#// I spent so long on this but its finally in a place where I'm happy enough to post it
writersmess · 3 days
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Pairing: Evan Buckley x fem!reader
Summary: Buck never thought he could love someone like that. Especially not someone with the same death wish love as him.
Warning: Anxiety crisis, near-death experience, hospital, crying, ansgt.
Word count: 2.5K
a/n: My God, I can't believe it's taken me over a year to get back. I missed this place so much. It's been an intense, crazy year. I finally got my dream job at the best hospital in Latin America. I'm so happy, but at the same time it's demanded everything of me, working long shifts almost every day, but its the price I have to pay. I hope you like this one, it was based on the song Death Wish Love by Benson Boone, which as soon as I heard it I immediately imagined something with our dear Buck. I confess I thought I'd do something angsty, but I don't think I have that capacity, he already suffers so much that I just wanted him to have a happy ending this time.
You were the new firefighter in 118, and also new to the city. In order to follow your dreams, you left your hometown with everyone and everything you knew. You craved for bigger things, you wanted the big city, you wanted Los Angeles.
The team welcomed you with open arms, which was unusual to you. You weren’t used to this or neither known by your affectionate gestures, but apparently everything was an excuse for a hug at the station. It was a bit hard to get used to all this affection, especially when you came from a place where you were always by yourself.
That was one of the main reasons you became a firefighter, you have walked through fire every single day of your life, why not make it your profession?
You were a source of curiosity between the team, always so quiet and so resistant to everyone's affection. It was hard to win you over. Especially because you had a rather difficult personality, you were fearless at work, you weren't afraid to go into the fire to save lives, you did it without thinking twice.
To Bobby you were a cause for concern, and sometimes the reason why he was having trouble sleeping. He knew this personality very well. It was the same one he had struggled for years to learn to deal with, the one he had to fight with so many times, he was very familiar with this death wish love, it was the same as Buck’s.
The blue-eyed man on the other side, couldn't understand why he couldn't take his eyes off you. Ever since you arrived a few months ago, your image has been running through Buck’s mind. You've become a challenge for him. But not in a bad way, he wanted to get to know you, he wanted to understand you. But you didn't make things any easier for him, especially when today was the first time he'd seen you laugh.
"You're drooling" he snapped back to reality when he heard Eddie mocking next to him.
"Shut up" Buck said, turning his gaze back to you playing with his niece.
You had a beauty he couldn't explain, an angelic one. You had this steely gaze and looking at you felt like suicide. He would fall to his knees if you asked him to. How could someone so delicate also be so dangerous?
The way you were reluctant to follow Bobby's orders, you'd walk into the fire without a second thought. You would take risks without thinking about your own safety, just thinking about everyone else. He saw how hard you worked, he saw how mad Bobby got when he ordered the building to be evacuated and you were always the last one to leave. You were intriguing and he was fascinated.
It was so strange for you. Being in Maddie's living room, with everyone gathered together like a big family, laughing and telling funny stories. The team met once a week, with all the families together, the children running around the living room, the smell of food in the air, the voices, the laughter.
You accepted the invitation after a few months of refusing, and now you spent the week looking forward to the moment when you would be together again.
Sometimes when you got home from a meeting, you cried. You cried because you never had that, you never had anyone who cared about you. You were an unexpected pregnancy, your parents didn't planned you, they didn't want you and that was never a secret to anyone.
And that's why you were surprised when one day you arrived early at the station and Hen had a cake for you that you had once said reminded of what your grandmother used to bake.
Or when another one Eddie handed you a drawing that Chris made specifically for you. Of the two of you playing together.
Or when Maddie sent you, through Chim, the cookies you said you loved one day while you were having coffee together.
Or when Bobby invited you to have lunch with him and Athena on a Sunday ‘cause he knew you were going to do it alone.
Or when Buck gave you a book he'd heard you say was your favorite during a conversation.
It was mid-afternoon on a Sunday. Your hands were shaking, your heart pounding. The words your father had once spoken echoed in your mind. "You will never be loved". But you were at a table with 118's entire family, and you felt loved. Maddie told you about the gossip from her work. Karen hugged you from the side every time you passed by her. Hen included you in every conversation. Athena calmly answered all the questions you were curious about her work. So why did you feel like an imposter? Why was your father's voice echoing inside your head? Why were you on the verge of an anxiety attack?
"I'll be right back" you muttered to the girls, but you realized how shaky your voice sounded. You were pathetic.
You barely made it to the bathroom, your legs buckled and you sat down in the corner of the room. You could hardly breathe, it was hard to pull in the air. Tears streamed down your face. Your heart was racing. Your hands were shaking.
You heard your voice being called from outside. Damn. You couldn't calm down, your hand was on your chest as if it could make the pain go away.
"Hey, hey. I'm here. Calm down, I’ve got you" it was Buck.
His voice was just a whisper in your ear. You let a sob escape your lips. Pathetic. You felt his arms around you, until you were all wrapped up in his arms. Why was he doing that? Why did he care?
He stayed there until you stopped crying. You were still in his arms, and it was so warm, so safe. Sighs came from your lips, and you couldn't imagine what a mess Buck's head and heart were in. He wanted you in his arms, not just now.
"I'm sorry," you whispered and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let you, so you stayed.
"You don't have to talk about what's going on in there, but the day you feel like you need a hug to cry into, you've got mine" your eyes filled with tears again. "And don't ever apologize for it"
The smiles on your lips were becoming constant. And it was Buck's favorite image. You were letting people through your armor, you were letting your guard down, and it felt good. You now baked pies and cakes for the station on your days off, recipes learned from the girls after a few long afternoons of chatting and coffee.
Your laughter was contagious, and the boys would always crack little jokes to get them out of you.
Your eyes were now looking out for a pair of blue ones, all the time, everywhere. Eyes that were always looking back at you. Your hands were always looking for an excuse to bump into Buck's, just to feel that shiver run down your spine every time. And he would find any reason to text you, until the excuses became routine. You woke up every day with a good morning message and went to bed with a good night one. The little touches now became big gestures, Buck loved to brush your hair out of your face and tuck them behind your ear. And you loved to run your hand over the birthmark above his eye. You loved when his warm lips traveled up your neck to your lips. You loved when his hands ran over your body always so slowly and so gently, bringing goosebumps wherever they went. You loved making love with him. How he worshiped your body, how much he worshiped you. The way he made you feel loved.
You had a hold on Buck, and you didn't even know it. He had become attached to you, attached to the idea of having you by his side. The nights with you were the ones he could truly rest in, the mornings where he woke up to your soft kisses on his face, were the ones he would keep forever in his mind.
But he could feel that you were still resisting his feelings, and he was terrified of losing you. Buck was in love with you. It took months for him to realize that, but he did it. He loved you.
But one thing has never changed. And as Buck followed the loud murmurs coming from Bobby’s office, where he knew you were at, he kept in mind the danger you were in at every call. He couldn't lose you.
"Hey, what happe-" he couldn't finish the sentence when he saw you walking out the door, since you brushed past him, bumping into his shoulder, without even looking him in the face.
Buck made his way to the room, where he saw his captain wiping his hands across his face, letting out an exhausted sigh.
"She'll end up dead if she keep acting like this, Buck"
"I know"
"After the last call, if she doesn't change her behavior, I'll be forced to suspend her."
"I know."
Buck couldn't lose you.
You couldn't talk to Buck yet, you were so nervous after your conversation with Bobby. You were trying your best, how could he tell you that you had a death wish love? You were saving lives, and it didn't matter if it cost you your own. You didn't care.
A new call ecoed through the station. It was something big. A fire in a shed. People were working at the time, so there were many likely victims. You were anxious, just as you were before any call, but you were ready for it. You were born ready.
"Be careful," Buck told you before you got off the truck and you nodded. You were always careful "I love you"
You turned surprised to Buck, you'd never said that to each other before. It disconcerted you.
"Buck, I-"
Before you could say anything, you heard Bobby calling you to give instructions and you had to run.
I love you.
The words echoed in your head as you entered the burning building. No one had ever said that to you. You didn't even know the weight those words carried.
"Sir, follow this path and the fireman will take you to the exit."
It was so hot. You'd already lost count of how many people you'd pulled out of the line of fire. Your head was heavy. It was getting hard to breathe.
"Evacuate the building now," you could hear Cap saying over the radio. Everyone agreed and gave their location. You were about to respond when you heard something.
It was a call for help.
You could have sworn it was a call for help.
"Captain, I'm in the east side, I hear someone screaming for help. I'm close, I can get them out"
"Negative, the building will collapse at any moment. Get out immediately"
Your vision was blurred.
I love you.
You couldn't go out and leave those people to die, so you went ahead. The way to the door was difficult, there was a lot of rubble, and when you opened it, you froze in place.
It was empty. The fire danced in front of you, mocking you. But the cries for help... you've never been so wrong before.
I love you.
“It’s empty” you murmured at the radio.
Bobby was shouting your name from the other end of the radio. You turned around, but it was so hard to breathe. You tried to find your way back, but everything was spinning. Buck was now calling your name.
I love you.
His words were running through your head. Your steps were now slow. The way out, you couldn't find the way out. You could hear the fire laughing at you. Stupid. Pathetic. You heard an explosion behind you, and it threw you off balance, bringing you to the ground. You'd been walking through fire all your life, and now it would finally take its place back. Your siren buzzed in your ears. That would be the end of you.
I love you too, Buck.
The moment Buck came out of the building and didn't see you outside, he tried to go back. But hands held him in place.
This couldn't be happening. No, no.
Bobby called your name on the radio and you didn't answer. It's empty. That was the last answer they got. You weren't answering. An explosion. On the east side, where you were.
Buck's knees gave way, and he went down. All eyes were on the exit of the building waiting for you, waiting for a miracle. But it never came.
Buck screamed, and he would scream until his lungs gave up.
Time seemed to stop. Buck's screams were the only noise to be heard. And another explosion. Tears rolled down trough some faces. No one could believe it. This couldn't be happening.
Buck couldn't lose you like this.
"We found her" some voice echoed over the radio.
Buck's heart could stop any second now.
But the building was collapsing.
He broke free from his friends and ran into the building, dodging all the fallen and burnt obstacles, and he saw you. You were in the arms of a fireman. He ran up to you and carried you out of the building. As soon as you stepped onto the sidewalk, the building collapsed. Buck held you in his arms with all his strength and ran, feeling the debris fly past you.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" was the first thing that came out of your lips when he put you on the stretcher and he shut you up, pressing his lips to yours.
Buck analyzed each of your wounds alongside Hen and Chim and you could see the tears streaming down Buck's face, the ones that were also streaming down your own.
You were still struggling to breathe, every inch of your body ached, and you felt on the verge of losing consciousness. Until you succumbed to the darkness that was calling your name.
You woke up a few hours later in hospital. Your hands were being squeezed and you could feel something wet running down over them. Tears.
Buck had his face in your hands, he had never felt so afraid before. And when he heard your voice calling him, it was as if he could finally breathe.
"I'm sorry, Buck, I-I don't know what happened-"
"I almost lost you today"
Your heart broke into a million pieces. You did this to him, your recklessness, your impulsive behavior. It was your fault.
"I'm sorry"
Tears were now streaming down your face and he moved closer, running his hands gently down your cheeks.
"I was terrified of losing you. I'd die if I do."
"I would never leave you"
"I love you, Buck. And I'll love you to death"
"Please don't let it be soon"
You smiled. No one had ever loved you like that.
"It won't."
120 notes · View notes
thaumatology · 5 months
It's the tail end of one of Colin's hunts when it happens. He's caught his prey for the night, a vampire he's targeted twice before, and is in the middle of siphoning off their energy when he hears faint footsteps approaching from one end of the narrow alley.
Two intruders. No heartbeats, more vampires? Something is off there though, their auras are dim, barely detectable, as if something is hiding them from him. What isn't hidden is their intentions, made plain by the weapons in their hands.
An ambush. Cute.
He drops his unconscious victim and waves a dismissive hand towards the ambushers, sending a wall of flame rolling down the alley that should incinerate them where they stand. Instead it washes over them harmlessly, leaving no trace except for an orange glow emanating from the matching amulets around their necks. Someone is taking things seriously here.
