#[attractions placeholder];
Excited wiggles. Making good progress on the bunny dragon adopt (3/4 gene pairs mostly done)
I might have to reconsider my tert approach bc it feels rather Daunting but other than that, i am excited to be Making A Thing regardless of if it ever sees the forums
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mejomonster · 11 months
So like. I'm demisexual and demiromantic and. In general I never thought much of it in terms of "how it might effect forming relationships." Because while yes for me, the crush will take months to even exist and so will the sexual desire, the actual process on my end Appeared Similar to me on the surface right? Like... I find a person who's aesthetically okay or nice, who seems to be fun to talk to or hang out with. I ask them out, or they ask me out. We go out on dates or hang out as friends and wait to see if things get "serious." Which on my end, apparently different from their end (but I never thought about it much), was waiting to see if I'd even want to touch them or them to touch me. Seeing if I'd eventually feel butterflies and get excited that they looked at me and get all warm and fuzzy inside thinking about how cool and sweet and awesome I think they are. And if after a few to several months I felt nothing? I guess call it quits and be friends, or not even friends if we didn't even click that much. And like... I figured from the other person's end, people date and take things slow getting to know each other ALL THE TIME. Its not particularly weird if I don't want to kiss until we go from dating to committed. It doesn't really matter much if I actually like them or not until 3 months later, if the results of liking them don't really Have to progress until we are committed. Then yeah, they may want to be physical or be mushy, and by then I'll be on the same page as them so it's fine.
Absolute ramble about demi dating below ToT (obviously very colored by my own experiences and not universal to others by any means)
But :c real life is messy and unfortunately it does seem my feelings being different than theirs? Does make things kinda not what I'd hope. See, in real life, I would Hope if someone likes me and worries i don't like them they would SAY something instead of silently feeling rejected. Instead, people tend to silently think "I didn't get a first date kiss! They see me as only a friend! Better move on! (Even though THEY asked me out on a romantic date, so they said they want to date, the lack of kiss is a sign they don't want to date after all! Even though they Said Nothing of the sort)." Or they think "oh i think sex is normal after a month of dating, but my partner still hasn't even joked about sex or kissed me... yeah I guess they don't desire me, I'm gonna get serious with someone else who does" when like... goddamn all those people would have to do is... tell me what they are concerned about and let me answer. Yes, it's okay if they WANT a partner who kisses on date 1. That's fine to stop seeing me for. But if they don't really care about when a kiss happens, they just want to know I really Do want to be with them? They could've asked and assuaged their fears with the truth. And this kind of implicit stupid guessing game of X action or lack of action means Y even though my partner NEVER SAID ANYTHING goes on and on.
I'm straightforward and honest. I feel something or worry, I say it. If I didn't say it then I'm not thinking about it or going to act on it, because I think it'd be stupid if I acted on something I don't even try to communicate about first. Now to be fair, as I get older and people are more mature, communication patches up such situations a little better.
But just a little.
I've had a friend tell me I need to start telling people I'm demi on a first date AND tell them i need X months to get to know them before we can get X Y Z intimate. Which is kind of a shock to me, because I know some allosexual alloromantic people who wait to kiss until full on marriage. But I have to thoroughly explain why I need to wait a few months to kiss, or taking the seeing each other casual like friends for a while first, because otherwise people will just assume I'm uninterested??? Why is it an alloromantic who wants to wait a year for marriage is fine. But whatever, I'll take the advice next time and say I'm demi and explain. Said friend also said being demi means I may seem unavailable so maybe that's why I attract the unavailable who don't want relationships anyway and... oh boy. I don't even know how I'd go about fixing that. I can communicate Gratuitiously More, like to an annoying degree more so there's no doubt I've brought up how much I'm very much INTO long term dating for a partner I deeply love lol. But. Great. Great problem to have.-.-
Also as I've gotten older... I've realized the stuff I thought were full on lies like "falling in love in a week" might be real for alloromantic people. Like? I always figured you date casually to get to know someone, judge their compatibility and safety (red flags or green), and get emotionally attached over time. So the casual period when you are NOT committed is so if you see something incompatible or yikes, you can stop seeing them BEFORE you're so emotionally attached it's too emotionally painful to leave them easily, even if they are hurting you. I had no idea that for some people, genuinely, they feel intensely attached from the first few days and even though they're also looking for a good compatible safe partner... its extremely hard for them to ignore their intense fond emotions even if there's red flags. Also it now makes more sense to me how someone can "love someone one week then next month another." If you're alloromantic maybe a rebound really does work stronger: you struggle to break up with lover 1 due to strong feelings (or maybe alloromantics fall out of love as easily as they fall into it I have no idea), but you can meet a new person and quickly feel STRONGLY for them, which helps move on from the last one. Versus me who takes months to love (and trust me unfortunately lol demi ppl can fall for abusers too, you don't screen out red flags even given time to judge without strong feelings, if you haven't addressed your own trauma and the things you unconsciously gravitate toward ToT). So when I break up its like cool ill be unable to feel a crush for 6 months to 1 year at least. (Though I'm sure a demi person could rebound fine, there's such a thing as a crush on 2+ people you've known for a while, one relationship could end with another person around you also have a crush on etc).
Back to my point though about alloromantics. So like, they CAN love fast. And then comes the potential issue. I ask a person out, and will need 3+ months to crush (and more to fall in love). They either don't immediately like me, but if they do develop a crush it'll be faster than me. Or they already like me. In either case if they ever like Me, they'll like me sooner than I like them. Then they notice I don't get as obsessed with them or as horny or as clingy or as gushy. They might worry its not mutual. If they're dating multiple people, this might be when it's time to focus all love on another person who's acting just as crushy back. Or of they're dating multiple people, this is when other options may appeal more. If other dating options already like them, then that attention and gushing may make the other person more appealing for them (fair enough everyone likes to feel wanted). If they're dating no one else, they may still feel they aren't being given enough romantic intense Honeymoon stage attention, and not want to wait a few more months for it from me. If they NEVER like Me back, then I may appeal to them at first since I won't Honeymoon stage love dump on them or expect them to do it back. And they'll potentially leave me when they DO meet someone else they like. So we wither never become exclusive, or when I finally like them its one sided because I now have feelings for them but they've never liked me and never will. I'm just a placeholder for them until they meet someone they Do like or who gives them more of whatever they're looking for. So not a mutual love partner.
The alternative of course is make friends and only ask friends out once I already like them, so that I'm in that Honeymoon stage at the start of casual dating. So the other party feels wanted, feels intensely desired, and I'm acting like an alloromantic in the first stages of dating. The problem with that route? Is if I made friends, and we were friends let's say 6 months? An alloromantic probably doesn't like me if by then, they never developed a crush. They may not ever like me (wooh). Or, because they're alloromantic, they've fallen in love with one or a few people by then, and are already in a relationship. This second option is how crushes on friends have gone: I finally developed a crush, they're dating someone else. They're finally single, rebound with me since i ask them out when theyre single jnowing theyre likely to immediately get in a relationship again if i dont ask them out while theyre still single, then they move onto another person because it was more about them getting over their ex than liking me. And again, if they had liked me they couldve broken up and asked me out. Now of course, alloromantics can probably develop a crush years into knowing someone, instead of right away. So in theory they could meet me and NOT like me, then in a couple years if I ask them out, gradually develop a crush then. So far? I haven't experienced it. I know it's possible though so wooh for the people out there going through this dating route, I wish you luck on finding love.
