#(insert meme of the guy coming out the well that feels like a genius for pointing out the supposed hypocrisy of yhe peasant's complaints)
exterminate-ak · 1 year
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There's this post on my dash ^^^ and I was about to reblog it with my comment, but fuck that, I'm reposting it. It may be a drop in the ocean, after all I don't have many followers, and most of them share my opinions on the matter. Still I'm not going to help them gain more visibility, not a grain of it, if I can avoid it.
I'm just thinking about how many underpaid workers spilled their blood on this... and for what? For a fucking football match? To make a theocratic dictatorship look good on TV?!
0 notes
tokillamockingbird427 · 3 months
I finally remembered to Mich post at a convenient time. (Get it? Mich post? Sounds like shit post?)
Mich is an OC I created with @callofdooty and he is a massive meme! Half of the shit we gave to him character-wise was done with the thought "This would be funny." and we were 1) Right 2) Also somehow added depth+feels to it.
Mich, pronounced like Mitch, is actually named Michael. Full name, Michael Rorke. And he is Gabriel Rorke's older brother. Oh no, there's two of them! *Screaming* (Credit to Doot for naming him, the genius.)
Read more insert/cut off due to length
Mich and Gabe grew up in a classically patriotic household, and were pretty close siblings, even with the latter having a temper for everyone. (Mich has a scar on his chin/side of his mouth because Gabe whipped a rock at him once.) Unfortunately, Mich was a bit of a black sheep and felt he didn't really fit in with his family, for various reasons. So once he could leave, he did, and just never really looked back. Which left Gabe feeling abandoned. (Mich's reasons range from not vibing with his parents authoritarian structure to being queer+trans and them not really being the best people to support that.)
After he was out of the house Mich went on to live his best life. He is best described as an anarchist weed-head woods-hermit survivalist. Quite the description! My favorite idea for him was that he'd live in "No Man's Land" post ODIN because the only government presence is the military, who doesn't really bother with random people in the woods.
Here's where the depth comes in: We decided the reason Gabe is the way he is, Americas ugliest lap-dog, is because he was upset with Mich for leaving and more or less rebelling against him for it. (I have a quote to sum it up "Rebellion for Mich was running away from their parents. Rebellion for Gabe was running away from Mich.") Mich didn't really intend to abandon Gabe, it's more or less something that happened and only tried to correct once they were both adults. (Which didn't really work out well. Gabe is very iffy with him.)
Now there's not a lot more to his "canon" because he just gets tossed into various scenarios and then reacts, but I do have a list of what are more-or-less "fun facts" about him.
Mich fun facts: -Isn't bald, unlike Gabe, but does keep his hair on the shorter side. -Regularly dyes his hair random colors and patterns, the latter of which he free hands. (Has never in his life set foot in a salon. Somehow hair hair isn't crunchy.) -Likes to use "Pal" and "Little buddy" whereas Gabe is always using "Jr" and "Kid" -Wrinklier and smilier version of his brother. They look hella alike, to the point that he wigs Hesh out when they first meet. -100% can and will adopt Hesh. That's his lil guy. Logan is not exempt from this either. -Has zero problem with Gabe joining the Federation. Is more upset about the whole "Murdering his homoerotic "best friend" and traumatizing both his sons" thing. -Fluent in Spanish+Portuguese. -Has no formal military training but finds no problem wielding firearms or finding himself in combat. (I mean, he lives in NML. That place always got some kinda battle. You gotta know some fighting skills.) -Bandannas and cowboy hats are his favorite headgear. -Keeps photos of him and Gabe on his person. -Constantly jokes that his full name is actually "Michigan" and that's what "Mich" is short for. -Performed his own top surgery. /J -Very laid back personality, though he's smart enough to know when/if he needs to be more serious/strict. -Incredibly annoyed that Rorke kinda stole their last name like it's his first name. -Very aware of whatever Elias and Gabe have/had going on. Very amused by it. -"Protect trans kids" flag in his front room. -Has multiple spouses. Romantically or just legally has yet to be decided. Not that he'd tell anyone. -Has kids. Mini Mich's causing chaos. (Just don't ask where the kids came from, mf made them from clay for all we know.) -Mich and Merrick are besties. (At the very least, Mich is the person Merrick tolerates the most. Outside Hesh.) -For all the quirks he really is just some fucking guy. -Daniel and The Cooler Daniel meme.
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rpmemestorehouse · 3 years
2010′s Internet Memes Starters
Change wording as needed
“Are you frustrated?”
“What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I-”
“Let me tell you why that’s bullshit.”
“Oh stop it, you.”
“Aww yiss.”
“France is bacon.”
“That’s cute.”
“Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.”
“Has science gone too far?”
“...said no-one ever.”
“We need to go deeper.”
“Do you think this is a motherfucking game?”
“Oh baby, a triple!”
“Brushie brushie brushie~”
“Spooky scary skeletons!”
“You could stop at five or six stores, or, just ONE.”
“You hear about video games?”
“Release the kraken!”
“Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?”
“ ‘It will be FUN’, they said!”
“You’ve been GNOMED!”
“Deal with it.”
“And not a single fuck was given that day.”
“It’s a double rainbow!”
“The rent is too damn high!”
“You jelly?”
“Challenge accepted.”
“Come at me bro!”
“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?”
“Are you a wizard?”
“Bitch please!”
“I know that feel bro.”
“Shut up and take my money!”
“I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”
“I hope you step on a LEGO.”
“That really rustled my jimmies.”
“And then a skeleton popped out!”
“I’ve seen some shit.”
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“This isn’t even my final form!”
“You had one job.”
“Kill me.”
“Majestic as FUCK.”
“Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about [insert]?”
“I swear on me mum...”
“You have no power here!”
“What a time to be alive.”
“If I pull that off, will you die?”
“It will be extremely painful...for you.”
“Hide the pain Harold.”
“Local man ruins everything.”
“Mom, get the camera!”
“I cri evrytiem.”
“The struggle is real.”
“I am the one who knocks!”
“This is the darkest timeline.”
“I’m about to end this man’s whole career.”
“I regret nothing!!!”
“I lied.”
“I’ve seen enough [insert] to know where THIS is going.”
“Oh god why-”
“Everyday I’m shufflin’-”
“You wot mate?”
“Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked...”
“Man door hand hook car door-”
“Palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, vomit on my sweater already, Mom's spaghetti-”
“Oppa Gangnam style!”
“When [place] is ashes, you have my permission to die.”
“I only cried for 20 minutes.”
“Pepperidge Farm remembers.”
“Go home, [Name], you’re drunk.”
“Fuck me, right?”
“I should buy a boat.”
“Apply cold water to that burn.”
“420 blaze it!”
“That’s a nice new [insert]. It would be a shame if something happened to it...”
“I too, like to live dangerously.”
“You know nothing, [Name].”
“I’m getting too old for this shit.”
“Does this look like the face of mercy?”
“It was me, [OWN NAME]!”
“Stop trying to make [insert] happen! It’s not going to happen!”
“You merely adopted the darkness.”
“See? Nobody cares.”
“I will find you, and I will kill you.”
“I understood that reference!”
“Listen here, you little shit-”
“It’s an older meme, sir, but it checks out.”
“Ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli.”
“How do you do, fellow kids?”
“Ow, the edge!”
“*teleports behind you* Nothing personal, kid.”
“Pee is stored in the balls.”
“We have food at home.”
“You must be new here.”
“Goats are like mushrooms, if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters.”
“That’s the evilest thing I can imagine!”
“Dammit Moon Moon!”
“When u mom com home and make hte spagheti-“
“When will you learn? When will you learn?! THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES?!”
“helo would u like some of this hot choclety milk?”
“Be strong, [Name]. Be strong for Mother.”
“Ayy LMAO.”
“Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.”
“Shrek is love, Shrek is life.”
“Heard you were talking shit!”
“The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.”
“Look at me. I’m the captain now.”
“This could be us, but you playing.”
“They played us like a damn fiddle!”
“I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now.”
“I’m in me mum’s car, broom broom!”
“Hand me the aux cord.”
“Press F to pay respects.”
“Trust nobody, not even yourself.”
“Anime was a mistake.”
“It’s just a prank, bro!”
“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again.”
“Are ya winning, son?”
“Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.”
“I lived bitch!”
“You just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.”
“*chuckles* I’m in danger.”
“That wasn’t very cash money of you.”
“They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.”
“Alone on a Friday night? God, you’re pathetic.”
“Why the fuck you lyin’? Why you always lyin’? Mmmm oh my GOD, stop fuckin’ lyin’~”
“You’re gonna have a bad time.”
“I’m at soup!”
“Congratulations, you played yourself.”
“I’m you, but stronger.”
“This is fine.”
“Hello darkness my old friend~”
“Jesus Christ, it’s Jason Bourne!”
“I have crippling depression!”
“That’s where you’re wrong, kiddo.”
“Take a fucking sip, babes.”
“Brother, may I have some oats?”
“God I wish that were me.”
“Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.”
“Oh, worm?”
“Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?”
“Am I a joke to you?”
“Let me in. LET ME IIIIIINNNNN!!!!!”
“You know I had to do it to ‘em.”
“Why is the FBI here?”
“Oh no baby what is you doin’???”
“Hey man, you see that guy over there?”
“Buenos días, [Name]!”
“Hey there demons, it’s me, ya boy.”
“Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.”
“Then perish.”
“Somebody toucha my spaghet!”
“My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.”
“Weird flex, but okay.”
“I’m baby.”
“OK, boomer.”
“Yep, this one’s going in my cringe compilation.”
“This is so sad. Alexa, play Despacito.”
“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.”
“All right then, keep your secrets.”
“They did surgery on a grape.”
“It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.”
“Look how they massacred my boy!”
“Bro! You just posted cringe! You are going to lose subscriber.”
“Wait, that’s illegal.”
“Bro, I’m straight-up not having a good time.”
“Gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants maybe?”
“I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move.”
“Say sike right now.”
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Here's Eclipse Lake, an episode that has been highly anticipated! Will it top Knock, Knock, Knockin' On Hooty's Door?
I'll skip the pretense: No. It won't.
You'll see under the cut.
Hmm, that list of ingredients for the Grimwalker...I'll let other people theorize about this (like @sepublic ), but it sure looks like a thing
Guess the mysterious green goo won't cut it, huh?
Belos face reveal already?! Huh, didn't expect it so soon.
Oh, no, he's hot! (And I'm mad about it)
Still an ass, though
Now we know why Hunter was wearing a different outfit (because people fixated on that for some reason)
Amity with the clipboard gives me strong Dipper vibes
GHOST! My beloved!
I need a moment because CAT!
(Also, someone pointed out earlier that Ghost was based on Dana's cat, and that's super obvious in hindsight)
Raine?! Oh, wait, you mean rain. Sigh.
Eda gets training tips from DBZ confirmed
(Also Amity's face when reacting to Eda's explanation is priceless)
Oh God Eda's a weeb I need another moment
Damn, Amity just straight up calling Eda old
Oh, loopy Luz
(The abomination holding the tissue box is adorable for many reasons)
Yeah, don't want Luz to eat the McGuffin
I have several questions about those Tamagotchis that I'll refrain from listing here
Amity your Odalia is showing
Girlfriend counter: 1
(Yes I am introducing a counting gag, deal with it)
Was wondering if they were ever gonna reference the dissection incident. We've come a long way, baby!
Oh, so that's what everyone was looking at
Luz honey your enthusiasm is admirable but no
Luz burrito is quite cute, though
Girlfriend counter: 2
(Damn, still wild to think that that's the case)
Just occurred to me that "Boots" is probably shortened from "Bossyboots" from earlier
Guess the Luz hiss compilation needs to be updated again
Those tunnels ain't the only thing around here that's unstable, amirite?
Oops, guess Kiki was justified, after all
Maybe don't talk so loudly about your plans, dude
That is her son, get it right!
Serves you right for having that stupid strand of hair sticking out like that
Is this just the episode where everyone dunks on White Boy? Because I can totally get behind that.
Already mentioned this, but I am loving the parallels between Katara and Amity with that bottle of abomination goo. Insert obligatory "Two Nickels" meme here about Mae Whitman.
We really are just dunking on the white boy and I am living for it
Hooty had to get it from somewhere, I suppose
Nothing says mother-son bonding like shooting things at each other (see also: Separate Tides)
I'm sure the magic bouncing off the veins won't come into play later at all
Oh well, at least the echolocation looked cool
At this point Amity would kill Hunter for a Klondike bar
Wait why does Hooty need a chair
Willow with the galaxy brain ideas
"A bad but sad boy" Luz is a genius at succinctly summing people up
Kikimora continues to be unhinged. Ironically she's not wrong about Hunter.
Motherfucker stop acting like you know what that says
(Also, projecting much?)
Girlfriend counter: 3
Friendly reminder that Hunter is still an antagonist
Uh oh
I know someone mentioned Willow having the brain cell, but honestly it seemed like Luz had it this whole time. And that's not good.
Aaaaand cue the getting screwed over
Further reminder that he's still an antagonist (Apparently there's a vocal segment who's Really Mad at him that seem to forget this fact)
You unhand Ghost right now!! And Amity too, I guess.
(I kid, she's literally my second favorite character)
For what she did to Raine it warms my heart to know Kiki has had zero peace of mind
Wait, the Abomatons are Transformers?! Okay, that's kind of awesome, actually. Alador might be a shit dad but he is a brilliant inventor.
Chucking kids off cliffs is a surpisingly common pastime in the Boiling Isles
Owlbert no!
Eda did spend literal decades fighting the Owl Beast within, so I guess she can't be blamed for not thinking to talk to it
Also hurry up guys I'm very concerned about Owlbert
Fuck yeah Harpy Milf!
Yay Ghost returns!
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She's glad they're okay (I didn't need to take this, I just thought it was cute. Also this is surprisingly high quality considering I just took a photo of my TV screen)
Oh, so they do have video games in the Demon Realm. That or Luz introduced them.
Trailer shot!
Oh dear, we about to have a fight over the key
Wow, being so high ranking under Belos is really bad for mental health
Jesus Christ Belos what have you been putting in this poor kid's head?
