#'one and it means smt important'
astranauticus · 6 months
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sea and sky
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srvphm · 9 months
in french we have this fun little expression “tantôt” that can either mean “earlier” or “later” and knowing which it is is always a little deduction game based on context and verb tense
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strwbmei · 17 days
I had a very important test in college earlier but I woke up way too horny that I think I forgot some things.
(I’m crossing my fingers that I passed. Btw have a good day Mei)
Your brain knew its priorities even when you were asleep! I wish I could dream stuff up like this ahaha (mostly fluff, suggestive at the end)
I don't think she'd apologize for being hit on exactly, but she'd definitely feel really bad if she accidentally made you jealous. Robin is a superstar renowned across the cosmos; it's a given that she'd have a ton of fans everywhere. Some of those fans however, overstep their boundaries and put her in a tough spot. She just tries to be kind to everyone, but unfortunately some people don't have as good of an intention as Robin likes to believe.
And while both of you are fine with keeping your relationship a secret for obvious reasons, you don't appreciate Robin just letting her fans outright flirt with her. She'd do anything to make it up to you. Your favorite food? Already on the table. That date you had to cancel because Robin's schedule was full? Those commercials and recordings don't matter nearly as much as your happiness; she's going on it no matter what her manager says.
Robin would also be really physically affectionate, even kissing you in public when she's sure no one is looking. She'll reassure you that it's only you that she loves, and most of all, she'll make sure to set clear boundaries with her fans.
And remember how Robin would do anything to make it up to you? She means it. She's already good at showing you her love through words, but you should see what she can do with her actions. Singing is far from being the only thing her mouth is good for.
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Looks > Personality
^personality is a big factor for him but i think he would care about more of what you look like, not that he's judgmental or anything.
funny but can't be as funny or more funny than he is.
he likes girls that have a lot of sarcasm, he just finds it hot
girls that play hard to get>>
he doesn't mind if your clingy, but he liked his space and can get a little frustrated when you cling to him when he wants to be alone, he doesn't want to be mean so he'll ask nicely
he cares a lot about what his friends think, ESPECIALLY george.
^if you don't get along with his friends then sorry, i think you'll have to go.
he likes girls that laugh easily and have a loud laugh.
he doesn't really care if you're interested in Quidditch but he would want you to support him, but it would be better if you played it
i feel like he would go for the mum friend, the one he knows cares about his well-being and state.
being sort of stupid himself- he can't say anything about your mind, but he'd definitely want you to be smart to even it out
he likes the idea of teaching innocent girls a few things, but he loves a girl who's dirty minded
extroverted girls >>
he likes girls who can handle their own shit, who can stick up for themselves, girls who are confident and can speak their own mind
^that being said, you can't be overly mean because that'll just turn him off
girls who have a soft spot for animals and babies (and him).
can handle a joke and crack one or two yourself
helps come up with pranks for him and George
girls that get mad easily when he teases them but still have a smile on your face when you yell
he doesn't really care about hair colour but he's definitely more into raven heads or dyed (mostly deep red or purple) doesn't care about hair type though.
seriously doesn't mind about how tall or short you are, that's the least of his worries
girls with eyes that hold a little mystery behind them, he can't describe it, but he knows it when he sees it.
doesn't discriminate against skin colour, this man loves women and all women. (let's say its mutual)
he likes thighs over everything, they just get him excited, idk why.
tits >>>
^^doesn't matter about the size but prefers the bigger end of the scale
likes fit girls but seriously doesn't care if you have a bit of chubbiness
he liked scars, he thinks they're badass (even if you got them in the most pathetic way, like falling over)
he likes girl who have good hygiene and look clean and fresh
girls who try to look good for themselves, not others or for him
he likes dimples, but he doesn't care enough to not like you if you don't have them
to sum it up he's not really picky but he knows what he likes
he'd be the guy to ghost you if he didn't like you after a few dates
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Looks - Personality
they're equally important, although he leans a bit more to Personality because he finds all girls beautiful in their own way
he doesn't care how funny you are, it just matters if you find him funny or not
like Fred- he likes girls who are sarcastic, it's just a thing they have with it, idk.
he likes girls who love physical contact and don't care about clinginess
^he wants a girl to show how much she wants him.
girls that get easily flustered when he flirts with them
girls with loud and weird laughs (e.g. you snort while laughing or smt)
he cares about what his friends think but he wouldn't break up with a girl just because they don't like her because she made a bad joke or something, he cares about his feelings for you over his friends feelings for you, but won't let you get in the way of his group
he wants a girl who will watch all his quidditch games
he likes girls who are kind to just about everyone except the assholes.
he likes girls that care about their grades but also likes girls who can party, a girl who is smart but can be dumb when drunk
he likes girls who know what they want
girls who are innocent when they first meet but super dirty minded as you grow closer
he doesn't mind if they are introverted or extroverted
girls who can get nasty when her, her friends or family get talked badly about
girls who are kind and caring >>
girls who care about animals and get excited around babies
girls who pretend to be mad at people but smiles when trying to ignore them
girls that tease him as a joke
likes girls that are loud and bubbly and struggles to be quiet (even in awkward situations)
girls that have multiple laughs
girls that get grumpy easily but can be talked out of it with smt as simple as a kiss
^^girls that get scary when they are mad
girls that like to focus on the bright side of things (even if they fail and start crying) because they tried.
brunettes with long hair, slightly wavy. if you don't have that its fine but it's his favourite on girls.
likes girls with brown/green eyes
likes girls who are shorter than him, it kind of puts him off if they are taller or same height because he likes being to one helping you get things from high up.
girls who have soft eyes but get cold when pissed off
girls of all colour, he does not care.
Like Fred, he loves thighs, it's just something about them ig
he likes tits and ass the same.
^big but not TOO big
doesn't care about the weight, because he ADORES chub, something to grab onto. but it's too a certain level because then it's just unhealthy.
^^he cares about how they take care of themselves and their hygiene
^that being said, he doesn't mind acne or stuff
wouldn't judge stretch marks, he has them too from his big growth spurts and from the muscles he got from being a beater
chubby cheeks >>>. he finds them adorable and wants to squish them
girls that have nice smiles
he likes small imperfections
girls that look like they could be a bitch but turn out to be a total sweetheart
to sum it up, he adores all women
he'd be the guy to tell you why he doesn't want to continue dating you in the nicest way he can.
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yourelliewillms · 2 months
Heyyy so I just discovered your works recently and I was wondering if you don't mind writing an Ellie with a fem reader who is latina and works as a makeup artist please? I just think the idea doing Ellie's makeup while sitting on her lap being so cute and being on my mind 24/7 currently- no pressure though <3 (Sorry for the awkwardness this is my first time requesting something 😭)
doing ellie's makeup !
