#// Selfcest mention
just-antithings · 11 months
everytime i see "proship dni" at the end of a fandom post, i love being like "why are you in the ____ fandom and an anti?" because this shit can be applied everywhere!
fnaf? uhh the child murderer fandom?
mlb? uhh the attempted child muderer fandom? the stalking your crush and memorizing his schedule fandom?
cookie run? uhh the literal cooked flour and water fandom?
pokemon? uhh the dog fight fandom?
tmnt? these guys are teenagers (which are children)(which means nothing can ever happen to them ever, even when they're adults (they were children at one point, correct?!)) and from what i know, there is one iteration where it showed incest in a positive light and another that showed age gaps/minor x adult in a positive light.
clone high? bro its all clones, youre one step away from clone fucking and GASP selfcest is legal!!
rick and morty? incest is literally canon in this show, fuck you mean "proship dni"
south park? . youre joking, right.
It's literally the funnest thing to do. Add on with your own fandoms! /lh /nf
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spiritmoodboards · 5 months
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Moodboard for Wally Darling (Welcome Home) selfcest/bright primary colors/loving other versions of himself/playgrounds/Mcdonald's food themes For an anon! Hope you enjoy! ^^
We're closed for now, thank you!~
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tabbyrocks · 9 months
okay genuine question how come people think selfcest is like,,, evil. I don't see how kissing a clone of yourself or you from a different universe is bad??? like lowkey if i met me from a different universe id be like "oh boy smooching time!!!!!" but maybe im just odd
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blastlight · 2 years
oh it just hit me that toby fox made spamtoncest canonically possible
the fucking 5d chess he's playing with this fandom..... he's not even playing the tumblr sexyman game he's editing the board itself. i'm a little terrified right now.
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Quotable Quotes with me and my friend Gal
Me: Oh my god. It's not just mpreg, it's selfcest
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phantomtrax · 8 months
You know the show is good when it has your mutuals posting what is essentially the 2023 version of au sans selfcest
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neverendingparable · 2 years
Caught up with Rick and Morty and I’m obsessed with all this new information we’re getting.
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undecimusor · 2 years
I just want to address this,  and I’d rather not throw this under read more,  but i found out self-cest or/and doctorcest is harmful?  And that is something I never knew about.  Nor has anyone told me in the past week or so until now.   but for the comfort of others and myself i will stop doing this and i apologize for any harm i've caused.      
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What fucking year is it why am i getting sans undertale au selfcest on my dasb
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hansoeii · 8 months
I'm very much not normal about loki and mobius right now
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just-antithings · 7 months
Another day, another example of antis' hypocrisy
Saw a new whump prompt blog pop up. One that allows submissions from other people. Submission rules: no nsfw, rape, noncon, no pedophilia, age gaps, incest, selfcest, "or anything in that vein", because the blog is, and i quote, "strictly against proshipping"
Like, buddy. We're both here because we enjoy fictional characters being hurt and tortured and having a bad time, a lot of people give folks who enjoy whump shit about being evil sadists or whatever because we think that's fun. You don't need to fucking turn around and do the exact same to people who enjoy other fictional content that you happen to personally not care for???
And like, I wouldn't have minded if it just had those rules for submitting content, without saying anything about being against proship. Like, we've all got our squicks, we've all got our shit we don't care for, I would've completely been just oh okay cool no problem if they'd just listed those things as not being allowed, i'd've just assumed the person running the blog wasn't personally comfy with that and not thought any further about it. But because they just had to go and start moralizing about proshipping and whatever, yeah no, now i have to block them.
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superbat-love · 3 months
During a battle, Superman and Batman were struck by a beam from Mister Mxyzptlk, fracturing their personalities into three separate entities.
Bruce ended up with Batman, the aggressive dark knight; Brucie (or Wayne), the smooth talking playboy; and Bruce, the awkward loner.
Meanwhile, Clark got split into Superman, the symbol of hope; Clark Kent, the mild-mannered but persistent journalist; and Kal-El, the alien longing to be accepted.
They had to live together until they could fix things, and surprisingly, the Clarks got along great. But the Bruces? Total chaos. Batman's always raging, especially at Brucie and that "reckless, overly-righteous" Superman. Brucie's busy flirting with anyone with a pulse, making Batman super uncomfortable. And then there's Bruce, who's avoiding everyone, especially Batman.
Living together forced both Bruce and Clark to face some deep issues they've been hiding, and they ended up understanding themselves better. Batman and Bruce had long heart-to-hearts about their fears and traumas, opening up emotionally. Clark learned more about the real Superman behind the hero facade, seeing the heavy burden of responsibility and Kal-El's loneliness.
