pipthegreat · 3 days
Info Cards‼️
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These took a while to make but I fairly like how they turned out. These are all ordered from the oldest to newest member of Digital Fun Park!
Welcome to Digital Fun Park, a canceled VR horror game that was brought back to life.
When the company gave up on an in-progress horror game, it was left to fade away. But a virus inside of it came to life and couldn't stand being lonely anymore, so it brought people to its digital world.
How abstraction works:
First designs:
I'll edit this post when I make "important" things about the au, also please ask me questions because I absolutely love this au!!
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bovineblogger · 2 days
this could be a little disturbing (not sure what to cw it as? non lethal unnatural hole?) but have you ever heard of fistulated cows? :O
i got to see some during school and even got to stick my arm in one! it was gross :D ! very warm, mushy, and damp but something I'll never forget haha. also got to milk a cow, hang out with calves, and artificially inseminate a cow uterus!
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yeah!!! veterinary medicine is so cool n strange !!!!
for those tht dont know, a fistulated cow has a lil porthole in their side that grants access to a part of their stomach! its mostly for research purposes (general research on cow digestion, or specific things like making sure the grass theyre eating is nutritious enough) but can also be used for treating digestive issues !
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jung-koook · 11 hours
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240601 - 2024 #BTS FESTA Timeline 🗒️
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gatoiberico · 1 day
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Commissions for June/July completion are OPEN! Info + form here if you'd like to grab a slot!
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celestie0 · 11 hours
kickoff updates
helloo!! hope u all are having a lovely week so far
so i just wanted to say that i officially finished ch10 of kickoff n it’s 31 THOUSAND FUCKING WORDS 😃…which is just absolutely bonkers. i really didn’t want to split up this chapter, but i just don’t want to post 31k words in one go, i worry certain parts will get lost in the grand scheme or no chance to process the events in between n i spent a lot of time on this chapter, so i want to give certain scenes a chance to shine on their own n kinda breathe a bit if that makes sense
anyways, bc of those reasons, i’ve decided to split it into three standalone chapters instead:
ch10. a fresh start
ch11. i feel so high school
ch12. how you get the girl
i just wanted to clarify this so that when i post the first part, there’s no confusion as to why the word count is smaller than expected (idek if anyone gives a fuck lol but just in case)
anyways, i’ll just be hard launching these chapters (no set release dates) bc i’ve learned my lesson w that haha, BUT there wont be huge breaks in between each chapter like there was from ch9 to now since i’m already done w them
each part is roughly 10k words each, so they’ll feel like complete chapters tho i be yappin in them ngl i think that’s why the word count is so high 💀 but yea i think this is the right decision
thank you all sm for the patience!!
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ngl200 · 1 day
Hey dudes and dudettes, just wanted to make something clear.
Turns out that there are people who make comments like these to artists and creators
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This person thinks that they’re doing something right in the world, when they are not.
Please don’t be this person, and make comments like these.
I’m making this aware to people because I don’t want to be seeing these kinds of people. Ever. I take this seriously because I care for my friends.
Just to be safe, don’t do this at all. If you don’t have anything nice to say about one person, don’t say it at all. It’ll bring more problems and arguments.
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starkerfestivals · 1 day
StarkerFestivals Pride Puzzles
Hello everyone!! First off, we'd like to introduce a new mod to the event blog 💗 Hi @papermacherainbow !! It's thanks to her that we have an exciting new event for June!
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Event Info
1. Every week of June, we'll be releasing a 4 word crossword puzzle.
2. Create content using the words in the crossword puzzle and tag us here at @starkerfestivals or use #SFPridePuzzle24
Edit: Content for any of the words will be accepted throughout the event. Ex: A word from Week One can still be used for a fill in Week 3. if you figure out this week's prompts, you can start creating and posting starting June 1.
- No fill minimums and anything is accepted. Only rule is one fill per prompt!
AO3 collection here: (SFPridePuzzle24)
3. On the Saturday of that week, we'll release the answers for the current week and post the next week's puzzle.
June 1st - Event starts, first puzzle posted in this post
June 8th - 1st week prompts revealed. 2nd card posted.
June 15 - 2nd week prompts revealed. 3rd card posted.
June 22 - 3rd week prompts revealed. 4th card posted.
June 30th - 4th week prompts revealed. Event is done! 🌈🎉
As for SF's upcoming events, we'll be having Summer Bingo again starting in July! Sign ups will open mid June.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask or DM any of the mods! @the-mad-starker @graceful-starker @starkersparks @papermacherainbow
Text Version for the puzzle are under the cut:
1. (6 letters) A large public procession often of a festive nature.
