#(relationship is not exclusively romantic btw)
ricesinspo · 8 months
☆ — 'someone finally cares about you' prompts. by @ricesinspo, credits appreciated!
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[★] they wrapped their arms around you - you can't remember the last time someone hugged you like this.
[★] getting pulled aside while everyone else is yelling at you. they get you like none of the others do; they know not to yell.
[★] patiently listening to all of your problems. like actually listening.
[★] ^ with no judgement.
[★] they notice whenever something's wrong.
[★] letting you cry into their arms. telling you it's okay, everything is okay - and you know it's true because they're with you.
[★] letting you cry at all; realizing you don't have to hide your tears in front of them.
[★] "in a world where people don't care about me, i'm lucky to have you."
[★] ^ and then they're like "who hurt you" / "where are your __ i just want to talk" lmao
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daylighteclipsed · 10 months
Honestly, if a fictional relationship doesn’t have some codependency and mutual obsession, what’s the point
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ruehyte · 1 year
I think Vash says “I love you” first. He says it first, means it with all of his chest, every beat of his heart. He’d scream it from the rooftops, if Wolfwood wouldn’t shrivel up (affectionately) in return. He’s found someone to share himself with in complete earnest, though they have barriers they probably won’t cross for a while. 
Then things get bad. Things go from bad to worse; Vash’s confidence plummeting the hardest, out of all things. His head starts spiralling, and he’s convinced once again that he’s a monster, an abomination... he’s so concerned that he’ll get the ones he loves hurt, just by being there. By being close.
So he pushes away.
He revokes that “I love you,” pulls back from that hushed promise of affection. Not for any lack of it being true, by God it’s no less true than when the feeling first burned in his heart, but... But for Wolfwood’s protection. At least in Vash’s eyes, if he pulls back, it’ll hurt Nick less when he pulls away completely, when he isolates himself and completely crumbles for the sake of everyone else’s safety.
And then Wolfwood passes. He finds his body. Lifeless, scars of tears down his tanned cheeks. He finds him, and he realises how stupid he’d been for the last while.
Their fight, a short time beforehand, left unresolved.
The entirely ingenuine swears that Wolfwood shouldn’t love him anymore, left entirely unresolved. In the air.
He can never take that back, that fake insistence they they were ever better apart. He’ll never get to apologise, never get to settle things the way that Vash does. There is no amount of love and peace that can undo this.
That’s what breaks him. He breaks, as he does, shatters entirely. He’d lost what he loved the most, and there was no way to repair the scars on his heart that, now, only he can bear. 
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I see some people on here that think Sebek WOULDN’T mention Malleus all of the time if he were in a relationship or started crushing on someone. Unfortunately, I must disagree. Malleus is a major part of his life and I do not think Sebek would change THAT much just because of a relationship.
There is not a single Sebek vignette in which Sebek does not mention Malleus in some way at least once. I doubt there is more than maybe, at most, being generous, a few moments where Sebek makes a cameo in any of the stories (main story, other characters’ vignettes, events, literally anywhere Sebek shows up even for a moment) without some mention of Malleus from him. He has a portrait of Malleus in his room. He tells us that Malleus is his main motivation for everything he does. I have no doubt that in canon, Malleus is on his mind 24/7.
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driverlando · 2 months
🗞️ oh whats that?? Lando norris caught proposing to long term gf in santorini! Get the scoop on who was invited and the large diamond he purchased! PS….she said yes 🫶🥺 congrats btw
EXCLUSIVE: Lando Norris Pops the Question in Santorini! Get All the Details on the Romantic Proposal, Guest List, and the Stunning Diamond Ring!
Love is in the air, and it seems our favourite McLaren driver, Lando Norris, has taken the plunge! The 24-year-old British Formula 1 star was spotted on the picturesque island of Santorini, proposing to his long-term girlfriend in a scene straight out of a fairy tale.
The Romantic Setting
Santorini, with its breathtaking sunsets and stunning caldera views, has long been a favourite destination for romantic escapades. Norris chose this idyllic location to ask the biggest question of his life. Witnesses say the couple looked utterly smitten, with Lando down on one knee against the backdrop of a golden sunset, creating a picture-perfect moment.
The couple has been dating for several years, keeping their relationship relatively low-key amidst the hustle and bustle of F1 fame. However, it seems they couldn’t keep this special moment under wraps, as eagle-eyed fans and locals alike caught glimpses of the magical evening.
The Sparkling Diamond
The talk of the town, however, is the dazzling diamond ring Norris slipped onto his fiancée’s finger. Sources close to the couple reveal that Lando went all out for the special occasion, choosing a stunning, large solitaire diamond set in a classic platinum band. The exquisite piece is said to be worth a small fortune, reflecting both his love and his status as one of F1’s young stars.
Who Was Invited?
While the proposal itself was an intimate affair, Norris and his fiancée were not alone. They were surrounded by a select group of close friends and family who were reportedly in on the secret and there to share in the joy. Among the guests were a few notable names from the racing world, adding a touch of glamour to the occasion.
Sources indicate that the guest list was kept deliberately small to maintain privacy and intimacy. However, with the couple’s wide circle of friends and Lando’s popularity, it’s no surprise that word of the engagement quickly spread. The event was said to be filled with laughter, tears of joy, and a fair share of champagne toasts.
A Look to the Future
The proposal marks a new chapter for Norris, who has quickly become one of the most beloved figures in Formula 1. Known for his cheeky sense of humour and incredible talent on the track, fans are thrilled to see him take this significant step in his personal life.
