#….ok I don’t know these two’s ship name so
susie-dreemurr · 2 years
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thecommunalfoolboy · 1 month
It’s crazy how many people just don’t understand why a lot of aro and or ace people don’t like that Alaster gets shipped. It’s not that hard to understand we don’t have a lot to let ourselves lose. I mean can you name 10 asexual characters? 5? Can you name two aro characters. There’s the guy from Archie who they made have a sex scene in a movie version. There’s a few books. I think a background character in Heartstopper? Do you see the theme here??? You’re all queer people, do you not get it? How it feels to have nothing? Is it so wrong to be upset that there’s finally an outwardly aroace person in popular media and instead of people embracing that they’re fighting on the internet about why it’s ok to ignore it? And I will never in my fucking life have anything against the people who are aro and or ace and portray him in THEIR experiences, even if it is a romance or sex favorable experience, but it is obvious that way too many of you guys are allo and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t even like him as a character that much, he isn’t even made by an aroace artist. The show isn’t even that fucking good, I just want to keep someone like me for once in my life. If there were a million other aroace characters I wouldn’t care, but it just hurts seeing erasure coming from my own community. It just sucks, man, I don’t know. It just sucks
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girlokwhatever · 22 days
i have an emily idea cooking … ok so they played together at louisville (maybe reader is a year or two younger than em) and dated. they broke up and emily left for the wnba. reader transferred to uconn bc louisville reminded her too much of emily. two years later reader is drafted and ends up on the mystics with emily 🙈
(guys i’m switching up the draft picks a little bit to fit the plot ok i know washington wasn’t second pick)
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𖤓✎⋆·˚ ༘ *✧.*ੈ✩‧₊˚ end of beginning,,
part two
emily engstler x fem!ex!reader
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“i am happy for you emily, truly i am.”
“then why are you breaking up with me? you don’t know that long distance won’t work.”
tears stream down both of your faces, a consequence of your decision to end things with emily. she committed to the draft that was only days away and was projected to rank very high. she was leaving louisville, which meant she was leaving you and the life you built together.
you weren’t mad at her at all. you really were happy for her and her accomplishments. it was going to break you to watch her leave and not come back, which is why you made the decision you did. selfishly, you needed to focus on your career. you needed to let her go so that the two of you could grow on your own.
“please don’t do this. we can try. i’ll try. please.”
you meant the world to emily, encouraged her to do great things and be a better person. she felt as if she owed the entire past year to you and your motivation that kept her going even through the darkest moments. you’d been a great comfort to her. there would be late nights when nothing else mattered but the feeling of you in her arms. she’d do anything for you.
she’d do anything for you.
“i can’t,”
your voice is barely above a whisper. you’re trying to hold back the sob threatening to spill over. sometimes the best choices were the hardest ones to make.
emily drags her hands down her face and peers over at you. you’re not looking at her anymore, head turned and eyes squeezed shut. she reaches out for you and cups her hand around the side of your face. when you lean into her touch she feels sick, finally letting the reality of having to let you go sink in.
“it’s okay. i get it, i know. i love you.”
she kisses your forehead as she stands, letting her hand drop back down to her side. you relish in the feeling before it’s gone because you know this will probably be the last time you feel it. that same feeling that still gives you butterflies.
“i love you too, em.”
that was two years ago.
you went to watch her get drafted, eyes teary and gleaming as you followed her figure walking to the stage after getting picked forth overall. you cheered and cried for her as if nothing had changed.
a few days after that you entered the transfer portal. everything reminded you too much of her. her name was still plastered on the cubby next to yours in the locker room, her scent still lingered in your sheets, her spot on the couch was left untouched, her absence in the home court was noted heavily.
you ended up signing with uconn. the last two years of your collegiate career were spent there, growing and expanding as not only a player but a person. the friends you made were phenomenal and helped you grieve with the ones you lost.
due to the extra work you were putting into your dream, you grew exponentially in popularity on social media along with your fellow teammate paige bueckers. you were close to everyone on the team, especially her. it led to people shipping the two of you much to your surprise.
you hadn’t dated anyone since emily.
but now it was your turn to be drafted. you committed to the draft alongside your two teammates nika and aaliyah. life was good. after two years of struggling and trying to find yourself, things were finally falling into place.
you’d gotten second overall pick in the first round. the washington mystics selected you and you were beyond grateful for the opportunity. you turned to give your coach a hug, noticing paige and azzi recording in the back with wide smiles on their faces.
it felt like a fever dream honestly. the rest of the night flew by, interviews and interactions seemingly only lasting seconds before you were pulled off to the next person. through the haze, you forgot what would be waiting for you once you arrived in washington.
or who.
emily watched the draft, nervous with anticipation to see where you’d end up. when she heard your name and washington mystics in the same sentence, her heart started pounding in her chest.
she never got over you. it made starting the league hard for her considering she lost her main pillar of love and support. her year with the indiana fever was full of intense moments and anger, always feeling like she wasn’t giving enough and kept having to prove herself.
the next year was even harder. she suffered a rough shoulder injury, leading to countless days of physical therapy and doctor visits. all without you.
to know that she’d see you again in only a short number of days was terrifying. you’d both be in training camp together which lasted weeks, spending day after day seeing each other. though it made her anxious, emily was also excited. she would get to see you again in all your glory, hopefully being able to smile and laugh together like you used to.
emily walked into the mystics gym, setting her bag down and standing to observe the room. there were a few people there already, you being one of them. her eyes immediately found you and your figure, so recognizable to emily.
you seemed to have this glowing aura around you. a smile was plastered on your face as you talked to ariel. you dribbled a basketball between your hands effortlessly, adjusting to the weight and getting used to your new surroundings. your eyes also wandered after you broke away from ariel, finding emily across the room.
you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss her. two years without her was a major struggle for you. sometimes, late at night, you wondered what it would’ve been like if you had never broken up with her. there were countless times when you regretted your choice. you never considered the fact that you could possibly be teammates again one day. certainly not so soon.
you wandered onto the court, leaving all your aimless thoughts behind. the rest of the trainees gathered with you and started a simple drill where you and a partner would take turns shooting and guarding one another.
by second nature you and emily found each other, shyly muttering a quick, “do you wanna be my partner?”
“yeah, i’d love to.” her heart was pounding at your words, imagining that maybe, just maybe, you missed her too. she smiled at your shyness, finding it ironic how your relationship had devolved.
emily was considerably taller than you, so shooting over her was not easy feat. at some moments you felt like she was letting you drain shots purposefully, even if she swore she wasn’t. you were even able to block a few of her shots, mostly when she kept her feet planted though.
after awhile and a few rotations, the coach offered a different drill. he split the group in two and let you scrimmage, you and emily somehow ending up on the same team.
it was giving you deja vu. anytime you’d get the ball emily was there either setting a screen or opening a path for you. it felt like she never left, like you never split, like you two were still the dynamic duo you were known to be at one point. like she was still your emily.
being here with her made you feel like your old self. the you from louisville, playing with the emily from louisville. in a time where you were both still in love and happy. another version of yourself was here, the best version of yourself.
after hours of sweating and nearly collapsing from being breathless, the day’s training was coming to an end. you drained one more three point shot, finally feeling satisfied with your performance. everyone cheered for you playfully as you collected your bag, quickly heading back to your car. you made it all the way to the parking lot before hearing a voice.
“you did really good today.”
you turned to see emily standing behind you, slightly disheveled and out of breath. she was smiling softly at you the same way she used to. it still made you flutter to this day, especially when you remember all the memories the two of you share.
“thank you, you too! your defense is still so good.”
“thank you,”
you both stood there in silence, not quite ready to break away. being around her offered you some sense of comfort in such an unfamiliar place.
“how’s paige?”
“paige? i mean, she’s good.”
“are you two, like.. together?”
“what- no. we’re just friends.”
emily nods, satisfied at the information. she’s slightly embarrassed for even asking, but she had to know. she had to know if you moved on with someone else.
“so then, is it okay if i take you out to dinner?”
“like, right now?”
“just tonight. you can shower and stuff of course.”
you don’t even have to think about your answer. you’d been wanting a moment like this for over a year. you missed her so much, too much. it was starting to affect you mentally. you’d wonder about her too often, having to fight some of the strongest urges to reach out to her and ask how she was doing.
“yeah, yeah. i’d really like that.”
she’s smiling, allowing it to reach her eyes as she waves you off. she felt like she was home again, even though she was still thousands of miles away. you were here, and that’s all she needed. any moment with you felt so right.
she took the time apart from you to grow as her own person, but now she was ready to grow again with you.
hopefully, you’d be ready too.
𖤓✎⋆·˚ ༘ *✧.*ੈ✩‧₊˚
guys hopefully the song makes sense for this fic
should i make a part two idk?!!?!
also i will spell check this tomorrow.
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ellecdc · 3 months
I don’t know their ship name! Do they have a ship name? Anywayyy, I was thinking long and hard about this, I want it to be 🤌🏻
So I was thinking, Remus x James x reader, possibly hyper Jamie and reader, and Remus is chasing after them
or maybe the most beautiful hurt/comfort (because who wants straight angst?) where James is upset because he feels like he’s too much sometimes (even though he’s my perfect baby Angel) and it’s just reader and Remus comforting him
(Fem!reader if that’s ok) (also reader should have a cat named Birdie, is it because I want Birdie content? Yes. Do I live laugh love Birdie? Also yes.)
kisses 😘
okay, I love you, thank you for this request. New rule: NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO HURT OUR SWEET SWEET JAMIES FEELINGS EVER AGAIN 😭😭😭😭😭😭 also I couldn't figure out how to incorporate Birdie but I have another request about a reader with a cat so you'll be able to see her there ;)
poly!moonchaser x fem!reader who is in Slytherin
CW: James cries and it's horrible and Marlene should be sent to Azkaban for this.
James was feeling pretty good about Gryffindor’s odds this year for the House Cup. He’d been working his team a little harder than usual, but he was certain the extra effort would pay off this weekend in their game against Ravenclaw. He wasn’t on the quidditch pitch to make friends; he was there to win.
Off the pitch, however?
Off the pitch he loved his friends.
Which was why he’d told everyone to hit the showers whilst he cleaned up the pitch for Madame Hooch.
After James had stored the last of the brooms and quidditch balls in the equipment locker, he began to head past the Beasts classroom for the castle.
He saw Marlene leaning against one of the posts of the building, and James began making his way over to catch up with her but thought better of it once he saw Dorcas Meadows sitting on a table in front of her. He smiled to himself at the thought of his friend’s happiness and took the path on the opposite side of the building in order to give them some privacy.
“Potter’s not working you lot too hard, is he? You’re actually making Slytherin sweat this year.” Dorcas taunted, earning her a chuckle from her girlfriend.
“Ha ha.” Marlene deadpanned before she let out a sigh. “He’s working us like dogs. I know he loves quidditch, but Godric.”
James knew he was pretty competitive, but he had a job to do as the coach, and like Dorcas said – it was paying off.
“He can be a lot.” Dorcas assuaged.
Marlene scoffed dramatically. “Sirius is a lot; James is too much. Honestly, I don’t know how Remus and Y/N keep up with him; he’s exhausting.”
James’ ears filled with cotton as his steps faltered and his heart sunk.
Is this really how his friends thought of him; was he exhausting? Too much?
James knew he could be a lot sometimes; a lot of energy, a lot of fun, a lot of love, a lot of mischief, a lot of noise...
But was he too much?
He loved you and Remus more than anything; he never knew it was possible to love two people so much.
Remus: the moon to his sun, his safe space, his level head, the cool side of his pillow.
And you: his sweet girl, his biggest supporter, his confidante, the quiet in the chaos.
And what was he, then? What was James?
He was loud, he was chaos, he was constant.
Maybe he was too much...
He’d spent five years with his sights set in the wrong direction before he realized he had everything he could ever want in the two of you, and by some fucking miracle, he’d managed to snag the two most wonderful people in all of Hogwarts, perhaps all of the UK; neigh, the world.
Was he losing the two of you? Was he slowly pushing you guys away? Exhausting you? Were you two going to grow tired of James?
He couldn’t lose you guys; he couldn’t let that happen.
He wouldn’t let that happen.
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You and Remus had been sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall when Sirius came back from practice.
“Where’s Prongs?” Remus asked quickly, earning him a scowl from his long-haired friend.
“Gee, hello to you too, Moony.”
Remus’ sigh was accompanied by an eyeroll as he corrected himself. “Hello, Sirius. How was practice? Where’s our boyfriend?”
Sirius adorned a cheeky smile as he began loading up his plate. “Hi Remus, Y/N. Lovely evening we’re having. Practice went well; James is working us hard, but I think the extra work is paying off. We’re shoo-ins for the House Cup this year and-”
“Circe’s tits, Moons, is it almost your time of your month?”
He was answered with a dinner roll being thrown at his head.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He grumbled. “Prongs is tidying up the field, told us all to hit the showers and head to dinner.”
“Black, you’re a dog.” You grumbled, earning you a boisterous laugh from the dog-like-man himself.
“You have no idea dollface.”
You groaned. “I can’t believe you left our poor, sweet boy cleaning up after you tossers out there all by himself. It’s getting dark.” You whined, looking to the windows.
“He’s far too nice to you lot.” Remus agreed, starting a plate for James pre-emptively.
You liked that about Remus. You loved that about Remus; predicting his loved ones needs, always one step ahead the rest of you.
You perked up when you saw the familiar head of hair make his way into the Great Hall, but had an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach when you noticed his demeanour.
“Hey bubs.” Remus greeted, seemingly unawares of James’ dour mood. James smiled kindly at Remus, but you noticed the smile never reached his eyes.
You hated it.
“How was practice?” You asked quickly, earning you a scoff from Sirius.
“What? Don’t trust my word for it?”
“Sod off, Black.”
James itched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact. “It, erm, it went well, I think. It went well, right Pads?”
Sirius looked inquisitively at his friend but nodded nonetheless. “Yeah mate, I think we’re definitely going to see a difference with the extra drills. Fenwick and I were just talking about it.”
“Fenwick? What’d he say? He thought the practice went well?” James asked eagerly.
Sirius and Remus exchanged a bemused glance as you watched James; he seemed to notice the silent conversation going on between his friend and his boyfriend and curled in on himself.
“Sorry.” He muttered quietly, poking at his plate with his fork.
“No worries Prongs. Fenwick said he was tired, but the good kind. He’s looking forward to the match this weekend.” Sirius said carefully. James hummed but that was the extent of the conversation.
“Everything okay, James?” Remus asked cautiously as Marlene and Dorcas sat a few seats down. James lifted his head and nodded quickly, offering a quiet “yeah.”
“What’s the matter?” You asked quietly, causing James’ eyebrows to furrow.
“Nothing, nothing. I’m not that hungry actually, I think I’m going to head upstairs.”
He didn’t give you any time to argue as he stood from his full plate and left the Great Hall.
You went to stand to go after him, but Remus grabbed your sleeve.
“You should eat, dove. No sense in both of you going without.”
“We’ll bring him his plate in a little; let him take a minute to himself.” He offered, and though Remus sounded awfully reasonable, you didn’t like the idea one bit.
In the perhaps 45 minutes you and Remus spent in the Great Hall, James had already done his bedtime routine and had the curtains to his fourposter bed drawn shut with what sounded like a silencing charm cast around it.
You let out a sigh and moved towards Remus’ bed.
“It’s probably just an off day, dovey. He rarely has them; we can grant him this one, can’t we?” Remus lamented.
It didn’t feel like an off day, though. Not to you.
He’d been just fine when you bid him farewell before practice; he’d been talking your ear off about all the new drills he prepared and the extra practices he booked. He’d been your enthusiastic, sunny boy just a mere few hours ago, and now he was...well...this.
Had you done something? Had you not been enthusiastic enough about his stories? Had you said something to offend him? Maybe he didn’t want you here; maybe he wanted to spend tonight with Remus – he’s known him longer, maybe he’d be talking to Remus if you weren’t here right now.
“I can hear your brain in overdrive, dove. What’s going on inside that head of yours?”
“Maybe I should go to my own dorm tonight?” You asked shyly, earning you an unimpressed look from Remus as he pulled his sleep shirt over his head.
“Fat chance I’m sending you down to the dungeons. I’ve already lost one cuddle partner.” His lip jut out comically at the end of the sentence and you felt some of the tension leave your body.
“Okay, big baby.” You acquiesced with faux resentment, laying back on Remus’ bed and welcoming him into your embrace.
“We’ll fix it tomorrow, yeah?” Remus said into your neck. “He’ll feel better in the morning.”
