
oh fuck he groans as him hips snap into me and I feel his cum filling me up.
He slowly thrusts a couple time before sliding out and flopping beside me on the blanket.
Our breathing is heavy and loud both exhausted from the events.
Wow that was the best sex- ive ever had he says with a smile as he looks over at me .
Same that was so fucking good I say as I smile back at him.
we lay catching our breathes looking at each other smiling.
Its fucking cold I say making him laugh
Yeah it is he agrees as he grabs his boxers and throwing them on.
He rolls me over as he uses his shirt to shirt to wipe me clean making me smile.
He helps me get my outfit back on then pick me up as I keep the blanket wrapped around me .
Piggy back? he asks making me laugh .
I nod my head . My legs are not working so well right now .
He bends down and I hop on as I wrap my arm around him making the blanket now cover both of us .
he starts walking back to where we started as I rest my head in the crook of his neck .
I need you to know that your mine now there is no way i'm letting you go after tonight he says making me smile .
I think I could be okay with that I say placing a small his on his neck making him smile
good he says back as we walk out of the woods and back into the area with the logs and campfire still burning .
I spot ally and dear god she's been though it . Her hair is disheveled her makeup smudged everywhere and she's wearing the guys sweatshirt .
wait go over to ally she's my friend I tell Matt and he immediately heads over to her .
He sets me down next to her and she smiles at me .
Jesus you look like shit she jokes with me making me laugh.
I could say the same to you I joke back as we giggle .
You going home or... she asks smiling at me
I down know... am I I ask looking at Matt next to me
he smiles before answering
yeah ... but with me he smirks as I blush and look at ally who's already smiling ear to ear.
well then I guess I will see you tomorrow ?
mhm I smile as I shake my head
she gives me a hug as she says bye .
Me and Matt make our way back to through the path out of the woods and he leads me to a white convertible mustang .
wow nice fucking car I say as he opens the door for me
thank you he says as he helps me in the car then shuts the door and gets in starting up the car then starting a playlist and pulls out of the spot and onto the road.
1.23.23 by Dominic like plays as we drive though the dark night streets and after a couple minutes we pull up to a gate and he presses a button and it opens .
I watch as light posts pass by up a long driveway up to a large house actually mansion . He parks behind a fountain in the middle of the circular driveway.
He Gets out and comes to open my door .
We make our way up to the large front door as he uses his key to unlock it .
come on gorgeous I think we both need a hot shower he says leading me up a long grand stair case then another one to the 3rd floor .
We make it all the way down the hallways to a large door at the end .
He uses another key to unlock this door and make his way in with me following behind .
My jaw drops as I look around at the huge room .
damn this is nice as fuck I say as I walk around taking in the surroundings .
yeah its a bit... extra but im not complaining .
shit I wouldn't complain either I mean your room is the size of my entire apartment
he laughs as he leads me to the bathroom
he starts the shower and helps me undress then undresses himself .
We take a hot ass shower and he rises me down . I smell like man but I don't care i'm just sappy I'm clean and warm .
After the shower he puts me in one of his sweatshirts and we get into bed .
We lay their cuddling as he plays with my hair . I start to drift in and out as he kisses my forehead and I smile as I nuzzle into his chest more .
good night little deer he say as I fade into sleep .
This is for the anon who requested another story like my other one Hallowseve.
Sorry this took so long I had so much shit going on these past weeks
Taglist- ( If anyone wants to be added to the tallest please let me know I never know if some people only wanted to be tagged in specific series I was writing or like for every story I write so just let me know)
@junnniiieee07 , @riasturns , @lexisecretaccx
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mariacallous · 6 days
You’ve studied Russian information warfare pretty extensively. A few weeks ago the Justice Department indicted two employees of the Russian state media outlet RT for their role in surreptitiously funding a right-wing US media outfit as part of a foreign-influence-peddling scheme, which saw them pull the wool over a bunch of right-wing media personalities. Do you think this type of thing is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Russian information warfare?
Of course. It’s the tip of the iceberg, and I want to refer back to 2016. It was much bigger in 2016 than we recognized at the time. The things that the Obama administration was concerned with—like the actual penetration of state voting systems and stuff—that was really just nothing compared to all of the internet stuff they had going. And we basically caught zilcho of that before the election itself. And I think the federal government is more aware of it this time, but also the Russians are doing different things this time, no doubt.
I’m afraid what I think is that there are probably an awful lot of people who are doing this—including people who are much more important in the media than those guys—and that there’s just no way we’re going to catch very many of them before November. That’s my gut feeling.
While we’re on Russia, I do want to talk about Ukraine, especially since you’re there right now. I think one of the most unfortunate aspects of [the media’s coverage of] foreign wars—the Ukraine war and also the Israel-Hamas war—is just the way they inevitably fade into the background of the American news cycle, especially if no American boots are on the ground. I’m curious if this dynamic frustrates you as a historian.
Oh, a couple points there. One is, I’m going to point out slightly mean-spiritedly that the stories about war fatigue in Ukraine began in March 2022. As a historian, I am a little bit upset at journalists. I don’t mean the good ones. I don’t mean the guys I just saw who just came back from the front. [I mean] the people who are sitting in DC or New York or wherever, who immediately ginned up this notion of war fatigue and kept asking everybody from the beginning, “When are you going to get tired of this war?” We turned war fatigue into a topos almost instantaneously. And I found that really irresponsible because you’re affecting the discourse. But also, I feel like there was a kind of inbuilt laziness into it. If war fatigue sets in right away, then you have an excuse never to go to the country, and you have an excuse never to figure out what’s going on, and you have an excuse never to figure out why it’s important.
So I was really upset by that, and also because there’s just something so odd about Americans being tired of this war. We can get bored of it or whatever, but how can we be tired? We’re not doing a damn thing. We’re doing nothing. I mean, there’s some great individual Americans who are volunteering and giving supplies and stuff, but as a country, we’re not doing a damn thing. I mean, a tiny percentage of our defense budget—which would be going to other stuff anyway—insead goes to Ukraine.
And by the way, Ukrainians understand that Americans have other things to think about. I was not very far from the front three days ago talking to soldiers, and their basic attitude about the election and us was, like, “Yeah, you got your own things to think about. We understand. It’s not your war.” But as a historian, the thing which troubles me is pace, because with time, all kinds of resources wear down. And the most painful is the Ukrainian human resource. That’s probably a terribly euphemistic word, but people die and people get wounded and people get traumatized. Your own side runs out of stuff.
We were played by the Russians, psychologically, about the way wars are fought. And that stretched out the war. That’s the thing which bothers me most. You win wars with pace and you win wars with surprise. You don’t win wars by allowing the other side to dictate what the rules are and stretching everything out, which is basically what’s happened. And with that has come a certain amount of American distraction and changing the subject and impatience. I think journalists have made a mistake by making it into a kind of consumer thing where they’re sort of instructing the public that it’s okay to be bored or fatigued. And then I think the Biden administration made a mistake by not doing things at pace and allowing every decision to take weeks and months and so on.
What do you think another Trump presidency would mean for the war and for America’s commitment to Ukraine?
I think Trump switches sides and puts American power on the Russian side, effectively. I think Trump cuts off. He’s a bad dealmaker—that’s the problem. I mean, he’s a good entertainer. He’s very talented; he’s very charismatic. In his way, he’s very intelligent, but he’s not a good dealmaker. And a) ending wars is not a deal the way that buying a building is a deal, and b) even if it were, he’s consistently made bad deals his whole career and lost out and gone bankrupt.
So you can’t really trust him with something like this, even if his intentions were good—and I don’t think his intentions are good. Going back to the strongman thing, I think he believes that it’s right and good that the strong defeat and dominate the weak. And I think in his instinctual view of the world, Putin is pretty much the paradigmatic strongman—the one that he admires the most. And because he thinks Putin is strong, Putin will win. The sad irony of all this is that we are so much stronger than Russia. And in my view, the only way Russia can really win is if we flip or if we do nothing. So, because Trump himself is so psychologically weak and wants to look up to another strongman, I think he’s going to flip. But even if I’m wrong about that, I think he’s incompetent to deal with a situation like this. Because he wants the quick affirmation of a deal. And if the other side knows you’re in a hurry, then you’ve already lost from the beginning.
Timothy Snyder Explains How Americans Might Adapt to Fascism Under Trump
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drooperz · 8 months
A snowy morning
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He looks so darn cute in this picture
Summary: you're neighbors with John and you ask to join him on little outing with his friends when it snows! Just having a jolly ol' time!
John Lennon x reader :) fluff and all that
As the warm sun peaked through the curtains, you roused from your comfy sleep. Tussling a little bit in your sheets, you remembered what you hoped for last night.
You were practically itching to see if there was a layer of cold white laying upon the street. But getting out of bed was difficult due to how cold your room felt compared to how cozy the duvet felt wrapped around you. Every time you moved outside the designated warmth that enveloped you, your body practically shivered from head to toe.
It was torture.
But, you had the brilliant idea of bundling yourself up in the covers and getting up to look out the window.
Even when you cringed as your feet touched the chilly ground you crept towards the window excitedly and peaked through the crack of morning light in between the curtains.
You looked outside, the street was covered in white. Every front garden you could see was covered in a thick layer of pure white snow.
You thought about how cold it would be compared to your chilly room now, already mentally preparing an outfit for making snow angels without freezing or able to withstand a snowball fight (if one were to break out).
You were so ecstatic, practically jumping up and down on the spot, barely able to contain yourself! You needed to go outside instead of being indoors. Reluctantly, you shrugged off the warm duvet and felt the heat radiating slightly from it when it circled around you...
You'll pick it up later! Right now you need to get warm!
You tried getting some thick clothes to go outside but they were all cold, ironically.
You cringed as your shirt wrapped around you, like a chilly hug, sucking all the warmth from your torso and arms. Eventually, the material soon warmed up and you felt snug again.
Barely wasting any time, you had a quick glass of water and put your winter gear on.
Hat, check! Gloves, check! Boots, check! Big coat to keep me extra warm, heck yes!
You fumbled getting your keys in the front door with your gloved hands but did it anyways.
The freezing air kissed your warm face and your breath turned to steam against the sun's rays.
You barely took a step outside until you heard, "Hello, y/n!" A distinctive voice shouted.
You scanned the street to see where the voice called you, "Hello John! Good morning!" You exclaimed.
John lived just opposite your house, you'd see him around sometimes and often greet each other fondly. He would often talk to you when he got the chance, he was extremely charismatic and had a particular knack at keeping a conversation interesting.
"You're up early!" He beamed, making his way over to your side of the road, you watched his long coat sway and scarf bounce with every careful step. You smiled.
"Is the road slippery?" You asked, suddenly concerned he might slip.
"Nah, it's not too bad." He leaned over your garden wall as you stepped over the snow, enjoying the sound of the strange squeaks and frozen grass peaking out under your footprints.
"What are you up to then?" He asked with a cheeky grin.
"Hah, I was so excited about the snow last night I could barely sleep!" You laughed and he smiled at you, "I just wanna enjoy it before it melts." You smiled back at him and he lifted his eyebrows up.
"Well, me friends rung me up this morning and asked if I wanted to go to a field before anyone else gets to all the fresh snow." He said calmly, you opened the front wooden gate and stepped through onto the pavement.
You thought for a second, surely just walking around in the cold alone would be pretty boring... Right? You wondered if John would let you tag along.