As the news breaks, congratulations are pouring in from fans, fellow drivers, and celebrities alike. The newly engaged couple has yet to announce any wedding plans, but speculation is already rife about when and where they might tie the knot. Will it be another exotic destination, or perhaps a more traditional ceremony in their native UK? Only time will tell!
For now, the couple is basking in the glow of their engagement, and we can only imagine the excitement building as they plan their future together. One thing’s for sure: if their engagement is anything to go by, the wedding is set to be an affair to remember.
PS: The Answer?
Oh, and in case there was any doubt, she said yes! With such a romantic setting and a beautiful ring, how could she not?
Stay tuned for more exclusive updates and inside scoops on this developing love story. From the racetrack to romance, Lando Norris proves he’s a champion in more ways than one!
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See... part of me actually wants to know what Dana's thought process was with Luz's and Hunter's relationship.
Like... why did she decide to make Luz's type of boy "angsty warrior princes" even though Luz's type of boy could have been literally anything else?
Why was Luz's relationship with a prince highlighted as important since WBW? Even going to far as to make Luz write a romantic scene between her and a prince in Sense and Insensitivity. Hunter would not make his debut until season two, but they felt the need to bring him up in SAI.
Why wasn't there more of an effort to make sure Willow was there for all of Hunter's important moments?
Why did they keep hammering in the Lunter = Caleb/Evelyn parallels, even when Luz was dating Amity? If you want to argue Luz had to be there for all of Hunter's moments because she's the protagonist, it doesn't explain why they wrote these parallels. Especially the ones that came up in Hollow Mind and Thanks to Them.
Why is Luz honest with Hunter in Thanks to Them when she has never been honest with how she feels with any other character -- not even her girlfriend? What makes Hunter different from anyone else? She could have just kept how she actually feels to herself and it would have changed nothing. It's not like Hunter wouldn't have given his speech to Luz if she didn't tell him how she feels... cuz she literally tells everyone how she feels after Hunter comes back to life. This decision is strange and unbelievably haunting... because Thanks to Them brought up the Caleb/Evelyn lore in an episode where Luz's relationship with Hunter was the focus... oh okay... i guess this is nbd then. Like I'm just supposed to not make a big deal abt Luz being honest without having the truth forced out of her... okay. I guess i also shouldn't make a big deal about the other choice to have Hunter know Luz's secret in Hollow Mind.
You really just did that for reasons that are toooootally not shippy, huh? Mhm, okay! Sure, I believe you! [this is sarcasm, btw]
Why did WAD make Willow stand in front of Flapjack's grave with Hunter, even though the only other character with significant ties to Flapjack is Luz? WAD even made it clear Luz feels guilty about Flapjacks death... but she still isn't shown to pay respects to Flapjack post timeskip... WAD is gaslighting me into thinking Willow has significant thematic ties with Flapjack... as if she has a deeper relationship with that bird than Luz did. And just to make it even worse, they give EVERYONE Flapjack tattoos even though no other characters besides Luz and Hunter are tied to Flapjack. Especially Amity... like girlies first and last conversation with Hunter was when he made her feel bad about her relationship with Luz in Eclipse Lake... but the show is gaslighting me into thinking Amity and Hunter are friends or something. TOH LOVES tricking me into thinking certain character relationships exist...
I'm not going to ask why Hunter is unconcerned with Luz not coming through the portal right away in FTF because I already know the answer. This episode exists almost exclusively to make sure Hunter's arc ends with him holding pinkies with Willow. FTF is really funny for pulling this little stunt at the beginning because it's completely out of character for Hunter LMAO. Not sure why they've made such a big deal about Luz's and Hunter's relationship, just to pretend like it doesn't exist in FTF; only to then bring it up in WAD by having Hunter and Amity guide Luz out of the illusion... nightmare thing. They just cant stop bringing up Luz's relationship with Hunter even when both of them are dating someone else, it's so crazy.
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molinaesque · 4 months
Cooper Howard and Lucy MacLean's rare and wonderful dynamic (and how it's ultimately alright if they don't become "endgame" or whatever)
First off... I'm saying this as a HUGE ghoulcy shipper btw. I don't wanna hear about some bullshit about how "you just don't like the ship" or something dumb like that (have you SEEN the state of my blog??). I ADORE this ship. These are also ultimately my own thoughts. Do not be affronted if this somehow doesn't apply to your hcs. At the end of the day, this is fiction, nothing more.
Something I have to note on about the wonderful dynamic between Cooper and Lucy. Even if ghoulcy stays platonic, I'm fine with it because this is the closest dynamic to Jack/Liz from 30 Rock that l've seen, and if anyone's seen that show, you KNOW what I'm talking about. Let me explain.
Jack/Liz were two v complex characters that had so much chemistry but the way their "relationship" worked was so unique in that they were never romantic but they're WAY more than just colleagues/ friends, etc. There was literally an article titled like "why you'll never see this kind of relationship in television again" and ghoulcy has the potential to be that again which is still GREAT! It even goes on to talk about how they're COMPLETE AND POLAR OPPOSITES but the dynamic still works and how they feed off of each other in the only way no other characters can. The "dynamic" is THEIRS and theirs only. Seem familiar?
