#<- feel free to look through those on my blog. Btw.
softichill · 5 months
Heh btw. You can ask about my OCs. Just throwing it out there. Feel free to ask about my OCs whenever you want!! Hey I'm up for OC questions whenever. If you wanna know about my OCs don't be afriad to ask!! Hey you c
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writing-with-sophia · 7 months
I don't know if you have ever done this type of genre before, so feel free to ignore this ask, but... Do you have any good tips or advice for writing horror stories? Like psychological and creepy stuff.
Love your blogs btw!! <3
Tips for writing horror stories
Awww, I love you guys too! Unfortunately, horror is not my strength, and I have never written a horror story before. I tried my best to write this, so if there is anything wrong, please tell me!
Tap into primal fears: Identify and explore universal fears that resonate with readers on a deep, primal level. Fear of the dark, fear of the unknown, fear of isolation, and fear of loss are all potent sources of horror.
Create suspense and tension: Build suspense by gradually escalating the stakes and creating a sense of impending doom. Use pacing, foreshadowing, and cliffhangers to keep readers engaged and on edge. You can also use short, consecutive sentences to create a sense of urgency and suspense.
Establish a chilling atmosphere: Set the tone and mood of your story through atmospheric descriptions. Utilize sensory details to immerse readers in a dark, foreboding, or eerie environment. Utilize the power of the unknown to create fear and anticipation. Sometimes what is unseen or left to the imagination can be more terrifying than explicit descriptions. Let the readers' minds fill in the gaps and create their own horrors.
Develop complex characters: Create well-rounded characters with their own fears, vulnerabilities, and flaws. Make readers care about them, and then subject them to terrifying or psychologically unsettling experiences.
Use psychological horror: Delve into the depths of the human psyche to evoke fear and unease. Explore themes such as paranoia, obsession, madness, or fractured perceptions of reality. Subtle, psychological twists can be just as impactful as overt scares.
Cultivate a sense of the uncanny: Take ordinary, everyday situations or objects and twist them into something sinister. This can create a stark contrast between the familiar and the horrifying, intensifying the impact on readers. Play with distorted reflections, doppelgangers, or seemingly ordinary objects that hold a sinister presence.
Leave room for interpretation: Allow readers to fill in the gaps and imagine the worst. Suggest horrors rather than explicitly showing them, leaving room for the reader's imagination to amplify the fear.
Build anticipation and reveal strategically: Tease and withhold information to keep readers engaged. Gradually reveal unsettling details or unveil the true nature of the horror at opportune moments for maximum impact. You can subvert their expectations and challenge their assumptions to keep them engaged and off-balance.
Explore taboo subjects: Fear can be evoked by exploring taboo or uncomfortable subjects that challenge societal norms. Use these themes tactfully and with sensitivity to create a disturbing effect.
Experiment with narrative techniques: Consider using different narrative perspectives to provide varying viewpoints and insights into the horror. First-person narratives can intensify the reader's connection with the protagonist, while third-person perspectives can offer a broader view of the unfolding terror. Use non-linear storytelling, unreliable narrators, or fragmented perspectives to create a sense of disorientation and psychological unease.
Study the genre: Read widely in the horror genre to understand different approaches and techniques. Analyze what works in other stories and adapt those techniques to your own writing style.
Edit with a critical eye: After completing your first draft, take the time to review and revise your work. Look for areas where you can heighten the horror, strengthen character development, or refine the atmosphere. Trim unnecessary details and ensure that each scene contributes to the overall sense of fear and unease.
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 7 days
ok the askbox is open. im taking this opportunity to say ohhhhh im going crazy over the narrative constructed here. specifically with how audience (anon) interaction is intertwined with the main conflict.
because its like.. we are inherently a BAD THING. yes, some of us are actually malicious, but even if we do have kind intentions, and only want the best for ragatha.. just being there is a negative impact that outweighs any positives. we are a parasite, after all. and technically, the only positive action we could do is to simply.. stop engaging. leave the askblog alone. leave ragatha alone. except we could never do that, because we're too curious now, too attached- we want to see how the story continues, how it ends. we cant leave well enough alone, we just have to know. we need to know. so the cycle will continue nonetheless due to our nature. and we have to watch as our main character, the person we're rooting for, gets worse and worse. knowing that its our fault, because we're choosing to engage. we're choosing this path of pain. because we're curious, and that curiosity would kill us if we didn't feed it.
and of course its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things lol. no hate btw. im here enjoying it after all! though honestly i say that like this had any opportunity of existing outside of the askblog genre... or even the tumblr landscape itself- i feel like the anon feature itself is also a big part of this sort of narrative, as it allows those actively malicious anons to be even nastier. because it distances us from our actions. like.. we're given a mask, something that obscures our true identities (both to the other askers.. and to ragatha to an extent, as most all look the same to her. who knows, maybe that one supportive anon trying to cheer her up is the same one also encouraging her downfall! she cant tell!)- a thing that wipes our hands free of any consequences. a chance to become faceless and untraceable- so of course some people will indulge. be as horrible as possible. because, hey, its not like you'll be getting any consequences for it! no way to trace it back to you! no way to be held accountable! you can just sit back and watch the fire you made grow higher. more bright. thats the main goal, after all- to make a spectacle! to move the story along and make it exciting! thats the only thing that matters to you. that its entertaining. not the people you'll be harming in the process.
anyways sorry for the fucking. essay. in your askbox. i like talking and also i fucking love dissecting meta-aligned narratives like this. gggrrggrgrgrrrr chewing on this blog like a chewtoy. i hope everyone gets worse and this whole blog blows up!!!!!!!
i can't stop giggling at ' its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things ' . this was really originally supposed to just be a silly blog with little story but here we are . you really won't get this anywhere else
i get pretty happy when someone dissects this silly thing so no need to apologize !! i'm my own harshest critic when it comes to this blog so it's often difficult for me to grasp what meaning people get out of this lol truly thank you guys for wanting to see my insane , Unhinged ideas come through
and i love the dissection on the mean anons - a lot of this thing hinges on actions having consequences after all ! every little thing will have an impact on ragatha's mental state . i'll say i think the anons have potential to not be as harmful - as there was a point in the blog's time where they acted more like inner therapists to ragatha than reality-bending beings of chaos ( good times ) . it just really depends on being patient with an actually mentally ill person like ragatha - it does fascinate me how people's frustration with her echoes real life mental health situations .
but yeah thanks !!! i'll be kissing this essay and pinning it on the refrigerator that i call my brain (:
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jester089 · 7 months
My brain is always about Chaotic demon in disguise character child reader with the gang (platonic ofc!) Like Reader loves Caine and always show affection towards him, Always drawing him and reader together, saying that they want to be like Caine when they grow up, with the most cute expression they have... However, when Caine turns his back to Reader, Reader will go full hostile mode with the others. like Reader will pull the most terrifying shark teeth smile to the others. Since their character is a demon i hope its okay if i say that Reader has some demon abilities (if not you can just cut this part off)
Example: if Ragatha tries to strike an conversation with reader, reader will go like "#@-4 you." Cutting Ragatha off without even looking at her in the eyes
And if reader is feeling extra mean that day, They may pull some pranks and scares on them.
Like: Reader SOMEHOW is caught crawling through the walls like a mf spider
Or Reader comes out of the dark out of nowhere just to scare the gang
And Caine comes back they go all sweet mode again
Basically child reader who has a soft spot for Caine but is a menace to others.
Love your blog btw and this is my first request im very sorry if your not comfortable with writing this request!
Little angel
No worries on it making me uncomfortable cause you didn't. Actually I liked the idea quite a lot. If you wanna request something in the future feel free cause I enjoyed it. TADC crew x Child Reader (who is good to Caine and is awful to the others.)
You spent most of your time with Caine. You acted like a second Bubble in the way that you're never really seen without him. And he thought you were just a little angel. You would act all cute around him doing basic kid things like drawing something for him. Sure you can't even color in the lines but is clearly full of love so he loved it. And acting all hyper around him. So he started to adopt a more paternal feel towards you sometimes acting like an actual father. "You have to eat your veggies if you want to grow up bit and strong!" "But I don't even need to eat! And I don't get older here. Why do I still have to eat veggies :(" But being the controller of that entire realm he can be quite busy so he will eventually have to leave you alone. The others (probably Ragatha and Pomni) having saw how you constantly act with Caine come up to you asking if they can keep you company till Caine comes back. Only for you to turn around and have a :| face. Ragatha asks if your ok only to receive a s*#$ eating grin and a mischievous little giggle. "Oh I'm fine. Great actually! But Pomni be careful when you next go in your room. Their's a... Present... Yeah that's it. A present waiting for you." You say that freaking Pomni out. That's the first thing you say to her?! You smile at the two then run off to cause some more problems. You love Caine but you can't cause chaos like you want when he's around. From that day those two know to avoid you a bit, the others have to learn the hard way sadly. You're honestly a lot like Jax only real difference being that you're a little s&#$ about it. Also don't worry about Caine finding out. If you keep up that childish and nice personality around him then he wont believe the others when they say that you crumpled Gangle up into a ball and taped her to the ceiling. (She was there for days before the tape lost it's stickiness) (It's kinda short Ik but that's mainly cause I had trouble keeping age and gender up to the reader. Still I hope you enjoyed it.)
