#*none of the people i tagged are required to respond
tamelee · 7 months
As a beginner artist im only happy when people reupload and share my art. I don’t want to be arragont enough to think im like samdoesart or something and you’re not really on that level either no offense though your art is inspiring me a lot
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Okay, I'll address this then... (Art-rant for anyone who cares;) 
... no offense taken. I'm very aware of my (skill)’level' in art and definitely feel a certain type of way about it ;-; .... but that aside, what is your argument here?
Is anyone who doesn't want their art reposted or uploaded on other accounts considered arrogant? Is there some kind of popularity threshold you need to cross before you can request something as simple as this? And if so, what's that threshold to you? I'm genuinely curious.
When does someone become "good" enough to have the right to say that their art is theirs and protect it from being stolen or decide where it gets shared? Who has any say in it, other than the artist or creator themselves? Isn't that extremely subjective to base it solely on that?
Hm. If you're a beginner artist, I'd like to offer some advice....
It's entirely up to you whether you read it, give it any thought, or find it valuable in any way. I'm no Sam, after all. But there are plenty of ways for others to support your art, engage with it, or share it even in their own accounts without taking anything away from the original creator, whether it's art/writing or any other type of creation. However, it's also perfectly fine if you personally don't care about it or if someone allows it only with proper credit because that's your decision as.. you know- the original creator.
You mentioned that you're happy when your art gets reuploaded as a form of "sharing." But do you know what makes me the happiest as an artist Nonee?
Do you know what really brightens my day? 🥹
...It's knowing what people are saying about my work because I can read it on my own posts that are on my own accounts. When I can respond and take it in fully. When I see people using tags that make me snort my drink or when I have to stifle a laugh to the point I’m choking because it's just SO funny! (I genuinely need to make a compilation!!) Sometimes, I get comments that are cursing me out in a playful manner, and it's often followed by an incoherent keyboard-smash. I end up making embarrassing alien-like noises because of it that makes me more grateful than ever to live alone. Other times, I bawl my eyes out because someone left a comment or tagged it with something that just hits differently. A while ago, I got an ask that said I should stop saying 'thank you' on everything because it got repetitive/annoying(?), but I genuinely feel so grateful for all of it 😭!!
I get new ideas because someone suggested something different. I see friends having entire conversations under a drawing that I'm not even a part of because apparently, what I drew resonated with them personally, or it made them feel a certain way, which is oddly fulfilling with art ;-; Just so you know, I read everything... and all this feedback (because it's all feedback in a way) can be very inspiring, don't you think?
Honestly, when it comes to activities like drawing, it's true that it is better to never do it solely for the sake of engagement. Drawing, or more specifically, living as an (aspiring) artist is incredibly lonely.
So, so lonely...
Relying on engagement alone to keep you creating for hours, days, years, or maybe even decades is just not sustainable. It takes an enormous amount of time and dedication to practice, come up with new ideas, and endure the inevitable frustrations that come with it. With anything, keeping yourself inspired at times takes effort also because it requires for you to be in a state of mind that allows new idea’s in the first place which in itself takes practice because you won’t always feel like drawing. You might even encounter nasty comments or discover that something you poured your heart into gets criticized, YOU as a person may even be criticized because what you drew with your current skills (and such a journey is never-ending) in a single moment could get paired with your entire personality or even your humanly morals (ffs) to judge. Which can be more hurtful than you'd expect... especially in the beginning.
Although it may sound silly, the saying "the fun is in the journey” is very real and likely the most important thing to keep you going as an artist. No matter what, you gotta have fun or find a way to have fun.
Yet, even so, now more than ever, the process of creating is very underappreciated as many are looking for “content” that's quickly generated for entertainment. Tsk, some even call art “content” which, IT IS NOT. It's a proven fact that we, as humans, currently have become dopamine junkies with short attention spans. (I totally understand this – I was diagnosed with ADD, hence my extreme hyper-fixations also 😆 it's both a blessing and a curse, tbh.) So, right now, the very thing that can support artists (which means you as a beginner also!) on their creative journey is letting them know you appreciate their art in any way or just let them know your thoughts maybe even by specifying what it was you liked about it so they can carry that into their next drawing.. which is only truly possible through your own accounts y’know? :’) I'm being sincere when I say this really can help. 
