#'i won't elaborate' *proceeds to elaborate*
corfisers · 10 months
after thinking about it for a really long time (one day) i decided that "angelica lives, roland dies" is where it's at. i will not elaborate but there will be drawings
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rescuefield-a · 1 year
in re2r we get a moment between claire and sherry when the first asks "what do you want to do when we get out of here?" to which the second replies "i want to see where you live", and claire plays along, even jokes about needing a shower once they get there thus implying that sherry was gonna be her responsibility from now on regardless of the situation she's in - aka having to find chris in europe.
it's interesting how claire doesn't think twice about it, and i'm leaning to think that it might be because of chris himself. now bear with me - it's said that the car crash was so bad the police had to identify the redfields from their teeth; we can assume from her conversation with sherry in the lab that claire was pretty young when this happened, and chris took over as her guardian even though we can assume he was barely legal to join the army / possibly still a late teenager himself.
claire is very much aware of the fact that chris sacrificed a lot and bore the weight of that traumatic event so that she wouldn't - she just had to show up to the funeral, be good and not cause too much trouble while living on base and successively barry burton's house when chris got relocated to raccoon city - which she did until she left for college. claire was allegedly a party girl and had many boyfriends in her time before the outbreak, but i have the feeling it was greatly exaggerated; she probably had more freedom to make new experiences in that one month of college, but at the same time i think she secretly had to level with the fact that staying out of trouble was always the top rule simply because she didn't want to add more on chris' plate.
at the same time, the little voice yelling 'let me live' was probably always screaming at the back of her mind, so i'm sure that claire being the person she is, absolutely has a lot of wild stories to tell about that time anyway.
claire and sherry's relationship mirrors claire and chris' and definitely helps her understand better her brother's reasoning, even the one from times where claire was against his decisions. claire is essentially a college student who's randomly found herself with a 12yo girl who already feels so familiar to her due to the night they've been through - she's seen the way sherry's family treated her, how resilient sherry has been despite irons' scheming, and what is the first thing claire decides to do? take care of her.
she didn't actively choose to become this kid's sole lifeline when she's still out there needing one through her brother, yet claire pushes forward throughout the night, fights against sherry's parents and bears the weight so she doesn't have to. claire became sherry's guardian that night regardless of what papers say, and even though the month spent together after the outbreak wasn't enough for claire to decide to stop looking for chris, we know she was granted permission to see sherry whenever she wanted and those moments were formative for sherry's personality development - the only reason she stopped going was literally because simmons realised claire cared so much about this little girl she would have planned her escape soon enough and took away her visit rights.
the bottom line is that claire and chris are more similar than she'd like to admit, but she will deny until the end. at least they both did a somewhat good job.
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rayvenden · 2 years
Me: Boy this thing with queer and neurodivergent representation is more relatable than most things tbh
Also me:
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tianshanb · 1 month
Just got this really funny idea. What if damian suddenly refuse to sleep alone in his room in the manor cz of the "demon under his bed". Bothering diffrent members and refusing to go to bed when it's his bed time, or going to sleep with in someone's room everyday. Batman at first is like aww cute. But then super suspicious cz it's so unlike damain. Until one day no one else is in the manor drake is liek "umm demonbrat no way". And asks why he doing this, is it a plan to murder him or somehting. To which damian is like ummm "it's the demon under my bed" and maybe say soemhting that kids are scared of like "grabs ny leg when it's on the side" or "stands and stares from the foot of the bed" and then goes on a rnat about the need for good sleep and it affecting his health.
Drake be like ummm brat ur told old to believe in this. Big cat fight till damian is like just go take a look. Drake is like "fine". Goes in room opens the light, damian is like "it won't work wiht the light on. Drake turns it off. And crouches to look under the bed while rolling his eyes and making this whole big gesture.
Aahh there under the bed... greets him the sight of a literal demon...
Let's say he screamed so loud and so screatchy no one will ever let him live it down. That was blackmail material for life.
Safe to say that room got exorcism and damian got a new room lol. This time, bed demon free.
No one believes drake when he brings it up, dick just think his baby brothers are being cute and scared (damian and tim) and proceeds to baby talk to them while crouching to look under- being cut half way as he meets the eye of what could only be slender man's short emo cousin... and promptly passes out.
Next comes jason making fun of everyone.. until he looks under the bed. The good catholic boy in him is suddenly awakened and he starts carrying a cross and holy water around "for emergencies". He also refuse to sleep alone in the manor ever again. He now attends church on Sundays.
Stephanie, Cass, and Duke all were excited to have a look cz they, quote, "never seen a demon before"
Alfred is like "under my roof? And rent free?"
Bruce thinks this is all a part of some elaborated prank by his kids. When even jason asks him.. he's so happy his kids are relying on him as a dependable adult to scare away the "monsters", lamenting hie fatherhood experience, like come on his old back and knees can barely handle this crouch but he'll do it for his kids.... unfortunately he did not have a contingency plan for this dam it.
Months later damian mentions something about the creature in the closet eating all his socks... that's when the btfamily decides that maybe the manor is too old and they need to move.
Another way it could go is instead of drake saying he's lying, he asks damian to befriend the thing under his since "you are both demons". Damian is like waittttttt I could train that.
He tried bribing it with alfreds cookies but that failed. 2 days later damian is back for advice from tim since the demon tried to eat his cat and that's absolutely unacceptable so the thing gotta go.
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mccromy · 3 months
Hua Cheng and Quan Yizhen get hit by a de-aging curse that turns them into their 10 year old selves. Naturally, Xie Lian and Yin Yu take care of them while investigating how to reverse it. Unfortunately, Hong-er and Quan Yizhen take to the other like two stray cats forcefully shoved inside a small cage, hissing and spitting and yowling and growling and beating the shit out of the other on sight. Yin Yu looks away for one second and suddenly Yizhen is pouncing on Hong-er, punching the daylights out of him. Hong-er rips a chunk of hair out of Yizhen, both get bitten, blood gets spilled. Yin Yu is panicking while he drags a screaming Quan Yizhen away. Xie Lian is this close 🤏🏻 to throwing Quan Yizhen into He Xuan's lair.
They don't know what to do. Hong-er poured ink down Quan Yizhen's back, Quan Yizhen threw a live mouse at Hong-er's face, Hong-er locked Quan Yizhen inside a chest and, in retaliation, Quan Yizhen pissed all over Hong-er's Dianxia portraits. Hong-er had a meltdown in Xie Lian's arms and Yin Yu had a panic attack, which in turn made Quan Yizhen hide for eight hours of desperate search until Yin Yu thought to look under his own bed (he was there.)
"Why do you fight Quan Yizhen?" Asks Xie Lian, and Hong-er answers that Quan Yizhen started it.
Yin Yu asks Quan Yizhen why did he attack Hong-er, and Yizhen frowns and answers: "I don't like him" and refuses to elaborate.
They are so sweet otherwise. Hong-er brings every flower he finds to Xie Lian, hands anxiously twisting the hem of his clothes every time as if this time Dianxia won't like them. One time while cooking, Xie Lian glanced back and caught Hong-er praying to him and felt himself melt on the spot. Quan Yizhen tries to help Yin Yu with everything (and fails spectacularly), asking every two seconds if he did good, and smiling and wiggling every time Yin Yu tells him that yes, that was perfect Yizhen.
After a week of incidents, crying, screaming, broken vases and sleepless nights. Xie Lian, tired and desperate, brings them together to end this misery once and for all. He asks Quan Yizhen directly, and the boy doesn't answer, he asks again with a softer tone. Quan Yizhen frowns and kicks him on the shin, hard enough to make him stagger. Xie Lian is very impressed by that and doesn't see Hong-er in time to catch him before he attacks Quan Yizhen, clawing his face and screaming. Yizhen kicks and bites, thankfully forgetting all his martial training as they grapple on the floor. And while Xie Lian and Ruoye do their best to subdue them, Yin Yu stares at them as an horrible epiphany wacks him on the back of his head.
"Your highness," Yin Yu whispers, "that night, before Chengzu saw you, he panicked and tried to run away, so I picked him up... And he kicked me."
Xie Lian doesn't know whether to laugh or cry . "I take it Qi Ying saw it?"
Yin Yu nods miserably.
The next morning, Xie Lian coaxes Hong-er into apologizing to Yin Yu for kicking him, and Xie Lian explains Quan Yizhen Hong-er didn't mean it, he was just scared. Yin Yu, for his part, spent all night teaching Quan Yizhen a very long "I am sorry, your highness" speech, and makes him kowtow three times. Then he proceeds to do the same, both effectively groveling.
Xie Lian grimaces and interrupts the boy as he recites with a blank face and the enthusiasm of someone who's only doing this because his Shixiong asked.
"That's really too much..., there is no need,"
"I beg to differ, Your Highness," answers Yin Yu, still kneeling on the ground. He raises his head and glances at Hong-er.
Xie Lian really can't say anything to that.
Yin Yu nudges Yizhen, and the boy pulls out a golden bar from his sleeve and places it at Xie Lian's feet. "This Quan Yizhen uh.... Um... This Yizhen will... ah! This Yizhen swears to spend the rest of his days atoning for...! For his...?"
"Transgressions," whispers Yin Yu.
"Transgressions! And swears to keep others from laying their filth on His Highness' path, as this one once did. His Highness whims shall become this one's deeds. In penance, I place the West at your feet, Qi Ying's palace is at your service. And if this one's repentance cannot erase this one's grievous sins... Uhm... Give me a moment, I have a lot of rocks in here." Qua Yizhen rummages through his sleeve for a few seconds, and then triumphantly pulls out a dark box. "Found it! Um.. something something sins! In your hands I place the Waning Moon Officer's ashes-!"
"Yin Yu that's really not necessary!"
"It really is, your Highness," he says with a strained voice.
Quan Yizhen leaves the box on the floor, completely unaware of it's importance, and throws himself into Yin Yu's lap. "I did good, right? I only forgot one thing! Shixiong, Shixiong it came out right?"
