#//man im not sure where i was going with this ill figure it out later BUT i absolutely believe that while cap is supposed to be
mybiasisexo · 7 months
HI! Happy New Year!
Can I request #51 with Chanyeol pls? Wishing you all the best for 2024! Thanks in advance!
Distraction 🏋️‍♂️
Part 2 Genre: fluff | personal trainer!au Pairing: Chanyeol x f.Reader Length: 2.3k Warnings: Chanyeol is a warning all in himself boy!!!
a/n: I said i was gonna make a gym drabble and baby here it is!!! This isnt really fluff, but its def not angst. What other genres are there??? I could've made this 6k is2g lmao i want the smut 😂. but ayye these are just drabbles! I'll behave. Sorry for the delay! Thank you so much for the request 😚 this gif of him alwaaaays makes me crazy like if i stare at it for too long ill scream. no im not ok thanks for asking
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Dread filled you as you gazed at the building looming in front of you. Your worst enemy—the gym.
You despised the place for two reasons. The first was simple, it was a gym, pretty self-explanatory. The second reason was your personal trainer, Park Chanyeol.
You swore from the moment he was assigned to you he made it his mission to make you never come back. He had to have a torture kink or something, with the stuff he had you doing. You’ve pushed yourself to the point of puking a few times under his care, and still he would make you keep going.
And sure, you were seeing results. And, yeah, it was getting easier. You felt yourself growing stronger with every session. He was good at what he did, even if his practices had you questioning the legality of it all.
With a withering sigh, you got out of your car and made your way to what was your personal hell.
You spotted Chanyeol as soon as you entered. He was standing in the middle of the room, arms crossed, legs spread apart, looking rather unimpressed as he hovered over a guy struggling to do pushups.
You tried not to stare too long at those exposed arms, the massive muscles bulging over his just as firm chest. He always wore the same thing: black basketball shorts with a black muscle shirt that left little to the imagination of how much time he spent at the gym. You’d only ever seen him work out once yourself and…. You refused to let your thoughts wander to that moment.
As if he could hear where your mind was attempting to go, his eyes flickered up to where you were scanning in your membership badge. A wolfy grin split his face as he took you in, the heat of his gaze made you shiver.
He only acknowledged you for a second. It took you a beat too long to realize he was counting his client’s reps. Ignoring him, you headed over to a secluded corner and started your warm up stretches. Chanyeol helped the poor dude up, that strength of his coming in clutch when his client’s knees buckled and he almost hit the floor.
You winced, knowing that pain. Luckily, this gym had darkly painted walls and dim lighting to give its customers a sense of privacy. It helped that it was later in the night, nearing eleven, so there wasn’t many people present to watch him struggle. As well as yourself. That was why you preferred coming late. Less people, less judgement, and it wore you out enough that you could go straight to bed as soon as you got home—after a post workout meal, if Chanyeol were to ask.
He clapped the scraggly man on his back, making him cough, and gave some uplifting words as they slowly made their way to the front door. You were just finishing your stretches when thick bowlegs were in front of you. You were sitting on the floor, so you had to look up, up, up that firm trunk of a frame to meet those round eyes of his alight with humor.
“You actually showed up today?” Chanyeol asked, tilting his head curiously. His shaggy hair fell into his stare.
You glared at him as you climbed to your feet. “Well, I figured you haven’t killed me yet.”
“Yet.” His grin was a warning. He nudged his head to the rather empty machines. “Come on. It’s leg day.”
You let out a relieved breath. It was torture for sure, but leg day was your favorite. He led you to a machine and you got to work.
You tried to focus on the tasks given to you. To focus on your posture, your breathing, on keeping your core tight. But, it was rather difficult when something, or rather someone, was far more distracting.
That was another thing about Chanyeol that you despised. When you first found out he was going to be your trainer, your immediate thought was ‘hell no’. You were hesitant to have a male trainer to begin with, but this one? He was fine as all hell. Too fine. And with that smirk he gave you when you first refused his help—the one he still gave you, mind you—you knew he was going to be a problem.
Matters were only made worse when you actually trained with him. During your sessions, he was nothing but professional. His goal was to help you through your workouts and he did. His large hands would skim over your body as he fixed your posture, or added pressure against your legs so that you knew where to put your weight. His voice was deep and he would use it to encourage and praise you. There was never any teasing or animosity while you trained. His voice would sink into your brain, scramble your thoughts and leave your body boiling. Especially when he’d hit you with a ‘good girl’ or ‘just like that. Perfect’.
He had to know what he was doing.
It was near the end of your session, you had one last work out to do.
“Save the best for last,” Chanyeol said as he took you to a bizarre looking machine.
“And what the hell is this thing?” You asked with a lifted eyebrow.
“It’s called a hip abductor,” he explained to you like he thought you were dumb.
You ignored his tone. “How’re you supposed to use it?”
“Sit on it and I’ll show you.”
You brushed off the innuendo, and prayed he didn’t catch the heat on your face. Instead, you bumped the machine with your shoe, warily taking it in. You were exhausted, and didn’t want to do another set of nothing.
“Why don’t you demonstrate for me?” You suggested.
Chanyeol lifted an eyebrow and you shrugged in response. “What? I’ve never seen you work out before. How do I know you’re qualified to train me?”
He barked a laugh at that, knowing you’re bullshitting now. “I imagine your glutes are enough proof of my teaching abilities.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “And why are you looking at my glutes?”
He shrugged, feigning innocence. “Just making sure I’m doing my job.”
You crossed your arms over your chest and hummed, unable to think of a good comeback. Instead, you nudged your chin towards this ‘hip abductor’.
“I know what you’re doing,” he said. Despite his words, he didn’t call you out. You watched as he plopped onto the machine with a sigh. You couldn’t help but grin victoriously, eager to see the man at work.
He adjusted the weight, settled into the seat, and then pushed his thighs against the pads, spreading his legs out wide before bringing them back in. He began explaining what he was doing, what muscles he was working, and the proper way to move, but you could barely hear a word over the way his thick thighs flexed, the muscle underneath stretching the skin.
You realized then that your roles were reversed, and a brilliant idea popped into your head. He was always teasing you during your sessions, and now was your turn to have some fun and return the favor.
You took a couple steps closer to him, studying him more, like you were invested in getting everything right. Then you ran your fingers down his arm and he faltered for a second.
“Am I supposed to hold on to the seat like that?”
You didn’t miss the way his grip tightened, his knuckles whitening.
“Yeah,” he said between clenched teeth.
He pushed his legs out again, and you’re quick to fill the new space, forcing him to keep them open.
Your name left his mouth in a warning. That only made your grin grow wider.
He glared up at you. “What are you doing?”
“Testing to see how long you can hold this position.”
He said your name again, but you interrupted him before he could finish. “You always push me. Why don’t I test your limits for once?”
Something ignited in his eyes and the lights ahead shown in them hauntingly. “Who says you don’t already do?”
“What?” You asked, startled by how gently the words left his full lips.
He didn’t repeat himself, but he appeared to give into your challenge. He sunk more into his seat, eyes never left yours as he held the position, too competitive for his own good. Though it worked in your favor.
You’re not sure how much time passed, but it felt like hours of you standing between his legs, both never looking away from the other.
Finally, you decided it was time to up the ante. Sweat had started to gather on his forehead and neck, but most importantly, a slight tremor had started in his legs.
“What’s wrong?” You asked with a fake pout. “Can’t hold it anymore?”
“I’m chilling,” he replied back, but you heard the strain in his voice.
“Is that so?” You grinned again and rested the palm of your hands above his knees on either side of you. “You’re shaking.”
You took your time scaling his body before meeting his eyes again. He was holding his breath, but something in his expression was begging you to continue.
So, you did.
Slowly, you dragged your hands further up his legs, remembering all the times he had done the same. Although he was always professional about it. He only touched you when he had to. There was nothing professional about your touch. All the sexual frustration you’ve felt because of this man had seemed to bubble over and took control of your limbs. In this moment, you wanted him to understand what he did to you, wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.
His eyes fluttered as you dragged his shorts up with your wrists, wanting to feel his warm skin.
You quickly glanced around the gym, noticing you were the only ones left, and that made you even more bold. Nearly at his hips, you went to move your hands to his crotch.
Chanyeol was fast. Before you knew what happened, he had snatched your wrists with one hand, putting a halt to your little game and causing you to gasp in surprise.
Your ministrations had you bent over him, so your faces were only an inch or two apart. He leaned forward, brushing his nose against yours, the hair on his forehead tickled your own.
“You’re playing with fire here,” he warned, voice a steady grumble against your lips. When he pulled back to take in your expression, you saw the burning inferno ready to wreak havoc in his gaze. You knew that if he were to let go of those flames, it would burn away all pretenses, all politeness, and rules.
And you wanted that. You wanted his fire to consume you, wanted his desire to engulf and burn and hurt.
There was a pause as you both study each other, waiting to see who would break first. You found your arms shaking in his grip, not with the usual soreness you’d usually be shaking with at this time of your appointment. It was adrenaline, your own desire raised to meet his.
Of course, he felt it too. “How long have you wanted me, Sweetheart?”  He sounded deceitfully sweet, and it made your sore legs weak. He gathered that much, so he gathered you. Large hands went to your waist, easily lifting you up so that you were now straddling him. With you on his lap, he could finally close his legs, and he did so with a relieved huff. A mocking laugh left your mouth, but he put an end to it by pushing you down so that you were seated fully on him—right on his bulge.
“Oh!” You startled. You blinked up at him innocently before throwing back at him, “how long have you wanted me?”
He hummed thoughtfully, running his hands up your thighs to hold your hips. He pressed his lips to your ear, “from the moment I first saw you.”
You shivered at both his confession and his warm breath on your skin. It took everything in you not to roll your hips into him, the pressure of him just as much a tease as his expression and words and touch.
“That being said,” he started, and you already knew you weren’t going to like what he was about to say. “You have a workout to finish.”
“I can think of a few alternatives that are just as effective,” you said, giving into the temptation to gently grind against him.
He bit his lip, holding back a moan as he forced you to stop with his hands on your hips. His attention fell to your chest hovering in front of his face. “You’re not getting out of this one. Nice try though.”
You groaned and straightened, slumping dejectedly. He chuckled before wrapping an arm around your waist, standing abruptly. You squealed, holding onto him as he turned around to sit you down onto the seat of the machine.
“Chanyeol,” you whined.
“Hey, I let you stall, didn’t I?”
“I mean yeah, but we were in the middle of something.”
“I tell you what. Finish this set and I’ll reward you.”
“Reward me how?” You questioned skeptically. His idea of a reward usually benefited him more than you.
As an answer, he stuck out his tongue, wagging it quickly at you. Your eyes widened in shock, scandalized. But the burning in your abdomen and the way your legs pressed together was a dead giveaway to how enticing a reward that was.
“Fine,” you grumbled, adjusting the weight and starting doing your reps.
Chanyeol’s loud laugh echoed throughout the building at your eagerness.
“If I knew that was all the encouragement you needed, I would’ve incorporated it sooner.”
“Shut up,” you muttered.
“Make me.” He smirked.
“Oh, I will be as soon as I get that reward you promised.”
When you left the gym some time later, you couldn’t help but to think maybe your trainer wasn’t that bad afterall.
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heterosexistly · 6 months
Buck: uh what got you into flying? Aside from the fact that I assume it feels like having superpowers
Tommy: I was actually a pilot in the army
Buck: No way, Eddie was in the army!
Tommy: yeah he mentioned that.
Buck: you know what, I actually met an ex-
Tommy: 👀
Buck: responding to a helicopter crash.... which should've been the first clue.
Tommy: yeah saving someone's life and then dating them, never turns out the way you expect it to
Buck: I uh figured that out third time around
Tommy: yet theyre so grateful
Buck: I dont know man, I guess it would be kinda different
Tommy: there's no rule that says you can't get certified and still stay at the 118. I fly for fun on my days off.
Buck: yeah?
Tommy: I can give you lessons if you want
Buck: really...?
Tommy: sure my fees are competitive
Buck: uh you should let me buy you a beer
Tommy: I'd love that. but I gotta take a raincheck I have something that should be arriving right now actually 👋
Eddie: 🛻👋 Hey where should i park
Tommy: just leave it there , its fine
Eddie: copy that
Buck: whuh....
tommy: ☺️ uh this guy, one second. took you long enough
eddie: 😆
tommy: my man
eddie: hey buck!!!
Buck: hey... eddie
Eddie: this is great! You got three tickets to the fight
Tommy: 👉 no i wish 👉 uh i was giving Evan a tour
Eddie: wait youre not thinking about jumping ship 🤨😎
buck: uh no i- im just, you know uh, keeping my options fluid, so so theres a fight
Tommy and Eddie: yeah
Eddie: big unification's out, its been sold out for weeks
Buck: oh wow I was.... i was unaware 😀
Eddie: uh we actually got to go so catch you later Buck
Tommy: let me know if you wanna go out
Buck: yeah ill do that .... sometime 😀
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girlydemonbite · 2 years
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Sebek x Reader
Warning?: Lying? Manipulating?
Not sure if I like it, but with I've had the worst writing block so I'm just happy I wrote anything.
You know using his dear prince as an excuse was wrong but you just really wanted to have sex with Sebek. Would he actually ask Malleus later if he ordered Sebek to do this. You doubted it. He'd probably be too embarrassed or maybe he wouldnt be. Ethier way if anything you could tell Malleus that Sebek must be lying or got hit in the head or something.
"Malleus told me you have to give me anything I want." You werent exactly lying. Malleus had become one of your best friends lately and he did tell you if you need anything and he wasnt around that all you had to do was tell Sebek or Sliver to do something and they would as long as you told them Malleus said so.
"I dont think this is what he meant!" Sebek yelled.
You glared at him for a moment, before giving him a light smirk.
"Alright ill just tell Malleus that you wouldnt listen to me, which means you didn't listen to him. The man you gotta always listen to."
Sebek face looked irritated, because he knew what you were saying was right. If malleus told you, you could get whatever you want and Sebek didnt listen that meant he wasnt listening to his dear prince.
Sebek let out a irritated sigh, as he stared at you.
