#(he proposes to her in like. the forest or something idk.)
virginsexgod69 · 4 months
Idk why, but I've really been loving the idea of Daryl proposing to reader recently. Like, he was just gonna pop the question in the confines of their own home, but maybe while on a hunt, the reader successfully tracks down and kills a deer on her own without Daryl's help, and while she's excitedly rambling about the fact that she finally did it on her own, Daryl just looks at her and thinks, "yeah, this is the girl I wanna marry," and then unexpectedly just says "marry me". He pulls a ring out and everything. Fluff all the way!
Thank you so much if you write this, but don't feel pressured to! You don't have to write something you don't want to. I completely understand either way. I appreciate you nonetheless 💜
❝ Marry Me ❞
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pairing Daryl Dixon x F! Reader
cw killing a deer and some walkers
1.7k words
note this was such a cute idea and i loved writing it so much! i hope you like it and it fits the vision you had! =]
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“What’s on your mind, baby?” You asked sleepily, running your fingers through his soft hair as his head rested comfortably on your chest. 
“Nothin’,” he lied. He hated lying to you, but he didn’t know how to go about popping the question. Now would have been a nice time, with two of you cuddled comfortably on the couch in the privacy of your own home. Moments like these were some of his favorites with you and adding the memory of a marriage proposal to them would only make these moments better. But for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He wasn’t scared you’d say no, in fact he would have bet his life on you saying yes. Yet, each time, the words kept dying on his tongue and the ring weighed heavily in his pocket. 
“You can tell me anything, you know that, right?” You insisted. He looked up at you sweetly and muttered an ‘I know.’ You gave him a sad smile, wishing he’d tell you what he was thinking, but respecting his decision not to. 
“I love you, Daryl,” you said dreamily. This was it, the perfect segue into a proposal. He sat up properly and felt around in his pockets for the ring. The words were just about to leave his mouth, but the tired yawn that escaped you interrupted him. 
“G’nite,” you muttered as you dozed off. Daryl would never not be amazed at how fast you could go from being wide awake one minute to falling asleep in the next. He pulled the ring out of his pocket and fiddled with the shiny piece of jewelry. It was a small, elegant ring with a fairly thin band and diamond right in the center. Whoever had originally bought it had to have paid a fair amount of money for it, but stuff like that didn’t matter now. Even though you would say yes without a ring, he still wanted to do something nice for you because you deserved it. The weeks of examining the hands of every walker he killed and searching through abandoned cars and buildings all became worth it once he found the perfect ring for you. But somehow, that was the easy part. Finding the right words at the right moment was proving difficult as every minute he wasn’t married to you passed by. He sighed to himself and tucked the ring back into his pocket, disappointed that yet another opportunity slipped by. 
He gently lifted you from the couch, taking extra care not to wake you from your peaceful sleep. He carried you up the stairs and into your shared bedroom before pulling back the comforter and sheets and tucking you in. He slid into the bed beside you and you gravitated toward his warmth like you usually did. He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Love you, too.” 
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The sun blooming over the horizon created an orangey hue across the clear sky, illuminating the once dark forest. It became easier to see the tracks of the deer you’ve been tracking since dark morning. Hunting wasn’t something you did before the dead started rising, but it quickly became a necessary skill to have and thankfully, you had Daryl to show you the ropes. He even showed you how to use his crossbow once when you joined him on a hunt way back at the prison. That same day you learned that you preferred a hunting rifle. In return, you shared with him the medical knowledge you had from being a paramedic. The quid pro quo relationship you had with the hunter slowly grew into something more deep and meaningful over time. 
Finally, after hours of following the tracks imprinted in the damp earth, you came across a clearing where the doe stood. You aimed the rifle at her, careful not to make any noise and scare her off. Through the scope, you pointed the weapon at the place Daryl taught you to in order to ethically kill it. Just as you were about to press your finger to the trigger, you noticed walkers approaching the doe. Their loud groans and clumsy footsteps spooked her, sending her running into the forest just at the same time you fired your shot. 
“Goddamn walkers!” You cursed. You put the safety on your rifle and hung it on your shoulder by the strap. Unsheathing your knife, you entered the clearing and approached the undead beings. You put them both down once they approached you and cleaned your knife on your jeans before putting it back into its sheath. Red blood contrasting on the green grass caught your eye. It belonged to the doe, meaning your shot actually landed and she could be somewhere wounded, or even dead. Excitement increased your heart rate as you followed her blood trail. This was the closest you’ve come to killing a deer on your own. You’ve managed smaller kills, like squirrels, before, but never a deer! You couldn’t tell if you were more excited about actually killing the deer or seeing Daryl’s reaction, but either way you were giddy. 
After trekking about a half mile in the direction the doe fled, you finally found her lying in the greenery having succumbed to your shot. You were beaming with happiness as you effortlessly picked her up and carried her across your shoulders. You’ve carried people heavier than her out in the field during your paramedic days. 
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Daryl nervously fiddled with the ring as leaned over the railing of the front porch, smoking a cigarette. He hated how hopeless he felt when it came to actually proposing to you. With how long the two of you have been together romantically, the ability to propose should have come to him naturally. He knew there was nothing to be nervous about and that he was just psyching himself out and he should just ask you to marry him already. But every time it felt like the right moment to, that feeling was gone once he started digging around in his pocket for the ring. 
The sight of you walking toward the house with a big smile on your face and a deer draped over your shoulders snapped him from his thoughts. Maybe it was just the sun shining from behind you, but you were absolutely glowing.
“Daryl!” You shouted excitedly as you increased your walk into a small jog. You set the deer down before hurrying up the porch stairs. He put out his cigarette before you excitedly jumped into his arms, embracing him like you haven’t seen him in months. 
“Guess what!” You said as you reluctantly pulled away from the hug. 
“Wha?” Based on the deer laying at the base of the stairs he was sure he could tell what happened, but you looked so happy and he wanted to share your excitement and hear you tell him yourself. 
“I finally killed a deer! All on my own!” A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as pride swelled in his chest. He remembered when he took you hunting with him the first time. You were the one who wanted to go with him and "see what he does when he's off to who knows where for who knows how long." When he finally did, you complained about how boring it was and how all you were doing was looking at dirt and not seeing any animals. But now, here you were with a deer you had hunted all on your own. 
"I had been tracking it since way earlier this morning and I almost thought I wasn't gonna catch it but then I saw it in a clearing and so I was gonna shoot it but then walkers got in my way like they usually do, those annoying sons of bitches, and then the deer ran but I had shot at it so then I followed the blood..."
Daryl stared at you in awe as you rambled on about your adventure. The sense of pride and adoration he felt whenever he looked at you, but now especially was overwhelming. You were perfect in every way and he'd be damned if he went another second without being your husband. 
"...and then I found it further in the woods and I was just so excited that I finally caught a whole entire deer all on my own for the v—"  
"Marry me!" he blurted out suddenly. 
"Huh?" You blinked at him in confusion, not sure if you heard him right. As if he suddenly remembered something, he patted all his pockets until he felt the one with the ring in it and pulled it out. The sparkle of the diamond in the sunlight caught your eye. 
"Will ya marry me?" he repeated, this time holding out the ring to you. He lowered himself to one knee, still holding out the ring. Your eyes filled with tears, happy tears, and you held out your left hand to him. 
"Of course!" you said as he slid the ring onto your fourth finger. It fit almost perfectly. As soon as he stood up from his position on the floor, you jumped into his arms. He caught you and held you tight as you peppered kisses all over his face. He set you back down onto your feet and held your face in his big warms hands, wiping away your tears away with his thumbs. 
"I'm so proud of ya fer catchin' that deer all by yerself." The smile that graced his face was contagious. 
"Learned from the best," you said, smiling up at him. He leaned down and you met him halfway in a kiss. 
"Can't wait to skin this deer with my wife," he said once he pulled away from the kiss. 
"Ooh," you exclaimed, giddy at the new title, "Can't wait to eat some venison with my husband!" 
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thanks for reading!
note i've been a pescatarian for 3-ish years now, but I've been wanting wing-stop, so i got some wing-stop and it was great. thanks for listening
Taglist @banquetwriter @eternalrose81 @the-dixon-effect @dilfsandmartinis @millybaby @daryldixmedown @theoraekenslover @aeriean @lesbian-horror-fan @in-this-minute @paintlavillered @zhannamustdie @thegeorgiahuntsman @bigbaldheadname @Lumi362 @lettersfromyourlover-blog @princesssparkel2024 @hayweee @d0p3ys-delusions @xxlaynaxx
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hugemilkshake · 2 months
How would your ocs react to y/n proposing to them for marriage?
I. Am. READY!!!
Out of all the questions this was the one I was expecting the least tbh 0-0 but enjoy the milkshake!!
How my OCs would react to being proposed too!
Starfruit Milkshake and Snake Tooth would have very similar reactions, those being that the don’t accept since they are hopelessly in love with each other
Bubbly Milkshake would cry, out of both happiness and fear
Burnt Caramel only has one rule if you’re going to marry him. FOLLOW HIS BELIEF
Rex Cookie is unsure because she’s a dinosaur and is confused about why anyone would marry a dinosaur. But she’ll accept
Sugary Jello is super excited and will be cooking something for you very shortly
Cinnamon Spider might cry because the kinda believed he wouldn’t ever get married
Red Fruit is happy for tax benefits
Blackberry Shade will have a cheeky smile and will gladly accept… but you just have signed and unwritten contract…
Powdered Basil will pick up the proposal ring and be in shock for a while but there is no way of telling if he’ll say yes or no
Shimmering Onion is kinda obvious to it so you’ll have to ask him several times and really emphasize that you are proposing to him. Once he realizes he’ll be super embarrassed
Grilled Tomato is very hyper about this and will tackle hug you
Scorched Garlic might cry out of happiness, he will crack a pun or dad joke though
Bubbling Oil will be very flustered
Wild Basil will say no and run away into the forest with the wolves
Barbecue “Dragon” will be stunned but then will accept and boast about his amazing soon to be spouse
Gran-Berry will jokingly ask if your into milfs-
Minty Snail will pass out from surprise
Dark Apple would love to accept but he just can’t at the moment… maybe if you had proposed later when things weren’t that bad for him he accept…
Pink Mantis will happily accept and will write you love letters like the two of you are teenagers
Emperor Catterpilar will happily accept and then try to give you lots of gifts
Peach Novius will stutter and stumble over her words but she’s really happy
Leaf Sheep Slug won’t give you an answer but the hug you get should tell you that they accept
Adenosine Cookie will say L ratio to you and run away. Marriage means commitment. Marriage means showing you their face. That’s not something they want
Adele Penguin, Blushing Snail and Tabby Cat are not able to get married, but they will be flower girls/ hold the rings (I have never been involved in wedding planning so idk how one works-)
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mheretoreadff · 7 months
Till death do us apart
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Pt 1
PAIRING : Nishimura Riki x Female reader
SYNOPSIS : Nishimura Riki is the 2nd prince of Nishimura Dynasty. Zhang Y/n is the 7th princess of Zhang Dynasty. Both brothers Kazuo(1st prince) ans Riki (2nd prince) went to the neighboring country to form an alliance and trading. They are warmly welcomed by the neighboring king and made arrangements for them . Zhang Y/n the youngest, beauty with no doubt,playful yet gentle ,the cherished daughter of the king meets Riki near the water forest. They fall in love. But what happens when the king proposes a marriage between the 1st prince and the 7th princess to form strong bond among the two countries.
WARNING : Ancient AU. Kazuo has always been jealous of Riki not fully showing. Fluff, kiss, flirt, reader is playful, mentions of marriage. Niki is 23 and the reader is 20. Aged up Au
After meeting the king, they were both assigned to different guest palaces .
Riki went looking around in his assigned palace . It was indeed lavish and beautiful. We went by the pond surrounded by lilies and the fresh smell ,a calming sight in fact. Riki has not been a fan of staying indoors since childhood and so he got bored and went off outside for a tour. He rode his horse and went near a mountain forest.
Riki was taking a stroll in the forest when he heard the female voice near the waterfall. She was none other than princess Y/n. She didn't know him yet but he did. The first time he saw her was in the palace looking for her mother. The moment he saw her , he was struck by her beauty. Since then he had been crushing on her.
Y/n snapped when she heard another footstep. "Come outside you intruder!" She called out. "Hey-hey relax! I'm not an intruder. I just came for a stroll" Riki came out as he chuckled ,amazed at yoursudden accusation. "Hmph! Who wouldn't think like that if somebody snuck behind like an intruder!" Y/n replied in defense.
"Sorry Princess" Riki let out a small laugh. "Btw what is princess Y/n doing here?" Riki asks as he quirks an eyebrow. "I came for fresh air not that it's any of your business " She smiled a bit annoyed.
"Well I see- Princess Y/n!!!! Riki was cut off as he was about to say something. "Well I got to go mr. not an intruder" Y/n chimed getting ready to rush off. "Let's meet again here" Riki interrupted. "Tonight?" She retorted back. "Tonight." Riki smiled. "Name?" Y/n asked with her lips curving as she started to pace. "Riki" He shouted back. "See you then Riki- bye." Y/n said as she hurried off with a grin on her face.
Riki went back to the palace with a smirk on his face. Ah he couldn't wait for tonight to meet with the girl of his dreams.
Y/n would be lying if she didn't think that she found Riki attractive. The moment she saw him, she felt her heart beating so fast for the first time. ' Is this what love at first sight feels like' she thought. The romantic novels she read where the ML and the FL have eye contact for the 1st time and poof- they're both in love. Maybe she found her little prince charming.
"Miss you're spacing out a lot" her lady in waiting spoke. This was enough for her to snap out of her dreams. "Maybe I'm dreaming too much about my love life" Y/n sighed as she closed her book and waited for the sun to rest .
Y/n snuck out in the middle of the night to meet with Riki. When she arrived by the waterfall she saw Riki was already waiting for her. "I thought you'd not come" Riki says as he turns towards Y/n. "And why would that be" Y/n replied in a flirty manner.
"Idk maybe because princess is really playful". You could hear the smirk in his voice. "Maybe but why did you want to meet me?" Y/n said meeting her eyes with Riki. "Because I wanted to know more about you,Princess. And maybe I wanted to ask for permission " Riki speaks as he walks closer. "What permission? " Y/n asked not daring to break the eye contact.
