#'if you only let yourself feel loved when youre helping others then youre dooming yourself'
basilpaste · 5 months
tell about your lab rat (mouse stuck in time loop). what is the time loop.. why r they there.. any hobbies..
'timeloop' is a bit of a misnomer? more accurately: mouse is stuck in the timeloops. plural.
they started at some point after she turned fifteen. not on her birthday, not really on a significant day at all. they got caught up in something, they died, and then they go back. eventually, after solving the 'big problem' the timeloop ends. and everything goes back to normal! happy ending! no ones hurt, no ones suffering!
the next day goes on as normal. she gets up, she goes to bed.
and she wakes up the same day. again.
the time the loops last and the time between them vary wildly. sometimes theres days between a new loop. sometimes its hours.
so they solve the problems. and the loops break! its like nothing ever happened! but things DID happen! and mouse is stuck there! suffering alone!!! and no one can see but them! their body changes, just subtle things. just enough that she looks at herself and doesnt see a human looking back. but no one else seems to notice. or if they do, no one says anything.
isnt it enough that shes helping people? why wont it end? why does she have to suffer this way? shes helping, isnt she? isnt that good? isnt what theyre doing good? doesnt it make people like them?
mouse murdock has been fifteen for ten years. she is tired.
anyhow mouse likes science fiction and journaling!!! they do fancy notes!! or at least they try to. also!!! meteorology!!!! she really likes the weather. maybe shell go into it. if they ever get physically old enough for it at least.
also mouse gained nouns in the timeloop. hits them with the they beam.
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silkscream · 9 months
once bitten, twice shy
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megumi fushiguro x reader
ੈ✩ wc: 3.1k (i cannot write anything under 2k to save my life)
ੈ✩ tags: emotionally constipated megumi, tsundere basically, friends to lovers, a lil angst, not actually unrequited love, pining, alcohol, typical yuuji nobara antics
ੈ✩ a/n: this is not xmas themed despite the title BUT it does end up taking place on satoru's birthday for plot reasons. megumi fushiguro your intimacy issues bewitch me mind body and soul.....
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megumi does not know what to do with his feelings.
he’s never been the type to be particularly in touch with them — he didn’t remember his parents enough to blame them for whatever avoidant attachment he’d accustomed himself to. or maybe, that was the exact cause of said attachment style. gojo taking him in when he was a child didn’t help either — the man also refused to be very vulnerable around him, merely acting as a benefactor and a nuisance at best.
and while he was closest to tsumiki, he’d still built up a wall around himself that she couldn’t get through, and she knew it. she couldn’t break through it in his pre-teen years, and certainly not his teenage years when he was taking out his aggression on his classmates. he would ignore her soothing words and resent her kindness. perhaps he’d taken after toji in that way. constantly fending for himself for the sake of survival. always convinced that he was doomed to be alone.
and then there was you.
he’d met you first at jujutsu tech before any of the other students could. after sparring with maki, he’d been dismissed to shoko’s office. he’d opened the door that september day and was immediately met with your wide eyes, your searing cursed energy. gojo had found another stray.
shoko had made him your first experiment and you excelled. his injuries were healed within minutes. if anything, he felt better than he had in months — after battling insomnia and panic attacks, he felt… calm. like his brain was cleansed and that he had nothing to stress about. (until the next time gojo had gotten on his nerves.)
your introduction to his class was nothing extravagant despite gojo’s theatrics. megumi couldn’t help but keep his eyes on you after that — during practice battles, lectures, or lunch. he was always hyperaware of your presence. he blamed it on your cursed energy.
he hates how enthusiastic yuuji is about you, how yuuji tells him about how he manages to get you alone even though you often keep to yourself, and how he thinks you’re so fucking pretty, and that you’d agreed to watch the human earthworm movies with him. (megumi had refused when yuuji asked.)
he stews in that anger quietly because he’d rather die than let anyone know. nobara knows better, of course. she teases him about it and brings up jealousy.
why should megumi ever be jealous of yuuji? the boy was a freak accident in human form, with no inherent technique. who fucking cares that he can make you laugh without any effort?
it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t. because you have no direct effect on megumi and you don’t distract him during school. he doesn’t cling onto the memory of your hands on his skin. he doesn’t wish for the feeling again. of course not.
he tells this to yuuji and nobara, too. there’s one day where nobara goes too far — she teases him about setting up a date, that you rave about him, that he’s definitely your type. megumi doesn’t believe a word of it, especially because you’re probably more comfortable with yuuji. he doesn’t care to date because it would hold him back. he’s too focused on his training, on being the best, because he’s determined to follow in gojo’s shadow even if he won’t admit it. he could be the second strongest. he could be the most reliable.
it comes out in all the wrong ways. he’s more irritable than usual, so he yells at nobara instead of seething in hushed tones. he rants about how he does’t need someone by his side, certainly not you, whose only benefit is to heal superficial injuries and not much else. how your combat skills are poor, how easily you get beat when you spar on the field. how compared to him, you’re weak, so you’re of no use.
unfortunately, you hear him. every thought on his mind that tumbles out of his stupid mouth, his tone spewing wrath. you know that megumi is a moody person, but you’d never think him to be mean.
you pretend you’re just passing by, but from the faces nobara and yuuji are making, megumi already senses your presence. the color drains from his face, cobalt eyes wide.
“i’m — i’m sorry, i didn’t mean —“
“it’s okay, fushiguro,” you say softly. even after that shitshow, you’re still fucking smiling. it puts a sinking feeling in megumi’s stomach.
“ah, i got an extra pack of mochi and thought you guys would like it.”
you hand over a small bag and megumi takes it wordlessly.
“that’s so sweet,” yuuji beams, attempting to deflect. “hey, i was just looking for you. do you happen to have those jujutsu history notes? kugisaki spilled a soda on mine.”
“you knocked it over!” nobara protests.
“you put it on top of my stuff!”
you take your notebook out of your bag and hand it to yuuji graciously, avoiding megumi’s gaze and making up an excuse to see all of them later.
apparently, “later” means a week after. megumi sees you in class, and while he attempts to walk you to the dining hall or invite you to hang out, you bolt out the door before catching anyone’s attention. he has to find out how you are from fucking yuuji, who somehow gets to see you around the dorms every other day.
“i think she just likes to keep to herself, s’all,” yuuji says. he can sense megumi’s anxiety just from being in the same room as him.
“but you see her all the time.”
“she’s been tutoring me a little. and we just like the same movies and stuff.”
yuuji shrugs casually. his nonchalance makes megumi’s blood boil, because of course he’s the one who gets to occupy all of your time. of course you’re probably most comfortable with him. he knows he shouldn’t be seething at the thought of you two together — it isn’t his right. but his jealousy is starting to get the best of him lately.
“are you guys together?” he blurts out.
“no?” yuuji furrows his brows. “if anything, i feel like nobara might be trying to make a move since she’s way nicer to her than she is to us. except i’m pretty sure she and maki have been going out lately.”
“dude, keep up!”
and when yuuji accuses of megumi having a crush again, the same way nobara did all those weeks ago before he made a fucking fool of himself, megumi shuts it down with a grimace and a blush. he’s merely concerned about your wellbeing is what it is. that’s what he’s able to muster up to yuuji, of course, who absolutely isn’t buying it based on his shit-eating grin.
it’s annoying, especially because yuuji can make you feel more comfortable, comfortable enough to hang with the whole trio, and the pink-haired bastard has to meddle like a little troll. bumping the two of you into each other like you’re in middle school. somehow, it worsens everything. not your dynamic, but megumi’s self-consciousness.
he was already so extremely aware of you, but now he’s convinced that some angel above has tied the red string between you both extra tight. megumi looks for you in every crowd, awaits your arrival every day in the classroom and at lunch, and it’s starting to feel pathetic — the lightness in his chest whenever you’re even so much as ten feet away. his heart even beats faster at the anticipation of your text in the group chat, for fuck’s sake.
and then there’s gojo’s birthday party, a surprise orchestrated by the four of you, despite megumi’s reluctance. you’re particularly more radiant than usual. maybe it’s the lighting. maybe it’s the dress you have on.
despite the amount of shots he’s been forced to take in the past hour (three), megumi is still sober enough to feel anxious around you. though, he thinks he might be drunk enough to be lost in your image, fixating on your collarbone and the way your hair falls in your face as you laugh at one of gojo’s stupid jokes. it’s when the two of you lock eyes that megumi feels out of it, because you smile at him. you fucking smile.
if the warmth of the liquor wasn’t currently raising heated blood to his head, he’d deny the sparks that came from the mere sight of your smile, but he was hopeless. you’re mesmerizing. dizzying. he doesn’t know what to do with his face, not when his cheeks are flushing red and his motor skills are slowing down. fuck, maybe he was a lightweight like gojo after all.
he’s clearly out of touch with reality, because the moment fades as soon as it comes. perhaps it wasn’t a moment at all. he watches you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, your mouth moving slowly as you mingle with other classmates. he’s fucking fixated on your mouth — your lipstick tonight is a blush red with a shiny gloss reflecting light. megumi has only dreamed of what your lips would taste like once or twice. no more than that. he swears on it.
there’s brief eye contact between the two of you again for half a second. there’s a coy smile on your face as always before you slip out the back door of the house.
there are so many bottles around the place that no one will notice megumi taking an entire bottle of champagne for himself. he scowls at the taste, of sickeningly sweet pears — courtesy of gojo, probably. his head swims and thinks of you.
his momentary peace is rudely interrupted by the sound of nobara’s voice in his ear, asking for you.
“ijichi’s setting up karaoke!”
“there is no way in hell that i’m—”
“i don’t care what you do, emo, but i need her to do a duet!”
megumi heaves a sigh, making his way to the backyard where he finds you sitting on a tree stump. even with the dim fairy lights, he probably would’ve missed you if not for the cherried end of your cigarette.
“fushiguro-kun,” you nod at him.
“megumi,” he rasps. “just… megumi is fine.”
“oh, i get special privileges now? how come?”
there’s no mirth in your tone. you’re teasing him. he doesn’t answer your question.
(the mere act of you teasing him becomes an intimacy in itself — he had never thought that you would be comfortable enough to talk to him in jest. you’d maintained your distance from him fairly well.)
“didn’t know you smoked.”
“only when i drink,” you shrug. “ieiri-san doesn’t make much of an effort to hide her cigarettes, either. don’t tell on me, though.”
“wouldn’t dream of it.”
he doesn’t know where to look. luckily, you’re not looking at him, so he can settle his gaze on your mouth nursing the cigarette. plump. glossy under the moonlight.
megumi is not used to wanting. he had never asked gojo for anything during his adolescence, and refused any gesture of kindness from anyone. he was convinced since childhood that there was no point in desire because disappointment would be on the other end of it either way.
he’d like to be a monk about it. he could control himself and focus on his studies. never spare you a glance again that isn’t platonic. and then a cool december wind blows past the two of you, and he smells your amber perfume.
and when he turns his head, you’re looking at him, eyes bright.
“so… not enjoying the party?”
“i’m not really one for parties.”
“me neither,” you shrug. “that’s why i like to do my little ritual of escaping.”
“we have that in common.”
you hum, a noncommittal noise. you take another drag of your cigarette, which disintegrates slowly.
“what a pair, the two of us.”
megumi can’t pick up any sarcasm from your voice, though he assumes it. it makes his stomach drop even though the statement is harmless. the two of you. together. it makes endless futures bloom in his mind. maybe it’s the prosecco, but it almost makes him want to vomit. to think that he was even good enough to be beside you in your future.
you curse quietly when you pull your phone out of your jacket pocket to check the time, realizing it’s dead. megumi gives you a once-over. the jacket you’re wearing is all too familiar. like him, you’re not one to wear very many colors. but this jacket is bright red, varsity style, and oversized on you.
“is that itadori’s jacket?” megumi stammers.
“oh, yeah. i didn’t realize how cold it would be tonight.”
“why?” you give him a curious smile.
“nothing,” he coughs. “are… you two…”
you laugh and it’s like a song to him.
“i think he might be my best friend, s’all. why? you jealous?”
he looks at you again, head-on, your eyes still bright. brighter than fluorescents. there’s something in your irises that is meant to provoke him, but he’s dispensed of his usual cautious nature after he takes another gulp from the bottle.
“more than you can imagine,” he huffs.
“’m not repeating that.”
“what, you’re not saying you’re like, into me, are you?” you exasperate.
megumi remains silent, cheeks flushed. he thinks that if his head could heat up any more, he’d end up with a migraine.
you breathe the tiniest gasp. if it wasn’t for how close megumi was to you, he wouldn’t have noticed.
“i kind of thought you hated me, you know,” you admit.
“i could never hate you. i don’t think anyone could.”
“you don’t have to pretend,” you sigh. he didn’t notice until now that your cigarette was finished, discarded onto the dirt with your boot to crush it into ash. “i— beyond the politeness, i get it. that i’m not your type or whatever. you don’t even have to be friends with me, fushiguro-kun.”
“megumi,” he emphasizes.
“i’m not pretending. i… i really fucking like you,” he slurs. “it kind of scares me how much.”
“you’re drunk.”
“i am. i know you heard me say all that shit to kugisaki and itadori, but it’s because they put me on the spot and i was nervous. i don’t know how to… deal with feelings. honestly, if i wasn’t even a little drunk right now, i’d probably have left the party with my tail in between my legs and avoided you for the next fucking week, and you don’t deserve that. you deserve… everything.”
“even you?”
when did you get so close to him? if he sauntered just a few inches in your direction, he could touch your noses together. he can smell your perfume so deeply.
“it’s the other way around,” megumi breathes. “i don’t deserve you. not anything close to you.”
“what if i want you regardless?” your voice is just above a whisper. a prayer, a hymn. a wish to be blown out.
megumi swallows the lump in his throat. he blinks at you, dark indigo luminescent. the world slows down. he may owe it to the liquor and the wine, but he assumes it’s just your presence. your scent, the softness of your hair in between his fingers, your soft breaths.
“what do you want, megumi-kun?”
he remembers something gojo said. that to be a jujutsu sorcerer, he has to be selfish. he’s not sure if that philosophy applies to the situation at hand, but he’d be damned if he let you crawl into bed tonight without knowing how he truly felt about you. so, uncharacteristically, he takes a leap forward.
he unwinds the tension in his body and presses his lips to yours. it’s soft, chaste, innocent. something like a pause. he’s afraid to touch you, but you’ve already reeled him in with arms thrown around his shoulders, fingertips touching the softness of his black hair.
you bump your nose with his, shyly, and he kisses you open-mouthed. tongue in your mouth, meshing the taste of tobacco and prickly pear. the vanilla chapstick that he’d put on before he followed you out to the backyard.
he has one hand caressing your jaw and the other on your shoulder, thumb brushing over your collarbone in a way that makes your entire body shiver. you’re embarrassed at the pool of desire in between your legs.
megumi has never let himself be full of wanting, but at the moment, his veins are surging with it. it’s like a drug to him — your warmth, your scent, the saccharine taste of your mouth. your flesh is so soft, so pliable, from the way you dip towards the cavern of his lanky body, pressed against him chest to chest. letting his hand dig into the fat of your hip. fingertips grazing the skin underneath your shirt.
maybe it’s the liquor, but he’s feeling experimental — he tucks your bottom lip in between his teeth. pulls your hair ever so slightly. you mewl into his mouth quietly and he thinks that he’s never felt anything better than this. you’re wrapped up in all of him. you can quite literally feel the heat on his cheeks and both of you realize how aroused he is, his bulge prodding your thigh.
