#'' sorry i forgot 2 finish the quote
cocolacola · 1 year
might have some free time soon so i have to brain storm: how the fuck do u write grellerin
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sarafinamk · 5 months
Fallen Angel Incorrect Quotes Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Warning: Cursing
The Smiling Critters Space Riders Au and the character "Z" belongs to @onyxonline
If you haven't checked out the Fallen Angel (Reader Insert) series, you can check out the Masterlist here. The reader will be referred to as both (Y/n) and Archangel. Enjoy!
*Archangel trying on a new outfit*
Crafty: Do you or do you not feel bonita?
Archangel: I feel bonita.
Crafty: Wonderful! Because you look bonita!
Bobby: The reason why you hate physical contact even though you're extremely touch deprived is because it's been so long since you felt loving physical contact from another living being that your brain misperceives it as a threat.
Bobby: So Picky brought home this raspberry lemonade-
*One of the many, MANY fights before the events of Fallen Angel*
Archangel: You'd be stupid to lay a hand on me.
Hoppy: Oh, you'd be surprised how much stupid shit I do.
Archangel: If bees can be fish and boys can be girls, then why can't my dad love me?
Hoppy: I thought I was going to have to yell at you, but now I think I should hug you.
Bobby: A party is a celebration of life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they're loved. (Y/n) has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them.
Bubba: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don't want to be at?
Bobby: I knew you'd understand.
Archangel: Still not over how yesterday when we landed, Hoppy said we arrived 50 minutes early because she took some "shortcuts."
Archangel: Excuse me, we were in space, what do you mean???
Archangel: I desire moisture.
Picky: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.
Hoppy: (Y/n) is mad at me, and I'm not sure why.
Bubba: Okay, did you talk before they got upset?
Hoppy: ...yes?
Bubba: That's probably it.
Some fan: I wanna be an archangel!
Archangel: What the fuck do you want this shit for? I kill people, all right? Their blood is on my hands! Every night, when I go to sleep, I see their FUCKING faces staring at me! Their families weep, and I FEEL NOTHING! I'M DEAD INSIDE!
That same fan: Man, I want some of that in my life!
Bubba: Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be crying all day.
Archangel: There is no future. There is no past. Don't you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that people insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every fact.
Picky: ... All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Archangel: What is love?
Dogday: An emotional minefield.
Bubba: A neurochemical reaciton.
Kickin: Baby don't hurt me.
Bubba: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Hoppy: You left me, (Y/n), and Catnap in a Walmart parking lot at 2 AM a day ago.
Bubba: I did that on purpose, try again.
Archangel: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
Z: You're alive.
Archangel: No need to sound so disappointed.
Dogday: I'm going to ask you to be respectful.
Archangel: I will politely decline.
Archangel: And I'd love to be sorry for that, but we all know I've done much, much worse.
Picky: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve.
Archangel: I think you mean cards.
Crafty: She did not.
Picky, pulling out knives: I did not.
Archangel: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
The Space Riders: Awwww.
Archangel: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
The Space Riders: Oh.
Archangel: Who the fuck-
Dogday: Language!
Archangel: Whom the fuck-
Dogday: No.
Author's Note: Now that I made a lot of progress with my thesis paper, I'm going to focus on finishing Chapter 3. I don't have an exact date, but it is coming soon. Thank you for your understanding.
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thecapricunt1616 · 7 months
The Bear & His Honey Chapter 3
Inspo: Quote - “All the lights couldn’t put out the dark that’s running through my heart ”  Summary: (18+ ONLY FIC!!!) Winnie & Richie meet for the first time, have a conversation about their love for Taylor Swift over a cigarette while Carmen fights through a panic attack in his office. W/C: 3,000 A/N: Oh my WORD!! I am so excited for this chapter, I hope you all like it!! I’m hoping my Carmy and Richie are doin’ it for ya! I’m feeling this pacing for the moment, but I promise there will be a time jump at some point. I just want to have the relationships build a little and have you guys get to know Winnie outside of who she is with Carmy!!  Warnings for BTC: Abuse (Verbal, Emotional, Physical), Swearing, Self Harm, Cigarettes, Mentions of alcohol, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Disassociation, Negative self talk, bad coping skills. (0 smut though, wow!!) 
𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝑀𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉!
Chapter 2 Here!
“Don’t worry missy, mommy isn’t forgetting about you” I brush my hand over my cat, Persephone’s, supple fluffy white tail. “Jus’ give me a second ok?” I leaned into the mirror, finishing applying a mauve lip liner to the edges of my lips before filling them in with gloss. I give myself one final lookover, smoothing down my pale, buttercup-colored cardigan. I look like I should be freezing my ass off, but thanks to my fleece-lined nude tights- I am warm as can be. 
I head into the kitchen, Persephone weaving in and out of my legs as she usually did getting a giggle out of me. “Poor starving fluffy baby mm’?” I coo, grabbing her dish from the cabinet and emptying one of her favorite shrimp-flavored Friskies lil’ soups into the bowl, and setting it down for her. She dives right in and I scratch her head lovingly. “There, that is your bedtime snack ok? You got it early, so when it’s really time for bed later, don’t try and tell me I forgot somethin’ yea?” I go grab my ‘purse’ from the bedroom which was just the tote I’d gotten at Taylor Swift's concert a few months ago, as well as my white pleather platform boots, and sit in the entry hall, putting them on. 
I look at myself once more in the hall mirror, adjusting the white bow tying back my long locks that I’d curled. “Love y’ baby, Mama be home soon, be goods ok?” I called to Seph’ who was still chowing down in the kitchen. I slipped on my fur cape shawl-type garment over my shoulders and stepped out of my apartment. Locking my door, I headed back down a few blocks to The Bear. I put on my headphones as I walk, humming softly to the music blasting through them. 
As I approach the alleyway, I see light puffs of smoke coming out into the street. I hurried my pace, hoping it was Carmen out for a smoke before I showed up. But when I finally see around the corner, it's not Carmen, it’s some other man. Older, wearing a brown leather jacket. He nods in my direction and his lips move, his voice completely drowned out by the music that was still blasting in my ears. I pull my headphone away from my ear lightly “Sorry, wha’dya say?” I asked, taking them off and putting them in my bag.  
“I asked if you were in your Fearless Era? Nice sweater” he said and I smiled wide. “Shut up- you listen to Taylor Swift?” I walked up to him, leaning a few feet away on the brick wall. “Hell yeah! My daughter loves her, you saw the show too?” He takes another drag of his cigarette and I smile with an enthusiastic nod. “Mmhmm!!” I say proudly “Can you believe She played Death By A Thousand Cuts and Mad Woman?! Those are like, my favorites from those albums!” 
He blows the smoke past me and nods with a smile. “It really was fuckin’ fantastic. Broad puts on such a crazy show it was fire.” I looked closer and realized he was wearing chef's clogs “D’ you work here?” I questioned. Another nod “My cus’ owns it. You been?” He asked and my eyes widened before I let out a laugh, a real laugh. 
“I’m here for - for him!! Actually. He umm..invited me for a drink.” I said a shy smile dancing on my lips and my cheeks heating slightly.
“Holy shit” he laughs. “Holy fuckin’ shit” he shakes his head in disbelief. “What?” I giggle. “He has a secret girlfriend or somethin’?” I joked and that got another chuckle out of him. “No, no. Absolutely not- I just am- in shock and awe.” He snorts, taking another drag. 
“Why’s that? Am I ugly or somethin’?” I teased “oh no no quite the opposite actually, surprised he was able to talk to you. Kid gets all quiet around pretty girls.” I shrugged. “Hes….shy. But very funny.” I added. “Funny? Wow. I can’t wait to tell Sug’ t’morrow. Wait so how did you- how did he ask you out?” He questioned.
 I took a deep breath, a sheepish smile on my face “ok, so- he didn’t - he did ask, but he did it by making me ask. He was like ‘oh so you only go out with guys that have xyz’ and I was like ‘no you askin’ me out player?’ And he was like ‘nope but we can go out’ he’s such a dork” I smile at my feet and he snorts a laugh, rubbing his chin like Carmen does. 
“Yeee’ that’s Carmen’s style. He's very indirect- with girls that is. With family though- god. He’s too honest most of the time” I look back up at him. “So… how does this whole thing work, like- so Carmen is your cousin, and who is Sugar?” I asked “oh, yeah Sugars my cousin too, but she’s Carmy’s big-sis. That’s why if you decide to start comin’ ‘round more often don’t be surprised if you see her bossin’ him around even though he’s technically the boss” I giggle a bit. 
“Ohh no I saw it already. She’s- she can be scary. But she’s very pretty, so that makes up for it. She came in tellin’ him off about cups earlier” I said and he chuckles “Yeah. She was the torment today, it’s usually Carmen but he was ok for the most part. Except at the end of the day, oh! Shit!! Oh my god you” he said and I looked at him, confused. “Me?” I question, pointing at my chest. “You. Yeah you. That’s why he was sooo fuckin’ dead set on hauling everyone’s asses out the door at 9:40. Oh and that’s why he had Marcus deep clean the bar. I see.” He took another drag of his cigarette. A heat brushed my cheeks.
 Is he nervous to see me? 
I take my bottom lip between my teeth in thought. “How’d you meet?” He asked, bringing me back. My gaze meets his again, “ah- we met today? Actually? Well, I think I’ve seen him like- around, because I’ll take walks on my breaks so he’s probably been out smoking. But I was gonna come by the restaurant for lunch and he was in need of a light so, I gave him one. And then he found I work at the bookstore and figured that means I’m smart or something and with his pretty eyes he just… managed to rope me into editing your dessert menu” I said and he laughed. 