"Can we at least go somewhere where people aren't gonna catch us." Sebek asked as he glanced around the classroom.
"Like where? I think this is the best place. Everyone is out to lunch for a while. I doubt we're gonna be caught, as long as you be quiet that is." you gave him a small smirk. "Now just sit in your seat." you pointed to his desk.
Sebek didnt look thrilled but he sat down in his seat, not breaking eye contact with you.
"I dont got any condoms." he said flatly. "We're suppose to have a condom."
"You're clean right? and im clean." you gave him a sweet smile but Sebek still didnt look thrilled.
"OF COURSE IM CLEAN, BUT THATS NOT WHY IM ASKING." He yelled, you quickly tried to shush him.
"Hush, youre gonna give us away!" you whispered yelled at him. "And if youre talking about the cum part, just dont cum in me"
Sebek just let out a huff.
"Are you ready? we're wasting time." you sighed. "Just pull down your pants and we can get to work." you said as you started pulling down your shorts and panties. You watched as Sebek face turned slightly pink.
"Just give me a moment!" Sebek quickly blurted out, trying not to sound flustered.
"Hm, at least I know you like women bodys." you mumbled to yourself as you watched Sebek pull down pants and boxers down to ankles, before sitting back down.
Sebek didnt want to look at you, he felt so embarrassed. He was gonna have sex with a normal human. But he knew if Malleus ordered it and he didnt do it. He would be failing his prince. But that didn't make this any easier. But since his prince ordered this he might as well do the best he could. He better make you feel good, he didnt want you ranting to Malleus about how bad he was. He knew he better put on a good show.
Sebek lightly patted his thick thighs, glancing up at you.
"Well come on." he sounded confident now, giving you a small smirk.
And who were you to keep him waiting? Especially when you were basically tricking him. You quickly sat on his lap facing him and wrapped your arms around his neck before giving him a kiss, which you figured suprised Sebek cause he let out a small whimper, before his hands quickly grabbed your hips, to start moving your hips. Making his dick slide between your pussy lips. Sebek could feel how slippery they already were, which filled him with pride that you two havent even started and you were already wet for him.
Sebek could feel himself getting even harder as the seconds went by and he couldnt believe the want inside him that wanted to just slide into you. He didnt know why his body was acting this way so soon. You were just a weak human. Why was just this little bit make him so weak. He wasn't sure but it didnt matter right this second, cause he was dying to just slide into you. So much so that he ended up breaking the kiss that you two were having.
"I need in you." he whined, which he silently kicked himself for. He sounded so needy.
But he didn't even wait for you to answer or move, instead he was the one to move you. He lifted you up just enough so he could line himself up with your hole. Once he was sure he lined it up correctly. He quickly pushed you down on his dick, making a loud moan exit your throat. Which sent shivers up Sebek's back. Luckily Sebek gave you a second to get use to his size. He was a decent length, but his dick was fat which were stretching your walls open.
Seek could see the slight pain in your face, he wanted to laugh at you for not being able to take it, but he always felt like Malleus would want him to comfort you.
"You okay y/n? Do you want to stop?" Sebek tried to sound as caring as he could.
"No. No. just give me a moment." you mumbled as you buried your face in his shoulder, and took a couple breaths. You slowly started to move your hips trying to get use to it.
"Is that a sign your ready for me to move?" Sebek groaned through his teeth. Your walls were squeezing him more and more and he just wanted to move now. He wanted to be caring but he couldnt.
"Yes. move Sebek." you mumbled out, and that was all Sebek needed.
Sebek's hold on your hips tightened as he with ease started sliding you up and down his dick at a decent speed, making moans fly out of you which ended up being music to Sebek's ears. With every noise you let out it just went straight to his dick, and added to the pleasure so much so Sebek was letting out a couple groans and whimpers, which resulted in his grip getting tighter and his hips were now thrusting inside you hard every time he slammed you down onto him. The room was filling up with noises of every loud and hard thrust. But not that Sebek could notice, not with you moaning basically right by his ear. Every thought of being caught was out the window. At this point he wanted someone to see how good he was making you feel, and honestly he wanted to make you feel better.
Sebek thrusts stopped for a moment, and he just hold you down on his dick for a minute. Before you could even ask what he was doing he spoke.
"I want to make you feel better. Get off me and go bend over the desk. I have a feeling I can do better that way."
You slowly nodded as you eased yourself off of Sebek and went and leaned on the desk that was near you. You made sure to spread your legs a little bit, just enough that he could stick himself back into you. But Sebek hadn't even moved out of the chair, instead he was staring at you, taking in every part of you. He silently smiled to himself, he was honestly glad now that you had chosen him to do this task for you, even tho he wasn't sure if that was his dick talking or not. But in this moment he didnt care. He quickly got up and got behind you before once again pushing himself into you, and thrusting into you again. But this time you couldnt muffle your sounds, you would of used your hands but you needed those to keep yourself from moving too much. Sebek thrusts were too hard, they would have you moving too much on the desk. Now your moans were filling the air. Which only increased when you felt Sebek start playing with the little bundle of nerves, Sebek started making little circles on your clit with two fingers.
"Lilia told me about this thing a while ago. It was awkward but im glad he did now. He told me how this would make a girl go wild. But I figured I would never need it. My life is about protecting Malleus not fulfilling women pleasure. But im so glad I listened." Sebek groaned through his teeth as he talked.
You silently thanked Lilia for teaching this fae about the human body, as Sebek increased his speed not only with his thrusts but with the circles he was making on your clit. As much as you were enjoying this. You knew it wasnt gonna last much longer when you felt that feeling inside you building up.
"S-Sebek! im gonna cum. Don't stop." you whined out. "Please dont stop."
Sebek wasnt gonna stop anyways, he was chasing the same feeling too. He was just glad you were close too. When Sebek felt you sqeeze him even more and your juices run down your legs he knew he could let go too. But he didnt want to stop thrusting into you. He knew he shouldn't finsh into you. Thats what he was complaing about earlier but he couldnt get himself to pull out of you, not when you were still riding out your orgasm. Instead he decided to just shoot his load into you. And thats what he did. You felt his warm cum shoot deep inside you, as Sebek let out the most loudest moan. If there was anyone roaming the halls, you were sure you were gonna be busted.
Once Sebek was done riding out his own orgasm. He stayed there for a moment, just feeling his cum oozing out around his cock, he honestly wished he could stay like this for a bit longer. But he was sure you two were probably running out of time. He slowly slid out of you, letting all his cum slowly slide down your legs. He couldn't help but watch in amazement.
But thats when it kicked in. His cum was gonna get all over the floor, and not to mention your juices were all over the floor already and it was carpet.
"Shit!" Sebek yelled as he ran over to grab a couple tissues off of the teachers desk, you silently laughed as his soften dick swung back and fourth. as he quickly running back over to you and wiping his cum and your juices off of your legs. He wasnt sure what to do about the floor. "What are we gonna do about the floor!?" Sebek was getting nervous.
You felt bad, he looked really worried. You sighed as you grabbed your panties and shorts. "Ill go get some cleaning supplies. We should have enough time to clean up the mess." you told him as you slipped your bottom clothes back on. "Just stay here and don't let anyone come in. Especially the animal students." you said before leaving with wobbly legs, leaving Sebek by himself to quickly get his bottom clothes on. But when he touched his jacket he could feel that somehow you must of got your juices on him. He silently cursed himself for not taking it off, but how was he suppose to know it was gonna get so messy.
While Sebek was in his head, he didnt notice someone was opening the door. He figured it was gonna be you. But to his horror it was Lilia. Who had the biggest smirk on his face.
"What a mess you two made." lilia laughed as Sebek face turned even redder then it already was.
"How do!?" sebek went to yell but lilia just laughed.
"Just so you know. Im pretty sure Malleus probably didnt mean that you had to do this with her. But" lilia shrugged. "Its fine. But I probably wouldnt tell him that you did this for her. I have a feeling Malleus has some kinda feelings for her. And you dont want to upset your prince."
"What!?" Sebek yelled to his horror, yeah hes notice you two were close. But he never thought that Malleus had those feelings towards you.
"Just keep your mouth shut and maybe he won't find out." lilia slightly laughed.
Sebek didnt know what to say or do. But there was nothing to do now besides clean up the mess. And luckily you were back with supplys. But the horror that came to your face when you seen Lilia. But lilia just gave you a smile.
"Have fun cleaning." lilia laughed as he left. Leaving you two alone.
Sebek didnt know what to say to you, but he just took the cleaning supplies and started cleaning the carpet as best as he could. While you sprayed around the classroom to try and mask the smell of sex that you were sure was in the air.
"Y/n?" sebek mumbled out. That was probably the quietest you ever heard him be.
"Yes?" you answered.
"Lets keep this a secret."
You just gave him a small nod.
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allsassnoclass · 4 months
HELL YEAH!!! can i get uhhhh #9, an I'm so proud of you kiss? pairing, fandom, etc is all up to you :) ill read it even if im not in the fandom go fkn crazy ily xoxo
hi @clumsyclifford!!! alrighty let's throw some fake college sports players in here.
jerejean: I'm so proud of you kiss
Jeremy goes to find Jean after a few minutes, weaving through the crowd of his teammates and the Foxes until he reaches the edge of their party's sphere, out in the sand where the light from the bonfire has no hope of reaching. He stumbles over Neil and Andrew, drawn hypnotically to the bright cherry of the cigarette they're sharing, but neither of them question where he's going or make any attempt at conversation. Neil simply tilts his head to the left with a knowing look, and Jeremy nods in thanks once he spots the shadowy figure sitting yards away in the darkness, looking out at the waves.
Jean doesn't look up as Jeremy approaches, chin resting on his knees as he looks distantly out at the ocean, where the horizon line blends too deep in the darkness to discern what is sea and what is sky anymore. Jeremy flops gracelessly down next to him, kicking up sand and checking to be sure Jean isn't shying away. He relaxes when he doesn't. Jean still doesn't do well with isolation, but he's an introvert at heart and needs his space. After the events of today, Jeremy isn't surprised that he retreated down the beach to be alone, but he also knows that it's the kind of alone that Jeremy is welcome to interrupt.
It makes his chest fill with warmth, being one of the people that Jean doesn't need energy to be around. It's a privilege that he doesn't take lightly, especially when so few people in Jean's life have been safe. For him to have found a group of people to love and be loved by in return is no small feat, and it's something that they've gradually cultivated together in the past year.
For a moment, Jeremy thinks about the first time he saw Jean in person outside of a court, watching the shell of a man cautiously approach him at LAX with only a few t-shirts, a tattoo, and years of abuse to his name. He would never have predicted that they'd be here now, only a few weeks shy of a year later. Jean has grown in ways too numerous to list, but Jeremy has changed, too. It's a mutual metamorphosis, made more important for the way that they've grown in harmony with each other, filling in each other's gaps while leaving room for the other person to stretch and flourish.
Of course, one other difference is that they're NCAA champions now. It isn't a new title for Jean, but Jeremy suspects that this one feels sweeter, more earned.
This is a win that Jean should feel proud of, one untainted by the shadow of black wings and bruises. A championship that has nothing to do with the number that used to be tattooed on his face and everything to do with the person he has decided to become.
"What are you thinking about?"
Jeremy tilts his head towards the quiet, lilting sound of Jean's words. His accent has lessened slightly over the year, either due to less necessity to use his French without Kevin around or being surrounded by people who never stop talking in loud California drawls, but it still colors his words like a swash of blue in a sunrise.
Jean never wants to return to France, but sometimes Jeremy wonders if he would enjoy visiting Canada or Haiti, somewhere that he could use a version of his native language without ghosts following him.
Jeremy blinks, bringing himself back to the present rather than some unnamed future with the two of them wandering around Montreal.
"I was thinking about our win," he says when he can remember what Jean's original question was. Jean huffs, but the sound is fond. Jeremy can't see much in the darkness, but he can picture Jean's expression perfectly. He's not smiling, but he's softer, relaxed and open enough that Jeremy can read his intention.
"How does it feel to be a champion?" Jean asks.
"Amazing," Jeremy sighs, tipping his head back and remembering every hour of practice and hard-fought game that brought them here. Despite the backlash from his decision to cut down the line last year and all of the negative press surrounding Jean's transfer, they made it all the way to the championships and came out on top. It was a battle in more ways than one, but it was absolutely worth it for the look on Kevin Day's face when Cat stole the ball from him using a technique that Jean taught her, then slammed the ball down the court for Jeremy to catch and score.
The team as a whole has grown exponentially. Jeremy has never pushed himself harder, and it wasn't all sunshine and smiles on the court this year. Still, they held it together, and as turbulent throwing a former Raven into their midst was, Jeremy has never regretted the decision to bring Jean to them.
"It's sweeter because I could do it with you," Jeremy says.
He glances at Jean out of the corner of his eye. He doesn't duck his head bashfully, and he doesn't freeze awkwardly the way he used to when Jeremy would drop a sappy but sincere compliment months ago. He simply lets the sentiment wash over him, keeping his focus on Jeremy.
"I'm glad you are happy," he says. Jeremy reaches for his hand, fingertips dragging along his forearm and wrist until Jean turns to thread their fingers together.
"What about you?" Jeremy asks. "How does it feel to be a champion this time?"
Jean takes time to consider his answer. Jeremy listens to the distant sounds of their teammates and friends over by the fire and the gentle sounds of waves hitting the shore while he waits. A breeze gently shifts his hair, light and crisp enough that he nearly shivers.
"I didn't think it would mean this much to me," Jean says quietly. Jeremy squeezes his hand once, then relaxes, giving Jean the space he needs. "I knew that winning with the Trojans would feel different, but the Ravens won because we were expected to. You and I won because we deserved to this time. Because we fought harder and wanted it more."
"And you did it all without a red card, even though Neil was being annoying," Jeremy says.
"It felt good to beat him," Jean grins. "That was very satisfying."
No one felt like it would be a good idea to make Jean block Kevin, not with everything he's told them about scrimmages in the Nest. While he played with Neil at Evermore as well, it was never while Neil was playing striker, and Neil only features in a fraction of the traumatic memories that Jean has recounted. Jean has been doing great in his sessions with Betsy and has grown a lot in his recovery over the past year, but no one wanted to risk prompting a flashback during the championship game, when the eyes of the entire public and Ichirou Moriyama would be on him.