“fuck,” he whispers into your mouth, and he pulls away. only a few inches are separating you as he takes a moment to breathe. his eyes are blown out wide, black stretching across dark blue. both of you are stunned, panting, and the tension is more palpable than ever.
a rustling of grass makes both of you jump. when he turns, he sees yuuji and nobara staring with wide eyes.
“you owe me 7,000 yen,” yuuji deadpans to nobara.
“seriously, fushiguro? i didn’t think you had it in you!”
“i always had faith in you, fushiguro!” yuuji chimes.
while you giggle, megumi growls under his breath at the new intrusions of dumb and dumber.
“i personally thought you were way out of his league,” nobara tells you.
“eat shit.” megumi seethes with arms crossed, and despite his wrath, he resembles more of an angry kitten to you than any potential threat.
“sheesh, don’t summon a shikigami on them, megumi,” you tease with a pleased grin.
“i—” he stumbles over his words in frustration, grimacing. “what do the two of you want, anyway?”
“gojo-sensei got ijichi to sing doja cat.”
“oh, i’ve gotta see this,” you snort, grabbing megumi by the hand as you begin to usher the crew back inside. his heart leaps at the feeling of your fingers intertwined with his.
despite his inhibitions, megumi’s decided that he could get used to this.
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mostlymihawk · 3 months
Getting Sick!
Straw Hat Crew (+ Shanks + Mihawk) x GN reader
Prompt: How they react to you getting sick.
CW: Emetophobia (throwing up)
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Completely useless.
The man's made of rubber, he doesn't have a clue what to do.
"Um...it's gonna be okay? It's gonna be okay, right?"
You have to ask him for everything.
Does carry you to bed when asked, and will happily snuggle you.
Then asks if you want something to eat.
Food is the solution, and refuses to understand that food can also be the problem.
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Holds your hair and runs her fingers through it at the same time.
Also dabbing your face and neck with a cold cloth.
Certified professional make-it-better-er.
She did a lot of throwing up when she was younger.
Childhood trauma combined with lying to your sister and working for your mother's murderer will do that.
Knows exactly what she would have wanted, and gives it all to you.
"It's gonna be okay. I've got you, sweetheart."
Keeps tabs on your temperature to make sure this isn't a symptom of something bigger.
Refuses to let you out of bed until you're 100% better.
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Keeps his face carefully blank and gently rubs your back.
Looking away the whole time.
You know him well enough to know he does not want to be doing this.
Handles blood just fine but this is a whole other ballgame and he wants no part of it.
Happily helps you to bed after, because it means the gross part is over.
"Better out than in...I guess."
Then he remembers someone has to take care of the cleanup.
Tries to frame it as discipline training to make it better.
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Useless, but tries his best.
"Do you need a cloth? Some water? I can get, uh...fresh pair of clothes?"
Standing outside the door, so you croak out what you need and he runs to get it for you.
Needs to be filling the silence.
If he's not asking you something and you're not answering he's talking about how this reminds him of that one time in the Forest of Doom...
Spends the whole night telling stories to help you get to sleep.
Gets a lot better when he realizes this isn't all that much different than barnacles and bird poop.
Unfortunately, the worst of it has already passed by then.
Confidently assures you he'll be ready for next time, though.
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As a gentleman, it's his duty to take care of his significant other when they're sick.
He's damn good at it too.
That doesn't mean he has to like it.
His face is pinched as his thumb gently rubs your back, he dabs your face and neck, and offers you sips of water when you can manage it.
"You're alright, sweetheart. A little bit of my tender love and care and you'll be on your feet in no time."
And then he notices the colour, not unlike the blueberry reduction from the dessert you'd asked for after lunch.
Gently helps you to your room, and it's not until the next day that you notice anything is amiss.
In. con. solable.
No one has ever gotten sick from his food before. Ever.
Refuses to serve food.
The Straw Hats have to turn back to Baratie so Zeff can literally beat some sense into him.
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This crew loves its alcohol way too much for Shanks to be even the slightest bit bothered by a little vomit.
Sits by your side, dabbing your face, rubbing your back, completely unfazed, cracking jokes the entire time.
"Snuck into the hold and had yourself a little party without me, did you?"
Knows exactly what to do to help you feel better.
Again, the crew loves alcohol too much for anything else to be true.
Cuddles. So many cuddles.
This crew is too experienced to let a sick crew member come back to work early, so despite the unserious approach you're on strict bedrest.
The whole crew makes fun of you...but only once you've recovered.
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This is not a man who routinely deals with people being sick.
Why are you sick.
Who caused this.
Who does he need to kill.
(It's whoever cooked your dinner at that restaurant you went to last night, but you don't tell him that.)
Completely repulsed, does not let it show on his face while he tends to you.
Rubs your back very gently, and uses a cool cloth to wipe the sweat off your face.
Helps you to bed, sits up and lets you lean against his chest so you're upright, and encourages a few sips of water.
"Get some rest, my jewel."
The next day there's a doctor at your bedside.
You don't need a doctor, but the look on Mihawk's face says this is non-negotiable.
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A Hold On You 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, bullying, depression, controlling and abusive behaviour, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you try to look on the bright side of life but a man comes along to blot out the sun.
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Note: Thank you all for feeding into this.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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It’s a nice day to get out. One of the last sunny days of autumn. You can smell the soil and leaves and hear the call of pumpkin spice. Maybe on your way back. 
You can’t spend another day inside. Not after the week you’ve had. Besides, once the winter hits, you’ll have more than enough reason not to go past your front door. You’re going to make the most of your day off. More so, you’re going to keep your mind busy so it doesn’t fall back into the pit. 
It feels good to move around. Between hunching at your cubicle desk and squinting over your dining room table, that crick in your neck needs to be ironed out. You have to remind yourself to stand up straight as the muscles tug between your shoulder blades. 
You stop and turn to face the record shop. As you do, you’re nearly bowled over by another pedestrian. You hadn’t realised they were so close behind you. You back up and apologise but the man doesn’t even look at you as he veers toward the front door. The bell jingle as he enters with a huff, the back of his dark jacket a vague splotch in your vision. 
Oop. You’re in the way. Again. You do your best not to do that. You never want to stir the waters or be a bump in the road but somehow you always find a way to do that. No good comes from wallowing in it. As stressful as it can be to brave the public and its unpredictability, a smile keeps you from falling apart. 
You approach the shop and swing open the door. Oof, it’s much heavier than that man made it look. You greet the associate behind the counter with a beaming morning and ‘hello?’ He asks how you are and you give the easy answer; ‘good, how are you?’ He responds with the same empty courtesy. 
You look around the covers and the little signs that delineate every genre. Before you can get into all that, you need the most important piece of all. A record player. For as long as you’ve been waiting to set foot in the shop, you’ve been saving up for the player. 
You near the table stacked with varying shades of suitcase players. You read up on each brand and style. It will be best to tuck away when you’re not using it. Your small apartment is already too cluttered. 
You pick a lilac player with little white roses stamped over the cover. It’s on sale. A sign above proclaims that you can get twenty percent off three or more records when you by a player. Well, how about that? It isn’t all doom and gloom. 
You hug the player under your arm and near the shelves mounted to the walls. You peruse the titles intently. Something new? Something you know? You definitely don’t want to get just one genre.  
As you sidle along, the corner of the box knocks against something. You look back and another ‘sorry’ bubbles from your lips. It’s that man again. He’s browsing the end cap behind you and growls at your apology. You stare at him for a moment, he seems at home in a place like this. 
“Um, excuse me, sir,” you say, “do you have any recommendations?” 
He grumbles and puts the album back in its slot. He looks over his shoulder with detest curled into his lip. The stone chiseled into his jaw makes you gulp. 
“What?” He scowls. 
“Sorry, I didn’t... I was only... curious. Have a good day, sir.” 
“Good? What’s good about it?” He hisses. You wince and move to the next section. Not far enough as he sighs, “you know, you wouldn’t like my taste anyway. Stick to your girly pop.” 
You resist a frown. You’re not going to let someone like that bring you down. You can tell that he looks for the worst in everything and everyone. You wouldn’t judge someone by their appearance but his demeanour says as much as his words. You won’t add to his cynicism but bothering him further. 
You pick out an Etta James album that you recognise. Your grandmother had the same one. You think your mother snatched it up after she passed. You didn’t get much from the inheritance. As it is, you’d rather have your grandma back. Someone to talk to. 
You move on to the rock section. There’s hair metal and classic rock and grunge and all sorts. You’re not unfamiliar with the genre but you don’t want to be too obvious.  
A scuff startles you and you glance over at the man in the dark jacket. He seems familiar. His short brown hair, his stubbly jaw, and his intensity trigger something in your head. You definitely don’t know him. Everyone you know is too busy for you. 
“Probably don’t even know how to use the damn thing,” he snips under his breath as he gets closer. 
You realise he’s talking about you. It’s no good arguing. You’ve met his kind before. Back when your friends had the time of day for you, you met that type at their parties. You avoided them. 
You leave the aisle. You don’t want to be in his way, though it seems no matter what you do, you are. You find yourself exactly where he predicted. Well, who cares? It’s all a matter of brain chemistry, right? You don’t get to choose what you like, you just like it. It makes your brain happy and heaven knows you need more of that. 
You pick out another favourite then head over to new release. You’ve never heard Sabrina Carpenter. You’ll give it a try. 
You approach the counter and as you do, another sigh storms through the shop. The man’s behind you. Oh no, had you cut him off? 
“You want to go ahead of me?” You ask as you keep your haul in your arms. 
He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, a single record in his hand; The Boswell Sisters. You’ve never heard of them but it really doesn’t look like heavy metal. You turn back to the cashier and smile, “hello, um, this is it.” 
You put your things up as the man returns your smile. He asks if you want a bag and you say, ‘yes, please’. Things might not be perfect but it doesn’t mean you can’t try to make them better. And if a smile and manners can brighten someone else’s day, that alone makes yours a little sunnier. 
The box for the player has a little plastic handle. You’re happy for that as it makes your journey to cafe a little easier. You stand in line with your paper bag and bulky box and move along until it’s your turn. You order the pumpkin spice but think better of double up with the pumpkin cream muffin; you instead opt for the apple cinnamon with the chunks you can see through the top. 
Patiently, you stand by the wall until your order comes up. You crinkle around the other customers and claim it, balancing it all delicately toward an empty table. You tuck the box underneath and lean the bag against it. 
You tear apart the muffin, dividing the bottom from the top. You peel back the liner and eat the former first, pinching morsels between your fingers. You don’t know why you do it that way, you just always have.  
You taste the pumpkin spice. It’s good. Not too spicy at all. It tastes like real pumpkin. Considering the place is local, it might very well be. You pop the lid off to reveal the mostly melted cream and have another sip. 
You wipe the dairy mustache from your upper lip with a napkin and your eyes flick up to meet another pair. Not far from you, that man stands with his hands in his pockets. He’s waiting by the order window for his own delight. Well, that’s great. Maybe it will cheer him up. 
He glowers until you look through the window. Or not. The baristas call out a black coffee as you chew on the brim of the paper cup. You stare out into New York traffic and feel yourself getting smaller. It’s easy to feel lost in the city. 
As you watch through the window, a dark figure passes before it. You lift your gaze and again find yourself at the mercy of that man’s grim snarl. You quickly turn back to your latte. He must’ve had that black coffee. He might do with a bit of sugar. 
You try not to think about it. You don’t know him. You don’t know his problems. Just like anyone else. People don’t know that you feel heavy when you wake up or that you spend your hours keeping your hands busy so you don’t have to think. They only know the woman with the smile and the chipper voice and just as swiftly forget about her. 
You pick away at the muffin, savouring in each bite. You’re thankful for that. For that moment. You have coffee and a nice dessert and you got your record player. It's best not to think about all the existential stuff you can’t change. It will come back later when you’re alone. It can wait until then. 
Your walk home sees the sun hiding behind the clouds. The downpour begins a block away from your building and soaks you through. You keep your head down against the sheets of rain and hurry up the walk as the front door comes in sight. 
The elevator is out of order. Again. You climb the stairs in your squeaky soles and finally reach your apartment. You push inside and kick off your sodden shoes and peel away your jacket. The turtleneck beneath is just as drenched. 
You don’t strip down right away. You’re more concerned with your prizes. The records are fine, the covers just a bit damp, and the player doesn’t seem to have taken too much water. You leave it all on the counter and go to change into your favourite fuzzy pajamas. 
You come back out to the front room and stop to admire the slake of rain pelleting against the large windows. It might be dreary but it’s beautiful in its own way. You let the tempo lull you as you unpack the player and set it up on the book shelf.  
You slide the Etta James record from its sleeve and lay it on the player, moving the needle into place. You let it play as you back up, the boisterous tones of the legend melding perfectly with the raindrops. You smile; not the put-upon smile you wear for strangers but a smile of nostalgia and calm. You miss your grandma terribly but the music doesn’t make you sad. 
You go to the table, still messy from last night’s work. It never is clear. You always have scraps and bits littered over it, your sewing machine a permanent fixture on the worn wood. You sit and pick up the felt clump and go back to needling it to a discernible shape. 
Your brows nearly meet in the middle for your focus and it isn’t until the record begins to skip that you sit up. That damn kink is back. Your own fault. Can’t be mad at anyone but yourself. 
You flip the record and let it play out. When it’s over, you shut off the player. You eat the leftovers you’ve been parsing out for the week and settle in for your favourite romcom. It’s cheesy and a little lame but you only have to keep yourself happy. Or try to. 
You leave your plate on the coffee table and hunker down to finish the movie. You’re tired when it’s over but know you won’t sleep. So you go back to the table and work as the rain slows to a lazy rhythm. Your eyelids droop, your shoulders too, but you persist. 
The windows grow dark and there is only the distant shine of streetlights and few windows in the neighbouring buildings. You stare out at the blurring haze and it fades to a deep grey. You wake leaning back in the chair, your head hanging off your neck. You groan as you sit up and curse your carelessness. 
It won’t make work any less intolerable. You check the time ticking away on the clock that came with the apartment. You can get another hour or two. You get up and trod off to bed, not bothering to shut off the lights. You don’t sleep well in the pitch black. 
You fall into bed and just as quickly find yourself unbearable awake. All those little doubts and fears rise up to the surface and have you drowning just below. This is why you end up sleeping upright or folded over. Trying never works for you. Not at anything. 
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ghostykapi · 1 month
do you miss my name (said it between your breaths)
park jihyo & fem!reader
hi can i get an order of sapphics being sapphics and an extra shot of panic?
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it’s a saturday today
while any other saturday is just as good to you, this is a very special saturday
all because today you are going to indulge yourself and go to a sapphic event
you were nervous, the bones were rattling, the teeth chattering, your breathing coming in short breaths, and your right leg bouncing up and down.
it was saturday, and you are going to faint at the bare thought of potentially seeing a goddess tonight.
just a week ago you were excited, remembering the happy gasp you had made when you saw the event promotion through instagram. you had barely gotten the last slot, which meant to you it was a sign to finally to venture out more
when the days before started to come by, it starts to hit you bit by bit, well until today. you sitting down on your bed, overthinking what to even wear
it doesn’t help that your style is typically like a college student, baggy sweatpants and a hoddie as your style from day to day when clocking off work. your friends barely threw any parties or celebrations too, so the most presentable outfit was a pair of slacks, a button up white long sleeve, paired with your leather shoes.
oh you are so doomed
but today is saturday, and sana is always looking for people to makeover on saturdays for fun
“hm” sana opens her closet, ruffling through the selection of dresses she wears “what do you feel about dresses?”
