#(I have to say nice things about myself? Why you make me do this Bryn)
more-than-a-princess · 8 months
🎔♫↫ share your Ws girlie
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Positive Munday meme - Accepting!
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🎔 - What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
That's a tie between Molly (my cat) getting a clean bill of health at her bi-annual checkup and reserving some more things for my honeymoon! Molly has now reached 'senior cat' age and it's recommended she get two physicals a year instead of just one. They also did her bloodwork and everything came back normal. Not that I thought anything was wrong, but she had accidents in her carrier both on the way and returning home from the vet, and shivered in fear the whole time she was in the examination room.
She forgave me later after about 8 cat treats and time on the heated blanket.
And for honeymoon things, my husband and I finally booked both of our afternoon teas in London and our hotel/park tickets for Disneyland Paris. We still have a lot of train transport to sort out, tickets to Versailles and some museums in Paris, and probably some other things I'm forgetting right now. But those afternoon tea reservations were going to be the hardest to get unless we did it as far in advance as we could.
♫ - Which one of your accomplishments do you feel the most proud of? 
Probably making it to six years at my job (the daily source of my stress, usually) and getting enough experience to qualify for some higher-level positions. And finally getting some health stuff sorted out, including keeping excess weight off for the first time, ever. I'm very thankful to have a doctor who takes my concerns seriously and is doing the tests and prescribing the meds I need to manage my health issues.
If I had to go back further than that, graduating from the university I attended. It is a notoriously difficult school, no matter what your major/concentration is. Some undergrads drop out, many of them seek therapy for the amount of pressure you're under. I'm still in awe that I managed to get my diploma sometimes.
↫ - What is the most impressive skill that you have? 
Gestures at this blog-
Probably sticking with this blog for four, almost five years. Beyond that, it was weightlifting for awhile (until my gym got too crowded and I had a trainer I really didn't get along with). My squat, deadlift, bench press, and snatch numbers were pretty impressive, especially for a woman. The aforementioned health issues allow me to put on muscle more easily than most (and fat, unfortunately. We're still working on that), so heavy weights and powerlifting are things I had some natural affinity for.
Also wearing sunscreen every day, if not a commitment to a full skincare routine. But you know my feelings on the importance of sunscreen. 😉
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nerdby · 1 year
The Loki season two trailer dropped today. Judging from the trailer, the series seems to be leaning more into the series' horror elements. I'm basing that largely on the soundtrack because I have not met a single person that isn't creeped the fuck out by theremin music, myself included. That being said this is definitely your typical horror story. It falls into the social horror genre, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite subgenres.
Social horror is a newly emerging genre of horror that examines all of the fucked shit that we as a society allow to take place simply because the mainstream says that it's ok.
In the case of the Loki series that is allowing one person to take the fall for crimes that he didn't even do and also hunting down and murdering someone simply cause they're transgender. And I know that not everyone headcannons Sylvie as trans and for those of you who don't, I have a question for you:
If Sylvie isn't trans and was simply born female, then why didn't the TVA come for her as an infant? Why would they wait until she was a child capable of complex magic and, ya know, running away?
Just a little something to think about.
It does seem as though Sylvie's story is taking the back burner in season two. Or that's how it seems in this trailer. She didn't exactly turn out to be a fan favorite among stalkerish Hiddlestoners who can't stand to see Tom have a love life even if it's an imaginary one. Or among biphobic assholes who insist that being a straight-passing relationship negates a bisexual's queerness. So it would make sense if Sylvie got less screen time, but she was also a huge part of the season one story arc.
I, personally, thought it was nice that Loki had someone who didn't exist simply to remind him of what a terrible person he was simply for existing. But it's like I said their kiss didn't really eek me out as much as it did other people cause I guess I'm desensitized. Desensitization is what happens when you watch A LOT of horror movies over a long period of time. Or when you just live through so much fucked up shit that you just stop caring.
I do have a line, though, and I don't go out of my way to read about incest and shit like that. Like there's this book called All The Ugly & Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood that I absolutely refuse to read because the plot is basically that this girl's life is so fucked up that the only good thing she has is an incestous relationship with her brother or someone. That's just fucking torture porn, ok? It's disgusting. But the whole incest/self-cest trope also plays into the social horror thing cause that happens quite often in horror stories.
Cause usually when characters end up in a consensual incestous relationship it's because they've bonded over shared trauma and are kept so isolated both socially and psychically.....That I guess it starts to feel like it's impossible for someone other than this sibling or whoever to love and understand them.
It's not meant to be sexy or funny. It's meant to be tragic. And like you think you might be some desensitizing yourself I highly recommend--
Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino
Flowers In The Attic by V.C. Andrews
Bates Motel tv series
Vampire Knight also exists as an anime, but I don't think the complete series was ever put to film. So if you wanna know how it ends then you need to read the manga. Flowers In The Attic is also a movie and you definitely want the 1987 version if you decide to watch it. Here's the trailer--
The movie is (or was) available to stream for free on Tubi.
And Bates Motel is a TV series that depicts a prequel to Robert Bloch's classic horror novel Psycho. The novel was adapted as a movie by Alfred Hitchcock whose well-known for putting horror movies on the map with his film, The Birds. Bates Motel stars Freddie Highmore and my favorite scream queen, Vera Farmiga who you may know from the Conjuringverse movies that depict the work of famed paranormal investigators (and con-artists) Ed and Lorraine Warren. Here's the trailer for that, too--
If you guys think some of these are too much for you to handle or that they're too triggering, I recommend looking up reaction videos and embracing schadenfreude because I can promise you if the person watching is a first time viewer.......Well, the first time I watched Bates Motel I was pretty much making this face the entire time--
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So yeah.
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nocturnalswarehouse · 2 years
Chapter 3 - The First Job
Fic Series: At Long Last
Pairing: Brynjolf x Female Dovahkiin|Dragonborn (Adranelle Rolaine)
Premise: Eight years after being declared the Dragonborn, and three years after Alduin is defeated, Adranelle (Adi) Rolaine finds herself back in Riften to help Brynjolf with the Thieves Guild's reputation.
Taglist: @thequeenofthewinter
Word count: 1,540
A/N: PLEASE READ, IMPORTANT! This is the last chapter that will be up until after June 6! After that, I will have a proper updating schedule. It'll be weekly for sure but that's all I've figured out. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Mercer Frey was every bit an asshole that Adi remembered. He was brash, arrogant, and clearly needed a vacation. It didn’t help that he never liked her in the first place, always treated her like she was some beggar on the street. This time wasn’t any different, the Breton telling her to get a job from Vex before he initiated her into the guild. Brynjolf was to tag along and make sure she didn’t do anything stupid, supposedly. Something about Adi needing to prove that she’s not as “idiotic” as she was over a decade ago. 
She was tempted to Shout at him at that moment. 
The job Vex gave her was simple. All Adi needed to do was plant a gold necklace in Bolli’s home, and get out without getting caught. Brynjolf would be with her to keep watch and tip off a guard once Adi was finished and out of sight. It went off without a hitch, the thieves lucky that Bolli was at The Bee and the Barb for dinner, his wife Nivenor nowhere to be found. 
“Probably off cheating on her husband with another poor bloke,” Brynjolf commented when they found the home completely empty. He gave her the latest gossip about the couple, Adi already having a vague idea of Bolli and Nivenor’s dynamic. 
With the job finished, Adi insisted that she and Brynjolf take a break at the docks. She wasn’t quite ready to face Mercer again, and the Nord was more than happy to let his friend have a breather. “Why does he hate me?” 
“He doesn’t hate you, lass!” Brynjolf insisted for the tenth time. 
“He does, Bryn,” Adi said. She stopped pacing and looked down at the Nord. “I have never heard him say a single nice thing to me.” 
“He’s just been stressed.”
Groaning, Adi ran her hands over her face. She loved Brynjolf, she really did, but he worshipped the Guild Master almost too much. While he did recognize when Mercer was being too harsh at times, he would always make an excuse as to why he was acting that way. Adi knew there was something off about him, but Brynjolf was the last person she’d talk to about it. There was no getting through to him without evidence.
“I know you owe a lot to Mercer for taking you in when you had nowhere else to go,” Adi took a seat next to him. “But you can’t be blind to the way he treats other members. And that includes you.” 
“I suppose you’re right, but-” 
“Sorry to interrupt, but I need help. I’m going to lose my job at the Riften Fishery.” 
Adi and Brynjolf looked up to see an Argonian woman. She seemed exhausted and worried, and if Adi wasn’t mistaken the Argonian was going through withdrawal. “Why might you lose your job?”
“It’s in danger.” She spoke quickly as if she had a bounty on her back. Adi stood up to be at eye-level with the woman and listened as she told her story. “The owner, Bolli, said that if I show up for work in this condition one more time, then I'm out. I don't mean to do this to myself, but I can't help it. I tried some skooma a year ago, and ever since then, I can't stop! If you could give me a healing potion, I could cleanse this poison from my body and get back to my life."
“What’s your name?” Adi sifted through her restocked satchel and handed the Argonian a healing potion. 
“Wujeeta,” she answered. She took the bottle from Adi and downed it in one go. “Your kindness will never be forgotten. Here, take this. It’s all I can offer for what you’ve given me.” 
“No need,” Adi refused the gift. “I did this because I wanted to.”
“If you’re sure…” 
“I am, and thank you.” She smiled at Wujeeta, who seemed to relax. 
“Where did you get your skooma?” Brynjolf asked, now standing behind Adi. 
“Look, I don’t think I should say.” She shook her head. “I mean, they could kill me!” 
“I think you owe me one,” Adi said, gently. While Brynjolf was the one with the silver tongue, Adi’s years of being an assassin and the Dragonborn have given her enough practice. Different tactics worked to persuade different people, and she could tell that Wujeeta would tell someone that seemed trustworthy. The Guild armour was deceiving, and she could see in Wujeeta’s eyes that she saw Adi as an ally.  
“Okay… Okay, I’ll tell you.” Wujeeta took a deep breath. “I get my skooma from Sarthis Idren. He has some sort of setup over at the Riften Warehouse. You can’t get inside, though. They’ve kept that place locked up tight since the war began.” 
“Who has a key to the warehouse?” Brynjolf piped up. He was just trying to help, but Wujeeta eyed him suspiciously. 
Adi gave Wujeeta a small nod, letting her know that he can be trusted. “I overheard Bolli say that only the Jarl carries the key to the warehouse. When I meet Sarthis there, he’s usually waiting for me outside with his bodyguard.”
“Got it,” Adi made a mental note to visit the Jarl in the morning. She would do it now if not for the darkening sky and the exhaustion beginning to set in. “What will you do now?”
"If it wasn't for skooma, I'd already be on my way out of this horrible city. All my gold... completely gone. Now I have to start over. I'll never use skooma again! Although I suppose a little mead now and then would be harmless..." 
“You’ll be fine,” Adi assured her. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” 
“We should get back,” Brynjolf nudged Adi. They bid the Argonian goodbye and walked back to the Guild entrance beneath the grave. Walking in silence, Brynjold glanced at Adi and noticed she had something on her mind. “Septim for your thoughts, lass?”
“I think a visit to the Jarl is in order,” she admitted. “You know me, I don’t like to see good people harmed.” 
“Sometimes you’re too good a person, lass.” He said, leaning over to push the insignia inward while Adi watched out for any potential witnesses. Once they successfully got into the Cistern, they met with Vex in the Tavern, and Adi received her reward. 
“Mercer’s gone back to Riftweald, so you’ll have to meet with him in the morning,” Vex told them. “He’s got a certain job for you that will really put you to the test.”
“You don’t mean…” Brynjolf’s eyes widened, confusing the half-Breton. Vex merely nodded and dismissed them. 
“What was she talking about, Bryn?” Adi asked as they walked back to the Cistern. 
“A job even our little Vex couldn’t complete, lass,” he sighed. “But we’ll speak with Mercer about it tomorrow. For now, get some rest.” 
Adi couldn’t help the feeling of anxiety rising in her chest. Vex had more experience than she did. If the veteran couldn’t complete this job, there was little chance for the assassin to have success. Was Mercer doing this to try and get rid of Adi? What was his problem with her? 
“Lass, you’ll be fine,” Brynjolf assured her from the bed next to her. “I know for a fact you’ve done more dangerous jobs.” 
She looked over at him, just as Brynjolf had undressed his armour. The white undershirt he wore clung to his body, outlining his chest and abdomen. What made it better - or worse, Adi couldn’t decide - was that his hair was pulled into a ponytail, revealing small black hoops on both earlobes. Feeling heat rise to her face, she quickly looked away as she took off her Guild armour. “Do you not live in Riftweald anymore?” 
“I do,” Bryn said, smirking at Adi’s red face and quick motion to try and hide it. Looking at her,  he couldn’t help but notice the scars that littered her body. One, in particular, caught his eye. On her shoulder blade was a jagged scar, bright white against her tawny skin. There were a few others that looked similar, but less striking. “But I know you have nightmares, and that they can get worse when you sleep somewhere unfamiliar. I want to make sure you settle in here.” 
“You remembered.” Adi looked back at her friend, shocked. She had told him that a long time ago, and only because she spent the night in Riftweald when Mercer was out of town for a job. Brynjolf had convinced Vald it was allowed, only to get yelled at by Mercer when the Breton got back two days later. 
“Aye, lass.” he smiled kindly at her. Brynjolf cared about Adi more than anyone in the Guild and felt personally responsible to make sure she was okay. He had noticed Mercer was more hostile toward her than he had ever been around anyone, not that Bryn would mention anything to Adi. The last thing he wanted was for her to be right. It could’ve been a bad day, but there was no way of telling with Mercer. Besides, Brynjolf didn’t want her to feel discouraged when the Guild Master gave her the Goldenglow job. 
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shy-magpie · 5 years
RQG 145
My first EA episode and I'm getting to it 4 hours after release because I'm so excited about joining the Patreon I can’t focus. Its silly but hey birthday money well spent if it makes me this happy right? Ok I think I'm centered enough to hit play.
Eee its going to be my name there someday!
Poor Cel! Poor Azu!
I'm impressed, Alex managed to summarize pretty well given  the circumstances.
Hamid: oh dear! Skraak: Skraak, pressure equalization, Skraak!
What! I was right - he has been getting clearer! Did Alex imply he has been playing up how drugged is? Smart way to get a sense of the party while he gets his feet under him if so.
Thank you Alex, we need those numbers. Oh poor Hamid is confident on a 3.
Skraak is helping! Hamid is listening to him!
~~~Party time~~~
Blast doors? Yes! They won't drown!
Azu! Cel! Zolf!
Point Cel, Shoin seems actively against being useful
Nice, Salt Beard coming up properly after all this time! Scary sounds! Bubbles! Thats got to be a good sign right? Loving the bit with Zolf's thumb!
Not clear what happened plot wise, but Ben did some nice work showing Zolf’s emotions in ways I can’t put into works. Healing time! It is a very Cel, TBF, to quantify their health
Speaker time! Oh thank goodness everyone is healed up. Yeah the food's poisoned we got that with the brunch Hamid was dragged from.
Sweet, torches in the bags of holding are fine.
Loving the character interactions, especially Zolf and Cel bonding over Shoin’s bad design.
Bryn! Alex! That is an actual crime! Conspiracy to commit angst!
I love Zolf's growth!
I will need a transcription of this scene!
Cel was in war zones?
Speakers again
Hamid is humming opera music (Carmen?)
Scratch? Skraak has been marking the path when Hamid didn't think of it. I love Skraak! Hamid dear, when you get a moment, I know there's a lot on your mind: double check on Skraak's name and pronouns would ya? Also Hamid is doing awesome with the changes. I had faith in him but its great hearing him cheerfully ask Skraak for input as a local expert; instead of trying to force the pattern that worked before even as Skraak gets less kid like. Love to see how this shakes out, even though I confess Hamid having a new younger sibling was a treat. OK enough tangent let's open a hatch!
Oh pressure gauge! I wonder if that helps with more than flooding.
Wrench! I love a call back.
That's one way to refer to Hamid's abilities. Also I am aware of Zolf and Hamid's dwindling spell slots; I am just convincing myself they will be able to camp for the night in a safe hallway before Alex Shoin happens.
Oh good something is maintained around here.
Green light? Alex, did you come up with the hidden doors purely to mess with theoretical maps? Because Babs has been doing pretty well so far but I'll be her second if she challenges Alex to a fight in the parking lot after this episode.
~~~Break time, no ad is surprisingly weird, on edit listen is an ad with Mike that proves once again that I am so far gone on RQ that I even find the ads charming~~~
Oh more Hamid time!
That was a lot of dice, no numbers that I caught. Oh dear! (Was that Ben teasing him?)
In the rafters of a very large room. Huge domed ceiling, sounds pretty. Have I gone 20 minutes without saying how much I love Alex's set design? Thank you Ben, I will google it, *sticks out tongue*. Seriously as long as you enunciate and don't get into stuff so niche you lose people in England too, then don't worry about us from the US. Honestly you guys worry about everything, the occasional missed reference isn't worth the brainspace.
Still not happy about the lack of maintenance, especially given that's what stands between the party and drowning
Skraak sounds worried: it is his first time down this far and sounding more himself by the second. Still no hint of second guessing throwing in with Hamid! As good as Bryn is at avoiding spoilers, I thought he wouldn't have brought up Cohort on the discord if Skraak took it really badly as they sobered up, but is still a relief. Not that I would blame Skraak for much short of turning out to be the secret Big Bad: the circumstances were pretty messed up; even if I stand by saying you can't leave someone who pledged to you and isn't in a position to cover that up if their old boss catches them. Yes I know a conversation about spiders not being the most dangerous thing the party used on Kobolds is coming but with Skraak not turning out to be a kid, it might be more tense but cut my concerns in half. Hell the Kobolds might well be able to fend for themselves post Shoin if they loot the place in compensation.