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sfw, fluff, reader is latina !! (i'm not sure if i did this well bc i'm latina but i didn't want this to fall into stereotypes or smt like that😭😭) alsooo i made a little playlist with songs that i think ellie'd love (argentinian songs, sorry that's all i listen to 💔💔 if you have any recommendations pls tell me !!! and if you don't speak spanish lmk if you liked any of this songs just because i'm curious <3)
ellie's favs !
☆ persiana americana - soda stereo
☆ tus ojos - los cafres
☆ tu geografía - indios
☆ prófugos - soda stereo
☆ 743 - miranda!
☆ ritmo y decepción - miranda!
being a makeup artist means you have to practice all the time. new styles pop up on the internet everyday and you have to catch up on them.
every night, when you're finally home after a long day of work, you'd put all your makeup on the table, sit in front of the mirror, put on some music (specially those songs in spanish that ellie loves) and start letting your imagination flow as you try to create a new and unique makeup style.
hours practicing, you're too concentrated trying to do that graphic eyeliner you've been seeing in all the internet to notice that your girlfriend has already arrived from her work and is on the other side of the door probably getting comfortable after her busy day.
she's in the kitchen having a snack to get her energy back but as soon as ellie hears the music coming from your shared room, she'd drop everything she was doing and open the door to see you just a few inches away from the mirror trying not to mess up your eyeliner.
ellie looks at you for a few seconds and immediately starts "singing" the spanish songs (she's just mumbling but she manages to pronounce some of the words because you've been teaching her spanish since you two met). the way she blows kisses at you from the distance not to ruin your makeup just melts your heart and you blow the kisses back at her.
"can i admire you from here?" ellie definitely loooves sitting on the bed behind you and look at you from the reflection of the mirror. she's with her mouth half open and her eyes follow every move you do, that she even forgets to blink. she's just mesmerized.
you turn around and show her the final result and her face lights up. you close your eyes as she examinates every little detail of your makeup and quickly steals a little peck from your lips resulting into you two giggling and stealing little kisses from each other finally getting the physical contact you craved throughout the day.
"would you..." she mumbles "would you like to practice with me?" her eyes locked with yours and her cheeks turn crimson matching the red lipstick stained on her lips from the kisses she stole from you earlier.
the excitement you feel can't be hidden at all as a wide smile spreads on your face. you quickly sit on the bed beside her but her hands reach your waist and you feel her arms lifting your body just enough to make you sit on her lap.
your eyebrows rise and your face turns all shades of pink. you are used to that kind of behavior of hers although it always makes you feel those butterflies inside your stomach.
before starting, you decide to change the music to one you know she likes. you've made her listen to all the songs in spanish you've heard in your entire life so she has a few favorite ones.
your hands brush her cheeks caressing them before grabbing one brush in your hand and start doing her eyeshadow.
"what color is that?" ellie asked with her eyes closed. she couldn't see the makeup you were using for her eyes. that wasn't the most important thing right now but she wanted to catch up with you.
"gris" you answer in your mother tongue chuckling for yourself as you see her confused facial expression struggling to remember all the words you've taught her in spanish.
"hm..." she hums but she has no idea what it means "brown?"
you giggle "gray."
"yeah, i was going to say that. you didn't let me finish."
after a few minutes, you finish doing her eyeshadow. it was a more dark style since you know that's her favorite, it's not like she asked you to do it that way but you just wanted to do something that she'd like wear.
when she opens her eyes you almost melt at the sight of the green in her eyes being highlighted by the color on her eyelids. gray eyeshadow with sparkles and black eyeliner that added that sexy detail to her look.
she smirks at you when she notices you are totally distracted by her gorgeous eyes. she's right though, your mind is completely blank and the moment her hands squeeze your thighs you go back to reality.
"so pretty" you whisper before planting soft and sweet kisses on her lips.
the moment you have to put her lipstick on, you already know it's going to be the hardest part of the makeup. she's wouldn't stop mumbling the songs, talking to you and laughing when she was supposed to stay still.
as soon as you finish putting her lipstick on, you move your head back to take a look at the final result and all you can see is a bewitching but totally messy makeup on her face that makes her look more kissable than ever.
you can't even let her see the final result because you've already kissed every inch of her cheeks, forehead and nose and now she's covered in the red lipstick from your lips.
HI ANON SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT TOO MUCH 😭😭 i hope you liked it though <33
i didn't know how to end this, i feel like it's weird but that was the best i could do,,,
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kimberly-spirits13 · 9 months
Imagine You’re in School with Jason (AP Lit Style)
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You’ve been basic friends for a while
Just the type that can have a good laugh but don’t know everything about each other
He’s probably not the first person you’d go to if you’re upset about something but he’s still considered a friend
That is until you start having all your classes together
I’d imagine that if you’re like me, your both taking the most AP classes that you like
AP Lit is the favorite
He loves Anna Karenina because it’s like a TLC show for the Victorian Russians
Jason is a stationary guy, so in class he’s got washi tape to mark chapter sets, non bleed highlighters, microns, little post its, see through post-its, book marks, nice mechanical pencils and refills, and it’s all in a brown leather pencil case
He likes Socratic seminars because he likes to talk about the books
He likes essays but always have to have a page limit given to him because he will write a full book about his thoughts on the book
In class, he’s always asking you what you think about something and he likes that you two can keep up with each other
I don’t think he’s the boy to be hyper concerned with grades, but because he understands his lessons, he naturally makes pretty good grades
You’re assigned a group project where you and Jason decide to partner up to do a poster of Anna Karenina
When you come over to his house for the English project, he has all the supplies and he suddenly realizes that he’s a bit embarrassed about it
“So Alfred (me) may have gone a bit overboard but we can do something simple if you’d like- or idk make it nice”
Please help this man decorate this stupid poster board
Alfred makes your favorite type of drink or gets it, makes food, you two put on a movie or some music, and get to work
“So what do you think is important about Karenin and Vronsky having the same first names?”