xoxo, Jester
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 months
smoked cheese cookie smut hcs ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (17/12/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; smoked cheese cookie
outline ; “Can u do smoked cheese cookie smut hc?? I really like them. :)) (im 18 btw)”
warning(s) ; sexually explicit content, dominant leaning!smoked cheese cookie, sadist!smoked cheese cookie, collaring, pet play, free use kink, dollification, objectification, dumbification, degradation, humiliation, body writing, marking kink, edging, overstimulation, impact play, bondage, masochist!reader, submissive leaning!reader
note ; i’m not gonna lie smoked cheese cookie was a really difficult character for me to get into the head of, especially since i’ve never written for him before, so this may very well be somewhat ooc. this was also 90% written from my initial thoughts as i was going back through the story snippets in game where he appears, so apologies if this reads as a bit jumbled here and there lol ^^
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
the first thing we need to establish is that while smoked cheese cookie has an extremely strong dominant lean, he is still a switch and can be convinced to take on a more submissive role in the bedroom every now and again — granted, it’s very very rare that he’s in the mood to sub, so unless you’re extremely patient or know exactly how to get him into sub space it’s unlikely that you’ll get much of a chance to dominate him outside of special occasions
those special occasions usually consisting of the times where he’s absolutely exhausted, defeated, and drained after a long day or a failed plan and he wants nothing more than to be held and pampered and spoiled until the whole ordeal is wiped from his memory — so anything involving body worship, praise kink, long and sensual foreplay, and lots of orgasms is the ideal way to get smoked cheese cookie to sub for you
(and if you start whispering praises about his power and intelligence and strengths as a future leader in his ear whilst making love to him, then you may just be able to send him straight into sub space — depending on how relaxed and vulnerable he’s feeling at the time, of course…)
on the other hand, as a dominant he adopts a much more strict and controlling demeanour, even becoming outright mean and sadistic at times, which means that a lot of the kinks he prefers to indulge in are the ones that emphasise the power imbalance between the two of you and, consequently, his ownership of you as your lover and your dominant
he’s a big fan of objectifying you and will go about it in whatever way you prefer (as cruel as he can be, and for as much as he likes flaunting his status, you’re still his equal at the end of the day and he wants to ensure you enjoy these things just as much as he does) — but the main two methods he defaults to are dollification or dehumanisation: either treating you as a dumb little dolly to be moved and dressed and posed and used however he wants (bonus points if you really perfect the glassy-eyed, thoughtless look), or as a glorified cocksleeve that’s only real purpose is to be a set of holes for him to use and a body for him to own (bonus points here if you get into the habit of presenting yourself to him whenever you’re alone — e.g. falling to your knees and opening your mouth when he spreads his legs for you). he also tends to combine each of these with very degrading and humiliating language, for example blatantly pointing out how much you enjoy being used when he’s deep inside of you, or commenting on how easy you were to train when you drop to your knees on instinct the second he motions for you to do so
(though both of these kinks are only really appealing to him in a sexual context as outside of the bedroom he does generally appreciate having a partner to covet and converse with as opposed to a living toy)
these ideas also go quite well with his love of the ‘free use’ kink as, with your express approval of course, with his busy schedule it’s nice to just be able to snap his fingers or drag you somewhere private to get you both off without having to skip out on his duties too much (he has an image to maintain after all)
pet play is also something he comes to be quite fond of as, again, the idea of owning you and treating you as his possession is something that’s extremely appealing to him — and if you’re up for it then he goes all out: buying you a collar and some matching jewellery to wear when you’re out and about in the golden city, insisting on you kneeling by his side whenever he’s working on some documents at home, having you eat and drink out of a personalised set of bowls, purchasing the best gear that money can buy (what kind of master would he be if he didn’t spoil his pet?), refusing to acknowledge your speech when you’re in pet mode and mocking you for making such a racket (e.g. telling you to stop ‘barking’ if you prefer being treated like a dog), and even getting a comfortable pet bed for you to rest in and a cage large enough to hold you for when you misbehave
being as greedy and possessive as he is, smoked cheese cookie also has a strong thing for marking you as his — sometimes that means covering your throat and thighs and chest with hickeys, and other times that means writing his name and statements affirming his ownership of you all over your body in a neat, but thick, cursive that take several hot showers to fully wash off
when it comes to punishing any bad or bratty behaviour you show, in public or in private, he tends to use a mixture of three different elements: impact play (usually using a flat instrument to swat at your ass and/or thighs until either he’s reached a number of hits he deems suitable for your ‘crime’ or you call the safe word), bondage (using a stretcher bar to keep your legs spread nice and wide so he can have full access to your body, while also using standard bondage rope to tie your wrists together and keep them extended above your head so you can’t reach down and get yourself off), and edging (using his hands and his cock to slowly work you towards the edge of climax before backing off just at the last moment over and over again, paying no mind to your tears or pleas as he continues to degrade and humiliate you for your desperation — recalling how desperate you were for his attention before and how pathetic and needy you’re acting now that he’s finally touching you)
and then once you’ve paid your penance, in his eyes at least, that’s when a different flavour of his sadism comes out as he proceeds to roughly overstimulate you until you physically can’t take anymore: until your throat is so raw that even breathing hurts, until your eyes are so full of tears that you can’t stop yourself from crying, until your voice is so hoarse that even your loudest screams sound like little more than timid half-coughed whimpers, until your whole body is limp and trembling, until the bed beneath you is soaked with sweat and your cum, until you’re so thoughtless and dumb that all you can do is climax over and over again
that’s when he’ll finally let up and get started on aftercare — he may be greedy (greedy for power, greedy for attention, greedy for your pleasure) but he’s no monster and makes sure that you have everything you need to recover from even the roughest of nights in his bed
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mashiraostail · 5 months
Hi there, I was wondering if you would write some vlad, Kugo, and hound dog x fem reader with nipple piercings and how you think the guys would feel abt them, if they like them or not and if they play with their nipples more because of it I love your writing btw 🖤
I'm gonna start going through old asks but feel free to send new ones! I have mine done and they certainly slay. I did also spend the past two years getting crazy body mods and making myself unemployable hehehe idk what this phD is even for because I'm big time tatted up.
I wanted to start with my best boys (esp Kugo :3) and some headcanons. I've been rewatching the show which is what made me think abt and miss the blog a little. Idk if the demand for MHA content is still there so I'll probably make an updated post with other shows and media I enjoy (big Bauldr's gate rn!!! yall already KNOW who it is.) NSFW under the cut!
Vlad: *I think he would be the least surprised upon noticing them. He's maybe seen them on other partners, or just is familiar with the concept. *the first time he notices them through your shirt probably went something like this: You're fresh out of the shower, pajamas sticking to your still damp skin as you pop into the kitchen for a drink. The relationship is new, and he's still in awe of you. He's always eyeing you in an appreciative way, especially when you're freshly showered, his eyes climb up your exposed legs shimmering from your body lotion, to your stomach and waist, and of course to your chest. Usually they'll slide up to your shoulders and linger on your neck and the cut of your jaw, but today they stop. Your shirt was smaller than usual, and of course it complimented your chest but there was something else. "What?" You pull the bottle of water away from your lips, "do I have toothpaste on me?" "No." He shakes his head, "no you don't." You cap the bottle and shrug, starting to walk by him, "I'm gonna go watch the-" Before you can get by him he grabs you by your arm, "what is that?" He's looking at your chest again. "My boobs-" "No I know." He looks up at your face, "are those your-" "Oh yea. I guess you've never seen them like this before huh? You can see them through a tight shirt." He's blinking, he's taking it in. All you can do is laugh, "go ahead." "No I'm an adult. I don't need to squeeze-" "It's fine, go ahead." You bridge the short gap between your lips and kiss him, holding him by his jaw and pressing the full weight of your body against his. After the fact he might be slightly apologetic for getting worked up so easily. *H's probably the most delighted by them too. I feel like he's just a horny guy, he's easily worked up, his brain always goes right to the wrong place. *Wearing a baby tee with no bra underneath so he can see them prominently will drive him up a wall. *He might get used to it with time, but all you have to do to hook him in is lean over the table at him, get him to look a little too long and he'll be bent at your will. *He loves them, he loves when you change the jewelry, colorful rhinestones, short chains, or captive hoops are all equally enticing to him. Red is his favorite on you though. *He'll lavish them with attention in bed, especially when he's going down on you, one of his hands is always occupied. If you're especially sensitive you'll need to tell him. *He likes to use his mouth too, the metallic taste on his tongue paired with the taste of your skin is a huge turn on for him.