Despite their shiny trinkets, the fear of fire is enough to make them flinch. One of them manages to shake it off slightly quicker than the other, stepping forward and raising a shotgun. Colin is already moving before the trigger is pulled, but a few pieces of buckshot still clip his right shoulder. Superficial damage, he can fix it later.
As it readies for a second shot he steps through the veil, reappearing directly behind it. His fingers curl around the cord of the amulet, and with a swift motion he rips it free from the vampire’s neck. As it turns towards him, he raises his free hand, releasing a flash of searing light from his fingertips that blasts it into a cloud of greasy ash.
The second vampire spins towards the source of the light, bringing its axe around in a sweeping arc intended to split Colin's torso in two. Where a normal human would have to rely on sluggish nerves to move their body, Colin cheats, his muscles springing into action with no corresponding signals from his brain. As the axe comes down he twists sideways, dodging it at the last second.
His response to the failed blow is swift and brutal. A burst of telekinetic force rips a chunk of concrete free from one of the nearby buildings, and a flick of the wrist slams it into the vampire with bone shattering force. The amulet flares again just before the moment of impact, but the slab is already in motion, and inertia does the rest, smashing the vampire into the opposite wall with a wet crunch.
As the half crushed vampire crumples, Colin catches a flash of movement off the edge of his vision. A third vampire, rushing in from the other end of the alley. This one is faster than the others, and has picked out an antique sword as its weapon of choice. He takes a step back, raising a hand to bring up a shield spell, but his reaction is a fraction of a second too slow and the blade severs cleanly through his wrist. The swordsman presses the advantage with a thrust, but rather than trying to dodge or counter, Colin steps into the movement, letting it sink the sword into his chest.
The vampire realizes too late what he's doing, releasing the sword as the fingers on his remaining hand close around its throat. It extends its claws, digging them deep into his chest, but its struggles quickly fade as he rips the life from its body. The last of the light fades from its eyes as he releases it, the empty shell thudding against the pavement. Two down.
He extends his oozing stump and the amputated hand springs from the pavement and affixes itself back onto his wrist. A bit of a rush job, but he has other things to focus on right now. Like the final vampire extricating itself from under the rubble behind him.
As he stalks over to the pile, he pulls the sword free from his chest, jabbing it downwards through the vampire’s shoulder and firmly into the asphalt. His lips pull back in something not entirely unlike a grin as he crouches over it, grabbing it by the hair and pulling its head up to meet his gaze.
"Hey there. I think you and I should have a little chat."
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justporo · 11 months
Who's the goose... (1)
Finally having arrived in Baldur's Gate, Astarion finds the wrong pocket to pick - and gets turned into a goose as punishement. Peace was never an option.
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Author's Note: This might as well have been the stupidest idea I've ever had but I couldn't get it out of my head, so here we are. Thanks for input and giving me some more stupid ideas for this to my bf, @tatterings, @bearhugsandshrugs and @the-littlest-raindrop and @megschaef98 for already cackling about it (and everyone else on that server for your love and support!); ah also Neil Newbon for coming up with this... The wonderful little doodle is once more done by the lovely @azaani-art!
Pairing: Uhm, Goosetarion(Astarion)/GN!Tav (You)
Rating: Stupid
Warnings: goose? (I'm sorry, I'm really just running with the bit by now...)
Wordcount: 3,7k
A goose sat in front of you all.
And it looked weirdly humanoid how it sat there: tiny rubbery legs stretched out in front of it and the wings too – as if it didn’t know how to properly move or place them.
The goose’s head turned around on the long neck to look at you and your companions out of its small red button eyes. The feathers on top of its head were a bit ruffled and almost gave it the look of having a flurry of white curls right there.
It lifted its stretched out wings a little. Looked at them one after another and made a small croaking noise as it did so.
That made it shut its beak again and snap its red gaze back to you.
You looked down at the goose in shock. The goose looked at you with what you presumed was shock too.
And then it opened its beak wide and started wailing with loud honks, as loud as its avian lungs would allow.
The party had finally arrived at Baldur’s Gate. And then had quickly realised that none of you had really an idea where to start your investigation. So, you had taken to walk around the Lower City and just casually ask around to find out more about what seemed to be going on in the city – especially with this Lord Enver Gortash and his newly established Steel Watch.
The day had been long and exhausting. You all kind of had forgotten how a day without a battle, killing and mortal peril was spent – just walking around in the city, engaging in inconspicuous small talk and trying not to lose your mind by getting nowhere with it – what could possibly be more dreadful than that?
Morale had already been low since the start. Halsin had very obviously been a bit unsettled by the big, bustling city, no matter how much he had tried to hide it. Jaheira had just stoically taken in the city and what had changed since she had last been there. Lae’zel had basically been gnawing on your ears with her complaints of how stupid your approach of talking to people was. That in turn had made Shadowheart almost want to choke her (again). And Wyll had become awfully silent since you’d entered the city – too much was weighing on his mind. Gale was just sad.
Karlach probably was the only one in quite the happy mood: since it’s been a very long time for her since she’s actually been to Baldur’s Gate she was just amazed by everything she saw. And she promptly called that out. Every. Single. Thing. So really not doing anything to help with the low mood of the group.
You had just tried to make the best out of it although you certainly had had to admit to yourself that the missing success of your day had been weighing on you also. But you had tried to be stubborn about it.
Astarion had walked by your side the whole day, surprisingly diligent on his part. You had felt that he was tense – as could have been expected upon entering the lair of his master again. But he had really tried to support you with your current goals – and you were absolutely thankful for that.
But as the day had grown late you had felt the annoyance rise in him too, just as much as it had within you.
It had already become dark in the city. Lanterns and the pale moonlight now had been the only sources of light. You had known that the group should’ve soon gotten back to the inn to retire for the night – despite having found out nothing today.
But you had wanted to push for one last attempt - unfortunately. And when you had happened upon a rather feisty older fellow, Astarion’s thin-stretched patience had finally snapped.
After you had tried to talk to this guy and he had only kept answering in riddles, you had been about to give up when you had noticed that the vampire beside you had disappeared.
You had feared nothing good from this finding and sure as all Nine Hells you had seen how Astarion had tried to sneak up on this man and pickpocket him.
And this had been, when things had really gone sideways – and then backwards; and down a hill.
With Astarion’s hands still in his robe the man had turned around to the vampire and looked him straight in the eye: “What do you think you’re doing there, young man?” He hadn’t even sounded awfully angry, rather a bit amused.
Astarion had simply blinked at him, absolutely dumbfounded that he had so easily been found out. The guy had watched him for a second longer with a small, suppressed smile playing on his lips and then started to whisper as an ominous purple glow had started to emit from him.
The vampire had hastily tried to scurry back, but it was already too late. An explosion of purple light had blinded you all and made you turn away with groans.
And when you had turned around again, both men standing there had been gone, only a single goose left in their place that had looked dazed and very out of place.
So here you were now: with a vampire turned into a screaming goose.
You really didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cry – probably both. The wailing from polymorphed Astarion was ringing in your ears. Gods, geese could be really loud, couldn’t they?
You looked around your group of friends in desperate need for help.
Karlach had completely lost it, almost doubled over on the cobblestone street. Even Lae’zel bit her bottom lip in an attempt to not burst out laughing, covering half her face with one of her hands. But most of your other companions just looked as shocked and surprised as you.
Gale had his hand on his chin and was obviously very deep in thought – surely, he was already figuring something out to fix this mess. At least you immediately deeply hoped for it.
For a moment you just stood there. Warm, orange light from some nearby windows was lighting the absurd scene. The goose’s wailing drifted to the background for a few moments as your vision blurred and your gaze wandered miles away.
How exactly had you ended up in this ridiculous situation? Out of everything, how had all the steps you had taken led you to this night where your already traumatised soulmate had been turned into poultry and was now shouting the whole city down? Didn’t you have enough on your godsdamned plate already? Would the damned gods ever give you a break?
Your eyes started to burn and water as you stared into the void. You really couldn’t take much more.
But how many times had you been at this point? Too many already anyways.
So, you did, what you always did: took a deep breath, closed your eyes for a hot second, pressed your fingers to the bridge of your nose and tried to focus your thoughts again.
You’d find a way out of this and if not… Well, you’d find a way to live with Astarion as a goose, for better or for worse.
When you focused again on the scene, you saw how Halsin was slowly approaching the goose that was Astarion and was still honking as if his life depended on it – and maybe it did, who knew? Gale was whispering an incantation and focusing on the goose. The rest was just still standing around with quizzical looks on their faces or casually losing it and losing their last shreds of sanity.
Halsin had almost reached the crying bird, all the while softly mumbling calming words to Astarion. The druid stretched out his arms as if he planned to pick up the still screaming animal.
But just before he could reach it, Astarion saw it coming, stopped his whining and jumped up with fluttering wings. With a quickness that would have been astounding for such an animal, had you not known that it was normally a dexterous rogue, the goose got up from its awkward sitting position and snapped at the fingers of the druid. Halsin immediately recoiled and looked a little hurt.
Astarion was flaring his big white wings now – lifting them up and his long goose neck stretched out, ready to snap again at anyone that tried to touch him. At least he had stopped honking now and was just swaying his head around at all of you standing around him in a loose half circle – ready to fight anyone who would dare touch a single feather on his head.
“Astarion?”, you asked cautiously, fearing that the transmutation hadn’t altered the vampire’s mind as well. The goose immediately turned to you, a small and much more silent honk left its throat. Its wings lowered a little as soon as it heard your voice. “I know this will sound stupid given the situation, but uh, please try to calm down?”, you asked him and made a grimace while you helplessly stretched out your arms to him, bending your knees.
Astarion honked once more in a clearly annoyed tone and let his wings sink fully as if he was letting his shoulders drop in defeat.
“I’m sorry”, you whispered and felt a wave of sadness wash over you. Meanwhile the others had started to get out of their stupor or calmed themselves from their laughter. Everyone stayed clear of the clearly readily violent goose though.
You crouched down fully and stretched out your arms even more towards the animal that kept watching you intently. With no more words or honks, the goose settled down its wings and carefully waddled over to you and your opened arms.
Once Astarion was very close you couldn’t help yourself but go to your knees and reach out both your arms wider for the animal – ready to give it a hug. Astarion slowly stepped into them and you carefully wrapped your arms around the goose as it made a small honk. It sounded pretty sad and helpless and you could suddenly feel tears well up in your eyes.
You held the much smaller animal. The feathers were surprisingly soft and Astarion carefully placed his small goose head on your shoulder with another quiet honk. It was so light you could barely feel it at all resting there.
The mood in the group had suddenly soured watching you take your partner in your arms – no matter the actual ridiculousness of the situation.
You held the goose and petted it softly, until Gale interrupted the awkward silence with an exclamation.
“Aha”, the wizard made and came back out of his trancelike concentration. He looked around in some confusion as everyone watched the tragic scene of you sadly hugging the poor animal that had awkwardly stretched out its wings a little to return the sentiment – it hadn’t really worked well.
“Uhm”, Gale made and then cleared his throat to catch everyone’s attention. The group just looked at him in silence.
“By the gods, what is with the sudden graveyard atmosphere? You all do realise Astarion is not de- I mean…”, he started sassily and interrupted himself when he realised his mistake. And before he could start again, the bird in your arms had started writhing and honking again. Obviously, Astarion had opinions on not getting the same kind of compassion from Gale as from the others now.
He tried to break free from your arms, but you held him easily – he was just… a goose after all. Although, you got whacked in the face by his wings several times. “Astarion!”, you scolded him. “I really don’t think you’re in a position to be feisty right now. And I’m pretty sure he has something to share that will help about the situation you are in. And might I add, the situation you put yourself in on your own!” A bit of anger welled up in you at the vampire and his godsdamned shenanigans that had landed you all in this mess now. Also his audacity to still be sassy about it – not even being turned into a featherball could stop him from that, it seemed.
The goose calmed down, reluctantly. Its beak was still open as it stared at the wizard – probably the equivalent of the vampire baring his teeth at him. You carefully let him go and just sat down backwards on the ground. You could use it right now.
