#//But ofc that’s only when Certain People do it; per usual
dutybcrne · 8 months
Wouldn’t it be funny if Kaeya could be like. Pavlov’d into getting sleepy and taking a nap? Like. Maybe Addie had a particular song she’d sing to get Luc and Kae tucked away, or maybe just for Kae since he was always so restless, and hearing it without fail immediately starts getting him all drowsy-
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "Who are you for them?"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about how this person or group of people see you and what they think of you. works better for one person at time but you can try asking about group of people too (friends/family...). you can ask about partners (current or future), fs/destined person, friend/s, family members, people you interact (even barely) with (colleagues, classmates...). I honestly started with the idea of only making this pac the usual 4 piles leaning to a "more romantic" interest, but then I needed to add some other people as friends, so I also decided to add a couple of piles more. I won't probably divide piles into sections (as family, work, friends, school, love...) but just focus on the general energy I get. it will resonate differently for you (e.g. the same pile can work for one person's boss and for another person's bestie...). I am going more in detail in other readings (on instagram too).
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ - ’ -
pile 1
This is someone that may have not figured you out well yet (or you haven't figured out them yet). But you kinda hit them in a certain way. You maybe make them realize something or understand something... You give them a different point of view, you put a light on "a problem". This may be someone kinda stubborn on occasion but you give them the ability to open their eyes and be more balanced about what they are seeing and understanding from the world. It doesn't seem a bad person per se, maybe just not too emotionally open/aware when it comes to others and putting themselves into others' shoes. Ofc, not all of these people will be open immediately to the "lesson" you bring with yourself, so they may even not appreciate you at first. If they do, you may help them heal some personal issues and understand why they feel the way they feel. For a few of you, this person may even develop feelings for you. For others, it may be someone from your work/school or family environment (I am not getting friends tbh, maybe acquaintances).
song: come | jain
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pile 2
"You're a small flower to me". This is a line from a song about love and... passion/lust too. But it's very sweet. This person is someone who really likes you and has deep feelings for you. For most of you they're a partner/lover, for others someone sharing a more platonic bond with you (eg. family/friends). This person, aside from the feelings mentioned above, is someone that feels very protective of you. They value you a lot. You may have helped them change perspective on something too. Maybe how they see themselves. You give them strenght or make them stronger (they are stronger for you, because you exists). It's a very cute and loving, devoted energy. You inspire them and help them believe more in their dreams and that they can reach whatever result they want in life. With you by their side, in particular. Communication seems pretty important for you two, you can bond over it and share deep stuff too with no problem. Everyting is allowed. They see you as their new beginning in life, someone they can start everything all over again with (and even do things they thought they couldn't do anymore/at all).
[possible overlays with pile 3]
song: electric | alina baraz, khalid
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pile 3
You are some kind of a mystery or a puzzle to be solved. This person cannot figure you out too well but this doesn't scare them. Quite the opposite. They feel intrigued by you. They may be someone asking you questions and trying to get a look inside of you, to know you deep down, in your essence. They're not scared of seeing your darkest side, despite you may tend to hide it away. This person is someone quite aware of the fact that everyone has dark parts in them. You may feel a bit stressed at first with them (or you may make their stress to increase and then ease a bit by talking); anyway if necessary please communicate with them and tell them off/to chill. They are just plain curious about you, but may get swept away by it and get a bit too far (for a few of you: this person may like mental games a bit too much, so if it gets toxic or you don't like it, just close the thing asap, don't worry about being rude just be plain clear and stand your ground). May come off as a bit closed off/into their head from their part, so it may take you some time to get inside of them, but they will let their walls down if you ask them questions too. They need a bit of help. I'm hearing sapios3xual tbh. Really into minds (and as said, into their head "to process infos"). Could be a lover/partner (especially in the "knowing" phase), someone from your work/school environment or an acquaintance. An ex for a few (especially if resonates with the nosy-toxic part I feel).
[possible overlays with pile 2 or 4]
song: get your number | mariah carey
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pile 4
This may be a friend, more likely childhood/long time friend, or a family member (for a few a possible partner/lover, especially if you are part of the lgbtq+ community). They think you are the type of person they may be willing to go in an abandoned house on Halloween night, just to have fun together (okay dunno about your idea of fun, but any other example could do... this is just the first thought I had). A confident (you for them and they for you). They see you as someone cute, funny and adventurous (now I get why the abandoned house), someone trustworthy, reliable and important: they know you'd do anything for them. Probably you were by their side when they needed the most, when they needed support. They'd come to you if they needed help: you may be a bit more grounded (or a better planner) than them. You are from the same soul family very likely, this person feels as if you were put in their life for a reason and they are incredibly happy and grateful about it. They do feel a deep connection with you, a spiritual bond. They also find you beautiful. Lot of mirror energy tbh, you may feel the same way about them.
[possible overlays with pile 3]
song: before i ever met you | banks
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pile 5
This person sees a connection with you. They feel like you can understand them as nobody else. Or, at least, that you can somehow read their mind and help them express themselves better with others (this may be someone having a blockage about communication, maybe cause by language or their position too, but ofc it doesn't have to be... it may be just social anxiety or anything else, any other trauma). They know they can come to you when they need to talk or clear their mind. They know you can solve their problems even just by simply listening to them speaking. Someone well read, knowledgeable, and fair. Someone that helps them ease their inner struggles. Some kind of a guide to meet and understand themselves when they cannot do it alone. You kinda help them free themselves from their own cage too (for some: this may hit them not immediately but after a while as they may be someone kinda stubborn and fixed in their mentality. This doesn't mean they don't see your ability with words and knowledge). Could be a boss or a colleague/classmate, not sure about a partner or a friend (could be), maybe a family member. Or an acquaintance.
song: haegeum | agust d
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pile 6
You help this person be more grounded and determined. More precise and efficient in what they do. You inspire them to stop and focus on what they can do to do better, on what they can change, on what they can actually control. You calm them, and you give them hope too. You give them strenght. You help them be more positive and in touch with their giving side. They see you as a source of inspiration, someone that's very important in their life, a focal point, maybe even a weak point for some. Someone very empathetic, someone they can learn a lot from, even about themselves. Someone confident and elegant. You make them think a lot indeed and make them want to be better, both as a person and in their work. You help/inspire them "revise" themselves and change/work on themselves. They learn how to be more objective and more empathetic too thanks to you. More connected with their inner self. You give them courage to pursue their dreams and work even harder. Could be a friend, a colleague/classmate, an acquaintance or even a partner or a family member.
song: powerful | ellie goulding, major lazer, tarrus riley
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softguarnere · 6 months
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 39 - Epilogue: Donadagohvi
Summary: She studies her husband’s face. It’s lined with age, but still as beautiful and as bright as the day she met him. A/N: Alright, y'all - we've made it! But before we get started, I've got some things I have to say. This fic was started during a very strange era. I hated what was going on in my life but didn't know how to fix any of it. Long story short, but I decided to run away one day, and ended up in Toccoa. While standing in the military museum there, I started thinking about Deborah Sampson (a childhood hero of mine), and wondered what would happen if a story like hers happened during WW2 - specifically, if she was a paratrooper. Thus, Zenie appeared in my brain, and this epilogue wrote itself in my mind as I went through the museum. I was never sure if I would share this fic until the second that I hit "post." Zenie was just a way for me to blow off steam, to escape - to fulfill my desire to be someone else for a bit. (Coincidentally, all themes throughout the fic.) I didn't know how people would respond to this story, or to this character, and I only ever had the courage to start uploading chapters because of friends like @latibvles and @liebgotts-lovergirl who showed enthusiasm for it. So I couldn't upload this chapter without a massive sgi (thank you) to them, as well as to everyone else who has read this fic and been so kind to it, and to me. Thank you for welcoming me into this fandom. Thank you for allowing me to share the Cherokee language with you. Thank you for all the support you've given me for both my writing, and as friends. Whether you knew it or not, all that kindness came at a time when I really needed it, and I appreciate you all. Without further ado, here's the last laglam update, in which the fic's title finally makes sense. Much love 💖 Warnings: language, alcohol Taglist: @latibvles @liebgotts-lovergirl @lady-cheeky @dcyllom @mads-weasley @ithinkabouttzu @mrs-murder-daddy @lieutenant-speirs
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Eugene looks just the same as he did when Zenie first met him. So do all the other men on this side of the reunion. For her part, she also looks the way she did when she first met all of them – albeit like a girl rather than like a man. For now, her hair is long, and her chest unbound.
No one seems to have figured out why they all look young again, and it has only been mentioned in passing during the reunions. There are better things to do, like visit with those they can, and pass between the ones they left behind, feeling their hearts swell with love as they watch them laugh, watch them remember – watch them live.
Another thing that no one has figured out is why they seem able to come back to this world at certain times. David Webster says he once read that the veil between their worlds thins during certain times of the year, and that maybe this is true of the Easy Company reunions. Zenie, however, likes to believe that it’s the love of the people still living who allow them to come back. All that love with nowhere to go. Love so strong that remembering the people you felt it for brings them back.
No time to wonder now, though. Gene is already smiling at her in greeting.
“Hello again,” he greets as she joins him.
“Gene,” she teases him with an affectionate poke to his ribs. “You haven’t aged a day since I met you in forty-two!”
“Eh, I don’t know about that, Tommy Boy,” Luz’s confident drawl digresses as the radioman swaggers up beside her. “You look a little taller. What, did you finally hit puberty or something?”
Zenie rolls her eyes, but there’s no malice to it. She did, after all, keep him in the dark about her secret until her very last day in Europe. Instead of leading him on, she asks, “How does everyone look?”
“Us? The same as ever. Them? – “ Luz gestures towards the reunion that can’t see them. “ – Well, I guess they’re aging with grace.”
“Have you seen – “
“Bill and Babe are at the bar, as per usual. And your darling husband is somewhere around the middle.”
Zenie takes a step forward before turning quickly to face her friends. “Do y’all mind if I . . . ?”
Gene smiles. “Go ahead. That’s why we’re here.”
Grateful, Zenie takes off through the crowd. Visiting her friends like this is something she always looks forward to, but visiting those she left behind is a rarer treat, and she would like to check up on them. Especially Shifty. 