Kugo: *Most perplexed. He's probably not encountered them before. Show him the ropes, let him know they help rather than hurt and he'll be good. The first time he sees them he's going to have a lot of questions: Honestly, getting into a car and going home with Gang Orca was not necessarily in your plans for the evening. If anyone asked Kugo, taking home a random reporter was also not like him at all, in fact he had never done it. Maybe it wasn't fair to call you random, he had your phone number, you'd met before, you even had a friendly and slightly flirtatious banter. Maybe you had been sending him signals all along, maybe he had failed to pick them up, until now. He doesn't even get the chance to ask you if you're sure about this, if you want to sleep with him, if you'd been hinting at that this whole time, because you're straight to business as soon as his front door closes, climbing him like a tree. He guesses you were sure. Your excitement was contagious, you were handsy and giggly tugging him further into his home. You end up ontop of him, stopping your assault of kisses to sit up around his waist, "hey are you sure you want to..." You trail off, hands at the hem of your shirt, "I won't be offended, I was probably coming on so strong this whole time." You laugh a little but Kugo shakes his head, "take off your shirt." Your sweater flys off, something about the fact you've been bare skinned under that sweater all night makes his stomach warm with arousal. His eyes catch two shiny, metallic adornments. He reaches up instinctively to touch them. One hand still holding your waist. Your gasp makes him pull back. "Sorry does it-" "No it doesn't hurt." You catch his hand before he can pull it away any more, "the opposite." He spends most of your first sexual encounter fixated on them, licking, brushing his fingers over them, squeezing and so on, but you don't mind. *That being said he'll grow to love them as well. *Especially enjoys seeing you touch them in bed. *If you're riding him he won't be able to keep his hands off though. *Doesn't have a preference for jewelry, but if you ask him to pick you out something he'd secretly be delighted, he'd probably pick a barbell with some small charms on the ends, maybe hearts. *Lowkey already a huge boob guy so they just draw more attention to what he likes!
Hound Dog: *Mostly indifferent, doesn't get the point. *Until you're fucking, then he gets the point, then he likes them. A lot. *He doesn't avoid them during sex but he doesn't give them special attention either until one specific night: You're in missionary below him, his hands are holding onto your waist as his pace increases from dizzying to bruising. He likes to watch your face, your furrowed brows and the way you draw your lips between your teeth drive him nuts, it's almost impossible to get his eyes off. He'll let his gazy flicker downwards though, he likes your body almost as much as he likes your face, seeing the bounce of your stomach or the way your thighs shake is also rewarding for him. Today he stops on your chest though, bouncing to his almost abusive pace the dim light in the room catches on the jewelry, it's tantalizing, begging to be touched. When he ducks his head down to roll his tongue over one the moan you let out and the way you say his name would have probably made him cream his pants honestly, and the cherry on top is the way you hold the back of his head, practically burying him in your chest. Safe to say he gets the appeal after. *Lowkey likes rings better than barbells, he'll start to gently tug them, enjoying the way it makes you buzz. *Likes to pick jewelry out for you, for all your piercings, wants them all to match!
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thepeculiarbird · 8 months
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My WIP : Project.Lmotr/Dgkotr
Genres : Action/Thriller (thanks a lot to all the people who helped me find my wip's genres!)
Status : Draft 2 / Chapter 2 done / 3906 words
!!Some content warnings : Cult, Blood, Dead bodies, murder, homophobia kinda ?? , (the plot is women kidnapping men and forcing them to make the next generation so you can imagine the vibe)!!
Tags for the wip: #project lmotr #project dgkotr #don't get killed on the road #wip quotes + Look at the characters page linked below for the characters tag
Hey! Edit for this wip's informations! (05/04/2024)
Project Dgkotr is a project I started in December 2019.
I reached the end of draft 1 with 30 703 words! I'd like to have enough words to make 200 pages but I guess we'll have to wait and see! For draft 2, I'm planning to finish it in April 2025 so I have enough time to do it without putting pressure on myself.
This will be a trilogy, I think this is the perfect number of books to tell the entire story!
The full title is now "Don't get killed on the road" which makes way more sense than the previous one ("Love me on the road"). However, I know some people know my wip as lmotr so I'm keeping the tag just in case.
Plot : Noe and Madhi had that one childhood dream ; travelling far away from where they live, at least once in their lifetime. For years, Noe wondered how is father went missing and if he was still alive. After collecting some clues, they find a small city where they could find out about what happened to the man and also accomplish their dream. When they arrive, they meet two women with an odd behaviour and seem to hide something. They're right because they soon discover the existence of a cult led exclusively by women who kill men to avenge their ancestors! And those two women are past members of it! People are missing and dying, time is ticking, will they survive ?
(is it a good summary ?? idk)
Well thanks a lot if you read this post all the way through and have fun writing :)
Feel free to ask me about this in the ask box btw!
Go see @rowenas-my-fave-child's blog! they make gorgeous fanart of my work!!
My Pinterest: link :)
Art I made: lyric thing, Valentines day, Noe,
Moodboards: main characters, cvlt, Devyn+Alec, Rainbow
Tagging people who may be interested in knowing more about my WIP : @athenaspeculiardaughter @kaylinalexanderbooks @raiden-makoto @sarandipitywrites
@jaelink @aalinaaaaaa @lyutenw @buffythevampirelover
@nettleandthorne @finxi-writes @arwenschepers @corruptedbread
@whimsical-blood-fairy @unrepentantcheeseaddict @kidukami @ryns-ramblings
@rowenas-my-fave-child @mysticstarlightduck (I will forget to tag so don't worry about it)
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izicodes · 1 year
do you have any advice for someone who kinda "failed" to break into tech and is still in the medium-level for learning. i feel like i've spent so much time (years) on this but haven't made much progress. how do i really get into it and stay in it? love your blog btw. i'm tempted to start one of my own but my projects are a mess and ugly 😭
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I'm sorry to hear that you feel like you haven't made much progress in breaking into tech. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different, and it's never too late to start or improve. But then again, you have spent years learning and you want to into the tech industry.
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The obvious advice would be don't give up. My dad has been studying to get into Cybersecurity since the early 90s and he just got into the industry this year. He never gave up - family to look after and he could study like the other students in his university course because the large majority of them were single 18-22-year-olds who their only responsibility is themselves. Don't give up and don't compare yourself to other people.
You've got to look at what has been holding you back. Health issues, work issues, money? Can't study full-time or even part-time if you need to pay the bills.
Even if you can, are you consistent with your studying? We all know consistency is key. Studying for one week but don't study for 2-3 weeks won't work. I know the type of learner I am - if I don't code or study every day, even just for 30 minutes, then my tendency to procrastinate will increase a lot and it'll all go downhill from there.
Know your strength - build on the skills you are good at. Believe it or not, I know a developer I met in a discord server who only uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build websites and webpage themes for clients as a freelancer and he's doing really well. It's because he realised that he's really good at those three basic languages and he worked really hard to excel at them. Expand on what you know best.
On the flip side, you could look at job postings around where you live or nationally in your country and see what skills/languages/technologies they ask for the most for hiring developers. Example: I live in the UK and a couple of months ago when I was actively looking for a new Frontend Dev job, I saw that Vue.js, React.js, and PHP (besides the usual HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) were asked for the most. If I wanted those jobs, I would learn those technologies, create a few projects to showcase my knowledge in them, and start applying. That could be one way to break into the industry.
Another way would be certificated. Bootcamps, online courses, or in-person courses like university or community colleges. Yes, they say that you don't always need a university degree to get into tech but some kind of education you've gone through that is tech-related e.g. Google courses or the Frontend Dev course that Meta is providing (paid). My colleague completed a computer science degree but he then did a bootcamp and he completed and that's how he landed the job where I work. So even graduates are getting further education. If you can't afford the massive fees, Udemy is a great place to get courses. And don't be shy with the Havard CS50 course videos they have on YouTube - free and you get a certificate free as well!
The advice I give might not work if you haven't identified why after all these years you haven't gotten your foot into the tech industry. This is no way intended to be rude, but if another person who had the same amount of time you studied, and they have gotten a tech job in that time, what makes you different? Goes back to what I said about the things that are holding you back. Some of the reasons are inevitable like health but you need to keep making that effort!
If you need help, you need to ask. Find a mentor or support group. Having someone to guide and encourage you can be incredibly helpful. Look for a mentor or join a support group where you can connect with others who are also learning and growing in tech. You can search for them online, some people offer advice for CV/Resume help or real "getting into tech" advice on places like Fiverr or Upwork or just google for some consultants online. They would cost obviously but if you're really struggling, this might help. After completing bootcamps, they tend to help you get your first job etc so they might be worth considering!
The last bit of advice is do you have a portfolio? No no, like a proper one where you feel confident enough to give to family members, friends, and potential employers? No? Either learn to build one (free of charge) or hire someone to build it for you (costs money) A portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills and projects to potential employers. Even if your projects feel messy or ugly, focus on highlighting what you learned and what you accomplished.
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Obviously, I gave hints of advice more towards Frontend Dev because that's what I know more of but you can alter the advice to whatever niche in programming you're into. Remember, breaking into any field takes time and effort. Stay motivated and focused on your goals, and don't be afraid to reach out for help or support when you need it. Good luck!