“Now, if we’re not in a poultry house anymore”, Gale continued cheerily and gave the present poultry a death glare. The goose gave a very slight hiss – at least he had retained that capability.
You waved Gale to please go on.
“Alright, it’s – as you might’ve figured already – a transmutation spell. And might I add a mighty one. I really have no idea who that fellow was, but it surely was the wrong pocket to pick, Astarion – or might I say Goosetarion”, the wizard explained in his scholarly manor and wiggled a finger at the goose while grinning – earning himself another hiss. At least someone present seemed intrigued about the whole situation.
Hearing that it was a mighty spell already let your heart sink. But Gale went on and everyone just listened intently: “The good news is though: transmutations spells can’t be held for overly long. So, I’d say we’re back with our sassy humanoid companion in about…” Gale drew out his words as everyone hung on his lips.
“I’d say twenty-four hours at the latest.”
“TWENTY-FOUR HOURS”, came back the answer in unison from almost all the companions – and a mournful honk. Your mouth fell open but honestly you were immediately flooded with relief that you wouldn’t have to spend the rest of your life with a goose – although you would have committed to that.
“Tchk, and what are we going to do with him in the meantime? Walk him around on a leash? We can’t waste any time!”, Lae’zel commented. Karlach started to snicker again, and so did Shadowheart and Wyll around her.
Goosetarion small red eyes flashed viciously and he quickly lashed out at her like he had at Halsin before, aiming for the githyanki ankle. But Lae’zel had the upper hand and quickly pushed him away with her foot – not exactly kicking him but not exactly being gentle either.
The goose landed ungracefully on its back, legs flailing in the air while it kept complaining and trying to get up again.
“Lae’zel”, you shouted but she simply shrugged at you.
“Well, what else are we going to do? Tomorrow will just be another day of walking around the city trying to gather more information. What harm can it be then? Also, it’s not like we could just leave him here anywhere anyway. Beastly as he is, but he’s still only a goose now, we need to protect him”, Wyll chimed in sympathetically. You nodded your head in agreement and the others muttered their agreement, although some just a tad reluctantly.
Goosetarion in the meanwhile had waddled back over to you to be embraced again, head hanging slightly, doing his best to look like… well, a kicked goose.
You softly stroked his long feathery neck and noticed to your amusement that his rump started to wiggle when you did that. It surely seemed he wasn’t aware that he was doing that. You couldn’t hide a grin and you saw that Halsin grinned at you and the goose too.
“Can we just go back to the inn then? It’s already super late and my feet hurt”, Shadowheart added after it had been settled. Everyone hummed in exhausted agreement.
And so you went on your way. You softly got up from your seat on the cobble road while the goose complained about the lack of caressing happening. You stretched your back and watched after your friends that had already started to walk back towards your location for the night.
“Want me to carry you?”, you asked looking down at the goose and stretched out your arms again. But Goosetarion gave a curt honk and stretched his long neck away from you in an offended manner, then started to waddle after the others.
Now that you knew that he would hopefully be back to his normal humanoid self very soon, the humorous nature of the situation wasn’t as lost on you anymore. The way the goose wiggled its whole torso around while trying to catch up with the others was a sight to behold. Especially if you compared it with Astarion’s usual feline grace. And yet he was way too proud to just accept help.
You snorted and started to follow behind Goosetarion. He heard that and swung his head around while he kept walking, making him look even more ridiculous. You snorted more. And were pretty sure you could see the small red eyes scream bloody murder at you for mocking him.
But Astarion was way too focused and needed all his energy to keep up. Occasionally, he even had to break into a sprint – almost tripping over his rubbery feet and spreading out his wings to not lose balance. It was truly hilarious.
Some idle chatter developed between the companions and you on the way back. And of course, Goosetarion was the subject matter.
“Is there nothing you can do before the spell runs out?”, you asked Gale at some point while you were careful to walk exactly by the goose to offer at least a little protection.
“Oh, believe me, I would if I could – although I have to say I’m enjoying this situation a little bit-“ (“HONK!”) “ but it is, as I pointed out before, a pretty powerful spell. And if I started to fumble with it I might make it worse and-“ (“Honk…”) “- and I guess you’d rather have him back in one piece”, Gale ended and ignored the bickering animal between him and you. You nodded in agreement with the wizard – seemed your safest bet would be to just sit this one out.
“Looks like until tomorrow you’re just going to be a silly little goose then, aren’t you, Asta-OWW!” That had been a line crossed for Goosetarion. And other than Halsin and Lae’zel, the wizard surely was not quick enough to avoid the rogue goose’s vicious attack on his ankles. Gale awkwardly tried to kick at the goose but Goosetarion had learnt from the last time and quickly ducked out of the way, rushing around you so he could hide behind your legs.
“You had that one coming”, you mumbled under your breath as Gale looked at you hurt. He walked a little faster then, trying to steer clear from the murderous bird and engaged others in conversation. Goosetarion waddled through your legs so he was walking in front of you again although you noticed that he was clearly starting to struggle
“And couldn’t you not just at least cast “Speak with animals” or something?”, Karlach took up the conversation about Goosetarion’s fate. You hadn’t even thought of that so far. You had just been too occupied with the situation as a whole. You simply shrugged because you had absolutely no idea.
“But he is not an animal”, Jaheira replied to Karlach’s suggestion in her matter-of-fact demeanor from in front of you. Halsin beside her nodded silently. “He is still his vampiric elven self, just temporarily in another form. Even if Halsin or I wildshaped into geese we would not be able to speak with him because we are at least partly beast when we turn”, the infamous druid added to her explanation. “As far as I know there is no spell to work in this situation. But quite frankly maybe we could all do without his yapping for at least a day and he learns a lesson about all of this”, she finished and gave the goose a stern look.
Goosetarion stopped and made another rather sad honk. He really must have been having the worst and most humbling of times.
You stopped just behind the goose: “I’m sure she didn’t mean it.” The look Jaheira gave you made sure though that she absolutely did, but you brushed over it. You held out your arms to the goose again. However, Goosetarion again just waddled off on his own.
But the way to the inn was long and the goose was soon almost completely exhausted, probably amplified by not being used to moving around like that. At some point, when you had already slid out of all the other conversations and were just deep in your thoughts, you were stopped by another soft honk just below you.
Astarion stood before you and had spread his wings towards you, neck craned up towards you. It again looked weirdly humanoid with the way he moved and behaved. When you didn’t immediately react because you were really just very exhausted and didn’t catch on, the goose started to kind of hop in place and honked again.
“Oh, you want to be picked up! Sorry”, you replied and bent down to awkwardly grab the animal.
After some wriggling around and Astarion’s earnest tries to not writhe around too much in your arms, you were able to lift him up. He was stretching his neck and small feet out and made small noises that made you think that he wasn’t quite very comfortable with what was happening. But he gave his best to cope.
Once you kind of had him settled down on your hip, one arm around him and one under him to support him, he seemed to be considerably more comfortable, better even. When you had caught up to the others again and Gale sassily lifted an eyebrow at the goose now being carried around, Astarion made full use of his long neck to peck at the wizard’s sleeve.
Gale squealed again – much to the amusement of the rest of the group and made sure to keep even more distance from the goose. Goosetarion gave a contented honk then and refrained from biting anyone else for the rest of the way.
You were still laughing softly with the others, when the inn came into view. At least you hadn’t lost your humour so far.
(To be continued...)
Taglist: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @bloopthebat @dark-star-exe
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rayroseu · 8 months
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"Don't be scared even if we wake up from this dream..."
Happy Birthday, Malleus! 🧁🐉✨
I love to think that those years where Malleus was refusing to hatch, he spent those years with Meleanor in the stars...🥹🥹
A Draconias death means they're returning to the stars... which makes me think that Draconias are from the stars before they're born in TWST... Them not being from TWST exactly explains why they're so "unrealistic" in the first place
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They can control the weather, they can engulf the sky in complete darkness, they can cast random mountains, they can return a past state of time, they can trespass on a person's dream, they can switch between several people's consciousness, they can stop time, they can cover an entire island and more in thorns and magic, they can make two realms collide, etc
All these traits are incredibly unreal for average TWST cast,,,, which made me think, why is this family the only ones who's so... overpowered?lol But if you think that they are like this, because they're not from this world(TWST) then it would explain why their abilities are "out of this world's realistic standards" in the first place.
Additionally, Malleus' eggshells resembles the galaxy which further proof they can be from the stars✨✨✨ Malleus is also referred to by Meleanor as "a blessed star for faes but a terrifying star for humans".... So she referred to Malleus as a star yk
There's also the fairy from Pinocchio who came from a star, so faes (like Draconias in this theory) can come from stars
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So it's like Meleanor who died and returned to the stars but Malleus who's not born and still in the stars, they spent time together there,,,, that's why Malleus took a long time to hatch, because he already has the parental love he craves for as a baby in this star, so why should he live or be born in TWST?🥹
I remember Malleus fears the unknown, and being born in a world is exactly that. But he, as an egg, lights up whenever Lilia talks to him about his life in TWST, so it gives Malleus an idea that this world isn't that terrifying and that he wouldn't be born alone.
(From Meleanor's Lullaby)"Stay with the eyes that still gaze upon you, don't be scared, even if you wake up from this dream" its like during his centuries of incubation, Meleanor was comforting malleus not to be scared and to wake up in the real world now.... even if once he hatches/wakes up, she won't be there for him anymore and he'll forget everything about her (except for the tiny lullaby she often sings to him)🥹😔😔
(tl by cymr on yt)
I guess the reason why Malleus finally hatched is because Meleanor was telling him to go now and experience the world who's not riddled with war and the world where Lilia fully realized his love for Malleus now-- Because he won't be alone. For Lilia will be with him.
That's why when he was an egg he constantly cries for Lilia bcs thats how Meleanor conveyed it to Malleus that Lilia is always there for him, that he can love Malleus if she can't be by Malleus' side...😭😭
There's also this lyric from Meleanor's lullaby... "May you walk to the light that guides you in your dreams" It pains me because Meleanor overblotted during her death, right? And overblotting can mean succumbing to "darkness", so she maybe wishing for Malleus not to be engulfed in darkness (overblot) by walking towards the "light" but uh.... Book 7 😭😭😭💔💔💔
In conclusion, another Malleyuu parallel 😳✨☝🏻 Malleus and Yuu are both not from this world, that's why they're so out of place... Hm...🥹🥹🥹
This is inspired by Mafumafu-san's Nighty Night and bcs of this song I got hit by this theory for Meleanor and Malleus during his centuries of incubation 😭✨🥹
I'm still wishing for more Meleanor and Malleus content, ‼️‼️‼️I will die on this hill istgg😭😭😭
Once again, Happiest Birthday, Hornton 🥰🥰☺️🥳🥳🧁🧁✨✨💚💚🐉🐉
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mercurycft · 9 months
## lucy bronze x reader!
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Hello everyone! I’ve been working on this idea for a little while.. its definitely not my best work but i really liked writing this! Enjoy! Love always- RG! x
part 1 of 2! read part two here 2,603 words - this part is mostly build-up!
The final stretch of the last training session before a break was always the worst, ending with all the girls heaving and sweaty as they piled back into the team changing room. It was Friday, and plans for the evening were already being finalised by the time you entered the room and made your way to your usual spot. Tucked away into the corner, happy to sit down and take off your boots before you heard your name hollered from within the fuss of conversation.
"Oi! Y/L/N, drinks at 8. You get no input or choice..." The voice belonged to Mary and was followed by a hound of laughs from around the room. Drinks were never your go-to, much preferring a takeaway and crap tv in the comfort of your own home. The girls knew this, so instead of asking - they would tell. You knew better than to fight it, laughing with them and nodding before throwing the group a sarcastic double thumbs-up as you placed your boots into your kit bag.
"I'll be there, Pre-drinks at Tooney's I'm guessing?" That was always the plan, meet at Ella's and either walk or get an Uber to wherever the group had decided to spend the remainder of the night. Your question was met with a couple 'obviously's and 'you know it's from the girls, who had now dispersed around the room and started packing their belongings away. You were packed up first, as per usual, and were sat chatting as everyone finished changing. Once everyone had grabbed what they needed and conversations were stalling to a halt, everyone made their collective way through the hall and out towards the front of the building. You, Ella and Alessia led the way, arms linked and phones in hand, already discussing the 'dress code' for the evening.