“I think it’s important for theme that Anna was introduced with a train and died by train”
“Betsy is a bitch”
He loves to talk about it with you
Once you’re done with the project, he asks you to come over and do homework together
If you’re a vigilante, you’ll do patrol after because you two connect the dots quickly
If you’re normal, suddenly Jason has to run off and says Alfred will take you home but we’ll talk about that another day
For time purposes, we’ll say that you quickly find out about his patrol life
I mean dude comes bruised, he gets called to the basement a lot, he’s a true crime buff, sometimes he goes missing for hours, and it’s Gotham like come on everyone might as well be a vigilante or smt
Dick teases Jason about you two, especially when you’re over
You can’t help that you get cold watching the 6 hour long Pride and Prejudice movie and Jason is right there like come on Dick
Jason is lokey blushing soooo hard if you cuddle up next to him or even if you’re on the same couch
You two start to become inseparable at school
Not in a pda way but like a “I mean we might as well just hang out all the time” kind of way
Automatically becomes your date to any sort of school function
Even if it’s an unspoken thing that you two will be each other’s date, he still gets you flowers and asks you to go with him
Dick eventually pushes him to ask you out because “for real dude we all know you’re crushing”
Jason is a tall dude, towers over everyone, bulked up, dark hair, dark blue eyes, he’s gorgeous and everyone else are the ones intimidated by him
But when he asks you out he is so nervous
I mean the logical part of him is pretty sure that you’ll like him back, but the irrational part is terrified that he is about to mess up your friendship
He asks you at the end of the school day on a Friday incase you say no, there’s a weekend to get over it and he won’t ruin both of y’all’s days by asking during first period or something
When you say yes he’s like “😱” and a part of him is reborn or smt dramatic like that
He basically speeds home and endures the lecture from Alfred on reckless driving
He’s even more excited that you asked if he wanted to go to the park or the bookstore
You two have enormous text message conversations and he likes to FaceTime
Please I think he’s a hot chocolate junkie
He’s got all sorts of mugs ranging from regular white ones to fandom ones
Sweat pants king and he’ll give you any sweat set you want
Or oversized t shirts
He thinks pda at school it gross (it is) so he keeps it on the down low but he’ll definitely hug you or run his fingers through your hair if one of you needs it
He likes playing with your hair because it’s soothing
Please watch documentaries and period dramas with him
Or book to screen adaptations that are good
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austenwazright · 1 month
I don't know if anyone has already talked about it but that scene on episode 7, when they were coming back up and Charles was going through the exactly same rooms but this time seeing it he asks why and Edwin says "You have to experience hell before you can comprehend it" (or smt like that my memory sucks for direct quotations) and that got me thinking.
I mean, experience is a pretty broad verb, right? So it can mean he had to be in hell, therefore experiencing it, before being able to see it, that's a logical conclusion and all.... but like why exactly did he have to go until that one specific place?? If all it meant was that he had to go there why didn't he see it the first time?? Like ok maybe not in the waiting room (even tho one could argue that hell's waiting room is...yk...in hell), but why not in the glutony, after going through and experiencing it??
So now I come back to my early point, experience can be read as literally going to a place but also as going through something (experiencing trauma for instance), so what exactly did this boy see that made him really experience hell?? Well, I think everyone knows where I'm going with this, Charles could understand hell after rescuing Edwin bc he had gone through it when he saw the most important person in the world for him being tortured, being hurt and more than that being totally hopeless, that's what they meant by experience, this boy lived his own tortured down there.
Bonus point cause it feeds into the "heaven is diferente for everyone" plot, I mean heaven is only heaven when its loaded with your good memories, if not it's just a place, hell's hell when it's filled with your nightmares, if not you can't really comprehend
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pix3lplays · 11 months
can there be an angst ver of the reader giving birth where like the reader dies while giving birth but the child survives and like one of the readers friends gives the hsr boys{dan heng,welt,jing yuan,sampo,gepard,luocha,blade}a letter the reader wrote incase she died while giving birth and the letter said like take care of our child or smt also sorry for this being so specific
Oh snap okay I’ll absolutely try this!
Alternate ending to this, but we’ve added Welt lolol
Cw! Pregnancy
-Honkai Star Rail men and reader who died during childbirth-
Dan Heng: is heartbroken, of course, to hear the news. But his child survived? A little piece of you lives on. I imagine he’d find a way to name the kid after you.
After receiving your last letter, he’s even more determined to raise this kid for you. He wants them to grow up to be like you: kind, compassionate, all of that, so he strives to act like you so his child will imitate. He still struggles with being a distant, and now a SINGLE father, but he makes do with what he has. He also has the Astral Express crew to help him in times of need, and March 7th is a great babysitter when he needs to go on a mission or something.
He misses you so much though. Sometimes he writes you letters, and he stores them in a little letterbox in the archives.
No one else is allowed to read them, but one day when his kid is old enough, he’ll let them look at them.
Welt Yang: Welt Yang immediately asks about his child when he hears the news of your passing. His child is alive, thankfully, the only good news he could’ve hoped for.
He tries to make the best of his situation, without you. Of course he misses you. More than he can say. But he knows he can’t dwell on you forever. Especially once he receives your letter, telling him not to be sad, but to take care of your child to the best of his ability.
And he really does. For himself, and for you. His child is raised in a loving environment, aboard the Astral Express, and Himeko is of great help in raising his child. She becomes a sort of mother figure for your child.
Welt likes to think you would be okay with that.
Jing Yuan: Jing Yuan, for once in his life, is at a loss for words, and he genuinely doesn’t know what to do with himself when he’s handed his baby but told you didn’t make it.
But the General is familiar with loss. It’s not a foreign concept to him. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less to lose you, but he knows for his own sake, and the sake of his child that he must move on.
Yanqing becomes an older brother figure to your child, and with his help Jing Yuan finds coping with your passing a little easier. When he’s not busy raising his child, he spends his time in the gardens, reflecting on his time with you, and how short lived your life together was, and how regrettable it is. But he also remembers all the happy times, those are truly important, he knows this, and chooses to focus on honoring the good memories he shared with you, and he looks forward to when his child is old enough to hear about you. He treasures your letter, and keeps it in a drawer of his nightstand, so he can remind himself of the mission you gave him as a father and not as the General.
Sampo Koski: Didn’t want this child in the first place. He’d much rather have you. But then your letter arrives and he does feel a twinge of guilt in his soul. Alright. Fine. If your dying wish was for him to raise this child, then he’ll TRY. He’s still not a great dad. He’s very busy with ‘work’, but he does make a bit more of an effort to speak to and understand his kid.
He’s surprised, but he actually likes his kid quite a bit. They’re like a little you. That’s so precious. Maybe being a father isn’t so bad?
He has a Lot of room for improvement when it comes to fatherhood. He really does. But he does his best too. The type of father who probably brings you up when his kid is a little too young for the news. It’s hard to blame him. He’s just excited to tell his kid about you.
Gepard Landau: takes the news pretty hard. He’s handed his child and all he can think about is you, and how you should be the first one to hold this baby but No you’re DEAD and you can’t hold your baby and-
He spirals a bit. He has a hard time raising the child on his own. At first. Until Serval comes to him with a letter from you, begging you to please do his best if anything should happen to you.
Well, it fills him with determination. Determination to make you proud. Determination to take care of his child.
Serval babysits while he’s at work, which is often, but even when he’s exhausted from work he always comes home and makes time for his kid.
He really is a good dad. Your letter was just what he needed to pull him to his senses. And he has his sister to help him when he needs that assistance, or a nudge in the right direction.
Luocha: (based on my own assumptions about this mysterious man that will Probably be disproved or something in later game updates lolol) Luocha takes the news…a little angrily actually. He can’t believe you’d go and die on him like that, especially for a child he doesn’t even really want. He receives your letter, resists tearing it to shreds in anger. He knows he’ll regret it if he did that. For him, death is not the end. He’ll find a way to bring you back. And he devotes himself even harder to studying immortality.
