#;; don’t start acting like a drunken queue
caustinen · 10 days
clegan drabble — chance encounter, first meeting, modern au
By the third time the guy makes his way over to the bar, Gale has to really work on not throwing his Coke bottle to the liquor shelf and start breaking stuff.
”Seriously man, are you sure we don’t-” ”No, we have not met before,” he responds as politely as he can through his teeth, “and no, I do not need company. And no, I will not go home with you. Excuse me.”
The guy’s drunken gaze falls to his lips as he talks, making Gale suspect he has not heard a single word he has said all night despite repeating himself over and over. The glassy eyes eventually turn back to his, and the man licks his lips as his expression morphs into a what he surely thinks is a seductive smirk.
”Come on, baby. Humor me a bit. Let my buy you a drink.” Gale exhales in frustration. The ick he gets from this man is ridiculous. ”I told you already, I don’t need a drink, I’d really just like to-”
He stops abruptly when the man takes a tight hold of his bicep. ”Hey, could you-” ”This hard-to-get act is getting old now, gorgeous.” ”I’m not-” The grip gets tighter, another hand reaches for his thigh, and Gale is about to get violent despite not wanting to get in trouble at their frequent spot when-
”Hi Buck, there you are! I’m real sorry I left you here all by yourself for so long, the queue to the toilet was insane.” A pleasant, carefree voice comes up from behind him. He turns to find a gorgeous smile on a gorgeous face he doesn’t recognize. The man’s smile is tense on a futher look, though, and his eyes are questioning as he lays a careful hand on Gale’s shoulder, clearly ready to pull back immediately if he gets any indication that the action is unwanted.
Gale exhales quietly again before covering the hand now on his shoulder with his own, immediately catching on. ”It’s okay.” It’s easy to slide away from the icky man’s grasp now, his surprise making him loosen his hold on Gale. Gale tries to avoid looking at him and accidentally leans closer towards the other man, his aura calming despite towering over Gale’s propotions in every direction. The man doesn’t seem to mind, still smiling from under his curls. ”Ready to go home, doll?”
Gale nods immediately. The drunk dude has been looking between them for a bit before his eyes land on the taller man. ”I’m real sorry mate, I didn’t realize he was-” The man’s face changes immediately when he looks away from Gale to the other guy, the youthful happiness turning into coldness that makes him look mature and strick. ”Yeah, whatever. Go home, sober up and learn some fucking manners, you fucking jackass.” With that, he’s gently leading Gale to the door.
He doesn’t let go until they are out of the other guy’s view, but he does drop his hand immediately as the door closes behind them. It’s probably the chill of the autumn evening and not the departure of the solid body against him that’s making Gale feel cold suddenly but it’s still unpleasent. ”Sorry,” the man says almost frantically, ”I didn’t mean to intrude but you were looking pretty miserable before he even showed up and when he got his hands on you-” The man sighs and shakes his head. ”Didn’t look like you were happy with it, somehow, so I just wanted to check on you. No clue where the fake boyfriend thing came from though, I’m so sorry if I-”
”Don’t be,” Gale says firmly, and the man immediately relaxes again, ”I don’t know why I froze like that, it was nice someone else de-escalated it like that. My friend went to argue with his boyfriend on the phone like 30 minutes ago and never showed up again so I was pretty pissed anyway.” The man nods, and the warmth Gale feels under his intense gaze shouldn’t feel this exciting, surely.
”Well then…” The guy lifts his arm and scratches the back of his neck, ”I don’t wanna take more of you’re time, I hope you’re oka-” Gale doesn’t think, in an unusual manner to him, when he interrupts him. ”I, eh, actually… I’d love to thank you somehow? Maybe buy you some late night dinner?” The man’s face lights up again, and Gale feels silly in a way he doesn’t often do.
”I’d love that. I’ll go tell my friends I’m leaving and meet you up here after?” ”Sounds good.” They stare at each other for a beat despite the words, and Gale swears he’s not blushing when he sticks his hand out jerkily. ”Gale Cleven.” The man smirks, his eyes turning to lines as it overcomes his face. ”John Egan,” he introduces himself as he reaches to shake his hand, ”but you can call me Bucky.”
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oblivionsdream · 10 months
Foolknight content for you that kind of started off as a vague thought and turned into a full blown fic… I don’t know… bon appetite.
So okay, the feverish/drunk knight ask got me thinking… (totally not based off of how I act when I’m drunk but anyway) I’m imagining that the Jester can probably hold his liquor pretty well from so many nights spent partying whereas the knight who doesn’t drink very often probably gets drunk much faster. But the knight is not expecting this at all because he’s physically bigger & generally overconfident, so a few drinks in when he’s already feeling a bit floaty and the jester is just getting started he begins to sense his error, but of course he can’t back out now because that would mean admitting defeat. So he keeps drinking, ignoring the fact that the Jester is getting a weirdly fond, amused smile on his face every time the knight speaks.
Cut to half an hour later, the knight is actually hearing himself giggle at the Jester’s jokes, which is incredibly undignified and he knows that, but can’t seem to stop himself. He recognizes vaguely that his lack of inhibitions should be cause for alarm, but the Jester is just so uniquely, annoyingly charming and the knight is having all kings of unfamiliar urges that he isn’t even entirely sure he understands, but mostly he just wants to grab the Jester’s stupid beautiful face and… well, shut him up, by whatever means necessary.
“I’m pretty sure you’re staring,” the Jester says, raising an eyebrow, tongue darting across his bottom lip, a mesmerizingly fast dart of wine-stained red. “But I can’t really tell with all that hardware in the way.”
“I am staring,” the knight says, because it’s true, but the words earn him a soul-warming laugh from the Jester, the corners of his eyes crinkling up endearingly, complimenting the drunken flush on his cheeks.
“You do that a lot?” the Jester asks, leaning in slightly closer. The wine in the glass he’s holding sloshes dangerously to one side, and somewhere in the back of his head the knight knows it’s likely to spill and stain whatever it touches red, but there’s something oddly alluring about the utter lack of care the Jester seems to have about making a mess. “Stare at me under that visor?”
“Yes,” the knight answers, faintly wishing he knew how to lie convincingly.
“Good,” the Jester says, with a cocky smile, and the approval sends an almost uncomfortably strong bolt of sensation through the knight’s stomach. He clears his throat, leaning back an inch. The Jester only leans forwards, bright, mismatched eyes fixed on him intensely. “If you haven’t been staring, then I’ve been showing off for no one.”
(Queue another hour of the knight getting increasingly flustered while the jester realizes how honest and straightforward he is when he’s drunk)
Also 100% accurate for their dynamic.
The poor knight really doesn't stand a chance. How is he supposed to refuse when the jingly menace asked him to go drinking?? Especially knowing that if he refuses the jester will find someone else to drink with?? The thought definitely doesn't make him jealous.
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thrillridesz · 4 years
i don’t belong in this club ▫ sunwoo
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➳ pairing: best friend!sunwoo x fem reader ➳ genre: angst, fluff (?) ➳ word count: 1.5k ➳ warnings: mentions of alcohol, language ( PG 15 ) ➳ requested? : yes
a/n: unedited!
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“Don’t drive if you don’t know how to!”
The driver in the opposite lane screamed, his face almost purple with rage as Sunwoo sped past steadily.
The slew of vulgarities was difficult and nauseating to hear but even if he did find them so, he didn’t show it. His eyes were trained on the road ahead of him, his fingers gripping tightly on the leather steering wheel as he stepped on the pedal. The needle on the speed indicator at the dashboard of the car was increasing tilting towards maximum speed and although Sunwoo knew the consequences of going past the speed limit, he couldn’t care less.
The phone chimed merrily next to him and without wasting a single second, Sunwoo answered the call.
“Y/n? Are you still there?”
“Suuuun... Woo! *hic* You called?”
The last word came out as a slur and anyone from a mile away could have heard how drunk you were even with the bass pounding in the background.
“You said you were at the Reveal club right?” He asked, the worry etched on his face as he failed to hide the anxiety in his voice.
“Deeed I?” You asked, sounding like you were barely even conscious.
“Hey, beautiful! Let’s take another shot!”
Sunwoo’s face darkened significantly as his grip tightened on the steering wheel, his heart pounding heavily. His fingernails were starting to make indentation on the leather sleeve of the wheel and he could feel himself start to shake as he said in a steady voice, “Stay there. I’ll be there soon.”
As he drove along the highway, the only thing that was on his mind was you. The mere thought of you getting dead drunk and vulnerable was enough to make him go crazy with worry and even the idea of you potentially running into trouble drained the blood from his face. It felt like forever before Sunwoo finally managed to pull up hastily at the road outside the club, albeit carelessly. Ignoring the dirty look cast in his directions at his absurd parking, he made a beeline for the entrance of the club.
Before he could even rest his foot on the first step, a burly bouncer stepped in front of him, his muscular frame almost enveloping the boy.
“Hey, kid. Queue up.” The bouncer quirked an eyebrow, gesturing towards the snaking line of eager club patrons. The group of teenagers at the front of the line were giving him annoyed looks and were beginning to whisper among themselves as the patrons at the back leaned to the side to catch what was happening.
“Queue up! Don’t be a dick!” A man at the back hollered and the others murmured their agreement while some laughed out loud at the snide remark. Sunwoo regarded them quietly and without missing a beat, he turned back to the bouncer.
“I just need to get in there to get my friend. She’s stupid drunk and I’m afraid something might happen to her.”
The bouncer scoffed, folding his massive arms across his chest.
“That is not my problem or anyone else’s problem.” Cocking his head, the look in his eyes hardened as he replied, “Queue up to get in or don't get in at all.”
Sunwoo could feel his heart sinking as he surveyed the line and turned back to look at the towering bouncer who glowered down at him. Remembering the intermingle of voices in the background when you had called him earlier, he felt an inherent fear seep in, a fear greater than that of the one he now had for the bouncer who looked just about three times his size. Before he could hold himself back, Sunwoo made a mad dash past the bouncer, much to the latter’s surprise and subsequent anger.
“Stop that punk!”
As he stepped into the club, the dim purple light and flashing beams of multicoloured lights assaulted his sights as he tried to navigate through gyrating to a pop tune blasting from gigantic speakers that were situated on either sides of the DJ’s booth. The smell of alcohol and perfume threatened to gag him as Sunwoo searched frantically around the club, turning behind him to look out for bouncers. His blood ran cold with fright but he forced himself to push through. Your safety was more important and he would try anything to get you out of here.
It was almost as if the heavens had heard his silent prayers when he spotted you lounging around the drink bar but his face quickly darkened when he noticed the two other guys hanging by your side who seemed to be providing you with more shots.
“Why don't you come back to my apartment? We can take care of you.” One of them quipped, exchanging a leery, knowing look with his friend.
“Yeah, here. Have another shot, they serve really good drinks here.” The other added, placing a hand on your shoulder, a greasy smile on his face.
“Ouh... Kay~” You slurred, a silly grin tugging on your lips, reaching out to grab the drink from his hands. Before you could bring it to your lips, a hand reached out and slammed the glass onto the table.
In your drunken daze, you could barely walk on your own two feet without swaying back and forth. Tottering recklessly and tripping over your feet, you felt a hand wrap tightly around your wrist, pulling you away from the chair as the two friendly strangers you were hanging with cried out in protest. The music was pounding in your ear and the blur of lights and moving figures were proving a little too much and you fell on the floor, causing the figure to pause. A split second later, a familiar face hovered into sight.
Whoever this was, he looked really... Handsome. Attractive. The shadow on his face highlighted the sharpness of his features and his plump lips looked absolutely luscious. The neon lights fell against his face, bringing out the darkness and deepness of those dark brown orbs. Was that worry you detected in those eyes?
Concerned, you reached out to cup his face.
“Whai are ooh worried...?” You said drunkenly, pouting.
“We have to go, y/n!”
“Hmmm I don’t wanna...” Lying on the ground, you could faintly hear a desperate grunt and before you knew it, you were lifted off the ground and tucked comfortably in somebody’s arms. The feeling was exhilarating, the wind blowing against your face as he pushed past dancing club patrons and out of the club and into the chilly night.
“Weeeeee!” You cried out joyously, throwing your hands up in the air.
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Thank god the two of you managed to leave before the bouncers caught up.
Looking behind his shoulder, Sunwoo felt cold sweat run down his back and a zing of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he watched the bouncers burst out of the entrance, looking around for him.
Quickly dodging into an alleyway, he spun so fast that you screamed out.
“Roller.... coastar!”
Eyes widening, he sat you down and clamped his palm over your mouth. Sunwoo held his breath as he braced himself for the worst. You stared up at him blearily through half lidded eyes.
Giggling behind his hand, Sunwoo felt a jolt of electricity run when your lips brushed lightly again the palm of his hand. Despite his nerves, he could feel the heat rush up to his cheeks and if he had a mirror with him, he was sure that he’d be as red as a tomato by now.
“Are you... kidnapping me?” You chuckled softly and he felt his heart clench.
“Just how did you manage to get this drunk?”
You didn’t answer as you leaned your head against the brick wall behind you, your hair falling away from your face and under the moonlight, you looked more pretty than he had thought you were with your rosy cheeks and glassy eyes. Your eyes were closed as you whisper innocently.
“I don’t know.”
He watched as you tilted your head cutely to the side, already starting to drift off to sleep.
“Wait, here?!” Before he could even stop you, you were sleeping like a log.
“Aish! This girl,” Sunwoo exclaimed out loud with a sigh. Sometimes he wondered why he ever bothered about you but at the same time, he knew that he would never have allowed himself to leave you alone as well. The two of you had been friends since middle school and who would he be to leave a friend alone when she was in need? Except...
Sunwoo shook his head to clear his thoughts.
No. No, he couldn’t. He can’t think of you that way. Not when you already had a... a boyfriend.
He closed his eyes and tried to push the agonising memories of you and your boyfriend, Juyeon to the back of his mind. You would never have known just how painful it was for him to see you acting all chummy with someone else. All those moments were torturous for him to watch but all he could do was smile and pretend he was happy for you.
He looked at your sleeping form and an inexplicable sadness overwhelmed him. He lifted his hand to brush your hair out of your way, his worries about the bouncer far from his mind by now. You looked so beautiful, he could’ve sworn you were an angel. Perhaps even better.
“When?” He whispered.
“When will you realise how stupidly in love I am with you?”
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morethanonepage · 3 years
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#it's disappointing that in the ghostbusters movie they don't have hthe canon of winstong being like an army vet/the more street smart of the
My Top Posts in 2021
if you don't love john constantine at his "wad of gum w teeth stuck in" comic depiction, you don't deserve him at his "kevin wada beefcake pride variant"
62 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 03:37:16 GMT
wearing a facemask that says "men have made a lot of bad art" to the met
63 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 02:16:32 GMT
Each time a home turned bad, his state-licensed social worker, a woman named Marion, helped Ward start over. He told her about attending protests with Robert, and she arranged to meet Robert in a hospital cafeteria across from his church. She asked Robert what he would think if the state of Washington licensed him as a foster parent for Ward. The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services had, it turned out, been quietly placing gay adolescents in gay homes for several years. Many of those teen-agers had, like Ward, been kicked out of one foster home after another. A Seattle organization called Youth Advocates, which was founded in 1970, had successfully placed about fifteen queer adolescents with queer foster parents. Youth Advocates was privately run, but all of its placements were state-sanctioned, paid for with government subsidies. The organization ran advertisements in gay newspapers. Some included a poem, which read, in part, “Don’t matter if you’re straight or gay, / All you need to get a start, / An empty room, an honest heart.”