Bill and Babe – to no one’s surprise – are the easiest to find. They’ve got the bartender in stitches with their jokes, and their own accented guffaws are like a lighthouse cutting through the crowd that makes them easy to navigate towards.
“Siyo, boys!” Though they can’t see or hear her, Zenie takes a seat beside them at the bar. “What’s new with y’all?”  
“They’re drinking everyone under the table, as usual,” a familiar voice beside her announces as none other than Joe Toye takes a seat beside her. His expression is just as relaxed and confident as when they were young, but as he watches their living friends, something like longing flickers behind his eyes. “Too bad that we can’t show them who the real champs are anymore.”
“At least we can visit them.”
Joe nods, smiling sadly. “You made your rounds yet?”
“Not yet.”
“Well, we got time,” her friend assures her. They have nothing but time, actually. And they use it to sit with their friends, laughing along with their jokes and making their own, even though Bill and Babe can’t hear them.
As their jokes turn to remembrances, Zenie finds herself swept up in Babe’s retelling of the time she chucked an apple at Cobb’s head back in Holland. She barely remembers the scene, able to recall only a flash of anger and a split-second decision. Babe’s version is far better – he paints her out to be some sort of knight in shining armor coming to defend the honor of her friends.
Bill shakes his head and chuckles into his drink. “Goddamn. Zee sure could make a scene.”
“You weren’t even there when her secret got out,” Babe notes. “Now that was a scene!”
“No one ever brings it up,” Bill marvels, his eyes roaming over the crowd, searching for something. “You would think everyone would talk about it all the time. I mean – shit! A woman disguised herself as a man and made it from Toccoa to the bitter end before she got found out, and no one at the reunions brings it up.”
Zenie can’t help but smile at that. It’s true – her secret got out, she had to leave in a state of semi-disgrace, but at the Easy reunions, she was usually only acknowledged as Shifty’s wife. Sure, every now and then someone would tell a funny story about Sergeant Driver before throwing a knowing wink in her direction, but after all this time, it’s like they’re still keeping her secret for her. For her own part, she never brings up her service, except to mention in passing that she met her husband during the war. Even her own children seem to be under the impression that she must have been a nurse or a WAC, using that explanation to fill in the story’s blanks. Zenie never confirmed or denied their suspicions.
“Wish she were here,” Babe sighs. He orders another round of drinks, three this time, before placing one in front of the seemingly empty bar stool beside him – unknowingly, right in front of Zenie. He raises his own glass as he offers the last one to Bill. “To Zenie.”
Bill clinks his glass against Babe’s in a toast. “To Zenie.”
“To the best friends I ever had,” Zenie adds. During her last reunion – and even during the last year or so of her life – she could sometimes swear that she could feel a presence that she couldn’t explain. An unshakable feeling that those she loved who were already gone were somehow watching her would wash over her, though she could never explain why she felt that way. Now, she wonders if her friends feel that way about her. Just in case they do, she channels all her love into those words, hoping and praying that they can feel it.
As if on cue, the bittersweet moment ends when a woman with sleek, dark hair approaches the bar, smiling. “Uncle Babe! Are you ready?”
“Luna.” Zenie watches as her daughter throws an arm around each of the men at the bar, her smile just as bright as her father’s, outshining the sun itself.
“The real question is, are you?” Bill teases his goddaughter, cocking an eyebrow. “Don’t forget, kid, that your uncle is a champion jitterbug dancer.”
Luna sizes up the man in question. “Well, I’ve been practicing.”
“Don’t worry about her.” Babe takes one last sip of his drink and waves off Bill’s concerns. “Her mom could have been a champ, too. It’s in her genes; she’ll be fine.”
“The DJ said it’ll be the next song . . .” Luna begins explaining as she hooks her arm through her uncle’s and leads him towards the small dance floor.
Bill watches them go, chuckling to himself. “Real firecracker.” He glances at the drink set out in honor of Zenie. “God, I wish you were here, little brother. It’s not the same without you.”
“I am,” Zenie assures him. She’s only been gone for two years, but things have changed. That might have scared her once. Not anymore. “I have to go find Shifty. You don’t mind, do you?”
Bill doesn’t answer, of course, but it’s polite to ask all the same. Granny didn’t teach her to mind her manners for nothing.
Zenie weaves her way through the crowd of both the living and the dead. She greets several people, stops to exchange a handshake and a kind word, and sends a nod to those who she catches lurking at the edges of the room – people like Liebgott and Captain Speirs, who only show up in the margins of the reunions, watching, but never joining in. She needs to thank those two specifically at some point. But it’s like Joe said – they’ve got time.
As Luz promised, Shifty is seated at a table in the middle of the room. Their sons, Wayne and Willie, sit on either side of him, laughing along with some story that he, McClung, and Popeye are in the middle of telling. Zenie finds a space to stand behind her husband, being as present as she can. She places one hand on Wayne’s shoulder, and the other on Shifty’s.
At the moment of contact, Shifty’s posture stiffens, and his head turns slightly. Zenie freezes, like she’s just disrupted something. Has she? Can he feel her here?
Shifty only listens to the story being told halfheartedly now. He smiles and laughs in all the right places, but it’s obvious that he’s distracted. These reunions are supposed to be fun. Sure, they can get a little emotional at times, but she doesn’t want her husband missing out on her account. He’s still got a life to live. He needs to be in the present moment and enjoy it.
Zenie bends slightly so that she’s close to Shifty’s ear. She doubts anyone else at the table knows that she’s here, but she wants this to be a private moment for the two of them.
“Shifty,” she whispers. “I’m here. I just wanted to make sure that you’re okay.” She has to pause for a moment to think about what she wants to say. It’s one thing to plan what you’re going to tell somebody, and another thing entirely to deliver the message. Sometimes things get lost in translation. She learned that during their break back in the war.
She studies her husband’s face. It’s lined with age, but still as beautiful and as bright as the day she met him. God, she misses him. She misses all of them.
“The boys look well,” she continues, looking between their sons. “I hope they’re taking care of you for me. They’ve always adored you.” She pats Shifty’s shoulder. She shouldn’t take up his attention too much longer. “Take your time. Enjoy it. I’ll be waiting for you, okay? I’ll see you soon, Shifty.”
Not sure if it will work, she plants a kiss on his cheek. When she pulls away, she watches as Shifty’s hand comes up to touch the place where they made contact. Maybe he really can feel her here.
“Gvgeyui,” Zenie says. I love you.
Gene is waiting at the edge of the crowd when she finds him again.
“How’d it go?” He asks.
Zenie nods. “Good. You?”
“Good.” Gene’s dark eyes flick over the crowd. “It’s nice we get to do this.”
It is nice. Bittersweet, mostly, but it’s good to see their loved ones again, even for a short time before they have to go back. But returning isn’t bad, either. The weather is always warm. And there are people she loves waiting for her there.
In fact, she should get going for exactly that reason. Granny wants to dig ramps soon, and Mama informed her that there would be a pie waiting upon her return. No matter which side of the gauzy veil she’s on, there is always someone waiting for her, and always a place that she belongs.
For strength, Zenie takes Gene’s hand and gives it a squeeze. He returns the gesture, and they begin to walk away from the crowd. But before they go, Zenie can’t help but glance back at Easy Company one last time. Her eyes, as always, land on Shifty. She’ll see him again. She’ll see them all again, in one way or another.
“Until we meet again,” Zenie informs them all, whether they can hear her or not. “Donadagohvi.”
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lucysweatslove · 9 months
I got my new car today!!! I haven’t actually driven it yet. Because new things are scary for me and it takes me a little while to get used to something like driving a new car, I wanted to drive it around my parents’ a little before going in a busy road. Rob said it has “responsive break” and i wanna get that “feel” down before I’m in heavy traffic. I like it though and am very grateful and excited!!
Being at my parents’ hasn’t been too triggering this time around. Usually there are some kind of comments about my body or what I’m eating, but we have such a short turn around this year that thankfully it hasn’t been too bad…
Did have to listen to my mom talk about this guy who has multiple myeloma (my mom has a precursor to MM) and apparently is in “full remission” using an antiviral but it came back because he got the covid vaccine…. Tried to explain why that’s probably not true actually but you know… I think she just desperately wants there to be simple/easier answers to the cancer she might develop, which I get, but I also feel like this is how misinformation takes roots.
(We don’t have a perfect system here in the US by far, but we aren’t lagging behind in the cancer treatment realm…. If antivirals worked to cure MM, there would be research on it… and people would do it… contrary to popular belief, Big Pharma isn’t pushing ineffective expensive drugs to steal your money and keep you sick…drugs are ridiculously expensive, but it’s not malicious… insurance companies are far more malicious for refusing coverage than the pharma companies imo)
Also listening to some people talk about pot shop workers (specifically managerial roles) not deserving to be paid a certain amount, all the gender critical bs, like yall, I don’t like government regulations in general and I have my views on how we attempt legislating morality and why it doesn’t work, but like…… when you use that argument to justify why people who “don’t have any education and just know drugs” (not a real quote just a paraphase) don’t deserve to be paid a certain amount, AND you don’t use it to say that like, gov shouldn’t restrict access to health care like abortions and gender affirming care… that’s not “government shouldn’t legislate morality,” that’s “government should legislate the morality I agree with” which is… the same thing you’re complaining about the “other side” doing.
Especially the gender stuff. It takes very little actual energy to use somebody’s preferred, correct pronouns. Affirming care literally saves lives. When you spend a lot of energy and time lobbying against these things, it really just tells me how uncomfortable you are with the idea that somebody could have a different life experience than you. The only person who should be spending that much time and energy caring about those things… should be the person themselves. Partners or family ofc should care too, but in a “how do we support this person so they can live a fulfilling life” way, not in a “i can’t handle anybody having a different lived experience than me” kind of way.
And also if you’re gonna complain about federal spending and budgets, can you at least acknowledge the ridiculous defense budget? Even if your viewpoint is “I don’t know how we can realistically and safely scale that back,” just like… recognize how little the government actually spends on programs like VA health care in relation to the massive defense budget. We rank third in the world for per capita military spending… I’m not saying you need answers on how to solve anything, but if you’re gonna criticize the drops in the bucket, acknowledging that they are in fact drops in the bucket comparatively would be nice.
