#“struts off asexually”
markster666 · 8 months
Alastor Reacting To Stereotypical Activist Gen Zer (No NSFW really ig)
Me and @rainyvandragon were discussing this last night and we thought it was the funniest thing ever, so I wanted to write a short fic for you guys. Enjoy.
This might be offensive to some audiences but I tried to portray a stereotypical feminist Gen Zer in the eyes of somebody closed minded (somebody like Alastor kinda) so LOL.
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The new generation, Gen Z, (1997-2012), started making their appearances in Hell. Alastor, being a gentleman from the 1930s, wasn't used to being around the influx of activists, feminists, vegans, etc. It wasn't until one showed up at the hotel seeking redemption that he truly met his match.
"WHATS UP GIRLY POPS?!!" The Gen Zer kicked open the doors, strutting into the lobby. They turned to Charlie, "Omg, you look SO slay!!"
Alastor looked at them in disgust. What the fuck were they even saying?
The Gen Zer turned to Alastor and gasped in delight, "Omg! Look at youUU-UH."
They walked over to Alastor and sat on the chair next to him.
"What are your pronouns?"
Alastor looked dumbfounded. "My... My what?"
"Pronouns silly! Are you a girl, boy, trans, non-binary, gender-fluid-"
They went on for a couple minutes before Alastor interrupted.
"I'm a boy, my Dear."
"Are you a CIS male?"
Alastor literally was getting so fucking annoyed because he literally has no fucking idea what this mf was talking about.
"Great! So He/Him. What's your sexuality?"
Alastor didn't know what the fuck that meant.
"...I don't like having sex."
Alastor wanted to die (again).
The Gen Zer got back up and started talking to Charlie. Charlie also looked a little offput but she was a LOT more accepting.
"So... how did you die?"
"Oh, my, GAWD, I literally was at a protest and some stupid fucking cops decided to pump me full of lead! Whatever, at least I went down for fighting in what I believe in."
Angel Dust perked up, "And what do you believe in?"
Alastor was banging his head against the table in the lobby.
"Oh and I also got arrested a few times for vandalizing government property but hey! Worth it!"
Angel Dust was CRACKING up at Alastor's reaction and Charlie was trying to listen attentively.
"We definitely need to completely remove gender roles from our modern society. Oh, I also really miss my husband... I proposed to him recently and he's SUCH a good stay at home dad!"
Alastor yelled, his voiced filled with radio static.
Angel Dust was on the floor, hollering with laughter.
"Oh my gosh sorry, I should've asked for your beliefs before I started spouting off about them! You know...my mum was kind off...a total fuckin cunt, which is why I cut of all contact with her. She was a Republican, smh."
Alastor threw a table at them.
Im sorry guys I'm fucking laughing so hard this is the best head canon ever.
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helluvashitposter · 1 year
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-Striker is an old timer. It is as clear as day, so when it comes to things within the LGBTQ+ he knew literally NOTHING besides gays. So when he was first introduced to the idea, he was definitely confused. The idea of not liking sex was crazy at first, but the more he thought about it: He did prefer his reputation over it. So fuck it! Thus he took up the flag.
-It takes forever for him to find out that just because he was Asexual doesn't mean that he hates sex and that he could never ever have it if the time came JUST LIKE EVERYONE DEFINITELY KNOWS THIS BY NOW (ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ)
-The man would just prefer to worry about his work life then his sex one! A slow process, but he starts to feel more confident in himself and more comfortable with strutting off his new found identity
-Got him an Ace flag, but tried to act like he didn't love it. "Flags are for sissies" He'd always argued if someone pointed it out. (Because of this he now keeps it hidden in his saloon, hanged up on the wall right by his bed
-Now he's still old so he's not about to be going to any conventions or anything but if he's out on the streets on sees anything Ace related he might toss a quarter your way. (Or steal it, depends on his mood honestly)
-Of course Bombproof has to endure the most when it comes to this man finding more and more about the world of Asexual. It's a good day when they don't find more stuff to cram in their already shattered home
-The day he finds a partner, he has no shame in letting them know that he's ace because if they can't respect that or try to hit him with any bullshit along the lines of "You can't say you don't like sex if you never had it" They will immediately get the boot. Literally.
-Him and Alastor? It's hard to call them friends but they've definitely noticed each other's little pride flags one time as they walked by and gave a nod of respect. It's definitely not easy for either of them to be Ace in this hellish world so it's nice to meet another! (Definitely not from experience hahaaaaa)
-Definitely not much of a sex jokes kind of guy but there has been rare occasions he would crack one if he was at a bar or something. And because of that he lives by this quote (Shout-out to this user, I love this quote!)
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But here's just a few personal ones of mine if anyone has anymore I would honestly LOVE to hear them because I really do love Asexual Striker (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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mjfsupremacy · 2 years
AEW champ
I know I'm definitely going to come back and edit this at some point, Max feels too nice, I need to watch an interview or something to get back into my MJF zone. This is it. (Probably) hope you like it.
Part 8 (sobs) Part 7
Mild language, romantic stuff written by a sex repulsed asexual. You've been warned.
“You ready?”
Max glances up from his phone, the tension in his shoulders loosening slightly as he takes you in.
He’s already in his gear. Robe folded up in the chair beside him. It’s all pink, he won’t admit that it’s based off your gear but you know it is. You always thought he looked good in pink. You think he’s going to look good in gold too.
You kneel down in front of him, resting your forearms on his knee pads. He sets the phone down with a sigh, a deep frown pulling at his brow. “Can I do anything?” You ask.
His gaze finds yours and the frown recedes, just a touch. “This is enough.” He whispers, leaning forward and resting his forehead against yours. “What if I blow it? What if I prove everyone right when they said I wasn’t good enough?” His words are gentle, fragile, nothing but a delicate whisper across your lips and they break your heart. Your hands find his jaw and you stroke your fingers gently through the growth there, eventually coming to rest behind his ears so he has no choice but to hear you.
“Max, you are not going to blow it. It’s impossible. You are Maxwell Jacob Friedman, you aren’t just good enough; you are better that all of them, and they know it.” The ghost of a smirk pulls at his mouth.
“You think so?”
“I know so, I’m not friends with people who are mid.” He chuckles and it makes you smile. You love surprising laughs out of him.
“Alright, get off me, I don’t have time to wash the loser of me.” He helps you up and brushes the dust from the knees of your pants for you. “You really think I can do this, Sunshine?”
“I know you can do this, Bestie.”
He presses a kiss into your hairline and reaches around you to grab his robe. You help him put it on and adjust his scarf so it peaks out from underneath.
“See you when your champ.” You grin pushing him toward his position. His music hits and he glances back at you with a soft smile before his signature smug smirk falls into place and he struts through the curtain to an absolute chaotic wall of sound.
You didn’t even think about the possibility of being anywhere else besides behind the curtain of the tunnel when the match finishes. The area was buzzing, filled with people celebrating another amazing AEW pay-per-view, waiting for the new world champ to saunter through to offer their congratulations.
The match was fantastic. One of his best ever and you had never felt prouder. Your best friend, Maxwell Jacob Friedman was AEW world champion.
He tore through the curtain with a determined gaze and when those brown eyes found you, they hardened further. He let the title slip from his shoulder and tumble to the floor inbetween the ten or so steps it took to reach you. He gripped you around the thighs, lifting you easily.
“Max, what-”
“I’m going to kiss you now, Sunshine.”
“Oh, okay.”
He tilts his head up and you bend yours down and when your lips touch you could swear for just a moment the entire cosmos lived behind your eyelids. He was sweaty and still slightly out of breath and his wet curls were all over the place, your tight grip not making them any tidier but you didn’t care. Nothing had ever made more sense than his mouth on yours, than his teeth gently tugging at your bottom lip, than the tiny kisses he couldn’t stop himself from pressing into the moons in your cheeks and the tip of your chin as his hands grip your thighs and guide your legs around him.
He drops a single kiss on the tip of your nose before resting his forehead against your own. “Hi.” You whisper, biting your lip to keep your grin in check.
He presses a kiss into the side of your twitching mouth. “Hey.”
You both let the silence envelope you. The comfort of being so close and so quite while the room implodes around you feels nice. Just the two of you for a second. Nothing has ever made more sense.
You don’t know how long it’s been, likely only a few seconds but you can’t help but disrupt the serene look on his face. You whisper feather kisses on both his eyelids.
“So, what’s going on? How was your day?” You ask casually, twisting your hands into the scarf around his neck. His lips curve, Eyes still closed.