Jean seemed to enjoy playing against Neil, anyway. Jeremy still doesn't understand their relationship and probably never will, but it was one of Jean's best games. Neil ran him ragged, but both of them seemed satisfied with their individual performances, and Jeremy overheard Jean tell him to have a winning day while stealing the ball at one point.
It's taken a long time for Jean to be able to have fun on the court. Healing is slow and non-linear, Jeremy knows that better than most. The progress that is visible, though, is much more gratifying because of it.
Jeremy looks at Jean, tracing his outline in the blue shadows. He takes in the relaxed slope of his shoulders, the enticing tilt of his head, the self-satisfied smile that Jeremy can barely see gracing his lips in this light. He looks like he belongs on this beach, relishing in his win with dozens of people who love him only a few yards away, holding hands with someone who adores him.
It's amazing, what a difference one year can make. Jeremy's chest feels warm and full, ready to burst.
"Hey," he says, squeezing Jean's hand. Jean turns towards him with a questioning noise. Jeremy tugs on his t-shirt, coaxing him forward until he can lean up to press their lips together. Jean responds once he catches on to Jeremy's intention, relaxing against him and sliding his free hand around Jeremy's waist. Jeremy presses forward, trying to transfer as much of the feeling in his chest to Jean as he can. He curls his hand around Jean's shoulder, partially to draw him closer and partially for his own stability. Jean sighs against him, and Jeremy can't help but smile into the kiss.
When they part a few moments later, Jeremy watches the way that Jean's eyes take a moment to flutter open.
"What was that for?" Jean asks. Jeremy smiles and brushes his thumb against Jean's cheek, right over the small heart tattooed there.
"I'm really proud of you," he smiles. Jean ducks his head, leaning into Jeremy's palm. "You've come a long way."
Jean wraps his hand around Jeremy's, pressing it against his chest.
"I couldn't have done it without you, Jeremy."
Jeremy doesn't think he'll ever get used to the way his name sounds in Jean's mouth, his accent curving around it and voice soft as music.
"Still," Jeremy says. "I'm really proud of you, Jean-Yves."
Jean ducks his head again, but Jeremy can't have that. He reaches for Jean's jaw again. Jean knows him well enough to evade and kiss him instead, the perfect distraction. Jeremy is happy to let him get away with it, because that was his end goal anyway.
They stay on the beach together for a long time. When their friends eventually find them, Jeremy watches the way that Jean lights up as Cat tackles him in a hug and he playfully banters with Kevin, two things that would've been impossible a year ago. Jeremy keeps hold of his hand, both of them on top of the world with no plans on coming down.
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loosingmoreletters · 8 months
slams hand down do it you know you want to do it,,, sugar daddy au and now its just awkward as fuck but they get to Deal with It. bonus points for people laughing at them in the background. i am your inner demon whispering that this is a good idea and you should absolutely write it (no pressure ofc!!! take your time and its fine if you want to!!!)
for ship names. yeah very sad. i havent settled on like. a combination of their names that sound appealing to me so im just. sitting there awkwardly in Yun Taeheon x Shin Junseo. simple but it works. ill bonk my brain for ideas later,, i have cut down on thigns i need to hand in tomorrow im procrastinating because the thing i need to do is so horribly boring
maybe the korean side of the fandom has something going on but that would require me to go on twitter and figure out what korean words to put in the search box and I'm already failing at "go on twitter".
sdkhldfkhg the inner demons are winning. now I'm kinda contemplating how this would even start, which made me realize we know fuck all about Shin Junseo's past??? We only knew that apparently he had a shitty job before he awakened and didn't have any friends and seemingly also has no family.
So like? Local man signs up on an app bc honestly at this point being a sugar baby would not be worse than another horrible shift at whatever minimum wage job he has to pay the bills?
And cool, he hits it off with Yun Taeheon, something something business man. It's a lot less hollywood-pretty-woman than he expected, more nice dinners with genuinely entertaining discussions, and sure getting laid is nice too, and then, well, the world goes to shit for a hot second and well, the contract written before runs out, isn't renewed and Shin Junseo has a moment between picking up a shitty job again and awakening where he comfortably lives on his savings while his,,, ex? well, no, ex would be implying they dated. boss is also not quite the term, his previous situationship, made himself a guild master.
and then the world goes even more to shit and he drags corpses and the memories of a world annihilated out of a dungeon. He makes his plan, keeps his head down and then fucking Yun Taeheon is standing in front of him again.
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boy-gender · 10 months
Hi! You can answer this publicly or privately, but I figured maybe someone else might have a similar question? I just wanted to ask about your personal reasons for using it/its pronouns.
I ask bc I've come across two different characters, now, in media I enjoy, that use it/its pronouns. And I've enjoyed seeing it! They're both two of my favorite characters in their respective media. And i think im kinda questioning whether or not my excitement for these characters (particularly when pronouns are discussed bc they're both great characters outside of that fact) is just bc it's nice to see representation, even beyond they/them pronouns, or if maybe I should consider it/its for myself? I'm not sure, I just thought hearing other people's experiences could potentially help me figure that out. Thank you for your time!
Happy to answer!
First of all, whatever pronouns you want to use is entirely up to you! Nobody gets to tell you what to use and what not to use, or what to try out and change later if you don't like it. If you feel like you want to try a set of pronouns, try it! If it doesn't jive, just change it again. There is no limit to how many pronouns or labels you can use, try, drop, pick up again, or how many times you change it. If it sounds like it/its makes you happy, go for it, even if it just "just" because of characters you like. There's nothing wrong with being influenced by the stories that are important to you.
My reason for using it is mostly trauma-based. All my life I've felt a significant disconnect from my own body, but I didn't realize I had a dissociative disorder until I was like 24. A combination of child abuse causing the disorder, where I never felt like my body was/is me, just that I'm a thing inhabiting the body, possessing it like a spirit- and also lifelong bullying and ostracizing by my peers both contributed to it. There are many times I don't feel like a man or a woman, or a nonbinary person, or any type of person at all. I was dehumanized; I had my humanity stripped from me, including my gender. Fat autistic weird 'girls' aren't treated like girls, intersex tomboys aren't treated like boys, we're treated like monsters. Like kicked dogs. I existed only to be abused by the people around me- my parents and teachers who were supposed to protect me, and the peers who should have been my friends and community. Freaks don't have genders, those are for people. And I was constantly reminded that I did not count as a person.
I very much associate the bullying I endured with my gender nonconformity. I was an afab intersex person- I was a girl of age like 13 with a moustache and beard growing in. I was fat, and my fat never distributed to the 'desired' places for a girl (also, this was like 2008. There was no 'desired place' for fat on girls). Other kids knew or sensed things were different about me- that I was queer in multiple ways, that I had several mental illnesses, that I was fat and ugly and was friends only with other rejects, meaning nobody gave a shit what happened to us. There would be no one to come to our defense no matter how severely we were harmed. We didn't matter.
When I found out I was a system, it put a lot into perspective. The disconnect from the body, from my identity, from my own memories (which are all in third person) made more sense. My other is not human. At first I assumed the "it-ness" was because of this, but actually he doesn't like to be called it at all. It hurts him. It doesn't fit. The it-ness is from me. It's an expression of the gender experience I was denied, a reclamation of the othering I suffered. I don't count as human. I will never be worth being human, or having typical human experiences. I will never be allowed into the club. But it turns out there are other clubs out here- humanity and the cisgender binary are not the only options. I no longer see my othering as "be human or just die," but as "not human? Cool, come try one of these other myriad things." There are so many more things you can be besides human.
This makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Firstly, good. People should be uncomfortable with the cruelty I endured and the marks it left. People should be uncomfortable that they probably participated in othering people as children, and maybe even still do it as adults, and they should be uncomfortable that society is raising their children to continue to do this. It is, in a way, a little bit like my pronouns being fuck/you, or examine/yourselves. Some of it's shock value, and I like that.
Secondly, the shit I get the most is from other trans people, saying I'm somehow harming the trans community because other people call us "its" as an insult. If someone were to call me a she, that is incorrect, and could be used as an insult- they're misgendering me, they're trying to hurt me. This is not the fault of the word "she" and I'm not going to go up to a trans woman and say "this word hurts me, so you cant use it. No more she/her pronouns for you." We are not all going to have the same comfort level with words. I don't like being called a dyke, but dykes do. Some people don't like being called queer, but lots of us do. Some people don't like being called it, but I do. Either way, I get to decide what I am called, and other people get to decide what they are called, and nobody else gets to veto someone's identity. If someone doesn't like calling me it? Then they don't have to talk to me. If they won't respect my pronouns, they're not any better than people who would call me she or her. I don't need their input or validation.
If you do decide to try out it pronouns, I would say be prepared for backlash, but also don't let it effect you. Block people liberally, joyously even. Don't argue. Don't bother. You do not have to justify who you are. And, consider "soft launching" your pronouns! Maybe tell a couple close friends, or just the internet, and if it goes well, expand to other people, and then other people. Roll it out in stages while you get comfortable and try things and assess. You don't owe anyone a coming out; you can decide if, when, how, and to whom you explain yourself, if you ever do it at all.
As an aside, I want to make a distinction here- I'm not otherkin. I don't say I don't count as human because I am some other type of creature just in a human body this reincarnation. This is not a spiritual belief, or even a psych-kin thing. This is purely a product of trauma, something that was foisted upon me that I am now reclaiming, not something innate to my identity. I don't want people to conflate my experience with that of otherkin and be like "see? you're not really [whatever], you're just traumatized!" I hope people will not use my experience to police other people's identities. I am speaking only for myself.
Hope this helps. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to reach out!
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
listen its another dazai theory im sorry but he occupies my brain and i cant get him to leave
this ones a bit of a fucking mad one today lmao however, i was re-reading the fifteen light novel and i decided to look deeper into a query i'd always harboured towards one specific part of it, and that's the relationship between dazai and the old boss, so yk, let's get into it lmao
First of all, go check out this post:
it's a really good post, and it makes so many good points! Of course, my point does differ, but that doesn't matter, the quality and content of the post is amazing! Go show some love <333
This post ^^^ is the one that low-key kind of inspired me to make this theory. Anyways, onto the actual post lol.
So, the Previous Boss. A character that we know virtually nothing about, other than the fact that he was assassinated by Mori with Dazai as a witness, he was a savage leader and later became bedridden, to which his orders became chaotic and disorganised and ruthless. This is all that we know so far. So, not really much to go on. But that's why this is a theory :)
To be honest, it's a theory that's kind of canon in a way? Eh, anyways.
One of the number one things that stands out to me that makes me go "Ah! They're connected further than just a witness!" is in Fifteen, where this is said; (SPOILERS FOR FIFTEEN LIGHT NOVEL)
A distorted, crimson haze emerged from the other side of the subspace, and a figure appeared. "There… There is a nostalgic face. Hey, brat… Are you in good health? Have you been bullied by the doctor?" It was the old boss floating in the air, wearing a traditional, black robe. "Hey there." Dazai smiled stiffly. "It's been a while. How's your back pain? Your complexion is looking nice. Wasn't it a good thing you died? Boss—no, previous boss."
Like, hello? Ahh, it really gets me going fucking feral when Asagiri throws shit like this in. Love you king <3 So, this is clearly like... something, right? I don't know, maybe I am just pure rambling about nonsense this time. I probably don't make a lot of sense, I'm very much quite ill right now and I didn't get to sleep until like 8am, and even when I did I woke up like 3 hours later. I am very much running on fuck all. Anyways!
Let's go more in depth I guess.
"There… There is a nostalgic face. Hey, brat… Are you in good health? Have you been bullied by the doctor?"
"There... there is a nostalgic face." - Excuse me? Now, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that when Mori killed him, he was fucking bedridden and probably clinically insane fr. He was not right in the head or the body, and he was on his back, staring up at the ceiling. Once again, I'm no expert, but something tells me that he couldn't see Dazai across the fucking room, hiding in the fucking shadows. Fuck, we didn't even see him until the panel of him just... was there. Jumpscare fr. And again, as well as him being pretty hidden and quite a ways away, the Previous Boss was very ill, mans probably had fucking cataracts or something. My point is, there's a diminutive chance that he saw Dazai in the room. Plus, his remaining focus was on Mori, who was also basically obstructing Dazai from view. Suspicious much? Sorry sorry, lmao. Anyways yeah, it's just the "there is a nostalgic face" that gets me.
noun: nostalgia; plural noun: nostalgias
a sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past."I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days at university"
(ofc nostalgia ain't always good like in this case lmao)
Honestly, one can only assume that Dazai and the previous boss had a connection before all this. The theory that appears to be most prominent is that Dazai is either the "rightful heir" to the Port Mafia and the previous boss' son, or that he was adopted by the previous boss. Both are very interesting theories, and I've looked into them and they have strong evidence tbh. They're pretty plausible :)
However, here's me with my bullshit theories that for some reason derail from what everyone else thinks.
I honestly don't think that he was the previous boss' son, however he very much could be, but I do think he had affiliations with him, whether that be his actual parents were affiliated with the Mafia, someone he knew, other distant family members, etc. However he was involved with the mafia, he was. (I'm not saying he was, I'm saying that any way you can think of would probably work lmao)
My point is that I think that Dazai has already grown up surrounded by this environment of violence and bloodshed and exploitation of others to get what you want. When Mori first meets him, he's already a cunning, enigmatic and manipulative child. Where on fucking earth could he have learned that, if not from the people he grew up with, whoever that may be?
Dazai's past will always be one of my top things to think about, because once we get his past, so fucking much might be revealed and explained, and honestly, I need to know fr. (I'm so sorry but 'Killing in the Name of' just came on and I must say, very fitting-) But yeah, sorry, getting off-track. My theory is that his past somehow links into the old boss somehow. Whether they knew each other for ten years or just one before Mori first met Dazai, I think that they definitely did know each other.
