#(SORRY i had to get this out of my system. srry. a bit)
saintbleeding · 7 months
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[ID: A seven-panel digital comic of Jon and Elias from TMA. Jon wears glasses, a collared shirt, and a cardigan, and has wounds and scars in various states of healing all over his visible skin. Elias wears a three-piece suit and half-moon spectacles. The first three panels are flanked by an anatomically correct eyeball and a heart-charm, with the two halves reading "wors/ties". In these panels, Jon says "So, if you could share some actually useful information to help me circumvent the apocalypse, that would be appreciated. ...Elias. *Elias.*" As he says this, Elias smirks wordlessly and looks directly at the viewer. In the next two panels, he speaks directly 'to the camera'. He says "This is sex to me. Don't tell Jonathan." His lower third says "Jonah ('Elias'): Long term acolyte/nefarious bureaucrat. Is in his "gone mild" era, astoundingly." The final two panels show Jon also speaking to the camera. His lower third says "Jonathan: Special little chew toy. Like the lovechild of a wet napkin and an overstimulated chihuahua." and he says "He *what*? ... jesus fucking christ." as he pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. End ID.]
in all frankness i just feel like whatever i have done here is Peak Jon/Elias Dynamic. sorry you're welcome
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autistic-katara · 9 months
eddie munson sucks
this one is utterly incoherent but bear with me - IF byler hadn't been planned from the start, el and mike's relationship would've worked IF hopper hadn't taken el in. hopper majorly fucked up a lot of her personal growth and her ability to function around people.
hopper should've died
the bungou stray dogs fandom is great actually
the kpop fandom is disturbing but fascinating and i want to study it
i have this insane respect for the marauders fandom cause like they built it from the ground up and if they changed the names and a little bit of the magic system it could be it's own series
yeah idk what this is sorry
THANKS FOR THE LONG ASK AAAHHH (accidentally made the reply super long srry lmao)
honestly i just dont give a shit abt him. like in a vacuum i like his character, yk he was kinda a pretty big asshole to my boy lucas and he sells drugs (idrc abt that one tho) but at the same time idk i do enjoy the idea of eddie being queer nd clocking will and/or mike nd trying to make them feel comfortable talking to him (even if that could be done just as well if not better with robin who is yk canonically queer and a way better character but idk) but all that is ignoring how fucking annoying his fans are like jesus christ why is he this fucking popular like half the fics in this godforsaken fandom r st€ddie (and look i am a shameless will-ship-smthn-based-off-of-one-small-momenter of the highest degree but i genuinely do not understand the hype for them like they literally looked at eachother twice and had eddie tell steve to get back with his ex how in the fuck is that romantic???) and yeah just he is insanely overrated in the worst possible way and the fact that this isnt even the worst case of this in this fandom just proves how much b*lly and his fans suck and yeah i did not expect to go on a huge rant abt this srry TwT
kinda agree kinda disagree. i do think it wouldve been possible for mlvn to work but i wouldnt say hopper taking el in is the problem i think ud kinda just have to rewrite alotta their interactions with some small things in the beginning but with a completely different dynamic in the later seasons (sidenote: honest to god if theyd just written hopper a bit better i would fucking love him as el’s dad like i love the found family trope and i do think they go well together but with the way he acts in s3 + the way their fight that culminates in el’s meltdown and him breaking the tv in s2 just yeah they rlly could’ve been done better)
no comment i dont rlly care (i dont hate that he survived but if he stayed dead i also wouldnt hate it)
yeah honestly while it has its problems ive been in waaaayyyyy worse fandoms and i do actually kinda like the vibe here (even if it has some of the dumbest shipping discourse i’ve seen. not the worst but the dumbest. usually surrounding my boy dazai which just bro that man is a whore ship him with whoever and no its not a proship to ship him with an 18yo bcz they have a kinda mentor/student relationship and no shipping him at 18 with a 24yo also isnt a proship bcz someone decided he was 16 or smthn which if u actually do the maths he was very much 18 and look i’m not a dazatsu shipper and odazai isnt my favourite dazai ship nor am i saying both ships r entirely unproblematic but dude this is why i dont wanna label myself an anti bcz u guys say shit like this anyways sorry that was a super long side tangent it will probably happen again)
again no comment, i know jack shit abt kpop
uhhh i hate everything related to hp so again no comment
again srry this turned out so long 😭
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elytrafemme · 2 years
you've talked about switching a lot recently but i've only just now been able to sit down and give my own little account 👍 yippie 🎉
however tbh if you're like "i'm donee talking about this tehehe" throw this ask out the window. shatter the glass for fun either way
anyways!! switching is so freaking funky, especially recently for us because it's been a lot of blurry and stressful switches.. probably due to midterms season? not too sure but also it's october so the mind is becoming full bonkers mode ya know
anyways, for us switches can either be super obvious or just go completely under the radar. there's no i between, and the easier the switch is, the less likely we are to like register that one happened.
well, specifically me because i have a tendency to stay around in co con a lot. when someone switches into co con with me it's usually pretty smooth, and fast, being brought about by very like random things. a song or an image or maybe how someone worded something! ya know
anyways, longer and more difficult switches which can get really rough. i think it's just, we have a really hard time with someone going from not in or near front just coming in full swing. that and also just needing to get someone out and they don't want to be.
but longer switches usually cause us to get really tired and dizzy (and usually an assortment of varying kinds of dissociative) and there's a weird like mental sensation almost like being dragged under into a swamp or being buried in pillows? it's like brain fog turned up an extreme amount
but there's on occasional full switch without all of that, but those are few and far i between. usually these are like zoning out but like for 10 minutes. like a shut down and reboot bust someone else hit the power on button ig.
actually tbh we see a lot of your system things in a very like computer sorta since?? we have a memory/trauma holder who like will create like "firewalls" to block information and sometimes even like shut down a chess to leave/get into front. it's kinda funny now that i'm thinking about it, the whole computer theming
anyways it's also important to note that we have an awful time of realizing who's in front until there's something very distinctly that alter that gets thought/done. that could be due to the heavy mental ick for a past bit, but it also might be a general thing. in fairness we haven't been tracking too long so it's hard to say.
however all around it's like... we struggle finding the queues as to who's in front, especially cuz i am usually there co con and conducting what like i think is best sorta thing. but hm yea i'm loosing the point i'm trying to say to sleepy soupy brain. anyways
i hope you are doing well! and if not that you are able to find contentment soon! i hope today will be a good day, because you deserve it!
HEY ITS BEEN A BIT SINCE U SENT THIS SRRY im having another lunarbloom nightmare switch moments so this is relevant once more and in fact probably will always be relevant bc this is lik daily fdshk
okay i had never thought about it like that as like. the easier the switch the less likely its noticeable. because im thinking now like there have been a lot of times where i abruptly start acting different but dont remember switching but maybe i did? but its just seamless. hm
handshake u and me being hosts that frequent co conning
OH INTERESTING !! despite being a pretty brain foggy individual i dont notice a tonnn of brain fog when i swtich so that is really interesting to note :o plus the synonyms u use those r so interesting
haunted by the metaphors and symbolism <- assigned computer at system
sorry if this is like all over the place as a response but overall this is so so interesting ty for sharing :O always interesting to see how ppl switch since it varies sm!
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Lost Child
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Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x Reader Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Domestic Warnings: N/A WC: 650+ Tag List: @woozisnoots​ @angelmingyu​ @princessthotty​ @samemagicpoint​
A/N: Sorry for not updating Flower Path today! The latest chapter has been giving me some trouble. But have some cute Soonyoung in it’s place! Srry it’s kinda short lol
"You don't need your phone Soonie, we're gonna be in here for like...ten minutes tops." You reassured your boyfriend as you pulled out a cart from the coral. It was probably a lie, the both of you got extremely distracted when shopping so sometimes it just took longer than you wanted it to...and you also spend more money than you usually plan to.
You could practically feel his pout as the two of you passed through the automatic doors. Snorting lightly to yourself, you turned and went straight for the produce and began looking around, checking for good items and such. Soonyoung thankfully had stopped pouting and was now giving input on what he would want at home, which would make meal prep for the week much easier.
"Soonie, do you wanna grab some ice cream?" You asked as you scanned the frozen food section for some of those cheap dinners that you could eat at work when you didn't want to make a lunch. He saluted and gave a loud affirmative, well loud for most people for Soonyoung it was pretty normal, before he dashed down the aisle to go grab your favorite shared ice cream.
Most of the trip went by as usual, you would try and stay focused and Soonyoung would go and distract you. Needless to say it had definitely been more than ten minutes since you had arrived.
As you started to wrap up the trip Soonyoung spoke up.
"I'll meet you at the front of the store, I gotta pee really bad!" He exclaimed, not really giving you a chance to respond as he rushed down the aisle you were on so that he could find a bathroom. Leaving you alone and laughing at his antics once again, thinking about how much you were in love with this wild guy.
You grabbed the last few things you had on your list before heading out to the front, fully prepared to check out. Only for the clothing section to catch your eye. It had been a while since you had bought new work pants and your old ones were starting to tear in places, which could potentially get you in trouble.
Unfortunately for you, it wasn't just Soonyoung that could distract you. You weren't sure how long you were in the clothing department before you hear the crackle of the PA system overhead.
"Y/N L/N, Your child is waiting for you at customer service! I repeat, Y/N L/N, your child is waiting at customer service, thank you."
Well that was...weird. You were completely confused by the broadcast but found yourself making your way to the front. Sure they could have been talking about someone with the exact same name as you, but...it was still to weird not to check out.
As you approached the customer service area you saw a familiar head of black hair, and couldn't stop yourself from laughing. There on one of the benches sat Soonyoung, his lips jutted out in a childlike pout as he crossed his arms over his chest. Hearing your laugh, he turned to meet your gaze and glared at you. It wasn't a harsh one, but definitely one of betrayal.
He jumped off of the bench and stomped over to you, pouting the whole way. If it weren't for his height he would definitely have looked like a child.
"I told you I needed my phone!" He whined, huffing softly. You couldn't stop yourself from reaching up and pinching his cheek gently, he was just too adorable for you not to.
"Awe, did my poor baby boy get lost?" You teased, gently pinching the skin of his cheek, trying to hold back your amusement if only a little bit. He nodded, his pout still firmly cemented on his lips. Laughing softly, you released him and quickly pressed a peck to the now slightly red skin. "I'll make it up to you when we get home, okay?"
"That better be a promise."
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
peter! from physics!
a/n: this is gonna be one of those shitty fics where y/n and peter are so oblivious that they can't recognize each other's voice I'M SORRY!! also cindy moon is in this but she DOES NOT have powers for this imagine :/ srry
summary: y/n can't be controlled by wallets, peter parker gets crushes too easily, and crime in new york is abnormally low
warnings: the usual cussing, also the usual fluff. in conclusion i write the same shit every time LMAO
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+ + +
"hey!" you yell, hands crossed over your chest as you look over the edge of the building, the blue and red figure jumping as he webs a perp to the wall. he looks up at you, the wide white eyes of his mask almost making you laugh as they squint. "aren't you stark's boy?"
the sound of a web latching onto the concrete next to you makes you flinch. spider-man flips himself onto the rooftop next to you, standing and facing you.
"you. stark. didn't he just recruit you?"
"how'd you know?"
his voice is light and incredibly boyish. he stares at you, trying to figure you out.
"well, you're not wearing pajamas anymore," you shrug, traces of humor in your words.
"yeah," the boy nods, "that makes sense."
a moment of silence fills the space between you, the sounds of traffic and people walking filling the background. you turn, sitting on the edge of the roof and dangling your legs. peter stands there for a second, frozen, feeling completely awkward and unsure of what to do.
"so, uh, how long have you been-"
"yeah," he mutters, sitting beside you.
"almost a year, now," you breathe. the city-scape surrounding the two of you was quite astonishing, actually. all of your outside, mid-western family never understood your parents for moving out to new york, which is, in their words, "the big CRAPple." you don't care, though. it's home.
"cool," the hero mutters under his breath, repeating the word quietly, making you smile underneath the mask.
"huh?" the large white eyes gaze at you, his head tilted slightly. "oh. bit over half a year, i think."
"and stark already pulled you in, huh."
the words confuse peter. was that an insult, somehow? were you jealous? the boy certainly thought you were much cooler than him-- energy and light manipulation seemed much more interesting to him than being a human spider.
"what do you-"
"shit," you seethe, head turned away from the boy in red and blue and instead toward the sound of sirens. "gotta go!"
peter's stuck in place as he watches your silhouette flip and twist as you fall off the ledge, white wisps of energy circulating around you as you use your powers to break the fall.
"jeez," he mutters in astonishment.
he stays on the ledge for a minute, in his traditional spider stance, ready to swing over and help you, if needed. yet, something about the way you immediately brought down the robber made him feel like he was okay to go.
it wasn't a long way to headquarters. ever since his recruitment, tony stark had been, as peter put it, "on his ass." every time he went patrolling, he'd have to go to headquarters, give a report, and get a checkup on his suit.
'protocol,' as tony put it.
"identification?" FRIDAY asks.
"it's me, fri."
"welcome, peter."
the doors open and peter walks in, sighing as he rips off his mask. sam, walking by, jumps and steps back, eyes wide and sparkling with mischief.