By the time you had finally made it home, battling through the usual city traffic it was nearing 4pm and all plans for an unrushed evening of preparing were out the window - so after dumping your bag in the kitchen you headed straight for the shower.
The next two hours were spent rushing around your bedroom and flat, drying and styling your hair before applying your usual 'going out' makeup. Next came the clothes and after 6 failed attempts at outfits you had created in your head and two stressed glasses of whatever wine you had in the fridge, you settled on wide-leg jeans and a strapless bodysuit paired with a pair of comfy heels which gave you an extra couple of inches. After packing the essentials into the ridiculously small-seeming bag you had chosen and grabbing a jacket, you were finally ready to head out the door.
The journey to Ella's house wasn't long, 10 minutes at most, and the weather was in your favour - the sun starting to set and a gentle chill creeping through your clothes just as you had arrived at her front door. Holding a bottle of cheap wine close to your side, you rang the bell and waited, soon to be greeted by Alessia and ushered inside - music was already blaring from the kitchen where a few of the girls loitered. Ella grabbed the bottle from your grasp, pouring you a generous glass and placing the remainder into her fridge. "You look fit, mate!" She exclaimed as she turned back to you and passed your drink.
"Oh stop it, look at you Tooney." You said, holding your hand out towards her and feigning a dramatic gasp, you both fell into a burst of soft laughter and moved to join the rest of the group. You said your hello's, exchanging genuine compliments and stationed yourself by the sink, bringing the glass to your lips as the doorbell chimed through the house.
"Fucking hell, Luce! Didn't want to leave the rest of us a chance to pull then?" Ella squealed exasperatedly, throwing her hands up in fake annoyance and stomping back into the kitchen. You straightened up at the mention of the older right-back, taking another sip of your drink as she emerged into the room and said her hello's.
By the time she made it to you, you were sure you could draw her from memory. Watching her closely as she worked her way across the room - you noticed how the white shirt she wore was clinging to her arms and chest in all the right places, tucked neatly into a pair of slack-like trousers which sat loosely around her ankles to reveal a pair of crisp airforce. Before you could react she was in front of you, pulling you in with a gentle hand on the back and a warm smile, giving you a friendly cheek-to-cheek kiss and hug then pulling away and moving back into the centre of the room and retrieving her own drink.
She looked good and she was well aware, which made it so much harder to look away. Having to try your hardest to remind yourself of where you are and who she was. Her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose, with her hair pulled back into her usual bun. You had always found her attractive - how could you not? She looked as if she had been carved by the Gods themselves, with smooth olive skin and muscles that put everyone else to shame.
You had always gotten along well, laughing and joking across the pitch during training. Sometimes meeting her eyes for a moment too long during conversations or humouring the lingering touches when you brushed past each other in social settings. Though nothing had ever come of it, that didn't mean you didn't enjoy the warmth of her hands on the small of your back or the way you seemed to fall into her eyes and stumble on your words when she would catch you off guard and today was no exception. You couldn't help but watch her as she worked the room, engaging in conversations.
When the last of the girls had arrived, the house was buzzing with the type of giddy excitement only alcohol could provide - everyone was a few drinks down now and it wasn't long before you were sat in a taxi heading into town.
10pm rolled around and the drinks were flowing, empty glasses scattered across the table which a few of the girls sat around. Some were stood at the bar, ordering the next round and a few more occupied a section of the dancefloor. You, however, found yourself perched on a bar stool with a drink in hand, ear forward as Lucy told you a story about one of her former teammates. Trying your hardest to pay attention, but too focused on how close together you were.
You could feel her breath on your ear as she tried to speak over the music that rattled through the room. Her hand was placed just above your knee for leverage as she leaned over you and it was all you could think about. The smell of her perfume flooded your senses, disorientating the logical side of your brain which tried to scream through the cloud of subtle arousal that sat heavy behind your eyes. 'This is so unprofessional!' you were aware and you knew deep down this could ruin you - but the sweet smell of her skin was intoxicating.
Your train of thought was interrupted as your eyes refocused, grounding you back into the moment. Realising she now stood away from your ear, instead looking at you with raised eyebrows and a slight smirk across her lips. shit. caught red-handed. You stiffened when she leaned back towards your ear, "Am I boring you Y/L/N? Did you even hear what I said?" You hadn't. but she wasn't asking, she was taunting.
She watched you struggle for an answer, pure amusement plastered across her face. Putting you out of your misery she leant back in, this time pushing you further into your pit. Lips pressed cautiously against your lobe, "Strike one, darlin'." She muttered and you were sure you could feel her smirk against your ear before she departed entirely and you lost her in the crowd of bodies around you. strikes? what strikes? You wondered silently to yourself, bringing your drink to your lips as your eyes scanned the dark room but she was already gone.
An hour later you found yourself on the dancefloor surrounded by your friends, who were all individually butchering an Amy Winehouse classic. As the song wrapped up to an end, you were pulled into a loose group hug - maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was just the love you felt in that moment, but you couldn't explain the warmth that coursed through your veins as you looked at your people.
Before long a new song began, a low beat bounced off the walls and wrapped around the bodies on the floor. You didn't know the song but remained with the girls, swaying to the beat and laughing at some of their horrific dance moves. As the song hit the chorus you and Mary gravitated towards each other, dancing and laughing as you stood in front of her and attempted an awful twerk and grind move to the beat with her hands placed firmly on your hips. Both of you played into your roles, spilling your drinks as you did so and adding to the already sticky floor.
It wasn't unusual for the team to dance like this and it was very rarely serious when one of you was pressed back up against another, but today it felt different. One specific set of deep eyes stayed locked on your movements as Lucy watched from the opposite side of the group, tongue rolling along the inside of her teeth when you finally made eye contact from your compromising position. Through the darkness you could see her lips moving; she was talking - or at least mouthing something towards you. You couldn't connect the dots until she lifted her hand in front of her, showing you two fingers. "Two strikes."
What would happen at three? And why were you excited to find out?
It was nearing 11 now and you stood at the bar, almost too close to a woman you had just met - sipping the fruity drink she had ordered you. Normally you would think twice about talking to someone at a bar, but tonight’s circumstances made it a thrilling game and you couldn’t wait to play. You knew she was watching, feeling her eyes bore into the back of your head but paying little attention while you focused on the task at hand. Lucy was standing a few feet behind you, between Ella and Leah who were trying to talk over the music. Lucy wasn’t interested though, her attention fixed on you and your new friend. Gripping her drink so tight she was sure it might shatter as she watched you lift a sly hand up and rest it on the stranger's shoulder. Lucy couldn’t pinpoint the feeling, internally confused at the sudden jealousy that burned deep in the pits of her stomach. Just as you were starting to think she had lost interest, a body was pressed to the side of you, pushing a wedge between yourself and the woman whose name you couldn’t even remember.
The game was no longer fun when Lucy ushered you around the room to say your goodbyes, excusing you both from the function. A few of the girls started to protest but she was quick to respond with “Y/N’s not feeling 100%, said I’d make sure she got home okay.” And that was enough for them. She held you close as you walked out into the street, whispering a small but steady “Third and final.” as she pulled you into a waiting taxi.
The pair of you didn't even make it through the front door before she pounced, your key still in the lock when she had you pinned between her frame and the door. Her hands sat heavy on your hips, eyes locked on yours. "God, you've been drivin' me mental all night.." she groaned, scanning your features.
"Do something about it then," You pushed. This was new but unbelievably exciting, you had never seen her like this. Before you could speak again her lips were on yours. Rough and urgent, like she was scared someone would rip you right out of her grip. "Inside," You managed to mumble against her lips, unlocking the door and pulling her inside - not wasting any more time to attach your lips together again.
This time was different, a rage of hunger alight in the depths of your stomach. Your hands sat on the nape of her neck, lacing through the small amount of hair that had fallen from her bun throughout the night. Her hands couldn't settle, exploring your figure and fisting at the fabric that separated skin from skin. Somehow during this you had travelled through the hall and were now fighting through your bedroom door, shoes and jackets kicked off and discarded around the flat - highlighting your erratic path.
Once inside the safety of your bedroom, things seemed to slow. The initial hunger and speed now dimmed into lust. Yearning. She pressed rough but calculated kisses down your jaw, lingering below your ear for a moment before moving across your collarbones. The feeling made you shudder, holding her head in your hands.
She had you stripped in minutes, now pulled tightly against her in your underwear. "Jesus Christ Y/L/N are you trying to kill me here?" She murmured, thumb caressing the lace across your chest, tracing the shapes for a second before her eyes met yours. A moment passed and you were growing impatient, inhaling deeply when the pad of her thumb found your nipple through the thin fabric and circled gently. You could tell she was enjoying this, watching you shift your weight from side to side as she slowly broke you down.
"On the bed." You were quick to obey, laying down in front of her - on display. She made her way towards you, situating herself above you and lifting your legs to bend and sit beside her hips. She kissed you deeply, hands latched onto your thighs. The world seemed to melt away around you and all you could think about was the throbbing between your legs.
"Need you," You managed to croak out, hands pulling at the fabric of her trousers - desperate for some form of friction. She let out a cocky scoff from above you.
"I'm not sure you deserve it, love. Haven't been behaving, have you?" She spoke rhetorically, tutting and raising her hand to toy with your bottom lip. "And only good girls get rewarded.." She added lowly as her hand travelled down from your face, tugging at your bra and moving to take your nipple into her mouth. You let out a small moan when you felt the warmth of her mouth on you, legs constricting around her and your back arching into her touch.
You writhed beneath her as she moved between left and right, her hand now finding its way to your underwear. She had two fingers pressed against your clit through the fabric, letting out a soft hum against you when she felt your arousal through the barrier. "Got you all wet for me, hm?"
"Please," You whimpered, lifting your hips up towards her hand. Desperate for some relief for the ache, eyes glassed over with desire.
"Begging for it already and I'm only just getting started. What a shame.."
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swiftiethatlovesf1 · 2 months
Anything for Toto Wolff with wife reader including their son, Jack!!! Fluff. Thanks!! :))
Hii I hope you enjoy my first request as a one-shot about Toto :)
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The time you've been waiting for has arrived—summer break. Jack doesn't have school, and Toto can finally relax even though he always says his work never ends. Your family is together, and you couldn't be happier.
This year, you've decided to return to the Maldives, the paradise where you and Toto celebrated your honeymoon five years ago. Time has flown by so quickly. At first, people judged your relationship with Toto because of the age gap, but with time and Jack's presence, you've learned to ignore others' opinions and cherish every second of your love.
The gentle hum of the seaplane filled the air as it glided over the crystal-clear waters of the Indian Ocean, the endless expanse of blue dotted with the green jewels of the Maldives' islands. You glanced over at Jack, his eyes wide with wonder as he pressed his face against the window, marveling at the view below. Toto, sitting beside you, reached over and squeezed your hand, his touch warm and reassuring. The excitement was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness.
As the seaplane descended toward the private island resort where you had spent your honeymoon, memories flooded back. The island had been a sanctuary for you and Toto, a place where you could escape the world and revel in your love. Now, returning with Jack made the experience even more special, a testament to the life you had built together.
The moment you stepped off the seaplane, the familiar scent of saltwater and tropical flowers enveloped you. Jack let out a delighted laugh as he ran ahead, his feet kicking up sand. You and Toto followed hand in hand, savoring the warm sand beneath your toes.
The villa was just as you remembered, with its open-air design allowing the ocean breeze to flow through. Jack's eyes lit up at the sight of the infinity pool merging with the sea beyond. "Can we go swimming, Mommy? Please?" he begged, his excitement infectious.
"Of course, sweetheart," you replied, ruffling his hair. "But let's unpack first and get settled in."
As you and Toto unpacked, you couldn't help but steal glances at him. He looked as handsome as ever, his hair slightly tousled from the journey, a relaxed smile on his lips that seemed reserved just for you. He caught you staring and raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "What are you thinking about, mein Liebchen?"
"Just how lucky I am," you replied, stepping closer to wrap your arms around his waist. "To be here with you and Jack. To have this life."
