#'we talked so much about what could happen during the race and prepared so much'
thelostconsultant · 11 days
Instant dad - part 1
pairing: Oscar Piastri x ex!reader
summary: You have no choice but to tell Oscar he has a five years old son. Now he wants to be a part of his life to make things complicated...
note: Oscar is in his early 30s, so yeah, there's a time jump.
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A bit over a week later Oscar was sitting in his rented car in the school’s parking lot, thinking about how this conversation could go. According to you, they were aware of the fact he had not known Oliver existed until recently, so he hoped they didn’t expect him to talk about what he was like. Sure, over the past week he asked you about him, he wanted to prepare for meeting him, but they hadn’t met in person. How could he know what to say? After taking a deep breath, he got out and went inside, feeling more nervous than he did when he was getting in the car before a race.
If he was this nervous now, what would he feel like before meeting his son? 
Spending years in a boarding school prepared him for this meeting, and the principal was everything he imagined him to be. He was polite, not making a fuss over the fact he was–let’s say–famous. He even apologized for the mess he caused, saying he understood it was probably quite a shock for him, but this was the protocol, and they couldn’t make an exception. Oscar kept nodding, even assuring him it was okay, although deep down he was still confused and unsure of things. 
All of this despite his conversation with his mother, who had been overjoyed when she saw a video of Oliver, saying he was truly just like him, and she couldn’t wait to have the chance to meet her grandchild in person. But she also told him maybe this was the best thing that could happen to him. Having a child is truly an experience, and since he was still five, they had the chance to have a wonderful relationship. “You say he loves F1. Just imagine how happy he would be if he could go to some race weekends with you. You could teach him so much about racing, and you could bond over that,” she said. 
After he parked in front of your house in the afternoon, Oscar went to the trunk to get everything he brought with himself. From signed merch from both himself and Lando–just to be sure–to toy racing cars, he had a wide variety of gifts. Something will hopefully become a favorite, an item that he would keep close to himself. Maybe he went overboard, maybe he could’ve brought only one thing, but he had no idea what Oliver liked, so he couldn’t pick just one item. 
“Please, don’t tell me you brought all this for him.”
He looked up with a questioning hum, only to find you standing next to him on the sidewalk. Seeing you again brought back memories of your time together, of all of your little adventures during the short time you spent together, and he couldn’t help but wonder if you fled because you found out you were pregnant. If you didn’t leave him so suddenly, would things be different now? Would you be a big happy family? 
Clearing his throat, he flashed a sheepish smile at you. “I couldn’t choose,” he admitted as he grabbed the duffel bag and followed you to the front door. He couldn’t help but wonder what he could expect, and he had to ask you the most important thing. “Did you tell him that he was meeting his father today?” You nodded. That was good. “Is he excited?”
You bit on your lower lip as you watched him, clearly thinking about how to answer the question. But after a short break, you let out a sigh. “He’s a little confused, I think. My boyfriend, Alejandro, met him when he was only two, the three of us spent a lot of time together, and he moved in last year. Oliver… He assumed my boyfriend was his dad, which in a way he is, but we had to sit him down and explain the situation to him,” you said, looking sad all of a sudden. 
It was clear now why you were so against telling Oliver the truth. You wanted him to be close to your boyfriend, and you were probably afraid things between them would change once he got into the picture. Maybe you were even afraid things between you and your boyfriend would change too. He couldn’t blame you for that, but now that he knew he had a son, Oscar wanted to be a part of his life. He didn’t want to be some asshole who ignored his own blood. 
Once inside, he put the bag on the floor and followed you to the living room where Oliver was watching some cartoon on TV. Now that he saw him in person, he felt warmth spread through his body, because this kid looked exactly like he did at his age. You cleared your throat next to him to get your son’s attention, and when the kid noticed him, his eyes grew wide from surprise. He got off the couch and slowly walked over to them, his eyes never leaving his face as he tried to process who their guest was. 
“Hello, Oliver,” Oscar said as he crouched down. 
“You’re Oscar Piastri!” he yelled excitedly. 
Oscar couldn’t help but chuckle at this. “I am.”
You reached out to ruffle your son’s hair, then leaned down to be on somewhat eye level with him. “Honey, remember when I said your daddy was going to jump in to see you?” The little boy nodded. “It’s Oscar. He’s your dad,” you told him softly.
Suddenly the excitement was replaced by disbelief, his eyes darting back and forth between the two of you as he tried to process what he’d just been told. The corners of Oscar’s lips curled into a smile as he watched him, waiting patiently for the child’s decision. 
“So he’s my dad?” Oliver asked, earning a nod from you. “Does this mean I’m a Piastri?” It was Oscar’s turn to nod. “Mom, why am I not called Piastri?”
His eyes moved over to you just in time to see you gulp, clearly having trouble figuring out what to say to that. He couldn’t blame you for your confusion, it probably hadn’t occurred to you that one day you would have to respond to this question. With a kind smile, he put a hand on your arm, then turned to his son. “Because I’ve been away for a little too long. But I’m here, your mom and I can discuss if we could change that if you want,” he finished, barely daring to glance up at you, expecting to meet an angry look in your eyes.
But you didn’t look angry, if anything, you seemed relieved that he came to your rescue. There was a glint in your eyes, though, that told him you weren’t happy that Oliver brought up his surname. As he thought about it, it occurred to him that you had mentioned how you considered your boyfriend to be his father in a way, so maybe you would have rather given him his name. 
You placed a soft kiss on your son’s head, then informed him that you would leave the two of them alone so they could get to know each other. Father and son watched you leave the room, then he turned back to the child with a smile. “I brought you some things. Wanna see them?” he asked him, and when the little boy nodded, he went to grab his bag. 
As he opened the zipper, Oliver stood by his side, watching his every move with a happy smile on his face. Oscar pulled out the gifts, one by one, and couldn’t hold back his laugh as he watched his son proudly wearing his new baseball cap and shirt as he examined the toy car in his small hands. He began to talk about the last race, excitedly recounting the most memorable moments, including the end when his father crossed the finish line first. His big brown eyes turned to him, then he said that he was so happy he was here. 
When he wrapped his short arms around him, Oscar did the same and even pressed a kiss on the kid’s head. There was undeniably a certain connection between them that he couldn't explain, but they both knew it was there, otherwise his son probably wouldn't be this chill with the idea of being alone with a stranger. Okay, that and the fact he was his favorite driver.
They sat down in the middle of the living room, and Oliver decided to talk about his favorite books, proudly telling his father that he knew how to read, and that according to you and your boyfriend he was really good at it. “The other kids can barely read yet,” he said with a smug smile, “and I'm already learning math!”
“Do you know how to play chess?” Oscar asked him, but the boy only shook his head. “I should teach you. I started when I was younger than you, and my mom refused to play with me after a while.”
“Because you were so good?” 
With a shrug, he stretched his arms above his head. “I don't know, but I guess I was better than her. Not sure about other people, though,” he admitted with a warm smile.
Oliver let out a thoughtful hum. “Is she as awesome as my mom?” he suddenly asked, looking back at him. 
A laugh escaped him at the thought, which made his son tilt his head to the side in question. “That depends on who you ask. She loves to embarrass me online, which isn't always a good thing, but I love her, she's the best mum I could ask for. And there are a lot of people, especially my fans, who absolutely adore her for this gentle bullying,” he added with a laugh.
“My mom would never do that,” Oliver stated, his little nose scrunching at the thought. “She loves me too much.”
The two of them spent the next hour or so talking, sometimes stopping when the little boy got distracted by something he caught on TV. But he seemed interested, he wanted to learn as much as he could, and it was true the other way around, because Oscar asked a lot of questions too. He hadn’t even noticed how much time had passed until you walked in to tell your son it was time for dinner, a statement that came with the question whether or not his dad was allowed to stay. 
You didn’t let him stay, saying he was probably tired from traveling so much, then gave him a begging look to make him speak up too. Oscar let out a sigh and forced a smile on his face. “Hey, it’s okay. I’ll be back tomorrow. I’m staying for a few days and your mum let me come to see you every day,” he said happily. “In fact, I’ll be looking out for you tomorrow while she’s at work. How does that sound?”
Oliver squealed from happiness before he hugged you both, thanking you over and over again for letting him come over. “Can we go to the zoo?” he asked with bright eyes as he looked over at his father. 
“Sure, whatever you want,” Oscar responded with a nod. 
“Okay, time to wash your hands, Alejandro will be home soon, so we can start to eat,” you asked your son. Once he said goodbye to Oscar and disappeared, you turned to him with a forced smile. “You don’t have to do this, you know.”
With a sigh, he stepped closer to you. “You were right, he’s a lot like me,” he began quietly, then stopped to consider what to say. He knew deep down that you wanted him to stay away, you didn’t want him to ruin the balance of your little family, but how could he give you that after getting to know his son? Oliver was his blood, he was truly a mini version of him, there was no way he would turn his back on him now. 
You knew. After all these years, despite your time together being so short, you still knew him well enough to know what was going on in his head. “Just don’t break his heart, okay?” you asked, earning a nod from him. “Thanks for… everything. Tomorrow, then?”
“Tomorrow. Have a good night.”
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tagged: @hc-dutch @nxlx96 @taliya8346282844eliviahdgdajs @laanswife @chunkpiboli @pakotrzl @1800-love-me
important: the taglist is closed. in fact, this might be the first and last time i'm doing this, because leaving someone out accidentally stresses me. sorry.
Anyway, what do you think? Should I continue?
791 notes · View notes
murdrdocs · 1 month
always has been, always will be
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description. it was only a matter of time before you realized how hard you've fallen for your roommate.
includes. roommate!tyler owens, so much fluff, pining, appearance of reader's ex, protective tyler, sexual tension, copious amounts of pet names, minor display of anxiety, drinking,
wc. 3.5k+
a/n: before you ask, i am not opposed to a part two. no promises.
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You’re jolted out of a deep, and much-needed, sleep by the sound of bowls crashing onto the floor. You lay there for a second, trying to listen for any other sound while calming your racing heart. When nothing else comes, you grab your phone from the nightstand and through squinty eyes start to check locations. 
Your parents are home, your best friend is at work, and there—Tyler Owens, 0 miles away. His contact, the cartoonish drawing of him usually seen on a tee shirt, hovers right above the blue dot that represents you. 
The giddiness that instantly floods your body is embarrassing. It pulls you out of bed, somehow being the only thing to convince you to wake up on your day off, and drags your feet into the kitchen. You don’t bother checking your appearance on the way out, Tyler has seen you through your worst since he nursed you back to health during flu season, and he’s seen you first thing in the morning many times before. 
But when he lifts his head from behind a cabinet at the sound of your slippers dragging against the floor, the shock on his face momentarily scares you. Do you look like absolute shit?
It’s not until Tyler grins, luckily a split second later, that you relax. 
“Sorry,” he says, looking back into the cabinet and closing it with three ingredients in his hand. “Butter fingers.”
You yawn, walking into the kitchen and sitting at the island. “‘s okay. When did you get back? I thought y’all were gonna be in Missouri for a few more days.”
Tyler brings the ingredients to the island, settling them down in front of you on the other side. It’s then that you realize what he’s making. Brioche bread that’s about to expire, sugar, eggs, milk, cinnamon, a tub of fruit that definitely wasn’t in your fridge. 
The memory of the taste of Tyler’s French toast makes itself familiar at the tip of your tongue without your permission. 
“We were, but then Boone got a tip that there would be some action happening right back here,” he cracks the egg into one of your mixing bowls, “so here we are.”
Home. Tyler’s back home for the first time in weeks. He won’t be here for long, but that’s okay. It’s the deal you initially wanted whenever you talked to Tyler with interest in him being your roommate. 
It was nearly a year ago now, right at the end of peak tornado season of last year. Tyler had been in Arkansas doing what he usually did, wrangling tornadoes with the others with him. You knew who he was, it was impossible not to, especially living right outside of his hometown. But you had never crossed paths, not until your sweet, but meddling, grandmother—bless her heart—told you that the grandson of her Bingo partner was looking for a place to stay. Permanently. Or, as permanent as a home for a storm chaser could be. 
You were desperate, struggling financially and emotionally with a still-fresh breakup weighing on your mind. So when Tyler Owens swooped in with a brunch recommendation, promises to pay his half of the rent on time, and explanations that he would rarely be home during summer months, you jumped on the deal. 
You should’ve known that you would’ve developed a small crush on him, but that’s all it is. A small crush on a guy who was sweet enough to make you breakfast since he dropped in. It would surely go away soon enough. 
“How long are you staying for?” You’re already preparing yourself for heartbreak when you ask the question. Initially, you liked the idea of having your house all to yourself. All of the freedom, half of the financial responsibility. 
But when you and Tyler grew closer, you started to hate the summer. 
“Um…” he hesitates, adding copious amounts of cinnamon into the mixture while he drags the word out. Is he stalling? “A couple days. Maybe three?”
You try to hide your disappointment but Tyler is already trying to make you feel better. 
He looks up, mouth broken into a wide smile that shows his white teeth. “But I’m here to make it worth your while. Breakfast, I’ll take you wrangling with us if you’d like, and then Betsy’s on me. Yeah?”
The promise of quality time and fattening barbecue was enough to brighten your mood. 
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You knew you weren’t particularly fond of storm chasing, but you found yourself with the others anyway. And after an EF-0 where you prayed and clutched the harness strapped across your chest and Tyler’s hand across the console, you swore to yourself—and mostly Tyler—that you would never do it again. Even though the joy from the others was infectious and you found yourself giggling with Tyler when it was all over. 
Tyler quickly made it up to you, though. He called it a day earlier than you thought he would. You knew he did it on your behalf, but he pretended like it was a strategic decision. 
“Most of the action will be tomorrow anyway.” 
And he was probably telling the truth, but you saw the shock in Boone’s eyes as Tyler told the others that the two of you were going to split off for Betsy’s just when the day was getting started. He ditched the others for you, and it made your heart flutter. 
The two of you end up in a familiar place, seated in the back corner booth of Betsy’s. You’re nestled up against the window, wearing the sweatshirt you left in Tyler’s car months ago. You’re shocked he still had it, but he assured you that he would never give it away. And if he did, he would’ve given you a Tornado Wrangler one for free to make up for it. 
“Tell me what you’ve been up to while I was gone.”
You tear your eyes away from the window to look at Tyler. You shouldn’t be shocked that he was already looking at you, he was speaking to you, but something about the way he looks at you will always make your heartbeat a little extra hard for a moment. 
You hum, lifting your eyes and thinking. There’s nothing you’ve been doing other than trying to keep sane.
“There were a few weeks there where I almost bought a dog.”
Tyler’s eyebrows raise but he doesn’t seem opposed to the idea. “Really?” he asks. 