“not a fan but also not against it?” you are now sitting on sana’s bed, only now your leg won’t stay still out of habit “i mean it would be nice if it was long and flowy”
sana is still ruffling, and is now opening her drawers nearby to look at for more options
“was there a theme?”
“no not really, they just said like it was like a get together and you can talk and wine and paint?”
“paint? oooohh aren’t you a lover girl—oh what do you feel about dresses that show your back—ah no wait, it’s painting and wine, not really the right dress”
“yeah i mean it’s happening at that that thai restaurant downtown. the one that’s selling like those really good milkteas that i only knew now”
“psh you are such a loser, i love you but those milkteas have been there since like 5 months ago when i took tzuyu on a date”
“don’t you mean when my sister got stood up and you sped your way there?”
“shut up” sana shushes you, simply throwing you her floral dress, your eyes questioning the the fact that it’s a backless dress. a pretty floral dress that can kill
you look back up at her, already knowing she won’t take no for an answer despite what she said earlier
so yeah it’s saturday, sana is dressing you up. making sure you look the prettiest in that event. her gushing and tzu’s voice over the facetime reassuring a bit of your worries
jihyo on the other hand, totally isn’t stressing out. her outfit planned, ironed out on her bed. her new boots, which momo took courtesy of wearing it out with nothing but hands and stairs, already ready by the door.
“aren’t you excited for tonight” momo says over breakfast, observing jihyo across the table “more excited you’ve ever been since your last gig”
“i know i’m kind of shaking” jihyo laughs, and if momo notices the shakiness of it, she doesn’t comment or acknowledge it “it’s been a while”
momo doesn’t really continue the topic, knowing how long since jihyo has indulged in this kind of stuff. 5 years of focusing on the band and work made jihyo uninterested in any kind of romantic relationship or even simple dates.
“mhm and sana says she wants to do a girls night, so i won’t be home, probably going to crash at nayeon’s place if she gets too drunk” momo tells her, already giving away the apartment for the night “if jeongyeon will even let them drink”
jihyo barely thinks that someone might come home with her tonight, she doesn’t want to bring someone home in the first place. so she only replies with a muffled ‘okay’ before munching down the rest of her breakfast
so simple saturday for jihyo, a little excited, a little worried, but honestly it’s wine and paint and yummy food. she isn’t too worried or anxious
so someone explain to her why when it hits five p.m., when she’s in front of the restaurant, the organizers are happily ushering her in, her breath gets stuck in her throat as she notices how much other sapphics are there already
she’s looking around, taking notes at every person she sees, even the ones who stare at her for too long that she’s sporting a blush on the tip of her ears
it’s early, jihyo knows that, but when you walk in before it hits six p.m., she feels like she’s being sucker punched over the table she’s sitting at
you’re barely any better, but god sana was having so much fun with your makeup that it leaves most of the attendees double taking on you. the backless floral dress is a bold choice, but having half of the venue gawking at how you look makes you feel shy
nervous, excited, anxious. those were what both of you were feeling and yet—
when you see her, your throat goes dry at how she looks. sporting in a simple fit tank top, a leather jacket, dark baggy jeans and killer boots, you contemplate if you want her or to be her
when she sees you, she thinks she’s been blessed by sappho herself. the dress is stunning yes, but the way you smile, the way your eyes keep her from looking away, your glow under the warm lights
this isn’t love at first sight
this is finally finding someone who you might be your soulmate
the organizers wisk you away though, towards the registration booth and jihyo has to blink the stars out of her eyes before nursing her wine again. her nerves finally showing her what it means to get curious, excited and anxious all at the same time
she keeps her eyes on you, the way you smile and chat with the registration team. the way your hair drapes over your shoulders, the way your laugh sounds like an angel’s call, the way your back flexes those subtle muscles that makes everyone know that you work out
she doesn’t look away even when you take your stub and claim your free wine, giggling at that tall organizer that’s too close to you. that pesky ugly (she isn’t jihyo is just jealous) one that is trying to charm you away
so jihyo does what future you thinks is adorable and future her thinks is so stupid
“i think you don’t need to tell this pretty lady the same pick up line you use and fail for every person you met tonight”
you turn around and face jihyo, who’s eyes are glaring at the organizer, who’s stuttering a response. her hands barely ghosting over your waist, claiming you away from them.
not that you mind anyway her hands stayed there the entire night
she barely lets the organizer have a coherent reply, as she leads you towards her table, her heart racing as you laugh at the organizer’s defeated face. her brain itching to get more of that kick, more of your happiness out loud
“the pick up line isn’t that bad” you tell jihyo, your voice having the power to make jihyo fall on her knees
“no you don’t understand it’s been, what 30 minutes of her trying the same pickup line? on over 29 other women? i need her to stop and you don’t deserve that” jihyo lets you sit down, your breath hitching at how much you catch yourself enjoying much of jihyo’s undivided attention to you
“yeah? well” you try to look at her eyes properly, you really do. it’s just when she tilts her head and lets some strands of hair cover her eyes, you fond yourself looking away, knowing that she now resembles a look of a puppy “thank you for saving me then”
“anything for a pretty girl” what is jihyo even saying? momo would point and laugh at her right now if she were here, but she isn’t. it’s you who’s here and it’s you who blushes and ducks her head
so you both finally talk, despite the fact that you both are a mess, on this beautiful saturday evening. the organizers give out painting materials and the items you both want to paint. her’s being an ash tray despite being a non-smoker and yours being a a small woman’s bust, just to add decor in your home.
conversation flows, sharing hobbies, favorite food, travel spots, respective jobs, recommended music genres, best recipes for drinks, niche interests.
even then jihyo notices when the paint gets on your arm, her hands moving before she can think
“here let me” she basically focused on only you, barely on the ash tray she chose to paint. her hands already gently wiping the paint on your arm and her body inching closer towards yours
it’s only then you realize that she’s so close to your face when she looks up, your breaths tangling in the air, your lips only a few inches apart
“mhm” so close she is so close, but much to your disappointment, one of the organizers comes by to check on your progress, effectively making jihyo pull away a respectable arm’s reach before reassuring that everything is going well bb
damn were you expecting a kiss?
you don’t know how to even explain it
still you find that her company is nice, her jokes are good and makes you laugh, that she’s attentive and helps you remember to paint carefully, her smile now finally engraved in your head.
so when the paint dries, you get some food, you can’t deny that you’re into her. the way she smiles at every delighted sound as you eat, the way she becomes ‘angry’ with every bite, the way she wipes away any food or sauce near your lips with her thumb, her eyes lingering a bit too long for you to deny it.
so dinner is also good, amazing even, because wow you just learned that the world is small, and your roommate is apparently childhood friends with her roommate. so the only thing keeping you both from meeting each other any time sooner is because she’s so busy
jihyo also find this whole experience amazing, because she’s managed to keep you giggly this entire time, she’s now a person closer to seeing you again and again, she can take you out for coffee every weekend when she has to drag momo to sana for their weekly hangouts.
oh and yeah the food gets paid by jihyo. even if you protest it goes in vain, and she teases you to simply return the favor next time.
“next time?” you playfully scoff, walking towards the exit with jihyo, your arms linked together, eyes once more on you in either with happiness or in envy “what makes you think of a next time”
she opens the door for you, and leads you out of the prying eyes of others, but it doesn’t matter. not when you both only have it on each other
“i just know sweet girl” jihyo is cocky, but she’ll make you love this side of her more and more you see her “i just know”
the sound of thunder redirects both of you to look up at the sky, the rain pouring down on the city. both of you completely forgetting to check the weather app before leaving
“i forgot my umbrella” you look up at the sky, the lightning flashes dancing around, indicating that rain is all night. maybe even until the morning
jihyo also looks up, the first drops of rain splattering down at the side walk in front of them. it doesn’t get any of you wet, but she looks at you, and notices your eyes dimming at the thought of rain and no umbrella
“i can drive you home” jihyo says without a thought
“oh you’re so sweet but i really don’t want to bother you. it’s late and i don’t want to overstep anything”
“nonsense” she’s already wrapping her jacket around you, you’re breath hitching at how looking up at her is changing your brain “i have to make sure this gorgeous girl gets home safe”
she runs off to her car across the street before you can even reply, gawking at how bold she is and how much you are enjoying it. one hand holding both of your bags with your art works inside, and the other holding the leather jacket to keep you warm.
you barely have to wait a minute on the entrance of the restaurant, when jihyo returns, the large clear umbrella enough to keep you dry. she helps you stand up, zip up the jacket and pats down your dress.
she’s already grabbing your things before you can argue, shushing you up and leading both of you towards her car, which she drives you home with all the songs you tell her sounds nice, and her hand holding yours over the gear stick.
“i had fun tonight” you guys arrive at your apartment building, your fantasy coming to an end “especially with you”
jihyo doesn’t want this dream to stop
so she does what her heart tells her to.
in the future, she tends to flush red at the remembrance that she leaned too far and has to tilt her head up, just to kiss you. her hands resting gently on your waist and your arms on top of her shoulders, leaving you both star struck
“is that ok?” jihyo is nervous when she pulls away and looks at you, eyes closed and lips parted, tempting her to go for another kiss
“mhm” she melts when you open your eyes and give her a smile, the one that punches her in the gut “can i get another one? preferably right now and another one on my couch”
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mcondance · 1 year
other side of the game; hobie brown
summary // hobie swings by when you’re cleaning your room, and you know exactly what he wants.
cw // dubcon-ish (you say stuff akin to no but like.. you want it. it’s just a game you n hobie play), they talk a lot of shit, missionary
extras // you and hobie r Black so i don't wanna hear anything abt the grammar i used! "it's supposed to be doesn't" kill yourself idc, the song has. nothing to do with what happens in this fic btw it just.. it makes sense when you read it and it helped me write
wc // 2.6k
song shoutouts // special thanks to other side of the game by erykah badu and i get lonely by janet jackson
signing off // thank you to poetnon for this idea i hope you like this <3
you know the second you hear the knocks at your window that you won't be getting anything else done today. he does this every fucking time.
walking across your room, you unlock the window for your boyfriend, eyes meeting his as you psyche yourself up for what you know is coming.
you return your attention to your desk, and with your back turned to him, you hear him slide his lanky body through the frame, landing softly on your carpeted floor.
"you busy?" he muses pointlessly, already shrugging his jacket off and reaching down to untie his boots. player one, ready?
"yeah," you hum pointlessly too, hands fiddling with the trinkets on your desk. maybe if you don't look at him, you won't cave. player two, ready?
"what you up to?" his voice grows closer. you close your eyes, breathing deep and slow to try to build your resolve, but you can hear him inching towards you, the clinging of his belts giving his movements away.
"cleanin' my room." you spin around, figuring you'd face your doom instead. his shoes are off now, placed up against the wall under your window. and now the game has started.
"mhm. well don't let me stop you," he smiles, and you wish you could say that it didn't put another dent in your already rusty resolve, but it does. with shaking hands crossed in front of you, you push yourself up and away from your desk and move across your room to your pile of clothes, folding shit hastily, already so fucking nervous.
he takes your place leaning against your desk and scans your room, taking in how much you’ve already gotten done. it makes him feel a little less bad about what he’s going to do. “looks good already. how long you been cleanin’?”
“since like, 10.”
“mhm. ‘s 2:24 now. think you’re ready for a break?” you snap your head towards him, rolling your eyes and screwing your lips up at the implications of his words.
“not the kinda break you’re talking about,” you sneer, rolling your eyes again as you return your focus to the meaningless pile of clothes.
“and what kinda break is that?”
“the kinda break when you end up inside me. i don’t have time for it.” you don’t face him as you speak. you can’t. if you do, it’s all over. you don’t want it to end just yet. it’s fun. it always is.
“what, you think ‘m just tryna get in your pants? i jus’ think my girl should have a little rest, yeah?” at his words you drop the shirt in your hand, switching gears to organize your nightstand instead.
“you’re lying. you always do this.”
“do what?”
“this. you come here and sweet talk me and the next thing i know i’m under you and my room doesn’t get cleaned. i’m not doing this today.”
he’s silent— your brain isn’t. you know it’s only a matter of time until he’s doing exactly what he’s doing now.. wrapping his slim fingers around your waist and pulling you back onto him.
speaking directly against your ear, he finally comes out with what he wants. “take a break, baby, lemme make you feel good." his lips meet your neck, ghosting over your heated skin.
"can't, hobes, i gotta clean up,” you whine, but it's futile at this point, cause you're already leaning back onto him, already tilting your neck to the side to give him more access, already dropping the half-empty water bottle in your hand.
"you sure, love? y'can clean up after we're done, hm? i'll help you.” he sounds earnest, like he really cares. you shake your head no, but you let him pull you away from your desk and turn you around. "gotta clean," you repeat, but you let him push you down onto your ruffled sheets.
"then clean." he’s standing over you now with his hands tucked into his pockets, and he motions towards the pile of clothes with his head, knowing eyes fixed on your frame sprawled out on your bed. from here, the light frames him perfectly, and he looks so damn pretty. maybe you'll blame what you do next on that. doesn't matter now, though. eyes meeting, you both know you're not getting up— seconds pass with you both staring, a silent confirmation, and hobie knows your answer.
shrugging, he leans down with his hands still in his pockets, placing a damning kiss on your lips, murmuring "gave you a chance, baby. knew you didn't give a fuck about cleanin'." and he's right, embarrassingly so, so you roll your eyes, channeling your faux-frustration into a rough kiss, curling your hands under the straps of his t-shirt.
he falls forward, hands flying from his pockets to balance himself on top of you. smiling against your lips, he speaks again, “see. . you want it. you’re desperate.”
his hips start to rock against yours, stacked belts clinging against your dangling legs. hands finding the side of his face, you huff at his irritating need to almost shame you, to show for some made-up record that no matter how much you turn him down, you want him. you need him.
so you push your hips against his, humming at the groan that flies from his lips. tapping your thigh, he ushers you up the bed, your bodies turning until your head is laid on your pillows.
he reaches down between you two, sliding your shorts to the side to rub his fingers against your already sloppy cunt, smiling when he feels and sees how wet you are. “cleaning my ass,” he jokes, kissing you before you can get upset again.
sliding his fingers up, he brushes the pads of them over your sensitive clit, swallowing the pretty moans that start to flow from your spit-slicked lips. hobie knows you like the back of his hand, knows just how much pressure you need, how tight his circles have to be, knows how to make you cum hard, and cum fast.
it’s always like this when he comes by with the goal to distract you— you always end up under him with whatever you have on pushed hastily to the side, fully clothed and his hand between your legs, shaking arms wrapped around his neck. it’s desperate, really, both your need to get off.
though you try to remain steadfast, try to act like you don’t want this, the way your hips move against his hand gives you away. “did all that sayin’ ‘no’, bu’ look.” he points his eyes down, towards where his hand is hovering above your cunt, fingers glistening.
“‘course ‘m wet, don’t mean shit.”
“it don’t? that’s wild, love,” he slides two fingers in without warning and presses his thumb against your clit before he starts his circles again, other hand moving to hold you in place when you thrash against him, “cause last time i had t’almost beg. ‘n the time before that, i did beg.”
you know what he’s trying to say, and it makes heat rise in your face and makes your eyes close, cause you can’t face him. no matter, though, cause he grabs your face, spits, “open your eyes. look a’me.”
you open your eyes and meet his low ones, ones that are always black with lust, ones that bore straight through you and make you feel so small and dirty underneath their gaze. he nods at your obedience, and then his fingers catch that spot inside you, and the licks of flame inside you morph into something like a fire, lighting you up with pleasure. you’re close, so close.