Leave it to King to give radical recontextualizations
Amity, I'm glad you remembered/realized this about Luz, please don't let the sad white boy play you like that again
Also, I appreciate the gesture you're making, and it's a wonderful summary of your character development, but goddamnit he's gonna go for that key because he's STILL AN ANTAGONIST
"Being nice usually works for Luz!" A) Not always, and B) Amity I love you but Luz you are not. A valiant attempt nonetheless.
Ooh, cool fight scene!
Always lovely to see such superb animation
I was privately griping about not seeing Amity use magic for so long, and now I am fed
Don't think I didn't hear the glass breaking
Appreciate your ass from a hole in the ground, Golden Boy!
(jk I don't actually feel that strongly about him still. That kind of threat still isn't cool, though)
Oh so that's why it's the Common Mold!
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It's kinda cute, actually. Or maybe it's just because it's Luz.
TIL Hooty is heat resistant
Apparently Owl Beast just wanted a snack
Girlfriend counter: 4
Also love how calling Amity her awesome girlfriend is literally the first thing Luz says to her upon returning.
Yesssss return the hug! You deserve it!
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(I know there are higher quality versions of this screenshot, I just didn't feel like looking around)
King demands huggies, too! (And gets 'em)
Reminder that Amity is smart as hell. I knew that glass breaking indicated something!
So once again I've been had. I let the fandom trick me into thinking this episode would be way more intense. Guess that one screenshot was from the next episode.
Overall this was...fine. Some nice Lumity moments, Harpy Eda strutting her stuff, that gorgeously animated fight sequence; those were all lovely.
I do wish Willow and Gus had a bit more to do. And I'm still rather unenthusiastic about Hunter, to be honest. I've seen his type several times before, and the path they have for him is rather obvious. I may never share the fandom's love for him, and I guess I'll have to deal with that.
Anybody who says this was better than KKKOHD is a damn fool.
Mid season finale next week! I think Yesterday's Lie will finally bring the pain!
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ferie-anon · 3 years
(●’◡’●)ノ hey, I hope you could look at my signs and see which member in NCT (any sub unit) would you ship me with? My placements are: aries sun & mercury, aquarius moon, saggitarius rising, capricorn mars, and pisces venus:)) Thanks!💗
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(Your moodboard)
Alrighty, aries sun with aquarius moon, so I see you are someone with strong opinions and stubborn of your own beliefs/views. Probably rlly active, physically and mentally, your thought process and randomness is always intriguing and inspiring for others. With aries mercury, you adhere genuine thoughts, honesty, and expect loyalty just as you are loyal and there for those you care about. With pisces venus, you are sweet, self-less in love, and it is quite balanced with your aries energy that you choose to give your all, and heart to those you trust. Also that emoji in your ask desc, is literally uwu your placements make for someone genuine/authentic, and you also desire/value those same things back. Your aquarius moon with sag rising, kinda makes you pretty easygoing/the impression, idk wut it is but you seem someone who is able to cheer up or bring light to others, aquarius moons are actually pretty funny imo, they rlly got this thing going on where ppl be loving them and they don’t even know who these ppl. With sag rising, I feel you may be pretty active irl in some aspect, maybe hanging out with friends? Or going somewhere/doing any activities. Your complexion/impression may be glowy/healthy, in the sense, or physically. Lastly, your capricorn mars pairs well with your pisces venus and everything imo, with capricorn mars you hold yourself to a certain set of work ethic of consistency, carry and are aware of the responsibility, and you also show through care of others by taking care of them in a way, capricorn mars are lowkey smoothly quiet when aiding someone. I appreciate capricorn mars grounding/consistent nature becuz you guys are always getting something done or mostly.
Your match in Nct is.... Johnny!
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Johnny here has an aquarius sun with a gemini moon! Fun in many different ways and every type of moment with Johnny is quite not the typical norm, something that will always be unrestricting and free but mentally stimulating. (Well in Nct, not the norm seems often there lol) With double air in the big 3, his sun in aquarius makes him someone who is quietly resilient yet engaging and a bit distant from his true personal feelings to new ppl, as aquariuses open up once they feel like they’re comfortable with sharing their true emotions with someone they care and trust enough. After all, there’s many aspects and layers of Johnny from wut we have seen, his variety moments, then his serious and lowkey intimidating moments as he is one of the eldest, and him with his members, playing along with them and talking with them personally. Johnny has a lot of meme moments, or rather memes insert in many video compilation of nct, it’s either iconic or just very “johnny” of him in terms of thinking, but remains memorable in nct content which can show of aquarius innovation and making new statements(moments/events). His gemini moon makes him share his intellect of moving through his thoughts quickly, at times making him quite reflexive verbally and etc, and him being random at times becuz gemini moons are the type of brains that will go through so many ideas and thoughts that wut u see may be only a fraction or part of their wittiness and intellect. The first meeting of a scenario, would be the first day at campus/college or uni. Though you heard or thought you heard some screeches that were similar to a parrot, and spotted the noise coming from a tall boy who was chilling and fooling around with his friend group. 'Hmm wut was that lol', you chuckled to yourself as you rush to the entrance realizing you're nearly late.
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(Johnny explaining the term “oh daddy” is iconic and so awkwardly hilarious in context)
Johnny's moon is in gemini, and these natives are logical, ends up attempting to rationalize emotions through why they feel this way, however they appear distant emotionally or rather not be upfront with taking of their emotions till someone close, as with their playful and spontaneous they are deep down emotionally vulnerable and caring of others but shown in a rather lighthearted and communicative way. Displayed, Johnny on camera and all doesn't seem to publically display or make known of his emotional moments and etc, and that despite being one of the oldest, they still care a lot and face other emotional conflicts innerly thought they don't display as much as they're seen as dependable and taking care of others as the oldest ones. With your aquarius moon, you both are similar in that your emotional needs and feelings aren’t directly channeled or displayed at first. With aqua moon, as they rather open up eventually to the one they find trust and closeness with, new ppl/acquaintances coming into the life may not get to fully grasp your emotional sense of thoughts and may only be able to get the notion of your somewhat detached nature/closed off to ones you have yet to trust or be close to. Both of you guys are inquisitive and observant, however aquarius moon are observant like self aware of the final outcome or contribute to the big picture of all the details they intake. While gemini moons notice detailed things and small tidbits and things that comes through their mind. You both will be able to grow more open and navigate through the emotional space and company of each other with the similarities and with some differences regarding your thinkings, it will be a good development of new perspectives for each other. The communication will be very expanded upon, both being active mentally-wise and bonding together will bring new topics/ease at expressing oneself.
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His mercury is in aquarius. Aha, these ppl communicate in a very intriguing, funny/expressive way that isn’t typically boring in a way. Either fromt eh way they speak or present their explanation, there’s something that is expressively creative or genius-like in the out of norm examples or speech they draw out. Becuz they think from different approaches to explaining the issue or concept, they’re good at making “sense” in some form, and others being persuaded at times and seeing a different perspective with their logic. So combined with Johnny’s gemini moon, the creative juices of humor and words with his aquarius mercury makes him quite the fun and mentally stimulating conversationer, at one point he’s basically enlightening u with deep social issues topics and talking about thoughts, then springing up a new topic about ten being scared of fruits and coming up with theories and jokes (or he’s gonna switch the topic again lol). With your aries mercury, u would enjoy his active perspectives and logic, mostly u would challenge it with ur own opinion and perspective and u guys were talk extensively on it, tho it may lead to banter mainly u attempting to stand by ur point for some topics, and sometimes u both would be laughing it off during a convo becuz u both thought it was funny and agreed with each other. Spontaneity and intellect in the mix is an enjoyable rollercoaster ride lol.
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He has venus in capricorn~ Cue Johnny explaining the term “oh daddy”, cuz he himself is lowkey one- jkjk on the pg rated side, there’s a sense of security and trust that comes with reliability of each other here, where Johnny would like to be able to provide that sense of secureness, whether emotionally, or “materially”, that ties with the bond and connection that is made and also initiates and desires stability. Johnny wouldn’t be very upfront regarding his affections and physical displayment of love or feelings, but it would be inherently noticed by you eventually, you may be a bit oblivious at first like “..? Oh he did something thoughtful becuz of me”. (Mark cheerleading in the audience: “oh dude he’s flirting”) Your pisces venus would give words of affirmations and selfless help and attentiveness at him, it may just be watching and wandering around him as you guys talk or eat. And he would also notice, tho similarly he may be a bit oblivious but probs realize quicker, ‘oh that’s why u said that-‘. I feel like you would initiate physical touch/skinship to express yourself, it may be subtle like hand holding or just playing around with his sleeve or hand. Johnny would be smiling softly inside, he would have a sliight lift of the corners of his lips in reaction to wut ur doing, cuz he wanna play it cool/he’s “totally not paying attention to wut ur doing”. Cute vibes yall.
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Lastly, Johnny has mars in leo. Yuh, get into it, lol Johnny definitely is ambitious and also driven/puts it into action of it. The passion these placement exhibit and hold within their emotional desires and channel it through to get the success/outcome that they work for, Johnny is very talented in many aspects. Dancing and with a focus of the things they love, like for johnny being an idol, performing, interacting with fans international and in korea, and having a good time all through becuz that’s wut their heart is at. A focus/motivation that pushes through from their heart’s ambitious passion. (That probs didn’t make sense lol) Anyways paired with your capricorn mars, yall are power duo in this aspect of working till you meet ur goal/get that bag lol. In all seriousness, you both are ambitious, and where the amount of hard work lies is evident in both of yall. I would say leo mars are more reactive regarding their ambitions and dreams, linked to it in a firey manner or expression, like they’re charging through to it. Whereas your capricorn mars may be more pragmatic about the process but also charging through to meet ends of the goal. Though his leo mars does opposite your aquarius moon, the attraction drawn through each others difference in manners and execution is enough to create a expansion of new perspectives for each other as u guys spend more time. In the end u both will be able to understand each others own initiation and process of thinking and action, and the team work and work ethic together will be formidable to others ahaha.
Overall, it’s very interactive, fun, and a learning and experiencing relationship that is also calming in some aspects. The talkative couple, that would even say weird shit conversationally lol and everyone would not bat an eye becuz it’s “normal”. Goofing around and then being very close to each other that u both are comfortable in that aspect, so expressing your feelings to each other and dates would be cute and fun learning and experiencing from each other and hardships that you both face together to pull each other up for the better, very mutually caring. Yall are memey couple combined with intellectual sense of wisdom and care, and also power in focus of ur own passions and ambitions. The vibes you both exude together ->🍓✨🐠☀️🦭💅💞👯‍♀️📽 🍧 👜
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lampd-intheface · 5 years
vampire LAMP au
okay but like imagine a vampire au with polysanders except virgil is the only human???
roman got bitten by a vampire in italy just for kicks and then he was left to his own devices. he had to suffer through the shift alone with nobody to help him
for a little while, he was ravenous and accidentally killed a lot of people. in the end, tho, he snapped out of it and taught himself how to control his hunger
roman lived through the italian renaissance and moved between italy and spain (which is why he can speak really good spanish/italian) and even settled down a little in england for some time too
when roman settled down in england, he met patton who'd been a vampire for a while now
patton became a vampire becos he was hit with the plague and his mother was desperate to find a cure. this vampire they met ended up helping and then taking patton under his wing
roman and patton eventually find themselves in america (which was still a pretty new country at the time)
logan lived during the industrial era where everyone was just inventing things left and right and it was booming in terms of science and machinery
he was turned becos a vampire thought his genius was too valuable and death shouldn't put a stop to logan who had a lot of potential
the three then settled down in america
roman made some money writing fantasy books under pseudonyms. logan made money through patents or really any kind of intellectual work he could find. patton spent his time at home, just helping out and taking care of roman and logan
they had to move often, of course, becos people would be suspicious if they just stayed in the same place for too long. they couldn't get attached to people either becos getting attached to people meant people who would keep track of them
after all of their years being alive, patton and logan and roman have amassed enough money that they're just chilling and living comfortably
now, it's the modren era and, in this au, all of them either have online classes and/or night classes
virgil takes night classes and online classes because it limits his social interaction with other people and he's much more comfortable interacting with smaller groups of classmates (night classes)/not physically interacting with classmates at all (online classes)
the others because well duh they're vampires
it's not becos they dont like sunlight (they can be exposed to a little but too much gives them rashes). it's just that it's easier to keep a low profile if they interact with less people
logan is really the only one seriously taking classes and not for any other reason than because he loves learning. patton and roman will take classes here and there but only for their hobbies
insert virgil. i haven't thought this one through but logan probably meets him first because they share a class together.
anyway, LAMP have a meet cute or whatever
maybe like virgil is in an art history class and the prof says something wrong abt a certain part of history
logan is about to correct the prof but virgil beats him to it and logan is impressed with how accurate virgil was with his facts because logan lived that era and not a lot of people are so knowledgeable about it
that aside, their friendship takes time
logan has to introduce patton and roman separately and then the three of them have to keep attempting to get closer to virgil slowly and at virgil's pace
eventually, for their own reasons, they fall in love with virgil
logan falls in love with how much he relates to virgil. virgil is so smart and the two of them can talk and have debates and virgil just understands him so well
roman falls in love with how snarky virgil is becos he'll tease virgil and he knows virgil will serve it right back to him. virgil challenges him and its exhilarating and exciting
patton falls in love with how soft virgil is and how much he wants to protect virgil from all the bad things in the world. he loves how virgil has been through so much and yet virgil is still so strong
virgil is unaware of how smitten the three of them are tho and he falls in love with them too. he kind of just... plans to be with whoever asks him out first (if any of them ask him out at all)
because virgil struggles with his anxiety a lot, he can't really work at normal places. there's too many interactions, too many people.
he had thought that he'd eventually get used to it and then he'd be able go get a job but it's taking him a lot of time to get over his anxiety
precious time he can't really afford since he's putting himself through college
which is where his vamp boyfriends friends come in because hello, if they can't pay for their cute human crush's essential college classes, then what's the point of having all that money?
in any case, they find out abt virgil's financial problems and they're like omg... we're the solutions to his problem!!!