He doesn’t necessarily…neglect his child. But he’s not a great father without you around. He’s distracted. Focused on his research and work. He doesn’t really have time to raise his child, but he will, since you seemed to desire it so much.
Let’s just say he does his job, but he’s not a great dad without you around. He’d be much better if you were alive and well and by his side.
Blade: Blade is just as quiet and as impassive as ever when he receives the news. But anyone who knows him can tell he’s taking the news HARD.
He entrusts his child to Kafka and Silver Wolf, and just disappears for about a week, your letter in hand. If this is your last wish for him, then fine, he shall fulfill it, he just…needs a moment to grieve you properly. Hence the sudden disappearance.
He grieves hard. He actually cries over your death, in private, away from everyone. He misses you so much. He can’t believe you’d just…leave him alone in this world.
When he returns, it’s like nothing’s happened, except for the fact he has a child to take care of. He quietly thanks Kafka and Silver Wolf for taking care of them while he’s away, and then takes on the responsibility himself. He’s still distant and cold towards his child, but he’s trying his best, and he has Kafka to help him along.
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Background Events: Persona Experimentation
Unethical experimentation on Persona Users has been happening since the beginning. But how has it evolved until now?
Warning: Some speculation will be involved.
TW: Human Experimentation
The Beginning
We don't have an exact date for when experiments related to Personas and the Collective Unconscious began. Phil and Nyarly's bet had been going for some time by the time IF took place. However, if we had to place a true beginning to the experiments, we would have to go with Stephen and the Demon Summoning Program. Along with Kyouji Kuzunoha, he's the only SMT character who's also canon to Persona. Makes sense, considering his weird transcendent nature. The tale may vary between franchises, but the Persona version goes like this:
By unknown means, Stephen managed to create the Terminal System to travel through computer networks. Since he's in a wheelchair in IF, then this Stephen also managed to connect to the Expanse (located in the Collective Unconscious) with the Terminal System. Since he didn't have a way to communicate with the demon who crossed and no Persona to defend himself, Stephen was was attacked and subsequentaly crippled. All of this had to have happened before 1996 for the timeline to make sense (Side Note: This also tells a lot about Stephen, since the incident had the perfect conditions for an Awakening).
The incident led Stephen to create the Demon Summoning Program, probably for personal use, since there was no upcoming war to prepare to (that Stephen could have known of). For some unknown reason, Stephen chose to upload the only copies of the program in the computers of Karukozaka High School. Was he an alumni? Did Stephen realize teens had more probability of connecting with the Expanse? Were Karu High's computers just that good? Who knows. Only Hazama and Tamaki took the program serious enough to use it, even if it was against each other. But that's a story for another time.
Like St. Hermelin would in a few months, Karu High briefly made the news before the entire incident was forgotten. That is highly suspicious on itself. My assumption is that there truly were some experimentation going on before this, amd they made sure to silence the press and make sure the students didn't snitch. Since Tamaki managed to hide among the student population as another victim (probably with Stephen's help), they never questioned her on her abilities nor disappeared her.
But who are they? Well...
The first formal organization seeking to gain a foothold in the Collective Unconscious was the Japanese branch of SEBEC, leadered by Takahisa Kandori. Their story goes like this:
When Kandori took over as head branch of SEBEC, they began to undertake the creation of a device capable of transporting matter from one place to another. Kind of like a portal. This had the main objective of helping to lower freight costs of imports and exports. Maybe even erasing them entirely. Key contributors were Setsuko Sonomura (an engineering specialist) and Dr. Nicholai (a scientist). Kandori kept the project so under wraps that those involved basically lived in the installations. Together they created the Dimension Variable Accelerator System, or DEVA System. However, they also pulled a Backrooms and accidentally connected to the Collective Unconscious.
It is probably at this point that Kandori awoke to his Persona, which was hijacked by the real Nyarlathotep. And thus, Kandori became a puppet in The Great Bet while believing he was achieving world domination or something like that. "But, Kati," I can hear you saying, "all of that was about the Collective Unconscious. Aside from Kandori, there were no Persona Users working with SEBEC".
Oh? OH? So quickly you forget about him?
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Takeda. The man, the myth, the barely remembered NPC. All we know about him is that he is Kandori's right-hand man, the head of security at SEBEC and a Persona User. We don't even know what his Persona is, only that its couldn't handle the combined forces of the St. Hermelin students. His existence does imply something deeper: SEBEC is already employing Persona Users to their cause. They probably didn't know much about the phenomena (understandable, since they had just finished the DEVA System) and didn't have a definitive way of figuring out who could be a User and who couldn't. For all they knew this could be random. And so, a not-so-stellar security guard rose to become the second-hand man of the main antagonist. Just because he had the same power as him.
As we know, Kandori and SEBEC failed. But what was the fate of the staff that worked on the DEVA System? What about the little knowledge of the Collective Unconscious they had?
New World Order
Due to Nyarly's meddling, the NWO was founded in 1979 after they found Kiyotada Sumaru's head. They might have had supernatural advice from an ancient head and the backup of one of the most powerful beings in the Persona Universe, but no real Persona Users. Not one of those people had their shit together. The closest thing they had was Chizuru Ishigami, who was a sorcerer (most probable given true power by the Rumor Curse). When the time was right, we can assume Nyarly guided them to the remnants of Kandori's fuck up. The NWO revived Kandori and began their recruitment of the now-lost scientists and inventors. The NWO gave more freedom to their researchers than SEBEC did, which eventually led to the beginning of true human experimentation.
We don't see the worst of it unless you play Tatsuya's Scenario, where the hints they leave us are enough to call for a second Doctors' Trial.
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Yikes. And this was only one known experiment.
Like SEBEC before them, the NWO also fell. But they weren't the only ones running supernatural and unethical experiments in 1999.
Kirijo Group
With the creation of the Dark Hour, demons shadows weren't only a danger of the Collective Unconscious anymore, at least, as far as the Kirijo Group knew. Now those in the know had to watch themselves every night to avoid being attacked by them. They couldn't always rely on the perfected version of the Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons. That must have been the moment when they began to hear rumors of supernatural events in Sumaru City, which led them to the crumbling NWO.
As it turns out, the entire Death Incident a couple of months ago left a huge vacancy for their supernatural research division. And these guys seem like they have fresh ideas that might just solve their self-created problem! A secret scramble must have taken place where the Nanjo and Kirijo Groups tried to covet all the info and personnel that had anything to do with the NWO. Those who weren't important enough to know the truth behind Kiyotada Sumaru's head and their self-proclaimed high-class greatness could have become the precursors of the Conspiracy.
And so, the Kirijo Group now had better scientists, inventors and researchers than before, and more willing to dab on unethical territory. With the need for defense, the former NWO scientists must have suggested they try to create their own Persona Users, like the ones who kept barging into their labs back in Sumaru. Thing is, no one there knew how a Persona User came to be. They did seem to have the power to control a shadow to do their bidding... maybe all they had to do was link (whatever that meant) a human with a shadow. The survivors of these experiments would become bodyguards for the Kirijo Group's excursions to Tartarus. No one would last long, though.
