cesar-the-salad · 1 year
My account is basically a ghost town
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I don’t post a lot because I don’t have anything to post but that’s gonna change because I’m gonna work on making ✨content✨. So here’s a bit about me: I am a huge JoJos fan
I like to read and draw
I love invader zim
I’m into games like half life, undertale and deltarune, omori, Fnaf (other horror games too) and others
I’m currently obsessed with the game developer Rusty Lake (their really cool)
I have one friend on here (Forethought!)
I love Homestuck (like, a LOT)
I like matcha tea
I don’t sleep
I drink monster
I want to own sea monkeys so I can feed them monster
I love welcome to nigh vale and the magnus archives
I love chainsaw man
That’s basically most things you may want to know about me. I’ll work on posting more. Thanks for reading!
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hyolks · 8 months
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give it back
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s0fter-sin · 1 year
everyone makes fun of soap when they find out how many hair and skin products he keeps on hand. the cabinet in his bathroom is filled to bursting and he always keeps travel sized bottles on him on missions
when soldiers outside the 141 find out, they call him precious and self-obsessed, a vain pretty boy too preoccupied with his reflection to focus on the enemy. no wonder how he got his callsign. price has given up telling him to leave them on base and just teaches him to individually wrap them so they don’t rattle against each other and give himself away
what they don’t know is that each product contains an ingredient that when mixed with any number of the others, creates potent chemical bombs. he was caught unarmed once, he won’t let it happen again
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gloamses · 2 years
as we see skyrocketing amounts of legislation targeting trans youth in particular I’m begging people to stop parroting “your brain matures at 25”. this article by the director of harvard’s neuroscience lab is a good read. like I’m no neuroscientist myself but Brain Complicated. at best “your brain matures at 25” is an incomplete and inadequate summary of a single idea in a relatively new field wherein broad generalizations are almost impossible. *some* aspects of brain development *tend* to *plateau* *somewhere* in your 20s, *we think*; but “brain maturity” is poorly defined, and the data is still highly incomplete. plenty of aspects of the brain demonstrably continue developing well past 30, or for your entire life; on the other hand, plenty of studies have simply failed to include participants over 30, or 25, or even younger. attempting to define maturity, let alone make RULES about it, based on particular neuroscientific metrics, is extremely dicey
and this popsci notion is now actively being used to justify taking away people’s rights so pls stop perpetuating it for the sake of your age gap ship wars or whatever
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alicentsgf · 3 months
the way we're pretending viserys was a good king all of a sudden has me losing brain cells like did we forget his stupid ass caused this dumb as shit war
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cupophrogs · 7 months
Did Drew tried to use common cat things with theo? Like water spray when he do dumb ass stuff? (Like talking to a goddam hand-)
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“He does, actually! I’m surprised he still lives to tell the tales! Drew is not normally a rude young man, but I believe he’s found an exception in the ones who try for his life. Can’t say that I blame him!”
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ravenkings · 2 months
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taahko · 9 months
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pennumbra · 11 months
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kedreeva · 2 years
TIL a lady in Massachusetts released a hive of bees on the police officers trying to evict her and when told some of the officers are allergic, responded "Oh, you're allergic? Good."
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aetherdoesthings · 9 months
Hey hey, am back again (the one who requested the movie headcanons)
I do have another request but I just got to say your impressive as hell. I had put in the other request just a day before it was made. Which is just crazy and the fact the headcanons were so accurate and good. Thank you for doing the last request once again.
Ok now I will get to my request now, just had to give that recognition 😅
I was wondering if you can please do, what it’s like to spread a morning with luffy, sanji, nami, and robin. How it would be like to wake up with them and get ready for the day with them. Stuff like that.
Thank you if you take this request, I hope you have a good morning 🫶🏾
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hey hey! welcome back! thanks for the compliment, i'm glad you enjoyed it and found it accurate!
forethoughts: i can't believe i hit 100+ notes one of my post 🥹. thank you all so much for reading my stuff even though it occasionally breaks your hearts! ahhhh. also gonna use this space to have an fyi for people who request(ed) me. i just finished eneis lobby!!! if you request something that's way after eneis lobby, i'm either gonna have to wing it (aka poorly write bc i lack context and i don't wanna google bc google = spoiler), or you have to wait patiently for me to reach that arc. sorry for any inconvenience! anyways back to the matter at hand.
notes: all gn!reader
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Luffy always sleeps whenever his body tells him to, so it’s not odd for him to suddenly disappear next to you while you two slept together. But ever since you two had gotten together, he would always make sure that he was by your side whenever you woke up. The moment your eyes open and consciousness rolls in, you feel a heavy weight on your body. Luffy’s fast asleep on you, his head bruised-no doubt from Sanji trying to steal food. You smile softly at him, petting his hair as you roll him over to his side of the bed, placing a kiss on his bruise as you look at him, admiring his peaceful sleeping form. Whenever you’re asleep, he’s awake. Whenever you’re awake, he’s asleep. You found this annoying, but seeing his sleepy baby face always washed your annoyance away. You would proceed with your morning routine as it is, and usually by the time you’re done, Luffy would’ve awoken, and smother you with kisses and whine about Sanji. Additionally, because now that you were with him and sleep with him (every now and then) at night, his hygiene significantly improved, so now he wasn’t always sweaty and covered in dirt!
