#//  he doesn't like it like he's well trained and could fight a man but he'll rather just snipe him.
fallenneziah · 2 days
hello!!! Sorry to bother or bother you, but I was wondering if you could tell me Tmnt Bayverser's reaction to a reader doing parkour? like they are very good at it, but as no one is perfect sometimes they end up with some marks on their bodyfor example, the reader reaches out to greet Bumblebee and the Optimus eyes fixate on the purple bruise on the reader's skin
Optimus: You're running again, aren't you?
reader: yes!!! I broke my record!!
At first I was a tiny bit confused since you seemed to reference Ninja Turtles but then you brought up transformers... So I'm assuming you want Transformers. Thanks for the asks anon, I apologize for this being stuck in my drafts for so long. 😓
Transformers x Reader who does Parkour.
I'd like to think that they aren't that new to the concept. Thri seeking, tricks, jumping around on things and still doing it even after getting hurt.
I'm sure other than the very extreme gladiator pit and other training arenas that they had things like that on Cybertron.
Although you are different from them, so Optimus doesn't totally understand why you would do something that would cause you pain.
When he saw your bruises and callouses when meeting you he was curious.
He bent down, looking at you, scanning you. Then he introduced himself. "My name is Optimus Prime," you do your best to shake his hand, holding onto his finger. That's when he noticed a bruise on your bicep.
He hummed thoughtfully. "You're injured." You looked down and chuckle. "No, I'm not, I'm actually just a sporty person. The bruises are normal."
"Do you need medical examination?"
"Nah, I'll be alright." You smile at him, and Optimus nods.
Overtime of your friendship with the team they come to understand more of what you do. Bumblebee will drive with you to the outdoor climbing park so he can watch you from some feet away as you do your thing.
He used to be something of a parkour artist on Cybertron as well I would think. But they did become much more concerned for you.
You returned to base early, huffing and puffing, covered in sweat when you saw Optimus, his attention stolen by your state. "Y/n, I'd wondered if you'd disappeared. Are you alright??"
You nodded, bending down and settling your hands on your knees. "I'm good, big guy- phew- oh man that was fun."
Optimus raised an optic ridge and approached, kneeling down to you again. "You've been running again then?" You nod, leaning against his hand that he offers so you can relax. When you grab on he notices a few setting bruises.
"Seems you've been busy."
"I had to break my record." You pant, looking up at him with an electrifying smile.
Optimus firmly nods, hearing the sound of bumblebee coming over, noticing you. His radio going off with a "Hallelujah everybody!"
You chuckle breathlessly and smile. "Hey 'Bee! I broke my record!!"
Bumblebee revs his engine and bends down next to Optimus, who leans you back up and steps back for some space.
"Oh yeah 'Bee." You showed him your watch, which had recorded your time. "Look at that 😄"
Bumblebee whirred loudly, giving you a fist bump.
He noticed the bruises, whining softly, checking them. "Oh they aren't too bad 'Bee. I'm just a little banged up."
Your way of explaining bruises to the team had been it's essentially buffering, the dent stays for a bit until your body buffers it out.
'Bee nodded, gently patting your head.
Now, If Ratchet ever saw your injuries you know he's be ready to lecture you. Telling you how humans are inherently stupid for getting themselves hurt all the time. Unless you point out how they fight and get hurt all the time... Then he'll shut up and just look you over.
He doesn't dislike you, he cares for you and your fragile human body very much.
Overtime they get used to you coming back with minor injuries like bruises. Bumblebee even gets into how big can the bruise get?? And you entertain the idea while the others just... Watch in disbelief of you two.
And then one day you come back with a little more than a bruise. Bumblebee came to pick you up, whirring when he saw the wrist guard you were wearing.
"It's ok 'Bee, just a sprain."
'Bee whirred his engine. and on the way back to their little hideout you told him what a sprain was.
Yeah, don't even get me started on what happened when Optimus saw that. Sauntering into base without a fully functioning hand!? Off to Ratchet!
"Y/n, you need to be more careful." Optimus said while leading you to Ratchet.
"I know, but we've got medical tools to help me heal Optimus, it's not like I'm dying." You teased.
He shot you a look, a brief note of frustration, before resting his expression again. "I am still going to let Ratchet look at you."
You gulped. Aw man...
When Optimus brought you in, Ratchet reacted how you can expect. He crossed his arms and took a look at your hand. "You aren't being careful." He said firmly.
"I am-"
"No more running, even after you heal." He said firmly.
"Yeah, well you can't ban me." You also crossed your arms.
Optimus sighed softly, giving his old friend a look. They didn't understand, but hey, if you wanted to do it, they couldn't stop you. They just worried when you got hurt.
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gffa · 9 months
It has been about eight months since I came back to BATFAMILY fic and this will be my ninth set of recs, which means I'm at about 500 or so for this one fandom, which is kind of blowing my mind a little, but also tracks pretty well, given how amazing the fic in the fandom can be. There's just so much that's scratching the itch of softer Batfam content or really digging into the angsty possibilities or exploring the characters in ways the source material won't/can't or just finding a dozen different ways to hit my id straight on and make it such a fun, exciting experience to be swimming through all this amazing fic. And, in that vein, yeah I may have a Dick Grayson Is The Most Important Guy In The World Problem, but I also have Dick Grayson Is The Most Important Guy In The World Solutions which is basically a metric truckload of fic by incredible authors and trying to lure more people into crying about these characters with me because I AM CRYING A LOT ABOUT THEM because fandom has PROVIDED ME WITH THE TOOLS TO DRAG YOU IN AND I AM GOING TO USE THEM. And, okay, I've got some good Jason, Tim, Damian, Babs, Steph, and Bruce stuff in there, too. Fandom is great at helping me get some really great variety in, too! Basically ALL THE BATS ARE MY LOVES AND I WANT TO DRAG OTHERS IN WITH ME.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BABY DICK IS THE CUTEST FERAL ROBIN I'M NOT HEARING ANY ARGUMENTS: ✦ Robin is Looking for a Sidekick by Writer_loves_tropes, dick & bruce, 4k     Eight year old Dick Grayson is already a crime fighting Robin and he needs a sidekick. Batman seems like he would be a good choice. Robin and Batman has a nice ring to it. Bruce has thoughts about that. aka, How could Bruce resist adopting this tiny child? ✦ The Pancake Predicament by Lightsider, dick & bruce & alfred, 2.1k     On his second Father's Day at Wayne Manor, Dick decides to make pancakes. -or- The reason Dick's not allowed unsupervised kitchen use, which isn't fair. The pancakes were delicious, and he was 10! ✦ Counting Elephants by PrincessMariana, bruce & dick & alfred, 3k     When kidnappers break into the manor, Dick runs straight to Alfred. Alfred will do anything to protect his family. Or, Dick gets scared, and Alfred is a badass. ✦ World's Finest: Christmas Morning by WingFeathers, dick & bruce/clark & ma kent & alfred & cast, 9k     Twelve hours of a Christmas morning in Gotham: Bruce foregoes sleep and grapples with change, Clark navigates Christmas at Wayne Manor and his boyfriend's emotional distance, and Dick gets the best presents. Also: Ma and Pa Kent and Alfred are the greatest. ✦ There is a Monster at the End of This Book by Trekkele, dick & bruce & cast, vampires, 2.6k     There was something deeply wrong with Bruce Wayne. This wasn’t exactly news, of course. Opening any one of the local Gotham tabloids would give you plenty of evidence to back his claims up, but Tyler liked to think his profession gave him an edge, an added insight into the strangeness that was Gotham’s ‘beloved billionaire’. ✦ Safe by Jinmukang, dick & bruce, 2.5k     Or, a baby Robin wakes up very lost and very alone in the middle of Gotham. ✦ Stars, Hide Your Fires by FidotheFinch, dick & bruce, 10.8k     Dick Grayson doesn't want to leave the circus he's called home his entire life. When he overhears Pop Haly talking to a strange man about sending Dick away for 'training,' he decides he'll do whatever he can to stop it. Even if he has to make a deal with a demon. ✦ It's who I am by Tiredteengaer, dick & bruce & wally & artemis & conner & kaldur & m'gann & cast, 44k     how each member of the team found out Robin's real identity. ✦ Drowning, Headaches, and being beaten by Penguin by PandasandDucks1, dick & bruce & wally & artemis, 1.7k     He couldn’t breathe. ✦ The Eldest Wayne's by Remarcely, dick & bruce & alfred & cast, 3k     ‘With all their talks about how to behave, Bruce had the upmost faith in Dick to talk to the other Gala-attenders with respect under his supervision. When Dick grew bored and wandered off, entirely unnoticed by a Bruce deep in conversation, he’d be lying if he pretended that faith didn’t waver’ Or Bruce and Dick throughout the years as they slowly learn how to be a family.
BATFAM FIC RECS - ADULT BATSON AND BATDAD ARE MY KRYPTONITE, I FOLD LIKE WET CARDBOARD FOR THEM: ✦ Rebalancing by SirenAlpha, dick & bruce & damian, 2.5k     Bruce was back from his trip through time. Dick expected to heal up from surgery, head back to Blüdhaven, and be Nightwing again. He did not expect Bruce to have a discussion on the nature of Batman, Nightwing, and if Robin really only needed one of them. ✦ Capitulate by Antiquity, dick & bruce, 5k     After Wally's death, Bruce tries to hold Dick together before he shakes himself apart. ✦ No Good Deed by I_Have_To_Get_Off_This_Planet, dick & bruce, 1.2k     While trying to stop a robber, Dick breaks two ribs. It's not a good time. ✦ Superficial Wounds by fleetfoot1, dick & bruce, ~1k     Bruce swore softly as he tilted Dick’s face to the side, his gaze flicking down the bruises covering his cheekbone. Dick swallowed, before opening his mouth. “I--” his voice cracked on the syllable. God, he was just so tired of arguing. ✦ fabric (frayed but holding) by Tevya, dick & bruce & cast, 5.1k     A few months after Dick returns to speaking terms with Bruce, he gets stuck in Gotham with the flu. ✦ aristocracy by brandywine421, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & alfred, 2.4k     "I really wish it was for a different reason. I - need a favor." "There are no favors between us, Dick, you know that," Bruce said, moving around the desk to take the seat beside him. "Tell me." "God, it's so stupid, I - could handle it myself, but - I don't want to. I just want - I just want to forget it ever happened," Dick said. That didn't sound like Dick. "Tell me," he repeated. ✦ Memories Fade by Lady_of_Lorule, dick & bruce & cast, 2.2k     “Miss Gordon sent in her daily report and Master Tim called to inform you that he will be in San Francisco for a few days. Also, Master Dick is upstairs.” Bruce froze. “Dick is here?” “Yes, sir.” “I thought he was in Central City visiting Wally West.” Alfred raised an eyebrow, pale eyes piercing. “It seems that he is back, then. I believe he is waiting for you.” ✦ On-Call by motleyfam, dick & bruce & jason & oc & cast, 1.6k     Kiran Devabhaktuni, medical doctor and close family friend of the Waynes, agreed to join them for one more Thanksgiving at the Kent Farm. It's a good thing he did, too. ✦ a day before midnight by batofgoodintent (crownedcrusader), dick & bruce, 2.1k     After you lose pieces of yourself, they don't always fit back the same. - Post-Ric Grayson.
BATFAM FIC RECS - EVERYBODY LOVES DICK: ✦ the more i look inside (the more you're real to me) by starsonthewalls, dick & bruce & john/mary & tim, 2.8k     Dick tensed defensively. “It’s not like I can do anything about that, Dad,” he grumbled, accepting the glass to clear his throat. “You know how B is about patrols.” “And who is ‘B’ supposed to be?” his mom asked. “One of your video game friends?” Dick froze- what did mom mean, who is B? ✦ You Won't Wake Up Alone by DawnsEternalLight, dick & bruce & jason & tim & damian, 5.2k     Dick's captured and drugged and probably about to die. The last thing he wants to do is die in front of his family, especially not his baby brothers, all he wants is to be with Bruce and feel safe again. ✦ Jason's Gift by Neoinean, dick & bruce & jason & tim & barbara & cast, 17.3k     As Dick’s birthday goes from mediocre to bad to worse, he finds himself so wrapped up in the chain of events that he fails to correctly piece together the clues. Will he discover the truth before its too late? ✦ they don't know me and you by konan_konan, dick & bruce & jason & tim & barbara & zatanna & cast, de-aged!dick, 4.5k     "The cold helps neutralize him," says Bruce, talking about Dick like he's a threat. "It'll keep him from hurting himself," says Barbara, talking about Dick like he's a child. They're both correct right now, and Jason hates it. ✦ If You Don't Know by TylerM, dick & bruce & jason, 10.2k     An exploration of Sick!Dick Grayson from little and big Jason's point of view. Because I honestly don't believe in there ever being too many of the same damn fic.
BATFAM FIC RECS - JASON TODD IS AN ASSHOLE CAT, I'M GONNA THROW HIM AT THE OTHER BATS BECAUSE IT'S FUNNY: ✦ bury me softly by Nokomis, jason & steph, 4k     After a tunnel collapse, Stephanie and Jason bond while trapped together.
