#*in the middle as in the layers he's blabbering about
darabeatha · 3 months
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Jason was put into the 8th layer of hell in Dante's Inferno-
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fakesimp · 2 years
Trapped underneath Ike Eveland's heels?
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Warning !
Idk if this is count as Slight Nsfw, but just enjoy 💙
A/n : No, but like, seriously. How did I miss this clip. Let's get started shall we? 💙
Your figure laying down, on the floor due to the unbearably hot temperature in the house, the day started with a very hot temperature. with a thin layered clothes that's getting sticky with your sweat, christ you want to take them off but you didn't.
Your beloved boyfriend, Ike Eveland is currently streaming a Zatsudan today, you can hear his lovely laughter coming from a room next to your shared bedroom. Oh how you want to whine at him telling him to take a bath with you. Won't that be a nice scenario, but you didn't since you don't want to disturb his stream.
You laid on the floor, sighing for the nth time today, getting mad at why does it have to be so hot today. But you decided to just accept your fate and closed your eyes, trying to ignore the heat, and within a minute. You ended up drifting off to sleep.
An hour later, you heard footsteps coming closer and closer, you ignored it. Until you felt someone standing right above your figure that's still laying down on the floor.
"Why hello there Love, what are you doing down here?" He softly asked, you slowly opened your eyes to see your lover standing above you as you guessed. "It's, hot Ikeyy.." You whined and tried to sit up, but then you realized you can't move your hand. Confused, you look down on your hands.
Wrist, Trapped in between the hole of Ike's heels. You look up at your lover that's just smiling innocently at the situation, "Ike? Uhm, my wrists-"
"hm? Oh- what about it?" Your lover replied, seems not bothered by the fact that both of your hands are trapped. "Well, I'm stuck so if you don't mi- huh- Ik-" you stopped in the middle of your sentence when you see him slightly lowering himself, Ike's hand grabbed your chin and made you look at him, "..?!"
"That's the point Love."
He whispered, slightly smirking before moving his foot away, pulling your figure to sit up, then leaving you a chaste kiss on your lips. "Haha, you're so cute, I'm currently feeling kind of, sticky. Want to take a bath together Love?" He chuckled softly and helped you stood up from the floor. You didn't reply to his question since, you're trying to process what just happened.
"Love?" He called out, "Huh- oh-, uh, bath, right let's go." You blabbered out before leaving the bedroom to the bathroom. Leaving the man shaking his head and smiling at your flustered self.
"You Actually liked that, Love?"
"Ike, please.."
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A/n : I'm, I honestly don't know what I'm doing.
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kellyscowboy · 10 months
“You’re so cute when you start babbling without realizing."
Javey 👀
sorry for the late response!! been a wee bit busy & am still struggling w/ writers block lol || the prompt list
Mouth. That was David's nickname. One he had earned from sassing off to other newsboys one too many times. Contrary to what his nickname suggests, David doesn't like talking. Really, if Jack would let him, he would try—and probably fail—to keep his big mouth shut.
He was truly scared of his words, of what he could instigate by the simple act of speaking. Honestly, the last thing he wanted to do was say something, off-handedly, and land himself in another stressful situation. While the strike wasn't something he regretted (anymore), while it was happening he couldn't help but think about all of the bruises he wouldn't have gotten if he could've just kept his mouth shut.
And, to add onto everything else, he knew he talked too much. It was a miracle, really, that the other's haven't yelled sewed his mouth shut. Button's had probably suggested it before, though he figured no-one took his offer seriously.
David had made it a point to stop talking as much. For the greater good, he said. But he really couldn't help himself around certain people. Mostly his family, and Medda. And sometimes particular newsboys, one's who understood his struggle and eagerly blabbered with him. Like Mike, and sometimes Finch, on certain topics.
Even then, he could hold himself back. He never let the conversations get too far and he never fully let himself go.
But then there was Jack. And there was something about the boy that made him far too easy to talk to. Something about him let David let his guard down, without even thinking about it.
"And so when the air get's like that- Oh." David stopped in the middle of his rant. He turned to look at Jack, who looked back at him like he was the whole universe. It made David uneasy. "Sorry, Jack. I didn't realize I was talking so long. I've probably made you miss something important."
Jack snorted. "Somethin' important? Yeah, I gotta meeting with the mayor. Can't believe you've kept me this long." The boy looked down at his wrist, pretending like he had a watch.
"Dave." Jack mocked. "You ain't even been talkin' longer than 10 minutes. Besides. You're really cute when ya start babbling without realizing."
David went red. "You don't have to lie to me, Jack. I know I can get annoying and boring. Especially when I start talking about stuff you don't know."
"I don't know half the stuff ya talk to me about. Don't bother me none. I just like listenin' to ya talk." Jack paused. "I know ya try 'n hold ya-self back with the others. Makes me feel sorta special when ya start rambling to me."
"And ya words ain't nothing, Dave. Even when ya use big words and nothin' you're sayin' makes any sense. They mean everything to me, really."
David wanted to curl up and die, because Jack was stripping back every layer of him and placing him out for everyone to see.
"Go on, Dave. Tell me 'bout the air and clouds."
The boy smiled, his walls slowly cracking. "Okay, well-"
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fakeloveaskblog · 1 year
(Hi, me again.)
Sure thing Janus. I’ll go check on him now and let you know what he says later.
Hey Rem, are you up for talking? If not that’s perfectly okay.
If Remus is good to talk then I’ll get him say anything he wants before enquiring about the kiss.
If he’s not then I’ll float quietly next to him and gently bob up and down.
Glow Eyes
(Tw: talk of past sexual abuse)
A pot filled with ramen was boiling on the stove. He'd mixed in gatorade and monster energy into the water to add flavor. One of his comfort films was playing on the tv. When you looked over to the screen you saw a corpse so you promptly turned away again.
He was walking circles around the living room with the canvas standing in the middle. There was nearly a dozen brushes twisted into his hair and he kept nervously stimming with his hands.
Most obvious was the fact that he was wearing one of the few hoodies Remy owned. A blue fluffy one like what Britney wore in 2008.
Remus flinched when you spoke "Yeah yeah. I'm good with talking. I never can stop blabbering. I could probably fit an atomic bomb in my mouth"
He had slabbed on a quick layer of paint onto the canvas just so the underpart could dry over the night until he felt more ready to actually try to make something.
"I'm having some bad memories and like phantom touch and shit but it....it's horrible but it feels like normal to have memories like that by now. like it sucks! but it happens like every other day and I just gotta keep walking and distracting myself till it goes away"
He moved the hoodie up to his face, letting the fabric tickle his lips.
"I got paranoid Jannie and beanie were gonna be able to feel my memories somehow and think i was dirty and stuff. Unlike them thinking I'm gross which is a positive. But you can't feel my memories" Remus twirled his finger towards you "'Cause you're dead! No living brain to feel memories with!"
The stove let out a sound which made him go over and turn the heat up a notch since he liked his noodles slightly burned. He closed his eyes and rubbed the fabric of Remy's hoodie against his nose.
"It's helping me ground" He said "They're helping me ground"
His eyes panned down to watch the flames trickle up against the pot.
"...sometimes it feels like it would have been better if he had just raped me....It's like he stabbed me and tore out my guts but then didn't kill me....I know from like reading other people's stories and stuff that people who had been...y'know...tell themself that it wasn't Bad enough just as much as I do...but it still feels like what he did to me isn't enough to get this affected by till today....I wish I could know if he still thinks about me as much as I think of him....I- I wish he wouldn't be able TO FUCKING SLEEP AT NIGHT!"
He held on tighter to the hoodie before rubbing his eyes. He always got teary eyed when he got mad at his abuser. It was as if he contained so much rage his body couldn't fit it all. Some had to spill out every time.
"Y'know it's pretty fucking frustrating to think about how tiny of a chance there even was me to even meet him. Much less like end up with him! Like any tiny difference could have changed things! It's so- so- so irritating! And at the same time if it wasn't me someone else would have probs been hurt so if I wish it didn't happen I'm a selfish asshole! I should be glad it happened 'cause it's better I got hurt than someone more like good and not a stupid goblin brat!"
The stove rang again making him jump back. You bobbed gently up and down beside him while he took the noddles off the stove and moved to the couch.
He lost his appetite whenever he thought about his abuser. (That's why he'd gotten so thin while with him. He'd hoped if he had less curves there would be less to 'make' his abuser lust after). Neither could he sit still.
The noddles got cold on the couch table while he kept wandering around the painting.
"Did you come to ask something?I could use a distraction. I shouldn't be falling down into these tsunamis of think fuckery! It's not good for me!"
He rubbed his face against the sleeves of Remy's hoodie while waiting for your answer. The sleeves were way too long for him anyway. But it calmed him down almost as much as if they were holding him.
You made kissy noises while blinking with your big glowing eyes. You also...eventually...just asked him about the kiss with Janus like a normal ghost.
Remus got noticeably caught off guard but a hint of a smile played on his lips as he fiddled with the sleeves.
"Well I uh liked his lips...The shapes were good.....full of blood...warm blood.....very biteable even. His lips were nothing like...like....my...abusers" It was still hard for him to say it. He tried to shake the intruding thoughts about him away "Jannie's was also so different from Remy's in so many interesting ways. Like it would be cool to do like some scientific tests to really see the minute differences between their lips! For science! In a science way! By kissing a lot!"
He got lost in thought for a bit before blabbering out some more.
"Solid kiss. It was cool I guess. Cool cool cool. I mean not like I would be against another one. Do I look like a kissophobe!? I'm not scared of kissing my bro Janus on the lips! I'm actually GREAT at kissing! An expert even! They're probably not even ready for my kissing abilities! I will kiss his pants off- Wait- No- Well- Unless. Uhm. Remus over and out!"
He decided to stop talking before could cough out anything even worse.
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silverdelirium · 3 years
I saw you open your requests yay
Can I request reader using a strap on draco
Only if your comfortable with it of course.
SUMMARY ➠ hc of punishing sub!draco after he claimed to have dominance over you in the bedroom
WARNINGS ➠ pegging, mommy kink, edging, degrading, handjob (kinda), bit of praise, light overstim
i think the first time it happens its when draco claimed to dom you in a truth or dare game session.
he was aware you were there, and he still choose to lie.
the expression he made when he connected eyes with you was almost comical, it took one raise of your brows for him to be squirming in his seat, head down in shame.
you could obviously sort of comprehend where the lie rooted from; draco malfoy was never going to admit that he liked to be taken care of— much less when it came to sex.
he was definitely lucky to find someone as understanding and caring as you, plus, you enjoyed it, you craved it as much as he did. it was a win-win situation.
but at last the game finishes, and as everyone heads to their respective dormitory or corner of the common room, your panties are absolutely drenched at the thought of getting to punish draco.
his own bulge proved to you that he had been thinking about this too.
the second you stood up, draco trailed after you like a lost puppy, not wanting to upset you any further.
oof and draco is trembling in his spot when you arrive at the bedroom, door locked and silencing charm casted as you begin undressing yourself, not acknowledging the blonde in the slightest
“mommy?” were his first words since fucking theo decided to ask him the question that had him getting a certified ticket to get punished.
you stood with only your undergarments now. “get fucking undressed and stop talking”
draco swallowed thickly, peeling off layer after layer of clothing, all while feeling your piercing gaze in his now bare body
his erection stood tall, almost proud with pre-cum leaking from the slit, his tip was a pinkish red, matching the tone of the apple of his cheeks as you sat him down on the bed
“you think that was funny?” your digits wrapped around his shaft, making him inhale unsteadily. “acting like a big boy when you’re nothing but a slut who can’t even get off without my help” your hand sped up around him, eye contact still intact as his bottom lip quivered
“i’m sorry mommy! please, i didn’t mean to” he mewled, eyes rolling into the back of his head when your thumb grazed his red and pulsating tip
he was close, you could tell by the way he continuously bucked his hips up as an attempt to fuck himself in your hand.
you ended up edging him four times that night, before you even thought of fucking him.
the boy got as far as fucking into your hand like a bitch in heat, enlarged cock begging and aching for relief.
it was obvious he was going to achieve an orgasm at some point of the night. he was usually good, he deserves it; plus, he’s spoilt and you both knew that.
the tall male who was always more than pleased to throw in snarky comments at whoever crossed his path was now trembling in your bed, completely sprawled out as you brushed a few strands of hair away from his forehead that had started to damp with a thin layer of sweat
and that’s when the idea of fucking him stupid hits you.
you’ve both obviously talked about this before— establishing a safe word after discussing what type of things you would like to try out
you remembered now how with flushed cheeks and bright grey hues draco eagerly told you about pegging, confiding in you that it’s something he’s always fantasized about
lucky for him, a fairly big strap-on rested on the coffins of your drawers, a bottle of water base lubed laying next to it.
draco watched with a hazy mind and teary eyes how you waltzed to the bedside table, digging through it until a triumphant aha! puffed out of you.
his eyes widened as he realized what your plans were, yet his cock writhed and leaked with pre-cum at the mere thought
oh and you don’t even have to tell him anything because he strives to be your good boy and with a daring glare he’s on his hands and knees. for you
“good job, baby” you praised
“gonna fuck you so hard until all you can do is beg mommy for more, hm?” you cooed, planting your knees to the mattress and positioning yourself behind him, the toy right in line with his ring of muscles.
“yes mommy, want you inside me” he pleaded, a shaky moan tumbling from his mouth as you prepared him with lube.
it was utter heaven for draco as you entered him slowly, your eyes watching him like a hawk for any sense of hesitancy
but a roll of his hips backwards to try and fuck himself on the dildo was a clear sign of his contentment.
your pace was merciless from the start, leaving his brain to spiral down in a hole that was only you.
his blabbers and whimpers were pure music to your ears as you watched his arms wobble in a weak attempt to hold himself up.
“you stay fucking quiet and take it like a big boy”
he gulped harshly at your threat, eyes rolling to the back of his head as your body came forward, resting on his back as your fingertips caressed his cock.
your thrusts stayed unsympathetic, a faucet turning on in between your thighs at the sound of his strangled wails.
“you’re nothing but my little fuck toy, right?” you taunted, hand now wrapped around his shaft which twitched from time to time in your palm.
“say it!”
“i’m your— your fuck toy, mommy! nothing else” he sniffed, shutting his eyes tight, his orgasm right on the brink—
“hold it” you ordered, panting heavily and smirking sinisterly as he sobbed pleas out
a chuckle escaped you “i told you to stay quiet, toys don’t talk”
but draco could not hold on anymore, his orgasm washed over him like a thousand waves at once without warning, his thighs shook, his mouth stayed agape as you watched him with a hint of excitement and disappointment.
you still helped him ride his high out, slowing your hips as he tumbled down on the bed, limbs still spasming from the aftershocks of a mind blowing orgasm
you sat back on your heels, observing him as you sighed, reaching for your wand to summon a chair in the middle of the room
and he knew
he knew you were about to tie him down and overstimulate him until he begged you to stop.