** I'm not the best at giving advice but I hope this helps 💗
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kquil · 10 months
every time i find a new blog by sifting through the x reader categories i find the prettiest blogs known to mankind istg ♡ congrats on 1000 btw!!! im new here but love, love, LOVE your writing already.
for your celebration, could i get a 🧁 by chance?
im 5'4, brown hair with dark blue eyes. im an introvert, infp, and a slytherin [ mainly cause im ambitious as hell ]. i love, love the color pink!!! it's my favorite color of all fucking time. like, i see something i like, ill be looking for it in the color pink. i like to think im a very giving and generous person. just today one of my new co-workers said they liked my bracelet and my instant reaction was to give it to her. plus, i like to see other humans happy. i truly believe in the kindness is free sort of deal.
when it comes to interpersonal relationships, my usually introverted self becomes much more open. still, i can be pretty reserved even with my friends because my social battery drains so, so quick. however, with those select few, it feels like i don't have a social battery. my hopes for a romantic relationship would definitely include movie nights with a giant pillow fort. if we can't do that, then what's the point. oh, and bookstore dates + picnics afterward. also, my love languages are definitely touch and gift giving. something wonky and weird about me is that im extremely prone to accidents. im constantly discovering random bruises all over myself + getting hurt, and ending up in the emergency room.
i think that's a pretty good description of me!! so yeah (: again, fricken love ur blog!!!! ♡
awwww~ thank you so much for liking my blog aesthetic and calling it pretty and enjoying my writing! that makes me so happy! (≧▽≦) since you’re new here, welcome! and i hope you enjoy what i came up with for you~ 
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I ship you with Regulus Black 
i. for a slytherin, you’re quite unique in how you act sometimes. regulus being his usually observant self always sees you in his peripheral with your close group of friends but also often easily making friends with other houses when forced to interact during classes. he can see that they realise how personable you are and how…you’re nothing like a slytherin but regulus can also see those snake-like traits in you. he sees your high ambitions and it isn’t anything like his other slytherin friends’ hopes for their futures. you don’t crave power for yourself, you crave reaching your personal, unfeasible goals. he often hears you muttering to yourself about what achievements you want to get in your academics, he doesn’t believe you’ll make it but keeps his mouth shut and waits for the results… proving him wrong each time, and now, he finds himself secretly hoping that you achieve everything you hope to achieve in life, no matter how formidable. 
ii. you keep surprising him. he’s never seen green be paired with so much pink before. but you make it work somehow, he doesn’t know why it suits you so well when it would look ridiculous on other people. when he glimpses you from across the library and takes in all your pink stationary, he imagines his slytherin friends with the same pink materials and snorts when the image that manifests in his mind becomes too ludicrous for him to imagine further. “What’s got you in such a light mood, Reg?” one of his friends asks suspiciously, missing the way his steel-grey eyes linger on you before answering, “nothing…”
iii. another way that you intrigue regulus is through your interaction with your close friends. he has many who would rather lose their limbs than share their good fortune with others but you don’t even bat an eye when offering your personal valuables. It’s so otherworldly to regulus how you’re passive to power and wealth but still so ambitious and snake-like. you bring a new image about slytherins that’s refreshing and hardly ever antagonistic, creating a warm feeling that blooms in his chest. regulus reasons that it’s hope for future slytherins to follow in your example when he’s too caught up in his family drama to confidently make independent decisions. That’s not the only feeling he’s experiencing, however, and it becomes obvious the more time he spends at Hogwarts with you slowly moving from his peripheral view to his centre of focus.
iv. regulus was subtle in his approach but to his friends, who knew him, he was being too obvious. he first approached you in the library, appearing to look at the books in the shelves next to you as you were preoccupied with reading one you had recently pulled off the shelf. he glances at you over the cover of the book he was pretending to read and you do the same, the two of you actually meet eyes a couple of times but never say a word to each other. it’s become quite a small routine for the two of you to read standing side by side at the shelves. sometimes, regulus would be the one to approach you, other times it would be you approaching him. Sometimes it would be for long periods of time, to the point where you both would end up sitting on the floor together, and other times, it would be for a short few minutes and one of you has to leave. it was a good routine, quickly becoming familiar and comfortable but it was too silent. 
v. eventually, at the same time, you two plucked up the courage to ask the other to sit at a table and read. it was quite a flustering situation; it was the first time he got to hear your voice up close and it was the first time you got a close up look on the famous, younger one of the Black brothers. over time, your relationship and readings together became a semi-cuddle on the common room sofas where you both held a book to read and one of you would eventually find their fingers combing through the other’s hair. many of your house mates saw you two like this and grew curious over how such an odd couple came to be. a unique pairing, indeed. a very true slytherin loving on a slytherin that didn’t really act like one. they grew to accept it eventually. 
vi. the two of you were in denial, however; you two were just good friends. good friends who spent a lot of time together, gifted each other small but meaningful things, who go to the bookstore together while holding hands, who frequently go on picnics by the lake after visiting the kitchens and who cuddle close to each other at every opportunity. It’s all innocent, just like how regulus innocently kisses your temple whenever he greets you and innocently holds your hand on instinct; carrying around a bottle of bruise ointment for your clumsiness. Very innocent indeed, with the way you like to curl up in regulus’s arms for comfort, seeking him out for every little thing, no matter how small, innocent, with how close you like to keep your face close his, how you seem to be the only one to make regulus happy and how he only seems to relax into your arms and nobody else's — he wouldn’t even let others touch him, especially not in the same way you do. 
vii. yes, it’s all very innocent but you two are so perfect together, i can’t see you with anyone else other than our beloved reggie. you two just have to get it together and finally make it official — everyone’s sick and tired of your puppy love, simply because you’re too cute of a couple to even make fun of.
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deflatedrock · 1 year
Lemon Eyes Part 1
I haven't written an x reader in so long, so I'm rusty. Gender Neutral reader btw. Also this 100% has some self indulgence aspects in it, this is a self insert blog after all. Pretty much follows the main game, it ended up taking a mind of its own because of the amount of times I had to pause writing to focus on school lmao. It doesn't matter for this fic series but Imma put it here anyways: I believe Arven to be around late 18 or early 19 range. Now that that's over with, let's get to the fic ! Words: 2,077 ----
Arven was never really a character of interest to you. Well, he was. Fighting titan Pokemon for their Herba Mystica–a name straight out of Minecraft Botania in your opinion–to make new recipes for food? Okay, you were mainly zoning out when he was talking to you, and again when he explained it when he, Nemona, and Cassotepia were fighting over your attention. A strawman fallacy out of your mind. Your plan for this treasure hunt was to capture all the other Pokemon in Paldea’s dex, being too lazy to do so in your home region. Paldea is a smaller piece of land anyways (A/N: in my opinion), so completing the 400 dex shouldn’t be too hard. 
Well, it wouldn’t be if you didn’t actually have to listen to those three; Using Operation Star to give your Pokemon more battle experience and using the gym challenge to capture more experienced Pokemon. Such a hassle. And before you knew it, La Primera was scouting you for the champion league. You might as well have done a favor for Arven, it's been about a week since the treasure hunt and he’s asked for your help. 
Which leads you to where you are now. Having fought off the Stony Cliff Titan, Kawlf, with Buizel and Arven’s Shellder as the first titan before now facing off against Dondozo, the false titan dragon, and final titan. Your goal of pursuing the full Pokedex on the back burner once Arven revealed his motive for gathering the Herba Mystica. You felt bad for ignoring his favor the first week of the treasure hunt, thinking about Mabosstiff in pain this entire time.
It doesn’t matter now, as your Toxtricity lands the finishing blow on the mini titan and Arven pats you on the back. You brush off the feelings of butterflies that rush to your stomach, chasing off the childish feeling as you follow him inside the cavern. Staring at the ground, you can’t exactly recall how it happened: falling for him. Maybe it was when you were in your dorm, exhausted from speedrunning all your classes to get back to your goals–scrolling through your Rotom phone for pictures to delete. Landing on the photos you had with Arven and you making sandwiches out of the herbs, noticing how much fun he was having even if the sandwich wasn’t as good as the two of you weren’t expecting. It made your chest feel fuzzy. You favorited a few and put them in an album, just in case you want to look back on memories. 
You found yourself often tracing around his face whenever you took a stroll down memory lane.
Maybe it was when you both had Home Economics together. Seeing him turn around and give you a smile with a thumbs up whenever you answered Professor Saguaro’s questions. Causing you to give a slight smile back before busying yourself with your doodles so you could avoid the heat rushing to your ears. Until finals, you couldn’t help but spare a few glances at him. At least it never affected your studies.
Well, the teachers noticed to say the least. You’ve always underestimated how obvious student crushes are to teachers, but not to peers. Visiting during their free time, only for the conversation to only subtly turn to Arven as your glances appeared to older adults as puppy gazes. You really have to keep that in check. Luckily, you always got what you needed out of the conversation class wise. Law of equivalent exchange because it's something for them to take back to their colleagues.
The interaction with History Professor Raifort was especially embarrassing, however. It revealed more than you would have liked when you approached her after class about the Scarlet Book, wanting to know more about the King’s tale. You remembered as her eyebrow went up, relaying the information that it has been checked out for quite a while and you must have known who has it because you spend your treasure hunt time with him. You felt your ears reach the point where the heat of them is visible to others, Ms. Raifort attempted to hide a chuckle beneath her hand. You thanked her for the information and quickly left.
You didn’t expect the teachers to learn how you dismissed Arven when you first met him, and it was through some shared experience that you have fallen this hard down the stairs of a crush. And the millions of ways the teachers’ minds could think of what that experience was keeps you up at night (of course, nothing too out there, mainly getting stuck somewhere for a long time. Nothing that crossed the boundaries of a teacher being pulled into the lives of their students). All because you fell for the boy who wants to heal his partner Pokemon.
“Hey bud? You haven’t taken a bite out of the sandwich, did I mess it up somehow?”
You blinked back into reality. Looking up from your sandwich that you don’t remember making with Arven, you felt pinned by his eyes as you tried to come up with an explanation that’s not ‘I think I love you’. You shook your head in response. Telling him that you just noticed how Koraidon hasn’t come out to eat your food yet, which speak of the devil, gets said Pokemon to come out of its ball.