BATFAM FIC RECS - DICK AND DAMIAN WERE THE BEST BATMAN & ROBIN, I'M NOT HEARING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THAT EITHER: ✦ ties bind none by eryndew, dick & damian & bruce, 2k     Bruce discovers a son. Repercussions and choices follow. ✦ restless heart by emavee, dick & damian, 2.3k     It’s ridiculous to act like this one weekend really means anything in the grand scheme of things, but he can’t help it. It isn’t fair. He only gets these few days, and now Grayson is up in space fighting aliens or whatever and Damian is alone on the couch watching Jeopardy by himself. Or: Dick goes off world and Damian misses him ✦ Need To Know Basis by WordsAblaze, dick & damian, 1.1k     day sixteen, where damian has zero tolerance for dick hiding injuries from him… ✦ a killer time by konan_konan, dick & damian & alfred & bruce, 4.1k     The vent cover clatters to the floor, and Dick flings the knife at Croc, trusting that he's going to be a more of a threat than his goons. Croc roars in pain, or maybe just rage, and Dick scrambles toward the vent, Damian already inside, and - And Killer Croc grabs him by the ankle, slams him into the wood. He feels something break, and he gasps, hardly able to catch his breath. Some sort of metallic clang echoes from behind, and he thinks if Damian comes out of the vent and gets us both killed… ✦ as love carries its strength, but not its labels by AlterHarpia, dick & damian, 2.7k     Bruce is on a trip beyond Earth’s Solar System for longer than he intended, making Dick and Damian fall into an old pattern. “I'm not Batman.” A mere reminder, perhaps, but when said to Damian it always sounds like an apology.
BATFAM FIC RECS - BATKIDS ALL HAVE MANY SIBLINGS AND THEY'RE ALL PETTY ASSHOLES AND/OR WONDERFUL BABIES AND I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE BEING: ✦ a study by bernard dowd by cv_angels, tim/bernard & conner & cassie & bart, 4.8k     Bernard opens the laptop, spinning it to face Tim with a flourish. It’s a powerpoint with a truly hideous red background, and Tim feels a moment of relief that Bernard isn’t breaking up with him before he registers the words on the slide. REASONS WHY TIMOTHY DRAKE-WAYNE IS A SUPERHERO, A STUDY BY BERNARD DOWD. ✦ princess carry by CreamofTomatoSoup, tim/bernard & duke & tam & damian, 3.1k     Tim almost gets shot during a public speech, which is a pretty average Tuesday. Being rescued by his civilian boyfriend, however, is not. ✦ beep beep!! by CreamofTomatoSoup, tim/bernard & bruce & dick & jason & tim & cass & duke, 6.1k     Bernard learned to drive from his henchman uncle. The last place he expects to use this skill is at a dinner with his boyfriend's family. ✦ little menace by InkpotSprite, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & alfred, de-aged!tim, 16.2k wip     "Did a two year old just outrun you?" Jason asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Bruce clenched his jaw. "I didn't want to hurt him." He growled. "Liar!" Tim piped up from under the desk. Jason was starting to like this version of his successor. ✦ It Wasn't Supposed to Be Like This: I wouldn't Change a Thing by Grayson1996, bruce & dick & steph, 4.1k     She smiled tightly at him and stiffly beckoned him forward. If Bruce had to guess they weren’t close in the future, or perhaps she just didn’t know him. Regardless he stepped forward, though he didn’t turn to look at the figure on the bed just yet. For a moment the two simply stared at one another before Stephanie rolled her eyes at him. “Here’s where you apologize for pushing me against the wall.” Bruce felt guilt stir at the words despite the fact that she was clearly joking. ✦ in the lungs by hellsreluctantheir, tim & steph & cast, 2.8k     It went bad the way things always went bad. All at once. Steph had taken out two thugs (and maybe picked up a sprained wrist though she wasn’t counting her chickens before they hatched) and Tim was almost finished up with his third, when she saw him get launched backwards, head hitting the railing at the side with a resounding clang. She saw him slump to the deck, saw him struggle weakly as the thug pulled him up by his cape and looked at him for a moment, before tossing him directly into the Gotham River.
BATFAM FIC RECS - I SAY THIS IS A BATFAM REC LIST BUT SOMETIMES YOU JUST GOTTA SHOVE THOSE ASSHOLES OUT OF THE WAY AND READ SOME SUPERFIC: ✦ Troublemakers by Kannika, clark & lois & conner, ~1k     Introducing Conner and Lois is the worst mistake Clark has made in a long time. Because they're getting along. ✦ oh brother by corvidspectre, conner & lois & jon, 1.2k     “So what are you being for Halloween?” Kon had asked when he got to the Kent's place. “Superboy!” Jon smiled, making Lois chuckle under her breath. ✦ Gut Feeling by Ao3time, lois & conner, 18.7k wip     Lois Lane rescues a teenager who looks a lot like someone she knows...
BATFAM FIC RECS - TAKE THE ANGST DIAL, TURN IT UP TO ELEVEN, AND BREAK THE KNOB OFF, THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR: ✦ my threads are coming loose by dizarys, dick & talia & cast, ~1k     “Oh good, I see both you and Bruce are on the same page about unrealistic expectations for grieving,” muttered Dick. Talia sucked her teeth and turned back to the grave, long hair swinging. The sound was so much like Damian’s iconic tut that fresh tears welled in Dick’s eyes. ✦ Fatherhood; a Knife that Never Stops Cutting by minnow_doodle_doo, bruce & dick & alfred, no powers au, 2.1k     There always seemed to be a thread that tied all their histories, from Alfred to Bruce back to Dick. Repeated over and over. And now it seemed that Dick found that the thread had been longer than he first thought. ✦ Tap Out by withthekeyisking, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian, read the tags, 4.8k     Dick knows the importance of tapping out in training, so your partner doesn't accidentally hurt you. It becomes instinct, so heavily ingrained in him. He doesn't understand why his brothers don't do it, too. (Until they do, and it's too late.) ✦ A Death in the Family by PrincessMariana, bruce & dick & jason, yandere!bruce (?), read the tags, 12.4k     The Joker has killed Jason Todd. Bruce tells Dick immediately, and Dick returns to the manor. Bruce will do anything to keep his remaining son safe and close. Dick thinks it's the grief that's keeping him exhausted. ✦ Car Crashes and Hot Chocolate by PrincessMariana, bruce & dick, yandere!bruce (?), read the tags, 2.3k     Dick almost dies trying to escape Bruce. Neither of them are happy about the outcome, and so they talk about it. This is a follow-up oneshot for A Death in the Family and is set before Into the Gilded Cage. This can technically be read alone, though it does have spoilers for A Death in the Family. ✦ Into the Gilded Cage by PrincessMariana , bruce & dick & tim, yandere!bruce (?), read the tags, 17.5k     Tim investigates if Dick Grayson is being held against his will by Bruce Wayne. He somehow ends up spending the summer with the two at Wayne Manor. It might be a prison for Dick, but the more Tim stays, the less he wants to leave. This follows A Death in the Family, but you don't need to read that to read this. It might be useful, though. ✦ The Third Robin's Flight by PrincessMariana, bruce & dick & tim, yandere!bruce (?), read the tags, 13.7k wip     Tim accepts his place as Bruce' third - and most loyal - son. When his mother dies and his father returns to Gotham, Tim once again must pick a side, but Bruce never lets go of his children easily. Meanwhile, Dick struggles with the ramifications of finding the Joker, and Bruce remembers why Batman needs a Robin. This follows Into the Gilded Cage. ✦ Family Crisis by librarylexicon, bruce & dick & tim & cass & steph & leslie & barbara & selina & amy & cast, read the tags, 78.1k wip     At the close of the gang war, Batman uncovers an attempted deception concerning the life of his former protégé Stephanie Brown, and suddenly nothing is as important as his family. While Dick seeks absolution, Tim struggles with grief, Cassandra searches for belonging and Steph rebuilds her sense of self, Bruce faces the return of ghosts from his own past and psyche. (War Games AU) ✦ New Again by dustorange, dick & bruce & thomas wayne jr., 10.1k wip     “I’m not a good man,” says Thomas. “No," Dick hesitates, then comes closer, "but you're not an old man either." (a.k.a. Earth 3's Thomas Wayne Jr. "helps" Batman and Robin get back to their world, only for Bruce alone to be sent back, leaving Dick stranded in Earth 3—with Thomas.) ✦ not anything, anymore by emavee, dick & bruce, 2k     Bruce kicked him out four months ago. Apparently these particular kidnappers didn't get the memo.
✦ dreamer by day by justbeyondstars, dick & bruce & jason & tim, 5.3k     In the next room over, Jason and Tim are laughing, and it startles Dick back into his body to remember he’s not alone. He feels impossibly empty, unmovable, untouchable. He almost forgets he's still on the phone until a voice says, “Is there anything I can do for you, Dick? Anything you need to make this easier?” Or: Dick is a lot of things to a lot of people. After getting some bad news, he has to grapple with the fact it might not always be enough. ✦ watching the world go dark by daringyounggrayson, dick & bruce, 3.5k     It wasn’t that Dick was suicidal exactly, but if an opportunity came about where he would have to actively save himself from death, he might just let go. He might not be suicidal, but he's not self-preserving either, and it’s becoming a real problem. Luckily, Bruce is a worried parent with a few detective skills. ✦ hold me like water (or hold me like a knife) by dizarys, bruce & dick & tim, 2k     Dick's recovery after a amnesiac year as Ric Grayson is taking longer than expected. And has some difficult side effects.
BATFAM FIC RECS - SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO TAKE ALL THE SERIOUSNESS OUT OF THE ROOM AND STAY SOFT FOR AWHILE: ✦ And There Was Only One Bed: Family Edition by RandomReader13, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass, 1.7k     “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Dick stood on his toes to peek over Jason’s shoulder into the hotel room and grimaced. “Uh, Bruce…” “There was a mix-up with the reservation,” Bruce grunted. ✦ so everyone's just a fucking scalie huh by destiny919, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass, 1.1k     "Birds are animals, Jay." "What the fuck? No. Aren't they basically reptiles?" Jason demands. "First of all, no, you're thinking of dinosaurs, which is what they actually are in the Flintstones. Second of all, reptiles are animals." "Bullshit." "Okay, I..." Tim pinches his nose. "Okay. I think I see the problem here." "Yes, Todd sustained a traumatic brain injury the other night and didn't see fit to inform anyone before we left on this inane trip." ✦ The Batmobile (and other Bat things) by JeanjacketCarf, bruce & dick & clark & justice league, 2k     “Batmobile?!” Barry looked incredulous. It was clear he was missing the point of the story. “He called it the Batmobile? Out loud? In front of you?” Clark shrugged. “Yeah, twice. I’m sure I heard it right.” “Batmobile, my god,” Barry said shaking his head. “I can’t believe it.” Or Apparently, the Bat-Man is not a cryptid, he's a guy who gives his stuff silly names ✦ Vampire Bats by Sohotthateveryonedied, bruce & dick & jason & tim & damian & cass & steph & duke & cast, 4.1k     Despite the many, many obstacles, having his kids turn into vampires isn’t as tragic as Bruce anticipated it would be. Whenever one of them is grounded, all Bruce has to do is hang a cross on their door and they’re sufficiently contained. And the energy boost has been incredibly helpful on patrols. ✦ Adventures in Batsitting by raven_of_hydecastle, bruce & dick & clark & lois & justice league, 10k wip     "What, you're telling me the great Batman couldn't stop a nine-year-old from sneaking out?" Green Lantern scoffed. "At least come up with a believable excuse." It was Batman's turn to scoff. "Like anyone else could do better. If you can keep Robin off the streets for a week, I'll buy you a Porsche." *** AKA The JLA stages an intervention with Batman to get Robin off the streets. it goes downhill from there.
BATFAM FIC RECS - THROW BABY DICK AT BATTISON, C'MON DO IT, IT'LL BE HILARIOUS: ✦ though the sun and sky may fade (all shall be remade) by queenofthestarrrs, dick & bruce & alfred, 1.8k     Dick Grayson asks a lot of questions. ✦ My Little Robin by tyrianzzz, jim & dick & bruce, 1.6k     After being Partners with the Bat for so long Gordon tries not to question his life choices. Until Robin comes along. ✦ I Wish My Father Had More Sons by shipNslash, bruce & dick & jason & alfred, 9.4k     Jason Todd and Dick Grayson, from strangers to brothers to enemies and back again.
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moonlight-prose · 2 months
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a/n: all i'm gonna say is this song is so benny coded i'm losing my shit over it. he's absolutely the man to leave you in tears by the end of the night. also someone stop me from writing heaps of angst for him, because i genuinely can't stop making wips in my drafts for him. this is entirely unedited because fuck it and i'm nervous he doesn't sound right, but oh well. the divider is made by the incredible @saradika-graphics.
summary: benny cross was trouble, he was a storm waiting to cause damage, he was everything you wanted. but men like him have a tendency to break hearts without even trying.
word count: 2.6k+
pairing: benny cross x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, crying, benny is a toxic man in this, emotionally constipated men, reader's favorite color is red. stupidity, violence, blood, fixing up wounds, makeup getting messed up, thigh riding, spitplay, he's filthy.
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"He'll get you into trouble honey."
Five months ago you wouldn't have thought anything of the words Johnny said over a glass of whiskey, his eyes trained on the way you looked at Benny. The far off gaze that he'd seen cross his lady's face more often than he expected. At first it meant love—hope that you might finally meet the one you longed for—but reality always seemed to crash down around you quicker than you expected.
You laughed as if he told you a joke, a funny one liner that would be a distant memory on the day of your wedding to the man by the pool table. You thought nothing of his words and found yourself lost in the gaze of blue eyes and red knuckles.
You should have listened.
The door slammed shut with a resounding bang as you stormed through the small house—your jacket discarded over the leather chair Benny claimed belonged to him. Anger burned in your chest at the realization that one day...it wouldn't sit there. One day he'd leave and you would finally have the gall to throw that piece of shit outside. You glared at it as he followed you, shutting the door with a soft click, a distant sigh leaving his lips.
In all the months you'd known him, Benny being scared was unthinkable. He was a man who made more trouble than he sought out, the same man who came home bruised, bloodied and begging for mercy. The man you promised to love forever. Yet when your gaze fixed him with a look that could have killed him if you weren't weaponless, you watched that small inkling of fear cross his eyes.
Benny was scared.