🏷: @spencervera @methblinds @marrymetheonott @adrianscumslut @wh0re4blaise @turn-to-page-394-please @fredshufflepuff @youreso-golden @saggyb1lls @selenesheart @metaraxia @dracoslittlesluttyprincess @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dlmmdl @fleursbabe @riddleswh0r3crux @lolooo22 @darlingmalfoy @littlemissnoname13 @i-love-scott-mccall @underappreciated-spoon-321 @steveharringtonswhore @ildm4ev @dracoscum @riddleswh0rekrux @laceycallisto @slytherinbabess @lostaurorax @alexavolturisblog @s1ater @marauderswh0re1 @thatlaufeydottir @black-rose-29 @tattooedkermit @purpleskymalfoy @emma67 @mypainistemporary @mauvea @teenwolfbitches28 @lissa-duh @paniicing @rav3nclawwhore @fizzleberries @malfoy-girl @alohastitch0626 @caosfanblr @memorycharm @whoreforgeorgeandfred @abbott27 @elizabethrosedarling @samaraaaaa @malfoyspov @justadreamyhufflepuff @mollysolo @princess-jules47 @arisblackhole @yiamalfoy
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paigesmaze · 2 years
Prompts 3,17 and 47 with Illinois? Please?
"If you die, I'm gonna kill you" (Illinois x Reader)
Summary: (Gender-Neutral Reader) Illinois drags you along on one of his crazed adventures, this time in a rocky canyon. The two of you come across a dangerous path that you must cross, and a near-death experience brings the two of you closer than expected.
Prompts #3, #17, and #47: "I almost lost you," "If you die, I'm gonna kill you," and "Don't call me that." Mostly fluff with a bit of angst in the middle.
A/N: Thank you for the request Anon! It's much appreciated. If anyone has any requests, feel free to leave them in the Ask box. I have a few right now that I will try to write as soon as possible. Enjoy, Loves! :)<3
Word Count: 1,431
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“Pick up the pace, sweetheart. We don’t have all day,” Illinois’s voice echoed off the tall, rocky boulders surrounding you. He decided earlier that day that he would drag you along on one of his crazed artifact-searching adventures. This time you ended up in a large canyon that seemed never-ending.
“Don’t call me that,” You mumbled as your face crimsoned. Always the flirt, Illinois turned his head and shot you a wink from a few steps ahead. You rolled your eyes, attempting to cover the small smile that overtook your face.
You would never admit that his amorous antics ever got to you, and you definitely wouldn’t be caught dead admitting that you constantly felt a burning desire to be with him. He wasn’t even interested in you, you had convinced yourself. Hell, the first time you’d met the man, he wouldn’t stop blabbering about how you would likely fall in love with him because “They always do.” He was an egotistical prick, but he was your egotistical prick. The one who you’d spent months pining over. But you were only his friend, his pal, his partner in crime. You were there to explore and go on adventures with him, not make an absolute fool of yourself by falling for him.
You took a few fast-paced steps forward to catch up with the confident adventurer. He glanced over, tilting one of his eyebrows up towards you in a ridiculing manner.
“What? Can’t stand being apart from me for too long?” He teased, nudging your arm. You avoided eye contact and instead locked your eyes on the mountainous layers of multi-colored rocks surrounding the path that the two of you followed.
“No, just looking for a way to get this ‘adventure’ over with sooner,” You smirked, poking fun at him. He gasped, putting his hand over his heart as he feigned offense, a faux pout taking over his expression.
You chuckled, swatting his arm down gently. He flashed a charming grin at you as he wrapped said arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his larger frame. Your laugh slowly came to an end as you quite literally stopped breathing. No matter how many flirty comments or touches he initiated, you always felt those butterflies in your stomach. You wanted to hate it, to hate that you were absolutely infatuated with the man, but you couldn’t bring yourself to not long for him to be yours.
Illinois glanced at the map held in his free hand as the two of you continued walking. You looked over, observing all of the small marks and scribbles on the crinkled, cream-colored paper. There were stars drawn in red, likely checkpoints for the explorer. You watched as his eyebrows knitted together in concern and he stopped walking, drawing you towards him with the arm that was slung around your form. He let out a heavy sigh and examined the rugged environment.
You sent him a questioning face, wondering why he was so concerned while studying the map. “Well, it looks like we’re not going to be able to take this path for much longer, sweetheart. It gets real narrow up ahead, so stay close, and be careful. One wrong step and you’ll fall all the way down...” His eyes widened as he pointed his finger towards the terrifyingly dark depths below you, “there.”
“Just remember, stay cool as a cucumber and you’ll be just fine,” he emphasized as the two began hiking along the path again. “Oh, and if you die, I’m gonna kill you. I can’t lose my sweetheart,” He winked. Of course, he found a way to throw that sickeningly cute nickname into a spiel about death.
“Well, I can’t lose my favorite explorer, either. So be careful,” You smiled at him. For a moment, you could’ve sworn that you saw Illinois blush at your comment.
You two were slowly coming up to the thin, crumbling rock path ahead. It seemed to extend itself to the other side of the normal path for about 50 feet. Its width couldn’t have been more than a foot, and directly next to the wall, there was a pit that contained stacks upon stacks of pointy, reddish-brown rocks. You would surely never make it out alive if you were to fall into the abyss.
Illinois must have sensed your nervousness, as his hand slowly came to rest on your back, his thumb drawing small circles across your shoulder blade in an attempt to provide you with a sense of comfort. You paused for a moment, leaning into his touch and taking a much-needed deep breath. You suddenly snapped out of your trance, remembering the situation at hand. You stepped ahead of the man who held your adoration.
“Are you sure you want to go ahead of me?” Illinois asked. You nodded, trying to appear much more self-assured than you truly were. You took a small step forward, getting an idea of how difficult it would be to get across the canyon safely. As if safely was even an option. It felt like if you had put even an ounce too much pressure on the rocks, they would disintegrate beneath your feet. As carefully as possible, you pressed yourself against the wall of the path while shuttling, as to not fall. Illinois cautiously followed after you, feeling the rocks rumble beneath him as he took short steps.
There came a point in the path which seemed extremely delicate, only about ten feet away from where you began. You had no idea how you were going to make it across the whole wall of rock without dying. Putting some pressure on the surface with your shoe, you saw small pebbles and dust make their way down the wall, disappearing into the darkness. You didn’t want to give up now, as you had only just begun, so you decided to put all of your weight down on the space.
Suddenly, the path crumbled underneath you, and, in that split second, you screamed as your hands tried desperately to grip onto anything near you. Illinois’s hand was swiftly thrown towards you as you searched for anything to grab onto. One hand caught the edge of the wall and the other was being held up by the explorer as the rest of your body hung directly above the dimness below you.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” you repeated over and over again, the panic overcame you as you quickly came to and processed your narrowly missed death.
Illinois was downright terrified as he gripped your hand as tight as he possibly could.
“(Y/N), listen to me, you’re going to be okay, sweetheart. Just hold on, alright?” He carefully helped pull you up back onto the wall and immediately pulled the two of you back onto the solid ground, a few feet away from where you had fallen.
The two of you collapsed on the ground, holding each other tightly as you caught your breath.
“Oh my god, I almost lost you,” he whispered repeatedly as he held you close to his chest, protectively embracing you.
“Illinois,” you said his name softly, squeezing him tightly, grounding yourself to reality. You didn’t die. You were alive. You and Illinois were alive and safe. When he kept talking, you repeated his name in a more audible voice.
“I almost lost you, I’m so sorry, we shouldn’t have taken that path, I should’ve found a different way, I shouldn’t have put you in danger like tha-”
“Illinois!” You shouted. He quickly looked at you, thinking that you were hurt or mad at him. You held the sides of his face in the palms of your hands, forcing his eyes to meet yours. “I’m okay. I’m here. You saved me Illinois, I’m here and alive because of you,”
“But I almost didn’t. You could’ve died, (Y/N). I can’t lose you. I-,” He paused. “I love you and I can’t lose you,”
You were awe-stricken as you stared into his eyes. Your breath was caught in your throat and you were unable to say anything for a moment. He looked at you, silently pleading you to say something, anything at all.
“Illinois, I love you too. And you didn’t lose me, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere,” You smiled warmly at him as he gazed down at you affectionately. He pulled you closer to him, if that was even possible, as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
“I promise I won’t let anything bad happen to you ever again, sweetheart,”
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loveaffaire · 3 years
OK OK OK!! SO I SAW THIS IN MY REELS!! how about a tom holland or peter Parker x reader (u choose) where they both are arguing over something that tom/peter did by mistake (not cheating tho) and tom/peter just doesn’t know what to say so he just screams out her name and continues to ramble his mistake and her how sorry he is.......BUT WHEN HE SCREAM HER NAME HE ACTUALLY SAID Y/N Y/M/N HOLLAND (or Parker)
and reader is just like all shocked and blushing and she just kisses him to shut up his rambling and it’s all cute fluffy with apologies and cute overall heart melting! I hope you write this I love your work❤️❤️❤️
His Last Name Next To Mine
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: Arguing, controlling family issues, angst, some cute fluff.
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: I think Tom is someone who will definitely have that slip up lol. I wrote this at 3am and i haven’t proof-read it so yeah, I hope you still like it though<3
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“I can’t believe you did that, Tom” you snarled as you walked through the apartment door, almost shutting the door on Tom’s face in the process.
You were so angry, you were livid. You’ve just come back from a dinner party at your parents and your lovely boyfriend has blurted out something he shouldn’t have.
“I said I am sorry!” Tom said sharply as he locked the door behind him, kicking off his shoes near the shoe rack.
“No, sorry doesn’t cut it! I told you to not tell them and then you just slip up like that?” you yelled from across the living room with your hands up with your hair from frustration as you looked at your boyfriend with wide eyes.
“Yes I made a mistake,” he yelled back, now getting a little angry with all the fuss,”I told them that we’re moving away to New York and you’re taking that new job because I slipped! It wasn’t intentional!” he loosened up his tie and started walking towards you.
“Don’t come near me Tom, I’m really mad at you” you whispered angrily as you tried to calm yourself down. You pulled a chair out and sat on it, keeping your palms flat on the cold table.
Tom stopped right in his tracks, “I don’t know why you’re so angry, you were gonna tell them anyway right, baby?”
You scoffed as you looked up at him, “yes, that’s correct, I was going to tell them myself which you ruined!”
You pushed the chair back as you stood up, your heels clicking on the hard floor as you made your way to the bedroom. Tom followed you with a stony look on his face.
“Y/N, don’t you walk out on me when we’re talking- hey!”
You banged the bedroom door as you walked into the bedroom, almost breaking the thin necklace as you removed it from your neck. You heard the bedroom door slowly opening.
“Don’t bang doors in my face, Y/N” he said with his eyebrows raised, nose flaring with anger.
You took a sharp turn, facing him, you said, “you know what’s your problem, Tom-“
“Yeah, tell me what’s my problem” he cut you off this time as he stood close to you, trapping you between his hard chest and the wall behind you.
“Oh, I will tell you what your problem is,” you narrowed your eyes at him, pushing his chest away and stepping aside. Tom didn’t stop you, he always respected your boundaries, even when you both were arguing.
“I’m angry because you told them we’re moving away when I was planning to tell them that when we have already shifted! You know how controlling they can be; how they get in my head and now they will try to do it again. I don’t want them to control me anymore, Tom!” You snapped as your eyes started to get wet.
It was true, you parents were always a little too involved in your life and as a 26 year old, you hated it. You kept things from them and only told them when it was done with, you felt that it was the only way to have some privacy.
Tom knew it all too well. He knew how controlling they were and how they tried to get in your head. Hearing you express this as you looked at him with teary eyes broke his heart as he tasted guilt on his tongue.
“Baby, I’m sorry. Listen, come here-“
“And I hate how you’re making it look like I’m making a big deal out of this by yelling at me!” You stomped your feet and shook your fists like a little kid but you were so frustrated, it didn’t matter.
You slowly stepped away from him as you clutched your head, you felt a headache coming.
“Baby,” Tom huffed, “you know I hate it when you walk away from me during an argument-“
You turned on your heels as you reached for the bathroom door, twisting it open as you quickly walked inside and oh boy, Tom decided that he has had enough of you walking away in the middle of his sentences.
You heard the door shut behind you as you stood cold in your tracks, your fists opening up in shock. In a daze, you turned around and slowly unlocked the door and peeked outside. Tom stood there cold in his tracks with his mouth slightly open in shock as his forehead glistened because of the thin layer of sweat. You both looked at each other with wide eyes.
“What did you s-say?” You whispered as you blinked slowly, waiting for him to answer.
Tom opened his mouth and then closed it, no words coming out as he waved his hands around in panic, “I said Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N” he said quickly.
“My last name sounds nothing like whatever you said but it did sound a lot like your last name. . .” You said cautiously as you took small steps towards him.
“I- okay fine, I said Holland. Please don’t be mad” he whimpered as he bit his bottom lip, clasping his hands together.
“Why would I be mad?” you said softly, you hated seeing him scared and right now, he looked terrified.
“I don’t know, I don’t know,” he blabbered as he closed the distance between you two, wrapping his arms around your body, “you know when you think about something a lot in your head and that thing kinda slips out of your mouth? Yeah that is what happened again and I know I pissed you off before and I don’t want to do it again, I’m so sor-“
You softly pressed your lips to his, he got the hang of it pretty quickly as his lips started to move against yours in an instant. You felt his tongue making its way to yours as you pulled back, your face still close to his. Tom frowned as he pouted his lips, asking for more.
“Do you think about it often?” you asked gently as you brushed his hair away from his forehead, “like-like my name with your um last name?” You felt shy, your cheeks turned rosy as you looked down briefly.
“I think about it all the time” he said rather quickly, resting his forehead to yours.
He bumped his nose against yours playfully, your bodies clinging to each other. In that moment you and Tom were one.
“I know we’ve been together for just 2 years and we’re so young but I can’t help it” he mumbled against your lips as your eyes fluttered, “can’t help it if you look like an angel, can’t help it if I wanna kiss you the moment I wake up, just can’t help myself”
You embraced him in your hold, lips roughly meeting his in a passionate kiss. Butterflies bursting in your stomach from his little speech. His tongue successfully made its way to yours this time, gently picking you up to place you on the bed as he gripped your body.
Tom felt you gasp as he kissed you again, you moved your body away from his hold gently as he loosened his grip. Tears streamed down your face.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Was it something I said?” he panicked as he cupped your face. You sat up as Tom supported his body on his knees, you shook your head.
