#( oh gosh here we go again hahahaha )
lunarxdaydream · 1 year
Harkan can I hold your booba
( don't give him more power )
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"Now why would I ever deny that sort of request?"
|| @bottleofbabes ||
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girlinthetardis04 · 26 days
I'm finally free!!!! Penelope and Telemachus I'm coming!
Telemachus, you haven't even spoken yet and I already love you.
"Open Arms" callback??????
"Full Speed Ahead" callback??????
Hey, neat "Monster" reference.
I want to give him cookies and a pat on the back.
Wait wait wait, that's the same melody as "where is he? Where is he? Keep your head down he's aiming for the torches!"
Bitch! Is that Antinous?
★I'll be honest, at the beginning of the song I thought it was right after Thunder Bringer, I didn't realize we already skipped ahead. And the irony of him singing about all the things his dad had to get through to get back to him? Ugh!★
Little Wolf
Bold words from someone who has barely three years on Telemachus.
"Uppercut him. 😐" DID NOT HESITATE LMAO
"Let's try this again" is she talking about the fight moves or about having a protege/Warrior of the Mind? Eh? Eeh?
Bwahawaha the "ooh, maybe I pushed him a bit to hard 😬" "ow 🤕" hahahaha. Reminds me of the training scene in Disney's Hercules.
★I genuinely was not expecting this song to be as uplifting as it was based on the preview snippets. The parts with Athena made me actually laugh out loud, which is new considering how much of a straight man she is Act 1★
We'll Be Fine
★This is actually one of two songs of this saga I actually haven't heard anything from, I don't even know what it's about or who sings it!★
I know this melody. Why do I know this melody? Curse non musically inclined brain!
Hold it. Are those kalimbas in the back? Polites's instrument? Am I just delusional?
Telemachus, baby, you gotta raise your standards here.
Love in Paradise
★This is the other song I heard nothing about. I assume it's the one with Calypso★
It's like going on the shuffle on my playlist!
Wait, wait, wait, the preview didn't have "Different Beasts", "Scylla" and "Thunder Bringer"!!!!!!!!!
"She's my wife" "....😶....anyways 😊"
Oh, a twist on a classic! Is Jay contractually obligated to reference "Just a Man" every three songs or something?
Poor Ody sounds traumatized...like "not again!" The difference:
Circe: >:]
Calypso: >:3
Hey, Jay, ypu didn't have to do this. It wasn't written down anywhere. The doctor didn't prescribe it.
HEY! HEY! NO. Bad songwriter, Jay, bad! *pretend there's a spray bottle emoji here* you don't get to reference "Open Arms" like THAT
Oh, and now you actually have Polites's voice here! 🔨 *bonk go to time out jail*
★okay I'm gonna take a couole of minutes so I don't physically explode when I listen to God Games★
God Games
★We're gonna hear Apollo and Hephaestus and oh my god hahahaha★
🫰🫰🫰 hmmm, Luke Holt's voice mmmhmm, and the way he pronounces the names??? He really sounds like a video game annoucer!
Also wait, wait wait, did- did Apollo's voice sound different? That's hehe totally not me freaking out hahahahaha. Justhitplayjusthitplayjusthitplay
Hera has a new voice????? Velvety!
I physically collapsed on my bed here, it's worth noting.
I was not expecting that motivation for Apollo! Interesting!
Oh, okay so that's why Apollo was Level 1.
I was kinda hoping he'd sing for longer but okay 🥲
Hephaestus! My... fourth favorite god! (After Hestia, Hermes, and Hades. Just the H ones)
Is that...Jay? No, it can't be, right?
Lol, I'm sorry for laughing but in the demo Athena sounded so much more pained and here she's like "dammit why are you interrupting me I'm in the middle of something!"
Oooh, okay Hera's new voice! I like it, velvety, it's very high class. Though I also loved the demo version because she sounded so JUDGY.
Dadada dada dadaa... That's Thunder Bringer in the background!
Hold on, I'm gonna lower my volume a bit because I get the feeling my ears are gonna suffer otherwise.
Oh yeah, I made a good call. Though that voice control dayum!
BWAHAHA I CAN'T TELL IF IT'S ARES OR HEPHAESTUS WHO ASKED THAT BUT EITHER WAY, HILARIOUS! (That's really what it do be like after your siblings fight with your parents - I say as a only child)
*deep inhale* the piano version of "Warrior of the Mind"? Really?
No clue what the visuals are supposed to be here, but according to the music I should be happy.
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gardens-of-may · 2 months
ENTRY ONE - beginning to chap. 49
spoilers ahead
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aves and jamie are lit so cute together 
what the fuck is their wager??
so confusing 
ok daddy 
i’m ashamed
ummm anyway…
what’s stick up his ass doing here??
she’s traumatized 😣 
i feel so bad
i just want to hug her and cry with her
i’m gonna cry 
anyway what’s he talking about 😬
school 💀 
people thought he got burnt alive?
no he just crisped up a lil
ohhh on hawthorne island…
i already know the synopsis for tgg so hmph
what if… she was just a girl? 🎀
i kinda doubt it but anyway 
what the fuck is this bitch planning? 🤨
is that denial i sense?
oh her
why is he here?????
oh shit
what are they doing now??
i cannot handle mystery i swear-
another game fun
avery and jameson totally didn’t like almost die 
what the fuck
he was a bad boy he did some bad things 
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pookie don’t stare at him
omg he’s a poet
ugh bro ruined everything 😒
i want libby’s pajamas 😤
what is “mrs. laughlin” yapping about??
no thea
i’m confused again
pookie 👹
oh i’m stupid
i’m too stupid for these books
ok smarties
ohh takes the you’re adopted jokes too far
might have js spoiled it for myself BUT I DONT CARE 
i’m going to CRY
she’s serious now
i’m terrified 
wow he told what she already knew 
i think she likes him
oh my gosh hehehe 🤭 
oh poop not stick up his ass
i can’t handle this
they’re such boys
stop they’re actually fighting?
i hate them so much
nvm they’re sweet
what the fuck
i wouldn’t have survived that 
nash is one of the best brothers 
i feel so bad for avery
alisa gets it 🤭
what is this game????
he probably like staged his death
have we found another father??
i’m lowk kinda jealous BUT IT DOENT MATTER SKDNSN
jennifer when i catch you-
stick up ass is jealous 
i love xander 
tensions are high and it’s too casual so i’m ending this here
end of chap. 48
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shegoesbyjoy · 1 year
Okay I need to blab about my thoughts on Good Omens S2 because ASKFJFHSJKSK I LOVED IT. Spoilers ahead of course, you've been warned!
Crowley was undoubtedly the MVP of this season for me. I was kicking my feet and giggling repeatedly every time I saw him in A Situation
Not David Tennant wearing a red fez in the same episode where they mention Doctor Who by name lmao. And then there's the "bigger on the inside" comment. And the fact that the actor for the Fifth Doctor showed up.
ALSO David getting the chance to revert to his normal accent and be EXTREMELY SCOTTISH was an absolute delight
WHOOPS STILL ON CROWLEY I LOVE HIM OKAY but him drinking poison and his body going all Alice in Wonderland was very amusing (not to mention Crowley calling out the issue of morality and the choices we make as it relates to wealth disparity??? Absolute king.)
GABRIEL AND BEELZEBUB?! 🥺🥺 They were so cute together?!?! Oh my goodness that entire montage and them running off together was so precious it really was
Speaking of romantic-ass scenes I cannot believe we got to see Crowley dance not once but TWICE for Aziraphale. Azi taking Crowley's hand to lead him out to the dance floor......my heart 💞
While we're here, I gotta talk about the confession. I was afraid he wasn't gonna be able to go through with it—it's such a fucking trope that whenever someone starts to confess and they are interrupted by the other person, the confession ends up not happening. Crowley did it anyway, and I once again have to commend David Tennant for his performance bc gosh the emotion in that scene... I cry
"I forgive you" yeah well I don't forgive YOU Aziraphale what kind of a response was that!!!! 😡😡
From Crowley and Azi's earlier "I don't think your 'not exactly' and my 'not exactly' are the same" conversation, to the two of them interpreting the phrase "nothing lasts forever" in entirely different ways in the finale hahahaha just end me 🥲
The rain symbolism. Idk just the raining of space matter in the beginning calling back to a similar moment when a wing provided protection from rain last season, the rain being conjured to bring Maggie & Nina together and having it ultimately fail.... idk I have nothing clever to say about this I'm just here like... *grips your shoulders* R A I N
Anyways season 2 was a jolly good time and I cannot wait to see where this story goes next!!!