roman: i can finally actually slay what ails virgil!!!
logan: you won't be slaying anything--
before they establish that sort of relationship though, logan and roman and patton all agree that they want virgil to know the real them first so that virgil can decide whether or not he wants to be associated with them
the last thing they want to do is make virgil feel like he's obligated to stay with them even tho he fears them becos they're paying for his college and housing him and stuff
so, they plan get to know virgil more and then tell virgil they're kind of sort of creatures of the night
definitely easier said than done
when they tell virgil, he's like *phone error sound* ??? before realizing oh my God, they're serious
he then laughs about it a little and the other three are confused but he clarifies that the situation was very ironic
becos like omg, how hilarious is that??? the one goth guy who's super pale and avoids social contact and is practically the stereotypical vampire is actually the only one that's NOT a vampire??? that's irony at its finest
virgil then also assures them that the three of them being vampires doesn't bother him one bit
virgil, the epitome of tumblr humor: bold of you to assume i wouldn't f**k a supernatural being
jokes aside, he does reveal to them that he couldn't care less about what species they were, just that they loved him and he loved them
and damn did virgil love those three idiots
roman: woah there, you might pull a muscle from all the i love you's you're spouting
virgil, sweating up a storm after showing the most emotional vulnerability in his life: sh*t u rite
jokes aside, they do form a sort of weird relationship where the three of them happily provide for virgil because virgil doesnt have the means to do so
it takes virgil a while to really get used to it since he's not used to accepting things from other people without giving back
he struggles for a little while becos he keeps trying to find ways to repay them for what they do for him but there's only so much he can do
eventually they have a conversation abt it and they're like babe honey sweetie no
patton: you give us your love and that's the absolute most important and priceless thing in the world!!!
virgil, known pessimist who cringes away from romantic gestures out of habit: sounds fake but ok
but like eventually they work it out in like a slowly but surely kind of way.
virgil learns to see money the same way the other three do (replaceable and pretty much worthless to vampires who have a large abundance of it) and the other three learn to kind of tone it down on the expensive gifts
virgil: im so glad you guys dont buy me really expensive things now
roman, sweating profusely as he hides the golden apple he had commissioned to be made especially for virgil: oH YEAH OFC HAHAHA
(logan, when roman had suggested getting virgil the golden apple: first of all, no??? in what way is that even romantic--)
omg imagine if virgil does the thing where he coops himself up in his room??? and then someone tries to get him to get out by pulling the blinds open to let in light??? and virgil hisses???
patton, having just let sunlight in, looking absolutely offended: OKAY FIRST OF ALL, you're not a vampire so don't take that tone of hiss with me--
someone is like teasing or bullying virgil abt his aesthetic and virgil is obviously getting uncomfortable, esp when they call him twilight (in reference to the vampire romance novel)
so one of the boys, probably roman, steps up and he's like 'the person you should call twilight is me' and he scares the bullies by flashing his eyes red and showing them his fangs
omg!!! roman doesn't have a reflection so virgil helps him put on make up or smth!!!
maybe virgil in this au is an artist so he paints a picture of all three of them so they know what they look like becos they dont show up on pictures and reflections
patton, gazing down at the picture: this is what true love feels like
logan, also feeling the same way: really? how unpleasant
logan: give me more
omg also logan having only really kept up with the intellectual side of history so he doesn't know abt memes and like stuff like that so virgil teaches him and he has his Flashcards™
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kayincolwyn · 4 years
Whatever It Means To Be Human (Easter reflection, 4/12/2020)
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As many others throughout the world have been pointing out over these last couple months, these are strange times that we're living in.
Back in December around Christmas I started getting sick, and in January I had to go to the ER for some kind of infection that was giving me a sore throat as well as a fever and headache, got a look over and a prescription for a week long course of penicillin which seemed to knock out the infection (and later got hit with a 1200 bill for that ER visit, because my insurance didn’t cover it, that I still need to pay back, which I was livid about when I first found out about it but now am trying to accept as best I can because I have bigger things to worry about). A couple weeks later I had a followup checkup (with a very sweet and very pretty nurse, so no complaints there) and I remember staff at the clinic being pretty jumpy about some virus over in China (now widely known around the world as the coronavirus, or Covid 19) that I honestly hadn't heard about before then, and they were asking me if I had traveled to China or had any interaction with anyone from there, and of course I said no, and I remember being kind of annoyed by their jumpiness at the time. Well, needless to say, now I can see why they were being so jumpy.
I've had some kind of bug or another off and on since then, like a lot of people do in the wintertime, but because of, well, 'everything that's going on' (a phrase I've been using and I've heard a lot of people using lately, like it's become some kind of collective cultural meme) I find myself worrying much more than usual about a little cough or stuffy nose or feeling a little under the weather. At first, like a lot of people, I thought this was no big deal, that it would be another of those diseases that infected a few people but would be quickly contained, and then when that didn't happen I thought, like a lot of younger folks, that I would be fine and just needed to worry about older folks that I care about, but now I know that I could potentially be taken out by this virus too, and even at the ripe old age of 37, so now I worry about myself as well as others, and I admit that, while I’m trying to be brave, part of me is scared.
Even with that worry and anxiety, and with the whole world changing so drastically in just a matter of weeks, I'm still working (with the realization that janitorial work has more value than perhaps I initially thought or felt) and still busing it to and from work and going to the grocery store as needed, while usually wearing my newly acquired neoprene half mask (with inserted filters provided by a friend) like armor, and while washing my bloody hands more than at any other time in my life, and while trying to boost my immunity as best I can with vitamins and supplements of various kinds. Strange times indeed.
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I admit it's kind of odd to be considered an 'essential worker', to hear some even hailing people in my position as 'heroes on the frontline' or something like that, when for years I've felt that being a janitor was equal to being at the bottom of the totem pole, and over the years I have on occasion been made to feel less than by others because of my place on the totem pole (though to be fair I've also received my share of gratitude and kindness from others concerning my work as well, which I'm thankful for and appreciate). I mean, I don't really see myself as particularly heroic (I see doctors and nurses and other healthcare workers who are directly risking their lives in order to save others as far more heroic than myself, for example), but just as a guy trying to do his job in order to provide some service to others while also making a living, but I appreciate the validation nevertheless.
As an 'essential worker' (though even among 'essential workers' I still feel like I'm at the bottom or at least near the bottom of the totem pole), I just want to say that I feel that we all have a part to play in this world, that we all have something that we can contribute to the world, even if it may not seem like much.
Like I have seen some people online ragging on celebrities for trying to entertain others from the safety and comfort of their homes (with many of them being out of work at the moment for obvious reasons) but I would say that trying to entertain or encourage others in whatever way you can, even from a distance, can be meaningful and has its place, because we could all use a little entertainment and encouragement sometimes. I mean, for example, people out there can rag on Gal Gadot for trying to sing Imagine with a bunch of other celebrities who may or may not have any musical talent or ability in some online video, but even as cheesy and cringe-inducing as that may be, I still loved her as Wonder Woman (and through that role she has inspired many people, including many young women and girls) and I appreciate her desire, as well as the desire of everyone in that video, to uplift others in some way. Heck, even just trying to stay home as much as possible, trying to keep your distance from others, trying to be mindful of others, as she and many other celebrities as well as everyday people have been and are doing, in this time can be meaningful and shouldn't be completely discounted.
And to me it's not about being 'essential' or not, or 'heroic' or not, it's just about being human, and doing what you can to be a decent human in whatever way you can.
Of course being human is hard, as every human, no matter who they are or where they are, gets their share of suffering and sorrow in some way or another or at some time or another in their lives (though to be fair some certainly do seem to get a bigger share than others, and some comparatively less), and being a decent human is even harder, as it's often a challenge to do some good or do the right thing with all your faults and flaws and with all your limitations and shortcomings, and then going above and beyond that and being someone that most others would think of as a 'saint', well, that seems nigh impossible.
And what does it mean to be human anyway?
I guess that brings me to something that's been on my mind, and is on my mind more now what with it being Easter and having Jesus on the brain a little more than usual (hey, you can take the boy out of the Christianity but you can't take the Christianity out of the boy).
In times like this where the world is shaken up and we're in a semi-apocalyptic state of mind, where our mortality not just individually but collectively is more in question than usual, the question of what it means to be human looms large for many of us, along with those often asked questions about where we come from, why we're here, where we're going... you know, the usual fare.
Lately I've been reading some books by former evangelical Christians, including Unfollowed by Megan Phelps-Roper, granddaughter of Fred Phelps, founder of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, as well as books by Frank Schaeffer, son of Francis Schaeffer, an influential evangelical thinker and theologian.
Being a former evangelical Christian myself who is trying to find his way after questioning and deconstructing and for the most part walking away from that way of seeing and operating in the world, I can resonate with much of what they have to say and share, like the pain and loneliness there is in walking away from a community that you can no longer agree with to try and find your own path, or how with freedom to think for yourself comes an uncertainty that you have to get used to because now it's on you to decide what you will believe and where you will stand rather than just following what others have taught you or told you, or the mixed feelings about who you were and where you were when it wasn't all bad and it's part of who you are today and even while you don't want to, and really can't, go back, you're still grateful for it somehow.
And in their books they both wrestle with what it means to be human, what it means to be a good person, with the value of life and the value of love, because those questions and concerns still matter to them whether God or some higher power exists or not, just as they still matter to me on some level.
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I've also been thinking a bit about Fred Rogers, better known to the world as Mister Rogers, the widely beloved children's TV host, after watching the recent film which stars Tom Hanks as Rogers, A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, as well as the documentary Won't You Be My Neighbor?, and listening to a podcast about him called Finding Fred.
My late friend Erin McCarty was a big fan of Fred Rogers (I even sent her this Mister Rogers t-shirt that I found at a thrift store which she wore proudly in some of her photos on Facebook) whom she saw as a real saint, and she was far from being alone in thinking of him as one. Fred Rogers was one of those people who seemed to go above and beyond just being a decent human, as he was by all accounts a highly exceptional human, who, while having his share of quirks and eccentricities, more than most dedicated his life every waking hour to pursuing the good and showing love to others (and most especially children, whom he could be thought to be the patron saint of if he were canonized as a saint I should think) and even in such a way that no one with a sound mind and clear conscience could find any fault in him.
Those closest to him knew that he at times struggled with feeling inadequate, with feeling as though he wasn't really making a difference in the world, like what he was doing wasn't enough, but even so he continued to move forward, continued to try, an artist whose art-form was kindness and empathy (or as that podcast Finding Fred put it ‘a genius at empathy���).
I remember I was talking with a friend of mine about Fred Rogers the other day and he said that he thought if there was anyone who could perhaps have been the second coming of Christ it was Rogers, and while some might think that sentiment a little sacrilegious, I think it's a testament to the respect many people have for the man's character. People may on occasion playfully mock Mister Rogers for some of his mannerisms, for the way he talked or dressed or otherwise expressed himself (though of course much of that was for the sake of the children he was communicating with), but if you were to ask anyone with any sense at all they would admit that he was, if nothing else, a good man.
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I guess the same could be said of Jesus, whose teachings about life and love Fred Rogers, being a Presbyterian minister who took his faith seriously (even if he was kind enough and wise enough not to push it on others as many religious folks tend to do unfortunately), sought to follow and apply to his own life as best he could. Many have parodied Jesus in one way or another over the years (in fact the next book I'll be reading just in time for Easter is Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, which I look forward to reading as it sounds like fun) but most would agree that he was, if nothing else, a good man. Even the beloved comedy group Monty Python, most of whom were agnostic or atheist, after studying the gospels in preparation for what would eventually become their classic comedy Life Of Brian, decided against making a film where they mocked Jesus but instead made a film that mocked the church that often failed to follow his example. Instead of focusing on Jesus in the film they decided to focus on a guy named Brian who was mistaken for Jesus, following him on all of his adventures (or misadventures), while occasionally showing the real Jesus respectfully somewhere in the background (much as was done in the film Ben Hur). They said their reason for doing this was that they couldn't help but appreciate much of what Jesus said and did in the gospels, or as they said in their decidedly British way 'you can't take the piss out of it'.
As Frank Schaeffer points out in his book Why I Am An Atheist Who Believes In God (which I thought was a pretty clever title, and one I can kind of resonate with as I’m somewhere in the middle like that myself), some things that Jesus says and does in the gospels, or at least is recorded as saying and doing, don't really make sense or seem inconsistent with the general thread of kindness and empathy that can be seen in Christ's teachings, and having read the gospels at least a couple of times myself (or at least a couple of their English translations anyway, where no doubt much gets lost in translation), I would agree. He wonders if maybe some things were taken out or added in, if the writers sometimes spun some things to bolster their own point of view (which humans tend to do unfortunately), or if some things were simply a result of 'the telephone game' as it were (with most of the gospels probably being written decades after the events that they chronicle took place so that's not really out of the realm of possibility), and he may be right (as much as many Christians out there, especially the more fundamentalist among them, who may believe that scripture is infallible and inerrant, would hate to admit it).
But whatever the case may be, there is still enough of that thread of kindness and empathy in Jesus' story and message that countless people have been inspired by it through the centuries since he was said to have lived and died (and at least according to the Easter story, risen from the dead), including people like Fred Rogers, and also including people like Megan Phelps-Roper and Frank Schaeffer or myself, who even though they no longer identify as Christian still see some value in Jesus’ example and teachings, or at least as they now interpret them.
Many still seek to follow that example and apply those teachings today, including in these very strange, and very difficult, times, trying to walk a path of kindness and empathy when the world seems to be falling apart. I can't really say for sure how much I'm doing that myself, walking that path, with all of my faults and flaws and limitations and shortcomings, but I would like to think or hope that I manage to do a little good each day and get things right at least on occasion.