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agendabymooner · 11 months
11, 17, 42, 46 plzzzzz 😘😘
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
— I used to like one specific character for one driver that I would write. Say, the Hearth sisters universe with Max Verstappen, Toto Wolff, Charles Leclerc and Lewis Hamilton. I noticed that I wrote more about all of them except Lewis.
I suppose it’s because they have more structure when it comes to the pairing dynamics that they share with my original characters. Whereas I don’t know what else is there to Lewis’ relationship with Stevie Hearth (backstory, per se).
I think being partial to a pairing is just based off of the amount of knowledge that I’ve put into the stories behind their relationship. That’s why I think I wrote less about Lewis and Stevie.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
— It’s not really a specific AU but it’s more on the characters’ background? For example, I’ve written about Filipino!OFC and Carlos Sainz, a Spanish man. I knew that if I wrote it not many people would understand because for one: my readers don’t share the same culture nor history as me. So I try my best to go for a more general and less niche character background so that everyone can relate regardless.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
— Most comments always stand out to me. It’s mostly because I love the fact that they’re reading every single line that I write or every single text that I put in the SMAU— it makes me feel at ease knowing that people who read my stuff are engaged! I feel special to say the least!
— Another thing that truly stands out to me is when they put themselves in the same position as the characters. Like there’s @tipsys-blog (I miss them sm)— whenever I saw their tags when they reblog my SMAUs or written fics I feel so happy because someone’s actually enjoying it??? But yeah! Any comments on the tags or just a plain reply stands out to me!
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
— I usually write on my phone (I have a notes app full of ideas I shit you not) but editing the stuff isn’t good for it so I usually move from phone to computer! My written fics are always drafted at Google Docs! For my SMAUs I generally just use my phone for them. It’s great for SMAUs because I can make ‘em anytime anywhere!
Thank you for sending the Qs, mirrorball anon! 🫶 I love talking about my writing process or just anything about writing in general!
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mythvoiced · 7 months
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NAME?: Len, Lena, Lenlen, anything with that you can think of~
PRONOUNS?: any~ saw Winter on dash go 'agender hoes rise up' so this is me rising up--
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: primarily discord, IMs and I have just... we never hit it off, and with the way the notification thing keeps glitching-- i'll keep the chat open in that circle to not forget to reply, but i'll never know when something new comes in bc the notification disappears if you have the bubble thing there, which means if i do reply it takes me so long to realize i've been replied back-- BUT i mean ofc hit me up on IMs if you don't have my discy i will try to be THERE
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Celebrity Verse Hyun oH HECK'S yeah, though i have to admit i don't have a lot of... muse muse per se, i could write just about anyone i guess, but no one's burning with activity/to be written
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: gosh, my first mumu i opened back in january 2016, before that though i'd been rping already on other blogs... 2015-16? online at the very least, i remember i was rping on paper back in middle school before even knowing what it was lmao
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I HAVE to second Ferre, the group plots we got going on right now are basically single-handedly keeping me FIRED UP to write~ but if i may be lovey dovey, my best experience is just overall right now, or most of 2023, the moots i'm surrounded by, the way i'm gradually letting go more and more of insecurities and anxieties, i'm calming down and just... being blessed by superb writing & ideas~
RP PET PEEVES?: gosh, i don't know~? i do believe if i stumbled upon them, there'd be a few out there in the great big blue, but lately i've been having such a good dash and environment, i kind of forgOT FDKLGHLF i'll add it if i can think of anything at some point
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: same as Ferre~ i'm in it for the character development, for the vibes, for the growth, for poking and prodding at psyches and morals and hearts, or just to figure out how people interact, i love just... the very concept of interaction itself~ i do angst >:3333 i do fluff :33 but i mostly do?? i have no idea how to describe it lmao but i don't do smut, i don't know how to and feel weird about it ♥
PLOTS OR MEMES?: I'M A CRIMINAL, I JUST KEEP STEALING FERRE'S ANSWERS BC SAME?? LKDSGJFLHG lately I've realized I do enjoy plotting more >:3 i used to be a pretty wing it kinda guy mostly because plotting translated to serious commitment in my head? and the mere thought of that was scawwy and exhausting, it felt like i was suddenly Planning and Strategizing in a work environment oh god, BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT PLOTTING IS TURNS OUT FDKLLLLLLLGH i had it all wrong~ it doesn't have to feel like business emails, it SHOULDN'T, it can be random ideas thrown back and forth and i absolutely adore that, i've been enjoying a fair amount of plotting lately >:3 and have ONLY BEEN WINNING~ that being said, memes are perfect for lil spin-off/filler episodes of ongoing dynamics, but especially good for ice-breakers (if we never interacted before, hmu~)
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: longer, i simply don't shut up~ i can do shorter, but they tend to lengthen naturally with time; i try to match my partner above all else, but there's always something i just... can't keep out of the damn text~ there are certain muses, though, that demand less text, characters like Diana are very curt and cut-off and it reflects in her threads and all that-- SO, before i completely derail, i go for long replies usually, but i can flex my flexing bones and do short too~
TIME TO WRITE?: GOSH, f*ck if i know at this point. it used to be in the evening, now it's just... whenever i have time & energy~ i don't work consistent regular hours, so there's no clearly defined work hours and leisure hours, so sometimes evenings, somethings mornings, sometimes weekdays, sometimes weekends, usually not afternoons, i do try to keep a queue going though so hehehe~ don't worry~
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: maybe...? i don't know anymore-- KLDSJGLKGF realistically speaking, probably? at least some of them, mostly because the saying goes you put a bit of yourself in every character you create, i would also say because i have Too Many Muses so statistically i'm probably in there somewhere~
tagged by: their royal MIGHTINESS @stillresolved tagging: @theimpalpable @crue1 @usuhan @fablewrote @riiese @repetiita @voxvulgi @heirofhermes @sw4nsongs & YOU
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months
The fear of a character to ooc is so understandable and something I suffer from as well. Especially when it comes to popular ones because some people can be so rude about your personal interpretation.
However don’t let these people stop you from writing about whoever you like, because their interpretation ist not more canon or better than yours even if they think that. And at the end of the day if they don’t like that than they can move on and read something else. If someone leaves you hate for that I will fight them.
Nobody is entitled to force you to write a character a certain way. At the end of the day you decided to share these stories with us for free!!!
Personally I think there will be a lot of people happy with your interpretation of character like Gojo and Toji. How you write them is like a breath of fresh air, because it’s not like the most popular interpretation. Which I do enjoy reading, I just like to see different sides of character that I havent seen before. The different characterizations from writers are the best part of Fan Fics.
I think it would be really nice to read a story from you with focus on Toji or Gojo. If you don’t want to go there yet, I would absolutely love a lighthearted fic with Inumaki.
Sorry again for the long text, this is just such a personal topic for me :)
And before I forget it I am that anon that wanted to become a regular. From now on I will use 📝 to identity myself.
i definitely think you’re right!! just because someone else’s interpretation is different doesn’t mean it’s more or less correct. it’s up to everyone to decide how they want to write different characters for sure!! sometimes i get stressed abt random things hahah but you’re def correct in saying that if people don’t like then they can move on and read smth else because at the end of the day i’m doing this for fun not because i’m getting paid HAHAHA.
thank you so much though!! i do think the way i wrote toji that one time in the mrs l/n chapter of pi was def different than most versions of him i’ve seen. i think the core of pi toji is his feelings of inferiority and guardedness stemming from his background which i don’t really see in fics for toji (not that i really read a lot for him but whenever i do happen upon anything toji-centric it’s usually focused more on other aspects of his character). with gojo i tend to try and show how he is very very lonely and also dehumanized even as he is idolized just because of his role as the strongest. he’s someone who has the power to save everyone but in the long run has never really saved anyone and that’s very isolating which informs how i view him as a character (although he has plenty of silly moments as per canon). again gojo isn’t really a character that i read fics for so idk if that’s something people typically incorporate or not but in my limited experience it isn’t. all of that is to say i don’t think i ever really go ooc with any characters but instead focus on parts of them that people aren’t as used to so i’m not sure how they will respond. but that’s on them for sure!! the back button exists for a reason :)
honestly toji is a character i would only want to write in a plot like he had with mrs l/n from pomegranate ink but ofc i’ve already written that HAHAHA so idk if i would be able to come up with something else for him. gojo though…hmm. he would def be fun to write for but i’d have to figure out how exactly to go about it and whether i would want to do an au or a canon universe fic as both would have their challenges. i do love writing silly romcom stuff w inumaki though!! he’s just such a fun character but he def has more one shot / side pairing appeal to me vs being the main love interest for a full story just because there’s only so much you can do with a boy that mostly only says salmon 😭
no worries i love long asks and rants!!! hearing other people’s thoughts on just about anything is always fun for me 🫶🏻 and that sounds perfect welcome 📝 anon!!
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Tbh, if I had to characterize the trans rep in this fandom, it would be "non-existent" as there are around 39 out of 7000 fics on AO3 with trans rep (0.5%). So when you make a post tagging every ship in fandom, most people are probably thinking "what is this guy talking about...there *is* no trans rep" (which ofc is a separate issue and a separate discussion).