“you’re gettin’ easier, baby. act all you want, you’re desperate.” that sends you over the edge, and it’s embarrassing. it’s filthy, how he just has to talk to you a little mean and you’re cumming on his fingers, shaking as you choked out sobs of his name, like you weren’t just telling him to leave you alone 10 minutes ago.
before you even come down he’s kissing you, pulling your shirt up to free your tits.
"fuck you." you spew as you separate, but you still pull him closer, position him where his clothed dick rubs right against your cunt, kept away by the fabric of his sweats and your shorts that have almost rolled back into place.
"you will, in a second," he bites back, a wicked smile plastered across his ethereal features— features that are driving you fucking insane.
you’ve grown sick of his mouth— fisting his hair, you yank hard, drawing a pained moan from him and another drag of his cock against you. “you keep talking all this shit, but you’re the one who came up to my window looking for some ass. i don’t wanna hear it.”
“yeah? and you’re the one who kept going on about havin’ to clean your room, but i got you in bed so easy. we’re both fucked.”
and it’s true. the statement grounds both of you, and you both realize just where you are— inches apart, seconds away from what you both want. snapping out of it at the same time, your hands tangle together as you reach for each other’s bottoms, you freeing his pretty dick and him ripping your shorts right down the middle.
you laugh at his haste, his deep chuckles mixing with your giggles, foreheads meeting as you both calm down after your frenzy.
“‘m sorry. still forget how strong i am.”
“‘s fine. just fuck me already.”
“ehhh,” hand around his cock, sliding his tip up and down your waiting cunt, he teases once more, “y’sure you don’ wanna clean? room’s still a bit messy.”
“hobie, i swear to god, if you do not put it in me now i will pin you down and take it.” reading your eyes, he can tell you’re dead serious.
“‘s much as i’d love that,” he slides in with a pretty groan, and you wrap your arms around his neck with a throaty whine, “i want you like this.” pushing his hips up, he seats himself inside you.
breathing heavy, you both just take a second to calm down, to bask in the feeling of being intertwined with your lover again, no matter how annoying they can be. with closed eyes, you throw your head back, resting on your pillows. hobie takes that as a sign to spread kisses down your jaw, grinning when you smile.
“move,” you breathe, shifting your hips to give him better access.
that first stroke always drives you both crazy. the slow pull out, faces contorting in pleasure, bodies getting closer and closer until the next best thing is merging together again, you pushing down and him pushing up and then his cock takes its rightful place inside you, sensitive tip leaking against your cervix.
“‘m all the way in, love, can feel the end of you,” he murmurs against your neck, and you nod, curling your arms tighter around his neck. then, he just grinds, circles his hips, just barely pulling out.
it’s perfect, the way your bodies move against each other, giving and receiving pleasure at the end of the game you both love playing. with fluttery glides and soft slides, and pitchy whines and deep groans, you dunk yourselves into that familiar pool of feeling, let it fill up your noses and mouths until it’s spilling over, your bodies shaking and jerking against each other.
blissed out of your fucking minds, your lips meet the others, lazy connects of your lips that you can just barely call kisses. they’re slack-jawed and sloppy, spit-swapping, the lewd smacks filling the air, mixing with the harmony of fucked-out sounds.
slowly, hobie starts moving his hips around differently, on a mission now, one that has you tensing up, cause it never takes him long to find it, that sweet spot that has you—
“fuck,” you drawl, throwing your head back, and hobie just smiles and keeps his hips moving that way, keeps his cock kissing that same spot.
"that's it?" he hums.
when you try to articulate what you're feeling, try to tell him "yeah", the words never come. instead, he's raising up to spread your legs and balancing himself above you, switching from slow grinds to deep thrusts that have him pressing against that spot even more now.
now, with him slapping his hips against yours and his thumb on your clit, the sound fills the room, skin against skin. jolting against him, his eyes are still trained on yours, fixed on the furrow of your eyebrows and the o-shape your lips make, focused on how pretty you look when he fucks you.
your choppy moans fill his ears, the background to his barrage of words that fill yours. sentences about how pretty you look, how good you feel, how he just wants to fuck you forever, and then for the second time without warning, you cum again, right when he says something about wanting to keep you fucked and filled, "'s why i keep comin' over, cause i wan' you full of me all the time."
it's gentle, this time, streams of feeling flowing softly through you. hobie makes sure to keep his pace steady through it all, makes sure he prolongs it as long as he can.
when you come down, you're pushing up on his hips with shaking hands, nodding your head and telling him to move. he doesn't waste a second, lifts up and grabs your headboard with one hand to give himself some leverage, his other hand resting on your calf. this time around, he's forgotten all that slow shit.
he rocks his hips hard and fast, jolting you up, and your back rubs against your sheets, your hands fly to your thighs to ground yourself.
"keep 'em open," he slurs, eyes fixed on where he disappears inside you, on the way you cream on his cock, his pretty dick painted white. "watch," he tells you, "she swallow me up so nice." his tone is awe-filled, brown eyes lit up at the visual of you taking him so well.
your eyes roll back in your head, another wave of arousal overtaking you and you can't watch any longer or you'll go crazy, so you watch his face instead. watch his pretty fucking face contort in pleasure, watching his eyebrow piercings dance in the light, watch his sharp jaw clench when you clench around him.
and god, it’s building up again. how could have ever even thought you’d clean up today, when this is so much better. “you gonna cum?” he asks, cause he knows your tells better than you do. you nod shakily, hands gripping onto your thighs so hard you swear you feel your fingers going numb.
“then do it.” it’s an order, really, and you know what he means. hand flying to your clit, you rub messy circles, and hobie moves his hand from your calf to your thigh to keep you open for him. nodding with wild eyes, he watches you make yourself cum, watches your circles became sloppy side-to-side motions while you whine and almost fucking cry, watches your cunt clamp down on him and suck him in “like she don’t wanna let go.”
through the mind-fuck in your head, you hear him groan loud, and then he’s cumming too, gripping your headboard so hard you swear you hear a soft crack, but fuck the headboard, cause hobie looks so pretty when he cums that it don’t even matter.
laughing, blissed out of your minds, hobie lays down on top of you, breathing hard and sweaty as shit, just like you are.
“i really did need to clean my room though, hobie.” you hum, turning your head to face him.
“i wasn’t just tryin’ to get in your pants, love, i was serious about helpin’,” he mumbles against your neck. and he does help. by the time he’s sliding back through your window and kissing you goodbye, your room is perfect.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
How the Pillars react to your death
Important note: all of these deaths occur during the infinity castle arc, heavy and implied spoilers. Rengoku’s reaction to your death takes place before Mugen Train! Reader’s gender is unspecified.
Warnings: this post contains spoilers for the final arc of the manga. This includes implied spoilers for various characters. Please do not read this if you don’t want to be spoiled and don’t blame me if you go ahead and read it anyways lol
A/N: I wrote this whole post in my head while showering last night and I’m honestly offended it took me 3x as long to actually write it.
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“CAWWW! DEAD! KOCHO SHINOBU AND L/N Y/N ARE DEAD! THEY DIED AFTER A CONFRONTATION WITH UPPER MOON TWO!” Giyu’s body comes to a screeching halt, Tanjiro shooting past him before falling to his knees as violent sobs wracked his body. Giyu, on the other hand, is frozen in place, a sob stuck in his throat. Shinobu’s death was a punch to the gut, but you? For the first time since Sabito had died, Giyu felt tears burning at the back of his eyes. Yet, nothing would come out, those tears wouldn’t break the barrier and slip down his cheeks. His tight throat would not let the sob escape. There was no possible way you were gone, you promised him you’d be okay. Though, childish beliefs like that reminded him of his own faults. Once again, he couldn’t protect the people he cared about. Rather than wallowing in sudden grief, he began moving again, past Tanjiro who was struggling to get back up. He needed to keep moving, if he didn’t stop, he was certain he would collapse entirely and never get up again. He couldn’t let your sacrifice go to waste. 
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Her feet barely hit the ground, body manoeuvring through the endless castle with one destination in mind. “CAWWW! DEAD! L/N Y/N IS DEAD! THEY DIED AFTER ENCOUNTERING UPPER MOON TWO!” She stumbles, shock hitting her like a bucket of ice water being dumped over her head. Her mind is racing, not willing to believe what the crow had just said to be true. You had steered away from the plan. In a desperate attempt to save Shinobu’s life you tried to defeat Upper Two yourself. Hot, angry tears are spilling down her cheeks, hand clutching her heart as she tries to understand. “Why would you do this? Why wouldn’t you take my word for it and go with Tomioka? Look what you did… you went and got yourself killed,” Yet again, Upper Two had taken something precious to her. One word flashed through her mind, alongside your beautiful face. Revenge. She would get her revenge, not only for Kanae, but for you. “Don’t worry, my love. I’ll be with you soon.” 
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It’s quiet, too quiet even. You should be back by now, the sun has fully risen. Kyojuro’s heart is hammering in his chest, doom creeping up his spine. He has an unshakable bad feeling about your late arrival. His worst fears are confirmed when your crow arrives without you. “No…” breathless, as if all the air is being ripped from his lungs. “Don’t say it…” his knees are giving out as your crow lands on the wooden porch. “T-they’re gone…aren’t they?” he chokes it out, the words are as bitter and burning as bile. Your crow only caws, soft and full of sorrow, unable to share the proper message as Kyojuro begins to sob. He’s curling in on himself, crying so loudly but unable to hear it due to the intensity of the ringing in his ears. It’s a panic attack manifesting in the most intense form. He can’t fathom a world without you, nevermind having to live in one. Senjuro is rushing to his brother's aid, seeing your crow gives him more than enough information to know as tears well in his eyes. 
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He’s kneeling dutifully outside of Nezuko’s room, Shinjuro by his side. His wives are inside, too stubborn to sit out and not help at all. Their excuse being that Nezuko saved his life, they owe her the same kind of protection now. You on the other hand, were too determined, leaving your retirement to fight the battle against the demon lord himself. Nothing Tengen nor his wives said could convince you to stay on the sidelines. His heart is sinking the moment your crow appears in the distance, he’d recognize it anywhere. “N-no… don’t you dare…” Tengen’s voice is cracking as it lands, Shinjuro is turning his head the other way, knowing what is to come. “Don’t you dare say they are dead…” his voice is rising in his panic, he knows the answer. The commotion has Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru running outside. The moment Hina’s eyes land on your crow, a violent sob escapes her chest, falling to her knees as Makio and Suma come to the same conclusion. “T-they’re dead…aren’t they?!” Makio sobs, Tengen can’t raise his head as your crow delivers your final message. 
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She’s frozen in place as a crow comes directly for her, fear is ebbing through her body, a cold sweat forming on her brow. She knows the message before the crow can even utter it. “No! Go back! I don’t want to hear it!” Obanai is frozen beside her, grabbing her arm so she doesn’t collapse. The crow circles around her, cawing woefully as she begins to cry. “I-I don’t want to know! Don’t tell me!” she’s hiccupping as Obanai tries to pull her forward, they need to keep moving. “Mitsuri…” his voice is surprisingly soft, the crow is still circling overhead. “We need to hear the message…” she shakes her head, hands coming up to cover her ears as tears slip down her cheeks. The crow caws again, Obanai signals for it to deliver the message. “CAWWW! L/N Y/N IS DEAD! THEY DIED AFTER AN ALTERCATION WITH UPPER MOON ONE!” The crow continued on about who lived and who died, what was important is that upper moon one was dead. That didn’t matter to her though, no she couldn’t even hear the rest of the message over the ringing in her years. Mitsuri let Obanai tug her along, they needed to keep moving at whatever the cost. 
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“CAWWW! L/N Y/N IS DEAD!” He keeps running, uncertain as to why he feels a tightness in his chest at the crow’s message. “THEY DIED DURING A CONFLICT WITH UPPER TWO!” He’s still moving, more so concerned over his unexpected and overwhelming sadness. Why am I sad? I don’t even remember that name… but then your kind smile is flashing before his eyes and the world is crashing down around him. He comes to a screeching halt, eyes wide as he finally pieces together the message. “y/n…” how could he ever forget? Before he realizes it, he’s sniffling. Tears blur his vision for a moment before he blinks them away. He begins to move again, the sadness gripping his chest is slowly fading, fading until he can’t even remember why he got teary eyed in the first place. He needs to remember the task at hand… where was he heading again? 
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The flapping of wings catches him off guard, head craning upwards as the crow begins to caw. The noise is full of sorrow, which can only mean it bears bad news. “Obanai…” Mitsuri is watching the animal circle above them, her heart pounding erratically at the endless possibilities of the message it may share. “CAWWW! L/N Y/N IS DEAD! THEY DIED IN BATTLE AGAINST UPPER MOON ONE!” Obanai’s feet are slowing, hitting the floor beneath him with a little too much force as the message rings through his head over and over. “N-no… oh… Iguro I…” Mitsuri is crying, staring at the man beside her as the world seems to cave in on him. It’s as if everything is in slow motion for a few beats in time. The words the crow uttered felt foreign, your name paired with ‘dead’ didn’t make any sense in his mind. It was impossible really, there was no way you were dead. You had gone to face Upper One with Gyomei, Sanemi, Muichiro… four hashira against upper One and you didn’t make it? You were so strong… no the message can’t be correct. “Kanroji… let’s keep moving.” he’s turning it off, every swelling emotion is being suppressed as he takes off again. Mitsuri is left with no choice but to wipe her tears and follow. 
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Upper Moon One is standing before him, Gyomei at his side. This battle needed to be won, if not, everything would be lost. The demon before him needed to be put down, there was no other option. He’s talking, but he couldn’t be bothered to listen. Rather, Sanemi is gauging every vital point he can strike and how to go about doing it. “CAWW! I BRING A MESSAGE!” he doesn’t glace up, nothing that crow could say would be able to break his focus. “L/N Y/N IS DEAD!” except for that. Sanemi inhales deeply, eyes widening significantly as he debates on if he heard the message correctly. “THEY DIED DURING AN ALTERCATION WITH UPPER MOON TWO! UPPER MOON TWO IS NOW DEAD!” it feels as if all the air in the room had been sucked away with the crow’s flapping wings. Upper One no longer seemed smug about the message after the addition of Upper Two being defeated. Beside him, Gyomei is crying. Sanemi doesn’t realize it, but so is he. He’s oblivious to the hot, angry tears rolling down his cheeks. Still, his patience remains intact, waiting for Gyomei’s signal to attack the high ranked demon. Now, he has absolutely nothing to lose. Kagaya is gone, now you are gone, it is likely the rest of the Hashira wouldn’t make it out of this… he has nothing left to fight for. 
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Gyomei “CAWWW! L/N Y/N IS DEAD! THEY DIED AFTER ENCOUNTERING MUZAN!” Tears flow freely as he fights, part of him wishes he hadn’t been able to hear the message in the first place. You had met the unfortunate fate of encountering Muzan himself. It was likely that you were alone, if you weren’t, you were likely the strongest in your group. It pained him, knowing you likely died a brutal death. That pain fueled his attacks, taking every ounce of heartbreak and despair out on the demon before him. You didn’t deserve that, nobody deserved a fate that cruel. He keeps moving, mind reeling yet completely focused. It’s as if he is fighting in a bubble, the world muffled around him yet perfectly clear all at once. Too many emotions are raging through his soul to really pinpoint just one of them. He can only hope you’ll wait for him on the other side, he can only pray you’re watching over him at this very moment. Guiding him, giving him strength. “I’ll meet you again soon, don’t worry. I promise I won’t keep you waiting much longer. Wait for me, please? You will, won’t you?”
