#(he has not even been proven guilty of anything yet)
bubblegum-gf · 3 months
"we should make dan kill more" :) Ok! :D
yayyy peace and love on planet earth
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easy-there-leftovers · 8 months
astarion stealing glances and making tav nervous cuz they are not sure what he is up to.
If there's one thing you've come to learn about your companions so far, it's their mannerisms. Their responses to all sorts of stimuli.
Having to be constantly in their vicinity, and asking for their aid in various contexts of combat, requires you to be familiar with that much, at least. It helps to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Unnecessary expenses. Unnecessary energy expenditure.
So you're confident that the occasional sideways glances you've been honored to receive this night is completely out of the ordinary.
Courtesy of the camp's pale fellow.
A noble of some kind that you had once thought was too soft when he once asked for your help to kill an intellect devourer. Only to be immediately proven wrong when you ended up at the mercy of his blade at your throat.
Since then, you figured him a flirt with a knack for causing grief to those around him.
To you, in any case.
With his witty barbs, and quips evoking all manners of eroticism to answer a normal, perhaps even friendly, question. You think he's easy to read, with intentions clearer than the river your camp first settled by. And you haven't been wrong about him all too much.
But tonight is different.
You sense Astarion's dark, and inscrutable gaze flicker from across you. A book he pillaged from your earlier excursion nestled oh so beautifully in his hands, yet it is not the pages in it that he reads. You try to ignore it. Choosing to focus on the task of mending one of Gale's robes while you're close to the light.
The fire's warm glow dances upon his features, accentuating an allure that was always present but went ignored for many a reason. A flutter of unease settles in your chest, unsure of the vampire's true intentions.
Your fingers moved slower along the stitches of the cloth on your lap, trying to maintain a semblance of focus, but his continuous scrutiny was unnerving.
"If you have something to say, say it." You don't intend to be rude, but the suffocating uncertainty, despite the openness of the area, makes itself known through your words.
"Can't I simply admire the beauty of our little group's hero?"
The familiar catty lilt in his voice comforts you. A sense of something finally familiar. A contrast to the unreadable expression he donned just moments ago, but the small pause before he spoke lets you know that he was not expecting to be questioned.
As if he thought he was being discreet with his observations.
"Nothing wrong with appreciating a companion's assets, I'm sure you know that more than anyone. Which makes it more unnerving that you were trying to hide it."
He simply grins at your accusation.
Not a single line on his face, or in his words that followed, gives way to him being guilty of anything.
Yet something gnaws at you.
It's the same feeling you had when you woke to his bared teeth at your throat all those nights ago.
"I was only looking at your needlework. I don't know what to tell you but, personally, I wouldn't bother patching up anything of Gale's given his..." He trails off, trying to find the right word but gives up altogether.
"Tendencies." He finally lets his eyes fall back down on to his book, showing no interest in continuing the topic further.
Unpredictable as the days to come, Astarion's motives that night remained unknown to you. The heavy feeling of uncertainty weighing on your chest as you tried to sleep. Wondering if you should be wary of the pale elf in you camp.
In the flickering firelight, the rogue's expression reveals nothing as he reads. His eyes never leaving the pages, yet his mind is anywhere but.
You were right.
And he's certain that you think he has matters to hide still from you. You had caught his interest as you progressed through your search for a cure from the tadpoles, and it seemed as if you had become interested in him as well.
Though not to the same extent he has.
And he thought he would have been fine with that. One less hurdle to have to lie and cheat his way through. Yet the more you have these interactions with him, be they big, small, or anything between, the more doubts are sown into him.
You've come to know him quite well.
He'll have to be more careful in the future.
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lovethatmakingcoffee · 5 months
how many more content creators are going to be accused of being called a pedophile with no hard evidence, a police warrant, anything physical and it's by an anonymous tweet from some stranger online who would rather tell social media than I don't know... HAVE THEM GET ARRESTED BY THE POLICE?!
How many more creators, huh?! How many?! How many more YouTubers, twitch streamers, singers, animators, artists?! How many of you are gonna jump on them???? And it's so easy if it's a guy, right? So easy! And no matter how they react, whether it's calm and calculated, shutting down their channel as a whole, or answering immediately yet obviously angry about it- they are always ALWAYS GUILTY. what happened to innocent until proven guilty? And eo is this person? That they are willing to fan the flames and accuse someone of something so terrible online??? Who are u?????
Why do this now? Why do it how at the HEIGHT of Forever's popularity? Why not do it before so he was never on the qsmp or even long before that? Or in the middle at all???? Why now? That is my question? If this is all true, why now? And why use social media? Why not go to the police if he really did a crime? You are accusing someone of a very terrible thing. Why not do it properly instead of searching for Internet clout? What're we supposed to do? The only thing we can, huh? Cancel. Because that's what u want. Is to cancel him. When he was obviously so loved by the masses yesterday. When he had all those cruise pic photos showing how good his life was. Yeah, I don't think u want him arrested or lynched. No, u want to cancel him. Making me wonder if there was ever a real çrime.
Which I wonder quite often with these cases.
And GUYS. HEADS UP! You know whose next? Hm? It'll probably be Wilbur, probably being said that he approached some underage girl on tour or whatever. Or maybe it'll be quackity or hell, even Philza! Oh, Etoiles got cancelled not so long ago, let's cancel him again! Oh what about Bagerha or Cellibit? Let's throw Charlie into the mix. Ironmouse will be hard to cancel cause she's been locked inside of her room all her life and has a very dedicated fanbase, but I'm sure you bastards will find something.
So mhm, everyone is nexted because antis have proven it to be so easy to get rid of someone they don't like. Gone the next day. All of them are suspectable to it. Cause u know why? Cause they are stupid humans who have said stupid shit! And you will just take anything they said and did and run with it!!! Every time! So it's only a matter of time until someone new gets targeted. And depending on how tough skinned they are, they will disappear in a matter of seconds.
Let's just throw all of qsmp away while we're at it! No more eggs, no more community, blah blah blah! Something problematic will happen and you all will jump on it and say 'oh, I never liked them anyway'. Which is such a lie! Such bullshit, u are all bullshitters.
And I know for a fact that y'all aren't saints. We have all said disgusting jokes. Race, lgbt, whatever! We've all done it- don't lie! Here, I'll go first. I joked about a school shooting the other day with my friends. There, cancel me. I gave you the ammunition, now take your fucking shot.
This happens every god damn time someone u enjoy gets popular too fast. They get called a pedo, or a racist, or a transphobe or anything easy to spark the mob. I have seen it time and time again with creators running away because theyve been chased off their respective platforms. I saw an artists make the most beautiful art ever, get accused of being a pedo by one person, everyone joined in for some reason and chased her away. I will never not be bitter about that. I HATE ALL OF YOU WHO DID SUCH A THING AND IF I EVER GOT MY HANDS ON YOU I SWEAR TO GOD. But I am sick of people 'finding' or bringing shit to light or whatever and then just post it online! Like fuck! If he really did a crime! Arrest him! But he didn't, did he? Cause that's the fucking game we are playing rn.
Such hypocrites, it's fascinating. Literally yesterday you were kissing this mans feet and exhaling him, but one anon person saw that and chose violence. And you just.... changed your minds???? Like that? Like a switch of a button? Crazy, actually crazy, and childish.
How come everyone flips and flops so easily on the internet??? How is it so easy for you????? And how can u other supposed fans just accept it so easily??? I will never understand and I will bite and claw at all of you. You all loved him 24 hours ago and now with the bare minimum of evidence you flip? You all would be terrible on jury duty. I hope none of you ever get on jury duty.
Anyway, I'll probably get a ton of backlash from this post and delete it later, waking up in the morning with tons of hate. But I don't care. Prove him guilty. Get the hard evidence that he is a pedo and I will believe it when I see it. Have him be in damn cuffs. Get the mugshot. If that is at all true! But I'm not putting my life and art on pause for conveniently timed discourse.
Maybe I'll delete this post tomorrow. But now I'm fuming at all of you.
And yeah, as for me, I had a shit disgusting last year, qsmp and especially forever was one of the few things that got me out of it and calmed me down. And you guys are going to be talking about how wrong and problematic the things he said that was (what was it?) 8 years ago!!! Then guess what, I love a very problematically spoken parent that would make all of you quake and vomit the moment she opened her mouth. But also, that woman saved me from being homeless. For giving me a place to stay after being DEPORTED. So, if u need a little kindergarten lesson today, internet, is that people will say all sorts of horrible cancelable shit, but it's what they actually do, that really matters.
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 1 year
Can you do this https://at.tumblr.com/k1ngdom-of-thieves/hi-there-can-you-do-headcanons-for-the/qpbnbhv4sgel but with the vice dorm leaders?
Of course! Thanks for coming back :)
Vice Dorm leaders + Finding out reader is a girl
Trey Clover
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Poor guy genuinely had no idea that you were until you told him. Depending on if you told him during book 1 or waited until later to tell him, he’ll feel slightly embarrassed or absolutely mortified that he made that mistake.
He’d apologize anyway but will still feel really guilty about it. Let him bake you a pastry or something just so he can feel better over it. Those things look so good anyway.
He asks if the others in the Heartslabyul dorm know and if you’d like him to tell them. He doesn’t mind telling them, although he might be a little embarrassed if he was the last one to realize you were a girl.
“Is there anything specific you’d like me to bake? I know you said it didn’t bother you, but I still wanted to apologize somehow.”
Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie had a feeling that you were a girl. Your scent was different from the rest of the guys so he had a feeling. Still feels great to be proven right tho.
He won’t ask you about it because: 1 it’s really none of his business, and 2 there’s no guarantee that you’ll actually tell the truth when asked. So he waited for you to tell him, if you ever wanted to.
He’d ask if you told others about this before making jokes. If you said yes, prepare for the dumbest jokes you’ve ever heard. Almost constantly.