I felt that most of your post was reasonable, though I disagree with the swipe at omegaverse. It's a polarizing trope so it's valid to dislike it (I have cis friends who do), but I think you're taking your personal opinion about a trope and trying to foist it on everyone else. You can just curate your own fandom experience and not read it.
this is fair! maybe it is my experience in the fandom and the combination of transphobia and fetishization of mlm relationships, but it's lot more prevalent than many people make it out to be. but, i'm not the only trans or gay person to notice this uptick in disrespect, or the only one that wants to nip it in the bud. as per usual, more under the cut.
passing comments in the server, seemingly innocent threads, ideas and headcanons, and the sheer disregard for other people's input does add up to be quite a bit of what i mentioned.
yes, this fandom is bigger than the top gun: maverick server that i'm a member of, but that doesn't mean that i'm not allowed to publicly bring attention to issues that affect the fandom as a whole. many of the consistently praised content creators for the top gun fandom are active in that server, but choose to ignore the important conversations that go on in there regarding their treatment of the lgbt community. considering their purposeful ignorance of being called out in the server and considering that i do have the the right to post what i want, i don't really see the harm in bringing up this issue. yes, trans rep does not seem all that common in the fandom, but whenever there is new representation, it is often: a.) posted by someone in the server b.) having been discussed and encouraged in the server c.) the recipient of blind support simply for its inclusion of trans characters.
about the a/b/o remark, i did not mean it as a slight to a/b/o as a whole, but rather singling out specific characters in the a/b/o universe. for instance, if all male characters are still AMAB and an author singles out one to make trans simply so that intimate scenes are easier and more familiar to write? that is fetishization, and i am beginning to see it more often with a/b/o fics rather than the traditional hand-wavey 'all omegas have receptive genitalia and all alphas have penetrative genitalia' scenarios. there are a lot of a/b/o fics that i enjoy, but also a lot of a/b/o that cause myself and others to feel dysphoric in their treatment of certain characters
it's easy to tell someone to simply ignore the fandom of media that they enjoy. it's easy to tell someone to not read what they don't like! i never purposefully click on fics or on art or in threads that i know fetishize mlm relationships or trans people, but often, it slips through the cracks. like many, i am attempting to 'curate my own fandom experience' but find it difficult when, at nearly every turn, there is an ignorant cishet white woman in her thirties insisting on fetishizing people like me.
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anime-grimmy-art · 4 years
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What do you do when there’s not much to an AU? You make up your own stuff, ofc. And as is per usual when I make Character Designs, I make up a shit ton of lore too.
The ramblings under the cut, but what I’m really interested in, is what you guys think. Do you guys have any headcanons/ideas for this AU? Let me hear them! Also, if you don’t wanna read on tumblr, here’s the Google Docs link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/151yshHxnb_--P6eMKkwkI2dee9xC_Llb/view?usp=sharing
Before I get into the characters’ roles, here’s some general facts and backstory of their town:
- Basically, it’s Undertale meets Harvest Moon / Stardew Valley. Well, kinda. I at least used that approach for coming up for the jobs for the characters. You know, how there’s always a general store, a doctor, a smithy, etc.
- The usual story of a HM game is that you come to a town that’s way past its glory days and you, as the player/farmer, help them get back to that. The “backstory” of the town is that that already kinda happened. I’ll get into it more in the character description, but basically when Asgore was still mayor, the town got really popular. Then yadda yadda, a certain tragedy happened, two kids died, and the town suddenly got very bad publicity. There was a lot of stuff going on back then, bad reputation being spread and also a lot of law stuff, cos, you know, supposed child murder ‘n all, so Asgore made the decision to shut off the town to ppl from outside. This was in the interest of most monsters living there, because as fun as it is to have a lot of people coming there, most just wanted to live a quiet life. Not everyone was happy with that though, so many moved away from town and some others are trying to get the town back on its feet. But more on that later.
On to the characters:
I’m just gonna start with the skelebros, cos it’s their fault in the first place I got so invested.
Basically, they are what the player is in hm/sdv. They just showed up one day, took over the abandoned farmhouse and began their life there. The two came to town way after it was “closed” and since then a new mayor has opened the possibility for new residents to move in. Their farm helps the economy of the town a lot and the mayor, like usually in hm games, is trying to use that to make the town more known again. The skelebros aren’t really working towards that goal however.
So, now a bit more detail on them individually.
- The design is mostly based on what’s “canon” in this au.
- He works mostly on the fields and is in charge of the crops. Their fields aren’t spectacularly big, but still big enough to plant a few dozen rows of veggies. 
- Paps also helps out a lot in town when he has the time. He helps Asgore with his plants, he goes fishing with Undyne, helps Toriel carry crates around and so on. This is inspired by the part-time job mechanic in HM ToT.
- Unbelievably, in this AU Pap is not an absolutely awful cook. Since he helps out at Muffet’s and Grillby’s a lot, they tend to show him some tricks to cooking. Even though Pap’s not a big fan of the greasy or overly sweet cooking those two do, he picks up a lot.
- Again, design mostly based on the “canon” look. Maybe a bit more baggy.
- This is finally an AU this dude gets to rest. Since there are no resets and he doesn’t have to see his bro die again and again, for once in his life, he’s not a sad ball of depression. He’s just a chill and lazy dude that loves to make puns. Though, since he’s not too experienced with the feelings of loss, helplessness or grieving, he still tends to hide behind puns and fakes smiles if he does feel bad.
- Sans is in charge of the animals on the farm. Papyrus begrudgingly gave him that role since Pap’s loud demeanour and hectic movements usually scare the animals. Sans’ relaxed attitude draws the animals to him naturally and even if Pap mostly finds him sleep against a tree, in a stack of hay or on one of the sheep, the animals are always fed, healthy and relaxed, so Sans seems to be doing his job.
- Sans always has a small chic sit inside his hoodie or hat. Is it always the same one? Who knows, maybe.
- Sans also, somehow, can produce eggs out of thin air. Grab into his hoodie pocket, in his pants pocket, in his hat, in his slipper, there’s suddenly always an egg there. On good days he can even make butter or cheese appear. 
- He’s literally just a scarecrow in this. Though, if you ask any of the bros why they designed their scarecrow that way, they won’t have an answer.
- Frisk is mostly based on what I wore myself as a kid in summer. Just a loose shirt with a cappy. Toriel basically has her ut gown, just with an apron on top.
- Frisk just appeared outside the “magical” forest one day. Napstablook and his cousin found them and brought them to Toriel, who has been taking care of them since.
- Toriel runs the general store in town, but also often takes care of the few kids that still live there.
- Frisk usually helps out in Toriels store, plays with the other kids or sits around at Asgore’s. They’re notorious for nabbing small snacks, mostly from Asgore’s plants. You’ll always find them munching on something. 
- Frisk was in town before the skelebros. Since they’d moved in, Frisk often went to spy on their farm. After a small incident with angry chicken, Frisk got to know the two better and now they see them as something between brothers and uncles.
- But Frisk honestly gets along with everyone. Just like in UT, they’ve not only been adopted by Toriel but literally everyone.
- Toriel and Asgore’s relationship is not as bad as in the main game, since, you know, Asgore didn’t kill literal children, but there’s still tension between them. Back when Asriel and Chara died and the whole thing with the bad rep for the town began, Toriel felt betrayed by Asgore focusing more on the town than giving their deceased kids the grieving they deserved. They’re not divorced, but Toriel still moved out and said needed space to think. Now that Frisk is in the picture though, the both of them are slowly coming to even ground and may even be able to talk things out and clear up the uncertainty of their decisions.
-Asgore has his UT Ending / Deltarune clothes, just with a gardener’s belt.
- He’s the previous mayor of the town, but after all the crap that happened, he stepped down from the position. Now he has his own little shop and sells seeds, saplings, homegrown veggies and fertilizer. So, basically what e.g. the Marimba Farm is in HM AP
- His main customer is Papyrus and they’re on friendly terms. Asgore is worried about how much and how hard Pap works, so he often gives him a discount. 
- Since his family’s past tragedy, Asgore is kind of nervous around kids. So, when he first met Frisk, he hoped they’d not visit him too often. But to his chagrin, Frisk took an instant liking to him and spends a lot of time at his shop (and steals eats the fresh grown veggies). Now, he’s really grateful for that, because for one, he loves Frisk as dearly as he had his own children, and also because now the tension and mistrust between him and Toriel seem to grow smaller day by day.
- I gave Undyne a pretty basic fisher’s outfit. Alphys basically has Elli from HM’s outfit, just a bit more doctory stuff added. She still has her canon lab coat too.
- In essence, Undyne and Alphys have 2 completely different jobs. Alphys is the resident doctor and Undyne runs the fish market.
Two things. Yes, I know Alphys is more a mechanic than a doctor, she fits the aesthetic though, so she’s the doc now. And no, Undyne being a fisherwoman is not cannibalism, think of it more as a shark hunting smaller fish.
- The reason I lump them together is because they act as the local “smithy”. Alphys is still really tech savvy in this (I mean, Mettaton is still part of this AU), so she takes on most problems with electronics and stuff. For Undyne, I didn’t want to lose her Royal Guard’s Captain image, so she’s really good at handling tools (and weapons, but Al doesn’t let her make them anymore). So basically, if there’s a broken tool, you can be sure that either Undyne or Alphys can fix it.
- As for relationships, those two are still an item. Alphys is still really shy and a shut-off, but since Undyne and Pap become best friends, she gets to know the skelebros better. She and Sans especially get along well, since most of the time Undyne and Papyrus are let loose, they sit back and talk about science-y stuff. (no, Sans doesn’t have a background in science but he’s still into sci-fi)
- Alphys has a bit of a strained relationship with both Asgore and Mettaton.
Back when Chara and Asriel died, it was because of “illness” (maybe poisoning?). Alphys feels awful because with her back then limited knowledge on medicine she couldn’t help the two. Asgore doesn’t hold anything against her but Alphys can’t help but feel guilty.
Alphys still built Mettaton’s body in this one. The two had a really big disagreement, because Mettaton hated the fact the town was going to close, and he couldn’t understand how Alphys could feel otherwise, even more so endorse the idea.
Mettaton, Napstablook, Mad Dummy/Mew Mew:
- Napsta and Dummy are pretty self-explanatory, they got straw hats. Mettaton’s outfit is a bit of a joke cos it’s a play on “work at the top and party at the bottom”. The tie has two different sides, one with the yellow red pattern, the other completely red. His “top part” is the business part, because when he’s on tv or in the mayors’ office, you don’t usually see his feet. The bottom is his party/dance part, cos his dancing/entertainment channels mostly feature his legs. 
- Mettaton, still a robot, Napstablook and Mad Dummy are all still cousins in this AU.
- Originally, they all lived and worked at the Blook Farm, the Animal Farm of this AU. Mettaton, however, despised that simple live and after befriending Alphys and her building him a body, he left the Farm to pursue bigger things. 
- Mettaton runs the local tv network. From weather to game shows, he does it all. He also runs the tailor shop in town that sells his designer clothes and merchandise. After Asgore stepped down, Mettaton also took over the role of town’s mayor and now works towards making the place more known again. Not everybody is happy with him doing that though.