From what we're getting not just in the Fallout show but from interviews with the actors and creatives involved, we're already getting that special dynamic. However, I must stress that many of the comments and those interviews (imo) are sometimes taken TOO literally. The existing text and subtext of the ship is already abundant and ripe so I feel like not EVERYTHING has to be referred to the ship and the ship only. I know it's mostly funsies but I legit wonder if some of this is taken too seriously to the point of misconstruing an actor's words and getting tunnel vision JUST for the sake of the ship and ship only, in turn cheapening what is already there. Kinda like what I've seen with people having to vilify Barb further with unnecessary inferences to scenes that give her more layers (like questioning her genuine love for Janey and Cooper. She can be loving AND a villain y'all. Both things don't have to be mutually exclusive) EVEN THOUGH SHE IS CLEARLY VILIFIED BY THE SHOW BY THE REVEAL SO WHY MAKE UP STUFF? To "punish" her more?? Apologies but this kinda reads as "I need to prop up my ship further so I MUST degrade the other ship" even though it's again... SUPER UNNECESSARY (I must stress I've seen this on ALL sides of shipping/character stanning. Both sides suck when you engage in this behaviour). Have fun and faith in the strength of your ships (ESPECIALLY if they're not "canon" adjacent)!
Anyway, as I was saying...
Going back to 30 Rock, there's literally a scene in the show where they get married due to shenanigans, they get in a big fight the whole episode and in the end sit down and have the most revealing discussion with a councilor about why they're so much more complex than typical relationship. And another scene where they sleep in the same bed together and addressed why they never hooked up with each other and why that's okay. By the way, I was also a HUGE shipper of these two... But I was fine with how they ended up with because the story of their special relationship that makes them uniquely THEM was clear and concise. This did not stop me from reading fics where they make kissy faces. It is possible to do both and I think some ppl tend to forget this.
I'm not saying this for the antis (don't like what you don't like, but if you harass shippers then you can suck eggs and leave. This applies to shippers to non shippers too btw. Be. Nice.), I'm saying all this because I want shippers to not "despair" if the ship that they've become so invested in doesn't come to fruition (and not go overboard into thinking that writers should listen to whatever audiences want all the time, we've been down this road SO many times, it's terrible. Do we REALLY need to talk about how The Rise of Skywalker turned out the way it did due to unnecessary pressure from the loudest antis/asshats in fandom? I think not). Maybe this is also more towards the younger audience members as a cautionary tale because we old ass millenials have seen and been through this but didn't have the immediacy of social media at our finger tips, so it was kinda easier to not be as reactionary. I don't like playing the "you youngins don't know what it was like" card, but at some points it is just a statement of reality. Some of you are/were LITERALLY too young to have experienced this.
Ultimately, what I'm saying is even if ghoulcy doesn't become "romantic", I'm fine with it as long as they stay within the "something more/beyond definition" dynamic which is ALWAYS refreshing to see. Give us more "what are we"! Give us more "it's complicated"! Give us more "we can't be summarized in neat little boxes"!
As long as they don't end up in the pit of "one dimensional interpretation of the Found Family trope which is somehow only just Familial and in this instance Father-Daughter". Please, I BEG. Nothing wrong for people to like this dynamic, but to immediately categorize this into that box is just... Tiresome. You can make the same arguments about "shipping two living beings together on screen all the time" too for sure... But again it leads to my point of if we're going the platonic route how about we NOT just shove it in the same boring dynamic of Father-Daughter that if you want, can find in multitudes of other forms of existing fictional media.
Tldr; have fun but always remember this is all fictional media in the end where we play with dolls in a sandbox. Just remember to BE. NORMAL. and not forget this and start shitting in it and flinging poo at each other. That goes with relationships with creators of said media too. Do NOT become parasocial and expect everything to be catered to you. The creators want to tell a story THEY came up with in the first place.
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misshoneyimhome · 10 months
Hi there hunny! I am absolutely loving your writing, I feel like so many babes are hopping on the Willy hype finally!! Not sure if you’re actively looking for requests, but I am just in desperate need for a jealous, slightly angry William - like there’s any writing where he looses his cool because he’s just so laid back as a human. I think you could so do it justice, because I’m not meaning like scary angry ya know? Baby girl can’t. But I feel like as a partner and especially in the early stages he could probably come off as noncommittal or just almost too laid back about your relationship - mostly because he’s so secure about it and how he feels that he forgets you can’t read his inner monologue because he wouldn’t have you there if he wasn’t 100% sure. But maybe you try to call it off after seeing him schmooze at a team event and he like loses it out of fear and frustration at himself that you would think he’s not in it or you’re unspoken together but still not exclusive and you’re having fun at the club after a win just dancing but back at home he loses it (cue the stick breaking vid)! Either situation I would be pissed at him for being clueless but think my panties would melt off for an angry, jealous Willy because if you can get that reaction outta that man you’re in for a treat!!
Uh I’m here for it babe! 😍 angry/jealous/frustrated!Willy is just something of a kind, and I love it 😉 [I had a smilier idea a while back, in case you feel like reading this blurb - it has more jealousy 😉 (pure smut btw)]
And thank you btw, I always love people’s feedback, and requests are just so much fun - I love it when everyone shares their ideas ❤️
So, I went with more frustrated!Willy, rather than being jealous - hope that's ok; however, I do have a piece on the way, also inspired by the breaking-stick video, so hopefully, you'll enjoy that 😊
The Calm Before the Storm I William Nylander
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4 months and 21 days.
It had been that long since you’d found yourself in what could be deemed a relationship with William Nylander.
4 months and 21 days of coffee dates, casual walks with his dogs, takeout dinners at his place, passionate, mind-blowing sex, and lazy mornings after his hockey games.
Everything appeared to be flawless – perhaps a bit too flawless.
In many ways, William stood out from your past partners; with him there was no need for pretence or maintaining a perfect front. With him, you could freely express your unique quirks and be completely yourself without hesitation.
But despite your fondness for his relaxed, natural manner, you couldn't help but notice his reluctance to delve into deep feelings or the core of your relationship.
While he'd whisper sweet nothings and lend an ear on your tougher days, he always seemed to be so composed and laid-back about everything.
And it was slowly starting to grate on your nerves.