“No no. I’m just- I’m so overwhelmed, I love you” you said as you laughed softly, feeling a little embarrassed now as you worried him for no reason at all.
“Oh baby” he signed as he kissed your cheeks, “I feel awful about tonight though, I should have been more careful” he frowned his brows as he looked at you.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you” you sniffled as you choked on your words.
He admired you as you dried your wet eyes, how gorgeous you looked even when you were crying tears of joy.
“I have a crazy idea” he whispered, brushing your hair out of your face, he spoke up again before you could say anything, “maybe we should get married”
To Tom’s surprise, you hadn’t freaked out, rather quickly nodded your head. Tom almost pulled a nerve when you told him that you were thinking the same thing. The next morning, you picked out a pretty white dress and he fixed his tie, you both walked out of the court with his last name next to your first name and you realised that you’ve never been this happy before.
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A/N: so. . . yeah? Don’t know how I feel about this, I also have absolutely no idea how court marriages work.
Leave some feedback below if you liked this, would appreciate it if you can like/reblog! Thank you!!
© loveaffaire
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ttuesday · 3 years
HCs of the fellers when you can’t sleep
It’s the middle of the night and you’re wide awake. The man beside you had been asleep for a couple of hours now, leaving out small snores every few minutes. You didn’t want to wake him but you don’t know what else to do. You gently nudge him awake and explain your predicament
Arthur blinks a few times after you wake him, slowly coming to his senses. It takes him a while for his brain to work out what you're saying but you knew he’d be understanding and want to help you get some rest.
"You want some water?" he asks, shifting in the bed. You decline but Arthur gets up anyway, groaning as he stands. "Arthur, really it's fine" you insist.
"I know, I know," he says "just give me a minute". He leaves you in your shared tent and you wonder what on Earth he’s doing. Maybe he just had to go to the toilet, or maybe he was going to get you some water anyway.
Arthur comes back a couple minutes later with an extra blanket in his arms. "In case you're cold" he mumbles. He lies down on the bed again and wraps the blanket around the both of you.
With the extra layering of warmth from the blanket and Arthur by your side, it's not long until your eyes get heavy. As you fall asleep, you cuddle into Arthur. He smiles lazily, happy he could help.
Charles slowly opens his eyes as you tell him you can't sleep. He automatically wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer to his chest.
"Is there a reason why you're so restless?" he asks, his voice deeper than usual. "Nothing really, I just can't relax" you mumble against him. Charles hums in response, relating to your answer. 
You listen to the sound of his heartbeat as he slowly runs his fingers through your hair. He alternates between brushing your hair with his fingers and trailing his hand up and down your back.
His chest slowly rises and falls with this steady breathing and soon you begin drift off to a dreamless sleep.
You nudge Dutch awake and whisper your situation to him. He listens to you with one eye open, still half asleep.
"I told you not to drink coffee so late" he sighs, turning on his side to face you properly. Dutch wraps his arm around your waist, encouraging you to shuffle closer to him.
He rests his chin on top of your head and sleepily says "You know what I read today?". You open your mouth to answer but he's already talking again.
"The whole point of America is freedom., freedom of thought... and speech... and uh," Dutch yawns, his words becoming more slurred as he slowly falls back to sleep "and freedom of action too, of course".
Luckily, Dutch droning on about Evelyn Miller again makes you very bored, and with that boredom comes a wave of tiredness. You're not sure if he's still awake or if he's progressed to sleep-talking about Miller. Either way, you soon fall asleep.
"Will you quit moving?" Micah snaps as you toss and turn in the bed. You don’t even get the chance to nudge him awake, your movement being enough to get his attention. You know Micah only gets a few hours of sleep a night so you understand why he's grumpy.
You sigh, telling him you can't sleep. Before you can continue, Micah grabs you and pulls you on top of him. "There, now sleep" he mutters as if you on top of him sorts out all your sleeping problems.
You'd expect a man who also has issues sleeping to be a bit more patient with you but this is Micah. If you try to talk again, he’ll probably just shush you. 
Micah rarely finds himself in an environment he’s comfortable to sleep in and he doesn’t want to waste the opportunity. You cuddle into him as if he's your personal pillow. Micah keeps his arms loosely around you, holding you in place.
Although he closes his eyes again, Micah doesn't go back to sleep until he's sure you're asleep. He’s not great at showing it but he does care about you in his own strange way.
Javier is immediately wide awake after you carefully nudge him. "Are you ok?" he asks, slightly panicked "Is something wrong?". You explain the situation to him and he breathes a sigh of relief that there isn’t a major problem.
He takes a minute to relax in the bed, lazily stretching before asking you what time it is. He slowly sits up in the bed and swings his legs over the side.
You ask him what he's doing and he explains "There's no point in us laying here if you can't sleep". He stands and holds his hand out to you.
You both quietly get dressed, Javier wrapping one of this ponchos around you. "Let's go for a walk," he suggests "maybe that'll tire you out".
As you leave your tent, Javier puts his arm around your shoulder and starts talking about how ye could go fishing instead and watch the sunrise. You haven’t even been up for five minutes when he suggests the both of you spend tomorrow night in the local saloon with a proper bed. 
"Mmhm" is all John says when you explain your predicament. He stays quiet for a few seconds and you wonder if he’s still asleep.
"John?" you whisper. John hums again, moving in the bed. Eyes barely open, he sits up straight and pats his lap. “C’mon then, let’s try and get you to sleep” he smiles goofily. 
You shuffle along the bed, moving so that your head is resting on his lap. First he massages your shoulders and then up your neck and to your head.
He's not great at giving massages but he's definitely trying his best and it is comforting. Eventually you fall asleep and John dozes off with your head still on his lap.
He'll complain tomorrow about falling back to sleep in such an uncomfortable position and how it hurt his back so be prepared to return the favour and give him a massage in the morning.
Bill listens to you while he lets out a number of big yawns. "Have you tried relaxing?" he asks, genuinely trying to help. When you tell him that yes, you've already tried to relax, a mischievous smile spreads across his face "I know a good way to relax". 
You raise an eyebrow, not sure what he's insinuating. Bill makes a soft whistling noise and you crease your brow. A part of you worries that he's trying to get Brown Jack to wander into your tent but a few seconds later, Cain comes running in.
You can try and shoo Cain away but either way, he hops up on the bed and Bill starts to pat the dog’s head. He's a messy dog and you'll definitely have to change the sheets in the morning in fear of getting fleas but petting him surprisingly relaxes you.
It relaxes Bill too and within a few minutes, he's curled up asleep next to you and Cain's sprawled across the both of you, sleeping on his back. Although Bill’s method doesn’t exactly help you get to sleep any quicker, it does warm your heart that he’s at least tried to help.
After you wake Sean and explain what's going on, you're surprised when he smiles. "What is it?" you ask curiously. "Now we can have one of those deep late night conversations" he beams, basically jumping at the opportunity.
You cuddle into him as he thinks out loud "We could talk about death... no actually, that's too depressing. How about the meaning of life? Wait, no, I'd be scared Dutch overhears and starts blabbering on about his philosophy".
Your eyes slowly droop, his voice comforting you. "How about we talk about oceans, they're really deep" Sean continues.
You start to subconsciously zone out Sean's ramblings as you doze off to sleep .
Finally, you’re asleep... but that's when Sean pokes you. "Hey what're ya doing? You can't sleep now, I'm wide awake!".
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I Don’t Want a World Without You. Eren Jaeger x Reader
Request from @shittypaperwork
A/N: This took me forever to write this. I wanted it to be perfect. I really hope it is. Also, my asks are open for AOT smut (Disclaimer I do prefer to write in Canon Au but not opposed to writing Modern AU if I like the idea.) , Jujustu Kaisen smut. But please enjoy!!!!!!
WARNINGS: SMUT!!!, slight breading kink ig, name calling, slight Dom!Eren. Unprotected sex, Canon AU,
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Your friendship with Eren was unlike any relationship you had experienced before. You both joined the Scouts after the attack on Wall Maria. You both bonded over the losses you both endured that day. Eren sought out revenge on the Titans. His hatred and rage fueled his desire to become a better soldier. You wanted a better understanding of the outside world. Why all the memories came fooling back in the middle of a titan ambush you had no idea why. A giant hand came out from the shadows of the forest directly aiming for you. You didn't have much time to react before Eren swooped in and grabbed you.
"(Y/N) you need to pay more attention," Eren said right before the titan grabbed the wire to his ODM gear causing him to fall to the ground several hundred feet below.
"Eren," you screamed out. Your heart pounding in your chest as you locked eyes with the titan. Suddenly, a red hot burning sensation rushed through your chest and up your face. Tears started to form in your eyes as you maneuvered around the giant trees. Finally finding a vantage point, you zipped over the titan and your blades cutting deep into its nape. It fell to the ground dust and debris flying above its lifeless body. The feeling still stuck in your chest, but it was different something lingered beneath the surface. You located Eren, and you looked at him the feeling became stronger as you watched him lay there, blood dripping from his head on the ground under him.
You were irrevocably in love with him.
There was no time to confess to him your newfound feelings. He needed to get the infirmary. The more you realized your feelings for him, the more you realized it would never work. This world was unfair and unforgiving. There was no room in the world for love let alone a relationship, or that's what you told yourself. The pain you would feel if Eren didn't reciprocate your feelings would tear you apart inside.
Two weeks had passed since the ambush in the forest and your feelings had remained the same, in fact, they had gotten stronger. Your whole squad had made it back alive, which you were grateful for. Eren was rushed to the infirmary due to his extensive injuries. You didn't sleep most nights so you would sneak down to see Eren. You held his hand and changed out his bandages being very careful not to wake him.
"(y/n), you have to let him rest," quickly turning around you saw Armin standing in the doorway.
"It's my fault this happened," the tears started to swell up in your eyes. Armin grabs your hand leads you outside.
"B-but Eren," you stammer looking back at him.
"He's going to be fine while you're gone". You looked up at the night sky, gazing at the stars above you. It was late, you didn't realize until now. How long have you been sitting by Eren? An hour? Maybe five. A cool breeze hits your face as you sit down beside Armin on the bench just outside the infirmary.
"You're so concerned about Eren. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're acting like Mikasa," he laughs. You chuckle slightly. You had been so wrapped up in making sure that Eren was okay that you had forgotten what it feels like to relax. Memories of you and Eren flood your mind.
"Armin there's something I need to tell you. I can only trust you with this information," the blonde turns to look at you.
" I'm in love with Eren". Armin's face gets all red and he turns away.
"So why are you feeling me this? Shouldn't you be telling Eren?"
"Because it would never work out the way I want".
Eren was finally recovered enough to leave the infirmary, but he was strictly prohibited from any training, missions, and extraneous activities. You have been avoiding him for days, unable to come to terms with your feelings you thought it best to stay away.
"You're eventually going to have to tell him you can hide from your feelings forever," Armin said to you quietly.
"Shut up, Armin," you punched his shoulder just a little too rough. He winches in pain, and you touch his arm.
"Sorry." You start to blabber about how you're used to hitting Eren because he can take a hit. You didn't realize Armin was trying to tell you that Eren was right behind you. A slight punch suddenly hits the middle of your back causing you to fall forward into Armin's chest. You turn around quickly to see you hit you. Your eyes lock with Eren's, trying to speak, but nothing comes out of your mouth. His green eyes peer into yours. It feels like your entire being is melting into the palm of his hand.
"Shouldn't you be picking on someone your own size," Eren smirks at you.
"Uhhh," you fumble your words trying to form a comprehensible sentence but fail.
"I gotta go!" You said quickly as you darted off somewhere far away from Erin and Armin.
Finally catching your breath you stood in front of the shower house you are reminded of a prank you pulled on Eren just a few months ago.
It had been a long day of combat training and Eren was the first to use the shower, like always. Connie dared you to sneak into the men's showers and take Eren's clothes and hide them in a nearby bush.
"Easy! You should come up with a harder one next time," you smirked knowing this was going to be way simple. Quietly you snuck in being extremely careful not to slam any doors. You glanced around trying to find Eren's clothes, the steam from the showers making it hard to see. Stumbling into one of the benches close to the showers.
"Fuck that hurt."
"Hello? Who's there?" You heard Eren call out. Your heartbeat quickened as you heard the water turn off.
shit shit shit where are they?
Finally, you found the clothes tucked away under the bench. You guessed this isn't the first time this happened to him. You balled up his clothes and ran out. The steam made your hair stick to your forehead as you threw his clothes in a bush.
"Nice going (y/n)!" Connie gave you a high-five. Both of you waited for Eren to realize his clothes were missing, but to both of your surprises, Eren walked out of the showers butt-ass naked with only one of his hands covering his goods. Your jaw dropped at the sight of him the sunlight made his wet skin glisten. He shook out his hair causing water droplets to scatter around him. You followed the water as it dripped down his toned chest and pass his carefully carved abs. Your eyes followed the v line just below his abs.
"My eyes are up here! Now, where did you put my clothes, darling?" Eren steps closer to you feeling the heat radiate off him from his shower. Your mouth stayed agape and all you could do was point over to the bush. He made his way over not bothering to cover his ass.
"Well, that was fun," Eren chuckled as he pulled up his pants and let them sit on his hips unbuttoned.
Wetness started to pool in between your thighs, causing you to blush from the intrusive thoughts of Eren. You looked around to make sure no one would follow you. After stepping into the shower, you took your clothes off, and neatly folded them, and placed them on the bench. You pulled the curtain closed in hopes of having a sliver of privacy. The cold water rushed over your body and hair. Your nipples became hard as the cold water ran over them. Your mind began to imagine Eren behind you and what his hands would feel like as he rubbed your shoulders and softly caressing your breasts. Maybe he would snake one of his hands down your waist and tease your folds as the other would grip your neck pulling you back into his bare chest.
"Mmm. Eren," you moaned teasing yourself closer and closer to orgasm. Your finger moved faster in circles around your clit. A tightness started building up in your core and just about as you were going to come undone the door to showers swung open. FUCK! Disappointed in your attempt to relieve some stress you quickly got dressed.
"Hey (y/n)," Sasha greeted you, but you bolted past her "okay, bye!"
You didn't want to be rude to Sasha, but you had other things on your mind. All of them were Eren. Your body ached for his. You wondered want it would feel like on top of yours. Your mind kept racing all these thoughts about him and what he looked like under his clothes.
"(Y/N)! Instead of daydreaming why don't you help in the kitchen?" You were quickly drawn away from your thoughts as Levi approached you.
"Sorry Captain, I-" you tried to explain yourself before Levi shut you down.
"You're almost as bad as Eren." Eren? You clung to his name.
"What's wrong with Eren?" You ask.
"Well, since he's been released from the infirmary he's been zoning out. But enough chit-chat go help get dinner ready."
