#((who just turned up out of the blue in their son's life and has got him in such a good mood since!))
slaymitchabernathy · 3 days
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All in the Timing
Coriolanus Snow is many things.
He’s rich.
He’s successful.
He’s important.
He’s being stared down by a small child right now.
The last one concerns him.
It’s not that he despises children, but he’s never been drawn to them. Perhaps he worries about coming off as creepy, nothing screams ‘child predator’ like handing out candy to children at the zoo. It doesn’t help that he’s a rather large man, well, large in his stature with his broad shoulders and long legs.
But this child, this small little girl is staring him down while he waits for his friend Festus to close their tab at the bar. They’re at one of their favorite restaurants, the Grand Oak and he’s standing near the host stand, doing his best to ignore the little girl.
But she’s hard to ignore.
She has these blue eyes, but they’re not just blue, they have hints of gray in them as well, making her quite the startling child. Whoever her mother is certainly passed down her genetics because this little girl has been blessed with long blonde hair and an adorable face.
She's standing near a group of adults all getting their coats from the coat check so he can only assume she belongs to one of them. She must be very well-behaved if she was brought into an establishment such as this one, known for its fine dining experience.
Someone claps his shoulder and pulls him back into reality, “All closed up Snow.” He rolls his eyes at the nickname that Festus gave him all those years ago as if calling him by his first name is so difficult.
“Let’s hope you paid the correct amount this time,” Coriolanus mumbles, giving Festus a knowing glare. The last time he trusted Festus with a responsibility such as closing their tab, he only paid half and Coriolanus had to come back the next day to pay the rest of it.
But Coriolanus can’t help but look back over at the little girl who’s still watching him, Festus now on her radar. Festus who has an infant son waiting for him at home grins and gives her a wave, “Oh, she’s so cute. You know, it’s never too late to settle down and start a family Snow.”
Coriolanus shakes his head, it sounds nice but starting a family means finding someone to love him unconditionally and that seems impossible.
He offers the girl a small smile, hoping he doesn’t frighten the child but she visibly perks up and smiles back.
“Ceraphina darling, let’s put on your coat.”
A gentle, feminine voice from the group of adults draws the little girl's attention away from Coriolanus and Festus and she turns around to face one of the most beautiful women Coriolanus has ever seen.
This woman is undoubtedly her mother. With her long blonde hair that falls down to her waist, her tan complexion, and her rosy pink lips. She’s gorgeous.
And she’s holding a miniature version of the pink coat she’s wearing, so she and her daughter can match.
The little girl's face lights up as her mother crouches down to help her into the coat and she leans in, tapping her mother's shoulder and whispering something that causes her mother to tilt her head to hear her better.
Coriolanus can only imagine what the child says but a moment later, he’s got two pairs of blue-gray eyes looking up at him.
The woman offers him a small, polite smile before rising to her full height once again, wrapping her coat around her frame and taking her daughter’s hand, “Let’s go, darling.”
She offers him a small nod, out of sheer politeness no doubt and her daughter gives him a wave, which makes him chuckle, she is a rather sweet child.
Their entire group slowly makes their way out into the cold winter night and the last man in the group looks somewhat familiar to him. He’s got brown hair and glasses hanging onto the bridge of his nose for dear life as he wraps a winter scarf around his neck.
He says a word of goodbye to the hostess behind Coriolanus and Festus and their eyes meet for a moment, leading Coriolanus to wonder even more where he’s seen this man before.
“He looked familiar,” he says to Festus once the lobby is empty, “have we met him before?”
Festus shrugs, pulling out a cigar, “We’ve met lots of people,” he tells Coriolanus, helping with nothing,” maybe he was in one of our quarterly meetings.”
Coriolanus nods but doesn’t quite believe him, “Maybe.”
꧁ ꧂
“I’m afraid we don’t have this in your size in this department Mr. Snow.”
Coriolanus can’t stop the frown from growing across his face when given that disappointing news. He’s shopping for a new pair of leather shoes and apparently, it’s hard to find a size ten these days.
He sighs, shaking his head, “It’s fine. Don’t worry abo—“
“But we do have one pair of shoes in the women’s department according to our system. I guess someone left them down there by mistake,” the associate interjects, giving him that customer service smile that he truly despises.
Coriolanus clears his throat, he hasn’t ever gone up to the women’s section but there’s a first time for everything. “Alright. I’ll head up there.”
It’s a short ride on the escalator and Coriolanus is blown away at how much more there is on this floor compared to the men’s. Racks and racks of clothes, a whole makeup department.
A complete step up from the men’s department.
But he’s not here to linger. He’s here to get his shoes.
He makes his way toward the shoe section of the store, passing by several beautifully wrapped gift boxes since the holiday season is upon them once again.
He’s surprised at how empty it is up here, only a few women can be seen milling around the clothing racks but the shoe section is wide open. Right next to the children’s section.
He approaches the associate who immediately perks up once she lays eyes on him, “Mr. Snow?”
“That’s me,” he nods, “I was told there were some shoes in my size up here.”
“Yes sir. Let me go get them for you.”
Coriolanus thanks the woman before she disappears into the back room and he’s left alone once again, this time feeling a bit out of place right next to all the baby clothes. They’re all so tiny, adorned with ruffles and bows.
He reaches out to touch a small dress made for an infant when a voice startles him, “Hi!”
He looks all around him, unable to find where the voice came from until he hears a giggle. “I’m down here.”
Coriolanus can’t hide his disbelief when he looks down to find the same little girl he saw at the Grand Oak looking up at him, a bright smile on her face, swinging her arms back and forth.
“Hello,” he gets out, taking a cautious step back. Her mother must be around here somewhere, probably shopping. “I remember you,” the little girl continues, taking a step toward him, “you have blue eyes like me.”
Coriolanus wants to point out that she has more gray in her eyes than blue but she’s already talking about something else, “Why are you on this floor? My Mommy says this floor is for girls and you’re not a girl.” She looks him up and down suspiciously as if she’s making sure he’s not a freakishly tall woman in disguise.
Coriolanus scratches the back of his neck, he’s never met such an outgoing child before, “I came up here to get some shoes that should’ve been in the men’s department,” he explains, “I wasn’t aware that I’d be in a ladies presence.”
The little girl lights up at his comment, considering her a lady, “I’m five years old,” she tells him proudly, “and I’m gonna be five and a half in January.”
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows, seemingly impressed, “Well that’s a very smart age to be.”
“Mhm. It is. I get to see my friends tomorrow at scho—“
Both Coriolanus and Ceraphina jump when her mother appears, flushed in the face, “What did I tell you about talking to strangers?”
Ceraphina clasps her hands behind her back and looks down at the floor, doing her best to look guilty, “You said not to Mommy.”
Her mother nods, placing a hand on top of her head, “That’s right. You can’t run off and go talking to people you don’t know.”
Ceraphina scrunches her face and looks up at her mother, her eyes wide and pleading, “But I do know him, Mommy. He was at the restaurant, remember?” She points right at Coriolanus which means he’s not getting out of this unscathed.
Her mother’s eyes travel up his body, and he must say, she looks even prettier during the daytime. He can see that she has freckles all over her face, making her eyes pop even more.
“I do remember,” she murmurs, brushing her hair behind her ears, “but that doesn’t mean you can just run off without telling me, darling.”
Coriolanus doesn’t want her to get in trouble, even though she did run off. She seems like a sweet child. “I do apologize,” he says, “I remembered both of you from the other night. I assumed you’d be within a safe distance from her but I shouldn’t have engaged in any conversation.”
Ceraphina’s mother looks him up and down, she’s on guard, protecting her baby from this strange man. “No need to apologize,” she finally says, pulling Ceraphina towards her, “I remember you as well. I’m sorry if she was bothering you.”
Coriolanus shakes his head, offering her a kind smile, “She’s not a bother at all.”
Ceraphina looks at her mother triumphantly, “See Mommy? I’m not a bother at all.”
Her mother sighs and shakes her head, “We should get going, we have to stop by your grandfather's office before we go home.”
Coriolanus wants to ask for her name, ask who her father is, and if it’s the gentlemen he saw the other night with her group but they’re all interrupted by the sales associate who chose the worst time to show back up.
“Here are your shoes, Mr. Snow!”
A wave of recognition washes over Ceraphina’s mother’s face but she doesn’t say anything further before they both walk off, Ceraphina looking over her shoulder to wave goodbye.
He waves back because who doesn’t wave back at a five-year-old? But he can’t help but watch them as they go, watch how her mother holds Ceraphina’s hand as they walk onto the escalator, reassuring her that it’s safe.
They’re both wrapped up in their winter coats again, this time both of them are light blue, bringing out their eyes. They’re practically twins which makes him wonder who her husband is. He must know the man from somewhere. He should’ve asked. That would be less creepy than asking who her father is.
“Mr. Snow?”
“Hmm? Oh, yes the shoes. I’ll take them.”
It seems as if fate led him to run into those two again, so he can only hope that the third times the charm.
꧁ ꧂
꧁ Two Weeks Later ꧂
This meeting is taking forever.
Coriolanus drums his fingers against the long mahogany table, somewhat listening to Urban Canville while he drones on and on about meeting quotas and whatnot.
Coriolanus looks over at Festus whose head is tilted back, mouth wide open while he sleeps. Coriolanus wishes he could sleep right now, but with his luck, he'll get caught out. Festus has a knack for getting out of trouble.
"And that," Urban says, slapping the table with his hand, waking up Festus in the process, "is how we're going to be the most successful firm next year." Festus blinks several times, pulling at his necktie, "Yes, yes, good spirits and whatnot for the new year," he mumbles, getting a few nodding heads from their other colleagues.
Ubran smiles, pleased that this meeting has gone so well for him since he was promoted, "Exactly Festus. Now, don't forget about the holiday party, plus ones are allowed but keep the drinking to a limit," he eyes Festus who holds his hands up in surrender, "Someone has to be the life of the party," Festus counters.
Coriolanus rolls his eyes, Festus just loves being the center of attention, let alone the party.
Urban doesn't look too convinced, but he dismisses them and Coriolanus is the first one out the door. He's got to finish his yearly report before he can mentally clock out for the rest of the holiday season. He knows Festus will procrastinate and do it at the last second, but Coriolanus prides himself on being timely and dependable.
"Well that took forever," Festus grumbles, meeting him at the end of the hallway, "someone should introduce him to bullet points because that meeting was the entire essay." Coriolanus grins as they round a corner, leading them to the lobby of the fifth floor where the elevators and receptionist desk are located.
The lobby has been decorated for the holidays with garlands and fake pine trees, making the atmosphere more lively. Coriolanus spots the receptionist talking to someone on the phone animatedly, all while glancing over her desk. He frowns, wondering what's gotten her so worked up.
Maybe someone delivered a package to the wrong floor, that's happened before and it's always a mess trying to get it to the right place. But as Coriolanus and Festus round the desk, they come face to face with Ceraphina. Again.
This must be fate.
She brightens up when she sees two familiar faces, Coriolanus more specifically.
This girl has clearly never met a stranger before.
Coriolanus grins down at her, "Hello, fancy seeing you here."
Ceraphina nods, glancing back at the receptionist who's still rattling off information on the phone, "My grandfather works here," she tells him proudly, putting her hands on her hips. She's wearing a pink dress with long sleeves and little white boots with a pink bow in her hair.
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows and glances at Festus who seems interested as well as to who her grandfather is. "And who might that be?" Festus asks, leaning forward to hear her better. The receptionist sets the phone down loudly, causing all three of them to jump, "She's Glen Nightingale's granddaughter," the woman says with a sigh, "I don't know how she got down here but he's been looking for her everywhere."
Glen Nightingale.
He should've known her grandfather was one of the head owners of the firm. He's practically in the presence of greatness, even if the greatness is only five years old, riding on five and a half.
"How did you get down here?" Coriolanus asks her, knowing that the most important people work on the very top floor. He would know since he works on the floor below them, so close to being at the top.
Ceraphina giggles and bounces on her toes, "I took the elevenator."
Festus chuckles, "You mean the elevator?"
She scrunches her face, shaking her head, "That's what I just said."
"Well, Miss Ceraphina, it seems that I have to take you up to your grandfather's office," the receptionist says with a sigh, acting as if she's so burdened by this responsibility suddenly. Coriolanus chews on his bottom lip a moment before finally making up his mind, "I can take her."
Ceraphina quickly nods and reaches up for his hand, taking it without hesitation, "Yes! He works on the tippy-top floor, it's very high up in the clouds."
Coriolanus nods along while they walk towards the elevator, ignoring the smirk he's getting from Festus. Ceraphina waves goodbye to the receptionist before the doors close, "I can press the button!" She says, swatting away at his hand when he goes to press it.
"You wouldn't happen to be taking her so that you can run into her mother again would you?" Festus whispers, nudging Coriolanus with his elbow, earning him a sharp look from Coriolanus. He made the mistake of telling Festus about his encounter with Glen Nightingale's daughter and granddaughter in the department store the other week and now Festus is convinced that it's a sign.
It would be if Ceraphina's mother wasn't married with a child.
"I'm simply being a good-hearted samaritan, looking to spread some holiday cheer," he replies, looking straight ahead to ignore any teasing looks he might get from Festus.
Festus only scoffs before the doors slide open, letting them out on the top floor. "Can we go again?" Ceraphina asks, tugging on his hand. Coriolanus shakes his head although it's hard to tell her no to anything when she gives him those pleading eyes, batting her eyelashes up at him. How do people ever say no to their children?
"We better find your grandfather's office," he tells her, leading them through the lobby and down the hall. He looks over at the large painting hanging on the left wall, every founder of the company is pictured with a stern-looking face. Glen Nightingale's face looks down on them as they pass by, making Coriolanus feel a little bit nervous about this plan of his now that they're nearing the end.
He hopes that Glen is nice, that he's not some asshole who thinks of himself as being better than everyone else. He at least must love his grandaughter if he brought her with him to work today.
"Ooo, danish delights," Festus says, beelining for the breakroom, "I'll catch up with you later."
Coriolanus needn't be told twice.
Nothing sounds worse than Festus trying to crack a joke with Glen Nightingale, the man who writes their paychecks every two weeks so Coriolanus doesn't fight him on it.
"Do you know my grandfather?" Ceraphina asks him, taking three steps for every step he takes. Coriolanus nods, doing his best to remain calm, cool, and collected, "I do. Well, I know of him," he corrects himself, not needing her to repeat false information, "I work for him."
Ceraphina hums, starting to skip instead of walking down the hall of the most important offices in the entire building, "Lots of people now my grandfather. Mommy says it's because of his job."
Coriolanus wonders if he might run into her mother again, probably not. "Yes, he's a well-known face in the Capitol," he agrees.
They finally reach the end of the hall, coming to a stop in front of the ominous doors that lead to Glen Nightingale's office. Coriolanus braces himself to know, raising up his other hand but Ceraphina beats him to it, shoving the doors open like she owns the place.
"I'm back!"
Coriolanus stays planted in the hallway while Ceraphina prances into the office, her grandfather watching her from behind his large desk. A wall of windows is behind him, giving Coriolanus a gorgeous view of the Capitol skyline. "Where'd you run off to this time sweetheart?" Glen asks, peering over the rim of his glasses at his granddaughter who happily runs around his desk to give him a hug.
It's a sweet sight to witness the important and powerful Glen Nightingale picking his granddaughter up and swooping her into his lap, tickling her and making her laugh. "I went downstairs," she giggles, pushing his glasses further up his nose, "they have a Christmas tree in the lobby downstairs, why don't you have one on your floor?"
Glen smiles, brushing some of her hair out from her face, "I'll have them set a tree up tonight. It'll be here the next time you come and visit, how does that sound?"
Glen's attention is finally drawn to Coriolanus who feels so fucking awkward watching this interaction that is a very private one. Many things can be said about Glen Nightingale from a business perspective, but no one really knows anything about his private life.
"And who might you be? Not another grandchild I hope, you're far too old to be running around my building."
Coriolanus grins and Ceraphina gasps, shaking her head and tugging on Glen's shoulder, "He's not your grandchild! I'm your grandchild! He works here," she points at Coriolanus, "we saw him at the restaurant remember?"
Glen seems to remember that short-lived interaction and he nods, "Yes, I do recall seeing your face that night. Snow isn't it?"
Coriolanus can't believe this man knows who he is, even if it's only by his last name. That's a step up in his book. "Yes sir. Coriolanus Snow."
Ceraphina wiggles out of Glen's lap, running over to a small seating area where there are all sorts of dolls and stuffed animals laid out over the rug and furniture, "The receptionist on the fifth floor was going to bring her here but I offered to do it instead. I hope you don't mind."
Glen waves him in, an offer Coriolanus gladly accepts once he closes the doors behind him, "Nonesne," Glen says, shaking his head, "you're a man who takes initiative, a man who remembers faces and looks out for those who are in trouble. Although my little Ceraphina is rarely ever in trouble."
Ceraphina looks over her shoulder at him, her eyes lit up with excitement, "Mhm, I'm very well behaved." Both men chuckle and Glen rises from his chair, "And very modest too."
Coriolanus watches her play with her dolls, in her own little world really. "She's very well-mannered," he tells Glen, "I've never met such a confident child, especially a young lady." Most little girls he's come across have hidden behind their parent's legs, not wanting to talk to him at all and he can't really blame them, he's not the most approachable-looking man with his stern face.
But Ceraphina doesn't seem to think so.
Glen stops next to him, both of them watching his granddaughter play," Yes," he agrees, "she's very extroverted. It's my daughter who's the shy one, makes me wonder where Ceraphina got all her spunk."
Before Coriolanus can ask where exactly Glen's daughter is, the doors fly open, this time it's a taller blonde with blue-gray eyes opening them, "You found her?"
It's Ceraphina's mother, panting which means she probably ran to get here. She looks flustered, and she clearly didn't expect to see Coriolanus standing in her father's office, "Coriolanus here found her," Glen says, patting Coriolanus on the shoulder while he tries to look like he's not kissing up to her father.
"Oh thank goodness," she says, rushing past both of them to get to Ceraphina who smiles up at her, oblivious to how many people have probably been looking for her. "Mommy, can we go get lunch now?"
Her mother nods, looking back over at Coriolanus for a moment before crouching down to be at eye level with her daughter, "You can't run off like that darling," she says softly, holding Ceraphina's face in her hands, "someone else could've found you and taken you. That's why I tell you not to talk to strangers, you're all I have."
Coriolanus frowns, all she has?
"She's perfectly safe here Soarynn," Glen says to his daughter.
Soarynn, what a beautiful name.
Soarynn sighs, shaking her head, "You don't know that," she tells her father, standing back up and walking over to them, "he's not going to be there every time she runs off," she gestures towards Coriolanus, "and your secretary isn't being paid to watch after her either."
Well, this is awkward.
Coriolanus takes this as an opportunity to admire how Soarynn looks today, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, her outfit today is a gray dress, fitting her perfectly at the waist and stopping above the ankle.
"I don't think we've formally met," he says, reaching out his hand to her, "I'm Coriolanus Snow."
Soarynn looks at his hand, not immediately taking it which makes him feel so stupid but she finally takes it and he can't help but notice how small her hand is, how soft and dainty it feels in his large hand.
"I'm sorry we have to keep meeting like this," she says, pulling her hand from his, and Coriolanus is quick to shake his head, "Don't be. There's worse people to constantly be running into."
Stupid, stupid, he chides himself, why did he have to word it like that?
But it seems that Glen Nightingale is on his own agenda because he places his hand on Soarynn's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, "Perhaps you two could arrange a meeting, like over dinner, lit by candlelight."
Soarynn scoffs, giving her father a nasty glare, "I don't think Coriolanus is inter-"
"Well you never know until you ask honey," Glen cuts her off, "and I don't see a ring on his finger. You're not married are you Coriolanus?"
He feels...caught for some reason but Coriolanus quickly shakes his head, flashing the father-daughter-duo a smile, "No sir. I'm free as a bird."
Glen hums, "See? It's as easy as that."
Soarynn looks desperate to get out of this conversation, slapping her father's hand away, "It's not as easy at that," she tells him, "and I think we're going to go to lunch. We'll see you at home."
Glen doesn't fight her on it, simply watching Soarynn help Ceraphina gather all her toys into a bag before putting on their coats, "Goodbye!" Ceraphina says, running over to give her grandfather a hug. Glen kneels down, groaning when she throws her arms around her neck, "Goodbye my girl, enjoy lunch and be good for your mother."
Ceraphina smiles, placing a kiss on his cheek, "I will!"
She looks up at Coriolanus a bit unsure of how to say goodbye to him, "Thanks for rescuing me." Coriolanus chuckles, he'd hardly consider that rescuing but he's glad she sees it that way, "It was my pleasure," he tells her.
Ceraphina is out the door before anyone can say another word, that girl is a little busybody if he's ever seen one. Soarynn sighs, offering him a polite smile, "Thank you for bringing her back."
"Of course."
He hoped she might say a little bit more but Soarynn Nightingale is a woman of few words apparently because she turns to her father, giving him a kiss on the cheek before promising to see him at home, and just like that, she's gone.
The office seems much more empty now that it's just the two of them.
"You have a beautiful family," Coriolanus tells Glen, and he means it too. If his family ever ends up being half as lovely as Glens, he'll consider himself a successful man. Glen grins, pushing his glasses back up his nose once again, "Thank you. I'm very lucky to have both girls in my life. I do apologize for trying to set you up on a date with my daughter, she's just so shy and you seem like a good man Coriolanus Snow."
Those words mean more than Glen could ever know, but Coriolanus doesn't let it show, simply nodding, "Thank you, sir, I try to be."
He really does, and he's going to make it his new mission to find out more about Soarynn Nightingale.
꧁ ꧂
"It says here that Glen Nightingale's wife died twenty-four years ago."
Coriolanus frowns when he hears what Festus has found during their "research session." If he can even call it that. They're both sitting in his study at home, nursing glasses of whiskey. Festus needed to get out of the house and away from his crying son, and Coriolanus needed an assistant to help him find out more about the Nightingales.
It worked out for both of them.
"Soarynn looked to be around twenty-four," he mumbles, flipping through old newspapers, "so that could mean that..."