Initially, you found it incredibly endearing and delightful to be in his company. His ability to shrug things off, whether it was a tough loss, a call from his brother about having a rough day, or even the chaotic traffic lately, impressed you.
"If the traffic's bad, I'll just take the subway," he'd casually remark when you'd urge him to hurry up to avoid being late again.
Or he'd say, "Yeah, it sucked that we lost, but we'll do better next time," after a defeat.
His attitude puzzled you, but in a way, you also found it incredibly amazing.
However, as your relationship with this man deepened, his seemingly calm and relaxed demeanour started feeling a bit too complacent. And now, you found yourself wanting a little clarity about your relationship.
Did it genuinely go beyond mere passing time, something romantic perhaps, or were you simply someone he enjoyed spending time with whenever he felt like it?
Undoubtedly, William was amazing. Yet, the more time you spent together, the more it seemed like this situation was somewhat one-sided.
You knew your feelings ran deep for him, so you opted to give it a bit more time, hoping he'd eventually open up.
And as the partner you wanted to portray, you agreed to accompany him to a team event.
The evening was meant to be a celebration, a tribute to their team's triumph.
And amid mingling with other teammates and their partners, William wore his usual bright grin and cheerful demeanour. His laughter filled the room as always, and as usual, you put on a smile and stood by his side.
At first, your concerns eased a bit when he kept an arm around your waist while engaging with managers and other club supporters.
However, as the night wore on, his touch and attention seemed to drift away, and you felt a deep stinge of disappointment.
And by your third glass of champagne, you found yourself without your date, chatting with a few of the team members' girlfriends and wives. Luckily, you had a close bond with the girls, yet your attention was drawn to something across the room – William engaging in his always so casual chatter with a small group, including a striking lady who eyed him with a certain longing, much like you would have done.
And as William didn't appear to shy away from her flirtatious gestures, your suspicions were validated.
So, with a soft sigh and a swift glance at your glass, you hastily finished your drink before slowly making your way over to William.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to gather your thoughts as you approached him.
"Hey," you gently said, offering a friendly smile. "I'm sorry, but I think I'd like to head home. You can just stay; I'll get a taxi."
William appeared puzzled by your words, but before he could respond, you swiftly exited the venue and headed towards the cloakroom.
And as you walked away, a part of you hoped he'd follow, while another part desperately needed to escape the situation as soon as possible.
But despite your determined strides to leave, William quickly caught up to you.
"Hey," he said firmly, grasping your wrist as you were about to reach for your coat. "What's wrong?"
His expression showed genuine concern at your sudden change in behaviour, his breaths becoming uneven. He couldn't comprehend what was happening, and all he felt was his heart sinking as he noticed tears welling up in your eyes.
"Will, I can't do this..." you attempted to sound confident, but your voice quivered while maintaining eye contact.
"You can’t do what, y/n? What's going on?" His confusion was evident, and you couldn't help but let out a disbelieving chuckle. How was he this oblivious to his own actions?
"I can't continue like this; I have strong feelings for you," you wanted to yell, but you kept your voice low, trying to avoid any unnecessary drama. "I thought I was more than just a fling, but it seems you don't want to be more, and I'm sorry, but I can't keep going like this..."
"What are you talking about?" William's voice rose in frustration.
He was getting slightly irked by your accusations, yet genuinely confused about what you were getting at.
"You are more than a fling!" he almost shouted.
"Then why do you always act like I’m not and like you don't fucking care about me at all?" Now you were shouting. “You always have to act so fucking cool and tough, and I can’t take it anymore – either you’re sure about us, or you’re not!”
William, his usual calm façade shattered, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
That was when it happened.
As you’d said the words, he could feel his pulse racing, his heartbeat quacking, and his unusual temper about to burst.
You thought he didn’t care…
"God, why can't you see? Shit!" He snapped, his voice filled with an uncharacteristic urgency, his eyes reflecting a storm of emotions. "I'm just... doing this without thinking! I'm not here for a fling, for fuck’s sake! I’m just not good at this, ok!"
You froze, surprised at the outburst, his words striking a chord within you. It was the first time you’d seen him lose his cool, the raw vulnerability in his eyes contrasting sharply with his usual easy-going nature.
"You think I don't care? That I'm not sure about us?" His frustration seeped through every word. Of course, he was sure about you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have held onto you like this. That wasn't his way. "I might not say it every fucking minute, but I am sure about you. It's just... I thought you knew."
Wait, what?
The air crackled with unspoken emotions. His frustration was not because of you walking away from the event or from him, but because he'd failed to express the depth of his feelings, assuming you understood without him needing to spell it out.
To him, you were everything he'd ever longed for. He'd never met anyone like you, never formed such an instant connection with anyone before.
From the moment he had laid eyes on you, you’d walked straight into his heart. And he had been set on keeping you close ever since. You had become his anchor, the true reason to how he always felt so calm and composed – knowing he had you by his side.
But he had failed. Failed to express just how much you meant to him. And now, here he stood, raising his voice at you, feeling the weight of his heartache.
Seeing you in distress tore him apart. The tears pooling in your eyes and the belief that he didn't care about you pained him deeply.
No. This wasn't right.
Releasing a deep sigh, the tension drained from his shoulders. "I should have said it more. I know… I should have made it clearer – how I felt about you."
Gradually, a sense of relief washed over you as you sensed the authenticity in his expression. And it was becoming clear to you that he struggled with verbalizing his emotions, preferring to express himself through a physical love language.
Furrowing your eyebrows in concern, you let out a deep sigh as well.
"Yeah, you should have," you spoke softly, before surrendering to the impulse, taking a step closer and wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in a deep kiss.