"Do you mind if I come with you?" You asked cautiously, a bit of socializing and having fun in snow sounds like a good day.
"By all means," he skipped forward with a prep in his step, "the more the merrier, I'm sure the lads wont mind me bringing a plus one." He grinned again and you felt relieved.
"Thanks John." A smile spread across your face again.
The street was so so quiet. The bitter cold made it seem so still and empty, it was almost like it was only you and John in the whole neighborhood...
It was strange...
But also nice.
He lead you along the snowy pavement, both of you plowing a trail through the snow.
"It almost looks like a sandy desert." John stated into the stillness and you observed the road having been entranced by the snow rolling around your boots as you walked through it.
"It really does, doesn't it?" Snow peaked and fell on the road, in gardens, on cars and rooftops almost like little dunes, "Very, very cold desert." You laughed.
"Too right, I feel like I should have worn ten other scarfs." He joked, trying to pull the fabric over his nose.
You laughed, "if I had another one I'd give it to you."
"You'd give me one of ya scarfs?" He stood in front of me, leaning down a little, "Praise be ya y/n! Ye have the generosity of a saint!" He clasped his gloved hands together and shook them violently.
You laughed at him loudly and the sound reverberated around the, otherwise silent, neighborhood, "oh god, didn't mean to be that loud." You giggled at him, holding his shoulder.
"You're having fun, don't fret." He said kindly, "Oh, we gotta go though here," there was a small path that led behind some houses to an open field that most people would frequent, "not far now." He rubbed his gloved hands together and grinned.
The suns rays were warm both in feeling and colour, elongating the trees bare silhouette upon the pale snow. The path was wide enough for the two of you to walk together but you preferred to stay behind John for the meantime.
"you alright?" You asked, just checking on him.
"All good lovey." He looked back and grinned, "get over 'ere next to me." He ushered you with his hand and you caught up with him quickly. Trailing behind him didn't last long...
You smiled up at him and continued walking together.
As you trodded through the cold, you started to hear the sounds of other people at the end of the small trail. You suddenly felt a little nervous meeting John's friends. You didn't want to intrude on their dynamic and be awkward, not knowing what to say or do.
But as you walked closer, you could see the three silhouettes jumping and playing about. You smiled slightly, feeling relief that the people you're meeting are just as childish excited about the snow as you are.
"AYE PAUL!" John hollered, cupping his hands around his mouth for maximum attention.
One of them stood straight up and waved, Lennon chuckled, "I'll introduce you to the lads, c'mon." He looked down at you and took your hand, smiling widely.
As he lead you towards the approaching group you scanned the wide field covered entirely with white, smooth snow. Unlike the streets, there were hardly any ebbs or dips, it looked soft. Almost like a blanket. The sun was so golden here that you could see all of John's friends breath swirl and disappear with every step closer. John was the same, each breath out caught the sun and dissipated before lingering in the still air.
"John! You alright?" You assume Paul stepped forward in a big padded fur coat, he had a stiff posture and kept his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, you?" He replied plainly.
"I'm bloody freezing!" He tried to hide as much as his face underneath his jacket and laughed, only his pretty eyes and tussled black hair were visible.
"Who's that with ya John?" The one with blue eyes asked.
"Well, you see, this here is y/n!" He said calmly, swinging our joined hands and a dumb grin stretched across your face.
"That's y/n?" The one with the skinny face and dark hair said.
"I'm sure it is y/n, are you y/n?" John looked down at you jokingly.
"I hope I am." You all laughed briefly.
"You're a laugh, no wonder John goes on about you." He moved closer to you, "I'm George, and that's Ringo." He pointed towards the blue eyed man and he waved. They were all so smiley.
"Who wouldn't go on about you!" John practically spun to face you and picked you up with a bone crushing hug. In a second, just before he put you back down, you could feel his warmth radiating from inside his jacket and his breath on your face as he smothered you.
"There'd be nothing to go on about if you hug 'em like that again." Ringo laughed, you heard the other two laugh with him.
"You're so cute," he continued, still very close to you, you don't think the others heard what he was saying, "you're gonna stick with me, aren't 'cha?" He looked down at you, his face rather close to yours. You noticed how long John's lashes were with the proximity, he often teased you like this to get a reaction out of you.
"Yeah," you managed to breathe out, "I- I'll stick."
He grinned that sly, cheeky grin he always did.
The other lads were already chattering amongst themselves about something and you were just watching as they did so, John had put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you next to him.
Author's note: Late, late, late Christmas gift also its not snowing where I live right now but I'd love it if it did 😭😭😭
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet Character Thoughts: League Members
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The first (if you go in order based on strength) Gym Leader people will face. Her outfit is rather cute, and her dialogue is enjoyable as well, but to be brutally honest, she’s kind of boring. I had actually forgot about her later on in the game as she didn’t stick with me compared to some of the other leaders. I do enjoy seeing that the Paldea Leaders have additional occupations instead of just being a Gym Leader, as it gives them more character depth. I think Katy is a nice character, just a bit boring compared to other characters, maybe if she had more bright pops of color in her outfit it might make her stand out a bit more. Her gym challenge was fun, as it made me think of the olive farms in Italy that have huge harvest festivals.
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The thirst I had for this tired look man when he first dropped! This tired man is so extra but I love it! Brassius, as well as other characters in these games, all give me vibes of theatre children, they’re so extra, but also passionate and unique. He’s an artist but also a climber, as when we first met him, he was on top of a windmill! Compared to other grass gym leaders I love that he gives off a totally different vibe, he’s edgier, but he does have his moments, especially later on in the game. His gym challenge was fun, playing hide and seek with Sunflora, I’m not sure if other people had this happen, but one of the last Sunflora actually ran from me and I had to chase it down and battle it to get it to come with me.
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I 100% totally believe that these two cupcakes are dating and have been for a long while! They have cute nicknames for each other and just look so comfortable with each other! One thing (of many) that solidifies this is Brassius is the grass gym leader, and Hassel has a Flapple, which, according to the Pokedex and lore, if you give an Applin to someone you care about you’ll be together forever!! It’s canon and they’re so stinking cute together I could cry!!
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In comparison to Katy, who I think is a little bland looking, Iono is the exact opposite, she’s vibrant, colorful, and definitely not forgettable. If I had one complaint, I feel like she’s almost a little over designed, she is very busy from her outfit, her adorable pastel hair, oversized accessories, her shark teeth, and her wild personality. This is not to say she’s unlikable as I adore her character, she’s fun and lively and her gym challenge was very fun.
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He is another gym leader whose personality I adore, he’s so nice when he’s coming out to our match, interacting with kids and other people around, he’s so likeable. This being said, his facial hair, eyebrows and beard, are... yeah... I’ll leave it at that. It was nice to have a bit more involvement to getting to the point of battling him, from taking his wallet to the auction, winning the auction, and then meeting him back in his town, but I kind of wish there was an actual gym challenge on top of it as it would have been interesting to see what Gamefreak could have come up with for a challenge for his gym.
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Oh lordie, this tired, old, normal, salaryman. HOW I LOVE YOU!!! 100/10 best gym leader EVER!!! He vibes so much with me as I work a grueling 9 to 5 office job myself, so I complete understand why this cupcake is the way he is! Yes, he is plain design wise, but his character is anything but forgettable as everything flows so easily together for him. I was also extremely happy to find out that his style when throwing his Pokeballs was based on Koyo Aoyagi of the Hanshin Tigers! I know baseball is very big over in Japan, but to see this little easter egg in a Pokemon game was very enjoyable!
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Even though I adore Larry to pieces, Ryme is my favorite Paldea Gym Leader, she’s fierce, she uses one of my favorite types of Pokemon, she’s the sister of one of the teachers, and she’s a rapper! Her gym challenge was overly simple, but it was all forgiven when I came out to see her in a rap battle with a store clerk! I was offended when she asked if I wanted a rap battle and then told me no, even though I would get torn to shreds by Ryme, I still wanted to have fun! Her design is so much fun and I love when she gets mad and her eyes go white, that’s so funny when it happens. Not going to lie, when I see Ryme and Tyme, all I see is Salt n’ Pepper!
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Her design is so beautiful, she’s elegant and feminine and just so freaken pretty!! She gives that vibe that she can snap your neck if you disrespect her without any issues while putting on mascara and not losing a single ounce of her concentration. When I first met her, I thought she was a snob, as she was on the phone, but once I got to see more of her character afterwards, she quickly grew in favor and showed that she’s not just a pretty face. Her gym challenge was Simon Says with a few battles thrown in, nothing majorly difficult, but my favorite thing was the photo we took afterwards, she did that position in those high as frick heels and made it look easy.
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Grusha is so pretty but personality-wise, I hated this pompous prick until I saw more of the dialogue. Grusha was very rude to me and acted like battling me was going to be a huge waste of time. However, I came to realize that Grusha was trying to protect me, by being an asshole, as Grusha was one of the top snowboarders, keyword ‘was’ which makes me think there was an accident with major injury that resulted in Grusha’s retirement; they’re trying to keep others from doing the same because they don’t want us to get hurt and ruin our futures. Grusha is, according to the official site, male, but I’m not convinced, and prefer to keep their pronouns gender-neutral. Design wise I love Grusha’s design, it’s simple but not boring, I love the two-toned hair color and the oversized scarf that is so adorable that I want to find a tutorial to crochet myself one.
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When I first saw her, I thought Rika was a skinny man, but once I found out that she was female, my inner lesbian all of about exploded from immense glee! Her design is amazing!! I can’t find a single thing bad to say about her other than I wish we had seen more of her and had more interactions with her!!
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How in the world did this child become an Elite Four member at such a young age? When I first met her, I was in disbelief, how is this possible?! She was decently strong, and her design is rather cute, and the dialogue she has with others is rather cute. It is amusing to see this little bebe that is one of the strongest trainers in Paldea. I feel like her color palette could use something, her outfit is mostly all the same color and I wish that there was some more color differences, like maybe her shoes could be black as well, and the lining of her jacket could be black. I’m not sure what that giant key thing around her neck is, it reminds me of a key holder that younger kids would carry their house keys in. Ahh latchkey kids, brings back memories...
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Nuff said <3
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Woof, this man radiates DILF energy, he’s elegant, kind, and goes hard in battles but is so sweet and a wonderful teacher on top of it! When I found out he was in the Elite Four after only knowing him as my art teacher, I squeed. His design of beautiful, his eyes remind of me of a hawk, and his clothes scream professor but at the same time he’s so handsome!! He was one of the hardest battles in the game when I faced him in the Champion Test, but I loved it! By end game (Elite Four time) I’m usually over-leveled as I want to be able to handle it in one shot, but he gave me a run for my money. When I beat him and he started to cry and tell me how proud he was of me, I cried, I wanted to immediately adopt him as my new dad.
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Not going to lie, when I first saw her, I thought she was going to pull a Chairman Rose and be the secret secondary bad guy like in Sword and Shield. The way she carried herself and just the vibe screamed sus to me, and I just couldn’t shake it. Now that I’ve finished the game and now know that she is just a very serious person, I’ve come to appreciate her more as a character, unless if they bring out a DLC and my sus vibes were telling me the truth and she really is evil! Her design was a little...ehh for me. Her hair is very full, almost like a mane, and her outfit makes her seem very boxy, unlike Rika who pulled the look off well. She is another character that I wish had a bit more color in her palette, the black, blue, and yellow is fine, I just wish there was a bit more of varying colors.
