#* (&. crack) who gave the cat catnip ? ? ? ?
sombracat · 6 months
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      hmm . . . . appealing of an idea , even better if it pisses off two people and not only one --- lynette would be lying if she didn't like a bit of chaos , every once in a while . besides , it means dinner somewhere nice , most likely ; why didn't she think of this before ?
|| @galactia ! Resume: Kaeya Alberich (Ragnvindr). Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. Fond of wine and romantic outings for the purpose of pissing off brothers.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 9 months
Sephiroth is high on cat-crack/catnip and is rampaging inside the base
*Zack runs into Lazard's office*
Lazard: Who??
Lazard: Who!?
Lazard: WHO!?
*There's a loud crack in the ceiling before Genesis falls through, crashing down on Lazard*
Zack: That's weird. Where's—
*Sephiroth crashes through the ceiling and falls on top of Zack*
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☾Atsushi Headcanons!☽
•He is trans masc(Hasn’t gotten top/bottom surgery yet) He uses He/They Pronouns
•He is a Polyamorous Demisexual Pansexual
•He has a whole slew of mental and physical disorders, he found out because Kunikida took him to get tested for autism
•Disorders he has: PTSD, OCD, ADHD, ADD, Autism, Depression, Anxiety Disorder, 3 Eating Disorders, Psychosis, Malnutrition, Schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder, Tics and Tourette’s, restless leg syndrome, echolalia, and Cervical Dystonia
•After hearing this he just looked at Kunikida and asked, “Why am I collecting them?”
•He is a really good singer, he used to sing to younger kids at the orphanage who couldn’t sleep or were just having a bad day, it was the one thing he couldn’t hate about himself
•Once Kunikida learned Atsushi had never had a good father figure he started subconsciously acting like one towards him, checking in on him, teaching him things, defending him, buying him things, taking time out of his schedule to make sure he’s alright, driving him places etc
•Atsushi has and will eat small animals if given the chance
•He really likes Tangled because he finds Rapunzels story relatable, and because he likes chameleons
•He is a really good artist, he used to draw whenever he could in the orphanage
•Some of Atsushis Tics are: “We’ve been accused of Terroism!”, “Meow Meow!”, “Beep”, “Fuck you”, “Buzz Buzz”
•He has echolalia, and repeats a lot of things, such as: Dazais Su!c!d3 song, “Super Mystery Solver!” And “Rashomon!”
•Byakko is sentient and says the weirdest things, ex: “You should eat your ginger friend”
•Atsushi has a reflex similar to a cat where he will slap someone if they surprise him, leading to him accidentally bitch slapping Dazai
•Atsushi has VERY strong teeth, one time Ranpo brought jawbreakers to work and gave Atsushi one, Ranpo then started talking to Yosano when they heard a loud *CRACK*, and just see Atsushi chewing on a jawbreaker as if it was taffy. Everyone just stared and Atsushi was confused. (Kunikida panicked)
•After he ate all that Chazuke in the first episode, he actually ended up vomiting because his stomach wasn’t used to that much to eat
•He used to bind with bandages, But when Kunikida found out, he taught him how to properly bind
•He chews on everything he can, strings, yarn, rubber, electrical cords, you name it. Atsushi is basically a cat in that sense, Kunikida has bought him teething toys for this
•Tanizaki and Atsushi are best friends, Tanizaki knows the most about what happened to Atsushi at the orphanage, and Atsushi knows the most about his insecurities
•One time Atsushi was falling asleep on the agency’s couch and nobody had the heart to wake him up, eventually he had to. So Kunikida shook him awake, and in a soft tone said, “Cmon kid, you need to get up.” Atsushi mumbled and replied, “Just five more minutes dad….” Needless to say Atsushi got a lot more than five minutes, and if Kunikida cried, nobody said anything
•One time Kunikida arrived at the agency(He’s usually the first one there, only to find Atsushi there already started on work) Kunikida was very proud of him and pat his head
•Yosano made it her goal to get Atsushi to stop apologizing for everything, every time he does, she will stare at him until he takes it back
•Kunikida teaches Atsushi math whenever they have time
•Atsushi can only get drunk/high if something has catnip in it
•One time Atsushi broke a glass object at Kunikidas house, and in a panic attempted to clean it up with his bare hands, Kunikida comforted him and made sure he was alright
•Sometimes if someone praises him or pats him he will purr
•When he gets over emotional sometimes his ears and tail will pop out
•Atsushi stress bakes
•He’s not that good of a swimmer(Never got proper lessons)
•He tends to cover his ears whenever things get loud
•He enjoys sitting in sunspots
•He could decimate anyone with insults, you insult someone he loves? He will absolutely DESTROY you
•Atsushis favorite number is the date he met Kunikida and Dazai
•Despite not liking physical touch he is a clingy drunk
•He doesn’t have a lot of pop culture knowledge, so Dazai set up annual movie nights to teach him
•He has freckles
•Gets super bad nightmares
•He has really sharp teeth
•He has HORRENDOUS spice tolerance
•He’s never had “The Talk”
•He will sit in a box if given the chance
•Just like how a cat slow blinks at people it trusts, so does Atsushi
•He does the making biscuit thing that cats do
•One time the ADA found Atsushi curled up in a cabinet
•If Atsushi ever learned how to drive he would have EXTREME road rage
•He’s never been on a plane
•Naomi, Tanizaki, Atsushi, and Haruno get together every Wednesday after work, and just mess around, it’s a double date of sorts (Haruno and Naomi are dating) and Tanizaki and Atsushi are pining for one another
•He has a quiet sneeze, because people at the orphanage would get mad if he was loud
•He likes sitting out in the rain, Kunikida scolds him for tracking in water, and raising the chance of him getting a cold
•He is oblivious to flirting, you have to be VERY forward to get him to notice, and when he does he turns into a flustered mess
•At the orphanage he would take on a parental/Big Brother role for the younger kids
