#{ It's just that by the time modern DP happens he's just so used to things changing with time that he doesn't have much of a response
shadowxforce · 1 year
Unfortunately (because it would be funny if he did, but it doesn't make sense in the context of the lore/theory/headcanon he's based on), Volo doesn't struggle with technology/a lack of understanding of the modern world largely because, while he might have been born a millennia ago, he has the distinct advantage of being able to see progress in action, and adjusting to it accordingly. Partly because he's just naturally clever and adaptable, but also because he's been at this same song and dance for close to a 1,000 years by the time of modern DP, and has, more or less, figured out it's in his best interest to adapt rather than to attempt to ignore said changes. Maintaining his ties with the Ginkgo Guild over the years, which was later absorbed by and helped kickstart the Pokemart system in the Sinnoh region also ensured he was just constantly exposed to changing technology over the years. He does slip up from time to time; however, and may occasionally refer to Sinnoh as Hisui, but that's about the extent of it. While he might have a fascination with the past, that doesn't mean he's disinterested in progress or lacks a willingness to learn. There's no length he wouldn't go to if something is capable of benefitting him in the long run.
His remaining Pokemon, as well, retain their original balls in modern times. In addition his Togekiss's ball is slightly different from the standard Hisui ball simply because he offered to assist in research pertaining pokeballs and had a Pokemon readily available, something rare at the time, so his Togekiss ended being 'caught' in the earliest prototype of the Pokeball that actually functioned. This, of course, means her ball can be a bit buggy sometimes. Mainly in that it's incredibly easy for her to simply escape from it, thus why he doesn't typically bother to keep her inside of her ball as she'll just leave it to walk around with him anyway. Her Pokeball, as a result, is also covered with scratches/dents and the paint has peeled away so badly that it's difficult to tell what the original color of the ball actually was.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 4 months
This Sure as Hell Never Happened on Scooby-Doo
While investigating a fairly routine haunting in a Michigan hotel, Sam and Dean come face to face with a creature unlike any they've faced before. [Takes place around mid season 1 for SPN, and at a non-specific point in the DP timeline]
Written for @crossoverdanuary Week, Day 7: Supernatural | Veil
First off, congrats to Supernatural for finally making the main prompt list after two years of being an honorable mention lol. I had a lot of trouble coming up with an idea for this one for some reason, so it ended up being kind of generic. This is, however, the first time I've ever written the Full Hazmat AU, which was pretty exciting.
AO3 Link
[Warning for minor violence, and references to suicide throughout]
As a general rule, hunters steered clear of Amity Park, although the reason why varied from one to another.
Some believed all the so-called supernatural occurrences there were just a hoax, like Bigfoot, so there was no point wasting valuable time and energy looking into them. Others swore up and down that, hoax or not, there was something about that town that made you see things. Impossible things. Things that made even the most experienced hunters pause. Some simply believed that Amity Park could take care of itself. Outside interference would only cause more problems than it would solve.
Then there were those who believed that Amity Park, that the very town itself, didn't want them there. That hunters were just not welcome.
The town was infamous in the hunter community. Grizzled, plaid-wearing men would talk about it at roadhouses and truck-stop diners. They'd warn other people away, tell them not to even drive through it on their way to somewhere else. There was nothing in that town worth dying for, and they took care of their own. Hunters weren't needed, they weren't wanted, and they'd just do better if they stayed away.
Every once in a while though, Amity Park's unique brand of freaky bled out of that isolated town. And when it did, then it became the hunters' problem. Unfortunately, more often than not, they wouldn't know it until it was too late.
Sam and Dean were investigating a supposedly haunted hotel. Staff and guests they'd spoken to had all reported blinking lights, cold spots, scratching in the walls. The staff seemed content to blame it on the owner's unwillingness to spend money to fix or update anything. The guests, on the other hand, not so much.
Those who stayed overnight reported horrible nightmares about bleeding out from their wrists. Some of them even claimed to have seen things, although they couldn't seem to agree on what they saw. A few saw a woman, covered in blood from slit writs, and crying, who vanished in the blink of an eye. But another claimed to have seen a small figure in a partially melted hazmat suit.
"Could there be more than one?" Sam asked when they'd returned to their own room in the hotel.
It was more expensive than the crappy motels they usually stayed it, but it was more convenient, and it gave them an excuse to wander around if they were actually staying there.
"Maybe, but... I don't know. If someone committed suicide in the hotel, it makes sense that their spirit would linger," Dean said. "I just can't think of any reason why there would be a ghost in a hazmat suit. Can you?"
"If the building used to be some kind of lab or research facility, it's possible," Sam said, "But this hotel was established back in the late thirties, and even if there was a research facility here before the hotel, the hazmat suit he described was much more modern than they would have worn back then."
Dean scoffed as he plopped down on his bed.
"Of course, leave it to my nerd brother to know what hazmat suits looked like in the thirties," Dean mocked. "Seriously though, that second ghost just doesn't make any kind of sense."
"We'll know more once we find info about anyone whose died in this hotel," Sam said. "This place has been in business for almost seventy years, I'm sure we'll have plenty to wade through."
"It could have been that guy was just making up a story," Dean said. "We've got three people claiming they saw a woman who disappeared, but only one mentioned the hazmat suit. Maybe he was messing with us."
"He seemed pretty shaken up about it," Sam said. "I didn't think he was lying."
"I didn't either, but...." Dean shook his head thoughtfully. "Something about that story just doesn't sit right. And you know what else? That redheaded girl who got all defensive when we started acting questions. Something doesn't sit right about her, either. She acted like she was responsible, or trying to protect the person who was. Except we already know this is a haunting. We know there's at least one ghost, so why did she act like that?"
"I don't know," Sam said. "Could be she was trying to hide something else."
"Come on," Sam said. "Let's start by combing through local death records at the library."
"You go ahead," Dean told him. "I wanna talk to that girl's parents, see if they know anything. I'm starting to think there might be more to this case than just a standard haunting."
"Fine. We'll meet back here later."
"So, what'd you find?" Dean asked when his brother got back to their room.
"Okay, so get this," Sam began. "There have been several deaths in this hotel. A couple of heart attacks, a couple of accidents. One guy fell out his window, which caused the hotel to seal all the windows on the upper floors shut so they couldn't be opened. There have also been three suicides since the hotel's founding.
"A World War 2 vet shot himself in the head in December of 1945, just a few months after the war ended; A girl OD'ed in 1963, leaving a note about how the state of the world had made her unwilling to live in it; and lastly, a woman in 1992 slit her wrists in room 201 after her husband divorced her, blaming her for the murder of their only son."
"Sounds like we've ID'ed our first ghost," Dean noted. "We got a name?"
"Jennifer Bishop," Sam said. "She was accused of murdering her son, but never convicted because they never actually found the body, only a whole lot of blood they identified with DNA testing. She defended her innocence until her death, but the police never actually investigated anyone else for her son's disappearance and presumed death. Once she offed herself, they just closed the case."
"Another gold standard of police incompetence," Dean said. "Did you find out where she was buried?"
"Her family was catholic, but since she committed suicide, they couldn't bury her in their family plot at their church. Instead, she was buried in a public cemetery, Lincoln Memorial Park... but it's in her hometown: Petoskey, Michigan. She was only here for the trial."
"Great, so we gotta drive all night to get to friggin' Petoskey," Dean moaned. "Awesome. This is why hotel ghosts suck. Did you find any leads on hazmat suit?"
"Nothing. What about you?" Sam asked. "Get anything useful interviewing that red-headed girl's parents?"
"Nah," Dean said, shaking his head. "Remember those hellhoundslair dorks?"
Sam nodded.
"That's what they were like," he continued. "Overenthusiastic, but incompetent. She probably realized we were asking about ghosts and was nervous they'd overhear. While I was talking to them she reminded them they'd promised not to hunt any ghosts while their family was on vacation. They didn't seem too happy about that, but they at least stopped insisting they'd help me 'catch that slippery specter', so that was something, I guess.
"I did learn she has a younger brother, though. I didn't get to talk to him, but when I was leaving, I overheard the two kids talking, and he said something like, 'there's not enough of her there to talk to', and 'there's not a whole lot left of her at all," Dean finished. "Not sure what that was all about, but it seemed like they were trying to keep it on the down-low, especially from their parents."
"You think it could be related?" Sam asked.
"As far as I know, the brother never promised not to hunt ghosts," Dean replied with a shrug. "That and a gut feeling are pretty much all I have to base it on, though."
"Well, we know who our suicide is, at least," Sam said. "One of us should go take care of Jennifer Bishop while the other stays here in case she starts causing anymore trouble, or in case the hazmat ghost shows up again, if its even real."
"Why don't you take the salt-and-burn this time," Dean suggested.
Sam froze and looked at his brother, completely shocked. "You... want me to take your car and drive two hundred miles away... by myself?"
"And if you bring her back with so much as a scratch on her, I'll make you wish you were never born," Dean said. "But I feel like there's something at this hotel that I'm missing, and I'm gonna stick around until I figure it out."
"It's really bugging you, huh?" Sam noted. "Alright, well... it's a three hour drive, so I'd better get going."
"Yeah, and don't forget to fill up the tank on your way back."
"Yeah, yeah," Sam said as he walked out the door.
They'd already brought some weapons from the trunk into the hotel room, so Dean wouldn't be unarmed if he ran into one of the ghosts.
He did some quick math in his head. The ghost, or ghosts, probably wouldn't show up until it was night. Sam had a six-hour round trip, plus a good hour to dig up old Jennifer, probably longer, since he wouldn't have help. It was early afternoon now. 1:18 pm, a glance at the clock told him, so he could expect Sam back around nine-ish, give or take an hour. Sunset was around seven.
Jennifer would be gone well before nightfall... but that other ghost... if it even existed, they didn't have a single lead on it.
Dean headed down to the lobby.
He'd noticed them yesterday, a group of older ladies with a basket of yarn in the middle of them, chatting up a storm. He and Sam hadn't spoken to them yesterday, but now that Sam was gone, it was time for Dean to dial up a very particular type of charm that Sam would tease him for mercilessly if he ever saw it. He stood nearby, waiting for his moment.
"I swear," one lady said. "I turned up my thermostat four times last night. I had it cranked all the way up to ninety, and I could hear the radiator groaning like anything, but my room was still freezing."
"Did you phone the concierge?" another lady said.
"I tried, but they just apologized and said it's an old hotel," replied the first. "Didn't even offer to send a handyman, or move me to a different room or anything. Anyway, that's why started coming down here during the day. I just can't stand it."
That was his chance. "You too?" he asked her. "Which room are you in?"
"I'm in 201, why?"
Bingo. 201. The same room as their suicide victim.
"Well, it got to a point where I got my tools outta my car and just fixed the darn radiator myself," Dean lied. "I could take a look at yours too, if you'd like."
"Would you?" she asked, sounding beyond relieved. "Oh, thank you so much. It's gotten so bad I can hardly sleep at night, so that would be a real godsend if you would do that. You're such a lamb."
"Oh, it's no problem, ma'am," Dean said, taking an empty seat nearby. "The name's Dean, by the way."
"I'm Millie," the woman said. "And these are my friends, Cathy and Debbie. We're in town for a big doll convention. We're collectors, you know. And Debbie even makes dolls herself out of felt."
"I do, and I've gotten pretty damn good at it, if I say so myself," Debbie said. "I even made a felt baby doll for my granddaughter's birthday a few months back and she was over the moon."
Upon closer inspection, all three of the ladies seemed to be knitting or crocheting very small clothes, presumably for dolls. Hopefully he could redirect the topic of conversation back to ghosts soon, because Dean didn't know Jack about dolls.
"What about you?" asked the third woman, Cathy. "What brings you to Lansing? I assume you don't live here, or you wouldn't be staying at a hotel."
"I'm here on business," he replied, silently thanking god that she'd changed the topic for him.
"What kind of business?" Millie asked. "You said you can fix a radiator, are you some kind of technician, or construction worker?"
"Actually... I'm a private investigator," he lied.
"Oooh, exciting!" Cathy said. "What are you investigating?"
"I'm afraid I can't share the details... but maybe you ladies could help me," he said. "Have any of you seen anything strange while you've been staying here?"
"I saw a man dancing near the park who could clasp his hands behind his back and pull them all the way in front of him," Debbie said. "That was pretty strange. I gave him a dollar."
"I was thinking more like in the hotel," Dean said. "Maybe like... a figure in a hazmat suit?"
Millie gasped, and Dean fixed his gaze on her.
"You have?"
"Well... you see, I have sleep paralysis," she said. "Last night, I had only managed to fall asleep for an hour or two because it was so cold, but then I woke up in the middle of the night because my room suddenly got even colder, but I couldn't move, of course. It takes me a while to be able to move after I wake up.
"And then I saw, like you said, someone wearing a hazmat suit, a black one with white gloves. They were small, like they weren't fully grown, and they were glowing," Millie explained. "Their suit was damaged, partly melted, it looked like. I'd never seen something like that before, but I just figured it had to be a sleep paralysis hallucination, and maybe it partly was, but do you think it could have been real? That someone broke into my room last night?"
"How frightening," Debbie said with a shiver.
"Maybe," Dean said. "Maybe not. I'm not really sure yet." He paused, consideringly. That was two people now who saw the hazmat suit, and this one saw it in the same room where the other ghost had died. "Did it say anything to you? Or do anything that you saw?"
"I couldn't really turn my head, but they seemed like they were looking for something, didn't seem to find it though. Nothing was missing from my room when I finally got up, at least," Millie said. "They didn't say anything, and only looked at me for a moment. Oh! But they might've been muttering something. Not sure what it was, though."
"Thanks, that's a lot of help," Dean said. "If you think of anything else, let me know?"
"Do you think I'm in danger?" Millie asked. "Should I request a room change after all?"
"If that would make you feel safer," Dean said. "I'm not sure it's as cut and dry as a break-in... but maybe you should just stay in one of your friend's rooms for a night."
"You can stay in my room tonight, Millie," Cathy volunteered.
He stayed for a little while, chatting with them. It wasn't something he wanted getting out, but old ladies always loved him for some reason. He even managed to get Cathy's key-lime pie recipe, which the other two swore up and down was absolutely to die for. Who knew when the next time he'd have a kitchen to try it out would be, but he'd make sure to write it down next chance he got, just in case.
It wasn't until he saw that red-haired teenage girl and a short, black-haired boy who was presumably her brother walk through the lobby that he excused himself to follow after them, claiming they were persons of interest in his case.
"If you didn't find anything, how did you even know it was the right room?" the sister was asking when Dean got close enough to hear.
He was trying hard not to be noticed while he tailed them, but as quietly as they were talking, he had to stick closer than he would have liked.
"That was where her presence was the strongest," the brother answered. "I just don't know how I'm supposed to help her when she's not strong enough to speak, and we're leaving tomorrow, so tonight is my last chance."
Could he be a psychic of some kind? Maybe a medium?
He turned around abruptly, and Dean barely had time to make it look like he was examining a shop's window display of... glass baubles and nick-knacks. Oh, yeah, he definitely seemed like the type to be interested in those. Hopefully they wouldn't question it.
"Is he staying at our hotel?" the brother whispered.
"Yeah," the sister confirmed, "and he was asking about cold spots and flickering lights, too. You think he knows something?"
"I think I'd rather stay away from him," replied the brother. "He could be the dangerous type."
After that, it seemed like the kids were deliberately trying to shake him, and it wasn't long before they did, almost as if they'd simply vanished into thin air.
Dean gave up searching and returned to the hotel. He found Millie in the lobby and asked if she'd let him into her room to fix the radiator, even brought the few tools that he'd had in his room to make the story more convincing.
"Even if you don't stay in here tonight, I figure I can at least do the hotel a favor," he said.
"Well, I'll leave you to it," she said. "Don't you go snooping around in my underwear drawer," she teased, and he laughed along with her until she closed the door behind her and headed back downstairs to her knitting.
Any evidence that there had been a suicide in this room had been long since erased. It was cold, just as Millie said it was, but there didn't appear to be any problem with the radiator. One of the tools he'd brought along was an iron crowbar, and he gripped it tightly.
"Jennifer, you in here?" he called out.
The time was 5:06, meaning Sam was probably digging up her grave right now.
He got no response.
"Jennifer?" he called again. "Jennifer Bishop?"
Nothing.... he was pretty sure that kid had been saying she wasn't a very powerful ghost, maybe that was why she hadn't done much. She hadn't actually killed or even hurt anyone beyond a couple of nightmares and a cold room. Maybe she couldn't show herself during the day.
The Winchester brothers had only stopped here because they happened to be so close by when Sam read an article that claimed guests at this hotel had seen apparitions, and experienced horrible nightmares about a woman slitting their wrists. But the nightmares weren't actually killing anybody. Normally, they wouldn't have even bothered, but they were only a few miles away, and nothing else was close by.
Dean opened his mouth to call out one more time, but before he could, there was a flash of light and a distant-sounding screen, and he watched as the ghost of Jennifer Bishop appeared and almost instantaneously disappeared.
One down. One to go.
And wow was this room suddenly sweltering. Millie wasn't kidding about turning her thermostat up to ninety. Dean adjusted it to a much more reasonable 74°F, and left to go tell Millie he'd fixed her radiator.
After she was done thanking him, he headed up to his room and called Sam.
"Dean?" Sam said. "I took care of Jennifer Bishop."
"I know, I saw her burn up," Dean replied. "Nicely done. Anyway, I got some new info about our second ghost."
"Yeah? Let's hear it."
"The lady staying in the room where Jennifer offed herself said she saw a glowing figure in a hazmat suit in her room, thought it was a sleep paralysis thing until I brought it up. She said it seemed like it was looking for something, but it didn't seem to find anything."
"So we have a second witness for our hazmat ghost," Sam said. "And the description lined up?"
"Exactly," Dean confirmed. "I also have a new theory about those siblings, the red-headed girl and her brother. I think the brother might be a psychic, and was looking for a way to help Jennifer pass on peacefully, except she wasn't a strong enough spirit for him to connect with. Not sure how or even if this ties into the hazmat ghost at all."
"Still no clues about who it could be?" Sam asked.
"Nada," Dean said. "I did confirm that there was no lab or any kind of scientific facility at this site before the hotel was built. According to the hotel manager, before it was a hotel, it was a movie theater that went out of business during the great depression and got torn down, and before that, it was live-theater, but I'm pretty sure that was before hazmat suits were even invented. Before that, nothing. Just an empty lot."
"So maybe we're looking for someone who died somewhere else and their spirit was brought to the hotel connected to a cursed object," Sam suggested. "Have you seen anything in the hotel that looks like it might have come from a lab? Or belong to some kind of scientist?"
"If it was something that belonged to them, then it could be anything," Dean pointed out in exasperation. "A chair, or a painting, or a vase? I'm not gonna be able to find it unless I know what it is."
"You'd better start looking into any deaths in the area that might have been related to radioactive materials then," Sam said. "Any kind of death that might have occurred while the deceased was wearing a hazmat suit."