And not because he nearly got killed in a fight. Not because he leapt across the bar, a blade in his hand, and a smile on his lips. He felt terror at the thought that you—the person he found his little inkling of peace in—might finally be the one to turn him away.
Tonight very well could be your last straw in this relationship, the thing that finally cracked you in half, and Benny felt his heart drop to his stomach.
He swallowed thickly around words that would never leave his mouth, a cold sweat beginning to form along the back of his neck as you stayed silent. There was nothing either of you could say to fix what broke tonight. He threw the first punch and felt satisfaction at the crack that followed when his knuckles met bone and blood stained his skin.
"I'm s—"
You huffed, fingers curling into fists. "I swear if you so much as say a single word I will break your nose."
The grin that crossed his lips wasn't helping your anger—merely fanning the flames of something catastrophic—but he couldn't stop the thrill that nearly flipped his heart at your threat. His girl, so pretty and dolled up, ready to send a fist flying towards his face. Maybe he should talk to someone about why that made him smile. Why he wanted to kiss you senseless all of a sudden, until neither of you could breathe.
He should have realized it was fucked.
Instead he licked his lips and yearned for more.
Exhaling a deep breath, you closed your eyes to the image of him with blood still smeared across his knuckles and a bruise forming on his cheek. Johnny warned you. He told you Benny Cross was trouble. Yet even now, you found yourself unable to unravel the tangled thread that tied him to you. That set in stone your future with this man. You gave your heart over without thinking about the consequences. But wasn't that supposed to be what love is?
Weren't you meant to fall fast and quick and pick up the pieces later?
"Go sit down, I'll get the bandages," you muttered.
Thankfully, he didn't give you a fight on that front. He nodded silently, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, as he took a seat in his chair. You half expected him to let your jacket fall to the ground. Instead he folded it gently, placing it on the couch with enough care to break down a small bit of your anger.
He wouldn't speak. Not until you asked him to.
But he could show you he loved you in ways that went unnoticed by others, yet meant everything to you.
You returned silently, handing him the first aid kit as you poured alcohol on the once clean towel. A feeling he often fled from began to eat at his insides, clawing up his throat, as you bent down to evenly wipe at his open cut. He didn't flinch, barely even registered the sharp sting of pain. His mind was reeling, heart pounding, with the knowledge that he felt guilty.
"Johnny warned me," you sighed, seeing the beige towel begin to turn red.
Benny hummed, blue eyes meeting yours—that soft gleam of an apology shining through. You tried to avoid looking at him, knowing your resolve would break. Not even you could deny how irritating his gift for softening you up was. Yet somehow...you always let him get away with it.
"He said you were trouble."
"Johnny says that about everyone," he sighed. He wanted to touch you, to place his hand on the back of your thigh as you stood between his legs.
The harsh and final swipe at his cut sent pain down his face. Enough to have him reaching for you blindly, a soft grunt falling past his lips as you began to clean his bruise. You should have pushed him off, maintained your level of anger, but with Benny things became complicated. Anger bled into your love until you couldn't discern between the two.
Love and hate toed that invisible border between the two, but with him...the line simply disappeared.
"I asked you to stop fighting." He handed you the bandage softly, still trying to meet your gaze. "I don't like you coming home broken. Bloody. Do you think this is fun for me Benny? Stitching you up every time?"
His breath washed across your wrist, eyes falling shut as the guilt practically ate him alive. You could see the conflict on his face. A struggle he didn't know how to win. Fighting was all he knew, all he could count on most days, and whether you liked it or not, it helped him keep the control he desperately needed. The one thing in his life that remained unwavering.
"No," he murmured into the skin of your wrist.
"Then why?"
"I just gotta do it baby."
Bullshit always sounded prettier coming straight from his mouth. More often than not you took it without a second guess. You let him be the wild man they needed—the person who would fight without question. But tonight as you watched him pummel a man into the ground, you caught a glimpse of your future. Of the path that you willingly said yes to.
And it terrified you.
"I know the club needs you," you sighed, cupping his face and finally meeting his soft gaze. "I know Johnny needs you. But so do I."
The sting of tears wasn't unfamiliar when it came to Benny, but you wanted it to be different. You didn't want to cry over his mistakes anymore, you didn't want him to be the reason you were like this. He let out a breath, his hands reaching for hips with a gentleness that gave you whiplash. There was no resistance in your body left, no arguments to be had, because this was just how things were.
Benny Cross remained himself at the end of all of this.
Even as you broke in his hold.
Tucking your face into his neck, you allowed your worries to slip into the background. What more could you do? When you loved a man so reckless he barely remembered to breathe before jumping headfirst into danger. His hand ran down your back, lips finding your temple, as the night began to settle, and you found yourselves back in the same spot. In a position that felt familiar.
"You've got me," he murmured, feeling the collar of his shirt grow damp with your tears.
"The club comes first though."
"I don't know what you want me to say—"
You shook your head and pressed your face into his palm, his thumb running along the top of your cheekbones. "That's just it Benny...you can't say anything I haven't heard before."
A flicker of something foreign creeped along his face, peeking its head out before sneaking off again. A part of him that he'd never share with you. The trepidation, the grief, the worry that he barely let himself feel. How could he give that to you? How could he let you see it all without scaring the shit out of you?
Keeping that to himself was what kept him there. It stopped him from running at a moment's notice. And you knew that.
You figured it out the day you met him.
"C'mere," he mumbled, gripping your chin with the softness of a lover who yearned to apologize but didn't know how.
So you fell into his touch and let his lips slide along yours. You kissed him back with a worn out sigh of pleasure, your hands creeping along the neck of his jacket—until your skin pressed against his. Benny didn't kiss you with passion or fervor. He kissed as if he had all the time in the world to do nothing but. To tease out every manner of sounds that might be trapped in your chest.
His tongue dipped into your mouth, hand gripping at your hip as his breathy grunt was swallowed by your lips. By the moan you fed him—the need that echoed from your chest directly into his.
"You taste like me," he groaned, his hand finding the back of your neck at the same time he gripped your ass, pushing you a bit closer. Until no space remained but the clothes you wore.
You smiled, stealing a quick bite to his bottom lip he felt right down to his cock. "I taste like cigarettes."
"My cigarettes."
"You all smoke the same cigarettes baby."
He mumbled something you couldn't hear—not because you didn't try, you did—because he chose that moment to press his thigh between your legs, catching you in a kiss before the sound could escape. What you might have recognized as a soft warmth that spread through your stomach, suddenly burned you on sight. A whine spilled from your mouth, your fingers tangling in the hair at the base of his neck, and yet he merely smiled against your lips.
Whatever argument that might have continued long into the night, died in the back of your mind the second he guided your hips along his leg. The rough fabric of his jeans catching along the seam of yours. You wanted to focus on him, to see the slightest bit of crimson dust his cheeks, but the haze of bliss began to bleed into your vision. Blurring anything but him and his thigh and the open mouth kisses he tracked along your throat.
The squeeze on your ass let you know he was listening, and perhaps you were too far gone to realize how your heart fluttered at the touch. Maybe he knew that this was too much for you to give up on. The unconditional pleasure he was willing to give you.
The ache he could fill with ease.
"That's it," he mumbled against the corner of your lips, gripping your chin in his large calloused palm. "Ride it. Take what you want."
Soft panting breaths was all you could get out with each stunted grind of your hips along his leg. With any other person you might have felt ridiculous. Like you were the show they were paying for. But with Benny...you existed beyond whatever this was; you were the person he'd ride to hell and back with. The person who gave him a reason to come home.
He watched you with awe in his eyes, his thumb rubbing along the eye makeup that you cried off. The mascara that you'd later have to remove with his help.
"How do you feel?" he finally said, his voice a low rumble in his chest.
If he wanted coherent sentences, he wasn't getting them. And some part of him knew. He could see the effort it took to even keep your eyes open as blinding pleasure began to course through your body. Ripping at what anger might have remained and replacing it with want.
His name was a soft sigh on your lips, eyes glazed and begging for that final push. When it came to you, he willingly gave in, gave you the need that he could feel in his own body.
"What do you need?"
He knew what would push you over the edge; could practically see the plea in your eyes. And his lips curled at the sight. Your hips dragged along his thigh in short stunted thrusts, working yourself past the point of feeling that blistering ache in your legs. Pulling your face closer, he pinched your cheeks slightly, silently waiting for you to follow his move. He wasn't a patient man, but when it came to you...he'd endure centuries if it meant getting to have you like this.
"I know," he murmured, sliding his nose along your cheek. "Lemme give it to you."
With a soft moan, your lips parted open, fingers grabbing onto the front of his vest in the hopes that it would stabilize you. He dipped down licking into your mouth with a groan, before the all too familiar sensation of his spit landing on your tongue sent heat flaring towards your stomach.
"That's a good girl." Your eyes fluttered, body trembling. "Swallow."
Few things existed that made him feel that flutter in his chest. The sight of your eyes rolling back as the release you'd been aching for finally spilled over and down your spine, was at the top of his list. He'd watch it on repeat without ever tiring of what he could bring you to. A feeling that if taken away from him, would bring a sane man to madness.
"Benny," you sighed, feeling his forehead press to yours, his chest heaving with deep breaths as he tried to settle his body. You needed a moment to gather yourself before he dragged you back to that comfortable bed you made him find the first week you began dating him.
"I'm sorry."
The words weren't a promise, nor a confirmation that a future spent with him would change. Or even be easy. But you took what little he could give. The pieces of his heart he let you have, even as he fought everything screaming at him to leave.
"I know," you whispered, giving into his hug, and soaking in the affection he offered.
You came to the conclusion that this is where you differed. You loved with everything, all that you could give of yourself. And Benny loved like the wind. There for moments of the day, but gone by the time the moon began its ascent into the sky. You never knew when you'd finally catch him for good—perhaps you never would.
His hold tightened, lips finding yours, and it was then you finally settled on the answer you'd been searching for. You didn't want to find out the future, because this right here...this was enough.
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strawberryfairi · 2 months
Soshiro Hoshina
✨Crushing On You ✨
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Headcanon time!
↳ I strongly, STRONGLY believe that Hoshina would be the biggest spazz with his crush on you. I mean just simping heavy! Like, the giggling and kicking his feet type at the sight or even thought of you vibes.
↳ Imagine his cheeks all dusty pink, with that goofy, fangy toothed smile when he talks to you.
↳I think maybe initially he'd tried to hide it, and the attempt would last a good like four seconds before his attraction instantly shows on his face.
↳I'm picturing the wide eyed, lips slightly parted look. Add in the anime wind and roses background for special effect.
↳He'd figure out all these different excuses to interact with you.
↳Because he's a cutie pie when he's not activated in his menace mode, he'll try and make you laugh and smile whenever he can!
↳Would be through the roof happy if you ever came to watch him train, or better yet, ask him to help you train.
↳At one point his attraction to you would be so obvious that even you can't help but notice.
↳I feel like his mood would be genuinely a bit down if he doesn't get a chance to see you at some point each day (this is when he's like deep in his crush on you).
↳I can see him wanting to give you all kinds of tips and will compliment you on whatever you do well as a defense force officer.
↳His entire face would turn tomato red if you ever complimented literally anything about him (personality, looks, outfit, anything will have him shook). He'd definitely try to play off his reaction but it wouldn't work.
↳Now taking a second to mention his menace activation mode. Hoshina would go absolutely CRAZY if you got hurt during a fight. Like going wild, tearin' them kaiju beasts up while the other lower rank officers get you to a hospital. If someone couldn't tell his feelings for you before then this kind of scenario would be the revelation.
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A/N🧚🏾‍♀️: Ok so I watched Kaiju No. 8 last night and like...why ain't nobody tell me this man Hoshina is FINE😩😍?!?! Like dayum every time he got screen time all I could say was GYAT!
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
I'm not sure what I want to write about but I have this very overwhelmingly strong urge to write about Platonic Yandere Gojo Saturo x teen/adult reader. And not like just light fluff, I'm talking about unhinged yandere Gojo- the one from the latest panels where he was fighting with Sukuna- that Gojo.
Like that Gojo just radiates "buffed up cool dad finally puts his foot down and is now actually low key scary".
Hmm, I mean I could see unhinged Shibuya arc Gojo just going absolutely feral as he drags you away from Toji (your dad) and begins to actively kill him, no matter how much you beg and grovel to spare your father's life. How you can't bare to see your dad taken from you again.
But Gojo? Nah, he doesn't care. He was serious when he took you in (kidnapped u from Naoya/Zenin Clan) and told u that he'll be the father you need.
And he doesn't even have any qualms about knocking you out either, he doesn't need u interfering mid battle and getting injured in the process. He might even hand u over to Yuta and others and cheerfully threaten them to keep you safe while he obliterates Toji, because yes Gojo is 100000% jealous of Toji and you bonding/being closer to each other than u are with Gojo. How fucing dare you??? Does he need to do the speech again?
"Through heavens and earth, I alone am tge honored one" or whatever 🙄🙄🙄
Listen to me- Romantic yandere UNHINGED Gojo with reader who'd been selected by his clan, trained and raised by them for you to be Gojo's bride. Obviously, growing up Gojo was like "yeahhh, you're not good enough for me" and well treated her like absolute trash (he insulted her) which them lead the clan to be even more harsh on you because why the hell are you still not able to seduce Gojo????? So, basically poor reader is just being absolutely miserable throughout her life until one day the Gojo Clan is finally like "Alright, we gave it our best and Saturo still doesn't like u, so you can work as a maid in our house" and like instantaneously her life turns much better now that she doesn't have the pressure to be the trophy wife/heir producer for Gojo, and reader now can even leave the house to run errands.
But then Gojo notices that there is one less person who was constantly fawning over him, vying for his attention, and he's trying to figure it out who it is when he realises its you! And when he asks his clan about you, they tell him that they demoted u to a servant instead of future Mrs Gojo and Saturo is like "hm. Okay." And it doesn't exactly hit him how much this affected him until he saw you giggling away with some man.