•He figured out he was trans when he was 13, after an older kid told him about it
•He’s not that good of a cook, he can make the basics but other than that he’ll get lost
•He’s not very good at fashion
•He had two close friends at the orphanage, Roberto(I named him after the bird from Rio 2) and Yūki
•One day during a cold winter, Yūki was punished for accidentally breaking a vase, she was thrown outside in the cold with nothing but an old cloak. The next morning Atsushi and Roberto ran outside to look for her, they saw something In the snow, and when they got closer they realized it was Yūkis dead body, she had died of hypothermia
•Roberto faked his death and ran away after this, leaving Atsushi all alone. I like to believe he ended up somewhere in Yokohama
•Atsushi loves strawberries, the first time he tried them he couldn’t help but just scarf them all down
•He can eat raw meat
•He has religious trauma, everyday at the orphanage he would pray that he would become someone worthy of life
•After Shibusawas murder, the headmaster fed Atsushi bits of his body. Atsushi was confused at the fact he was given more to eat and more often. He thought that he finally earned his right to live. He is completely unaware that he did this
•Everyone at the agency takes turns teaching Atsushi different things
•He wants to learn how to play the flute
•He can’t whistle
•He can see in the dark
•He likes to draw on his skin
•He hates the way his eyes look
•He has a cat-like tongue
•He can understand cats
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(As my oc Matteo Celeste)
Greeting Chenya. As hesitant as I am to ask, I’m fear that I bring back the curse that is high af Chenya, I was wondering where exactly you get your supply. Not that I’m tempted! I was just curious because….. if I’m escorting Kalim somewhere, we can go the opposite way, away from the den of temptation that you so frequent. That’s the only reason why I’m asking, not because Kalim has been more demanding as normal, or work piling up, no
*whispers* but you do seem so happy when your high on catnip, I long for such peace. Jamil could cover for me for one night, right?
(Matteo is my oc, he is a jaquin beastman, like Elena of Avalor and was bought by the Al-Sims as a child to be Kalims bodyguard due to his wings and claws. He is in Scarabia with Kalim and Jamil. Message me for more info if your interested)
No need to worry, I’m not planning on getting catnipped again any time soon. AR would skin me. They can only handle so much at a time. *snickers*
As for my supply of catnip, it wasn’t mine to begin with! I got exposed to it when I was trying to help my Highness out of the pile he had fallen into, and I know he wasn’t the one who bought it either. That would be Ruggie - Kat friend apparently bought it for Lucius for some reason and Leona got into it.
And then later someone gave me more in return for not hurting innocent civilians. Which I accepted but also found hilarious because I didn’t even do that much to them in particular. I just hissed at them a little and threw an alternate dimension version of Leona at them.
Hmm… speaking of that guy… I wonder where he is now… oh well! 🤷‍♂️
Anyway, I’m not sure how catnip would affect you to be honest! It varies based on the cat! For Leona he responded to it like it was weed, it just made Ruggie pass out for a few hours, and it affected me mostly like crack but with a little weed thrown in at times. But some cats don’t react to ‘nip at all!
It’s the Russian roulette of cat drugs! How will you respond, and will you respond the same way each time? 😸
That being said, I would definitely ask Jamil before you assume he can cover for you, and also start with a small dose of catnip first - just in case it affects you strongly! Never know how long you’ll be catnipped for otherwise! *giggles*
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gr8female-blog · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Exploding Kittens Card Game Ages 7 & Up 2 - 5 Players Teens Love It! View Video.
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haunter-geist · 7 months
tw graphic descriptions of animal death;
grief is really hard to cope with, its kind of odd because ive lost people in my life before, like my nanas when i was a lot younger, but now losing my cat it. hits harder. Daimyo was my orange baby and best friend, this past year his health had been noticeably declining VERY quickly and he had been rapidly losing weight, and i knew he was close to the end a few months back when he started clinging to me and getting upset every time i left the room.
This cat loved me, the night before his passing when we were heading to bed, he curled up on a chair where my phone was placed (as there was no room on the bed) directly next to my head, and i knew he was dying in the morning when he got upset with me holding him, and simply flopping onto the bed when i set him down. He actively turned away from the tunafish i tried to give him in my vain attempt to get him to get up. Selfishly i couldnt sit and watch, and headed over to my siblings house to do something i had already planned for that day. I later heard once i got there, from my grandfather on the phone that Daimyo had tried to get up only to flop over onto the floor.
He held out for me. waited till he could be brought to me to pass. I heard him sniffle and maybe gasp for air before he looked at everyone else around me, and me, as i saw him grunt in pain at his body shutting down. The tears i had been so desperate to hold in during this finally spillt from my eyes, and i couldnt sit and watch his lifeless body, or his burial.
The room feels empty without him, his purring (which he did near constantly since he was very young. very content kitty, not like in the pain relieving way although it may have been that way towards the end of his life) was always very loud and i could easily hear it across the room. Its gone. I keep thinking i see him everywhere, i keep expecting him to try and leave the room to go scratch his claws on the carpet outside, im expecting to hear him meow for food, or the trickle of water as he drank from his fountain. or the sound of him at his cat box. Every sign of him is gone and i have a sinus infection so i cant smell whats left. my best friend of 15 years isnt here anymore and its so hard to cope with.