“Eh, it was alright. I won a match. Nothing crazy.”
“Oh, well, good. We don’t tolerate losers in this house so, glad Piper and I won’t have to make you pack your ugly burberry bags.” You reply seriously.
"I mistakenly kiss you one time and your already moving in?"
"Well, I did end up making out with Tay one time after we talked about it so now I'm like a mono super carrier, which means you are to since you, you know, all but accosted me just now before I could warn you." You inform him gravely. "I would advise against kissing anyone other than me ever again. Just to be safe."
“You and your stupid mouth.” He tuts, squeezing your thighs. You giggle, running your fingers over his cheeks. His warm gaze finally finds yours.
“You’re the champ, baby. How does it feel?”
“Almost as good as this.” His mouth finds yours again and you can’t help but grin into it. “Do you mind?” He snarls leaning back to take in your laughing face. “I’m trying to do some of my best work here.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“I hate you.”
“Mmm, ditto.”
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I am so sorry if this may sound ignorant (I have been doing online school for about 3 years now and havent really been around many people my age for a while so I don't know if this plays into my question or not)
I have 2 questions
1. I use the pronouns she/her (it's just what I have always been comfortable with) but I prefer to were more masc or boy stereotypical clothing I guess you could say. Now I do like girl clothes but not as much. I think im just confused if it's a body thing or a gender thing because I like masc clothes so much since they just fit my body better I definitely feel more comfortable in them, but I also like to wear fem presenting clothes as well that may be more form fitting. And you know sometimes I want to put on a suit and strut around in it and sometimes I want to put on a dress it just depends.
2. I am very confused about my sexuality lol. I don't think I realized people could even be more than what society had already deemed as normal and around the age I would have probably began to explore my sexuality covid hit and everything went online. (For reference I am about to turn 16 and would have been 13 when the pandemic hit) I feel the same when I see an attractive female as I would an attractive male (this goes for anyone really if I find them attractive I can feel attraction to them, whether it's a platonic, romantic, or sexual attraction genuinely don't know) I also am fine reading sex scenes but whenever people talk about it in person or if I watch it on tv that's when I get uncomfy and I genuinely can't see myself having sex with someone (idk if that will change or not) but im fine with seeing myself being in a relationship and cuddling expressing my love for a person and sometimes kissing (it depends)
I am so sorry that this was sooo long and all over the place my brain is all messy when I don't plan things out before I write or say anything, and you don't have to answer of course this was just me ranting about how I have no clear thoughts as to who I am yet and it feels good to get it off my chest lt even if you don't answer or even see this.
Thank you genuinely it feels good to talk.
No need to apologise!! I’m here for u :] That’s good, I’m glad writing this ask helped you feel better—try and write shit down sometimes, even if it’s just hastily typed into a google doc and immediately deleted. Shit’s magic honestly.
Preferring or liking masculine clothing doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re transgender. Like obviously it’s a possibility but it’s not like, oh I like pants instead of skirts that means I’m a guy!! You could be trans or you could just be a girl who likes different types of clothing.
My advice is like, don’t sweat it too much, and just do what makes you happy. If you like masculine clothing, fucking go for it!!! I’m sure you’ll slay 100%!! If you wanna wear form fitting stuff, go for that too!! Just. Do what makes you feel like yourself, and do what makes you feel happy, don’t worry about labels and am-i-trans-am-i-cis and all that, kay? Just Vibe!!!!!!
I’d suggest you consider mspec labels, which means attraction to multiple genders, labels like bisexual and pansexual, or just plain old bi and pan might be good for you!!
You can look into the asexual spectrum, which is basically all sexualities that aren’t like 100% allosexual (allosexual means like. most of the population and how they experience sexual attraction.)
Yes, attraction can be confusing. And yes, it’s possible the stuff you feel might change. Maybe you’ll feel sexual attraction someday, or maybe you never will!!
But go with what you like *now.* If bi feels good, go for bi! If asexual feels good, go for it. If you wanna change it later, that’s okay!!
I’m gonna give you my standard new shoe advice—yknow when you have rlly shitty old shoes but you’re used to them, and when you get new shoes you’re like wtf these are really weird, but then you eventually realise they’re much more comfy and you were just used to the shitty old ones?
New labels can be kind of like that. So like, if u try a label and it feels Weird, ask yourself if the weird is a “this is the wrong shoe size” weird or a “i need to break this shoe in” weird.
Hope I could help you out!! Sending my love, and I hope you find what makes you feel happy and feel like yourself!! Have an amazing day <333
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swynlake-rp · 4 months
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It’s Swynlake’s annual pride month, sponsored by the Board! Swynlake has always been a place that has accepted anyone who has felt different. Now, Mundus and Magicks can come together to celebrate a difference that many of them both share: gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender, queer, etc, etc! This celebration is for you. Allies, you are welcome too. Let’s make rainbows friends.
If you want your business to host an ongoing standing Pride Event, message us and we can add it to the post!
WHAT: Pride Month! Pride kicks off with a Bonfire and ends with a fabulous drag show. Between then, here are the activities you’ll find through town… 
MAGICAL TIE-DYE: Come tie-dye your shirts, trousers, skirts and more with fun paint that changes color, glows in the dark, and switches patterns, made especially by the sorcerers of Swynlake. This will be in Main Street Park on Mondays, or in Town Hall if it rains. SIDEWALK CHALK ART: Come play with chalk and add your creation to the sidewalks of Swynlake! The paths of Main Street Park have been marked off for you to go wild. :) This runs all month. PRIDEGRAMS AND FLOWER CROWNS: Make flower crowns and write encouraging messages to your friends and family (or hey– yourself too!) at the Garden Grove on Tuesdays. PRIDE TATTOOS: Get temporary tattoos done at a little stand set up by Pascal and co in Main Street Park, across from the tie-dye on Wednesday. WATER GAMES BY ATLANTIS LAKE: From water balloon fights, slip ‘n’ slides, to sprinklers and more, the lakeshore has been transformed into a mini-water park on Fridays from 3 to sundown. ~AFTER HOURS~ MIDNIGHT BINGO: Win some erotic~ toys~ and clothes~ and more at Midnight Bingo, hosted at Pride U’s great hall on Mondays. OPEN MIC NIGHTS: Come out to Chapter Three to perform your favorite poetry from queer authors or read your own. Every Tuesday evening beginning at 7:00pm. Additionally, for the entire month of June, if you buy a book with a special rainbow sticker (books by queer authors or that feature queer characters), 50% of the proceeds will go to queer Magick youth support groups KARAOKE NIGHT: Are you fierce enough? Do you know the classics, from Houston to Beyonce? Strut your stuff and belt it out Wednesday night at Pixie’s. PRIDE PUB POP QUIZ: Hunted Deer will host a LGBTQIA+ themed trivia night. Just sign up in teams of 2 or more to qualify and win gift cards to the Deer for craft beers and other goodies! Every Thursday (or whatever day there isn't other events) -- starting at 9:00pm LGBTQ+ ICON CELEBRATION: Every Friday the Court of Miracles will host a night of performances featuring music by all queer artists!
WHERE: All through Swynlake
WHO: Hosted by the Swynlake Town Event Committee. Feel free to post starters with your character volunteering or participating on any activity!
WHEN: All month! 
HOW: You can start paras or gif chat these events with everyone! We especially encourage gif chats because they are quick and easy and will let you have as much interaction with as many characters as possible. Alternatively, there will be a standing event channel in the Event Discord (and you can use the existing channels as well!)
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theravennest · 3 years
I hard binged Sell Your Haunted House and finished up today.
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**Spoilers for the entire drama.**
I absolutely ADORED this drama! My god.
The characters were all so rich. Worldbuilding was on point. The storyline felt meaningful and well paced. The emotional arcs each character went through landed pitch perfect for me.
This drama has such incredibly fully realized female characters. Regardless of being good or bad, main or secondary characters...they had rich internal lives, complex emotional relationships with others, and consistent motivations paired with realistic character arcs. For this drama, the women definitely stand out the most for me. Ji Ah is my beloved tragic exorcist queen, Secretary Joo was so incredibly cool and flawed, the poignant story with the Restaurant Ahjumma, Ji Ah’s ghost momma and her deep love for her sister and daughter, In Beom’s grandmother who was a mix of misguided and affectionate, the one-off female characters from the ghost stories/cases...nearly every one of the female characters were super interesting to me.
The heartbreaking tragedy of Ji Ah’s character learning that she was the one who trapped her mother’s spirit with her grief and obsession over her death, then re-wrote her memories. Oof!