"To court you" Riki says as his tall figure leans. You didn't realize how his face was barely an inch away. Your cheeks really red from the sudden confession . Part of you just wanted to kiss him. "May I?" Riki asks for permission.
"You may" as soon as the words left your mouth lips smashed on top of yours. You lean in more kissing him back. The kiss lasted longer than you thought it will. It was sweet yet passionate for both of you as your first time. Y/n broke the kiss gasping for breath. Riki turns his head getting shy.
"I-I have to go or my lady in waiting will find out" You sputter the words out. A small "oh" left his mouth as he realized it's really late . "Should I walk you back" Riki politely asks. "Noh! I mean- it's fine. I can go besides it's risky" Y/n said as she offered an apologic smile rejecting his offer.
Y/n suddenly came towars him and kissed his cheek. "I'll be on my way now, boyfriend " She winks and waves at him as she hurries off. Riki was still dumbstruck. 'Boyfriend ' he thought. A silly smile forming on his lips.
Riki had a dreamy lovesick smile on his way back. Still smiling remembering the encounter while laying in bed.
It became almost everyday they snuck out to meet with each other to spend time together. Rumors started spreading about Y/n having a relationship. Not long after the king came to have heard about it. He was worried about her lovely daughter having a bad reputation. So he decided it was time she gets married.
What could be more better than developing good relationship with your neighboring kingdom with marriage and saving from tarnishing your daughter's reputation. And the groom none other than the 1st prince as it was likely for him to be next king. It was like killing two prey with one stone. After that he made arrangements to propose in giving her hand to Kazuo .
Kazuo knew that Riki liked Y/n and he got more attracted to her after finding out about it. And the fact that the king planning with him to secretly marry off his daughter to him as the king knew Y/n would never give in.
The day of secretly wedding arrived . Y/n was told that her sister was getting married to the 1st prince. Y/n found it odd when the maids paid more attention to her dress almost looking like a bride herself but she shrugged it off.
Y/n was about to get up in the carriage when Riki came and stopped her and let her sister climb up instead. Riki got to know about the plan and he told Y/n about it. Y/n was angry yet dissapointed as she connected the dots and realized Riki was right. It was then they both decided to run off.
"WHAT!!?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY RAN!!!!!??" the king asks his guards razing with anger. Kazuo was really furious at his step brother. 'This time I won't let it slide for this humiliation '. Kazuo swore to himself. The king ordered to bring Riki and Y/n before his sight with any means.
Riki and Y/n ran and stayed at the bkrder district of the two kingdom. For now they were at peace.
Kazuo came back to his country and he purposefully poisoned the king to become the next king in life as his father only thought of Riki as his next heir to throne. It was not long before Kazuo became the king within a month. He portrayed Riki as a traitor and ordered to kill him at sight.
When Kazuo got the news that both Riki and Y/n were at the border district he sent his guards to eliminate them. The guards were loyal to Riki as he was the master of swords but they still had to obey the order.
Riki and Y/n were taking a stroll near the mountain river when the guards approached them with attack. Riki quickly dodged the attack fighting back. An intense battle began as he eliminated most of them . But they khew his weaknesses, Y/n. The last one aimed for Y/n striking his sword . Riki's back was Pearced with the sharp metal sword as he tried to protect Y/n from danger. "Why did you do it" Y/n shouted with eyes were breaming with tears as she hugged him closely. The last person left was the his friend, Haewon. Haewon threw his sword as he spoke "Run far away. I'll tell your brother you both fell off a cliff. I can do this much for you". Riki weakly nodded whispering thank you.
This much for part 1.
It's my first time on tumblr so please go off easy on me TT.
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danisbrainrot · 7 months
Hi 🌲
I couldn't stop thinking about Johanna and reader getting married. I think Johanna would randomly propose (so random she may propose after a nap).
At the wedding I imagine it would just be reader, Johanna, and their pets.
In the book, each district seems to have a wedding tradition, so I think in District 7, they may plant a tree to symbolize their growing love. Since they use rope to help climb trees, maybe they could tie a knot in a rope, with each of them holding an end to symbolize their trust in one another and how their lives are now intertwined.
And the next time she sends a letter to Finnick, Katniss, or Haymitch, she'll just attach a picture of her and reader in their wedding gowns with a note saying, "l got married, by the way"
I would love if you could do some headcanons or a one-shot about it, but even so, I wanted to share it with you because I couldn't stop thinking about it
this is going to be a ramble, soz, but i'll definitely add it to my list for a one shot idea.
words can't describe how much i love this idea, thank you so much for sharing it with me! honestly, i agree with everything you said, because i love the idea of johanna and you having a really private and intimate wedding, and the thought of her just mailing everyone a photo of the ceremony as a kind of, "oh yeah, by the way, here's what happening in my life recently." but in reality, honestly, i think the two of you would have your own private ceremony and then like, a nice little gathering with the remaining victors (and finnick because, he's definitely raising his son in district four, i don't know what everyone else is talking about. mutts? what mutts?). i just love the idea of their being like a first dance or something, and johanna and reader are gazing into each other's eyes so lovingly, and everyone's swooning over them (well just peeta and annie, i can't really see the others swooning over them, tbh). but if you and johanna want to, you'll have a quiet ceremony for just the two of you. either way, she doesn't mind. as long as she has you.
also, for the wedding tradition, that's literally so creative??? give me your brain please, because you have come up with some of the best prompts i've ever received, and now you've given me another banging one. i think that johanna wouldn't really be into that kind of stuff, she's not a very traditional kind of girl, but you'd be super into it so of course she'd pretend to love the idea as well. the tying of the rope kind of reminds me of the greek wedding crowns, where they're joined by a ribbon i think (idk much about greek weddings, tbh, i've only seen my big fat greek wedding and i remember that scene.) i think that's such a cute wedding tradition, and secretly johanna would love it because she's terrified of losing you, that physically tying you to her makes her feel comforted. the rope symbolises a lot more than just a union, it symbolises a connection that the two of you will always have.
for the tree idea, i think it would be one of those traditions where johanna would find it extremely corny, but because you find it endearing she doesn't say a single thing. she's on her knees, getting dirt under her fingernails with you just so she could plant this tree with you. if you needed a physical symbol of your growing love, then she'd give it to you, because you'd offered her more than she could ever repay you for. safety, comfort, contentment. you were home to her, and she wanted to show you how much she loved and trusted you in whatever way possible.
i can see wedding dresses going either way, tbh. you both wear one, or johanna wears a suit while you wear a dress, or vice versa. hell, i could even see one where you both wear suits. i don't think they'd be white though. white would remind johanna of snow and torture, so i could imagine like a red for her—purely because it would match her hair. and then for you, like a deep rich green, for the forest and the trees. (omg, i just realised those are christmas colours, but honestly, i don't think panem even has christmas, so it's just a bit of fun for us).
honestly, the wedding is set in the backyard, among nature. that's the vibe for the whole ceremony—people there or not. it's got a rustic, woodsy atmosphere and the two of you love it because it is just so, intrinsically, home. bonus points if johanna's saved the pinecones and all the stuff katniss got her in mockingjay, and made a little display with it.
as for the proposal (probably should have started off with this, lol, oh well), if it was by you, you'd have gone all out (not in a public way, but more of a romantic dinner or date way) and planned it to a 't'—and while johanna appreciates the effort and love you put into it, she'd love a more intimate proposal. and what's more intimate than when lying in bed together, watching the drool spill from your mouth as you snore slightly and take up most of the bed? she'd shake you awake and propose to you there, realising that she wanted to see that sight every morning when she woke up.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 9 months
surrender | boo seungkwan
I’m back!!! I wrote this awhile ago but didn’t have time to post it. Hope you enjoy!!! Idk if there are any warnings. Lil bit enemies to lovers, soonyoung makes an appearance, there’s a part that is inspired by business proposal (kdrama)…. Enjoy
It is finally time for your office's volunteer summer camp -- an expedition into the forest that you have historically taken very seriously. It would be completely perfect if it weren't for Boo Seungkwan, the annoyingly handsome, eloquent, confident head of the sales team, who was your ultimate competition for best camp counselor every year. The role came easily to you -- an HR professional with years of experience building company culture into something people would quit their jobs to join -- but he somehow also had a natural affinity for the job. Probably all that smooth-talking sales swindling he does, you think to yourself as you hop out of your car and grab a box out of your trunk.
There is only one girl's head counselor, and two boys'. This year, a newcomer has replaced last year's other candidate -- someone named Kwon Soonyoung. You hope he'll take your side in what promises to be the most intense year of rivalry yet, as you and Seungkwan battle for the coveted title of best camp counselor -- a title that comes with an extra week of paid vacation time.
You put Seungkwan out of your mind as you set about decorating your campsite. The theme for this camp was Ancient Cultures, and you had decided to decorate based off a viking theme. Your girls would become warriors, but could also participate in cool camp activities that were on-theme, like braiding each other's hair and adding beads, painting their faces, and — the crowning event of the camp festivities — playing capture the flag. Your team was the reigning champion, having beat Seungkwan’s team two years running, and you were not about to relinquish your title without a fight.
You have almost finished constructing the huge viking ship entrance when he discovers you. "Wow," he says, seemingly impressed at the work you've already put in. "All this work just to lose to me?"
You scoff. "It's my year, Boo Seungkwan," you sing from atop the ship, using a screwdriver to attach the wooden dragon head to the bow of the ship. “Just like every other year.”
"Actually," he says, leaning against a tree, "I think we both need to be worried."
"About what?" you ask, looking around for your wrench.
"Kwon Soonyoung," Seungkwan says seriously. "He's not messing around."
"What do you mean?" you say. You begin using the wrench you found to loosen a floorboard in the ship that looks a little out-of-place.
"You should see his campsite. It's been decorated since I got here at 2."
You roll your eyes. "I get that you want to distract me, but I'm a bit busy here, so I'm gonna have to ignore you."
He shrugs and strolls away. "You're welcome for the heads-up," he says over his shoulder. "Come by later. I'd love to show you around my site."
The girls begin arriving one by one, until there are 26 altogether. This is your biggest group yet, and you start by touring the campsite. You’re quite proud of how it all turned out: electric flaming torches that will light up at night are scattered between tents, a heavy hand-painted tapestry that you worked on for six months is hanging in the pavilion, and there are large fur rugs in each of the nice tents.
The girls are amazed by all of it. They quickly take to the Viking activities, the older girls copying the Norse symbols in face paint on their cheeks and arms and braiding the younger girls’ hair. The most outspoken girl is a thirteen-year-old named Heejin, who has already braided her hair and looks ready for battle. You note her eyeing the foam swords and make a point to do some training for capture the flag later.
Your dad stops by in the evening for dinner, accompanied by a young kid dressed in a Roman soldier’s tunic, helmet, and staff. He looks amused. “This centurion helped me find you,” he says, ushering his employees over to the pavilion, where they start to set up the feast for your campers. The centurion bows to him and then, hand on his chest, shouts, “Praetor Seungkwan requests the presence of the General at his Camp with her cohort. Shall I bear news of your imminent arrival?”
Always so theatrical, you think to yourself, unable to suppress a smile. “Yes, soldier,” you say back, and he nods stoically. “Can you keep an eye on things, Dad?”
He nods, amused, and you grab Heejin, the tallest girl, Eunbi, and a loquacious ten-year-old named Jiwoo. “Where are we going?” Jiwoo asks.
“We’re headed into enemy territory,” you whisper conspiratorially. The girls grin at you. “Keep a wary eye out.”
Together, the four of you follow the Roman soldier into the thicket of trees just outside your camp. You’ve only trudged a few minutes when you begin to hear yelling ahead of you. The young soldier runs ahead and emerges through the trees, stopping so quickly that Jiwoo collides with him.
The camp is in shambles. “Rome is burning,” says Eunbi in awe. She’s only partially exaggerating — campers clad in makeshift Roman armor are running everywhere, yelling. Seungkwan, dressed in a toga over his camp clothes, is trying to round them all up. You have to stifle a laugh.
“Seungkwan,” you call. “What’s going on?”
“We were raided,” he admits, looking torn between distress and hysterical laughter. “It was Soonyoung’s kids. They came in here wearing some kind of Chinese stuff, and they stole all our grape juice.”
You can’t help but roar with laughter. “I think I’m in love with Soonyoung,” you say, wiping a tear from your eyes. At this, Seungkwan bristles.
“Wait until he does it to your girls,” he says grumpily. “In fact, I bet he’s headed there now.”
You feel a moment of unease at his words. “Why would you say that?”
“Because that’s not my camper,” he says, pointing to the kid who’d led you to the Roman camp.
The little kid splits an evil grin at you before running away, into the trees. The girls and you run back to camp and gasp.
A man dressed in all black with a gold tiger insignia on his back stands ahead of a small group of young boys, who stand at attention with arms behind their backs. He turns at your approach. “Ah, there you are,” he says, and his smile seems…evil somehow. “Kwon Soonyoung,” he says, offering his hand. You look at the little girls, and they shake their heads.
You ignore his proffered hand. “I saw what you did to Seungkwan’s camp,” you say, staring Soonyoung down with a raised eyebrow.
“In true Mongol spirit,” he says simply. “I’m hoping things will go easier here.”
“What do you want?” You say tersely.
“A favor,” he asks, his smile dropping slowly.
“What is it?”
“My boys and I seem to be without food tonight. We had a bit of an accident at camp. Would we be able to dine here?”
You happen to know your dad brought enough food to feed a literal army. Still, a part of you wants to say no. You don’t trust the look in Soonyoung’s eyes. One look at the hungry young men, however, and you soften.
“Fine,” you agree, “on the condition that there is no looting.”
The boys sit down beside the girls and begin eating. You and Soonyoung meet away from them. “So are you planning on waging war?” You ask him.
“The Mongols conquered most of Asia under the rule of Genghis Khan. It’s a great way to learn about history,” he says easily, less dramatic now that the boys aren’t present. “And a great way to win best camp counselor,” he adds with a wink.
You roll your eyes, and he laughs. “Seungkwan was right,” he says. “It IS cute when you do that!”