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The truth is though that many of us, including me, feel as though we don't measure up to the standard that someone like Jesus sets (or at least appears to set when you read about the kind of life he led), or even to the standard of someone like Fred Rogers. It just seems nigh impossible to meet that kind of standard. I mean I can't really speak for everyone who struggles with this, but I know that I have often struggled with wondering if I'm good enough, have debated whether I'm making a difference in the world, and have had doubts about whether I am even a decent human, let alone a saint. I feel like I fail or fall short in some way or another every day, feel like I don't care enough, don’t give enough, don't live big enough or love deep enough. Maybe some of my family and friends who see more in me than I see in myself might argue with me on this, but it's still how I feel sometimes, or even much of the time, and is a daily internal struggle for me.
But hearing about Fred Rogers, who some half jokingly (but also half seriously) would call the closest thing to a second coming of Christ that they can think of, having similar struggles gives me some perspective and comfort though, and it makes me wonder if even Jesus himself had such struggles, even if they may not have be written about, even if they were only written in his own heart, as blasphemous as the thought of someone whom many claim and believe to have been the Son of God, or even God in human form, actually struggling with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt may be, but blasphemous or not that thought gives me a strange kind of comfort.
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I remember in reading the gospels one of the parts of Jesus' story that resonated most with me was him wrestling in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane before he was arrested. Just imagining him being scared and uncertain and agonizing in the dirt and just being, well, more human like me, because I've been there too, is somehow encouraging, because if that's God, or a representative of God, or even just a very good man, maybe it's okay for me to be scared and uncertain and to agonize in the dirt too, because maybe I'm not alone in that.
One of the things that Fred Rogers is famous for saying is 'I like you just the way you are'. In the podcast Finding Fred, the podcast host, who greatly admires Fred Rogers, sometimes expressed struggling with that idea, being a black man who has experienced a lot of racism, and also being someone who has been mistreated in a lot of ways by others throughout his life, he wondered how he could like someone just as they were when, well, there was so much wrong with some people out there. One of his guests on the show, another admirer of Fred Rogers, suggested that what Rogers meant by 'I like you just the way you are' wasn't that everyone was perfect in every way, nor that everyone's words or actions or choices should be condoned, let alone praised, or that people didn't need to learn or grow in different ways, but rather that underneath all the dirt and the muck of our imperfection, our imperfect words and actions and choices, and no matter how deeply buried, there is something of value, something of worth, some spark of the divine in us, which can never be completely destroyed, and no matter how much others, or even we ourselves, may try to.
Of course, much like the host of the podcast, many of us struggle with seeing that that is true of those whom many of us would call 'monsters', the murderers and abusers and tyrants of this world, the worst of the worst if you will, but then it appears that Rogers was able to look at people even like that and see something of value and worth in them, seeing something of beauty beneath all of the ugliness, or at least the potential for it anyway.
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I think of another man that many could think of as a saint, named Daryl Davis, who is a black man that has made it his mission to try to befriend members of hate groups, including members of the KKK, not in a concerted effort to convert them to his way of seeing things necessarily but simply to give them something to think about through their just knowing him. He has helped many to walk away from the KKK and other such groups simply by extending the hand of friendship to them, and he challenges others to try to break down divides by seeing the humanity in others, including those who are different from us, or even those who hurt us or frighten us.
I also think of Fred Phelps, who was the founder of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, and who has become an icon of religious hate to many, and what his granddaughter Megan wrote about him in her memoir Unfollowed, how even though to most people he was a terrible human being, even a monster, to her he was her 'Gramps', whom she loved dearly even if looking back she knows that he got a lot of things wrong, and she spoke of how towards the end of his life when he was falling into dementia that he softened considerably, and even to the point that his own church effectively excommunicated him and abandoned him in a retirement home, where Megan and her younger sister Grace, who had recently left the church (and at great personal sacrifice to themselves), snuck in without permission from their family to see him one last time, and Megan says he was mostly lucid at that time, and instead of reproaching them for having left the church he only expressed his love for them in the end. It seems that at the end of his life Fred Phelps didn't cling to his dogma and hate so much as his relationships and love, which is encouraging.
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Fred Rogers (the other Fred if you will), whom Fred Phelps himself often mocked as 'a wuss and an enabler of wusses' among other things, even going so far as to protest at his funeral, would have been proud I think that Phelps had come so far at the end, and I am sure he would have said to him 'I like you just the way you are' and I think the humanity buried even in someone like Phelps was what Rogers was pointing to by saying that to everyone he encountered.
Frank Schaeffer spoke of his mother, Edith Schaeffer, in his book Sex, Mom, and God, in much the same way, even going so far as to say that even being straitjacketed by the limitations of her religion and its dogma she was a force of nature and he could see her humanity shine through throughout her life, especially towards the end when, as Fred Phelps did, she softened, and said that ultimately she was better than her beliefs, or that something in her, her humanity, rose above that.
And maybe that humanity, or that divine spark, or whatever you want to call it, was also what Jesus was pointing to and trying to call out, and whether that be in the everyman on the street, or in the seemingly irreparably damaged people that you may find in prisons (or even sometimes in governments) or even among the religious who can get so mired in their ideology and self-righteousness as to forget that spark within them or in others.
It may seem nigh impossible, if not flatly impossible, to live up the standard of what many of us think of as saviors or saints, but I think of a scene in A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood where Roger's wife Joanne says that 'Rodg' (as she affectionately called him) wouldn't want people to think of him as a saint, as he believed that anyone and everyone could walk the path that he walked, or at least tried to walk, and in their own special way.
I also think of how Jesus said to his disciples that they would do even greater things than him, which when you think of the kind of example that someone like Jesus set, namely one where you are willing to die for what you believe in and stand for, that seems like a pretty tall order, but it makes me wonder if, as controversial as this may be and contrary to popular and widespread religious opinion that has been built up around him for centuries, maybe Jesus wouldn't want us to think of him as a savior anymore than Fred Rogers would want us to think of him as a saint, because maybe instead of putting them up on pedestals we're meant to try and follow their example as best we can.
I remember one of the guests in the Finding Fred podcast saying that maybe instead of just looking back on Rogers and his example with admiration and nostalgia, we could also try to be like Fred Rogers ourselves, much as those who seek to follow the way of Jesus (which Rogers himself was trying to follow) instead of just looking back can try to be like him as much as they are able, and in their own special way.
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With it being Easter today as I post this, I honestly don't know whether or not Jesus rose from the dead, heck I am not even one hundred percent sure if he even existed (as there are those who argue that he didn't, even if most historians would agree that he did, though most of them think that most of what was written about him was just fanciful legend that was built up around him, which may or may not be the case, because none of us can really know for sure on that since we weren't there, and unless we invent time travel or something it will continue to be a matter of faith, and faith alone), but then I am willing to keep something of an open mind about it, and even with where I am now I can still understand why many look to Jesus as a symbol of hope and the love of God, and why people see something meaningful in the story of his life, death, and resurrection because even if it may not be literally true (and again on that front it is a matter of faith), that doesn’t mean it isn’t mythically true. Whatever the case, I believe that his example and message of kindness and empathy lives on (even if one has to dig through a number of inconsistencies and mistranslations to find it), much as Fred Rogers’ similar example and message lives on.
And I guess this brings me back to 'everything that's going on', and the question of what it means to be human.
One of the things that a lot of people have been saying through this crisis that all of us in the world are facing is that 'we're all in this together' and I think it's safe to say that there's nothing quite like a pandemic to remind us of how much we value our relationships when we are having to keep our distance from others, including those we love, for our good and theirs, and when we are fearing for not only our own health and our own life but also for the health and lives of others.
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I recently watched the film Contagion, which came out about ten years ago, and many are seeing it as eerily prophetic as much of the film parallels what is happening now, but one of the underlying messages of that film, as one of my favorite Youtubers, Like Stories Of Old, pointed out, is how much our relationships matter, how much those connections that can so easily be taken for granted matter, when we are faced with existential threats such as the one we seem to be faced with now. More likely than not, as in Contagion, this pandemic, as bad as it may get, will not be the end the world, but it is certainly shaking it up and it appears it will continue to do so for awhile, and in the midst of that all we have for sure is eachother, even if we can only be there for one another mostly at a distance and in spirit.
In A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood there was a moving scene where Rogers says concerning death and how difficult it is to talk about it that 'anything that is mentionable is manageable', and I think the same applies to the situation we are in now, we can face this and face it together, because we're not alone in this mess, not alone in the dirt, even as lonely as it may feel at times.
Our situation is also a reminder (and is another theme in Contagion) of how connected we all are, especially in this globalized world that we now live in. A friend of mine here on Tumblr was telling me in a recent message how this whole situation shows how interconnected we all are, and how every choice we make can impact those around us and can have a domino effect, even having effects, whether positive or negative, that we aren't even aware of.
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What he said reminds me of this passage from the classic children's book Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, which I finished reading for the first time just a couple days ago, where there is this exchange between the book's chief protagonist Milo, accompanied by his loyal companions Tock and Humbug, and the princesses Rhyme and Reason:
“It has been a long trip,” said Milo, climbing onto the couch where the princesses sat; “but we would have been here much sooner if I hadn’t made so many mistakes. I’m afraid it’s all my fault.” “You must never feel badly about making mistakes,” explained Reason quietly, “as long as you take the trouble to learn from them. For you often learn more by being wrong for the right reasons than you do by being right for the wrong reasons.” “But there’s so much to learn,” he said, with a thoughtful frown. “Yes, that’s true,” admitted Rhyme; “but it’s not just learning things that’s important. It’s learning what to do with what you learn and learning why you learn things at all that matters.” “That’s just what I mean,” explained Milo as Tock and the exhausted bug drifted quietly off to sleep. “Many of the things I’m supposed to know seem so useless that I can’t see the purpose in learning them at all.” “You may not see it now,” said the Princess of Pure Reason, looking knowingly at Milo’s puzzled face, “but whatever we learn has a purpose and whatever we do affects everything and everyone else, if even in the tiniest way. Why, when a housefly flaps his wings, a breeze goes round the world; when a speck of dust falls to the ground, the entire planet weighs a little more; and when you stamp your foot, the earth moves slightly off its course. Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in a pond; and whenever you’re sad, no one anywhere can be really happy. And it’s much the same thing with knowledge, for whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much richer.” “And remember, also,” added the Princess of Sweet Rhyme, “that many places you would like to see are just off the map and many things you want to know are just out of sight or a little beyond your reach. But someday you’ll reach them all, for what you learn today, for no reason at all, will help you discover all the wonderful secrets of tomorrow.”
While I think the main themes of The Phantom Tollbooth are the value of education as well as how you see and experience the world around you, I think this passage could also be applied to how we learn how to live and love, and how you follow a path of kindness and empathy.
It's a process to be sure, and we will all make mistakes along the way, but as Reason says, we can learn more from being wrong for the right reasons than being right for the wrong ones, and trying to apply what we've learned as best we can and holding onto our reasons for doing so is just as important as what we learn. And there's a purpose to it, to living and loving as best we can, and it can impact the world around us, it can be like a ripple in a pond that spreads out in ways we can't know or even imagine, and who knows, maybe it will take us to places that we couldn't have even dreamed of...
Maybe that's something to try remember whenever we get discouraged (and I know I do plenty, as I’m sure most of us do), much like Fred Rogers did, and perhaps even Jesus did, and when wondering whether or not we have cared enough or given enough or lived enough or loved enough, that even seemingly little things can have a great impact and can actually make a real difference in the world.
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In Fred Rogers' last television appearance after 9/11 he spoke of how his mother said in times of crisis that you should "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” I remember in the Finding Fred podcast they pointed out how in that message he was speaking to the children who are now grown ups themselves, the ones who had watched his program as they were growing up, and he was pointing to their own humanity, to that divine spark within them, and calling them to become those helpers themselves.
Even in that instance Rogers struggled, as he was so shaken by the enormity of the events of 9/11 that he felt that nothing he said could really help, and yet many, including myself at the time, even not being as familiar with Fred Rogers then as I am now, as I hadn't really watched his show growing up myself (I was more of a TMNT and Transformers kind of kid back in the 80s), were encouraged by what he had to say, and it made an impact, it made a difference. It helped.
And we can help too in our own way, and even if we too may feel shaken up by the events of our own time, these strange times that we're living in, we too can make an impact and a difference, we can help in some way, and however small and inconsequential what we may have to offer may feel, and whether it may feel decent or good or 'essential' or 'heroic' enough or not, we can help, and even if we may not know that we are helping.
As far as the answers to some of those big questions, like where we come from, why we're here, and where we're going, honestly I'm not sure what the answers may be, I mean I have some guesses, but I don't know with absolute certainty (and I'm having to learn to live without that anyway, even as I try to look forward with some hope and look back with some gratitude), but whatever it means to be human, I think it may have something to do with doing what you need to do even when you're worried and scared, with trying as much as you can to lift up others when they're down or maybe even when you're down, with the value of life and of love, with not being alone in the dirt, with seeing some measure of value and worth in jaded and cynical adults as much as you may see it in children, with extending the hand of friendship, and maybe even to those that are different from you, or looking for the humanity even in those that hurt and frighten you, with somehow loving those that others may only see as irredeemable monsters, with seeing the light in someone even if they are held back by things that limit and hem them in, with not insisting that others put us up on pedestals whenever we do some good or get something right but that they try to do the same themselves as best they can just as we are trying to do, with learning and growing in every way we can, with facing difficult times together, with trying to encourage and support and help one another, and even as imperfect as we may be and are. Maybe it has something to do with all of that.
I hope that we'll get through these strange times, that we'll not only survive them but that this may also push us to change some things for the better, that this will push us forward somehow, through death towards resurrection, that this will remind us of our humanity, that spark within us, and while I don't really know why we are in these strange times, or why 'everything that's going on' is going on, really I do hope that in the end it will move us a little closer to finding out, both for ourselves and for eachother, what it means to be human.