"Yeah, something that would have burned right through it," Dean said. "According to our descriptions, the suit is partially melted."
"You got this Dean?" I still have two and a half hours of driving to go.
"Yeah, I got it," Dean replied.
He did not got it. He got nothing. He stayed at the library until it closed at eight and didn't find a single death that fit the description. He got back to the hotel around the same time Sam did.
"Did you fill the tank?" he asked immediately.
"Yes, Dean, I filled the tank," Sam replied, rolling his eyes. "Did you identify our hazmat?"
Dean shook his head. "Nah, I couldn't find squat. It's like this ghost is..."
"A ghost?" Sam finished for him, raising an eyebrow.
Dean scowled. That had been what he was about to say, but he knew it sounded stupid, that's why he'd stopped.
Sam shook his head as they went back up to their room.
The brothers were still puzzling out what to do about their second ghost, Dean cleaning his guns while Sam poured over their dad's journal, when they heard a muffled gasp from above them. Floating there on the ceiling was a figure in a hazmat suit, its faint glow barely visible in the light of the room.
For an instant, none of them moved. Then, acting quickly, Dean grabbed the crowbar that was next to him on the bed and flung it at the figure on the ceiling.
Rather than passing right through, causing the hazmat ghost to dissipate, the crowbar made contact with a clang, hitting it right on the head and knocking it to the floor between the two beds.
"Quick, salt, Sammy!" Dean shouted, rather than gape at the seemingly unconscious 'ghost' on their floor.
He tried to grab the hazmat-wearing figure, and to his surprise, it worked. He dragged it into the armchair in their room while Sam laid a ring of salt around it.
"Do you actually think this'll work, Dean?" Sam asked. "I mean, it doesn't seem like any ghost I've ever seen. Iron is supposed to repel ghosts, not actually hit them. I'm pretty sure this is something else."
"Iron hurt it—"
"Being hit in the head with a crowbar hurt it," Sam pointed out. "Based on that, it could be human for all we know."
"It was on the ceiling, Sam," Dean said flatly, grabbing the iron chains from under the bed and wrapping them around their captive. "And this don't look like Spider-Man to me."
"Well it doesn't look like a ghost, either," Sam insisted.
"So, what, you think this is some kind of Scooby-Doo situation?" Dean asked. "We'll pull off the mask and it turns out it's just some shady real-estate developer who wanted to get the hotel closed down so they could turn it into a theme park? Let's try it then."
Dean grabbed the hood of the hazmat suit and tore it off. 
They both gasped at what they saw.
Whoever it was, he looked young, maybe 13 or 14. His hair was as white as sheet and floated on an imaginary breeze. His face was dark. Lightning-bolt scars criss-crossed it all the way down to the neck until they disappeared under the suit's collar. His skin appeared to be badly burned, flaking off in ashes which vanished before they hit the ground.
He groaned as he started to come back to consciousness, and when he opened his eyes, they were a solid, eerie green, glowing so brightly they almost hurt to look at, even in the well-lit room.
"Still think he's human?" Dean asked quietly.
Sam shook his head, wide-eyed and dumbstruck.
"This sure as hell never happened on Scooby-Doo."
"Ugh," the mysterious boy groaned again, blinking and shaking his head like he was trying to get his bearings. "Did you seriously throw a crowbar at my head?" he demanded after a moment. "What the hell, dude?!"
"What are you?" Sam demanded. "A demon?"
"I'm a ghost, what the hell does it look like?" the boy replied.
"You don't look like any ghost we've ever seen," Dean said.
"Let me guess, you're more used to shades like the other ghost that was floating around this hotel, right?" the kid guessed. "She seems to have left the building though. You two got any idea why?"
"We took care of her," Dean replied. "Sam dug her up and salted and burned her bones. And if you really are a ghost, then we can do the same to you."
"You... you straight up ended her?" he asked. "Just like that? You didn't even give her the chance to move on? Ancients, what the hell!"
"She had the chance to move on when she died, and she didn't take it," Dean said. "Instead she terrorized people, so we showed up to stop her."
"She gave a few people nightmares! Everyone has nightmares sometimes! You didn't have to destroy her!"
"What's it to you, did you know her?" Sam asked. "She a friend of yours?"
"Well... no, but I was trying to?" the boy replied. "She was too weak to capture, and I didn't want to destroy her by trying to fight, so I was trying to learn more about her and help her move on."
"If you're a ghost, why don't you move on?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, what's keeping you around?" Dean echoed the sentiment more harshly.
"The same thing preventing you from salting and burning my bones," came the reply. The so-called ghost did not elaborate.
"And what would that be?" Dean finally asked.
"I guess you could say I'm not dead enough yet."
"So you're not a ghost, then," Sam said.
"I am," said the boy. "I'm not a shade, like that woman you ended. I'm what a ghost is like when we actually have enough power to be a whole person and not just a shadow of our former self. I'm a ghost like you've never encountered before."
"Whatever you are, we're gonna get rid of you," Dean jeered.
"Why?" asked the boy. "I haven't hurt anyone. All I did was try to help another ghost pass peacefully through the veil. Don't you hunters have any sort of moral code?"
"So, what?" Sam asked. "You're proposing we just let you go?"
"Fat chance," Dean scoffed.
"Not exactly," the ghost replied with a smirk. "More like I'm telling you not to feel to guilty when I escape." Then the ghost stood up, iron chains falling right off him. "Iron is more difficult to pass through without destabilizing, but not too much of a challenge for ghosts like me. Sorry, but this will be the last time we see each other."
With that, he pulled his hood back on, obscuring his face once more, so the only thing visible was the glow of his eyes behind the black lenses of his mask. Then he flew right up through the ceiling.
The Winchesters tried to find him. They searched the hotel top to bottom, probably looking half-mad, but he was gone. He'd simply vanished without a trace. And they never did see him again.
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threewaysdivided · 6 months
for the ask game: 💥🤔📚
if we can only do one, your pick :)
(Fanfic writer ask game)
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
I've talked about some other changes in a previous ask, but I think Danny Phantom could have been improved by either re-writing the episode Memory Blank or at the very least, cutting a couple of the jokes. The base-premise is potentially interesting but it was definitely one of the ones where the show did characters dirty for the sake of jokes.
If I had to leave it mostly as-is, I would at least want to ditch the two random insert jokes where Danny "remembers" using his powers to peep in the girl's locker room. Not only is the base joke a gross, sexist "boys will be boys" gag, it also just feels really jarring and almost out of character for Danny in particular. That's not to say that Danny isn't canonically chauvinistic in other ways at times, but this one doesn't jive with how he reacts to similar situations (and behaviors from Tucker) in other, more character-centric episodes. The abrupt musical punctuation feels more like a sudden insert of Fairly Odd Parents humour and I would say it's probably only there because this kind of "adorkable misogynist" punchline is a common staple in both Butch Hartman and Steve Marmel's comedy styles.
Ideally though, since the main purpose of the episode is to give Danny his marketable DP insignia, I would rather do a full re-write around all three trio members actively trying to design a logo for Phantom. Rather than doing Danny and Tucker dirty by making them into boring butt-monkeys who live empty lives without Sam (and doing Sam dirty by making her seem like a weird stalker who changes Danny's suit without his knowledge or consent) we could have had an episode that let the icon have actual symbolic meaning for the whole of "Team Phantom". It's sad that one if the most iconic symbols of the show ends up being tacked onto a character assassinating goof-story when there were so many ways it could have been great.
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
Going to go with a soft no on this one.
For one thing, I believe the best stories happen when someone has a specific story to tell, and at the moment my Deathly Weapons fanfic is the main story I feel the need to make exist. As a mystery nerd, I guess I could maybe do a decent detective story involving Batman or Gotham, but on the other hand I don't think it would be the kind of story Modern DC wants to sell.
From a practical point of view, I also think the things and stories I find the most fascinating within the Danny Phantom fandom would probably be too tonally serious to "fit with the brand" of official canon material. (Although it has been awesome to see some of the Phandom olds getting ascended to the level of official canon creators with the AGiT comics!)
As for Young Justice Animated I think I'm one of several fans who wouldn't mind being tagged-in (or at least a fly on the wall) if DC/Warner Bros ever decided to give it the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood treatment, kick Greg Weisman's Whedon-worshipping incel ass out the door and let some of the prominent staff who were dropped after Season 1 have a do-over to continue the story they were actually setting up. I think there was a lot of potential in that initial cast, and there were some really cool character-centric standalone episodes that could have come from things like digging into Artemis and Jade having a diegetic connection to Alice In Wonderland while living in the same city as Jervis "Mad Hatter" Tech. But as it stands, I found Weisman's multi-season vandalisation of his colleagues' work to be so egregious that I ended up blocking both the main series tag and his name for the sake of my blood pressure. Look, even when he's not writing like the kind of man who probably fantasises about impregnating his colleague's daughter, the Nostalgia-Critic-level incompetence at basic narrative coherence is just exhausting.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
For today's tasting, I would like to recommend Developmental Milestones and the broader Cor Et Cerebrum series by @audreycritter. Actually, let's just make that a general rec' for all Audreycritter's DC stuff.
I really like their interpretations of the Batfam and Superfam. They do such a good job of capturing the humanity of these characters in their non-cape moments, and I love their approach to dialogue. I think it speaks volumes to the strength of their character-writing that, despite not being a reader who generally goes in for Original Characters, I have become deeply obsessed with their on-call OC Batdoctor Kiran "Dev" Devabhaktuni. He is indeed the light of my life. Developmental Milestones is Dev's focus story but plenty of others put the focus on the canon DC roster if you prefer.
Go enjoy seeing Bruce get yelled at by a deeply affronted, potty-mouthed British Doctor with a heart of gold, though he'll stringently deny it.
Thanks for playing!
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bambamramfan · 1 year
I've been thinking about the endless war between Modernism and Post-Modernism. Not even a debate, since so much of the discussion is about even defining the borders and who is on what side. To restate things:
Modernism is the James Scott sense of a belief that we can figure out the rules and principles - behind the universe, life sciences, sociology, morality and ethics - and our leaders can apply them to create an ordered and just society. The Enlightenment was big on Modernism, and really Marxism was its apex.
Post-Modernism is the post-WW1 understanding that none of these rules ever consistently work and the world is nigh-impossible to understand, and any rules we *think* we have about the world are really just stories we tell ourselves, to justify our position in society or to advance one political side over another. It's very meta, often in the Bulverist sense. This is what current Marxists actually sound like.
(Pre-Modernism just being the regular traditionalist "I do this because my ancestors' ancestors were doing this hundreds of years ago. And because God, speaking through His divinely chosen ruler, tells me to or else He will strike me dead.")
A key thing about both of these philosophical schools is that they can't really be disproven. If a modernist regime fails, obviously they just had bad laws instead of good laws, or the people didn't try hard enough to stick to these principles. And post-modernism never fails, it's failure is just a story *you* tell to justify your opposition to it.
(Really you should think of both of these as tools to analyze situations with, sometimes even using both tools on the same situation and asking yourself which is more useful in this moment. But anyway.)
I'm not going to resolve the war between these things today, but just talk about another *modernism I see that is neither of these.
Let's talk about World of Warcraft.
It's the extremely big MMO that has had millions of players for well over a decade now. In the beginning, we knew nothing about the undercarriage of how the game worked (what items dropped from what, how good they were, etc.) Over time we figured out some principles, and we got large forums called "Elitist Jerks" where people argued over the best classes, the best ability rotations, the best gear, etc etc. They referenced guides and came up with general theories and had vibrant conversations. This is clear modernism.
Then almost all the conversations died, and people talk very little on the forums last I checked, compared to years at its prime.
What happened? Politics and post-modernism?
No, what happened was Big Data.
Eventually someone built a downloadable tool called simcraft. It knew every spell, boss, item, and talent in the game. You could just input all your gear, the skills you used, the order you used them in rotation, the general style of fight and... hit a button and it would tell you how much damage per second (DPS) you would do with perfect execution.
This is in some ways a cludge. Few of us have perfect execution, after all. And this doesn't cover utility, tanking, and healing and so those needed other sims with more assumptions. And there were a number of errors anyone could find with its assumptions. But it at least gave a concrete answer to argue over.
Now anytime anyone had a question of "is this talent underrated, because combined with this weapon, on this fight you could..." and the only answer would be "sim it." If sims reliably showed your new idea was better, the top raiders would drift to that, and then the way they did things would trickle down to everyone else. No one really had to argue about which class was the best - there were numbers for it.
The "skill" of the world of warcraft community got better, and the discourse of it dimmed. Just sim it.
Now this would just be an anecdote about games, except for the fact that Big Data is entering more and more of our life.
If you have any problem that can be addressed by throwing it at GIANT FUCKTON OF DATA, now people do that. We often don't know *why* the correlation between two things is the way it is, but we know it's correlated now.
Our incipient AI's aren't Asimovian entities built on three principles taken to their logical conclusions. They're neural nets trained on a ton of data and reinforced with adjustments to hell and back. They give very good answers (and beat us at boardgames.) We generally don't have any modernist explanation for what they are thinking or what rules they are following.
While manipulating training sets is as old as data science, with big data we are talking about sets too big for naive actors to change a few datum and get the answers they want (plus part of this mythos is that anyone can run the simulations themselves if they want to.) The simulations are still built very much on human error, but they are too large and incomprehensible to be easily hijacked by postmodernists into giving the simple answers they want (or rather, that they claim ideologues want.)
This is Sim-Modernism.
We don't just see it in videogame sims and GPT outputs. We see it when someone asks our favorite route from NYC to Philadelphia and we answer "...I just follow whatever Google tells me to." We see it in the most famous political prognosticator of our era not making a simple political model (like Sam Wang would), but rather the model with the most inputs they can imaginably throw in, run the simulation 10,000 times, and see what the results look like. Nate Silver has some idea why his models will favor one party or the other, but he still is in the dark often on what is going on "under the hood." And most of all we see it in algorithms on social media and video sites, that are trained to get the most "engagement" from audiences, and so start throwing up bizarre recommendations that no tech executive would have predicted or even wanted.
A lot of the answers Sim-Modernism gives are pretty good! And even more useful, they are plentiful. Sim-Modernism isn't limited to theorizing what a good novel is, it can generate a new one in seconds, or hundreds of new novels for you to read, once it gets good enough.
I'm not celebrating this as "WE HAVE THE ANSWER that cuts the Gordian knot of modernism." Sim-Modernism does get more accuracy than either regular Modernism or Post - but it's obviously scary in its own way. It means running or being a part of a system that you don't know how it works or where it is really leading you.
(Has anyone else had the experience of driving well out of your way because Google says this path is faster, only to find it eventually requires you to drive through an area you wouldn't have - either because construction means it's really blocked, or it's a suburb that feels like cheating to treat as a bypass?)
And, it will feel sad, in a humanistic way, to live a life that is more efficient but not to understand any of its underpinnings. Do this because "the sim said it is optimal" is not a lot more satisfying than "because your father did and your father's father did..."
And of course, we will have to deal with "whether a computer code that is just regurgitating predictions based on a very large sample of text" is a person or not when it answers questions.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Have any dota patch impressions you’d like to share? I love to hear about that stuff!
I am genuinely shocked 7.33 is not 8.00 honestly. The changes to the map and the overall game are even bigger than when they added talents and moved to 7.00. I think this is the single biggest map change in the history of Dota period.
Some patch impressions:
I actually don't know what the new teleporters are called so my friends and I just call them gank gates. Anyway the gank gates are the biggest addition to Dota's map in the decade + some change i've had playing this game. These + wisdom runes + healing lotuses make the sidelanes far more action-packed than mid now. That's how insane these changes are: mid is the boring lane now.
I like wisdom runes because they introduce another thing for supports to fight over: precious XP. The support on the safelane WILL begin to lose in XP vs the enemy support in the other team's offlane, unless 30 seconds before 7 minutes, the safelane support goes on a secret mission deep into the enemy offlane to take their wisdom rune. Which I now do all the time. Same with the healing lotuses: every 3 minutes there's a free heal, which now the supports have to fight over.
Having two Roshan pits in the map and Roshan traveling between them is incredibly fun. Roshan has only ever had 1 pit in his entire lifetime in Dota (I think 15 years at this point?) and games revolved around controlling the pit, or killing the enemy to make Rosh taking safe. Now the big guy moves between pits, and if you don't kill him in time he can just get up, bash the hell out of your team, and run to the other side of the map that you did NOT set up with wards etc.
Speaking of Roshan, there's a fucking high ground hill next to both Rosh pits which makes Roshan fights a literal King of the hill battle. if your team manages to secure the high ground you get both the vision advantage and the high ground advantage for ranged carries, but the hill itself is so small that if you all bunch up there the enemy team can simply throw all their AOE at once and smite you off the face of the earth
Shield runes are OP. Maybe the second best rune in the game next to Double Damage. They last for 75 seconds and scale off your max HP, if someone grabs it they have like 1.5x health and become impossible to take down.
Adding a 4th hero type, Universal, needed to happen years ago. Crazy that they had Storm, Ember, and Earth Spirit to do Int, Agi, and Strength, and then when they made Void Spirit he was just another int hero. Universal type is way more fun and expands on Void Spirit's possible builds. That fucker can go echo saber now and Bracer and only strength items to get tanky while still doing damage.
It's been close to two decades but Icefrog finally gave up on Poison Nova for my love, Venomancer. He really tried to make Poison Nova work, even reworked it to scale off the enemy's max HP, but with all the extra support items and "save" items added to the game over the years, a very high damage but specifically nonlethal damage over time ult sucked ass and just couldn't work. The new Noxious Plague ult is a MUCH better fit for modern Dota, and Poison Nova being turned into a passive aghanim's scepter upgrade for Veno where he will cast it on death or passively proc Poison Nova on enemy heroes who are killed while they have venomous gale on them perfectly replicates when Poison Nova would be used anyway, except now it's passive and can occur multiple times in a fight! And it also lowers magic resistance now! A much better spell overall.
New items are nice but the Harpoon is far and away the best new addition. It's singlehandedly saving melee carries that don't have natural mobility / can instagib people like Ursa.
Speaking of, DPS Omniknight is real btw. His new shard is good shit. Hammer of Purity deals a ton of pure damage and now that his shard can also apply it to his autos I have seen Omniknights run harpoon and just run supports down, bursting them from full health. Also an amazing build in Turbo mode because nobody expects Omniknight to take out half their HP in a single hit and they panic.
Muerta's super good lmao she's probably the hardest scaling ranged carry in the game now. I'd even say she's probably the strongest lategame hero period but Faceless Void's chronosphere is pretty hard to top.