"shit! bucky, there's a spider in here!"
"get over it you cowar- oh, hey, pete!" bucky smiles and gives peter's messy curls a quick ruffle. "what's with the shit-eating grin?"
the grin drops from peter's face. how long was that there?
"oh, nothing, i, uh, need to see mr. stark," he clears his throat, giving an awkward nod before walking off in the direction of the lab.
"nothing my ass," sam mutters, taking a bite of fruity pebbles out of bucky's bowl.
bucky gasps. "hey!"
+ + +
"hey, mr. stark," peter chimes, tossing his mask on the nearest table. "let's get this over with."
"why such a rush all the time, pete?" the man asks, raising his brows at the boy. "you're fifteen, you have all the time in the-"
"sixteen, actually."
tony gives him a look and scoffs. "whatever."
the two follow the ordinary routine: plug the suit into FRIDAY's system, get it scanned, and, of course, debate star wars and physics theories in the meantime.
"i'm telling you, han sacrificed himself."
"yeah," peter huffs, "said the one who didn't see it coming when darth vader was revealed to be luke's father."
"well at least i'm not a total nerd."
"look around! you have an entire lab dedicated to nerd projects and superhero stuff. the complete epitome of being a total nerd."
tony lets out a defeated breath, subtle smile on his face as he watches the footage from peter's suit upload to the system and appear through the hologram. the grin drops as he focuses on the video, zooming in.
"you were with shadow?"
"oh, yeah!" peter says, perking up, the grin returning to his face. "what's the deal with her, by the way? she-"
"single? don't be a simp, pete."
peter's eyes widen and he looks at the man. "i'm not even gonna... no- uh- okay. what i was gonna say is: she mentioned you and was like 'stark already pulled you in, huh' and it was kinda weird, like she was.. i don't know, salty about it, or something."
a laugh sounds out from tony. "she turned me down, kid."
peter's brows furrow. "turned you- what?"
"i'd asked her to join the team a few months after she'd first started out- same timeline as you, actually- but she declined. had this whole 'ms. independent' thing going on. quite a shame, actually, i set out a room for her and everything."
well if that didn't slightly strike a chord with peter. he didn't realize that he wasn't the only teenager tony'd tried to recruit. he squints at the ground for a second, wrapping his head around all of the new information.
"wait, if she didn't accept the offer, then how is her suit-"
"she was independent enough to turn me down, kid, don't you think she's capable of using a sewing machine?"
+ + +
"cindy, shut up," you seethe, failing at your attempt not to laugh.
"ms. warren doesn't care and we already know this stuff," she giggles quietly, doodling on your notebook. a horrid laugh bubbles from your throat, your attempt to be quiet turning it into a weird noise that only furthers your laughter.
nonetheless, and much to your relief, ms. warren continues with the lesson, babbling about gravity pendulums.
"okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points a and b?" the woman asks.
you knew the answer. didn't feel like speaking, though. cindy simply mutters the answer under her breath and you nod, resting your chin on your hand.
"it's the product of sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass," the boy states, looking over at your table and winking at the two of you. you stick your tongue out at him.
"nope," ms. warren replies, making you and cindy snicker and raise your eyebrows, pouting playfully at the boy's upset expression.
"peter, you still with us?"
you lean back in your seat, catching a glimpse of the boy. somehow, in a school filled with nerds, peter parker managed to get himself shoved to the lower end of the social ladder. he was constantly donned in button-ups, sweaters, and graphic tees bearing geeky science puns. moreover, up until a few months ago, there was a pair of slightly-too-large glasses thrown into the mix.
not that it was a bad thing, though. out of all the boys with that same stereotype, peter parker most definitely pulled it off best. he was quiet, kind, incredibly smart, and, not to mention, hot as hell.
at least in your opinion.
"uh... uh," peter mutters, scrambling to close the laptop sitting in front of him, giving you a better view of his face. "ye- yeah."
you adjust yourself in your seat, facing forwards once again and burying your head in your arms. being single all your life certainly makes your mind drift and heart swell at the sight of cute boys.
"uh... mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine."
cindy snickers at you and your overwhelmed state. you sit up, glaring at her and her all-too-knowing self before glancing back at the boy, just in time to miss his glance over at you.
ms. warren nods. "right. see, flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong."
your laugh mixes in with the sound of your classmates, flash's face turning a deep shade of red. he turns around, facing peter, mouthing something to the boy that makes his eyes widen. you frown and sigh, refocusing on the lesson, or- in all actuality- the drawing of ms. warren that cindy doodled on your paper.
rather than reopening up his laptop, peter opts for resting his head on his arms, eyes landing on you for a few seconds. huddling with cindy moon, laughing quietly over your notebook, pencils twisting through the air; what peter assumed to be funny drawings of flash.
it wasn't his fault you'd left your notebook open as he walked by a few weeks ago, exposing random doodles of a few classmates (unbeknownst to peter, the sketch of him was on the next page).
while the boy usually spent his class time people-observing, he'd become more keen on watching you. it wasn't a weird thing, though. it was peter parker, bored in a class he was a bit too smart for, looking for something to distract himself. so what if that something was a pretty girl?
the bell rung, a sigh of relief falling from peters lips. everyone stood up, grabbing their bags, crowd slowly filtering out of the door and into the busy hallway. you say bye to cindy, who had rehearsal and claimed that "abraham will literally shoot me if i'm not there in time for warm-ups."
"shit," you mutter as you stumble, looking behind you. "sorry."
"it-" peter's voice gets caught in his throat. his wide eyes meet yours and your cheeks burn, the roses blooming all over them making you even more flustered. "it's, um, it's okay, don't worry about-"
you nod, struggling to crane your neck to look at him in the crowd of bustling teenagers. sucking in a breath, you manage to squeeze through the doorway, composing yourself and turning to look at peter. he wasn't there.
your eyes shut tight and you cringe, taking a deep breath and making your way out of the school doors.
+ + +
"why'd you do it?"
the voice makes you jump. a ball of light ignites from your palm as you turn your head to see a figure in red and blue. a breath of relief leaves your lungs and the ball sparks out, the eyes of spider-man's mask wide. "do what now?"
"whoa- uh, why'd you turn mr. stark down?" he asks, walking up to you. you scoot over, letting him sit next to you, the smooth material of his suit skimming yours.
no wonder spider-man found you so quickly; you spend every night up here.
"you think i wanna be tied down by a rich man? one who would, probably, make me follow certain stupid rules and reprimand me for not handling a situation the way he wanted it to be handled?"
"dang," he mutters, "way to make me feel bad about my decisions."
a laugh bubbles out of your throat, shortly followed by a gasp. "way to make me sound like him!"
the laugh the sounds out from the boy makes your heart flutter. it was boyish and light, confirming your suspicions of his age.
spider-man was definitely a teenager.
"he's not that bad, you know," peter offers, getting a huff from you in reply. "he just cares a lot. doesn't want me or anyone getting in trouble because of the way they handled a situation."
"how are you supposed to learn anything if you have a safety blanket wrapped around you at all times?"
peter froze, the large, white eyes of his mask blown wide. you made a good point.
there was something about you that was so intriguing. the boldness of your actions and the outward independence you carried with you was something that pulled peter in, that made him want to be around someone so unafraid of life's consequences.
he clears his throat. "so, uh, what school do you go to?"
"bold of you to assume i go to school."
you feel the hero freeze next to you, quite obviously caught off guard. peter was so sure you were his age.
"i'm kidding. i go to school, but there's no way in hell i'm telling you that," you sigh. he nodded.
identity was important.
the sound of traffic shuffles peacefully beneath you. you look over at the boy, tapping playfully on his head. "what's on that brain of yours, spider-boy?"
"uh, probably the fact that you continue to get my name wrong."
you laugh. "pretty sure i've got it right."
"whatever," peter scoffs, smile hidden behind the mask. he shakes his head and looks around. "sucks that i can't give you a name like that. what am i supposed to say, silhouette? no light girl? that's boring."
"no light girl, hmm. may just have to change my name for that one," you hum. the boy picks up on your tone and lets out that same laugh that makes your stomach twist.
you were starting to warm up to this boy.
"well, i gotta, uh," peter sighs.
you cock your head at the boy in red and blue, eyebrows raised. he looks at you.
"mr. stark wants me to check in every time i finish patrolling. says it's 'protocol.'"
"you never cease to prove my point, spider-man."
he jumps up, smiling brightly underneath his mask. "you said spider-man!"
"and i already regret it," you reply, looking up and him and saluting as he laughs and jumps off the ledge, swinging between the buildings and towards avengers headquarters.
a sigh falls from your lips as you pull out your phone, pulling up cindy's contact.
y/n/n i think i'm cheating on my unofficial occasional infatuation for peter parker
cindy lou who y/n, you do this every week ...who is it though
y/n/n a boy in red and blue
cindy lou who what the- are you telling me you have a crush on captain america he's like a hundred years old oh my god wait don't tell me it's spider-man
y/n/n ...
cindy lou who no bro like michelle said she saw spider-man just outside of school right after it ended one day
y/n/n wait what
cindy lou who yeah she thinks he goes to midtown
"holy shit," you mutter, stuffing your phone in your pocket.
now you really cared about his identity.
+ + +
"hey guys!" peter chirps, pulling off his mask and shaking his hair out with a smile.
"somebody's happy," natasha muses.
"what? no, it's nothing," he shakes his head. tony walks in, smirk pulling at his lips as he nudges the boy. "what?"
"kid had his first interaction with the girl."
"wait, the girl? as in..." rhodey trails off, raising a suggestive eyebrow.
"holy shit, the kid met shadow!" bucky exclaims, bright grin on his face as he slaps the counter and laughs. "oh my god!"
a series of laughs rings through the team as peter looks at all of them in a hurried confusion. "wait, all of you know her?"
"enough to know why you're in love with her," scott throws in, munching on his sub.
"i'm not in love with her!"
tony claps his back. "only a matter of time, kid. let's get you hooked up."
the two begin walking towards the lab.
"we'll be watching that footage, pete!" sam yells, snickering. "we got ourselves a rom-com."
peter glances back at the group as tony punches in the code, glass doors sliding apart to let the two in. "what's their deal?"
"more like what's yours," tony smirks, plugging peter's suit in. "ever since your first interaction with her, you keep running in here with that goddamn giddy smile."
peter sputters. "well- uh, am i, like, not allowed to have a friend? i can be smiley after making a friend."
"yeah, kid, but this is a girl. and you're peter."
the boy is silent; he had a point. curse you, tony.
"look, pete, if you want her, go get her. i think you two'd be cute. plus, you've probably got a better chance of coaxing her here than i do," tony suggests.
peter gives him a look.
"what? she'd be a great asset to the team, and her powers are unlike any of ours."
"i know, right?!" peter blurts in a rush of excitement, smile tugging at his lips before it falters slightly. "okay, yeah, i see what you mean, now."
+ + +
you slide into your seat, ignoring the smirk pulling at cindy's face as you grab your physics notebook.
"sooo," she drawls, smirking, "let me see the ring! is it red and blue, or-"
"cindy, i will make the neurons firing in your brain short circuit if you say one more-"
"jesus!" she laughs and holds her hands up in surrender. "wait, you can do that?"
you smile, leaning back in your seat as ms. warren begins her lecture over trajectories, doodles of her drawing graphs on the board fluttering out of your pen and out onto your notes. you'd already read this chapter of the textbook; listening was no use.
instead, you let your mind (and eyes) drift to peter parker. as per usual, his head was buried behind the screen of his laptop, only a few rogue curls peeking out. a sigh falls from your lips as you turn your head back towards the board, glancing at the diagrams before hunching over your notebook, doodling spider-man's figure swinging through buildings, just as he had in front of you last night. you close the journal before cindy gets the chance to sneak a peek.
you let your head fall back, face towards the ceiling. a light draft hits you and you sigh.
there was no way spider-man didn't go to midtown.
unless he was just some sick perv who just hung around there after school. but you were sure that wasn't the case.
after another thirty minutes of zoning out, the bell rings, making you flinch out of your daydream and get up, weaving your way through the end-of-day crowd and out into the new york air. ducking into an alley, you quickly manipulate the light waves surrounding you, deeming you invisible. within a minute or so, you're suited up and determined to catch the hero.
and it didn't take much time.
as soon as you walk out from the alley, spider-man is doing the same, jogging out from another alley just diagonal from you across the street. a smile tugs at your mouth and you dart up into the air, landing swiftly onto your rooftop, turning on your crime radar.
thirty minutes later, only having had to hunt down a shoplifter and return the stolen objects, you're laying on the rooftop, physics notebook out as you read and take notes over the next chapter. your ribs start to slightly ache as you curve your body up, stomach pressing against the concrete.
curse me for forgetting a blanket.
"i'm starting to think you live up here."
without looking, you stick an arm out and shoot a quick ball of light at the hero, making sure it just barely skims past his shoulder.
"hey! what was that for?" he whines.
"fun," you look up, eyes shining at him brightly. his playful sigh is muffled through the mask, but it makes you smile even more as he flops down next to you, stretching out on his stomach.
"ooh, physics," he murmurs, scooting closer and looking at the materials. peter's eyes widen when he recognizes the textbook: the same one he has. he clears his throat.