Batman started to let his guard down around the sincere Clark, who wasn't fazed by his grumpiness. Superman figured out there's more to Brucie than meets the eye and saw that he was secretly struggling to prevent Batman and Bruce from succumbing to rage or despair. Kal-El, wanting to get closer to Bruce, had to deal with Batman's protective streak first.
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rapturekiwi · 9 months
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I was able to fashion my dreams And build this winter wonder world
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orphiclovers · 30 days
I bet Yoo Joonghyuk's love language is eye contact
SOOO TRUE ANON. i'm a huge fan of YJH canonically sending intense love eyes at the objects of his affection. Unfortunately they’re too intense and people mistake the love vibes for murder vibes. (KDJ…)
take a shot everytime YJH soulfully gazes at KDJ (if you want to die of alcohol poisoning) and also 41 at SP- where 41 has the handicap of only appearing in a couple of scenes, he makes up in the sheer frequency of his yearning looks.
there's also a way to make this angsty joongdok i feel. something YJH constantly feeling the gaze of his sponsor, something DKOS watching over him his entire life during the 0th round, something the world exists because the oldest dream is looking at the world… hmmm
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meowingshojofanatic · 25 days
Just thought up a Mage And Demon Queen DokJoong AU idea oh no ← has to reread MADQ now :) take some of the AU I've thought up in the spur of trying to sleep at an actually goos schedule (YooHanKim/Doksoo near the end)
Yoo Joonghyuk is an all-rounder hero, currently practicing in the Mage role
Kim Dokja is the Demon King Of Salvation, ruler of the monsters
YJH has been in love with The Demon King Of Salvation since he was 15-17
He doesn't remember much from his youth, most of it is blurry or non existent
But his first meeting with KDJ is very vivid to this day
Extremely powerful, with a fiery glint in his eye that could be mistaken for stars, yet lonely as well. At least until the Demon King looked at him
In which, KDJ just looked at him with some sort of... Sympathy? KDJ's troops asked if there was anything there
Clutching onto his sister with distress, YJH screwed his eyes shut. But, instead of exposing the siblings, KDJ let them go...?
Then, YJH was awfully offended. Was that arrogant bastard pitying him? He internally thanked him, but he still felt resentment
But eventually that resentment drifted away as he became stronger, becoming a famous All-Rounder that could fill any position
All he really wanted to do was meet the Demon King again, as he tried to brush away the crush he had as "admiration"
When he met him again, the only hero to get to him... He was in the form of a 17 year old...?
"Why are you... A child?" He asked, genuinely bemused. The Demon King's reply was, "Why? I thought you would think that those who claimed to have seen my appearance were lying. You know dead ones tell no tales."
Externally, Yoo Joonghyuk was glaring at him. Internally, he was thinking about how terrifying that line would be if he wasn't himself ← actually felt chills when KDJ said that line
"...hhh, fine you caught me. I'm not 17 or whatever." Standing up from his throne, he shifted into a form closely aged to YJH, perhaps a little older. With raven colored wings that reflect the stars, and horns that looked to be soaked with blood.
"Now, Yoo Joonghyuk, the all-rounder hero of the kingdom named 'Starstream'," he strided towards him, YJH couldn't help but gulp as he saw the Demon King lick his teeth. "Give me a taste of the hatred I've gained from your race. With. your. sword. ...Or wand."
YJH felt bloodlust coming from KDJ, and shivered involuntarily. "Why aren't you moving, Joonghyuk-ah?" The floor was gaining more and more cracks as the Demon King sped up.
YJH hoped he had masked his flinch when the other had called him so informally, "...I-"
"you know, It's your duty...To. Slay. Me." Punctuating each line, he was inches away from cutting off Yoo Joonghyuk's head... Until...
"I love you..." YJH blurted out, trying to act cool even while his mind was SCREAMING at him, Why'd he have to go and say that?!
When YJH didn't feel his head cut off, he cracked an eye open to see the Demon King's face. He looked very scrambled, his eyebrows furrowed sadly, and his eyes blown wide with his mouth open wide
He then realized that... KDJ had this look during the whole time he was about to slash him, just with a smile masking it.
"...eh?" Was the only noise that came out of the Demon King as he tried to search YJH's eyes, looking for any fallacy. "...are you joking with me right now?"
"...You're serious." He straightened up, moving his sword down at his side. YJH only nodded.
The Demon King just stared him down. Until he called his guard, "Heewon!!" And had her send YJH back to the temple. (By killing him)
YJH kept coming back though and KDJ was always super flustered when he showed up. But never tried to kill him? He always made Jung Heewon kill him or someone else
Didn't mean to make this a mini fic but oh well
some YooHanKim ideas that I cannot escape from ↓
Yoo Joonghyuk is the reincarnation of Han Sooyoung, and Kim Dokja sees a LOT of similarities between them
Han Sooyoung was Kim Dokja's first love, though he realized too late
She was human, and he, a half monster. They were forbidden but, Han Sooyoung never cared.