His hands instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer as he reciprocated the intensity of the kiss, fully immersed in the moment.
In that instance, a surge of emotions overwhelmed both of you, drawing you into a heated moment. Gradually, you took a few steps back, retreating deeper into the cloakroom, where William slid his hands beneath your lower back, prompting you to jump, wrapping your legs around his waist.
The kiss intensified, tongues intertwining passionately as he pressed you against the wall, your hands gently cupping his face. You surrendered to the flood of emotions, finally letting go and embracing the feelings you were both openly expressing.
As the passionate kiss escalated, you could feel your bodies heated up, your hands entwining in his semi-long blonde locks, craving for more than just the connection of your lips.
Breaking the intense kiss, both of you were left breathless, needing a moment to recover.
“Willy, take me home,” you whispered, foreheads pressed together. And your wish was his command.
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fruitybashir · 5 months
Can't remember if you've talked about this a lot before so, hi, anything about Kris and Jan's relationship? Very curious, I love them!!
oh YES actually ive been dying to talk about them more lol since i couldnt fit any more backstory for them into holidate so let me just *cracks knuckles* tell you their whole deal actually
SO. basically the idea for how they met, got together, became best friends etc was this:
- they met as teens, probably were in the same class
- they discovered they had a lot of similar interests, same humour, very quickly got along really well and became really close friends
- they also both at that point had started to figure out their sexuality, but weren't open about it at all bc like. homophobia in school is no joke.
- at first that also meant they werent out to each other bc oh god what if i tell him and he thinks im disgusting and then he doesnt want to be my friend anymore and also outs me to the whole school and everyone will know
- im not sure exactly what happened but one of them wouldve accidentally found out about the other, the other wouldve panicked, but then like oh shit damn okay we're both queer?? nice!!
- if youve been a queer teen in an almost exclusively cishet environment and suddenly there was another queer teen, you probably know the experience of getting a crush on them partly literally just bc theyre also queer. so that happened.
- basically they were each others first queer relationship and did their first experimenting with each other etc
- they did however realised that hey actually? maybe romance isnt for them. maybe they just have a really deep friendship and they do love each other, just not like that - and that realisation is definitely 100% mutual from the start btw, no heartbreak for either of them, just relief
- so basically they just break off the romantic relationship and stay best friends etc etc
since then, jan has also been in kris' family and stuff like miha and chantal both love jan and treat him like a son. kris definitely first introduced him as a friend, and then came out to his parents with jan as his boyfriend and they werent thrilled but also not hateful. but they were relieved (at first) when they just went back to friends
idk if jan and kris still occasionally experimented or slept together or idk? i guess theyd definitely feel comfortable and secure enough with each other but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
overall (to me) theyre definitely a little more than just best friends but on a very platonic basis. they have a lot of love for each other, theyd kill and die and pretty much do anything for each other, its a very very deep and powerful friendship
oh also, its been mentioned in the fic that they regularly sleep over and also they sleep in the same bed and cuddle and all that, like thats all part of the previous statement. platonic intimacy and all that.
ummmmmm this was kinda just a very long ramble and idk how much of that last bit made sense buy heres some jankris extra lore for you <3
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our-t4t-experience · 8 months
ok i guess i oughta make an intro post bc im getting some of the same questions over and over again
hi my names evan. im southern, straight and t4t. im in a relationship with a nonbinary trans woman currently and have been for about 7 months now
you can dm me and ill read them but i probably wont respond.
im autistic and communicate really directly and am also monotone so if i answer your ask with a nasty tone, it probably wasnt meant to come off that way unless your ask was mean. feel free to ask for clarification if necessary
please dni if youre cis. i would prefer this to be a trans only space. also its a t4t space so like what good is this to you anyway
for romance repulsed individuals: i will be tagging all romantic t4t posts from hereon out with "romantic t4t". i will ALSO be tagging all platonic t4t posts with "platonic t4t" if ud like to search that tag. for anyone sex repulsed or under 18, anything that could be nsft will be tagged "t4t nsft". hope this helps yall out (:
what is a t4t relationship?
t4t is any kind of relationship between two or more trans people, whether that be romantic, sexual, platonic, queerplatonic, professional, or anything else that comes to mind
do you accept platonic t4t submissions?
yea. i have many trans friends and love them very much. every trans person should have trans friends i think, even if theyre not exclusively t4t. my trans friends are just as important as my romantic relationship to another trans person, i love having trans friends
do you accept nonbinary submissions?
yes, if you do not identify as cis, feel free to send in an ask
evan im not cis but im ____ can i interact?
yea. i would define cis as strongly and exclusively identifying as ones assigned gender at birth. if you dont fall under this category (note EXCLUSIVELY as well) then congrats youre good (questioning people are also welcome btw)
evan im cis but im an ally can i interact?
no. find another blog
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
Hi, I hope you have a nice holiday and a merry christmas (sorry for disturbing christmas but I was reading and couldn't shut up jskjakak)
I was rereading jshk and, although I know sometimes the translation is not usually as accurate or the best (even when it is by the publisher with its license) BUT I looked up the kanjis and yep, it's correct both in the fans version and with the [official] of the publisher.
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(Although, be careful, in the editorial they translated it as 'obsessed with his brother', while in the translation by the fans it is 'brother complex', the latter being the closest and most accurate translation, since from Japanese [ブラコン] in Spanish/English is brocon, precisely the kanji that Mei draws on Amane's cheek)
I'm also thankful that I had read something about brocon before or I wouldn't have noticed this.