That’s not to say that I don’t love a lot of the male characters. I adore the bumbling duo of In Beom and his best friend being idiot conmen who stumble into the ghost world and get swept off into an otherworldly adventure. That fool of a gangster Tae Jin who struggled so much with finding the goodness within him and found a family and home by the end. I even liked the Team Leader and detective guys. (Lowkey did anybody else get an OT3 poly-triad vibe with them and Secretary Joo? lmao)
Oh, In Beom and his uncle! I loved the arc of In Beom coming to terms with the fact that his uncle was culpable in so many deaths that just cascaded out and harmed even Ji Ah. Like, yes the uncle did what he did to try and secure a safe home for his mom and nephew but his selfishness for his own family not only killed people, it doomed his nephew and Ji Ah to 20 years of torment and pain. While ultimately Do Hak Sung is primarily responsible for what happened, In Beom’s uncle did not have clean hands in it.
I really respected the drama for not shirking his part of the responsibility. I really rated that part of In Beom’s arc was coming to grips with how flawed both his family members were yet still finding it in himself to love them still. It was a nice foil for him coming to grips with his own flaws as a conman and finding ways to change for the better in a way that his grandmother and uncle never quite got the chance to before they were gone.
Speaking of consequences of the uncle’s actions...the Egg Ghost! That shit was so unsettling and creepy every single time it showed up on screen. The facelessness of the person possessed by it, and that rattling noise it made. No way, brother, get that shit away from me.
The scene where the Egg Ghost possesses In Beom and Ji Ah is put in the same position as her mother, sacrifice either someone she loves or herself or doom the world to untold amount of deaths at the hands of the Egg Ghost. *chef’s kiss* Loved it! Ji Ah and In Beom using their own individual skills to solve the conundrum of how to exorcise the Egg Ghost without killing the Medium was perfect. I loved their partnership so much.
I was really impressed with the deep intimacy and platonic love that was built between the two leads without any overt romance at all but only a few hints of a crush, mostly from In Beom to Ji Ah.
Like, I am obsessed with the idea of Ji Ah and In Beom either being completely platonic or perhaps hetero-romantic asexual life partners where In Beom stays a virgin so that he can be Ji Ah’s primary Medium forever.
Speaking of...the role and trope reversal were so well done. Instead of it coming off as a gimmick, it felt natural and realistic to how people irl don’t fit in the boxes so often seen in TV or movies. Sometimes when stories try to do role-reversal between female character tropes and male character tropes they can come off a bit clunky. Even worse, sometimes either they eventually revert back to traditional gender essentialist roles or they inadvertently reinforce harmful stereotypes. 
But Sell Your Haunted House avoided all of that by basing the “role reversals” firmly in character. Due to the circumstances of their lives, upbringings, families, and even their specific traumas, these two people grew to be who they are. Ji Ah became a more assured and intense woman with incredible fighting ability and chock full of heartbreaking tragedy. Meanwhile In Beom became a softer and more warm man with a charming damsel vibe who needs to be rescued often because of his own foolish nature.
If you are interested in a drama about an exploration of trauma and grief over a backdrop of ghost stories, horror, and mystery then I definitely recommend this one.
PS. Shoutout to this drama for not doing the supernatural story trope I hate with every fiber of my being where the people with magical abilities end the story with “becoming normal or human” and losing their powers permanently. This show has both the female lead and the male lead strutting off to a new haunting, fully powered up like the badass spirit banishing duo they should be!
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feifood · 3 years
hcs for gon, phinks, and shalnark with an asexual reader please? (if you are not comfortable with this, feel free to ignore)
Having an Asexual Friend
Phinks, Shalnark
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Hi anon !! I took Gon out -- just wasn’t able to come up with any hcs for him, sorry babes :(( But I still hope you like this post !! Thank you for being so considerate, have a great day/night <33
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Poor Phinks has no clue what’s going on
He knows the broad meaning of what asexuality is, but only barely and he’s really not knowledgable enough to talk to you about it
Please help him out or just give him some resources so he can learn on his own
After he learns what it means he’s going to strut around his new knowledge 
Doesn’t go around talking about your sexuality though, that’s not his place to tell people and he knows that
But regardless he’s still very proud of you !! Thinks it’s so cool how you’ve found and accepted that part of yourself and he’s going to keep cheering you on cutie :))
Shalnark already knows everything !!
Right when you came out to him and told him you were asexual, he’s like ‘OOP- I know all about that’
And he wasn’t someone that was showing off his knowledge; HE ACTUALLY KNEW EVERYTHING (I don’t even know how, this man is just wise like that)
I don’t think he’d really talk to you much about it unless you initiate the conversation because he doesn’t make you uncomfortable
Also wouldn’t talk to people about how you’re asexual simply because he doesn’t know if you’re comfortable with him sharing that information about you or not, be he won’t hesitate to put someone in place if they ever talk smack about your sexuality
DEFINITELY teaches poor Phinks, try and change my mind
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thatringboy · 4 years
Pride Month at NRC
I’m out of ideas for funny posts, so let’s go back to headcannons. Specifically, lgbt headcannons.
They decorate the gardens with rainbow roses
But other than that they don’t really do anything as a whole dorm
Riddle has everyone remain in their uniforms for the parade
But the residents are allowed to decorate themselves however they want
Cater helped people with face paint while his face was colored the pansexual flag
Trey and Deuce handed out flags for people
It’s a huge party to decorate everyone
Even Riddle paints a little enby flag on his face
Ace over here wearing a straight ally flag like a cape but was seen kissing Deuce in a corner raised some eyebrows ngl
No face paint for Leona, but damn it if he won’t go shirtless with a Bi flag painted on his chest
Ruggie also over here with Bi face paint and waving a huge ass trans flag
The biggest he could find actually
Jack tried to blend into the crowd, but got dragged into the parade somehow
The entire dorm is either shirtless and covered in paint or in pride shirts
It’s very colorful
Pomfiore is jealous
The Mostro Lounge is serving a specialty drink that’s rainbow colored
The twins sharing an Intersex flag is adorable
Floyd and Jade with their respective sexuality flags (Gay and Pan) tied to their wrists while Azul waved a tiny Aromantic flag is a picture for the memory books
Someone put rainbow duct tape on Azul’s cane and he’s not that mad about it?
No paint for the fish boys, but the Lounge has flags everywhere
Everyone gathers there after the parade
Dancing dancing dancing dancing
Dancing people everywhere
Kalim out here living his best life while Jamil is trying to stay away from cameras
Kalim and all of his richness bought enough pride decorations for the entire school
He got glitter everywhere and Jamil had to clean up poor boy
Jamil let his guard down for a second and ended up with rainbow lipstick smears on his cheeks
But he wasn’t mad about it
Oh dear god someone take away Vil’s make up license
He’s gone overboard as the president of NRC’s GSA
Planned everything for the parade
Rook dressed in drag and was absolutely stunning
Vil did everyone’s makeup based on their sexuality
Epel wanted to paint his chest like the Savanaclaw boys, but settled for a Bi flag on his cheek
Epel ran off once the parade started and dragged Jack into the mess
Vil gave up looking for him after twenty minutes
Idia didn’t go to the parade, but he did change his pfps online to rainbow flags
Ortho led the parade
Idia made a small appearance at the Mostro Lounge after everything calmed down
Everyone was like “Idia where’s your rainbow stuff?”
He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a small rainbow tattoo on his wrist
Is it real? Who knows
Ortho changed the color of his fire hair to a rainbow flame
The other dormheads thought the tiny rainbow was too cute and they were rendered speechless for a second until Floyd started to laugh
Meanwhile the entire Ignihyde dorm isn’t recognizable bc of how much pride stuff was put up
There’s a price to pay for being the dorm based off of a gay god
Lilia sewed the asexual flag into his coat and showed everyone
Silver got a bi flag as a gift from Malleus
Meanwhile someone put bi colored tape on Sebek’s sword and he is pissed
Poor guy
Malleus found a Polysexual flag in his room and he doesn’t know who gave it to him
it was MC
The dorm didn’t really participate in the parade, but they could all be seen around the school
Somehow Sebek got to the front of the parade and ended up leading it with Ortho?
Silver got a t-shirt that said “Two dads, twice the puns”
The gargoyles outside got painted rainbow by someone
Prefect suspects a certain Fae
Grim got a rainbow bow and loves it
The ghosts got dressed up a bit too!