He doesn't want to finish his sentence, doesn't want to suggest that it could mean that Mrs. Nightingale died during childbirth, much like his own mother when trying to give birth to his little sister.
"It says she died giving birth to their only daughter, Soarynn Nightingale. Wow you were right, she is very pretty. Anyways, it says he has one grandchild, Ceraphina Nightingale, but I can't find anything else about Soarynn."
He already knows that. What he wants to know is where is Ceraphina's father? He's clearly not in the picture if Glen is trying to set Soarynn up with dates, but Soarynn seemed so withdrawn from the idea. Repulsed even, and he took that personally.
"It doesn't say anything about a father?"
"Nope. But maybe she never got married since she still has her maiden name."
Or she's divorced, Coriolanus thinks, flipping through more articles.
Festus sighs, stretching in his armchair, "I mean, think about it, if Ceraphina is five, and Soarynn is twenty-four, then that means she had her when she was nineteen. And no one from a prominent family like hers is just having kids on purpose at nineteen. I think it was wedlock."
Coriolanus frowns, that actually might make sense, which is terrible.
"But then she would be married," he counters, "if she did get pregnant by accident, the families would have them get married before announcing the pregnancy to cover it up and there's no way they'd allow for a divorce."
When you're in a prominent family such as the Snows, the Nightingales, or the Creeds, divorce is a recipe for disaster. No one gets divorced unless there's a case of abuse.
If Soarynn did get married out of wedlock, she'd have a ring on her finger.
"She still lives with her father," Festus points out, "so maybe she did get divorced but they just covered it up really well."
Maybe, but that still seems unlikely.
Coriolanus groans and grabs another stack of newspapers, "No, it has to be something else. Glen wouldn't be that...passive and encouraging if that was the case. He was trying to set us up on a date, what type of father does that if his daughter had a baby out of wedlock and then turned around to get divorced?"
Festus shrugs, "A terrible one," he jokes, not getting a single laugh out of Coriolanus who merely rolls his eyes in response. Coriolanus keeps going through newspapers, searching for something, anything.
Then he lands on a tragic page. A page mentioning a terrible car accident, with no survivors.
"What're you looking at? Oh, I remember that, poor Felix," Festus says, shaking his head, "can't believe it's been five years since he passed."
Coriolanus slams his hand on the desk, "THAT'S IT!"
Festus topples out of his chair, hitting the floor with a loud thud.
"Felix Ravenstill was seeing a girl before the accident, remember? And she had just graduated from the Academy, he said she was very pretty but very shy. He also said her dad was as rich as his dad, but that doesn't matter. But right before the accident, he started getting really nervous, remember? He was always on edge, always leaving lectures to go talk to someone on the phone."
Festus groans from his spot on the floor, rubbing his head, "So what? You think he was courting Soarynn and got her pregnant?"
Coriolanus nods, pacing back and forth now that he's putting the pieces back together, "Yes, I remember seeing the Glen at the funeral, but Soarynn wasn't there. I would've remembered seeing her there. Oh it makes perfect sense, he got her pregnant, and before they could do anything about it he cr-"
"He died," Festus says, cutting him off, "leaving her pregnant and alone to raise their baby. At least Ceraphina looks like her mother because Felix wasn't very good-looking if you can remember."
Coriolanus scoffs, barely thinking about Felix any more. He can't believe he put the pieces together. Well, he thinks he put the pieces together, but he's not entirely sure. The Nightingales and the Ravenstills must have agreed to keep it a secret due to how tragic of a loss it already was.
How sad, he can’t imagine being so young and having to raise a child alone. At least she’s rich. And her father seems very supportive, not holding it against her at all.
Festus finally peels himself off the floor, dusting off his pants for good measures, “I say we quit our day jobs and invest in a mystery-solving business,” he proposes, “except we don’t solve any real crimes because people who go poking their noses into things like that always wind up dead. But rich housewife drama? It’s perfect! I can see it now: ‘Creed & Snow Investigations’!”
Coriolanus rolls his eyes, “My last name would come first, and we’re not quitting our day jobs.”
He can’t quit for many reasons but the most important reason right now is to learn more about the woman he can't seem to get out of his head. He's just got to play his cards right.
꧁ ꧂
"Have you seen the guest list for the holiday party yet?"
"No, do you have it?"
"Yes! Some of these men aren't even bringing their wives!"
Coriolanus pretends to be very interested in his cup of coffee while eavesdropping on the conversation between two secretaries from two separate floors. If he can sneak a look at the guest list, he can find out if Soarynn is coming to the holiday party.
He just has to get his hands on the list.
Which is why he's planned a distraction. And it should be going off any minute now...
Coriolanus should've asked someone else to be the distraction.
But both secretaries are running out of the breakroom in seconds to find out who's causing all this racket, and they're going to be pissed when they see that it's Festus.
But Coriolanus doesn't have a moment to waste, he crosses the breakroom in seconds, grabbing the papers that have every guest written down in neat, printed letters. He scans through the papers, his hopes slowly dwindling when he doesn't see Soarynn's name.
He flips to the last page and has to hold in a dramatic gasp. Because there it is.
'Soarynn Nightingale.'
He figured Glen would bring her but one can never be too sure. But now he knows and he's got to show up looking irresistible.
He sets the papers back down where he found them and not a moment too soon because the secretaries are walking back in a second later, grumbling and shaking their heads.
Coriolanus feigns a look of concern, "Is everything alright? Who was injured?"
The secretary who works on his floor, Constance rolls her eyes and grabs the papers, "It was Mr. Creed who was screaming like a small child."
"What happened? Is he alright?"
Constance scoffs and shakes her head, "He had a paper cut. I don't get paid enough to put up with this."
Coriolanus does his best to conceal his smirk, he didn't know what lie Festus would come up with, but a papercut sounds about right. "Oh, I forgot to ask but will you be bringing anyone to the holiday party Mr. Snow?"
Coriolanus shakes his head, acting nonchalant, "Nope. Just me, myself and I."
But he's hoping to change that.
| Part 1. |
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theheadlessgroom · 8 months
"Not at all!" Randall insisted brightly, smiling at her receptiveness to the idea, saying, "They're still probably up; tomorrow's a day off for both of them. They like to stay up a little-Ma likes to catch a little late-night TV while she knits, and Pa usually tries to get in a few chapters of his latest book before he hits the hay."
He could picture it in his mind's eye, the lights of his house still warm and bright as his folks went about their evening: His mother, all curled up in her favorite chair, contentedly working needle through yarn while she caught a late-hour rerun, probably Starsky and Hutch or Columbo. Knitting was both a very relaxing hobby for her and she loved what she created, often making blankets to sell at the seasonal bazaars. Sometimes some of her patients and their families dropped by to pick up a blanket, which made her the happiest, knowing the youngsters would love them.
And, of course, he could see his father all stretched out on the sofa (sometimes preferring it over his rocking chair, especially when his leg was bothering him), glancing occasionally at the box TV screen before turning his gaze back to the page-at the moment, he was working his way through Stephen King's Salem's Lot, a book he was very excited for his son to read next, wanting to know if it would scare him just as much as it did his old man.
"They won't mind at all," he added warmly. "I think they'd be thrilled to meet you-I, uh, I've told them a bit about you, so to get to meet you, I-I think they'd be, uh, very happy to."
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deadsetobsessions · 9 months
Danny Fenton is so damn sick of rich fruit loops. It’s worse now, since he’s one of them.
It’s not Vlad that he’s with, thank the Ancients, but Danny isn’t sure that this is better.
Because he’s Timothy Drake, a baby, and he’s been reincarnated after the Ancient of Reincarnation accidentally drank too much wine.
He’s going to kick their ass so hard when he gets back.
Danny huffs. He rolls over, ignoring the silent manor. Sure, he’s read the comics. Sure, he laughed and imagined being adopted by Batman- come on, Danny had black hair and blue eyes even back then, he was totally adoption bait- when his parents gave him reason to lose trust in their love. But that’s it, that’s all he thought it was. A day dream, a wish for a universe that didn’t exist.
Danny hadn’t understood the reality of the whole Infinite Realms thing, a place he was now the King of. Batman? Real. Danny? Reincarnated. Hotel? Trivago.
Like, this wasn’t what he meant, dammit.
And now he’s stuck as Timothy Drake, and Ancients, he was starting to see parallels.
Danny tried photography. He really did. He wanted to at least stick to the source material. But that’s not who he is. Even with the shiny new brain that memorized, catalogued, and put together clues at the snap of his fingers, but Danny’s never been one to take photos. It’s a respectable art, for sure, but Danny preferred to live in the moment instead of capturing it to remember forever. It’s just-
He watched the Graysons fall. He watched Dick Grayson turn into Robin. And Danny can’t and won’t ever betray his Obsession like that, ever again. He can’t let Jason die for his “story” to begin. That’s not how Danny works.
He’s there to protect.
Danny hasn’t ever been just Tim. Danny was also Tim and the Ghost King without a haunt. But now? Gotham is his haunt. He, in lieu of an actual city spirit, is Gotham. He’s also a Drake. And Drakes were meant to hoard.
Batman and Robin? They are his.
He claimed them, as a Drake. But that claim is weak. So he claimed them as their city, and that is a claim that will never be able to be challenged.
Danny’ll be damned before he allows some lanky starved clown beat the life out of one of his Robins. So, for the first time in his nine years on this planet, Tim-Danny goes ghost and flies.
“Who- who. Are you?” Robin slurred from his place in Danny’s hold. He is broken, yes. But not dead. Danny infuses some of his vitality, his ecto, into Jason’s injuries to help them heal.
“Gotham.” Danny replied, layering his ghostly voice with those of the city.
“Gotham. Sleep, little bird. Your city has got you.”
When Robin, Jason, settled with a sense of trust that tugs at Danny’s core, Danny carried him to Batman, whose eyes were wild and manic. He glared menacingly at the green and white ghost in front of him, who was holding his broken and beaten son-
Well, it’d be menacing if Danny hadn’t watched him eat bricks and mortar, crashing into a building while using his grappling gun.
“I am Gotham.” Danny cut him off. Despite his wary nature and natural paranoia, Batman settled at his city’s gaze rested on him. Danny knew that Batman recognized his city. Batman’s head bowed, but his eyes stayed on Robin. “You were supposed to take care of Robin.”
“I- I know.” And that voice was all Bruce Wayne the Dad instead of Batman the Vigilante. Danny gently placed Robin in Batman’s arms, taking in the tremors as he held his son close.
“Go back, Bruce. And make sure Jason knows how much you love him.”
He laughed as Bruce whipped his head upwards. “I am your city. You are mine as much as I am yours. I’ve known of you before you were born.”
Technically? Not untrue. But Bruce will chalk it up to weird magic shit. It’s not like it’s a secret that Gotham’s kind of curse. Besides, this way, Danny will be able to help out more often. And Bruce won’t be able to connect Tim Drake to the “Spirit of Gotham.”
“Return, my knight. This is not your city. I can not protect you as well as I can in Gotham.”
“Thank you… Gotham.”
Danny sighed. He wondered when he’ll have to field questions from a John Constantine. He’s pretty sure Bruce will call in magical help, even if it was his own city he was investigating.
Batman’s lucky Danny liked him enough to allow it.
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lxkeee · 7 months
—Lucifer Morningstar x Alastor's Mom! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Love at first sight, fast paced romance and mentions of domestic ab*se.
Notes: to the anon who requested the platonic Alastor x Mom! Reader it would be part of this:)
Synopsis: In which Alastor's mother went down to hell to oversee the hotel's progress and met the king of hell.
Word count: 4.6k words
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[Y/n] lived a good and honest life, a simple housewife with one son. After finally separating with her abusive husband, her life with her son, Alastor had become better. Alastor promised that he'll support her through his radio hosting, the boy has become quite popular amongst the folks—with his wits and charm, he was able to make a reputation for himself and earn money better for him and her.
[Y/n] was finally happy, proud of what she and her son have accomplished. She doesn't have to worry about her ex-husband coming home to hurt her or her son.
After the divorce, not a few weeks later, her husband was found dead with several of his body parts missing. She and her son were questioned about it but nothing could connect them to the crime and was proven innocent.
Alastor comforted her about it, promising to protect her if the killer ever hurt her. Which calmed her down as the whole situation did affect her, despite her harboring hatred towards her ex-husband, she felt bad he got murdered in a brutal way possible.
Peace and happiness didn't last long for her unfortunately, some fight happened in the city when she was out for an errand and she got in the middle of the crossfire, getting herself shot twice—on her shoulder and one in her stomach. She bled to death.
[Y/n] briefly remembers a tall black haired man walking towards her, black wings on his back while carrying a large golden scythe on his hand.
“[y/n] [l/n], age is 44 years old, destination is heaven.” the man says with an amused tone in his voice. A smile found its way to her lips, this must be death then? I am sorry Alastor, I can no longer watch over you. She thought sadly, and then suddenly darkness.
[Y/n] woke up with a gasp, her eyes staring at the bright blue skies. Blinking, disoriented about what just happened. She looked at her side to see clouds, clouds everywhere. Even the ground she's lying on is clouds.
“Where... Am I...?” she mutters as she sits, finally turning around to see the gates that are shining ever so brightly, the radiant rays of the sun reflecting against the golden gate.
“Am I... In heaven...?” she asked herself softly, eyes widening as she remembers what happened. The fight in the city, getting shot—twice, bleeding to death.
Tears were streaming down her cheeks, as the reality that she died finally settled in. “No, no, no, no, no!” she said to herself, her hands covering her mouth to stop herself from crying. Her smile now lowering, already tired of keeping it up. She was the one who taught her son to always smile in any situation, but this...? She can't keep it up any longer. So she cried, hysterically. Her cries echoing throughout the skies.
She's dead, that means she won't see her son ever again. Her son will be alone, she can't be there for him!
It took a while for her to finally calm down, with a shaky breath she got off the cloudy grounds and approached the gate. An angel sitting behind the counter at the side of the gate is what she saw.
“Welcome to heaven, can I get your name please?” the man says with a smile, [y/n] stood there nervously, “[y/n] [l/n].” she says softly and watched as the male flipped through his thick book, “[y/n] Alberich, [y/n] Gunnhildr, [y/n] Lawrence [y/n] Kreideprinz, [y/n] Ragnvindr...” the angel mutters as he flips through his book, [y/n] stood awkwardly as she watches him.
The angel's finger finally stopped at a name and his smile became brighter, “Aha! There it is, [y/n] [l/n]... Please, come inside. I Saint Peter, officially welcome you to heaven.” the angel also known as Saint Peter says with a smile, the gates of heaven opening up for her.
[Y/n] nodded and hesitantly walked to the gate, passing by it and finally got inside the heavenly city.
Her new life after death. She hopes her son will join her here when his time comes, for now, she'll enjoy her new life.
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It has been a few years, decades even. Still no sign of Alastor, she wonders if Alastor was gifted with a long life, something she didn't have? After getting inside heaven, they are not allowed to check up on their remaining loved ones on earth as they are not allowed to and [y/n] respected that, she'll wait for her son to join her here. She does miss her son, she wonders how he's doing, especially after her death. She can't imagine the pain he felt after her passing. She wonders if he's in purgatory if that place ever exists, she prays that her beloved son isn't in hell. Not her Alastor.
During her time here, she somehow became a well respected angel, becoming a seraphim angel and helping around heaven, overseeing important matters around the heavenly realm. [Y/n] befriended another seraphim angel named Emily, the girl is wonderful to be around with! Very positive and such a kind girl. [Y/n] enjoys having her around.
Recently, a secret has just been revealed during a court meeting with hell's princess, the daughter of Lucifer Morningstar, [y/n] read about him and she believes that the angel didn't do anything wrong, just misunderstood but this belief is something she keeps to herself, in fear of the others throwing her out for that small reason.
All throughout the trial Charlotte Morningstar expressed valid arguments, showing that souls can really improve their ways.
It was revealed that the exorcists were going down to hell to cleanse them, a sugar coated word for killing. The fact that Sera agreed to it was ridiculous but [y/n] can't do anything about it, she is just a mortal soul after all. She can't argue with the high seraphim and risk herself getting thrown out of heaven.
[Y/n] can only pray that Charlie's plan will work.
After that meeting, [y/n] can sensed that high ranking angels trust on Sera significantly lowered.
[Y/n] and Emily spent most of their free time researching, finding ways to help Charlie achieve her dreams for her people.
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It has been a day since the cleansing started, [y/n] was in the seraphim office together with Sera and Emily doing important paperwork when suddenly a bright light fills the room and out emerged a familiar snake they [y/n] saw during the court meeting when Charlie was showing Angel Dust, she could briefly remember this snake man to be one of Angel Dust's and Charlie's friend. The one who announced he'll have sex with everyone at the club, she definitely didn't forget about that. The only difference is that the man's color themes changed.
“Huh? Wha...? Where am I?” he says as he looks around the unfamiliar place.
[Y/n] covers her mouth in disbelief while Emily squeaked beside her, turning around to look at the other two seraphim, Sera was in disbelief, [y/n] can't tell what the older woman is feeling right now.
Turning back to look at the new guest, [y/n] gave the man a small wave and the man gave her an awkward smile while waving back, “Oh... Hello!” he says and [y/n] giggles and Emily squeaks beside her.
“Hi! Welcome to heaven!” Emily cheers, the man's eyes widened. “I'm in heaven...?” he says in disbelief and [y/n] nodded, “Yes, this is heaven and you're currently in the office of the Seraphims. It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Pentious or dare I say... Sir Redemptious?” [y/n] says with a small and gentle chuckle, chuckling at her own joke. Emily giggled at the joke while Sera remained flabbergasted.
Sir Pentious blinks in confusion, “You know me?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
Emily nodded, a bright smile on her face, “Yes! But it is a long story.” she says with a large smile.
“But first, let us introduce ourselves.” [y/n] says with a small smile, a smile that seems awfully familiar to Sir Pentious but less... Threatening.
[Y/n] clears her throat, “It is an honor to meet you, Sir Pentious. I am [y/n] [l/n] one of the seraphims.” she introduces and Emily follows after, “Hi! I am Emily but you can call me Em, Emmy, Ly... It is a pleasure to meet you!” Emily says excitedly, approaching Sir Pentious' side and admiring him, circling him and taking in his new appearance.
“And this,” [y/n] says, extending her arms towards Sera, “This is Sera, the head Seraphim.” [y/n] says which snapped Sera out of her thoughts. Sera cleared her throat, finally back to her authoritative self.
“Greetings, Sir Pentious. I am Sera, the head Seraphim. I would like to formally welcome you to heaven, I hope you'll enjoy your stay.” Sera says and Emily nodded excitedly while [y/n] just gave a small nod with a gentle smile on her face.
“I'm not dreaming...?” Sir Pentious says in disbelief and [y/n] shook her head, “I can assure you that you are not dreaming right now.”
Emily tilts her head in confusion, finally realizing something. “How come he arrived immediately here and not at the gates...?” she asked and [y/n] hummed, she too was baffled by this, placing a hand on her chin as she began to think.
“Perhaps... He's another Seraphim?” [y/n] asked, snapping her fingers and she smirked as she noticed Sera's eye twitches. Interesting... [Y/n] thought, a subtle smirk on her face, finding the situation interesting.
“How about I show you around? I'll let the grownups handle your stay here.” Emily says, Sir Pentious looked at the girl, “I hope that my egg bois are here.” he says with glassy eyes and Emily let's out a small 'aweee' and patting the back of the man, “I am sure they are here.” Emily says as she pulls the man out of the office.
[Y/n] turned to look at Sera, a mischievous grin on her face. Sera sighs, a frown on her face. “Don't say it.” Sera muttered and [y/n] chuckles, “What...? I am not saying anything yet.” she says with a mischievous tone. Sera rolls her eyes at the woman.
“I was in the wrong, the hotel does work.” Sera says, disbelief that it does. “[y/n]. I want you to go down there and make sure that the hotel runs smoothly.” Sera says and [y/n]  blinked, confused on what the woman was planning, “Why me?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, her smile not leaving her face.
“Just do it.” Sera deadpans and [y/n] shrugs, still has a small smile on her face, “Alright, whatever the boss says.” she shrugs.
“Make sure it runs smoothly but don't tell them he's here, I fear it will influence the sinners. I want them to work hard for it, and work hard for something that they are unsure of.” Sera says, walking out of her table, walking across the room and stood in front of the window, gazing outside the office of the Seraphims.
[Y/n] looked at the woman's back, Sera's wings neatly folded behind her. [Y/n] nodded in agreement, understanding where she's coming from.
“Understood, when shall I start?” [y/n] asked, tilting her head in confusion.
“Next week, let them rebuild the hotel. Do you understand your mission, [y/n]?” Sera says, turning around to look at her, [y/n] kneels down gracefully, a hand over her heart.
“Affirmative.” [y/n] says softly and Sera nodded, “Good.”
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[Y/n]'s head peaked through the small gap of Sir Pentious' door as she opens it, her eyes soften as she sees Emily and Sir Pentious talking and multiple egg boys asleep on the bed. Knocking to catch their attention, the two looked at the very tall angel woman standing by the door, a gentle smile on her face.
“Hello, Sir Pent. I hope you're comfortable with your new room. I see that Emi is warming up to you which isn't surprising.” [y/n] giggles and Emily smiles and nodded excitedly.
“Speaking of [y/n], she's like a mom to everyone! She's so nice, I hope you two will get along!” Emily says happily, [y/n] presumes that Emily was talking about other angels before she came inside the room. [Y/n] smiles and gives the two a gentle nod, “That is me, if you have any problem... Feel free to approach me okay?” [y/n] says with a closed eyed smile, Sir Pentious eyes sparkled and a small blush on his cheeks as he could literally feel the gentle warmth of the woman.
[Y/n] just smiles and tilts her head before looking at Emily, “Anyways, I just came to check up on you two on how you two are doing. I'll be leaving now, you two have fun okay?” [y/n] says softly and Emily nodded, “Okay! I'll see you later Miss [y/n]!” Emily says and then Sir Pentious nodded and gave a wave to the woman. The two watched the older and taller woman leave the room.
[Y/n] walks away from Sir Pentious' room, walking past multiple doors that decorated the hallway—these are rooms that souls occupy and sooner, Sir Pentious' room will be upgraded since the man is a seraphim after all.. Entering the elevator, [y/n] presses a button—a button to her floor. The door closes.