Also, another thing of importance to note is the fact that Dazai is still in a suit when he tries to kill himself and gets sent to Mori. Also, I don't know whether the bandages were because of the suicide attempt, or whether or not they're there from before he even attempted it. Personally, methinks it's the latter, but hey, that's not what we're talking about here. Another thing to mention is the fact that Dazai gets sent to Mori, a shady, underground doctor who's clinic is a neutral zone for any fighting and little wars going on between underground rings and gangs, and because at this point the previous boss was going on his rampage, it was sure to be a neutral ground from the mafia. Now, why was Dazai sent here? I've always theorised on this, but my newest one only just blossomed today lmao. One theory I had is that he was found somewhere by a gang member who took him to Mori because he was just like "Oh, a kid, take him to Mori or something." this one I guess is kind of plausible? More plausible than some others lmao. Another one that I had was that whether it was his family or not, the people he was with did not want any suspicion arising around them should they go to a normal hospital with Dazai or they just know Mori's a shady doctor that'll sort him out quick I guess. Another mad theory I had was that Dazai was raised in an orphanage and they didn't want anyone questioning why a child under their care ended up trying to kill themselves on the grounds of the orphanage, so they took him to Mori. (I have more theories on orphanage Dazai, it's one of the least plausible ones but it actually made a lot of sense when I looked deeper into it)
EITHER WAY, sorry, it's clearly suspicious and seedy that you'd send a 14 year old to an underground doctor who is known for being shady and underhanded. Just saying.
God, this got a bit out of hand. Anyways, the newest theory I had for this was that Dazai was under the "care" of the previous boss and had tried to kill himself, Mori got wind of this and took Dazai as his patient, knowing his relation with the previous boss and saw his opportunity to assassinate him, using the fact that Dazai is an acquanitance of the previous boss to his advantage, and the fact that he's his doctor (the previous boss'). Does this make sense or am I actually mentally unwell and just chatting shit?
Well, whatever lmao. Going more in depth into the little extract from Fifteen; "Are you in good health? Have you been bullied by the doctor?" Now, whatever the fuck this means I guess? I'm going to do a separate post about the second half of what he said, because what the fuck. Lmao, but for now, I'm mainly going to focus on the "Are you in good health?" I feel as if this is him not only mocking Dazai, but himself. Asking Dazai if he's in good health, because he's not because he was assassinated by Mori whilst Dazai watched, and he was bedridden towards the end of his life. And, he's mocking Dazai because just a couple days (weeks, months, idk the timeframe lmao) before he died, Dazai obviously was hospitalised because of his suicide attempt, plus the fact that Dazai is just... unhealthy anyways. He's underweight, covered in bandages, mentally unwell and just doesn't take care of himself and throws himself into dangerous situations and has very self-destructive tendencies, PLUS the fact that (not at 14-17 I'd hope lmao) he also drinks, like, that mf is not in a good state. So, I feel as if it's just taking a jab at that, as well as him holding resentment for being murdered when he was ill. Does that also make sense? Maybe not. Sleep-deprived bullshit, my bad. But, as much as it's him poking fun at the situation and the people involved (also it could be bc yk Mori's a doctor, haha funny joke, yk? lmao) I think it's also quite familiar? Like, you know, you see someone that you know, and ask if they're okay, if they're in good shape, especially if since when you last saw them they're very much not. It honestly should come across as a caring remark, but obviously it's not in this situation.
Lmao anyways, another snippet from Fifteen because holy shit;
The true form of the silver flash that cut Dazai was a long scythe as tall as a human being. The old man holding the handle of the scythe gave a muffled laugh. "Cruel… Truly heartless. The day has come where the kid will be beheaded by this hand." The old boss said with a hoarse voice. "But before that, I'd like to talk about my memories… You're an enemy to me even in this body." "Boss. You're no longer a human…" Randou told him gravely. "I used a formula to recreate your memories and personality from when you were alive to insert into my ability… You are simply my ability. And your mission is… to take Chuuya-kun's corpse while stopping Dazai-kun. With that scythe." "Ok, I understand. This soul is a piece of torn paper clinging to your ability. This body is an automatic doll with no interior or self consciousness… But, it's an incredible feeling." The old boss raised the scythe. A black cloth emerged from thin air and wrapped around him… like an old, western grim reaper.
This one got me rabid fr.
Let's go from the start.
The old man holding the handle of the scythe gave a muffled laugh. "Cruel... Truly heartless. The day has come where the kid will be beheaded by this hand."
Right. Right right right. Not only does he laugh after he slices the bitch, what I find interesting is the "Cruel... Truly heartless." Now, he could be referring to a plethora of things, so I'll go ahead and mention a few of them.
One of them could be him calling Dazai cruel and heartless, which is honestly how a lot of people see him and what he does sometimes come across as. He's calling him this because he stood by and watched him get murdered by his doctor, the one who was supposed to be taking care of him. (Again, this is all assuming that he knew Dazai was there, which apparently he did, but how?)
Another thing could be that he's saying it's cruel and heartless that he's having to murder a child. Maybe. But, as we know, he's a ruthless and uncaring man who would not hesitate to fucking deck a kid, so like.
Another thing could be just him being sarcastic about his next sentence, once again mocking and kind of belittling Dazai and making fun of him, because he's in an unfortunate predicament, much like he was.
Now, with a few of those out of the way, moving onto the next sentence which fucks me up.
"The day has come where the kid will be beheaded by this hand."
Now you old on just a fucking minute.
One thing I'd like to say is that typically, a beheading is used as a form of execution. (Also parallells Dazai's betrayal of the Mafia later. Could be me absolutely clutching at straws frantically but I like to make connections and stick to them lol.) And, of course, an execution is a form of punishment for someone betraying or going against any form of law or hierarchy. It's strange to me that he'd use this phrasing. Maybe he's saying this because he feels that Dazai should be punished for not stopping his assassination, and he is to execute him for betraying the Mafia by standing by and watching him die. But Dazai wasn't with the Mafia at this point. Once again returning to my point of their connection and that they knew each other, it could be his way of holding some bitter resentment towards Dazai for betraying him personally, and it's not just revenge he's hoping to get on him. The next bit that also gets me is the "The day has come" as if he's been waiting for this specific day for a while, since before he was assassinated. Gah, it's all so confusing. Also also, the repeated use of the previous boss using words like "kid" and "brat" are also interesting to me. He's really the only one to refer to Dazai that way, bar Chuuya and that one GSS soldier, who was like "The Port Mafia are recruiting kids now?" and of course, Chuuya and Dazai calling each other "brat" "punk" and "kid". It just feels... off, the way the previous boss keeps calling him this. I don't know if he refers to Dazai by his name at all, which could also be a reason as to why maybe they don't know each other at all, because it's of course a plausible line of thinking, as we haven't been given anything that says otherwise. I don't know, it just irks me.
The old boss said with a hoarse voice. "But before that, I'd like to talk about my memories… You're an enemy to me even in this body."
Also forgot to mention the "hoarse voice" when he's saying that to Dazai. That's a big hmmmmm moment fr. Anyways. This part really is so intriguing to me. "But before that, I'd like to talk about my memories... You're an enemy to me even in this body."
Hm? What was that? This part's really fucking suspicious to me. "I'd like to talk about my memories..." So, clearly, there's something in his memories (PLURAL) that he'd like to discuss with specifically Dazai, something so important that the one thing he's been waiting and itching to do must be put aside for the time being. It's the middle of the battle between the previous boss and Randou and Dazai and Chuuya, like, can it not wait?
Irks me, and the fact that (like I said) it's plural. He doesn't say "there's a memory I'd like to talk about." it's just "Let's talk about my memories" almost as if it's fucking all of them.
Then, the use of the elipsis with the jarring "...You're an enemy to me even in this body." is unsettling. He declares Dazai, a 15 year old, as his enemy. Not only has he made fun of him, slashed him up, threatened to behead him and possibly called him cruel and heartless, but he's now stating that he is his enemy, whether he is a corpse or whether he is alive and well, alive and sick, etc...
It's all around a little bit suspicious, if I do say so myself. The next part, where Randou interrupts and stops him in his tracks, is also highly important.
"Boss. You're no longer a human…" Randou told him gravely. "I used a formula to recreate your memories and personality from when you were alive to insert into my ability… You are simply my ability. And your mission is… to take Chuuya-kun's corpse while stopping Dazai-kun. With that scythe." "Ok, I understand. This soul is a piece of torn paper clinging to your ability. This body is an automatic doll with no interior or self consciousness… But, it's an incredible feeling." The old boss raised the scythe. A black cloth emerged from thin air and wrapped around him… like an old, western grim reaper.
(Laughing at the "Randou told him gravely" because he's fucking dead lmao, L)
"Boss. You're no longer a human..."
The fact that this specific line was used is just... there's got to be more to it. Why would Asagiri choose to specifically use that? And don't forget when Kunikida also said the same exact thing to Dazai in 55 minutes. (SPOILERS FOR 55 MINUTES)
"The hell are you talking about?! 'Finally managed to die'? You're no longer human! You don't deserve that right! If you really want to die that much, I'll kill you myself! How about this?! And this?! How about from this angle?!"
It just strikes me as odd, the comparisons. Obviously, Dazai's ability being 'No Longer Human', the phrasing Randou used is strange. I don't know. Anyways lol.
"I used a formula to recreate your memories and personality from when you were alive to insert into my ability… You are simply my ability. And your mission is… to take Chuuya-kun's corpse while stopping Dazai-kun. With that scythe."
"I used a formula to recreate your memories and personality from when you were alive to insert into my ability..." So, as we see here, he is just the same as if he were alive and well. He's not just saying all this shit randomly, he has sound reason behind it and he remembers. He has his memories, emotions, etc. (I also want to know when and how he took the body into his sub-space, that's interesting). I don't know why Randou stops after saying "...while stopping Dazai-kun. With that scythe." I don't know, maybe he's just clarifying lol. Hm.
"Ok, I understand. This soul is a piece of torn paper clinging to your ability. This body is an automatic doll with no interior or self consciousness… But, it's an incredible feeling." The old boss raised the scythe. A black cloth emerged from thin air and wrapped around him… like an old, western grim reaper.
And just like that, he's over it. Lmao.
I like the comparison of the old boss the the Grim Reaper, I think that's really important. Especially considering he got his own throat slit by his evil doctor, but.
I think what's so interesting to me about it is that, as we know, Dazai constantly seeks and craves death. He chases after it non-stop, longing for a life that's not his own, and wishing for that one fateful encounter where maybe, he'll finally be able to die the way he wishes. Whilst other people run from death and are scared shitless by the concept of it as they run from the Grim Reaper, harbinger of their fear itself, Dazai actively seeks it. He runs after the Grim Reaper, praying that this time, maybe, he'll die. But as we know, he hasn't yet succeeded (technically he's succeeded twice lmao.) and he still chases relentlessy after him. So, I feel as if the comparison of the previous boss to "an old, western Grim Reaper" is important to note. Once again, I could just be babbling wham. Also, the way he's about to "kill" Dazai is fairly important. The second he raises his scythe, he becomes clothes and adorned in black cloth, like an executioner swinging his axe. A lot is being alluded to in these passages (passages?) that are repetitive themes throughout.
So, this probably made no sense, but honeslty, I just needed to get my jumbled thoughts out there.
In conclusion, I do believe that Dazai and the previous boss have some sort of connection, and I hope it's brought up again, and it wasn't just a one off or a misinterpretation of the scene. It seems really intriguing to me!
A lot of theories that I have seen include Dazai being "heir" to the Port Mafia and whilst that could be a plausible way of thinking, I just don't think so, but who am I to say?
Yes, he was in the room with the boss when Mori killed him; who's to say Mori didn't just bring him with him and say "He's under my care." or something? Maybe it wouldn't be that easy if the room was heavily guarded, especially because it's the Port Mafia's boss and many people are wanting to assassinate him, but they'd never suspect that his doctor would be up to something shady, and so what if he takes a kid in there with him? What's a 14 year old going to do?
Also, if the chances are that Dazai was "adopted" in a way by the previous boss, of course they'd let him go in with Mori, if they knew who he was.
And also, people saying about how why Mori would kick Dazai out of the Mafia at 18 is also due to the fact that he is indeed the rightful "heir" and he knows it, or something. But honestly, I don't know if that has much to do with it. I don't actually think that Mori expected Dazai to leave the Mafia; I don't think he understood the true impact Oda had on Dazai, because Mori doesn't know who Dazai is really. Dazai is cold, and doesn't show much emotion. However, it was a completely different story with Oda and Ango, and I think Mori didn't truly understand the extent that the fondness between them all went to. I think he wanted to keep Dazai under his thumb, reign him in, make him more obedient. If he could take some rogue compnents out of Dazai's life, it'd give him more reason to be more of a... mindless slave? To the Mafia? There's better phrasing, but do you get what I mean? With Oda's sacrifice, Mori killed about 6 birds with one stone. He got rid of Mimic, he got the permit he needed, he (if we exclude my theory of him trying to make Dazai more controlled) got rid of Dazai who was a threat to his position, he got the upper hand on the Division, etc etc. He really hit the nail on the head with that one move. But, in other aspects, it was indeed the wrong move. He lost a lot because of it. He lost the trust of Dazai as well as Dazai himself, he lost one of the most skilled ability users and a phenomenal assassin, also lost quite a few men along the way, (he already knew this but) he lost Ango, a skilled and resourceful information store (lol), etc. Confusing situation lol.
Anyways, sorry, went on a rant, but my point was that kicking Dazai out of the mafia for being the rightful "heir" wouldn't have done much. Dazai could still assassinate him if he wanted to be the boss. Which is why I think he has some underlying motive for doing what he did. Also, the fact that he seems genuinely dejected and angry when the Guild is fighting with them and he mentions that if Dazai were still here, the Guild would have been no match.
Also, a good point that the post I mentioned made was when Hirotsu mentioned specifically Dazai when talking about understanding Mori's motives, which I think was very interesting.
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Now, this could probably be about anything, but it does seem like it's directed towards Mori assassinating the previous boss. It could also mean about sending Chuuya over to his location, kicking him out of the mafia (this is the one I low-key kind of think that he meant), etc. It could be a lot, but seemingly it's either only getting Dazai forced out of the Mafia or the previous boss' death. Interesting points all around and their analysis and theory is so so so good!!!