Ruggie’s gonna try to get you to do dumb shit with him just so he can’t get in trouble with Leona. He kinda forgot that only you wouldn’t get in trouble and he would still get his ass kicked.
“Hey (Y/N), wanna hear something fun we could do? How about we go into Leona’s room when he’s in the observatory and take a couple bucks?”
Jade Leech
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Jade was actually surprised that you were a girl. He never really thought about it since it was an all boys school, but he’s realizes it must’ve been obvious in hindsight.
His surprise only lasts for a little while before it turns into his signature off putting smile. He chuckles and comments on how difficult it must’ve been to be the only girl for a few miles. Bro do you know how terrifying that sounds.
Of course he wouldn’t try to do anything to you. yet He’s just letting you know that if you need anything, your friends at the Monstro Lounge are always here to help. For a price.
If you’re worried about someone harassing you, just ask Jade to help you. He’d be more than happy to stand threateningly behind you to scare away anyone who tries to get to you.
“Just remember if you ever need anything, you know where to find me. I doubt anyone would want to bother you after hearing we’re in cahoots.”
Jamil Viper
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Jamil did have the passing thought of you not actually being a guy. It wasn’t something he took seriously, it was just a random thought. ..right?
Until you told him that you were a girl. Even though he had thought about it before, he never once thought about it actually being true.
Don’t think that he’s taking this negatively, he’s just completely in shock. He’s actually really happy that you decided to trust him with this information.
He’s more than willing to help out with anything you might need. He has a younger sister, so he has a general idea of what to do if you get any pains or discomfort.
“I’m going to Sam’s shop to buy a couple of things. Would you like me to bring you a few things? Don’t worry, I won’t make you pay me back.”
Rook Hunt
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Rook 100% knew you were a girl before you even spoke to each other. How? Don’t question it, his answer probably wouldn’t make much sense anyway.
He wouldn’t say anything about it before you told him, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable! Bro you cross that bridge a while ago. He wants to make sure you’re ok with others knowing that you’re a girl before walking around school announcing it.
Thinks it’s so beautiful how you manage to make connections while being so fundamentally different from everyone around you. He finds your stubborn strength to persevere inspiring!
Will tell tales of your efforts even if it was something really mundane. He just wants you know that he sees how hard you try, in his own odd way.
“Oh how have I been blessed to see the trickster and her companions beat the odds yet again!”
Ortho Shroud (Completely platonic)
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Ortho’s sensors initially told him that you were a girl, but he thought that there was an error and had Idia check them out. It was only after Idia told him there was nothing wrong, he finally realized that you were actually a girl.
He’s gonna be a little confused for a while, he didn’t know that it was possible for a girl to attend an all boys school. Then again, most schools don’t have robot younger brothers so he figures he’s in the same boat as you.
He doesn’t mention anything to you until you tell him, he doesn’t want to accidentally make a friend uncomfortable. Besides, he’s learned not to point things out before others tell him. Once he pointed out Floyd’s jacket was missing buttons. Didn’t end well.
Installs applications that help him understand more feminine topics. Even if you aren’t into traditionally feminine things, he just doesn’t want you to feel isolated.
“I hope I can help you when you want to have someone to talk to. That’s what friends are for, right?”
Lilia Vanrouge
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Lilia had no idea that you were a girl, but he isn’t that surprised. He’s seen a lot of different people in his time, so a girl in an all-boys school is honestly pretty mundane for him.
Aside from the simple change of pronouns, his treatment of you is really similar. He treats all of his friends the same, so he never needed to change how he acts around you.
He does get a little protective of you around some of the boys. Father’s reflex. With him on your side, most of the student body wouldn’t dare bother you.
Don’t be afraid to ask him if you need anything, he’d be more than happy to help. He may seem like he has a lot on his plate, with watching over practically everyone in his dorm; but he doesn’t mind doing something for you now and then.
“Well, I’m glad that you trust me enough to tell me. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. I’m sure that with my many years of walking this land, I might know something to make you feel better.”
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sunder-the-gold · 22 days
'Epic: The Musical' confuses me
So one day, YouTube decided to let me know that someone apparently did a Hamilton-style musical play retelling of The Odyssey (with a little bit of The Iliad at the start).
Here are two of my favorite 'animatics' for my favorite song.
I can see why these YouTubers would be so inspired. The music, the emotional performances of the singers, the lyrics... It's an experience that sticks in your mind.
But I've got a LOT to say about what doesn't work for me.
Cruel Vengeance or Ruthlessness Teaching?
What baffles me is the central thesis of the play, which is encapsulated in this song but which is equally strong in other parts. Especially one later in the play, "Monster".
It's not that the thesis "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" that confuses me. It's a very similar sentiment to "Mercy for the guilty is cruelty to the innocent."
I understand the difference between ruthlessness and cruelty. Ruthlessness is simply about getting the job done without regard for mercy or sadism, but cruelty is entirely about indulging in sadism without regard for getting the job done.
Indeed, while Poseidon is clearly engaging in deliberate cruelty, at no point does he accuse Odysseus of cruelty. He accuses Odysseus of not being ruthlessness enough.
One actually starts to wonder if Poseidon truly intended to kill Odysseus. Why bother trying to teach Odysseus that "mercy has a price", why constantly hammer him with the message "you need to be more ruthless", if Poseidon really didn't intend for Odysseus to survive to apply that lesson later? That ambiguity is one point of confusion.
Why Odysseus?
A bigger point of confusion is why the play's writer is trying to apply this moral to Odysseus at all.
In the traditional version of the story, Odysseus's mistake against the cyclops Polyphemus was letting his anger and pride get the better of him. He cruelly taunted the blinded cyclops, even foolishly revealing his real name and identity to magnify the man-eater's humiliation.
Aside from that one act of cruelty, Odysseus was extremely ruthless. He and his men couldn't simply kill Polyphemus in his sleep, because they needed him to move the giant rock with which he'd blocked the cave's entrance. And after they escaped, they didn't turn around to finish the giant off because he was still a powerful giant, and there were more giants on the island.
But in 'Epic: The Musical', the playwright tries to twist things around and doesn't really succeed. One of Odysseus' surviving best friends urges Odysseus to lead the men back and finish the cyclops off.
But Odysseus urges caution, and he's still proven correct when the other cyclopes on the island answer Polyphemus' cries of pain and suffering. If the humans had turned back, they would have died even if Polyphemus alone didn't prove to be too much of a threat.
Then the play breaks WILDLY from tradition by having Athena herself make an appearance, where she too scolds Odysseus for not turning around and trying to finish Polyphemus off. And Odysseus refuses not out of pragmatism or caution, but out of MERCY.
Now, Odysseus has always been capable of mercy, but traditionally he has never extended mercy to a bloodthirsty enemy.
Yet when Odysseus reveals his true identity, it's not because he's viciously angry or proudly smug. He twists the metaphorical knife in an explicit bid to magnify any regret Polyphemus might feel for killing and eating any other innocent travelers who find his home.
It's only later, during "Monster", that Odysseus the Wise, the Clever, the Cunning, realizes that Polyphemus never felt anything like guilt or shame for his actions.
I'm not convinced that Odysseus was the right character to need this play's thesis taught to him. And my opinion is reinforced by the fact that the playwright needed to turn the minor character of Polites into the most unbelievable caricature of a Disney Princess... despite having been a soldier in the Trojan War, and presumably part of the Trojan Horse ploy.
"Greet the world with open arms" should not be something you can say to the man who tricked the Trojans with the ploy that came to codify the phrase "Trojan Horse".
What is 'Mercy' supposed to be?
Going back to Poseidon and ruthlessness and mercy, Poseidon repeatedly tells Odysseus that he needs to stop fighting "to save lives", being "far too nice", merciful, and hopeful.
"So close your heart / The world is dark and / Ruthlessness is mercy upon (ourselves)"
While Odysseus later reasons in "Monster" that being merciful to not only himself but the people who depend upon him requires him to show no mercy to anyone or anything that threatens them, Poseidon doesn't make that distinction at all.
Poseidon doesn't distinguish between different forms or degrees of mercy, he denigrates all mercy with blanket statements.
He doesn't accuse Odysseus of fighting to save the lives of his intractable enemies; his accusation almost seems to apply to any of Odysseus' efforts to save the lives of his men.
Not to mention how the lyrics "You are the worse kind of good / Cause you're not even great" sound so much like "you're an idiot to strive for a moral perfection despite your imperfect human nature; you should just settle for being petty and unreasonably hostile".
Heck, Poseidon at points sounds angrier that Odysseus refused to kill his son than that Odysseus blinded him. That’s how much he seems to hate the very idea of mercy.
I think this play might have something worthwhile to say about recognizing that the world is a hostile place and that unconditional vulnerability, trust, and mercy is only going to lead you to ruin. That you WILL meet people who are wholeheartedly and unreasonably determined to ruin your day.
But everything I see feels like a cynical, poisonous take on that idea.
Or else it is a mixed bag of good ideas and questionable execution by someone who was confused about how to tell the story they wanted in a way that made sense.
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alesyira · 2 months
the weird neighbor next door
snippet that may or may not end up in the next chapter of accidental vigilante, which I'm actually working on today lol
Once upon a time⁠*, the Midoriyas had a strange neighbor. He'd been a little squirrelly and hard to make sense of, but eventually things smoothed out and Izuku, for a time, had another adult to confide in and seek guidance that may or may not be the most sound advice and/or legal.
"Who the fuck cares if you lie," his neighbor scoffed right before adding on, "lying is bad."
Izuku had been used to hearing Jin's two-sided commentary, but he still blinked a questioning gaze up at the older man. A cigarette dangled precariously between his lips. Nicotine-stained fingertips reached up to pluck it free before flicking away a bit of ash. He stared at the glowing ember for a long moment as a curl of smoke wafted slowly through the still air.