“Seungkwan said what?” you snap, looking at him in alarm.
Soonyoung laughs. “You really don’t know,” he says, giggling. “Well, I won’t spoil the fun. But make no mistake, there’s more to Seungkwan than you think.”
Just then, screams start coming from the pavilion. You shoot a venomous glare at Soonyoung, who is grinning ominously, before running to check on your girls.
They are crowded atop the tables under the pavilion, some shrieking, some looking around, some crying, some clutching at the girls next to them.
“What’s going on?” You shout over the clamor, and one of the girls points to the attached benches at each table.
Snakes. You have to bite your tongue to keep from shrieking yourself. They’re slowly undulating on the benches. Then suddenly, a little girl named Sumin steps forward, more curious than scared. “It’s not real,” she says, poking the snake right in the eye.
It doesn’t move a muscle in her direction, simply continuing to squirm. You take a step forward and curse. It’s a toy snake, seemingly controlled by a remote. A prank.
This is, as far as you’re concerned, the final nail in Soonyoung’s coffin. You meet eyes with Heejin. “Run back to the Roman camp for me,” you instruct her. “It’s time for a war council.”
The next morning, you and the girls — in full Viking gear — march on Rome. There’s a ridiculous sort of tension in the air as you approach the pavilion, which Seungkwan has decorated with an actual stone statue of a Roman soldier, a sacrificial altar, and an incredibly accurate set of four pillars. A young, but tall boy, probably no older than twelve, is standing before the statue, and the “men” are in neat lines facing him. He meets your group, led by Heejin, with a bow. “I am Dosan,” he says in a commanding voice. “I am the unit’s general.”
Seungkwan is grinning with pride off to the side. The two of you meet eyes, and he gives you a look that seems to mean, “I told you they were impressive.” Indeed, the children seem incredibly well-trained after just a day at camp. You nod in agreement and his smile grows. A strange warmth steals over you, starting somewhere in your midsection, as though you’ve moved from the shade into the sun. Perplexed, you turn your attention back to the kids.
“Bring the treaty,” you instruct, and Jiwoo steps forward with a piece of paper you’ve made to look old through tea stains. It has a very real signature on it. Seungkwan holds his hand out to Jiwoo and she gives it to him. He reads it through, his eyes getting more and more wide every second. “A truce?” he finally asks, his face a mask of doubt.
“A truce,” you confirm. “If we combine our strength, Kwon Soonyoung can’t win, no matter how clever he might be.”
He looks to the boys. “What do you think?” he asks them, his face serious but his eyes full of mischief. They nod enthusiastically, and you grin. “Then it’s a truce,” he says, grabbing an actual feather quill off the desk and signing the treaty with a flourish.
You look to Heejin. “What do you want to do first?” you ask her.
She thinks for a minute before responding, “Train for Capture the Flag.”
You nod in approval.
Soon, the camp quickly dissolves into a commotion of organized chaos. Heejin and Dosan are heading up the actual swordfighting practice -- but not before Dosan sends a pair of twins on a “recon” mission to “canvas” the enemy camp. You can’t help but feel inspired by how seriously they’re all taking this war they’re in.
Seungkwan, too, is watching them proudly. You allow yourself one single second to think about how handsome the softness in his eyes as he observes his campers makes him look before addressing him. “You didn’t have to warn me they were coming. You could’ve let them do worse than they did. And honestly, if you’d asked me earlier, I would’ve assumed you’d have tried to team up with Soonyoung to bring me down.”
He gives you a wry smile. “There aren’t many people I’d stoop to Soonyoung’s level for, and you definitely aren’t on the list.”
“I’m going to try to take that as a compliment,” you say.
“Trust me, it is one,” he says, shooting a distasteful look into the trees where Soonyoung’s campsite is. “What about you, though?” he suddenly asks.
“Me?” you reply.
“Surely Soonyoung tried to ask you to join hands with him,” he says.
“He didn’t,” you say coolly, “and even if he had, I wouldn’t have done it.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Why not?”
You stand up. A brawl has broken out on the training fields, and you need to break it up. “I’m quite attached to you as my rival, Boo Seungkwan,” you say lightly, “and I don’t have any room on my roster for one more.”
You dance away, toward the fighters, only stealing a slight glance at Seungkwan over your shoulder. He is watching you leave, his mouth open in what looks like incredulity, but with a smile at the corners of his mouth and that same devastating softness in his eyes.
You suddenly wish you hadn’t looked.
The day has come.
After two days of training, a fair bit of history, and much too much interaction with Seungkwan (who seems to get more and more wonderful the more you see him), it’s come time for the Great War. It’s Capture the Flag Day.
Jiwoo and one of Seungkwan’s boys, Minseok, have been named head strategists. They’ve spent hours poring over the map of the entire campsite, planning for every alternative and educating the rest of their squads on tactics. Heejin and Dosan have headed up the infantry, because this year capture the flag features foam weapons, and if you get hit, you have to stay frozen until a fellow teammate can get to you. Heejin is a fencer and Dosan is a martial artist, and together they have taught the younger ones everything they know. To hold to Viking tradition, you have selected two Berserkers: an insanely energetic seven-year-old named Yura, the youngest of your campers, and the biggest and beefiest and wildest of Seungkwan’s campers, Junho. Their job is to whack as many of Soonyoung’s campers with a foam ax as possible.
Before the game begins, Dosan and Heejin stand on one of the pavilion tables in your camp, dressed to the nines in Roman garb and Viking skins, hair braided, face painted. Dosan opens his mouth, and begins to read from several sheets of paper Heejin is holding in front of him.
“Each of you has chosen the path of a warrior, not for glory or fame, but to defend all that we hold dear – our families, our land, and our freedom. We face a formidable foe, but know this: it is in the face of adversity that heroes are born!
Remember this, my brave soldiers – we fight not just for ourselves but for generations yet unborn. The deeds we accomplish today will echo through the corridors of time. Let us be the architects of our destiny and shape a future where freedom and justice reign supreme!
In the face of fear and uncertainty, remember that you are not alone. Look to your left and your right; you will find your comrades standing shoulder to shoulder with you, unwavering in their commitment to this righteous cause. Together, we form an unbreakable wall, an unstoppable force!
As we march into battle, let us carry the memories of our ancestors who fought valiantly before us. Draw strength from their legacy, for their spirits march beside us on this hallowed ground.
On this day, we shall etch our names in the scrolls of history. When our descendants speak of this moment, let them speak with pride of the day our courage blazed like a thousand suns!
Forward, my comrades, into the crucible of destiny! Together, we shall triumph, for we are warriors of indomitable spirit! May the winds of fortune favor our just cause, and may we emerge victorious, for this is the hour of heroes!”
At the end of this rousing speech, Dosan gives a deep roar.The onlooking campers yell in solidarity. You look at Seungkwan in absolute hysterics. “What was that?” you hiss. “That was incredible.”
“This kid has watched way too many war movies,” he whispers back, choking on a laugh. “I wish I’d recorded that.”
Jiwoo is barking instructions at everyone while Minseok talks to the recon team. Heejin and Dosan have gone ahead to meet the opposing team captain. Soonyoung emerges from the trees, his eyes hooded, the tiger on his back gleaming in the reddish sunset.
“May the best team win,” he says. “We can watch the whole game from the lake.”
The three of you head to the canoes so you can watch the game unfold. Soonyoung catches your arm, holding you back. “I think you need to see this video,” he says seriously.
He laughs at your glare. “I might be the bad guy, but I’m not a bad guy. Trust me.”
He hands you his phone and jogs to catch up with Seungkwan. You watch the video. It seems to be of a drunk Seungkwan, slumped in a chair in what must be his living room, hand over his eyes. “She’s gorgeous,” he moans. “Ugh, she hates me and she’s gorgeous. What am I supposed to do?”
The laughter in the background is definitely Soonyoung. “Stop laughing,” Seungkwan drawls in the video. “She’s seriously...oh, she’s my dream girl. She’s smart, and she’s beautiful, and she can make me laugh. Competitive. Almost scary. I like her so much,” he confesses, a tear rolling down his cheek.
Your heart is pounding. You put the video away, suddenly wondering why you’d never considered it before. The attraction between you has always been palpable, and the disdain has been majorly fabricated. But you find yourself remembering how Seungkwan carried one of your campers back a mile when she’d sprained an ankle at the last campout. Or the time when he stopped a particularly rowdy camper of his from picking on one of the girls in your camp. Or when he rushed one of the kids to the emergency room after they’d been stung by a bee because they were allergic. You’d been with him at that particular event, and he had paced in the lobby like the kid was his own until the nurse had come back to tell them he’d had an epi-pen and he was fine.
That was when your heart had started aching -- an ache you had tried to ignore, and mostly succeeded at ignoring, for two years. You rarely saw him around the office, but when you did, just his smile was enough to make you crazy. And now, here, in this place, the truth of your own heart was so embarrassingly clear. You loved Seungkwan. You had for literal years. And you’d put off the feeling for so long it had grown into something wild and untameable -- something that made you have to fight to conceal as he turned to look at you, ushering at the canoe. “We don’t have all day,” he teases, and you give him a weak smile. The light in his eyes, the wind tousling his perfect hair, that skin that basically glowed -- how had you ever lived without him?
And how could you, if you never said anything?
Seungkwan shoves the boat with you in it into the water before hopping in himself. Before he can grab his oar, Soonyoung deftly grabs it, jumping into his own canoe and paddling away. The two of you are stranded in a canoe that is moving fast toward the middle of the lake with absolutely no way of getting back. Soonyoung winks at you. You stare back, one part amused, one part abjectly horrified. You have no choice but to watch the game and try desperately not to throw yourself at Seungkwan, who is yelling at Soonyoung in the most adorable way possible.
The woods are alive with the sounds of feet pounding the ground and battle cries echoing through the night. Soonyoung's campers move swiftly and silently, using their knowledge of the terrain to their advantage.
The Roman and Viking campers, on the other hand, rely on their cunning and teamwork. They divide into two teams – one group works as a decoy to divert the enemy's attention, while the other stealthily moves towards Soonyoung's camp to capture their flag.
In the midst of the chaos, Jiwoo and Minseok emerge as the tactical masterminds. They have devised a clever plan, exploiting the weaknesses in the enemy’s formation. Using silent hand signals and coordinated whistles they developed during their training, they communicate with their fellow campers seamlessly.
Just as the sun is fully set over the horizon, the moment of truth arrives. Jiwoo and Minseokhwvr executed their plan flawlessly. The decoy group, drawing the enemy away, creates an opening for the second team to infiltrate Soonyoung's camp undetected.
In a heart-pounding moment, your campers snatch the enemy's flag from under their noses, and their victory is sealed. Cheers erupt as they make their triumphant return to their campsite, holding the captured flag high.
Seungkwan's campers and your campers celebrate their hard-fought victory, hugging each other in excitement and relief. The intense game has brought them closer together, solidifying their bonds as a united front against their rivals.
You don’t know when you ended up in Seungkwan’s arms in the canoe. You had both been cheering the kids on like parents, and at some point, in triumph or suspense, he had grabbed onto you. But now you caught yourself staring at him in the dim light of a rising moon. Trapped on a tranquil lake, with no one else around -- since Soonyoung has gone off to console his beaten campers.
Seungkwan swallows hard and lets go. “Sorry,” he mutters. “Got carried away.”
You grab his hand. He looks down, confused, at your fingers on his. “I saw the video,” you say in a rush.
For a moment, he thinks, seemingly not comprehending. Then, a light dawns in his eyes. A blush rises on his cheeks, and he curses. “Uh....I’m sorry,” he says, and then, clothes and all, he jumps. Out of the boat. Into the water.
“Seungkwan!” you yell, shocked.
“Don’t worry about me,” he says, trying and positively failing to sound cool. “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
You can’t help but lose it. Laughing your head off, you jump in after him, your clothes quickly soaking. “Come back!”
You reach the shore at the same time. “I want to talk to you,” you say, reaching for his hand. Your numb feet catch on a large stone, and you tumble over, only saved from face-planting into the shore by Seungkwan, who has shot out his arms to grasp you.
He pulls you closer as a reflex and looks over your face, worried. “Please watch where you walk,” he says, his voice soft due to your closeness, and you blush as his warm breath sends a shiver down your spine.
But then the sound of footsteps makes you jump. Your campers are looking for you. Seungkwan looks horrified. “Hide,” he says, and you run into the trees hand-in-hand , stepping behind a tent wall. Seungkwan places a hand over your mouth as he looks around to see if anyone saw you.
He is incredibly close. You can see the water dripping off his hair onto the back of his neck. You move his hand. “Seungkwan.”
He looks at you, distressed. “What?”
“Did you mean it?” you ask him quietly. “What you said in the video.”
“I...” he stutters, seeming to be looking for an excuse, but then he looks at you. “I did. I have never met someone who can make me feel like you can. The competitive banter drives me crazy. But the craziest part is that I don’t want to be your rival anymore. I want to be more. I have no idea how to get there.” His voice is quiet and soft like yours. “So have a little mercy on me. I don’t know how to be to you what you are to me.”
You gaze at each other for a long moment. Then, you both move together, reaching for each other like a marathon runner reaching for water. He kisses you once, twice, three times gently before you grab the wet collar of his shirt and pull him in. He takes you into his arms, brushing his warm fingertips across the cold, wet back of your neck and making goosebumps erupt onto your arms.
“What a truce,” you murmur against his lips.
He chuckles. “No, this is a surrender.”
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cornus27florida · 1 year
Episode 146 The Dream part 2 reactions
Guess who's the winner of the 4 ways of the race between : Frederick+Laverne VS Aurelia VS Leopold+Jamie VS The Plaid Troop?