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
THIS WAS SO GOOD OH MY GOSH! (or my reaction to Wolf359's "Change of Mind")
Well dear readers, you've been hyping this up a lot, so I'm pleased to finally be able to bring you my reaction to "Change of Mind", because I, Bods B. Nobody, have finished my finals, so I get to relax now.
Hahahaha...just kidding. No, no, I have a TON of stuff that I've been putting off to study for finals and write essays that's almost as bad as the finals themselves. Almost. Man I hate logistics. Doug and I really are the same person. I think it's the ADHD, but of all the fictional characters I've seen, he is one of the most surprisingly relatable.
I'll be reacting to this while doing chores, but please enjoy! And I apologize in advance if I don't react again for several weeks, I'm visiting family and friends for the holidays and won't be able to sit down for a while. But I hope to listen to season 4 soon!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Change of Mind:
Oh hi Lovelace. But which one are you? Alien robot clone Lovelace, or the original?
Or maybe someone or something else?
And do you know who you are?
Oh a lucid dream!
Flashback to the old crew! Interesting...Hello Hilbert. I'm not learning how to spell "sell burg". Selburg. is that it?
I see what we're doing. You're gonna make me like the old crew and make me listen to them die and all of Lovelace's trauma? Oldest trick in the book: utilizing flashback land at the right time. Why don't you just take us back to Doug's car crash well you're at it? Oh! Or maybe we can listen to Minkowski's husband hear that his wife died? Oh, no, wait, take us to when Hera tried to escape Pryce's facility, I actually want to see that.
Oh she and Lambert seem to have a bit of a rivalry going on. It's like Doug and Minkowski. They annoy each other, but if anyone else tries to hurt them, they'll go nuts (and probably feel real guilty no doubt).
"Everything alright?" When is it ever alright? This entire show, I don't think we've had one alright day.
Only a matter of time before Hilbert pulls some BS.
LOVELACE IS DOING THE INTRO I LOVE IT! I love when they change who does the intro (I say as I'm sure to eat my words when Cutter and/or Pryce does it).
I'm sorry I have a hard time keeping track of the names. At least Lambert has a distinct voice.
Oh do these two other characters have a bit of thing going on? I love the accents. It's a good way to help me distinguish them, even though I still can't tell who is who. oh yeah Hilbert I know. And geez man no need to be a buzz kill.
Lambert, the people who wrote the manual are sadistic lunatics who need to be imprisoned.
Ah Australian accent guy!
preach it Australian accent guy: "Zip it sir!"
"There's good stuff in these manuals, or they wouldn't be up here either."
Hm. Not sure about that one Australian guy. But we can't be right about everything.
Oh but he is right about Cutter. Cutter DOES get creepier every time. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
"I AM NOT" ...wait. Is Lambert voiced by... (*quick and careful google search to avoid spoilers*) ...Zach Valenti, yeah I heard it that time. Well that explains the nasal voice.
I love how Doug and Sam are both communications officers, and yet so different from each other.
I love Rhea. But I do wonder. Why does she only communicates by beeps? At first I assumed it was because she was an earlier model, and Hera was an upgrade with a voice for easier communication. But then Pryce had that line of "There is a reason I give these things my voice...". But it seems you didn't always have to do that Pryce. I wonder what Rhea did that made her so nervous?
Message from Command? The empty man again? Oh..."your complaints will be processed upon Lovelace’s return to earth?" Cutter was probably giggling to himself when he wrote that.
BOX 953? BOX 953? FINALLY!!!!!
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I swear. Cutter and Pryce intentionally send up the most organized, by the book, responsible person they can find up paired with the most ADHD, I don't care, I don't want to be here person they can find just for the purpose of making Hilbert miserable when he has to listen to them fight.
"Who will fight for what is right?" Yeah, I'm sure Lambert and Lovelace will, unlike you Hilbert.
Ah yes the big box. The mysterious big box. We're finally gonna open the great big box. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Is it an alien? Is it a death machine? OH THE SOUND IS BACK!
Right the bolts. But we can do it, please please do it, I've waited a long time just open the box. Shut up Hilbert, no one cares what you have to say, I just want the box open, and you are gonna betray everyone anyway because you're crazy and think Cutter is gonna use Decima for good stuff, but he's gonna use it for eugenics, calling it now, because, guess what? When I was studying for my final, I realized from my lecture notes that "Goddard" is the name of a eugenicist who later apologized for his work, but not before other eugenicists took it and ran with it. And I don't believe that's a coincidence.
🎶 Opening the box. Opening the box. We're finally opening the great big box! 🎶
.....it's a....machine thing. A weird mechanical machine thing.
6 openings on the machine...PUT YOUR HANDS INSIDE?
No. Nope. Not doing that. Don't like that. Don't do that.
Oh that sounded painful. That sounded...
Gross. Cutter.
I SWEAR THAT I AM NOT LOOKING FOR TMBS PARALLELS IN EVERY MEDIA I CONSUME BUT COME ON. IT HAS THE SAME NAME. THE SAME NAME. And I suppose the first fandom you join tumblr for never truly leaves you, does it? I've only spent about a year on this site, still learning.
Mental blank space? Oh gosh this is gross.
"Of course it's inside your head. But why should that mean it's not real?" Dang it Cutter I was gonna use a similar line in my fic and now I can't. You just can't stop giving me reasons to hate you can you? It's like an Olympic sport to him. Props to the writers though.
Imprint of Cutter's personality? That's the worst personality you could have picked.
Oh I see. Lambert's complaints did this... oh dear... well he's gonna learn his lesson about complaining now...
Complaining = Cutter's torture box.
He's taking them on a "Field Trip?"
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With Cutter? I doubt it. *camera cuts Doug moaning*
What happens if they don't solve the mystery before time? And is there even a real timer? And why do I get the feeling YOU KILLED THE CREW CUTTER?
"Talent show went wrong or some sort of incident" I love the irony. I also wonder whether or not some of these crews are clones or whether these trips have happened before. It's a possibility.
Oh great. Australian man has people he cares about on earth. You guys really want to rip my heart out on this one don't you?
Oh who is this? What captain? Who's surrender? Explosives? For who's plan? Who is paying for it? What?
Well. What a nice obliging fella. I love Australian man. He's one of my favorite characters. I'm sorry about name thing.
"From A to E, all my love" Interesting. I wonder that too. Not sure we have characters by those names. Well, Alana, but she's dead and that doesn't really fit her.
Oh a diary. Emily. Who is coming? Are these people supposed to be "fills ins" for them. Like to show them what might happen if they went crazy or rebelled against Cutter? This is messed up.
Someone would do that? ...oh. If this was a real event, Cutter is making Hilbert live through it all over again. Which means Hilbert has to act like he doesn't know what's going on but also does because they are being timed.
I hope they use that for comedy: Hilbert: "oh look! Clue! I mean um...I think, I was not here this did not happen I do not know."
Katherine who? Who destroyed the samples? ...four glass tanks.
What um...what happened to the fifth glass tank? The spiders? Something worse?
Oh my gosh. The heartbeat coming from the box when Doug found it. The fact that it was so large...no wait, this is a simulation, never mind. I thought I had something there.
Cutter you can't edit the simulation that's not fair. Back on the Hephaestus? Why do I doubt it. Oh Rhea. Good work Rhea! But um...I have my doubts...
"A shame not to know" it is, but it would be even more foolish to investigate.
"I have a weird feeling we're not at rock bottom yet...I don't want to crash into it..." oh you have no idea Lovelace.
"It could be important" not in the way you think Lambert. Not in the way you think Lambert.
"There's a thing following us" I knew it wasn't over yet.
The empty man cometh.
...Oh great. Lovelace that's not funny. Doing stuff like that triggers the dramatic irony.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
The Dramatic Irony Cometh.
Ah! Here it is. Who said "Tell me about it?" Was that Doug? How would that even be possible? Was that Cutter? This is weird. I can't tell whose voice it is exactly.