Except James did not feel better in the morning and now you were spiralling.
He’d woken up early to go for his run but didn’t ask if you wanted to join him (he usually woke you up as he extricated himself from the bed and would always ask if you felt like joining him. You’ve never said yes, but he always asked you anyway).
He changed quietly and sat at the desk to do some schoolwork. You woke up and pressed a kiss to his cheek on your way to the washroom, which earned you little more than half a smile and a quiet “morning”.
You couldn’t take it anymore; the nerves were eating you alive, and they were only made worse when Remus woke up and James was just as cold with him.
“Jamie, have I done something?” You blurted, causing both boys to look at you in horror.
“What?” He asked quietly.
“I’m sorry if I’ve done or said something to offend you. I know I can be harsh sometimes and I know that I’m not often as kind as the two of you; certainly not as nice as you, Jamie. But I often think you guys have worn off on me a bit and I’m a little less Slytherin-y and-”
But Remus cut you off as you started to ramble. “Whoa, dove. Take a breath, yeah? You’re alright.” He said gently, placing his hand on your shoulder and gently rubbing his thumb along your collar bone.
“I’m really sorry, Jamie.” You said again, feeling your eyes well with tears.
James' eyes mirrored yours as he looked at you in horror. “No, angel. No! You’re perfect, I swear!” He said, tears finally betraying his inner turmoil.
“What has you so upset then, Jamie?” Remus asked gently, which caused whatever dam James had set up behind his eyes to fully burst.
“It’s not you guys, honest!” He cried miserably.
You felt all the blood drain from your face at the sight; you’d never seen James this upset before.
“Oh, Jamie.” Remus cooed in an exhale moving towards him, obviously just as distressed at James’ upset as you were. 
“I’m sorry if I’ve been exhausting you lately. I don’t mean to be too much.” James whimpered between sobs. Your hands twitched as you stood uselessly, staring at Remus cradling James’ broad frame and gently rocking him back-and-forth, rubbing broad strokes up and down his back.
“Why...why would you say that, Jamie? I’ve never found you exhausting. ‘Too much’?” You asked incredulously, feeling sort of nauseous at the insinuation that you could ever grow tired of the effervescence that was James Potter. 
“I overheard people talking about me.” He admitted shyly from the crook of Remus’ neck. Remus’ movements stuttered before he quickly resumed his ministrations.
“Who?” You said simply, hands balling into fists at your sides. 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Like hell it doesn’t.” You argued.
“Easy, dove.” Remus placated, pressing a gentle kiss into James’ hair. “I don’t need to know who it was, because they are so far off from the truth.”
“Can’t be too far off, I’ve known her my whole life.” James muttered.
“McKinnon?” You asked with a scoff. You were answered by James’ silence.
“Jamie.” You said sternly, stepping towards your boyfriends and causing James to look up at you. “You have been nothing but pure joy since the moment I met you, and any moment I get to spend by your side is an absolute honour; do you understand me?”
James sighed and tried to turn back into Remus’ shoulder, but you gently grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you.
“I love you so unbelievably much, I worry about my sanity sometimes. One of the best things about me is getting to love you, and having convinced you to love me back. Okay?”
“Okay.” He whispered back, offering you a soft smile.
James chuckled sadly and took your hand in his. “I love you, Y/N.”
“That makes me the luckiest girl in the world.” You promised him.
Remus continued rubbing James’ back and whispering sweet nothings into his ear as you got into uniform. 
“You okay, Rem? I’ll catch up with you guys later?” You asked him quietly. Remus nodded at you and accepted a chaste kiss to his lips.
You pressed a kiss to the top of James' head, reminding him again that you love him and you’d see him later before heading out in search of the person on your radar. 
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Sirius had gotten up today to find James already gone on his morning run and you and Moony still asleep in bed, so he decided to take the initiative and organise the supplies for the Marauder’s next prank.
“Oi, Black.” Sirius heard, causing him to pause in his steps down the corridor. 
“Y/N, we’ve known each other since we were in nappies; I’m pretty sure we were engaged to be wed at one point. I think you can go ahead and call me Sirius.”
Your eyebrows furrowed almost comically as you looked him up and down once, seemingly almost disgusted at the thought of calling him by his given name.
“Right, I will not be doing that. Listen, you’re friends with McKinnon, yeah?” You redirected, falling into step with him as he carried on towards the potions supply closet. 
“Marlene? Yeah.”
“‘Kay, deal with her then, because it won’t be pretty if I have to.” You said darkly, causing Sirius to pause again and grab you by your elbow.
“Whoa there; what are you on about?”
You turned towards him with darkened eyes, quite possibly the most like your parents he’d ever seen you. “She upset James.” You said simply. 
Sirius scoffed. “Please. James doesn’t get upset. She probably just cheered for his rival team at the World Cup or something.”
“Black. My sweet, lovely, wonderful boyfriend is upstairs crying right now because he was told he was too much and exhausting.” You said severely, causing Sirius’ heart to stutter. 
His heart picked back up in double time when he noticed your eyes fill with tears.
“And if McKinnon is left to me, it won’t be pretty.” You concluded, sniffing quickly and stuffing your emotions back down deep into your stomach like Sirius knew you’d been raised to do.
“Crying?” Sirius asked breathlessly.
“Sobbing.” You corrected.
Well, this just wouldn’t do.
Turns out, Sirius was going to get detention for hitting a girl today. 
“Oi! McKinnon!” Sirius called out when he spotted Marlene sat under a tree on the Hogwarts grounds. “Take your earrings out, you and I are fighting.” He called as he got closer, pulling his earrings own out pre-emptively. 
Marlene scoffed. “Have you taken one too many bludgers to the head there, Black?” 
“What’d you say to James?” He carried on.
“Sod off, McKinnon. What’d you say?”
“I haven’t spoken to him since we all left practice yesterday!” She argued.
“Well you said something, seeing as he’s now apologising to his boyfriend and girlfriend for being ‘exhausting’.”
Sirius watched understanding pass over Marlene’s face as she sighed.
“Oh for- …he wasn’t meant to hear.”
“Make it a habit of talking poorly about your friends behind their back?” Sirius accused.
“Take it easy, Sirius… she didn’t mean it.” Dorcas interjected, causing Sirius’ stormy glare to look her way.
“Then why’d she say it, huh Meadows? Are you calling her a liar then?”
“I was just tired and sore after practice yesterday, Sirius…” Marlene mumbled.
But Sirius didn’t care; he didn’t want excuses. He wanted everyone to see the James that he saw:
James, who had so much love to give.
James, who gave everything he did 110%.
James, who took care of everyone around him like his life depended on it.
James, who pushed his team to victory because he knew they were capable.
James, who knew he was pushing his team hard so let them all leave early whilst he cleaned up after them.
James, who brought out the best in everyone around him.
James, who offered him a home when he had nowhere to go.
James, who was everyone's safety, smile, sanctuary.
“Maybe if you didn’t spend so much of your life finding flaws in everyone else, Marlene, you’d have a little more time to work on your own. I suggest starting with your poor fucking attitude.” He shot at her, feeling the generations of vile, vicious Black’s creep into his psyche. “Perhaps then you’d manage to be even a quarter as loved as James is.”
“Was that really necessary, Black?” Meadows barked angrily. Sirius scoffed in return.
“No more necessary than what she said about James. No one upsets Prongs like that, you hear me? So tell your girl to watch her fuckin’ mouth.”
And he stormed back up to the castle. 
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Remus was understandably distressed.
If having his usual bright, sunny boy so down and turned in on himself wasn’t bad enough, you seemed to be equally if not more distressed on his behalf.
He’d been sort of nervous when you took off this morning, but when Remus saw Marlene in one piece in Charms later in the day, he knew you hadn’t done any (permanent) damage.
James was glued to your and Remus’ sides for the remainder of the day, and you were both more than happy to fawn over him as much as he needed. His mood didn’t seem to improve for your efforts, however.
The three of you were eating dinner with Sirius who was carrying most of the conversation on your behalves, which you and Remus (and likely James) appreciated, when Barty approached the Gryffindor table.
“Hey Y/N, I just had the most brilliant i- whoa, wait, whoa, what the fuck?” He cut himself off, looking to the group in horror.
“What’s up, junior?” You asked calmly, feeling particularly defensive of your boyfriend and keeping an eye on James in your periphery.
“What happened to Potter? What’s going on?” He asked, sounding particularly disturbed causing Remus’ brows to furrow bemusedly. 
No one seemed to have a good answer; Sirius and Remus exchanging confused glances, James lowering his head in shame, and you rolling your eyes at your friend's dramatics.
“Who did this?” He asked then, voice taking on a shrill quality. “Y/N? Did you do this?” He demanded, gesturing to James.
“I did not do this!” You shouted back.
“Okay well this is bad!”
“I know it’s bad!”
“No, this is bad, bad. This is like… this is. I have no words. Y/N, fix it, fix it right now.” Barty insisted, roughly jostling your shoulder as if you were simply standing here negligently as your boyfriend suffered. 
Remus, James, and Sirius all watched in abject fascination and horror.
“Who did this, Potter?” Barty asked quietly, turning his attention to James when he felt he wasn’t getting answers from you. “Give me names; who disturbed the delicate balance of the universe?”
James’ eyebrows were in his hair as he looked between you and Barty.
“Oh gods,” Barty breathed. “It’s worse than I though.”
Barty shoved his hand into his robe pocket and pulled out a lolly. “You like candy, Potter? Here.” He said as he threw the lolly at him without waiting for a response. “I have more, one sec.” 
With that, Barty turned his pocket inside out and piled what had to be almost thirty lollipops in front of James.
“Why do you have so many lollies, Junior?” Sirius asked, reaching over to grab one from the pile which earned him a squeal and a harsh smack on the wrist from Barty.
“None of your sodding business, Black.”
Remus delighted in hearing a slight chuckle under James' breath.
“Why do you have so many lollies?” Remus asked instead, knowing Barty was slightly less volatile with him than with Sirius.
“I was trying to quit smoking. Now I’m just addicted to sugar and cigarettes. Also, Y/N likes them.” He said, producing one from your pocket with a flourish to hand it to you.
“M’lady.” He said with a bow before resuming his piling of more lollies in front of James.
“I think that’s enough lollies, Junior.” Sirius suggested, earning him a scowl.
“The world is fucking topsy-turvey right now, Black! I don’t see you doing anything to correct it! Absolute tosser, thinking I can just go about my day when everything is wrong.” Barty was mostly muttering to himself at this point as he pulled his bookbag over his shoulder and started discarding various things onto the table.
“Why are you all just sitting there? Do something, for the love of Salazar!” He shrieked. “Fix this Y/N! Fix it now; I’m running out of candy!”
And with this, James dissolved into a fit of laughter, causing Barty to pause and whip his head to face him.
Remus wasn’t always Barty’s biggest fan, but he knew that you cared for him and more importantly, he cared for you, and right now Remus could kiss the sod right on the mouth for managing to bring a smile to James' face.
“Is this a fucking joke to you, Potter?” Barty asked incredulously, causing James to laugh harder and even encouraging a laugh from you. Barty’s face softened immediately at the sound and turned to beam at you. 
“There!” He proclaimed then. “All better!”
And with that, Barty headed towards the entrance of the Great Hall.
“You’re welcome everyone! I just corrected a major blip in the universe; but this is the last time I do it for free!”
James began to catch his breath and wipe away tears from under his eyes. 
“See?” You said, reaching across to gently shake James’ wrist. James caught your hand before you could pull it away from him. “Even Barty likes you just the way you are. And he hates Gryffindors.”
James barked another laugh at that and let out a steadying breath. 
“Not as much as we do, though.” Remus pressed, resting his forehead against James’ temple as he pulled him closer into his side. 
“Thank you guys.” James admitted quietly, squeezing your hand that he still held captive over the table.
“There’s nothing to thank us for, bubs.” You insisted, causing Sirius to snort.
“Yeah. These two did fuck all; you should be thanking Junior.” 
You all started laughing again, distributing lollies to the younger students sitting around you.
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sharkorok · 11 months
all eyes on you (enhypen)
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or the moments that make everyone think you’re dating
cw/genre: idol!reader, reader doesnt have specified gender but implied to be a female, fluff, so cute bye, secret relationships, humor, u have delulu fans
requested: naurrr
a/n: ehe thx for 100 followers :) I hope my writing makes u happy because knowing people read my works makes me super duper happy! luv uuuu
-at an awards show your outfits were matching, like very obviously matching
-matching bracelets, you had one on your left wrist and he had one on the right, the colors matched each other, same style and aesthetic…
-he gets v nervous but also you were in some dating rumors with another idol so…he wouldn’t be mad if he was next tbh….BUT THEN UR GROUP WAS ASSIGNED NEXT TO HIM??
-dawg was sweating the whole time trying not to admire you and how cute you two looked
-but no every one of those “enhypen mma reaction” or “heeseung reaction focus” showed him very clearly staring at you 😭, twt had a field day with you two
-he can’t help it, you looked so good and how can he keep his eyes off his lovely s/o when they’re all dressed up + matching?? seriously his management was insane for putting him so close to you
-and when all groups were leaving he was seen literally sprinting to be closer to you
-ya dispatch didn’t even need to confirm anything after that awards show
the others r below!
-during a live he got his guitar out and started playing all your favorite songs
-and this was literally a day after you named your favorite songs
-then to make it worse he was like “yeah these are y/n’s favorite songs don’t they have good music taste?” and then he kept talking about you and staff was sweating while watching istg
-the way he talked about you tho,,he either had a massive crush on you or you two were dating
-the ship edits the next day were insane honestly some of your fans need to get into the editing business because you genuinely believed a photo of him holding your waist was taken at inkigayo
-he doesn’t even try to hide how much he likes you istg, he goes out of his way to talk to you at awards shows and always films challenges with you, he gives the shippers so much content
-then another time jay cooked your favorite food in a vlog and specifically said it was your favorite food, name dropping and everything
-literally no one is surprised that you two are confirmed dating after a while.
-accidentally went on live while talking about you
-he fully believed he closed out of the app when he was talking to jay and saying stuff like, “I’m really excited to see her at the performance, I hope we have time to hang out…” and then he hears notifications and sees that he was streaming and he nearly faints
-plays it off like he fully intended for everyone to hear that and continues like he planned on going live
-he’s also trying to hide the way his eyes flickered up to your rapid texts being like, “JAKE WHY ARE WE TRENDING ON TWITTER??”
-jay is behind the camera just trying not to laugh becuz how do you even recover from this one, literally all the comments are talking about you and him
-“y/n…? yeah ahahah I know her uh huh mhm anyways moving on” and his horrible deflecting skills are making it even more obvious
-and when you go on live?? oh u bet the comments are “did you see jake’s recent live?? are u cheating on us y/n?”
-u desperately distract by spoiling your comeback but there’s already 14k Tik toks analyzing every interaction you had with Jake and why you two are cosmically intertwined
-describes you to a T when asked about his ideal type
-he meant to just mention the broad details but he gets excited talking about u ok :(
-“yeah a good heart and around (your exact height), with (the hex code of your eye color) eyes, born on (your birthday), hobbies include (every single one of your hobbies) and also…(literally all the information under your kprofiles page)”
-ur fans catch on and are like “isn’t this literally y/n” and he’s like “omg nooo coincidence”
-it is NOT a coincidence bro he was fully thinking of you and only you during that interview
-anyways you don’t help the situation by describing him too when asked about your ideal type, but ur at least a tad less obvious 😭
-“yea I love guys who ice skate and stuff”
-u two definitely get scolded by management
-sometimes he forgets to care about keeping things secret (like that lipton tea thing he did)
-so he’s showing fans his camera roll and he shows selfies you never posted before…in his camera roll…never before seen by anyone but him and you to the camera and is like
-“y/n’s visual is so perfect, right?”
-and yeah duh ur stunning and gorgeous but fans are distracted by your beauty for a second before being like “hm…how did he get those selfies and why r they in his camera roll”
-ur fans r thankful for the content tho so he kinda did everyone a favor
-but it’s a LITTLE suspicious…but neither of you address anything so it just festers a little
-until you two do a tik tok challenge together and he captions it with a heart emoji like oh my god 😭
-you’re not innocent either when you said “sunoo’s visual is so amazing” like both of you get some media training I beg
-everyone loves how obviously whipped you two are for each other tho :,)
-accidentally exposes your polaroid in his phone case
-thankfully he has photos of his members and maeum but why were you there??