I get that many people believe that creating should be satisfying in itself, and everyone may expect you to think that way because, after all, you want people to see what you've made and a reposter ‘helps’ you with that, so, it should be enough and you should be happy and grateful actually. Anything beyond that might be considered "arrogant."
And... based on your ask, it seems like you might view having your art reuploaded as a form of 'help,' and if that's the case, it's totally fine. But I want to share a rather harsh reality, because even if those who repost your art provide credit...
They don’t do it for you and it’s not necessarily because they love your art so much 👀 rarely anyone cares to go through a description full with useless trend-based tags or promotive texts they always use only to put in the effort to find your name and most likely, if they follow such accounts there is zero connection with the original artist/creator which means it is WAY more likely in this case that the art you worked on for idk how long ends up becoming a forgettable blur as it is scrolled past 🤷🏻‍♀️
And even if the reposter likes your art personally, that's probably not their primary motivation to share it (except for a very few who are in it for a fandom, sns has a few also). Art that gets ‘selected’ for reposting is typically selected with a specific, often trend-oriented, goal that has little to do with the artist. It's frequently shared with the mindset of a rather poorly-driven marketer. Especially on platforms like IG- many of these accounts exist to benefit the account owner only by making high(er)-follower accounts that later get a different purpose. Many of these accounts will discard all art once it has reached an engagement goal to then move onto something new that's more financially profitable to the account owner, which original art by others is not. And yeah, a lot of these accounts are sold after. There are especially many now due to the IG affiliate program, and recently tiktok also. The same is quickly happening on X with its monetization... and guess what :’)!!! Although original art is hard to monetize, Ai is completely approved.... 🤨🙄 But I won't bore you with all the specifics any longer.
Me not wanting my art on other platforms/accounts, has little to do with credit nor do I think in the very least that I have some sort of control over it by making that decision... but still. I refuse to willingly take part in anything that currently takes ‘art’ (any creative form) and makes a mockery of it, using it for mere "content" or treats it as this ‘thing’ that appeared out of nowhere to then just use any way people like and participate in the narrative that gives the impression that investing time in creating something isn't valuable or a cherished part of human expression that brings and promotes joy. 
Because rarely do people take the damn time anymore.
I want all artists/writers/creators/etc- to be acknowledged for their work in general, or, even in the least, acknowledge the work that isn't seen that goes into the final result for others to enjoy. I don't want to continually see art stolen and exploited so rapidly. This phenomenon enables tech bros who don’t have a single ounce of argumentative skill or self-proclaimed "entrepreneurs" to generate their little stolen jpg’s for their absurd 3 a.m. morning-routine videos and use them as banners on their get-rich-quick schemes, scamming the unsuspecting and spamming the internet with this bs, largely thanks to AI making this partly possible... for example. There's not a single platform left that supports artists or helps them fight for security and protection for their work. I know and I'm aware. At the very least, we can say 'no' to reposting because giving up completely makes no room for possible solutions... and then we can work from where we are at all times to find ways to protect a right (because it is) that some might perceive as trivial. 
Nevertheless, it is a right, and it definitely isn't an issue of arrogance or skill.
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maddymoreau · 4 months
I read this interesting post:
That discusses how while Victor is a lovable character he's a product designed to lure Courier Six into New Vegas. This post got my brain juices flowing so bad I made Tumblr glitch with how much I tried writing in the tags. So I had to make my own post.
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I find it EXTREMELY interesting how all the AIs Mr. House created while fun and lovable are also products.
Jane being a copy of Mr. House's favorite girl a starlet he dated before the Great War. She's designed to entertain him similarly to how the workers at Gomorrah "entertain" customers.
Jane: "Mr. House has a lot of needs, sugar. I take care of all of them, and a lady doesn't kiss and tell."
There's also an emotional aspect to the services she provides him.
If he wanted her just for sex he wouldn't have specifcally scanned her brain. He could've gotten anyone. While famous Jane wasn't even a star but a starlet. A young actress with aspirations to become a star.
While he might have liked Jane's personality which is why he picked her. Ultimately their relationship was a business transaction.
Raul: "She said they never, um... don't make me spell it out, boss. Anyway, she said all he wanted to do was scan her brain and make her dress up in different outfits."
Mr. House scanned her brain to create an artificial relationship (separate from the real Jane) designed to satisfy his needs post Great War. Mr. House had the technology to save the real Jane but chose not to.