Anyway so its just like... while on the surface I used to think oh, demi doesn't really effect the dating process! That's unfortunately naive of me. Logically I don't think it should, if everyone talked and communicated their feelings and wants and expectations and checked in about it regularly. But I had my assumptions on how things worked, and alloromantics have theirs. They don't know everyone else isn't also operating on the same implicit expectations! Just like I didnt realize they operated on theirs! I didn't realize a person might stop seeing someone just because they didn't get intense attention in a Honeymoon stage within a certain time frame. I didn't realize that if my dating partner Doesn't Expect me to do that, its possible they don't like me at all and therefore don't care if I show I like them or not. I didn't realize no one was going to say anything about these unspoken expected norms. I'm still not sure I have a solution for this either.
I'd like to say, my new solution could be telling new potential dates I'm demi, I need X time to get physical or gush emotionally, and then maybe ask to be friends first so if they have a crush on me the LACK of me gushing emotionally isn't weird because friends generally hold that stuff back. Then date once I feel something, so I can fulfill that expectation of flirting and emotionally involved when an alloromantic Expects such things to match their level of engagement. I'm not sure it'd work though. My gut says an alloromantic, if told to be friends for a few months first before dating, would potentially prefer other partners who could flirt/be physical/gush emotionally over them quicker, and would prefer someone they could immediately Express their happy crush feelings to and know they'd be returned (like saying compliments and holding hands and kissing and desiring each orhers attention Very Frequently). Alternatively, my gut says if they did still find me appealing if I ask to be friends first? Then either they have no feelings for me and enjoy the idea of an easy dating partner I'd be in a few months as they might think I'd have low expectations of them in exchange for them getting to Not Be Single, or they'd have feelings for me and be hoping unconsciously for an unavailable partner (which I'd represent as the unobtainable person who can't be dated for X amount of time) so things would go fine until we started dating and the person realized they didn't Actually want someone who mutually liked them.
-.- my anxiety of course, at this point, would love to tell me to research endlessly HOW to solve the problem. I'm aware that's my self destructive tendency whirling lmao, wanting me to read stuff that has no concrete answer but lots of conflicting confusing ones that no person can implement all the answers I'd find at the same time. And knowing I'd try to implement the contradicting advice, inevitably fail because it's impossible to do conflicting advice, then blame myself for being unable to solve the problem.
Because in reality... at least as far as I know (if you have an answer HELP me lol)... only thing a person can do is communicate a lot and as clearly as you can. And hope in good faith the other person does too. And then it's down to luck that you meet someone who does like you, and is willing to figure out how to make it work with you even if it's not the route they usually take. Even if it means a few weird months for them with no kisses or no intense-emotional-ttention from your end except purposeful friendly attention you give to try and match their effort. Then maybe, if someone really thinks you're nice and would like to try and see if it'd work out, they stick around and really date you for a while.
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buff lesbian fan spaces are bleak af they either make them lanky with a hint of muscle and call that buff or draw them exactly like a buff man 0 breasts and it's like ok can we be normal because buff women might be watching and you're embarrassing me
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paperkutzblog · 2 years
Ok tis hilarious. this is my team w/o espresso
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And this is my team with espresso
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What tf did they put in that magic candy??? My man is a fucking powerhouse lmao. more power to the gays I guess
(Also I was so close to the funny numbers :') )
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nhl-chirps · 2 years
pov you went skating in football merch and the customer service person looked surprised as hell when you said you didn’t need skate rentals
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misfortunegirl · 7 months
does anyone even remember nerdy guy out here🤨
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abrosuna · 2 years
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Quality dynamics
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mikashisus · 3 months
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summary: when your acting career booms, the stress of the spotlight and your every move being watched starts to drown you whole. the only escape from a complete all time low comes in the form of your attractive coworker, zhongli— a distinguished and slightly older man that you can’t seem to stop thinking about.
pairing: zhongli x fem!reader
content warnings: suggestive themes, mentions of alcohol and drug use, underage drinking
other disclaimers: age gap (mc is 20 and zhongli is in his early 40s), various ships, timestamps don’t matter
**all pictures used are placeholders only and are not meant to dictate the mc’s race or appearance.**
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the cast — y/n’s friends | movie cast
ACT I: think i need someone older…
01. movie announcement
02. i’m just a girl !!!
03. who what when where how
04. movie premiere
05. get her name OUT UR FUCKING MOUTH!!!
06. discourse
07. aquarium date
08. moving too fast
09. you shouldn’t be drinking.
10. keep calm and forever on i think???
ACT II: just a little bit colder…
11. special announcement (tao’s gonna love this)
ACT III: take the weight off your shoulders…
ACT IV: think i need someone older…
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taglist — open ; @theprinceofkhaos @bella-sams @yourfavoritefreakyhan @shadowheads-shitshow @obervation-subject-753 @kaitfae @wonderland-fan
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Consequences ~ Kai Parker One Shot
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*not my gif
Pairing: heretic!Kai x vampire!reader
Word Count: 2,688
Requested?: No
Warnings: SMUT (18+ only), BDSM themes, Daddy kink, Dom!Kai, sensory deprivation, fingering, thigh riding, orgasm denial, spanking, blood sharing, unprotected sex (be safe!), oral sex (fem. receiving), and aftercare
This IS a reader insert fic; I just don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of names. Use Rosalie/Rose as a placeholder for Y/N and Wilson for L/N.
Description: Someone tried to play with Kai's girl, and he didn't like that very much. Now, she had to surrender to his every whim until he was satisfied... until he convinced her she belonged to only him.
Ice clinked around in the glass as Kai swirled his gin and soda. He was leaning against the bar, steadily downing his drink. Rosalie was just a few feet away, hidden in the dancing crowd but still in his line of sight. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched her prance around with Caroline and Elena, carefree with her closest friends. Rose glanced over to him every now and then, waving enticingly with a little wiggle of her fingers.
Malachai was dressed well, attracting attention with his classic rings and a smooth black jacket. Rosalie, too, looked so very sexy in her skintight black miniskirt and golden top. Unfortunately, Kai wasn’t the only one who thought so. With his attention occupied by the lovely little minx, Kai failed to notice someone approaching his girl.
Rosalie was perfectly capable of fending off unwanted attention, but Malachai made his way over to her anyhow. Impolitely shoving through the masses of people, Kai made it to her side, wrapping his arm around Rose’s waist and pulling her into his side possessively.
“Yes, so, as you can see, I have a boyfriend.” Rosalie tried to speak kindly, but really, she had no patience for creepy assholes who forced themselves onto women. Kai only had to glare at him wordlessly to send him packing.