Tormentors deal so much damage I actually think these guys are more dangerous than Roshan. They need to drop a shard though instead of randomly giving it to the two lowest networth guys on the team the RNG is kinda bullshit even if this was meant to make it so that greedy carry players cant steal the reward from their supports
I'm having the most fun i've ever had with Dota and I've been playing this game since 2012. Sick patch. This makes me want to write those FGO MOBA AU posts again
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wiihtigo · 2 years
hi kobias :) I can't think of something interesting to ask. uh, maybe, who are some of your favorite DC comic artists and why (super duper hardmode: can't say Greg Smallwood)
hello doohan :) (kicking my millions of saved human target covers and panels back under the bed) NO...
hmm off the top of my head, im such a huge fan of adam hughes work seriously...of course i discovered him through his work on justice league international hes drawn two of my favorite covers..i feel so #blessed he just happened to work on jli and draw a bunch of cute boosters before dedicating his life to drawing sexy catwomans (also i think its cute his artist signature is AH!)
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of course speaking of jli i have to say kevin maguire. i swear this isnt turning into "my top booster artists" but i do love that whenever hes at cons he always has like 8 pieces of booster and beetle both to sell just cuz he likes drawing them so much. Hes most famous for his Funny Faces (drawing expressions very realistically) and i seriosly love it so much. I will say though i had a complaint with the way his art was colored in formerly known as the justice league and jla classified i thought it made it look kind of bad i did not like the weird shading style i dont think it suited his pencils at all. sorry. sorry. sorry. his art shines best imo in jli (i think i just have a bias for older comics I have the same things to say about dan jurgens art...maybe its that i prefer the flat coloring to the Every Panel Painstakingly Rendered in most modern comics today? i still love both their art but i mean if i had to choose id choose one of their older comics theyve drawn for. Speaking of dan jurgens i wanna give a shoutout to the first comic book colorist i ever looked up because i was so impressed with the coloring in the comic- Nansi Hoolahan! there was a lot of nice pinks and blues used in boosters first solo and everything just looked so nice it really made dans art shine)
the more time i have to think about artists i like the most i have to kick myself in the shins and speed round myself so i dont end up listing 1million people. OH i remember really loving Mark Badgers art in martian manhunters 1988 mini series. Its such a pleasing unique style i love it
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i promise i really am trying to be clear cut and concise here. I loved richard case and simon bisleys (respectively) stuff in doom patrol.
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DP was a huge pool of cool crazy and unique art as soon as grant morrison stepped in to match their crazy writing it was such a treat to read through.
ok lets see. ty templeton. kyle baker. ramona frandon. jorge corona. doc shaner. Oh also todd nauck of young justice fame. everything looks so clunky i love it
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
I don’t know how to ask you this bestie 😩… But if you write incest do you mind doing one where all might’s daughter has a crush on Endeavor? And they both smash her… Feel free to make it stepcest if that’s more comfortable 🥲
Anyways, congrats on being my FIRST controversial ask. That being said, it took me a while to figure out whether or not I would write this one 🤔. Of course, this will be one of the ones I won’t be able to post on Wattpad lmao, but I’ll give it a go!
If you didn’t already read the request, I will give you the necessary warnings again.
tw: incest….. never thought this day would come, dp
Author's annual moral PSA: I would hope I wouldn't have to tell yall I don't condone this irl. This is both illegal in many states, and in all ways an abuse of power and trust. Not to mention no one should look at their family members in this way and if it has happened to you don't be ashamed of it as it is not your fault but seek help because it is dangerous in the long run. This is for pure fantasy purposes
You are not underage in this fic. I never do underaged work.
There is way too much plot in this
Your cheeks were stretched wide enough to rival your fathers’ as you ran home. Your feet bounce and your pull at your braids nervously as you look out the window of the train, the excitement you felt made you restless to get home. Your neighbors watched you as you ran by, dents caused by your shoes hitting the pavement as your quirk flowed through your pumping blood. “Dad!”
You slam your front door open and scramble through the labyrinth of your rich home. Tossing open your father’s office door unaware of how your outburst startles All Might. “Y-Yes what is it?” Papers flutter all around as you carelessly glide through Toshinori’s neatly stacked papers. You slam the slightly crumpled papers onto his desk, ignoring how the sheer strength of your hand nearly causes his cold cup of coffee to fall. “Remember how 3rd years get the chance to have the first pick in finding the company they’ll sidekick for?!”
All Might watches you with fondness in his eyes as he cleans his glasses off. He was now far in his years, a healthy 82. His hair was now less of a golden yellow and more of beige as it silvered slowly. He was still his normal towering height, retained much of his muscles, and could periodically assume his big form now that he finally had the time to rest and heal properly. “You mean the program that you talked about every day because it was free.”
You roll your eyes, “Free for me, not for you. Anyways look, look, look!” You hold the paper in his face and he takes it from you, “I see you were accepted into your first choice at-” You snatch the paper from him and hop around excitedly, “-At Endevā Jimusho And that’s not even the best part!” All Might's contempt face drops, “All sidekicks get to stay in a guest house in close quarters with Endeavor himself!!"
Joy no longer existed in Toshinori's emotional library. "Absolutely not." Your face falls and your rant halts completely. "What?" Yagi puts his glasses on and shuffles through his papers stiffly, "I do not agree on Endeavors training methods." You raise an eyebrow, "Is this coming from the man that punched Pro-Hero Dynamite and Deku into buildings during an emergency villain drill? In front of everyone?"
Yagi hides his face behind a stapled packet, "I was giving them a taste of reality, a villain does not care for a hero's well-being." You sit down on his desk, legs crossed before curling your finger over his paper, your eyes miss how AllMight briefly glances down, “Yes, but isn’t it a job as a hero to protect people, even the students they train?” Yagi craned his neck until it makes a satisfying crack, a smirk adorning his lips. “I suppose you are right.”
He thinks for a moment before silently shuffling his papers before returning his gaze to your hopeful face, “Why should I assist you with your obvious little crush on my coworker?” You clearly stiffen “Well if it will make you happy-” You don’t allow him to finish before your arms around his shoulders squeezing his neck with most of your strength.
AllMight watches you leave his room slightly disheartened, reaching into his desk drawer he pulls out his phone and dials. “What do you want?” AllMight leans back in his chair pulling at his pants to loosen the tension in his groin, “A proposition.”
The next day Yagi is driving you to your new home for the next 6 months. Your eyes glaze over with futuristic thoughts on how your stay would be. “Everything is so shiny!” Yagi shrugs as he pulls into the parking lot. Enji was always minimalistic when it came to modern designs.” Your head snaps to Toshinori’s side of the car, “His name is Enji!?” Your question is laughed off as Toshinori shuts the car off.
Although your amazement is captured solely by the prospect of working with a pro-hero, the fact that your father is a pro-hero does not go unnoticed by the people around you. “Is that AllMight!” “Should I ask for his picture?!” Even with Yagi’s shadow enveloping your body your attention hones in on the automatic glass doors in front of you.
Inside there is a crowd of students experiencing orientation and getting assigned their respective dorm and possible roommate. You take your first steps in their direction before your arm is pulled and Yagi dawns a playful grin as he presses his finger to his lips. You follow him, eyebrows furrowed “You aren’t trying to change my mind are you?” You don’t get an answer as you are dragged along.
Stairs after stair you follow your father until you come to the very top, legs throbbing but interest peaked. Yagi opens two double doors as easily as breathing and your eyes go wide as the broad shoulders of a familiar hero come into view. “You’re finally here, took you long enough.” Your heart beats in your chest, auburn hair, broad shoulders, and a stoic face that you’d only seen on television, now present in front of you. Yagi shuts the door causing you to jump, “Oh um hi!” A large hand touches your shoulder making you jump” Calm down Y/n!” A cheerful exclamation rings out from above you as Yagi transforms into his larger form.
Heavy footsteps make the room shake wherever the two men walk around the room, “I heard you wanted to meet with me.” Your demeanor goes from uneasy to panicked giggling, “O-Oh really, who told you that!’ AllMight chuckles before patting your head, why don’t you ask him all the silly questions you want, I have to use the restroom.
Endeavor leans against his desk, arms crossed allowing his muscles to bulge through his white button-up shirt. “Yagi tells me a lot of good things about you.” Endeavor stands straighter, a ballpoint pen in hand before he gestures for you to take a seat. You settle in the seat glancing towards the door before looking up at Endeavor who settles on his desk. “What’s the matter, you seem nervous?” The deepness of his tone sends a shiver down your spine. Shifting your legs closer together you clear your throat, “I’m just not used to meeting my childhood hero in person.” Endeavor laughs in a way that sounds more like a bellow, “When you say it like that I feel old!”
Your face hadn’t stopped burning since you entered the room but the joke forced a chuckle through your lips allowing you to relax just a little bit. Calculating eyes narrow, making you feel even smaller than you already did in the hero’s presence. “Now, come on. I’m sure you have something you’d always wanted to do if you met your hero.” Endeavor’s happy-go-lucky attitude catches you off guard as it juxtaposes the hardened persona he had cultivated over the years. “Well, I suppose a picture would be a start if you don’t mind?”
Seconds later you somehow find yourself in Endeavor's lap as he holds the camera up for a picture. His body is unpainted hot but you assume that was simply just a side effect of his quirk. “Um, are you sure you’re okay with this?” Endeavor hums in acceptance. A heavy arm loops around your waist pulling you closer, close enough to become aware of a problem pressed gently against your ass. “Oh!” Endeavor’s fingers slipped pressing the capture button, “What’s wrong did I do it wrong?” You shake your head becoming embarrassed for the both of you, “Nothing!” Enji’s voice lowers into a mumble that reverberated against the back of your neck, “Good.”
Enji straightens his arm once more to retake the picture and you awkwardly smile into the camera, grin becoming strained when he had yet to snap the photo. You shuffle the slightest bit to get a more comfortable position and a guttural groan is released from Enji’s lips. "Are you alright, Endeavor?" Your question is ignored and your phone is put down on the table. Large hands contrasting unbridled power is your stomach delicately as though you were made of porcelain. "Are you sure there is nothing else you'd like to do with your hero?"
Endeavors face nudges away your braids allowing him to press his heated mouth against your skin. "Nothing that would help you get to know them better?" You don't get to respond, your body is hoisted around to face Endeavor. Why nervousness clearly painting itself on your features before being overcome with confused pleasure as Endeavor pressed his lips against your own.
You moan against his lips, hips grinding against each other, the thought of where you are slipped past your mind and to your pussy. Endeavors hands down your body, pinching and pulling before sighing with his calloused fingernails. You couldn't believe this was happening, you feel your pants being pulled off. Just yesterday you believed that you would only be able to meet your hero in passing. Your bra is on the floor and your pussy weeps against his slacks.
The motions are fast-paced and you feel his thumb pressing against your clit. “Yes!” Endeavor kisses your lips, his stubble scratching your cheeks slightly as his tongue explores your mouth. Confidence floods your body as you hop off of Endeavor's lap and quickly undo the buttons of his slacks, he watches you out of breath in the best way.
Thick in your hands, the veins twitch to the tune of his blood. The clear stickiness of pre-cum coats the underside and you use it to stroke his length. "Please fuck me Endeavor!" You look up at him, face contorted with desperate thoughts as you angle your body towards his cock, the tip of it rubbing against your folds. You were wet, so wet making the fuchsia tip of his cock feel more engorged.
"Don't regret this. "You’re pulled back into his lap with ease, pussy trembling from the display of strength. With Endeavor holding your weight and your hand positioning his length below you, the slide down was easy as it could be. Your legs wrap around his waist as you adjust to him. “We have to be quick.” Endeavor rolls your hips when your breathing becomes even again, “We have all the time in the world.” You smirk trailing your finger up Enji’s chest, “What, you have a thing for getting caught?”
Your cheeks are spread apart by Endeavor’s fingers as he hooks one into the small slit left remaining in your pussy. “Something like that.” From behind you the sound of the door shutting makes your neck quickly craned around to look back. Standing with his arms behind his back and an unreadable expression stood Yagi, “Am I missing the party?” Ashamed excuses leave your mouth, tearful and panicked you squeal when Endeavor raises your hips before sliding you down his cock. “No, you are just in time.”
Yagi slowly removes the suit he wore, shrugging off his suit jacket as the sound of your muffled whimpers filter through his ears. You hide your face, curling into Endeavor’s form but a hand stops you, gripping your face, “Don’t be shy, it was his idea after all.” AllMight chuckled, “Yeah, it took a lot of convincing on my part.”Long fingers wrapped around the base of your skull where your braids connect before yanking your head back.
Toshinori looked down at you, face stoic and mockingly disappointed, "I thought it would take a lot more convincing but look at you. " Yagi dragged the back of his hand around your jaw and down your chest ripping the fabric with ease. Your tits bounced on every thrust that Endeavor continued to make, wordless moans and drool leaving your moan as your pussy clenched around the cock inside you.
"Such a little whore for him aren't you?" You shake your head in protest before your eyes widen as chapped but soft lips are placed over yours. He was kissing you, your brain short circuits as his tongue forces its way past your lips. It's wrong, you know that. Hell, this whole situation is wrong. You should be downstairs with the others doing orientation, not upstairs riding the cock of a pro-hero and french kissing the other. You knew it was wrong, but why did it feel so good?
Endeavor groans at how sloppy you were becoming. The sound of your pussy squelching as cream gathered around Endeavor's cock before being pushed back inside of you. "So both of you are twisted in the head." A large thumb presses down on your clit making your pussy spasm as you cum from the heightened stimulation. Endeavor keeps thrusting, his libido unmatched and energy pent up.
Yagi reaches in between the two of you pressing his palm against your pussy as his fingertips graze Enji’s dick on every upstroke. “Are you getting wetter sweetheart? He feels so good doesn't he?" Your mouth is agape and your weak hands Endeavor's shoulder is the only thing keeping you upright when your eyes roll back. "Y-Yes daddy!" Yagi wheezes before he's fiddling with his suit pants and pulling you back by your hair.
It was a strange display of balance on your end. Endeavor’s arms hold your legs tightly in order to keep you on his lap and on his cock meanwhile you are as your father slaps his hardened cock against your cheek, splashing his precum onto your chin. "I got you this far dear, why don't you return the favor?"
Whether it was diluted senses or your subconscious coming forward, you open your mouth for him, moaning as he invades every crevice of your jaw. Your throat constricts and you retch around the warm heat. Yagi is unapologetic and downright brutal as he pulls back before bringing his hips forward again.
The two men's moans empty into the office room and your garbled cooking is ignored as they both have their fill, leaving you to wonder if this really was for you. Numbness invaded your senses as you come again on Endeavor's cock with him not that far behind as he blows his load into your pussy. "It's been a while I will admit." Endeavor slaps your pussy once, then twice just to feel you squeeze down on him every time your hips jerked.
Tears and drool running down your face the faster your father fucks your throat and you knew you'd be sore the next day. "My turn." All Might pulls out and walks away not even showing you a glance as you choke from the lack of oxygen. Enji helps you sit up and wipes your face before Toshinori is pulling you away from Endeavor showing no care that his cock was still in you. He sits down and pulls you onto his own lap ignoring your dazed look as your brain struggles with the various changes of attitude.
"You gotta thank daddy for helping you meet your hero, don't you think?” His hand cups your round cheeks before the other slams down on the other one. Overestimated tears tremble down your brown skin as you hiccup, "Yes daddy." You rock against his cock, both your saliva and his own precum staining your stomach and public hair.
He fills you, even better than Endeavor did, and begins his onslaught of thrusts. You scream, the sound no doubt traveling outside the room, "Daddy please fuck me!!!" The speed at which you were moving was one that could only be done by a hero and it was more pain than pleasure. The constant pounding of your cervix makes your teeth clench together each time his mushroom head punches it.
"Yes, give daddy this sloppy pussy, squeeze down for me-oh fuck!" Lewd words you never even believed Yagi was capable of saying leave his lips. Your shoulder is bit by the redheaded man behind you as he cups your breasts together, tugging on your nipple before rubbing the nubbed patterns on your areolas. "I can't take it any more daddy please!" Your arms wrap around his shoulders as he causes your pussy to queen and cream, balls slapping the underside of your ass, sticky with Endeavor’s cum.
"This is what you raised Yagi? A little whore?" Yagi chuckles, "I'm just as surprised as you are Enji, say why don't you join? You aren't one and done are you?" Endeavor scoffs, you wish that upon me don't you?"
Your mind, altered with lust, does not understand the hidden meaning behind the word "join" but you soon realize it when fat fingers are pushing their way in the same hole Toshinori occupied. "E-Endeavor?" You're shushed as his fingers pump inside you with Yagi’s cock, curling and prodding your walls at every turn. You feel fuller than you ever thought you could and the pressure only continued.
"Look at my pretty little girl taking her daddy's cock, so fucking tight for me. Can you do this for Endeavor too? Fit both our fat cocks in your hero guzzling hole?" You nod at the degradation and feel the warmth from Endeavor envelope your back. His tip massages the stretched opening as Yagi stops thrusting for a moment.
There is silence, and then there is pain. You hardly feel the initial penetration of Enji’s cock, but you do feel it when Yagi tries to move again. You can hardly breathe between the sandwich the 3 of you created and your comfort is practically ignored as they both begin to move at opposite tempos. “O-oh god!” With your eyes screwed shut and mouth agape the two men grunt against your ears.
Your g-spot and cervix are both pushed against as their thrusts become more impersonal. Endeavor grabs your arms from around Yagi’s neck before pulling them behind your back. Your legs tremble uselessly around Toshinori’s thighs. His breath huffing the more he exerted himself steam easily slipping from his lips the faster he went. “I’m gonna cum!” Endeavor grunts, pistoning out of you even faster than he was before. A hand rests on his shoulder and he’s shoved back making you whimper from the partial emptiness. “Not inside bastard.”
Yagi becomes his gental self again as his still hard cock slips from your entrance. He places you on the ground giving you time to prop yourself up before grabiing his dick and stroking it infront of your face. You are to fucked out to do anything but present yourself as a pretty little canvas as his cum paints your face. You lick the small drops painting your chin before flashing a coy smile, “Thank you Daddy!”
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mortuus-poet · 3 years
Do you have any modern dps headcannons?
Hey!! So sorry for the lack of posts, I’ve been really busy recently and kinda hit a block but I’m gonna try to get back to posting regularly!