As hard as i try to be a rock for the rest of my family, whos affected as much as i am, i keep finding myself crying or breaking down, especially in the small moments where im alone. I miss him and the way he used to call for me whenever i paced in the hotel hallways with the door propped open a crack (which hed watch me through)
i miss being a 4/5 year old and holding him when he was a kitten and so so tiny.
I just wished i could have done something, but his health was out of my hands, as i had little to no transportation, and a father who refused to take him to the vet. Who loaded all of the responsibility onto someone with no job, money, transport, bank account, or phone service. i did my best to find vet services, and yet he still refused to take care of daimyo. I tried my best to spoil him in these last few months
i knew these months were past the point of no return in a way, i knew he wasnt going to get better even when he did start eating again. i gave him tiny bits of cheese, plenty of treats, catnip, anything to make him happy. he used to reach up and grab the cheese out of my hands while standing on his hind legs, i could get him to do tricks.
I knew when he stopped playing with his favorite toys a few months ago it was close and i still didnt want to think about it
i just wanted him to get better.
i tried my hardest to convince my dad to do something for years so maybe just maybe daimyo could stay for a few months to years longer. i just want him back. the memories are here yes but it feels like a piece of me is missing. im 19 and 15 of the years i had on this earth were with him. what am i to do? I knew it would be hard, but i didnt think it would feel like this. I didnt think it would hurt this bad.
i dont even want to wash the clothes i have that have throwup stains or hair on them, because its some sort of piece of him i can keep as weird and gross as it is. i just dont want to let him go.
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year
You've Got To Be Kitten Me
by JustaPerson1
Midoriya would rather be dropped off a building, hit by a car, forever devoid of catnip, and lose ten of his nine lives, than wind up in the same class as the girl who gave him chin scratchies and rubbed his chest fur.
The universe seems to find his mortification hilarious though.
Words: 4758, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Cat Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has a Cat Quirk, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Embarrassed Midoriya Izuku, Panic, a lot of it, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Cute Uraraka Ochako, Uraraka Ochako is a Good Friend, Uraraka Ochako is a Ray of Sunshine, Wingman Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi likes cats, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, I Tried
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50361274
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vigilantetendencies · 3 years
Hero with cat powers and a villain who loves cats.
“You have a tail,” he squeaked, eyes so wide that they might have popped out of his head. Bengal stepped backward, glaring.
He was still wearing boxers, but they didn’t exactly have enough room for him to tuck the tail away like his hero suit did.
“Yeah, cat powers. I have cat things. I think we’ve been through this- Don’t come closer!” Bengal pulled out the claws again, stopping Volt as he stepped forward.
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Volt and Bengal weren't strangers; Bengal had been a new hire at the hero agency when Volt first began to terrorize the town and thus the two had been pitted against each other from the get go. 
They'd battled multiple times, Bengal more often than not failing due to his clumsiness. Volt adored him, however. He adored the quips, Bengal's snarky attitude, and his body was rather nice to look at. Bengal's hero suit was bland and tight, leaving little to Volt's imagination as he threw him and zapped him. How many times had he invited Bengal over now to try and cop a feel? 
Invited was perhaps the wrong word- How many times had he tried to force Bengal to come to his lair? And now...He couldn't believe his eyes; There he was, Bengal! The hero!! In his lair!!! What a moment! And Volt was not going to let it go to waste.
"How does it feel to be the very first hero to see my place?" Volt asked, rising from his throne and gesturing grandly.
All he could see with Bengal's annoying helmet being on was his mouth, pulled down into frown.
"Shitty," Bengal responded dully, standing before the throne with his hands bound behind his back. "Can I go home now?"
"Before you've seen the break room and the had martinis in the hot tub? No way!" Bengal stiffened.
"Hot tub?"
"Yeah!" Volt strode up to Bengal and paced around him, cape flowing behind him. He liked to be able to take his time and really inspect Bengal; He really had no idea what his powers were or, honestly, what use he was to the agency at all. That and...maybe he liked to look at his butt.
Just a little.
"No. No way, I'm not having martinis with you and I'm not going in your hot tub." Volt was surprised when Bengal was suddenly free of his binds, narrowly avoiding a punch to his face.
"C'mon, Bengal!" He shot electricity at the hero who dodged and climbed up one of the walls with ease.
"Nope," he called down, climbing until he got to a landing area up above. Volt huffed, not liking his answer, and threw a ball of electricity into part of the landing. Bengal yelped as the floor gave out beneath him and he fell face first onto the ground next to Volt, groaning.
Volt took a moment to mourn the broken balcony, but it would be easy enough to fix. Losing his favorite hero was not his favorite option.
"Your name is Bengal. Shouldn't you like...land on your feet or something?" He asked, squatting down next to the hero and poking his helmet. He ignored Bengal gasping for air (the force of his fall knocking it out of him) in favor of rolling him onto his back. "Why would the agency give you that name if you're this clumsy?"
Bengal swallowed and cleared his throat.
"Yeah, I don't know. You're right," he agreed, trying to get to his feet. He got as far as his knees before Volt knocked him backward harshly. The helmet clanged against the floor, jarring slightly and cracking from the earlier impact.
"Here, kitty, kitty~" Volt whispered suddenly, making Bengal look his way- and then his helmet was torn off.
"Oh my god!" Volt held the helmet up as if it were a trophy, looking down at Bengal with a large grin. He could see his face, a nice tan tone to his skin, his hair- black and brown and the strangest patterns in the curly mess.
