#⸢ messages → ooc ⸥ from the shadows || ❛ ooc ❜
pxnnypolxndina · 1 year
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Blake: "You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works."
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Penny, drinking toast: "Why do you say that?"
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deusproxy · 1 year
Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, a test post! If you see this, you’re a nerd.
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lost-and-ephemeral · 4 months
hii can i request angst for love and deepspace, reader and mc are different ppl. our boys made plans with reader but forgot and left them hanging to hangout with the mc instead 😞
Series: In Her Shadow, pt.1 (ft. main trio)
Part 1 | Part 2
It feels like you've never been enough for him.
Pairing: Xavier x reader, Zayne x reader, Rafayel x reader (seperate)
Tags: angst, hurt no comfort, reader is not MC, reader and guys are dating
A/N: Thanks for your request, sweetheart! Hope it doesn't look too OOC.
Part 1 | Part 2
-`♡´- MASTERLIST -`♡´- 
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Your relationship with Xavier could be called ideal, if not for one nuance.
His colleague, who takes up much of his attention.
There were times when he'd come home and talk about her with such excitement that you'd start to feel like a third wheel. But usually afterwards Xavier would apologize and say that no matter how strong his colleague was, you would still be the best for him.
And you'd like to believe that. Until he forgot about dinner with you because of her.
You've planned a perfect evening and cooked everything he loved so much, knowing how tired he might come back after a mission. Only for him to never show up this evening.
You've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Feeling how your heart was breaking even more with each passing minute. Maybe something bad had happened? Maybe he was hurt?
You texted him, only to get back, "Don't worry, I'm fine, my colleague just invited me to the cafe after our mission."
No apologies, no regrets. It seems that he just forgot about you and your plans together.
For a while you were silently sitting in your living room, staring at the phone screen. It was hard to describe all these feelings that were bubbling up inside you. Jealousy, anger. You didn't even bother to remind him about your dinner together and just put all the dishes away in the fridge.
Since when did she become more important than you?
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You always knew about Zayne's childhood friend. But you couldn't even imagine that she would make you feel so unwanted.
You had plans for today while your lover had the day off. As a cardiac surgeon, Zayne was busy most of the time and would come home late, completely exhausted. Of course, you wanted to spend every free day with him.
Except for one thing.
His childhood friend constantly overshadowed you. Well, you could understand why that was happening. After all, their friendship (or was it more than that already?) had been going on for years, and you couldn't stop Zayne from seeing her.
Sitting alone in the restaurant, at the table you'd booked together, you barely held back tears as you stared at the message marked 'unread'.
When Zayne didn't appear in time, you were surprised. He was always so punctual, what was wrong this time?
But when you asked him where he was, he replied, "Sorry, she asked me to visit an old candy store with her, I'll be back in a few hours," and you realized he'd completely forgotten about you.
And your last message went unread.
"Zayne, but we made a reservation for today."
You sat alone for so long that people started to squint in your direction. The only option was to get up and leave the restaurant before your heart was completely shattered.
And so you did.
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Usually Rafayel's studio was always open for you, so you could come to see him anytime.
But as it turned out, you weren't the only one he welcomed with open arms, day or night.
Today was your day off and you were planning to visit Rafayel so you could help him with something in his studio. He asked you to come in the first place. Usually that meant he just wanted to see you and was looking for any excuse, even the silliest one.
But instead you were met with a locked gate.
At first you thought it was just another joke, that Rafayel would come out and let you in, yet some time passed, and you continued to stand there alone. You tried to call him, but it was unsuccessful. No matter how long you waited, no one answered.
Finally you decided to call Thomas to ask him if something important had happened. Maybe Rafayel once again forgot about his own exhibition and had left in a hurry.
But it turned out you were the only one who had been forgotten.
"He said he was going to buy new paints with his bodyguard," Thomas explained. "Or something like that. Better not wait for him until evening, he's unlikely to be back before that time."
Devastated, you stood there for a while longer, thinking about his 'Ms. Bodyguard' who was spending more and more time with your beloved. It wasn't the first she took him away from you.
But this was the last straw.
You turned around, heading back home and desperately holding back tears.
It wasn't fair.
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yorsgirl · 2 months
A Fairytale Wedding(2)
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Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: After his wife finds out about his little side rendezvous, he needs to let you know about his true place in this setting. Leaving you with a realization which you already knew.
Trope: Drama, Angst, Smut
Warnings: Cheating/infidelity, explicit smut - cunnilingus, fingering, overall toxic relationship dynamics, toxic friendship dynamics, mild manipulation, OOC, hateable characters. No curse AU, usage of nicknames, no mentions of y/n, not proofread.
Word Count: 6.2k
<Part 1> <Part 3>
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The day Kazumi learnt the truth, she had witnessed a lunar eclipse.
Not that she knew what a lunar eclipse meant, only that it was intriguing. Strangely intriguing. Yet, her heart felt heavy when she saw the moon veiling the sun. Darkness befell over the city, only the periphery of the sun glowed aside the shadow of the moon.
Photography would have been in her mind if the sight didn't have her frowning and strolling back to the comfort of her room.
Maybe, that should have given her a hint.
It was late night, close to midnight and Kazumi was just following her skincare routine before bed. That's when she heard Satoru's phone go off, She could hear the faint sound of water hitting the bathroom floor; he wouldn't be out soon enough.
The ringtone subdued after a couple of rings. Taking a mental note to inform him about a call, she went back to apply the moisturizer on her face. The phone rang again.
She sighed, getting up and walked up to the nightstand. Her main motive to just answer it herself and inform whoever was on the other side that her husband is busy and to call back later. Her movements came to a standstill when she saw your picture (which she hadn't seen) flashing on the screen accompanied with your name.
Her eyebrows furrowed, lips curling down but before she could receive the call - it was cut off on its own. Still, questions lingered in her mind.
Why were you calling him? That too so late in the night? What's so troubling that you straight called him instead of her? What did you want from him?
His phone buzzed with three notifications. The messages were from you, considering she saw - star, written over it. Curiosity gnawed at her, urging her to take a look. He wouldn't be out until ten minutes or more. He wouldn't even know that she went through his phone without his knowledge.
But she restrained herself.
No, this is a bad idea.
Its invasion of privacy.
Kazumi didn't want to suspect her husband only for him to come across as innocent The guilt would eat her raw and her moral compass made her hesitate. Yet, her gut was twisting in unimaginable ways.
No, no, she shouldn't be doing this. It will make her a bad wife. She trusted him completely. He would never do something like that. He loves her, now and always. He says that everyday before leaving for work. Besides, its you - you, her best friend. You were on her side, so happy for her on her wedding and everyday later. You called him, maybe you couldn't reach out to her and decided it would be better calling her husband. Yeah, yeah, that… that must be it…
That is it.
Just one look. That'd be enough. Just one look. That's what it will take. Just one look. Nothing more. Just one look. She'd never touch his phone ever again.
She wished she never taken that look.
You're coming over next week right? (20:17)
plan's that (20:18)
if any changes i will let u know (20:18)
Don't back out last minute (20:18)
geez, not my problem if my boss topples me with work at the last minute (20:19)
You sure he doesn't hate you? (20:19)
From the looks of it, I wouldn't be surprised if he did (20:19)
hah! tell me about it (20:20)
from what i know u hate him more (20:20)
It's more like I enjoy getting on his nerves (20:20)
Imagine him finding out that his employee is sleeping with me (20:20)
honestly can see him seething (20:20)
n e ways lets leave him out of it (20:21)
As you say princess (20:21)
Be here next week without fail (20:21)
aren't u quite a dare devil? (20:21)
wanting to fuck me on your wife's birthday (20:22)
here i thought u loved her (20:22)
You are trying your luck star (20:22)
Keep that attitude in check (20:23)
oh really? And what if I don't? (20:23)
I might just need to punish you (20:23)
oh my can't wait for it (20:24) Liked message
2 missed calls (23:49)
Satoru (23:50)
Call me back later (23:50)
its important (23:50)
[Image attachment] (13:08)
[Image attachment] (13:08)
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The next thing Kazumi knew was that she was standing before her family mansion.
The metal gates opened once the guards saw their young madam on the doorstep. Usually, she'd look and greet them but not tonight. She made a beeline towards the main entrance of her home, almost tripping and scraping her knee on the cold, hard concrete.
The doors opened to reveal her mother who had rushed downstairs once she the maids informed her about her daughter's arrival.
"Dear, why have you-" Her words fell short when Kazumi wrapped her hands around her mother, burying her face in the crook on her neck.
She cried.
She cried. She screamed. No sobbing. No silence. She was crying.
Unending tears rolled down her cheeks, she couldn't make out anything over the blur that plagued her eyes. The cracked barriers had shattered once she saw her mother. Her self-control reached its limit once she heard her soothing voice. The voice she had heard since her childhood.
"Zumi," Her mother wrapped her hands around her trembling body. She carresed her head in her wrinkled, warm, motherly hand. Concern etched her visage. Stomach churned with fear - resulting from her daughter's cries and tears.
"Zumi," She called again, in a much softer tone now. "What happened? Why are you crying?"
Her screams echoed through the silent corners of the mansion. She shook her head, she couldn't give an answer.
What would she even tell?
"Tell me, dear. What happened? Tell me, please."
What did she want to hear? Something she couldn't even believe herself? How can she talk about it to her mother? How can she explain it to her mother? How can she explain something which she couldn't understand? How could she explain something which she refused to utter on her own?
"Mom," she let out a choked sob, trying to contain her voice - failed.
"Kazumi, dear- you're scaring me, now." She held her daughter in her arms tightly. Her tears drenching her shirt but that was the least of her concern. All she needed to know was the reason for her daughter's tears.
She cupped her daughter's face, wiping away the tears. "Tell me. I am your mother, right? What happened?" Kazumi shook her head, her lips trembled as she held her mother for the much needed support. "Did Satoru say something to you? Did both of you get into another argument? What happened?"
Arguments? Insults? Oh, how much she wished that was all it was. She'd have been so glad if it were just them. If only it were another mere argument. If only he'd called her one or two many derogatory terms. Hell, she'd be even fine if he would have hit her in the moment of anger.
Maybe then there'd be pain; but not this pain. This searing pain like someone just ripped out her heart and chewed on it before her eyes.
Still, it would have been fine.
And here, her mother was questioning her.
She needed to give her an answer. But the truth was too difficult to utter. She needed to lie.
That old, lovely nickname again.
"Tell me."
That concerned tone.
"What happened?"
Motherly instincts on rise again.
"You are scaring me."
Her homely fragrance.
How could she ever lie to her mother? How could she ever lie in her home? How could she ignore these sentiments?
Is it even possible to brush off this tone, this visage, this embrace, this fragrance, this woman?
"Mom, scold me, hit me, do whatever you want just- just don't ask me what happened."
Few Years Ago
"She'll be here, soon."
Chestnut brown eyes glowed under the neon lights falling on them. Searching for a familiar figure among the hoard of people in the club. The wait was killing her and her boyfriend.
"Mhm," A groan erupted from the man beside her.
"Star said just five more minutes." The woman offered a tight-lipped smile. Wishing silently on her mind for you to arrive soon. "She must be stuck in traffic."
"You've been saying that for the last thirty minutes."
"This time's for–"
"If she doesn't get here in the next five minutes, we are leaving." He rolled his eyes, his tone was tinged with a layer of seriousness.
Satoru indulged in sipping the tequila shot by resting his face on his knuckles and elbow perched on the tabletop. Stronger than most drinks but not a problem for him, he had a high alcohol tolerance. Besides, this was the only one which could keep him from dozing off while waiting for this friend of his girlfriend.
He was bored out of his mind, on top of that everything was irritating him out of his mind. Like why didn't his drink have more ice? Why was the music so loud? Why was it so humid inside this club? Why did they decide to meet in a club? Why did he even agree to meet this friend? Why couldn't he just get Kikifuku sweets? Why–
"Am I late?"
All of a sudden, the noise from earlier faded into background as the sound of your reached him.
Cerulean blue eyes met yours under the neon lights, shimmering with a mysterious allure. Making a silent promise through gaze alone.
He held your form before his eyes, sculpting the masterpiece in his mind. Minding each detail with precision. A wild flower, perhaps even an untamed spirit.
That's what you were.
A coy smile played on your lips as you watched the ivory-haired man starstruck, captivated by your essence. You took a look at him from bottom to up, humming to yourself.
"I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
Your best friend stepped up to you, engulfing you in a hug before her partner could even muster up any words. You returned her embrace, mind to not touch her skin.
"Thank God you came." She beamed, letting go of the hug.
"I don't go back on my words, you know." You quirked an eyebrow as she nodded.
"I know, it was just... he was getting impatient." She answered truthfully, motioning to her boyfriend. "And convincing him to come here to meet you was damn difficult."
"Was it now?" You questioned, following her gaze.
Satoru's mouth curved into a smirk as he stepped down from the barstool. His height towering over both of you.
"I was," He admitted. "But I can now tell all that convincing was worth it."
Your eyes sparkled with amusement. Momentarily take a glance at your friend before darting your eyes back on him.
"Gojo Satoru," He said, offering his hand which you accepted gratefully. Followed by your pleasantries, you rolled out your name.
His eyebrows furrowed, he said your name. Once. Twice. Testing it on his lips. And for some reason, he liked how the syllables fit his mouth.
"I thought your name was star."
You pursed your lips, sighing. God, that annoying nickname again. It's all that damn bitch's fault. She must have addressed you that way in front of him.
"Star isn't my name, more so a name which she–" You motioned to his girlfriend who chuckled softly. "–has given me."
Curiosity plagued him. He furrowed his eyebrows and he questioned. "I see... but why star?"
"She saw me looking at the stars once–"
"It's more times than I can count."
You nodded with a fake smile. Each second was getting worse. You stifled the urge to roll your eyes. For even if you wanted to curse at her, you couldn't. You have an image to keep.
"Just what she said." You continued, "From there that nickname originated."
He leaned a bit down towards you, running his tongue over his teeth. He raised an eyebrow, dropping the tone of voice to one of seduction. "Then I am sure, you wouldn't mind me calling you star either."
Great. Just another person to address you in ways you didn't want to be addressed. Still, you couldn't miss the tinge of suggestion in his voice. You glanced at the woman(she didn't have a reaction) before moving your irises back to him.
You shrugged, "I don't see why not? I mean, your girlfriend already calls me that even if I told her not–"
"And I am never going to stop," She declared, placing her hand on her hips. Smirking at you.
"You know..." You sighed, biting on your inner cheek. "Sometimes you should listen to me."
"And if I don't?"
You stayed silent. Waiting for the tension to rise in the air before you admitted.
"I'll make you regret your choices."
Damn, that's hot.
That's what Satoru thought when you made that threat. For even if you played it off later with the eye roll and the smile, the evidence of your seriousness wasn't missed. It had him captivated to you. Restrained by shackles of not only your allure but your carriage and comportment.
You are an intriguing one.
"If I may interrupt," His deep tone broke you and Kazumi out of your silly back-and-forth banter. All of his focus was on you. He ignored his girlfriend for the second when she called his name.
"You like the stars?" He asked.
You hummed, shaking your head. "The stars are beautiful, surely but... what I love the most is," You paused, fixing your gaze on him then without breaking the eye contact, "The moon."
"The moon?"
"The moon."
He snickered, straightening up. This was better than he imagined.
And he needed more. He will have more.
He was sure of it.