“That’s one thing about Carm’ this place?” He taps the brick with his finger “Is him, he will do anything to make something perfect about it. So I guess consider yourself smart since he trusted you to even suggest he does anything differently. That’s so much trust with him, he must really like you” he said and I blushed, my eyes meeting my boots again. 
Really like you. 
“So are all you Berzattos this charming, or is it just you and Carm?” I teased and he laughed, his head falling back “Oh, I like you” he pats my arm before stomping out the butt of his cigarette. “Here, you don’t have to walk all the way around - let me just let you in the kitchen” he dug keys out of his pocket, unlocking the large metal door. “Just realized, never got your name.” He said, opening the door and holding it ajar with his foot. 
“Winnie” I reply, and held out my hand. He shakes it, his hands were cold from the weather but his touch was gentle. “Richie” he said and I looked into the hall that leads into the kitchen, my heart beginning to hammer in my chest. “Well I’ll leave you kids at it. No fuckin’ in the kitchen it’s spotless “ he said, breaking the tension in my chest and earning a laugh from me. “No promises, know where he is?” I asked and he nodded with his chin down the hall “2nd door on the right, his office. He’s probably finishing up paperwork n’ shit.” He said and I gently kissed his cheek on my way through the door, a friendly gesture. 
“It was very nice to meet you, Richie.” I said sweetly, his cheeks were bright red. “You too, Winnie. Hopefully we see you around more- Carm can use the attitude adjustment you gave ‘em this afternoon a little more often.” He joked and my cheeks were the ones that now felt hot to the touch. 
He actually listened to what I’d said about being good. 
I nod “I’ll work on it” I said and he nodded with a smile, “night.” He said “g’night! Be safe!” I replied as he shut the door. 
The kitchen was completely silent, the only sound was the buzzing of the lights. It was literal night and day. The bookstore was always quiet unless we were doing story time for littles, and at night it was just as quiet. 
“Carmen?” I called out, my heels clicking as I made my way down the hall. “Hellooo? Hello hello?” I called, hoping he’d open up the office door. My heart picks up again, I feel it in my throat. Pounding, booming. I try to swallow the thick thumping, but it doesn’t help. I hear a hard thump against Carmen’s office door, causing my eyebrows to furrow. 
I get up to it, leaning in and I hear Carmen breathing, heavy and uncontrolled. I speak up, trying to find my confidence. He had invited me here. He wants me here. 
He trusted you to even suggest he does anything differently. That’s so much trust with him, he must really like you…
Richie’s words of encouragement bounce around in my mind. 
I took a deep breath, gently tapping on the door with my French tip. 
“Carmen? Carrrm? Ya’ in there? Hellooooo? I hear you breathing in there… Ok, well guess what- I just met your cousin Richie, and apparently? He listens to Taylor Swift too. So, unless you open up this door? I’ll like- totally go right back out there and flirt with him - and, you’ll positively 100% lose your super-duper smokin’ hot date to your awesome, super friendly cousin-“ 
Carm POV;
**10 minutes before Winnie shows up**
I lean against the office door, eyes screwed shut, so tightly my forehead was beginning to cramp up as my hand shakes uncontrollably next to me, my wrist cracking with every violent flick. I was desperately trying to feel something, but my entire body was numb. My chest heaves up and down rapidly, tears burning my eyes and I roughly rub over my forehead and cheeks. Clawing at my hair and pulling tightly, to feel something, anything at all. “Fuckin - get it together, fuck!” I muttered, desperate, my nails digging into my forearm so hard that if I had any mind to me at this moment, I’d realize I was drawing blood. She would be here any second, the first - first girl, the only girl I have ever had the balls to ask out, and of course one of these - these - episodes.. Just had to come on - right now. I bump my head against the door in a futile attempt to ground myself, but it doesn’t work. I still feel fucking nothing. 
All of a sudden, per usual to this bullshit- I’m transported back to New York, to Noma, in the bathroom, hurling my guts up before my regular night shift. The pang in my stomach though, was merciful compared to the fucking hell on earth that place was.
 Then, I was on line, making Julianne cuts to a carrot for the 3rd time since the previous 2 were ‘obviously done by a blind ape’, or ‘disgustingly amateur’ as per what I can only presume is the words of the demonic human incarnate of every, single, sin, in any life, I’ve ever fucking lived, coming back in this one to haunt me in to my grave. 
 “You fucking stupid sack of shit” he seeths in my ear. “You are pure shit. Hear me? You are nothing motherfucker, you are a fucking shitstain on my name. I swear, at this rate? You get outta’ here? You are done, Hear me? DONE!!!” he barks in my ear so vociferous that it circumscribes the furthest corners of my mind, my knife slipping when I twitch slightly at the pain of the volume in my ear and it shreds into my skin, deep. 
I hissed at the sting before the fire of pain, my hand jerking away on instinct and dropping the knife. It clattered to the floor loudly and before I could react he grabbed the collar of my whites brutely, dragging me somewhere, my feet stumbling and tripping over each other as he towed me like a ragdoll, before he was violently throwing me to the floor of the bathroom in a pathetic, bleeding heap. “Fucking pussy” he growled, digging his chef's clog in my side just enough to knock the remaining wind out of my lungs. “Clean yourself up, pathetic moron. There's fucking work to be done, or did you overlook that? You slothful, utterly useless, piece of garbage.” The door to the bathroom slams, and I’m left alone, my blood leaking into the tile. At least he didn’t spit on me this time. 
My first thought isn’t if I need stitches, or of the unbelievable pain coursing through my hand and wrist - of course not, why would I ever think of myself first? Instead, it’s of the fact that my blood pool has already grown so large that it’s leaking into the grout of the restroom floor. And if it stains with the remnants of my stupid mistake, I am fucked, done, and utterly screwed. I scramble up, wincing lightly as I try to take a breath, a sharp ache going through my left lung where his shoe had dug in. 
Suddenly, I’m ripped through the walls of space and time, the soft hum of the heater meeting my ears, as the sound of the sweetest voice I’d ever heard makes its way through the door, She’s here.
“Carmen? Carrrm? Ya’ in there? Hellooooo? I hear you breathing in there… Ok, well guess what- I just met your cousin Richie, and apparently? He listens to Taylor Swift too. So, unless you open up this door? I’ll like- totally go out there and flirt with him - and, you’ll positively 100% lose your super-duper smokin’ hot date to your awesome, super friendly cousin- I also brought my book since you were just sooo interested earlier. Maybe you can take some tips from the bat-boys for your flirting skills, handsome.” 
Her voice was like a tether, gently tugging me back into my body. It’s as if my soul snaps back into my physical self all at once, her words ringing through my mind like soothing white noise, not registering a single thing she’s saying, but relishing in the fact my feet were on the ground, and I was beginning to be able to feel them there again. I try to find focus on the sound of her sweet, sweet voice.
My face finally relaxes, and I force my eyes open. I’m back- Back at the bear. I let out a shaking sigh of relief, my entire body was trembling. Blood felt like it was pooling back into every one of my limbs in a tsunami. I suddenly felt so heavy, like I could just sink into the floor in a heap and die there.
“J-J-J” I stutter out, biting down on my cheek so hard I felt a sting of pain and the taste of metal filled my mouth, so embarrassed that I’m succumbing to my old habits, especially in front of her. Forcing a deep breath into my lungs, finding my head, find your head, find it, find it Carmen. 
I inhaled so deeply it felt for a moment like my lungs could pop like balloons, before focusing all of my energy into letting out the breath as controlled and light as I could, which finally centered me enough to be able to find my tongue. “Just One sec. M’ sorry” I managed to get out, rubbing over my face roughly to get rid of the remnants of any stray tears, before wiping my hands on my shirt and turning to open the door. 
Before my mind and my….brain? Could process my actions, I was pulling the door open, pulling her into my chest, and nuzzling my face into her neck. I held her to me tightly, as if we were hanging off the very edge of the earth, and she was my only tether to reality. I took a deep breath, my knees feeling weaker at the intoxicating scent of her, Jasmine, rose, orange? Maybe grapefruit…and…Honey.  
“Thank y’ for comin’, Winnie, I need a fuckin’ drink, now.” I mutter quietly into her supple skin.
Read Chapter 4 Here!
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plantwriting · 5 months
Okay finished relistening to episode 1 (will listen to episode 2 and maybe more tomorrow but its like 10 pm and i have school tomorrow) of bitb and heres just like small collection of things that stuck to my mind!
Rolan does in fact canonically have a car i forgot about that so sorry rolan in my fic you got to live but lost your ability to drive such is life
Kian’s first act being just drinking something…. Like he wakes up and immediately gets alcohol… grizzly honestly just does such an incredibly amazing job making kian seem so like depressing but hiding it so well behind making everything seem like just some funny rockstar stuff its amazing
Also! The super tired ‘hey’ before he remembers and switches to ‘i mean whats up dude’??? Like could that have been a genuine mistake by grizz, sure, but i highly fucking doubt that. Like grizzly is so incredible at voice acting i refuse to believe that wasnt intentional
Rand. Just. How fucking mad he is at rolan. Its just painful. And how clearly done with it rolan is like you know this is an argument theyve had like hundreds of times before
So so so many details about kian that are so fucking fun to think about, specifically when he describes the look officer dudes gave him? Like (cant remember the exact quote but you get it) ‘ive seen some bad people in hollywood, people who just smile at you a certain way and you know you wouldnt want to meet them at night because they want to kill you’???? I am using that against him so hard holy shit
They just. Know nothing about how time works. They keep saying that its been a decade (it hasnt its been 15 years) and barc is supposedly old enough to have met them but no he is absolutely not and also charlie described barc as a golden retriever but then who the fuck is the black dog in rands official art just. Wow theyre so inconsistent about everything.