You made your way to the kitchen. Both Connie and Sasha were slacking off and having a baguette battle.
"Guys, let's do what needs to be done. I'm tired and want to go to sleep." You announce. It took about an hour to get prepped and cooked. By the time you were done cooking, you wanted to go to your room and finish what you couldn't in the showers.
After finally arriving at your room. You quickly shut your door. The rooms weren't big, but none the less you were grateful to have your own after spending a year in the barracks. The rooms were massive, but they were a decent size for one person. A desk with a wooden chair sat in the far corner and a closet just big enough to hold a few scout uniforms and a full-size bed. Still, a layer of dust covered everything although you didn't mind. It wasn't like you were going to be staying in your room all day.
You rubbed your eyes and sat at the edge of your bed, taking off your boots and jacket, neatly putting them away in the closet. You always hated taking off your harness there were so many buckles and straps, you got confused so easily. The only light to work with was an oil lamp fixed to the wall. You sighed heavily as you finished folding up your clothes and getting into your pajamas.
As you laid down in your bed thoughts of Eren came back to you. Softly you moaned as you pawed at your breast and teased your nipple. Woefully imagining it was Eren's instead of yours. You felt a wetness start to pool between your legs. Slipping your hands down your shorts your finger circled your clit. You were a virgin, but you still knew what happened you just never found anyone worthy enough. Expect for Eren.
You moaned as you came closer and closer to climax, but it was cut short again. "(Y/N)..." You had sworn you heard someone moan your name. Quickly you pulled your covers over your body as you listen to the room next to you and you heard it again. You were sure someone was moaning your name. In the room next to yours you heard the bed squeak as someone got up from it. Your heart beated faster as you heard footsteps approached your door. You closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. The door to your room slowly creaked open. "(Y/N)... Are you awake?" It was Eren. You still didn't open your eyes as the door shut and Eren sat on the edge of your bed. He took your hand and held it and pressed it to his chest.
"I know you're asleep but I wanted to tell you, thank you for saving me, I know everyone told you to leave me but you didn't and I'm grateful. I don't know why you've been avoiding me, but I probably deserve it somehow." You heard his voice crack and you could tell he was about to cry.
"I just don't know how to tell you this but here does nothing, I love you (Y/N)." You opened your eyes and saw Eren crying.
"I love you too." You said sitting up in your bed. Your hands cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. His lips were soft and perfectly fit in between yours. It was sweet and soft but your core ached for him. He pulled you onto his lap and brushed your hair behind your ear.
"I can't tell you how many nights I wished for this, to be here with you." Eren buried his face into your chest.
"You don't have to wish anymore," you told him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him again this time softly biting on his lower lips. He moaned into the kiss sending chills down your spine. He gripped your hips, his callused fingers dug into your sides almost as if he was scared you were fall through his hands if he didn't hold you tight enough.
Your hips ground into his causing a deep moan to escape from his lips. His erection grew quickly underneath you. Eren flipped you over on your back onto the mattress. He stood up and began removing his shirt. Your eyes followed the skin on his stomach as more of it was exposed. Moonlight peaked in through the window, shining on his torso. It was beautiful, hours and hours of training had paid off.
"My eyes are up here, darling" he chuckled as he climbed on top of you. You couldn't help but feel his chest and abs. His piercing green eyes looked into yours. His lips crashed into yours, it was sloppy and wet and hot. Your clothes limited his access to your perfect body. He slowly took off your shirt and kissed up your stomach and in between your breasts before he took one in each hand and massaged them. His thumb rubbing your nipples before he took it in his mouth and circled it with his tongue. Your fingers ran through his hair as you leaned your head back and moaned. He made his way up to your neck kissing and sucking on it. You knew for sure there was going to be a hickey tomorrow but you didn't care. You wanted everyone to know that you were Eren's and that he was yours too.
"Eren, I need you." You begged him to touch you. He leaned back on his calves and pulled your legs up to his chest, slowly removing your shorts.
"You're so wet for me already, have you been expecting me?" He chuckled and smirked as he pushed your legs apart. His hot breath hit your folds making you beg for him even more.
"Please please Eren!" Your cries for his touch were desperate. Him seeing how much you needed him turned him on. He was throbbing in his jeans. His finger slid up your folds and collected your wetness before he put it in his mouth and sucked on his finger.
"Open your mouth," he commanded and you did as he stuck his finger in your mouth. "Suck." His voice was deep and demanding making you want him even more. Your tongue danced around his finger you tasted yourself on his finger. His mouth attached itself to your clit and you threw your head back moaning. His tongue circling your clit making you bite down on your lip to keep from moaning too loud. Your hands found their way to his beautiful brawn locks, your fingers entangled themselves pulling slightly. Eren groaned and gripped your thighs tighter, maybe enough to leave bruises. The idea of having Eren's fingerprints lingering on your skin turned you on even more.
Eren's erection grew harder and slightly painful. He stood up from the bed and a whine came from your mouth in protest.
"Don't worry we aren't done yet. Do you know how much my hand hurts by now? I'm so glad you accepted my feelings so I can fuck you now."
"All you had to do was ask" you teased back at him "but you should know I'm a virgin." You weren't shy about it, it was just how you were.
"Well, I am too, if that makes you feel better." You sat up on your knees and began to undo Eren's pants. You could hear his moan that he held back. Your fingers slipped between his skin and underwear slowly teasing it down before releasing the waistband and having it snap back to his skin. A low hiss rolled out of his mouth as he smirked at you and his eye went darker with lust.
In a fit of lust Eren quickly removed his pants and pulled his cock out. Your eyes widen at the sight, you always thought Eren was big but never this big.
"Suck now." His tone cold and demanding. You took it in one hand and started to suck on the tip of his cock. You could taste the precum from the tip. His hand placed at the back of your head slowly pushing you further and further down. Your hands gripped his thighs as he drove his cock deeper into your face. You looked up at him, he looked so hot his eyes were rolled back and beautiful moans escaped his mouth.
"Ahhh fuck (Y/N) your so warm. I'm so close, will you be a good girl and swallow for me?" He looked down, locking his eyes with yours, you nod.
"Mmmm that's my girl." He continued to fuck your face, his hands cupping your checks. A warm salty liquid flowed into your mouth. You swallowed it and sucked the rest off his cock before opening your math to show him.
"Fuck... You're such a good slut for me." He crawled on top of you. "I'm gonna take such good care of you," he kissed your stomach right below your navel. He slowly slid two fingers inside of you making you arch your back and grip the sheets. He took his time moving his fingers in and out of you taking care to make sure you never felt any pain.
"More Eren, please..." you begged for him, bringing him closer for a kiss. He lined himself up at your entrance wetting his tip on your folds. He steadied himself by placing his hand next to your head. He looked into your eyes. "Ready, darling?" You nodded. He slowly pushed his tip in both of you letting out moans of each other's names. You momentarily adjusted to his size before he added another inch. You wrapped your legs around his hips allowing him to fully enter you.
"Oh fuck, you're so tight I could cum right now," Eren moaned into your chest. Your breath was heavy as you fully adjusted to his massive size. Eren pressed his forehead to yours as he thrust in and out of you at a good pace. You moaned and softly bit into his shoulder careful not to hurt him and activate his Titan.
His thrust because faster and faster. You moaned his name over and over again. Sweat started to drip from his forehead, you could tell he was holding back his orgasm. The tip of his cock hitting your cervix. Eren let out a chuckle.
"What's so funny?" You asked.
"I can it inside you. Look." You glanced at your stomach and saw the tip pressing the skin up. "Fuck I can't wait to fill you up with my seed." He pounded harder into you as your orgasm started to build.
"Eren I'm getting close," you mewled in his ear. His thrust becomes sloppy as his thumb played with clit and that sent you over the edge. Eren watched as your body twitched underneath him. It felt like your entire body was on ice and fire at the same time. Eren was not long after you as he slammed one last time into you and let out the most beautiful moan you ever heard.
"Ahhh fuckkkkk (Y/N). You were such a good girl for me." He pulled out and laid down next to you pulling you close to him.
"I love you. I always have. I don't care if this world is unfair and unforgiving. A world that doesn't have you isn't where I want to be." You pressed your face into his chest and slowly fell asleep.
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cherryatiny · 3 years
𝑊𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 - 𝑃.𝑆𝐻
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⩥𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛!𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘 𝑆𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑤𝑎 (𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧) 𝑥 𝑠𝑜𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
⩥𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑡, 𝑛𝑜𝑛-𝑖𝑑𝑜𝑙 𝐴𝑈
⩥𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 4,0𝑘
⩥𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑦 𝑠𝑎𝑦: „𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑛’𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒’𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑦“, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒…
⩥𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦 & 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑔𝑒, 𝑗𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑦, 𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦, 𝑒𝑥ℎ𝑖𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑠𝑚, 𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑙 (𝑓!𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔), 𝑢𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑒𝑥, 𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑑𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘
⩥𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛: 𝑆𝑜𝑜𝑗𝑖𝑛 & 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑒𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒: 𝑊𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒
Being a resident of Hera Palace, a luxury apartment building with 100 floors in the middle of the city, had many advantages. Living around all those politicians, celebrities, businessmen and prominent doctors and lawyers, helped you develop a lot of precious contacts, that over time helped you become a part of the upper class and one of the world's best-known soprano singer and leading prima-donna all over the world. After a while of living there, you and your doctor husband Yoonchul became a part of the building's private club called Hera Club, consisting of four influential households that lived there. There was this little tradition that once a month, one of you hosted a dinner for the Hera Club at one of your places, where you could freely talk about anything regarding your life.
All of the Hera Club members were all right, a lawyer and his wife, a single-living woman with a rich overseas businessman husband, you and your husband, but the most influential family in the whole Hera Palace was a businessman Park Seonghwa, the owner of the building and basically half of Korea and his overly nice and naive wife.
Putting on the top layer of powder to prevent your base makeup from rubbing off, you finished doing your make-up for the night. The bloody shade of lipstick making your face stand out, even more, clasping your diamond ear-rings, spraying on the expensive perfume, you finished embellishing your look. And with that your husband stepped in, checking himself in the mirror, to make sure there are no imperfections, clearing his throat to remind you of his presence. Dressed in a lacy black shirt and leather black skirt, you tugged it down a bit, to accentuate your curves more.
„Wear something else. How many times must I tell you that's too drab? The host should look classy.“ the lack of interest hearable in your voice. „I have enough taste to pick out an outfit.“ As if. „Don't you think you went over the top, Y/N? It's just a dinner with people we see every day. You make such a huge fuss of things.“ you couldn't help but turn around, looking at him with an annoyed expression. „Are you criticizing my style too? Are you that displeased about your wife looking pretty?“ Smug smirk on his face as you basically spitted your words on him. „I don't like how it's just too much. How could you still expect to look pretty? You practically showered in perfume.“ Leaving the room, he left you standing there alone, ruining your mood for the night. Sighing and scoffing at his pathetic complaints you put on your heels to welcome the guests.
Anyone could see that your marriage with him wasn't good at all, you couldn't even look at or compliment each other, you didn't even have anything to talk about together, all you did was argue, the last time you two had sex together or even touched each other out of honest love, was about eight years ago, this marriage already hopeless. But until you take over the corporation your father run, you had to be married, your father won't let you take over the company if you two divorced, since getting a divorce was a humiliation for the whole family in his opinion.
Picking the best bottle of red wine out of the wine cabinet, you took it along with meals prepared for this night and placed it on the splendid black table. The present people already deep in a talk.
Sitting down next to your husband, you brushed the arm of his jacket, to show off that you were a caring wife to the others, a fake smile adorning your beautiful face. He only rolled his eyes at your pretentiousness and took a sip of his wine. Listening to the compliments to your food, you smiled and thanked politely. Listening to the snobby and drunk blabbering, you couldn't get more bored.
„What's taking the couple from penthouse so long?“ asked Mari, the single woman, you could feel your husband tensing, you knew how much he hated Seonghwa, but deep down you knew it wasn't hate but just jealousy at how successful he was. And with that, Seonghwa and his wife stepped in, with apologies for being late. Rolling your eyes at how everyone now paid attention to Seonghwa's beautiful wife, you rolled your eyes, taking a sip of the expensive champagne with strawberries.
„Oh Suryeon, it's nice that you're here, it's always so hard to see you, you should come over when we go shopping.“ Seonghwa cut his wife before she said anything, answering the request instead of her. „She always wants to go, but I'm the one who makes her stay. I want to keep her for myself.“ whines filled the room at how caring and romantic Seonghwa was.
„Y/N the food looks delicious, it must've been hard to prepare all this.“ you were looking at Seonghwa, dressed in a tapered suit, getting annoyed at how his hand was on top of his wife's lap, his wife's question bringing you back to the reality. „I couldn't serve just anything. I put in some extra care.“
„Actually there wasn't much to do. You know how delivery food is.“ Giving your husband, who has now ruined the mood with his nagging comments that were trying to humiliate you, a death glare.
After a while, when you were all done eating you took the dirty plates to the kitchen, putting them in a sink and trying to get yourself together and not express any annoyment and angriness. Your husband looking through the cabinet to find the best wine, you approached him with your arms crossed on your chest. „Are you having fun humiliating your wife in front of others? Do you feel better now?“
„Why don't you take it easy? Why are you acting so pretentious? Isn't it tiring?“ walking past you with two bottles of wine in his hands. „Do you wish for your wife to be belittled? I'm doing this for your sake...“
„Can you please be honest? All you think of is yourself. I'm just a mere accessory you use to decorate yourself. Suryeon is the type that truly cares for her husband. Look at how well Chairman Park's business is going.“ Taking one of the bottles from his hand, you smashed it on the floor out of angriness, the burgundy coloured liquor spilling and staining the floor. „Does complimenting other women make you feel any better?“ Turning around, to leave you were met with Seonghwa's wife standing in front of you, probably eavesdropping on your whole conversation. „Ah, I couldn't find the restroom...“ rolling your eyes, you walked past her, and leaving her with your husband.
As the night went on, your husband laughing and celebrating with the lawyer and his wife, along with the single-living lady - Mari, Seonghwa chatting and giggling with his wife and you sitting there alone, with a glass of red wine in your hand, eyeing Seonghwa occasionally. When Mari stood up, to go to the restroom, she almost fell on the ground, from the intoxication of alcohol, Seonghwa's wife immediately stood up to help her as the sweet soul she was, leaving the dining room.
Seonghwa right away knew, what you were doing, when you unbuttoned the top of your shirt, bending around to fill his empty glass while licking your lips seductively. Lips forming into a smirk on his handsome face, tilting his head, no doubt checking you out, your cleavage on display for him. You were indeed a very beautiful woman, exactly his type. „I'll pour you a glass Chairman Park.“ locking contact, with his shining eyes full of desire.