- One of those people is the Mad Dummy. He can’t stand people anyways and he always claims that history would just repeat itself.
- Since the whole family is made of ghosts, they have different dummies and scarecrows they can use to take care of the animals. To mock Mettaton and kinda get back at Alphys for giving MTT such an opportunity, Mad Dummy found the blueprints for the Mew Mew robot and now modelled one of their scarecrows after it. 
- Napstablook isn’t fond of taking over obejcts like his cousins do, so he mostly takes care of the snails. Somehow, he can interact with them even when incorporeal. 
- The two of them run the Inn together. Muffet cooks in the daytime and makes desserts, Grillby manages the bar in the evening. 
- The two still can’t really stand each other but working together like this benefits them both because their rivalry just spurs them on more.
- Even though Grillby is a patient person, somehow Muffet is the only person who riles him up enough to retaliate. (Well, maybe except for Sans, he’s a strong second).
So, basically everything between those two is a challenge in some way. Even if Papyrus doesn’t notice, even his cooking lessons are a challenge for them. 
- Even though they’re constantly bickering, after working together for so many years, there’s a strange level of respect and trust between them. Even if back when they first started this business, they’d pour salt into an already open wound, nowadays they’d know better and just take a step back from the other or even comfort the other (on very rare occasions only). 
- They be dead. Kinda.
Some Characters that’d live in that town too but that I haven’t made designs for:
- Gerson is the original smithy of the town. He’d grown up in a family of smiths, but he’d always had an appreciation for the sea. That’s why, when the town became more deserted and Undyne had a good enough skill level as smith, he took up the Captains hat and now mostly spends his days out on sea. He also ferries people to places if they need him to. Oh, and just like in canon, Undyne learned most of her skills from him.
- Burgerpants is a poor dude Mettaton basically kidnapped when he was trying to get fame in the city. Now Burgerpants works wherever MTT needs him to, be that as cameraman for the tv shows, cashier in his tailor shop or his slave secretary in the mayor’s office.
- MK is Frisk’s best kid friend. MK’s parents are in charge of shipping the goods out of town and paying the individual people. MK’s the one that usually collects the goods at the end of the day.
- Other than that, there are only a few people in town. I’d imagine the older folks or the really young families stayed in town after it was closed. I think the librarby dude would still run the library. Some Snowdin residents like the stone family or the dogs also might still live there. 
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xxskycrystalxx · 2 years
DS:MOM Thoughts [heavy spoilers beware]
I’m literally still processing the movie but here are just some jumbled thoughts of mine. (mostly of palmerstrange)
1. Defender Strange... you will be missed.
2. When I saw Stephen watching Christine get married in the trailer I thought yes, this is absolutely saddening and nothing could be worse than that (in terms of palmerstrange). Little did I know that that was only a fraction of how much harder Stephen took it in the movie. I mean just seeing him there and talking to Christine and wishing that things had went differently literally BROKE ME. Right person wrong time tbh.
3. America Chavez is amazing. The way people are hating both her and the actress is horrible and shouldn’t be condoned. She’s a great character and I can’t wait to see more of her in future movies/shows. Love how she and Strange really bonded, it was heartwarming. Makes me even sadder about him and Peter.
4. WONGGGGGGGGG THE OGGGGGGGGGG ; I had worries that they’d kill him off but he’s alright and being iconic as per usual.
5. Wanda. Dear Wanda. She was an absolute menace in the movie lol and I mean it literally. We knew she was as powerful as Sorcerer Supreme and just in general but damnnnnnnnnnn. I was legitimately terrified of her at certain points. I get why she became like that, I mean everyone should know. I feel for her I really do, but damn. Also... I’m pretty sure she’s not dead :)
6. Not Stephen’s significant memory being the one with him and Christine having dinner and Christine giving him THE watch. *crying in palmerstrange feels*
7. THE ILLUMANTI!!!!!!!! I was expecting the others (especially Professor X since we heard him in the trailer and Captain Carter as well as Monica Rambeau being Captain Marvel) but what really made me internally scream and pump my fists in the air was John Krasinski as Reed Richards. He was the perfect fan casting as him and I’m literally over the moon seeing him in the suit/character. I’m expecting him to come back in the new F4 movie and when he does I will literally lose it. Actually I’d lose it even more if they cast Emily Blunt as Sue Richards. Besides that, it was quite gruesome and sad that the heroes of that world were killed off so easily and brutally like holy crap. RIP
8. The music fight between the two Strange’s was just absolute *chef’s kiss.* 
9. “I love you. I love you in every universe. It’s not that I don’t want to care for someone, or have someone care for me, it’s just -- I get scared.” *cue the sobbing* I lost it when Stephen said this, absolutely lost it. I will never EVER climb out of the Palmerstrange hole I’ve dug for myself after this. I just can’t. Then the way 838-Christine caressed his face like Christine did in the sacred timeline in the first movie..... that was it for me. Rachel and Benedict. You guys destroyed me, but I’m entirely grateful for it. The fact that in every universe Palmerstrange were a thing but could never get the endgame they deserved hurts me sm that just thinking about them makes me want to cry forever. WHAT DID THEY DO TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS????????!!!!! On sidenote: I want someone to love me in every universe too.... 
10. The watch. THE WATCH. Seeing the watch Christine gave Stephen now will just be giving me trauma and heartbreak. I do like the fact that at the end they had Stephen fix the watch and put it away as a sign of him moving on. I mean there was always going to be a point where he moved on. I’m happy for him. But ofc, my sad Palmerstrange heart always had hoped for a happy ending for them. It is what it is now. 
11. They introduced Clea [pretty sure that’s her in the first end credits although the casting is not my favorite] so she’ll be a very important character in the next film (or whatever else she’ll be in) and will most likely be Stephen’s love interest [since yes they are married in the comics.... Clea Strange....], I don’t hate her. I’m looking forward to what her character will bring, but it doesn’t mean I’ve recovered from Palmerstrange and that Rachel/Christine should not be in future films. If they want to erase her when Clea comes in, sorry that’s not it. I won’t have it. If they can’t be a thing anymore fine, but at least let her still be in Stephen’s life as a close friend, a confidante even. It’s the least that could be done at this point. 
12. No cap but all the multiverse stuff made my head spin lol, but that sequence where Stephen and America were going through all the universes’ was really cool though, props to Marvel for that. 
13. Marvel really made me wait like 20 minutes to see the second end-credits scene and then proceeded to troll everyone by showing us that pizza-donut thing seller guy finally stop punching himself in the face. Thanks for that Marvel. 
Overall really great movie, I had a great time being in the theaters and watching it (seeing as how I haven’t been to the theaters ever since COVID started), absolute stellar performances from the whole cast, love them all!!! I have more rambles/thoughts about the movie but I think I’ll stop here and spare anyone who reads this from anymore lol. 
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
To Catch A Thief
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The Thief x ofc | Dieter Bravo* x ofc (named Vanessa Jones)
* my head canon for Dieters real name is Daniel Silva. Ofc does not call him Dieter. Thief is unnamed for now.
Inspired by this song
Drabble for now | Words: 717
An: well this is an Arte first, here goes a little bit of The Thief! I dabbled with Dieter briefly, see more here.
Warnings: thieves, stealing, crime , Dieter (that cuddly mess) is his own warning, mentions of pot, sex, and sexual frustration.
For @writer-wednesday | this prompt
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Vanessa’s eyes wander the room as the theatre fills up. She’s seen this play a dozen times, it was unavoidable.
A certain type of client, well, target, could always be found at this show. Vanessa wasn’t a thief per se, what she took was already stolen.
That’s what she and her team did, they recovered stolen goods and returned them back to their rightful place. She took from the elite, the rich, the fancy who liked to display shit that didn’t belong to them behind glass cases and her target was here, fourth row, left side, seat 33 A.
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“This,” he pauses for dramatic effect, “is amazing.”
Vanessa follows Daniel’s voice and notices he’s still staring at his phone, one eyebrow raised as he smiles devilishly.
“You know as soon as the light goes out, it will be very obvious you’re on your phone.”
“No, seriously, you have to see this - “ he starts to show her the phone when a couple stops in the aisle and stares at him.
“It’s you, I knew it - “ the woman says in a hushed voice and pulls on the guy's arm, “you’re Dieter Bravo!”
The sigh that rolls off his lips makes Vanessa laugh. He offers a lazy wave and reaches into his coat pocket. Pulling out a pair of shades, he slips them on. The couple gets the hint and keeps on walking.
Bumping into her very famous on and off again lover earlier in the day was throwing a very interesting monkey wrench in her plans.
It’s hard to do a job when you have someone next to you people want to take pictures with. Not that Vanessa would have intentionally picked a famous person as a lover it just - happened. Long story for another time.
Vanessa insisted they meet up sometime later, Daniel, aka Dieter, insisted on tagging along and used his status to get a ticket to the sold out show, and a seat right next to her.
Amused, she rests her head back against the chair and observes him, “The shades don’t really work you know, can still tell it’s you. Just - dressed up.”
“Look at this,” he hands her the phone. As soon as her eyes meet the screen she smirks and stares at him.
“Seriously, you’ve been lingerie shopping?”
“This,” he sits up and pulls up the cart, “ would look - exquisite on you. I’m buying it. They do overnight delivery.” He takes the phone back and keeps scrolling, adding stuff to the cart he likes.
“I have lingerie.”
“Not this lingerie - “ he stops scrolling and holds the phone closer to his face, his jaw dropping, “okay, we need this one… this is very important,” Daniel shows it to her, “how long are you in town? I just got off set after 5 weeks, it was tortute.”
“No lucky ladies or guys?”
He frowns, “no. I have 5 weeks of sexual frustration to get out of my system,” he lower his shades, his brown eyes on hers, “and I need more pot.”
“We had sex before coming here.”
“Yeah. Once. That’s not enough.” He sulks and goes back to scrolling the lace section of the site.
Chuckling, Vanessa rubs his thigh. Daniel, who she refused to call by his stage name Dieter, was a mess. But a loveable mess.
Before she can comment verbally, the lights dim, the show starts.