Serious blue-grey eyes slanted in his direction. "Kid, the idiots out there refuse to look beyond the surface." He touched the cigarette to his lips and took a long drag. "No such thing as innocent 'til proven guilty 'round here." He puffed out a very precise ring of smoke, then blew the rest through the side of his mouth as they watched the silvery circle swirl in on itself.  "Save your hide and lie your ass off. What are they gonna do if they find out, arrest you?" He rejoined it with a muttered, "maybe murder you." He grimaced and rubbed at the back of his neck with his free hand.
Izuku winced at the blunt warning.
They both knew that even if the police tried, the Commission had dug themselves into a pretty deep hole with laws and regulations that didn't exactly apply to people like him. It'd been the topic of many discussions: how he could technically slip through the cracks and—given the right support—legally get away with nearly anything with minimal repercussions.
He opened his mouth to ask a question, but from the corner of his eye he caught Jin's smirk right before those big knuckles rubbed against the top of his head. He ducked out from beneath the rough handling with a scowl. 
Jin chuckled at him and shifted his weight to lean against the balcony railing. "See? Trust no one." He took another drag from his cigarette, the ember flaring bright. 
Izuku leaned against the railing too, turning his attention to the late afternoon sky. His mom would probably grouch at him for coming in smelling like smoke again, but he couldn't be bothered to go back inside just yet. 
Jin's advice made sense then, and it still does, so Izuku has spent the last several years carefully lying his ass off. 
* One of the prequels I'd considered writing is about Izuku's weird neighbor next door, their brief friendship, and how that leads to Izuku regaining his self confidence. It would be set right after Izuku's released from the hospital following his 'fall' from the window. Mostly fluff, some helping each other out, a smidge of found family, and a happy resolution for Jin as he kind of gets his life back together with the help of the two kind neighbors that believe in him. He moves elsewhere for a nice job offer.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
"Black Wedding" Story Event: Chapter 1
Liam's Route
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
— Out of the blue, he asked me if I thought that eternal love existed.
This story is about how Liam and I, who had just become lovers, thought about eternal love.
There was no such thing as “peace” in Crown.
And today was no exception—.
Victor: Lady and gentlemen, I hope that you're still letting your wickedness lead today!
Liam: Yes!
Ellis: … Yeah, within limits.
Victor: I see, I see. It makes me happy to know that all of you are doing well.
Harrison: Only two people responded to him, and yet his mentality is still staying strong.
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William: He wouldn't be the Queen’s right hand man if he didn't have a few screws loose.
William: — Anyway, what sort of condemnation does Her Majesty want this time, Mr Aide to the Queen?
Victor: Always so sharp, William.
Victor: Well then, shall I begin explaining the details of our mission?
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Liam: Ah, Victor. Not everyone is present, is that alright?
Victor: Yes. I was actually thinking of letting you and Kate handle this mission.
Liam • Kate: Huh?
Victor: The mission is to conduct an undercover investigation of an organisation by the name of “Amour”.
William: Amour… that organisation was established a few years ago.
Victor: Indeed. On the surface, it’s an ordinary religious group.
Victor: However, there have been several cases of people never returning after going to that organisation.
Harrison: The police are on the move, but they’re unable to get a lead. And so Crown has to do the job, is that it?
Victor: Yes, you’re right, Harrison. There is something strange about this case.
Harrison: Strange?
Victor: All the people who never returned had one thing in common. They were all couples.
(I see, so—)
Kate: If we approach them disguised as a pair of lovers, it would be easier to get our hands on the truth. That’s why you want Liam and I to handle this mission.
Liam: No, Kate. We’re not “disguising” as lovers, we’re real lovers.
Liam: OK! We’ll do it. Right, Kate?
Kate: Yes, please leave it to us.
Victor: Thank you, Liam and Miss Kate.
Victor: Show no mercy if they're proven guilty — is what Her Majesty instructed.
The next day, Liam and I left Crown’s castle to go on our undercover investigation.
(— Even though I agreed to accept the mission.)
I couldn't get rid of my feelings of anxiety.
(We don’t know what the situation is really like, so there’s no telling what can possibly happen.)
While I was deep in thought, Liam stretched while walking next to me.
Liam: Mm— I’m glad I’m spending today by your side too.
Kate: … Liam?
Liam: Just being next to you is enough to make my heart leap with joy, even though we’re in the middle of a mission filled with uncertainty.
Liam: Kate. I hope that you’ll have a pleasant day today.
Liam: Therefore—
Liam tightly held my hand in his.
Liam: I’ll get rid of everything that will make you frown today.
Liam: Let me be your protector.
Kate: … Thank you, Liam.
Kate: But the reason why I was uneasy wasn’t because I was afraid of getting hurt.
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Liam: Huh?
Kate: I don't want you to get hurt. Therefore, let me protect you as well.
Liam: …!
Liam: … Haah. … You’re such a smooth talker.
He strengthened his grip on my hand, and his rose-coloured eyes filled with passion—.
Liam: Hey, I really want to kiss you right now. So badly that I feel like I’m going to melt.
Kate: Please don’t. There's so many people around…
Liam: Ahaha, I know. Then… I can only bear with it.
Liam planted a kiss on my hand and gave me a smile so charming that it could win over anyone.
That smile made all my anxiety disappear.
(... With Liam by my side, everything will be alright. I don’t have anything to fear.)
When we arrived at the church, a group of people were waiting for us at the end of the hallway—.
Cultist: Welcome to Amour.
The cultists were dressed in white and wore calm expressions on their faces.
I was slightly taken aback by their calm expressions—.
(... I don’t know what might happen to us. I must brace myself for anything.)
???: You must be Liam and Kate, the two people who wanted to join us.
Founder: A pleasure to meet you. My name is Amor, and I’m the founder of Amour.
The man who introduced himself as the “founder” had long hair, wore glasses, and had a gentle demeanour.
(I didn’t expect to meet the founder this soon. Looks like we’re in luck.)
Liam: It’s a pleasure to meet you too. We’ve heard a lot about this organisation, so we’d really like to join you.
Liam: Rumour has it that if we join you, our love will last forever. Right, Kate?
Kate: Y-Yes!
According to Victor, this cult claims to have the ability to “make love last forever”.
That catchphrase has enticed countless couples to visit.
(... I have to put up an act so that we don’t get caught for being here for an undercover investigation.)
Liam was a professional actor, and I couldn't allow myself to get in his way.
Kate: My partner and I are very much looking forward to our time here.
Founder: Ah, I see. So you’re a couple that wishes to make your love last forever.
(... Thank goodness. He doesn't seem to find us suspicious.)
Founder: … However, not everyone can have eternal love bestowed upon them.
Founder: Only two people who truly love each other can be allowed to join us and be given eternal love.
Kate: What do you mean by being “given” eternal love?
Kind Cultist: Those who are allowed to join the organisation may hold their wedding ceremony in this church.
Kind Cultist: After the ceremony, they'll have completed the process of obtaining eternal love.
Liam: Um, so in other words…
Liam: We’ll be allowed to join you once you’ve ascertained that we truly love each other, am I right to say that?
Founder: Yes.
However, love was something invisible to the naked eye and was thus difficult to prove.
Kate: How will you ascertain it?
Founder: First of all, the two of you will—
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ohara-n-brown · 4 months
I think the people that are asking others to vote for Biden are always missing a big thing.
I get the argument - 'Trump is worse and more of a threat to all of us, so you have to vote for Biden, he's the lesser of two evils!'
Okay, makes sense.
But these posts NEVER EVER bring up the moral dilemma, or how to handle it.
Why 'Blue No Matter Who' WON'T Work Right Now -
You are asking people to directly go against their morals and vote for a man funding genocide -
But then you refuse to give either
1) A way for those people to come to peace with their decision after the fact and
2) A way we're gonna hold Biden accountable AFTER he wins.
You are asking others to vote for a man funding genocide.
Okay, so once they do - and go home and lay in their beds - only to wake up two months later and see Biden sending another 10 billion dollars to Israel-
What moral comfort do you have to give them? For them, knowing that's their money and the man they put into power.
Do you have anything to say to them? Nothing? Because you don't care?
How do you expect them to sleep knowing they've betrayed their morals? Or do you think betraying your morals is something someone can outright choose to do with no mental reprecussions?
And this isn't just some abstract comment. I'm being LITERAL. We all have to go against our morals at least each in our life yes, but you still have to deal with the emotional aftermath.
You all are asking people to set aside their morals without acknowledging that morals, and without justification for it after the fact.
Really, those posts sound like 'Please vote for Biden, we know he's funding a genocide and you don't like that. But PLEASE it's so important. Oh thanks, you voted for him. Wait you feel guilty?.... Not my problem.'
And two - you're providing NO SOLUTION for Biden's behavior.
Biden has been funding a genocide. In the last 130 days he has sent BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to a foreign country for genocide and war.
You want me to vote for him. And then you never ever ever mention how you plan to get him to STOP doing these things.
You're telling me 'Trump is dangerous! He doesn't listen to the people, he dehumanizes the oppressed and wants them dead!'
Okay, true.
But if Biden ends up in office AGAIN how are we gonna stop him from continuing to abuse his power AGAIN?
Or have you just not thought about that? Are you not concerned about the fact you have no ability whatsoever to hold your own canidate accountable?
Do you just not think about that because it makes you feel powerless and uncomfortable?
Biden has proven he too doesn't listen to the people.
And he in fact, DOES dehumanize the oppressed and does indeed want them dead. Just because those people aren't American doesn't mean anything.
Biden wants oppressed people dead.
So now that we know he does and wants those things - and we can't get him to stop NOW - and yet you want me to re-elect him without offering me methods in which he'll change.
Okay, buddy.