„Let me do the same.“ Standing up and coming to you, he stood by your side, pouring your glass with the sweet burgundy liquor. Clicking your glasses together, you held it on the level of your soft lips, about to drink from it when you 'accidentally' spilt the drink on your shoulder, staining your shirt. Everyone gasped, asking if you were okay. „Yes, I'm fine. I should get changed.“ mischievous smile in your face as you stood up
Looking at Seonghwa with a deep glare, to let him know that he's welcomed to follow you, you walked past him, brushing softly against his back. He was looking at you as you swung your hips teasingly on purpose.
Re-applying your lipstick, you stood in front of the mirror, in a beautiful black dress, that hugged your curves tightly, with a frilly on the shoulders. The dress still unzipped, because you needed help with zipping it, and you knew that Seonghwa would come and help you.
And as luck would have it, there he was, you could see him in the mirror, standing in all his beauty in that black suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and a smirk on that handsome face, black hair brushed into a side-part.
You brushed your hair into a side, tilting your head so that your hair doesn't get into the zipper. „Could you assist me?“ Walking to you, he stood behind you, looking at your face in the mirror. Feeling his cold fingertips caressing your back, made shivers run all around your body. His lips dangerously close to your neck, as you turned your head to look at him, your lips getting closer and closer. But with that, the annoying voice of his wife that was looking for him could be heard.
Weeks have passed since that night at your place, seeing Seonghwa only occasionally at the entrance-hall, you tried to forget about that night, instead of having to bother with constant jealous and annoying comments of your husband, that was trying to put him down. And you didn't want to miss the opportunity to impress Seonghwa, tonight was another Hera Club meeting, this time at his Penthouse.
Dressing in a beautiful curve-hugging black dress, that exposed your shoulders and had white flowers on it, you stepped into the Penthouse, being greeted with the housemaids that took care of the place. Coming into the living room where all the women of Hera Club were, praising your look. „Gosh, Y/N, you look like a different person. Did you always have such a beautiful neckline?" Smiling at the comments and answering politely, roaming your eyes all over the place, to see if Seonghwa was present, instead of landing your eyes on his wife. „I dressed up for the occasion. It's been such a long time since I came to the penthouse. Only our men used to come here. I hope you invite us, girls, more often from now on.“ Toasting with a glass of champagne with strawberries, you tasted the bitter but sweet drink, the door of Seonghwa's study room opening, the handsome man stepped out in all his glory.
Smirk finding its place on his face, when you two locked eye contact, you two were flirting with your glances, as his wife's phone buzzed, with a text message. Noticing Seonghwa's presence, telling him something urgent came up, she left, to finish some things at the company she ran. Not caring what it was about you sat on the couch next to the others, signalizing for Seonghwa to sit next to you.
As the night went on, the men celebrating the success of their investments, you rolled your eyes, annoyed at not having any attention, seeing that wide smile on your husband's face, disgust filled your veins.
Walking past Seonghwa who sat on the opposite of you, annoying you even more, you deciding to look around the place designed in a minimalistic style. Going up the stairs of the place, you saw how Seonghwa stood up in your peripheral vision.
The others not even noticing that the two of you left, amused by playing golf with balls made from checks. When you looked around the whole place, deciding to leave, you were met with Seonghwa standing in the hallway, waiting for you. Playing hard to get by walking past him, acting like you were not delighted by his presence at all, he grabbed your arm and turned you around, so you were facing him, pushing you against the cold wall and keeping you caged with his arms and lust-filled eyes. „Are you insane? What do you intend to do here?“
„Is there a reason we shouldn't be doing this? They can't see us anyway. I thought you'd like something like this, Ms. Y/L/N.“ his deep voice sending shivers down your spine as you bit your lips seductively. „Park Seonghwa. I didn't know you were such a bad man.“ letting out a small laugh, he smirked at your words, knowing well how much he affected you. „I don't think I can stop now.“
When he tried to close the gap between your lips slowly, you stopped him and pushed him away softly, hesistantly looking deeply into his eyes before pulling him closer by the back of his neck and kissing him hungrily. Your tongues slipping into each other's mouths hungrily. His arms caging your body and holding you by your waist. Breaking the kiss to catch your breath and kissing again, still pressed against the marble wall, his arm holding your leg, bending it a bit to wrap it around his tiny waist.
His fingers getting closer and closer to your core, throbbing from all the pent-up sexual tension. Rubbing your bud with his thumb through your lacy panties, you moaned into his mouth. „We shouldn't be doing this right now, they'll notice we are gone, sooner or later.“ you said as you broke the kiss, landing your leg back on the floor. Seonghwa slid his hand into the pocket of his trousers, obviously looking for something. Picking out a small leather sack, he held it in front of your eyes.
„If you are brave enough to continue, take this. I'm giving you a chance to back out when you still can before you do something you'll regret. The key in the sack can get you into any place in the Hera Palace. Meet me tomorrow at 7 pm on the 35th floor, next to the elevator, there's a glass door there, open it with this key and wait for me there if you want to continue with this...“
Stepping out of the elevator in a cream-coloured satin dress, the basic black high-heels with a strap on it accentuating your legs and making them look longer, a pearl necklace decorating your bare neck. Opening the door with the key Seonghwa gave you, you stepped into a room full of different kinds of plants, almost like a garden spot.
There was a couch with soft and puffy cushions, a glass table with two glasses and a bottle of wine in the middle, precisely covered by the surrounding plants. Seonghwa greeted you in the front, his arms wrapping around you, to bring you closer so he could kiss you. Taking your hand into his he motioned for you to sit down. The place was dark, the only light in the room was created by some candles and a small star-looking shining that entered the room through the glass wall, giving you a view of the city.
„I had no idea this place existed in Hera Palace. I'm surprised.“ Seonghwa chuckled, your amazement giving him a space to brag about the fortune he owns. „I participated in designing the building. Feel free to come here whenever you want.“
Kissing you again, his hand landed on your collarbones, wrapping around your neck, before tugging at the necklace you wore rather powerfully enough to disrupt it, the pearl beads falling on the floor and rolling all over the floor. Gasping, you immediately took your hand off his thigh and went to caress your neck, looking at him in shock. „What are you doing?“ His hand grabbed the box that was by his side, which you haven't noticed before.
Opening the box, you were met with a beautiful diamond necklace and earrings with a ruby in them. „I thought that this might look good on you. Aren't you sick of the necklace your stupid husband got you?“ Sighing you took the box into your hands. „What is this necklace supposed to mean? Don't tell me... you want me all to yourself.“ Chuckling at your words, his eyes moving off of you. „No, of course not.“
„I want this to be simple. Let's not put a leash on each other or be blingy. I want this to end the moment one of us decides to end it. What do you think?“ Tilting your head to the side, to get a better view of his handsome face your hand landed on the top of his muscular thigh. „It looks like we've just settled on our own set of rules.“ Landing his hand on your back, he pushed you down to the couch, getting on top of you, his long legs on both side of your body, lips connected.
His fingers rubbing circles along your hips, digging into it, not too harshly. Lips breaking the contact with yours, instead going lower, down to your neck, you gasped, when his teeth sunk into your neck softly. His hand going under your dress and caressing the inner side of your thigh. „Let me undress you, Y/N.“
His fingers untied the ribbon on top of your satin dress, sitting so he can pull them over your head, leaving you only in your lacy set, you picked for tonight. Seonghwa unbuttoned his white shirt, showing off his sculpted chest and stomach. Undoing his belt, he put it down on the table along with his trousers being left only in his briefs.
While he was undressing himself, you took off your bra and panties, too aroused to wait any longer, noticing it, he chuckled at your neediness and did the same with his briefs. Biting your bottom lip as you took in the size of his cock, well above average, for sure thicker than any you've ever had. Reaching out to touch it, his hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you from getting any closer to him, grabbing your other wrist as well, he pinned them both above your head, pushing you down to the couch. „Not so fast, princess, don't think I'd let you be in charge and touch me whenever you want. Now relax and don't make me tie those wrists.“
He released your wrists from his grip, lips attaching to your breasts, twirling his tongue around your nipples, sucking on them, pushing his knee between your legs, to part them. His lips went lower, brushing past your ribcage and stomach down to your thighs, he began kissing up to your inner thighs, his teeth grazing along the sensitive skin of your legs.
„You have no idea, what you do to me, I've been crazy about you, since the first time I saw you I couldn't keep my eyes off of you. I can't believe you're mine now, the most perfect woman... everything my wife isn't.“
Pushing your legs up, to put on his shoulders, gripping them firmly, his face dived into your glistening core. Your body jolting up, toes curling, from the sudden pleasure of Seonghwa's tongue licking up your folds, spreading them apart with his tongue. You couldn't even remember the last time someone had eaten you out, less so, eat you out this good. Your hips bucking up whenever his tongue brushed past your clit, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. Your desperate whines and moans leaving your mouth, only made him smirk in satisfaction, your thighs closing around his head. You were at the brim of your climax, a knot forming and pulsing in your stomach.
„I bet your pathetic husband can't even unclip your bra, gosh, how could a woman as breath-taking as you, marry someone as deplorable.“ Your lewd moans intensified as you were about to spill on Seonghwa's mouth at any second. Although having you cum on his tongue, lap at your juices and lick you clean off your tasty juices sounded good, he would rather have you cum from the godly work of his hips, snapping against your sweet spot. Detaching himself from your core as he broke the high of finally having your anticipated orgasm, you haven't felt in years. You whined, looking at him in disbelief, scoffing him. „What is it darling? Don't give me that bitter look.“
He slid his tip along your folds, lubricating himself with your wetness, your legs wrapped around his tiny waist, he propped himself in front of your clenching hole. Pushing himself into you, you both hissed, and spewed at the feeling. „Fuck, he hasn't fucked you in a long time, right? Ah, you're so fucking tight, clenching around me, you're taking me so well, that I don't think I'll be able to even move.“ You groaned in agreement to his statements, trying to stabilise your breathing and get used to the stretching feeling. „Ah, y-you can move now.“ Your legs were shaking from only the feeling of his dick inside you.
Seonghwa set a rather mellow and tame pace at the beginning, however after a while, pushing into you deeper and rougher, with a great intensity of each thrust. „What would your husband say if he saw you like this? Fucking another man to satisfy the needs he can't satisfy?“ Angling his hips a bit more upwards to hit your sweet spot better, your arms wrapped around his back, nails digging harshly, probably about to leave tiny marks. Your moans getting caught in your throat as his hips slammed into you, your back arching at the feeling. Seonghwa couldn't explain how much confidence this intercourse gave him, when he slept with his wife, which did not happen often at all, all she did was lay back down and not react to him in any way, only trying to get through it and 'satisfy his needs'. But you were different, the way you were clenching, arching and moaning, he missed the euphoric feeling of having good sex with someone who enjoyed it and gave him the overwhelming pleasure he needed.
His thumb reached down to your bundle of nerves, massaging it in a circular motion, your body responding with trembling to the additional pleasure. „Ah, fuck Seonghwa, please keep doing that, I'm gonna cum soon!“ warning him your head fell back, mouth opening agape. „Really? You're gonna make a mess and milk my cock? Clench your velvety pussy around my girth? Then do that darling, cum all over me.“ His hips frantically plunged into your walls, delivering pleasure to you both. Clenching your hands into fists, you felt yourself get over the edge, spasming under his frame. Your body shook at the forgotten feeling of orgasm taking all over you. Grunts leaving Seonghwa's lips as he spilt his seed into your desperate cunt, you both riding out your orgasms.
His breath steadied as he sat at the opposite side of the couch, leaving you laying there to let you collect yourself. „It was visible by how needy you were, that your sex life with your stupid husband must be awful, but I just hope he'd go down on you, so he could see my cum dripping out of you. See how it is when a real man fucks a woman.“ Brushing your hair with your fingers, to not look that ruffled, licking your fingertips to clean your chin off the smudged lipstick, you saw him already half-dressed, you did the same, his lips attaching to yours yet again, biting on your bottom lip.
„I'm sure you know that there's a gala next week, to celebrate the Hera Palace's first anniversary. I hope you wear that necklace I gave you, but don't dress too gorgeously, which might be problematic, since you're gorgeous in everything, because I don't think I'll be able to hold back, even in front of my wife and your husband, on the other hand, at least they'll know, who this beautiful woman belongs to from now on.“
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hit-me-with-a-ladle · 3 years
Ch.11 Creepypasta x Fem! Reader
Four days had passed since their first brawl. Toby had observed her staggering improvement and powerful determination to learn. He hadn't seen that kind of behaviour in a long time. As nightfall came they began to clear up and head back. Both tired from the long day of training, Toby walking in front of her as they went on their way. The walk was peaceful, the night sky illuminating from the dense array of trees as the crickets chirped their lullaby. The sky was littered with beautiful stars and the girl couldn't pry her eyes away from them, looking up in amazement like a child on Christmas day. Toby on the other hand wasn't paying any attention to anything around him, with his hands in his pockets and head down, eyes focused on the patchy road ahead.
The walk to the cabin was beginning to feel longer than usual, the air now becoming tense from all the silence, but the girl still didn't bother to speak up as she knew it was futile. Toby was a man of few words, always keeping to himself, there would be days where they would only say two words to each other. This was a drastic change from what she was usually used to with the others, especially Ben. " So." Her thoughts were cut off as she looked at Toby, who had now slowed down and was walking in since with her. " Um yeah." She sighed out, looking ahead both hands in her large pockets. " Ab-about the necklace." He continued still trying to put his thoughts into words. " What about it." Her eyes widened a little, not expecting him to bring that up as she looked at him pulling it out from underneath her jumpsuit and holding the tiny bottle between her rough fingers. " D-di he tells you wh-why he gave y-you it?" He asked in his usual bored tone. " Yeah, he did. It's for safety and protection. He gave it to me almost two weeks ago and I usually wear it most of the day." She answered honestly softly smiling as she looked at the pretty plant inside of it. It calmed her looking at it. " Interesting." He said to himself not wanting her to hear him but she still managed to.
Her eyebrow raised, why was he so interested in the necklace all of the sudden. " So...do you and Ben get along or...?" She said trying to further the conversation while they walked to the cabin. Toby was hesitant with answering the question, as he took a moment to think of the right response to such a subject. " Yes a-and no. But more n-no. I te-nd to avoid that blab-blabbering idiot but h-he has his moment at ti-times. Very few a-a-and in between but st-still there non the l-less," He answered simply glancing at her direction as he did.
The girl was intrigued by his answer, she assumed he despised him as they were the polar opposite. The assumption wasn't unprompted either, as Toby didn't seem to like most people. " But then ag-again, he tries t-to hard. He acts too m-uch like a child. It's frust-rating." He finally finished his thought, looking back at the road and softly closing his eyes as he walked, admiring the cool night air. He hadn't felt this clam in a while, he enjoyed the feeling. So much so as a small smile crept up his lips. It wasn't noticed by the girl standing next to him but he didn't mind.