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peace was so good :,) could you write about swimming with corio in the lake?
The Lakes | Coriolanus Snow
Pairing: Coriolanus Snow x fem!reader
Summary: You spend your time with Coryo at the lake in the woods as the sun sets down.
Warning/s: fluff, Coriolanus in love, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: This one is extremely short and I changed some things, but I hope you still like it.
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Soft, green grass brushed against your legs as you walked through the Meadow to get to a lake in a hidden spot outside of District 12.
The rough plants with pointy ends were brushing against your legs lightly scratching you, but you tried to pay it no mind as you tear your way through to get to the lake.
After a while you reached your destination as you came to a sudden stop. The sun was slowly setting down as you stared ahead into the distance, but it was still covering the entire Meadow giving the flowers and the lake a gorgeous shimmer making it seem like this sight is eternal.
For a moment you allowed yourself to close your eyes, enjoying the short, but somehow everlasting peace, that you got while you waited for him to come to you.
You didn't have to wait long.
All of a sudden a pair of strong yet comforting arms wrapped around you giving you a sense of protection yet you couldn't help but to let out a quiet shriek at the sudden feeling, quickly opening your eyes and turning around to look at him.
Coriolanus was already watching you, his eyes full of love for you. He revealed in the way that the wind was lightly carrying your beautiful hair around just like the sundress you wore on a weirdly warm day.
Your smile was infectious, he couldn't help but to return it as he showed you the happiness that he felt at that moment.
"Let's go and swim in the lake." You suggested as you stepped away, trying to get rid of the sundress that you wore, tossing it aside.
Coriolanus gave you a boyish smile as he started to take of his white shirt and his gray pants, agreeing with your offer to cool of.
He returned the joyous laugh that you gave him as he ran after you towards the edge of the lake, his dog tag dangling around his neck as he did that.
You two soon found yourself in the cool lake swimming towards each other. Coriolanus wrapped his arms around your chest as he slowly brought you closer to him, his piercing blue eyes never leaving yours as he did that.
He slowly glazed his hand on your cheek before moving it onto your neck to bring you closer colliding your lips together while being in a warm embrace.
You both soked up moments like these as much as you could. Giving each other the sense of comfort, protection and love.
Coriolanus never thought that anything like this was ever going to happen to him, and even if it did he wasn't so sure that he could love anyone this much who was worth risking everything in his life once again for.
The moment he met you, he knew something changed. He fell hard, but he knew the risks.
The Peacekeepers weren't supposed to be romantically involved with anyone during their time of service.
He knew very well that if anyone catches your longing glances that you were sanding to each other across the room, if anyone saw you talking to each other a little to close for comfort or if anyone saw you two spending a lot more time with each other than necessary, let alone see you holding hands or kissing you would be doomed.
If anyone noticed how you both lose your breath every time you looked into each other's eyes it would be all over for you both.
They could deport him to another District or fire him from his service. You could've been severely punished. Hell, they could kill you both, hang you on the hanging tree or just shoot you on sight.
But as you two held each other in the comforting silence that only comes when two people understand each other and as you exchanged the words that confirmed your love for each other and as you exchanged a billion kisses, he knew that it was all worth it.
You were worth it, and after a long time he came to a conclusion that he maybe deserves your endless love and comfort that you brought him every day.
@hellonheels-x @especiallythewomenandthechildren @prettyinsatiable @caroline-books @runningfrom2am @10ava01 @thecrowdedstreetin1944
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Jade & Lilia reacting to their fem s/o that vapes/smokes 👀
Part 4 of S/O Who Vapes/Smokes
(Azul, Jade, Jamil, Lilia)
A/N: ironically I started this before I tried vaping and now I'm trying to quit 😅 (20 days sober lol)
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The sheer surprise Azul experiences by seeing a cigarette set casually in your fingers is unexplainable by his standards
Smoke billowed from your parted lips and he let out a small squeak of shock
You turned towards your boyfriend and felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment
“A-Azul! When did you get here?”
“Just in time to see you engaging in a disgusting habit.”
Shame flooded your system and you scowled
In anger you took another long draw and you felt his gaze burn into you
He scowls and marches over to you
You pull back and look at him with defiance but startle when his gaze softens a bit
“Y/N” he started cautiously, “You know I love you and support you no matter what you do, right?”
You nod hesitantly and he continues “But I also want what is best for you and I might come from the sea but I do know a thing or two about stuff that hurts humans.” 
It was hard to look him in the eye as he said that and you busied yourself snuffing out the cigarette
“I love you, Angel but this isn’t good for you and you know it.”
“I know but I can’t help it. Azul it helps, it really does.”
He sighs and sits down next to you, his nose wrinkling at the smell of your after smoke. 
“There are people who can help… I can look into some resources for you?” he asks careful not to upset you
For a moment you sit in tense silence before finally turning towards him with sad eyes
“Can I try to quit on my own first?” 
He smiles and nods at you before kissing you briefly even though you know the smell and taste bothers him
“Of course Angel. I’m with you every step of the way.” 
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You’ve only been vaping for about a month but you could tell you were already addicted to it
The flavor, the feeling, the smell, the buzz, all of it was more addicting than anything you’ve ever experienced
The problem you had now was that your boyfriend just caught you taking a hit and you were suddenly regretting all of it
Jade was quiet for a moment, standing in your dorm room doorway stiffly
As if he snapped out of a trance he stepped into your room and closed the door behind him as he set his bag down
“So, how was your day?” 
You cringed inwardly and looked down at your vape which you still held like it was a lifeline that could save you from this conversation
“My day was good, Floyd tried to beat up a student and Azul wants me back early tonight to test out a new recipe before he opens the lounge”
His eyes met yours and you saw cold indifference in them
It hurt your heart to see him like this after you spent so long trying to get to the softer side of him which he rarely let anyone see, not even Floyd had been given that privilege since they were kids
He raised an eyebrow and sighed dramatically as he sat on your bed
“Listen little Coral, I don’t care what you do or don’t do with your life but I do know that there are other ways to handle your problems.”
You bit your lip, feeling like a scolded child 
“You will get through this and next time you feel the urge to bring that nasty device to your precious lips, come to me and I will distract them with a much more therapeutic activity.” 
You blushed wildly and gawked up at him 
“Now about that test you have tomorrow” he said with a smirk
You scowled at the thought of the impending doom that loomed over you then grinned as an idea struck you
“You know Jade, I’m kinda feeling like vaping right now. Maybe I could take you up on that offer?”
Needless to say, you didn’t get much studying done
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It’s late when Jamil finds you smoking off the balcony at Scarabia
Kalim had invited you to stay the night after another one of his parties and you agreed knowing it would make the childish dorm leader happy
You didn’t expect that anyone else would be up this late so when you heard a shocked gasp you startled
Jamil had been on his way to the kitchen to make some tea for Kalim who was having trouble sleeping but strayed from his original task to take the cigarette from your hand
“What are you doing?!”
You rolled your eyes as if you were annoyed even though you just didn’t want to see the disappointment in his gaze
He waits patiently for a response but when it’s clear he isn’t going to get one he sighs
He takes your hand gently and pulls you towards him into a hug
“I know that you can’t help it if you are addicted but if you aren’t yet please stop. I love your voice and I love you, I can’t imagine not having either one day because of this.”
You look up at him with shameful tears in your eyes and he frowns as he wipes them gently
“I’m sorry Jamil.” 
“I know, and I’m sorry you feel like you have to do this.” 
The two of you talk for hours into the night about how he can help you and eventually you fall asleep in his arms
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Lilia has seen and tried just about everything there is to try so when he sees you with a mysterious device in your mouth he is confused
You pull the vape device from your lips and he watches as white vapor follows it
As he gets closer he notes that it smells like the fruity scent you usually have
He had assumed it was some kind of perfume but he supposes it probably comes from your peculiar vapor device
That's when it hits him- the smell of nicotine hidden under sickly flavoring
Any normal human wouldn’t be able to scent something so subtle but to him it’s as if you had bathed in the stuff
“Love?” he appears next to you suddenly
Months ago that would have scared you but now you found it endearing
“Lilia!” you exclaim, slipping your vape into your pocket in what you hoped was a natural and unnoticeable way
He raised an eyebrow and summoned the vape to his hand and held it in front of you
“What is this odd device?” he asks in his rare serious tone
Sighing you explain to him that it is a modern way of smoking and that it is healthier than cigarettes so it is ok to do
He frowns through your explanation
“First, nothing that contains addictive non-prescription substances could ever be healthy in any way, second I can smell the chemicals that are no doubt doing damage to your lungs as we speak.”
Maybe he was being a little dramatic but he knew how sensitive humans were to these things and he would do anything to keep his human healthy and safe
You look at the ground while he speaks and he sighs in frustration
He doesn’t want you to feel scolded or ashamed, he just gets nervous about your health
“We will figure it out ok love? For now can you try not to do it as often?”
You nod and he kisses you soundly, Lilia will do anything for his human and he vows to find an alternative to your vaping device that allows you to feel secure in yourself and him to feel secure in your health
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delwrites · 7 months
Hey 😚 i saw you were open to request so here i am haha but totally fine if you wanna skip it tho
Ive been really into friends to secret lover trope lately
Could you write a james x reader were childhood friend and around their sixth year in hogwarts they realized their feeling and they started to secretly dating and no one knows!
The story could focus on how they got caught? Maybe a slip up during an argument? Or that reader looks so beautiful james just couldn’t help it? Or just plain old getting caught making out in the broom closet? 😅
Hey angel, thanks so much for the request! <3
Having been friends with James since your meeting him in your guys’ first year, you pride yourself on knowing all of his little habits, able to read him like a book. So when you were curled up on the sofa, himself sprawled out across the armchair beside you huffing and puffing away, it was more than obvious to you that something was up.
“Okay, what’s wrong?” you ask, turning your body as best you can to fully face him, brows creasing as you do so. He only hums inquisitively at this, refusing to look at you as he appears to find his own hands much more interesting, fidgeting away.
“Seriously, Jamie, what’s up?” At your further questioning, he lets out one big sigh as he swings his legs over from where they had been previously stretched out over the handles of the armchair, now sat how the design permitted. 
“Sirius said something to me today, got me thinking…” Realising that that was all he was willing to give you right now, you spin back around with your own huff, hugging one of the common room cushions to your chest. You know James was never too good with words, so a lot of the time you’d appreciate his choosing to stay quiet instead of stumbling over thoughts he could never fully get across.
“Hey, love?” you hum in response, eyes trained on the fire dancing before you. James’ presence always comforted you, and that paired with the warmth emanating before you made your eyes droop more than you’d like to admit. 
“Would you like to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?”
“Oh, sure” you reply, letting a dopey smile overtake your face. “We can invite Frank and Alice, I’ve been meaning to get her back for coffee-”
“No, darling, I meant just us two?” The implication made you suck in a breath, head whipping round to study any change in his features.
“You mean like.. Like a date?” 
He smiles at you, a heartwarming grin that makes your stomach flip. You’re not too sure where this sudden taking to you has come from, you’d always thought you’d stay in the friend zone forever, doomed to an unrequited love from the most oblivious man you’ve ever known. Of course, your friends had tried to convince you otherwise. Mary would nudge you gently every time she caught James staring at you, to which you’d always brush her off one way or another, making up excuses so as to not get your hopes up. 
Who would’ve guessed that all this time, he was thinking the same about you?
You had both agreed to not tell anyone about your date until you had figured stuff out between the two of you, wanting to be secure in what the other was feeling before going public with anything. It seemed the most sensible thing to do.
But when the day of the date came, you found yourself frustrated at not being able to tell anyone. No one to help pick an outfit out, no one to help you with your hair, no one to talk to. As much as you hated it, you made a promise to James.
 There was a close call where he dragged you by your wrist into a dingy alleyway after having spotted Dorcas as she left a quaint bookshop, holding you against a wall with a finger pressed to his lip in a hush motion, hand placed on your hip to keep you still and steady, lest you run out and make yourselves known. To say the whole ordeal made your heart skip a beat would’ve been an understatement, and the sneaking around was absolutely riveting. 
So you found that what was even more frustrating, was not being able to tell anyone how good the date went. He had greeted you with a bouquet of flowers, charm placed on them to never wilt as well. He had been a gentleman the whole afternoon (he normally is anyway, but even more so this time). He had held every door open for you, even pulling out your chair for you, and paid for the whole ordeal. You felt so safe with him walking next to you, a certain pride overcoming you knowing that he liked you, and you liked him, and gosh he liked you. It was overwhelming and you longed for someone to share it with. But James had your word, and the last thing you wanted to do was mess things up with him. So, you kept your mouth shut, painful as it was.
The next few weeks consisted of you sneaking around everywhere, and although it started off as exciting, you were really starting to get tired of keeping such a daunting secret from your closest friends. There was a lot of sneaking out after curfew to have midnight picnics on the astronomy tower, consisting of snacks James had nabbed from the Great Hall during dinner. A lot of sneaking off with the promise of the bathroom on your lips to professors, instead meeting up just to get these little snippets of alone time with each other, before any of your friends could catch on, let alone someone like Minnie. 
You thought finally going on dates with James Potter would be a good thing, but you came to find that you hated it. Not the dates, they were always amazing. They always made you forget how much you disliked sneaking around, almost making it all worth it. He was amazing, and kind, and funny and gosh you liked him so very much, but the lack of sleep was starting to catch up to you, making you much more irritable than normal. 
Every time you’d sit gathered in the common room with all your friends and who you wished to be your boyfriend, all you’d want is to openly hold his hand, openly admire how good he looked in that one quidditch jumper, and oh wow, to openly kiss him. 
To be fair, he hadn’t even secretly kissed you yet. 
So when you heard Sirius talking to James in the Great Hall about a Hufflepuff girl cheering extra loud for him during their last quidditch match, always staring at him with heart eyes and blushing every time he looked her way, it got on your last nerve. 
“James, can I talk to you please?” you practically grit through your teeth, trying to keep your calm as best as you can. 
“Hold on a sec, you’ve been stealing him away so much lately, what, you guys fucking or something?” Sirius proclaimed, wiggling his eyebrows at the both of you infuriatingly. To say the least, the comment had struck a soft spot, and you wanted now more than ever for James to lift this silly rule, to be confident enough in your relationship to just admit his feelings for you, right there, in front of everybody.
It was too much to hope, as all he did was turn around and join in on the jesting, not even considering how it might make you feel.
“Gosh no, you know we’re just friends, Pads cmon, don’t be like that.” The words cut through you, hurting more than he realised. You didn’t even know what to do, but you weren’t making the decisions, your body was making them for you. You spun on your feet, tears welling up in your eyes, embarrassment overflowing through your veins like blood. You started to walk away, leaving behind you a stunned Sirius and a very regretful James.
In that moment, all conflicting feelings left him, overtaken by wanting (read: needing) to comfort you, any means necessary. He couldn’t stand to see you upset, especially by his own hand. 
When you heard him calling after you, getting up to catch up to you, you could only speed up, trying to get away from him as fast as possible.
“Honey, please, I didn’t mean it, you know I didn’t mean it-” 
It’s no surprise that he catches up to you, jogging in front of you to somewhat block your path, pleading with you to hear him out. When your stubbornness dismissed him, there was only one more thing that he could think to do that would get his point across. After all, actions do speak louder than words. 