-he completely ignores it tbh he shows the photos to the camera and is like “these r the polaroids in my phone case. anyways.” n he’s playing it cool but internally he’s PANICKING
-“hopefully they didn’t see the heart I drew on the Polaroid,” he thinks foolishly
-we did.
-so you try to do some damage control on your own live when asked about why he has ur photo in his phone and ur like “oh we’re really close friends!!”
-n honestly that’s a good and healthy response because everyone has the right to their platonic relationships
-but jungwon’s heart he drew on your Polaroid was just a little bit tooooo suspicious…anyways this leads to fans over-analyzing every single interaction to the point you two weren’t allowed to be seen in a ten foot proximity at events for a while
-but at least it reminded jungwon to be more careful lolol
-accidentally rizzes you up on live television
-you’re an mc for smth and you’re interviewing enhypen and you’re like, “oooh, some burning questions, what is your ideal type?”
-and Niki, with no hesitation fully goes, “you lol” and you see ur career flash before your eyes
-ur co mc is nervously laughing and niki realizes like oh wait we’re being broadcasted so he’s like “oh just kidding haha!!!” even though you two are making awkward eye contact while you’re mentally scolding him
-he’s so used to teasing and flirting with you in private so it’s a little hard to shake off in public
-anyways fans notice he’s looking at you a little too lovingly and being a little too genuine when he responded so it’s not long before you see ship edits on Twitter and tik tok
-doesn’t help when you answer the ideal type question with “someone who is playful and funny” thinking it was broad enough but ‘twas not <3
-he doesn’t really care too much but thought it was funny, even if he had to take a media training class again afterwards >:T
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doromoni · 2 months
Clash of Champions | LH44 , MV1
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Act 1 . Part 3 : Beaten Black and Red Bull Blue
Ships : Lewis Hamilton x Engineer! Reader , Max Verstappen x Engineer! Reader
Genre : Drama , Angst , Romance
Warnings : Morally Grey Characters
Summary : The rivalry between the titans of Formula 1 go off track and only one will reign victorious.
< Previous Act 2. >
Never in your days in Formula 1 would you even consider leaving everything behind and disappearing from it all. But staring at you was your resignation letter, fully written out and waiting to be sent.
Everything felt torturous. Your mind was eating you alive, it felt like your entire body was pushing you to cut every tie with the motorsport world. You felt sick to your stomach and bile was pushing out your throat. You just wanted to disappear.
It was the year 2021. No one had predicted the sudden rise of Red Bull in the form of Max Verstappen. The Mercedes dominance was now on the brink of dethronement.
Toto’s promise of an 8th championship to Lewis was under the threat of insolvency. The entirety of Mercedes is at its wit's end, with so many questions and no answers to give.
Nothing was solved, and people are now starting to point fingers at who’s at fault. Blame was being passed around from all parts of the motorhome. No one could accept that there was a driver that could challenge Lewis Hamilton and it was time for an actual battle on the track, except you — and because of this, just because you acknowledge the talent of Max Verstappen, you were branded a traitor. Suddenly, they finally had someone to blame. Y/N L/N, the Red Bull ally.
Your time at Mercedes had brought you hell and back. Every race week was as horrible as the previous one. When Lewis won a race it was a team effort, but when he lost, it was entirely your fault as an engineer. Your every action in every hallway felt like you were walking on eggshells.
The stress and tension had muddled every part of your life. However, you pushed through and took every hit, all because you wanted that 8th championship. Because it was all for the man that you gave your heart to, Lewis Hamilton. You are willing to give up everything for the sake of him.
No one saw that you were slowly dying inside, not even Lewis. It had been a while since the two of you had properly spoken, ironically you see each other every day. Yet everything revolved around racing and the championship, even on off weeks, Lewis was either training or out of the house for events he couldn’t bring you to.
Your shared apartment felt empty and icy. But everything felt alright when at the end of the day Lewis pulls you close, his arms tight against your stomach and you drift to sleep. And yet you wake up in an empty bed. It was a vicious cycle and one you cannot seem to let go of. All because you love him, even now, even when it hurts.
Yet, hurt and all emotions are set aside when your headphones go on and the roar of the engine goes off. You were still a race engineer and a damn good one at that. No matter what everyone said , they cannot argue that you were the best there was.
In all circumstances, when the lights go off, the goal is to win and win at all costs — but you were no monster. You didn’t want Silverstone 2021.
“Ok, Lewis. Radio check”
“ Loud and clear”
You feel the air change around you, the thick tension of eagerness seeped out in every corner of your side of the garage. The crew wanted to win, BADLY — the Mercedes side of the paddock was filled with desperation.
Red Bull had been winning for 5 straight races, and Verstappen owned 4 of them. Everyone from your garage was desperate for p1.
“I know that you want this win, Lew. Just keep your head low and focus on the goal” You suddenly felt the need to remind the British driver.
“ I know, Y/N” Lewis bit back. You didn’t like the tone of how he said your name. But you pushed that aside as you felt the hostility behind his voice.
“Lewis, don’t do anything rash please” you murmured hoping to peace with the British champion. Lewis had nothing else to say, and in all honesty, you were more than worried.
There was a growing pit in your stomach as if you knew something was about to happen.
And as Crofty announced the start of the race, there at lap 1, Max Verstappen had faced a horrendous crash. And it was caused by your driver. At 51Gs , Max Verstappen had hit the wall. The crash was caused by Lewis.
“He just turned on me,” Lewis said. Bull fucking Shit. You knew that what Lewis said was not close to the truth and you knew that Lewis did as well.
You were frozen from shock as you looked at the degree of Max’s crash. You didn’t realize that you were holding your breath till you saw that Max was out of the car. Your heart broke when the audio replay of the initial impact played, Max's voice held copious amounts of pain.
You were not well acquainted with the Dutch driver, but every interaction with him was pleasant and bafflingly soothing, considering that you were in opposing teams and his short temper. And you did keep your distance to respect your employers, even if you did enjoy talking with Max .Nevertheless, even when he is the “enemy” he didn’t deserve to be hurt.
Lewis had won the race and you refused to go on the podium and celebrate with the team. Even with your already dubious morals , you cannot swallow celebrating someone’s pain.
When you refused to go on the podium celebration, your boss threatened your job and stability with the team. So you did, and you watched your boyfriend celebrate without a care in the world.
Then at the sight of champagne being sprayed , everything came crashing down and an epiphany washed over you like scalding hot water.
The person you were looking at was not the same person that you once loved. It was as if you were looking at a stranger. He was not the same Lewis Hamilton that you have your heart to. No, this was just the 7 time World Champion from Mercedes.
At that realization, your whole body became numb. You started to walk away even before the end of the ceremony, people from your garage calling out your name.
You cannot find yourself to care as you beelined towards the circuit’s hospital wing. And there you found Max still groaning in pain.
You slowly went towards the Red Bull driver’s bed. Max opened his eyes to the soft noises of your shoes.
As he made up your form, his eyes shone with recognition. You weren’t supposed to be here, not when you were already tagged as a traitor by your team.
“ Hi Max, long time no talk huh? How are you feeling?” You asked with a soft smile, a smile that he mirrored back.
“Well, you never did return my handkerchief, now did you Y/N?”
And there started your friendship with Max Emilian Verstappen.
Before you could even bid goodbye and greet Max with a get well soon, your short visit to the clinic was already widespread in the Mercedes motorhome.
You were then called to Toto’s office. The news of your demotion to assistant race engineer left a thick silence between the two of you.
Every emotion you bottled up had reached the surface and that one last straw toppled the scale.
You took your phone out of your pocket and hit send on the resignation email, you were now certain that you didn’t want any part of this team and anything within it.
With no words, only a smile adorning your face and a finger stuck to the air. You left Mercedes, not once looking back.
“ Hello, Christian? I think I am interested in that meeting after all”
End of Act 1
Taglist : @vicurious28 @xoscar03 @barnestatic @stelena-klayley @sopheeg @imagandom @4-20-21-12 @doofenshmirtzevil-inc @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @minkyungseokie @d3kstar @kimialaia @mrsmelinda @cosmicwintr @younxii @ssrcsm @paigem00 @seokjinkismet @wcnorris @jayjay11122 @embersparklz @its-elias-world
Anyone interested to be added to the taglist? Drop a comment or DM me!
A/N : Y/N baddie era coming in the near future 😮‍💨
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princessbrunette · 1 month
ok on the mandalorian topic..
feeling rich boy bounty hunter rafe with the mask and people don’t know who he is!!! (to protect identity ofc)
if reader got kidnapped she’d not even know it’s rafe!! his voice isn’t familiar (esp muffled by the helmet) so she thinks he’s a rando!!!!!
♛ ⋆˙₊˚⊹ 🦢
i love the idea that you’ve socialised with rafe before, thinking he’s the perfect charming gentleman at all the galas or political events you were forced to attend — only to eventually be thrown over a shoulder and taken back to a holding cell in a ship, something familiar that you can’t put your finger on about the drawl of the masked bounty hunter who took you.
“i can pay you, whoever instructed you to take me i can buy them out. name a price, please! just let me go. i don’t want any trouble!” you shudder, eyes watering as you huddle in your constraints, staring up at the masked hunter.
“yeah, i know you don’t want trouble alright? neither do i…” the hunter shakes his head tiredly setting down all his weapons and equipment that he’d used to kidnap you as the ship hums on autopilot, filling the silence between the two of you. “look i swear i don’t… want trouble either. m’not going to hurt you. understand?”
you furrow your eyebrows, not sure how trusting you should be of the man who threw you over his shoulder and took you away from your home planet. he goes to remove his mask, clicking the side and letting it hiss before placing his hands to lift it and you gasp from habit, hands flying over your eyes. it was forbidden to see a mandalorian without his mask so you thought.
“i’m not a mandalorian kid, open your eyes.” he sounds exasperated and you frown, eyes flickering open to follow the familiar tone. rafe cameron stands before you.
“rafe?” you breathe and he licks his lips, eyes resisting a roll at the fear in your tone as he walks to set his mask down.
“yes— okay, i know. didn’t wanna have to do this shit either trust me but i needed you to hear me out.” he walks over before squatting down infront of you, slowing his movements and lifting his hands to show he comes in peace when you flinch. “we… we can mutually benefit eachother here. just… hear me out.” he gazes at you intensely, wide eyes flickering between your own.
“what is it you want?” you whisper, stiff as a board.
“uh… your hand. in marriage.” he nods, itching his temple. you say nothing, eyes only widening.
“are you joking?”
“yeah okay i get it, big bad rafe cameron, right? you’d never wanna marry me, whatever — look, your planet is about to get fuckin’ invaded. i got people on the inside of this war tellin’ me there are ships armed to the god damn teeth on the way to naboo right now wanting to blow that shit up, so right now i’m your only friend alright. my dad… he— he can get you out of this. but you need me. alright?”
you stare in shock, sick to your stomach as you thought of anyone on your planet getting injured in the name of war — something you didn’t truly support in the first place. you wasn’t sure just how far you’d go to save your people. your eyes well up, and after a moment you speak.
“and what exactly do you get from this, rafe?”
he shrugs, mouth turned downwards as he pushes himself to his feet again to pace and put some distance between you. “the trust of the public. people— people love you, right? you’re the peoples princess, y-you can’t do wrong in their eyes. i’m on thin ice with the council. my image is uh… kind of relying on this. you’re gonna save me.”
you want to yell at him, you want to refuse. but as you tug weakly on the metal cuff keeping you by a chain to the wall, you start to accept that you might not have much choice here.
♛ ⋆˙₊˚⊹ 🦢
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zwhoreo · 10 months
IM SO HAPPY TO HAVE FOUND AN X READER BLOG SPECIFICALLY FOR LUFFY hes my biggest comfort character and i never see a lot of ppl writing good content for him, so tysm ; v ; have u ever considered writing something about reader reacting to hancock’s fixation on luffy??? or like meeting her and how reader would react + how luffy would react in an au setting of having a girlfriend???!!! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
you’re sooo sweet :’) I love writing for him sm I’m so glad I can be there for that <333
we’ll see how I did with this… hancock is a very important character to me and I haaate when luffy x readers villainize her. so I tried my best to be respectful in this fic and try something kinda different…
meeting boa hancock - luffy x f!reader
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angsty fluff… mostly centered around you and hancock
summary: when you and luffy need to fight by hancock’s side in battle, you’re terrified of what might happen if she finds out you two are together. But, as you soon discover, you can find friendship in the most unlikely places.
words: 2.5k
Your wrist is sprained. It’s not your hand you use to wield your cutlass, thankfully, but the pain is hard on you, you’re ashamed at your inability to deal with pain, in comparison to your crewmates who sacrifice so much. You can’t climb sheer cliffs or take swords to the chest. Your body is weak, you fear, you don’t think you could handle taking on a crewmate’s pain, although you like to think you would try, because you’d risk your life for them. Right now you can barely handle a sprained wrist, made worse by the humiliation of a capture by the Black Dove Pirates, when your loving boyfriend had to battle to save you.
The Black Doves are led by, well, Black Dove, a horrific man with a mysterious zoan-type devil fruit giving him the abilities of a kraken, massive, lethal tentacles capable of sinking ships. Restraining himself from a passionate fight, Luffy’s top priority was getting you to safety, you and your sprained wrist, you had tried to fight, after all.
But now the Black Doves have declared war, leaving you and the crew terrified of an unmatched battle with the notorious pirates and their mythical captain. But Luffy had a friend to call, a powerful friend, someone he told you was someone you could count on, that you had nothing to worry about now.
Boa Hancock.
You knew of her, of course, and you were thankful for the surprising alliance, until you remembered what Luffy had said, when he said it far too casually, that Hancock wanted to marry him.
You’re overcome with anxiety at not only the imminent battle with the Black Doves, but at the thought that you were in danger from all sides, the wrath Hancock would bring down on you if she ever found out you and Luffy were together.
In the heat of battle Luffy has often held your hand and given you angry kisses when he can. It’s a comfort for him, it gives him strength and motivation, it reassures him that you’re safe in his arms. He calls you pet names and hugs you and always makes sure he knows where you are, making sure you’re ok. But he can’t this time. You plead and beg him not to even though he doesn’t seem to understand why, really. He’s disappointed, but you assure him that before and afterward you’d get a special night together to make up for the stolen closeness.
The rest of the crew are set to battle the titanic kraken guarding the gates of Dove’s hellish mountain island domain. A sneak attack is your only option but they didn’t make this easy. It would be you and Hancock against the top men of the crew, and Luffy would battle Dove. You aren’t confident in your abilities, you wonder why you’re here alongside two of the most powerful people of the seas, but Luffy wants you close, maybe. And he thinks this fight will be no problem, even though you tell him you have a sprained wrist and you’ll just drag everyone down.
And as soon as she sees you, the instant your eyes meet, Hancock despises you. Her gaze is deadly and cold, and even though you try to put distance between you and Luffy your very existence triggers pangs of jealousy within the empress.
Luffy, although largely oblivious to why, can sense the tension and he hates it. He wants you all to be friends, be a team. When you and Hancock stand in silence, staring at each other on the rocky shore, he complains, “c’mon! Lessgo!” with anxiety in his voice. And he holds both of your hands and pulls you two along behind him, making you and Hancock both blush, Hancock is transported to another more comforting world in that moment but you are so wracked with nerves that every sense around you becomes overwhelming and far too much.
You look at Luffy with begging eyes when he squeezes your hand and not Hancock’s, although she doesn’t seem to notice.
The three of you run up the jagged black-stone path into a bombed-out looking castle, you gingerly survey the landscape as crew members lay drunk on whiskey, passed out and unbothered by lightning flickering overhead. You came at the perfect time.
Before running off to find Dove, Luffy is about to lean in for a kiss when you dodge and shoot him a look. Which immediately makes you sad, because Luffy looks upset when he turns his back and heads off into a brutal fight that awaits him. It’s your biggest fear that you’ll lose him, made worse by imagining your last interaction as one of sadness, but you feel Hancock’s malicious eyes on you and there’s nothing you can do.
You hear a shout, suddenly, echoing through the ruins. A crew member has heard you, an axe wielding menace with glassy white eyes. Hancock whips her head around and immediately tries to turn him to stone, but the man is blind, you both realize. It’s no use.
“I’ll take him, just go!” you shout at her, the first real words you’ve said. And Hancock glowers at you and focuses her attention elsewhere, because the crew has been alerted. And Dove has risen, you see, coming face-to-face with Luffy and towering above him at what seems like at least twelve feet. Black tentacles begin forming from his massive, muscular frame and an evil smirk spreads across his face.