Sanji is a gentleman, so of course he lets you steal the blanket at night, letting you snuggle up against him. Sometimes when you wake up, he’s not by your side, as he has to start preparing food for everyone, but you would always find a handwritten note and your favorite breakfast right next to you, as well as a rose in a vase on your nightstand. This was life with Sanji; he always had to be up at 5am, ready to cook every meal, while you always slept in. He’ll always make it up to you by giving you the best night, as he can never really give you the best morning, even though he tries his best. 
Nami loves to either big spoon or little spoon you. Either way, she craves the physical intimacy she can generate with you. She expects to either be treated like a princess one day, or absolutely spoil you with kisses the moment you wake up, and help you shower, get changed, etc. You cannot change my mind about the fact that Nami is a pillow princess, and will steal the blanket if she’s cold. You don’t mind it; in fact you're already used to this behavior, but you love it anyway, and she loves you for indulging her. Once she wakes up, she’ll kiss you on your lips, whispering a good morning as she snuggles with you. Once you’re awake too, the two of you get ready for the day. Nami spends majority of her time on makeup and clothing, while you simply shower and pick something nice to wear. Ever since you started dating Nami, you found yourself sitting down on a stool, Nami’s hand deep into your scalp trying to ‘fix your hair’, while making you look the most attractive person in the world (to her you already were).
Similar to Nami, both you and Robin will always wake up at around the same time, to say good morning to each other and be the first thing you see once you wake up. In the beginning of your relationship, she isn’t too keen on snuggling/cuddling due to her trauma and the hardship of opening up to others, but after a while of being with you, she’ll let you cuddle her and she grows to love it too. She always smells like fresh paper or flowers, a scent you’ve grown to love. Robin usually wakes up before you, and loves seeing your sleepy face buried in her chest. She’ll plant a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering ‘good morning’ to you. Soon enough, you’ll wake up, and whisper a ‘good morning’ to you. The two of you stay in bed slowly waking up, talking about your dreams and your sleep, then about what you were going to do/plan to do for the day. Robin loved talking to you and helping you achieve your goals, as nothing makes her more happy than to see you succeed. Everyday, she’d check in on you to see if you had completed your task you said you would in the morning, and always reward you with a special night. Ending your discussion with a kiss, the two of you get out of bed, ready to accomplish what both of you set out to do today.
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hexeratii · 5 months
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Like many others, the new 1.6 update has caused me to, once again, fall into the trappings of my Stardew Valley addiction.
I present my farmer-sona, Crow!
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rnbwtrout · 3 months
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Quick painting practice because I wanted to see how this paint looked on bristol paper
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morkhan · 2 years
I've been trying to put into words how I feel about the Ned situation, and I just can't get over how stupid it was. Like, we joke about John Mulaney building his personal brand around his wife, but the wife thing was never his only joke. It was just the one we liked best. At the end of the day, John Mulaney is still a talented comedian; he can make other jokes.
Ned Fulmer without his family is actually, legitimately nothing. He has destroyed almost everything he has spent the past ten years building, and what isn't destroyed is irreversibly tainted. There's no way you're going to be able to watch old Try Guys videos without making a stink face every time he pops up onscreen, because, again, the wife bit is basically his only bit! He did this to himself!
And it's just like... it's just so stupid, and so pointless. You built a wildly successful entertainment company with your best friends, you were being showered with gigs and opportunities, book deals, TV shows, a full length documentary movie, and you take all of that, years and years of not just your work, but the work of everyone who loves and trusts you, and you flush it down the toilet because you just... I don't know. I guess you just can't help yourself.
I'm disappointed, but it's not a "my God, what a monster!" kind of disappointment. It's an "Oh, that's it? That's all you are? Huh" disappointment. I'm not shocked or horrified. I'm just mildly disdainful and, honestly? Bored. I am bored by the person that Ned Fulmer has turned out to be. Like, this dude could have been a baller and an example to all men, and instead he chose to be an unremarkable, garden variety scumbag. What a stupid thing to choose.
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minecraftbookshelf · 9 months
my personal Tango of the Tek variety character design headcanon is fire-hair that is just long enough to go into a stubby little ponytail when he’s working to keep it out of the way. And then when he gets excited or frustrated or has any kind of emotion (which is frequently) his hair burns through the tie and falls down and he has to either cope or put it up all over again.
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embryoblast · 21 days
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Happy birthday mystery twins!!!!!!
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