He doesn't react immeadiately, still treating you like you're just nonexistent to him, but deep down, it eats him up the way you were touching that man's arm, the way you looked at him like he hung the stars for you.
Why tf weren't you like this with him?
Whatever. You're just... so beneath him. Why even bother thinking about you?
And then Shibuya arc happens. This man gets trapped in the prison realm and most of his thoughts are occupied by you, and how after be defeats Sukuna and the gang, he's gonna date you and you'll be touching his arm, looking at him with goo goo eyes.
Except when he comes out, for whatever fucking reason, you're fucking clinging onto some guys shoulders, acting like you're a damsel in distress, and if things weren't worse before, they certainly were when you kissed the man in front of him (okay but like u didn't know Gojo was watching u two. Like you were with your man in alley, kissing and hugging each ither lovingly after just barely escaping death from curses and then mf Gojo is just hovering in the sky above you)
Of course, now it's instantaneous death for your man, and then Gojo is just dragging you screaming and crying, and you're like "WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME??" And Gojo very cheerfully tells you, as if he still wasn't covered in blood from your man-
"I don't want my wife-to-be cheating on me."
Like whoa! Where tf did that came from???? And you're all like "What are u talking about??? Your clan ended our relationship- if you could even call it that?? Besides, you're the one who always said that we're not compatible because I'm beneath you."
And Gojo doesn't even bat an eye, as he goes "doesn't matter. You were born for me. You were made for me to marry, play with, discard, do as I please. So don't you ever even look at another man again, or I will be the one to rip your eyes out." And you know that he's capable of doing that after u just witnessed the live demonstration of your man being murdered.
Anyways, jealous Gojo, be it romantic or platonic, is dangerous unhinged Gojo.
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Look at him, the tiny waist, the Toji Fushiguro fit.
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I've just re-read the short lived duel that Aeneas and Achilles have in Book 20 of the Iliad and it's actually the most hilarious fucking thing.
So it starts out with Apollo disguising himself as Lycaon, one of Priam's many sons, and telling to have a go at Achilles. Keep in mind that this is post-Patroclus Achilles. Aka: berserk Achilles. Aka: so fucking mad he would fight a literal river Achilles.
Aeneas, who is capable of critical thinking, says he doubts he can actually take him on. He also references a time when he was herding cattle on Mount Ida and Achilles ambushed him, adding that the only reason he survived then was because Zeus gave him enough strength to book it (cracking up the official times that he's been saved by a god from certain death to 3, you go dude!).
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However, after a bit of back and forth and a ton of hyping up on Apollo's part, Aeneas decides to try anyway.
Like, what could possibly go wrong?
Achilles notices Aeneas charging at him and he begins to taunt him. It's something among the lines of: "I'm sorry, are you, background trojan character #61, actually gonna try and beat me? And then what? Do you think that Priam will reward you in some way? Maybe making you king after him? Well it's BULLSHIT, because Priam fucked so much that your chances of succeeding him are basically 0. Ahah. Loser."
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Now, you'd think that maybe Aeneas got enraged at the comment and attacked him, or maybe he even got scared and backed down, but NOPE. What does Aeneas do?
Well, first of all, he insults Achilles' insults, comparing his bickering to that of a child. Literally, "I heard third graders do better than that." And then he decides to list his and Hector's entire fucking family tree.
You know that part of the Bible that's like "this guy sired this other guy, and this other guy sired yet another guy" and so on? It's basically that.
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So after he's done with all that, Aeneas states that while he'd love to have a battle of insults with Achilles, because according to him he's actually very good at insulting people (his words, not mine), they should probably throw hands now. Achilles agrees.
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The duel is shortlived and Aeneas gets his ass handed to him. Badly. As expected. And he's about die when ✨️POV shift✨️ we're not on Olympus where Poseidon, Hera and Athena are watching this absolute train wreck go down.
Poseidon, pitying Aeneas, suddenly goes on a rant. It's something among the lines of: "come on guys, look at him, he's just a little guy! He literally has no stakes in this war, he doesn't deserve to die here! He even gives us lots of gifts and sacrifices, he's literally such a nice guy. How can we do this to him!?
...oh and also he's part of some prophecy, Zeus would get mad if he died."
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The fact that the way it's worded makes it sound like Aeneas being part of a literal prophecy is an afterthought to him absolutely floors me, Poseidon is literally just attached to a random dude that's fighting on the opposite side to his because he thinks he's nice.
After all that Hera is pretty unimpressed and states that she really doesn't care if our man lives or dies as neither her or Athena have ever saved a Trojan from death, she however adds that Poseidon is free to do whatever he wants.
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The literal moment Hera stops talking, Poseidon lunges down from Olympus and onto the battlefield to look for the two combatants. When he does, he saves Aeneas like only he can do.
You know how when Diomedes first tries to kill Aeneas, Aphrodite gently folds her hands around him to shield him? There's none of that here. Poseidon just runs up to him and literally flings the motherfucker.
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It literally says that he flies "high in the air". It's like a Looney Toons sketch.
So Aeneas lands and, while he's obviously a bit dazed, Poseidon proceeds to call him a madman and essentially tells him to never do something stupid like that again and just wait until Achilles is dead, then he'll be able to murder Achaeans to his heart's content. Aeneas is fine with that.
Achilles, who just saw his opponent just get yeeted into the fucking sky, just shrugs and goes "welp, guess that guy's off limits, I'm gonna go kill someone else now I guess lol".
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This entire scene is pure fucking gold and the fact that I've literally never seen anyone talk about it just breaks my heart.
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kyokutsu-sama · 26 days
Sfw Hashiras Fluff Headcanons
Charachters: Gyomei, Sanemi, Rengoku, Uzui, Gyuu x fem!reader
A/n: Hey guys!! It's been a while since I write something here. So, I recently rewacth kimetsu and I'll bring content abt it and soon I'll open my request box and I'll accept requests for kny. I hope you like it ❤️
Gyomei :
The true gentle giant And the perfect husband material too He is very kind to you and very careful with you like 24/7 He gives a lot of hugs but because he is aware of his size and strength, he tries to do his best not to break any bones in you. His arms are a very safe haven, you feel like no demon could hurt you if he had you there. If you are feeling sad for any reason, he will be by your side to help you to feel better. He will even learn the water breathe because of so much water that will come out of those eyes. He just can't stand to see you suffer or cry Gyomei will always want to keep you close on all missions and if Ubuyashiki doesn't put you two on the same mission... He'll cry a lot. You will have to give this big man a good dose of affection so that he doesn't worry so much about you, but his altruism doesn't allow him to. He also not only likes training with you (and I can tell you that he always goes easy on you because he doesn't want to hurt you in any way) but he also likes to take you to pray with him. He feels good knowing that you are safe and by his side. Get ready to see him come home every week with a different cat, he's a cat lover and can't stand the idea of ​​seeing them abandoned on the street. Gyomei cries every day because he can't see the face of the person he loves most and who has done so much for him. And along with that, he has a habit of passing his big hands over your face to feel through touch the texture of your skin and every detail of your face. Even though he's blind, he can swear that you're the most beautiful person he knows. He's such a bbg with a huge heart❤️
Tengen :
Such a big flashy bitch with three flashy wifes He's crazy and very extroverted and if you're the shy type, be prepared to be taken out of your comfort zone. Now if you are an extrovert like him then you will do "flashy crazy things". Tengen makes no distinction between his wives and always gives the same love to all of them. You are no exception as his fourth wife. He always puts you first and if you are in danger he arrives at the speed of sound and saves you. He will also challenge you countless times to train with him. He likes to see you fight, he thinks you are strong and flashy. Tengen considers himself a "god of festivals" so I don't need to tell you that he will take you to all kinds of festivals so that you can have fun. You guys tend to go out a lot, sometimes just the you two, other times with the other wives or the two of you and the other hashiras, especially with his bestie Rengoku. (I love the dynamic between these two even though I think it should have appeared more in the anime) He is very playful and is always making jokes here and there with you, especially pranks. Be prepared cause he won't give you breaks when it comes to prank you. Jokes aside, he also recognizes when you're not feeling well and will always be there for you to cheer you up because this man don't like sad people and hates crying faces, especially if they are from his wives. He loves each one and wants to see them smiling all the time. He also gives good hugs and strong hugs. It's worth remembering that this man is also a big guy and very cozy too.
Sanemi :
It was a kind of love and hate at first sight At first, he was still a little harsh with you, although he was aware inside that he was taking it easier when training with you, that even his speech seemed softer when you were around, that his eyes didn't seem so wide with anger when you were around. Everything changed and the other hashiras also started to notice it. I bet Mitsuri, Rengoku and Tengen have been spying on him to find out why he changed. I'm sorry but I love this trio so much😭 Sanemi is not the type to show a lot of PDA to be honest but in case some guy messes with you then be prepared to have an arm over your shoulders or around your waist and at the same time watch the guy who messed with you get killed. He has a short fuse as we all know but when he and you are alone and you hold his hand and smile at him, he will blush and don't even dare point it out or he will get really pissed. In fact, you do it just to see him out of his mind. I'm sure he would love it too but he'd rather not admit it. As we also know, Sanemi is not the type to give patient and romantic love but tough love, as it was the only one he learned due to the life he had, but when he comes across you, someone who can show him the soft side of love, he will be willing to learn more from you. If he's having a bad day, he'll be quieter than usual and then you'll have to lay him against your chest and stroke his hair to calm him down. The comfort you provide him makes the hard shell around his heart break and he can open up to you. He just loves the feeling of your fingers running through the white strands of his hair. In his case, he's not the best at giving affection but if he sees your sad eyes for some reason he automatically pulls you onto his lap hugging you. If you cry, he'll want to know who he has to kill for making his beautiful girlfriend cry. He does the best he can just to see your face become happy again. When you find out from Tanjiro that his favorite food is ohagi, you often make it for him to eat and he can't help but being embarrassed about it. Inside, he loves it when you do this for him and even gets annoyed that it tastes better than when he does it but at the same time he doesn't stop wondering how you found out about ohagi being his favorite food. Tanjiro run for your life...
Rengoku :
My man🧡 He's very sweet and caring towards you. You are everything to him. Do you know all that good mood and joy that this man usually radiates? Well, that only increased when you're around him. He introduces you to everyone and everyone is happy for you two. *Bonus* Senjuro, his younger brother, adores you and supports you two a lot. You usually spend a lot of time together but when missions come up in different directions, he always says goodbye to you with big hugs and words of encouragement. I want a hug from him too🥲 He and you usually train in the afternoons and practice both breathing techniques. You also usually visit the mansions of the other Hashiras to talk since he gets along with everyone. I hope you have a deep stomach because he loves taking you out to eat and this man doesn't eat little and will want you to keep up with his pace. Expect to hear this man shout "UMAI!!" with every bite. Rengoku always shares his food if you are hungry and when you are full and can't eat any more, leave it to him, because this man eats without leaving any crumbs (literally). If you're feeling cold, he puts his hashira haori over your shoulders. I hope you have a good voice because this man has hearing problems and so you will have to shout most of the time for him to understand what you're saying. The moment he likes most is when he has you in his arms, sitting on the porch of the house, watching the sunset while he distributes small kisses on your face or temples and runs his fingers through your hair slowly until you fall asleep. He always makes sure his hugs are comfortable enough for you to feel welcomed and protected. (Man I'm crying, I'm so single😭😭) I believe he can be very clingy and even in the summer, he will always want to hug you, even if it increases the heat and you end up with your clothes drenched in sweat. He also likes to make sure he gives you enough kisses before heading out on a mission. He doesn't get embarrassed even with someone around... Even with Tengen in the background like: "MAN JUST GET A ROOM ALREADY!!" He's also the type to bring you gifts when he goes on a mission. You no longer have space to store so much of the things he brings to you. I want a Rengoku for myself, like now fr
Tomioka :
Shinobu will tease this man so much after he gets someone and he will roll his eyes every time she mentions this. It wasn't easy to get close to him at first, he was distant and his eyes were empty and expressionless. But after you showed up, things changed, you insisted on him and you both started going on missions together, going out together, eating together. You even beat him once when you both tried to see who could eat more. It was one of the first times you saw him smile and when you pointed it out, he hid his now flushed face. Tomioka is very loyal and protective of those he loves, you were one of the few people who came close to him and showed him that he is no less than anyone else and recognized his value as an hashira. He doesn't know how to talk openly about his feelings but his eyes are very good at expressing it. In public, he likes to hold your hand and sometimes he give you little squeezes when he's feeling tense or when he's tired from a mission. When alone, things are easier for him. He has more freedom to hug you and he really likes kissing your forehead and lips. I know these two can't stand each other but they have one thing in common: Just like Sanemi likes to hug you when he's having a bad day, Tomioka will also want to be in your arms and feel your affection if the things aren't going well with him. This makes him more relaxed and keeps his head cool. And like Rengoku, he also likes to give you small gifts when he returns from a mission. Tomioka's eyes don't leave you for a minute when you're around, whether at home or on a mission and especially on a mission. He has already lost a lot of people dear to him and he couldn't bear to lose you, which is why he always likes to keep his focus on you to avoid greater harm. However, if you look at him when his eyes are following you, he will look away immediately and there's no point in pointing this out to him because he won't admit it. I believe he has an overprotective side just for you, especially when someone with bad intentions passes on the same street as you two. He'll automatically put an arm around your waist which makes you look at him intrigued. You will initially think that he's jealous or something but the true is that he's just trying to protect you and make others realize that you are not alone and he always wants to show it without causing too much fuss. He is a quiet individual and likes to take it that way. Such a man of manners fr I love him ❤️
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
Traditional fantasy isekai au where:
Yuu is isekaid to Twisted Wonderland as a child, in a setting that's hundreds of years before the main game, and is adopted by a family there. Maybe Grim is a normal cat that came with them and gained the ability to talk and do magic out of a desire to protect his best friend. They grow up and train as a soldier of some sort out of gratitude to their adoptive parents to protect them, eventually leaving their place with Grim in search of adventure depending on where they landed:
City of Flowers! Yuu who was raised by the people who lived in the Court of Miracles and wants to get a job with the city guard to help fight for the rights of their adoptive home. They're helped by a friend they made as a child, the son of well respected parents who came to heavily rely on Yuu after the loss of his younger brother. Now a well respected legal student with his eye on a judge's seat, Rollo is hiding a deadly secret: he is a powerful mage and you are one of the only people who knows. He's also desperately in love with you and at real risk of going insane if something bad happens to the one good thing he has left in his life.