Overall, the Paldea League is very diverse, design wise, and most of the characters, if you didn’t know them, you wouldn’t be able to tell what kind of trainer they were, which I like, as it makes it fun to learn through trial and error with each of these trainers.
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llycaons · 1 year
Ep2: little apple mvp
fuck, but these are getting long. putting under a readmore
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these early wandering scenes are really nice. lighthearted and peaceful, and probably quite enjoyable for a wwx whose last memories were of grief and pain and exhaustion and stress and persecution
reminds me - wwx was crying last episode when jc came to kill him. he might have smiled a bit, but he seemed so resigned to the fact that jc hated him but when jc told him to go and die he started crying. it was so fucking sad
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the most brilliant mind of his generation on coaxing a donkey to walk...
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you know this was 😬 but wwx has tremendous bad luck here because how was he supposed to know? saying something slightly rude is now punishable by death because of the context. but wwx made an honest mistake! also jl was being extremely arrogant and aggressive
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jc crushing the paperman while lwj carried it so carefully on his palm...so deep
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I don't agree with either wwx or lwj's methods here but jc being extremely aggressive and mean and critical of jl is really not helping his emotional development either. fuck, if a parental figure treated me like that I'd act out too
lwj coming just in time to keep jl from fucking stabbing wwx >>>>>>
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the petty-off between jc and lwj is extremely funny here bc lwj refusing to deign to even open his mouth while jc fumes and throws as cruel insults as he can and I think wwx is finding it funny too? it seems like he's trying to hold back a smile here
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this being wwx's memories of teenage jc 😭
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little apple coming back to him after this very sad little scene had me a little misty-eyed...god but that donkey loves him so much in the end and he loves her so much...lsz was the first to show him kindness in this new life but she was the first to stick with him 🥺
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I honest to god could not care less about this plot I think it's very boring but I do like jl's outfit with the little gold dots and the hair pieces
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wwx is also kind of harsh to the kids lmao and then jingyi is like 'hgj is going to KILL us 😭' which is very funny given what we've seen of lwj so far (he's very calm and gives them support, info, and encouragement) esp compared to the anger, critiques and unhelpful demands of jc. like, I don't doubt he's disciplined juniors but we never seen anything harsh from him so what is jingyi even referring to? I don't count the handstands as cql canon btw I think it's absurd
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comedy scenes of all time. to me. the anti-chemistry is palpable
it's so so funny to see Those jc fans rewrite this episode like 'jc was looking for wwx the entire time 🥺 they're brothers' when it's so starkly apparent that jc was clearly extremely angry the entire time, told jl to kill wwx before learning his identity, told jl repeatedly that all dc's like wwx should be killed and fed to the dogs, and then immediately tried to expel him from mxy's body (kill him again) after learning his identity. buddy I don't think he's at the point in his journey you think he is
he's also really rude and demanding of his disciples...I was wondering how he was with them bc I didn't remember and the answer is, not surprisingly, pretty harsh. well...at least he's involved?
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the editing on this was SO funny. cut from wwx asking this to this statue, far in the distance, chasing after these tiny figures of cultivators. way to sap the drama out of a shot
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he loves to do a spinny <3 even if they are in mortal danger he must do a spinny
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REUNION SHOT!!!!! the tension building between them and FINALLY having them meet is just MWAH. and wwx grabbing lwj's arm afterwards is still one of my favorite little things bc wwx doesn't actually do that very often! it's nice to see him reach out to lwj almost on instinct when it's usually lwj reaching out and trying to connect with him instead. the romance in these first two episodes. ugh. delicious
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whatever they did make wn look like this is was really effective
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BE NICE TO HIM JC!! also even tho jiangs are the purple clan, they seem to wear blue a lot
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lwj also doing a little spinny to open his weapon even though his newly resurrected beloved is in mortal AGAIN from the guy who killed him the first time = wwx doing a little spinny earlier even though his nephew and a bunch of kids were about to die. truly soulmates
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I hate this shot SO much. the lens and the angle are so unflattering. you can see right up his nostrils in some of these shots
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jyl scrunching up her nose here is one of my favorite tiny moments in this entire show. it's so fucking cute and I love her so much
Personal highlights: ep2
wwx grabbing lwj's wrist right after they reunite
jyl scrunching up her nose
wwx and lwj twin spinny maneuvers
little apple coming back and wwx being excited about it
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simply-yelly2 · 2 years
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I swear that I do more than just draw at my job, today was another day of free-style drawing (because it was raining all day), and given how much I enjoyed drawing Oliza (and somebody else who I might go ahead and post even if he is not fully finished), I decided "won't it be funny if I tried drawing Sive?" and...what started out with just color pencils evolved into me using most of my lunch break to paint. I think she turned out pretty good tbh. Obviously, I did mess up here and there, but I have always been a little unsteady when it comes to painting, which is kind of why I don't do it much.
@opal-tea and @justawfulxmenart for our precious little hawk girl and here is the breakdown.
Gosh, where do I even begin? I guess with the basics.
So unlike Oliza, I used paint for Sive's skin and clothes, I used the same marker that I had used for Oliza's eyes and jewelry for Sive's eyes, eyebrows, and hair. Other colors (of the same kind of marker, aka was in the same box) I used for her lips, outline, and feathers (plus the two details in her eyes). I feel like it kind of makes her pop and the Shardae line is said to have hair/eyes the color of molten gold. Sorry to Aleya, Sagira, and Tirna Shardae because I had the marker versus being able to use my computer.
I used paint for her skin, the color being “Warm Buff”. At first, I was worried that she might look off when compared to my other hawks, especially Aleya who definitely has a really warm skin tone. But looking at them, she is not too bad. I was doing some thinking while I worked (in silence because a co-worker was in the break room with me) and I came to two different conclusions. The Serpiente are said to be cold-blooded, which can affect their moods at different parts of the season (this was revealed in Maeve'ra). I feel that could have been something to mention in Kiesha'ra because if you are trying to build up piece between two nations who previously were at war and have such contrasting cultures, you might want to warn people when the other group might be more...irritable. Like what happens in Wyvern's Court during the summer? does the court temporarily retire and go on vacation? That kind of seems like the best course of action, but then I wonder...how do things go with Zane and Danica during the hot days of summer?
The other thing is that I feel the Hawks are similar to the Falcons when it comes to the complexion, except their hair is more gold and their skin is slightly darker.
Speaking of the Falcons, the thing I look most forward to discussing is Sive's outfit.
Sive’s “main outfit” consists of a cream gown and a golden anklet. At first, I did not quite know how to make her outfit. I know several people who have drawn Sive and they give her beautiful dresses. But it just didn't sit right with me.
So I thought about it and had an idea that maybe the Avians kind of follow the Falcons when it comes to fashion trends. Of course, Avians are more reserved when it comes to modesty, so no woman is going to have her chest out, though the back is open to allow the wings.
Now for the colors. Sive's outfit was just said to be cream-colored, but I felt like that would be kind of boring. I was then trying to figure out what color to pair with it (and would look natural given the time period, with no access to the kinds of colors we can work with nowadays). At first, I wanted to go with red, more specifically burgundy due to Danica's dress in the first book. But I could not find any paint of that color, I also had no means to check what colors pair nicely with cream and did not want to bother anyone. I then got the idea of using black, but I was kind of reluctant.
To the Serpiente, Black is the color of nobility (probably because the cobra royal family have black hair) and this could be seen as Sive embracing her older (half-) sister’s family. To keep up with Falcon Fashion, I gave Sive gold circles (Cjarsa and Lily both have circles on their sleeves, but are a paler color). Something further…
The way I see it, Avians wear their clothes differently from Falcons. Sive’s dress has short sleeves, but long sleeves are sewn in to cover the arms. I kind of feel like the Avians were the Victorians of Wyvern’s Court. That could be why Sive wears her hair down, or else she just wanted to piss her mom off.
For the Rewrite, I would want to explore Sive's relationship with her mother and older half-sister. Sive was born about three years after Oliza, so she is closer to her niece than her half-sister, but I do wonder how things are between Danica and Sive. Are they close? Did Danica help with Sive's upbringing? It is tricky because Sive's role in the story is not so cheery, but she gets her own happy ending.
So...last bit would be general opinion?
I like Sive a lot, is definitely one of my favorite characters from the Kiesha'ra series. I am glad she got out of marrying Prentice, but I feel like Amelia might have been setting her up for a repeat scenario of her sister's situation, minus being rendered unable to have other children.
So when I first posted my picture of Sive, I realized that I had missed a spot in her hair. I went to correct it...and a whole saga unfolded and a lot of paint was used on her face. Of course, I still missed up her one eye, but I think I am finally done putting this poor lass through artistic hell. Namely, I thought her eyes and nose looked wrong, and then her mouth...
I do have a little headcanon to share now. So normally Sive (and any other Avian) would wear a belt. But I thought it would be nicer if Sive's "belt" was a melos that had been given to her by Danica. She does get quite of bit of flak from Nacola and other Avians, but Sive cherishes the gift and always gets complimented when she wears it. I imagine it is a color that would go nicely with black and cream, but maybe can be worn with any outfit.
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bh-writingdump · 1 month
zeek's freaks
Ink Means _ (Ed 1)
[1st draft]
Ink hangs over his chair, staring at the restrained human in front of him. Eyes glossy like marbles. The skin of that rough bumpy texture that made his tattoo machine go wild compared to the satisfying grind of bone.
“You sure I can’t have a monster? A proper skeleton monster?”
The guard keeps his gaze staring straight ahead but he notices a little drip of sweat coming down his neck. He should’ve known a guard coming off the drug would get him something like this. Judging by how the fellows other wounds healed, Ink doubts he’d even survive. Guy picks at his own skin and gloves tapped around his wrists for crying out loud.
“Mandy, I’m borrred. Can’t you get me some bone. Or at least a little skin with some oomph? This canvas.. I doubt it’ll even hold my magic its so far gone.”
The guard keeps staring ahead, a little tremor in his hand. Boring.
* * *
Back in his cell, Ink gathers up the yellow paint he’d gather up from the patient. It isn’t much but a drop mixed with a little orange makes his bones feel like butter. Feels just like weed. Stretching out in his cell, he leans against his favorite wall watching all the other doctors walk by. What he wouldn’t give to be out there, marking their bodies.
That’s when Ink catches notice of a nurse dragging her feet. Ink chuckles, leaning on the glass, whispers as she comes by. “I like your broach. The herculean beetle compliments your shirt nicely.”
Her heavy eyes give him in the once over. “No.”
“No? I don’t think the outfits that bad.”
She crosses her arms. Her gaze like a solar flare. “I know about your paint.”
Ah, so they do talk. That’s good. It’ll make things run all the faster.
“New stuff. Nothing like the old stuff.”
“How long does it take? 1st dose, second?”
“I’m not the one self-prescribing until I’m reliant. My.. patients are.” Ink laughs like that’s the funniest joke yet.
She shakes her head, passing by. Ink notices a limp. “Pain medication not working? I got something for that.” He names a price.
For a barely perceptible moment, she slows, then keeps walking. Hook, line and sinker. She’ll be by later tonight. What he does miss is the doctor approaching his cell. They drop a metal chair with a clang. He flinches.
Maybe he did take a little too much.
On instinct, Ink searches for the shocker. None. New face. It’s got the wrinkles but not the furrow in the ridge that marks the veterans.