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Before we go to actual reaction, I like to share how much the prediction from the sneak peek episode 146 it is :
1) We see Frederick with llamakart been pointed out by the Johny guy that been talking with the Princels (ep 146), I feel the next the Princels and that guy will following 'the strange boy' to the Pastel forest - and the princels realized that boy is meeting the ol' ham hands (Prez) and that boy is the same person that Gwen mentioned as her fiance upon their first meeting => like we will got conversation of Prez surprised that Frederick comes so frantic + crashing CPC's party of Whitney's iniation, to reveals he realized what CPC mentioned of 'things that Gwen's going throught' and Plaid Kingdom right now sending troop to the Pastel palace for whatever Leland's plan is. At the same time, Leopold and Jamie catching up to Frederick to the forest -> in the same bushes hearing conversation between CPC and Frederick, meet the Princels (they've meet before in Ep 93) / the revelation that Frederick is Gwendolyn's fiance could also happen there -> plus it will be kind of 'hilarious' cliff hanger to get those intruders (Leopold, Jamie, The Princels and Johny guy) busted off from their hiding by CPC
+ Why I predict Frederick will drops by CPC? Because he's adminsitrative support guy at heart, he doesn't think he's alone could save Gwen and urgently need help from his friends (CPC) - especially during his imprisonment, he reminded that he has real friends that will totally support him due to Leland dropped off the gala potrait where he-Gwen-and CPC taking that lovely potrait
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-> Turns out what I predict about the Princels not be true, their character development won't be in near future :/
2) After being busted off, those intruders then offer help to saving the Pastel Kingdom from Plaid's evil plan to CPC and Frederick while sharing intelligence.
The Princels as Blaine's number 1 hater promise to doing something that will distract the troop that definetely leads by Plaid royals + the Johny guy could help in battle too.
Whitney leads the distractor OP team and will making recall to Plaid Royals that he's Frederick friend (also burly yoga teacher!) who gonna take matters at hand after Frederick's treatment in the prison + Laverne totally following him and those two could discard the rally troop (which idk somehow I think they bought item that could blow up castle.. like a cannon or ballista?) + Leopold and Jamie being the 'middle man duo' to them (Frederick - CPC - 'the intruders') that adds more intelligence [from this, the time for Frederick learnt that another help that Gwen need is for him to be there besides her to gives 'true love kiss' that might be the cure for that poisoned apple] about Leland's plan such as; Leland plan involved; Wedding (dresses and such), proposal to drastically increased the military, Leland's plan to take over the world, the Clam. In the same time of this, Aurelia will comes to CPC (either directly, or because she not gain entry to Pastel palace) while showing the diary of Lilyth - which what I had in mind some pages (especially the first painful page) got destroyed by vomit-mixed-acid due to Aurelia reading the book in rushing carriage
3) As Aurelia comes to the picture, we got 2 OP team to 'destroy' the Plaid's rally troop there :
A) The direct one consists of Whitney [as his 'military' experience will be so helpful there stopping the troop], Saffron+Thermodora [I feel that the cursed hand duo could destroy or at least scratched the weapon that the troop brought, and ofc scaring the troop], Leopold [he already saw the 'item' that Leland bought for the 'house visit' and predicted that if they could gain that item it means they could flip the odds for their favor), the Princels (they could gives distractions to Blaine, which likely leading the rally given during [Punishment] it feels like Leland temporary gives him leadership/the throne) and that Johny guy (as fighting support) => their goal is to stop (and hopefully to destroy) the rally troop, scatters them so the army gonna trapped in Pastel Forest ~ thus CPC members (like Renee, Jolie, Nell + Bernadette) could scare them shirtless in the 'haunted' Pastel forest - make the troops forget their initial goal to invade Pastel Palace
(B) The indirect one (the members keep shifting in my mind, but the ones that always in that team) are: Jamie as the middle man (of confrontations between Gwen's sisters) and be the guide to entering the Pastel Palace, Frederick (he'll gonna save Gwen, even with feeling embarassed and fear [breaking Gwen's boundaries and the possibility things not working] of side-quest [learnt from Jamie] to giving Gwen's true love kiss), Aurelia as the one that read and have all informations from Lilyth's diary (her persona could help 'the negotiations' later on, Syrah as her the truth exclaimer and the romance expert -> she's gonna be the one that help the indirect team to gain trust from the sisters (and Pastel Palace folks) so they could preparing to confront the Plaid Troop and giving chance for Frederick making amends, and ofc Prez Calpernia be there -> She had deep talk with Gwen before, and her telling that honestly is solid foundation to build relationship is truly right (She'll be the key to Frederick make amends to Gwen there) + she's gonna be the recon and fighter and the teamThere's another potential members for that indirect team in my prediction, which also the CPC members that participate in Gwen's dinner party too (so the Pastel Palace folks could remember them) but I am just not sure how their role in later on - which are : Monika (recon?), Abbi (helping the indirect team to be more trustable?) and Curtis (the fighter? what will happen if he meets Molly and MIss Agatha again?)
-> THESE turn out to be like I am the one without brake, thinking too far ahead - ep 146 showing all participants of 'the race' but what they'll do not revealed yet. Just think those 'wall of text' as something skippable honestly.
I am laughing at that carrot and stick treatment from Frederick to Laverne there!
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Yay for the winner of the race - with their newfound teamwork! And that's very clever to make switcheroo of one time in the kart to 'rest' while the other is the 'rusher' back a bit from Patreon's leaks. Also favorite reaction of the race participants def Aurelia fr, is like "I will sleep after one chapter, but turns out to read the whole book 'till sunrise fr"
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That Johny guy indeed pointing Frederick and called him 'strange boy' word but it’s “dweeb”
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-> Dweeb is a DEROGATORY•INFORMAL word for a boring, studious, or socially inept person. T^T
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I am disappointed that the Princels 'development won't be anywhere insight presently and it's more of the Johny guy adding bad influence by laughing cruelly at Frederick together with the Princels. But, well, probably in the future?
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^ just want to share the season change between summer and spring when Frederick carrying Llamakart to reach Gwen
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Frederick should mention 'the Plaid preparing a rally troop' to tell the gravity of the situation to Dandridge there... And Beckett, I really think you won't stand a chance to 'single-handedly stop them when they arrive' - the one that has a chance to stop them is Lorena and her defense project, while possible defect from Suzie and Lance there to weaken them.
"I hope you're doing well, Gwen.. "
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Nooo Frederick..  She's not doing well but I say thankfully not worse like getting nightmares there, but she is currently overwhelmed with those fairy tales that Maria reads :-:"
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^ Gwen really like Lilyth/Leelathae in here espc with her wearing her mother's robe.. and is this the first time we see Gwen's getting annoyed - which suprisingly to herself?
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Jolie is the Cheshire Cat there! Syrah and Thermidora being the Tweedledum and Tweedle Dee of Alice in Wonderland +
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Thermidora being the little Mermaid there, Maria and Lorena is part of The Three Pigs, Jamie is the Gingerbread man, Saffron is the Peter Pan, Monika from the Velvesteen Rabbit, Curtis is the Mr. Cricket from Pinocchio, Aurelia is Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Abbi is little red riding hood, idk who Laverne be but feels like outfit of the wolf when faking as grandma of the red riding hood.
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OMG not realizing for the first time that the Teddy bear that being shove to scattered face of Humpty Dumpty is Frederick as it having green eyes button-plaid ribbon and body of blonde=as his hair color -> As recently LambCat put 'hypothetical plushies' vote, with Frederick likely win- even if ended as teddy bear like episode 146 it still so lovely!!
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Also BTW the webtoon comment section mentioned that this scene likely to pointing out that Frederick's kiss won't be the answer of "the missing piece" that Humpty Dumpty which Gwen carrying around's problem is - Anyone have an idea of what the 'missing piece' gonna be? IMHO that'll be something complex and including multiple factors at once - like closure from what all happened (like letting Frederick's apology sink in), believing that 'scary thoughts' that Gwen hearing about ["Frederick never loved her.. No one ever love her"] is totally false, and with Lilyth's diary - realizing that she and her mother is beautiful as the way they are - and need to stop relying all their self-worth to the love's interest.
-> I wonder about how the race is going on next, as here we got the winner [Frederick] but things are not going 'well' with him warning the guards .. I really hope the Plaid rally troop will be the last to come to give everyone time to confront them - but let's see as I think it also likely ends with 'chaos'. 
This idea is interesting as Jamie already knew that Aurelia is one of Gwennie's classmates [but off she's ready my mother's diary!] while it will be interesting conversation between Leopold initial thought about Gwen tricked by Aurelia due to jealousy thus calling Gwen ugly... and those three could sneak into the palace, as now they have 'lock picketer' a.k.a Aurelia among them now
+ Yay Frederick to go to CPC there.. welp he's not crashing the 'slumber' party but invited instead, thou if only someone gives him a big - warm hug? ;-;
As Whitney personally invited Frederick (tbh unfortunately the only one that noticed him? Poor Freddie) to his Slumber party, I feel we get callback of these moments in episodes [Slumber party] - but will the time enough ?? Also Freddie not wearing any plaid here makes him like a true 'neutral party'
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^ it's often theorizes that for Frederick to becomes closer to Gwendolyn, he needs to be himself and letting go the 'must be like what proper Plaid prince is' - he showed without proper Plaid prince attire (be it he ripping his sleeve, opened up his upper site's jacket, casting off his jacket or totally not wearing his trademark green plaid jacket)
Those all folks! Hope you guys enjoying this lovely episode right after that 3 weeks excrutiating hiatus there xD
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The Ads at the end is really sweet and seems kinda broken the CPC BLR fandom there tn hehe xD CPC X Nikki
Why not including it in this post IG tehee
-> I am truly leaving now, see ya! Don't forget to be happy!!
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velvetwarfare · 9 months
no one:
no one at all:
not even the fucking wind:
me: beth proposing to cass would be insane and I want it so badly to happen in the campaign because. shit. canon strahd had wives that all wanted something from him, whether that be power, money, status, there’s always some underlying motive rather than love. idk if cass also has a collection of wives but still. she wants to be loved and respected but has been ran over so badly by the curse, need to prove herself to the council as a woman, and her own shitty doubts and selfishness that she has no damn idea how to even love properly.
beth would not give a single shit about her status. she’d end up falling in love w her for the vistani woman she is rather than the fearsome dark countess. she’s already said to a monster hunter who once knew her that she’s never going to call cass strahd because she finds power to be awful and corrupting. beth wants to love cass for the person the party met at her vardo for the first time — the person who saved their friend, fixed their wagon, offered food, and gave them all a place to rest without asking for anything in return. that was vistani tradition, to offer solace to weary travelers and want nothing in return. beth would love her even if she was just a simple peasant on the streets. she can still love her status as baroness, but she truly doesn’t give a shit about her power and money. beth always viewed wealth as measured by love — her vardo was poor; but they were so rich in familial love. cass to her isn’t rich at all, but the fucking dirt poorest vistani because of the refusal to show vulnerability and love. in a way, she pities her.
point being. beth is authentic. she’s real. she’s not in matrimony for an underlying motive. she’s in it for love and healing and she wants to revive the vistani woman cass likes to keep hidden due to her high status. she doesn’t want gold and horses and fancy feasts and public display. she hates all of that. she’s a barbarian. she’s a knight who has brutally slain so many. she’s a paladin of an evil god (he’s not evil to her and he doesn’t actually do anything malicious he’s just a genuine piece of shit due to his past but that’s another story GFHFHDGF). she’s a vistani. I can’t emphasize enough how she hates fancy shit and too much attention from authority and nobles and wouldn’t even know what to do with a lot of money. all she wants is to run in the forest w cass and tell stories by the fire and sing and dance and travel in a vardo. just her presence is enough for her. and she would refuse to marry ‘strahd von zarovich’ — she only wants to marry cassandra zarovich.
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blorboclaw · 2 years
ok so i've been doing a few research and since i'm Au-naming Sasha in Firefrost, I'm going to make this an Aus Names post.
Thanks to a list sent to me by @gingerakao which was made by idk who, i've selected 37 prefixes that could correspond to Sasha, either because of her cream pelt or her brown legs. I also took in @idontliketomatoesleavemealone's suggestion for "darkleg".
With 20-or-so suffixes i also handpicked or was suggested, I'll start making a list of names for Sasha.
Beware, it's going to be long. But longer for me than for you.
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did i do this all by hand? way past my bedtime? knowing while writing them that half of them would go out at the first occasion? yes. is there something wrong with me? well there's something wrong with every human being it's called the original sin and it's hubris and my hubris is to start making this at 11pm and keep going despite sleep trying to knock at my brain's door.
Let's start this off by putting colors on it.
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alas for whoever proposed Darkflower, the name is already taken.
I'm going to pull out all the blue (already taken in canon), yellow (double like Dawndawn) and purple (suggested and already taken in canon). Then the real work will begin.
Now I'm going to take out all the ones which name don't make sense (for example, Leopardbark. Leopards don't have bark).
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Then let's take the prefixes only.
I took in Leopard- and Lion-, because it's true, Sasha is partly golden. Plus, it makes a nice throwback to Tigerclaw. But between Leopardfur/star, Tigerclaw's mother Leopardfoot, Princess' daughter Lionkit and Lionheart... let's take those out.
Let's also take out all the prefixes already present in windclan or in the forest at the moment Sasha joins. (that's also how i took thorn out before starting working on it). That means taking Dark out entirely I'm so sorry to the one who suggested Darkleg. It was a cool name but it's not possible. There's already a Darkfoot at that moment in Windclan.
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Now we have Moth as prefi too and I'm gonna be honest, I love this one too much to take it out of the future kits' name panels. So let's get this out too.
Now let's get to Unique prefixes with a capital U. Prefixes that we only know in one cat or that we know one very important cat with it and it would feel weird to use this one. Down with Daisy, for Daisy, Lily for Lilyheart, Lark for Larksong, Leaf because too many Leaf (Pool, Spotted...) Root for Rootspring and Seed for Seedpaw and Twig for Twigbranch
Down with lightning too because it's too Thunderclany, and Marigold because it's too close to Goldenflower.
Keeping Pale and Briar even though i can only think of Palebird and Briarlight for those, because it just sounds like something Tallstar would give as a name to Sasha. Briar sounds ok in the first arc, and Pale? well Tallstar can want to use his ability to give someone a prefix (which he couldn't because he didn't have kits of his own) to honor his mother.
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we definitely are getting somewhere here.
Now let's attack on the suffix. Beam doesn't sound like a first arc suffix. It actually appeared out of nowhere in ASC. Down with it! Gorse? Well yeah sure Tallstar's dad's name was Sandgorse but there's already Gorsekit/Gorsepaw training alongside Sasha so it would be weird. Bark? Barkface is the medcat it'd be weird too. Off with this suffix! Toe I'm just going to delete the whole column because I don't like that suffix except for polydactyl cats and Sasha isn't. Suppressing the briar and dusk columns too because i don't like the options left in those. The dust column too.