"Oh god, can we not talk about the sun, moon, and stars at this time? Thank you," Kazumi interrupted in between. "I will get us some drinks, bill's on me."
She walked away before any of you could even make a noise of protest. Silence befell over both of you. Gratefully, the music playing in the background didn't make it awkward.
You could feel Satoru's eyes on you. Checking you out. Still, you made no move to stop him.
Well, if he wants to appreciate your beauty then he can. Who were you to stop him?
From the moment he first spoke– nay, flirted, you could see a hint of his intentions. To flirt with other women in front of their partner and your friend didn't seem to stop him.
You wondered if she was just too secure in her relationship or if he was just using her due to her obliviousness.
The latter seemed more believable. What would a good friend do in this situation? Probably, warn her friend of her partner's intentions. Or maybe, have her create boundaries with her boyfriend.
Hmm, seemed like a lot of work. Good lord, you weren't the good, supportive friend.
"I must say,"
You were pulled out from the reverie of your thoughts. Satoru's velvety voice fell on your parched ears. You glanced at him, raising an eyebrow with a silent question marked over your mien.
He delicately took your hand, holding your fingers. He brought it up and brushed his lips over your knuckles.
"Your name suits you, star."
This was madness.
Satoru Gojo was kissing you.
Nay, he wasn't kissing you. He was devouring you.
Almost like a lost, starving traveler who had been offered food after being found.
It was a shared desire when both of your lips moved in perfect sync, bursting with flames and passion.
Months had passed since your first meeting and the intentions you deciphered on that encounter hadn't seized. Perhaps, they had increased. Lust-induced touch gliding over your skin akin to fire burning you.
With stolen glances, accidental touches and coincidental meetings, you supposed. But the desire had grown, on both sides. Almost overflowing the barrier, luring you to give in to temptation. 
And before you knew it. You were giving into this temptation.
His warm lips pressed against yours in a fiery, fervent kiss. His tongue lapped inside your mouth, exploring each corner. He held you via your nape, back pressed against the wall of his bedroom. The support was needed cause you could feel your knees growing weak.
No, you shouldn't be doing this. He is your friend's boyfriend. You should stop it. Stop it now. Stop it before it escalates into something worse.
This is wrong.
For even if you disliked Kazumi, had been bitching about her behind her back, still you shouldn't do this. Sleeping with her partner without her knowledge is a step over your boundary.
Stop him. You should stop him.
But you can't.
Not when he has his long, calloused fingers brushing over the fabric of your panties. The slick flowed out of your entrance, dampening the garment. You moaned in his mouth, causing him to smirk against your lips.
Fuck, no. This was getting worse with every second. Well, not worse in the sense that he was doing a bad job. You'd be lying if you admitted that cause he knew what he was doing. And God, wasn't it good?
You had been single for too long and pleasuring yourself alone could only get you that far. Hence, when his sinful hand played cruel ministrations over your folds, pushing the garment aside, you couldn't do anything but bite your lip and throw your head back; hitting your head against the wall.
You heard him snicker, the hand on your nape moved to your head. Gripping on the roots of your hair, his knuckles shielded your head from the wall. "Easy there, princess. I don't want you getting hurt."
You breathed out heavily, your nails dug into his bicep, leaving crescent moon shapes behind. You found your voice, even through your whimpers. "Ngh... w-we shouldn't be do‐ nhh- doing th-this."
He looked down on you, inadvertently slowing the pace of his finger inside you. A smirk spread on his lips when you cursed under your breath, involuntarily pushing your hips forward.
You wanted this as much as him.
"Are you sure, star? You want me to stop?"
You groaned, "Fuck you, Satoru." Shifting on your legs and clenching your thighs, you tried to push his digit inside which moved in an agonizingly low pace. 
"Your wish is my command, princess." He lowered himself on his knees before you. "Just after I get a taste of you."
And before you know it, your panties are ripped off and thrown to some corner of the room. You don't have the time to react when Satoru puts your right leg over his left shoulder - giving him a clear view of the reddened, juicy skin that dripped with honey. The smell of your arousal hit him, he exhaled a sharp breath which hit your folds. You groaned, tugging on his hair.
The desire was palpable.
Whether it was the growing bond between the both of you or simply the sexual tension... whatever it was, it brought you here. And damn, looking down on him now, when he had a shit-eating grin on his perfectly gorgeous face; all you wanted to do was ride his tongue.
You were sure millions of girls would pay him just to be in this position.
Still, your morality clashed with your desires. For one side begged you to stop this and the other had no intention of stopping.
"Oh c'mon, star. Just one taste." Satoru whined, he had made himself comfortable between your soft thighs. Groping and fondling the soft flesh as he salivated at the sight of your sweet cunt.
You can't miss the expression on his face, your mind going blank as your rationality almost drowned in this game of desires. Even if you were screaming at yourself to stop it, a louder, firmer tone in the back of your mind was screaming to let him continue.
"What are you even scared of? That she will find out about this?" He hummed to himself, "Mhm, nah... that can't be, you don't even care about her."
"Don't assu–"
"You can't fool me. I can see right through you, princess." He snorted, the low rumble hit your nerves.
Damn it, you needed the release, you needed his fingers, his tongue or whatever.
You needed him.
"But," He stretched on the word. "Isn't it thrilling to do it with me behind her back?"
You hate how correct he is.
The thrill of it all was all the more arousing. To share such a sinful affair with your best friend's boyfriend of all people. Morality, logic, boundaries? For tonight (and many more nights) they can go to hell. Though you can say that all you feel is indifference for her, the temptation of giving in to your desires skyrocketed at the moment. And if he wanted the same thing as you, who were you to deny him?
The thrill of this peril had you buckle your hips towards his face - You nodded.
Satoru didn't wait for a second before opening his mouth to latch on your folds. His tongue moved over the muscle tissues like it was meant to be there.
He spit on your clit, rolling his tongue over it like a French kiss. A satisfied hum left his lips when he tasted your sweet nectar.
You tugged on his white locks, pushing his face deeper into your folds. Your loud moans and whimpers rejuvenated in the room, cutting through the sexual tension that burnt the room.
He pushed a finger in your tight hole, his cock bulging in his boxers at the view of your cunt sucking him in, just right. You are shivering with the unbridled pressure, maximized when the pad of his thumb presses over your clit.
Satoru cursed under his breath, pushing his tongue inside your slick folds, lapping on the honey-filled moisture of your arousal. His cock was raging, waiting for release.
All he wanted was to be inside you.
But no, not now. He needed to taste you first. He needed to know what your release tasted like. He needed to savor the flavour in his mouth. He needed to see how you looked, what you did, when you'd climax on his face. He needed to know if you tasted just as good as you smelt.
His licked and sucked on the bundle of nerves, pushing two of his fingers in and out.
You were nearing your release and you could feel it, tugging onto his hair. Your shortened breath and loud moans were enough evidence.
"Keep your eyes on me when you cum." He ordered and instinctively, you complied.
Your eyes met his lust-filled blue irises, darkened with passion and temptation. Your hips jerked and the fluids flew out.
Satoru licked up the liquid with his tongue, gulping it down and almost moaning in delight at the taste.
He was right, you tasted just as sweet as your fragrance.
You were awoken from your slumber with loud banging on your door.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins, causing you to wake up wide due to the noise. The assault on your door left you in a state of panic. Hurriedly, you had pushed yourself off your bed, tip-toeing to the door and peeking at your midnight guest from the spyhole - Satoru, a breath of relief left your lips. But the unease settled in again when he strolled inside as soon as you opened the door.
Locking the door behind your back, you followed him to your living area. His shoulders shook, blue eyes observed each and every corner of your residence; he was looking for something to distract himself A habit of his you picked up on over the years, looking for distraction whenever he'd be distressed.
What could have been worrying him so much?
You placed a hand over his shoulder, "Sato-"
"She knows."
It was like a punch to the gut.
The air knocked off your lungs with mere words that left his lips. Disbelief imprinted all over your face, eyes widening significantly at the news. Your fingertips trembled with apprehension, hand falling off his shoulder as if it weighed ton.
"What?" You asked, tone lowered to a whisper.
Satoru's eyes didn't meet yours, he clenched and unclenched his jaw. Running his hand through his unruly hair, he tugged at the locks. A quietude prevailed, broken by the ticking of the wall clock  - 1:40 AM.
He clicked his tongue, turning on his heels towards you. "She found out." He confessed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
No, this couldn't be. No, you refused to believe. How could she ever find out? It had been so many years and there was no fall through in this little rendezvous of yours. The lengths and methods both of you had treaded to keep this affair a secret was almost flawless.
"Tell me you are joking." His silence was enough of an answer but you were in denial. This couldn't be.
He groaned, shaking his head. "I wish, I was."
You breathed in through your mouth heavily. Sitting down on the couch. You were sure you'd have fallen otherwise. Legs too weak after and mind blank after the bombshell Satoru just dropped on you.
This couldn't have happened. But it did. And in this mind numbing news, only one question rang through your mind.
"How?" You asked.
He sighed, glancing up at the ceiling tiredly. Recounting the events that had gone just an hour ago.
"You called," He began. "My phone was in the room… so was Zumi. She must have gone through it while I was showering. She saw the texts and-"
"Texts?" You abruptly interrupted him. "What the fuck do you mean by texts? Didn't you delete them?"
"I did but-"
"But what? That means you didn't."
It was ridiculous. After all this time if she were to find out through some texts he forgot to delete, then its blatant irresponsibility on his part. Countless times you had reminded him to erase them. Leaving no clue, whatsoever for anyone to know. One of the reasons, this affair could stretch on for so long. Cause there was nothing to catch on. The simple rule both of you followed to remove the other's notes, voice recordings, pictures anything from your devices. Even if anyone were to go through them without your knowledge, they wouldn't be able to catch on.
"You're such a irresponsible idiot," You continued, cleching your fists, you stood up and took a few towards him. Jabbing at his chest, you pressed on, "What do you even have to say for yourself now, huh? Your recklessness cost us this."
He stared down on you, azure eyes darkening into a glare. "For fuck's sake, would you even let me speak."
You responded with equal fury, shooting a similar scowl at him. "Well then, speak. Explain yourself. Why didn't you fucking delete those texts?"
"Only today's," He said with conviction, his jaw ticked with annoyance. "Rest were deleted."
Fuck it being only today's message or the ones from a year ago. The fact remained that he didn't delete it.
"Today or not it should have been deleted." You scoffed, darting your eyes away from him. You walked over to your center table, chugging down loads of water from the bottle. You muttered, "Its all your damn fault."
He strolled up to you. Grabbing your jaw, he forced you to meet his eyes. "So we are playing the blame game now?" He spat out, cursing under his breath.
"You deserve to be blamed."
"You fucking bitch," His grip tightened, causing you to wince in pain.
Clutching his wrist and mustering all your strength, you jerked his hand away. "You need to do better in the curse game, Gojo Satoru."
And if he wasn't furious before, he was now. Each second with you was fuelling his rage. "Blamed? I deserve to be blamed? Who the fuck do you think you are, huh?"
"Not the reckless idiot who got us exposed."
The syllables of your name rolled off his lips in a warning. Anymore provoking wouldn't do you any good. You knew that. But your sense of rationality had drowned under the flood of anger.
"Oh please, it's all your damn fault. If only you had listened and deleted everything then we wouldn't have been here."
He scoffed, "All my fault? If we are going on advices then let's go to the base level" He paused, eyebrows scrunched up. "Who the fuck told you to call me?"
You paused, clicking your tongue. The call that time had been a matter of urgency, "It was impor-"
"What's so god damn important that you couldn't wait another fucking day?"
You didn't throw back a response. For all you knew, this wasn't the correct situation to inform him of that news. The predicament both of you were stuck in was more concerning than that.
You groaned, exhaling out the air. "Leave it, we can talk about that another time."
"No, we fucking can't." He exclaimed. "Go on, say it. Why the hell did you even call me?"
"Not now" You pushed back a strand of your hair. "Later, we have other things to worry-"
"Spit it out," His voice lowered to a dangerously cold tone. His blue eyes fixated on your visage like he were a predator.
Unknowingly, a shiver ran down your spine with the look you evoked from him. You had seen him like this previously too, but the occasions had been rare and you weren't ever in the receiving end of it; until now.
Taking in a sharp breath, you confessed. "I received a transfer letter."
You remained silent for a few seconds, expecting him to speak or something. But he remained stoic, his face void of any emotions. You decided to continue, "In a month I am supposed to leav-"
"That's it?" He cut you off. The plain tone of voice catching you off guard.
What? You were getting transferred, supposed to leave almost in a month and he asked you that. The least you had expected was some concern, not nonchalance.
"Out of Japan."
And? And what? Was that not enough? You were leaving for god's sake and this was how he reacted.
You couldn't wrap your head around this reaction but before you could speak of anything more, he chuckled A terrifying chuckle, if you may add. Far from jovial, it almost sounded sinister and humourless.
This was no joking matter. Why was he laughing?
"That was it, huh? Just some stupid transfer letter and you thought it'd be a good idea to call me, huh?" The corners of his lips quirked up. The mockery evident in his voice.
You swallowed a lump at this bizarre reaction. You didn't expect pleads or heartfelt sweet (empty) words. Perhaps, acknowledgement or an ire of care, that'd been enough. These taunts were jabbing at your heart.
"It's not stupid. I am leaving."
"And what do you expect me to do? " He narrowed his eyes. "You are leaving then fucking leave."
It's funny how words can hurt more than hits.
"Satoru, why are-"
"This was your important thing? The urgent information you couldn't just rest for a day or a week?" He paused, letting out another chuckle. "For this thing, she found out and you were blaming me when you are the one at fault.
That hit the wrong place.
"You aren't innocent either," You retorted back. Rolling your eyes, you stated firmly, "Besides, it doesn't matter anyways. That plastic bitch was supposed to find out about it one day or the other."
Momentarily, you saw how his eyes flickered with wrath, "Careful of how you address my wife."
His wife? Like he ever fulfilled his vows to his so called wife. He was never the beloved partner, let alone a husband which he always projected himself to be. And now he comes for her defence when you called her a plastic bitch. Like she wasn't one in the first place.
You scoffed," Your wife? Don't go around a devoted husband now that your shit got revealed."
"She's still my wif-"
"Wife for namesake." You declared, daring him to defy you. "A wife you don't care about, let alone love. A wife you had to wed cause she's the society's perfect girl."
He took a step towards you, face etched with nothing but unaltered hatred. He looked down on you like you were a bug. A bug he can crush under his shoes. "You are testing my patience, star. Don't go around assuming my feelings for her. You don't know a damn thing about me."
"I know more about you than she'll ever know," You yelled, clenching your fists tightly.
Hell, how could he even accuse you of that? After the years you spent together, from the secret meetings to the confessions in the dark. He told you secrets about himself which you doubt he'd ever utter before his own wife. He let you in parts of himself he never showed anyone else.
"And I know that you have no feelings for her."
This man before you had spent his wedding night with you instead of his wife. Any sane man who admitted to have genuine feelings for their spouse would never do such a thing. And Satoru Gojo was insane to assume that he still loved her after lying with you day after day. To hell, with every bullshit spat by the podcasters that men could sleep with other women without losing an inch of feeling for their main one.
He remained silent, his visage rendered expressionless. The tension in the room was high, enough that if it were to take a physical form then you'd be able to slice it with a knife. You didn't know what was going on in his mind but you wished you could have been a mind reader to just take a glimpse in it. Anticipation gnawed at you, the silence overwhelming.
