#{ hc: hestia jones ;; }
calc1fers · 11 months
hc that marlene had her first time with hestia jones and they fucked in the charms classroom to ‘you sexy thing’ by hot chocolate
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moonytoasted · 3 months
hestia jones - headcanons
gym girl... she loves working out and is a quidditch chaser
older than the valkyries, in the same year as alice fortescue. (about 2 years older? they're in 3rd year by the time the marauders and valkyries enter hogwarts)
best friends with alice fortescue !!
other friends are caradoc dearborn, benjy fenwick, frank longbottom and davey gudgeon.
her and alice are lily and mary's respective "mentors".
met lily at lily's first herbology class while she was helping out.
also friends with emmeline vance (awkward bc emmeline and lily are kind of enemies)
as her name suggests, (hestia is a greek goddess) she is warm, sweet, and powerful
went out with davey gudgeon for about a day in second year.
dating amos diggory. she loves her stupid nerd boyfriend
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emmelinebones · 2 years
pre marauders era characters and alcohol hcs
i'm a wee tipsy so here are my favourite pre marauders (my hcs, ik in fanon some of them are placed in the actual marauders era) friend group characters when they're drunk (i'm not gonna talk about getting sick)
amelia: absolute lightweight to the point everyone is making fun of her for it (good for her though save your money). gets from a very talkative tipsy person who laughs a lot to a what the fuck is she saying drunk who can't stop laughing or stand up straight. especially fun to be around when you yourself are not proper drunk
emmeline: surprisingly good at passing off as sober. just gets very loud and her excessive use of moving her hands while talking always gives away she's had a few too many. generally prefers making sure no one is accidentally dying while drunk so stays away from getting super wasted, which she then prefers to do in a place where she know she can spend the night
andromeda: she can count one on hand how many times she's been drunk. usually sticks to no more than two cocktails a night, but as soon as she's had a bit more it's immediately noticeable. giggles so much
ted: loves going out to get wasted with his friends. surprisingly a good dancer up until his fourth drink. then it's just...amusing to watch. so painfully straightforward when intoxicated and always comes up with the weirdest questions
edgar: thinks he's the really cool and laid bad drunk person, but becomes incredibly emotional and tears up at everything. usually ends up on a friend's sofa without remembering how he got there. there's either sober or drunk no in between
hestia: the shy friend who becomes the life of the party with alcohol tm. also very flirty with everyone and always ends up getting a bunch of free drinks. also always ends up getting the worst hangovers, but does that stop her? no.
marlene: does not like getting drunk, but appreciates getting tipsy very much. makes sure to remember all the embarrassing things to remind her friends the next day. mum friend. always makes sure everyone gets home safe and if that means staying sober so it is. only a select few have seen her drunk (definitely amelia after marlene graduated hogwarts and they did a couple too many shots at a muggle pub)
fabian: gets very clingy and affectionate (either romantic or platonic depending on who it is). surprisingly very quiet and observant. when he's wasted his hands are always something that absolutely fascinates him ("it's like tiny arms coming out of my arm!")
gideon: sighs a lot when intoxicated? no one knows why? they sometimes mimic him when he's sober. always comes up with the weirdest fun facts no one knows where he got them from or why the fuck this drunk man suddenly remembers. weirdly entertaining. rarely remembers the night before if he gets really wasted
kingsley: absolute. muggle pub. enthusiast. why? no one knows. he loves them. also loves muggle drinks. drags his friends to a pub once a month. like emmeline very good at seeming to be sober. for the life of him has zero balance once he stands up though
alice: social drinker. only ever has one drink and just enjoys the others stupidity. always takes a camera with her for the really embarrassing things. loves playing along their nonsensical drunk talk
frank: surprisingly a lightweight. gets sleepy immediately and almost always ends up falling asleep by the end of the night before he gets home. talks during his intoxicated sleep. prefers to get a sugar high from butterbeer though ("kingsley stop taking us to pubs without butterbeer i'm begging you!")