“We’re leaving.” With his tone on edge, Rosalie knew it was best not to argue with him. Saying goodbye to her friends, she left the club with Kai, saying nothing and hoping he wasn’t too upset.
Malachai was possessive; he knew it, too. When he’d had much of what he wanted or needed in his life taken from him, he’d begun latching on to things he couldn’t bear to lose. Rosalie was the only one who he cared about. She was his family and his lover… his everything.
Sensing his distress, Rosalie’s hand reached for his, their fingers twining together as they walked to the apartment they shared. He squeezed her hand with much more force than normal, and if she were human, some of her bones may have cracked under the pressure.
It was late into the night, and no one was around. Unable to be patient any longer, Malachai hoisted her up over his shoulder – proud of the little gasp he elicited from her – and ran all the way to their home. He unlocked the door with magic and didn’t waste even one second before throwing her down on their bed.
With a snap of his fingers, all her clothes were gone. He towered above her, one of his hands enclosing around her neck and holding her down: at his mercy. It didn’t cause her any pain; it just showed her who she belonged to.
Rosalie was a strong, independent woman. Malachai knew that, too, and he respected her for it. This, however, was a side of her that only Kai was able to see. Here, she was his little plaything, and she loved every single thing he subjected her to… even the consequences of his depraved, dirty thoughts.
“You see this right here, princess? This is the difference between me and you. You’re a tiny little kitten, naked and trembling below me.” His free hand began trailing down her bare torso, two fingers pinching her left nipple cruelly. “I can do whatever I want to you, and you’ll just take it. Why is that?”
It was a rhetorical question, one that they both knew the answer to. Nevertheless, she answered him anyhow. “Because I’m your good little girl, Daddy.” Kai hummed in approval, loving how powerful she made him feel. “Is that right? Are you a good little girl for Daddy?” He slapped her right breast harshly, her squeal of surprise exciting him beyond measure.
“Aah! Yes, Daddy…” Pleased with her response, Malachai leaned down and kissed her deeply. It consumed her severely. “Daddy wants to try something a little new tonight, darling. Do you trust me?”
Kai’s hands continued to explore her body. Before she had a chance to answer, the index finger of his right hand began teasing her clit, sending her mind into a frenzy. “Y-yes Daddy… I trust you.”
He pressed a tender kiss to her cheek. “Tell Daddy what your safe word system is before we start.” His finger picked up the pace, making it difficult for her to speak. “Yellow means ‘I need you to slow down’. Red means ‘I need a break’. Black means ‘Stop everything at once’.”
Kai looked into her eyes, already loving the burning pleasure in them. “Good girl.” Kai’s lips trailed from her collarbone to her neck, nipping at the soft flesh. As his teeth drew the tiniest bit of blood, two of his digits thrust inside her. He positively growled when he felt how ready she was tonight; this would make things a lot more fun for them both.
Licking up the offensive drop of blood, Kai hovered above her. His fingers unzipped the black leather jacket from his body while the two inside her didn’t stop their assault. He wanted to see her get right to the edge of her ecstasy, anticipating that wild drop into rapture; only he had the power to take her there.
He discarded his jacket, tossing it on the ground. Rosalie was mewling and whimpering beneath him, and he smirked. It was so, so easy to get her in the palm of his hand.
“Are you close, baby girl?” Kai knew the answer to that before she spoke, but he enjoyed playing with her. It told her again and again that she was his. She could only nod, overcome by the torturous machinations of his fingers.
Grinning in triumph, Kai took his fingers out of her and slipped them into her mouth, silencing her protests. “You get to cum when Daddy tells you, princess. Not before, and not after.” Slapping her face lightly, his eyes bore into hers. “Nod if you understand.”
Rosalie sucked on his fingers, tasting her own juices, and tried to calm her racing heart. At his command, she nodded. Kai removed his hand from her lips, trailing the wet fingers down and circling them around her right nipple. As he did, he nuzzled into her neck.
“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” Rose’s body was still trembling with aftershocks from her denied orgasm, but she stroked his hair, nonetheless. “I love you just as much.”
Kai held her for a while, hoping for her body to relax almost all the way before continuing. He peppered kisses all over her face occasionally, reveling in the soft giggles. They were just as enchanting as any other sound from her. Once he felt her body sink into the mattress, Malachai used his favorite little cheat in the bedroom: his magic.
Without any toys or ornaments, Kai stole her sight. His touch returned, now multiplied. With her vision gone, Rose failed to decipher which of the six hands roaming her were connected to Kai’s body and which were purely a mirage. They were everywhere: clutching her ass, pinning her down, teasing every little bit that drove her mad with excitement.
With her orgasm just cheated away, Rosalie was right back on the edge. She couldn’t identify Kai’s real hands, but she knew exactly where his mouth was. It snaked down her sternum, painting her with wet, hot kisses. She whined in complaint, and Malachai wanted to taunt his little fucktoy.
“Let me hear how badly you want it, darling. You know much I love making you scream for me.” Despite his order, Kai silenced her. Their mouths meshed together, their lips dancing with the other’s in pure heat. He tugged his jacket off, not bothering to halt his attack on her. 
This was taking too long. Another snap and his clothes vanished along with hers. He wanted her, and he wanted her now. Stopping his little spell, Kai grabbed her hips and flipped her over. She cried out, and with one arm hooked around her waist, Kai played with her dripping sex, receiving a rush of pride as a result. 
Malachai’s fingers tangled into her hair, pushing Rosalie’s face down into the pillow. “I am the only one that can do this to you. You’re my helpless little toy, and you’re going to take each last drop of attention you get from Daddy gratefully.”
Not giving her what she wants just yet, he brought her legs closer together, sliding his hard cock into a little gap between her thighs. Rosalie’s eager juices soaked Malachai’s shaft, getting him ready to fuck her senseless.
“Ohhh, Daddy, please…” Rose was a whimpering little mess, pleading for him to just ravish her. “You want it that badly, huh?” There was nothing more Kai wanted than to make her wish come true, but he wasn’t done yet. Within a second, Rosalie found Kai under her. Her legs straddled his left thigh, her aching sex flush against his hot skin. 
“Earn it, baby girl. Ride Daddy’s thigh and get yourself right to the edge again. Do it well, and earn Daddy’s cock.” Fire coursed through her every nerve, making her mind melt into a haze of lust and attraction. His hand grasped her face, the cold metal of his rings contrasting with the heat flowing between them. “Look at me when you grind against me.” 
With her eyes locked on his, Rose started rocking her hips against the apex of Malachai’s thigh. He smirked up at her, feeling her wet his skin with her excitement. She could feel her clit rub against the hard muscles of his leg.
Taking her by surprise, Kai smacked his hand against her ass. He was rewarded with her little gasp, gripped her chin, and pulled her lips to his. With harsh, desperate desire, he spanked her again and again, nibbling on her lower lip and not letting her stop. Her skin grew hotter, and her body started trembling.