"I still think that might be an exaggeration"
Oh Hamid has the Elven cloak too. How do you wear two cloaks at once? And don't say you don't, Hamid is not losing 4 levels of dragon awesome (or however Pathfinder put it) in the middle of a dungeon.
Skraak remembers the health potion and doesn't mind being asked to hang back. Hamid arms Skraak with a injection spear. Has the canisters for it too. I may have underestimated him (or on the Doylist level this falls under reasonable retcon; then again I might just have missed Bryn saying he was pocketing this stuff because I thought he would run it by Zolf). *Shrugs* please keep a sample for testing, I have a pet theory I'd love to see tested.
Alex, just...thanks for using a tone of voice that made it completely clear you were joking
Skraak: Skraak avenger, death from above etc! Hamid: Remember, General Skraak Avenger! Hamid remembers what he said to Skraak whether they do or not! OK like I said I loved Hamid adopting Skraak as a new little brother but this new phase is a lot of fun if harder to quantify.
Oh the sleeves! The cloaks don't have to have much physical presence, do they? That makes sense. Sleeves and prestidigitation? Right after being so charming with Skraak? Hamid is in fine form
Alex is just feeling mischievous tonight, I like it.
An enormous pipe organ? I love Alex's set design. (also one day my brain will pull up the right person the first time when someone references Bill Nye or Bill Nighy but even with the Pirates context today is not that day)
I know, Ben, cosmetic or not its fricken awesome.
I don't like the pipes, I don't get the pipes, but I don't like them (that fine mesh better not imply there is something airborne in the complex)
Is it wrong that other than the more obviously ominous bits this sounds like a great place to live?
Chaise longue
Is this seriously set up for the party -wait... Did Hamid skip to the end of the maze with only Skraak for back up and no sleep!?! No reunion or camping scene first? Not even a spell restoring nap?!
Don't listen to Ben, Alex will get you if you jump to conclusions. That's my dragon! Sneaky lad learned from Sasha!
~~~Of course he is switching to the party. Man has a sense of timing.
More party favors, daggers make my heart twinge
Azu takes Cel’s hand to guide them
Gonna light a torch? Or is Zolf keeping up his anti light thing.
Alex is simplifying things No Zolf is not throwing open the door. Oh thank hope, Zolf is lighting a torch. Pathfinder jokes
We like it too Alex!
I like the zone thing.
Cel, I adore you! Zolf just promised backstory! Get that down! And a miner/minor pun, these people are the best! Oh tin miner!
Lights! Golden bulkhead! Seriously where is this guy getting his money?
Azu spots a trap! Yes Alex, we respect your craft. Trip wire!
I love the boots
Oh Cel is clumsy, I hadn't actually noticed that.
Genre savvy Cel hulks out with bat wings! Claws! Fangs! HP goes up thank all the gods! (Azu lets go of their hand)
Ben needs to look up spells but Zolf is prepared Azu puts on the iron beard
They throw open the door!
Poor Bryn, stuck waiting for the next episode like us listeners to find out the results.
I've been re listening to some early episodes and I really missed the "byes". It's a silly sign off but I think that comfort with silly might be part of why I like it?
Re: the bloopers, it would have been a little funny if they did a “detect traps” and got knocked out like when Hamid tried detect magic in, was it Rome?
OK bottom line: Skraak is awesome; I still miss Sasha but at least Lydia can be a bat even if it isn’t cloak of the bat; Zolf came back better than ever and actually wants to have at least 2 real conversations; and Azu is a champ for doing so well despite her phobias (which are still taken seriously because Helen and RQ are friggen awesome). Fun and pulpy, that's how ya do it! Stakes from the sea floor to the stratosphere! Character moments! Sets that make Hollywood weep in jealousy!
Okay okay some people may be stressed out after that even though everyone ended up fighting fit, which is fair, ok? but physical peril? Just a roller coaster to me, I'll take it any day of the week and twice on Sundays!
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brynwrites · 6 years
I'm writing in first person pov, When two characters have a conversation, it doesn't feel real to include lot of internal thoughts or explaining what's going on outside of the dialogue flow. When I talk to someone, I don't notice much of anything except the conversation. Is it just me? When I don't add extra details wrapping the dialogues, it looks like one big interview. I'm confused. How to balance this? Thanks!
The Stuff In Between The Dialogue.
You don’t usually need a lot going on outside the dialogue itself, but you’re right — dialogue often feels static or otherwise unnatural if you have a entire conversation with dialogue, a few tags, and nothing else. 
But we never want to add extra words for the sake of just having words. Everything we write should contribute to the story in some form or another.
So how do we make dialogue feel more natural by adding useful words outside the dialogue?
First off, we have to remember a key point about dialogue: Dialogue needs to have emotion and intention. There should be something the characters want to get out of the conversation, whether that’s an external plot objective like ‘learn why the birds are dying’ or ‘get Liz to ask me to the dance’ or an internal, even subconscious, desire like ‘feel better after an argument’ or ‘convince myself I have friends.’ The more personal the goal and the more emotionally invested in it the character is, the more impact the dialogue will have when you include these concepts:
1. Setting and activity. 
Giving your characters something to do or interact with while they talk is a fantastic way to both flesh out the scene in the reader’s mind and emphasize the character’s emotions.
An angry character might wash the dishes so hard they chip the side as they set a plate down. A frustrated character might pick apart a leaf as they walk through the woods. A nervous character might refold the same clothing over and over again. A happy character might balance along the length of a small wall (and then fall when their companion says something alarming.)
Keep in mind that it’s the portrayal of the emotions through the characters interaction with the setting that makes these non-dialogue segments feel like a natural part of the scene. What you’re essentially doing is binding the setting to the dialogue through emotion. 
2. Internal monologue.
When we have everyday conversations, we tend to one of two things: focus on the person talking or think about when we’re going to say next. Characters in stories should not be doing these things very often because they should not be having everyday conversations very often. Characters should spend the majority of their dialogue time pursuing difficult to achieve external or internal goals. 
They should be having the sort of conversations that force them to:
Shift the way they’re talking.
Re-evaluate what they want.
Experience heavy emotions.
Learn overwhelming information.
Dive out of their comfort zone.
Hide their own thoughts and emotions.
(And an array of other challenging things.)
These kind of conversations force people to start thinking as they talk, either rationally to work through problems or through the sort of intense emotion that  bubbles out or shuts the speaker down. 
The end result of internal monologue should not be to recap anything being said, but to show a fuller picture of it — a fuller picture from our pov character’s perspective, anyway.
3. Expression and body language.
Not only should your point of view character experience emotion, so should the other characters present in the conversation. Unless these characters are skilled at hiding their feelings — which is worth describing all on its own — that emotion filters into their expression and body language. 
Many writers tend to overdo the same few expressions and body movements in the rough draft stages (if I don’t watch it, my characters will nod their heads clean off), but it’s much better to pick and chose these strategically, to determine which expressions and body language contribute to the reader’s understand of the conversation and the characters involved, and leave the others out.
4. Physical emotional sensations.
Whenever you have high emotions within a scene, your characters will feel the physical manifestations of these emotions. These are not your bread and butter of anything though. They should be nicely spaced out and not too repetitive— if your pov character alternates between a feeling something in their stomach and their heart every other page of the story then they don’t have emotions, they just have indigestion and heart palpitations. 
But physical sensations brought on by emotions should still exist, even in dialogue segments, so don’t forget about them entirely!
5. Exposition… or should we say, expositionot. (That’s not even a real pun, I’m sorry.)
What we don’t want to be doing is halting the progression of the dialogue to suddenly explain something that was mentioned within the dialogue itself. 
Instead of Mai telling Joon that the Council of Eves is meeting tonight and the scene pausing to explain what the Council of Eves is, we want to imply the information through the dialogue and show Mai and Joon’s personal frustration with the council.
You can learn more about conveying world building without relaying on exposition here.
There is also an art to writing the kind of dialogue where the dialogue speaks for itself. Some masterfully done books thrive off this kind of tag-less back and forth dialogue.
The reason they work is often that the writer takes all the emotion and action that would naturally happen along with the dialogue and builds it like layers into the words themselves. In order to become truly good at that kind of dialogue, most writers have to master the inclusion of other variables first.
For more writing tips from Bryn, view the archive catalog or the complete tag.
Want to read about a bloodthirsty siren fighting to return home while avoiding the lure of a suspiciously friendly and eccentric pirate captain? You can purchase Bryn’s debut novel, Our Bloody Pearl, today! 
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smaxypouredthemilk · 5 years
November 12th 2019
These are things I wish someone would say to me right now:
Hey Bryn, how are you feeling today?
Uhh I don’t know.
You don’t know? Why don’t you give me some percentages?
hmmm 46% Sad, 32% Happy, and... how much is left... 12% Angry.
12% Angry... what are you angry about?
Well, at the moment I’m mostly angry at myself for not doing enough work today, and being so unable to control myself, for being out of control of my own life. 
What do you mean you’re out of control of your own life?
Well I’m just like drifting around right now, hanging on to mommy’s sleeve, it’s pathetic. Maybe I should have stayed back east...
Because you were more independent there?
Well... yeah I guess technically. Since I didn’t have parents around to take me to the mall on weekends and stuff. But now I just feel like I’m in an ambivalent haze, and I don’t really care what happens to me. I want to care, but I don’t.
What do you want to care about?
Like my future. I guess at some point I used to be excited about my future and have dreams and goals, but I don’t now. And it’s disappointing because I know my parents have big dreams for me, and that I have high potential to do whatever I want to, but I just have no desire to want? Like I wish that some of their dreams would rub off on me and I would start to care about where I’m headed. 
So right now it doesn’t matter to you what you do?
Yeah I guess, but it’s more like I just can’t see a future for myself. Whether it’s doing some wonderful purposeful thing I love, or being a homeless drug addict, both of these things seem just not real. The only real thing right now is the chugging machinery that takes me from class to room to home and back.
That sounds like a depressing reality. What do you think can change that mindset?
Ugh you sound like such a therapist. I doubt my ability to change my own mindset, despite what all those help books say. I’m sure some people can but no matter how I try there’s always some black seed making a bump in the white paper. Anyways, for my feelings about my future there are two things I can imagine the advice-givers of my life saying: Well you won’t know about your future until you go out and try some things that you want to do! Apply for some jobs, find something you like and give it a try! Be proactive!
It doesn’t sound like bad advice... and how would you respond to that?
Well, this person is probably right, but at the moment I can’t imagine getting any excitement out of life, even if it would bring happiness to some mask-like version of Bryn that I’ve created for the parent’s benefit. If you told me that this winter I’d be travelling to West Africa to educate and rehabilitate young bonobos, outwardly I’d be excited, but I think inside I wouldn’t really care. I’d be just as happy to stay home and watch Christmas movies. Of course I don’t know because that would never happen. So maybe this person is right and I should go looking for that golden bonobo job. Or maybe I’m just fundamentally tired to the point where mild anxiety is the closest I can get to elation.
I see. For the record, I don’t think you’re fundamentally damaged in any way, and I think if you wanted to get the golden bonobo job, you certainly could try. But you said there were two things people would say. What was the other?
Oh yeah. The other one was that someone like my grandma might say, oh you have lots of time to worry about your future, just enjoy where you are now and work on having fun at university. It’s no race to the finish.
I suppose that’s true too. What do you think?
Well I think this response is missing the point. It’s not that I’m worried about my future, it’s that I’m worried about not being worried about my future. If that makes sense. Or it’s less of a worry and more of a dull ache. Either way, it’s nice to have hopes and goals for your future. You want to feel good, or at least a bit riled up when you think about the things you want to do with your life. But I don’t. In fact the section of my brain devoted to future Bryn seems to be null and void. I suppose the only thing to do is in fact what that advice suggests, and make do in this foggy apathy for the time being. And work on getting out of it, or at least making it a bit more comfortable.
I understand. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so depressed lately, it must be truly sapping to feel so unhappy and apathetic about your life. But I know that this is temporary, and someday soon you’ll feel hopeful again. It’ll just take a bit of time and work. I love you so much, please take care of yourself tonight and have a good sleep. Sweet dreams.
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crownedbyluke · 6 years
Suits and Leather Jackets (Ch. 1)
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Premise: Bryn’s first week at Catch Fire Advertising had been pretty simple, but when the CEO of the company, Luke Hemmings, asks her to dinner, she’s put in a position she’s unsure she wants to be in. With rumors swirling around them and Bryn wanting nothing more than to just be another employee, how long will it take before their bursting into light by each other’s company?
Word Count: 4,300
{Chapter One} {Chapter Two} {Chapter Three} {Chapter Four} {Chapter Five} {Chapter Six} {Chapter Seven} {Chapter Eight} {Chapter Nine} {Chapter Ten} {Chapter Eleven} {Chapter Twelve} {Chapter Thirteen} {Chapter Fourteen} {Chapter Fifteen} {Chapter Sixteen finale}
“You’re Bryn right?” I heard a male voice ask. I looked up to find a man in a suit staring me down. He looked important and that’s when it clicked, my boss.
“Yes sir,” I said quickly, not wanting to make him wait any longer in case he was in a hurry.
“The new intern?” he asked tilting his head to the side in focus.
“Um, I’m the new supervisor actually,” I said. I hoped my voice didn’t sound snarky or like I was talking back.
“Right right. Hazel hired you on to take care of the interns,” he said like it was all coming back to him.
“Correct. Can I help you with anything sir?” I asked, doing my best to not look back at my computer screen, emails constantly popping up.
“Yeah actually you can. I’m Luke,” he said, his name rolling off his tongue like it was supposed to make me swoon at the sound of it.
“Okay. What can I help you with Luke?” I asked, reminding myself not to bite my lip out of nerves. What could he possibly want from me?
“I’m taking you out to dinner tonight at six,” he said confidently, making it a statement and not a question.
“Oh, I-”
“I’ll see you at six,” he said, dropping his left eye into a wink before walking away. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. My boss, the CEO, the head of the entire company, just hit on me and is now taking me to dinner. I looked down, the office attire not being something I would typically wear on a date, but the only option since I wouldn’t be finishing work until five-thirty.
“What was boss man wanting?” Hazel asked walking over to your cubicle.
“Um, he’s taking me to dinner,” I said quietly, not knowing if it was supposed to be a secret or not.
“Wait, the Luke Hemmings, CEO of Catch Fire Advertising, is taking you out to dinner on a date?” she asked, the excitement clear in her voice.
“He didn’t say it was a date,” I said trying to keep my expectations low. I didn’t want to build this up in my head as something so exciting just to have it be a business dinner.
“Honey, he doesn’t go out to dinner with women unless it’s a date,” she said casually. It made me wonder how much she knew about his love life.
“He doesn’t? Not even for like business stuff?” I asked. There had to be another reason for him to be taking me out. He didn’t know me and had only seen me once. It was my first week. I hadn’t seen him mulling about the office until today.
“No. All business stuff happens here. I’ve heard he’s really good in bed though,” she said. My eyes widened.
“Why do you know all this?” I asked, my thoughts starting to move towards him sleeping with any girl in the office.
“His ex spread it all over the place. Tabloids, social media, the office. She was sad about the breakup, but she couldn’t deny how good the sex was,” Hazel said and from her voice, it sounded like she wanted it to be her.
“Gotcha. I’ll make sure I keep things professional then,” I said turning back to my computer, thirteen emails waiting for my response.
“Why would you do that? He’s hot,” she said making me roll my eyes. Was she the ex?
“Because it’s my first week here. I’m not about to make things awkward or jeopardize my job because my boss wants to have dinner,” I said, typing a reply to the one intern asking about spreadsheet approval.
“But he’s hot,” she repeated the fact like it should make me understand.
“And? I’m not here to be eye candy for him. I’m here to do my job,” I said locking my computer and grabbing my phone.
“I know he’s hot. Interns need me. See you later,” I said rushing off down the hall. I knew he was hot, that fact was obvious. I hadn’t seen a man look as good in a suit as he did. Not to mention, his golden curls were styled enough that it made them look like he didn’t even try. The confidence he had around him was something I wasn’t expecting, but should have from the CEO of a million dollar company. I was still surprised by his forwardness, but I had to keep in mind that I didn’t want to be one of those girls that was talked about. No matter how attractive he was, I had to keep my head clear of that.
I was just finishing up when I saw Luke walking towards me.
“Bryn, are you ready?” He asked, his eyes taking in my work clothes.
“Um, almost. I just have to email this intern back about some stuff so it’ll be like maybe five more minutes?” I said glancing over at him before looking back at my computer. I had caught the glimpse of what was a leather jacket, the material perfectly fit to his arms and showing off the muscles that had been hidden from me in the suit from earlier.
“Sure. The interns aren’t causing trouble are they?” he asked, a joking tone to his voice that I wasn’t expecting. I was starting to think that Luke would be surprising me in many ways.
“No. They just have a lot of questions that I don’t mind answering,” I said, my lip slipping between my teeth as I read over her email one more time.
“What questions?” he asked. I couldn’t tell if he was genuinely interested or if he wanted to know the thoughts of his employees.
“It’s usually what type of language should I be using in this proposal or does this spreadsheet look satisfactory. I get the basics too though. What projects have deadlines coming up and will you give approval before this gets sent out?” I said, my fingers flying over the keys while I thought of the best way to answer her.
“I’m so lucky I don’t have to do that then. I’d get annoyed,” he said and I could feel his presence in my space. I saw him from my peripheral sitting on the edge of my desk. It shouldn’t have been attractive, but here was Luke, making sitting on a desk hot.
“They’re not bad, just green,” I said sending the email off and shutting my computer down.