pandora: gets one cocktail and one mocktail and then sticks to tap water or butterbeer. always brings potions for her drunk friends for the hangovers (not to point fingers, but absolutely fabian's fault)
sybill: does not drink. ever. has never had a sip. afraid it'll cloud her sight. everyone is always speculating what she'd be like drunk. also how did she get here? oh, right she's a friend of pandora
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witchygfsgf · 23 days
how i imagine the marauders (picrew is made by makowka)
sirius black
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remus lupin
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peter pettigrew
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james potter
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lily evans
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mary macdonald
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marlene mckinnon
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dorcas meadowes
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pandora lovegood
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xenophilius lovegood (my hc is he's a trelawney)
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sybill trelawney
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alice longbottom
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frank longbottom
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emmeline vance
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emma vanity
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lucinda talkalot
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amelia bones
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edgar bones
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hestia Jones
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benjy fenwick
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charity burbage
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aurora sinistra
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bellatrix black
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andromeda black
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narcissa black
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ted tonks
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rita skeeter
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persephone zabini (first name's just a hc)
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regulus black
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atlasdoe · 1 day
hello! just curious on who you do hc marlene to be friends w? like other than the lily and mary hc cuz i 1000% agree on her not being friends w the skittles <3
HI!!! I am so so so so so glad you asked because if there's one thing i fucking love it's talking about Marlene McKinnon
Thank you for the excuse to talk about her i will now take you through everyone i think she was closet to.
I know a lot of people see her as part of The Marauders friendship group but personally I was never into that mostly because I don't head cannon Marlene to be a Gryffindor. To me she's Ravenclaw.
That being said I still see her as being friends with Peter, Sirius, Lily and Mary but not all at the same time. When it comes to Peter he's someone she's known since they were kids because Marlene is Irish and Peter had family in Ireland. He would visit them once every season and because they're the same age, Marlene and Peter were told to befriend each other and eventually they did. (if you've ever seen Up i imagine their first few meeting to be like when Carl met Ellie for the first time)
Sirius, Lily, and Mary, Marlene met while at Hogwarts and became friends with them there. She could NEVER handle Sirius and Peter together let alone them with James and Remus. One Marauder at a time was her limit.
Her best friend was Emmeline Vance, who was another Ravenclaw in her year and one of Marlenes roommates. They were platonic soulmates, sisters, ride or dies, basically the female version of James and Sirius but mature and better looking (their words not mine)
The other Ravenclaws in Marlenes year we're Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alexander Stebbins, Gilderoy Lockheart (i aged him up) Hestia Jones and Sybill Trelawney. Marlene was close with Kingsley, saw Gildeory as an annoying little brother, friendly with Alexander and Sybill and hated Hestia with all her heart.
Marlene grew up near the Bones family so she was also friends with Edgar and Amelia Bones growing up. They were both a year older then her and were sorted into Hufflepuff but they remained close. Marlenes favourite twin was Edgar because they would play Quidditch together
When Marlene started Hogwarts, Amelia told Pandora Ollivander to keep an eye on her (as Pandora was also a Ravenclaw) and through that Pandora became a good lighthouse for Marlene during her first few years.
Marlene also got on well with the majority of the Order. One in particular being Benjy Fenwick, who was a Slytherin in the year above her at Hogwarts. Benjys parents were Death Eaters and Benjy was supposed to be one too. When people in the Order had doubts about letting Benjy join surprisedly it was Marlene who stepped up and defended him despite them not having any sort of friendship before hand (other then Benjy being a good friend to Marlenes girlfriend Dorcas)
To me Marlene was never apart of a friendship group per say. She had many friends but her best friend and the person she spent the most time with was Emmeline. Marlene and Emmeline had each other and the rest of the world didn't need to exist when they were together. Of corse they had other friends and would often find themselves in some sort of group setting rather then alone but Marlene never felt the need for a secure group around her bevause z Emmeline was all she needed
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enbysiriusblack · 10 months
i'm growing invested in your popular marauder era group. tell us more!