“Keep going, princess. And don’t you dare cum until I let you. Do you understand me?” Rosalie moaned loudly, nodding and doing her best to obey for as long as she could. 
Malachai wouldn’t make it easy for her, of course. Sitting up, he grasped her hips. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips, and he rubbed her sex into his thigh. Her clit thumped against his pelvic bone with each rough grind. “Daddy! Please let me cum! Please, please, pleaseeeeeee! I can’t take it anymore.” 
Luckily for her, neither could he. 
Lifting her up, Malachai slammed her down on his throbbing cock. His moan mixed with her cute little scream, and his thumb assaulted her overstimulated clit. Rosalie’s eyes were screwed shut, and he did not like that even a little. “Look at your Daddy when he takes you. Open your eyes, and let me watch while I drive you insane.” 
Their eyes met once more, and a jolt of ecstasy ran up Rose’s spine. “Daddyyyy, please let me cum!” Kai thrust into Rosalie relentlessly, watching her unravel for him. “Cum.” With one word, she had all the permission she needed. Rosalie exploded with pleasure, her body thrashing atop his. “That’s it… just let go, that’s a good girl.”
She’d gotten her first orgasm, but Daddy was nowhere near done with her. Malachai turned and pinned her to the bed beneath him again, his hips not stopping. “Since you were such a good girl for me today, I have a little prize for you. You can cum as much as you want tonight, over and over and over, until you’re satisfied.” One hand closed around her neck, and his eyes bore into hers. 
“No, that’s not right, actually. You’ll keep cumming until I am satisfied.” Applying pressure to the sides of her throat, Kai stole some of her air. He was the only one who could have her like this. “You are mine. Say it.” 
“I’m yours, Daddy. I’m Daddy’s good little girl.” Rose’s voice choked out of her, and just as her first climax subsided, another began. She fell over that edge again, writhing uncontrollably.
Kai watched with triumph. “Just one good fucking, and you’re a toy for my amusement. No matter how hard you’d try to fight it, you will always end up Daddy’s well-behaved slut.” 
This went on for hours. Kai did everything he wanted with her, drawing mind-numbing orgasms out of her to his heart’s content. When the sunrise was just a few minutes away, Malachai begged her for just one more. “Please, baby. Just one more. You can do it. Just one more time for Daddy.” Rosalie was spent, never having known rapture like this before. 
She didn’t know if she had it in her, but as she felt Kai shoot his hot cum inside her, it hit her again. It nearly hurt with how it took over her body. Her teeth sank into Kai’s neck, drinking to fulfill her last desire. Malachai growled into her neck, finding the crook of her collarbone and returning the favor. As their last mutual climax quelled, both of them fed on the other. Elation, lust, and love flowed between them. 
Rosalie collapsed with exhaustion, and Malachai pulled out slowly. He looked down at the carnage he caused between her legs, going down to lick her clean. His tongue lapped against her sore sex, drinking down their essence and listening to her tired mewling. “Oh, I wore you out, didn’t I, baby girl? You did such a great job for Daddy.” 
Summoning a washcloth, Malachai wiped down her skin, ridding her of the sweat and the little bits of dried blood on her neck. Scooping her up, Kai rested her against his body. Rose’s head rested on his chest, and his comforting hand smoothed her hair.
“Thank you, Daddy… I love you.” He chuckled a little, finding it slightly amusing. “Princess, you’re thanking me? I should be thanking you. I’m so unbelievably lucky to have you. Thank you for trusting me, for giving me all of you… for letting me love you as much as I do.”
Kai held her as close as possible, pressing his lips to her forehead. “Are you okay, love? Hurt anywhere?” Given that she was a vampire, the fun sex injuries he got to inflict on her healed themselves. She may not have been physically hurt, but he knew she would be vulnerable and sensitive right now. Rose shook her head, not using her voice at first. “Daddy?” 
“Hmm?” His cheek pressed against her head, his arms squeezing his girl close. “Could we take a bath together?” Kai smiled at the simple request. He could give her anything she wanted, and she seemed to want nothing more than him. Their bathtub began filling in the other room, and Malachai didn’t let go of her just yet. “Of course, love.” 
Rose raised her head, listening to the running water behind the bathroom door. Looking up to meet his eyes, she rested her chin on his shoulder. “I love your magic.” Rosalie pressed her lips to Kai’s in a sweet, loving kiss. “I love my magic, too.” He really did. Not only because he could use it for his every whim, but also for his ability to use it to protect her. Keeping her safe and happy, making her feel cherished, what better use could there be?
Lifting her up in his arms, Malachai carried her to the bathroom. He set her into the warm water, sneaking in behind her. With her back resting against his front, Kai peppered kisses along her cheek, jaw, and neck. Nipping at her skin playfully, he laughed with her. Nothing was amusing; everything was just perfect. For someone who hadn’t known happiness for the majority of his life, this was everything he could have dreamed of and more.
Their mouths met again, their lips sliding between the other’s beautifully. This embrace was about nothing more than loving each other.
She knew him, and he knew her. He would never let go, and neither would she. They would have each other forever.
Thank you for reading! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I hope reading it was just as fun for you!
I welcome your thoughts, comments, constructive criticisms, or anything under the sun.
If you enjoyed this piece, check out more of my Kai Parker stories from my Malachai Parker Masterlist. If you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me a message or comment on this post.
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel
Master Taglist: @bluelicious, @socio-kai-path1972, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @callsign-luckyshot, @felinegrate
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
PLEASE YES OH MY GOD. what do you think would be the occasion/reasoning for it??
fakedating!soap m.l | part two
i don't wanna be boring and say it's for a mission. so i'm not going to
johnny's a friend, not a best friend.
you two start fake dating to get everyone off your back about "getting back into the dating scene"; you figure, why the fuck not? he's attractive and emotionally unavailable because of his job. surely, he'll do as a placeholder boyfriend that you call monthly. what could go wrong? right...?
but you need to make it believable. so you meet for drinks/dinner weekly and he refuses to let you pay. honestly, you think it's just a stroke of his ego — something for him to brag about when he's in a country you can't even pronounce.
he insists on taking photos with you, some more romantic and scandalous than others. to "make it believable" of course. as long as your friends and family have stopped breathing down your neck, you pay it little mind. it's only an act.
he keeps that folded photo of you in his wallet, or when he's on the field, it's in one of his extra vest pockets next to the rest of his silly knickknacks. sometimes johnny will take it out, and it's something straight out of a "chick-flick", how he swipes his thumb over the crumbled paper — as if touching your cheek.
god forbid anything ever happens and you need him for something, he's insufferable. or god forbid you need his protection. a creepy coworker? guys at a bar? but you fear what would've happened had you not called him, your 'fake' boyfriend.
he was both a sight for sore eyes and a forbidden fruit; supposed to be a friend you'd gotten into a "business" arrangement with.
was it a crime to sleep in the same bed as your boyfriend that night? for warmth and safety? i mean... johnny insisted.
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Microlabels aren't just a placeholder for more "socially acceptable" terms to replace them in the future. They aren't meant to be some phase that someone will eventually grow out of.