Now don't get me wrong: i also don't like the prefix Brown, but Sasha was named Brownie at some point in her graphic novel so i thought i would keep it here because reasons.
Let's get more physical here. Dandelion are yellow and Sasha's pelt is yellow, but her legs are brown so let's put all the "dandelion leg" and such names out. And bee definitely suggests stripes. Out with it.
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Now! This is definitely getting easier to read this one.
Thinking about it again dew is also not really appropriate for her pelt. Why did I even put it here in the first place??
Well well well if it isn't a bunch of columns i ignored too long... let's crop a few things out of Pounce Breeze Leap Flight Wing and Shade. Because of reasons I mentionned before and won't number again.
OK so:
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I slept on it in the mean time and here's the deal: I don't like "Rabbitpounce", or any of the Breeze and Leap options left. And with those three columns out, we get a much more readable thing
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as far as prefixes go again, I don't really like the options left for Nectar and Brown, and Dandelion is definitely too long to have asuffix like "flower" after. THe leg options suck too. And it might just be me not really liking "fur" but meh.
Dandelion is way too long for any suffix actually. Off with its head. The dawn options left are not great, neither as pre or suffix.
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Now we're starting to see more clearly what our options could be. Shoutout to Lightpelt for still hanging in there (reminder that red means it was suggested by a reader).
But now let's nitpick the three most used categories: Foot, Pelt and Flower.
Honeypelt is way too much like Honeyfur. Larchpelt feels like I forgot to take this one out when I was doing physical features. Dusk would maybe be more for a ginger pelt? Pouncepelt doesn't make sense or I'm missing a sense of the word which is possible. Well none of the Pounce make sense actually. Rabbitpelt? it sounds weird, maybe because of the b-t-p-t.
Dustkfoot, for the same reasons than with pelt. Wait no actually there might already be too many -Foot in Windclan at the time. Deadfoot, Ashfoot, Darkfoot... Let's rip the "foot" off completely which is too bad because I kinda liked the idea of naming Sasha after her particular markings.
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Clearer by the minute!
Now, Chestnutbranch and Chestnutseed don't really make sense. And chestnutshade has too many sh/tch sounds. Briar doesn't really have branches, Honey doesn't either, and does Windclan really use "shade" as a suffix given there are no trees on the moor?
Apart from Nettle and Briar the Seed names don't really sound good either. Palepelt is a bit too p-l-p-l. Pale branch sounds weird, and the phonetics of Larchbranch are weird. Larchflower are apparently pink so...
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Now, Sparrowwing has two W next to each other and I don't like Harepelt for no good reason but I'm the boss so i'm taking this one out too. Duskwing is weird because of the skw sound. Palewing looks a lot like the conjugated form of the verb "to palew", which, granted, doesn't exist, but still.
Lightbranch? what could possibly justify to name Sasha like that? Any feat including a branch would feel like devaluating her to call it a light branch.
Duskflower? meh. skfl. Try and say this one. Out with it.
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Now, it's getting tricky.
Briar and nettle flowers are pink so again out. Lightflower feels confusing: is it a light (not heavy) flower or a light (not dark) flower?
Now I'm sacrificing a few personnal favorites here so it's not just me deciding what it's gonna be, it's a whole scientific process. I love Paleflower but it sounds weird because of the two Ls so close. And yet I loved the idea of Tallstar naming her after his mother.
Which gives us the remainings:
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Thus you know what the names will be in the poll of the next chapter!
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soliddarrity · 9 months
Going through my drafts & didn’t want this Clariel review to go to waste in case anyone relates:
I want to complain about Clariel by Garth Nix for a minute.
First of all I loved the book, it wasn’t as good as the others but it was still an Old Kingdom book and I really appreciated that Garth is willing to write such fabulously powerful female characters AND that he gave Clariel the power of being a berserk & didn’t play it off like being a berserk is an inherently bad or evil thing, in fact when Clariel meets her grandfather he’s like ‘oh you’re one of these, I know just what to do with you!’
I love that Jaciel’s berserk energy is unleashed in it’s full power and we get to see that being a berserk has huge advantages and can be extremely positive, while also not shying from the inherent dangers it holds. Idk, I just love that we get to have a powerful, angry female character and it’s not played as an inherently bad thing, even though it’s ultimately Clariel’s downfall in a way (but not really - her temptation to use Free Magic isn’t quite a one-to-one transfer from berserk to her going dark side in the end).
Anyway! The complaints!
-quite honestly, I didn’t think Clariel was evil enough. If this was her origin story, it only...kind of told how she actually turned evil? In the end, Clariel is still a good-hearted person with no intention to do wrong by anyone, and even asks to be killed lest she turn into a monster and the people around her are like ‘nah, you’ll be fine’ and send her off to peaceful exile. That’s just...not a very compelling evil character, is it? She just, what, wanders the desert long enough she succumbs to her temptation, which everyone knew about, and they were perfectly willing to set her off on her own, knowing what she could do and would do again if chance came along? That doesn’t sound like Clariel’s problem to me. Also, at the end of the book Garth himself jumps in as the narrator to try and moralize Clariel’s actions: “a girl who did not make very good choices in life.” I mean... what else was she supposed to think, and how else was she supposed to act, given that literally nobody was doing their fucking jobs when Clariel was alive? The king & the Abhorsen were all very much shirking their responsibilities, it’s the entire plot of the book, and Clariel’s...what, bad for being the only character to try and do something? What, she’s a bad person for not seeing the future like the Clayr, for not trusting untrustworthy people to do their jobs when they clearly hadn’t been, like what the fuck was Clariel literally responsible for. Yes, she uses Free Magic - but only because it’s the only power she has that’s strong enough to make any change, when literally everyone around her is acting like a goddamn clown. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t sound like a bad guy to me. The actual moment Clariel actually turns even is, you will note, not even IN this book about her supposed evil origins. Clariel ACTUALLY succumbs to evil somewhere later after this book is finished, alone and driven to insanity by Free Magic in the forest, one would presume. We never get to see that moment as a reader so even though we now know everything else about her, we still don’t know WHICH character flaw precisely led to Clariel’s downfall, which if you think about it is kind of the only reason this book even proposes to exist.
-and on that note, why the fuck does Belatiel give Clariel the bronze mask back in the end? It was pretty contrived. Wouldn’t the mask hold only terrible, awful reminders for Clariel, a reminder of a time she went awol and almost got the king killed & one of the charter stones broken with his spilt blood?? A time she betrayed the kingdom, consorted with evil beings who in the end betrayed and almost killed her, a time when she was seen as a pure villain, and she actually did get several other innocent people killed, lets not forget that, so it’s also a reminder of the time she became (indirectly) responsible for murder? Again: why the fuck would Belatiel give Clariel back the mask after they healed her? It almost welded to her face while she was using Free Magic and they had to pry it off - it’s just so contriiiiived. Like, I get it: she’s Chlorr of the Mask, The Woman With No Face, so she has to have the mask in the end. But the way she gets it? Is just so forced, like the entire plot that fails to convince me she’s this ‘evil’ person. My real question is why not just go for it and make her evil? That’s what we all signed up for when we opened the book, isn’t it? We all, as readers who’ve read the rest of the Old Kingdom books presumably, know that Clariel is going to end up as an evil necromancer, and later one of the Greater Dead serving Hedge to free Orannis. So why not make that what this is, and give her a convincing story arc that actually shows her descent into evil? She’s way too sympathetic, way too good hearted, even by the end. Just make her evil! She has all the potential, it’s right there - all of the pieces have been set up, but Garth just won’t (or can’t) do it. She’s angry, she’s antisocial, her mother and father are killed and she’s had a taste of power and lusts after it: can’t she just...you know...be a bad person? Is it that hard?
-Lastly, and I know this isn’t important, but in the beginning when the fisherman gets the bottle with the free magic creature trapped inside, and it’s mentioned the bottle was 900 years old, I was really hoping that we were going to have this sort of historical...ancestral line of evil from way, WAY back reaching through time to Sabriel & Lirael’s time via Chlorr. I was hoping that 900 year old creature was what would ultimately possess Clariel, or influence her and become her companion throughout her necromancy career (if you can call it a career?), and that it’s just this long legacy of evil tracing back to who-knows-how far back, maybe left to the reader’s imagination. Anyway. That’s a small bone to pick, but I thought that’s where it was going originally and I still hold that that would’ve made a better story.
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time season 3B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Aurora and Philip are back
- Yes snow has long hair again!
- I’m not a fan of the pixie cut
- Ugh walsh
- He’s ugly and his eyebrows are weird
- Rumple is gone :(
- Did his body go back to the enchanted forest or???
- Omg Neal’s apartment
- People probably think that hook is LARPing in the park
- Omg the intro of outlawqueen
- Help! My boyfriend turned into a flying monkey!
- “Henry lend him a hand” lol
- The iconic red jacket!
- I love her omg
- “I don’t care if the lollipop guild is protecting her” lol
- Ohhhh Regina and Emma are working together
- “I sealed it with blood magic” foreshadowing
- My girl Zelena is so gaslight gatekeep girlboss
- Omg he turned into a flying monkey
- “What was that thing?” “Don’t look at me I’m a doctor not a vet” dr whale is so funny
- Rumple really gets around
- Cora, Regina, Zelena
- That’s a whole family
- Yikes she’s got rumple
- Zelena I love you but you’re sinking my ship a little
- Rumple’s gone mad!
- He looks hot with facial hair
- Ooh shaving with the dark one dagger
- Zelena’s outfits are so slay
- “I love him, all of him” awwwwww
- Killian and Neal bromance
- AAAAAA that is so nightmarish
- Neal morphing into rumple
- “I love you papa” I’m crying :(
- Rip
- I hate seeing rumple defeated
- But Zelena is such a girlboss
- I’m conflicted
- That intro was cool
- Rumple can’t even go to his son’s funeral :(
- Unpopular opinion: Zelena has a more tragic backstory than Regina
- “This isn’t the wild west” “No dear it’s the wicked west” iconic
- Zelena is so powerful slay
- Lol the blindfold
- Fifty shades of gold
- Gotta look fab for the big fight
- “Isn’t it obvious? You were born” slay
- “I have that effect on women” rumple you are so funny
- The boys and I bought you a prostitute
- Get her belle!
- Ooooh they’re gonna consummate the marriage early
- For the séance, if the person died of natural causes what would be the murder weapon and who would be the murderer? God???
- Oh no she’s pregnant
- Omg it’s leopold
- Oh that’s what Cora has against Eva
- Wow rumple that was a sexy way to get back the dagger
- “Never on the first date dearie” lol
- Not an outlawqueen fan because I don’t like either of them
- Flying monkey jumpscare intro
- “The name’s grumpy not stupid” lol
- “Rumple bumple isn’t here” rumple the poet
- Belle: rumple look at me this isn’t you
- I forgot that the heart splitting happened this season
- Omg Neal sent the message
- I think it should also say baelfire on his grave
- Awww Zelena could have had something good with those witches
- “No one is taking your seat Zelena” DOROTHY IS LITERALLY SITTING IN IT
- She’s melting!
- Noooo that’s so scary looking
- Why did I think the time travel spell worked?
- Maybe it does later idk
- Oh no rumple swindled belle
- Oh I guess it did work then
- Lip bite
- I just realized that Regina is a horse girl
- She literally has horse stuff everywhere
- Do people in the land without magic think that belle is Australian?
- Captainswan mission
- I love this
- Woah he traded his ship for her
- Outlawqueen is about to get ruined lol
- “Sometimes the best teacup is chipped” This is so adorable omg
- Omg this is so funny because I don’t like Robin or Regina
- Ooh it’s Elsa
- Memorable lines: “Wicked always wins”
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Zelena
Like: Rumple, Belle, Emma, Hook, Neal
Neutral: Aurora, Philip, Henry, Snow, Charming, everyone else
Dislike: Robin, Regina, Glinda
Hate: Walsh
Season rating: 9/10
My girl Zelena was so slay this season. Everything about 3B is just so good! Zelena is a great antagonist and character in general and the flashbacks with her are amazing. I also really liked captainswan time travelling. The only thing I didn’t like was Rumple being defeated basically the whole time but that wedding at the end saved it!!!
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drustvar · 2 years
Changes / Additions to Muriel's route 11/22
These are more notes for myself more than anything but I thought I might as well share. This is also besides the obvious stuff like he knows what a market is and of COURSE has been in the shop before. (seriously wtf???) Putting under a cut bc there's A LOT. like. A LOT !