Skip a couple of years and the unexpected happened:
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A natural Persona Awakening.
Note was taken of the factors that had to do with the event: the User was a child and she had been in a highly stressful situation. This is how the Kirijo Group rounded up the 100 children they would experiment on to create Artificial Persona Users. All of them dying except for three: Takaya Sakaki, Jin Shirato and Chidori Yoshino (and Sho Minazuki). This violation to the Nuremberg Code probably fell to the side when Mitsuru found and recruited two natural Persona Users on her own. Nothing like flushing dozens of children's lives down the toilet.
We must remember that the Kirijo Group didn't know everything about Personas, and so believed that the stressful situation with a dash of fear of death was necessary every time the User wanted fo summon their Persona. And so Evokers were created. Better not think of the trial and error that led to those inventions. Nor the one that helped create Persona Suppressants.
Who cares if three failed lab rats ran away? Now the Kirijo Group had true Persona Users with them.
A lot happened after that, but that is a story for another day. What about the hypothetical precursors to the Conspiracy formed from the high-profile members of the NWO? The ones that fell through the cracks during the power vacuum?
The Antisocial Force
For once, this wasn't Nyarly's fault. The basic rich bitches would have remained basic rich bitches if it wasn't for Yaldabaoth. The creation of the Shadow Operatives and the less restrictive hold on Kirijo Group employees probably made all that Persona and Collective Unconscious experimentation more of an open secret in the science community. And like hypnosis, this is one secret that most didn't believe until they witnessed it themselves. Not all were skepticals, and those interested were recruited by Masayoshi Shido for the creation of the Antisocial Force.
They would be the new oppressive entity in this area, suppressing information and giving stitches to snitches. This wouldn't stop "Cognitice Psience" from becoming an increasingly popular field. Who knows what kind of experiments happened in and out of the Antisocial Force. They couldn't have been the only ones.
If there is one thing the new Kirijo Group managed to contain, was the knowledge of the creation of Persona Users. The Antisocial Force didn't even have the research from the original NWO scientists that would help them create Artificial Users. Yaldy had to put an already-Awakened Goro Akechi in Shido's path for them to have a User. And even with an actual User, they couldn't replicate the circumstances that could have helped create more. I doubt Akechi was very helpful with that, though. Can't have any potential substitutes for his job.
Nah, the Antisocial Force's forte would never be Persona Users, but rather humanity's cognition.
So, what was the order of events?
Stephen created the Terminal System and began working on the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC began working on the DEVA System.
Stephen completed the Demon Summoning Program.
SEBEC finished the DEVA System and, after Kandori's Awakening, began to recruit Persona Users (at least one other than Kandori).
After SEBEC's fall, the New World Order recruited the staff that worked in the DEVA System.
The NWO began to experiment with demons and humans.
The Kirijo Group hired all the scientists and inventors from the NWO.
The Kirijo Group began to create Artificial Persona Users.
After Mitsuru's Awakening, the Kirijo Group focused on children experimentation.
The Antisocial Force began to recruit experts in cognitive psience for personal experiments.
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Saw this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8xG488k/ how would the 141 guys feel about reader getting it done as a surprise for them?
First off Imma do this fast since it’s a holiday one and they’re almost over.
Secondly, they’re all giggling their asses off but I’ll do you one better I’d do if the reader got it and if the guys got it and for the guys I’ll tell you which one they’d get.
Here’s the link to the tiktok
Deck the Pubes
Name is a work in progress
You get it:
He’s fully belly laughing so hard he can barely breath. He thinks it’s the greatest thing. Definitely stuffing his face in it. He can’t get over it.
They Get it:
He’s getting the Grinch. He’s always trying to tame the bush but it grows out in the night anyway. He’d have to get done an hour before to get it to stay trimmed. But painting his hair green? That was something he could do. He did the paint all the way up his happy trail. It was edible paint because he knew you may want to get your face all in it. Definite is doing it next year.
You get it:
He’s giggling while he has his face between your legs. He’s definitely doing that next year. Snagging polaroids for when he goes on missions. He’s definitely telling the boys you did this.
They Get it:
Mistletoe. He’s going to tell you that you need to kiss it. He wiggled it saying things like, “come on bonnie, just a little kiss for ‘im. He misses you.” He'd commit and dye it. I feel like it would be really bad, you can see where the red stained his skin. He’s hair would also probably grow back fast and dark too like Price’s but to Soap it just means he wont have to worry about his bad dye job for long.
You get it:
He’s not the biggest fan of christmas so he still think it was funny. He probably would sit you down and explain why christmas isn’t something hugely important to him. Definitely appreciates it though.
They Get it:
If he did it. It would be because he’s done a lot of healing or you had a shitty time at work and watching to surprise you. He’d get The Gift (lil bow shape) and bc his hair is (in my mind) finer and blonde he would have to dye it but it would last a lot longer. Could totally see Soap seeing it in the group showers and being like “OH MY GOD ME TOO” or making jokes about it just for Simon to smack him upside the head or smt.
You get it:
He’s flattered. Definitely tracing the shape with his fingers. Kissing around it, telling you that you didn’t need to wax/shave for him bc he likes you no matter what.
They Get it:
If he got it he’d get “the tree topper” (angel wings and a halo). He probably wouldnt be committed enough to dye it, he'd later shave it all off anyway. Definitely doesnt want you getting hair between your teeth, however he does learn you may like the friction against your clit when he’s balls deep. Definitely tried to shave the shape and cut himself. He would have gone to get the shape waxed but he didnt want to be judged or have to answer questions.
You get it:
He thinks it’s awesome. Probably prefers it bare but he thinks spicing it up with the cute little shape is great. Definitely kissing around where it was waxed.
They Get it:
Bro would do the snowman. He wouldn’t dye it, but he definitely would be cracking jokes. Probably got it waxed so it’s all extra smooth. I feel like when he can he waxes. Idk. Definitely makes you give the snowman a kiss and is making Frosty jokes the whole time. Would use body paint to paint his balls to look like jingle bells I cant explain why but I feel it in my soul.
You get it:
He’s tickled. Probably told you to tell him so you could be matching. Definitely insists you both need to match next year or get related ones for fun.
They Get it:
He’d get the christmas tree. It wouldnt dye it but he’d probably get like chalk hair color and try to put it on? His hair is so thick and curly he had to cut it short so it held shape but he was super excited to surprise you. He saw Soap tease Ghost so he’s def waxing the rest of it off with an at home kit after. But he definitely had fun with it.
Masterlist is pinned on my account as always and requests are open.
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valberryelixier · 1 year
Mad for you
Dottore thought that no one could outrank him in his insanity and experiments but you proved him wrong.
