#[ such a strong person behind his back.. he would be too paranoid for that ]
despairforme · 8 months
[my zenith au] "White" was seated behind Nnoitra, the Espada's hair i his pale hands, black claws carding through, braiding it loosely. They hadn't really spoken when he had come upon Hueco Mundo to take charge of the vast space the desert had to offer. Sure White didn't speak to anyone unless it was something important, but he commanded quite the respect from the remaining Espada that stayed around. // hi <3
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NO FUCKING WAY. As if he would turn his back to a THREAT. Deciding on reiatsu alone whether or not White's strength was something he should be wary of, was hard. Nnoitra had no problems turning his back to those he did not think of as a threat. There were hardly any STRONG Hollow left in Hueco Mundo now, so Nnoitra had little to worry about. White's reiatsu was strange to him, and so he naturally didn't TRUST him.
Nnoitra wasn't going to accept White as his KING. He wasn't going to be ruled by any Hollow ( or Shinigami for that matter ). He'd followed Aizen because he'd believed the Shinigami would lead him to certain death. Now... He wasn't sure what would make him follow someone.
White had hardly even spoken to him. It seemed that the surviving Espada respected him, and yeah, maybe Nnoitra would do that too - but there was a limit. He would prefer to keep him at a safe distance.
Letting him touch his hair was obviously out of the question.
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Yandere Akatsuki Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ — 🍥 lady l: something I thought about for a while and decided to do it now. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! ❤��🖤
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, murder, mention of death, yandere themes, stalking and jealousy.
❝🍥pairing: platonic yandere!akatsuki x gender neutral!reader.
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Becoming part of Akatsuki was an important decision and one you knew shouldn't be made lightly. They were wanted and dangerous criminals. Once you decided to join, there would be no going back.
You were not innocent, you had already killed and committed some minor crimes and you were a well-trained ninja. That's why you decided to join Akatsuki. You just didn't know that your life would turn out completely different than you initially thought it would.
Pain was a little wary of allowing you to join Akatsuki, as not only did you not have a little-known reputation but there was something about you that unnerved him. That attracts him. But he decided to agree, after talking to Konan.
That's how you joined the world's most wanted ninja, Akatsuki and became their obsession.
Pain is the leader of Akatsuki and has a god complex. He is serious and distant, rarely approaching other members except to give him missions or orders. However, when he is Nagato he is totally different. Kind and shy. You and Konan are the only people who really know him as Nagato.
Regardless of your identity, he is very protective of you. He sees you as something good, as one of the few remnants of goodness, even if you are a criminal, you are still better than everyone. Besides being quite possessive of you. He wants to become a God and he will, but he sees no point in becoming one if you are not by his side.
Konan possessed a calmness, an admirable and frightening control. She has enviable self-control and this is visible in the way she deals with you. She is very calm around you, offering a kind smile and seeking any form of affection she can get from you.
She is desperate for affection, but she will never admit it. Konan is very intelligent and knows how to manipulate you. Stoic and cold-blooded, she will kill anyone who gets in her way, in your life other than herself and the other members. She takes whatever time she can have by your side.
Tobi has lost a lot during his life and these losses have shaped him into who he is today. He never expected to get attached to someone again, to love someone else after being deprived of someone he loved. This made him paranoid and very overprotective of you. Obito already lost someone he loved once, he won't lose you too.
He is introverted, however, and tries to avoid social interactions with the other Akatsuki members as much as possible, but with you, he is more sociable. Tobi is very possessive and always has one eye on you, especially when you are around the other members.
Itachi is calm and reserved, his feelings for you, the obsession he harbors, are very well hidden behind his mask. Not even the other members know Itachi very well, as he is enigmatic and mysterious. He deals with you the same way he does with everyone else, calmly and without showing much of how he feels. This makes you more distant.
However, he is not a really bad person. He did bad things, things he will regret. He sees a second chance in you, he trusts his intuition and you a lot. Itachi has a strong sense of empathy towards you and he is the one who notices the most if you are uncomfortable or upset about something, usually offering you comfort. He is possessive, however, because he has already lost a lot and wants your attention to him.
Kisame is a tailless tailed beast, a shark in humanoid form and he has strong predator instincts. He is very aggressive and can often be dominated by his bloodlust and desire for death, but he knows how to control himself when he wants to or when ordered to do so. You are one of the few people who can convince him to have mercy.
He's very perceptive, though. Kisame is always on alert and is aware of any danger and his first reaction is to take you away from danger. He is very protective and is also great at analyzing people and will know when you are bad.
Kakuzu only cares about money and himself, an avaricious and greedy man. He used to be like that until you joined Akatsuki and he started to care about you, but like a possession. Something that belonged to him, something to be controlled.
He often says that you can only trust him and money, the only two things you can rely on. Kakuzu is very attached to you and cares in his own way. He has a violent temper and becomes obsessed easily and you are his biggest obsession. He gets jealous very easily and reacts harshly to it.
Zetsu is a duality and only a manipulation, a difficult one to read and understand. White Zetsu is the easiest to deal with, he is playful and carefree, and he loves to tease others. He is very calm and loves to have fun with you, but he is very protective of you and although he doesn't usually use violence, he will.
Black Zetsu is the real problem. He is very intelligent and is the real brain behind many plans, serious and experienced. He is a great manipulator, appearing trustworthy and loyal, but his true loyalty is unknown to you. He is very possessive and a born stalker and will kill anyone who gets too close to you. He gets into several conflicts with White Zetsu because of this.
Deidara is extremely proud and fully believes that the greatest art form is destruction. He does not accept defeat and will always seek revenge. He is very reckless and even impulsive, often acting without thinking and that includes you. But he is not stupid, but rather calculating.
He is easily jealous and no one can insult you around him, as he will go crazy and be willing to sacrifice even himself to destroy the offender. Deidara protects you fiercely and his possessiveness leads him to states of madness that only you or Sasori can control. His favorite activity is the art of explosion with you.
Sasori is devoid of any human emotion, has no feelings of affection and is even considered inhuman. He doesn't feel anything, he never cared about anyone or anything, until he met you. Cold and distant, Sasori just watches from afar, preferring to keep his attention on his puppets.
You made him feel something for the first time in years, someone he could finally have the love he always wanted as a child. Sasori, although distant, still stays close to you when it suits him. He became possessive, even threatening the other Akatsuki members over you. He doesn't care about anything or anyone except you. And he won't let you be taken from him. Even if he has to turn you into a puppet. You will stay together.
Hidan has no respect for anything or anyone, insulting everything and everyone that suits him. Not even his own leader is safe from his insults, considering he doesn't respect him at all. Although a religious ninja, Hidan acts in a manner completely contrary to a religious person. He kills everything and everyone without any remorse.
He is quite easygoing towards you, his insults are never directed at you and he will eviscerate anyone who dares to insult you. Hidan is a sadist, finding pleasure in causing pain and killing his victims in the most painful way possible. He definitely wants to teach you how to be like him.
Akatsuki became more united when you joined and although there will always be conflicts between them, you became the missing piece. Pain would never let you leave, not when you were true peace. You're stuck with them forever.
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thekitsunesiren · 11 months
hello mind if I drop off a prompt?
Damian let's his family know he is going to hang out with a friend.
a bat bugs Damian to find him hanging out with one Danni Fenton.
adult Danny/Sam/Tucker parenting a 12 year old Danni.
The trio earn Auntie/Uncle/Uncle privileges from Damian.
Oh, this will be fun!
Okay, first things first would be the absolute disbelief from the batfam from Damian's announcement. Because Damian. Damian "Demon Brat" Wayne, had a friend. A friend that they didn't have the knowledge of knowing until just then.
With Damian springing it on them, they didn't have the time to ask any important questions, let alone do a background check on the kid and their family.
From what Damian told them, the kid they were meeting was named Danielle, but she preferred to be called Ellie. She and her parents had moved to Gotham not too long ago. He met her on a pure coincidence. And of course, with how paranoid the Batfam was, that didn't settle well for them. The parents could've sent their child to get close to the Wayne family for the money. Or kidnap Damian!
Tim walked up to Damian and ruffled his hair while teasing the younger Wayne about how he finally made a friend that wasn't an animal. With a scoff and a swat as a way to get rid of the opposing limb, Damian turned and left the manor while slamming the door behind him.
As soon as it closed, Tim raced back to where he left his computer. There was no way he wasn't going to let his little brother go anywhere unknown without at least two trackers on him. And with how the others quickly scrambled behind him to get a look on his computer, the others had the same thought.
Damian, however, was excited to visit Dani and her family.
The two had met when he was leaving school and waiting for Alfred to pick him up. And she wasn't that far from him, standing near the road waiting for someone to pick her up as well. At first glance, she looks like she could be someone adopted by father. Black hair tied to a ponytail and shockingly bright blue eyes. Immediately, he saw her as someone that his father would try to adopt just off of appearance alone. With her seeming to be around his age, he could claim that he could have a sibling to interact with more.
Of course, it wasn't long before the stranger took notice of his staring and turned to look him dead on. Her eyes meeting his in a serious stare down where neither of them moved.
When Damian made the move to speak, a car pulled up in front of the girl. The passenger side window rolling down and someone talking to the girl. She responded in turn before opening the passenger side door and getting in. Damian could only stand and watch as the car soon pulled away from the school and drive away into the distance. Not long afterwards, Alfred arrived to pick him up and he rode in silence on the way home while contemplating the other student that he met.
Okay! Here's how I feel like it would go down with their so called meeting out of the way.
Damian would see Dani and would immediately assume that she would be some sort of clone of either his father or one of the other bats. Was she sent to his school to watch and observe him? Did she know who his alter ego was?
After that, he would be watching her every move during class, surprising himself to find out that she was even in a few of his classes. Suspicious.
Does he approach her? No, because that would put too much on him and probably give her the opening she was expecting. He was ten steps ahead of her in every way!
Day after day, he watches and takes note of everything that she does, trying to notice any oddities in her behavior. Or any sign that she was spying on him.
While she didn't seem to be spying on him directly, Damian did notice her personality of being strong willed, stubborn and having a love for puns. Hm, a clone of the Robins maybe instead of Batman?
Dani, on the other hand, is wondering why the young Wayne seemed to be following her from a distance ever since they've seen each other that day on the end of school. From what Danny told her, it was the older Wayne's that she was supposed to avoid in case she was forcefully kidnapped, though it seemed that the younger Wayne was just as bad as the older ones.
How did Dani end up going to Damian's school, you ask? Well, it was simple:
Not long after Danny defeated Pariah Dark and took up the mantel as the next King of the Infinite Realms, Dani had returned from her travels around the world and decided to spend a bit of time with Danny as things calmed down. Maybe even get to know the others a bit better, seeing as she was never properly introduced to them.
She found out that he was dating both Sam and Tucker. Had been for a while now. Huh, go figure. And during that time of dating, she had arrived to catch up and spend a bit more time of all of them. Maybe even try to find a good reason to stay in Amity for a bit longer (even though she really loved to travel).
But not too long after that, a reveal gone wrong left Dani standing in a room with a frantic Sam packing up everything she owned while Jazz treated a barely conscious Danny's wound on his side. A gunshot wound that was from his parents no doubt.
One rushed explanation from Jazz about how the reveal went wrong, and how they had to leave Amity Park. Now.
With a quick meet up with Tucker, the five of them were huddled in a car and pedaling out of Amity as fast as they could. Dani staying in the back seat with Jazz to watch over Danny and make sure that he didn't pass out again on their way to-wherever it was they were going. Her core wouldn't allow it.
The clone didn't know how far they've been driving and for how long, but she knew that they were out of Amity and that was all that mattered. But the question bouncing around her head was: what happens now?
And the answer was to drive all the way called Gotham city and lay low for a while. Thankfully, a lot of the buildings were no questions asked. So when they find a place that could fit all of them (small and cramped as it was) while planning on what to do now. Of course Sam, Tucker, and Jazz all pretty much up and left without much except for some spare clothes and their ghost hunting gear (and a credit card Sam managed to snag from her mom's purse. Her own card didn't have as much on it.). But Danny was out of there and they were safe from both the Fentons and the GIW. For now.
Now, several weeks have passed. Jazz had managed to find a job to help with the money, while Sam and Tucker were both on the way as well. Which left Dani pretty much alone in the apartment with a slowly healing Danny. And while he was healing, he was kept on house arrest, much to his ire. Though he did help out with the cooking and other house chores while the others were out doing their own thing. And if the two of them occasionally floating outside their apartment during the night, who would tell on them?
When about two months passed, the older teens realized that Gotham would be their permanent home until further notice, so it would only be right that they allow Dani some time to get out as well.
So, they enroll her to school! Gotham U no less (Thank you, Tucker). Sure it was a bit stuffy for their tastes (mostly Sam's), but they were sure that Dani would fit in fine! What's the worst that could happen?
Unfortunately, Dani was a clone of Danny, so she was off to a bit of a rough start. And she hadn't really interacted with someone of her (supposed) age before, so it was all plenty new for her. So she really didn't know where to start.
It wasn't until she went to class that she met a kid in the back row facing the window, who looked like he didn't want to be in this class either. And during attendance she learned that his name was Damian Wayne. Odd, wasn't that the name of that rich family that Sam talked (more like complained) about? Oh well, coincidence maybe.
Throughout the entire day, Dani would notice that if they had the same class, he would be looking in her direction for moments at a time.
It was about the last class of the day when Dani pieced together as to why he could be doing that.
He was shy!
Well, Dani would make sure that wouldn't last long. And maybe he would approach her soon.
So every day, Dani would work on getting to know him better. Even when he would brush her off and try to make her go away. She was as stubborn as Danny for a reason!
When the two finally became friends and Dani told that her new friend invited her to her house and also offered her parents, she forgot on whether or not that was truly the rich Wayne she was supposed to stay away from.
Dani had spoken about her friend plenty of times, and all of her parents seemed to like him.
Danny laughed every time Dani spoke about doing something or possibly pranking Damian, thinking that she was doing good with socialization and that the kid had to enjoy their friendship to some degree.
Sam was a bit more cautious of the friend, asking more of his likes and dislikes. Was he really bullying Dani? Did he say anything mean to her? Did she have to go to the school and fight a kid? All and all, Dani slowly convinced her that Damian was a good kid and she let it be. Telling Sam that Damian was a vegan may or may not have helped.
Tucker was a bit more lenient than the other two. The kid was nice to her? Didn't bully her? He was smart and knew his way around tech? Good
But as they stood in front of Wayne Mansion dressed in their more casual clothes, they all thought that they should've asked more questions about Dani's friend.
(All in all: neither of them have truly interacted with someone their age, your honor.)