Theres definitely a few details about kian that i had forgotten about (like him just saying he has plenty more cars at home and whatever) but the pros of that is. I dont even need to decide to just ignore canon because i can just fucking believe that hes lying! Like its kian we cant trust his word on anything and thats great for me because i dont need to worry about messing up the canon!
Trying to just keep track of their stats and such but its. Its so hard. Because most of the time they just say ‘thats a success/hard success/failure/etc’ and not even what they actually rolled and then when they say what they rolled they still usually dont say what the number they had to beat was so just like.
Kian has 30 strength and 75 in guitar and 11 hp and that is all i can actually remember
Rand has 45 strength and 30 sanity (for like the first half hour) and ive already forgotten everything else
And rolan. Im going to be real i remember nothing already. I think he has 8 speed? But that was in the solo ep so i cant be sure. Also either him or rand had 14 hp i have already forgotten which one
Rat’s death is so hard to think about but its also very hard for me because im just thinking of kian going through the same fucking thing. Like hes aware of it and hes in pain and he just hears a buzzing and. Augh. (And kian probably died alone. God knows becky wasnt comforting him through that)
…..kian going fucking four times over the speed limit getting to galloway but then specifically not speeding with the others until theyre trying to leave after seeing rats whole thing? You cannot convince me that thats not like him being passively suicidal and just not caring about his own safety unless other peoples lives depend on it as well
Also, quick pat on the back for myself, i feel like i did very well with especially rand and rolan’s dynamic. Like just the intense care and love they have for each other but its been overshadowed by years spent apart and basically the second theyre left alone they immediately get into an argument and instantly start going right for all the things that hurt the most? Jesus they need therapy
Also kian (yes of course im focusing on him again thats my guy) just cares for them so much?? Like him immediately going after rolan and trying to help him without even knowing whats going on, also as fucking stupid as it is grizzlys plan being literally ‘im going to flirt with donna so john walks in on us and chases me with a shotgun to give a distraction for rand’ its like. So ridiculous. Yet somehow also very caring that this idiot is really willing to risk getting shot at to help rand out a bit
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loquarocoeur · 2 days
hiii alex hope you’re well!! i was just rereading the entirety of the yours verse today and had a question about a possible connection between “sweet” and “settle down”. we know in sweet max is purposely acting bratty and being mean to charles just so charles will be mean and say no to letting him finish. the fic ends with charles saying oh i’ll let you finish tomorrow morning if you’re good. in “settle down”, we see max is mad when he picks charles up from the airport because charles just up and left to maranello for an emergency ferrari meeting and max never got to finish. charles tells him if you hadn’t acted like a brat, you wouldn’t have been in that predicament or smth smth i forgot the actual quote but 😭 is it safe to assume that “settle down”, that part in particular at least, can be placed or connected to “sweet”? sorry this is such a confusing question but its been bugging me and i’ve been curious all day. as always, love and miss ur writing so much <3
Hey, hey, I also noticed this lol
I think of you want to you can totally see it this way, it does add up
I had half or so of a 'chapter 2' of the sweet fic, like of the morning, but I've left it so long I think maybe I'll just turn it into something else
So yeah idk, maybe this is canon now😂
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herbofgraceandpeace · 4 months
My informal review of The Last Graduate (here be spoilers)
Well, I just finished The Last Graduate, and I’m just sitting with all my muscles clenched in tension and sorrow, lol
But seriously, what an interesting ending……I’m not sure what to make of it yet? The narrative was leading you to expect a big push/big sacrifice from El when something inevitably went wrong, and I was hoping that everything would simply go right (obviously), but I wasnt unaware of Orion’s opportunity to make the self-sacrifice play. WAS IT NECESSARY THOUGH???? *insert look how they massacred my boy meme. i think i read way too much of this book late last night (whoops), so my comprehension of it is not as developed as with the first book (shame on me for reading too fast like a glutton), but what a great sequel! I liked watching El wrestle with learning to trust people and work as a team, I loved watching her relationship with sisters sorry her friends develop, and I loved the growth of her relationship with Orion as well*. I will say I think his character has been a little underutilized at times, in a way not untypical for a romantic interest of either gender, but Novik that’s my mannnnnnnnnnnn, I wanna read about him! But we definitely did get some good scenes that developed he and El’s relationship and seemed the seeds for some of his own character development (let this man GROW). I’m not sure yet how I think the ending plays into that. If Patience-Fortitude was truly going to recenter the world, then his sacrifice was noble and necessary. But if it wasn’t, then why does my precious child need to kill it himself instead of letting El cast it into the void, hmmm? Side note: I loved El finally coming to appreciate the Scholomance cause I was freaking devastated by her willingness to condemn it. Maybe if I had suffered as much as she had, I’d hate my Alma mater too, but the loss of a place you know so well, a place where you have the happy memories of making your first friends—that’s gotta count for something, right?
I forgot to mention this in my review of A Deadly Education, but El’s Mom and their relationship is so important. God bless her, I’d love to meet her. I’d be exasperated at her character role as the Sole Voice of Truth and Goodness, except that’s the truths attributed to her are valuable, nuanced, and beautiful, and her knowledge of them makes sense in the context of how she has chosen to live her life. A life of uncomprising, open-hearted service and self-sacrifice teaches you a lot! Which brings us to one of my favorite bits of the book. I adore that Novik, Scholomance, and El all realize that you have to be faithful in the little moments because they shape you!!!! She had grown accustomed to saving the freshman instead of sacrificing them for her own benefit, and this shaped her character and prepared her to realize and then do what needed to be done to save them all. (I have so many good quotes saved without page numbers, so you’ll get those later, but boy howdy, these books have so beautiful things to say)
I’m so, so invested in what’s going to happen in the next book, but I’m not ready to have finished this delightful trilogy either. They’re going to be great rereads for sure! Here’s hoping things turn out okay for Orion (also why did El’s mother warn her off him? We do not know.) I’d love to see El get to change the world with her tiny enclaves, despite my dislike of large stakes in a story since they often render the plot unwieldy to the point of disbelief. It’s hard to write a story about something that changes the world without either 1. Writing Lord of the Rings or 2. Being massively and disgustingly reductive about what it takes to change the world and the u comfortable, uncontrollable consequences of doing so. Nevertheless, I am ready to be hurt again!
*I am once again asking for people not to put sex scenes in books. Please. Don’t do it. Ever.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Day 6: Chase
Sean and Ethan just finish wrapping up Brain Leak Episode 11, and are ready to play around like the childish people they are. A lot of silliness ensues.
I was up at 1am last night, when I realized I forgot to upload the latest tickletober fanfic. But...I decided to upload it today to make up the difference, and upload today's fanfic as well. So...2 fanfics in 1 day? On accident? Sure. We'll call it that.
I decided to experiment with Sean and Ethan's podcast 'Brain Leak', and had written this back when the tickle scene for Brain Leak episode #11 was being talked about in the community. And honestly...I felt excited to write about these two! I watched a lot of Brain Leak videos to get their friendship interactions correct, so I hope this is accurate. I hope you enjoy!
Here's the link to Brain Leak if you're interested.
Seán got up and turned off the cameras, while Ethan stayed on the couch. “Alright. That’s a wrap for Brain Leak.” Ethan declared into the microphone. 
Seán laughed a bit. “Mic’s off, you know.” He reminded him. 
“Yeah, I know. But it’s funnn!” Ethan reacted dramatically. “You can spin it around, you can swing it back and forth…” Ethan started swinging the mic back and forth, while watching it swing with just his eyes. 
“You are getting sleeeepyyy…” Seán joked. 
To go along with the joke, Ethan leaned himself over and went limp before snoring dramatically. 
This made Seán laugh at him. “Woooow. Sooo sleeeepyyy.” Seán walked around the right side of the couch to the back. He leaned his arms on the back of the couch and started to whisper something to him. “When I snap my fingers, you will say ‘Buddy’ in your silly voice.” Seán said, giggling near the end, which only broke his facade as the hypnotizer. 
Sean’s giggles only made Ethan start smiling and giggling as well. 
“Hey, I didn’t snap my fingers yet.” Seán warned with a bright smile, poking his side. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.” Seán told him. 
Ethan jumped and giggled. “Sohorry, sorry.” He cleared his throat and pretended to be sleeping again. “Okay.” Ethan said quietly. 
Seán snapped his fingers, and waited for Ethan to do his thing. Right away, Ethan lifted his head back up, put on the stupid little signature face, and smiled all childishly. “Buddyyy!” Ethan declared. 
Seán doubled over and bursted out laughing, absolutely loving the Unus Annus reference. “Buddyy!” Seán imitated almost perfectly. 
“Buddyyy!” Ethan declared in his baby voice. 
“Buddyyyy!” Seán imitated, laughing. “God, I think we drank too much giggle juice before this.” Seán admitted. 
“What’s giggle juice again?” Ethan asked. 
“I dunno.” Seán replied. “Probably water.”  
“Ah.” Ethan replied with a laugh. 
Seán hopped back onto the couch. “Okay.” He thought for a moment. “Just to clarify, is it actually true that you can’t do massages?” Seán asked. 
“Yeah. My neck and shoulders are toooo tickly.” Ethan admitted. 
“Meanwhile I can’t even handle being touched.” Seán joked, touching his own right side. 