“See, I don’t think I could handle green ever again since I’ve been at this for so long,” he said, a slight arrogance to his voice that made me want to remind him that he was once green too. I refrained though and got up from my chair, grabbing my light jacket that I had brought this morning when it had been raining. I looked over at him, taking in the leather jacket in full this time, the slight red of his shirt peeking out from beneath it, his pants hugging his thighs and his black boots making me wonder how tall he was.
“Do you want to change?” he asked, his eyes now taking in my dress pants, button up and blazer.
“Nope. Why? Is the big boss man not pleased with my work attire?” I asked deciding to tease him for it. I never dressed for anyone but myself and I wouldn’t be starting because he was a bigshot.
“Was just wondering. Follow me,” he said standing up, the height difference minimal due to my heels, yet I knew it would be more without them. I followed behind him, not at all surprised when I saw a black SUV with a driver in it waiting for us outside. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes again. I wasn’t completely sure if he was trying to impress me by flaunting his wealth, but if he was, it wasn’t working. I didn’t care if he was rich. I cared more about his brain, the way he thinks, the reasons behind running his company the way he does. Money was the last thing I wanted to talk about tonight. We pulled up to a small restaurant with an outside seating area that seemed to be cozy. I took Luke’s hand when he helped me out of the car and let it go once I was on my feet. I caught the look of frustration from my actions flicker across his face and had to hold back a small smirk.
“Do you want to sit outside?” he asked, his eyes trained on me.
“Sure. It’s nice enough out tonight,” I said before following after him. He pulled my chair out for me and went to sit across from me.
“Mr. Hemmings. Lovely to see you again,” the waitress, her name tag showing off the word Georgia in scrawly handwriting, said giving Luke a big smile. I didn’t miss the way her eyes trailed over him.
“Good evening. What’s the special tonight?” he asked, not caring that she was looking at him in such a lust-filled way.
“The tenderloin steak with a choice of soup or salad,” she said proudly. I could tell that she had a thing for him and his lack of acknowledgement towards it was making me smile. I wondered if this was a typical thing for him, being checked out or hit on by women just to ignore their advances.
“Sounds fantastic. I’ll have a lemonade with that, steak done medium rare please and a salad with ranch. Bryn?” he asked looking up from his menu at me, expecting me to have an answer prepared. I flushed from being caught staring before looking down at my menu.
“I’ll have the chicken wrap with a side of carrots please and a mint water,” I said handing her my menu. I noticed how she grimaced when I spoke, but paid no mind to it. This wasn’t a date for me.
“Why did you want to work for my company?” Luke asked after there was a pause between the two of us. The question took me by surprise, not expecting him to have questions prepared.
“You’re one of the fastest growing companies in Chicago. You make headlines daily about your stock prices and equal pay. It was an easy job to apply for,” I said with a shrug. I had done some research before I had applied for the supervising position on him and the company. There was a smirk on his face at the mention of the headlines. One Google search of his name or the company name and there were millions of hits that popped up, most being news articles about how great the company was doing or how it was the first company in America to have a growing infrastructure that included equal pay for women in same positions as men.
“You knew about the equal pay?” he asked, seemingly surprised.
“Of course. It’s one of the main reasons I applied,” I said meaning it entirely.
“Wow. I hadn’t realized how many people knew about it,” he said, a glimmer evident in his eyes. I couldn’t tell what emotion it was, but I had a feeling it was pride.
“Why did you institute that policy? If you don’t mind my asking,” I asked. In the economy today, I was taken by complete surprise that a male run company would have such a thing.
“My mum used to struggle with it when I was growing up. Besides, most women do a better job than men anyways. I’d rather be running a company that rewarded such efforts than one that was sexist,” he said. A smile came over his face and I couldn’t help but smile back. He was incredibly intelligent, something I wasn’t expecting based off the articles that were written about just him. They never seemed to paint him as quite the visionary that he was on track to become.
“Why did you start your own company?” I asked wanting to turn the tables on him instead of keeping the focus on me. If Luke wanted me to like him, I needed to know more about him before I would be considering this a date of any kind.
“There needed to be someone out there doing business without anything being considered taboo. The market needed a company that would look out for the smaller businesses that were starting to pop up and represent them, their products, and their employees in a good light. It was time someone stepped up and it just happened to be me,” he said, the pride was evident in his tone. I started thinking about Luke in a different way that wasn’t just my boss or the bigshot CEO, but in the way that he was a person too.
“How’s your first week with us been?” he asked becoming the one to turn the tables. I had to admit though, it was only fair that I let him know a little about me after he was so forthcoming with answers to my questions.
“Good. I’m enjoying it. There hasn’t been a single day that felt like it was the same which is nice,” I said before taking a sip of my water.
“Why did you come to Chicago?” he continued. I laughed a little at the memory of moving to the city.
“I moved here with a guy originally. Yes, I know, pathetic, but I was just newly twenty and madly in love. Once we broke up, I moved into my own place, finished school, and just never left. There’s something about it, the vibe, the way that everyone moves here, I don’t know, just something, that I can’t get away from,” I said, the smile tugging at the corners of my mouth one I hadn’t felt come out in a long time.
“Must have been quite the man to get you to move with him,” Luke commented and I saw the jealousy in his eyes right away. It didn’t make sense for him to be jealous in my head though. We had just met today and I had no idea why he would feel that way about a guy I hadn’t thought about in years.
“He was. I had already been going to school here for two years when he asked,” I said deciding I could share this small part of my life with him. I was hoping it wouldn’t lead to something that meant I was another one of his girls.
“What happened between you two then?” he asked, his bottom lip going between his teeth. I had to admit that seeing him do it was a turn on. There wasn’t a man that made me think that before, but here was Luke proving just how hot it could be.
“He cheated on me. We were together for three years and then one day he decided that some sorority girl with fake boobs was more his speed than me,” I said bluntly. I wasn’t going to hide my past from him because there wasn’t a reason to. I was already a fairly open person and even though Luke was my boss, I didn’t feel the need to keep things from him.
“He was clearly stupid then,” he said before smirking at me. The smirk was growing on me and the more we talked, the more I realized just how much I was starting to like him.
Luke paid for our food despite my attempts to pay for myself. I noticed him staring at me as I felt the night coming to an end.
“What?” I asked tilting my head a bit to convey my confusion. A small smile started to come across his lips at my question before he bit his lip again, my eyes instantly being drawn to stare.
“Bryn, do you want to see what a penthouse apartment looks like?” he asked, my eyes still watching his mouth. I felt a shiver go down my spine when his lips formed my name. I tore my eyes away from his mouth to make eye contact with him. His blue eyes had a hint of mischief in them and his pupils were slightly dilated. I couldn’t deny that I did want to see that, but there was still hesitation on my part. I didn’t want to be another conquest, another notch in his belt and I worried that if I went home with him, I would be just that.
“Are you asking me to go home with you Luke?” I asked trying to remain calm, but my heart was racing. The idea of being at Luke’s apartment was very appealing to me and the other ideas swirling through my head were just as equally appealing.
“Just for a bit. I don’t want this night to be over just yet,” he said and there went his lip again. I held back the groan that I wanted to let out. I debated with myself for a moment before making a decision.
“Okay,” I said with the full confidence that I could keep myself under control if he were to pull anything.
“Let’s go then,” he said getting up and offering his arm. I looked over and saw the SUV at the curb like it had been outside the office. I took his arm, feeling the muscle underneath his jacket sleeve for a moment before focusing on walking again. When we entered the elevator of his apartment complex, I could feel the tension between us, both us wanting something from the other but unsure if it was the same thing. I kept glancing over at him while his eyes remained on the floor count going up and up. I took notice of the little scar on his lip, a remnant of something I didn’t know about yet. A piercing? Maybe a fight? I was intrigued all the same and became acutely aware of how attracted I had become to Luke over the course of the time we had spent together. There was something about him that was making me forget about how I was forcing myself to think this was just a business dinner, not a date. The thoughts running through my head all stopped when he looked over at me, his blue eyes meeting my green ones. It was like time had slowed down while we looked at each other. His tongue came out to wipe across his bottom lip and I knew my eyes watched as he did it. The need for having his lips pressed against mine became very evident to me as I watched his teeth take the same lip between them. I started thinking about what it would be like to have his lips on mine, his teeth biting at my own bottom lip, his hands holding me to him and then the elevator doors opened. I looked away from him, snapping out of my thoughts and being brought back into reality. I followed him into his apartment, immediately taking notice of the windows that overlooked the city. I could see Navy Pier’s ferris wheel from his windows, but there was a sneaking thought that was creeping into my brain about what it would feel like to have my skin pressed against the glass.
“Bryn?” I heard him call, taking my eyes away from the view. His leather jacket was gone now showcasing the red button down, half the buttons undone, he was wearing. My bottom lip found its way between my teeth as I stared at him. He was hot by all standards of the word. There was nothing about him that wasn’t attractive in this moment. His hair was falling in his face, rings glinting against the lights above him, chest showing off the small amount of chest hair he had, muscles practically straining against his shirt and his eyes seeing through me completely.
“Sorry, what?” I asked bringing my attention back to his face. The smirk that was on his face gave away that he had caught me checking him out.
“I asked what you were thinking about,” he said calmly. How was he so collected right now? Here I was wanting to pounce on him and he showed no signs of wanting to do the same.
“Oh, um, you have a great view,” I said nodding back towards his windows. He smiled and walked over to me, a hand brushing against my waist as he went to them.
“The ferris wheel is always the best part of the view. The water too,” he said looking back over to me. It was clear to me then just how badly I wanted him in whatever capacity he was willing to give me. Whether it was just sex or an actual relationship, I didn’t care at this point. I wanted, no needed to feel his lips against mine, his skin causing goosebumps against my own, leaving little marks wherever he wanted.
“Yeah, it’s really something,” I said noticing how my breathing had picked up. I needed to leave, to get out of his space before it was too late and I became just another girl on his list, but my feet were planted right where they were with no signs of moving towards the door in sight.
“There’s a better view in the bedroom,” he said, his eyebrows raising at his suggestion. He was causing a battle between my head and my body that I didn’t appreciate at this moment. There had never been a man that caused such torment to run through my head at once. Yet, here was Luke doing such things to me that I didn’t think were possible.
“Um, I, maybe, um,” I stuttered causing him to laugh at my lack of words. He didn’t say anything before he took my hand in his, leading me towards his room. My feet went with him, betraying me in the process and soon I was standing in a giant master bedroom with a view of Chicago that took my breath away. Again, I walked towards the windows, taking in every ounce of the view that I could see, the skyscrapers, the lights, the water, the greenery, all of it was beautiful in a way you couldn’t see from a third floor apartment in the city.
“Holy shit,” I breathed, not caring if Luke heard me swear anymore. I was in awe of the sight before me. I turned my head a little to find Luke watching me from beside his bed. His shirt was completely unbuttoned now, hanging loosely from his shoulders, his abs on full display for me. My breath hitched at the sight of him. He was something I had dreamed about once.
“Bryn, come here,” he said quietly, his voice soft but still commanding. My feet carried me until I was standing in front of him. His hands reached out so they were on my hips, his grip firm, but still giving me enough leeway to get out of it if I wanted to.
“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked, his thumbs rubbing against the fabric of my shirt. I blushed and looked away from him, unable to full comprehend that he was the one calling me beautiful.
“Now, now,” he said teasingly, his right hand coming up to tilt my chin back up so I was looking at him.
“I didn’t say you could look away yet,” his voice was full of something I wasn’t sure of. Lust? Intrigue? Desire? I couldn’t place it, but it still caused my body to start heating up.
“Luke, I-”
“Shh beautiful, we don’t need to talk about this just yet,” he whispered, his hand moving to cup my cheek. He was going to kiss me and I wanted him to. My brain came out of the haze it was in at the exact moment he was leaning in. I pulled away, taking a couple steps back. Luke’s eyes flew open in surprise at my actions.
“Was this not what you wanted?” he asked. He still had one hand on my waist, but his other hand that had been cupping my cheek was at his side.
“I won’t be another girl in your list of names,” I said finding my voice again. He blinked a couple times in recognition of what I was saying.
“What makes you think that I have a list?” he asked gently pulling me back into him. I moved away from him completely this time, his hand now back by his side.
“Because I’m sure you go around fucking all the girls you think are hot at the office. Hazel mentioned how good you are in bed. I won’t be one,” I said looking towards the door and making my way for it. I could hear him following after me against the hardwood flooring.
“Bryn, I can promise you that I haven’t done anything with Hazel,” he said watching as I grabbed my purse. I didn’t even remember setting it down. I hit the elevator button and it chimed like it was waiting for me to come back to my senses.
“That’s good to know. I’ll remember that the next time she mentions your sex life to me. Goodnight Luke,” I said, hitting the button for the elevator to close. I watched as he went to stop the doors, but it was too late. The elevator started its descent back down to the ground floor. I leaned against the cool wall, the temperature bringing me back to my full state of mind. I stepped out, finding my way to the train station easily. I couldn’t believe that I almost fell into him so easily, almost let myself feel things for him that I wasn’t supposed to be feeling. He was my boss after all and there was always a rule in my head, no work intermingling of any kind. Luke would just have to accept that fact and the small part of me that was falling into him would have to accept it too.
I got this idea at work the other day and after I told the Youngblood Defense Squad about it, they were all for it. So now, I present it to you. This was different for me seeing as I didn’t run it by my usual beta readers and didn’t even really tell anyone about it. I hope you all enjoy it and I can definitely say there’s more for Bryn and Luke ahead. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for more!
my tag babes: @thruheavenandhighwater @sweetcherrycal @bbycal @thebookamongmen @cartiercalum @lurhemmings @a-little-international @lu-fakebetch @tommossoccer @5second-slut @irwinsx
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a-story-in-verse · 3 years
Is It Me? by Elise Hudson
Memories memories memories are all I can think about,
BOOM here I am,
Thrown into another home after another like I am garbage, 
like my life is meaningless,
But I had hope and that one day changed my life forever. . . .
Hey! My names Bryn and I'm 15. I live in Los Angeles and yes I was adopted by a single father,
Oh and I also have 4 siblings, 
Their names are Max, Lex, Bryan, and Dylan. Can't forget about my father (Tim),
I love him so much. He an I are very close and he is the best thing that has happened to me,
Well my siblings I love them too, and we get along very well although sometimes we fight,
I almost forgot my best friend Brent. He and I are extremely close and he is my best friend 
It is my sophomore year and I'm excited to be back in school,
First things first I get up and go straight into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, then go into the shower,
 After I get out of the shower, I get dressed putting on my ripped black jeans  and my white cropped top,
As  I  carefully curl my hair, I look at my phone conscious of time, 
The last thing I do is my makeup, I put some highlighter on the creases of my eyes, and a little mascara touching off with lip-gloss,
I run downstairs grabbing my lunch heading out the door, as I try to put on my black jacket and my high green Jordan 1's,
But you know what stops me, my dad. He loves to take my pictures for me
Walking into school I get all the attention,
 I don't mind it, because I know I am beautiful and everyone looks up to me, but behind closed doors they have no idea about how I feel, 
The flashbacks from being beat and hit,
The feeling of not being wanted all hits me,
School is one thing but people following me is another. Brent and I meet up in class and we always sit next to each other,
Were always either laughing or cracking jokes. Brent and my family make me feel loved and cared for, which is why I love them
After a long day of school I start to feel like I am tired of being looked at and talked to, because of my body and my looks,
My small waist, abs and nice legs,
It can be way too much to handle at times. I hate my body. I keep hearing people say that I am perfect but I am not. . .
I need to tell Brent soon. Brent I need to  talk to you it's urgent let's meet at the park under the our tree,
"Okay" he said,
As I walk toward the tree the leaves are blowing and the sky looks extremely beautiful, 
I see Brent and he smiles as I give him a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. Sit down I have to tell you now,
I took deep breathes,
 Both you and I know that a lot of people think and know of me because of how my body and looks. But I don't want to be see as that, I want to be seen as me, Sobbingly, as Brent says 
"you know I love you and see you for you. Who cares what other people think or see in you.  And you have to remember people look up to you as an inspiration,
The important thing is that those who matter to you the most know who you are inside and out,
 "And what he had said made me feel a lot more better and less insecure. Brent told me to get up and he surprisingly carried me home
From that day on I told my dad and he was fully supportive, 
That is why god put both my father and Brent in my life,
Brent will always be there for me no matter the cause, 
For the rest of my life I'm going to keep saying to myself "I don't care what anyone thinks about me,
I just have to love myself and those who love me know the true me. And that is all that matters
0 notes
bestfriendforhire · 4 years
Children of BFFH, Entry 86
 “I just went for it.  The Jaggagawaroeth didn’t even wake up!” exclaimed Messy with as much surprise as excitement.
 “I raided the cemetery!” replied Rona with just excitement as Messy, despite what she was saying.
 “You did what!?” I asked in shock.  The group was a ways off from the town now, so we didn’t have to worry about angry villagers until they noticed.
 As I spoke, Four had said, “Nice!”  
 “Umm… Necromancer, remember?  I needed bodies to go wake the Jaggagawaroeth for us.” she told me, sounding confused by my indignation.
 Robbing a cemetery was wrong, but my character wasn’t going to ask where the bodies came from.  Four certainly hadn’t sounded surprised.  Deciding to think of this as another cost of saving the village, I said, “Yeah.  Sorry. I’m usually on quests to defend places, so I never really thought about where you’d get the bodies too much.  Didn’t catch that part of the plan either.”
 “Ah.” stated Four.  “We’re going to sacrifice one of Messy’s shirts to…”
 Interrupting him, Messy said, “Hold on.  Why one of my shirts!?”  She had dumped our packs for retrieval by our overly burdened wagons.
 “Got it.” stated Dea, who had moved Bryn past Messy briefly after retrieving a pack.