He grabs ahold of your face with both hands, opening his mouth to say something, anything, before cutting himself off by planting his lips firmly to yours. 
James Potter really was never very good with words. So it’s a good thing that you could always understand him, words or not.
thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed! i'm always open to constructive criticism and helpful feedback :) a like, comment or reblog goes so far💕
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cuffmeinblack · 2 years
Idk if you’re taking requests but I have one and I’ve loved you’re writing for Ominis so let’s go!!
⚠️spoilers ahead just in case⚠️
I was wondering if you’d be willing to write an Ominis x fem!hufflepuff! Reader where they’ve liked each other but it all comes out before the Scriptorium mission. Like he tells the story on why he won’t use crucio and everything but when Sebastian uses the curse on her Ominis is the one to rush to her and help her. I just want fluff and love for this boy he needs more of it!!
I trust you to write this amazingly and please make whatever changes you’d like I’d just want this boy to be loved ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hold me close
Ominis Gaunt x gn!reader
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Tags: angst | hurt/comfort | torture curse
1k words
A/n: Thank you for the request! This is a short little one shot rewrite of the In the Shadow of the Study quest so ⚠️SPOILER WARNING⚠️. Hope you like!
Quite how you ended up in Salazar Slytherin's secret Scriptorium with a couple of Slytherin boys was a mystery in itself, almost as baffling as the one presented directly in front of you. You'd left the cosy Hufflepuff common room only an hour ago, and now here you were, staring at a huge, ornate door decorated with serpents. Salazar Slytherin really liked snakes.
"That must be the voice I hear," Ominis says beside you. " I don't believe I'm about to do this."
Your heart flutters in your chest as you watch him approach the door and take a deep breath before speaking, if it could be called that—a quiet hiss escapes his lips. You jump back in astonishment as the mechanism on the door jumps to life, the eerie green glow of the serpents' eyes illuminating the dim corridor.
"Ominis, you possess a rare ability indeed," you say, marvelling at him.
"Between the two of you, I'm starting to feel left out," Sebastian says from behind you.
"Between the two of us?" Ominis asks. If it weren't so dark, you'd swear he'd be blushing.
"I…never mind," Sebastian mutters.
You know what your friend means, but you squirm uncomfortably anyway. It's true, you both seem to have rare abilities that others might envy. You make quite the pair, though Sebastian was none the wiser of your mutual affection.
It isn't long before you encounter yet another locked door in this infernal maze. The floor is wet, the room smells dusky and damp, and you quickly notice the reason why. Following the scurrying of a rat in the corner, your illuminated wand shines on a skeleton in the corner of the room. You fight to hold back the bile rising in your throat. A scrap of paper draws your eye, slightly nibbled but still more or less intact, laying next to the long-decayed corpse. You reach down and pick it up with two fingers, your face twisting in disgust as you try to read the scrawled words.
"Ominis...your aunt Noctua…she mentions being trapped here. Blocked by an unforgivable curse," you say shakily.
Your gut twists with guilt, knowing that having agreed to talk to Ominis for Sebastian had doomed you all. You had wanted to help your friend, but you should never have agreed to it, and the pain on Ominis' face is more than you can bear.
"Ominis, I know this is the last thing you want to do…," Sebastian started.
"Yes, it is! I thought you knew me better!" Ominis shouted back.
Your immediate reaction is to go to him. You wish you could hold him, comfort him, instead you move slowly to his side, your hand reaching for his but falling short under Sebastian's watchful eye.
"Ominis," you whisper.
"I won't do it," Ominis says, shaking his head and beginning to pace nervously. "You shouldn't either."
"I understand, but it's our only way out of here. I can take it," you say, trying to keep the quavering from your voice. You muster the courage to reach out and grip his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
"Are you going to use the curse on Sebastian?" he asks in a small voice.
"I don't think I can."
Ominis grimaces as you leave his side, walking over to Sebastian by the door, steeling yourself for what's to come. You trust your friend not to prolong it longer than necessary. Balling up your fists, you nod and Sebastian readies himself, raising his wand and hesitating only for a second before expelling the dreaded incantation.
A crackle of electricity ripples through your body and you see only a red haze before forcing your eyes shut and falling to the floor, gasping for breath. Your nerves are on fire, your very flesh feels as if it's burning as you try to scream but nothing comes out.
"Please, please," a faint voice enters your ears as the pain subsides and you open your eyes, staring at the floor as your vision readjusts to the assault on your retinas, the stones beneath you swimming back into focus. You take a deep breath and fill your lungs, desperately reaching out in front of you, clutching the first thing you feel.
You look up and Ominis is kneeling in front of you, holding your arm and feeling his way to find where you are. You start breathing shakily, trying desperately to catch your breath and feel wet, hot tears pooling in your eyes. Ominis' hands are shaking as they glide up your arms, over your shoulders and brushing your neck, finding your face. He cups your face in his hands, pausing as the tears roll over his fingers, then wipes them away gently. His face is contorted in pain as he asks, "Are you okay? Please, be okay."
"I'm okay," you manage to stutter.
Sebastian seems to be in shock, standing dumbly by the now open door, watching the interaction between his friends.
"I'm so sorry," he groans, leaning back against the wall.
"It's fine, you did what you had to do," you say weakly, attempting to get up off of the floor.
Ominis clutches your arms again, firmly, standing with you and steadying you as you wobble on your aching legs and stumble into him. He doesn't loosen his grip, only pulls you closer, looping an arm around your back and holding your weight.
"I've got you," the soft voice says in your ear.
You rest your head against his shoulder, his hand finding its way to the nape of your neck and gently stroking your hair.
"I…there's a room here…," Sebastian says feebly before retreating behind the door.
Ominis doesn't let you go, the shaking in his hands subsided, now replaced with a tender and assuredly comforting touch. You look up at him, his hands still tangled in your hair, and watch his closely knitted brows relax.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," he says.
"I'd do it again, for you."
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aestheticpearl · 5 days
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— 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐞
✧·˚what happens when xanthus turns you but you never wanted to be turned in the first place?
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“what have you done to me?”
your eyes hurt with the bright lights that didn’t seem so bright moments ago, but then again you could barely feel your body moments ago, then all of a sudden you felt your once numb body feel so intensely that it was painful.
you lock your eyes with xanthus, his lips and fangs smeared with blood that you can tell if it’s yours or his, deep down you know it’s a mixture of both. you don’t want to accept that though, you don’t want to accept the reality of you being turned and now stuck as an immortal being.
“what did you do? what have i become?” you look down at your hands, they have a paler complexion that frightens you.
xanthus moves cautiously as if to not spook you, almost as if you’re a skittish baby deer that’ll bolt at any second.
“love, i had no choice—” his voice is soft as he cautiously reaches out to you, only for you to pull back almost immediately.
“how could you? you should’ve just let me die.”
“no!” he doesn’t mean to shout at you and he certainly doesn’t mean for you to flinch at his tone. “…no love please understand.”
“you’ve doomed me to an eternity of a life i do not want to live.”
“you don’t mean that, you’re confused.”
tears freely flow down your face as you come to terms with your situation. stuck as a vampire for the rest of your time on this earth, forced to drink the blood of the living, the thought of it almost makes you hurl.
you seek xanthus’ comfort but he was the cause of all this distress, but you feel beyond conflicted and these emotions are only intensified with this new you.
“i need you to be away from me.”
“i’m not leaving you love.” xanthus only backs away from you but his eyes never leave your figure.
it’s silent for undisclosed amount of time until you speak up.
“…i’m hungry.” you sniffle. “i don’t want to be hungry.” a hiccup. “i’m scared.”
xanthus moves close to you and gets down to your level.
“i’m right here love, i can find you something to eat okay?”
“i don’t want to drink blood.” you cry out through tears. “i’m not a vampire, i’m a human.”
xanthus’ crimson eyes are filled with empathy for you as he recalls feeling the same way when he was first turned. he does his best to comfort you by pulling you into an embrace.
“i know love, i’m sorry. i’m so so sorry.” he pets your hair as you cry into his arms.
you hate how comforting his embrace is and how it puts you at ease, like your body recognizes him. you want to be mad and scream and shout at him for doing this to you but you just can’t bring yourself to do so.
“you’re not going to go through this alone love, i will stay with you forever i promise.” he holds onto you tightly. “i love you, i don’t need a bond to tell me that.”
the bond. you had almost completely forgotten about the bond and then it suddenly hits you, xanthus had felt your death and had to push through the pain and emotions to turn you. he’s grieving you as much as you’re grieving yourself.
you look up at him and wrap your arms around his neck in a tight embrace that he returns with a passion.
“i’m sorry love, i understand if you don’t forgive me.” xanthus can feel his own tears prick his eyes, but he does his best to stay strong for you.
“if there was any other way i would’ve tried it i swear, i never wanted this for you my love. i just couldn’t let you slip through my fingers like this, i’m sorry.”
you’re scared and your whole body seems to be shaking with sobs or hunger, but you can’t really tell what it’s from and some how that scares you more.
“just please don’t leave me.”
your silence scares xanthus more than he’d care to admit.
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i feel like i have too many xanthus posts but i just can’t help myself with vampire tropes man😔
.love always <3 pearl
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Hi darling,
I hope you’re good. Honestly, I’m astounded by the loveliness of your work. Your writing is so seamless and beautiful, and your ideas are alluring.
I hope you’re okay if I flood your inbox with requests soon.
I’d love to see what you can concoct for a Draco fic in my head. It’s such a shame we never got to deeply explore this character and his potential. So, here’s a hypothetical scenario: the reader is a muggleborn Gryffindor and a member of Golden Trio (or in this case, quartet). When she’s captured by the Snatchers and tortured by Bellatrix at Malfoy Manor, will Draco step up against his family to protect her?
I would love to see your take on this🤍
all too well
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of torture and dissociation, swearing !not proofread! (Obvi), English isn't my first language so excuse the mistakes 🤍
thank you for this idea, I tried my best ❤️
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"What else did you take?", the woman shouts.
She has been screaming like this for minutes, hours, days. You don't remember how long you have been laying on the marble floor, how many times the cruciatus curse has hit you.
You don't remember where you are or who the woman is.
She has black curly hair and an angry face that resembles Andromedas if you look close enough.
She points her knife at you, plays with it in front of you to scare you; when she gets bored or annoyed she hits you, with curses that make your whole body tremble and burn.
The room is spinning, the tall walls seem to keep growing taller and you constantly have to fight to keep your eyes open and search for the light.
The floor hurts your head as the woman throws you around; "How did you get it" she keeps asking," what else" , she shouts.
Your brain can't form the answer she demands, and your eyes can't help but let tears fall.
As you look away you make out more faces.
Three people, two of them looking at you with a strict face, you deserve this, the say without having to speak, it is written all over their eyes.
One of them however looks at you with a scared face, his eyes tremble as they scan your body, not entirely sure what he is looking for. He knows you are hurt, he knows he can't help you, but he keeps looking, doesn't let you go, he stays with you.
You stare into his eyes, cold and silver, burning you with one look. His hands hold his wand with a tight grip, turning his knuckles white.
Who are you, you wonder. You must be important, you think to yourself; you feel important.
Please remember him, you beg yourself. The woman keeps screaming, keeps hurting you but you can only focus on him.
"Draco", the other woman whispers.
And with that you remember everything.
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Many years ago, when you didn't have to run for your life and survive in the woods;
When home was the red and golden common room, and your three best friends;
When the only things that bothered you were Ron stealing food from your plate and History of Magic class lasting way too long;
you had fallen in love
It was doomed from the start, you knew that of course. You were a muggleborn witch and he was a Malfoy, a pureblooded purist Slytherin; how could it ever work out between the two of you?
You remember the first few years, how his constant insults at you and your friends left you fuming and screaming.
You relive quidditch matches, how sure of himself he was before every match and how he would look at you with a sneer after losing to you.
You can still hear his annoying comments during class or before duels. Shut up Malfoy, you used to shout at him
"Shut up.", you mumble as you remember your past and the woman hits you with another curse.
Then your thoughts take you back to last year.
Draco Malfoy had gotten taller over the summer, his hair had also grown he had dropped his usual sleeked-back look that you mocked. You always knew he was handsome, like you also knew he was a shallow asshole. He was more quiet though, didn't seem to pay attention to his friends or to his teachers.
You would often find him alone; walking in the corridors with a skeptical look on his face.
One particular night you caught yourself tossing and turning in your bed. You were afraid; afraid that you wouldn't be able to save your parents or your friends from Death Eaters. You felt sorry for Harry, you wanted to help him carry the burden that was forced on him all those years ago.
School was also stressing you out, and all these thoughts formed a heavy burden that sat on your chest every night. So you decided to give up hopes of sleep and dreaming and let your feet carry you down the dark and quiet corridors.
That same night you spotted Draco Malfoy rushing somewhere on his own.
You don't remember why but you decided to follow him; maybe it wasn't exactly a decision that you made, but more of a pull that you felt.
You recall walking and turning, going up stairs and getting lost in the hallways.
As you turned one more time, you were met with two angry gray eyes looking at you intensely.
"Why are you following me?", he said.
"Where are you going?", you replied as you raised your wand.
Quickly accuses started flying out of your mouth, "Harry was right, you are with them.", you remember screaming at him and then flying backwards from a spell he cast on you.
“Shut up.” He shouts “You have no idea what is happening.”
"Are you helping them? Do you have any idea what you are doing?" you continued screaming as you stood up.
You remember then how he dropped to the floor and caged his face with his hands.
"I don't know what to do. I don't have another choice." he kept repeating more to himself than to you.
Up to that point Draco Malfoy was to you a spoiled rich wizard, who couldn't see past his privilege and his family's name.
He was cruel to your friends and a blood purist. He was a Death Eater.
But the way he looked now; like a helpless boy made you realize how little say he had in his life.
You knelt down next to him and said softly "Why don't you tell Dumbledore, maybe he can help?".
He laughed mockingly at that and replied "Dumbledore can't save anyone, let alone me."
You stayed in silence kneeling next to him for minutes, trying to think of a way out.
"Malfoy" you broke the silence "Whatever you are doing for them, delay it."
He raised his head and looked at you.
"Delay it, until we find a way to fix this.", you finished
"Why would you even bother and help me? They want to kill people like you; they-", he said but didn't finish
they are killing people like me you finished in your head for him.
For a few moments you couldn't say anything; he was right. You should just go to Dumbledore and tell him everything; let him deal with that, but you couldn't leave him alone.
You couldn't refuse help to the person who needed it the most. Even if he would never ask for it; perhaps that was precisely why.
"It's the right thing, isn't it? Someone has to do it.", you exclaimed
"How very Gryffindor of you." he said with a roll of his eyes and then out of nowhere "Thank you."
"You have to work with me, trust me; in order for this work.", you said and he agreed.
With that began secret meetups and words of comfort.
You weren't enemies or friends. You were a team.
You were the person that helped him through everything, the one who listened when he cried and offered him a shoulder to lean on when everything broke down.
It was strange at first; but it was the right thing to do, and you were brought up to do just that.
You quickly learned that his company was nice; he was nice.
He could be funny when he wanted to and you found out that you had a lot in common.
“Why do you act so different in front of everyone?”, you asked him once.
“Different how?”, he asked back
“Like an emotionless selfish dick” you replied easily “When in reality, you care and protect those you love.”
“Sod off” he said and then “Even if that were true, I suck miserably at it.”