Confrontations, miscommunication, and possibly a lot of bonding could come from both sides, and I would love to see it!
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jeonverselol · 1 year
go ahead and cry (m) (pt 2) - jjk
a/n: this is a sequel to this part 1. 
summary: jungkook and you have been trying to work out your relationship but his insecurities keep getting the best of him. he tries his best to change his jealousy and possessiveness but it’s hard, though he really tries. you on the other hand, have to remind him that you don’t want anyone but him.
genre: smut | established relationship | fratboy!kook x reader
word count: 3.6k
warnings: daddy issues, unprotected sex (don’t ever do that pls), fingering, unhealthy coping mechanisms, degradation, possessive!jk, toxic behaviour (but they try to work it out), praising, desperate kook, needy kook, jealousy, insecurities, stalkerish behaviour, creampie, pet names 
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jungkook and you have been dating for 5 months and you do love every second of it. to finally open your hearts out and call each other ‘mine’ is a big achievement for the both of you considering the nature of your past situationship. jungkook has slowly learnt to open himself up and let his vulnerable sides get past him. he was already madly in love with you but he’s slowly learnt to trust you, to appreciate that you loved him back just as much (maybe never as much but he’s content with that). however, his insecurities still get to him from time to time.
jungkook has always been protective and possessive of you but not because he wanted to own you, but because he needs you to be reminded that he’s the one for you and to show others you’re very much off limits. he’s afraid you’ll find someone better if he doesn’t keep reminding you that he will literally be on his knees for you at your every word; afraid that someone else will approach you and you’ll leave him for someone better. afraid you’ll turn around and think he doesn’t love you enough although that was impossible. he’s mostly competing with his inner demons, the ones that tell him that no one will stay with him till the end of it. even though he isn’t the most perfect person, the one thing he knows is that he loves you too much. his love for you was undeniably strong but being the insecure person he is, he’s afraid you can’t see that will end up leaving him. he’s desperate for your love no matter how many times you’ve showed him you’re smitten with him. he’s desperate to have you constantly tell him he’s the one for you. he needs you to teach him how to be confident with himself. you’re aware his insecurities stemmed from his troubled childhood so you never pushed him and you did your best to help him. you knew his love language was words of affirmation and you had no issues with constantly reassuring him when he’s in a bit of a doubt.
but sometimes it gets out of hand.
“were you… following me?” your eyebrows furrowed at him as you caught him red-handed this time. you’ve been aware of a presence near you for the last couple of weeks.
you tried to shrug it off but it’s hard to when you constantly feel like someone is watching your every step. while you knew jungkook could be overbearing, you didn’t think he would spend two weeks following you around. jungkook’s behaviour was very suspicious over the past few weeks; sometimes he would even ask about the specific thing you did on that day even though you didn’t remember telling him about it beforehand. your doubts were confirmed when you met up with your friends for lunch. you excused yourself to the restroom and as you exited, you saw the same person that has been following you in the far corner of your vision - your ‘stalker’ definitely did not make the effort to dress differently. you thought you were being a little paranoid and tried to ignore him but as you made your way back to the table, you noticed the familiar cap, a little slip up from jungkook considering it had his football team logo and jersey number printed on it. that confirmed your suspicions as to the identity the person behind the well-constructed disguise. you’re not gonna lie, you are very much disturbed by this. but you tried your best to be calm. you tried to find some coherent way to make it seem like this was fine.
you made a beeline to his table and sat down in front of him, startling jungkook instantly. he knows he can’t deny it now. you repeated your sentence. “were you following me… jungkook?”
he sighs and takes off the cap, revealing his messy yet gorgeous locks. he takes off his mask and you’re happy yet disappointed to see his handsome face. you’re honestly surprised at times that someone this beautiful would think that you would leave him. ironically, this wasn’t the first time you’ve caught him following you. before you two dated and during the times you’ve casually hooked up, you’ve seen jungkook constantly show up to places you were at. it wasn’t in a creepy nature but he certainly did take the effort to memorise your schedule and wanting to constantly be in your line of vision – but mainly because he wanted to see you and perhaps with the nature of your relationship back then, you liked the chase. but now, with you two dating for months, it was getting harder to pretend like it was acceptable.
jungkook, being caught in the act, doesn’t seem as bothered by it as you on the outside. his heart was pounding inside, he realised he was being borderline a creep but as usual, he finds some way to reason it out, albeit in a shitty way. “i… just wanted to see you that’s all.” that response made absolutely no sense and you both knew it. you wanted to see if i was capable of cheating on you, you think to yourself.
you rubbed your temples with your knuckles, attempting to find the right words to say, but you can’t. you knew he was being insecure, you knew he was being afraid, you knew it would take time to convince him you’re just as deeply in love with you as he is with you. instead of trying to help him overcome his insecurities again, you were too tired of repeating things like a broken record. “we’ll talk at home.” you settled with four words which shook him internally. honestly he’d rather you talk it out with him, he’d rather you ditch all your friends right now and spend the entire time reasoning it out with him. he’d rather you be angry at him, spend hours trying to tell him how and why he’s in the wrong. but now, you want him to go home? you want him to leave you alone? his intrusive thoughts is getting a hold of his mind. you were going to leave him, leave him like how his father left him and his mom. it’s happening, he thinks. he knew it, he fucked up, he shouldn’t have let himself drown so deeply in you.
“look baby i’m sorry, i really didn’t mean to – i just –“ you cut him off sharply, with a tone you almost never used with him. “jungkook go home. i’ll be back in two hours. go. home.” you looked at him with exasperation before your eyes soften into a plea. “please.” his lips fall into a straight line. he knows he’s gone overboard. he nods and decides that if you were planning on breaking up with him he would stop you better if you were at home, rather than having you run away from the restaurant mid-argument. he stands up to leave, before hearing you let out a sigh. you stand up right after him, heading back to your table without sparing him a glance.
now clad in more comfortable clothes, a pair of grey joggers and a short-sleeved shirt, jungkook was waiting for you anxiously at home, constantly looking at the clock hoping two hours would come by faster. the two of you moved in together to his apartment because your lease was almost up and he genuinely wants you to be around him for as long as possible - in close proximity for as long as possible. he switches channels as he fidgets, hoping to find something to relax his mind. he internally starts panicking, what if you already left and you weren’t coming back? as he decides to settle on one of the sports channels, he hears your keys fumbling from outside the door, he eagerly gets up and in a few long strides, opens the door to see your surprised face. you stare at him for a few seconds before bringing yourself back to reality. you move past him to settle your things on the kitchen counter before going to the room. is this it? are you just going to forgo the talk and decide to pack your things instead? was this how his dad did it when he home all those years ago? just spend one last night and leave with a sorry excuse of a note next morning? a million things were going through jungkook’s mind. he follows you into the room to see you doing the opposite instead. you’re taking off your jewellery. as you settled your bracelets down you move to remove one of your earrings. jungkook eyes you carefully through the mirror. you decide to spare him a gaze as you removed your left earring and as you removed the right one you turned around to face him. you take a deep breath.
“jungkook we’ve been dating for months,” your voice starts off timid. “and you know i love you very much.” your voice becomes firmer. “but you can’t keep doing this.” you sigh.
he knows. he knows he’s unreasonable. toxic even. he just wants you all to himself and would be devastated if you were to look at anyone else the same way you looked at him. “i know you love me, i really do. but you need to know that i love you too, very much.” you looked at him. he remains silent the whole time, fearing he’d say something that would piss you off. “i’m not your dad. i’m not my dad. just like how you’re nothing like them, i’m nothing like them too. move forward please,” you voice croaks. “for me.” 
when the two of you first met, jungkook was your average fratboy - star football player, smart too and came with a reputation of being a fuckboy. through mutual friends hoseok and jennie, you two would occasionally be in the same place to hangout and jungkook didn’t hide the fact that he wanted you. fast forward after the two of you already had sex, the two of you slowly opened up and sometimes would come over to just talk, which was how the love blossomed between the of you. no one could replace the feeling of comfort you provided him with. all in all, he’s afraid of losing the one person that keeps him sane. he’s afraid that without you, he can’t function as a proper human being anymore. he needs you.
you were phenomenal in his eyes, with the way you carried yourself. you were stronger than him that’s for sure. you balanced work and academic to help out your family, your dad was barely in the picture for the past ten years and needless to say it was both of your daddy issues that got you closer. you were vulnerable, hating how your dad left things for you to handle. you desired to be loved, to have someone want to be there for you to fill that hollowness inside your heart. and with jungkook, your heart was full. but it breaks your heart that to be loved by him, you have to endure the rocky start. you didn’t want to rush him into letting his pent up emotion go but it was getting exhausting for you.
you wanted to scream at him, you wanted to show just how disturbed his behaviour made you feel but you couldn’t. you were too much of a people pleaser to do that. and part of you tried to empathise with him so much that you were willing to close an eye and convince yourself it’ll take time to change. he’s not a bad person, you tell yourself, he’s just scarred by the betrayal his father showed him and his mom. he just doesn’t want to be hurt like that anymore. you told yourself, daily. you didn’t want to lose him if the issue could be fixed.
“just don’t ever do that again. trust me please. i only have eyes for you,” you looked at him with something he deciphers as adoration laced with disappointment. he decides that that’s good enough for him. he walks towards you and places his hands on your waist, gripping you possessively yet gently. “i’m sorry baby. i’ll do better. i love you.” he kisses your forehead and you relax in his touch. he knows you’re deeply hurt and it kills him that he’s been letting you down. nevertheless, he’s grateful for the second chance. you bring your hands to his taut chest. “i love you too kook.” that was music to his ears. he wouldn’t mind having that in a loop and listening to it for hours. he was down bad like that.
you were literally an angel sent to him, he thinks. you were there when he was broken, when he was struggling to find his emotions, when he didn’t know what to do with all this love he had for you. you had a halo above you all the time in the way you treated him. you constantly cared for him, you constantly took your time out to shower him with praises and love. at this moment, he wondered why he even doubted it all in the first place.
things with jungkook became better after that. he truly kept his word about improving things for the both of you. the two of you managed to work things out as time passes. the moment you discover something worth fixing, you two fixed it. you knew a relationship needed effort and the two of you really did everything you can to salvage things. everything was going fine until he spots you talking to his best friend. he was heading out of class before he saw your angelic silhouette gracing his eyes. you adorned a navy blue body-hugging sundress that stopped mid-thigh, giving him a glimpse of your beautiful legs. your arms were crossed and unknowingly, you were giving the taller man a view of your cleavage. he clenches his fist at the side of you being so oblivious. usually, it wouldn’t irk him as much to see you having a conversation with a man. but this was taehyung, a close friend of his whom he knows used to have a crush on you. during the times jungkook was fucking around to get you out of his head, taehyung knew that you were off limits even though you two weren’t dating at the time. despite that, taehyung didn’t hide the fact that he wanted you. he would constantly tell the boys how you were hot, smart, pretty and all things good, everything that made his blood boil.
seeing taehyung being in close proximity to you ignited his territorial instincts. he marched to the two of you and slung his tattooed arm over your waist, pressing a kiss to your temple. the move startled you but you smiled back to jungkook. he was in an all-black outfit as usual, hair slicked back with a few strands falling to the front. “so what are we talking about today?” he gives taehyung a fake smile, one that his best friend can sense he’s basically telling him to fuck off. but being the insufferable friend he is, he doesn’t feed into the ego. “just telling y/n about how she should come to the game this weekend.” he says with a sly smile eyeing your forehead to your lips. noticing this, jungkook moves his hand from your waist to push your hair behind, a subtle move to reveal the ‘j’ necklace you had on - a gift that jungkook gave you two weeks ago. taehyung was part of the baseball team at your university, whereas jungkook was part of the football team. you never understood baseball and honestly never had the interest in it, but you wouldn’t decline free tickets.
“y/n doesn’t watch baseball, isn’t that right princess?” jungkook coos at you and although he’s right, you can tell he’s being annoying on purpose. “well y/n if you’re interested, i’ve got the seats covered. it’s a shame jungkook here keeps you all to himself, i never see you at our baseball matches!” taehyung said jokingly, completely ignoring jungkook’s piercing gaze. he smirks and nods at jungkook, signalling he’s leaving. “alright see you around bro.” he pats jungkook at the back and makes his leave. jungkook rolls his eyes and turns his face to you only to find you already looking at him with a scowl. “what was that?”
“he’s just trying to get you to be his personal cheerleader.” jungkook spits out as a matter of a fact. “you don’t know that!” you scoffed. jungkook looks at you dead in the eye. “uh yes i do babe. he’s not even subtle with the way he looks at you.” you rolled your eyes this time and crossed your arms and this pushes your boobs together and gives jungkook a nice view of your cleavage. although he likes the view, he hates the fact that everyone else including taehyung could have seen it too. jungkook sighs and wraps his arms around you tightly. “i’m sorry baby.” he coos at you and gently sways you hoping that it would butter you up. seeing how you’re still rigid and refusing to look at him he pecks your cheek. “i’m sorry princess i really am. i just don’t like the thought of another man asking you out,” you looked at him offended but he raises his eyebrow. “he did just ask my precious girlfriend to go to his game right in front of me so i got a little territorial. that’s normal right? plus you look so fucking hot right now.” he eyes you from head to toe. damn him and his words. even though he was being annoying he did phrase it correctly. you sigh and melt into his hold. “alright i guess he wasn’t that subtle,” you muttered begrudgingly.
“see? we’re making progress aren’t we?” he coos and nips the side of your neck. “come on let’s go home so i can show you who’s the only man that’s allowed to hit on you,” just to prove his point, he slaps your ass and drags you away to his car. you feel your insides bubbling and heat straight shot to your core.
the ride home was fairly fast. he wastes no time in pulling you into his apartment before shutting the door and pinning you against it. he locks you in with a rough kiss as his hands travel under your sundress to cup your ass, kneading the flesh with his palms. you moan into the kiss and that instantly inflated his boner. he loves hearing you yearn for him.
he pulls away from the kiss and is even more turned on by your swollen lips and hazy eyes. “you’re fucking beautiful baby. and you’re all mine.” he carries you to the bedroom and sets you down on the bed. he takes off his shirt and your mouth instantly waters at the sight of his toned muscular body, with tattoos adorning his arm and hand, which you would prefer to have around your neck. you then noticed something on his top left of his chest, something that was never there before, definitely not there this morning as well. it was a fresh tattoo, the sides still a little red. you sensed he must have gotten this done before he came to see you earlier. jungkook catches your line of vision and smirks. “i got this done after class, it was a quick one.” you sat up and decided to have a closer look. you finger starts trailing the sides of the new ink and you squint your eyes trying to decipher the design. your mouth drops as you realised it was your initials in cursive writing. you instantly looked back up to him.
jungkook was prepared to have you react in both ways. he envisioned you being happy seeing it but he was also prepared that you’d find it cringy and probably a little too much and run away. he was banking on the former. however, seeing how the sides of your mouth were slowly curving upwards, he figures you weren’t upset with his new ink after all and internally lets out a sigh of relief. “it’s beautiful.” you say softly. he takes your wrist in his hold and slowly pushes you downward to the bed and hovers above you.