 “Dea!” she exclaimed with a toe somewhere between surprise and anger.
 “What?” asked Dea, walking over to one of Rona’s skeletal minions.  “You’re the fastest when using teleportation, so we want the Jaggagawaroeth focused on your scent.”
 “Sorry.” apologized Four.  “That was Aid’s idea, but I agreed with him and forgot to mention it to you.”
 “Besides doesn’t Freddy here wear it well?” teased Aid as he made his character gesture to the skeleton that now sported Messy’s shirt.
 “Rona, you should have Freddy crawl periodically to help spread the scent on the ground.” suggested Doc.
 “Okay, let me finish changing his name first.  I had that one named ‘Posy Six’ after the town.  There.  Now he’s Freddy.  I’ll have him walk on all fours the whole way.” agreed Rona.
 “Her, actually.  This Freddy was a woman in life.  I can tell by the bones.” asserted Messy, sounding perfectly confident.
 Aid moved his character closer.  “Oh… Missed that.  I’ve heard of women named ‘Freddy’, so the name still works.”
 “Is that really a thing in the game?” I asked in surprise.
 “And in real life.” replied Four immediately.
 “They’re correct.” agreed Dea.  “I’ve studied anatomy too, but I also have a…” she started, hesitating before saying, “an innate understanding you could say.  When I look at someone or consider a form, I just sort of sense what goes into the shape.”  There was a long pause and then Dea shouted “Messy!  My clothes!”
 “You stole my shirt.” she pointed out.
 “I really liked that outfit though…. Oh.  I see it.  Thank you!  This shirt’s pretty nice too, so… that works.” stated Dea happily.
 “What just happened?” I asked, hoping I understood correctly.
 “I pranked Dea by changing her outfit into my character’s and made her a copy of her previous attire folded on the ground.” explained Messy, her smile coming through in her voice.
 “Wait.  You can just… I…  I guess I should’ve expected you to be able to make clothes after you made a shake appear for me, but…  Do you ever surf through outfits on the web and just make the ones you like?” I asked excitedly.
 “Uh… not really.  Momma Alma owns a number of clothing stores that I browse in person periodically, and Mom… If you ever talk to my mom, just assume she knows everything, okay?  Makes conversations easier than listening to her explain something.  What I was going to say is that Mom doesn’t mind talking clothing with me and usually makes reasonable suggestions, at least when she’s not trying to do something absurd like having me dress in her typical mismatched nonsense.” explained Messy, sounding a little annoyed at the end as if she was remembering something unpleasant.
 “Whatever you do, don’t take clothing advice from Dani.” insisted Four.  “She’s brilliant, but her tastes are a bit ostentatious for most.”
 “Nice way to put it.” agreed Messy.  Then she said, “Best not even to talk with Dani about clothes or you’ll find yourself in something you’d never normally put on and feel completely embarrassed when you realize people are staring at you.”
 “There are countless stories from when people were new hires here.” added Luce, sounding more amused than anything.
 “Think we should warn Dave?” asked Four, suddenly sounding a bit worried.
 “She probably would see him as an easy target.” agreed Luce.  “Texting him now.”
 Though I was thankful for the warning, I was more interested in having new clothes for free, but I let the subject drop for now.  Rona was already guiding her skeletons away from our characters, apparently not interested in the conversation.
 “Let’s get moving.” stated Four as if he had read my mind.
 Not having my horse, they had me driving one of the wagons, which wasn’t actually as easy as I had expected.  Where controlling my horse was basically the same as controlling my character, just with a little adjustment for size, four horses and a wagon couldn’t make sharp turns so easily, but I did my best just to follow the others, hoping that I’d manage while being chased.
 We reached a tall hill, probably around half an hour later, and I once again found myself admiring how beautiful the game’s scenery was.  Tall grass was rolling in the wind as the sun was setting again.  I frowned as I caught sight of a lone hill in the distance, certain that was our enemy.  How long till Rona managed to wake it?
0 notes
renegadesrpg · 4 years
Dark Angels:Creation Part 9B: First Contact #SL Crossover with #Rekindled: Part one: First Contact  -- Zav and Truely
Truely: I'd been walking along the beach enjoying the peace before my trip here ended. I had this crazy notion that it was time to get the tattoo I'd envisioned so long ago. My body vibrated with the need to do this now.  So, I wandered towards the buildings I'd seen earlier and looked to see if I might find a tattoo parlor among them. Sure enough, there was one and the open sign had just come on. What luck!
 As I entered the quiet shop, I heard the ding of the bell but my gaze was focused on the man I saw, his dark eyes and hair captured my attention immediately. I had a hard time pulling my focus away and replying when he asked if he could help me.
 Do you have time to do a quick tattoo this morning?" I smiled in hope he had the time as I would not have another chance.
  Zav: --While one part of my brain is telling me I need to pack this stuff up and focus on the mission, the other is slapping me around telling me, Hell, no, you don't let this woman walk out of the shop without being sure. Bryn's giving me "the look" which only she can give. Part ‘What the hell is this?' and part 'focus Zav'. Mentally I tap her brain, telling her 'I need to do this. It won't take long and besides, I needed to cancel appointments for the next few weeks. You can do that for me while I take care of this. My book's in the back.' Her eyebrow shoots higher but she only saunters off through the back curtain without saying a word. Clearing my throat, I practically turn into a damned puddle on the floor as the woman in the doorway smiles at me.—
 Ah... well, we were closing up for a few weeks, but, sure, I've got time to do something small. *gesturing to the table in my work space* Come in and we'll talk about what you want.
 Truely: Are you sure it's no trouble? I mean if you have pressing plans I don't want to interrupt them. It's just...well, I've been meaning to get one for a long time and now just seemed to be the moment.
 *smiles not quite sure why I'm babbling so much*
 Oh, you probably want to know what I'd like. *laughs* Sorry, not sure why I'm babbling but I guess it comes with first tattoo territory. On the inside of my wrist I'd like the word Meraki with a small flower attached at the end. Would that be doable today? If not I totally understand but could you recommend another place as I'm leaving tomorrow and not sure I can muster the courage again.
  Zav: --Let somebody else touch that perfect skin? I feel a growl forming inside me at the thought that I can't explain. Pushing away the thought I smile at her persuasively because I need her to stay—
 Nah, you don't want any hacks working on that perfect skin. I'm the best. I've got time if we do it right now. Have a seat and I'll draw something up to show you. Do you have a font or type of flower in mind?
 --Reaching into my station, I pull out a Surface-Pro.—
 I work by drawing out the basic design here for your approval, but I warn you, once I'm into it, I usually add things.
 -- I sit down on a stool as I gesture to my tattoo chair—
 Have a seat, please.
 --The aura I'd seen around her hadn't disappeared when she'd let the door shut. She still glowed to me. My heart was pounding with the idea she could be the one. She could be my Kalare, my clear, bright light. But I had to be sure. To hide my growing hope, I focus on her tat. –
 Did you want colors or just black ink?
 Truly: *His eyes drew me in and I sat where he asked. There was something magnetic about him but I couldn't explain why.*
 Black please. I'll let you pick the font and flower. I like simple things so it does not have to be fancy.
 *I smile as he looks at his pad typing in things*
 OH! Where are my manners. I didn't introduce myself...sorry. I'm Truely, Truely Goode. Pleasure to meet you- *I stuck out my hand waiting for his reply.*
  Zav: --I have to smile—
 "Truely Goode"? That's a lot of name to live up to. My name's Zav. Adams... Zav Adams
 -- I didn't really have a last name, but when Sin had taken "Adams" to use for business purposes in the human world, it had seemed like a good idea to keep the name in the family. The others had had last names in their human lives but only Sean still used his. Adrian, so far as I knew avoided doing anything that needed one and Bryn was content to be thought of by humans as Sin's and my little sister. Still, giving it doesn't come naturally unless I'm prepared for it. Reaching out to shake her hand, I slip her small soft one in my large calloused hand. And the shock is immediate. It runs through me like lightening as her soul speaks to my grace and I know. I KNOW. My eyes are locked on hers now as I try to keep it normal. She won't know, won't remember. It will take time and I could totally fuck this up and scare her away.—
 Nice to meet you Truely. You mentioned you were leaving tomorrow. I take it you're not from Miami?
  Truely: *His large hand grasps mine and, for an instant, there was a shock that almost caused a gasp to fall from my lips but I held it back.*
 I see you caught the cleverness of my name. *giggles* My parents are rather nerdy and thought it hysterically clever to name me Truely. Plus, they found it a true blessing when they adopted me so they found a couple of meanings for it. And, hey, it's an icebreaker!
 *giggles again at explaining my name. I always have to and never mind doing so but it still makes me giggle*
 Oh, no I'm not from here. I'm from a small town but here for a business conference. It finished this afternoon and I fly out tomorrow morning. That's why getting this tattoo done now is important.
  Zav: --Far enough she has to fly...I'll have to find a way to track her without seeming like a stalker. Smiling back at her, I ask –
 Where do you want your tattoo, so I can get an idea of how to size this?
  Truely: Here on the inside of my wrist, if possible. There's a birthmark there that you can cover up with the tattoo. Well, if that's even doable.
  Zav: --As I release her hand she flips it to show me her wrist and a wave of pain flows through me. Reborn souls who died a violent death in their last lives often carried a birthmark over the fatal wound into their next. I had no doubt that my Kalare had lived many lives since we were both slain, but the death was so brutal, so traumatic that her soul still carried the mark.
 The birthmark was a slightly raised jagged line that ran the width of her wrist. Today's medicine would have called it an oddly shaped hemangioma. But I knew what it was. I'd seen it happen. When Michael's forces had managed to subdue me and slain the rest of the village, he'd dragged Kalare and our son to me. He'd had me on my knees and stood behind me, his fist hauling my head back by my hair with a sword to my throat. Kalare had been fighting, trying to protect our son, but she was six months pregnant with our daughter and had also been trying to protect her. It was a losing battle no matter what. I'd been outnumbered and there was no help coming.
 Michael had held me and I'd watched them yank back my toddler son's head by his long dark curls and slit his throat, throwing him to the ground to let him bleed out. Kalare's screams still echoed in my nightmares. But not my son’s. He could make no sound as he choked on his own blood. No, it was his eyes, beseeching his father to protect him that haunted my dreams. And then it had been Kalare's turn. An angel had taken his sword and made a long, deep cut across her wrist slicing both vein and artery, then thrown her into the dirt in front of me. She'd bled out but it had taken what seemed an eternity.
 I had watched screaming, tears running down my face as she'd grown weaker. She'd managed to crawl to her knees in front of me and, one hand laid across her womb, she'd reached up with the other and caressed my cheek, telling me it wasn't my fault, that we'd meet again. Finally she'd grown so weak she had simply fallen to the ground, curled up and breathed her last. An example, Michael had said. We Grigori were to be an example to other angels about what happened when we disobeyed a "god" that I knew wasn't /my/ god at all. And then he'd slashed his sword across my throat and shoved me to the ground. I'd laid there in the pools of my wife and child's blood, the blue of my grace bleeding out and mixing with the red. And then they had left and the reapers had come.
Others had taken Kalare's and my son's souls as Sin had knelt beside me waiting for my death. It was written by the Fates he'd told me, and he could not interfere, even for an old friend. That had been early in his career, before even the Fates had been swayed by him. But rather than take me to the Great Sleep that awaited angels he offered me the opportunity to join him. Kalena's soul would move on, be reborn, he'd told me, but an angel's grace did not. We would never see each other again. By joining the reapers I could search for her and perhaps have a life with her again. And so I agreed to join my old friend and I'd been looking ever since.
 Until now. Until I finally found her. Inhaling slowly, I turn her wrist from side to side as though inspecting it before answering.—
 I think we can cover that up very well with a heavier font.
 --Releasing her wrist, I pick up the tablet and select an slanted font that hovered between script and print, then typed in "meraki", then added a small daisy off the end of the "i".—
 Is this what you are looking for?
  Truely: Oh, that is perfect. *my excitement evident in my voice* Is it normal to be excited and nervous about a tattoo? Because I am, but I've learned to listen when my inner voice speaks. Maybe you were meant to be the one to do it? *I giggle* You did say you are the best.
  Zav: --smiling at her—
 Yes, I am. I believe I was meant to do this, to be here when you were ready.
 --Taking her upturned wrist again in my hand, I can't resist letting my thumb slide across the birthmark in a gentle caress, silently promising her that badge of trauma will be obliterated from her skin and soul.—
 This is a pretty simple tattoo, but it's your first, so being excited is normal. --laughs-- I don't normally do newbees. Generally I'm by appointment only and my clientele is pretty select. So you might say walking into my shop today was fated.
 --Reluctantly I release her wrist and hit send on my pad, releasing it to be printed on transfer paper. The printer on the counter behind me hummed to life and spat out the design. –
 And this... --reaching for the print out--will transfer on your skin. Then I'll work from that.
  Truely: That's amazing. So, you don't normally do newbies? I'm honored that you are doing mine then. *I smile* My employees never thought I'd actually get one. I've talked about it for so long but the time just never felt right, until now. Sorry, babbling again. *I chuckle*
  Zav: You're not babbling at all. --smiling as I get out the antibacterial soap to begin prepping the skin-- I'm interested. What kind of shop do you have?
  Truely: *I sit up a little straighter as you start disinfecting my skin* I own a bakery. Best variety of sweet rolls in the country. *smiles*
  Zav: A bakery, huh?
 --Kalare was always a great cook and she'd loved baking breads. I can only imagine what she'd have done with modern ovens and spices. Intently I watch her wrist as I position the transfer paper –
 So where might I find these sweet rolls --looking up at her and smiling. -- I ride, and once in a while I get an urge to just take off across country. I might stop in and sample some.
  Truely: I own Truely Goode Sweet Treats in Pascoe, Oregon. It's a small town but very pretty and peaceful. And yes, the bakery name was my choice. Figured I might as well make good use of my parents’ cleverness. *laughs hard* Oh that will look great! *I say as I see the placement of the parchment paper* Really, thank you for taking the time to do this for me. *I touch your hand as it fiddles with the paper* I appreciate it.
  Zav: --Electricity flows through me again at her touch. All I want to do is grab her and hold her against me, I'm so damned grateful to have found her again, but that's a sure way to convince this mortal I'm crazy. Instead, I put an iron grip on myself and answer her in an easy voice as I peel away the paper—
 I'd say it was a smart marketing tool. Pascoe... Is that near the coast?
 --sitting back on my stool as I discard the transfer paper—
 Take a look and make sure I got it right.
  Truely: Perfect! *I'm so excited I can barely sit still. This was such the right time to do this*
 Oh, Pascoe is about 30 minutes from the coast. Close enough for us to visit often and, also, to bring the tourists our way. I hope you get to make it there, I think you'd like it. So, what's next?
  Zav: --Her enthusiasm and sunny nature would make her hard to resist even if our souls weren't mated. I smile at her as I stand—
 Now comes the hard part. I'm going to raise the arm on the chair to a comfortable height for me as I sit on the stool. You need to lay your wrist on and hold it completely still. The needle gun will make a low buzzing sound. It's going to sting and it will probably bleed a little bit. There are a lot of blood vessels in that area. But as a baker I'm betting you've burned yourself on a hot oven a time or two and it won't hurt nearly as much as that. I'm going to put some ink in one of these cups. If you ever get another tattoo,
 --and she will be doing it with someone else over my cold, dead body—
 make sure they don't dip right in the ink and that they use a fresh cup and fresh needle for you for each color they use. Tattoos are safe if your artist follows protocols but you there are always sleazes who don't.
 --turning my back to block your sight, I lay out a small ink cup. Before pouring ink in, I use a fresh needle to prick my finger and squeeze out several drops of my iridescent blue grace. As I begin to mix it I get a strange feeling... it's earth magick, mixed with Sean's touch on my mind. Pausing, I look up for a moment and reach out to him. He laughs and informs me we are now part of a pack. Mentally I laugh. I'm not sure how Sin will take this but Bryn will be delighted. Taking his assurance that this is a good thing, I focus back on mixing the ink with my grace until the brilliant blue fades into it. When I’m finally satisfied, I smile. This will be part of her skin and there will be nowhere on any plane that I cannot find her. Turning back to her I set the cup down on the small tray beside my stool that holds my needle gun. Raising the arm of the chair I secure it firmly and position her wrist carefully.—
 Ready to do this?
  Truely: Absolutely. *I steady my breathing, my nerves ebbing a bit at his secure, confident touch* Let's do this!
 Zav: --I lay my left hand on her arm to help steady her wrist as I begin. It's always a jolt at first, especially for a tattoo virgin. Intently, I focus on the transfer as the gun buzzes, making sure to follow the outlines and pausing occasionally to wipe away blood. –
 Meraki... so tell me Truely Goode, do you put a bit of your soul into your sweet rolls?
 --I'd recognized the ancient Greek word and smiled internally when she'd told me. It was so like the soul I had known so long ago.—
 If you do, I can believe they are the best in the country.
 Truely: *I smile wide* You know the word? I found it in a book many years ago and it's been a favorite ever since. And yes, I put a bit of my heart and soul into my treats. I don't think there is any other way to do something you love than to put a bit of yourself into it. I'm sure you are the same with your art, your tattoos. If you weren't, you wouldn't be the best...right?
 Zav: --laughing softly to myself, because I /am/ truly putting a part of myself in Truely—
 Yes, I do. It's part of who I am. Whether following my vocation or my avocation, I do put myself into it.
 --I was so focused on doing the tattoo that I'd let that slip accidentally. Of course, she had no way of knowing that being a tattoo artist wasn't my true work. She'd assume it was my vocation. If she asked what my avocation was, I'd have to come up with something but I really don't want to lie to her. It doesn't feel right. But neither does saying 'I'm an ancient supernatural entity that just happened to be married to your soul 35,000 years or so ago.' She'd run out of here screaming.—
 Doing ok there? We're almost done.