[Y/n] sighs as she feels the elevator moving upwards, her mind buzzing with multiple thoughts. Taking mental notes on what to bring for her time in hell, she'll have to oversee the hotel after all.
The door opens, [y/n] steps out of the elevator, walking past by multiple doors (but the doors are much lesser than the floor Sir Pentious was in), these hallways are the rooms of the Seraphims.
Her feet stopped, coming to a halt. Holding the doorknob, the symbol of the doorknob glows, signifying that the owner of the room returned and in turn, and unlocked the door.
Stepping inside, she closes the door behind her. Time to pack.
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Timeskip a few days later.
[Y/n] stood at the opposite side of Sera's table, her hands holding her luggage, Sera the high Seraphim sat on her seat looking at the taller woman. Emily standing beside Sera, the smaller girl looked at [y/n] with a slight worried look but still had a smile on her face. [Y/n] is proud that Emily continuously applied her teachings, you're never fully dressed without a smile, as what she always tells the girl.
“Goodluck, Miss [y/n]!” Emily says with a grin on her face, [y/n] chuckles at the girl's enthusiasm and nodded nonetheless.
“Do not disappoint us.” Sera says, [y/n]'s eyes narrowed slightly but her smile never faltered. [Y/n] nodded, a charming tone in her voice, “No promises.” she says with a grin and Sera rolls her eyes and then snaps her fingers, opening a portal for the taller angel.
[Y/n] waved goodbye at the two and stepped into the portal.
The bright blue scenario was replaced with a dark red one, a door was in front of her, a glass tinted door depicting apples and snakes.
Placing down her luggage, she curls up her fingers and then knocks on the door.
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Loud knocks were heard against the tinted glass doors of the hotel, the sounds momentarily cutting off the conversation the hotel dwellers were having.
Angel Dust raises his eyebrows as he looks at the door, Husk stopping midway of drying up a freshly cleaned glass. Niffty just resumes cleaning the lobby of the hotel, Vaggie and Charlie were on the couch with Charlie's head on Vaggie's lap, Cherri is passed out drunk on the counter of the mini bar, and Alastor was just grinning as he sat on the cushioned chair.
Getting off Vaggie's lap, Charlie Morningstar walked towards the door, getting a very strong sense of deja vu. Opening it and seeing a very tall smiling angel looking down on her, a familiar angel that she saw when she had the court meeting in heaven, she remembers that this woman stood at the opposite side of Emily. Charlie never got to actually meet her or know her.
“Good eveni—” the angel started but was cut off as Charlie closed the door.
Turning around to look at her friends, a look of disbelief on her face. There's an angel in her front door, there is a SERAPHIM ANGEL IN HER FRONT DOOR.
“Vaggie?” Charlie calls out to her girlfriend nervously, Vaggie gave her a raised eyebrow, “What?” she asked.
“There's a seraphim angel at the door.” Charlie says, pointing towards the door. This promptly made everyone freeze.
“Oh my fucking god... I swear, what do they want this time..?” Angel sighs loudly, Vaggie standing up and getting her angelic weapon.
Charlie took a deep breath and opened the door once more, the same tall angel looking down on her with a gentle smile on her face, “May I speak now?” she asked and Charlie nodded nervously with a smile, the angel laughed, though she is experiencing major deja vu at the moment, “Relax, I am not here to cause trouble. Keep smiling darling, you're never fully dressed without one~!” she says with a giggle and Charlie nervously puts a smile on her face.
“Hi... My name is Charlie and you are...?” Charlie introduces herself shyly, a little flustered. The woman was very gorgeous and... Tall...
The angel shakes the girl's hand enthusiastically, “I know, my name is [y/n], it is a pleasure to meet you, Princess Morningstar.” [y/n] says with a giggle but quickly stopping as an angelic spear was pointed at her, Vaggie muttering something in Spanish underneath her breath.
“What is a seraphim angel doing here? Last time I checked, you guys hated us.” Vaggie sneers and [y/n] just smiled, using her pointer finger to push away the spear gently away from her, “Hate you...? No, no, no dearie... It's just Sera, she's... How to say it... An old time bitch.” [y/n] deadpans with a chuckle.
Charlie and Vaggie blinked at her words, in disbelief at how a seraphim can easily say something like that quite easily.
[Y/n] flicked her hand dismissively, “Ugh, I don't like her that much.” she sighs and chuckles, her eyes returning back to look at the two shorter girls.
“Let us forget about her for a moment, the reason I am here is that Sera wanted me to oversee the hotel and keep track if it makes any progress.” [y/n] explained, her pointer finger pointed up as she nodded to herself.
Vaggie narrows her eyes at her but decides not to question it but still held some suspicion of the woman. Vaggie thought that the angel reminds her of someone, but who?
Charlie just looked at the woman, in disbelief that Heaven changed its mind. Though, she too held some slight suspicion but decided not to think too much of it, moving to the side to allow the woman to pass through the tinted glass doors of the hotel.
“Very well then, please come in.” Charlie says and [y/n] gave the girl a curt bow and invited herself in.
[Y/n] admired the interior of the hotel, her eyes sparkling in admiration as she appreciates the design of the building. The interior is filled with so many red, white, gold, and black hues—a contrast to what she was used to in heaven. Charlie closes the door behind them and starts leading the taller woman back to the lobby.
“My, this hotel is very beautiful.” [y/n] says genuinely as she follows the shorter girls as they lead her towards the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel.
Finally arriving at the lobby where the other hotel members were staying, [y/n] surveyed each one of them carefully. The man who resembled a red deer oddly reminded her of someone.
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Alastor was quite interested in who the person Charlie was talking to by the door.
His eyes widened, his smile faltering slightly as he saw the woman he's long last seen and the most he has missed.
“Everyone, heaven decided to send someone to oversee the hotel's progress. This is [y/n], she is a seraphim. I hope you treat her with respect.” Charlie says with a small smile. The name makes Alastor's ears ring.
He couldn't stop himself as the words left his lips, “Mother...?” Alastor says with wide eyes and a smile still on his face.
Angel Dust's and Husk's jaw dropped. Seeing a new facial reaction of the always smiling man.
[Y/n]'s eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hands, she was right. Why was he here? Why was her beloved son here in hell?
“Alastor...? My sweetie is that you...?” [y/n] asked shakily, her hands trembling, in disbelief.
Alastor hesitantly nodded, nervous. He didn't expect to reunite with her. How can he explain this to her? How can he explain the reason why he ended in hell?
“No fucking way...” Angel Dust muttered, in disbelief.
Tears began to stream down [y/n]'s cheeks as she let go of her luggage and quickly hugged her son, he looked so different.
“My sweet son, it really is you... Why are you here?!” She asked, cupping Alastor's face comfortingly. Alastor avoided her gaze.
“Mother... It has been awhile, I have done things that lead me down here.” Alastor explained calmly, a smile still on his face but he is fighting back tears. He missed her so much, after her death he was miserable. He found out the reason she died and killed the two men who caused her death.
[Y/n]'s eyes soften and she placed a gentle kiss on her son's forehead, Alastor instinctively closing his eyes at the contact. Warmth, he forgot what comforting warmth felt like.
“Now, now... I'm sure it couldn't be that bad...?” [y/n] says with a small chuckle and failing to notice the other hotel members giving each other a side eye.
Well... It was fun being an overlord. Alastor thought to himself as he took a deep breath and began to explain it to his mother, the reason why he's in hell.
“ALASTOR [L/N] WHAT IN HEAVEN'S NAME DO YOU MEAN YOU KILLED PEOPLE?!” [Y/n] seethes as she chases after her son, holding her shoe in her hand. Alastor trying to save his own life from his seething mother.
“Mother I can explain—!”
The others just watched as the angelic woman chased the most terrifying demon they know around the hotel.
“This is so fucking funny.” Cherri mutters beside Angel Dust, Husk having a smirk on his face as he watches his boss getting chased around by his mother.
“Well... I hope they'll stop soon or dad will come down to see what the ruckus is about.” Charlie says, nervous that they are causing too much ruckus. She knows her dad needs the quiet time to make his rubber duckies.
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Lucifer was in his room writing something on his desk, he just finished making a rubber duckie sometime ago and now he's currently writing plans for the hotel.
Well... Trying to.
His eye twitched as he heard the loud ruckus happening downstairs. With a sigh, he lets go of his fountain pen. Standing up from his seat, curious on what is happening downstairs, he left his room and went downstairs.
What the king of hell didn't expect to see was the annoying radio demon getting scolded by... An angel? And good lord, she's... Tall. Though, he couldn't see her face as her back was facing him.
“I thought I raised you better than this? Good heavens, I thought you were better than this?” the woman sobs and leans against the radio demon, sobbing into his shoulder while Alastor hesitantly comforts her. Lucifer was trying not to laugh as the radio demon gave him the middle finger.
“Who's this?” Lucifer asked and his daughter nervously approached him, “Well, this is [y/n] and heaven thought it would be a good idea to send someone to oversee our progress of the hotel.” Charlie explains and Lucifer's eyebrows are raised in confusion, confused on what changed their mind.
“I am truly sorry mother, it won't happen again,” Alastor says softly, still smiling while his mother lets go of him and flicks the radio demon's forehead making the taller man yelp in pain.
Charlie smiled and clapped her hands together, “Miss [y/n], this is my father and you might as well know him as Lucifer Morningstar.” Charlie says and the woman turns around to look at them.
And oh my devil, none of these thoughts are in the bible.
Lucifer thought as he finally took a good look at the very tall angel. She's gorgeous. Very gorgeous. The white dress she was wearing perfectly captured her figure, complimenting her skin. Her halo glowing above her head like the rays of the sun shining down on her. Absolutely divine. Lucifer blinks, trying to comprehend the beauty of the woman in front of him.
Angel Dust looking at him with a smirk, without him realizing.
[Y/n]'s eyes sparkled, quickly shoving Alastor away as she approached the shorter man, “Oh my stars, really? It's an honor to meet you, I've read about you and quite frankly I don't believe you got the justice you deserved.” [y/n] explains, she has to kneel down as her neck was starting to hurt at looking down.
Lucifer's eyes widened, surprised that an angel held him in such high regard.
“Wait... Huh??” Lucifer says in disbelief making the woman chuckle, and goodness, even her laugh sounds so beautiful.
“I am grateful that you gave us free will, if it weren't for you... Humans couldn't control their own fate, their own actions and for that, thank you.” she says sincerely and unexpectedly, a single tear streamed down Lucifer's cheek. Nobody really cared to say their thanks to him, he just assumed that humanity hated him for his actions, as heaven hated him for it. To see and hear someone say their thanks to him for the first time, may have healed some wounds he was desperately trying to heal with a bandaid.
The angel panicked when she saw the tear, “Oh my stars! Did I offend you?! Oh gosh, I didn't mean to.”
Lucifer began to chuckle and laugh. Amused at the woman's personality.
Charlie wonders if her dad finally went insane.
“Since when did angels be so nice to me?” Lucifer asked in-between chuckles, finally calming down as he offered his hand for a handshake.
“My name's Lucifer, darling. It's a pleasure to meet you...?” Lucifer says with a toothy grin but his charm and confidence were replaced by shyness and embarrassment as the angel opted to kiss his knuckles instead.
“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lucifer. I am [y/n], a seraphim angel.” she says with a smile, almost smirking, her tone almost sensual.
Lucifer was flabbergasted, flustered. Blinking animatedly, his mind is still trying to comprehend what just happened. So many things are happening at once, the warmth of his cheeks, the loud thumping of his heart against his own ribcage, he prays that she couldn't hear it.
Angel Dust nudges Charlie, giving the girl a knowing smirk. Charlie just gave him a confused look, unsure what he meant, saying something to angel along the lines of, my dad's reaction is valid, have you seen her?
The apple doesn't really fall far from the tree, Angel Dust thought as he cackles in amusement.
Alastor's eyes narrowed slightly at the interaction. Vaggie cautious at the radio demon's reaction.
Well, this is interesting. Husk thought to himself, already prepared of the chaos that's going to happen now with an additional member of the hotel.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @yukichan67 @apple-pop @akiralovespenguins @storydays @kaurochika @amphiroxx @lil-writer-523 @punching-pentagrams @moonlovers34
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Hooked On A Feeling
Chapter Ten - Milo's Hot Momma
Daniel is a Formula One driver, but, more importantly, he was a single dad to a wonderful little girl. He wants her to be a normal little girl, to have a normal social life, so he sends her to daycare. That was where she met Milo, her future best friend.
Milo's mother was incredibly stressed. She worked so hard to provide a good life for her son. But then he makes a new friend, a friend who has a hot dad (ofc they fall in love)
Single Dad!Daniel x Single Mum!Reader
Series Masterlist
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It was a relief when Milo climbed back into his mother's lap before they began their descent. She sat in her own seat and allowed Milo to take his place in her lap as Olivia sat opposite them. She was a big girl; she didn't need her daddy.
"The tattoos," Y/N began as she held Milo. "I feel like you've got them to appear all terrifying and intimidating, but you're secretly a loser," she said to Daniel.
"A loser?" He asked, but he was unable to contain his smile.
Y/N laughed, her chest shaking slightly. "Don't worry, Danny. All the best people are."
"Are you a loser?" Daniel couldn't stop himself from asking. When Y/N nodded her head, he decided he didn't mind being a loser.
"Keep a hold of my hand, Munchkin," said Y/N as she and Milo entered the paddock.
Milo began skipping as he walked beside his mother. "Do you think we'll get to meet any of the drivers, Momma?" He asked as they walked forward.
Y/N truly didn't know. Daniel had gotten to the circuit much before they had and she had no idea where they were meant to be going. There must be somebody she could ask.
Everybody was far too busy. Every time she approached someone they hurried away, unaware that she and Milo were even there, asking for help.
Finally, she found a man in a navy blue shirt with RED BULL printed on the back of it. Red Bull, that was Daniels old team, she recognised. "Come on, Munchkin," she said and placed Milo on her hip.
She kept a tight hold of him as they walked towards the man with the short blonde hair and blue eyes. "Excuse me," Y/N said before the man had the chance to walk away. The man turned, wearing an ever so kind smile on his face. "Could you help me? We're trying to find the AlphaTauri garage and we're a little lost."
"Of course," the guy said and pointed them in the right direction. He began walking, falling into step beside Y/N as he took her towards where she needed to go. "Are you an AlphaTauri fan?" He asked, noticing the hat on Milo's head.
"I am!" Milo answered and wriggled out of his mother's grip. She put him down and grasped his hand.
Y/N straightened up his hat on his head. "We're friends with Daniel Ricciardo," she answered. "Do you work in Formula One?"
Max couldn't stop himself from laughing at that. "You're not a Formula One fan, are you?" He asked. When she shook her head signalling no, he held out his hand. "I'm Max, I drive for Red Bull," he said.
"Oh!" Y/N suddenly cried. "Your team won last time, didn't you? Congratulations!'
"Thanks," Max said, somewhat bashful. "You said you're friends with Daniel?"
"Our kids are friends from daycare," she answered.
They chatted idly as Max led them to them to the AlphaTauri garage. The conversation was easy, enjoyable, friendly. Milo was happy to talk to Max, tell him everything he had learnt about Formula One so far (most of which Olivia had taught him).
At the AlphaTauri garage, Max left them there. He waved them a goodbye and disappeared, making his way back to the Red Bull garage.
Even though they were now where they were supposed to be, Y/N was lost. "Where do you think we go now, Milo?" She asked, not quite expecting an answer.
But she did get an answer, just not from Milo. "MILO!" Came a loud, familiar voice. Suddenly Olivia was running towards them. She quickly threw her arms around Milo, knocking his hat off in the process.
Her father walked up behind her, greeting Y/N in a much calmer way than Olivia greeted Milo. He still wrapped his arms around her and squeezed, just not as aggressively as Olivia did Milo.
Pulling away, Daniel picked the hat up from the floor and placed it on Milo's head. "Hey Loser," Y/N couldn't stop herself from saying as he pulled the hat down.
"Hey Loser," he mimicked like a parrot. Olivia pulled away from Milo and returned to her fathers side, a proud smile on her face. "We were beginning to think you weren't going to make it," Daniel said as he placed his hands on her head, messing up his neat braids. "And Olivia wanted to introduce Milo to everybody."
That didn't surprise Y/N one bit. "Milo would love to be introduced to all of Livvy's uncles," she said.
Suddenly Olivia grabbed a hold of Milo's hand. She pulled him away, running back through the paddock. "Milo!" Y/N shouted, trying to reach for her son.
"Livvy!" Daniel shouted at the same time as he attempted to grab her, but she was already gone, already taking off down the paddock.
Y/N looked at Daniel. Daniel looked at Y/N. "Shit," they both said and took off, following their children down the paddock.
The first place Olivia wanted Milo to see was the Red Bull garage. "You need to meet my uncle Max, uncle Christian and my uncle Checo," she said as she pulled him around the RB20 with the number 1 on it.
Rather abruptly, Olivia was no longer holding Milo's hand. She was no longer on the ground, instead hoisted into somebodies arms. "Livvy!" The familiar man cried as he held Olivia on his hip.
"Uncle Maxy!" She screamed as she wrapped her arms around him.
At first Max didn't recognise the little boy Olivia was dragging around the paddock. He hadn't learnt his name, but he still recognised him from the AlphaTauri hat on his head. "Who's your friend?" He still asked her.
"This is Milo," she said. "He's my best friend from daycare."
Suddenly Y/N and Daniel were behind them. "Milo!" Y/N shouted, her voice scolding as she picked him up. "Don't you ever run away like that again! You scared me half to death!"
Daniel took Olivia from Max's hands. "What were you thinking, Badger? You know you can't just run off like that," he said, his voice a lot calmer than hers.
Blushing red, Olivia tucked her face in against Daniels chest. "Daddy you're embarrassing me in front of uncle Maxy," she muttered.
"If you're gonna take Milo around the paddock, you need to make sure you have me or his momma with you, okay?"
"Okay," she replied quietly and Daniel placed Olivia back on the ground.
He watched as she walked back to her Uncle Max, who took her and Milo's hands and walked them further into the garage. Daniel checked the watch on his wrist. "Listen, I've got to go and get ready for free practice. Think you can get the kids back to the garage in twenty minutes?" He asked.
"Definitely," Y/N said as she checked the time on her phone.
Daniel kissed her cheek before he took off. Goddamn, she was never going to wash that cheek again.
On Saturday it was a little easy to navigate the paddock. Y/N and Milo found themselves in the AlphaTauri garage with Daniel, Olivia, and Daniels teammate, Yuki.
Olivia and Milo were passionately defending McDonalds to Yuki. He was acting as babysitter while Daniel took Y/N into his drivers room. "I'm pretty sure I have an AlphaTauri shirt somewhere in here," he said as he went through the little wardrobe he had in his drivers room.
At last, he found one. "Aha," he said, wearing a grin as he pulled it from his wardrobe and passed it to her.
She took it gratefully. "Well, turn around then," she said, her smile somewhat daring. Daniel made a big show of shutting his eyes and turning around so that Y/N could get changed into his AlphaTauri shirt. "There," she said and Daniel turned around.
He placed his arm over her shoulders and walked her out of the drivers room, back to where the kids were still talking to Yuki. It was impressive enough that Yuki had managed to keep the swearing to a minimum, but Daniel supposed he'd had enough practice in front of Olivia after the last year of them being teammates.
"Now everybody knows who the hot single momma is supporting," he said as they joined his teammate.
This didn't go unnoticed by anybody in the AlphaTauri garage. Even those in Red Bull could see it, the fond looks they shared, the way Daniel was always standing close to her, the way he so clearly wanted to kiss her.
"You think I'm hot?" Y/N replied, but her tone was teasing.
Daniel spluttered like he had just been caught out. "Y-yeah, sure," he answered like he was unsure of himself. "You're Milo's hot momma."
"Well, if Olivia's hot papa thinking I'm hot, then it must be true," she said as she picked Milo up and placed him on her hip. They looked like quite a pair, with Milo in his AlphaTauri cap and Y/N in her shirt.
They watched the qualifying from the garage, with Olivia holding Y/N's hand and Milo sat in her lap. The qualifying felt incredibly long, but not boring. It was nerve wracking and, if she wasn't holding onto the kids, Y/N's nails would have been chewed down to nothing.
After Q1 was over, Y/N thought that was it. Daniel had finished in the top fifteen, top ten actually. He had made it through to Q2 but she didn't realise that, not until it was happening. "Livvy, what's going on?" She tried to ask, but Olivia had AlphaTauri ear defenders on and couldn't hear a thing.
Again, Daniel finished in the top ten. "Must be my lucky charms," he'd said down over the radio. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he meant, who he meant.
Daniel made it through Q3. He was doing better than his teammate, who had finished just outside of the top ten in Q2. He didn't finish as high as he wanted in Q3, not considering he wanted to go back to his glory days in Red Bull, but it was still good.
Starting P6 wasn't bad for an AlphaTauri, he decided as he climbed out of his car. He went through all of the usual procedures before making his way back to Olivia, Y/N and Milo.
A sweaty Daniel was... something else. Y/N couldn't tear her eyes away from him as he walked past them. She almost let out a low whistle, but she held back, remained her composure in front of the children.