Oh Australian man is getting closer to the truth. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it Hilbert?
"Is anyone there?" Someone is always there.
Aw poor Rhea. She knows what's happening to Fischer. :( Or she's mocking Hilbert.
"How did I end up back here?" You're still in the simulation.
Who is there? The empty man. He escaped his box! Or you're still in the simulation. Or both.
Rhea is calling out your BS Hilbert.
How does she know his name? And why do I think Rhea isn't the one doing this. I do like the idea of the ship's architecture changing.
No change in the star. Yet something is happening.
Empty men time!
Or...empty...dog? Time? What's with the growl?
Wings? Tentacles? A what? Monster YOU imagined?
Well then. We're still in the simulation.
"Oh come on, don't tell me you haven't figured it out." Who is that?
Is that Cutter? Why did he sound almost normal for a second. Oh no that is him.
A singing telegram would be nice.
"So we never made it out?" ...in more ways than one.
Yeah. Rhea can't be here. She's not connected.
Called it.
...um. Who is THIS?
57 COPIES? Aries. Don't like her. Is that how it's spelled? Aires? Eres? Erase?
If it's in your heads she very much CAN hurt you.
And the temporal stuff is interesting. A story out of order. So technically...oh my gosh there are so many theories I can make out of this. But I gotta keep cleaning so I'll just let the episode play out.
The next room? When does this end?
Ah Hilbert. I was wondering where he was.
A week of time? TIME DIALATION?
Okay...if anyone has seen black mirror and saw my entry for Pryce on my post about Christmas music that reminds me of Wolf359 characters, you'll know that I already know that Hui is about to come out of this a scarred and desperate man. (some of you might already understand what I'm talking about...)
This is terrifying. Hui has to be horrified. Lovelace...oh and they're making Victoria ask for the clues, this is cruel. The speed up sound effects make it so much worse. It really is like Black Mirror.
Also... is this aging him? And a week of time...is that an earth week? We're talking about earth weeks right?
Took something from the person who killed them. Okay. Another clue.
Are you sure Selberg? If this is an old memory that Cutter is showing him, then I think he would be...unless this is different than what Hilbert experienced before.
"Everyone would have gotten spaced" ...right. Is there gonna be a big twist where they all got blown out the window on talent show night in season 1 and everything we're seeing is a simulation of their consciousness.
Ah the alien clones are here! Which means Cutter has known about them for a while.
They could also both be fake. Or both real, if they make an AI copy of his consciousness.
Additional medical exams? oh really getting into the questions now.
"I'm not Fischer" ... okay, but you have to have them both do it though...
...or not.
Okay so Fischer is the Australian one. But he could be fake too you should test him.
Good, asking them both questions. Smart. Good work Lambert.
I hate dark rooms too.
Change of Mind?
Sudden Death?
"If both of you press don't, you get to go up to the bridge"
Lovelace Do, Lambert Don't, delete all Lambert's memories of manual, brain rejects desire to read? Don't do it Lovelace. Don't do it.
Lovelace Don't, Lambert Do, all crew will think he's the commander.
Guys this should not be tempting.
Both press "Do" they get liquified.
Okay. So I was right about the dilemma. Eres shut up. Stop trying to liquify their brains! Now this is an AI I believe was created by Pryce and Cutter.
Oh she's making Lambert tell the truth. Lambert this is the part where you tell her it's okay to press do because you'll press don't. It's not worth it, throw in the towel. NOT TIMES UP!
Let's not be stupid.
Lambert: Don't. Good job Lambert. Thank you Lambert.
Lovelace: Don't. Good job Lovelace.
End of the game? Why do I not believe you?
End of the line? I don't like that. Why is Lovelace by herself? I don't like rooms that are just for one person. Those never go well.
Ah. The bridge. Is that Eres? She sounds young. Oh she's apologizing. Aw, she hoped they'd make it and was only programmed to hurt them. This is...so sad. Oh dear. A gun.
"You should fight this" "And what?" "This is what they made me for. This doesn't have to be sad."
"Just because someone made you something doesn't means that's all you're going to be" VERY true, both for the alien clones and the AI.
Oh great it's Cutter. Oh HE kills her. Why am I not surprised.
Another message? ✉️
"Training program might not be up to international law. By ripping up this paper, you are absolving us." I'd save that paper forever.
So the training program was wiped? Eres is gone.
Rhea: "It's just the way they programmed her, back off."
Oh poor Rhea 🥺
Aw Victoria is trying to cheer him up. I wonder what he does remember. A bad dream? Interesting.
That's nice, they're reading together. Not much time left in the episode. I wonder what's left.
So...wait. What was in the box when Doug went to open it? Was it the same machine? He said he heard a heartbeat.
At least Lambert and Lovelace seem to be getting along. Those kinds of experiences really do bring people together.
Ah more music. 🎶🎶🎶🎶
Why this day? Cutter you idiot. It's obvious. And she is going to mess you up someday Cutter. Dramatic irony cometh Cutter. Dramatic irony cometh.
Ah Doug is back! Kepler shut your mouth, I still need you to grab your redemption arc or drown in Whiskey. And you better make your choice quickly, because we only have one season left. Tik-tok errand boy, tik-tok.
Ready or not. Empty man cometh!
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detshin · 3 months
Your top 5 favorite DunMesh scenes? 🩷 could be manga or anime!
Oh dear, hiii!!! 🩷🩷🩷 My first dunmesh ask this is so exciting!
Okay I had to think a lot because I just loved the entire thing honestly but here goes off the top of my head hehehe these also go in no particular order because I just can't decide what is better.
I'll also put it under the read more just in case there's spoilers for anyone!
1. The group first seeing Quimera Falin. GOSH THE SCENE WAS SO GOOD. Her design is also incredibly cool and it was all so intense and AGAFAHA. Love Marcille's reaction to the shirt being ripped off HAHAHAHA
2. The group finding out Chilchuck is old and that he has a wife and kids. I was CRYING with Marcille's little gasp and her expression when he told them. I just love Marcille honestly, she's SO FUNNY.
3. Senshi's backstory. I almost cried with him? Yup. It was so tense too, the wondering if it was what we thought it was. Laios' gamble to see if the meat tasted the same or not. And then Senshi's final reaction and them comforting him? I love found family so much 🥹
5. Laios singing along to the sirens. HE. GOD. I LOVE HIM. HAHAHAHA He's so funny that scene caught me so off guard I was on the floor laughing. I also had to add some silly to this list so it felt right because it still makes me laugh every time I watch it.
I could include so many more things but yeah, let's keep it there hahaha also all of these are from the first season because I just rewatched the anime again and it was more fresh in my brain hehehe
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cyclone-rachel · 3 months
thoughts on The Boys, season 4
Episode 5:
okay, going in completely unspoiled for this one
*Dak Prescott voice* YEAH, HERE WE GO
oh yeah I forgot how soul-crushing last week’s episode was
Shout-out to everyone who watched Gen V
gosh, is this a parody of D23
also haha, yeah, you would use 52, nerds
Homelander going on face journeys
you would know about bread and circuses
gosh this is so funny
this is going to lead to disaster soon probably
nobody tell him
is snapple the old people drink
Hughie’s mom continues to be kinda shady
fuck off, Firecracker
hell yeah
if he’s a hallucination, that definitely sounds like Butcher
How would he know about that?
Hey. Hey.
Also didn’t she say last season she wasn’t his gun?
who made Kimiko sad
Fuck off, Butcher
You sure about that?
aww Annie and Kimiko trading looks
Do not want either of them to be hurt
Why do we care so much about Neuman?
You’d think she wouldn’t be wearing that outfit if that was the case
Bro you were in a cult two seasons ago
I love her
Oh I think she knows
Mr. Edgar!
I forgot he was in prison
that’s what you needed to say, I guess
I feel like she has to be real, if both Hughie and his dad can see her
Ah yes, Pigeon Forge
Even she knows he’s down bad for Annie
She tried?
You named the cat Jar Jar?
Is he okay
Where exactly are they?
also I love Kimiko’s outfit
Oh no there she is
Makes sense
This series is on-point with its fake trailers
I love this show so much
Disney isn’t there yet, but I feel like they could
like there has to be at least one headline about that
He must think he’s too good to be in a school
bro you’re in Toronto
That’s an understatement, Homelander
Stop using that metaphor right now
Most accurate description of Homelander
Dammit, Butcher
His what?