The curious and funny and half-fucked thing in the sense that Aidairo blurted this out so casually through Mei that you don't know if she's making fun of him for it and warning Yashiro Jaksjk or it's just a joke, right, when you investigate brocon/brother complex the definition encompasses [taken from wikipedia, btw] a state of strong attachment and obsession with siblings and its general description is a sister/brother who has "feelings of love towards their brother" and "exclusive desire to possess"; adding that it usually has more influence on the way they develop their lives, for example, choosing spouses who are similar to their siblings.
(It has greater content but, basically, it is like a relative of the Oedipus complex) (I added the couples example because a while ago I read a publication about the similarities between Yashiro and Tsukasa and I found it curious)
I haven't read anyone else mention anything about this, maybe because I haven't found them or maybe it's not a big deal and just a joke from Aidairo to us (or maybe they thought we wouldn't notice idk) and I'm thinking about it too much.
Also because i don't think Mei knows much about the twins unless Tsukasa told her about it, and she just wanted to laugh at him for whatever she noticed about them (which, likewise, is strange because no one else has externalized that kind of thinking about the yugi brothers).
Anyway, I would like to know your opinion about the panels. (and I want to ask if you would extend your publication to an analysis of the Yugi Twins, taboo dilemma)
nice night! <3
I wish you the same! Merry Christmas!! Hahaha, don't worry
So, everything you said makes a strong connection with the story of the Yugi twins, and I've even been wondering for some time now about his obsession, possessiveness and insecurity born because of Tsukasa's disappearance when they were children.
He has a strong fear of losing, he tends to want to cry when he feels threatened, when he is very jealous, in short.
Do you know why there aren't many mentions of this? Because of the taboo. The fandom is just now starting to accept that there is something WEIRD about their relationship.
I've been cautious about talking about this precisely because I fear whether or not people are ready to talk about it. The fandom cannot support the idea of twins having a romantic relationship between them, and it is justifiable, not even nature accepts this, many bloodlines from ancient Egypt ended due to genetic diseases that perpetuated for years because of marriages between brothers.
So I'm taking it slow, talking about it little by little so that the fandom can understand that MAYBE, the twins are in love with each other, and like you said, we don't know if it's something canon or just a joke by Aidairo.
Anyway, talking about the panels, this is also written in English.
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But yes, the story is developing in a way that leads us to a forbidden love between them. A love that Amane tries to suffocate…..
I've been receiving a lot of requests to talk or extend specific posts about the twins, so I decided that I'm going to make a more complete post about them both, I'm going to try to go a little deeper and make some things more explicit. So stay tuned for updates, it may take a while for this post to come out, but I will develop it soon.
I will talk about brotherly love, romantic love, psychotic and pathological love, Oedipus complex (as you mentioned), incest, obsessive love, cannibalism, symbolism between supernatural and human love, the relationship between devouring and being devoured, passivity , dilemmas, the double love he feels for Nene and Tsukasa, among others. I will cover most of the topics that exist between twins.
In the meantime, you can take a look at these posts I made about them, if you haven't seen them before.
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eunxhan · 8 months
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❝ You are my object of admiration, my precious and perfect possession. You're mine and only mine. From now on, you will always belong to me, and I'll always praise you and worship you ❞
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Ꮺ 😻 Requested ⨾ Hiii just 😻 Anon passing by again, I wanted to request one final time (for now) a simple yan! bloody marry, Btw luv your writing, Thanks!
Ꮺ Eun Replies ⨾ Hello! I'm so grateful for your request and I'm happy you came by again, Your kind words hit my heart. I love her character and how they design her.
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Ꮺ Disclaimer — I do not condone this kind of behavior in real life situations. Unhealthy relationship, violence, delusion, observation. English is not my main!
Reader & Genre ⨾ GN!reader, ( You, They/them, Darling, Beloved ), Can be seen as platonic and/or romantic
Words used ⨾ 8,100 ( 18 headcanons )
Links ⨾ My Navigation and Mandates
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I view her as a possessive and controlling type of yandere. She would have deep and intense feelings for her object of affection, and a strong desire for exclusive companionship and ownership. Her possessive behaviors would likely involve a willingness to monopolize the affection of the one she loves and a need to control and possess them. She would likely see herself as entitled to the sole attention and devotion of the person she is obsessed with, and would probably use manipulative and aggressive methods to ensure she is the only one who has access to her beloved.
She's very observant when it comes to her object of affection. She would pay close attention to all their behaviour, movements, and actions in order to maintain a high level of control. She would likely be highly aware of any potential threats to her dominance and control over the one she loves, and would be quick to take action and make sure that the one she loves remains dedicated to her and only her.
Mary constantly noticing and observing the minute details of their behaviors and actions. This attention and observation include a heightened awareness of their emotions, thoughts and feelings, allowing her to quickly pick up on subtle shifts and changes in their moods and states of mind. No dear, of course she will not use your emotions against you. She just love watching you.
She's easily jealous and prone to intense episodes of possessiveness when the reader is with other survivors. She would likely become extremely controlling over her beloved, demanding absolute exclusivity and ownership over the reader. Any presence or interactions of darling with other survivors would likely cause intense feelings of jealousy and insecurity in blood queen, causing her to respond with anger, aggression and a desire to remove or eliminate any competitors for the Darling's attention and affection.
She'll become extremely possessive and clingy, demanding excessive attention and time from the reader. She would likely become extremely possessive and possessive over her darling, demanding them only interact with her and no one else. She would likely resort to stalking, spying to ensure their attention and affection remained solely with her. She'll show extreme levels of jealousy and aggression towards any perceived romantic competitors for the reader's affection.