All of them use weed in one way or another except Cameron
Todd has asthma (this may not be modern only but i needed to say it, it just makes sense to me for some reason. I have asthma I get to chose 😩)
Cameron is the only one who actually ever had Covid despite being the most careful of them all, he’s still unsure how it happened
Charlie and Knox kept making him eat weird shit because he lost his taste and they found it super entertaining
All of the boys have gone to one of those wine paint nights together where you just drink a shit ton of wine and follow a painting tutorial
Charlie and Neil got drunk as hell off wine somehow
They all took a ceramics class together too
Charlie just kept messing with Cameron and throwing clay at him
This resulted in Cameron retaliating and throwing clay back at him, only to miss and hit Meeks
Meeks then started throwing clay too, then everyone joined in and pretty soon they were all just covered in clay and laughing their asses off
The instructor was not happy, needless to say they were not welcomed back
They all bought matching sweaters
They all have friendship bracelets together
Meeks is obsessed with crystals and their energies and is really into witchcraft and that sort of thing
Pitts is the groups repair man, if their tv is broken they call Pitts, if their computer isn’t working they call Pitts, it’s always Pitts job to fix electronics
After 2 years of them all living on their own they decided to find a house big enough to fit them all and move in together
Charlie calls it the dead poets hype house
Pitts and Meeks are the only two in the house who are willing to deal with bugs. Meeks usually kills spiders and Pitts relocates every bug he sees
There has been numerous times Todd has woken Meeks up in the middle of the night because there was a spider in his and Neil’s room and he was too scared to get rid of it
Todd and Neil are the ones who decorate the house, they chose wall decor, furniture, colors, all that stuff (they don’t decorate the others bedrooms though ofc)
Charlie forced Neil and Todd to let him put color changing lightbulbs that are controlled through an app in every single room of the house
Everyone has the app and can change the colors as they please, but it’s usually Charlie setting it to random colors like bright red or purple
They make blanket forts in the living room and watch horror movies together regularly
Mr. keating comes and visits them every now and then at their house, he always compliments the decor and it makes Neil and Todd swell with pride
Whenever Keating visits they have a board game night with him and they just play as many board games as they can before Keating has to leave
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five-rivers · 3 years
DP/HP twin fic chapter 1
This would be the first chapter of that DP/HP twin fic...  I need a name for it before I post it elsewhere...  I can’t think of a name... help...  @ladylynse I blame you for this entirely.  It’s 3k and they haven’t even met yet.  What am I doing.
Here’s the thing.  Danny had encountered wizards before.  And witches.  Multiple times.  
He was not a fan.  
Burning, or other forms of murder, hadn’t ever crossed his mind as a solution to them, even when Freakshow decided to derail his life yet again.  Still. There were only so many times you could stumble upon members of a certain group zapping people with bargain-bin neuralyzers and leaving hours’ worth of uncertain memories in their wake before you got sort of fed up.  
Memory erasure was great in fiction.  Not so much in real life.  
Danny got it.  He’d erased a couple of memories himself.  Well, a lot of memories, depending on how one took the Reality Gauntlet incident.  But as far as motivations went, ‘trying not to be dissected by the government’ was a lot different from ‘we can’t be bothered to be discreet about our sporting events and we think it’s funny that our venue managed to attract ghost hunters when these magicless fools have never seen a real ghost in their lives so we’re going to mess with them.’  
Yeah.  Danny was still annoyed about that.  Also, about their reactions to him when he crossed an invisible line that was apparently supposed to repulse ‘no-majs.’  
That was before getting into Desiree, one of the few witches to become a proper ghost.  According to her, witches and wizards had a different system, and it was rare for magic users to enter the Infinite Realms.  Dora’s dragon amulet had also been enchanted prior to her death, although that could have been a ghost’s work, and Dora had never shared where it had come from.  
Anyway, the point was that Danny knew about magic as an entity separate from ghost powers and at least a small subset of the living beings that relied upon it.  
So, when the woman who dressed like she was living a century ago and smelled of magic walked up to his house, he’d braced himself for a fight.  He wasn’t going to let his parents be ‘obliviated’ again.  They were oblivious enough as it was!
But.  No. She’d come in, no wand in sight (although Danny still wasn’t entirely sure those were necessary) and sat down on the couch, hands primly folded, ignoring all of the… rather questionable features of the Fenton living room.  
To add to the weirdness, his parents had been expecting her.  They knew her by name.  They wanted Danny to be in the room to meet her.  
“Edna,” Jack said, with a strained smile.  “How have you been?”
“Well enough,” said Edna, her eyes flicking to where Danny stood in the kitchen door, watching. “And this must be young Deneb Alased, correct?”
“Yeah,” said Danny, frowning.  There weren’t a whole lot of people who knew his legal name, let alone his middle name.  So, who was this?  “I am.” He looked at his parents, willing them to clear up whatever this was.  
Both of their faces were sour, but they were trying to hide it.  Maddie was doing better than Jack.  
“This is Edna,” said Maddie.  “Why don’t you come and sit down, Danny?”  She patted the back of Jack’s favorite recliner.
Danny noticed how Edna’s mouth twitched down at his nickname. His fingers curled, ghost energy buzzing under his skin just barely kept from his eyes.  He didn’t like this.  
“It’s alright,” said Edna, smiling kindly.  “This must be very confusing for you.  I would be concerned myself, under these circumstances. What I’m about to tell you may be difficult to process, however.”
“We’d like to start it off, actually,” said Maddie. “When you called this morning—” She broke off, making a face.  “We were told this wouldn’t happen.”
“Yes, well,” said Edna.  She shrugged.  “Purebloods. What can you do?  Evidently—Well.  You should have your say, first.”
Danny gave Edna another suspicious glance.  Maybe all wizards weren’t bad.  Maybe Freakshow was an outlier and sports fans just sucked in general.
Yeah, honestly, that tracked.  (Cough, Vlad, cough, Dash, cough.)
He sat down.  “Okay,” he said.  “Way to be ominous.  What’s going on?”
“Well, Danno,” said Jack.  He laughed nervously.
“You’re adopted,” said Maddie, bluntly.
Danny blinked.  “Wait, what?” he said.  “Adopted?  But I look just like you guys!”
Jack’s nervous chuckles continued.  “We are related to your birth parents…  not closely, but…  Yes.”
“Oh my gosh,” said Danny, feeling several layers of personal identity float away from him.  He’d always blamed his weirdness on genetics and family history.  Especially the ghost stuff.  Then again, his name, which definitely did not match with his parents’ or sister’s, probably should have tipped him off.  “You’re serious?”
“I’m afraid so, Danny,” said Jack, kneeling by the chair and patting his knee.  “But don’t worry!  You’ll always be a Fenton, no matter what!”
Danny nodded, swallowing back emotion.  “And Jazz?  Is she…?”
“She’s adopted, too.  At about the same time as you, in fact,” said Maddie.  “So am I and Alicia.  It’s a long story.”
“Okay,” said Danny, determined to get that story at some point.  “Why is she here, then?”
“I was involved in your adoption,” she explained, “and certain members of your birth family want to get back in contact with you.”  
Ancients, that was sure a thing to hit a guy with right after the ‘you’re adopted’ revelation.  
Hold up.  He was forgetting something.  This was a witch.  How did that play into this?  Because it had to.  Witches and wizards, as far as Danny could tell, tended to isolate themselves from the rest of humanity.  
He decided he did not like the probable trajectory of this conversation.  
“Why?” he asked, because he wasn’t going to say he knew about magic until and unless someone else cracked first.  
“Yes,” said Maddie.  “Why?  Why now? We were under the impression that they would never contact us.”
“Evidently,” said Edna, “Deneb’s birth mother was not properly informed of the decision to put him up for adoption.”
Okay.  Yeah. That was a lead-in to his biological parents being magical because he couldn’t think of a single modern western country where that would fly.  
“So, what?  I was kidnapped at birth or something?” asked Danny.
“Not exactly,” said Edna, wincing.  “It was your birth father who filed the paperwork.”
“And she’s only now wondering where Danny is?” asked Maddie, a little shrilly.  Her stress from before was now spilling over into anger so sharp Danny could taste it like a knife on his tongue.  “Did she somehow manage to forget giving birth?”
“No,” said Edna.  “Which brings us to the other matter.  One of the other matters.  The one who first sent the request for your adoption information was actually your twin brother.”
A third monumental revelation.  Wonderful.  What next?
“We, of course, contacted his parents, and discovered the irregularity regarding your birth mother’s consent.  Hence my presence here today.”  She opened her bag and removed a small glass tube, about twice the length of Danny’s palm and the same diameter as a quarter.   “There was also the issue regarding how young you were when you were put up for adoption.  Generally, our agency deals with the placement of children aged from five to eleven.”  She held the tube out to Danny.  “Could you hold this, please?”
“Do you really need to do this?” asked Jack.  
“Due to all the irregularities involved, yes,” said Edna. “Our organization charter unfortunately requires it.  If the mother was not consulted, as is required, the reasoning is that other required things are not as certain.”
“Hold up,” said Danny, hands tightening around the ends of the armrests.  “These people—” Who were most probably wizards, and wasn’t that a thing to get his head around, “—they’re not trying to get custody of me again, are they? After giving me away?”
“No,” said Maddie.  “We won’t let that happen.”
“We’re not going to give him back to people who were going to abandon him just because—!”  Dad broke off.  “Uh. Because.”
“You know,” said Danny, deciding to cut off… whatever this was. “Even if this ‘test’ is, like…” He trailed off.  “Whatever result you want it to be.  I don’t know.  I’m still going to find out whatever it is you’re dancing around anyway.  Because I’m not going to forget this conversation.”
The witch twitched slightly towards where Danny knew her wand was hidden.  
Screw it.  “And I’m not going to let you erase my memory.  You people do get how messed up that is, right?”
Danny was treated to the sound and sight of three jaws dropping open.  
“How do you-?” started Maddie.  
“You remember when we went to that camp because people thought it was haunted?  But you didn’t find anything?  Well, they managed to get both of you that time, but not me.  And I know you’re one of them, so I’m betting that whatever this is, it has to do with magic.”  He paused. “It was some weird magic sporting event, apparently.”
“The-?  You went to the Quidditch World Cup?” asked Edna.
“What?  No!” protested Maddie.  “That was in Britain, wasn’t it?  We were just in the next state.”  She scowled. “I’m going to write a letter of complaint.  Even if we’re living without magic, we’re not no-majs.  We’re squibs.  They had no right to obliviate us.”
“Okay,” said Danny.  “Yeah.  You’ve lost me.  Squibs?”
No one seemed willing to answer the question.  
“If you’d just take this,” said Edna, holding out the tube a little desperately.  “It will be much easier to explain all at once.”
Danny looked up at his parents.  Jack looked at Maddie.  Maddie drummed her fingers on the back of his chair.  
“It’ll be fine,” said Maddie, “probably.”
“Fine,” said Danny.  He took the tube.  Almost at once, it started glowing green.  
“Oh,” said Edna, frowning and leaning closer.  “It usually isn’t—”
The tube exploded, embedding several small glass shards in Danny’s hands.  
“Ow,” said Danny.  
“Oh,” said Edna again, evidently not registering the small splinter of glass in her cheek.  “Well. Whoever your birth father hired to test your magic as an infant obviously got it wrong.  Congratulations, Mr. Fenton.  You’re a wizard.”
“My hand is bleeding.”
“Yes,” agreed Edna.  “It isn’t supposed to explode, you see.”
Once Danny got cleaned up, which involved a lot of glaring at Edna from Maddie and Jack, they adjourned to the kitchen, which was free of random glass shards.  
“The adoption organization I work for,” said Edna, “places squibs—people born to magical parents who do not have magic themselves—with families of squibs.  Assuming the child’s birth parents do want to give up their child over something like not having magic.”  Her nose wrinkled.  “The common wisdom is that it is easier for such children to grow up in an environment that is not explicitly magical.  In any case, it is my personal belief that anyone who would give up a child over something like that isn’t going to be the best of parents.”
“Alright,” said Danny, “so… all of us are squibs.”
“Except you, apparently,” said Edna.  “It’s hard to tell whether or not someone as young as you were when you were given up will be magical or not.  Which is why we usually only deal with older children.  I don’t suppose you’ve noticed anything odd happening around yourself?  Or unusual abilities?”
Danny stared at her flatly for several long moments.  His entire life could be classified as ‘odd,’ and most of it he wasn’t about to share with Edna.  Or his parents, as much as he loved them.
But, on the other hand, he now had a great excuse for at least some of his weirdness.  His parents wouldn’t think ghost if they could think wizard first.
“Like, define ‘odd,’” said Danny.  Despite his earlier encounters with wizards, he had no idea what was normal for them.  Other than memory wiping.  Which he could not do and wouldn’t have demonstrated anyway.  
Okay.  If was actually a wizard, and Edna’s doohickey wasn’t just reacting to his ghostliness, he probably could learn how to do the memory thing, but he didn’t know now, so the distinction was meaningless.  
(Maybe being a wizard or a squib or whatever was why he wasn’t just.  Dead.)
(Yeah, he didn’t want to think about that.)
“Just…  Being in one place, and then a different place.  Surviving something you shouldn’t have been able to unscathed.  Things moving by themselves or changing color or size. Temperature changes.  Something you want very badly happening, even if it is impossible or extremely unlikely.”
“Okay,” said Danny.  “Yeah.”
“To which one?” asked Jack, concerned.  “I haven’t noticed anything like that except what the ghosts do.”
“Um,” said Danny.  “This?”  He put his hand down on the table, intending to leave an icy handprint.  That should be acceptable, right?  If temperature changes were normal…
His nerves got the best of him.  He knew he was nervous showing even one of his powers around his parents.  He overcompensated.  
The table was covered with frost.  
“Oops?” said Danny.  
All the blood had left Edna’s face.  Jack and Maddie didn’t look much better.  
“Dear lord,” said Edna.  “You can do that at will?”
“Yes,” said Danny, holding his hand close to his chest. “More or less.”
“Danny,” said Jack, “why didn’t you tell us?”
“I thought you’d think it was a ghost thing.  You kind of shoot first and ask questions later about ghost things.”
“Oh my god,” said Edna.  “Never mind that.  You can do wandless magic and you’re fourteen?”
“Fifteen,” said Danny, “but, yeah.  I guess.”
Evidently, this wasn’t normal.  
Also, his comment about shooting first hurt his parents’ feelings.  Go figure. Not like they weren’t keeping a massive secret.  
“So,” said Danny, once the other discussions had been shelved for the time being, “I have a brother?  I think a brother was, at some point, mentioned.”
“Yes,” said Edna.  “A twin brother.  He wants to meet you.  Along with your biological mother.”
“And if I don’t want to?” asked Danny.  “If I don’t want to have anything to do with them?”
“I don’t even know,” said Edna.  “I can’t believe you slipped under the national detection spell. There’s going to be so much paperwork involved in this.  International paperwork.”
“You were born in Britain,” said Edna, as if this were a minor detail.  
Yeah.  Like his sense of self needed any further pummeling.  
“But it isn’t our fault everything is so messed up,” said Danny.  He maybe had some curiosity about his twin brother, but if there was any risk he’d be taken away…
“I understand,” said Edna, “but nothing like this has come up before, as far as we know.”  She sighed. “If it makes you feel better, I will use any influence I have in the matter to recommend that you retain custody of Deneb.  In the meantime…  Do you want to, uh, open communications with any members of your biological family?”
“I don’t know,” said Danny.  “Can I think about it?”
Relations in the Malfoy household had been strained ever since Draco’s investigation of his family tree (unrelated to the return of the Dark Lord and how blood purity was now much, much more important) had revealed that his twin brother had not, in fact, died at birth.  
And by strained, Draco meant that his parents had taken to living on opposite sides of the manor, interacting only when there were visitors.  Visitors such as his father’s Death Eater friends, members of society, and various government officials.  All of whom were more alike, and had greater overlap, than even Draco had initially suspected.  
This left Draco walking on eggshells between the two of them and wishing for Hogwarts to start again.  Anything he did to please one had to be entirely out of sight of the other, or else they began to fight again.  Truthfully, Draco was more on his mother’s side, all things considered, but his father was the one with the friends, and Draco couldn’t stay home under his mother’s wings for all his life.  Like his dragon namesake, he had to fly.  
Which he would most certainly do.  Soon.  No, he wasn’t hiding from his parents in his room.  That would be ridiculous.  They knew where his room was.  They could find him if they wanted to, and neither of them was anywhere near him.  He knew.  He’d checked.
This made the inarticulate shriek of rage he overheard from his mother all the more concerning.  
It was enough to make him emerge – cautiously! – from his self-imposed exile.  
He was curious.  And stupid.  It got him into enough trouble at school, why not at home?
Also, he really needed to know.  For his own safety.  Tiptoeing around whatever disaster just happened would be impossible if he didn’t know what it was.  
Instead, he tiptoed after his mother.  
His mother, who was angry enough that sparks were coming off the end of her tightly gripped wand.  Green sparks.  
Draco had never actually seen the killing curse in action, but his mother’s face screamed murder all on its own, no magic required, despite the fact that Draco was only catching glimpses of it as she strode towards his father’s half of the house.  
This was going to be bad.  Terrible.  Possibly the kind of event that saw one of his parents in Azkaban and the other in little, tiny pieces all around the smoking room.  
Lucius, for his part, looked paralyzed where he stood, and Draco briefly entertained the notion that Narcissa had managed to cast petrificus totalis on him without moving her wand or speaking the words.
Narcissa planted herself firmly in front of Lucius and glared up at him, seething, her breath making sucking noises as it passed through her teeth.  
She punched Lucius in the face.  The man toppled, clutching his nose.  Narcissa kicked him.
It was a good thing that the Malfoys had no neighbors, because what Narcissa screamed next likely could have been heard for at least a mile.
“He wasn’t even a squib, you lying bastard!”
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anthropwashere · 4 years
deadfic: you need to play your part
For @goodintentionswipfest, have 1.1k of DP fic from 2014! I can’t remember where I was going with this BUT the Prime Danny Clone deserved better.
Title comes from Nine Inch Nails’ “Copy of A.”
You’ve been suspended in this narrow stasis tube for months, breathing in the same chemical tang, barely capable of focusing your attention on anything happening beyond the three-inch Plexiglass panel because the supercomputer you’re wired up to has been streaming information directly into your brain. Months forcibly spent absorbing human history, the advances of modern science; all of it in no less than four languages. Months in isolation, suspended animation, your body nourished by a feeding tube and a saline drip, electricity humming through your ectoplasm so that your human half’s muscles won’t atrophy. When—if—you’re ever unplugged, pulled out of this awful tube, you will be indistinguishable from any average teenager. 
When you’re human, that is. But you’ve never been human before. You’ve never been stable enough to even risk the transformation. At least, that’s what you’ve heard the Maddie program say, a constant buzz in the back of your mind. 
prime clone stabilization at 17%
prime clone stabilization at 29%
prime clone stabilization at 43%
prime clone stabilization at 55%
prime clone stabilization at 70%
prime clone stabilization at 73%
prime clone stabilization at 79%
Those percentages ticking by, ticking up. The higher the number, the closer you are to being free.
Beyond your tube, shadows move. There were other clones, before you. Failures, or you wouldn’t exist. They serve Father, unwavering, even if it means complete destabilization. 
Without warning, the Maddie program pulls the data feed.
It’s like being dunked in ice water, or at least how you’ve come to understand the information of being dunked in ice water. The sound-colors-motion of the feed is all you’ve ever known, canned voices and the pixelated faces of Dad’s enemies, Dad’s victims, Dad’s singular love; the full breadth and width of the original Daniel Fenton’s life chopped up into bite-sized statistics—without all that pressure in your skull, your world is dark and terribly quiet.
The wires and tubes threaded under your skin twitch, slip out of your skin all at once, and this is your first taste of pain. You gasp, but the sound is drowned out by the noise of suction cups popping off your skin and suit, and that sound is drowned out by the depressurized hiss of the stasis tube’s door opening for the very first time.