You nod, reaching out to take a sip from your drink. “Yeah. Someone in town had rescued a puppy and he was just calling my name.”
“What would you have named him?”
You hesitate, trying to keep the embarrassment from finding your face as you fix your lips to tell Tyler the truth. “...Wrangler.”
He grins and you’re already trying to do damage control. Tyler beats you to it. 
“You missed me that much? C’mon, sugar.”
The pet name almost slips by you in your haste. Almost. 
“That wouldn’t even have been why! You’re so full of yourself, Ty.”
“You make it so easy. Don’t blame me.”
Your laughter refuses to subside even when the waiter comes to check on you both. Tyler manages to tell her that everything’s fine, while also smoothly ordering your favorite slice of pie. You didn’t even have to ask for it. He just knew. 
By the time the order’s placed, you’ve calmed down a bit, taking small sips of water in an attempt to calm down the heat in your body. 
“A German shepherd…” He nods to himself. “Loyal. Intelligent. Good search and rescue dogs. I bet Wrangler would’ve been a good addition to the house. Someone to keep you company while I’m gone.”
You try to pretend that’s not the exact reason why you wanted a dog in the first place. “And I would’ve taught him to chew on the bottom of all your jeans.”
“Well, luckily I like the rugged look.” A second goes by. “What else were you doing?”
You shake your head, your way of telling him that’s it. 
“He didn’t come by again, did he?”
A painful kick meets your insides at the mention of your ex. You knew Tyler would’ve asked you about Beau since the breakup is what allowed Tyler to move in in the first place. He hadn’t ever mentioned him before, not until Beau showed up drunk one night and demanded you let him back in. It was a terrifying and embarrassing moment for you, but it also started the bond between you and Tyler. 
Unfortunately, if it weren’t for that night, you and Tyler would’ve never been as close as you are today. He wouldn’t have even known your pie order and you probably would’ve had a year-old dog for companionship by now. 
“No. I haven’t seen him since that night.”
Tyler nods, grinning up at the waiter as she brings your pie and Tyler’s banana pudding over. 
“That’s good. And the security system works well on the house, right?”
You nod in a response, sticking your fork into your pie. 
“I’ve been checking in periodically when I’m on the road. Testing the cameras. You’re giving the tomatoes too much water, by the way.”
You’re instantly on the defensive, abandoning the next perfect piece of pie that you’d just separated for yourself. Your eyes lift, settling on Tyler, but quickly you glance behind him, and shit. 
He’s here. 
Your face must drop or something because Tyler instantly sees that something is different. He quietly asks you what’s wrong, the same tone he uses whenever you’re sick smoothing over his words, but when you don’t answer, he turns around and looks for himself. 
He swears, already turning back around. “Do you wanna leave? If you go ahead out to the truck I can cover the check. Here, pull your hood up, and you can wear my hat—”
You shake your head, staring right back at Tyler and ignoring the pull that tries to get you to look at Beau. “No. Let’s finish our dessert.”
Tyler blinks, his lips parted. You can tell he wants to ask if you’re sure, but he doesn’t. He takes a second, staring at you, and then he sits back, clears his throat, and dips his spoon into his banana pudding. 
Your heart speeds up until it’s painful in your chest. You worry for a second, image after image of everything that could go wrong flooding your mind. Tears sting your eyes but you try to sniff them away, busying yourself with dividing your pie up into pieces that you don’t even attempt to eat. 
“Honey,” Tyler says, “eat your pie.”
You feed yourself a bite and are instantly reminded of you why like it so much. 
Tyler continues to talk to you about the garden, telling you that the conditions this summer weren’t really living up to last summer so the lackluster harvest from your tomatoes wasn’t necessarily you’re fault, but the entire time you’re simply praying that Beau will leave before he notices you. 
You glance his way multiple times, staring at the side of him as he stands at the bar, likely waiting on a to-go order. Briefly, you can’t help but miss him and the way he would always pick up dinner here on Sundays. 
It’s a Friday. 
You wonder what else about his routine has changed.
Tyler continues. “There might be better conditions leading into the Fall but truly, I doubt it. It might just be time to say goodbye to the garden for now…”
You nod, mindlessly eating pie while Beau grabs his bag and turns around. You should’ve looked down or at Tyler because as soon as he turns, he looks at you. 
He lingers for a second, staring, and you do the same. Beau smiles, tight and friendly, and lifts a hand in a wave. 
You do the exact same, not giving more energy even though something in you wants him to come over and speak to you. 
Quicker than you can realize, Tyler turns around and throws up two fingers in a wave to Beau. Beau leaves not long afterward, and you can’t help but wonder if he thinks you and Tyler are dating now. 
The idea is appealing. 
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“Why does it always take you so long to get out of the car?”
“You don’t have to wait, just go inside.”
“Now that wouldn’t be very chivalrous, would it?”
“Thought chivalry was dead.”
Tyler scoffs as if you’ve offended him. “As long as I’m alive it sure ain’t.”
You purse your lips to fight off a smile. “You sound like Boone.”
“He’s my brother from another mother for a reason.”
Their twin-like synchronization will always be equal parts weird and admirable. 
Tyler watches you struggle to put your boot on, holding the door open for you the entire time. You really do feel bad that you’re taking so long, but midway through the drive your purse opened and spilled its contents out onto the floor. That, paired with your tendency to get really comfortable in Tyler’s truck, has you taking longer than usual to get out of the car. 
Tyler stood silently for the first minute, but after that, he’d—rightfully—grown frustrated. 
“Okay, almost done. Just looking for my lip gloss.”
You hear the tension in Tyler’s voice when he responds. “Just leave it. I’ll find it in the morning.”
You squint, searching under the seat through your spread legs. “You’ll forget.”
When you jump out of the car, he seems excited, until you bend over and peer under the seat with a better look. Tyler sighs but you ignore him. 
You swear you’ve almost found it but then it comes out of nowhere—a crack of thunder that resounds throughout the sky, immediately followed by rain pouring down. There are no warning drops, it comes out altogether, but Tyler acts quickly. 
He pushes you into the house, treating you like you’re in the military, yelling “Go! Go! Go!” against the sound of rain. 
By the time you get inside, you can feel the damage done to your hair. You’re already wincing, looking into the mirror in front of the door, turning your face this way and that. 
“If you weren’t taking so long—” Tyler doesn’t get to respond before you’re glaring at him through the mirror. He throws his hands up in surrender, but they soon drop to your waist instead. 
Just this casual touch warms your chest. 
“You look fine,” He reassures, even though your hair textures are different in multiple spots. But he says it like he means it, and not like he’s just trying to make you feel better. He stares at you through the mirror, his body right behind yours. 
You give up trying to fix it, besides there’s not much you can do without products and tools. Instead, you turn around, watching Tyler easily slip off his boots. You do the same with yours, placing them both together by the door. 
It looks right. It is right. 
Just as right as Tyler’s suggestion of popping open a bottle of wine and throwing on reruns. 
He tells you about the storms they’ve been chasing while you pass the bottle back and forth, occasionally stopping to criticize the actions of the characters on your TV as if this is the first time he’d seen this. 
It’s not until you’re three episodes in and trying to fight off the wine sleepiness (and horniness) that Tyler turns to face you. 
“Hey,” he says, resting his hand on your ankle that sits right beside his thigh. “You doing okay?”
At first, you don’t understand the point of the question. “Yep. Trying not to fall asleep.”
He smiles as if he shares the sentiment, but still shakes his head. “‘s not what I mean. After earlier, are you okay?”
“Oh. Yeah. ‘m fine, Ty. Thanks.”
He doesn’t press it anymore. 
“Sorry I’ve been gone.”
“You don’t have to apologize. It’s what we agreed on.”
“I know but it doesn’t feel right leaving you here all alone.” 
“I’m fine, Tyler. Seriously.”
“I know, I know. You can take care of yourself. But I like taking care of you, too. I like being here for you.” 
You turn to face Tyler, staring at the way the pink lights of a commercial illuminate the side of his face. He looks so honest as he usually does, but there’s something in his eyes that you haven’t seen before. Maybe it’s always been there, but you hadn’t been looking for it. 
Now, it’s plain and simple, sitting right there for you to do something with. 
Just as you’re about to do something, Tyler turns back to face the TV. You push away the dismal feeling that threatens to crawl up your throat. 
It fizzes away a bit whenever Tyler rubs his thumb over your ankle. 
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You feel like you’re dreaming. Maybe you are. Maybe you dozed off on the couch to Tyler rubbing soothing circles over your ankle and the arch of your foot while you both mindlessly watched reality TV. You glance down at your hand, seeing only what you’re supposed to be seeing, and then you look back up at Tyler to see what you shouldn’t be seeing. 
You’ve lived in denial for a while. It’s been easy to pretend that you didn’t like Tyler because there’s no way he could like you too. He’s just a gentleman, raised right by his momma, and that had always been the explanation. Tyler’s upbringing explained why he was so eager to risk the flu just to help you out, why he drove an hour just to give you a jump when your battery died, why he taught you line dances until you were a puddle of sweat on your living room floor. Why he ditched his friends to hang out with you, why he briefly abandoned his one true love—tornado wrangling—to give you a day he thought you deserved. Why he punched your ex without any hesitation at the first sign of disrespect.
But Tyler’s upbringing didn’t put this look in his eyes. A look so defined that you cannot deny it anymore.
Both of you stand in front of your bedroom doors, backs turned to the wood in order to face the other. Tyler stares down at you, eyes lidded with bags beneath, but no less infatuated.  
He doesn’t say anything. He just looks. 
You speak first. 
“I missed having you home, Ty.”
This surprises him. He tilts his head, letting the surprise show on his face as his eyebrows raise and his eyes widen. “I knew you did, honey bun. But what happened to loving the place all to yourself?”
You shrug, trying to be nonchalant even though your feelings are anything but. “Turns out that’s boring and too quiet. I miss your chaos.”
“You miss my chaos?” He nods as he says it, astonishment on his face. “And that’s supposed to be a compliment?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes, turning around, and reaching for your door. “You knew it was a compliment, asshole.”
He’s laughing through his apology. It’s as lighthearted as your chastising. 
He extends his arms, wrapping them around your body and hugging you from behind. You don’t mean to meld with his shape as quickly and easily as you do, but maybe that’s the thing. It’s natural for you to fit yourself right into Tyler, just like it was natural for him to fit himself right into your life.
He hums, resting his chin against your head. 
“I missed you, too, love bug.” Ugh, the nickname. He makes it sound like you’re in love with him. 
(Are you?)
You spin around in Tyler’s arms, doing so easily with the space he gives you, but then he’s right back on you, arms wrapped around your shoulders and your head resting on his chest. 
You have your arms wrapped around his waist, breathing in the soft scent of laundry detergent, outside, and his cologne all melding on the cotton of his shirt. 
You sigh, content with what life has given you. 
When you say, “I’m glad you made it home”, it comes out naturally. You feel it deep within you, glad that whatever divine intervention or luck was on your side to bring Tyler back safely. 
When he agrees with an earnest, “I’m glad I’m home”, he says it like he means it too, and you’re sure he does. 
A moment goes by and Tyler calls your name. You hum, waiting for him to say something as you lazily blink at him. 
“If I asked to kiss you, what would you say?”
Your answer is quick. “I would say yes.”
Tyler nods. “And if I asked you to come spend the night in my room, what would you say?”
You think about it for a second, trying to ignore the fluttering in your stomach and the way your heart has kickstarted. “I would say no.”
His face falls. You pick it back up. 
“My room’s better.”
Tyler smiles through his annoyance, already stepping towards your bedroom. You lead him in, one hand on the doorknob as you continue to face him. His hands find your waist, holding you steady and close to him as you both enter your bedroom. It’s not until you’re both standing in your room that he pushes his lips to yours. 
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halsteadlover · 10 months
𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
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*Pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Pregnant!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: being pregnant isn’t the easiest thing to go through but you always want to be there and support your fiancée during his races no matter what. Charles, however, being his overprotective self can’t help but constantly worry about you.
• Warnings: pregnancy as you might see 😂 and I don’t think anything else, just fluff.
• Word count: 2405.
• A/N: what can I say? I’m such a sucker for worried!dad fics they’re actually my kryptonite so here it is 😭 it didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted but I hope you’ll like this, please let me know what you think and comment, reblog and like if you want and I apologize for any mistake ❤️ I love you all and thank you for you constant support 💕
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Being a pregnant woman in the middle of summer heat was far worse than you would’ve ever expected.
As you made your way towards the paddock you tried to ignore the paparazzi who kept trying to get your attention, your mind focused on just trying to stay upright and not faint in the middle of the crowd as your hand kept resting on your belly.
You literally felt like a hot air balloon ready to explode and you had just entered your eighth month. “Bébé!” Charles’ voice caught your attention and a smile appeared on your lips as you saw him run towards you, leaving the engineers he was talking to standing there with a confused look on their faces as soon as he saw you.
He immediately hugged you, taking meticulous care not to press his body against your belly and then wrapping his arm around your waist as he led you away from the crowd towards the garage. Before you could say anything he got you a bottle of water, ordering you without mincing words to drink it.
“Are you okay? You needed to rest chérie, it’s too hot in here and the heat isn’t good for you and the baby,” he began to ramble, one hand caressing your bump.
“Babe I’m fine, I know the heat is unbearable but I can manage to stay here, I want to be with you,” you replied after drinking the water. You placed a hand on his face, stroking his skin and seeing his features visibly relax.
He took the half-drunk bottle from your hands, looking at you intently and scanning your face as if he was looking for some sign of hesitation. “I know baby, you’re both always my lucky charms but I’d rather you not take any risks.”
You fanned yourself with the paper you held between your fingers, feeling your forehead and the rest of your body sweat. “Oh come on Charles what risks are you talking about? I’m surrounded by people if anything happens…” You burst out laughing at the way his face contorted when you said those last words. “Darling, just stay calm okay? The baby and I are both fine. Now just focus on the race, go do your job and kick everyone’s ass.”
Charles cupped his hands over your face, pulling you closer to him and pressing his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. “If anything happens and I mean anything you call me, are we understood? Even if you need me to tie your shoes,” he had whispered, looking intently into your eyes making sure to let you know he wasn’t joking at all.
“Good thing I’m wearing sandals then.”
“Chérie…” .
You rolled your eyes. “Everything will be fine I promise and I’ll call you if I need anything.”
“That’s more like it.” He gave you another kiss. “I want you to be safe. I’ll go now. I love you so much baby.”
“I love you so much more.”
Charles pulled away from you, only to bend down on his knees and rest his hands on your bump before leaving a kiss on it. “And you try to be a good boy and let mommy rest okay? See you later little one, dad loves you.”