Fuck yeah, Sage
You are
Dammit, Annie
You will join the Rebel Alliance
Where did he go
Is he okay
What the hell
That’s disgusting
You’re still saying that wrong
That is also disgusting
Way to use a slur
She does not sound enthusiastic
He does not think it’s great, that goes against what he told ryan earlier
He’s a fast learner
Aww, Annie
I really like this
I think she could handle it
Well, shit
Go off, MM
That is the smartest plan
Although they would need to be able to make more
Aw, Hughie
That’s a good question
Fuck you, Homelander
Ashley pulled through, I guess
Bless you, Kimiko
How did he think that was a good idea?
“wee Hughie”
Is he going to be in a coma or just dead
Yes, of course that’s the plan
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moaserendipity · 2 years
Love in the air ep12 messy review
Hello once again. So it's safe to say that the Sky won't be as clear after this episode or maybe even during this episode, so let's just dive in. Oh, now I've read a lot of people analyzing Sky and I am just saying I will not be doing this, at least I will not go in too deep, with that being said, let's go!
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awwww he really got Pai to help him out willingly. Of course he cuts himself and this sweetie Sky is all worried. Lmao Pai making it seem much worse to get Sky's full attention, it's too cute. Look at that face, oh boy Pai you got it bad for him!!🤭...Teasing Sky like that, super cute!!🥰
I love how Sky's actions still surprise Pai, I mean he really didn't expect Sky to kiss his finger!!😎
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Ah Saifha, I can't imagine how much he is suffering between Pai and Payu. Also, this might be the first time he sees Pai in love with someone. Yeah, Payu you are definitely the husky.. 🤭Ugh Pai is seriously in love with Sky and I just love it and that smirk on Payu's face makes this even better. lol, that was a quick cancellation of party plans! Sky has him wrapped around his finger. It's really the best thing ever!
Shopping date....I see you Sky!😏 I love how Sky tries not to show Pai that he loves it when he flirts with him. Those smiles are very obvious my man. Just give in to him, you know you want to! Sky is very domestic if I look at this. He loves to do daily things with Pai, although he still denies it's a date. He is seriously cute. Taking Pai to his favorite bbq and trying to give him food. Sky is just a sweetie. They are really sweet with each other. Just take the food Sky.
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Wait I thought they had established that they were in a relationship now.... What is Sky even talking about? I love Pai though. "This guy is my wife" omg Sky's face is priceless!!!!! 🤭The teasing never stops does it, I just love it. Pai's smile ugh, my heart. He is like a fangirl/boy who is looking at his/her's favorite idol..👀
ahhhh the apartment. I love how different the mood is now. Now you can feel love and the calmness in Sky's eyes as he looks out of the window, I'm here for it! Pai giving him a back hug...(okay maybe not a back hug but it seems close to it!!) Sky doesn't need expensive things, Pai, he just wants your heart.
Reminiscing about their first night together. Sharing the details he never forgot, gosh Pai. I expected Sky to come with that comeback, because fair enough. Pai did have a lot of people in his bed before Sky. Good thing that stopped quickly after his night with Sky. Wow, this confession is sexy!!! Pai knows what he is doing for sure!! Now just kiss boys!!👀
oh, major steps for Sky to confess this to Pai and I love that so much!!! Lol yeah just forget about that party, that's not important right now. Wow, Sky skipping morning classes but then again, can we blame him... I know I won't!!😏
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ugh parties, something will happen, because things always happen at parties. Sky is completely in love with Pai. Yeah hit your mouth, how dare you tell him, you are his!!! silly! 😏
hahahaha, Pai!! this is the dude you send home. you should not make promises you can not keep. Ahhh Sky, just don't go inside, I have a bad feeling about this. Those girls gossiping about Pai are not helping at all. oh shit there we go. The look on Sky's face, I just want to run over, drag him out of there and hug him. The hurt on his face, I hate it. He must be making things up in his head because of his trauma but still, this is sad. And we are back to nightmares, why oh why.😭
The walls are back up and I am afraid this time it will hurt even more. Poor baby. I wish he had more confidence and trusted Pai more but then again if my boyfriend would let someone touch him like that, I would kill someone. I love Pai for making things very clear I just wish he had done that before the dude threw himself all over him. 🙄
Sigh this will end badly, and that friend of Gun, can we kill him as well because he is one of the fuckers who hurt Sky as well. Gun will go after Sky and I just know that when Pai finds out the fucker is dead.
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Ugh, flashbacks. I hate this because sky's trauma made him think of things that won't happen again, so this is probably where he decides to pull that wall up again. Of course, he is avoiding Pai now, which is very unfair to Pai because he doesn't even know why Sky is doing this. Sky even ran away from his dorm to avoid Pai. this is going far and I really feel sorry for Pai.
This phone call hurts. I know why Sky is doing this but still, Pai has a heart you know. The way he is breaking that man's heart right now, those tears. This is not okay, not okay at all. How can you hurt someone that badly but again I get it but still? I am happy that Pai doesn't give up though.😭
Oh, so there is where Sky is staying. See I knew Sig was one of the best friends. He is even going to move out, isn't that drastic. Sig really says the best things, sadly Sky is too upset right now to really listen. Sig isn't wrong about that it's better to just cry. I mean just cry, it's okay!🥺
the black notebook is gone and of course, that Pai has it, who happens to be in the room. This is going to be a confrontation. My heart is already hurting. there we go, this is going to hurt badly because everything he loves about Pai must be there, everything he tries to fight is in there. His heart desires are in there. I think this is the best thing Pai could do in this situation.
Can you not look for someone else? Can I be the only one for you? I might be boring, unpretty, uncute but please don't get bored with me Don't say the word 'like' to anyone but me Don't leave me There is nothing good about me but I'll do my best I'll do whatever you want Please don't like anyone else Please like me, please love me P' Pai
Confronting Sky is the only way he can break through that big wall. Pai has every reason to ask these things. I know he is being harsh with Sky right now but sometimes it's the only way to get through to someone and in this case, this is the only thing that worked on Sky. This is all the confirmation Sky needs right now. Pai's comforting words and his love and comfort. I think my heart is breaking for Sky so many times already. Thank the universe for making them meet each other. 🥹
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oh, he is opening up a little about Gun, this is huge, good for him!! Can we just kill Gun already PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Pai for letting him tell the entire story when he is actually ready for it.
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hahaha "cause love makes blind" gosh cheesy but I love it! 🤭
HAHAHAHAHAHHA RAIN MY CUTIE!!! Why do I feel like he is the mother of Sky? The way Pai is provoking him, omg. Oh, Rain is not liking this at all! 'Did he drug you sky?!' omg, I think I fell from my chair, this is too funny. Messing with Rain's head like that, he can't focus on two things at the same time! I love Payu's "You just don't get it" in the sweetest voice ever! Rain is the MVP of this moment.😂 I do love this moment of happiness
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okay, so I really loved everything about this episode. I mean it was to expect that it wouldn't be all rainbows and butterflies, as we are leading up to the last episode. Now again I won't be analyzing Sky's behaviour too much but I certainly understand why he acted the way he did and as I said I think Pai did a good thing here. You can agree or disagree with that but for me personally, he did it the right way. I wish someone had done that with me when I had a huge wall around me because life would've been much more fun. That being said, next week is going to be the last episode of LITA.... I am already sad because I don't want my Thursdays without PayuRain and PrapaiSky! It's going to be boring. Also, don't forget to bring tissues next episode because it's going to be a heavy one. 🫠
p.s Also thank you to @/singharit for making awesome gifs.
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Dancing not so gracefully~ Deuce ver.
Notes: Sugar rush, I’ve had one and it was based off my experience, Deuce x reader, fluff, romantic
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Deuce could barely dance, but you two were having the time of your life. All you cared about was dancing with your best friend. Things got a little too hard core at the last song. Noticing this you two headed towards the buffet. Trying a sparkling blue drink, you gulped it down in one go. After that was one more, then two, then three, till finally you had over seven of these drinks. You just couldn’t get enough of the drink; it tasted like a blast of sugary sweetness. However, the drink didn’t mess with your emotions all too well. Soon you found yourself crying and laughing all while Deuce took care of you.