Come on. Speak. Say something. Anything, please.
"And you think I have feelings for you?"
It would had been better if he stayed silent.
As soon as he uttered those words, the brave façade you had put on until then fell down. It shattered, crumbling to pieces. Deep down you knew, he harboured no feelings for you still this stab of indifference pierced through you. Deeper than any blade would ever.
"Don't be delusional, star."
It was a mistake. You should have known your limits. You should have stayed silent. You should have kept your emotions in check. You should have never provoked him.
"If you think so…"
No, you don't think so. You know what you are in this situation. Howsoever humiliating it is to address yourself with such a name. But it’s the truth.
"Then let me remind you.."
You don't need any reminder. You are well aware of your place. He doesn't need to speak. Stop speaking.
"Of who you are…"
You have already made it clear. Stop.
 "You were always a game."
The door to your apartment slammed shut as Satoru walked away.
Leaving you standing alone in this quandary. You couldn't speak. Nor could you move. You were a statue. All you could do was stare. Stare at the path he took to leave.
Your senses returned when the cold wind hit your face.
And then… you laughed.
Your laughter echoed through the desolate corners of your house. It was so damn funny, near to the joke even the most famous comedians couldn't make.
The punch line was the cherry on top.
You were always a game.
So funny. So, so damn funny. You don't think you have ever laughed like this in years.
How foolish of you to even believe you could have been anything more. How foolish of you to even expect anything. How foolish of you to even dream.
The chortles were endless. Filled with mockery, despair, taunts, shame. Still, they were your cackles.
To live is to laugh. To laugh is to live.
You sunk down to your knees, something wet gliding down your cheeks. You found water on your fingertips when you wiped it away.
Water? Why was there water on your face? You weren't showering neither was there any leak in the ceiling then why this water?
The laughs echoing in your ears soon turned to a sound you didn't quite like. Your chest burnt and your eyes stung. What was this? What was happening?
You are laughing then why does this ache follow. For all you remember, only your stomach is supposed to hurt and your jaw for laughing so much. You must gasp for breath and you were but it wasn't the same.
A second later, two realizations dawned on you.
First - you weren't laughing. You were sobbing.
Hysteric sobs erupted from you with no trail of ending. You pulled on your hair, shutting your mouth with a palm. Biting on your lips just to stop these wretched tears and sobs.
You were always a game.
More sobs. More tears. They just don't stop. They are just so annoying.
Then the second realization hit,
You were always the other woman.
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Note: lol its the longest word fic which I wrote till date and it isn't even the end. This will have a part 3 then climax. Anyways! Thanks for reading. Likes and comments are appreciated <3
Taglist: @sadmonke
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kolyubov · 2 months
Rises the moon.
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✧ pairing. Doa3 x gn!reader
✧ word count. 2k.
✧ contents. fluff, ooc doa3, relationships are not specified (this is not necessarily romantic, take it as you please <3), mostly self-indulgent. if I missed anything, please tell me.
✧ author's note. it's been so long since i posted anything,,, i hope this is good enoughwaaaaeuxjwunxsk
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It was past midnight and the apartment was enveloped in silence. You couldn't hear anyone talking in the living room, meaning everyone was asleep.
To be able to enjoy a quiet rest in this place was rare. Midnights are the most bustling hours, when everyone gathers to discuss “important” business until early in the morning, before leaving for whatever they have to do.
Considering this, you could have had a nice sleep for once… if it wasn’t for the rain storming outside.
A sudden thunder crash caused you to abruptly wake up in the middle of your dream— Your heart thumping quickly against your chest and your breath coming out in heavy gasps. You felt disoriented for a few seconds until you eventually calmed down.
Usually, storms don’t scare you, in fact, they’re quite enjoyable along with a lecture or a movie, but not now when you're alone in your room and in the middle of the night, surrounded by the darkness and with your vision barely helping you to perceive your surroundings.
Among the dark, shadows shape into tall monsters lurking from the corner of your room, seemingly waiting for the right moment to lay their ghostly hands on you before disappearing after each lightning. The brief second of luminance makes you realize that those shadows are just that, no one was going to actually hurt you.
Yet, going back into the land of dreams was difficult under these circumstances.
You tried by closing your eyes, ignoring the “monsters” and the loud rumbling of the thunderstorm, and taking deep breaths to calm your unsteady heart but you just couldn't fall asleep. The unsafe sensation wouldn't go away, perhaps until the sun rises again.
However, you had some kind of idea that could help you sleep.
You sat on your bed for a while, contemplating the storm through the window that doesn't seem to end anytime soon and trying to gain the courage to leave your room.
Maybe this idea wasn't the best one you could have, but it was the first thing that came to your sleepy brain, and it's not like you were in the mood to think of any consequences due to what you were going to do.
With a light groan, you leave the comfort of your bed and grab your fluffy pillow in between your arms. The wooden floor cracks under your feet as you make your way to the door of your room then carefully opening it, peeking through the small gap, making sure no dangers are around before stepping outside.
Luckily, the hallway was slightly illuminated with one lamp that hung from the ceiling— The old wooden floor cracks under your deliberated steps as you make your way to his room. Once you stand in front of it, and just as you place a hand on the knob, another sudden thunder makes you jerk in surprise.
Was that a sign from God to not do this?
Without properly rethinking —also too tired to think of any potential risks— you twist the knob, and immediately your eyes land on his sleeping peaceful form; almost completely wrapped with a blanket but letting you see his face. His lips barely parted and his eyelashes rested over his cheeks.
It's not every day when you see Fyodor sleeping on a comfy mattress…
Until now, you had always seen him working day and night underground, sitting in front of his bright purple monitor screen and typing away weird codes or messages that seemed impossible for you to deceive. And if he was not working underground, instead, he was taking a stroll through the city or drinking tea in some restaurant that picked his curiosity.
But sleeping didn't seem to be like a normal activity for him to do.
“To what do I owe this pleasure, hm?”
Fyodor's groggy voice makes you snap out of your thoughts. Now he’s looking at you with a gentle smile as you stand on his doorframe, gripping your pillow awkwardly as you wait for some type of permission— And almost as if he’s reading your mind, he motions for you to come closer with his hand.
The mattress sinks under your weight as you get into the bed and place your pillow just beside his. Wasting no time, Fyodor wraps his blanket around your frame. And it takes some time for you to realize that he's gladly sharing his personal space, which adds to another unusual thing he's doing tonight.
“I couldn't sleep.” You mutter, as he pulls you closer.
“Why's that, dearest?”
“The storm…”
A small chuckle escaped his lips, finding adorable the fact that you needed company just because of a mere storm. Though, he knew the answer even before you said it.
One of his hands —usually cold— is now warming up your cheek, cupping it and rubbing small circles with his thumb as if to soothe you, to tell that he’s there for you without any words needed, simply light touches and whispers shared in between the two.
And for a small second you return the gesture, gently tracing the dark circles underneath his eyes as you scan his features; his thin eyebrows, his purple eyes, and his nose before finally stopping at his lips— His lower lip a little bitten and red.
Unconsciously, your own lips twitch upwards as your mind clouds with the idea of kissing every inch of his pale skin, having him softly laughing underneath you.
To hide your smile, you rest your head against his chest, pressing your ear to where his heart is. The soft thud makes a gentle symphony, a calming sound, that allows any tension left in your body to slip away. Fyodor’s presence fills your senses, making you forget about the rain violently storming outside. Something pulls you closer as your arms wrap around him.
Fyodor doesn’t complain of the proximity, instead, his slender fingers play with your hair, twirling it around his digits or untying knots that were made while you were sleeping before the thunder strike woke you up.
It’s not a surprise that your eyelids eventually start feeling heavy, with all the sweet caresses and the warmth provided, your body is ready to resume your sleep, enveloped in the most comfortable shelter you could ever ask for—
One of Fyodor's hands cups the back of your head tenderly, pulling you flush against him as if to avoid someone from snatching his most precious thing.
“…What’s wrong, Fedya?” You want to pull away, but a high-pitched giggle comes from behind you, accompanied by the sound of rustling the sheets.
Seems like we have company.
“What are you two doing sleeping without me? That's mean… Leaving a friend out is not nice, dovey.” Nikolai grumbles as he climbs to the bed, lying on his side and hugging you from behind, “Why not come to me when the storm startles your peaceful sleep, hm?
The jester seems not afraid in the slightest to have physical contact with Fyodor, or anyone really…
You can feel his hand removing Fyodor's from your head before he nuzzles against the crook of your neck; the tip of his nose brushes up and down your skin purposely to tickle you. Oh, how much Nikolai loved hearing your giggles as you squirmed around his bear hug, it made his heart almost beat out of his chest.
“I do not recall asking you to show up in my room, Nikolai.” By the tone of his voice, Fyodor doesn't seem pleased with the additional company taking space on his bed and ruining your peaceful encounter.
Nikolai’s hands trail up your ribs, and without any warning, he begins tickling you— not stopping even as you try to pry them away among laughs.
“Dove, you’re not gonna make me leave, are you?” He whispers against your ear, voice whiny and you are almost completely sure that he's pouting right now, hoping you at least feel pity for leaving him out, “Tell Dos that you want me to stay…”
But just by eyeing Fyodor, the answer is more than clear on his face. Refuting his words to let Nikolai sleep with the two of you is most likely ending with you and the jester being kicked out.
“C'mon, C'mon! You're scared of the storm, aren't you, birdie?” Nikolai pecks your cheek and pets your hair dramatically. “Poor baby! Shouldn't we help this frail dove together, Dos?”
“There's no need for that.” Fyodor's patience is going thin.
Nikolai clicks his tongue in annoyance, sitting up on the bed with his arms crossed like a child and glaring at Fyodor for a while, trying to convince him just by holding eye contact until he gives up, knowing there’s no room for negotiating.
“Fine, I'll leave… Gosh, you're such a killjoy.”
As he slips out the bed, muttering curses under his breath, Fyodor sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. It's not the first —and definitely not the last— time he has to put up with Nikolai’s behavior.
God blessed him this time, it seems. He didn't need to make too much of a fuss to make Nikolai leave.
When the door opens and the jester intruder is ready to leave in order to resume the calming moment that Fyodor was truly appreciating, instead of leaving, Nikolai throws his arms up in the air excitedly.
“Dear Sigma! What a great surprise!”
The casino manager stands in the doorframe, rubbing one of his eyes. It appears like his sleep was interrupted as well.
“Uhm… Could you guys keep it down, please? I woke up because you're so noisy and I'm trying to—”
Sigma didn't have time to finish speaking before he was dragged by Nikolai, tugging on his sleeve and pulling him to the bed. Fyodor’s bed. Then pushing him down to the mattress as if he was nothing but another plushie added to the collection.
“Gogol! I didn’t come here to have a sleepover!” Sigma complains, rolling his eyes before meeting your gaze, and giving you an awkward smile.
Then meeting Fyodor's.
Something didn’t seem to add up.
“Am I… missing something?”
“This little dove needs our help, my dear friend! You see, the storm ruffled their lovely feathers so they needed to shelter in our embrace.”
Sigma raises an eyebrow at the jester’s words, and even if he's stuck in this —unwanted— situation it's not difficult to understand the message. He sighs, lying back on the bed and holding your hand, “It’s going to be okay, angel.”
He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before bringing it to his lips and placing a soft peck on the back of it. He cares about you more than he hates having to deal with Nikolai.
The four of you managed to fit in Fyodor's bed with little space in between. Nikolai's head is now resting on your chest, him in between your legs, his arms around your waist. On the other hand, Fyodor and Sigma were lying on each side of you, either playing with your hair or stroking your hand. Any soft touch brings you closer to dozing off.
Fyodor mutters a small apology because of his "friends" behavior. His fingers graze your palm before he locks his fingers with yours as well. Silence slowly begins flooding the room; you feel perfectly safe with them around, so you close your eyes, letting your body relax.
“Oh! I have the greatest idea, how about we have a sleepover and do our nails and—”
“Nikolai.” The three of you called his name almost as if grounding a child; making the jester frown and pout.
You couldn't suppress your giggles, thinking that this might be the first —and the last— time you'll have the three men from the same dangerous organization sleeping together in the same bed only because they care about you, in their own way.
The storm slowly fades away, forgotten in the warmth of their embrace.
When waking up the next morning, you'll have to face the pain in your limbs from being entangled around them… And wondering how you and Fyodor ended up in between Sigma and Nikolai's hug.
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© 2024 pinklacydovey — Do not copy, repost, or recommend my works on other platforms. reblogs are welcomed and appreciated!
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maximwtf · 1 year
Hello person- I must say I love reading your lil fanfics always keeps me busy when It's in the middle of the night and I can't sleep lmao.
If I may, if you are still accepting requests- A Legolas x reader, where the reader isn't aware of a custom that elves have about braiding their hair and basically just accidentally confesses to him when they get bored one day and just start braiding his hair and only finds out when the Fellowship congratulates them for confessing or something along those lines hehehe
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Legolas x reader
words: 1930
google docs pages: 3
warnings: none? fluff :D 
opening: One day while you’re bored, you begin to braid Legolas’ hair, unaware of its meaning to the elves. It’s only later, when you find out the message behind it. 
AN// Thank you so much for this request, love the idea! (this also gives me a reason to not write the other ideas I've been putting off xd) idk if this is a little ooc, but I hope it’s okay^^ It’s also lovely to hear that you enjoy my work!^^ Reader can be any gender !
         “A time for congratulations?”
It hadn’t been long since you had joined the fellowship from Rivendell, like most of the others had too. The only one you knew better than the others was Legolas. Him you had met more than a few times in the past, mostly as an accident, but you did genuinely enjoy his company. You’d never admit it to anyone in the group, but you were happy that he had been the one from Mirkwood to join. You heard it had been his father who had suggested befriending Aragorn to him, and it was when Legolas had begun to look for Aragorn that he had met you. Aragorn you had only met a few times, and back then only knew him as “strider” like most. The others you had only met when the Fellowship had been formed, but all of them had seemed okay. 
Now, trailing behind Legolas, you examined your surroundings silently. Old trees with roots going all across the forest blocked the view on your right and on the left only a few trees were growing, enjoying the sun they were able to get. The trees on the left casted dark shadows on the almost non existent road you were walking on. Gandalf had seemed to be very certain that there was a trail going here, but you weren’t so sure. But since no one else had doubted him, you had decided to just follow along. At least you weren’t going to get lost alone.
As your gaze moved from left to right, amazed by the sturdy old trees, being able to stand for such a long time, you noticed Legolas turning to look at you for a moment. It was only for a split second, but it made you humm to yourself. Perhaps he was happy to see you too. It was rarely that you could spend more time with him, mostly just short bump ins every now and then. He was a prince, and probably had a lot to do.
The group seemed to have noticed the darkened shadows of the trees, and decided to set camp for the night. The sun seemed to be setting, making the casted shadows even darker before the sky would begin to follow along. Spreading the darkness of the upcoming night all over.
You had agreed to take the first watch shift of the night before anyone could steal it from you. You’d rather stay up late and go to sleep than wake up in the middle of the night to take your turn. Boromir and Gimi seemed to have collected some bigger pieces of wood and some sticks that Aragorn had been able to set on fire to create a campfire. Legolas, you and the hobbits helped to bring some rocks and logs around the fire so everyone could sit. Sam had requested if he could make something to eat, and surprisingly enough no one had disagreed. The start of the night seemed to be going smoothly. 
