#((these are.....surprisingly accurate))
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Happy FNAF movie day!
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ok-pop-1 · 5 months
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i love remlits ;-; feat. @linked-maze's sky!
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Roy and Dick being divorced parents and fighting for custody of the team is actually incredibly accurate to the og Teen Titans comics. Those two had beef on sight.
Also Wally being INCREDIBLY DISTRAUGHT over their fighting is fantastic and I love it.
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"Don't drag Wally into this!" - Small bird man who doesn't want to lose his BFF in the divorce
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iysure · 1 year
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just girl-best-roommate things
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milfbro · 3 months
Sorry, last one. I was taught almost nothing about Roman history in school. only a brief very Marxist overview before we carried on to medieval history because my school was like that
meaning the most I know about Julius Caesar and Marc Antony and Cleopatra I learned from a Courtesan romance choose your own adventure game in the Choices app. You know, one where you play a gaul warrior princess and you get to seduce Cassius and Marc Antony and have sex with him at the empty senate floor if you want. Yeah. I didn't do that one but that's cause I didn't have enough free diamonds
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sandeewithtwoe · 2 months
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Alright here’s my sans (?) height chart (??)
I put fresh at the end for funsies
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antariqsh · 2 months
cosmos persona! thank you so much for the tag @paapi @antiquititties i am always up for silly quizzes :]
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open tags!
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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makerspace ily!!!
(makerspace is a room at Otakon that has tons of craft supplies) / referenced off of Starember’s manhua panels
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my first sketch attempt which i fucked up horrifically and abandoned:
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exocynraku · 5 months
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nightwing & smokepaw
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mumblingsage · 3 days
It is always right to call fascists fascists, but I would like to see a bit more...not even caution, quite...awareness that "Bad thing X" is not unique to fascism and/or predates it and manifests in other systems. In both fiction and real life. Someone analyzing the Dune universe called the Great Houses fascist and, my friend, that is feudalism. (Frank Herbert was not the most realistic writer but even he knew better than to pretend a fascist regime could function for thousands of years. This is not to understate the threat of fascism, but part of the threat from that vicious tantrum disguised as a political system is that it is so incredibly unstable. And the reason I think I'm not just being pedantic is that when we call more long-running or "successful" - while still evil - regimes or philosophies fascist, we are giving fascism credit it very much does not deserve! We're also missing how bigotries and pathologies are much more widespread and can even appear in our own preferred political projects.)
Sometimes the word people are looking for is "authoritarian," and once again I'm pointing to researcher Bob Altemeyer's free ebook on the topic, available on his website.
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alicornze7 · 2 months
Happy (late) international asexuality day!
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this took a whole weekend...
it’s literally my day and I missed it how can I even call myself an ace smh/j
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steakout-05 · 7 months
drew Engie again,,, i think my TF2 special interest is resurfacing
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(might draw this one digitally i really like it!)
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also bonus soldier sketch that i was proud of :)
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lawesculape · 10 months
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Today's prompt is camping. I didn't know what to do so I launched the sims 4 to see what could happen with my Kid and Law sims.
I was playing for 5 minutes and Kid started a fight with a bear. And won.
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itlearns · 5 months
“There is no way I’m leaving you in the middle of nowhere at this hour to find your own way home”, Miles says.
You’re not really comfortable with cars, actually. You get anxiety and motion sickness.
“The car’s suspension is the best you can find and I’m a really steady driver”, Miles says. “I’m not very good with jolt myself, as you could have noticed”.
That’s not much of a calming statement, if you think about it.
“I had not a single accident in fifteen years drive record, you really have nothing to worry about”, Miles says.
You don’t know why you are refusing an invitation so persistently. Probably because you’re not really calm about the idea of spending two hours in a closed tiny space with Miles Edgeworth. That also might be because he sounds even more irritated and annoyed than usual. You know it’s just because of the case, yet it makes you nervous in some weird kind of way.
And yet you are in the middle of nowhere and you’re tired and it’s getting late and you have no desire to wait all night in the bus stop for the first vehicle to take you to the closest town at 7 am next morning.
So you get into the car.