He leaned down, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. "I'm the lucky one," he murmured. "You've given me everything I could ever want."
Later that evening, after a long swim and a delicious dinner, the three of you settled on the beach to watch the sunset. Jack built sandcastles nearby, his laughter filling the air as the waves lapped at the shore. You leaned against Toto, his arm around your shoulders, drawing you close.
"Do you remember our first night here?" you asked, looking up at him.
He chuckled softly. "How could I forget? We danced under the stars, and later made love under them."
A blush covered your cheeks as you remembered that magical night and the years you've shared. "Through everything, you've been my rock."
"And you, mine," he replied, his gaze intense. "I love you more each day."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange, you felt a profound sense of contentment. Jack ran over, plopping down between you and Toto, a tired but happy smile on his face.
"This is the best day ever," he declared, snuggling against you.
You exchanged a look with Toto, your hearts swelling with love for this beautiful, perfect moment. The future stretched out before you, full of promise and joy. No matter what came your way, you knew you would face it together, as a family.
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exercise-of-trust · 26 days
everyone clap and cheer for my beautiful daughter who has every disease 🥰 her name is þerindë because her wheel is made out of an embroidery hoop; she is entirely handmade and boy howdy does it show
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a whole bunch of things have stopped working since i took that video last night and i'm not sure how much more wherewithal i have to keep messing with her, but i did manage to spin about two feet of something before then! so i'm showing her off a bit now, and if i can figure out what-all i fucked up maybe you'll see more of her in the future. some process and progress photos under the cut (not a tutorial. do not do this. i cannot sufficiently stress how bad of an idea this was and is*)
(*if you are going to do this and have questions not answered here i am always happy to answer them, inbox and dms are open etc, but like. i would strongly advise against it)
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here's the hoop! it's about a foot across, with a groove carved out with a speedball. this ended up being way too shallow (who'd'a'thunk) so the final version is a lot deeper than what you're seeing here. the paint stirrers are held in with straight pins because i was worried regular nails would just crack the hoop lmao. my girl is so deeply and profoundly scuffed <3
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the flyer is made from three cedar shingles glued together because i didn't have a solid piece of wood large enough. astonishingly nothing broke while i was sawing out the rough shape and it whittled down pretty nicely! the hooks are scrap 2mm copper wire, the orfice is a couple inches of plastic drinking straw, and the pulley wheel is also hand-carved, which is why it looks like a fucked-up oreo and has the weird hitch at the top of the spin that you probably saw in the video 🙃 frankly i am astonished it works as well as it does
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the wheel frame is. man. the axle supports haven't broken yet but frankly it's a miracle they're still in place with how much strain they're under every time. the original base was that weird little bit of paint stirrer, which (shocker) did not work out in the long run; it's been replaced by an offcut from the frame and is significantly more sturdy now. it's surprisingly level, though, and turns pretty smoothly all things considered!
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the frame was a nightmare start to finish; i've never done any serious woodworking before in my life and the whole thing was just kind of slapped together without a plan or any sort of concrete measurement. it wobbles so fucking bad and every few hours i have to push a couple of the parts back together where the nails are sort of drifting out of the wood. you may observe a weird post sticking out the left side of the mother-of-all; that is supposed to be for scotch tensioning. does it actually do that? sort of! the belt is a length of cotton crochet thread that is, after much fiddling, just the right size to not slip out more than once every three minutes.
treadling was another pain to figure out and i think i probably made it way more complicated than it needed to be. it still doesn't work very well and i can't tell if that's something i can fix hardware-wise or if i just have to suck it up and practice a lot more. turns out feet are not as coordinated as hands! i would say "now i know for next time!" but frankly i am never doing this again. you couldn't pay me. speaking of which, i did the math and at my current pre-tax hourly salary i could've bought two brand-new ashford travelers with the number of hours i spent building my awful rickety daughter. at the end of the day, do i love her? immensely. is she "good"? by no stretch of the imagination.
anyway. this was a terrible use of my time <3 but i do finally feel confident enough in all the parts of a spinning wheel and what they're for that i can brave the dangers of facebook marketplace's "spinning wheel" category without getting too badly scammed! which is pretty valuable in its own right, i guess.
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vendetta-ari · 7 months
OMG OMG OMG THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR THE VOX X READER!! I LOVEEEDD ITTTT!!!! There’s is absolutely no rush for this one, and take your time pooks! ♡
Ok ok ok so how about a (smutt) (dom) Lucifer x (f!) Reader where the reader is a newly fallen Angel that once knew Lucifer before he fell. And after so many eons/centuries/however long lollll Lucifer finally gets to show the reader how much he missed her ifywimmmmmm
WARNINGS [nsfw, more plot then porn but oh well, eating out, bit of praise but not really? short I guess-]
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You screamed, falling thousands of feet through the sky, landing in a bright red street. This must be one of the rings of hell you thought to yourself.  you panicked, this can't be happening, you were an angel, a fucking angel! and now you're here, in hell. you got up, your wings fluttering in pain, you looked up at the sky, trying to remember what happened. everything seemed kinda fuzzy in your head.
It all started a few years ago, you had become friends with an angel, Lucifer, who got banned from heaven because he granted humans free will. you agreed with him, but you never admitted that to heaven. you didn't want the same fate as him, but after seeing this girl named charlie and her cause, you agreed with her and tried talking to the seraphim after it. You don't remember the rest of what happened but you tried to get up, still a bit dizzy. 
“Fuck..my head” you muttered to yourself.  you looked around and spotted a cafe. You decided that you needed the break and energy so you walked inside. You stepped up to the cashier and ordered a hot chocolate and waited off near the side of the wall. you couldn't think straight, and while you usually were always aware of your surroundings, you couldn't focus. 
“One medium hot chocolate!”  screeched some demon. you stopped zoning out to go grab your drink, reaching for the drink though, there was another hand that grabbed it. “Hey that's my!-” you looked up and saw a blonde demon with red eyes who looked just like… “Lucifer..?”  
The fallen angel looked up at you with wide eyes, recognizing you immediately “it’s..it's you.. W-WAIT ITS YOU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?” He shouted in a panicked tone, which made the barista yell at him. He looked back and grabbed the hot chocolate and your wrist and ran out the door. “What are you doing here..? you- you're not supposed to be here.. you're an angel why are you in hell?” you mumbled to him “I got banned from hell, it's a long story but look I'm just- I'm really happy to see you again. it's been a while..” 
Lucifer looked at you with bright eyes “I've missed you so much…and i..” Lucifer lifted your chin to look up at him, his eyes fluttering, almost asking you to kiss him just with his eyes. Your heart raced, you've always loved him but never said anything. your eyes closed and you leaned toward him, you both kissed each other.  The kiss seemed desperate,  and needy, like this had been needing to happen for years. Lucifer opened a portal behind him, leading you to his room. “I'll show you just how much I've missed you..” He picked you up bridal style and placed you softly down on the bed. you could feel yourself getting wetter every moment you spent with Lucifer. you've wanted him for years, and you finally have a chance to be with him. Your legs spread almost instantly at his touch. 
He smiled and rubbed his hands up and down your thigh, kissing you hungrily, he needed you and he could barely resist with just kissing, so he bent down and got onto his knees. his hands swiftly taking off your pants. He nibbled on your inner thigh, leaving hickeys all over your legs, making you shudder and moan his name. He slid your panties down and saw how wet you already were. “Already wet for me huh?” He smirked and slid his tongue into your pussy. Swirling his tongue around, flicking his tongue, it was soon getting too much as he continued, you reached down to his head, grabbing a tuft of his soft blonde hair. “Nghh- ah~ Luci I'm close..”
He picked up the pace, his tongue moving much faster as the knot in your stomach was getting tighter, as you moaned his name the knot in your stomach had snapped, cumming into his mouth, he licked his lips and smiled before standing back up and grabbing a tissue to clean you up. afterwards he hugged you tightly “mmph… I've missed you so much my angel..” He spoke as he played down with you on his bed. “S-so…um.. round two my pretty angel?” 
(NOT REVISED, WORD COUNT = 717 omg again I swear I'm not doing this on purpose 😭)
this was more plot centered and I might make a part two where it's more nsfw but I gotta get to a bunch more asks first, tysm for your patience anon ILYSM! also I thought the image was fitting lmao
(btw yes, I headcanon luci to like hot chocolate more than coffee LMK IF YALL WANT MORE HEADCANONS THEYRE A LOT FATSER N EASIER TO WRITE LMAO)
anyway I'll stop yapping, hope you enjoyed!!
-xoxo, Ari
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flaneurpastel · 2 years
give him a blank paper and a pen, say nothing and let him surprise you
simon 'ghost' riley x gn!reader
a/n : fluff, i don't think there is anything else to warn y'all about, enjoy :)
words count : 850
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after putting it all on his lap, you finally sat down beside him on the sofa, where his arm instinctively came to rest around your shoulders.
simon said nothing, his weary but curious gaze doing the work instead of his words.
his voice doesn’t let you indifferent at its low, gravelly tone. you restrain yourself from jumping to his mouth and covering his face with kisses, on his cheeks, his nose, his lips, everywhere. finally, with a neutral face, you turned to face the tv where a rugby match was on.
simon arched his eyebrows. what was that again? he picked up the paper you had put on him, checking to see if there was a clue to the whole enigma you had decided to impose on him tonight.
a piece of white paper and a pencil.
he gave you a confused look before starting to think. he needed to recap it all. he had you by his side on the couch, even though you particularly hate rugby games, they take too long and you never understand the rules despite simon's many attempts to explain them to you. so… you expected something from him before you left. good. had he done something wrong ? the dishwasher had been emptied, though, and he also thought of throwing out the trash before coming to sit on the couch
you dared to glance at simon to see if he had decided to do something. his decomposed and lost face almost made you give up this prank, when you realized that the big ghost was caught off guard by this little joke. you bit your lip, no, you wanted to see how it would go.
finally, it's after 10 minutes that you got up, a pressing need to go to the bathroom. your passage seems to have been long, because when you came back, simon had resumed his usual posture, legs resting on the coffee table, and his right arm resting on the top of the sofa, where your place beside him was waiting for you. and more importantly, what you had handed him half an hour ago was lying on the table, the paper folded in half so that you could not see directly what he had done with it inside.
"I wonder where you get all these ideas from, y/n, I doubt if I'll ever be able to understand you." he said, letting out a small laugh at the end.
"hmm, considering the long wait I expect to see a poem declaring all your love for me in Shakespearean language," you say as you come to snuggle up to him. you take the paper at the same time
"I think I can compete with Picasso more".
a confused smile appeared on your pretty face, and it was simon's turn to restrain himself from covering it with kisses that would leave marks.
picasso?? you thought.
while simon let himself be refocused on his game, you finally opened the paper.
a huge laugh echoed through your living room.
"i hope this one means i'm good at drawing." he says unconsciously caressing your hair, staring at the TV.
your smile was so big you could feel your cheeks hurting.
on the paper were drawn two stick figures holding hands, easily recognizable. one much taller than the other with a simple t-shirt and quickly made pants, and another stick figure in a much more detailed outfit than the other person, you noticed. one has a line as a mouth, while the other has a nice 'C' on the side as a beaming smile.
he had clearly spent all his energy, time, and stick figure drawing skills on you.
little hearts that looked more like circles were flying all around you two.
the very caricatures of you and simon. 
you clearly weren't expecting this, 
"simon, that's... beautiful"
it was now simon's turn to laugh.
"you dirty liar" 
it clearly wasn't one of those realistic paintings you find in the most prestigious museums, and simon may have overdone it a bit on the length of your hair, but it was the first thing simon thought of drawing, the two of you, when you just gave him a piece of paper.
and the thought gave you butterflies in your stomach.
"I was expecting a lot of sweet words telling how happy and lucky you are to have me in your life, though, because it would have been more romantic to show soap," you say anyway to tease him.
briefly turning his attention away from the game, he gives you a look that you know all too well.
"hmm, i can draw something on you this time that you can show to soap," he says in a suave voice.
"oh yeah? i don't know what you're talking about... can you elaborate a little more? you answer, moving closer to him, your lips brushing against his as you speak.
and it is on this note that he took you, a little too easily, on his shoulders, towards the room. 