73 notes • Posted 2021-04-06 05:58:38 GMT
look the $1400 vs $2000 check bait and switch is bad (optics wise AT THE LEAST) but people acting like Biden's stimulus plan portends severe austerity measures is laughable
92 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 20:11:27 GMT
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the drunken fondness/adoration in john’s smiles in this scene:
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97 notes • Posted 2021-02-25 02:18:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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A not-so-brief overview of my Skyrim Dova OCs bc i need to scream to the digital void about my ideas
Freyora Lind, more commonly known by her strange alias “Bjorne Icepick”
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A Nord-eventually-turned-werewolf who orphaned during the Great War and taken in by a Dunmeri mercenary whose residence was in Windhelm’s Gray Quarter. Grew up in a cramped boarding house setting among desperate mercenaries of varying backgrounds. Many of them would all come and go, but there was always some sort of a familial bond between them all.
From a young age she got in a lot of fights against people who insulted her for living in the Gray Quarter among the dark elves. Eventually she took a fight too far and was jailed for murder around 14, but was broken out shortly after by a band of masked vampires. Turns out some of her mercenary comrades unwittingly caught vampirism during a contract to clear out a vampire den and had to skip town, but not before ensuring one of their own wasn’t left to rot.
Lived in Cyrodil for about 15 years, but returned to Skyrim pursuing rumors surrounding a cure to vampirism, as her adoptive father would be nearing the end of his elven lifespan and had wished to die a normal death.
Seeing as she was literally a fugitive, and her long-belated parents were somewhat renowned for their battlefield prowess, she took on a false identity. AND an act to match it.
She’ll eat raw meat, chase prey with swords instead of using a bow like a normal person, harp about irrational conspiracy theories, and more. Everyone’s foul reactions to her outlandish act are plainly hilarious to her and only encourage her to act even stranger.
The alias “Bjorne Icepick” was simply the most ridiculous name she could think of.
Not the most morally outstanding. Besides drunken brawling, she’ll steal from anyone who angers her, even if it’s things she literally won’t ever need such as all the goblets in a household. It’s the pettiness that counts. “Try drinking your damn high-end wine now, jackass.”
Calls Dwarven Automatons “Gundams.” Including she herself, no one knows what that means.
Joins the Companions out of homesickness and a desire to fill in a gap that leaving home left.
Hasn’t bothered curing herself of lycanthropy because her whole schtick is being incredibly resourceful, and that includes using any means of power necessary. Still doesn’t fancy Hircine’s Hunting Grounds as her desired afterlife, though.
As her journey goes on, however, her lightheartedly eccentric face starts to fall off as a number of events push her to begin to question the legitimacy of her actions up until that point.
Some of which include the eventual death of her adoptive father (and how she was indirectly responsible for it even if it was what he wanted), Delphine’s ultimatum, the civil war as a collective, learning the tragic history behind the Falmer and the original Companions’ role in it, and killing of Vyrthur (no matter how much he genuinely deserved it).
She grows disgusted by herself down to the core. She takes to skooma to cope, and starts to be plagued by serious skooma-induced side effects. She ends up shutting herself away from all her responsibilities and distancing herself from her friends.
Does she get better? Maybe. I haven’t thought up anything past this point lol
Moureneris Alta
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A very, VERY ancient vampiric snow elf, (though it’s notable she was born a considerable amount of time after the razing of Sarthaal)
Survived many atrocities. Stayed in isolation with a band of vampires for countless years out of sheer disgust for the nature of the sapient races. (I’ll explain her full story some other time. It’s pretty complicated)
She was abducted from her isolated lifestyle by a certain person i’ll talk about later. She managed to free herself south of Skyrim, and uh, walks right into that Imperial ambush. The rest is history.
Super ignorant to modern society as a result of centuries of isolation. Exploited for comedic relief. (“What in the name of Oblivion is a Cyrodilic Empire? Are you messing with me? And please, how does levitation magic simply get outlawed by this hypothetical Empire? What are you to do when you fall down a crevice? Just... let yourself perish? How degrading.)
She reintegrated herself into society with vengeance in mind under the belief that all humans are savage bloodlusting murderers who had to answer for their treachery. (And she was royally angry there was no Dwemer left to spite, but partially satisfied at the same time). But she grows conflicted after being shown genuine kindness, even as early as being freed from her binds in Helgen.
Subsequently has a very muddled redemption arc. Queue Dragonborn hero stuff
She has impaired vision, but she cultivated detect life magic to aid her in daily life and combat (think Hyakkimaru from Dororo ‘19 and his soul detection or Toph Beifong from ATLA and her seismic sense). At her peak, she can detect life from about a kilometer away.
She can just barely read, but only if she holds the text incredibly close to her face, not to mention her Cyrodilic lessons were left unfinished after her abduction, making reading a very taxing process. Weary travelers are often spooked at the sight of a floating, ghastly looking elven woman with her nose pressed up against crossroad signs, and it has become somewhat of an urban legend.
Isn’t as nearly as skilled with detecting the dead and tenses up in burial crypts or around other vampires for that reason. Unfortunately, being the Dragonborn and all, she finds herself in a lot of crypts...
When questioned about her background due to her unique appearance: “Oh, yeah. My mother was one of those mer from the east. You know the ones. Dark elves, I think? And my father was one of those er, tall elv- no, sorry, HIGH elves. Yeah. They both died in a big fire or something though. It was horrible. I can’t get the noxious smell or the deafening screams out of my head. Good talk, but never ask me about that again.”
Queue sheltered old immortal antics: “Wow, you’re THAT old? Enlighten me on how it felt witnessing the fall of the Dwemer. Or perhaps the rise of Tiber Septim’s Empire. The Gates of Ob-“ “Oblivion if I know. I lived in someone’s basement for thousands of years. And I still don’t know what everyone means by Empire. You all are messing with me, aren’t you? That really annoys me.”
She ultimately returns to faith in Auri-El and makes it her life’s purpose to help the Betrayed find peace, as well as to seek out any remaining snow elf groups. Probably good friends with Gelebor or something.
Had a crush on Serana. We all know how THAT went. Damned temples.
Was originally gonna spiral into a much darker corruption arc (another ATLA comparison being Jet or Hama) but I just felt bad for her. Moureneris can have a little found peace. As a treat.
That’s her preliminary design made. I’ll need a mod to properly play her, because that right there was made by choosing Dunmer as her race. But I can’t do that. I’m on console, and while I got the Steam port a month ago, my PC’s stone age specs can’t handle Skyrim yet and I’ll need to wait until I can afford a better graphics card (thanks economic inflation)
Alexandre Armasi, jokingly nicknamed Alexandre the Curious
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A complete and unapologetic export of my character from a dead and unfinished DND campaign. Except there are no Aasimar in Skyrim, so he’s half Altmer half Bosmer. And his initial last name was Armas but I thought Armasi suited his Skyrim counterpart more, as subtle a change it is.
He’s mainly Bosmer in appearance and constitution, save for his hair and eyes, which are more similar to that of his Altmeri father’s.
I can’t really export his original backstory though because the campaign wouldn’t translate well into TES lore at all.
He’s a writer who came wandering into Skyrim in search of inspiration. While he mainly writes dramatic fables, he wanted to divert his focus to crafting his own bestiary and herbal compendium surrounding Skyrim’s fauna and flora. The ones at home are simply too vague to him!
He’s very altruistic, wishing to spread cheer wherever he goes, through the art of song (even though he was a cleric in DND and not a bard. My bad.) However, many of his verses are just blatant self promotions of his published fables.
But he’s too naive for his own good. Dangerously so. In fact, he says what’s on his mind with little forethought, with little grasp on the consequences of his actions, which lands him in lots of trouble. “I don’t favor him myself, but you guys kill people over Talos worship? That’s not very cool. A bit scary, if you ask me.” or “A Stormcloak rebel? Didn’t your leader kill a bunch of Reachmen rebels years back, or so I’ve heard. By the divines that’s not a man I’d make a symbol of nonconformity.”
He’s also insatiably curious. The type to ACTUALLY shove alchemic ingredients in his mouth with no knowledge of their properties, experiment with dangerous rune spells, throw rocks at pressure plates, and more. Needless to say he’s very accident prone.
Doesn’t know common curse words. People exploit this for laughs. Think that episode of Spongebob.
Everyone is a little baffled that HE of all people is the prophesied Dragonborn of legend. This agonizingly imbecilic writer who has absentmindedly wandered into burial crypts, troll dens, bandit forts, and more, too busy juggling his manuscripts to pay attention to his surroundings.
His past doesn’t exactly reflect his outlook on life. His mother and father fought in the Great War aligned with the Imperials despite their elven background. Both managed to live to see the war’s conclusion, but his father vanished without a trace shortly after, and it seems his mother knows something she won’t tell him.
With plenty of exposure to bad influences, his innocence is slowly lost throughout the course of his journey, and his altruism begins to grow twisted. But nevertheless, he maintains his jovial, social persona, except this time with much darker undertones. Kinda like a creepy dentist or something.
Whoops. He winds up becoming a feared Dark Brotherhood assassin. (Haha get it “Innocence Lost”???) He somehow deluded himself into thinking that the life of an assassin was the right thing to do. But he’s a funky little guy so he gets a pass for his heinous crimes against society
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nostalthicc · 5 years
unrequited | j.w , t.s
jeff wittek x reader, toddy smith x reader (not jeff x reader x todd)
summary: jeff and his assistant had a strange relationship; fuck buddies, best friends, lovers? but all that changed when todd comes into the picture
warning: cursing, mentions of sex, pregnancy
1.6k words
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y/n mindlessly walked up to the bar after dismissing herself from her group of friends, she had agreed to get the next round drinks- mostly because she was craving another one herself and didn’t want to be rude. y/n ordered a tray of shots, along with natalie’s, jeff’s, and her own signature drinks. 
y/n was jeff’s current assistant and has been for about 8 months, they were the best of friends and probably got less work done working together but neither of them would change it for the world. their relationship was rocky- solid -but rocky, there was the endless flirting, the drunken kisses, cuddling, movie nights, and feel better sex. let’s just say y/n was a lot more than just an assistant to jeff. jeff liked where they stood with their relationship mostly because nothing truly intimate has happened between them, the sex was only lust, the kisses were for vlogs and friends could cuddle, right? maybe deep down he did feel a certain type of way for y/n but neither one of them would do anything to throw off their dynamic. but every day y/n wanted to confess her feelings but she knew they were unrequited. 
before y/n could scoop the tray of the counter, todd beat her to it, putting both hands securely on the tray he gave y/n a big grin. to say she was confused would be an understatement, the two of them have never really talked except for simple ‘hellos’ or a skit whenever they saw each other at jeff’s but besides that never. todd wasn’t very kind to y/n in those very few interactions, fueling more into her confusion. 
“hey, um, i think we got off on the wrong foot,” he shouted over the music, still keeping his hands on the tray and not moving away from the bar. “you know, maybe we should restart or something.” todd watched the girl as her eyebrows pushed together in wonder, to be honest, he was shocked himself right now too. for so long he thought jeff and y/n had something going on, causing him to act coldly towards y/n to try and push her away because todd knew if he let her in he would fall for her immediately but know that jeff cleared the water todd was ready to make a move. 
“oh! why the change of heart?” y/n said, chewing the inside of her cheek. of course she knew where todd was coming from, she didn’t miss all the secret glances he went her way, or the drunken text messages but y/n wasn’t opposed to trying with him. it would be so different than what was going on with jeff, todd was so different than jeff in many ways. y/n deserved a shot at a real relationship, right?
todd didn’t know what to say next, he was sure y/n was going to splash a drink in his face and storm off but she was playing into his game. “who said there was any change at all?” 
if jonah hadn’t walked up to the bar, interrupting the two y/n was sure she would have let todd take her in the bathroom- which she was thankful for. before she jumped into intimate actions was todd y/n wanted to figure out her feelings for her boss and truly get to know him but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be a little bit of a tease. y/n went back to their friends at the booth near the back of the club, her spot was still secured next to jeff which she gladly took, ignoring the strange look todd flashed her way. the rest he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and soon his suspicions came back, the way jeff looked at y/n, the risky touches they shared, the whispering between the two, todd’s worry started to flood in once again, maybe there was something going on between them. 
“jeff?” y/n asked, lifting her head off his chest to catch his attention. she had something pondering around in her head and wanted to talk to him about it. he hummed in response, his gaze not leaving the computer screen. “i have a date.” she confessed, lodging her bottom lip between her teeth. jeff’s eyes snapped her hers, worry and confusion flooding his features for a quick second. 
“with who?” jeff paused taking in y/n’s features. “todd?” he scoffed.
“he said he wanted to start over when we went out a few days ago and he finally texted me this morning.” he watched as she gushed talking about todd and his actions, his heart ached, a deep pressure building in his chest. he couldn’t tell y/n he didn’t want her to go on the date, she wasn’t his to begin with, jeff had no place. but he couldn’t help the heartbreak upon hearing the news. “you’re okay with that, right?” 
jeff’s eyebrows knitted together, had he been that obvious, quickly he tried to compose himself, his eyes finding the screen again before he answered her nonchalantly. “no, why would i?” now it was y/n’s turn for her heart to drop, she thought maybe deep down everything they had going on wasn’t meaningless but clearly she was wrong. y/n would have stayed home if he asked her too but instead she got off the couch and started collecting her things, mumbling about having to wash her hair before she was out the more- leaving jeff to sit with his regrets of not telling her sooner.
ever since that night jeff and y/n’s relationship became strictly work, she never stayed over after she got everything done and very little did she ever talk to him about anything non-work related. it left a hole heavy in jeff’s heart, he knew while he was suffering y/n was still cozying up with one of his best friends and although he shouldn’t be jealous, jeff can’t help it. y/n was his, never once had she shown interest in other guys when they were together and jeff took advantage of that- he concealed his feelings with sex and lust, now he’s facing the consequences.
for weeks, he has to watch y/n and todd cuddle together at davids, their shared touches, the two sharing jokes back and forth. jeff knows when they leave the group to fuck, he remembers every single queue of y/n feeling horny but instead of her alerting him, she’s alerting todd. the number of times y/n had canceled on him because she was with todd infuriated jeff, he would have probably fired her if it wasn’t for their situation, y/n was slacking and he knew the exact reason why. 
even their friends had started to notice the change in jeff, he stopped hanging out at david’s that much unless it was for a video and very rarely did the group see him and y/n interact. as much as it worried them they learned the first time to stay out of jeff’s and y/n’s business.
“what’s your problem? you’ve been acting like a douche for weeks now and we’re tired of it.” jonah yelled, getting in jeff’s face not realizing he monster he was stirring up. he has been poking at jeff since he got to the house, with good reason- once he caught sight of todd and y/n cuddled on the couch his mood turned sour. jeff had thought they weren’t going to be here tonight. 
jeff ignored him, trying to make his around jonah and to the kitchen, he was not about to be confronted by his friends when they had no idea what was going on. immediately as jeff felt a hand on his forearm he pushed that person back, once again that person happens to be jonah. “stay out of it, man. it has absolutely nothing to do with you.” he said, before storming out the front door.
when jeff got home he was not expecting y/n to be sitting on his couch with her head stuffed between her knees, with a fluffy blanket wrapped around her. he knew he shouldn’t have felt excited about y/n being upset but he couldn’t help but think it meant her and todd have ended things or he did something awful and she needed comfort. he was quick to make his way to her side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, successfully pulling y/n into his side. 
“i’m sorry, i-i just didn’t know where else to go.” y/n sobbed, burying her head into jeff’s neck. it felt like old times, all the tension between them fading away as he held her. 
“hey, hey, it’s okay. tell me what’s up.” jeff continued to rub her back as the girl cried, his heart broke for her. he wanted y/n back in his arms but not like this, he would give up anything to never see her this torn up again. for as long as jeff’s known y/n she was never one to show her sadness, to show this type of vulnerabilities to one person so he knew whatever was going on in her pretty little head was serious and highly troubling her. 
after a few moments of no words, y/n finally raised her head to meet jeff’s eyes. “i’m pregnant, jeff.” her eyes filled with tears once again as she watched jeff’s features clouded with confusion, she could see the questions swimming through his thoughts. “and i don’t know- i don’t know who’s the dad.” 