“you always have my heart and that’s a fact that will never change,” he starts kissing your neck and you sigh in contention. “but do i have yours baby?” he starts nipping on your soft sport, licking and sucking it until it leaves a mark. he spanks the side of your ass waiting for your to answer him. “yes.. yes you do kook, you have my heart, i’m all yours.” that was enough to send him to the edge.
his lips move downwards to your chest and sucks a spot right where you cleavage is. he then removes the straps of your dress down to reveal your bare breasts, a groan of disapproval yet satisfaction that you’re not wearing a bra. usually you would wear one but considered this was a padded dress you didn’t need the extra bra but jungkook is going feral inside at the thought of you walking around with a short dress with no bra on. he groans even more when he lifts your dress up to reveal the skimpy black thong you have on. “fuck baby you’re dressed like a slut,” his one hand starts kneading your tit and the other comes down to rub your clothed pussy.
you moan at the contact and bit your bottom lip. “what a fucking slut you are princess. walking around with basically nothing on. it’s like you’re begging me to fuck you in public,” he takes a nipple into his mouth and starts swirling his tongue across it. he then pushes your poor excuse of an underwear to the side and starts prodding his middle finger into your entrance. he releases your nipple with a loud ‘pop’ before pushing his finger inside your hole. “you want that baby? want me to bend you over in public and have you take my dick like that?” he feels you clench around his finger and that amuses him. “oh you want that territorial display don’t you? you want me to show everyone who you belong to? you want everyone to see whose little whore are you don’t you?” you gush your wetness around his finger, spreading your legs a little wider hoping he’d put in another finger. “yes, yes i want that.” you practically beg, feeding into his ego and desires.
“look at you baby, you’re easy access.” he mocks your choice of clothing, not that both of you are even complaining. he puts in another finger and you’re a writing mess as he grazes your spot so perfectly. he just knows where to have you melting for him. “wore it… for you,” you practically whimper. he cocks his head to the side as he increases the pace of his fingers. “awww,” he coos condescendingly. “my baby wanted me to fuck her out in the open today? my princess is not such a good girl now isn’t she? wanted everyone to see her take my cock like a fucking slut. wanted everyone to know whose pussy this is?” you nodded and your eyes roll back as his inserts a third finger and quickens his pace.
jungkook loves fucking you, to put it simply. say the word and he’ll shove his tongue, fingers or cock up your sweet pussy. he would do anything you wanted him to but he was not ready to have anyone look at you and see how you fall apart under his touch. hear you moaning his name from across the room? he’s all for that, but looking at your sweet face as you cum around him? absolutely no.
“i think the fuck not.” he clenches his jaw before releasing his fingers causing you to whine at the loss of it. he unbuckles his pants before sliding his clothing down to reveal his big angry cock. he aligns himself at your entrance before pushing into you. “no one is allowed to see you like this except for me baby.” he grunts as he bottoms out. “you’re mine and only mine you get it?” you nod as he begins thrusting into you.
“say it.” you spread your thighs apart and moan at the sensation of his cock against your walls. “i’m yours!” his pride and cock swells even more at the sound of that and he picks up the pace. “damn right you are, you belong to me and only i can make you feel good. no one knows how to satisfy you baby. no one will take the fucking time to worship you. not even taehyung.” he accentuates each of the words of the last sentence with a hard thrust. you hand comes up to his abs and trail upwards to his chest and his biceps. he winces at the way you dig your nails into his big arms and lets out a strangled moan as you bring your fingers to his chest and trace his new tattoo. the two of you belonged to each other and no one could take that away from him. as if you could sense his thoughts, you clench around him tightly.
“fucking hell angel, you’re so tight.” he brings his thumb to fiddle your clit and you’re a moaning mess. “cum for me love.” he continues thrusting into you steadily and his thumb moves faster, bringing you into oblivion as you cum hard on his cock. his thumb continues his ministrations on your puffy clit and you feel him fill you up seconds later. the both of you took a moment to catch your breath. he looks up at your with pure adoration and pride, in a sense he can’t believe you’re his but also proud that he’s got you. proud that he can call you his girlfriend. he slowly and carefully pulls out of you and puts your thong back in place. he sits you up and pulls up the straps of your clothes, thumbs lingering at your chest area to check if your nipples are showing and tames your hair to smooth out the flyaways. he eyes the few red marks he left on your skin and kisses the spot - certainly sorry yet no so sorry at the red marks adorning your cleavage.
you looked at him as he dresses himself and cock your head to the side. “come on baby let’s go have something to eat, i’m starving.” he eyes you darkly yet fondly. “oh… okay let me shower first.” you get up and before you could leave to the bathroom he drags you away and proceeds to the front door.
“we’re gonna eat and you’re gonna sit there, with my cum inside or leaking out of you i don’t care,” he says in a cocky manner and that got you heated up. “either way, it’s my cum inside your pussy.”
your cheeks reddened at the thought of his cum leaking out of your useless thong and trailing on the sides of your thighs, with your short dress probably doing a bad job as well in covering any traces of it. however, you’re not opposed to it.
“when we’re done eating, i’ll clean you up for being such a good fucking girl. maybe even let you ride me in the car.” he darts his tongue out to prove his point. you grabbed his hand and make your exit and he smirks at that.
needless to say, he knows now he doesn’t need to be insecure anymore because he knows that he’ll always have you and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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purplehanfu · 6 months
Rating the Husbandos: The Story of Kunning Palace
notes: Spoilers! You really have your pick of men in this drama- but are any of them husband material?
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Thoughtfully considered ratings behind the cut:
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Xie Wei
A mysterious, tragic past is not a personality.
pros: Sexy as he looms over you in his fur collared capes. Exhibits very progressive thinking on women's issues. Which is strange considering all of his cons (see below).
cons: Explosive temper; violent; acts like he owns you; keeps trying to choke you (and not in a sexy consensual way); expects you to be grateful when he doesn't kill you in service to his grand revenge plan. Tough guy demeanor which he can only back up with the judicious application of his lackeys. Backstory so complicated you kind of lose interest. Looks like he has conjunctivitis a lot of the time.
hobbies: Making qins and tracking the wood shavings all over the house. Being afraid of snow except when the plot requires him not to be.
sexxin: Endless stamina and exquisite anatomy. Too bad he has no idea what he's doing. Cries after sex and gets mad when you laugh about it (why would you do that you monster).
Grade: C-
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Zhang Zhe
Sometimes being hot is enough.
cons: His devotion to truth and justice will probably get him killed in the course of some courtly intrigues but the real tragedy is that he will never lie to spare your feelings. He will, however, compare your cooking unfavorably to his mother's.
hobbies: Restoring antiques; doing his own laundry
sexxin: Pathetic but you have to pretend it's great or he will become obsessed with improvement. At least the view is nice.
Grade: C
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Yan Lin
A cheerful sweet ray of murderous sunshine.
pros: Smart, handsome, thoughtful, loyal, excellent martial arts, terrifying military skillset. You're his one and only, his ride-or-die, his day one.
cons: Related to Xie Wei
hobbies: Swordplay (see below)
sexxin: Complete freak in the sheets. Hope you have a strong bed and a soundproof bedroom, you're going to need both.
Grade: A+
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Yan Lin's Dad
Reporting for duty.
pros: Has his own army but doesn't make a big thing about it (the Emperor and Xue family do, however).
cons: Frequently has the intensity dialed up to 11 when the situation clearly calls for a 6.
hobbies: Carving figurines for his 3-D map sandbox thing
sexxin: As expected of a military man he is good at taking orders and completing missions. His courage tongue should be awarded for its service to the nation you
grade: B+
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Heaven must have a sense of humor because it mandated this guy.
pros: Easily seduced by you.
cons: Easily seduced by people other than you. Married. Paranoid. Sickly but that might just be poison (if so add "unable to poison him" to the con list).
hobbies: Marveling at how good he is at seducing people.
sexxin: His game is as weak as his constitution.
grade: a solid F unless you want to murder your way to Empress, then he's a D
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Fake Xie Wei
Ain't nothing like the real thing.
pros: social butterfly at parties, everyone knows him, can give you a wild night out on the town even if it's Tuesday and you're in some backwater village.
cons: is an actual con artist
hobbies: Collecting STDs
sexxin: so good you might be tempted to forgive him for his wandering eye. Don't. Just enjoy him if you must and move on.
Grade: D-
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Gu Chun Fang
Hear me out.
You've been married more than 40 years. When your parents first arranged your marriage he snuck into your rooms that night to make sure you were ok with it. You fell in love at first sight. You never had children despite years of trying but he has never so much as looked at another woman. You come from a huge family and he has many young subordinates so your mansion is always very lively. Your New Year's parties are the stuff of legend.
pros: In all his years as an official he has never once made you get up early to help him get ready for court sessions.
cons: Would have no clothes if you did not buy them for him, would never eat if you did not arrange his meals, would fall asleep at his desk if you did not force him to come to bed.
hobbies: Collecting weird ugly giant rocks which he deposits in the various courtyard gardens of your mansion. Pretending to fish but really just taking a nap.
sexxin: After all these years you can still make him blush with a whispered invitation. Adorable.
Grade: A+ but he's not available and never will be
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Dao Qin
It's always the quiet ones.
pros: Loyal; physique that was created as though by the gods themselves; surprisingly high EQ
cons: Kinda sad life made this guy an NPC when he has such strong main character energy.
hobbies: designing and crafting hidden weapons and/or cat toys
sexxin: You have seen the top of the mountain, and it is good.
Grade: B+
Master list of all show recaps etc.
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obsessedwithhotmen · 3 months
✿⁎⋆ BRANDON ⇢ *- SCARED -* ⇠ CARVER ⋆⁎✿
⇾ (The Walking Dead) Brandon Carver x gn!reader
⇾ Summary: Brandon doesn’t return at his usual time.
⇾ Warnings: slight angst.
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Not being rostered on for trips to gather supplies meant staying back and doing anything that was need back at camp, for you, you were stuck preparing meals for the night, probably one of the most boring jobs out of them all, safest, but boring.
Unfortunately, your boyfriend Carver was outside the walls and gathering more food as the camp was running low on stock. You knew it was getting harder and harder to find it as all the nearby areas were raided a long time ago. This meant that the group that was hunting would be out longer than usual in order to go further.
Whenever Carver was gone, you were always left terrified that he wouldn't make it back, you were well aware of how eager Pope was to sacrifice his people and claim it on the 'Gods' decisions. Any day now, Carver could leave and never return and you would be left alone in a group you didn't feel connected with, nor could you trust.
You tensed up as the door opened behind, assuming that Pope was checking in to see your progress. "Just me." Leah's voice sounded from behind you. Your shoulders relaxed and you let out a breath of relief, turning to the girl behind you. "What are you making?" She asked, walking up to you and sending you a friendly smile.
"I don't know you. Can't really think about making meals at the moment." You admitted, avoiding her gaze.
"Is it Carver?" She questioned, head tilted to the side as she attempted to read your expression. Once you nodded her head, she let out a light chuckle. "Carver's strong, one of the strongest as a matter of fact. He's a tough one to kill. I wouldn't worry too much about him." She tried to reassure you, but it was difficult to ease your mind when all you could imagine was your lover not returning home.
"I know he is, but that doesn't stop me from worrying. We don't know what kind of people could be out there. All it takes is one person that knows what they're doing, or even one rotter that he didn't notice and he wouldn't be returning back home." Your paranoid mind had left you to ramble, panicking even more as time went on.
Leah stood in front of you, grabbing a hold of your arms and making you face her. "Relax. Carver is fine. If he wasn't then he would've signaled. You underestimate him and the others." She replied. "Now, let's get these meals made. We don't need a whiny Pope on our case now, do we?" She exclaimed.
Now you were really beginning to worry. The bonfire had been lit almost an hour ago, food being passed around in the progress and Carver and his group were yet to return. Pope had already given his stupid speech about how 'God more than likely chose them to be the next sacrifice,' and if it weren't for the comforting hand on your back from the girl sat beside you, you were certain you would've slapped the glasses off the man.
Your food was left untouched as your appetite was long gone, you couldn't eat knowing that Carver could be out there dead.
You were so lost in thought that you hadn't even noticed as some of the group got up and ran to the gate, rushing to open the doors. It took for Leah to aggressively shake your shoulders for your attention to be redirected from the fire to the gate, where you saw a familiar head of black long hair. The sigh that you let out was one of relief, your head falling forward and resting in your hands. "Told you he'd be fine." Leah whispered in your ear, patting you on the back and departing from you to go speak with the group.
"Hey, gotcha somethin'." You didn't even let him show you what he got as you ran over and jumped into his arms, almost knocking him down due to the force. "Woah." He mumbled, arms wrapping around you and holding you close. "You okay?" He questioned, concern in his voice. 
"Am I okay?" You pulled back to look him in the eyes. "No, I'm not okay, Brandon. I thought you were dead." You exclaimed.
He held some jewelry up as his response, a simple necklace with a heart pendant, on the back saying 'forever and always'. Had this been any other scenario, you would've been beyond happy at the gift, but your mind was so clouded with anger and fear that you couldn't even think properly. "Got a bit caught up gettin' you this." He explained, a smile forming on his face.
"Seriously? You had me thinking you were dead for a necklace?" Your reaction wasn't the one he was expecting, causing his smile to drop. Once you noticed his reaction, you immediately calmed down, trying to think rationally. "It's very pretty, thank you. But the only think I want from you, is you coming back when your supposed to, not hours later. You had me freaking out the entire time, even Pope was believing you were dead." You spoke more softly, eyes never leaving his own.
"I'm sorry. Couldn't help myself when I saw it. It reminded me of you so I knew I had to get it. I split away from the guys and when I came back they were surrounded by rotters, that's why it took so long for us to come back. But no one got hurt, okay?" He explained, hand reaching up to your face, resting the palm of his against your cheek.
You tilted your head into his hand, finding comfort in the way his thumb caressed your cheek. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have snapped at you. You just worry me some times." You mumbled.
"I know I do." He responded. He pulled his hand away from your face and moved to unclip the necklace, gesturing for you to turn around so he could clip it around your neck.
Your own smile grew as you stared down at the heart pendant, reaching up to grasp it in the palm of your hand. "See, now I'll always be with you." He stated playfully.