Yin Yu sighs.
"Yes, Yizhen. You did well."
"That guy interrupted me in the end though, that was rude. Can we go?"
Yin Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry or grab his shidi and find new employment under He Xuan.
Xie Lian shook his head, crouched and carefully took the box, placed it on Yin Yu's hands. He felt really fond of Yin Yu's earnestness, but truly, this was overkill (Yin Yu would beg to differ, and so would He Xuan if he was there, and so would Hua Cheng if he was 800 years older. As Hong-er though, he only agreed with his Highness because he didn't understand what the act meant. As it stood, he really wanted to push that other kid from a wall.)
Xie Lian waited until Yin Yu raised his head and said softly, yet firmly:
"Officer, I order you to guard this with utmost diligence. They belong to a dear friend of mine, who need not worry for his Shidi's wellbeing," Xie Lian smiled at Hong-er, who stopped glaring at the figures on the floor and smiled back. Not breaking eye contact with the boy, Xie Lian continued, enunciating each word clearly, "after all, said Shidi is also a dear friend, who always treated me with respect, and if something happened to him I'd be very, very sad."
Yin Yu stood up, holding Yizhen's hand in his and the box to his chest. He bowed, "This one apologizes for offending His Highness, this one knows his Highness to be kind and wise, and didn't mean to imply otherwise. This Waning Moon Officer shall do as his Highness commands,"
After that, the boys stop trying to kill the other on sight. And, after much coaxing and promises of candy and sparring sessions, they spend one peaceful hour interacting under the watchful gaze of the only people they cared about. The next day, they sat side to side. Quan Yizhen practicing kicks and Hong-er drawing, both tense in sullen silence. The day after that Quan Yizhen asks Hong-er to help him draw his Shixiong, and Hong-er accepts, both glance at the adults in the room for approval and smile giddily when they get it. The day after, Quan Yizhen teaches Hong-er how to throw a punch, and they mock fight until dinner time (which they eat separately,) . The day after that, the adults decide to leave them alone for exactly three minutes, they wait just outside the room, ear pressed to the door. At the minute mark, they hear the unfortunately familiar sound of two tiny boys doing their utmost best to brutally kill each other.
The day after that, the curse is broken.
Xie Lian takes Hua Cheng to Puqi shrine, desperate for some alone time with his husband. Though he misses Hong-er dearly, his husband's absence had been so painful that now he's drunk on giddy relief.
They work the fields, they make dinner together, and after they're done eating, Xie Lian asks what had been running through his mind.
"San Lang, you two were getting along so well, why did you start fighting again?"
Hua Cheng wrinkles his nose in a way that makes Xie Lian want to kiss him and says, "He didn't want to admit that Gege was better than Shixiong— I mean, Yin Yu. Ah Gege, don't make fun of your San Lang!" He whined.
Xie Lian did try to stop laughing, but not hard enough to accomplish it.
Once done, he wiped a tear and asked:
Hua Cheng groaned.
"I didn't know what his name was! That animal kept talking about his Shixiong. Shixiong this, Shixiong that! so it stuck inside my head! I wanted to talk about his Highness this and that, but the little shit kept interrupting me!"
There was a loud crash outside. Xie Lian jumped out of his seat, Hua Cheng's hand hovered above E-ming. Abruptly, The Martial God of the West barged into Puqi shrine.
Xie Lian relaxed and smiled, a greeting dying on his tongue as he was faced with a fulminanting glare coming from Quan Yizhen's usually stoic face.
Xie Lian sat back again, placed his hands on his knees and waited for the other god to speak.
Quan Yizhen huffed and bowed. Then, he slammed a gold bar on the table with such force the wood cracked. "You can't have him," He said, bowed again, and left.
Xie Lian was stumped. Silence reigned until Hua Cheng broke it by cackling. Wheezing, he fell off his chair.
"San Lang...? Do you know what that was about?"
Hua Cheng exhaled and smiled at his beloved. "Gege is so popular. I didn't know I had so much competition. Won't he tell me how many other ghosts have offered their ashes to him? Do I need to make Black Water a puddle for him to sleep in? Yin Yu may keep his room, but ah, Gege rejected my poor Waning Moon Officer, didn't he? How cruel, how sought after my God is."
Blood rushing to his cheeks, Xie Lian groaned and hid his face in his hands.
A moment later, Yin Yu's bashful voice spoke inside his head.
"I really didn't mean it like that, your Highness,"
Xie Lian made an embarrassed sound.
At least, he felt closer to laughing than to crying.
"I know."
"I apologize,"
"It's alright,"
"...May his Highness please ask Chengzu to stop calling me a homewrecker through my spiritual array?"
"Ah. I'm sorry, yes, of course."
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mstigeress37-blog · 1 year
König x Stubborn! Reader
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SUM.You and König end up giving each other the silent treatment. Right when he thinks you'll give in, you shock him, causing him to come crawling back to you.
A reminder that long-term silent treatments over petty arguments are not girlboss and slay!!
'Girlfriend' and German 'mouse' used, implied short reader <3 (but also who isn't short in comparison to this giant)
You and König had been in a petty argument the day before (something about keys going missing), it got to that point that, last night, he slept on the couch.
Little did you know, it was all a part of his elaborate scheme: he'd always been the one to come back to you, so for once, he'd like to see you do the same. So when he took away your nightly cuddles, he knew you were deprived of him.
He walked into the kitchen and caught sight of your morning mug. Smirking, he strolled over to it with a pep in his step and tucked it away into the tall cabinet; far enough in that it won't fall, but far enough out that you can easily spot it. He made sure to put any other mug out of reach, too.
He carried on with his routine of making himself a coffee before his oh-so-beautiful girlfriend walked in. He leaned his back onto the kitchen counter and lifted the mug to his lips, concealing his smile that showed how excited he was to see you break your winning streak of silent treatments and ask him for help.
You internally groaned at the sight of the distance between you and your mug. You glanced over at König before rolling your eyes; from his cheeks raising ever so slightly behind the mug, you can tell he's laughing to himself.
When you look back at König, he's making eye contact with you, eyes staring with anticipation.
But you just smile innocently before walking over to him, holding eye contact. König stands up properly as his ego inflates, straightening his back and setting his mug down, his smile turning into his infamous smirk. All before you bring your hand over to the gap between the counter he was leaning on top of and the fridge, bringing out a foldable stool.
Little did he know, however, was that you had bought a foldable stool a few days before since you wanted to bring up the topic of missing keys and knew you were both a bit too stubborn for anyone to confess to anything (even though you knew you haven't done anything).
Absolutely flabbergasted, all König can do is stare and watch as you grab your mug with a gleeful smile. He waits for you to set it down and, before you can get off the stool, König comes over and sweeps you up in one smooth motion, your stomach on his shoulder and your arms flailing around behind him to let you go.
He makes his way over to the sofa in the living room and practically manhandles you so you're stradling his lap. He wraps his arms gently but tightly around your waist and pulls you in close so you can't do anything but let him hug you. You can hear him muffle out a 'when did you get that stupid stool...' into your collarbone. You just laugh before wrapping your arms around his neck.
"You gonna tell me what you did with my keys yet?" You ask, attempting to pull away but he doesn't budge. He stays quiet for a bit before pulling away himself, still keeping you in his grasp, just not as tightly so that he can see your face and gauge how he should proceed.
"I may have hid them so you could stay a bit longer." He grumbles. You feign an offended look. "You're never late, mein maus, you could spare a few more minutes with me..."
You chuckle again before you take your hand and squish his cheeks together, forcing him to pout. "You're so silly. Just ask me next time." You say before pulling him into a cuddle. You force your bodyweight to the side so you've both gone from sitting to lying down and cuddling, laughing and kissing each other's faces off with small pecks.
There was a moment of silence where you just stared into each other's eyes before he got up all of a sudden, squishing you into the sofa as he got on top of you to get off and onto the floor on the other side of you.
"I'm gonna break that damn fuckin' stool." He said, grunting like an old man when he got up.
Requests are open!! I don’t do smut :))
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I have thought a lot about Hunter's initial reservations with Crosshair's return in season 3, his distrust of Crosshair that is so obvious even as he tries to hide it, that eventually erupts into the confrontation on Barton IV.
Hunter: Start talking, Crosshair. What did you do to finally get on the Empire's bad side? Betray them, like you did with us?
When I first watched the episode, I was a bit taken aback by Hunter's argument there. Crosshair obviously has no love for the Empire anymore, he was imprisoned and tortured for months and then he helped Omega escape. Why does Hunter put Crosshair's betraying the Empire on the same level as him betraying the squad? Isn't Crosshair's defection a good thing, regardless of the reason why?
But the more I've considered the situation from Hunter's perspective, the more his reaction makes sense. Last he saw of Crosshair, his brother had held Hunter hostage to lure the others into a trap, then tried to get them to join him and the Empire, got angry when they wouldn't join, helped them against the droids, tried to shoot Hunter, insisted all his choices up to that point were his own and not a result of the chip, argued the entire time they were trying to escape an orbital bombardment, (surprisingly) rescued Omega, and then still was angry and sullen and refused to go with his family. Even with his "severe and unyielding" nature, Crosshair was behaving rather erratically and unpredictably when it came to his old squad.
And if Crosshair was so willing to leave the squad in the name of purpose and loyalty to the Empire, only to then turn on the Empire he was professedly loyal to, what guarantee did the squad have that Crosshair wouldn't turn on them again?
Is it any wonder, then, that Hunter was so suspicious of Crosshair when the prodigal brother returned?
(Also, I have to give major props to Hunter for coming to terms with Crosshair even after this exchange:
Hunter: Tell me what changed. What happened, Crosshair?