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ssa-montgomery · 4 years
I Tried To Hate You (But Somewhere Along The Line I Fell In Love) Chapter 2
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Word Count: 1925
Story Summary: When Addison Montgomery-Shepherd shows up in Seattle Meredith Grey tries to hate her. She really did but somehow while trying to find reasons to hate her she found more reasons to love her.
Characters: Meredith x Addison, some minor Meredith x Derek/Addison x Derek/Addison x Mark, Callie Torres, Mark Sloan
Warnings: Angst, divorce, some surgical talk, mentions of affairs.
A/N: Guess who's finally back with more of this story! I'm sorry this took so long but I'm so glad to finally have the new chapter done :) I hope you all enjoy seeing Addison's point of view! I decided to have Addison take a little longer than Meredith to really realise the depth of her feelings for this one. Thank you all so much for the support on this story so far! And was that a little hint at the next main character to show up at the end of the chapter??
Feedback is what motivates me to work so please let me know what you think! Reblogs are also greatly appreciated.
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If she was being honest things with Addison's marriage hadn't been easy for months before Derek left New York. Even in the chaos of med school and residency her and Derek used to be able to find time for their marriage, they could put time aside to have dinner together every weekend and she used to be able to count on seeing her husband at least once during the day but over time things had gotten worse. Dinners were cancelled in favour of surgeries and Addison found herself falling asleep next to Derek's empty side of the bed almost every single night with him at the hospital. They had let things slip past the point where they could save it.
This had taken a toll on Addison emotionally. It left her feeling unwanted and alone in a house that once felt like a home to her. Derek barely gave her more than a quick brush of lips against her cheek and it had started to make her feel undesired. It's what she would blame when she slept with Mark Sloan, her husband's best friend. Mark had been there for her, had seen her, brought her dinner on nights when Derek wouldn't come home and he had told her she was beautiful when she was starting to doubt it. It was also what lead to the end of her marriage when Derek caught her in bed with Mark.
Derek hadn't flown into a fit of rage like Addison had imagined he would, and perhaps even hoped he would if it meant he still cared enough about their marriage to be angry. Sure he yelled, but it was more just at Addison to get out than anything else. After that, he had taken his things and left for Seattle.
Part of her had hoped that despite Derek's reaction he still cared, that he still wanted her and so she gave him some space before trying to fix her marriage. Before leaving New York Addison had a plan for arriving in Seattle. Her plan had been to work the case Richard had called her in for and finally talk to Derek, finally get him to listen to her about what happened that night and the problems their marriage had before heading back home to New York. Of course, that plan became a thing of the past rather quickly after landing in Seattle.
Addison still had some friends in Seattle - and by friends, she meant Richard of course - who had warned her about the young, doe-eyed, blonde intern her husband was now seeing. The first time she met her was in the lobby of Seattle Grace Hospital her first day in town. She had made a scene, and she knew that. Part of her had immediately felt guilty about the biting comment she had made to the intern. "And you must be the woman who's been screwing my husband."  As soon as she had seen the look on Meredith's face it was clear she hadn't known Derek was married. It wasn't Meredith's fault. If anyone was to blame it was Derek and admittedly herself.
She had quickly realised she didn't blame Meredith at all and in fact, felt sorry for her. After only a few days of working in the hospital, she had quickly learned that gossip spread fast and she had unintentionally placed Meredith right in the middle of it all. It all seemed to be for nothing as well. Derek was back to acting the same way he had in New  York, and possibly even worse with the new title of Adulterous Bitch that he had taken to calling her.
She was starting to slip back into that same mindset she had been in back in New York but this time the person who pulled her out of it was someone she least expected.
Meredith had been on her service for almost a week straight and she was starting to enjoy her company. She was a quick learner and always seemed curious about Addison's work, always watching everything she did closely. Meredith listened carefully when she spoke and it made her feel like the work she was doing actually meant something when it came to teaching the interns.
She had found herself starting to care more and more for the young intern. She felt seen by Meredith and she had to admit she could see why her husband had fallen for her. Not only was she sweet but her beauty hadn't gone unnoticed by Addison. She often found herself staring at Meredith when she was leaning against the nurse's station filling out charts or in the cafeteria when she was sitting around laughing with her friends. Normally Meredith's eyes were almost the colour of steel - her intense concentration reflected in her eyes - but in those moments they would soften and the pale grey was stunning.
Meredith was a young surgeon and she still had a strong urge to learn, no matter the speciality. Addison had no doubt that she would make a fine surgeon someday and she hoped she could at least have an impact on that part of her life. They had learned to work well together and Meredith was now her favourite intern to have in the O.R. with her. She had learned Addison's routine in surgery and would sometimes know what she was about to ask before she even had the chance to say it.
She found herself with a growing urge to get to know the intern outside of the hospital, to maybe even call her a friend. She told herself the urge was just from needing more friends in Seattle but there was something else, some other reason lying just below the surface that she couldn't place her finger on. She hadn't felt this drawn to someone since she first met Derek back in med school and whatever that feeling was, it was out of her control now. With her divorce finally squared away she hoped her and Meredith could spend more time together without Derek's interference. 
When Doc was still at the trailer - oh how Addison missed that old dog, it surprised her how attached to him she had become - Meredith would sometimes make the trek out to the woods to visit him and on a rare occasion Derek wouldn't be home. Addison found these times oddly comforting. Meredith wasn't as open with her then and they would spend most of the time simply talking about Doc or about their surgeries that day but she enjoyed the company.
It was during one of these visits that Addison first noticed the urge to be closer to her. Doc hadn't been on his morning walk yet when Meredith arrived and she offered to take him. Addison insisted that Meredith didn't need to, if she was being honest the walks gave her the chance to clear her mind of the stress at the time but Meredith admitted she had missed taking him out on walks herself. As a compromise Addison suggested they both go. While they were walking down the forest trail Meredith had told her about one, particularly drunken night in Europe where she and her friends had found themselves lost in a forest and she had laughed as she recounted the details. It was the first time Addison had heard her talk about her past and hearing her laugh so genuinely had made her heart flutter.
It had already been an insanely busy day and it was barely lunchtime. Addison had just gotten out of a four-hour surgery with Meredith Grey and it had ended in a close call. They had almost lost the patient and it took everything Addison had to save her. She was already exhausted and in desperate need of coffee and a conversation with Callie.
The cafeteria was busy when Addison arrived but luckily she had gotten her coffee in the lobby and was able to bypass the queues that snaked around the room. She had to push her way through the crowds to reach the corner of the outdoor seating area that Callie had claimed a table in.  Once she reached the table she pulled out the chair opposite Callie and slumped down into it, placing her coffee cup down on the table. 
"So you've been with both men and women right?" Addison asked casually as she leaned forward to take a sip out of her coffee. Thank God for caffeine, she didn't know if she could make it through her shift without it.
"I- Well, good morning to you too Addison." Callie laughed at the forwardness of her question. 
Callie and Addison had quickly become close friends after their first case together and they were open with each other about everything. When Callie had first come out as bisexual Addison was one of the first people she told. Which is why she was now going to Callie with this issue.
"Callie, I have two labouring moms, surgery at four, a sexuality crisis and only a fifteen-minute lunch break," Addison explained with a frustrated groan. Busy surgical schedules didn't leave much time for personal issues which Addison guessed was why is had taken so long for all of this to catch up with her.
"Right." Callie nodded resting her elbows against the table and leaning in closer to her. "Yeah, I have, what's on your mind, Addison?"
"Does having feelings for a girl feel," Addison hesitated for a moment unsure of what she was even trying to ask Callie. "Different?" 
"You mean different than being attracted to men? It can. It really all depends on what you identify as and I don't want to assume anything here Addison. I will say, if there's someone you think you might be attracted to at the moment and you're comparing it to Derek or Mark, then yes, it will feel different." Callie explained. "Derek was your first love, you fell in love young and that was always going to be different anyway because attraction like that was new and fun. Mark was different because you were hurting because you were confused and it was during a dark time in your life. But this whoever it is, it's going to be different because you're an adult now Addison. You know who you are and what you want. The main thing you need to ask yourself is, do they make you happy and go from there. It's a learning process and it might take you some time."
"She does." Addison smiled then, it was bright and genuine. "She makes me happy. Thank you so much, Callie, you really are an incredible friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Of course Addie." Callie reached across the table and gave Addison's arm a squeeze. "And you absolutely do not have to tell me who this mystery potential crush is but if you did want to your secret would be safe with me."
"I think it's best if I don't say anything right now, it's a bit - messy." Addison laughed. She wasn't even entirely sure where to start when it came to explaining this. How do you explain to your best friend that you've fallen for your ex-husbands ex-mistress?
"Right got it." Callie laughed with her. "But Addison, I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy. I really mean it."
"Thank you, Callie." She nodded. "Oh and for the love god please don't mention this to Mark, I'll never hear the end of it."
Taglist: @alexander-gideon-lightwood-bane​
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    @blccdiedbxrd wants some harley
    starter call // accepting af
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    “ Anyone would think that you’re startin’ to like me just a little bit, bird boy? What brings ya here? I swear I’ve been GOOD... unless ya want me to bad... then you and I know just bad I can get, ” 
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triptychexe · 4 years
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TITLE: Dinner Party SUMMARY: The 1st and 2nd Generations of Triptych unite with the help of drugs and alcohol.  GENRE: friendship, maybe slight comedy, slight romance, slight angst PAIRINGS: General Gen 1 x Gen 2 interactions. Yen x IM, Yen x Asa, Nia x Johnny, mentioned Cal x Ame.  WORD COUNT: 3.3k
WARNINGS: Recreational use of drugs and alcohol, swearing, being intoxicated, mention of vomiting. 
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Winter 2018
Soonyoung didn’t think it was possible for things to go south so quickly, but he always believed in the phrase ‘there’s a first time for everything’. 
Right after they digested their dinner (graciously cooked by S.O.T), the bottles of alcohol were brought out (graciously supplied by Gen 1). Yen made them all take an oath that they weren’t going to throw up anywhere except for the toilet bowl, and then they all took a shot together as eighteen. 
And that was the last moment things were okay. 
Standing around the kitchen island, Soonyoung quickly turned into a bystander when Soojin and Yerin started going shot-for-shot with each other. 
“You don’t strike me as a shots girl.” Soojin bantered, pouring herself a third shot. Yerin, who clearly wasn’t a shots girl based off the full-body shivers she got whenever she dipped the clear liquid down her throat, slid her empty shot glass across the island. 
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Yerin stated back, watching as Soojin poured vodka into the small glass, filling it almost to the brim. 
Soojin smirked and held the bottle up to the others surrounding the table. “You boys want any?” 
Sol held up a hand and shook his head. Hyunki did the same. Smart boy. He too must have realized that this was more than just two girls taking shots. It was a fight for dominance. 
The shot battle was over after about four more shots. By this point, the alcohol had started to hit Yerin’s system, her motor movements slowly starting to lose their accuracy. When Yerin started swaying on her feet, Soonyoung stepped in. 
“Hey, Yerin? Maybe it’s time you go sit down and drink some water.” Soonyoung suggested, a gentle hand coming out to take the shot glass away from the woman. Yerin reacted with amazing speed, her hand snatching the glass away.
“No. If she can do more, then I can do more.” Yerin said competitively. 
Soojin, who was probably only a little buzzed, shook her head sympathetically. “Hey, this isn’t a competition-” 
“Of course it’s a competition! Everything is a competition!” Yerin enunciated each word individually, but the ends of her sentences drooped, as if each word was heavy on her tongue. 
Hyunki gave Soonyoung an anxious glance. The poor kid was always slightly awkward when it came to dealing with drunk people. Especially drunk people he didn’t know well. 
“Alright, let’s get you some water.” Soonyoung stepped up, placing a testing hand on Yerin’s shoulder.
“Hey, hands off!” Yerin snapped, wiggling away from his touch. “I have a boyfriend, you know.” A smug, triumphant smile crossed over her face once she realized what she said. The leader’s attention trained back on Jin, who was watching the other girl apprehensively. “Yeah, I have a boyfriend. Johnny’s my boyfriend. Remember that. Johnny. Is. My. Boyfriend.” 
“I… Okay?” Soojin arched an eyebrow in confusion.
Yerin mimicked the facial expression, only hers was slightly off given her drunken state. “Yeah, so don’t even think about-” “Alright!” Soonyoung gripped Yerin’s arm and started pulling her towards the sink. From the island, Jin and Fin just watched in bewilderment. 
“What did I just tell you!” Yerin hissed. “Drink water and sober up before you say something you’ll regret.” Soonyoung advised under his breath as he ran a cup under the tap, handing it to his new leader. He watched as she drained the water, patting the corners of her mouth dry when she was finished. Even though she didn’t seem to be any more sober, he could tell that Yerin was starting to calm down. 
Yerin looked over at Fin and Jin, who were eyeing her carefully, as if she were a time bomb destined to explode. Yerin’s cheeks, which were already flushed from the vodka, started to become richer in color. 
“Um… I’m just gonna go mingle a bit… I’ll see you guys.” She looked down as she exited the kitchen, hurrying over to a different group of members to chat with them.
“What’s her deal?” Jin questioned, her focus still trained on the other girl. “People are so complex.” Hyunki sighed, taking a shot for himself, instantly gagging at the burning sensation.
Soonyoung shook his head. “Yeah. Complex.” 
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The last two weeks had been some of the worst Yen had ever experienced. Changkyun and Micha had finally decided to cut things off over a facetime call. 
“Are you breaking up with me?” Micha asked, her voice spiking up an octave after Changkyun stated that space would be good for them. “I… Yeah.” Changkyun sniffed in through his nose, looking away from his phone screen. Micha felt her chest burn, even though the rest of her was completely numb.
“So that’s it? You’re going to break up with me over a fucking facetime call? You couldn’t come say it to my face?” Yen demanded, her blood boiling.
“What? Say it to your face so we can have goodbye sex right after?” Changkyun frowned. “Face it, Micha. That’s all our relationship ever is. We don’t love each other.” 
The statement shattered Micha’s heart into a million pieces, even though she knew there was truth in his words. Lately the two of them have lost their emotional touch. What they didn’t have they made up physically. 
“Plus… I don’t want to be made a fool.” Changkyun’s tone suddenly turned stoney. “I’m not blind, Micha.” 
The idol furrowed her eyebrows. “What the fuck are you talking about?” 
“Asahiko?” Changkyun stated it like it was obvious. “What about him?” Micha said defensively. 
“You guys act more like a couple than we ever do.” Changkyun stated in an exasperated tone. “And the way he looks at you…” The rapper sighed bitterly. “It’s only a matter of time before one of you does something and I don’t want to be the idiot that watched it unfold and did nothing about it.” 
Micha blinked, her jaw open. She couldn’t believe her ears. “So you don’t trust me?” Micha asked. Changkyun looked up at the screen for the first time since he dropped the bomb. 
“I just think our time has passed. I think you’ve started to move on and I think I should too.” Changkyun shrugged. 
Micha drained the rest of the spiked drink in her cup, letting the slight burn of the alcohol wash away the recent memory. Fighting off the mental replay of Changkyun’s face telling her that they don’t love each other, she pushed her way into the kitchen to refill her cup. 
There was a small queue at the kitchen counter where the bottles of booze were as people took turns with the bottles to concoct their own mixed drinks. 
The guy in front of her - the name slipping her mind - was pouring himself an extra strong drink using Micha’s favorite brand of vodka.
“Yo, save some for the rest of us.” Micha snapped at the new member. The boy looked up, arching an eyebrow. He gave her a small smirk before gesturing to the cup in her hand with the bottle. Micha held out her cup.