"That doesn't reassure me, Brandon."
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lynxtheserval · 8 months
(tw: kidnapping, stalking, yandere stuff)
So I started this yesterday, and was really motivated for some reason, so this will probably be one of the longest ones I'll do. Also I don't support this behavior IRL unless both people consent to it and do it in a safe place!
Y'all I'm not even sure if I did his personality right , but we will see LMAO (also sorry if my spelling is bad, I'm not great at grammar)
And feel free to give me tips! I'm new at this.
Yandere Subspace Headcanons / Sorta a Oneshot:
You were a co-worker with him at Blackrock, and as soon as he saw you he got interested in you.
At your break, he came into the break room and sat down across from you, and saying he was staring was an understatement.
"Hello ?" You said. The stare he was giving you was one of interest and one of malice.
"Well, hello there !" He was grinning under his mask, you could tell. "I hope you don't mind that I sat here. You . . . Intrigued me."
You looked at him, confused. "Is . . Is that a good thing ?"
"Of course !" He replied. "You should be honored to be in MY presence !" he tilted back in a dramatic way.
You looked at him with a confused look. "What do you mean ? You haven't even told me your name , I don't know who you are ."
He froze for a moment in shock, wide eyed. "You . . You don't ?!" He was surprised, he knew you were new around here but, you've never heard of him?! He was a little frustrated by this. "I'm Subspace !! Everyone knows of me ! They SHOULD know who I am ! I am the most powerful scientist in all of Blackrock !" He stated, proudly.
You smiled awkwardly, he seems to be a little unhinged. "Cool . . So . . Why are you sitting by me ?" If he was so powerful, why is he sitting by you? You weren't anything special. "And what did you mean by 'intrigued' ?"
He grinned in a suspicious, evil manner. "Oh- I can't tell you that now dear~ . . But anyway, I have to go, I have a couple things to do . . ." He walked off, and you could confidently say you were unnerved.
After that odd conversation with you, he definitely wanted to be close to you. He occasionally goes into your workroom while you are not there to either rearrange things (he likes seeing how he can mess with your head) or to steal something. It's never anything too important, usually just random items you bring in.
He absolutely loves to follow you around, and seeing you feeling paranoid of being watched, it thrills him.
He tries to get more close with you, but it usually just turns into you walking away due to being uncomfortable. And of course, he doesn't like that.
After a while of trying to get close with you and failing, he got angry. He wasn't going to let you just, ya know, leave.
He definitely kidnapped you after that.
“Ugh !” Of course you tried running… why wouldn't you?! Subspace was frustrated, of course. He chased after you, he wasn't too far behind you.
After about 20 seconds, he managed to lunge and knock you down. He looked at you with crazed eyes. (Or uh, eye.) You, of course scared for your life, tried struggling.
After a moment or two, he knocked you out.
He didn't tie you up, at first, you were too dizzy to run, after all.
If you did try running after you felt better, he wouldn't go after you, no no, he would send some Biografts after you. They are much faster than him. He ordered them not to kill you, of course, just bring you back to him. After you got back to him, he made sure you couldn't leave.
You woke up, startled. You quickly realized you couldn't move. You frantically look around the room you were in, it looked to be some sort of lab, only to see Subspace staring at you with a thrilled expression on his face.
"Oh dear! Are you tied down?" He said with fake concern. He stood up from his chair and slowly walked closer to you. You tried to struggle to get out, but the ropes were too tight and too strong. He laughed, a crazed, maniacal laugh. "Aww . . you're trying to leave me again ?!” As he got to where you were tied up he kneeled down next to you. His face got more manic as he grabbed and caressed your hand.
You wouldn't be leaving any time soon.
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iaminfourthwing · 2 months
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter III
The sun is up when we stand in formation the next day while Captain Fitzgibbons reads from the death roll. The courtyard is hollowed in almost deadly silence.
We’re all in our assigned uniforms for first years with our patches added and while some of us look like they got a decent amount of sleep last night, I didn`t and I feel like I am ready to be send to Malek. But my mind was running on high speed and I was way too paranoid to sleep, ready for the (mostly im)possible scenario someone might try to pull some shit at night, even though it would be against the Codex. Violet next to me looks like she struggles but is keeping her head high. She is strong which makes me proud.
“We command their souls to Malek.” Oh, we were at the end already.
“Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you`re not going to get another chance before lunch” Dain says, “and I hope at least one of you first years has the academic schedule remembered.”
“And if we’re not?” someone behind us says. Is he dumb?
“Then I don`t have to be concerned with forgetting your name” Aetos shrugs. Well.
“Sawyer” he looks to the left at a first year. Ah, Sawyer Henrick, the freckled guy that repeats the first year because he didn`t bond during Threshing last year. It takes some balls to do this shit again, he has my full respect.
“I`ll get them there” he answers and turns to the nine of us first years. “Fourth floor, second room on the left in the academic wing. Get your shit and don`t be fucking late” he shouts and heads off to the dormitory.
“This must be shit, doing this again” Rhiannon states.
“Better than being dead” the guy from before claims as he walks on my right side. I think his name is Ridoc but I am not sure. I look around, not saying anything and make my way to the dorms, not noticing that Violet isn't by my side anymore. In her place walks Rhiannon. “Where-“ “Dain” she says before I can ask. Damn Aetos, so much for being subtle.
We`re off to grab our (and Violets) stuff and head over to the academic wing for history, which is going to be boring for both Violet and myself. Violet was trained to be a scribe, so she knows it all, and I had to study everything anyways, order from my father.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
“Welcome to your first Battle Brief” Professor Devera greets us. This will be the only class we`ll have every day.
She takes her time to scan the rows of first years, looking at every cadet she sees, while the second and third years are scattered behind us.
At first, she makes eye contact with Violet next to me and gives her a small smile and nod but when her eyes find mine, she tenses and stops. For around three second it`s quiet, then she nods and continues. Rolling my eyes, I look to the left at Violet, seeing a concerned frown adorning her face. I send her a reassuring smile and turn back to the front where Professor Markham stands. He looks at Violet with disappointment, not because of her personally but the lost chances with that great brain of hers. She would have been an excellent scribe.
His gaze sways over to my side and just like with Panchek, his face pales instantly and fear strikes his facial features, not because of me but the one I share my last name with. Letting out a frustrated sigh I switch my focus on my quill, distracting myself before I start to scream out of annoyance. For fucks sake, I am NOT my father. Why is everyone acting like he rules the fucking continent?
“First topic of the day,” Devera moves to the map “the Eastern Wing experienced an attack last night near the village of Chakir by a drift of Braevi gryphons and their riders.” Oh damn. I sit straighter and focus on the map. Good thing when you have an excellent working memory – you can focus more on the front, less on your notes.
She gives further information and I take it all in. It’s bad enough that dragons aren`t the only animals capable of channeling powers to their riders. But the dragons are the only ones of powering the wards that makes other power impossible within these wards. They make sure we aren`t fucked up by the gryphons and their riders.
“…What questions would you ask? Only answers from first years for the start.”
Okay first of all, why the fuck are the wards faltering and more importantly what caused them to falter in such an unlikely place? They would never answer that question because none of us is authorized in that matter.
The second question would be, why they would choose this place for an attack? The Esben Mountain Range is the highest on the eastern border and the gryphons don`t go really well with altitudes like this. Furrowing my eyebrows, I try to find a pattern in the latest attacks. It doesn`t make any sense. But maybe … maybe they were searching for something.
“Did you want to ask a question?” Devera asks Pryor, a first year in our squad, who doesn`t really knows if he should raise his hand or not.
“Yes” he nods. Then – “No. Never mind.”
“So decisive” Luca, another first year from our squad, mocks him. Aurelie tries to ease the tension but Luca is not done with her teasing.
“No dragon is bonding to a guy who can`t even decide if he wants to ask a question. And have you seen –“ I scoff loudly, rolling my eyes at her demeanor to finally bring an end to this shit, which makes her turn around in her seat a row in front of me. If some of them are already kind of terrified with my face here, why not use it?
Her eyes meet mine and she realizes who interrupted her. She quickly turns back to the map without saying anything anymore.
I hear Violet and Rhiannon whisper to each other but don`t understand anything.
“What altitude is the village at?” Rhiannon finally asks. Oh, that`s a good question, matches with mine I had in my head. It`s Professor Markham who answers, surprised by it. “A little less than ten thousand feet, why?”
“It seems a little high for an attack with gryphons.” Good safe, because now I just realized that the question came from Violet. Smartass.
“… to ask your own questions, Cadet Sorrengail.” Shit, I need to start listening and try not to zone out all the time. Seems like the girl next to me has now all the attention on her. Great job, Vi.
Violet goes on about how this altitude is way too high for gryphons and their ability to channel. Looks like a thought crosses her genius brain as her next question is based on Devera’s information that the squad of riders took an hour to arrive.
“Then they were already on their way” she says. And while I can see what she is talking about – the rest of the first years decide to judge instead of thinking, some of them start to laugh.
“Yeah, because that makes sense” a blonde guy turns around in his seat to laugh directly in her face. Jack fucking Barlowe, the asshole that threw a candidate down the Parapet tried to kill Violet and still has it out for her.
“General Melgren knows the outcome of a battle before it happens, but even he doesn`t know when it will happen, dumbass. Am I right, Melgren Junior?” His eyes find mine when an evil smirk finds its way onto his face. Don`t fucking tempt me, asshole. I am not interested in a conversation with you.
My lack of response seems to annoy him because he tries it again. “I said, am I righ-“
“There is no need to repeat yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time.”
Stunned silence from Barlowe, startled gasps from other cadets, choked laughter from Ridoc. “Oh shit, that was good, Arya!” he laughs next to me and clasps his hand on my shoulder. Yeah no, I don`t think so Ridoc. I should try to keep my mouth shut with that one before I'll regret it.
Violet ignores my remark and continues with her theory and it seems like she is right, because Devera and Markham both look proud and with a knowing smile on their face. “Because they somehow knew the wards were breaking” she finishes.
“That`s the most-“Jack argues. Does he ever know when to stop?! “She`s right.” HA! I have a proud grin on my face, I love her brain!
“Cadet Melgren” I am called by Devera. Startled I raise my head, brow hitting my hairline.
“What would you ask in aspect of the attack?” she asks me. For a moment I study the map again, trying to sort my thoughts.
“What were they looking for and most importantly, did they find it?”
A slow smile spreads over Deveras face and even Markham looks intrigued by my question. “What makes you think they were out looking for something?”
“Well, it just makes sense they searched for something. Like Cadet Sorrengail said, the attack took action at the most illogical place for a drift of gryphons.” I pause, bringing my thoughts into formation. “The wards failing was not a coincidence and even though it seems like they were just passing by, they weren`t. They somehow knew the wards would falter in that specific moment. But whatever they were looking for, it must have been really important if they risk their drift to attack this high up in the mountains.” I finish.
I can hear Ridoc next to me cheering quietly in his seat. And while the first and some of the second years don’t think that far yet, I am pretty sure some of the third years had a similar question in mind, because I hear approving whispers behind me. Years of learning and studying are finally paying off.
“Just like your father. Always thinking ahead and seeing the important aspects. Good job, Melgren.” Everyone else would see it as a compliment but … 
I hate it, with all my heart, because I desperately want to be everything but like my father. Violet takes my hand, knowing how much I hate to be compared to the General.
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kandyzee · 3 months
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'Once more to see you' is the early gallavich song.
First of all, all songs can be interpreted differently, but to me, this song is about a secret relationship where the narrator craves more.
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The first line represents knowing deep down that ur relationship is going to end. "The setting sun on ur neck" is like the sun setting on the relationship, the relationship being referenced by the sun setting on mitski's partner. But mitski doesn't want to believe this. This is why the information isn't in front of her. it's behind her only shown on a mirror. I think it could also be looking back on light filled, happy memories with a partner.
This both fit gallavich really well. Mickey, from the start, feels that his relationship is unsustainable. Ian does, too, but they always go back to each other. They look back on the good and risk it for that feeling over and over even if they "know" it's never gonna work.
"The taste of you bubble up inside me" is the desire in the relationship. The taste or craving for the other person is bubbling and inevitable to boil over.
This growing want for the other person is immediately followed by reasoning why that can't be the case. There are people watching, and they have reputations to uphold. Straight away, I connect these lines to mickey. That is his thought process. He knows he's starting to have feelings for Ian, but he has Terry watching over him. "Our every move" highlights just how paranoid mickey is (for good reason). He has to uphold this strong, thug persona. Mickeys reputation is very close to him, he clings to, he has dreams of becoming the king of the southside. People can't see all this intense queer love he's having cause that would crush the persona.
So they keep the relationship secret.
"Won't let them have it." The them in this is referring to Terry or really any homophobic person. Mickey has grown up with his whole life controlled and ruined by his dad. For once, this good feeling is his. He doesn't want to let that go.
The song then talks about being alone together. "Come inside" is Ian pulling mickey into the safe little bubble they have crafted together. Mitski has a short repetition of the word 'alone' this amplifies the secretive nature of their relationship. As much as this is a metaphorical place, it could also be physical. "You like the high school bleachers, this is our spot, man," or the abandoned buildings Ian trains in, and mickey runs to for comfort after Terry catches them.
Now for my favourite line cause I link it to my favourite kiss.
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This line is perfectly them. In this case, I see Ian as the narrator. A pinky promise kiss is a kiss given in a place of a pinky promise. I am definitely one of those people who consider pinky promises at the most pure and meaningful kind of trust, so that makes the line all the more significant to me. For gallavich, the promise is that things will get get better, there is hope for their relationship, and the love that they feel is okay its good. This is why I think the s3 wedding kiss is so fitting. When Ian kisses back, he is making he promise that they can work, and mickey is promising that he wants more with Ian.
"If you would let me." Mickey, during the first 3 seasons, refused to kiss ian. Ian craves emotional intimacy. He wants to share that mickey. To give mickey Pinky promises kisses is to use emotional intimacy to promise that everything will be okay. Ian has tried convincing all these different things, like when he says, "we have nothing to be ashamed of," but it never works. Mickey doesn't respond well to words, but he reacts to physicality. whether if it's abuse or sex mickey is most used to touch, so that's what he is responsive to. Ian knows this and wants nothing more to convince mickey of the good through intimacy, not words.
"Then i wouldn't have to scream ur name atop of every roof in the city of my heart." This line can be seen as a few things. First, it could be about professing love to nothing. When u shout out rooftops, people aren't going to hear u. You can day whatever you want without worrying about other people. Mickey and Ian have no one to tell, so they scream into nothing. To scream in "City of My Heart" is to scream internally. U can't show the emotion outward, so ur trapped in the city of ur heart. It could also be an emotional close place, tho. Similar to the "Come inside" line, the city of their heart could be a place that holds love and memories for them. For gallavich, I think it would be the abandoned buildings or dugouts yk something like that. No one understands love better than the places it was made.