There are people who are and will be grown adults who use microlabels, who are xenogender or kenochoric or who have four, five, ten, or twenty specific genders. There are those who use unconventional alignment systems, who use the split attraction model and have a dozen labels for their orientation, who are transitioning in ways outside of feminine, masculine, and neutral, who call themselves nonbinary in the same way we call a constellation a group of stars, whose genders change in the same way that the seasons change. There are people who are kingender, systemfluid, and autiflux all at once because their alterhumanity and neurotypes affect how they view their genders.
All of these examples are people who have their own unique experiences - just like those who use much broader labels or no labels at all - and they are just as valid for existing in our spaces as any other queer person. When we start to pick and choose who is a more "acceptable" and "palatable" queer, we start to lose focus on why this community exists in the first place.
Microlabels get a lot of hate, but they're not going anywhere. - Your Bigender Big Brother 💙💚
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genderkoolaid · 11 months
actually fuck it im gonna deconstruct this carrds shitty argument about bi dykes and stereotypes
"Every woman is attracted to men in some capacity, even lesbians." The implication is that lesbians can be attracted to men, which is LESBOPHOBIC.
Again: bisexual women who used to identify as lesbians until they found themselves attracted to a man can also be used to say that all lesbians are attracted to men.
"It's possible for lesbians to be in a healthy romantic or sexual relationship with men." This is blatantly LESBOPHOBIC, as lesbians are often pressured to enter relationships with men (compulsory heterosexuality).
This one is just fucking ridiculous. It is not up to you to define what a healthy relationship is for other people. To suggest that any relationship between a self-identified relationship and a man must be unhealthy deprives the lesbian of the autonomy to decide how they feel about their relationships. Even if the lesbian ends up not wanting to date or fuck men- there are lesbians who dated men and have nothing but fondness for the relationship, they just realized it wasn't for them. This is like saying its impossible for an asexual to have a healthy sexual relationship or for an aromantic to have a healthy romantic one.
"Bisexuality is a phase. Bi people always end up picking a side." The implication is that bisexuality does not really exist and that the bisexual label is just a temporary placeholder until they find their real identity, which is blatantly BIPHOBIC.
See the first statement but in reverse. This would suggest that lesbians who used to identify as bisexual- perhaps because of that compulsory heterosexuality that exclus love to throw around as the answer anytime a dyke does something they don't agree with- are being biphobic because they can be used as "proof" that bisexuals will always "pick a side." If we are judging the worth of person's identity based on how it can be used by queerphobes, we have already fucking lost.
"Bisexuality means that you're equally attracted to men and women." The implication is that you're no longer bisexual if you have a preference for one gender is BIPHOBIC. "You cannot be bisexual unless you date both men and women." The implication is that you're not bisexual anymore if you don't have dating history to "prove it", which is BIPHOBIC. "Bisexuality means that you're half-gay half-straight / part-gay part-straight." By supporting bi lesbians (and bi gay men or bi straight people) you're treating bisexuality as a modifier rather than a full identity, which is BIPHOBIC
grouping all these together because they are essentially the same argument: "bi lesbian meaning this which means that "bisexual" must mean that!!!!" which is not true. Bi lesbians existing do not mean anything for other bisexuals' definition of their identities, & the same applies for lesbians.
Some trans men define their manhood as being just like a cis man, but in a female body. They may transition and no longer identify as trans. Meanwhile, other trans men feel like their manhood is fundamentally trans, and while they and cis men may both be equally male, their manhood is fundamentally different to cis man's.
By the above logic, the second group is TRANSPHOBIC because they "say" that trans men can't be the same as cis men. Unless.... just maybe........ we consider that one label can be used to describe a multitude of experiences........
Of course, the creator of this carrd couldn't stand for that idea. Since their second argument as to why bi dykes are bad is:
"We have created these labels to understand ourselves and each other and to effectively communicate with one another. Once you abstract it to the point where it is impossible to communicate an idea to another person without them having to ask for further clarification, those labels lose their functionality and become useless."
Which is funny, because there are plenty of bi lesbians who are active in both their local bisexual and lesbian communities without issue. Because they can still effectively communicate; people, surprisingly, have the ability to understand abstract concepts and nuanced identities.
Not every asexual never wants sex; there are asexuals who enjoy sex. The fact that you can't assume every asexual is nonsexual does not pose this great, existential threat to asexuals who don't fuck. The fact that you have to ask people things about them & can't just assume based off of a single label is not the end of communication itself, actually. If "lesbian" tells you that someone is attracted to women, either in a WLW way or in a way that is rooted in lesbian culture, then all you have to fucking do is not assume that they never fuck or date men.
The problem is, of course, that most of these people are "anti-TERF" radfems who don't realize it, and they have gotten in their brains that if there is no special "women only" term then the entire fucking world will collapse into a blighted misogynistic hellscape. And of course they don't need to think critically about why they feel this way, they just know its bad... but they think trans women can be lesbians so it has nothing to do with TERFs and how dare you imply it does!!!!!
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bloggingboutburgers · 4 months
First of, I'm a big fan of your work. I love your comics and art and was happy to hear about the engagement 😁
As for my question, I love writing stories and creating OCs/characters. In your recent comic you called out that the only ace/aro rep always seems to be "the creator said so on Twitter" (a problem with a lot of rep. in media).
So I was curious, if I wanted to create an aroace character (and write a story with them), how could I naturally show them being aroace? Do you perhaps have any idea?
Thank you so much for the kind words!^^
Arguably my complaints are ironic because I myself haven't done proper aroace rep in my own fiction thus far – though I guess I'm compensating for that with my current comics, haha 🙈 But also, I've said it before and I'll say it again cus I'm annoying like that – Bojack Horseman did it, in my opinion, so that gives the rest of the media less excuses I guess.
So, again these are my personal views, and they're possibly demanding, but this would be my checklist for ideal aroace rep:
The aro/ace character needs to... BE a character. Actually have arcs, that matter within the story. Whether they're about being asexual or not doesn't really matter as long as THEY matter as a character.
...Ngl I feel they need to matter BEFORE they're revealed as aro/ace too, and obviously after. If they don't, they'll just feel like a placeholder who's just there to tick a box to me.
The fact that they're aro/ace needs to be addressed and not pushed under the rug or left up to interpretation. Leaving things up to interpretation will have so many people interpret them as allo for sure (just like in real life). And conversely, saying they're aro/ace may spark some curious questions and possibly awkward conversations (just like in real life). (...Again tbh Bojack Horseman was great at doing it naturally. The confusion from the ace character themself, the ace character's friend assuming they're gay because yeah that always happens, the MC having a friendly yet clueless "haha you're lucky that'd save me so many problems if I didn't have sexual attraction"... I could go on.)