Anyways, this was a bit longer than I expected it to be, I hope it makes sense! Any questions, please please PLEASE feel free to ask! Because I have a lot more to say about this, but I can't write it unless prompted lmao.
Thank you for reading this far, my love <333
Have a lovely day/night! <333
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sleepyycapybara · 3 months
First post and its a story about fraleo (frank x leo) this story they are both in collage and in the same dorm, umm enjoy
Warning: I only recommend reading if you are okay with some...ummm...scenes iykyk...if you don't know then i don't recommend -enjoy pookies
I suck at summaries so its a besties (that don't know they both love each other) to loverrrrs ❤ (ladies and gentlemen will you plea- Ahem where my swifties at?)
(Frank's pov)
I unlock the door to be surprised with Leo sitting on the couch
"Hey what are you doing here?"
"FRANK!!! Omg we are roomies!!"
I walk in setting my things on the kitchen counter while Leo runs up behind me
"Hey big guy what do you want for dinner, also I thought your classes end at 3 its 7?" (p.m)
"Oh yeah I have work after my class I work at the walmart just around the mall"
"Your so lucky, I have classes that start at 6 in the morning and work that ends at 8 p.m I got today off because I have to move my stuff in"
Leo jumps at me for a hug but his small arms only go around half my body
"Leo im so glad that you got to be my room mate, man! Wait a minute, dude I thought this was a one person dorm....with one bedroom."
"Oops I might have moved all my stuff into the bedroom...ummm ill sleep on the couch until we figure things out."
"No you can take the bed man its fine, I insist."
"You sure big guy? We can always just share the bed.." Leo says teasing
I feel my cheeks get hot and red "Umm sure..I guess." My voice cracking
Leo turns away his face red not expecting him to agree he tries to change the subject by saying, "Im going to make dinner, A or B you pick ."
"B." He says still blushing
"Okay Im going to make it a surprise."
I walk out the kitchen and start studying for a test in the living room
(Leo's pov)
"Im going to the store brb"
I go out the door when I hear frank saying "bye" and "drive safe"
*15 minutes later
I get home and I start cooking dinner with the ingredients I bought bc I lost my magic belt (pls Idk what to call it). I call for frank "Hey Frank!!! Dinners ready!!"
I slide a plate with 2 tacos on it to frank while I start eating my tacos "These are not the best tacos I've made but there pretty good."
"Umm Leo.."
"This has cheese on it...I can't eat it.." (for the ppl that don't know frank is lactose intolerant)
"Oh dw its not real cheese."
"Aww your so sweet Leo, you even remembered."
Leo blushes "yeah its no problem.."
(Frank's pov)
*I take a bite out of the taco and freeze on the spot
"Are you okay Frank?" His voice filled with concern
"Yeah, but this is the best F-ing taco I've ever had." (For all the ppl that don't like swearing im blurring it out)
"Oh im glad you like it I personally think I could have done better."
"BETTER? Oh I would like to see THAT! There's no way you can beat this"
Leo yawns "Oh please I could have done that with my eyes closed."
I yawn as well "Im going to get ready for bed soon im really tired from today."
"Same I had to move all my stuff up stairs and down stairs all day"
*we both get ready for bed after cleaning the dishes
*in the bathroom brushing teeth
(Leo's pov)
*I pop my tooth brush in my mouth while Frank walks in to also brush his teeth
Frank stops dead in his tracks watching me brush my teeth
"LEO!! that umm my tooth brush..."
I spit the tooth paste out and rip the brush out my mouth
"Oops sorry bro forgor mine was the pink one yours was purple."
Frank handpalms "That's not the point.."
"Its okay I have a brand new one in my bag its still in the box."
Leo goes to his bag in their room
(Leos thoughts )
OMG OMG OMG that was so embarrassing I just had a indirect kiss with my crus- umm bestie, who am I kidding I'm in love with him....
(Frank's thoughts)
OMG OMG OMG my crush just used my toothbrush!
(Leo's pov)
"Sorry it took so long Frank."
I hand him a new toothbrush my skin heating up
"Its okay just remember my toothbrush is orange..."
5 min later they are watching a scary movie
*jump scare*
Leo jumps and lands on Frank's lap, Leo hugs him while sitting on his lap
"OMG that scared the living out of me thanks for catching me big guy."
Leo still doesn't move but instead moves closer
"Umm no problem Leo.."
Frank starts to get flustered when Leo doesn't move but he doesn't bring it up
(Frank's pov)
Frank starts to hug Leo around his small waist "Just to keep you from jumping and hurting yourself." Frank knows he's being selfish and the real reason is because he just wants to be close to and hold Leo
End of movie
(Leo's pov)
"Lets go to bed now im tired."
"Yeah lets go."
Leo gets picked up without hesitation from frank and is bent over his shoulder
"What are you doing Frank! Put me down!!"
"Nuh uh."
Frank drops him on the bed
"Leo I have to tell you something important..."
"Me too...I've been holing it off forever.."
(Both at the same time) "I think that I like you!!!"
(Scene coming up if you wanna skip)
Our eyes link for a few seconds as we stair deep inside them
Leo get scooped up into Frank's lap as he wraps his big arms around his small waist
Leo kisses him only for a second and then Frank kisses back but longer
"I have been waiting to say that for as long as we have been friends. Leo will you be my boyfriend...?"
"Yes a thousand times yes."
I press a kiss to Frank's cheek and slowly move down to his neck kissing softly
Frank's grip around my waist get tighter as if he never wants to let go
I lay down and snuggle close to him as I kiss him again softly we both start to doze off....
OMG the end pls let me know if I should do a pt2!!
If u saw a mistake no u didnt..👀
I promise I will get better its only my first time!! I thought hey there is no content of my favorite ship so I will write it!! I hope you enjoyed ❤
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fixa-ryeter · 2 years
here's ageswap!Ritsu!
before we go on, quick heads-up: this is a heavier and wordier post; there’s going to be discussions about PTSD, its symptoms and Ritsu's response to them, and because i’m on PC i can cut off that section with a ‘Keep Reading’ bar? so i’ll do that and try to lay out the rest of the facts before that. also there's gonna be a bit of a format change here bc PC so afblakdhbf
a few people have shown interest in Ritsu and i was. so happy. im still new to tumblr imo and im so excited about all of this FBALDKHFBASFB so here he is. and with this it’ll be a huge look into what happened between him and his brother. also shoutout to my friend bc she is VERY MUCH part of the creative process. i’m not sure if she wants to be mentioned here but credit goes to her too! (bestie if you see this please tell me) update: SHE SAID YES @escape-from-twinkov say thank you escape from twinkov
Ritsu! Popular, all-rounder kid in academics and sports who started burning out in university and dropped out to pursue music with a few of his friends. it worked out for them, and his life is relatively stable. kinda stable. a little stable. really depends on your definition of stable. here’s the facts:
he's a good 5'11, about 24 years old
he/they demiboy. doesn't really feel the need for a solid label for his sexuality
plays guitar. is the band's frontman. he has three other bandmates and Shou Suzuki is one of them.
suffers from PTSD and anxiety (more on it below the cut)
loves playing Just Dance (even though he sucks at it) and Guitar Hero (he's better at this one)
your average My Chemical Romance + vocaloid enjoyer, AND a closeted 1D fan
he's a quick thinker, but when they're anxious he can barely think at all
loves udon. loves tofu. give this man either or both when he's upset and it cheers them up quite a bit.
tells people he has a diary no one should read. not because it's his diary, but because he doodles a lot in it and finds it embarrassing. of course Shou finds out. of course Shou thinks it's adorable.
he went through a lot of friends in his later school life. had many, lost many, and struggled to make friends in university. Found some buddies in their second year, made a band, dropped out with them at the start of third year.
if you've decided not to keep reading until here thanks so much for getting to this point already!!!!! heavier stuff below the cut so read at your own risk. it's lore so if theres a need for it i'll post a summary on it.
So remember the ???% incident in childhood that led to Ritsu getting hurt and Mob being unable to remember what happened? That's where we're getting at. It was never resolved in their childhood or adolescent years. Ritsu tells Mob he doesn't remember either, and tried to sweep it under the rug. Worked for the most part.
his PTSD was delayed onset. his symptoms were there, but not enough to fit the diagnostic criteria. they got worse in university because he was experiencing heavy burnout with no one he felt like he could turn to. he'd moved out and was struggling to make friends.
he has nightmares which only increased in frequency, something he never gave much thought to because they figured it was a logical response to the event. didn't bother to question it either even when he had been experiencing them for months since he had other things to worry about. doesn't mean they didn't bother them and scare them though.
sometimes they just don't show up and don't reply to messages after shooting a quick text to his mates about feeling ill. his bandmates were getting concerned.
a little bit difficult to work with in the studio sometimes because he has difficulty concentrating and doesn't seem present.
terrible sleep quality, something he and his brother have in common.
often lacks motivation to do anything outside of his music job and things he feels like he's obligated to do, like hang out with his friends sometimes. never moves things out of place in his apartment, but his room is usually a mess because he struggles with cleaning up.
Ritsu had no fucking idea how to cope with any of this and made a decision to remove their perceived source of trauma from his life. He completely cut out Mob from his life for a few years. Blocked his number. Blocked his socials. Moved and never gave him a new address.
at first he felt as though he really did something to fix things for himself. after all he didn't need to bother checking up, visiting, hanging out with a person who had caused him all this trouble. he felt optimistic about it at first. waited for their own symptoms to get better. eventually no matter how he looked at it he hadn't fixed anything. he was still being stubborn for years after cutting his brother off.
had a breakdown in front of his bandmates and they started asking him to get help. he caved in and he did! now they're learning to live with their PTSD and their issues in a healthier way. but he's also starting to really miss his brother and feel like an asshole for lying to him about the incident and leaving him in the dark.
soooo that's all that's going to be revealed in this post. more on mob's side of the story and how they try to fix things next time? i've actually already written a oneshot on it but i'm not sure if i should share it. i'll go ahead and burn that bridge when i get to it afbdhsakfb but if you're still reading at this point thanks so much for reading until here 😭😭😭
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raspberrysmoon · 5 months
ummm please say more about the wilbur/john/xander fic right now <3 theyre my favourite guys ever and we need so much more content for them (i say as I write yet another fic not about them)
YIPPEEE YEAHHHHH LETS GOO!!!!! ok this got LONG so its all under the cut. uhm. i hope this tickles your fancy :3
i have SOOOO many thoughts abt these three tbh,,,, i had a thought last night of what it would be like if john and wilbur were engaged when wilbur. uhm. "died". but like 20 years later john's found xander and to hell with it if he can love them both. one is dead, itll be fine
except, wilburs not actually dead. he falls out of a portal and hes normal again and holy shit what does john do now. like thats still technically his fiance (and first love but shh) but his husband is Right The Fuck There
but it wnds up pretty okay. john makes sure wilbur really is okay and normal (hes as normal as he can be after being in the black for that long) and introduces them and it goes great
wilbur backs off of his own accord even though it absolutely destroys him to do so and gives both john and xander (mostly john) the shovel talk ("i swear to god- and ive met god- if you hurt him ill be one to get your ass and send it to hell" type shit)
but. where is this legally dead man going to live. aside from john, there arent many people who jnow him still alive (and ghats not to count the amount still working with peip) (there are two still working with peip. john and colonel schaffer)
so wilbur camps out on john and xanders couch until they figure out what to do from there
but wilbur is Old and Weak and hes honestly provably pretty close to (if not) disabled from the sheer amount his body has gone through and the couch is definitely making it worse. and xander being trained in medicine (though not practicing) steps in and is like "ok i know its going to be weird as hell but you have GOT to get in a bed. ours or not i dont give a shit" but they dont haev the space for another bed and honestly wilbur's been struggling to sleep alone anyway
so they end up dragging his ass into their bed and its like. the best sleep of his life. and he wakes up in the fetal position (normal) between john and xander (not where he fell asleep) and theyre both kind of holding onto him (what the fuck ?)
and he freaks a bit. bc thats his ex (?) fiance and his new husband. he cannot get between them like this are you kidding??
so he goes and sits on the couch but its really cold and he hates it (flashback sequence??) but he forces himself to not care and like. puts a show on or smth until xander wakes up and comes out like "why did you leave i was comfortable" and hes like "im already intruding a lot i felt bed" and xanders like "youre literally not but ok. do you like pancakes" and thats that (the answer is yes, blueberry ones)
and like a month later finally wilbur is cleared to get to work on mapping and explaining the black and white, and the lords in black, so he throws himself into that. 9/10 times he falls asleep at his desk or on the couch again and john and xander are both a little sad but theyte quiet abt theyre big boys theyre handling this great (<- lying)
and xander snaps after like. three weeks of wilbur destroying himself for the sake of explaining the shit he'd seen and he goes and demands that wilbur comes to bed one night and it goes a little something like this
"wil, come to bed"
"i have work to do"
"i dont give a shit, im shutting your laptop in ten seconds"
"no, i have shit to do. go cuddle with your husband" (< said bitterly)
"why are you being a bitch about this. we miss you" (< terrified this is wilbur shutting him down rn, but totally genuine)
"wtfdym you miss me. your husband is in there. you realize im your husbands ex right." (< getting increasingly upset)
"yeah. i mean. it doesnt really feel like you are ahymore, but if you want to call it that sure. but we miss you." (< catching on slowly. not fast enough)
"what" (< officially confused)
"have you not. noticed how much we're both kind of totally in love with you. really" (< losing his fuckingn mind)
"xander what the fuck are you talking about. what" (< also losing his fucking mind)
and then its a monologue about how john never stopped loving him and xander knew that if wilbur ever came back john would probably (definitely) go back to him in SOME capacity and he never minded. and then that happened and xander found himself doting on both of them and kind of maybe definitely falling really in love with wilbur and he can say not but. you get the point
by this point john is also here standing in the doorway (exhausted) (his fingers are crossed) and wilburs just stunned into silence for a while
and then he shuts his laptop and stands up and takes xanders (outstretched) hand and lets them take him to bed in silence and its. its his way of saying yes okay? its his way of telling them that he gets it, that he's done the same and that he loves them too
and they fall asleep together with wilbur in the middle. and its perfect
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hollowsorrows · 1 year
How was the latest chapter in ymu?