There’s no residents, which means that Grim threw a party after the Mostro Lounge closed for the night
The Light Music Club sung Lady Gaga
Oh lord the noise was on for hours
But it was a fun party
NRC Staff
Ashton Vargas and Divus Crewel aren’t together but damn it if they didn’t strut in the parade together
Mozus Trein just sat in his office all day with his cat
He’s not homophobic, he just doesn’t like large crowds and screaming high schoolers
Crowley and Sam over did it and were super extra, that’s all I’ll say.
Ya’ll NRC is gay as fuck
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alphynix · 4 years
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Transcript for the text on the image under the cut:
Spectember 2020 #11 | nixillustration.com | alphynix.tumblr.com Concept suggested by: @sapientstarstuff
Neotenic Echinoderms
(Xenobarca materiastellarum & Atopothuria natatoria)
The larvae of many echinoderms are very different from the adults, with bilateral symmetry and a free-swimming planktonic lifestyle, and having body plans that almost look like tiny translucent alien lifeforms.
While modern species only spend a few weeks in this life stage before settling to the seafloor and undergoing radical metamorphosis into their more familiar adult forms, a couple of lineages eventually did something else entirely.
Descended from species with unusually extended larval stages, spending months or even years as planktonic organisms before maturing, these echinoderms gradually specialized further for swimming and feeding in this state. They shifted their lifecycle until the adults were incredibly short-lived forms, existing only to reproduce, and eventually they became fully neotenic, reaching sexual maturity without ever metamorphosing at all.
Xenobarca materiastellarum evolved from the ophiopluteus larva of a brittle star, modifying one pair of appendages into large paddle-like fins for propulsion and growing to much larger sizes – up to 2cm long (0.8"). Its long strut-like arms are supported by calcitic skeletal rods and are primarily used to catch suspended food particles in the water, pulling them towards its mouth using rows of cilia.
Due to the pointed shape of its body it actually swims backwards, but when feeding it tends to orient itself more vertically with its arms pointing upwards.
[Image: a small swimming creature descended from the larvae of brittle stars. It looks almost alien, with four long strut-like appendages extending outwards from a triangular "front" section, two shorter fins in the midsection, and two large paddle-like horizontal "tail flukes" at the rear. It's translucent, with a gut visible inside its body, and there are bands of iridescent cilia lining the edges of its appendages.]
In a stunning case of parallel evolution, the auricularia larva of a sea cucumber also developed into a fully neotenic form.
However, Atopothuria natatoria evolved a completely different body plan – a convergently fish-like shape, tall and laterally flattened, propelling itself using a diamond-shaped vertical paddle-like "tail fin".
Growing up to 5cm long (2"), it has a simple light-sensitive eyespot and a sensory tuft at the front of its body, and wide fin-like flaps at its sides lined with cilia that catch and transport planktonic food particles towards the mouth on its underside.
Both of these neotenic echinoderms are also capable of asexual reproduction, but each performs this in a different manner. Xenobarca can shed its arms – or have pieces of them accidentally broken off – and these fragments will then regenerate into fully-formed clones. Meanwhile, Atopothuria occasionally buds from its "tail" end, producing miniature copies of itself which eventually detach and swim away.
[Image: a small swimming creature descended from the larvae of sea cucumbers. It looks vaguely like an alien fish, with a vertically flattened body, two fin-like flaps at its sides, and a diamond-shaped vertical tail fin. It's translucent, with a gut visible inside its body, a band of iridescent cilia loops around its body, and it has a single "eye" at the front above a small cluster of longer sensory cilia.]
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thenickelportrust · 4 years
Scene Practice 1
Hello everyone! I thought it'd be fun to try out some practice scenes I'm planning to eventually put into Model Citizens. These are just scenes that have been floating around in my head that I have planned, but want to get a better handle/idea of how they play out. 
(None of them will have any major spoilers, any minor spoilers are going to be ones already talked about publicly here)
I have a few of these planned to put up, and might do one a month for a bit as some exercise.
This Month's Short: Confessing to Yolanda with an Asexual MC
You had grown used to standing in this room. This wide room with the wood trim, and the wide, flat plane of glass that made up the back wall. You had grown used to a sight you thought, the first time you were here, you could never get used to. The night sky itself was always dark and starless over Nickelport, the nebula over your heads drowned out by the flood of city life. But the stars weren’t gone entirely, no, instead they’d been moved beneath you. Beneath your feet onto this polished black marble that reflected the scattering of neon that dotted the jagged Nickelport horizon. You could see, up here, in Yolanda Waltz’s private study, why this really was called the district of neon stars.
And standing over these artificial stars, her heels clicking against the marble floor as she stepped towards a pitcher full to the brim with fresh lemon water, is Yolanda Waltz herself.
You wonder, now, how long it took her to grow used to the stars being beneath you. Was she as quick as you to accept the fact that you were walking over the faux-Milky Way up here? Or maybe she never had to grow used to it. It wouldn’t have been as sudden for her, after all, since she was the one who built the monument to respite that the Chat Blanc has become. She would have had to feel it all rise beneath her feet, watched this somehow still-standing building shrug off the limits of the sky and pool the stars together on its flooring.
Or maybe you’re putting too much poetic thought into simple construction.
Yolanda Waltz’s cup of water catches a fair few fake stars itself, and you see red and blue bend and twist around the curved body of glass. The click of her heels the only break in the silence as she hands one cup towards you. You accept it silently, the glass cold against your palms. A bead of water drips down the side of it, leaving a small streak in its wake. Your thumb comes up to wipe it away before it reaches the bottom of the glass, still silent as thoughts of galaxies drain from your brain, replaced instead by a singular, shining starlet who sits in front of you now.
You had grown used to being by her side. This woman in front of you, with one leg hooked gracefully over the other. A white dress pouring down one arm and collecting in a pool by her ankle. Sleek, pristine, pressed. Pressed lips that quirk up and you realize quickly that your staring has not gone unnoticed.
“Should I start charging a museum fee?” Yolanda’s smooth voice rises to your ears through the clean silence of this wide and polished room. “Looking, but never speaking, or touching.”
The flirtatious edge is also something you’ve grown used to. Yet still you find your face flushing as you look down to take a deep sip from the glass, an excuse not to speak as you gather back your straying thoughts.
One leg jitters of its own accord, bouncing up and down while the heel of your own shoe clicks nervously. Your free hand squeezes into the fabric of your skirt before smoothing it back down again. “I…”
“Too much?” Yolanda leaves a dark red print from where her lips touched the glass. “You seem more on edge today. I thought perhaps it might help you loosen up.”
You had grown used to being by her side. You had even grown used to some of the more… double edged remarks passed between the two of you. Sentiments teetering between joking and… something a bit more dangerous. You had grown as used to them as you had walking across comets painted in neon.
So why, suddenly, does it all feel like the first time once again?
Why, suddenly, have you become nervous and skittish all over again? Why does it feel like every step on this dark floor is one that might send you plunging into the abyss, why does it feel like every time Yolanda Waltz speaks with that tilted tone you find your heart fluttering like you are once again the nervous reporter sitting in her room interviewing her about a lead that might lead you to the identity of a red-clad superhero…
“Why do you do that?” The words slip from your lips.
Yolanda Waltz doesn’t flinch, but one brow does find itself pushing up, her head tilting. “Oh? What?”
“That… this… I mean… you tease me too much.” You lean back into the silk cushion of the chair, it bobs and fluffs up around you, catching you like arms.
The glass lifts again, and now there’s another red mark next to the first. Two lip prints placed so gently next to each other. “Does it make you uncomfortable? If so then I will stop.”
“N-no!” Too fast. Too loud. “No it doesn’t- um… I don’t think it makes me uncomfortable?”
Two lips prints that are placed on the table next to her seat. Her legs uncross, and Yolanda Waltz smooths down her dress. “You sound unsure. If it is alright with you then I will stop until you know whether or not it makes you uncomfortable.”
She sounds so… professional when she says that. Granted, Yolanda Waltz always sounds professional. Always calm. You don’t think you’ve ever seen her break that façade. Or at least, when she does seem to… it’s always that. Seems to. Somehow it feels very distant. There’s the woman in front of you, Yolanda Waltz, but then there’s Yolanda, and she’s… somewhere else. Somewhere much further away.
“What if it isn’t alright with me?” Your hands squeeze, one into soft fabric and the other around hard and cold glass. “What if I said I didn’t want you to stop?”
But there are flickers, little cracks between the pressed smiles and pressed clothes and… Flickers like now, when there’s a little flicker of surprise. It flashes so quickly over her face-- a shooting star of emotion. “You enjoy our banter, then?”