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may-russell · 2 months
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Just the two of us… 🎶☕️
You work at a coffee shop and once Hamzah notices you, he becomes a regular.
Word count: 2744 (sorry if it's too long)
!hamzah x fem reader.
Part 3/3:
You had spent a few days texting and facetiming just to get to know each other a bit more.
Every new thing Hamzah learned about you, was just another reason why he liked you. It was scary, he was experiencing so many feelings in such a short amount of time. It was the first time someone had swept him off his feet, but you brought him so much peace that focusing on anything other than the way his chest felt everytime he thought about you was pointless. Time was relative.
On Thursday, as you were finishing a long day at work, your phone rang. It was Hamzah. His voice alone was enough to calm you.
"Hey y/n, how was work?" he asked.
"Hi... ugh, it was rough. I'm exhausted, but it was good. I like staying busy, you know? I never run out of things to do."
"Haha, I don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you enjoy your job. You should get some rest though; you'll need it for tomorrow..."
You could hear the smile in his voice, hinting that he had something planned.
"Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow?"
"...Our big date!! If you're free... Are you free for dinner tomorrow? I found this place I think you'd really like."
Your heart started racing. It was finally happening. Initially, you had doubts, but Hamzah had given you the time and space to get to know him, and you appreciated that. He was patient and understanding, passionate about his job, and struck a perfect balance between fun and serious. Though you hadn't known each other for long, you trusted him enough to say yes.
"Yeah," you said with a big smile—the same one he always complimented you on. You had once confided in him about your insecurity growing up, and he had made it a point to always appreciate it. "Where are we going?"
"Well, you're always talking about jazz, so I asked around and found this 'invitation-only jazz club'... and I managed to get us invites!"
"Oh... Wow! I see being an influencer has its perks. I've always wanted to go to a place like that."
"Haha, I knew you'd like it. Meet you at 7?"
"You know me well. Yeah, text me the address and I'll meet you there."
"Great. See you tomorrow then."
"See ya!"
The date was set.
Saying you were excited was an understatement; you had always dreamed of meeting someone who wasn't afraid to show genuine interest in you, someone who listened and cared deeply about your feelings. It felt surreal. Sometimes, you thought about the "random" ways the universe worked—what were the chances of Hamzah walking into THAT coffee shop on THAT particular day and time? If not for that serendipitous moment, your paths might never have crossed, and your life wouldn't be this nice.
As soon as you got home, you couldn't wait to share the news with Anna, your roommate and best friend. Her eyes lit up with happiness for you. “It’s good seeing you like this y/n, it was time you finally met a nice guy,” You could see it in her eyes, she meant that. “Do you know what you’re wearing yet?. “I have a few ideas” You said.
The excitement was mutual, as soon as you hung up Hamzah texted Martin. “GUESS WHO HAS A DATE TOMORROW!!!!” He had gotten a haircut the day before to make sure it looked nice by Friday, and already had an outfit in mind, he had planned on picking you up with some flowers, him walking up to your door and surprising you with them, giving you a big hug and smelling your perfume. But you told him you’d meet him there instead, so he had to come up with a new plan to fantasize about.  
The time leading to the date seemed like an eternity, work was slower than usual, everything was quiet, except for the incessant ticking of the big clock on the cold, white wall in front of you. Across the room, your coworker in her fifties, mindlessly scrolling on facebook on her phone, the screen glaring brightly as she burst into laughter at every funny post. You and Anna had joked about her contagious, "funnier-than-the-joke" laugh just last night.
Hamzah would text you every once in a while throughout the day, and you’d reply trying not to show your excitement, but you were giggling all day long, your mind kept drifting away from your tasks to the infinite possibilities of what could happen tonight, what he’d wear, how he’d react to what you’d be wearing, would the food be good? Would you guys dance? Or just talk and enjoy the music in the background. You kept trying not to get your hopes too high up, in case anything went wrong, what if he canceled last minute?What if–Stop overthinking- You told yourself, -Let’s find something else to do instead-. Hamzah had awaken a lot of feelings within you, most of them sweet and cheesy, but you had found yourself feeling more self-conscious than usual at times, not because of him. First dates are always nerve wracking.
Finally, the workday came to an end. You packed up your things, said your goodbyes, and headed out to the parking lot. Unlocking your car, you climbed in and took a deep breath. As you turn the engine on, you noticed a weird sound, but chose to ignore it. The drive home was filled with a mix of nervous excitement and cautious optimism.
Arriving at your apartment, you hurried inside. You kicked off your shoes and headed straight for the kitchen, were Anna was already heating up lunch for the two of you, she gets off work earlier than you, and she loves cooking, something you were very grateful for. As you both ate your meals, you checked your phone again—another text from Hamzah.
"Hey, are you getting excited? I can't wait to see you tonight 😊"
You smiled at his message, feeling a rush of warmth. Quickly composing yourself, you replied, "Definitely excited! Looking forward to it 😄"
Anna noticed your distracted state and teased, "Someone's got a big date tonight, huh?"
You chuckled nervously. "Yeah, it's just... I really hope it goes well."
Anna grinned knowingly. "It will. Hamzah seems like a great guy. Relax and enjoy yourself."
Over lunch, you shared the latest updates with Anna, including Hamzah's thoughtful messages throughout the day. After eating, you took an “everything shower” and went to your room to decide on an outfit for the evening.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of multiple outfit changes and fleeting thoughts about the evening ahead. After a few moments of deliberation, you settled on a black backless dress, heels and you hair in a messy but stylish bun.
With a final glance in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and phone, checking for any last-minute messages. There it was—a text from Hamzah.
"Heyy, I'm almost there! Can't wait to see you. I'll be by the entrance."
Your heart skipped a beat as you read his message. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you replied, "On my way! See you soon 😊"
You headed out the door, the cool evening air adding to the anticipation building within you. As you got into you car, you could feel something was off, you tried to turn it on but it wasn’t working –Shit.- You quickly grabbed your phone again and ordered an uber, luckily there was one just a couple blocks away from you.
After a few minutes, you were finally there. You got off the car, spotting Hamzah waiting just as he described, wearing the cutest glasses, your nerves eased. His smile widened as he saw you approaching, and you couldn't help but smile back.
"Hey," he greeted warmly, reaching out to give you a gentle hug. "You look amazing."
"Thank you," you replied, feeling a flush of happiness. "So do you."
“I wanted to get you an actual bouquet,” He says, revealing a red rose he was hiding behind his back. “But I thought it would get in the way when we started dancing. I’ll get you one for next time though.”
“We’re dancing?!” You said with a huuuugeee smile, “God I love your smile-OF COURSE we’re dancing! I didn’t look up ‘How to dance to jazz tutorials’ for nothing”.
“Thanks, really” It’s all you managed to say, staring into his eyes, the night had just started and it was already everything you’d dream of. “Come on, let’s go inside” He said as he wraped his arm around you and led you in.
As you entered the jazz club together, the soft strains of music enveloped you. The ambiance was cozy, with dim lighting casting a warm glow over the intimate tables. Hamzah led you to a table near the stage, where you settled in comfortably. The air was filled with the sweet aroma of good food and the gentle hum of conversations.
The evening unfolded beautifully as you and Hamzah delved into meaningful conversations, sharing stories and discovering mutual interests. You told him about you car breaking down and he offered you a ride back home. He was attentive and sweet, making you feel at ease with his genuine charm and personality.
Dinner arrived—a delicious spread of gourmet dishes that delighted your taste buds. Between bites and sips of wine, laughter bubbled up naturally between you, punctuated by moments of shared glances, soft innocent touches and smiles that spoke volumes.
As the music shifted to a soulful jazz melody, ‘Just the Two of Us’ ;) Hamzah stood up, extending his hand to you with a playful grin. "Care for a dance?"
Your heart skipped a beat at his invitation. You placed your hand in his, feeling the warmth of his touch as he led you to the small dance floor beside the stage. In the soft glow of the club lights, you swayed together to the rhythm of the music, feeling the subtle electricity between you.
For a few blissful moments, the world outside faded away as you immersed yourself in the magic of the night. Hamzah's movements were graceful yet assured, his hand on your waist guiding you across the floor. Your hand in his and your foreheads touching. You couldn't help but admire how his eyes sparkled with genuine happiness, mirroring your own.
As you moved together in sync with the music, the distance between you seemed to dissolve. Each step was a testament to the growing bond between you, a silent promise of more moments like this to come. The rhythm of the jazz, the soft glow of the club lights, and the subtle scent of his cologne enveloped you in a cocoon of intimacy.
In the quiet pauses between songs, he leaned in close, his breath warm against your ear. "You're an amazing dancer," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration.
You smiled, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. "You're not so bad yourself," you teased softly, the playful banter adding to the lightness of the occasion.
As the music continued, you found yourself lost in the dance, savoring each fleeting second as if trying to capture the essence of this perfect evening. The world outside seemed distant and insignificant compared to the connection you shared in that moment.
Eventually, the song ended, as you returned to your table, hand in hand, the evening continued with a renewed sense of closeness and connection. The jazz club buzzed with life around you, yet it felt like the two of you were in your own little world, cocooned in the warmth of newfound companionship.
As the night came to an end, and the jazz club began to empty, y/n and Hamzah stepped out into the crisp night air, their breath visible in the glow of city lights. The date had been enchanting, filled with laughter, shared stories, and a dance that seemed to suspend time itself.
As they walked towards Hamzah's car, y/n's thoughts flickered back to the Uber ride that had brought her here. She had enjoyed the evening and was grateful for Hamzah's company. The offer of a ride home from him now felt like a continuation of his thoughtfulness.
Reaching the car, Hamzah unlocked the door and held it open for y/n with a gallant gesture. She smiled appreciatively, settling into the passenger seat. The warmth of the car enveloped them both as Hamzah started the engine, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
"I hope you enjoyed tonight," Hamzah said, glancing over at y/n with a gentle smile.
"I did," y/n replied softly, her gaze meeting his. "Thank you for inviting me and for the ride home."
"My pleasure," Hamzah replied warmly, his eyes reflecting the streetlights as they drove through the quiet night. "I'm glad we had this time together."
As they navigated through the familiar streets towards y/n's apartment, conversation flowed between them. They discussed their favorite jazz tunes from the night, shared funny anecdotes, and delved into deeper topics that revealed more about their passions and dreams.
The drive seemed to pass in a blur, the connection between y/n and Hamzah growing stronger with each passing minute. By the time they arrived at y/n's apartment building, she couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance to say goodbye.
"Here we are," he said softly, pulling up to the curb outside y/n's building. He turned off the engine and turned to face her, his expression earnest. Hamzah hesitated for a moment, stepping out, he hurried around to y/n's side and opened the door for her, offering his hand to help her out. She accepted, feeling a flutter of warmth at his gesture.
"Thank you," y/n said softly as she stood beside him, their eyes meeting in the dim glow of the streetlights.
"You're welcome," Hamzah replied, his voice gentle. "Let me walk you to your door."
Together, they walked towards the entrance of the apartment building, the night air cool around them. The silence between them now felt comfortable, filled with a shared understanding and the promise of more to come.
As they reached y/n's door, she turned to face Hamzah with a smile. Him looking at her as if contemplating his next words. "Thank you again for tonight. I really enjoyed your company."
"Me too," y/n replied sincerely, moving closer to him, a warm smile gracing her lips. "I had a great time."
"Would you like to do this again sometime?” He said, his hand gracing hers.
Y/n felt a rush of excitement at his suggestion. "I would love that," she answered.
"Great," Hamzah said with a smile, relief evident in his voice.
Their closeness drew them together naturally, and suddenly, y/n found herself wrapped in Hamzah's embrace. Her arms were around his neck, fingers gently caressing the curls at the back of his head. His arms encircled her waist, drawing her in as she rested her head against his chest. The intimacy of the moment enveloped them both, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they had forged over the course of the evening.
“Y/n?” Hamzah murmured softly.
“Yeah?” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Can I kiss you?”
Their hearts raced in unison, the anticipation palpable between them. Y/n lifted her head, meeting Hamzah's gaze with unwavering certainty. Their noses brushed against each other's, their breath mingling in the quiet space between them. And then, without hesitation, Hamzah closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a tender kiss.