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war-sword · 4 years
thank you
hello everyone! before 2019 comes to a close i wanted to make a little thank you post. on december 20th of 2018, i posted my first fic on this blog. before, i had been exclusively posting about YA book series. mid november of 2018 i had fallen back into the world of harry potter after sort of moving past my obsession with it as a young child, and for reasons we all know, i really connected a lot with draco.
until then, i’d never really read x reader fics. personally, i’d never really liked a character enough to seek out reader insert fics, and i was honestly surprised by the amount of content i found on tumblr, especially active blogs. as is the way my brain works, i began just writing down ideas i had. i didn’t write them with the intention of posting, but eventually decided eh what the fuck. i didn’t want to post it to my main due to Reasons and so i put them here instead.
that one fic turned into two, and two turned into multi chapters... now, in december of 2019, i’ve written a total of twelve fics and roughly 89,039 words (of which you’ve only read 79,763 ;))
that’s almost 90 thousand words, the most i’ve ever written. twelve fics, let alone four of them being multi-chaptered, is also the most i’ve ever written in a year. i never set writing goals for me in terms of words or stories because i hate to structure my creativity like that. i did have a goal of expanding on another story i had been previously working on in 2018. as much as i did want to write for that story, it just wasn’t exciting me like my draco works were. sometimes i struggled with if i was wasting my time writing this much fanfic, or how i would  embarrassed i would feel if my friends or peers knew what i was writing about. as the year progressed, i realized i didn’t care as much. people (that’s you!) were enjoying my fics, and through your comments i realized these were a lot more than just reader insert fics to you guys– you just liked my writing.
i really pushed myself a lot this year with how much i put out, and i hope to do the same this coming year! all of y’all’s encouraging words are the reason i tried so many new things with my storytelling, and just know i treasure all your comments and think of you all every day. and to end this overly dramatic reflection, i want to say a special thank you to my friends. @drawlfoy, i still think about the day i reblogged the placebo effect and it took you several hours to come back and say you’d just realized i was the person who wrote needy, and that it had inspired you to make your own blog. that made me so happy. you’re so fucking funny and you’re such an incredible writer. quiplash queen. @eltanin-malfoy, honestly you give her a run for her money in the funny department and i love waking up to all the memes you send me, and your writing is out of this word ethereal. you both, actually, are juggling writng and school better than i ever did (cuz i just gave up on the school part), and you’re both so freaking smart and i can’t wait to celebrate when you guys pick your schools for next year :’) i will mom you. oh, and thank you for making me more emoji-literate. @acciodracoo i can honestly say i’ve learned so much from reading your writing, evi. your talent and genius brain never cease to leave me speechless, and you, too, juggle writing and the rest of your life so well it makes me envious. i look up to you a lot, and you remind me daily that writing of all types if for everyone and that i should never feel like what i’m working on is stupid or pointless, and you’ll always be around to read it. that, and you generally make me feel like my life will work out eventually and that there is lots of exciting stuff ahead because it scares me a lot sometimes. @socontagiousimagines you are the reason i decided to publish that first fic of mine last year. i remember devouring your masterlist, and even though we’ve talked about this a lot, me stalking your blog and wanting to be friends so bad. it’s crazy how much we have in common, and i love talking to you about so many different things. you were the driving force behind me writing needy, and a lot of people can thank you for that. you are such a strong girl. thank you for letting me be the rat on your hulu and disney+, sending me very nice videos of your screaming in front of ariana grande, and being my moon sister. i love all you guys so much and i love that writing has brought us together like this.
i hope everyone’s 2020 is full of lots of new opportunities and light.
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Pictured with You (iii.)
A/n: I wanted to insert a little more Connor in this one, so here we go.
Summary: Connor thinks y/n and Shawn are getting too close and thinks they need to slow down.
Warnings: some fluff, some angst, and a lot of flashbacks
Word count: 2.5k
The bus is quiet except for the soft clicks of my keyboard as I edit some photos, and Connor's occasional sigh when he can't fit a clip with another. Everyone had gone to bed hours ago, but neither of us were willing to stop working yet. Connor claimed his footage and ideas were "too exciting to put off until morning." But I just wasn't quite ready to sleep yet.
"Your knee is still pretty banged up," Connor mutters, looking up from his laptop.
I look down at the rough scab and run a finger over it, wincing. "Yeah, I probably should have taken better care of it after Shawn cleaned it."
"Hmm… I don't know why he was the one to clean it anyway."
I think back to the night just a week ago, when I was so determined to get the perfect shot, that I tripped and scraped up my knee pretty bad.
I don't even notice it, really. At least not at first. It's not until I feel that little bit of wetness on my jeans that I realize I might have hit something. And it's confirmed when Shawn comes into the green room, high on adrenaline. He reaches for me, like he does after every show despite the dirty looks from Andrew and Cez (who I'm assuming knows about Shawn's supposed promise to not try anything), but he stops short when he notices my leg.
"What the hell happened? Are you okay? Why are you bleeding?"
I brush off his worry with a dismissive hand. "I'm fine. Just fell when I was trying to get a photo. I got it, by the way, and it's definitely my favorite."
"Uh huh, that's great, hon. But you are really bleeding," he's on his knees in front of me, carefully trailing his thumb around the raw skin, seeing as the scrape also tore my jeans. "Does this hurt?" He pushes gently around my leg and I wince.
"Fuck. Yeah."
He sighs, "sit down."
"What? Why?"
"I have to clean it. It might get infected."
"Connor," I shake my head. "He was just being a good friend."
"Y/n, you can't keep saying that's all it is. I know what you look like when you like someone. I was once on the receiving end of it, remember that?"
"Fucking obviously, Con. And bow did that end for us?"
"We're still great friends," he tries to reason.
"But do you remember how long it took for us to get back here? We didn't talk for months. And no offense, but I'm not willing to lose my friendship with Shawn because I might have feelings for him. After what happened with us, I can't risk that again."
"So you do like him?"
I cross my arms over my chest defensively, "Yes. But it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna do anything about it."
"Other than lead him on?"
"Excuse me?"
He chuckles bitterly, "Nice hoodie."
"Don't." I give him a pointed look.
"When did he give it to you? Was it on one of your late night adventures?"
"How did you-?"
"You're not as quiet about leaving as you think you are."
"You're a dick. You know that?"
"I'm not the one playing with my friend's heart. Wearing his clothes, sitting in his lap when you think no one's around, sharing drinks, picking off each other's plates, sharing earbuds, falling asleep on each other, kissing foreheads and cheeks."
The more things he points out, the angrier I get. At myself, of course. Because he's right. This has gone way past unprofessional and I hate that I've let things go this far, knowing full well that we shouldn't be doing any of the things that we do.
"Do you see how this looks? Frankly, you and Shawn are lucky Andrew hasn't said anything to you guys yet."
"It won't get to that point," I mumble, shifting uncomfortably in my seat, suddenly too hot in Shawn's hoodie.
"I hope not, because I would hate to see you lose your job because you let your feelings get in the way."
"It won't happen," I say again.
He sighs as he watches me shrug out of Shawn's youth hoodie. "I'm not doing this to be mean, y/n. You know I love and care about you. That's why I'm saying this. I don't want to see you or Shawn get hurt."
I nod, "I know." I clear my throat. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
I sigh and turn back to face him, "Yeah?"
"You know I love you, right?"
I chew the inside of my cheek and stand up, fixing my shirt. "Yep." I grab my laptop and go to the bunks where I fully intend to cry myself to sleep.
The tears fall silently once I'm settled in my bunk. Thinking about how much Shawn and I are jeopardizing not only our professional relationship, but our friendship too. I can't be wearing his clothes like it's nothing.
I walk out of the bathroom, freshly showered and the boys all turn to me, Shawn's eyes stay locked on me longer than Brian's or Connor's. And there's no masking the big smile on his face.
"What?" I ask quietly, sitting next to him.
"Nothing, nothing. You just look cozy, that's all." He pulls gently at the strings and boops my nose.
I scrunch up my face and get comfortable in my spot, legs underneath me as I scroll through Instagram.
And I wish I didn't know what Connor was referring to when he said I can't be sitting in Shawn's lap.
But we really did think we were the only ones in the room.
We're in his dressing room and Shawn's pulling his pinky ring on and off his finger over and over again, barely breathing, but letting out a loud sigh when he realizes how long it's been since he last took in air. It's hard to take pictures of him when he's like this. Anxious and fidgety. So I put my camera beside me and take his hands in mine, knowing that physical contact is always what helps calm him down. It didn't take a genius to figure that out.
"What's wrong, bub?"
He exhaled deeply, letting go of my hands only to place his on my hips, pulling me down to his lap. "I don't know. I just can't think straight." His head leans forward, resting against my chest.
I wrap one arm around the back of his neck and tug softly on the curls on the back of his neck. "Well what are you thinking about?"
After a few seconds of silence, I can hear him mumble into my shirt. "Sound check was a disaster. And I haven't been able to reach my mom all day. My sister went on a date and I swear to god, I will kill that boy if he tries anything with her. And I really miss my dad because he's always telling me that it'll all be alright." He pick his head up, "and have you noticed that Connor's always staring at us when we're together? It's like he has some type of radar up when we're near each other. And he like… doesn't stop until one of us leaves. It's weird right?"
I let out a nervous chuckle, "wow, you weren't kidding when you said you were everywhere."
"Shh… just close your eyes." I tilt his head back a little bit and get off his lap. He protests though and brings me back, this time straddling him, eyes still closed. I know I should, but I don't fight him on it. "Okay, I'm gonna do this thing my mom used to do when I felt restless as a kid. Just focus on my voice, okay?"
He nods, his hands resting firmly on my hips, keeping me safe against him.
And it's not like we intended to share drinks! We just both ended up getting something the other person liked.
"What'd you get?" Shawn asks, taking a sip of his smoothie, his nose wrinkling a bit after he swallows.
"They said it's piña colada. But all I'm getting is the pineapple. What'd you get?"
"Strawberry kiwi."
"But don't you hate kiwi?" I ask, taking another sip of my drink."
"I'm trying something new. Sue me."
I laugh when he coughs after a large gulp. "You don't like it, do you?"
He shakes his head, a sheepish grin on his face.
"Want to try mine?"
"Sure," he says and we switch cups. He hums in content, holding the cup just far enough from his face to stare at it the way people apparently do when they try something they like. "This is really good." He drinks a little more and I take the opportunity to try his - which, by the way, I like a lot more.
"If you want it, you can have it," I manage to say with a little smoothie still in my mouth.
"You sure?"
I nod, "I happen to like yours more too."
He just laughs and holds the cup out for us to cheers. I smile knowing I can't deny him. He makes it a point to shout out "Clink!" when our paper cups touch.
"I swear you're six years old," I mumble into the straw.
He mocks a pained expression, hand over his heart. "I am hurt. Truly devastated that you think so little of me."
I shove his shoulder, shaking my head, "Shut up!"
And until Connor brought it up, I didn't think there was anything wrong with the way Shawn and I picked food off each other's plate. We like the same food, it's not like Brian wasn't stealing fries from my plate too. What? Was I suddenly trying to get with him as well?
"Shawn, turn your face to the side real quick," I say, holding my camera up to my eye. He's stuffing an overly ranch covered fry in his mouth, but turns anyway and just as I hear the shutter sound, I reach across the table and steal a fry myself.
"I saw that," he says with a smirk.
"I don't know what you're talking about," I respond, covering my mouth as I swallow.
"You have your own fries, you know?"
"Ah, yes. But mine are cute and curly, like your hair. While yours are straight and normal, which, if you ask me, always taste better when they're not yours."
"I think all fries taste better when they're not yours. Let's test it, shall we?" He hands me another fry from his plate and takes two from mine. He's nodding before he even puts them in his mouth. "Yep, definitely confirmed."
"Don't talk with your mouth full," I scold him.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," he mimics, hands on his hips as if trying to recreate one of the many spongebob memes that have surfaced over the past couple years.
I'm quick to snap a picture of his figure and can't help but laugh out loud when it pops up on my screen.
"You know, I think it's you that makes everything better." He says seriously after I put my camera back down.
"What are you talking about?" I reach for his plate again and he doesn't even try to fight me, doesn't look down at my hand. He's just staring at my face, taking everything in. I suddenly become self conscious under the impromptu surveying he's doing and turn my face away from him to chew.
"Jesus Christ, your beautiful." I don't think he meant for me to hear that, so I pretend that I don't.
And for sure, sharing earbuds isn't flirtatious, right? Connor's just making a big deal out of nothing, trying to make me question everything I do around Shawn as if we aren't functioning adults who can make our own decisions… and mistakes.
"What are you listening to?" Shawn plops down beside me, hair wet from his shower only minutes ago.
"Dive," I mumble, scribbling a couple of sentences down.
"By Ed?"
I only respond with a soft yes because I'm on a roll with the story I'm writing and I know if I stop not I don't get that flow back.
"Can I listen too?"
I take out one earbud and hand it to him, never looking up from my piece of paper. Out of the corner of my eye. I can see him bobbing his head, and since one ear is now free to listen to the world outside of the music in my head, I can hear him tapping the table to the beat.
"Don't tell me you need me… if you don't believe it," he sings to me, holding his hand out to me, like a microphone.
I roll my eyes, but hold onto his hand ready to sing the next line. "Let me know the truth… before I dive right into you."
"I could fall, or I could fly. Here in your aeroplane."
"I could live, I could die, hanging on to words you say."
"I've been known to give my own, sitting back looking at every mess that I've made."
"So don't call me baby… unless you mean it."
We continue alternating lines until the song ends and we have stupid grins on our face despite the judging stares from Mike and Zubin.
I'm smiling like a child when Imagination comes on next and watch as Shawn grows increasingly more red. So I start singing to him.
"I keep craving, craving you. Don't know it,but it's true. Can't get my mouth to say the words they want to say to you."
He's shaking his head and takes out the earbud. I don't stop though. I sing the song, in its entirety to him, laughing continuously through every verse.
I wipe at my, no doubt, puffy eyes and turn on my side, facing say from the curtain.
Falling asleep was never the intention. I fully intended on removing myself from him once the coffee started to kick in. But the coffee never did do that. And I felt myself drifting faster and faster. It wasn't until we were at the radio station that felt a soft pair of lips on my hairline, peppering the skin with gentle, almost nonexistent kisses. "Mea vita, time to wake up, y/n/n."
I grumble softly, lifting my head just enough to rest my forehead on his. Without so much as a second thought, I press a kiss to his cheek, smiling sleepily. "Thanks for being my pillow," I murmur.