A lot of people also seem misunderstand the reason why Mr. House doesn't have sex with Jane. It's because he physically COULDN'T.
Ignoring cut content. Mr. House was already attached to the machine keeping him alive. He's connected to an Electrode-studded command helmet on the day of the Great War.
It's how Mr. House protected New Vegas:
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Raul: "I remember there were some weird stories about him, especially near the end." NEAR THE END.
Mr. House takes Jane's personality to the EXTREME. Designing her to stoke and inflate his ego by being able to only say positive things about him. Jane is a product designed to provide Mr. House a service all while managing his snow globe collection. She doesn't even respond when the player says goodbye to her.
Then there's Mr. Vegas who was an AI created before the Great War. A charming DJ for Radio New Vegas to play music but also spread the news.
Mr. House also did to the same to the tribes by turning them into The Strip AKA a money making product.
He molds people into exactly what HE wants for his benefit.
The BIGGEST example of this was Benny! However that didn't work because Benny is human. Benny had his own ambitions and desires.
Mr House: "I have to think that he found out about the Platinum Chip and mistakenly convinced himself that he could use it to his own ends."
Mr. House even flat out admits it to the player.
Mr. House: "Benny has led the Chairmen ever since I recruited his tribe seven years ago. Until his recent misbehavior, I'd planned to make him my protege. Maybe if I'd begun grooming him sooner, none of this would've happened..."
Protege meaning a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person. He wanted to GUIDE Benny into a specific role. Which the player can even ask about.
Courier Six: "What use would you have for a protege?"
Mr. House: "To achieve my aims, I require a capable human agent to perform certain . . . tasks."
Testing them to see if they can get to New Vegas on their own.
This awesome post goes into more details about it:
Mr. House even mentions you being a more-than-suitable replacement for the role he wanted Benny in.
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ALSO during your first meeting with Mr. House this exchange can happen:
Courier: "Why the VIP treatment? I'm just a courier."
Mr. House: "Oh, don't be coy. You've been playing a high-stakes game ever since Victor dug you out of the ground. Don't be afraid to admit it."
Mr. House: "You see that you and I are of a different stripe, don't you? We don't have to dream that we're important. We are."
While Mr. House may act like he's above feelings and relationships. HE'S NOT!!!! It's why the player's karma can affect his ending SO MUCH!!!!
Another incredible post discussing it:
A lot of people think Mr. House is an idiot for picking Benny but people forget Benny's drive. Hell just rewatch the intro cutscene where he shoots Courier Six.
Mr. House being human is also WHY he picks Benny despite Swanks being far more loyal. Swanks is an unimaginative employee.
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Mr. House: "I have a certain tolerance for greed. I expect my business partners to be self-interested - but smarty so."
However he misjudged Benny and even admits it.
Mr. House: "Obviously, I miscalculated his drive for supremacy."
In the Yes Man ending we learn.
Yes Man: "I found some code snippets in one of Mr. House's databanks that will let me, um, reprogram my personality! To be a little more assertive, basically!"
Meaning while small Mr. House has programming to allow characters like Victor and Jane free will. He WON'T use it though because he wants the specific services and relationships they provide him.
In the ending with high good karma it even says: "Mr. house afforded him/her every luxury at his disposal in the Lucky 38, out of gratitude - and a quiet sense of pride for his choice in lieutenants."
Of course because of his ego (look at the obituary that appears when he dies) but GRATITUDE. Spoiling Courier Six with all the luxuries he can provide doesn't sound like a basic employee and employer relationship he likes to act like what they have is.
Mr. House: "In any case... this is an employer - employee relationship. I've given you an assignment, and the directions are clear."
If you want to take the G.E.C.K script notes into consideration they even says:
Mr. House: ''You know, I've had thousands of employees in my time. Few met my expectations, fewer still surpassed them.'' {You know, I never had much time for a family - if I did, you'd be the daughter/son I wish I'd had. Benny was almost like a son to me, but well...}
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venus-haze · 3 months
Writer Tag
Thank you so much for tagging me @frstcorinthians🖤
Just a "proceed with caution" on the fics I've linked on this list. Plenty of detailed warnings!
