#( sirius too OF COURSE )
bimoonphases · 2 months
@wolfstarmicrofic July 24 - prompt 24: Kid Fic [word count 954]
Sirius checked his tie in the mirror by the main door for the third time. He had hated suits and ties since childhood, when he had been forced to wear them, but this time there was no escaping it. He needed to make the best impression. He was terrified.
“Are you planning to seduce the headmistress, my love?”
Remus looked him up and down with a smile while he put on his own jacket. Sirius’s eyes widened.
“Is it too much? Do I need to change?”
“Pads,” Remus said softly. “We’ve just been called up to the school, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”
“We’ve been called there because our daughter punched another kid.”
“And I’m sure there’s an explanation for that.”
Sirius sighed and followed Remus out of their cottage and through the streets leading to the primary school. He really was terrified. Everybody in the village had come to know Remus, his gentle demeanour, his willingness to help every time there was a medical problem because he had ‘studied medicine a long time ago’ which only meant he was able to distract the muggles long enough to use small healing charms on them. Sirius, on the other hand, knew he was the the handsome stay-at-home husband of Mr Lupin, the one who picked up his kids on a motorbike and wrote them excuses to skip school after a full moon. And now that Estelle had apparently punched a kid, he would be the father who didn’t know how to raise his own daughter. Anwell had never done anything like that since he had started school. Despite his black hair and almost silver eyes, the boy had Remus’s countenance, always his head in a book and helping others. While Estelle, despite being barely six and having a head of curly brown hair almost identical to Remus’s, had Sirius’s temper. Sirius shivered as they went through the school gates. What if he had failed in making her forget those three first months of her life in an abusive family? Worse, what if he had somehow managed to raise a mini version of his own mother, prone to violence and cruelty?
Remus took him by the hand as they walked inside the building, a helpful secretary immediately pointing them in the direction of the headmistress’s office. Sirius swallowed and tried to appear calm as Remus knocked.
“Come in.”
As they walked in, the headmistress rose from her seat and came to shake their hands. Estelle was in a chair in front of her desk, arms crossed.
“Misters Lupin, thank you for coming in,” the headmistress smiled. “Please, sit down.”
They took their places, on each side of their daughter. Sirius’s heart felt as if it was beating in his throat.
“Now, Mister Lupin and Mister Lupin,” the headmistress started. “In this school we condemn violence in all its forms. Estelle punched one of her classmates, and the only reason I’ve asked you here before deciding on a punishment is because she refuses to tell us why. I believe in hearing both sides, and Michael said he was just playing outside when Estelle punched him.”
“Why did you do it?” Remus asked, turning to the little girl.
Estelle stared resolutely at the floor, her lips a thin line.
“Estelle Hope Euphemia Lupin,” Sirius sighed. “Tell us what happened, will you?”
Estelle shook her head and Sirius’s heart beat faster.
“She’s never done anything like this, I don’t understand,” he said quickly. “There must be something else.”
“I agree, I hoped her fathers could get her to tell us what,” the headmistress nodded.
“Come on, ma petite étoile, dis-nous,” Sirius switched to French in the hopes to have a reaction, but without success.
He looked at Remus over their daughter’s head when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in,” the headmistress said.
The door opened and Anwell walked in, his hand firmly around another boy’s arm.
“Hi Dad, hello Papa,” he smiled. “Headmistress, Michael has something to confess,” he added with all the seriousness his ten years of age could muster.
“I was chasing Violet to lift her skirt,” the boy said. “She was crying, it was funny.”
Sirius shuddered. So little, and yet… He looked at his daughter.
“Is this why you didn’t tell us?” he asked.
Finally, Estelle looked up at him, her eyes filled with anger.
“Violet is still crying in the bathroom and doesn’t want to come out,” she said. “I wasn’t going to tell on her.”
Sirius just nodded, and the headmistress sighed.
“Well, in these circumstances… You can all go. Not you Michael, you’re staying and I’m calling your parents. And Violet’s.”
Sirius waited until they were out of the building to take Estelle in his arms.
“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered in her hair as she hugged him back.