Your heart leaps into your throat for Luffy’s safety but you have other things to worry about. The axe wielding monster swings at you and you manage to dodge, drawing your cutlass. It’s a harsh and desperate battle, your movements still clouded by worry which makes the throbbing in your wrist worse, but it’s when you lead the sightless beast to a precipice that you trick him and let him fall to his death on the rocks far below. You’ve slayed your first Black Dove pirate, but there’s many more and you need to dive head first into war.
You’re amazed by Hancock, really. At a snap of her hands half an army turns to stone. Her control of haki is like nothing you’ve seen before, her sharp, quick intelligence adjusting at a moment’s notice to other forms of attack. She does all of this in heels, in a graceful dress, beautiful raven hair flying in the wind as she fights with all her heart. You find yourself envying her, her jealousy over you nearly matched by your own.
But she still kicks crew members out of her way and towards you with no real regard for your safety. She still hates you, just for being a woman on Luffy’s crew. Even though you’d done nothing wrong.
Despite Luffy’s best efforts, he’s smashed into the sharp stone by a tentacle and struggles to stand again, groaning and coughing. Dove sees his crew in danger and wants to make quick work of the two women disturbing the peace on his island.
There is too much evil in his heart for Hancock to turn him to stone. And his tentacles are too fast for her, she’s cornered, now, on a cliff and Dove is going to knock her into the ocean. At the speed of light the inky tentacles come, taking advantage of Hancock’s momentary stillness in her sinking terror and desperation, and how she sees Luffy on the ground and screams in worry and is distracted for a precious instant. But before she’s sent falling to her death, she’s knocked from the side, slammed onto the ground and tumbling, held in your arms, down an incline and into the remnants of a turret. Dove can’t reach you from here, giving Luffy enough time to resume his fight.
You had grabbed Hancock and pushed her desperately to safety, you had saved her, and now you both lie there in the dark on the dirty stone floor, all bruises and ripped clothes.
Your head rests on her chest, neither of you have caught your breath enough to get up. And from here you can hear her heart pounding furiously in your ear, she’s scared and curled in on herself.
You roll off of her, slowly sitting up, looking over at her as she rests sprawled on the ground.
She feels your eyes on her and sits up, face contorted with warring emotions. Her lips are set in a firm scowl. She’s staring at you but you see past the malice and now she looks like a scared animal desperate to survive.
“Are you ok?” you say gently, reaching for her hand.
She yanks it away from yours and scoots back against the wall. “Yes! I’m fine…” she hisses defensively.
But she’s clutching her wrist. And she may have just hurriedly wiped tears out of her eyes.
Before you can say anything else, she leaps up and runs to a window, scanning the battlefield for Luffy. Her hands grip the cold brick. She’s shaking slightly.
“Are you worried about him?” you ask quietly, standing up and walking towards her slowly.
“Where is he?” Her voice is quiet now. Images of Luffy’s battered body flash in her mind and you can see the same sickness within her that you feel, a worry over someone you love so deeply. The jealousy and fear of her leaves your mind and is replaced by one thought alone.
Poor girl.
“He’s going to be ok, I promise.” You place a hand on her shoulder making her flinch, but she doesn’t pull away this time.
She doesn’t say anything. But she’s still scared.
So you say, “hey, princess, I’m scared too. But… all we can do is hope and keep ourselves safe now, right? We did what we could. We brought down an army for him.”
She pauses again, head down. Until she murmurs, “…Hancock.” Another pause. “You can call me Hancock.”
You smile. You sit again and she follows your lead. “You really love him, huh?”
“…Yes. Of course I do.” A tiny tear forms in her eye again, even though her voice is still hard and cold. “…Sometimes I don’t understand how anyone can’t be.”
So you think very carefully for a moment, before telling her, “I understand. He’s the kindest person I’ve ever met, he’s…”
“He’s perfect.”
“Yeah, that.”
And even though jealousy still blooms in her icy heart, Hancock feels herself soften. She doesn’t feel like sustaining her mirage anymore right now. The fear and the tears and the confusing comradery chipping away at her evil façade and now she’s just so, so tired all of a sudden. “[Name,] right?” she says under her breath.
“You really think he’ll be ok?”
“He always is.” And without Zoro or Nami there to reprimand you about trust, you take up the role instead, squeezing Hancock’s shoulder and saying, “have faith in him. Worrying’s not gonna help any of us right now.”
She nods, tightening her lips. And then, all of a sudden, she bursts into tears and hugs her knees to her chest, hair falling over her face.
“Hey, Hancock!” You slide closer to her. “Please don’t cry, he’s going to be safe…”
“No!” she hisses, gritting her teeth, “I… I don’t know where Salome is. I want Salome. Everything’s falling apart!”
“My snake!” she cries, sniffing and wiping her nose.
“Don’t worry about that either, ok? I’m sure she’s alright, it’s all gonna be over soon… just don’t cry…”
And now here’s something you weren’t prepared for, Hancock leans her head against your shoulder. Her sobbing quiets. She grows still. You smile, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“It’s gonna be ok,” you whisper again, “hey, can I see your wrist?”
And she places her hand in yours. You lift her pale, slender wrist and notice swelling just beneath the palm. You recognize this, you know it well.
You start to laugh, and her stare grows a little icy again. “What?” she snaps.
“You sprained your wrist. Here, look…” You raise yours next to hers. Your swelling parallels each other, you’re even more alike, now. You’re matching.
“We’re matching. I sprained mine too.”
She smiles. This is the first time you’ve made her smile. She even laughs a little, very lightly, her heart feels like it’s being squeezed, but by a warm hand, not by a cold claw.
You sit with her, and talk sometimes, until you hear Luffy calling your names. Hancock stands up and dashes out of the turret, running to find him, and he stands proudly although his body is weakened. Dove has fallen. You’re all ok. Hancock hugs Luffy and then hugs Salome, who is curled beside him. She looks happy, which makes you happy, too.
And then Luffy pulls you into a hug. You don’t care anymore, you just want to hug him, and Hancock got a hug so you get one too. You squeeze Luffy so tightly and you don’t want to let go, his warmth and scent soothing your body, his strong arms wrapped around you and his hands rubbing your back. You’re very nervous he’s going to try to kiss you but he doesn’t, like he promised, he knows he’ll have time for all of that later.
The kraken is gone and everyone is waiting for you at the bay. Hancock is tearful when she has to part with Luffy and, strangely, she is for you too.
“Come to me whenever you need! I’ll always be there for you!” she promises Luffy, her voice going up an octave when she talks to him. And then, before she leaves for her ship, she turns to you. “[Name…] I hope we’ll meet again.” Her smile is gentle, but very real.
“Me too!” You call out to her, following Luffy away, back to the Sunny, amazed at the events of the day, full of happiness and relief and still a slight stinging from your wrist but love can heal almost anything, at least a little bit.
And maybe deep in her heart, Hancock knows. The way you and Luffy look at each other, your soft voices, the way he walks close to you and how it seems like he’s always ready to lean in for a hug. It pulls at the back of her mind. A sting of pain. But she’s good at pushing these things away.
She’s just so happy that she made a friend today.
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whyse7vn · 6 months
[ot7 x reader]
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tae: pop quiz should i kill myself?
y/n: please
tae: knew it
you fucking hate me and you ARE in love with that mingi guy
y/n: mingi
tae: it’s okay baby no need to apologise i know how crazy fans can get and i know you love me and me ONLY
not mingi
come here let’s cuddle (fuck)
y/n: k
tae: wait 😭😭😭
baby you forgot you apologise
y/n: for what
tae: mingi
they are shipping you with mingi
i can’t even say his name
y/n: you’ve said his name like four times already
tae: ok but i threw up every time
y/n: but you still said his name?
tae: what is your problem
y/n: i miss mingi i’m sorry
i get mad when i don’t see my man for a while
tae: aw babe 🥰
come over
y/n: did you even read what i said?
tae: i’m depressed
y/n: cool don’t care ur not mingi
tae: i could be
y/n: no you couldn’t
tae: ok but
y/n: but?
tae: nothing
y/n: that’s what i thought
tae: don’t call me that
yk it gets me hot and bothered
y/n: are you horny or depressed
tae: don’t ask me stupid questions wtf
ofc i’m horny 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
do you want to fuck?
say yes
y/n: saying no
tae: ok wtf
you really are with mingi aren’t you
y/n: yeah
tae: babe
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ur changing i can’t stand this my heart can’t take this damage and the way i feel can’t stand this mmmmm baby i don’t understand this
y/n: did you just sing xxxtentacion lyrics to me
tae: he gets me
y/n: ok
tae: you don’t get me
y/n: thank god
tae: ok now say omg tae ur the only one for me not that moji guy
y/n: moji?
tae: motor?
y/n: ?
tae: mistletoe????
y/n: what
tae: minion
y/n: mingi?
tae: mitochondria
y/n: mingi.
tae: microscope
y/n: it’s mingi
tae: no i think it’s misconstruction
y/n: what do you want from me rn
tae: tell miscarriage to fuck off
y/n: i literally met him once
tae: so???
he wants you
i know it
all the shippers know it
and all these STUPID edits know it
delete his number now
y/n: i don’t even have his number
tae: oh
ok then
y/n: yeah
tae: so like
y/n: don’t ask me anything stupid
tae: thoughts on iceland banning the colour green
y/n: you just made that up
ur so strange
tae: babe can i sing for you again
ik u love it when i sing
y/n: leave me alone tae
tae: do you let michael sing to you???
not jackson btw
cuz he’s like dead
y/n: would you like to join him
tae: mingloo or michael jackson???
pls be more specific babe
where did you go
ur leaving me on seen are you fr????
ok at least it’s not delivered
or a block like last time
ur real mean yk
at least i know my worlds are getting to you
now let me sing ok?
it might seem crazy what i am 'bout to say
sunshine she's here you can take a break
i'm a hot air balloon that could go to space
ok why did my messages go green
i’m blocked
cheating fuck
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jin: the way i don’t even care
y/n: what
jin: i don’t care
y/n: idk this song i’m sorry
jin: i’m not singing
y/n: oh
jin: can he cook
y/n: who
jin: ur mc buddy
y/n: minghao?
jin: yeah
ur new boyfriend can he cook better than me?
no nvm
don’t tell me i don’t even care
not one bit not even two bits
y/n: okay?
jin: no it’s not ok
what about this is ok
y/n: why are you shouting at me
y/n: lowkey
jin: he can’t cook
look at his fingers they look weak
a man with weak fingers can’t cook
y/n: ur so right
jin: yeah i know
so can he cook?
y/n: idk babe
jin: why don’t you know
y/n: because i don’t
jin: he’s your man says twitter
you should know these things
y/n: is this you jealous rn?
jin: i don’t even care what are you talking about
y/n: my fault i thought you cared for a second
jin: well i don’t
do you have his number
y/n: yeah
jin: don’t care
y/n: u sure?
jin: whatever man
he was weak fingers
he looks like he has a lisp does he have a lisp?
y/n: no??
jin: yes he does
stupid lispy bitch
lisps are cute
jin: do you like his lisp?
bet you wanna kiss him every time he speaks
bet he’s all like “i theriously thlipping love thew” all in ur ear
and u blush so bad
jin: i don’t care take ur 26 year old lisp bitch
y/n: all this because of a few stupid shippers?
jin: he looks at you a lot
and you look at him
there are so many videos
you look at him like you wanna get him pregnant
y/n: what the fuck
jin: you should only look at me like that
y/n: i’m sorry????
jin: i don’t care for your sorry
or this situation
or that ur new man is 26
i don’t CARE
y/n: ok baby
jin: if i smoked i would light a cigarette rn
y/n: i believe you
jin: good
would be like a chain smoker rn
y/n: i believe you baby
jin: and i’m not talking about that little emo band thing or whatever
y/n: didn’t think you were
jin: me
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cuz i’m i’m a chain smoker in spirit
y/n: !!!
jin: girlfriend
y/n: boyfriend
jin: ….
so like i’m gonna be honest
y/n: ok
jin: i do care
y/n: no way
jin: ik it’s hard to believe cuz i’m a good actor and all
y/n: naturally
jin: but wow why is he looking at you like he needs to be inside of you
y/n: ok ew?
jin: right i was thinking the same thing
y/n: why would you say that
y/n: let’s end this conversation
jin: let’s end his life
y/n: gn jin
jin: think about it
y/n: no
jin: when he looks at you do you feel uncomfortable
y/n: i’m uncomfortable rn
y/n: no
jin: i’m literally a chain smoker
in spirit
cuz smoking ages you
look at jungkook 26 looking 206
y/n: goodnight jin
jin: so is ur new man with u or not??
y/n: no jin
jin: good i didn’t even care anyways
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yoongi: fuck you
you know what you did
y/n: contrary to popular belief i am unfortunately not all knowing nor am i a mind reader
yoongi: kill yourself
y/n: full of love and joy today i see <3
yoongi: do you know
how may edits i’ve seen of that one clip of you and soobin
why is he smiling so hard at you???
tf is his issue
ur not fucking funny at all trust me i know
and you look really good
why are you looking good around other people???
and WHY did you touch him
and why the fuck did he blush so hard?
you need to kill yourself it’s the only option
y/n: strange way of telling me ur deeply in love with me but i’ll take it
yoongi: kill yourself
yoongi: am i laughing rn?
y/n: okay that’s not how being funny works
it comes naturally
yoongi: naturally it doesn’t come to you and that’s fine
y/n: yes it does
soobin thinks i’m funny
and so does everyone else
yoongi: soobin doesn’t count cuz he’s a loser
he was also looking at ur tits the whole time i would be smiling if ur tits were in my face too
and everyone else? yeah shut up
ur not funny and that’s ok
just ur a sick pervert doesn’t mean every man i come into contact is as well
soobin is a nice respectful young man
and are you trying to say my only personality trait is my tits????
that’s real fucked up actually!!!
yoongi: i mean it’s not ur humour thats for sure
y/n: and you think ur comedian of the year?
yoongi: i pull my weight
be fr
i’m the funny one in this relationship and that’s ok
your good at other things
yoongi: that’s crazy
we must be a really unfunny couple then yikes
y/n: what is ur beef?
yoongi: you and soobin
y/n: soobin is a baby to me
there is no me and soobin
yoongi: yeah ok
he’s 6 ft yk?
y/n: i know
stood next to him
yoongi: did you compare hand sizes
y/n: are you calling me a whore?
yoongi: is he funny?
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: is he funnier than me??
y/n: no yoongi
yoongi: wow that’s insane thought i wasn’t funny??????
soobin must have the personality of a fucking rock then
y/n: rolling my eyes real hard rn
yoongi: is he a good kisser?
y/n: ok now ur being ridiculous
yoongi: you touched his arm
y/n: he’s suit was fucked up
yoongi: have you imagined him in a wedding suit
y/n: what
yoongi: was his skin soft when you touched him
y/n: again he was wearing suit didn’t feel his skin at all
yoongi: bet you wanted to
y/n: ur impossible actually
incoming FaceTime call from yoongi :3
yoongi: answer me
y/n: are you going to apologise for telling me to kms
yoongi: no
want to see ur pretty face tho
answer pls
y/n: why would i answer after that
yoongi: pls
y/n: you want me so bad
yoongi: me or soobin?
y/n: …
yoongi: ok sorry
answer :3
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jk: hey can wonbin do a kick flip?
y/n: idk probably
y/n: woah ok?
you don’t even skate why does this matter?
jk: exactly
y/n: i’m not following
jk: do you know his songs?
y/n: pulling back the sirennnnnnnnnnnn
y/n: ??
you literally asked me to? why are you crying
jk: do you have his number?
y/n: yeah
jk: /‘sjdjdjcjkdidfkckkdkfkdkdk&/&&/&/8/88/8/8/8/88/8818:’snn@2@:’dndn’dmn**$*****$\$$\$$€!!!!’annanjjjsnsnsndjxjxjjxjjxjzjj&/&:&:&/&7(7(7(7(&?&!@!@)&();6;6:5;7)&??,(:3-;:&)9!£0£@!&()::54:(,£,&?@£9£0&0£9£9£9)&(7;5:437)&££9&9)@(7(7(6(£?&!9&0@!’ b gxfxgxgstdgcnjhkbvkhnb hchdtsrdhchvkhopjpjojonobkvjbjvgihighij
y/n: jungkook…
jk: has he ever looked you in the eyes?
y/n: babe
jk: he has hasn’t he?
but can even sing?
y/n: yes kook
that is literally his job
there are so many tears in my eyes i can’t see
i cant think
i cant be
my left lung has given out and i’m losing hearing in both my ears
they are probably gonna have to amputate both my big toes and a couple fingers
it’s fading too black
pretty girl
can you hear me
do you care for me
did you ever care
did you even love me
y/n: jeon jungkook
jk: loml
y/n: get over it
jk: ok
y/n: ….
jk: i’m sorry
i love you
what even is a wonbin?
my biggest enemy in this life thats who
y/n: what happened to being sorry and over it?
jk: but babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
everyone is saying he’s like in love with you
and he can do a kick flip
what if you pick him
y/n: i said he could probably do a kick flip
not that he actually can
why does that even matter?
jk: cuz kick flips are cool
and bitch takeable
y/n: what
jk: he might pop a kick flip out of nowhere and steal you
i cant have that
y/n: learn how to kick flip then idk?
y/n: oh yeah i did
didnt you almost brake ur face?????