“Tell me when,” The boy said, pouring vodka into the plastic solo cup with a soft splash. Micha let him pour a little more than usual. She figured she’d rather drink it up now before the bottle was gone. 
“Jeez, rough week huh?” The guy chuckled, screwing the cap back onto the handle.
Micha huffed. “That’s an understatement.” 
“I’m Myungdae, by the way.” The new member introduced himself again. “Micha, right?” “The one and only.” Micha grinned dryly, bringing her cup to her lips. She wrinkled her nose. Maybe adding more vodka wasn’t the move. Myungdae chuckled and held his hand out.
“Here, lemme fix that for you.” He offered. Micha obliged, handing the monstrosity in her cup over. 
The boy took a sip of her drink. When he brought the cup away from his face, he gave Micha a playful smirk. “This is delicious.” He teased. “My kind of drink. 90% vodka.” 
Micha rolled her eyes, but a smile broke on her face too. “Just fix it, please.” 
Myungdae held up his index finger and took another small sip. He smacked his lips together with a concentrated expression on his face, as if trying to pinpoint what exactly was wrong. Then he got to work, grabbing juices and seltzers to add to Micha’s drink. Once he was done, he handed the drink to Micha.
“Try that.” He said smugly. Micha slowly brought the cup up to her lips. Her eyes widened. “This doesn’t even taste like vodka?” She wondered aloud, completely blown away. 
Myungdae spread his arms in pride. “What can I say. I’m a man of many talents.” 
The two left the kitchen, making room for all the other members on the hunt for a refill. The two found themselves leaning against the wall in front of Micha’s bedroom. 
“You know,” Myungdae said, giving Micha’s body a scan with his eyes. “You’re so much prettier in person.” 
Micha arched an eyebrow, trying to look unimpressed. “Trying to butter me up?” 
“Only a little,” Myungdae suppressed a chuckle, looking over his shoulder. The only people around them were Eunha and Soonyoung, who were in deep conversation about something. Myungdae’s hand dug into his pocket, slowly pulling out a small plastic baggie with fine white powder in it. 
Micha blinked. She’s been around drugs before, most nightclubs she went to had drug needles on the floor and people walked around with blood dripping from their noses. She just never thought she’d see coke in her own dorm, a place that was completely separate from nightlife culture. 
“Want some?” Myungdae asked. “I think doing a line together would really cement our friendship.” 
If it had been any other week Micha would say no, but after what she’s been through these past seven days, she thought she’d enjoy herself. She looked around before leading Myungdae to her bedroom, quickly shutting the door behind them.
“I’ve only rubbed it into my gums before.” Micha admitted, reflecting on the one other time she was offered the substance. Myungdae nodded. “Are you sketch about snorting things?” He asked, tapping the powder out onto Micha’s vanity. His actions seemed a little rush, like he had been waiting for this moment all night.
Micha shrugged, watching Myungdae work. “A little.” “Well, don’t feel pressured to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” Myungdae grinned, taking his credit card out to form a neat line. He looked up at her through his lashes. “You got a dollar?” 
Micha gestured to the small change jar she kept next to her makeup brushes. Myungdae opened the jar, taking out a bill and rolling it into a tube. Then he placed one end of it in his nostril, closing the other with his finger, before inhaling sharply, sucking up the powder with ease. 
He blinked a few times, swallowing thickly before looking a little more relaxed than he did a few moments prior. 
“Here, let's get you-”
Before Myungdae could finish, Micha’s door opened. Micha jumped, turning to see who had just caught them. 
Asahiko stood in the doorway, his eyes wide at the sight before him. Micha felt a wave of relief. At least it was her best friend who caught them and not her leader. 
“Koko, have you met Myungdae?” Micha smiled, gesturing to the boy next to her. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Asa asked, his voice steely. Micha’s smile drooped. 
“We’re just-” Micha started but her explanation was drowned out by Asahiko’s raised voice.
“Are you trying to fucking kill yourself?” Asahiko scolds, his eyes wide.
Myungdae sniffed a little. “Hey, dude. I wouldn’t have let that happen, don’t worry.” 
“Oh thanks, that’s really reassuring coming from a literal crackhead.” Asa snipped, coming forward to pull Micha off the ground and away from Myungdae. Micha scooted away, anger flaring up inside her. Now she understood why Changkyun broke up with her. It was all Asahiko’s fault.
“Stop acting like this!” Micha whined, leaning out of Asa’s reach.
Asahiko scoffed, not understanding. “Acting like what?” “Acting like my boyfriend.” Micha narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “You’re not my boyfriend, Asahiko. I don’t need your protection.” 
Asahiko’s expression turned to stone. He took a step back, but the distance between them suddenly seemed vaster than just physically. Micha knew she struck a nerve, but she was too intoxicated and too emotionally drained to do damage control.
“You’re right.” Asahiko said flatly. “Enjoy yourself.” 
And with that, the Japanese man left, closing Micha’s bedroom door with more force than necessary. Beside her, Myungdae let out a low whistle. 
“Y’all got some tension.” Myungdae noted. “We don’t usually fight.” “Not what I meant.” Myungdae smirked to himself before filing another perfect line of white powder with his credit card. He gestured the rolled up bill to Micha. She hesitated slightly before grabbing the dollar. 
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“What the fuck am I looking at right now.” Eli said in awe.
“I honestly don’t have any words.” Van shook his head. “It’s like a car crash…” Teo frowned. “I can’t look away.” 
The three idols sat at the dining table, watching Cal and Ame making out on the couch in front of them. It was an uncomfortable sight to take in. After knowing Cal for most of his teenage years, it was hard to imagine him pulling girls. Or having women interested in him at all. Yet here he was, the most awkward of their ensemble, sucking face with the pretty new member. 
“Should you guys like… make it stop?” Teo asked, clearly uncomfortable. “I feel like they shouldn’t be doing this.” 
Eli and Van looked between them. As leaders, they probably had the authoritative power to go in and break them up. They could even pull the whole “triptych values our friendly and professional dynamic…” schtick. But the both of them just shook their heads.
“They’re not really hurting anyone.” Van shrugged. “And I’d feel like the worst friend for blowing one of Cal’s few shots with a girl.” Eli admitted. 
Teo shook his head. “It’s just wrong. We’re practically co-workers.” 
Van clasped a hand on Teo’s shoulder, giving the thinner man a body-rattling shake. “Lighten up, Injung. Here, buddy,” Van poured half his drink into Teo’s empty cup. “Let’s just relax, alright? Nothing wrong with a little smooching. Hell, I love smooching.” 
“I love smooching too, but I wouldn’t wanna kiss any of your ugly mugs.”
The three boys looked over as Eunha slid into an empty chair at the dining room table. She glanced over at Cal and Ame (who still seemed to be pretty busy) with an impressed grin on her lips. 
“Where have you been all night?” Eli asked, glad to see his old friend. “Been wiping vomit off one of the youngster’s face.” Eunha wrinkled her nose at the unpleasant memory. 
“Which one?” Van asked in concern. “Sunhee. Her friends are in my room with her now making sure she drinks some water and doesn’t choke on her own puke. Poor girl just doesn’t know her limits.” Eunha said sympathetically before taking a sip of her own drink.
“Anyways, I came over to ask you guys if you’ve seen Yerin.” Eunha asked. 
“I haven’t seen her all night.” Teo realized. “Me either.” Eli frowned. “Have you called her?” “Yeah. I’ve checked the whole apartment too.” Eunha’s voice started to sound a bit more anxious. 
“I’m sure she’ll turn up.” Van shrugged. “I heard she’s got some steam to blow off anyways.” 
Eunha let out a deep sigh, surveying the room around them. Drunk teenagers and old friends were grouped together. Soojin had a particularly large circle surrounding her as she talked jovially with her free hand. 
“I guess things are gonna be a bit different from now on, huh?” Eunha bit her lower lip.
“Yeah,” Eli shrugged, a smirk on his lips. “But things were starting to get boring around here anyways.” 
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Yerin never comes up to the roof, but she felt like it was the only place she could clear her mind and prepare herself for the call she was about to make. 
In a drunken state, she claimed that Johnny was her boyfriend. That wasn’t completely true. Yes, they flirted. Yes, they’ve gone on secretive little dates together to get coffee and whatever. But they’ve never put a label on anything. She wasn’t even sure what Johnny wanted out of their connection. If he wanted to date her, shouldn’t he have said something by now? What if he was just stringing her along? She needed answers right now. It couldn’t wait until morning and it especially couldn’t wait after whatever she pulled in the kitchen. 
She paced the rooftop as the phone rang, waiting anxiously for him to pick up. Even though it was still winter in Seoul, the alcohol in Yerin’s system numbed her to the true temperature of the winds wiping around her. 
“Hey, Yerin? You okay?” Johnny’s sleepy voice asked on the other line. Yerin only now realized how early in the morning it was. They were nearing the 4am mark, and her group mates were still partying downstairs. 
“I’m fine.” Yerin nodded to herself. “I’m drunk.” She added as an afterthought. Johnny chuckled on the other end of the line. 
“Aw... “ Johnny cooed. “Do you need me to come pick you up?”
“No. I have something to tell you, though.” Nia stopped pacing and looked out over the city’s landscape. In the distance she could just make out the fluorescent ‘SM’ logo on top of one of the buildings. 
“Alright, shoot.” Johnny said mirthfully, his smile almost visible in Nia’s mind. 
She swallowed thickly. “I told everyone you’re my boyfriend.” 
Johnny was silent for a minute. Yerin was starting to wonder if she shouldn’t have made this phone call after all. Yerin’s drunk brain hit the panic button. Yerin laughed flatley. “Nevermind, sorry for waking you up. This was stupid. I made a stupid mistake. I’ll do damage control tomorrow. Goodnight.” 
“Woah, wait, Yerin,” Johnny’s voice responded. “It’s all good.” 
Yerin held her breath. Johnny continued. “I mean, I don’t mind that you called me your boyfriend. That’s probably the most accurate title you can give me… Kinda like how I’ve been referring to you as my almost-girlfriend for like… two weeks now.” 
The confession made Yerin blink in surprise. She wasn’t expecting that. 
“You’ve been calling me your girlfriend?” Yerin asked quietly.
“Yeah. I had to tell my mom.” Johnny gave a small chuckle. “I think she started getting worried I’d never find someone.” 
A small smile broke on Yerin’s lips. She swung one of her legs around, spinning herself in a lazy cirlce. “I mean, you found me.” “Right. I found you.” Johnny said fondly. “Hey, where are you right now? Do you wanna come over?” 
Yerin groaned. “I’d love to, but I’m at a party with the new members. It’d look so bad if I actually left.” 
“You’re at a party? That’s got to be the quietest party I’ve ever heard.” Johnny chortled. “Must be a pretty lame party.” 
“Oh, no, I’m on the roof.” Yerin shrugged. “You’re what?” Johnny’s voice suddenly sounded more alert. “You’re intoxicated and you’re on the roof?” “Yeah. Is that an issue?” Yerin’s words slightly muddled together. “Uh, yes?!” Johnny exclaimed. “Get off the roof, dummy.” 
Yerin rolled her eyes. “I’m fine, I’m fine!” She protested, but even as she said it, she felt the world around her sway ever so slightly.
“Yerin, get off the roof.” Johnny repeated. “Seriously.”
The vocalist smirked. “Who knew you’d be the protective type?” “Not wanting your girlfriend to die makes you protective?” Johnny wondered. Nia ignored his statement, the word ‘girlfriend’ ringing through her brain. “Say the word ‘girlfriend’ one more time and I’ll get off the roof.” Nia baited in a sing-song voice. “Girlfriend. You’re my girlfriend.” Johnny complied. “Now get off the roof.”  “Hm. That was nice.”  “You’re ridiculous.” Johnny chuckled fondly. “Call me tomorrow, okay?” 
“Wait, Johnny?” Yerin quickly asked before he could hang up. “Yeah?”  “Why didn’t you tell me about Soojin?” 
Johnny gave a short, airy chuckle. “Because when I’m with you, I’m too focused on you to bring up other girls. You take up my whole brain, Yerin. I mean that.”
Nia’s cheeks flushed, a small smile forming on her lips. “Now get off the fucking roof and drink some water. Please.” Johnny said.
Yerin chuckled. “I’m going down now.” “We’ll make hangover eggs tomorrow, okay?” Johnny promised. “Sounds like a date.” Yerin smiled.
“See you, dork.” “See you, loser.” “Goodnight.” “Goodnight.” 
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aweirdkindofyellow · 4 years
The J.A.C.I.E. Project, Pt. 2
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JACIE Jay-see \ d͡ʒˈe͡ɪsi \ See Jennifer Anna Clara Isabell Evans. An ambitious 21-year-old music student, striving to find her place in the industry.
JACK Jak \ d͡ʒæk \ A guy ten years older than Jacie, who takes a liking to her.
Chapter 2
It was my birthday, and turning 21 meant that I was going to go hard. This by far wasn’t the first time I went out partying or went out to drink, but it was the first time ever that it was legal. There was nothing out there to stop me this time, and I was going to take full advantage of it. My only limit was my tolerance, and I was all for challenging that this time. Who would I be if I didn’t? You only turn 21 once.
I had made even more effort than I’d usually made when going out. It was always a moment for me to go all out and make myself look amazing, but I took it a few steps further this time. I spent an extra half hour on my makeup and had even curled my blonde hair. But the main difference this time was the clothes I wore. Usually I could get away with a nice top and some dark jeans. They’d let me in and I’d easily blend in with the rest of the crowd. This time, I was making a statement. I had on a short burgundy glitter dress. It had no back, there were just two thin straps around my arms keeping up the slouching front. I had paired it with some black heels, another thing I’d usually avoid.
It was all in or nothing.
Luckily, I was fortunate enough to have friends with the exact same mindset. They encouraged my behaviour to make the night all about me. Not only did they buy me alcohol to drink at our pre-drinks, but they also had gotten me a crown and sash. I literally looked like some overly preppy sorority girl. Although I may not have been in one, I did not mind looking like one, especially not on my birthday. It was fun, I was not one to judge.
We started the night at Sarah’s, who was one of my friends, place. She had her own apartment in downtown LA, which was right where we wanted to be. My group of friends came from all over the place. Some, I knew from back in school, others I met outside of school, and a few used to be friends of friends who were taken into our group. I, myself, still lived at home. There was no way I could actually afford moving out in LA. I was lucky that I had been born and grew up there.
It was exciting entering a club for the very first time with my actual ID. I was so used to using a fake and doing my best to not get caught. This was just a whole different experience. I even got a happy birthday from the bouncer, who luckily didn’t second guess all my friends’ IDs. Not all of them were twenty-one yet and he could have definitely known that. It was only logical. But he didn’t even give us a second glance.
The music was blasting, people were dancing, and there already was a queue at the bar. We had come in right at the height of the night, the perfect time to have fun. The first thing we did was dance as soon as we entered the crowd. There was more than enough alcohol in our systems already for us to completely let loose. Slowly but surely, we did occasionally break off to get ourselves some more drinks until we were all tired enough to search out a table. I was the only one without a cup, so I bounced off towards the bar as soon as they all sat down.
I grinned happily when the bartender put the drink I had ordered in front of me. My hands curled around the cup excitedly, as if I had just been given the elixir of eternal life.
“So... you come here often?” A voice said next to me, barely loud enough over the booming music.
I was taking a big gulp from the mixed drink as I turned around to see who was trying to talk with me. My eyes went wide in my drunken state as I recognised the guy. The first thing I thought to do was give him a one armed hug. “Oh my god, hi!”
He looked me over, taking in everything about my outfit. “I see you weren’t lying when you said you had plans because of your birthday.”
“Why would I have?” I giggled, bringing the cold cup to my lips again, looking up at him.
“I really don’t know,” he smirked, leaning against the wall, “rejection isn’t usually a thing I experience.”