“How fresh are you?” their name tag reads, ‘Ezekiel Partridge’. “Ezekiel, Dr Drew didn’t assign me to you, did she?” He smirks at the focus the young doctors has. Brushing himself off, he sits up to give them his full attention.
The kind of stuff he could rake in with this one, might be a money bucket for years. Then again, the look in Ezekiel’s eye said otherwise. Curiosity maybe? If they’re thinking what Ink thinks they’re thinking, they could be a problem.
He casually stretches so to make eye contact with Sepia (Nightmare). Who, of course, decided this was a time to take a nap. Ezekiel follows his gaze to the sleeping octopus mer.
Ezekiel nods, dropping the file into his food tray.
Ink takes it. “What’s this for?” It doesn’t look like a test, lot of baseline questions about his mental state, what kind of teaching technique works best for him—is this a test or a survey?
Before Ink can ask the newby what this is bout, they’ve gone to the next cell.
Maybe they weren’t for the drugs after all.
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ashthehermit · 2 years
Legends of Tomorrow: A Retrospective 1.10
Ugh.  I don't care for this one.  I can put up with a lot of nonsense in a show.  I don't require shows to necessarily be good, as long as they are fun.  But this episode annoyed me to the point of considering abandoning this series.  I believe I did for a time.  I believe I started skipping episodes that bored me just to make it to the finale.
This episode centres around this time travel ethics question.  If you could time travel, would you go back and kill baby Hitler?  My question is - what's the point?  It's a time travel paradox - a thought experiment.  If you were to kill Hitler, how would he become the terrible person you know him to be, and therefore how would you know to kill him?  It's the grandfather paradox, but with extra steps.  The question of 'should we kill a baby?' is kind of nothing to me.  The answer is - well, this is never going to come up.  To kill the baby would create a paradox, and well, you will have killed a baby.  Secondly, no one is a time traveller, so it will never be a problem.
Tragically, these characters are time travellers.  And they're going to spend all episode pondering over this problem that does not develop their characters, is philosophically shallow, and comes to an obvious conclusion.
Once again on a CW show, we are treated to a holding cell that lacks a toilet.  Flash later retconned this to reveal that there were secret folding toilets in the wall of the pipeline the whole time, but it doesn't make up for the fact that Team Flash were holding people illegally and without trial.  At least this time, the Legends are openly criminals.  
Rip says that in the future, governments gave way to corporations.  Seems plausible.  Everyone dresses in sci-fi outfits that are deeply fine, but at least they're not leather jackets.  Rip predicts that a virus will decimate humanity.  This episode is gonna wring me out, I know it.
Ray decides to find out how his suit became autonomous, and used as cops.  Rip says he should do that.  It's unclear why.  Rip hates to change history unless it fits his personal scheme.  Why does Ray need to bother with this?  We are in another dystopian future, and it is as uninspired as the other hellscapes we have been treated to.
'We already know what pushes this punk to the dark side.'
We are in it now.  Rip compares the child they have to murder - Per Degaton - to Hitler, in case the analogy was lost on us.  Stein makes the argument that they should not stoop to Savage's methods.  It's a conversation entirely full of cliches.  They settle on kidnapping him.  Rip refers to Degaton as 'baby Hitler', just to drive the hammer home.  God, I'm so tired of this.
Ten episodes in and we haven't really got to the core of who Kendra is as a person.  We are treated to a sepia flashback where she is wearing a terrible wig.  They have little Aldous to take care of.  Remember him?  He died really early on, and we didn't know who he was either.
'No litter, no street crime, no smog, how soon can we leave?'
Snart refers to Degaton as future Hitler again.  This episode doesn't want to trust its audience at all.  They successfully kidnap the kid, all while Ray is having a crisis visiting his future company.  There's even a statue of him to prove it.  They're completely immoral, of course.  Ray compares himself to a Nazi scientist.  Ugh.
Ray is also worried about his future kids.  Right now he has none, so how can he have descendants?  This perhaps isn't the most important thing, but by gum he's going to overthink it anyway.  They theorise that a girl who ghosted Ray might have been pregnant.  They come to this conclusion way too quickly.  This is annoying anyway.  This timeline where PalmerTech is an evil company will never come to pass, because the canon of Arrow won't allow it.  Hell, the canon of this show can't allow it.
'[She] ghosted me, the week before we left.' 'She died?'
Turns out that kidnapping the kid did nothing to change the timeline.  Savage comes to power anyway.  Seems like the kid wasn't important anyway.  They're back to debating killing him now.  It's a repeat of the same conversation we had earlier.  Sara believes that Degaton can change.  They all want to believe that Rory can change too.  Obviously they all can.  Let's move on.  We get a drawn out moment where Rip might be about to kill Degaton, and instead cuts his sedative line.  Then he takes the jump ship off.  Please.  Let this end.  The gang immediately assume he's going to kill Per Degaton.  
This episode is purely filler.  We dwell so much on Rip's backstory and don't expand on it in any way.  We get no further sense of what his family were even like.  Kendra's flashbacks also don't tell us anything new about her life.  Everything in it, Aldous already told us in far less time.  Kendra reveals that she feels like she's cheating on Carter with Ray.  It doesn't land.  Carter has been absent for eight episodes now.  They were never a convincing couple.  I was told earlier that Kendra already had all her memories back, and there's no clear reason she's having these flashbacks now.  Carter's not even about.  Aldous is long dead.  Ugh.
'Not committing murder is generally considered the right thing, Captain.'
Rip points his gun at Per Degaton.  Let this END.  Rip comes to the conclusion that there are some things he would not do to save his wife and son.  He has a potted talk with the kid about goodness, and then apparently abandons him next to a lake.  Savage attacks the ship, although I have no idea how he found it.  That connection he has with Kendra is less clear than the connection Stein has with Jax.  Surely, if he used his connection, he should have found them much sooner.  There's a punch up.
It turns out that the lady from the evil robot company is descended from Ray's idiot brother.  It cheats us out of any emotional resolution on that score, which makes me believe that this whole arc was just a waste of time.  This episode is frankly a waste of time.  They convince the lady to disable her robots in about two seconds.
'If you don't let us disable your evil robot army, the whole world will be destroyed.'
Rip threatens Per Degaton AGAIN.  This time it's to save Sara, but what's the damn point?  The evil goons in this episode also seem to be dressed in hockey pads.  
We see a lot more of Ray and Kendra's room in this episode.  It makes me yearn for the days when there will be less sparse rooms on this ship.  Ray's room has no furniture, let alone belongings.  His room in the future will have a hoard of characterful belongings.
We cut back to Savage and Degaton.  Savage is talking about Oedipus, but he's changing it to be all about killing the father, and leaving out the unfortunate incest part.  It's showing Savage convincing Degaton to kill his father.  Gideon confirms that their actions have done nothing to alter the timeline.  The gang has learned nothing.  The timeline has not changed.  The episode spends a lot of time on Per Degaton, a character we had not heard of until this episode.  It is all about Savage's rise to power, when we had heard precious little about this from Rip up until now.  And why do we care?  Sure, he kills Rip's family, but the more we hear about them the less we learn.  The team have no real stake in saving the world in 2166, as they will all be long dead by then, and not all of them are that altruistic.  What was the point of any of this?
Mick reveals that the Time Masters have sent hunters to get him back.  Curious why he did not mention this before, when it's a clear risk to his life.  This leads to him being released from the brig, but nothing changed over the course of the episode to get him there.  There's no reason for him to offer that information at that point, instead of earlier.  
There have been a lot of bad episodes this season so far, but I hate this one the most.
0 notes
becca-e-barnes · 3 years
BECCCAAAAAA pretty please give us more rough best friend's dad bucky i'm such a whore for him 😩 like jealous mean dom kinda stuff 👀
NO PLEASE, this one actually had me in a chokehold, I try so hard to stick to answering requests in the order I receive them but I got this idea in my head and I didn’t want to write anything else 😩😩 I’m so glad you’re all loving best friend’s dad Bucky as much as I do!! I know I promised a fic where Amy finds out so that’s still coming!
Also, my Amy character is based on a real person! Fun fact; we have matching tattoos together 💗 mine is on my underboob so I definitely think there’s potential for a fic there where Bucky sees it for the first time (thoughts?)
I’d recommend reading Part 1 if you haven’t already but I guess this works as a standalone!!
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2.3K
Summary: Amy thinks you need to blow off some steam after breaking up with Aaron. Little does she know her dad has been helping you with that.
Warnings: Smut, bestfriendsdad!bucky, dilf!bucky, significant age gap, unprotected sex (be safe!!), Dom!bucky, daddy kink, degradation, praise kink, pet names, vaginal penetration, rough sex, watching yourselves in the mirror, hair pulling, alcohol mention, gagging, cum play, jealousy, kinda toxic!bucky?, hickies, possessive Bucky, breakup mention, kinda fluffy at the end, nod to aftercare, fluff
Minors, do not interact
You had to admit, as much as you couldn’t be bothered going out for the night after a long week at work, it didn’t take Amy long to convince you that it would be fun.
“Come on! I’ll be on my best behaviour, I promise! It’ll help you get over Aaron, we can find you someone new. Maybe get you some action? We can’t go out when we’re old and boring so we might as well go now!” That girl could be a motivational speaker some day, draped over her kitchen counter, eating ice cream from the tub. Of course, she hadn’t noticed how her words had made her father’s jaw clench. She was completely oblivious to the fact you’d been hooking up for a month or two now and you were having the best sex of your life.
It was so wrong. The age gap between you both was huge but every time you saw each other, nothing else mattered except getting the other’s clothes off as quickly as possible. If sex could be electric, that’s exactly the word you would use to describe it. It started off as just sneaking around, quickies in his bed when Amy went to the gym, messy blowjobs in the bathroom while she was distracted making dinner but it had somehow turned into more. You had recently begun sneaking in the back door, even when she was home to spend the night in Bucky’s room before sneaking out the next day.
As terrible as it was, Bucky couldn’t think of anything else, anything but you. Nothing compared to the feeling of being so lost in your body he could hardly breathe. Images of your curves filled his thoughts, of soft skin and breathy moans and fuck, he adored when he smelled of your perfume after you left. He adored even more when he saw you a few days later, after the hickies on your breasts darkened, along with the bruises where his fingers had gripped the soft flesh at your hips. You were his. There was no ‘getting over Aaron’. He had already taken care of it.
“You know, a night out might not be so bad.” You smiled gently, laughing at the excited squeal that erupted from your friend as she lept off the counter to fetch a bottle of wine from the cellar and then go hunting for outfits to wear out.
“Wait, you’ll drive us dad, won’t you?” Amy asked, popping her head back in the door to the kitchen once more.
“Yeah honey, no problem.” He nodded, chuckling at the fact his daughter seemed so excited she might burst.
So that was it settled. You were going out. Thankfully, you kept a few changes of clothes in Amy’s room for occasions like this and more recently, Bucky had given you a drawer in his room but your dresses to go out in were in Amy’s closet.
“You haven’t worn that blue dress yet, what about it?” Amy suggested, glancing back at you in the mirror while she did her makeup.
“It’s a little bit…. Short? Tight? Revealing?” You laughed, the wine beginning to make you feel a little more flushed and giggly.