You swallow down another gulp of ice cold water, and try to pretend it’s something stronger. Strong enough to give you a burst of confidence. “I enjoy you.”
Flicker. “Excuse me?”
“I enjoy you-- I like you.” You place the glass to the side and force yourself to stand, listening to your own heels click against the floor as you walk towards Yolanda Waltz. “I like you, Yolanda. I like flirting with you. I like being with you. I want to get to know you.”
Flicker. Her eyes never leave yours, “Those are dangerous requests, darling.”
“No.” Your hands find the armrests of her chair, and you try to pretend that you’re doing that to be… seductive? Flirtatious? It’s always worked that way in the movies.
In reality, you’re just trying not to fall over. Your feet are too shaky to keep you upright right now. “I think you’re saying that. And if- if--” Fuck, dammit, and you were doing so well without stuttering, “If you don’t want to.. Get to know each other,” Recover, recover, recover, you were doing so well don’t lose it now, “In that way then… uh… we… can just… not…”
This is not recovering. This is a downward spiral. This was going so well. And now your arms feel stiff and your legs feel awkward and your limbs all feel a bit too long for your body and is this even a seductive pose? God it’s not is it? Oh god you have to look so stupid right now what the hell are you doing this is Yolanda Goddamn Waltz and you just tried to what? Strut up to her and confess? Who the hells ‘struts’ anyway? Fuck what the fuck are you doing why did you--
A hand finds the side of your cheek. A warm palm with long, slender fingers and a gentle thumb that moves over the side of your face. A soft laugh leaves Yolanda’s red lips, leaving a print on the side of your brain, where that laugh and those lips dance in circles. “Perhaps it is a bit cruel of me to say so but there is something rather cute about watching you lose yourself in your own mind. You’re far more expressive than you might realize, darling, and I can’t help but wonder what’s going on in that active imagination of yours.”
Your skin must be boiling under her hand, and your brain has gone from downward spiral to stagnant static as a dull, “Uh…” falls free from your lips.
Yolanda’s hand pulls away and you start to realize that your arms have begun to ache from holding you up, but you’re no longer sure how to gracefully dismount from this position you’ve put yourself in. Lucky for you, Yolanda spares you the embarrassment and slowly stands, allowing you to pull back. She takes your hands instead, and brings one up to her lips to kiss the back of your knuckles, leaving a mark of red in their place. “You make it very tempting , darling, and I like you quite a bit too.”
“It may just be the fact that I think my mind has gone numb,” Your mouth, too, by the way you start speaking your thoughts aloud without a filter, “But… was that… I’m not sure if that was a rejection or not?”
She considers this for a moment, her lips pursed gently, then another laugh, this one lower, more throaty as Yolanda Waltz turns her head to the side. There’s a flicker again, but it’s not out of surprise. It’s… uncertainty. “I am not sure either.”
“Can… can I ask why not?”
Yolanda lowers your hand, and this time she keeps her eyes on the red mark on the back of your palm. “All my life, I have only ever sought physical relationships. That is not to say I’ve been adverse to the idea of a more emotional one, but it has also never been a priority of mine. I’ve found people with whom we can seek a bit of respite and pleasure together, and perhaps even share a pleasant cup of coffee together after. But never anything more than that. I have been content with that, and felt no need to seek anything more with them after, save for an occasional repeat if they desired the same. I would be willing to spend such time with you…”
“But that’s not something I’m interested in.” You supply.
“No, I know this. And of course, that is perfectly alright.” Yolanda’s thumb brushes over your hand, “But a… romantic relationship is something of new territory to me. Not to mention, a purely romantic relationship, at least of the emotional kind, that is even more unknown territory.”
You nod slowly, “That’s okay. If you don’t want--”
“I did not say I did not want it.” Yolanda frowns, and it’s more than a flicker this time. It’s… a genuine look of being lost. Uncertain. “To speak frankly, I want to be with you. And the idea of such a relationship is not an unpleasant one. It is just… a new one. An unfamiliar one.”
“Oh, well that’s okay.” You try to smile, hesitantly attempting to reach up and brush a hand over her chin, coax her back to looking at you. “Is there any way I can help you… I dunno, get more familiar with it?”
She looks up easily, but it does not seem to make her any more certain. “I think it is more a matter of time and trial. If you are willing to be patient, darling, then… I would like to be with you, although I may not… know what to do at first… if that is understandable?”
“Of course.” You try to smile, to show more reassurance. “We can take it slow. And, at least for now, keep everything the same until you get more comfortable with the idea of being together? Then when you know how you feel a bit more, we’ll take whatever step we want to take, and just sorta… see where it goes from there?”
You watch as Yolanda Waltz-- a woman you’ve never seen break, a woman you’ve seen remain dead calm in the midst of some of the most stressful storms of Nickelport-- relaxes. “Yes. That sounds agreeable.”
You also watch as Yolanda Waltz, for once, hesitates, then asks, just as hesitantly, “Is it alright if I kiss you then?”
You can’t help your own laugh from bubbling out of your throat, “Yes.” You say, “Always.”
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ghostie-luther · 4 years
Umbrella academy headcanons #1 - sexuality
Takes place in my "I won't hesitate bitch" texting universe on ao3, which you can read, here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24146260
In my universe the hargreeves siblings are 13 years old! !
-luther is pansexual, like Klaus!
-so ik in the series and stuff he loses his v card to rave girl (which was technically r*pe btw....he was drunk out of his mind) but come onnnn Luther with a boyfriend? CUTE
-he probably knew from an early age tbh, told reggie and Reggie was like "haha think again bitch" and basically told him he couldn't afford to be gay as number 1
-which is, by the way, bullshit
-and although Luther is very comfortable in his gender as a cis male, he gotta admit, he loves a good skirt
-like the pink pleated aesthetic ones?? The pastel ones?? Ohmyfuckinggod he drooled
-so Grace made him one!!
-like cmon let the boy wear what he wants. He looks adorable in it >:(
-he and Klaus are very similar in the way that they both like feminine clothing and have both been caught wearing makeup and painted nails
-yes Luther thirsts over luke Evans get with the times
-Diego is straight!
-he attracts alot of female attention while out on missions and interviews and he LOVES it
-hes very confident when he comes to the ladies, despite never having a girlfriend
-although he knows how to paint nails like a BOSS for his siblings. He doesn't even care. He OWNS it
-like he will sit and listen to tea while doing their nails for hours and hours
-lmao he tried to do that "sexy growl" thing men do during an interview and spat everywhere
-girls took the absolute piss out of him for MONTHS
-recently he's had his eye on this girl named Eudora who walks past the mansion on her way to school.....but it'll never happen
-Allison is also straight!
-her and Diego and five are the only "straight" ones tbh
-Vanya says it's a shame because lots of girls would have FLOCKED to Allison give them the chance
-one of her favourite things to do is let Klaus do her makeup after Reggie has gone to bed
- like Diego, she a sucker for gossip
-sometimes her and Diego pick fun at the others but it's all harmless teasing that they're all perfectly fine with
-Luther: imagine drawing your eyebrows on everyday
Allison: imagine hiding in the bathroom for an hour because you were wearing a skirt and dad was looking for you
Allison: couldn't be me
-she's such a diva! She likes to strut around in feather boas with Klaus and talk about boys and read magazines
-its her favourite time of day
-Klaus is pansexual like Luther!
-Klaus, while also is very confident in his gender, STEALS ALLISONS AND GRACES CLOTHES-
-honestly you'd go into his room and he'd be sat there in an prom dress and a boa
-nobody even HAD a prom dress
-he Ben and Luther like to have sleepovers alot to catch up and thirst over men (and women) they like
-Klaus loves to wear makeup!
- not as subtle as Luther though. Where Luther would have maybe some blush, red or pink eyeshadow and lilgloss Klaus would POP OFF
-vibrant eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, eyebrows drawn on highlighter ETC
-i mean...hes not amazing at it but he finds it SO FUN
- he keeps getting Luther to try the eyeliner but he won't, and Klaus gets really mad because IT WOULD SUIT HIM SO WELL
-both he and luther have to do the makeup when there's NO chance at getting caught tho because reggie would go off the RAILS
-straight as a lamppost
-but he's in the community because he is asexual!
-nothing to do with adult stuff appeals to him AT ALL
-at least before he dissapeared oop
-now nobody knows
-"compared to me she's as smart as a newborn baby but GODAMN she cute-"
- this babey is fully, 100% gay
-but you wouldn't really be able to tell because he keeps it pretty quiet and doesn't really show anything off??