OH BYO OH BOY OH BOY absolutely destroyed me!!!! made me lose my shit for about two whole days!!!! it was BAAAD. and its also THE most game changing thing to happen so far. gonna put what happens under the cut bc spoilers 😁😁
i just finished typing this oopsies i rambled about the entire comic
cw for a lot of things.
SO. lemme set the scene for you. you have 3 main characters: KK, BK and RK.
kk is the main protagonist. he is the 8th generation in a long line of heroes; the KK clan. he is utterly shit at being a hero and hes still so bubbly and silly and honestly kinda childish but i dig it hes aweaome. he also has some traumaaaa!!! bros dad kinda sucked (he was like. WAY too immature to be a father; worth noting that he's the 7th generation kk) and when his father didnt come back home from war his mom went out to figure out what happened to him and kickass. which left kk all alone for like around 10 years maybe more if im being honest. hes not okay <3333
bk, we know JACK SHIT about. hes the demon king/devil, whatever you prefer. he likes animals. he likes carrots. hes straightforward, blunt, and way too trusting and forgiving. but like people are scared of him cuz hes the fucking devil he just hasnt used his magic yet. it will be plot relevant im 99% sure. we know Nothing about his past. we know he was involved in the war against humans and demons when kk was a kid (which kk's dad fought in). and bk was essentially a refugee. he ran to the desert and some shit happens but its quite literally blurry we dont know whay happened. hes VERY overprotective of kk too!! like VERY over protective ykyk. so somethings going on with him.
RK. OH BOY, RK. rk is like severely fucking insane like genuinely he has so many fucking problems. he is surprisingly the one we know the most about considering how much of a mystery he was in the older chapters. he calls himself the alien and doesnt reveal his name. he flies. he has a box on his head all the time. he has a dead ghost girl hallucination thingy that he talks to ghat nobody else sees. he has a gun. hes amazing. dude has canonically committed quite a few attrocities like man. his first on screen murder was fucking BRUUUTAL. "see you in hell." GOD he makes me insane. anyways his past is SUPER fucked up; born with magic unlike anything his family has ever seen before, the king (his adoptive father) exploits it and uses it to kill captured demons. he also had this whole thing where he found kk's mom in jail, kept a photo of her and kk, and helped her escape which did end up killing her. and he forgot that. anyways dude has some fucked up shit happening and is severely gone in the head
worth mentioning that in season 2 the three find the one eyed village which is keeping a princess there. princess violet. ill talk about her a bit more later in the post. the one eyeds get fucking evaporated by a group of demons that are specifically out to get bk, and only a golden tree remains of the village. rk knows about this. kk doesnt know ANYTHING
so. this expansive lore stuff is revealed like throughout the comic in pieces. and it starts out funny and sillt and like slice of life comedy but it gets fucked up around season 3 where kk gets his sword fixed and it becomes alive. he then basically dies and goes to this world where he is fucking god. and his sword is there. and its imbued with the soul of this random ass guy qho we call the musician. and its fucky wucky. the guy who fixed the sword also had a buncha kids hidden behidn a wall and rk takes them each to their hometowns via magic portals whatever. this is also where we see rk fucking shoot said guy and go actually insane for like 15 minutes. ill show screenshots cuz what the fuck man. then season 4 where princess violet, a character from another kingdom whos sister (named princess L) killed herself during a fire in the kingdom (said sister is also rk's brother's fiancé no this is not confusing), goes through what is essentially a demon realm where she has to adhere to the rules of a demon her sister kept and find out which of her 6 sisters killed princess L. in the end its revealed that it was a suicide which is lovely :)
season 4.5 goes more into rk's past and rk's brother, rj. like. rj is the king of the kingdom, since rk's adoptive father passed away. hes a really cool guy but is DEFINITELY either marked by or an avatar of the lonely iykwim. he has like no loved ones around him he is alone man. he was also princess L's fiancé! i love him. anyways rk and rj reunite but then rk kinda hates the r kingdom so he leaves and also finally reveals to kk hes actually insane so :)
season 5 has like this tower which will be relevant i think cuz there was a teaser of kk's teacher entering it the end of season 6 season 1 and being shrowded by darkness. its not sinister at all trust me :). i dont remember this one well but it had to do with the best side character ever angel do i love you do
season 6 season 1. huge lore dump on rk's part. kk bk and rk find this tower that is stopped in time. two wizards live inside: oz, the moon wizard, and of, the sun wizard. they control the moon and the sun. they also are prophets, disciples of the first kk, and know a lot about what they shouldnt! including rk's forgotten past :) they task the gang to go to this portal and defeat the demon paimon lest it unleash chaos into this world. and they do!
along the way kk finds out about the one eyeds. he loses trust in bk, and rk has to give him a pep talk and it genuine is kinda sound actually the only w rk ever had
and they find the portal. they enter the realm. the demon there is named paimon, and is a fucjing bitch and was foreshadowed ALL THE COMIC. and are tasked with going through each a designated room. each room has a shit ton of clones of the characters. only the real one can go through the door at the end. kk goes through just fine, although he had a bit of conflict. bk made it through bc ofc its bk. and rk. oh. rk. his room is empty with scortch marks on the ground. and theres fog. its implied that he killed all of the rk's before proceeding. he goes through the door. as it turns out, the real rk already made it past the door, scratched up, from whay it seems. and what does the fake rk do??? he shoots the real one. in the heart. the real rk dies. just like fucjing that.
did i mention that rk cannot die?? hes tried killing himself. a lot. but each time he regens. the only places he hasnt tried are the heart and the head. so the fact that he was killed via the heart. ugh its so good its amazing from an analytical perspective i ranted about this before but its genuirnly amazing. the character thay is established as being hard to kill. killed at his own hands. it was his own hubris that failed him. raintime you bastard you are a fucjing genius how did you write such an amazing comic
oopsies that was not meant to be the entire comic :) also i need to mention that these guys look like this
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blue haired ones kk, black haired ones bk, blonde bitch is rk
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dawnowar · 3 months
I don't know what happened
I was doing really good cross posting everything to tumblr manually and then I just lost it after the rosstheboss night at milwaukee for some reason im not sure of.
Since then i had a week of rest and and then i went back out to see Ross in The Dictators and had an awesome day where I got to spend some time with him and got to eat dinner with him and the man known as Athenar from Midnight who it turns out is a big fan of Ross' which makes so much perfect sense to me because you can hear it in the guitar solos which I'm told he writes.
I fangirled over the two of them discussing gear even tho i dont know shit about whateverthehell they were talking about because it was just so cool i was in this conversation at all.
Saw The Dictators play with friends and had an awesome time.
My Metal neighbor and friend Chuck died suddenly for no real reason that weekend. Wasnt sick or anything. Just had a seizure even though he had no history of such things and his heart stopped and after paramedics worked on him and took him to the ER, he was brain dead so his family decided to let him go.
Been checking on his wife and doing what i can to help. Mostly by idk talking a load of bullshit i guess because i never know what to say but i think it at least provides some distraction which is probably helpful at least here and there. She is the kind of person you can't keep down and I know she will survive this but I'm not sure there's anything much harder than that to survive.
All this happened in the same weekend. I've known Ross personally for 19 years now so i guess that makes us old friends. And we talked about everything and things and people and getting older and I told him to go to the doctor.
I called my other two oldest friends and did the same with them too.
Then I went back to work on Monday where no one even said good morning to me forget about how was your awesome weekend with The Dictators you've had planned for forever? Because they dont know who The Dictators are and they don't care. And they didnt have a good weekend because they are miserable people so they dont care if i had a good one or not.
In the morning i didnt know how to answer someones question and everyone was on the phone so I told the guy I'd call him back. When I asked I was told that was dumb because this was simple and didnt warrant a call back. I assured him i gave the simple answer but i didnt know more specfiics the customer was asking so this did warrant a call back.
Went to lunch and the dizzy saleslady talked to someone i was waiting on a call back from, and she didnt read my notes to find out what they wanted and didnt give me the message when I came in that they'd called. I figured it out later and called her over and showed her where to look for my notes when someone calls for me so if its something easy she can just give them the answer.
Two hours later a guy calls asks for me and im on the phone. She tells him ill call him back. at 5pm. Shes gathering her belongings to go home and now i have to stay afterhours to call the guy back. I'm like did you look at my notes? It literally says i was calling because I sent him a link he needs to click to set up his autopay. You couldnt tell him to do that? I need to stay afterhours because you couldn't read my notes and tell him to click a link?
Suddenly the boss thinks its totally fine to call people back for stupid simple answers when this morning it was terrible customer service and he takes her side over mine because he's an asshole in general and picks fights with me on the regular because either he hates me and wants me to quit but doesnt want to fire me since he has no real grounds because my work is just fine and he just hates me because hes a joyless fuck who takes his stress out on me for some reason.
Or he just thinks this is a normal way to treat employees and expects thats fine that he treats me like this.
My fault probably because I've been putting up with this bullshit. I've been there a year and a half and hes been an asshole the whole time but its a good job for me in every other way or at least i believed that and I didn't put him in his place, because hes the boss. You dont win an argument when you arent the boss. So I just didn't argue.
Basically he randomly picks fights with me and I get mad and he says im "being irrational" because he doesnt understand that im being MAD and not even a little bit irrational at all and thats a super sexist dick thing to say and the only reason i havent CORRECTED HIM is because i was trying not to get fired.
Because if i said what i thought i would certainly get fired. But he doesnt listen to me anyway so theres no reason to say anything really. He has never listened to me ever about anything. I tell him theres pink mold in the bathroom he says there isn't. I'm like you can see it. and i cleaned the bathroom my damn self even though I am certainly not the janitorial staff. I tell him there are ants he says no there are no ants. I buy ant traps and get rid of the ants.
Anyway I spent my weekend in some existential thought with my oldest friends and people most important to me, and this motherfucker picks a fight with me over a thing there is no possible way I am wrong about.
and that was it. Life is too short to have a boss whos an asshole. I left and didnt go back. got my stuff the next day. bye fuck you asshole. youve ruined enough of my days. So ive been unemployed and looking for work since. I got a job offer yesterday so it took a week and a half.
No clue if my new job will be any good or not but i went in for the interview and it's beautiful in there and there was calm soft music and the guy who interviewed me was basically selling me on the job instead of the other way around. Told me they have almost no turnover but they are opening another location so they need new people. Asked why i left my previous job. I told him it was a personality conflict and i was just so unhappy there. He said he used to have a job selling financial products to insurance agents and they're all crazy. He may as well have put his arm around me and said, "it's ok baby, i got you". It felt like that. Sent me a job offer a few hours later. Pay is less, hours way different, commute is longer, but there's benefits. I had no benefits at that shitty job with that asshole for a boss who did nothing but make every day suck for me. I have so many stories of what a dick he is. He interviewed someone for my job a month or so ago. Because he never took the ad down. I was there a year and a half! He stopped buying the coffee i like too. If he wasnt trying to get rid of me he's just really shit at treating people like he wants to keep them. The longer im gone the easier it is to see that wasnt as good a job as it seemed from the outside. It wasnt even close.
It was hard. and complicated. It took me about a year to become competent. I was just starting to get good at it. He really should have seen that as valuable and that he should treat me well since he had such an investment of time and money sunk into me.
But he didn't. He never complimented me on anything ever. He never said so much as Good job about anything at any point. He was just an asshole if i did something wrong or sometimes even if i didn't. He'd go off on me randomly and I'd just say OK because i'm not going to argue. Because if I get involved in this I'm going to end up with no job because I'm going to tell him what I think.
So basically this is what ended up going down except i didnt even bother to tell him what i think of him because he doesnt listen to me anyway and i didn't feel like i needed to tell him what i think of him or anything at all. He's a joyless asshole under pressure to have a successful business and he's not doing it. Probably because he's an asshole and its a very people-person job.
He wanted me to handle everything. Even though I didnt know how and i'm not the business owner. He was mad about me directing customers to him. When they ask for him because hes the business owner. Good luck being successful dude. I'm out.
This guy who just hired me literally told me that if people are angry that wouldn't be my responsibility to handle. I'd get the manager for them. I'm like ??????????? really????????? because its been my job to get yelled at for my last two jobs now for about the last four years of my life. In fact, at some point during the pandemic it was literally my job for a month to let people yell at me for not receiving their furniture and once they calmed down giving them gift certificates. I did that for a whole month when I was really sick too. Probably the worst month of my life.
and i had some moment where i realized all this work trauma ive been through for the last four years and I just breathed and relaxed. and decided even if this guy didnt hire me and even if he was just talking a load of BS, becuase this asshole boss told me what a great manager he was in the interview too, it just felt so good to have someone on the outside tell me how a person should be treated as an employee.
Because thats not how i was being treated.
for years now.
and thats why i quit.
He gave me validation.
and a job i hope i like and can stay at for a long time.
Went to the funeral today.
Dude died, i quit my job, got a new job before the funeral. That was a big relief. I never thought i was making a mistake having quit but probably i should have looked for a new job first and then put my notice in properly but #1 fuck this guy i was done and #2 i didn't do that so here we are.
I spent the inbetween time kind of panicking that i'll never be able to get another new job ever because of the way I quit. But then also i worked for myself for 8 yrs before the pandemic and I loved it so its fine if i cant work for anyone ever again. I'm my favorite boss. it'll be ok. I just didnt want to go to all the trouble to set my business back up and look for clients again.
Having said that i probably have spent so much more time and energy looking for a job working for someone else. It's been awful. Job hunting is so demoralizing. and its even worse than that now I think because i got so many scammers trying to scam me while I'm just trying to look for some employer to not care that i left my last job suddenly because i cant get along with my boss.
but i got a job and i slept so much better last night than i have in the week and a half since i quit my job.