Rosie picks up on Muriel's dislike of crowds / general fear of red street and suggests they duck into a garden to wait out the crowds. Unfortunately up until this point she'd been stopping to chat like every 5 minutes which he understandably got frustrated with. This is also when she asks about the chains he wears, and its mentioned that he and Asra have tried everything to break them. (Hinting that they're in someway connected to the Devil / whatever Lucio's been dealing with.) She doesn't ask about them again. ||
Muriel in general in the early chapters is way more prickly / mean because 1, I think that's hot and 2, he doesn't want to fucking be there. ||
His magic and rune casting becomes way more of a plot point, especially in how they navigate through the Steppes / Keep up w Morga. Lots of classic fantasy druidism TM vibes. ||
Khamgalai does die, but she's not getting killed of literally within the same day. Muriel + Rosie get to spend like at least a week with her , meaning 1. more info / worldbuilding about his culture and 2. When she does die it actually has some impact instead of just being shock value. ||
Speaking of Khamgalai, I'm also moving the first kiss between Rosie/Muriel to when they're staying with her. Personally do not like in the canon story how it happens while he's literally having a panic attack. He deserves to have that when he feels safe and content. Thinking something along the lines of just a quiet moment shared on the porch at sunrise. ||
Instead of being given a bow Rosie is given a pair of knives (given how Morga has already seen that she has some familiarity with them) with the runes carved in them she can make them sort of boomerang in and out of her hand. ||
Morga's crimes / lack of action are also addressed and taken far more seriously. Muriel had every right to be mad and he should have been allowed to be. ||
Might add in a chapter or two where they stop at the inn again as sort of a thematic "back to where we started from" type thing except they're worn out and scarred from the journey. Things start to get a little hot and heavy between them but Muriel puts a stop to it bc so far only bad things happen to the people he cares about / they get taken away from him, and he doesn’t want that to happen to Rosie. ||
Muriel is initially very wary of the townsfolk sheltering in the forest, especially the wealthy. Not too long ago these were the same people who were watching him fight for his life for their entertainment. Rosie backs him up on this. (it helps that she doesn't like the nobility to start with either lmfao) ||
I might have them meet his parents when they're in the spirit world??? It truly felt like that's what it was leading up to but idk. The Hermit himself is also more serious and not played off as a gag. ||
Muriel suggests that instead of a siege, they invade the palace via the way-stones and passageways . Right before they can begin phase one, they’re invited to speak to Lucio at the Lazaret. He proposes a series of games / feats of strength, for “old times sake”. They initially refuse, but Lucio implores them to reconsider, implying that he’s somehow gotten wind of their plans of invasion. After some discussion they begrudgingly agree, but on one condition. Only they get to choose the games, he has no say in them and is only a contestant. ||
Football to save the world is funny but also incredibly jarring giving the tone of the previous chapters. After the evening banquet Lucio enters the arena and states something along the lines that he’s let them have their fun, but they simply haven’t played fair. Using devil magic:™: he warps the landscape and the Coliseum begins to close in like a giant bear trap. One more big fight before everything is said and done.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 11 months
Accidentally found that blog that made that one comic about a slasher and his bubbly happy-go-lucky gf (edit: found it again, it's @/bludragongal , go look at her stuff lol (DO NOT TAG HER PLEASE I AM FEAR)) thought "there should be like... A monster genre version of it"
My head started spitballing shit for it immediately after.
Concept under the cut because beeg
Human character: Sandra H. Prolly a goth girl (or at least like- not bubbly but also not deppressed, still can and WILL kill if she's angry enough, just like the og) with a ridiculous love and interest in animals, especially freaky creatures, flora and fauna and shit like that. By "ridiculous love and interest" i mean like- she loves these things so much her vibes walk up to you and say "dude idk bout you but i think she's autistic"
Monster character: Krang. Alien monstrosity that is currently hiding here and there because. It's. It's an alien. An extraterrestrial living being, stuck on earth and decided to just vibe lol. Instead of killing because yes, it's only gonna maul you if you piss it off or something, like- oh you slapped them? Hm. Death :). It's also highly smart, prolly learns how to speak english with a certain someone's help and he learns REALLY fast. Design wise i'm thinking it's based on the creatures from that horror movie called A Quiet Place, minus the hearing shtick and the feral is lessened down to like. Cat levels of gremlin. Yes it's also a smug, snarky and mischievous bastard, but that's not stopping the fluff potential.
The meeting: Sandra is walking around with friends after having set camp purely to vibe because god damn it it's nearly the end of the year and shit they get to have a break for once from their work and stuff, and they're all like chill and jokey, cracking the worst of jokes (some dark ones too, Jared you can't friggin' joke about INFIDELITY that's horrid nooo get smacked upside the head you jerk lol), and they suddenly hear screeching and growling from somewhere deeper in the forest, and one of them goes "ayo who's gonna check it out" and Sandra one proposes rock paper scissors to decide. Sandra loses and kicks the winner in the knee because man fuck you honestly.
Sandra walks deeper into the forest to find the source of the noise. Deeper and deeper and deeper... Until she finds a freakish, monstrous creature trying to break free from a bear trap, growling and screeching from the pain of the little cursed machine biting into it's flesh. Sandra gasps and runs over to the creature to get the bear trap off his leg, and it just growls lowly as a warning. No. Get away, life form. I can do it myself anyway. It's just a little primitive machine. It's smart but not enough to hold me back. Stay away. But she's stubborn and convinces the creature to let her help... It reluctantly accepts, and she pries the bear trap open, letting him get out of it.
She tells the creature that it's gonna call for her friends, who are also of her species, but it's not for anything malicious, it's to help him heal. The alien creature growls lowly as a form of expression Aka it's offended that Sandra is willing to help him THIS much when it can heal on it's damn own, but she insists because she genuinely cares a lot about it and doesn't want him to be hurt. The creature reluctantly accepts but only because he doesn't want to be too mean.
She calls for her friends, they find it and try to help (and control themselves, Andy no you can't take pics of him to post on your Instagram that's risky and besides you can't take mean comments towards you well at ALL) they help her heal the creature's wounds and done! He has bandages and shit! Usual health things! She asks him about his name and it just. Whispers in it's alien language. She doesn't understand it and asks again, to which the creature responds by grabbing a stick and writing on the dirt it's name... In the same alien language. Sandra just goes "i'll ask again later, you should learn english..." and it just growls lowly in disappointment like- god damn it i gotta learn english because human don't understand my language >:(
After that, Sandra waves goodbye and the creature runs away, back into hiding and vibing, and she and her friends go back to dicking around, not knowing it's not the last time she's gonna see it...
Their relationship: Krang develops a crush on Sandra not right after finding it or something like that- Krang is not familiar with human life forms and doesn't trust easily (also canonically semi tsundere lmao it's funny for me)- it's only developing a crush on Sandra once it decides to stalk her and spots her just. Vibing. Thriving happily in peace and tranquility without a care in the world.
She has a cat, she has a family, friends, she has a lot in her life... What does he have? Constant fear, worry, dread and anxiety from living in the wilderness, from having to hide from every single human, just so it can simply vibe. It takes shelter in sewers and caves and abandoned places, for crying out loud, it's lonely!
He's obviously not developing that attraction the moment it stalks her, no, they stalk her purely to learn because this human just. Saved me?? Human cares??? That's weird i should learn a bit more. It started as a little learning expirience, following her wherever, watching her do things just to learn a bit more of this particular human that decided to give him another chance in life.
Then it starts going a more "i wish that was me" route. It starts to feel envious of Sandra's peaceful life, her happiness and how comfortable she is in her own little world... It became a desire for a better, more comfortable life, following her wherever, watching her do things, just so calm and happy, without a care in the world... He has to take shelter in the most disgusting, lonely spaces just to have a tolerable chance of survival.
One day, it spotted Sandra walking around with her friends again, throughout a mall, supposedly planning to "watch that one movie they waited for so long to see", according to what it heard... It catches a glimpse of two men wearing a black disguise, making them nearly unidentifiable. It's not going to let them ruin Sandra's little joy, even if it's meaningless, it's joy nonetheless.
Two male young adults went missing that day, nobody knows what happened to them. Krang knows. They did it. Sandra's safe now and nobody has to know or get in their business.
After that, Sandra and her friends went walking back to their respective homes, gushing about the movie, just goofing off like they always do.
Sandra didn't expect the creature from a while ago to be in her house, playing with her dog. And Krang expected her to be happy to see him, but instead he got a very surprised /neg Sandra processing the fact there's the fucking creature in her god damn house what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.
After that it's just a slice of life SLOW friends to lovers kinda thing, it learns english and finally answers the million ages old question /j: his name...
"So, funky thing... Now that you know english, what's your name?"
"I... Ammm... Krann..g"
"Krang, huh? It's a pretty name!"
"Pretty name for a pretty creature!"
"... Pret... Ty...?"
"Hrm... ////"
"Heheh! I'm Sandra, if you're wondering"
"... Pretty name... For a... Pret.ty... crea...ture"
"Eheheh... Thanks, i guess ////"
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thelastspeecher · 6 years
So @nour386 wrote an amazing ficlet that takes place in the Werepire Stangie AU (aka the glorious AU where Stan is a vampire and Angie’s a werewolf and they end up on a road trip together before making their way to Gravity Falls due to the “weirdness magnetism”).  Nour’s ficlet has Stan getting closure with his ex-boyfriend/person who turned him into a vampire, Jimmy Snakes.  And in the ficlet, Stan making up with Ford is mentioned.
And I realized that I needed to write that particular scene right away.  So here, have Ford and vampire Stan coming clean with each other and burying the hatchet.
              Ford opened the door leading to the back porch.  He looked over at the couch that Angie had dragged there a few months ago, insisting that the single wicker chair wasn’t enough seating.  Sure enough, Stan was sitting on the couch, clearly deep in thought.  He idly spun a small box in his hands.
              “Stanley?” Ford said cautiously.  Stan startled and dropped the box.  It fell just beyond the extent of the porch’s shadow.
              “Dammit,” Stan muttered.  He reached for the box.  The moment his fingers edged into the sunlight, he let out a hiss.  He jerked back instinctively.
              “I’ll get it.”  Ford picked up the box.  He handed it to Stan, who thanked him with a wordless grunt.  “It’s from that jewelry store Angie likes.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan looked down at the box.  “Bought it the other day.”
              “It looks like one of those boxes that holds engagement rings,” Ford said. Stan nodded silently.  “Are- are you planning on-?”  Stan scratched behind his ear.  Ford wondered for a moment whether Stan had picked up that behavior from his werewolf girlfriend.
              “Uh, yeah.  I’m, um, I’m gonna…”  Stan trailed off.  He took a breath to gather himself.  “I’m gonna propose to her tonight.  Just trying to figure out how to do it.”  Ford sat next to Stan on the couch.  “The, uh, the guy at the jewelry store looked at me like I was nuts when I told him my budget and said I didn’t want a silver engagement ring.  But I managed to find one that wouldn’t burn Angie.  Or me.”  Stan opened the box.  The ring was simple; a rose gold band with a single pearl set in it.  Stan stared down at the engagement ring.  “I wanted to get her one with diamonds.  I mean, that’s the kinda ring she deserves.  But…”  Stan sighed. “Couldn’t afford it.  And it’s not the easiest thing to rob a jewelry store if you’re allergic to silver.  Just bein’ in there made me break out in hives.”
              “She’ll love it,” Ford said solemnly.  Stan managed a weak grin.  “Are- are you worried she’ll say no?”
              “I don’t know.”  Stan closed the box.  “It’s a damn miracle she’s stuck with me this long.  I just- I keep expecting her to finally realize she’s too good for me.”
              “That’s not how she feels.”
              “Oh, like you’ve been spending time with my girlfriend,” Stan scoffed.  Ford rubbed the back of his neck.
              “Actually, I have.  Angie agreed to let me study her for my research.  I don’t have much data on werewolves.”
              “Really?  She let you do that?”
              “I mean, she is a scientist,” Ford pointed out. Stan grunted.  “But while I’m taking notes on her, she asks about you.”  Stan stared at him.  “She, um, she’s concerned about your self-esteem.  She wanted to know if you’d been like this when you were a child.”
              “What’d you tell her?”
              “The truth.  That you were one of the most confident people I’ve ever known.”
              “Heh.  Guess I was pretty confident back then.”  Stan looked away.  “Getting kicked out before you even graduate from high school, your boyfriend turning you into a vampire, and landing a girlfriend with a goddamn master’s degree, though, that’ll mess you up.”  Ford frowned.
              “You got turned by an ex-boyfriend?”
              “Yeah.”  Stan toed the wood panel of the porch, refusing to meet Ford’s gaze.  “Didn’t work out.”
              “Clearly, given that you’re planning on proposing to someone different.”
              “Angie’s pretty much the opposite of Jimmy, for sure.”  Stan sighed.  “I’m lucky as hell that I found her.”  A tentative silence fell.  “So-”
              “Is-” Ford started, speaking at the same time as Stan.  They stopped and shared a wry grin.  Stan nodded at Ford.
              “Go ahead, Sixer.”
              “I think this is the longest conversation we’ve had since you arrived in Gravity Falls,” Ford said.  Stan shrugged.
              “Eh.  Maybe.”
              “At the very least, it’s the most civil.”
              “Can’t argue with that,” Stan muttered.  He fiddled with the hem of his hoodie.  “It’s…nice, talking to you without wanting to strangle you.”
              “I’m flattered.”
              “Being angry at you all the time takes up a lotta energy,” Stan continued, ignoring Ford.  “I miss it being like this.”
              “I concur.”  Ford leaned back.  “Heh. Back when we were in high school, there’s no way you would’ve even thought about proposing to a girlfriend without telling me.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan chewed his lip.  “Look. We- we both fucked up.”  He coughed.  “I, uh, I think I fucked up a bit less than you, but I really- I was a dumbass in high school.  I shoulda told you right away when your machine thing got broken.”  He met Ford’s eyes.  “I didn’t break it.  But I was there when it was broken.”  Ford nodded silently.  “I’m- I’m sorry.”
              “It’s okay.”  Ford cleared his throat.  “Like you said, we both fucked up.  I shouldn’t- I should have given you time to explain, instead of accusing you of actively sabotaging me.”  Stan nodded. “I’m sorry.”  Ford waited for the weight to lift from his shoulders.  But it remained as heavy as ever.
              “Dammit,” Stan sighed.  He slumped back against the couch.  “One of the few times I’ve ever apologized, and things weren’t magically better.”
              “There’s still a lot of bad blood between us, I suppose,” Ford said softly. “It’ll take a while before things get back to normal.”
              “You did try to kill my girlfriend when you found out she was a werewolf.”
              “I didn’t- that was a misunderstanding and a mistake!” Ford protested.  “I swear, I wasn’t trying to kill her.”
              “You could’ve, though.  You shoved wolfsbane in her face.”
              “I apologized for that.”  Stan shrugged.  Ford sighed. “At least I can tell Fiddleford I spoke to you.”  Stan straightened his posture.  He frowned at Ford.
              “Hang on.  Did you just say all of that just ‘cause Fiddlenerd told you to?”
              “Fiddleford.  And no, he just promised to harangue me until I bit the bullet and spoke with you.”  To Ford’s surprise, Stan nodded.
“Yeah, Angie’s been getting on my case about it, too.”  Ford managed a weak smile.
“Like you, I’ve missed this.  I’ve missed having my twin brother around. Well, around and not ready to kill me at any moment.”
              “Eh.  I wouldn’t have killed you.”  Stan scratched his nose idly.  “Except for when you were messing with Angie.  Then I might have.”  Ford chuckled softly.  “That’s not a joke, Sixer.  I’ve done it before, I’d do it again.”
              “You’ve killed someone?”