AND you kept riding it in the house
pretty reasonable of me
jk: so what ur saying that ur waiting for wonbin to kick flip in front of you
y/n: ?????????
jungkook i am not leaving u for wonbin
jk: you say that but when he drops the most sexiest panty dropping kick flip known to man right in front of you i’m gonna be left single and depressed
y/n: you are stressing me out
jk: can i have the skateboard back
y/n: no
jk: 😞
Y/n: i said no jungkook
jk: 😕
y/n: stop
jk: ☹️
y/n: fine whatever idk break all ur bones
jk: kick flip kook coming soon >.<
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jimin: pretend i’m wonho for a second ok?
y/n: wonho?
jimin: yeah wonho
y/n: boob
jimin: hey lol ur really pretty 😍 😋❤️‍🔥 you should totally ditch that ugly lame excuse of a boyfriend you have (jimin) 🤢🤮 and come be my girl 💯🤗🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️
y/n: boob 🤤
jimin: be mine
y/n: show me ur tits
jimin: u fucking cheating bitch
y/n: wonho don’t be mean 😢
jimin: i am no longer wonho
i am jimin
y/n: lame
turn back
we want wonho
we want wonho
jimin: who is we
y/n: me and the voices in my head idk
jimin: even the voices not even fucking with me anymore???
the wonho shippers were right
y/n: what the shippers saying
jimin: “y/n just looks so bored with jimin” “did you see her smile when wonho was mentioned”
jimin: do you know how insane that is
y/n: ig u got to get ur funny up idk
jimin: do you understand how this is impacting my mental health
y/n: i like when their a bit insane dw 😍
jimin: i’m real fucking insane
i hear voices
they tell me to do things
i listen to jay park
you like that huh?
y/n: ok calm down i said a bit insane not jay park lover insane
wtf is wrong with you
jimin: are you bored
y/n: sorry what were you saying i almost felt asleep
jimin: i hope wonho treats you right
y/n: yk i’m tit level to wonho
isn’t that perfect
my face just all up in there
jimin: me and him are the same height?
y/n: ok but it’s more exciting with wonho
jimin: should i get a boob job???
y/n: please
jimin: WOW
the standards these days are insane
you were supposed to tell me my body is perfect the way it is
y/n: it is
jimin: wow ur so convincing!!!
y/n: i mean it fr fr babe love u body yk that
little tittes matter too
im for the cause!!!!!!!!!!
jimin: i came to you for love and reassurance
y/n: i think i provided
jimin: i’m gonna kill myself infront on wonho
so he’s traumatised
y/n: i did say i like them a bit insane
but whose to say he’ll go insane from watching YOU die????
jimin: excuse me?
y/n: i’m just saying
jimin: a lot of people would go insane from watching ME die
y/n: not wonho
jimin: you can never be too sure
y/n: no i’m sure
jimin: are you trying to find out rn???
y/n: do it
you won’t
jimin: do you love me be honest
y/n: the most
jimin: fucking simp lmao
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namjoon: hi
y/n: ????????????????????????????????
namjoon: ?
y/n: where is my “hi love”
where is the love
where is the life
not even a silly emoji???????????
who took my bitch
namjoon: death soon i hope
y/n: emo era joon omg?
namjoon: where are u rn?
y/n: some boba place with tae and kook
namjoon: oh
we’ve never gotten boba together
y/n: you don’t like boba joon??
namjoon: taste buds change??
y/n: we can go on a boba date tomorrow if you want?
namjoon: no
ok babe
namjoon: yk people think ur fucking tae?
y/n: ew
namjoon: i’m not joking
like people think you’re cheating on me with tae
y/n: people always think i’m cheating
namjoon: yeah…
but like not with tae :/
and there isn’t always all these edits and stuff
people are even in our weverse talking about it
y/n: people are so silly
namjoon: yeah
why are you calling me?
y/n: why aren’t you answering?
namjoon: don’t want to interrupt ur date
y/n: my date???
namjoon: your date.
y/n: namjoon
namjoon: yeah
y/n: ur being silly
namjoon: in this clip ur looking at tae like he hung the all stars in the sky for you or something
y/n: get off twitter
namjoon: i’m gonna end my life
y/n: babe
namjoon: cheater 😔
y/n: jonnie r u jealous rn >.<
namjoon: i’m not jealous
y/n: what are you then?
namjoon: heartbroken?
on the verge of suicide
y/n: tipsy?
y/n: yeah thought so
this is a little out of character of you babe
kinda jungkook core idk
namjoon: did you just compare me to jungkook???????????????????????
do you want me to kill myself that bad
oh my god
are you fucking jungkook too??????
y/n: ?????
namjoon: is boba code for sex
y/n: no namjoon
namjoon: yeah ok
cheater 😞
after i learned what rizz was for you..
y/n: i’m am not fucking tae or jungkook my love
namjoon: was my rizz not good enough
y/n: are you listening to me joonie????
namjoon: it wasn’t was it
ofc it wasn’t
i’m sorry i wasn’t good enough
sorry i didn’t have enough rizz
i’m really sorry
y/n: namjoon
namjoon: no you know what
i really tried it wasn’t my fault
no one deserves to be cheated on like this
it’s all your fault
y/n: oh
namjoon: i’m guilt tripping you
y/n: what
namjoon: are you coming home now?
y/n: ???
namjoon: baby
y/n: you can’t tell someone ur guilt tripping them
that’s not how it works
namjoon: baby i’m not guilt tripping you
y/n: it’s too late now
i know what ur doing
namjoon: baby
y/n: wait…..
namjoon: waiting
y/n: no
ur not
namjoon: baby what’s wrong???
y/n: baby?
don’t tell me ur horny rn joon
namjoon: would that be so bad baby?
y/n: these mood swings??? insane actually
thought i was a cheater
now you wanna fuck???
namjoon: life is crazy
are you coming home???
or would you rather fuck taehyung instead
my fault
i’ll just go…
y/n: ur toxic
namjoon: ur a cheater
come home cheater
y/n: yeah yeah give me 20
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hobi: hawk putuh
ik ur awake
and i know you see these rumours
y/n: did you just fucking spit on me??
hobi: yeah and what
will do it again
hawk putuh
told you
i don’t lie in these parts of town
don’t enjoy it too much
flipping freak
y/n: what rumours
hobi: don’t ignore my second spit wtf
y/n: shut up
hobi: u trying to get drunk and nasty rn? 😝
y/n: ?no
hobi: no u right we supposed to be arguing
y/n: i’m always right
and why are we supposed to be arguing?
hobi: umm that’s NOT true
and people are literally shipping you with mingyu rn…
y/n: how is that my fault
hawk putuh
y/n: stop spitting on me
hobi: you like it
y/n: no i don’t
hobi: wow you’ve changed
you used to like it
did mingyu change you???
where is the y/n i know and love
where is my y/n who likes spit
you should never let a man change you
be who you are
and what who you are is my spit loving girlfriend so act like it
y/n: i have never let you spit on me
like ever
hobi: why is that ur focus rn
you should be denying the fact that you’ve changed for mingyu
y/n: i haven’t changed for mingyu and i don’t like spit leave me alone
it’s 2 am hoseok
hobi: why are they shipping you with him what the hell pretty 😞
i’m in my feels rn
feeling aju not fucking nice rn
y/n: cheer up
hobi: no
y/n: ok fuck you then
hobi: i bet mingyu is giggling and blushing and at all of these stupid edits
by bts
i’m sick to my stomach
y/n: get better
hobi: word on the street is head makes the pain go away
y/n: on the street by jhope ft jcole
hobi: would you give head to mingyu be honest
y/n: you don’t want my honesty right now…
hobi: i do
y/n: let’s just say
hobi: NVM
let’s not say anything
how about we just hold hands at look each other deeply in the eyes
y/n: i’m cool with that
hobi: are you cool with mingyu
y/n: cool with you by newjeans
hobi: me?
little old me >.<
y/n: always you
hobi: lol stop loveboming me wtf
y/n: yeah kys
about to give mingyu the sloppiest top known to man
hobi: mingyu doesn’t even like girls like you
y/n: girls like me???
hobi: yeah
i don’t need to explain i think you get it
y/n: are you calling me ugly rn…
hobi: you said it not me
y/n: ok
hobi: ok
y/n: hawk putuh
hobi: you didn’t….
y/n: i did
hobi: what fuck
y/n: yeah and what
hobi: what if i said
y/n: no
hobi: yeah
i enjoyed it real bad
do it again
let me catch it this time
y/n: fuck off fuck you leave me alone
hobi: mingyu would never treat you like i do
y/n: i’m sold
tell mingyu i’m on my way
hobi: …
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @sopebubbles-replies
lowkey hating joons and kooks but it’s okay better shit to come this just my warm up ong 🙏🏽💯🔥
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multi-fandom-things730 · 10 months
Misguided Messages
Summary: Y/N’s ex can’t handle the fact that she moved on from him and she’s happy with Hook. But when he starts doing more than sending them glares backstage, Hook makes it known that you don’t ever threaten his girl.
Warnings: creepy ex, cussing, violence, blood, threats, fights, protective!Hook, angst?, fluff, simp!Hook, teensy tiny bit of spice if you squint
𝘼/𝙉: AAAAHHHHH, I’m doing it! I’m finally posting an imagine🥳😭 I hope you guys love it! It’s definitely not perfect, and I’ve got a lot to learn, but I tried my bestest! And of course I have to give SO MUCH THANKS to @99hook!!🧡 I would never have posted this if it wasn’t for her love and support!!!! Thank you so much bestie for motivating me and I hope you love it bestie!!!🥰🧡🖤
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Having an ex work at the same company as you shouldn't be that big of a deal.
You'd think everyone should be able to behave professionally and go about their day to day lives normally.
But no; because Y/N's ex didn't know the meaning of the word normal.
He was a low card wrestler at AEW; barely even on tv. He was only shown when the better wrestlers needed an easy win.
She had dated him a long time ago, back when she was in college and he was still in the indies.
But now she had risen the ranks in AEW backstage, and was a fan favorite backstage interviewer and occasionally she even got to dabble in storylines.
It was right around when he first joined Team Taz that Hook met Y/N.
There was an instant attraction between the two, and she even pulled his first words out of him in a backstage interview.
Everyone could see the chemistry between them; even the fans picked up on it.
The fans really started to ship them after a particular incident.
"So Ricky, Hook, how is Team Taz feeling about the upcoming-" Her question is cut short when Darby Allin and Sting come from out of nowhere and attack the two. 
Y/N let's out a pained yell as she gets pushed over in the chaos and twists her ankle.
Her eyes widen however when Hook punches Sting extremely hard in the gut, before running over to kneel beside her.
He scoops her up into his arms and backs away from the fight. "Are you ok?"
"I'm ok" she replies. "You should go help Ricky, I'm alright"
Hook just shakes his head no, casting one more glance over to Ricky. He and Ricky exchange nods, and he knows Ricky's got it handled.
So he turns and walks down the hall towards the medical room. "I saw you land on your ankle; how bad does it hurt?"
"Not that bad" Y/N answers. "I think my heels just made it hurt worse"
Hook nods, and it's then that he notices the camera man following them.
He scowls, and adjusts Y/N so he's holding her with one arm before shoving the camera to the ground. "Get that shit out of her face!"
After that, fans were itching to see them get together. And even though neither one were willing to admit it, they were too.
But it wasn't until Hook's in ring debut that it finally happened.
"Hey Hook!" Y/N runs over to him with an excited smile. "Are you excited to debut?!"
"Damn.." Hook can't help but audibly groan at the sight of her.
She was always a sight to behold, but tonight she looked even more breathtaking than usual. She had on a cropped corset top with a see through bodice that had floral lace patterns etched onto it, high waisted leather short-shorts, knee high black boots that had orange rhinestones bedazzling the heel, her natural hair down, and very light makeup; the only pop of color was bright orange highlighting the inner corner of her eye.
"Y-Yeah" Hook stutters out an answer to her question.
"You're gonna do absolutely amazing!" Y/N encourages.
He smiles, bashful at her praise. "Thanks Y/N"
"Tyler!" The two look up when Hook's name is called.
Taz, who was walking over to check on his son, can't help but smirk and chuckle at the pink color on Hook's cheeks. That was definitely not something you see everyday.
"How are you feeling about your first match son?" Taz asks, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm all good dad" he replies.
"And Y/N, it's always lovely to see you honey" Taz greets. "And you're representing the FTW colors, I love it"
"Thanks Taz" Y/N grins. "I thought it was appropriate given Hook's debut"
"Absolutely!" Taz agrees with a grin. "You know, it's a shame to put that outfit to waste"
"What do you mean?" Y/N asks.
"Well, Ricky and Hobbs aren't able to go out with Hook tonight. So, if you're both cool with it, you could go out with him. Maybe stand ringside" Taz offers.
Hook's eyes widen as he shoots his dad a warning look. His dad was always trying to meddle with him and Y/N-
"I'd love to!"
His eyes widen even more as his head snaps back down to look at Y/N. "R-Really?"
"Yeah! If you'd like me too, of course" Y/N replies.
"Yes! I'd be happy for you to" Hook scrambles to get the words out fast enough before doing his best to recollect himself and return his face to its usual stoicalness.
Taz let's out a laugh, before patting Hook's shoulder. "Well I best be going, commercial's almost over and I gotta get back to commentary. You're up next son, and you're gonna do great. See you two later"
They both say goodbye before Hook turns to Y/N. "Sorry he just volunteered you to do that. You really don't have to if you don't want to"
"What are you talking about?" Y/N asks. "Of course I want to"
Before Hook can respond his music hits.
"Well go on!" Y/N encourages. "I'll be right behind you"
He smiles back at her, and takes a deep breath before daring to peck her on the cheek really quickly before walking out.
Y/N falters for a second, and blushes wildly while her fingers brush over where he kissed her.
Then she snaps out of it and follows him out.
Y/N grins proudly at the pop he gets from the audience, and claps along with them as she trails behind him down the ramp.
He circles the ring as Y/N stops in his corner.
Hook climbs in and walks over to his corner, paying Fuego Del Sol no mind as he leans against the turnbuckle.
Y/N smirks mischievously before climbing up to the apron and looking right in Hook's eyes.
He has to stop himself from reacting to the close proximity of their faces as she leans against the opposite side of the turnbuckle.
"I know you're gonna do amazing" she smiles softly, running her hand over his jaw.
He has to fight as hard as possible to stop a smile from overtaking his face.
Her thumb trails over his bottom lip as he stares at her adoringly.
And when the ref walks over to tap Hook on the shoulder so he'll turn around, she pecks him right on the lips before hopping off the apron and down to ringside.
His eyes widen, and his eyes trail after her.
She smirks at him, and points towards Fuego to indicate he should turn around.
He sends her a smirk back before turning to focus on his match.
He officially asked her to be his girl as soon as they got backstage, and she was so excited to say yes. After that Y/N and Hook were always together.
She always accompanied him to the ring, and Hook would be lying if he said he didn't love getting to show her off.
Y/N in turn, loved to be shown off by him. The way he was so proud to be her boyfriend made her heart melt.
Y/N was also not afraid to get in someone's face if they were messing with Hook.
At Hook's third match, when QT Marshall grabbed his ankle, Y/N was quick to intervene.
"Hey! Bastard!" Y/N storms around the ring to plant herself face to face with QT Marshall.
Was he much bigger than her, and a trained wrestler? Yes. But did he intimidate her? Not at all.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Ricky exclaims from commentary. "Pissed off woman headed your way QT! Better watch out!"
Taz laughs. "Ain't no saving him now!"