thank you!!
okay so. the group is basically the hufflepuffs; caradoc dearborn, edgar bones, amos diggory, hestia jones, and the ravenclaws; benjy fenwick, florence and her boyfriend, and bertram aubrey. emmeline vance (gryff) hangs out with them a lot, as well as davey gudgeon (slyth). mary and james sometimes hang out with them, getting on with them and mary being close to emmeline, but isn't really part of the friendgroup since they hang out with others more.
most of them are straight, athletic, okay in classes but puts socialising above academics. your standard popular people (at least when i was in school). caradoc and benjy are in love but caradoc would never want to be openly gay or in a long term relationship with a guy so they mostly try to ignore their feelings (benjy less so). they're literally like cedric's friend group? like that small scene we get of them, just lounging around, subtly making fun of harry.
davey is regulus and evan's roommate but he's like the himbo people make james into. very bubbly, social, happy, a little dumb. regulus hates him. davey does not realise that.
I've talked about emmeline a lot, and why she hangs out with other people rather than being in mary/lily/marlene's friend group (there is no drama/hate, its just who she grew closer to in first year). but shew does split her time between this group, her roommates, and sybill & pandora
bertram aubrey i do not have much hc for. he's just There. your standard guy. had a crush on mary for a while, was her first date. she did not want another.
florence is an icon. she is narcissa without the family trauma and lesbianism. close friends with emmeline, goes to all her band's gigs. wanted to be a healer. her boyfriend is literally ken.
benjy fenwick is very gay. dated peter for a bit. made out with sirius a few times. is deeply in love with caradoc. seeker on ravenclaw quidditch team. secretly listens to the beatles.
hestia is a year above the marauders but hangs out with people in the year below (like dorcas). dated edgar for a while. the cool, popular girl. would be accused of being a 'pick me' in todays society.
amos diggory. the nerd. purely because he's the smartest and tries the most in class, he's really not that nerdy. is keeper on hufflepuff quidditch team and was a prefect.
edgar was chaser on hufflepuff quidditch team. rugby lad vibes. wanted to be an auror but didn't get the grades so he joined the order, not having a backup plan. from liverpool, bonds with james over that.
caradoc is very closeted and has no desire of changing that. deeply in love with benjy. middle class. catholic. chaser on hufflepuff quidditch team and was captain.
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thefloatingwriter · 1 year
underrated marauders era characters hcs <3
Emmeline Vance
has long black hair and dark brown eyes
would do anything for her friends. literally anything.
knew everything about everyone. if she wanted to know she did. no one knew how she did it
her best friends were pandora and marlene
blames herself for surviving the first war when marlene didn’t
^ the guilt only increased when pandora died
visits their graves on the 16th of every month and their birthdays and just talks
took divination (with pandora) and care of magical creatures as her electives
was a bridesmaid for both of their weddings (they were each other’s maid of honors)
loved apple pie and strawberries
she loved the color yellow
Edgar Bones
had red hair and gray eyes
his middle name was antonio after his late grandfather
his wife tried hard to convince him not to join the Order but he was very persistent
same year as emmeline (1969 - 1976)
was almost put into hufflepuff
very stubborn
had a younger brother (two years younger) and an older sister (Amelia) who was one year older
almost joined the Quidditch team but decided against it at the last second
wears a lot of crimson
his wedding band is gold and he still grins at it every time he sees it on his finger
james thought him and frank were so cool when he was in first year and marlene found it hysterical (because they’re both complete idiots but so is james soooo)
his patronus is a lion
grinned like an idiot when he found out helen (his wife’s) patronus was a lioness
Helen Bones (née Burton)
curly dirty blonde hair and green-light gray eyes
friends with basically everyone. loved by essentially the entire school
best friends with hestia jones
really good at playing the piano
fluent in german (her mum’s german) and understands french but can’t speak it fluently
she knows so much shit from all of the Black brother arguments that were in public spoken in french. emmeline tried to get her to say what they were arguing over but she wouldn’t budge.