I see this line also interpreted as the opposite sometimes, tho. Screaming of rooftops for them the desire to tell everyone all the time about this relationship. But if the secret was out, that would go away. Like the secret is eating them alive.
If Ian was able to convince mickey with pinky promise kisses, he could start telling actual people. They wouldn't have to hide their feelings .
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Okay, finally, the last 4 lines of the song.
"If I could see you." Not only does it mean physically seeing each other but also understanding each other.
"Once more." I think this is talking about going back. If you just see them one more time, then maybe you will understand. If you see them one more time, maybe u will be okay with the relationship only going this far.
This relates to gallavich because of ians dedication to helping, understanding, and being with mickey. Ian will always take mickey back he will always push mickey to better. He gives pinky promise kisses and just more, and their relationship will work.
When Ian goes to see mickey at the wedding in s3, he gives it a try just once more. And I think it works. After that pinky promise kiss, ian does see mickey. Maybe not fully, but he has a better understanding of him.
Mitski often ends her songs with repeating lyrics. For thus song I think it means even tho they say its just one time more, they will go back again. They always find themselves saying "once more". I also like the idea that 1 set is Ian saying it and the other mickey. Like they feel the same things.
The first and last line compliment each other really well. At the start of the song, u can infere the ending of the relationship, but at the end, we see them trying again. The song has this very unfulfilled but desperate to keep the scrap of love they are given feel to it. And that is early gallavich.
I think this song fits most around s3, but it works with s1/2 just, imo not as well. The feelings are there, but they haven't reached the intensity that mitskis song has.
Anyway make this the mitski song people relate to gallavich NOT ME AND MY HUSBAND
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l0sercat · 1 month
Warnings: Heavy Non-con, torturing, degradation, pleas please please don't read is your sensitive
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Buggy has been gone for at least a week now. I'm getting worried and can hardly think straight. He would never be away from me for this long especially without notice and supervision. He trusted me somewhat but I guess he was still paranoid I was gonna leave him.
Currently I'm laying in our bed buried in the blankets. I tried asking crew members earlier today but, either they didn't know or were to scared to speak to me. Even though I have more freedom Buggy still doesn't want me to talk to them or them to me.
I got out of our bed and pulled on one of Buggy's shirts. I made my way over to the only people who I was sure knew where he was. My steps were quiet and I was anxious to even be near them but, this was for Buggy.
As I neared the large door I heard muffled deep voices. I fidgeted with the hem of the shirt and took a deep breath. I put on a brave face and opened the door. The bright light blinded me but as my eyes adjusted I gasped at what I saw.
There was Buggy hung up on a hook by his messy knotted blue hair. The two tall strong men were sitting on a couch. My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. Buggy shouted at me to get out and my eyes darted at him then at the men grinning. I quickly turned around and tried to dash out the door, but my arms were taken behind my back and my body pressed against Mihawk's back.
Crocodile stood up and towered over me with a big grin. "Hm what do we have here? Looks like a little doll seems to be lost" he chuckles. He looks back at Buggy who is shouting and causing ruckus in the back. Crocodile and Mihawk share a look and they both share the same thought. I gulp nervously and my legs tremble. "I-im sorry I shouldn't have disrupted you, please let me go, please.." I beg and look up at the two caging me in.
Mihawk let go of my hand and walked to the front of me. While, Crocodile smoothly came behind me and placed a hand on my waist. Mihawk placed a hand under my chin to keep me looking at him. "It's nothing personal but we finally found a way to destroy him and that is to hurt you.." Mihawk mutters
Buggy keeps on screaming and crying but it's pointless. I begin to sob as I hear there zippers being undone. Crocodile rips my pants and tears my underwear. I sob harder as the tip of his dick presses against me. Mihawk presses his tip against my lip and forcefully pushes it into me. "Don't bite or I'll slit your throat" Mihawk stared at me with no emotion.
I glare right at him and he grips my hair painfully. Crocodile finally pushes himself into me with a grunt. With a hand on my hip he starts thrusting into me. I cry harder, he was too thick and I wasn't prepared to take it. I scream around Mihawks cock and I started to slobber on it.
My fists bang against Mihawks thighs and I started to choke. It felt like my eyes were a never ending fountain of tears. I closed my eyes and my pleas slowly became quieter and eventually they stopped. Mihawk thrusts into my mouth "Already giving up?" He asks
Crocodile laughs while he grips my ass and thrusts harder into me. I cried through the immense pain he was putting me in. My body went limp and I was being held up by their dicks. I just want this to be over with. They begin their thrusts again and their warm thick seed fills my holes. I swallow Mihawks seed but it's too thick and I started to choke. He grabs my hair and pulls himself out. Crocodile keeps himself inside and walks him and I towards the couch. Mihawk follows and they both sit down. Crocodile finally pulls out and some of the seed drips out of me.
He pushes his large rough fingers inside me and shoves his cum inside. I whimper and stare at them to see their still hard. I shake my head "Please no more.." my voice falls on deaf ears as Crocodile slams himself into my mouth and Mihawk takes my ass. I scream at the sudden intrusion. Buggy just stares at the assault on his darling, he can't do anything but watch.
I feel warm liquid run out my me and I realize it must be blood. He's fucking me so hard I'm bleeding out of my ass. I start to cry more and I just wish for this to be over with. Crocodile just stares at me with his grin and he blows his cigar smoke at me. I start to cough and then choke and I have a hard time catching my breath. "Aw Crocodile don't hurt the poor sparrow like that we still need her" "What's this are you actually enjoying this?" Crocodile has amusement in his eyes "Have to say she does feel amazing so can't blame you" he chuckles "I think once this is over I will keep her and of course if you want we'll share.." Crocodile laughs
My scream is muffled around his dick. I do t want to be theirs, please no. "I don't think she's fond of that idea how sad. Not like she has a choice though" Mihawk says and snaps his hips. Mihawk quickens his pace and quickly pulls out and cums on my back some of seed get on my hair. Crocodile bobs my head faster and forces my head at his base my nose buried in his pubes. His seed paints my throat white and he release's me. I start to cough and catch my breathe.
"Bastards.." I mumble before my body gives up and I pass out. "Well that was fun" Mihawk remarks
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OKAY PART 3, I’m trying to narrow this down to 5 parts so this is going to be pretty long. Just 2 parts left. I have a LOT of story because I was writing uncontrollably for like… 2 weeks but I don’t want to drag this out. Either way, I’m hoping y’all enjoy and I was asked about a tag list on part 2 and I am so sorry… I have no idea how to do that. BUT YOUR SUPPORT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME SO THANK YOU.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings: Depiction of depression and paranoia.
Word count: 10.8K
It’s been about two months since you’ve left the apartment, you’ve been too paranoid to leave because you’re afraid of your stalker, after the window was fixed it’s been permanently locked and bolted. Groceries have been far between, you get them delivered every few weeks if you have the money for it but since you’ve secluded yourself your work has been docking your pay. Even though you’ve put in the same amount of work, just at home instead of in the office.
You’re sitting in bed and wrapped in a blanket, working on your next big article when the phone starts ringing, you look down and immediately recognize the caller id. It’s Miguel, you pick up, your blood boiling.
“Funny that you told me not to bother you, It’s 3 in the morning. Why are you calling me?” You pull the phone away as the line hangs up, giving it a confused look. ‘Great, I guess he’s into prank calls’ you think to yourself, going back to your laptop to continue typing up the article.
You continue on for a few more minutes before hearing your doorbell ring, your blood turns ice cold as panic claws at your skin. You sit frozen on your bed before it rings a second time, finally getting up on shaky legs with bat in hand. You make it to the front door as the doorbell rings one more time, looking through the peephole and you groan. You open the door, bat still in hand just in case it’s a trick.
“Again, it’s 3 in the fucking morning, why’d you call me? I thought breaking and entering was your thing”
Miguel sighs, he honestly looks a little defeated and you give him a confused look, “your apartment is starting to smell like a corpse, I can smell it from below you because it’s so strong. Honestly thought you’d killed over.”
“Again, your charm never fails to shine through, I’ll plug in my wax warmer or something, happy?”
“Far from it,” he says, glaring down at you. “Also, your mailbox is flooded, I think the mail person got confused and can’t fit anymore in there so they put your shit in my box.”
You curse at yourself under your breath. “Of course they did, why would they read the names on the mail boxes?” you sigh softly, rubbing your face. “I’ll take care of it, now please get the hell out of here, you appeased your curiosity, I am in fact still alive. Have a nice night.” You go to close the door before Miguel stops you.
“Listen,” Miguel sighs “I don’t like people, I don’t like talking to people, but I want to help you out. Your apartment smells like a health hazard, and I don’t want to have to be subjected to it anymore. Also I’m sure your wrist is a hindrance.” He points out the cast still encasing your wrist.
Even though he’s already seen it you still tuck your wrist behind your back, blocking the entrance to your apartment. “Okay, let me put this differently, I do not want your help, this shouldn’t matter so much to you, I’m an adult and I can take care of myself.”
He grimaces and pinches the bridge of his nose. “God you’re infuriating, the only reason I’m concerned about what’s going on is because I barely hear your footsteps anymore, I can hear your alarm go off for HOURS before you stop it, I damn well thought you were dead! Your alarm is annoying, the smells are annoying, I. Am. Annoyed!”
You feel the dam start to break, your eyes prickling with tears as you look down. He’s so harsh to you and in your fragile mental state you have a hard time controlling your emotions. You wipe your eyes softly. “Okay fine, I get it, can you just leave? Please? I don’t need to be scolded and talked down to right now and I’d appreciate it if you could leave me alone.” You try to close the door again but he holds the door open easily. You could swear his eyes are glowing a deep red as he looks down at you.
“I won’t make you pay to have my seat professionally cleaned if you let me help you clean your apartment” he bargains. Half of you thinks he’s joking.
“I don’t need your help Miguel, I don’t need you to baby me and treat me like I’m fucking fragile!”
“It’s gonna cost you $5,000 to clean the seats, they’re custom made and incredibly difficult to clean”
You go wide eyed at the price, that’s the equivalent of your rent. You sigh softly, “I… I’ll pay for it, I don’t need your help, especially since you’re just going to degrade me…”
“You obviously do need my help! Your apartment is a wreck, so I’m going to help you out, I’ll hold back on the insults. Whatever it takes to make you clean this goddamn place and actually get some human interaction! I’m helping, end. of. story.”
You can feel the tears starting to fall down your face now and a sob block up your throat. “I don’t want you here Miguel! I want you out of here, now! It’s 3 in the morning, I don’t know why you care so fucking much! There’s not much to care about!” Your voice keeps cracking and your throat feels almost weak. “Can you please just leave?!”
You watch him take a deep breath. “I’m coming back here tomorrow to help you clean up, I’m not going to give up on you like you’ve given up on yourself. I’ll be here at 8”
“God I hate you right now, I don’t want you here tomorrow. We’re not friends, we’re just neighbors who were unfortunate enough to cross paths”
“And that’s fine, but I’m coming back here tomorrow, we don’t have to be friends for me to help you” he glares at you one last time before moving out of the way.
You don’t waste a second and slam the door shut behind him, locking it and wiping your eyes some more. ‘God I fucking hate nosey neighbors’ you think as you shuffle back to your room. You climb back into bed and wrap back up in your blanket, turning your laptop back on and continue on working.
Time passes by so quickly when you’re distracted from the world, before you know it it’s 8:30 am and there’s no sign of Miguel. ‘Maybe he’s not coming back’ you assume, you climb out of bed and shuffle over to your bathroom. You look in the mirror and immediately feel worse about your situation.
“God maybe I should shower…” you say as you let your hair out of the headband holding it back. You’re about halfway through before you hear a knock at the door and practically jump out of your skin. ‘Oh you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me’ you look at the counter and realize your phone isn’t here with you, groaning and trying to finish up as fast as possible while the door bell is spammed a few more times.
“I’M COMING! CALM YOUR SHIT!” You yell towards the door, climbing out of the shower and drying off. You slip a robe on and dry your hair before rushing out to the front door, you look through the peephole and unlock all three locks, two of which you installed soon after you came home a long two months ago. You open your door just a sliver and poke your head out. “I told you not to come back.”
“And I told you I was,” Miguel shrugs, holding a bucket full of cleaning supplies and gloves. “Now where are we starting?”
It took the both of you about a month to clean your apartment well enough to where the smell faded, you had to throw many dishes out as well as half the items in your fridge. Slowly, Miguel starts being less intense and starts to actually talk to you instead of insulting you. You didn’t like having to see him so often at first but he eventually grew on you. You had to confess that it was nice to see his face, his stupidly handsome face. He must have liked spending time with you as well because another month passes and he’s still coming over, less frequently but still often enough to where you feel comfortable letting him in now. You sit down on your couch to relax before hearing a knock on the door, Miguel then comes in for your weekly movie night. He quickly pieced together that you were seriously lacking in friends and ‘it’s important that you interact with people’. You have the same response every time ‘maybe you should practice what you preach’. You look over the back of the couch at him.
“Breaking and entering yet again?” You jest.
“You know me, I love breaking into places” he says with the same flat tone as always. He comes in with two grocery bags of take out. “I went to the Mexican food place down by Park, they seem authentic and since I really don’t feel like cooking tonight, I just decided to pick something up for us.”
“Well shit okay, yeah let’s try it, I’m excited” you smile at him, patting the cushion next to you and takes one of the bags as he sits down. “What exactly did you get?” You ask as you take the box out of the bag.
“Empanadas, Carne Asada, fresh tortillas, good old fashion tacos, and some tamales, only the best stuff for movie night”
You snort, “so already better the Taco Hell” Miguel made up that little nickname after you mentioned how often you eat there during one late night movie session.
“Yes, SO much better then Taco Hell”
You laugh “okay, my main argument is that you don’t go to Taco Hell for authentic Mexican food, you go there for half assed food that’s got white people levels of spice”
And that’s when it happened, the side of Miguel’s mouth twitched, was that a smile? “That’s a horrible joke” his gaze moves from you to the sauce dripping onto his hand and down his arm from the taco he’s holding. You watch as he takes one big bite before licking up his own arm, you’re almost shocked by his actions before he glances back over at you. You look away with a blush and take a bite out of an empanada.
“What were you looking at?” Miguel asks
“I could have sworn that Mr. icy cold exterior just smiled at my joke.” You take another bite of your food, “also you just licked up your arm, it’s hard not to stare at something like that”
“I didn’t smile. You must be mistaken. And sorry for my lack of manners?” He continues to eat. “So are we gonna turn on a movie or something? Or just listen to ourselves chew?”