Arven, of course, brings out the extra sandwich he begrudgingly made in this event, tossing it to Koraidon who ate it without a second thought. Both of your faces contort a bit, seeming to share the same question of  ‘did it even chew?’. After that animalistic scene, Arven brought out Mabosstiff, who looked much better than he had the first time you saw him. You felt awkward, mainly because it was such an intimate moment and you were nervous that the build up of anticipation would get to the poor canine, so you looked away as he ate. 
You looked back once he finished, watching in hope that he’d get up, do something other than lay down. Though, you understood it was a selfish desire soon after the thought came to mind. Arven’s face dropped as did yours as you both understood that even the Herba Mysticas couldn’t heal Mabosstiff. Scrambling for words to say, scouring your brain for comfort words, you held your tongue. It was best to let Arven silently express his disappointment to the wall. The pokeball fell, and you took a second before you sighed, getting up to go hand it over to Arven. But, your eyes widened as Mabosstiff lifted his head, beginning to put one leg up at a time. Your eyes meeting Arven’s as he had turned around to go to pick up the pokeball up as well, hope holding out for the two of you. You covered your mouth as Mabosstiff went over to pick up the ball, lifting it up towards Arven as his tail wagged. Arceus, you were tearing up. You couldn’t help but wrap an arm around Koraidon as Arven was overjoyed with the recovery of his partner Pokemon. After a good five minutes of joy, your Rotom phone began to ring. Rotom flew up to your face, answering the call and you were greeted by Professor Sada and her analysis on Koraidon’s abilities. You glanced at Arven, whose face was a mixture of surprise and anger, even more so when she implied it was she who lent you Koraidon. You shifted awkwardly in place, knowing that it was Arven who battled you to see if you were worthy in the first place. The mystery of the relationship of the two grew more as Professor Sada was surprised to hear his voice and recalled her efforts to contact him to which Arven rolled his eyes and showed little interest. It would have been a moment of brief empathy from you to Sada if she didn’t completely trash it by saying she needed him to get into her lab. But get into her lab…? The only one? Surely she would’ve had others to also have access to her lab. And why Arven? Well– that question felt more explanatory. They both resembled each other in many visual aspects, so you had assumed he was related to her in a way.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the call ending, blinking at the black screen. You weren’t paying attention again. Great. It didn’t matter as you looked up at Arven, confirming that yes, Professor Sada is his mother. “She was never at home with me, I haven’t seen her in years! And the first thing she wants out of me is to go to her lab?!” You gave him an empathetic look as he decompressed, thinking to himself. He sighed, and before you could console him about the matter, about to tell him that the two of you didn’t have to go to her lab and could just ignore her, he started talking again. “I might as well get you into that lab, the one off of Poco Path. That’s where we met, remember?” You smiled slightly at the last part, nodding, giving him a small, “Of course I do.”
That got him to smile a bit as well, announcing that the two of you should get going before he changes his mind. You started to walk off, Arven pausing, but you assumed it was to decompress further. Oh Professor Sada, where are you?
It’s safe to say that the moment you see the Professor, instead of greeting her in a friendly way, you might just throw a right hook at her instead. 
Listening to Arven and seeing her reaction of seeing her son after so many years only to call him to the deepest part of the most dangerous place in all of Paldea? Arceus, Arven was right (although you never doubted him), she was the worst parent. She definitely rivals the one lady in the Alolan region you had heard about. You weren’t sure you even wanted to go. But you could tell that even if he didn’t know it yet, Arven wanted closure about his mom’s disappearance and neglect. So when he asked if you were going to Area Zero, you said yes. What caught you off guard was the glare he had given you, even if you understood he was in an emotionally vulnerable state. Ouch. But he did agree to go, and he was 100% pumped up to start a fist fight with his mom, even if he only spoke daggers instead of throwing them. With that, he challenged you to a Pokemon battle, admitting it was to see if he was ready or not, causing a slight blow of air to come out of your nose. Your best friend was a dork.
You lagged behind to look over the lab while he headed outside, both to appeal to your curiosity and to push your feelings back down further. His glare wasn’t personal, but it felt that way. He probably felt a bit betrayed by your response no doubt, originally wanting nothing to do with his mother, and yet here his best friend was, seemingly compliant with being an errand boy. You leaned against the dusty couch, watching the dust particles rush to fill the air. Immediately getting back up and dusting yourself, you don’t know why you expected the couch to be worth leaning against. 
You started walking around the lab. Examining everything of interest to get your mind off your internal battle. If abandoning her child wasn’t proof enough to show how dedicated her research was, then surely the mess of papers and a hundred or so books definitely was. You thought about taking down the boxes on top of the shelf, but decided against it. You’d get lost in her research, trying to figure out what was so important that Arven had to be collateral damage.
All this made you feel worse for neglecting him at the start of the treasure hunt, but there’s nothing you could do about the past. Besides, you’re making up for it now by being there for him, aren’t you?
Cracking your neck, you headed for the door, taking a breath–cough because of the dust after–you stepped out. Looking at Arven as he redirects his attention from Mabosstiff to you, smiling at him and nodding, Arven returns your actions. All because of a boy and his partner Pokemon. 
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plural-affirmations · 5 months
I've gathered thatvthis space is safe to vent to so I'm going to do that and... maybe ask for advice to lol. uh tw for lots of ableism btw!
So, when we first started realizing our system, we quickly decided to be anti-endo. As far as I know at least, I don't have the greatest memory in the world haha. But over time, we got fed up with it. We got fed up with the hatred of endos and our opinion started changing a bit, and by the time this next bit happened we wouldn't really be considered anti-endo at all, but we still followed and interacted with anti-endo blogs because we didn't want to push back and get harassment for uhhh, not hating endos. look, it's happened before, I've seen it a lot, so I was scared. So we just said nothing on syscourse.
But then, something happened. I had a realization. We aren't just traumagenic. Like, half my subsystem and a few of our main systems alters are likely endogenic! And now I don't know what to do. I feel like I don't fit into either spaces anymore. This is the only blog that feels safe right now. I don't know how to go about understanding ourself as endogenic as well, which is the part I thought you could maybe understand better than me
So I guess also, thank you? For giving me a nice place to go when I'm worried. Also you don't have to post this if you don't want and sorry if I was wrong about it being OK to vent here or something. Have a good day/night.
Well, strangely enough, I went through an extremely similar thing myself a few years ago. It's only been in the last year or so that we've been open about our origins and our support of non-traumagenic systems.
So, first off, I want to say: it's ok to change over time! It's ok to grow and have your opinions or outlook on life to drastically differ from who you were even a few months ago. That's the beautiful part about being here, and in case no one has said it recently... I'm really proud of you!
As for not knowing how to go about this sudden realization... I think the most important thing is to be patient with yourselves, and be open minded. You're already doing great on both of those fronts from where I'm looking at it, so you're on the right track!
Figuring out you're not quite the same as you thought you were can come as a big shock. But it's what you do with that information that matters, y'know? You know now that this is who you are. Now, you just have to learn to love the new you, wholeheartedly and unabashedly. That's really what most everyone I know is trying to do, even singlets.
If you're looking for a specific term that fits you, there's a couple I could recommend! There's multigenic, mixed origins, polygenic, isoscegenic, etc... I'm not trying to overwhelm you, just trying to let you know there's options :) I suggest going to this Pluralpedia page and seeing what resonates:
I hope this helps!!! Please feel free to follow up if you need or want to! /gen
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janokenmun · 1 year
hell yeah pinned post time
basically i will post about: Whatever I Feel Like
if we're mutuals send me a dm and i might (not guaranteed) send u my discord so we can keep in contact in case site go explodey
cw: venty mental health stuff, relationship stuff, nsfw stuff, wack and hard kinks (also this blog uses unconventional nsfw tags! see below for details)
this may include:
-toki pona -english posts with toki pona translations -noitaposting -venty stuff (esp. relationship stuff) -hornyposts (filterable; see below) -non-venty relationshipy posts -rats -way too many memes -whatever randomass thoughts are on my mind at any given time -any brain contents i havent dumped on my friends already
feel free to dm im open to making new friends also feel free to send asks! also also please tell me if i rb something from a terf or otherwise-problematic person, BUT PLEASE LINK THE POST!!!!!! i rb like hundreds of things a day and i don't have the energy to filter through everything ive posted in the past day to see if it matches the vague description in a callout ask i got
also if u follow me or even just interact i WILL be looking through ur blog. this is a threat
also fair warning i post a fucking lot (mostly rbs) so if u follow be prepared for that (i assume theres a post limit since theres been multiple times where ive posted so much that tumblr cuts me off and refuses to let me post and gives me errors if i try to post)
btw im not comfy with kisses or cuddles from people im not dating!!
also if you're wondering about some personal details, im (cis) male, mostly straight, autism, possibly adhd, and open to play stellaris or warframe or mtg commander or other games
ill be trying to tag my own lewd posts with #janokenlewd, others' with #janantelewd, and cnc posts with #jancnclewd, so if you don't want to see that (or are a minor) absolutely block 'em!!!! i'll also be using #kenlalewd for things that i'm unsure on (like suggestive but not explicit stuff), im not gonna enforce that minors block that but it is recommended! please tell me if i don't appropriately tag nsfw (which likely will happen on occasion)!!! i'm trying to keep this a relatively safe space for minors, so i don't have to ban them completely, and having minors block those tags is an essential part of that! (additionally! i may leave sex ed or kink ed stuff untagged, as safety and education is important; if there's enough demand for it i might make a tag for nsfw education stuff).