sirius first went to her when he started having feelings for remus because she knew she wouldn’t judge him even if she was muggle born (i hc that the wizarding world is a lot more inclusive than the muggle world is but still doesn’t fully accept queer people. the pure bloods are the least acceptive) 
good at transfiguration
knows a lot about everyone (similar to emmeline) but she refuses to gossip over it or tell anyone.
started dating edgar in her fourth year.
they were THE couple of their year. like there was dorlene and fralice but they were it. all of the younger students wanted to be one of them
mum friend of the hufflepuffs
Florence Wotton (girlfriend of the boy who hexed Bertha Jorkins after seeing them kissing behind the greenhouses)
brunette that wears her hair in a ponytail and dark blue eyes 
she broke up with Stanley (the boy she was caught kissing) in the end of sixth year on good terms
they were friends up until stanley’s death during the second wizarding war
never married or had children
her middle name was augustine
she was best friends with jude williams, a muggle born slytherin, while at hogwarts
florence had to learn multiple defensive spells due to how many times jude was attacked by her own housemates
got the nickname flo by her friends when she made a joke about “going with the flow”
her best subject was potions
Ted Tonks
had blonde hair and bright green eyes
the younger years loved him
had so many friendship bracelets, like they literally lined his arm. he refused to ever not wear one of them because “what if the person who gave it to me gets sad”
met andromeda in first year and fell for her hard in third. they started dating in fifth
his hogwarts years were from 1964 - 1971
he had two younger sisters, named ellen and isobel (yes this is based off a fanfic, go read Flights of Fancy)
many jumpers and sweaters. he has a vast collection of ugly christmas sweaters
quidditch commentator
liked by everyone except the pure bloods (what else is new)
andromeda slept in the hufflepuff common room for a lot of her later years at hogwarts. a lot of hufflepuffs grew to like her a lot and she started sleeping in the dormitory with the girls in her year occasionally 
the hufflepuffs that knew about her and ted had this whole big oath thing where they swore they would keep their relationship secret
a lot of people actually knew about their relationship. it wasn’t really secret at all, the people that knew just weren’t anyone a pure blood would ever hang out with
good at herbology and transfiguration
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padfoot-lupin77 · 2 years
My hcs about Hestia Jones cause they’re underrated af
•non-binary (uses they/them pronouns)
•they are half Irish half German
•mostly dresses in brown grunge fairy core
•they have short curly ginger hair
•they are in love with Emmeline
•they really like Greek mythology
•their favorite subjects are care of magical creatures and herbology
•knows sign language
•loves books
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myadmiringmind · 2 years
Marauders Era Masterlist
Harry Potter Universe Masterlist
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Remus Lupin Masterlist
Mary Macdonald + Emmeline Vance Relationship
McKinnon Family
Face Claims + HCs:
Benjy Fenwick
Emma Vanity
Hestia Jones
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@storyweaverofgondor's cats-pril day 9: dance
i finally get to talk about one of my absolute FAVORITE hcs for the Jellicles!!
each cat has their own specific style of dance. whether it's a specific move, a certain way they pose, anything like that.
it's like their Third Name, in a way. They can't put into words how they learned their dance, but it was just always a part of them.
when two cats become mates, their dance styles merge. that's why the mating dance is so important. cats can practice, they can perfect their dance, but others just let the Ball take the reins, and dance from the heart. either way, the mating dance is a manifestation of the cats' hearts and souls merging in the form of their dance.
once cats become mates, their dance style changes to be a combination of theirs and their mate's. when they have kittens, those kittens learn their parents' dance style, and adapt it into their own, and the cycle continues.
within the Jellicles are, of course, smaller family units, so seeing certain cats dance, it's very easy to tell which cats belong to which family.