As Sam had begun to cook some kind of a soup or a stew, everyone else had spread around the fire. Some were fixing up their weapons and others just talking. You swore you had seen Merry and Pippin bothering Boromir too. You on the other hand had found a spot close to the fire. Most of the ‘seats’ had been taken, but that just allowed you to sit closer to the warming flames of the campfire. Legolas had seated himself near you. You could hear him lowering his bow and the quiver against the log he was sitting on. Other than that and the quiet talking, the only noise you could hear was the mixing of the soup Sam was making. Sometimes the ladle would hit the edges of the saucepan, causing a small noise to break the silent gaps.The moon was only a half, but since there weren't a lot of clouds in the sky, it was able to shine its light all over the forest. At times it felt like time had stopped after the sun had started to go down, and was still shining some light over the fellowship. It was only the cold night air that let you know it indeed was almost time to go and rest. 
You shivered under your clothes, pulling the cloak closer to you, making sure it was properly over your shoulders. Something rustled behind you, and soon another cape was placed over you. A small ‘huh?’ left your mouth as you turned to look who it was. Legolas clipped the front clip shut so the cloack wouldn’t fall off of you. “You seemed cold.” He said, smiling slightly as he sat back down. “I- Thank you.” You said, still confused by the gesture. “Aren’t you going to be cold?” You then asked, feeling bad if he’d have to freeze because of you. The elf laughed lightly at your question and shook his head. “Elves can tolerate the cold better than humans, therefore you should keep it.” He explained to you. 
You had never really thought of how different you were to him. Sure, you were friends with him, but you had no idea that the elves could tolerate the cold better than humans. Maybe you’d find out something else about him as the fellowship continued. This had to only one from many things that made elves so different from you. 
You noticed that the faint light of the moon made his almost white hair look magical. The usually well braided strands of hair had opened up from the fighting the group had gone through with a few orcs earlier that day. You had noticed that the prince usually kept his hair well done, but maybe he hadn’t noticed yet. 
Not being sure if you’d embarrass him if you pointed it out, you got up and sat next to him. You weren’t an elf but you had gotten your hair done before and over the years learned how to braid hair in different styles. So without another word, you took a hold of one of the half opened braids and began to undo it completely. Legolas seemed to have tensed up for a moment and you felt his eyes on you, but to your surprise he soon turned his gaze away and let you continue. 
You braided the first strand of hair, pulling it behind his ear the way you’d seen him usually have them. After starting to fix the other one, you felt another pair of eyes on the two of you. With a quick look you found out who it was. Aragorn was sitting on the other side of the campfire with an amused look on his face. Not understanding what he had found amusing, you kept on working on Legolas’ hair. The prince’s hair was smooth and easy to work with. Humming to yourself, “you have lovely hair.” You said quietly, seeing the man shiver, but saying nothing about it. You were enjoying the moment, getting to feel closer to your friend for once. The warmth of Legolas’ cloak and the fire kept you warm and protected from the gusts of wind. The smell of the soup Sam had made was good, and it felt great to know you were going to be eating something that not only would taste good but also would be warm. You felt like you had only been eating bread and apples for such a long time. 
You finished the other braid and mixed it in with the unbraided parts of his hair. “Both are fixed again.” You hummed mostly to yourself but out loud so Legolas could hear it too. You felt his eyes on you for a moment before they moved to Sam, when he handed the both of you a bowl with some steaming soup in it. You thanked the hobbit with a nod, and began to eat. From the corner of your eye, you caught Aragorn telling Gimli something and them both silently laughing. Trying not to pay no mind to the conversation, you couldn't help but to wonder if it was about what Aragorn had found so amusing earlier?
After that night, many more passed. Some worse and some just as good, but what kept everyone going was the mission and the people in the fellowship. Legolas never mentioned anything about you braiding his hair, and he even let you do it once or twice after. But after every time, it felt like more eyes were on the two of you. It was first only Aragorn, then Gimli joined and soon even Gandalf was in on it. At times it felt like even Legolas knew what was going on. 
After some time of you being oblivious of what had been going on, you decided to bring it up. You had so many theories of what they could have been up to, that you just had to find out. Making your way from the back of the group to where Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli were, you prepared yourself. “What are you hiding from me?” This got the attention of the three, all of them slowing down their walking speed a little. “Whatever do you mean?” Legolas asked, giving Aragorn a quick look, almost as if he was trying to tell the man something. “You all clearly have been sharing a rumor or something along the lines of that.” You replied, but didn’t get an answer from anyone for a moment. “You should tell them.” Gandalf’s voice rang from the front of the group, clearly also aware of what you were talking about. “It isn’t a rumor per say.” Gimli started, looking at Aragorn for a moment, hoping he’d take it from there. You saw Legolas look away, not taking part in the conversation. “We wished to congratulate you on confessing to Legolas.” Your eyes widened for a moment, and without even wanting to, a “what?” Left your mouth. “They weren’t aware, Aragorn.” Legolas finally joined in, looking at his friend. “What is this all about?” You tilted your head. “When you braid his hair. See, to elves it has a significant meaning behind it.” Aragorn tried to explain. Your hand traveled over your mouth, clearly shocked. “And you didn't think to tell me?” You blushed slightly, smacking Legolas’ arm lightly. He stopped, taking a light hold of your hand to pause you as well. “I wanted to explain it to you but I found that..” He tried to look for words for a moment, and you let him. “I found that I cared for you that way, and I wasn’t certain if you had found the meaning yourself...” His eyes met yours again, after traveling for a moment. You stayed silent, not even noticing that the rest of the fellowship had also stopped near the two of you. “But I am aware that I should have told-” Legolas broke the silence but you stopped him before he could finish. “It’s all okay. I feel similar.” You admitted, looking away for a second. “Is this a better time for congratulations?” Gimli’s voice asked from behind you as Aragorn walked closer as well. “Yes, yes it is.” You smiled and turned back to Legolas. His eyes looked at you with admiration in them. “Gi Melin.” (I love you)
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olivyh · 1 year
Howdy do~! Since requests are open, I would like to request a fluffy fanfic in which Falena, Leona's older brother, invites Leona's female s/o to visit the palace after hearing about her from Cheka. Of course, Leona feels a little reluctant to introduce his girlfriend to his family. How will the visit play out? Thanks a lot!
A/N: thank you for the request <33 I was a little nervous about writing another Leona fic- his character is so interesting to explore but I'm always worried about him being ooc </3 this came out a lot longer than my other fics for some reason,,,, also I only have two more weeks left in the UK <//3 but that means more time & energy put into this acc <33
The beastman bites back a grumble as he tosses his phone off the side of the bed, not caring when he hears the device hit the ground with a thud and a crack. The prince turns his attention to the setting sun outside, the heat of the Savanna finally dying down and cooling down the sweat that had beaded on his skin from practice. He could hear the rest of the dorm through the thick wood of his door, wincing when he hears a shout and then something shattering.
His brother had invited him to the palace (One call and about eighty messages that he had refused to answer to), followed by about a million calls from Kifaji (the old bird really didn't know when to shut up, did he?), and, finally, a call from his sister-in-law. He could tell by the calm bite of her voice that she was no longer requesting that he bring his love to the palace- she was demanding that he do so. Leona has no choice but to begrudgingly give in to her wishes, despite the desperate clench of his heart at the thought alone.
The man rolls onto his back, taking a deep, shaky breath that rattles his chest as he throws his head back against the silk pillows and allowing the cold to seep into the back of his neck, eyes tracing over the shapes of the beams that crisscrossed his ceiling. The chill of the outside air mercilessly traces weak lines in his skin, penetrating every pore until it finds a home deep within his bones as a sudden burst of annoyance has him letting out a weak growl as he grabs a pillow and throws it as hard as possible at the wall, the fabric making contact with a soft thud as it lays limply against the wall.
"Shit," The man growls, thinking of the castle. His mind spirals, pulling and pulling until it unearths memories that he'd hidden long ago, tugging the emotions with it.
As much as he'd hated NRC, it was his home. He couldn't imagine being forced back into that prison, decorated in intricate patterns of gold and jewels as far as the eye could see. The lock that had kept him confined was decorated in rubies and amber, the clinking would have driven him mad if he hadn't gotten out of there as soon as he could. He remembered how the cold felt there too, how it seemed to bite at any and all exposed skin, how the stars provided little comfort against the darkness of the night when his mind would wander into the shadows of the Pridelands and offer itself to the claws of his birthright.
He was free in NRC, he was free with his lover. He could be carefree, smile and nip at their shoulders playfully without the jeers of the servants and maids, without the confines of propriety looming over him. Leona wanted nothing more than to isolate them from that world he grew so accustomed to.
"Leona?" His door creaks open, and he rolls over, raising an eyebrow.
"What is it?" He grumbles, staring at the figure of the human slowly approaching his bedside. In the darkness he could make out their smile, soothing the ache within him for a moment as they slowly place their knee on the edge of his bed, raising their hand and brushing some of his sweat-soaked hair off of his forehead. They don't flinch at the feeling.
"I was going to ask you to shower, but," They finally sit beside him, rubbing a warm hand over his shoulder gently. "What's wrong?"
They were so soft with him that he felt as though he would rather die sometimes, their feather-light touch reminiscent of the reverential touch upon blown glass or the petals of a flower. Not the touch of a second-born prince cursed with the touch of destruction.
Not that he wanted them to stop, ever.
"Kipenzi," He mumbles the pet name quietly, despite how loud the rumble of his deep baritone seems to rock the air around the couple. "My family wants to meet you." The excited look that flashed in their eye for a moment breaks his heart, even more so at the crestfallen look that falls over their face not even a moment later. The silence in the room is deafening, as though the insects and animals outside the dorm had been just as shocked by the statement as his lover.
"How do you feel about it?" They ask after a moment. Leona freezes.
"I have to bring you. I don't have a choice anymore," The beastman grabbed the hand that rested on his shoulder and pressed a chaste kiss to their open palm. When they'd first started dating he wouldn't have ever dared to do such a thing. What a fool they make of him. A lovesick fool.
"You do," The mutter. Leona can't bring himself to meet their eyes, opting to stare blankly at the way their shirt fits around their torso, memorizing every crease of the fabric. "I don't have to go."
An odd part of him yearns for them to tell him that they wanted to go, for them to see the place that made him the man in front of them, a reasoning behind what he really is and what will never be- a future that he wanted neither of them to be a part of.
"Cheka misses you," He knew he wasn't a lie, but he knew for sure that nobody had told him that. It was likely the little rat that told his brother about his lover. "We should go for him."
He feels the way the air shifts around him with their smile as they lightly pull way their hand, the lion biting back a disgruntled huff at the loss of warmth.
"Let's go, then," They sit up. "You need to shower first."
"Make me."
"I'll join."
Leona chuckles. "Deal."
The next morning crept through the open windows, the sun gleaming almost painfully against his eyelids as he slowly remembered what would be transpiring that day. His lover seemed to be much more excited about this trip than he was, so he forced himself to bite back any bitter comments. He passed through the mirror in a blur, settling in as they meet in the center of the square, whisked away in a split second by a chauffeur and sent flying off towards the palace.
"I'm sorry," He mumbles to them quietly in the backseat, his tail making its way around their wrist and holding it firmly. "I wanted you to do some sightseeing."
"No worries," They smile up at him, eating away at his guilt. He knew he was being stubborn, and that he was shutting down again.
Please, he begged his mind, not now. Anytime but now.
"I missed you so, so, so much!" They didn't even have a minute to step out of the car properly before Cheka had sped his way over to the couple, wrapping his arms around the human's legs affectionately and blinking up at them with round, deep chocolate-brown eyes.
"Hi, Cheka!" They chirp, crouching so they could hug the young prince properly, nuzzling the top of his hed affectionately. "I missed you too, little guy!"
Leona bit the inside of his cheek, feeling a familiar warmth blossom in his chest. It was no secret that he cared deeply for his nephew- despite how often he shoved him away and called him a pest. It was a secret, however, how much he adored the relationship between his lover and the young boy, how their friendship grew and developed the more time they spent together. Cheka had told Leona once that he'd considered them to be in the same position as Leona- family, and a mentor, and a playmate.
"Come on! Baba's waiting inside!" The small cub tugs at their arms, leaving servants to unpack their bags from the car and lug them into the palace. He can't help but notice how the human's footsteps waver as they enter the building, in awe of the intricate tapestries and the sheer size of the place. The grand entry hall was lined with statues made of pure iron and draped in golds and silvers, the multicolored gemstones that hung from their necks cast splinters of color through the hall as they caught the sunlight and threw it.
The wide, open windows adorning the hall and framed in exquisite silk curtains that hung loosely to the ground let in the harsh sunlight of the savanna and allowed them to see over the vast swaths of land that the Kingscholars ruled over, houses and builds as far as the eye could see. Servants bowed to the Prince and his lover, lowering their heads as they turned their eyes to the floor.
Leona couldn't help but notice the way they tensed at the action, walking ever-so-slightly closer to the beastman. He leans over, careful of any prying ears.
"You okay?" They bite their lip and gulp, looking straight ahead of them and nodding. He grabs their hand in his own, noticing how their palms were slick with sweat as a chill settled on their fingertips despite the heat. "Don't be scared by it. It's all just a show." His voice sends a noticeable chill up their spine, which, under normal circumstances, he would take pride in being able to tease them with his voice alone. Now, however, it worried him more than anything.
Another nod and an affirmative squeeze from the beastman, a promise of more comfort once they were away from the countless eyes of the servants and other visiting nobles.
The doors to the greeting room swing open, and Leona feels the way their grip tightens upon seeing his brother and wife standing at the end of the long carpet, framed by the backs of their thrones.
"Glad you could make the trip, kaka mdogo," Farena states plainly, a grateful smile dancing onto his lips as Leona scoffs slightly, nodding towards the man. "I suppose this is your lover, then?"
He nods and takes a step forward, gently pulling the nervous human with him.
"Yeah, this is them," He says, rather informally in contrast to the air that the King and Queen give off. Out of the corner of his eye he can see them smile up at him softly, their grip on his hand loosening in the slightest.
His brother's wife steps closer to them and Leona feels torn- the nervous look on their face made his heart scream to protect them and hold them close, but he was also terrified of angering the lioness. He opts to stand next to them, frozen.
She gingerly lifts a hand. "May I?" They nod and she places her hand on their cheek. "Relax, sweetheart."
Her soft tone- the same tone she uses when she speaks to Cheka oftentimes, Leona notices- seems to work wonders on them as they take a shaky breath, smiling nervously. "You're stunning." she chuckles. "It's no wonder Leona fell for you."
"T-thank you, Your Highness," They sputter, flushing a bit under the attention.
"Shani works fine, my dear," She corrects softly, backing away for a moment. "Please, no need to be so nervous. You're practically family now."
The word seemed to hang in the air for a moment, still as it hovered just out of reach of Leona's fluffy ears atop his head. Was that it? It was strange, he hardly felt as though he were a Kingscholar himself. However...
Hearing they could become one made his heart race, imagining their first name paired with his last. Their form, which he had grown to love so deeply. He misses the second half of the conversation, too lost in his own mind to even notice the way his nephew clung to his legs and tried to grab at his tail.
"Come now, we prepared an early dinner," The woman motions for the human to walk beside her. They look to him, an uncertain look in their eye as he uses a similar hand motion, silently telling them that he's right behind them.