“What? You don’t like hearing me chew? You don’t like ASMR?” at this point you’re purposely speaking with puffed cheeks full of food just to gross him out. He rolls his eyes.
“See? I don’t know why I apologized for a lack of manners when you’re talking with your mouth full, anyway, pick a movie, let's turn something on” he grabs the remote, “and no, we’re not watching twilight.”
You were dead asleep halfway through the movie you both decided on, curled up on the arm of the couch and covered in a giant quilt. At some point Miguel left, you wake up a few hours later to a note and a clean table.
The hand writing is probably the most elegant thing you’ve seen in a while. ‘Hey, I put the left overs in your fridge, I’m sure they’ll still be good when you nuke them later. I’ll see you next week, same time. Miguel.’ You smile at the note, it’s been a long time since you’ve had a friend and you definitely didn’t expect to have such an attractive and caring one. You stick the note on your fridge and yawn, starting to shuffle towards your bedroom in a haze. Stomach full and feeling good you climb into your sheets and easily fall to sleep.
Full disclosure, I based this off of how I handled my depression/paranoia before I started taking meds and going to therapy. So it’s not everyone’s experience! But I tried to keep it authentic to the source material. Anyway! Hope y’all enjoy. I’ll figure out a tag list eventually…
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betbeton · 2 years
𓆱 In Over Your Head
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Lawrence Oleander × Reader
Warnings - Stalking, Underwear/Scent Kink, Breaking and Entering, Obsessive Behaviour, Masturbation, Voyeurism
18 + Minors DNI
· Afab-GN Reader ·
· Request ·
· A/N - y/n you funky lil creep ·
・❥・ Masterlist
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Lawrence entered the plant nursery you worked at every few days, never going more than a week without picking up something. Be it a new plant or things needed to maintain the plethora of plants he had already purchased. Each time he graced the weathered walls of the nursery you would peek from between the racks of plants to watch him. Always a quiet flighty thing of a person, you tended to easily avoid being caught. Slinking back to the tree pallets to preen the little saplings whenever the urge to reach out and touch him grew too strong to ignore. Your co-workers thought it was adorable the excitement that lit up your eyes each time you caught sight of Lawrence when he entered the shop. Little did they know the puppy love crush they found cute was more along the lines of a Cerberus sized obsession masked by a cute fluffy exterior.
Don't get it wrong sure the infatuation was simply innocent at first, just a few butterflies in your stomach at the sight of someone you found attractive. . . all relatively normal. Though the puppy love phase didn't last long, the more you saw him and the more you refused to actually interact with him the more your obsession grew. It went from a cute little puffball of love to a concerning tumour rotting away inside your once innocent heart. You had spoken to your own house plant about it, though the orchid didn't offer much in the way of feedback, but it did give you the incorrect assumption that your feelings were normal. Which inevitably lead to the escalation of your morally dubious, and illegal, actions.
It was far easier than you had expected to follow someone as seemingly nervous and paranoid as Lawrence home, you had simply walked behind him at a relatively small distance eyes locked on your phone as you pretended to message someone. From the outside it appeared you two simply lived in the same building, though your lingering gaze when you would glance up fron your phone left an itch clawing at the back of Lawrence's mind. This resulted in him hastening his pace which had caused your own pace to quicken until you caught yourself, slowing to a brisk walk as you pretended to answer a call even going so far as to pass the blonde and enter the apartment building before him. Back turned to the wall as you waited for him to begin climbing the stairs carefully reminding yourself to remain a flight below him and most importantly out of sight. That was how you had successfully discovered which unit was his, though you had to stop yourself from entering behind him and declaring your love, you ran home afterwards declaring to your orchid how successful your day was and how you two were meant for each other.
The nursery had closed for a week about a month after you had begun creeping to Lawrence's home during the night while he was out. There had been a gas leak, which you had hoped couldn't be tracked to you after all this was your dream job even if you were neglecting it lately in favour of lovingly following your soon to be partner. The moment your boss had informed you and your co-workers that you all would receive paid time off due to these unfortunate circumstances, you devised a plan to finally get inside of his apartment. Leaving your own home once the sun had set you waited behind the bushes just outside his building for him to leave and begin his walk to work, once the familiar head of blonde hair nervously left the building and walked out of your sight you struck. Slinking out from your hiding spot, grasping the lockpick you had borrowed from your sibling under the guise of wanting to learn the skill for innocent reasons. Slithering up the stairs to his door you couldn't contain the giddy little laugh that left your lips as a wide grin split them. Hands shaking like a leaf in the wind once the little click of his lock unlatching rung through the silent hallway. Gently pushing the door open you could feel arousal pooling in the pit of your stomach a the mere fact you were surrounded by his smell, even if there was an underlying sour smell of decay lingering just below the surface.
Pushing an odd feeling of being watched out of your arousal clouded mond you moved on autopilot searching for his clothing. Once you had found it you grasped around almost frantically for his boxers, grabbing a pair and stuffing the fabric against your nose as your eyes practically rolled into your skull from the musky scent you knew had to be uniquely his own. Dropping onto your knees you stuffed a hand down the front of your jeans, fingers tapping at your clit before you bullied them into your hole palm harshly rubbing at the small aroused nub now nestled against it. Riding your fingers like a person possessed with your face stuffed into the pair of boxers you had pilfered you didn't hear the door to Lawrence's apartment creaking open further nor did you notice the soft footsteps padding to a stop just behind you. What did drag you from your heat of the moment actions was a large hand harshly grabbing at your hair as your head was yanked backwards, your hazed over eyes meeting with furious ones. Normally such an abrupt disruption to your actions would have stopped the heated arousal coursing through your veins in their tracks, but as your eyes took in Lawrence's angry expression you came with a whimpering cry of his name. Slick arousal soaking through your underwear and the seat of your jeans.
Hopefully after such an earth shattering orgasm you were ready to face the consequences of your actions.
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terabyteturtle · 9 months
Fighter #04-E - Dark Samus
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- This creepy Phazon creature can sneak up behind someone very easily. It’s part of the reason why Samus is so paranoid all the time.
- She somehow found a way to stick to walls and hang from ceilings, which scares the crap out of everyone.
- When she first met Richter, he thought she was a demon and chucked holy water at her. Needless to say, he was very lucky that he escaped with his life that day.
- When she's not wreaking havoc on distant alien planets, Dark Samus has quite a lot of time on her hands. She spends most of her free time reading encyclopedias, studying fighters’ behavior, and building social skills.
- Dark Samus has gotten electrocuted twice trying to fix the circuit breaker during power outages. Electricity doesn’t affect her as much as it would a human though, so she’s okay.
- During her first few weeks at the mansion, Dark Samus didn’t even bother to use doors. Instead, she just blasted her way through the walls and got in a lot of trouble for it.
- Due to her lack of social skills, she has stalker-like tendencies and doesn’t know what personal space is.
- She doesn't really feel much in terms of emotions, so social encounters are always super awkward. She read somewhere that people usually convey strong emotions through physical movements. So, when talking to the other fighters, she tries to do that, but it always ends up being really overexaggerated. For example, when she tries to show happiness, she does a small twirl in the air. Don't get her wrong, she's not doing this in the hope of making friends. She's doing this to gain emotional leverage over people. I think the only emotion she genuinely feels is anger.
- As mentioned before, she spends a lot of time learning about the world around her, but every so often, she gets bored. As much as she loves learning new information, Dark Samus needs to switch it up every now and then. So, she started learning how to do tricks with the Plasma Whip. It’s since become her new favorite thing.
- Isabelle, being the kind soul that she is, tried to teach Dark Samus how to hug. It seemed so innocent and wholesome, until poor Isabelle nearly got her spine crushed. The Phazon warrior didn’t care though, because now she knew another way to manipulate and kill someone.
- Sometimes, she just disappears inside the mansion and no one knows where she is or what she’s doing.
- She also has a habit of sneaking out of the mansion, using clones as stand-ins so nobody knows she’s gone.
- If Dark Samus somehow gets caught sneaking out, she’ll brainwash them into forgetting she was there.
- What the Phazon creature does outside of the mansion is unknown. She could be building a giant death laser, for all anybody knows. 
- The kids originally thought she was some sort of weird ghost, so they tried using Luigi’s Poltergust on her. To their shock and horror, it didn’t work.
- She and Ridley have the weirdest relationship. One minute, they’ll be terrorizing people together, then the next, they’ll be at each other’s throats.
- Dark Samus is easily one of the biggest threats to peace within the Smash universe. If the other villains want to start killing everybody, they’d make it known. But if Dark Samus wants to start killing everybody, nobody would realize until it was far too late.
- In fact, she could probably brainwash all of them into killing each other while she sits back with a bowl of popcorn, watching with genuine amusement for once in her life. Luckily, since Samus is her main target, that’s a thought she hasn’t considered. Not yet, anyway.
- She avoids water like the plague for some reason. If someone accidentally spills some on her, she’ll recoil, hiss like a cat, then just disappear down the hallway. It’s one of the strangest things she does, and that’s saying a lot.
- She frequently mimics Samus just to annoy her.
- When October comes around, Dark Samus does all the classic horror movie stuff just to scare the fighters. Someone will be in the bathroom, minding their own business, when all of a sudden, Dark Samus is just standing behind them in the mirror, completely still. She’ll hide in fighters’ closets when they think they’re alone and jump out when they least expect it. She’ll put spiders on people’s pillows, and leave footprints of fake blood around the mansion, and whisper to the fighters in creepy voices during the night. Not to mention, she’s been caught burning things outside several times. Nobody knows what she’s burning though, because no one dares to go near her.
 - On the topic of fire, this poison-given form has attempted arson countless times.
- She tried using the Beetle item as a spying device once, but quickly learned that it’s not made for stealth.
- For some reason, Dark Samus really likes Russian food. If there isn’t at least one Russian dish per week, she’ll start destroying valuable items.
- She’s super intelligent when it comes to combat and alien customs, but completely stupid when it comes to blending in amongst people.
- She bought an alien newt off the dark web. Everyone thinks it’s a pet, but she actually got it to spy on the other fighters. Samus finds it extremely unfair that Dark Samus can have a pet and she can’t. Ridley doesn’t like to eat amphibians, so there's no chance he'll go after the newt.
- When the hallway is too crowded for her liking, she gets into Ball Form and rolls through the vents. Lucas does not stop making Among Us jokes whenever she does it. 
- Dark Samus is the dark counterpart of Samus, so naturally, she hates everything that Samus likes.
- Dark Pit is the closest fighter she has to an actual friend. They bond over the few similarities they share, the biggest being that they're both dark counterparts. He’s the only fighter she would (maybe) spare if she tried to kill everyone in the mansion. She even allowed him to name her newt, which he decided to call Hades.
- Speaking of the dark angel, Dark Samus has brainwashed him a bunch of times just to indirectly make fun of Pit. He honestly doesn’t mind, considering he probably would’ve done that regardless.
- Samus and Solgaleo vs. Dark Samus and Lunala — easily one of their best matches of all time.
- Lunala is the only living creature within the Smash universe that Dark Samus has a faint fondness for (aside from Dark Pit, maybe). She’s always there to give it some extra Poke Beans during meal times.
- She teases Samus to no end. Snake is a big enemy of hers because of this.
- There are very few folks who will willingly go near Dark Samus. Even the other villains get a bad vibe from her. 
- Her favorite song from the Smash soundtrack is Vs. Parasite Queen. To her, it sounds like something you can destroy an entire civilization to. Not that she plans on doing that… at least, not anytime soon…
Note: I hope you enjoyed all of these! Next up, the gluttonous egg dragon/dino!
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llycaons · 11 months
ep25 (pt 1): the superior PM blindfolding and wx scene
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picking up directly where we left off last episode, wwx and jyl coming back in from harvesting lotus, wwx teasing the kids all the way. it's cute! and jyl is sooo pretty
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jzx shows up so she changed, I guess. her clothes were wet anyway
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jzx is such a dork in this episode. yeah. he's obnoxious and arrogant to her later, but when his awkward immaturity slips out from his veneer of smug superiority, it's quite endearing.
I do NOT know what jyl sees in him before this but maybe she was just excited to get married and be loved by someone? but in this episode she was going to dump him if he didn't change how he treated her which is the only way I got invested in their relationship. he had to work for it and prove himself and be genuine and selfless and kind!! and he did!! rip
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this is so funny I love him
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wwx is so good at deflecting, I feel like most fics don't do it as naturally or skilfully as canon did. teasing, confident, bordering on condescending. he has such a strong personality and it sucks to see him reduced to 'traumatized and clingy crier'. he is all three of those things too, and postcanon he is a bit chiller but he's still HIMSELF. bold and clever and sarcastic and unwilling to grovel before authority
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this is SUCH a jyl and wwx episode. they're so silly together, he's making her laugh and she's hiding her smile behind her fan. this reminds me of the goofy things my little brother would do 🥺 he's not dead or anything I just haven't seen him in months
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the wens getting paraded out really changed the tone of the scene. EVERYONE was taken aback, everyone looked shocked or nervous. wwx is the most visibly angry, and it's only bc of jc's frantic motions to 'DON'T DO ANYTHING' that he steps back. honestly I get jc's fears here, but...sign. tho none of the other sect leaders did anything either, looking at you lan 'fair judgement' xichen and nie 'justice' mingjue. lwj is also curiously subdued this episode - lxc says later he's distracted but he's even less expressive than usual
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everyone handing him stuff cracks me up. he doesn't even need to LOOK. and his bow and arrows matchy with his robes and the tents and the tower itself WOW this world is so color-coordinated
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ohhh super impressive! I wonder how anyone can beat a perfect bullseye?
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this request kind of baffled me, bc his forehead ribbon is far too narrow to use as a blindfold. maybe he wanted it as a good-luck charm? the cut to jc looking angry was kind of funny though. how dare wwx be so shamelessly gay in public etc.
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we never see these unwrapped iirc 👀
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and of course they have matching bows for the yunmeng aesthetic
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aww even jc clapping for him. this expression is like one of the nicest he ever gets
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and he's smiling to his sister!!! his face is honestly a little sexy for that but that's what he's doing
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DUDE DUDE THIS SCENE!!!! wwx all alone, then seeing lwj, then remembering lxc's warning and looking away, then lwj seeing him and LEAVING THE PATH TO COME JOIN HIM ANYWAY??!! yet another of the tiny re-enactments of their relationship over the course of the show. and wwx's eyes get so big when lwj comes to him, he's clearly so touched that lwj isn't abandoning him even if he can't tell him the truth.
fuck I love the post-ss arc SO much this is like catnip to me the relationships and the drama and the tragedies are all so delicious
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eh, I'll always favor 'soulmate' even if it it's technically correct. honestly 'confidante' would work better here too. anywa THIS IS IT!!!! I STILL AM!!! so earnest, so full of love, so ready to help, so scared for him. ough, the romance. the tragedy!