In the distance, they could make out the cabin, relief washing over both their bodies like a title wave. " Almost there, finally I can rest." The girl announced dramatically, sighing. It made Toby eye her watching her hunched form drag her feet while walking. Almost close to collapsing. He grunted, at this rate they'd reach it till next morning, clearing his throat he hunched down sweeping her off her feet. She was startled by the sudden action as her eyes widened in surprise, now settled in his arms bridal style. " WHAT! What the hell are you doing? Put me down." She shrieked flailing her arms. But it was to no use as she was too tired to do any harm. Toby grunted as she thrashed, waiting for her to stop and when she did, he smiled softly picking up his pace.
The girl was surprised at how he was able to hold her weight, as he looked quite thin, but as her back pressed against his arms she could feel the defined muscle. Toby didn't say anything, he seemed like the extra weight didn't even affect him. She could hear his heartbeat, it was slow and quiet. The soothing rhythm made her relax even further melting into his arms. They finally reached the cabin, but Toby didn't bother to put her down, no he managed to open the door with her in his hands and she barely noticed. Walking inside, warm air hit his face making him sight. Going to the living room he carefully set her down on the couch and stepped away.
The girl sat upright, her whole body resting as she softly smiled. It had been a while since she could get some rest. Toby had walked to the kitchen slowly lowering his mask and pouring himself some water, looking into the living room while he drank it. He could see the back of the girls head. " Did you also have to train as I do?" The girl's voice broke his peaceful trance. He cleared his throat pondering on his answer as he usually did. " Not r-really." He simply said rinsing the cup and putting it back into the self. " What do you mean by that?" She perfused, wanting to know him better. " Well," He sighed putting his mask back to place and walking towards her, sitting down on the armchair next to the couch. " You have y-y-your duties so you ne-need a different type of trai-ning and mentors. M-my mentor was much wo-worse than we a-a-are."
The girl let out a snort when hearing the last part, looking at him with a curious look. " Really, how so?" " He i-i-is a being co-comprised of pure e-evil so you could imagine it your-yourself." " Pure evil? Is this the Operator man everyone is talking about?" " Bingo." Shed started to get frustrated by how short his answer always was, shed has to ask multiple different questions to know the smallest thing. " What's up with this Operator fella? If he's so powerful why does he need a human guarding his forest?" " Easy. A human is a b-b-basic, morally grey, being. F-for example, you we-were chosen be-because you weren't all t-that good bu-but not all that bad, in the mi-ddle aka The middle-man. So it d-doesn't matter how po-powerful h-he is if there's no real ba-lance in the fo-forest and your j-j-job is to hold that balance." He finished taking a big sigh and slouching on the couch, making it clear that he didn't feel like talking anymore. Soon he would fall asleep.
The girl watched him thoughtfully, eventually getting up. They had finished a little earlier than usual, at this time she would be heading back to eat and then go to bed but something was telling her to look around the cabin, something she wasn't able to do. There were no bookshelves. Its walls were all very sterile and plain. Same for the kitchen. But something in her gut was telling her to go up the stairs, slowly approaching the railing she sighed, with every careful step she would look behind her to make sure Toby was asleep. Reaching the final step she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, the narrow hallway felt longer than before, and she felt strange not immediately heading to the left.
Turning her body to the other side of the dimly lit hallway at the end was a door, she hadn't noticed it before. ' Was that there?' She asked herself approaching it and reaching for the gold knob. The door was painted in a thick layer of black paint, scratches and carving covering its whole surface, one of the larger carvings was crossed out circle. A chill when up to her spine when she noticed it quickly pulled back her hand. Taking in another harsh breath and mustering up the courage she turned the knob, but it didn't budge. She pressed her whole body on the door and began to push but it still wouldn't work, finally, she got frustrated and began to hit and thrash the door handle. But it still didn't move, so she had to reluctantly give up.
There was something important they were trying to hide and she made it a point to find out what it was.
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quilna · 2 years
I am currently sick right now, could I request some sick Jekyll and Lanyon headcanons? Maybe a cold, and then proper sickness.
Hope you feel better soon!
For some reason, my initial attempt at writing this suddenly deleted itself right in the middle. Hooray.
Anyway, several mentions of vomiting and, obviously, sickness ahead. Also mention of drugs (as in, the medical variety)
Jekyll is the type to insist that he is absolutely completely and utterly not sick in any way no matter how bad it gets. He can be standing there, sneezing, coughing, nose running, and insist that he’s not in any way sick.
Nobody can stop him either. Usually Lanyon can get him to finally take it just a little easy with his usual tricks but, with the exhibition coming up, Jekyll is determined that he’s absolutely not going to take it easy until it’s over. Everyone makes an attempt to talk him down but it all slides off him like water off a duck’s back.
This means that Jekyll only proceeds to worsen his sickness.
The only thing Lanyon manages to do to slow him down is stopping him going out to any social events. Jekyll is begrudgingly confined to the society but it doesn’t stop him driving his cold into a full blown illness.
Eventually, he’s constantly shaking, bundled up in way too many layers of clothing for someone who’s “definitely not sick. It’s just a little cold in here.”, practically dragging himself from his bed just to get back to work. Yet, he still refuses to even take a headache pill for it.
Finally, it gets so bad that he can’t even move from his bed. Huddled under the blankets, fever burning hot and suffering fever dreams, only seeming to wake up to throw up.
He constantly blabbers things that don’t make a lot of sense, blurring dream and reality, babbling about monsters and half souls to the confusion and concern of everyone around him. He’ll talk to Hyde right in front of people, though, thankfully, nobody ever puts together its true meaning.
Lanyon, on the other hand, is quite a germaphobe. He’s been raised all his life in a rather clean enviroment so he hates any kind of filth or sickness. Can’t stand it. He’s terrified of becoming sick of himself.
When Jekyll gets sick, at first he doesn’t want to get anywhere close to Jekyll. He’ll always be just an awkward distance away to Jekyll whenever they’re talking to one another.
The situation ends up with Jekyll insisting he’s not sick and Lanyon insisting that he’s standing a normal distance away from Jekyll, as he stands on the other side of the room, yelling across at Jekyll.
Rachel rolls her eyes at both of them.
However, as Jekyll worsens, Lanyon awkwardly gets a little closer. After all, Jekyll’s doing kind of bad maybe... maybe he won’t catch anything if he just... places a cup of hot honey and lemon tea on Jekyll’s desk. For Jekyll’s sore throat.
And then, it’s offerings of food, water, and a bucket in case he’s sick.
When Jekyll gets confined to the bed, Lanyon will leave his offerings as far away from Jekyll as possible while still being within arm’s reach.
Though, his confidence slowly improves.
After all, if he hasn’t caught it yet, maybe he’s safe.
So, eventually, Lanyon musters up the courage to sit near Jekyll, telling him everything that the lodgers were up to that day. He’s not sure if Jekyll can hear him or not in his sickness but he knows that, if he can, Jekyll would want to know.
Finally, Lanyon gains the courage to actually touch Jekyll. He awkwardly pats him on the back while he’s being sick and holds his hand when he’s distressed.
Inevitably, Lanyon does also get sick.
Unlike Jekyll, Lanyon with a cold will quite happily huddle in bed at the slightest hint of a bunged up nose. If he coughs once, he’ll insist that he’s horribly ill and absolutely must rest. It’s impertive or he could die!
Jekyll allows it. He knows how much Lanyon is terrified of getting truly sick and the early resting will help avoid that. As such, he’ll bring Lanyon whatever he asks for while he’s “horribly ill” without complaint.
Usually this is normal stuff to ask for like tissues and water. Occasionally Lanyon will take the opportunity of his new power to ask for more frivolous things like wine or such.
He also takes a lot of medication. Pills for sore throats, headaches, anything he has in a desperate attempt to avoid being in the slightest bit ill.
This, unfortunately, has the opposite desired effect. By taking too many, he unfortunately tends to make himself properly ill from the combined medications.
Badly sick Lanyon is an unfortunate sight.
He tends to be utterly miserable, doing his best not to throw up but never managing it and only feeling far, far worse from the sight of his own vomit. He gets shakey both from the cold and the fear.
Jekyll will do all he can to help, running his hands around Lanyon’s back while he’s being sick to try to relax him, holding his hand when he’s shaking, cleaning up any sick as fast as possible so Lanyon doesn’t have to see it too long.
Lanyon’s in too much of a state to put up his usually cold facade and will cling to Jekyll for any sort of comfort, hugging his arm so tightly and throwing a fuss when Jekyll tries to leave.
Eventually, Jekyll musters up the courage to literally sleep next to Lanyon while he’s sick just to provide him constant company, hugging him close.
Unlike Lanyon, Jekyll has no qualms about being around sickness. He stubbornly believes himself invulnerable to becoming ill. (Unfortunately, Hyde didn’t get his stubbornness and pride from nowhere.) He’s worried about being too clingy or overstepping boundries to Lanyon but that’s the only thing standing in the way of Jekyll practically letting Lanyon cough in his face.
Lanyon sometimes weakly protests that Jekyll might also get sick when Jekyll gets too close but Jekyll will, once more, insist that he’s fine as Lanyon rolls his eyes.
Not that Lanyon truly has the courage to turn him away.
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unpack-my-heart · 3 years
This is the first thing I’ve written for the Shameless fandom, but I am utterly besotted with tomato-obsessed-vegetable-growing Ian Gallagher and so wrote this! 
He was out there again. This time, he was wearing bright yellow rubber gloves that went right up to his elbows, and they were covered in soft-looking dirt. He’s got a streak of dirt on his face too, powdery, from where he’d presumably wiped the back of his hand across his forehead.  His almost-too-orange hair shon brilliantly in the oppressive July sunshine, and Mickey watched as beads of sweat, almost imperceptible, slid down the side of his face.
It was the third time this week that Red has been out there, elbow-deep in mud, or tenderly caressing the lacey tufts of green shooting out of the ground. Sometimes, Red will tug on the tufts, and the soil will give birth to a misshapen carrot, much smaller than the type Mickey buys at the supermarket that come shrink-wrapped in rustly plastic, but Red doesn’t seem to care. He beamed at every fucking carrot as if he’d never seen one before, as if that carrot was the best, most precious thing he’d ever laid eyes on in his entire life.
Mickey watched him as he sprayed something from an unmarked spray bottle onto tomato vines that twist and turn, vein-like, up a beaten-up old trellis. Plump, bulbous tomatoes hung from their stalks, and Mickey watched, feeling more and more voyeuristic, as Red plucked one from the vine and popped it into his mouth. Red chewed slowly, methodically, before smiling, all too wide and with tomato pulp mushed between his teeth. It should be disgusting, and yet, as Mickey watched the blissed-out smile reach Red’s eyes, papery skin crinkling, it’s not. Not anywhere close.
When Mickey moved into the apartment building, he’d barely noticed the garden. The apartment was cheap, suspiciously cheap, but Mickey couldn’t afford to be suspicious. So, when the greasy and smelt-like-onions letting agent had shoved the wad of paper under his nose, he’d signed on the dotted-fucking-line.
“It’s in an up-and-coming area, you know. You’re getting a real steal here, and it’s a ground floor property, no hauling heavy goods up the stairs,” the letting agent had said, tugging at the limp, flaccid tie around his neck.
Mickey had just rolled his eyes and shoved the papers back. “Save the fucking speech.”
It had taken him a pitiful two trips with Iggy’s busted up old pickup to schlep all of his worldly possessions from one side of Chicago to the other. A couple of soggy cardboard boxes filled with miscellaneous crap, a pair of practically broken but still just-about useable kitchen chairs, and a mattress with not a single functioning spring. When Iggy left, pickup grumbling down the street, Mickey had sent Mandy a picture of the chairs stood pathetically in the middle of the otherwise empty room.
She’d sent back a string of laughing emojis, at least when i come and visit i won’t be sitting on the fuckin’ floor
It took Mickey another three weeks to accumulate enough second-hand furniture to pass as a genuinely functioning adult, and by that point, he’d barely opened his blinds, never mind noticed the stretch of scrubland that barely passed for a communal garden that stretched out beyond the confines of his bedroom window. It was by accident that Mickey had happened to open the blinds just as Red was strutting past his window, wrestling with an enormous bag of soil. The soil slipped out of his arms and Red cursed, loud and long enough that it startled a grunt out of a bemused Mickey.
“Fuckin’ shit, fuckin’ slippery bastard, fuckin’ all over my fuckin’ boots! Jesus fuck.”
Hands twitching, Mickey watched as the orange-haired man, resigned to his muddy timberlands, kicked the rapidly emptying bag of soil, before grabbing it with both hands and tugging it along the floor, leaving it to rest in front of three large, raised vegetable beds. Red squatted down and ran his hands over the surface of the soil, head cocked inquisitively.
Mickey stared at the man, hand resting on the window pane, ready to pull it shut and get on with the rest of his day, but before he could, and without warning, Red looked up.
Red looked up, stared directly at Mickey’s swiftly reddening face, and waved.
Feeling like he’d been caught with his hands down his pants by his third-grade English teacher, Mickey slammed the window shut and pulled the blind across, a vital extra layer of protection from the outside.
“What the fuck is wrong with you,” Mickey scolded himself, before purposefully striding out of the bedroom, and slamming the door behind him, resigned to not re-enter the room until he was quite sure that Red had gone.
The next day, after Mickey had dragged his aching bones back from the chop shop, engine oil and miscellaneous grease coating his hands, he’d floated into his bedroom on autopilot. He tugged the blind up, and shoved the window open, eyes blurry and half asleep. A wiggling figure in the distance caught his eye, and his stomach dropped.
Red was out there, forehead damp and glistening in the evening sun. Mercifully, his back was to Mickey, as he leant down, fussing with something buried deep in the pillowy looking earth that covered the surface of the first vegetable bed. Red’s ass wiggled this way and that, a unrhythmic dance to the chirpy evening birdsong, and Mickey let himself watch, eyes glued to the dirt-covered denim, only for a second, before he forcefully pulled the window shut again.
Only, the window groaned loudly, and, ridiculously, Red peered between his splayed legs, and waved at Mickey from his rather precarious upside-down position.
Mickey pulled the blind shut and stomped out of his bedroom, determined to forget about Red and his fucking pruning shears.
The plan, however brilliant in theory, failed miserably in practice, and resulted in Mickey finding himself, yet again, covertly watching Red chew his fucking tomatoes. If Mickey cared, or if he was the kind of guy that had some sort of gardening glove fetish, he would have realised that Red tended to the garden in the evening, when the sun dipped, bloated and heavy, below the treeline, and bathed the grass in dazzling, shimmering golden light. If Mickey cared, or if he was the kind of guy that jerked off furiously in the shower thinking about the way the muscles in Red’s arms rippled, taut, when he hauled bags of soil from one end of the garden to the other, he would have devised a way of opening his blind just so, just enough to see out of, but not enough that Red could see his peering, lurking face.