Your heart exploded with joy and maybe it was the hormones, but you found yourself putting a hand in front of your mouth to keep yourself from crying there in front of everyone.
You saw Charles walk away to go back to making the final preparations for the race, but not before he turned one last time to look at you and blow you a kiss.
God I love this man.
Charles had always been very protective of you, from the first moments you got together, always being careful to leave you in safe places when you came to the paddock, always shielding you with his body when you were in the middle of a crowd, but ever since you got pregnant his protective instinct went to the roof.
You didn’t complain, even though it could be intense and a little frustrating at times, you loved how he cared so much about you and your baby and you wouldn’t change it for the world. You loved knowing that no matter what he’d always be there to help you and do anything in his power to make you feel better.
Of course, there was no shortage of small arguments when even getting up to go to the bathroom made him alert and fill you with questions about whether you were okay or not.
But that was another story.
Charles was preparing for the race but he couldn’t help but always glance in your direction, reassuring himself when he saw you sitting and engaging conversation with someone.
“Make sure my fiancée is okay and she has everything she needs,” Charles had ordered even though by now everyone knew these words by heart since he’d say them every time you were there.
In the next hour you tried to keep a neutral expression and pretend everything was fine but the heat was really unbearable and even sitting was becoming painful.
The back pain was killing you, as well as tiredness since the previous night you could barely sleep.
You needed some air, suddenly feeling your head spinning, a wave of atrocious heat passing through your body but even getting up from a damned chair was hard. With quite a few difficulties you managed to do it but a particularly intense dizziness forced you to lean against the wall, your vision darkened and nausea gripping your stomach.
“Y/n hey! You okay?” One of the technicians who was passing by asked you, immediately rushing to you. He took your hand, helping hold you up.
You nodded. “I’m fine… I just need some air.”
“Can you walk?”.
You felt too weak and you knew if you tried you’d just faint so you shook your head.
“Okay, take a few deep breaths, you’ll be fine. Do you want me to call for Charles?”.
“No, no, he’d worry to death and the race is about to start, I don’t want him to lose focus.”
“Y/n he’ll have my head on a plate if I don’t tell him.”
“Please… I just need to relax a bit… I’ll be fine soon. I’m just pregnant those things happen unfortunately.”
“Okay, okay, let’s go in the break room there’s a little bed there. Take few steps at the time.”
Charles meanwhile was finishing putting on his racing suit, talking about the latest strategies and praying that some kind of disaster wouldn’t happen although he wouldn’t be surprised if a wheel flew off or the engine even exploded.
His mind couldn’t help but wander to you too, worried about what you were doing since with the coming and going of people he had lost sight of you.
“I’m going to quickly look for Y/n,” Charles announced, no longer able to stay calm without hearing from you.
“Leclerc we’re about to start, for god’s sake!”.
“I’ll be back in a minute I promise!” He exclaimed before running away without even waiting for the answer.
He made his way among the technicians, the various engineers and analysts scanning the various faces and noticing none of them were you. Fear took over him as he noticed you were no longer sitting where he had left you.
His mind started imagining the worst possible scenarios while telling himself to stay calm, since you probably just went to the bathroom or something. However, when he collided with one of the technicians, his worst fears came true.
“Charles finally!”.
But Charles interrupted him, not wanting to know anything that didn’t concern you and his baby. “Where is Y/n? Did you see her?”.
“That’s why I was looking for you. She’s in the break room…-”
Charles’s eyes widened so much they almost popped out of their sockets and before even letting him finish the sentence he immediately run towards the break room. His heart was pounding in his chest, worse than at the start of any race.
“Why the fuck didn’t anyone call me?!”.
When he opened the door, his worried eyes immediately fixed on you, almost going having a heart attack when he saw the doctor next to you intent on taking your blood pressure.
“Y/n baby! Oh God what happened? Are you okay? Is she okay doctor?” Charles rushed over to you, sitting next to you and immediately taking your free hand in his. He alternated his gaze between you and the doctor and only a second passed before he responded even if it seemed to last an eternity.
You widened your eyes, sending a murderous look at the technician who was helping you just before. He shrugged his shoulders, an apologetic look on his face before he walked away.
“Just a slight drop of her blood pressure due to the heat, I advise you to go home to rest and keep yourself hydrated. This heat is not good.”
“Thank you Doctor.” “Thank you.” You and Charles answered at the same time and the doctor nodded at you before packing up his bag and walking out of the room, leaving you and Charles alone.
“Baby what the fuck? Why didn’t you call me?!” Charles snapped. “What happened?”.
“I’m sorry love, I didn’t want to worry you. I’m fine I promise,” you tried to reassure him even if at that moment nothing seemed to be able to calm him down. “I just felt a little dizzy.”
“You gave me a heart attack, fuck. How are you feeling now? The baby?”. He placed a hand on your belly and caressed it, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt his baby kick after a couple of moments.
“Just tired and our baby is fine. But Charles the race is about to start and you shouldn’t be here...”
“I don’t give a fuck about the race, I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he replied. “Do you need to go to the hospital? We can go right now if...-”
You placed both hands on his flushed, hot face, stopping his flow of words as you drew imaginary circles on his skin to calm him. “I’m fine baby, now that I’ve gotten some fresh air I feel better.”
“I can’t leave you here, what if you feel sick again? What if you need something?” He spluttered, his worried eyes still looking at you.
“Nothing will happen love.”
He sighed before wrapping his arms around you though and pulling you into a hug, which you immediately returned. He deeply breathed in the scent of your skin, planting kisses on you cheek meanwhile holding you so tightly as if he was afraid you’d fly away.
When he slightly pulled away, he simulated the gesture you had made not long ago and placed his hands on your cheeks, looking at you with so much love while caressing your skin. “I would die if anything happens to either of you, you know that right? I would never forgive myself if you needed me and I wasn’t here to help you.”
You smiled warmly, leaning into his touch. “I know and we’re both so lucky to have you baby but you have to go now. I promise you’ll find me here when the race ends, but I need you to go, I wouldn’t forgive myself if you stayed here because of me. This is your job, what will you do when the baby is born? You’ll just retire?”.
“Charles Leclerc,” you interrupted in an authoritative tone. “Get your cute ass up and go. I’ll. Be. Fine. Now go baby, you have a race to win.”
Charles remained silent, watching you conflicted about what to do. You softly kissed him. “It’s okay love, go.”
He finally nodded feebly even though he wasn’t remotely convinced of this choice. He didn’t feel like leaving but you were right, he had a job to do.
“Come on, I’ll help you lie down,” he then said after standing up, giving you space and helping you lie down on the bed. He knelt next to you, placing a hand on your hair and caressing you so gently it made your heart explode.
“If you need me…” he whispered.
“…I’ll call you. I know darling,” you continued and then smiled. “I love you so much.”
He gave you a breath-taking smile before leaning towards you and placing a kiss on your forehead. “I love you much more chérie, you’re… You both are the best gift that life has ever given me I hope you’ll never forget it.”
“Never. Now go kick everyone's ass predestinato.”
Against all his expectations, the race ended in the best possible way, not without some hitches which, however, Charles managed to overcome in the best possible way.
In the garage everyone welcomed him with whistles, shouts of joy and cheers, still teasing him about his radio messages.
“How is Y/n? Has anyone gone to check on her?” He had asked Charles in the middle of the race.
“Focus on the race Leclerc.”
“I can’t if I don’t know if she’s okay.” He retorted in frustration as at that exact moment he took a turn. “Someone fucking answer me! This is my fiancée and my son we’re talking about mon dieu!” He continued when he didn’t get a response right away – and by right away he meant after two seconds – his accent particularly pronounced when he was angry.
“She’s fine Charles, she’s resting. Now focus.”
“I swear if you’re telling me this just to keep me quiet I’ll burn this place down.”
“Check yourself.” There was a moment’s pause in which Charles was left perplexed. “Baby!” He heard your voice in his earphones, his heart almost explodIng with joy. God only knew how much he needed to hear you in that moment. “You’re doing great, I’m so proud of you!”
“Cherie! Are you okay? Did you get some rest?”.
He heard you giggle. “Yes. I’m fine. I couldn’t sleep since I wanted to watch you. But now focus we’ll talk later! I love you.”
“I love you too bébé.”
The race had ended and he won. Charles Leclerc won the Grand Prix but he didn’t care because the best prize he could ever receive was in front of him celebrating with him and cheering him on while tightly hugging him.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
hiii, love your stuff<33 could I maybe request a gen z reader blurb where after getting in a crash due to a mechanical issue everyone worries about her and she’s pissed because she felt seen as weak and vulnerable?? THANK U SO MUCH
life goes on
pairing: genz!driver x '23!grid and some seb cameo
summary: see request :)
word count: 2.1k
warnings: crash, blood, injury, anger issues, tears (idk if that’s a warning), media talks bad about genz!driver, foul language
note: thank you so much for the request!! i am not quite sure if i should write the genz!driver stories in a you pov or a she/her pov, what would you prefer, please let me know, ty :))
masterlist / taglist
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It started with a bad day. FP1 was shit, FP2 was also not great. Her day was just not great. Free practice 3 was better, the car had finally responded to her again. In the first two laps, everything went smooth. She was already singing Smooth Operator in her head. But suddenly the car stirred, luckily she saved herself and didn’t crash, but she did retire from the session.
Her engineer and her sat together for Qualifying. She told him everything she noticed whilst driving.
„I feel like the steering wheel is not responding on time. It’s like it’s two seconds delayed, which is not good.“
He nodded and wrote it down on a notepad. „I feel like there’s nothing we can do, I can check with the mechanics, but qualifying is in two hours, which may not be enough time“, her race engineer told her. She sighed. The last two days were bad for y/n, she hasn’t slept good for at least four days. She nodded and told him that she’d be in her drivers room.
As qualifying started, she only got in one good lap before she had to retire. She was right, her steering wheel indeed had a slight delay. Which made turning corners very hard. She ended Q1 in P19, her worst result in qualifying yet. She was disappointed, in herself and in the car.
Her mechanics tried to fix the issue until the race started, but with no hope. She prepared herself for the race, knowing it would not be an easy one. She was scared, like scared shitless. She tried to call Sebastian during Q2, but he did not pick up. Opting for a quick text, she asked him to call her back as soon as possible.
Lewis heard what happened to y/n car during Q1 and wanted to comfort the young driver. With long strides he went to her motorhome. Her engineer just pointed to her drivers room as soon as he saw Lewis approach him. Three short knocks. Her head snapped up as the door opened. Lewis was standing there, looking pitiful and held his arms out.
„Are you okay, darling?“, he asked her as she nuzzled her head in his shoulders. She let her tears fall freely. Shaking her head she told him how she felt. „The steering wheel is delayed, which is so difficult to drive with and also dangerous. But my mechanics can’t fix it, they don’t know why it’s happening and a whole reboot of the system would take too long! I’m scared, Lewis. I don’t know what to do.“
His hand firm on her backside, he just held the young woman. Telling her to retire to not cause a crash would’ve been the best thing. Tell her to refuse to race. But he didn’t, knowing the girl and her ambitions. She would race, no matter what. She didn’t want to be seen as weak or even worse, girly.
She was girly, but not in the sense of racing. She was just as ‚manly‘ as the other drivers.
„I know that you will make the right decision about the whole situation“, Lewis told her. Oh, how wrong he was.
Q3 was finished with Verstappen on pole, as always, Perez on P2 and Leclerc on P3. Happy to see Charles starting this high, she went into the race with somewhat a good feeling. The first three laps were okay, she sank down to P20, DeVries overtook her with ease on the second corner, as she slowed down as much as possible to control the car. But the longer the race was, the more angry she got. It was not fair, the steering wheel was just not responding.
On lap 24 y/n’s car crashed. In corner eight, her steering wheel stopped working. Instead of a turn, the car just went straight into the pit wall. The front wing smashed against the wall, squashing it against her own car. Her head was spinning. What just happened?
„Red flag, the FIA just announced a red flag in corner eight. Seems like y/l/n crashed. Let’s hope she’s fine.“
Several team radios went through.
„Charles, y/n crashed in corner eight, there’s a red flag, be careful.“
„Lewis, there is a red flag.“
„Be careful, Max. You are approaching corner eight where y/n has had a crash.“
And many more. Everyone was concerned. What has happened? What did she do to crash her car like that. Was she responsive? Responsible? What was going on?
„y/n, please respond. The race has been stopped. What happened?“, her race engineer tried to speak to her, she was non-responsive.
„What the fuck, what happened?! Is she responsive? Are the medics on their way?“, Lewis was the first to address the situation. „We don’t know, we don’t see any medics yet, Lewis.“
And as Max pulled up to corner eight he hopped out of his car. He ran towards hers and yelled for her, to show him a sign that she was still alive, without a response. He was worried, he was always worried when someone crashed, but he was extra worried when she did.
„y/n! What happened? Are you okay? Please give me a sign!“, he tried it again, with no luck. He saw her helmet move, the flashy colours moving from side to side. „Ach godzijdank Ah, thank god“, he mumbled.
The medics arrived and ushered Max to the side. Taking her out of the car and laying her on a spinal board. Transporting her into the ambulance.
She was devastated. It was not her fault she crashed. But the media didn’t know that. They would accuse her of crashing yet another car. That she wasn’t good enough to be in Formula 1. They would report about her as if she wasn’t a human being and just something they could play with. They would talk about her like a doll. It was not fair.
Meanwhile on the paddock the talking began. Lewis was the most worried, he should’ve just told her to refuse racing. What if she suffered a serious injury? Like a neck or spine injury and couldn’t race anymore. It was his fault, that’s what he thought.
Lando was worried too, not really knowing what happened, he was just worried. She could be injured. The minutes went by without any news from her. They were hard for Lando.
Even Checo, who wasn’t usually a companion of y/n, was worried. He didn’t see what happened, but he heard from Max how the crash looked - bad, it looked bad.
„We hear from the medics; y/n is okay. At least that. Let’s hope the race will continue without another crash.“
Lewis released a breather, not knowing he heals so much air in his lungs. He was glad y/n was okay. He still felt bad, always feeling responsible for her. And now that she crashed, his head was spinning with gut wrenching thoughts and worry.
The FIA announced the green flag and the race continued without y/n. When she got back to her garage, her motorhome, she expected a angry team principal, angry mechanics and engineers, expect she was greeted with relieved sighs and shoulder droppings. Her engineer was the first one to embrace her. He told her how sorry he was and how everything was definitely not her fault.
She was still angry, no points, no race, no happy ending for that day. Everything was shit. She had a shit day that race. And it was not even her own fault.