“The protecting or the caring part?”, you asked with a calm voice
He looked at you then with a curious look before turning away and sighing “Both.”
"Both." you whisper now and he can barely hear it.
"What?" the woman shouts, thinking you have an answer to her questions.
"What?", you remember shouting at him when he revealed his plan to you; their plan to kill Dumbledore and attack the school.
"Be quiet!.", he insisted, you could tell by his eyes he was distraught too; he didn't want this- didn't want any of it.
"I did everything I could to slow it down, I shouldn't even be telling you this; they will kill us both.", he muttered as every flicker of hope inside him was dying out.
"I am telling you this to protect you, win you some time, go.", his eyes were ice cold, piercing through you and his hands were griping your arms tightly; almost shaking you.
You couldn't say anything; you remember feeling as if everything he had just told you was fake. Dumbledore couldn't die, Draco wouldn't kill him, he couldn't.
And Hogwarts, your home for all those years, couldn't be attacked by them. It was the safest place on Earth.
Until it wasn't.
That was the last conversation you had with him. After that you weren't sure you would ever see him again.
You followed Harry; of course you did, you couldn't leave him alone, not after everything he'd been through and everything you witnessed together.
You thought about Draco often; mostly at night when everyone was asleep and nature kept you company; you stared into the night sky and tried to find his constellation.
You thought you could talk to him that way; "I am alright" you would say "Are you?" you always asked.
But no answer came.
You would replay every interaction, every conversation. You tried to remember his features; the exact grey of his eyes and his blonde hair. His look when he smiled (which wasn't often) and the way he played with his wand when he wanted to avoid your eyes.
Nothing ever happened between the two of you; nothing physical at least. Because the safe haven you two built had to have meant something.
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Everything fell apart when you were caught.
You were alone and hurting; your friends were at best locked up somewhere and you couldn't think of a way out.
You couldn't think.
All you could feel was pain; everywhere
And then you saw Draco and every interaction; every feeling started playing again inside your head. You began living every moment from when you met him up to your last conversation.
"Go!" that is what he said to you then.
It was unbearable; you kept losing him over and over again, the story kept replaying and you couldn't pause it.
You couldn't stop and marvel at the good moments.
The way he held your hand when he needed comfort but didn't know how to ask for it;
Or his laugh when you both remembered your early years; how you both knew nothing, weren't prepared for the nightmare that would follow.
"Make it stop.", you heard his voice say and it took you back to third year and his constant complaining during Care of Magical Creatures.
"Stop.", his voice said again, closer now. “She clearly doesn’t know anything, we are wasting our time.” He kept repeating.
It is real, you realized, it isn't your memories or your fantasy, it is him.
As you move your head to get a closer look at him you hear footsteps getting close.
You hear your friends and then realize they aren’t alone, they’ve got help. We might survive this, a voice inside tells you.
All that hope crumbles down as the woman, Bellatrix you remember, grabs you and points her wand at you.
“No one moves.” She says slowly; her eyes wide open scanning the faces of everyone.
She doesn’t see Draco though, who shoots a Bombarda at her and quickly runs to your side.
His parents stand still and shocked, his fathers eyes darkening as time passes.
“What have you done?” He asks him and then Bellatrix gets up to start running towards you.
It’s chaos; what happens next. Spells shooting everywhere, wands flying out of hands. You can’t keep your eyes open for a long time, can't keep yourself up, you feel hands; his hands holding you tightly, never letting you fall.
And then you all land somewhere before the world darkens.
You can hear waves crashing into the shore and the smell of salt air fills your lungs.
You open your eyes slowly and let out a hiss as you feel pain everywhere.
Sprawled out and asleep on a chair in the corner of the room you see Draco and then your eyes land on Harry sleeping next to you.
You wake him up with a gentle nudge on his head and he smiles.
“What happened?” You ask.
He needs a few minutes to fully wake up and grasp the fact that you really are awake and alright.
“It was a bloody nightmare, but you’re awake now. I’ll go get Ron and Hermione. We have been taking turns watching you.” He says in a rush and gets up
“Wait, what is he doing here?” You asked
“He helped, hasn’t left your side since, didn’t bother with his injury without healing you first.”, Harry said not amused at first but then a sincere look painted his face.
“You have a lot of explaining to do” he warned “but later”
You just watched him exit the room and tried to process what he had just said to you.
“Potter is always loud then”, said Draco sarcastically and his voice made you jump a little. “Sorry.”
You couldn’t say anything back to him, you couldn’t even believe he was there.
He stood up and made slow strides to get close to you, until he reached your bed and sat at the spot near your feet.
You saw then the injury Harry was talking about, he had bandages starting from his shoulder tightly wrapped around it and ending down to his chest.
“What happened?” You say softly and point at the white bandages.
He let out a laugh at that “Unbelievable.” He exclaimed.
“What” you said annoyed, your eyebrows raised in a funny way that reminds him of arguments in classes and loud corridors.
“It’s” he stammered “You” and as he stared at your face with a look filled with adoration he said “Nothing.”
He swallowed loudly and explained with an amused look on his face “Got stabbed with a knife, by lovely aunty Bella.”, he pointed at the spot under his shoulder, close to his heart.
And then you remember the Manor, his aunt; Bellatrix and the questions.
Your face darkened at that and your body started shaking lightly- you hadn’t realized until you felt Draco’s hand on your shoulder rubbing lightly “You are okay, we are safe here.”
“We?” You asked and felt tears running down your cheeks “How- why are you here? What have you done?”
He smiled at you and replied “You said so yourself. I protect the ones I love.”
“I just wish I was better at it. Fix my timing and all.” He joked at the end
You really started crying then and felt him getting closer “I am sorry I didn’t do anything sooner, I should have stopped her. I am sorry.”
You felt yourself staining his shirt with your tears but couldn’t bring yourself to stop or talk; couldn’t say anything to comfort him. So you only shook your head it’s fine now, you are here.
You felt his tears falling on your head and held him closer.
The past didn't matter right now; your friends reaction could wait and the War would be won, you were sure of it.
Now, you would figure it out together; just like before.
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-So, how much longer do we have to stand here and watch- that?
-As long as we have to Ronald, be quiet now!
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So, um as usual I am deeply sorry for any mistakes!
Also, this was very out of my comfort zone and I am not mad about it at all, I just hope it lives up to your expectations a tiny bit and I also hope you enjoyed it.
Till next time
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soracities · 3 months
please, tell me something anything about letting go, about how it’s going to be painful, about how that is okay and that i’ll be okay if/when i we have to (my relationship now, it feels like i should, yet i’m holding on to hope) i have been in a rollercoaster of emotions for the past few weeks and letting go seems like the only way (or is this my flight? yet i’m fighting?). It feels like i’m on a precipice, the last few weeks falling to doom or landing safely, up and down.
Today, it felt like i’m sitting on a cliff, watching everything back and trying to see what way we’ll be going. Some of my irl friends told me that, i will just know when to, i’m conflicted and afraid. I want us to still try, but i can’t see how it is on his side. Days of hope and days of grief on love.
Please, tell me something about letting go, and something about holding on to hope. Thank you 🌸
You know when you're moving something heavy (a couch, a thick coffee table) and you're holding one end, and someone holds another but then they drop it and leave you propping up something you can't shift on your own? And how you can try and try but really: you can't move that object to where it needs to go unless someone's willing to move it with you. Well, you can either wait where you are and wonder about when they're going to come back, when they're going to help you, when the weight will lift while all the time your arms and your back and your resolve bear the brunt and you get more and more tired until you buckle under the weight. Or you can gently lower it, step back, turn to something else.
Letting go and holding onto hope are not opposite things; letting go is an act of hope--it's clearing space for yourself and others in order for something newer and kinder to flood in. Grief is inevitable either way: your choice is between a grief that's ongoing or a grief that's a doorway. But at the end of the day, you can't receive anything if your fists are closed.
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quixtrix · 10 months
dolph was always meant to be doomed; something of an analysis
i'm on my third rewatch of captain laserhawk, and on this one i've been focusing more on the little details that you don't get on your first or even second time watching it. i've noticed little things, such as pey'j helping and then going on to shield a hybrid who's dressed similarly to jade in the third episode. but i've also noticed bigger things, such as alex and dolph.
keep in mind that this show is just filled to the brim with political messaging, it was purposefully designed that way. so when someone mentioned on here that alex was an accelerationist, it explained a lot. we don't know much about alex in terms of his backstory, we only know he helped dolph after dolph attempted to mug him and they ended up falling in love. it's also implied that alex and dolph have been repeatedly reported on the news as terrorists more than we've seen, with rayman referring to them as being the usual suspects when the kaiju attack happened, despite dolph literally not even being there when alex did that shit. they're known to do this shit, and we know alex is a charismatic guy. it's not too far fetched to say once or while dolph was falling in love with this gayass white saviour saint that alex talked him into this shit for alex's own purposes. because yes, he has a cause, but he's also a bit in over his head, maybe with power. he's aware of the power he has over dolph, how he actively uses the 'i love you' card multiple times when they're together and when they're not together. he just had a bit too much confidence in his hold over dolph, but to be fair, alex, you were topping some indulgent mob boss for your cause (because let's be honest of course your sources would be tight if they were being fucked for it) then continued fucking said mob boss and got caught with your dick out by your ex who you think you can get back with. alex uses people as tools, he just doesn't put his shit in the right places at the right times.
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i'm getting off track, but the point i'm getting to is that alex most definitely saw dolph, a man who clearly has some jacked up eden tech smacked onto his twink ass, at his lowest, and picked him up like a shiny new toy. he was always going to use dolph. but how come dolph is so easy to use? he's starved for kindness. he's the stray dog that comes up to you at restaurants to act all nonchalant because 95% of the time he gets neglected, but the second he gets offered scraps, he shows how hungry he is. we don't know much about his childhood, and what we do know is under the lenses of literal eden propaganda. we do however know how people get like underneath the hand of eden.
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everyone say thanks to rayman, who concidentally, is dolph's foil. both of them worked under eden as their lap dogs, one as a propagandist and the other as military, but dolph had gotten out of the hold the propaganda had on him while rayman's barely shaking it off. both of them are also portrayed as poor little tragic immigrants and the impoverished stand ins both in universe and story wise. they're the feel good picking yourself up american dream stories that people can feel inspired by or feel proud about the country with. dolph had a photo with a kid holding a doll of him. before he became ex military, he was definitely the guy they paraded around as a previous lost cause that eden helped. red, who's as political as his assigned colour, bitches about identity politics in that one off line for a reason. he also jus hates brown people fr he kicked me down a flight of stairs
now we can assume that dolph had picked himself up out of the propaganda machine somehow. he realised he was used and he didn't want that shit. he's attempting to get himself his own life, for fucks sake. he jus happened to get lead on by the wrong guy, which then lead him to get used by eden AGAIN. this time not only in a physical way via soldier work, but emotionally too, with sarah easily manipulating him with what? a sob story and helping him out, maybe being friendly with him along the way.
he wants a normal life. he wants a goddamn normal life. he jus continues to be selected as a tool.
you can see how fucking starved he is for kindness. you ever think about the fact that in his dream life, he sees jade and pey'j? he knew these people for less than a week, yet they get a place in his dream life. most notably, jade gets a speaking role in his dream life. the only other person who speaks, besides marcus, is alex, someone who had known him and shown kindness to him. jade has also shown kindness to dolph. she's the friendliest face there in the ghosts, being the first one to check on dolph when he wakes up, offers an explanation to him, and also makes an effort to include him in her little shenanigans with the video and all!! dolph was all emo alpha wolf and all, but despite his constant cold shoulder, she was kind!!
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there was someone who was more than kind though; bullfrog. because bullfrog actively looked out for dolph, despite his constant pushback against bullfrogs advice whenever they weren't separated. and in the end, it's bullfrogs kindness and compassion that hits dolph the deepest. dolph gets out of his depressive state to go back for bullfrog. he cares about people, he goes out of his way to do shit for the people who show him the slightest bit of kindness. he backed up sarah after one good conversation with her to marcus for fucks sake. dolph is just a guy who keeps getting used though. he's so loyal to anyone who looks his way that it's a fatal flaw that ends up with his head blown up. he's a shakespearean tragedy at the moment. i hope in the potential season 2 that he gets to have more moments where he gets to be his own person. not defined by an organisation or a person or a cause, but what he chooses to define himself by. he's on his way there. he jus deserves to be allowed to live for himself. after all, he has already met his end of that story. he can make a new one.
anyways if u reached the end of this im down to discuss this :D i also did get a few points from other people on here, but let me know what u think nd all
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
I’d Stop The World… (+18 MDNI)
Sub!Arisu Ryohei x Plus!Touch-Starved!Reader
Summary: After nearly losing your friend, Arisu, during the witch hunt game and experiencing the King of Spades, you realize the fragility of life and just how important he is to you.
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A/N: Wrote this because there just isn’t enough Arisu fics and my boy deserves some lovin’
Word Count: 3.8k words
Warnings: spit kink, dirty talk, doggystyle, scratching, biting, crying during and after sex, squirting, creampie, using underwear as gag, cum eating, if you squint ass worship/body worship, body hair kink, multiple orgasms, existentialism, mentions of violence, graphic language, talks of death and impending sense of doom, depression, markings/hickies, hair pulling, oral (m & f recieving), fingering, choking, hand kink/finger sucking, size kink (reader likes how small Arisu is despite him being really tall)
You wondered how it got to this point. How did you end up in a place where you constantly had to fight for your life? A place far from home. Not even existing in your normal universe.
You remember wanting to get away from all of your problems back in America, a year ago. You ended up moving to Japan. Being a city girl, you didn’t think much of the difference in perspective aside from the language. Luckily for you, your mother was a teacher who’d taught English in Japan so you were pretty familiar here.
You mostly kept to yourself, no friends in question. Just how you intended it. All you wished was for a peaceful life. Something you felt hadn’t been granted to you ever since your father lost his battle with depression and your mother developed early dementia. Believing she was too far gone, you’d left. Leaving only a phone number on file to the nurse back home only in the case of emergency. You never visited your mother since.
Now…all you wanted was to visit her. To hold her. To tell her you were sorry for leaving. Her nurse is probably calling you now. Maybe even your friends and family have called you as well. But you’ve pushed them away and you have no way of letting them know that you’re lost in the borderlands with no idea whether you’d be able to get back home.
Along the way, you met countless others who’ve been forced to play the games, too. Countless lives lost. It was enough to wear you down.
But then you met the courageous, intelligent, and inspiring Arisu Ryohei. When you wished to die on the “distance” biking challenge, he encouraged you to love in hopes you’d one day see your mother again. That was your motivation.
However, the closer you got, you realized just how much he meant to you as well. You wanted nothing more than to leave the games with him and start a fresh life together. Maybe even introduce him to your mother.
Then, the night of the Witch Hunt came around. People frantically trying to win the game to proceed and retrieve the Ten of Hearts card. You learned that Arisu’s visa would soon expire at midnight but he’d been tied up somewhere around the hotel. With the help of some players, you were able to save him. Only for Aguni and his goons to continue to attack Arisu nearly beating him to a pulp. Now present day comes around and you’ve made it to the King of Spades level in which he’s mindlessly killing people. An absolute massacre.
The fragility of your mortality comes into question. You’ve met so many great people who you’ve come to know as friends. Usagi, Kuina, Chishiya, Ann…Arisu. People who’ve taught you how to let people in again after building walls for so long. Now you’re at risk of losing them all and never seeing your mother again.