-OH OF COURSE you get the sass and the gay jokes but he doesn't really join in with the whole "omg look at this man" type thing
-maybe he's just shy
-hes shy but will paint his nails black any day of the week
-i think he would rather cry in the library than admit he liked someone tbh
-hes so awkward it's adorable
-sometimes the rest forget he's gay because he acts...well...straight or doesn't mention it for AGES and then he'll come out with "-oh PLEASE when me and my husband get married-" or something and everyone fucking JOLTS
- this child is so gay omg she can't contain it
-every joke she makes about herself points to herself being gay (which i mean...same)
- she has posters of famous female singers in her room because:
- "dad these women inspire me to play the violin and are the reason I strive to be better."
-like no sis tf???
- you just like to stare at them
- she deadass outlined Angelina jolies face in a lipstick heart like this was an early 2000s movie
- she gets really frustrated sometimes because Allison likes boys and vanyas all "I like...hnnng girls...women...BOOBS...girls, women are nice ygm?" And Allison's like "..no?💀"
-has exactly 12 flannel shirts in her wardrobe
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
OK I have to share the dream I had last night because usually I have nightmares but this wasn't one.
I was working for BTS as like an assistant, like I went to shows and would pick up the gifts fans threw and stuff. And they'd just won an award and the nwere performing a show behind, and had to run back into this little room to do a quick change. So I went back there to check and make sure they were hurrying up, and I realized JK was just sitting totally naked in a chair so I like "MEEPED" out of there.
But then Hoseok walked out FULL ON NAKED onto the stage, like just strutting around and posing while the fans went absolutely buckwild. I ran backstage and all the guys were like "WHAT IS HE DOING?" so I was showing them and they were horrified, and the owner of the venue came running back and was like 'WHAT IS THAT? I thought he was the sophisticated one!"
But dealing with that was above my paygrade, so I left that to the big managers, but noticed that JK had black boxers on but no shirt and he had tattoos I didn't know about, so I asked if I could see and he was really happy to show them off. Get ready for this, he had:
- the molecular profile of a bomb from an Avenger's movie on his left rib and pec
-the little green race car from Toy Story on his shoulder/bicep but like a big colored scene and the race car didn't look quite right
-a sandwich with monster teeth on his lower back hip
-a college sports team mascot on his right pec, overlapping with "53x+m³=Ø"
-a video game thing across his ribs and stomach but I don't remember what it was
I think there were a few more I don't remember, but the thing is, they were also all TERRIBLY done. Like, sprawling, shaky lines, bad coloring, etc. It looked like he just let a friend who wanted to be a tattoo artist someday give him all these tattoos. But i didn't say anything, I just honed in on that equation and went,
"Wait, isn't that a sign for asexual?" And he said yeah and looked really uncomfortable and I said, "Are you asexual?" "Yea...."
And of course I said that was cool and that I loved his tattoos and he was super happy and relieved.
And then Hoseok and Namjoon both came back from the stage NAKED and decided to put clothes on.
And that was my dream. There ya go.
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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It’s Swynlake’s annual pride month, sponsored by the Board! Swynlake has always been a place that has accepted anyone who has felt different. Now, Mundus and Magicks can come together to celebrate a difference that many of them both share: gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, transgender, queer, etc, etc! This celebration is for you. Allies, you are welcome too. Let’s make rainbows friends.
If you want your business to host an ongoing standing Pride Event, message us and we can add it to the post!
WHAT: Pride Month! Pride kicks off with a Bonfire and ends with a fabulous drag show. Between then, here are the activities you’ll find through town… 
MAGICAL TIE-DYE: Come tie-dye your shirts, trousers, skirts and more with fun paint that changes color, glows in the dark, and switches patterns, made especially by the sorcerers of Swynlake. This will be in Main Street Park on Mondays, or in Town Hall if it rains. SIDEWALK CHALK ART: Come play with chalk and add your creation to the sidewalks of Swynlake! The paths of Main Street Park have been marked off for you to go wild. :) This runs all month.  PRIDEGRAMS AND FLOWER CROWNS: Make flower crowns and write encouraging messages to your friends and family (or hey– yourself too!) at the Garden Grove on Tuesdays.  PRIDE TATTOOS WITH PASCAL: Get temporary tattoos done by Pascal and co at a little stand set up in Main Street Park, across from the tie-dye on Mondays.  WATER GAMES BY ATLANTIS LAKE: From water balloon fights, slip ‘n’ slides, to sprinklers and more, the lakeshore has been transformed into a mini-water park on Fridays from 3 to sundown. ~AFTER HOURS~ ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW: On Saturday nights, Pride U will project the movie. Just grab a blanket and a patch of grass in the campus quad. MIDNIGHT BINGO: Win some erotic~ toys~ and clothes~ and more at Midnight Bingo, hosted at Pride U’s great hall on Mondays.  TRIVIA NIGHT THURSDAY: [name redacted] will host a LGBTQIA+ themed trivia night. Just sign up in teams of 2 or more to qualify and win craft beer, coffee, or craft beer AND coffee.  PIXIE KARAOKE NIGHT: Are you fierce enough? Do you know the classics, from Houston to Beyonce? Strut your stuff and belt it out Wednesday night at Pixie’s.
WHERE: All through Swynlake
WHO: Hosted by the Swynlake Town Event Committee. Feel free to post starters with your character volunteering or participating on any activity!
WHEN: All month! 
HOW: You can start paras or gif chat these events with everyone! We especially encourage gif chats because they are quick and easy and will let you have as much interaction with as many characters as possible. Alternatively, there will be a standing event channel in the Event Discord (and you can use the existing channels as well!)
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Summary: The Christmas season was always hard for the Novak family but this year Castiel has someone to help him through it. Dean is determined to help his boyfriend, Cas, get through a holiday gathering with his family.
Read on Ao3
(Fic bellow the cut)
Families can be hard. And if Dean ‘my dad’s homophobia made me too afraid to come out of the closet even after he passed’ Winchester had one goal tonight, it is to make this as easy as the universe would allow him. Having your parents know that your a biromantic asexual and actually coming home with a boyfriend are two entirely different ballparks.
Cas had insisted that Dean should come to meet his family this Christmas. The previous years they had always gone down to Dean’s basically surrogate father’s place. Bobby was a bit rough around the edges but was all gushy at the core and welcomed Cas to the family with a smile and slap on the back(He could have sworn he heard a ‘finally!’ as well).
Ellen and Jo both gave Cas some… stern talking-to’s about what getting with Dean entails that left him a little shaken, but over the past four years of being Dean’s ‘boyfriend’ instead of ‘best friend’ has shown him worthy of Dean’s heart. Jody and Donna had been more than welcoming as well, even inviting him and Dean over for a nice dinner one night.
Sam was probably the most excited. He flew all the way from California to congratulate them in person and even got a little teared up by Dean accepting himself for who he was. He had stayed the remainder of the week and spent the whole time smiling at them and helicoptering around them to make sure it was real.
Dean has to admit, he is kinda glad they aren't spending the entire Christmas weekend at the Novak’s. He loves Cas and would do anything for him but his family gives him the creeps. It’s a good thing Cas doesn’t want to stay either. He found that the Winchester Christmases with movie nights, warm fires, and eggnog, much more enjoyable than “an uncomfortable, over formal Christmas dinner where the chairs are replaced with the sticks up their asses”, as Cas once put it.
He didn’t begin to feel the pinpricks of nervousness until they steered the impala into the gated neighborhood where Cas’s family lived. The tall borderline-mansion houses could be seen across the large well-trimmed yards, illuminated by professionally hung Christmas décor and outdoor spotlights.
“What did you say the address was again?” Dean asked, leaning toward where Cas sat next to him, fidgeting nervously.
“1574 Rosealee Court-” Cas sat forward pointing out the window at the house, “-That’s it, right there.”
Dean turned into the driveway, internally judging how they had lined the entire perimeter of the pavement with tiny white lights. He slowly rolled to a stop a little past halfway around the U of the driveway, pulling the keys out of the ignition. The silence replaced the loud rumble of the engine and quietly playing songs from the Christmas cassette Dean had gotten for Cas a few years back after discovering his love for the seasons music.
“You all right, sweetheart?” Dean spoke softly and slid across the bench seat to wrap an arm around Cas’s shoulder, his other hand finding Cas’s and gentle squeezing it.
“Yeah, just a little nervous.” Cas was squinting up at the house and it’s artificial Christmas feel.
“Hey, look at me,” Dean waited for Cas to turn to him, his too-blue eyes shining in the bright lights, and pressed a gentle kiss on his warm lips. “It’s going to be all right. I’m going to be here the whole time. Won’t even go for bathroom breaks.”