Crosshair: I killed an Imperial officer. So yes, I did betray them, after they betrayed me. (doesn't elaborate further, instead proceeds to berate Hunter)
Just saying, if I had been Hunter - you know, the sergeant - I probably would have been a bit more concerned over the fact that Crosshair just up and killed an Imperial officer and won't explain why. But Hunter ultimately just lets it go without demanding further explanation. There's a good, trusting brother for you!)
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btnclmrttn · 7 months
could I request Saitama, Genos, and Garou with a fem playful/bratty reader? Someone who sort of likes to poke fun at them and give them a hard time/be difficult just to get a reaction out of them (sometimes by being stubborn, sometimes by being really flirty 👀)
(A grand idea! I appreciate your patience with my lack of request answers. I hope I made it worth your wait!)
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- Going off how he reacts to someone like Tatsumaki, he likely wouldn't take you that seriously if you were giving him a hard time for the hell of it. Nothing against you it's just his unbothered attitude he holds for life
-It doesn't mean he isn't listening, though. It can amuse him if you go the extra mile just to be difficult. Or annoying if he's having a bad day, but it takes a lot of inconveniences in his day to where he actually gets a bit irritated
- When he's on his last straw he'll just start silently bugging you. He won't say anything as he starts poking you or messing with you and your things as a diversion.
- If you're being flirty instead of bull-headed, he's got a look he gives you. Like he's trying to look unamused and isn't convincing enough. The more you push it, the more shades of red layer on his face. He can't get used to it, or much bothered by it.
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- Least bothered of the three. Couldn't get any sort of annoyed reaction if that's what you're looking for, but confusion might be one occasionally.
-Your dedication to being stubborn intrigues him as it can come off as unnecessary in his eyes. If there's something you want, he'd just give it to you if you ask straight up, typically.
- Far from arguing against it though. Even if he doesn't understand it, sometimes it's what makes you out to be the person he loves, so he will entertain your playful nature.
- Be careful with how much you want to be flirty, as if you say something just a bit too specific he'll just proceed to carry out the hint you drop as he registers it as just a request. Ain't that what you want though? ;D
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- If you can take up this man in making the attitude a competition, may the odds be in your favor 😭
- Most of the time, he can give it right back to you. You poking fun at him, he's getting his lick in too. Wanna be difficult? Answer to him also being difficult. Whether it's fighting your fire with his fire or he'll catch you the second you're a fool enough to be his peace for a minute
- Being like that could get you on each other's nerves or not really at all, though the latter is more likely. He's all for the playful nature you have. Doesn't make him feel not a damn bit bad either for when he's matching your energy
- Loves it when the bantering gets into flirty territory. Eggs you on to just keep at it. Asks you to elaborate on what you mean with a smug grin on his face. He knows what you're getting at, though. It's entertaining trying to see how your brattiness is in making you use your words
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zhongrin · 1 year
| ◆ ch. vago mundo ⑊ zhongli
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--⟢ i. tales passed down for generations |   the people of liyue know of many tales…
𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡 ⬙ 𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡
◇ tags ◇ (all tags from the series masterlist), sagau, pure fluff, dragon!li
◇ a/n ◇ yk what i told myself i won't post this until after i wrote the liyue chapter but ✨i✨don't✨care✨anymore✨ hsdlkfjskldjf i have no idea when i'll update universe abound and this has been sitting on my drafts for FAR too long... besides, it can be read as a standalone anyway. now. once again i am here to tell you that dragon!zhongli is love, dragon!zhongli is life. thank you for attending my ted talk-
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you stare.
dark brown scales, decorated with shining gold lines seem to pulse under the sunlight filtering through the curtains.
you stare harder.
the long appendage twitches before it shifts to hide behind the man standing right in front of you.
"your grace," morax coughs awkwardly into his fist and upon being greeted with your silence, decides to go back to fiddle with the coat he was halfway putting on before you barged in, "i believe it is still… thirty minutes before our scheduled stroll. is something the matter?"
instead of answering, you blurt out in an amazed voice, like a young child that just spotted their favorite candy, "you have a tail!"
"i… yes, well, considering that i am a dragon, and they do have tails-"
"it's so pretty! why don't you have it out more often?"
the genuine enthusiasm in your voice makes him smile.
"it's- ah, it could be an inconvenience sometimes."
you blink, not understanding the meaning of his words. he gives you a bashful look and proceeds to focus on his garments instead. knowing that he's not going to elaborate anymore, you choose to study the scaly appendage - unlike morax's still body, it's twitching and swaying around where it rests on the floor, almost as if…
….. hmm?
"i love you."
the sudden confession makes him go still, and you observe his reactions in interest.
"i love you too, dearest."
aside from the short pause and the elegant smile on his lips, the man looks as dignified and unaffected as ever. however, your impossibly wide grin strains your cheeks as you eye the rhythmic thumping of his tail against the floor.
"rex lapis," you gasp, "… are you wagging your tail???"
"ahem. c-certainly not, i don't-"
"oh. my. god. that is the cutest thing ever!"
"............ beloved….."
"no no no no no if you hide your tail then i'm revoking our daily walks and regular kisses!"
zhongli's tail perks up and begins to sway anxiously, and you feel like crying from how adorable this whole thing is.
"now, let us not take such drastic measures, darling. i believe this matter can be discussed, perhaps over some tea-"
"please please please let me pet your tail!"
your lover's cheeks flush pink, and you feel like the happiest deity in teyvat.
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people of liyue have heard of many tales. stories about adeptus protecting liyue behind the city itself, of fearsome plains drenched in monster dust as they were struck down by their god, of the stone gate collapsing and effectively cutting off supply routes from the city of freedom - not that it has been used for quite some time now….
people of liyue have seen many things. terrifying disasters almost sinking their whole city into oblivion, their beloved archon appearing once more and taking charge against vicious monsters overrunning teyvat's landscapes, their own creator coming into liyue after continuous years of prayers and offerings…
but never in their life they would have thought the day would come when they see the god of contracts himself - known for hurling stone pillars that now stand as guyun stone forest, vanquishing countless gods in the archon wars, and sealing many divine beasts who have run rampant across the land - stroll about the city arm-in-arm with the divine creator, his draconic tail proudly in full display and gently swaying side to side as the two converses softly, eyes staring deeply into each other's akin to lovers who hadn't seen each other in eons.
they see it, and they think: yes, this tale too, shall be passed down to the younger generations.
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© zhongrin | 2023 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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fatuismooches · 11 months
Reader telling them "I love you", and they either smile, fluster or say ilyt BUT reader is like " no you don't understand ". Grabs them by the shoulder, looks them dead straight in the eye and says it slowly once again. " I. Love. You." And proceed to say the most devoted, loving words about them and how reader is so in love, loyal and just. UGHHHH
Take it easy! Just bask into this idea, hope you don't stress over answering a bunch of (my 😭) asks!! Mwah mwah 💕💕 /p
OH I AM MORE THAN BASKING INTO THIS BECAUSE IT IS SO REAL!!!! We love a reader who is completely and utterly in love with their Harbingers <3 Pierro and Capitano are the ones who stay silent as you go on a whole tangent about how much you love them. Pierro retains his usual serious look, but you're so caught up with your words you may not notice how his face turns softer at your blatant declarations of devotion. Sure, he has a mountain of work to catch up on, but what kind of lover would he be if he didn't let his love rant their feelings out to him? He's not the most verbal or physically affectionate, but that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate it. I imagine he's been betrayed and such in the past, you know with Celestia and Khaenri'ah and all, so he deeply appreciates your words. Capitano... well, you can never really see his expression with that big helmet of his, so it's a bit hard to tell what he's thinking but don't worry!! His heart is beating quicker than usual and his mind is racing as to what to reply with!! Since when did you become so romantic and affectionate? He hasn't read enough romance advice books to respond properly yet! So Capitano just... pats your head and thanks you so sincerely it makes you giggle. He attempts to formally respond to your feelings via writing but he can't find the right words, unfortunately.
Dottore (that's who you're here for, I know) merely bursts into a laugh. No, he's not laughing at you, but he simply finds it a bit amusing. The idea of true devotion, of genuine loyalty, of real love... he still toys with those concepts a bit. He does feel these things toward you, but he won't verbalize them. Yet you don't seem to care about admitting those feelings toward him in the slightest... in fact, it seems like you jump at the chance to tell him how much you adore him... it's a bit funny to Dottore. Of course, he won't ever stop you, he does enjoy being worshipped and loved by you. Akademiya Zandik, on the other hand, would probably fight you off and then storm away to hide his blushing cheeks. How dare you say such idiotic things to him and how dare you make his heart thump hard at such stupid words. Pantalone too, except it's less of a laugh and more of a few chuckles. He's the kind of person to smile and nod at everything you say, completely enamored by you. He'll stop you in the middle and ask you to elaborate on a specific part and you happily do, he's stroking his own ego at this point but how can you blame him? His darling is being far too cute for him not to want to tease them a bit!
Columbina and Childe are very excited and blushy over it. They adore it when you're so open with them! Columbina's smile is even larger than usual as she hums in agreement with everything you're saying. Yes, please keep adoring her like this. She loves hearing about how much you love her. She's quite open with her feelings toward you too, so to hear it reciprocated so plainly? Pure bliss for her! Childe too is similar, you can literally see how he lights up and a faint blush spreads across his cheeks when you flatter him with such praise. But not for too long, because he'll pick you up and tease you ten times harder. Trying to get on his good side, hmm? Well, he'll have you know he loves you far more than you ever cold. Occasionally, he gets worried about whether it's right to be with you since he's in the Fatui, so these kinds of messages are secretly quite reassuring to him.
Arlecchino and Signora are very elegant and smooth about it. They watch you with a knowing smile, hands tracing over your collarbone and up to your neck and chin... a finger combing through your hair. Arlecchino is still a quiet and reserved woman, she still doesn't say much after your confession, but she is very pleased. Kisses you and gives you a sincere thank you. In her line of work, it's not often she find someone as loyally passionate as you are. Much less someone she loves to the deepest depths of her heart. She knows that you'll never betray or stab her in the back, and she shall never do that to you either. Signora is more smug and teasing about it. Oh? You truly love her that much? How about you show her it too? She ends up flustering you despite you being the one throwing all these sweet words at you. She truly loves being pampered by you, she needs it after all with all of the heartache she went through with her last lover, who she was abruptly cut off from.