He brushes a strand of hair from my face. "Anytime."
I nudge his cheek with my nose, still half asleep, choosing to ignore that gnawing feeling in my stomach that is telling me that this is wrong. Dangerous, even, for our friendship. "Let's get to work, my cute little rockstar."
I sigh deeply. I'm gone for him. Completely. And its gonna hurt like a motherfucker when this spark - that is currently burning like a wildfire inside me - dissipates, leaving nothing but debris and loss in its wake.
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @anamariel2301 @turtoix @tomshufflepuff @ivegotparticulartaste @dino-16-avocado
PWY tags: @lifeoftheparty74 @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @alinaxxshawn @rosesfromcth @bodacious-5sos @sweetheartmendes
I hope you guys are enjoying it to far! From now on PWY is updating twice a week! I hope you're ready for this mess.
Like, reblog, and leave feedback!! 💙
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jimlingss · 5 years
I can't believe you ended chp 16 of Jp like that...i want to fight 😭
if you fight me, i’m guaranteed to be hospitalized ((look at these noodle arms)) and then who will post the next chapter on Monday? uh huuuh, that’s what I thought. Think twice before you wanna square up. (ง •̀_•́)ง
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I am now answering spoiler-y messages below, so beware....
Massive spoilers to come, please do not read if you have not yet read Jungle Park Chapter 16. Or go ahead and read if you’re chaotic like that.
Anonymous said: ok but what if oc and Hoseok were actually engaged....
I’m an idiot, anon - I accidentally deleted your ask before I copied it correctly lol oops, but ding ding ding! correct! you’re a winner!! i believe you sent me this message like 2 chapters ago and honestly you freaked me out by how accurate you were. dammit, I might’ve been too predictable, but you catch on quick. sorry i couldn’t answer sooner hahaha i couldn’t risk other people jumping on the same theory. you’re a genius tho, i’ll give you props for it.
Anonymous said: DATED!FOR 4 YEARS! ENGAGED! Omg wow shit really hit the fan like there is no coming back omg Wowoowoeoeoeooew I’m SHOOK like I never expected that like NEVER!!!
Anonymous said:I KNEW IT!!! i had a feeling it was either a really long relationship or they were engaged at one point. TURNS OUT IT WAS BOTH omg gahdhsjxbjsjs I'm so excited to see this all just unravel omgomgomgomg
kawaii-ing said: FhbsjshJuxYhUgrnziVJgdjsbdud JUNGLE PARK CHAPTER 16 JUST WRECKED ME YO 😱😱😱😱😱 HE KNOWS AND SHE DOESNT KNOW HE KNOWS IM SO CURIOUS FOR WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NOW Btw lovvvveeee your writing, thanks for all your hard work boo xxx💜💜
Anonymous said: omgg 4 years? ENGAGED?? I’m ??? jut WHAT happened
:O :O
Anonymous said: BROOOOOOO! THEY WERE ENGAGED :o *insert Pikachu meme*
pikachu meme?? hahaha is that a sarcastic surprise? so you weren’t actually? lolololol :O
Anonymous said: Ahh I loved jungle park 16!! I'm so excited for the angst to come 👀 is hoseok's car accident related to oc at all?
hmm guess you’ll have to wait and see ((but also just putting it out there that if it was related that would be pretty makjang and lol im not about that life with this series))
Anonymous said: (1)oh holy hell Kina,,,my head’s hurting bcs of JP:16. ENGAGED what?? huh. now its one of my fav chapters, like 4-6 (ah those innocent cute baby steps in hoseok’s&oc’s relationship,,,not THIS). but freaking FINALLY someone spilled the beans. i love this kind of scenes, THE truth revelation. chang’s unaware of storm hes causing with his words, hoseok’s world’s simply crushing, oc doesnt know yet whats happening&dae is helplessly watching from sidelines trying to stop the catastrophe&failing
Anonymous said:(2)thats sad. i kinda can imagine what hoseoks feeling now, plagued w question that almost no one’s willing to answer, that drive him crazy.what happened? why did oc hide the truth? what did i do, how bad did we hurt each other? why can’t i remember any of it fuck. its a perfect opportunity for insecurities&ugly thoughts&inner demons to poison his mind. and oc...her house of cards collapsed revealing things she was trying hard to escape. will she feign ignorance again or will she finally face it
Anonymous said:(3)i just hope that in the end after this storm theyll reach their own peace, whatever the outcome will be. past stays in past, but only if every issue is resolved. otherwise it might return later&be worse than before. it was a great chapter. thank you — chem
THE BEANS HAVE BEEN SPILLED!!! honestly the universe is in chaos right now lol Hoseok’s like the fuck....and oc doesn’t even know lol but yeah it’s definitely a sad situation for almost all parties. there’s still more to be revealed tho, like the actual details of what the fuck went on haha anyways, i’m glad you’re enjoying it!
Anonymous said: AAHHHHH ITS FINALLY HERE!! Thank you 💞💞. Wow it was truly a lot and honestly, I feel kinda scared for Hoseok... it’s crazy that he really doesn’t remember anything and learning all this new information is like being in another word. If this story wasn’t one about love and fluff, it could’ve totally turned into a horror story lol. Thank you again and I’m very excited to see where the story goes!!
a horror? can’t say im very good at the genre but that’s definitely an interesting concept....the more i think about it....like for someone to go through something suppper traumatic and not remember at all and someone appears in their life but it turns out that someone was actually the serial killer? dammmmn that would be really interesting. i digress, thank you for enjoying it. definitely Hoseok is lost, scared, confused.
Anonymous said: SHIT’S 🗣 HITTING 🗣 THE 🗣 FAN 🗣 omg *insert “she’s meditating” “she’s dead” meme* and the fact that this is just the beginning??? how?? what?? i’m honestly so skek for the next chapter like i dont think hoseok’s gonna go apeshit on yn but you never know now do you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ superb chapter for reals!!!! like, all of your writing is great but this chapter?? *chef’s kiss* didnt even know i was an angst fan until this chapter lol sending all my love to you!!! - chanting anon
hahhahahahhahaha there’s a lot more to unravel. now the puzzle has been exposed, we gotta start looking at the details. thank you for the message *throws chef’s kiss back* also welcome to the angst realm lol
Anonymous said: finals starts at the 20th and school ends in the 24th and we're still at chap 1 on our research. Due to stress, i thought, hey, might as well read the latest chapter bUT WHO KNEW IT WOULD BRING ME MORE STRESS. FOUR YEARS?! ENGAGED?! i feel like hoseok right now. You make such awesome stories and worlds. It affects me in so many good ways i cant even. i dont always give you my thoughts per chapter but i want you to know that i scream at every single one of them. have a nice day! - anon h.a.n.d.
oh my goodness!!! good luck on your exams!! hahah im sorry the chapter isn’t very much comfort food and kind of more wild but still happy you enjoyed it! 
Anonymous said: PT. 15 & 16?! WHAT. I COME BACK TO TWO CHAPTERS. HOLY COW. but really, like now that I know what I know, I’m so sad. I wonder what their relationship was like. That’s a lot of time to invest in someone and for it to fall apart like that... I couldn’t imagine what OC had to go through. I’m sad BUT THE DEVELOPMENT IS MAKING ME SO FREAKIN EXCITED. THANK YOU FOR GIVING US SOME ANSWERS ABOUT THE PAST. I CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW MUCH ELSE HE FINDS OUT.
I KNOW RIGHT?? LIKE FOUR YEARS IS A FUCKING LONG TIME. then again that was like 8 years ago. but yeah, it’s sad for both oc and Hoseok, y’know? I’M GLAD YOU’RE EXCITED!!!
Anonymous said: Great Jungle Park chapter! I'm pissed because SOMEONE SPOILED IT and i saw they were engaged before i could even click on the 'read more',,, but great chapter! I wish i could've read it without knowing, it kinda made me sad and it was not as great as it could have been.. @people spoiling, fuck off >:(( @you you're the best writer ily u nice keep going!! Can't wait to have Hoseok's full mind process over how crazy it is he doesn't remember 4 YEARS and an ENGAGEMENT (and only 2 dates huhu)
haha chill, anon. did you actually know that spoilers can make someone enjoy a story more? it’s actually a really interesting thing to google and find out more about. the chapter’s still the same whether you had an inkling of what was going on or not. you still enjoyed it too, right?  :D 
Anonymous said: CRAP OK, well, we knew it was something more than two days, but HONESTLY lol I love how you wrote y/n trying to keep it together. I could feel her fear as she lost control of the situation when Hoseok showed up. Do you think in her mind she even slightly expected him to show up? I'm assuming she's very internal w/ her thoughts/feelings seeing as she doesn't talk to anyone about what happened between her & Hobi all those years ago nor has she dealt w/ it, mostly just avoided it, would you say?
oh yeah oc was on the verge of a mental breakdown when he showed up rofl, damn near scared her. he was basically like a jumpscare LOL. but yeah for sure she didn’t expect him to come. i mean she basically told him and he was like ‘ok whatever’ and didn’t express interest and it’s not like he got an invite so she didn’t know he would actually go out of his way to show up. and yeah i agree, oc’s very internal with her feelings, or at least what happened all those years ago. it’s sensitive issues anyway that she’s left behind. or at least tried to.
Changsub isn’t the dumbass that we wanted. But the dumbass we needed.
((don’t you love how oc tried so hard to keep it a secret for like 16 chapters aka like near a year and some idiot comes trapezing in and in his first scene he just spills all the beans??? hahahha))
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ultraclops · 5 years
I Can't Think Of A Creative Title [Mao Mao Spoilers]
Oh the Hero's Code IS a real book! Made by Mao's family no less! Cool
I'm gonna say it now. The pirate aunt's kinda cute.
I don't know much about cobbler but I'm pretty sure you don't put it in a trough
*screaming interspaced by cobbler eating*
Why exactly is eating cobbler against the Hero's Code? Did the first person in the Mao clan really hate cobbler or something?
"If I could have that cobbler, I would do things to it that would make my ancestors cry in shame." JESUS CHRIST HOW'D THEY GET AWAY WITH THAT
"Buuut I can't!" Am I the only one who thinks he sounded like Thomas Sanders when he said that
"Has anyone told you that you have issues?"
(Mao ominously hovers into the kitchen with glowing eyes while creepy wails play in the background) Nothing to see here.
The thing Mao's eyes do when he goes 'Oooooo' like if you agree
Apparently Badgerclops' biggest fear is 'crushing self-doubt'. Oooooo.
Tbh I had the same reaction as Mao when the cobbler started talking
I don't like where this is going...
Okay but if Mao passed out in the kitchen how'd he get in the living room? Badgerclops couldn't have moved him because then he would've known he ate the cobbler
And that's, what, the second table Badgerclops has destroyed?
Cool, HQ has security cam - oh nevermind.
If Badgerclops and Adorabat saw the cobbler on Mao's mouth why didn't they assume he ate it? It wouldn't be there otherwise
"Ah know ah wooould :)" Sassy Adora
"And you're going by yourself. That's okay, I'm emotional anyways."
So the Sugar Berry Fever is literal? Like, an actual condition caused by eating cobbler? Is that why it's against the Hero's Code? And why didn't Badgerclops and Adorabat get it?
BEARCLOPS HAS RETURNED for like 2 minutes.
I know we makes jokes about Mao going feral but he ABSOLUTELY went feral in this episode. CBS incarnate.
Ok that's really sad. Why would you make a child destroy the thing they love and force their siblings to watch?! At least one of the sisters looks a little hurt over it.
Aaand the Bull Monster's back of course. And it has the fever too? Suspicious.
I don't wanna say where my mind went here but you probably know what I mean
If only fighting your demons was as easy as shoving a cobbler down their throat.
Are we gonna see Golden Truth Mao in the future? I like the he
Mao probably crashed the moment they got home ngl
Those stealth boots look like weird cleats.
"Stealth boots aren't toys." "Then why are mine colored like toys?" "I found them at the toy store." Isn't that a contradiction-
He used to be a villain what did you expect
If BC's chores are fixing the Aerocycle and grocery shopping, what do Mao and Adora do?
"I need to be away from you right now before I LOSE IT on you." Is that a callback to The Truth Stinks or Legend of Torbaclaun? Both?
Yay another BC song, with some casual boulder-chucking
Aww the Sky Pirates are swimming together. Fambly.
Yes, follow the cute but suspicious puppet that totally isn't trying to murder you
What's with the glowy eyes and creepy autotune?
So running away and cry-singing into a lake is normal for Badgerclops? Damn why isn't HE in therapy
You heard it here folks, BC is canonically depressed
That was quick
HOUSE MUSIC ELECTRONICA! And can we get uhh Orangusnake in the 90s?
Dang they still don't have any food? What happened to Mama Ratarang's meatballs?
I know it's supposed to be kinda sad but the imaginary food is really shiny.
So he'll fix the Sky Pirate's ship but not the Aerocycle? Priorities, priorities...
Mao and Adora Have Become Ninjas
*Jaws theme*
"I love house music!" Trust me, I know.
They're gonna take the Pure Heart? Weren't they trying to destroy it a couple episodes ago? Oh god what if Badgerclops DID get the Ruby Pure Heart's powers... that'd be scary
I can see the Badgersnake fics now
Mao fixed the Aerocycle - oh nevermind.
"How'd you get over here so fast??" "Badgerclops, I walked over here. Casually." Reminds me of a girl I used to know.
Hmm. Should've known the Sky Pirates not eating anything would've had side-effects
So the Sky Pirates could've just. Bought groceries. But chose not to.
"Aren't you forgetting something BIG?!" "*sighs* Thank you for having me" I mean at least he's polite??
How'd he manage to plug the ship into Benny and Penny's house though? And how'd it WORK?!
"Those guys are a little too relaxed" -cuts to the Sky Pirates panicking-
Aww, family training exercises - OH NO ADORABAT
Nevermind she's okay she just chipped a tooth.
'Physics...recital?' Do 5-year-olds even study physics? Is Adorabat a child prodigy?
Adorabat can face giant monsters but can't stand the dentist? Is she secretly Goku?