But what really got him was the ears.
Two large cat ears were standing at attention on his head, green eyes wide and revealing slitted pupils as he began to panic.
"What are you doing!? You are crossing a line-!!" He screeched, scrambling to grab the helmet back. Volt jammed his hand against Bengal's forehead, shoving him back down while his ears flattened.
"You dirty little liar, I knew it!" Bengal withdrew his hand for a moment, fingertips exposed out of the tops of his gloves. Claws protruded from them suddenly, making Volt giddy. "The fingerless gloves make so much more sense now! They were a choice, but at least they were a functional choice!" He didn't register the implication before the claws slashed at him, four scratches on his arm and suit torn. He dropped the helmet in his pain and Bengal shoved him off, rolling over and scrambling to grab the helmet.
He succeeded, though a foot came down on his wrist and pressed into it painfully.
"It's about time!" Volt huffed, cradling his bleeding arm as he looked at the henchman who was pinning Bengal with their foot.
"Apologies, sir."
"Send gauze to my room and take Fluffy to the holding cell."
"You are dead," Bengal promised, glaring at Volt as he walked past them and picked up the helmet. Volt only smirked back at him, waggling his fingers and exiting the room.
"No, I'm the proud new owner of a sweet little kitty cat," Volt corrected gleefully. "And he better behave if he knows what's good for him."
Bengal looked up from his spot on the floor, baring his teeth as the henchmen slapped cuffs on him and picked him up by the back of his hero suit to drag him off.
Bengal escaped, without his helmet, and went straight home with to pout in the bathroom mirror. It was embarrassing being...this. The agency wanted to capitalize on his feline parts but he hated them- His hero suit was designed to hide every part of him that resembled a cat because he asked for it to be that way. If Volt started telling others then what would happen? Calls of, “Here kitty, kitty,” and quips like, “cat got your tongue?” would never end.
He solemnly sent the agency a request for a new helmet along with the information that his face had been revealed before he climbed into the overly plush bed in his room, curling up and closing his eyes.
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The next time he saw Volt he was ready to knock the daylights out of him, still stumbling with nearly every punch.
“So it’s just the ears, huh?” Volt slammed Bengal down, snickering as he watched his slightly feline friend adjust his helmet quickly.
“You’re such an ass hole,” Bengal told him, trying to get to his feet before Volt kicked him in the side.
“I’ll take that as… a no,” Volt decided, watching as Bengal rolled from the force of the impact and hit the tire of a car. He dug into the pocket of his suit, trying to hide something from Bengal as he stood up. He lunged at him, yanking off the helmet and cupping his hand over his face.
Bengal struggled harshly, claws coming out as he grabbed at Volt’s hands and arms, scratching and scratching and scratching and- Something was in Volt’s hand and-...
Bengal slumped in Volt’s arms, eyes half lidded as his tongue lapped against the inside of Volt’s hand.
“Holy shit it worked,” Volt whispered in amazement, beaming as he lowered Bengal to the ground. He was so docile! So...not trying to kill Volt. And as mentioned once before, Volt did not waste opportunities. He gently tangled his fingers into the man’s soft hair, scratching at the base of his ear experimentally and, sure enough, Bengal pressed the side of his head to Volt’s hand.
Then, like something scared him, he perked up and smacked at Volt’s hand, falling onto the ground in an attempt to get away from his touch.
“What is wrong with you!?” He yelled, face redder than last time. He looked at his arms and saw that some of the catnip bits had fallen there and, without hesitation, began to lick them off.
“I reallllllllly like cats,” Volt informed him, looking like a child on Christmas. “I don’t even care about the bomb anymore, the detonation code is 1337, I just-” Volt reached for Bengal’s ears again which only made him hiss and back away, realizing that he was licking himself in front of his nemesis- And anyone could see them here! They weren’t exactly hidden.
“I don’t like you, okay!?” Bengal got to his feet, wobbling a little. “So stop bothering me!”
Bengal grabbed up his helmet and sprinted off, climbing over garbage cans and cars to escape Volt.
“Gauze, sir?” Someone asked over his headset. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think he’d let you down so harshly-”
“Are you kidding? All cats are like that. You just gotta reel them in.” Volt stood and tucked the pouch of catnip back into his suit. “I’ll be back in a few minutes, gauze would be nice.”
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There was no fighting today.
He had gotten himself all ready to go, hero suit and new helmet (with locking buckles) on, when he got the message from the agency.
[Bengal, we need to review your employment with us. For the time being you are on suspension. You will be paid for your time, imagine it like a vacation!]
He glared at his phone. A vacation? A vacation that was going to end in his termination, probably.
He threw the helmet onto his bed and moped about the message until he felt about as numb to it as he could feel. He was so distracted being angry at the agency that he didn’t notice the shape outside his window, stripping the tight top of the suit off and stretching before he started peeling off the bottom.
The window opened and he whipped around, hissing at it and letting go of the pants of the suit to use his claws.
“Whoa! Hey, easy!” It was Volt.
Of course.
He slid inside and stood near the window.
“Where have you been!? I didn’t ask to fight Echo, do you know how hard it is to fight a guy who sees, like, everything!?”
“He’s blind,” Bengal deadpanned, and Volt gestured wildly.
“DO YOU SEE WHY THAT’S AN ISSUE FOR ME!? No one told me and-” He huffed.
“Sorry that I was the perfect disappointment,” Bengal muttered, turning around and stripping off the rest of the suit. “The agency is reviewing my employment. Probably because I keep losing to you. So you better get used to Echo, Kuso, and Jumper.”