Scaramouche and Sandrone short circuit for a few moments before springing back to life, stuttering and berating you for such stupidity and hurriedly breaking free from your grip. They can't deal with such loving words being directed towards them, especially unprompted. Scaramouche's expression is one that you have imprinted in your memory, the uncharacteristic redness and slack jaw, before he becomes his usual Scara self and launches into a long speech about how clingy and strange you were and that you should never do that ever again lest he actually get mad (this is a plea for you to confess all of that again, despite his adamant protest... you know he loves being loved, a feeling that always seemed to slip away from him. He's hesitant about it but he can't deny the rush of his "heart" when he hears your sincere words.) Sandrone's face is just blank. Blank like a robot. She opens her mouth to speak and then closes it, and then opens it again but she's at a loss for words. She finally gets out a half-hearted insult and ends up stuttering halfway through, so that's already not a good look for her. It seems even her usual bad attitude can't keep up when assaulted with such genuine affection...
And... Papanella can get a little platonic kiss on the cheek while you thank him for being the best grandad.
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walpu · 5 months
I found a really interesting premise that I think you would execute perfectly. The IPC has established a "mental and emotional health department" basically therapists to help with the stressed out or traumatised IPC worker and it's a mandatory thing to have one visit with them. The reader works in this department and when Topaz, Aventurine and Ratio (separately) went in, all probably thinking it's pointless. Reader proceed to read them like a book to the mineut details of their issues. How would they react? Would they come back for another visit?
thank you so much for your trust, it was actually very interesting to write 🥹
being their therapist
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characters - Dr. Ratio, Aventurine, Topaz
notes - gn!reader, no romantic undertones, mostly character study
Dr. Ratio
I feel like he would be a bit taken aback at first.
He didn't expect you to go further than a few generic questions about how the latest missions have affected him and suddenly you're asking about his feelings regarding the IPC recurring him.
"Weren't you disappointed? Didn't you feel like your cooperation with the IPC symbolizes you drifting further away from joining The Genius Society? How do you view The Genius Society in general?"
It's a bit too personal for his liking but he has to admit that you are truly an expert in your field.
I can see him rather harshly asking why are you stepping out of the line with your questions since it's hardly concerns the topic of the therapy session. Not because he's too troubled by you seeing through him but simply because of the professional ethics.
When you elaborate that it's the IPC's request to make a full psychological portrait of their workers he just sighs.
His answers are short, he doesn't elaborate much. Sometimes he simply says that the topic you mentioned doesn't affect his mental state in a way that can prevent him from doing his job and leaves it at that.
He doesn't trust the IPC much since he knows better than giving a powerful organization information about his weaknesses. He does feel a certain level of respect towards you and your professionalism though.
Doesn't feel targeted or overly vulnerable even if it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth to hear his insecurities being acknowledged.
Wouldn't show up again. Mostly because of his distrust to the IPC tho.
Both of you will need a drink after that.
There's just so much to unpack really.
If you try to ask him about how he feels almost dying at each mission, he downplays it.
If you ask about his childhood trauma, he shrugs it off.
I don't know how many people saw his interview for anan but everytime he's asked about something personal he brings up how he's actually lucky and hiw he should be grateful. So you get tve spirit.
Doesn't matter what your question is, his answer is the same. He survived, he was loved by his family, all his suffering led him to this, so of course he's grateful what are you taking about ha ha!
Look at his voicelines too, praising the IPC and all that. He gives you this generic answers and hopes you'll buy it.
Well you don't but you also can't force him to answer more honestly.
He himself would be deeply troubled by you reading him like that. He feels weak, defenseless. Like all he has done to protect his inner self was for nothing since you can see through him like that.
0/10 experience he won't show up ever again. Nothing personal against you, he just can't do it. Plus he doesn't trust the ipc either so.
Honestly the most normal one.
She will at least try to be honest since she trusts the IPC (maybe a bit too much, which is also a coping mechanism and not the healthiest one, but you can't really call her out on this since you're working for the ipc and, let's be honest, they would not respect their workers' privacy, they WOULD force you to give them their personal information if needed and you don't want to make it worse for Topaz)
She may be a bit taken aback at first but it honestly feels good to talk about her struggles and inner conflicts. And I'm sure she has a lot of those since she's actually trying to do good things, still believing that the IPC can bring positive changes.
Will probably share her experience in Belobog with you.
Will use your meetings as an opportunity to sort out her feelings about her missions.
Has a lot of respect for you personally and actually tries to do some soul-searching to make your meetings more productive.
The only one out if the three of them who would come back
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jayden-killer · 1 year
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• definition of baby.boi.
• he doesn't know how to help, he genuinely wants to, but has difficulties.
• 《is everything all right, Y/N?》.
• you, of course, want just someone to listen and to help you. So you spill everything that's on your mind.
• he is processing everything, his led turning blue, yellow, blue, red.
• after elaborating all the informations, he'll do his best, starting with affectionate hugs, rubbing tenderly you hands... also, he'll make a speech about how to help you with your problems, giving suggestions, then proceeds to comfort you with sweet words.
• he'll do little acts of care, like cooking your fav meal, brining a hot chocolate/tea/chamomile to help your stress relief, a warm sheet.
• 《I cannot understand human emotions so easily, but I will do everything to make you feel as you deserve》.
• I love him.(⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
Gavin Reed
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• oh, this man here.
• Gavin is a tsundere.
• but that doesn't mean he won't underestimate your problem.
• 《tsk, just tell me what's on your mind now and which prick I need to beat to dead.. please》.
• after telling him your problem, he won't mind if you want to hug him. Yeah, he can be a bitch sometimes, but he still has a heart.
• Gavin will probably go to a face-to-face with the one who hurt you (which means they'll get.. a few broken ribs and a bleeding nose).
• if no one hurt you, he'll be silent and give here and there some comforting words, accompanied by his cats that will purr in your lap. He's trying his best, forgive him. T_T
Hank Anderson
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• similar to Gavin, but more soft.
• he probably will make Sumo cuddle you and lick your face until you're having the tiniest smile.
• 《Sumo, attack!》
• because if you smile, he smiles.
• 《kiddo, everything is gonna be alright. Trust me. Things are gonna change for sure》 he says, rubbing your hair lovingly.
• probably puts a movie with a bowl of popcorn to distract you from your thoughts.
• it kinda works, and you appreciate how he's trying to make you feel better.
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• she knows you're battling with something. The problem is, what?
• but when you're on the verge on tears, she understands.
• 《Hey, hey, what's wrong? Let it all out, it's okay, Y/N, it's okay...》
• purest.angel.ever.
• she's gonna give you the best hug ever. When you're done crying and you are a little more calm, Kara listens to everything that's bothering you.
• 《Hey, let me tell you this..》
• Kara is optimistic, so she'll make sure you see the light that's going to come really soon, while rubbing your back.
• 《I know you're strong, you can do it! I believe in you!》
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He knows what's going on, since you've been acting strange lately.
"This isn't surely Y/N's behaviour. Perhaps it's better I talk to them"
And when he finally does, you spill everything that's on your mind. You don't want to bother him with all your stuff, but he doesn't care. He's there to make sure you ok, by giving you a hug or rubbing your hand
Idk everyone, I kinda guess he'll do that, I'm not so good writing for Markus.😭😭
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artsyaech · 18 days
responses i've gotten when i tell people i'm autistic
"everyone's on the spectrum" if that were true, the world wouldn't be so difficult for us to live in.
"no, you're not" wow, i went through a lengthy diagnostic process when i could've just asked you! /sarc
"you're nothing like *insert 2-8-year-old boy this person knows*" hmmm, i wonder why. it's almost as if i'm not a 2-8-year-old boy. you're nothing like my allistic nephew!
*proceeds to re-enact a stereotype of autism in front of me, rocking back and forth and making noises* honestly, the fact that this has happened to me TWO SEPERATE times by TWO SEPERATE people is ludicrous to me. so you're saying that autistic people that act somewhat like that (not exactly, because they're portraying a stereotype) are inferior? of course that's what they're saying! and, in turn, they either think i'm faking it or that i'm inherently inferior...
"you're not that autistic" elaborate on that, please. so just because i'm not completely non-verbal and try my best to mask because i'm afraid of being bullied or harassed in public, that means i'm "less autistic". the fact that i've gotten this one more times than i can count. this one is so minimizing to the real and difficult experience i face every single day, but alright, i guess.
"do you have asperger's?" i was technically diagnosed with that at the age of twelve, but i feel like this question is essentially saying "oh, you seem 'high functioning', which, in turn, means you have a disorder not as 'severe' as 'real autism'" i won't even get into the problems with the term asperger's syndrome, i'll let you google that one...
"have you seen rain man?" no, and i don't want to.
"autism is not a disability, it's a different ability" i will bite you.
"oh, i see..." (in a condescending tone) what
responses i wish i got more often:
"oh, alright" simple, you can ask follow-up questions if you want to, but a simple acknowledgement in a sincere tone is enough for me, personally. because then we can keep talking about our interests.
"okay, how can i accommodate you / do you have any needs that i can make sure you meet?" never get this one, but, damn, i wish i did.
"oh, cool, can you tell me more about that?" my friends call me autism squared for a reason, i have a special interest in autism, so asking me non-rude questions is always a plus.
yeah, this was a rant, but whatever lol. just don't be a dick towards autistic people
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
In Losing Grip On Sinking Ships (18/22)
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Chapter summary: You navigate your way through your first couple and individual therapy session; Wanda convinces Yelena to see you one last time
Chapter word count: 6.6k | Tags: Therapy, Healing, Comfort | Ship: Wanda x Female Reader
Author's note: Welcome to the beginning of the end. P.S. I removed the warning section because there won't be too much angst for the rest of the story. Question is, will therapy be enough to repair R and her relationship with Wanda?