Her team principal came towards her, gripping her shoulders hard and said: „I know this seems bad, it is, but we can fix it. I wish I could send you home, but media still awaits.“
So she waited, she waited lap after lap until eventually Max won the race. She waited until her PR got her out of the drivers room and took her to the media pen, where the post race conferences will be held.
Sky Sports interviewed the todays winner. So, y/n waited for Max to finish. She hoped he would never finish, that she would never have to face the camera and talk about the incident.
But that didn’t happen.
„Hello y/n, how do you feel? Everything okay, no pain?“, the nice interviewer asked her. „Uh, yeah, everything is fine“, she struggled with her answer, not believing herself that everything was fine.
„Can you tell me what happened? We just saw you crashing?“ - „Uhm, yeah“, she looked towards her media PR, what was she allowed to say? She shook her head - no bad words about her team. „I-, uh, I lost control of my steering wheel.“
The interviewer nodded. „We saw you retire from the race after Q1, having struggled already in FP1 and 2. Did you have problems with your steering wheel during them as well?“
She sighed. She was tired, her neck ached and she just wanted to be in her bed.
„I mean, kind of, yeah you could say I struggled with it during free practice.“
If she told the interviewer that she struggled with it during the whole yesterday and today, she would’ve bad mouthed the team.
„Last question for today, y/n. We asked Twitter for some comments, would you be so kind to make a statement to some of them?“
She really didn’t want to, knowing exactly what most of them had to say; women don’t belong in motorsports, etc.
„Sure“, she sighed. Her PR nodded, happy that y/n decided not to refuse.
„Alright, @motodports_2 said: That’s the second time this season that y/n crashed her car and we are only on the 7th race. What do you have to say to that?“
She closed her eyes, the headache creeping in like a madman with a desire to kill. „That’s true, that was the second crash of the season. And I am sorry for that, my team doesn’t deserve me crashing that many times during the season. I apologise.“
Sebastian was sitting at home, watching the race from his couch. He couldn’t believe what she was saying. The team doesn’t deserve a driver that crashes so much? Bullshit.
He missed her calls earlier that day, he wished he would’ve picked up his phone or at least called her back. But what she was telling to that interviewer was absolute bull.
Charles, who was next in line, also couldn’t believe the stuff you were telling Sky Sports.
„Okay, @maydrive says: The way y/n is throwing away her career in F1 with those shenanigans. Get a grip, will you?“, the interviewer read from the screen in front.
Charles was shocked, he never had to respond to any comments like that. How was she experiencing something like that?
„Uh yeah, thank you @maydrive for that. I will try to get a grip, and you are right, I am throwing away my F1 career like that, but I don’t want that, that’s why I will keep trying to get better“, her eyes were starting water. Just don’t let those tears fall, y/n. They want to see her cry, don’t give them the satisfaction of it.
„Thank you, y/n. Rest up and good evening!“
Her PR pulled her away and onto the next interview. After all that, she was exhausted. Exhausted and angry. How could they be asking her questions like that? Not fair.
Back in her garage, she let the emotions flow. Tears were streaming down her face, sobs were heard and her body was shaking. Her PR handed y/n her phone, leaving her again with a gentle pat to the shoulder.
Seb was calling her.
„Before you say anything, don’t let them treat you like that ever again. Not your fault, if you had problems with the steering wheel, it is not your place to apologise“, Seb interrupted her, before she could even sob into the phone. He heard sniffles. „Don’t cry, liebes dear. You did nothing wrong today.“
„Seb, I wish you’d be here“, she sobbed into the phone. It broke his heart. Comforting someone over the phone was hard, much more if the person being comforted was a teenager.
„It’s gonna be okay, life goes on, okay?“, he told her. „I just feel so weak and vulnerable. They hate me, they always find something wrong with my driving.“
„You are not weak! Who told you that?“, a voice from behind her sounded from the dark. Fernando Alonso stepped out of the shadow. Seb instantly recognised the older spaniards voice over the phone. Glad y/n was not alone in a time like this.
Fernando embraced her. Hugging her tight and firmly. He felt her heartbeat against his chest, beating like crazy. „Breathe with me, y/n.“
They were standing in her motorhome, embraced in one another. If a camera had noticed, headliners would say: Alonso and y/l/n dating confirmed? But there was no camera around.
She had her family here in F1. She belonged here, just as much as any other driver. She was not at fault. She was not weak or vulnerable. She was strong.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23
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021894s · 3 months
— 18 I wish it was easier.. [1.5k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: language, mentions of oral sex
AUTHORS NOTE: it’s looking up for y/n and sunghoon!!
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your heart raced as you quietly slipped back into your room, the sound of your friends' voices drifting up from downstairs. you quickly sent a text to Sunghoon: "You go down first, I’ll leave the shower running so they don’t think anything." almost immediately, you received a simple "ok" in response. you could hear Sunghoon's footsteps as he descended the stairs to greet everyone.
"Hey guys, how was hiking?" Sunghoon's voice carried up to your ears, a mix of casualness and slight nervousness.
Saerom was the first to respond, her tone exasperated. "Horrible. I should’ve stayed home and slept."
Heeseung laughed, "Quit being dramatic! I had a great time."
Niki chimed in with a teasing grin, "Heeseung screamed like a little girl when he saw a snake."
The group burst into laughter, Heeseung trying to defend himself amidst the teasing. Saerom then asked, "Where’s Y/Nnie?"
Sunghoon, a bit nervous, rubbed the back of his neck. "I heard the shower running."
No one seemed to read too much into it. After a few more minutes, you came down the stairs, more giddy than usual, not that you were aware. "Hi guys!!" you greeted, your voice a bit too cheerful.
Sunoo gave you a skeptical look, "Ew, why are you so happy?"
"Oh, um, I just slept really good!" you replied, trying to sound natura.
you glanced over to see Jaemin and Ningning in their own little world, giggling about who knows what. unbeknownst to you , they had hit it off pretty well during their time away from you and sunghoon. not that you cared, jaemin was just a cover up anyway. you realized how messed up that sounded, but it was true.
Everyone went back to their activities. The three youngest settled on the couch to watch a movie, while the guys headed to the kitchen to start preparing lunch. saerom approached you, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you into her room.
"Are you okay?" you tell her, a bit taken aback by her sudden actions
“you dirty whore!” , she blurts out
Confusion clouded your mind "You slept with him, huh?!"
heat rushed to your face, avoiding her gaze "oh my god, you did." saerom gasped, "shh, keep it down... but yes."
Her shock was palpable. "We ran into each other in the kitchen, and things just escalated."
Saerom's face twisted in disgust. "In the kitchen? y/n , they're making our lunch on that counter as we speak..."
"Well, when you put it that way..." you trail off, feeling a bit flustered.
Saerom rolls her eyes and says, "I'll be skipping lunch, thank you very much."
You can't help but roll your eyes in response. Then, Saerom speaks up again, "So, how was it?"
You reply with a small smile, "Somehow even better than the first? Which doesn't even make sense because it was so rushed."
Saerom smirks and says, "First of all, ew. Second of all, it's probably the circumstances under which it happened. I mean, the first time you guys had no prior encounters and you didn't know what to expect. This time around you knew what it felt like and it's like you've been longing for it. It makes sense."
“yeah, i guess so..” you admit then add with a sigh “i didn’t get to finish tho”
saerom dramatically gasps “he didn’t make you cum??? oh girl…”
you let out a laugh at your honesty “no i mean i was blowing him in the shower when we heard the door open” you hear another gasp “oh my god i’m never gonna look at you the same ever again”.
you and saerom snicker when she all of a sudden lets out a “so what now?”.
“in all honesty i’m not sure. we’ll have to talk it out but it’s not like there’s many places it could go, I really don’t want to hurt heeseung” you explain to her the complexity of your newfound feelings.
“well for what it’s worth you guys can talk it out with him? seung is understanding and he loves you both. who’s to say he won’t accept it?”
a sigh leaves your lips “yeah i guess so… but I don’t wanna think about that right now. I just wanna enjoy our last day before going back home”.
saerom smiles at you, getting up from the bed and side hugging you, opening the door to enter the living space once again. you’re met with everyone in pretty much the same positions as you left them but food has started to gather around the table. you didn’t realize how hungry you were until the aroma filled your nostrils. after all sunghoon did distract you from the breakfast you had made yourself earlier.
everyone takes their seats at the table, you're sitting across from sunghoon. the chatter and clinking of utensils fill the air, but all you can focus on is the subtle tension between you two. It's the kind of tension that's almost electric, the kind that nobody else seems to notice but the two of you.
sunghoon glances up from his plate, his eyes meeting yours for a brief moment before he quickly looks away, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. you feel your heart skip a beat and you can't help but smile back, even though you're trying to keep it cool.
you take a bite of your lunch, trying to act natural, but every time you look up, you catch sunghoon's gaze again. It's like a silent conversation, a dance of glances and shy smiles that only the two of you understand.
Across the table, your friends are oblivious, caught up in their own conversations. You steal another glance at Sunghoon, and this time, he holds your gaze a little longer, his eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and something else you can't quite place. You feel a warm flush creep up your cheeks and quickly look down at your plate, hoping nobody else notices.
the moment is filled with laughter and chatter, but for you and sunghoon, it's like you're in your own little world, sharing a secret that nobody else can see.
“ningning and I are leaving early” jaemins voice cuts your little moment short. everyone turns to face the pair. heeseung is the first to speak “like.. together?”.
“well, yeah” ningning answers his question. “what about those two?” jake turns to you and sunghoon, both a little unsure of how to react to the situation. “sunghoon and I aren’t exclusive, neither are y/n and jaemin. we hit it off pretty well this morning so we’d like to see where it leads” everyone is left a little speechless and confused, not that you not sunghoon cared tho.
“aw well good luck guys” you wish them across the table, causing a confused glance from heeseung “you’re ok with this? you guys were all over each other yesterday”.
“well that was yesterday. you guys have fun!.” you answer. “sunghoon?” heeseung directs his attention to him. “i mean ningning is right we aren’t exclusive so”.
“you guys worry me” heeseung states, laughter erupting from the table. who would’ve know your little revenge scheme would end up working in their favor?
the rest of the day is spent enjoying the pool, taking in the final moments of your camping trip before having to go back to your daily routines.
The sun is beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the pool area, everyone else made their way inside, deciding to wash up and call it a night. you and sunghoon are floating lazily on inflatable loungers, the water gently rocking you back and forth. the evening air is warm, and the sky is painted with shades of pink and orange.
sunghoon turns his head to look at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "This is nice, isn't it?"
you nod, feeling completely at ease. "Yeah, it really is."
a comfortable silence falls between you, the only sounds being the gentle lapping of the water and the distant chirping of birds. after a while, sunghoon speaks up again, his voice barely above a whisper.
"tou know, I've been thinking a lot lately," he says, his eyes focused on the sky above. "About us."
you feel your heart skip a beat. "What about us?"
he hesitates for a moment before turning to face you, his expression serious but tender. "I just... I really value our time together. You mean a lot to me."
You can feel the sincerity in his words, and it makes your heart swell with emotion. "You mean a lot to me too, sunghoon."
He reaches out, his hand finding yours in the water. The touch is gentle, but it sends a wave of warmth through you. "I wish it was easier" he says softly.
You squeeze his hand, a smile spreading across your face. “me too”
the sun dips below the horizon, casting the pool in a soft twilight, you and Sunghoon float there, hand in hand. The world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you and the unspoken promise of something more.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylalyla @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify @jayhoonvroom @heesminee3 @charlizefaye @mooniikay @ccrriiied @nikiswifiee @heemilktea @yorukoshii @sumzysworld @glxzillx
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meazalykov · 4 months
injury on two continents
lena oberdorf x reader (requested)
warnings: injury
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If someone were to tell you a few years ago that you’d be happy with your own girlfriend, you’d think that they’re lying. 
Throughout your career, you questioned if you’d ever have time for relationships. However, Lena came into your life unexpectedly when you joined Bayern Munich in 2021. 
She was your opponent during a game between your club and Wolfsburg. The German woman kept hitting on you and eventually, you fell for her. You guys have been happy together ever since. 
Now, it's June 2024, and as the international break begins, Lena is scheduled to play against Poland, while you prepare to face the Korea Republic. This break is particularly crucial for you, who is a key midfielder expected to be on the roster for the upcoming Olympic Games with the United States.
It's also the last game before you get a month-long break from soccer, so you’re eagerly looking forward to some downtime with your girlfriend on an upcoming Ibiza trip.
Due to the time difference between you two, you’re having breakfast with your closest teammates Sophia, Mallory, Trinity, and Tierna at a cozy coffee spot near your hotel– while Lena is playing a late-afternoon game against Poland. 
The atmosphere in the cafe you’re in is light and filled with laughter, but you look over to see Tierna's expression as you’re sipping on your iced latte. 
Your eyebrows knit together as you look at the Gotham player on her phone. Concerned, you ask what's wrong.
"Tierna, are you okay?" Y/N asks, raising an eyebrow.
Tierna looks up from the video on her phone, her eyes wide with worry as she notices that you asked her the question. "Y/N, you need to check your phone. Like, right now."
Puzzled, you pull out your phone and see numerous missed calls and messages. The other girls check their phones too out of curiosity. They didn’t see much which confuses them, but your heart races as you read a message from Lena’s mom: 
Lena's hurt. It's her leg. Call me whenever you have time.
"Oh my god," you whisper, your voice trembling. Injuries happen but the range could go from a simple blow to a full ACL injury. Maybe you’d know what was going on if you watched the game, but you promised your national teammates that you would spend time catching up with them. 
You tried calling Lena’s mom after seeing her message from 43 minutes ago, but it goes straight to voicemail. 
All of the girls at the cafe look ahead at you with worry. Your fingers go to dial Lea's number next. She is the second closest person to Lena after you, so that was your best option. 
After a couple of rings, Lea picks up.
"Lea, hey! What happened? Is Obi okay?" Y/N asks, her voice a mix of fear and urgency.
Lea's voice is calm but serious. "Hey, Y/N. She took a bad hit during the game. The doctors don’t think it's anything serious since she's walking on crutches now. But she told us to tell you not to worry, but I know that's impossible."
"Is she okay?" Y/N's voice cracks.
"She is honey. She really wants to talk to you, but her phone died."
Y/N takes a deep breath, steadying herself knowing that Lena’s injury wasn’t as serious as it could’ve been.
"Okay, thanks– wait is she around? Can you put her on FaceTime for a minute?"
Lea nods and you hear footsteps on the other end of the phone. The scenery changes as Lena's face appears on the screen, looking tired but smiling anyways. "Hey baby!" Lena says softly.
"Lena! Are you okay?" Y/N's eyes are filled with worry.
"I'll be fine, Y/N. It hurts when I run, but the doctors are looking over me. You focus on your game later, alright?" Lena tries to reassure her.