She wrote him stories about heros and he loved it. It distracted him from how the human village would abuse him.
...eventually, HSY became a pwerful mage and... She murdered the entire village. Making him the Demon King through her love for him and making him immortal.
Their final moments were like this:
HSY was chuckling through coughs of blood as she was held by the newly formed Demon King, KDJ, in the rain
"You... Why did you do this?!" Kim Dokja half shouted through a sob. "I... I didn't... I didn't need this, Sooyoung!"
"No... You did, Dokja. Your useless ass would have put up with this treatment until the day you died. Now, you have the power to fight back like you've always wanted." HSY stared at him with clouded eyes.
"Not like this!" KDJ's head lowered covering his eyes with his hair. "How am I... How am I supposed to live without you...? Forever...?"
Hsy lifted her arm gently to brush away Kim Dokja's hair and cradle his cheek, he leaned into the blood soaked hand, with tears falling.
"...I'll reincarnate," Kim Dokja just stared at her, trying to comprehend her nonsense in her final moments, "I'll reincarnate as a hero and find you."
Kim Dokja furrowed his brows, "...You'd have to kill me."
She just shook her head, "I'll change the story, and redeem you in the eyes of the people."
Han Sooyoung laughed, "Just like those stories I wrote when I was younger, when we were younger. You always loved those stories didn't you?"
He slowly nodded. "...I did."
She hummed, and lifted her other hand to his cheek, bringing him closer.
"...I love you." She whispered into his lips as she kissed him. Letting him taste the fruit of her love, the blood of those who abused him.
She went limp in his arms, just as the thunder from the rain made a loud crack. "...Sooyoung...!!!"
Ever since then, Kim Dokja was always wary of love. Especially human love. Specifically, love for him.
Those who did, did insane things.
God I love pain. And HSY reincarnates as YJH. WHERES THE FANFIC??? Wait is it even YooHanKim if YJH is the reincarnate of HSY? Is half of YooHanKim just selfcest in this case? Selfcest is fun so why not
Extra thoughts on KDJ ↓
KDJ was going into a HUGE bout of depression once and to distract himself he decided to read about the recent heros (for nostalgia) and he stumbled upon Yoo Joonghyuk's story. It intrigued him
He kept reading and listening to the stories and rumors about YJH until be basically knew what his deal was
When KDJ saw YJH when he was 15-17, it reminded him of HSY and himself so he let them go.
Funny how this turned out NOT to be a Mage And Demon Queen AU... Seems like it was just inspiration but it's fine. Now how to tag this monster of a post
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selfcestmovies · 2 months
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To say that Kate Bishop was frustrated was putting it mildly.
She and Yelena had decided to join Wanda and Natasha on a "working vacation" to Kamar-Taj — the ancient, mystical sanctum in Tibet where Kate had hoped she and Yelena could reignite their blossoming relationship. Things hadn't been hot and heavy between the two of them for a while; Yelena insisted they weren't to be labeled and things had to stay casual, at least until the pace of her missions slowed down. Even in Kamar-Taj, Yel seemed fully preoccupied working with Nat and Wanda to untangle some of the Red Room's aftermath, leaving Kate "theoretically single" and trapped in a bizarre foreign compound with far too much free time.
Not to mention the BOREDOM that came with it. There was no Wi-Fi here, no decent snack food, and she had to leave Lucky at home. Other than exploring the vast compound, her days were slowly becoming excruciatingly dull. And to make matters worse, Wanda had asked her to stop snooping around the dark corners of the sanctum. She said it wasn't a place for a young woman of Kate's curiosity.
It was her ninth afternoon trapped at Kamar-Taj when Kate decided to take herself for a long run through the grounds. It would eat up some time, but more importantly, it would hopefully blow of some steam and some much-lamented tension that she had hoped Yelena would have helped her release. Being sex-less with Yelena just out of arms reach was frustrating beyond belief, but Kate knew she couldn't start seeking out other girlfriends while Yelena hemmed and hawed about the status of their relationship. Kate needed patience, but that wasn't her strong-suit.
These thoughts flooded her brain during the long afternoon jog — so much so that when she recollected her wits, Kate had no idea where in the compound she had wound up. She recognized the central library, though — a corner "fully off limits" by Wanda's orders, but surely that edict wasn't absolute, and Kate was in need of a shortcut back to her dorm.