His chair was too far from theirs at the elaborate table, too much food and too much space for a fairly small gathering, the dining hall was meant for larger groups. The other end of the table felt desolate and cold, a lifetime away from the warmth of the top of the table. Leona remembered how he would sit at that far end with his mother, and his father would sit on the other end with Farena.
"-Oh, he was such a dear-" The man in question chuckles, sending a warm glance at his younger brother, who focuses more on mindlessly stirring the liquid in his cup. "He would often come into my room when we were younger, you see-"
"Farena," Leona begins, a warning note slipping onto the end of his words like a weight.
"Please, Leona," The man's words would be a plea, if not for the shifting of power underneath the breaths that escaped his mouth. "Jokes aside, we truly are glad that Leona had finally found a lover, I was truly beginning to worry."
"You think I was that hopeless?" The younger prince snarls.
"I wouldn't say hopeless," Shani places a firm hand on her husband's shoulder, a frown on her face. "Uninterested, I would say."
His human giggles, casting a teasing glance over at Leona as his frown deepens. The pull of the longing for solitude begins to eat away at his heart, his mind racing to gather any sort of excuse to finish the dinner as quickly as possible.
"I'm glad I managed to catch his interest," They begin.
"How did the two of you meet? I can imagine it was rather difficult to meet, seeing that you're quite different," The King begins.
"They stepped on my damn tail when I was trying to take a nap," Leona shoots a sly grin over at them, a little embarrassed at being questioned in front of his entire family. Minus-
"It wasn't my fault!" They deny, taking a small sip of water.
"I'm sure there's a dent there somewhere."
"Is there really?" Cheka asks quietly, voice breaking towards the end in near terror. "Can that happen?"
"No, my love," The Queen comforts the boy, casting him a short smile. "It was an exaggeration."
"Then they snuck into my room and disturbed my sleep. I had to put them in their place somehow," He glances over to the flustered human.
"N-not in that way, your Majesties. There were issues at my dorm-"
"Keep tellin' yourself that," He could see the way their eyebrows furrow on their forehead as the shade decorating their face darkens more by the minute. They eat in silence after that, occasionally filling the space with other questions- mostly of their life at NRC and their family. The second prince detested his forgetfulness as he noticed the quake in their voice when they spoke of the home they could not return to. The King and Queen seem to notice
"Cheka," He hears his lover say softly. Leona's gaze travels over to them as they lean far off their chair, far enough that if the armrest weren't there they would be tumbling to the ground. Their hand was extended, gently wiping off the juice that the boy had spilled down his chin as it dripped onto his shirt, staining the expensive fabric. "Here, sweetheart." Their tone was gentle, loving as they wiped at his chin with the napkin. The boy looks up at them, beaming, the gap from his missing tooth only serving to add to the wide-eyed gaze of the young prince (Leona vaguely remembers the boy excitedly telling him about the missing tooth over a video call, brandishing the tooth like a trophy as he held it a little too close to the camera for the man's liking).
Something about the way they treated him with such kindness, a gentleness compared to the reprieve of a soft breeze on a hot day. Leona practically feels the ghost of their fingertips against his flushed skin, a chill down his spine.
In that moment, it was as though a door had opened. Every day and every night- sometimes within the palace, others in a place of their own far, far from the Afterglow Savana- with them, with his family, a concept that was foreign to him. Just as untouchable as the fairytales trapped within the Royal Library.
There weren't many times that Leona could say he was jealous of Ruggie, but hearing the kindness of his grandmother and the close bond of his neighborhood would often cause Leona's ears to twitch in agitation, envy creeping up his spine.
Now he felt as though he had it.
"It's getting late," Leona mutters, standing. "Come on, I want you to meet someone else."
They nod and stand, bidding the others goodbye as they follow him down the hallway, into a darker corner of the palace. Tapestries line the walls as they approach a room, a dark wooden door decorated in gold embellishments. Leona slowly knocks, the sound of the bed creaking followed by a hoarse voice sounding from within.
"Baba," Leona mutters.
"Leona? Mwanangu?" The King sits up, long gray hair frames his aged face, lines with wrinkles and scars from days past. The dulled spark within his deep brown eyes- the same as Farena's and Cheka's- fills the beastman in front of him with a deep sadness.
"Yes, Baba," Leona grabs his lover's hand and leads them inside, only letting go to pull up two chairs by the man's bedside. "It's me. I bought my partner, too." His voice had taken on the soft tone he often used with his dying father (Leona didn't want to consider him dying, but seeing the weariness in his eyes and the tremors of his wrinkled hands made him believe otherwise). The man's eyes wearily travel over to the human before them. Leona thought it would have been poetic should they have been in a novel of sorts, or perhaps one of the cheesy movies he claims to hate so much.
A fallen king, a lost human, and a second-born prince.
For a moment the man is silent, the human's worried gaze turning more and more tearful by the minute. They only have to wait a second before Leona winds his tail around their wrist, pulling it to lay in his lap so he could play with their hands, just the way he knows they like it.
"What a lovely little human," The old king finally speaks, lines on his face deepening with the toothy grin that breaks loose- a shadow of his strength, Farena told him once. "You have kind eyes, child."
"T-thank you..." They mumble, ducking their head slightly.
"Tell me," The man chuckles, raspy voice a whisper against the commotion of the savannah outside. "Has my son been treating you well?"
His human smiles, before breaking into laughter. "Better than I could have ever imagined."
"I'm glad."
As the two talk, Leona feels a comfort seep into the cracks of his heart, filling the void that was once there. It spreads through his chest. His father- the strongest man he knew- and his human- the loveliest person he'd ever been given the privilege to meet, let alone hold- talking so casually, about him no less.
The time passes too quickly for Leona's liking. The beastman would have rathered the second creep by like they do during his lectures, or in the way they do when he's alone at night without the warmth of his lover beside him. However, the king is tired. Leona knows better than to hold his father any longer than physically possible.
Once out in the hallway, the human sighs and practically collapses against the wall, holding up their trembling hands. Leona chuckles, stepping closer to them and casting them in his shadow- an act that, at first, appeared intimidating now served as a means of protection as he hid them from the world and sacrificed himself to be their shield.
He feels as though he's lost control as he steps closer, prompting them to gaze up at him with those tender eyes that he adores so much. Any unlucky spectator would think he was annoyed when they wrapped their arms around his broad shoulders, but the two of them knew better, The annoyed quirk of his brow spoke a silent 'don't stop', the swish of his tail was merely to stop it from wrapping around their waist and pulling them impossibly closer.
He can't stop his arms when he places his calloused hands on their hips, pressing them flush against him.
"Leona-" They mutter, burying their face in the crook of his neck. "The servants-"
"We're all alone here," He chuckles under his breath, lowering his head so his breath brushes against their ear with every syllable. If he wanted to, he could scrape his fangs against their earlobe to fluster them further.
He was in no teasing mood for that, his main goal to find an outlet for this swell of affection that seemed to make his heart burst.
Leaning closer, he presses a warm kiss to their temple. He moves down more, giving extra attention to the tip of their nose and the gentle curve of their cheek. He finally presses a deep kiss to their lips, finally able to spill out what had been building over the course of the day; All the 'I love you's that went unsaid; every single moment they made him feel so damn soft.
"Ninakupenda," He gasps softly when they part for air, engraving their flushed expression in his mind. He feels their hands trail through his hair, taking a lock and twirling it in their fingers as they beam up at him.
"Ninakupenda, my king."
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vxiphoid · 11 months
❨ summary ❩ genshin › genshin men playing minecraft with you ((ft. alhaitham, itto, cyno, diluc, kazuha, kaeya, heizou, & xiao))
tags ✧ modern au, drabble, fluff, chaotic energy, not proofread, cursing, ooc(?), established relationship, gn!reader, kaeya sets a forest on fire, alhaitham does not appreciate bees, mentions of pixelated deaths
amanuensis’ message ⊹ IM NOT TRYING TO KILL MY OTHER FANDOMS I SWEAR… im gonna back up from twst for a bit (im literally posting scarabia soon.) you can clearly tell who my favorites are… this unlocked a whole different part of my brain holy shit im deceased
⌜200+ e/chara ⌟
♫ blossom - t. shan
genshin masterlist
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╰┈➤ tbh he thinks minecraft is stupid, i mean, why not read a book instead of burning the images of pixels into your eye sockets😒 yeah, he’d just rather books. its a game about blocks, what could possibly be so interesting? he will admit the music is… nice. its nostalgic even though he’s never heard the track before. his favorite animals are the axolotl idk they’re his little pookies. its their little stick arms, they look so silly… as soon as haitham found out that you could color things its over, he make some sweet things like putting a sign on top of your shared house with both initials with colored dye. he’s so happy, just not very vocal about it, but he has the smallest of smiles. he definitely has headphones with the crochet sprout on it omg😭 alhaitham does not like bees whatsoever, they stung him for trying to get food. he just wanted honey :[
“look, the dog’s collar is blue. and the sign’s letters are green and then if you add a glow squid’s ink, it lights up.”
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╰┈➤ he has waited YEARS for someone to play minecraft with him omfg. certified snack hoarder for times like these. you both literally hit each other to show love, you’ve accidentally killed him once bc he didn’t tell you that he had like half a heart… itto likes the water, hates the guardians because who do you think you are attacking him out of nowhere??? gets one shotted by the elder guardian while trying to fight it with a stick and then blames it on magma blocks pulling him down. GAMING WITH HIM IS NEVER CALM GODS💀 you cannot lay on him or anything bc as soon as those cave sounds or disc 13 start playing, he’s already done sprung out of his seat. his screams are actually really funny though, you got him a cat from how much he’s been assaulted by creepers. when you introduced him to shaders, he was so in awe. “babe i have a shadow!” type of excitement JAKEJEJDMnda.
“the cat’s name is sir arataki the third, you are now my loyal guard cat. who’s an adorable little guy?”
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╰┈➤ look at this nerd (affectionate), ofc he plays cubecraft. loved it so much that when he didn’t have the actual game, he would play the really bad knockoffs💀 plays on console so you can sit between his legs, lean back, and game with him. cyno hate the split screen because he always gets confused on what side he’s on so he lets you use his switch, that way you’re both still comfortable. he’s more of an explorer if you do get mod packs for him, likes the horror ones the most. there’s nothing like hitting the enemy or shit talking the thing that could potentially one shot you with your s/o‼️ yall crouch a lot, its like a little dance. he really likes the disc “far” it itches his brain in the right way. definitely downloads the little raccoon mobs but then regrets it because he gives up all his berries to them, look at their little begging arms, literally how can you say no to that?? AND THEY WASH THE BERRIES. you both fall asleep to the ambience and to each others breathing all cuddled up ‘n warm. cyno absentmindedly sings the music while chopping wood or mining that shit has you SLUMPED. he kisses your head when you fall asleep, smiling like a silly goober.
“do-do-do-do do-do-do-do do, neow neow neow nneow neeeowwww… huh? oh, i’m almost done then we can go to bed, yeah? i’ll charge the switch too, don’t worry. just rest.”
(he’s singing that one part in danny lmfao)
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╰┈➤ diluc does not understand the concept of minecraft but its okay, he’s just happy to be here. he also doesn’t call it minecraft but “cave game”, the original name, he did his research though it is rare that he actually calls it minecraft. found out that you could breed animals and accidentally made a pack of wolves. diluc is really good with redstone its actually insane😭 he’s the type to protect you the whole time while you’re getting flowers for the house, boyfriend bodyguard. diluc doesn’t play much because of his job but when he does, he’s prepared to sit for hours and spend time with you :(. these are the times where he’s most affectionate, randomly kissing your cheek, getting water for the both of you before you play, etc. luc loves the mod pack “industrial”, he can build machines, how neat is that??? also it has way more OMFP with the added features it has yk? he likes the trains :D
“is the water running…? the water’s running, they have moving windmills!”
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╰┈➤ kazuha has the most expensive equipment yet doesn’t use this shit half of the time unless he’s streaming with heizou??? like im talking msi infinite rs pc, multiple monitors, a graphic drawing tablet, headphones with immaculate sound quality AND!!! the ear cups have fucking cyberpunk 3d wing guards on them. but anyways, minecraft, yes, he plays. in fact, kaedehara has about 10 beaten hardcore worlds every time a new update comes out, he must beat the game again. he rarely plays minecraft without his shaders so when you want to play the original og minecraft, he doesn’t mind, he actually enjoys the nostalgia. so much so the music is actually his background music when he’s just lazing around. words cannot express how much he dislikes (hates) wardens omg. he’ll protect you from them but if there were diamonds behind a warden, ig he’s going somewhere else😭 kazuha gives you random shit, weather that be something really sweet or questionable…
“love, do you want my rotten flesh? here<3 oh! and, i also got you some steak, you’re low on hearts…”
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╰┈➤ he’s heard of it, watched people play, just never played it. but when he does… he’s a menace. kaeya got his hands on flint and steel and set an entire jungle on fire… but he can be sweet sometimes! you’re the one protecting his ass while he walks around at night UNARMED to gather blue flowers for you. like you’re cute, but take a shield or something😭 he’s jumped off of a tall building before and landed on half a heart for a stack of bread you didn’t want. he’s rather oblivious to the mobs around him, he once thought shulkers were friends because they were just “silly little guys in little boxes” yk until they almost killed him. you bought him his own skin and introduced him to parrots and now its his favorite animal, he looks like a pirate!!! kaeya is chaotically sweet.
“yes, you almost died protecting me but how could you resist my everlasting love plus pixelated blue flowers?”
(has a cat unironically named ice spice LMFAO)
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╰┈➤ your boyfriend is good at literally anything else BUT minecraft. its the way this game constantly has it out for him too like what did bro do??🙁 heizou stream’s with kazuha every now and again and on those, he still doesn’t know what to do… he’d rather play on the servers, bedwars in particular. extremely good at bw, you’d rather NOT be his enemy😭😭 wins almost every single game even when he carries, rank 98 in the server. yet when it comes to a casual server between you and him, the chats are filled with his deaths and his hashtagged rages💀 heizou despises silverfish which is also why he hates going into strongholds, they could get stomped on for all he cares! >:( he has texture packs with really beautiful skies and then a picnic mod so he can stargaze with you and eats minecraft cake :(<3
“oh. babe, green is heading for our bed, no pressure or anything. i loovveee youuu😚”
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╰┈➤ xiao has the MOST downloaded mod packs, shaders, and worlds. not very expensive mod packs most of the time but when they are, they’re always good. spends his time fighting off mobs at night, #1 totem holder. he even has his own custom skin!!! he’s kinda been waiting for you to ask so when you do play mc together, you already have your own room, but when you voluntarily move your bed into his room to sleep… he melts. xiao loves cuddling while the two of you play, he’d rather your arms around him than the other way around, feels more intimate. you have matching hoodies for occasions like this. he has the dragon mod pack and has his own golden and orange dragon named ‘li’. he doesn’t talk while gaming, curses silently when he gets hit, but other than that doesn’t talk. if you want to talk, he’ll listen, he likes hearing about your day :].
“no, keep talking. i’m listening. see, li’s listening too.”
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780 notes · View notes
mikavlcs · 1 year
Whispers in the Dark
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
Summary: After a harrowing nightmare, Wednesday tries her best to bring you comfort.
Warnings: soft/ooc!wednesday...you have been warned
Word count: 1.6k
Notes: @vorsdany and i did a matching prompts challenge, so make sure to go read hers as well -> Take Me Home
(also if you think that this is just a worse iteration of this story by tumblr user missmonsters2, you are absolutely correct! go read hers as well<3)
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Wednesday Addams adored nightmares.