By that I also mean... Actually NAMING the orientation at some point. If it's not named people who consume the media and don't know such an orientation exists will be none the wiser. (I'm guilty of that myself tbh. In one of my webcomics I had an alloaro character but never had the orientation mentioned within the story, I left it at showing he has sex and him having a conversation with his family explaining he doesn't have a favorite person because he just can't, but I feel like that's not enough, and I've been feeling a bit bad about it.) A good way of bringing that up fairly naturally would be to have the character figure out their orientation within the story, as a way to have the audience learn alongside them; but it could also be played for drama, which I don't think I've ever seen and would like to dabble with myself at some point – like, imagine you have a friend you hold dear who's key to your personal development and suddenly you find out they see you as sex / romance prospects and not as a friend like YOU do? That'd be crushing but that could definitely make for a good conflict. I should try writing that. I'm rambling anyway. Bleh.
Another thing that, to me, is key to the aro/ace experience is that the character may have some moments of questioning their place in the world. Our world is obsessed with sex and romance and fiction exacerbates that to the point where some characters barely even exist if they don't have romance. This could range from "Do I NEED to even identify myself as something" (again, Bojack Horseman did that great) to "Friendship is the most important relationship to me but not to my friends, what if they all abandon me once they find the one person they consider 'more important'". I dunno. I feel like there could be some interesting storylines there. I definitely would love to dabble into that myself a bit more, though I lack the time and talent – those concepts and the lack of things that are done with it live in my head rent-free.
...Actually I feel it could be good to show aro/ace characters as full of heart (if it fits their personality), having their own feelings and emotions outside of the usual romance spectrum, to show that they're just as human and compelling as the other characters. (...AGAIN Bojack Horseman did that great imo, I feel bad that I'm only ever quoting that show but that's still the best example I can ever think of.) Like – betrayal, loneliness, grief, kinship, literally ANY other form of love than romantic love... We feel all of those too, and those deserve to be addressed in stories just as much (if not more) than the pining or simping that's kinda everywhere.
Oh yeah and speaking of being human... Yeah, human. We need more human aro/ace characters. Making it so that only the aliens/gods/demons/robots/whatever are ever allowed to be aro/ace only serves to dehumanize these orientations.
...IIIII think that's it. I might be forgetting some things I'd wanna add on later but I think that covers everything that would make for ideal rep in my own opinion
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inkdragonworks · 3 days
June Update
Breaking the chain of not updating to talk about what I've been working on. As the absence of Poppin & Jupa here can tell, I switched projects back in April, to an older one I worked on for about 8 months in 2022. Main reason was feeling dejected a bit after the animation didn't do as well as I was expecting; been getting the impression that Tiera is more popular than them with folks lol.
Again I won't be cancelling it, or never working on PnJ, just switching focus so I can stay productive and make something that feels fun for me, which this has.
As a refresher, here's the game I've been picking at:
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The game's current design can be broken down into:
intro sequence to introduce Tiera and the setting
initial puzzle + encounter to introduce the main mechanics
large hub in the form of Fragaria Park where you avoid the main threat, collect items, interact with side attractions, and access the 4 side areas
4 side areas, which have their own puzzles/challenges within with a primary goal at the end that progresses you towards the final escape
optional collectibles Since April I've worked on a part of the large hub, 3 of the 4 side areas, and the optional collectibles.
"Who works on optional stuff before the main game is done" well they play off of the main mechanics but mainly it's an excuse to draw something cute instead of programming.
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These are Anna Banana and The Fruit Friends (Also Strawberry), characters from a cartoon show that Tiera likes (Except Strawberry).
They don't play any significant role/impact in the game (Besides Strawberry), but they reveal part of Tiera's interests, they form a small bit of the world's background, they make for fun type of collectible that gives something to do besides the main puzzles, and, again, I just felt like drawing cute shit.
For the hub, I worked on a themed side area dedicated to a playground. This does have puzzle elements in it, but a lot of it are silly interactions, and a reference to that cartoon I did a while back. Maybe you can recognize it here.
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It's one of those "makes the setting feel more realized/fleshed out" deals.
For the side areas, what I've mainly been doing is settling on their exact design, blocking out the areas, and working on their puzzle sequence, obstacles, and any single screens that are tied to it.
Here's what I mean by "single screen":
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Something that cuts away from the main game to it's own puzzle. This one here is for the performance theater. All graphics are placeholders just to get the logic in and see if it might work.
Making these type of puzzles is fun cause it reminds me the most of Resident Evil 1 and various flash adventure games I've played.
As for obstacles, a significant one I'm playing with for the theater is darkness, making use of Tiera's sonar to detect a safe path around deep pits.
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She won't fall off right away, but it's tied to the same stamina system.
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Another side area are the sewers, everyone's favorite video game setting. That obviously involves water, but the trickiest thing about it has been dealing with really complicated patterns of depth changing.
What that means is Tiera climbing up and falling down a lot, and trying to keep track of that. Here's what that looks like without proper graphics:
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I'm very happy with how the area is turning out so far though, it's something you'd get to later and I think the puzzles do a good job of reflecting that progression.
The last side area I've poked at was the final sequence of the game. I've had a lot of different ideas of how to go about it but I think I'm happy with the set of them I have planned, something that builds up towards the climax and building off of what was set up in the rest of the game.
I wanna be careful about spoiling it, but here's one effect from it I've started work on:
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I'm trying not to overshare here, though there's a lot more I've thrown into my server that I couldn't here. One of the side areas I haven't gotten to really pinning down is the Hedge Maze. I have a basic outline, but the main obstacle involved requires more dynamic logic. It's hard to settle on what that logic should be without set level design, and it's hard to settle on level design without knowing the limitations of that logic.
It's a similar issue with the main challenge of the game, both for the player and for designing: the ghosts.
What's intimidating is the feeling that they need to be very deliberate in this type of game, to balance between adding tension without veering into frustration. I'm hoping tackling everything surrounding them will make me more confident, but odds are I'll have to start with something simple and half-broken just to break the ice. And accepting I'll have to make something that gets thrown away, which I'm not used to doing... I really prefer thinking through stuff first before making it.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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clownhousemargarita · 2 months
Could you do shy trans! Male reader nsfw headcanons with Widowmaker? Reader has had top surgery but is still waiting to get bottom surgery and is slightly insecure about having female genetalia
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------- Summary: Personal head-canons of Widowmaker and her transgender boyfriend. Pairing: Widowmaker x (TRANSGENDER) MALE! Reader Warnings: NSFW, Angst, Bondage, Strap use. Enjoy. -------
You were a very closed off guy, decently shy, and introverted. This was just who you were, not because you were insecure of who you were, you were just simply always like that. You realized you were a boy at a young age, eventually growing up to transition and it made you feel 100x better about yourself, something finally felt real.
You met Widowmaker as Amelie Lacroix, you had become friends with her through Talon which was very unfortunate, but also fortunate. You two became close quickly, you two fit like puzzle pieces.
You knew about her husband, comforted her through that death and attempted to help her to move on. Throughout these times you fell in love with her, and she seemed to reciprocate these feelings eventually as well. Took her time, but they happened.
Amelie never cared for sex too much, but she still liked it to be an option to be open with whoever she was romantically involved with. You felt the same way, but your problem was downstairs. 