She'll manifest in her intense and unhealthy fixation on her beloved, to the point of losing sight of the difference between fantasy and reality. She would likely start to lose the ability to differentiate between their actions and behaviors in reality and those in her fantasies. She would likely act as if she is actually in a relationship with Darling, and would start to act as if they have actual real feelings for her, blurring the lines between the relationship she wants the two of them to have and the actual state of the relationship.
she's likely be plagued by recurring, intrusive thoughts or urges about her darling, such as the need to possess and control over you, or the need to keep you in her life. These urges would likely manifest in her obsession with you and her obsession with owning the you.
Mary would suffer intense feelings of anxiety and discomfort when those urges or thoughts are not being satisfied or followed, and struggle to function regularly unless she is able to fulfill those urges.
She would likely feel frustrated and angry that you're avoiding her, feeling as if you're purposely not interacting with her and trying to snub her. Bloody queen would likely react with more obsessive behaviors, becoming even more possessive and controlling of you in an attempt to force the reader to interact with her and give her attention. She would likely become even more intense and aggressive, becoming more volatile and unpredictable to force you to stop avoiding her.
Bloody queen would react with extreme anger and aggression if her beloved always hit her with the reality that you don't care or love her. She would likely feel hurt by the rejection, and would likely respond with a strong display of anger and hostility, potentially leading to violence and an attempt to hurt you.
Mary would not handle the rejection well, and would likely respond with more obsessive and controlling behaviors that could lead to a greater level of aggression and hostility.
If she felt rejected and ignored by you during trials, she would likely become very angry and aggressive. would likely feel deeply hurt, angry and insulted by the rejection, and might not be able to control her violent impulses or outbursts. She would likely want to cause physical damage to the reader as well as psychological damage, and an attack would likely be a way to do both.
She would likely attack the reader as a way of venting her frustration and expressing her anger at the reader for not giving her attention and affection. She will launch violent attacks towards you, trying to harm and even kill the player as a way to express her angry and aggressive feelings. She would likely want to make you feel the same way she feels, and would likely want to inflict a similar level of pain and damage that you have caused her.
She would act soft and gentle towards you in certain situations. She'll become soft and gentle when you're showing a level of kindness and compassion towards her that you do not normally have during trials.
There are some cases where you may see a softer side of Bloody queen in certain special events. Mary could show mercy or kindness towards the reader in these situations. Her sudden gentleness toward her darling would be jarring and unexpected after her usual hostile and aggressive behavior, but it would also be refreshing to you.
Though she is known for her violent and aggressive behavior, Bloody queen has also been known to express some gentleness and affection towards the one she loves, and dolling you up could be a way she expresses a softer and kinder side of her. Dolling up her beloved would likely involve applying makeup, hairstyling and dressing them in a way that emphasizes your beauty and appeal to Mary.
Bloody queen likely have a desire to see the one she loves look and feel their best, and this would manifest in her dolling up her lover. She would likely pick out nice clothing, accessories, or hair and makeup that she thinks suits you, and would likely feel proud of the appearance and beauty she has bestowed upon the person she loves.
Bloody queen sees you as a source of satisfaction and validation for her obsessive behaviors and her attachment to you. She would likely want to please you and make you happy, and would likely consider your praise and worship as the highest form of attention and affection.
However, her worship of you would likely be in a somewhat dominant and controlling manner, rather than truly praising and worshiping you as a superior being. Bloody queen might express her praise and worship towards you, but with the intention of reminding and enforcing that you're within her control, and also to further express her authority and dominance in the relationship.
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austinslounge · 3 months
I loved that you used examples and pictures of him with fans and co-workers. Love language isn't exclusive to your significant other. And I personally find it annoying when people take everything he says, especially recently, about himself and always relate it back to Kaia. I don't think that man thinks about her nearly as much as some people think.
He's also so flattered when he gets any kind of compliment from anyone. That's his love language. That is the way to this mans heart.
You're welcome! And yea, Love Language isn't just strictly about romantic relationships. It's about how you personally feel loved and valued, and that can also go for familial relationships, and also totally platonic relationships as well! 😊
I agree with you too regarding shippers making everything he says and does about Kaia and their relationship. 😒🙄 It's so cringe when fans do stuff like that.
One thing is, we don't know for sure, and a lot of shippers can be totally way off base and wrong! Look at how some thought that Austin was the one filming Kaia crying during Ayo's Golden Globe win (which, was still weird to me btw)! It turns out, Austin was supposedly watching the Golden Globes with Callum in his (Austin's) house without any girlfriends around! 😅 I don't think both Austin and Callum would lie about that, not only once, but also twice!
So, sometimes shippers jump to conclusions, and they aren't even right.
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asterrrrion · 3 months
Okay so it's time for another rant apparently but lately it's often been on my mind how much value fandom puts on romantic relationships. Like very often when I have ships of characters it's not necessarily because I consider that a romantic relationship would be cute, it's because I'm obsessed with the character dynamic no matter whether it's romantic or platonic and most of the fandom content for those two characters is romantic. And often, what is called "obviously romantic" by a fandom is just something that definitely could be read as... you know, friendship. I'm not aro and do feel romantic attraction, but as someone who's never been in love, I feel like you people really underestimate the value of platonic relationships, and I can't imagine how annoying it must be when you *are* aromantic.
Because having a romantic relationship with someone isn't necessarily being closer to them than having a platonic relationship with them, it just often happens like that because society puts more value on the familial mold and so on monogamous romantic relationships. And while there's nothing wrong with writing a relationship as romantic because you think it's cute and you like romantic relationships, if you want to write about a character dynamic that changes both (or more btw people don't restrict yourselves to two-people dynamics either) characters involved, friendships or familial relationships are incredible too.