If you want to convince people to vote for Biden you're gonna have to
1) Engage with their morals and explain how they can come to peace with voting for a Genocidal Fascist and their tax dollars being directly used to aid that AND
2) How we plan to hold Biden accountable and change his behavior AFTER I've sacrificed my morals to give him more power.
If you can't do that in your post - shut the fuck up.
You're not gonna tell me to vote for a Genocidal asshole only to tell me 'ummm if you feel guilty afterwards that's not my problem just vote for him okay and also after he's elected I have no idea how to get him to do what we want cause he doesn't even listen to us right now but I promise he's better than Trump so just do it okay'
I'll see entire posts asking for people to vote for Biden - and the post will just not mention Palestine.
They'll talk about Trump, trump, trump - but literally no one with ever say 'Listen, I know Biden is the reason thousands of Palestinians are dead, but-'
Because they know that sounds fucking ridiculous and evil so they leave that part out and hope we don't notice that you've conveniently forgot to mention why we're at this crossroads in the first place.
They tell people to vote for Biden, but never mention why people don't want to vote for him.
Because Democratic voters do not support the massacre of Gaza and Biden does not care.
HOW ARE YOU GONNA MAKE HIM CARE? If you can't tell me - don't tell me what the hell to do. Cause you don't even know what you're gonna do.
If you can't acknowledge the conversation, You're ignoring the crimes of your canidate breaking international law, simply saying they didn't happen or don't matter in the general scheme of things - just like a Trump-ette.
You're literally telling me that Biden will save America and the only chance we have at keeping it... Shit we're not even saying America is 'great', like the Trump-ettes.
We know the US is shit and that Biden contributes to that. None of us actually even believe he'll make America better in the slightest.
At the very least Trump supporters stupidly believe he'll bring about positive chance.
Biden supporters acknowledge he probably won't bring positive change for anyone really. And then they still go vote for him.
That's even fucking sadder. It's less evil, but just as fucking sad.
Voting for a canidate you know doesn't care about you, your education, your health, your home, your life, or really whether you're dead or not.
But you still vote for him - because he's blue.
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If you want people to vote for Biden but refuse to engage the moral argument OR Biden's silencing and ROBBING (Yes, using executive action to send billions of dollars overseas against the wills of most Americans is fucking robbery) of the American people -
Please just shut the fuck up. You really can't expect me to listen to that.
'Vote for Biden... just cause!! Don't think about it! Don't think about what happens after! Just do it :) Why? Democrats are inherently better, that's why'
You've got to be joking
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So yes, make the argument you want. But if you can't back it up, don't blame others cause they didn't vote.
Blame yourself for not thinking through your point for more than twenty seconds. Blame yourself for expecting people to conform blindly.
If you want me to vote for that man but can't tell me how we're gonna free Palestine from that same man's genocidal glee then I'm begging you to shut the hell up.
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cherryxcadbury · 1 year
Social Media
as you could prob guess, this has to do with the ongoing case. The comments on social media are so fucking disgusting to the victim. Some have said,
“Some women will do anything for money.”
“Careers getting ruined yearly cuz women don’t get punished.”
“Women on their way to ruin men’s sport because no one watches them.”
and these aren’t even the horrible comments, many are ten times worse. There are also obviously a lot of “oh he’d never do that he’s a good Muslim”, but I’m not getting into that.
Listen, I absolutely loved Hakimi, but after spending quite some time reviewing the news, I’ve chosen to support the victim with everything that’s been release because god knows very few people in the football community on social media are supporting her.
If you want to believe Hakimi’s innocent, then go ahead, I’m not in the slightest telling you what to do, nothing has been confirmed or revealed yet. My opinion is guilty until proven innocent in this given situation because of how the police dept has chosen to pursue the case despite the women begging it to not be.
But this is no bloody excuse to shame a potential victim for coming forward. If it does end up being a lie, then what can you do. But for now, my love and support is with her.
Remember to be kind. Loyalty to someone does not at all give the right to go bash another person just because they’re seen as “opposition”, or “destroying their career.” My sympathy also goes out to Hiba and their two children especially for this potentially life altering change that may be upon them.
If anyone, and I mean anyone at all (you don’t have to share the same opinion as me), needs to talk about something, is having trouble coping, has anything they need to share at all, my inbox & dms are open for all❤️
for the time being, I won’t be writing anything for hakimi or kylian until more light is shed on the situation. If this offends you, feel free to unfollow❤️
thank you guys again 4 the love & support. and again, may the truth prevail 🤍🧸
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toxineu · 1 year
Hey everyone!! Work has kept me extremely busy lately, plus I had major surgery in the beginning of May so I haven’t had time for much. But….I decided to finally started writing a multi-chapter Rivamika fanfic. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while, and I think I’m finally somewhat happy with Chapter 1. I need to join AO3 so I can share it there, but for now here it is. I might modify it slightly before I share on AO3.
Brief summary….first of all, it’s an AU. the idea is that Levi, a successful and wealthy New York lawyer, and Mikasa, an up and coming fashion photographer also from NY, end up staying *very* close to each other while vacationing in a small town in Maryland.
Also, keep in mind I am a scientist. I enjoy writing and reading, but I am not a skilled creative writer like some fanfic authors are. I try!
Title: A Week in Oxford
Chapter 1: Much Needed Break
Levi - Lower Manhattan, New York
Exhausted but finally feeling at ease, Levi began to pack his documents from the trial into his sleek, black leather briefcase. After a long and extensive jury trial, his client, Dimo Reeves, was found not guilty for the crimes of securities fraud and embezzlement, but was found guilty of the misdemeanor of obstruction of justice. The client was more than pleased with the outcome, since the obstruction of justice charge was fairly minor and resulted in simply year one of supervised probation. The evidence against his client for the other two charges was overwhelming, but Mr. Reeves, a prominent Wall Street trader, hired Levi as his lawyer due to Levi’s impressive track record and tenacity for casting doubt on minute aspects of the crime and evidence. The prosecutors were pushing for 10-15 years of incarceration if he were to be found guilty by the jury. But, Levi had won, yet again. He was able to discover small details in the evidence and slight loopholes in the wording of the law to cast just enough doubt in the juror’s minds, and so they found Mr. Reeve’s not guilty. This is where Levi excelled. Over the last decade, he had proven himself to be a highly sought after attorney throughout New York. He had a mind that could easily find these small inconsistencies in both the evidence and the laws, and his skills in arguing and persuasion were second to no one. For all he lacked in stature, he made up for in his tenacity and cutthroat methods in the courtroom, willing to push the comfort level of the judge but knowing when to stop. To put it simply, in the courtroom Levi Ackerman was an imposing threat to the prosecutors that worked against him. This track record skyrocketed Levi as one of the partners of a now top legal group in New York, Smith and Ackerman. His partner and long time best friend, Erwin, glanced at Levi with a wicked smile on his face.
“What? I know that look. It’s usually never good.”
“Am I not allowed to smile? I am well aware of your amazing career history, but even I am impressed with how you managed this case, Levi. Two years and too many sleepless nights for you, my friend. This decision today was solely based on your impressive mind and work ethic. Choosing you as my partner four years ago is a gamble that has paid off well.”
“Tsk, what gamble? You act as if you haven’t been my closest friend for the last 12 years.”
“Even if you were my enemy, I would have chosen you. No one else can command a courtroom the way you can, Levi,” Erwin replied with a smirk. “Now that this case is finally over, I do believe you owe me a promise.”
Levi rolled his eyes, knowing that Erwin would not be one to easily let this go.
“Erwin, I’m fine. I don’t need to go on a shitty break to a shitty small town. Work keeps my mind occupied and you know how much I hate leaving the city.”
“Levi, you can’t continue to live like this. Trust me, your work ethic is above and beyond anything I could have imagined. But, you haven’t taken a day off of work in four years… and that was only because you had to attend your uncle's funeral. I’m convinced if I don’t force this, you would work everyday until you die a crippled, elderly man in a sterile apartment with nothing but career accomplishments to your name. You need a break. You need to interact with people, make friends and connections other than myself or Hange. It’s healthy to take a break and meet people. And you and I both know how much a change of atmosphere might help with your ongoing sleep problems -“
“What sleep problems? I sleep like a baby.”
Rolling his eyes, Erwin knew better. “ Hange says she has to know by this evening. Apparently someone has expressed an interest in renting the cottage during the same week as you.”
“Fine. I’ll think about it while I drive home and give Hange a call either way.”
Knowing that was as good as he was going to get from his cranky, small friend….Erwin nodded.
“Thank you.. Now, I need to get home and take a shower. This courtroom is stifling and I’m fairly certain it hasn’t been dusted properly in over a week.”
Erwin simply chuckled at his friend's quirks, knowing virtually all there was to know about the man who could intimidate an entire courtroom with just his glare, but who was equally as petrified of dust and dirt.
“Levi, as much as I would love to return home myself, there is a rather large crowd of members of the press waiting to speak to us. But, I know your distaste for them, so I will take the lead. The only thing I ask of you is to please behave and mind your temper.”
With another roll of his eyes, Levi began to walk toward the exit of the courtroom. He knew they meant well, but Erwin and Hange could be, well, imposing. They constantly nagged Levi about his workaholic tendencies and urged him to “get out there and meet people.” They asked about Levi’s sleep habits, knowing he suffered from insomnia, although Levi himself has never disclosed to his two closest friends the exact reasons why. The three of them met while attending Cornell University, although Levi was a freshman during the time Erwin and Hange were already juniors despite being the same age. Regardless, sharing an off-campus apartment together brought them close, and the three of them have remained friends since. While Erwin and Levi both attended law school and passed the New York State Bar exam, Hange received her phD in microbiology and works at New York-Presbyterian Hospital as a microbiologist.
Levi felt somewhat refreshed by the cool October air that encompassed him as he stepped outside of the courtroom, with Erwin and Mr. Reeves’s not far behind him. However, it didn’t take long for the hordes of journalists and cameras to force their way into his personal space, immediately agitating Levi and putting him on edge. He didn’t even do well with people he liked invading his space, let alone complete strangers. .