Land of Dawning! Yuu who hunts monsters along the coast line and finds a badly beaten merfolk on the beach and patches him up without a single thought. The man scolds them when he wakes, wondering why Yuu is so unafraid of what he could do to them now that he's awake only to be met with a shrug and a warning that poachers much less kind than Yuu are in the area who see non typical mer such as himself as monsters. Yuu happens to have a bounty for them. Oya? Jade says he's quite aware of that and what's more, they have his brother and a dear friend. Won't you continue to assist this poor, unfortunate soul in rescuing the only family he has left in this world? He doesn't have anything to pay you with. Something about his attitude makes you roll your eyes but so long as you don't have to split the bounty four ways you say you'll help. Pleasure doing business with you he says, and you both go to sleep that night confident you won't get attached to the other at all by the time the job's done.
Clock Town! Yuu who used to be picked on for not having any magic by the delinquent gangs only to find themselves in a party with one of the worst of the worst torn between being hurt Deuce doesn't remember making fun of them or impressed with how determined he is to turn his life around vs Deuce who absolutely remembers but has no idea how to appropriately apologize so he just makes it his mission to bring you home from every mission unscathed, even if it's at the cost of his own health. He swears he'll say it eventually, he just needs to find a way to not make an ass of himself by saying something stupid like he loves you.
Farm Kid! Yuu who gets recruited by Ace for his party because he literally can't get anyone other than you and Deuce and ends up being the glue that holds it together. Ace is dumbfounded as he watches you successfully recruit Jack, Epel, Ortho, and even Sebek without much trouble and hates himself for ever thinking about abandoning you as soon as he got better party members. Yuu who knows that's what he wanted to do from the start and resigns themselves to him leaving when Riddle makes his offer only for Ace to stay with Ramshackle Party because he's "too busy looking after them" to be a card soldier, hiding the burns on his hands from when he punched the Arch Mage for insulting you. He can surpass Riddle's party on his own any day.
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deathbxnny · 4 months
Here’s for context/power thingy
May I please request headcannons for Jing Yuan, Yanqing, and Welt with an S/o who has an instant death ability like Takatou? They never direct it at their allies (the boys listed), but I can imagine no one wanting to fight someone who can insta kill anything.
I've actually never seen this anime before, so it was definitely an interesting and funny watch, lol. I also really love the ability the character has, so thank you for sharing, Anon, and I hope you'll like this!!<33
Content: Reader essentially insta kills a bunch of people with their mind, kinda unserious, established relationships, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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Welt often claimed that he had seen most of what life had to offer, mainly due to all he had been through. And for a while, he completely believed that... until he met you, that is. You weren't shy about showcasing your rather invincible ability, mainly as a safety precaution for him.
He felt concerned at first yet, but over time, he saw himself growing appreciative of it, despite how grimm it was. You got him and the rest of the crew out of many difficult situations with ease, even if it meant many casualties that he supposed he could turn a blind eye on for your sake.
He finds it understandable that you have barely enemies to speak of, too, to say the least. Whether the fools or the Stellaron hunters alike, no one bothered crossing you, and for that, he was grateful because it just meant less of a headache for him to deal with.
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Yanqing finds your ability cool. Maybe a bit too cool for his own good. So much so that even the general eventually began to wonder if he understood the seriousness of your ability at all. Not that the boy seemed to care. Especially when he begs you to showcase it in battle. (You have to explain why it is not a good idea to use it in training, though, since he won't get it-)
With that said, he practically boasts about having you as an s/o to anyone who has ears. He finds you amazing, so much so that he'll get distracted during fights just to watch you casually blink and kill a bunch of enemies without even moving a muscle! If you weren't his lover, he'd perhaps nearly be jealous...
He also finds it a little funny that you have virtually no enemies or at least none that would attempt to fight you head on. It's not surprising, ofcourse, but that just makes his pride over you grow even more... maybe Jing Yuan was right in being slightly concerned.
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He is amused by your ability, yet doesn't think much of it. It's not that he doesn't care, he just finds it rather adorable if anything, considering how powerful he himself is. And perhaps he didn't take it as seriously as he should have at first... until he actually first saw it in action, which made him also respect it more.
Jing Yuan enjoys fighting at your side, or rather let you "fight" for him, when he has too much on his plate already. He is thankful for your ability in situations like those, as it means he doesn't have to worry about grand threats sticking around for longer than they should.
The biggest thing he is grateful for regarding your ability ultimately would be that he didn't have to worry about your well-being all too much. Being the s/o of the general would usually get the normal person in extreme trouble... yet since no one is crazy enough to really cross you after your reputation spreads far and wide, that fear has been calmed, whilst the man can rest knowing you'll be fine even without him around.
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I'm sorry if these were a little short!! I did my best with what I saw regarding the ability in the video. Also, I'm sorry for the long wait. Life sucks as usual, lol. Either way, thank you again for the request, and I hope you liked this!!<33
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gangrenados · 1 year
Mala sangre
Yandere!Miguel O'Hara headcanons ft. Fem!reader
@liurnia is owner of the gifs, they're not mine
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•I 100% belive this man got some yandere tendencies going on. He's obsessive and determined and will not hesitate to fight for what he wants or believes (even if it means body slamming a poor guy into a train but ayways)
•Miguel it's the type of yandere who won't show his love, he's not verbal, you won't even realize his feelings till he acts on them.
•He might not be the hopeless romantic type, but he cares deeply and believes that he knows what's right for you. So yeah, Miguel doesn't really care about what you have to say.
•Is he violent towards his darling? Well, not intentionally...you see, he gets riled up easily and when he gets angry he doesn't really measures his actions.
•The only way he could potentially hurt his darling is if she tries to escape. Spider or not, Miguel would haunt you down and drag you back to him no matter the cost.
•During the chase he acts crazy, rabid. He's the predator and you're the pray; so good luck hiding cuz the thrill of the chase gets him going.
•Towards others then yes, there's not if or buts. Miguel it's aggressive towards those who harm you or try to take you away from him, he has no mercy or control with them.
•Miguel is down to kidnapping, he might keep you locked up in that techno-bubble trap or perhaps go as far to get a little warehouse for you to live in.
•Also I feel like he would go as far as web you to the bed to prevent you from even thinking about running away.
(In a nsfw take he might web you to the wall or even the ceiling to get his way with you and act on his low desires)
•Whatever the decision might be, Miguel it's going to have his eyes on you 24/7.
•Listen, he's aware that his behavior it's fucked up and all, but deep down his delusional too.
Miguel calms down his anxiety by thinking that maybe this was supposed to happen, it's the right thing to keep you close and safe.
•He has seen too much and knows that the world it's an unforgiving place where anything bad can happen at any time. Miguel doesn't want you to be at risk, he can protect you from all that, he knows he can.
•He's just doing what heroes do, it's his duty as a Spider-man.
•Sometimes, Miguel let his mind wander through all his delusions and daydream a bit.
• Is it selfish to want a peaceful life full of love? He knows he can give you a beautiful life, he can be a good lover, a good husband, a good dad.
•Being this close to finally reach happiness and get his own family makes him have a little bit of hope for the future.
•To be able to have his pretty wife and a baby. Maybe with a bit of luck he'll be able to have a daughter of his own, his Gabriella.
•Yeah, Miguel would surely try for kids. Deep inside he truly believes he can be good, that you both could have a good life
•"Esto es lo mejor para ti, trust me." Miguel repeats that phrase over and over again like a mantr, at this point he's not even sure if he's still trying to convince you or himself.
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dandylovesturtles · 6 months
we aren't allowed to tie with 2AL/SLAU :c but here's some propaganda anyway. I'm super busy with RL stuff and I don't have time for a lot so sorry this is kinda short haha
as always Firefight is owned by @remedyturtles, 2AL is owned by @intotheelliwoods, and SLAU is owned by @separatedleoau/@dianagj-art
"Geez, what happened to them?" asks one of their opponents the moment they get there.
And Leo can understand the question. The other Leo has finally come out of his shell, and the picture is not pretty. Since he poked his head out, he and the other Donnie have been impossible to pry apart, and they haven't tried. Leo's old transport chair isn't big enough for two, but they're crammed into it anyway, letting Raph wheel them around. He just seems content to be useful.
"The Krang," says Donnie flatly, when the other two offer absolutely no answer for that. They aren't really paying attention, but the other Donnie must have filled his in on the situation at some point. He keeps calling them "Leo Beta and Donnie Beta" like some kind of nerd.
"Oh," says the older Leo sympathetically. "Do you think... I can talk to them?"
"Knock yourself out," Leo says, and the older Leo nods and approaches the two in the wheelchair, kneeling to talk to them in a low voice. Leo decides not to listen in.
"Hey," says the other Leo his age, the one with only one arm, "didn't we meet before?"
Recognition dawns. "Oh yeah, we did! Right back at the start."
The one-armed Leo grins wide. "Cool! Well, you can call me Poptart, I guess. That one's Sprout," he indicates the older Leo, "and this guy is One." He tosses his arm around One at the introduction, and One wrinkles his snout but doesn't pull away.
"Man, this sucks," he says. "I was hoping for a real challenge this time."
Leo tenses. "Uh, what's that supposed to mean?"
"Isn't it obvious what it means?" One gestures at the twins in the wheelchair. "Those guys are half-dead, and you're-" He stops short, glancing at Poptart.
Leo can feel the preemptive rage rolling of Donnie, but he wheels his chair forward a bit before he can say anything. "I'm what?"
"You were probably trained to fight by that rat too, that's all," One goes with, looking irritated by the whole exchange.
"Heh. You don't look tough." Leo grins wide. "I could beat you sitting down."
(Beside him, Donnie's rage gives way to irritation.)
This gets One's hackles up. "Okay, fine. We'll show you guys!" He turns to leave. "Come on, Poptart, let's go talk strategy."
"No way!" Poptart doesn't make a move. "I want to stay and hang out! We can talk before the match."
"Don't fraternize with the enemy!"
"You're being so dramatic," says Poptart, and without missing a beat he slings his arm around One's shoulder's again, pulling him into a hug that's more of a headlock. One makes a series of furious noises, sounding remarkably like an angry cat, but can't dislodge himself, and Poptart manages to drag him over to join the group.
"Come on! Let's find a spot to sit!"
"These two could do with some more hydration too, I think," said Sprout, standing up and taking Raph's place behind the wheelchair.
"Great!" says Poptart. "Let's visit the snack bar!"
"Sounds great to me!" Leo sings, falling in beside Poptart. He can't help but snicker at the struggling One. "But, uh, is he gonna be okay?"
"Oh, he'll be fine once he gets a snack."
"No!? Don't eat with the enemy!" yells One.
"He's just a little grumpy," Poptart adds, giving him a pout.
"Heh, well, we can fix that!"
"Stop! Let me go! Auuuugh!"
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lilacmingi · 8 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: San x fem reader, Wooyoung x fem reader
Word count: 5,100
𝐒𝐀𝐍 | 산
Another harsh punch landed on San's cheekbone making your face twist and your heart clench. Watching your boyfriend get beaten up every week was no fun, but you felt that you needed to be there for him, especially since he liked to call you his good luck charm. Having a title such as someone's good luck charm, how could you not show up and support him?
The crowd was loud and filled the metal building with cheers and screams. Many posters with phrases like Knock 'em out! and K.O were being held up and waved around as well as giant cutouts of your boyfriend's face. You knew his opponent didn't stand a chance. Everyone in this building came to see San and they were cheering him on because they knew he'd win. Very seldom did he lose fights.
The man delivered a jarring punch to San's abdomen causing him to stumble back a bit. Your hands gripped the chains that hung above the low metal barricade that separated the crowd from the ring, fighting the urge to jump in and pull San out.
"Don't do it." Wooyoung spoke from beside you. "You know he's got this."
"Yeah, I do." You sighed, your fingers absentmindedly fiddling with one of the metal links. "I just hate watching him get pummeled."
"He's not getting pummeled. That dude only got like three hits in."
"Yeah. Three good hits." You pointed out.
"He'll be fine, Y/n. He's been in situations much worse than this." His eyes stayed glued on San before he turned to you. "We're making so much money tonight. This'll be enough for us to share with all the guys and still have some left over."
You pressed your lips together, agitated by Wooyoung's nonchalance and lack of care for his best friend. Seeing him with a rolled up bill behind his ear made you even more angry. He flaunted the money they earned on weekly fights and it was all thanks to San. If anything, Wooyoung was just there for moral support.
Biting your tongue and pushing your temper that was slowly rising back down, you turned your gaze back to the fight going on in front of you. San appeared to have gained the upper hand, swinging his left arm to hit his opponent in the jaw, successfully knocking him backwards.
"Yes!" You whispered under your breath, clenching your hand into a fist. "Come on. One more hit."
While his opponent was disoriented, San punched him again in an attempt to knock him over or make him stumble, but it didn't work. The man recovered and went back to taking jabs at your boyfriend.
After an agonizing few minutes, the round came to an end and San stumbled over to the corner, barely making it to the metal folding chair before collapsing in it.