Halfway through the first part, Vanessa feels like she’s being watched. She can’t shake the feeling. Usually, at something like this, she chooses the box seats. But, she’s only in town to spy on her target, who always sat in the orchestra stalls. Her eyes eventually move upward, pass the upper circle, balcony seats and to the boxes.
In the darkened theater she can't see much. Just as she’s about to look away and return her focus to the stage, she spots a man with binoculars, sitting in a box seat by himself. Before she can get a better look, the first act ends, the theater goes black.
When the lights come up again for intermission, the man in the box seat is gone.
More writer Wednesday entries
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An: Not really trying to go for canon or anything, and with the Thief we have a totally open slate so I’m just having fun with this. I don’t have time to expand right now, I’m ankle deep in WIPS, but this is something I want to get back to later, including Vanessa’s backstory which some of the song lyrics are tied to. :) The group she works for is like a secret, underground thing. Also, I Stan bi! Dieter 100% so yeah. He is. He’s also an artist bc I’m obsessed with him as a tortured artist. I’ll explore that more in another dieter work but touch on it here too. In both I’ll keep the whole ‘dieter may be a sex addict it just require lots of it’ thing.
Dieter hanging around could be troublesome for Vanessa andddd the nameless Thief may encounter some issues when he discovers he shares a face with a famous actor…as for Dieter, I think he’d enjoy all of this.
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More jealous Cassian please😭 I loved the last one with tarquin, so it does not necessarily have to be jealous Cassian, maybe just Nesta and tarquin friendship and their shenanigans (with Feyre ofc)
Alright everyone here it is! Pt 2 of Nesta taking herself a damn vacation in the summer court (aka me writing the fantasy life I personally would be living if I was made Fae… hot take but Summer > Night for me I just love the water and sun!!)
Nesta might never go back to the Night Court, she decided. She decided this laying on the top deck of Sunchaser, Tarquin’s sleek and luxurious personal yacht. It was considerably smaller than the massive party barge he usually took guests out on, but faster and infinitely more comfortable.
She thought about never returning to the imperially beautiful city of Velaris as drops of turquoise water skidded off of her body and were absorbed by the plush royal blue towel she’d draped over her lounge chair. Soft as cashmere but insanely absorbent. Some special fabric Summer inventors had woven into existence. She’d already stolen countless robes made out of the material, and yet, every time she came to visit there was a fresh one laid out in her chambers.
Not so long ago Nesta had thought she was too dark and twisted and broken to exist in any court, even the one her sister ran. And now she had dedicated rooms in three different courts.
“I think this is my favorite court, Quin.” Nesta sighed as the High Lord of Summer waved a hand and her glass refilled. She took another sip of the slushy beverage that tasted like salt and lime and summer sun.
“You’re only saying that because I pamper you when you come.” It was true, in the years that Nesta had been using Summer as an escape, she and Tarquin had struck up a somewhat unlikely friendship. He’d remembered her speech in the High Lord’s meeting during the war. She remembered that he’d been one of the only people in the room who seemed to genuinely care about the humans. They could spend hours in the sun or with a bottle of wine well past dark discussing the best ways to shake up the entrenched systems of inequality that ran rampant through Prythian.
Tarquin wanted to change tbings. And he had already started in his own Court. He didn’t just talk. He acted. Nesta admired that.
He did go on about how complicated equality could be or the many reasons why certain citizens were living a better life in his court than others. He identified the problem, talked through a solution, and implemented change. It was refreshing.
“Helion pampers me too,” Nesta commented breezily in response.
“That’s because he wants to sleep with you. I merely ask for access to your brain in return for a place to escape.”
“Hmm,” Nesta hummed, “You ask for more. My brain is worth far more than my body.”
Tarquin nodded, “why do you think I pay you so handsomely with private tours of Dolphin Cove?”
“I believe last time I came, when I helped with the new tax system, I was promised I’d get to see a mermaid.”
Tarquin smiled, white teeth glittering in the sun. “Before you leave we will find one, I promise. They are such elusive, private creatures. Some put on diving gear and chase them beneath the waves, but I prefer to wait for them to surface. To see them when they wish to be seen.”
“You are a prince among swine, Quin.” Nesta swallowed, thinking about the males and men who cared not whether beautiful things wanted to be seen or touched when they reached for them.
“I do try. When is Cassian back from Illyria?”
Nesta smirked, “last night.”
“What a terrible mate you are, not being there to greet him.” Tarquin’s voice lilted up in a mock outraged tone that sounded a bit too much like Nesta’s youngest sister.
“I’m sure he will find a snowball fight or something to entertain himself.”
“You love that he’s in agony right now,” Tarquin laughed, stepping back behind the boat’s wheel to begin moving them towards shore. “You love making him jealous.”
“I love reminding him what he has and making sure he doesn’t take it for granted.”
“He doesn’t,” Tarquin smiled softly, just the tiniest fleck of pain shooting through his eyes. “He looks at you like the stars are caught in your eyes.”
“How very Night Court of you,” Nesta teased.
“It seemed apt.”
As the little boat pulled into the harbour, Nesta wrapped herself in the linen dress she’d been wearing before she jumped into the water
And accepted Tarquin’s hand to help her into the dock.
“High Lord! High Lord!” A paunchy little man that Nesta recognized as the most panicky of Tarquin’s advisors rushed up the gangway and came to a huffing, puffing, halt in front of them. “There has been a security breach!”
Nesta and Tarquin locked eyes, and Nesta’s hand was reaching for Tarquin’s once again before he could even set it to his side. Winnowing them both back to the Summer Palace.
“Where is the-”
“Cornelius was being dramatic as per usual,” Varian sighed, waving his hand. “Security breach is a bit of a strong word. I’d say… unwanted guest.”
Nesta rolled her eyes, “Cassian you are banned from this court!” She yelled even though she couldn’t see her mate. She knew it was him.
“About that,” Cassian sauntered into the room from behind a billowing curtain. “I’ve decided that since this city would be sunk into the ocean without me I am no longer banned from it.”
Nesta stared. Tarquin gaped. Varian laughed.
“You are still banned.” Tarquin said in his best High Lord voice.
“Cassian what game are you playing here?”
“Me?!” Cassian flung his arms out dramatically “I’m the one playing games? Listen, it’s one thing when you’re pissed at me and come here to punish me. Fine. I can take that. But when I come home after a whole week in Illyria and you’d rather be jumping into tidal waves with Mermaid man and Barnacle boy,” Cassian waved a hand to Tarquin and Varian, “that’s where I draw the line.”
Nesta put her hand on her hip. “You draw the line? As if my actions, where I go, who I spend my time with, are a decision for you to make?”
“Never said that. Just said that I’ll be there too.”
Nesta rolled her eyes.
“I missed you,” Cassian used the broad side of his wing to shove Tarquin out of the way and circled his arms around Nesta’s waist. “Come home, please?”
Nesta sighed, let herself get caught up in his puppy dog eyes and lean her head on his broad chest. She let him wrap a wing around her and waited until she felt him smirking against her hair to whisper, gently into his chest, “No.”
“Cruel!” Cassian accused.
“Go take a steam with Azriel,” Nesta snickered.
“That where your mind’s at, huh Nes? Come home with me and we can-”
“Banned!” Nesta pointed at her mate, a smile tugging on her lips. “You are banned, Cassian.”
“Banned from being happy, apparently,” he muttered like a kicked dog.
“Oh let him stay, Tarquin waved a hand. Cassian perked up, grinning madly.
“Traitor!” Nesta accused.
“What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic.”
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
You do yoga for your chronic pain, right? How long do you do it for? How much does it help?
I do! Among other treatments, ofc. I do take medication as well, and try to get other exercise in when I can, in addition to general small stuff like trying to fix my posture when I notice myself slouching and such. Granted, I've sort of built up a lot of little things over a long period of time, so.
As for how long, I've been doing yoga in general for a very long time. I had VHS tapes that would guide you through poses and breathing when I was little, I used to attend a yoga studio in my teens, that sort of thing. I've never been incredibly gung-ho about it but it's been a low level thing in my life for a while. I started getting back into it more when I tried it for chronic pain.
If you're asking how long I do it per day, it's usually less than 10 minutes. I try to just do a couple things in the morning and/or evening rather than overextend myself with an hour long routine or something. On the weekends or when I have the time/energy, or if there's a particular spot that feels tense, I might do a longer session until I feel better. Sometimes I just do something like child pose for a minute or two before bed/sleep, and/or cobra pose or cat/cow pose when I wake up and my back is all fucked. Sometimes it can just help to know how to move to stretch specific things when they hurt.
How much it helps is hard to measure, given it's not the only thing I do. I would say it usually makes a noticable difference if I'm targeting a certain spot, and can sometimes be enough to bring me from "I want to just lay in bed" to "yeah I can probably go out to dinner and a movie." It certainly doesn't bring me from "I want to lay in bed" to "let's go for a hike!" though, and when I'm in extra pain I generally take my flare medication in conjunction with stretching exercises.
Also some of it can be hard to measure because some of the things I do are for building core strength or other types of work that are "build slowly over time" type goals. My back pain is significantly lesser than before I started because I've built strength to support my body and am sort of training my muscle memory (or something) into better posture, but that didn't happen overnight. Additionally, it would depend on the type of pain. It really really helps target my muscular pain more than nerve pain, for example.
Overall, it is genuinely something I would suggest for people with chronic pain if they are willing and able, as it has benefits beyond pain relief as well. For example, while holding child pose before bed does also stretch out your spine and lower back which can help pain, it also is just calming and relaxing, which can help me get to sleep easier even if I'm still in pain. Painsomnia is real, and sometimes just some deep breathing can take my mind off it and help me relax enough to sleep through the pain. I also think it can help with a lot of the smaller level pains that can have a harder impact on people who are already in different types of pain, so it might not fix scoliosis pain but you could do some poses that help alleviate other discomfort, like tense shoulders or gas/bloating (there are actually poses for that! And they help it's kinda incredible LOL)
TLDR; I do find it very helpful for me, but manage your expectations and use it in conjunction with other recommended pain relief treatments.