There was nothing quite like the rush of adrenaline she got when she escaped from the clutches of a particularly dreadful nightmare.
The way the terror could persist for hours after, leaving behind a lingering sense of dread that heightened the senses, was addictive. As far as Wednesday was concerned, it was one of the greatest feelings in the world.
The flashes of technicolor terror and monochromatic mania quickly became her favorite part of the day. The perfect precursor to the torture she would have to endure when she woke up and was forced to interact with her fellow classmates.
But this, unfortunately, was not a very widely held opinion. For most, night terrors were a blight, not a blessing.
And she was so graciously reminded of this when Thing came tumbling in from the balcony, movements more frantic than she’d ever seen before. It was odd, she thought, given both the late hour and the fact that he was supposed to be staying with you for the night, but she still didn’t spare him a glance.
If he had a problem, he could consult her after her writing hour. Enid was off having a sleepover at Yoko’s, and she was intent on taking advantage of the rare quiet in her dorm.
However, Thing wasn’t one to be deterred. When he failed to get her attention, he jumped onto her typewriter, smashing a bunch of keys beneath his fingers and effectively ruining the page she was working on in the process.
Wednesday blinked, then twice, brows raising in surprise. Her fingers curled into fists, jaw clenching against the rush of anger that coursed through her. Slowly, she bit out a low, murderous, “Thing—"
But her biting tone had no effect on the hand. He interrupted her once more, tapping out the same message over and over. 
She surged forward, intent on grabbing the hand and locking him in her drawer for the next week, but then she started paying attention to what he was saying, the message he was trying so hard to convey.
And once she properly received it, she was out of her chair in an instant, her ruined page already forgotten.
Wednesday moved through the maze of corridors like a shadow, footsteps swift and silent to avoid the attention of any roaming teachers. Whether Thing was following or even able to keep pace with her was irrelevant to her, his message was the only thing on her mind.
Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong. Something’s wrong.
It played on an incessant loop, making her heart pound against her chest with a vitality that threatened to break the surrounding ribs under its weight.
That vitality made her quicken her pace. When your dorm finally came into view, she slammed the door open with an urgency she would later consider humiliating.
Moonlight cascaded in through the window, cutting through the murky darkness of the night and providing Wednesday with just enough light to see the barest hint of her surroundings.
Dark eyes scanned the room for any immediate threats and when it became clear that there were no attackers or monsters lurking in the shadows, she took a breath and began to properly survey her surroundings.
Her gaze first caught on your desk, the stacks of books and papers neatly resting on top of it. Then your bed, unkempt and noticeably empty despite the early hour. And finally, she saw you, your normally vibrant form reduced to a shaking silhouette curled up beneath your window.
Wednesday took to languages very easily and the language your body spoke was no exception. Within months, Wednesday was able to read you with the same ease she did her favorite novels, spines slightly worn from use and pages annotated to absolute perfection.
So the calligraphy tucked in the tight furrow between your brows, the letters the light tremble in your shoulders scrawled, and the words the bags beneath your eyes printed for her were deciphered in moments.
And it all came together to definitively prove the hypothesis that began forming the moment she stepped foot into your dorm.
You had a nightmare.
This wasn’t the first time. Since that night when the school nearly burned down, it seemed to happen a lot. The incident had a firm grip on you, and it showed no signs of lessening, but it didn’t deter Wednesday any.
Because even now in the darkness, hugged tightly in the grasp of fear, you were luminescent.
Approaching slowly, she kneeled before you, caught your wide, teary eyes. Behind her, she heard the door shut softly, signifying Thing’s arrival, but she kept her attention solely on you.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
The question itself was a gamble. Many nights you would just shake your head and suffer in silence, leaving Wednesday to just be there with you and hope her presence brought forth some form of comfort. But it seemed tonight she got lucky.
“It was about the Hyde—Tyler. He…he ripped you apart, and I—” You choked on a sob, bringing both hands up to dig the heels of your palms into your eyes. “I just watched.”
She hummed lightly. Unsure of what to say, she lamented, “Sounds frightful. I wish I could’ve been there to see it.”
A wet laugh reached her ears, causing an effective stutter in the steady beat of her heart. Your hands were brought back to your knees, but you were still crying, still held firmly in the clasp of your dream. 
And despite her inherent discomfort, Wednesday wouldn’t stand for that.
Things like comfort and physical affection were your forte, not hers. But you were there for her in her darkest hour, unwavering during her torturously vulnerable time just after the defeat of Crackstone that she shuddered to think about even now.
When the weight of everything finally crashed down on her and threatened to shatter her into a million pieces, you were there to hold her together in soft but steady arms. So she would do the same for you.
Hesitant hands cupped your cheeks and rough thumbs wiped your tears in uncertain yet gentle strokes.
“Tell me what I can do for you,” she urged, attentive eyes looking for any legible signs to interpret.
“Just stay,” you whispered. “Please.”
She nodded. She was already wearing her sleepwear, so a change of clothes was unnecessary. The only thing left unattended was…
“Thing, go back to my dorm and throw the paper in my typewriter carriage out. I will rewrite it entirely tomorrow.”
Your face fell at her instruction, and Wednesday could read the lines of guilt clear as day in the fall of your shoulders and dip of your brow.
“If I’m interrupting your writing—"
“You’re not,” she injected sternly, moving one hand to grip your shoulder. “You asked me to stay, so you’re stuck with my torturous presence for the rest of the night. Whether you like it or not.”
The beginnings of a smile played on the edges of your lips, but before you could respond, Thing scurried up to your side and gave you an inquiring tap.
“Hey, buddy. Sorry, I ruined our sleepover. I’ll make it up to you I promise.” You extended a pinky down in his direction, which he promptly wrapped his own around. A pinky promise, if Wednesday wasn’t mistaken.
Usually, she would scoff at such childish affairs, but you were full-on smiling now, some of your usual vivacity seeping back in, so she let the moment pass without comment.
Her eyes followed Thing as he left. Sure, he had ruined her writing (something he would be punished for in due time), but he had admittedly done well to immediately notify her of what happened.
She would have to give him something, she decided. Maybe one of those scented lotions he was always trying to steal from the Jericho convenience store.
Once he was gone, she stood, tugging you up by your shirt sleeves and pulling you back to your bed. Gently, she shoved you down, and only once you were completely settled did she slip between your sheets and lay down next to you.
Crossing her arms, she raked her eyes over your tired form, lingering on the hand resting in the space between both of your bodies. Temptation, soft and sweet, pulled at her, but she stubbornly resisted.
“You won’t have to worry about your sleep being hindered anymore.”
Your brows furrowed slightly, exhaustion making your eyelids dip. “Why not?”
“I’ll steal your terrific dreams away for my own enjoyment,” she informed, lips quirking slightly. “I could use the pick me up.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet,” you teased. Wednesday shot you a sharp look at the flagrant slight to her character.
“Insult me like that again and night terrors will be the least of your worries.”
A chorus of sleepy laughs arose from your lips, and even with your eyes half-lidded and only the faint light of the moon to illuminate your features, Wednesday could see the fondness in your eyes. “Of course, Wends.”
She huffed, redirecting her gaze to the ceiling.
“Go to sleep, we have classes tomorrow.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. She barely had time to finish her sentence before your eyes closed again, breaths already beginning to even out.
Still, she waited minutes longer, until she knew you were deep within sleep’s embrace, to reach down and rest her hand over your outstretched one, curling her fingers lightly around yours.
Wednesday had never been one to hold superstitious beliefs of any kind. She made sure that her mind remained rooted in logic at all times, but she wanted to believe that this physical connection would somehow help transfer the horrors that plagued you to her.
So she then could keep the terror at bay and revel in it while you enjoyed whatever pleasantries your mind conjured in its place.
And if that didn’t work, then she would be more than happy to slay the demons that haunted your dreams with her bare hands if need be.
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picklebunbun · 27 days
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જ⁀➴₊⊹ 🎀 dazai x male! reader
๋࣭ ⭑
velvet ring
big thief ♥︎
⇄ ◁◁ I I ▷▷ ↻
⁰⁰ ²⁵ ━━●━━━━━━━━ ⁰² ⁰⁸
๋࣭ ⭑
⟢ male! reader, can be read as trans or cis, masculine pronouns
⟢ genre: angst, like MAJOR angst, bittersweet? ending {up to your interpenetration}, so a bit of fluff
⟢ cw: implied homophobia, verbally fighting, crying, self deprecation, dazai isn’t good at communicating, implied su1cide and maybe OOC
⟢ fandom: BSD
⟢ romantic, dazai and [name] are engaged in this
summary: major fight happened between dazai and his fiancée, about him not outwardly expressing his feelings, [name] feels like he’s walking on eggshells around him. Dazai comforts [name] while he’s bawling his eyes out, everything is okay after that
[angel’s note👼🪽: taking a break from the usual requests because I really wanted to do bsd, sorry, also, this is based off my oc with dazai (I made them have marital problems) I wanted to do very angsty stuff too]
it was the dead of night, only darkness filled the room, the loud silence of the couple only made the somber attitude worse.
there were days like this were they wouldn’t talk to each other, usually it was after a fight, but not this time. What else could they talk about though? It wasn’t unknown that Dazai could read you like an open book, his intellect was truly terrifying. As for you, it’s hard to talk with your partner when they won’t communicate with you
it often made you sad though, Dazai had no problems talking about himself to his friends, or anyone. The most frustrating part is that he makes light of it whenever you try and talk about it with him. Were things just different when you’re engaged? Maybe he was just on edge because you were both men , but Dazai didn’t seem like the type to care about those things. Maybe it was just you, you did always feel a bit insecure just by being with his fiancée, Dazai was certainly known to be a “playboy”. Being engaged should mean that he ultimately chose you right? I mean, sure, they legally can’t get married but they were basically at that stage
it just made everything so frustrating all the time, how can you expect a healthy relationship without communication?! That’s like a key component of a relationship!
“..hey, [name], are you awake..?”
“….yeah.. I can’t sleep”
“me either.. c’mere for a second”
you looked at him ,confused, until Dazai lazily wrapped his arms around you and you got the idea. The {h/c}-ette hugged him as well, it was pretty easy to tell if Dazai wanted to cuddle. It just felt weird, almost as if he was cuddling with a stranger, or at least that’s what it felt like. Dazai used to say how you had this overwhelming warmth about you, you’re not quite sure if he still thought that now, it was okay I guess, it’s not like you needed the constant praising.
it was a beautiful night though, the last quarter moon illuminated the deepest of shadows in the room, although, it could never hide the amount of darkness around you and Dazai. Even while being wrapped around eachother, you know deep down that you couldn’t feel warmth in this relationship, but little moments like this were nice.
Whenever the moon was half lit, or more specifically, the 3rd quarter moon was when Dazai most liked it , when you asked “why? Why not when it’s fully lit or fully dark?”, Dazai always said the same thing “it’s like how Wednesdays are halfway through the week, the last quarter moon gives me hope for another month, just waiting for a break so I can relax”. Sometimes his messages were so cryptic, you could never really tell if he was going to do something to seriously harm himself or he just says things cause of how meaningful he thinks they are.
Dazai went rambling on about his day at work, you listened, but there was something at the back of your mind. You figured to tell him in the morning, for now, it was time to shut your eyes, there was no point in staying awake now since you could hear the soft snoring that was Dazai’s slumber.
“well, I’m off to work! Bye, my love!”
“wait, Dazai… can I ask you something?”
Dazai turned around, he knew what was about to come, whenever you two fought you set off like a firecracker, completely blinded by how you were feeling, it’s entirely justified too. Usually, Dazai would’ve thought about this in advance, but what could he really say? Expressing himself seriously was not an option, so he’d just have to deal with your red hot anger.
“do.. you.. hate me?”
“w-what?! Of course not! I could never hate you, I’m engaged to you! How could you think that?”
“you just never talk to me, you talk more to your co-workers than you’re own fiancée!”
“maybe I should get married to them instead them, heh..”
he tried to make a joke, you did not like that
“are you kidding me?! You’re joking about this? Dazai! This isn’t funny! I’m tired of you not talking to me!”
“woah, okay, calm do-“
“oh, I don’t know [name]! You’re screaming in my face right now, maybe that’s why!”
your eyes were getting cloudier by the second, it was frustrating talking to him. Your throat felt like there was a lump of air stuck in the middle, your eyes hurt from the stinging tears that were forming. Your voice was cracking as you felt yourself about to break down
“well, you ju- woah woah woah, [name]..?”
you broke out into violent sobs, you couldn’t keep on fighting, it was so exhausting just screaming all the time.
“hey, hey, hey, hey, calm down.. why did you suddenly start crying?”
when he asked you, you couldn’t stop weeping even more, everything was just building up and then you just let it all out. You were holding your chest while you cried, it felt like you just got a heart attack, well, at least that’s what it felt like, really, your heart was just shattered like it meant nothing to Dazai. He loved you, your sure he does, but lately it just feels like the more distant he seems, the more distant his loving embrace feels, the more colder it feels when he says “I love you”, like he’s forced to say it.
finally, your teary screams were reduced to nothing more than quiet sniffles, an occasional whimper here and there. You seemed composed enough to form a complete sentence, so Dazai asked you, in the softest tone he has
“why were you crying..?”
you looked at him, your eyes were wet and so were your cheeks, a red gradient formed around your eyes and nose from wailing so much. You looked around, not wanting to see his face, avoiding any eye contact. The room was so hushed, you could hear the pitter -patter of a bug if you wanted too. It’s no use, he probably wouldn’t leave until you told him.
“.. sometimes I feel like you don’t care about me enough to talk about your feelings, I just wish you would talk to me instead of making jokes, it makes me feel humiliated, like my feelings don’t matter, and then you get mad and argue with me when I don’t know how you feel!”
Dazai stayed silent, not knowing what to say, or even what to think.
“is that it? You’re not going to speak to me?”
silence again
“..okay, I’m just going to get some fresh air..”
the door slammed closed, Dazai was left there to soak in his own feelings. Honestly, the arguments before seemed minuscule compared to this one. He wasn’t a sensitive man, but everything felt so overwhelming, he couldn’t help but feel teardrops staining his cheeks. Dazai always took advantage of the relationship, ignoring your previous arguments, but now if he kept this up, he would lose you, and he’d have no one again.
cricket, cricket, cricket
that’s all you hear at night. At first, Dazai would keep you up with useless conversations about philosophy, to which you lightly punch his elbow, but now it just felt so lonely. Back to back, not looking at each other, laying in bed, you could never face each other after that, you’d have to deal with it tomorrow, but right now, you’re just tired of everything
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earlgarden-archived · 8 months
my will to live.
"i used to hear a simple song, that was until you came along"
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ft. Dazai Osamu
synopsis. his feelings for you have always been kept private, in fear that you might disappear someday just like his old friend. One day, he realises his feelings have grown too strong, so he decides to finally take action...
warnings. mentions of suicide (barely), might be ooc?
a/n. After watching episode 11, I decided to write this to celebrate that Dazai is alive! But rip Fyodor and Sigma (or maybe they're still alive?)
The dimly lit room was shrouded in a melancholic silence. Dazai sat alone at his desk, fingers idly tracing the rim of a half-empty glass of whiskey. His thoughts were as turbulent as the storm brewing outside, each drop of rain a reflection of the turmoil in his mind.