You: Deuce! You’re such a good friend, I could have never met anyone so so so much better. I would choose you over and over again. I love you that much. Oh, my gosh I’m so happy to be with you hahahaha. Deuce: I think you had too much of this sugary drink. I didn’t know you could get like this because of sugar.
Yep, it turned out you were experiencing a sugar rush. It was your first time and for those of you reading this don’t follow the story’s example.
You: Sit here! Listen to me~ I love how you come to rescue me when I can’t get away from Azul. I miss you when I can’t see you for a while. Even when we fight, I know I can’t stay mad at you because you’re so special to me. I… I really appreciate having you beside me! Deuce: I think that’s eno- You: It’s not enough! Deuce, I know you have that bad boy side to you, and I may be crazy, but it’s not that bad. I actually really admire how you were able to change! Deuce, I think… I think I love you *said softly*
Deuce: I love you too, but don’t tell me when you’re in a sugar rush.
With that you fell asleep on top of the table with Deuce watching over you the rest of the night unaware of what Deuce’s feelings were.
Riddle: I see, making moves already. How bold of you Deuce~ Deuce: Dorm leader!
I’m also doing matchups you can find that here: 2 Lines & A Circle : Flavor of Love, Find Your Match~ (tumblr.com)
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ssuminshan-official · 2 years
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During these days, Lan xichen was tossing several articles of clothes all over his room and packing a few~ wondering if it would impress his Ayao.
On the other side, he was planning to surprise him in a special way.
Also, in Gusu, there were some rumors going around.
X: I heard that Zewu Jun is having an affair, with a hulijing
Everyone: *gasps*
That hulijing can suck out his qi energy?!
(* they can if they wanted to. But for them, they believe that hulijings can't control themselves)
Oh no. Such a nice cultivator.
He got seduced by a fox spirit.
And not any hulijings. But the huli jing emperor!
Xichen: the rumors are true!!! I am dating a hulijing emperor! And you can't do anything about it!!
Zewu Jun said it himself.
Wish him good luck.
Meanwhile, Xue yang, Su she and mo xuanyu's party was in full swing. There were food, liquor, and yes~~ chaotic hulijings.
The hyper beings were trying their best to keep their composure in front of their emperor, but they couldn't. Immediately they would start fighting and ramping~ both in their full fox form and human form, then they would be pushing stuff off the table with their tails or fighting for food.
Other than that, they (I'm their human form) would just make jokes and hang out like normal friends.
Xue yang: leaving for your date, Jiggy?
Yao: yea.
Su she: I'll drop you there.
Yao: aww thank you Shanshan.
Xue yang: make sure to give Chifeng zun a deep kiss ok! Knock out with those lips of yours.
And your Yao Dimples.
Yao: *laughing* yangyang, if Dage permits me.
Xue yang: Jiggy I know that you're a top.
Yao: shhhhh.
Su she: how do you know that xue yang!
Xue yang: assumed.
And I kinda want to be topped by Jiggy.
Yao: what?
Su she: disgusting. *blushing*
Xue yang: then why are your cheeks red?
Su she: I ate food  chili.
Xue yang: did Jiggy tell you to do that?
Su she: xue yang!
Mo xuanyu: have we all thought of letting Yao gege step on us. Like he's really hot.
Yao: guys I'm still here.
Su she: right. Enough small talk! Let's go, Huangdi.
And I have asked a group of my sect members to make sure that you're safe.
Yao: so thoughtful.
Mo xuanyu: *hugs jgy* I don't want anyone hurting my Yao gege.
Yao: no one will.
Bye for now, guys. Enjoy your party!
Everyone, including the hulijings: *bow* see you soon, Huangdi.
Yao: *smiles and opens fan*
Su she: let's go.
Xue yang: chou!! *raises cup*
Mo xuanyu: *does the same* Feng.
Xue yang: let's toast to how hot your emperor is!!
Mo xuanyu: and let's toast to his hard towards the empire!!
Everyone: toast! Toast! Toast!
Xue yang: I miss Minshan.
Mo xuanyu: really? Surpising.
Xue yang: whenever I cook, I would always stuff food in his mouth and ask him how it is. You know he's vegetarian so I would just let him sample noodles and mushrooms.
Mushrooms are his fav.
Mo xuanyu: aw. Xue gege you're very dramatic.
Mo xuanyu: but you gave him food already!
Xue yang: *cries* but I want to do it again.
Darn simp went off with Jiggy.
Mo xuanyu: you can always do it to me.
Xue yang: I'll try.
I made roast pork, stuffed with a chicken stuffed with doves. Here you go.
Mo xuanyu: mmgmfg.....delicious..
Xue yang: I know right. Eat some more!
Then try my tongue tea.
Mo xuanyu: your what?!!
Xue yang: you should know me by now.
X: xue Gongzi!! Hey!!
Xue yang: Luo. One of the naughtiest hulijings.
X: gosh. You flatter me.
Mo xuanyu: what does he do?
Xue yang: he terrorized some city before.
Luo: yep. They almost broke my leg. But I got away from the villagers.
Mo xuanyu: wow!
X: I ate all their food.
Luo: lol.
X: just broke in and gobbled it up.
Chuan: don't worry. We had defended the empire.
We hardly slack off.
Xue yang: good! Or I'll rip your tails off.
Chuan: hahahaha, I know you're joking!
Yi: omg ! Why are some of the emperor's hulijings hanging from the roof.
Mo xuanyu: had too much alcohol, lol.
Xue yang: when is Lan lips coming?
Mo xuanyu: I don't know.
Xue yang: ugh. Tardy Lan lips. Doesn't he know that it's improper to keep his emperor of a boyfriend waiting.
Mo xuanyu: ahahahaha, you're right. I guess Lan lips will come tomorrow.
Xue yang: yea. And Jiggy has to complete his mischief so.
Mo xuanyu: mhm. Team dimple is so fun.
Xue yang: *eating* agreed!
One the other side, they arrived at Qinghe, and Yao was greeted by some of his hulijing associates.
X: Huangdi.
Yao: *smile* hi guys!
X: I'm sorry about the invasion, lol.
Yao: don't worry, my beloved hulijings. Go crazy. But don't make too much of a mess.
X:  yes Bixia.
You always pamper us.
Truly the rarest of all emperors.
Su she: yea, yaoyao is awesome!
He knows the nature of us lowly hulijings, despite him being on a superior level than us.
Yao: guys you're not lowly. Don't ever say that.
Fuying: yes Huangdi.
Yao: possess one of those Nie members. So that I can feel more at home.
Fuying: as you wish.
Yao: and can someone make sure that our date isn't interrupted.
X: will do, Huangdi.
Su she: enjoy, Yaoyao.
Yao: thank you. And enjoy your party.
Su she: thanks. Be safe Huangdi. I'll come back later, to get you.
Yao: great.
Su she: bye.
Yao: *turns into his full fox form, then snuck into the unclean realm.
(Nieyao's date will be in the next chapter.)
An hour later, at the Jing Manor 📍
Mo xuanyu: *laughing* why is everything spinning?
Xue yang: what happened to you?! We had just finished 6 jars of liquor. You get drunk so fast?
Mo xuanyu: shhhh. I'm. Simply.....not drunk...who told you that?
I'm just fabulous.
Xue yang: ahahahaha.
Mo xuanyu: yup.
Su she: *drinking* 7th one completed!
Xue yang: good job! Are you feeling to throw up?! *grin*
Su she: well I am tasting the mushrooms and noodles. But I'm going to keep my food down!
Xue yang: good! We can't vomit all over boss's floor.
Chuan: I have finished my 11th jar!
Xue yang: naughty!
Su she: watch about you, Yi?
Yi: I abstain from alcohol. For Bixia.
Su she: *hiccup* oh.
Mo xuanyu: speaking of Yao gege. How much do you guys rate him? From 1-10.
Xue yang: 100000. The man is just hot.
Mo xuanyu: He's fab. I would give him am infinity.
Su she: same.
Chou: yes he's stunning!
Chuan: let's toast to our hot emperor.
Feng: him and his imperial dimples.
We don't stand a chance in front of him.