“How cocky.” I smiled, biting down lightly on my cup.
His gaze fell on the cup. “What are you drinking?”
“A good old jack and coke.”
“A very safe choice,” he commented while nodding. “How about I buy you a shot?”
I laughed back. “I don’t even know your name!”
“Ay! Like jack and coke!” I downed the last of my drink, practically slamming my cup on the bar as soon as it was finished.
“Indeed,” he chuckled back, running his hair through his hair to fix it a little. “So, shots?” Once I gave him permission, he pushed into the crowd to get to the bar. “How many friends are you with?”
Although it was a strange question, I answered without thinking twice. “Seven, including me.”
Jack only had to wait a brief minute until he got served. People who had been waiting for longer got visibly annoyed, but he still gave through his order. “Ten shots of vodka.”
I watched as the bartender pulled out ten shot glasses and quickly poured each one full with the clear alcohol. Although I had done shots before, I had never seen this many being poured at once. It was quite mesmerising, really. And terrifying.
“One for you and one for me now, the rest to bring back to your friends,” Jack explained as he pushed a single glass in my direction.
“Are you trying to get me drunk?” I gasped.
“I’m trying to give you the best twenty-first birthday.” He winked and picked up a shot, waiting for me to join him before clinking the glasses together.
The vodka burned as it ran down the back of my throat. It’s warm feeling illuminated my mouth, but made my cough a little as it hit the wrong spot. Jack managed to do it without making a sound, but he did pull a very sour face. It was just slightly delayed, making it look like he had been trying to keep his composure to act all cool, but lost it all when it became too much.
Jack grabbed four of the remaining shot glasses. “So, where are your friends?”
“We managed to get a table.” I pointed in the general direction of where I remembered they were all sitting.
“Well, let’s let them join the party.”
“Wait,” I stopped him by putting my hand on his chest as he started walking, “what about your friends? Can you just leave them?”
“Yeah, they’ll be fine.” He looked back for a second as if he was double checking. I followed his gaze and saw a group of people looking back at us. Most of them were blonde girls, just like me, but they were a bit older.
“Alright, then.” I shrugged and picked up the remaining four shots, balancing them between my fingers and trying my best not to spill any of them.
I led Jack in the general area where I knew the table was. To be honest, I had no idea where exactly they were sitting anymore. It both felt like I was stationary and moving, like time was passing by slowly and very quickly. But, I knew that if I just headed in the right direction, I’d end up finding my way.
“Jacie’s brought a guy back!” My best friend, Hazel, hollered and started hitting her hands on the table as I approached. All our other friends joined in, creating a low anticipating rumble.
“And drinks!” I announced, holding up the three glasses I was holding triumphantly before sliding them onto the table.
Jack put down the drinks as well and my friends started to shuffle up in the booth to give some space to join. However, there was a small issue. There were already six people sitting, and it definitely wasn’t made for eight people. If anything, it couldn’t even fit seven people. One of my friends moved to sit on another of my friends’ lap, making enough space for one person comfortably. Technically, Jack and I could have squished in there, but I had a much better idea.
I took a page out of my friend’s book and told Jack to take the seat before I decided to sit on his lap. It took him a little by surprise, I could feel him tense up beneath me. However, he quickly relaxed and leaned back, putting a hand on my thigh. I moved forward just a tiny bit to pass out all the shots, making my dress rise up a little. For Jack’s shot, I picked it up and shuffled so I could look at him.
“Here ya go.” I brought the glass to his lips and giggled. This was my solution to letting him drink it rather than just handing it to him.
He raised his eyebrows at me, but accepted his fate and parted his lips. I tipped the glass, making the vodka pour into his mouth, somehow not spilling any of it. He pulled a sour face at the fact that the alcohol was longer in his mouth than he would have liked. As soon as he was finished, I reached back and switched out the empty glass for the full one and knocked it back myself. I slammed the glass on the table and couldn’t hold back my laughter anymore. There wasn’t anything that was funny, it just suddenly hit me.
I didn’t realise I was leaning back, about to topple over, until I suddenly felt Jack’s hand cold against my back and that my head was against my friend’s shoulder. Chugging a drink and then doing two shots in the span of less than half an hour hadn’t been the smartest idea, but I was loving it.
Jack helped me back up and I reached out to circle my arms around his neck so I could stabilise myself. We were face to face. Everything was spinning just a little, but I could stare right into his eyes. The music was still drumming in my ears and the air was sticky and hot. I had no inhibitions anymore. There were no better judgements.
I pulled him closer and slammed my lips into his. He greedily kissed me back, his arms wrapped around my waist to keep me in place. My friends were hollering and clapping, but I didn’t pay them any attention. I deepened the kiss even further, aching for everything he could possibly do to me. The way his tongue worked could only mean good news.
As you can guess, I took an Uber back with Jack to his place. After a night full of dancing together and making out, there was no way the night wouldn’t end this way. And fuck, was it a good decision.
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lisinfleur · 5 years
EBMK - Chapter 2: Each other’s backs
Author’s Notes | It took me some time this time because I was suffering a small block after so many works for Ivar in a row, but here it is! Second chapter coming along with the hurricane… Words | 3456 ⁑ Warnings: Lots of cursing, mentions to violence, blood, alcohol.
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It was supposed to be a normal day - despite the fact that Mads was spending almost no time with Adrian since his buddy came back from prison. The guy was working the shit out of himself to sustain that chick Mads was already getting sick of seeing mistreating his pal. And he was sure he saw the chick rolling strands of her hair while talking with some other dude in her college. Mads swore an oath he would find a way to fuck that girl's life if he ever knew she was cheating on Adrian again.
"Welcome, Frederik. It's straight down to the right. Next..."
There he was, working the hell out. Adrian had sunk dark circles around his eyes and Mads knew it was from sleeping too few and sometimes out of his bed because of the girl's belly. Adrian told him sometimes the baby was too agitated and then Victoria would send him to the couch so she could roll alone with her whole bed to herself. Shit of a woman... Joy never did it to him...
But he couldn't say his life was any better than his friend's. Adrian was walking around like a zombie, but he wasn't that different, working like hell to cover the idiot that quit and CC's place, now that his "brother" was wearing the club colors he wanted so hard - before him.
Fucking shit of a life Mads was intending to forget getting some fight around or using his free time to get a beer with Adrian after his turn was over. He had chosen the second option, but it seems the fight would come anyway...
Mads had to hold back his fists when that drunken bastard crossed the line, breaking the queue and passing forward, but since the guys in front of him were laughing and it was Adrian's turn as the door security, Mads decided not to cause any troubles - he didn't want to make his friend's turn any more shitty than that guy was already doing by stumbling over him...
"Wild night, huh? You won't get in acting like that," Adrian warned, helping the man to find his balance with a slight push.
"I tripped, dude. Chill," the guy tried, and Mads sighed.
He wouldn't be ok for that job. For sure that man would be already with some teeth missing speaking to him like he was doing to Adrian.
"Show me some ID," Adrian insisted.
"Yeah, Sure." the guy answered and Mads sighed again, annoyed this time, sure he would have kicked that guy's face for trying to go in that way.
What the fuck! If there is a damn security guard, just show your fucking ID and shut up...
"Hey, HEY! What did I just say? ID, please," Adrian pulled the guy back, trying to deal with the situation and Mads observed, already feeling his fists clenching inside his pockets.
He was crazy to hit someone and that guy's mouth was begging for some punches...
"Yo, chill. I'm on my way."
Just one more "chill" and Mads would lose control...
"Don't touch me. I think you need to find a bed for this guy," Adrian said, pushing the drunken towards his laughing friends, worried about keeping them out of the club.
Too worried to notice the drunk guy preparing a punch that hit his face right on the corner of his mouth.
That was enough for Mads' wildness and he just pushed the guy's friends away, pulling the asshole from the club's door by his collar, preventing him to come in and starting to hit the guy before he could say anything.
"You like to fucking punch people? What does it feel like, uh, asshole?" he cursed, hitting the guy as many times as he could before his friends could come against him.
"There are punches for everyone," Mads thought, hitting whoever he could, trying to keep himself standing - which he couldn't do for too long.
Adrian called for backup as soon as he recovered from the punch's dizziness, kicking the face of the man that mounted over Mads and trying to keep them back with some punches before the other security guards came to shove them all away and close the club's door for the night.
The day was dawning and Adrian was still sitting near the lake with Mads by his side. Both of them holding beers and spitting blood sometimes from their injured mouths. Mads was bleeding more: his eyebrow was cut such as his lips. Adrian only had the big punch he got in his mouth that cost him a tooth Mads helped him to get rid of.
"You should take a look at this," Adrian said about Mads' eyebrow but he just giggled.
"It's fine, nothing I'm not used to. We have this fight nights at the club... Joy's kinda used to give me some stitches from time to time," Mads answered, taking some water from the lake to wash his face. "You will have to see a dentist, bro."
"Why?" Adrian asked, before spitting blood one more time. "That asshole already made me a huge favor: I won't have to pay for a canal in a while..." he tried to joke. "I was expecting this shit to stop bleeding, but I have to go..."
"The butchery job is still on?" Mads asked, curious.
"Yeah," Adrian answered, taking one more sip of his beer, noticing Mads' face frowned and he dropped the beer can. "What?"
"You're fucking late, man! Get up! I'll take you home so you can change, go, go!"
"Shit!" Adrian cursed, getting rid of the can and getting up to follow Mads.
Even with his friend riding like crazy through the streets of Copenhagen, with his fight with Victoria during the time he was exchanging clothes and trying to stop the bleeding in his mouth, Adrian ended up arriving too late for his work.
And the boss kicked him out.
"Fucking great!" he came out where Mads was still stopped with his bike, lighting a cigarette he intended to smoke before going home.
"What? Dude, what happened?" he asked, and Adrian came closer to him, angry.
"I'm out. He fucking kicked my ass out! Fuck!"
Mads sighed.
His friend's life was really going wrong.
"Look, go back home and..." Mads tried.
"Victoria will fuck up my mind if I go back now. I'll go to the club. The Monk must have something I can do to keep up the money income..."
Adrian was nervous, not thinking straight. And Mads knew that name very well - The Monk was one of the guys the Wolves were trying to swallow around. He wouldn't want his pal working full time for that guy. But he could understand his friend's needs.
"I have a chance to get more time on the club or some driver shit. Anything."
Mads gave his cigarette for Adrian to smoke and patted his shoulder.
"Dude, look... Take a breath, ok? Go talk to your guy and I'll talk to my troupe. With some luck, we'll get a full job for you with my guys and then you won't have to be worried. I talked to Tom about you, he got interested. Now that CC isn't working at the warehouse anymore and I'm alone, maybe he'll get you. I'll remember him today, ok? Chill, brother. You're not alone," Mads insisted and Adrian took a deep breath of his cigarette, sighing the smoke out.
"Fine. Fine... I have to go."
"I drop you at the club, come."
Mads took a longer route to give his friend some time to chill and Adrian noticed this when the bike started riding closer to the sea - Mads was kinda taking a whole round around the city fringe and at some point, Adrian just took off his helmet, feeling the sea breeze touching his face. Mads smiled losing one more entry to the city. Some more meters on the seafront and Adrian lifted his voice, yelling, causing Mads to laugh when his friend lifted both of his hands, smiling at him, enjoying the trip.
The two friends rode as if they had nothing to lose for a while, but they knew things should be done and Mads took the way into the town to drop Adrian near the club as they combined. Another friend of his was near the door and came to compliment when Adrian was giving the helmet back to Mads.
"Hey, Danny... What's up?" Adrian asked before shaking the boy's hand.  "This is Mads," Adrian smiled. "My brother."
"I didn't know you had a brother," Danny said, smiling when shaking Mads' hand.
"Well, now he has," Mads smiled back at Adrian, "I have to go. Stay up with your phone, bro. I'll take a look at Joy and go to the warehouse. I can call you at any moment, ok?"
"Great, bro," Adrian answered.
They hit their hands and Mads took his way, leaving Adrian with a curious Danny.
"I think I know your brother, dude," Danny said. "I don't know... I think I already saw him somewhere."
"Maybe you did... Maybe not. Let's go. I have to speak to The Monk."
Danny still looked back at the street after Adrian came into the club, but Mads' bike was already gone down the road, so, he just followed his friend inside.
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  Adrian knew Danny was pissed off. He knew he stabbed his friend's back by telling The Monk Danny's license was taken. But he needed that job. He needed that money! Even with Mads' promise of getting him a full job with the Wolves, he knew his friend couldn't force his way in and also, Mads was promising this in a while and he couldn't wait for him to get it: Victoria's baby would come in some few months and he had to buy the stuff for the baby's room and prepare everything. Mads was a nice guy, but Adrian knew he couldn't simply rest on his brother's back. So, he did what was necessary and now Danny was frowning at him inside that car - The Monk got him an "office boy" position that was paying way less than he was used to earning as a driver, but was keeping the boy on the track to teach Adrian about the usual destinations and routes he had to learn for the job and Danny was already used to taking.
That day wouldn't be too harsh: carrying some stuff from here to there in some destinations and things would be ok. At least it was what Adrian thought until Danny jumped into the car.
"Now we're going to see Cuz," he said as if it was nothing.
As if Adrian didn't know who Cuz was... The boy felt his blood cold into his veins on spot.
He could get arrested again just for walking beside the house of that old jerk!
"Cuz Cuz?" Adrian asked, confirming his suspicions when Danny nodded effusively.
"Yeah, Cuz, Adrian. We're bringing him the folder."
"What's in it?" Adrian asked, feeling his hands starting to sweat on the wheel.
"Fresh meat," Danny answered, giggling at the obvious dry gulp his friend just got down through his throat. "Come on!"
Adrian turned the car on, but his phone started ringing and he turned it off again to answer.
"C'mon, Adrian! We'll be late, man," Danny complained and Adrian looked at him.
"You don't speak and drive, Danny. That's why I have a license and you don't, man. Now shut."
Danny grunted, annoyed, as Adrian answered to the call, hearing Mads' voice on the other side of the line.
"Hey bro, speak..."
Mads didn't even wait for his salutation.
"Drop whatever you're doing now and come to the warehouse, bro! I got you a chance, but you have to come right now! Full-time job, days on the fabric, nights at the warehouse, double what you're earning. Drop this shit and tell me where I pick you up, bro!" he said, fully happy.
Adrian's eyes became larger and he got silent for a second. A full-time job paying twice what he was earning? Man! "Mads just saved my life!"
"Bro? Did you hear me?" Mads called him back to reality and Adrian giggled out of nervousness.
"Mads... Dude, are you serious?"
"I wouldn't fucking play with something like this, bro! Come on! Where are you?" Mads asked and Adrian got out of the car, for Danny's annoyance that followed his friend out of the red van.
"You gonna get us in trouble, Adrian, turn off this fucking phone, habibi! You can talk to your little girlfriend another time," Danny tried.
But Adrian just waved his hand for Danny to shut up and kept talking to Mads, still impressed his life was really taking a turn, finally.
"I'm near the docks, ahn..." Adrian looked around, spotting the bakery from where Danny just had brought their lunch. "Near the bakery, the..."
"The one with those cookies you like? Gotcha! I pick you up in five minutes, bro!" Mads answered and Adrian could hear the sound of his motorcycle turning on before he dropped the call.
"What the fuck, Adrian!?" Danny came closer, fully pissed off. "The Monk will fuck our ass if we get late, man!"
"You go," Adrian said, giving the keys to a shocked Danny.
"What? Adrian, I can't drive, habibi. Did you forget you fucking opened your big mouth about my license? Did I buy you the alcoholic cookies?" Danny said, checking on the note from the bakery to ensure Adrian wasn't drunk.
"I'm not high, dude. Mads will pick me up, I... I have some stuff to solve."
Adrian's eyes were already on the corner of the road, spotting Mads' bike turning into the street.