  Truely: Oh yes, it's a bit like a bee sting so not bad at all. How long does it take to heal usually? Aside from riding what do you do to have fun? *I didn't want him to stop talking. His voice was soothing.
 Zav: What do I do to have fun?
 --I echo her question because, I'm not really sure. Reaping is normally busy and lately....it's been consuming. The tat shop was my creative outlet and riding my emotional one. –
 I like the beach. I've got a friend who surfs and has been after me to try it but I've been too busy lately. Once in a while I'll have a few drinks with a friend but I'm not into bar scenes.
 --laughing a little, because I like biker bars—
 Well, not your touristy pick-up bar scenes. If I'm going to have a beer I usually pick someplace gritter. More guy focused.
 --turning off the tattoo gun, I lay it down and wipe away some blood.—
 This will be a little red and swollen for a day or two. It's probably going to bleed for a couple of hours so I'm going to wrap it in saranwrap. After that it’s safe to take off. It will itch and scab. DON'T scratch it. Put A&D or Aquaphor on it two or three times a day. You can get it wet in the shower but no pools, lakes or oceans until the scabbing is completely gone. About 10 days should do it. Keep it out of the sun, so it's good it's your last day here. No sunbathing today and I hear it rains a lot in Oregon so it shouldn't be too hard to keep it out of the sun. If the redness doesn't go away in a couple of days, or it gets hot or has a discharge go to a doctor, ok?
 --It will never happen. With my grace in the ink it will be healed before she steps on a plane but she needs to hear the normal spiel about aftercare.—
 Take a look and tell me what you think.
  Truely: It's beautiful! Exactly how I pictured it. Thank you so much. *I whisper as I stare at his work* I promise, no major amounts of sun. Totally doable since I'm always in my shop and not big on sunbathing. See, my maternal grandfather had a lot of skin cancer issues from his farming days. And even though I'm not genetically able to get it, I don't wanna chance it either. It was hard watching it grow on him and be cut off over and over.
  Zav: That must have been very hard to see as a child. And you’re smart, because most skin cancers are caused by sun damage.
 --Unable to resist it, I raise my hand to lightly run the back of my fingers along her jawline, murmuring—
 And you do have very lovely, fair skin. It would pain me for something like that to happen to you....
 --suddenly aware I'd been leaning in, I pull back and drop my hand. In that moment I had almost forgotten...—
 Here, let me wrap that for you.
 --the blood had already almost stopped oozing, but I dabbed it with sterile gauze anyway before wrapping it gently in clear plastic wrap. –
 Just a couple of hours for that. And here... --grabbing some Aquaphor samples out of a drawer-- This will keep you until you get home. I don't know if your luggage is all carryon, but airlines have gotten so tough on the sizes of liquids they let you put in one. This way you won't have to buy any until you get home.
 Truely: *His touch was so loving and gentle. I leaned into it before realizing he had pulled it away*
 Thank you for the samples. I can put them in my suitcase.
 *I watch him as he wipes and wraps my wrist. Not wanting his touch to stop but not fully understanding why. I just know I could sit there forever with his hand on me. I clear my throat forcing the thoughts to leave* How much?
  Zav: --I know what I'd like to ask for. Just the brush of her lips on mine. But it’s too soon for that. Instead, I just say—
 How about a dozen of those sweet rolls when I make it to Pascoe? And dinner out while I'm there. We'll call it square.
  Truely: *I get up to go, slowly* Oh really? I mean you took time out of your schedule and everything to do this for me. You don't want more than sweet rolls and dinner?
  Zav: --standing as she gets up, I finally can't resist any longer. I gently take her chin between thumb and forefinger and tilt it up. Leaning down, I brush my lips across hers. More a promise than a kiss.—
 That’s all I want Truely. That and to see you again. It's all I need.
  Truely: *His kiss is unexpected and too quick. It needed to last. I smile and just stare into his eyes. The drive to stay is strong and I'm not sure why but I'm thrilled he wants to see me again.* I want to see you again too Zav. Do you have a favorite fruit?
  Zav: Hmmm.... a fruit?
 --right now my favorite taste is her lips. They're sweetly cinnamony and her fragrance reminds of me of apple orchards in the fall –
 Apples. I like apples. --teasing her a little-- Are you already planning something special?
  Truely: *I smile* Yes, I am. *I take a deep breath* Well, I guess I should probably go. Let you get back to what you were doing before I interrupted. *Why did it hurt to say that?* Thank you again Zav, I love it. You are very talented. *I touch his cheek briefly then give him a peck before forcing myself out the door.*
  Zav: --My hand goes to my cheek as my eyes follow her out the door and I regret not getting a telephone number but how hard can it be finding a telephone number for Truely Goode Sweet Treats in Pascoe Oregon? It might be a while before I can actually bike up there and just misting into town without my bike would raise questions. And besides, I don't want to bring trouble to her doorstep. I need to get this crap with the Horseman settled and demons off my back. –
 Goodbye Truely Goode. --my voice follows her out the door-- You'll be hearing from me soon.
0 notes
tastesoftamriel · 7 years
Rags to riches (a long tale by Talviel)
After our literal trip to hell and back, Brynjolf and I went to our fence in Windhelm, and in the back room divided the loot that we would keep for the Guild and what would go to the High King, including the great sigil stone. We packed the chest onto a carriage with two armed guards and a courier carrying a message from us, and hired another carriage to take us home to Riften, too weary from our trials to walk home with a sack and a half of daedric treasure.
A week later, there was a great rumbling as the armed carriage pulled up to the back gate of Riften, closest to the cistern. Brynjolf, Vex, Delvin and I stood with arms crossed, looking indifferent on the outside but shaking with anticipation within. The High King had come through on his promise, and the Thieves Guild was about to receive its biggest load of coin in our generation. The Imperial guards jumped down, slowly hauling down three massive chests.
“Delvin, get a few of the kids laying about to help bring all this down.” Brynjolf said. Delvin nodded and turned back to the cistern entrance, never taking his eyes off the chests. “Well, here you go. A very, very large sum of gold most people would never see in their lifetimes.” The head guard said, visibly displeased to have anything to do with us criminals. “Good luck counting it all, but the treasurer says it’s all there.” “We’ll take your word for it, lad.” Brynjolf said, passing him a large crate of Black-Briar mead and a pouch of coin. “For your troubles. Don’t drink it all at once.” The guards, now looking much happier, jumped back on their carriage to make the long journey back to Solitude.
Several new recruits climbed out of our (not so) secret entrance, with Delvin in tow. “Careful with that, boys and girls, and I want this brought straight to the vault, you hear me?” He hissed, and the poor underlings got to work hauling the heavy chests. Vex held the door to the cistern open while they lowered the chests down on ropes before hauling them towards the vault. We clambered down after them, Brynjolf nonchalantly twirling the key to the vault when it was obvious he’d never been happier in his life. He opened the vault door, whistling, while gesturing for Vex, Delvin and I to come in. He swung shut the heavy doors behind us with a clang, and proceeded to unlock the chests.
“Holy fuck.” Vex breathed. “So we get to retire now, or what?” “‘fraid not lass, we’ve got a guild across Tamriel to take care of, and we look after our own. I’ve drawn up a list of the places that need the coin most and how much they’ve been allocated, but first and foremost I never back down on a promise. Lass, a quarter of this is yours.” He said, slapping my ass. “You’ve got to be kidding me. I know Talviel is your favourite, but Brynjolf, that is an insane amount of coin for one person.” Delvin almost shouted, looking shocked. “You shut your mouth, Delvin. Where were you fighting by my side in Oblivion? Where were you tending to my wounds as I lay dying? The lass more than deserves this. What she chooses to do with it is her prerogative.”
I stood in silence for a while, chewing my lip. All eyes were on me. “Bryn…Vex, Delvin. I made up my mind on the way home. You’re right, Delvin, this is a stupid amount of money I most likely won’t ever use up in my lifetime. I’m a simple girl who grew up near the Ratways, and now I wander Tamriel alone. I’ve decided to take 70,000 for myself, which should last me at least a few years. 10,000 goes to the orphanage, another 40,000 to my parents, and 10,000 to the Bee and Barb. The rest, I feel is only right, goes to all of you. The Riften Thieves Guild. It’s only fair. You shaped me, and I am who I am because of all of you.”
“Lass, you needn’t-” “I’m serious, Bryn. In all the years I ran with the Guild until now, the cistern looks like shit. You all deserve better. Use the coin as you see fit. Spruce the place up a little, get some light in there, get some beds that don’t feel like rocks. Let our refuge reflect our power.” “'Our’?” Vex asked with a smile tugging at her lips. “Welcome back, sister.” “Welcome back.” Delvin agreed, clapping me on the shoulder. “I’m not sure if I’m really back-” I began, but Brynjolf cut me off. “Lass, you never really left us in the first place. Ever.” “Touché.”
Once we agreed that the senior members would draw straws to see who would count our share of coin (poor Niruin got the job), we trudged to the Flagon, our heads still reeling. “Vekel, roll out a barrel of mead if you please.” Brynjolf said. “We’re probably not going to drink the whole thing, but we’re going to need as much as possible.” Vekel obliged, and brought over three tankards. Delvin filled them to the brim, and we clapped them together. “To Brynjolf and Talviel, saviours of the Guild.” Vex smiled. “Naw, lass, we were just doing what we needed to do. I mean, the almost getting killed part wasn’t very fun, but we made it didn’t we?” Brynjolf took a chug of mead and put his arm around me. I smiled into my tankard, saying nothing. My silence spoke volumes.
Suddenly, Tonilia rushed over. “Is it true? About the gold?” She whispered. “Aye lass, but this stays between us senior members. Don’t want us shouting from the rooftops that we’ve come into a vast fortune.” “Vast? VAST? That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one, boss.” She went over to the counter and grabbed herself an empty flagon. “Not all of it is for the Riften branch. This goes to all our branches over Tamriel, based on their need. I’ll gather you all together later and we’ll make final agreements on the amounts. But Vi here, has been very generous, and has left a huge sum for us to play with here in Riften.”
“Vi? Who’s Vi?” Vex asked quizzically, before noticing Brynjolf’s arm around me and my head on his shoulder. “Oh Nine save us, the boss is in love.” She groaned, taking a hearty swig from her tankard. “Well…I believe congratulations are in order. When’s the wedding?” Delvin asked. I choked on my mead. “Oh dear Talos, we’re not getting married.” Tonilia scoffed. “Yeah right, this is Skyrim, and most people get married within hours of meeting each other. You’ve known each other for almost a decade, and Talviel, it’s been very, very obvious that you’ve had a crush on old Brynjolf here since you first joined our ranks.” “Old? Who’re you calling old? I’m eight years older than the lass!” He spluttered indignantly. “Whatever, we’re rich, cheers.” Vex laughed, raising her tankard.
Some hours later, Brynjolf and I dragged the chest containing the sum agreed to my parents to their house. My father opened the door when he heard the loud thudding outside, and his eyebrows raised when he saw the chest. “What’s all this, now?” He asked. “Let us inside and we’ll explain everything.” I panted, and we dragged the chest inside. “And…you are?” He asked Brynjolf. “Well met. Brynjolf, at your service good man.” He said, dropping the chest when the door was safely closed behind us. “Brynjolf? The Brynjolf?” His eyes narrowed. “Talviel, you’ve got a lot of explaining to do, and fast.”
My mother clattered up the stairs from the cellar upon hearing the commotion. She looked at all of us in confusion. “What in Oblivion is going on? And why are you wearing Thieves Guild armour?” She asked. “Please, mother, never mention Oblivion ever again.” I groaned, and Brynjolf nodded in agreement. I introduced him to her, and kicked open the chest. “40,000 septims, my dear parents. All yours for the trouble of raising a shit of a kid.” I declared, as their jaws dropped. “Talviel, this isn’t a very nice joke to be playing on your folks.” My father warned. “It isn’t a joke, Sir.” Brynjolf said quietly. “Let’s just say your daughter helped pull off the biggest heist in the history of the Guild this generation, and saved my life.”
“We don’t want to know.” Chimed my parents in unison, their usual response since I was a kid whenever I brought up the Guild. “Talos almighty, what on earth are we going to do with all this coin?” My mother asked, looking as if she was about to faint. “Buy Riftweald Manor?” My father said hopefully. “Unfortunately Sir, that’s Guild property, but I know Maven has a spare manor not too far from here that’s just begging to be sold.” Brynjolf smiled. My father’s eyes narrowed. “You know, for a master thief, you sure are well spoken.” He said to Brynjolf. We all chortled, and my mother stoked the fireplace while my father brought round some cheese and cured meats while gesturing for us to sit. Brynjolf looked uncertain but I pushed him into a chair.
A couple of hours of small talk later, Brynjolf and I made our way back to the cistern to gather all the senior members together in the vault. “So it’s true.” Sapphire said, stunned. “We’re fucking rich.” “You could say that.” Delvin muttered. Brynjolf presented his plan on how to divide the coin among the Guild branches across Tamriel, and after a bit of arguing we finally came to an agreement. “Raven Rock needs it most, that’s our latest branch and we don’t even have headquarters there.” Delvin said, and we all agreed.
“Say, Delvin, what was in that letter you had me pass to Glover?” Brynjolf asked. Delvin looked embarrassed and cleared his throat. “Well, I didn’t want to make an announcement until everything was in the clear, but I suppose now’s the time. I’m resigning from the Riften branch to go work with my brother in Raven Rock.” He announced. We all gasped. “I cannot believe my ears.” Vex spluttered. “After all these years, you’re leaving us?“ “I’m not leaving the Guild my little Vex, just Riften. For now, anyway.” “Well, who’s taking over your job then?” Sapphire demanded, clearly as shocked as the rest of us. “That, I leave to all of you to decide. We senior members all know the trade, we’ve had our field time, and we’re responsible. I’d trust any one of you to make that decision.”
We glanced at each other uncertainly. “I’ll do it.” Rune finally said, breaking the silence. “I’m getting too old to be working the field, and to be honest, I’m tired of it. I’ll take over from Delvin.” We all breathed a sigh of relief, worrying just a moment ago that this would become a heated argument. “All in favour say aye.” Brynjolf said. “Aye.” We all chimed. “Well, that settles that.” Delvin sighed. “I leave for Soltsheim by the end of next month, once I’ve wrapped up my final business here. Try not to miss me too much.” We all groaned. “Who’s going to sit around the Flagon all day to keep me company now?” Vex moaned, clearly miffed by the sudden news. “Well, Rune is, obviously.” Brynjolf said, rolling his eyes. “Nuh-uh boss. You know I’ve never been one for drink. If you don’t mind, I’ll take the desk in the cistern.” “All yours, lad.” Brynjolf agreed.
“Now anyone else want to make any more shocking announcements? Because now’s the time.” Vex demanded. We all shook our heads, then left the vault before locking it firmly behind us again. “Delvin and Rune, I want this exchange to go as smoothly as possible, so do whatever training you need to, and we’ll make an announcement to the rest of the Guild once that’s done.” Brynjolf said, clapping the two of them on the back. “You got it, boss.” Rune said, seemingly astounded by his sudden promotion. Everyone dispersed, mainly to the Flagon, leaving Brynjolf and I standing alone.
“So…what do we do now?” I asked, meeting his eye. “Riftweald Manor could be fun.” I suggested. He smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead. “Sorry lass, I’ve got important things to do. We’ll speak another time.”
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holdmekhh · 7 years
Happiest Girl In The World
Tumblr media
Artist/Person : Yang HongWon/Young B
Group/Crew : Dickids Crew
Genre : Angst/Fluff(?)
Word Count : 1877
Requested : GIRL YOU ARE THE BOMB 👅 Do you do Young B from DICKIDS Crew? If yes can you do something angsty? (he's a minor so...) PRETTY PLS
A/N: I’m sorry that it took so long, and that it sucks, but I was extremely busy and unmotivated/I had major writers block. I hope you enjoy~~
"Are you fucking listening to yourself?" I hissed, eyes squinted as I stared at the heated boy across the room. It was just us, the others deciding to get up and go into another room when they saw our conversation escalating. They weren't used to this, to the arguments that went on between me and their friend- my boyfriend."Did you think, even for a second, that what you did could have possibly hurt me? Or was I just slip your mind?" My voice was low, tone sharp and firm. The anger that was boiling within was only getting worse as time went on, as he decided that this would be the perfect time to not speak. A frustrated sigh left my lips, tongue darting out to wet them. I ran a hand through my hair, letting my eyes slip shut. Sharp inhale, shaky exhale. My lips were quivering, eyes squeezing together tightly before opening back up with tears coating my lashes and waterline. "Why aren't you saying anything? Do you...just... not care?" He shrugged, looking down at his shoes with a blank face. I stiffened, watching him closely. "Do you want us to break up?" I waited for his answer, stomach churning with nervousness and fear. But then, he gave a soft nod and my stomach dropped. It took a few seconds for me to comprehend what was happening, and that this wasn't just some dream that I'd wake up from. A tear fell, then another, and another, and they kept falling while I stared at him with widened eyes. 
Finally, after what felt like hours of just standing there, I started nodding as I wiped my tears with my sleeve. "O-Okay..." I cleared my throat as I started grabbing my things and stuffing it into my backpack "Um...uh...I'll drop your things off here...you can drop my things off..whenever, I guess." My voice was soft, like a whisper, and shaky. After I was done packing up, I went to open the door, immediately coming face-to-face with the shocked expressions of the rest of the crew. I gave a weak smile before brushing past them. "Noona.." I heard the soft voice of Geonah, but I didn't look back. I couldn't. If I did they'd know just how broken I was. 