"hmm? nothing," he murmurs, glad his flustered expression is masked. his eyes drift along your notes and land on a doodle of a figure swinging through tall buildings. "wait, you drew me?"
the air catches in your throat as he scoots even closer, shoulder pressing against you as he pulls the notebook towards him, the large white eyes of his suit squinting at the small drawing. a flutter is sent through your stomach.
"no, that's captain america. silly goose."
he turns his head towards you.
"of course it's you, who else would it be," you joke, tone slightly off, embarrassed and wishing you'd been less clumsy.
of course he was going to see that.
peter feels warm and gets a feeling of adoration towards you. he could tell you were embarrassed; he'd cracked you, even for just a second. the boy almost wished you could see the bright smile his mask was hiding.
"so, um," he blurts, sitting up. "let's, uh, get to know each other...?"
you snort, shaking your head and sitting up so that you're next to him, looking out at the surrounding buildings. "very smooth, spider-man."
"i try."
the two of you begin darting questions back and forth. what's your favorite color? y/f/c. what about his? blue. favorite movie? y/f/m. his? revenge of the sith. favorite song, type of food, hobbies- you name it. and, it was actually kind of fun. it was a friendship in which you got to appreciate each other for your personalities, not for your looks. although, peter did find your eyes quite hypnotizing.
"do you have a boyfriend?"
your eyes widen and you suck in a sharp breath. "that was-"
"abrupt, shit, i'm sorry," he breathes, scratching the back of his neck. the fact that your faces were covered helped a little, but it almost felt more awkward, nonetheless. he could see your eyebrows scrunched together and he cringed. "i was just, um, curious, i guess."
"well, no, spider-man. i don't have a boyfriend."
his heart swells. "oh, uh, nice, i guess."
"nice," you humph. "yeah. uh, i'm guessing you probably have a-"
"definitely not," he laughs, shaking his head. the conversation as a whole felt weird, but the boy was smiling under the mask.
it was very peter parker of him to build a crush in such a short amount of time.
+ + +
"cindy," you whisper, sliding into your seat, "spider-man saw my sketch yesterday."
"what?" she turns her head to you, eyes wide and shining with excitement.
"i was doing physics homework on the roof i usually hang out at and he snuck up on me."
she gives you a mischievous grin. you scoff, light grin tugging at the corners of your mouth, pen making contact with the paper as you start on another sketch of spider-man.
you'd be more careful to hide your notes next time.
as much as he resented himself for it, it became routine for peter to sit down, pull out his notes, then ignore the lesson and stare at you instead. he couldn't help it. but as he watched you today, his brain didn't slip into its usual state of zoning out.
instead, it was making connections.
his eyes got wide at his sudden revelation, darting all over the place to make sure no one was paying attention. he pulls out his phone, starting up his drone and watching carefully as it flies over to you, hovering just close enough to see while still staying discreet.
and there it was.
the view from the drone plays on his screen, the oh-so-familiar doodle making peter's breathing stop. he gulps, quickly guiding the drone back into his backpack, leaning back and resting his eyes on you with an exasperated sigh.
holy shit.
+ + +
"not enough crime in queens, huh?"
he jumps, turning around. "where were you? you're always here before me."
"thought i'd turn the tables," you shrug.
peter nods, playing with his fingers. you'd been on his mind all day, head spinning as he tried to wrap his brain around the fact that you, his crush, were the independent hero that never ceased to amaze him. "can i take off your mask?"
spider-man and his unruly mouth.
"um, why?" you laugh nervously, reaching up to fiddle with the fabric that covered the lower half of your face.
"because we're friends, and i trust you," he shrugs, muttering. "and i have a bit of a suspicion."
you suck in a breath. it takes a moment for you to think it through, but it lines up. you were both doing the same job, so what was the fault in knowing what each other looked like? "i mean, i guess. but only if i can take off yours."
he nods, stepping towards you. you reach your hands out simultaneously, eyes sparkling at him out of both nervousness and excitement. you nod and feel the fabric, your safety blanket, slip off of your face.
"i knew it!" the boy yells, jumping back and pumping a fist excitedly.
wild curls, chocolate eyes, gentle smile.
peter parker.
"holy shit, peter! from physics!" you yelp, slapping a hand to your mouth before pulling it away, feeling as though you'd hidden your face for long enough. "wait, you knew?"
"your drawing, in physics. you were drawing in your notebook so i got curious and flew my drone over, then i saw it."
"you were watching me?" you ask, smiling.
peter's cheeks got red, and it was then that it really settled in. spider-man was peter parker. the cute, intelligent boy from physics. the one with puppy eyes and nerdy t-shirts.
"i mean, like, maybe," he looks down, flustered.
"you're cuter than you realize, parker."
the boy raises his head, confused look painted on his face. "did you just-"
you lean up and plant a light kiss on his cheek. peter feels his face get hot as you turn away, looking back to give him a wink before moving to step off the ledge.
the pull of a web stops you.
peter's lips are planted on yours, soft and quick, gentle and unsure. you stumble back, gulping. "peter, you-"
"i guess hanging out with you gave me a bit more confidence," he shrugs, crooked grin on his lips. a laugh leaves your lungs and you lean your head against his shoulder.
the sound of a siren wailing in the distance makes you flinch.
"last one there owes the other a kiss!" peter yells, tugging on his mask and jumping. you sputter before pulling up your mask as well, jumping off and flying next to him.
"you do realize that it works out in your favor no matter what?"
+ + +
rights for cindy moon because she doesn't get enough credit in fics even though she was in homecoming 0_0
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kimjichim · 5 years
Expectations | 01
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Summary: One night out is all you need to get your heart snatched. You can call him a friend, a fuckbuddy or the guy you’re currently seeing. The label doesn’t matter. That’s what you both agreed on and you’re okay with that; until you realised you weren’t.
Genre: College! AU, fluff???  idk sis but soon to be hella fluff n later angst n meybe smutty idk (just letting yall know)
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Word Count: 1,334 (hella short srry)
Warnings: none atm apart from swearing~~
A/N: hi bitches im back after 3 years mwahahaaaa. honestly, idk if any of yall even remember me but like this time round i actually wanna properly start writing more (esp cos its gonna help with my HSC) and ill have a lot more time from now on cos im graduating hs soon!!!! this story is lowkey based on smth that happened to me a few months ago but obvs with tweaks here n there. my writing is hella rusty so sorry if it’s dry. its not really a full chapter but i really wanted to release it before i throw it away like always yeet. i promise to release the next one soon~~~. if yall got any feedback, it would be much appreciated TTTT would you like a 3-4 chapter piece? or a slow burn series? lemme knowww cos i havent fully thought about what i wanna do with this story yet. hope yall like the intro thoughjgghg <3 <3
You’re still not used to it. The loud music blasting into your ear from every corner of the street and the hoards of people that walk past. It’s a Friday night and you wanna let loose this holidays, especially since you just recently turned the legal age. You’re just as excited and nervous as the first time you’ve ever walked into a bar. The nagging thought of the bouncers not letting you in persists at the back of your mind. You present your ID and give them a small smile, all the while fidgeting with your fingers behind you. However, your worries are immediately washed away as they smile back and step aside to let you in. 
You walk in with Jinhee, one of your good friends who invited you out tonight to get you into the clubbing scene. Initially, you agreed in excitement and was looking forward to tonight for the whole week. But now that you’re here, you’re not so hyped anymore, especially now that you realise you have to introduce yourself to Jinhee’s friends. Meeting new people? While you’re sober? Nope, no thanks. 
Regardless, you stick closely behind Jinhee as she struts over to the bar and orders a few drinks while you scan the area, appreciating the chill vibe in the bar. People are generally huddled in their groups all erupting in laughter and talks. The girls look stunning in their outfits and the guys look clean and fit.
“Y/N. Here,” You turn your head to Jinhee while she hands you two drinks, “Gin and tonic. That’s your favourite, right?” 
You smirk and nod before you notice another two drinks in her hands. Why do we have so ma- 
“We’re starting off strong tonight, I want to be wasted when we get into the club.” She smirks. 
You scoff in disbelief, “You mean to say that these two will be all you need tonight, right? Lightweight.”
“Oh, shut up.” she retorts, “Come on, my friends are sitting on the other side.”
You follow her without a word and mentally prepare yourself for all the names you’re gonna have to remember for the night. Thankfully, the drinks kicked in faster than it usually did, allowing your social skills to skyrocket. The girls were all so nice and looked amazing in their outfits and the guys were really sweet as well. So many different conversations filled the circle and it was absolutely chaotic, but you didn’t mind it for some reason. 
“Hey guys, we should head to the other bar in the next block for another round. Heard it was really nice there.” One of the guys shouted. Taejun, was it?
“You really want to see those dancers, huh?” one shouted back, throwing his arm over his shoulders, instantly going for the choke-hold, “Taehyung, you horny motherfucker.” Oh fuck, wrong name. I must be drunk.
You pay no mind to it as the need to freshen yourself suddenly overcomes you as you stand from the stool. You decide to sober up a bit before you leave and grab onto Jinhee while everyone starts heading off.
“Jinhee, I’ll be in the bathroom. Wait for me before we leave, okay?” You ask.
She throws the okay sign while stumbling towards the entrance to catch up to everyone else.
“That bitch better not ditch me like last time.” You mumble to yourself, doubtful of Jinhee due to her intolerance to alcohol. 
Well, at least I’m having a good time. I haven’t had this much fun in awhile. You’re glad you came out and met some new people; you could really use some time to lighten yourself up from all that torture in the last semester. 
You step out of the bar, expecting Jinhee to jump out at you, nagging you for being too slow but she’s nowhere to be seen. You sigh in disappointment. Figured. You pull out your phone to call Jinhee but is stopped by a sudden invasion of personal space.
“Y/N, right? Let’s go, Jinhee said that everyone will be waiting at the next place.”
You look up at his face in confusion before you realise that he was one of Jinhee’s friends. 
“Oh shit, uhh, Taehyuk, right?” You ask while stumbling. Jesus, my tolerance must’ve gotten lower too, I can’t think straight.
“Hahaha, close. My name is Taehyung. Good try though.” He snickers.
“God dammit, I’m so sorry. I’m really bad with names,” You stammer, “especially when I’m drunk.”
“Don’t sweat it,” he smiles, “We’re all like that when we’re a bit tipsy.”
Wow, cute smile.
“We should probably start heading over to where everyone else is.”
You nod in approval and begin walking through the busy streets. The two of you maintain a good conversation along the way, getting to know each other and finding similar interests. Throughout the ten minute walk. You couldn’t get over how good looking this guy was. His sharp, dark eyes were so mesmerising. There was a cute mole on his tall nose and his lips were of a pretty pink. Not to mention his freaking hair. It looked like black silk shining against the lights. It was luscious and so soft-looking. I would do anything to run my hand through his hair right now. 
Unfortunately, your alone time with Taehyung came to an end as you finally met up with the rest of the group. You see Jinhee with her two bottles of soju, giving you the dirtiest look while being barely able to stand. You immediately walk over to her without much thought or any more exchange with Taehyung, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“This is for me, I assume?” You say with a glare, snatching the bottle out of her hand.
She ignores you and looks over your shoulder at Taehyung, which your eyes naturally follow.
“Already getting a hot one, huh?” She snickers.
“This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t ditch me in the first place.” You grumble back.
“Your welcome.”
You sigh once again while downing a bit of the soju you stole from Jinhee and occasionally glance over to Taehyung. You two make eye contact from time to time and give a friendly smile but you don’t push for more. That small ten minute conversation was enough for you to constantly sneak glances at him. You’re not complaining though, he is really pleasing to look at. You feel like a child staring at a really expensive toy at the display window.
The night slowly moves on as you meet more and more people, all the while involuntarily having your eyes drawn to Taehyung, wherever he is; as if you have a radar on him this whole time. However, you don’t dwell on him for much longer than two seconds, allowing yourself to fully enjoy your night with your newly found friends.
The night was finally about to get started when Taehyung caught you glancing over at him once again. Reflexively, you smile but he doesn’t return the smile like he usually does. It throws you off guard and you freeze in shock before quickly turning your head back to the current conversation. You can feel your face and ears getting rapidly warmer. Shortly after, you feel a presence behind you and hear a deep voice call out your name.
“Y/N?” It’s Taehyung. You turn around. “We’re heading off to the club now, you wanna join us?”
“Uhh-” You immediately look towards Jinhee to ask if everyone was ready to leave before you get cut off by her loud voice.
“C’mon everyone! It’s time to hit the club, let’s go!!” Jinhee exclains to group while shuffling everyone towards the exit and gives you a small wink. That sly fox. You think in amusement.
“Alright, shall we head?” Taehyung asks while he cocks his head to the side.
You simply nod and follow him. Maybe it’s because of the alcohol in your system but you can’t seem to control your excitement at the possible opportunities that could follow tonight.
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spootiliousrps · 6 years
Tried my hand at Sabriel... meh
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like destiel, and sabriel.