basically this blog is just. My Brain
BTW IMPORTANT NOTE: if i do/say something bad, tell me unambiguously! i will have genuinely no idea otherwise
nsfw stuff under the cut :3
more details about me are that im strictly top/dom, single, and open to doin lewd stuff with friends (and possibly boys! i have no idea!!!)
kinks include a bunch of like hard-dom stuff; cnc and brat tamer stuff are my favorite (especially cnc!!! <3<3<3), but i tend to like a lot of dom stuff tho! basically like just ask, there's also a bunch of kinks i have that i'm not comfortable stating publicly! also, i use the word "rape" here a lot; please block the cnc tag if you are uncomfortable with that!!!
limits include like gore/blood (tho a little blood is ok), and any of the like "unsanitary" kinks! also DO NOT TREAT ME LIKE A SUB OR TRY TO DOM ME IT MAKES ME VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, also don't misgender me or anything but that feels like a given! there might be other stuff but that Should be most of it, feel free to ask before sending if you're unsure
feel free to message and/or send asks (esp. if you're sub/switch girl)!!! best practice is to just ask directly before doing stuff, i.e. "hey do you mind if i send nudes" or "hey do u want to talk about kink stuff" or anything like that! tho sending nudes/porn/fantasies that *don't involve me* out of nowhere is likely okay ;3 (if u wanna be safe then ask first tho!! and specify the relevant kinks in case any are a turnoff)! i only rarely rp, i have to trust u first, so don't expect that immediately!
if you're a dom, top, and/or boy, i might still wanna talk about stuff, even if i don't wanna like rp or anything directly!! i'm super interested in human sexuality and hearing in-depth stuff about what kinks people have and why they have them is fascinating (and very hot) to me (and could give me ideas ;3), so if you wanna talk about that stuff please please please message!!!!
this is a paraphilia-safe space!!! if you have paraphilias, including the big ones, you're safe here and i accept you :). depending on what it is i might not want to talk about it, turnoffs are turnoffs, but i still accept you for who you are :) also relatedly id probably be considered proship tho im not really in that community so i may not understand the full nuance and ramifications of that term
also obviously. if you're a minor then don't interact lewdly with me?? you shoudlnt even be reading this and you should have #janantelewd and #janokenlewd blocked as well, that's the compromise i've made so that i don't have to just block every minor that follows me since i post a bunch of sfw stuff too, violators of the contract will be obliterated with the force of a thousand suns
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eeunoia · 2 years
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sarang — yjw.
chapter six
summary: the love journey of you and mafia boss yang jungwon. after meeting and getting to know you, he grew in love, deeply in love that he will do anything to keep you to himself.
word count: 3.6k
warnings: contains violence, guns, killings, abuse, obsessive love & other dark stuff. if you can’t take these things, feel free to scroll away. thank you.
disclaimer: any of these doesn't occur and relate to any person that i will be using in these fics. everything that is similar to any persons, locations, events & etc. are purely coincidence and everything came from the author's imaginations. you may encounter a lot of errors as i am still trying to improve myself. thank you.
note📎: you can also check this book on my wattpad, @/eeunoiawrites_. I hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list: @rubyanne @en-sun @studioreader @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @kako-chan @classicroyalty @angel-hyuckie @jun-malone @ncityy04 @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @fearlesskz @abdiitcryy @hime98 @moonsclover @hoonstrology @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @notmyselfbuttrying @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @person-standing @black-bread1230 @one16core @sleepyenhasasha @soobin-chois @rcveribin @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nyfwyeonjun @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @niinjo @ssomsworld @purplepuppychild @iceeee @ (still working on my tag-list)
tag-list: @alo-ehas​ @ayayiiie
© 2022 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven
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You stirred over your sleep as you slowly opened your eyes and blinked a couple of times as a ray of sunshine went through your curtains. You sighed and stared at the ceiling for a while. Suddenly your mind was occupied by his eyes. Those pretty eyes.
Last night was... unexpected. You didn't know Yang Jungwon can be that kind of person. You've only seen his cold and arrogant side. Somehow, you now know what Injang meant when he said he would never hurt you.
Your head snapped over to the direction of your door when you heard someone knocking over them.
"Yeah?" you responded as you sat down over your bed.
"Mr. Yang asked me to wake you up, Madam. He said you two will eat breakfast together." one of the helper said from the other side of the door.
Your heart thump just by hearing his surname. Does he really have that effect on you? You licked your lip and slightly massaged the back of your neck as you feel your cheecks burning just by thinking of his handsome face.
"Miss Y/n?" the helper called once again when she didn't heard any response from you, tone a little worried.
You gulped, "I w-will be down in a bit."
She soon left so you can go get ready before going downstairs. For the first time since you were here, you panicked on what to wear. Rummaging over the clothes that was provided for you, you've come to realized that you only have simple ones. Non of them can be labeled as classy, cute or girly. Most of them was plain white shirts and some normal pants. Some sweats even!
You sighed and kind of find it hilarious that you're going crazy looking for what to wear on breakfast. After a sigh, you decided to go on your panjamas since it would be really understandable and the most natural. Of course, you just came out from bed. It would be really awkward if you appear like you've fixed yourself too much just for breakfast. He may misunderstand things.
You stared at yourself on the mirror for a bit while. You're not wearing any make-up since you don't have anything except from a lip balm you asked a week ago because of a chapped lips. Your eyes then darted over your red tinted cheeks. Are you seriously blushing and feeling a little excited? The last time you remembered, you were so scared of him.
"I should get myself together." you mumbled to yourself before deciding to go out of your room.
Two bodyguards were outside, guarding your room. It was a normal sight already. You gave them both a smile that they didn't responded to before you started heading downstairs over to the dining area since it's where you'll eat today unlike your normal ones. You usually eat at the garden.
When you arrived the dining area, you can't help but to feel amazed once again. It's very spacious and sure can occupy a lot of people. Mainly why you don't want to eat here because you feel so lonely.
"Miss Y/n." your eyes darted over to Injang when he greeted you.
With a smile you gave him a small wave. He bowed respectfully before he pulled a chair for you. After muttering a small thank you, you sat down and once again roamed your eyes around.
"The boss will be down in a few." he said and you just nodded your head.
Your head lowered and watch how your hands fidgets. You're nervous. Just like how you feel last night when it's your first time meeting him. You don't know why you're heart's beating like crazy like as if this will be the first time to see him. Maybe you'll never get used to it.
"Good morning." your head snapped when you heard his voice.
He was fixing his wrist watch as he walked towards your direction. Blinking a couple of times, your lips gapped at how good he looks with his office clothes. You've been seeing it from a far before but now, you can see it up close.
"G-Good morning." you greeted him.
He smirked before placing his warm hands at your back, caressing it then he drop a quick kiss at the top of your head. He then walked towards the other side of the table to have a seat.
It was too fast that you can't even react. Cheeks blushing, heart's beating so fast and eyes looking a little shock, you tried to pull yourself together. You pouted and the maids started to serve your breakfast.
"I'm sorry if you're having breakfast inside today." he started that made you look at him.
You're surprise that you can manage to hear him despite the fact that he's sitting at the other end. The whole table looked so big by just you two occupying it.
"It's fine."
"I just want our first breakfast to be here in our dining room." he added that left you speechless.
He used the word 'our' and it quickly sent shivers through your spine and made the butterflies inside your stomach to go crazy. You didn't even know if you heard it right.
You two started eating. The food's delicious but you can't bring yourself to appreciate it fully as you can feel his peircing eyes darted at you. Here you are again, feeling very conscious around him. This will be just the second time so it's understandable but why does your nervousness didn't even changed? It was not less than last night, it was just the same.
"How's your sleep?" he asked, obviously trying to crack a conversation with you.
You gulped and tried to swallow your food. After a glance at his pretty eyes, you quickly looked back at your plate. "Good. How about yours?"
"It's fine." he shortly answered.
"But would be better if I'm with you." he whispered to himself that you failed to hear.
You furrowed your brows, "You were saying?"
Jungwon smirked, "I said you should get ready later."
Your expression remained the same. Jungwon can't help but to bite his lips to prevent them from forming a smile because you looked so cute with your confused face.
"We'll go somewhere." he said, eyes still staring at you.
Your eyes grew a little at what you heard. Excitement flickered through your eyes and it didn't miss Jungwon's eyes.
"Outside? You'll take me outside?" your tone became excited.
He scoffed, "Only if you eat properly." he said and even pointed at your food using his chin. He looked so attractive doing that but you pouted.
"Do you not like the food?" he asked, tone a little worried.
"I like it. It's just..." you started and your eyes moved from your food towards back to him.
He tilted his head over to the side, "It's just, what?"
You glanced away and pouted, "... I feel shy around you."
There was a couple seconds of silence before you heard a small chuckle. When you lifted your head to look at him, he have this amused expression.
"Are you serious woman? Why would you feel shy?"
You blushed even more because you think he was making fun of you. With knitted brows you kind of glared at him and again, Jungwon's amused expression painted his face.
"Are you making fun of me? It's just normal to feel shy because I'm not used to this." you said continuously like a child having a tantrum.
Jungwon was amazed and addicted about it for some reason so he just click the side of his cheeks using his tongue before he shrugged his shoulders off.