My grin was wide, eyes crinkled up happily. Laughs were passing through my lips, albeit they were just as fake as my smiles but I was trying. I was trying to be happy. Trying to move on. But, when you fall that hard for someone, it's just as hard getting up.
"Yah! I was gonna eat that!" I whined as I watched Bryn chewed on the fried corn dog. A grin was on her face as she pulled the stick from my hand and took another bite. "You should've been paying attention~" She chuckled, ruffling my hair with her free hand. "But- fuck." My eyes widened as I stared past the older female. "What? Y/N, what's wrong?" She turned looking around before her eyes landed on who I was looking at. Along the rest of the boys, was HongWon, making their way towards us. "Shit, I forgot they were coming..." She slowly turned her head to me with an apologetic look on her face. I smiled, waving away her worry. "I'll be okay. Let's just have fun." I gave a soft smile, looking down at my hands that were now wrapped around my cup. 
I felt the presence of the boys, making me lift my head up. Only, I immediately made eye contact with a wide eyed Hongwon. Forcing a smile onto my lips, I gave a small wave before breaking eye contact. "Y/N!" Geonah grinned, pushing through the rest of the boys to pull me into a hug. Standing up, I wrapped my arms around him with a chuckle. I was shorter than him, not that it was surprising when I was shorter than almost everyone I'd met, so him bending to bury his face in my hair was something that still made me giggle. Pulling away, I waved to the rest of the boys, "How's everyone been?" I smiled. 
We'd all began walking around, Geonah and Ran sticking at my sides as we joked. "So, when's your flight?" Ran asked as we were waiting for the subway to come. "Two days. But it's like early in the morning, at like 3 or some shit." I replied, scrolling through my phone. "Wait, where are you going?" I heard Seryoung ask softly as he leaned against me. "Oh, I'm going to the US for a bit. Just for a week or two." I muttered, looking up from the small screen in my hands as the train pulled to stop. Walking forward, we all entered and sat down. And of course, I ended up seated right next to Hongwon, I felt him stiffen as I sat down but ignored it the best I could. "Why?" "I just wanna go and chill for a bit. My dad has to go for work anyway, so why not." I shrugged, chuckling as a pout formed on his lips. "You can stay, and we could all just go to Jeju or something." A few of the others nodded, "A road trip would be nice. We could even go camping." Taehyeon muttered, glancing up from his phone. "Come on. Please~" I chuckled at Geonah whining leaning on my shoulder. Nodding, I muttered a soft agreement before pulling out my phone and canceling it with my dad.
Our hair was whipping around as we sped down the highway, music blasting as we sung along. The sky was dark, city lights brightening up the early morning sky. The dashboard clock flashed 03:45am, yet here we were speeding down the partially empty highway towards the mountains. "I can't believe we're finally doing this." I chuckled, leaning back into the window. My bare face was flushed from the onslaught of cold air hitting it. Looking over, I caught sight of a sleeping HongWon, and my heart clenched. We ended up seated right next to each other, again. But, overtime we'd forget about what happened and would lean into one another. Or, he'd wrap an arm around me as we all laughed and grinned. But, then something would click and one of us would pull away, looking at each other with shaky gazes before gulping and turning away. A sigh fell from my lips, "What happened to us..." I muttered, before reaching back and pulling out a blanket to lay over him. When I was done covering him, I stopped to focus on his face. Then I looked away, looking up and making eye contact with Geonah. His eyebrows were pulled together and a frown was carved into his face, but I shook my head as I reached over and smoothed out the crease. "I'm fine." I smiled softly before leaned back, and turning to gaze out the window. Sticking my head back out of it, I shut my eyes and breathed softly, opening them back and gazing at the lights that blurred by. All the while, I didn't realize that HongWon had opened his eyes to stare at me.
When we'd finally arrived at the base of the mountain, after making countless stops for food and restrooms, we'd gotten out and stretched. The clocks flashed 09:59am, making us sigh. "Let's set up the tents, I want to sleep more." There was a chorus of exhausted agreements, as everyone grabbed the tents and walked over to the area in front of the van. TaeHyeon parked in a clearing deep in the trees, close to a small lake, and somewhat close to civilization.
Once all of the tents were set up, and everyone was cozy and sleeping, I left from mine and walked towards the body of water. Sitting down and sighing, I closed my eyes and listened. The way that water flowed like a soft lullaby, and the birds chirped happily as they played in the distance. The way the wind whistled in the softest way, brushing past the trees to make them sway in their own little dance. The soft footsteps that neared, almost as if they were hesitant. I knew who it was as soon as he sat down, staying just as silent as I was and not distract me, but his nervous energy had already done it. Fluttering my eyes open, I stared out at the water for, what felt like, a few minutes before turning to look at him. He was already looking at me. "Yes?" My voice was as soft as ever, my eyes shaky as I tried to hold back my emotions. We hadn't been alone in such a long time, and just that thought was taking a toll on me. "I'm sorry..." He muttered as he looked away, his voice raspy and quiet. "For hurting you so much..." I furrowed my eyebrows before looking forward. "It's okay." I simply stated, bringing my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them. "I understand why you broke up with me..." His head whipped towards me. "W-what? What do you mean?" "Well, if you stopped loving me, I wouldn't have wanted you to fake it. I want you to be happy, whether it is or is not with me, because I love you." I muttered, a soft smile pulling onto my lips as I turned to look at him. But, it fell as soon as I saw the unshed tears lining his glossy eyes. "HongWon, what's wron-" "You thought I stopped loving you?" I was taken back by his question, but gave a soft nod anyway. Shaking his head, "That's not why I ended us..." His voice was heavy, but the tears had gone away. "Then why?" "Because-" I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me his reason, but when he did my mind went blank. "Ever since High School Rapper, I've been busy. I got signed, and was even busier. I didn't have time to be with you, and when I did have the time, all we did was argue. I kept making you cry, from being angry and sad, and I just didn't want you to be unhappy. I didn't want to be selfish, so I broke up with you so that you could go and be happy without be weighing you down." My eyes were wide and my lips were parted, my mind went completely blank but the only thing that I wanted to do was crash my body into his. And I did. I threw myself onto him with a hug, my face buried in his neck as I silently cried into him. His arms were wrapped around me tightly, his hand stroking my hair. "I'm sorry..." Pulling back, I shook my head. "No, you thought it was the right thing to do, that's what matters." Leaning forward I pecked his lips, causing both of us to smile. "God, I missed you." He mumbled, kissing me again and pulling me into another hug. " I missed you, too. But, don't ever think that you don't make me happy, because of you I've been happiest."
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brynwrites · 7 years
Asks, Asks, Asks.
Anon asked: Hey hey! I have a question regarding nonbinary characters. I'm not really specific on the gender (as there are a lot and some people not even agree on it--the community itself I mean), usually calling the characters for their names, not pronouns (in Spanish is pretty hard to do it), and overall, I simply let them be. I wanted to know your opinion on it. Should I give the gender explanation more paper time? They don't think too much about it, as most of them have a lot of work to do.
For off, it depends a lot on whether the world you’re writing these characters in is oppressive towards nonbinary people. (This post should explain what happens in that situation, but basically, if there is oppression, you really have to dedicate paper time to showing your character’s emotions over it in light of their identities.) 
If there’s no oppression, then you only need as much time as it takes to let the reader knows the characters are nonbinary. Representation is only representation if the reader can figure out that it’s canon. 
Anon asked: Hello! I've got a question I haven't been able to find anywhere else... It's as to how to write a character who is a model? It sounds simple but at the same time I'm quite uneducated in the "modelling world" and afraid of trying to write about it without much knowledge. (It's not a main part of the story, it's just a character whose job is modelling.) I tried searching for stuff such as how the modelling world works and all but I don't quite know where to start! Thanks :)
I have no experience in this, unfortunately, and I don’t do enough hardcore research to have any researching tips for you =(
@aslaugblom​ asked: hey! I've just created this blog and I was wondering: how can I get started into the writeblr community?
This may help you :)
Anon said: You know, you're really sweet ❤️
Not as sweet as you are Nonnny <3 (Aka, this makes me really happy, thank you ^^)
Anon asked: How to write a montage??
I said I’d write a post about this but then I didn’t make a note for myself so I forgot. (Classic Bryn.) The problem with it though, is that I’m not skilled enough in writing them to give you an actual step-by-step process (nor am I sure there is one) so I have to write one myself, which would be fine if I didn’t spend over 15 hours a week editing and 40 hours working and 15 hours commuting and god-know-how-many-hours on this blog, and still have to eat and sleep and socialize occasionally. 
I do have a couple places where I might be writing one anyways for upcoming projects though, so once I do, I’ll definitely make this post. :)
A few anons said: :0 If you receive this, you make someone happy. Go on anonymous and send it to ten of your followers who make you happy. If you get some back, even better! Have a lovely day! 🌱
You guys are lovely. Alas, I get too many of these sorts of positivity chains to follow through on all of them.
Anon asked: I was hoping to ask your opinion on this issue of mine: I want to build an audience online for my writing and developing my skills. I have a love for a lot of shows and fandoms, and thought the best way for me to grow is to write fanfiction. Only, I'm a bit hesitant. Is it better for me to create original works instead? Thanks~
There is no better or worse! Both fan fiction and original fiction will give you valuable skills, and an overwhelming number of popular original works have started out as fan fiction only to have the writer change things up a bit and publish it as original fiction.
But always, always write whatever you enjoy writing. If you have original characters and worlds you want to write, then write them. If you have fan worlds and characters you’re dying to write, then write those. You don’t have to limit yourself to one or the other. You do you.
@naamegame: so i'm just getting into writing (mostly for fun, albeit entirely for fun) but I do want to ask... if you have any advice on how to slow down the pace of your novel if it feels like theres too much plot RIGHT out of the gate? should I just fill it with stuff or add more plot points? I feel like my story is gonna end before it gets going~!?
Check out my post on simplified pacing. If you fit that format, and you feel you have everything your sotry needs, it might just be a shorter story than you thought. It’s better to have the right pacing for your particular story than a certain word count.
(If it doesn’t fit the basic pacing schematic though, you might need to adjust the number and difficulty of the obstacles your character have to overcome and force the characters to develop before they can achieve their goals. Subplots are also good for this.)
Anon asked: Hey! Thank you for always being helpful <3 I got a diverse cast that based on the races as we know them in 2018, but these people exist on an island where they have had no outside contact in two or three generations, so the teens (my cast) had no idea what an Middle Eastern person is, or an African person, and so cannot describe them as such. I want to make clear what races my cast is so that people can't make assumptions on them being white but with a tan, for example. Any ideas on how I do it?
Have some bullet points:
If you don’t say a character’s exact race, some readers just won’t get it. This in no way, shape, or form means you shouldn’t try, but it is a thing you should know going into it.
If they’ve been on this island a few generations already, and the first generation didn’t care about race enough to remember/teach their children these names, I assume this generation is somewhat mixed?
There are plenty of attributes specific to people of certain genetics/races, so describing these attributes would be a good way to go. I don’t have any authority on this outside of what I’ve had to learn myself, so I would definitely check out @writingwithcolor for detailed posts regarding how to describe these attributes in respectful ways. 
Anon asked: Can you recommend writing exercises? I'm accepting anything, actually. Thanks;
Write! Exercises are nice (and if you want some, totally go search google because there’s some neat ones out there), but I’ve never learned nearly as much doing writing exercises as I have just plain writing stories. 
Anon asked: When writing for romantic relationships, do the characters have to have known each other since kids? Or is it perfectly fine for them to meet when they’re young adults and then later on fall in love with each other? Sorry if that doesn’t make sense.
Find a handful of adults in committed relationships and ask them when and how they met. You’ll never learn more about how relationships work then you will talking to people who’ve been in one for a while.
Anon asked: Hello! First of all, I want to thank you for all the advice you have given me so far. You’re fantastic. Secondly, I am writing a five book series and I’m currently editing book one. However, the problem I have is that I know what happens in the next four books and I find the subplots more interesting in those books than the storyline in my first one. I’m afraid I don’t know what I should do to fix that and I was wondering if you have any ideas.
If you’re not very interested in any part of a series, the first thing to ask yourself is always: do I really need this? If you can skip it, then skip it. If you can take the important parts and stick them at the beginning of what’s now the second book, do that. If you can weed them through the other books, that’s even better.
The other problem that occasionally appears in a series is that a lot of build up is needed in order for later things to have the impact you want. If this is the case, are there any subplots you can pull into your first book instead? Why do the things that happen later on need to happen at those points?
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embklitzke · 7 years
UNSETIC Files - Lost and Found (work in progress)
I write a lot.  I have a lot of things I’m working on.  One of them is the direct sequel to Bering Songs and Silence--this one.
The UNSETIC Files is an urban fantasy series set on early to mid twenty-first century Earth.  It features a cast of thousands of varying talents and problems--and a little bit of something for everyone.
           “I’m getting sick of this bloody dodging bullets bullshit.”
           I choked on a laugh, shaking my head as I met Kate Berkshire’s glower head-on.  “That’s because you’re not getting any better at it.”
           “No, I’m getting worse,” the Irish soldier snapped, then swore, glaring at the medic to her left.  “What was that for?”
           “Stop your bitching,” Joshua Talmadge growled, not looking up from his work on Kate’s left arm.  “You’re lucky it’s just a through and through.  If it was any worse we’d be at U of C Medical trying to explain how you happened to wander in front of a bullet and oh no, please don’t involve the police, there’s no need to report anything it’s just a silly mistake no real harm done as you’re bleeding on a freaking gurney.”
           “I’m sure you could pull it off, Josh,” I said, patting the doctor on the shoulder.  He snorted humorlessly and shook his head.
           “Don’t patronize me, McConaway. You’re ill-suited to it.”
           “I don’t know, I think she’s pretty good at it.” Kate smiled weakly.  “Just a scratch.”
           “You could be bleeding out with your intestines falling out of a hole in your gut and it’d be ‘just a scratch.’”  I grinned as I started to dig around for my cell, which had started vibrating in my back pocket.
           “Popular today, aren’t you?”  Kate waved me away with her good hand as she saw me digging around for my phone.  “Go take it. I’m not going anywhere until the good doctor’s done with me.”
           Don’t recognize that area code.  “It’s probably a wrong number anyway.  I’ll be right back.  Try not to piss off Josh while I’m gone, huh?”  I ducked out of the infirmary and into the hall.  We’d been back in the Portal Corps headquarters in downtown Chicago for maybe fifteen minutes, returned from yet another off-world foray that had probably resulted in more trouble than it was worth.  I glanced down at my phone’s screen again and shook my head as I tapped it and lifted the phone to my ear.  This had better be quick.  I don’t have time to break away from refereeing right now. “This is McConaway.”
           “Hello, Dr. McConaway?  My name is Brigid O’Connell, and I have some news about your brother.”
           My heart stopped.  Brigid O’Connell had been the name of the woman who’d led the search after Tim and Mat had disappeared over the deserts of Iraq.  They’d found Mat’s plane but no trace of him in it.
           That was because something from beyond the boundaries of Earth had kidnapped them both, whisked them off to somewhere far away. Only a few people knew that, though, and almost all of them worked here, worked for the Corps.
           What could she possibly know?  She’s not with the Corps.  I’d know if she was.
           “Doctor?  Are you there?”
           “Of course.  Of course.  I—I’m sorry.” I took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, trying to will my heart to slow down, to force my guts to cooperate. “I’m here.  I—what do you have to tell me, Miss O’Connell?”
           “It’s Lieutenant O’Connell, actually, and...he’s here.”
           “It’s nice to—wait, what?”  This has to be a dream, some kind of hallucination.  I got shot instead of Kate.  That’s it. I’m hallucinating because I’ve lost way too much blood and I’m dreaming this.
           “Here, you talk to her.”
           “What?  Wait a second here—”
           It was his voice, unmistakably my brother.  My heart thudded against my breastbone and every breath was a battle.
           How did he get back?  How is he—where is he?  There was a tremor in my voice as I dared to speak his name.  “Tim?”
           He sighed into the phone.  “Hey AJ.  Are you okay?”
           “No.  No, not okay. Where are you?”
           “Virginia,” he said.  “Alexandria.  Where are you?”
           “Chicago.  Where else would I be?”  I squeezed my eyes shut.  How had he gotten to Virginia without us knowing? Was there another Portal somewhere near there that we didn’t know about?
           Goddammit, there’s too much we don’t know.
           There were a thousand questions I wanted to ask him—chief among them was how the hell he’d ended up in Virginia without our knowing that he was back on Earth.  I couldn’t ask that question over the phone, though, especially not with O’Connell there with him, not without knowing what she might know about him, about what he’d been through.  I squeezed my eyes shut, sagging against the wall.
           “Sis?  You there?”
           “I’m here,” I said, voice coming choked from a throat so tight I could barely breathe.  “Are you safe?”
           “Why wouldn’t I be?”
           I caught a hitch in his voice and shivered.  We both know why—but do you remember that I know, that Kate knows?
           He said that he wouldn’t.  He was going to make himself forget so he could protect us.  Damn it all.
           “Just making sure,” I whispered.  “I...I need to see you.  I need an address.”  Kate would want to come with me.  Scott and Sierra would be expecting a report from us on the last run.  There wouldn’t be time to write one before I—before we—left.
           A thought struck me.  Had they known he was back?  Had he somehow shown up while Kate and I were on a run and they just hadn’t told us?
           No. No, they wouldn’t keep a secret like that from us.  If they tried, it would be a cover up of epic proportions.  Bryn would say something.  There’d be no hesitation.  If she knew, we’d know.  End of story.
           Scott and Sierra couldn’t have known—no one connected to the Corps knew.  That was for certain.
           Tim rattled off an address.  I wrote it on my hand, struggling not to drop my phone as I did. My heart was going three times its normal speed.