Time seemed to stand still as they shared this intimate moment, the world outside fading away. The kiss was gentle yet filled with passion, a culmination of the emotions they had both been feeling throughout the night.
As they pulled back slightly, their foreheads resting together, y/n couldn't help but smile. It felt right, being in Hamzah's arms, their hearts beating as one.
Hamzah brushed a strand of hair away from y/n's face, his touch tender. “I'm glad I met you, y/n.”
"Me too," y/n replied softly, her fingers tracing the line of Hamzah's jaw. "I'm really glad."
They stood there for a moment longer, savoring the closeness and the newfound connection between them. In that quiet moment, they both knew that tonight had been more than just a date—it had been the beginning of something beautiful.
Thank you for reading!! This was so much fun.
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w2soneshots · 7 months
Engaged -W2S
words: 0.7k+
warnings: none.
summary: while on holiday in Italy Harry asks you a very important question.
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Liked by mollymae and 1,090,637 others
y/username: Its only the first day but I never wanna leave🏝️
taliamar: STUNNING🩷🩷
faithlouisak: woah😍
y/nfanpage21: I loveeee the outfit!!
-> y/username: thank you🫶
user468031478: wrotoshaw is a lucky man
Harry surprised me with a trip to Italy 2 weeks ago. When we arrived yesterday we headed straight to the hotel to drop off all of our bags and get changed then spent the rest of the day at the beach. Today I woke up with Harry by my side scrolling through his phone. As soon as he realised that I was awake he popped his phone on the bedside table and rolled onto his side. I flashed him a smile "morning." I said. He smiled and leaned in to peck my lips "good morning, sleep good?" I nodded.
We got up, then sat down to have some fresh fruit and pastries for breakfast. "I've got lunch booked for two o'clock." Harry said as we ate. I looked up from my food "ooo, where?" I asked. "You'll have to wait and see." he said with a smirk. I shook my head jokingly and continued to eat my food. We finished our breakfast then hung around the villa until twelve ish when I decided to get ready.
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Liked by faithlouisak and 1,809,681 others
y/username: be ready for the holiday spam🌥️
wrotoshaw: 🔥❤️
freyanightingale: beautiful🤍
taliamar: sexy girl
user68024210: this holiday would be the perfect opportunity for bog to propose😏
When we arrived at the restaurant we took our seats outside on the patio and ordered. We ate our food then decided to take a walk on the beach. We were slowly waking hand in hand admiring the beautiful scenery, when Harry let go of my hand. I looked back in his direction to see him down on one knee, with a ring box in his hand. My breath caught in my throat. "omg." I said quietly and placed a hand over my mouth. "y/n, You're kind, you're funny, you're beautiful. I love spending time with you, and I can't imagine my life without you. I promise to always make you laugh, to always be there for you when you need me, and to never take you for granted," He said while tears streamed down my face "will you marry me?" I nodded quickly "yes, yes, yes, yes!" I said and he quickly stood, placed the ring on my finger and pulled me into a strong hug.
y/username and wrotoshaw
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Liked by calfreezy and 6,016,932 others
y/username: we're engaged!💍
ksi: congratulations guys, so sick!!!!
tobjizzle: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
taliamar: ahhhhh I'm so happy for you🥹
behzingagram: HE'S DONE IT!
freyanightingale: the ring!!😍😍
faithlouisak: 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
miniminter: wooooooooo!
user68024210: I called it🙋‍♂️
I was in a state of shock for the entire rest of the day. After Harry asked me to marry him (which sounds crazy be able to say) we walked back to the villa and took a shower together ready for the dinner he had booked. I got dressed into a long, black, lace dress. I did my makeup and put my hair up (which I've been doing the whole trip since it's so hot) then slipped on some little black heels. Once I was finished I slowly walked downstairs, Harry was stood by the door waiting for me. "Wow" he said once I was near him. I smiled and jokingly did a pose.
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Liked by tobjizzle and 1,709,284 others
y/username: 🖤🥂
faithlouisak: show us that ring girly😉
taliamar: my wifey💍
-> y/username: you know it😘
user925711030: I wish I was as pretty as her
We left soon after and arrived at the restaurant. We sat down and ordered our drinks. "I still can't believe we're engaged." I said playing with the ring on my left hand. "Im surprised you didn't catch on, I was trying my best not to act weird." he said. I giggled then took a breath "did you tell anyone?" I asked. "Ethan and Faith were the only ones I told. I wanted to make sure I had the right ring so I asked Faith and for Ethan I just needed someone to talk to about it since I was so nervous." he said. "Aw, well at least you knew I wouldn't say no." He took a deep breath "I did consider what I would do if you did." I just laughed.
After dinner we walked back to the villa and I immediately took my heels off and slipped out of my dress...
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imarealnugget · 7 months
Choso Kamo comforting you after a break up
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Feat. Choso Kamo, female reader and her ex boyfriend.
TW. fluff, memories with ex boyfriend, comforting!Chosoxfemale!reader after a break up
Words Count: 1.1k+
Synopsis: Your heart is shattered by a painful breakup. As you grapple with the devastation of lost love, you seek refuge in the comforting presence of your best friend, Choso. Choso, who harbors secret feelings for you, becomes your anchor in the stormy seas of heartache. He offers solace and understanding, his unwavering support a beacon of hope in your darkest hour. As you lean on Choso for support, you begin to realize the depth of your connection to him. His comforting embrace and reassuring words slowly heal the wounds left by your former relationship, igniting a newfound spark between you. Despite the fear and uncertainty that linger in your heart, you find yourself drawn to Choso in ways you never thought possible. Through his patience and unwavering devotion, you begin to see him in a new light, recognizing the love that has been quietly waiting in the wings.
You journey back into the maze of memories, where pathways intertwine and overlap until you find yourself facing a moment you thought buried forever. It's a summer day, the sun shining high in the sky, but you and your ex-boyfriend were immersed in a conversation that echoes an impending storm. He gripped your hand tightly, trying to convey reassurance with the mere touch of skin, but you felt a knot of anguish tightening in your stomach. His words were sweet, sugary, but you know that beneath that veneer of affection lied something wrong, something that has left you with a sense of emptiness in your chest. "I love you," he used to say, and your heart leapted in your chest, but not with joy. You know it was not true, that his words were just a clumsy attempt to keep you tied to him, to hold you in a gilded cage made of lies and falsehoods. Yet, you were not able to free yourself from that grip tightening around you ever more tightly. You found yourself spending hours upon hours with him, desperately trying to fill the void you were feeling inside, but the more time you spent with him, the more you realized that there was nothing to do to fill that void. His caresses were empty, his words were false, and you felt increasingly alone, increasingly lost in a maze with no way out. Yet, you continued to hope that things would have changed, that he would finally be able to understand how much pain he was causing you, but with each passing day you realized that his presence in your life was just a weight dragging you further and further down, further away from the happiness you so desperately desired, but you were soso in love with him, you didn't want to break up with him. Then, one day, everything changed. You woke up with a broken heart, tears warm on your cheeks, but that time was different. That time you knew you had to let him go, to free yourself from the chain that was holding you prisoner for too long. The phone kept ringing, a dissonant melody reminded you of the emptiness now occupying your chest. "It's over," you repeated to yourself, as if uttering those words could make them less real, less painful. But it was futile. Reality was there, relentless, squeezing your heart with its icy hands. Without a second thought, you sought comfort in the only place you'd always considered a safe haven: Choso's arms. Your best friend, your confidant, the only person who had always understood you better than anyone else. And in that moment of despair, it was to him you ran, like a castaway clinging to a raft in the midst of a stormy sea.
When Choso answered your call, his voice was calm and reassuring, a beacon in the dark night of your soul. "I'm coming," he assured you, and you felt a knot of gratitude tighten in your throat. You weren't alone, not yet. And as you waited for his arrival, you tried to gather the fragments of your dignity scattered among the tears, trying not to let the pain overwhelm you completely. Finally, you heard him knock on the door, the familiar sound of his footsteps approaching. Then, the door opened and he was there, with a look full of concern and affection. You threw yourself into his arms, seeking refuge in his secure embrace, and he held you close, gently, as if he wanted to protect you from the whole world. "Hey hey, it's okay, shh, you'll be fine," he whispered, and you felt his words penetrate your wounded heart, like a caress on your skin. He stroked your hair delicately, as if he wanted to erase every trace of sadness from your troubled mind. And as you listened to him speak, you felt a sense of calm spreading within you, as if his words were a balm for your soul. "You're not alone," Choso continued, his voice an anchor of salvation in the storm. "I'm here for you, always. Never forget it. He was an idiot to leave you like this, without an explanation but just with a stupid call, and for that he deserves to see you happy without him, because you deserve much better, he must suffer for letting you go like this." His words resonated within you, like a sacred promise to protect you from every evil. And you believed him, because you knew that his love for you was sincere and deep, deeper than any ocean, wider than any sky. You stayed there, in his arms, until the tears dried up and your breath returned to normal. Then, without saying a word, he gently laid you down on the couch and covered your body with a soft blanket. He looked at you with eyes full of affection and concern, and you felt enveloped by a sense of warmth and security that warmed your soul. "Rest," he said, and you closed your eyes, letting yourself be lulled by the sound of his voice blending with the sweet silence of the night. Sleep came soon, taking you away from the pain and chaos of the outside world, letting you sink into a sea of peace and tranquility.
When you woke up, he was still there, next to you. His face was serene in the darkness of the room, a guardian angel silently watching over your dreams. You turned to him, your heart full of gratitude and love, and you smiled at him, knowing that you couldn't ask for a better friend than him by your side. "Thank you," you whispered, the words barely audible in the quiet of the night. "Thank you for always being there for me. I felt really bad when my now ex-boyfriend left me before. I loved him, maybe I still do. But maybe I never realized what I felt for you, I didn't know how to love you enough, but now I think I'm doing it." He blushed "What are you talking about-". And you kissed him without warning, a sweet kiss that neither you nor he would ever forget. When you opened your eyes, his were wide open, his face red and his lips semi-open. You approached him, placing your lips on his again in a sweet and passionate kiss, a tribute to the bond that united you, indissoluble and eternal. "I'm telling you that I love you too; dummy," you whispered, laughing softly, your face as red as his. A small smile formed on his face, expressing all his happiness: finally after months you would have become his, his girlfriend and the person he could kiss without having to hold back like he did for all that time that passed since he began to love you with all his heart. "Are you serious?…" "I couldn't be more serious than this, Choso" and you kissed him again. This time he also closed his eyes while his hands caressed your cheek while you two lost yourselves in that sweet moment between you two.
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rvb-canon-grimmons · 5 months
(Im so sorry this got so long, but i got emotional while writing it so please bear with me, read this like its the morning paper while u eat breakfast or something i have alot to say)
Before I go into the things I didn't like I do want to focus on some positives.
-Like I said in an earlier post, Geoff's acting…he absolutely killed it, and maybe this is because I'm a little bit Geoff/Grif biased but he was giving so much emotion and everyone else felt a little bit flat. Also only he could have delivered the "Come with me" line with so much Homoeroticism -I Had a pretty fun time watching the fight in the second half, The references to Monty we're sweet and getting to see Tex and Carolina fight together was pretty epic! -A good handful of jokes got me good. "23rd in my class" Shelia translating Caboose's Spanish to Lopez
Ok……. the next bit of this will get a little bit negative, but I do want to say this is coming from a place of deep love and care for this series. I have run this blog for like 6/7 years now and I've been a fan of this show for double that. My biggest fear is that fans get the same treatment we did when no one liked RVBZero. I have criticisms. This is a 21 year old series that so many people have had a part in and so many have loved. I was not looking for perfection, I wasn't even looking for something good. I was looking for an ending to the stories of characters people have held in their hearts for 21 years. Unfortunately, what I feel we were left with was a hastily thrown together hour of basically nothing.