"Are you fucking crazy, Adrian? You drop this way and The Monk will never get you back, dude! You gonna get yourself fucked!"
"That's fine... Then you can have your job back, right?" Adrian smiled when Mads stopped right beside him, giving him a helmet and not even taking his own off. "Tell The Monk I can't drive for him... Tell him... I... I quit!" he said, putting the helmet on and getting on the bike right before Mads could start driving towards the Wolves' warehouse, living Danny behind with a full shocked face.
"Fuck, bro! Twice what I was earning? That's fucking amazing, dude!" Adrian celebrated, punching Mads' ribs in a playful way, hearing his friend laughing into his own helmet through the interphone.
"Yeah... Tom just wants to know you," Mads said. "But the job is already yours. Now... Do you have guts, Adrian? I mean... Tom may ask you for some extra jobs if you're up to use your skills as a butcher. Ya know what I'm talking about, right?"
Adrian knew it could be a situation. The Monk had used his skills once and he knew he could get really fucked for doing those shit, but what choice did he have? And also, The Monk used his skills only once... Maybe Tom wouldn't want him to do that disgusting thing more than once or twice.
People weren't killing people all the time to need a butcher so many times like this...
"Yeah. I did it once... I think I can do it again if he needs," Adrian answered.
"Yeah. That's good, bro. That's good."
None of them was comfortable with that little detail about Adrian's new job, but well, both knew some sacrifices were necessary.
It was for his son. For his little Patrick, as Adrian told Mads he would call the boy Victoria was waiting for. Mads could understand. He would also do anything for his little Kyle. Joy and he had just decided the name and he was so happy things were adjusting well, finally.
They stopped by the club and the two of them were brought to Tom's office. Adrian had to say his balls just kinda found a way to shrink around themselves when that man looked him in the eyes.
"You're too skinny for a butcher," Tom said, coming closer, sticking Adrian's chest with the back of his pen. "Can you ride a bike, butcher boy?"
"Yeah," Adrian answered.
"So, I suggest you get one soon. Mads will teach you the job, now get the fuck outta my face. The warehouse won't watch itself, go," Tom said, waving his hand for them to leave.
Adrian went out confused as Mads was silly smiling by his side.
"What was that?"
"I told ya he just wanted to know you. The job is yours already, bro. Now come! Let's take a beer on the bar before we go," Mads answered, bringing Adrian with him to the bar, ignoring the surprise that was making his friend dizzy.
Adrian's eyes were looking all over the enormous place where Mads seemed to know so well how to walk. For a moment, he thought he could easily get lost into that place and never find a way out.
Some people passed around, some looking at Adrian, some just passing and ignoring the two of them. Adrian could understand why Tom thought he was skinny: half of the men inside that club would easily weight more than him and mads together! However, a man in specific caught Adrian's eyes and he frowned at the sight of that man walking around, drinking with some other Wolves. A bald bearded man, with lightly darkened skin... He could bet he saw that man before... Where?
"Here!" Mads pushed him the beer cutting his line of thought for a moment. "Cheers, brother!"
He was so happy! Finally, Adrian would be closer, they could share the nights in the warehouse - which would make his work utterly easier - and his friend wouldn't be so fucked as he was since he came back from prison.
However, Adrian's face wasn't this happy. In fact, he was surprised and kinda shocked. That bald man started walking towards them and with the proximity, Adrian was able to recognize him, causing the blood to run cold inside his veins once again: he could remember where he saw that guy now...
At the police station, inside one of the offices, speaking freely with one of the officers. He could remember her talking to him, giving stuff to him and taking his cellphone to read something on it... He remembers they sat him on a chair beside them and he could hear something about she wanting that man to avoid going too deep in his infiltration or she wouldn't be able to keep him safe when everything was blown up.
Adrian's head started making some bad math as that man came closer, but everything exploded into his head when Mads smiled towards that man.
"Hey, CC! Come here, man! Come meet my bro!"
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Now everything was making sense! If that one was CC, then he was infiltrated there! At the club! At the Wolves!
And he used Mads to get into the gang...
"This is CC, Adrian. And this is Adrian, the guy I told you, CC. He'll be a father soon as well... Patrick, isn't it right?"
Mads was such a nice guy... Such an innocent guy. He had no idea of what that man smiling beside him was doing... He would get so fucked if everything ended up blowing up the way they were planning! By Adrian's knowledge of that world, he had just stepped into a time bomb and Mads would end up blown if he couldn't do anything.
However, he had just stepped into that place. It wasn't as if someone would believe the word of a total newbie against a man who won his colors in a pair of weeks, as Mads had told him.
"Hey... Earth to Adrian... Are you high, bro?" Mads clicked his fingers in front of Adrian's eyes, calling him back from his thoughts and Adrian giggled, shaking his head.
It wasn't the right time to burst the whole thing.
"Sorry... This place is so big, I'm... I'm impressed," he tried to disguise his affliction, smiling and shaking CC's hand. "Sorry, man. Nice jacket, by the way. You guys have a beautiful symbol."
"One day I'll dress it as well. It's closer than never!" Mads said and CC smiled at him, patting his back, causing Adrian to cringe inside seeing that snake so close to someone so dear for him.
"Yeah. Soon, brother. Soon."
"He's not your brother," Adrian wanted to say.
But he swallowed down the words and smiled.
At the right time, he would tell Mads everything and maybe save his brother's skin from the catastrophe that was about to come...
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rwbyconversations · 6 years
The four RWBY girls alongside Michael Jones and Vic Mignonga had a panel on July 14th at Florida Supercon. 
Panel finally starts after five minutes and a tangent about Titanic. Michael does a runway walk while people queue up for questions, Vic beatboxes for him.
Would the RWBY girls say that their friendship is as close as RWBY’s friendship? A: Basically, yes. Lindsay notes that she’s more like Weiss when talking with Kara and Kara is more like Ruby in that Lindsay constantly dunks on Kara. Arryn notes that Blake never talks to Ruby, so she’s got that over Blake.
Of all the characters in RWBY, which would you like to see development for? Also can I have a hug? A: Hugs are promised at the booth after the panel. Arryn: “I will touch you so hard.. in the most appropriate way possible”. As for the question, Lindsay would like to see more of Neo. Kara says Mama Schnee. Arryn says Zwei. Barbara says that she’d love to see Ruby get some development. “Out of all the main cast, we have yet to learn more about her.” Vic goes with Oscar, partly for the selfish reason of getting to hang out with Arron Dismuke (Oscar’s voice actor). “He’s my little baby brother who’s now 7′4, and he went from ‘brother!’ to ‘BROTHER.’” Michael chooses Neptune.
How is everyone today? A: Great! Q: In between all the voice acting stuff, do you find the personal time to do what you want? A: Lindsay: “I mean, we had a kid, so... yeah.” Barbara notes that recording for RWBY and other RT Animation shows is just something that takes an hour a week. Arryn notes that since acting is her full-time job, she doesn’t exactly like having downtime. “Please give me a job!” Vic stabs the viewer in the heart by saying “I’m doing what I want right now.” 
Does your voice ever get tired out, especially among the people who shift from Achievement Hunter to RWBY? A: Lindsay notes the big difference in going from AH to RWBY in that “Achievement Hunter is... Achievement Hunter and RWBY is family friendly!” She goes on to say that the most exhausting thing is ‘efforts’ or battle sounds. Ruby’s voice is difficult when it comes to crying and yelling. Michael admits he takes horrible care of his voice- other VAs have special teas and honeys to calm their throats down, but when Michael’s not doing VA work he’s usually screaming. Sun is based on Michael’s normal voice and as a consequence, he’s pretty hard to do if Michael is just out of a Let’s Play. Vic notes you can damage your voice from over-usage and that it’s important to know when to stop.
Would you rather ship Jaune with Pyrrha, Weiss (Kara raises her hand) or Ruby? A: Lindsay: “Let’s remove that third one from the equation. Ruby’s in a relationship with herself right now.” Barb: “I would like to see some Jaune/Sun.” Arryn: “Sun’s in love with Blake.” Michael jokingly laments that “volume after volume,” Sun’s been doing his best for Blake. Arryn more seriously says that “Jaune needs to focus on himself. He had his chance with a girl and he screwed it up.” Arryn then notes that Blake also needs to do some introspection. 
If RWBY fought Sun and Qrow, who’d come out on top? A: Lindsay isn’t sure Qrow would go all out against Ruby, even if it was a training match. Arryn and Lindsay both consciously snub Yang. (Lindsay: “Would Qrow really fight his lovely niece?” Arryn: “The one he’s so clearly obsessed with? I’m sorry, who are you again Yang?”) They pretty much all agree that Qrow’s Semblance would sabotage Team Drunken Monkey. Michael says Sun would hang back and let Qrow figure it out.
Vic, how did you come up with Qrow’s voice? The girls do Qrow impressions of varying quality. Vic shares a story of how he got into RWBY; at a panel in Perth back in 2014, Lindsay and Michael shared some footage of RWBY that got Vic hooked. As far as the voice, they sent him some test images of Qrow and some lines that he recorded in LA and sent to them. He did a few different voices, they picked one and the rest is history. Most of the rest of the group used something close to their natural voice. Barbara initially had a higher pitch for Yang but she toned it down. Arryn uses the same voice but changes her speech pattern. Lindsay based Ruby’s squeak on her own self-deprecating jokes about being the chubby kid. Ruby’s Volume 1 voice was because they weren’t sure how innocent Ruby was supposed to be. Michael says Sun’s voice nowadays is based on a surfer bro without the accent. There’s another bit of teasing for the Black Sun fans when Michael laments that Blake keeps shooting Sun down (”He’s trying though!”) and Arryn bemoans how oblivious Blake is. Barbara tries to fit in a Bumblebee joke about her loving Yang. 
Q: Did Ruby have a goth phase? Lindsay notes that Ruby is now sixteen as of Volume 5 (Arryn wonders if this means that Blake’s finally eighteen). Lindsay jokes that Ruby likes going to Fall Out Boy concerts. Arryn once had black hair with red tips like Ruby.
What weapons would the show be able to come up besides what’s already been seen? A: Arryn: “Well the show isn’t capable of ideas.” The question was meant to be “What kind of weapons would you come up with for a new character?” Barbara says a “gun-gun,” a gun that shoots guns. Vic: “I like to keep it simple. What I do is I take a bottle, and I break it. And then I cut you.” Arryn would love to see some kind of fan weapon. Kara: “What about a frisbee?” Michael likes the idea of a game controller that turns into a whip. The fan also has a statement that Blake isn’t the only black cat he knows that’s completely oblivious to love (Adrian from Miraculous Ladybug)
What does RWBY mean to you? Barb: “It means Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang.” Vic: “Can we change it to QRWBY?” Arryn talks about how much RWBY changed her life and let her find her dream job. Kara: “It’s been amazing, I have no words.” 
A Ruby cosplayer made bracelets for RWY. Arryn got hers on-stage. Q: Any advice for anyone who wants to get into voice acting? A: Lindsay says getting into VA work is a little bit of luck, but it comes down to who you know and how you network with people. Fan dubs are a great jumping off point since directors keep up with that. Yuri Lowenthal (Merucry Black) and his wife Tara Platt (Kali) have a three-part series on Youtube that covers how to make a great demo reel as a voice actor. Vic says to take any chance you can to develop your skills. Most of the actors he knows didn’t start as voice actors, they just performed wherever they could. Basically, never say no to any acting gig, get into community theater and go to acting school. “One thing you need more than talent, is a thick skin.” 
If you guys could switch characters with someone here who would it be? A: Michael: “I’M YANG!” Lindsay and Weiss would swap. Arryn would be Sun or Yang. Barb would do Qrow. Vic in his Qrow voice: “I’m Weiss. I drink a lot.” Lindsay: Like mother like daughter! Vic at the end of the question: “I’d like to play Winter so I can lose to myself in a fight!”
How do you guys get into character? Arryn: “Don’t really have to do anything any more.” Kara watches the most recent episodes to get into Weiss’s mindset. She also records in heels since it helps her posture, unless it’s a fight scene. For Chibi/Volume 1-3 Yang, Barbara would cause chaos and build her energy up, but for Volume 4/5, she’d wear a big hoodie like “emo yang.” Lindsay finds a theme song for her characters. For Ruby she uses anime OPs like Lucky Star (Beacon) or Red Like Roses Part 2 (Volume 4-5 Ruby). Michael runs in circles to build up energy for Sun, if he plays Max from Camp Camp he starts swearing up a storm. When he’s driving in he’ll shout along with songs on the radio.
Michael, favorite character that’s not Sun? Winter. 
Who can do the best robot dance? Barbara.
Who do you ship in RWBY? (DAMNIT WE NEARLY MADE IT TO THE END WITHOUT THIS FUCKING QUESTION GAAAAAA) Barb- Bumblebee. Kara- White Knight. Lindsay- Nuts and Dolts. Vic- the USS Enterprise. 
Barbara, how was it to provide your voice for Blazblue? She rapid-fire says “I nearly lost my voice from all the power up sounds.”
Barbara, how can fans support Rooster Teeth beyond just buying First? A: Watch the shows, First is the absolute best way to support them.
Do you believe in destiny? Yes. Favorite OST song? Lindsay- Red Like Roses Part 2. Arryn and Michael- This Will Be The Day. Barb- Gold and Cold. 
Barbara, is Yang gay? Barb: “I don’t know, I kinda hope so though.”
Where are Yang’s puns? A: Watch Chibi. 
Arryn, when is Blake gonna stop being so melodramatic? “I’ve already ended it. Just wait!” 
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jj-ktae · 6 years
GOT7 In Paris Experience  !
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First of all and before I start fangirling, let me tell you one thing : GOT7 LIVE IS DAMN LIT IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND.
Let me start with the beginning.
It all began when our plane landed. I was with my sister and we were supposed to meet @jaebeomsmullet at the airport, which was a day before the concert.
It was kind of crazy that our plane landed 2 hours before GOT7’s flight. We were on GATE 2D and GOT7 were supposed to arrive at GATE 2F which is like, super close. We initially had to go to our Airbnb but you know, people were waiting for them and I thought it would be cool to have just a tiny look. Never thought we’d actually see them this CLOSE later!
It was insane. Yes. Everyone was running around, yelling, pushing, and I was so shocked to see this. I was able to see them before they walked out of the airport.
Actually an old lady, who was waiting for her daughters to see GOT7, came to us and told us “hey, why are you waiting here, they are right there!” while pointing another direction. I was like “meh, she must be mistaken.” But still I told my sis and Jen to wait for me wait and followed her and BOOM, this old lady took me to GOT7. Like, she just pointed and they were there, and no one had seen them yet and I was like “WTH THIS IS GOT7” lol So I texted my sis so she could bring Jen because they were still waiting near the gates.
It was nice, I asked the security to move from in front of them so I could take pictures and they just went “oh, sorry, there you go.” And walked away lmao.  I mostly watched them after I took a couple of pictures, too ashamed to take more, especially when Jackson looked up and saw me haha (at this moment he instantly became a HUGE BIAS WRECKER, ASK JEN.)
So they walk to the Gate’s doors and this is when everyone runs and goes wild. We just walk away, thinking they will escape the opposite way but they lowkey just walk toward us as they were taking the same exit and I just remember watching Jinyoung in his “Parisien” outfit, in awe, while yelling to Jen ‘DON’T MOVE THEY WILL CRUSH YOU” lol I saw all the fangirls and fansites run toward us and I thought we were going to die lmao.
This is when I start realizing I just saw GOT7 and I barely landed in Paris lol. I have my luggage and pictures/videos of GOT7 (Bambam and Yugyeom waved at us before people noticed them but I was watching Jinyoung so I only saw when I watched the video I took with Jen on the way to the Airbnb lol). 