Anyone part of the Jones family has a stronger ballet style
Anyone part of the Skimbledots family has a mix of a more contemporary style of dance (think of a combo of tap and contemporary)
Anyone part of the Deuteronomy family has a mixture of jazz and traditional theater dance style
Anyone part of the Theater Cat family has a very acrobatic style of dance.
of course, like genetics, kittens can take more from one parent than the other.
For example, I see Hestia as absolutely taking on more of the Jones style, with a stronger emphasis on ballet, but she definitely has a few moves she learned from Tugger.
meanwhile, I see Jemima as taking on Jennyanydots' tap-dance style!
i just think dance as a whole needs to be talked about more as an aspect of Jellicle culture, and this is one way i absolutely adore thinking about it.
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moonytoasted · 2 months
rb for a bigger sample size + these are based off of my hcs! slytherin version here, gryffindor version here, and ravenclaw here!
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fanwit · 5 years
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Order Members :)
The Gay/Bi/Lesbian alignment chart.
Under Distinguished is: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Sturgis Podmore, and Amelia Bones.
Under Functional is: Mad-Eye Moody, Hestia Jones, and Emmeline Vance.
Under Disaster is: Severus Snape, Arthur Weasley and text that reads “there are no disaster lesbians” with three hearts around it.
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witchygfsgf · 5 days
rarepairs i think would be interesting but there's no love for
remus lupin/frank longbottom: 10/10 would read
hestia jones/edgar bones: hufflepuff4hufflepuff, bi4bi, adhd x autism <33
charity burbage/aurora sinistra: not quite academic rivals but, like tutor!aurora with top grades and tutee!charity both with very repressed feelings leading into a romance when they're teachers. perfection.
benjy fenwick/any man ever: i have a specific image in mind and that image is the gayest gay to ever gay
peter pettigrew/james or remus: the fact that both of these have less fics than jegulus makes me viscerally upset, like not hating but they're the main group?? you didn't play around with the dynamic a lil bit?? anyway pete thought all boys felt that way about each other but, growing up more involved in muggle culture (hc but it feels right to me, half blood tho) where it was less accepting of homosexuality, learned to repress it. remus, being the first person in hogwarts that showed him kindness by allowing him into the group when the others didn't want him, that's so good to have blossom into something else, even one sided, and i think every marauder had a crush on james at one point. love it love it love it
emma vanity/lucinda talkalot: lesbian quidditch rivals need i say more. emma being very committed to keeping her position as captain and lucinda sweeping in and claiming the title after she was injured in a match. actually as im writing this my brain is being flooded with headcanons. they...
barty crouch jr/being banned from being spoken about in fandom: hate this bitch.
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atlasdoe · 1 month
wait i would love to hear your thoughts on ravenclaw marlene...
Oh my god oh my god oh my god OKAY
Firstly, I have always headcanoned Marlene to be from Ravenclaw because the first Marauders fic I read that featured her (The Marauders series by Pengiwen which I will always recommend, you can read it on wattpad and ao3) She was a Ravenclaw and then when I first started posting in this fandom which was in 2018 and I was in the video editing side of Instagram there was like 10 of us and a few of them also saw Marlene as a Ravenclaw. Even tho her being a Gryffindor had always been more popular it wasn’t uncommon back then to see someone hc her as Ravenclaw.
I have just always loved this head canon and they could never make me hate it. I find it very frustrating how a lot of fans will complain about how in the original series all the good guys are Gryffindor and all the bad ones are Slytherin while Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff get overlooked but then do the exact same thing with The Marauders characters.
The way I see Marlene I don’t see her as the smartest in her class or the most skilled. I think she was sorted into Ravenclaw because of her creativity and her logical outlook on life. She’s not exactly booksmart but she’s very clever and can use her knowledge elsewhere.