Dad keeps his lab at a brisk 50 degrees. After months of the same sharp smell of warm ectoplasm and your own sour exhale, the fresh air burns in your nose and throat.
The first words you hear Dad say are: “Welcome to the world, young Daniel,” as he steps into your line of sight. He’s in his ghost form, tall and broad and just as menacing as the data feed promised, yet you feel no fear. He’s your father, your creator, your reason to exist. You see him, and you want to do anything—everything—for him.
But then his face changes, twists into something ugly, something disgusted. He takes a step back, looks away from you to furiously yell, “Maddie! His eyes! What’s wrong with his eyes?”
“Superficial deformities are to be expected due to genetic splicing, teddy bear,” the Maddie program says brightly.
You try to form the words, to ask what’s wrong with your eyes, to ask what she means. You have no memory of genetic splicing. You’re a perfect copy of the original Daniel—aren’t you?
Dad relaxes, bares his fangs in a shuddering smile. “Ah, yes. Yes, of course! I had forgotten the probability of that. Release him.”
Your restraints pop open, and suddenly you’re using your legs for the very first time. In your head, you know how all this works, joints and weight and gravity and all that. But the doing—well, you fall right out of your tube not two seconds after your knees began wondering what the hell was going on.
But Dad catches you, Dad and his strong, strong arms embrace you, and it’s like coming home. “Easy, easy!” he chuckles. “Don’t worry, Daniel, I’ve got you.”
You understand how to talk, but the action eludes you; only air whistles through your throat when you try to say, I love you.
Dad brings a mirror down to the lab when you ask for one, leans it up against a bare stretch of wall and floats out of the way so you might observe your whole self, the self beyond what your installed memories and your limited perception have provided.
“What?” Your voice is still a feathery, clumsy sound. Consonants are hard. You hate consonants kind of a lot. “My eyes?”
You remember Dad saying something, when he pulled you out of the stasis tube. He said something was wrong with your eyes, but that had been—
Well. Time is a funny thing to you still. You know it exists, you know it passes, because Dad has to leave you alone, has to leave the Maddie program to babysit while you practice basic actions your brain is convinced you have down pat but you’ve never done once in your life. A week has passed since then? Maybe? You don’t know. You don’t bother to ask. 
But your eyes. You’d hoped whatever had been different—had been wrong—with them had corrected itself by now.
But your ghost half’s eyes aren’t green. They’re red, wholly red, just like Dad’s.
“I know,” he says, swooping in like the Discovery Channel screenshots of birds of prey you have emblazoned in your head. He grips your shoulders with fingers like talons, his huge white-and-red cloak slapping your ankles. “I know. It’s a shame, isn’t it? Nearly perfect, but for the eyes. Ah well, nothing we can’t fix later, isn’t that right, my boy?”
You look at his grinning reflection, something you don’t have a name for curling unpleasantly in your gut. “Right,” you say.
You’re cold all the time, and that doesn’t make any sense. The original Daniel has no issues with the cold, is comfortable in subzero temperatures as long as he’s in his ghost form. Even as a human, near-freezing is barely cause to bother with a jacket. So why do you shiver at a measly 50 degrees?
You wait until Dad’s long-since phased upstairs and the Maddie program has idled, and then you waited longer, just to be sure. Finally, you shuffle up to the rear of the central server rack, where fans blow hot air in a continuous stream, and hold out your hands. Heat soaks into your skin, spreads up your arms, and you breathe a happy sigh of relief you didn’t know you were holding. You knew what being warm was, but you’ve never experienced it before now, and it’s even better than you thought it would be.
But that wonderful sensation lasts only seconds, and then your gloves begin to blister before your eyes.
prime clone stabilization at 63%
Dad scolds you sharp enough to hurt nearly like a physical blow, though he doesn’t raise a hand against you. His claws dig into the rubbery skin of your burned arms, not unkindly, as he cleans and wraps the ugly green wounds
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dead-poets-fics · 3 years
hi I don‘t know if you’ve already done that, but I’m looking for any kinds of Charlie/Knox writings 🥺
Admittedly, I have never read any Charlie/Knox and this is my first time searching it so bare with me, but I did find this one which looks good! It is a WIP though, just FYI. This one appears to be a modern fake dating AU! It is tagged as angsty and there’s a tag about implied/referenced homophobia, but those appear to be the only things to watch out for; however there are quite a lot of tags on that one so you might want to look them over in case anything else could be potentially triggering for you.
This one is also a WIP and appears to center around outing/threatening to out someone, but is tagged as a getting together fic for Charlie and Knox. There is fluff and angst as a tag and also a tag for a minor character death, but the author explicitly says it is NOT Neil. Also, Cameron is not portrayed positively so if you are pro-Cameron, this is probably not the fic for you.
This one appears to be a modern-day AU centered around all 7 of the gang quarantined together for the c*ronavirus. It IS marked as part 2 of a series and I am not sure if the two are chronological or can be read as standalones so I will also link it below.
Part 1 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16126835
This one is a modern College AU in which Knox agrees to help Todd get with Neil while also trying to get with Chris, but the description says “if only life and Charlie Dalton would stop getting in the way.”
This one is complete and is listed as a subtext fic where the author just added scenes to have Charlie/Knox be canon. The only tag to heed is the “mild internalized homophobia”, I believe and I wanted to include the description for this one because it honestly sounds AMAZING: If you took the Dead Poet's Society movie, refocused it on Charlie Dalton, added some scenes to up the gay factor, added some gay thoughts to some preexisting scenes, and basically just rehashed the actual movie to Make It Happen for your unpopular pairing, then you would have my fic.
This one is also complete and sounds great!!! Here is the description:
Knox Overstreet is new to Welton Academy, but his roommate Charlie is there to help him learn the ropes.
What Knox thought was a close friendship is quickly becoming something else, and he's not sure what to do with the feelings he's developed for his best friend.
The Dead Poets Society might be the only thing that can help him face his identity, and in turn, his undeniable attraction to Charlie Dalton.
There are tags for internalized homophobia, angst with a happy ending, and underage drinking, and also it is said in the tags that Cameron is not part of the dps in this one.
I hope this is a good start for you for some Charlie/Knox! If you need more, let us know and we can get those for you!
-mod emma
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tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
tagged by @sofiawylics - thank you! <3
fave genre? i don’t have any, but i usually do prefer pop
fave artist? Hayley Kiyoko, Hozier, Bleachers, the 1975s, Måneskin, Lil Nas X, Years & Years, Greyson Chance, and many, many more. fave song? none
most listened song recently? uhhh idk
song currently stuck in your head? “i ate you up the day we first spoke/love bites so deep, we got tiger teeth” (Walk The Moon - Tiger Teeth)
5 fave lyrics? The first that came to mind were: 1) “Like context in a modern debate, I just took it out.“ + “And I was 25 and afraid to go outside; A millennial that baby-boomers like.“ (The 1975 - Give Yourself A Try) 2) “We didn't start the fire; No, we didn't light it; But we tried to fight it.” (Billy Joel - We Didn’t Start The Fire) 3) “When my time comes; Forget the wrong that I've done; Help me leave behind some; Reasons to be missed.” (Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest) 4) “Because you cut me wide open; Left teardrops on all my white roses.” (Greyson Chance - White Roses) 5) “Remember me, love, when I'm reborn; As a shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn.“ (Hozier - Shrike) + “[...] So you know good things are happening; When the jackboot needs to jump.” (Hozier - Jackboot Jump)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? YA, apocalypse vibes and fantasy
fav writer? Benjamin Alire Saenz 
fav book? Ari and Dante, TPOBAW, Dead Poets Society
fav book series? Simonverse (Simon vs + Leah on The Offbeat)
comfort book? Ari and Dante
perfect book to read on a rainy day? hmmmm. idk
fave characters? hmmm... *suddenly forgets every character* let’s go  with: Seth and Alice (Twilight), Dante (Ari and Dante), Nile (TOG comics)
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart? 1) “The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.” (Ari and Dante) + "I love swimming and you." [...] “Swimming and you, Ari. Those are the things I love the most.” (Ari and Dante) ((gives me mad RH vibes)) 2) “We accept the love we think we deserve.” (TPOBAW) 3) “[...] That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.” (Dead Poets Society)   4) “I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.” (The Song of Achilles)   5) “Someone will remember us I say; Even in another time.” (If Not, Winter)
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
TV AND MOVIES (I won’t be counting anime and general animation into this, otherwise it would be far too long)
fave tv/movie genre? none
fave movie? The Old Guard, Deadpool 2, Love Simon, Venom, The Way He Looks, Fear Street, etc.
comfort movie? The Old Guard, Twilight, The Half Of It, DP 2, MIB, Detective Pikachu, etc.
movie you watch every year? Twilight, DP2, Venom, Mean Girls, The Grinch, Home Alone, etc.
fave tv show? uuuuuhhh right now it’s Andi Mack, Hannibal, Killing Eve, JATP, Gentleman Jack, Haunting of Bly Manor, Young Royals, etc.
comfort tv show? Andi Mack, JATP, Atypical
most rewatched tv show? I have no idea, but the quickest show I ever rewatched was JATP, which I rewatched the next day after finishing the last EP lol, and the recent one I rewatched was Young Royals  
ultimate otp? Tyrus and Joe x Nicky of these, i think
5 fave characters? Deadpool/Wade Wilson, Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Bella Swan, Cyrus Goodman, Casey Gardner
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online Tagging: @dandelionmeadow @nenufair @hamykia @alona-marinelli @died-by-the-scimitar @elena-of-time @mehawiyu @milkymickeyway @spacewitchqueen
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ayamari-no-goshi · 3 years
Verboten 10 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:   AU. When Danny was five years old, he went missing for 2 weeks. In the years that follow, his family tried to make sense of what happened, only for the truth to be discovered years later.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, language. Be prepared for some very weird things
Chapter warning: child kidnappings mentioned
Parings: Danny/Sam
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr. This fic is very heavily inspired by folklore surrounding mysterious wilderness disappearances
Chapter 10
Frostbite was close lipped on their journey to Clockwork's lair, at least in regards to the mysterious and ancient ghost. He instead talked to Danny about different aspects of ghosts and their realm. Although the yeti ghost wanted Danny to return home, he wanted Danny to know about the realm as a precaution, and Danny reluctantly agreed.
As they passed by some of the floating islands, buildings, and doors, Frostbite would occasionally mention which of his allies or neutral acquaintances lived there. It was all so strange. There were buildings which looked like they were from ancient Greece or Rome, while there was another which looked like a modern library. Frostbite explained the form of the lair was heavily influenced by its ruler. A ghost needed to be a fairly strong to be able to create such a large lair, and while the architecture often reflected what the ghost knew while they were alive, it wasn't a necessity.
Eventually, a dark and imposing clock tower could be seen in the distance. "I guess that's the place?" Danny questioned as he tried to get a better look at it.
"It is. When we arrive, it is unlikely I will be able to go in with you."
"Wait, what?" Danny hadn't expected this would be a one on one meeting. From the way Frostbite spoke, he figured someone would be guarding him, at least until he had answers.
The older ghost gave him a sheepish look. "The invitation was only for you. Unless Clockworks invites me in, I will do no more than ferry you to the location and wait for your return."
"Is this Clockwork really so scary?"
"He is far more powerful than I am, so I have no desire to anger him. There are stories regarding how no foe has been able to sway or harm him."
"So you're just going to allow a teenager to go to meet a ridiculously powerful ghost by himself? That's just great. What if he incinerates me or something?"
Frostbite just chuckled. "I do not think you have anything to fear, unless you try to attack him. Clockwork is not known for going out of his way to do damage to someone."
"Great. That makes me feel so much better." Danny's sarcasm was lost on Frostbite.
A short time later, Frostbite's sleigh landed in front of the clock tower. Upon closer inspection, the building appeared to be made of a dark gray stone with large wooden doors. Thankfully, there was a small amount of land surrounding the building, so Danny wasn't worried about falling to his death. After being coaxed out of the sleigh, Danny, feeling incredibly self-conscious, knocked on the door.
The door opened, but he didn't see anyone when he cautiously stepped inside. He half expected the door to slam behind him, but instead, it remained open until he started moving towards the only thing in the room, a stair case. Once he reached it, the door slowly closed on its own.
While uneasy, he wasn't exactly scared. Whoever this Clockwork was, he was at least somewhat courteous.
After reaching the top of the stairs, he found himself in a large room filled with gears, pendulums, and what appeared to be mirrors set within large gears. However, after a closer inspection, the mirrors showed shadowy images which didn't appear to be him or anything in the room.
"Do you see anything interesting?" a pleasant voice asked from somewhere behind him, making him jump. He sheepishly spun around to find a ghost with blue skin, red eyes, and a clock pendulum in his chest watching him. The ghost initially appeared maybe around thirty, but after a few moments shifted to appear much older.
"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have looked." Danny wasn't exactly certain why, but he felt almost as if he was being caught in the act by a favorite relative. There was something familiar and personable about this ghost, even when his form shifted again. This time, his appearance was childlike.
The ghost chuckled as he approached. "It is quite alright. Most of my visitors have been drawn to them." He gestured towards the closest one, and the images suddenly became more vivid. It was almost as if it was playing some sort of video. "As you have guessed, I am Clockwork, master of time. I am able to see all events which may or may not come to pass." His form again shifted.
"Err… Frostbite said you wanted to see me?"
"Correct. Beings such as yourself have only shown up a handful of times over the millennia, and each time one does, it often brings great change."
"But what am I? Am I dead? Am I alive?"
The ghost gave a gentle chuckle. "You are still very much alive. You're just able to access the power of your soul, which is not usually feasible while one is still has a living body. However, this is not possible unless you are able to resist the pull of this realm."
"What does that mean?" Although Danny was relieved to know he was classified as living, he was still deeply confused by everything. "Does it deal with what Frostbite explained regarding what could trigger the change?"
"Yes. This world is similar to the human concept of limbo. It is a place where some souls wander until they are lead to the Evermore – true death. But, it is still a world of the dead, and the living are not meant to be here. It has defenses to prevent the dead from crossing back into your world, which unfortunately can cause the wayward human to become a denizen."
"However, there is more to it than that," Clockwork continued as he gestured to the mirror. Strange images flickered within it. "Over millennia, this realm became corrupted. The guides, beings unique to this realm, which used to help guide those wayward souls, are all but gone now. No longer being able to find true rest, souls that remain here often become tainted and become ghosts. Many can spread that taint as well, and some use that to create others like themselves."
"You're telling me that's why my classmates were abducted?" A cold chill ran through him as his body decided to return to his human form.
"Not in this case." Clockwork gestured to the mirror as an image flickered to the first ghost Danny and his friends saw. After a moment, another ghostly figure who suspiciously resembled Mikey came into view. "In Youngblood's case, whether or better or worse, wanted a companion more than anything else. This isn't an isolated case. However, many abductors have a far more insidious reason." The ghost turned to face him. "The living have an energy that the dead do not. It's probably easiest to refer to it as vitality. Returning to your previous question, you still produce that energy so it is safe to say you are still alive."
"Alright. So what makes that so appealing? Does it give, I don't know, special abilities?"
"Some believe so. Others believe vitality will help them restore some of the memories commonly lost upon death."
"That's so messed up," Danny replied after mulling over the information. "The memory loss thing, does that happen to everyone? Will it happen to me? Will I…?" He didn't want to admit it out loud, but he was worried he might become a danger to his friends and family.
The ghost, who was back in his child form, gave him a soft smile. "As long as you're alive, you don't need to worry. As for death, most souls do not come to this realm, but instead find their way to the Evermore. Also, as long as the soul is strong, it can avoid being tainted by this realm and become a force of good or of balance. Those which do have no need to seek out and harm the living." It was impossible for Danny to hide the relief on his face, which made Clockwork chuckle.
"Now let us move on to some of your other concerns. You want to know if you can return home and how you became like that, correct?" When Danny nodded, Clockwork again gestured to the mirrors. An image of a young Danny berry picking with his aunt and sister. The view changed to show a creature, some other ghost, peering at them from behind a tree. After Danny caught sight of it, his family members disappeared from the scene. "This is where your journey began. As you saw earlier, a distraction from this realm can accidently pull you into it."
"What is that thing?" Danny felt uneasy as he watched the ghost beckon to his younger self which somehow triggered his body to switch forms again. There was something about the ghost which made him unsettled. It looked humanoid with dark skin, but did not have any facial features. "I don't remember seeing it, but then again, I don't remember much from that."
Clockwork stared at the image for another moment before glancing at Danny. "Most of them no longer have names. We call them 'Recruiters', but it was believed they had been destroyed several centuries ago. They worked for the previous king."
"Wait, king? You guys have a king? And what do you mean they were supposed to be destroyed?"
"We once did," Clockwork replied as he shifted to his elderly form. "He waged war against this realm and yours, so he was sealed away. The members of his court, made mostly of purposely modified ghosts, were either destroyed or sealed. It appears someone has resurrected those modification techniques."
Danny was about to ask another question when the images in the mirror caught his attention again. It showed the ghost, the Recruiter, examining him. It then handed him something which looked like some type of candy. After young Danny ate it, the Recruiter watched him for a while before attempting to grab him. When the attempt failed, young Danny tried to escape.
Images flashed as his younger self ran away from the Recruiter. Eventually, the boy collapsed outside of what appeared to be some sort of wall and began to cry as a faint glow started to surround him. As the Recruiter again appeared in the scene, it was blasted away by a strange beam. The boy looked up to see Plasmius staring curiously at him.
"Wow… so Plasmius actually wasn't lying when he said how he first met me."
"For the most part, no," Clockwork replied as he raised his staff, which caused the scene to shift to the inside of Plasmius' mansion. The older ghost had given Danny more food and was watching him carefully. "Plasmius did accidently find you, but if he hadn't provided you with more food from this realm, you may have been able to return home as a fairly normal human, albeit with form of minor psychic ability. However, he saw potential in you and became interested."
The teenager was silent for a moment as he continued to watch the images. After Plasmius took him back to the human world, the scene shifted to show him a little older. With a jolt, he realized it was when he disappeared the second time. Instead of the Recruiter, it was Plasmius who beckoned him. The ghost didn't do anything other than talk and play with his younger self. However, Danny was showing evidence of ghostly traits again. "He wanted to make sure he was right, didn't he?"
"Yes. Plasmius has grand ambitions in this realm. He wants power and having someone like you at his side would be a great boon. However," Clockwork froze the image and somehow zoomed into a spot in the background. There was a Recruiter watching them, "you were not alone. This is troubling."
"You mentioned earlier you are able to see all possible events, didn't you? So why do you seem so surprised?"
The ghost, still in his elderly form, wore a tenebrous expression. "While my abilities allow me to see any number of possibilities, it can be difficult to sort through the amount of information I receive. It is also possible, though unlikely, someone powerful was able to block them from my abilities. However, now that I am aware of the concern, it is much easier to locate similar events." The ghost shifted to his child form. "I had wanted to send you home while you adjust to the changes in your body, but you may need trained first."