"I can't stop thinking about you," Y/N admits.
"We will see each other in a few days, Meine Liebe. Just promise me you'll play your best and stay safe," Lena says, her voice gentle but firm.
"I promise," Y/N says. 
Later that day, during the intense match against South Korea, you dribbled the ball around a midfielder before passing to Alex Morgan. As the ball left your foot and you ran into open space, a Korean defender pushed you hard and you fell to the ground, spraining your ankle in the process.
To the observant people watching on TV, they can see your foot go in an awkward angle as your body hits the grass. The scene mirrors Lena's injury from hours before, except no player fell on top of your body afterwards. 
You had to be helped off the field, causing great concern among your teammates and fans. Your team needed you for the olympics, Emma Hayes knew she needed you for the olympics. 
Back in the hotel room in Poland, it's late at night. Lena and your fellow Bayern teammates, who are watching the game on TV, are worried and anxious when they see your body hit the ground as you clench onto your ankle afterwards.
"No, no, no," Lena mutters, her eyes glued to the screen. She stands up in concern as the other girls continue to sit on the couch with looks of worry. Some of her teammates, like Laura and Lea, try to comfort Lena as they watch the medics attend to you. Their TV was a few minutes behind so you were already off of the field by that point. 
“She will be okay.” Lea rubbed Lena’s shoulders as Laura patted on her back, looking at the medics holding Y/n while she walked off of the pitch. 
Laura, trying to lighten the mood, then says, "Looks like she got an injury on the same leg on the same day as you, Lena. Maybe you guys are soulmates?" 
Despite everything, Lena chuckles. "Maybe we are," she says softly, her worried eyes still fixed on the TV.
Back in America, the medics cared for you and did some x-rays. You had a grade 2 sprain which isn’t the worst or best sprain– but you could make it on the olympic roster if your recovery process goes smoothly.
An hour after the game, you call Lena back to update her, after seeing that she tried to call you three times within the hour. 
Despite the pain, you reassure Lena that it's likely a grade 2 sprain, meaning you should be able to recover in time for the Olympics.
"Lena, I might have a grade 2 sprain. The doctors said I should be good before July," Y/N says, her voice filled with both relief and exhaustion.
"Oh, thank god. I was so worried," Lena sighs, feeling a bit of the weight lift off her shoulders.
"Same here. We really need to stop getting hurt at the same time," Y/N jokes weakly. This was the first time where they’ve gotten injured at one time, but y/n felt the need to say that. 
"Right," Lena replies, smiling through the screen. "I can't wait to see you and hug you once we’re back in Germany."
"Me too. We have to move your stuff into my apartment too so take care of yourself, okay? I love you," Y/N says, her voice softening. The couple were excited throughout the last few months, Lena is transferring to Bayern Munich and will live with y/n finally. 
"I love you too, Y/N. Rest up," Lena responds.
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lovechrissturniolo · 2 months
"Can't sleep"
Chris Sturniolo fanfiction oneshot
contains: Chris is exhausted but can't fall asleep, you come to hang, watch a movie, talk and cuddle, close friendship fluffy fluff
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"What's wrong?" I asked Nick and Matt as I entered the hotel lobby after they've texted me to come.
I accompanied the triplets on tour as Memo's camera assistant and was supposed to be off today.
"Can you do us a favor and look after Chris later?" Nick replied. They seemed to be in a hurry.
"Sure, - what happened?" Of course I'd look after Chris, as he's become one of my closest friends during the last months.
"Nick and I have to go, but you could tell Chris doesn't want to be alone..." Matt replied.
"He's been awake for the last 48 hours, didn't sleep on the plane... Now he's over the top, kinda grumpy, hyper and - I don't know!"
"Got you!" I smirked lovingly and winked. "I'll go up to him! Don't worry."
I knocked on the door. "Chris?"
"Door's open!" he answered from the inside.
"It's me!" I replied as I opened the door a crack, without entering the room right away.
"Come in!"
Chris was lying on the bed in a really weird way and I smirked.
His upper body was hanging upside down from the bottom end of the bed and he was holding the phone in front of his face.
"Are you good?"
"Yeah..." Chris murmured sleepy and rubbed his eyes before he looked at me and smiled slightly.
"You'd like company or no?" I smiled back, lovingly looking at his tousled hair and stubbly beard.
"To be honest, yes!" he replied and got up. "But I can't really do anything, I'm fucking exhausted, man!" Chris sat cross-legged on the bed and rubbed his eyes again.
"But you can't sleep?" I asked, taking a seat next to him. As we had spent most of the last few months together in the cramped tour bus, it wasn't unusual for us to be so close.
"Yeah, I don't know!" he grumbled and rolled his eyes. "I have so much on my mind that I just can't calm down!" He got up and went to the fridge. "Do you want a drink?"
"Yes, water would be great!"
Chris took out a bottle of water and a can of Pepsi and came back to the bed.
"I couldn't sleep with that much Pepsi!" I smiled and winked.
"That's not it!" he replied, but then he hesitated. "Or maybe it is?" and changed the Pepsi for another water.
"Should we just watch a movie and chill?" I asked as he got back in bed.
"That sounds really good!"
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We had put the laptop on the table, lay next to each other in bed and watched Madagascar, as Chris wanted me to choose and wanted it to be something easy.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked, recognizing from the look on his face that his mind was still racing.
"I just remembered that tomorrow is Wednesday and we don't have a vlog yet!" He turned on his side in my direction. "And, since I didn't go with Nick and Matt, I don't have new pics for the photo dump on Friday..."
"Chris, it's only Tuesday now, right?" And we all know about the vlog too!" I interrupted him gently and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. "You don't have to think about that right now! Everything's gonna be fine!"
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He nodded and blinked sleepily.
"Can I lie down here?" Chris pointed at my waist.
"Sure! Come here." I replied and opened my arm so that he could lay his head on me.
"I have a feeling I'm forgetting something," he murmured, putting his arm over my hips.
"You're not alone, Chris! We all have the appointments and errands in our heads and written down. Matt and Nick are doing all the preparations for the show right now, you don't have to worry about anything!"
"I should do something too!" Chris yawned and I could picture his eyes getting heavy.
"No, no." I whispered calmingly and started stroking his head. "The only thing you do now - is rest!"
"That feels nice." he mumbled. "Are you staying?"
"I'm definitely staying. If there's anything important, I'll let you know." My voice became quieter and quieter as I noticed his body relaxing.
"Nothing is due in the next few hours and no one's coming back any time soon. You have time to calm down."
His body became heavier and his breathing slow and even.
While I continued to watch the movie, he moved a few more times, half-asleep and snuggled up closer.
At some point he became completely calm and fell asleep.
⬅️ more
I'd die to have that!!
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starythewriter · 4 months
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Vinnie hacker X Y/N: casino night
TW: rough sex.
“You can tell me anything. You know that right?” He asks softly from where he sits on the edge of her bed. She turns towards him and looks into his eyes, “I know. I trust you. And this isn’t something we need to worry about right now.”
Her heart is racing. The adrenaline rush she felt last week when she realized that Vinnie was back in town, the one that made her run out of her apartment at 3 am with only a pair of pants and shoes, the adrenaline still running through her veins as if she had just gone a round in an Olympic match, or even during their first kiss. It feels good knowing that there's nothing to fear anymore. That no matter how much her heart flutters, her brain will always manage to keep a cool head under pressure. It makes it easier to think rationally. But it also means that they have more time together. She needs all the time possible because there are so many things she wants to ask him before the next couple of weeks pass by without them talking for any longer than necessary. There are so many things she wants to do. She wants to take his hand. She wants to kiss his neck again. She wants to be able to hold his hands in hers. but vinnie hasn’t been around ever since he left… but he’s invited me to a casino night. Her stomach drops at the idea. She knows he wouldn’t do that if he didn't want to see her. But he’s probably going to see other people. She has no doubt that his reputation is enough of an attraction for most women to go to the casinos with him. Especially given how well known he is. If someone sees us, we won’t have any privacy anymore. The thought leaves her feeling slightly nauseous. She doesn’t know what would happen if they were caught. What would happen to the rest of their lives? She knows they aren’t married, but if they get caught, what would their families say? Would they disown them? she tried to shake that feeling off… she accepted the offer and prepared her gown. This might be our chance to prove to the world that we’re not broken. We don’t need to hide behind anyone’s expectations. She can’t help thinking that if it’s just them, then maybe she could be able to make her feelings known. She can try. She’s willing to risk everything. She’ll follow him tonight if it means seeing him again, even if it’s just once. If he wants her, then why should she be scared? She tries to convince herself that maybe she’s getting ahead of herself. Maybe this is the best thing to do. Vinnie has never done anything to hurt her and she knows that he really loves her. Maybe they should just go to the casino and dance and talk and maybe even make out on the table. She can handle that. She has to. She’s not afraid of Vinnie. She wants to know the truth. She just doesn’t know where he stands anymore. If he wants her too. she got ready.
it was the next morning and she was scared. however she had already got ready. she got a call from
him as she ordered her taxi and was on her way to the event. She had no choice but to accept the invitation since she was already there, so she decided to meet up with him after he arrived. she was sitting at the bar when she saw him, a smirk playing on his face. she couldn’t resist smiling back, even though she was nervous. Vinnie approached her, “hey. Sorry I haven’t stopped by to see you sooner. Been busy, y’know. You look great, by the way” he smiled, putting his arm around her. she relaxed at the gesture. she let herself lean against him. “Thank you. You look very nice yourself.” she turned towards him and kissed his cheek, “are you okay?” “yeah just… wondering about what the press will think” she sighed, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the bar in front of her. she looked over to Vinnie who seemed to be deep in thought. “I’m sure they won’t bother you. They know you’re a player, remember?” he chuckled. She nodded, looking down at her drink. he leaned closer to her, “come on… let’s dance.” she nodded and stood up. They danced slowly, trying not to step on anyone’s feet. When she looked over Vinnie’s shoulder she noticed some reporters watching them intently. she quickly glanced back at Vinnie, “maybe we should sit somewhere else.” He agreed and sat at another stool at the bar, motioning for her to come and join him. she took a seat opposite him. “this place is amazing, y’know. I haven’t been here in forever.” She shrugged. “It’s a small place.” she commented, taking a sip of her champagne.
she slowly brushed her fingers across his crotch teasing him. she knew exactly what buttons to push to make him squirm. she could feel his dick growing hard underneath his clothes. she loved it when he was turned on. it usually ended up making him forget about their problems, especially when he came.
he placed his hand on top of hers, “Y/N, if you continue like this, I will lose control.” He breathed heavily. she smirked and moved her hand further up his leg, caressing his thigh. “I promise that I won’t touch your penis unless you want me to” she teased. she ran her hand across his cheek and down his neck. he shivered and licked his lips, “what did you have in mind?” he asked. she leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “I’ve always wanted to see you come.” she pulled away and gave him a seductive smile. she bit her lip and watched as he swallowed thickly, “i want to fuck you right here… right now.” She laughed, “oh yeah? what are we waiting for then?” she replied with a seductive wink, “how do you feel about going to your room?” he suggested, leading her upstairs.
Chapter 2
Chapter Two: the room
The room wasn’t big, but it was pretty. They could hear the music downstairs, which was loud enough to block out whatever sounds they heard in their own rooms. Vinnie pushed her towards the bed and she climbed onto it, giggling excitedly.
Vinnie leaned over and began kissing her neck, trailing his teeth along the line between her collarbones, leaving soft marks as he went. His kisses started from her shoulders down her chest until he reached the waistband of her jeans. he pulled them down slowly, revealing her black lace panties and black stockings. he removed them completely, pulling her underwear down as well. he tossed her panties aside and slipped his finger inside of her, causing her to moan in pleasure. he slid two fingers inside of her and began thrusting his hand in and out of her, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. she was moaning loudly and reaching her climax as she felt his tongue swirling around her clit.
she was almost panting when he suddenly pulled out of her. She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her hungrily. “you’re beautiful…” he murmured, cupping both sides of her face. he bent down and pressed his lips against hers. it felt incredibly good. the way he kissed her, made her feel so alive, so free. she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer as he kept moving in and out of her. She could feel her orgasm building and she desperately needed release. she reached her hand down his pants and began stroking him. he groaned and pressed himself harder into her hand as she squeezed him tightly. he grabbed her wrists and held them above her head while he continued to kiss her furiously and roughly. she moaned loudly as he increased the pace of his movements. she began to feel dizzy and closed her eyes, allowing herself to fall into the blissful void. She began to feel more than a little dizzy, but she couldn’t stop because she didn’t want to. she tightened her grip on Vinnie’s hair as she felt herself coming. she could taste herself as her orgasm began to build. It had been so long, so many years… she hadn’t been able to feel anything like that for so long. She felt like crying.
she collapsed on top of him, exhausted. Vinnie lay still for a moment before he raised himself off of the bed and lifted Y/n into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him, pressing herself against him as she laid her head on his chest. he carried her down the hallway to his bedroom.
he carefully put her down on his large mattress and pulled the sheets up to her chin. He walked out of the room and returned a few minutes later, with a glass of water and a pill.
the end!
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Sebastian Vettel x RBDesignEngingeer Reader.
Set in 2013 during the GP, Jennifer is fresh out of uni and has made a name for herself within the F1 world. She joins Redbull-Renault as one of their engineer designers and easily fits into the team, forming friendships easily. Most of all, she captures the attention of three time world champion, Sebastian Vettel.
Part 5- here’s the LINK to the previous part. Jen is quickly becoming the most popular girl in Red Bull, and making quite the impression on the paddock. As months pass she’s a delight to work with and Sebastian feels like he’s losing his mind whenever he’s around her. He’s not so silent about his feelings towards her, and the two find themselves flirting at any given chance. Sebastian thinks she’s so important to him he wants to introduce her to a close friend of his…
Just a pre-warning the next chapter will include spice so be prepared 🌶️
This gif makes me want to cry, great xxx
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Silverstone, England, June 30th 2013. “Ah, well done, well done!” I clapped my hands together excitedly seeing Mark embrace his wife, Anne. Afterwards I gave him a quick hug, congratulating him for 2nd place and a spot on the podium. “Such an amazing drive, you should be so proud.” I nodded as the Australian’s grin was undeniable. I’d hoped for first place for Mark, but the myself and the team was overwhelmingly happy with second, especially after Seb’s gearbox failure.
“Thank you, thank you. I appreciate it.” He smiled as I offered him another before he went on to be congratulated by the rest of the team. Not too far away, I noticed Sebastian was finished talking with Christian nearby. His head was hung low and he looked a little awkward. I hated the feeling that churned in my lower stomach, I knew this could pose a threat to his potential championship win, but I was positive without the gearbox failure he would’ve won. I was also positive he would win the next race. It was always more frustrating when something completely out of the drivers control effected the race results.