“Really?” Ethan asked in his ‘eef’ voice. “You can’t handle a little touchy-touchy?” Ethan asked, bringing his wiggling finger closer to Seán’s face.
Seán pushed his hand away. “Don’t even think about it.” He warned. 
“Aww come on, buddyyy.” Ethan said, referencing the Unus Annus quote again. “Not even a poke? Not even a little boop?” Ethan asked before bringing his other hand to his side. 
Seán pushed his other hand away this time. “You touch me, I punch you.” He warned. 
Ethan laughed. “Wohohow.” 
“That’s what’s gonna end up happenin’. You poke me one too many times, and I end up sucker punching you all the way to space.” Seán warned. 
“It’s just a poke.” Ethan told him. “Come on.” Ethan adjusted himself and put up his hands in fists. Only, both his index fingers were up. “Put ‘em up! Fight me!” Ethan teased. 
Seán raised his eyebrows. “Oho, you’re on.” He put up his fists with the index fingers up as well, and put on his game face for the poke war that was about to ensue. 
Seán ended up throwing the first poke. He poked Ethan in the left side, making Ethan double over slightly. “AH- Hey!” Ethan poked Seán’s right side with his left finger, before following it up with a right finger against the left side. 
“Ah fAHCk! You fuckin-” Seán threw his fingers towards Ethan’s sides and unloaded several pokes against him rapidfire. 
On the last poke, Ethan felt more than one finger touch down, which only made him laugh more. “HAHAhaha! Yohou cheater!” Ethan reacted, poking Seán’s right and left side with his index fingers super quickly. But Ethan’s hands would slip out of the fists, and he would end up throwing a few more fingers in. 
Seán fell back onto his butt and laughed, wiggling himself around and attempting to grab at Ethan’s hands. “ETHAHAHAN!” Quickly, Seán tried to take the upper hand. “YOHOHOU BASTArdly little-” Seán pulled Ethan’s arm out from his belly and pulled the childish blondie across his lap. “Gotcha now.” Seán proceeded to cover Ethan’s sides with tickles and squeezes. 
Ethan wheezed and closed his eyes, laughing almost hysterically as he kicked his feet like a little ballerina. While he wiggled around, Ethan managed to turn himself onto his left side with his back facing Seán, which somewhat got him out of an uncomfortable position. Ethan grabbed at Seán’s hands, attempting to pull them away and escape. “HAHAHA! KKKHAHAHAHAHA!” Ethan threw Seán’s hands away from his sides and just barely managed to escape on his feet. “HA! I got out!” Ethan cheered, throwing his hands away. 
Seán got up onto his feet. “Not for long.” He warned. 
Ethan looked at Seán, and quickly saw the mischievous twinkle that filled his eye. Realizing he might be fucked, Ethan sprinted away from him. “YOU CAN’T CATCH MEEEE!” Ethan shouted. 
Seán ran after him. “IS THAT A CHALLENGE?!” Seán yelled back. 
“I DON’T KNOW!” Ethan replied. 
Ethan ran through doors, thankfully having a better understanding of where he was going. Seán had started out following him, but seeing where Ethan was going, Seán quickly noticed a secret little passage he could take and turned to take the detour. 
Ethan turned around and smiled brightly. He had lost Seán! Time to get to the backyard and do some mad stunts! He opened the door to the backyard and ran out, not even bothering to close the door behind him. Ethan ran and slid across the green grass, completely covering his light brown pants in grass stains. 
Ethan made it to the bottom of the hill, and hid behind a tree. He was breathing heavily by this point, which he likely knew may be giving away his position. But he didn’t care. He felt he was hidden enough. He looked around at the yard, and sighed. He was safe now. He can rest. 
By this point, Seán had slowed himself down and was shaking his inhaler. He took a moment to breathe in the medication, and held his breath to let it kick in. He didn’t want to experience an asthma attack while he was simply running around with Ethan. that’d be a sorry reason to end up in the American hospital. When Seán felt physically ready again, he let his breath out and put his inhaler back in his pocket as he resumed walking at a faster pace to find Ethan. 
“Ethan?” Seán called, looking around. “Eeethan?” he called again, turning to look at the other side of the yard. “Eef?” Seán called teasily. 
Then, he heard it. A little Ethan giggle. A contagious Ethan gaggle. There was his clue! Now how to make Ethan giggle all over again… 
Seán thought for a moment, and smiled a bit as he remembered Unus Annus moments again. He remembered Ethan’s failure to say ‘skillet’. And then he remembered the infamous song…
“The dance of Italy!”  Seán sang loudly. 
Ethan gasped and smiled brightly. An Unus Annus song! “WOH-WOH-WOH!”  He loves that one! 
Seán widened his eyes. There’s no fucking way…That WORKED?! Seán sighed and rolled his eyes with a smile as he kept going. “The dance of Italy!” Seán repeated. 
Ethan sighed. “WOH-WOH-WOH!” Ethan replied, giving up and not even caring about being found anymore. 
Seán smirked and noticed a tiny finger hiding behind the tree. He showed off his teeth in his smile and walked closer. “It’s the dance of Italy~!” Seán said. 
“Woh-Woh-Woh??” Ethan said, turning to listen for where his friend was located. 
Seán ran to the tree. “GOTCHA BITCH!” He shouted as he charged at Ethan. “AAAAAAAH!” Ethan yelped as he was successfully tackled to the ground by Seán. 
The moment he managed to keep Ethan under control, Seán started poking the absolute heck out of the man. “Poke war finale!” Seán proclaimed. 
“AAHAHAha! HahaHAHA! OHO! OHOHO GOHAHAD! GAHA- HahAHA!” Ethan cackled, his voice going up and down, and all over the place. 
“A little poke here…” Seán poked his belly button a few times. “A little poke there…” Seán poked at his ribs next. “Ound a leetle poke zhere!” Seán declared in his ‘Henrik’ voice as he poked his right side a few times. 
Ethan tried and failed to push Seán’s hands away. “HAHAHA! Naha- PLEHEASE! Ahaha- Ihi’m SORRYYY!” Ethan reacted. 
“Sorry doesn’t fix how much I can tickle you now that we’re in-person.” Seán reminded him. 
It was here that Ethan started to try and get him back. His pushing hands moved to poking Seán back, specifically going for his right side. “Poke de nerve.” Ethan kept repeating. 
Seán jumped and chuckled, curling in on himself. “Yohou motherfucker.” Seán muttered, resuming his poking. 
Then, Ethan grabbed both his hands and used them to push his friend down. “Poke fight over. ONLY TICKLES!” Ethan covered Seán’s right and left side with endless tickles. 
This made Seán wiggle around and curl up into a ball, laughing involuntarily. “HAHAHA! YOHOHOU BAHASTARD!” He yelled. 
Ethan smiled eagerly. “Tickle tickle tickle tickle-” He kept repeating the word over and over again. 
“SHUHUT THE FUCK UHUHUP!” Seán yelled back at him. 
“Tickle tickle- Hm? Why? Too ticklish for your own good?” Ethan asked in his Eef voice. 
“WHAHAT DO YOU THIHIHINK, AHAHASSHOLE?!” Seán shot back, kicking his feet while still in the fetal position. 
“Would raspberries be too much for you-” Ethan started to genuinely ask. “DON’TYOUFUCKINGDAHAHARE!” Seán warned, pushing Ethan’s head away from him. 
“Ahalright, alright! Fine!” Ethan stopped his fingers and moved away from him. “Too much?” He asked. 
Seán let out a breath and slowly unraveled himself onto the grass. He grunted and sighed. “A little, yeah. But I’ll be fine.” Seán replied. 
Ethan smiled, laid down a couple feet beside him. They hung out outside for a little while longer, chatting about a few different things. They chatted about the next couple days of filming, and chatted about the different topics they may chat about on the podcast. 
Eventually, the boys went back inside and continued their conversations within the walls of Ethan’s home. 
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akaakeis · 23 days
oh nooooo i tripped and fell for u into ur ask box
eating ny ice cream rn ;; strawberry is such a weird flavour like if i had to choose and get one i would not get strawberry but if irs rhere at home im finishinf ALL of it
ALSO, DRAWING ON PEOPLE'S HANDS 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
anyways about the iwa smau!!! genuinely have no motivation rn #tweaks BUT i would like to say that the yn is shamelessly based off me like i have consumed acrylic paint on multiple occasions (today) (with ice cream)
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lost a mark in my chem test today im tweaking
also like lowkey icl i was hanging around ur blog again rn and thats why i decided to send an ask !! ur blog is so pretty rrrrr
also about OUR iwa fic i was js thinking like,, fake dating this dumbass b word ushiwaka and hes like ?? why me ??? "ur names rhyme kind of" ?? wth ??