Cas smiled and Dean didn’t fight the grin that bubbled out of the warm feeling in his gut. He leaned forward and placed one more chaste peck on Cas’s lips before ushering him out of the car. Taking Cas’s hand in his, they made their way up to the door, ringing the doorbell and waiting for the blurry figure to appear in the  beveled glass To let them in.
“CASSIE!” Gabriel shrilled as he opened the door, pulling his younger brother into a tight hug. Dean must have been staring because next Gabriel turns to him with a wide smirk. “Aww, Dean-o, is my baby brothers boy-toy feeling left out? Come’ere-” He pulled Dean into a bone-crushing embrace that left him a little light headed when the shorter man set him down back onto his feet.
“Gabriel, I didn’t expect you to be here.” Cas said, surprised.
“Well, I wasn’t going to come but when I heard Cassie was coming and bringing ‘his significant other’ I just had to make sure it was Dean here they were talking about. I am hurt that not once you mentioned to me that you two finally pulled your heads out of your asses and got together. I mean, I am your brother and-”
“Is that Castiel?” A voice said from behind.
Gabriel stepped back to reveal its owner, and it was no one other than Naomi Novak, Cas’s mother. She walked up to the door, shooing Gabriel to the side and gesturing for them both to come inside. She smiled when Dean looked at her but it didn’t reach her eyes and looked unnatural on her tight face.
She closed the door behind them and waited for them to strip off their coats, scanning their jeans and Henleys with an air of distaste. Naomi kept that smile plastered on her face, however, as she led them deeper into the house to what must be the family room.
There was a gas-lit fire burning in the large fireplace under the mantle where the TV hung, traditional Christmas music playing off one of those music channels. Cas led him over to the couch, adjusting the throw pillows to make the stiff furniture a little more comfortable. Gabriel strode in just as they got settled and splayed himself out on a white leather chair across from them.
“I’ll just be a moment. Your brothers are in the kitchen, I’ll go bring them out to say hello to you and…” Naomi looked over at Dean questioningly.
“Dean. Dean Winchester.” Dean said, finding it a little odd that Naomi couldn’t remember his name. He’s come over for barbeques and such as a friend before, perhaps she was doing it to piss off Cas.
“Yes, Dean.” She finished, the ugly smile twisting her lips again. “Oh! And I almost forgot to mention, your father decided to join us tonight as well, he is upstairs and will be down soon.”
He felt Cas squeeze his hand tighter and his face paled slightly at the mention of Chuck. Gabriel sent a worried glance their way as Naomi strutted off to the kitchen, satisfied with her work.
“It’s going to be ok, I’ll be right here.” Dean whispered and Cas nodded in reply.
Cas hated his father. Chuck left when he was 5, disappearing until he was almost 15. Naomi welcomed him back as if he was never gone, ignoring the fact that he was a broke alcoholic. Cas had a horrid few years till he got out of the house and to college where he met Dean.
Dean was studying to be an English teacher, Cas a writer. They had met one eventful evening when Dean rounded a corner too fast, running straight(haha yeah right) into Castiel in a fatal collision that ruined 2 cups of coffee and a shit ton of papers.
“So,” Gabriel said, attempting to clear the tension, “how long?”
“What?” Dean said, looking over to where the man was sprawled out in the chair.
“How long have you two been a pair?”
“Uhh,” Dean glanced over at Cas who shrugged. “You sure you wanna know?”
“It’s not like it's been going on for that long. Spill!”
Dean cleared his throat, “about four years now.”
“Ha nice try. For real now, how long?”
“He’s right, it’ll be five years next fall.” Cas stated.
Gabe’s jaw dropped as he looked between the two of them. He seemed to catch up because the next moment he was standing up and shrieking, “ WHAT! Four years! Cassie why didn’t you tell me!”
Cas cowered back into the still cushions, but thankfully, whatever was about to happen was interrupted by someone clearing their throat from the doorway. Michael stepped into the room, tailed by Lucifer and Naomi. They all walked over and settled down one the couch and the remaining chair, leaving a space for Chuck.
They ease into a shallow conversation about the rise in profits at Michael’s company. Dean tunes out, letting the sound of Michael’s money talk become background noise to his thoughts. Cas was still gripping his hand tightly, his posture ridgid as if waiting for something to pounce.
Dean rubbed his thumb gently over Cas’s knuckles in a soothing gesture, hoping to silently comfort and remind him of his support and presence. After a while, Cas did seem to relax a bit. His grip was a bit looser and he was leaning back against the couch now. Everything seemed to be going great until Chuck Novak made his way into the room and sat down on the couch where he could look directly at Cas and Dean.
Cas immediately was on alert once more and even Dean felt the hairs on his neck rise. Chuck skimmed over them with a blank expression, pausing briefly at their conjoined hands.
The thing is, Chuck 'doesn't mind the LGBTs’ as long as it’s not his son. When it comes to this, the cowardish, skittish little man Chuck appears to be takes the back seat while a stone cold, angry version takes up front. Dean has only seen that happen once before when Gabe had mentioned relationships he has had with members of the same sex before he had met Kahli, and he is not happy to be seeing it again.
Dean tries to turn his attention to the conversation. Lucifer and Michael are explaining in extraneous detail what the company's main goal is to Naomi who seems to be understanding most of it. He thinks for a second that tonight may just go ok when the conversation ends, allowing the main focus to switch to the couple.
“So,” Naomi asks, “how long have you been together.”
“Four years.” Castiel states, looking his father in the eyes as he does so.
They all look a little taken aback that the two had been together for that long without anyone knowing about it in the slightest.
“And how’s that going for you?” She says through her fake smile.
“Quite well, actually,” Dean says, “We have an apartment together in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Im a High School English teacher there. We are really happy there.”
“Are you sure?” Chuck cut in.
“Are you ok with… you know?” Chuck said, waving his hands around like Dean was supposed to know what he was talking about.
“If he ok with what, Chuck?” Cas said, a hint of anger in his voice. “Me being asexual?”
“Honey, there is no need to get angry, we are just making sure Dean thinks it’s a fair relationship for him.” Naomi chides.
A burst of rage sparks in Dean’s chest and he can see the turmoil in Cas’s eyes as he glares at his father. How can someone speak like that about their child? About someone as amazing as Cas?
“Dean, you can’t possibly be happy in a relationship like that! People like you love sex, right?”
This isn’t the first time the comment has been thrown his way but after what they had just said to Cas, it snaps something in Dean. A tight ball of anger bubbles in his chest as he fights to keep from blowing up. He takes a deep breath and meets Chuck’s eyes.
“People like me, meaning Bisexuals?” Dean says, keeping his voice as cool as possible.
Naomi flinches at the word a bit but agrees.
“I am perfectly happy in my relationship with Cas. Contrary to your belief, bisexuals are not sex driven animals and asexuals aren't broken people who will never find love and you have to be seriously messed up to think that sex is necessary for a relationship.” Dean snaps before standing up from the couch, pulling Cas up with him. “Thanks for having us, we’ll be leaving now.”
He borderline stomps to the front door and helps Cas with his coat before donning his own and they head out to the impala. He starts the car, blasting the heat and driving off in silence. They are just pulling out of the suburb area when he hears a sniffle from Cas. Dean instantly pulls the car over and flicks on his hazards before slinging across the bench seat.
Dean opens his arms and Cas slides over and buries his face in Dean’s chest, his fingers twisting up in the back of Dean’s coat as a sob slips out. Followed by another, and another until Cas is clinging to Dean, crying into his coat as Dean gently runs his hands up and down Cas’s back, whispering soft affirmations between kisses into Cas’s hair.
When Cas’s breathing evens out, he leans back from Dean, wiping at his red eyes and nose with his sleeve.
“Nothing to be sorry for, sunshine. Hey, how about we go to that festival we saw driving in, hmm?”
Cas nodded and buckled back into his seat while Dean buckled his own and pulled back on the road. He turned up the volume as I’m Dreaming Of A White Christmas began to play. Dean smiled as he thought back to the first snow of the season. It was early November when the weather took a dip.
Cas’s cheeks were rosy and he kept wiping his nose, the cold air making their breath come out in small puffs while they trudged their way up the hill, dragging the plastic sled behind them.
When they reached the top, Dean pushed the sled down into the snow and plopped into the back of the bright orange contraption, planting his feet to make sure it wouldn't slide before they were ready. Cas straddled in front of Dean before sitting down and falling back against Dean’s chest, putting his feet in the front of the sled and trying to make enough room for Dean’s with the thick snow pants on.