Mo xuanyu: if he was here, I would have kissed him so passionately.
And then throw up in the corner cuz I'm a simp and simply can't handle the heat.
Xue yang: did you just admit that you're a simp. *laughing*
Mo xuanyu: yup. I'm a simp. Are you jealous!
Now where's my alcohol?
Su she: no more fot you! You're already drunk!
Mo xuanyu: I'm perfectly fine!
Su she: how much fingers am I holding up?
Mo xuanyu: t...ten?? I'm not a mathematician, Minshan!
I will tell Yao gege that you two are bullying me
Xue yang: me?? It was Su she.
Su she: when did I bully him?!
Xue yang: well it can't be Lan lips. Because Lan lips isn't here.
Su she: what does this have to do with Lan lips.
Mo xuanyu: darn Lan lips. Keeps stealing my Yao gege.
Xue yang: let's get rid of him!
And have Jiggy to ourselves.
Su she: then yaoyao will be upset with us for hurting the Lan.
Xue yang: *sighs* yea.
Su she: Why does he have to be hot and adorable?
Xue yang: I don't really know.
Later that night, xichen tries to sneak in,  dressed as an eunuch.
But infortunately he got captured by three hulijings, Hou, Yi and Xiying.
Yi: who are you?!! And how dare you trespass into our Huangdi's place!
Xiying: foreign eunuch?!! *ties him up immediately, with guqin strings*
Xichen: I want to see A-Yao. Can I see him please!
Hou: Huangdi! Have some respect!
Xichen: I want to see A-Yao Huangdi.
Yi: you never learn, don't you?!
Xiying: *steals his money* Huangdi isn't here at the moment.
Xichen: then I'll wait.
Hou: noo, we're going to report you to the Dimple council. Intruders must be reported.
Xichen: the what?
Hou: the dimple council. It's henchmen lingo for Huangdi's closest associates.
Xiying: the elite.
Xichen: ooo teach me some more henchman lingo.
Yi: ok. Huangdi is referred to as the boss.  His Manor is boss's place.
The hair that we collect from grooming is called imperial fluff.
Xichen: awwww that's so cute. And his tail is maybe called his floof.
Yi: right!
Hou: then most of our tasks are called operation dimple.
Xichen: can't this get any cuter!!
Xiying: mysterious eunuch guy, do you still want your money back?
I was just teasing you. Bixia gives us a high salary already.
He's very rich.
Xichen: I know that my A-Yao is affluent.
Yi: so you came to rob him?
Xichen: no no. He actually stole from me!
Hou: how dare you accuse the emperor.
Xichen: noo. I mean he stole My heart!
Yi: dimple council for you!
Hou: but aren't they drunk now?
Xiying: lol. That would be entertaining.
Xichen: anyways you can keep the money. Because you work for A-Yao.
Xichen: and know the dimple council. It's made up of that gremlin xue yang. That Lan traitor and mo xuanyu.
Xiying: Official Xue Gongzi, the Misty Spell Master and Odficial Mo Gongzi. Yes.
Yi: ew why is he so informal. He knows too much.
Hou: what if he's Zewu Jun?
Xichen: shhh.
Yi: how can Zewu Jun be dressed as an eunuch?!!
~moments later~
Hou: we got an Intruder!
Xue yang: *leaps and ties him up with a curtain. Then pushed him in the center of the room*  Done.
Yi: good that official Xue is the only sober one.
Su she:  *half drunk* what is Lan zhan doing here!!
Mo xunayu: *laughing* look at his little eunuch attire. Hahaha!!
Xichen: can you untie me!! I want to wait for A-Yao.
Xue yang: this dude have simps all over. Even the eunuchs?
Su she:  Lan zhan what do you want with my Bixia!
Xichen: I'm not Wangji. It's me, Xichen!
Xue yang: Lan lips isn't an eunuch, lol.
Mo xuanyu: who cares if it's Lan lips or not. *hugs xichen* he's still handsome.
Mo xuanyu: *looks up* don't get too full of yourself. I said that you're handsome. Yao gege is still my type, and I'm in love with him.
Xichen: well that's the harem. And I'm ok with it
Yi: we don't even know you!!
Xue yang: wait. But he does look like Lan lips. Omg.
Su she: no. He looks like Lan zhan! Now throw him out!
Xue yang: na. Hou, you know what to do.
Hou: hulijings! Circle formation.
Group of hulijings: *turn into full fox form, then began to run around a  captured Xichen.*
Xichen: I'm telling the truth. I'm Xichen. *sobs* and I'm in love with the hulijing emperor.
Mo xuanyu: well let's wait for him.
Xichen: yay!!
Su she: going to get him in the next half hour.
~~ to be continued.
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azullumi · 2 years
TEKA LANG ARE U FILO?? KILIG VIBES??? 😭😭😭 filo rin ako pero yeah omg kwento time 🤩 (ang haba srry in advance huhu)
so we're in the same group and our output for the final term is a like an advocacy project thing. we met in the first week of classes and when i saw him i just thought omg he's kinda cute, but in a appreciating a man's beauty kinda way hahahaha.. anw he was really REALLY nice like uhh yeah yoimiya niceness idk 😭
next week we meet again, and while talking apparently we have a lot in common?? (and it's rlly specific things like ex. we're both eldest sibling with two younger siblings, we don't use tiktok, we both do this thing where we go thru an internal thesaurus to look for the best word we need to use 😭) but what broke it for me was when he made like straight eye contact with me while we were talking... and usually, i don't make eye contact with people right, but this time i did 😭😭 and for some reason i like couldn't look away until i realized ay were.. looking at each other..... and after that happened i just couldn't concentrate anymore, but i didn't understand why yet...
and when i was leaving class, i went straight to my friend who was in another grp and i was gonna relay the info to her but then as we were leaving he was still there packing his stuff... and i said.. bye.... and i never initiate social contact like 😭 it was even an audible bye not just a wave ahhjj
anw, i told my friend abt our group discussion and i just kept repeating over and over how nice that guy was until we had to split ways for our next class... and i think i just realized like oh, i like him and i want to know him more 😭😭😭 so i messaged my friend that oh, i think i like that dude that's why i kept saying he was nice and she was like omg that's why u were so "kilig" right aft class and i didn't realize that 😭😭
anw, status as of rn, id love to be friends with him yes!!! next time we see each other.. im gonna try to compliment him about something... if he's actly taken or something, ill be kinda sad, but also i hope we can still be friends or something :')
(also note: we go to a uni, he's college of science, im college of liberal arts (bs-psyc) i was too shy to ask abt his major aft the eye contact incident huhuhu) - better days anon
wbwishaia KMF u're also filipino?! :00
also don't apologise if it's long bcs seriously i was rolling around the bed and grinning like an idiot BCS MY GOSH THAT'S SO CUTE EH OWHSIWHW?1!2 the things that happens to us when we're in love geez hopefully he's not taken (manifesting, praying, and crying for u) and if he's not, i say go for it and do whatevee makes you happy1! i'll be rooting for you though just like what i said, be careful with your heart and don't tread too carelessly <33
i am once again wishing you the best and luck in everything 🙏 im always here whenever u need someone to talk to or ramble about your experience bcs god gusto ko rin kiligin
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evelynhug0 · 2 years
my reaction to this juicy fanfic chapter 
okay here we go
this chapter will contain some scenes i really loved and also MORE than that oh my god i am nervous af i feel sick
okay i gotta calm down
fuck ah i am so nervous
i want to cry already
What followed was the happiest time of my life. – i already wanna cry reading this
i am emotional already
She would still help me rehearse my lines after a day on set but now we would do it in bed or on the couch, my head in her lap as she caressed my head. – why are you doing this to me??????? why?????????
we would gravitate around each other like satellites: she was my North Star and I was hers. – help me oh lord
We were shamelessly happy behind our closed doors in our personal safe Heaven. We would kiss without a care until our lips were sore and we greeted the New Year drinking ridiculously expensive champagne and making out in her bathtub. – i want to jump out of the window i swear oh my god i cannot deal with this i cannot deal with this
wear each other’s clothes – bruh… bruh… why….