The details arent finalized so it may not be a done deal but just having a job offer at all is a weight off my mind. and i went to enjoy the funeral today. Thats not the right word. you dont 'enjoy' a funeral but i was able to be fully present at the funeral and have conversations with all these bereaved people who were mostly just in shock. All of them. I mean no one was expecting this and it really just seemed like no one had gotten past is this even really happening. I was in this room full of people who were in some surreal land inside themselves. I did what i could to talk to everyone but I'm not even sure what I was talking about and they didn't seem to care either. It felt like everyone was just glad everyone else was there.
Funerals all suck.
Theyre always weird and wrong and unsatisying but i think thats the place, at least for me in my limited experience, where you start to really come to terms with the fact that this person is gone. I think thats what theyre for.
Whats even weirder is that I had a tiki theme party to go to after. Which made the whole day even more surreal as i changed from funeral black to Hawaii and from sad to happy.
But the happy party after really made me feel normal in a way I havent now since he died in the first place. Just chatting with friends about things. Not existential things. Just normal things. Like things are normal.
Found myself referring to "my job" and meaning the old one. I dont know what my new job is like yet. I dont even know what days off I will or wont have coming up. Which i just realized may be an issue since people at the party were asking if i'm going to show up for things. i'm like yeah i have the day off work. and i remembered later i asked for the day off work with a boss i dont have anymore and a job i dont have anymore so i need to make sure the new boss is cool with giving me these days off up front or i'll have to find a differnt job i guess.
but i am very glad i have a job offer and I'm very glad i have happy friends and upcoming plans.
I need to cross post all my tumblr posts for the last four weeks i think give or take now. I didnt mean to stop doing it.
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kdipshit · 1 year
Addicted ;
Am I addicted to thinking about the things I have on repeat in my head? Like is it an addiction, I guess idk how else to think, or what else to think about, it’s kind of sad. Well in better light, I’ve taken up a shit load of study, im really gonna do this writing thing. I really want to do this writing thing, I read the entire brochure of the academy I want to go to, im so happy to be intrested in something, as tedious as the learning journey can be for me, im learning how I learn the best way I can, the only way I can.
I don’t like therapy because I don’t like being told my ways of dealing with my issues are wrong, or bad, or something like that, even though I know they are, and I would be better off without them, I’m very defensive of my coping mechanisms, I take care of them, because they take care of me… in a way, I see them as taking away my primary feeling at the time, which is usually guilt, anxiety, determent, hurt, things along those lines, even just overwhelmed and feeling 100 feelings at once, my coping mechanisms are pretty good at taking away the mess and helping me to slow down, not feel it or completely ignore it. I don’t even like telling myself that they’re bad. But they are, and its not only slowing me down, but its potentially holding me back… I don’t know where I put weed on that spectrum because I know I abuse it but it helps me so much, I know I need to manage my use, I don’t want to lie. Ill try. I’m continuing to do things I don’t want to do to stay in the moment, and its hard, but I try. For me. My anti-psychs restarting to kick in and I’m getting super drowsy, I’m tired, but still hungry, might have some sugar toast lol, yes I eat sugar toast with lost of butter and idc, its all I eat lol, my sugar intake should not be legal I binge eat lollies like its popcorn, like those hard sugar lollies… I get a big bag of piñata lollies munch it like popcorn. Its a problem, i guess no lollies tomorrow either lol. I eat em when I’m BIG B WORD but once I start its like I can’t stop. No wonder I’m sick, I’m excited for this bag to be gone so I dont have to eat them anymore lmao, do you see my fat bitch mentality I have rn watch in a couple weeks ill hate food again and not eat for 5 months. Psycho. I’m gonna make some sugar toast lol. Brb
I better figure my shit out now while I’m still learning and not later on down the line when my foundation is secure, I’m sure it won’t be secure if my shit isint figured out but I have everything under control, it’s like a massive Hurd of bulls rushing towards me and I’m somehow controlling their next movements.
Certain people just take away all the pain for me, and I thank them for that, but theres heaps of other things I can do by myself that will fulfil me just as much, even more.
So I’ve come to realise I’ve got some sort of victim complex going on because why else am I still holding on so tight to things that hurt me? I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, I’ve been knowing that and like thinking about not feeling sorry for myself lmao, but to look at it fully and see I really do have a victim complex and I can’t get go of the feeling, but why should I hold on? I don’t want to guilt myself into letting go, I just want to let go, and I am, by fixing what I pushed away so many years ago, bring it to the front and figure out that fat knot in the chord, that shouldn’t even be here. Ugh, idk man. I think I’m making a lot of sense, I’m just trying to get it all out, I don’t feel sorry for myself when I look back, I see me making the right choice, every single time, whatever lead me here, to cut it off, thank you so much for bringing me here today. Im so embarrassed that it’s taken me this long, but that’s just a feeling it’ll pass, it’s not even that bad, I want to live for myself and that’s it, I’m absolutely worth it. I feel like I’ve already let it go I’m just stuck on the thoughts now lmao, I’m tripping too hard they’re just thoughts, clouds, movements, let themmmm moveeee onnnnn.
I’m totally okay with having a drink today, if the subject arises from Hayley or someone, I would love a glass of bubbles. I’m also done with going the way I have always gone, thats not the way up.
So I talked to my mum about me possibly having a drink tonight, she doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but she said if I feel like I’m in a spot where I can control how much I have, then by all means have a few drinks and enjoy yourself, but if you feel at any point it start to go down, stop. My problem is not stopping, this ripples out to me drinking as a coping mechanism and not as something fun to do with people you love, and let go. That’s what I wanna do, I wanna let go. I’m scared a beast might unleash, it’s not going to tho, because this is the good place. I’m quiet nervous tho aren’t I? I don’t want it to open up the doors for me to drink all the time. I don’t wanna do that, I just want to enjoy this one time, im aloud to. I know I am stronger and bigger than alcohol, and I can control it easily because I monitor my alcohol intake. Count my drinks? I don’t want my family to make assumptions about me if I chose the drink, I have grown and that’s not my way of thinking anymore, I guess me saying that is me judging myself, I have the full capability to live as I am, I have learnt so much and I have implemented more into my life. I’m coming at this from a different angle, i probably won’t even drink tonight who knows? But if I choose to, I choose to do it properly. Follow my mums rules and everything is fine.
I’m not going to let go of myself, I’ve got ahold of who I am and I’m not losing sight.
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roachfurby · 3 years
I think I might be getting to a point where I want to stop testosterone. Like in the next 9 months or so 🤔
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duckugou · 3 years
meeting dilf kirishima
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pro hero! Kirishima x fem! teacher! reader
cw: oh god fluff, mentions of divorce, domestic thoughts, not proofread
this is the start of a whole mha dilf series- check that out here!
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!
Requests are open!!
Working in a day care for pro heroes is definitely interesting. Especially when things would change- which was surprisingly not often. But it did happen every now and then. Like when pro hero Red Riot brought his daughter in for the first time. It was typically the small girl's mom bringing her in.
"Daddy! Look look- this is where I put my backpack!" A small voice caught your attention as some of the kids came through the door.
Turning around you saw one of your favorite kids dragging a tall, muscular man with her little hand to the cubbies. "See I have a sticker of your red R!" She pointed up above her cubby to show him her arrangement of stickers. Each child was given free reign to choose how to decorate a piece of paper to put above their cubby and that was how she did hers- countless animal, rainbow, and Red Riot stickers.
"Thats really neat, princess! Is that a sticker of uncle Bakugou?" He laughed.
"Yeah! 's a 'splosion!" The small girl turned around and noticed your presence. "Hi!! Daddy daddy- this is miss Y/n!" She tugged his hand to bring him where you stood, his figure towering over yours.
"Hi, miss Y/n. Im Kirishima." He held his hand out for you to shake, which you took with a smile.
"Its nice to meet you Red Riot." You giggled, making him blush. "Kirishima, sorry."
"No problem." He held your hand after shaking it, looking you up and down- unaware that it was noticable.
"Miss Y/n, can I pick the book today please please please? Lucas did yesterday and its my turn." The small girl asked, pulling on your shirt.
"Of course Sadie! Go pick one out and let miss Pane know youre here okay?" You offered, looking back to Kirishima as he finally dropped your hand.
"Okay! Bye daddy Ill see you later!" She looked up to Kirishima, hugging his legs. He bent down and hugged her properly, not used to saying goodbye to his sweet daughter in this setting.
"Have a good day princess. Love you!" He said, standing up from the hug as she ran off to her friends and other teacher, shouting a "love you too!" behind her.
"Shes so... full of energy." Kirishima laughed.
"Oh she always is! Ball of light that one." You folded your arms, curiosity getting the best of you. "Is everything okay?"
"What?" He was caught off guard by the sudden question, eyes falling back onto you.
"I mean like- I dont want to be nosy. You can tell me to mind my business. Its just, usually her mom drops her off? Just wanna make sure everything is okay." You had a genuine feeling of concern, wanting your class of kids to have good home lives as well as good lives in the classroom.
"Oh. Yeah uh- I mean we've been uh. Jeez." He signed, not having realized he would be discussing this so early in the morning.
"Oh- if its something personal you dont have to-" You rushed out, waving your hands in front of you a little embarassed.
"No! No youre fine! Its nothing- Sadie's mom and I split up a few months ago and she had been the one to bring her every day. I get the shock of the sudden change- just. She just left the city- like moved. Few hours out. New boyfriend. So I'm gonna be dropping her off and picking her up from now on." He rushed out.
"Oh! God I am so sorry for asking-"
"No its okay I mean you take care of my baby girl all day and... we've never met." He scratched the back of his neck, feeling guilty.
"Its okay! This is a room full of hero's kids I totally understand. You're busy keeping us all safe- gosh especially you!" You beamed, trying to be as discreet as possible about having your favorite hero in front of you.
When you started working in the room for hero's kids, you thought youd be seeing heroes all the time. But it was mainly nannies and other family members dropping them off. It was understandable- its a nonstop job. But it made seeing their parents that much more special.
"Oh- thank you! I mean I do what I can- oh by the way... Um how does- this sounds awful. How does picking her up work? I just have to let my agency know so I can be sure to get out of there by whatever time." He acted bashful, but the implied praise from your lips made him go beet red.
"Oh- well pick up time is technically 3:30 but kids usually end up staying in this room a little late. At least 2 or 3 each day." You informed him.
"Oh! Yeah okay no I can be out by then." He made sense of his new schedule in his head, determined to be the best dad he could be right now.
"No problem, I just ask if you'll be late to shoot me a text if you can! Just so I have a head count!"
"Yeah! Oh- well whats your number?" He asked, pulling his phone out and opening a blank contact.
You entered your number in and labeled it "Miss Y/n" with a giggle.
"Alright I'll totally let you know if anything comes up. Thank you so much, Miss Y/n." He chuckles lightly.
"Of course!! Be safe out there, Red." You wave him off, the well wishes making his heart flutter.
He waved to his daughter one last time, not used to the feelings of "Oh my god im leaving my baby girl", his chest hurting a small amount.
"And then he went BOOM!"
"He did not! BOOOM!"
The sound of children arguing over silly things filled Kirishimas ears as he walked up to the classroom where he left his daughter earlier that day.
"Okay boys, lets wind down okay? Its going home time!" Your voice rang in his ears, making him involuntarily smile. He was a little early- just wanting to be sure to be on time.
He stood in the doorway, watching as the kids gathered around you sitting on the floor in a circle. Everyone started clapping to a beat, some kids not quite hitting the beat on time but that was okay.
You began singing and the children all joined in gradually.
"Its time to end our day, its time to end our day. Its time to say a big hooray and then be on our way! Its time to end our day, its time to end our day. Its time to say a big hooray and then be on our way!"
Everyone clapped after the song ended, and Kirishima watched how Sadie gravitated to you as everyone stood up from the circle to get their back packs.
"Darren, Laniey! Your moms called and said they'll be a little late today, okay?" You asked 2 kids that were walking to their cubbies, making them turn around and cheer for extra play time, making you laugh lightly.
"Miss Y/n?" A small voice got your attention as a small hand reached up and tugged your lanyard.
"Yes Sadie?" You squatted down to her level, recognizing the look on her face. Kirishima recognized it too, but didn't want to move. He wanted to watch you handle it.
"Is- is mommy coming?" She asked, nervous. She always got nervous during transitioning periods when people were moving around a lot and she knew people were leaving. You were used to it- and figured it would happen today since it was a new routine of her dad getting her.
"No, actually, your dad told me hes coming today!" You said excitedly, trying to change the mood.
"He is? But.. he never does. Mommy does." She said, looking at the floor.
Kirishimas heart sank a little, not having realized how much his daughter wanted him around more.
"He is! He told me this morning and I bet he comes super super soon, Sade!" You took her hands and swung them lightly, letting her look up at you at her own pace, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
"I hope he does. I know he saved people today- he does all the time. But I really want him to come get me sometimes. Did you know he gives me nightnight kisses on my head?" She asked, pointing to the center of her forehead. "He thinks I sleepin but I wake up when he comes in. Dont tell him!"
You and Kirishima both chuckled, his heart swooning at the sight of you with his daughter. Stepping past the doorway, he acted like he just arrived.
"Hey princess!" He said, Sadies head turning to him, her smile beaming.
"DADDY!!!" She let go of your hands, running to Kirishima and jumping in his arms. Standing up, you let out a sigh, loving when parents were so sweet to their children. It made you warm and fuzzy inside, the love radiating off of the two.
"You was right miss Y/n!" She shouted.
"I knew it!" You laughed, walking over to the two.
Setting his daughter down, Kirishima told her to get her bag, and she bolted off to the cubbies.
"Hey look at that! On time!" You praised him jokingly.
"I left earlier than I needed to- was nervous." He admitted quietly.
"Its impressive!" You laughed. "She did great today. She usually has a little problem with Jared and sharing with him but today she did super well. Let her know later that you're proud of her ok? And uh- oh! Her lunch. She didnt eat the grapes. She usually doesnt- her mom never really listened to me when I told her that and its always a waste. Oh! And her cup- the juice that was in it this morning was her favorite- I dont know what it was but she loved it." You rambled on, trying to give him insight into her day so he had something to work with.
"Oh wow. Uh thank you." You handed him her sheet of "What I Did Today" and smiled. "This is so nice- do you do these every day?"
"Yeah!" You beamed, proud of your own idea to have the sheets implemented.