"Keep your pathetic hands to your damn self!" She screams. "You're just pissed because Hook has already surpassed you and this is only his third professional match! You're so desperate to prove that you can train someone better than him; and you're too stupid to realize that's never gonna happen! Because Hook has more natural talent in his pinky finger than you have in your whole body!"
Hook can't help but peer over at his girl, a cocky smirk resting on his face as he watches her defend him.
"You listen here-" QT points his finger in Y/N's face.
But he's cut off by the bell ringing, signaling the end of the match.
Neither of them had realized that Hook locked Solo in a redrum.
Y/N let's out a cheer as she hops up onto the apron, but before she fully steps into the ring QT beats her to it.
Hook lightly pushes her back, signaling for her not to get in as he steps up to QT.
Hook turns away from QT after a moment, sick of the man yelling in his face, and that’s when QT grabs Hook's arm and yanks Hook around to face him.
The look on Hook's face is dangerous, and QT quickly raises his hands in surrender.
But it was way too late, and Y/N lets out a laugh when Hook hits him with an overhead throw and plants him onto the mat.
Hook turns back to her, and jumps out of the ring. He stops and holds his hand out to help her down.
She smiles at him as the two walk up the ramp, with Hook placing his hand on Y/N's hip and pulling her into his side.
"You screaming at him was so fucking sexy" he breathes into her ear.
Y/N looks up at him, and he smirks at the blush on her face.
But QT Marshall just never knew when to quit.
The match between Serpentico and Hook was extremely quick.
Serpentico didn't even have an opportunity to take his kimono off before he tapped.
Taz, Ricky, and Y/N were all laughing and cheering for Hook's win as he kept Serpentico locked in the redrum after the bell.
But Y/N's smile morphs into a glare when QT Marshall comes strolling out. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, this is the exact crap I'm talking about! Hey! This is what I'm talking about! You idiots don't realize what he's doing!"
Hook lets Serpentico go to turn and face QT with an annoyed look.
"Hitting the guy before the bell, keeping the choke on too long. His dad's laughing about it, his girlfriend's cheering him on" QT complains.
Y/N quirks an amused eyebrow at him, and nods her head.
Taz laughs again from his seat at the commentary table. "Yeah I am"
Hook just rolls his eyes and waits for Y/N to join him at his side before walking up the ramp.
"He's a delinquent!" QT exclaims.
Y/N intertwines her fingers with his as they walk by QT without acknowledging him.
But Y/N let's out a surprised yelp when QT grabs her arm and turns her to face him.
Hook feels her be yanked back, and whips around with a furious glare.
He pushes Y/N behind him, before getting chest to chest with QT.
QT continues to scream, but Hook doesn't really hear any of it. All he knows is that QT touched his girl.
Hook grabs QT and T-Bones him as hard as he can.
Hook stands up, and walks over to Y/N. "You ok baby?"
"Yeah, I'm good Ty" she answers with a smile.
Hook takes her hand again, and steps over QT's body.
He then turns around to place his hands on Y/N's waist and pick her up to place her on the other side of QT so she doesn't have to step over him.
Taz is still laughing at commentary as the two walk backstage. "You never put your hands on Hook's girl! And if you do, he's gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget!"
"They're like AEW's Bonnie and Clyde!" Excalibur says with a laugh.
Y/N also started learning to commentate around that time, and Taz was happy to be her mentor.
Y/N was sitting at the commentary table next to Taz. She was quiet for the time being, because QT Marshall was out there with one of his students and Y/N refused to acknowledge him.
But then something catches her attention, and she turns to look at QT with a raised eyebrow. "Ladies and gentlemen, the recipient of the first ever QT Marshall certificate of accomplishment: Hook!"
She crosses her arms as she stares QT down, suspicious of his intentions.
But she can't help a smile growing on her face when Hook's music hits, and he comes walking out.
He glances over at her before making his way down the ramp.
"What?!" Chris Jericho exclaims surprisedly.
"The cold-hearted handsome devil: Hook" Excalibur says.
"Here he comes!" Jericho exclaims excitedly.
"We're not quite sure what the hell this is about with QT and the certificate of accomplishment" Taz says.
"Hook looks annoyed that somebody woke him up to send him out here" Jericho laughs, making Y/N laugh as well. "He probably is"
"QT likes to take a lot of credit for training Hook" Y/N rolls her eyes.
Y/N goes to stand up, but Taz grabs her arm and lightly pulls her back down. "Don't go smacking the guy up just yet Y/N" he says with a chuckle.
Y/N recrosses her arms as she keeps her eyes fixed on the ring.
"This is such a special night" QT starts. "I mean normally a mentor-" he stops when the crowd starts chanting for Hook. "Yeah, give it to him guys. He deserves it. Normally a mentor would get jealous when his protege surpasses him, but not me, I'm not a selfish kind of guy-"
Y/N laughs when the audience boos at that.
"I'm not!" QT insists. "So I’m just gonna get right to it.  Hook, congratulations. This is something you're gonna be able to tell your grandkids about. You are the recipient of the inaugural, first ever, QT Marshall certificate of accomplishment"
QT takes the plaque from Aaron Solo as he shoots off a confetti gun.
Y/N can't help but giggle at the unimpressed look on Hook's face as confetti falls around him.
"What the hell is going on?" Taz groans.
But then Hook slams Solo's head into the certificate, making Y/N and Taz burst into laughter as Hook makes his way back up the ramp.
But Y/N's smile drops when Danhausen comes creeping out from backstage.
She immediately stands up and storms over when Danhausen tries to curse Hook.
Hook is completely unfazed, and moves to step around Danhausen.
But Y/N snatches the back of Danhausen's shirt and pulls him around to face her before slapping him right in the face.
Everyone at the commentary table cringes at the sound.
"Y/N just slapped the taste out of Danhausen's mouth!" Jericho laughs hysterically at the shocked look on Danhausen's face.
"I think the curse backfired on Danhausen!" Excalibur exclaims.
"You don't mess with Y/N's man you guys" Taz laughs.
Hook wraps his arm around Y/N's waist and pulls her backstage as she glares at Danhausen.
"Calm down mamas" he breathes into her ear.
Hook smirks as she falters, and he admires the blush lighting up her face. "You like that nickname mamas?"
Y/N nods, burying her face in his chest as she hugs around his torso.
He laughs softly and presses a kiss on top of her head. "The last time you reacted like that was when I called you babygirl"
He just laughs again when she has a similar reaction, before swatting his chest. "Stop teasing me!"
"I'm sorry babygirl" he says in a low tone. He lets his hands trail down her body to rest on her hips. "I didn't mean to tease you. I just love those cute little reactions.. my cute girl"
Y/N smiles up at him, and gets on her tip toes to press a kiss to his nose.
Hook's face flushes red, and it's Y/N's turn to smirk. "It's ok, because I love your cute little reactions too honey"
Hook squeezes her hips, and leans down to bury his head in the crook of her neck. That nickname always made him bashful and blush.
Y/N giggles and runs her fingers through his hair.
Even after Hook accepted Danhausen as a tag partner, Y/N was a little unsure of him.
She didn't like how he wanted to fight Hook at first, and Y/N was a little protective of Hook.
But he did grow on her eventually, and she was so excited when the two worked together to beat Tony Nese and Mark Sterling.
But it was around this time that Y/N's ex was suddenly unable to keep his stupid fucking mouth shut.
"Hello Miss Y/N" she hears from behind her, and turns to face Danhausen with a smile.
"Hello Danhausen" she greets back. "How are you today?"
"Very well, very well indeed. I just came over to see-"
"Y/N" Danhausen is cut off by a man he doesn't recognize stepping out in front of them.
Y/N rolls her eyes, but Danhausen notices the way she takes a step closer to him. "What do you want Matthew?"
"I just wanted to talk to you without your little boy toy behind you" Matthew scowls.
"Uh, hello. Danhausen here" Danhausen waves. "She has a very evil friend instead"
"Like I'm scared of you" Matthew laughs.
"Like you have any room to talk" Y/N retorts. "At least Danhausen gets matches. When was the last time you wrestled? I don't even know, but I'm sure it was a throw away match to get someone else over"
Y/N smirks at the look on Matthew's face, knowing what she said was true.
"Just leave me the fuck alone Matthew" Y/N demands. "You know I have a boyfriend. And he is a hundred times the man you could ever dream of being, and makes me a million times happier than you ever did"
With that she grabs Danhausen's arm and pulls him down the hall with her.
"I'm not gonna give up that easily! Mark my words, you'll be hearing from me!" Matthew yells.
Danhausen turns to curse him, but Y/N just yanks him down the hallway. "He's not even worth it"
"Who was that despicable person?" Danhausen asks.
"He's just an ex" Y/N answers. "He just has a hard time accepting that I broke up with him. He hadn't bothered me in a while though.. I thought he was finally gonna leave me alone"
"We should tell Hook" Danhausen says.
"No! Please don't!” Y/N immediately replies. "Tyler will loose his damn mind, and he needs to be focused on his match tonight. The last thing I want is for him to get suspended or something because he attacked Matthew. Which we both know is what he'll do"
Danhausen is silent for a few moments, before huffing. "Fine, Danhausen will not tell for now. But if he bothers you any more we must"
It didn't take very long for him to do just that.
But this time he made the mistake of doing it when Hook was around.
Y/N giggles at a joke Danhausen tells her as the two sit in catering.
It was late; the last match had wrapped up a while ago, so they were the only ones there.
They had decided to hang out at the venue a little later than usual, and Hook was now taking a shower really quick before the three headed out.
"Hey Y/N"
"Ew!" Danhausen screams. "It is creepy rat man!"
Y/N can't help but burst out in laughter at Matthew's expense.
"I want to talk to you" Matthew says, attempting to be assertive in his tone.
But Y/N had changed a lot from the meek girl she was when she was with him. That tone may have worked on her once, but never again.
And she knew that infuriated him when she looked over at him with a bored expression. "I don't wanna talk to you though. So too bad"
"You really think you're all that now because you're Hook's latest piece of ass, huh? He doesn't give a damn about you, but you're too fucking stupid to realize that. He'll never treat you the way I did-"
"The way you did?!" Y/N exclaims, jumping up from her seat to glare daggers at him. "You're right. Tyler would never treat me the way you did. He would never treat me like I'm worth nothing more than a fuck. You expected to be able to treat me like shit, and then still have me waiting for your beck and call. Well newsflash Matthew; you may have destroyed me back then, but I healed myself. And Tyler has shown me what it's like to be loved. He's shown me what being with a real man is like"
"Hey bitch!" Everyone's head snap over to the hallway, where Hook is storming over with a look in his eyes that Y/N had never seen.
Hook snatches Matthew up by the collar with a dangerous look on his face before landing a vicious punch right on his jaw.
"Tyler!" Y/N exclaims as Danhausen immediately tries to pull him off of Matthew. 
Y/N grabs his arm and pulls him towards her.
Hook let's her do so, but he doesn't stop glaring at Matthew. "You mess with my girl again and I'll knock your fucking teeth in"
And after that Hook lets Y/N drag him down the hallway.
Neither one of them say a word until they get to Hook's dressing room.
Hook wordlessly sits down on the couch, and furrows his eyebrows when Y/N lingers by the door and doesn't sit down next to him.
He holds his hand out, signaling for her to come over to him, but she doesn't.
"Get your cute little ass over here" Hook says with a little pout.
Y/N breaks out into a smile at that, and does as told.
When she gets close enough he grabs her hips and pulls her down to sit on his lap facing him.
Y/N wraps her arms around his torso and buries her head against the side of his neck. "I'm sorry"
"For what?" Hook asks, leaning back a little in an attempt to look at her. But she holds on tighter and doesn't let him. "For all that with Matthew"
"It wasn't your fault" Hook replies, but she can feel his body tense. "Who was he though?"
"He's an ex" Y/N answers.
Hook doesn't like the vague answer, and gently wraps his hands in her hair to pull her head up and makes eye contact with her. He didn't give a damn about some stupid little ex of Y/N's; he knew that Y/N only wanted him, just like he only wanted her. But he does care when that ex starts bothering her. "Has he been bothering you before today?"
Y/N shrinks under his gaze, but when she tries to look down he tightens the grip on her hair slightly. "I.. Only a couple times"
"Y/N" Hook chides. "These are the kinds of things you have to tell me"
"I know" Y/N says softly. "I just didn't want you to get in a fight with him or something"
Hook sighs, before pulling her to him and kissing her softly.
When they pull away Y/N lays her head on his chest as Hook runs his hand up and down her back, occasionally kissing her head and whispering sweet words to her.
That was a couple months ago, and Matthew had let up a bit.
He never approached her in person anymore; but he did message and call her.
Y/N knew she should tell Hook, but she was scared he'd snap and beat him up again.
It was a miracle that Matthew didn't report Hook the first time, and Y/N didn't want to risk Hook loosing his job over her.
So she just dealt with his abusive texts and voicemails, and did her best to not let it bother her.
But it obviously did, and Hook was beginning to pick up on it.
Like right now.
Y/N and Hook were snuggled up together on their hotel bed. Y/N was tucked into his side with her head on his chest, and Hook had his chin resting on top of her head while absentmindedly running his fingers up and down her back.
But then Y/N's phone started ringing.
Hook began to move to hand it to her, but she squeezed him tighter. "Don't move" she whined.
He laughs softly at her, and peers down at her with an adoring smile. "You're adorable babygirl, but it could be something important"
Y/N pouts, before turning to grab her phone.
Hook looked back at the tv, which was playing a rerun of Y/N's favorite show.
Hook had turned it on for her while she was getting ready for bed.
But his head snaps over to her when he hears a little sniffle escape her. 
He pulls himself up to rest against the headboard, and gently places a hand on her back. "Talk to me mamas.. tell me what's going on so I can help you"
Y/N hesitates, and stares down at her phone. "I'm scared to"
Hook furrows his eyebrows at that. Why would she be scared to tell him something?
Hook places his hands on her waist and turns her to face him. She looks down at the bed, but he puts his finger under her chin and tilts her head up to look at him. "You can tell me anything Y/N. Anything. You know that"
"I know.." She mumbles. "It's not how it sounds. I just don't want you to get in trouble"
"Why would I get in trouble?" Hook asks.
"Because I think you may kill someone" Y/N answers with a soft smile.
Hook cracks a smile as well. "If they're bothering you, you may be right"
"Tyler" Y/N chides, lightly swatting his chest as they smile at each other.
"Ok, ok" he relents. "I at least won't kill anyone tonight"
Y/N takes a deep breath. "It's Matthew.."
Hook's eyes harden immediately, and he has to take a couple deep breaths of his own. "What about him?"
"Ever since you punched him, he hasn't come up to me in person. But he has been messaging and calling me" Y/N admits. "He always says the meanest things and it's just-" Y/N sniffles again, and Hook wipes away a stray tear with his thumb. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want to say anything to you because I was scared you'd attack him and get suspended or fired and I can't even imagine you being gone and I-"
Hook cuts her rambling off by placing his lips against her's.
Y/N immediately melts into him, placing her hands on his neck as her holds her face and their lips move in sync.
He pulls away after a few seconds and kisses her forehead before speaking. "I'm not happy you didn't tell me.. but I guess I understand why. I shouldn't have acted the way I did before. Maybe then you would have told me-"
Y/N places a finger against his lips, cutting his sentence short. "No. You know what? Neither one of us is gonna apologize. Did either of us handle the situation perfectly? No. But none of it is our fault's; it's his"
Hook smiles softly before nodding.
He pulls her body flush against his, and nuzzles his head in the crook of her neck. Y/N giggles as he starts leaving kisses there.
"I think he's just mad because he doesn't have the sexiest girl in the world to keep him warm at night anymore" Hook teases, and Y/N let's out a surprised squeal when he slaps her ass.
"Tyler!" She chides through giggly laughter, and he laughs along too.
The two spend the rest of the night too wrapped up in each other's presence to even remember Matthew's name.
A couple of peaceful weeks went by after that.
Matthew had called a couple times and sent a couple of messages, but Y/N just ignored them.
She told Hook every time, and he wanted nothing more than to track Matthew down and make it so he was terrified to even breathe in Y/N's direction.
But she begged him not to do anything rash, and he reluctantly agreed.
Hook kept true to that agreement for almost a month.
The two were at the arena, getting ready for that night's rampage. Y/N had gotten into the shower while Hook was putting on his ring gear and taping his fists.
"Ty!" Y/N called.
Hook immediately hopped up and walked into the bathroom. "Yeah mamas?"
She doesn't say anything, but she sticks her head around the shower curtain and pouts her lips.
Hook smirks, and walks over to place his lips against her's.