Evelyn was particularly fond of a forest green cardigan of mine, even if it was a bit tight for her – and we all know why it was a bit tight
(now i have images in my head please help)
I can still see her walking around the house wearing it over her bare skin and lingerie. – why would you do this to me? i want to get so drunk that my brain stops working
I want to kick Don and Ruby
“Yes but not together, of course.” – ouch this hurts
this is unfair
i wish they could have been together publicly (is that how you say it idk)
and if I can’t go with you at my arm, I prefer to go alone. – not me having tears in my eyes
She flashed me one of her shy soft smiles that would turn my knees into butter and reached across the table for my hand. She squeezed it gently. “You know I wish I could go with you so badly…” – you wanna make me cry right? right? because my eyes are filled with tears right now and my heart hurts A LOT i can tell you A LOT 
But please stop doing it. – i am getting a stomach ache when i read this
We are so not done – okay everyone i need more vodka. also i am trying so hard not to cry
this is all so moving
my heart hurts that they have to hide
i think this is why i am on the verge of a breakdown right now
one more thing like this and i will cry my heart out
kissing me as if to prove her point – very good, i like that
“Shit, Evelyn, you almost gave a heart attack” – celia, i feel ya bro
ignore me at Audience Appreciation event. – evelyn, bro, please stop torturing celia and me
please wear something awful so I won’t be tempted to look at you. – hmmm yes good i like this
Evelyn could barely keep her hands off me. – not me going from crybaby to horny baby in a second when reading this
take me to church
The whole time I was aching to look at Evelyn, stunning as usual in her signature green dress – fck fck fck fck fck fck vodka
I pretended to be surprised: “Oh, is she here? I didn’t notice”. – ouch 
my eyes found her – oh lord
Ironically, that’s the only award where both of us were present, although avoiding each other. – this makes me sad again GREAT
Evelyn shook her head at me, amused. – MY BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¨¨
i want to puke i am so nervous
here it is… THE sentence… oh lord… vodka
my babies
gay screaming
i want to puke
gosh this makes me wanna cry and scream
any sign of amusement on her face immediately melted away. I’ll never forget her words. – holy shit!!! well i will also never forget them hehe 
gosh my babies
this scene is so fucking adorable i want to jump out of the window i cannot deal with it
noooooo they should have kissed again
the thought of them kissing till their lips almost fall off make me go !!!!!!!!!!!
Her words stayed with me always and pushed me through every step of the way – SIGHHHHHH
omg celia is so anxious that i get anxious too hahahaha
I hate Ari have I mentioned this
gosh i would have thrown up if i was celia
how did she not poop her pants or faint???
aww i feel sorry for Evelyn
I hate Ruby
stupid biatch
she has always been a forgettable actress – haha yes indeed
ruby who?
“You did it! Holy shit, you did it!” – I love Harry & Celia together
my little gays <333333
don’t touch her Ari!!!
Ruby complimented me, coldly and surely against her will – yeah biatch in your face
awww celia, my little baby
i love you
I certainly meant though what I said next. – bro!!!!!
I wanted Evelyn – not me doing the “evelyn move” when i read this
we all know what is going to happen next
i cannot deal with that
i mean they all know celia is on top of the world especially now that she has won the oscar… but little do they know about the private party she will celebrate afterwards oh lord
i need vodka
i cannot deal with this
Georgia Peach aaaaaaaah
dear lord please help me i don’t want to die now
Celia, with all due respect, you’re not my type. – ahahahahahahaha (but she’s mine)
And there was only one thing I wanted: to be with Evelyn. – screaming crying throwing up
what i hate is: once i have read it, i will have read it you know??? I WANT THIS KIND OF SCENES FOREVER SO I WILL ALWAYS HAVE A NEW “SURPRISE” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh
i am dumb
okay here we go
I have places to go too, you know – very gay, love it
heheh i have always wondered how she got in the house but now i know
flashing her a teasing smile – holy mother of god please help me
my heart is beating like crazy
i am feeling like a drug addict i swear
i love this feeling
i want it to never ever stop
She smiled back at me, ecstatic. – hmm i need to open windows it is very warm in here suddenly
not me being a useless horny bi
She laughed and kissed me, cupping my face. – this is like the best movie ever… i can see everything as if it was a goddamn movie playing in front of me
Evelyn was perfection, it was like studying a Picasso…and she was the woman I loved. – i am having a heart attack
why can’t i feel my legs… is this anxiety or vodka
this tension and this love… i am dying
I was touched and filled with so much love for her. – BRO I WANT TO CRY
i want to vomit
ok now for real
my heart beats like crazy
but i can do it
here we go
this tension oh my god i am going to vomit
unzipping my dress, slow and teasing. I knew she was watching me and the mere thought of it turned me on. – HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM HAVING SUCH A STROKE NOW THE STROKIEST OF THE STROKES
f u c k
i need help
my head is exploding
this chapter leaves me wanting more
oh my god
i am blushing like crazy
my face is all red and hot
my head hurts hahaha
i am having a stroke
i have no words
my head is empty
holy mother of god
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inkykeiji · 3 years
HI clari!! im the anon with the new guy who asked for advice on how to just go with the flow... u are so fricken sweet and ur advice helped me to just take a deep breath and relax and just understand that we like each other. the only problem is.... we eat like crap together hehe. the sex is just like very nasty and our kinks just match bc he can call me a little slut yet cuddle me right after we're done, but we eat SO BAD after sex. wendys, kit kats, the works... ahhhh i need to stop it!!!
hello my sweet anon!!! <333 oh i’m so so so happy to hear that it helped a little!!!!! that makes me feel so warm n fuzzy inside <33 ah literally there’s such a big smile on my face right now hehehe i’m super glad it calmed you down a lil <3 IM GLAD THE SEX IS NASTY EHEHEHEHEHE also oh my gosh you n ur guy remind me of my boyfriend’s youngest brother and his partner!!! they’re totally the same way hehe they’re constantly bringing home WAY too much junk food aaah (*/ω\*)
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faeryarchives · 2 years
scarabia with a yoimiya-like gender neutral s/o!
a talented pyrotechnician filled with uncompromising childish innocence and fiery passion as they excels in their craft of creating fireworks that symbolize people's hopes and dreams.
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: ̗̀➛ kalim al-asim
"ohayoooo kalim! ah, this is great! i feel so relaxed all over, i could almost float away. so anyways, what are we going to do today?"
if people didn't know that you aren't the prefect at all - they would've thought that you and kalim are related in someway because damn you just radiate sunshine energy ☀️
you are like two peas in a pods! if you feel very happy then kalim feels happy too, when kalim is feeling down you feel very sad
"sil told me that you were looking down earlier so i snuck out and brought you here!"
"is that a fire- woah it became so many goldfish fireworks!"
yeah you guys were caught by jamil when you almost put the whole garden on fire but hey that's worth a shot and kalim is smiling again
would absolutely fight because you guys love each other more war 🥺
"i love you kalim!"
"i love you more!"
"no i love you more."
it ends up with you hugging each other but you still love him more
despite having similar personality with kalim, you would still prevent him from doing any reckless decisions
after knowing that you are good with kids, kalim would bring you back to his hometown along with grim to meet his parents and siblings and they end up loving you too much that they didn't want you to go back home 😵‍💫
"(naaaaaaame) can't you stay with us and play?"
"henchmen quick lets escape!"
"noooooo! (name) is my partner don't take them away from me we are going back!"
"hahahaha... hey kids how about this, when i come back again we will play a lot okay?"
they eventually agreed after you give them some of your handmade keychain of your signature goldfish tattoo ueueu
every time nrc would hold school events, crowley would always ask you to be in charge of the fireworks team and of cource you agree to it which leads to kalim being very supportive and happy for you
"oh my gosh let's go (nicknaaaame)! do you want some snacks? are thirsty? hungry? or maybe tired do you want me to hug you to give you energy or a ki-"
"ok i have seen enough pda for today, let's go we are in charge of decorating our dorm. goodluck prefect."
definitely would watch the fireworks on the magic carpet with you and kalim in each others' arms watching your precious work go up and bring smiles and amazement to your friends
"i finally realize what fireworks symbolize for me."
"oh? what is it then?"
"it's a secret." this caused kalim to let out a long whine and hugging you closer making you laugh at his antics. deep inside, what really fireworks symbolize for you - is feeling the love and appreciation people shows while enjoying your passion and work.