Then my friends tell us people are ALREADY queueing in front of Le Zenith and I’m like WTF I need to be front raw I didn’t come all the way here for that and Jen, who had CAT A tickets needed to be close IT WAS MY DUTY TO LET HER SEE HER MULLET OKAY, I PROMISED HER.
So, later that day, and after a lot of anxiety and panic, we end up in front of the concert hall AT 11PM THE DAY BEFORE THE CONCERT. It’s raining, everyone’s wild, the park around the venue is DANGEROUS AT NIGHT but who cares, we grab survival blankets (Jen falls asleep at some point while I cover her body from the cold lol) and we good for the night. It was honestly crazy, we ended up running around because we needed to pee in this dark place at 4am, full of drunken men (the French Fanbase had to call the police at some point as men were fighting) well, I’ll spare you the details but this night was wild but we had our numbers. I was number 32 in the VIP section and Jen was 39 (I guess ?) in the CAT A section. So far everything’s good and I know I’ll be front raw, Jen will be close, and everything will be alright.
At 7am, we get our last numbering and go back to the Airbnb BUT OH WELL I get a call at 9 telling us to come back because the venue’s security decided to do another numbering and we can lose our numbers? At this point we’re sleep deprived, starving, in need of energy but we have to run back there? Thank god our Airbnb is like 8 mins from the concert or else I would have gone NUTS.
So we go back, I tell Jen to survive and fight if needed (fangirls are MEAN. Let me tell you, everyone was fighting.) The VIP section was a mess and the CAT A was WORSE.
Around 12pm. THE GUY FROM MMT (JIN) SHOWS UP, FINALLY. AND HE TELLS US WE WILL KEEP OUR NUMBERS. Thumbs up to Jin-ssi, I also sent him hearts. My boi.
At some point, Jen is lost into the CAT A crowd and I have no way to find her because the sections are separated and CLOSED. My final number is 51 (they added the TOP 10 tastemakers who had TWO VIPS TICKETS + Two handicapped people who had to enter to before us). They tell us to come back at 3PM because they will start organizing people since the High Touch will be BEFORE THE CONCERT. Like we needed to die before they even start singing lol.
Jen is nowhere to be seen. The last message I get from her is “People are fighting” And I’m like Damn it will she die before she sees her mullet.
I grab my bracelet with my official entrance number and go back to the Airbnb because I had slept outside and had to come back before I even took a shower. I literally feel like shit.
We had enough of the bullshit at some point lol. But when we come back and have to wait again,  Mark, Jaebum and Youngjae appear and run down the building’s stairs while laughing lol
We wait for more than 2 HOURS. They made us come at 3pm but the High Touch starts around 6PM.
A guy comes numerous times with a camera and runs around, filming the VIP Section while we’re dying under the sun. YAY GOOD TIMES.
We enter and then they tell us “You’ll be doing the high five with your left hand so remove the rings and everything hanging on your hand. NO CAMERA, NO CELLPHONE, NOTHING.”
They give us water and the staff goes “NOW DRINK.” GOT7’s Staff is really cool and chill, they’re smiling and happy to see us but it’s already so hot inside we’re dying. They tell us to smile, to be happy, that everything’s going to be awesome and we know this, WE KNOW THIS IS GOING TO BE EXTRA.
Then they tell us to walk as it’s about to start and I slowly lose my mind. I’m thankful I saw them the day before at the airport as I won’t have the “I’m seeing them for the first time” moment, which could make me go blank lol
Mark is the first I see from afar, he is very smiley and GORGEOUS. They looked different from the no makeup at the airport and I went blind for a second. Or died. OR both. Mark is very gentle, he hits so slowly and smiles and his sweet voice goes “Hey~" and all I can say is “…Hi…”. He has an amazing smile and isn’t that TINY. I was expecting him to be smaller but no, NOPE. He takes time to look at everyone in the eyes and I thank him for that. 12/10 would recommend.
Jinyoung. JINYOUNG. I don’t even have the time to speak because he goes “HI!” and boom, hits my hand so hard it flies away and laughs. Like, I can see his wrinkles and dimples and his face is ART. ARRRRTTT. He looks so HAPPY and SOFT. Like he is ready to be fluffy and honestly I was expecting him to be cool and greet everyone calmly but he is so EXCITED. He can’t stop smiling! AGAIN, I just go “..Hi..”
Youngjae is a damn sunshine. He goes “HHHIIIIIIIIIII!!!!” super loudly and does a very energetic high five with his sunshine self. I don’t remember his face fully as I didn’t look at him in the eyes. Jinyoung’s face was still HAUNTING ME. I just remember saying “Hey..” with my traumatized voice. I probably look stupid at some point.
Jaebum. LOL I CANT. I CANNNT. HE IS AMAZING. I wasn’t going to talk to them or anything so I wasn’t expecting them to TALK lol. The girl before me says “You’re voice is beautiful” and walks away and as I arrive in front of him he is shyly saying “..ah..Gomawo…” AND HIS VOICE IS EXACTLY THE SAME. I look at him, he looks at me, and says “..Hi!.”, leans and gently taps his hand against mine. AND HE SMILES. I MEAN, WHEN I SAY GENTLY, IT MEANS, VERY SOFTLY. It’s not even a high five anymore tbh. WHERE THE HELL IS CHIC JAEBUM WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM WHY IS HE SO SOFT AND SMILING AND BEAUTIFUL WTF. As usual, I say “Hi..” and TRY not to FAINT.
Jackson. SO yep. YEP. Listen to me, Jackson has SUNGLASSES. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to see his eyes (I think it’s because he was wearing lenses and didn’t want us to see, which I didn’t know yet.) And yeah, so far everyone had their hands up, ready to high five us but Jackson has his hand down, palm up, and is waiting like the king he is. I am kinda confused, what should I do? Hit his hand? Shake it ? NO. I am SO WEIRD, I just stop, look at his face, grin, and molest his hand. For real, I run my fingers on his palm, lowkey smirking and I LITERALLY CARESS HIS DAMN HAND. I think I make a weird, smug noise because I’m enjoying myself a bit too much. Don’t ask me why. It just happened. Then I grab it and squeeze his hand and he is just standing, not moving, he lets me harass his hand and it ends up in a sort of weird handshake lol WE DON’T TALK. I DON’T EVEN GREET HIM, I JUST CLAIM HIS HAND. CAN YOU BELIEVE I DIDN’T EVEN SAY A WORD, CAN YOU BELIEVE I ACTED LIKE A CREEP? FML. By the way, His hand felt very small. EH EH EH.
AND THEN BAMBAM INTERRUPTS AND YELLS. HE FCKING YELLS “HEYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!” while leaning toward Jackson and I snap out of it lmao He lifts his hand and I say “ᴴᵉʸ ᴮᵃᵐᵐᵐᵐ” (My soul is gone at some point, do not blame me tyvm). Bambam is loud but very friendly. I don’t remember much from Bambam because I just can’t believe this is happening.
Yugyeom. That lil shit acts all shy. He is half bowing half embarrassed. I don’t even know why he just looks very shy and red and has a bright smile and mumbles “..H..HI.”  Like he doesn’t hump the floor regularly. Don’t believe this kid. DO NOT be fooled. HE KNOWS. He is also very gentle and then it’s time to enter the hall and I run for my life again.
I end up front raw. Bambam takes my friend’s crown “Bambam king of Dab”, bump his fist with us, does the Wakanda sign. We were a group of 15 and everyone had interactions. Youngjae bends to shake our hands, Jackson leans a lot and STARES. I don’t know why he stares at people all the time, but he always looks at someone. Yugyeom too. Overall, Jackson and Yugyeom stayed a lot in front of where I was, but everyone came and greeted us. I think they kinda have to stay around some specific parts of the stage thorough the concert.
Our fan projects were awesome, and we threw green balloons during the first chorus of You Are, and Jaebum looked SO HAPPY. Later he said “It was beautiful when you threw the green balloons. It makes me want to keep on being an artist.”
They were not expecting people in Paris to be so wild. Everyone was stomping the floor so hard that Mark said “It seems you’re having fun; I’m almost getting scared.”  
Jackson said he will never forget this moment, Bambam said if he could come secretly, he would like to come to Paris and stay for a couple of months lol.
Yugyeom was stomping the floor a lot because he wanted us to do it too and at some point even the screens on both sides of the stage were shaking.
Oh and two of my friends made a heart during Firework (If I remember well), Jinyoung saw them and lift his hand like it was a sword and CUT THEIR HEART lol. So many of these interactions happened, I could write a whole lot more about it but it’s long enough already haha.
I was right in front of one of the security staff and I would like to thank them for being there! He gave us water during the concert, was funny and respectful and even told us “If they bend to grab your phones, give it to me and I’ll give it to them.” But no one did, maybe because people from the previous concerts THREW THEIR PHONES AT THEM.
TO CONCLUDE : IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE NOW LET ME CONTINUE WITH MY POST-CONCERT-BREAKDOWN. I have some videos and i’ll try to upload them because they’re very close to the stage but I suck at editing and I have to put credit and I have no idea how to do that  without messing with the video lol :/// You can find awesome fancams on youtube and all over twitter, though! 
Sorry for the typos!
ps : Every time Jackson looked at me he had the “you’re the hand fetishist girl” stare 😭😭😭 
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It's official: We've run out of time to prepare for no-deal
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By Ian Dunt
Today's National Audit Office (NAO) report on no-deal preparation reads like a horror story. It shows that we are now past the point of no-return on no-deal preparations. No matter what we do now, it's too late. We can't get the border systems online in time. That puts us completely at the mercy of our negotiating partner.
Reading the report is like watching the 18-rated version of a movie which the government had tried to bring out as a 12A with its impact statements over the summer. The delays in negotiations, and the ongoing uncertainty about whether we'd be able to agree on a deal at all, have meant that government departments - including Border Force, HMRC, Defra and the Department for Transport - have been unable to plan, because they don't know what they're planning for or when it'll happen.
The Border Delivery Group, set up by the Cabinet Office to coordinate the work, has understandably focused on what needs to be in place on day one of no-deal but quickly found itself swamped by the speed of events. Startlingly, it has only just started preparing for what would happen on the Irish border.
Eleven out of the 12 major projects to replace or adapt existing border systems to be ready for day one are now at risk of not being delivered on time. The cascade of failure is because so many of the systems are reliant on other ones. At its heart is the new customs declaration system, a massive nationwide IT project which has had its goal and timetable adapted, two conditions which should sound the alarm to anyone familiar with this kind of government programme. It currently has an amber warning in Whitehall.
When one problem emerges it quickly spreads, like a pandemic. For instance, the uncertainty in negotiating outcomes means departments have been unable to provide detailed information on the compliance regime they are expected to enforce, which means Border Force is uncertain of how many staff it needs, which leads to failures in recruitment and training. It is currently planning to recruit an additional 581 members of staff but thinks the eventual number could be as high as 2,000. They won't be available to deploy by March next year, so a 'readiness task force' of 300 is being set up instead as some kind of emergency triage.
As for infrastructure, it is simply too late. HMRC will not be able to track goods and Border Force will not have the space or facilities to examine them. Ports are not going to start pouring millions into building this infrastructure anyway, because they've no idea if it'll ever be needed.
Other businesses will need to be ready too if disaster is to be averted, but the time has passed for that too. HMRC estimates that between 145,000 and 250,000 traders who've never done so before would need to fill out customs declarations and they'll inevitably make mistakes, or simply not do it. That'll create bottlenecks immediately. But the government's own papers from this summer confirmed that it was already too late to train traders to do this.
There are no plans on what to do at the Irish border. There is no design or implementation programme for roll-on-roll-off ferry ports or Eurotunnel.
All we really know is that the government will claim on day one of no-deal that the risk assessment of goods coming in from Europe has not changed and that full agricultural and security checks are therefore not necessary. But this is a short-term fix, if indeed it's a fix at all. "Organised criminals and others are likely to be quick to exploit any perceived weaknesses or gaps in the enforcement regime," the NAO warns. "This, combined with the UK's potential loss of access to EU security, law enforcement and criminal justice tools, could create security weaknesses which the government would need to address urgently."
This is where things start to go dangerously wrong. There'd be a blockage of trade with Europe due to no-deal, and instant tailbacks at the border. We'd then throw open our borders in an act of desperation. And then other non-EU countries would close their borders to us because they'd know we were open to any kind of terrorist, or black market activity, or contaminated product. We'd be turning ourselves into a pariah state. "Government departments have begun civil contingency planning," the report says, blandly. "Plans are progressing to cope with issues such as queues of traffic in Kent, and to enable the continued supplies of essential goods and medicines."
The idea that a successful country would put itself in this kind of position is incomprehensible, even at this late stage. But what's truly shocking, whatever else you might think of the rights or wrongs of Brexit, is that Article 50 was triggered without having come up with a formal and deliverable plan for what would happen when it reached its default outcome, which is no-deal.
We knew at the start how this mechanism operated. The pitiless two years play out and then they eject you, no matter what has or hasn't been agreed. To activate it, in a drunken haze of reactionary self-congratulation, without even knowing what you would do, is an unconscionable act of national irresponsibility. And to have then wasted time on a general election and internal party squabbling instead of doing something about it is even worse. It's simply unforgivable.
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backtoyourownworld · 6 years
A very long read
You’re too young to be an alcoholic. That’s the first thing I hear when I try to share my experiences with someone. I had always liked a drink. From a sip to a chug of my dad’s beer, to helping mum polish off a bottle of vodka; alcohol was in my blood. That line between casual drink out with the mates and waking up on a park bench after a three-day bender is so fine it might as well not exist. Not to me at least. I learnt early on that I lack self-control when it comes to that mind-numbing, fucking fantastic substance that is alcohol. While schoolmates were worrying about GCSEs (exams) and relationships, I was fretting about the new alarms in the local Co-op. What was I to do without my fix of stolen Henry Weston’s cider (chosen because it was least visible from the checkouts). I made a decent living fencing my stolen goods to classmates. I felt like a real fucking entrepreneur selling stolen sandwiches and chocolate bars to fund my drinking. The good stuff was always behind the tills, impossible to pinch and stuff in a schoolbag.
I was promised amazing things for my GCSEs. My pick of schools throughout the country, top-class universities fighting over me. I don’t mean this boastfully, but I was always aware of my intelligence. Even as a primary school pupil I read from the book box two years above me. I couldn’t help it. I was voracious in my desire to learn. 
Things went alright for the first few years of secondary school. I did the work, answered the questions, got the grades. Then the anger came. Call it what you will: teen angst/acting out/attention seeking. Whatever it was, it was real to me. I remember so much anger. So much hate. I was fifteen when things really started getting seriously out of control. All that anger had to come out somewhere. And I chose fighting as my release. Fuelled by a few litres of energy drink a day, I had numerous fights throughout my teen years. I do remember one thing: I always retaliated, I never struck first. Yet the sheer number of times my name was mentioned in incident reports led to me being suspended. God, those flying fists and scratches, and biting felt so good, so primal. It was such a release.
My grades slipped. As became Cs and then Es. And then I stopped caring. Meetings with parents and tutors washed over me like rain. I was numb. I didn’t give a shit about university applications or apprenticeships. All that mattered to me was how deep I could cut. Maybe the next time I would do it deep enough to make it last. It’s hard to care about classes and grades when your mind is focused on the three-inch gash on your leg that you stitched up yourself. The empty water bottle filled up with stolen vodka became a staple in my schoolbag. Mum never seemed to notice how diluted her vodka became. Or the countless other spirits I sampled from the drinks cabinet. Campari and Advocaat. The odd smelling drinks you don’t even know what to mix with so you just chug from the bottle and hope for the best. I won’t deny I enjoyed my celebrity as the drunk girl in school. The girl who could knick you anything from the shop as long as it wasn’t too close to the tills. But while people grew tired of me stumbling in the school hallways, falling off science lab stools, puking between classes; I craved more. Passing out alone in my room wasn’t enough. I embarrassed myself at parties. On one occasion I even ate a piece of pork from a bowl of my own vomit. 