“Um…. Has anyone ever told you that you’re young, you’re hot and you’re single? Wear whatever you want. You look so good in that dress. Wear. It.” There is was again. If Amy didn’t go into the business of delivering motivational speeches some day, her talents would be wasted. You bit you lip and nodded, pulling it off the hanger and heading to the bathroom with your heels and accessories. Your hair and makeup were already finished so you just had to get dressed and wait for Amy to be ready. You slipped out of your jeans and top, letting them fall to the floor. The dress didn’t really allow you to wear a bra either so you tugged it down your arms before pulling the dress down over your head. It hugged every single curve you had. The neckline framed your breasts beautifully and the skirt stopped around the middle of your thighs, making your legs look even longer. Slipping your heels on, you took a second to just admire your reflection a little. You looked good, where was the harm in acknowledging it?
You gathered your clothes from the floor hastily, unlocking the door, only to gasp when you were met with a wall of Bucky on the other side. And damn, he hadn’t expected the sight that would greet him when the door opened.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” He hissed, eyes immediately darkening as he drank in the sight of so much of your exposed skin.
“It’s a dress Bucky.” You laughed, trying to keep it lighthearted but Bucky was losing himself far too fast.
“You’re not going out dressed like that.” His voice was so low and gravelly, inching slightly closer to you.
“Last I checked, I could do what I want.” You couldn’t help but feel defiant, pressing your body against his, tearing a noise from him that was practically a growl.
“Change. Now. You aren’t going out dressed like a slut.” He practically spat the words at you and it was slightly concerning how it made your stomach tighten with want.
“You can’t tell me what to do, you’re not my dad.” You urged further, pressing the buttons you knew would get a rise out of him. Then he fucking snapped. He pushed you back into the bathroom, locking the door behind him and his mouth was on you in an instant.
“I might not be, but I could have you calling me daddy, couldn’t I? Little slut like you must fuckin’ love that. Jus’ want your daddy to put you in your place don’t ya? Think dressing up like this is gonna get my attention, hm? You fuckin’ live for it. Going’ out tonight to try to find a man that’s gonna fuck you better than I can? Would like to see you try. But don’t come crawlin’ into my bed when those stupid little boys can’t make you cum like I do.” His mouth moved to your neck as he spoke, the light dusting of his salt and pepper stubble almost driving you wild. His hands felt like they were everywhere at once as he backed you up against the sink, lifting you up to sit perched on top of it. Bucky stood, nestled neatly between your spread legs, cock stiffening in his jeans as he pressed against your core.
“Oh fuck.” You breathed out, eyes screwed shut as Bucky began nipping at your neck. You knew it would leave marks. You knew it would be impossible to explain to Amy but in that moment, it didn’t matter.
“Don’t know why I’m bein’ so kind to you angel. Bet you don’t even need all this fuckin’ foreplay. Could probably just slip right into ya, couldn’t I?” He was absolutely loving this, his need building too fast for his body to keep up.
“God, yes.” You all but whimpered, almost embarrassed at how pathetic your own voice sounded.
“Yes, what?” He probed, metal fingers beginning to drift up the inside of your exposed thigh, closer to where you needed him most.
“Yes daddy.” Hearing that title fall so willingly from your lips drove Bucky almost insane. His hand cupped your pussy through your panties, a deep hum of approval falling from him when he pulled his hand back, seeing his fingers were practically soaked, despite your panties still being in the way.
“Get down. Bend over the sink. If you wanna act like a whore, I’m gonna fuck you like one.” His voice was so calm and measured in a way that was almost scary given that his eyes were burning with desire.
“Yes daddy.” You whispered, letting your legs fall from where they had been resting around his narrow hips, your high heels hitting the tiled floor with a little tap. You bent over, exactly how he wanted, gripping the cold porcelain sink, knowing your thighs were already so slick with your own arousal.
“Look at you, you’re fuckin’ dripping. Isn’t that embarrassing? Knowing you actually thought someone else could fuck you better than I can? Gonna make sure you never forget who owns this pussy. This is mine.” He had pulled the little skirt of your dress up as he spoke but as he finished the last word he gave your pussy a light spank, making you jolt forward a little. You could see his reflection in the mirror in front of you, could see the gleeful look on his face as he hooked his fingers under your panties, pulling them down your legs. You stepped out of them quickly, noticing how he tucked them into the back pocket of his jeans.
“I know no one can fuck me like you do daddy.” You whimpered, hearing him undo his zipper, kicking your feet apart a little more.
“Oh angel, I know. You jus’ needa be reminded, don’t you? Needed daddy to make that little pussy feel special. Know how bad you need this. Want you goin’ out so cockdrunk you can’t even think of anyone else. Meant it when I said I wanna ruin you.” You could feel his slick head teasing through your soaked folds, lining up at your entrance and beginning to press inside you. You’d never taken him without any real foreplay before so it was an even tighter fit than usual. And Bucky was loving it. Mainly because he knew he had ruined you.
You whined out as he split you open with one sharp thrust, your walls fighting to accommodate his entire length as quickly as possible but he didn’t give you the chance. He had pulled out and thrust back in alarmingly fast, not even giving you a second to adjust.
“Fuck you’re such a slut. Knew you’d take it so well. You always do.” Bucky was groaning, gripping your hips with a tightness that could only have been rivalled by the way you were gripping him.
The whimpers and sobs were falling from you thick and fast, pain subsiding into blinding pleasure, the type that made you almost dizzy and had your legs feeling like jelly. His cock was hitting inside you perfectly, finding your g-spot with ease after having had so long to learn your body.
“Shut the fuck up. You’re gonna get us caught. Or maybe that’s what you want? Want everyone to know you’re such a little slut. You’d love that.” He growled as he leaned forward, forcing fabric in your mouth. Looking in the mirror you realised it was your own soaked lace panties. Bucky didn’t miss how your face contorted in pleasure, somehow getting even wetter from tasting yourself in a way that was so degrading.
“Look at you, all fucked out. Feel you clenchin’ me. Know you’re gonna cum, that’s pathetic, I’ve hardly even touched you. Not even sure I should let you. Jus’ been using you like a little hole and you’re loving it. You really are such a whore.” His voice had become a shaky whisper as he tried to keep his own voice down while chasing his high. Your head dipped down into the sink, using everything you had in you to focus on holding your orgasm back. That certainly didn’t suit Bucky though, his flesh hand gripping your hair to pull your head back up, looking yourself in the eye in the mirror as he slammed into you brutally. His metal hand drifted between your legs, rubbing your clit in tight circles.
“Only a whore would get off on bein’ fucked like this. Are you a whore?” Bucky couldn’t help himself, he was absolutely lost in this fantasy now but when you nodded your head, he almost came apart.
“Then prove it.” His challenge came with a few hard, well placed thrusts, his fingers never stopping and you couldn’t possibly have held back any longer, even if you had wanted to. You came so hard you couldn’t even have remembered your own name, wave after wave of violently intense pleasure washing over your body until you couldn’t even think straight. You did your best to control your noises, not that Bucky even cared anymore, spilling his seed inside your wet, tight heat with a long drawn out groan.
The whole aftermath felt slow, your bodies clammy and satisfied as he pulled out of you, your panties spat into the sink.
“Don’t you dare clean up. You’re goin’ out with me drippin’ out of ya.” Bucky’s warning was sincere but his face was much softer, lifting your balled up panties from the sink and tucking them into his back pocket again fondly.
“I’m not going out to hookup with anyone you know. Don’t want anyone else.” You admitted quietly, smoothing down your dress and fixing your hair. Hopefully you would get the marks on your neck covered with some makeup before Amy noticed.
For some reason, your admission hit Bucky in the chest.
“I know angel. Gotta admit, it’s nice knowin’ that even when you go out looking that good it’s my bed you’re gonna be sneakin’ into at the end of the night.”
@sebsbrokentoe @babebr @harrysthiccthighss @badgirlwolfy @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @justatirednightowl
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agape-bakery · 3 years
Hi ! I love your blog and your idea to make a bakery is just awesome ^-^ anyway how are you ? I hope you have a good day :) I'm here to request a female mc who love drawing. And i wonder if you can make brothers react to mc who draw them when they're sleeping, eating or i don't know like you want. If you can of vourse it's not an obligation :3
I wish you a good day \(^-^)/
Thank you so much! I really enjoy the location-themed blogs here like Cafes and such so I'm happy you think the same! I'm doing good! And also, YESS!! I love Artist MCs/Y/Ns because I'm an artist myself! I hope you enjoy these!
The Brothers with an F! MC who draws
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He already knew you love to draw and didn't mind that, at least that's one good hobby someone has on his list compared to gambling and parties
If there is something Lucifer appreciates about humans, it's their art and cultures, he might take you to art museums for inspiration and have a date in a cafe and talk to you about the paintings you both saw
If art museums are not your thing, he would be a little disappointed but then again, some artists like more modern artworks and some that are shown online so he understands
And frankly, having you draw him makes him immensely proud of himself for having a talented girlfriend like you, he doesn't ask that you draw him but he secretly wants to
Lucifer occasionally buys art supplies for you but only if you've been good
"So you joined Mammon on going to the casino to draw the people there?"
"Pretty much...."
"Hmm.. I guess you aren't going to get some Copics from me anytime soon."
Lucifer is also observant and knows when and who you're drawing immediately
"I can see you staring at me."
His eyes looked up at yours as you looked away, pencil in hand.
"No, I'm not."
He's seen you glance at him several times before looking down at your sketchbook.
It was breakfast and you were sat between a sleeping Belphie and a distracted Beel so you took the time to draw the eldest when no one's looking.
Lucifer hummed and told Beel not to eat so messily as you continued to draw him.
Lucifer has seen many sketches of him and the brothers and when you give him some as a gift, he keeps it well-protected somewhere that Mammon can't steal in his bedroom.
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He absolutely cherishes every drawing you have, the boy keeps a doodle of him and you as a good luck charm too <3
He might ask that you do commissions and he gets some of it (for giving the idea and managing the commissions-) but one glare and he'll shut up with a nervous chuckle and an "H-hey! It's just a joke!"
When Mammon sees you staring at some art supplies, he checks it again when he's alone and dies inside because of the price and buys it immediately, he doesn't care if he loses a lot of money only a little bit, all he wants is to see your face when he gives it to you
"You better be grateful that The Great Mammon even thought of giving this to you!... Do-don't look at me like that! It was on sale!!"
While Mammon was napping on his couch, you hastily opened your sketchbook and started sketching him and the boy never realized
By the time he woke up, you were already finished doing 5 sketches of him and taking pictures of him for reference
"Oi! What are you doing? Gimme that!"
His heart completely melts because??? you drew him so good??? his girlfriend drew him???? for free??? and out of love????
He also draws you but it's just a stickman with a messy face but you still love it all the same
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Finally...another Artist...AND HIS GIRLFRIEND NO LESS!!
He's so happy and giddy to show off his art supplies but he's hesitant when it comes to showing off his art because he thinks it's horrible compared to yours
You encourage him and usually learn together with him whenever he feels awful about his art
He's the Avatar of Envy so there are many times where he's compared himself to other artists so you had to be there to keep him grounded
Art Date, anyone??