He reaches into the shower, before she giggles and closes the curtain. "You can't come in here! You're gonna get your tape wet! And your precious hair!"
Hook just chuckles. "You're the one who called me in here"
With that he walks back into the dressing room, but stops when Y/N's phone starts lighting up.
He grabs it, and starts to circle back to the bathroom to let her know she had gotten some messages, when he realizes who the messages are from.
Hook scoffs as he watches more and more messages from Matthew pop up on the screen, and with each one he feels his body heating up in anger.
But then a particular one delivers, and Hook tosses the phone down on the couch before storming out of the room with a rapid heartbeat, a clenched jaw, and clenched fists.
When Y/N gets out of the shower, she is greeted with an empty dressing room.
She furrows her eyebrows in confusion, but figures Hook just left to do something real quick.
She gets dressed and started on her makeup.
But right as she finishes putting on her lipgloss her door is swung open, and Ricky Starks comes rushing in.
"What the hell Ricky?! You scared the hell out of me!" Y/N exclaims.
"You gotta come with me" Ricky says, and grabs her arm to pull her out of the room.
"Where? What's wrong?" Y/N asks.
"Hook's beating the hell out of some random jobber" Ricky answers, and Y/N feels her stomach drop.
The closer they get Y/N can hear the fighting and yelling, and she pulls away from Ricky to just run towards the sounds quicker.
"Tyler!" She screams when she sees him holding a bloody and beaten Matthew up against the wall by his neck.
"Huh?! Come on! Threaten someone who will fight back you son of a bitch!" Hook screams, not even hearing Y/N over the blood pumping in his ears.
"Tyler!" Y/N yells again, and runs over.
Hook whips around when he feels someone trying to pull him off of Matthew, but his wild eyes soften when the see it was Y/N.
But she wasn't looking at him, she was watching with wide eyes as Matthew slid right down the wall as soon as Hook wasn't holding him anymore.
"What the hell Tyler?!" Y/N yells.
Hook just stares at the floor, chest heaving and sweat running down his body.
"Matthew swung first" Ricky speaks up from behind them. "Hook went up to him yelling and shit, but he never touched Matthew until after he punched Hook"
"I knew you wouldn't want me to.." Hook mumbles, nervously looking up from the floor to make eye contact with her.
Y/N takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.
"Why don't you two go to Tony's office and explain all that then" Y/N says shortly, watching as medics finally run over and start tending to Matthew. She felt guilty that she just couldn't bring herself to feel bad for him. But Ricky said that Matthew swung first, so whatever happened to him was his own fault.
Hook doesn't move though, and stares at Y/N like a lost puppy. "Are you mad at me?"
Y/N sighs, before wrapping her arms around him in a hug. He immediately responds, wrapping his arms tightly around her in return.
"I'm not happy you came out here looking for him, as I assume that's why you left the room"
Y/N looks up at him with a pointed look, and he looks at the wall to avoid eye contact. "But, if he swung first then I'm not mad at you for the fight"
"I had to. I couldn't let him say what he said to you, I'll always defend you" Hook says firmly.
"What are you talking about?" Y/N asks with furrowed eyebrows.
"You didn't look at your phone?"
Y/N was sitting in her and Hook's shared hotel room while scrolling through all the messages Matthew sent that day.
And Y/N knew exactly which one must have set Hook off.
You don't wanna respond to me bitch? That's fine, because when Hook goes out for his match tonight I'm gonna find you and teach you to never ignore me again. And trust me, you'll never forget it.
Y/N didn't even want to think about what he had been planning to do before Hook found him; and she couldn't be anything but grateful to Hook.
She had heard that Matthew was in the hospital with broken bones and other injuries, and she wondered if that would have been her without Hook.
Matthew had never actually hit her during their relationship, but he came very close when she broke up with him.
But her thoughts are interrupted when the door swings open.
She jumps up and runs over to tightly hug Hook. "Is everything ok?"
"Yeah, it's all ok baby" Hook comforts, running his fingers through her hair. "There was a video of the whole thing so I'm not in any trouble"
"Thank God" Y/N breathes out. "And Matthew?"
"He's gonna be fired. You know, whenever he wakes up" Hook brags with a lopsided smirk.
Y/N laughs, and gets on her tiptoes to peck his lips. "I love you so much. And thank you, I can't help but think about what could have happened-"
Hook leans down to cut her off with a kiss, before pulling away and resting his forehead against her's. He lets his hands rest on her hips as he stares into her eyes. "You don't ever have to worry about someone hurting you. Not ever again. Not when I'm around, which will be forever"
Y/N smiles, and lets out a surprised laugh when he picks her up and carries her over to the bed.
She gets comfortable under the covers as he puts on pajamas.
He lays down next to her and she immediately nuzzles into his side.
Hook wraps an arm around her waist, and uses his free hand to draw random shapes on her exposed stomach.
Y/N sleepily smiles as she realizes he's writing out 'I love you' at one point. "I love you too"
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spookyfbi · 8 months
Ok so. Confession time. I’ve been in fandom, shipping various pairings on and off for like 20 years, give or take, and I have never. NEVER. Felt so satisfied by what canon has done with my ship as I was today watching Our Flag Means Death.
It felt like I was reading a fanfic.
No no really, you don’t understand.
Our Flag Means Death is LITERALLY structured like a fanfic.
Normal shows, right? The character and relationship development serves the plot. If it doesn’t serve the plot, it gets cut.
In fanfics, on the other hand, the plot serves the character and relationship development, if there’s even a plot at all.
And guys, I didn’t realise this until today, but in Our Flag Means Death, the plot serves the character and relationship development.
Like, let’s look at season 1. The first 3 episodes introduce the characters, set the scene, and get the ball rolling. Then episode 4 is all about Ed and Stede getting to know each other and getting rid of the Spanish ship that only served to facilitate Ed and Stede meeting in the first place.
Episode 5? The dinner party. Does anything of consequence happen in that episode? It’s all there to facilitate the ‘you wear fine things well’ scene
Episode 6? Who cares about the ship they perform the fuckery for? They never come back. It’s all to explore Ed’s past and give us the bathtub scene. And then Izzy leaving the ship
Episode 7? We’ll, we get a Jim backstory, and ‘Oh my god this is happening’ and Ed & Stede deciding to be co captains.
Episode 8 is just an excuse to enjoy jealous Stede and then ‘you came back’ ‘never left’
And then the plot comes back but it’s still all about the relationship and character development.
Think about the middle episodes though. The plot could have been literally anything and it would have made absolutely no difference as long as the character and relationship beats still happened.
And now look at the two episodes we got today. Did… did anything actually… happen in Fun and Games? I mean other than relationship development and character stuff. And episode 5 (I can’t remember the name). Do you think the cursed jacket will have any consequence to the plot? Maybe the ship they left it on will come back, but you could probably swap out the cursed jacket with literally anything else and it would make no difference.
You’ve got the first few chapters to set the scene, then you’ve got a bunch of chapters where things happen and in each chapter it all culminates in a progression in the characters’ relationship. Then in the last few chapters the plot gets resolved.
This is just so surreal that an actual TV show is doing this. It’s like, have you ever fantasised about being a show runner, and how you’d just be so indulgent towards the shippers with your show? David Jenkins is living that fucking fantasy and we are all being so fed.
Look at me.
We DESERVE this show.
If you’ve ever had your heart broken by canon, and not in the good fanfic way, you DESERVE this show.
I still cannot believe this is happening.
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abandoned--reality · 3 months
I see a lot of memes on how short the story would be if Odysseus just listened to Eurylochus, but like.. am I missing something?
Odyssesus telling his name to the cyclops is the biggest mistake obviously. But besides that… the crew and Eurylochus are constantly making messes that Odysseus has to clean up.
Full Speed Ahead: 6 hundred reasons to take what we can; let’s raid the place and go
Taking what they could is what GOT them into the situation in the first place. They took the cyclops sheep and brought the wrath of the cyclops
Remember Them: captain, we should run; captain please
If they’d run when Eurylochus wanted, they would’ve been caught and seen by the other cyclops. Certainly not able to make away with the sheep.
Luck Runs Out: please don’t tell me you’re about to do what I think you’ll do
If Odysseus HADNT gone to the wind god and gotten the bag, when they come upon Poseidon, the entire crew would have been gone. Having the bag of wind save them.
Puppeteer: we have to go save them/no we don’t!; let’s cut our losses you and I and let’s run
Had they done that, not only would all the men left alive be left as pigs, but the two would have never survived. They never would have gone to the underworld to the prophet, and never would have survived the journey home.
So Eurylochus doesn’t make any good suggestions to Odysseus. On the contrary, he proves to be a horrible second in command who doesn’t trust Odysseus and undermines his judgement at every step, causing constant conflict.
Remember them: insisting they run as the cyclops gather and possibly putting the whole crew in danger
Storm: captain, we will capsize at this rate, our fleet will fail; we’re taking too much damage to survive; at this rate, we won’t make it out alive
Luck Runs Out: the entirety of this song is not only Eurylochus challenging Odysseus and questioning his judgment in front of their entire crew, but also insulting Odysseus for the very thing that got 600 men out of Troy alive. It was Odysseus’s wit that ended the war in Troy. It was his wit that moved him to poor Lotus in the cyclops wine. It was wet to tell the cyclops his name was nobody, keeping them from being killed by all the additional cyclops that come to check out the scene.
Odysseus’s pride is what bringsPoseidon wrath, but it’s his width that has gotten 600 men that far.
Keep Your Friends Close: we don’t hear Eurylochus in most of this song, and that’s part of my problem with him. Why the hell is Odysseus staying awake for nine days? Why does he not have anyone on his ship that he can trust to watch the bag for him to close his eyes for 30 minutes? Where is Eurylochus when the other men are opening the bag and letting out the winds of the storm? Why does Odysseus’s second in command not have his back? Why are the men not conscious of the fact that the second in command would also disapprove of their actions? Is it because he wouldn’t? Is it because his constant undermining has encouraged it?
Then the very end, when Odysseus ask for help, closing the bag, what’s Eurylochus’s immediate response? it’s not OK. It’s not yes sir. It’s. “It’s too late.”
Even in the middle of a crisis, he still won’t listen to the captain. He still won’t trust Odysseus’s judgment that ultimately saves them in the end of the saga.
Puppeteer: Only I stayed outside, but the rest went in
Did Eurylochus not even try to stop the men? Does he have such little regard for their safety? He lets them do whatever they want? Has he earned such a little respect that they don’t listen to him?
Like I touched on earlier, if Odysseus listened to Eurylochus’s doubt, not only would all their men be doomed, but Eurylochus and Odysseus as well.
I honestly have so much distain for Eurylochus and his lack of respect for Odysseus. as the listeners and people who know the story, we know just how deep the facts of revealing his name to the cyclops run. But the rest of the men don’t. Eurylochus doesn’t. He just never trusted Odysseus to lead in the first place.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 8 months
It’s half past midnight as I’m starting this, who knows what time it will be when I finish it, let’s talk: Inej versus the Wraith.
Ok I’ve been thinking a lot about the distinction between Inej and the Wraith as a concept similar to the desperation of Kaz and Dirtyhands or Kaz Brekker and Kaz Rietveld, and I think I’ve noticed an actual trend in the books of using the epithet at certain times or in certain tones. For example, when the group find the pyre in chapter 19/20 and realise one of the victims is still alive, Jesper shoots them to end their pain. Kaz wanted Inej to do it since using her knives would be quieter than the gun, but she can’t bring herself to. In this moment, she is described exclusively as “Inej”. Later in chapter 20 she kills a parem-drugged fabrikator in order to save their lives, and is described as “the Wraith”. Not only is there the suggestion of a growing distinction between the two, but it is now being noticed by the characters as well as just the reader. For Kaz it’s really only the reader (and maybe Inej but I’d argue not to a full extent until Crooked Kingdom) who sees this distinction because we are closer to him than he lets anyone else get, we are the only people who really know what he’s thinking and see the two sides of his personality or the two potentials for who he could be. But with Inej it’s almost the exact opposite, we as the reader see the idea of the Wraith as an epithet invented by Kaz and an as empowering epithet designed to counter the dehumanising “Lynx” whilst still echoing the trauma of her past by linking very clearly to Inej’s descriptions of leaving her body behind and thinking “I’m already dead, I died in the hold of a slaver ship”, whilst the characters begin to almost refer to the Wraith and Inej as separate entities. I’m using Jesper as my example here since he’s the one to calll her the Wraith in chapter 20 - “trust the Wraith” - and the one to shoot the dying Grisha at the pyre, both to spare them and her from pain. It seems a sudden turnabout to go from a non-verbal or even any kind of communicatory acknowledgment that he needs to step in for her to expecting, trusting, and praising her for killing, but arguably that’s because he has seen a change in her during this short period of time.
It’s also worth noting that Nina almost always calls her Inej, in fact I don’t think she once calls her Wraith (at least to my immediate recollection, feel free to correct me) except when she uses the name to call Kaz out when he says “the Wraith can handle it” and she replies “the Wraith is a 16-year-old girl” and goes on to emphasise Inej’s injuries. But even in this scene, which is on the boat to Fjerda when it’s still unclear whether Inej will even survive and Kaz is talking about making her climb up the incinerator shaft at the Ice Court, Nina begins the conversation by saying Kaz can’t make Inej do that, and he comes back with “the Wraith can manage”. This suggests he sees a distinction between them as well, perhaps that Inej is a religious young woman who’s been left incredibly vulnerable but the Wraith is a hardened criminal with nothing to lose. By choosing to refer to her as the Wraith when he plans to put her through something so incredibly difficult, he is alleviating himself from the guilt of harming a vulnerable young woman by instead considering her as a hardened criminal. Nina calling him out in this shit (yeah I said it and I stand by it) clearly annoys Kaz or he wouldn’t have bothered arguing back to her, as he usually doesn’t. Arguably we could extend this to the idea that the others call her Inej when she’s the person they know and care about but the Wraith when she’s violent or commits crimes so they can actively choose to separate the image of warm, kind-hearted Inej from cruel or calculating Wraith.
Now everything I’ve said so far really comes down to perception so in terms of analysis it’s the kind of thing that you can say confidently and have accepted as accurate or at least as a reasonable interpretation, like when critics tell you that the dream sequence in Frankenstein can mean on of the following 5 things so you agree with them because they clearly know what they’re talking about. (Not that I’m saying the dream doesn’t mean one of those 5 things it can definitely be interpreted in those ways, it’s just an example of something in literature I’ve seen we kind of take as fact when it is, of course, all yo for interpretation). However, I want to be clear that what I’m going to say from now on can be considered a possible theory or interpretation of Inej surrounding her mental state and ptsd response. I’ve talked about it recently as part of other posts and I’m basically about to repeat myself word for word, but I wanted to compress this all into one post on the theme and include the stuff about the characters actually perceiving her that way too.
So first you we have a quote from the Crooked Kingdom Bathroom Scene™️, and what I’m going to say here is pretty much going to be exactly the same as what I wrote in my detailed breakdown and analysis of that scene, which if anyone wants to read is on my page or I can tag you if you’d like. The quote I want to talk about is: “I live in fear that I’ll see one of her - one of my clients on the street. For a while I thought I saw them everywhere”. Now I’m about to say there are 2 was to read this, but I mean this in a “I’ve read this is in two different ways” kinda way not in a “this can only be interpreted in these 2 ways” kinda way ok we’re embracing the de-classicising of literature here (I have no idea if that’s the right word or if that even makes sense but hopefully you know what I mean, I’m tired, bare with me) and we are open to any and all possible interpretations of things in any way they’re written so whooo if you read this quote in a different way let me know would love to hear it, these are the two ways I read it:
Firstly, that when she refers to “her” Inej means Heleen but edits her words as a continuation of this vulnerability she is forcing herself to share in this scene. If we exclude her being vulnerable with the reader, this is the most vulnerable we ever see Inej make herself - aka, this is the only time she allows herself to be deeply vulnerable out loud with another character. I think this closest other time we get is with Nina on the boat to Fjerda when Inej is trying to ward of flashbacks and she tells Nina why she doesn’t have the Crow Cup tattoo. However, that scene is written from Inej’s perspective and therefore gives her the opportunity to show the reader a lot more vulnerability than she shows Nina (eg when she has flashbacks the reader knows but Nina doesn’t because Inej is just egging her on to keep singing and distracting her; Nina knows something is happening but she isn’t being brought into the moment to share it because Inej isn’t in a position where she’s able to share her vulnerability) so our memory of this scene being particularly vulnerable is actually more about Inej being very honest with us, which of course isn’t an active choice, and less about her being very honest with Nina. Having the Bathroom Scene ™️ from Kaz’s perspective gives us the opportunity to have Inej’s openness and vulnerability in the scene far stronger since she has to say something out loud for us to know with certainty that she’s thinking it. Arguably if it had been a less vulnerable scene, Inej would have said “her clients” in reference two Tante Heleen as an added layer of the separation she practices, but here she changes it to “my” clients because she is forcing herself to be uncomfortable because she wants to be able to be more open with Kaz and she wants to continue this vulnerability that she’s allowing herself ti have with him. I feel like I just some variation on vulnerable like 20 times.