Uncertain how to respond while the ghost took a few moments to think, Danny turned back to the mirror. It was no longer showing images of his past. Instead, it was flickering through a multitude of scenes at a blinding rate. For a second, he thought he saw Sam and Tucker, but the image changed before he could be certain. Some of the images seemed to show an army of some sort. Overall, it left him unsettled.
"I believe I will need to let Frostbite into the Clock Tower," Clockwork stated, making Danny jump. "I will need him to spread the word of my discovery, and he has information for both of us."
Moments later, the white furred ghost hurried up the stairs with two of his guards. After taking a moment to collect himself, he bowed towards Clockwork. "I humbly thank you for allowing us into your presence."
"There is no need for that. My abilities and agreement with the Observants force me to remain neutral under most circumstances. As such, I prefer to keep to myself, but sometimes when extraordinary people appear," Clockwork gestured to Danny, "curiosity gets in the way. However, this time, I am glad it did." The ghost brought their attention to the mirrors and showed the Yetis the image of the Recruiter.
Frostbite's shock was quickly replaced by rage. "Who would dare attempt to recreate such a vile creature? However, we have unsettling news of our own. The entourage who were escorting the other humans Danny knows home were attacked by the Fright Knight and a horde of Reanimated." When the yeti caught sight of Danny's horrified expression, he gave a small smile. "Fear not. Pandora herself stepped into assist my men and drove them back; not even the Fright Knight dares raise his blade to her. Your friends should be arriving home soon." His attention turned back towards Clockwork. "Pandora explained one of her spies caught sight of them shortly before they attacked my men and took it upon herself to intervene. Her ambassadors will request an audience of the counsel within the day."
"As much as I dislike dealing with the Observants, I believe this is necessary," Clockwork agreed. "Whoever is employing the techniques of the old king has been able to exploit the blind spots in my abilities. It also seems as if they are aware of Daniel and what his existence means. They may also be watching Plasmius."
"This is most troubling."
"Uh, excuse me, but I have no idea what's going on here," Danny interrupted. The conversation had lost him some time ago, but he was relieved to hear his friends were safe.
Frostbite gave him a sheepish smile as Clockwork explained, "It appears someone is trying to make a grab for power. The last time this happened, war overtook this realm and spilled into yours."
"That… that doesn't sound good."
"No. Last time, it was only through the power of the Ancients that we were able to defeat the King. If someone has found a way to access his abilities, then it needs to be stopped before catastrophe happens." The yeti's expression was grim as he addressed Clockwork. "So what becomes of Danny? Will he need to remain with us, or can he travel home? Is it even safe for someone like him to return to the human realm?"
"As he is still alive, there is no harm in him returning him. His parents are working on several projects, one of which will provide his home with enough ambient energy to allow his core to remain stable. However, the more I attempt to peer into the future, the more muddled the images become. There is definitely interference. So, I am uncertain what route will allow the most favorable outcome." He shifted to his adult form. "So, Daniel, I leave the choice to you."
"You said that whoever attacked my friends know about me?"
The time ghost nodded. "Yes. Since you can traverse both worlds without ill effects, your abilities would be of great interest. You could remain here and train with Frostbite…"
"But I would not be able to guarantee your safety as today proved," the Yeti admitted.
"There is also a concern the Observant and the Counsel will not approve of your existence," Clockwork continued. "You could return home, but you would be forced to develop your abilities on your own. However, you would be much safer there for the time being."
Danny looked down at his hands and momentarily stared at the faint glow surrounding them. "Am I a danger to my family and friends if I go home?"
"No, but it is possible to make them more open to this world. If we are unable to prevent our enemies from gaining power, it may cause them to be targeted again."
"Is it okay if I take some time to think about it?"
"Of course. Take all of the time you need."
Note: The Evermore is something within DP lore. It was mentioned in a video Butch Hartman released which expanded upon more information regarding the different residents.
Clockwork's mention of limbo and soul guides. To my knowledge, the concept of Limbo is most prevalent to Christians (particularly Catholics). This is a place in between life and Heaven/Hell. In previous Catholic tradition, Limbo is the place where unbaptized souls go upon death, and there were circumstances which could help those souls find rest (the Catholic Church modified its views on Limbo in 2007). Some people say Limbo is also the realm of the fairies, elves, and any creature/entity which lives in another realm that is not heaven or hell. There is a similar concept in Greek mythology which was referred to as the Asphodel Fields/Meadows.
And for completion sake, Purgatory is not the same as Limbo. Purgatory (also per Catholic tradition) is a place of fiery cleansing after death. It's a temporary stop as once the cleansing is completed, the soul moves on to Heaven. While it is not mentioned much, Purgatory is still considered to exist.
Soul guides, also called psychopomps, are creatures responsible for guiding the deceased souls to the afterlife. The belief in them is ancient. Depending on tradition, they can be anything or look like anything. There's even some thought that certain entities known to spirit away people, faeries come to mind, may have derived from this concept. A great representation of this are the Alebrijes found in Mexican traditions (they were recently featured in the movie "Coco.")
The Recruiters are kind of based of off "Shadow People" mixed in with other legends like "Tall Man" spirit and Stick Men/Indians seen in some First Nation lore. Shadow People are a weird phenomenon, even for the paranormal. True Shadow People are not usually considered to be ghosts, but no one is exactly certain of what they are. The inter-dimensional theory often pops up with them because they don't seem to act like "normal ghosts" and are usually considered dangerous. They are reported to negatively influence and harm humans. There are some reports of them attempting to steal people. 
Stick Men/Indians and the Tall Man are described as creatures similar to that of the modern tale of Slenderman, and they are again said to either negatively influence or take children. I used these descriptions due to some supposed reports from missing and found children saying creatures of similar descriptions wanted to take them with them, but they didn't meet the correct criteria.
Also, regarding Clockwork's powers… per the show, he "knows everything." However, it would very difficult of an entity to be able to take and absorb all of the information he gets at a time. So, my mind is viewing it as if he's skimming the majority of the information, which could allow events in the background to get missed.
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chaos-monkeyy · 4 years
State of Chaos
For WIP Wednesday, I thought I’d try something different! So instead of sharing an excerpt from a work in progress, here is a list of the WIPs I’m working on in my too many fandoms at the moment, both published and not; as well as some blathering about other *ideas* I have that I (probably) (maybe) plan (hope) to write at some point. Feel free to ask for more details or ‘vote’ on what I should focus on if you want, I can’t promise anything but I am highly impressionable, and when people get me excited about something there’s a good chance I’ll work on it 😂
(it’s a long post so I’m just putting it all under a cut! There’s mention of kink fics & ships, but I don’t go into any detail about them)
Assassin’s Creed
Diletto (working title) Ezio/Caterina and Ezio/Caterina/Leo, where Caterina wants to be the one to do the fucking, Ezio is more than amenable to this idea, and Leonardo da Vinci makes the world’s first strap-on. First chapter rough draft is written, as well as a few little chunks of chapter 2! Writing F/M fic is always a bit out there for me, but I am very excited about how this one is coming along. 
The skills of Assassins  The Ezio/Mario sexy training one! Three chapters published and while I’ve got several ideas for other chapters, I haven’t started actually writing them yet 🙈 I’m at that point where I need to balance I want more porn with not just getting repetitive… 
Plans  I really want to write some Ezio/Leo smut, got this idea for playful ‘how much can I distract you’ while Leonardo is deciphering one of Ezio’s codex pages (he always bends over the worktable to do it and I just. I can’t not). I also have Thoughts about a couple more kink fics, including a Shaun POV sequel to Not here 😏 And I just, I have to write something with silver fox Revelation’s Ezio. No idea what yet, but god damn he’s sexy. 
The Dresden Files
Nothing really in progress, exactly, though I’ve been kicking around a Dresden/Marcone idea where Marcone hires a Harry look-alike to play out his fantasies of Domming the fuck out of that fucking wizard. (Honestly, there’s so many pairings in TDF that I love the thought of, but just never quite manage to come up with something to write for them… Perhaps I’ll continue my read-through of the series in a search for inspiration.) 
The Expanse
Also nothing actively in progress; I have a couple fic ideas that I still really like the thought of (including a ‘proto-Miller getting freaky with the mind games and double-teaming Holden’ threesome), but I’m not sure if/when I’ll get around to writing any of them. If a new book or season comes out, that might kickstart the interest again.
Midsomer Murders 
A short holiday (working title) Just a standalone PWP / Porn with Feelings for my OG OT3. John, Sarah, and Ben spending a long weekend together in a nicely remote cottage with a hot tub and a fireplace, and having a whole lot of sexy sex and cuddles. Probably featuring needy bottom!John and Sarah demanding some good old-fashioned DP from the two of them. I’ve got some of the start written and I pick at it every now and then when I’m feeling sappy. 
Behind the scenes The companion fic to Falls into place. I still have ideas that I wanted to do, but ever since MM got taken off Netflix, it’s made it harder to write for the show at all and for this little ficlets collection in particular 😭 
Midsomer x Wallace and Gromit crossover  This is a semi-secret project I’ve been working at slowly for over a year now, and a rare non-smutty work 😱 I really like it and do plan to finish it.. someday, but given that it’s an actual fucking story, with no sexy times or shipping, it’s very very out of my comfort zone. So… slow going, to say the least 😅
Plans I really do want to write a werewolf!Jones fic for Bobbit, I just need to figure out what it is exactly that I want to do with it… I also I had a few more ideas for Just Relax (the John dealing with / helping / being there for stress-bunny Ben series), but I have no clue if I’ll ever get around to actually writing them out or not. 
Star Wars
(Come) Ride With Me Got some sexy stuff written out for Chapter 3 (I actually wrote it before even finishing BLJ, it’s what got me writing the damn sequel / companion fic in the first place), but I’m having trouble getting the chapter set-up started. It’ll happen eventually!
Orgy fic That self-indulgent fuckfest I’ve been working at with Jewell for ages, ft. Formbi/Ronan, Ar’alani/Faro, Thrawn/Eli/Nightswan, and Thrass/Everybody. It’s maybe a solid half-done? But damn it’s a lot of POVs to get right and a lot of… bodies and activities to keep track of 😆 (it’s frikken hot though, if I do say so myself)
Sequel to Pinned and Control  I did write out a little tiny chunk for that, and Rev and I have Ideas(TM) for it. I’m still tentatively hopeful they’ll come to fruition someday 😂 experienced young sexpot Eli and older flustered inexperienced Thrawn is just too good to leave dormant forever. 
Plans  Still got a couple more Thrawn/Thrass oneshots I wanna write for the Stripped series. But I know it’s going to make me sad as well as horny if you’ve read Outbound Flight you know why so I haven’t been in just the right mood to actually write them yet. I also really want to write a crack-adjacent Thranto gloryhole fic, a deliciously sacrilegious modern Earth AU with Eli essentially dirty-talking priest!Thrawn in the confessional, a Thrawn/Eli/Thrass ‘he had to marry both brothers’ AU of some kind, a NightThrawn ice to fire sequel, and a part 2 for Consequences. And maybe some Thrawn/Fenn porny oneshots set in the Peace Bearer universe I mean what 😇
The Witcher
Flagrant Indecency Chapter 4 is partially written, and I have basic plans for chapter 5! This is a tough one just cause… yeah. More panic / embarrassment than what I usually write for omo, but I am happy with how it’s coming along. I signed up for Wolfie’s finish your fic fest with this one, so I plan to have ch 4 up in a couple weeks and the fic finish by (…whatever the event deadline is, september I think?) at the latest!
No title yet  I got ambushed the other day by a Geraskier fic idea involving an incubus hunt gone wrong, juiced-up demanding bottom!Geralt, and inappropriate (but consensual) use of Axii. It’s coming along very nicely 😏 chances are good it’ll be the next thing I publish but honestly, I can never be totally sure what the Brain will decide to do.
Plans  There’s a few things I want to get done at some point, including: Geralt discovers Jaskier’s glove kink by accident and they have a lot of fun with that; a sequel to Undignified with more omo thirst trap Jaskier; Geralt’s first time getting fucked / being with a man at all because he walked in on Jaskier and now he’s curious and Jaskier is more than happy to oblige; and possibly one or two sequels to Intoxicating as well because I love my problematic dynamics too much to leave it there. Oh! And maybe a sequel to Tight Fit as well, Jaskier is nothing if not determined 😏
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leverage-commentary · 4 years
Leverage Season 2, Episode 3, The Order 23 Job, Audio Commentary Transcript
Dean: Hi, I'm Dean Devlin, Executive Producer.
John: John Rodgers, Executive Producer.
Chris: Chris Downey, Executive Producer and Writer, and this is: The Order 23 Job.
John: Writer of this episode.
Chris: Yes.
John: That's right, this is number two written, number two aired.
Chris: Yes. Now- yeah this is- we meet our bad guy here, in this scene. His name is Eddie Maranjian, he's played by an actor Melik Malkasian, and Dean, you discovered him.
Dean: Well when we got to Portland, we wanted to see some of the local talent, so we went to an improv group and he was really one of the outstanding performers in the improv group. So when you wrote the part, I saw that it was Armenian; I remembered that I'd seen an Armenian actor and he came in and he just knocked it out of the park.
John: Now this is about affinity crimes this episode. And this- and by the way, this happens- takes place in the fictional town of Bellbridge, Massachusetts, which we chose for episode two. Bellbridge, Mass has become our fictional city in Leverage where just bad things happen. In the season finale it’s actually-
Chris: It's a cesspool of evil.
John: It's a cesspool of evil and corruption and remember we like- we're gonna do an episode where an entire town is corrupt. Well, we've already slandered Bellbridge; might as well get our money's worth. Tell me why you chose an Armenian villain here other than your hatred of all things Armenian.
Chris: Well, you know, we were very influenced by the Bernie Madoff scandal, and one of the things that came out of that was people asking the question: how were these people duped into investing all their money and losing it in a Ponzi scheme? And the original Ponzi scheme was named after Charles Ponzi who was an Italian immigrant in 1920 who preyed on fellow Italian immigrants in a scheme- in a Ponzi scheme; subsequent investors of the scheme pay off the previous investors. And so we wanted to kind of explore - how could people be duped like that? And we kind of decided, well let's do an Armenian bad guy, kind of arbitrary, just to sort of, take a little bit of that-
John: Well it’s the same close knit community, a lot of financial- many people don't know, but a lot of America- a lot of big developments in the Midwest are actually developed by Armenians.
Chris: Yes. Yes.
Dean: Well this episode was directed by Rod Hardy, who in season one directed the terrific episode The 12 Step Job, and he, again, knocked it out. He's an Australian director, friend of our DP Dave Connell who introduced us to him, and he's really become a great friend of the show and part of the extended Leverage family.
John: Now this show, interestingly, really shows off the glory that is Portland. Because we had a court house episode last year, the Juror Number 6 Job, where we built the courtroom on our soundstage in an old aluminium milling plant in the valley in LA. Where they’re probably shooting porn now.
John: Meanwhile, the lovely city of Portland gave us access to all these government buildings, so we can do long walk and talks down massive government corridors.
Dean: And real courtrooms.
Chris: Many cities have the old federal courthouse- there are great stately federal courthouses built in the early 20th century, the 1920s, and then the new federal courthouse. And the old federal courthouses just kind of sit there, and we saw this when we did a location scout before the season started, and it was in the back of my head when conceiving this episode.
John: This episode was also born of one of the first ideas we put up on the wall of cards. If you listen to first season commentary, you know Chris and I - before we hired the writers - started throwing around- just throwing up cards on a wall of just stuff we always wanted to do on heist shows. And one of the things we were talking about was a great old Mission Impossible episode where they convince a guy that the end of the world has come.
Chris: Yes.
John: They do so through a periscope and some cunningly developed models.
John: We realized that, probably, modern audiences were too sophisticated for the telescope, but we took the idea of convincing a guy that the apocalypse had come and kinda ran with it a very cool post-modern way.
Chris: I mean, if you look at, sort of, the headlines that were running at the time this was conceived, it was Bernie Madoff and swine flu. And that basically, this episode is the marriage of those two things.
John: So as you can tell, it takes really no training to be a television writer. Just pick two random things from the newspaper and combine them and then you have an episode. 
John: They're talking about the cupcake, nice, soft federal prison he's going to. Interestingly, right after this, they stopped sending these guys to the prisons. Just because I think the idea that these guys had brought the entire world to the brink of financial ruin meant that they can no longer skate away- Bernie Madoff actually got into his first prison fight a little ago.
Chris: Oh, really?
Dean: In an argument over Wall Street.
John: Yeah, as happens. And how did we pick the Order 23? Where'd Order 23, the title, come from?
Chris: I don't know. I think it was, you know, just kind of a spooky number, I think it was, and we knew this- the con for this one was supposed to be built around sound. 
Dean: And as I was saying earlier, about this episode being directed by Rod Hardy, we are now being joined by-
John: Rod Hardy
Chris: Rod Hardy! Yay!
Rod: My apologies, Hollywood traffic is always tricky.
John: And he's driving on the wrong side of the road; it's just bad.
Rod: You people drive on the wrong side of the road.
John: I know, you wanna- I'm having my traditional Guinness. Do you want one?
Rod: I'd love one.
John: We will see what we can do. So the gentleman- we've just met our feds and our gentleman- the gentleman playing the two security guards - who are they?
Chris: Yeah, it's Victor Morris playing Deputy Marshal Robert Corville, and Joshua Sawtell is playing Charlie Merrill. Little fact about this show - this show is cast entirely in the city of Portland; these are all Portland actors.
John: Yeah, that's right; we didn't fly anyone up from LA for this one.
Rod: The cast really stood up to the line of anything. I mean Melik in particular- we were very, in one way, keen to find someone locally for a whole bunch of reasons, but he showed a true, sort of, level of performance that I thought worked really well in this episode.
Dean: Absolutely.
John: There's two things in this sequence that are interesting from a writing standpoint - other than the fun of seeing Beth Riesgraf in a ventilation shaft. One: poison in the water is, of course, an homage to You Only Live Twice, the Bond film, and the wire, by the way, is digital.
Chris: Yeah. Well this part is real, but that part is digital.
John: This is digital and the whole drop down. But two: where did the villain speech come from? Who was explaining that?
Chris: Oh, this is kind of the psychology of hedge funds, and it was- I believe it was from a column my dad sent me from the Wall Street Journal. You know how your dad sends you articles and things? And, you know-
John: ‘This would be a good movie.’ Yeah, I get that all the time.
Chris: ‘This would be good.’ I was going through it, and this is be all about why people invest in hedge funds; about the fear that other people make more than them. And fear was kinda the theme of this episode, so it kind of, sort of set it up here.
Rod: And I'm sure you mentioned before, but to me the wonderful thing about this story that brought it into today was that it was the Bernie Madoff story. In a way you want him to be Bernie Madoff.
John: Well the first season was really the Madoff variation.