lowkey think im immune to anything thats in acrylic paint now bc i have Eaten So Much Of It
anyways the book is lowkey good i havent finished it YET but irs called the girl on the train and like woahhhhhh smth like that at our super conservative school is iNsane
i hope u feel better soon!!! if u dont ill fly over and idk. magic
i have a maths test tmr rjejsjskssk the topic is fun but I Don't Know what if i Fail
OSHIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOCK IN AND DO HW OOPS ERM HRU TELL ME AB UR DAY ETC ETC and also any sav x yaku tidbits youd like to drop <- forgot the ship name AND AND AND THE ANONS THINF IS SO REAK KMFG
ok byebye ily xx
ah thats a shame 😞😞 hope your knee or whatever u banged on the way in heals up well lina 😞
yum yum yum ice cream!! i hope ur enjoying it!! also thats so real i feel like strawberry ice cream is just an odd flavor... but true that i always eat the strawberry ice cream in the freezer just to spite my other roommate (with love!!!) LMAO
also real 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i adore when people draw on me or let me draw on them it js makes me so happy <3
HELP i didnt ever realize how much time you spent on my blog like genuinely 😭 BUT THANK YOU SM!! im super proud of this theme even tho its not the most intricate <3
WOOOW THE LIBRARIAN RECOGNIZED YOU AND TRUSTED YOU W AN UNFILED BOOK??? i aspire to be you but i never step foot into my school library i much prefer my public library... there's sm more books that i read there!!! BUT THATS GENUINELY SO COOL WTF
bro that fic will genuinely be so funny 😭 like the quote we were yapping ab earlier "ushijima?? the hell?? you don't even go to the same school as him?? 😨" iwa would be more confused than anything at first AND I THINK THATS HILARIOUS!! and pls ushijima just AGREEING hes a closeted himbo i swear i swear i swear
alina im genuinely concerned over the fact that you CONSUME acrylic paint? but whatever? i guess? please dont eat too much that's definitely not meant to be consumed 🧍‍♀️
im gonna add that book to my tbr list!! i read the synopsis and it sounds pretty good tbh
THANK YOU!! my roomie is taking care of me so i'll probably be fine within the next few days 🙂‍↕️
AND GOOD LUCK!! im sure you'll do amazing dont even play w me rn alina YOU WILL DO SO SO SO WELL YOU LITTLE MATH NERD (affectionate)
bye bye!! ily ily <3
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blackbird-brewster · 29 days
2, 4, 5, 12, 13, 30, 32, 38, 47, 57, 69, 83, 84
I will answer your ask here shortly! But I didn't want you to think I forgot to ask you ✌️❤️😘
[Send my Writer Asks] TY for so many number!! <3
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
Basically any and every fic with JJ in it is this exact thing. JJ is notorious for going off-script and just doing whatever the hell she wants. I have had to re-write entire fic outlines bc of this. She's a nuisance (affectionate).
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I often look at the 4 chapters I wrote for an early season CM fic that's sorta like 'You've Got Mail' (it's a 2006 online dating fic) and lament that I've never finished it. I even *know* the reason why too, it's simply because the coding to do entire chapters in 'e-mail' form on AO3 would require me to build custom skins to make it look like emails and such (yea, I know I don't HAVE to make it look like that, but my brain says You Gotta) and god, I just really hate coding.
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I currently have over *30* CM character/fanfic related playlists. You should check out this masterlist for all the links plus summaries of each playlist, or just give me a follow on Spotify
12. do you ever have trouble focusing on writing? how do you get around that? 
Sorry, what? I missed the question because I was staring out the window and procrastinating again. The answer -- YES, of course I do. I'm AudHD and I live in a house with three other people, a cat who's an asshole, and on a street where multiple houses are being built. 😭 I try my best to be at my desk at regular hours each week, usually about 10am-4pm M-F. And I close any windows/apps on my laptop that aren't my writing one and put my phone out of reach. Then I set the focus timer on for a designated time and try to write until it goes off. This helps TONS.
13. talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
When I wrote what was supposed to be a Emily/Rebecca hate-sex one-shot, I didn't think anyone would read it. Then, when I expanded it into what became 'Do What I Want (Over What's Right)' I was absolutely blown away by the great convos I had with readers in each chapter's comment section. I even met a new best buddy via that fic! (hiiii @swpf)
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr Seuss
32. do characters influence your writing style?
Can do, sometimes. My style itself doesn't change all that much, I don't think? I mean, I can look at old fics and see how far I've come since first writing them, but that's less about the characters themself and more about me as a weird little guy.
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
One. As mentioned above, I'm far too distractable to have multiple-WIP at one time. The exception to this rule is, sometimes, I'll crank out a one-shot while working on a longer project too. But 99% of the time, I only have one WIP going.
47. what story are you most proud of?
Forever and ever, Head Full of Doubt (Jemily, High School AU). That fic explores mental health, friendship, depression, and the pressures of being a teenager. It is my forever proudest achievement as a writer.
57. what is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were reading it?
While reading? Hm, this is gonna sound so petty, but I recently pulled up the fandom wiki to double check a continuity point in a fic. Not because I was judging the author, more because my brain was trying to figure out the timeline they were presenting.
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
I have such a visceral imagination. I not only see my characters, but I definitely also feel their feels too as part of getting into their heads. When I write emotional scenes, I am usually sobbing myself. On the flip side, my partner knows when I'm writing smut bc my breath gets all soft and short 🫠
83. less is more or more is more?
Do whatever you want forever. Period. No rules, just do you!
84. said: overused or underused?
Again, do whatever you want forever. I use said/replied lots, but I also use more specific indicators to get tone across depending on the conversation and scene.
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poems-and-wine · 5 months
got bored
threw dazai, you, and me into an incorrect quote generator cuz why not
have some funny ones
Mystic: Dazai, I am questioning your sanity...
Chuuya: I never questioned it, I knew his sanity was missing from the start.
*Chuuya, Dazai, and Mystic are playing poker. Mystic is winning by a long shot.*
Chuuya: Aw, come on.
Dazai: It’s not fair! They don’t even know what we’re playing!
Mystic: Go Fish?
Mystic: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Chuuya: wHat?
Mystic: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved.
Chuuya: Can we go back to the part when you said "when I get murdered"?
Mystic: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Chuuya: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Chuuya: I feel like Dazai is looking down at me.
Mystic: that's because they're on the counter and you're short.
Mystic: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Chuuya: Wasn’t Dazai with you?
Dazai: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Mystic: What time is it?
Dazai: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out
Dazai: *BLASTS the saxaphone*
Dazai: It’s 2 am
Dazai: If you water water, it grows.
Chuuya: ...What.
Mystic: They've got a point.
Chuuya: I think I did fairly well on my anatomy quiz! :)
Mystic: I forgot I was doing a test.
Chuuya: Mystic.
Mystic: I said the vertebrae was the back stick because I thought it was funny....
Dazai: Mystic.
Dazai (brainstorming ideas for pranking Chuuya): How much could a serial killer mask possibly cost?
Mystic: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful..
Dazai: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that?
Mystic: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Dazai.
Mystic: Would you slap Dazai-
Chuuya: Yes.
Mystic: I didn't even finish!
Chuuya: Sorry, continue.
Mystic: Would you slap Dazai for 10 dollars?
Chuuya: I would do it for free.
Dazai: Rude...
Really funny.....to be honest Peach Flower Boy deserves it.
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lilac-den · 1 year
Hello! Hi!!! I re-read the Silverking after more than months, ig? I been waiting for such beautiful story!!! Especially mc cana hide their identity!!! OMG IM SO EXCITED! Ah quick question in Silverking, does it have mainly four chapter in demo? I think I only got 2 chapter when I finish it, or maybe its just me, sorry. OH! ALMOST FORGOT! Prologue line 606: Invalid string, open quote with no close quote: "plural) I found this error in TSR. I LIKED THE STORY SO FAR! I really appreciate ur story
njknkasdas THANK YOU, ANON ;u; for both the love to my games and the error! (It should be fixed now XD Thank you!)
In regards to the Silverking demo: It will have the Prologue + 4 chapters (So up till Chapter 4, a.k.a 5 chapters in total?). Right now, it's in Chapter 2 and I'm working on Chapter 3 😂 I'm very slow on the progress but trying my best with it all.
Thank you for the ask, anon! 💜
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Special Bond | Chapter seven: Second First Meeting
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*not my GIF*
Chapter summary: It's been two years since you start to hid around the world from hydra, until one day you 'bumped' into a certain blonde...
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Maximoff!Reader; Agatha Harkness x Maximoff!Reader(adauptive daughter?); Wanda Maximoff x Sister!Reader x Pietro Maximoff
| chapter six | serie masterlist | chapter eight |
It's been 2 year now since you left Westview, honestly you started to miss your home and move every 3 months didn't really help. You were visiting the city for the last time when you notice a certain blonde girl. She seemed hurt and confused, you walked to her and try to not afraid her more than she looked. "Euh excuse me" you poked her shoulder and before you could understand what was happening your face was against the near wall and you felt a knife on your neck "wow is that a habit to try to kill me every time you see me ?" you tried to joked. She turned you and inspected you.
"Who are you ?" she asked
"I'm Y/N" you replied a little annoyed by the knife under your chin
"What do you mean by 'every time I see you' ?" she did the quote with her free hand
"You don't remember the last time?" you were a little sad to know that your crush had forgotten you but it's been 2 years so it's normal, right ? You wanted to speak again when you noticed her leg "Wait you're injured" she want to spoke but you grab her wrist and drag her to your safe house.
An apartment in Morocco
"Why are you helping me" asked the blond, you didn't reply and let her sat on towel in you bathroom. There was a silent when you dealing with her wound. "Yelena" she broke the silent and you looked at her confuse "My name is Yelena" she explained
"Oh" it's all you said before end with her bandaid "nice to meet you... again" you added awkwardly
"You said we met each other but when ? and where?"
"Two years ago, in Croatia" you faked smile "the first time we didn't talk to much and after that ze met in a party and we talked more but you didn't tell me your name. But you stunted me with your..." you pointed her wrist "that" you added. She looked at you with an apologies face and suddenly she seemed to remembered.
"Loukas in Croatia, I had to kill him and you were the one who lead me to him and I shot you with my widow bite" the tears we're fill in her eyes "I'm sorry it was not me, I mean not really me... it's complicated"
"Hey don't worry I almost forgot but what do you mean by not yourself? If I can ask."