You don’t really know how to drive, but watching Miles go through motions necessary is somewhat calming. His movements are automatic yet deliberate and controlled. He still looks angrier that usual, but there’s no pressure or sharpness in his hands. You absolutely can believe he didn’t get into a single incident in fifteen years.
“Is driving a car really such an unusual activity to observe?”, he asks without looking at you, as you finally making it to some civilly looking road.
“You’re staring”.
“Oh”. You turn your head away just to look back at him immediately, since you have to answer something. “Well, it is a little weird. You look more equipped for horse riding then driving a sportscar somehow”.
He does his strange little sneer, not paired with an actual smile.
“Well, this engine’s capacity is 950 horsepower, so I think the contradiction can be avoided”
 “Now, that is a lot of horses”, you chuckle a bit nervously.
         This awkward exchange calms you down a little. The case is a mess, and everyone is stressed out. The whole day of investigation and no one was able to find victim’s head. Identifying of the body is not carried out fast enough and autopsy report is obviously not going to be ready any time soon.
         Despite Gumshoe running around saying he’s going to take all the dirty work on himself, Miles looks way messier that he usually allows himself to be. His hand laying on the wheel in an effortless manner, but he’s still frowning, and his lips are pursed. And you just don’t want Miles to be stressed or troubled. You want Miles to… You are staring again, aren’t you?
Trying to find somewhere less rude to look at you look at the dashboard and watch the speedometer needle pass 110 kilometers. This with the image of Miles barely even holding the wheel makes you think that maybe it’s time to confess your sins and pray for forgiveness to whoever is may be out there.
“Are… you okay, Edgeworth?”
“I am, thank you very much”. Sometimes you really can’t say if he’s being passive-aggressive or if it’s just his impeccable god damned manners.
“That’s kinda a little too fast, is it not?”
“That’s fine. This is a national expressway, the speed limit here is 120 kilometers per hour”
“You’re being fined for speeding is not exactly what’ I’m worried about”.
He doesn’t react to that at all, eyes still fixed on the road.
“Does it… help? With the anger?”, you ask carefully.
He takes a brief pause to consider it.
The speedometer needle goes up to 118.
“Not a single accident in fifteen years”, you remind yourself.
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sneverussape · 1 year
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at 18 years old a decision was made.
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Why has Barnaby made TWO hospital visits in one year??? What was the first one about??? [<-Talking about the Human AU]
no yeah the first one was Howdy's brief stint (a couple hours) for the whole smoke inhilation minor injuries from the fire thing.
the second one was for Wally's festive lil car crash where he comes very close to Fuckign Dying!!! and. well. technically there are many different visits for that one cause he's in the hospital for a hot sec, but yk. technically only two hospital-worthy events
#barnaby: oh man howdy being in the hospital was terrifying!#barnaby: i sure hope i never have to experience anything like this again!#and- whats that? WHY ITS WALLY DARLING WITH A STEEL CHAIR-#its a very distressing event for everyone!!!#a long night of a bunch of colorful Very Stressed friends in a waiting room followed by several weeks of equally stressed visits#its a Bad Accident#like a 'its a borderline miracle that wally survived' accident#the rest of the au is pretty feel-good and the angst is more mild & normal/expected#this is like. just the Big Dramatic Event that fucks everyone up ahaha#i needed to include at least one!!!#its very detailed in my mind...#from the call getting cut off to barnaby sobbing his heart out in the hospital parking garage to etc etc etc#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#its fun! for me. and anyone who enjoys this flavor of Fictional Drama#ive been going through reddit threads & articles & sites all morning researching medical stuff#as i am wont to do when thinking about characters getting injured <3#usually its for stuff like stab wounds and disembowelment and hypothermia and lung collapse and- you get the picture#car crashes Surprisingly are rarely in my wheelhouse of angst! for some reason! theyre very juicy!#anyway i like to get everything as accurate as possible in my head#and then take Creative Liberties bc this is fiction#but! they're purposeful (mild) inaccuracies! if im gonna do something wrong im gonna do it Correctly!#do the. do the something wrong correctly. do the wrong thing Right! on purpose!#so that if people go 'well uhm acktually' i can say with my entire chest I Know! I Did This On Purpose! Thank You!
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