I slipped over, sliding a hand on his shoulder. “Hi.” I gently smiled, his head perking up and a soft smile appeared. “Hey.”
“You alright?” I tilted my head up to look at him. “Yeah, just frustrated but- these things happen.” My hand slowly slid off his arm.
“I know, it’s so frustrating. You drove so good this whole race though.”
“That’s why it is even more frustrating.” He scratched the back of his neck as I winced, maybe I shouldn’t have rubbed that in. “I know.” I gently spoke as he tilted his head back up from the floor.
“These things happen.” He shook it off, “are you free, right now?”
“Pretty much.” I glanced around, “I don’t think anybody needs me for anything; I just wanted to get a head start on looking at this track at Nürburgring.” Seb’s smile widened.
“Come take a break you smarty pants.” He slapped my arm gently, his disappointment still faint on his voice. “I’ve got somebody I want you to meet.”
“Right now?” I knotted my hands together, toying with them nervously. “Yeah.” Sebastian smiled. “And I wanna get out of here before anybody else asks me about today.” “Okay.” I agreed. “Yeah?” He smiled as I nodded, allowing him to lead me out of the garages. “Who are we meeting?” I then asked, skipping to keep up with his long paces.
“Somebody.” He was grinning ear to ear. Whoever it was must’ve been special. “Somebody? Is that all you’re gonna say, what is it the queen?” “Michael Schumacher.” I stopped dead in my tracks. Eyes widening as an excitement bubbled in my chest. “No!”
“Yeah.” He laughed, “c’mon.”
“I can’t, Sebastian, I’m scared!” I felt my nerves seeping through me. Sebastian had turned around now, laughing out loud as he grabbed at my hands to pull me. “Why?” He giggled. “Because I love Michael Schumacher, I’m nervous.” I planted a hand on my chest. “He’ll love you, come.” He began tugging on my hand as I stumbled forwards, my hands moving onto the back of his shoulders. “No, I’m worried!”
Sebastian turned around with a grin, “do I have to drag you?”
“Yeah.” I teased, not expecting him to fully lift me up over his shoulders. I gasped, grasping onto his shirt as he held the back of my legs, holding my dress down. “Sebastian! No!” I choked out, my hands gripping at anything I could possibly get a hold of. He was laughing mischievously, jogging out through the garage as I bobbed on his back.
“Seb, Seb, Seb! Sebastian!” I cried out, half in horror half in enjoyment as I felt like I was gonna go backwards over his shoulder. “Oh, hallo, Sebastian.” An all too recognisable voice made my eyes widen in complete surprise. “Hallo!” Sebastian greeted, beginning to put me back down on my feet.
“Wer ist dein Freund?” (Who is your friend?).
I spun around, the blood rushing to my face as I pushed my hair back in surprise. Stood there was Michael Schumacher and his wife looking amused at the position I’d just been in. “Hello!” I practically giggled.
“Ah, this is Jenna.” Sebastian put a hand on my upper back, still laughing from my previous panic. “This is Michael and Corinna.” I greeted both of them politely.
“Girlfriend?” Michael grinned back to Sebastian as I spluttered nervously. “No, no, she’s the design engineer for us.”
“Ah, really?! I’ve heard of you before, I’m glad you’re here actually…” What ensued was a conversation about the Nurburgring track and it’s safety, I never thought I’d have such an in depth conversation with Michael Schumacher, I was pretty starstruck. He and his wife were so friendly, although they did like to keep referring to me as Sebastian’s ‘girlfriend’ which got me all red in the face. “I’m glad you met him.” Sebastian spoke when we walked back to where he was supposed to be present at the F1 after party. His arm was slung over my shoulder as I smiled up to him in amazement. “Me too, I’m in shock.” I held my hand to my chest. Seb’s hand slowly crept onto my arm, rubbing at the exposed skin as I bit down onto my shoulder. His touch was warm and his hands were so big, big enough to engulf any part of my body.
“They liked you. I knew you’d get along with Michael anyway, you’re so clever you know everything that he finds so interesting.” He complimenting, playfully pulling me in front of him and squeezing at my shoulders. As he did, I let out a burst of laughter at the ticklish sensation, squeaking as he began laughing, pulling me closer into his front. Oh god, I was a flustered mess, it felt like we were a couple. “What was that?!” He asked in amusement, grinning as he spoke, my hands holding onto his fingers. “I’m ticklish, don’t do that again.” I felt him squeeze once more as I tensed, giggling out until he pulled me flush against his chest, arm wrapped over my chest. My body was against his, every time he took a step forwards, his crotch would inch against my bum and I felt borderline perverted at the fact it was turning me on.
“I’m sorry.” He grinned, squeezing me gently as I held onto his arm. “You’re a wind up.” I slapped his skin lightly. “A what?” He glanced over my shoulder. “A wind up, you know, you torment me on purpose.” I explained, stumbling over my words slightly as he simply smirked in response, his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek. His lips looked so plump and kissable, our faces were so close, I wanted to kiss him so bad. The months of the close friendship had only made me feelings and attraction grow deeper for him. “Oh, here come the love birds!” Christian Horner’s voice exclaimed as I snapped my attention towards the red headed man, Seb’s arms sliding off me slowly as he left one hand resting just behind my shoulder.
“There you are! We’ve been searching for you!” He spoke to Sebastian. “Ah, sorry we were talking to Michael.” “Talking to Michael, canoodling, whatever you were doing.” Christian teased as I tensed my jaw out of a slight shyness. Sebastian had to hurry on stage after that, offering me a pat on the back as I was left feeling uncomfortably frustrated when the cold rush of air replaced where his hands and body had been. I was turned on by him. I couldn’t deny that, how cheeky he was, how cuddly and close he got to me. I felt my lower core ache and it felt like my mind was on fire, too occupied by the idea of his hands roaming further down my chest to focus on anything else…
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tttovarichhh · 2 months
well if anyone is giving
my take on that iconic quote 🫣😏
A proper education has lots of benefits – detailed in-depth study of the material, the best teachers and the harsh discipline of public schools, well, to prepare in advance for a harsh life. The only thing that the creators of such closed educational institutions obviously did not think about is how, what kind of things teenage boys do during puberty.
partly 18+ 🤫
if you want me to tag you under something like that next time, just say, i am gonna be very happy to do so
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The difference between Charles and Erik is the deep abyss.
Charles is mesmerised by the abyss, while Erik is repulsed by its depth and the sharp rocks at the bottom, which could fatally injure him. But each day Lehnsherr comes closer to the edge, peering down, testing his own interest.
And God, that damn difference is sometimes Erik bloody needs while hates at the same time.
“Yes, not everyone had that privilege,” whiskey runs through the blood with growing irritation and Erik hisses at Charles once again, still trying to hide inner rage from not being on the same level with Xavier.
Charles is better, Charles is so fucking ideal, you can use his image as a religious symbol to protect souls of all those pitiful bastards, who just never had money to experience normality of life.
And that is what makes Erik heart race with anger every time.
“It doesn’t make any difference, Erik. We are not represented just by our education or wealth or anything else.”
Charles is soft, as usual. He knows, this topic is hard for Lehnsherr. There is so much pain in him, Charles is surprised anyone can have it and not go completely mad.
Erik hums, takes one more sip of whiskey and smirks, looks at Charles with some hint of growing drunk playfulness, still mixed with annoyance.
“Tell me, how was it?”
“How was what?”
“Your school. Your proper posh education in a castle where no one allowed, where you all know each other and play golf during lunch or whatever. How was it?”
“Well,” Charles smiles, takes a drink himself, recovering some vivid memories, “we haven’t played golf on a lunch break, actually. But believe me, Erik, it wasn’t so ideal as you imagine it. Yes, we had great lecturers, but boys everywhere the same, no matter the social class.”
Lehnsherr smirk at that, tilts his head. He looks at Charles and laughs softly.
“Of course. The same.”
“I am not saying my experience was the same as yours, my friend, I would never make that comparison, but it seems like you think those, as you say, castles, are some sort of sacred places,” Xavier smiles back, runs fingers through his hair, then glances at Erik again. Erik just watches him, lazily running his index finger on the edge of glass.
“Aren’t they?”
“Not at all. I might say, they are the dirties places in the country, full of teenage boys, who are just figuring out things about themselves,” at that, Charles smiles softly, reminiscing about his younger self and what used to happen behind closed doors at school. He glances up at Erik, his gaze darts at Lehnsherr.
Erik smiles back, leans back in the chair, his own eyes never leaving Charles’.
Silence in the room is palpable and slides under Erik’s skin with a light tension and growing feeling of warmth from the whiskey.
“Did they know about your mutation?”
“No. I am glad they didn’t as I was using too frequently. It was a fun time and I am sorry you are still feeling like we are different in that regard. I understand it, but please, don’t think of me as just a posh bastard.”
“I am not.”
“I know you do, deep inside you still do,” Charles says it softly, nearly whispering and Erik not completely sure was it even a real phrase or just Xavier’s presence in his mind.
They stay silent for a while, this time the quiet feels way more welcoming and soothing. Erik drinks a bit more, still glancing at Charles, knowing, there is no need to talk. Everything is clear and just waits it’s time.
“I better get some sleep, Charles. Thanks for the game,” Lehnsherr glances at the chess on the table, smirks at his win. Once again, he proved himself to a better opponent.
Charles smiles, stands up, steps closer to Erik, looks up at him before gently tapping on the shoulder.
“I am not your enemy, Erik. I am your friend, please, let me be one.”
Erik glances down at the palm on his shoulder and nods. Their eyes meeting again, darting at each other, testing who is gonna give up first to the growing need to jump in the abyss, knowing of death down there. And Erik does.
The kiss is gentle, full of drunken need and some bloody sentiment he hates to pull out to the light. He needs it like air, searches to response, scared to be rejected and then covered with shame for not keeping him self conscious. Erik pulls away, looks down at Charles, searching for all the answers again and frowns slightly as the sense of growing regret raises inside as a flame.
Xavier looks at Erik, takes his hand and rests on his neck, smiles as Lehnsherr brushes fingers agains the skin slowly.
“I am not pushing you away, Erik.”
“But do you accepting me?”
“Yes,” this time Charles leans forwards, meets Erik’s lips in a kiss, less sensual one and way more fierce. Lehnsherr responds to it, sliding his other hand in Xavier’s hair, tugging slightly. He breaks the kiss, his heart is beating rapidly and he smirks.
“So, what exactly do all the boys do in those private schools?”
“Making out a lot,” smiles Charles, resting his hands just above Erik’s hips while Lehnsherr is still brushing his fingers over his skin, “too much, even.”
“Mmm, I see. You aren’t as innocent as others see you, Charles.”
“I never pretended I am,” he smirks playfully, steps even closer and looks in Erik’s eyes once again, without any hints, just clear proposal. Lehnsherr bites his lip, laughing softly, his caresses are gentle yet on the line to become more possessive.
Erik doesn’t go to his room this night. He lets his guard fall and Charles smiles, kissing Lehnsherr’s neck, sometimes nuzzling with soft bites, making Erik exhale deeply.
“Is this what you have learned?”
“Precisely, my dear, and much more,” another bite, this time on the shoulder just above hundreds of small freckles Erik hates, “they are beautiful, stop thinking badly of them.”
“Stop giving me life advices at least right now,” Erik hisses, looking up at Charles, who laughs at that, before reaching out for the belt on trousers. Xavier smirks when it flies away by itself and Lehnsherr pops up on his elbows.
“Ops,” he smiles, reaches for Charles and pulls him closer by the hips, still gently, “I have my tricks as well, just so you know.”
“I know,” he says, leaning down again, biting on the collarbone, leaving growing marks, while Erik lays down on the pillows, closing eyes, moans softly.
Charles kisses him all over, bites and brushes his fingers on every line of the body, settling everything in his memory. Every bone, muscle, scar, freckle and mole, everything needs to be healed by kisses and touches, and Xavier volunteers to be a doctor.
And Erik is grateful. Arching under the touches, he lets control go and just allows himself to feel and moan in a pillow, while Charles once again, presses lips on the back on his neck, making sure that Lehnsherr feels comfortable with him.
And he does. He does so much that they start to spend nights together nearly every day, changing roles, but still being there for each other in every aspect. And they fall into the depth of that abyss again and again, making Erik wonder if there ever will be the end of this fall.
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reqxxyt · 1 year
distance does nothing g.r
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pairings: george r. x f!reader
warnings: some angst
masterlist requests open!
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
I met George when I was only 5 seeking friends in a new neighborhood not expecting to find the one person I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to. He was 6, with bright blue eyes and a cheeky smile that extended to his eyes when he offered me a game of tag. I lost. I never was much of an athlete, only willing to when forced. 
Around the age of 14 and 15, we grew closer as I cheered for him during races already being able to tell this would lead to something great. I was his #1 supporter and he was my best friend. I only got into relationships at the age of 17, having my first kiss with my first boyfriend that I met during one of my classes but separated due to not communicating much. 
During university, George had taken racing more serious while I stayed studying in our hometown preparing for my own future still cheering for him while staying in touch with George. It was only the last year of University where George would start to ignore my messages, declining my calls, and cutting off our weekly facetime. 
Strange. I wondered, not wanting to ask too much of our friendship only being able to imagine how difficult it must be to live the grand life of an F1 race car driver. But either way, I anticipated his next break, knowing it aligned with my own winter break and we could finally talk. Just like when we were younger. 
But that didn’t happen. I tried calling him, it would send me straight to voicemail. My heart tugged, feeling it ache as tears started free falling wondering if I did anything wrong that would cause this to ever happen. I went over our whole friendship that entire day, not being able to focus on my classes that were nearing the end of the semester. 
I only finally gathered the courage to go to his old home, having not seen his parents in a while. They were like a second family to me but it seemed like loosing connection to George had made me lose all connection with his family. I knocked on the door, softly but loud enough to heard feeling my own heart pound against my chest as I waited for anyone to open the door. Wishing there would be a chance that it was George on the other side. 
“Sweetheart, it’s been so long” the hug only lasted a second with a bright smile being exchanged on each others end. 
“It really has” I agreed, not sure if I should ask about their youngest son. “Have you seen George? I tried contacting him but he has’t been responding” 
The older women frowned not knowing what had happened between the two, always loving the little girl and the constant blabbing about her from her son. “No, I’m sorry. Did he tell you?”
“Tell me what” now I grew more worried. Did something happen that he didn’t tell me? 
“He’s moving to Monaco” she said upset at the thought that the two who seemed like soulmates would suddenly stop talking right before George moved. Clear sadness flowed over my face trying to control my emotions from spreading to harshly. 