           “You’ll be there?”  I asked, my voice still shaking.
           “I don’t know where else I’d go,” he said quietly. “If I’m not there, I’ll be here. Call this number if you need to.”
           “Absolutely,” O’Connell’s voice said in the background. “I’ll help her find you if you’re not already here.”
           “Not like I’ve got anywhere to go,” he said, his voice a little muffled.
           My eyes stung.  You could come here.  You could come home.  I glanced toward the door to the infirmary, biting down hard on my lower lip.  Why hadn’t he come here?  Why hadn’t he come home?
           There must be a good reason.  I’ll find out what it is.
           “I’m coming there,” I said.  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  I’ll be there tomorrow, as early as I can.  I promise.  Don’t go anywhere.”
           “I won’t,” he said quietly.  “I’ll see you.”
           “I missed you,” I said in a bare whisper.  “We all missed you.  I...I’m glad you’re back.”
           There was a long silence on the other end of the line before he said, “Yeah.  So am I, AJ. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
           “Love you.”
           “I love you, too.  Be careful.”
           He hung up and I stood there in the hall, staring at the wall without actually seeing it in front of me.  My brother was back on Earth.  He was home.
           Why hadn’t anyone told us before now?
           I knuckled my eyes and exhaled a shaky breath, counting to ten before I straightened.  Shoving my phone into my pocket, I headed back into the infirmary, hoping I didn’t look half as shaken as I felt.
           “That was a long wrong number,” Kate said before her gaze met mine.  Then she saw the look on my face and all good-humored teasing evaporated.  Her expression grew serious.  “What’s the matter?”
           I closed the door behind me.  “I just talked to Tim.”
           “Tim?  My Tim?”
           “He’s my Tim, too,” I reminded her.  “He was my Tim first.”
           “Whatever.  You talked to him?  How is that even possible?”
           “Should I be here for this?”  Josh asked, glancing up from Kate’s stitches.  “Because I can go if this is classified six feet above my ass.”
           “It’s not,” I said, even though I wasn’t actually sure of that.  “It’s fine. Just finish up.”
           “He wants me to go get some x-rays,” Kate said with a slight glower.  “Something about getting lucky if I didn’t nick the bone.”
           “I just said it was a good idea,” Josh said. “You told me it hurt more than the last time you got shot and it hurt deep. That means bone or deep tissue damage. Do you want to be safe about this or not?”
           “You’re the one who was moaning about U of C Medical.”
           “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
           “Would you two stop bickering for twenty seconds?” I snapped.  “Kate, I’m driving to Virginia.  I’m driving tonight. Are you coming?”
           “Why—oh.  Is that where he is?”
           “That’s where he said he is.”  My lips thinned.  “How the hell did he get back to Earth without our knowing?”
           Josh frowned.  “Is he one of those ones the Cabal nabbed a few years ago?”
           “Yeah,” Kate said.  “He’s practically the only one we’ve ever had a chance of bringing back, too.”
           I could still hear the pain and regret in her voice when she talked about that missed opportunity, even though it had been the better part of two years ago—two years this coming June.  It wasn’t that it frustrated me any less, but she’d been clinging even tighter to the hope of bringing him home in those few days than I had.
           He’d asked her to keep a promise and I’d never quite been able to bring myself to ask her what that promise was.
           There’s no way that she’s just going to stay here if he’s back, if he’s within reach. There’s no way.  I just stared at her, waiting for the answer I knew was coming.
           She didn’t meet my gaze as she said, “I’ll cover for you. Call your uncle and get going.”
           “You’d bet—what?”              Wait, she’s not coming with me?  “Kate—”
           “Scott and Sierra are going to need a report and I can make it for both of us,” Kate said quietly, finally lifting her eyes to meet mine. There was a familiar pain there, the deep one that I’d seen in snatches and glimpses since the day we’d left my brother on Mydiar.  “I had days with him back then.  You had five minutes.  Go.  Go see him and make sure it’s real.  Make sure we’re not going to lose him again.”
           My throat tightened.
           She doesn’t want to come with me because she’s afraid that it’s not going to last—that we’re going to lose him all over again.
           Truth be told, I was afraid of the same thing, but I had to believe that this time he was back for good.  I didn’t know how he’d managed it, but I was sure as hell going to find out.
           “Are you sure?” I asked.
           “I’m positive.”  Kate glanced down at her knees, shaking her head.  “I’ll fly out tomorrow or the next day.  Call me when you get there and I’ll call you about the flight or...or whatever.  Go call Chris and tell him you’re going out of town and then get going before Scott or Sierra show up and stop you.”
           “It’s going to be a lonely drive,” I whispered.  I was sure she’d come with me.  I didn’t plan on doing this alone.
           “You’ll be fine,” Kate said.  “Go.”
           I shivered, nodding.  This felt far too familiar.  “All right.  I’ll call when I get there.”
           “Drive safe.”
           I gave her and Josh each a tight smile and slipped out into the hall, heart thudding leadenly against my breast.  Kate was right.  I needed to get out of headquarters before Scott Andrews or Sierra O’Rourke caught up with me—otherwise, I wouldn’t be getting out of the city anytime soon.
           I booked for the stairs that would take me up to the rehabbed print shop’s foyer and Printer’s Row beyond.  If I was quick, I’d be able to make it to the L in time to be home before the sun went down.  I needed my car and a couple of changes of clothes from the house.
           It was out of the way, but I didn’t have a choice. I needed the clothes and the least I could do before driving east was let my uncle know that I’d be doing it. He’d come to terms with what I did every day—he knew about half of it, anyhow—but I knew it went hard on him when I was away.
           I was all he had left.  His brother—my father—was dead and the two boys Christopher McConaway had raised alongside me were missing and had been for three years.
           Do I tell him, or do I play the waiting game and spare his heart like Kate’s asking me to spare hers?  My lips thinned as I stepped out into the gloom of a February afternoon in Chicago, grimacing as I realized I’d left my coat downstairs before we’d left on our jaunt beyond the Portal.  It was still hanging on the back of my chair in my office, the one I shared with Carson Matthews, a cultural anthropologist whose father had been one of the ones kidnapped three years ago the same way Tim and Mat had been.  Carson was newer to the Corps, had only been with us six months, but he was catching on fast.
           I shivered in the wind and shook my head as I felt around in my pocket for my keys and found them.  Not going back down there.  If I go back down there, I’m going to get waylaid. There’s no doubt about that.  I’ll just make a run for the station.  I won’t freeze to death if I hurry.
           Sucking in a deep breath, I sprinted for the stairs to the Red Line station a block from where I’d been standing, hoping that my wallet was in the bag I was still carrying from the off-world run and that I hadn’t left it with my coat.
           Too late now.  Already made the run for it.
           I stumbled down the concrete steps and into the warmth of the subway tunnel, already shivering from the late winter chill.  It had been a relatively mild winter here in Chicago, but that didn’t mean it was much warmer than bitter cold—especially not this close to the lakeshore.  I dug around in my bag, hoping to find my wallet and eventually locating it in the deepest, darkest corner of the bag as I made my way to the turnstiles guarding the entry to the train platforms.
           I breathed a sigh of relief as my fingers closed around my car keys and CTA card.  Small favors.  That’s all I can ever ask for.
           I took the train from Harrison and hit my connections—Red Line to Blue all the way to Rosemont where I’d left my car.  Sometimes I took the Metra all the way in and out of the city, but when I didn’t know when I’d be coming home, I liked the convenience of leaving my Jeep closer to downtown rather than at the Metra stations in Barrington or Schaumburg.  I stared out the windows of the train, at the city and at tunnel walls, fingers tapping against my knee in agitated impatience, all the way from the station where I’d gotten on the Blue Line to Rosemont, where my insane life with the Corps and UNSETIC had begun.  It felt like a long time ago.
           How am I going to tell him?  How am I going to break that news?
           I wasn’t sure if I was trying to figure out how to explain this to my uncle, or how I was going to break the news to my brother that our other uncle, our mother’s brother, was dead.  I didn’t know which one would be harder.
           I closed my eyes and sighed.  Dammit.
           The train stopped at Rosemont and I got off, went hunting for my car.  Somewhere between there and home, I’d figure out how I was going to tell Uncle Chris.
           I really didn’t have much choice about that.
Copyright 2016-2017 Erin M. Klitzke.
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crownedbyluke · 6 years
Suits and Leather Jackets (Ch. 7)
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Premise: Bryn’s first week at Catch Fire Advertising had been pretty simple, but when the CEO of the company, Luke Hemmings, asks her to dinner, she’s put in a position she’s unsure she wants to be in. With rumors swirling around them and Bryn wanting nothing more than to just be another employee, how long will it take before their bursting into light by each other’s company?
Word Count: 3,400
{Chapter One} {Chapter Two} {Chapter Three} {Chapter Four} {Chapter Five} {Chapter Six} {Chapter Seven} {Chapter Eight} {Chapter Nine} {Chapter Ten} {Chapter Eleven} {Chapter Twelve} {Chapter Thirteen} {Chapter Fourteen} {Chapter Fifteen} {Chapter Sixteen finale}
A/N: There’s smut ahead my dears.
The days leading up to the charity gala were intense. There was so much planning that needed to be done and I was struggling to keep up with the proposals Luke wanted for the clients we were poaching from Calum. We were slowly taking them from him, each proposal outshining his and our offers making the clients see that there was no better option. Luke and I had been professional with each other after I told him we had to end things for the time being. I still had hope that there would be a time we could be together, but that time just wasn’t now.
“Ms. Weld?” Brady asked, popping his head through my doorway, snapping me from my thoughts of Luke.
“Yes Brady?” I responded, looking back to my computer screen.
“Mr. Hemmings would like to see you in his office for a moment,” he said giving me a polite smile. This was the first time Luke had called me into his office since Saturday. I did my best to play it off like I wasn’t excited about being alone in a room with him.
“I’ll be right there,” I said, locking my computer and double checking that there was no confidential information out on my desk. I walked into Luke’s office, the neat stacks of paper on his desk taking over.
“Thanks Brady. Bryn, take a seat,” he said quickly, typing out a message on his computer.
“You’re welcome Sir,” Brady said before closing the door.
“Hi,” I said while watching his nose scrunch up from reading something on the screen.
“Hi, sorry. Give me like a minute,” he said, a smile coming over his features before being taken over by the concentration. His tongue came out to swipe over his bottom lip. I had to force the dirty thoughts out of my head.
“So, I appreciate all the work you’ve been doing for the gala. However, we have one problem,” he said, looking over to me. I noticed his eyes take me in before moving back to my face.
“What is it? Did something happen?” I asked, worry flooding through me that something could be going wrong.
“Calum is coming. I tried to get him to decline or change his mind, but he’s not budging,” he said. I should have known this would be the case after Sunday. Calum seemed dead set on making my life a living hell.
“That’s okay. He was invited long before I started. I understand. I’ll be professional,” I said, silently cursing myself for it. The thought I should have just let him kiss me took me by surprise when it came through my brain, but I pushed it aside.
“Bryn, if this is going to make you uncomfortable, you don’t have to show up,” he said, his fingers twitched. Was he wishing he could reach out to touch me as much as I was wishing he would?
“It’s okay. I can handle it. I knew it was going to happen eventually. I’ll be fine. Was that all you needed?” I asked. The suit jacket he was wearing fit his arms nicely, his biceps straining against it a little.
“Yeah. Just let me know if you change your mind,” he said. The tone of his voice suggested he was talking about more than just the gala.
“Okay. Thank you for the heads up,” I said, getting up and heading back to my office. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket when I walked through the door.
Look what showed up to your apartment! -beccs
I smiled at the text from Becca, a picture of my gala dress attached. A smile came over my face at the picture, Becca’s giant grin and the dress making me excited for tomorrow.
Can’t wait! ~B
“Bryn?” Braden asked after knocking on my door, causing me to put my phone away and put on my supervisors face. I hadn’t heard him walk up.
“Braden, come in. How was your suspension?” I asked, taking a seat behind my desk.
“Much deserved. You wanted to see me?” he asked, sitting across from me. I took the forms that were on my side of the desk and flipped them for him to read.
“Yes. Company policy says that you need to sign these to return from suspension. It’s a report about why you were suspended and that you have been allowed to return on a probationary basis,” I said, sliding a pen towards him.
“Right. Look, I’m really sorry about what I said,” he said, fumbling with his fingers.
“I know you are, but this is a necessity or else you can’t come back,” I said. Luke and I had talked about Braden’s return on Monday when we came in. We had both agreed that he had to be on probation for his comment and that he needed to understand that if he did it again, he’d be removed from the internship program.
“Okay,” he said before signing the document. I gave him a small smile.
“Also, you’re not allowed to attend the charity gala this weekend,” I said, watching the look of shock on his face.
“This was Mr. Hemmings’ decision, not mine,” I explained. He nodded, but I could see the frustration on his face.
“Right. I will see you on Monday then when I’m no longer suspended,” he said, a slight anger to his tone.
“Bring your ideas you’ve been working on. We have three proposals due next Friday,” I said, trying to make him feel slightly better. He gave me a fake smile before leaving my office. I sighed, hating that I had to be hard on him, but knowing it was for the best.
“You look beautiful sweetie,” my grandma said when I walked out in my black dress.
“It’s a little scandalous, don’t you think Marge?” my grandpa asked, looking at the slit that went up my left leg. I laughed at him. The slit didn’t go all the way up, but it was fairly high.
“Bryn looks stunning Mr. Weld. What about me?” Becca asked, giving us a twirl. The pink material of her dress flowing around her. The long sleeves made her look tanner somehow and her loose waves were a nice contrast to my updo.
“Stunning Becca,” he said smiling at her.
“My turn!” Michael said, copying Becca and twirling. His black tux and pink tie did him wonders. We all looked great in my opinion, like the perfect trio.
“Always so handsome Michael,” my grandma complimented while laughing at him. It felt nice to have them here before leaving for the gala, their compliments and smiles making me feel at ease before heading into what could be a nightmare.
“Now, you look after each other okay?” my grandma asked, wrapping her arms around me and Becca. She always worried when I had work functions. I never understood why, but it still made me smile.
“Of course Mrs. Weld,” Becca said, resting her head on my grandma’s shoulder.
“Becca, we’ve been over this. You can call me Marge or even Margery,” she said squeezing Becca’s shoulder.
“I know, but it’s still weird. Now, can you please take a picture of us looking spectacular together?” Becca asked, walking away and picking up my camera. My grandma laughed, but still complied. Becca made us take pictures in as many combinations she could come up with. It reminded me of prom except instead of a date coming to pick me up, there was a man waiting for me at the event that I couldn’t get out of my head. I smiled at the thought of Luke standing there waiting for me on the steps, arm extended, looking to die for in a tux.
“Alright, ready?” Michael asked, finally getting Becca to stop with the pictures.
“Yes! Bryn?” Becca asked, making me return to reality.
“Let’s go. I love you guys. Let me know how the Sky Deck is at night yeah?” I said to my grandparents as we started leaving.
“Of course sweetie!” my grandma called after us. They both waved and it was like they were sending me off to college again. The limo ride to the hotel ballroom didn’t take as long as I thought it would. There was plenty of press there, all intrigued by the secret charity Luke would be donating to. When we walked in, there were several tables set up along the perimeter, but most of the floor was open for dancing. I saw Luke instantly, the navy blue tux making his eyes look bluer if that was even possible. His hair was perfectly styled and the rings on his fingers were glinting in the lights. My eyes found Calum next, standing not too far away from Luke by the stairs with Mali right by his side. I couldn’t help but admit that he looked really good too. The tight fitting black tux showed off his muscles and the way his hair was quiffed made me think about ruining it. I shook my head to clear the thoughts about him. He wasn’t the one I wanted.
“Champagne?” a waiter asked. I took a glass, Becca and Michael following my lead.
“To us,” Becca said, raising her glass slightly.
“To us,” Michael and I said in unison. We all downed it pretty quickly, the warmth of alcohol running through our veins. It was definitely the expensive kind. We went and mingled. I introduced Becca and Michael to the interns, them exchanging pleasantries and what not. It was going smoothly, like there was nothing to be afraid of. I could feel someone’s eyes on me. I hoped it was Luke, but when I looked around, I saw Calum instead. He had a smirk on his face and if I hadn’t been drinking, I would have thought it was weird for him to be watching me, but instead I found it hot. The old feelings I once had for Calum resurfaced and for once, I wasn’t pushing them aside. The alcohol had made me fuzzy, but I still knew that I was in control of my body and mind.
“Will everyone please gather around?” Luke’s voice took me out of the trance Calum had me in. I looked up at him. We hadn’t talked all night and I was starting to feel like Luke was ignoring me. It was my fault because I rejected him, I was sure of it at this point. I felt someone’s hand come to rest on the small of my back.
“You’re something else pretty girl,” Calum’s voice rang through my ears. I tried to focus on Luke, but the thoughts of Calum were still swirling through my head.
“I’m proud to announce that my money will be going to The Art Institute of Chicago,” Luke said, everyone politely clapping. He had a big smile on his face, clearly having put a lot of time into picking where his money would be going.
“Come with me,” Calum whispered, his breath hot against my neck. I nodded, not really caring about going against my better judgement. I wanted Luke and I messed that up, so I might as well have some fun with Calum right?
Calum pulled me into a storage closet, pushing me against the door. His lips were on mine, a force behind his actions that I wasn’t expecting, but enjoyed anyways. His hand ran up my leg before hitching it on his hip.
“This dress is fucking insane pretty girl. Did you pick it?” he asked, his mouth going to my neck.
“Yes. No marks Cal,” I whispered, fingers tangling in the back of his hair.
“You’re right. I can make them in other places. Don’t ruin my hair pretty girl,” he scolded, his grip on my leg tightening for a moment.