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wwx looks at chenqing for such a long time after lwj says that...lwj wants to know what's going on and how he can help but wwx is so paranoid and traumatized and afraid that he just can't say it 😭
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and this scene, where they're just looking at each other for a long time...the tension in this scene was INTENSE. if it had gone on a little longer, who knows what would have happened.
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem || A funny drabble
A funny drabble present I mentioned to my friend @the-silver-peahen-residence and my muses discussing the potiental of harem. 
@the-silver-peahen-residence’s cast
Yuuka ( Her OC and The Dark Eclipse nightshades )
Rex and his fraction ( Season Demon Warriors )
Jinx and The Cursed Vixens
Deamon-Mun ( Me! )
My muses ( The entire DBT and Lupins and Anthem )
----- Brief Summary ------
Things went back to crazy normal at New York after their crazy adventures in Japan.
Navarro is starting to notice things and he doesn't like it. Ever since the class A-1 came back for a study aboard. Along with some people like the weretiger of the ADA and Phantom Thieves. Now more people are coming. Things are making him paranoid and got the team without Ink knowing to discuss. What kind of shenanigans  would ensue???
Navarro is starting to notice things and he doesn't like it. Ever since the class A-1 came back for a study aboard. Along with some people like the weretiger of the ADA and Phantom Theives. Now more people are coming.
Ever since the haunting incident in Tama, Japan. Rin is sent to learn about demons in North America and for some reason, New York City checks all the list for paranormal activity. Taz is still in Japan with Yuji Itadori and his friends looking after her but keeps in contact with Ink and the rest of the team. He heard that Yuji and his friends would come and visit. 
Still....he notices that the boys were getting close with Ink much to his liking.  Ink comes back with a smile and is telling him what she did with them. It went something like this......
"Hi Navarro, me and Midoriya were training and went out for some pizza." Ink smiled. Midoriya is that goody two-shoes hero and always writing quirks and analysis plus he is helping Ink understand her quirk since it's evolving. So he understood.
The next day....
"Hi Navarro, I helping Atsushi with his powers. We're training and we stop some bad guys and went out for some preztel hot dog rolls." The weretiger of Armed Detective Agency. He seems nice and always protect Ink looking up to her. Plus despite being hesitant, he doesn't back down.
Still.....Navarro did apologize to Atsushi for leaving him behind during the whole fiscao of not wanting getting treatment from that crazy doctor, Dr. Yasano. 
The next day after that.....
"Hi Navarro, me and Joker change someone's heart today! It was awesome and went out to get some burgers." Joker aka Ren aka the leader of the Phantom thrives. Seems okay but he looks like a smart ass but pretty smart and clever plus he's the leader, he knows what the heck he's doing. He has that look in his eyes. He has that mysterious thief vibe going for him
Then the next day after that....
"Hi Navarro, me and Rin beat a demon today and went out for buffalo wings!" Rin, the guy with the devil tail ( that looks of his and has blue flames ad his power. Guy has this demon vibe going on which is pretty damn ironic and is pretty damn confident with that sword of his.
And the next day after that....
"Hi Navarro, me and Itadori talked about curses and all that stuff then we played video games together online.." Yuji Itadori is that pink haired guy who is pretty strong and heard he has some kind of dual personality named Sukana yeah...fuck no..his name is freaking Voldermort now. Fuck him. He doesn’t want to remember his cursed spirt ass.  Still...despite all that, Yuji takes good care of Taz so he isn’t too concerened.
And finally.....a week after that.
"Hi Navarro. I saw Bakugo today and we took down some robbers and then we went out for some tacos-!"
Okay...what the actual living fuck?!
Navarro noticed the gifts that they brought her too! Support gear from Midoriya, chocolates from Atsushi, flowers from Joker, a plushie from Rin, Japanese treats from Itadori and Jesus christ...even Bakugo brought her something! What was it? A new jacket?!
Like what the fuck?!
And so Navarro starts an emergency meeting with the team without Ink present. Ink is off with Midoriya again. His team noticed Ink is not present so they ask Navarro what's going on.
"It's those guys...." He began.
"Those guys?" Shdwkyz raised a eyebrow.
"Those guys from Japan!"
"What do you mean, Navarro?" Hellmare looks concerned.
"Does anyone notice how close they're getting to Ink?" Navarro asked the team seriously. The team became confused.
"You know?! Midoriya, Atsushi, Joker aka Ren, Rin, Itadori and even freaking Baka-ass." Navarro named the list of people. 
"You mean Bakugo?" Rust asked.
"Who else did I mean?" Navarro growled.
"Yes well....I think you're paranoid....again." Shdwkyz sighed. Navarro snaps, "I'm not paranoid! Does anybody see the gifts she got from them?!"
"You mean...the support gear that Ink got from Midoriya?" Rust said. "He says that it helps with her quirk and her legs. Ain't nothin wrong with that."The blond said.
"Okay! What about the chocolates from Atsushi?!"
"Atsushi was undecided where to eat so Ink took him to a soul food restaurant. Fin was there. He wanted to thank her so he brought her chocolate cupcakes." Jaron answered.
"With sprinkles that look like hearts!" Navarro yelled. "And don't let me get started with Joker. He got her freaking flowers!"
"Yes that is true. I heard from Ink that they got it as a treasure from their mission and he gave it to her." Oblivion recalled.
"She ask me on how to take care of it." Ophelia added with a smile.  
"Okay, okay, okay! How about the plushie from Rin?"
"Ink told me that after defeating a demon, Rin bought her a plushie since she like it from the store and Rin wanted to buy it for her because she helped him out.' Hellmare smiled. "It looks like a cute dinosaur."
"Me and Ink were playing with Itadori and Taz. Megumi was talking to her on the phone though and sending her stuff.." Gerald smiled. Wait Megumi was the one?! That spiky moody sorcerer?! Fucking hell. But it makes sense, Megumi was with her when dealing with Kinie Ger and Sukana-You Know Who. Navarro cursed in his head. At least Yuji is not the one. Hopefully!
"And what about Bakugo?! He brought her a jacket!"
"Well actually...her jacket is ripped so Bakugo took her jacket and took it to his classmate Momo that creates the same thing since she has a quirk called Creation that makes things and made Ink's jacket brand new.." Maggie explained.
"What are you trying to say here?" Asked Shdwkyz, annoyed wanting to get to the point. 
"All of them are in freaking into Ink! They all like her! That's what going on! Even Jinx said so!!" Navarro yelled. The team went silent as they look dumbfounded before thinking about it.
"Oooooooh..." The team went as they nod their heads, now seeing his concern.
"I think that's wonderful. It means they are in love with her." Ophelia smiled.
"Hell no, Ophelia! That's not wonderful!" Navarro said. "We need to do something about this!" He said urgently. 
"Like what?" Fosh asked.
"We gotta do something! We need information on them and protect her-"
"Navarro. Ink can take care of herself." Shdwkyz said. "Now you're being paranoid..."
"Are you nuts?" Navarro said. "Ink doesn't look both ways when she fights especially crossing the street and she always charges headfirst" 
"True, true, true." The team agreed/
“And she risks her life for everyone even though we didn’t ask her to or we tried to stop her!” Navarro points. Everyone recalling the events with Yokohoma, Tokyo and the haunting. 
“True, true, true.” The DBT agrees that their own leader puts her life on the line, over and over again for everyone’s sake even if they’re not friends. 
“And! Sometimes....she is oblivious to this kind of thing! Did you ever see Ink date someone?!” Navarro said.
“True, true, true.” The fraction said, seeing Navarro’s point.
"Is Ink even aware of their feelings?" Hellmare asked.
"Probably not." Jaron said. "She sees everyone as friends. I don't think she is ever been in a dating relationship like Navarro said.."
"She must be oblivious then." Said Oblivion.
And there is one person who isn't in the team but is invited. Yuuka, leader of the The Dark Eclipse Nightshades. Because Navarro asks her as witness and needs her opinion on this. After all, Yuuka was telling what Midoriya is doing with Ink which prompt the short teen dragging her into this ‘emergency’ meeting.
Yuuka hearing this made her blink. The people that Ink met  all fell in love with her? Honestly, it made a lot of sense and given her track record. She did see Midoriya time to time and whenever he's with Ink. She never seen him so happy being with her as she listen to his quirk analysis and show his notebook to her especially when he mutters a lot. Ink thinks she got some of his muttering which is amazing to say the least. 
Plus when Navarro mention Bakugo. She never took him for that kind of guy. He's always an ass and calls everyone extra except for Midoriya and Shoto. But to heard that Bakugo got her a new jacket? Ink's jacket went through a lot of fights and hearing Momo made the same jacket because Bakugo asked her using her Creation quirk. She wonders who else in Class A-1 falls in love with her. It’s better to not let Navarro know about that either.
"Yuuka!" Navarro calls her name.
"Uh yes?" Yuuka said, blinking. Getting back to the meeting as all eyes were looking at her.
"Did everything I said so far is true?!" Navarro asked.
"Uh um.... I don't know about the rest but I did see Midoriya and he seems very happy being with her. But I never took Bakugo doing something like that but..." Now she recalls, him looking at her when she beat up those bad guys with him. That gaze.
"See?!" Navarro proves his point.
"And Ink might not notice...." Yuuka sweatshop a little. "But if it's true...I wonder which one she will pick. Did any of them confess yet?"
Now that’s a good question. Now the better question is Ink’s response. 
"I don't know man." Rust said leading against the chair. "She might not want to hurt anyone's feelings."
"But it's wrong to string them along though but what if Oblivion says is true. She might be oblivious to their advances. Knowing Ink, it must be." Ophelia said, now feeling a concerned about her and the boys.
"Or......the next good thing will happened is that Ink might have a harem." Oblivon said. Everyone paused for a moment when Oblivion said that. They all look at her. 
"A what?" Navarro questioned for Oblivion to repeat. Yuuka sweatshops the side of her head. Uh-oh. Because she knew where Oblivion is going with this. Shdwkyz had to groan mentally.
"It's like a trope in anime where the girls in a group all like the same guy so they formed a harem since everyone loves the same person and wants to protect this person. Sometimes they fight over the guy but ends up working together to protect him. It's like the same thing here. The boys like Ink so much they might formed a harem to protect. Along the way, the relationship goes to the next level and well, that happens."
Yuuka and Shdwkyz collectively sigh mentally when Oblivion explained the idea. Fosh had to look it up and went 'Oh.' which prompts Rust to look over and blinks, covering his mouth. Hellmare has to cover her mouth to stifle. Jaron shakes his head. Maggie just stares. Ophelia’s cheeks blushed hearing this. Gerald didn’t get it but it sounds like it’s a good thing!  All while Oblivion explains the concept of a harem. Shdwkyz and Yuuka looks over to Navarro as Oblivion explains. The way Oblviion explained it so casually didn't help either.
Navarro went to confusion to shock to horrified to anger hearing this. 
“Oh wow! So Ink is the hero of the party in the harem, right?!” Gerald said since he read a lot of manga after Japan. “That means Ink has a huge fan club! Even the heroes love her!” Gerald said, happy for Ink.
“Uhhh.....” Yuuki doesn’t know how to break this down for Gerald since he’s so innocent. Bless him! 
“Then...when they go to next level, does that mean they’re going to get married and have ki-” But Fosh didn’t get a word in when Navarro loses it shutting him up. “Fosh...I swear to god...if you finish that damn sentence and I will toss your computer out the window.” 
“Eek!” Fosh shuts up. 
Then Rust had this shit-eating grin, knowing what Navarro is mad about so he’s going to tease him for the laughs....”What’s wrong, Navarro? You’re making it  sound like they're going to have s-”  He didn’t finish his own sentence either as Navarro shouts bloody murder making his team startled while Rust is snickering non-stop. 
"NOOOOOO! FUUUUUCK NO!” Navarro throws the plastic bottle at the wall, “ GODDAMNIT NO! HELL NO! NO, NO, NO,. GOD NOOOOO!" Navarro yelled, now imagining it in his head! Slamming his hands on the table. “Those fuckers! Harem my ass!” Navarro shouted. 
Yep. Navarro is mad now. Shdwkyz has no idea why would Oblivion informed him something about that and Rust adding fuel into the fire. 
“It isn’t that bad. I mean-" Oblivion is cut off as Navarro covers his ears.
“Are you sure this has nothing to do with happened at ADA when you ditched almost everyone when it came to Yasano’s treatment and they got their revenge on you?” Shdwkyz reminds him. 
“NO! What the hell am I getting mad at them for that?! It’s either me or them.” Navarro retorted.
“Ugh.....” Fosh groaned, remembering that event.
“We need to call Rex right now!! Call the Season Demon Warriors!” Navarro said. 
“Rex?” Maggie blinked.
"Uh...what for?" Jaron asked. 
"Well Rex has girls in his fraction, shit...that's a harem like Oblivion said, right?! He knows what those guys feel! We need to ask him!" Navarro points out. Everyone looks at Navarro like he lost his mind. 
"Navarro....now you're being an idiot." Shdkwyz made a face while Maggie nodding in agreement.
“OH! I’m an idiot?!” Navarro said. “You know what?! Let’s ask the members of his group! Hell! Let’s ask Rex. For fuck’s sake, his members are all girls, call him Sensei and they’re named after the four fucking seasons except him! We need to ask him about this harem shit and about the guys that Ink’s with!”
Shdwkyz sighs, knowing this is not going to be good.
------ Hours later  at Greenwich Village in Rex’s house ------
Rex stares at Shdwkyz his blind white eyes, setting his tea cup down, hoping he misheard what Shdwkyz said. 
“I...beg your pardon?” He said after hearing the situation from Shdwkyz. 
“Yes...I know.” Shdwkyz sips cherry blossom tea thanks to Spring’s couresty. She is surprised to hear this. “Thanks.” Shdwkyz tells her to which Spring smiles kindly at him.
Shdwkyz sighs deeply after he explained the situation to Rex about it. Shdwkyz volutneers to meet with Rex since he knows Navarro is going to say the wrong thing and the members of the Season Demon Warriors will beat him and throw his sorry ass out. 
He visited Rex at his Japanese themed home in Greenwich Village “Yeah I know...” He doesn’t want to mention that to him but he knows Rex is very reasonable and can clear the air, hoping to get some answers around here. 