If watching Formula One meant seeing a sweaty Daniel, she could live with that.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @cassie0sstuff @spideybv28 @andydrysdalerogers @aundercover @lou-bean28 @landossainz @purplephantomwolf @ggaslyp1 @layazul @phantomxoxo @minkyungseokie @gills-lounge @hollie911 @annispamz @lillians-world-is-f1 @cixrosie @notyouraveragemochii @charli123456789 @amalialeclerc @teamnovalak @tallrock35 @teenwolf01 @chiliwhore @darleneslane @sava207 @thatsusbitch @formulaal @leptitlu @angiesw0rld @yunakynn @landosgirlxoxo @msolbesg @cherry-piee @catmouseggy @bathedinheat @chanshintien @ilove-tswizzle @woozarts @evie-119 @trouble-sistar @mysticalnightenthusiast @lewisvinga @spilled-coffee-cup @starkeyellow @fxrmuladaydreams @viennakarma @radiator101 @lightdragonrayne @angelxxrose @millinorrizz @xemiefx @ellies-world61 @the-depressed-fellow
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awearywritersworld · 1 year
gojo satoru x reader summary: gojo wakes up early one morning, suddenly aware that he can't live without you. w/c: .5k tags/warnings: fluff. gn!reader. a/n: happy jjk day!!! masterlist check out my latest work for gojo here
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gojo satoru is something of a stranger to gratitude, but can anyone really blame him? he was born with unmatched strength, unaccustomed to the blood, sweat, and tears many people shed to gain even a fraction of the power he possesses.
he's the son of one of the wealthiest clans in japan, so he's never gone to bed hungry, nor has he ever had to wear a pair of shoes that were past their prime. he's also blessed with good looks, always flaunting the kind of smile that makes people turn their heads.
now, that's not to say he's never felt thankful in his life. quite the contrary. he was thankful when nanami returned to jujutsu tech and when yuuji came back to life even after sukuna ripped out his heart. hell, he was thankful for the kid at the bakery who served him a particularly exquisite lemon loaf last week.
but he's never felt true gratitude. you know, the kind you experience when you're given something you can't possibly live without. the kind that moves you, shakes you to the core.
that is, until he's laying in bed beside you, already awake as the sun begins to kiss the morning sky. his eyes trail over your face in the pale blue light of dawn, taking great pains to commit every little detail to memory.
it's then that he feels it, gratitude that seeps into his bones and fills him with relief, hope, and elation all at once. gratitude that changes him as a person, because how could he exist without you? without the soft curve of your nose, without the fullness of your lips, without those cute little snores that let him know you're still sleeping peacefully?
you're laying on your stomach, your back exposed and the sheet bunched around your waist. he traces each divot of your spine with a careful and loving touch, acutely aware that there isn't a thing in the world that could possibly compare to the feeling of your skin against his own.
"'toru? what're you doing awake?" you ask groggily, pulling him from his thoughts.
"hmph.. can't sleep 'cause you're such a blanket hog."
"yeah? are you sure you're not just staring at me again, all googly eyed and creepy?" you pop one eye open to discern the look on his face.
"i've got no idea what you're talking about," he asserts, pulling you against his chest in an attempt to obscure his guilty grin.
you've already seen it though. "i think you're delusional or something, you should get some more sleep."
you feel his chest shift, a breath of a laugh passing his nose. "yeah, you're probably right."
you hum, satisfied with his answer, then tangle your legs with his and close your eyes. "i love you."
gojo has taken a lot of things for granted in his life, he's smart enough to know that, but those three words? from your lips? he'll be grateful for them until the end of time.
"i love you, too."
taglist: @torusmochi @moonmalice
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rboooks · 1 year
DC X DP fic: Legal Compensation
Bruce Wayne doesn't know what sick monster would think it is funny to ruin Jason's grave, but when an alert arrives at the cave, he's flying towards the cemetery intending to find out.
And teach them some respect.
Of course, he knows Jason's not in there- not after his son returned with more hate and rage than a person- but it was still his last resting place.
He barely acknowledges Tim and Damian pulling up beside the Batmobile, each on their own bike while Dick, Steph, and Cass fly above him. They all got the alert. None of them are happy.
When they arrive, it's to see a teenager happily whistling as he shovels away layers of dirt. The stranger is in a white and black hoodie, a neon green ghost crossing from the front to the back, and his white hair with glowing green eyes lets them know it's not a human.
Or if it is, then not an average human. Meta, based on how he picks up way more dirt than he should be able to lift with his glowing green shovel.
They also see Jason get there first, his eyes glowing in Pit Rage and .points a gun to the back of the teenager's head. Bruce opens his mouth to shout, Damian manages to throw a ninja star, but they are far too late.
Jason pulls the trigger. A large bang is heard across the cemetery. The teenager drops into the deep hole he is making.
The family can only watch as the Pit Rage disappears from Jason's mind, and horror creeps onto his face as he realizes what he has done. It's too late now, though. The child is dead.
Bruce feels sick to his stomach- and then The teenager stands up, his head reforming in terrible familiar green liquid. The family forms a protective circle around a frozen Jason as the teenager turns around to look at them with Lazarus' green eyes and smiles.
Smiles at Jason with far too bright eyes. "I found you! I didn't realize you already left your grave, but that makes things easier. Jason Peter Todd, yes?"
"Who are you?" Bruce demands, stepping before his second oldest.
The white hair boy's smile becomes wider- if that's possible. "I'm Phantom. I'm working on behalf of the Ghost King."
Damian hisses, "What does the most powerful being in the multiverse want with Todd?"
"Baby Bat?" Dick asks without really asking.
"The Ghost King is the ruler of the Infinite Realms. The place where grandfather harvests the Lazarus Pit."
That's not good.
The teenager laughs. "The very same. He wants me to offer Legal Compensation to Mr. Todd."
"Legal Compensation? For what?" Tim asks this time.
"The glitch. See, Mr.Todd wasn't supposed to die- he was supposed to break the door and crawl to safety while the bomb jammed. At the same time, the Master of Time was preoccupied with another dimension saving the lives of six very important people to the Ghost King from a junk food explosion. Because of that, he was not there to control time correctly, creating a glitch in this universe's time flow. It speeded up certain areas, in your case, the location of the bomb's jam, making it explode earlier than it should have. He corrected it by bringing you back, but you were in a grave by that point. The Master of Time realized the grave injustice this was, so he sent me as legal Compensation."
That.... was a lot.
"How are you legal compensation?" Jason growls.
"Well, those people were just as important to me as the Ghost King. Since you lost your life due to the incident, I will give you my natural life here as a human for you to use." The teenager's form shifts after an ample bright light, and suddenly they are looking at a perfectly black hair blue eye average looking human who smiles happily at them. "Ta-da! So what do you want me to do first, Master Todd?"
"No." Jason hisses, looking angrier than he's ever looked before. Bruce can't say he doesn't feel the same way. "No, the Master of Time does not get to kill me. Go oopsie-daisy and then send me a fucking slave as an apology!"
"Not a slave- more of a- ugh Bulter!" The teenager argues, trying to crawl out of the hole and falling down, into a heap as he oversteps. "Wow, being a full human is going to get some getting use to."
"No!" Jason yells, turns around, and walks away.
"Wait! Wait! Master Todd, wait for me!" The teenager calls desperately, but Jason disappears into the shadows of Gotham without a backward glance. The boy slides into the mudd, voice muffled as he screams.
Steph takes pity on him offering her hand to help him out of the hole. "What's your name, by the way?"
"Phantom." The teenager says with a grateful smile taking the hand and climbing out. He gives the rest of the family an awkward smile "Danny Phantom"
Bruce ends up with another son by the following day. Jason ends up with a restless wanna-be butler who follows him everywhere, trying to serve him. The fact he cure his Pit Madness didn't seem to even register with him.
Jason wants Danny to leave him alone and quit the "I must spend the rest of my human life providing for your every whim". It's getting creepy.
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The Malicious Daughter is Back! - 1 | Bucky Barnes
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
The Malicious Daughter Is Back! Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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It was supposed to be easy, but it's not.
He felt his hands and sensed they were shackled to this agreement. While everyone chatted and laughed at this lunch party, he couldn't share the same sentiment.
Today was the engagement party of two influential conglomerate families.
The daughter of Celestial Enterprises, which owned Luxury Goods, Smart Home Technology, Media & Entertainment, was Victoria Sinclair.
She was a strikingly beautiful woman, exuding an air of sophistication, yet there was a hint of maturity beneath her seemingly spoiled demeanor.
With a shy gesture, she reached out and gently touched her fiancé's hand. Her soft touch snapped him out of his daydream.
She gazed at his face, mesmerized by his striking features. He could easily be the most handsome man she had ever encountered in her life. Despite meeting countless models and actors, none of them held a candle to him.
Bucky Barnes was the epitome of sophistication. With his jet-black hair, piercing blue eyes, and impeccable suit, he exuded an aura of intelligence and quiet confidence.
As the heir to the AstraNova Group, specializing in aerospace, renewable energy, and real estate, his wealth and influence were undeniable.
He felt something creeping on his hands, he glanced down to see his fiancée Victoria touching him. Despite his discomfort, he clenched his fists, fighting the urge to lash out.
But he had to keep it together. Tonight, his psychiatrist would have to listen to his anxiety. He couldn't let anyone at this party know about his Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).
He was overly sensitive to sensory input, including touch. In this room, only his parents knew about his disorder.
Bucky smiled and gently pushed Victoria's hand away from him. He could only tolerate it for five minutes. But it seemed this woman didn't understand him.
If she were just another woman, Bucky would have instructed his assistant to escort Victoria away. But he couldn't do that.
Because this woman was necessary, in fact. Her family's money was crucial. This was a business marriage. Bucky wasn't a social man, so when his family arranged the marriage, he complied with their wishes.
He thought he could go along with it, but his disorder acted up every time he got close to Victoria. She was glued to him.
"Fuck," he thought. He wished his parents had chosen a woman who preferred shopping over clinging to him.
"Look at this couple. Hohoho… Like newlyweds," remarked Victoria's mother, Genevieve, a woman around 50 years old, exuding opulence in her elegant gown adorned with intricate lace and jewels.
"What a joyful day," nodded Bucky's mother, Juliana, a woman of similar age, dressed in a modest yet tasteful attire, her eyes fixed on her son who appeared calm. However, she couldn't help but notice Victoria's persistent touching.
She prayed that Bucky wouldn't lose his patience.
"By the way, where is the oldest daughter?" slipped one of the guests, causing a ripple of unease among the attendees.
Even Victoria lost interest in getting close to Bucky. She stopped leaning toward him and sat up straight.
Her silent expression mirrored Genevieve's, catching Bucky's attention.
This was the first Bucky had heard of another daughter.
“You have an older sister?” Bucky asked Victoria.
Victoria responded with a nervous voice, “I do... She's... how should I say this? She's complicated. She's never at home. And when she is, all we do is fight.”
Bucky nodded, understanding her explanation. An estranged sister.
But he had never come across any mention of this in his fiancée's family background.
Were they hiding their other daughter? An illegitimate child?
Bucky noticed Victoria's father, Jonathan, a distinguished man in his sixties, impeccably dressed in a tailored suit, who had stopped drinking and focused his attention on the table.
Genevieve laughed elegantly and remarked, “Haha… She doesn't enjoy these kinds of events. She prefers outdoor activities.”
On the first day of their engagement, Bucky found himself embroiled in family drama.
Then, a voice from outside could be heard, “I'm sorry, miss. This room has been booked,” said the security.
“It's booked for Sinclair and Barnes, right? What a coincidence. I'm a Sinclair too,” a playful female voice retorted.
The private door burst open from a forceful kick, startling the guests.
All eyes turned toward the newcomer.
Even Bucky turned around to see who it was.
She was wearing black leather boots, black pants, and a gray turtleneck sweater. Her attire stood out starkly against the elegance of the room.
She looked at everyone, then stopped at Victoria and Bucky. Then she scoffed, causing Victoria to clench her fist and bite her lips.
Compares to Bucky. He wondered what had happened to her. She was wearing a hand cast, a band-aid under her right eye, and small new scars under her lips.
Two things he realized were that her demeanor and facial features were different from Victoria's.
Victoria nervously laughed, "We thought you wouldn't come."
You smirked and grabbed a glass of wine from the server who was serving drinks.
With a bow, you said, “Congrats on the engagement. Pardon my lateness. Seems like a rat ate your invitation.”
Victoria forced a smile, determined not to take the bait, especially in front of her fiancé, Bucky, to avoid any confrontation.
You walked past the couple and headed towards your father, Jonathan.
He showed no reaction, simply sipping his wine.
Standing beside him, you didn't even glance at Genevieve, who gritted her teeth, continuing to smile at the Barnes family.
You said to your dad, “Is this what your wife asked for? I must say I'm impressed.”
Bucky was taken aback when he heard that. What did it mean?
Genevieve gripped her wine glass tightly. The stories of her as ‘the other woman’ were in the past. She had worked hard to be accepted in this socialite world, and it had made everyone forget that she was the second wife. Everyone had called her Madam Sinclair, and Victoria the only daughter.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I'm just impressed that my sister could join the Barnes household. She didn't have to steal someone's husband like her mom.”
Victoria gasped and started sobbing.
Genevieve exclaimed, “How could you make your sister cry?”
You drank the wine in one gulp and put the empty glass on the table. “I want to vomit when I call her my sister. I need that wine to clean my tongue.”
Genevieve looked at her husband and whispered, “Jonathan, stop your daughter.”
You looked at your father, who was also looking at you, both of you silent. This is the relationship between father and daughter. Both of you used to be close, but everything changed after the other woman entered the family.
He won't say anything. He never does.
Turning to the new couple, you observed Victoria drinking water and her fiancé Bucky.
You didn't know much about him. What an unlucky man, you thought.
Walking towards him, you stopped in front of Bucky.
Bucky was looking at you too.
You said, “She throws away everything that I own or touch. I wonder…”
Your fingers touched his chin, and your face came close to his. You could see his eyes clearly.
You smirked and said, “I wonder if she still wants you after I do this.”
What you did next made everyone gasp.
Victoria screamed, “Get your lips away from him,” as she pushed you away from Bucky, acting as a barrier.
You wiped your lips, achieving your goal of seeing Victoria panicked.
With a salute gesture, you said, “I've got what I wanted. Goodbye, everyone,” and left the party.
Victoria grumbled, looking at Bucky and touching his hand. “Are you okay? I'm sorry. If you're mad at my sister, I apologize.”
Bucky pushed her away from him, his action shocking her slightly, but understandable since he had just been kissed by a stranger.
Bucky remained silent, not because he was angry, but because he had a million questions.
His disorder prevented him from being touched by someone, and yet he had just been kissed.
This is also his first kiss.
And... he didn't vomit.
Bucky looked at the closing door, wondering where you had gone.
He knew he had to see you again.
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k0juki · 4 months
Since u asked for mafia max prompts- max takes revenge on ur father for keeping him away from you for so long. And now they are finally a family together. Just max you and eli, not that you'd have to know how or what happened to your father you're just happy max is such a devoted husband and father.
OMG?! Yes!!!
Mafia!Max Verstappen x fem!reader
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
More mafia!Max here.
Wc: 1457
You and Max had a lot to catch up on, not only he wanted to be a good dad, but a loving husband as well. But that has to wait, first things first. The first few days he had spent in your penthouse, he wanted to know what Eli liked and disliked, what is his favorite Disney movies and what food he loves.
He discovered that Eli loves pancakes with homemade strawberry jam. For Max, it was too sweet, but he had made sure that it was always on the shelf, right next to sugar. Next was his favorite movie, Cars. He was really like his father with cars and nobody could change that, but what Eli absolutely didn't like was some itchy clothing and when it was raining. Strange.
And that surprised him, because you love rain and when you live in a place like London where rain is a daily occurrence, he didn't want his little boy to be scared.
That was one of his main reasons why he wanted you back in the Netherlands. Next of his reasons was your father. How he hated that man.
Not only did he have to leave behind the woman he had loved and still do, but he never got to know how Eli slowly grew up, yes he is still pretty small, but he wanted to experience it.
His first steps, he wasn't here. His first words, "mama", he wasn't here either and on his birthdays, again, he wasn't here.
Max knew that it wasn't your fault, he never took it out on you. He knew who's fault it really was. Yes, in some ways it was Max's fault too, but your father had a lot of chances to say anything to him and he didn't say a single word.
He knew what he had to do, even if his choices could have consequences, but he couldn't get over it. He had to do it. By all means necessary. For his son and for you, his love of his life.
Max had a lot of people here in London, one of them was Lando, he was one of the best and Max needed him to watch over you and Eli, as he had some important things to do.
That's what he had said to you, but you knew better. You knew what he was going to do, by just a look in his stormy, blue eyes and you let him to do it.
Of course you knew Lando, you saw him many times before you and Max broke up. He was his good friend, not just a colleague, but truly a good friend, someone that everybody deserves for life.
"I won't be gone for long, Schats." Max said as he took your head in both of his hands and softly kissed your forehead. "I will be back before you know it."
"Be careful Max." You answered, always so worried for him and hugged his waist as he held you. "Do you wanna see Eli before you leave?"
Max knew that Eli was sleeping, it was right after his lunch, but still, it is his son, so Max just nodded his head yes and you took him to his bedroom where he peacefully sleeps.
Max carefully came to his sleeping form, that was holding his stuffed elephant. He got from Max a day before and Max carefully kissed his cheek as not to wake him up. "Love you Eli, I will be right back."
He turned around and softly closed the door. "Lando will be there to watch over you both, before I come back." It wasn't a question, more like a statement.
"Lando? Lando Norris?" You asked and Max nodded. You took Maxs hand and led him to the front door. Just as you were about to say something, there was a knock on the door and Max opened.
"Hey mate, how are you doing?" Lando said happily and pulled Max in a half hug he patted him on his back. Then, as he turned around, he saw you and his never ending smile brightened up more.
"Y/n, love, how are you doing? You look amazing...like always." He said and whispered the last part in your ear as he wrapped you in a full hug. You really missed him.
"Ehmr..." Max growled and spoke as you and Lando let go of each other. "Lando, you know what to do." By that, Max means to keep you and Eli safe, don't let anyone else in and if something, anything happens, call him.
"Of course I do mate." Lando answered.
You took a few steps forward and stood right in front of him. "Be quick, alright?"
"Of course." Max answered and pulled you for a quick kiss on the forehead. "I love you Schats." With that he left.
"So, where's the little smurf?"
Meanwhile Max got into the car in which Charles was waiting. Charles wanted to see you too, but he and Max had some killing to do. He made a mental note to visit you later.
Charles was another mafia boss. His territory is in Monaco and everybody knows that he owns every corner there. He and Max are long time friends, since like preschool. Charles knew how important this is to him, so he didn't wasted any time and hopped on the plane to get to him.
"You ready?" Charles asked as Max got into the car. He didn't care enough to buckle himself and started a car.
"I was born ready to kill him." Max informed "Let's go."
As they arrived in front of your fathers house, Max was first to get out of the car and he was also the first to kick the door open. Gun in his hand, he shot everyone who crossed his path.
As he moved to the last door, which he knew was your father's workroom, he opened to see him sitting in his chair, with his back towards Max.
"Your father will be furious when he finds out." He had said, he didn't even try to beg because he knew it was useless, it would only hurt his ego.
"Don't forget that I have a son too, and he won't stop looking for you, till he kills you." Yes, you had an older brother, Mark. What a fucker.
His dislike for him was about as great as for your father. But he was harder to find, not many people knew where he was or what he was doing, that's why you were with Lando right now.
"I think he will understand me."
"You really think that? I guess that you don't know your father very much then, just like your son." He whispered the last part, but loud enough for Max to hear.
That was Max's last straw. He raised the gun and pulled the trigger. The blood was everywhere. Max was breathing heavily, then turned around and without a single word left the room. He needed a shower, knowing that he can't go to you like that, all bloody and sweaty.
"We will stop somewhere, so I can clean myself."
When Elijah woke up and came to you, he was all sleepy and confused, he didn't notice that Lando wasn't Max. His new uncle. When he did notice him was as he sat down next to you.
"Eli, this is your uncle Lando. Say hi." He turned to Lando, but then got all shy and climbed in your arms, where he knew it was safe. "C'mon Eli, he's not going to bite."
Eli turned his head to Lando and quietly said, "hi" and then he put his head back to your chest.
"Hi Eli, I heard you like cars?" That got Elijah's attention. Cars? Now he won't stop talking about them.
Just as Elijah got to talk about his car toys and movies he saw, the front door of your penthouse opened and Max walked in. Eli didn't waste any second and ran up from your arms to him. "Daddy!"
"Hey Eli." Max said as he bent down to pick him up. "Were you good for mommy?" Elijah nodded his little head and wrapped his small arms around his neck. It's unbelievable how quickly he got used to Max.
"Well, I guess I'll let you guys be." Lando said as he hugged you for the last time and then left the apartment.
"Are you alright?" You asked Max as he sat down next to you and put Eli between you two.
"Of course." Max smiled a little and put his arm around your back. "I'm just glad I'm home." He finished and tilted his head to give you a soft kiss on the lips.
I need more mafia Max prompts!!🩷🫶
Don't copy or translate my work!
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joonipertree · 1 month
Someone planted in my head that todoroki playing with eri would heal his inner child because he grew up not allowed to play with his siblings or have any friends so!
Imagine one day you lug in a huge lego set or a puzzle and you ask him to help you with it. Shoto, who generally is a quieter and calmer soul, finds peace and comfort in it. The both of you spend hours on it, even if he's tired after work. He starts buying more and more sets, and lets be honest....dabi or one of the older todoroki siblings probably guilted endeavour into spending money on these sets for his adult son.
Then, you bring in beyblades and the two of you start having mini battles that have narrations and everything. I'd like to think that Shoto already has some experience with this because of Class A and used to do this a lot with kaminari and the rest! Sometimes, when Class A would have a get together (no matter how infrequent they may be), they still take out the board games and get super fucking competitive.
I'd like to think that no matter what, Class A spent years in school with weekly game nights!!
Then! One day, you drag shoto with you to watch the Barbie movie which he LOVED, he wore pink and everything, and got really curious when you talked about playing with dolls as a kid. He played with dolls as a kid but generally on his own.
Next thing he knows, you bought some toys and the two of you were sat on the living room floor playing with dolls. Shoto, in all honestly, felt silly doing so but didn't wanna discourage you so he played along. At first, he played it with a very no nonsense tone, made the bear have a job and responsibilities.
"Ah, tax season is coming around...it'll be tough this year."
"Shoto....I don't think the bear needs to worry about taxes."
"She's a businesswoman, it's her civic duty to pay taxes."
"Well she didn't so now she's under arrest :)"
"Ah fuck."
Pretty soon this just fizzled out into a plushie collection that included his own eventual plushies, his friend's plushies, bunnies and bears and cats. He even had those giant ones that are almost life sized. Yes, some of them he bought them for you and you bought for him but they turned into a shared custody situation.