“I am too,” Remus nodded. “Of the both of you. We should never resort to violence, but some people only understand that language.”
“How did you convince Michael to tell what had really happened?” Sirius asked, putting Estelle back on the ground.
“It was easy,” Anwell shrugged. “I just told him Estelle would punch him again if he didn’t and make him spit out all his new teeth.”
“I could do with some of the old ones too,” Estelle smiled, taking her brother’s hand.
Sirius watched them skip in the direction of home, a mixture of pride and dread in his veins.
“Don’t you think…” Remus started delicately.
“Yes. They definitely have some Black in them,” Sirius nodded, before taking his husband’s hand. “Thankfully, there’s a lot of Lupin in there to contrast it.”
They kissed in front of the school before hurrying after their children.
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maladaptivewriting · 7 months
i do not trust marauders fandom people who don't read fanfics. it's giving easy come, easy go. like you don't have to read the mega-popular ones if they don't suit your tastes, but you haven't read anything???
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sophsicle · 1 year
there's something about the fact that Sirius thinks Remus is the spy but he still doesn't leave him. doesn't lock him up. doesn't hand him over to Dumbledore. that i feel like we don't talk about enough. like everyone gets so caught up in the "how could he even think that" that we overlook the "he thinks Remus is betraying them all and he still doesn't walk away." like okay babe, i see the knife. i'm not gonna move. go ahead. drive it in. where am I gonna go? where am I gonna go without you?
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hbpseverus · 1 month
okay, one thing about james. he is the only marauder (casting peter aside) who i just can't forgive. i like remus, and while i dislike sirius i can at least appreciate his strenghts and his good sides. but i can't forgive james for the swm incident and many people seem to have trouble understanding why this isolated event ruins his entire character. because i am willing to believe that he worked on himself and became a better person after hogwarts (mainly because i don't think lily would have ever married him otherwise). i completely believe that even at hogwarts, he was considered a likable person by many. that he was fun to be around and friendly to most. that he wasn't all bad or only a bully.
but here's the thing. there are things you only have to do once to be irredeemable, and what happened in snapes worst memory, to me, is one of those things. i do not care if james was an amazing person outside of this one incident. and i understand that everyone has different morals and that other people can forgive james - or not forgive severus. unlike james, severus got a chance to redeem himself and he took it. he was still a bully, but here's where my personal perception comes into play again. i had many awful teachers who were bullies and i know how much it sucks (in my country, teachers are insanely hard to get fired, meaning they truly can get away with almost anything including obvious discrimination). i can't justify his mistreatment of students, but to me his good sides outweigh it, so i can forgive and like him despite this flaw while others can not which is valid too. but sexual harassment is not something i can forgive no matter the circumstances or the person who did it. i would feel the same way if the roles had been reversed and james had been the victim - i wouldn't be a snape stan. ultimately we all have our own individual morals that play into how we perceive these complex characters.
tldr: it doesn't matter to me if james was a balanced character and a good person outside of swm because committing sexual harassment 'just once' is still one time too many and makes anyone permanently irredeemable in my eyes
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calamitoustide · 2 months
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this but jeg
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neverenoughmarauders · 5 months
Because it is too cute <3
'Shut it,' Potter said, scowling at Black as they exited the classroom of Madame Maxwell.
'I haven't said a thing,' Black said, smirking.
'Let's keep it that way,' Potter said, as all the Gryffindors headed towards the History of Magic classroom.
'So,' Black said in a seemingly casual tone, 'Madame Maxwell is really something, isn't she.'
Potter nodded, carefully: 'She's the real deal.'
'And really pretty, if you're into older women. Mind you, compared to your mum she must be quite young.'
Black ducked to avoid Potter's fist.
'What did you do that for? I am just saying, I can understand why you'd find such a refined lady attract - ouch.' This time, Potter had found his target.
'Oh stop it, Black,' Mary Macdonald said, 'I think it's cute how Potter blushed every time she spoke to him.'
'Watch it, Macdonald,' Potter growled.