“Mr. Ackerman, how does it feel to be one of the top bachelor’s in New York City?”
“Mr. Ackerman, can you give us a statement on the jury’s decision today? What are your feelings right now?”
While Levi hated the press and attention, he knew this was part of his job. However, Erwin was much more cordial and well spoken, which made him better equipped to handle the PR aspects of their position, so Levi usually left this part to him. Levi’s temper flared though, when one particularly sleezy duo of journalist and cameraman would not relent, and asked Levi a question that went too far.
“Mr. Ackerman, do you feel guilty for willingly representing someone who scammed his clients out of millions? Especially given your own personal history of criminal acts?”
As soon as Erwin heard the question, he tensed. Before he could even react further, Levi had grabbed the camera from the man and slammed it toward the ground, smashing it into pieces. The crowd silenced, and Levi immediately felt every eye on him.
Without missing a beat, and with a broad smile reaching across his photogenic face, Erwin began, “Well then, with that I am glad to take any questions you have for my partner and I regarding the court’s decision in our case today.”
As Levi started to walk away, head down, he thought to himself perhaps he did need a break.
Mikasa - Murray Hill, New York
Mikasa was browsing through the results of her photo shoot today in Murray Hill. Graduating from Columbia University four years ago with a degree in photography, she quickly made a name for herself as a sought after fashion photographer in the city. Not only is it impressive that she was accepted into Columbia, with only a 4% acceptance rate, she was also offered a full scholarship. Of course, being named as the Valedictorian of her graduating high school class helped quite a bit. Mikasa had always been naturally smart, but when paired with her outstanding work ethic and participation in a variety of extracurriculars, she was a perfect candidate for selection for the highly prestigious scholarship Columbia offered her.
After chatting with her client for a bit letting them know when they would be receiving an email of edited proofs, Mikasa packed up her laptop and made the short walk from the studio to the parking garage. Unlike most New Yorkers, Mikasa insisted on bringing her car when she moved into her one-bedroom apartment in the neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen, New York. There was just too much to explore; too much to see. She usually spent weekends taking long drives outside of the city in search of any and everything she could photograph. Sure, she paid a pretty penny for the parking spot in her neighborhood, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, her monthly rent of $2,500 was actually quite a steal for the modern, light-filled apartment that she always kept clean and organized. It had all of the necessities….a nice sized bedroom with surprisingly large closet space, a small but full kitchen, even a washer and dryer combo. The money she was making as a fashion photographer certainly didn’t make her rich, but she was more comfortable than she anticipated being at only 25. Plus, she was happy…at least as far as her career was concerned.
It was the middle of October, and the cool breeze and vibrant shades of leaves on the small trees dotting the sidewalks indicated fall had finally arrived. Mikasa loved this time of year, and it reminded her of growing up with the Yeager family in a suburb about an hour outside of the city. Although she suffered from an unimaginable loss as a young child, her years with the Yeager family were filled with love and support. Her second set of parents enrolled her in photography classes, supported her when she felt overwhelmed from her studies and duties as class president, and never missed a single one of her high school soccer games.
Her adoptive brother, Eren, was like a real brother to her in many ways, and she always found herself watching out for him due to his reckless ways. They were the same age, same year in school, and even went to college close to each other. Eren majored in software development and was now working in Philadelphia as a video game designer. He was never as studious as Mikasa was in high school, but he seemed to blossom in his college classes and seemed very happy with his career choice. Their close childhood friend Armin, who graduated as salutatorian right behind Mikasa, also attended Columbia and received his MBA. He also worked in Philadelphia and he and Eren were currently sharing a two bedroom apartment together as roommates.
The relationship between Mikasa and Eren wasn’t always healthy though, and she fears that her co-dependency on him has made it difficult for her to form bonds and friendships with others. One of the reasons Eren repeatedly pushed her away is her tendency to mother those she holds close. Even Armin had mentioned it from time to time. She was well aware of this, but why should she change who she is to please others? So what if she cared too much for people she felt close to? It was a part of who she was, and she didn’t see any need to change that fact.
Aside from Eren, Armin, and her college best friend Sasha, Mikasa didn’t really have anyone else she would consider as more than an acquaintance. Sasha often urged her to meet people and do things other than solitary drives to take photographs. At first, Mikasa dismissed those thoughts. Lately though, she has found herself feeling somewhat lonely, and aching for a connection and companionship. Part of her decision to work in New York and not follow Eren and Armin to Philadelphia was so she could give herself physical distance from the unhealthy relationship that developed between her and Eren over the years. Mikasa knew it was better for her to move on, to find someone who would dedicate their entire self to her and not just lure her in when it was convenient for them. Mikasa truly did want a companion and love, but with such a busy schedule and a small handful of friends, she had no idea how to go about meeting anyone. Plus, she craved for someone who accepted her, flaws and all.
About halfway through her drive home, her phone rang. She pressed the button on her vehicle’s control center to answer via Bluetooth.
“Hey Mikasa! Just wanted to call to check in, see how things went with your big photoshoot this week.”
“Oh hey Sasha! It went really well, the photos turned out amazing… I think the clients are going to be very happy with the finished product.”
“Mika that’s so great! I’m so proud of you! Wanna head out tonight to celebrate? There’s this new restaurant I’ve been dying to try, plus I hear the drinks are amazing too!”
“Actually, I decided I need to get away for a bit. I know it’s last minute, but I think I’m gonna book that AirBnB I was checking out in Maryland the other day.”’
“Seriously Mika? Wow that’s so awesome….damn I wish I could take off a few days and go with! You have to let me know how all of the yummy seafood is down there!!!”
Rolling her eyes, yet smiling, because Mikasa knew how food obsessed her best friend was, she replied, “You know I will Sasha…I always take pics for you too.”
“Yay! Mikasa I’m so happy for you. And who knows? Maybe you’ll meet someone while you’re there,” Sasha said with a wink.
“Sasha….the town has a population of 600 people. I highly doubt there would be someone there I could meet.”
“You never know Mikasa! Okay be safe, love ya!”
With a smile, Mikasa replied “You know it. Love you too.”
The cottage was located in a town called Oxford, which had a population of only 600 people. Being a photographer, she was immediately impressed by the contrast of the red park bench which sat just in front of the grey cottage with its dark green shutters. Near the winding brick sidewalk, tulips bloomed in reds, yellows, and whites. She longed to take more photographs of it, and could only imagine how beautiful the entire town must be as well. The cottage had an open floor plan with only one bed and one couch, but this was more than adequate for her needs. Last week, Mikasa had sent a brief email to the host, someone by the name of Hange, and Mikasa was pleased to see that the cottage was available during the week she had in mind. However, due to work demands, Mikasa never had a chance to follow up on the email.
Upon entering her apartment, she decided to open her laptop and view the cottage again, as well as do some research on the surrounding area. She was excited to see that the small town of Oxford and surrounding area provided numerous opportunities for her photography hobby. Sitting along the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, the area offered opportunities for her to photograph not only the nature of the area, but also take photos of the hard working local people, known as waterman, who made their living fishing and crabbing on the Chesapeake Bay. There were gorgeous Civil-War era estates to explore, state parks to hike, rivers to kayak, and top-rated seafood restaurants to indulge in. Nearby towns like Easton and St. Michael’s offered boutiques, coffee shops, and local artisan crafts.
Upon checking the website calendar, Mikasa saw that the week she wanted, which started the next day, was still available. Without thinking it over too much, Mikasa clicked on the tab to book her one week stay at the small cottage. Within minutes of making her payment, she received an automatic email from the host. She quickly opened her email app and read that the key would be left under the doormat, and it also provided the exact address. Under the doormat? Didn’t these rentals usually have lockboxes with access codes? Then again, she was going to a very rural place. Maybe things there were just done differently than they were in the city? She pulled her suitcase from her closet and began to pack, excited for her last minute decision to make something happen in her life. The next morning, she would make the drive from New York to the town of Oxford, Maryland.
While Mikasa was excited for the chance to relax and explore a new area, she knew better than to get her hopes up about meeting new people. The town she was traveling to had such a small population, and even the surrounding area was mostly rural. However, the possibility still existed, right? Surely there was someone for her out there, somewhere. Someone who accepted her for who she was….someone who wanted all of her. Maybe she would meet someone special on this trip?
Levi - That evening, Tribeca
Levi pulled his sleek, black Audi into the parking garage under his apartment building. He knew he had royally messed up today, and he knew a lecture from Erwin was forthcoming. But, for now; all he desired was some calming music, a soothing cup of tea, and the view and ambience of his 20th floor apartment. He entered the elevator, hit the floor for 20, and exhaled loudly as he leaned back against the elevator wall. The elevator door opened, and he made the short walk to his door. He immediately felt a sense of calm wash over him when he entered his home. The sleek, grey and black modern furniture he selected contrasted beautifully with the exposed brick walls left after renovations. His kitchen had top of the line, chef grade appliances he loved using while creating new culinary dishes. He had a vast collection of various, rare tea leaves stored in metal tins in a cabinet which took up nearly an entire wall. Windows reaching from floor to ceiling provided a gorgeous view of the city skyline from the 20th floor. Levi wasn’t always fortunate enough to live this way, and while he did appreciate the finer things that his new life could afford, he never forgot his roots and where he came from. Perhaps that’s why he holds himself to such high standards in every aspect of his life now. He knows what it feels like to have nothing, and the fear of people seeing beyond the mask he has created for himself was always lurking. Even that sleezy journalist from earlier today took a low jab at Levi’s past, reminding him that he could never truly escape from who he once was.