Aww, Mao still has one of his old plushies and he kisses it
I like that book it looks like there's a gemstone on it
Meditating Melvin, because you can't have enough alliterative names.
(Insert ASCENDED meme here)
Adora: *masters a technique that should take years* ight i'mma head out
OH GOD THEY'RE GONNA KILL HER. good thing her soul isn't in her body huh
Oh look it's the Meditating Melvin guy. And he gives me strong Wander over Yonder vibes.
Being in the Astral Plane causes you to lose your memories?? Dang Adora better get out fast
Time for a song that TOTALLY isn't a desperate cry for help!
Bugs, smoke bombs, and popping balloons with pikes. These are the things used to summon Adorabat.
Wait, how come Adorabat doesn't feel any of the pain she sustained when Mao and BC were trying to return her soul to her body?
Yaaay Adorabat got over her fear and is ready to go to the dentist - OH MY GOD THAT IS UNCALLED FOR
Wait a minute. If Mao said the technique took years to master, but Adorabat and Badgerclops both achieved it in under a day...does that mean they're more spiritually inclined than him or there's something preventing him from ascending?
If I'm honest, I misread the title as 'Boast in Show', which made more sense at the time.
Why is Snugglemagne playing discus by himself though? Where's Quinton?
Snugglemagne: it's free dog (and royal pet show)
"You're my new best friend!" Ooh boy.
"If he leaves me a third time, who knows what could happen? I might explode, LITERALLY" Mood
Literally everyone in PHV knows Badgerclops, how does changing his ear shape and putting on a leash count as a disguise. The guards could tell who Penny and Benny were why not him
Adorabat has a pet fly asdgdgffkh
Hey Chet's back
I don't want to imagine all the weird fanart and fanfics that'll come from this scene. Actually from this episode in general.
Whoever wins keeps Bao AND BC?! WHAT THE F-
"I'm not actually a pet." "I know." Then why didn't you say anything??
Yay, Mao and Bao are reunited - nevermind Bao just wanted BC's snacks.
HE ACTUALLY EXPLODED and took it shockingly well I'm surprised
Well Mao, you did it. You pissed off Snugglemagne again.
Those combo attacks are freaking GENIUS
I'm tempted to make a "Long live the king" joke when Bao Bao bites Snugglemagne's arm
At last, Mao truly forgives Bao and is willing to let him go
"Until next time." Is Bao Bao gonna come back??
Snugglemagne tortures people by forcing them to listen to his harpsichord? Does that even count as torture? And is Mao gonna get them out?
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The Batboys As Dads [Headcanons]
Since me and @loudmouthwally have been screaming about dad! Dick and dami and such, I decided to write headcanons after she suggested it to me. As always: reader insert 😎
Dick Grayson
He honestly wasn't sure on being a dad
But when he laid his eyes on you, his daughter/son, he was absolutely ready to fight everyone who had any second thoughts about you.
Dick Grayson was ready to lay down everything for you. Even leave the mantle of Nightwing to someone else, because jesus christ, you were so important to him. (And still are)
Dick Grayson is a playful man, and if you think he wouldn't hit himself on the head with a skillet to make you laugh, you are very, v e r y mistaken.
As you grow up, there is one thing you learn about Dick Grayson.
Dick is a dad joke within himself.
Dad jokes for d a y s.
There is no escaping them.
"I had a scarecrow friend try out for stand up comedy, but the audience thought he was too corny."
"I'm calling the police on you for harassment."
Despite Dick being a silly dad, he is also very protective.
No boys/girls until you are dead.
Actually, no wait, nope, not even in the afterlife.
He will stalk you while on your dates, being as obvious yet hard to spot as possible.
Dick is the waiter, the random guy you bump into on the street, the carnival's janitor.
He's fucking everywhere, man, don't even try to kiss your date because Daddy Dearest will know. In a heartbeat.
Despite all the crap he puts you through, Dick loves you very much and just wants the best for you, and that includes a happy life and childhood. He knows that you can lose a lot in a blink of an eye, and he wants you to be happy.
Yet, while he holds a superhero job, it can be pretty straining on your relationship as father and daughter/son.
Just know Dick loves you very much, even if he is a pain in the ass crack.
Jason Todd
If there is one thing Jason Todd does not know how to do, it is Parenting 101.
Please send help. He has no idea how to even wrap a diaper on a child, let alone r a i s e one.
Jason had to have Dick help him out a lot little.
However, after a while, Jason fell into a good routine after doing a lot of research and hands-on learning.
He totally owns one of those 'Parenting for Dummies' books but will completely deny any kind of knowledge about it should anybody find it (demon spawn from hell aka damian fucking wayne)
Spending time with you, Red Hood later. ALWAYS.
He honestly adores you.
You are his everything and if there's one thing Jason never thought he would have wanted until now, it is definitely you.
Instantaneous Death to anybody who even mentions your existence.
Jason Todd Will Not Hesitate, Bitch^TM
He actually snapped at a woman who said she could just 'eat you up'
"Yeah, well, we don't believe in cannibalism, so."
Jason definitely sings you to sleep, and is proud, even touched, that you will raise hell if he fails to sing you to sleep right on schedule.
As you grow and get into school, Jason is quick to teach you self defense.
And taught you that all boys had a contagious virus and to punch any that tried to kiss you or hold your hand. (Female)
And taught you that girls were the devils spawn and were to be avoided at all cost (Male)
You once got suspended for calling the teacher an 'asshat'. Jason was lowkey sort of proud. Dick wasn't amused.
You have a white streak in your hair, and when you need to be with your father, he will play with that lock of hair.
You and Jason are exactly alike, with some different attributes. But that doesn't make you any less of a Todd.
Your damian's favorite. Just saying.
Tim Drake
You were definitely not what Tim Drake was expecting.
But definitely everything he wanted.
If there is one thing you both know how to do, it's complain.
"Oh my god, I did literally everything the books told me to do. Why are you still c r y i n g???"
*slams head into desk*
Tim swears that if he wasn't a coffee addict then, he fucking is now.
No sleep. At all. You give him too much shit.
Jason thinks it's hysterical because you seem to be Karma in a onesie for all the times Tim was a little shit to him.
Tim loves you to the moon and back, but you never fail to irk at least one of his remaining nerves that still works.
P r o b l e m a t i c C h i l d r e n
Yes, that means Tim and you.
Did he give you a bath just now? No the fuck he didn't. Did he just clean the high chair? No the fuck he didnt, bitch. Did he just change your diaper? Come back, bitch. It's a shitstorm in here, and you're in the eye of the hurricane. Gas mask it up, son.
As you grow up, Tim wants you to get out there and do whatever. He's slightly not ok with you dating, but don't think he won't do at least 15 background checks, stake outs, securing the perimeter, interrogations, whatever. Each. 15 each.
You are a computer genius just like him, but don't spend your time on the computer all the time. Mostly just to play games here and there.
As you grow in school, there is not a single day that goes by that you absolutely loathe it.
Why cant you just homeschool. We have the capability too.
"Who even needs human friends? Uncle Damian is doing just fine with his animals."
"He also has homicidal tendecies, so. You're gonna get some human interaction whether you like it or not."
Honestly, you and Tim butt heads all the time, but at the end of the day, you are his flesh and blood, and he will protect and love you till the world stops turning.
Damian Wayne
Let's be honest: Damian Wayne would be the most worried and/or scared person on earth if he found out he was gonna be a dad.
All these insecurities about his past, the bad memories, all of it coming back to haunt him as he thought about his child.
Damian was not ready at all.
He was honestly very weary of you. Since he didn't really get along with children, there was no way to explain to him how to raise his kid for the next eighteen years.
He realized that when he held you. Kinda like an 'aha' moment, but with an 'oh shit' instead.
After Damian warmed up to you, though, he was Dad to the Max. Spin the fucking wheel to jackpot.
Damian has very high expectations for himself as a dad. He needs to be on top of the mark at all times or he is sure he has failed you.
Damian is a perfectionist, so if he doesn't get you to calm down after screaming bloody murder on the first try, he literally wants to stab something because wtf he was sure he was doing this right.
Damian sings you to sleep. Dami has the voice of an angel when he's quietly singing and it's soothing as fuck. Never fails to make you sleepy. Add in a bit of bouncing while leaned against his shoulder and it is lights o u t.
Damian is a very teasing father, despite how serious he can be. You are the only person who he shows his soft, relaxed side too. You are his everything and he lets you know that shamelessly.
Damian will kill anybody who even dares to mention your name or make horrible implications about your existence.
That is his child and he will fuck someone up if they speak wrongly of you. Talk shit, get hit, bitches get a fucking katana to the eye.
Definition of the meme "Don't talk to me or my son ever again."
Damian Wayne Will Definitely Not Hesitate, Bitch^TM
As you grow up, Damian makes it crystal clear.
Damian is protective as fuck. He needs to know where you are, where you are going, who is going with you, who is all going to be there, how long is it gonna be, how long are you gonna be driving there, are there gonna be any boys present, Drake, would you finish the damn background checks already???
Damian is just like Dick: not even in the afterlife or the bullshit after that.
You are very much like Damian. Practically a spitting image. It makes Damian feel proud because of the Wayne Legacy that you might keep up, his ego, and the fact that his child is a badass and looks like one too.
Damian and you are not perfect, though. You two often get into arguments about certain things, usually the littlest. One of the things you two often fight about, however, is the mantle of Robin.
Huge no-no.
Noooo. No no no.
There is no way you are becoming Robin. You are his baby and he is NOT going to let some STUPID costume ruin that for him.
He can be very cold, even to you at times, and since you didn't inherit his amazing lack skill of patience, you are often calling him out on his bullshit and his attitudes.
Seriously. Who even is the adult here anymore.
You are taller than Damian. It infuriates him to no end.
"Dad, how's the weather down there?"
At the end of the day, Damian loves you dearly and you love him dearly as well. There is never a dull moment between you two and it makes for a harmonious atmosphere. Even if you can be a pain in each other asses, Damian is sure he would be lost to the world of familial love had it not been for you.
You are his rock and he is your oasis in a barren land. Family always, always matters to you both.
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bnrobertson1 · 3 years
The Cleansing Comedy of “Cum Town”
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To paraphrase a point Canadian All-American Hero Norm MacDonald laid on a then-alive Larry King, comedians used to aspire to be funny, now they aspire to appear smart. While political humor, ostensibly a stage to show off one’s intellect and humanity by the empathetic tackling of modern topics, has been a thing as long as humor itself, there was time in the not-so-distant past where the goal was the display of comedy chops, not compassion*. This significant shift in the mainstream started with Jon Stewart’s reign as host of The Daily Show. A far departure from the wackier Craig “Dance Dance Dance” Kilborn’s approach to the Comedy Central staple, Stewart treated TDS as a megaphone in which he could espouse his political views. Nightly challenging W’s hawkish take on foreign policy, liberals the country over championed their new clever-if-not-amusing hero- but at some point during Stewart’s ascension, reflecting a certain acceptable viewpoint became more important than reflecting a sense of humor.
*Back in the early SNL days Chevy Chase suggested that Gerald Ford sustained significant brain damage playing football to mock Ford’s bumbling persona, not excoriate him on the tenets of his agenda.   
Consider Last Week Tonight with John Oliver or the zeitgeist-shifting Nanette. The former features some of the best reporting on the planet, displaying a willingness to cover potential viewership-poison like prison reform or, on a recent episode, black hair and its connection to the systematic racism African Americans face daily. The show is relentless, passionate, and is about as funny as that sounds. John Oliver is clearly a witty person, but even he often acknowledges how “Erudite Brit Shames Americans over Racism” isn’t exactly the blueprint for a yuckle factory*. Much like his old boss Stewart, Oliver is more dedicated to espousing the correct viewpoint over a funny one. To this point, most “jokes” in the show feel jammed in like a satirical sausage, often coming across as after-thoughts that can mess with the tone**.  As a show it is unquestionably a success, opening myriad eyes to plights once unknown. As a comedy show, which is what it at least originally marketed itself as, it is a failure. 
*It is, however, pretty perfect Monday Morning hiding-in-cubicle watching 
**While he does try to infuse some zaniness into the program by talking about fucking animals or whatever, I don’t think Oliver realizes how genuinely funny it is watching a bookish Brit get upset about coconut oil hair products, although not in the way he probably hopes it would be.
An even purer example of Norm’s point is Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette. The buzzed-about stand-up special is essentially a takedown of white male-ism, albeit one that seems allergic to laughing. Gadsby is trying to woo you with her intellectualism, not her ability to make you chuckle. Some called this approach brilliant- turning a male-dominated form on its head to put its practitioners on blast for things ranging from sexism to transphobia. Widely decorated around the world for its innovative and sharp honesty, Nanette asked the big question: is the next wave of comedy not meant to be funny? Is cutting edge humor not humorous at all? Are we entering a Metal Machine Music era of comedy? And if so, is merely criticizing the perceived powers-that-be now considered comedy?
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More like No-nette
This desire to display empathetic enlightenment has gone well beyond the world of stand-up and political comedy. It can be seen by the yanking of episodes of comic cornerstones such as It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and 30 Rock that feature blackface, or animated programs recasting characters so that voices are both more inclusive and representative. Even The Simpsons has all but abandoned its once trademark balance, its current form essentially the wet-blanket Lisa, a far, far cry from the Homer-centric past of the show’s glory years.   
All of these decisions have been made by the shows’ respective creators, a mea culpa for insensitive liberties taken in the recent past. Blame the internet for the long, indelible digital footprints, but people are now more worried about how the future will remember them, in some enlightened far-off utopia where comedy is really about nothing being funny, and everybody is judged by the language you used when no one really gave a rat’s ass about what you had to say.
Entertainers are far more concerned with looking good fifteen years from now than making people laugh now. Ironic detachment- the reason a lot of the questionable humor existed in the first place*, isn’t a big enough distance for comics to get away with racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry, chuckles be damned.
*Racists have been the butt of the joke- and not the jokesters- for as long as I can remember. I find it hard to believe that anyone could watch an Always Sunny and think they’re mocking minorities. While the meme-ification of America has robbed many of these jokes of context, it’s a waste of time to criticize creators for devolving consumption habits, especially in the name of inclusion, compassion, etc.    