2. (9 letters) Two words to describe when a person first tells someone/others about their orientation and/or gender identity.
3. (7 letters) A scale of colors commonly associated with being LGBTQ+.
4. (8 letters) An umbrella term used to describe a romantic and/or sexual orientation towards more than one gender.
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zoethehead · 1 year
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for the redditors coming here, this is how we spread news of important events in the world, with a Destiel meme
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mirkobloom77 · 1 month
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🇵🇸💚 Journalists in North Gaza request water, get full meal, “This is just how we are. These are our traditions!”
🔸 Source: eye on palestine (main post), mahmoud._.shalha20 (footage) and translatingfalasteen (translation)
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daily--cats · 2 months
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roseamoungstthethorns · 6 months
Yearly reminder to leave wheelchair users alone. This is important all year, but especially in winter!
Almost everywhere is designed for abled people, leaving wheelchair users at a disadvantage. Roads are uneven, there is unpaved walking paths, and in winter we get extra obstacles.
Wheelchair users are forced to take whatever path we can and sometimes that happens to be right smack in the middle of the road.
If a wheelchair user seems stuck (especially in winter) you can ask us if we would like some help. Otherwise please be patient with us and only drive or walk around us if it is safe to do so! Wheelchair users' lives are more important than wherever you are driving. You can wait.
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butch-reidentified · 3 months
Women are kicking ass compared to men
in emotional intelligence (shocking lol)
academically, in higher education (especially in STEM) - and contrary to popular belief, this has been true and isn't new! the "crisis" of boys' educations is bullshit
in business, especially management
as entrepreneurs
as investors
as CEOs (especially of hedge funds which is really cool imho)
in leadership skills in general
as doctors - “We estimate that approximately 32,000 fewer patients would die if male physicians could achieve the same outcomes as female physicians every year." and as surgeons
at driving. and parking. and navigating while driving. oh - and this is in spite of the fact that feeling stereotyped as a bad driver actually makes women worse drivers. still better than men.
feel free to send me more! I just came across these ones incidentally while making the previous post 🥰
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bovineblogger · 14 hours
cattle breed highlight - randall !
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randall cattle are another historical american breed that conservationists are fighting super hard to keep around! their history is actually super interesting!
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this breed actually died out due to crossbreeding a long, long time ago! but a farmer named everett randall maintained a closed herd of them for 80 years, single handedly preserving the breed so we can still see them today! isnt that wild!
after his passing, some of the remaining randalls were saved by conservationists, and theyre still kicking! though they are very rare.
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A brilliant graphic from protectpalestineorg — 30 universities with the largest endowments in the USA , currently hosting encampments to protest against their institutions investments in the State of Israel. Harvard University contributing the most in Israeli investments, totalling $50 billion.
After a successful hunger strike in February, Darthmouth (New Hampshire) has begun a divestment process.
As of April 28th there are currently no encampments at: John Hopkins (MD), UVA (VA) and Notre Dame (IN).
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leroibobo · 2 months
in 1972, zeinab shaath released the EP "the urgent call of palestine". inspired by the contemporary counterculture movement, and the protest songs of bob dylan and joan baez in particular, the then-teenage shaath used her life experiences (she was the first member of her family born outside of palestine (specifically, in egypt) in 1954) to write the first english-language songs dedicated to palestinian liberation. in 1973, she'd even shot a four minute music video for the title track in collaboration with the PLO. the original master was siezed by the iof in the 1982 siege of beirut.
you can read the full story about her, the songs, and how both the ep and music video were only recently remastered for international listeners with help from the majazz project and discostan here. you can listen to it (and buy it, both physically and digitally, directly from her) on the bandcamp embed/link provided.
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megabuild · 4 months
*Taking this to encompass all forms of MCYT, from modern streamed SMPs such as Dream SMP and QSMP, to popular YouTube series like Hermitcraft, to old-school series like Yogscast, Aphmau, and Stampy, and single-player series such as Mumbo Jumbo's redstone videos. For the purposes of this poll, any uploaded video format that is primarily focused on content set within the game Minecraft counts as MCYT.
When I say negatively, you can take this in any way, but I am specifically thinking of people who will look down in or be wary of people who say they are into MCYT, or have "MCYT fans DNI" or similar listed on their profile. If you are not interested in MCYT but have no negative connotations with the medium you are free to not answer.
Since I am a MCYT blog the results may appear skewed at first- I don't want to be the "reblog for bigger sample size" guy but if you have reach outwith MCYT spheres please consider it!
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