Dean wrapped his arms around the front of Cas to grab the thin rope used to steer the thing, Cas grabbed a hold too, smiling in anticipation. Dean scootched forward and the sled barely moved an inch. Cas laughed and began scooching in sync with Dean and before they knew it, Dean had his feet up in the front of the sled with Cas and they rocketed down the hill, whooping and laughing all the way down.
The thought helped ease some of the emotions swirling in his stomach as they drove into town. Knowing how much Cas loves it, despite his insistence on the opposite, Dean begins singing along to the song.
“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.
Just like the ones I used to know.”
Dean looked over at Cas and gave him a smile before continuing.
“ Where the tree-tops glisten,
And children listen,
To hear, sleigh bells in the snow.”
He hears Cas clear his throat and join in on the next line.
“I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
“With every Christmas card I write
“May your days be merry and bright
“And may all your Christmases be white”
Cas laid his hand palm up in the middle of the seat and Dean took it, lifting it up to his face and dropping a kiss to his knuckles before singing the next lines.
“I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
“With every Christmas card I write
“May your days be merry and bright
“And may all your Christmases be white
“May your days be merry and bright
“And may all your Christmases be white”
The song ended just as they pulled into the lot. There weren't many people here, but that’s perfect for them tonight. The soft colored lights and sweet smells of the carnival made the night seem warmer than the frigid temperature it actually was.
Dean reached over the seat and came back with some hats and gloves for him, mittens for Cas. He put his on, waiting for Cas to do the same before they got out of the car and held hands as they made their way to the small ticket booth by the entrance. Dean handed over some cash and took his tickets with a ‘thanks’ before making his way towards the rides.
“Ooo let’s go get some hot chocolate.” Dean said, pulling Cas over to the warm, coca scented tent and ordering two cups.
The heat from the paper cup could be felt through Dean’s glove as he walked, taking careful sips to not burn his tongue on the too-hot chocolate.
“Dean, can we go on the ferris wheel?” Cas asked, gesturing towards the white metal ride with red and orange lights making spirals along the beams.
“Sure, why not.”
They went up to the lady sitting by the control panel and handed her the required amount of tickets for the ride and stepped into the carriage. Dean watched Cas from his side of the car, watching how Cas looked out the window, wiping the glass when his breath fogs it up too much to see out of. He feels a small smile tug at the corner of his lips when Cas turns and meets his eyes.
“Dean,” Cas starts.
“Does it bother you? My asexuality?” Cas said, looking down at the floor.
“Of course not Cas! I love you. I don’t need sex to love you. And it’s not like we’ve never had sex, just not frequently, and I am ok with that. I love you and love to spend time with you and that’s what matters to me.” Dean says softly, leaning forwards across the narrow aisle to take Cas’s hands in his.
What did Dean do to get someone like Cas? Someone so caring and compassionate, so smart and creative, so… Cas.
“Castiel James Novak, my sex indiferent asexual boyfriend and best friend, I love you so much. More than pie, more than Baby, hell, more than anything. Any day I spend with you is a good day. You are the kindest, smartest, most caring person I know and I’ll be damned to let some asshole make you think that you could ever not be loved.”
There were tears flowing down Cas’s cheeks and Dean wiped them away with his thumbs before pulling Cas in for a caste kiss, and another, and again. He peppered Cas’s forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips with soft kisses before pressing his lips firmly but softly to Cas’s warm, slightly chapped ones.
Cas let his tongue flick out on Dean’s bottom lip and taking full advantage of the opening Dean’s gasp gives to dive deeper into his mouth with his tongue. Dean gives as much as he gets, trying to push as much of his love into one single kiss as humanly possible.
When they break away, both panting slightly, their car is stopped at the top of the Ferris wheel. They look out the small windows at the town and its rows of light adorned houses.
“It’s beautiful.” Cas sighs.
“Not as beautiful as you.” Dean replies.
“Aww getting all sappy, Dean?” Cas chuckles.
“No- I- No-” Cas cuts Dean off by pressing another kiss to his lips.
They break apart in fits of laughter, their car shaking as they laugh and laugh and laugh. They only stop once the wheel begins moving again but when they get off, they both have bright smiles on their faces.
The smiles stay the rest of the night and all the way home as they sing Christmas songs on the ride home all the way to the moment they strip out of their winter clothes and get ready for bed, curling under the soft covers in each other's arms.
“I love you.” Dean whispers as he tetters on the verge of sleep and just as he tumbles over, he hears Cas say back, “I love you, too.”
~~~~~~(Feel free to ask to be added to the tag list)~~~~~~
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sheregenerated13 · 5 years
Aro/Ace Sirius Black
The fandom is split on Sirius' orientation– straight, gay, aro, ace– but in my interpretation, he's on the demi/grey aro/ace end of the spectrum. But before you say "Sirius couldn't be ace because he was attractive" or "Sirius is a player" or "he's not straight so he must be gay" or "you can't be gay/straight while being aro/ace" just hear me out... Sirius never dated anyone, actually showed disinterest in others' attention, would much rather be hanging with his mates or planning pranks. At an age when others were slaves to their hormones, Sirius spent his precious time and attention planning pranks and didn't give a second thought to any of the girls staring and giggling. Imagine a young Sirius Black, whose friendliness was mistaken for flirting. Whose good looks made him a natural focus for the witches in his class (and a few wizards). By his fourth year, the young prankster had wishful rumors and a reputation for it. He and his mates knew very well where he went and who he was with (or not with, rather) but Sirius decided to roll with it. It became a sort of running joke with the Marauders, Sirius being the school heartbreaker. Sirius took things a step further, adopting a sort of strut, swishing his hips, and throwing winks that caused all sorts of conflicts and grudges amongst his admirers. Meanwhile, James, Remus, and Peter tried not to die of laughter and wondered how he could keep a straight face through it all. An asexual Sirius Black, who'd never dated anyone, giving relationship advice to anyone foolish enough to fall for the facade. After all, he had to find something to keep occupied between full moons, right? Coming home (to Hogwarts) after a summer holiday at #12, telling his mates all about how he'd managed to piss off his parents. James roaring with laughter as Sirius says he pasted posters of muggle girls to his walls.
"Merlin, Padfoot! When did you have time to think up all of these elaborate pranks?" James exclaimed appreciatively. "Imagine how productive you'd be if your head wasn't so preoccupied with Evans," Sirius said, thinking him wasting his talent. "Or pranks," Remus muttered as he flipped a page in his textbook. "Or studying," Peter chimed in, resulting in snickers all around. 
Reread the Harry Potter books now and tell me you don’t see it. 
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ao3feed-goodomens · 5 years
Fake Snakeskin Boots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TJHT51
by charlottemadison
Armageddn't is over, and Heaven and Hell are surely coming for them in the morning. So tonight is for stories, laughs, confessions and the best of Crowley's liquor cabinet. He only hopes he can keep the angel happy til it's all over. ----- "So you chose to save me and my books, but not your dignity apparently, because you hate footwear that much?"
"Yeaaaap, I'm a shoe truther, me. Shoes. Are. Terrible," Crowley drawled. He grinned and flexed his outstretched feet, shifting between a few of his favorite looks before leaving them bare and a bit scaly.
"You can't have always faked your shoes? All of them?"
"Had to fake my feet for the whole sandal era anyway, humans got tetchy about it. Thousands of years of that. No bloody point tying your ankles up in cowhide when you have to miracle your toes anyhow, it's sort of two for one, so." The demon shrugged expressively.
Aziraphale's eyes narrowed. "Crowley. Did you fake it during the Louboutin trials?"
"Augh! Ffffff -- 'specially during the Louboutin -- look here, angel."
Vibrating with indignation, Crowley launched up off the couch to strut around the fire pit on crimson-soled Pigalles. Aziraphale felt a good rant coming on.
Words: 7258, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Longest Night
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: The Night At Crowley's Flat (Good Omens), Missing Scene, Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Post-Almost Apocalypse (Good Omens), POV Crowley (Good Omens), Pre-Scene: Body Swap (Good Omens), Canon Compliant, Dialogue Heavy, Crowley's feet, Crowley's shoes, Louboutin, Alcohol, Crowley's Flat (Good Omens), Shoes, Crowley says Ngk, fireside chat, can be read as asexual, Asexual, Edith Piaf - Freeform, Brahms - Freeform, Crowley is a bit of a disaster in this one, I swear I didn't mean to write this much about feet and shoes but it's canon worth exploring is all
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TJHT51
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