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sailforvalinor · 20 days
I WOULD be normal but unfortunately I thought of the combination of the song “Little Brother” from the Outsiders musical + the moment the street explodes and Sirius Black stands there and all he can do is laugh under the weight of the realization that James Potter, his best friend and the man he would have gladly called his brother, is dead and it’s all his fault and then lets himself get arrested and dragged off to Azkaban because he thinks he deserves it
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rainintheevening · 1 month
They go see Tarzan for Harry's 19th birthday, just the two of them, he and Ginny.
"You'll Be In My Heart" starts to play, and Harry loses his breath because in that moment he hears his parents singing to him, he forgets the rest of the movie, he just knows how much he misses them, as he turns 19, which seems big somehow, bigger than 18, which happened when he was still processing everything that had happened in the Battle of Hogwarts, and therefore flew under the radar a bit.
But now he's sitting in the theatre bawling because it sounds like a lullaby being sung over him, and a bit of his heart will always wish to be rocked to sleep in his mum and dad's arms.
Ginny just holds him.
And it's the first lullaby Harry sings to little baby James when he holds him that first night, and a half-awake Ginny smiles.
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
Please indulge me, I’m very visual… all the while you’ve been writing ATWMD, are there any actors or musicians you’re thinking of that best represent how you’d imagine the characters to look like?
no i’m sorry i am not a fancast person 🤧 i don’t picture celebs etc when i’m writing i just imagine guys in my head…but there are some lovely artists who have made art for wfrau if u want to get a visual that way! @lyr-caelum @theinvisiblemuseum and @queerfeardear have all made art which i’ve embedded in the fic & u can also scroll thru my #fic art tag to find it there!
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resident-gay-bitch · 9 months
James being the first person Sirius comes out too
James being the first person to call Sirius by masculine terms
James being the first one Sirius gets to feel real whole hearted love from
James being the one to provide Sirius with more gender affirming clothing and accessories
James being the one to help Sirius figure out how to bind even thought it means he’ll see things Sirius doesn’t really want anyone seeing
James being the one Sirius cries to when he finally looks how he feels inside
James being the one to support and defend Sirius every second of every day no matter what the consequence
James being the one to hold Sirius through the nightmares and be a safety net when home doesn’t feel so homely
James being the one to hold Sirius’ hand through doctor appointments and blood tests so many tears
James being the one to hand Sirius the needle and watch with a smile when he takes his first dose of T
James being the one to love and support Sirius more than anyone in his life ever has or will
James being the one to tell Sirius he’s beautiful and valid and so so fucking manly whenever Sirius doubts it and even when he doesn’t
James being the one to share Sirius’ first kiss
James being the one to be gifted Sirius’ first and only love
James being the one that Sirius shows every part of himself too, even the parts he can’t bring himself to look at in the mirror
James being the one Sirius finally lets touch and love those parts
James being the one to make Sirius love and appreciate every part of himself and his body because he is valid in his identity and James will love and adore him no matter what form he comes in
James being the one Sirius gives everything too
Just James being Sirius’ everything
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bimoonphases · 17 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 9 - prompt 9: Owl [word count 631]
Sirius had woken up early that day, so early he had heard James get up from his bed and quietly walk out of their dorm. He hadn’t slept well, which wasn’t surprising, but at least he hadn’t had nightmares this time, and that was depressingly rare. Still, he didn’t manage to fall back asleep so he ended up padding across the room to Remus’s bed. Taking a deep breath, he slightly pulled aside the curtain. Burrowed under the covers as always, Remus opened an eye.
“Sirius?” he yawned.
“I’m sorry,” Sirius couldn’t help but saying.
That had been a bad idea. They had all become fast friends since their ride to Hogwarts a couple of months before, but that only meant he should preserve that friendship, not be his usual annoying self that could so easily alienate them, the same exact way he had alienated his own mother by just being himself.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered again.
He made to let the curtain go, but Remus pushed himself up and gently took his hand in his.
“Worried about turning twelve today?” he smiled.
Sirius could just nod. As always, Remus had guessed what jumbled thoughts were running through his brain. His first birthday since starting Hogwarts, his first birthday away from home, away from Regulus. His first birthday since his parents had labeled him a disgrace to the family name.