For a kid who had grown up in the underbelly of Chicago, whose first word was ‘fuck’, only to be followed by ‘you up’, Mickey had been remarkably quick to come to terms with the fact that he only liked fucking dudes. The first time he’d slept with a chick, the noisy, breathy, wetness of it all had kept his dick limp and his ego in tatters, and she’d thrown him out of her bedroom with a ‘fucking faggot’ for good measure.  He’d slept with countless other women since then, a painful exercise in compulsory heterosexuality, and as he ploughed into them from behind, he’d screw his eyes shut and pretend the fleshy give of their hips was tight, coiled muscle, and pretend that their high-pitched blabbering were deep, guttural moans. It hurt, every time, when they’d slink off, hair mussed and lipstick smudged, and he’d be left splayed lifelessly on damp sheets that smelt like sex, but he managed. He had to manage. Until Terry Milkovich, silverback gorilla, had died in a wheezing, heaving mess on the kitchen floor, and Mickey was free.
He fucked his first guy on the night of the funeral, was fucked by his first guy three nights later, and never looked back. Mickey was pretty comfortable with what he liked and liking what he liked didn’t make him a bitch.
But this? Staring at some guy whispering sweet nothings to his peppers, hiding behind the blind every time he so much as glanced in Mickey’s general direction? This was horrifyingly close to pining, teetering on the edge of teenage puppy love infatuation type shit, and it set Mickey’s teeth on edge. Milkovich’s didn’t do crushes.
A knock on the window startled him, shattering his belligerent introspection and rattling his bones.
It was Red, who had somehow managed to creep his way across the scrubby lawn, up to Mickey’s window. Mickey blinked at him, dumbly.
Red started to speak, but Mickey couldn’t hear him.
“The windows closed; I can’t hear you!” Mickey shouted, dumbly.
Red stepped out of the way, just in time, and Mickey shoved the window open.
“Uh, window was … y’know. What the fuck do you want?”
Red smiled.
“Do you want a tomato?”
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
Was it appropriate to long for someone who loved another?
The question was one that Iwaizumi refused to acknowledge for the last six years, after Oikawa questioned the trainer’s feelings for their mutual friend. The conversation bloomed the night of your two-year anniversary with the younger Miya twin. It was quite difficult to miss the dozens of photographs uploaded to your social media, broadcasting the romantic evening that was planned. Soon his entire feed became only…you.
The former captain raised an eyebrow curiously at his friend, who was battling several emotions that were threatening to contort his features. It was not fate that brought Oikawa Tooru to his best friend’s side that evening. Rather, the decision to invite Iwaizumi for drinks on that particular date was a calculated choice. There were some questions that were nagging at him, ones that demanded answers before he departed from his home country.
“You didn’t think they would last this long, did you?” The inquiry was hummed out in amusement as he trailed a finger along the rim of the glass planted ahead of him. From the side of his eye, he noticed Iwaizumi shift uncomfortably in his seat.
“It’s good. We wanted her to be happy, and she is. So, it’s a good thing they lasted this long.” His words lacked an earnest vigour, and not even the straightest composure could sell the packaged response as the truth.
“Hmm. Oh, Iwa-chan. When will you be honest with me?” Exhaling a weighed sigh, Oikawa shook his head before taking a swing of the liquor. Or at least, when would he be honest with himself?
“What are you blabbering about now, Shittykawa?” The narrowing of his eyelids into slits was meant to resonate a sense of anger, or at minimum irritation. Yet, it was fear that was burning bright in his irises.
“Is it really appropriate to long for someone who is in love with another?” It was a dangerous question to be spewing, Oikawa knew the insinuations laying at the foundation were sure to provoke some dormant emotions. And so, when sorrow forced the other male to flicker his gaze to the opposite direction, the former captain blew out a low hum in understanding.
“I don’t long for her, you idiot,” After swallowing the lump in his throat, he attempted to brush off the comment, rather unsuccessfully. While Oikawa found his friend’s first protest to be a blatant lie, what followed next was enough to cause him to drop his face onto his palm. “She’s like a little sister to me.”
Despite Iwaizumi’s desire to present the admission as factual, calling you his little sister returned the crawling sensation that was prompted earlier to return to his skin; and he had to ponder whether the bitter taste in his mouth was from the liquor or from the deceit dripping from his lips.
“Iwa-chan, you know what they say. Denial is the first stage.” The humorous comment was accompanied by a gentle laugh. While his questions were completely shut down; the physical reactions that his inquiries elicited was enough to confirm his suspicions.
Unrequited love was tragic; but what made the circumstances substantially worse was that it began with mutual love. The only issue was that neither party dared to cross the boundaries between friendship and relationship, afraid to lose the other in the process.
“Shut up.” Neither boy was convinced or impacted by the half-hearted demand, rather it was silently understood that its sole purpose was to fill the empty space that was left for a confession that would not come.
However, the conversation laid a layer of bricks on Iwaizumi’s shoulders, shackling him to the truth he was desperately avoiding. It comes as no surprise that for the remainder of the evening, he could not muster the courage to scroll through any of his social media. For if he did, the action would be admitting something he promised to always keep buried.  
Tonight, the question returned to the forefront of his thoughts, mocking him for a weakness he despised himself for possessing. But it was not longing that was behind the uneasiness bordering nausea flooding him. No – it was the thought of what could have been.
What if he said something? What if you did? Would you have been happier – not knowing the one who was the cause of your broken heart? Or would he have stolen from you a happiness that you could never receive with him?  
Sinking his face into his palms, he clenched his eyelids shut, aiming to shove aside the haunting thoughts. He remained in the crouched position for twenty minutes, unable to gather the energy to adjust his posture until he heard slight stirring from the bed ahead of him.
“Akari?” From under the duvet, you raised a hand to beckon for your sister who was coincidentally, not in the bedroom at the moment. The impact of the alcohol had worn off considerably by now, leaving only an irksome strain in your temples.
“She’s downstairs.” The trainer debated internally whether to approach you or not, and upon hearing the little groan that was offered in response, he opted to wait before abandoning his post. “How are you feeling?” Resting his arms along his thighs, he laced his fingers together, stretching them anxiously on either side.
A verbal response did not immediately follow his line of questioning. As you raised to a seating position on the bed, your gaze dropped to the stuffed animal that was snug against your side. Your memories of what transpired earlier in the evening was lagging, returning to you at a slow rate that was highly antagonizing. Though, the pieces that you did remember were the ones involving your best friend whose gaze you could not meet. Maybe if you were younger, still justifying your decisions with the motto of no regrets, it would have been an easier task. But you knew what was said tonight was dangerously careless.
“Tired.” Whispering the response, you brought the plushie to your lap, gently brushing your fingers against the fur. While you did remember the accidental damage, your intoxicated state inflicted on your friendship; you did not remember how you came to possess the toy within your grasp.
“Do you remember anything?” Iwaizumi prodded, testing whether it was appropriate to initiate the conversation you were dreading to have.
“Pieces.” This time you responded promptly; emotion devoid in your mumbled response. “Though, I don’t remember asking Bo to get this little baby, so I guess I saw him?” You aimed to spit the final word of the sentence with venom, and yet it spilled from your lips, coated with a hint of fondness, rather than disgust – something that Iwaizumi caught on, twinging the spear planted inside of his chest.
“You did.” Ignoring the discomfort stretching along his torso, he forcefully stabilized his breathing, drawing longer and heavier breaths through his nose. He didn’t know what was expected of him now. His role in your life had always been one of a protector – but now, with the truth exposed as an open wound, what could he do? What should he do?
“I thought so. I was hoping that part was a dream.” Chewing on the inside of your cheek, a humourless melody was blown out. While you were unable to recall what the conversation was, an image of your fiancé had projected inside of your mind. In the memory he wore his vulnerability openly for you, and you despised how it made you want to comfort him. How you wanted to claim his pain as your own, even though your own heart was suffering from the pain he inflicted on it.
“Why didn’t you answer me? I could have been there for you. If it’s about what you said…” With his throat constricting, he was unable to complete the sentence. But you were quick to fill the silence, aiming to end the conversation before it could develop further.
“I wasn’t thinking straight, Hajime. Just ignore what I said, okay.” You couldn’t do this. Not right now. Not when your heart was already breaking from your last love – it would not survive additional pain from your first one.  
“What if I don’t want to ignore it?” He did not intend to push the topic forward without your consent, but the question left his mouth before he could bite his tongue. Despite being regarded as the one who held a considerable amount of control of emotions, his resolve to remain in control weakened with each passing second.
“Why? So, you can tell me that you didn’t feel the same way? That you’re sorry? Because if that’s what you’re doing to say, please don’t. I don’t think I can handle it.” Drawing in a deep breath, you tipped your head up, fixing your attention on the ceiling, hoping the liquid hanging on your lashes would not depart. “And if you’re going to tell me that I was wrong, that you did see me that way…What’s the point now?” Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, your eyelids fluttered shut, granting the tears full reign over your cheeks. “You didn’t tell me it when it would have made a difference.”
The sight of you falling apart filled him with dread. How could he despise the younger Miya twin for his idiotic behaviour when he too caused you similar hurt? How could he have been so damn oblivious?
The only difference between him and Osamu, was that he didn’t care for his own pain. He didn’t desire your pity or sympathy. He wanted your happiness.
The distance between you two could no longer be tolerated. He quickly rose to his feet, making his way to the mattress, before guiding you into his arms. When you were in his embrace, you slowly placed your arms around his middle limply. 
“I’m sorry, y/n.” What he was apologizing did not have to be stated, you knew what it was and that was enough.
Because you were sorry too… for what could have been, and what had been lost.
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Let’s do it again, shall we - what if 
Masterlist - Previous - Next
A/N: no one kill me, LMAO. 
taglist: @idiot-juice-enthusiast @vicassa  @yourstarvic @bringmelily @newfriendjen @hikarichannn @anime-simp @tsukkismamagucci @laughingismorefun @astronomyturtle @shegrewupwithoutafather @hyskoa1998 @deephumandragonperson @pretty-setter-bois @raenebalgaire @sugawarabby @justanotherfangirl2 @keijisworld @90s-belladonna @momoinot @sempiternal-amour @cherryblosom111 @yqshirov @haikyuufairy @volleybloop @bloody-bella @sadkaashistan @seikamuzu @namyari  @toaster-stick @coconut-dreamz @roseestuosity @prcttylittlcthing @uzumakioden @nerdynstoned @kenmasgameboy @kaiju-teeth @ouijaeater15 @aquariarose @fandomtrashpandasposts @helloalex80​ @stfucanunot @envyusshades @cuddlesslut @seijohiseliterambles​  @meiikuki @cuddlejeongin @tchalameme @ditu-m9​ @elianetsantana​ 
Taglist continued in the comments from my personal  ❣️
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assonyaa · 3 years
Layers | John Bender
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PART 2 - “Shut up, you mall-maggot.”
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Bender gets up and sits on the railing across from us. 
"What do you say we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds."
Brian after staying shut for the duration of the boys' argument, finally says something.
"Well, you know the door's s'posed to stay open." 
"Thank you, Captain Obvious!" 
I got up and walked over to the railing that Bender was sitting at, standing on his left side. I grabbed Bender's hand and played with his glove.
"So what?" Bender finally replies to Brian.
"So why don't you just shut up? There's five other people in here you know." Andrew says after attempting to ignore John with all he had in him. 
"Well four others who don't agree, a party sounds nice." I look at Andrew and smirk, then continue to look at Bender's hand.
"God you can count. See! I knew you had to be smart to be a- a wrestler." John says looking at Andrew.
I attempted to let go of his hand but he quickly interlocked them. He acted as if it was nothing and continued to listen to Andrew.
"Who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway?"
"Really." Claire replied agreeing with Andrew almost right away. I look at Claire who stares at our hands and mock her. She sticks up her middle finger at me and continues to listen in to the boys.
"You know Bender," Andrew started, sounding just like my father, I just knew it'll be something fucked up. "You don't even count. I mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school."
I stood there in shock and anger. Bender tenses up and slightly squeezes my hand, his vulnerability doesn't show as it quickly washes away before he thinks of something slick to say.
"Well I'll just run right out and join the wrestling team."
Claire and Andrew both look at each other and laugh as if it was the funniest thing in the world. 
"Maybe the prep club too! Student council." I chuckle at his sarcasm as Andrew, seemingly, takes things seriously. 
"No, they wouldn't take you."
Bender placed his right hand on his chest. 
"I'm hurt."
The sarcasm dials down a bit before Claire starts talking once again.
"You know why guys like you knock everything," Bender whispers a little 'Oh, this should be stunning' to me before allowing Claire to proceed.
"It's 'cause you're afraid." 
"You're serious?" I roll my eyes at her. 
"Oh, God!" Bender mocked enthusiastically. "You richies are so smart, that's exactly why I'm not heavy in activities!"
"You're a big coward!" Claire shouts out.
"Oh, bite me Claire!" I spat out and walked forward a bit. "Just because he doesn't do that country club bullshit you and all your other little friends do, doesn't make him a coward."
Bender pulled me back by the hand he was still hold on to while Brian blabbered.
"I'm in the math club."
"See you both are afraid they won't take you. You don't belong so you just have to dump all over it." Claire clearly not caring what I had to say, continued with her irrelevant speech.
"Well it wouldn't have to do with you activities people being assholes, now would it?" Bender fired back. I nodded agreeing with every bit of his words. 
"Well, you wouldn't know. You don't even know any of us." 
"We know you and I think that's enough." I muttered, John looked at me smirking slightly knowing just how pissed off I was. He then looks back up at Claire.
"Well I don't know any lepers either but I'm not gonna run out and join their fucking clubs."
"Hey let's watch the mouth, huh?" Andrew intervened.
All of our conversations seemed to always be between the four of us. Allison hasn't said a word and Brian keeps blabbering.
"I'm in the physics club too."
I looked over at Brian who seemed to feel left out.
"S'cuse me a sec," Bender says to Claire and I. "What are you blabbing about?"
Brian uneasily looks over at Bender. 
"Well, what I said was, I'm in the math club, the Latin club and the physics club...physics club."Bender nods and turns back to Claire and I. 
"Hey Cherry," Claire looks annoyed knowing he is speaking about her. "Do you belong to the physics club?"
She looked dumbfounded for a second before looking at him.
"That's an academic club." She replied in a duh tone.
"So...academic clubs aren't the same as other kinda of clubs." She shrugged slightly looking at the both of us.