"You're doing great." Wooyoung praised, massaging San's shoulders.
"It doesn't feel like it." He groaned.
"Here. Have some water." Wooyoung handed his friend a bottle which he gratefully took, chugging the water like a dehydrated man wandering the desert.
You watched mesmerized as his Adam's apple bobbed with each gulp he took, some of the water trickling down the side of his face and down his neck, the sight making you swallow the drool that pooled in your mouth.
You were quick to reel yourself back in, focusing on the present before your train of thought could go any further.
"How are you feeling?" Wooyoung asked.
"Like I've been punched in the face a bunch of times." San remarked, a touch of sarcasm lacing his tone.
"But you still have some fight left in you. Don't you?"
"I don't know." San leaned his head back, his eyes squeezing shut as if it physically pained him to do so—it probably did.
A deep frown pulled the corners of your mouth down. Seeing your boyfriend like this was making your heart ache. You'd witnessed many fights and it never got easier seeing him get punched and kicked relentlessly.
"Darling." You crouched down so you were at eye level with him.
"Hi, lovely." He gave you a forced smile.
"I'm gonna be honest, it's not looking good."
"You're telling me." He scoffed. "But I can't quit. I've gotta win this fight."
"You know I'll be here cheering you on no matter what."
He nodded knowingly. "Of course."
Even though you did your best to seem optimistic and mask your concern, San could see right through it. Always so perceptive.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
You answered, "Without a doubt."
"Then you know I've got this and there's nothing to worry about. It may look bad now, but sometimes things have to get worse before they get better."
Releasing a reluctant sigh, you nodded. He was right.
"Alright. Get out there and win."
With that, San jumped up from his chair and approached the middle of the ring, shaking out his tense shoulders and preparing to fight once again. The bell rang and the final round began. San's opponent took a swing at him which he thankfully dodged by ducking.
"Attaboy!" Wooyoung cheered.
The crowd broke out into applause and shouts that rang in San's ears and gave him a new rush of energy. Taking a step forward, he swung at his opponent and landed a decent punch to his cheekbone. The man's retaliations were easily dodged by San who managed to land not two, but three more punches to his opponent's face. While disoriented, San leapt into the air, delivering an impressive roundhouse kick to the side of his opponent's head, causing him to spin and fall to the ground. Wooyoung was quick to hop over the metal barricade that marked the boundary between the crowd and the fighting ring, dropping to his knees beside the nearly unconscious man. He held his fingers up and began counting one... two... three.
Wooyoung got up off the floor that was covered in sheets of fabric, grabbing San's wrist and raising his arm up in the air as the crowd cheered, some clapping while others waved their signs in victory. San smiled proudly, finally able to relax and bathe in the praises that were being sent his way by the many people that gathered to watch the fight.
"I knew you could do it! I never doubted you for a second." Wooyoung gave San a firm and congratulatory pat on the back with his free hand.
As soon as you approached, San pulled his wrist from Wooyoung's grip, dropping his arm at his side before sliding it around your waist, pulling you in for an unexpected kiss. It took a moment for you to process what was going on, not expecting him to show such a public display of affection in front of the crowd, which got louder when he planted his lips on yours.
San pulled away with a loud smooch sound, turning to flash a dimpled grin to the mass of people pumping their fists and waving their signs.
Once the celebrations died down and the building emptied, Wooyoung started counting money from that night. You could practically see dollar signs in his eyes as he flicked through the bills. The cash was then tossed into a duffel bag which he put in the passenger seat of the van they used to drive around the city. The money would then get distributed to the others: Hongjoong, Mingi, Seonghwa, Yeosang, Yunho and Jongho. While on standby for the infiltration of Prestige Academy, the boys needed money to eat and live off of and that came from San's fights.
Sitting in San's lap in the back of the van, you reached for a clean cloth and grabbed a bottle of room temperature water, unscrewing the cap and pouring some of it onto the rag.
"Stay still." You instructed gently, dabbing the cloth on the dried blood that stained the corner of his lips.
San hissed quietly when the cloth made contact with the wound, but was able to tough it out just like he did all the other nights he was out in the ring.
"I don't know why you insist on doing this."
"Because I'm good at it." He responded, his thumbs caressing your waist. "And it makes us money."
"There are other ways to make money."
"Not here."
You frowned. "I hate seeing you get beat up every week."
"It's my job, lovely." He chuckled softly. "Plus, it makes a lot of money. Enough for all nine of us to eat."
"I can't wait until you guys infiltrate that stupid academy. Then maybe you won't have to be doing these underground fights anymore."
"Even after we infiltrate the academy, the fight isn't over."
You knew he was right. The fight wouldn't be over unless Z was dead.
"You're relentless."
"I have to be, darling." He told you, gently taking your chin between his thumb and index finger.
Setting the bloodied cloth aside, you placed the cap back on the bottle and assessed your boyfriend's face. His cheekbone was slowly starting to bruise and the cut on his lip didn't look as bad now that you'd cleaned it up. Still, his appearance brought a frown to your face.
"What is it, lovely?" He inquired, the pad of his thumb pressing against your bottom lip.
"I've cleaned you up and you still look rough."
He chuckled dryly. "Gee thanks."
"You're welcome."
San huffed out a snort, his hands resting low on your waist. "I missed you, y'know."
"You see me every day."
"Yeah but I've been in the ring all evening, away from you." He tucked an unruly strand of hair behind your ear. "I missed you."
"What do you mean you missed me?" You laughed softly. "I was with you all night."
"Yeah, but not like this."
His fingers that were still gently holding your chin started to guide you forward, your eyes darting down to his lips before meeting his gaze. His sharp, feline-like eyes were captivating. One glance could set a slew of butterflies free in your stomach and set flame to your cheeks like a wildfire.
"Sannie." Your voice barely broke free, his nickname leaving your mouth in nothing but a breathy murmur.
"Yes, darling?"
"Kiss me."
You didn't have to tell San twice. As soon as your words reached his ears, his mouth was on yours hot and heavy.
Contrary to the feverish pace he set, his lips were warm, soft, and inviting; their plushness making your limbs feel like jello. He sighed into your mouth between kisses, his hands squeezing your waist and massaging the pliant flesh beneath the pads of his thumbs.
His brain was complete mush, his mind clouded with thoughts of you and how he longed to hold you in his arms and ravish you with kisses. In a way, this moment felt celebratory. He had won yet another fight and now he got to have some alone time with his girl whom he had been thinking about all night.
Your soft sighs and pretty sounds reached his ears, egging him on as he parted ways, reattaching his lips to the sensitive skin just under your jaw. A strained sound came from your throat, your fingers sliding into San's dark hair at the nape of his neck, your digits curling in response to his open-mouthed kisses.
He didn't stay there for very long before he was coming back to your mouth, wrapping his lips around your bottom one. Another surge of heat traveled through your body while you leaned into him, needing to somehow be closer to him. His hands slid higher up your waist, circling around to your upper back to plant themselves there.
After a few dizzying moments, he pulled away to allow the both of you to catch your breaths for a moment.
"Your tank top is filthy." You commented, glancing down at the smudges of dirt that stained the once pristine white fabric.
"Then let's take it off." He responded simply, reaching for the hem only to wince. "Ah."
"I'm a little sore. Could you take it off for me?" He glanced up at you through his dark lashes, his brown eyes glinting not-so-innocently. You knew right away that he was faking it.
"Oh you poor thing." You cooed, choosing to play along.
The tips of your fingers trailed from the top of his shoulders, slowly caressing his toned chest, not missing the way his eyelids fluttered under your touch. If he wanted to be cheeky, you'd humor him, but you'd tease him the entire time.
He sighed softly when you moved over his abdomen, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. He could see what you were doing and he totally deserved it for feigning his soreness. Truth is, he was sore from the fight, but not enough that he couldn't pull his own shirt off. He wanted you to do it and boy were you milking it.
Once you reached the hem of his tank top, you decided to be cheeky and start playing with the edge of it, not pulling it off just yet. San watched in silent agony as you rubbed the fabric with your thumb. Then, finally you started to tug it upwards, revealing the bare abdomen of your incredibly sexy boyfriend, his naturally sun-kissed skin on display. Inch by inch, you peeled the tank top off San, tossing it somewhere in the van without a single care in the world.
San was quick to grab you and pull you in for another breathtaking kiss, this time nipping at your bottom lip. If this is what happened when San "missed" you then you wanted him to miss you all the time.
Permitting yourself to completely let go, you allowed your hands to roam freely over San's bare skin, feeling it's warmth beneath your fingertips as they glided over his shoulders and down his firm chest, feeling the defined dips and curves of his athletic physique.
Unfortunately, you didn't quite give yourself enough time to catch your breath moments ago, because your lungs were burning for oxygen. As much as you didn't want to, you pulled away from San. With your forehead rested against his, the both of you huffed and puffed, panting from the lack of air and dazed from the kiss.
"Are you two done?"
The voice belonged to Wooyoung and it came from the front seat.
Startled, you scrambled off San who launched himself towards the front of the vehicle, yanking back the curtain that separated the front seats from the back area. Sitting in the driver seat was Wooyoung who was blinking lazily, looking less than impressed.
"How long have you been there?" You hissed from the back of the van.
"A while. You two are gross." His face twisted.
"You're the one who chose not to announce your presence." San remarked, visibly agitated. "I thought you were still inside."
"No. I was waiting for Y/n to finish cleaning your wounds, but then I heard you guys smooching back there."
"And so you chose not to say anything?" San raised a brow.
"Yeah, you sicko." You added.
Wooyoung's eyes winded, his ears turning red.
"Hey! Listen, I didn't know you two would be sucking face for like ten minutes straight."
San looked over his shoulder, sharing a wide-eyed, almost embarrassed, glance with you before Wooyoung continued.
"I though Y/n would give you a little peck and I could tell you two to cut it out and we could hit the road and start distributing this money. But you two just wouldn't stop. Maybe I should drop you guys off somewhere so you can get a room."
"Shut up, Wooyoung!" You hissed, your entire face feeling as if it were on fire.
"Let's just go." San huffed, his ears sporting the deepest shade of red you'd seen. "Next time, say something."
"Let's hope there's not a next time." Wooyoung grumbled, starting the engine and taking off.
The streets were quiet and devoid of people. Despite Night City being so bright and full of life, it was vacant this time of night. If your assumption was correct, it was just after midnight.
You wandered aimlessly along the wet streets with no particular destination in mind until you came upon a rusty and run-down building, a single stream of light spilling out from the crack in the metal door. Even from where you stood you could hear a faint commotion coming from inside the ramshackle structure.
Sweeping your eyes across your surroundings, you made sure no one was around before making your way forward, wondering what was going on inside.
Letting your curiosity get the best of you, you pushed open the door that sat ajar, face twisting distastefully at the unpleasant groan it made. Upon stepping inside, you were met with a narrow hallway and the distant roar of a crowd which only made your curiosity grow.
Moving further into the building, you found a vast room. The place was completely packed, a sizable crowd of people gathered around a wrestling ring with a floor covered in strips of fabric, many of them holding large signs with various phrases scrawled on them with markers and paint. You stood on your tiptoes to get a better look at who everyone was cheering so loudly for.
"Are you a betting woman?" Someone asked.
Spinning around on your heel, you turned to face the person that called out to you.
Standing a few feet away in the shadowy part of the building was a man with dark hair, part of it pushed back by a pair of sunglasses, leaving a few long stands to hang in his sculpted face. He wore a geometric print button down shirt that exposed half of his chest, which from what you could see was rather impressive.
"That depends." You responded.
The man approached you with a confident smirk, holding his hand out to you.
"The name's Wooyoung."
You shook his hand. "Y/n."
He let go and slung his arm around your shoulder, pointing towards the ring.
"You see that guy?"
You narrowed your eyes, catching a glimpse of a man in the ring with dark hair and a white tank top that showed off his wide shoulders.
"That's my guy." Wooyoung grinned. "And he's the best fighter in this city."
"Is that so?"
He hummed in confirmation. "He's won at least ten fights... consecutively. So I'll ask you again. Are you a betting woman?"
"Maybe for tonight."
"Alright. What's your wager?"
"Fifty is a little low, don't you think? You won't be making much when my guy wins."
"I think it's rather reasonable, considering I've never seen your guy fight before."
"Hm." Hummed Wooyoung. "So you're not a betting woman or a risk-taker."
"I like to play it safe." You shrugged.
"Alright then. If my boy San loses, which he won't, you lose your money."
"That's how it works." You grabbed hold of his hand, shaking on it.
"No backing out."
"Bold of you to assume I'm the cowardly type."
He merely grinned, beckoning you towards the crowd of people waiting excitedly for the fight to begin. He guided you to the very front where the barricade for the ring was.
"You've got the best seat in the house." He told you with a proud smirk.
The dark-haired guy in the white tank top Wooyoung had gestured to earlier threw a punch at his opponent, his fist landing right on the man's cheek. You winced while Wooyoung applauded beside you.
"There you go, San!"
The man was relentless, his sharp eyes trained on his opponent as he spared only moments to aim and take his shot, landing another hit on the other fighter's jaw. The man stumbled back, regaining his composure and swinging at San, socking him in the cheek. Wooyoung sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth.
The fight took a rapid turn and the opponent was now swinging his arms like crazy with no signs of slowing down.
You weren't exactly worried about losing your money, but more so curious to know if this San guy was really as good as Wooyoung claimed. As of right now it didn't exactly seem like it.
The man that had been bragged on so much was currently getting jabbed in the gut, causing him to double over, stumbling back as he coughed. The crowd made collective noises of displeasure, a few of them shouting encouraging phrases.
"I thought you said he was good." You leaned over to Wooyoung.
"He is. Just give him a minute." He assured.