( random fic bcs i want to feel smart 💜💜 and dottore supremacy always )
How would he even begin? You were certainly a unique specimen in his eyes. He watched you in your akademiya days, creating life out of inanimate objects, even harnessing the power of the abyss unaffected.
What were you? A god?
He despised you. He despised the way everyone liked you, or maybe it was respect or even fear but the power you held over the akademiya, pulling strings in the background and eradicating anyone who opposed you with ease and secrecy, you were unbeatable.
How could someone have everything? Charm, intellect and even beauty. Her personality was of course just a facade to hide her true nature, he thought.
He knew you werent the persoj you created ik public when he saw you perfectly executed and picked apart living beings so casually. Even humming along to a tune he'll never forget.
Dottore thought you were the epitome of perfection, so he didn't understand your goal which was to create the perfect human, one that could surpass gods in all manners. Why would you need to when you exist?
When he was expelled from the akademiya, he hated how you werent just because more people liked you. It hurt his ego, how someone else was "better" than him.
Years past and your impression had left a permanent mark on him, he wished to see you again. He was longing for an interaction with you no matter how brief or frivolous. You were never even close in the akademiya besides being lab partners.
So what was this feeling?
A weakness, he thought
He could not afford to feel these things but he knew even in the deepest trench of his cold unfeeling heart he could never harm you. You were far too important.
"Lord Dottore, a guest from afar is here to see you"
You found him before he found you
"Hm? Bring her in" he knew who it was, but your intentions remained a mystery.
You entered his office, full of test tubes and papers. Some jars filled with "specimens" and a bright blue vial. It was neater than you expected.
"To what do i owe the pleasure y/n" his voice sounding hoarse yet amused
" i'll keep it brief, i want a collaboration, us as equal partners. Im sure you'd be interested in this and besides you're the most suitable person for this experiment."
He looked at you, just stared at you for a while like he was trying to read through you. But what you didn't know was that he would oblige, no matter what experiment it was. It wasnt the research he was interested in, it was you.
But he tried to hide his true emotions so he laughed, his usual maniacal laugh, one that was proven to be deathly to others but not you. "And what exactly makes you think i'd be interested?"
" because we could surpass gods, with my finding. Create a world of our own full of humans that will obey our every command "
He lifted his eyebrows, he truly was interested now, not only you but your finrings too. He understood the meaning laced in your words. He understood that he had to betray the tsaritsa but that was an easy choice, it was his plan anyways.
But his ego wouldnt ever let him give in that easily. He stepped around his desk and leaned towards you with his condescending smile.
"Hm? From what i understand, id be losing a lot from this collaboration, so if you want my help, beg for it"
You weren't one to beg, you had too much pride to go down on your knees and beg him just to satisfy his ego. So you went to your last resort.
You lunged towards him in hoped of immobilizing him to have him in your mercy instead of the opposite. But he was far quicker and stronger than you, using his sword to clash yours in such power that it pushed you to the nearest wall.
" such a pity, you used to be far more powerful i suppose sentiments really are a weakness "
Whatever you felt certainly wasn't right, how could you feel so aroused when your life was on the line. Maybe it was the fact that you knew he would do no harm to you but that's never a certainty. Dottore is a really unpredictable man.
So unpredictable that you didnt realize he leaned in, hie lips touching yours, biting your lips and his hands pressed both sides of your cheeks, to let his tounge in. But why did you kiss him back?
It lasted longer than you would like to admit and as he released you from his grip he smirked, that insolent smirk. He kicked your legs apart and you lost your balance, falling to the ground, On your knees as you stared up at him.
"My my~ what a sight to behold. Such a powerful mind bowing down to me. I suppose i'll consider your offer afterall"
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t0ast-ghost · 2 months
I’m having a bit of trouble with this episode, I mean it’s S2 episode 15 (Trouble With Tribbles). I promise I can come up with a better opening (edit: I didn’t)
It���s the episode in ds9! But without Jadzia Dax :(
- How can Chekov just sit like that
- Spock is not impressed with Chekov’s joke :((
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- Kirk is not amused with the space station
- “And that gives him the authority.” Spock leans over and whispers in Kirk’s ear
- “What, what what.” Kirk is what-ing all over the place
- CANADA MENTION LOL (finding out William Shatner is Canadian was a fucking jump scare)
- Kirk is like “if you say Quadrotriticale one more time-”
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- the audacity of this bitch <3
- “Does everybody know about this wheat but me?” Kirk is so damn lost
- “Is it alive? Can I hold it?” Uhura that looks like one of those keychain Pom poms. I wanna hold one too.
- “Is that an offer or a joke.” “It’s my offer.” “It’s a joke.” I kinda like whatever these two got going on
- Kirk’s greatest enemy… quadrotriticale
- “Ah, My dear Captain Kirk.” “My dear captain Koloth.” What is Kirk on today?
- Why do they pronounce Klingons like that cling- gones
- Is Koloth played by the same guy as Trelane
- Kirk and Koloth wanna hate fuck so bad
- I love engineering just being crazy into their field, they’re all huge nerds about it and I love them
- Spock petting the tribble in the background
- Spock take a tribble, you need to relax
- “Captain, may I ask where you’ll be?” “Sickbay, with a headache.” Get this man a drink or smt
- I love McCoy getting his own little side quest of figuring out how tf tribbles work
- Don’t you fucking date insult Scotty’s ship! THATS TOO FAR
- I love this conversation between Kirk and Scotty. Kirk just baffled that Scotty threw the first punch. “Is this off the record?” “No, this is not off the record.” I’m giggling throughout this conversation
- Scotty’s so happy about catching up on his technical journals
- McCoy and Spock’s fight in the science room. They only call each other sir when they’re fighting
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- Kirk got whoopee cushioned by a tribble
- Imagine your chief medical officer is that pretty and you’re normal about it (he’s not normal about it but just imagine)
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- Kirk, Spock, and Uhura are so miserable while McCoy has just a single tribble as a fidget toy
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- “In my opinion you have taken this entire very important project far too lightly.” “On the contrary, sir— I think this project is very important. It is you I take lightly.” KIRK ON THAT BITCH SHIT
- Kirk: Cyrano Jones— a Klingon agent? *laughs*
Baris: You heard me.
Kirk: I heard you.
Spock: He simply could not believe his ears.
- “You can’t deny he’s distrusted this station!” You cannot deny these nuts!
- Kirk says “Au Revoir”
- Kirk has accepted his tribble fate. Him rising out of the pile. Someone got to just throw tribbles at Kirk
- McCoy comes in with a miraculous solution and then leaves to find another.
- “Mr.Baris, they like you. Well there’s no accounting for taste.”
- McCoy’s explaining the grain was poisoned. McCoy sounds more southern when happy.