"Oh, but to dorks like him," I pointed to Brian. "They are." 
Bender turns to Brian including him in the conversation completely.
"What do you guys do in your club?"
"In physics, um, we ah, we talk about
physics...about properties of physics."
I pulled away from Bender, although I didn't want to, and sat back down at the table I was before. 
"So it's sorta social...demented and sad, but social.  Right?" 
"Yeah, well, I guess you could consider it a social situation." Brian seemed slightly nervous speaking to the intimidating John Bender but he continued nonetheless. "I mean there are other children in my club and uh, at the end of the year we have, um, you know, a big banquet, at the, uh, at the Hilton."
"So," I started. "You load up, you party..."
Well, no, we get dressed up..." Brian faces me now. "I mean, but, we don't...we don't get high."
As if she knew how annoying she was to me and how I felt about her, the princess spoke up.
"Only burners like you two get high..." 
"Shut up, you mall-maggot." Claire ignored me but certainly didn't enjoy the idea of Bender pulling me up from the seat and grabbing onto my waist to ensure I wasn't gonna go after the bitch. 
"And, uh, I didn't have any shoes. So I had to borrow my dad's.  It was kinda weird 'cause my mom doesn't like me to wear other people's shoes." As Brian kept on speaking what sounded like utter gibberish, I thought, does the princess actually have a thing for Bender. I didn't like the idea but hell if that's the case, why should I care? 
"And, uh, my cousin Kent...my cousin Kendall from, uh, Indiana... He got high once and you know, he started eating like really weird foods.  And uh, and then he just felt like he didn't belong anywhere. You know, kinda like, you know "Twilight Zone" kinda." Bender, surprisingly, just listened intently to Brian's story. I was a bit shocked seeing that he didn't get bored of the conversation when clubs started to be mentioned. 
"Sounds like you." Claire told Bender, giggling slightly. I laugh mockingly in my head but my face of disgust is clear.
"Look, you guys keep up your talking and Vernon's gonna come right in here." Andrew's goody two shoes side was showing as he's had enough of our chats. "I got a meet this Saturday and I'm not gonna miss it on account of you boneheads."
I give Andrew the same look of disgust as I gave Claire. 
"What a square." I whispered to Bender, he chuckled and looked at Andrew.
"Oh and wouldn't that be a bite." Bender let out a moan of sarcastic agony. "Missing a whole wrestling meet!"
“Well you wouldn't know anything about it! You never competed in your whole life!” Andrew was furious at this point.
“Oh, I know,” Bender was bound to say something that’ll offend Andrew. “I feel all empty inside because of it. I have such a deep admiration for guys that roll around on the floor with other guys!”
“Ahhh, you’d never miss it. You don't have any goals.”
“Oh, but I do!”
“Andrew, you’ve dug yourself a hole.” I state laughing because I knew Bender would turn it all to humor for his own entertainment.
“I wanna be just like you! I figure all I need's a labotamy and some tights!” Bender joked. I couldn’t help myself but laugh. And as if on cue Brain and I both asked, “You wear tights?”
Brian was genuinely curious while I laughed, making fun of Andrew for his uniform.
“No I don't wear tights, I wear the required uniform.”
“Tights.” Bender confirms.
“Shut up!”
“Aw, c’mon Layers, leave the poor guy and his tights alone.” I’m sure no one understood me as I was still laughing my ass off. Bender joined in the laughter before quieting down once we heard Vernon’s foot steps.
Bender quickly sat down in between Claire and Andrew. He saw me still standing and pulled me down onto his lap. We hear the door to Vernon’s office open then close and Bender laughs. He then gets up and heads to the door of the library.
“You know there's not s'posed to be any monkey business!” The dork speaks out. Bender turns back around and points at him.
“Young man, have you finished your paper?” Imitating Vernon, he turns back around and goes over to the door. He looks around cautiously, making sure Vernon couldn’t see, and casually took the screw from the door out.
“What are you gonna do?” Claire asks surprised as if she wasn’t expecting him to find some way to close the door.
“Drop dead, I hope!” Andrew furiously answers her question for Bender.
I couldn’t help but think, ‘God, these people are such losers.’
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rhodeys · 4 years
I wish you would write a fic where tony has accidentally turned into a child and Rhodey has to babysit him Thanks !!
thank you for the prompt! 💞💞
(i may have had too much fun with this) 
The thing is, Rhodey's used to being greeted by an empty penthouse every time he decides to check up on Tony. It's precisely the reason why the rest of the penthouse blend into the background while he makes his way to the private elevator that leads to Tony's workshop – the sectional sofa, the mezzanine, the staircase leading to the mezzanine, the kid, the–
Rhodey does a double take. 
There's a child in the penthouse - staring back at him like a baby deer caught in the headlights. The child blinks, just once, before brown eyes are back to being impossibly wide over the tiny hand perched upon the glass handrail. He's wearing a black t-shirt that's ten sizes too big for him, the edges of it ending at his knees. His feet are on two different stairs, almost like he'd been in the middle of making his way down before Rhodey conveniently barged in. The child doesn't even move a muscle. 
"Uh," is all Rhodey says, eyes flicking around the penthouse in sudden uncertainty before he turns to the boy. "Hey." 
The boy continues to stare at Rhodey for five odd seconds, making the older man feel oddly conscious. And then, finally, a careful: "Hi." 
"Hey," Rhodey says again, softer now. "Are you alone here?" He scans the empty penthouse once more. "Where are your parents?" 
"Why?" The boy is quick to ask, tone changing as his eyes narrow, and Rhodey's never seen a five-six-whatever-year old sound so defensive. "Where are yours?" 
Rhodey's taken aback, if only for a brief second, at the sudden shift in tone. Brown eyes are no longer wide, but slitted with something close to suspicion. "They're not–" Rhodey starts. Stops. "I'm sorry. Just–" He turns his head away, still maintaining wary eye contact with the boy, and calls out in the general direction of Tony's bedroom. "Tony?" 
"Yeah?" The boy asks. 
"No, not– that's my friend," Rhodey elaborates, making a vague motion with his hands to the space around them. "Have you seen anyone else around here?" 
"Is your friend's name Tony, too?" The boy asks, slowly continuing to make his way down the stairs, sharp eyes still fixated on Rhodey. 
"Yeah. He's–" Rhodey starts, and then something the boy had said registers. "Wait. Too? What's your name?" 
The boy finally takes the last step, and it's right then that Rhodey sees the familiar design of Black Sabbath printed across the oversized t-shirt. The sleeves were pulled up and knotted at awkward angles to prevent it from dangling down tiny arms. "Tony," the boy says. 
Rhodey's lips part in growing surprise as he takes in the messy waves of dark hair, matched with a pair of brown eyes that shine too bright, the layer of chub across a familiar bone structure, and the all too familiar expression of suspicion that Rhodey was once subjected to in MIT – one that, over the years, had eventually been hidden behind a perfected mask of cool. "Tony."
"Yeah," the boy says, making a face like Rhodey's being stupid. "S'what I just said."
"I mean," Rhodey clarifies, pinching the bridge of his nose after Pepper had calmly pointed out through the call that Tony's always been a child. "He's an actual kid. Physically. He's–" he cuts off as he shifts his attention to Tony, who's scowling from the other end of the sectional with tiny arms crossed over his chest. "Do you know how old you are?" 
"Course I do," Tony huffs out, eyes narrowing in offense. "I'm eight."
"Eight? Kinda short for an eight year old, aren't you?" Rhodey teases, and Tony's eyes narrow even further. The boy looks away just as his cheeks flush pink at the jab aimed at his stature. 
"Wait. Is that Tony?" Pepper's voice filters through the phone. "It doesn't sound like him."
"Gee, I wonder why eight year old Tony doesn't sound like fifty year old Tony."
"How are you even sure it's him? Did you ask Jarvis?" 
"Trust me, I'm sure," Rhodey says, deciding against bringing up when eight year old Tony had unashamedly called out 'who's the broad?' the second Pepper answered the phone, which ended with Rhodey fumbling to put the phone off of speaker. 
"And Jarvis isn't responding. He must have gone down when Tony did– well, whatever he did." Rhodey sneaks a quick glance at his watch. It's been almost an hour since he walked into this debacle. "He should be back up soon." 
"Okay," Pepper says after a heavy sigh. Her calm demeanor doesn't even surprise Rhodey – god knows the pair of them have been through enough and more of Tony's eccentricity. When it comes to Tony, this is just another day for them. "Jim, listen. I'm still in DC, but I'll be there in a few hours." There's distinct shuffling from her side. "Just– stay put. Read him a book. Put him to sleep."
"Put him to–" Rhodey cuts himself off before he can even consider the ridiculousness of the suggestion. "This is Tony."
"And you're his best friend. Which is why I'm sure you'll figure something out." And by thrusting her sheer level of confidence upon Rhodey, Pepper ends the call, leaving him staring helplessly at the phone in his hand. He looks over at Tony, who immediately looks away, defensive hands still folded across his chest in an act of petulance. 
Pepper had a point, Rhodey figures. Smaller Tony can't differ much from the real deal. He just has to make Tony talk; keep him occupied. Maybe play an R-rated movie– 
"Keep staring at me like that, 'm gonna think you're a pedophile."
"Jesus Christ."
They're not even ten minutes into watching Eraserhead before Tony decides it's too unrealistic, and therefore not worth his time. 
"What?" Rhodey asks, barely able to suppress the disbelief in his voice. Tony loved this movie – even watched it twice a month, every month, while they were in MIT. Sure, it had Rhodey worried for Tony's sanity at first, but he got around to movie nights soon enough. "You love this movie."
"Nope," Tony says, and that's that.
"Aren't you too old to be a babysitter?" Tony asks after spending a whole of five minutes scrutinizing Rhodey with a fairly impressive stink eye.
Rhodey huffs out a breathy laugh. "Tell that to the guy who put me here."
"Maybe I will," Tony says pointedly – sounding like he fully intended to file a formal complaint. "Where is he?"
"You're talking to him," Rhodey says, which shuts Tony up.
Rhodey's making a mental checklist of how else he can entertain eight year old Tony who hates Eraserhead – when Jarvis comes online.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Rhodes," Jarvis greets, and Rhodey immediately shoots a silent prayer of gratitude to the AI. On the other side of the sectional, Tony's head jerks up in surprise from where he was fiddling with the StarkTab – eyes darting around for the voice. 
"I apologize for my inactivity. My servers may have been affected while Sir was testing the functions of…" Jarvis trails off, and there's a very telling silence that follows – Jarvis apparently having noticed Tony's absence and the kid's presence. Tony's still looking around for the source, and when his attempt turns futile, decides to zero in on Rhodey. 
"Mr. Rhodes," Jarvis starts, his words edging on hesitation. "Is that–" 
Tony takes it upon himself to find out the source of the voice. There's ten minutes of Tony opening and closing doors, crouching under tables, checking behind furniture five times his size, and because Tony - no matter the age – is still Tony, returns to where Rhodey's seated, newfound determination plastered across his face. "Who was that?"
"Who was who?" Rhodey asks, raising an innocent brow. 
"The guy who was just talking to you." 
"Don't see any guy here."
"I heard him."
"Heard who?" 
"The guy!" Tony blurts out hotly, throwing his arms out in frustration as his cheeks flush a shade of red. The movement makes the full sleeves of Tony's undershirt break from the knot Tony had made, resulting in them splaying out like loose wires before they end up dangling flimsily at his sides. Tony pays no mind, and Rhodey tries to pay no mind. 
"Which guy?" Rhodey asks, and he can barely contain his grin watching the way Tony puffs his chest, lips parting to make way for whatever childish blabber before they snap shut in annoyance. 
His face turns into a scowl as he brings his arms back across his chest, dangling sleeves and all. "Stop pulling my leg." 
"Whatever you say, kid."
"Not a kid."
"You're, like, five."
Tony looks like he's about to explode from frustration. "Eight!"
"Full fledged adult, then."
"You have a lot of grey hair," Tony speaks up all of a sudden, working on the offense this time. 
"You're short," Rhodey answers without missing a beat.
"But I'll grow," Tony says, grinning now, like he'd struck gold. "I'll be taller than you."
"Oh, yeah," Rhodey agrees for the sake of entertaining the kid, deciding against breaking his bubble as much as he'd like to. He adds an enthusiastic "definitely." 
Tony, self-proclaimed genius that he is, catches on to the intent. He looks almost giddy with excitement as he crawls over from his place on the sectional to where Rhodey's sitting. "You're jealous!" Tony exclaims, eyes shining in delight. "Aren't you? You're jealous that I'm gonna be taller than you!" 
"You got me, kid," Rhodey shrugs, a lopsided smile pulling at his lips. "What can I say? Life can be a– biscuit, sometimes."
"A bitch, you mean."
They go through the StarkPad together, not that Tony needed much help anyway, seeing as he already figured out most of how it works by himself. Rhodey gets his fair share of questions anyway, from why do people need such a big screen? to I can watch an entire movie in this?
"Ha, this makes you look even older!" is the first thing points out when Rhodey switches it to the front camera. 
"Yeah, yeah," Rhodey says smiling, and in a split second, contorts his face just as a grinning Tony holds up the tablet and takes a selfie of them. 
"This is so cool," Tony exclaims in barely contained excitement as he proceeds to take a dozen more pictures of himself, some of which Rhodey accidentally ends up in the background of. 
"Yeah, remember my friend Tony? He made it."
Tony perks up, suddenly more interested, and Rhodey thinks he's going to ask more about the StarkPad until– "Is he taller than you?" 
Rhodey snorts. "He wishes. Tony used to stuff paper balls into his shoes when we were in MIT. He wears heels now." 
"I know MIT! My dad studied there," Tony says, and Rhodey makes a surprised sound, like that wasn't news to him at all. Tony cocks his head, eyebrows knitting as if something just occurred to him. "Wait, how does he wear heels?" 
"He gets them custom made into his shoes."
A pause. Then: "And he's still shorter than you?" 
"That must suck balls."
"You never told me your name," Tony says out of the blue after spending a good few minutes drooling into Rhodey's shoulder while he was dead to the world.
"It's Jim."
Tony shifts, drawing his feet towards himself so he can curl into Rhodey's chest. "That's an old man's name," Tony points out softly. 
"Rhodey, then."
"How many names do you have?"
Honeybear, Platypus, Sourpatch– "A few."
"My name is Anthony," Tony says, voice softening even more, as if he'd pass out any moment now. "But nobody calls me that anymore."
"Thought you didn't like-"
"Because when they do, I kick 'em in the dick," Tony finishes, words coming out in soft mumble before he drifts back to sleep.
When Pepper walks into the penthouse an hour later and spots Tony snuggled against Rhodey's side, soaking his polo shirt wet with drool, she flashes him a triumphant smile. I told you so.
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