Dazai's melancholy had always been a constant companion, until he met you. You, the one person who managed to penetrate the layers of his facade, the one who made him feel something other than despair. But Dazai was terrified of admitting his feelings, for he believed that his affection for you could only bring you pain for when he would one day leave this world... Or if you were to leave this world...
As raindrops pelted against the window, a sudden realization washed over him like a cleansing rain. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving this world, not when you were in it. The very idea of never seeing your smile again filled him with a longing so profound it physically ached.
He reached for his phone, his trembling fingers struggling to compose a message. "I need to see you. Urgently," he typed, his heart pounding with each letter he pressed.
Minutes felt like hours until your response arrived, a simple "I'll be right there" that brought both relief and trepidation.
When you entered his apartment, the warmth of your presence dispelled the shadows that clung to Dazai's soul. You found him standing by the window, gazing at the rain-soaked world outside.
"Dazai, what's wrong?" your voice was filled with genuine concern as you approached him.
He turned to face you, his normally carefree eyes now betraying a vulnerability that took your breath away. "It's you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't bear the thought of losing you."
You furrowed your brow, puzzled by his confession. "What do you mean, Dazai?"
He took a deep breath, his emotions a tempest threatening to consume him. "I've spent my life chasing death, but then you came along, and suddenly, I found something worth living for. I love you, and I can't stand the idea of leaving you behind."
Your heart skipped a beat, and tears welled up in your eyes as you took his hand in yours. "Dazai," you whispered, "I love you too."
In that moment, the rain outside seemed to cease, as if the universe itself held its breath. Dazai pulled you close, his arms wrapping around you as if he could protect you from all the darkness that haunted his past.
As you held each other in the dimly lit room, Dazai would then find out that love was a powerful force, strong enough to dispel even the darkest of shadows. He had found his reason to live in you, and he was determined to cherish it, to cherish you, for as long as he could.
And so, in that quiet, rain-kissed moment, two souls found solace in each other's arms, and for the first time in a long while, Dazai dared to hope that perhaps life was worth living after all.
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win-writes · 1 year
𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴
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༶ pairing; tachihara x mafia!reader
༶ contains; angst to fluff, mentions of guns, crying, kissing, possibly ooc tachihara at the end
༶ word count; 2.2k
༶ a/n; the dialogues in red are taken from the original dangerously yours, be sure to check it out as well!! this is my biggest big brain moment, enjoy
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You stand in the quiet alley, alone. The secret message from the one you once held dear in your heart asked you to meet him here. Still you feel uncertain if that was the right thing to do, considering everything that happened and shook your world.
That was the most accurate way to describe what you're feeling right now. A feeling you would never even dream he would flood your heart with. Not when he was the whole reason you believed in love in the first place.
Exactly how you imagine your life from now on. Empty. Nothing to bring a smile to your face. No one to hold you when you need it the most. Nothing to convince you that maybe there's light in this life hidden in the shadows.
"You came"
His voice unintentionally forces your body to face him. You barely recognize the man staring at you across the dark lane. His casual clothes now replaced by a formal uniform with a long cape hanging over his shoulders and most of his beautiful hair covered by a military cap. His eyes are no longer filled with excitement like they do every time they meet yours. Now they are dull with sadness. Yet, he seems relieved to find you here waiting for him.
"I'm so glad you-"
You cut him off by pulling your gun, pointing it directly at him. You notice the way his eyes widen at your reaction. He has met a lot of people in his life that threatened to kill him, he could almost say he's gotten used to it. But he could never imagine a scenario where you would be the one pointing a deadly weapon at him like this.
Neither did you.
"This is a gun in my hand, Michizou" you stand still, not moving a muscle while you talk "I'd advise you to be careful what you say"
Tachihara exhales deeply, letting his shoulders relax. His gaze falls to the ground for a moment, trying to recollect his thoughts. He knows the time is limited and not enough to explain in detail all the things he so desperately wanted to share with you all this time.
His amber orbs meet your cold ones. He takes slow steps towards you, lifting his hands just enough to sign you to calm down "Please my love, there's no need for this to happen" You remain still, "Don't call me that. Don't you dare to call me that again" your fingers disable the safety in your pistol "Choose your next words wisely, this is your last warning"
Tachihara gives you a sad smile, softening his facial features. He loathes you looking at him with those eyes, ready to take his life at any second. If it wasn't for you, he'd already be on his knees, crying his heart out. But he can't. He must keep it all inside, as he did all those years. Now it's you the one who's hurt and in need of comfort. His feelings come second to yours.
"You mean you actually going to kill me?" his tone is calm as he steadily approaches you.
"I mean just that" the aura surrounding you is cold.
"Well, go ahead" he takes his final step, standing in front of you with the tip of your weapon burried in his chest.
Now it's your turn to be at loss of words. Your frozen expression finally breaks. A sting of melancholy and confusion is now taking over your features at his antics. Your shooter twitches in your palm, but Tachihara refuses to focus his attention anywhere else but your face.
"You don't think I'll do it! That's why you're so brave..." your glance falls to the gun, "You wouldn't be so brave otherwise.. You're a coward at heart!" your voice cracks, "I knew you were hiding something.. I knew you carried a burden in your back and I tried so hard to let you know that you don't have to go through this alone!" Tachihara remains quiet, waiting patiently for you to let it all out "But like a coward you never truly trusted me with your life like you told me!" you scream with all the strength you have left.
You keep your head low, unable to look at that stranger's eyes any longer. Because that's what this person is to you now. A stranger. Eveything you've come to love about him is now gone. The moment the boss revealed Tachihara's true identity to you, you felt like you're awakening from a dream. Like all the memories you had with him were part of a good night's sleep and now you woke up to a reality that seems like a nightmare.
"You lied to me.." your hand gives out, letting your weapon to fall on the ground, "You deceived me.." your vision becomes blurry and your kness feel weak, "You made me fall for a person that doesn't exist.." your voice is heavy with emotion and sobs slowly rise in your throat "You ruined my life for your stupid mission!" at last, you fall on your knees, letting your tears to roll down your face.
It brought a pang to his heart seeing you like this. Broken. All because of him. He hesitates at first, unsure if it's wise to hold you at this moment. But his heart knows best. He kneels in front of you, holding your trembling hands into his own, "You can't imagine how sorry I feel for what I've done to you" too drained to snatch your hands away, you just keep crying, facing the floor "Yes, I lied about who I was and you have every right to hate me for it" he places your hand right above his heart, gently pulling your face up to look into your shinning teary eyes "But I swear on my life, I never once lied about my feelings. I never once told you how much I love you without meaning it"
Part of you wants to pick up the gun and empty the clip all over him. To make him pay for all the lies he filled your head with. To make him pay for all the pain he brought you. But the dominant part of yourself, wants nothing more than to fall into his arms one last time.
And so you do.
You let your body fall into his and Tachihara is quick to hold you close in his embrace. You soak his uniform with your eye's waterfalls, buried into his chest. Your nails dig in his back, grabbing onto the fabric for dear life. His arms grip your form tightly, as if he'll never get the chance to do it again. With his face burried in your hair, he can't help but let his tears finally fall.
You stay like this for a while. The once quiet alley is now filled with sobs and whimpers. In your head, the loud voice of reasoning is yelling for you to escape this prison that is his comforting body you used to call home. But you silenced this voice the very moment you decided to meet him tonight.
A couple of minutes pass until you've both settled down. Tachihara gently caresses your head, inhaling the sweet scent of your hair. You slowly lean back, moving your hands onto his chest. He takes a look at you. Face red and scrunched up, nose running, eyes puffed. He softly moves your hair out of your sweaty figure.
God, you look so beautiful even when you cry.
You lean into his touch with your eyes closed. He places a kiss on your forehead, savouring the moment for as long as he possibly can. "I'm sorry" his voice is raspy for all the crying "I'm really sorry" he places his hands on your cheeks looking deep into your bloodshot eyes "I'm really sorry my love"
Your body moves on its own. Your lips collide when you pull him closer by the fabric of his shirt. His hands immediately get tangled in your hair. The kiss is messy, saliva running down your chins, noses bumping, teeth grinding against each other. Your lips are salty, but taste just as sweet as all these times he kissed you on the daily all this time.
Words are not enough to describe your feelings. Not enough for Tachihara to share his thoughts and explanations with you. So you let your bodies do the talking. In the unique way that only they know.
You pull away breathless at the same time, panting hard. You feel lightheaded from all this tention. All the screaming, the crying and now kissing. You lean your head on his shoulder and mere seconds later, he rests his own on top of yours. Your fingers interlock together perfectly, like they are made for each other. He kisses the back of your hand, keeping it close to his heart.
Your voice is ever so soft, low almost like a whisper. You beg of him to stay with you, knowing that the possibilities of your wish coming true are slim to none "Please my angel, ask me anything but this" you look up, noticing gloom overtaking his features "You know I can't" he looks down, avoiding your large sad eyes "But you promised" your free hand aggressively pulls his chin your way, forcing him to face you "Are you going to break your promise after telling me you love me? Are you going to betray me again?"
"If I betray you.." he places his other hand on top of your connected limps "I betray myself" he continues, as his expression softens the more he looks at you "If I betray the Hunting Dogs.." his eyes fall your hands, softly stoking circles at the back of your palm "I betray my country.. My country is very dear to me.."
"Dearer than I?" your words escape your lips before you even process what you just said
"No.." his hand finds its place on your face once again "No, not dearer than you.."
"Then stay.." you desperately grab onto him, like he's about to leave you alone in an empty space, with only company your mixed thoughts and feelings, "Please don't leave me again.. What can I do to make you stay?.." your voice cracks as you feel another pool of tears forming in your eyes.
Tachihara takes a deep breath. He carefully places his arms around you to lift you up "I'm sorry" he looks down, face clouded in disappointment after apologizing for what feels like the 100th time. But there's truly nothing else he can do right now and it kills him. He places you on your feet to stand, but your hands stay gripped onto him, refusing to let him go.
"Can you promise me something instead, angel?" you look up to him as the last glimpse of hope ignites in your eyes "I want you to promise me, you'll stay safe" you feel that little hope slowly drowning at his words. He takes notice and gives you a warm smile, the smile you missed so much "Stay safe and once this is over.." he holds your face into his warm hands with eyes filled with so much love. Love that you implanted in his heart the day you met him.
"We'll run away together"
Your face lights up. Suddenly, the gloomy world around you is filled with colors again. You feel your shattered heart picking up its pieces and beating once more.
But you're quick to melt down your excitement, listening to that loud voice in your head for the first time today "Don't" you mumble as you put your hands on top of his "Don't fill me with hopes and promises just to break them and tear me apart again" you close your eyes and shake your head in denial.
"Now it's different" his voice rings heavily in your ear, hopelessly fighting your own in your head "I have nothing to hide from you anymore, you have nothing to be afraid of, don't you see it?" he lets a nervous laugh escape, before kneeling in front of you, yet another time.
"I love you" he breaths out "And I believe you love me" he holds your hand into his "You may as well take my heart y/n, it's already full of you!" he pecks your hand without taking his eyes away from yours "You walked into it the day we met.."
He stands up only to wipe the single tear you didn't even realize that fell down your eye "It's true, I can't promise to stay with you at the present" he caresses tenderly your soft cheeks "So let me promise to spend the rest of my life with you in the future"
At last, a genuine smile takes over your lips, making Tachihara's heart flatter, just like the first time you caught him staring at you in a meeting at the port mafia "No more secrets?" he giggles at your question out of relief. He doubts if his heart could take seeing you broken like that any longer. He leans into your face, softly brushing his lips against yours for one last time
"No more secrets."
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byeaaram · 1 year
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life Too)
Summary: In which death welcomes you in the cruelest way possible, and your girlfriend suffers the same fate. You don't know which hurt more.
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader
Warnings: Major Character Death, Light Depictions of Violence, Reincarnation, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, OOC Wednesday Addams(?)
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Notes: I don't usually write, but I couldn't get this out of my head. Maybe I'll start to use this space whenever I have an idea. I'm a sucker for reincarnation. Term dictionary at the end.
Your vision was tunneling in on you. 
It was a grueling battle. You had fought relentlessly for the place you had called home for years, as it crumbled and shook, threatening to destroy the very core of the Earth with its last gasp.
Droplets of blood cascaded down your face, while your fingers twitched in defiance of your failing body. Amidst the chaos, a voice called out to you, though it sounded distant and muffled. Your senses were drowning, as if struggling to grasp onto the fading presence of your girlfriend, whose lingering sensation barely registered.
Oh. Oh.
Wednesday. Weakly, you called out to her, your voice barely a whisper, as you stretched your trembling hand in a desperate attempt to grasp her attention. To your relief, your plea bore fruit, as she held onto you tightly, her grip firm, and with nimble strength, she pulled you into the shelter of her chest.
“Perdóname, cara mia, for I did not protect you with all my might. I failed you, and now I‘ll have to lose you to whom they call death.” 
Despite her habitual speech that rang through your surroundings, you sensed a break in her tone, one that felt unfamiliar too, as Wednesday Addams never cries. “W-Wednesday…?” 
With a trembling hand, you reached out once more for her hand, desperate for any connection in this moment of turmoil. As your fingers intertwined, you flinched at the unexpected warmth that greeted you, a stark contrast to the usual cold touch of your beloved's hands. Pulling your hand back, you mustered a gasp, realizing that your vision was now clouded by a crimson hue. 
Through the haze, you finally gazed upon your girlfriend, searching for an explanation in her eyes. “W-Wednesday, you’re b-bleeding!”
It was then, you noticed Wednesday’s fallen figure. She too was slumped to the ground, her body twisted at an awkward angle. The room's dim light cast eerie shadows across her fragile form, adding an unsettling aura to the sight. Your heart skipped a beat as you reached to cup her cheek, a mix of concern and dread coursing through your veins.
Despite her failing systems, Wednesday managed to muster a faint smirk, her hands coated in blood finding their way back to yours. With a gentle touch, her thumb circled your hand. Even in the face of adversity, she remained steadfast, providing solace in her touch, despite the grim reality of her condition.  “I’m so sorry, mi sol, but I am horrified to tell you that the both of us are knocking at the reaper's door.” 
Summoning all her strength, she pulled you closer, her lips tenderly brushing against every edge of your face. The sweetness of her touch and the soothing scent of her presence enveloped you, momentarily calming the storm within your mind. With heartfelt reassurance, she consoled your fears, but the bitter irony of the situation overwhelmed you, causing a pathetic sob to escape your lips.
Fading fast, the two of you clung to each other desperately, as if refusing to allow even the tiniest sliver of space between your bodies. The thought of witnessing the look of defeat and anguish on her face was unbearable, as you dreaded the worst outcome. 
Fear gripped your heart, the dread of being torn apart from the girl you cherished above all else. It felt as if the universe was cruelly signaling its intention, delivering a heart-wrenching message that threatened to separate you forever.
The thought shook your entire world. 
A voice pulled you out of your distressed wake.
“Ma non temere, la mia rosa appassita; perché cercherò e distruggerò ogni fessura della Terra finché non ti troverò. Questo universo crudele non ha nulla a che vedere con il mio amore per te, questo è certo. La morte può attenderci, ma non mi separerà mai da te. Ti amo. Tu sei il mio tutto. Il mio sole. La mia luce. La mia rosa. Non abbiate paura.” 
Albeit not understanding a thing she said, you let out a watery laugh, pulling yourself closer and nuzzling your head at the crook of her neck. “…I l-love you too, Wednesday.” 