- It’s not a passing around of admiration, they’re passing around blame lol. They did something bad
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- whispering “you gave them to the klingons?” Oh my goddd
- I love everyone laughing and Spock just making this face
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Genuinely loved this episode and was laughing throughout it. I am susceptible to tribbles.
Episode written by David Gerrold
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello hello!! How are you? I hope you are doing amazing rn. ♪
I just read your HoT request and it was literally so well written I literally had my eyes bawling out 😭 . I barely find any writers that actually played or know anything about hi3 so I hope you wouldn't mind me requesting smt hehe.
Maybe a Herrscher of human or Miss pink elf (Elysia) reader with Blade and kazuha ? (I hope you don't mind writing about 2 fandoms. Tho if you do, just pick one that is a lot more easier to write) I hope it's not too much of a trouble.
Anyways please stay hydrated and look out after yourself. (I apologize for any grammar mistakes English is not my mother tongue)
A/N: I absolutely understand what you mean, Anon! Before hsr came out, I was genuinely STARVING for hi3 content and in fact still am, as there is literally still not much on it, which is quite the shame. So I decided to finally take matters into my own hands lmao. And I don't mind writing for multiple fandoms in one post, especially not not Kazuha is involved, so thank you for the request and I hope you'll like this!<33
Content: Fluff, established relationship, tiny bit of angst?, mentions of battle, Elysia-like Reader, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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You and Blade are quite the polar opposites and yet somehow work just fine together. It confuses him sometimes how he was able to get you as his s/o, especially with how he was personality wise. But you always stuck by his side no matter what he did and that was enough for him to just accept his fate.
He secretly likes how kind and cheerful you are all the time, since you often keep him sane in even his worst moments. He never admits how much he appreciates you for being there for him, but he shows it by protecting and spoiling you.
Blade is a little sceptical, when it comes to your Herrscher form. He didn't understand why humanity was so important to you, especially when he was so indifferent to it himself. Why would you care about anyone but him anyways? What's the point, when the world was so cruel?
He pushes those thoughts away, once he sees you actually using your abilities however. He's so in awe and impressed by them, that he practically forgets to fight himself. He may never understand your motivations as a Herrscher, but he can still agree that you're breathtaking.
》Kaedehara Kazuha
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Kazuha loves how cheerful and elegant you always are. You always listen to his poems about you and spend endless time watching the skies with him. He truly can't think of a single flaw, when it comes to you and that just proves how much he loves you. You're just so perfect.
He's always thinking about new poems to write for you and never runs out of ideas either. It doesn't matter, how much time passes with you, there is always something new he can appreciate and worship about you.
Once you reveal yourself as a Herrscher to him, he somehow becomes even more enamoured with you, especially after hearing your motives as one. It just makes sense to him, that someone as kind and gentle as you would want to protect humanity at all cause. It also gives him more things to write about for you.
He's in complete awe, when he watches you use your abilities for the first time in battle and he can't help but realise, that no poem or word could describe the beauty he is seeing infront of him. He'll give you endless praise once it's over and thank you endlessly for being his s/o.
A/N: I hope this was okay! And I thank you again for the request!
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Just watched the breakfast club and I cannot NOT link whatever content I'm consuming to bsd but I already have too many aus, so I'm just throwing these ideas into the void just so I can stop thinking about em
BTW the breakfast club is a movie about 5 highschoolers all kinda stereotypes in their own right spending Saturday detention together and becoming friends and opening up to each other
Dazai fits the rebel stereotype pretty well since the rebel in movie spends the entirety of the movie antagonising the other characters and messing with them, maybe he used to one of the top students but started acting out after oda died (his brother maybe?)
Then chuuya as the jock (he's not stupid I know but he is a powerhouse so he gets to be the sporty one) and he has like a long history with dazai but they had a pretty intense falling out. Maybe he got like really into sports because the physical activities helped clear his head and distract him from his shit homelike. Like yknow when people go jogging or smt to clear their head, idk I don't exercise :p. I think his arc can be like confronting his emotions and dealing with them
Ranpo as the nerd, duh, but probably got send to detention for talking back to the teacher. The shitty homelives of the kids in the movies are pretty important and help them relate to each other so maybe his parents like ignore him at home. Maybe he talks back to get detention to spend time with teacher fukuzawa. Tho I don't imagine fukuzawa would be running detention that day, much to ranpos disappointment.
Akutagawa as the basketcase and I get to make him as goth as possible. Also gets ignored at home. I think he got detention from skipping gym, which he skips bc of his lung condition but his parents don't really bother to write him a note for it. Also instead of the bad makeover that sucked at the end of breakfast club, instead Akutagawa puts eyeliner on atsushi and thats how they bond (god I hated the movies makeover )
And like hear me out, but atsushi as the princess. Not bc he's like.. mean girls popular person but like he's the sorta like overachieving nice girl who's in a thousand club. Atsushi tries to avoid going home and so he like joins a shitton of clubs and committees, and is nice to everyone bc he's afraid ppl will hate him, and also always tries to help everyone. I feel like he'd find a friendgroup of really popular kids and he just kinda goes along with them, kind of a people-pleaser. So not queen bee but definitely gets bossed around/hangs around the popular kids
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smugpugchimera · 4 months
Hi :) just wanted to drop in to say I really love your art, the way you use lineart and colour are like, insanely beautiful. I'm curious what brushes you use for lineart? Hope you have a nice day!
Hello! Thank you very much, I'm super happy to have such a positive response to my art ^^💜💜💜 Talking brushes: I mostly use a default pen with a fuzzy texture, the exact type is not that important, it cam be noise or a spray tex. of sort) Now what I feel has a more profound effect is the exact proportions of pressure, sharpness and density. Here the preferred setting I use in SAI2:
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I'll try to break it down a little so it's not just useful for SAI2 users, for I do not know the ins and outs of how other programs approach this. I set to to have round tip with no sharpness, and both minimal density and density amp set to 0, which results in it corresponding directly to pen pressure. The additional size and density scrollers set quite low too. That, together with high stabilization and low tablet sensitivity (smt you can do in your tablet settings, you can play with them too!) makes the brush rly easy to control for both opacity and thickness. Which is what I personally prefer (it gives a soft pencil feel I think) You'd need to set your density settings higher if you prefer a more opaque lineart brush. I do advice playing with them yourself to get the feel for it, it's honestly very useful to understand and develop intuition for. Now another "tool" I absolutely cannot live without is this pesky lil boi:
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The "switch to transparent" tool is like, A Beast, and I don't see a lot of talk about it's versatility. I set it to my hot keys and use it more that undo tool :D To elaborale: I find it helpful to use the negative space (or erase) the lines I draw in a particular way to give them a more unique value that it would have by itself. I'll try to demonstrate:
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So, the gist of the technique comes down to subtractive shaping of form, in combination to usual additive approach. Now, this is a specific trick I find rly satisfying to my style of drawing that works well with my brush preferences, which is by no mean universal, but what I would encourage to take away from this if you're not doing it already is to think of erasing as not just a corrective tool, but also an artistic one! (Note: switching to eraser does similar thing- the only downside is your brush settings and texture would have to match with it, which can be a hustle) I hope this isn't too elaborate of a response, and hope it is at least somewhat helpful X3!! Good drawing you Ya'll and first of all: have fun! Have a nice day~
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veintrry · 1 year
when his love is put under the lens of a magnifying glass what will you come to learn about your dear detective?
cw: nsfw at the very end, the rest is sfw.
an: I've been obsessed with him for the past couple of weeks I need to write smt related to him to cleanse my mind. inspired by this song <3
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I've got this one, no sweat, no sweat
Don't be fooled by his cool façade. Even if he may attempt to make himself appear collected and unbothered when he's around you that man is absolutely charmed by you, horrendously so. Hell, no matter how many teasing comments he may throw at you trying to catch you off-guard more often than not its a way for him to regain himself and hopefully get the upper hand.