How many works do you have on AO3? 42
What's your total AO3 word count? 178k
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
3 out of 5 are Homelander fics🤭
My Destruction Is an Hour Late (my first Homelander fic🥲)
She's Out To Please, She Pouts Her Best (Soldier Boy x Reader)
Bruised Fruit (Michael Corleone x OC, an honor that it’s even on this list)
Got No Reason To Run (Homelander x Reader)
Baby Let's Play House (Homelander x Reader)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! I appreciate every single one so much!
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Definitely Sinnerman, I need to write more for Midnight Mass. There's so much potential there.
What’s the fic you've written with the happiest ending? I think Eat Your Heart Out...
Do you write crossovers? No, I haven't.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? No, which is shocking considering what I write about.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? The kind that usually requires a lot of trigger warnings.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I couldn't with my schedule.
What's your all-time favorite ship? I absolutely love the way Minxie @cherubgore writes Vincent/Paige! Rarepair forever🖤
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? None I can think of. I mostly write standalone fics, and I know I'm gonna finish Bruised Fruit at some point. Usually my WIPs change over time so they might not look the same as when I started, but they end up getting posted eventually.
What are your writing strengths? I don't know…I've been told I'm good at bringing the reader into a fic, so I guess building settings and scenes, which makes sense considering I write mostly readerfics and the immersion aspect is the backbone of that.
What are your writing weaknesses? My writing is more straightforward and doesn't use a lot of poetic style, which is something I wish I were better at. I don't think I write individual sentences that "wow" a reader, you know?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I do not trust Google Translate and will not walk around with egg on my face. I just use italics to indicate speaking in another language, on the off occasion that's included in my fics. Or like with Bruised Fruit, Gloria doesn't speak Italian, so part of portraying that involves her asking people what they said and hoping they're telling the truth or trying to figure out based on her interpretation of their tone and body language.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? The Outsiders! I was so upset about the ending that I wrote many fics on Quizilla where Johnny and Dally lived.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? I'd like to write something for Justified, but I need to rewatch again.
What's your favorite fic you've written? That's so tough...maybe Howl.
No pressure tags: @cherubgore @zaras-really-dreamless @shoshiwrites @blurredcolour @blindmagdalena @sehtoast @flaggermuser @zepskies (please make a new post, don't reblog)
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luvly-writer · 1 year
“You are my Sunshine”
Part 24: Grounded and missing home
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: none
Status: Finished
Author’s note: at the end of chapter!
Tag list: @lorosette @milas-teapot @izukuisbaby @alecmores @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @graywrites5567 @addictedtothefictionalworld @randobeetlehouse
Series Masterlist:
It was just a casual night in with Nola, both of you bochincheando of the lives of your families…
“you remember my cousin Helena, right?”
Nola nods from the couch where she is sitting at
“Yeah, the one that used to do your nails?”
“Yeah, pues turns out the baby wasn’t her husband’s!”
“WHAT?!?! You’re fkn kidding!”
“Nope, no I am not, during the months that she had spent in Houston, she slept with another man and got pregnant”
“Shit, I told you the timeline didn’t make sense. How would she have gotten pregnant and by her husband who at the time was in Puerto Rico”
“I KNOW! so today I got off the phone with mami and you will never guess what she told me”
Nola sat up and looked at you, super intrigued “what?”
“They got a divorce and she’s going to marry her baby daddy! Even went to Ecuador to visit his family and everything!!”
“SIIIIIII! You know, I always told you that relationship was rocky since her ex husband already had kids and she wanted more”
“Oh shitttttt, are we invited?”
“OBVIOOOO! She is showing off the wedding preparations EVERYWHERE on social media! EVEN. THE. DRESS!”
Before you could answer Nola, a knock was heard on the door
You stand up from your place on the floor, gently placing Garbanzo, who was in your lap, in the sofa and to see who it was, only to see Damian pouting with his arms crossed
“Damian, mi niño, what are you doing here? You didn’t send me a text you were coming. Does your father know you’re here?”
Damian was never going to admit it, but he absolutely ADORED you. You always had a nurturing and doting energy on you and he constantly felt safe around you. Sometimes people forget that as much as he can be a killing machine, he IS STILL A CHILD, and having a positive mother figure was so important to him. He looked down and said very softly, “father grounded me because I skipped school…”
You looked at the child warmly and opened your arms
Ah, now there was something that Damian would NEVER admit in his entire life. He fucking LOVED your hugs and taking advantage of the fact that it was only Nola and you, he went straight to your arms and let you pull him inside.