Time felt slower this way. You wondered, if this was not the end, would this have been your future? Would you have been here, in Wednesday’s arms under the circumstances? Is this how your mornings would start? She would cite a proclamation of her love, adorning the sweet, sweet smile you would mirror, and you would sigh in contentment at the start of your morning. 
You let out a shaky breath, molding yourself closer to your Wednesday’s body. Your eyes began to flit to a close, and before you let sleep consume you, you reminded yourself to wish your girlfriend goodnight. 
“…Wednesday… ‘m tired now. Gonna go sleep…”
You feel her chest shake. She lets out a sigh, “…I will see you soon, l'amore della mia vita.”
In the morning, you'd find the sight of a petite figure racing towards you. Whispers and cries of joy, calling your name, would escape from the most exquisite lips you've ever seen. As your eyes lock, a powerful gaze grounds you to the Earth, and delicate hands reach for yours, gently pulling you into a warm embrace.
“I found you.”
An underlying sense of familiarity greets you in a new life. 
Dictionary: Unfortunately, I do not know any other language other than English, so I used Google Translate for these terms.
"Perdóname, cara mia" (Spanish) - "Forgive me, my love"
"Mi sol" (Spanish) - "My sun"
"Ma non temere, la mia rosa appassita; perché cercherò e distruggerò ogni fessura della Terra finché non ti troverò. Questo universo crudele non ha nulla a che vedere con il mio amore per te, questo è certo. La morte può attenderci, ma non mi separerà mai da te. Ti amo. Tu sei il mio tutto. Il mio sole. La mia luce. La mia rosa. Non abbiate paura." (Italian) - "But fear not, my withered rose; for I will seek and destroy every crevice of the Earth until I find you. This cruel universe has nothing to do with my love for you, that's for sure. Death may await us, but it will never separate me from you. I love you. You are my everything. My sun. My light. My rose. Don't be afraid."
"l'amore della mia vita." (Italian) - "Love of my life."
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mk-oc-imagines · 6 months
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Date Night
Fandom: Mortal Kombat
Pairing: Bi-Han x Johnny Cage - ColdStar
Characters: Johnny Cage, Bi-Han, Madam Bo - other characters mentioned
Warnings: None
Tags: Fluff and First Date Awkwardness, Perhaps OOC
Part: One - Shot
".." Dialogue | '...' Thoughts
'I hope this isn't a mistake.' Johnny rubbed the back of his neck as he stepped foot into Madam Bo's teahouse, looking around the lower floor that was quite full with patrons. 'Damn it...Perhaps I should have called in advance. Does Madam Bo have a phone here?"
"Ah, Johnny Cage!"
Johnny nearly jumped out of his skin as Madam Bo approached him, smile on her face. "What brings you to my teahouse?"
"Uhm...." Johnny cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his simple button up. "Is there any table for two, one that is secluded? With the most privacy?"
Madam Bo arched a brow, placing her hands on her hips. He did not answer her question and they both knew it, but Johnny did not want to talk about it to anyone. Not unless the other party agreed.
"Come with me." Johnny followed her onto the upper floor, where she led him into s far away corner that was bit in the shadows, far away from the rest which garnered no reason why would anyone look over.
"Thank you, Madam."
"It is my pleasure, Johnny Cage. Now, while I'm here with you, do you have anything in mind that I could make you?"
"Jasmine Tea for two and some snacks, please and thank you." Madam Bo gave him a smile, which he returned. Only when she walked away did he take a seat, pulling out his phone and sending a quick text message.
I'm on the upper floor, in a far corner. Found us something secluded. Text or call me when you get here so I could wait for you.
The response is quick, which makes Johnny grin.
Do not worry about me. I can find my way.
"Happy thoughts I take it?"
Johnny pocketed his phone and looked up at Madam Bo, who carried a tray with two tea cups, a steaming kettle and a plate full of sweet snacks, setting it on the table. "Yes, you can say that."
"Leave the tea sit for a little longer. This one is special type of Jasmine, reserved only for special moments."
"Madam Bo-"
Madam Bo tapped Johnny on the head, wagging her finger at him. "Now, now, I wasn't born yesterday. You, my dear, wear your emotions out in the open. An easy book to read if you will."
Johnny rubbed the back of his neck, flush to his cheeks. "That obvious?"
"Truly. I'll be tending to the rest of the patrons. If you need anything, wave me down or come find me."
With that, Madam Bo left Johnny alone and he had no idea what to do now. Nerves started to set in, his leg bounced and Johnny checkes his phone. No new message.
This was their first official date - Wait. Can he even call it official if no one knows about it? They both agreed to keep it under wraps for the time being. Johnny had to convince his manager that he wanted to take pictures of Fengjian for his upcoming project. Needless to say, she was a bit skeptical but let him go.
He wondered what kind of excuse Bi-Han had to do in order to get her. Johnny figured the Lin Kuei would not bat an eye st their Grandmaster leaving but Kuai and Tomas? They knew Bi-Han like the back of their hand.
Taking the sweet snack and nibbling on it in thought, Johnny thought he was going to bolt if he had to wait any longer.
"Dining without me?"
Jerking in his seat as if he was caught doing something illegal red handed, Johnny looked up at Bi-Han, who was wearing jeans and a hoodie, hair done into its usual bun.
Putting the entire snack into his mouth and chewing quickly and swallowing, wiping his hands on his trousers, Johnny stood up, smiling at Bi-Han awkwardly. "Sorry, I uh... Nerves got the better of me. How was the way here?"
They looked at each, awkwardness hanging in the air. Johnny usually greeted his date with kiss or a hug but he was unsure with Bi-Han.
"May I?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course!"
They took a seat across from one another, Bi-Han poured them both tea, sliding the cup towards Johnny, who raised it up in a toast, Bi-Han mimicking him with a quirked brow. "On our first date."
"On our first date."
They both took a sip, Bi-Han's brow furrowing slightly. "It is not often Madam Bo serves this type of tea. What exactly did you tell her?"
Johnny choked and coughed, covering his mouth with his sleeve. "Nothing really. She read me like and open book."
Bi-Han looks at him, then his lips pull into a small smile, shaking his head with a chuckle. "She is right about that. Before I agreed to have a date with you, you were obvious in your advances. Cyrax offered me to get rid of you permanently."
"Talk about your clan having your back."
"I am their Grandmaster, it is expected. Me, Cyrax and Sektor grew up together, for the three of us it is different kind of loyalty."
'Must be nice.' Johnny thinks. 'To have someone to be there for you trough thick and thin."
"What about you, Johnny?" Bi-Han spoke up, taking another sip of his tea. "How did you get into Fengjian?"
"Made up an excuse, that I need to take some pictures of scenery for my upcoming movie. I guess it wasn't easy for you too to get here?"
Bi-Han shook his head, taking one snack and taking a small bite. "Not really. Had a mission here. If I want to stay a few more days, it is my decision."
Taking a sip of his tea and a snack, Johnny drummed his fingers against the table, a pit growing in his stomach. "Do they... Do they..."
Bi-Han waited, running his finger over the rim of the cup. "Does Tomas and Kuai Liang know?" Johnny managed, nerves taking over once again. He can imagine how everyone else would react if they found out about the two of them but Tomas and Kuai Liang? They would probably hunt him down and make him 'disappear'.
"No. They do not. They were also aware of your advances. I do not think they would ever dream of us..." Bi-Han gestures and Johnny understands.
"I...have a hard time understanding too...Why?"
"Why did you agree?"
Bi-Han paused, looking into Johnny's eyes, searching, which made the latter swallow thickly.
"You are easy to talk to. For me, conversations do not come easy. When we started to exchange letters, it was a break from my Grandmaster duties I started looking forward to. All I wanted to say went on paper, without anyone else reading it, just the one who it is intended for. If it were not for those letters, I would not be speaking to you the way I do now. We would be only sitting in silence."
Lump got lodged in his throat and Johnny reached over, taking Bi-Han's hand into his own, Bi-Han going stiff, looking at their joined hands.
"I love hearing you talk. What else is there? Tell me?" Johnny spoke lowly and Bi-Han inhaled shakily, carefully holding Johnny's hand back.
"You are making jokes and making light of a situation that warrants in. But when it is serious, you get serious - as shown when we were thrown into Netherrealm. You fought well, saved my life and in turn, I saved yours. But ultimately, it was the letters that insinuated everything."
Nodding his head, Johnny pulled back with a smile, drinking his now lukewarm tea, pouring himself another cup.
For the rest of the evening, Johnny was the one who did the talking, less for himself, more for seeing Bi-Han's small smiles and chuckles.
Johnny was not used to silence but this was pleasant.
He and Bi-Han walked side by side down the dirt road, Bi-Han had his hands in his pockets, while Johnny was fidgeting with his.
They came to an intersection a small sigh leaving his lips. "I guess this is where we part ways." They turned to look at each other, Johnny noticing how Bi-Han's gaze was soft. "I enjoyed tonight. Thank you."
"I enjoyed tonight as well. Thank you, for... This experience."
Johnny laughed softly. Leave it to Bi-Han to make it formal. "See you soon? Also..."
"Can I get a hug?"
Johnny hoped he did not overstep. He promised Bi-Han to takes things slow, let them know each other first before doing anything. He was already pushing it back then when he held Bi-Han's hand unexpectedly at Madam Bo's -
"Come here."
At first, the hug was awkward, both of them tense, Bi-Han not knowing where to put his hands but then they eased into it and it was the warmest hug Johnny has ever received. "Thank you...." Bi-Han whispered into Johnny's ear. "For not giving up on me."
It was Bi-Han who pulled away, their touches lingering just a tad bit longer. "Well...um...See you soon?"
"Goodnight, Bi-Han."
They parted and Johnny couldn't help the fluttering in his stomach and the way his heart was beating rapidly.
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julsvu · 1 year
gn! reader
📒: angst 2 fluff, miya might sound ooc !!
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" i miss you."
from: miya ⊙⁠.⁠☉
the text message displayed itself on the top of your phone for a moment, before fading away. and you did nothing. you sighed, before putting your phone away- maybe, you can try putting away your thoughts too.
it's been a good few days after you and miya's stupid little argument. for some reason, you thought ignoring him would be the greater and most beneficial way to deal with it- which totally backfired. as much as you wanted to reply to him, you felt too awkward. and, you didn't know if it was your pride or your ego telling that, maybe even both. even if you did reply, then what? would you guys go be sorry for each other and make up? or would he start questioning you if you ever did see his point while you both argued?
there were peaceful moments of silence in your office; before you had heard a knock from your apartment door. dreadful thoughts already had sinked in, what if it was miya?
you shook your head. no way. he wouldn't come here this late at night. sure, he liked staying up, but to go as far as to stay up for you? no way.
but once you opened the door and in mere seconds, was proven wrong, you were met by a familiar pair of green eyes - very familiar ones. the one you very much prayed to not see.
"(name). why are you ignoring me?" miya asked straightforwardly. your own mouth almost felt like it couldn't produce any words as you looked at miya's face; it was just raining, so his neon green hoodie was very much soaked, and his eyes seemed puffy, like he had been crying. you didn't know if it was the rain that stained his pale, yet red cheeks or not.
"i.." you started, sweating. how were you supposed to answer that? you didn't want to admit that your pride and ego stopped you from confronting him after that argument.
"uhm.." was the only thing that came out from your lips, in the most awkward tone ever. you had never felt so.. dumfounded and embarrassed at the same time before; so, like any awkward person, you looked at the ground.
"i know we had an argument, but, don't avoid me, please," miya finally spoke, and once you looked up from the ground, you can see that he was playing with his fingers; peeling the soft skin near his nails, a habit that he'd always find himself doing whenever he was nervous. which practically just turned the switch on your head, that says: "go do something! don't be an awkward idiot!"
"sorry," you managed to muster out, stepping closer to miya. the boy just gave out a sigh and a nod, his lips quivering ever so slightly as he refused to look in your eyes. was it embarrassment? was it being scared because maybe you'd have a bad reaction and never want to speak to him again? he, himself didn't know.
and you too, didn't know why you started to walk closer, and closer, until you eventually wrapped your arms around him and placed your chin on top of his head. your height was always something miya was slightly jealous of; as he was often teased by reki and shadow about how he's shorter than the person he had grown to be fond of.
but, as quick as light (maybe even quicker), miya hugged you back tightly; it was evident he missed you a lot.
"i missed you," he confessed one last time, tears streaming down his puffy, red, cheeks as he hugged you tighter; it felt like you couldn't breathe anymore, but, it was okay, his hugs emitted warmth, a warmth that you had missed feeling in your arms and in your chest.
"i missed you too."
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© 2023 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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lucianalight · 7 months
Hi! I'm back :) after another long hiatus😅 I have missed all of you❤️
First of all a huge thank you to everyone who were worried and asked about my health and how I was doing. I wasn't doing well tbh. I'm one of those people who had the misfortune of never quite recovering from covid. I already had one chronic illness that was messing up my life and health. Having another on top of that takes a lot of physical, emotional and mental toll and limits my energy greatly. So I needed time to get used to my new reality and condition and learn to how manage it and live with it. It's still a work in progress and doctor appointments are seeming endless but at least some meds are helping. So there's that.
You probably already know the second reason why I wasn't doing well. I've seen terrible things…And you need time to process them. To grieve, to deal with trauma and survivor's guilt, and nurture your anger and keep fighting, keep resisting…
And well, internet connection still sucks so using social media is kind of an ordeal :D
There were a lot of times that I wanted to come back on tumblr but every time some issue would come up and take my motivation and energy. Then two weeks ago, after I couldn't crush the little ray of hope that maybe this time I'm going to see sth I like, I started watching season 2 of Loki. I watched it while promising myself that I'm not going to care anymore if it's bad, reminding myself that I might see sth as bad as season 1. Still I was surprised that I didn't hate it. On the contrary there were moments that were entertaining and even enjoyable. And those moments were more than the ones I dislike. It was better than season 1 and admittedly that's a low bar since I consider S1 one of the worst tv shows I've ever seen, but there were noticeable changes in pace and tone of the narrative and characterization in S2. Some issues in S1 was addressed. Loki was actually the main character of his series and got to do badass magic stuff :D The characters were flesh out and three dimensional and likable(I love OB so much :D). There was no romance. The ending was great.
There were of course things I didn't like. Removing Loki's backstory and his issues with his family from the story is one of them. How some of his moments in past was addressed. The episodes at times got boring or very predictable. There were times that Loki was ooc or comedic moments that weren't delivered well.
It wasn't perfect but at least acceptable. And probably the best Loki content we got since TDW. And I liked the ending a lot. I found myself keep going back to rewatch some scenes. I found myself analyzing the content happily. I had things to say. So here I am :D basically I'm 100% back to my Loki bs and I'm making it everyone's problem :P
Whether you loved the series or hated it, you're welcome on my blog and you're welcome to send me your opinions and engage with me in discussions and metas. I will tag posts accordingly in case you want to avoid certain content(tbh I still don't know what the new tags will be because I haven't written anything yet but I will make a post when I do).
There will be posts of some new fandoms so block their tags if you don't want to see those posts. The new fandoms are Sandman tv show(I haven't finished the comics so plz don't spoil them for me), Wednesday, My Hero Academia, Shadow and Bone, and The Bifrost Incident.
As I mentioned above I'm dealing with multiple chronic illnesses and have a limited energy each day. I will try to answer your messages, comments and asks as soon as I can but it might take a long time. Sry about that.
And finally a warm welcome to all the new followers and thanks to everyone who are still following me❤️
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