It doesn't matter whether you buy art supplies or just take a break from school, it was always nice being around Leviathan
You took the chance to draw him while he was across from you and excitedly showed it to him
He had drawn himself (albeit, in a persona) in many games and animes but your drawing was more special than anything he's ever done
He looked away, avoiding eye contact as he gave you his own drawing which was you in your favorite video game
From now on, whenever the both of you wanted to give small gifts, you draw each other!! <3
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A demon who enjoys impressionism art, there's something about the dreamy landscapes and colors that really makes him calm aside from reading
I think he would paint for a change of pace but gets frustrated because of how difficult it is so he goes back to reading
So watching you draw makes him impressed, drawing takes so much time to master
He doesn't mind whatever art style you have, aside from the impressionism style, he would have yours as his favorite
He understands the pain of art block so he often invites you in his room, one where the others wouldn't bother you, just don't touch anything or else you'll turn into some random animal for a few hours
He also encourages that you read with him when you're uninspired! Reading helps the imagination and the mind, and he'd be happy to recommend some for you!
You trust him with your sketchbooks and he trusts you with his books! The both of you knew the other wouldn't do anything which is why he only lets you inside his room
While Satan makes a drink for you, humming an old song in his DDD, you drew him in overalls and glasses
When you were bored, you would always draw your boyfriend in random outfits and would often show it to him (which he all loves)
"Overalls and Glasses, huh? I might wear it tomorrow." Satan grins, peeking at your sketchbook as he puts down the drinks.
Don't get your hopes too high, he isn't going to wear a maid outfit........yet-
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Oh? You draw? Wellll, if you need a model, he's happy to be your own personal model, but it comes with a price ;)
He loves that you draw! And would ask you to draw him
There's many artworks he likes but yours he enjoys the most, even if you aren't his girlfriend
Might ask you if you can design outfits and draw him in certain outfits so he can try them out!
Of course, drawing is not an easy feat so he'll pay you handsomely~
If you do commissions, he gets one just so he can support you
He knows that art doesn't pay much yet it is so overlooked by others
"Everywhere is art, darling, I'm surprised some humans don't know that! Of course, I'm the most beautiful art there is but I'll have you as second~"
He might blush if you draw him without him asking, he think he's desirable enough to draw without a price! After hearing that you just love him might make him blush harder! Aww, you!
He'll give you several pecks as he laughs after seeing your drawing of him! One where he was posing in one of the photos you had of him during your dates
Anatomy is hard so if you want a nude model, he'll volunteer on the spot, sure he has thoughts but if you're fully intent on getting better, he's happy to help!
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He's not the type to focus on art so he doesn't understand it much, that doesn't mean he isn't impressed though!
He has heard of Food Art and Food Illustrations though...Based by the Arty Event, he seems to be good at drawing food! He wanted to try it more but Lucifer forbid him in case he would eat the paper and get chemical poisoning or something-
However, if you could also draw food, he would be so delighted!!! He won't eat it, he promises!
It's fine if you don't, though, he expects that you might not understand working out and sports like he doesn't understand art
Might be clueless if ever you feel bad about your drawings, he thinks it looks really good! But upon hearing how frustrated you are, he would give you hugs to comfort you!
While Beel is a oblivious sweetheart, he fully supports your hobbies and would invite you to diners and restaurants so you can draw while he eats! He might even join you while he's eating
As he eats a huge cheeseburger, you drew him, smiling at how happy he looked
When you gave it to him, he told you how spot on you drew him when he eats and keeps it around him, he avoids it getting dirty at any cost
Belphie suggested that gets a photo frame so he bought one! Now your drawing of him lays on his bedrest safely~
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He used to love art as much as Satan and Lucifer does but he doesn't anymore, not until you showed him your drawings
You rekindled a small flame in him that he never thought would come back
He doesn't draw because it's way too much work but he enjoys hearing you draw, the sound the pencil makes when it moves around the paper, and the smell of lead and paper makes him sleepy
He secretly likes those papers that have a nice smell in them so you buy some whenever you go out to get some art supplies
"That's way too many sketchbooks, MC."
"Nothing is way too much-"
Because he always sleeps around you, he doesn't entirely realize that you have a bunch of drawings of him in your sketchbook
It makes him warm when he sees your drawings of him
He wishes he could do more to support you even if you tell him he doesn't have to so like Beel, he keeps your drawings near his bed and looks at it before he sleeps
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Leona Kingscholar Birthday Boy Voice Lines
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When Summoned: You came to celebrate, huh... Then can you do your very best to keep me from getting bored?
Summon Line: You have my utmost gratitude for such a splendid celebration. ...There, I thanked you. I'm not saying it again.
Groooovy!!: You want to make me happy? Hahah! What fine intentions coming from a herbivore. I'm looking forward to it.
Home Set: Humph, this is a silly outfit.
Home Idle 1: Vargas threw his arm around my shoulder and even started singing a birthday song... Dammit, to think I'd be stuck listening until the very end...
Home Idle 2: This oversized hunk of meat? Jack brought it over just a little while ago. That guy really knows what I like.
Home Idle 3: Tch, something stinks... It's definitely because of all the party poppers that were set off earlier.
Home Idle - Login: Compared to the parties back home, this is pretty meager, but... The ones here are better since they're much more easygoing.
Home Idle - Groovy: Seriously, you and all the others are just taking advantage of another person's birthday to fool around like idiots... Are you that happy?
Home Tap 1: Lilia brought a dish that was as hard as a rock. What was that? Was it spite?
Home Tap 2: Other countries might have crowns with motifs that represent their king, but in Sunset Savannah, the lion is the symbol of the king. Kinda like this.
Home Tap 3: A bunch of the dorm students said that they wanted to have a match with me with something I like to do, so they kept challenging me to chess... Even though they don't even know the rules that well.
Home Tap 4: The portrait that Rook sent of me... It's not terribly made but, when I think about how he was constantly observing me, I feel uneasy.
Home Tap 5: Sneaking up behind me like that, were you attempting to surprise me? Aah, my bad. I'll pretend I didn't notice, so go on, continue.
Home Tap - Groovy: You're just going to carry drinks around and not even toast with me? Hey, bring a glass for yourself too.
Duo: [LEONA]: It’s commendable that you came to celebrate me, Deuce. [DEUCE]: Congratulations, Kingscholar-senpai!
Birthday Login Message: My birthday isn’t anything special. It’s just the day I was born. …Well if you’re really saying you want to celebrate it, I won’t forcibly stop you? Presents are always welcome.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi do you think you do the 4 lords reaction to finding out their GN s/o has a shadow demon that goes wherever they go and some time find the 2 of them playing board games
Hiii!! okay important note here! i decided to go a little off topic (sorry) for the purpose of a part 2 where the lord’s s/o will be an angel!! of course still gender neutral and there will be a shadow demon but the s/o will be a demon that hasn’t fully formed yet!
i’ve been really uninspired lately so this probably isn’t my best! i apologise :((
Devil or Angel? Pt.1
General HC’s
It was strange how quickly your life had changed. One morning you were just a normal villager in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere Romania and the next day you woke up from the cold dirty ground with a pair of huge dark wings and sharp nails.
You had been exploring some of the woodlands surrounding the village, looking for a water source which was running low when a dark figure came barrelling towards you. It felt like hours, when really it was only a few seconds of sharp searing pain. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave the village alone.
You didn’t die however, or maybe you did? You weren’t quite sure what was happening to your body. All you knew was it must have been something supernatural to make the huge black wings appear.
“Looks like you finally woke up! Do you know how fucking boring it is just waiting for you to wake up?”
You screamed in terror at the large demonic creature floating above you. It was surrounded by a cloud of black mist with red eyes that pierced through its silhouette. It had a large wicked smile aligned with sharp teeth and a set of wings that matched your own.
Behind those eyes was something much more human however, in fact it looked rather bored.
“Who, or what are you?! And mind that language!”
The creature only laughed at you, amused by the whole situation which bothered you beyond compare.
“Well I’m a demon, if I didn’t swear you’d probably think me an angel with these playful charms I posses! And to be more specific I’m your demon, it seems you fell prey to one of the other demons condemned to this world it’s quite the tragedy really.”
You were shocked at just how easily this creature, this demon talked to you. As if it was a completely normal morning and life in the village had not changed at all.
“Oh don’t act so shocked, you medieval villagers have been worshiping my kind for a lot longer than that Mother Miranda. You’re one of us now!”
Surprisingly over time the creature, who’d you’d nicknamed “red” for their glowing eyes, was slowly growing on you. You might even call them a friend.
Sure Red was cocky as all hell and didn’t hesitate to cause trouble amongst the village but they became very protective over you and showed you the ropes on life as a demon.
Life can get kinda boring when you’re practically immortal and so you and red pass the time playing old Romanian board games and solitaire. When village life got really boring you even stooped so low to play go fish together.
A lot of the time you cause mischief in and around the village while Red was practically the devil on your shoulder, egging you on to stir the pot. The lycans were particularly enjoyable to taunt.
Regardless of everything, you couldn’t see yourself without Red and to lose them would crush you. There had been one too many nights when you’d chat about everything and nothing until you fell asleep curled up underneath your wings.
That was when you felt a protective wing curl around you, one that wasn’t your own.
“Always gotta fall asleep on me don’t you, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll have you partying all night before you know it kiddo.”
Alcina Dimitrescu
It started out as a stupid dare when Red dared you to sneak into Castle Dimitrescu and steal the Lady’s lipstick after hearing the village gossip that it was expensive.
You did not expect however to get caught in the hallway, starting straight up into the eyes of Alcina Dimitrescu, a stuttering and blushing mess. It was something that Red would tease you for until eternity ended.
After winning her favour, both you and Red were invited to stay in the Castle with Alcina and her daughters. She thought you were much better company than her brother and her affluent but gothic lifestyle totally appealed to you.
As it turns out you and Alcina had a lot more in common, both being creatures of a supernatural nature. You enjoyed the lazy afternoons curled up on the couch, a glass of maidens blood in your hand as she gentle stroked the back of her hand against your wings.
You had the finest outfits that matched your black wings perfectly and everything was tailor made so you were comfortable.
Red taught you how to fly so you were able to use your wings to be at eye level with Alcina which was perfect for hugs and kisses.
It turns out that Red is a great babysitter for the girls and keeps them entertained with hunting maidens and chasing them around the Castle while you and Alcina can spend some time together.
Donna Beneveinto
At first, Donna is truly scared of you and Red much like how you were in the beginning. But eventually, with the help of Angie she saw that you were not going to harm her.
You loved to spend time with Donna and watch her make her dolls or sew her dresses. Sometimes Red will come back with Angie from a day of causing trouble to find you reading to her another encyclopaedia of plants. Her head is resting on your chest and your wings are wrapped around her protectively while you read.
Your favourite thing to do together is to take Donna into your arms and fly to the top of the mountain where the waterfall begins and watch the sunset together. She’ll always have a deathly grip on your hand the whole time even though you’ve reassured her that you’d never drop her.
One time when you leaned in and gave her a kiss, a rather loud noise was heard from the corner and interrupted you.
“EWWW you guys are too cute!! All that lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick!”
Red is standing to the side with Angie on their shoulder who is sitting there making her own dramatic faces. One of Angie’s wooden hands covers Red’s eyes while the other is held on her forehead as if the kiss was enough to kill her.
Besides from their comment both Angie and Red act like your wing man for your relationship with Donna. They absolutely love you two together and have set up many dates for the two of you.
Salvatore Moreau
You meet Salvatore Moreau one day when you’re at the reservoir playing hide and seek in the near by mines with Red.
As it’s your turn to hide you end up ducking between some planks to find a tv set up and a small couch. Sitting in the middle of it happens to be someone you now know as Sal.
He thought you were going to kill him at first, hiding his face in his hands but very slowly after some months he saw that you weren’t a threat.