While the material things were nice, Levi knew they didn’t make him truly happy. Sure, he had a successful career. He had two close friends. He was well known throughout the city as a tenacious lawyer. He had a gorgeous apartment, a shiny new car, and money to spare. But he wasn’t happy. Not the kind of happy he longed for….a romantic companion. Maybe even love. But, he knew he had a pretty shitty personality, and it was nearly impossible for him to open up to new people. He had no clue how he could find something as elusive as love when he could barely tolerate most people. Still, deep down, Levi craved the feeling of someone who he could call his. Someone who supported him, wasn’t after his money, and who loved him for him. Erwin and Hange were good to Levi, he knew that. He appreciated their friendship. But Levi had never truly experienced love before, in any capacity. Not any he could remember at least. Maybe that’s why he craved for it so badly? Levi didn’t even know where to start though. Hell, he had never even been in a real relationship. His experiences with women were limited to one-night stands and flings, and even those ended years ago as his career began to take up more and more of his time. He knew he had impossibly high standards, and he always seemed to find something wrong with women who were interested in him. Erwin and Hange encouraged him to try to have a more open mind, but when it came to something as important as a relationship, Levi didn’t want to settle. But, Levi was nearly 37 years old. It was high time he took steps to make this happen. Someone was out there, someone made just for him. Someone who wasn’t perfect, but who was perfect for him. Someone like that had to exist? Right?
For now, Levi thought he would start with baby steps. Getting away for a week seemed like a good place to start. His friend, Hange, inherited a cottage in a small town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. She had been begging him incessantly to take her up on the offer to stay there for a week, knowing how badly her friend needed time to relax and decompress from his career. He didn’t even know much about the area, only that it was about a 5 hour drive away and was quite rural. As he pondered, Levi thought this was a healthy first step toward exiting his comfort zone, which was basically staying exclusively in the city, and addicting himself with work. Without thinking about it too much, Levi grabbed his cell and hit the contact button for Hange. She answered nearly immediately.
“Levi! To what do I owe the pleasure? Also, I saw that slight mishap on the news earlier….don’t worry, I think he totally deserved it!”
Grumbling, Levi decided that maybe calling Hange was a bad idea after all. The last thing he needed right now was to be reminded of his poor decision making skills earlier in the day. Hange never was one who fully understood boundaries, though. He decided to look past it for now.
“While I appreciate the sentiment, I’m actually calling to see if your offer to stay in the cottage is still good for the week..”
“What? Is this my friend Levi? Levi Ackerman? Willingly asking about taking a week off of work? Are you being held at gunpoint? Is there someone coercing you right now?”
“I’m serious, four-eyes. After today, I decided maybe I really do need this break. I know it’s last minute, but can I stay there or what?”
Without even checking her app, Hange excitedly exclaimed “Of course you can! Well, I did have someone ask about it last week for the same time slot, but I never heard back from her so it’s definitely available. And you know you don’t need to book through the website….this is on me!”
“Hange, I’m only taking you up on this if you accept payment. We’ve been over this before. And for the love of God, I’m only staying there if someone other than you has been cleaning it. Oh…and make sure you mark it as booked on the Airbnb site….last thing I need is some random showing up because you forgot to update the calendar.”
“Of course I’ll update it, I. I’m not an idiot. Yes, my friend Nanaba lives in the area and she cleans and maintains it for me. Well, the key for the cottage is under the doormat. I’ll send you the address. Bye!”
Under the doormat? Didn’t most people have lockboxes with access codes for these rentals? Levi thought his strange friend was a little too trusting at times, but he dismissed it. All he knew is he would be leaving the next morning, to make the drive from New York to the small town of Oxford, Maryland. Levi pulled his suitcases from his closet and started the process of meticulously packing his things.
Little did Levi know that his friend Hange went to sleep peacefully that night, never once updating the Airbnb calendar, never checking her email or app, and not noticing whatsoever how royally she herself had fucked up.
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ardenwritesegos · 1 month
The Entity Comes Out to Play
Every once in a while, the entity gets antsy. It has, after all, been confined to a single manor for centuries. A spell ensured the epicenter of it could never fully escape. It didn't, however, prevent the thing from spreading its madness to the outside world. That much was proven over 100 years ago. But we don’t need to get into the details now. What’s the fun in giving everything away? No, the readers want to see the good stuff; to see the pain, whether it be physical or emotional. And it so happens that the entity can do just that. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get started. And who better to start with than a certain guilty engineer.
Chapter 1
It was just another night of work for engineer mark. The googles needed yet another addition to their devices, forcing him–at least, in his eyes–to pull another all-nighter. Chase tried his very best to get him away from his desk, but nothing would do it. Sometimes, not even the threat of carrying him to bed would sway Gin’s stubbornness. The desk was strewn with blueprint paper and coffee mugs. Still, even all that caffeine couldn’t stop his eyes from desperately trying to close. He shook his head in an attempt to keep himself awake. Regardless, his lids were feeling heavy, heavier than they ever were during an all-nighter. Well, there’s a first for everything. Another cup of coffee would surely do the trick. The instant Gin stood up, everything seemed to spin for a moment, before weighing down on him. The weight pushed him back into his chair. He tried again to get out of his chair. The slightest movement up triggered yet another bout of dizziness. What the fuck was happening? Whatever it was, there was no way he was getting out of his chair. If anything, he could probably call for Chase–
No voice.
No noise.
The engineer tried to open his mouth, but found it was bound shut by…something. Certainly nothing he could feel. He was stuck in his chair, slightly lower than one would usually sit. And now, he couldn’t even call for help. This had to be a dream. It had to be. Otherwise, he was going insane. Gin knew nobody with powers in the house would mess with him like this. There was no other explanation than him not being awake.
So quick to think it’s a dream.
So quick to think it’s not real.
You’re wide awake.
Do you know what’s real?
The whispering voices were quick to overwhelm him.
You are here.
We are here.
We can help you.
Let us in.
He felt as if they were burrowing into his brain from his ears.
It’s weighing on you.
The Guilt.
You’ve hurt so many.
You want to forget.
He…he did want to forget. It always lingered in the back of his mind, all of the actions that lead him here. He can hear the crystal powering up.
You can forget.
You can be happy.
Let us help you.
Let us in.
This was insane, he was going nuts. What-? Why did he almost consider it? Why…why wouldn’t he? He wanted to be happy. He wanted to forget. He could open his mouth again.
Your voice is returned.
Say the words.
“I let you in.”
The engineer opened his mouth, speech still a struggle.
“I let you in.”
The voices increased in volume, but only by a hair.
“I..” He breathed.
“I let..I let you–”
“How’s everything in here?” Chase came in through the open door, making Gin’s soul jump from his body for a moment. Within seconds, every sensation from seconds ago was gone. He turned around, giving Chase a look at him.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Chase could see the pure fear radiating off Gin’s face
“Uh..” Gin hesitated to say what happened, not sure himself what it was.
“I’m..I’m fine. Just a bad dream,” due to exhaustion, and overall fright, he wasn’t trying his best, in terms of lying. Luckily, Chase bought it right away.
“Must have been a really bad one,” Chase replied, quickly making his way to the engineer’s desk.
“You haven’t looked like this for a good bit,” he leaned on the chair.
“Do ya wanna go to bed?” Engineer looked at the analog clock across from him. It read 3:00 am from his bedside table.
“I don’t…I don’t know…” he looked down, resisting the urge to word vomit about whatever the fuck just happened to him. For all he knew, it could’ve just been a–
(So quick to think it’s a dream.)
He shook his head, trying to erase it like an etch-a-sketch.
“Maybe you just need some company right now,” Chase suggested.
“Like, I don’t know, some snacks and a game of ‘who wakes up next’?” he added, trying to lighten the mood. Well, it worked causing a small smile to form on the engineer’s face.
“It’s not that hard,” Gin began.
“It’s always doctor german or doctor ‘you’re dying.’”
“You never know, it could change up,” Chase replied.
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taras-toe-beans · 5 months
I was tagged by @kelandrin to do this challenge from @sporeservant
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Izzrhys Illith'vir | he/him | drow | oath of devotion paladin | 103
What is your Tav’s…
favorite weapon: Glaive
style of combat: He's a human shield; throws himself in the middle of a battle and takes the brunt of the damage from enemies. Heavy hitter, loves his smites
most prized possession: He doesn't have a lot of physical items he holds dear. Most important is probably his amulet of Ilmater, as both a symbol of his faith and his spellcasting focus. The amulet is made of wood and red cord.
deepest desire: He wants to be useful, to be needed, and to help alleviate the suffering of others wherever he finds it.
guilty pleasure: He loves trashy romance novels. Both the cheesy, sickly-sweet kind of romance and the steamy, smut-filled kind. I'm starting to think the companions should form a book club.
best-kept secret: He doesn't go out of his way to hide this, but Izzrhys doesn't like talking about the fact that he has children in the underdark.
greatest strength: His compassion. While considered a bleeding heart by some, it has proven to be one of his best qualities. He will go out of his way to help others in need, especially if he knows no one else will stand up for them.
fatal flaw: Recklessness. Izzrhys is quick to lend a hand and equally as quick to put himself in danger. He frequently takes worse beatings than everyone else in battle.
favorite smell: Freshly baked breads and pastries
favorite spell or cantrip: Divine smite. Who doesn't love smiting the fuck out of baddies?
pet peeve: He gets really annoyed at people who have blind faith in any sort of leader. He's been there, done that, and at this point, watching it happen to other people just hurts.
bad habit: He frequently takes on way too many responsibilities and tasks. Time and time again, he's presented with the lesson of "you can't help everyone," and yet he still tries, even if he's spread too thin as it is.
hidden talent: He's surprisingly good with animals. No druid, of course, but animals have always been more drawn to him than a lot of his peers. He's also good at animal care and can usually heal them if need be.
leisure activity: He likes reading, mainly fiction. He's also very interested in linguistics and sometimes studies books on that in his downtime.
favorite drink: Brandy, fruity wines
comfort food: Has a not-so-secret sweet tooth. Especially loves fruit pies and pastries
favorite person: Gale- he would do anything for that wizard
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic): Hugging. Izzrhys is a BIG hugger. He loves holding Gale (he's 100% the big spoon), he makes sure that Karlach gets to make up for years of not touching anyone, and he ensures that everyone gets some physical affection, should they want it.
fondest childhood memory: He remembers the time he spent with his younger brother, Valdaer, in the underdark. It's all pretty mundane, some of the memories unpleasant, but any memories of his brother, he tries to hold onto.