Stranger: [Credit to Gentle-Moose on tumblr] True to his word Ketch did report back to the Winchesters, though after the whole BMoL debacle with being locked in, Dean and Sam spent two months changing all the locks and updating the systems so it couldn’t happen again. Ketch, for his part tried to get in, but only managed to make it to the front door before realizing he was locked out. It was a small victory but it made Dean smirk, which made Sam smile.  The news the man brought once he was finally let in though, made everyone freeze. Cas’s eyes went wide, mouth opening then snapping closed with an audible click, Dean frowned, glaring at the British man, and Sam... Sam went numb. He had no idea what he as feeling, and had a chair not been behind him, he would have fallen to the ground.  Gabriel was alive The phrase went through his head over and over and over while the others discussed what to do. Cas wanted to charge in, guns blazing, Dean agreed with him. Sam got the impression that Ketch would have been okay with that, but his training was too good, and he finally managed to calm the other two down enough to actually make a plan. Sam didn’t do much more than stare and nod, Dean knew he was having a hard time with Mom missing, and with Jack missing and everything that had happened with Kaia, that he didn’t push for more; Sam was grateful. It was another month before they managed to get a good enough plan to break Gabriel out. The best case was without Asmodeus knowing about it. So with a diversion in place, Ketch giving the demons information on Lucifer, Dean, Castiel and Sam snuck into the demon’s lair. It was some old 2 story mansion that looked like a castle that the demon’s had converted into some weird faux-medieval dungeon. It was over the top, but fitting, and located in Kansas so at least it was close by.  They killed the demons in their way and got to the cages that Ketch said Gabriel was in. When Sam slid the locks away and opened the door, his heart stopped.  [Please continue as Gabriel?]
You: (reading)
You: [[Alright. Fair warning this is my first Sabriel... Idk how well I'll do so please bare with me. I've loved this ship for ages... just haven't tried my hand at rping it yet ^^;]]
Stranger: [Okie dokie! Thanks for warning :) ]
You: Gabriel's first instinct was to panic. So much of his grace had been siphoned off that he was practically powerless... incomplete... useless... The words floated through his scattered thoughts as the lock slide and the gate opened and he scrambled back, arms raised to try and fend off the oncoming attack. Only... it didn't come immediately. He raised his head slowly, taking in the site of Sam Winchester before him; the man just as tall and model-esc as he remembered. Fear widened his eyes. He had finally gone crazy. He was hallucinating. All of these years being trapped and beaten had finally done it. Either that or Asmodeus had gotten bored with his old tactics and was trying something new. Either way, Gabriel wanted no part of it. He glanced frantically between the younger Winchester and... was that... Castiel? Surely if Asmodeus was going to torture him with visions he would have chosen someone Gabe was afraid of... Luci? Michael? Then again... He trusted Castiel... If the angel decided to attack him he... well... it would hurt... He tensed as they moved closer, hand going out to try and keep them at a distance as he wait for them to sprout fangs or claws or something... anything that was going to hurt him.
Stranger: [Forgot to mention won't show me typing! Got your reply]
You: [Ty for the warning! :3]
Stranger: Sam's heart clenched at the sight. Of course, he didn't expect the angel -archangel- to jump up and down but this was.. Gabriel looked scared. Why? Scared of them. That was even worse. Sam shhed and knelt down before him "Hey hey.." he whispered "Gabriel. Gabe, eyes on me. Hey. Do you remember me? It's Sam. Sam Winchester." He said, squinting. Because he'd rather believe Gabriel didn't remember than accept the archangel was scared of them. "Do you remember Castiel? Cas? Your brother?" He pointed at Cas. "I don't think that's the issue, Sam... Asmodeus is a shapeshifter. I don't think he believes it's us." The black haired angel cut in, making a frown at Gabriel "Oh Gabe.." he whispered. "It's us. It is. See?" He said and took the archangel blade, cutting a bit into his arm, showing the human blood running. "See?" He shhed "We're here to get you out. " he stretched his hand out for Gabriel to take.
Stranger: Making Sam frown at Gabriel * [ On mobile I may need to re read the reply to spot typos. Sorry]
You: Gabe tried to make himself as small as possible as Sam bent to his level, wrapping his arms around his knees and averting his gaze, a whimper escaping him. He pretended not to hear his words, blaring the lyrics to one of the crappy commercial jingles he had loved in the nineties in his thoughts. He watched them through his peripherals still waiting for them to pounce, unreactive to Sam's probing words. It wasn't until he produced the Angel blade that Gabe tensed up once more, pressing closer to the wall, eyes closing tightly in his panic. His body began to shake slightly in his fear as the reminder of ever cut, scratch, and stab that had covered his body over his time there flooded through him. His pain, his agony, his cries for help, his prayers to his father.... nothing had helped... no one had come... he was alone... always alone.
You: [no worries.]
Stranger: "Shit.." Sam mumbled and sighed, handing the blade back to Castiel "Wait for me outside." He said. "Sam.." Castiel started. "Please, Cas. Let me try.." sam whispered. He hated seeing Gabriel like this. He never thought he'd say this but.. he missed Gabriel. The old trickster with his loud jokes and obnoxious personality. "Gabe..?" He whispered softly "I know you can hear me.. " He shhed and kept his hand stretched out. "We're here to help you out.. please." He said "I know you remember me. It's Sam...Sammy." He tried desperately "You used to give me all kind of adorably horrible nicknames." He smiled slightly to himself. "Please take my hand and let's get out of here." He begged quietly. "Yeah?" He smiled hopefully when Gabriel moved his head lightly towards him. "Here, take my hand. Or..or I can carry you. I don't mind. Do you want me to carry you?" He asked, sitting in his knees patiently in front of Gabriel, trying to get on his eye level.
You: Gabriel didn't move to react though he did open his eyes once more, still staring at the floor. He remembered. He remembered everything about Sam. He remembered his overly producted hair and the worry lines he got when he worried about Dean. He remembered the way he liked his coffee and how he preferred salad over sweets which was really beyond him... Who could possibly want to eat like a rabbit when there was so much sugar in the world. He also remembered the way amusement would flash in his eyes when Gabe would make a horrible joke, despite how Sam was always glaring at him. He was an Angel... He remembered everything. But this... this wasn't Sam... this was another form of torture. A reminder of someone who he had had faith in and had never come. A reminder of the fact that Gabe would always be alone. A reminder of something that Gabe would never experience again... kindness... Had it ever really existed? It was a difficult concept to believe in before his days in that cell and now... well now it was impossible.
Stranger: Sam sighed in defeat and he cleared his throat, "Gabriel, i'm so sorry... I shouldn't have given up on you." He whispered, glancing at the door and seeing no one close he scooted a tiny bit closer "It pained me so much... seeing..you..or at least what I thought was you, Dead.. Gabe.. I couldn't accept I couldn't get to see your eyes again. Those beautiful honey colored eyes of yours." He smiled sadly when Gabriel glanced at him with said eyes. "Or.. or I'd never get to see you pop candies into existence and make fun of me for eating salads..." he sighed. "I know you're in a dark place, we can fight it. We can make it. Please.. give me your hand and let's get out of here.. we need you back..." he bit his lip " /I/ Need you back, Gabriel." He said, his voice right.
Stranger: Tight*
You: Gabriel was determined not to give in, his stubbornness returning; a stubbornness that might not have resurfaced if he had been presented with anyone other than Sam. Why did it have to be Sam?! The words slowly seeped back the horrible jingle he was try
You: [oops srry not done... one sec]
You: he was trying to fill his thoughts with. Sam had always been slippery like that; worming his way into Gabe's thoughts at the most inopportune times. The compliment was unexpected and his gaze lifted to the other man before he could help it. His mental alarm bells began sounding as he met his gaze and immediately averted his eyes. The real Sam wouldn't have paid him such a compliment. The real Sam hated him. Gabe had made him watch his brother die every day for over three months. He shown Sam how much of a coward he was when he ran from Lucifer... He had... He had done a lot of horrible things... No, this couldn't possibly be the real Sam. If it were... Gabe would already be dead. The tense tone had Gabe glancing up in surprise regardless. /He/ needed him? What could Gabe do? He was powerless; an empty shell. As soon as the human realized this he wouldn't be so keen as to ask for help. Still... If this was a trick and he was going to be torture... he might as well get it over with... and if not... they'd kill him when they figured out he was useless; which would be a kind of relief in all honestly. If he were dead then there'd be no more pain...no more suffering... no more thoughts... no more lonliness... There'd be nothing... blissful nothingness. He hesitated but slowly extended a shaking, filth covered hand as requested, staring down at his bruises and cuts rather than at the Winchester.
Stranger: Sam watched Gabriel, slowly, carefully. He couldn't possibly begin to imagine what the archangel could be going through. Sam had been in such a bad mindset a few years back, with Lucifer, being tortured, the demon blood, being called an abomination. He had felt useless, like a monster. He knew Gabriel had been through worse but..sam wanted to help him. "Thank you.." He said softly, squeezing Gabriel's hand mindlessly. They could wash in the bunker. "There you go.." He shhed and soothed him, as he watched him standing up shakily. "It's okay, it's okay.." he said over and over, like a mantra, trying to get the archangel to understand it. Sam knew he and Gabriel have had...an odd relationship. And Sam always thought the quote that the line between love and hate is thin was stupid, until he met Gabriel. The being who pissed him off to no end, and yet Sam would take a bullet for him no questions asked. "There." He said and gently wrapped an arm around Gabriel's waist, holding him upwards. "Let's go." He said and walked with him, motioning to Dean to get to the car quickly. Sam sat with Gabriel in the backseat, sighing when he saw the angel panicking "we're going to a bunker. Somewhere safe. We're going home..." He shhed.
You: Gabe didn't fight, allowing himself to be dragged along. It was always best not to fight. The more he fought the more pain would come at the end. He obeyed as he was urged into the backseat of the impala and curled in on himself against the far door, staring mindlessly forward. He started slightly as the car started, and he was jostled as Dean pulled away from the curb. Still, not sure what to make of any of this. panic rose suddenly but Sam was speaking to him suddenly, his soft voice like velvet on his skin. He didn't pay attention to what Sam was saying but allowed his panic to be smoothed as he returned his gaze forward, remaining just as silent as before... not that he could say much anymore.
Stranger: Sam smiled sadly, watching Gabriel out of the corner of his eye. He wanted to kill Asmodeus. Make him suffer... make him pay. He tortured Gabriel. He made him suffer. "We're gonna make it okay, Gabriel, I promise you." He said softly, he didn't mind the angel wasn't replying to him, he saw Gabriel's trembling stopping when he talked to him and that's all he needed to keep talking to him. Until Dean cut in "You know he's broken, right?" He huffed. Sam glared at Dean "shut up.." he hissed "we've all been in a bad place. He's strong. He'll make it." He said and looked at Gabriel. He wanted nothing more than to envelope the archangel. Tell him it was going to be okay. "You'll be staying in my room, you okay with that?" He asked Gabriel when they parked and slowly walked inside the bunker "I'll..I'll be on the chair, of course. You may need sleep and food and my bed is comfortable. Or I can set you up another bedroom. Just..at least show me what you want."
You: [Is it cool if I use one of the other as well... Dean or Cas? I wanted to ask before I just use one of them. Didn't want to be rude.]
Stranger: [Oh! Yes, of course! :) You can use those as well]
You: [Awesome. Ty.]
You: Gabe once again allowed himself to be lead away from the car, keeping his gaze on his feet for the most part. At least, until the sound of the metallic door being unlatched grated on him. Horror struck. Thats what this was about! They were just moving him to another cell! He tensed only briefly before attempting to bolt, turning on his heals and sprinting straight into Dean's massive torso with a grunt. He tried to scramble away but Dean wrapped an arm around him. "Whoa, easy there pipsqueak." He tsked as Gabe started struggling frantically. "We're not going to hurt you. Call your tits." Dean tried to reassure but Gabe was paying to attention as he squirmed and wiggled and scratched and hit.
Stranger: "Dean!" Sam scolded, huffing loudly "Don't talk to him like that!" He said and shhed Gabriel, gently taking Dean's hands off of him. "Gabe?" He said and waited until the archangel looked at him "Hey.. No one is going to hurt you now, you're home. You're safe. Okay? You're safe.." he said, mindlessly letting his arms hug Gabriel slightly, stroking through his dirty hair, because fuck it, needing a shower was worth it if it meant calming down Gabriel. "It's okay..." He whispered over and over until he felt Gabriel calm down in his arms "Now... we're gonna get you to a room, okay?" He repeated "A /room/ not a cell...a bedroom. A bedroom with its own bathroom and you can talk to us and walk whenever you want go wherever you want in the bunker, okay?" He asked slowly
You: Gabe didn't calm down when Sam took over, still fighting furiously to get away from the heavy metal door. "Dude, it's not my fault he's freaking out." Dean huffed at Sam's retort, before brushing past him and heading in the bunker with Cas. Gabe didn't pay any mind, too preoccupied with fending off Sam. His words slowly sank in once more and eventually his erratic movements faded, though he was still obviously tense as Sam wrapped him up in an embrace. It was awkward and unfamiliar but... not entirely horrible. Sam smelt of a soapy oak scent that tickled the back of Gabe's mind. It was recognizable. Sam had always used the same soap... Gabe remembered it from their tuesdays together. It was the first inclination that the man before him might actually be real... but he wasn't going to give in... not yet... it could be that his mind was just playing tricks on itself. He didn't answer but seemed calm enough now, only going ridgid when they began to approach the bunker once more, his eyes darting about as if looking for another means to escape.