"I'm not making fun of you baby." he said using his soft tone and you can't help but to look soft too.
Your eyes changed from glaring to soften ones that made Jungwon's mind go crazy. Everything you do, he's addicted to it.
"Alright, you are right. It's normal so just take your time, okay?"
You nodded your head, eyes locked at his pretty ones. You two resumed eating after and talked about some random stuff. Like favorite colors or anything that came up from your mind. Jungwon felt relief that you somehow started to feel comfortable around him as you ask some questions to him.
"What are we going to do later?" you asked when the maid started to clean the table now. One of them assisted you to stand up but your eyes remained looking at Jungwon.
He stood up and walked towards you, "It's a secret." he said and moved some of your hairs away from your face.
Now, you feel a little embarrassed since you probably looked ugly beside him. He looked so amazing, neat and handsome with his tuxedo while you're just in your pajamas.
You walked towards by the door and some of his men opened it. From where you are standing, you can see that his car was now parked outside. Meaning, he will now leave for work.
Jungwon placed his hand in front of you. You looked at him a bit confused of his action. He sighed and smirked before he grabbed your hand.
"From now on, you will see me out every day of your life." he ordered and his eyes then looked at you darkly.
You nodded and you two started walking towards his car. One of them opened the door for Jungwon.
You thought he will go inside right away but he turned and faced you, still holding your hand. He gave it a small squeeze.
"Injang will take you to my office later and from there we'll go somewhere. Alright?" he softly said.
You nodded and your eyes kept their stares at Jungwon's pretty eyes. He sighed and glanced at your lips for a while. Your heart beats faster when you saw him do that. For a moment, you thought he will kiss you over the lips but to your surprise, he gave you a kiss at your forehead.
"Slowly..." he whispered, lips inches away from your forehead.
You two are too close to each other that you're afraid he can feel your beating heart.
"We'll take it slowly baby." he mumbled and that's when you realized that he's doing that for you.
Jungwon wants to kiss you by your lips but was afraid that he will make you very uncomfortable. He's very considerate of you and honestly, it makes you at ease.
"I'll see you later." he said when he moved away from you already.
"Drive safely." you said and he just nodded back before he went inside his car and drove away.
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"How was the dinner last night?" Jungwon's brows furrowed when he saw his friend, Jay, inside his office the moment he arrived.
He doesn't know for how long is he right here and for what reason but one thing's for sure. He's here to annoy him.
"Don't you have a company to run? Why are you here, hyung?" he asked and placed his suitcase at his desk.
His eyes roamed the folders placed on it that seemed like works he needs to review for today. His Jay hyung was not even surprised at how he just rudely talk to him. For his friend, it's already normal.
"I've got people to do that. You should hire some too so you can go and chill out, man. You're like Jake. All you do is work." he rambles as he sat down comfortable at his visitor's couch inside his office.
He sighed and sat down at his swivel chair. There's no use sending his Jay hyung off.
"So how's the dinner?"
Jungwon took off his coat and hang it to his chair before he started folding his white long sleeves. "It was fine."
Jay rolled his eyes at his short reply. Of course he's not satisfied with just that. He wanted more, he want details. He doesn't know if he's really curious or just mainly bored at the moment. For all he knows, Jungwon's lovelife is more interesting than his Heeseung hyung. The man is very whipped to his girl.
"Define fine."
Jungwon looked at him with peircing serious eyes but he didn't even budge. He remained looking at the younger one with those curious eyes and smirking lips. Jungwon was slowly starting to get really annoyed.
"Y/n agreed."
Jay chuckled, "Bet you threatened her."
"If you know everything well why bother asking?" he asked his friend a little sarcastically.
Jay smirked, "To annoy you."
Jungwon stared at his hyung dangerously before sighing heavily. What's new his behavior? He often have this habit of pissing his friend off. Maybe because he knew so well they wouldn't point a gun to him.
"Get lost, hyung."
"When will you let us meet her?" he asked an interesting question that made Jungwon's finger to stop flipping the pages of the folder he was holding.
"Do I have to?" he was a bit serious when he asked that.
He just started hanging out with you. He doesn't know if he's ready yet to share you to other people. His mind went blank and eyes suddenly go dark just by imagining having somebody else to share your attention with.
"Are you serious? Dude if you're serious with her, might as well introduce her to your friends."
Jay was right. He has a point but... Jungwon's really serious on having you for himself. Not that his friends are going to get you from him, of course. It's just he wants you to be caged inside a world with only the two of you for the mean time.
Seems like Jay got the hint because he smirked and shake his head from side to side. "You're in danger." he stated that made Jungwon snapped out of his deep thoughts.
"What do you mean?"
Jay sighed and stood up. "You're dangerously in love with that girl, Jungwon." he said and smirked at his friend before walking towards the door of his office.
"Honestly, I'm a little worried. But since you're Yang Jungwon, I know you know how to handle it." he lastly said before saluting to him as he exits his office, leaving the silent Jungwon.
He sighed and rested his back at his chair. He threw his head back and stared at his ceiling, lost over his own thoughts.
At first, he really thought you just caught his attention. Like a simple attraction, infatuation is the term some of them use. But as time goes by, he just found himself drawn at the thought of having you beside him. He was lost inside the dream of having you for the rest of your lives. And the next thing he knew, he was already planning how to get you.
Jungwon spent the whole day working his ass off. He wished time would pass so fast so he can already see you again.
On the other hand, you just finished getting ready. You can't help but to feel really excited now that you will go outside of this mansion.
"Are you ready, Miss Y/n?" your eyes looked at Injang and you smiled at him before nodding your head.
He can't help but to return your smile because you looked really excited. You're just wearing a simple white dress and have your long hair loosely hanging. You looked simple but very beautiful.
You went inside the car that was parked outside the mansion. Injang was the one driving. As the car drove outside the big mansion, you were fascinated how the big gates automatically opened and closes on its own.
Outside the mansion, you realized that it's not located in somewhere near a city. You can't even see any other houses near the property.
"Are we far from the city, Injang?" you asked curiously.
Injang looked at you through the rear view mirror, "Not really, Miss."
"How come we don't have neighbors?"
"The boss owned most of the lands you're seeing right now, Miss. He made sure his mansion is in a very secluded place."
Your mouth gapped in amusement. You couldn't believe Jungwon owns this whole property. It's so huge! You couldn't even imagine how rich he is. It took you a couple of minutes before you started seeing houses. Then soon, big, pretty buildings came after.
Your eyes grew big at the sight of them. It was really amazing and fascinating for you since it's your first time experiencing this.
"Wow." you muttered lowly.
Injang smiled at how you looked amused at everything you see. Somehow, he felt bad because you're just experiencing all of these just now.
Soon, Injang stopped in front of a big tall building. Some people moved right away at the recognition of the car.
"Stay here, Miss Y/n." he said and went outside of the car. He handed the key over one of them before he walked towards your door.
He opened the door for you and you went outside. The people by the door, locked their eyes at you. Feeling overwhelmed and shy, you glanced away.
"This way," Injang guided you inside.
People inside kept their stares at you, following your steps and stares remaining at you.
You gulped and just dealed with it. You have no idea what's on your face for them to stare that way but you don't know them anyway. Injang opened an elevator and made you walk inside first. You two and four body guards went inside. The employees refused to ride with you. They're all confused to who you are but seeing that you're with Injang, you're for sure someone very important.
Inside the elevator was a lot of numbers and Injang clicked the highest floor.
"Does the family of Yang owns this company?" you asked curious.
"No, Miss. The boss owns this company."
"Oh..." you said. You can't believe a seventeen year old guy can be this successful right away.
When you arrived at the right floor, it looked very fancy. The big glass window gives you a full view of the whole city. The big buildings from a while looked small from this position. You can even see some clouds a little closer here.
"The whole top floor is his office and that one is the conference room where his meeting occurs." Injang said like as if touring you around.
You nodded your head even if you have no clue on what he was saying. You two walked and saw a two door room. Outside of it was a table, occupied by a girl.
The girl's face looked surprise at the sight of Injang. She stood up and greeted him. Her eyes soon darted at your direction and you don't know what kind of look she just gave you but you decided to ignore it.
"Is the boss inside?" Injang asked.
The girl's eyes moved from you towards to Injang. She changed her expression and smiled brightly at him. "Yes, Injang. Do you want me to inform him that you arrived?" she said.
She referred Injang at his name. Usually he's called sir by those who's lower at him. Maybe they're close? You shrugged it off and looked outside at the big windows once again.
The girl informed Jungwon that we arrived. She told Injang that he can go inside, not even throwing a glance at my direction.
Injang turned his head towards me, "You can go inside, Miss Y/n. The boss is waiting for you." he said and signalled the bodyguards to open the door for me.
You glanced at the girl and she was giving you those rude stares once again. You sighed and just walked inside.
Your eyes roamed around and mouth gapped a little once again. It was already your natural reaction once you see something amazing.
Jungwon's eyes were quickly darted at you when you stepped inside. He smiled and watch how you walked slowly while looking around.
"I'll call you back again. I have something important to do." he said over the phone before he dropped the call.
He looked at you and rested one of his hand at his hips before tilting his head over to the side.
"Won't you give me a hug as a greeting?" he asked. You pouted and felt your cheeks blushed but walked towards him to give him what he wanted.
After giving him a hug and feeling him kissed the top of your head, you moved away and looked at him.
"Where are we going?"