Over this time trying to convince Sal that you weren’t going to hurt him and trying to spend more time with him, Red took the opportunity to tease you for your crush.
“I think someone’s in got a little crush hmm??”
Eventually you become very close with Sal and the two of you will playfully chase each other at the reservoir. Sal will swim just below the surface while you fly just above it and your fingers brush together just where the water meets the air.
One time when you were chasing Red around the rooftops of the old village, you slipped and fell into the water, something that your large feathery wings did not enjoy and Red had to pull you out.
You ended up bundled on the couch with Sal, a bunch of blankets around you as your wings dried out. It took forever and you ended up a giant bundle of fluffy feathers but Sal thought you looked adorable.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl caught you and Red taunting the lycans when he went to check on them at their den one day. At the site of you two he raised an eyebrow and proceeded to light a cigar.
“I think you two may be lost, don’t you know it’s dangerous out here?”
You can hear the sarcasm in his voice and you spread your wings out to be intimidating, Red’s black mist behind you adding to it.
“Indeed it is very dangerous out here, I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
It was then when the three of you burst into a fit of laughter knowing that you were the strongest creatures in these woods and nothing could really hurt either of you.
Both you and Karl had a mischievous side and spent a lot of time causing trouble for his sister in her Castle.
It was fun to spend time with Karl and you both grew rather close. He even trusted you enough to let you help him on some of his plans and designs.
Red was particularly fond of the idea of killing Mother Miranda.
“Ooh when she’s gone can I have my picture put back up?! Pretty please!”
Karl designed his soldats with a red glowing chest plate that reminded him of your red glowing eyes which now matched Red’s.
While Karl will deny it forever, he’s completely in awe of you and finds you absolutely breathtaking. He can’t get over how soft your wings are and always cuddles up to you complaining that it’s cold even though it’s sweltering hot in the factory.
One day Karl took you by surprise and kissed you gently but with a degree of confidence which took him months to find. You melted into him and wrapped your arms around him securely, completely forgetting Red who’s hovering in the room.
“Guys I hate to break it to you but I’m kinda third wheeling here…”
Needless to say, Red third wheeled a lot and ended up befriend Sturm as an alternative to watching you guys make out.
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martuzzio · 3 years
The idea of Ren joining the Amputees-Only club sounds so bittersweet... cuz before he knew they were having fun, but also knew that they were allowed to have a bond like that. He never expected to join them.
I can honestly imagine in his first few meetings there's a few times where Ren just cries, poor guy...
Rendog's first Amputee's Only Club Meeting (written under the cut because this one is longer than normal)
Despite what the universe seems to think, Doc is a pretty easygoing guy. Yes, he does look scary as hell and yes, he was a mob boss at one point, but that doesn’t mean he’s a violent person. Well, he’s violent when he needs to be, but that doesn’t mean he enjoys it. In reality, his favorite moments are all from quiet parts of his normal, boring, daily life as a hermit.
In these everyday moments, Doc likes to process things. He likes to sit in the greenhouse and watch the bio bees work alongside the robot bees. He likes to brush his fingers on the plants and let his half-robotic brain process the data into something that resembles touch. He likes to listen to Grian and Etho chat as they work.
He observes small moments like these because that’s all he really does. He takes in data and processes it. He uses the processed information to judge his surroundings and react accordingly. Sometimes this means that he uses his data to laugh at his friends who make dumb jokes. But sometimes he uses the data to run, hide, or fight back. When all you do is process data to keep yourself alive, it becomes very hard to ignore incoming information.
This is how Doc eventually locates Ren. He wasn’t planning on finding where his longtime friend wheeled off to, much less go searching for him, but Doc unfortunately decided to take a more leisurely route to the bridge and his camera eye caught the slight movement anyway. Doc has to give it to him; the man knows how to hide. The werewolf is in a lesser-used community room, curled into a dusty couch that’s been shoved into the corner. The chrome wheels of his temporary mobility aid reflect off of the window overlooking deep space. Ren has his left leg drawn up to this chest. His stump of a right leg rests on the couch cushion, shunned. Ren’s obviously hid because he doesn’t want to be found, but unluckily for him, Doc was specifically altered to notice things.
Ren’s flinch when Doc claps his hand on his shoulder is almost unnoticeable. Ren looks like he’s either been crying or had a bad allergic reaction to the dust. Doc assumes the former.
“Cub was working on your new parts earlier today. They look pretty sick,” he ventures.
Ren looks like he has the entire universe on his shoulders. “That’s wonderful,” he mumbles. He opens his mouth as if to say more, but instead sighs and slides his eyes shut.
Doc plops down on the couch and slings his arm over the back of the rest. The action makes Ren recoil again, this time more visibly, and Doc pointedly ignores it. Instead, he says, “As much as I want you to come see what Cub is making, you will go to him when you feel like it. There is nothing you need to do right now besides heal.”
Ren barks out a wet laugh. “Bro, I appreciate you so much, but how can stumps heal?”
Doc’s cybernetic hand twitches in sympathy. “You know what I mean, man, and we both know it.” Doc replies. He looks down at the sliver of space between his leg and Ren’s and chews his words. Ren shifts his gaze to Doc’s arm, then to gaze directly at the creeper’s face.
Doc feels uncomfortable in a way he’s never felt before. All of the other amputee hermits were already amputees when they joined the crew. They had time to heal, be angry, and let go in their own ways. He did, too. But now, with Ren sitting next to him, suffering through the same kind of anguish Doc felt when he first woke up from being operated on, Doc suddenly doesn’t know how to act. How do you comfort someone who literally lost a third of their body? As much as Doc knows what that feels like and as much as he wants to help his friend, he might not be able to. He might not ever be able to.
It’s the single most heartbreaking thing that Doc’s realized in a long, long time.
This revelation causes the duo to sit in silence for a long while. Then, Doc gets an idea. His eye shifts to look at his friend. Ren narrows his eyes tiredly but waits anyway.
“The Amputees-Only Club meeting is in a few minutes.” Doc murmurs. Ren is silent, but he plows on. “I think you should come,” he pleads. “I think everyone would be very happy to see you.”
Ren’s throat clicks as he swallows. “I’m sure they would.”
“I would be very happy to see you.”
Ren’s eyelids squeeze together. “I know you would.”
“Then let’s go,” Doc insists as he pushes himself to his feet. He turns around and smiles as much as he can at his friend, still curled up on the couch. Ren gazes exhaustedly back. “I think it would be a good idea.” He wishes his smile weren’t so frightening.
Ren moves to rub his eyes with his hands but remembers he’s missing one of his arms a little too late. The resulting crumpled expression immediately burns into Doc’s deep storage memory. “I don’t know, Doc.” The werewolf manages after a long moment. “I appreciate you trying to help, but…”
Doc understands. Of course he does. When he first joined the hermits, the idea of a weekly club meeting exclusively for amputees sounded farfetched at best and belittling at worst. Hell, he didn’t even think there were enough amputees on the team to warrant a club. Imagine his surprise when three other people showed up to his first session, all excited he was there to hang out with them.
With this in mind, all he can do is repeat, “I think it would be a good idea.”
Ren stares up at him, and in that moment, he looks as old as Xisuma. But then he gently closes his eyes, inhales slowly and shallowly, and motions for Doc to drag his mobility aid closer. Doc complies immediately.
The journey to the meeting room, like every other journey on the Hermit Craft, is long. It’s made even longer because of Ren’s inexperience with his aid, but Doc doesn’t dare to offer his help. They eventually end up in front of the elevator that Doc remotely called beforehand with his brain chip. When the doors open, Doc lets Ren wheel in first.
Ren is silent in the elevator. Doc tries to catch his expression, but his friend’s unruly hair blocks his vision. “We’re playing cards tonight.” He mentions.
“That’s what you do at every Amputee-Only Club meeting.”
Doc shifts his eye back to the elevator door. “…Correct.”
Ren doesn’t reply.
When the duo finally reaches the Club meeting room, Doc pauses outside for a moment instead of directing his brain to open the door like normal. He glances down at Ren again and murmurs, “if you don’t want to go back, or to your room or something, that’s—”
“It’s fine,” Ren interrupts. He sounds defeated. “We walked all the way here, so we may as well go.”
Doc activates the door without another thought.
The door slides open and reveals the club room. It’s small, smaller than the average community space on the Hermit Craft, but it feels warm. The soft yellow color painted on the walls matches pleasantly with the yellow of the couch cushions. Joe definitely was the one to orchestrate that. There’s a small kitchenette in the corner that’s set up to have nice views of outer space. Various game tables fill the rest of the room, a few surrounded by five chairs. Doc wonders if Ren will notice the new chair addition. Maybe he already had.
The most interesting part of the space, though, is the people within it. TFC is bundled up on the couch, snoring pleasantly and covered in at least ten blankets. His usual plate of cookies is already half eaten. Iskall is standing at the kitchen counter, fiddling with a teacup filled with a mysterious bright pink liquid. His outfit has a few suspicious-looking singe marks at the hem. Finally, Scar is sat at the poker table in the middle of the room, crossed legs resting on an adjacent chair. He’s sorting through a pile of yellow and orange chips. To Doc’s continued wonder, the stack of bright blue cards resting near Scar’s elbow have miraculously not been knocked onto the floor yet.
When the doors open, Scar and Iskall look over. Ren immediately shifts at Doc’s elbow. Doc waits a moment to let Ren speak if he wants to, but when his shorter friend remains silent, he clears his throat in a grinding noise and announces, unnecessarily, “We’re here.”
Scar is so excited that his eyes have turned into little slivers of green. “Ren, I’m so happy you decided to tag along!” He kicks one of the chairs out from the table and clonks his foot on it for emphasis. The blue cards wobble on the edge of the table but still refuse to fall. “Sit down! Iskall can get you something to drink. Have you ever played poker?” He leans forward with the question. “It’s difficult, but I think it’s fun!”
“Uh, I haven’t.” Ren replies awkwardly, still at the door alongside Doc. “I’ve never even heard of it before.”
“Yeah, I would be surprised if you knew about it. It’s one of those old-timey games from TFC’s era.” Iskall says from across the room. He is now by the couch and is gently patting TFC’s fluffy hair to wake him. “Don’t worry that you don’t know. We’ll teach you.”
Ren tries and fails to make a pointed noise of interest, but he still seems intrigued. Doc feels the knot in his chest loosen a little. He rolls his shoulders to relieve some tension and moves to sit down. By the time he turns his head to look back, Ren is already wheeling forward to join him but looks lost as to where he should sit.
“Howdy, Ren. Sit next to me so I can teach you, but I’ll only teach if you’re willing to listen.” TFC, now awake, grumbles good-naturedly as he heaves himself off the couch. With his large frame still wrapped in a dozen blankets, he looks like a huge bear compared to Iskall. Which is impressive, Doc thinks, since Iskall is nowhere near frail. TFC’s metal prosthetic clonks on the floor as he walks over to the poker table. As he sits down across from Scar, he says, “There’s no point in just sitting there and gawking at us. Grab a seat.” He uses his leg to nudge the chair to his left.
Ren blinks and maneuvers his aid to let him sit down next to the astronaut. TFC procures a blanket from his pile and offers one to him. Ren, after slowly settling in his chair, accepts the pink fuzzy blanket. Doc accepts a purple one.