Volt didn’t respond and Bengal thought for a brief moment that he had crawled back out the window. He turned around and found Volt looking somehow happier than he had over the last few fights.
“You have a tail,” he squeaked, eyes so wide that they might have popped out of his head. Bengal stepped backward, glaring.
He was still wearing boxers, but they didn’t exactly have enough room for him to tuck the tail away like his hero suit did.
“Yeah, cat powers. I have cat things. I think we’ve been through this- Don’t come closer!” Bengal pulled out the claws again, stopping Volt as he stepped forward.
“Can I touch it!?”
“No! No you can’t touch it! Get out of-” Bengal watched Volt dig into the same pocket as last time and hissed loudly. “Don’t you fucking dare!”
Volt grinned and ran at Bengal, ignoring his hisses and screeches while he chased him out of the room and through his apartment.
“Hereeee kitty, kitty!” He chased him to the balcony, watching as Bengal climbed up on it and balanced without issue. “Your tail! That’s why you’re such a grade A klutz!” Volt smacked himself on the head. “Duh! Man, I can’t believe I didn’t think about that!”
“Why do you care!?” Bengal looked honestly upset, and that immediately put Volt off. He lowered his hands.
“What do you-”
“Are you going to go and tell all of the other villains? ‘Just bring catnip and he’ll be distracted long enough for you to kill him,’ or grab my tail and pull and it’ll really fucking hurt-”
“Why would I tell anyone any of that?” Volt raised a brow. “The only thing people talk about is how off balance you are, you know.” Bengal seemed to calm down, crouching on the railing.
“Just..leave,” He muttered, and Volt gestured for Bengal to come down, showing that his hands were free of catnip.
“Walk me out?”
“Fine,” Bengal huffed, slipping off of the railing and walking back to the bedroom. There was a moment where he truly believed that Volt was trying to give him time alone- And then he yanked backwards, Volt sitting on his bed and pulling him into his lap.
“You son of a-” Volt grinned at him as he began to scratch just above Bengal's tail. He held back a delighted squeal as Bengal leaned into him and purred.
"I’m going to kill you," Bengal mumbled into his neck, kneading his fingers into his shoulders.
"You have to keep your job, first.” Volt ran his hand up Bengal’s tail, feeling him shudder. “Or you could come have martinis in my hot tub, the invitation’s still open.” A pause. “Am I just not inviting you right?” He leaned closer to the ears on Bengals head, watching them twitch in irritation. “Pspspsps?”
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Thank you so much for reading! Find more heroes, villains, sidekicks, civilians, and reporters here on my masterlist!
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a-n-conrad · 4 years
Cat and Mouse (PS4! Felicia Hardy x Reader)
[Summary: Being a new hero in New York was hard. It was even harder when all of Spider-man’s old villains broke out of the raft. You had worked with him enough, so when he called and asked you to help with a side project while he was busy, you agreed. Little did you know, the game of cat and mouse would end a lot differently than you expected. (She/her pronouns)
Warnings: Technology that I don’t understand, Cops, mentions of sexual themes, swearing
Request: From my request survey (https://forms.gle/37LyBcqSDHttv2Da9)]
You back hurt. Your chest hurt. Everything hurt. You had been out late at night, helping Spider-man stop a string of simple robberies throughout the city. You were still new at the whole hero thing, so you took quite a few hits. 
You had just started your hero work recently, after discovering that you had the power to summon a pair of wings to appear on your back out of nothing. They were nearly bullet proof, and after a bit of practice you could fly pretty fast. You were still getting used to actually using the wings in combat, though, and they weren’t much help when it came to anything stealthy. So there was still quite a bit of work for you to do.
But your rest was cut short by a familiar ringtone, “Uuuugh. What do you want, Spidey?”
“Sorry to wake you up, Angel,” It was odd to have a hero name like that, one that sounded like a pet name. He always said it so formally, though, which you appreciated, “I’m a little busy at the moment, but an old… friend of mine is in town, and I was wondering if you could help me out.”
“I’m not dealing with any of your big villains,” You said. A lot of them had broken out recently. You understood that it was a lot of work for him, but you really weren’t ready to deal with any of them.
“No, no, it's not that,” He sounded exhausted, “Blackcat might be back in business, and I was wondering if you could just check out what’s going on? I’ll send you the address she told me to go to, just check it out and see what’s up, so I have time to deal with everyone else?”
You had heard of Blackcat. She was good at what she did, but she wasn’t exactly dangerous. She played games, but she wasn’t likely to try to murder you, “Yeah, okay. As long as I don’t have to deal with any of your weird homicidal arch enemies.”
- - - - -
Maybe you were stupid to think this would go well. Finding the message she left for Spidey was pretty easy. Using the camera to find her little cat robot was pretty easy, too. What made it a lot worse, was the second you hung up the call with the police captain that Spidey had been working with, your phone pinged with an influx of notifications. Your map app had lit up like a Christmas tree with new addresses that Blackcat wanted you, or, well, Spidey, to go to.
You were pretty surprised, though, when your phone started ringing with a call from a number you had never seen before, “Hello?”
“Well, hey there, birdie,” You hear a voice purr from the other side, “I wasn’t expecting Spidey to send his pretty new sidekick, but I won’t say I’m upset.”
“I’m not a sidekick,” You say, trying to sound tough. Though, you couldn’t help but blush a little at the word pretty, “Did you need something, Cat? I thought you had retired.”