"It's not something you can understand and I don't want to bring you with me and my problems" she sight and she stood up and walk to the front before turned to you "I'll go now I don't want to bother you, and thanks you really for this"
"Where are you going?" you asked and she looked at you "I mean do you have somewhere to stay or do you know someone here ?" she shook her head
"No but I can't really stay here, there are some girls like me who want to found me"
"And they know you're here ?"
"No I don't think"
"Okay so you can stay here" she wanted to argued but you cut her off "I leave the next week for a new country so if you want you can come with me" you asked a little shyly. You really wanted to helped her and know more about her "there are also someone who chase me so believe me I know how to stay hide and it's been 2 year I'm alone now so I'll not complain to have a sidekick" you joked
She gasped "I'm not a sidekick" you laughed "I'm older than you so if I stay you're my sidekick" she laughed and Oh My it was already your favorite sound of the world.
"Okay but go take a shower and chnge your cloth while I'm cooking something 'cause I'm hungry and I bet you are too" the assassin blushed and looked at her feet before let a shy 'thanks you' and you led her to your bedroom when she could borrow your cloths and to the bathroom. "i'll tell you when i finish" you wincked and before any of you could find it awkward you walked away to the kitchen.
After 30 minutes you saw Yelena came to the kitchen and in the kitchen island in front of you, "So what do you cooking ?" she asked
You smiled at yourself, she looked amazing in your cloths even if they seem a little short for her but she didn't complain so you didn't have to say anything about it "Lasagna. I put it in the oven just 2 minutes ago honestly, so we will have to wait a little"
"Okay" there was a silent before she spoke again "So, is that a habit of yours to let a stranger come to your house and take a shower ?"
You smirked "No, obviously not, you're the first one Yelena" the russian blushed but she didn't really knew why
"Did you have somthing to drink? beer or vodka ?"
"Oh god no, my mom will kill me if had, i'm 'only' 20" you replied
"Oh and where are your mom now ?" she looked around and tried to found anything who could own anyone but you but she return to looked at you when started to speak again
"She's not here, i'm alone, for now" she seemed intringued by your answer and you added "but if i may ask what or who are you runing away earllier ?"
"Already this type of question." she smiled and tried to hid her discomfort but you saw it and you decided to not pushed her so you spoke again
"Okay so what is your last name Yelena ?"
"You like to call my name, huh ?" and before she could answer you spoke again
"I think it's a pretty name" she blushed again
"Belova" she answered "and you Y/N ?" you smiled
"Yelena Belova it's pretty and badass" she laughed and you continued "Maximoff or Harkness it depend on the people" she seemed confused and asked
"What do you mean ?"
"For my siblings and the people i trust it's Maximoff and for the rest of the world it's Harknesse"
"You have siblings ?"
"Yeah but it's complicated" you looked at her and she was more intrigued "do you want to know why ?"
"Ye-NO, no if you don't want or if you're not comfortable with this i'll not pushe you" she cleared her throat "i have a sister too but it's....complicated" both of you laughed, it was a thing in common.
You checked the oven and your phone vibrated in front of the blond "Who is this ?" you asked while checking the lasagna
"It's a texte from an unknow number who say 'Hydra agent here, i'll try to find a new house for you'. Wait hydra is not the thing with nazi ?" she asked
"Yes about that" you closed the oven door and walk in front of Yelena "how to say that ? i have some issues with them and they might be tracking me since." you awkwardly smile
"Why ? i mean if i can ask"
"Of course, it's not a big deal. They just experimented thing on me and one day i escaped and here we are now"
"Oh" she didn't knew what to say but she tried "I'm sorry i know someone who was in the same situation with someone else"
"Did she find a way to face it ?"
Yelena looked at her feets and looked at you "She don't find now but i'm sure she will"
"Okay, thanks you" you looked at the TV in the living room "do you want to watch something while the lasagna finish to cook himself"
"Yeah why not" she replied
And after that you spend the night to watch the tv and you ate and after that you both go to your bedroom and you convinced her to slep on the bed and you'll sleep on the couch for the rest of the week, it was 11 pm and despite the fact you were tired yo couldn't sleep.
Now it was 3 am.
You heard scream from the bedroom and you jumped off the couche to went to Yelena. You found her on the roof near the bed, she was crying, and her breath was frenetic. You approached her slowly and you placed carefully your hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, hey Yelena, calm down please" you wrapped your arms on her shoulder "can you hear me ?" she nodded "okay Yel, follow my breath" you inhaled slowly "1...2...3" and you exalted "4...5..6" she looked at you and you repeated and she followed you. After she was more calm you hugged her and whispered "it's okay it was a nightmare, but I'm here now and I'll not let them hurt you okay"
"Promise ?" her voice cracked and it broke you heart
"Yeah I promise." you let a little silent before spoke again "you're stuck with me until I died, and believe me I'm not easy to kill" you joked and she chuckled.
"Thanks you for all you did today for me"
"Don't worry it's nothing" you looked around and found a book "do you want to read a story before try to sleep again ?"
"I'm not a kid you know?"
Yeah but I wanted to read something before sleep again and you haven't anything else to do, so" you pouted
"Okay but only cause you're cute"
You blushed "Euh... thanks you"
There was a blue sky, Pietro walked and feel the grass under his feet he looked his bare foot and lift his eyes to saw you sat up on near some flowers. He had a lot of questions but before he said anything you spoke
"Hey Piet, did you see this ?" he had missed your voiced
"What Y/N ?" his worries left his brain and it seemed it was usual to have you with him.
"There was a butterfly, it was sooo pretty" you looked around and spoke "hey Piet look, it's Wanda" you waved "hi Wand !" you greeted
"Hey Y/N. What are you doing here ?" your big sister said, Wanda too felt like it was obviously you were here
"I was looking the butterflies with Pietro. Come with us Wand" you lied on the grass
"Hey, malen'kiy krolik don't lie down on the grass there may be some bugs" said Pietro
"I know but looked at the clouds" the twins sat behind you Wanda on your left and Pietro on your right "ooh this cloud look like a bunny"
Wanda raise her head "it's true" they both lie down and there was a silent
"You know I miss you" you said out of blue they looked at you with concern "I know you're worried about me but I'm good now, but I hope you'll find me soon"
"What do you mean Y/N, we are here" the big brother said and look a little confused at his twins who gave him the same look.
"Yeah we are here right now and we don't go anywhere" the brunette added
"You silly, you know I don't talk about right now but after you both woke up" the sky started to get darker and your siblings were now sit next to you "I love you both don't forget that, just I want to let you know I'm good now"
"We love you too, Y/N" they said together and all became black and you were nowhere.
The speedster open his eyes to met the ceilling, he sighed and a teard found a way in his cheek. His cell was not close with her sisters but something in him told him his twin had the same dream. And it was true, Wanda didn't even tried to hid her cries, she let her hand slide under her pillow to find a picture. It was a picture of you and your older siblings that was before you lost your parent, when pietro found this photo the tree of your decided to cut in tree part and keep it like a promise to always stay together and protect each other.
You had the part with Pietro, he had the part with Wanda and she had the part with you. In his cell your brother had also his part of the pic in his hand. They both what the ohter thinks, they didn't need any power for that they were twins there was already a special bond since their birth and this bond grew stronger after yours.
They smileld at the picture even with their face pretty wet because of the tear and they dais together "my naydem tebe sestra, ya obeshchayu (we will find you sister, i promise)"
The next morning you woke up on the bed besides Yelena and you understood you slept here. Few days after the black widow said she had a contact who found a new safe house in Budapest and at you followed her.
In an apartment in Budapest
"Here we are" you sat on the couche
"Hey get up i'll take a shower and we have to go to the grocery" she replied
And 30 minutes after she came back , you looked at her before saw what she was wearing "Okay, Belova is that my batman sweatshirt?"
She looked at the cloth then at you "yeah why ?"
But that's one of my favorites"
"Yeah but I have no clothes to wear so you have to deal with it"
"You're lucky you're cute Yelena cause otherwise you would be dead" her brain stopped to function for a moment and you added "remind me to buy you clothes"
After one hours you were in the streets of the city, you bought food for the week and now you wanted to bought new clothes. You liked to see Yelena with yours but she needed hers (and you needed your batman sweat back). So here you were in a mall and tried some clothes, you handed her some dresses but she didn't really like them and you let her choose.
"Hey, y/n look at this" Yelena showed you a vest, you looked at her a little confuse "it's cool, no ?"
"Oh" you examined the vest and the face of the assassin she looked proud to found it "yeah I like it, do you?"
She looked at the vest and thought before spoke "you know for years I didn't really have the choice and sometimes I don't know what I like or not" you were sad, worried and angry from the confession"but yeah I think a like it" she examined the vest "I think I can do some modifications"
"So we take it" you said excited, and after that you spend 1hours to find new clothes, you bought suit, pants and you tried to convince Yelena to bought a dress or two but she didn't want so after the third essay you didn't push forward. When you came back to the apartment you didn't really want to cook you were tired from the girl afternoon. "Hey Yel, do you want to cook tonight?" she looked at and you added "you don't have to if you don't want I can-"
"No it's cool" she cut you off "I can try something ?"
"The kitchen is all yours, just don't burn anything please" you take her bags"I'll drop this in your room and study a little. Can you tell me when you finish ?"
"Of course"
"Okay, see ya" you run to her room to drop the bags and head to yours. You threw yourself on your bed and sight, you wanted to sleep but there is something you had to do, you sat on you bed, closed yours eyes and blue aura flight around you. You were in your mind, a dark room but not so lonely and you send signal to Agatha's and wait for a reply, and of course that was quick.