[All Laugh]
John: First half of the season- because, you know, the show got picked up and were like, ‘Oh, second season - what are we gonna do? We hadn't really thought about it.’ And then the world economic system collapsed and, you know, ready made villains began to fall out of the newspapers.
Rod: Yes. The thing about Malik’s performance that I always found appealing was, when you first did the audition, was the fear in his eyes. You know, underneath all the sort of men with great bravado, there's a wonderful sense of fear. Which I think our bad guys always come to the floor with, which is terrific. Here it is; look at those eyes.
Chris: I love this shot here, too. I love- I just love the way you composed this.
John: Did you digitally fog that or-? 
Rod: No, just put it out of focus. It’s easier; the DP is very good at that sort of stuff.
[All Laugh]
John: Oh, he's gonna be filled with rage. And then we take him- now this is interesting - this is one of the few locations. It really only happens in 2 locations: the courthouse and the hospital. And then we go back to the hospital.
Chris: The whole episode takes place- that was another thing I wanted to do, was do an episode that takes place entirely - not just in one day - but really in about 6 hours.
John: Now it was interesting - this was really the first episode where we started to hammer in on the second season theme, which we realize was the more you are constrained in time and space- because our team at this point is very, very good. People watched the first season; they know how incredibly talented they are. How do you challenge a super team? You have to keep throwing obstacles in their way. And rather than just complications, you kept making the situation more and more constrained. And this is also a great one. Tim really dug in on the whole ‘Oh, so I like hurting people this year.’ He really dug in on it. 
Rod: I gotta tell you, I look at the show now, and I look at the difference between the LA versions and the Portland version - and I love the Portland version. It just feels different, and has a different sense to it, which is great.
John: It feels bigger. 
Dean: And we have such access to such a varying architecture, varying designs. And we can shoot in places we would never be allowed to shoot in Los Angeles, and I think it adds to it.
John: Because of little things like safety regulations and employment laws. Meanwhile in Portland, we’re basically running a giant child labor camp and, yeah, starring the entire city of Portland.
Dean: I love your use of the bullet time here, and going down the hall, and through-
Rod: Well, so, it was your invention. And I just think it’s, unfortunately I do - when I go to work on other productions - never do I enjoy working on other productions better than this one, but I do try to steal that idea occasionally, because it is so clever and so wonderful.
John: It just keeps the pace up and moving, because to a great- one of the things you do find in a show - it's a lot of people sitting around looking at computers. And in order to stop it- Now where- how did we wind up using sound so much in this? It was the-
Chris: Well the idea of this was, again, we mention it - great Mission Impossible where they convince somebody they were in a submarine or a bomb shelter. And the great thing about that is using sound. This was a con that was built around sound; about the noise in the hallway that was gonna slowly drive this guy insane, and-
Dean: You know, what's interesting about that, is when I saw the rough cut and we only had the temp sounds on it, I liked the episode, but it wasn't, for me, like, a super great episode. Once the sounds came in, it was suddenly, ‘Oh wow, this thing just took a big leap,’ because- well Rod, you had so well directed the actors to the sounds, that without the sounds there, it was like we were missing a character. And when the sounds came in, it was like the other character was in the room.
Rod: I say these days, sound to me brings in at least 70% of a movie. It's quite extraordinary. Where 20 years ago it was less than 50, now it's up above cause it creates the whole sense of where you are.
John: By the way, the speech that nurses don't wear the tight little white uniforms anymore, is actually a speech Beth gave up that we just wound up putting in the show.
[All Laugh]
Dean: Yeah.
John: Nice try guys. And this is one of the perfect examples of the bickering brother relationship. This really is the proto episode for that.
Rod: It’s that Lethal Weapon stuff which is great.
Chris: In my mind, they share an apartment with bunk beds and NFL [unintelligible.]
[All Laugh]
Chris: That's how I write it.
John: In your head, that's how they- they've been adopted by Mr. Drummond. Are they like the Different Strokes kids? Is that your theory?
Dean: I love this bit.
John: I also love the weirdly, and if we can talk about the actors for a moment, I love the weirdly disaffected face Beth always puts on when she's about to do physical harm to someone. Yeah, it really- if you ever notice in the ventilation shaft, she has poisoned someone and she is giggling; she is giggly. And in here, she's just kind of got these dead eyes when she's, ‘Oh, time to go give a man a skin rash to convince him he's dying.’ It’s another Thursday afternoon for Parker.
Dean: And these guys you got to play the cops are terrific. 
Rod: They worked out really well, didn't they? I did notice the priest in the background there. I really wanted to work on- the first episode, I wanted to have a priest or a nun in everything, and unfortunately, I couldn't find the right place, but in the hospital it was great.
Chris: There’s another great bullet time.
Dean: Yeah, that was a really great one.
John: This also was another thing we did a lot first season, where we really became part of the pattern this year, which is to split them up in twos and threes. Is to- you know, last year, if you look, a lot of times they kind of fold over and cross in each other’s stories a lot. Well this year, in order to give each character a little room to breathe, we really started building- not really B stories, but physically- simultaneously, but physically separated.
Dean: But this part right here is a very interesting deviation from what we normally do, and it worked really well, which- normally the heart and soul of our show is the victim and their story, but here it switches to a new victim that we’re introducing here. It was quite the surprise, I thought, and became a very emotional part of the story.
John: Well that's cause the victim was in Act 0 in this episode. I mean, you start in the courtroom, which is very difficult to get the emotional hit of a lot of our other episodes.
Chris: Well, one of the things I think that- it kinda-
John: Wait a minute, Rod’s afraid to pop a beer.
Rod: It's never a good time for this. Is it now? [Opens beer.]
John: It is- it is traditional on all of our commentaries to usually hear me opening that, so it's good to hear you taking that over for me.
Chris: I was gonna say that one of the things we have typically in the con, is that one of the members of the team gets, sort of, over invested in the con. That's- we've done that as a sort of a source of comedy, but in this case it's kinda like Eliot sorta becomes- he becomes a cop in a sense. You know?
John: Yeah.
Chris: So I mean, like, it's when they wear the costume - sometimes one of them actually, sort of, becomes that costume.
John: And it's also interesting to see how fans react to any sort of storyline like this, where they just assume you're trying to reveal something about the character’s past or some sort of subtle hints that we’re laying in. It’s like no, Eliot doesn't like guys who beat up kids. It's not- I mean there's plainly other stuff going on that Christian chose in order to base his acting around...
Dean: This was the episode, though, where we all suddenly watched the dailies and said, ‘Christian’s really taking it up a whole other level this year’. And then he did. Because it was this episode, and then Tap Out, he took the character that he had built in season 1 that we had liked and were familiar with, and he added these real interesting layers to it that just, I thought, really elevated it.
John: Ah, the [in a Boston accent] Revere Claw there you go. That is Gina doing the great Route 1. I’ll tell you exactly from where Route 1 she’s up on - she's just past Mike Clarke’s Comedy Club up on Route 1, with the dealerships. That hair right there, is the [in a Boston accent] Revere Claw named after Revere, Massachusetts, to establish a certain socioeconomic and strata one might say, except it's actually in Revere. At least when I was growing up, it’s teased out so finely it’s only 5 or 6 hairs; it's really insane - it's like a fish’s krill mask.
Rod: I would love to see- I'd like to see a reel at some stage of all these characters cut together from each of the characters. Put on one of these DVDs, cause it would be such fun to see the journey you take them on; it’s fabulous.
John: Well the fans do that. That's part of the fun of watching the YouTube fan videos.
Rod: Well done fans.
John: It’s watching like, ‘Oh, I'd forgotten how cool that moment was.’ Yeah, because we're gonna make any of these by hopefully the end of the run. Even at this point, we’re 20 hours in and it’s- there’s gonna be moments you forget.
Rod: You know, the tricky thing about this episode also was, and I know it happens a lot in the series, but for me, you'd shoot a scene like such we’re watching now, but at the same time you have to get that security, sort of, version of it. so it was always- Dean’s always makes what he shows - it was always that much more difficult; there's so much to be done, which is just interesting.
Chris: There’s a lot of layers. Well an interesting thing that made me think, looking at Melik here was, and I - and this I gotta say to Rod - we, in day one of this shoot, I think, Dave went on day one and day 2, Melik had to go from arrogant to literally- I mean, on the verge of insanity. And I mean, maybe Rod, talk about how you had to get him there over the course of the first two days of this shoot. I mean, that’s a lot.
Rod: I used an old director’s tool, which was basically, ‘you'll never work again if this doesn't work.’
[All Laugh]
John: Ah. [In an Australian accent/mimicking Rod] ‘Now the way I want you to have fear here, is to be actually afraid of the fact that we're gonna fire you.’ That’s really- use the sense memory of unemployment.
Rod: That’s right. That's all true. My god, I have the same fears every time I work. You know, what's interesting here was, Day 1 he had to go from the beginning to the very end of the thing, so for an actor to- by the way, who has done the terrific things in his time, but nothing as quickly as we make this show. So I might say all power to him for being able to keep it going right to the end of the day. But it made that first day of our shoot really a tricky one, and one of the hardest of the whole shoot in a way, because he had- you know, you can shoot this stuff very quickly, but it's not just about shoots, it's about keeping the performances alive and real on the same level, and he was able to do that. But you know what? The way I was able to talk to him about it, a good thing was, he listened.
Chris: Yeah.
Rod: He just listened, and that was really helpful. We do this together. I mean, that's what the journey is - you do it together.
John: Now there's- we breeze past the speech where Tim is explaining to Beth Riesgraf- or, pardon me, Nate is explaining to Parker how they're gonna do this. How they're gonna basically hypnotize this guy. How they're gonna drive him to the edge. And we’d- you know, you'd done a fair bit of research and we'd just started reading Jonah Lehrer which is a lot of neuroscience, and we got a really nice email, actually, from a neuroscientist which was like, ‘Hey, you know what? Usually I call bullshit on television, but pretty good theory; that would actually work.’
Chris: Yeah. I felt pretty good about that. We got really interested in neuroscience in this beginning of season 2.
John: Well especially Apollo Robbins, who was our consultant who had actually lectured at the big neuroscience convention, you know, as they were starting to understand that magicians and illusionists have a very basic understanding of how the mind and eye track objects and understand things and perceive things, that neuroscientists can only do through experimentation. So there's this weird, cool melding now of the two fields. And yeah, we got totally sucked into it, but that's the great thing about writing.
Chris: Yeah.
John: Anything you think is cool, you can use. Yeah, you're right - Chris has an awful lot to do here because he's got to also sell this ‘don't call anyone,’ and he really does. He really digs in on it.
Dean: Yeah, I'll tell you, when I started watching this on the dailies I was saying to myself, ‘Chris is digging deeper this year’. And speaking of that, we also just went through Gina's scene - Gina, who showed up this season 2 pregnant; had to deal with going through pregnancy-
John: None of us knew that, by the way, none of us had anything to do with that. Just put that out there.
Dean: But, you know, going through-
Rod: DNA test results are coming, by the way.
Dean: But going through that for the first time, and yet she then also stepped up and brought her characters to a whole other level, and all the characters she created this year were phenomenal. And this one, we'd never seen her do anything like this, maybe a little hint of this in the season finale last year- no I'm sorry in Homecoming, the airport scene.
Chris: It's the first time we've had her do, what I would call a ‘low status’ character. Generally she plays very high status professionals and, you know, it was just interesting. Oh yeah, here- 
Dean: This is a great scene.
Chris: This is our ER scene.
John: This is actually- I actually- yes, you'll notice no one's running, which is a big complaint all ER nurses have; which is people always run in the scenes. I actually got food poisoning in college and this happened next to me. I remember us talking about this, yeah, the whole flatlining and shadows, it's a very-
Rod: You know what Chris? This is one of the hardest scenes I've done for a very long time, because it's all about perception. You know, the audience has to know one thing, but the character - who we have to really feel his fears is there thinking something else, and it was-
Chris: And then I love the way you frame this shot, just- You know, just him peeking out a little bit of the gauze and, kind of, now getting his POV.
John: It's very- this is a hard episode, very few spend this much time with the bad guy.
Rod: But you know what? I know I picked this episode up, and read it, and I could hear people saying, ‘this is the easy one; there's only two locations.’
[All Laugh]
John: This is one of the- that look she just gave is great. This is one of the times you have to remind Beth that Parker’s not as good of an actress as she is. It’s like, ‘that was perfect and Parker wouldn't be that good, but good!’ Now he's losing his mind. This- and by the way, this is- we've established in thief 101, each one has skills, and this was two fold: one, we love the fact there is a grabber claw-
Chris: Well that was- I have to give Apollo credit for that. I mean, we kinda ran this one by him and he literally sent me a picture of the grabber claw; there was a link on where you could buy it - he really supplied the whole thing.
John: Oh, well that's a lot of the tech people figure is unbelievable on the show. I remember they called last year about the credit card scanner on Beth’s thigh, and they said it was unbelievable. I said, ‘I have two on my desk. You want me to send you one?’ But the other one we needed to establish is - Hardison, can’t pick pockets. You know, each one has very specific uses, and even through the rest of the season, if you watch the DVDs, you can always see Gina or Beth does the lift - always. And it's always a handoff to Hardison or Kane. You know, it's- pardon me to Aldis and Kane. I'm only one Guiness in. I can’t -
[All Laugh]
John: I'm a lightweight. I have to go back to last year doing the commentaries. Get my levels back up. See last year we did these while we were shooting them and I drink while we shoot; that's my policy.
Rod: Now this is- What about this policeman with a ponytail? For god's sake. Truly, what is this?
[Laughter & Cross Talk]
Chris: The fun train is roaring down the tracks! 
Rod: Now this kid was just terrific.
John: Yeah, this kid was great.
Rod: We will see something of this boy again. No lines. Watch his eyes; he's got such an awareness.
Chris: Now what was it like casting? I mean, did you just-? Because I wasn't there when you cast him. Did you just immediately see this and-?
Rod: I think John was there.
John: Yeah, the kid just stood out. Very, very good.
Rod: He just came out. He was just there were people that just do or don't, and this kid had a real sense of it, which was just great.
Chris: And here we have all the sounds.
Dean: I love how you moved into that super close up where it’s almost fisheye; that's just great.
Rod: The good thing about our cast is you can get to those close ups and things are going on in their minds. All the time, there's something going on in their minds.
John: Well that's the tricky bit, where you have to see the performances up, because it’s a con or heist show, so at no point have they gone and talked to the suspect, and they're hanging out for coffee. The tension is always there in every scene. The con has started - particularly in this one, we’re up and running from moment one.
Chris: Tim, here, really loved a lot of the neuroscience stuff and he improved the almond tonsils. Which I guess is the term for the amygdala - the fear center of the brain.
John: And that's also where we get into Sophie's bizarre relationship with cruelty. I don't even want to start- I don't even want to go into what that started on the web.
Dean: But it did set in motion an arc for Tim, which is that he's going into a strange darker place now that he's sober, and we played that out for the whole rest of the season.
John: The whole idea is that he can never not be addicted to something, and if it's not gonna be booze- Well, and that's the idea, the first half of the season, he's really replaced booze with control and that feeling of superiority, that feeling of righteousness. So when he then starts drinking again, he actually has a factor that wasn't in the first season. And as a result, he's a thousand times worse in the second half of the season than he was all last season. Yeah, because now he’s not just a drunk, he’s a righteous prick who's a drunk.
Dean: By the way, we also breezed by the setup of using Star Trek as a warning device. That is absolutely- what was the origin of that idea?
Chris: That came out in the room. I can’t- did you pitch that?
John: No, it was a room pitch that somebody came up with it.
Chris: I wish I could remember. This is Steve Coker, who is more of a comedic actor, and I think this was, you know, one of his first, kind of, real dramatic roles as the abusive dad.
Dean: Terrific in the part.
John: Yeah, good job. And also the way- I liked the way this ends. Yeah, you fully believe he’s gonna throw him off. I like the way that this ends, which is you have to leave town. That was another thing we kinda hit this year a couple times, which is, you know, each one of these people is beginning to realize that the way they live their life - they've left wreckage, and they've blown out of towns, and they've gone on their lives.
Dean: That's a great shot.
Chris: Look at his feet off the ground.
Rod: Hitchcock! It’s Hitchcock.
John: Don't tell them where you steal from! And also, this is another thing which is - we call up a mini speech of evil here, which is each time the villain explains why he's not a bad guy in his own head. Because nobody's a bad guy in their own head. So this guy smacks his kid around, he probably got smacked around by his dad. He turned out ok; what's the big deal? And like he says eventually, you know, Eliot's gonna blow town.
Chris: And the other thing here was, he talked about how he would get out of jail in 5 minutes. It sets up, kinda, the power. You know, even a small story like this, there are power dynamics that you don't expect.
Dean: Right there - just that little reaction that Christian does, it showed a vulnerability that he never showed last year. That was really interesting. That- I'm not sure how you got that out of him, but it started a very good trend.
John: And also, the sort of realizing he has to choose a different resolution path here. Like he can’t- he would just kill that dude. Like 5 years ago? He would just break that dude’s leg. I joked later that-
Dean: Well it's almost as though his heart started working again. 
John: Yeah, and it's bothering him.
Rod: That's a good line; I like it.
Chris: That's another great shot. I mean, now he's really-
John: Okay, this guy. 
Dean: Where did you find this guy?
Chris: Talk about this guy. Talk about this casting session.
John: When we were auditioning- When you become a Hollywood producer and it’s like then there's gonna be a casting couch and a casting room where you get to get people naked, and I'm sitting there with Rod and the skinny guys were coming in and Rod goes, ‘I'm very sorry could you take your shirt off?’ And I was like, ‘this is not the people taking their shirt off I thought it would be.’
Rod: You were gonna have to have-
John: And he had these poor bastards like shitless and scrubbing themselves in terror in the middle of the-
Dean: This guy was awesome.
John: By the way, that is a- I am going to claim, because it was so eerily similar, that that was a visual reference to the great George Romero movie The Crazies. Because if it isn't an homage to The Crazies? It should be.
John: That- the whole hazmat suit and-
Chris: That’s real rain folks. We got a- we don't have to pay for atmosphere in Portland; that's real rain.
Dean: Now those hardcore Electric Entertainment fans out there, if you remember the show we did, Blank Slate, this was one of the first times we stole music from Blank Slate and put it into an episode.
John: Use all the parts of a buffalo in cable television.
Dean: We believe in recycling.
Chris: Now this was-
Dean: I love this scene.
Chris: I love this too. I love the way you composed this shot, Rod. Talk about that.
Rod: And let me tell you, we’re in the kitchen of a disused hospital that was suddenly becoming a mortuary. So it was a real challenge all around, and the art department did a nice job of putting that together. And we’re turning the supposedly the simple good cop into, now, the bad guy, which was a lot of fun.