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: ̗̀➛ jamil viper
no words can say how much jamil is proud to be your boyfriend because you were just amazing in every aspect
without him knowing, the vice dorm leader find himself more at ease after boyfriend - even smiling more often
"ne ne jamil, if we've got nothing else to do, why don't i tell you a story?"
"hmm? sure thing, i just finished cooking lunch for the four of us later."
"sweet~! did you know that back in my wor-"
adores your stories, it never fails to put a smile on his face and it always got stuck in his mind that leads to kalim being surprised when jamil started chuckling after looking at some goldfish on display
even though he loves you so much, jamil couldn't help but feel strict whenever you forget to do your tasks especially when they are due an hour of tomorrow.
jamil 🥺💜: your alchemy assignment is due tomorrow did you do it already?
(nickname) 😎🌺: of course i did!
news flash, you did not do the assignment
and jamil heard from grim you did it an hour before your alchemy class but hey you got a perfect score!
he adores the way you would try to put on some of your hair clips on his usual braids
don't tell him but your contact number on his phone is the one where he is smiling while holding your festival pouch
whenever you two got alone time, you would either be dancing with jamil in a slow dance or have him teach you street dancing
"is it like this?"
"which on= wait no you are about to fall!" by the time you realize it, jamil saved your fall by catching you with a relieved sigh.
"um hehe? nice catch?"
much to his surprise, you brought back a parrot with you when you texted him that you have something important to say
"why do you have a parrot."
"ok its a funny story but hear me out."
it turns out the important thing was saving the parrot from a certain hunter and you decided to bring it back with you since the parrot reminds you of jamil and it became your child, it was very spoiled making grim let out complains
overall? the viper is so glad to have a very understanding and amazing partner like you and he couldn't wait for you to meet his sister.
"i feel like you an najima would get along great."
"ooooh! maybe i will ask her about your childhood pict-"
sometimes i just want to cry because i almost finish this like three hours ago but then the page reloaded by itself and i didn't get to save 😭 i hope you guys enjoyed ~
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slut Merlin is hilarious and absolutely fantastic, oh my gosh ksjdkshdksjsks here's my live reaction, because it was just so glorious that i absolutely couldn't stop myself. i honestly love this so much ksjdskdjksjdsk
here goes:
the way i burst out laughing at Arthur being so shy explaining what he meant ksjdksjdksksks
knights revealing themselves was somehow so on point???? hahaha
"having had such a wrong idea of what Merlin is like as a person" ksjdksjdksjs
and in comes Merlin! and out come the knights' true natures hahahaha
oh Arthur skjdksjdksjdkskd
Arthur has just probably had one of the biggest shocks of his life, of course he's not good
PERCIVAL HAHAHAHA gosh, he's usually so, like, calm and on the quieter side???? and then suddenly this side of him comes out and it's hilarious
poor Leon hahahahaha
(Referencing This Fic)
I'm so pleased that you loved it this much!! Long reactions like this really keep me going, I appreciate it more than you know!! :D
Arthur is struggling, poor guy, and Leon just... wants this to be over. Percival and Gwaine are having the time of their lives, and Lancelot can never look ANYONE in the eye again. Elyan is just thankful that the others are taking the limelight off him lol.
Percival 100% saw Arthur about to faint and his IMMEDIATE thought was "Yes, please." and we respect him for that.
Next will be #59 from This List, likely some time next week :D
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cyclone-rachel · 3 months
Thoughts on The Boys, episodes 2 and 3:
Episode 2:
Huh. Guess I have to watch The Wire.
Will Ferrell? What are you doing here
Guess they couldn’t have Clancy Brown play the coach
He played the coach, right
Oh hey, he’s back!
You don’t know the half of his low point
“sensitivity readers” and how many of those did you hire?
he’s gonna be fun
“braindead maniac” does describe the comic version
Of course
Don’t take anything they give you
Oh, it’s his mom that’s doing that stuff
Far from “wee” Hughie.
wait who’s this guy playing the boyfriend, I feel like I’ve seen him before
Oh he was the original Dove on Titans, that makes sense
she has a speech therapist?
I love her so much
Oh dear
Fuck off, Butcher
Oh no, they’re making a movie about Ryan
“Homeboy” oh no
Anakin too
This man says volumes with his face
again, I love Sage
Ashley changed her look! I forgot when she ditched the bangs
Oh ouch
Do you not know what the word solo means
That’s the exact wrong advice to give him
Is she 32?
oh she’s a decade older. I see.
Is that the right idea?
What are they doing
Ryan is not a good actor
Using the Captain America line, I see.
He’s gonna go on a power trip
Damn, really?
I want Kimiko’s jacket
Nothing like free hotel breakfast
Oh no, these weirdos are flat earthers too?
“Starlight is a lizard person” jesus
not the minion memes
oh they are calling him Dakota Bob
“soldier boy held captive by the CIA” well he’s being held captive by someone
fuck, they’re climate change deniers too?
“soldier boy + liberty= secret lovers?” I mean, maybe
gosh there’s so much here.
“stormfront is alive” the fuck she is
“tinfoil hat wearing nazi motherfuckers” correct!
Kimiko are you okay
you can tell this was filmed in 2022 because that’s the year before last’s baja blast
hahaha these guys believe delaware isn’t real?
How dare you come for Tom Hanks
god, Frenchie doesn’t believe in the moon landing?
omg I love her
Yeah, you should go to the hospital
So glad that he didn’t mean that
Thank you, Hughie
Haven’t seen him in a while
The political commentary on this show is too real.
Hahaha I love her
So like conspiracy theorist Jubilee.
A-Train redemption? That would be nice.
Let him have his moment, man.
He’s gonna have to work on his restraint
Kimiko are you okay
Firecracker said “fuck the French” I guess
She’s not gonna do it
That’s like 3 references in one
Drown his ass in the chocolate fountain
“Zionist cabal” NO
Run, bitch!
Hughie cheering on his girlfriend I love them so much your honor
oh hey she’s back!
Go off, Hughie
ooooh Kimiko what are you doing
Episode 3
This is not going to go well.
Also look how few Starlight supporters there are compared to the Homelander supporters
Fuck off
“they want to get rid of superheroes” and what do they think Starlight is, then?
What has she actually said?
There are not seven of them.
I do really like those suits
Oh good, Butcher seems to be doing the right thing
gosh, I do kind of hope she doesn’t believe all of this and is just looking up what will cause the most controversy and clicks. Would be funnier if she was a true believer though.
She’s not wrong
He is that petty
“make a sandwich out of her”
Guess we know Starlight says trans rights, good for her
I’m sure he’s gonna try
Just let him go into the basement and see there are no kids in there.
Well, then she’s gonna be out of a job
Love how The Masked Singer hasn’t changed here
Eyyy kimiko’s a hacker good for her
Kimiko and Helena would be great friends
I love Hughie wearing a dolly parton shirt
Maeve didn’t blow a dude
as far as I know
oh this is fun
“dodgy incel” he’s not wrong
Oh, his voice is changing
That’s fuckin’ brutal.
I’m obsessed with her
do I like Ashley now?
She is a girlboss
gosh, this song
It is clearly not nothing
He also helped take down Stormfront
Not wrong on any of those counts
MM is a great character
You two should hide
Oh yikes
Not the best thing to see
Get your head in the game
Oh hey, it’s Nina
Glad Butcher threw those away
Why did she end that sentence with a question if she wasn’t lying
You said she would be fine!
Ashley are you alright
Yes, go after her, queen
What is a dinosaur doing on her poster
Oh damn, Annie as a bully
She is better
Hasn’t she been traumatized enough
Oh no this is very out of date
also how dare they use Maeve’s image for this
Hughie can chill.
There’s no way the vents are that big
Oh no
Hughie get out of there
“critical supe theory” I think that is just known as the works of Garth Ennis and a few other authors here in the real world, ma’am
Is Stan dead? I can’t remember
How did Homelander know
Hughie’s sweat is going to get him hurt
Well they’re not performing that show anytime soon
Yeah, listen to her
You can try
And how would you do that?
why is she watching reality TV
Is he really?
Oh no
Stop talking about how people smell, Homelander
“gave you everything that I ever wanted” oh that was pointed
oh hey mirror Homelander is back
What start?
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