You needed to confess your feelings for Arisu if tomorrow’s your last day. This meant regardless of whether those feelings are returned. Obviously, you sensed that Arisu had feelings for Usagi as he also has a close friendship with her.
“Are you okay?” Arisu asks, snapping you from your panicking thoughts.
The group has separated in pairs, currently searching for supplies to bring to a safe house (abandoned hotel) far from any of the hot zones.
“Mhm.” You simply say, nodding.
“You seem tense…which is fair. We are being chased by a madman with sub machine guns,” He says with a small smile. You give no reaction, continuing to search through the ruins of the convienence store.“Seriously, what’s wrong?”
You sigh. “If I tell you, it’ll make things different between us.”
“I thought we were friends. Nothing could possibly change between us.”
But that’s exactly what I want!
“Okay, I will tell you,” You began. “But I have some rules.”
“And they are…”
“Number one: don’t interrupt.”
“Shhh, I said ‘don’t interrupt’. Number two: When I say what I have to say, you don’t have to answer me. At least not yet. You can tell me some other time later just not now.”
You inhaled and exhaled deeply, eyes squeezed shit before opening them once again. “Arisu…I…I like you. Like a lot. I long to touch you and hold you. To kiss you. I feel like I’m alive when I see that you’re okay. I’ve been thinking of my motivations for keeping alive. I wish to see my mother again but also I wish for a life where I can be with you and things would be normal. I wish for all our friends to be alive and well. I wanted to let you all of this before it’s too late. When I thought I nearly lost you at the Beach, I felt so sick and lost. I realized that I just couldn’t bear the thought of not having you. You make me feel less alone. I don’t want to go out with so many regrets when I could’ve said something while I can. I release this truth for a lighter conscience. So in case I die tomorrow…Ryohei, I love you.“
He’s stunned by your confession. Rendered speechless. You awkwardly give him a small smile before packing up some food in your backpacks. The rest of the trip back to the safehouse was quiet aside from the one time you wept having to go through a street littered with bodies of players not much older than you.
The group sat in a circle in the middle of a fire outside of the safehouse, talking about their fears and dreams in life. Every now and then, you noticed Arisu glancing at you before quickly averting his gaze.
Deciding to call it a night for wnough rest and energy, the group had gone to their designated rooms. Before you enter your room, you spotted Usagi and Arisu speaking together in the hallway. You knew his feelings for her were stronger but it didn’t hurt any less knowing.
Climbing in bed, you curled the sheets around you. Silently crying to yourself, you here a knock at your door. You wipe your eyes, grabbing a nearby t-shirt to cover your body half-naked body. Trudging over, you opened the door. Arisu stood in the doorway, hair disheveled and eyes needy. He quickly pulls your body to his, planting a passionate kiss on your lips.
The two of you stumble into your room, him kicking the door shut. You pull away for a moment, him pecking your lips with each word you spoke.
“I dont (kiss) understand (kiss). I thought you (kiss) liked Usagi.”
“Usagi’s a friend. A good friend. She encouraged me to not be afraid to say how I feel about you. I was worried that you only felt like you had to say those things because you were scared. I thought a girl like you could never want someone like me. But now I know you mean it because I feel it, too. I love you.”
“I wanna feel you tonight. All of you. No holding back.”
“I’m not very experienced. But if you teach me how to touch you, I will do my best to please you,” He whispers against your lips, cock hardening against your stomach. “I want this to be perfect for you.”
“I don’t want perfect,” You grip him through his shorts, biting down on his bottom lip at the same time. “I wanna fuck. I want sloppy, messy, dirty love making. The kind that will make everyone blush in the morning. I want it to where I could feel you between my legs even when your not there.”
“I want you so bad. I ache. Do you feel me throbbing in your hands?”
“How could I not? All I ever wanted was to feel you. I can’t believe I get to do that now,” You sink down to your knees before him. “But I need more. Need to suck your cock and taste you.”
He caresses the top of your head. “I might cum in your mouth.”
“That’s what I hope for.” Untying the strings of his shorts, you tug them off to reveal his boxers. The head of his growingly hard cock peaking through the hole. Too impatient to pull down his underwear, you suckle on the pink head through the hole; tasting the salty and addicting taste of his precum. Increasingly lowering your mouth around the base, you jerk and bobbed until his cock was fully through the hole.
He groans, biting his lip and watching you through the dark strands of his hair. Once in a while, he’d run his fingers through your hair keeping it out of your way as you gagged around. He was fairly thick in size, dick surprisingly tanned and pretty. Although, he wasn’t extremely huge, he was fucking perfect.
Hands free, you continued to move your mouth up and down his cock. Your hands busied themselves, pulling up at the hems of his shirt. He takes the hint, pulling the shirt over his head. He reveals his toned stomach and faint happy trail of which you happily crawled angry lines down his abs while he fucked you mouth.
His hand rests on the back of your skull, thrusting sing into the back of your throat while saliva dripping down to the cleavage of your breasts, soaking your shirt and forming a puddle on the floor.
You pull away, stroking his cock. “You taste so good, baby. Love it when you fuck my throat.”
“You need to be naked.” Arisu whimpers.
You remove your shirt, breasts exposed to the cold air and your nipples immediately get hard. Only in your lace panties, you shove your hand down to play with your swollen bud while resuming to suck on his deliciously veiny cock.
“Oh, fuckkkk,” Arisu whines head thrown back and knees nearly buckling. “I can’t…It’s too much. Too good.”
You slurp the thick saliva off his cock, jerk him a few times before spitting it right back on the base. You deepthroat his cock, fingers playing with his balls. Never again would he question your desire for him. The sight before him right now is proof enough that you wanted him bad enough to devour him.
“Mmm.” You hummed your enjoyment, sucking hard on the tip for more of his essence while folding his testicles. Your only given his high-pitched cry as a warning before his shooting his warm cum down your throat.
You greedily swallow him down, sucking and moaning until he has to physically pull you off. By the time you look up at him, he’s trembling. His hair even messier from his head trashing around.
“You were amazing,” He breathes out a chuckle. “I’ve never had a girl do that for me.”
“I’d do anything for you, Arisu.” You say, doe eyes and kiss-swollen lips glistening in the moonlight.
“Could I taste you, too? I’ve always wanted to try. I’m not sure how to begin.”
“I can teach you,” You rise up to your feet, eye contact not breaking as you played with the band of your panties. “Off or on?”
“O-off.” He says.
You lower the blue lace material down your legs, keeping them close for later use. “I’d like yours off, too.”
Arisu obeys, finally peeling off the boxers. He’s freed of his restraints and it’s as if he’d gotten even more beautiful somehow. The underwear held back from just how perfect his cock appeared, still drilling wet with your spit.
You lie on your back on the plush mattress, sitting close enough to edge. You prop your up by your elbows, gesturing him with a beckoning finger to come closer to you. When he does, you then gesture him with that finger to get on his knees. His blown pupils assured you that he was more than eager to do this.
He looks down at your glistening core before him as if staring at a 5-course meal. You were, in fact, his meal.
You tug his hair, bringing him forward. His face hovers over your puffy pussy. “You have such a pretty mouth, Arisu. So pink and full. Even when facing death, my eyes can’t tear away from them. I bet they’d feel like heaven on me.”
“Please let me taste you,” Arisu begs. “I promise I’ll do anything to make you cum.”
“How can I deny my good boy?” You cooed. “Go on and taste me.”
Tugging on his hair once again, you bring his face down. He sticks out his long, thick tongue licking a long stripe up your cunt. Flicking the tip of his tongue rapidly against your clit, he sucks it into his mouth causing you to whine out.
You pull at his hair again to pull him away for a bit, looking into his eyes. He was far gone. His eyes trained on your perfect cunt. You decide to let him take the lead releasing his hair. He kisses your inner thighs, enamored by the thickness in them. God, he’s dreamt countless nights of you squeezing his head between them. Tonight, he plans on getting that wish.
He dives back in, kissing and sucking on your lips like he would with the ones on your gorgeous face. Your eyes roll into the back of your head. He’s already doing so good.
With his lips clamped around sensitive nub, he takes a large hand and kneads your thighs before slipping his longest finger into you. You groan out loud, rolling your hips and shoving mouthfuls of your pussy at him.
“Ohhhh, Arisu. You’re so fucking incredible. Ooo, baby.” You groan, removing the hair falling over his face. as stared at you with intense lust-filled eyes. You bite your lip to keep from screaming when he adds another finger in proceeding to do the ‘come hither’ motion and triggering your impending orgasm.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” You squeak. Arisu works his fingers faster into you alternating between pumping them into your tight core and playing with spongy trigger. He hears the sound of your wetness before he see it. The squelching noises sounding off and then you’re squirting around his fingers. He continues to pump until your eruption practically shoots them out if you. He eagerly licks at your arousal from his finger and the source itself. You take his fingers, sucking them into your mouth.
He can’t take it anymore. He needs to be inside you. Now. You’re turned over on your stomach, hands stretched behind you for him to pin them behind your back. Cuffing a hand over your wrists, he slips his hardened cock into your sopping pussy. The two of you moaning out your bliss.
“Feel so good inside me, my good boy. You’re so tiny compared to me. You really think you can handle all of this body.” You tease, you voice sultry and fucked out.
He bottoms out, biting his lip to keep himself from whimpering. “I can handle all of you. Your curves, your beautiful ass.” He lets a hand collide on your ass cheek causing it to ripple.
“Fuck me, Arisu. Fuck. Me.”
He picks a pace. A pace that—although felt incredibly pleasant—would make you cum soon. You wanted to stretch the moment for as long as you could.
With your cheek pressed to the mattress and your eyes rolled, you beg him to change pace. “Slower. Please. Need to feel every inch.”
He listens, hitting into you with long, deep thrusts timed like the swinging of a pendulum.
“Oh shit,” You whimper, hearing the sounds of your sticky release squelching with the churn of his cock. “Arisu, please, don’t leave me.”
“So good, hanii. I’ll never leave. Never. I’m going to make this pussy my home.” He growls.
Arisu picks up the pace a little, hitting deeper and deeper. You involuntarily began to fuck back against him, your plump bottom smacking against his pelvis.
“Oh god, I’m not gonna last long at this pace. You feel sooooo good and wet,” He punctuates with one thrust against your cervix. “I’ll have to pull out.”
“Just cum in me.” You whine, sounding desperate.
“I don’t want this to end so soon,” Arisu pulls out, letting out a shaky breath. He looks down at his length coated in your creamy arousal. “You’re making it so hard.”
You turn around to face him on all fours. “Want me on top?”
“I need a few minutes to calm down. If I’m inside you again, I’ll blow my load.”
“Do it,” You beg. “Let me be filled by you.”
“Please, hanii…I’ve waited for this moment and I won’t blow it so soon.”
“You can fuck me as many times as you want, Arisu. If I die, I don’t want to live with regret. I don’t want to die without ever having the chance to have you in as many ways possible. The next game we go into, I’ll look at the marks you leave on my body and I’ll remember exactly how I got them. I’ll remember them each fondly. You’re my motivation to live. To come back into your arms and hold you.”
A corner of Arisu’s lips twitches as if he’s attempting to keep himself from smiling, too shy to let you know how much your words made him feel like he was on top of the world.
He nods his approval. “Okay. You can get on top now.”
You push at his chest, making him lie back. Slowly crawling over him as a predator to a prey, starting from licking at the creamy release on his dick, up his chiseled stomach, then finally to his lips. You plant a soft kiss on his lips, gentle enough to leave him wanting more but present enough to run your tongue over his chapped bottom lip.
Taking your lace underwear, you shove it into his mouth and straddle him. You line him up with your entrance than sink down, sobbing out at the feeling of him stretching you. His big, round eyes watched you in awe, mouthful of your panties wet with your arousal. He savors the taste of you on his tongue.
You grind slowly on his cock, biting your lip and watching his lips part. He looks up at your face then your breasts then back at you. But your primal emotions had gotten the best of you and your back to setting a dam-breaking lace, grinding down hard on his cock to bouncing on it.
“Ahh.” Arisu muffles out a whimper at your newfound energy, squeezing his eyes shut.
You wanted slow but did he have to feel so goddamn good?
“Look at me when I’m fucking you.” You growl, grabbing him by the chin. He opens his eyes. You pull the gag from his mouth, parting his lips. Sticking your tongue out, you let a trail of spit fall onto his tongue and he immediately swallows.
After a few bounces, you notice Arisu breathing has gone ragged along with the tightening of his balls from under you which indicated he would be coming very soon. You squeeze around his neck bouncing harder and faster, not giving him any room to breathe.
“That’s it, little one,” You hiss. “Just stay there and take it.”
You loved how fragile he looked under you as if you could easily break him. You can tell he’s never been with a curvier girl. You were going to make sure you’d be his first and his last.
You pull off him causing him to groan and protest. “Why’d you stop?”
“Because I want you on top of me. I want to feel your chest against mine and kiss your neck while you drive into me.”
“I really won’t be lasting long this time. Even if you pull out for the last time, I’ll cum.”
“It’s okay, baby. I won’t pull back this time. Just fuck me slow.”
You lie on your back once more and waited for him to get into your arms. The moment he does, you grip his butt forcing him to quit beating around the bush and fuck you properly.
The gooey, squishy noises were music to your ears. You moan and sob, tears running down from how incredible he felt. You intertwine your fingers in his hair, pulling hard. The other hand clawing angry lines down his back. Your mouth occupies itself biting into his shoulder hard enough to draw blood.
He sucks a bruise on the top of your right breast. He sounded so pretty and desperate. Shaky moans and high-pitched whines whenever you’d clench around him. He pulls his length out for only the tip to stay in, playing with your entrance by shallowly pushing in before going in deep again.
You circle your fingers over your clit, gasping at the feeling of him. He was just so special. “Arisu…I gonna cum so hard. I want you to know that I love you so much. If this kills me, I’ll die happily.”
Taking one hand and pinning it above your head, he tangles his fingers in yours. His eyes still boring into your soul while the heavyness of his breath tickles your skin. He’s panting louder and louder the closer he gets to cumming as well.
“I love you, too.” He reciprocates, placing his beautiful pink lips against yours and it’s enough to awaken a rapture within you.
You cry out, the tension snapping and a splash of wetness shooting out of you and coating his pelvic area and pubic hair.
“Arisu.” You chant his name over and over, the tears continuing to flow as you felt every sensation on every part of your body that contained nerve endings.
Arisu releases his thick, hot essence into your tightening pussy and milk him passed the point of sensitivity. He’s just as loud when he cums, whimpering and begging you to take all of him.
You pull him in for another kiss, your tongue swirling around in his mouth to stifle his cries. By the time you pull away, a line of saliva tracks before you flicks a tongue out to lap it up.
He flops down on the space beside you, letting out a sigh of relief. “That was…”
“Otherworldly? Heavenly? God-tier? Because that pretty much sums it up for me.”
“R-really,” Arisu says dwindling with his thumbs.
“Uh-huh, I’ve never cried this much during sex. You’re one of a kind, Arisu.” Tears still flowing from your face.
“You’re still crying.” Arisu says with concern.
“So are you.” You say, wiping away a tear from his eyes.
“I just don’t want to lose you.” He whispers, taking your hand to kiss it.
“Me neither. I want us all to live.” You sniffle.
“Then, we’ve gotta do whatever we can to survive. I’ll do everything I can to protect you.”
You and Arisu share a passionate kiss, staring into each other’s eyes until you fell asleep for another day…and another game to come.
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Japanese Translation: Hanii means “Honey”
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