It’s not my place to say whether this is good or bad. As self-censorship isn’t really censorship, it’s hard to argue that an artist willfully pulling their work from the marketplace is some sort of injustice. It’s their reputation (read: livelihood) after all. There are things I would probably delete/hide if anybody gave enough of a shit to do a deep dive into my past babblings. But while I certainly applaud the idealistic efforts to make a more welcoming society for all, it does kind of suck that it comes at the expense of comic mana such as Lethal Weapon 5 (and 6).   
At the risk of kicking dusty horse bones, this does boil the whole “cancel culture” debate down to one consideration: what is acceptable to laugh at?
Insert the podcast “Cum Town.” Starring the trio of Nick Mullen (the bitter one), Stravos Hilias (the bigger one), and Adam Friedland (the butler?), “Cum Town” is the least political of the “Dirtbag Left”* wave of offerings*. If you can’t tell by the name, “Cum Town” isn’t for the crowd that regularly uses the word “problematic.” Employing a fairly new media in the podcast, the three NY-based comics shoot the shit on pretty much all matters, keeping the atmosphere loose and the unapologetic laughs flowing. 
*Which also includes the hugely popular “Chapo Trap House” and “Red Scare,” shows that are both fairly funny... and can often be accurately described as  “permanently congested neck-beards talking tough about revolution or whatever in between rhapsodizing about time-old yet currently posh talking points (distribution of wealth, liberalism vs. leftism, etc.)”.
As bad as the Olivers and the Gadsbys of the world want to change your mind, the trio at “Cum Town” are much more focused on tickling your funny bone (and/or prostate). Its setup gives the show an air of Howard-Stern-in-the-90s danger, where things that probably should never be thought are said with glee. They’re the type of guys who find the humor in places that make others uncomfortable, such as the connection of the Clintons to Jeffrey Epstein’s murder or, in one particularly great skit, how Trump would undoubtedly try to smear Robert De Niro as a non-Italian homosexual.
Devoid of the pretension other “enlightened” modern comedy wears so proudly, the show can focus on being being funny in ways that spur a gut laugh, not a guffaw.   
“Cum Town” works because its as self-aware as it is fearless. These aren’t Andrew Dice Clays winding up the Islanders stadium with bits about “the brothers.” They’re not just reliving old Stern bits, asking alcoholic little people and other societal pariahs to make fools of themselves. The show wouldn’t work if it was merely “saying racial slurs with the EdgeLord Crowd.” "Cum Town” operates like a savvy boxer- throwing shots, usually at modern idols, knowing that it leaves them open to counter punches.
The genius of this approach is that they know what the counter punches will be (being called “racist,” “sexist,” “fascist,” etc.)... and have a counter-punch for that!* It’s not like it takes Ali-esque anticipatory vision to know what the criticisms will be. While calling a (probably white, cis-gender, straight) male “racist!” or “sexist!” or “fascist!” surely feels empowering to the counter-puncher, the reality is a lot of those terms have absolutely lost their meaning or the damaging heft that used to accompany their utterance. With the mass acceptance of systematic sexism/ racism as prevalent in everyday life, all the (bad) -isms are supposedly so ingrained into the white male psyche that they’re bigots no matter what. Especially when you consider that laughing- actual laughing- is more of a neurological reaction than a considered response. Put another way: a skit depicting Tony Soprano as an Indian may not confuse anybody into thinking Stav is on a first-name basis with Noam Chomsky, but it is infinitely funnier than all the “Donald Drumpf”s shouted together combined. 
*Sorry, Mike Tyson’s Punch Out is about the extent of my boxing knowhow. 
The show operates in a world where performance compassion is a hell of a lot worse than genuine feeling. Where Donald Trump gets mocked- but less so than Hillary Clinton, who’s president campaign’s attempt to make her “cool” was, let’s say, ill-fitting. It gets mean and nasty because comedy does. So, did Adam Friedland get called out by Chelsea Clinton for calling her ugly*? Yep. And many came to Chelsea’s defense calling for Adam’s sexist, disgusting head, I’m sure in only pro-Semitic ways. Does Nick’s archaic (though quite good) impressions of various ethnicities  to a certain trope? Or does Stav talking about pornography and getting ass with a somewhat slimy tone? The three “Cum Town” hosts know that the list of the “powerless” has changed considerably in the last few decades, and that those who pay service to liberal ideals should be mocked just like the rest of us. 
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The tweet in question.
Juvenile? Sure. Insensitive? Yes. But God Dammit, isn’t humor supposed to be that way? If there’s a killer joke where the punch-line is “bigotry is bad,” I’m not aware of it. “Cum Town” generates a type of laughter that feels liberating- like you’re shaking off the oppressive scowl of a world that blames you- person who has been around for about one one billionth of the world’s life- for all its ills. The more modern society weighs us with new considerations on language and decorum, conjured rules that dictate what you may have a reaction to and what you may not, the funnier the humor in its opposition flies. Breaking rules is inherently funny- thumbing your nose at society is at the core of comedy’s release. And the more it becomes taboo to say words like “tranny,” “fat,” “dumb,” “midget,” etc., the more comedic release will be given when we say the words that I’m not going to type right here. Because the further the joke is from the norm, the more space there is for laughter to form.
Some believe this humor can lead to hatred which can lead to violence. That the Capitol’s riots were a warped result of the Rogans of the world. That by hearing Dave Chappelle say the n-word, white people will start to adopt it, and chaos will surely follow. But there’s another school of thought that says being able to laugh at something is the genesis of being able to process something and eventual acceptance. 
I realize this is hardly a surprising point from a straight white guy, one who has said (regretfully and not recently) on more than one occasion that “I don’t get offended, I don’t understand why others do?” But I also think that a lot of the “hurt” these societal infractions cause are more of a smokescreen or diversion from bigger problems. It’d be easier to distract people with discussions over whether James Bond should be black or if Dr. Seuss books featuring offensive illustrations should be banned as opposed to, I don’t know, actually try to combat some of the systematic problems that propagate systems that truly stun growth?  Telling people they should feel guilty about something is a slippery slope as we have around 8 billion people on earth, there’s plenty of misery to go around. We should all probably feel bad about something.
In conclusion, “Cum Town” knows that just because something is bad doesn’t mean it can’t be funny. As mentioned before, humor is often how people cope with the hypocritical, values-starved planet we find ourselves on. Humor should delight our soul, not display our sophistication.   
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Steak-Umm — a Pennsylvania-based company that makes fast-cooking and heavily processed meat strips, sold in the freezer aisle at grocery stores — struck a nerve on Twitter Wednesday with a philosophical thread about the plight of millennials.
why are so many young people flocking to brands on social media for love, guidance, and attention? I’ll tell you why. they’re isolated from real communities, working service jobs they hate while barely making ends meat, and are living w/ unchecked personal/mental health problems
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
“Why are so many young people flocking to brands on social media for love, guidance, and attention?” wondered Steak-umm. “I’ll tell you why. They’re isolated from real communities, working service jobs they hate while barely making ends meat, and are living w/ unchecked personal/mental health problems.”
It was social analysis with meat puns. It went viral immediately. Over the next six tweets, Steak-umm went on to consider the toll of student debt, helplessness/loneliness, internet-induced isolation, and depression on the millennial psyche. In a meta twist, it even took on the effect of … marketing campaigns.
they grew up through the dawn of internet culture and have had mass advertising drilled into their media consumption, now they’re being resold their childhoods by remakes, sequels, spinoffs, and other cheap nostalgia, making them more cynical to growth or authenticity
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 26, 2018
Millennials, the steak strips observed, “have had mass advertising drilled into their media consumption, and they’re being resold their childhoods by remakes, sequels, spinoffs, and other cheap nostalgia, making them more cynical to growth or authenticity.”
Cynical to growth or authenticity, perhaps, except if it’s coming from Steak-umm. Yoda-like, or vaguely stoned, the brand has in the past year established itself as the philosopher-poet of frozen meat sheets. But what feels fresh — authentic, even — about the voice is that it’s weird, or unexpected, or extremely open about the strangeness of being a personified brand. It’s the melancholy desperation. And it’s part of a deliberate strategy.
As soon as the rant was posted, Jesse Bender, the account director at Allebach Communications, which handles Steak-umm’s branding for parent company Quaker Maid, got a call from Fortune. “The guy said, ‘I just want to see if you guys got hacked — was this an approved tweet?’ As much as people think that it came from left field, this is aligned with [our] voice,” he tells me.
Nathan Allebach, the 27-year-old social media manager who has become the voice of Steak-umm, has a theory of virality. Some food brand tweets, he says, go viral because “they do certain things that people don’t expect to see coming from a brand. There’s that shock: ‘Wow, I can’t believe a brand is saying this thing!’”
In the case of Steak-umm, though, the surprise is recognition: people seeing their innermost thoughts and fears reflected in the social media posts of a frozen-food brand. Since the tweets were posted, Allebach says, people are “just dumbfounded at the commentary and how they relate to it. I think at the end of the day, that’s what we’re trying to do.” Also, you know, sell steak.
“We’re trying to create meaningful content, so we’re not just posting nonsense,” he explains. “There’s some substance to it, but at the same time, it’s really lighthearted, and it’s centered around the community that we’ve built. We’re not taking sides or having a specific stance on anything.”
Yes, they’re talking about issues that are politics-adjacent — one might suggest that student debt and “unchecked personal/mental problems” are things that could have systemic solutions — but they’re not saying that, and they’re certainly advocating any particular stance. “We really want to be that sort of third way between a lot of the polarization that we see online,” Allebach explains.
According to him, the brand’s current voice was in fact developed, in part, as a response to trolling. (“There’s a certain subset of people who just don’t like brands on social media for whatever reason.”) Their now-trademark sign-off, “Steak-umm bless,” is intended as a strategy to “diffuse any type of tension.” The brand is a uniter, not a divider. It may have delivered “the most woke tweet rant of 2018,” but Steak-umm didn’t mean for it to be woke-woke. It’s not Nike here — it’s just a meat company with some things to say about post-recession ennui.
Steak-umm, of course, is not the only food brand trying to prove its chill authenticity on Twitter to capture a younger market. Fast-food chains, especially, have been successful at inserting themselves into the digital lives of consumers — often by stirring up drama with their anthropomorphized competitors and tapping into deep-seated customer loyalties. (Let us never forget the time Burger King “promposed” to Wendy’s, reigning champion of branded Twitter.)
Fast-food brands have adopted the social media personas of high school students, and it is just a matter of time until they all realize they are more the same than different at before-school detention. (In January, Steak-umm — already a favorite of weird Twitter — found itself in a fight with Wendy’s. Like everything else on the internet, it escalated quickly.)
Mostly, brand Twitter manifests as promotional information mixed with not especially successful humanoid dad-jokes — “early to bed, early to pancakes,” tweeted IHOP — but not always. Steak-umm is hardly the only food brand to get unabashedly weird. MoonPie, purveyor of decidedly un-hip graham cracker cookie sandwiches, has made waves with an aggressively internet-y persona. Like Steak-umm, MoonPie tweets exhibit a self-deprecating awareness that it is a brand advertising products. Also like Steak-umm, MoonPie’s tweets make varying degrees of sense.
What’s fascinating about Steak-umm tweetstorm, though, is that the sentiment is both dark and, more importantly, not particularly related to the product. It is not about eating. Minus the “Steak-umm bless” sign-off and the opening pun, it does not mention steak at all, -umm or otherwise. The closest equivalent may be the Twitter phenomenon Nihilist Arby’s, except in this case, it’s not parody. The nihilism comes from the brand itself.
The genius here is that it’s advertising, but it isn’t aspirational — like it says, millennials are too cynical for that. Instead, it mirrors our collective anxieties. People joke that the account is “one of Twitter’s therapists,” Allebach says, the frozen meat brand you go to for “life advice,” or “just to vent.” It’s not going to fix anything — it is, in its own words “a frozen meat company on Twitter” — but, you know, it hears you. The tweets don’t inspire cravings; they inspiring identification. Steak-umm is fed up too.
Steak-umm’s recent rant isn’t the only time the company has won brand Twitter by capturing our collective angst. Last October, the company drummed up viral support when it launched an impassioned #VerifySteakUmm campaign after being denied the blue check mark five months in a row without explanation. (The account is now verified.)
Was it marketing? Sure. But also, Bender told the Philadelphia Inquirer at the time, they really did want to get verified. In the fall of 2017, the verification process — always shrouded in mystery — was an especially hot topic. First, Twitter was under fire for verifying assorted white supremacists. Then in response, the company paused the verification process altogether, so for at least part of the #VerifySteakUmm campaign, Steak-umm actually couldn’t get verified. “Waging a fruitless war,” Fortune pointed out, “is part of the joke for Steak-umm, which is tapping into a deeper well of user frustration and confusion.”
Maybe that’s the crux of it. Steak-umm does the jokes and memes and petty inter-brand feuds like the rest of brand Twitter — but it’s also willing to go dark. It is sometimes miserable, being a person. And Steak-umm is a brand that understands the marketing possibilities inherent in that. Not fixing your misery — lots of companies want to fix stuff — but seeing your misery. Identifying with your frustration.
This is sadness marketing at its finest. What matters isn’t whether beef sheets can solve your loneliness; what matters is that Steak-umm knows you’re lonely.
if you’re tired of being alone then buy some Steak-umm. make some cheesesteaks. cover your couches in them. and your bed. your walls. become a beacon of beef and invite the world to bask in your glory
— Steak-umm (@steak_umm) September 8, 2018
But Steak-umm, as Steak-umm is very aware, is still a brand trying to sell you a frozen meat product that, Eater observes, millennials aren’t necessarily likely to even want. And apparently, it’s working. “We haven’t done a whole lot different in previous years in terms of traditional marketing,” says Joey Piazza, the director of marketing at Quaker Maid. “And sales are up double digits across the board … we’re reaching a new audience that we haven’t in the past.”
Original Source -> Steak-umm’s new marketing strategy: millennial angst with a side of meat puns
via The Conservative Brief
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