AO3 | Masterlist 
Next part: Nineteen
Describing the situation as complex would barely scratch the surface.
Calliope has navigated her way through a myriad of couples' issues, from infidelity to lack of intimacy, to financial disagreements. Most couples she deals with fall into two categories: married and unmarried. Seldom does she come across a pair seeking couples therapy post-divorce, as most married individuals approach her with the intention of averting such an outcome.
Yet, you and Wanda defy convention.
Before the session began, Calliope handed you some forms to complete. The first one was pretty straightforward, requesting basic details like your name, birthday, address, and contact number. The second one was more challenging. It featured an array of questions, from your hobbies and life aspirations to your deepest fears. You spent nearly an hour wrestling with your responses while Wanda had her individual session in another room with Calliope.
Once Wanda emerged from her session, the evidence of her tears was plain to see on her cheeks. Swiftly, she attempted to erase the telltale tracks as you watched, and you instinctively wrapped an arm around her shoulder, asking her if she was okay. Wanda assured you that she was, admitting that sessions like these sometimes stirred up unwanted emotions.
Calliope inquired if Wanda felt up to proceeding with the combined session, and Wanda nodded affirmatively, eager to start your journey together. Seeing Wanda's tear-streaked face made you anxious, but you mustered the courage to nod your agreement, informing Calliope that you were willing to give it a shot. 
The therapist offered a soft smile, asking both of you to wait for ten minutes while she briefly reviewed the answers on the forms you’ve completed.
And that leads to the present moment, with you and Wanda perched at opposite ends of the sofa, while Calliope observes from a neutral point of view.
Calliope begins with a gentle inquiry, “From what I gather, and from what Wanda has told me in our previous sessions, it appears that trust is the core issue bringing both of you here today, correct?”
Wanda affirms with a nod, but when she looks your way, she finds your gaze fixed intently on Calliope. You lift your hand,  prompting a gentle reminder from Calliope.
“There's no need to raise your hand here, Y/N. Feel free to voice your thoughts whenever you wish.” she says.
“Alright,” you say, and then you let your question fly. “How can we ensure this session remains unbiased?” It's a good point, but Wanda can't help but notice your deeper hesitance.
“Can you elaborate, Y/N?”
“You've been acquainted with Wanda for some time now,” you explain, “You've listened to her perspective on...on the issues we've had. How can I be confident that you'll be an impartial mediator in all this?”
“I see where you're coming from,” Calliope responds. “In all of Wanda's sessions, I've never taken sides with her or anyone else involved in her life. You can confirm this with her privately later if you wish. As a professional, I encourage you to question my credentials if at any point you feel your views are not being acknowledged or respected during these sessions.”
You look to Wanda to confirm Calliope’s claims and she offers you a small, reassuring smile. 
“Fair enough,” you manage to say, giving Calliope a nod to proceed. The corner of her mouth lifts subtly, acknowledging your permission.
“Before we start, let me ask,” Calliope says, her eyes flicking between you and Wanda, “Where are you both exactly at? Have you officially entered into a relationship?”
You feel a sudden heat rise to your cheeks, while Wanda shifts uncomfortably beside you. You’re taken aback by the directness of the question and glance at Wanda, hoping she might take the lead in answering.
Wanda clears her throat. “We've been... intimate,” she says, hesitating for a moment. “Uh, we… haven't put a label on whatever this is.”
“But we’re together,” you chime in, meeting Calliope’s gaze while sensing Wanda’s intense eyes on you. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a hint of a smile on Wanda’s face.
Calliope simply nods. “And living arrangements?”
You and Wanda exchange another look. “Well, we both still have our own apartments,” you say. “But we've been spending nights together, alternating between our places.”
Calliope purses her lips and nods again. She doesn’t comment on any of your answers and it sort of leaves you a little off-balance, wondering what she’s thinking.
“Alright,” Calliope claps her hands together and gets straight to the burning topic. “Going back to why we’re all here: trust. In relationships, trust forms the foundation. When it's damaged, it can feel like the ground beneath you has shifted. But with open, honest conversation and consistent efforts, it can be repaired.”
She looks between you and Wanda. “Let's explore this. How do you both perceive the trust issues in your relationship? There are no right or wrong answers here, just your feelings and experiences.”
Wanda looks at you nervously. She knows you’re the one who’s been grappling with the concept, and although it was poised for the both of you, it’s obviously a question for you.
“So, it's my problem, isn't it?” you start off, managing a dry chuckle. “Guess there's no sugarcoating that.”
You glance over at Wanda before continuing. “When Wanda...when she was unfaithful, suddenly, I was doubting everything—our past, our present, and especially our future.”
Calliope interjects gently, “Is that why you went ahead with the divorce proceedings immediately?”
Your gaze snaps to Calliope, taken aback by her knowledge about the swift divorce proceedings, before you quickly remember that Wanda must have divulged this information earlier.
“I was blinded by rage and hurt, and it was the only thing that would put me together at that time. I… I wanted to retaliate. If that makes sense?” you say. Wanda remains silent, her eyes downcast as your words fill the room. 
Calliope observes this and then turns her attention to Wanda. “And how did you react, Wanda, when the divorce proceedings were initiated?” she prompts.
Wanda takes a deep breath, her fingers nervously fiddling with a thread on her sleeve. Her voice is barely above a whisper when she finally responds. “I...I felt lost," she admits, her voice shaky. "I knew I had hurt Y/N terribly, but the reality of divorce...it hit me hard.”
“And so hard that you promptly agreed to it, didn't you?” you retort with a touch of sarcasm that you’re unable to hide. Before this session, you had reached a truce of sorts with Wanda, and your feelings for her had found a serene lull. But dredging up the past in this setting had reignited unpleasant feelings, making it difficult for you to keep the lingering bitterness at bay when it comes to her cheating.
“I tried to reach out to you, begged for you to talk to me. But you had already left, we didn't get a chance to fully discuss everything. You wouldn't even respond to me unless it was about the divorce,” Wanda explains, her voice filled with regret. “I didn't want to make it even tougher for you when it seemed like all you wanted was to get away from me. You only seemed to relax around me a little when I agreed to the divorce.”
You bite your lower lip as you relive those tumultuous weeks. Those were the days when Wanda consistently tried to reach out, and you responded only when you were having a 'good' day. 
A 'good' day was when you managed to get out of your room, shower, and eat an entire cup of oatmeal. The 'bad' days were characterized by either weeping yourself to sleep or drinking so heavily that you blacked out before dinner time.
Up to this day, you have no idea how you survived that. 
“Is that true, Y/N?” Calliope asks.
You nod, acknowledging the truth of it. You were a hard one to handle, and you made sure to drive Wanda to give you what you desired back then.
An uncomfortable silence follows your wordless answer, stretching on until Wanda musters the courage to break it.
“And, I mean, I thought we were... okay. Not perfect, but okay enough that it wasn't as painful, that we weren't crying every single day, that we weren't hurting all the time. But it feels like we're still stuck. I still love you, you still love me, and... we're still in pain,” Wanda's words tumble out, caught in a choke.
Your heart clenches at her words, and you covertly look at Wanda from your peripheral vision. Not for the first time, you wonder if this is really a good idea. If maybe, digging into this would just mean digging both of your own graves in the end.
Calliope remains quiet and gives you both a moment before speaking again. 
“What if we start from there? From the love that still remains?” she suggests gently. “Let's try to rebuild the trust from that foundation. Would that be agreeable to both of you?”
Your gaze shifts towards Wanda and you swallow, clearing the tightness in your throat.
“Like I said before,” you tell Wanda. “I can't guarantee that I won't lash out, or that I'll always be level-headed–”
“I understand, Y/N–”
“–And with that said, I want you to be yourself, Wanda. I don't want you to suppress anything because of me—out of some obligation to spare my feelings.” you say. 
Wanda averts her gaze to the floor, understanding the point you're trying to make. Riddled with guilt, she's been prioritizing your feelings above all else.
“I promise I’ll be honest with my feelings.” Wanda promises. You smile in response and then turn to Calliope.
“Alright, I'm willing to try," you murmur, your voice slightly raspy.
Calliope gives you both an encouraging look, “I recommend we commit to an initial 8 sessions and we’ll begin from next week. I'll provide you with some materials and exercises that might help you to communicate your feelings more effectively in these sessions and with each other. Remember, this is a journey and it's perfectly fine to take small steps. And sometimes we may even have to take a couple of steps back. Are you okay with that?”
You sigh in relief at the mention that the real sessions won’t be happening until next week. You wanted to prepare and internalize things so that you can at least have some control over your emotions. 
“Btw, Y/N, are you open to talk for a couple of minutes? I just want to go over some of your answers in the form.”
Wanda gives you an apologetic look. “I have to return to the cafe. Will you be okay?” 
“Yeah, I’ll meet you, uhm–I’ll call later, okay?”
With a swift movement, Wanda leans in to give you a peck on the cheek, which you reciprocate somewhat awkwardly. She then bids Calliope goodbye and departs from the room.
Once Wanda leaves, there's a moment of silence as Calliope collects her thoughts. You gulp nervously, attempting to recall what you’ve written in those forms, but surprisingly, your mind draws a blank.
“Y/N, I appreciate your honesty in today's session,” she begins, her voice gentle yet firm. “Now, I just want to go over some of your responses in the questionnaire. There were a few areas where you mentioned feeling constant anxiety and bouts of anger. Do you think this is connected to the issues with Wanda, or has it been something you've been dealing with for longer?”
You hesitate for a moment, thinking back on the past few months. “I'm not sure,” you confess. “Ever since the incident, I guess I've just been in a state of constant confusion and anger. I’m not entirely sure how to describe it.”