“Come in,” Remus said.
Sirius obeyed, burying himself under the blankets by Remus’s side.
“I just want to forget what day it is,” he confessed. “I’ll just imagine it’s not my birthday, it’s a useless day anyway.”
“It’s not,” Remus hugged him tightly. “I for one am really glad you were born. And so are James and Peter.”
Sirius didn’t answer. He just buried his head in the other boy’s shoulder and let himself be held until he fell asleep again.
When he woke up, Remus wasn’t by his side. Sirius blinked a couple of times then sat up, his eyes landing on a tray with freshly baked chocolate muffins and a steaming pot of tea at the foot of the bed, sat right by a cage from where a barn owl was looking at him curiously.
“And who are you?” Sirius asked.
“He’s up boys,” Peter’s voice said from behind the bed curtains.
A second later, the curtains had been thrown back and James, Peter and Remus had launched themselves at Sirius.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIRI!!!” they chorused, almost knocking him out while the owl hooted in protest.
“Here, have a birthday muffin,” Remus said, shoving one in his hands while he took two for himself.
“Thank you,” Sirius said, looking at his friends then back at the cage. “What’s with the owl?”
“It’s your birthday present,” James beamed. “From all of us. You know, since your parents don’t allow you to use the family one anymore and you’re always having to use one of the school owls to write your brother back home.”
“You… You got me my own owl?” Sirius stared at James.
“James’s parents chose him, James went to the owlery this morning to collect him,” Peter smiled.
“But it was Remus’s idea,” James added. “The whole thing.”
“I…” Sirius swallowed, feeling tears prickling his eyes, but for once they weren’t the bad kind of tears. “Thank you.”
“How are you going to call him?” Peter asked, pouring the tea in the four mugs piled on the tray.
“Oh, that’s easy,” Sirius smiled, opening the cage and offering a piece of muffin to the owl, who took it and pecked him affectionately on the finger. “His name is Gryffin.”
He cautiously petted the owl’s head, all the bad feelings of when he had first woken up that morning gone. Maybe turning twelve wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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divkazkdovikde · 1 year
you know the fic is good when:
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(casanova of griffindor tower by moonystar_394 on ao3)
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harmcityherald · 6 months
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cursedwithwords · 7 months
I know James was canonically a Gryffindor but I just don’t see him as one. I alternate him between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, and sometimes Hufflepuff on the rare occasion
I'm full-on frothing at the mouth for Ravenclaw James, partly because of my headcanon that he becomes close friends with Helena and partly because I genuinely believe in the marrow of my bones that he is fucking BRILLIANT. Plus I headcanon his favorite color is blue. Nah, nah, hold on you may have just did something I feel feral.
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padfootastic · 2 years
Related to Remus being made the brilliant one and how that possibly stems from us seeing him studying for the Transfiguration O.W.L., people forget that Sirius isn’t studying because he already knows the material and doesn’t need to review. Is it cocky? Yes, but considering McGonagall’s later statement that Sirius and James were brilliant, it’s likely that he did do well (combined with his expectation of getting all Os). Sirius and James were effortlessly brilliant, the kids that barely have to take notes and still score the highest, and Remus may have been an intelligent student (he becomes DADA professor and was actually competent, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he was brilliant in all his classes, just that DADA was a class he did well in), but Remus had to work at it
no but it’s literally so funny how remus became the uptight nerd as if the man literally didn’t cause unending chaos on his literal first day???? he was a whole marauder (for whatever that was worth), a very fuckall prefect, and in a resistance against ~dark forces.
i think it’s down to like, 1. poor, shallow reading comprehension where teacher=swot; 2. trying to force the golden trio dynamics (which in itself reiterated how badly people read these characters bc hermione, for all her know-it-allness was so ruthless and mercenary???); 3. trying to contrast james’ and sirius’ perceived traits (how else would u imply remus was superior 😌😌)
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inevitablestars · 2 months
today here at inevitablestars we are thinking about the black brothers and evans sisters 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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