Is there anything else you'd like to share? edit: totally forgot to fill out this section, bc I did have a couple of things to add. Izzrhys has severe arachnaphobia (needless to say the spiders under the blighted village and his meeting with Kar'niss did NOT go well). Also as mentioned, he spent his earlier years in the underdark, specifically in Menzoberranzan, but didn't escape until he was in his 80s.
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woofdrm · 7 months
I am so incredibly mad and frustrated, and I cannot believe that no one has published a full 2-hours video essay on the dehumanisation of Dream yet.
The fact that most "antis" are fans of other CCs and pretend to be saints-of-morality leftists while always behaving like puritains and conservatives is absolutely mind-blowing and needs to be studied, like they just keep calling Dream a racist, homophobic, mysogynist ... based on old views of him he has clearly evolved from, but no they HAVE to use right-wing rhetoric and refuse his growth because it helps them demonize him even more! They can't help but behave like kiwifarms users because they feel justified because it's Dream and for them there is no such thing as reformative justice when it comes to Dream!
I'm honestly extremely worried seeing people's absolute lack of empathy when it comes to him, he is way too loving and kind for his own good, despite everything he went through.
They don't even care about the truth or about real victims, they just want him gone or dead. Yes it is important to support a victim at first but not BELIEVE everything until there is another side, like recently with the Inquisitor situation (tiktoker had grooming allegations and killed himself, then it was proven he was innocent), they can't help but twist everything he says. Even BBH said he believes him and now everyone is harrassing him despite the fact that he HAS BEEN SHOWN the proof that will come out soon, but they don't believe him and they don't want to wait and see it because they WANT Dream to be a groomer just so they can justify their hatred.
Let's not even talk about the fact that "big" stan and troll accounts and small CCs (some of them known by the CCs they stan) are leading the harrassment campaign and that some of them interact with leaktwt when it's convenient to them and helps their cause (ruin Dream's life)
In the end it was never about supporting the alleged victim, it was always about having one REALLY damaging reason to hate, harrass, bully, dehumanize him. He doesn't talk about it? GUILTY! He talks about it extensively and will release proof? GUILTY! Let's not even mention the amount of grooming jokes they make about him but when he jokes ONCE about the trauma he had to endure for this entire past year he's getting crucified. (Let's not forget that people like Tommy or Jack etc have also made jokes about "miners" but no one said anything to them). Regardless of what he does or say they are never gonna believe anything he says and it pisses me off so bad because it causes so much damage to actual victims. It's always "always believe victims! all of them!" but when they hear about Mascara or time suddenly it doesn't apply to them.
The way all these people behave really brings me back to 2020-2021 MCYT where every CC was put under the microscope but it feels even worse this time. I seriously hope Dream has a really strong support system because things are clearly going out of hand. I can't believe he is receiving worse treatment than actual proven groomers (James Charles, Colleen Ballinger...) and they also keep changing the definition of grooming to fit their narrative... Media literacy is DEAD.
(sorry for the length of this btw I just had to rant about it)
Rant away anon, this was an enjoyable read.
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
I'm not really a fan of Hawks losing his Quirk to AfO. If it serves any purpose it will probably be used to help Izuku fight AfO in the vestige realm which is a fight I was never looking forward to in the first place. Otherwise I don't think it really serves much purpose for Hawks as a character because we're at the end of the story and we just won't get a big focus on how it effects him going forward.
I mean, I see people saying that him losing his Quirk has set him free from the HPSC but he was essentially free from them after the first War. They have been non-existent in the story since than besides passing mentions. From what the reports said last chapter it seems that all the Heroes fighting are doing so of their own pure desire to help, not because the HPSC is paying them or anything. Keigo isn't working for them and given the world ending stakes if he wanted to do anything but beat AfO it'd be a negative trait, not him finding his freedom.
I know people want Keigo to find himself outside of being a Hero and his Quirk but that doesn't really seem to be a theme in the story. If Hori wanted to tell that story he could have done so with Mirio or All Might but he didn't. Instead Mirio was given his Quirk back with little fan fair and All Might's inspiration and Hero heart was reinforced. The story is about people being Heroes not about themselves as just people.
Which is honestly how I see things going with Hawks. His Quirk will be a force for good that helps Izuku beat AfO from the inside proving that despite his saying his Quirk was dirty, he really did/does have the heart of a Hero.
Also, I do think it takes real Hawks out of the story most likely, which is a bit disappointing, though understandable. I never really understood where people got the idea he was going to have a full mental break down anyway and besides him flipping out because he can't help anymore I still don't really see it happening. I mean, Hori is going at light speed here, why would he take the time to focus on Hawks having a mental break when he hasn't even managed to do that for his main three villains yet, who actually need that for the story to end.
I could easily be proven wrong given that Hori's writing is unpredictable, but for the moment my guess is that Hori did this so he could take Hawks out of the fight so he wouldn't get involved with the Todoroki or Ochako/Toga stuff, while also leaving open the possibility to give Izuku a strong ally in Hawks Quirk if needed.
I know people wanted him in those fights, but Hori has a hard time juggling characters in fight scenes, something we've seen a lot in this arc and the one prior. And to be honest he doesn't serve much purpose in them either. I've seen theories of wanting him try and kill Dabi and being devastated because Enji saves his son, essentially picking Touya over him, but Hawks has been nothing but positive about Enji trying to change and help his family. He didn't try and attack Touya or even mention him when he came through the portal, so don't know why he'd suddenly decide to attack him Quirk or not.
When it comes to Toga/Ochako thing he only complicates it. Yes, he killed Twice, but as we've seen Toga's main problem isn't that Twice was killed, it's that Izuku and Ochako, kids around her age don't like her. She feels like no one cares about her because she has a bad Quirk. If getting revenge for Twice was her main objective than she wouldn't have been crying. She doesn't even think about Hawks or name dropped him to my knowledge. If anything she treats all Heroes as guilty. To add Hawks into this fight draws attention away from Ochako, Toga and her main issue of identity. Plus, again I don't see Hawks being upset if Ochako saves Toga in the way he couldn't save Twice. He liked Twice and did try to save him. At most I think we'd see him watching with a happy smile and some tears, not having a full existential crisis.
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
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It is just so shameful that they tried to cover up this mess with the late A. years of filth could have been prevented had he been caught and jailed during that time for molesting a 15 y/o and marrying her. All those little girls and boys that could have been saved smh I feel like crying and this and yet every time I think about it the rage inside wouldn’t let me cry. What if it was my friends or my family heck even me?
As I hear people begin to go "how did people let this happen," I want to say it's still happening. Look at how many people didn't believe Megan Thee Stallion after she reported being shot, look at how the media/stans and celebrities acted. (There’s a special place in hell for all of y’all 50 cents, Drake and his fake bbl , dababy, joe budden, akademics, lil duval, lebron, that Keebler elf’s daddy, stepmother and even his biological mother for giving birth to such a toxic masculinity, egotistical little bald headed biiitch) They’re were willingly being a bunch of bastards slutting themselves out for a degenerate (to hell with that gremlin and everyone who has said that she was lying fquck every last one of them) and the only logical people besides her fans where two white crime journalists who were spreading the truth better in the last month than those anti black and bw media bloggers (damn them to hell too i ain’t forgot I never forget) in the last two years. That’s why it’s two middle fingers up for everyone who said that she was lying. Why? Because FQUCK them who doubted her and I’m glad that elf is going back to Canada where his napoleon complex arss belongs that’s why!
This sh!t ain’t changed, we’re now more aware of it. We should be outraged by these pick mes and nigcels, a disgrace to the black race, the ones that George Walker bush should had left behind education wise because apparently the no child left behind policy was a mistake and they’re basically the descendants of the slaves who Harriet Tubman would have capped!
don’t believe me? Look at Aaliyah for example . Her uncle Barry Hankerson is trash. He was R. Kelly's manager, knew what happened to his niece with him, and then turned around and stayed working with him. That's partially why the family has not wanted to discuss this. They basically let their own daughter become groomed, abused, manipulated and raped by a monster had he been stopped sooner after Aaliyah, so many girls and boys would have never been victims of his smh!
In all of these cases, one thing that's been common has been the betrayal of family and friends. From Barry Hankerson to Kelsey -- these women was exploited by people who they trusted.
that fact alone makes never wanna protect nobody but me. If I ever get harmed I’m singing like a bird. I don’t gaf if that’s your fave. You mad little pick me and nigcel? Too motherfqucking bad! Those bastards you be cockworshiping ain’t gonna pay your rent nor have sex with your crusty arss , your unwashed legs, your tragic weave and extensions, and your ashy feet!
Every black person who ends up on the wrong side of the law isn’t railroaded by the justice system so spare me the takes on how people like r Kelly or Tory lames and anyone else like them is treated no different than how people from emmitt till to George Floyd were treated. They weren’t railroaded by the system, they weren’t murdered because of white womens lies or having counterfeit two thousand pennies or anything like that. They were rightfully convicted because it was proven by the state courts that they were guilty of the horrific acts they committed against people more specifically black women and for that reason the punishment that they received or will receive was deserved
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destinyclan · 4 months
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Before Moon 0 (4/8)
Tempesthaze was hit with cold air as she exited the medicine den. It looked like the rain had briefly stopped, but grey clouds were already brewing in the sky. Another storm was on it's way. They had to use the time now to stock up on herbs.