“I see, it can be challenging to sort through your thoughts and emotions to identify the precise triggers for these feelings, especially considering you've been grappling with them for a while now. That's perfectly fine. Let's start with something more straightforward. How are you feeling right now?”
“I feel...conflicted,” you say slowly, the words spilling out with a weight you can't ignore. “Before coming here, I thought I was 100% ready to tackle everything, because I'm hopeful for what this therapy can bring us, but the thought of reliving Wanda's betrayal...it scares me. I don't want to harbor resentment, but I can't deny that it's still there, lying dormant. I still can't understand how she could do that to us.”
“Understand or accept?”
You shoot Calliope a puzzled look. That's a new perspective for you. The idea that maybe trying to understand is a lost cause, and the real battle is with accepting it.
“I… I don’t know,” you say. 
“That’s okay, we can tackle it some other time. Anything else?”
Your fingers drum against your knee, a nervous tick you've developed recently. “And then there's Yelena...I feel guilty about my own actions towards her. I know I betrayed her, and that only adds to the guilt of being with Wanda,... of choosing her.”
Your gaze shifts to Calliope as you continue, “Then there's this lingering thought of...timing. Are we rushing into this, trying to mend things so soon? I just... I don’t know.”
Taking in your words with a thoughtful expression, Calliope gently asks, “Given all these doubts and uncertainties you've just mentioned, Y/N, could you tell me why you agreed to attend these couple's counseling sessions with Wanda?”
You smile a little at the question. This is something you can easily answer.
“I’ve spent a year wrestling with my feelings for her, only to cause pain to someone else in the process because I was unable to face the reality that I’m still in love with Wanda. I believe I always will be,” you admit, rubbing at your temples. “I know she hurt me and what she did was terrible. I was angry and... and I still am, to a certain extent. But, underneath all that, I still care about her. I want us to be able to talk about everything, to deal with our issues together.”
“But more than anything,” you continue, staring at your hands, “I'm tired of trying to figure it all out by myself. So when Wanda suggested getting professional help, it felt like a new opportunity for me. A new way to... break out of this maze, this cage.”
Your words linger in the silence while Calliope takes a moment to digest them. Eventually, she nods and says, “Y/N, I think that's a great reason to be here. I’m glad to know you’re here because you want to and not out of some obligation to someone. We'll dig into these issues more in our upcoming sessions. I think we've covered enough for now.”
“How am I doing so far?” you ask.
“You’re doing great,” Calliope assures you with a smile.
The clock ticks loudly in the background as Calliope wraps up the session. As you rise from your seat, a wave of exhaustion washes over you. It's only the first day, and yet you already feel drained.
“I hope it wasn't too overwhelming for you, Y/N,” Calliope says. “I'm aware it's a lot to handle.”
“Overwhelming might be an understatement,” you joke, attempting to lighten the mood.
“The first step is always the hardest. I'll see you next week, okay?”
With that, you walk out of the office, a hint of new hope stirring within you. As you step into the dimming sunlight, you take a deep breath of fresh air. Pulling out your phone, you dial Wanda's number.
This journey's going to be a slog, but maybe, just maybe, it'll all pay off in the end.
Sunlight paints a warm tableau over the organized chaos of Yelena's workstation. 
A simple wooden desk houses a practical computer, a pot of pens, and a few scattered notebooks. Personal knick-knacks—a journalist's badge, a group photo, and a tongue-in-cheek “World's Best Journalist” trophy from her colleagues—sit next to her actual recent award, the Sidney plaque. These items add a personal flavor to the otherwise no-nonsense setup.
Yelena leans back, letting her eyes wander over the space she's called her own for the past couple of years. The office buzzes quiet chatter, the quick tapping of keys, and the odd ring of a telephone. It's been like a second home to her. It's where she made sense of complicated narratives and pieced together shards of truth. 
As her fingers trace the edges of the plaque, her mind drifts back to the day it became hers. A faint smile pulls at her lips, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She wishes she could have celebrated that victory with someone who once held a special place in her life, but now only resides in bittersweet memories. 
Busy gathering her belongings and tucking away the sentimental reminders of her time here, Yelena is interrupted by a figure stepping into her cubicle. It's the last person she expected to see on her last day at work.
“Wanda?” Yelena questions, surprise quickly morphing into unease.
“Heard it was your last day,” Wanda says, her gaze unflinching.
“How did you track me down?” 
“I have my ways, too,” Wanda answers with a sheepish smile.
“Sure,” Yelena shoots back, hastily stuffing her files into a box and crossing her arms in a defensive posture. “What brings you here, then?”
Wanda seems to falter for a second, then lets out a sigh. “I wanted to talk about Y/N.”
Yelena's heart tightens at the sound of your name. For weeks, she's tried to bury any memories of you—the good, the bad, the utterly heartbreaking. The absolute last thing she needs right now is a deep-dive into you, especially not with Wanda.
“I don't think that's a good idea,” Yelena pushes back, her voice edged. You were always a mistake. She was just too bull-headed to admit it.
“I know it’s too much of a thing to ask, but I need your help.” she says. “The way you two left things broke her. It's affecting her more than you think, and I thought you would want to know that.”
“Whatever happened between me and Y/N... our breakup, it's none of your business, Wanda. And honestly, after she clearly picked you, I'm surprised you have the nerve to come ask me for help.”
“I didn't come here because I wanted to, Yelena. And I know I’m being selfish, but… she needs help. And as much as it pains me to say it, I can't do it on my own,” Wanda admits, her face open and sincere.
Yelena's torn between her recent heartache and the residual feelings she has for you. The Sidney Award on her desk seems to taunt her, reminding her of what she'd achieved even when her personal life was falling apart. It was a symbol of her resilience and her capacity to move forward, even when life was doing its best to push her back.
“Fine,” she finally relents, leveling her gaze at Wanda. “But let's get one thing straight. This is the last time we're having this discussion. The last time I’m talking to any one of you. After today, I don’t want to see you or her.”
Though a little relieved, Wanda nods sadly. “Understood.”
The city lights are a comforting blur as you make your way back to your apartment after a long day. 
You’ve just hung up the phone with Wanda, who told you she'd be working late at the café tonight. They're revamping the menu, and she's eager to experiment with new recipes.
“That's great, Wands,” you’ve told her, the smallest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth despite the fatigue seeping into your bones. “Call me later when you get home, okay? Can't wait to sample those new dishes.”
Upon reaching your apartment and fitting the key into the lock, you notice the door is already unlatched. Warning bells sound off in your head, and you tentatively swing the door open, your senses heightened.
What greets you freezes you in your tracks. Perched on the couch, looking just as startled to see you as you are her, is Yelena. 
Her appearance brings a rush of memories and emotions, making your heart pound in your chest. Of all places, the last spot you anticipated seeing her was in your apartment, particularly given how things ended between you two.
Your last memory of Yelena in your apartment includes her hurriedly collecting her things, desperate to get away from you as fast as she could. You felt like a monster she was fleeing.
Truth be told, you still feel that way.
“Yelena,” you say, your voice barely more than a whisper as you shut the door behind you. You throw your keys onto the counter, not tearing your eyes away from her. You're apprehensive that one wrong move might scare her off before you have a chance to voice all the things you've been longing to tell her.
“Y/N,” Yelena echoes, her voice as tender as it was during those nights she used to comfort you. There's an intensity in her green eyes that you've always found captivating. Now, it just makes you feel more uneasy. She stands, smoothing her jeans, never breaking eye contact with you.
“Why are you here?” you ask, inhaling deeply to steady yourself. Your fingers tighten around the strap of your bag, the material pressing into your skin, grounding you in the moment.
Yelena sighs, running a hand through her blonde hair. “I’m sorry for showing up unannounced. But I… I still have the keys so I just let myself in and waited for you to come home.”
“You still have the keys…” you repeat, your voice fading as you digest her words.
“Yes,” Yelena admits. Her tone is apologetic, but her gaze doesn't waver. “I've been meaning to return them, but I didn't know how to face you.” However, if Yelena were to be truly honest, there were plenty of opportunities for her to return the keys. Maybe she was holding onto them because it was the last string that tied her to you.
Silence engulfs the room as you both just study each other for a moment. You weren't quite sure what you'd expect to see the next time you saw her, but she seems to be doing alright, looking as stunning as she always does.
Finally, you find your voice. “What brings you here now, Yelena?” you ask, not unkindly–there’s only surprise, a potent shock from her sudden presence, a confrontation you're utterly unprepared for.
She draws in a deep breath, bracing herself. “I'm here because... because I spoke to Wanda," she starts, her words instantly triggering a wave of ice-cold shock coursing through your veins. “Well, she came to me.” 
“I kinda see now why it’s so impossible for you to get over her.” she adds, punctuated by a faint laugh, which resonates more like a sorrowful sigh–one of the most desolate sounds you've ever heard.
You see the uncertainty in Yelena's eyes, and it makes your heart ache. 
“I… I didn't send Wanda to you,” you clarify gently. “I wouldn’t–”
“I know, Y/N. I know you didn't,” she cuts you off, her eyes fixated on the wall behind you. “I was shocked when Wanda showed up. I wasn't sure... I'm still not sure if coming here was the right thing to do.”
Then she lifts her gaze, their depths, swirling with sadness, locked onto yours. You feel like you're being swallowed into a pit of despair. “After talking to Wanda, I realized I needed closure, Y/N,” she confesses. “And maybe you do too.”
Your chest tightens at the truth in her words. Yes, you both need closure, but knowing it and doing something about it are two different things, and you're not sure what to say.
The space around you suddenly feels smaller, each sound–your shallow breaths, the tick of the clock, the rustle of your clothes–seems louder in the silence that follows.
“I...I don't even know where to start,” you admit, your voice trembling slightly. “In all those weeks, when I was trying to contact you, I didn't really have a clear thought of what I wanted to say. But what I do know is that I owe you an apology for the rest of my life.”
Yelena’s face softens at that. It’s horrifying to imagine someone apologizing to her for all their days. It’s not what she wants at all. 