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shigarakislittlepet · 4 years
Hooooh boy👀 okay so if you have a character limit just do Dabi and Shinsou (my absolute favourite boys) but if you don't have a character limit I'd also like Aizawa and Bakugou with a s/o who's very obedient and good for them (and ofc good to them) and they're afraid that they're boring because they don't really break any rules or misbehave. Everybody's on and on abt brats and my obedient subby lil ass is over here like qwq obedient subbies aren't boring😤😤 take your time and don't feel pressured oke?? 💕💕
oh my god i love you, you are so so sweet 💕💕💕 I hope I did this request justice, the implications are just !!! So sweet QuQ
no character limit, so i will do all the bbys 🥰
TW: NSFW, Dom/sub themes, light quirk use for sexy times (shinsou), Daddy kink (for Aizawa, I’m sorry lol), some name calling... I think that’s it! Let me know if I missed anything!
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•Okay okay so we all know Dabi is a HARD dom, he has a LOT of aggression to work through in a healthy way, and you help make that happen!
•You’d worry that Dabi would prefer a “bad girl”, a brat that talked back sometimes so he could punish them and REALLY let all that frustration out!
•Once you talked to him about it he would laugh at you. He’s just mean like that lol. BUT once he calmed down and realized it was something that was actually bothering you he’d just look at you and be like “...really?”
•Because what you HADN’T considered is that Dabi spent so much of his life with absolutely no control over his environment, he lived in constant fear of uncertainty. The only certainty he EVER had at home was pain.
•You provide him with total control. You never talk back, you never question him. You do as you’re told and then you say “Thank you Sir” in your sweet little voice no matter what depraved things he’s made you do for him. The absolute control he has with you makes him feel like he’s on top of the world! And you THANK him for it??? Way to stroke his massive ego while you’re at it, damn.
•You give him the stability he never thought he’d have, and the unconditional love and adoration and worship that he never thought he deserved. To him, you’re perfect. His perfect little angel. He would kill and die for you. He would get drunk off of your submission.
•He’d get bored of a brat pretty quickly, not as much of a power trip in his opinion. XP
•I feel like he doesn’t really go heavy on the praise, but when it DOES happen, when you’re on your knees worshipping his cock and using your talented mouth for what it’s MEANT to be used for, and he’s certain your mouth was meant for this, and he slides a hand into your hair grabbing a handful and tugging while his other hand grasps at any stable piece of furniture for some stability and groans out unfiltered praises in his deep gravelly voice??? It feels like you’re both on cloud nine, and nothing is ever going to tear you down from it.
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• Shinsou would love his precious little kitty cat and shower you with praise and adoration and gifts to reward you for being so good for him all the time. He is a quiet simp, and will the worship the ground you walk on.
• If you voiced your concern about being boring, he would just smile deviously and then back you up against a wall of your shared apartment and start kissing your neck and saying things like “What do you mean kitty cat, don’t we have fun?” And then he will spend the next few hours reminding you just how much fun you have together~~~
• He would make sure that you never worried about being boring again. He would have a wonderful time making you verbalize all the "fun" things you want him to do to you. The fact that he can make you say all those embarrassing things so easily and make you beg for him without a second thought from you makes him so unbelievably feral. He doesn't even have to use his quirk to make you do anything he wants, which makes him feel like the most powerful man that’s ever lived, although whenever you bat your pretty little eyes at him and beg him to "Pleeeaaaassseeee brainwash me and turn me into your puppet? Pretty please?”. He will melt, and he will HAVE to grant all his perfect little kitten’s wishes.
• The reason he absolutely adores your complete obedience and submission is the undying and unwavering trust you clearly have in him. To do all the things he asks of you, no matter how humiliating, without so much as a single complaint? It makes him lightheaded and he will tell you that there is only one feeling in the world better than that, and thats being in love with you. He’s such a sap.
• It's the trust he gets off on. Even after becoming a pro-hero, the media tends to treat him similarly to Aizawa. They have this sort of “scary vigilanty that barely operates within the law” angle on him, even though he isn’t scary at all, and he’s a wonderful hero. The public tends to like him, but in a wary sort of way. Some people are still afraid to look him in the eyes or respond to him at all. So the trust you openly display is intoxicating to him.
• And of course, as is most important, the fact that you trust him enough that you will use your safe word when you need to, knowing that he will immediately put a stop to whatever is going on and hold you tight and take care of you never fails to warm his heart. He is never disappointed when this happens because it shows just how much you TRUST him to take care of you and not abuse his power.
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• Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
•Okay so Aizawa is a different beast entirely.
•We all know Aizawa is a Daddy, and he expects his sweet little submissive baby to behave at all times. He’s HAD bratty subs before, and honestly, he finds them tiring. He can and WILL correct misbehaving subs with an iron fist, but over time he’s gotten tired of the whiny “make me”’s and the purposeful breaking of his carefully thought out rules.
•He deals with bratty teens all day, what makes you think he has the patience to deal with another brat at HOME? Nah.
•What he enjoys most about your near worshipful levels of obedience and submission is the level of respect you display to him. How much you truly want to please him and impress him. He finds it equally endearing and entertaining.
• You memorized every single one of his rules, every position, every expectation that he had of you, and you never failed to preform beautifully. He would never expect PERFECTION from a partner, per say, he’s perfectly lenient when and if you make an honest mistake, but he tells you all the time how perfect you are for him. He’ll tell you how much he loves the lengths at which you’ll go to please him.
• This man LIVES to tease you about how obedient you are, almost daring you to step out of line. You never take the bait though, you just get adorably embarrassed and pout at him while he teases you more. “Awe, what is it kitten? You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you like it when I tease you.” as he drags his thumb across your lower lip while it trembles, the deep bass of his voice reverebrating through your skull and turning you to mush.
•He layers the praise on THICK when you’ve earned it. Once he’s had his fun tormenting and teasing and edging you, he will fuck you slowly and deeply, agonizingly, and he will tell you what a good little slut you are for his cock and it’s ages before you realize that he’s prolonging your torture by fucking you this way and saying these things to you. He wants to see how far he can push you before you either break down into a pitiful mess of tears and pleas, or if maybe ther IS a needy little brat in there just waiting to come out. It’s always the former though, and he always loves getting you to that point. You’d do anything for him, and he knows it. He gets just a little high on it.
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•Mans wrote the BOOK on hero worship, and he expects you to worship.
•Pro-hero Dynamight expects nothing but perfection, and he expects you to measure up. He can tell a brat from a mile away, and I genuinely think he actively avoids them. He’s enough of a brat to for both of you anyway lmao
•I hope you like pain, because he’s the type to inflict it for fun and not just for punishment. A true sadist for the truest masochist.
•If you ever talked to Bakugou about your fear of being boring to him, I really hope you’re prepared for the consequences. “What??? You think if you were just some boring shitty extra that I’d honestly waste any time on you? Do you really think I’m that stupid???” Its all in an attempt to reassure you, but he will spend the rest of the night punishing you for thinking so lowly of yourself.
•No matter HOW good you seem to be, getting a praise out of this man is damn near IMPOSSIBLE, even when he IS pleased with you. Getting him to verbalize anything he’s happy about is a struggle, so you start to look for the subtle signs. You notice his hands trail lightly down your back when you handle the paddle better than the night before. The way he brushes your hair out of your face when he’s roughly fucking into you after a particularly frustrating day of hero work, and you don’t even bat an eye at his brutality. The soft smile you almost miss when you KNOW he’s had a rough day at work and meet him at the door, already on your knees in one of his favorite outfits and with dinner already cooking away on the stove. Sure, he usually cooks, but when all he has to do is come home and have you... He’s damn near ready to propose every time you do it because you are just. So. Good to him. Good for him. And on those days, when you’re both showered and warm in bed and he’s stroking your hair and half asleep, you can hear faint praises fall from his lips. You know he means them everyday, but it’s on these days when his stress is melted away completely by your touch and your love and he’s so filled with contentment and just by being with you that his heart and mind are relaxed enough to let a little vulnerability show. As a treat.
• He never thought he would feel like this about anyone. Never thought that anyone would ever measure up to his impossible standards, but you take all his gruffness in stride and throw it back at him by being warm and loving, following all of his rules, doing everything you can to make him happy, and treating him like a god. He can’t think of anything better than spending the rest of his life with you.
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guccibootyellow · 3 years
I’ve wondered how I’m going to share this information as there’s so much to talk about, far too much to put on a tumblr post. So, I’ve decided that this is how I’m going to do it- on tumblr, I’m going to share their placements and houses, and what that means. This will include their usual natal chart- their planets and house influences, their house placements, and any extras like asteroids and degrees. This is just general fact and I hope that this will help inform you more about the Diamonds and their personalities. Please feel free to use this information for whatever reason you want bc it’s only the natal charts that anyone else can find if they were to look it up and research it. Also, I pinpointed it down to the exact time they appeared so this is their definite chart; you don’t need to worry too much about that being accurate. If you’d like to dispute any interpretations, feel free, but the placements and houses will always be the same, regardless.
So, this is one thing I’m offering but the other that is available, if anyone’s interested, is a further document on what these signs mean for the Diamonds, how we can interpret that through their canon on-screen appearances, and where we can go from here in interpreting them in general. For example, we don’t know a lot about White so having a discussion around her placements and what this means for her actual personality might be helpful to gain a bit more understanding and context, and the same can be said for certain placements of the other three. It also just goes into more detail in general, as all signs and placements have a lot involved in them, all of which can’t be shared in a post of this size, hence it all being fully explored in the document.
Here’s some examples of what’s in the document: how their ruling planet reveals their role in gem society and ultimately, what their redemption arc is; what type of partner they are and what type of partner it is that they’re looking for; what type of job they’d be good in due to their signs; what type of student and learner they are; and what’s next for them after CYM based off of their signs and placements.
However, I hate to do this but I’m going to ask that people pay a small amount to access this document, as I had to write this in my spare time and I don’t really have a lot of it. It’s also taking me a while to do, as it’s an extensive look into the chart (hence why it can’t all be shared on tumblr); ideally, I’d like to just give it for free and I usually do like to share everything I do without asking, but it would be really helpful to have that donation towards it due to my current circumstances. It would be £10 per document or the equivalent of in your country. If you’re interested, please let me know! But don’t worry about the placements and getting that solid summary, since that will all be in the posts I’m sharing on tumblr! This is just extra information and a discussion about what we could do with that info regarding the Diamonds, so not necessarily vital info, but just a fun discussion and debate to have, as well as a slightly deeper dive into the chart 😊
These additional documents are not yet ready because trust me when I say I’ll bleed that chart dry to get as much info as possible for you all, and I don’t feel that’s the case yet- there’s still more to do. So, bear with me but I’ll let you know when they are. If you like the charts I share on tumblr, they’re free ofc but if you ever want to tip, that would be greatly appreciated! Please let me know if that’s the case.