“Oh” was all I could let out. He didn’t tell me he was leaving. The boy I had met when I was 5 and knew practically everything about me was leaving. I said my farewells, wishing her the best while she carried a pitiful smile. 
The minute I entered my car, tears flowed down my face not able to control them no longer. My heart felt ripped, the boy I had known for nearly 20 years is leaving. The boy I had just started to grow feelings for, had my heart set on, is leaving. 
Right after the sadness flowed, anger rose as memories passed by as if reliving them. I pounded against the wheel, not caring if it let out a honk or two. I wanted to scream but nothing was let out, only quiet sobs where heard, my hands fell to my lap and after almost half an hour I left. 
I left to where I thought I felt the most comfortable. But being alone in my apartment somehow made it worse. The realization that I would be able to do nothing to prevent his distance, thinking he no longer cared about me. 
The next morning I tried to make myself feel better by going out for coffee before realizing I had taken the wrong path, being entertained by my own thoughts that led me to the first place we met. The park filled with dandelions. 
“Make a wish” I giggled, handing the strange looking flower to George. He looked at me with a strange look as I waited before he finally caved in and blew the the small petals (or whatever their called). I wanted to ask what he wished for, so desperately, but I knew if he told me it wouldn’t come true. 
“Can I finally tell you what I wished for?” an all too familiar voice was heard behind me.
I stood frozen, thinking I had to have been hallucinating. Too much wine can do something to a person the morning after. But then I felt his presence beside me, the same cologne I gave him for christmas last year. My eyes started to water again but I suppressed them not wanting to humiliate myself further. 
“I wished to be with you” he said after not earning a response. I looked beside me, having to look up. After a couple of silent moments, he finally looked beside him, making direct eye contact. “That was all I wanted growing up” 
“So why leave?” I didn’t want to sound selfish. It was the best career option for him. But what I mean was; why leave me hanging? He frowned, turning his body to fully face me but I stood still. “Why completely distance yourself George?”
“I was scared. A coward” he shrugged wishing he could get a full view of the girls face. The girl he had been in love with since 17. But never realized until now. He wasn’t even sure how to tell her now, that all he wanted was her with him still. “I regret everytime you called and I washed as it rang but didn’t answer”
A single tear dropped from my eye but I quickly swiped it, not wanting to showcase my emotions but failing miserably. I took in a deep breath before turning, putting my hands in my pockets. But looking at him made it all the more worse. I wanted to ask why but he beat me to it.
“I would make the same wish again” he bent down, picking up a single dandelion but handing it to me. “What do you wish for?”
I couldn’t say anything just accepting the dandelion being handed before finally, while twirling the dandelion whispering “stay”.
He knew what I meant when hearing those words, not intending them to sound selfish. “I only distanced myself because I was scared. Scared that I loved you in a way I didn’t think was possible. I fell in love with you the past years, I was scared you didn’t feel the same way so i closed myself off but that didn’t work, I just couldn’t get mind off of you” 
“Well I do” I shrugged, feeling my own body walk a step closer. “You can go to Monaco. Just never leave me”
“I would never make the same mistake” 
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Ok, omg i want to request scott summers x reader headcanons where they are best friends, but they have one of thoes “ two characters who have to kiss for a mission” and it completely changes the way they see each other. Both realize they have been in love with each other the whole time.
Unexpected turn
Scott Summers and you had been best friends for as long as anyone could remember. Your bond was strong, built on years of shared experiences and mutual respect. But when a high-stakes mission required you both to go undercover and pretend to be a couple, things took an unexpected turn.
The mission was critical: you had to infiltrate an event and gather information from a high-profile target. The only way to maintain your cover was to convincingly portray a couple deeply in love. It was a bit out of your comfort zone, but you trusted Scott completely.
As you both prepared for the mission, you practiced the cover story and, more awkwardly, the necessary display of affection. Scott, always the professional, approached it with his usual seriousness. You, however, couldn’t help but feel a flutter of nervous excitement at the thought of being so close to him.
The evening of the mission arrived. You were dressed in elegant attire, your heart racing with a mix of anticipation and nerves. Scott looked equally dashing, his usual stoic expression softened by a hint of nervousness. You both made your way to the event, the room filled with elegant decorations and a sea of well-dressed guests.
The moment came when you were required to share a kiss in front of the target. As you leaned in, your heart pounded in your chest. The kiss was supposed to be a simple, staged act, but as your lips met Scott’s, something unexpected happened. The kiss lingered, and you felt a spark that neither of you had anticipated.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, your eyes meeting with a new intensity. The mission continued, but the kiss had shifted something between you. The ease and camaraderie you had always shared were now tinged with an undercurrent of something deeper.
After the mission, you both returned to the mansion, the usual casual banter now tinged with a newfound awkwardness. You tried to act normally, but the memory of the kiss lingered in both your minds.
Scott, usually composed, found himself struggling with his emotions. He had always admired you, but the kiss had made him realize how deep his feelings went. He couldn’t ignore the warmth and connection he felt, and it was clear that you were feeling the same way.
One evening, as you were both sitting in the common room, Scott finally broke the silence. “Hey, we need to talk about what happened during the mission.”
You looked up, your heart sinking slightly. “I know. I’ve been thinking about it too.”
Scott took a deep breath, his gaze meeting yours with a mix of vulnerability and hope. “I didn’t expect that kiss to mean anything more than just an act. But now… I can’t ignore that it felt real. I’ve been feeling something for you for a long time, and I think that kiss just made me realize how much I care about you.”
You felt a rush of relief and joy at his confession. “I’ve been feeling the same way. I’ve always been in love with you, but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. That kiss just made everything clear.”
Scott’s face softened with a genuine smile. “I’m glad you feel that way. I don’t want to hide my feelings anymore. I want us to be more than just friends if you’re willing to give it a chance.”
You smiled, your heart swelling with happiness. “I’d like that. I’ve been hoping for this for a long time.”
Scott reached out and took your hand, his touch warm and reassuring. “Then let’s take this step together. We’ll figure things out as we go.”
As you both embraced, the weight of unspoken feelings lifted, replaced by a newfound sense of possibility. The kiss had changed everything, but it had also brought you both closer together. With Scott by your side, you knew that the journey ahead, whatever it might hold, would be filled with love and understanding.
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 728: Kaburagi's buddy!!
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Pag 1/2
The tickets for the Inter High are only six!! Those  fateful regular jerseys.... snatch them with your hands!!
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Pag 3
1: Third lap!!
3: And it's just us!!
4: I started the third lap of the Sohoku training camp being at the top, by far the best among the first years!!
5: Me!! I, Murakami Toyoka, will never again show mercy to anyone!!
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Pag 4
1: He's not coming....
2: Tch, again? Kaburagi-san
3: That day, Danchiku said “I'll come”....
5: I'll come to the training camp!!
I'll stand on the start line and we'll run together!! That's my intention!!
6: He said that, and yet....
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Pag 5
1: I wanted to go to the Inter High together...
2: It's alright!! It's alright, Kaburagi-san!!
Uhm, I'm sure.... it's just a delay and they're late!!
If thie guy's spirit breaks now I'm in trouble!! I have to stir him up again and make him run forward
3: If he doesn't pull me, I'm in trouble!!
He'll come soon!!
4: Earlier, at the start line, when we crossed the goal, I saw Touji-san's van
5: Huh!?
7: The fact that they're here and he still doesn't come on the course....
Danchiku's bad condition is...
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Pag 6
1: It's not like this, is it!?
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Pag 7
1: Do you see the course, Danchiku?
You see? They're struggling
…. yes
It's like I told you earlier in the car
2: You can't ride that bike anymore
3: You should stop
5: …. yes
7: Instead of that
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Pag 8
1: Ride this!!
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Pag 9
1: It took me a while to prepare this before leaving
It's the same manifacturer as the one you rode, but it's an old model
The components are old, and the wheels are an intermediate level, too
2: And the sadlle is cracked too
4: But it serves its purpose well
5: If you want to ride in this training camp with the bike you've always used, you probably
6: Wouldn't be able to run!!
7: …. huh
You're saying that.... the cause for my bad condition.... is my “bike”!?
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Pag 10
1; You could say that, but not really
2: Two weeks ago, Onoda came to me
3: to get some advice regarding your situation
Ah... uhm, uh- that's what I wanted to talk about
4: I talked with Imaizumikun and Naruko-kun too, but I still.... uhm... I can't decide
5: Should I let Danchiku-kun run in the training camp? Or should I stop him? I can't decide
7: He himself said he wants to run
8: He still has next year
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Pag 11
1: I also think he shouldn't push himself too hard
3: You really look like a captain now, Onoda....
4: Miki told me about this too
5: There must be praparations to do, you focus on that
I'll take care of Danchiku
6: I'll reach out to him every day
I'll talk to him, wait and see, and then make a decision
7: Thank you, you must be busy, but thank you so much!
8: He worked very hard on Minegayama
And then
9: When I heard he was having troubles with his bike, I started worrying too
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Pag 12
2: I looked after you, your attitude
4: And I found the answer!!
6: It's “moving forward”
Run in the training camp, Danchiku!!
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Pag 13
1: …. ah, but I've been feeling like there's something wrong with my joints since after the Minegayama race.... I went to the hospital many times and still, even now...
2: There, it was just a coincidence that it happened right after the Minegayama race...
3: That's why it confused you
4: Confused!?
5: “You have no self-confidence”, that's the main cause of your bad condition
6: Stand up and look closely around you
7: And then look at yourself!!
8: If you think about it, it's easy
Even going to the hospital, you wouldn't know
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Pag 14
1: Growing
You've gotten much bigger
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Pag 15
1: It's your height!!
2: Huh!?
3: Second year of high school is a growing period and you're becoming much bigger!!
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Pag 16
1: Huh, but....
My height!?
2: During growth period, there'll be big growing spurts that makes you feel bad
You tried to hide your bad condition, and you blamed the victory on Minegayama
3: You were so worried you couldn't even see yourself, weren't you?
4: Yes!!
5: Pains and creaking joints are all “growing pains”
The fact that you didn't have time to adapt is your bike's fault
6: You know this too – just like shoes have a size, road bikes also have specific sizes
7: If your body doesn't match the bike's size, you won't have power nor speed
8: That why it's the “bike”!!
9: I prepared it yesterday
The frame is old, but
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Pag 17
1: It's just the right size for your body now!!
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Pag 18
1: What....
“Just the right size”.....!!
2: What is this
3: It adapts to my body....
It's connected to my body
4: It feels like I can move forward as I want!!
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Pag 19
1: This feels so good!
I'm riding a bike and it feels just like back then!!
2: Believe in yourself
Get on the course and run with all your strength
3: It's alright
As much as you've suffered this past half a year
4: Now grow as much as you want!!
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Pag 20
2: Sixth..... lap!!
3: Danchiku...
4: Dammit!! Our pace has been going down since earlier!!
What the hell is this guy doing!!
5: Looking at the times on the board, Kinaka and Rokudai are ressing on with all their strengths
This is bad!!
6: Dammit!! Who cares about Danchiku!!
7: At this point we won't go the Inter High this year....
It's impossible, huh....
8: The pace....
9: ….chiku....
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Pag 21
1: He's not coming, Danchiku-san is not coming!!
Until when are you gonna whining like this!!
Come one, give up on that delusion and run with me please!!
3: Ah- no no no
Sorry, I didn't mean, uhm....
Dammit, I said what I really think
4: Kaburagi-san looks so dumbfounded!!
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Pag 22
1: I.... I said too much, I'm sorry
Can you forgive me? Neh? Senpai
5: Ah- the buddy sticker!? Kaburagi-san!?
6: Pick it up later, Murakami
You threw it away!?
8: The way he's ducking his head, that acceleration, and that dancing
I've seen them so many times....
I can recognize him right away even from a distance....!!
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Pag 23
1: You promised me, didn't you?
And now you're crying!?
2: I told you, didn't I?
3: Who....?
It's no use, it has to be you
4: W.... ah
5: Danchiku
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Pag 24
1: We're the legends of team SS!!
I made you wait so long!! Issa!!
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Pag 25
3: No one but me can be your buddy!!
Hahaha that's right, Danchiku!!
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Pag 26
2: A while ago, also Onoda came on the course
3: And Danchiku joines us, too
From now on
4: We're finally starting for real!!
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elisysd · 1 year
Late Night Talking – Harry Styles
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
Now you're in my life I can't get you off my mind
Days had passed and turned into weeks since Charles and Lyanna last conversation. She had been busy with rehearsing and him, with a few trips back and forth between Maranello and Monaco. Their conversations were a few text messages here and there. She confessed to him, almost ashamed, that she started to watch Drive to Survive to which Charles had gently reprimanded her by telling her that the series, even if he acknowledged that it allowed easy introduction to the closed and complex world of Formula 1, remained a scripted show far from reality.
Speaking of admitting things, Charles told her that he could not hold back from beginning Fire and Blood. She laughed and explained to him that even if she loved the series and that it would forever hold a special place in her heart, she admitted that the first season was far from an incredible display of her talents. She was a young actress by then, a beginner and she confessed never watching back the first season since it first came out. Charles reassured her by saying that he thought she was already amazing. He would never judge her; his acting skills were none although he was in a few commercials.
“Don’t worry Charles, I judge myself enough for both of us” she had added.
Charles knew all too well what it was to be yourself worst critic. He would not try to give her advice. Fortunately for him, he was well looked after with trusted and long-standing friends. On this sunny late afternoon, he had joined his friend from the tracks Pierre Gasly for a drink. The Frenchman had come all the way from Milan, where he lived when he was not travelling with Charles around the world, to see him and enjoy Monaco night life. They knew each other since karting days and basically grew up racing against each other. Charles knew Pierre’s family really well and Pierre could say the same for Charles. They didn’t count the number of sleepovers they had when they were younger or even now, the number of holidays they went together.
Although Pierre was not always the first one Charles would turn to in case he needed a piece of advice, he was still in his top three. They were best friends. They had seen each other at their greatest as well as at their lowest. A beer in his hand, the back leaning nonchalantly against the chair of the café where the two pilots had gathered, Pierre asked Charles:
“So what’s up? Any gossips to share?”
“You would love to know, right? But to answer your question, not really. Nothing exciting is happening. I spent a lot of time recently between here and Maranello to prepare for the last part of the season. You know how it is.”
“A shame. You have always been the more responsible of all of us. Never out partying during summer break. You are boring my friend.” Pierre teased him.
“And I don’t care.” Charles retorted, not at all offended.
He took a sip of his sparkling water, under the amused eye of Pierre.
“How’s Kika by the way? She didn’t want to come with you?”