I'm just saying that because it's nearly impossible to find gen fics that explore interesting dynamics on ao3, although it depends on the fandom. And there's nearly none of my favourite character dynamics that I exclusively see as romantic. Actually for me, most of the time, a platonic dynamic can be be more interesting and compelling. And the fun thing is that when you write a romance that definitely has to be romantic and can't in any way be seen as platonic for the reader/spectator etc it makes that romantic relationship so much more compelling too.
Anyway that's about it, I just wanted to get it off my chest because there's some characters' undying love and devotion for each other that I want to read about without seeing them kiss.
I just want to make it clear though that I'm begging people to not take this post as "no you can't ship those characters because canonically they're friends/enemies etc" like you're free to do that just keep in mind that when you like a character dynamic you don't have to make them romantic they can be life-changing friends !
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pigidin · 1 year
I've been a big fan of Snape-Harry interactions recently, but there's one thing I can't figure out.
I have a soft spot for their platonic interactions but here lies one problem. As far I know, a term severitus is commonly used (and was basically made) for father-son-like relationships between the two, which also involves mentorship. But I've seen bunch of people using severitus when talking about platonic as well AND referring to platonic interactions as synonym to mentorship. And this kinda left me confused, coz those two terms, well, are kinda different and you simply can't put equal sign between those.
Some even say severitus was made as a name for platonic version of their interactions, but they usually still mean mentorship by saying this. Due to that I genuinely don't understand what I should call their platonic interactions as plenty other fans use names for romantic relationships, but with the emphasis that it's a platonic version of one. Seems partly fair to me, but saying "platonic snarry" can be a bit strange.
Moreover, AO3 eg uses & to differentiate platonic relationships, but referring to it as snarry can be confusing.. so...
I really don't know which one is better as severitus isn't really about friendships (or at least it's not commonly used in senses different than mentor-ish) and snarry in its nature is specifically a thing for non-platonic stuff. Like.. I'd be very grateful if someone brought some light to this, as.. it confuses me a lot.
Much bigger problem tho.. is when talking about queerplatonic kind of relationship. Coz this way it becomes much more obvious, that it lays neither in romantic snarry nor mentor or perhaps sometimes platonic severitus. It's basically neither. Btw, in this situation I don't even know whether to use / or &. Neither fit.
There is practically one single qpr story between them and it's tagged as slash but even tho I agree that it fits much better than gen for instance, it's still not entirely right, as.. well ships usually mean romantic/sexual stuff going on, and qpr defies those on its nature.
I actually ship Snape and Harry exclusively in qpr, but calling it snarry seems off a bit. So yeah. I know that people were suggesting using ~ for qprs, but it's not a very common move. So.. any thoughts on that?
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infinitelycynical · 3 months
Namimatsu for the ship ask!
4, 10, 11, 12 & 15
Btw, I love how you explain your headcannons!
god, it's been so long since i've done anything for namimatsu, i can't wait to get into it! and thank you 🥹 you're very kind!
4. what they do on date night. typically, they go out to dinner and sit at a table with the most privacy or get a balcony table to themselves. namikawa takes matsuda to places he enjoys, which are usually on the expensive end, and always pays. matsuda does not protest this - people aren't meant to know that he's dating namikawa in the first place (due to the very recent or even ongoing investigation of yotsuba). by expensive places, i mean exclusive clubs or golf courses and the like. does namikawa like golf? no. does matsuda? no. do they go at least once anyway? yeah.
10. what TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other. both of them watch the news together in the morning when matsuda is over at namikawa's, and they watch it all the way through so matsuda can catch the weather segment and namikawa can catch the stock market segment. namikawa doesn't care for television, whereas matsuda is an avid watcher. namikawa will sometimes sit with matsuda and watch whatever he is watching, but he will be doing it to keep matsuda company rather than for the show itself. matsuda gets VERY cuddly on the couch, and namikawa gets to use watching the tv as an excuse to let him cuddle up (despite his sensible nature).
11. what their first impression of each other was. their first meeting was when matsuda broke into yotsuba and fell into their meeting room. namikawa's first impression was that matsuda was rather dumb, going in at night instead of at daytime to promote misa-misa. he didn't spend much time thinking about him because he THOUGHT that he would die anyway.
matsuda was terrified of all the yotsubas and that he would be killed right there and then, he was focused entirely on instinct so really regarded them as an entity rather than as individuals. when they met later on, matsuda was tentative, because namikawa was confident and didn't seem like the type to take no as an answer.
12. what they do for their anniversary. namikawa takes matsuda out for a night at the town, they go to a theatre and watch the opera (which matsuda hasn't been to before, so yay for him!) then go to a restaurant for dinner and discuss the show. they don't do gifts. namikawa isn't a romantic man, but he knows matsuda likes the expensive places he takes them to and enjoys new experiences, so he tries to incorporate both.
15. what they would change about each other. disclaimer before i answer this, i choose to interpret this about what they change about one another (over what they would change about the other if they could choose, i prefer to think about the development of a relationship and how it advances).
namikawa learns to be more compassionate over the course of his relationship, matsuda is often late to dates or to coming over because of his long hours with the task force and needs leniency that at first, namikawa does not give. matsuda's work days are often exhausting and he typically works seven days a week as opposed to five like namikawa does, so when he gets home he needs to not be told off and treated gentler. matsuda is very grateful for this.
matsuda learns to think first and then act, he is usually impulsive and acts on pure emotion or vibe alone. namikawa is the opposite, acting on logic, and over time, matsuda begins mimicking the same pattern. it starts with things as insignificant as what drink to buy or what fruit to choose at the supermarket. he wants to make namikawa proud (because inferiority complex, yippee) so learns some things from him. namikawa is satisfied with this, thinks it's just him wisening up and doesn't realise his impact on matsuda.
thank you for the ask!
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