Apart from losing a lot of them in a particularly cruel blaze a few days ago, and finding less and less of them in the wild due to the floods, there were still so many cats to treat that keeping the stocks at an amount that could aid the clan was an uphill battle.
The losses of which already far outweighed any war her clan had fought in the near past. Tempesthaze had believed herself to be numb to it by now. But she had been proven wrong.
Some days, Tempesthaze feels as though it was only yesterday that she was an apprentice, barely into her training, unaware of what her life would turn out to be in the near future. She recalls vividly, trotting through the medicine den with glee, happy about finding whichever herb Shockblaze ordered her to gather all on her own. She recalls her first ever patient - Myrtlerush, then Myrtlepaw, her nursery friend. He had missed a vole and leapt head first into a bramble bush. They purred, as Myrtlerush tried defending himself. Truly, it was a time where a piece of fresh kill missed was a funny occurance, not a factoid of stress for a starving Clan.
She remembers occasionally peeking outside the den, especially whenever she heard a particular, familiar voice from the camp entrance. "Freshest kill!", a loud voice exclaimed. Tempesthaze knew it was Sapwing, and she spotted her, Kestrelskip and Grouseflood right as they entered camp, dropping two fat hares onto the fresh kill pile, and striking up conversation about what they had missed while they were out. And behind her, Tempesthaze heard the disappointed murmurs of her mentor. Shockblaze mumbling about how Sapwing could at least tone it down a peg, but that didn't stop Tempesthaze i nthe slightest. While Shockblaze was her mentor, her role model, the cat she looked up to the most in this clan, she wasn't the only one Tempesthaze held in high regard. The Flood Troup, the Three Hunters, and all other nicknames that were given to the inseperable trio that was Grouseflood, Sapwing and Kestrelskip, they were unarguably the warriors she respectedt he most. They could be boastful, they could be harsh, but they never let down the clan, they always kept their word to protect and care for everyone.
Which made Tempesthaze feel all the more guilty. They had always done everything in their power to protect and care, yet she couldn't do the same for them anymore.
The whole clan had hope, had confidence in Kestrelskip's recovery. Kestrelskip himself claimed that he'd be fine, even if he was coughing out his words. It would be his last, yet also his first. His frist words that he couldn't keep. He passed away only a few days after the incident that left him injured. Primrosestar survived, having none of her lives taken. Tempesthaze caught her gaze wandering over to the leader's den. Does she feel shame? Guilt? Anything else that Tempesthaze too was feeling? Or was she too far gone at this point?
Then her eyes went back to where they had buried him the last night. Grouseflood sat there by his grave, unmoving, weeping quietly. Another wave of sadness washed over her as she imagined what Grouseflood must be going through right now. Not only has she lost Kestrelskip, arguably her closest friend since apprenticehood, the one she trusted deeply. No, as if that wasn't enough, Sapwing had gone missing. Only shortly before Kestrelskip passed in his nest, Sapwing had led a hunting patrol in a desparate bid against time to feed the clan. A flooding wave swept her away from the rest of the patrol. She has yet to be found, dead or alive.
Maybe it's her giving us this rain-free morning.
After a bit of silent coaxing, Tempesthaze managed to convince Grouseflood to come with her. Usually Grouseflood would have been called to hunt in this rare weather. But it didn't take medicine cat expertise to see that she was in no condition to hunt right now. The best Tempesthaze could think of is take her to escort her to gather new herbs. Best to use this blessing while it lasts. Tempesthaze could believe it to be a blessing at least, she hadn't forgotten that their ancestors hadn't abandoned them fully. Yet another reason Tempesthaze wanted to talk to Grouseflood, though now was hardly the right time.
They left camp, strayed far from where their warriors would attempt hunting now that the waters have calmed down, opposite end of teh territory. Tempesthaze's hopes soon bore the tiniest fruit: they found marigold, as well as a patch of tansy. The two cats haven't exchanegd a single word, neitehr did they now, Grouseflood already knew how to extract the herbs without destroying them. Tempesthaze's ears twitched as she looked upon the sky. She looked around, pondering. Was there still enough time to do what she was thinking of? She decided it was worth trying.
Catmint was tricky to get, not just in this climate. Robbing the twoleg nests on the outskirts of the territory always came with the risk of being caught, taken away or even hurt by the strange creatures. It led to the then younger Tempesthaze going against her mentor's orders and sneaking out of the territory to look for a safer source. And that was exactly where they were headed now. Grouseflood only realized this as the two were already several lengths outside their territory. She gave Tempesthaze a bewildered glance, before shaking it off and threading forward. Tempesthaze felt even more helpless at the sight of this reaction, but decided to focus.
Their path led up a hill, more simialr to the hunting grounds of one of their neighbouring clans. Safe to say, both cats were rather unused to this. Sure, Tempesthaze had been here before, but she wouldn't go here regularly. Primrosestar had always had a vendetta against these rather prey-barren hills, and who knew how their neighbours would react to them seizing such grounds? Tempesthaze had always thought it to be mousebrained, but now couldn't help but wonder it to be a hint of what would become of their leader.
Relief! There it was, a small patch of catmint. Tempesthaze had only began plucking it out carefully when she noticed something. Where was Grouseflood? Why wasn't she helping her right now? She finished her work and began looking around for her clanmate, before spotting her further up the hill. She scrambled up to her, asking aloud what was up that made her stray from their path, mentioning that they got what they came here for. But Grouseflood wasn't listening. Tempesthaze stepped closer, and once next to the she-cat, she noticed why:
It was pretty rare, these days, to catch a ray of sunlight. But at this very moment, a golden light beamed through the veil of thick, dark clouds. It illuminated the cold forest - that which was left over of it after being washed over by a flood yet again - in a snake-like shape. Treetops shining, and the air getting a little warmer, a little more lively. The way it lit up parts of the territory it almost looked like...
A path. Temprsthaze's fur bristled up. She glanced over to Grouseflood, who seemed to have thought the same thing as her at the same time. The she-cat silently mouthed what Tempesthaze read as "Lichenstar" before she took a trembling step backwards. Silence ensued, neither daring to take the word.
Then they were interrupted.
A helpless mewl resounded ever so quietly from behind them. If it werent for both of them being awestruck by what they just witnessed, they mightve overheard it. Exchanging another glance, the two were quick on their paws to investigate.
"By StarClan!" Tempesthaze's voice was hoarse, not having said a word in a while, but her shock was clear as day when the two cats arrived at the scene; Dead bodies were barely a new sight to either one of them, but the display at hand was simply heartbreaking: A starved queen and her three starved kittens. Safe for one, who was mewling for his life. Without thinking about it for long, Grouseflood took the kitten by his neck and the two rushed back to camp.
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"Well, well, well. I guess not even in my retirement do I get a day to rest!" the elderly she-cat exclaimed, not facing the entrance she heard pawsteps and rustling of the den's walls from. She had stretched, and turned around to face her visitors with curiosity. Grouseflood hopes cautiously rose a bit at the face of this rather unexpectedly calm reaction from her clanmate. Carefully as she could with her still trembling step, she lowered the kitten down into the other cat's nest.
"I-I'm sorry to disturb, Sunnyfeather, but we found it orphaned in the hills, and, and you're the only one with enough milk, but i-it's... I'm-" Grouseflood attempted to explain that they tried to ween it and that this was their last shot at keeping it alive, but she was cut off by Sunnyfeather, who could clearly see and hear just how shaken up the warrior was. Besides, she could guess what she was gonna say next, and had no interest in hearing it.
"Oh, please! I'm old, but I'm not brittle, you know? I don't need any words of condolences. But I do appreciate you didn't beat around the bush for what you're here for." Saying this, Sunnyfeather protectively wrapped her tail around the kitten, now feeding on her. She lowrred her head into the nest again.
Grouseflood watched the scene quietly for a moment,thoughts racing. She had known Sunnyfeather since she was a kitten herself, and she had unarguably suffered the most losses in these past moons. Her parents, sister and brother, her den-mates, her kittens, young and old... and yet she remained the most confident that they would all work through this. Grouseflood, near mechanically, lowered herself into the nest with Sunnyfeather and the kitten.
"What's the matter?" Sunnyfeather asked. Not unsual of her to be so straight forward but it still caught Grouseflood by surprise. For a moment, she contemplated telling the elder everything, about the prophecy, the golden path, the time she lacked mourning anyone because death lurked at every corner in their camp, the feeling of sheer despair that followed her, followed all of them. She shook her head, eyes wandrring to the brown furball squeezed comfortably between herself and Sunnyfeather. Her gaze lingered there.
"Do you think it's... cruel?" Grouseflood whispered. "We took it home not knowing if we'll survive at all..."
"And the alternative of leaving it in the wild would have been less cruel? Or what, beg the other clans to take it in?" Rhethorical questions, Grouseflood knew. Sunnyfeather shook her head and sighed softly. "It pains me to see you like this, Grouseflood. But i can't fault you for it, it's quite the load to bear, I know." Sunnyfeather moved her head up to lick the warrior between the ears.
Grouseflood purred unwillingly. And though she knew Sunnyfeather likely talked about the losses she had suffered, Grouseflood also felt as though Sunnyfeather understood the pressure she was under without needing any explanation for it.
"You believe that we'll make it regardless of everything?"
"We always have." Sunnyfeather purred confidently in response. Shortly therafter she let out a surprised yelp. Looking down at the kitten, she meowed: "You little nettlemouth!" Grouseflood purred amusedly, free for a moment of everything that was going on.
"He's like a little aphid!"
"Oh, yes, aren't ya, Aphidkit?"
The two of them fussed a little more over the kitten before Tempesthaze came in for a checkup. Reality called out, but the moment shared felt nice while it lasted.
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