“She’s good. Busy with modeling.”
“Is it the truth or does she tell you that because she can stand you anymore?” Joked Charles.
His friend crumpled up his napkin and threw it in his face, laughing.
“We are perfectly fine, man. Like really.” Pierre seemed more serious all at once.
“You know, I like to think that I knew what love was but as cliché as it sounds Kika proves me wrong every day. She’s caring, she’s supporting, she’s everything I could ever asked for. I love her. Really. It’s not infatuation, it’s love. I’m in for the long run, my friend.”
This moved Charles. He had been used to seeing Pierre change girlfriends often. He had never been very stable in that aspect, unlike Charles, who much preferred serious, long-term relationships to casual flings.
“But yeah, I’m in love man. What about you? Did you meet someone? Spill the tea.”
“No, no one. I prefer to stay single right now and focus on the championship. You know well enough how messy it is with Ferrari right now. I don’t want any distractions.”
“Man, even you have to blow off some steam for time to time.”
And that was more or less how Charles got himself in Monaco’s most private nightclub with Pierre. He didn’t particularly enjoy these places even if he didn’t mind going from time to time, but still, he preferred to avoid them. It was not his scene, unlike Pierre who was living his best life on the dancefloor. The sound and the blinding lights gave Charles a headache. Thus, he did not see the pretty brunette approaching him.
“Oh my God, I didn’t expect to see Charles Leclerc here!” She exclaimed.
And the last thing Charles wanted was to meet a fan. He didn’t mind usually but today wasn’t the day. But Charles was way too polite to tell her to leave him alone. He gave her a tight smile before moving away from her, shifting in his seat, and taking out his phone. He hoped she would understand that he did not wish to be disturbed. But this was not the case. On the contrary, the brunette took his body language as an invitation to sit down next to him. Charles wanted nothing more at this instant than disappear. He tried to look for Pierre in the hope he would help him get out of the situation but he couldn’t find him in the crowd. He was stuck.
She was too close to him. Way too close. He could feel her breath against his neck and the smell of her perfume and the alcohol. Great. She was drunk.
“Honestly, I think you’re the best. Ferrari doesn’t deserve you. And you’re incredibly handsome. Can you buy me a drink? It won’t cost you too much.” She laughed.
Her laugh was loud. He couldn't stand it any longer and stood up. She did the same, much too quickly, and lost her balance, holding on to Charles as best she could. He sighed loudly and forced her to sit down again. The last thing he needed tonight was for someone to get hurt because of him.
“Sorry, but my friend need me. I need to go. Hum, it was nice to meet you.”
He was way too polite for his own good.
After spending a good ten minutes looking for Pierre (and finding him at the bar), the two boys returned to Charles' apartment. The Monegasque let his friend sleep on the sofa while he went to his room and slumped into bed. 
Charles was woken up in the morning by the ringing of his phone. Half asleep, he grabbed his phone and didn't bother to look at who was calling him so early in the morning.
“Charles, don’t go on Twitter today.”
It was the voice of his PR advisor. Mumbling a little he took is time to sit up and rubbed his eyes.
“You do know that the best way to make someone do something is to tell him to not do it? What happened?”
“Did you went clubbing yesterday?”
Oh God… It could only mean one thing.
“I think I know what you’re going to say.”
“So you know wat I’m going to ask you next? Who is that girl and did you come home with her?”
“No, I didn’t. She was a fan and she was drunk, she was a little clingy but she meant no harm. What’s wrong?”
On the other side of the phone he heard Silvia sighed with relief.
“People on Twitter saw you with her yesterday. They took pictures and it’s all over Twitter. You can imagine the comments. It has started to come out in the Italian press as well. It doesn't look good. They are saying that the disastrous season with Ferrari is making you lose control, that you are going off the rails. You can imagine the comments... You now that I don’t care if you did go home with that girl, right? I just want to know the truth so I can prepare your defense best.”
“I’m telling you the truth Silvia.”
“That’s all I wanted to know. And remember, don’t go on Twitter.”
And she hung up. The day was starting well for Charles. And obviously when he talked about it to Pierre, the latter found nothing better than to laugh at the situation.
“Oh Charles, I think it happened to everyone.”
His friend then left him to meet Kika at the airport. Since her work was over, she had decided to join Pierre in Monaco and then return to Milan together. Now alone, Charles was left with his thoughts. He tried to resist the urge to look himself up on Twitter but failed miserably. Indeed the comments were not the nicest but Charles had seen worse. For some inexplicable reason, the only thing that worried him in this matter was what Lyanna would think of him. If she had Twitter, she was bound to have seen his name trending. He opened his phone contacts and looked up her number before making the call. Of course he got her voice mail. He didn't leave a message; he didn't see the point and above all he didn't know what to say.
He spent his day brooding and avoiding his phone. Pierre and Kika would not return until the end of the evening, when they were all going to eat together at Charles'. So he did what he did best when he wasn't feeling well, he made music. He sat down at his piano and let his fingers wander over the black and white keys of the instrument. He was only interrupted by a loud bang on his front door.
When he opened the door, he was surprised to find Lyanna looking dishevelled, her phone in one hand, a huge sports bag in the other.
“Are you okay?” He asked her as she was passing past him to come in his apartment.
“I should be the one asking you that! You called me. You never call me. And then you have the audacity to ignore my texts and calls? What’s wrong with you?” She snapped.
Seeing her worried for him filled Charles with a sense of pride. His male ego felt flattered.
“It’s nothing really. But it’s cute that you’re worried for me.”
She glared at him.
“Still, why did you call?”
“Have you not been on Twitter today?”
“Charles, I avoid Twitter like the plague. Nothing good ever comes out of it. Why?”
“It’s stupid really. I was out with a friend yesterday and we went clubbing. Long story short I got stuck with a girl and pictures came out. People and now the press is saying that I’m entering my player era, whatever that means. But it’s not true, I assure you. She was all over me but she was drunk, she could barely stand up by herself. I would never take advantage of someone in that state. Nothing happened between us. I wanted you to know that. I don’t want you to think low of me.”
She smiled gently before sitting down on the sofa. Charles joined her.
“I know, better than anyone how the press and people can twist things up. I learned a long time ago to not believe gossips. I would never have believed it Charles. But I appreciate that you wanted to do right by me. It means a lot.”
He sighed in relief.
“Thanks, I had a shitty day, the last thing I wanted was for you to run away from me. Would you like to stay? My friend should arrive soon with his girlfriend, you can eat with us.”
“If it doesn’t bother you, I would like to.”
“Hope you don’t mind pizza.”
“Are you kidding me? I love pizza.”
When Pierre came back, the last thing he expected was to see a girl in Charles’ living room. Charles gave him a look that made it clear to Pierre that he had better behave and not tease Charles. For some reason, he soon realised that this girl was important to his friend. He noticed that Charles was more laid back with her, more himself and Pierre was surprised. His friend was not this carefree around people that was part from his life for only a short time. She must be special.
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taglist: @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru
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torakan · 3 months
The human WAS stupid after all. It was quite funny to find out that he thought “Rules” was my real name. But it’s not like I was going to correct him or anything… or so I was telling myself a week ago.
At this very moment I was inside one of the kitchen cabinets where this guy stored different types of tea, coffee, some sugar and mugs. What was I doing there? Well, borrowing of course which was suddenly rudely interrupted AGAIN by this mother f… piece of sh… damn, I just realized that I didn’t even know his name. It’s not like I ever needed it of course. And right now, we were just staring at each other for five seconds straight, which honestly felt like three freaking years. My brain went numb, I didn’t have any backup plans for a situation like this. It was 3 in the morning god damn it, why did he suddenly even decide to wake up and open this exact cabinet?!
The second I thought about it, the guy blinked a few times and silently closed the cabinet door.
“What the hell?..” I whispered shocked. It was so weird and felt kind of… wrong? As every other borrower kid, I was always told that humans, when they see borrowers in the open, are always trying to grab them with their hands and who knows what they’re doing about it later if they succeed…
This young man though… he really was something. I was grateful he paid respect for the request I wrote, but that was weird. And before I could stop myself and think, like I usually do, I shouted:
“HEY! Are you blind?!”
I immediately started to regret it and anxiety filled my whole body from head to toes. My heart started racing in panic and I wouldn’t have been able even to attempt to escape right now due to my shaking hands. However, for the first few moments nothing has happened. And then I heard his sleepily creaking muffled yet still loud voice. It wasn’t as booming as I knew it could be, so I was grateful for him trying to speak quieter.
“Um… no?”
I took several deep breaths and thought about the most rational thing to say right now.
“Please, don’t open the cabinet.”
Well done dumbass, I told myself, now he’s gone all curious and he’s for sure going to open it.
That’s it? Jesus Christ, what is wrong with him?! I had no idea how to act in this situation, nobody had ever prepared me to this.
“R-r-really?” I couldn’t help my voice from shaking.
“Yeah, I mean, I already took my mug, so I don’t need it. And besides, you asked not to bother before, so I won’t. Sorry for disturbing you right now.”
“Wait a sec.”
The guy didn’t say or do anything, so I figured he was waiting for real.
“So, you’re actually considering my feelings?” I asked unsure feeling incredibly stupid.
He sighed.
“Of course.”
“And you… you’re not gonna grab me or anything?”
“No. Who do you think I am?”
“I don’t know man, you’re a human. You could do anything if you wanted to.”
“Okay if that’s the case, let me reassure you that I won’t try to do anything against your will. Erm… but do you give me consent to talk to you?” he added sounding almost hopeful.
I had to think about it. It was obviously dangerously dangerous to talk to him, but at the same time, was it really? It’s not like my family members, or any other borrowers were there to scold me for it, and what’s more important, he didn’t do anything bad to me during this whole time he knew of my existence, right? Heck, even now he was being as respectful as if I was a human too… Maybe… maybe I could give it a try?
“Y-yes. But not too much.” I stuttered a bit, trying to get rid of an instant feeling of regret.
I heard how the guy hummed, probably smiling and said:
“My name is Neil.”
“Okay. Mine is not Rules” I quietly giggled, my nerves were most likely already giving in, and added. “It’s Wax.”
“Nice to meet you, Wax.”
I guess it wasn’t a bad… experience. I was still very wary of what this human’s intentions were, but again, he didn’t try to grab me, nor put me into the jar, nor kill me, nor torture me, nor take a picture of me nor… Okay, enough. I shook my head at it.
Then I herd the guy - Neil - opening the tap and pouring water into his mug. Now that I was almost sure that nothing bad will happen to me, I suddenly noticed how emotionally and physically exhausted I was. My legs were so numb, it felt like they were made of plush, so having no energy left, I, as gracefully as a hoptoad, plopped down on my butt.
“Um… I’m sorry Wax, but I really have to go to sleep right now, so… talk to you later maybe? You’re not going to move out, right?” he asked placing the already empty mug on the counter.
I wasn’t planning on moving out at all but after his question I became quite suspicious. Why did he want to know?
“W-why do you want to know?” I asked directly.
He thought for a moment and said:
“I guess I just don’t want to cause you any inconvenience. You shouldn’t change your life completely and think that you’re in danger now because of me knowing that you live here. You’re safe around me, I promise.”
I pondered over his words a bit and decided to believe him. In vain, probably.
“Okay. G-good night then, Neil.”
“Good night.”
yaaay now we finally know their names 🤭
anyway, hope you enjoyed ^^
tags: @gtzel @smallsday @alserm @reddish-ash
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lightningmickqueen · 2 years
Wait who is Ann Neal?
tw for grooming!!
ok anon i fully typed this up in the notes app. please keep in mind this is an opinion based off years of watching f1 and we don't know either of them personally but also it's fucking weird
Ann Neal is Mark Webber’s wife/manager/questionable person. Almost everything I’m going to talk about next is from Mark’s book Aussie Grit which everyone should read
She is 17 years older than Mark (as per the public info on their company’s registration), which maybe wouldn’t be a problem if they started dating at their current ages but they first met and got together when Mark was 17. She was also his manager during the early part of his career. more below the cut now!!
In his book Mark talks about how their relationship went from professional to personal during the FIRST trip to Europe. Please keep in mind this was his FIRST attempt to grow his career, his first time away from home, and he knew nobody but her, his manager, who is like 17 years older than him and should know better. 
Like this woman was in a position of power, had his career in his hands, and was on a separate continent where literally the only person he knows is her. 
Mark said in his book that even his mum wasn’t happy about it, and also that Ann’s kid views Mark as a big brother…like ok
In Aussie Grit Mark literally wrote Ann’s first impression of him. Please keep in mind he was SEVENTEEN (17) and she was 34. 
“I liked how bold and cheeky he was, and how mature he seemed. When I asked someone how old he was, I was shocked when they said 17 - he was confident beyond his years.”
LIKE?? The fact she went from thinking and saying this about a 17 year old to becoming his manager and then very quickly starting to hook up with him to having a relationship is CRAZY. She also apparently remembers what he was wearing that day - like girl why were you looking so hard?!?!
They moved to England then and didn’t know anyone else and became codependent and Mark has said she was the only one, other than himself, who believed that his F1 dream could happen. It’s very cute in that it obviously ended up happening, but please keep in mind that this is still his manager and a woman almost two decades older than him.
Mark said his parents’ weren’t happy with the relationship, and at one point he went back to Australia for a break (from racing and a temporary break up with Ann because it got too serious too fast) and got a new management company and started dating someone else. Ann wasn’t happy, and Mark said she “wasn’t prepared to hang around and watch young love undermine all we’d worked so hard for”
Like. This is now not just his former manager, but also his EX GIRLFRIEND. He’s got a new girlfriend now and a new management and Mark then decided his personal life was now affecting his driving, so he broke up with the two newbies and went back to Ann because Ann wasn’t happy.
So six months after the break up and Mark groveling, saying “I want to come home,” Mark left Australia and moved back in with Ann and her son in England. Like at this point he was what? 20? And he’s basically settled down for life with a much older woman and her kid (sound familiar). 
Obviously I do not know Ann or Mark but the way this reads to me and probably anyone who’s read the book is that she was looking out for herself and herself only. She had an opportunity and she took it while manipulating an 18/19 year old man who did not know any better and whose career she held in her hands!!! LIKE. 
Anyway here are some pics of her looking old as fuck . Credit to motorsport images for keeping pics up for 50 million years so we can always find the good shit
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ann with mark in october 1996. mark was 20, she’s 37
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ann with mark's dad in 2004
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ann with mark and the fam in 2006 - mark's 30th birthday. ann is 47
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july 2009 - mark was 33, ann was 50
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nov 2010 - mark was 34
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in 2018 - mark was 36/37 (i forgot what month this was taken)
thank u to @brakingpoint and @multi-twentyone for their assistance in this research project
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