-Why weren't they friends…..Why weren't they friends…No one cared for the others. I understand that we have semi warped perceptions of the characters from fanon works and things of that nature. But even in canon, the reds and blue care about each other. On their own team and the other team. Simmons, Grif, Tucker, and Caboose spent MONTHS together in chorus and same for Donut/Sarge/Wash. I've recently rewatched blood gulch and Caboose and Sarge have a great dynamic! Tucker and Grif canonically get along pretty well. Simmons was ON BLUE TEAM for like a hot minute there. THEY KNOW EACH OTHER AND CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER. This was zero percent present in this film. No one had any motivation to look for Tucker. No one cared that it was Tuckers body inside the suit. THE REDS LEFT CABOOSE FOR DEAD!!!!!! THEY JUST LEFT HIM!!!!
-Tucker, I'm so sorry baby girl, this was supposed to be your arc, your moment. You were hardly in it. No build up to how he became the Meta. The scene where he breaks out of it to not kill caboose was the best part of the arc. And he just wakes up and remembers it "like someone elses Nightmare??" ok sure
Grimmons. I am disappointed. But really not surprised. Honestly for everything I disliked I thought Grimmons was handled ok… at this point im like….. they couldn't even throw us a bone. company was dying, final season airing, and they couldn't even throw us a solid Grimmons queerbait joke. Its whatever….I don't wanna get too upset about shipping because at the end of the day, ships becoming canon isn't what shipping is all about (says Tumblr user "RVB-Canon-Grimmons) you get what im saying.
-Donut…..where was he…..Fucking Homophobic honestly
-DOC IS DEAD?????????????????????????????? FUCKING WHY???
-Sarge's death was fine, I'm not upset by it I just didn't feel like it was emotionally satisfying. Especially after the shock of them leaving Caboose and the much better scene of tucker fighting the meta's control over him to not hurt caboose.
Im sorry………..this is so long………just remeber this is only my opinions and if u don't agree thats totally ok!!!!! I am just a critical bitch….
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boosari · 1 year
hiii ! can i request anniversary date with minghao?? thank you 😄
have this dance — x.mh
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pairings: boyfriend!minghao x reader
genre: pure fluff
warnings: established relashionship
wk: 0.5k
summary: your boyfriend takes you to his home country for your anniversary.
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For your 4th year anniversary, your amazing boyfriend Minghao had a very particular yet elegant idea.
You actually never expected something like this as a date, since usually people would go to fancy restaurants, movie nights or picnics.
Here you are, in Hangzhou City, in China. Your boyfriend's home country. The city is futuristic, yet so traditional it actually impressed you.
"Hao this place is beautiful" you exclaim, turning towards him and flash him a wide grin. He looks at you, returning the smile.
"I knew you would've liked it my love, that's why I chose this city specifically". Your heart melts at his reply.
Not only he spent so much time in organising this trip, he also considered your likings. He knew you so well.
You look around and the buildings are huge, everything is made out of glass, you've also seen the big dome that stands at the side of the city.
After having a delicious lunch at a simple chinese restaurant, your boyfriend took your to Lingyin temple, then walked you through the botanical garden just to arrive at the Hefang Street, with its beautiful bridge.
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Night has finally arrived. Indeed to say, you had a beautiful time. Learning about your boyfriend's culture and home country made you happy, it was very intriguing. And your boyfriend was even more happy to know that.
"Where are we going, Hao?" You ask giggling while your boyfriend dragged you by your interlocked hands.
"You'll see" He replied, a smug smile on his face.
After walking for a while, you arrive at a beautiful lake.
You let out a small gasp at the beauty in front of you. The lake had a clean colour, the sunset made it even more beautiful. The gente sound of the water made you close your eyes and breathe deeply. You felt relaxed.
Minghao silently watches you, satisfied with your reaction. Meditate with you definitely had its effects.
"What do you think?" He lets out, voice barely coming out, sounding like a whisper.
You slowly open your eyes. "It's...beautiful indeed". You turn to him and smile.
He smiles back and takes your hand, leading you towards one of the causeways.
You arrive at a small, very small temple, that was empty in the centre.
You couldn't get the smile off your face. Minghao looks at you and gently grabs your hand.
"Have this dance with me, my pretty lady" He looks into your eyes, lovingly.
You giggle, your eyes also locked with his. "With pleasure".
Minghao has one hand holding yours and the other rests on your waist. While one of your hand rested on his shoulder.
You rock your bodies back and forth, he turns you around, spins you. Pushes you forward just to re-pull you closer to him. Both of you smiling the whole time.
After the final spin, your back is pressed against his chest. He kisses your cheek, resting his face against your head.
"我爱你" (i love you) he murmurs in your hair, kissing it.
"我也爱你" (i love you too). You reply, turning your body back to him, your forehead now resting against his. "非常". (so much).
He pulls away and looks at you, smiling. "You improved a lot".
You laugh, throwing your head back. "It's all thanks to my amazing teacher". You also look at him, smiling.
He keeps looking at you, your eyes and then his gaze falls to your lips. He leans in and kisses you sweetly, while the sun sets behind your connected bodies.
"Happy anniversary, my love".
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a/n: hi i'm on vacation rn but this was staying in my drafts for way too long (sorry for the wait heh). i don't really like it honestly but i hope you do! (i also hope my researches are correct cause i've never been to china nor i know places in there😭).
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hellpmeimobsessed · 10 months
Best Ways to Help Them Relax - MK Men (Baraka, Kenshi, Kung Lao, Raiden, Reptile, Smoke) x Reader
(This is mostly MK9 to MK11 Raiden I'm talking about. The others can be interpreted as whichever one you'd like.)
Baraka: I like to think the way Tarkatan's teeth grow would eventually cause jaw discomfort and a dry mouth. That being said, the best way to help Baraka wind down is by massaging his jaw and reminding him to hydrate. The massage is a great chronic pain relief, and reminding him to drink water tells him not only are you thinking of him, but you care enough to say something, too.
Kenshi: I feel like the sensory overstimulation with being blind would be pretty high, given that the one sense that helps you fully process who is where and what's in front of you is gone. Therefore, simply thinking of this and helping him face someone who's talking to him in a group of people or helping him get out of there when it's becoming too much would be a huge relief. This, paired with the occasional third eye massage to help ease any headaches he may have gotten from too many sounds and smells is greatly appreciated.
Kung Lao: Two words: neck. Massage. The hat may be light enough to throw, but it still weighs on him over time, plus he holds all of his tension in his upper torso. Forcing him to forgo his hat and lay down in your lap and giving him a massage helps him fall right asleep. Another thing that oddly enough helps him sleep is being lightly tickled. Not in a sensitive spot or hard enough to make him jolt, just lightly grazing your fingertips across his back and shoulders to lightly tickle him will send him straight off.
Raiden: Playing with his hair. He spends almost all of his time with his hair practically being matted by that cowl and his hat, so when he finally gets time to spend with you, pulling off the cowl and threading your fingers through his long white hair is perfection to him. He'll gladly grab a pillow to sit on as he sits between your legs as you play with his hair. Do whatever you'd like with it, really. Braid it, brush it, he doesn't care, it all feels great. It's one of the few times he's relaxed enough to just close his eyes and melt into your touch. His absolute favorite is lying atop you as you kiss his face and play with his hair. He could die happy there.
Reptile: As a lizard owner I feel like this one is a pure fact; scratches. In his reptile form, after he's spent all day getting dirty and bloody and whatever else, the moment you start scratching a shoulder or his back be prepared for him to unintentionally put all of his weight on you leaning into the touch. Will practically behave like a dog getting the best ear scratches of its life; please scratch him all over, it's even better if you get a bristled brush and use that. In his human form, any rogue itch he can't reach that you help him with makes him melt. Sometimes just scratching his back all over is nice, even if he wasn't itchy in the first place. Heavy on scalp scratches.
Smoke: Gentle touches. Rub his back, caress his face, run your hand through his hair, rub his arm. He soaks it all up like a sponge, and can and will fall asleep just about anywhere if you do it for long enough. He loves even the simple act of you rubbing your thumb along his hand while he holds it. Hugs are also an acceptable form of affection and will fall asleep in your arms. It's simple, but does it ever mean the world to him and work wonders.
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adiluv-moved · 9 months
✦ : ❝ 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 !
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꒰synopsis—wc꒱ in which he sees his first snow. 826 words.
꒰warnings꒱ possibly ooc, reader is inazuman, not fully edited.
꒰adi moment꒱ merry christmas and happy new years @realkavehgf! you're an insanely kind person, and i'm frfr wishing you the best for 2024! this was my first time writing anything specifically for kaveh, so i do hope that i did him some justice. hope you enjoy! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀི১
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Sumeru, as one might come to assume upon learning of the nation’s typical climate, has never exactly been known to experience cold weather. Quite the opposite, really, if you were being entirely honest with yourself; if your time spent traversing the Dendro Goddess’ domain were to ever be considered a trustworthy testament. 
Hot was… an understatement, to say the least. A crude one, at that, almost akin to a dry joke that you might overhear while attempting to navigate the bazaar during one of the more unbearable summer days, sweaty palms just barely managing to maintain their grip on your groceries, the sun beating down on you with such intensity that you’d fear that your clothing would become soaked by the time you managed to return to the comfort of your small apartment.
Truthfully, it was no surprise that Kaveh had never once seen snow. Expected, even, long before he came to admit the fact of his own accord, the both of you lying within his bed as you mourned your first winter away from home, gentle hands pulling you close, almost comfortable enough within his embrace to disregard just how uncomfortably warm the temperatures remained during—what should’ve been—one of the coldest months of the year.
It was convenient, then, that he’d receive an invitation to Mondstadt City during the midst of the season, the Favonius library (of which you’d heard its librarian was a rather mysterious woman who’d attended the Akademiya alongside your lover) eager to host such an accomplished Kshahrewar scholar like himself. 
The both of you jumped at the opportunity, albeit for different reasons. The notion of inspiring future architects did, after all, hold quite a large appeal, doubly so considering the scrutiny that the arts had faced under the previous Grand Sage’s rule; and you’d never before been given the chance to visit the Nation of Freedom, either, what with the Vision Hunt Decree weighing so heavily over your ability to sightsee. 
Besides, getting to witness your beloved’s face practically pressed up against the window of your shared hotel room, expression overtaken by sheer admiration as he admired the snowfall… Certainly was an added bonus. Especially so when it landed the both of you where you were now, gently tugging at his gloved hand as the both of you took a stroll through the desolate streets, the moon having long taken its rightful place within the sky.
Especially so when his cautious inquiry finally melted away into a gentle sense of elation, arms fully outstretched for second-long intervals before being pulled towards his face, gorgeous crimson eyes admiring the designs of the tiny flakes tangled up within the scarlet yarn.
Yes, especially so when you’d impulsively moved to gather up some snow as his back was turned towards you, hitting him directly between the shoulder blades as he admired the latest batch caught on his clothing, the both of you soon running to find cover from the barrages of snowballs being sent each other's way; initial inhibitions wholly abandoned as you fought to gain the upper hand.
… Not that it was even that hard. Kaveh had certainly been put at a disadvantage, shuffling through the snow like a fish out of water, the heavy layers he’d simply insisted on wearing only serving to drag him further down into the snow.
“Dearest,” he huffs, breath wisping out of his mouth as he moves to duck behind the fountain, mittens haphazardly grabbing onto as much snow as they can as he makes his descent. With the distance, you miss the way that his golden hair has begun to stick onto his forehead, the way that he has to readjust his scarf in order to allow more air to flow through as he pulls himself back up. “I love you, truly, but please do go a bit easier—”
His final words are cut off by the sound of a snowball slamming directly onto his face, your own eyes widening as the excess falls to the floor, lips thinned in an attempt to restrain your laughter as you emerge from behind a crate.
Scrunching up the snow he’d obtained into one of his hands, the other moves up to wipe off the rest of the offending substance, shaking off what he can from his seemingly star-speckled clothing. His teeth chatter, pale skin taking on a pink-ish hue, and you’re halfway to stammering out an apology to his uncharacteristically stiff figure before you notice the lank smile that’s tugging at his lips.
You’re hardly even given the chance to react before he retaliates, shock written across your features as your vision is obscured, body reeling back just as another one manages to make contact with your arm, hurriedly retreating only for one to collide into your back.
… His aim might just be better than you give him credit for. Though it’s hard to be mad when his laugh sounds so melodic.
“Oh, it’s so on.”
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