TFC lances over to Ren as he saves the blue cards from the edge of the table. “Poker’s good fun. You’ll get it in no time.” He snorts and flicks his gaze to Scar, who is busy stacking the chips into a pyramid. “This one always makes sure we have a great, long game.”
Scar looks up and winces minutely in a false apology. “Sorry about that.”
TFC chuckles. “Boy, I’ve never had better games than when I play with you.”
Scar’s grin almost sparkles. TFC and Doc grin back and Iskall hides his laugh in his shoulder.
“Anyway, ready for your first game with us amputees?” TFC brings the conversation back to Ren, who suddenly looks a lot more uncomfortable.
“I,” he begins, his eyes flicking to TFC, then Doc, before looking down. “I, well, uh…”
The table is silent. Iskall is staring at the table with his hands in his lap. TFC sighs and begins shuffling the cards. Doc, as much as he wants to clear the air somehow, can’t seem to find a way to do so. Scar just looks sad. He looks right at Ren, almost through him.
Ren stares back, eyes wide.
“You don’t want to be here.” Scar says quietly, finally. It’s not a question. Ren’s choked response makes the ex-convex smile slightly. “You can say so, Ren. You’re not going to hurt our feelings. None of us want to be here. But, as much as we may want to, we can’t change what happened to us.” He falls silent again as he looks at a particularly twisted scar on the back of his left hand. He rubs at it harshly with the pad of his thumb before Iskall stops him. “This might be selfish,” Scar continues, softly, “but I’m happy that I at least don’t have to sit in here alone.”
For a long moment, the table is silent. Then, with a rush of noise, Ren makes a sound like he’s dying. In a certain way, Doc thinks, he is.
“I don’t want to be here,” Ren confesses as his open mouth contorts and tears roll down his face. “I don’t want to be here.”
All Doc can do is wrap his arms around everyone else, encasing Ren and his other amputee friends in his embrace, and wish he could do more.
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bobohu4eva · 4 years
Pink Lace - Preview/Chapter 1
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life. 
Word count: 2k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Master list
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“Looking good tonight Candy.” 
You rolled your eyes, frowning.
“Thanks Dave.”
Having your manager check you out every time you clocked in was one of the less fun parts of your job.  
You didn’t clock in to make any kind of hourly pay, and your real name was definitely not Candy. As a dancer at a gentleman's club you made your money on a pole and in private lap dance rooms, but it’s whatever pays the bills, and as a college student being able to make over a thousand dollars a week working just two nights was worth it. 
After checking in, you went back to the dressing room to check your makeup and outfit one last time and grab your money bag before heading back out to get your night started.  
Saturday nights used to not be your favorite, but they had been for a few months now because of one customer. The first night you met him, his friends had dragged him in after getting dumped to cheer him up. When you sat down with the nine of them you already knew it would be a good night, judging by the *quite* expensive VIP booth they’d bought. 
Your first impression of him wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, having met plenty of relatively good looking guys while working at the club and being quite used to groups like them doing birthdays or bachelor parties.
They were a fun group, and you found yourself actually having fun as they bought you rounds of drinks and perched you on their newly single friends lap. 
That night his friends bought him a private room with you, and he’d been back to see you again every Saturday night since.  
Baekhyun always arrived pretty early in the evening so you sat yourself down at the bar and made yourself look busy while you waited for him to show up. Tonight you were wearing a matching lace lingerie set along with a new pair of clear heels, and your hair straight down your back. With your nails done and your favorite perfume on to top it all off, you felt sexy as hell. On weeknights you didn’t try as hard, but on days he would be there you always made sure to put in a little extra effort to look as nice as possible. You told yourself it was just because he payed you so much, so you wanted to look your best. But you’d have been lying to yourself if you didn’t admit that you wanted to impress him. Baekhyun, especially compared to other customers, was quite attractive. Having him fawn over you and compliment you always made you feel good. 
You feel a tap on your shoulder followed by a “hey” and turn around to see Baekhyun grinning back at you. 
“Hi Baekhyun” you smile back, getting up and giving him a small hug. 
“Hi Candy.”
Standing in 8 inch stripper heels you’re slightly taller than Baekhyun, and you find his usual glasses + hoodie + cargo pants combo endearing. Despite being somewhere around 30 and therefore significantly older than you, you can’t help but find him cute, adorable even. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asks, already knowing your answer.
“Of course, you know what I like” you say, giving him smirk and running one perfectly manicured hand over his shoulder, and down his toned chest.
The whole time you touched him his eyes were fixated on yours, looking at you with an intensity you weren’t used to, something you’d noticed was unique to him compared to the other men you met there.
“Your outfit tonight it.. um..” he says, eyes now looking you up and down, almost drooling. “ I like it.” 
 It was the same thing every time he’d come see you. He’d buy two beers, one for him and one for you, and shorty after pay you $800 for an hour together in a private dance room. For any other guy it would be $1000, but he didn’t need to know that.
You made your way up the stairs towards the area of the club with the private dance rooms hand in hand, leading him behind you to give him the best view.
“Do you want me to dance for you today or do you just wanna talk?” You asked as you entered the room and took your top off, standing in front of him as he sat down on the couch. Usually you would dance for him for a few songs and spend the rest of the time sitting on his lap listening to him talk about whatever it might be that week but some days he just wanted your company and nothing more. 
“Just for this song, I really like this song.” He said looking up at you with big eyes. So, you got to work doing your usual thing.
Getting into the rhythm of the music, you started swaying your body and slowly leaning towards him.
This time both of your hands find purchase on his chest and you move your body in a wave, giving him the full close up view of your bare chest.
As you lean back up you notice he’s slumped deeper into the couch and biting his lip, already thoroughly turned on.
“Holy shit” he muttered to himself, watching your nearly naked form sway in front of him.
The way he looked at your body was different too. Most men looked at you like nothing more than a piece of meat, something to use for pleasure and nothing more. Not that you minded, as long as you got your money, but the way Baekhyun looked at you as you danced for him was almost like someone observing a piece of art. 
You rotated your body until you’re facing away from him, and bent down slowly, the curves of your ass on full display to him, making it jiggle a bit before bending back up and lowering yourself onto his lap.
“God you’re something else, I wish I could touch you.”
You noticed him sit on his hands, because of course he wasn’t actually allowed to touch you, you were only allowed to touch him.
Once you were situated on his lap, you started moving your hips to the music, causing his head to hit the back of the couch.
As usual, you could feel his dick straining against his pants as you rolled your hips over him.
“Fuck” you heard him whisper.
You knew how much he was holding himself back by the way he was sweating and panting. He was one of the few costumers who had never once tried to touch you, not even a little bit. Which you appreciated, but right now you felt yourself almost wanting him to, knowing that his reaction alone would be worth it for you to see.
So against your better judgement, and with the hope of a little extra money, you turn around, knees straddling his right thigh, and put your arms on each of his shoulders. You play with the hair at the base of his neck and whisper in his ear
“If you really want to, you can touch.”
You almost feel bad when you notice his entire body go rigid beneath you, eyes wide at your words.
“Are you serious?”
“I mean nothing too invasive please, but I don’t mind if you want to caress me here and there” you respond with a smile.
You see him swallow as you lowered yourself onto his lap again, this time feeling his hands make contact with the bare skin of your waist.
As you let your hips move with the music, his hands slowly wandered across your waist, hips, and sides. His hands on you were surprisingly warm, soft, and gentle. Under his gaze and in his hands you felt like your body wasn’t just being used for shallow, fleeting pleasure. You felt appreciated.
And this was exactly the problem with Baekhyun.
You knew that you liked him too much, more than you should like one of your customers. You shouldn’t be thinking about how soft and pretty his hands are as they make their way across the skin of your thighs.
“You’re so beautiful. Your skin is so soft.”
You smile, now facing him once again as you sit with your knees on either side of his leg. You feel his words in the pit of your stomach and your hands caress his shoulders and chest, only now with his hands gently placed on your hips.
A few body rolls later and the song was over, so you shifted your weight onto one of his legs, sitting down on his lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, and leaning into the couch.
“You’re gonna completely ruin me one day” he breathed out, making you giggle. “Why’d you let me do that?”
“I don’t know, I guess I could tell how much you held back and most guys try to touch me anyway so..”
“They just do it anyway?” His eyes narrowed.
“Yeah well I tell them not to and usually it’s fine after that”
You could sense his discomfort with what you’d just said, looking genuinely agitated.
“Yeah well those guys aren’t worth your time no matter how much they’re paying” he muttered so quietly you almost didn’t hear.
“This is my job Baekhyun, there’s bad customers in every job” you respond timidly.
He turned to look you in the eyes again, this time more intensely due to the proximity of you sitting on his lap.
“Do you like working here?”
“Please don’t ask me that.”
“You know you don’t have to, I can take care of you.”
With the way his eyes bore into yours and he gripped your thigh, you knew he was serious. And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t tempted by his words.
Nonetheless you got up from his lap and sat next to him, bodies no longer touching.
“You know that’s not how this works Baekhyun.” You cross your arms over your bare chest, feeling like you needed to hide.
You look down, not wanting to look at him as you continue.
“It’s my job to make you feel good and give you something nice to look at but that’s all it is. My job. I’m sorry.”
He knew you were right. He knew because despite coming to see you every week for a few months now, he knew nothing about you. You wouldn’t tell him any details about your personal life, hell he didn’t even know your real name.
He knew he was stupid to have let himself become so completely fucked over a girl who wouldn’t even tell him her name.
“It’s okay, I understand, I’m sorry if that was too far”
You look at him again, giving him a soft smile.
“How was your week?” You ask, trying to change the subject.
You soon find yourself back on his lap as he starts talking to you about his week, but you couldn’t help feeling guilty. You could tell what Baekhyun felt for you was more than just sexual attraction, and yet he knew nothing about you. He’d asked you general things and you’d told him you were college student, which was true, but you’d lied about which college you attended. He asked about what you were studying and you’d lied about that too, quickly changing the topic back to him and his life.
Every time he tried to get to know the real you, you pushed him away, and you knew he could tell.
It fell silent for a moment, until Baekhyun spoke up.
“This is for touching you” he said as he dug in his pocket before pulling out three hundred dollar bills and putting them in the waistband of your thong.
He didn’t look at you as he gave you the money. It wasn’t until he was done that he grabbed your hand, and gave you another intense look.
“Please, can I please just know your name?” He asked.
With you sitting on his lap, faces close together you saw the desperation in his eyes. He’d spent a decent amount of time with you now and you knew how badly he wanted to know more about you, how much he wanted to be able to get to know the real you.
The way he looked up at you, with that look in his eyes, you knew you couldn’t tell him no.
You sighed.
“Okay. I’m y/n.”
Shorty after your hour together was up, Baekhyun went home and so did you. Counting your money was easy that night; just the eleven hundred dollar bills he’d given you. 
As you took your makeup off and got ready to finally sleep you couldn’t help but feel strange about Baekhyun knowing your real name. Despite how nice he smelled, how cute he was, and how kind, generous, and funny, and how you liked spending time with him more than any other customer, that’s still exactly what he was. A customer. Someone who walked into a club looking to pay hot girls in exchange for their attention. But at that point Baekhyun was your friend too. He’d been coming to see you for the whole summer, and you really did enjoy talking to him. 
Is it okay for him to actually get to know you? Is it okay for you to want him to? 
Next Chapter
A/N: Hello! This felt pretty short which is why it’s kind of a preview/first chapter but please tell me what you think :) and let me know if anyone wants to be tagged for the next chapter!
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