Seeking something to anchor you, you head towards the kitchen and retrieve a bottle of wine from the cabinet. As you pour wine into two glasses, you feel the weight of Yelena's gaze on you. It's as if she's trying to read your every thought, every intention.
“I'm sorry, Yelena,” you repeat, your voice steadier now. “I… honestly, I’ve got nothing better to say. I’m pathetic, aren’t I?” 
You extend the wine glass towards Yelena, and she accepts it swiftly, taking a hearty sip. A sense of déjà vu envelops you as you watch her. How many nights had you spent like this in the past? Sharing a drink, talking until the wee hours of the morning, figuring out your thoughts, your emotions. 
Now, they're just… gone.
“I don't need your apology,” she begins evenly, despite the pain that flashes in her eyes. “I know you're sorry. I can see it, I can hear it. But what I need, what I want to understand, is why... why you entered a relationship with me when you were still in love with Wanda. Why you lied straight to my face when you said you didn't love her anymore.”
The question hits home, and you’ve been asking it yourself since you kissed Wanda that night. It's a question that has haunted you through more sleepless nights than you can count.
“I... I was horrible to Wanda,” you sigh, finishing your wine on the second sip. “What I did, how I treated her... I thought that meant I didn't love her anymore. My actions told me I didn't love her. But the truth is, I was just angry. I was hurt, and I acted out in the worst possible way. I was, you could say, in denial.”
Your eyes flicker to Yelena, catching the flash of hurt that crosses her face. You press on, your heart heavy. “It took me some time, but I realized that underneath all the anger and the hurt, my love for Wanda never died. It was there, just... buried. I'm so sorry, Yelena, for dragging you into my mess. You didn't deserve any of it.”
“Did you ever love me?” Yelena asks, a tear slipping from the corner of her eyes. “Because it felt like you did. Maybe it wasn’t intentional, but it was there. We were happy… at least I thought we were.”
“I did love you, Yelena. I mean, I still do,” you confess, your voice low but firm. “But perhaps not in the way you deserved, not in the way I loved you before you left for the UK and–and before I met Wanda.” 
Your hands fumble with the empty wine glass. “I was so confused, so hurt. You were there for me, and I... I took advantage of that. And I'm sorry.”
Yelena makes a futile attempt to swipe away another tear that trickles down her cheek. But the tears are relentless, persistently rolling down one after the other, soon overwhelming her attempts to keep them at bay.
“We were happy,” you confirm softly as you look away. “And I will always cherish those moments with you. They’re the only silver lining in the fucking hell I went through the past year. I… I never meant to hurt you, Yelena. I wanted–”
I wanted it to be you, the words almost escape you. And it would’ve been the worst thing you’ll ever say to her. 
“But I wasn't, was it?” Yelena cuts in, as if reading your mind, her voice a choked whisper. She stands abruptly, pushing her chair back. “I was just... I was a placeholder, wasn't I? A distraction from your feelings for Wanda.”
Her words hit you like a punch to the gut, knocking the breath out of you. You're silent for a moment, struggling to find words.
“I...I didn't intend for it to be like that, Yelena. I didn't,” you finally manage to say. “I wasn't fair to you and I am so sorry for that.”
Yelena nods, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. She moves to her purse and pulls out a familiar keychain, placing it on the table in front of you. The keys to this apartment you once shared, this home you had together.
“When I came here, I thought it wouldn't hurt as much, but it does,” she says, her voice strained. “I'm sorry it didn't work out, Y/N.”
“Me too,” you respond, your eyes fixed on the keys. You can feel a lump forming in your throat, making it harder to swallow.
Before she steps towards the door, you find your voice once more. “Yelena?” 
She pauses, turning to look at you. 
“Do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?” you ask.
She gazes at you for a moment, her green eyes filled with a world of sadness. Then, she simply shrugs and turns to the door. “I don't know, Y/N. I just... I don't know.”
With that, she leaves, the apartment door closing behind her with a soft click that echoes painfully through the room.
“Hey, sis,” Pietro's tired face appears on her phone screen. It's been a while since Wanda last spoke to him. They decided to take a break from each other amicably, canceling their plans for the past week and the week before. 
He was upset about Wanda seeing you again, and she had a feeling he was the one who told you about her hospitalization—the one thing she made him promise never to reveal.
“Piet,” Wanda's voice is softer than she intended, the sight of her brother filling her with a mix of relief and apprehension. “It's been a while.”
“Yeah,” Pietro agrees, running a hand through his hair which is surprisingly back to its natural chestnut hue. “Sorry about that, by the way. I was a bit... heated.”
“That's one way to put it,” Wanda replies, her laugh forced and hollow. She studies her brother, his features softened by the faint glow from his screen. Despite their recent falling out, there's a comfort in seeing him again, a balm to a part of her she hadn't even realized was hurting.
Pietro huffs out a breath, scratching at his scruffy chin. “So… How are you doing, Wands?”
“Doing well, actually,” Wanda replies, her voice holding a certain calmness she didn't feel. “Though I think before anything, there’s something I need to ask you.”
A wary look flashes across Pietro's face, but he gives her a nod to proceed.
“Did you send that picture of me in the hospital to Y/N?”
For a moment, Pietro is quiet, the playfulness that usually shines in his eyes replaced by a kind of grave understanding. He sighs heavily before speaking.
“Yes. Look, I'm sorry, Wanda. Maybe it wasn't my place to send it,” Pietro says, the lines on his forehead deepening with unease. “But Y/N needed to understand the consequences of her actions, her effect on you.”
“She didn’t force me to do anything, Piet. I chose to take the pills–”
“But she took advantage of you. She knew how far you would go for her forgiveness. She’s not blameless,” Pietro interrupts, firm in his convictions. “And she needed to face the reality of her actions. It could be for her own good too–have you considered that?”
Processing his words, Wanda remains silent for a beat. When she finally speaks, her voice is laced with resignation. “I suppose you have a point.”
“How did Y/N react?” Pietro asks, his voice careful but insistent, as if treading on fragile ground. He's still not sure if what he did was right, but the fact that his sister hasn’t gone ballistic on him proves to be a good sign.
“She was... horrified, to say the least,” Wanda reveals, a tremble creeping into her voice. "She felt guilty, and she took some responsibility. But we... we also decided that we're not going to let our past control our future."
Pietro raises his eyebrows, waiting for her to continue.
“We're giving our relationship another shot. But this time, we're going about it differently,” she explains. “We're attending therapy. Together.”
“Really? And how's that working out?” Pietro questions, his features softening.
“It's...tricky,” Wanda admits, her fingers idly twirling a loose thread on her blanket. “But it's a step forward.”
“I suppose... that's all I can hope for,” he concedes. “But Wanda, you need to make a promise to me.”
“What is it?” she stumbles over her words a bit, her heartbeat quickening.
“You have to promise me that if things don't work out, you won't let it drag you down,” he implores, his eyes betraying his vulnerability. "You've made so much progress, Wanda. And I... I can't stand to see you get hurt again."
“I promise,” she whispers. “I'm not the same person I was before. Whatever happens, it won’t erase the growth I've experienced over these months.”
“Good,” Pietro finally breathes out, visibly relaxing at her assurance.
There's a pause before his eyes regain their usual playful glint. “Alright, sis, we're still on for Christmas in LA, aren't we?”
She chuckles softly, the sound still a bit watery from their talk. 
“Yes, Piet, I am still coming to LA for Christmas,” Wanda confirms, before hesitating a second later. “And, um, I was wondering if… if Y/N could come with me?"
Pietro is silent for a moment, and Wanda finds herself holding her breath. She can practically hear the gears turning in his head.
“You're serious about this, aren't you?” His voice finally cuts through the silence, but it's devoid of any hints towards his own thoughts.
“I am,” Wanda affirms. It was important for her that Pietro understood this, even if he wasn't fully on board. She knew her brother had his reservations, but this was something she needed.
Pietro exhales, a small chuckle slipping out. “Okay, counter-proposal,” he begins, a teasing grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “If you're dragging Y/N to LA, then I get to bring mom.”
At that, Wanda goes still. She had been estranged from their mother for a while now, her relationship with her complicated at best. But she knew how important family was to Pietro, and if she was asking him to accept you into their tight-knit circle, it was only fair that she did the same.
Now that she's making meaningful strides with you, she can start to tackle other parts of her life that have been quietly burdening her for years. Perhaps it's time to revisit those letters her mother has been sending. Maybe even write her back if she’s brave enough.
After a moment, Wanda finally speaks. “Okay,” she whispers, nodding to herself more than him. “Okay, we've got a deal.”
Pietro's laugh is loud and full of relief. “Awesome,” he grins. “It's a Christmas of reconciliation, then.”
With a few more parting words and a promise to see him soon, Wanda ends the call. 
It feels like she’s just crossed one hurdle. The rest, she'd take one step at a time.
Dear Mom,
It's been a long time since we last spoke. And, well, a lot has happened.
I've been doing a lot of work on myself lately. I've been seeing a therapist and I've been trying to sort through all these emotions that I've kept locked away for so long. The loss of dad, the hurt when you left Pietro and me... it's been tough, but I'm getting through it. I hope you've found peace wherever you are too.
Pietro and I are planning a quiet little Christmas get-together in LA, and he suggested we invite you. After some thought, I agree.
This letter isn't going to fix all the hurt or mend the broken bridges between us. Some days it feels like our relationship is just a distant memory.
But maybe it’s a start.
I'm ready to try, if you are.
Wanda's eyes lingers over the letter she just finished drafting, a silent war waging within her over whether to send it or not. But before she can talk herself out of it, she briskly folds the paper into neat thirds and slips it into an envelope. She pens her mother's address on the front with a surprising calmness.
Just as she’s sealing the envelope, a sudden knock on the door snaps her out of her reverie.