One day, Touya visits with the two of you sitting on the living room floor, shoto's hair braided and cute star stickers on his face. You were focusing heavily on painting his nails half white and half red. Shoto just made eye contact with his older brother and grinned, asking if he wanted his nails painted.
"Do ya'll have black?" Touya asked.
"We have sparkly navy blue?"
"Fucking fine."
And that's how he ended up on the floor too, with his legs crossed and a cat plushie between them, having his nails painted while his baby brother tied his hair into pigtails. The man complained really loudly about it but had no intention of moving.
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meowcatsposts · 2 years
Necklace [Ao'nung]
✎⁾⁾⁾ note: reader is metkayina & Ao'nung is probably OOC
Boy is jealous (not good at hiding it, either-)
Why? The Sully kids.
He has a necklace he wants to give you, but he just can't
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You hissed in Ao’nung’s face–baring your teeth just a little bit–hoping he’d get the message. Your eyes burned. Your tail swished. The Sully kids looked at you in awe. How were you, a mere Metkayina, able to stand up against the Olo’eyktan’s son? 
Ao’nung and the rest of his gang remained silent–awestruck, even. No one dared to oppose him, really, let alone hiss in his face! You were a bold one, for sure, to do something like that. 
“Leave them alone,” you said. It struck ice into everyone’s hearts but you felt calm, unlike the blood roaring in your ears; perhaps it was Eywa who was soothing you. “We’re all equal. Get that into your thick skulls.”
From that day on, the Sully kids stuck to you like glue–even dragged you around so they wouldn’t get bullied.
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Great timing. Absolutely perfect.
Ao’nung couldn’t shake off this…sting from earlier. He thought you’d react like him–not like his sister Tsireya. He thought you didn’t like outsiders; you even said you’d only accept a Metkayina mate! You and Tsireya were too warm to the Sully kids–who had five fingers, lanky blue bodies, and thin tails–helping them and cheering them on in the ocean. What were you–a freak, too? 
Ao’nung looked down at his hand. Resting on his palm was a necklace, hand-made by him–for you. He wove the cord by hand, always doubting if it would be too tight or too loose. He hand-picked every shell; they had to be the perfect size. He even waited until nighttime to pick out the ones that glowed the prettiest, the brightest. And the clasp–the hardest part. He hand-carved a small conch into a clasp, so you needn’t go through the trouble of tying the necklace. It took him hours to complete. Sometimes, his hands got so tired he had trouble feeling his fingers the next day. (But he’d brush it off; he was Tonowari and Ronal’s son, after all–the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik.)
Ao’nung’s blood boiled. To think that all his efforts would go to waste! 
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“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Tuktirey squealed. She latched onto your leg and gazed up at you with her gleaming, glowing eyes of childish glee. 
“What is it?” you asked, wondering what the youngest Sully kid wanted. Tuk was cute, always running around the marui and playing with the sea life. 
“Can you take me to the ilu again? Please?” she pleaded. It was almost every day she asked you to take her to feed the ilu, watch the ilu, or ride the ilu, but you couldn’t bring yourself to say “no” to that cute little face. 
Taking Tuk’s smaller hand into yours you replied, “Ok,” with a smile adorning your lips. 
Ao’nung gazed at you from afar, blood pumping hotly. His heart was beating fast, even he could tell. Like Tsireya, how were you able to treat the Sully kids so nicely, like they were Metkayina? He was supposed to be kind, respectful, but right now, he just couldn’t. Especially when you were being so cordial and smiley–even defended them! What were you thinking?
He saw you and the little Sully girl ride an ilu, giggling and laughing. And it wasn’t the first time, either. On other occasions he saw you mingling with Neteyam, Lo’ak, or Kiri, helping them with their breathing, ilu riding, diving…way more than necessary, in his opinion. Heck, you even touched them!
A burning scar lingered in Ao’nung’s mind. Your teeth, bared at him. Your eyes, boring through him. Him! Him! Not the outsiders! 
Ao’nung gripped the hilt of his fishing spear. Hard. So hard until his knuckles turned bluish-white.
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You, Ao’nung, Rotxo, and other young Metkayina were to fish along the reefs, so you left Tuk under Kiri’s care. The little one would be safe with Kiri, you knew.
“Thank you,” the older Sully girl said, bobbing in the water with Tuk. 
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The water, glistening off your skin. The sun, shining on your hair and your eyes, lighting them up like halos. The ocean, hugging and caressing your body that cut through the gentle waves so fluidly.
“Ao’nung,” Rotxo whispered, throwing glances your way; he easily guessed what his friend was thinking. “Your fish swam away.”
Seeing that his prize was nowhere to be found, Ao’nung clicked his tongue, eyes narrowing in disgust. He was supposed to be a skilled hunter and diver for his age–not staring at some freak-lover.
“You caught enough, though,” Rotxo added quickly, hoping to quell his friend’s frustration. It seeped through his entire being, Rotxo could tell, and it unnerved him. Why was Ao’nung acting so prickly?
“You good?” Rotxo asked, looking into Ao’nung’s eyes. They’ve been cloudy for the past few days. 
“I’m fine,” Ao’nung replied curtly. He didn’t dare look into Rotxo’s eyes. Or else he’d crumble and tell him everything. 
Everyone had returned from fishing, and you were nowhere to be seen–probably with the Sully kids again. That thought alone had Ao’nung’s blood boiling mildly.
Rotxo snorted and rolled his eyes. Ao’nung wasn’t fine, duh. 
Ao’nung snapped, and he snarled, “What?” 
“Just making sure you’re not going to pick a fight with Lo’ak again,” Rotxo teased. After a short, uncomfortable silence he whispered, “You know you can tell me.”
Ao’nung just grunted. 
“It’s about (Y/N), isn’t it?” Seeing that his friend’s ears perked up a little, Rotxo continued, “Just give your gift. At least you’ll be able to confess.”
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At first you thought Ao’nung gave it to the wrong person, but it wasn’t so. His eyes were way too shy, way too genuine. They were soft, reflecting the moonlight, not hard like obsidian. And they darted around like fish.
A necklace, handmade, lay in your palms. Woven delicately into the cord were several small shells, each placed an equal distance from each other. In the day they would reflect the sunlight, glimmering softly. At night they would glow prettily, almost like the sky–purple, blue, a tinge of pink. At the end of the necklace was a clasp, carved out of a conch. Speckles of pink dotted the glossy ivory. You remained silent the whole time, out of words; words just couldn’t express the feelings swirling in your heart. 
Ao’nung, on the other hand, was growing agitated, quietly wondering if you’d reject his gift. His eyes flitted from your wide ones to the necklace as he fought the urge to jump into the ocean. (The necklace took him ages to craft, though, so he prayed to Eywa you’d accept it with a smile, at least.) 
Finally cutting the thick silence he asked bitterly, “What, you hate it?” The poor boy tried to hide the hurt gurgling in his stomach. “I can take it back–”
Before Ao’nung could snatch the piece of jewelry from your hands you pulled it back to your chest, replying with a defiant, “No!”
“What?” Ao’nung’s ears flattened slightly; he was confused. “Then why were you quiet?”
“I…I like it,” you said shyly–so softly that Ao’nung doubted his ears. “I like it a lot…I just don’t know what to say.” After a brief pause you found the words you were searching for, and gazed earnestly into Ao’nung’s eyes. “It’s beautiful. Very, very beautiful. Thank you.”
You accepted his gift! Bitter feelings washed away, Ao’nung nearly melted right then and there. He thought he could get sucked into those sweet eyes of yours. 
“...Here,” he mumbled. “I’ll help you put it on.”
Ao’nung, with a gentleness that even he was surprised at, parted your hair. It was his first time touching you like this, so tenderly, so affectionately. With trembling fingers he brought the cord around your neck, and clicked the clasp shut. After huffing (more out of stress-relief than frustration), he stood in front of you and eyed the necklace that rested beautifully against your collarbones. Then, a beaming, prideful smile creeped up his lips.
It fit perfectly.
blue dividers by: firefly-graphics
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mrsfancyferrari · 1 month
Can you make an AU where Carlos is attracted to the new receptionist at the golf course he and Papa Sainz frequent? Ps. please make her Latina and with curly hair
Thanks in advance!!
Golf Gurl
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Anon: Can you make an AU where Carlos is attracted to the new receptionist at the golf course he and Papa Sainz frequent? Ps. please make her Latina and with curly hair
Song: Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
Author’s note: I can't write short stories to save my life. I hope you enjoy this long journey which may take a full day to read. Please like, reblog and share this! <33
Word count: 6.6k
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It was another busy day at the golf course, with members coming and going.
You've only worked here for a few weeks, thanks to your best friend who got you the job. She knew you were in desperate need of more staff, and you were in desperate need of money, so it worked out perfectly.
The hours were long and the work could be exhausting, but it was a steady paycheck and you were grateful for it. Every day brought new challenges and new faces, and you were slowly getting the hang of things.
The members were mostly friendly, though some could be demanding. Your friend and you often laughed about the more eccentric characters you encountered, and it made the busy days more bearable.
Plus, the beautiful scenery of the golf course was a nice bonus, providing a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
As you stood behind the reception desk, checking in players and handing out scorecards, you couldn't help but notice a familiar face approaching.
It was Carlos Sainz, the young Formula 1 driver, and his father Carlos Sainz Sr.
Carlos Sainz Jr. had a boyish charm that was hard to miss. His chiselled jawline, sparkling brown eyes, and tousled dark hair gave him an effortlessly cool appearance. Dressed in a sleek, navy-blue polo shirt and tailored khaki shorts, he exuded an air of casual sophistication that turned heads everywhere he went.
His father, Carlos Sainz Sr., was a distinguished figure with a rugged, experienced look. His salt-and-pepper hair and weathered face told stories of countless adventures and victories. Wearing a classic white polo and well-fitted trousers, he carried himself with the quiet confidence of a seasoned champion.
As they approached the desk, their easy camaraderie was evident. The younger Sainz greeted you with a warm smile, while his father gave a polite nod, both of them radiating the kind of charisma that comes from a life spent in the spotlight.
"Good morning, how can I assist you today?" You greeted them with a warm smile.
"Hola, we'd like to check in for our usual tee time," Carlos Sainz Sr. replied.
As you typed away at the computer, you felt Carlos Sainz's gaze on you. You glanced up and your eyes met, causing a flutter in your chest.
"Here are your scorecards, gentlemen. Enjoy your round," you said, handing them the cards.
"Gracias, senorita," Carlos Sr. nodded, then turned to his son. "Come on, let's get going."
But Carlos lingered for a moment, his eyes still locked on yours. "Thank you," he said softly, before following his father to the first tee.
A few seconds after they left, your best friend Mariah came running over, her eyes wide with excitement.
"Did you know that Carlos Sainz and his dad just arrived here?" she exclaimed, almost out of breath.
You sighed, a small smile playing on your lips. "Yes, Mariah, I just saw them. I checked them in," you replied, trying to keep your tone casual despite the fluttering in your chest.
Mariah's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in closer. "Did you talk to him? What did he say? Oh my gosh, he’s even more handsome in person, isn't he?" she gushed, barely able to contain her excitement.
You chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Not much, just a thank you," you said softly, feeling that flutter in your chest again as you recalled the moment.
Mariah nudged you playfully. "Come on, there has to be more! Did he smile at you? Did you feel a spark?"
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn't help but blush. "He did smile, and maybe there was a little spark," you admitted, causing Mariah to squeal with delight.
"This is so exciting! Who knows, maybe you'll bump into him again later," she added, winking mischievously.
Over the next few weeks, you noticed Carlos Sainz would often linger a bit longer after checking in, finding excuses to talk to you.
You'd exchange small talk about the weather, the course conditions, or the upcoming F1 race. You found yourself looking forward to these brief interactions, captivated by his charming smile and warm brown eyes.
"Girl, he loves you," Mariah exclaimed dramatically over your lunch break, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
You laughed, shaking your head. "That's exaggerating, Mariah. We've just been talking," you insisted, though you couldn't deny the thrill that ran through you at the thought.
Mariah leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Please, I've seen the way he looks at you. It's like you're the only person in the world. And don't even get me started on how he always finds a reason to linger around," she said, raising an eyebrow.
You sighed, unable to suppress a smile. "Okay, maybe there's something there. But it's not like anything can really happen," you said, trying to temper your own rising excitement.
Every time you saw him, your heart would skip a beat, and a warm, tingling sensation would spread through your chest.
You found yourself stealing glances at him, feeling a mixture of nervousness and exhilaration with each encounter. Despite your attempts to remain composed, the mere sight of his easy smile and confident demeanor left you feeling giddy and hopeful for what might come next.
One afternoon, as you were organizing some paperwork, Carlos approached you with a cup of coffee in his hand. "I thought you might need a pick-me-up," he said with that signature smile, his fingers brushing yours as you accepted the cup.
The brief touch sent a jolt of electricity through you, and you couldn’t help but stammer a thank you, your cheeks flushing pink.
Carlos's smile widened, clearly pleased by your reaction. "You're welcome," he replied smoothly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"I hope it helps you get through the rest of the day," he added, lingering just a moment longer before turning to leave, leaving you feeling both flustered and elated.
As Carlos walked away, you couldn't help but replay the moment in your head, savoring the warmth of his touch and the genuine kindness in his eyes.
Your mind swirled with a jumble of emotions—anticipation, curiosity, and a growing hope that maybe, just maybe, there was more to these interactions than simple friendliness.
You find yourself unable to focus on your work, daydreaming about what might happen the next time your paths cross. . . .
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It was getting closer to Christmas Day, and Carlos's visits to the golf course were becoming more frequent. Every time he came by the check-in desk, he lingered a little longer, chatting about anything and everything.
"So, are you planning to go spend Christmas with your family?" he asked, leaning casually against the counter.
You smiled, shaking your head. "No, my parents live in Mexico and I'd rather stay here for Christmas. What about you?"
Carlos chuckled, "I think I'll spend the day with my family." His eyes twinkled with a mix of excitement and holiday spirit.
"That sounds perfect Carlos. I hope you'll have a great Christmas with them," you replied.
Carlos nodded, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Thanks! Maybe next year you can join us for a big family dinner," he suggested, his tone genuine.
You laughed softly, feeling a bit more connected. "I'd love that, Carlos. Maybe I'll take you up on that offer someday."
The conversation flowed easily, making the cold December days feel a little warmer.
The day of Christmas arrived quickly, bringing with it a quiet calmness to the golf course. Snow gently dusted the greens, and the usually bustling check-in desk saw only a handful of customers.
You had decided to work today, lured by the promise of bonus pay, but the lack of holiday cheer made the hours drag.
As the afternoon wore on, you found yourself reminiscing about Carlos's invitation. The thought of being surrounded by a warm, welcoming family made the solitude sting a little less.
Maybe next year, you thought, as you glanced out at the serene, snow-covered landscape. For now, you'd focus on making the best of the quiet day, knowing that the holiday spirit could be found in the most unexpected places.
The day of Christmas arrived quickly after, and you were one of the two workers stationed at the reception desk.
The other worker, Sarah, had just gone on her long break, taking the opportunity to stroll through the snow-dusted golf course while you handled the few customers that trickled in.
The quietness of the day was both a blessing and a curse; it gave you ample time to reflect but also made the hours stretch endlessly.
As you sat there, a small group of regulars came in to get a quick round of golf in before their holiday festivities. Their cheerful banter brought a touch of the holiday spirit into the otherwise serene clubhouse.
Engaging in light conversation with them helped pass the time, and their jovial moods were infectious.
You then heard a familiar voice as you texted Mariah on the phone. "You should be focusing on me instead of your phone," the voice teased.
You looked up to see Carlos standing there, bundled up in a thick coat and scarf. "Carlos! What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with your family!" you exclaimed, genuinely surprised but delighted to see him.
Carlos chuckled, "I was, but I thought I'd stop by to check on you. I know working on Christmas can be a drag."
He leaned on the counter, his eyes twinkling with the same mix of excitement and holiday spirit from before. "Plus, I brought you a little something to make your day brighter," he said, pulling out a small gift-wrapped box from his coat pocket.
You accepted the gift with a smile, the loneliness of the day melting away in the warmth of his gesture.
"Thank you, Carlos. You didn't have to do this," you said, unwrapping the gift to reveal a beautifully crafted snow globe with a miniature winter wonderland inside. "It's perfect," you added, touched by the thoughtful gesture.
Carlos shrugged modestly, "I just wanted to bring a piece of the holiday cheer to you. Besides, who says you can't have a little fun at work?"
"You always know how to make things better," you replied, placing the snow globe on the counter where you could admire it throughout the day.
"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?" you asked, curious about how he managed to juggle his time.
Carlos smiled, "Well, after making sure you're not too lonely here, I'm heading back to help my mom with the Christmas dinner preparations."
He chuckled, "You know how it is, I'm the oldest so it's my job to help out." You nodded in agreement, feeling a rush of admiration for his sense of responsibility.
He shrugged, "It's just what family does."
"That's really sweet of you, Carlos. Family traditions are important, and I can see how much you cherish them," you replied, feeling a renewed sense of warmth from his presence.
"I actually miss those big family gatherings, the laughter, and the chaos. But being here isn't so bad, especially now that you're here."
"Well, I hope you get to see your parents soon," Carlos said, his eyes filled with understanding and sincerity.
"Thanks, Carlos. I hope so too," you replied, handing him his scorecard as you noticed a small line forming behind him. "But for now, I'm just glad I got to see you. It means a lot."
Carlos gave you a warm smile, "Take care of yourself, and don't let the holiday blues get to you, okay?" He glanced at the next customer and nodded, "Looks like you've got some more people to cheer up. I'll see you around."
You smiled back, "Thanks again, Carlos. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family." With that, he waved and headed to his golf section, leaving you with a heart a little lighter and a desk adorned with a piece of holiday magic.
As Carlos left, the next customer approached the counter with a friendly smile. "Hi there, I was wondering if you could help me find a gift for my nephew.
"He's really into sports, especially golf," she said, her eyes twinkling with holiday excitement. "Of course," you replied, eager to assist and share some of the holiday cheer Carlos had just brought into your day.
After assisting the customer with a few suggestions for her nephew, you were finally let off for your break. Eager to catch up with Carlos, you quickly made your way to the golf section, scanning the aisles for his familiar figure.
There he was, meticulously arranging golf balls and chatting with another employee.
You decided not to disturb him, content to watch from a distance as he swung his club with practiced ease. The fluid motion of his swing sent the golf ball flying straight and true, a testament to his skill and dedication.
His focus was unwavering, and you couldn't help but admire his passion for the sport. It was clear that golf was more than just a hobby for Carlos; it was a part of who he was.
As you continued to observe, you noticed the way he effortlessly engaged with the customers and his colleagues, offering advice and sharing tips with a genuine enthusiasm that was infectious.
His charisma and kindness shone through in every interaction, making the golf section a little brighter and more welcoming. Watching him, you felt a sense of comfort and connection, knowing that even in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, there were moments of true joy and camaraderie to be found.
"Are you going to stare all day or are you going to come here?" you heard Carlos say, snapping you out of your reverie. You blinked and realized that he was looking right at you, a playful grin lighting up his face.
With a sheepish smile, you walked over to him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just admiring your swing," you confessed.
Carlos chuckled, handing you a golf club. "No worries! Want to give it a try? It's never too late to pick up a new hobby," he encouraged, his eyes twinkling with the same holiday excitement you had seen in the customer's earlier.
"I've never done golf before," you admitted shyly, gripping the club with uncertainty.
Carlos raised an eyebrow, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. "How do you work at a golf place yet don't know how to play golf?" he asked, his tone light and curious.
You shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I guess I just never had the time or the opportunity. Plus, it always seemed a bit intimidating," you explained.
Carlos's expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Well, today is your lucky day. Let's start with the basics. First, you want to have a good stance," he instructed, moving to position your feet correctly.
"And don't worry, I'll be right here to guide you every step of the way."
You stood in front of him and held one of his clubs, following his instructions but you missed the ball twice. "Don't worry about it," Carlos said, his voice gentle and encouraging.
"It's all about getting comfortable with your stance and swing. Let's try adjusting your grip a little bit." He carefully positioned your hands on the club, his touch steadying your nerves.
Taking a deep breath, you tried again, but the ball still didn't go very far. Carlos laughed softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Hey, you're getting there! Remember, it's not about power, it's about technique. Just relax and let the club do the work." His confidence was contagious, and you found yourself smiling back at him.
"Alright, one more time," you said determinedly, feeling a renewed sense of excitement.
Carlos moved closer, his presence both comforting and electrifying. "Let me help you this time," he muttered, standing right behind you and placing his hands over yours on the club.
Your breath hitched as you felt the warmth of his body aligning with yours, his steady guidance making you feel surprisingly confident. "Just relax," he whispered, his voice soothing, "and let’s focus on the swing together."
With Carlos's hands guiding yours, you felt an immediate difference. The club felt less foreign, and your stance more natural.
As you swung, the ball finally took a clean, satisfying arc through the air. "There you go!" Carlos exclaimed, stepping back with a proud smile. You turned to him, beaming with excitement and gratitude. "Thank you, Carlos. That was amazing!"
He chuckled, brushing a stray lock of hair from your face. "Anytime. Looks like you might just have a knack for this after all."
Looking at Carlos, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement and appreciation. His patience and unwavering support were more than just helpful; they made you feel seen and valued.
As your eyes met, you realized there was something undeniably special about this moment, making you wonder if this newfound connection might extend beyond the golf course.
Before you could say anything more, one of the staff called you for assistance. "Excuse me, I need to help with something," you said, reluctantly pulling away from Carlos.
He nodded, his eyes still warm and understanding. "Go ahead. I'll be right here when you're done," he assured you.
As you walked over to the staff member, you couldn't help but glance back at Carlos. He was watching you, a small smile on his face, which only made your heart race faster.
The task at hand was simple enough, but your mind kept drifting back to the moments you had just shared. Finally, as you wrapped up the assistance, you knew you couldn't wait to get back to Carlos, eager to see where this newfound connection might lead.
"Thanks for waiting," you said with a smile, walking back toward him. "So, how about another lesson? I think I could use a bit more of your expert guidance," you added, hoping to prolong your time together.
Carlos grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'd be happy to help. Let's see if we can make that swing even better." He stepped closer, his hand gently resting on your back as he adjusted your stance once more.