Keeping your eyes fixed on the two fighters in the ring, you watched as San managed to land one good hit on his opponent, giving him time to regain his composure and secure the upper hand. The way everything changed in the blink of an eye was more than impressive. Now you could understand why so many people gathered to watch these fights.
The feedback from the crowd was deafening once San was back in the lead. The cheering was so loud you had to plug your ears for a few moments.
"Loud, huh?" Wooyoung shouted over the commotion.
"You get used to it!"
The remainder of the fight was engrossing to say the least. Though it was hard to watch them get punched and pummeled, you had to admit, it was riveting to see the fighter you were cheering for get the upper hand after nearly getting knocked out.
The crowd dispersed and San hopped over the metal railing to join Wooyoung on the other side, grunting as he did so.
"Hey! Good job out there tonight."
"You brought in a lot of money." Wooyoung gave his friend a pat on the back. "Hey, I wanna introduce you to someone."
He gestured towards you with a grin. "This is Y/n. She's a first-timer here."
"Oh. Is that so?" San raised his brows.
"I'm San." He held his hand out, which you shook in greeting.
"I didn't intend to stay and watch, but I'm glad I did. You were very impressive."
His chest puffed out pridefully. "Thank you."
Wooyoung was quick to clear his throat. "San, why don't you go get cleaned up? Y/n, follow me to the office."
"It was nice meeting you, Y/n." San waved while parting ways.
"You too."
Wooyoung motioned with his hand, guiding you to the office where a few people were waiting in the narrow hallway. Brushing past the group, he unlocked the door and stepped inside to start distributing cash to each person standing outside. Once they were all gone, a stack of cash was handed over to you.
"Congratulations, Y/n. You just won yourself a hundred bucks."
The winnings weren't quite as big as you thought, but the bet you placed was low. Plus, you were leaving with more money than you arrived with and that was definitely a win.
"You were right. Your guy is good." You responded, flipping through the bills to make sure it all added up to 100.
"Of course I was right. When I said he was a good fighter, I had the proof to back it up."
"And I know that now." You nodded.
"He's got another fight next week on Friday at midnight. Will I see you there?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." You shrugged.
You were not the type to be so flirtatious but there was something about this Wooyoung guy that brought out a cheeky side of you.
The following week on Friday night, you found yourself entering the run-down building once again. An impressive crowd of people had already gathered inside.
"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Wooyoung grinned when you walked through the entrance. "Are you betting again tonight?"
"No thanks. I don't wanna make it a habit."
"So you're just here to watch?"
That was a lie. The only reason you came back was to see him again. He had a very alluring personality and he was gorgeous.
Attending San's weekly fights became a habit for you, as it allowed you time with Wooyoung. You didn't get to chat much during the fight due to all the noise and the tense atmosphere, but after the crowd cleared the both of you would stay at least an hour afterwards sitting and talking, San occasionally joining in. One time, the three of you got food delivered to the old building and ate together. The delivery guy seemed to know San and Wooyoung both because he waived the delivery fee.
Tonight was very much like all those others that were spent alone with Wooyoung. The both of you were gathered in the back office talking about anything and everything that crossed your minds.
"Tell me. Do you always charm people into betting on fights?" You inquired after he distributed the winnings to the usual betters.
He raised a brow cheekily. "I charmed you?"
"You didn't answer my question."
"No. It's just something I do to make a little extra money. Entry fees plus the money earned from lost bets really adds up."
"Entry fees?" You echoed. "I don't remember paying an entry fee."
Wooyoung seemed embarrassed, like you had caught him doing something he wasn't supposed to. Your brow raised expectantly as you waited for a response.
"That's because I never charged you."
A cheeky smirk played at the corner of your lips. "And why is that?"
"Because I think you're pretty." He responded coolly, zipping up a duffle bag in the corner of the room.
Though his tone was even and his demeanor was confident as always, you could tell he was trying his hardest to play it off.
"You think I'm pretty?" You inquired with a small grin, following him out of the office.
"Yeah. So what?"
Oh, this was amusing.
"So, maybe I feel the same way."
Wooyoung stopped in his tracks, spinning around on his heel to face you.
"Did I hear you correctly?"
Your arms crossed over your chest in a playfully challenging manner.
"I don't know. Did you?"
A single second passed before Wooyoung was all over you, giving you no to time to react as he rushed forward and grabbed you, crashing his plush lips against yours.
You stumbled back due to the force of the kiss while your hands clamped onto Wooyoung's shoulders to steady yourself. His own hands found their way to your waist, kneading the flesh like a stress ball and subsequently raising your body temperature. He took a step forward resulting in you taking a step backwards. Next thing you knew, your back was forced against the nearest wall and Wooyoung was pressing himself against you. His pillowy lips caressed yours in a heated manner that had you feeling dizzy and disoriented in the best way possible, your closed eyelids fluttering at the sensation.
You were too far gone, too wrapped up in the throes of the feverish kiss to think straight. The only thing on your mind was Wooyoung and his skillful lips.
He dragged you back to the office area, kicking the door shut behind him and caging you against the door, pressing his abdomen flush against yours. His hands slid up your waist while yours released his shoulders to tangle themselves in his lengthy raven locks. He grunted against your mouth, tilting his head to the side to deepen the already heated kiss. The smooching sounds of your lips dancing over one another mixed with your blissful sighs and heavy breaths filled the small office.
How long had Wooyoung been holding back? You wondered. Because the way he was kissing you right now felt like he was releasing all of his emotions, pouring every ounce of passion into his swift actions.
The ends of your nails dragged against his scalp, drawing out another sigh from him before combing your digits through his silky, raven locks from root to tip.
Your breath caught in your throat when Wooyoung's hands snuck deftly underneath the hem of your shirt, rubbing against your bare sides and lower back. You shivered under his touch, his name unintentionally escaping your lips in a blissful sigh.
His lips separated from yours and you sucked in a sharp intake of air which was expelled right out of you when Wooyoung reattached his lips to your jawline, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses along your sensitive skin. His actions only clouded your mind further. You instinctively leaned your head back against the door to give him more access.
"I've been wanting to do that since I first laid eyes on you." He confessed breathlessly when he pulled away.
You chuckled softly. "So as soon as you approached me to ask about bets, what you really wanted to do was make out with me?"
"Absolutely." He flashed a flirty, toothy grin.
You shook your head, tittering softly while sliding your hands out of his hair and down his exposed upper chest. Wooyoung seemed to like wearing printed shirts with one too many buttons left undone—not that you were complaining.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyelids fluttering under your touch that left a trail of tingles along his skin.
"My lips caught your eye when you first saw me, but it was your chest that caught mine." You admitted. "Do you enjoy walking around with your pecs out?"
An amused grin found its way to Wooyoung's perfect face.
"If it means gaining attention from pretty girls like you, then yes." He leaned forward, tucking his face into the crook of your neck where he continued pressing kisses to your skin.
Your palms pressed flat against his chest, gently pushing him away until his lips detached from your neck.
"Isn't San waiting on you?"
"He can wait a little longer." Wooyoung dove back in to pepper more kisses to your neck.
"No, no, no." He was pushed away again by your hands. "You shouldn't keep him waiting."
He pouted, his already full lips looking puffier due to all the kissing. "Just a couple more minutes. Please? We just started."
Releasing a reluctant sigh, you brushed a hand through his hair, watching as his lengthy bangs fell back in front of his eyes. "Fine, but only a couple more minutes."
Wooyoung flashed that foxlike grin of his, moving back in for another round of dizzying kisses that were sure to take your breath away.
Hongjoong & Mingi ⟡ Seonghwa & Yeosang ⟡ Yunho & Jongho
Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
DO NOT steal, plagiarize, copy, repost, alter, or translate my works in any way
🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz
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How about just some head canons of the mercs at the pool?? Anything you come up with!!!
Pool day
What the mercs would be like at the pool
Slight swear warning(?)
Splashing everyone constantly
Brings a ton of water guns and forces everyone to participate in a water gun fight. He has the fancy expensive water guns too.
Absolutely will compete with anyone to see who can make the biggest splash.
Took him forever to actually learn how to swim.
Yells "CANONBALL!!!" as loud as he can before jumping in the pool.
Forgets to put on sunscreen and gets super sunburnt. Complains to Medic after.
Pushes people into the pool.
This man does not know how to swim.
He stays in the shallow end, probably doing some kind of Marine type training.
Takes Scout's water gun fight way too seriously.
If he is pushed into the deep end he just sits still and sinks to the bottom, someone else has to save him
Is a huge enforcer of the pool "rules". No running, no pushing, you have to wait 20 mins after you eat, etc. He does have a whistle with him and will use it.
They can swim, they just choose to stay in the shallow end.
They like playing with those toy boats that can actually move in the water when you wind them up.
Buys candy or ice cream from the pool concession stand (We have these where I live idk about other places)
They generally have a lot of fun just sitting by themself in the shallow end playing with random pool toys.
Keeps their mask on unless they choose to actually swim around a bit.
Does bring alcohol to the pool, he has to.
Sword fighting with pool noodles, that's all I have to say
Can swim and has a fun time doing it, but everyone is a little nervous with him being drunk in the pool.
Actual cannonball man
Will gladly play that game where someone climbs on his shoulders, and you fight against two other people.
He loves pool games, and he wins most of them.
Made a water balloon canon
Is the man cooking a barbeque for everyone.
His food is amazing, and he makes sure the group has a full lunch to keep their energy up.
He'll some hang out in the pool but chooses not to swim all that much.
Brought the cooler full of water bottles, Demo put some of his drinks in there though.
Goes in the deep end once just to save soldier from the bottom.
Mostly relaxes in the shallow end as well but goes int the deep end a few times.
Makes sure everyone is drinking enough water.
Brought a pump to blow up the pool floaties with because he doesn't want to do it manually ever again.
His robot hand can hold up in water, but he still keeps it out of the water most of the time just in case.
Hangs out with Pyro for a bit when he realizes they're alone (Sorry i headcanon him as a father figure for Pyro)
Offers to help out with the barbeque
Somehow the most graceful swimmer in the world.
Is the only one that actually knows proper CPR but prefers to let them die and respawn to "learn their lesson"
Brings some pool floaties for everyone
Also makes sure everyone is drinking water; he's not saving anyone if they pass out.
Tires to get everyone to wear sunscreen because he doesn't want to deal with the complaints of sunburn.
Doesn't help Scout with his sunburn, just says "I told you zis would happen" and gives him some aloe.
Doesn't actually go in the pool that much, just sits on the side reading a book or something.
It he does go in the pool he just sits on the edge and puts his legs in the water
Refuses to participate in anything that could get him splashed.
If anyone splashes him, he gets pissed and gets out of the pool again.
Scout shot him with a water gun once, he never did it again.
Uses the water gun fight as an excuse to practice aim but says no one can shoot at him.
Stays on a floatie the entire time.
Like Sniper in the way that he will get pissed if he's splashed.
Keeps his mask on and puts sunglasses on over it somehow.
Constantly reapplying sunscreen, this man will not get burnet today.
Ends up falling asleep on the floatie and gets woken up by Scout jumping into the pool right beside him, causing him to fall over.
He sits on side with a towel and does not go back in the pool after that. He looks like a pathetic wet cat but still refuses to take his mask off.
Thats it, I hope you like them!
In all honesty, I have based some of this off how people in my family act at the pool.
Sorry if some of my grammar isn't the best
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kenandeliza · 8 months
A Marvel Family Fantasy AU
A few days ago, I randomly dreamt of Drawing Billy and Tawny in a fantasy setting.
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Billy was this kid wizard and Tawny was his companion (or an animal to ride on like a horse)
Then it got me thinking, maybe in this setting, Mary could be someone of high status in this fantasy setting (since she's in a rich family in the golden age comics)
I'm inclined to think Freddy would be a captain of a ship for irony-sake but I have a feeling pirates and fantasy settings don't match well?
It's just funny for me to think of him with a peg leg xD
After further discussion with @the-brash-spud :
Warning: Too many text :>
These are the ideas we have so far (if there are quotation marks, those ideas belonged to @the-brash-spud ):
Maybe Billy and Mary were prince and princess separated by birth, (i'm not sure if its a kidnapping or the baby got lost on his own) but the wizard founded billy and trained him.
At the ripe age of (insert young age below a teenager's), The wizard decided to grant him the power of shazam to turn him into the world's mightiest Wizard!
Captain Marvel!
Wizard dies and then Billy and Tawny have adventures together, maybe helping people along the way (maybe somehow found out that Mary is his sister :p idk)
“ I think you could go angst if you made the wizard get brutally hurt in a battle to protect Billy and the rock of eternity so in a last ditch effort he transports the rock to its own pocket of existence and then giving Billy powers of shazam because its as ready as he'll be able to make the kid :) and it's his last effort for Billy to be protected even if he has to do so himself because he has failed :)) made Billy cry as Wizard turns into dust in Billy’s hands :)))”
Uncle marvel can be a con-man/thief who took pity on Billy or realiz, teaching Billy that the world isn't always honest and he's like, "Billy, don't always give money to the poor on the streets, sometimes they faked their illness to be lazy”
" Billy: "The man in the shadowy corner needs my help."
Uncle: "No, the hell he doesn't!”"
How Billy Met Freddy
Billy probably met Freddy in a bar fight. How did the kid get into a bar?
Billy looked at the man exiting the pub with a bottle.
Billy: Ohh! So this is where you get refreshments here! I wonder If they have enough Milk for Tawny..
Pub sign written NO KIDS ALLOWED!"
*Billy can only read magic scrolls and not regular alphabet*
Cue him meeting Freddy (who's armwrestling with one of the people there)
(Insert Bar fight for some reason because The child decided to drink a white cocktail thinking it was milk and the fact that Billy is a Kid)
“Freddie is definitely that kid having his ass thrown out of the bar/pub/inn”
I'd like to think he and his brother are a team, prolly sailed a ship together.