              “I’m a damn vampire, of course I’ve killed someone.”
              “But like I was saying, I’m not gonna kill you.”
“Thank you.”
“Not gonna kill Fiddlenerd, either, no matter how annoying he is.  It’d upset Angie.”
              “You really care about her,” Ford said.  Stan punched him playfully.
              “Duh!  You saw the ring I bought her.”  Ford cracked a smile.  Stan returned the expression.  After a moment, Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “I should get going.  Still gotta figure out how I’m gonna propose.”  He shoved the box containing the engagement ring into his hoodie’s pocket and stood.  Before he could walk away, Ford spoke.
              “Tell me what she says.”  Stan grinned, flashing his inhumanly sharp teeth.
              “You got it, Sixer.”
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springflwer07 · 2 years
So i don't have a particular idea for part 2, but maybe Legolas does his best to pay attention to her, but he is very occupied with his royal duties, and reader tries to help him. He is very stressed during the day, but after a few months, he finally finds a calm time, and proposes to her? Just something cute and fluff (angst is fine too)
Idk, feel free to write what you had in mind.♡
Legolas x Fem!Reader Part 2
 part 1/part2
Type: Fluff, maybe a little angst(just a little), comfort
Warnings: stressed Legolas
Enjoy =D
“I like reading and archery” the elf prince smiles down at me.
That was 2 weeks ago. 
Since then Legolas has been busy with his duties and we haven’t had a lot of time alone. Whenever we think we can talk alone and just relax, a guard will come in to take Legolas away.
I knocked on the doorframe of his study “Legolas, I was wondering if you had any freetime? We have not been able to properly talk to each other in a while”.
He sighs and puts down what he was working on “I know, I’m sorry but I have all this” he gestures to all the parchment on his paper “to deal with”.
“I understand, I will be in my chambers if you find yourself to be free” I smile sadly at the elf and turn to walk back to my room.
“Your father requests your presence at the throne”
“Your father wishes to speak to you”
“Your presence is requested in the forest, there are some spiders needed to be slain”
“Orcs have been spotted at the edge of the forest, your father requests that you make sure they do not go past”
“There’s some paperwork your father has requested you look at”
Wishes to
Your presence
At least one of those is used when Legolas is needed for something. There was one time he was giving me a courting braid and was requested for something halfway through. It’s safe to say that we have yet to properly braid each other’s hair..
A week later.
I walk into Legolas’s study without him noticing and go to stand behind him. I lightly hug him from behind and rest my chin on his shoulder so I can watch what he is doing.
“Hello” he says quietly, placing one of his hands over my own clasped hands.
“Hi,” I responded just as quietly “What are you doing?”
“Looking over some stuff my father requested I check”
A comfortable silence falls over us for a few minutes until I realize Legolas is gripping the quill, of which he was writing with, tight enough for his knuckles to go white and for the poor quill to begin splintering. I sigh and place a hand over his.
“You should take a break”
“I cannot”
“Why not?”
“Problems will occur if I do not. It will end badly”
I sigh again and softly kiss the top of his head before I walk away back to my chambers.
A Month Later.
I sit in bed with my back up against the headboard and a book in my lap. It’s a romance book. A tale of adventure and love. Recently that’s all I've been reading, romance books that end in a happy ending unlike my romance story. It’s sort of sad now that I think about it, reading love stories to make up for your own relationship?
I sigh and close the book, placing it on the bedside table. As the book touches the table a soft knock comes from my door. I get up, fix my nightgown, and open the door. To my surprise an elf prince is standing there with a single [F/C] rose in his hand.
“Oh hello” I say, stepping aside and smiling at the prince.
“Hello” He replies, stepping inside and handing me the rose.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” I joke.
“We haven’t seen much of each other in… I am not sure how long, so I am here to make up for that lost time” 
I smile more as I walk over to a vase and place the rose in it. “I appreciate that”
“I suppose we will not be standing here talking the entire time, what do you have in mind?”
“Here,” He holds out his hand “I’ll show you”
I take hold of his hand and follow him as he leads me through the maze of halls until we reach a doorway that leads outside.
The courtyard we are in is beautiful, flowers and trees scattered here and there. There’s a stone bench at one side of the courtyard and a path at the other side. Legolas starts walking towards the path, pulling me along with him. On the sides of the path there are some flower bushes. I tug Legolas’s hand causing him to stop walking and look at me with confusion written on his face. I bend down slightly and pluck a single Gardenia from one of the bushes. I stand up and giggle softly as I place the flower in the prince’s hair. 
I watch as the tips of his ears flush a light pink, a smile slowly etching its way onto his face.
Instead of continuing down the path, Legolas leads me back the way we came and over to the bench. He sits down and pats the spot next to him, inviting me to sit down next to him. I gladly sit down next to him and lean my head on his shoulder. He sighs a happy sigh. We finally have time alone together. 
He lightly pushes my head off of his shoulder after a few minutes and stands up. Confused, I look at the elf and see that he’s nervously smiling back at me. Before I can say anything he takes a few steps making it so that he’s standing in front of me.
“I understand that maybe this is a tad soon and a bit untraditional, but I fear we may not have another moment alone for quite some time… Here goes…” 
He sighs and slowly drops to one knee and grabs both my hands. “I am aware we were arranged to marry each other in the first place so we did not have much of a choice. However, that does not mean I cannot still propose to you myself, so [Name]..” He lets go of one of my hands and reaches behind himself. He pulls out a dark green box, “Will you… will you marry me?” He asks with a nervous smile as he opens the box to reveal a simple but beautiful elvish ring.
I smile as small tears fill my eyes “I would love to” I say before Legolas stands up while gently pulling me up to stand as well. He puts the ring on my finger and places the box on the stone bench. Before I can say anything about how lovely the ring is I am being pulled in by a strong hand on my waist. He leans in close enough for me to feel his breath against my face and to smell a strong scent of faint mint, flowers, and the woods.
“Can I..?” He whispers while looking into my eyes. I nod ever so slightly and before I realize it his lips are on mine, soft and gentle. It’s a soft and sweet kiss that lasts only a few seconds.
As we part he smiles a sweet smile and rests his forehead against mine.
“I suppose we have a wedding to plan”
I tried my best TvT I really hope it’s liked - I honestly might do a few more parts to this(?) idk, lemme know if I should. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed this =D
Tags: @randomstory56 @crowsforquills @siriuslydestiny
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lavendermin · 3 years
ode to a lost wind | 『1』
pairing | zhongli/reader, childe/reader, thoma/reader
word count | 3.1k
genre | nsft, soft romantic, au, self-indulgent idk what t say
warnings | notsfw! minors pls do not interact, breeding, pregnancy, this is gonna get incredibly horny real fast later on I’m so sorry, a little thriller-esque, them being your dragon lovers simultaneously is warning enough
synopsis | welcome to your dragon husband harem, enjoy your stay
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Mid-week. The tavern is still packed as if the weekend was tomorrow, drunkards and bards alike celebrating another day finished.
A renowned wandering bard sits playing a tune to the lively patrons.
“Come on, play us another tale of the ancient winds and the far fallen kingdom!” one drunk is quick to exclaim as their poor colleague sits uneasily next to his raucous behavior.
The bard makes no move to answer him, simply tuning his worn, wooden lyre. The drunkard is almost ready to loudly proclaim disrespect on him for lack of a response, yet the bard smiles with a clear of his throat.
“My fair audience, I’ve told that tale several times this month. Wouldn’t you rather hear the legend of the missing damsel swallowed by thick woods in neighboring lands?” he offers with a charming wink.
A few adventurers that were drinking happily a few tables behind catch wind of his proposal. The more inexperienced of the lot seem to take a keen interest in this tale.
“A legend?” More patrons begin to gather around as the bard idly strums a delicate tune with a pondering hum. He’s quick to become a buzzing hotspot— a reputation that precedes him.
“An ‘Ode to a Lost Wind’, if you would so indulge me. This damsel was one born of Mondstadt and consumed by the never ending forest that borders a far off kingdom. They say a wicked dragon guards her in the ruins of his castle, where her cries can be heard like a sweet melody that brings the moon to tears.”
There’s hushed chatter that erupts from the audience that’s leaning on his every word at this new tale he has in store for them.
One of the newest adventurer recruits steps forward first with determination in their heart. “Tell us more, bard. We’d like to know more about this so-called ‘Lost Wind’.”
The tune picks up, a wicked grin briefly flashing across the bard’s lips. And maybe it’s the dim lighting or the alcohol that’s jittering their vision, but a few swear they see sharp teeth on his pearly grin for a moment. All it takes is a blink and then they’re back to seeing the same eager bard enjoying his carefree performance on top of one of the bar tables, generous helping of wine in hand.
“Very well, dearest listeners! Our tale begins at the edge of the vast cedar wood forest on the outskirts of the lands of Mondstadt.”
Through the tale in a delightful ode, through wine and song, the bar-goers relived the vivid tale of a damsel that was lured through the forest unto the castle of ancient ruin. The hearts of the soft-hearted drunkards were so moved and brought to the brink of mourning the loss of a lass they’d never met. So swayed were they by this compelling tale, quite a few stuck around with questions weighing heavy on their minds.
And the hunger of adventure-starved drunkards is exactly what the cunning bard preyed on.
“Bard, this ‘Ode to a Lost Wind’… is it true?” one had suspiciously asked as the tavern was dwindling down to the last few patrons of the night. As expected of the Adventurers Guild to gather intel on a prospective expedition— even if they had nothing to show for it, charting unknown forests was a call they could not resist.
Venti grins, carefree and mischievous before downing his drink in one go. “Discovery is one of the thrills of life. If you are to go to Mondstadt, there are many who will tell you of the damsel that is still missing to this day. Whether they are one and the same or still alive is not something a poet such as myself would so easily reveal.”
One of the adventurers, untrusting of this being little more than a fairytale, squints at him. It’s only natural for them to doubt— a foresight Venti has already taken into account ages ago. There’s no fun in making this easy for them, now is it?
“So you’re saying you will not tell us?”
Venti chuckles, leaning on his palm with a vague glint in his eyes that makes a few of the amateurs shudder in their tightly laced boots. “Perhaps I’m saying I don’t know either.”
As the sun tucks itself behind ancient mountains, the scarcity of light sets a prick of fear into the hearts of the lost. It’s like a low hum in the back of their mind, one where they lie to themselves that they aren’t lost, that they aren’t doomed. Those aren’t the thoughts of an adventurer, no.
‘A path undiscovered,’ their veteran superiors would have said with boisterous laughter between celebratory drinks.
“We’re lost.”
“We aren’t lost if there was never a sure end to find,” one tries to convince themselves as they shift a log around their small fire. Their eyes hold no hope as much as his words try to convince himself.
Every crunch, every distant sound of a forest very much alive was enough to keep them on edge.
“Save the lost damsel in distress— please, what a joke,” the first spits bitterly to no one in particular. “Jack, we might as well start trying to head back. Just mark this down as a myth and nothing more than a bard’s tale. I’ll file the paperwork with the guild of this expedition being a bust.”
His companion frowns at this, seemingly offended by the easy defeat. “Go back? Are you insane? We’d have nothing to show for a two day expedition the guild generously prepared us for!”
“And risk your goddamn life? Are you insane? If the boars don’t get us then hypothermia will.”
Jack knows this, and yet despite the cold that’s numbing his hands and chilling his spine he can’t ignore the call of the forest. “Don’t get upset so easily, Ivan. I’m just saying, I have a sure feeling we’ll find something if we wait until morning.”
“No, we’re heading back as soon as we can see ten feet ahead of us. I’m not risking my life for some made up princess that’s probably dead in a ditch somewhere,” Ivan complains. Before Jack is able to make a plea deal, his companion stands, aggressively chucking the last twigs from their pile into the dwindling fire. “I’m gonna go find some more wood nearby. If it starts dying, rip bark from the tree behind you and use that until I get back. Just— stay here. I need to think for a few minutes.”
Without so much as a second to react, Ivan was gone into the thick maze of trees. The nearby crunch of leaves and occasional crackle of the fire at his feet was all that filled the silent night. There was a certain degree of guilt that was gnawing at Jack. And rightfully so.
How could he not resist the greed of a perilous adventure?
Ivan was really sticking his neck out for him, even going so far as to sponsor the expedition himself. Perhaps an apology was in order. And with reluctance in his heart, Jack had to choose between venturing further into the forest or choosing failure.
His thoughts stopped dead in their tracks. The fire at his feet crackled once more as he flicked another piece of bark into the pile.
But that was it.
No more crunching leaves.
There was a lingering fear that dug it’s talons into his heart. Dread.
No response.
Which way had they come from originally? The panic gripped his mind and blocked rationality until he forced himself to focus. Ivan was probably just sitting on some roots cooling off before he told Jack off again. He would be back soon, surely.
He squints through the darkness desperately trying to make out the shadowy figure of his trusted companion. The night plays tricks on his eyes, and suddenly he feels the things he sees aren’t as they seem. The fatigue was setting in. This wasn’t good.
Jack strains his eyes again with dwindling hope and the crunch of a twig in the distance is loud enough for him to pick up on. His head practically snaps in its direction.
“Ivan? Did you find some wood?” he tries hopefully.
There’s a faint orange glow high beyond the trees. It’s hard to tell what it was.
There’s little relief he feels when he hears a distant, “Not yet.”
However… Ivan’s voice came from the opposite direction of where the glow was.
Somehow he hadn’t noticed he had ventured further from their little camp, lured by the strange light. The campfire was just a spec in the clutter of trees. Surely it would be okay to figure out what that light was and come back right? He wouldn’t even know Jack was gone.
His own thoughts didn’t even sound like his own anymore. No… the chilling wind was beckoning him forward.
Against the light of the moon, the outline of a fortress came closer into view. A magnificent wall that experienced eons of guarding the quaint castle now in ruins within.
The state of its structure all pointed to its abandonment, yet a few scattered windows on higher floors glowed with warm light. For a second the exhausted adventurer doubted his eyes.
The damsel in the dragon’s castle… This had to be it. Damsel or not, this ancient ruin was still a sight to behold. Surely this kind of discovery would quickly spread word of this young adventurer’s stroke of luck.