“But it’s begging me to do it,” I whimpered, his lips connecting with mine again. I moved my hands down to his neck, pulling him in with my leg around his hip.
“Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll take you home and you can mess it up all you want,” he said once he pulled away. I moaned quietly from him grinding into me.
“Come on Cal. We gotta be quick,” I whimpered as he did it again.
“You’re right,” he groaned, moving down to pull off my underwear. He brushed his fingers against my folds, my head going back against the door.
“So wet pretty girl. Who made you so wet?” he asked, slowly pushing a finger inside of me. I groaned at the stretch before looking back down at him.
“You did,” I lied, just needing him to move his finger faster. The truth was that I had been thinking about Luke all night and how I would love to rip that jacket off of him. Calum smirked up at me, moving his finger a little faster, but not enough to satisfy me. It didn’t feel as good as when Luke had done it.
“That’s good pretty girl,” he whispered, leaning in and wrapping his lips around my clit. I moaned again. It still felt good, but my thoughts wandered back to Luke and how good he had made me feel when we were together.
“Do you think you’re ready for me pretty girl?” he asked, slowing his finger down a bit.
“Yes, please, fuck me,” I whimpered. I needed my thoughts to stop being about Luke so I could focus on Calum, but every move Calum made had me wishing it was Luke instead. I looked down, noticing Calum rolling on a condom. He had come prepared, of course. That must have been his plan all along or what he had hoped would happen all along. Calum pushed into me, not really giving me time to adjust properly. It felt good, but it wasn’t Luke. Calum was harder, rougher, too fast, and not paying attention to what I needed. I moaned quietly, moving with him and pushing back against him to keep the pleasure building.
“Fuck pretty girl. So good. I’m so close,” he moaned into my ear. I hadn’t even come close to nearing my orgasm and he was already almost there. He reached down, rubbing his thumb quickly against my clit to help me out.
“Feel good pretty girl? You close?” he asked. I could feel his thrusts getting sloppier, his thumb slowing down.
“Yeah, keep going,” I groaned, tilting my head back. His free hand reached down to my hip to pull me into him more, my leg hitching around his waist again.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he moaned, slowing down. The knot in my stomach dissipated as he stilled inside me. I heard myself fake an orgasm, not really paying attention. I had wanted this originally, but as Calum pulled out of me, I felt the guilt rushing over me. I pulled my underwear back up, giving Calum a fake smile.
“You were great pretty girl. We’ll have to do this again sometime,” he said, kissing my cheek and leaving the closet quickly. I stood there for a moment, in shock that I just had sex with Calum. I left after another moment, finding Becca and Michael right away.
“We need to leave,” I said once they were looking at me.
“Bryn? What’s wrong? You haven’t even talked to Luke,” Becca said, watching me closely.
“I know. I just want to leave okay?” I nearly whined. They nodded, Becca taking my hand and leading me towards the exit. I was in a haze the entire way back, unable to stop thinking about how stupid I was.
“Are they here?” I asked once we walked through my apartment door. Becca searched to see if my grandparents were here, coming back and shaking her head.
“I fucked Calum,” I said finally. Michael and Becca stared at me, both surprised by my words.
“You did what?” Becca asked, her voice telling me how truly shocked she was by my actions.
“I had sex with Calum Hood in a storage closet at the gala and it was stupid and I hate myself for it and I fucked up Beccs. I wanted Luke and I just went and fucked the man that forced me out of my previous job!” I said, my breathing picking up as I spoke.
“Hey, shh, wait. Calm down. Let’s change out of these fancy clothes first,” she said, taking control of the situation right away. She lead me to my room, pulling out a pair of leggings and a baggy shirt for me and taking out her own comfy clothes.
“Michael! You’re staying the night too!” she called out. I watched as she walked out of my room. I knew she was grabbing him clothes from my brother’s stuff and I made a mental note to thank her for it later.
“Turn around. I’ll undo your zipper,” she said, her tone commanding, but still gentle. After years of friendship, it still surprised me how quickly she could from carefree to mama bear. We changed, Becca helping me take off my makeup and pushing me towards my bed.
“Come in Mikey,” she said down the hallway. Michael walked in, three mugs of hot chocolate in hand, bag of marshmallows in the hoodie pocket. We sat there on my bed for a moment, the silence starting to get to me.
“Do you hate me?” I asked finally.
“God no B. You made a mistake. I’m not gonna hate you for that,” Becca said, putting a hand on my knee.
“Bryn, it’s okay, but why did you sleep with him?” Michael asked, pulling the marshmallows out.
“I don’t, there was, I needed. Fuck, I don’t know!” I said, lying back against my pillows.
“Then let’s figure it out,” Michael said moving so he was sitting in front of me instead of next to me.
“There was alcohol involved,” Becca started like she was making a list.
“Right. Calum had you against a wall earlier in the week in a particularly sexual manner,” Michael said.
“Good one! You thought he looked really hot tonight,” Becca continued, turning to look at Michael.
“He was hot tonight,” he said causing Becca to push his shoulder.
“Focus Mikey,” she groaned.
“Right. You’ve been really frustrated recently,” he tried again.
“You miss Luke,” Becca said, the words seeming to echo throughout the room.
“I-I, yeah I do,” I admitted, hating myself even more for remembering that this would hurt Luke. The image of his face falling, a frown taking over his features, and tears in his eyes came to the forefront of my brain, making me hate myself even more.
“You feel like you messed up for stopping your relationship before it could start,” Michael said quietly.
“Luke didn’t notice you at the event like you hoped,” Becca added.
“I kept comparing him to Luke,” I confessed. The words echoed again.
“You’re beating yourself up for pushing him away so you did the one thing you thought you couldn’t come back from,” Becca said finally. She hit it on the head.
“Shit Beccs, go easy on-”
“She’s right Michael,” I said, cutting him off. I sat back up to look over at him.
“Becca’s right. It’s a tendency I haven’t had in a while, but it’s still something I used to do,” I said, putting my head in my hands.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to tell Luke,” Becca said, a hand coming to rest on my back.
“I have to tell Luke. I can’t keep this from him,” I said, frustration and anger evident in my voice.
“B, it’s-”
“No Becca. I can’t keep things like that from him okay? I know he’s not mine, but there is so much of me that is his and I pushed him away because I was scared of getting hurt. I put him in the same category as Calum and I pushed him back so I wouldn’t get hurt, but here I am, still hurt. I am beyond angry with myself and I’m gonna hurt him when I tell him and he’s never going to talk to me again,” I said, tears starting to fall. All the stress, guilt, and anger came to a head in that moment, the tears and sobs coming on quickly after it. Becca pulled me into her immediately, Michael following her lead and taking up my other side.
“I’m gonna lose him,” I sobbed, clinging to them like they were the only things keeping me grounded.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’ll be okay,” she whispered, running her fingers through my hair to calm me. I don’t remember when we fell asleep or how late it was, but my dreams consisted of Luke yelling and walking away from me. The dreams making me restless and lay awake for hours on end before my eyes would close and the cycle would start over again.
I’M SORRY IN ADVANCE THAT I HURT YOU GUYS EVEN MORE. IT’S GONNA BE BETTER EVENTUALLY I PROMISE. Ummm, send in some feedback I guess? I’m sorry if y’all hate me for this now. 
tag loves: @thruheavenandhighwater @sweetcherrycal @bbycal @thebookamongmen @cartiercalum @pickleluke @calumfornicationx @lurhemmings @a-little-international @lu-fakebetch @irwinsx @tommossoccer @calumspeachy @captivatingcal @cashton-queen @kinglyhood @rexorangecounty @cxddlyash @lipstickstainfading @obsidiancosmos @youngblood199456 @madxhttr22 @emptysanity
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whatomgbratini · 7 years
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Chapter Ten: Control Your Demons Part 1
It wasn't the familiar scent of tea tree oil, or the comforting tingle of a hand holding her’s that tore Bryn from her dormancy. It was fire searing at her wrists. When the pain became too intense for her to bare, she found herself flying full force into reality, screaming.
The warm tingle that was once clasped tightly around her hand vanished. Whoever that hand belonged to jumped, flashing across the room in a blur. She didn't see it, but she could hear it, their feet rapid against the wooden floor.
In her panic she followed the figure. She shot to the opposite side of the room in less time than a bullet released from a gun.
Bryn slammed a hand over one of the cuffs on her wrist, desperate to remove it, but it singed the inside of her palm with a loud sizzle and pop.
"Ah!" She hissed at the way it charred her tender skin.
Bryn ripped her hand from the cuff and then squealed again when it reconnected with her wrists. Frantically, she swung both wrists adorned in thick iron cuffs at the only solid thing next to her. It was a brass knob attached to the old oak door of the oddly placed bedroom inside of Warm Springs Community Church. The brass crumpled against the iron cuff with a piercing cling!, splitting the wood beneath the handle and shattering it into large pieces.
She knew that voice, but Goddamn It, the pain was too great to care. Two large hands clasped over her wrists, slipping beneath the cuffs and releasing the touch of iron from her skin. She paused only briefly enough to look up at the figure. A pair of eyes as green as pine needles fret between her gaze.
Her chest was moving up and down as she panted. She could feel her eyes wide on him as she stared up in disbelief.
Suddenly, she remembered. Bryn remembered the dark haired girl named Baya. She remembered chanting the words that Baya said until finally, the dagger led by Baya’s hand came slashing at her throat. She died in the midst of Jamison shrieking. She was dead before she got to hear Baya fumbling, tears staining her face. ‘It wasn't supposed to happen like this. She's supposed to come back.’ The panic, the fear, the frustration, Bryn saw and felt it all as she left her body.
Life after death was jumbled, frightening. She had been lost for what felt like days, scrambling to find her way home. Just when she had seen enough of the hallucinations, ran from them in the sinister world that replicated her own, her disoriented mind created a beacon of hope in the form of Kyle.
Presently, Kyle’s grip on her tightened, unfazed by her defiance.
"Stop." He demanded. Tendrils of dark gold hair were falling over his forehead as it wrinkled with worry.  "I can help. Just give me a second to think."
Bryn's heart sunk into the pits of her stomach. She’d heard him say this before. Had he been there? Had it really been him who-
"Stop tugging Bryn, I need you to work with me here."
Bryn scowled, following his orders with a hint of defiance. If he had really joined her between heaven and home, she felt foolish for being so weak in front of him, for making him calm, yet again, another one of her panic attacks.
"Hold your wrists straight." He said. His wrinkle of worry formed into a crease of concentration. "I’m gonna pull these off."
When he pulled, the iron melted the skin at the backs of her hands, causing her to bite down a muffled cry. Bryn raced as far away from the cuffs as possible. This time that she ran, she recognized her inhuman speed. Bryn pressed her back into the far corner of the room. Her hands sprawled outward. She was so fast, so alert, so different from any way that she had ever felt before. 
She kept an eye on Kyle, who had impossibly grown in width since she had last seen him. His shoulders formed round peaks at either side of his clavicle. He was dressed darkly, from his T-shirt to his black vans. His tanned skin peeked out from under his T-shirt, and she could see each muscle flow into the next from under the short sleeves. He was beautiful.
"What are you doing here?"
Her words came out agitated. Maybe she was agitated. Hadn't he been the one who left her? And who did he think he was? Waltzing around, taunting her with his- his- sexiness.
Kyle halted; his expression torn. He pressed his mouth into a flat line. "I felt you die." He said in such a low tone that Bryn strained to hear him. She wrung a hand nervously around one of her burning wrists.
"You- you what? How?"
Kyle cast a guilty stare at the mark he had left on her. She could still feel the heat of his lips on her neck. Lust tormented her at the very thought of it. She flinched as the memory played itself out. The sting of his teeth piercing her skin was just as vivid as the day it happened. Out of embarrassment, she flung a hand across her chest and over the mark.
“You- you felt that?” She sputtered on.
Kyle didn't move to say yes or no, he didn't even nod. Instead, he grazed his fingers uneasily across his own neck, the back of his knuckles brushing across a long, thick welt that bridged from one side of his throat to the other. Wearily, Bryn stretched her own fingers from Kyle's bite to the painful slash created by Baya’s knife. it was still tender, raw and scabbed.
“Jeez.” Bryn’s mind was running in circles. “I didn't know that the -uh- claim was that much of a burden.”
“Burden?” Kyle repeated.
He paced toward her. The way his brows pushed together in dismay made her insides plummet. He had nice brows. They were thick and straight, only the slightest arch caused them to curve over top of his eye.
"Don’t say that, Bryn. I-" He reached affectionately for the hand she had on her neck.
She refused him, slipping her arm from his. He’s the one who left me. She had to remind herself. Kyle frowned; With another reach, he snatched her hand.
“I'm sorry. Ok?” He rushed.
Bryn flung her head to the side, dodging his eyes, but he moved into her line of vision quickly. His eyes found hers, and the look on his face was something that Bryn couldn't tear herself away from.
“I'm sorry I did this to you, that I've hurt you. I'm sorry that I keep fucking up. I'm sorry for everything.”
Slowly, he unwound his fingers from her blistered wrist, letting her free as he let out a nervous swallow.
“Kyle-” Bryn started, but she didn't know how to finish.
She stopped herself by clamping her lip between her teeth, prohibiting them from forming any more words.
“Don't.” He started.
“Don't what?”
“Don’t Feel like you have to forgive me.” He sounded so earnest. He'd always been that way, since the day she met him he took all the blame, all the responsibility. Kyle had the most humility of any man she’d ever met. “I don't want you to forgive me. I wouldn't deserve it.”
She wanted to touch him, comfort him. She could feel the desire in every part of her. Her throat swelled up, her chest sunk. And even though she was sure she was the only one who felt that ache, Kyle was the first to close the distance. His free hand went to her shoulder timidly, sliding over her collarbone and feathering the scar he’d given her.
When he touched her there, everything inside of her fluttered. She thudded into him, unable to take the separation any longer. Her hands went to his chest, fisting the fabric of his shirt tightly as the sensation flit into her limbs. She melted against him, feeling warm in all the places that he was connected to her: Her chest, her cheek, her stomach, the center of her back where his hands splayed comfortingly across it. All of it was warm and refreshing. He tightened his grip, one of his hands moving to cup the back of her neck and the other slipping over the curve of her hip to pull her even closer.
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She shuddered, relishing in this cocoon of Kyle. It felt right. It felt innocent. It was just a hug, but then again it said so much more. As if he understood the words she’d yet to tell him, and responded with this. An embrace that said: I miss you. I'm sorry. I care.
"I love you." She muffled softly, impulsively.
Abruptly, Kyle pulled away. The space between them a tormenting distance. All the warmth and love she had seen in him tensed.
"You can't.”
"What?" She swallowed. “What do you mean I can't? You know I love you. That’s not just going to disappear.."
She quickly reached for his hand again and he stepped away.
"I came here to help you find your way back. Not to confuse you."
I came here to help you find your way back. A mixture of feelings fleeted through her mind, but there was only one thing she could focus on.
"So it really was you? You found me." she paused. "You kissed me.
For the briefest second, Bryn could have sworn that he froze. "I-” He began to stammer, but he shook his head. “No, Jamison and I both tried to find you and we both failed. You made it on your own."
“Oh.” It was all she could manage to say. He was lying; she could tell. But why? Did he regret it?
“Bryn, I-” Kyle began, but Bryn’s despair turned to anger in a few short seconds.
“You what?” She drawled. “You know, If you’re so concerned about confusing me, than why are you still here, Kyle?”
She forced the words. They sounded emotionless as they left her mouth.
“I don't know.” He balled his fists as he answered.  "I want to be here. I should have been here long before now. It’s just- Everything I do is wrong. All I've done since I've become this- this monster is hurt you. I hate that you are claimed by me. I hate the way it sounds: like I own you and you have no say in the matter. I hate that even when I thought I was protecting you from myself, even when I was over a hundred miles away from you, I still managed to nearly kill you. If I wouldn't have claimed you, you would have come back from the ritual just like every other Fae.
“I didn't know what I was doing,” he swallowed. this time he wasn't as frantic. His voice wavered; full of remorse and weakness. “I didn't even know what I was."
At that he collapsed against the wall he had backed himself into, digging his hands into his tousled hair. The muscles from his forearms to his neck were taught, his body the most visible sign of his stress, as it always was.
"I know you’d never intend to hurt me." She couldn't muster up the anger anymore, not when she could see how destroyed he was inside. Bryn moved cautiously toward him. "I just don't understand this need to distance yourself from me. That's what I hate. I don't hate being claimed by you- or however you say it. I hate that you've forced us apart like this. It hurts me, it hurts me more than anything else."
He hesitated. He was so resilient, so set in what he believed was best. At his silence, Bryn added. “Just tell me why, Kyle. Why are you pushing me away?”
Kyle grimaced, angry that the point he was trying to make hadn't been received.
"Because I'm an Angel and you are Fae, Bryn.” He clipped. His words were simple, but somehow Bryn could not understand. How could he-
“You protect people and my kind feed off of them.” He pressed on, his voice strict. He was leaning into his words, pointing his fingers into his chest. “You save the world and my people destroy it. The heavens accept you and you become who you are; The heavens reject me, and I became this."
"An Angel?" She finally questioned. "But, Kyle, surely you’ve been mistaken-"
"An Angel." He confirmed. "Just face it, I'm no good for you."
It was impossible. She wanted to protest, but what would she say?
The door jiggled at the handle, causing splinters of wood to clatter to the floor and Bryn's attention to divert. The air was so tense that neither her nor Kyle jumped to help it open. When it opened, it took a kick from the other side. The swing was fierce, making its way to the wall and jittering against it.
"Is everything ok in here?" Jamison's figure stepped through the broken door, his tone accusing. He glanced from the splintered wood to Kyle.
"Yeah, I was just about to leave." Kyle said through clenched teeth.
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