"Remember, it's all about the rhythm and feeling comfortable."
As you were closing up the pro shop, Carlos approached the desk. "Y/N, I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tonight?" he asked, a nervous edge to his voice.
"But what about your family dinner?" you asked, your voice tinged with concern.
Carlos smiled, his eyes twinkling with reassurance. "We can go after it, if you want to. My family gatherings usually wrap up pretty early."
You hesitated for a moment, weighing the excitement of spending more time with him against the potential intrusion on his family plans. But his earnest expression melted your doubts.
"Alright, that sounds perfect," you agreed, feeling a rush of anticipation.
"Great! I'll pick you up around eight?" Carlos suggested, his face lighting up with relief and joy.
"Eight it is," you confirmed, your heart fluttering at the prospect of what the evening might bring.
As you both exchanged smiles and phone numbers, you couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning of something wonderful.
The dress Mariah brought was a stunning crimson red, the color of a ripe pomegranate. As soon as you held it up, you could tell it was made of the finest silk, the fabric flowing through your fingers like liquid fire.
"Mariah, this dress is absolutely gorgeous!" you exclaimed, your eyes wide with delight. "I can't believe you found something this beautiful on such short notice."
"I know you, girl," Mariah said with a wink. "I knew you needed something special, so I went straight to my favorite boutique. As soon as I saw this dress, I knew it had your name written all over it."
Holding the dress up to your body, you admired the way the deep v-neckline would accentuate your collarbones, and the way the fitted bodice would hug your curves in all the right places. The skirt flowed out in elegant pleats, promising to move with grace and fluidity as you walked.
"It's perfect, Mariah. Absolutely perfect. Help me try it on?" you asked, already shimmying out of your clothes in anticipation.
Mariah helped you carefully slip the dress over your head, the cool silk gliding effortlessly against your skin. You felt a slight shiver as the fabric settled around your shoulders, and Mariah expertly adjusted the straps to ensure a perfect fit.
As you turned to face the mirror, you marveled at how the dress seemed to transform you, its rich color and elegant design highlighting your best features.
Mariah's eyes sparkled with pride and excitement as she took a step back to admire you.
"Oh my goodness, you look absolutely stunning!" she gasped, her smile widening. "This dress was made for you; Carlos won't be able to take his eyes off you tonight!"
"Do you really think so?" you asked, your cheeks flushing with a mixture of excitement and nerves.
"Absolutely," Mariah reassured you. "Trust me, when Carlos sees you in this dress, he's going to be speechless. Now, let's finish getting you ready—hair and makeup next!"
You heard a knock on your door and jumped, your heart racing as you glanced at the clock. Mariah had already left after doing your makeup and hair, leaving you to savor the final moments before the big night.
You took a deep breath, smoothing down the skirt of your dress one last time before opening the door.
Carlos stood there, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of you. "Wow," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "You look... incredible."
You felt your cheeks flush again as you smiled shyly. "Thank you, Carlos. You look pretty dashing yourself."
He offered you his arm, his gaze never leaving yours. "Shall we?" he asked, his voice warm and inviting. "Let's," you replied, feeling a surge of confidence and excitement as you stepped out into the evening, ready to dazzle the night away.
That evening, you two met at a cozy Spanish restaurant not far from the golf course. As you sipped on sangria and shared tapas, the conversation flowed easily.
Carlos was genuinely interested in learning more about you - your background, your hobbies, your dreams.
"So what brought you to work at the golf course?" he asked, popping an olive in his mouth.
"Well, I've always loved the sport, and the job allows me to be outdoors and interact with people. Plus, the members are so friendly," you replied, glancing up at him through your lashes.
Carlos nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. The course has never looked better, thanks in no small part to you."
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks at his compliment. "You're very kind. And how about you? What do you enjoy most about golf?"
"The peace and quiet, the challenge of the game... and the lovely company you get to keep these days," he said, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
We talked late into the night, losing track of time. You were captivated by Carlos' charm, his passion for racing, and his genuine interest in you.
As you said your goodbyes in front of your door, he gently took your hand, sending a warm, tingling sensation up your arm.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and a sense of calm contentment washed over you. The evening had been perfect, filled with laughter, meaningful conversations, and an undeniable connection that seemed to grow with each passing moment.
You felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness, wondering what the future might hold for you two. Carlos leaned in slightly, his eyes searching yours as if he was trying to memorize every detail of this moment.
"I had a wonderful time tonight," he said softly, his voice rich with sincerity. "I hope we can do this again soon."
You nodded, unable to suppress the smile that spread across your face. "I’d like that very much," You replied, feeling a sense of warmth and anticipation as you two lingered in the middle of the corridor.
From that night on, Carlos and you grew closer, our budding romance blossoming amidst the lush greens of the golf course. You had never expected to find such a connection with this famous Formula 1 driver, but every moment spent with him felt natural and effortless.
Our future was uncertain, but one thing was clear - you were falling for Carlos Sainz, and falling hard. . . .
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You and Carlos had been dating for a few months, but you finally decided to go public with your relationship. As soon as you did, you became everyone's favorite WAG.
People were captivated by the way you and Carlos would talk in Spanish to each other, often leaving the others around you confused and wondering what you were saying.
"Me encanta cómo podemos hablar en español y nadie sabe de qué estamos hablando.," you said to Carlos one day, giggling. I love how we can just speak in Spanish and nobody knows what we're talking about.
"Yo también," Carlos replied with a smile. "Es nuestro pequeño lenguaje secreto." Me too. It's our own little secret language.
The two of you also had a tendency to judge people from afar, casting subtle glances and whispering comments to each other.
"¿Viste cómo estaba vestida?" you whispered to Carlos, raising an eyebrow. Did you see the way she was dressed?
"Horrible," Carlos scoffed. "Ella no tiene ningún sentido de la moda." She has no fashion sense at all.
Both of your friends would just shake their heads, used to your antics by now. But they couldn't help but be charmed by the way you and Carlos were so in sync, so clearly infatuated with each other.
"They're just so cute together," Mariah said wistfully. "I wish I had what they have."
"I'm right here," Her boyfriend says, carrying her bags and sighing at her disappointment.
You and Carlos would just smile knowingly at each other, happy to be in your own little world, unaffected by the attention you were receiving.
Your relationship was the envy of many, and you wouldn't have it any other way. . . .
During summer break of F1, you, Carlos, Lando, and Carlos Sr decided to embark on a fun-filled adventure to the local golf course.
You, who had recently taken a break from your job, was determined to make the most of your time with Carlos. Armed with golf carts, the four of you embarked on a journey to the greens.
As you all arrived, the golf course was bustling with activity. The lush green landscape stretched out before them, dotted with pristine fairways and shining bunkers.
You all parked their carts side by side, ready to embark on a day of golfing camaraderie.
Excited by their newfound freedom, Carlos and Lando couldn't resist the temptation to showcase their competitive spirits.
Without even waiting for Carlos' dad to finish settling into your shared cart, they spontaneously decided to have a race with their carts. Their eagerness was palpable as they revved their engines and took off down the fairway.
As they raced, Carlos and Lando zoomed past unsuspecting golfers, eliciting a mix of cheers and startled gasps.
Their reckless behavior quickly caught the attention of others.
"Carlos, Lando, slow down before you two idiots flip those carts!" You yelled, your heart racing as you watched them careening down the golf course, their competitive spirits in full display.
However, your pleas went unheeded, as the boys' competitive spirits clouded their judgment.
Frustrated by their reckless antics, Carlos' dad turned his attention to you.
Carlos' dad turned to you, his brow furrowed. "Do you really care for my son, or is this just some passing fancy?" he pressed, his tone laced with skepticism.
You took a deep breath, feeling the frustration build within you. "Of course I care for him, more than you could ever know,"
You replied, the words tumbling out in a rush. "Carlos is the most important person in my life. He makes me laugh when I'm down, he challenges me to be a better person, and his smile lights up my world. I love the way he scrunches up his nose when he's concentrating, and the way he always remembers the little things that mean so much to me."
Your speed increased as you spoke, the golf cart practically flying down the course. "He's my best friend, my confidante, my partner in crime. When I'm with him, I feel alive, like I can take on the world. He's the one person who truly understands me, who sees me for who I am, flaws and all, and loves me anyway."
You pulled the cart to a perfect stop in front of Carlos and Lando, who had finally slowed down. Carlos' dad stared at you, his eyes wide with surprise and, perhaps, a newfound respect.
"I love your son, more than anything," You concluded, your voice soft but unwavering. "He's the most important person in my life, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe, even if it means yelling at a couple of reckless idiots on a golf course."
"Eres tan malo como mi hijo, una pareja hecha en el cielo." Carlos' dad said with a smirk as he slowly got off the golf cart. You're as bad as my son, a match made in heaven.
The tension seemed to ease slightly as he approached you, his stern demeanor softening.
"I see that you care deeply for him, and maybe, just maybe, that's exactly what he needs. Someone who isn't afraid to stand up to him, even when he's being a complete fool."
You let out a relieved sigh, grateful for his understanding. "I promise, I'll always look out for him, even if it means being the voice of reason when he's not thinking straight," you said, meeting his gaze firmly.
Carlos' dad nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Well, then I suppose I can't ask for more than that. Just remember, love isn't always smooth sailing, especially with someone as headstrong as Carlos. But if you can weather the storms together, you'll come out stronger on the other side."
"Thank you, sir," you replied earnestly, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders. "I understand that loving someone like Carlos won't always be easy, but I'm committed to facing whatever comes our way. He means the world to me, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure he knows that every single day."
Carlos' dad placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his eyes softening further. "That's all I needed to hear. Just keep being there for him, and don't be afraid to push him when he needs it. He's lucky to have someone as dedicated as you by his side."
With that, he turned to join Carlos and Lando, leaving you with a renewed sense of determination and a heart full of hope.
You sighed, trying to relax before getting off the golf cart and bringing the golf bags along with you. The weight of the bags felt lighter somehow, perhaps a reflection of the newfound understanding you shared with Carlos’ dad.
As you walked towards Carlos and Lando, you couldn't help but smile, feeling more confident in your place within this tight-knit family.
Carlos looked up as you approached, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of concern.
"Everything okay?" he asked, glancing between you and his dad. You nodded, setting the golf bags down gently. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just had a little chat with your dad," you said, your voice steady.
Carlos' expression softened, and he reached out to take your hand. "I’m glad," he murmured, squeezing your hand gently. "And thank you, for everything."
An overwhelming sense of warmth and contentment washed over you as Carlos' gratitude echoed in your ears. You felt a deep connection solidify between you, knowing that your commitment and love were reciprocated.
In that moment, you realized just how much you cherished being a part of his life, and you silently vowed to stand by him through whatever challenges lay ahead.
"Now let's go destroy Lando in golf," you said with a playful grin, trying to lighten the mood. Carlos chuckled, the tension in his shoulders easing as he glanced over at Lando.
"Hey! I heard that!" Lando yelled from a few yards away, feigning offense but unable to hide the smile tugging at his lips. He walked over to join you both, slinging an arm around Carlos' shoulders. "You know, I wasn't planning on going easy on either of you, right?"
Carlos laughed, glancing between you and Lando. "Well, bring it on then. We're ready for the challenge." You nodded in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of camaraderie as you all headed towards the first hole.
The afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the course, and for the first time in a while, you felt completely at ease, surrounded by friends and the love that had become so precious to you.
As soon as Lando missed the hole and lost the game, a triumphant cheer erupted from both you and Carlos. Without a moment’s hesitation, you found yourself running into Carlos' arms, the exhilaration of victory coursing through you.
Carlos lifted you off the ground in a joyous embrace, spinning you around as your laughter filled the air.
The bond you shared felt even stronger now, forged not just through love but through shared moments of triumph and joy.
Meanwhile, Lando stood a few paces away, trying—and failing—to hide his disappointment. "Oh, come on, you two! No need to rub it in," he called out, though the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his amusement.
Carlos set you down gently before kissing you, his lips warm and reassuring against yours. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that perfect moment.
When you finally pulled back, you saw a mixture of happiness and determination in his eyes, a promise of many more shared victories to come.
"We make a pretty good team, don’t we?" he whispered, his forehead resting against yours. You nodded, feeling the truth of his words resonate deep within you.
With Carlos by your side, every challenge seemed surmountable, every moment more meaningful.
Lando, still feigning annoyance, walked up and clapped both of you on the back. "Alright, lovebirds, let's see if you can keep that winning streak going," he teased, his smile widening.
As you all moved on to the next hole, the playful banter and shared laughter reminded you just how lucky you were to have such incredible people in your life. . . .
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bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Mornings and waffles – Clark Kent x Reader
Characters: Clark Kent [Superman], Jon Kent [Superboy], Conner Kent [Superboy] and fem! Reader [You]
Synopsis: You have been married to Clark Kent for 12 years, and you live in the farmhouse in Smallville. You have two children, Jon Kent and Conner Kent. On a sunny morning, her two children jump on the bed to order pancakes and good morning kisses. You couldn't have a more perfect family.
Warnings: Superboys being super cute. N/A: I thought about doing something similar to Batmom but Superman. I always imagined what it would be like to be the mother of two super boys. Hope you like it. I hope you like it and that you feel how cute Superboys are. I'm a Latina girl who doesn't speak fluent English, so I want to apologize for any writing errors you find. Feel free to correct me.
Requests are open waiting for you
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The sun was shining on the farm.  The light came in through the window, but you didn't bother because you were hugging your husband's huge body.  Clark used to sleep completely clinging to you, so the sun didn't hurt him.
You were about to wake up, but you could have a few more good minutes for you and Superman in bed together.  Well, you planned to stay in bed until you decided to leave, but your children didn't want to contribute to your wish.
You felt two heavy bodies jumping on the bed, on top of you.  Your eyes snapped open, and you sighed wearily when you saw Jon's bright blue eyes staring back at you.  He and Conner were in bed, trying to wake their parents.
“Waffles!”  Jon yelled, jumping on you.
Jonathan was ten and Conner was eighteen, but they still liked to jump into their parents' bed on a Sunday morning to order coffee.  They could just ask Martha or wait for you to wake up, but it was more fun to jump on you.
“Jon it's still five in the morning, go to bed.” You grumbled, running your hand through your youngest son's hair.
“It's time for coffee, Mom.  And the father has to fix the barn again.”  This time it was Conner who spoke.  He was hunched over Clark's body, who kept his eyes closed, was awake, but still didn't open his eyes.
It was hard to get Clark to accept Conner.  At first, he treated the boy with utter contempt and it broke your heart.  There were hours of conversation, and he only accepted his eldest son after having a conversation with Bruce, which made your husband open his mind.
Conner suddenly came into your life, but you can't imagine a complete family without their pretty boy.  It took Clark a few years to accept the clone as a son and call him that, but when he called the boy son for the first time, your heart was full of love.
“And we want waffles.”  Jon said again, sitting up in bed.  He was in his pajamas with a dinosaur design on it and his hair was totally disheveled, and his face was crumpled up from sleep.
“Then let's make waffles.”  You said, giving up.  Their children uttered an exclamation of joy, making a high-five between them.  “There will be waffles for you too, Mr. Kent.”  You whispered in the ear of your husband, who now had his eyes open and smiling at Jon.
“Come on, Jon.  Whoever gets to the table first will get the most coffee.”  Superboy suggested, getting out of bed in the field.  Jon also got up, and the two ran to the kitchen, betting on a race.
You let out a weak moan, hugging your husband again.  He hugged you back, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
“Let's get up, we have to feed the two beasts.”  Clark joked, taking off the blanket so he could put his feet on the ground.
You smiled, repeating your husband's act and going to the bathroom.  Within minutes, you had washed your face, brushed your teeth, and changed your clothes.
You were already in the kitchen, putting the batter in the machine to turn it into a chocolate waffle.  Jon and Conner already had their mouths covered with so much chocolate, but they still wanted to repeat four more servings.
Martha, your mother-in-law, was helping you make coffee.  She was by his side, frying eggs and bacon.  She smiled at you, with that sweet face that only she had.
“They're very gluttonous.”
You both laughed, and smiled even more when you saw that Jonathan was frowning, probably because you heard his grandmother's comment.
“I only ate seven waffles and three pieces of bacon.  I didn't even eat that much.” He confessed, making a cute pout.
“Okay, so, since you're not eating much, that portion of bacon and eggs goes to your dad.”  You joked, putting the fresh food Martha had just prepared on your husband's plate, who thanked you with a kiss on the cheek.
Conner groaned.  After you and your mother-in-law finished cooking, the two of you joined them for a nice family breakfast.
You laughed at each other, talked about silly topics, and showed how much you loved each other.
“We have a perfect family.”  Clark confessed, running his hand gently over his arm.  “A completely loving and amazing family.” He concluded with a smile when he saw Martha lightly pat Conner's hand gently as he tried to grab one of his grandmother's bacon.
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wholoveseggs · 2 months
I am so excited every time I see new Elijah content of yours. Please don't stop anytime soon!! Helps me through the day.
I also have a request: Elijah is the sole guardian of his niece while Klaus and the rest of his siblings are out of town. He meets y/n, who's a single parent as well. She falls in love with him because he is so caring when it comes to Hope, but he has to come clean with y/n about being a vampire. Eventually, there's smut, of course :)
Ice Cream and Love Bites
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You are at a playground with your son when you meet Elijah. He is everything you are looking for in a partner, but his life is shrouded in mystery. Can you trust him with your heart?
♡♡ Thank you for the request lovely @originals23! Fluffy domestic Elijah is my favorite ~xoxox ♡♡
8.2k words - Warnings: smut at the end, so much fluff, lots of cute kids stuff, ice cream, romantic dates, blood drinking, vampire reveal, Elijah being fatherly & beignets...
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@gorgeouslydangerous @starkleila @lydia1369sworld @notleylaaa @vampiresluv
@myanmy @xflowerbombxo @maryvibess @always-and-forever-daydreaming
@spnaquakindgdom @amournoir @meeom @damienmorton @wickedmuse
@cs-please @complicatedandconfusing-25 @youcanhavemybuckanyday @akala6670229 @yeaiamme2
@itsjulzandmydiamonds @spideysbabe @witch-of-letters @elijahstwink @rosecentury
@amanda08319 @starshipcookie @li-da-savage @veggie-eggrolls @spideybv28
@sunkissedebony97 @idk00sblog @savannaounana @sekaishell @b1tchy
@loving-and-dreaming @fancycassie-stayfancy @hcqwxrtss123 @iamawkwardandshy @ziayamikaelson
@absolutemarveltrash @darkened-writer
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Your son was everything to you. He had turned five not too long ago, and was a kind and loving little boy. It made you incredibly proud, seeing him grow and develop every day. However, it also meant that he had become even more of a handful.
You didn't mind, of course. You loved him with your whole heart. But it was hard being a single mom, with his energy completely boundless. He ran around your apartment constantly, climbing on everything, jumping off, and running to do it all over again. And he never got tired. Ever.
So you were happy to bring him to the local playground every chance you got. It was one of the few times you felt you could actually sit down and enjoy the world around you.
You sat at a bench, sipping your coffee and reading a book while keeping an eye on your son. He was playing with an adorable little girl, with auburn hair and bright blue eyes. You thought she might be about his age.
The two of them were running around and playing together, their laughs making you smile. Your son was such a social kid, always happy to make new friends and it looked like they were having a lot of fun.
You looked back down at your book, flipping a page, but the sound of the little girl crying caught your attention. Looking up, you saw her on the ground, clutching her leg.
"Are you okay?" You asked, quickly standing up and rushing over to the pair.
She sniffled and shook her head, tears falling down her face, she had a cut on her knee. Your son was kneeling next to her, holding her hand, which you thought was adorable.
"It's okay, sweetheart," you said gently, crouching down and examining her knee.
It was just a small scratch, but still, the blood was trickling down her leg. You pulled a tissue out of your bag, pressing it against the cut.
"Let's go find your mommy, okay?" You told her.
"My mommy isn't here," she sniffed, "uncle lijah is here."
"Where is your uncle?" You asked, looking around.
A shadow was cast across the three of you, and you looked up to see a handsome man, wearing a full suit and tie, even though it was a Saturday. He was ridiculously handsome, with dark eyes and a sharp jaw, looking like he stepped out of a noir film.
"Hope, darling, what happened?" He asked, kneeling down and looking at her with a frown.
"Uncle lijah, I fell," she cried, "but Miss pretty lady helped me."
"Oh, did she?" He looked up at you, a smile tugging at his lips, "thank you for helping my niece."
"Of course," you nodded, "it's no trouble at all."
Your son, who had been watching the whole interaction, suddenly spoke up, "mommy, who is that?"
"That's the uncle of your new friend, silly," you said, standing up and offering him your hand.
"Elijah," he said, taking your hand and shaking it, "it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Y/N," you said, smiling, "and this is my son James,"
"Hello, young sir," he said, looking down at your son, who was clinging to your leg.
James giggled, hiding his face in your leg. You smiled, gently ruffling his hair.
Elijah scooped Hope up in his arms, inspecting the cut on her knee. You couldn't even see it anymore, just a bit of dried blood.
"I have some bandaids in my bag if you need one," you offered.
He nodded, following you over to the bench where your bag sat. You handed him a bandaid, watching as he carefully peeled off the paper and placed it over the scratch.
Hope's eyes were still a bit watery, and she kept sniffling. Elijah kissed her head, smoothing her hair back.
"Uncle lijah can you go down the slide with me?" She asked.
"Of course, darling," he smiled, setting her down.
You watched as she grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the slide. Your son's hand slid into yours, and he looked up at you.
"Can I go down the slide too, mommy?"
"Sure, baby," you nodded, giving him a gentle push towards the playground.
You sat back down on the bench, sipping your coffee, but kept a close eye on both your son and the handsome stranger.
You watched him pull off his suit jacket, then his tie. You almost choked on your drink, seeing the way his shirt clung to his muscular body. He was tall and broad, and the sight of him without his jacket was enough to make you flush.
He helped his niece down the slide a couple of times, she was giggling, clearly feeling better now. After a few minutes, James joined the two of them, and Elijah smiled at him, helping him up the ladder.