“Maybe I just want to play a game,” She purrs, “Won’t you play with me?”
- - - - -
She didn’t seem upset that it was you instead of Spider-man. She really seems to just be playing games, so you thought after she realized it was you instead of her boy-toy, she’d get bored. But she still seemed to be having fun. She had set up all the clues, and you could tell they were new, since the recordings were addressed to you instead of Spider-man. 
She seemed to be getting more and more flirty with each recording. You were starting to regret your choice in name every time she said it. You were really trying not to be so much of an idiot that you’d let a beautiful woman with a soothing voice convince you to let her off the hook just because you had a crush on her. But it was a bit of a challenge.
After a while, you were pretty sure that you had reached the end of the trail she had set up for you. It was a lot of flying, and a lot of taking five-minute breaks in order to stop yourself from losing focus. You had seen pictures of her, and at some point you started to wish you hadn’t.
Felicia Hardy was gorgeous. Her hair was white, and it always looked perfectly and shiny in the pictures. Her eyes were bright blue, nearly the color of the sky. She was tall, and surprisingly thin for someone who seemed so fit. And her costume itself seemed to add to her flirty nature. It was perfect for her job, but it also really gave off dominatrix vibes. 
You were landing on a rooftop in order to take a break when you got the phone call. The police captain. She didn’t call you usually. Something was very wrong, “Do you remember all those little cat statues at all of the places you reported Blackcat robberies?”
“Yes…” You drew the word a bit. You remembered. They weren’t really statues. Spidey had told you about them before. They were electronic. They had some sort of radio signal. You figured that the NYPD knew that, though.
“They set off some sort of signal when we put them all in evidence and Blackcat was able to break in and take all of her old gear,” You held back a string of insults. How were they so incompetent that they didn’t realize to block the signal those things put off? But you were sure it wasn’t her fault. It was likely that she just had some street cops deal with it. They didn’t really get a lot of training on mastermind burglars. 
“Alright, I’ll figure it out,” You sigh, still biting back a few snarky comments. You hang up, taking a deep breath before loading up a program on your phone that Spidey had set up. You just needed to find a trace of the radio signal and you’d be able to trace it to a specific location.
You flew up as high as you could, hoping it could pick up something. If there was anything relating to Blackcat in the area, you should be able to trace it. Otherwise, you’d just fly across the city until you could.
Luckily for you and your tired wings, your phone pinged in just a few minutes. You were pretty quick to make it over to the are where your phone marked. Nearby was a subway tunnel that was condemned until it was repaired. And it the theme Blackcat had going, she had marked it with a mural. She was theatrical. 
You ducked into the tunnel, running a hand along the wall to see if you could find anything odd. About halfway in you found a slight gap in the wall, about the same as a few of the other cracks in the wall, but it was too clean. It all seemed a little sloppy for Felicia, so you wondered if it was possible that she was leading you into some sort of trap. But of course, you didn’t think about that until you were already opening the door.
The room behind the moving wall was full of expensive things. Things you were pretty you couldn’t afford if you worked your whole life and spent nothing. Paintings, expensive wine, money. You knew Spidey was too much of a goody-goody, but you couldn’t help but be enchanted by the wealth surrounding you.
“An angel among her heavens,” a voice purred behind you. It was close. Closer than you thought it was possible to get without you noticing. 
White hair, blue eyes, and the signature black mask was all right in front of you. The smirk on her face was much more intimidating in person. Everything about her told you that if she wanted to, she could pin you to the wall with very little effort. And you were kind of into it?
“Cat, what exactly are you planning? Don’t you think that game was a little much?” You ask, trying to sound uninterested. 
“Aw, come on, Angel,” She pouts at you, and your heart flutters, “Maybe I just wanted a bit of attention. You know, I've been neglected lately.”
“Felicia, you stole your gear back. I know you’re planning something big. What is it?” You could tell that she could see that you were breaking, despite how tough you thought you were acting. 
“Hmmmm,” She hummed, shifting a bit closer to you, “Perhaps there’s a way I can convince the pretty little angel to let me slide for just a little while. You can even come catch me in a day or two if you really still want to.”
Her hands were on your shoulders, sliding down your arms. Her eyes were inches from your own. They really were as blue as you thought they’d be. Icy, like a frosty winter breeze. She was sliding her nails down your arms, lightly scratching your skin. God, she was gorgeous. Fuck, you were an idiot.
“Come now, Kitten,” She purred, leaning into your ear, “Let’s have some fun, and then we’ll continue our game.”
You knew it was stupid. But you couldn’t stop yourself. Before you knew it, you were pressed up against a wall, your mouth against hers. She smells like catnip and expensive perfume. Beautiful and floral. Your hands were wandering before you could even think about it. And before you knew it, you were in this far too deep.
[A/N: Btw, if you want to keep on on me with some more personal things, check out my tiktok @ al3x13l where I share my opinions on things, and sometimes post art when I’m feeling up to it. Also, I don’t know this character super well, so I’m sorry if this is ooc.]
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snake-and-mouse · 3 years
For the ask game and to make up for my terrible behaviour and I'll let you ask me E in return if you dare cuz I have too many examples 🤣 (although it only applied to like... YOI, BBS, MDZS and Not me so pick ur poison?)
Lmao alright take two 😂
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Okay! So, Not Me, you know why I apologise for nothing, my OTP is definitely danyok. I'M SORRY okay I know they are not the main pairing and I love seanwhite with every fiber of my being but danyok is literal crack and Yok makes me feel like a cat that's been given a lot of catnip and now is being presented with a laser pointer, and every scene they have gives me a minor concussion.