Jungwon smirked and intertwined your fingers together. He lifted his free hand and gently moved some of your hairstrands off of your face.
"You'll see later."
You pouted and just nodded. He went to grabe his coat and you two walked outside hand in hand. The girl by the desk looked at the two of you with envy in her eyes. You knew it. You guessed she have feelings for Jungwon for her to act like that moments ago.
As you watch her stare at your hands locked together, you tighten your hold at Jungwon's hand and even stand closer to him.
"Decline whoever that will set appointment and you can go home early today, Nari." Jungwon said in a serious tone.
Nari... so that's her name.
You glanced away and just looked at Jungwon. He didn't said anything else to her and teared his stare away from her right away. He looked at Injang and the body guards.
"Injang, you can go do my orders and leave us from here." he ordered and Injang just nodded his head right away.
He then looked at the four body guards, "You guys stay around incase I needed you."
Jungwon then eyed you and his eyes turned softer, "Let's go, baby?" he said and you just nodded your head.
You two went inside the elevator hand in hand. He clicked the groundfloor. He just asked about your day and you did the same thing. When you arrived, he leads you towards this underground parking lot. Your eyes sparkled at the sight.
"Which one's yours?"
Jungwon looked at your and chuckled before leaning in to give you a light kiss at your cheek before saying, "All of them."
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chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven
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lieximhuman · 12 days
wait i was just scrolling your blog and i saw that the summer hikaru died got an anime adaption confirmed, i've seen you posting abt it before but i have no idea what it's about could u like give me an overview/tell me abt your favorite characters or smth bc i'm interested in it and i'd rather ask you than google for an exciting synopsis 😭 (don't feel forced to respond to this, this is my weird way of reaching out bc hi we've been mutuals for a while but we never really talk <//3)
Hiiiii <3 yes ofccc (I'll try to do a spoiler-free version wich cuts out some main themes😭) Also additional apologies for my English cuz 💀💀 second language and all, and if I make any mistakes story-wise TwT
Honestly, I recommend reading the first chapter, it's pretty direct in what the themes are and who our main characters are and "represent". It's not like most manga that drags it on for a couple of chapters, I can private chat the link or u can just look it up since it's easy to find (I do NOT recommend starting through the one-shot/ chapter 0 btw!!).
Oh, and the art. God. The art is absolutely stunning so yea, the story works a lot better visually than what I can tell.
So! Those main characters are 'Hikaru' and Yoshiki, mainly Yoshiki. They are childhood friends and in their second year of high school (or third year in the complete four-year American system) living in a small town. In that sense it's a slice of life, going to school with friends and having fun. But!! The town is almost "haunted", it's full of ghosts and some citizens can see/ feel/ hear those, those ghosts aren't exactly evil but they can hurt the living. So it's also a horror with a detective-ish thing going on (with gore aspects too) because of those monsters and what they do and them trying to figure out how everything works because it's being hidden from them by the village elders almost.
It also focuses a lot on the emotional journey of the characters, mainly towards grief (oh the grief! very well represented and relatable :,/) and friendship. It's really striking when you see how the characters move their face and bodies to show those emotions even tho the speech is also incredible. It's as if the characters are actually real, they have their own little quirks with how they talk and move.
Some people also see it as a BL, which yes... it does have some queer aspects to it but I wouldn't consider it an actual possibility of the two main characters having a true romantic development. But I would say Yoshiki is queer. Also, it does have some - although rare - sensual(???) aspects but you get to see more through that later, which is very interesting.
-> SO, YEA. Main points:
astronomically beautiful gorgeous art in every panel
great characterization
interesting cast (both kids and adults)
interesting and deep lore!
death/ grief
moral dilemmas
Good mix of slice-of-life, horror and mystery
the characters are adorable holly hell <3
It's gutwrenching in the way you really feel it in the gut ahahaha
I really hope this was helpful/ entertaining and that if you do end up reading it that we can talk loads abt it <3 !!! Even if this was like... just me rambling and maybe incomprehensible 💀
Also not sure how the anime adaptation is even gonna turn out! Really hoping I somehow get to watch it tho ^u^ Plus, my favorite character... I don't know? I like the MC's but outside of them I like Asako cuz she speaks in emojis lol
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arabellameyer · 6 months
Hello everyone! How are you? I'm Arabella, and I love to worldbuild, learn about nature, draw, and a bunch of other stuff. If you have any questions about my worlduilding, let me know! Please keep conversations appropriate (no sexting or asking extremely personal questions). Here there will be reblogs of/art of some stuff you might find disturbing (body horror/gore), but I will label it as such (gore, blood, tw, nsfw, etc). It's part of my worldbuilding as you'll see here over time. But it isn't the only part of my worldbuilding, so don't worry about missing out on much. I do not tolerate any porn so none will be here. I've heard too many stories of people dealing with porn addictions and how debilitating it is, so I'm not even going to chance looking at it, lead alone reblogging it.
Filing system down below v
When I reblog stuff, I'll put it in a file system that is similar to my pinterest pinning system (same titles and such). Here's how it'll go...
(btw if any of these tags are of no interest to you, then feel free to block them)
Animal reference
Animal pose
Animal behavior
Art reference
Human pose
Guide or Art Guide
It just looks pretty - I like it because it looks nice :)
Storytelling or Cinematic - the way it sends a message is interesting, and I'd like to use it as inspiration
(BTW level 1 animals are animals found irl)
Level 2 - Like irl animals that have one little thing changed about them, like their color or number of eyes.
Level 3 - Mix of 2 or more animals that is hard to distinguish what the original animal is (like a cat/snake mix, was it originally a cat or originally a snake).
Level 4 - A change in the original species causes a majority of people to fear it, like deep fear it. Creepy
Level 5 - Like levels 2-4, but with a horror aspect to it (like snakes that look like intestines).
I've made guides for my leveling system and I'll post them soon, so don't worry if you're confused ;)
Scene idea - idea for a plot point or fun story in my world
Characters - catch-all
Johann the discoverer
Mama nova
Void deer
(I'll add more as time goes on)
Memes - general tag
Remember - has some relevance to it, whether or not it's a meme (just sorta a catch-all for anything that I want to remember. You'll see what I mean if you search through there.)
Scenario - meme that describes a scene, and I don't know where else to put it
Food for the funnies - this is where I put the stuff I actually laugh at. Not just a breath out of my nose, but a true laugh.
Derpy - •u•
Fever dream - lol those memes that make no sense or come out of left field
And that's how babies are made - I'm not even going to explain this one lol
Stay flexy - exercise ideas
Cute - catch-all for anything adorable :3
Cute animal - specifically cute animals
Cute plant - specifically cute plants
Recommend or Recommendation - smth I should check out (to buy or look @ again)
Pins or Enamel pins - enamel pins I like the look of.
Watch later - if I like the look of it but don't have the mental energy to completely peruse it, then I'll put it here.
Ok so that is my filing system lol. I know it's pretty long but I plan on using the references and stuff I find here.
I know I said this before, but I love talking (raging extrovert), so if you wanna chat or dump a writing idea or creature idea on me, then go for it! Heck, my commissions are also open (not getting them done immediately, tho) if you're interested (no guarantee on the quality. Just know I am still learning the fundamentals of art). Anyways, if you're reading this far, then you're one of the real ones (also, what's your favorite color? Mine is blue, but I like them all tbh) 💪. Thanks so much for reading this. I'll have a side blog here shortly where I'll post only my art so that you don't have to go through all my reblogs, lol. Anyways, thanks so much, and have a blessed day <3
P.S. this is my art-only side blog. Here, have a mouse 🫴🐁
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phandomnews · 6 months
Hi! (same anon, lol) Another thing/suggestion/idea occurred to me (but you might have already thought about it, if you did, feel free to disregard my words :) ) As there are only a few months between Invisobang and Ecto-Implosion and some awesome writers or artists were recommended in some issues already... could you put together the EI special to show 'new' creators (which might be challenging because similarly to IB there are pairs, but worths a try :) ), who wasn't mentioned in any other issues before? (For example, in Ecto-Implosion there were several new people who had never participated in any phandom-event before - it would be nice if the 'focus' would be on others who weren't, within a short time, in the phandomnews <3)
Thank you for the suggestion but It was already decided that those who were in the invisobang newsletter would not be in the Ecto-Implosion one. Just like how I don’t shout out those who already got a shout out on @batpham-discord-highlights weekly shout outs, don’t get a second spotlight in the monthly newsletter. I want to see new people get noticed. BTW THEY DO WEEKLY SHOUT OUTS! PLEASE GO SEE ALL THE WONDERFUL AUTHORS AND ARTIST THEY SHOW! As for only including newcomers to the phandom, that is a task I can’t do. Because, I do not know every person in the phandom and it would take me weeks to look into every person who participated in Ecto-implosion and look through their main blog, side blog, twitter, and other socials to make sure they are a 100% new person. And I would have to rely on people being honest about their participation in previous events and while I know that most folks would be honest, some would lie or have a different circumstance. Like someone who was in the phandom in 2012 (when it was very different), left the phandom, and came back in 2023. That is a 11-year break, and I don’t want to be the arbiter of whether or not that counts them as “new”. What I will do is look for those who works have fewer notes and less attention and shout them out. Everyone here does amazing work but with tumblr tags smaller artist and writers have struggles getting others to notice their work. Especially if it is of great and outstanding quality.
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