Stranger: [Wondering, do you do time skips?]
You: [sure!]
Stranger: [Do you wanna do one now? Maybe skip a few months, say Gabriel's state is slowly improving?]
You: [I'm down with that... though I've been dying for a scene where either Sam is removing the stitches from Gabe's mouth or giving him a bath... So much angst/fluff worthy stuff. But this is all you, boo. I'm following your lead. Where ever you go. I'm willing. ;)]
Stranger: [Aww! Hahah, yeah. We can skip to Sam giving Gabriel a bath, that sounds awesome. And we'll see how it flows. I can start from there then]
You: [kk]
Stranger: Sam had never been more thankful Dean didn't /love/ Gabriel. It meant that it left Sam all the liberty to take care of him as he knew best. Dean's heart was in a good place, always. But Sam just knew that Dean's "macho man up" approach wouldn't help Gabriel now. It had been a few weeks and Sam's heart was swelling whenever Gabriel gave him the weakest of smiles, his lips still healing from being stitched together. "Good morning." Sam knocked on his door and walked in, holding a snickers bar in his hand "Look what I sneaked in for you. Don't tell Cas. He scolded me, saying until your grace is fully back you should eat better but.. shh." He said and handed it to him, watching him over. He cleared his throat and shifted a bit "Gabe, I don't know how to say this more politely, but...you do need a bath." He said and looked at him hopefully "Wanna go get a bath? I will help you." He promised. He was so glad Gabriel at least believed it was truly them now. He didn't talk yet. But..sam would get his victories where he could.
You: Gabe spent most of his time writing. Though much to the dismay of one Dean Winchester, his preferred method was on the walls. The room was filled with enochian symbols from floor to ceiling, covering every inch of the walls. Presently Gabrial was scrawling something along the edges of said symbols, writing in small characters to allow the words to fit on the painted surface. It helped him sort through his thoughts. There was just so many voices in his head, so many different languages and dialects... Its was fuddled and messy... If he focused on the original language and applied it to a surface it helped him hone in on his thoughts. It wasn't his fault the only thing he had to write on was the walls when he started. Since then he had been provided pens and paper but he still preferred his method. When the knock sounded he tensed, a habit that was now ingrained in him over the last few years. But he relaxed when Sam appeared, holding up the chocolate bar. Gabe pushed himself to his feet slowly and approached, gaze still a bit panicky despite the few weeks he'd been there but the fact that he was even ready to accept the threat of 'bait' was a huge improvement. He snatched the bar from the taller man's hand with a small smirk before retreating a top of his bed and tearing open the packaging. He didn't reply to the question, acting as if he hadn't heard the man. There was absolutely no way he was going to go any where near water. Not a chance!
You: [brb]
Stranger: Sam sighed, crossing his hands over his chest, watching as Gabriel are his candy and well, ignored him. "Gabe, I know you can hear me." He said softly, grinning when he saw the small smirk on Gabriel's lips. "I know you heard me." He chuckled and looked at him "Come on, it will be just a bath." He said and walked to him, sitting in the edge of the bed. "I'll let you know my hair routine." He teased. He did like it when he made Gabriel even smile at him. It was liberating. "Don't tell Dean, he think I just wash it and go, but...but I actually have a whole process. And I get the expensive shit too." He said "There, my deepest secret is out to you." He said and smiled softly, "Now...bath?" He asked when Gabriel finished his candy bar.
Stranger: [Okay]
You: Gabriel gave him a flat sideways look at the bribery. Sam really thought that he would be interested in hair products? Okay... well... maybe he was. But that was only because Sam's hair was also so fucking gorgeous that it was annoying! Still... The idea of being submerged in a tub full of water was terrifying! He had been drowned more than one... Though he suppose that a shower would be worse... The reminder of his time strapped to a table as water was pumped into his mouth had him shivering and glancing away. His eyes landed on the dirty blankets beneath him. His nights spent on the soft downey had ruined the small comforts of bedding and probably the mattress. Guilt filled him. He had ruined Sam's bed and he knew it. The least he could do was face his fear long enough to allow Sam his bed back. He gave a shaky sight before nodding slowly.
Stranger: Sam smiled at him, "thank you." He said softly "I know this must be hard for you..." He shhed softly. "I do know..but you're doing really well." He said softly "you eat and you write." He looked around the walls. "Even if I don't understand what..." He titled his head and then chuckled "Ha. I know that bit." He pointed to an upper corner. "That's my name!" He said and smiled, stupidly proud about it really. For all he knew Gabriel could have written Sam eats a bag of shit. "Hope you didn't write anything mean." He said as he walked to the bathroom, filling up the bathtub and opening a small cupboard, clearing his throat. "I... uh.. have...those."He pointed to a few jars filled with bath salts. "Which one you want?" He asked. "If you tell Dean any of this... I won't let you use any of my products again." He teased.
You: Gabe glanced up at the corner Sam was pointing at and couldn't help but grin as he read it. 'Sam flares his nose when he's angry. It makes him look even more like a moose.' His gaze followed the symbols as they mentioned his father and helping him create the creatures and if the world ever did end and they had to restart that he was going to rename moose after the younger Winchester. He shook his head as he slid from the bed and followed after the man in question, watching him move about the room. It took a moment but he eventually moved over to the salts and picked them up, sniffing at them lightly before picking the one labeled something or another forest and pouring far too much into the water.
Stranger: "Easy, Gabe. easy. That scent is strong we don't need that much." He smiled softly and swished the water a bit to help the bath salt dissolve, then dropped some body gel into the water and helped Gabriel undress, his eyes firmly on the archangel's face, watching his every expression as he helped him inside the bubbly water, smiling as he watched Gabriel sigh. "I'm going to wash your hair, okay?" He asked softly and grabbed his shampoo, washing Gabriel's hair, one, two.. three times until he was properly clean, and Sam's delicate fingers worked at his scalp, massaging it softly as he hummed to himself. "And conditioner." He said when he switched bottles, letting Gabriel know what was happening so the other wouldn't freak out on him. He smothered the conditioner from roots to ends, watching Gabriel with a loving smile. Yes, loving. Sam couldn't help himself. He hadn't told anyone yet.. but..he was far too gone.
You: Gabe gave a nonchalant shrug as Sam informed him he had added to much and simply set the bottle aside before allowing Sam to help him into the water. Despite his afore mentioned hesitance the hot water was heaven on his body. It had been long enough that most of his wounds had healed, minus the major ones which screamed in protest as the soapy water pressed into them. He paid it no mind though, as he scrubbed his face while Sam worked on his matted hair. He had began to panic at first, when he had to stoop low enough to wet his sandy locks but otherwise was calm enough. The process took a while and Gabe had begun to toy with the bubbles constructing a large handlebar mustache and goatee on his face as he lean back to allow Sam to massage the conditioner into his hair, eyes closing at the feel of those long fingers against his now clean scalp.
Stranger: "Gabe what are you.." Sam trailed off, laughing quietly as he saw how the archangel was messing with the bubbles. "You know what," he said "maybe a slight beard would bring out your eyes." He said softly and kept massaging on Gabriel's scalp. He was kind of stalling to stop. He didn't want to stop. He wanted Gabriel close to him. To see home playful. Even if the archangel hasn't told him a word yet. Sam blushed when he saw Gabriel blinking at him "I like your eyes.." he mumbled and shrugged. Trying to play it off cool as he licked his lips and washed his hands clean, then grabbed a big fluffy towel for Gabriel "Wanna come out, the water is probably getting cold." He hummed
You: Gabe arched a brow at him giving him his signature 'oh really?' smolder as he blew bubbles at him almost as if he were bored. He washed away the suds before climbing out of the tub and allowing Sam to wrap the towel around him. He could get use to this. A handsome Neanderthal waiting on him hand and foot, bathing him, fluffing his pillow. Okay well, maybe he hadn't done /that/ but still... the thought was there. He moved away before Sam could protest and opened the taller man's closet digging through it to find a shirt he liked. They were all over sized but they smelt of Sam which brought it's own comfort and reminder that he was in the younger man's room. Safe. For now.
Stranger: Sam smiled at Gabriel, laughing as the archangel looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Oh shush.." he mumbled and looked down, blushing like a high school boy. Because sue him, Sam was a hopeless romantic, still hoping he'd find fairytale love, because if all the bad things were true.. good stuff must happen as well, Right? Universe balance and all that. "Gabe, my clothes are too big for you--" he sighed and smiled softly, leaning against the doorway as he watched Gabriel grabbing a flannel shirt. "That's basically a dress on you." He chuckled, noticing how Gabriel was practically drowning on it. But oh well, if Gabriel was happy about it. "Looks good. Flannel suits you." He hummed and helped him roll up his sleeves for his hands to poke out.
You: When he was done Gabe sashayed away, pinching the hem of the shirt out as if it really were a dress, his free hand lifting to act as if he were fluffing his hair. If he had had his powers he might have actually transformed it into a dress just fuck with him but he was limited at the moment. He turned and shot Sam a playful wink before turning back to look up at the wall, trying to find his place.
Stranger: Sam gaped at him, blinking slightly as he watched the archangel wink at him, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit "Gabe?" He asked and smiled when he saw the archangel looking at him. For a moment Sam stopped himself, he didn't want to push him, he truly didn't. And he didn't want to get too sappy on the archangel. "Do you want to tell me what you're writing on those walls? I can see my name and Dean's.." he hummed as he followed Gabriel's gaze, to be fair, he really just missed Gabriel's voice. He missed his actual laugh. Sam mentally slapped himself, he was so far damn gone. No one could pull him out of this.
You: Gabe's face fell at the question. His gaze moving from Sam's handsome features back to the wall, turning as if just realizing it was there. He moved to the start of it all, reaching up to brush his fingers along the characters, frown deepening. He moved a few feet before ending up in front of Sam's writing desk and collecting the pen there. He moved back around the room before stopping in front of Sam and offering it out, looking up at him evenly... expectantly.
Stranger: Sam frowned slightly, watching as Gabriel moved, he was hoping the archangel would want to talk to him... eventually. He had heard Gabriel utter a couple of words to Castiel.. "what..?" He whispered and took the pen and paper, watching him curiously as he moved to sit on his desk, waiting for what Gabriel wanted to do. Did he wanted to tell him The enochian alphabet? Or..tell him something to write down "Gabe you don't have to tell me, I was just trying.." he trailed off. "I was just trying to get to hear your voice.. that's all." He admitted, looking down at The pen he was holding.
You: Gabe pinned him with an unamused look before taking his hand and pulling him to one of the walls. He lifted the pen, still gripped in Sam's and and pressed it to a small space between two of the characters. There was just enough space for a word or two if the author wrote it small. Gabriel tapped Sam's pen against the spot before glancing up at him expectantly once more. As if pleading with him to do something... anything... but not naming what.
Stranger: "I don't.. I don't know what you want me to do, Gabe, I don't.. I don't know enochian." He whispered softly, oh.. he felt like he was disappointing Gabriel. But he truly didn't know what the archangel wanted him to do. Sam sighed and pulled out his phone, finding a picture of the enochian alphabet the hunter stood there for a long while, before he finally started scribbling something, smudging it when he got a letter wrong and trying again. He eventually bit his lip and looked at Gabriel. With some good luck he would have written 'I miss you, talk to me? ' but then again, he might have written the worst insult ever. He triple checked the letters he had copied, then looked at Gabriel.
You: Gabe offered a soft smile at the attempt. He could gather what the man was going for but it did not turn out anywhere near the translation. He shook his head softly, taking his hand once more and pulling him to another section. He lifted Sam's hand covering it with his own as he guided the pen. The letters that he wrote were in horrible handwriting but it was obviously english. The letters S and A were squiggly and misshapen but there were there. He dropped his hand and gave a nod toward them as if to encourage Sam to continue as the enochian characters around them began to wobbly as if attempting to come off the walls.
Stranger: Sam followed Gabriel, his heart fluttering when he saw Gabriel smiling at him. He licked his lips. Watching as the letters wobbled. Sam took hold of the pen. "Sam? You want to write sam?" He asked and slowly added the M, then looked at Gabriel. "Why are the letters moving..?" He whispered, his hold on the pen shaky slightly. What was happening?! But Gabriel was calmly smiling at him so it couldn't be bad now, could it? No.. not really.
You: Gabriel gave a huff and pushed Sam's pen against the wall once more, outlining the 'W' of his last name as the wobbling characters began to shift and change into the English alphabet. It was scattered and only a few were changing at the moment but the rest would catch up the more Sam wrote. The more he allowed himself to become a part of Gabe's world.
Stranger: Sam blinked at the wall, his eyes widening as he watched the letters change, and shift. "Whoa..." He whispered and watched Gabriel, then the wall again. "That's awesome..." he whispered as his eyes kept scanning the room, then he faked a dramatic gasp "I do not look like a moose!" He said and looked at Gabriel, crossing his hands over his chest with a huff, his nostrils indeed flaring just a tiny bit, although the smile on his face Made it clear he was nowhere Near mad at Gabriel. "Dean's a bit of an asshole I will agree." He hummed as he kept reading, quite fascinated really, his hand still holding Gabriel's over the pen.