For mdzs, no surprise but it's wangxian. It's funny cuz I ship just about everything in that fandom but wangxian is the original, it's the king, it's my eternal blorbos in the most beautiful love ever, hit like if you cry every time. Wangxian is the chemical that made those frogs gay and I will stan eternally.
And for one a little less obvious lol, from Guardian, chuguo. And the way I don't even know for sure it that's the popular name for the ship cuz we are so starved for content 😭 but yeah Guardian definitely gave me brain damage and I still can't believe I cried over a damn lollipop wrapper, but Chu Shuzhi and Guo Changcheng just have this certain 🤌🤌🤌 that makes me an absolute clown. We're not going to read into but my therapist knows lmaooo
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Hmmmm okay this one's hard cuz I'm really down for just about whatever. Oh! I got one. Sanders Sides. I like to watch it when I'm down, it's just kinda fun and it talks about mental health stuff so when I'm in a certain mood it's perfect. But like no hate but I just... don't quite get the huge shipping side to the fandom lol. Like yeah clone fucking is a thing but it's not really like that is it? Idk lol
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Oooh I like this one. Put on my thinkin cap... OOH! What about a just like heaven au for word of honor? I will never get why just like heaven aus aren't more popular, I love them. But it's perfect for wenzhou! Wen Kexing is the ghost (hehe get it?) He can be rocking his post-canon white hair that drives me insane. Zhou Zishu can be the perpetually annoyed new renter who is a shut in and has to deal with being harassed by the world's worst roommate qho just happens to be a ghost. Why tf haven't I thought of this before???
And I challenge YOU with E for Not Me AND YOI because you owe me 😂😂
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svpcrdcdvctixn · 5 years
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"Throw whatever you want, but good luck catching me~"
Ranpo's Wall of Text
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moonwitted · 3 years
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Our sweet baby boy💔 he went to sleep for the last time this morning.
The house feels so empty without you, Doctor. I keep waiting for you to jump on the bed, and meow your demands to be let under the blanket. I left the door open on accident when I was doing the laundry and when I noticed it was cracked, I was ready to nudge you out if the way with my foot. But you weren't there.
We sat in the backyard after we left you. I kept turning to look at the back door, to see if you were sitting there, looking out and meowing. But you weren't there.
I'm glad we got to have a fun little car ride with you last night, even though it was the last time we spent together. I told you I would forgive you for all the cuts you gave me with your claws. I told you that as long as you got better it would be okay. I wish I had given you one last kiss on the nose before the vet took you inside.
I wanted to take you to Stinson. I was going to get one of those cat backpacks to carry you around.
I grew so attached to you in three years. You were my baby boy, my sweet stinky little bastard man, the naughty boy who always tried to escape, but always came home when he did.
I love you so much doctor. I hope you're in kitty heaven, running around in the grass, just like you always wanted. I hope there's lots of catnip, and sunny places to nap, and a nice warm blanket to sleep under when it gets dark.
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sylphidine · 4 years
[NDU] Imhotep's Guide To Cats And Dogs
A bit of Nightmare Galleon fluph for Valentine’s Day.
Pitch should have realized that Pitchiner was not only in a sour mood from a less than stellar performance on his history exam, but he was also sleep deprived from cramming for said exam. A tired Pitchiner was a cranky Pitchiner, and a cranky Pitchiner had a shorter fuse than Pitch himself if prodded. 
Apparently Pitch had prodded, albeit unintentionally. He wasn't quite sure what he'd said to set Pitchiner off, but now the big lug was loudly ignoring him in the kitchen, taking out his frustration on some caked-on buildup on his casserole pan.
"Now who's being overdramatic?" Pitch murmured sotto voce in Purradox's ear as he cuddled her. The cat nuzzled her cheek against his in reply. "Oh, I agree we need to cheer up the poor man. What do you suggest, sweetheart? I don't think he'd want a catnip mouse, no."
Pitch’s eye fell on the DVD rack, whose titles were of course in no kind of order that made any sense, but were loosely separated into his movies tilted on the shelf towards the left side and Pitchiner’s tilted towards the right side.  Shifting Purradox to his left arm, he closed his eyes and stretched out his right hand to blindly select a movie.  When he saw what he’d picked, he gave a derisive snort. “Hmmmmm… nominated for ‘Best Sound’? A masterpiece, then. But it should do the job.”
As Coz turned off the kitchen faucet and dried his hands, he heard a familiar Jerry Goldsmith overture kicking off in the living room and strolled in, Tarminator at his heels. He blinked in exaggerated surprise at seeing Pitch viewing anything that wasn't either in black and white or had subtitles, and Pitch narrowed his own eyes in return while moving over on the couch to make room. Tarminator jumped onto Coz’s lap and tried to lick Purradox's face as she curled up on Pitch's shoulder.
Neither man spoke as the movie's plot unfolded, and Pitch found himself unexpectedly entertained. He was impressed by the visual design for the villain and tucked it away in the back of his mind for future inspiration. 
About an hour into the film, Pitch felt Coz's heavy arm stretched behind him over the back of the couch, and he smirked to himself. The cat had slid down to make herself comfortable on his lap as she dozed, and the pug too was sound asleep. He leaned back against the athlete's arm and accepted the embrace as an acknowledgement of his silent apology. 