I watched my friends complete their university applications, receive their offers and sort out student finance. Meanwhile I was stuck. What future did a pathetic drunk have. I was convinced I wouldn’t make it to the end of the year so why bother taking up a place at university. But I could never go through with it. I didn’t die. Despite my attempts I was still alive at eighteen. I spent a year at the mercy of the NHS, stuck in purgatory waiting for appointments that never fucking materialised. Don’t get me wrong, the NHS is a wonderful system for healthcare. But not for mental healthcare. A year of my life wasted. A year where I did actually want to accomplish something. I gave up on the NHS like they gave up on me. In a fit of enthusiasm I enrolled myself in college. I finally, three years late, finished my A Levels and earned my place at a Russell Group university.
Being a Fresher at university is like taking a starving man to an all-you-can-eat buffet and saying you can only eat one thing. Temptation is everywhere. And I don’t mean that religious bullshit where it’s somehow noble to turn down any vices. No, I mean the temptation where you find yourself literally salivating in the alcohol aisle of the local supermarket. Standing there with your bread and milk willing the queue to go down faster so you can get away from the cheap lager and that goddamned vodka. Most people’s first year at university is spent intoxicated in one way or another. It’s a fact of university life. That’s how I started. I’d never lived away from home before. Never had the freedom to down vodka with my morning Shreddies. But god, first year was a revelation. Everyone else had it under control. I thought I did too. College had been alright, I’d got my grades while drinking at socially acceptable levels. Why would uni be any harder. Freshers Week. Fucking Freshers Week. I made it to the third night before shit hit the fan. I remember it so vividly despite being so drunk my flatmates tried to convince me not to leave pre-drinks. It was Wild Night. I know because I still have the t-shirt. I was in the smoking section of the Students’ Union club (I don’t even smoke), decked out in my wolf shirt and wild backcombed hair. I climbed the railings. A twenty foot drop onto concrete below me. People screamed. I laughed. Then I remember crying as security dragged me back over the railings and shipped me off to the local alcohol treatment centre - they didn’t know where else to send me. 
I avoided my flatmates after that. Stopped going to lectures. I only left my room to walk to the nearby corner shop and stock up with a couple bottles of vodka and lemonade. The shame I felt for my behaviour was so easy to squash down with booze. My diet became vodka and crisps. I turned almost nocturnal, choosing to venture out of my room in the early hours when I was less likely to encounter my flatmates. I stopped being invited to pre-drinks. I don’t blame them. I was no longer a fun drunk, falling off chairs and singing off-key. I was a puking, punching, mess of a person. Somehow, I managed to pass first year. Despite my self-sabotage I was allowed onto fieldwork for my degree over that first summer. A month in Germany. Four weeks surrounded by cheap beer. I barely remember that month. A few moments do stand out though. Threatening to jump in a lake. Going for a midnight walk through a bramble patch. Finding myself on train tracks. 
I don’t even know what possessed me to attempt second year. I knew I wasn’t prepared. Knew I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to attend university. But still, I went for it. I thought I was doing so well, but I was lying to myself. It was so easy to sleep in and miss a lecture here and there. I’d joined a few societies to help me meet people with similar interests. The socials were great at first. Like-minded people coming together for a casual drink and chat in the pub. And then the socials weren’t enough to satisfy my cravings. Six pints at a social was followed by twelve pints from the off-licence on the way home. Then lager wasn’t enough. I needed something stronger. I remember calculating the price-per-unit for every type of alcohol in my local offy. Their off-brand vodka was the best value for money. Combined with the cheapest lemonade, it was the drunk’s cocktail. Consuming so much alcohol isn’t without its consequences. I put on weight. I had stomach issues. My skin was greasy. And I stank. Vodka was literally oozing out of every pore on my body. The rare lecture I did attend, people would ask me if I’d been drinking. They could smell it on me from ten feet away.
I don’t remember much of the day I slit my wrist. I knew I wanted to hurt myself but I don’t think I meant for it to go that far. I took a bottle of vodka along with me for my bath. Hot water and alcohol make for very thin blood. I recall trying to clean the bathtub after and then phoning a taxi to take me to A&E. After that it’s a blur of disapproving doctors and concerned nurses. Nine stitches later and I was home with instructions to see a therapist. The bottle of vodka was still in the bathroom. Bless my housemate; he’d tried his best to clean up all the blood and throw out my razor. I got sedated with Valium after that. Like a scene from a 1950s mental institution. All that did was numb me even more. I became like a zombie, barely able to get out of bed to wash or feed myself. The only thing I left the house for was to buy more booze. Not long after the bathtub incident I phoned my parents in a drunken mess and begged them for help. They drove 200 miles and took me home that night.
What followed was a year of private counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy to help me learn healthy coping mechanisms. It was decided I should go teetotal. I thought that year out had fixed me, that I was finally a functioning member of society. How wrong I was. Not four weeks into my second attempt at second year and I was drinking heavily again. I get this thought in my head: fuck it all. This is what drives me when I’ve been drinking. What makes me walk out my front door with a bottle in my hand and do something stupid. And it was inevitable that sooner or later my actions would result in serious consequences. 
The worst night of my life was 18th March 2018. I got drunk as usual. But it was supposed to be my final night of drinking. I was going to give it up completely. I’d bought some whiskey. I have a terrible history with whiskey, it gets me violently drunk very fast. I got hammered. That thought of “fuck it all” came into my head and I decided to throw myself into the local river. Once again, I don’t remember much of that night. I do remember drinking the whiskey in my room and then leaving my house. But I don’t remember grabbing the knife or talking to that woman on the bridge. The next thing I do remember is a policeman handcuffing me and shoving me into the back of a police van. That night in the cells was one of the worst of my life. I was like a madwoman, banging my head off the walls and scratching my arms till they bled. I was charged with possession of a bladed article in a public place. Four years in prison. I could have been sent down for that long. But whatever deity there is saved me and let me off with a deal. I see an addiction counsellor instead. No charge, no criminal record. 
At the time of writing this I am still drinking, but I have seriously cut down and am on my way to complete sobriety. God knows I got fucking lucky. 
I just hope one day my luck doesn’t run out. 
Thank you for sticking with me for this long and reading to the end. If you’re going through anything, or just want to talk, my ask is always open.
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geochic03 · 6 years
Never Letting Go
A/N: One shot based on the scene in Chapter 14 (Royal Edition) where Noctis asks Prompto how things went with 'you know who'. My interpretation of what happened between Prompto and Cindy and what happened post game.
Summary: After everything he just went through, there was no way that he was going to loose his grip on the one person that's meant the most to him the last ten years.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Pairing: Prompto x Cindy (Post Game)
Rating: T (implied smut)
Words: 2262
Read on AO3
Just remember: Hold on tight to the ones you love and don’t let go.  Loose your grip and you loose ‘em for good.
 The kings words echoed in his head as he speed through the Leiden plains.  It had been so long since he laid eyes anything so bright.  The now dead vegetation glowed under the bright sun light as he saw the ground for the true color it was always intended to been seen.
 Crowds were beginning to form outside of the old city check point.  Most of whom were curious to know what was left of the once mighty Crown City, others wanted to celebrate the king who brought back the light.  If only they knew the truth.  Gladio took off with Talcott, on their way to Lestallum to gather supplies and pick up Monica and Dustin to help with the initial surveying of the city.  He also wanted to tell Iris in person the fate of her beloved friend and long time crush.  In his words: this isn’t something you tell someone over the phone.  Ignis stayed behind with the marshal, helping with the initial planning of rebuilding their home.  Sure, he felt guilty leaving them to the task, but he had to do this, he needed to do this.  They understood, and for that he was grateful.
 Prompto gave a heavy sigh as he continued to drive.  He had been so suave in responding to his best friends inquiry into his love life since the darkness, but what was he supposed to do.  How was he supposed to respond to that?  Tell him he spent the last ten years trying to impress her?  That this entire time he kept telling himself that he wasn’t good enough, or she is too busy with her work for a relationship?  That after helping her one night restore an old armory truck, they had one too many beers and slept together?  And then the next day both of them acted like it meant nothing to them.  That no matter how many girls he kissed, dated or slept with since, none of them could compare to that one drunken night with the girl he’s loved since the moment they rolled the Regalia into that garage.
 Seeing Noct again, watching him so selflessly sacrifice himself for the people he loved to bring happiness and light back to the world, made him realize what was important in life.  And damn it there was no way he was going to start living in this new age for Eos with lingering regrets.  Noct would never have wanted that.
 Prompto tightened his hands on the steering wheel as he saw Hammerhead appear in the distance.  It looked so different in the sunlight.  They had really turned Cid’s beloved garage into quite the fortress these last ten years.  He made a mental note to himself to make removing the barbed wired fences the first thing done before Cid returned back home.  He knew the spry old timer wouldn’t want to be stuck back in Lestallum knowing things were safer back at his true home.  As if on auto pilot Prompto turned into Hammerhead, the gate no longer being guarded by hunters and left opened for passers by to come and go as they pleased.  He hastily parked the truck over by a pile of large supply crates and hopped out.  He threw his Kingsglaive jacket into the back of the truck and moved quickly to the garage hanger, knowing even with the sun shinning bright that his goddess of the gears would still be working hard on whatever project she had going.
 As he scanned the hanger he frowned seeing that there were no signs of her anywhere.  Just as he was about to turn around and try Takka’s old diner he noticed a light coming from Cid’s, now Cindy’s office.  He gave a relieved sigh as he made as way over, hoping he didn’t loose his nerve between now and when he saw her.  Before he could get half way across the garage he watched as the door swung open and it’s occupant made it’s way outside.  His breath hitched as he watched her shield her eyes from the suns rays filtering into the steel structure.
 He didn’t think Cindy could be more beautiful than she already was, but seeing her there with the newly restored sun rays shinning on her perfectly curled, albeit longer blonde hair, he knew he thought wrongly.  Cindy turned to him and gave him a concerned look as she noticed the cuts and scraps on his exposed skin.
 “Prompto…you look like you dun near went through hell and back how did you get…” she began but he didn’t let her finish.
 In the time it took her to finish her sentence Prompto had marched his way over to her and pulled her lips to his in a searing and passionate kiss.  Cindy’s olive green eyes starred back in shock, frozen in place by the sudden action from her long time companion.  Prompto let out a shaky breath as he pulled a way, stroked her cheek with his thumb before leaning down once more to press a gentle loving kiss to her lips.
 As he pulled away again he watched her eyes follow his as he pressed his forehead to hers, knocking her hat off her head and allowing her blonde curls to sway freely.
 “Prompto what in the world…” Cindy started again but as if on queue he stopped her once more.
 “I love you.  I’ve loved you from the moment we pushed the Regalia into the garage that day ten years ago.  And every time me and the guys came back for a break or to run an errand I fell in love with you even more.  I know the guys used to tease me saying it was just puppy love but I knew that wasn’t true.  There has never been another woman in all of Eos that has ever made me feel the way I feel when I am with you and there never will be.  And before you say that I am wasting my time because you are married to your work that’s OK.  You wouldn’t be Cindy if you weren’t, and I get that…I always did.  That’s why I didn’t….that’s why I didn’t say anything after we fixed up that armory truck awhile back.” Prompto rambled out.
 Cindy stood there stunned as Prompto pulled away from her and looked away.  She could tell he was nervously fidgeting with his wrist, a habit she noticed long ago when he used to wear a wrist band on that arm.  When he told her about the barcode and how it came to be a few years into the darkness,  her heart broke for him.  Prompto was such a sweet and kindhearted man and didn’t deserve the trauma he had gone through.
 “What…what brought this on all of a sudden?” Cindy asked him as he stopped what he was doing and turned to her.
 “I…don’t want any regrets.  After what just went down in the Crown City…with Noct I…don’t want to keep moving forward without being honest with myself…and to you.  So, yeah…sorry if that makes things weird…” Prompto said scratching the back of his head.
 “The king’s gone ain’t he?”  Cindy asked as she moved closer to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
 Prompto silently nodded trying to hold back tears remembering the sight of Noctis marching towards the Citadel alone.  Soon he felt a gentle kiss on his cheek and Cindy wrapping her arms around him, giving him a comforting squeeze.  Cautiously Prompto wrapped his arms around her as they held each other for a few moments, processing the grief of their lost friend together.  After a few moments Cindy was the first one to pull away, placing her hand lovingly on his cheek.
 “I always knew you know.  You never needed to say it.” she said with a small smile on her face.
 Prompto’s eyes widened at her words “You…you did?  Wait…for how long?”
 Cindy laughed “You weren’t exactly the subtle type.  Even that night…I didn’t drink that much you know.”
 Prompto frowned “Then why did you…”
 “Act like nothin’ happened?  I…got scared.  I’ve lost so many people I cared about to this dag-on darkness and the daemons….I didn’t want to get too close to someone else knowin’ they might get taken away too.  I know you’re strong and all that Prom but even then…I don’t think I could handle knowing you, especially you, got taken away from me too.  I always appreciated that you never treated me like I was just some hot girl workin’ on cars in a bikini top.  You always understood my love for this garage and working on machines.  You’ve always respected me for who I am and have always been so nice to me offerin’ to help out here…take out daemons at any given moment.  You didn’t even laugh at me when I told you I was scared of the dark even with the headlights shinning into Hammerhead.” Cindy explained, folding her arms over her dark blue overalls.
 Prompto smiled back at her “How could I laugh at you for that?  After everything you went through with your parents and…”
 “I know…that’s why I’m so scared of loosin’ you Prompto.  I…dang it I guess what I’m trying to say here is that I love you too chocobo boy.” she said looking up into his bright blue eyes.
 Prompto was pretty sure he couldn’t smile any wider than he was in that moment.  The girl who he has pined over for the last ten years just admitted her love for him.  The only thing that would make the moment better would be if Noctis was there to see it.
 “Well are you just gonna stand there an smile at me or are yah gonna kiss me again?” Cindy said with a huff as she crossed her arms.
 Without hesitation Prompto leaned down and capture her lips with his once more, feeling her wrap her arms around his neck, pull him closer to her deepening the kiss.  He didn’t even care that there were people pulling into the station at that moment.  Or that he could have sworn he heard a customer making a lewd comment about them from outside the hanger.  All that mattered was the two of them, embracing in newly restored rays of sunlight, finally having confessed their feelings for one another.
 After hearing another person whistle from afar Cindy pulled away and smirked at him “Why don’t we take this upstairs where we won’t have an audience hrmm?”
 Prompto gulped as he nodded slowly, following her up the stairs to the living quarters above the garage where the two of them spent the rest of the day and night expressing the love they cultivated for one another over the last ten years.
  In the early morning, when the first ray’s of sunshine came filtering into Cindy’s room he couldn’t help but smile at the sleeping form wrapped in his arms beside him.  She had a content smile on her face as the sun lit up her features.  Even at thirty six, Cindy didn’t look a day over twenty five.  Prompto moved a strand of blond curls out of her face and pressed a gentle kiss forehead.  Silently he vowed to himself that from this day forward he would never let his goddess of the gears go, spending as much time as he could loving and cherishing the woman who would always have his heart for eternity.
 Cindy suddenly stirred from her sleep, slowly opening her eyes and giving Prompto a warm smile.  Slowly she took her free hand and reached up, rubbing his cheek affectionately.
 “Mornin’ sunshine.” Cindy said as she watched him look down at her.
 Prompto smiled as he took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze “Hey there…”
 “Looks like it’s going to be another sunny day out there.  The sun is shinning bright again.” she said as he held her hand.
“Yeah…it does doesn’t it?  But it’s not as bright as the one I’m looking at in here.” Prompto said as he leaned down and kissed her once more, the two enjoying the time the King of Light had given them, time neither of them would ever take for granted.
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