She knew of your biology, though that didn’t matter to her. She had no preference, she loved you for every bit of you. Including the parts you hated, because she knew you loved all of her as well.
When she brought up the idea of sex, you immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over you. You couldn’t satisfy her with what you had, right? Isn’t that what makes a man so desirable? The piece you’re missing.
“Even if you had nothing between your legs at all, I’d still be asking.”  She said, lifting your head up with her hand under your chin.
You push yourself to just go through with it, push yourself out of your comfort zone. You trusted Amelie, you knew she’d never see you as a woman, or even tell people about your biology. She’d never backstab you, it was just your anxiety. ---
You asked Amelie to take the lead, knowing she’d probably like that anyway. She’s a decently dominant woman, enjoys having control in the relationship and in the bedroom. 
When she’d suck your dick, you’d never look down. You always kept your eyes up as tears rolled down the sides of your cheeks. They weren’t from comfortability, but from actual joy that you were actually able to experience pleasure in ways you thought you never could.
It seemed like she’d been fantasizing about this a lot, because she had a lot of ideas the moment you gave your full consent to her.
She loves tying you up with her webs, leaving marks all over you and tightening the webs enough to make red string marks all over your body.
She’d buy you a strap, and you found it to be your comfort to wear during intimate acts. You found it as a placeholder until you’d get your bottom surgery.
Amelie loved riding you, making you whine and cry and beg for her to slow down because it was too much for you. (she had a viberator for you, just so you felt pleasure with her as well)
You learned how attractive you found her accent to be in bed, she gave you orders, degraded you, praised you in her thick French accent. When you brought it up to her, she laughed -- making sure to use and abuse that fact when she got the chance.
You’d wanna fuck her from behind, pulling on her hair while slamming into her like there was no tomorrow. Even then, she’d ask you, “Is that all you can do? Toi, pauvre garçon.” (You poor boy.)
She was very cocky in the sheets, and you enjoyed a woman who didn’t double down despite getting her pussy drilled into.
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zillasvilla · 3 months
Beyond the Lights
I. Chapter One: Rain on Me
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Summary: Sariah is a RnB Artist in a rocky relationship with a trap artist by the name of Dame. The relationship goes downhill when she takes a family trip without him.
Warnings: Implied Domestic Violence. Drug use. Addiction
I. Montego Bay, Jamaica
Sariah coming around more often was a surprise to Joshua. Her presence on this trip triggered the sudden urge to talk to her. She just hasn’t put herself in a private space where he could. He knew she was avoiding him. Joshua has always been attracted to Sariah. From the moment he first met her at his twin’s engagement announcement, to her twenty-first birthday party. He watched the way she picked through the assortment of fruit provided by the Villa owners. He watched her fix herself a bowl, doing a little happy dance that made him smile. His eyes never left her until she was no longer in his sight line. A deep sigh leaves his lips. According to Jonathan she was off limits, or so he says. Jonathan looks at his twin brother with a smirk, He nudged his arm, breaking Joshua from his trance.
“What?” Joshua looks at him, stretching his legs out while sitting up. Roman and Montez soon joined them at the opposite-facing couch engaged in their own conversation on next week’s show.
“She has a dude.” He reminds him. Jey has a habit of getting with girls while they were in a relationship. He also knew that they were just placeholders for Sariah. Everyone knew they were destined to be together. She was just focused on a career, and current fling Dame.
“Who Dame?” The dude was a nuisance. Every time he was around them, the tension in the air was thick.                                                                                                                               
“Yeah Dame.” 
Jey kisses his teeth. “Psft, please.” He wasn’t a fan of that weak ass rapper. “That nigga a bum.”
“Aye” Montez looks at him.
“My bad bro.” Jey raises his hands in defense. Everyone knew she was with Dame. They just didn’t know who he was behind closed doors. A glimpse of that night plagued his mind daily. “He doesn’t deserve her.”
Jimmy looks at him. Jey was never shy when it came to voicing his opinions. To him it was a blessing and a curse. He was playing a dangerous game.
“Just be careful, uce.”
The mere presence of him had her stomach churning in ways it hadn’t before. It had been a while since she saw him and for good reason. Sariah focused on her makeup, erasing him from current thoughts while Trinity stood behind her, curling iron in her right hand and comb in the left. She was curling Sariah’s hair for her. something along the lines of Trinity was the best at doing her hair.
The silence was comfortable. It just the nagging voice in the back of her mind broke it. “ Why didn’t you tell me Joshua was going to be here.”
Trinity looks at her through the mirror, finishing up the last piece of hair that needed to be curled. She bites her lip, thrown off by the question. It was obvious why he was here. He was Jonathan’s twin brother and best-man.
“Will him being here, be an issue.?” Trinity unplugs her curlers, using some hairspray to set the freshly curled hair.
Sariah shakes her head, looking at herself in the mirror, running her fingers through the roots of her curled hair. By the time she got dressed and did her makeup, all of the curls would have fell, leaving .
“No issue.” She closes her makeup bag, touching up certain areas with a makeup wipe.
Trinity, amused by Sariah’s sudden interest in her brother-in-law gathers her things. “Don’t let me find out you got a crush.” She walks to the door, standing between the threshold of her room and the hallway. “And hurry up. We’re waiting on you.”
Sariah mutters to herself about what to wear. She never understood the meaning of packing lightly; her whole wardrobe was stuffed into this suitcase, and they were only going to be here for a week. She grabbed the first piece of clothing that caught her eye. It was a simple blue and white dress. It wasn’t much to show off, but it shows enough for wandering eyes.
It wasn’t long before she found herself ready, but she also knew it took her forever and her friends were probably waiting on her. They had all agreed to meet outside the villa as it provided a beautiful background for photos that didn’t include the hustle and bustle of the hotels and resorts they were normally accustomed to. She makes her way out, gaining the attention of the girls first.
“I need to borrow that dress one day.” Trinity tells her. “Also, them thighs girl” She smacks them, making her laugh and smack her hands a way.
Bianca had turned at the sound of the smacking and whistles. “Ooo pretty mamas.” One thing Sariah loved about her friend group was the way they hyped her up and made her forget any worries she had. 
“We gotta get a picture!” Bianca looks around for her phone, this gets the guys attention. Joshua bites his lip, one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing his chest while giving Sariah a once over. Trinity passes Jonathan her phone and he immediately starts snapping.
“Wait! I ain’t ready.” Bianca shouts, flipping her hair over her shoulders, grabbing Sariah and Trinity by the arms and pulling them in to the picture.
The girls immediately got closer. “Well damn, yank my arm.” Trinity groans through a smile.
“My bad.”
The girls would have a photoshoot all day if the guys let them. They limited them to a few pictures, and rushed them to the restaurant.
II. Lani Restaurant
It wasn’t often they got a press free vacation. They were easily recognizable despite the many different disguises they had. Eventually the just stopped wearing one. They loved their fans, but sometimes they just want to be left alone. 