When the credits rolled, Pitchiner moved his arm back and picked up Tarminator under the little dog's front legs. Dangling the pug in front of him, he turned to Pitch, waggled his head, and jeered in a sing-song voice,  "Look what I got. "
Pitch did a handsome imitation of the villain's recoiling in the movie.  He snatched up an annoyed Purradox,  held her out in front of himself in turn, and hissed, "Hmmmmm? The cat?"
Pitchiner cracked up at that and lifted his dog up again; Pitch mirrored his moves with his own pet. They kept doing this in tandem,  laughing at themselves,  until suddenly a silently screaming furry face was thrust between them. 
"Is this a private game, or may Mister Pickles and I play too?"
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gr8female-blog · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Exploding Kittens Card Game Ages 7 & Up 2 - 5 Players Teens Love It! View Video.
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reveriesofawriter · 4 years
i mean i have to do another mashton one, so: “What reason could you possibly have for being this late?” In a waiting room perhaps?
This is a continuation of mashton getting a cat I hope you like it!!
Michael and Bubbles had been dropped off about 45 minutes ago. Bubbles was getting spayed – making Michael very glad to not be a cat – and the nurse had told him he could come back in an hour, that they would call him when she was ready to be picked up, but he insisted on staying. Ashton hadn’t argued; he left to go do the week’s grocery shopping without Michael distracting him, promising to be back before it was time to take the kitty home. Michael, who hadn’t planned ahead, was sitting in the waiting room without even headphones to keep him occupied.
Michael kept checking his phone for the time, antsy on behalf of Bubbles but also because Ashton wasn’t back yet and Bubbles could be out any minute. To be fair, they hadn’t told him she was ready to go yet, so Ashton was not late, but Michael felt like he was cutting it close.
He was moments away from calling to ask where he was when Ashton walked in, letting in a rush of warm air. Ashton smiled at him, immediately noticing how wired Michael was.
“What reason could you possibly have for being this late?” Michael asked when Ashton was close enough.
“You’re not sitting here with a cat in your arms, I think that means I’m not late. Besides, I knew you’d be worried and I wanted to get you these.” Ashton pulled out a small bouquet of yellow roses from behind his back and sat down in the chair beside Michael. Michael took the flowers in his hands and Ashton put an arm around him and gave him a squeeze. “Cat safe. Did my research.”
“But we have roses in your garden.”
“But you like the yellow ones best.” While Michael felt like his face might crack in half from smiling so wide, Ashton went on. “I also bought some catnip toys for Bubbles when she’s healed enough to play with them. I think the nurse said it would be about two weeks.”
“I can’t believe you,” Michael said, leaning into Ashton.
The vet called their names to tell them Bubbles was awake and ready to go home. Michael handed the flowers back to Ashton so he could carry the kitty, glad to see she was okay and ignoring the nurse in favor of dropping kisses on top of the cat’s head. She didn’t open her eyes, but started purring. Ashton would be listening to all the vet’s instructions and remembering them better than he would anyway.
Ashton was handed some papers about caring for Bubbles post-op to make sure she didn’t mess with her stitches, and Michael snuggled her on their drive. It wasn’t until they were home and Bubbles was safely asleep in her little cat bed that Michael fully focused on Ashton. Michael put the roses in a tall glass, not bothering to look for a real vase even though they must have one somewhere, and then hugged Ashton from behind as he was putting away groceries.
“You know you’re the best?” Michael asked into Ashton’s shoulder.
“For the flowers?”
“For being the best.”
Ashton around to face Michael, giving him a light kiss on the nose and making him blush. “Only the best for the best.”
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So, I have some very sad news to share, and I know it may be upsetting to some, so I'm tagging it and putting most of this under a Read More, hopefully. The short version is that we lost Kichi recently, and it's been rough. 😔
So, I have been thinking about what to say, and debating if I'd even post anything at all. I try to keep this blog lighthearted and fun, but at the end of the day, I also want to share my life with you all, too.
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On July 12th, I noticed she had a strange growth on her upper lip. She also had a small lump on her throat, about the size of a pencil eraser. I got her an appointment for the Tuesday after, and both masses were growing. The vet, a dear family friend who I love, recommended surgery and biopsy. The soonest she could do it was the 28th, but she gave Kichi anti inflammatories and pain meds to hold out.
By the time surgery day came, the mass on her throat was the size of a ping pong ball, and I knew I was probably dealing with a very aggressive cancer.
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She got through surgery and was recovering nicely, though she hated her pretty sunflower Cone of Shame. On August 4th, the pathology results confirmed my worst fears. Her cancer was a malignant melanoma, and it had spread to her lymphatic system. I steeled myself to say goodbye, knowing something like this would mean weeks, months if I was lucky.
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The next night, she collapsed. A metastatic tumor on her spinal cord that nobody could have seen sooner paralyzed her from the hips down. At that point, there was nothing else I could do. She was in pain, suffering, and after 14 years of being my best little buddy, I couldn't have that. I wasn't ready, but I let her go because it was the right thing to do. I held her and she purred for me until the end.
Gray and I have both been devastated, and our house feels so empty without her in it. If I've seemed more distant or cranky lately, please forgive me. Trying to process losing her, especially as abruptly as we did, has been hard. I already struggle with depression, so these last few weeks it's been a chore just to get up and shuffle to the office where I work from home.
She was a loud kitty, a talker. She never stopped talking, even mumbling in her sleep. She loved sunshine, birds, and her favorite catnip toy. It was a tie dyed bag of catnip affectionately dubbed "The Crack Sack". She was the only cat I ever had who hated fish, but she lived for chicken, turkey, the occasional vanilla ice cream, and a soft blanket to sleep on. I will miss her so much. 💔
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