“Yes, they target slave ships. Unless you wanna go different routes. Then, he is focused on certain nations' flags that have a whole lot of red in them
Also, he goes to the bars just to start bar fights over drunks being mean/nasty to the landlady. The landlady doesn't appreciate it bc now she has a broken table and four broken chairs”
Freddy faces the Captain Nazi equivalent of a pirate [Captain Arian? Like Aryan?] XD, Freddy lost his leg the same way, from his encounter with Captain Arian.
Kit (probably a necromancer or a ghost who's cursed to be bound in the ship Freddy's in, making Freddy more attached to the ship) can still summon crewmembers.
Maybe they both meet mary during the birthday ceremony parade
Maybe Mary snuck off from her family (disguise herself as a regular girl, i know, generic plot) and then meet Billy accidentally
Billy: It's my birthday today!
Mary: What a coincidence! It's mine too!
The-brash-spud: “Billy, in his innocence, thinks ,"There must be something to us sharing birthdays!" While Freddy calls him stupid, Billy tries to get a look at the princes and then cue the lung-fu panda rocket incident, but maybe something else more fitting with Freddy being pulled along”
On an unrelated note, i think Billy knew about Freddy's peg legafter either a pirate slashed it clean and Freddy just used it to bonk his head.
Billy is still screaming from the shock and immediately casted healing spells (i'd like to think everything about billy is lightning based- so yes getting struck by lightning is a healing spell for him :D) Freddy got shocked lmao
And what about boarding Tawny on the ship?
Freddy: "I'm not letting a tiger into my ship."
Kit who absolutely adores animals: "YES"
Kit:" Does he love belly rubs??"
Billy:" yes but you have to ask him politely for his permission-”
Freddy rolled his eyes, realizing he has to clean cat fur everyday off from the furnitures.
How did Mary, a royalty tag along with a kid wizard and a pirate?
“Yeah, I guess forced separation would work better. Hell, go with a scenario that will allow them to have Mary with the parents' blessings as long as she's kept safe (she isn't, but that's because she is the danger herself)”
Mary and Billy: "Yay adventure"
Freddy: "Oh great, now I have to take care of two kids and a tiger in my ship!?"
*Freddy looking at Kit and the kids + a tiger playing together, kit seems happy*
Freddy: "...i guess it's alright..”
How Freddy and Mary found out about the wizard?
“Hmmmm, maybe Billy takes them to the rock because they were in a pickle, and unforeseen effects happen?
They got surrounded maybe?
Also I can see the aftermath
"You were raised by THE Wizard!? THE Wizard?! A Wizard of legends so often told he is recognisable even if his name was lost?!"
"Oh, his name is Shazam-" *BANG*”
Hopefully i could draw these AU ideas, I don't plan on making this into a story, i just like the concept that my dream gave my a few days ago and I’m just expanding it. Sorry for too many text xD
I don't mind if you want to add something to this silly lil AU, It's just a fun thing for me to do :p
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stinkysam · 1 year
Roronoa Zoro - I don't need saving.
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Warning : none (opla spoilers ?)
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "I’m partial to head cannons these days! Maybe some smutty fluffy ones, if you could?! Or even a zoro x reader fic where he THINKS he’ll save them but they ends up saving him, then the sexual tension and relationship builds from there??" - @ericaand
Reader : gender neutral (You/yours)
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Zoro ? Who told Buggy and his crew to drop their weapons or he'd kill them while he himself had no weapons ?
Zoro, the 19 years old man who confidently asked Mihawk, the best swordsman of the world, for a duel to the death ?
100% believe he doesn't need saving and will be the one to save people.
He realized he wasn't as strong as he thought twice. The first time was when Mihawk defeated him with a small knife. The second was when you saved him in extremis from an enemy.
Oh, he didn't take it very well. His training was already quite intense since his defeat against Mihawk but now it was on another level.
He wasn't mad at you. Well, okay, that's not true, he was a bit mad at you for saving him. But more at himself for being so weak.
It took some time for him to overcome it and also for you two to have the talk*.
*Talk about if you're allowed to save him again and why.
The answer is yes you're allowed, he has no choice, that's what loyal crew members do, they protect each other. Zoro had to begrudgingly accept it.
Despite this, he didn't hate you completely. He admired your strength and envied you. You who he thought would need saving.
You're full of surprises, apparently.
But now he knows you can and will stand your ground in a fight, he won't need to worry about helping you.
Now that he trusts you and your strength, that's where his feelings for you can blossom.
He's definitely a personality over physical appearance kind of guy. He doesn't care what you look like, that's your heart that matters.
He made the "first step" by accepting you didn't need saving, now it's your turn. You have to make it clear you have some interest in him, simply chatting won't get you closer.
You'll have to flirt with him. He will be more confused than flustered at first, not understanding what you're doing. But once he finally registers it, he'll definitely get sheepish and a bit flustered.
That's the best way to shut him up.
Quickly he'll try to come up with smart comebacks to shut you up but they never really work or they sound… suspiciously weird.
That's where the sexual tension kinda arrives. Both trying to shut up the other with the flirtiest remark.
It's not the same competitiveness as with Sanji. It's more about ego. With you it's simply his way of flirting back.
Though he's definitely the one that gets the most flustered, not used to this kind of attention. He knows he's a good looking man, but still, it feels a bit weird to get flirted with.
Zoro accidentally confesses parts of his feelings for you while trying to find a snarky comeback for you. You know, those weird comebacks that sound awfully suspicious.
You stare at him while you smile and he just looks at you, unsure on how to recover from the situation. He blushes even more as you tease him about it but he refuses to elaborate on what he said.
It takes days of pestering and teasing him for Zoro to explode and finally let out his feelings for you. Repeating what he said days before and admitting his feelings.
He's more pissed than anything.
Surprisingly you didn't react as bad as he thought you would. He thought you'd tease him again and boasts about it. But instead you just smiled and told him you felt the same.
He said "Okay." with his usual scowl on his face, unsure of what to do now. He never thought you two would get this far.
Even though you reciprocated his feelings he doesn't know what you want to do. Do you want to move back to before and keep flirting or do you want to become… lovers ?
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whorekneecentral · 11 months
Snowflakes On The Glass
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Ben Chilwell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: morning cuddles, ben acts like a child, reader works her magic, teasing, it's giving sub!ben for like 0.2 seconds, penetrative sex (p in v), breeding kink, one like sorta misogynistic comment if you squint, creampie.
Word Count: 1,532
Author's Note: this was a last minute change, decided to the anon who asked about benji :)) this ones for you babes
merry smutmas series
Ben insists on having a snowball fight when he wakes up to the massive snowfall but you want nothing more than to stay in bed. 
The cold air hits your bare skin when Ben gets out of bed, tossing the duvet off of him. You grumble something, tucking it in under your back so you could warm up again. There's a silence in the room, seeing that it was barely 7am when Ben got up from bed.
You knew for a fact that he didn't have training this morning, he had always just been an early riser - something you definitely weren't.
It was barely a few moments after he got up that he jumped back onto the bed, shifting the duvet once again and waking you from your sleep, or rather, your attempt to fall back asleep.
"Babe," he nudged your side. "Babeeeee, babyyyy, my loveeee." He sung off key into your ear.
You groan, rolling over to pull Ben into you. Your arms wrapped around the man, his face buried in your chest to shut him up. That usually worked but this particular morning, he managed to escape your grasp.
"Darling, get up!" He says excitedly; annoying you already considering how early on a Saturday morning it was.
You yawned, finally sitting up. "What is it? What's going on?"
"LOOK!" He says, pointing to the frosted over window. "It snowed."
"You woke me up to see snow?" You huffed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "I've seen snow before, Benjamin."
"No," he rolled his eyes, "come on baby, let's go make me a snowman."
You're half asleep, you're not sure if you're still sleeping or dreaming. "Babe, you're not serious," you scoot on the bed, laying back down.
Ben huffs, a pout on his lips. "C'mon!" He pulls on your arm and you roll your eyes, shrugging him off.
"Pleaseeeee," he leans down, whining like a child when he puts his chin on your shoulder. You sigh, "give me 10 more minutes and then we can go down, okay?"
He was tempted to say no, he would drag you out of bed if he needed to but you looked so cute curled up under the blanket, cuddled into him. Plus the fact that you were now kissing all over his face, attempting to sweeten the deal was the cherry on top.
"Fine, but only 10 minutes."
"10 minutes of silence," you tell him, and he nods. Ben holds you close, his arms wrapping around you and you cuddle into your boyfriend, your head tucked away under his chin.
Ben's warm, you fit against him like you two were made for each other. It was one of your favourite parts of your relationship; Ben holding you. You loved him, sure, but his hugs were the best thing in the world; you forgot about everything else when you were in his arms.
Well, except for one thing.
You two had just woken up and now that Ben's back in bed, pressed up against you, you can feel a certain.. something.
Ben shifts a bit when you wiggle your arm free from underneath you. He doesn't think anything of it, his arms still wrapped around you. The next thing he feels is your hand pressed to his bulge, your fingers rubbing along him.
"Babe-" he groans, reaching down to hold your wrist. You bite back a smile, "hm? What's wrong?"
"Stop that." He whispers through gritted teeth.
Your brows furrow, "stop what?"
"Y/n," he breathes, exhaling as his own hand wraps around yours.
"What? Does that feel good?" You whispered, leaning up to kiss his jaw. Ben nods, knowing if he speaks he'll only dig himself into a deeper hole. "Words, Benjamin." You glance up at him and he clears his throat, his eyes fixed on you when he speaks.
"Yes what?"
"Yes," he swallows, "it feels good."
"Then let me make you feel good," you whisper to him, reaching up to kiss him.
Ben pulls you flush against him, his lips on yours; there's a hunger, something you can't figure out. You aren't sure what's come over him but you liked it, so fucking much.
He watches as you pull away from him, groaning and grumbling under his breath about how you never give him enough time to kiss you and you laugh. You ignore his grumbling, making your way down to his chest, your hand following the trail down to his stomach.
You had barely begun undoing the knot on his joggers when he stopped you, his hand on yours. "What?" You glanced up at him through your lashes.
God, you hoped he wouldn't bring up this stupid snowman right now.
"C'mere," he pulls you back up towards him, kissing you again.
A hand pressed to Ben's cheek, you mumbled between the kisses. "I'll let you kiss me later, lemme just-" your hand slipped between the two of you, rubbing along the obvious bulge in his joggers.
The man groaned, "as much as I want that, I wanna feel you."
You let out a shriek, the sudden smack to your ass making you laugh. "Benjamin!" You smacked his arm, the man smiles and kisses you once more.
"Turn around, love." He whispers, nudging you to flip around, facing the window now.
Ben's shuffling about behind you, he moves the blanket leaving you cold. His hands replace the blanket as a source of heat, pulling your leg back and hooking it over his. You feel his hand between your legs, pushing your panties to the side before his cock brushes along your slit. 
His name tumbles from your lips as he pushes into you, his hand resting firmly on your hip, holding you in place as he settles behind you.
It takes you a minute to adjust, Ben's hand caressing over your bare leg in the meantime, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
He pulls your leg back into his a bit more, moving closer to you but in doing so, he pushes into you a little more. You whimper and the man apologizes. “Sorry love,” he squeezes your hip when he hears the whimper leaving your lips. 
“Do that again,” you tell him, leaning back into him. 
Ben smiles, pushing his hips towards you again, the tip of his cock hitting exactly where you wanted it. 
“More,” you mumble and Ben could never say no to you.
He rolls you two over, pulling you up by your middle onto your hands and knees, your back arched and your face buried in the pillows. 
It was needy and messy; feeling you around him drove him mad, hearing you ask him for more was the cherry on top. Ben's hand slid down the curve of your spine, resting between your shoulder blades. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, baby.” Ben says, his words sweet like honey but his actions aren’t. 
He pulls you up by your hair, your back arched and his hand now on your chin.
“C’mon pretty girl, let me hear all those sounds you make.” He says, the angle you were at puts him deeper than before.
The slightest movements and you can feel it in your stomach. It’s like he can hear your thoughts because his hand moves from your chin to your stomach. An arm wrapped around your torso, his big hand spread over your stomach.
"That's what you want, isn't it?" He taunts, leaning over you so his lips were by your ear.
You can feel him everywhere; every part of you belonged to Ben and he knew as much.
Ben lets you fall back onto the bed, both of his hands on your hips. Your moans are muffled by the fact that your face was buried in the sheets. Ben's thrusts are rough, his hips digging into your ass with each one.
“Maybe I should fuck a baby into you, hm?” He asked no one in particular, he wasn't expecting an answer. "Let you stay home and be my pretty little housewife, you'd like that wouldn't you?"
You mumble something, neither of you catches it. Your thoughts are all fuzzy, the thoughts blurring together into one and you feel yourself slipping over the edge.
You were close enough that you could taste it, a few more thrusts and you’re over the edge, his name falling from your lips. The way you were clenching around him causes him to follow behind you, the man falling onto your back.
The two of you are laying there, Ben on top of you still and you let out a laugh.
“What?” He asks, confused.
“Nothing,” you hum. “I love you,” you tell him.
You lay there for a bit, Ben untangling himself from you to get comfortable. The man looks over at you when you push the blanket off of you.
"Where are you going?"
"Didn't you want to go outside?" You asked, brows furrowed. Ben rolls his eyes and leans over, dragging your arm to pull you back into bed.
You tucked into his side, the two of you cuddled into each other. "The snow will be there later, won't it?" He asks.
You shift a bit, looking up at him. "And if it all melts? And you don't get to make your snowman?"
"It'll be worth it." He smiles, leaning down to kiss you.
taglist: @nosugarallspice  @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16  @books-and-netflix-pls  @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade  @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @trentsfav @trentsmyfave @noturbabe22
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