“Alright, alright.” Some older local shooed people on the waiting on the street to get pictures, autographs, anything. “You annoyed enugh” His English was broken, but they understood what he meant. 
The restaurant was reservation Sariah picked was just now opening, which was great. They would get their privacy, but still able to enjoy the local's culture. The sounds of live drummers gained their attention as they gave the hostess their name. 
“We had a reservation for Fatu.” 
“Right this way” She grabs her cutlery sets, and lead them through a section of the tables, to one long wooden carved table. In the center, spelled out USO Bridal Party. In the middle was a cd. It was the soundtrack for her wedding.
“Granted, it’s only you and Jey in the bridal party. Good lookin cuz.” Jimmy gives Sariah a side hug, picking up the CD. No song titles, but he knew the songs were going to be a hit.
“Sariah!” Trinity whines, pulling her younger cousin into her arms, kissing her cheeks. “You did this?!” 
It was the first day of the trip. She wanted the first day to start off with a bang. 
“It’s just a little something.” She laughs, pushing Trinity back.
“We are playing this at home on the last day.” Trinity grabs the CD and puts it in her purse.
“Cool with me.” Montez sits.
“You just can’t play on your social media Tez.” Bianca points, sitting down. Montez was a big Sariah fan, long before he met her. Yeah she only had two albums and a couple of eps out. Her catalogue was still a hit, and since becoming friends he has become an even bigger fan.
“I would never.” He clutches the imaginary pearls around his neck, shocked that his friends thought he would purposefully leak her songs.
“Babe. I come home and you’re recording yourself working out with her unreleased music in the background.” Bianca smiles at him. She loved the support her husband gave her friends.
“It’s okay Montez.” Sariah sits down. “I know you mean well. Sometimes I send them to you on purpose so you can post it.”
The waitress brought out water and menus, interrupting their conversation as they sat down. She found herself next to Jey, thighs brushing against his. His arm rest behind her on the back of her chair.
Jey got lucky. He had thought she was going to sit on the opposite side of Trinity, yet here she was sitting between him and Jimmy. She looked good in that dress. He looks at her, a slow lick of his lips.
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
She looks at him. “What makes you think that.”
He shrugs, a small smile forming on his face. “Do I make you nervous?”
“Never that.” She leans back, forgetting that his arm is draped over the back of her seat. He twirls a piece of her hair around his finger.
“Mhm, the goosebumps on your thighs, say otherwise.” He pokes her thighs, she pops his finger, making him chuckle.
“Please, you think you’re all that.” Sariah was unsure where this sudden urge of confidence came from.   
“Add a bag of chips to that.” He moves his arm, leaning forward as a selection of food was placed on the table. Sariah, rolling her eyes at his cockiness turned her attention to Trinity who was watching a smirk on her face.
“Nothing at all girl. Nothing at all.” She serves herself and Jimmy some food . Doing the same, a comfortable silence fell over the table, forks clinking and side conversations here and there.
“I need a nap after this.” Bianca says wiping her mouth. They had finished eating and were just enjoying the music being played lived.
“We do have time to kill before the rentals show up.” Of course, the guys rented out 4-wheelers for the week. A little gift from Jey to Jimmy. They grew up riding on them, so why not see if the island had rentals, and low and behold they did.
“Shit, let’s go.” Montez jumped quickly. 
Sariah stands up quickly, taking a deep breath. “Yeah, a nap sounds good.” She needed to put some distance between her and Jey. The constant buzzing of her phone pissed her off as she pulled it out of her purse. She had told her team, she was on vacation. Her eyes lock on the multiple notifications from Dame.
           Dame: You could’ve called when you got there.
           Dame: You better not drink either. 
           Dame: Did you finish my verses
Dame: I need that asap.
Dame: Text me back damn
Dame: Bet, don’t answer
           Dame: I got something for you when you get back
No apology. Which she knew was never coming. All he cared about was his next hit. She wasn’t in the mood, she put his notifications on mute and put on a fake smile. They took more pictures in the restaurant before heading back to the villa for a much needed nap.
Sariah maybe slept for an hour before she was roaming around the kitchen, making a fruit bowl to snack on. She occupied the couch in the shared living space, notebook in hand with her headphones on. Fruit bowl acquired, she sat on the couch, lost in deep thought.
Jey makes his way out, seeing Sariah sitting on couch, writing in her notebook while nodding her head. He makes his way to her, he stands in front of her, taking off her headphones. She looks up ready to cuss whoever interrupted her. Her breath gets caught in her throat seeing a shirtless Joshua in front of her. She blinks away the thoughts looking at his face.
“Not tired either?” He asks.
They were the only two up and knew why, hence why they were out here and not in their rooms. The walls are thin, and their friends aren’t
“Yeah. Just wanted to write this verse that was stuck in my head.” She motions to her notebook and headphones.
Jey sits on the couch next to her, thighs touching as he grabbed the notebook. “Can I see. I promise I won’t leak them.” He jokes.
“Sure, why not.” She hides a laugh at his joke towards Montez.
He’s flipping through the pages, several song titles catching his eye. Tucked in one of the pages he found a guitar pick wedged between them. It was a soft blue color with palm trees on them. 
“You still play?” He hands it to her so she can hold it while he looked through the slightly worn notebook, careful to not rip the pages.
“Sometimes.” She shrugs. “Usually when I’m performing.”
He nods, eyes scanning the lyrics. She places her headphones over his head, making sure they covered his ears. The music filled his ears, and he’s nodding. The soft melodies of a piano in the background and her voice harmonizing. 
“What’s it called?” He asks placing her headphones and notebook on the table in front them. 
“Not sure yet. It’s something different.” She loved that song. She just wasn’t sure on the fan reaction. 
“Flawless was different.” Jey had always been a Sariah fan, He found himself creating a playlist of all her songs to listen to during his workouts. He wasn’t a super fan; he just really enjoyed her music.
“Look at you, knowing my songs.”  She looks at him. The way he moved closer, had her stomach doing flips.
“Whatever title you come up with, will be a hit.” 
A moment silence washed over their conversation. He finds himself looking at her, wanting more from this conversation. They were finally alone, and he may not ever get this chance again. “You never texted me after that night.”
“That night was a mistake.”
The car comes to a rolling in stop in front of Trinity and Jonathan’s house. No one was home. He stops the car and looks at her. Her eyes never leaving their driveway. ”Where do you wanna go?” He asks. All of her other friends were on the road, they also didn’t know Dame was beating her.
“I can take you to your sister’s or your pare—.” “No.” She tries not to bite her lip. She was barely sober, and didn’t want to go to her parents or sister’s place looking like this. She wasn’t in the mood to talk. He starts the car. “My place it is then.”
Jey stands up with a nod. “Mhm. So, me coming back that night was a mistake.”
“That’s not what I meant.” She argues.
“Nah, you said what you meant. It’s all good though.” He turns, looking at her.
“You know I have a boyfriend.” She reminds him. He stands in front of her and leans down, hands planted on the couch, trapping her in his arms, his brown eyes never leaving hers.
“That didn’t stop us before.”
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