The second way I read it is linking back to our main theme of Inej and the Wraith as separate entities. “Inej talks a lot about how she would leave her body behind to exist only in her mind, in passages I find particularly reminiscent of passages in The Handmaid’s Tale (although please note soc is not very explicit whereas tht is incredibly explicit). But to take that idea further, I think there are certain hints, and I think this is possibly the biggest one, to imply that one of Inej’s ptsd responses it to actually view herself today as a separate entity from who she was during her indenture, effectively saying ‘yes these things happened to this body but they didn’t happen to this mind so that should make it easier’ to herself, which is massively self-destructive in nature because it almost creates this idea that she needs to get over who she once was and move on, very similar to the way Kaz Brekker represses Kaz Rietveld. Arguably, what she’s saying is the worst of it is this fracturing of the self that has been created by what they put her through and that she cannot seem to escape from.” (I put that bit in quote marks because I didn’t feel like rewriting it so that’s copy and pasted exactly from my Bathroom Scene™️ analysis post)
Ok there’s one other specific quote I want to bring up and it’s the end of Chapter 2 of Six of Crows, I did talk about it in my favourite quotes analysis of the chapter (which I am planning to continue btw chapter 5 up next if anyone wants to read these posts for the previous chapters let me know and I’ll tag you).
"Inej pitied the boy who might die alone with no one to comfort him in his last hours or who might live and spend his life as an exile. But the night's work wasn't over yet, and the Wraith didn't have time for traitors"
This I think, unless there are more I haven’t noticed/thought of yet is the only other time we get an suggestion of Inej perceiving herself and the Wraith as separate, and it’s arguably more concrete than the amendment of pronouns I just talked about for a ridiculous amount of time. To me, this quote shows Inej as being the girl she was, the girl she should have been, and the Wraith being a creation of necessity to aid survival. Inej is a religious young woman from Ravka who has been through far more than she should have done, but the Wraith was born and raised on the blood-soaked streets of Ketterdam and has every intention of surviving them - no matter the cost.
(That was also pretty much direct quotes from what said before)
It is now quarter past one in the morning. If you made it this far then thanks so much for reading I hope it made sense and was interesting, I feel like I’ve made enough “me rambling about grishaverse after midnight” posts that we can call it a series so if I think of a good name for it I’ll go through a tag them all so if anyone fancies trying to wade through all my middle-of-the-night-analysis nonsense you can find it all together because let me tell you something I never quite acknowledge just how much I’ve posted until I have to scroll back through to find stuff I’ve said in order to reference it in a new post. Anyway, thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed and if you have any thoughts linked to this or grishaverse analysis in general please comment or send me an ask I would love to hear it.
EDIT: sorry, correction, I just realised Inej didn’t kill the parem-drugged fabrikator she killed the parem-drugged squaller; the fabrikator was Nina’s childhood friend Nestor, he died from a combination of injury and the drug
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Explaining fandoms I’m not in, but I have seen on my dash from the mutuals (to the best of my knowledge based on their posts):
Why? Because I thought it would be fun and entertaining and I hope I’m not wrong.
The Magnus Archives (TMA)- a group of people document creepy and supernatural events while they slowly one by one discover either that they are the monsters/possessed by them, or that they are being taken in by the monsters, or that their coworkers are the monsters, or that they themselves are possibly friends with or dating the monsters, or that they have been working for the monsters (or bad guys) the entire time. Many of the villains seem to be demented or possessed life sized toys and clowns or eyeballs. This podcast has so many episodes, and I see so many posts about it, but these seem to be the common themes.
Miraculous Ladybug- actually haven’t seen this one on my dash in a long time, but when I first did, despite appearing like a straightforward kids fandom, the shipping discourse confused the heck out of me. But if I have this right, based on the posts from my younger followers, two teenagers are animal themed superheroes who are dating each other and also have crushes on each other, but they don’t know they are dating each other, because they don’t know each others secret identities, because… okay, I still honestly have no idea why. There are ~5K posts about this apparently very central and specific plot line, but not one explains why they don’t just tell each other who they are??? Anything for the plot, I guess. Apparently this has been going on for a long time to the point where even the show’s target audience of children is confused as to how these teenagers and grown adults haven’t put the pieces together as to who everyone’s secret identity is.
Keeper of the Lost Cities (KOTLC)- there’s a girl named Sophie. She is an elf in a love triangle with Keefe and some other guy (I think his name is Fritz). Keefe’s parents are terrible, especially his mom. Sophie has horse DNA (I don’t know if that post was a joke or not sorry if that’s wrong). There’s an elf with fire powers. Elves read minds. There’s a group called the black swan who are the good guys, I think. Also I think the elves and humans are at war. I know Keefe’s parents are trash, does Sophie have parents? From what I can tell, she grows up believing she’s a human but then surprise! She’s an elf and the chosen one, and elves are possibly immortal? Wait, maybe Sophie’s a half elf. Is that a thing?
Spy x Family - two people are fake dating each other for spy reasons but eventually fall in love for real. The twist is, they each think the other is a normal civilian who doesn’t know about the fake relationship (which is kinda messed up to make someone fall in love with you for a fake cover but if they’re also doing the same to you that’s karma I guess) but I think it might end up ok, because they fall in love for real (Aw) but possibly also not okay, because I also think it might be revealed that they’ve been working for enemy sides this whole time (drama). Also the adopted daughter is a mind reader who knows everything but chooses to keep what she knows secret for the plot. Respect. And I recently saw something about the family having a super powered dog? Is he real?
The Murderbot Diaries - a bunch of robots are created for one purpose: murder. But when their murder programming goes haywire, they discover that they might have more in common with the humans they’ve been assigned to kill than they originally thought. Or that they have more humanity inside themselves than they thought… or maybe that the people who created them have more evil intentions than… well in hindsight, “the people who build the murder robots are evil!” seems like an obvious plot twist, but maybe they’re more morally complex or had decent intentions and just never intended for it to go this far… or maybe the robots get hacked or decide maybe they don’t want to be murder bots anymore which brings us back to free will. Interesting philosophical questions, but I think the robots might be getting into some wacky shenanigans as well. Also they apparently have diaries. I get that a diary is just like… a log of what they’re doing, but that won’t stop me from imaging a big scary robot with a little pink glitter pen writing “Dear Diary, I killed three people today. I still see their faces when I try to power off at night. When I go into sleep mode, I dream of their faces. I begin to wonder things, like whether they had families, dreams, or ambitions. I also wonder what they felt in their final moments. I fear this means I am developing a conscience and desire to turn against my programming and the creators. But probably nothing a little update and restart can’t fix. I’ll keep you updated, dairy. XOXO, Murderbot 💕” So. How did I do? Scale of 1-10, with 10 being “you nailed it!” and 1 being “None of this is remotely close. What posts have you been looking at?”
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ryusuisloveinterest · 7 months
Hi! Could I request something please?
I loved your birthday party drabble!
So could I request some fluff please? For Ryusui, Tsukasa and Ukyo ( separately) please! Feel free to drop a character here if you want!
I was thinking about their reaction when crush offering their lap for them to rest ( idk, for whatever reason they are very tired XD). Bonus point if crush's feelings about the boys are mysterious.
Thank you ! If you don't feel like writting this, is ok too. Take your time!
Hi girlypop! Thank you so much for the request I got really excited writing these! I assumed you wanted a Drabble so that’s how I wrote them lol. Anyway I didn’t write all of them in the stone world so I specified next to the name. Let me know if it’s ok. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
Ryusui, Tsukasa, Ukyo, laying on their crushes lap
Ryusui: pre-petrification or 4d science 
You’ve worked for the Nanami Conglomerate for a while, helping with basic tasks like cooking, cleaning, things like that. You first met Ryusui when Francois had to take a sick day, hearing you would get double the pay you took up the offer to be Ryusui’s personal maid/butler for a day or two. It’s safe to say Ryusui absolutely adores you! Even when Francois returned, Ryusui HAD to have you by his side, even if you weren’t “assisting” him. One day you were on your brake, sitting in a room for the servants to relax in (which Ryusui made such was super nice for you) when you hear a door slam from the other side. You close the book you were reading to see-you guessed it- Ryusui, looking more tired than he usually is. “Welcome home master Ryusui.” You smile at him. His face lights up, not looking nearly as tired as he was before. “(Y/n)! Thank God your beautiful face is here!” He says while walking over to you, his head placed on your shoulder. You blush only a little, getting used to Ryusui’s clingyness. “A long day sir?” You chuckle. “Yes! There were a bunch of boring meetings and I could barely work on my ships, no matter how much I desired to!” He says, huffing cutely. His arms start to tighten around your waist as he buries his head deeper into your shoulder. “Why don’t you get some rest?” You suggest to him. “I wanna stay with you…” Giggling ever so slightly, you propose an idea that makes his heart go crazy. “Then why don’t you rest your head on my lap for a while hm?” He looks you in the eye, so excited by your sudden suggestion. “I’d love that (y/n)! Now that’s something I desire!” Giggling once more you barley get to sit down before Ryusui practically tackles your lap. Your hand cups his cheek with a couple of fingers tangled in his hair. His smile fills up the room as his eyes flutter shut. Right before he falls asleep, you hear him whisper, “I love you (y/n)…” As the blush on your face darkens slightly, you can’t help but respond with what you’re heart tells you, “I love you too master Ryusui…”
Tsukasa: pre-petrification
Tsukasa just got done winning one of his fights. You walk into his locker room, about to congratulate him on his win when you notice him passed out on one of the benches. Sighing, you walk over to him, carefully picking up his head and placing it on your lap. “Moron. You have a press conference in an hour.” You pick up strands of his hair and begin braiding them together. It could have been your imagination, but you could swear he had some sort of smirk on his face. For about 40 minutes you sit there, watching his chest rise and fall, hearing his quiet snores and smelling the salt of his sweat. Not even thinking, you lean your face over his, only inches apart. As you slowly lean in, an alarm goes off, causing you to raise you head quickly. Tsukasa groans, slowly opening his eyes to his favorite sight. “(Y/n)..?” “Morning sleepyhead.” Tsukasa’s face reddens as he sits up from your lap. You didn’t know why he was so nervous, after all you’d let him lay on your lap when you were kids.“I-uh…I have to get ready for the conference….” He rushes up and walks towards the showering area. “Tsukasa!” You call out causing him to turn his head. “You did a great job today! I’ll be right here if you need anymore rest!” He turns his head away from you, his long hair covering his blushing face. “Thank you (y/n), that means the world to me….”
Ukyo: Kingdom of Science or Tsukasa Empire
After a long day of hunting Ukyo arrives back around 10 at night, making your worried self finally feel at ease. Some of the men help carry the fresh meat as Ukyo groggily walks to his quarters. To his surprise, you were there fixing his bed and cleaning up a bit. You look up at him and smile. “Welcome back Ukyo! The hunt go well?” You speak quietly, not trying to hurt his delicate ears. “Yeah, it went better than usual.” He yawns, rubbing his eyes. You smile at him as you sit in his bed. You pat you lap, “why don’t you get rest?” He’s embarrassed at the clear suggestion that he lay on your lap, but who is he kidding? He wants nothing more than to relax, and being able to sleep on YOUR lap is just a bonus. He walks over to you and gently lays his head down. “I’m not heavy am I?” He asks, making sure he’s not making you uncomfortable. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Just get some sleep ok?” I slightly nods, closing his eyes. You take off his hat and rub his head making him fall asleep faster. Letting out a soft sigh he sleeps soundly mumbling out one last goodnight. “Thank you (y/n), im glad you’re here with me…”
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
idk if you’ve done this before but can you do either zoro or luffy finding out that their s/o is actually alive? like they watched them die and stuff and then a while later, they just come back like
a/n - I woke up at 3am today and I’m very motivated for some reason :) thank you for this request anon!
Warnings ⚠️ - angst, g/n reader
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You had died a while ago, and Zoro still hasn’t recovered from it. Your death was… Enough to break the unbreakable man. Everyone in the strawhat crew knew how much you meant to him, he would die for you.
He still had little pictures of you laying around, little things to remember you by. It was sad, feeling how the bed you two shared was now one for only him. How when he trained, you weren’t hanging out with him. You didn’t save him from the pervert cook ever again… Nor did you help him deal with Luffy’s recklessness.
it was so… empty with you not there anymore. As if his life wasn’t complete. He was with his best friends for life, on his way to fulfill his dreams, and help his captain fulfill his. It was everything he could’ve wished for. Except you. You weren’t there anymore.
On the next island, zoro reluctantly came along with Nami and Robin to help with the supplies shopping. They thought it would be good for him to get out of the ship for a little while. He walked, his head hanging low, his hand perched on the hilt of his katana in case anyone dared to attack him.
Suddenly he heard a familiar voice, he could’ve sworn it was yours. How could he ever forget it? Your tone that always brought comfort to him, whenever you spoke, it put him at ease, no matter what you were talking about. He looked up to see a hooded figure speaking with a merchant, negotiating a price.
His body moved for him, walking towards the person quickly, taking off their hood and staring at them to see if it was you or not.
It wasn’t.
“What the hell man?! What’s your problem?!” The man yelled at him angrily, swatting his hands away. Zoro sighed heavily, great, now he was hearing things.
He looked up at the merchant. No fucking way. It was you.
He literally jumped over the stands of fruit and tackled you, wrapping his bulky arms around you so tightly you couldn’t even breathe. No, what are you thinking? He totally wasn’t crying!
“Y/n- where the hell were you? And how did you survive? I saw you-“
“Die? Yeah nope that didn’t happen. I’ve been waiting here for a while since I know you guys had planned on coming here.”
“You could’ve sent a letter dammit! And there’s things called den den mushis where a literal fucking snail can call me?!!”
He was mad, happy, sad, confused, but most of all? Relieved, to see you alive, safe, and in his arms again. “Sorry Zoro- but I’m too broke to afford one! I can barely pay for an apple in this expensive town!”
He chuckled a bit, kissing your cheek before leading you out of the stand. “Ahem?! My fruit?!” The hooded man asked before Zoro shot him the nastiest death glare he’d ever experienced. Anddd- that shut him up pretty quickly, sending him running away with fear.
“Come on, I bet everyone’s going to be excited to see you again.. don’t ever do that again or else I’m going to kill you.”
“Ok ok- sorry babe.”
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Luffy was never- truly the same after your passing. Watching you take that hit for him as you fell off the cliffs into the steep waterfalls. God he remembered it as if it was yesterday, it kept haunting him, following him, stalking his life.
He still smiled, had his rambunctious attitude, reckless behavior, and meat loving self. But whenever your name was brought up, he wasn’t smiling anymore, in fact, he never could find happiness in hearing about you anymore.
All he could think about was how he let you die. Just like he did with ace. Everyone knew, everyone saw the changes from his old self. They hoped that this new island would help cheer him up, since it had been known for its very delicious meat.
He obviously tagged along with Robin and Sanji to pick out the “best” meat. When he was standing around, struggling not to eat it before Sanji even got a change to cook it, he saw a glimpse of someone he used to know. They looked- just like you!
It took him not even a moment to start running towards the person, turning them around to see that it… it was you!
He tackled you down, his arms wrapping several times around you, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “LUFFY!”
Oh god you missed him so much- just to be able to hug him like this again was more than enough to bring life back into your heart again. “How are you here?! I thought you- fell off the cliffs?”
“I did, and Luffy. It wasn’t your fault ok? I’ve been wanting to tell you that for so long. Don’t blame yourself, I was the one that was too angry, and just attacked with no plan. I was the one that got myself almost killed ok? Not you.”
You kissed his forehead, you definitely knew Luffy had been blaming himself this entire time for your “death”. He grinned, peppering your face with his kisses, tickling your cheeks. “Sanji picked out some yummy meat, tonight we’re gonna have a feast!!!”
You smiled at him. Finally, you were home.
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a/n - this was adorable help
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