“Well...I don’t know what Navarro is assuming but....I understand Navarro’s concerns regarding Ink and the boys from Japan she hangs out with. This reminds of this boy named Rin. He has a flaming katana that is of blue flames, similar to Ink’s greatsword and I must say he’s strong.” Rex hums. “I read his energy and he does admire Ink in a way since they’re so alike in terms of their flames and origins.” Rex said. “But...such admiration can turn into love.”
“Great....” Shdwkyz said.
---------- At Central Park -----------
“C’mon, Breezy! You gotta tell me what’s going on! You said Ink and Midoriya were here like a few days ago!”
“Of course, I’m going to tell you!” Breezy said. “But I need to know why is that so important, Rust!” Breezy said, crossing her arms with a pout. Rust sighed. “Well...Navarro heard it from Jinx and saying something that he likes her and so is Bakugo.” 
Breezy blinks. “Wait? Jinx said that? I don’t think she say that. Navarro did come over and asks if UA students came over. They did for patrols but Jinx, Ink and Midoriya were training together!” 
Oh....that’s a false alarm then.
“I don’t know why is it so important though.” Breezy said. Rust sighs, “Okay....just promise me, ya don’t tell anyone, okay? Ya didn’t hear it from me, okay?” And so Rust tells Breezy the reason for this making Breezy blinked before she laughs, “That’s what Navarro is worried about?! Echo is going to have a field day if she heard that!” 
 “I just.....can’t imagine that Ink has a harem.” Breezy giggles. “Not only Midoriya is in it but there are others too?!” 
Rust nods, “Yep!”
“Well Jinx did said that Midoriya’s face turn red for some reason when he caught her in his arms when trying to catch some villians....some purse snatchers. Jinx beat them up while Midoriya helps her ou..” Breezy chuckles. 
Melinda comes over with Jaron as Jaron tells her what’s going on as well while they’re taking a stroll in Central Park together. 
“Wait....really? I mean....it makes sense but not really sense, Jaron. Don’t you think Navarro is being....well....paranoid?” Melinda asked as she is holding hands with Jaron. Jaron sighs, “That’s what Shdwkyz said and you know him. Navarro is very protective of Ink. Despite the age difference, Navarro is more mature and acts like a concerned big brother.”
“Yes....I can see that.” Melinda nods her head. 
“Not only that, we should ask Rex because Navarro thinks he has a harem since his fraction is full of girls.” Jaron said.
Melinda shakes her head, “Oh dear..” But she can’t help but chuckles at this. 
------- Tribeca at Kali’s penthouse -------
“Yuuka....I’m sorry but what the hell?!” Kali said. Yuuka nods her head as that explanation sounds crazy when she says it while Luna just looks to be in disbelief. Yuuka and Kali are fast friends and Kali always welcome Yuuka since she is training Yuuka and respects her as a fellow leader. Still....Kali had this look as she can’t believe this! At all.
“You’re telling me. Ink.” Kali said this slowly, making sure she gets this, “That dumbass reckless Ink has boys chasing after her? Not just typical boys. But the two pro-heroes, an infamous phantom thief, a freaking weretiger detective, a demonic exorcist and...what a freakin curse wizard?!” 
“A Jujustu sorcerer.” Oblivion corrects her. 
“Yeah, okay! And you’re telling me!” Kali takes a deep breath, “And they’re handsome and strong as hell and she doesn’t fucking notice?!” Kali said. She remembers Midoriya and Bakugo. She does remember Atsushi and Joker since they came over to the Training Regiment. But not the other two new faces. 
“I just think Navarro is blowing this out of proportion. You know how he is, Kali!” Yuuka explains, not wanting to turn this situation into a messy love triangle. “I just want to disprove this so Navarro has nothing to worry about it.”
Luna, her second-in-command of Yuuka’s c the rolls her eyes, “If you ask me, it sounds paranioa!” 
Oblivion is with them, “Hmph.” 
“Well! I wouldn’t be fucking surprised if Ink doesn’t noticed! I never seen her date! EVER!” Kali said. “I went out a few dates myself and whenever Ink sees me on a date, she asks if this is my friend and that’s it!” Kali said. “I told her that we’re dating and Ink looks at me like she doesn’t know what that it is!”
Well..... Yuuka has no idea what to say to that.
“It’s like dating is a foreign freaking concept to her!” Kali said. “My god, and these boys got her things after helping them out?! She doesn’t get the hint?! EVEN THE CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES WITH THE HEART SPRINKLES ON IT?!” 
“Urmm...I wasn’t sure if it’s true or not.” Yuuka said. Luna can’t help snicker a little.
“She has this and I’m stuck with catfishes from the dating apps!! THAT’S NOT  FAIR!” Kali yelled to which Welsey pats her on the shoulder while Zed and Sara who is snickering in the background while Beranard shakes his head.
Yuuka sweatdrops, wondering if this mission is a good idea.
------------- Harlem -----------
“Atsushi with Ink?” Fin said as he stops the jukebox, “Yeah! I seen him! I was helping him with his training when it comes transforming between were and fully tiger.” Fin tells Hellmare and Maggie. 
“After training, Atsushi wants a place to eat so I recommend him going to get soul food. For some reason, he ended up getting lost and Ink found him then she helps him. Both of them spend eating lunch together.” 
“Did Atsushi buy her anything?” Hellmare said. 
“Well....after that, there was a bakery right across the street. I was there to pick up a cake order and I saw Atsushi got her cupcakes, ya know what I mean? It’s the good kind. Wondering he got it because of heart-shaped sprinkles. Ink does love the art of cakes.”
“I see....” Hellmare said while Maggie is slumping his shoulders. 
--------- Back at the DBT. A day later ------------
A meeting is now being held without Ink again. 
“I don’t know, man. I don’t think Navarro is not too far off with this one.” Said Jaron. 
Shdwkyz groans, “To be honest, this is all what Gerald said. Ink’s fan club!”
“Fan clubs are cool!” Gerald grinned. 
“Kali is pissed off....as usual. No...she’s really pissed.” Oblivion said. “She got jealous and rant her head off.” 
“Wait....you told her??!” Shdwkyz looks at Yuuka. 
“Well...Oblivion said it!” Yuuka said. 
“I think this might be misunderstanding but I don’t know how we can convince Navarro to rest easy.” Hellmare sighed. 
Then a door is slammed open revealing Navarro whose is a ticked off and a nervous Fosh who shows a picture of a blond with red eyes and sharp teeth to the team. He has a plaid white shirt and he looks to be hanging out with Ink as they are laughing and talking. 
 Seriously....where the hell did Navarro get this photo? Was he spying her?! This is taking too far....
 And he’s not Bakugo this time. It’s a completely new face that nobody has seen before. “Okay.....” Navarro takes a deep breath and yells, 
“WHO THE FUCK IS DENJI?!” Navarro shouted.
This theory has now becoming a damn sitcom of hilarious proportions. Now they need to find out whose this new face is.
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thelazywriters · 1 year
The S Class heroes encounter slender sickness (OPM x Creepypasta)
So first off, what is slender sickness? So let's break the down the cause and symptoms. (Also I will refer to slender sickness as SS, also sorry if I'm wrong on some parts because I've been getting back into the Creepypasta community just lately so,.. )
Cause: being stalked by slenderman, or if slenderman is just straight up near.
Symptoms: stalked: nose bleed with fever like common cold or mild amnesia.
First Encounter:
Nose bleeds, exhaustion, nausea, strong cough, vomiting, amnesia, slight signs of radiation poisoning, aches and pains, slight trauma of the eyes (i.e. blood shot, vesial popping etc...), deja vu is commonly seen at this point. More than five (5) sightings:
Coughing up blood, blood in vomit, many signs of radiation exposure, painful breathing, difficulty in swallowing, violent convulsions and major amnesia.
(If you have any of these symptoms please see a doctor.. )
Now let's get onto S class heroes encountering slender sickness:
Blast: he would just straight up not be affected at all. He barely stays on earth and probably doesn't even know Slenderman exists, let alone what SS is.
Tatsumaki: I feel like Tatsumaki would be afraid, but only very slightly at that. When she's first stalked by slenderman, or if he gets near, she would probably brush it off as a cold or whatnot. But when this keeps happening again and again she's starting to get worried, especially for Fubuki. She would start to ignore her hero duties due to the fits and amnesia. Also I don't think Tatsumakis telekenises would even work on slenderman knowing he's a supernatural entity. In the end, she would probably continue to stay strong and manage to survive SS or slenderman decides to leave her alone.
Silverfang/Bang: knowing that Bang has (or had) a dojo, I feel like his students (especially Charanko) would be affected too.
Bang would probably think much more logically than jumping to conclusions and thinking a supernatural entity was behind this. Let alone Slenderman, he also probably doesn't use the internet a lot. Bang probably thinks that he's slowly falling from this world until Slenderman leaves him alone, probably going onto another S Class.. unless Paranoia gets to Bang first, but knowing him it probably won't. Also I don't think he would have more than 3 sightings so..
Atomic Samurai: straight up doesn't care. He probably thinks it's a little after effect after drinking training too much. Either way, his disciples would be affected too as a most likely case. In which, Atomic would probably try to hunt down slenderman.
Child Emperor: okay so idk if Slender sickness is also caused by researching slenderman in which he would come and make you stop because he doesn't want you to know more anyways, I feel like Child Emperor would a ton of research about this, causing Slenderman to go after him more and not the other S Class heroes. I feel like the Paranoia would get to his head, because c'mon he's just a kid. and we all know about copypastas after 5 sightings, he'd probably end up leaving the HA for a while for a break. If he stops, then he'll get better and continue to work as a hero. If he doesn't, the HA loses their S Class Rank 5 to Paranoia.
Metal Knight: Knowing how CE used to be his assistant, I think he's probably getting calls from him here and there worrying about the S class health, Bofoi starts researching Slender Sickness and digs up a news article where he sends one of his robots. But knowing slender man powers this would un effective. I feel like Bofoi would be the first to succumb to slender man.
King: I already known this guy is the most paranoid out of all the S class heroes, and when slenderman comes the Hero Association takes another slap on the face when King asks for a break for maybe a week or three? He be cooped up in his home the whole time thinking a person could be behind this, ~~but we all know that's not the case.~~ he'd think this would be a fever or something but nadah. When it gets even worse, maybe he'll succumb to the fever or be left alone. Because I don't think King would be too relevant to slenderman.. (but then again he plays games and Slender the 8 pages exist Soo )
Zombieman: Okay, considering this guy is immortal he’ll probably be driven to straight up insanity. Knowing his detective-like nature and the fact he uses guns and axes (which are probably also un-affective to slender man- ) he’d lose without even a shot out his gun. Maybe after a few weeks he’ll go missing. I wonder why? Also if the proxies did go after him (if he did decide to enter the woods) he’d be taken care of easily.
Why? Well let’s remember that proxies are pretty much brain-dead puppets to Slenderman. And unless Zombieman is equipped with a flashlight to fight, Kate the Chaser isn’t going down any time soon. And I'm assuming she isn’t the only one he’d have to deal with.
Drive Knight: Why do i have a feeling this guy would absolutely go missing before the slender sickness even starts to spread to the foundation. Okay yeah, remember in the Monster Assosciation attack arc thing?? (I forgor the chapter im sorry) he goes all on his own and goes missing afterwards. In the end, he’d be fine just in pieces. And tons and tons of memory wiped.
Pig God: Straight up gets left alone, maybe he’ll have one or two sightings but other than that Slenderman wouldn’t take any actual notes of him. And plus the proxies can’t do anything about it because 1) Pig God could swallow them whole. 2) Most proxies and creepypastas use weapons. (Except Kate i guess?)
Superalloy Darkshine: He’d be worried. Not for himself, but for the other heroes. Drive Knight, Zombieman and Metal Knight have probably gone missing. Not dead, missing. Child Emperor and most of the heroes are sick, (except Pig God and Watchdog Man.) And he’s slowly falling sick himself.
The static and paranoia are filling up his mind-- and maybe the word defeat could appear once more? I mean come on, what heroes does the association have to defeat a supernatural entity they know NOTHING about, and everyone who tried couldn’t send it due to being overwhelmingly sick or the data got corrupted and is static! And EVERY SINGLE TIME he TRIES to fight it, it’s gone! Is it scared or it just messing with them? Their sanity? Either way, he’ll keep on working hard and hopes IT won’t appear once more.
Watchdog Man: Not involved at all. His job is to protect City Q, and that’s mostly it. So why should he care? And plus, none of the citizens are being attacked, no monsters are appearing, and he isn’t bothered sooo-
Although the association might call him 10 times a day knowing he’s one of the heroes who isn’t affected.
Flashy Flash: He’s mostly involved but at best has 2 or 3 sightings. Slenderman isn’t as focused on him as he is the other heroes. Flashy Flash is just brushing it off as a cold and doesn’t let it affect his hero duties.
Demon Cyborg/Genos: He also isn’t affected much. “Master Saitama can handle it” is all he will say. The hero association is probably dumbfounded at this point. Most of the upper-ranking heroes (other than Blast himself, of course) are being affected by this weird supernatural creature and they think an A-Class can handle it?
Okay.. now it’d be interesting to see Saitama face off against a supernatural being like Slenderman since Slenderman is mostly passive-aggressive and doesn’t scurry around random forests looking for new prey lol.
Bad/Metal bat: He’s worried. Not for him, not for the association, but for Zenko. She’s most likely really worried for the HA, slowly crumbling from cases of paranoia and stuff. Bad promises it’s nothing bad and tries to “handle” the “monster” himself. 
Tanktop Master: He just tries his best to make sure the tanktop group gang doesn’t get hurt. And he’s getting worried for the other heroes. Even Tatsumaki. And to be fair, he’d fall total victim to the slender sickness. Better expect a retirment letter from this guy, being way too sick from slender sickness. he’s so unlucky i swear- running into Garou, getting absolutely beaten by Further ugly, sent to hospital multiple times-
Puri Puri Prisoner: “I must keep my boys safe!” I have a feeling this guy will just keep to himself and keep his “boyfriends” safe, making sure none of them get the sickness. So he isn’t really involved with hero duties unless necessary. 
hehe! It’s me, lazy writer here. Sorry i’ve been gone for... 1- 2- okay maybe i’ve been gone for a long time- but anyways! Thanks so much for reading this, it’s super long.. and i had tons of fun writing it and seeing the finished product makes me super happy! :)
I’ll be doing more of these (OPM X Creepypasta) soon! So I hope I can keep you guys updated tons! :D
Also another thing, sorry if everything is a bit of a jumbled mess because the first part (Blast - King) was written in the morning and shoved into discord to copy and paste here, then the rest took 1 hour to write. ;-;
Anyways that’s it for me. I hope you guys enjoyed this haha :D
Have a great day!!
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