You: [won't see me typing this time. Bare with me]
Stranger: [Okay! :) Thanks for the heads up]
You: [reply is gonna be super long srry]
Stranger: [take your time! Thanks for sending another message though in case omegle ditches us hahah. I can wait]
You: The words that appeared were scatter and incoherent as if they were fractions of thoughts that didn’t quite make up a whole. Like a puzzle that was missing a few pieces. Some of them spoke of the creation of the world, others of subatomic particles that made up taste buds and sweets. There were even pieces that described the origin of a hieroglyphic phallus and an overly explicit night with a certain English playwriter from the early 1800s. The majority of the words focused on the Winchesters however. Their creation, their lives, their deaths, their destiny. ‘I feared for them before their existence.’; ‘One Brother destined to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders… the other on his soul’; Always though the sky was the most beautiful of my father creation… I’ve been proven wrong’; The world was dark… lonely.. painful… There was no room for me… I belong in neither hell nor heaven… ‘; Sam continues to amaze me; how can a human treat a monster like me the way he does?; He brings me sweets… not knowing that I rather have him. I can’t refuse him though. Anything to bring him closer.; He’s ruined me… No… I was ruined when I laid eyes on him at the university.; How could someone who has gone through so much still care with every ounce of his being.; Sam Winchester is a mystery I will never solve.; I wonder if mini-sam is proportionate to the rest of Samsquatch?; Chocolate… Chocolate will be the first thing I try on him.; Dean is a Prick, I should turn him into a hamster when I gain my grace back. Cas can join him so I don’t have to listen to his complaints.; If the world ends Moose shall be renamed Sam.; Money is on him being better than the pornstars down in Tawana.; Cas and cats… I don’t understand… Right along with the Bee thing. He moved away as Sam began to read, pushing the taller man’s dresser away from the wall to reveal even more words. I have done horrible things… Perhaps worse than any of my brothers. Perhaps I have deserved this fact. Deserved all that Asmodeus has brought upon me…. The words continue, going into graphic detail as to what the demon had done to him before tailing back off and starting again. The only consolation is that Sam was the one to find me. I’m not sure if my mind has broken and this is some sort of fantasy I have constructed to try and protect myself or if this truly is the void and I have somehow cheated the empty. Regardless, I know that this is not real. Sam Winchester is too good… too kind to waist his time with a monster like me. I am undeserving of his affection and attention. He is what angels should aspire to be. There is nothing but goodness in him. And yet, I know that he is not real. I have caused him unparalleled pain and for that I regret my existence. Sam Winchester deserves nothing but the best and I have done nothing to provide him with such. His voice, even as it is in my mind, is like silk sliding against silk. I could here him talk for hours. His smile could bring a person to their knees. He is what all the great artists aspires to create. My father creations fade in comparison with this one man. My only regret is not being able to make amends with the man before I broke. I should have showered him with everything he could ever desire and yet, being the beast that I am I placed him in his own personal hell and forced him to lose the only thing he loved. It doesn’t matter now… None of it matters… I am broke… weak… dead… The only thing I fear now is that I might do something to break this illusion I am living in… That I will lose what little remnant of the man I have. That with just a word I will be back in that cage… with nothing but pain to keep me company. I rather die and live in this world I have constructed for myself rather than return there and face the consequences of my misdeeds.
Stranger: At first, Sam liked reading what Gabriel was writing, being a history fanatic, he loved seeing all those stories about Egypt, everything straight from the source, someone who's lived through it. But he frowned when he started reading about himself, most important, what Gabriel thought of himself, Sam parted his lips to speak many times, but every time he was left speechless with the next few words. "Gabriel..." he whispered when he finished reading. His eyes damn teary as he watched the archangel. "Oh Gabe..." he whispered and looked at him, his smile soft and sweet and timid. "You're not a monster..." He shhed and opened his arms for a hug, pulling Gabriel to his chest, sighing in relieve when the archangel followed. "You're wonderful. We've all made bad things.. unspeakable things. But you're wonderful... Gabriel, you're... " he trailed off, looking at him. At those honey eyes that captured his very soul every time he saw them. "Gabriel I.." He chocked on his own words, clearing his throat. "I need you, I want you by my side.. I need you as much as Dean needs Cas and.." he looked up only for a moment before glancing back down "And you're my angel.. taking care of you, is one of the greatest things I've had the chance to do.."
You: Gabe hesitated when Sam moved to embrace him, unsure of really how to handle the situation. He wasn't really the sappy kind. Still, the man obviously need this more than he did so he stepped forward and allowed Sam to wrap around him, giving a scoff and a roll of his own teary eyes at the other man's words. Sam was an idiot. That's what he should have written down. An oversized idiot. He shook his head as if denying the man's words. before feigning a yawn as if Sam was boring him somehow.
Stranger: "...And you're bored." Sam chuckled, trying to hide how it hurt him behind a smile. It was okay. Gabriel hated mushy stuff.. "you should probably go get some rest." He said and sighed, stepping back quickly, "I'll go nap too." He hummed. Gabriel probably didn't mean half this stuff. He was emotionally overwhelmed. He wasn't himself.. Sam was ready for Gabriel to just laugh and walk out the bunker the moment he got his full grace back because well... Gabriel didn't do feelings, and Sam knew that. But what could you say, this boy just had too much love to give.
You: Gabriel tensed at the idea of Sam leaving. He hated being left alone, hated when Sam left. He was still far too terrified to leave the room though, as well. He glanced about trying to come up with something to keep him there as he reached out, hand wrapping around the man's wrist to keep him from leaving. An idea struck him as his gaze landed on the filth covered bed and he pulled Sam towards it, pointing out the blood and dirt stains he had caused over the last few weeks of non-bathing.
Stranger: Sam jumped slightly as he watched Gabriel grip his wrist "Okay okay..." he frowned and walked with him, looking at the bed. "Right. We need to change the sheets." He said and sighed, "Hop off the bed." He said and as soon as Gabriel did, sam went to work, after a few minutes leaving the archangel with clean sheets and clean pillowcase. "There. All done for you, your majesty." He teased and smiled, sighing a little tiredly. "You can lay down now." He smiled at Gabriel softly, watching him as he moved and walked and sat back on the bed.
You: Gabe watched Sam move about the room, his frown only deepening. Even when the taller man teased him it was obvious that Gabe was uneasy. He moved and sank down onto the clean sheet just as was expected of him, his heart sinking as Sam moved away, his gaze still glued to him. How long would it be until he saw him again. Logically he knew that Sam came to visit him every day but... the paranoia was still there. This would have to end eventually... Where would he be then? Alone... with nothing but the walls to keep him company again.
Stranger: Sam watched Gabriel closely, sighing deeply. "Gabe...I'm really tired.. and..and the chair isn't doing it for me, I'm literally 2 meters tall.." he mumbled and sighed. "Fine, Fine, don't give me those puppy eyes. I'll stay." He whispered, giving a weak smile as he dragged the desk chair closer to the bed and sat on it, sinking his body into it, trying to shuffle and bend himself in a way it wasn't uncomfortable.
You: Gabe brightened at the news thought guilt filled him as he watched the other man try to contort himself into the chair. He scrambled off the bed, pulling the blankets down and indicating for Sam to lie there. Gabriel had become so accustom to the hard concrete floor of his cell that sleeping on the carpeted floor of Sam's room wouldn't bother him in the least. He patted the pillow lightly, nodding his head for Sam to take the bed.
Stranger: Sam opened his eyes as he heard shuffling, looking at Gabriel "No! Gabe, don't be silly get back on the bed." He said and sighed deeply. "I'll take the floor though, that's a good idea I think I have.." He mumbled and opened his closet, grinning as he saw an old mattress. "There." He said and laid it down on the floor beside the bed, then he took one of his sweaters and made it into a ball to resemble a pillow, he yawned and laid down, in 1 minute flat he was deeply asleep sam night nearly snoring. He was just so exhausted. He did love taking care of Gabriel, but still.
You: Gabriel shot him a glare as the other man drug out the bed and set it up. That was /not/ what he said to do. He sat there stubbornly, doing his best to ignore Sam until the beast of a man started snoring, drawing the Archangels attention. Oh... that was adorable! He broke into a grin, unable to help himself as he watch Sam saw logs for a good twenty minutes before collecting the blankets and pillows and crawling onto the small mattress with him. Staring up at his soft features. He seemed perfectly at piece when he slept, only disturbed by the snoring that sounded as if a bear was trying to break into the room.
Stranger: Sam sighed, it didn't take for him long to wrap an arm around Gabriel and cuddle him close. It was something he did since he was a little kid. Made Dean sleep with one arm hanging from the best because sam used to have nightmares a lot, needing to cling into Dean's arm, since the beds were too small to share. He huffed and leaned down, nuzzling into Gabriel's hair. Smiling in his sleep as he fell back completely limp. The hunter woke up around 6 am. Blinking when he felt a perfectly sized body pressed to his. He smiled sleepily as he watched Gabriel, stroking through his hair "Wish you'd talk to me.." he slurred sleepily over his words.
You: Gabe tensed at the sudden embraced, ready to bolt. But after a moment he relaxed flushing slightly, even scooted closer to press his face into the other man's chest before beginning to dose off. He slept through the night for the first time since his imprisonment; the usual nightmares that plagued him gone. By the time Sam woke Gabe was clinging to the fabric of his shirt still breathing softly as the giant of a man stroked his hair. Even in his unconcious state Gabe couldn't help but lean into his touch, the words sinking into his mind. He did feel bad about not speaking to Sam but... he just was so afraid that it would end this illusion if he did; that Sam would disappear... all of it would.
Stranger: Sam watched him, his heart clenching. He could talk to him now.. Gabriel was asleep -as Far as Sam knew- "I truly miss your voice, your laughter." He whispered quietly in his hair. "I wish..." he started and pressed a small tiny kiss on Gabriel's hair "I wish I could tell you.. look you in the eyes and tell you... but you wouldn't believe me.. why would you. You can do much better than a hunter. You're not..you're not that man. But..I love you.. I'm sorry." He admitted, voice breaking "I love you a Lot and.. and I know if I told you you'd get mad at me.. I'm so sorry I love you.." He whispered
You: Gabriel's chest tightened at the words. If he had a heart he was pretty sure this is what it would feel like to have it broken. Sam... Sam really thought that about him? about himself? The boy was even dumber than Gabriel had thought. He blinked his eyes open slowly, still feeling Sam's face pressed against his hair, knowing the other man couldn't see the tears that were threatening to fall. No one had ever told him that they loved him before... Not his father... not his brothers... not his past lovers... They were fun but thats all it was... In Gabriel's countless of life... Sam Winchester was the first to ever truly care about him.
You: *countless years...
Stranger: Sam held him tightly, stroking through his hair, he sighed deeply and kissed his hair slowly. "You mean so much to me, Gabriel.. and if when you're on full grace you decide to talk out on us.." he said, voice tightening "Please take care of yourself because I can't bear knowing you'd get hurt again. You deserve.. you deserve all the happiness in the world. A life, someone, whoever that may be, that will make you smile and laugh each and every day..." he chuckled quietly. His eyes teary. "For now, I will treasure each little smile you give me. Each tiny bit of sigh and maybe even a word." He said
You: "Did you get that from one of those cosmos mags you hide under your bed or are you just that sappy?" Gabriel asked, voice scratchy and raw from unuse. He couldn't take it anymore. This was its own form of torture. If Sam kept going on like Gabriel was some kind of prize to be cherished and protected it he was going to lose it. Hell, he was already crying. Fucking prick... Making him feel all warm and fuzzy... and guilty... The fact that Sam thought he might walk out on him hurt like hell.
Stranger: Sam's eyes snapped open widely "I.. I.." he stirred, looking at the archangel, blushing brightly as he cleared his throat "how long have you been awake for..?" He asked quietly, squinting at Gabriel. Because oh no.. he was scared. So scared that Gabriel would make fun of him "please don't make fun of me..? I thought you were asleep I.." he gulped "I know this mushy stuff is not your style I needed to get it off my chest and--" he cut himself off "wait.. you talked to me!" He grinned and looked at Gabriel proudly. "That's good.. that's big progress, Gabe!" He said for a moment forgetting their conversation.
You: Gabriel regarded him evenly before turning away, burying his face in the other man's chest. "I'm a tricksters. I'm not heartless." Gabriel replied, though he didn't believe it himself. "Now, stop talking." He grumbled, pressing his features deeper into the fabric of the man's shirt and breathing him in. The good news was that the illusion hadn't broken... the bad news was that Gabriel had no idea where they were going to go from there. What was Sam expecting him to do? What was he suppose to do? Were they an item now? How did that work? He was so use to fucking and leaving he was at a loss beyond that.
Stranger: "Okay." Sam gulped and stopped talking immediately after Gabriel told him to do so. He cohldnt help the pride in his chest when Gabriel kept talking to him. He felt.. well he felt damn proud. He had helped the archangel enough for this. Sam laid back, his arms around Gabriel as he was holding him closely. Playing mindlessly with his hair without saying another word. He didn't need to. This would do for him. He closed his eyes and sighed happily. Humming as he let himself treasure each second Gabriel was by his side. It just felt... good.