"Hey mama, how are you?"
"Good and you?"
"I'm good thanks" there was a little silent and you spoke again "can I see you soon?". Before she replied she appeared in front of you. "Sorry are you busy did a I bother you?" you asked
"You'll never bother me Y/N I'm always happy to talk with you" she smiled and cupped you cheek "it's seem you have something in your mind, what is it?"
"I move from Morocco, I'm in Budapest now"
"You were not supposed to be in Madrid?"
"Yeah but there was a problem, your contact texted me to say there was a lot of hydra's agents in Madrid, I thinks they knew that should be my new destination." you breathe "Mama did you remember the mysterious girl ine Croatia?"
Of course she remembered "of course why?"
"I met her in Morocco" she want to argue but you raised your hand to stop her "I know what happened the last time we saw her, but this time it was different, she looked afraid and lost" you paused and look at the older she knew there were something more but she wanted to heard from your (mouth) mind, and you started again "I brought her with me in the apartment, I know you are worried now but I swear I'm fine. She hadn't anyone or anywhere to stay so I let her stay with me and with one of her contact we are here"
"Did she try to hurt you ?" you shaked your head "do you trust her" you nodded she didn't asked why she knew you were enough strong to protect yourself if you needed "where are you precisely"
"In an apartment I'll send you the address later" you hugged her "I love you and I miss you"
"Me too, sweetheart"
You broke the hug and looked directly at her eyes "And, I promise I'm fine and if anything happens Yelena have my back, at least I hope" you chuckled
"So her name is Yelena?"
"Yes and I wish you can meet her soon" you were about to said something more but you felt your shoulder had poked "I have to go" you kissed her both cheeks "I love you"
And before she can replied you were back in your room in front of a confuse Yelena. You looked at her face and God, you swore she was the most beautiful women you see, of course Agatha and your sister was just after even if you didn't clearly remember your sister's face. "Hi" you greet her "we should go eat" you avoid her question face and she followed you in the kitchen where you sat on a chair and saw two plat of mac n' cheese "that look amazing, thanks you Yel"
"Euh... you're welcome" she sat and you started to eat before she broke the silence "euh Y/N ?" you looked at her "what was that before in your room? You seemed....in an other world" you laugh a little
"It's something like that" she looked at you more confuse, so you left you left hand she saw a blue aura and lift the bottle of water "I have powers" you said casually
"What can you do?" she looked like a child her eyes were bright and it was pretty cute. You took the bottle in your hand
"I have telepathy and telekinesis power, I can move some object with mind but I can't move object to heavy or something stuck with an other thing, like a door in the doorway I need the separate the door before." She waited to heard more and you continue "and I can use telepathy to talk with someone's mind...like that" you used your telepathy
"You are iny head?"
You stopped and spoke with your mouth now "Not really, I can just have a conversation with someone and share my thoughts but I need you consent before, I don't like to intrude mind of people like that"
"It's pretty cool, but what you did earlier?"
"Oh in my room I use my telepathy to reach my mom but she's in a other continent so I had to focus more and when I do that I'm literally in my mind so that's why I can't heard you when you call me"
"You can spoke with anyone anywhere in the planete ?" she asked
"No only with my mum, she's a witch so she 'upgrade' my brain and my powers so I can reach her anywhere. But for you or anyone else you have to in a certain round"
"It suck"
"Language Belova" you replied a little amused.
After the dinner you watched the TV and you taught her more about your powers, at 9pm you decide to called it a night and went to sleep. The next morning you woke up with something on your mind, you texte the address to Agatha and made the breakfast. The blonde came a little after with a sleepy face. "Hello sleepyhead" you handled her a plate of pancakes.
"Hi malen'kaya ved'ma (little witch)" you smiled, it was your nickname since the last night and obviously you will not complain. She took a bite of pancakes "it's delicious I'll never got bored of your food" You turned your head to hide your blushing your cheeks and noticed a case on the sink.
"Rapunzel, what is that ?" you pointed the case, she looked at the sink
"Oh that," the sadness in her voice made you worries "it's... something that saved me" you saw a sad smile on her lips "I need to send them to someone who can help me with a big deal"
"I help if you want" you said with enthusiasm she laughed,
"Sorry but one, I don't want to involve me with my problem. Two, even if with your power I can kick your ass and what I want to fight is more stronger than me. And three, it's a problem who require the avengers minimum" you gasped
"But I'm an avenger" she raised a eyebrow "okay, I'm not a avengers but I will be one day." She maintains her eyebrow up "if they want of course" you added
"Haha malen'kaya ved'ma, you're funny but I don't want you to get hurt" she winked at you "I know someone who can help me and if we're lucky you'll can be able to meet the avengers"
"Wait, you know an avenger?" you asked
"It's complicated" she said, you connected the dots, you thought about the discussion in Morocco, and you listed all the avengers you know.
"Wait !? You're the sister of the infamous Black Widow!!?" you yelled, she covered her ears and nodded "wow I have a lot of questions about her and you now"
"And I have no response for you I'm sorry" she replied. Yelena didn't like to talk about Natasha since she left the red room. You saw her sad expression, she looked more sad than you when she replied and you decided to pushed. After a week with the assassin you learnt she's not familiar with affection and hugged but you hugged her by reflexes. And for the first time since her nightmare, she didn't flinch or pulled you away. "Thanks you, malen'kaya ved'ma but you don't have to comfort me now, it's been a long time now."
"Okay, I have a idea" you said after you broke the hug and she was focus on you "taught me how to fight, like hand to hand fight. And when I'll be strong enough I'll come with you" you proposed proudly and she laughed
"You really want to come with me?" you nodded "but you know this can be dangerous"
"I want to be an Avenger medovyy (honey), I don't mind to take some risk, plus if it's for you that doesn't bother me otherwise" you both smiled but yours was bigger and brighter.
"Wait did you spoke russian ?" the blonde asked, her cheeks were red and hot
"I'm sokovian Rapunzel" you replied and you wincked at her
"Okay, but stop with this nickname" she groaned.
After the breakfast you convinced her to start the training even if she didn't want to. You changed your clothes for a legging pant and a sport bra and Yelena wore a gray pant and a large shirt (that's not really a sport outfit but she didn't mind) "okay Rapunzel reahy to get your ass kick ?" you said with confidence
"Don't start to be confident now, detka we both know you can't even touch me now" she said playfully and you blush at the pet name. And she didn't lie after three hours of training you didn't touch her once. Today was not really diferent, you tried to punch her but she caught your hand, you tried to kick her but she also grab you leg and when you thought you about punched her with your free hand she pinned you on the roof.
"Oof" you said after your back touched the floor "that was rude malyshka" you added and you both blushed, it was the first time your faces were so close. You looked at her lips and cursed yourself for thinking about it but she was beautiful even cover with sweat. "Euh can i ask you some-"
"Y/N ?! What are you doing ?" you froze, you and the assassin looked at the voice and fouond an Agatha very upset. Yelena get up from you and you followed her on your feet.
"Mama, what are you doing here ?"
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hey-august · 8 months
Working on some WIPs so I don't have much to post right now. Instead, I'm going to work through the questions from this post by @ahdriking and share them bit by bit.
If there are any questions you'd like to see answered before I get to them, let me know!
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics? I like both - sorry for the lame answer. I enjoy one-shots for the quicker dopamine hit, but they don’t really have that sweet build-up that multi-chapter fics have.
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go? I plan longer stories and chapters. I adore outlining, so that is one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes I’ll plan shorter pieces, but that makes it more likely for them to turn into longer fics.
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
Get idea and think about it for a few hours.
Drop 1-2 lines in the junk drawer doc.
Keep thinking. Consider that it might be a bad idea. Actually, no, it is a good idea. It’s alright. Whatever.
Outline main points, then work through different ideas in the outline.
Go through the list of quotes and dialogue I have for reference and pull out any that feel right. (Forget to include most of them by the end.)
Start writing, even if I’m not in the mood to write for long.
Read other fics for inspiration, compare myself to others, let the imposter syndrome fester before remembering that I’m doing this for myself and all that matters is having fun.
Come back and see that the first few sentences are written and that was the hardest part, so the least I can do is write a few more sentences until it’s done.
Look up definitions and synonyms ad nauseam. Repeatedly. All the time. Every step of the way.
Stare into the void while thinking about everything and nothing for a few minutes.
Refer to previous chapters to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. Realize I forgot something and jam it in somewhere.
Take a break and write other things for a bit. Leave the WIP doc open so I feel guilty leaving it alone for too long.
Finish the story. Resist the urge to end every single fic with dialogue.
Reread it 1-100 times, depending on how long the story is.
Edit. Edit. Edit. Edit.
Give up on editing and post.