John: I also love- I believe it was in the room- well what would be in a murderer's trunk? and I whipped out the five things, and you were like, ‘that was way too fast.’ That-
[All Laugh]
John: ‘We’re gonna go out and look in your trunk right now.’ No and the- this is one of the times- cause again, we have to play with the conventions of the show in the second season, he doesn't have the earpiece in. And who’s in communication, who’s not in communication often begins to be the things they hinge around. This is- a lot of stuff happens in this one.
Chris: It sure does.
John: We drive the guy crazy, we kidnap a security guard.
Dean: And there's an assassin that he has to deal with.
John: Turns out this is an assassin, there's an abused kid. The hell's going on?
Chris: For how many minutes? 40?
John: 42:30?
Dean: That's a nice act out?
Rod: But it's a simple little show to do in seven days.
Dean: By the way, great fight scene.
John: Lemme ask, if this is a kitchen- 
Dean: Where do those come from?
Rod: We built those. Everything was put in; we kept sort of two or three of the walls and put in those.
Dean: The drawers.
Rod: The drawers. Yeah, only two of the drawers would open, but that’s okay; 
John: That’s all you need.
Rod: That’s all you need for this show.
John: This is a particularly brutal fight scene. I love the fact that he's like, ‘wrong day’. Yeah, slamming people’s hands in drawers, I think I took that from Queen & Country script. 
Dean: But it's just so great. He's in such a bad mood over this kid. He couldn't kill the other guy; this guy he can take out.
John: And then the spinning the bowl thing.
Dean: I love the Jackie Chan reference.
John: It’s very Jackie Chan. I'm fairly sure it’s from the one where he's a cook, I can’t remember the- Who Am I?- no it’s not Who Am I?, it’s a different one.
Chris: Rod, I think you said we need to put a body on this gurney here to throw him on. I think originally mine said empty gurney and you said let’s put a body on there.
Rod: If there's a fight in a mortuary, there's gotta be a dead body somewhere.
Dean: And then throwing him on top of the body is just awesome.
Chris: Here it is on top of the body.
John: You know this like, nice person, has passed away after years of peacefully dedicated-
Chris: Oh, they were a terrible person.
John: We only dump our guys on terrible people.
Rod: Come back to the man screaming.
John: This one really ramps up.
Dean: Look at that. He went for it, he really went for it.
John: Is that the 10 millimeter that gives you the-?
Rod: Yeah it is, and a lot of actors, who were much more experienced than him, wouldn't have gone as far as he did, which is one of the reasons I knew he'd be right.
Chris: But I'm saying that credit to you, because I remember you getting there and you were like ‘man there’s- there's spiders on you!’ I mean, you really just brought him to the brink.
John: And then he threw the spiders on him.
Rod: Exactly the way I felt waking up in my hotel room you guys put me in. I understood his fear.
John: His fear of dirt.
Dean: I love the whole fact that his nose is bleeding just off the suggestion-
John: Yeah, I've seen in hypnosis, boils have been raised, blisters. That's absolutely possible.
Dean: Tim was terrific in this part, too.
John: Tim loves- all actors love a death scene. Even if it's a fake death scene.
Rod: That's a good fall.
John: That's a good fall. Yeah, he's absolutely out of his mind at that point. 
John: Handcuffed, people dying around him.
Dean: Look at the feet! The feet are what makes that shot so good.
John: Wait, was that a dummy or did we actually have a stuntie?
Rod: No, they were actual rubber feet.
John: And then getting yelled at.
Dean: Wrath of Khan.
John: Wrath of Khan, yeah. We actually went through on the day. It’s like, ‘now is the rule that the good ones are the alarm or the bad ones?’ We went back and forth for a while. I know it's the- it’s one of the little geek cred things you have to watch. Once you establish a character like Hardison is a geek - you can never let it go. Because I hate, as an actual geek, watching television and they've got some 1988 version of what a computer nerd looks like. You know, and that's so- he has to know his Doctor Who and he has to know his Star Trek pretty well.
Chris: This was like a change from the first draft to the second draft, I think. In the first draft- because I just had Nate die, it was like well, we’ve already seen Sophie die, so what's worse? 
John: That’s a repeated beat.
Chris: What's worse is that he's just being locked-
Dean: To die.
Chris: To die with this guy.
John: We've also built up - the army's coming. This is The Crazies, we’re doing The Crazies.
Rod: What other show do you get this kind of madness? For god's sake, it’s just-
Dean: In our writers room.
John: It's a very tiny writers room, with a lot of booze and heat, and it really creates this. Yeah, I just realized that this is The Crazies; this is now the army is coming to destroy- now actually, by the time you're hearing this, The Crazies the remake is already out, so you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. But there's a great, horrifying- an old George Romero movie from the 70s-
Dean: I love Tim’s switch right there. And done.
John: ‘And, I’m up.’
Dean: And this guy was great.
John: It’s kinda parallax feel, too. It's a very 1970s paranoid vibe to the whole thing. And look,  there's that walk again; that look when the emotions she's supposed to have as a human are gone. And what the hell? The hell’s going on?
Dean: And another great bullet time. And the head coming out.
Chris: The great thing is it gives you a sense of geography. You know, like, where he's coming.
John: Well, we actually talk about something in the show called the heist head. The hardest thing about writing cons in a heist is the geography; you have to understand the geography. It's like writing bedroom farce; it's all based on going in and out certain doors at certain times.
Rod: By the way, shows with two locations like we had, make it more difficult to shoot in a way; you gotta keep the audience aware of where they are, but at the same time make it more interesting. 
John: Absolutely. And that's the big challenge is resetting the geography so the audience doesn't have to stop and think, ‘wait, where are they?’ Because at that point, whatever emotional response is gone.
Chris: Now here- this is the scene I talked about; how this scene affected the shooting-
John: Yeah.
Chris: Afterwards.
John: By the way, these cops, I believe, he beats up in the season finale.
[All Laugh]
Dean: Christian really dug in for this scene, you know, and -
Rod: But it's what makes this show worth it. That these guys can go through all the Robin Hood stuff, but they get into that emotional line and that's what makes it really, to me, a fun thing to watch.
John: It's also fun, because if you know Chris Kane and you see kids around him, Chris basically- kids basically treat Chris like Batman. So seeing him interact with a kid in this way, is very much the way Chris actually talks to kids in real life. You know, he's very honest with them, he's very direct, and it's a very real scene; it's a better scene than I've seen in shows that this for real-
Chris: Yeah.
Dean: But there's a turn he makes here, which is really interesting. He starts off, like, really confident that he's just gonna solve this and talk to the kid, and when he realizes his impotence in this scene, it, again, his heart comes to the surface, which is something we hadn't really seen before with this character.
Chris: It's true. And his impotence comes out when Hardison touches him, I mean, you see his reaction then.
Dean: He's not used to not being able to handle something.
John: But this is a better version of this scene than I've seen in shows, like hospital shows, where you're supposed to be with the big orchestral moment. And yeah, this is a believable, great bit of acting by two very good actors. That kid is great. He actually didn’t have braces; we actually screwed those braces on him.
Chris: And right here, and I love this shot, too; him scared in the frame by the two of them. 
Rod: He's arm was broken, but we had to break it for the show.
John: Again, the great thing about shooting in Portland. You know, tax credits, but Oregon really looks the other way, I find. 
Chris: Now, and just in terms of the ending, there was another that was written that was more a traditional ending, where the team’s together and pays the victim the money. And after we saw the scene shot, I remember I talked with Rod the next day. You know what? That's the emotional high point of the show. Let's just- let's end it on closing that story and that's the end of the episode.
John: Yeah, I mean, that's to a great degree; a tough one on this, is that the B story kind of takes over most of it. But you never know that. You never know that until you see the performances; til you see the cut.
Chris: This is a great turn back for him, back to evil.
John: Back to- and he's evil again. He’s- you know, you can't keep a good evil man down.
Chris: Now Rod, please tell us- this is an amazing shot.
Rod: This all came out of nowhere, with 20 minutes to shoot it and, I might say, the genius of our DP David Connell, added with my genius, and a long lens. Because you can create many things. 
Chris: It's a movie shot; that is a movie shot right there.
John: Also, this is the- I think this it’s referenced later, but it's unclear, this is the bad guy. This is the assassin’s car; that’s why there’s actually keys there, because they have set this up for him in order to- And did we shoot that with the suction cup mount while driving?
Rod: Yes.
Dean: And I love the jump cutting in there that just puts you on edge with him. This is a beautiful shot right there.
Chris: Oh and he really fell.
Rod: This guy threw himself into it so much .
John: Now there was also- and again this is super, super intimate. So he has hidden the money back from his trial back in this courthouse, right? And we make a point of the fact that there's, and she's learned to fight this year, too, which I love. And there's another episode where you show that Eliot has actually been teaching her how to fight. The fact that this place has not been refurbished is because this is a very low budget town, which is in a lot of financial trouble. And that's actually- in the-, although the scene that was cut, explained how he got the gun into the courtroom, because they had not refurbished the metal detectors. That's actually a plot point in the season finale that all the security that was supposed to go to the town was stolen.
Chris: Oh that's right, you’re right.
John: Yeah no, no I totally did that intentionally.
Dean: It's explained at the end of the things.
John: If you watch the season finale and this episode they actually- Bellbridge has a continuity.
Rod: This bit I love. When they let him go, I think is just so terrific.
Chris: And this is an iconic shot in the show, Rod. I mean, they- we used this shot of them-
Dean: A lot in trailers.
Rod: Is that right? Good.
John: And they know he's screwed. Look at the face like, ‘yes, yes your infinite raging, yes; and do exactly what we predicted.’
Rod: Fell and slipped again.
Dean: That shot right there.
John: And they all make a nice choice; each one of them looks at Nate in a different way. This is- and I love, by the way, that who on earth would think would work? ‘I'm in my underwear; I'm running around in the street; I've escaped from the police; who will believe me?’ Yeah, this is a very Twilight Zone, this a very William Shatner look out the window: ‘he's right there!’
Dean: It is, yeah.
John: It's all local actors for the cops.
Rod: Everybody in this show.
John: Yeah there was no one from LA, holy smokes.
Dean: It just goes to show what talent depth there is in Portland. We had no idea. Originally we thought we were gonna be bringing up 4 to 5 people per episode and we really averaged one.
John: And they bounced him hard off that. 
Rod: This show would be the only one you didn’t bring anybody into. 
Chris: Yes. 
John: But the other ones we only did really one role an episode.
Chris: I like the way you did this, too; how you came off his back and around tells the whole story. And then-
Dean: And then transition; terrific.
John: It’s like you thought about this. Like you spent hours preparing.
Rod: It’s like it was planned.
John: Ahh gimmick security footage. Where would we be without gimmick security footage? Leverage relies on the fact that this is a surveillance society. And this is- we use this a couple times - the guy looking out the cop car window. It’s sort of that William Shatner looking at the thing in the window, that's exactly what it is
Dean: Well it's the rule we have in the show; it’s not enough-
John: This is Dean’s big rule.
Dean: Yeah, my big rule is the villain can't just lose, he must suffer.
Rod: Right. Yeah, yeah.
Dean: He must suffer, otherwise it's not good enough.
John: He’s humiliated.
Chris: And also the gloat; you want the gloat.
Dean: The gloat, you want the gloat. Now where is this-? This scene seems very you, the lawyer-
John: Oh, he totally wrote this. Every now and then on the law stuff, he digs in.
Chris: Well I was trying to marry the notions of the law and neuroscience, and I'm not sure it was entirely successful here.
Rod: Well can I just make a comment? I’m not sure if I understood what it meant.
[All Laugh]
John: He still directed the hell out of it.
Chris: It was about the nature of intent, really, in a crime and that’s-
Rod: I think we may have shot this about midnight or one am and I said to you, ‘what does this actually mean?’
John: It’s Latin, just keep moving.
Chris: It’s Latin, yeah, exactly.
John: And Parker has the money. This is actually- this is a character that Chris does on a regular basis when he plays roles. When he has Eliot doing the role, it's always an ‘aw shucks I'm just here to help you’ guy. He very rarely intentionally frightens people. You know it's a very interesting choice that is, ‘yeah I'm just your pal; this is all good news; we’re all- we just all wanna go home’. So this is- only two drawers worked, this one and which one?
Rod: That's it, the other side.
John: The other side.
Dean: I love this. I love that he smacks him. 
John: Yeah.
[All Laugh]
John: ‘We all saw that.’
Dean: I love their relationship.
John: Yeah, because, you know, he’s gotta make sure that as annoying as Hardison is, he's not gonna get hurt.
Chris: And the other thing that's not important here is another kinda late addition in the script, was we wanted to- you know they manipulate the US Marshals here, but we wanted them to have a win. We wanted to give them something, so that it’s not- they're not just chumps.
John: It's very tricky, in the room we talk about, when we manipulate innocent people, they should be rewarded.
Chris: Especially law enforcement.
John: Especially law enforcement. Because you know he's not- he didn't do a bad thing, you know. And in the end, he's a good Marshal and he's gonna bring the guy in. So, you know, we always wanna make sure they always fall on the side of angels. And it's not always easy. They leave wreckage behind, yeah, and this was also nice - the moment he gets the favor out of him.
Chris: Yeah, he owes him.
Dean: And what's nice is that he comes up with it as it's happening, as opposed to having this planned out. You see it really, like, you see the idea just enter his brain.
John: And there.
Chris: That's a great acting moment.
John: Now originally, by the way, Chris, you had the- I would like to note, the drivers license of the evil father found with the assassins car so that the-
Chris: I think I did. 
John: The evil father not only lost custody of the kid, but went down as an accessory for assassination and murder.
Chris: I think I did have that, that might've been- I think that was too far.
John: Your original payoff was a bit more ruthless. But he's great, by the way, that's Victor. He's great in that scene. Cause look, he’s warm with the kid and then he basically puts on the cop eyes, and it's like ‘do not even try. Do not even try’. Yeah, it's a great performance.
Chris: And then here this last bit was the- was what we added as the- as the new ending. Which was, we wanna make sure that the audience knows this kid is gonna be safe.
Dean: And I think the first time we ever ended on the show on Christian.
John: Yeah. I would like to know the first time we saw this, the lights came up and I said, ‘oh he's going in there to kill that dad.’
[All Laugh]
John: It's just like, ‘oh man he's going in there, he's gonna choke him into unconsciousness, shove a pretzel down his trachea, and make it look like an accident and let him choke to death on the floor. Ahhh, kid’s out of the way.’
Rod: This stuff happens at the end because you allow the story to unfold. And we talked about it as we were shooting, but you guys allow it to unfold, so it has a natural sort of tempo. I really liked it.
Dean: Well thank you, again, for being on the show season 1, 12 Step, my favorite episode. You killed it again with this. And thank you so much for being here.
Rod: I'm gonna be there for seasons 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.
John: God bless - that’s 6 more than I'll be there for.
Dean: From your mouth to our accountants’ ears.
Rod: It was fun.
Dean: Thank you.
Chris: Thanks a lot.
John: Thanks a lot.
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writersmacchiato · 5 years
Dead Poets Society Masterlist
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DPS as feelings
Summer Headcanons | How the boys would be during the summer months. 
The ‘I want a baby’ meme | Yes, the meme is old, yes it still makes me laugh. 
DPS playing ‘Among Us’
* = my personal favorites
➳ Todd Anderson
Vanilla Sun* | Todd is enamored by you and is content with simply admiring from afar, until he isn’t. Part Two
WIP* | Todd is shy and you’re not and he finds it easy to talk to you
Things you said when you thought I was asleep.*
Comfort* | Todd comforts you after he finds you crying.
Reconnected | You used to be so close, but something happens that drives you away. Years later, you see him again.
Lover | You knew Todd before he transferred from Balincrest. 
You’re In Love | Todd is in love with you.
Awe | “An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.”
Crush | Todd spirals after overhearing you have a crush.
➳ Charlie Dalton
My Affection | in which Charlie likes you more than you ever thought
Irresistible* - prompt: “Quick! Fix my pixie wings before anyone notices they’re not even.”
Prompt 65: “So we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me that love me?”
A Tragedy | Neil is gone and everyone is dealing with the loss…Charlie goes to you for comfort.
Being Childhood Friends/Rivals with him would include…
Never | Charlie has been your best friend and crush since forever, but how does he feel?
Dreamy Sighs, Broken Hearts | “The thought of losing you terrifies me.”
Seeing Stars | Charlie is in the unique position of falling in love with his fiancée while knowing nothing about her, only that they’re arranged to be married and she already has a boyfriend.
Part Time Lover | blurb based off the song anyone else but you by the moldy peaches
➳ Steven Meeks
“Come dance with me.”
Prompt 33*: “What? No! I wasn’t staring…I-I was looking at something behind you!”
Prompt 14*: “I feel like I can’t breathe when I’m around you.”
Prompt 63*: “What, you’ve never thought about us?”
Prompt 27*: “Can you stop playing connect the dots with my freckles?”
You and Meeks are shy nerds who are smitten for each other, but luckily all you need is a push to confess your feelings.
Rainy Autumn Days | You enjoy a moment with Meeks after it rains.
Tulips | Meeks has something special planned for your anniversary. 
➳ Knox Overstreet
The five times he showed he loved you and the one time he said it.*
Cold Hands | “Come on, it’s crisp and nice outside. I’m walking you to your room.”
Drivers License | forever doesn’t last and now you’re driving alone.
➳ Neil Perry
That Smile | you’re a stressed college student suffering from a terrible roommate and Neil works at the diner you frequent, a friendship strikes. (Modern!AU)
Sweatshirt | Gone too soon with memories leaving behind a wrecked heart.
Dating Neil Perry would include…*
Dating Neil and Being Charlie’s Best Friend would include…
Burnt Cookies | You just wanted to do something nice for him…
Cuddle Forever | A quiet moment spent with Neil, when he makes a simple request.*
➳ Gerard Pitts
To Many More* | in which he’s never celebrated Halloween and you decide to show him what he’s been missing.
And Again* | another year, another Halloween spent with you. as you show him your other favorite fall activities, you soon begin to think of him differently…
This Time* | Pitts is there for you after a breakup, leading to an unexpected discovery. 
“Don’t Go Breaking My Heart”* | Pitts is a clown but he’s your clown.
Family Ties | Pitts is there for you after a night with your lowkey shitty family.
➳ Supernatural AU
Series Masterlist
Prologue: Oh, Wicked?* | Morin Harbor is a small, run-down coastal town with more superstitions than there are residents. There aren’t many rules, but you find yourself breaking the most important one: don’t enter the woods.
Episode II, Oh, Wicked? | In their podcast Oh, Wicked? Pitts and Meeks discuss their latest case with a special appearance from Y/N - their eye witness to an unusual siting deep in the woods. However, they aren’t sure what happened and only you know the answer to that. {No pairing}
Ghostbusters* | Pitts is determined to figure out the mystery of Welton Academy, but a strange encounter at the library leads to more questions. Luckily, Pitts knows someone who can help. {Pitts x Reader}
The Keats | Neil Perry x Reader
[Status: in-progress]
Character Profiles
Knowing Me, Knowing You | Charlie Dalton x Reader
[Status: coming soon]
Character Profiles
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