You: Gabe on the other hand was in a panicked state, mind going a mile a minute. How was he suppose to handle someone's love? Was he suppose to earn it? He hadn't done that. He didn't deserve what Sam was offering? What was he offering? What could Gabe offer? He was broken. What if is grace never came back? Would Sam still love him? Was this all a rouse? Did Sam only say such things because he needed something from the angel? Probably... No... Sam wasn't like everyone else. Sam was different. Sam was his. His grip on Sam's shirt tightened as he took tried to count each thread that was woven into the pattern before him... trying to calm himself down. "Hungry." He croaked weakly after a long moment.
Stranger: Sam opened his eyes slowly when Gabriel spoke, he was half dozen off to sleep. "Oh. Yeah. Yes of course." He said and sat up slowly "I'll go make you something, what do you want? Eggs and bacon?" He asked as he slowly stretched his limps, watching Gabriel slowly. "Oh.. I know that look, Gabe. " he sighed. "Listen to me, nothing has to change..the fact I...I feel this way about you. You don't even have to think about it okay. Just focus on healing, getting better, and I don't mean grace wise, frankly, that's the last thing I care about. I mean mentally." He said softly as he stood up and helped Gabriel back on the bed as well.
You: Gabe shook his head at the suggestion of eggs and bacon. He was always down for some pancakes. He refused to look at him, though he didn't push him away. He allowed himself to be helped to the bed. Sam could say whatever he'd like but Gabe didn't see anything wrong with his mental state. Not in the same sense at least. Sam thought he was unbalanced. Gabe just thought himself delusional... and he wanted to stay that way. No... Right now he didn't need to focus on healing or getting better... he needed to go see Cas... but that would mean leaving the room.
Stranger: Sam sighed and looked at Gabriel, "No eggs and bacon?" He mumbled and tilted his head. "Gotcha." He mumbled. "Pancakes." He said and walked outside. After a while, while Sam was still cooking, Castiel knocked on Gabriel's door, opening it slowly "Brother. How are you feeling?" He smiled timidly, watching him as he stood in the doorway.
You: Gabe jumped at the knock, starting as Cas walked in but not moving away. It was an improvement. He didn't speak. Not yet. Instead he motioned him forward eagerly. Finally, someone who could understand what Gabe was going through and could explain how affection between an angel and a human was suppose to work. He moved to one side of the bed, motioning for him to sit next to the archangel.
Stranger: Castiel frowned, closing the door behind him as he walked inside, sitting beside him on the bed "Sam is making you breakfast." He said "you seem...urgent. What is wrong?" He asked softly, tilting his head to the side in true Castiel fashion. "Is something troubling you?" He asked calmly, knowing Gabriel would find a way to explain, even without speaking it out.
You: Gabriel lifted a hand as if to place it on Cas' forehead, only pausing briefly to make sure the man was going to trust him not to harm him. When Cas gave no indication that he'd make a move against him be pressed his palm against him and linked their consciousness. He forced Sam's words through... Gabriel's confusion... his pain... his panic... He showed Cas everything he needed an answer to. Why Sam loved him? What it was like to love? How he was suppose to handle it? What was he suppose to do? The knowledge that he'd outlive Sam if he wasn't dead already. The fact that Gabe thought this was all an illusion brought on by his lack of grace. His need... focused need to do something right for once... for Sam.
Stranger: [i'm really sorry it's nearly 2 am here I really should sleep. It has been an awesome Rp though and tell me if we meet again so we can continue, since I don't have Kik. Goodnight/good day depending on where you are! :) ]
Stranger has disconnected.
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nachtgraves · 7 years
a++ kuzuhina: maybe the same ship with #4.“I’m flirting with you.”?
Oh my god I am so sorry this took forever and a half BUT I FINALLY FINISHED IT. I experimented with writing a thing told mostly through texting so hopefully it still flows pretty well? It was an experience, I tell you. Also. I apologize for the awful title for this but it was literally the best I could think of.  And I probably should have used time stamps but I’m a dumb and hope extra spacing gives the same effect?
Title: Mis-Texting Could Possibly End in Kissing  // AO3Word Count: ~4200Warnings/Tags: PG. Told through texting with interspersed prose, high school au, hope’s peak still exists, but no despairs, some typos are intentional and let’s pretend the others are too, real minor angst. Hajime is non-italics, Fuyuhiko and the two instances of Chiaki are in italics.
[ughhhhhh][im so bored][she wont stop taking][talking*]
[That’s kind of the point of a presentation]
[nooneasked for ur sass]
Hajimedoesn’t know how it happened, but he and the infamous ‘baby-faced yakuza ofHope’s Peak High’ are texting buddies.
Maybethat’s not entirely true. He does know how it started, at least.
[heypres][its kuzuryuu][souda gave me ur number][wat do we need for teh fair agian?]
[Sorry, youmight have the wrong number]
[oh][ur not nanmi?][fuck][souda is dead][sorry]
[Noworries. Mistakes happen][But, by Souda do you mean Souda Kazuichi?And did you mean to text Nanami Chiaki?]
[yeah][who r u??]
[Chiaki’s a close friend. Ournumbers happen to be really similar. Hers ends in a 1 instead of a 2]
[ohthanks][srry for the mix up]
[Don’tworry about it. Happens fairly often :p]
Hajimedoesn’t hear back from the stranger for a few days and quickly forgets themix-up even happened. He hadn’t been lying when he said that such thingshappened fairly often, especially since Chiaki was voted as class rep. (She hadbeen so surprised and happy, Hajime thought a new VR game system was announced).Chiaki and him and found it quite amusing and it wasn’t much trouble to fix themistake usually. But one afternoon, he’s cleaning up his room and finds apacket of papers that look important by the large scrawling over the front pagein Chiaki’s loopy handwriting, reading: ‘SCHOOL FEST BUDGET’. He also knowsthat Chiaki wasn’t going to be home for hours, since her school festival wasthis coming weekend and she’s been staying back to organize, plan, and dowhatever it is class representatives do for events like that.
[Hey you left a packet of papers atmine. School fest budget?]
[Goddmannit did u foget to chargeyour phone again?]
Knowingthat if the packet were important, Chiaki would be freaking out (she always putso much pressure on herself, especially since she became class rep), Hajimestares at the packet in his lap. He could run to Chiaki’s high school, butdoubts he would be let in since it was almost sundown and Hope’s Peak High wasone of the more prestigious secondary schools in their district. Hajime himselfgoes to a regular public school a short walk from their neighbourhood.
Staringat his phone, as if it was going to give him an answer, he finds one as hescrolls through his messages. He still has the short conversation from thestranger from Chiaki’s class. It’s worth a shot, at the very least.
[Hey this is Chiaki’s friend HinataHajime. I still had your number from when you mis-texted me and I was wonderingif Chiaki was nearby? She’s not answering her phone]
[I think she forgot something at myhouse. School fest budget?]
[yeah][she thought she lost it][shes asking if u can drop it off at her place][her phone is dead]
[Yeah I cando that][Thanks]
Laterthat night, Hajime is attempting to complete a history essay due the nextmorning when he receives a text. His phone is plugged in by his bed, on theopposite end of where his desk is. He literally jumps at the distraction,hopping into bed and lying back against the pillows propped up against the headboard.
[Thanksfor dropping off the packet.]
[No prob][You need to remember to charge your phone]
[I know. (*_ _) ][How did you have Kuzuryuu’snumber, by the way?]
[The miss-text a few days ago.Figured it was worth a try]
[Thank you. You really saved me.]
Threehours later, it’s inching closer to midnight and Hajime hasn’t returned to hisassignment. Chiaki is not impressed.
[Doyour work.]
[I’m takinga break]
[(¬_¬) You’ve been ‘takinga break’ for three hours. Stop procrastinating and finish your homework.]
[You’re notdoing your homework]
[I finished my homework. I’m makingsure all the plans for the school fair next month are in order.
You’recoming to it, right?]
[Yeah][If I’m not stuck wiht tuorting…][Tutoring*][Can’t you help???]
[You know I’m not that much betterthan you. Sonia helps me.]
[Give me hernumber?][I’m desperate a tthis point]
[That’sa breach of privacy.]
[Chiakiiiiiiiiiii][Please?][I’ll do your Japanese hw next time?]
[JapaneseAND math?]
[Tempting.But good night, Hajime.]
[Chiaki][Chiaki][Chiaki come back][Chiakiiiiii][What kind of friend are u?]
It’stimes like this Hajime sometimes wishes he was closer to some of hisclassmates. He’s not a loner, but he’s definitely a drifter of sorts. He has peopleto talk to and sit with at lunch, but rarely does he spend time with hisclassmates outside of school or for non-school related activities. Because ofthat, he’s not close enough to anyone to randomly message them at close tomidnight for homework help.
Justas he’s trying to figure out a solution – since it’s far too late to actually do his work like the goodstudent he only sometimes is, his phone goes off. And this, is the true startof everything.
[cmon i’ll pay u][and by pay i mean not break ur fucking teeth with my fist]
[Wrongperson?][Hopefully, at least]
[fuck][sorry][yeah][i meant to text the person above u in my message list thing]
[yeahjust some shitty hw]
[You too?][I have this awful history essay due tomorrow]
[historyis whatever][math is killing me]
[Math isn’ttoo bad][At least there’s always just one answer]
[historyand english u just bs tho]
[But it’sso subjective][Everything depends on something else]
[wannatrade then?]
Andthat is how Hajime found himself a homework buddy. Kuzuryuu is good at Englishand history, while Hajime’s strengths lie in math and science, and the both ofthem were pretty good at Japanese. One night of texting back and forth, helping(dipping into the realm of ‘academic dishonesty’ on occasion) with theirrespective assignments. They say goodnight close to dawn, but Kuzuryuu had stayedup long after his homework was complete and waited and helped Hajime until hewas done as well.
Fromthen on, Hajime would find himself texting back and forth with this boy he’snever met. At first, they exclusively went to the other for homework help, buteventually Hajime would send Kuzuryuu a short text about something funny that hadhappened (a cat attacking some dumb kids that were trying to taunt it) andKuzuryuu would send him a rant about something that annoyed him (old womenthinking that he’s younger than he is or a police officer asking if he’s losthis parents) and it snowballs into them casually texting throughout the day,particularly during boring presentations that no one, including the personpresenting, cared about.
[Payattention and stop distracting me]
[potnd kettle][stop looking at ur phone during class]
[Shush][I’m bored too]
[fuckinquit the holier than thou then][i can ignore u][nd u can be bored alone]
[Youwouldn’t do that][Who’d you distract if not me?]
[plentyof pple][ur lucky i deign to talk to u]
[Yeah][I’m sooo grateful]
[ushould be]
[Stilldoubt that you could ignore me]
[fuckintry me]
[Is that achallenge?]
Kuzuryuulasts all of until the end of the school day. Hajime can be quite theannoyance.
[jfc ur gonna break my phone]
[I win :D]
[uwin a fist to the face when i see u]
[Are wegoing to meet up then?][So eager to see me :P]
[I’m sorryif I made it weird]
[nahi had to hide my phone fr a bit][ur the one who sounds too happy bout gettinghis face smashed]
[You’re tooviolent][How do you have firneds if you treaten to hurt htem all the time?]
[Hush. Atleast I use proper grammar most of the time]
[yshould i waste my time with shit like that?]
[Forlegibility][I got to go][Got phys ed :/][Save me]
[ihope u have to run laps the entire time]
[You areevil]
Hope’sPeak’s festival comes and goes one weekend. As usual, it is a busy event due tothe school’s prestigious standing. Hajime, as promised, visits Chiaki’s class,doing an interactive murder mystery café of sorts where customers are givenclues with their orders to figure out the murder of a prop set up in the centerof the classroom. He finally meets some of Chiaki’s classmates whom she’stalked about and apparently she’s talked to them about him in return. However,and though he won’t admit it to anyone other than Chiaki if hard pressed, hekeeps his ears open for the name Kuzuryuu and is disappointed to realize thathis texting buddy was nowhere to be seen.
(“Kuzuryuu?We sent him to go advertise with Koizumi and Saionji,” says Sonia. “Do you twoknow each other?”
“Uh,he mis-texted me once,” Hajime replies. He redirects further questions awayfrom him and towards what they used to make the neon pink blood for the fakecrime scene.)
Hajimemay have lingered around for a bit until he couldn’t justify staying and beinga distraction any longer. By the time he leaves to go back home, he’s exchangednumbers with a few of them with vague promises to meet up some time and hangout. Even as he leaves the school, weaving past the steady stream of peoplestill entering the premise, his eyes roam for individuals advertising forChiaki’s class. He returns home to his books and TV without having met aKuzuryuu.
[You guysdid a good job at your school fest]
[I promisedChiaki]
[u2 datin or somthn?]
[God no][We’ve known each other forever]
[doesntmean u havnt dated]
[Ew][She’s practically my sister]
[heardu got numbers frm some girls in my class]
[Oh yeah][Are Sonia and Mioda always like that?]
[Haha][Your class seems really cool]
[seems][u dont see them 5 days a week]
[I bet your classmates have thingsto say about you too]
[maybe][but they wouldnt live for long if they say anything]
[Hahahawhat are you, the yakuza?]