Prior to getting with you he'll be more flirty with you than anyone else, his words are coquettish and his playful demeanour is only sharper as he manages to find a way to make an amorous or passionate joke out of most situations. -- however you could merely argue that it's just how he is, irs his personality, despite how different it is compared to how he treats everyone else. He doesn't outright say it, not until he feels like he must. In truth, nobody wants to be rejected by the person they like, but if he notices how your behaviour towards him changes, how you entertain these ideas of him, how you get so close to him he can feel his heart stuck at his throat. He begins to hope. It only takes one long day filled with hightened emotions and actions that feel like memories he was born to fulfill, words he was meant to speak to you, for him to finally say it.
After you two start dating god is he direct. He will make his love for you as clear as day, he doesn't see why he wouldn't. Though, that doesn't mean he shows you everything. After all, it'd be embarrassing for him if he told you just how much he liked you, though he doesn't mind showing you on special occasions in detail both verbally and physically.
please be my second pair of eyes
the level of trust that Heizou has embedded within you is one not easily achieved nor granted. His trust in you is much higher than with anyone else, despite being confident about where his peers stand with him he sees you as his indefinite rock, someone's who's tied to him at the hip and who covers his blind spot out of sheer habit. He didn't get you involved with his cases often but something he enjoyed was hearing your interpretations. In an unintentional way, you end up looking out for clues without you realising whenever he takes up a new case. You rarely ever directly insert yourself into a situation, but if there's someone he needs to help him catch a criminal he knows who to ask.
why don't you get those thoughts off of your chest
say the word and he's right at your side in the blink of an eye. Actually, you wouldn't even have to speak for him to notice when you're distressed or behaving oddly. It starts with small actions coming from you, slight wrinkles around your eyes and forehead as you furrow your brows ever so slightly, the glaze over your eye seemingly holding a different darker hue, and it felt more as though you were out of it, mind rummaging elsewhere as you begin to neglect or forget about all kinds of things, from irrelevant to gravely important. He maintains a patient mind with you, waiting for you regardless and making sure to make up for mistakes you've made, offering you a guiding hand.
He doesn't verbally approach you immediately unless you looked like you were on the brink of breaking, otherwise he begins to involve himself with you furthermore, checking in with you whenever he sees you wandering around, attempting to make dishes you find comfort in, offering you more affection as he clings to you more, and spending more of his free time around you (in truth he merely ditches going to the Tenryou Comission opting to be there for you. The worse that could happen is him being barraged by Sara anyways.) However, if he sees that you're purposely attempting to avoid speaking about it with anyone that's when he acknowledges it. Patient he is, but that doesn't mean he won't already be looking into it himself, he can't help listening to his intuition.
and let me take good care of you
he really is the kindness to spoil you with affection. Whether it be verbal or physical just know he always has something up his sleeve. When it comes to gifts I'd think he'd rather find them with you, travelling to a beautiful view and looking around to find something to keep. He's the kind to adore matching bracelets, I don't doubt that if you had made a pair for the both of you he'd tease you relentlessly, but don't let that distract you from how wide he's smiling. He'll honour you with everything he has, he'll ensure that you are happy because to him, you mean the world and so much more.
Shikanoin is a great detective and a reason for that is how attentive he is to little details that others may dismiss. Trust that he'll take mental notes of: foods you like that he could cook for you (and add some shikanoin love into the mix), items you saw outside window shopping, items that remind him of you, sounds that bother you, habits you have when you get nervous or anxious around others, how you like to be held or to hold him when you're sleeping. It's all stuff he keeps in mind throughout daily life subconsciously, you just become an inherently big part of him.
shh, don't worry, I already know
If you are ever in a tight spot the last thing you'd have to do is outright tell him. Everyone has their secrets, and many of us want to keep things to ourselves, including burdens. However, if you were stuck in a position where you can't do anything, rest assured. Heizou doesn't outright tell you that he's figured it out, he waits for the slightest sign of a confession or request from you to act upon his plans.
Arguments between you weren't common, there wasn't a lot to argue about. Though, if a situation arises and you two get into a heated debate about something, it's hard to recover. Hard because it becomes a question of who'll speak first. If you give him the silence treatment, believe me he'll return it, but after a while he'll realise that he only reciprocated the treatment because he was upset at you. He will approach you first and if he was in the wrong he'll apologise to you, but if it was something you did that hurt him he'd urge you to understand how he feels and wait on an apology.
A part of him feels that arguing would be a waste, because in truth when it comes down to it, you two are at each others beck and call, risking your love just over some disagreement is the last thing he'd want.
baby, one more time for me (nsfw)
It's hard for him to simply settle down and stop after a couple of rounds, especially when you're moaning right into his ear, when your chest is rising up and down with your heavy breaths meeting his skin, and your tantalizing eyes, stuck onto him as though he'd disappear in an instant. It's like you were savouring each view of him, as though with your half-lidded eyes you were only finding more ludicrous thoughts brewing within the cauldron that is your mind.
He can't help it when he feels you tighten around him, your hand gripping onto his hair as you pull him into the crook of your neck, muffling your call for him with his shoulder, regardless he hears how needy you sound, how your voice pleads for him and how his name sounds like a prayer leaving your mouth and he would never want you to stop, because if his name was a mantra then he'll gurantee you stay focused on him and only him.
A hand rides up your outer thigh as he laughs near the shell of your ear, "Come on," He urges, and you already know what he means. Both your bodies feel like they're burning, the sweat between you two is sticky as you attempt to catch you breath, repeating his name in a whine. "Just once more, I promise." You knew better though and he himself knew that he was merely deceiving nobody when he let those words fall off his tongue with such ease. "Liar." Your brows furrow as you teasingly glare at him, he merely responds with a sheepish smile as though he was a naïve criminal, caught red-handed, though that grin quickly morphed into his signature cocky smile as his gaze narrowed onto you "I can't help it when you look so pretty like this, all for me, too." You suppose you should be glad that he was very thorough with his searches.
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