He did not look back again, wandering beyond the stone gates of the forgotten castle.
There was a certain level of dread to be felt, dropping his heart into his stomach just from the pile of rubbish near the entrance. A large pile of uprooted trees— some snapped in half, even, as if it were child’s play. A few larger chunks of tree were scattered about, stark claw marks on the wood bigger than any beast’s he had ever encountered. More alarming was the tree’s specimen, known as a rare sapling that grows to have the circumference of a chapel and towering high into gentle clouds.
This was no ordinary individual’s doing. Somehow the prospect of dragons existing was becoming less and less of a myth to the terrified adventurer.
Yet his greed was stronger. If he lived to tell the tale, his life was set to be placed in legends and he, too, would fit among the stars of the worthy.
And by this greed he spurred his legs on to continue beyond the heavy door that was left open just a crack. An eerie wind blew from within and carried a scent of fresh pine and cinnamon spice. There lingered a familiar scent of woodfire ovens hard at work to make the golden breads given in intricate baskets at dinner halls. An odd thing to encounter so deep in the woods.
The fortress was perplexing— incredible, even. From its state of erosion outside one would never guess it’s inside became more lavish and well-furnished the deeper one went. Clearly someone was residing in the castle at present time, and for who knows how long before Jack’s arrival.
The sound of distant footsteps echoing down dark corridors made for frantic hiding— from what exactly, Jack didn’t know. If this really was a beast’s lair, it would be best he didn’t find out anytime soon.
Warm light spilled from an open room far down a corner he turned, gentle music from a phonograph carrying itself down empty halls— a gadget from the far lands of Fontaine. This had to be it.
With quickening steps he finally made it to the room as if it was his saving grace. Jack stepped into the room with his breath held upon each step.
And there she was.
There upon a large bed surrounded by lavish pillows and pelts and blankets you slumbered so soundly. Lips parted with quiet breathing and a content look of peace on your expression— you were beautifully misplaced in such a far away enclosure.
And of course he would be so clumsy as to bump into the nearby decorative table, spilling a small basin of water with a rather loud clang. It stirred you from your peaceful slumber and slowly you became clearer to identify in full detail.
You wore a lavish little robe, a little too sheer for lingering eyes with elegant plumes decorating the hems. Your belly was slightly distended, swollen endearingly with the growing life of an expecting mother. The small, red blooms on your neck and chest were alarming him to the nth degree.
“What… What did they do to you?” The adventurer is at a loss for words. Maybe even a little awestruck momentarily at the delicate image of the expecting damsel he had been searching for and did not think to actually find.
You blink sleepily at the strange intruder, placing a hand protectively under your tummy to support yourself as you sit up. You seemed pretty far along, around six months.
“Who are you? Where’s Thoma?” you ask in a foggy daze, searching around the rather large bed you’re resting on. Whoever you’re looking for doesn’t seem to be present.
The adventurer is quick to drag you off the bed, beckoning you out of the room. “I’m here to save you! Quickly, we gotta go!” He’s quick to grab a lantern off the wall before he dashes down unfamiliar halls.
“Save me? How did you get in here? You can’t be here!” You groggily tried to free yourself from this disheveled man’s grip as he dragged you through candle-lit corridors.
“I’ll explain everything when we’re far from here. Who’s keeping you here?” Though his hands subtly trembled, there was adrenaline and determination in this naive adventurer’s heart.
You blink confused at him when he stops to try and remember which corridor he came through. “Keep me here? What’s going on?”
Oh, how precious. You were the spitting image of innocence. Surely whoever or whatever was keeping you here was taking advantage of you to have you in such a state. He grit his teeth the more he thought about it.
A little exasperated, he asks again, “Do you know who’s keeping you captive here?”
“That would be me.”
His blood drains from his face hearing the voice right behind him. And as human as it sounds, as human as he appears, Jack knows this man is anything but. If his towering height was anything to go by, then the intricately dark horns adorning his light auburn hair were a dead giveaway. Still, by a spur of pure idiotic courage Jack places his body in front of you protectively.
“Childe…” Your voice is a confused whimper that immediately draws the taller male’s attention. “Where’s Thoma?”
The ginger clicks his tongue, muttering annoyances under his breath. “That’s what I’d like to know. That bard couldn’t have picked worse timing.”
You gasp from behind the adventurer, your hand flying to your tummy as a kick from the baby causes you sudden discomfort.
“How could you?! You sick dragon bastard, you forced this on her! Forced her to bear the child of a monster!” He was flying into a protective fit of rage despite this man towering above him with intimidating horns and all the capability of ending him then and there.
And Childe laughs. Harder than he ever has, almost maniacally so.
“You think we forced her into being bred? Our little darling is much more refined than that. Besides, isn't she just the spitting image of perfection like this?” He makes it a point to easily sweep you away from the intruder, his hand lovingly under your belly as he holds you close. There’s a blossoming crimson that dusts your cheeks at the praise. “Besides,” Childe begins again, eyes flickering back to Jack’s with unparalleled smugness. “This baby’s not mine.”
“It’s mine,” a deep voice rumbles directly behind the adventurer. It’s enough to scare him pale at being met with intense amber eyes, glowing with festering irritation. Another pair of horns of brilliant amber stark against charcoal hair… Two dragons.
Suddenly, this adventurer feels more dread start to surface as the bard’s tale begins to unfold into something much different than intended. He’s been played like a card.
“Zhongli, where did that dumb guard dog run off to? He was supposed to be keeping watch,” Childe complains, glaring harshly at the other beast man.
Childe’s anger goes ignored by everyone but the only victim in the room.
“I sent Thoma to bring in more firewood to store by the hearth of each of our chambers— since you decided you wouldn’t bother with it after the six times I’d asked you,” Zhongli calmly explains with a stern cross of his arms. “Now,” he turns to the intruder at hand, “I’ll be leaving you with the simple task of getting rid of him. I’m sure such a task doesn’t require spoon-feeding you the details.”
Childe scoffs, picking up the intruder with one clawed hand as if he were nothing but a cloth, “Sure, leave me to do the dirty work while you go fuck her brains out and have all the fun. You’ve got some nerve, Morax.”
A threatening growl erupts from deep within Zhongli’s chest as he takes you into his arms protectively. Childe is too busy hauling away the adventurer he easily knocked unconscious, throwing him over his shoulder to ignore the daggers Zhongli is glaring at him.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright, my love. You know how Childe is,” you soothe with gentle words. The dragon’s amber gaze is burning with intensity at Childe’s efforts to rile him up, and you caress his cheek to get him to finally break his glare to look at you. “No need to be upset. We’re okay. We’re not hurt.”
You reassure him by placing his larger hand over your baby bump, his frustration easily melting until there’s nothing but a soft purr-like hum from his chest.
The view is dark, upside down as the adventurer briefly holds onto consciousness. From the candle-lit corridor the last thing he sees is Zhongli, towering in stature and holding the small pregnant damsel in protective arms. Another tall dragon male comes into view from the corridor behind them, a toddler in his arms. Blonde hair, dark horns protruding with ominous presence despite hosting kind and gentle eyes— a third dragon lover.
This was a twisted bard’s ode— one whose truth would never leave the winding forest that housed it. The Lost Wind remained lost only to time.
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alycosworld · 3 years
hello lovely! “🧸/💮” anon here:D omgomg i was daydreaming as usual and i like wandered really deep into my day dream it was absolutely magical now i will be jotting this down in detail in a post later on my account BUT i need u to use yr amazing and magical writing skills to bring my day dream to life!!!!o(≧v≦)o okok! so I’ll be separating the request into sections below!
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OKOK SO- basically just a really cottage core aesthetic life by idk a really magical forest??ig??? BUT ITS REALLY PRETTY OK LIKE EXPECT TONS OF CRYSTAL FLIES AND BUTTERFLIES LOST OF PLANTS AND WILDLIFE AHHHH— OK AND like making this a albedo x NB/GN!reader bc like he gives me very aesthetic vibes idk how to explain it- u can elaborate as much as u want abt it just PLEASE make it super like idk VERY LIKE ROMANTIC??? REALLY PRETTY I WANT TO LIVE THAT PERFECT LIKE FAIRY LIFE WHERE I DONT HAVE DEPRESSION- just make it super detailed (but if u dont want to its fine!) make it just really fluffy😩😩 yes lots of fluff please-
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A Question from Klee!
Albedo X Reader
"Why do you love Albedo, (Y/N)?" Klee asked absentmindedly, but the question tore you from your mundane thoughts.
You and your beloved Albedo had moved away from the cosy but crowded town of Mondstadt city to a quieter part of the land. There was nothing wrong with the little place you both grew up in, but after things began to get more serious between you two and Alice moved back to look after her daughter more often, Albedo proposed to share a residence. Some workers were hired and instructed to build the cute cottage you had always dreamed of, and your boyfriend was more than happy to indulge in your fantasy. Since then, you two had mostly been away living a quiet life, only coming back when Albedo had work or when Alice had to leave and Klee was placed under your care.
On this particular occasion, Albedo had gone to retrieve some old projects and work from Dragonspine, and, being the considerate boyfriend and older brother he was, decided to go alone as to not inconvenience either of you. Now you and Klee were just walking or "exploring" the area near Whispering Woods and Starfell Lake.
She continued to march ahead of you, only stopping when she realised you weren't following.
"Huh? Is something wrong?" Klee asked, and you shook your head to put the girl at ease, a smile appearing on your face.
"No, nothing. Your question was just a bit unexpected." You said.
"Oh! That's okay, you don't have to answer unless you want to." Klee said.
"Well, why wouldn't I love Albedo?" You asked.
"I don't know. But I wanna know the reason! Is it because he's smart or nice or something else?" Klee asked.
"I think...well, there's definitely a lot of reasons, but if I had to sum it up..."
"...Albedo makes me feel loved."
"What do you mean?" Klee asked.
"Here, let me give you an example of this one time..."
Sunlight streamed in though the crack in between the curtains, perfectly hitting your cheek and allowing you to feel the warmth of the day but not reaching your eye to disturb you.
"Albedo...?" You questioned, not feeling anything next to you under the covers. You peeled one eye open to see a slightly indented pillow instead of crystal blue eyes and messy tufts of golden hair.
"In the kitchen, Bunny." He hummed from another part of the house, prompting you to carefully push away the covers and slip out of the tempting grasp of your bed. You didn't bother trying to look presentable, you were in your own home, after all. Instead, you shrugged on one of Albedo's white button up shirts and loosely did up a few of the buttons. You ran a hand through your hair and took a look in the standing mirror with one plant at it's left side and another dangling from the ceiling on it's right. You opened the windows to be met by the colourful sweet peas and ivory gardenias on the outdoor sill, a few stray vines crawling up the side of the house and just barely onto the glass.
Making your way out of the bedroom door, you were gently hit by a wave of different smells, all of them blending together. Food and flowers, yesterday's quiet rain and other things that you weren't entirely sure of, but smelled pleasant nonetheless.
You gently wrapped your arms around his torso, messy blond hair tickling your face as you rested you head on the back of Albedo's neck.
"Good morning, Love. Are you hungry?"
"Mhm." You smiled lazily, breathing in his scent.
"Go take a seat at the table, I'll have breakfast ready on a moment."
The day carried on and all the events that took place came straight out of idyllic artwork and fairytales. You and Albedo went flower picking, befriended a little brown rabbit, had a all through a calm forest and held a picnic in said forest for lunch. It was picturesque at the very least.
Everyday with Albedo went similarly. Well, maybe not with the fancy picnics and cuddly animals, but he made you feel like you were his everything. And you were, he wouldn't settle for making you feel like anything but a queen. And you did the exact same to him, making him feel more and more human everyday. Instead of being two halves to a whole, you were just two coexisting beings, helping each other grow and enjoying everything along the way.
And as you both returned home that day, you took a short bath before making it to your bed and sinking into the soft mattress and pillows, a few locks of Albedo's soft blonde hair tickling your face as he inched closer and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.
"Had a good day, Love?" He asked, and you could only nod.
"Thank you so much, Albedo." You smiled softly, and he only chuckled in response.
"No need to thank me, Bunny. You're more than deserving of all this happiness." He smiled, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek.
"Ah...I feel like getting a canvas out so I can capture your beauty, Love. I don't want to forget it." He said, and you rolled your eyes playfully. You knew he had made many paintings and drawings of you for that same reason, but the thought that he wanted another warmed your heart.
"No, don't go. There's no need to capture it, I'm or going anywhere." You assured him, before tucking your head into the crook of his neck and snaking your arms around him and gently grasling his form.
"Alright, I won't." He chuckled.
"Good, now go to sleep." You mumbled, allowing your eyes to flutter shut. He followed soon after, and you both enjoyed the silence, save for the soft sounds of breathing and heartbeats.
"Albedo?" You asked, knowing that he was still awake a few minutes into the silence.
"(Y/N)?" He replied.
"I love you." You smiled, almost giggling at how giddy you were when he replied.
"I love you too. Goodnight, Love."
"Goodnight, Albedo."
"I'm not entirely sure if that makes sense, Klee, but he makes me feel the happiest I've ever been, pretty much. I feel loved. He's just...your brother is the most incredible guy I've ever met. I love him." You smiled.
"Oh? May I ask who you're talking about, (Y/N)?" Albedo asked, popping up behind you and Klee from nowhere and pretending to have only heard the very end of the conversation.
"They were talking about y--!"
"Kaeya. The Cavalry Captain is just the perfect guy, wouldn't you agree?" You teased, making Albedo roll his eyes.
"Well then, maybe I should return to my research and call your dear Kaeya over, hm?" He replied with a grin, making you laugh.
"No, no, you know I'm talking about you." You smiled, giving Albedo a sweet kiss.
"You had me worried for a moment." Albedo responds jokingly, making you laugh.
"I would never, you know that." You playfully hit his shoulder.
"Of course, Bunny, of course." He smiled, before remembering Klee and picking her up, carrying her on his shoulders as he childish giggles filled the air.
"How about some fish blasting now that I'm free? Klee, what do you think?" Albedo asked.
"Yeah! (Y/N), you come too!" Klee beamed.
"Of course!"
"Let's just try to avoid getting caught by Jean, okay? We don't want a repeat of last time."
"Ugh, don't remind me."
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