"Thats awesome- thank you wow. So no grapes- oh and it was apple-cranberry!" He remembered, making a mental note to give it to her more often.
"She has good taste then!" You laughed.
"Daddy daddy look!" She held up a picture she colored in during the day, jumping up and down excitedly.
"Woah! Thats so pretty princess! Good job!!" He praised her, holding the picture up to see the colors she picked in a better light.
"I drawed it for you!" She beamed. Kirishima swore his heart was gonna burst.
It was a picture of a stick figure Red Riot saving the day, colorful confetti all around him. Hearts littered the page as well, and he realized his daughter really sees him as this hero for everyone. But he decided in his head at that moment that he wanted to be her hero most importantly. And he would be.
"Its so good, princess!" He praised the small girl as she beamed up at him. He could cry just seeing her little smile.
The way he looked at her with so much love made your own heart swell. All of the heroes were good parents, but being able to see Kirishima interact with one of your favorite students was so great. It made your whole body vibrate with happiness. It was so nice.
Knowing that someone that attractive is good with kids is just another reason to admire them. You had to admit, you always had a big crush on the tall red-haired hero. The way his sharp teeth always showed when he smiled in interviews, the way he was so selfless- helping anyone in sight. The way he would laugh in casual interviews about the most random questions the interviewers had. You definitely admired him - even more so now that youve felt his hand in yours, and heard his voice in person.
"Oh, miss y/n!" She started, tugging your sleeve. "Daddy's gonna bring me tomorrow too, okay?" She asked, not realizing she really didn't need to ask.
"Of course! I certainly hope to see your dad more often!" You said, hoping he understood the comment.
"You definitely will." He smiled, blushing slightly.
Kirishima had never seen a more gorgeous woman in his life- he was convinced. He would beat himself up forever for not meeting you sooner. The way your eyes shined, the pinks of your cheeks- and the way your outfit hugged your curves perfectly. Had he seen you on the street, he wouldve drooled. However, he met you in a better setting. He didn't know you great yet, but from what he saw today with you interacting with every child, gentle and sweet yet authoritative. The way his own daughter gravitated to you and smiled so genuinely at you. He would be stupid to say love at first sight, but man was he close.
"Mommy!" A small voice behind you rang, bringing your attention to Creati- or Yaoyorozu- coming into the room and lifting her son up.
"Hi baby!" She greeted him with sweet kisses all over his face. The young boy was always excited when his mom got him instead of his nanny. It was sweet.
"Oh- thats my cue! You guys have a good night, okay? Ill see ya tomorrow!" You waved Kirishima and Sadie off, hearing a goodbye from the both of them as they left and you approached Yaoyorozu with the run down of her son's day.
And that night, you and Kirishima couldnt get each other off your minds, domestic thoughts creeping in. And you both slept with smiles on your faces and excitement to see each other tomorrow.
taglist: @maggiecc @lovemegood
!!come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!!!!
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nctsplug02 · 3 years
Can I request dad!johnny? he cheated with y/n so they broke up and 3 yrs later he saw y/n with their son (y/n a single mom) but johnny isnt still aware of it that it’s his kid? Angst-fluff maybe? Thank you!
get your popcorns ready, this is gonna be a long story.
genre: angst, fluff
You and your son were waiting in line for some ice cream, he heard the ice cream truck and asked to get some, of course you agreed since it was so hot outside. “Hello,” you greeted the man in the ice cream truck. “Hi, what can I get for you today?” He asks and you hum. “I think I’ll get vanilla. What do you want, baby?” You ask your three year old. “Can I get the brown one?”
The man chuckles and nods before heading back into his truck to get the ice creams. “Okay, here you two are! It’ll be five bucks.” You hand the man a five dollar bill before bidding your goodbyes.
“Y/n?” You turn your head to the direction where your name was called. “Oh, Mark? Taeil?” You’re shocked to see your olds friends standing in line, waiting to order their ice creams. “So it is you! Hyung, you owe me twenty bucks,” Taeil rolls his eyes at the youngster and nods.
“Anyways, how’ve you been? It’s been so long!” The young boy cheers. “I’ve—,” you feel your dress get tugged on. “Mommy, who are they?” Your son asks, hiding behind you. “These.. um,” you look back at Mark and taeil. “They are my friends from a long time ago.” You smile at the two men in front of you.
“Wait, your a mom now? Wow!” Mark covers his mouth in shock. “Mark, youre too loud.” Taeil tells him, Mark apologizes and lowers his voice. “Uh, yeah.. I’m a mom now.” Mark crouches down and holds a fit out to your son. “Hi, buddy! I’m mark!” Your son tilts to the side to look at Mark. He looks up at you who just smiles down at him. “I’m Sungchan.” Your son quietly introduces himself and hi-fives Marks fist.
“Nice to meet you, sungchan.” Mark giggles at the three year olds shyness. “Where are you guys off to?” Taeil asks while Mark tried to start a conversation with the three year old. “Just back to the park, what about you guys?” You point to the park that had no people. “Well, we came here to get some ice cream for us and the others, so we’re headed back.. over there.”
He points to a place behind the cars that were all parked and lined up. “Oh, who’s all over there with you guys? Maybe I’ll come with and say hello to them.” You smile at him, thinking about the others that you hadn’t seen either. “Well, there’s taeyong, Jeno, yuta, Doyoung, and Johnny.” He lists them out, you pause at the last name.
“O—oh, um, actually I think me and Sungchan are just gonna head home after this.” You hug Sungchan to your leg. “Oh, well. Here, how about we swap numbers so you can come over tonight? I mean, we are throwing a little party.” You think about it, what could go wrong with reuniting with some old friends?
“Sure! I mean, it’s been years since we’ve all talked and seen each other, so why not?” He laughs a little and pulls his phone out. You and him swap numbers before you and Sungchan left home.
Mark and Taeil walk back to the little group with ice cream cones in their hands. “Okay, take your ice creams! Me and Taeil have to tell you guys who we just met.” They all take their ice cream and wait for Mark to continue.
“We bumped into y/n at the ice cream truck, she looks better than ever!” Mark announces with a giggle.
Later that night, Taeil had texted you, telling you to come over for a bit. You got worried and asked if you could bring Sungchan, he said yes and that he didn’t mind.
You got Sungchan out of the car and knocked on the door. The door swings open and you see Mark at the door. “Aye! You actually came!” He gasps when he sees the three year old standing besides you. “Ahh! Sungchan!” He giggles and starts to jump. “Hi, Mark.” You giggle at how excited he was to see your son.
Mark shuts the door after letting the two of you in. “Are you hungry? Yeah, okay. Why don’t you go play with uncle Mark while mommy grabs you some food, yeah?” Your son nods and looks up at Mark. “Let’s go!” Sungchan grabs Marks hand and allows Mark to take him to the basement.
You sigh and start looking around for the kitchen. “Oh,” you find the kitchen filled with food that they had just barbecued. You hum and start looking for plates, paper plates are sitting on the counter which you grabbed. You filled with plate up with some chicken and rice. You reheat the cold food and while waiting a voice scares you.
“Y/n?” Oh, you knew that voice, you knew it well.
You turned around to see your ex lover standing in shock by the door frame. “Johnny, hi.” You inhale sharply. “Is.. is that your kid?” He points behind him.
- few moments ago -
Johnny sighs and opens the bathroom door. “Yo! Watch out, man!” Mark yells and pushes the tall man back into the bathroom. “Woah, who’s kid is that?” Johnny asks pointing to the three year old.
“Mhm.” You nod confirming his question. “Oh, well, how’ve you been—?”
beep, beep, beep.
The microwave saves the awkward moment. “I’ve been good, how about you?” You grab the food out of the microwave. “I’ve been.. good too.” He nods and tucks his hands in his pockets. “That’s good. Can you show me where the basement is?” He nods and gestures you to follow him.
Entering the basement, you could see your son playing with Mark. “Oh, my god! Y/n? It’s been so long!” Jungwoo gasps and sits up, running over to you and hugging you. “Hi Jungwoo!” You giggle and pst his back as he swayed you back and forth. “Gosh! So that baby must be yours, huh?” You nod and scrunch your face up. “Okay, well I see you have a plate of food so, go on.”
You walk over to Mark and Sungchan who are playing with some action figures. “Channie, come eat food.” You sit down and place the plate down. “Okay, mommy.” He crawls over to you and sits in front of you. “Here, ahh.” You open your mouth and so does he. “Omm, nom nom nom.” Your son giggles at your food noises.
After feeding your son, your son got tired and wanted to go home. “Hey guys, me and Sungchan are gonna head home. He’s getting really tired and cranky.” The guys frown and whine, not wanting you to leave just yet. “I’ll see you guys next time, okay?” Mark walks you to your car with Sungchan in his arms.
“Okay, bye y/n. Drive safe, alright?” You giggle and nod. “I’m not that bad of a driver, Mark. But yes, don’t worry. Goodnight Mark, don’t drink too much.” He laughs and nods. “Okay, mom,” he jokes, “goodbye channie, see you soon! Bye buddy!” He waves the little boy off before running back inside as you drove off.
For days your son had begged you nonstop if he could spend the night at Marks, and honestly, you didn’t know if Mark would be up for it or if he would be able to take care of your three year old. “Okay, I’ll call uncle Mark to see if he lets, okay?” The three year old cheers and nods.
You pick up your phone and start calling Mark.
“Hey, what’s up y/n?” The man sounded so lively. “Hi Mark, can I ask you something?” The boy nods and hums. “Okay, so lately Sungchan had been asking and begging for me to let him sleep at your place, so is it alright if Sungchan sleeps at your place? For like, a day?”
The man on the other line freaks. “Dude, of course! Send me your address I’ll come pick him up.” You giggle at his excitement, him and Sungchan are growing up as best friends. “Alright, ill send it.” The other line goes silent, bitch hung up.
“Channie! Go get ready! Uncle Mark is coming to pick you up!” The little boy cheers and runs into his room, quickly packing some of his toys and some clothes.
“Im ready, mommy!” He says with his backpack on and his shoes on the wrong way. “Good job, baby! Let’s go wait for uncle Mark outside, yeah?” He nods and runs towards the front door.
You and him are outside, youre sitting on the steps while he sat next to you. “It’s a pretty day, isn’t it?” Your son nods and looks at the flowers that were planted by the big tree in front of your house, it had a swing on it from your childhood.
A car pulls up and you grab Sungchan hand. “Oh, it’s uncle mark.” You let his hand go as he slowly walks down the stairs and then runs to his uncle. “Uncle Mark!” He jumps into the mans arms and makes the older man giggle. “Hey buddy!” He lifts up the three year old and looks over at you, who is walking towards them.
“Hey Mark, take good care of my baby, okay? He’s the only one I’m having.” Mark and you laugh, but soon after he nods. “Hey y/n?” You look in the car to see Johnny sitting in the passenger seat. “Oh, hey Johnny, didn’t see you.” He slightly laughs and then looks back in his lap. “Alright, ready to go, buddy?” The three year old nods.
“You go and be good, okay? If someone tells me you were being a bad boy, then you don’t get to go back to uncle Marks, got it?” The little on nods. “Okay, give mommy a kiss.” You turn your head and point to your cheek. You pull away when you feel his little lips press against it. “Okay, bye bye, baby.” You ruffle his hair. “Bye mommy!”
Later that night, you had ran to that store for some food and bumped into someone very attractive. You and him swapped numbers and starts going on dates after that. While on those dates, Mark would babysit for you, you offered to pay him for every time he watch your son but he didn’t accept it.
Tonight was a rainy night, you and jaehyun couldn’t go on a date so you both decided to stay in with Sungchan.
- a little recap of their night -
“Happy 8 month anniversary, babe.” Jaehyun says and clinks his wine glass with yours. “Happy 8 months, baby.” You take a small swig. “Mommy, happy happy day.” Sungchan holds up his cup of apple juice. “Aww, happy happy day, baby.” You giggled and clinked your cup with his.
It was so late and the rain made the three of you guys so sleepy, so the three of you ended up sleeping early.
A sudden faint knock could be heard from the living room. You sit up frantically, another knock. “Who the f.. it’s so late..” you groan and get out of bed, making your way down to the front door with a bat in your hand.
“Johnny?” You see Johnny standing in front of your door all soaked, he looked.. intoxicated. “Y/n..” he slurred and wobbled, he couldn’t even hold himself up. “Johnny, it’s late, what are you doing in front of my door at this time?” He laughs but it sounded broken. “I.. I miss you so much..”
he was just drunk talking, you said to yourself.
“Johnny, should I call Mark—?” He quickly shakes his head. “No, please don’t. If you do then he’ll yell at me.” You sigh, the cold breeze making your legs shiver. “I just miss you so much, I miss holding you at night, I miss the way you kissed me, please just take me back—“ you stopped his rambling, his drunk rambling.
“No, johnny, you don’t get to do this! I’ve finally healed after 4 years of our break up. I was so heartbroken that you cheated on me with some random chick from the bar. I was so hurt that you hid it from me and that I had to find out from Renjun and Chenle. This ain’t fair, johnny!” He laughs and nods. “He’s my son, isn’t he?” Great, a new topic.
“So what if he is? It doesn’t matter anymore, you were never in the picture anyway so why does it matter?” He looks up at you. “He’s my son—“ you shake your head. “No he isn’t, he isn’t. He may have your blood but he isn’t your son.” Silence took over, all that could be heard was the raining showering. “Just leave, please? I don’t want to ever see you again.” He steps closer with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Y/n, please let’s just talk—“ the door opens wider. “She said to leave.” Johnny looks at the man besides you and then back at you. “Alright, I’m sorry..” Johnny turns back around and walks out of your property.
Jaehyun closes the door shut and is immediately taken into your embrace. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He shakes his hand and taps on your thigh, telling you to jump, so you do. “It’s okay, let’s just go back to bed.” He says carrying you back up to your room.
a/n: i got really tired and confused at the end. hopefully you can see where i ran out of words and ideas for this story. and by confused i mean like, not knowing anymore words, not knowing what to write and etc. hopefully i can fix this and make it better because it isn’t really that good. I’ll try my best next time! :)
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