Watching the three of them play was so heartwarming. Elijah was clearly a great uncle, and you found yourself admiring him from afar.
Eventually the kids went running off to play in the sand and Elijah came over to the bench, taking a seat next to you.
"Thank you again," he said, "I really appreciate you helping Hope."
"Oh, it was no trouble," you said, "she's adorable, and it was nice to have another parent around.”
Your eyes wandered to the man sitting next to you, he seemed so very out of place at a children's playground. He was clearly very rich, his clothes and watch were expensive, and he carried himself with such elegance.
"So, how old is Hope?" You asked.
"She's five," he said, "James?"
"He's five too," you said, "how long have you been raising her?"
"About half a year now," he said, a slight sigh in his voice.
"That's a big commitment," you said, "single parenting can be tough."
"I find it more rewarding than anything else," he said, "she's a wonderful girl."
You nodded and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence as you watched the kids. Hope and James were playing hide and seek, their giggles filling the air.
You couldn't help but notice the way Elijah looked at his niece, there was so much love and affection in his eyes. It was clear that he cared deeply for her.
It was so rare to find a man like him, who took his role as a parent so seriously. James' father didn't even care about the fact that he had a child, he had only used you for a good time, not caring about the consequences.
But here was this man, who was so caring and loving to his niece. After all that you had been through, the struggles of being a single parent, the loneliness, the pain, it was refreshing to see someone like Elijah.
You glanced at him, your eyes trailing over his face. He looked so prim and proper, you couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to mess up his perfectly styled hair, to tug on his tie and pull him in for a kiss.
Your cheeks heated up at the thought and you quickly looked away. The last thing you needed was to be thinking about a stranger like that.
After a few minutes, James and Hope ran over to the bench, excitedly telling the two of you about the game they had just played. You smiled, listening to their story, but your eyes kept drifting back to Elijah.
You wanted to know more about him, and not just because he was attractive. He seemed like a genuinely nice person, and it was so rare to find a kindred spirit in this city.
"Mommy, can I have an ice cream?" James asked.
"Me too!" Hope chimed in.
"Oh, uh," you looked at Elijah, who shrugged, "sure, let's go get some ice cream."
The kids cheered and ran off towards the ice cream cart. You and Elijah stood up, following behind them.
As the four of you approached the cart, James and Hope were bouncing excitedly.
"I want strawberry," Hope said, "no, wait, chocolate!"
"What kind do you want, honey?" You asked James.
"I dunno," he said, his brows furrowing as he looked at the variety of flavors, "there's a lot."
"How about vanilla?" You suggested, "it's a classic."
"Okay," he nodded.
"I'll have two scoops of chocolate," Hope declared.
"Just one for you, little miss," Elijah said, a smile on his face.
She pouted but didn't put up a fight, and you couldn't help but admire his ability to handle a toddler so well.
Elijah looked at you, an eyebrow raised, "and what would you like?"
"Oh, I'm fine," you said, "I don't want to impose."
"Nonsense," he said, "my treat,"
"Alright," you said, "I'll take chocolate."
He nodded and ordered four ice creams, handing one to each of you.
"Thank you," you said.
"You're welcome," he replied.
The two of you walked back over to the bench, sitting down and watching as the kids ran around eating their ice creams.
"So, how long have you been in New Orleans?" He asked, taking a bite of his own ice cream.
"Not long," you said, "only a couple of weeks."
"And you're liking it so far?"
"I am," you nodded, "the people are nice, and the weather is great."
"Do you have any family or friends here?"
"No, it's just me and James," you said, "we needed a change of pace, and I always wanted to live in New Orleans."
"Well, I hope you and James both settle in nicely," he said.
"Thank you," you replied.
The conversation was easy between the two of you, he was polite and charming, with a warm smile that made your heart flutter.
Your ice cream had started to melt, dripping onto your hand. He swiftly handed you his handkerchief, and you smiled, thanking him.
You watched as James chased Hope around the playground, their giggles and squeals of joy making you smile. It was so nice to see him playing with another kid, making a friend.
Elijah was equally enthralled, watching his niece run around with a grin on his face.
"You're really good with her," you said, "I can tell how much you love her."
"She's the best part of my life," he replied, "I would do anything for her."
His words tugged at your heartstrings, he was so open and honest. There was no trace of arrogance or self-importance, only pure love for his family.
"Pardon me if I'm being too forward," he said, "but would you be interested in getting coffee sometime?"
You could feel your cheeks heating up, his gaze was so intense, and you found yourself nodding.
"I would like that," you said. "But it's so hard for me to find a sitter,"
"Well," he said, a smile forming on his lips, "Hope loves your son, I'm sure she would enjoy playing with him again. Perhaps, we can schedule a playdate for the two of them, and we can have some coffee."
"I think I would like that very much," you said, your heart beating faster as he grinned.
The two of you exchanged numbers and then made arrangements for a play date the following week. As the afternoon came to an end, Elijah and Hope said their goodbyes.
You couldn't stop smiling as you drove home, your thoughts filled with Elijah and the coffee date you had planned. Maybe New Orleans would be good for more than just a fresh start.
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It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze blowing. The perfect weather for a play date.
You had James in the back seat of your car, strapped safely into his car seat, driving to the address Elijah had given you. He was excited, eager to play with his new friend.
As you pulled up to the building, you had to admit that it was impressive. The exterior was in the style of classic French Quarter architecture with a large courtyard, wrought iron balconies, and lush greenery. It was beyond anything you could afford, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
"Wowwwww," James said, looking out the window.
"It's pretty, huh?" You said, unbuckling him and helping him out of the car.
He held your hand tightly as the two of you walked towards the front door. You felt a little nervous, unsure what to expect, but as soon as you rang the bell, the door swung open, revealing a very excited Hope.
"James!" She cried, throwing her arms around him.
He giggled, hugging her back.
"Hi," Elijah appeared behind Hope, a smile on his face, "thank you for coming."
"Of course," you said, "thank you for having us."
"Come in, come in," he said, stepping aside, "make yourself at home."
You stepped inside, taking in the beautiful interior. Everything was immaculate, the furniture and decor were elegant and sophisticated.
"Your house is so big!" James exclaimed.
"I suppose it is," Elijah chuckled.
"Hope, why don't you show James the playroom?" He suggested, "I'm sure he would love to see your toys."
She nodded and grabbed James' hand, leading him down the hall. You couldn't help but smile as you watched them run off, they were clearly going to be good friends.
"So," Elijah said, his voice low, "I thought maybe I could make you some coffee, or perhaps tea?"
"Coffee sounds great," you said, trying not to sound too eager.
"Wonderful," he said, "follow me."
You followed him into the kitchen, taking a seat at the island. He was moving around the kitchen, brewing coffee and setting out pastries. The place was just as beautiful as the rest of the house, with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances.
"You have a lovely home," you said.
"Thank you," he said, "it's been in my family for many centuries."
"That's a lot of memories," you mused.
"Yes," he said, a distant look in his eye, "there are a lot of memories here."
He poured the coffee into two mugs, setting them on the counter. You added a bit of milk and sugar, stirring it slowly.
"Tell me," he said, leaning against the counter, "why did you decide to move to New Orleans?"
"Well," you took a sip of your coffee, "I wanted a change, a fresh start... James' father left when I told him I was pregnant and I needed a place where we could start over."
"That must have been difficult," he said, his eyes full of understanding.
"It was," you admitted, "but I'm doing better now."
"I'm glad to hear that," he said.
You couldn't help but appreciate how easy the conversation was with him. He was charming and charismatic, and there was an air of mystery about him.
"What about you?" You asked, "what's your story?"
"My story is quite long," he said, a smile on his face, "perhaps another time."
You couldn't deny that you were intrigued, wanting to know more about this man and his family. But you also didn't want to pry.
The conversation drifted from one topic to another. You talked about everything from the books you were reading, to art and music. He made you laugh with his dry sense of humor, and you found yourself growing more and more attracted to him.
"Uncle lijah!" Hope's voice rang through the kitchen, she came running over and jumped into his arms.
"Yes, little one?" He asked, his expression softening as he looked at her.
"Can James and I have a snack?"
"Of course," he said, "would you like a pastry?"
She nodded eagerly, and he set her down on the counter, placing a plate with a pastry in front of her.
"Beignets!!" She exclaimed.
"Have you ever had a beignet?" Elijah asked, looking at James.
"No," he shook his head.
"Would you like to try one?"
James nodded and Elijah handed him a beignet, which he happily ate, quickly covering himself in powdered sugar.
"Oh," Elijah chuckled, grabbing a napkin and wiping James' face, "it seems you're quite the messy eater."
You watched the way he treated your son, it was obvious how much he loved children, and it warmed your heart.
"Sorry," James mumbled, his cheeks flushing.
"It's alright," Elijah said, "we all get messy sometimes."
You sipped your coffee, admiring the man in front of you. He was unlike anyone you had ever met, and you were beginning to fall for him.
The date ended far too soon, with Elijah walking you and James to the car.
"I had a wonderful time," he said, helping strap James into his car seat.
"Me too," you replied.
He straightened up, his face mere inches from yours. Your breath caught in your throat as you looked into his eyes.
"Perhaps we can do this again?" He asked, his voice low.
"I would like that," you murmured, your heart racing.
He leaned closer and kissed you on the cheek, his hands resting gently on your hips. You felt your cheeks heat up, a blush spreading across your face.
"Until next time," he said, smiling.
"Until next time," you echoed.
He stepped back and you got into the car, still reeling from the kiss. James was happily babbling away in the back seat, telling you about the toys he had played with.
As you pulled away from the curb, you couldn't help but glance in the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of Elijah and Hope waving goodbye.
"Hope said her daddy and mommy are vampires and werewolves!" James said, "and she said that she's a witch and a werewolf!"
"Did she now?" You said, chuckling, kids had the wildest imaginations.
"A-and uncle lijah is the oldest vampire in the world!" He said, his eyes wide.
You laughed, shaking your head. Kids were adorable, and James was no exception. He was a little ball of sunshine, and you were grateful for the happiness he brought into your life.
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You put the finishing touches on your outfit, glancing in the mirror. You were nervous, it had been nearly six years since you went on a date, and... well... All that comes with that. You spent far too long getting ready, even re-applying your makeup and changing clothes a couple of times.
You wanted to look perfect, and you felt like it was important that you do so. After all, you were about to go on a date with one of the most attractive men you had ever seen, and if you had a chance with him, you were going to make sure you gave it your best.
"What are you doing mommy?" James had wandered into your room, and you smiled at him, kneeling down to his level.
"I'm getting ready for my date, remember?"
He tilted his head to the side, looking thoughtful. "Is Uncle Lijah taking you on a date?"
"Yeah, he is."
"Because I like him, and I think he likes me." You blushed a little, feeling a little embarrassed. "He makes me happy."
James giggled, "He's really nice, mommy. You should marry him."
"Oh, I don't know about that. We just met, honey." You chuckled, smoothing his hair down.
"But he makes you happy, you get all red and smiley when he's around," James said, grinning.
You couldn't contain the smile on your face, because he was right. You did get happy and smiley when Elijah was around, and it wasn't just because of how handsome he was. The way he was with Hope and James, it was clear that he was a good man.
"I'll keep that in mind," you said, kissing his forehead. "Now, why don't you go grab your bag? Cami will soon be here with Hope, and the three of you are going to have a sleepover,"
"Okay!" James said, running off to his room.
You stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror, giving yourself a once over. You had chosen a simple yet elegant outfit, a silk dress with a pair of heels. It was the kind of dress that was comfortable, but also made you feel sexy.
There was a knock on the door, and you hurried to answer it. Cami was waiting at the door with Hope, the two of them grinning at you.
"Thank you so much for doing this," you said, Elijah had connected you with Cami and insisted on paying her for her babysitting services.
"It's no problem," Cami said, "I'm always happy to help."
"You look pretty," Hope said, her eyes wide.
"Thank you, honey," you smiled, ruffling her hair.
James came running back with his backpack, and you helped him put it on.
"You have fun, okay? And behave for Cami," you said, kissing his forehead.
"Are you having a sleepover too? With my uncle lijah?" Hope asked.
You chuckled, making eye contact with Cami and blushing, "Something like that."
"Yay!" She clapped her hands together, and Cami laughed, shaking her head.
"Come on," Cami said, taking both of the kids' hands, "we'll see you later."
"Bye mommy," James waved as they walked out the door.
"Bye, honey," you said, closing the door behind them.
Your stomach was filled with butterflies, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself. You couldn't wait for your date. You glanced at the clock, he was due to arrive any moment.
There was a knock on the door, and you took a deep breath, smoothing down your dress. You opened the door, your eyes widening when you saw him. He looked handsome, wearing a dark suit and a tie, a bouquet of dark red roses in his hand.
"Hi," you breathed, your heart racing.
"Hello," he smiled, handing you the roses, "for you."
"Thank you," you said, taking them, "let me put them in some water."
You turned around and walked towards the kitchen, finding a vase and filling it with water, carefully arranging the flowers in it.
"They're beautiful," you said, turning to him.
He was still standing outside on your step, which you thought was a bit odd. But he was incredibly old fashioned, so you figured he was just trying to be polite.
"I'm glad you like them," he said, "shall we?"
You walked out the door, locking it behind you. Elijah offered you his arm, and you gladly took it, smiling up at him.
"I hope you like Italian," he said, opening the door to his car and helping you inside.
The restaurant he took you to was one of the best in the city, it had a Michelin star and was known for its romantic atmosphere. There were roses everywhere, climbing up the walls and filling the room with their sweet scent. The candlelight flickered, casting a warm glow.
"This is so nice," you said, as Elijah pulled out your chair for you.
You sat across from him at the table, a bottle of red wine between you. He poured you a glass, and you took a sip, sighing happily.
"I'm glad you like it," he said, his eyes never leaving yours.
The food was delicious, and the company was even better. Afterwards, you walked hand-in-hand down the street, the night sky twinkling above you. It was a perfect evening, and you didn't want it to end. You were definitely going to be having a sleepover tonight.
"Would you like to have another drink back at my place?" Elijah asked, a smirk on his lips.
"I'd love to," you said, knowing what that meant.
The drive back to his house was full of sexual tension, his hand resting on your thigh. Your heart was racing, anticipation building within you.
He pulled up to his house, helping you out of the car. You walked up to the door, feeling a bit nervous, and when you got nervous you tended to start blabbing.
"My son said the funniest thing after our coffee date," you said, laughing, "he was talking about vampires and witches and werewolves and... it was so adorable."
You expected him to laugh, or perhaps chuckle. But instead he grew quiet, and his expression became unreadable.
"Is everything okay?" You asked, your brows furrowing.
"Yes, of course," he said, leading you inside.
"Are you sure?" You asked, sensing something was off, you had a sudden, terrible gut feeling that you said something wrong.
He turned to face you, his expression serious, "I really like you," he began, "and I know we've only known each other for a short time, but... I think there's something here. Something worth pursuing."
"I agree," you said, your heart skipping a beat. You took a nervous step towards him, wanting to be close to him.
He took your hand in his, looking into your eyes. "But I need you to understand something," he said, his voice low.
"What is it?" You asked, your pulse racing.
"There are things about my family that are... different," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, "things that may frighten you."
You were taken aback by his words, and your mind was spinning. What was he talking about? He pulled you in close, his face mere inches from yours.
"Please know, that I would never hurt you," he said, his voice soft, "but I need to be honest with you."
You swallowed hard, not quite sure what to say. His eyes darted to your lips, and you leaned in, kissing him softly. His arms wrapped around your waist, and he kissed you back, the passion and desire evident in his touch.
"Tell me," you breathed, looking up at him.
He pulled away slightly, his eyes searching yours. He looked hesitant, as if he was afraid of scaring you off.
"I'm a vampire," he whispered.
You burst out laughing, he wasn't even smiling, which made it all the more funny. You didn't realize how funny he was, it just made you like him all the more.
"You're a vampire," you giggled, shaking your head.
"I am," he said, his voice firm, and the smile faded from your lips.
"I-I..." You trailed off, unsure what to say. You took a step back, needing some space. Did he actually believe that? Was he having some sort of mental break? Or was he just taking the joke too far?
"This is a joke, right?" You asked, trying to keep the panic out of your voice.
"I'm afraid not," he said, "it's the truth."
"You can't be serious," you said, taking another step back. "Vampires aren't real,"
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this way," he said, his voice sincere, "but I couldn't keep it from you any longer. I had to be honest with you."
"I think you might need to get some help Elijah, raising a kid alone can be stressful, sometimes it does things to your mind..." you said it gently and as softly as you could.
He chuckled, "I'm not crazy, and I'm not making this up. Would it be easier to show you?"
You blinked, wondering if this was some kind of trick, maybe you'd gone out with a crazy person. Rich people can be so strange.
"Show me?" You asked, your voice a little shaky. "What are you going to do? Turn into a bat?"
You felt such sadness, you believed you had finally found someone that you had a real connection with. Who could be a father figure to your son, and someone that you could love, but it was all a delusion.
"Please don't be frightened," he said, his voice soft.
You watched with equal horror and fascination as his face began to change. His eyes turning completely black like a demon, dark veins appearing under his eyes, his teeth sharpened into fangs.
You screamed, falling to the floor. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. It couldn't be real. But it was.
"This can't be happening," you whispered, your body trembling.
Elijah knelt down in front of you, his expression sympathetic. "I know it's a lot to take in."
"W-what are you going to do to me?" You asked, tears rolling down your cheeks.
He let out a sigh, reaching out and wiping away your tears. "I would never hurt you," he said, his voice gentle, "never."
You could tell that he was sincere, and you felt some of your fear dissipate. You trusted him, despite his revelation, despite the fact that he was a vampire, a supernatural being that should only exist in horror movies and books.
"Fuck, you're really a vampire," you murmured, tears streaming down your face.
"Yes," he said, his voice gentle, his hand reaching out for you.
You took his hand, and he helped you up, leading you over to the couch.
"How old are you?" You asked, wiping away your tears.
"About one thousand," he said, shrugging, "give or take."
"Oh god," you whispered, you felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. Somehow the knowledge of his true age was more shocking than him being a supernatural creature.
"Are you okay?" He asked, looking concerned.
"Yeah, I'm just..." You trailed off, shaking your head. "How are you so normal?"
He chuckled, "what's normal?"
"I don't know, I just... I didn't expect this," you said, looking down at the ground.
"It's not something anyone is meant to expect," he chuckled, taking your hands in his.
He still felt the same, just warm and soft, not cold or clammy like the vampires in movies. He just felt like a regular person, not a monster.
"Does Hope know?" You asked, wondering how a child could learn about something like this.
"Yes," he said, a smile tugging at his lips, "she's a... Special combination of creatures."
"What?" You asked, your brows furrowing.
"It is a rather long and complicated story," he said, smiling.
"Well, I have all the time in the world," you said, a small smile on your face.
"So do I," he grinned.
He spent the next hour calmly explaining the nature of his existence, his family, and the supernatural world. He wasn't just any old vampire, but the first of his kind, an original.
You sat back against the couch, trying to comprehend everything he had just told you.
He stood and walked over to the fireplace, placing a few fresh logs on the fire. You thought about how many fires he must have made, that electricity wasn't around for most of his life. He had seen history happen, had been there through so much.
"What does it feel like?" You asked, curiously.
He smiled slightly, looking into the flames, "I don't remember any other way," he said softly, "but... There is an energy, a power that surges through my veins. It can be intoxicating, the thrill of the hunt, the feeling of immortality."
"It sounds..." You trailed off, not quite sure what to say.
"Frightening?" He supplied, looking at you.
"Yes," you admitted, biting your lip.
"That's understandable," he said, walking over to sit next to you on the couch.
You looked into his eyes, and all you saw was warmth and sincerity. "I'm not afraid of you though," you said softly.
"I am glad," he said, "but I understand if this changes things between us."
"You're still the same man," you said, smiling. "Just... More magical."
He laughed, a deep sound that reverberated through the room. It made you feel warm inside, and you couldn't help but chuckle as well.
"Magical," he chuckled, shaking his head, "if you say so."
"I do," you said, a grin on your face. "You're still the same gentleman I had coffee with. The one who makes me smile, and makes my heart race."
"Oh, I know all about your fluttering heart," he smirked, his eyes flashing dangerously.
"You do, huh?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I can hear it," he said, leaning in close, his lips brushing against your ear, "your pulse quickens whenever I'm near. Like right now,"
His lips met yours in a tender kiss, his hand cupping your cheek. You sighed, your eyes closing as his lips moved against yours. He was being so gentle and hesitant, not wanting to scare you away.
But you wanted him, and you knew there was no point in fighting it. He made you feel safe and protected, he treated your son like he was his own. It didn't matter what he was, not when it came to how he made you feel.
His hands slid down to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You slid your hands up his chest, feeling his muscles underneath his shirt, knowing how much power he held. But he was gentle, his touch was feather-light as he caressed your skin.
He pulled away, his breath hot against your lips, his eyes searching yours. You smiled, giving him the silent permission he needed. He leaned down and captured your lips once again, his kiss growing more passionate. You tangled your fingers in his hair, his hands sliding down your back to grip your hips.
You pulled away slightly, feeling a bit nervous, it had been so long since you were intimate with anyone, and learning that he was a vampire just added an extra layer of intensity.
"What's wrong?" He asked, his thumb stroking your cheek.
"Nothing," you smiled, "it's just... It's been a long time since..." You trailed off, hoping he would get the gist.
"Since you've had sex?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Yeah," you blushed, looking away. "With James, and working, and everything... It just hasn't happened."
"We don't have to do anything, we can just talk," he said, his voice sincere.
"No," you shook your head, "I want this, I just..."
"You're nervous," he finished, his lips curling into a smile.
"Yeah," you said, feeling embarrassed.
"That's alright, we'll go slow," he said, kissing you softly, his hands sliding up your sides, slipping underneath your dress.
His fingers grazed your thighs, slowly inching higher until they reached the edge of your panties. You could tell he was skilled, just by the way he was touching you, kissing you. He seemed to know exactly what you needed, where to touch, how hard or soft.
He smiled, loving how responsive you were, your breath catching in your throat, a moan escaping your lips. He kissed your cheek and stood up, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his muscular chest.