The library was cool, too. Shelves of artifacts and mystical books with seemingly limitless magical potential. Kate took a meandering route through the dusty stacks, idly fingering the spines of some of the fancier books she passed. It wouldn't hurt to take a look into some of them, right? Or to read out loud the first line of ancient script that piqued her interest...
The swirl of violet light from the books pages made her instantly regret the impulse, but it seemed too late as the magic enveloped her — before the aura subsided, finally, leaving Kate unharmed... but not alone.
"Woah." "Woah. Jinx!"
She was standing face to face with what seemed like a living mirror, identical to Kate down to the strands of hair dangling from her messy ponytail or the beads of sweat on her brow.
"Holy crap, this is freaky," one Kate murmured, reaching out to touch the hem of the clone's sports bra.
"You're telling me," the double repeated the gesture. "So you're really me? I mean – we're really us? This is freaky."
Kate nodded, confused and entranced. "I think... well, yeah. We're both us. Both Kate."
Decoding and reversing magical phenomena was not in Kate's wheelhouse, but reaching out to Wanda for help after blatantly violating her policies seemed like a non-starter. So the Kates got to work trying to re-read and undo the script they had read from the book, to little success, so they started scanning other pages of the tome, looking into other nearby books, anything to try and find a solution.
"Look at this, um, other Kate—" it felt weird to say her own name out loud, "At least this page is in English." The clone hustled to Kate's side. "It says that these enchantments are designed to last two hours, so at least..." she cast a glance at her double, "It's not permanent. We just have to kill some time."
"Thank fucking god," the second Kate huffed. "I mean, I'm not upset that you're hear, but Wanda would murder us if she saw us like this."
"The entire Kamar-Taj army would kill us, Kate," the other smirked. "Not to mention Yelena flipping out — she thinks one of us is a disaster, let alone dealing with double."
They laughed in tandem. "I've got to say," Kate put the book down on its shelf, "Speaking of Yelena, and having the chance to finally, you know, examine myself from a new perspective," she gestured head to toe at her twin's body, "Yelena is missing the fuck out."
The other Kate smiled and raised her eyebrows. "I'd say the same thing! We're hot, Kate, no dancing around it." It was fun to finally have a chance to give voice to the thought, after it had been swirling around her head since the moment she had been duplicated. They took turns complimenting the little, superficial things about each other – they looked especially fit after just completing their 10-mile jog, plus they liked their hair, their eyes, their smile. Kate avoided saying out-loud that she liked her own ass, but she presumed the other Kate was on the same page. She had checked it out probably a half-dozen times already anyway, ever since the two had started looking through books side by side.
But when Kate bit her lip, so did her reflection. They didn't need to say it the rest out loud.
One Kate quickly checked over her shoulder down the library corridor, while the other Kate did the same towards the rear entrance. "All clear," she spoke, her voice starting to waver.
"Can you imagine if Yelena walked in on us?" The other laughed. "All clear over here, too." She swiftly closed the distance between the two of them.
The first Kate had barely turned to face the twin before the other grabbed her by her wrists and pinned her from behind to the book shelf. "Fuck, Kate," the woman whispered into her ear. She traced her hands down Kate's back, to her hips, squeezing their bodies close. "I'm so glad we're on the same page."
"Was there ever any doubt?" She asked cheekily, bucking her hips backwards against her clone's body. "If Yelena refuses to get us off—"
"I'm happy to help myself," the other Kate finished the thought, taking the chance to spin her twin's body 180 degrees so the two were face to face. "I'm gorgeous," she whispered, running her hands up the other's body.
"You could say that again," Kate cooed, leaning forward to capture her clone's lips with her own. The kiss was only cautious for an instant – both Kates concerned for that split second that the universe might implode at their touch – but the moment all seemed safe and stable, the dam broke between them. Their mouths opened wide to battle for supremacy, biting and sucking at each other's lips. Their hands were just as aggressive, finding purchase on each other's ass, then chests, then abs, all eager to explore.
"Our body—" she'd gasp. "Fucking amazing—" the other would finish.
The sex was messy and quick, but electric, each woman knowing precisely the points on the other's body that spun her quickest into ecstasy. Within just a handful of minutes, the two had fallen to the floor, their backs against the stacks of books, panting for breath, leaning on each other for support.
"Holy hell, you're good at that," Kate exhaled.
The other brought a hand to her clone's knee and patted her three times. "Right back at you Kate. That was something." She checked her phone. They still had more time to kill. "Round two?"
"Yeah," Kate raised her eyebrows. "But I think we should crack open another book first."
The first Kate cocked her head to the side before the notion hit her. "Pretty and brilliant," she smirked. "Seems like we both agree—"
"—The more, the merrier."
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