She rises from her seat, a flicker of surprise crossing her face as she moves to answer the door. Her breath catches as she finds you standing on her doorstep, looking thoroughly disheveled under the soft, dim hallway lighting. Before she can utter a word, you close the distance between you, pulling her into a desperate hug.
“Y/N...” Wanda breathes out, frozen in surprise for a moment. But then, her arms automatically wrap around your form, pulling you closer.
She can feel your body shaking slightly, a sign that something is terribly wrong. Concerned, she pulls away just enough to look at you, cupping your face gently with her hands.
“What happened, Y/N?” she asks, worry etched into her features. “Talk to me.”
With a soft murmur, you say a single name: “Yelena.” Instinctively, Wanda’s hold around you tightens. She hadn’t anticipated that Yelena would approach you so soon after their conversation earlier in the day, considering Yelena's initial reluctance to Wanda's request.
“Can I stay here tonight?” you ask, your voice barely more than a muffled whisper against the fabric of Wanda's shirt, which is slowly growing damp from your unrestrained tears.
“Absolutely,” Wanda replies softly, “Stay as long as you need.”
Wanda gently guides you through the apartment, leading you into the quiet comfort of her bedroom. The familiar softness of the bed and the comforting scent of the sheets, still perfumed with her, feels like the safest place on earth—exactly where you need to be.
Tenderly, she tucks you into the bed, pulling the comforter all the way to your chin. Your heavy-lidded eyes, burdened by the day's challenges, gaze at her while she lovingly brushes away stray strands of hair from your face.
Your response is to merely nuzzle closer to her, comforted by the soft strokes of her hand along your face.
Wanda begins to withdraw, intending to give you space, but she halts, looking down at you. “I... I'm sorry. About Yelena, I–”
“Don't, Wanda.” you interrupt gently, your fingers curling around hers.
She pauses, her eyes searching yours, her mouth opening as though to argue, but your words come before she has a chance. “Thank you,” you express, tears pooling in your eyes.
Your voice softens as you struggle with the next request, your gaze on her becoming almost pleading. “Can you… can you just... stay with me?”
Wanda catches the full weight of your request—it's not just her presence you're seeking, not just for this night. It's a plea she also yearns to make to you, but she understands that it's not the time for that yet.
She simply nods in response, slipping under the covers next to you. Her arm encircles you, drawing you closer into her warm embrace.
And so, you hold onto her throughout the night, never letting go.
Taglist: @canvascoloredin | @justgotlizzied , @casquinhaa | @marvelwomen-simp | @sunsol-22 | @wandanatlov3r | @kyaraderuwez | @justyourwritter69 | @stanolsevans | @aliherreraaa | @diaryoflife| @justagurlwholikes | @lizziesplant | @cowxpoke | @sokovianbaby| @swiftie1-0-1 | @scarlettbitchx
338 notes · View notes
win-writes · 2 years
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༶ pairing; jouno x reader
༶ contains; suggestive themes, fluff, lots of kisses, cuddles, cute little pillow talk with jouno♡
༶ word count; 958
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This moment felt just right. You're laying your head over your lover's shoulder, sitting up in your shared bed. Your naked bodies are tangled together, enjoying each others warmth. You hold his hand, tenderly playing with his fingers, while his other hand is softly playing with your hair.
You're lost in your thoughts, something that of course doesn't go unnoticed by Jouno "What is it my love?", he asks breaking the comfortable silence, "Is something bothering you?"
You rise your head up to look at him. A sad smile takes over your lips as your hand softly caresses his face "It's kind of stupid, but can I ask you something?"
Jouno moves your hand to his lips, kissing your palm "Baby you can ask me anything, you know that" you stare at him with eyes full of love, taking in every little detail of his pretty face
"Do you remember what colors look like?"
Jouno couldn't help the little laugh that escaped his lips at the sound of your question, "Out of all things, you're worried I don't know what colors look like?" you pout at his response, crossing your hands "I knew it was a stupid question, but you don't have to laugh!"
You bring your locked hands closer to you and start drawing random little patterns with your free hand on the back of Jouno's palm, "I'll start with blue then" you announce as you lean your head on his shoulder once again "Blue is the color of the sky and the sea.. It's also the color of sadness" you feel Jouno's thumb slightly tickling your hand, by drawing circles on it, letting you know he's listening.
Jouno turns your face to meet his and without a warning, he presses his lips against yours into a gentle kiss "But you're so cute when you're embarassed" he whispers into your lips "Why don't we play a game, hm?" he backs up a few inches "You'll describe colors to me and maybe it'll help refresh my memory"
You take his hand into your own, slowly interlocking your fingers together "Promise you won't make fun of me again?" he leans his face closer to yours, leaving another sweet kiss on your cheek "I promise my love, I won't"
"Then we have red" you continue without letting go off his hand "Red is the color of our blood. It symbolizes love but rage as well.." You turn your face to look at him "It's also the color of your tips" you smile as you gently hold some of the red tips of his hair, twirling them around your fingers. He gives you a warm smile "What about yellow?"
You take a moment to yourself, carefully considering your answer. You take another look at his sweet face, settling your hands on each side of his frame. Jouno leaned into the familiar warmth of your palms that he loved so much. You kissed his forehead before replying "You are green" in a low tone, like a secret that only he was meant to hear.
"Yellow.. is the color of the sun" you proceed "And the symbol of happiness and energy" you smile to yourself with all of the cheerful memories you hold dear with the man beside you flooding your mind
"What are you thinking of? Your heartbeat's going crazy" you look up to him with a huge smile "You of course" He holds you close into his arms, placing kisses all over your head "Well, aren't you bold?" You stay like that for a moment, quietly appreciating each other's affection and loving touch. Until Jouno moves his head back, moving your chin up to face him
"What color am I to you then y/n?"
"Care to elaborate, my dear?" asked the man before you, curious about your thoughts behind your final answer. "You are calm and responsible, just like the color blue" you note while caressing his right cheek, "but you're also the one who brings me hope and happiness, exactly like the color yellow" you continue, now shifting your affections to his left cheek "combine them together and.." you now lightly squeeze both of his cheeks "you get green!"
Jouno giggled at your adorable explanation and mannerisms "Is that so? Then, I'll gladly be your green" he gave you a genuine smile, pressing his forehead against yours "What about me Jouno? What color am I to you?" you eagerly ask.
Your eyes are filling with tears, bluring your vision "Damn you..' you curse him under your breath, while Jouno wastes no time to whipe the tears off you face "When did you get so poetic?". He closed the gap between your faces, his lips now ghosting over yours "About.. 2 minutes ago?" you giggle before you crush your lips against his.
Though, your partner was ready to give you the answer you're seeking "To me you're white" he replies, quicker than you expected with an equally unexpected answer "And why is that?"
Jouno moves his arms around your waist, bringing your body on top of his to have you sit on his lap. You move your hands around his neck, making yourself comfortable, patiently awaiting for him to reveal his train of thought. "You are white, because you brought the light in my life I thought I lost forever. The purest and warmest ray of light I could ever wish for"
You savior the taste of his sweet lips, as he carefully rolls you over, laying you on your back. He breaks the kiss, only to target your neck instead. "How about we play another game?" he hovers over your face once again, just to get dangerously close to your sensitive ears "But a bit more acoustic this time"
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504 notes · View notes
nothomegal · 9 months
Okey, it's me again. And again, I have a question: many authors have a headline saying that RZ Michael has a sweet tooth (and especially loves chocolate). Well... Me too... And now I'm wondering what it's like when there are two sweet tooths in the same house: one is a very tall and muscular man, and the second is almost shoulder-high with a slightly plump girl... Is it just me, or is Michael one of those people who would rather eat everything himself than share it?
Oh, another interesting topic I see.
Well. Indeed Mikey likes sweets but I think it all depends on what stage of trust and/or relationship you're both in that determins how selfish he is.
Allow me to elaborate with some headcanons if you don't mind! (couldn't figure out any doodle sorry :( )
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If you never met Michael before (in childhood/sanatorium) then buckle up because to get this man's trust will require a lot of time, steel nerves and patience! (though if he didn't kill you right away, it means there's something special in you. So congrats for this lil' headstart!)
I believe that your unusual relationship (romanting/platonic) officially began the night he broke into your home.
As expected, the first days were hella awkward and uncomfortable. Michael would keep an eye on you almost 24/7.
He probably stalked you before so he knows where you hide all the sweet treats. And depending on what mood he is, they all could dissappear the next morning he broke in.
After knowing for sure you won't rat him out... Well, you'll have to make an almost daily trip to the store if you want to have anything sweet, because with that goliath in your house no treat lasts long enough for you to enjoy it.
Don't try to hide any from him, he will find it and will take it all right under your nose if you get upset or say anything. At this point Michael is like that bratty older brother that takes stuff away from you, testing your patience and just wanting a reaction for you.
If you ask nicely though, he may leave some for you. May.
Not everything is so bad though. If you're having a particulary crappy day you'll be surprised by your most favorite sweets just tossed next to you.
Eventually, when you two are somehow comfortable around each other and have mutual respect for boundaries, then your portion of sweets will be somewhat safe.
Key word somewhat, because sometimes Mikey will steal an extra chocolate bar of yours. (He'll make up for it, maybe gift you a mask or a pretty thing he got from a victim.)
Speaking of victims. In case he found something sweet durning his hunt and already has trust with you, you'll have a very nice surprise when you wake up and see some goodies next to you. (Don't comment, just thank him for it and you'll get more the next time you wake up.)
In conclussion, at first Michael will be kinda mean and take away your portion (maybe even tease you by holding it over your head and silently daring you to reach it) but as soon as some trust is build he'll be more respectfull and even share (though he keeps the bigger part, but you don't have to know that...)
Oh and as an extra fact. If you have the last chocolate bar, then Mikey will proceed to stare at you like a dog staring at its owner's food. This is a small but crucial moment because it will determine the rest of the week (choose wisely, you don't want to have the infamous Michael Myers be petty for the rest of the week.)
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