You leaned back against the sofa and watched him, your eyes roaming over his body. He was absolutely gorgeous, and he was all yours.
"So... You've looked this good for one thousand years?" You giggled, blabbering once again.
He laughed, his shirt hanging open, his chest bare. You swallowed hard, seeing the defined lines of his abs, the broadness of his shoulders. He was perfect, not a blemish on his skin.
"Something like that," he smirked, sliding his shirt off and letting it fall to the floor.
"Wow," you murmured, drinking him in.
"Wow yourself," he grinned, kneeling down in front of you, his hands on your hips, tugging you to the edge of the sofa.
You squeaked, blushing, and he chuckled, leaning over you, his eyes sparkling. He kissed you softly, his hands moving slowly up your thighs, pushing your dress up higher and higher. You were already soaked, and he had barely touched you.
He kissed his way down your neck, his lips soft against your skin. You shivered, closing your eyes as his hands moved up your body, you raised your arms and let him pull your dress over your head. He tossed it aside, his eyes raking over your body, his pupils blown with desire.
You looked away shyly, his intense gaze making you feel exposed. Your body wasn't the same since you had a child, stretch marks, and a little extra weight. You were nervous, and a little bit scared that he wouldn't find you attractive.
"You are beautiful," he whispered, cupping your chin and making you look at him.
"Thank you," you smiled, his words soothing your anxiety.
He kissed you, his lips firm against yours. You kissed him back, your hands moving up his chest, his skin hot to the touch. You ran your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly, earning a growl from him.
He kissed down your neck, his hands sliding over your breasts, his thumb brushing over your nipples. You gasped, arching your back, pleasure shooting through you. He smirked, continuing his exploration, kissing down your stomach.
He tugged your panties down with one hand, the other splayed on your chest, pushing your back down against the sofa. You closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath, anticipation building inside of you.
He pushed your legs apart, his tongue darting out and licking a slow, teasing line up your slit. You gasped, your body jerking, your hips rocking against him. He chuckled, the vibrations making you shiver.
"So sensitive," he purred, his lips pressing a kiss against your inner thigh.
You groaned, gripping the cushions, his breath hot against your pussy. He licked another slow, torturous line, and then his tongue flicked over your clit. You moaned, your eyes rolling back, your fingers tangling in his hair.
Here was a creature, an old monument that time had not eroded, kneeling before you, his tongue buried deep inside of you. You could not believe that such a beautiful man could want you, that he could be so enamored by you.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that his name escaped your lips, the sound a breathless whisper.
"Elijah," you moaned, your legs trembling.
He hummed, his warm hands holding your thighs, keeping you in place. Your mind was a whirlwind of sensations, pleasure coursing through you as his tongue circled your clit.
You writhed, moaning, gasping, and whimpering. He seemed to enjoy every sound, his eyes looking up at you, his dark irises full of lust and adoration.
Your orgasm washed over you, making you cry out, your body shaking. He licked and sucked, drawing out every last drop of pleasure. You felt every bit of tension leave your body, the world fading away as you came down from your high.
You began to giggle, feeling lighter than you had in a long time. You were a little bit delirious, but in the best kind of way.
"That was amazing," you sighed, looking down at him, your smile wide.
"I aim to please," he grinned, his cheeks flushed.
You sat up, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and it turned you on even more. He chuckled, his hands cupping your ass, pulling you closer to him, bringing your legs around his waist.
"You taste divine," he said, his eyes burning with lust, "and those sounds you make... They're exquisite."
You blushed, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He was too much, the way he made you feel was so overwhelming.
"You trust me?" He whispered, his fingers trailing down your back.
You looked at him and slowly nodded, curious as to what he meant. He smiled, his eyes warm and soft, a slight glimmer in them, you felt his arms tighten around you and suddenly you were moving faster than you could comprehend.
A second later, you were lying on his bed, his body hovering above yours. You blinked, confused, then smiled.
"Fancy trick," you giggled.
"Just one of many," he winked, kissing you softly.
You reached between the two of you and unbuckled his belt, pulling it out of the loops. His eyes followed your movements, his breathing becoming more ragged as you unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his hips.
His erection strained against his boxers, the fabric tight around his length. You gently ran your hand along the outline of his cock, your mouth watering at the size of it.
"What other tricks can you show me?" You teased, biting your lip.
"Oh darling," he growled, his eyes flashing, "you have no idea."
You felt a rush of wetness between your thighs, the tone of his voice turning you on even more. A small part of you was intimidated by him, he was a creature that could rip you apart with his bare hands. But there was a gentleness to him, a kindness that put you at ease.
"Seeing you in my bed is a dream come true," he said, his voice low.
"A dream, huh?" You giggled, teasing him.
"A fantasy," he said, his hands moving over your skin, his lips ghosting over your jaw.
"Oh really?" You asked, tilting your head to the side, giving him better access. "What else does a vampire like yourself fantasize about?"
He smirked, his teeth nipping at your neck. "I'll show you," he purred.
You closed your eyes, a moan slipping from your lips as he gently bit your skin, not enough to break the skin, but just enough pressure to make your blood sing.
He pressed a kiss against the spot and then lifted himself up, hovering above you. You took the opportunity to slide his boxers down, his cock springing free.
You spread your legs wider, inviting him in, and he settled between them, his body pressed against yours. He kissed you, his tongue sliding over yours, his cock rubbing against your pussy. You whimpered, wanting him inside of you, needing to feel him.
He chuckled, his hands moving down to your thighs, lifting them up around his waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close, kissing him desperately. He smiled against your lips and eased himself inside of you.
You gasped, the feeling of being filled by him, stretching around his cock, was exquisite. He continued to kiss you, his hips moving slowly, pushing deeper and deeper into you.
It was hot, slow and sticky, his body pressed against yours, his lips on your skin. It was the most intimate moment you'd ever shared with someone, and it was perfect.
He began to move faster, his lips moving down your neck, kissing and nipping at your skin. You tilted your head back, offering him better access, his tongue licking a hot stripe up your throat.
A sudden, anxious thought entered your mind, and you froze. What if he bit you? Do vampires expect that during sex? Was that a thing?
He noticed your hesitation, and slowed his movements, looking at you, a worried expression on his face.
"What is it, darling?" He asked, stroking your cheek.
"Nothing," you said, trying to hide your concern.
He stopped moving, his brow furrowed. "If I'm hurting you, or you want to stop, just say the word," he said, his eyes searching yours.
"It's not that," you said, looking away.
"Then what is it?" He asked, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your hip.
"Do you... Bite, during sex?" You asked, blushing.
He smiled, his eyes sparkling. "Only if you want me to," he said, leaning down and kissing you softly, his hips starting to move again.
"Does it hurt?" You asked, breaking the kiss.
"It can," he admitted, "but not the way I would do it."
You looked at him, a part of you intrigued by the idea. You couldn't deny that the thought of him sinking his fangs into your skin was a little bit arousing.
"You're curious," he smirked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"A little," you confessed, "it's a new experience, and it's kind of..." You hesitated, wondering if you were ready for that.
"Kinky?" He offered, raising an eyebrow.
You giggled, "Yeah, kind of."
He laughed, his hips thrusting into you, making you gasp. "I could bite you, here," he said, his thumb brushing against the pulse point in your neck, "just a little bite, not enough to cause any real damage."
"You won't... You won't kill me, or turn me, or anything, right?" You asked, feeling a little foolish.
"No, darling, I promise," he said, smiling reassuringly, leaning down and capturing your lips in a sweet kiss.
You kissed him back, feeling a rush of heat pool in your core. You had never done anything like this before, but it was Elijah, and you trusted him.
"Do it," you whispered, your body aching for him.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes searching yours, making sure you were serious. Then he smiled, a smile full of mischief, his eyes glowing with desire.
You held his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest. You watched his eyes change, the soft brown eyes turning completely black, veins appearing underneath them. You should have been scared, but you weren't.
"Don't be afraid," he said softly, his voice taking on a deep, husky tone.
You nodded, touching his cheek, feeling the veins beneath his skin. He kissed your palm, his eyes on you the entire time. You felt a rush of warmth course through you, a sudden burst of confidence.
He lowered his head, his lips brushing against the hollow of your throat, his breath hot against your skin.
You could feel his fangs, his teeth sharp against your flesh. You swallowed hard, waiting for the pain, but it never came.
Instead, he kissed you, his fangs scraping against your skin, sending a thrill through you. He was gentle, and his kisses were slow, soft. His hips still moving against you, the rhythm slow and steady.
You sighed, your eyes fluttering closed and you felt his fangs break the skin, his lips sucking gently at the wound.
It was like nothing you had ever experienced, the feeling was intoxicating, the pleasure was so intense it was almost painful.
Your heart was racing, your skin was flushed, your body trembling with ecstasy. He groaned against your skin, his grip on you tightening, his hips moving faster.
"Elijah," you breathed, clutching at his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin.
He growled, his hands sliding up your body, his fingertips ghosting over your skin. He pulled his mouth away from your neck, and you whimpered at the loss, the wound still bleeding slightly.
You opened your eyes, blinking up at him. His eyes were back to their usual brown, the veins underneath them gone, a smear of blood on his lips. He was looking down at you with a mixture of lust and awe, his expression full of reverence.
You moaned, clinging to him, his movements pushing you closer and closer to the edge. You couldn't stop yourself, and neither could he.
Your orgasm ripped through you, pleasure like a tidal wave crashing over you, and Elijah groaned, his own release following quickly. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, his hips still thrusting, riding out the last waves of his pleasure.
You opened your eyes, and reached up to touch his fangs, your chest heaving, still trying to catch your breath.
"They're sharp," you observed.
"Yes," he chuckled, "they are."
"It didn't hurt," you said, still a bit shocked.
"I made sure of that," he smiled.
"Thank you," you said, leaning up and kissing him.
He kissed you back, his arms tightening around you. You snuggled into his embrace, his body warm and solid.
"Are all vampires that good in bed?" You teased, grinning.
"Maybe, I haven't exactly polled the rest of the community," he smirked, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"Hmm, maybe I should go out and ask around," you joked, laughing.
He chuckled, pulling you closer. "I'm not a fan of sharing," he said, kissing the top of your head.
"I'm not either," you smiled, your hands moving over his body.
"Good," he said, smiling, his eyes sparkling.
"I love you, Elijah," you said, looking up at him, your heart full of affection.
He smiled, a real, genuine smile, the kind that lit up his eyes and made his dimples pop.
"I love you, too, darling," he said, kissing you, his lips soft and sweet.
The two of you laid there for a while, holding each other, enjoying the afterglow. You were content, your body sore and satisfied, your mind buzzing with bliss. Elijah's arms were strong around you, his body warm and solid.
"Tomorrow we should take the kids to this museum downtown," he said, his finger lazily tracing patterns on your skin.
"Mhmm," you hummed, enjoying the feeling of his touch.
"It's supposed to be a fun exhibit on history and mythology," he continued, his voice a soft rumble in his chest. "Since James is so interested in vampires and the like, it would be a perfect opportunity."
You sighed, snuggling closer to him. "Sounds great," you mumbled, your eyes starting to close.
You heard him chuckle, and then the room fell silent, the only sound the beating of his heart, a soft, steady thumping. You could feel the rhythm, and it was soothing, lulling you into a peaceful slumber. It was the first time in a long time you'd slept so soundly.
This fresh start in New Orleans was going to be the best thing that had happened to you in a long time, and with Elijah by your side, you knew everything was going to work out.
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allurilove · 1 month
It's Henry's first day at kindergarten but reader can't take him so Yan's husband goes instead
It’s your husband’s day off, and he would just absolutely love to spend it with his petulant son. Yandere husband dressed up Henry in his dark blue overalls, and even did his hair. He bought Henry a tiny green backpack that was filled with the essentials, and he made sure to buy supplies for the class too.
Yandere husband parked his car near the front of the school, and he glanced back at Henry who was strapped in his seat. Henry was pouting, his arms crossed, and his cheeks slightly puffed up.
“You look great.” your husband said with a small smile, and he reached over to give Henry a pat on the head. Henry scowled, his brows dipped with anger. The kid hated being alone with his father.
Henry leaned away before his father could touch him. “I know,” he said, with a tight grip on the shoulder straps, wringing them to control his first-day nerves. “Can you Facetime Mom now? I want to see her before I go to school.”
Yandere husband nodded, patting his pockets for his phone. “You know, your mother has a good reason why she couldn’t be here.”
You were at the doctor’s office, finally being able to see them after months of rescheduling and being rescheduled. Yandere husband knew how much this was important to you, and he got out of work for the day. He wanted to be there for you and Henry—to be a good husband and father. Of course, his son wouldn’t be too enthusiastic about spending a couple of minutes with him before school, but yandere husband would still be there for Henry.
“…and you know how she feels. She’s absolutely gutted-“ they both said at the same time. Henry rolled his eyes, hearing the whole speech of excuses the first time was alright, and hearing it again just made him feel worse. He didn’t like being away from you, and he dreamed of his first steps into his new school would be with you.
The car fell into silence as they both waited for you to pick up. Henry looked out the window, watching the swarm of kids with their parents and guardians— all with big and happy smiles. He felt a pit forming in his stomach when he heard his father dial you once more, but you must’ve been too busy to answer. Henry knew you wouldn’t have left him hanging if you saw that he was a nervous wreck. He usually had this extroverted facade around you, and acted like a kid that was ready to take on the world. However, he still needed you to hold his hand. He needed you to pick up and tell him that everything was going to be okay.
Yandere husband watched his son’s expression fall as he rang you for the third time. “Oh, uh—” he nervously chuckled, putting his phone back into his pocket. “She’s probably doing something important—” What was more important than him? “You know how it is, right, kid?”
Henry was used to hearing that about his father, but not about his mother. Mom always picks up, she would never miss a call. She always made time for him. “Call again.” Henry shook his head. “Keep calling her.”
You never answered any of your husband’s calls. Henry got out of the car with his father by his side, and they both held hands as they walked to the front doors. The young boy stared at the random permanent drawings on the brick wall, the words “hell” and “turn back around” standing out to him.
Sensing his son’s hesitation, yandere husband got down to his eye level. “The first day is always scary, I know that. I’ve had many first days, and I never got used to it, but it gets better every time! The feeling subsides—“
“What does ‘subsides’ mean?”
“Never mind that, Henry. You’ll meet new people, hang out with your friends, and make amazing memories,” yandere husband went on and on.
“Chin up, kid. You’re about to have the best—or the most mediocre—time of your life, and that’s alright!” he ended his speech with a solid slap on Henry’s back.
“Real encouraging, Dad.” Henry mumbled to himself, crossing his arms for some comfort. Henry then took a deep breath and shuffled forward. He turned around to give his father a brief wave, and he disappeared into his class.
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
Isagi is golden retriever behavior. Tell him to bakr he will do it. Tell him to kneel he will. He will protect you with his whole being even if he seems to be nice guy. He isn’t afraid to throw hand s
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— as close as strangers + yoichi isagi.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — while at a bar with your sister, a stranger comes to your rescue and he’s not afraid to come to your defence.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up to 20s, fluff, strangers to lovers, meet cute, reader has a younger sister, weird men at bars (harassment kinda? but it’s minor), pro player!isagi, fem!reader - not beta read !
⭑ words — 1.4K.
⭑ notes — thank you nonnie for sending this in!! I got a little itty bit carried away but i hope you like it !! - m.list ✩
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unironically, a bar can be one of the most dangerous places on earth. with its overpriced and watered down drinks, loud and disruptive patrons, and not to mention the countless number of men that can’t seem to take a hint. you find the sticky table tops gross and the peanut shells on the floor uncouth but you’re here for your little sister — who wanted no more than drinks and to catch up, filling you in on the details of her latest fling (who she’s sure is the one, despite it being the fifth time) since you returned to Japan.
you work a lot, you travelled abroad for college too so it’s been ages since you’ve last breathed the same air and walked underneath the same sky. you’d feel bad for missing this opportunity to meet someone important in her life while you still had it.
and you love your sister, so while she powders her nose in the bathroom as you both wait for her boy toy, you’ll put up with the stench of beer and the sleazy stranger arms length away from you who just can’t seem to get it through his head that you’re not interested.
“c’mon sweetheart, just one drink. lemme buy you a beer.” the stranger slurs over the top of his own beverage that threatens to spill into you as he encroaches on your personal space. 
shaking your head politely, you lean away. “no thank you. i’m not to keen on beer.” 
“then whas’ your drink of choice, cutie. let me know what i can get’cha.” 
nothing. you refrain from rolling your eyes. nothing that he could afford. grabbing a handful of peanuts to distract yourself, you de-shell them with ease and chew on them to avoid speaking any further. 
“no thank you.” you say plainly, reiterating yourself. 
he still doesn’t seem to understand, cosying up to your side — his alcohol tainted breath cascading over the shell of your ear. “then let’s get out of here, i’ll get you somethin’ you can really enjoy.” 
“i’m waiting on someone.” 
“who? a boyfriend?” 
“yes,” you lie as easy as breathing — you’re almost certain he wouldn’t leave you alone if he found out you were with your sister. “he’ll be here any minute.” 
the stranger lets out a chuff, “i don’t see him, gorgeous girl—“
he reaches for your hand and it causes a wave of uncomfortable goosebumps to rise along your skin. you shudder, hold back a gag, and if only the bartender was closer you could signal for some form of help but you can’t bring yourself to move.
that is until a warm arm slips around your shoulders— and instead of being slimy and unsettling, the presence of this stranger behind you is comforting and safe. “there you are precious,  sorry for being so late, i got caught up with work.” this man’s is smoothe like molten chocolate or rather honey running through your ears, and you find yourself enticed — leaning into him as if he’s a safety net. 
you turn, only just, catching a glimpse of the stranger’s handsome side profile — his skin is golden, glowing as if it had been blessed by the god’s of the son. his eyes are a blue im a shade that you cannot match, it’s almost unreal to you. his hair his soft, his face calm and again, he feels so safe. 
“i missed you,” you breathe the words into existence as if they’re natural, allowing a smile to overtake your features. “it’s okay.” 
the dark haired man gives you a firm nod before looking over your head at the drunkard who had been bothering you. he offers a hand to him. “hi isagi… the boyfriend. do we have a problem, here?” 
you recognise the name from somewhere but say nothing, letting isagi handle the situation from here. 
“n-no sir! i-i’m so sorry i didn’t realise that—“ 
“good,” isagi’s voice lowers an octave, far less welcoming and kind than when he had initially addressed you as your fake boyfriend. “then next time you’ll take a hint and learn to leave women alone when they tell you no the first time. fucking creep.” he spits, squeezing you into his side protectively. 
the stranger’s eyes blow wide and he lowers his head apologetically but you’re too focused on how flustered isagi’s whole act is making you feel. “a-again! i’m really sorry! i’m a huge fan i would never—“ 
“are you just that dense or do i have to repeat myself? scram.” isagi growls once more and does so until the man that had been bothering you flees the scene. within an instant, the tall dark and handsome man jumps away from you with an apologetic smile — and you embarrassingly admit to yourself how much you miss his embrace. “i am so sorry for touching you without asking. i-it’s just that i could see he was making you uncomfortable and no one else was jumping in so i just—“ 
turning around to face isagi fully, you shake your head and offer him your brightest grin. “it’s okay, if it hadn’t been for you i don’t know what would have happened. thank you…”
you pause to give him time and isagi trips over his words to give you his full name. “yoichi. yoichi isagi!” 
you respond with your own name, trying not to dwell on the familiarity of his. 
the pair of you spend the next few minutes chatting about everything and anything. you find out that yoichi likes soccer and has since he was a child. that he was an only child as well, travels a lot and has seen the whole world, though he thinks it gets a little lonely. you shyly admit that you feel the same — especially when work drags you across the globe and away from your family here in Japan.
the flow of your conversation is only interrupted by your little sister emerging from the bathroom excitedly, her nose effectively powdered as she waves an arm at you. “i see you’ve met isagi already!” she beams, sliding into the bar stool on your left while isagi takes your right.
“wait, you two know each other?” you squeak — how mortifying would it be that your younger sibling’s new boyfriend is the man you’ve been crushing on for all of fifteen minutes. “is he…the one?” 
the duo share an amused look over the drinks that your new friend had ordered, your sister shaking you as if to snap you out of your trance of crazy. “god no! isagi is way too polite to be my type. my bachira is a little more adventurous!” she rambles, all love sick like. “no offence yoichi!”
“none taken,” he laughs before focusing all of his attention on you , making you squirm under the surface of his ocean blue eyes. “i’m just here for moral support. bachira was nervous about meeting you so i told him to take a lap around the parking lot to calm down before he came in.” 
“wait bachira— as in meguru bachira? that one player from the blue lock team? i just styled him for my magazine in the US last month? that’s who you’re dating?” you ramble, eyes wide — which only seems to amuse isagi even more.
“uhuh, and this,” your sister grabs you by the shoulders and rotates you to face isagi, who’s cheeks flush red with nervousness. or shyness. “is yoichi isagi. blue lock’s heart and soul and your date for this evening. you’re welcome!” she sings.
“oh my god! i thought i recognised you! s-she used to have posters of you in our room back when bluelock was streaming!” 
“you’re the one that used to kiss them!” 
“you’re the one that’s dating his best friend!” you counter her stubbornly, but her attention is quickly stolen away by the world famous dribbler that slips through the doors — bachira’s own face lighting up when he spots her from across the room. your sister melts, running over and jumping into his arms. you can’t help but swoon, realising that whatever she has going on with bachira is obviously more serious than whatever chance at love she’d had before.
they look happy. you’re happy for her. “they’re cute together, aren’t they?” isagi mumbles, elbowing you gently with the wisps of a smile on his lips. 
“oh yeah, big time.” you agree, taking a sip of your drink as you scoot closer to japan’s beloved striker. “you’re not mad that he swiped her from right beneath your feet?” 
“nah,” yoichi responds simply, scooting closer to you as well. you let your gaze drift over from the happy couple to meet isagi’s fond one, looking down at you as if you’re the most precious thing in the world. “i’d rather have that kind of happy with the girl who was making out with my merch.” 
you punch isagi in the shoulder out of embarrassment, and when his timbre laughter fills the room — you can’t help but think you’d want that happiness with him too.
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