Immediately look at the post for the 5+ errors that were missed earlier and fix them before anyone realizes.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas? Everywhere, really. Things that happen in daily life, ideas from stories, movies, shows, and tropes that I enjoy, my own self-indulgent daydreams… 
5. Do you like constructive criticism? YES please. I try to improve by obsessing over the writers I adore and the skills they use, because I like to write what I’d like to read, but that is no replacement for real feedback and concrit. ♡
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voicesandthoughts · 2 years
Your eyes were the leaves of autumn
I could swim endlessly in their summer honey
Your warmth within a blizzard, let it swallow me whole
In your eyes I find forests to run through and old paths to walk
I find us flipping pancakes at 2 in the morning
Playing chess, reading poems, sipping tea
Acting out every paragraph we sent, years lost restoring
Just you, and me
We'd have philosophical debates under covers
Surrounded by the stars, our own laughter, the warmth of my lover
Such a warmth that would melt on my tongue as chocolate does
I find myself slowly and desperately melting into you
and In your eyes I find song
Copper against honey and cinnamon swirls dancing into the depths of your iris
I repeat, it is an abyss I could forever fall for and into
I would pull you out to dance in the rain
To my song you composed and played over the phone
To the little songs I'd play on that old dark piano named Hamilton
To the best of songs in your eyes and in your heart
The ones that neither of us would dare ever abandon
I found my religion in your eyes
The only soul to which I would bow and crown
The alter is my hips, to quote Taylor Swift
Our church may be the meeting of our bare curves and lips
I'd trace countless maps and galaxies upon your skin
For our affairs defeat every other sin
I find my rest in them as well
To watch your breathing while you sleep
Pulling yourself closer to me
To lay across your lap and talk for hours
You'd know better than anyone that if we stay up too late I start to sound drunk
It is with you I conquer fear entirely
In fact, I could see us laying in a bed of flowers
I see us pouring finish over the painting of pain life can be
I see us finding peace in each other, no matter how far everything else has sunk
We'll walk down roads, new and old
Find mornings to treasure each other and treasure the little things
Blast pop songs we'd almost forgot as we travel long roads
We would find those two books and add them to an empty library
and to our future, they're only the beginning
Your eyes are windows my love
Into the sweetest soul, my favorite one, and a future even the stars cannot boast above
This remains true, though I think it was the curtains I saw
Curtains I failed to see through
There is no doubt of our love or potential
There is no doubt that to me, you became absolutely essential
In the end though, you had secrets to keep
and one of those not deemed worth telling was me
I gave you all that I had and drank those curtains by the bottle
but you drained them and I reached the bottom of what was meant to be abysmal
and at the bottom of my cup you read aloud words I could not comprehend
The leaves of autumn had finally fallen to spell
"I'm sorry, but you have been poisoned. I hope all is soon swell"
Just like that it was all abandoned
When a true winter came and the life of all else declined
You though it best to end us as well
No care for the mountains we'd climb
nor the past we'd confine
Not for anything we once held enshrined, entwined, divine
I still hope, against what seems to be my best interest
That you'd let me into that window one day
Past the curtains and into all of which you consist
Not dismissed or resisted, not hidden away
Maybe one day
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Thanks for answering my ask....If you don't mind me asking (again), what are your top 10 (or top 5) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Feel free to answer whenever you want to (or not). Thank you so much....
(You asked this a little bit ago and I put it in my drafts as a “I’ll finish this later” sort of thing then forgot until this morning, sorry)
1. Hyouka. It’s a mystery anime. There’s a manga as well, but I never got very far into it. The animation is really pretty, but the main draw for me was the mc Houtarou Oreki. The way he just doesn’t want to be there and also would like nobody to talk to him. Despite this, he’s friends with the exact opposite? And good friends. What a guy. Also, the mysteries are very fun to piece together.
2. Natsume Yuujinchou. I’ve always really liked this anime, and the manga. I like Natsume Takashi, the main character, and I also really like his grandmother, Natsume Reiko, who kind of acts as a secondary main character? She caused the whole plot to happen. I like how many people and yokai mistake Natsume for his grandmother, and the running theme of Natsume finally finding friends. It was also the first manga that ever made me cry, so it holds a special place in my heart.
3. MXTX’s novels. All three of them. I love the characters and I love the romances and I love the plots. I love the side characters! I can’t think of an author who has ever made me so invested in side characters before! I read them all for different reasons, so I don’t really have a favourite among them, but if I was held at gunpoint, I’d say Scum Villain is my favourite. Because I associate it with the colour green, and I like the colour green.
4. Moomins. I just… everything is so soft. And warm. And kind. Even when the characters are beinng objectively terrible, I just want to pat their heads and sigh wistfully. It’s definitely my comfort show. I occasionally watch clips from the nineties show just to cheer myself up again. I love Snufkin because his lines are amazing and I, too, would like to wander the world as a lone vagabond. (The whole conversation of “I made those footprints.” “What? How?” “With these big ol boots I found.” “Why are you wearing them?” “To see what life is like in someone else’s shoes.” “What’s it like?” “Uncomfortable.” I love every moment, I quote “uncomfortable” all the time)
5. Detective Conan (and Magic Kaitou) I love this series. I love the comedy of the most intelligent teenager alive being shrunk into a miniature. I love the drama. I love the characters, all twelve billion of them. I love that the twists are always so weird. I absolutey, positively adore the Kaitou Kid episodes! Something about little itty bitty Conan facing an international jewel thief… I also love the movies! I haven’t seen all of them (my attention span…) but my favourites are the Lupin III crossovers! And, of course, the best movie is the Lost Ship in the Sky, because it has the funniest scenes of anything ever. When Kaitou Kid (disguised as Shinichi) and Conan just leap out of a helicopter? I love them so much…
6. Encanto. I’ve watched this movie about 3-5 times (an impressive feat for me I promise) and every time the Abuela says “the miracle is not some magic that you’ve got, the miracle is you, not some gift just you” I cry actual tears. And I get major siblings feelings from all of it. It’s so good
7. Star Wars, specifically prequel-era and Original Trilogy-era. I love Anakin Skywalker. The most dramatic man to ever. And I love Luke Skywalker. And I love Leia. And Han, and Chewie, and Lando, and Obi-Wan (Obi-Waaaaannn 🫠) and just the majority of characters. I really enjoyed reading the Thrawn Trilogy because I found Mara Jade to be the funniest comedic foil to Luke. Luke is just vibing. Mara is like “You were stabbed fifteen seconds ago, what-“ Love the chaos duo Luke and Leia, who can’t go anywhere together because they attract misfortune but also can’t go anywhere apart because they attract misfortune. I love longsuffering Han who didn’t really realize that marrying Leia meant marrying Luke too. I have never watched the sequels, and I don’t really want to. I just wanna live in my lil bubble 👍
8. Resident Evil series. I’m counting the games here because I own exavctly zero consoles that run Resident Evil games and so I mostly just watch longplays, but I love the series. (One day I’ll be the Master of Unlocking… one day… when I have… more money…) I really like Ethan Winters because he reminds me of a kicked dog. I like Jill Valentine the mostest because I really like that her responses to all the weird comments Barry makes are just her laughing and agreeing. I like Chris Redfield because Wesker reveals his huge evil plan and Chris immediately starts laughing and Wesker gets actually upset that he isn’t taking him seriously. I like Ada Wong. She rocked in to Raccoon City to “find her boyfriend” (code for: do spy shit) in a dress and, like, tights? They could be leather pants, the graphics aren’t that clear, but I’m not sure? Her whole outfit in RE2 is amazing. Oh, and I like the horror elements too, the monster designs are so gross! 10/10!
9. Various DC comics. Namely, Batman, Robin, Young Justice, Swamp Thing, etc. I talk about Batman and Robin and all them a lot, but I really enjoy Swamp Thing! I never knew that it was a horror comic until I read it (I suppose it would have been logical to assume it was, but still) and I like him! He’s very cute. Squishy. I want to lay on him and tell him he’s doing a great job. I like the little mini Swamp Thing that grew after he was “killed” it’s so little!!!
10. Fire Emblem. I’m including another game series because I love Fire Emblem a lot. I have played so many hours of so many games (Tokyo Mirage Sessions crossover is underrated and everyone should play it and gush about it with me because Mamori runs a cooking show when she has no idea ow to cook!!! I love her!!!) I have wasted so much money on the mobile game (stop looking at me) I absolutely love this series! My favourites are Marth and Henry (FE:A) I love Marth, he is so… himself :) and I love Henry! He was raised by wolves! He converses with crows! He proposes with a cursed ring! He carries around monster parts just for funsies! He is the cutest little murder bean in the world! Fire Emblem Awakening got me into the series as a whole, and I have never been the same (side note: I also love Corrin, because they are a himbo whether male or female. I also love Robin, because they appear very reasonable and are tacticians and are very intelligent and they are also completely feral in weird ways and I like it a lot. I love Byleth, the best teacher who does not have a heartbeat and didn’t cry when they were born and doesn’t know how to emote)
This turned out longer than I expected, but I hope it’s what you were looking for.
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sugaaaaaaaar · 2 years
Hello, everyone! Guess what we reached 50 100 followers!!! Sorry I forgot to do the last one but here we are!!! And I have a little 'celebratory' things I would like to announce:
1. I am finishing the art requests I have still have in my inbox and will open art requests somewhere in January (preferably the 1st but don't quote me on that)
2. Hey, remember when I did matchups? Well, guess what? I still have a ton I have been too intimidated by to finish. I am going to finish them (or through most at least), however, I won't be writing a scenario/explanation for it because that quickly burned out my creativity juice (I am still carefully picking matchups and attempting to avoid repeats, so don't worry. Unlike art requests, I am not going to do this event again in a long time.
3. I shall be scavenging for OCs and making holiday/winter fanart for them (be prepared>:3)
4. I am making an art event!! All you have to do to enter is to draw, write, make a meme or anything of the sorts for one (or more) of my OCs and in return, you will then give me an oc and choose whether you would like a headshot or a cookie version of them. (Tag me or use #cookieocsugarevent so I can see it) Remember: No heavy gore, explicit/NSFW, or anything too extreme. (I have a side blog called @mocaw-cookie where you can find more about my OCs if you would like to)
I believe that's all and...
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