And I love what she brings to the Ravenclaws as a whole. Everyone has a different opinion on who was apart of The Marauders year and which house everyone was in but here’s my personal head canon on Marlenes dynamic with the other Ravenclaws in her year. (I still head canon that she was apart of The Marauders year)
Emmeline Vance was her best friend and I mean like James and Sirius type shit. Emmeline and Marlene are those cute opposite attracts besties where Emmeline is more booksmart Marlene is more streetsmart but yet somehow they share one braincell.
Hestia Jones is Marlene’s worst enemy. They got off on the wrong foot when they first met and ever since kept finding new reasons to hate each other. There was no peace.
Sybill Trelawney was someone that Marlene liked and respected but wasn’t friends with mainly because Sybill was best friends with Hestia. It was a sort of agreement between the four girls that Marlene got Emmeline and Hestia got Sybill so while Marlene never disliked her she never saw her as anything other then an extension to Hestia
Kingsley Shacklebolt was one of the only people who Marlene would let take care of her. He was two months younger then her and yet still somehow her big brother. When she would go off the rails he was the one who would pull her back
Gilderoy Lockheart was Marlene’s weak point. When they first met in their first year Gilderoy told her about his two older sisters who were squibs and how they didn’t like him because he was a wizard (leaving out the fact that he was heavily favoured by their parents and extremely arrogant) and Marlene’s older sister instincts came out. She was always the one to call Gilderoy out on any of his bullshit and always made sure to humble him but could never truly dislike him. If Kingsley was her big brother then Gilderoy was her little one. They both also bonded heavily over Quidditch
(canonically Gilderoy was born in 1964 but i got too attached to him being in this year before i noticed that he's a few years younger so please just play along)
Alexander Stabbins was someone Marlene was friendly with but not friends with. Alexander and Hestia had this whole academic rivals to lovers thing going on and Marlene was Alexanders biggest supported when it came to him taking down Hestia. Realistically, Marlene knew that they fancied each other and dreaded the day when she wouldn’t have their arguments as entertainment. Either way, Alexander was company she was never upset to have
- She was the Quidditch captain during her fifth and sixth year at Hogwarts. During her sixth year she captained Hogwarts first ever all girls team
- After a night out in her sixth year she, Emmeline, Kingsley and Alexander got locked out of the common room because they were too drunk to solve the riddle to get in
- As you could’ve probably guessed from her dynamics with her house mates, the Ravenclaw class of 1978 got into a lot of arguments. They argued like they were dysfunctional cousins at a family reunion. One time during their second year a fight got so out of hand that Flitwick locked them in the charms classroom and made them do team bonding exercises as a punishment
- Speaking of Flitwick, Marlene respected him a lot as he helped her come to terms with her sexuality and the homophobia from her family by telling her about the discrimination that he had to face being half elf
- During her sixth year Marlene sent out gift baskets to James Potter, Dorcas Meadowes and Edgar Bones (the other three Quidditch captains) and left them a note saying that she hopes the gift basket is enough of an apology in advance for destroying them during the Quidditch season. (Dorcas set hers on fire)
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peterpettigrxw · 7 years
❊ a regret my muse has about your muse
Although Peter is two years older than Hestia, he can’t help but have a huge soft spot for her. She’s awfully kind and almost annoyingly upbeat about most things, but she still seems to understand the times when Peter is simply feeling down and nothing is gonna change that. More than anything, he regrets not being in the same year as her. Back when he was in Hogwarts, he thought she was the strangest little Hufflepuff. She had one of those faces that screamed annoying. If he’d bothered to get to know her, maybe they would be better friends now. It would have been better if she’d been in his year. Maybe then he would be best friends with her. She seems like she would be a really good best friend.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
there's a bunch of minor marauder characters that i haven't really thought about much, but i kinda want to (especially for my school years fic) soo send me an ask and I'll think about hcs for them!! also if i forgot anyone, you can ask me to do them!!
davey dudgeon
caradoc dearborne
hestia jones
dirk cresswell
amelia bones
edgar bones
bertram aubrey
emma vanity
zoya zabini
doris purkiss
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