Just to clarify how this was calculated, I used the Diamonds full screen debut so not when they were first mentioned or were seen in flashbacks/videos/pictures but when we actually saw them as a character that interacted with others. So, for Yellow, this was Message Received, Blue- Steven’s Dream, Pink- Story for Steven where she first appeared as Rose, and White was of course Legs From Here to Homeworld. Because, of course, they debuted across the world and across America, I used the place where they were created, which was the CN studios in Burbank because this was the most precise location I could get. The exact time they appeared on screen was used, using the time that it would have been in Burbank.
There are other parts to the chart that can be read, but I’ve basically given you all the main info you need; there are other things I can read, such as aspects, any stelliums, etc., but this is where it gets detailed and a little bit more complicated. In the future, if you would like that information, let me know but it’s a lot of work so I’ll only do it if enough people are interested. At some point, I would love to do a synastry (compatability) reading for Yellow and Blue, but that won’t be till I’ve finished all of this.
So, here we go- we’re finally off. I’d like to start with White, as she’s the oldest, and move down from there, leaving Pink last. I think this will help explain influences from the top down, society wise, and will give context to each Diamond as we move through each “generation” as such. I really hope you enjoy!
All tags for these posts will be under #diamondsnatalchart. 
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[ Genshin Impact Imagines ]
Imagine #1 : Of Bargains and Contracts - That which is the most precious shade of gold
Vago Mundo - Zhongli
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Imagine having doubts about the fairness of your contract with Zhongli.
After a long day of adventuring for one of Zhongli's rare botanical requests (that ofc, you obtained through your own expenses as per your contract- you felt robbed due to that, truly you did, in which universe was it fair to make the adventurer pay for expenses spent on obtaining your requests? However, you do not find yourself complaining -at least not directly to the person involved- any time soon. Not when he so easily smiles so handsomely -so happily- whenever you provide him with what he requested).
His smiles are going to run me dry of mora, I just know it, you tell yourself. One of these days it would and when you'd need to have a weapon refined but is too damned broke for it -or worse, go starving in the midst of one of your many journeys, Paimon would have your ass for it.
Maybe, just maybe, all of those supposed adventurers that Zhongli had once mentioned in one of his more factual tales to have often decided on staying in Liyue was because of him. Maybe he flashed a great many of them his polished smile and gentlemanly attitude and had just gotten them reeled in- hook, line, and sinker.
Putting it that way, he doesn't sound any more than a con-man, Paimon had blatantly stated so the other day,
'A well-mannered one but a con nevertheless! Who even forgets to bring their wallet nowadays, huh, (Y/N)? Think about it!'
And a part of you do consider it, do boil with the thought. That perhaps you were just being used, that maybe The Mysterious Guest of Wangshu Inn was no more than a conniving, sly, inconveniently comely-
To your surprise, you reach your destination, your thoughts quite a distracting orchestra dedicated to the funeral director. Thoughts that made you steel your nerves as you glared at the polished wooden doors that served as an entrance to Zhongli's study, your mind made up to hand a piece of it to the man who resided just beyond.
'Zhongli, I feel as if the contract we have is rather unfair. You cannot honestly expect me to continue on with this without going broke. We need to make amends to make this transactional relationship work. Paimon is already being a pain since they needed to cut off on food, I do not want to imagine how Kaeya would react once he learns that these commissions from you is funded by our joint expenses and with no reimbursement whatsoever.'
Okay, that sounds good, you think. Civil, proper and not watering down the gravity your true monetary concerns. He'd understand, you hope and place your bets on the proper man that you believe him to be. The concept of mora may just be entirely insignificant to him, only too inconveniently that he forgets he'd need those to make purchases and obtain basic necessities in between his more luxurious wants, which you find ironic.
Taking in a deep breath, you turn the knob of the door and pry it open only to be met by a sight that had might as well called dibs on your future funds down to the last mora.
There stood Zhongli, tall and elegant as always but with far lesser clothes than what he usually has on himself. His coat was nowhere to be seen and instead all there was is his cream undershirt and well-tailored trousers- too damned tight, shirt folded to his elbows, untucked, unbuttoned and deshriveled as his tie was. The longer strands of his luscious locks were out of their usual ponytail and instead pooled about his shoulders and down past his waist.
The backs of his thighs were flush against his mahogany office desk as he leaned back on it, body turned away from you as he concentrated on the energy that was quite literally pulsating as it hovered above the palm of his gloved hand.
The very object that casted such a rich and ethereal golden glow inside the darkened room, painting shadows and lights upon his already sculpted face as if oil on pristine canvas. It was a collection of the palettes that defined Liyue- the dawnbreaks mirrored by cor lapis that littered the ground and the sunsets and high noons radiated by the cryptic shrines and towers that stood as mighty pillars and age-old sentries over the entire island.
On his hand, and with eyes that glimmered with utmost concentration, Zhongli holds a manifesting geoculus-
-traces of the geo archon, the memories and legacy of Rex Lapis.
The implication of it all coaxed a sharp breath out of you and it was this that had snapped the man out of his trance-like preoccupation. He turns towards your general vicinity and his amber eyes widens in surprise for a fraction of a second, the entirety of him taking in the appearance of a deer that had just been caught underneath a street light,
"Ah! Traveler, you arrived far sooner than I had expected!" the distinct light rumble of an uncertain laugh colored his words, his elegant brows furrowing ever so slightly at the astounded look that seemed to have taken an enduring residence on your face before a dawning realization occurred to him- the geoculus he held on his hands.
In flagrante delicto.
"Far sooner, indeed." he chuckles, a fond look swimming in his eyes, a look that heated them into molten gold, gold that traveled unto your throat and spread through your chest like rare colored crystalflies, "It seems that the cat is finally out of the bag," he pushes himself off the table after dismissing the completed geoculus with a wave of his hand and takes languid -albeit, almost coy- steps towards you, those amber gems of his relentless on their search for the placement of your emotions regarding the matter at hand, "Tell me, dear traveler, what do you make of it?" his voice was deep, too deep, as if all intentions were drawn from wanting to drown you in every syllable that left his enticingly thin lips.
You gulp, your limbs suddenly at war as to whether it may find solace in seeking purchase on the ground or in running, "Y-you're... You're the geo archon." you stammered as you looked up at the man who now stood but a mere respectable distance in front of you. It was now you who quaked in front of him instead of the ground or a foe as would always whenever he would display his skill in battle or as portrayed in tales whenever a god would make itself known to mortals. Zhongli had no direct hand on your reaction however, it is the least of his intentions as he willed his presence to remain as it had been before- steady and strong, perhaps a bit intimidating but only to those who did wrong and with an enduring grace reminiscent of willow trees.
He hums in thought and bestows upon you a tender shake of the head, "I was meaning to ask about the feasibility of such unorthodox compensation for your troubles," he asks with the faintest hint of qualms.
You stood there in disbelief.
It just occurred to you then that on the course of your little commissions for him, with every flower he asked you to pick from the most perilous peaks there had always been a geoculus time and again- always a mere reach from where you ought to be, always without fail- a piece of his soul, an essence of Liyue, his memories, his very being and he asks you this as if they were worth so little.
You were getting more than you bargained for and here Zhongli was doing as you had done before- not for himself but on your behalf.
"I- your- a geoculus, an oculus, it's a region's very essence, did I get that right?" You ask even though you know that is the gist of it and a nod from Zhongli provides a seal of confirmation. Venti took the time to explain it to you and then some during one of his once-in-a-blue-moon somber days (when he had one too many drinks, and was in an oddly reminiscent mood), "Venti, he also said an oculus is thus a collection of the reigning archon's memories and a part of the whole that makes them. Is that also true?"
Delight brightens up his already pleasant lips, "I see you are well educated, traveler. Perhaps the bard is not as less as his drinking habits tend to make of him."
"Then why must you still ask me if it is worth my troubles? Of course it would be!" you suddenly find yourself indignant much to Zhongli's surprise, "You'd think such a significant part of you is worth so little, you'd have a heartattack once you skirt beyond the high walls blocking your emotional awareness and see just how many people are throwing themselves on your path just for a chance to pick at the crumbs underneath the soles of your boots!"
And then Zhongli's lips part, eyes glittering and pale cheeks paying homage to budding roses and he just stays like that for a couple of seconds and you realize that you may have run your mouth far too much.
You suddenly want to throw yourself off of one of Liyue's many gorges, good luck to anyone who might want to bother with finding your corpse.
Kaeya might just find that oddly amusing, Paimon not much so.
Zhongli clears his throat and holds his hands behind his back, an eyebrow raised in benevolent scrutiny, "Perhaps the bard may have taught you more than I initially expected. That, or you are -quite unexpectedly- a naturally smooth fellow who knows your way with words, traveler."
"Did you just call me a smooth-talker?" you don't know just where exactly this conversation would be leading you both but he's now making his way back to his desk with a sort of almost imperceptible perk on his steps and sway on his hips and you're now certain that you are compensated well above the usual pay grade by this suddenly too evasive, too temptingly slinky geo archon.
"Perhaps," Zhongli chuckles in amusement at your obvious verbal efforts to pin him back, "A flatterer indeed."
So here's a little fanart I did of our broke Geo daddei/archon, Zhongli! Along with a little imagine to spice things up!
I can't emphasize enough the amount of time, energy, positivity and irl mora this event had sucked out of me and I'm still yet to get him. I know my luck sucks at the highest possible level so would y'all be a jolly lot by helping this wee simp out of her depressed gacha dug hell hole and re-blog for a chance to have this penniless connoisseur come home to me pls
I'm desperate, truly.
Art, Imagine © Yours Truly (pls do credit me when you do re-blog or redistribute, otherwise don't bother)
Zhongli, Genshin Impact © miHoYo
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