[uhavent looked me up?]
[Why wouldI?][And you’ve never told me your first name]
[uwouldnt need my first name][but its fuyuhiko]
[You’re not pulling oneover on me are you?]
[i go to hopespeak idiot][sonia’s a motherfucking princess][nd y woud i joke about that?]
[You’re not going to send people after me for makingfun of you, are you?]
[ur entertainingfor now]
[Oh ha ha][Glad I amuse you]
[Wait][Oh my god][Is this you?][[image]]
[u got somethingto say?]
[No][Just][Not what I was expecting]
[think carefullybout ur words hinata]
[I thought I wasentertaining?]
[toys can getbroken]
[Now that’s uncalled for][I didn’t even say anything about how adorable you look]
[It’s true though!][You can’t call a hit on me for being truthful]
[just shut up][y did i tell you to look me up][yd u look for pictures?]
[Curiosity][We’ve been talking for a while now and we don’t even know what the other lookslike]
[Kuzuryuu?][Did you know what I looked like?]
[bein cautious isimportant]
[Omg you looked me up][What horrible pictures did you find???]
[That’s from Chiaki’s fb!]
[not that hard]
It’snot too long after that Hajime receives a friend request from one KuzuryuuFuyuhiko. He hits accept almost embarrassingly fast and proceeds to exploreKuzuryuu’s newly unveiled profile with the eagerness of a stalker given an inchand taking a mile. There’s not much to explore, the other boy doesn’t seem touse the website very much, which honestly does not surprise Hajime though hecan’t help but feel a little disappointed.
[The last time you were active onfb was almost a year ago][And it was a profile pic update][That you didn’t even upload??]
[soudand sonia hacked my account][sonia was offended my profile pic was like 2 yrs old][koizumi has a fuckton of pics of ppl][nd i was 2 lazy 2 change it]
[It’s agood picture of you]
Uponadding Kuzuryuu, Hajime’s flooded by friend requests from Chiaki’s otherclassmates and ends up talking semi-regularly with them. Kuzuryuu and him stilltext each other practically daily, to the point Chiaki comments on it whenHajime is over at hers to help her complete co-op achievements for a game she’syet to 100 per cent.
(“Youand Kuzuryuu seem to really get along.” Chiaki glances pointedly at Hajime’sphone as it buzzes several times, Kuzuryuu’s name flashing on the screen.
Hajimeshrugs noncommittedly, and is oddly relieved that the game finishes loading andthey’re thrust into a horde of mutant creatures.)
Evenhis classmates notice he’s on his phone a lot more often during and betweenclasses.
(“Gota girlfriend, Hinata?”
Frowning,Hajime shakes his head, “No, why?”
“You’realways on your phone texting and smiling down at it.”
Hajime’ssure his face has never been more red and when, moments later, he gets a textfrom Kuzuryuu complaining about the apparent Souda-Sonia-Tanaka love trianglethat should just turn into a threesome, he realizes his face does indeed moveon its own.)
[Oh my godhelp]
[what’dyou do?]
[Gave into peer pressure and wentto a goukon with some classmates -_-][I’m hiding in the bathroom][But I’ll have ot go back out there][:c]
[urnot drinking r u?][ur not 20]
[A yakuzaheir is against underage drinking?]
[udidnt answer]
[No one’sdrinking][We’re at a karaoke place][But htank you for caring c:]
[shutup][u dont usually go out w/ ur classmates]
[Yeah][Some of them have been teasing me about a girlfriend so I mostly just went sothey’d shut up]
[girlfriend?][u said u nd nanami werent dating]
[We’re not][They think you’re my secret girlfriend]
[Apparently I smiled while textingor something][And I’ve been on my phone more often][And you’re the only person I really text during class so]
[Yeah, funny right?][Wonder what they’d think if they knew I was texting buddies with the heir tothe Kuzuryuu clan lmao][Though some ofthem already give me shit for being close to Chiaki just cuz shegoes to Hope’s Peak][They think you guys are snobby elitests just cuz you go to a prestigiousschool and we’re just public school kids][But you guys arent tat different][Just different talents and families][Woops sorry][Didn’t mean to get all ranty][Ugh I gotta go][Can’t hide here forever]
Afterthe goukon, which wasn’t horrible but neither was it all that enjoyable, Hajime’splunged into preparations for his school’s culture festival and upcoming exams. He’s barely had timeto text Kuzuryuu other than short greetings and the occasional tidbit from hisday that the other boy would find amusing. He misses their daily conversationsand when he finally has some down time, the day before the culture festival,he’s holed up in his room and on his phone while he catches up on TV shows onhis laptop.
[Hey longtime no chat][I’ve finally got free time again!]
[yea][school stuff?]
[Yeah][Every teacher decided to have everything due weeks early so we weren’toverwhelend when finals come around][Kill me -_-]
[shouldnt u be spending ur free timew/ ur gf stead of talking to me?]
[ugot a gf or whatvr after that goukon][didnt u?]
[No?][Where’d you hear that?]
[therewas a pic on fb][u were tagged][it showed up on my feed]
[I haventbeen on fb recently][Lemme check]
[Oooooh][Yeah no][I wasn’t even aware this was taken][And the comments are baseless][I barely spoke to her][There was no ‘chemistry brewing’]
[shescute tho]
[Yeah Iguess?][Objectively][But not really interested][She doesn’t go to my school][And we met for like five seconds]
[datingimplies getting to kno eachother]
[Yeah but][Idk][Just nothing clicked?][And I wasn’t even looking for anything going to the thing either so][What about you?]
[watabout me?]
[You thinkshe’s cute][She your type?]
 [Am I notgetting more than that?]
[i’mmore into a dif set of anatomy]
[shesnot a he]
[ifthats a problem u should delete my number]
[NO][Not a prob at all][Sorry][Just surpside][Supreied][SURPRISED][Fuck][I’m sorry]
[usaid that alredy]
[Well I am][Could have responded better]
[couldaresponded worse][so][not a prob?]
[Coursenot][That’d be stupid for one][And hypocrtical for antoher]
[I’m bi][Or pan][Idk][Still nto sure about the difference tbh][Nd I have a friend who’s ace]
[I cannot divulge something that isnot mine to tell]
[she let it slip when we werecleaning up after culture fest][sonia and mioda bugged her bout if u two were dating][hanamura wanted to know bout ur sex life]
[Hanamurascares me][And yes to Chiaki being my ace friend]
[hanamurascares everyone][u basically gave it away with ur notanswr answer]
[Shedoesn’t care][But I still didn’t actually confirm or deny][Because that would be rude][(◡‿◡✿)]
[fuckoff][dont u dare start using those kaomoji things like nanami]
[(。・ω・。)][( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)][*。:゚+\(^‿^✿)]
[imgonna block u]
[(◕‸◕✿) *pout*]
Theydon’t re-visit the topic of sexuality again and settle back into their frequentback and forth texting. Hajime’s still teased at school but once he finallycaves and lets his classmates know that he is not texting a girl, but a boyfrom Chiaki’s class at Hope’s Peak, all interest in his affairs are lost.
Winteris fast approaching and with that comes the school culture festivals foreveryone other than Hope’s Peak, who have their festival earlier because no onewould go to any other school event if Hope’s Peak is allowing outsiders to touraround. Hajime’s class decides what to do rather quickly since no one’s allthat interested in putting too much effort, but Hajime still ends up being runragged with the rest of his class in the last minute preparations.
[I hateculture fests]
[Yeah][My school’s one is coming up][My class is doing a butler/maid cafe][Because we are simple public school students who don’t have the resources forpink blood]
[I was kidding][Your class’ murder cafe was the best thing I’ve ever seen][Thouhg I admit I had high expectations since you guys do go to Hope’s Peak]
[it was nanami’s idea][nd hanamuras a creep but good cook][nd sonias gotta 1up everyone nd dished out money so we could go way overbudget]
[Haha][But it was great][I had a lot of fun]
[Btw][Your birthday’s coming up right?]
[Is yourbirthday not during the winter?]
[itsin aug]
[But yourname is FUYUhiko]
[ndmy sis is natsumi but her birthdays in march]
[But][That doesn’t make sense]
[blameour parents]
Hajime’sculture festival comes and goes. It goes fairly well in his opinion, even ifhis butler uniform ended up shrinking in the wash and it was too late to fix. He’spretty sure his pants were borderline indecent with how tight they were and thefact that he had felt far too many eyes on his ass and crotch region during theday was not comforting in the least. No real disturbances occurred though, other than when Chiaki came by and was recognizedby video game enthusiasts and Hope’s Peak admirers.
[thoughtu were doing a butler cafe not a host club]
[Where didyou get that???]
[ihave my sources][could u not find pants that werent 3 szies too small?]
[It shrankin the wash okay][But oh god][Did I look that bad all day???][Kill me]
[udidn’t look bad][how many ppl asked u out this time?]
[None??][Though now I know why girls kept giggling when I turned my back][I don’t know if I can show my face at school again]
[theywere prob giggling cuz u have a nice ass]
[Ha ha]
[urnot ugly idiot][i bet tons of girls are crushing on u at school][nd guys][im surprised ur single]
[Shut up][If it’s a surprise anyone is single it’s you][You’re funny, snarky, smart, and really attractive][And you pretend like you’re relaly grumpy and antisocial][But when Chiaki talks about school and you come up you’re always taking part][And the fact that you’re secretly really toned][Like seeing those beach pictures on Koizumi’s fb][Oh my god][And your eyes][If they look that gorg in candid photos I don’t want to imagine in rl][And I’m just this normal whatever][Mediocre in every way]
[Uh][Pretend I never said all that?]
[didu fb stalk me on other ppl’s fb?][nd ask nanmi to spy on me for u?]
[Maybe][No to the spying][Maybe I would ask about you though?][I’m sorry]
[ur not mediocre][wanna talk about pretty eyes?][and secretly toned bodies?][if u wore clothes that didnt swallow u][ud be batting away pple who wanna date/fuck u][nd ur eyes are the ones that are gorg and unique][u have any idea how many times ive thought of wanting to see em in person?][nad how nanami talks about u all the time][i knew of u before the whole mistexting crap][but as nanmi’s annoying notboyfriend][and now i get hwy she praises u so much][anyone would be lucky to go out with you][ur stupidly nice and considerate][but also a sarcastic little shit u cant hate]
[You don’t need to say nice thingsto me just cuz I made a fool of myself just now]
[imflirting wth u dumbass]
Hajime is typing…
Hajime is typing…
[uever gonna finish ur reply]
[I’mpanicking][Give me a break][I don’t know how to respond]
[fine][go on a date with me?][ y ( ) n ( )]
[How did Inever realize how dorky you are]
[fuckinjust anser or ill punch ur stupid face]
[Maybe I’drather you kiss it]
 [andi’m a dork?][fucking loser]
[Shut up][You didn’t say no though]
[ustill havent answered me]
[You first]
[fucku i asked first]
[I askedsecond]
[I’m sorry][I default to annoying when im embbarsed and dont know waht im doing][I want you to kiss me. I want to kiss you][So yes please]
[yesor no woulda been fine][dork]
“What?”Kuzuryuu finally snaps.
“This is a lot harder in person,”Hinata laughs weakly. And it really is. Especially because Kuzuryuu is even cuter in person and Hajime didn’tthink that could be possible. Also, the skinny jeans and casual button downcombo he’s sporting makes it hard for Hajime to look anywhere at the boy’s bodywithout blushing. He’d been so excited to finally meet up, expecting to fallinto conversation as easily as they do while texting, but one look at Kuzuryuuwaiting by the entrance of the movie theater, scowling at everyone who’d lookat him, had wiped most of the vocabulary in Hajime’s brain.
“Younever shut up when we text,” Kuzuryuu grumbles.
“It’snot my fault you’re even cuter in person and I forgot everything I wanted tosay.” Kuzuryuu scowls but he also turns redder than before. “See! If you canstop being so adorab—”
“Hinata,I swear if you call me c-cute or a—that, again you’ll wish I sent Peko afteryou.”
Kuzuryuugives him a look that is equal parts fond and exasperated and a littlebewildered. “You could have found so much about me just from a few google searches.”
Hajimejust shrugs and looks down at his feet, “Yeah, but I’d rather get to know youby actually talking to you.” When he looks up, Kuzuryuu’s facing away but notenough to completely hide the fact that his cheeks and ears are tinged a darkpink-red, especially since Hajime’s got a 22cm height advantage. Hajime grins.“C’mon, we’re going to be late for the movie.”
Whenhe reaches forward and grabs Kuzuryuu’s hands, he files away the squawkingnoise the shorter boy emits as he tugs him along towards the movie theater. Inall honesty, Hajime wouldn’t be able to tell anyone about the movie they saw –he believes it was an action flick – since Kuzuryuu decided to pay back the handholding with a game of gay chicken that led to some intense public displayingof affection. They’re lucky the theater was mostly empty and they chose seatstowards the back. Hajime’s mental notes of Kuzuryuu by the end of the movieinclude several points relating to the plushness of Kuzuryuu’s lips, the factthat Kuzuryuu’s palate is quite the sensitive spot, and that Kuzuryuu has totry extremely hard to remain quiet.
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