Nola was sitting upside down on the sofa and Garbanzo was sleeping next to her peacefully
YN led him to the living room and let him sit down
“Sup Damian” greeted Nola from the sofa, and placed her hand up for a high five to which he responded
A doting mother figure and cool aunt figure…he could get used to this
“Now Damian, why were you skipping school?” Asks YN sternly.
Nola sits up and says “Oh shit, want some water? Juice? Alcohol?” At the last thing, Yn glared at her, “What? Whatever helps soothe his sorrows.” Defends Nola, making Damian crack a small smile, he tells her water and she stands up to get it, leaving YN and Damian more privacy.
“I didn’t want to go” he says dryly, making you deadpan at him. He sighs softly and finaly confesses, “Before coming to Gotham, I was homeschooled-“ “-by your mother?” YN interrupts and Damian nods and continues, “you could say that my intellect is quite advanced therefore, me going to school is not necessary.”
At that YN, thinks for a while and responds, “You do know, your father is legally required to put you in school till you’re 18, unless it counts as neglect, right?” And Damian nods whilst rolling his eyes
“Yes, YN! But I don’t like being with the other kids, they don’t understand and it is so difficult to be around them and I just…didn’t want to go. Plus, he keeps on saying that he knows my intellect is above Gotham Academy, but that I need to work on my social skills and have extracurriculars. He signed me up for fencing and I’m already the best there and it hasn’t been a week!”
YN hums understanding the problem. Although she has always been friendly, there was a time when…shit went down at home, that she closed off and spent a few years being super shy, so she understands the struggle.
“And is there an extracurricular you’d like?” She asks, “maybe something that might give you an opening to socialize at your pace?”
Damian looks at her and mumbles, “I like art and there is a art club in school, I’ve checked..”
At that, YN claps her hands, “There we go! Why don’t you tell your father about that? I’m sure if you explain how you feel…” she stopped for a second, seeing Damian get visibly uncomfortable at having to explain his feelings to his father, so she decided to rephrase so it fits their dynamic better, “I’m sure that if you negotiate with him, it will be fine”
At that, Damian relaxed and contemplated the outcome. Finally, he nodded and promised to do it once he got home. Knowing things probably aren’t the best at the moment, YN asks him, “Nola and I were gossiping about some interesting things of my family and later I was going to cook some rice, beans and chicken, Puertorrican style, wanna join?”
Damian had never tried her food so he nodded and saw that Nola had come back with a water bottle. She tossed it at him and he easily caught it.
“Now, let me catch you up Damian, with most of my family’s stories, get comfortable cause it’s going to be QUITE the ride” says YN and Nola laughs and adds, “you are going to LOVE this, kid”
And for once that day, Damian sat back, relaxed, laughed at Yn’s storytelling. At some point, they migrated towards the kitchen, YN still sharing stories about her family and all the summers she would go back to PR and Nola providing some stories about her childhood as well and growing up in an Asian household. They had laughed whilst YN cooked and finally sat down for dinner. Damian tried to also share some stories of the adventures his sibling have had over the years (very mindful to only include the ones that happened to them as civilians, he knew Jason hadn’t said a single thing of the whole vigilante ordeal yet) and it made the girls die of laughter. Nola, because she had blackmail material for Jason (please for the love of everything, for Jason’s sanity KEEP HER AWAY FROM STEPH AND TIM, dangerous trio that is!) and YN, because she felt even closer to her boyfriend’s family. As much as he liked to act all tough and cold, she knew that he still had a SUPER big soft spot for them. She didn’t know what caused the rift but she knew it was bad. Yet, any time he spoke about them, he had this huge tenderness in his tone, one that spoke of a love so cautious of being hurt again. He’d do anything for them (he’d complain a little, but he’d be there).
YN didn’t have siblings, the closest thing being Nola and some cousins, so having them enter her life, surely filled her life with joy. And being with a family so huge sometimes, it made her heart yearn for hers all the way across the sea.
Sometime soon, Nola invited Damian to play Mario Kart in the living room and YN was left to wash the dishes. She thought of her family even more. Her mother and her had moved to Gotham when she was barely eleven. The move was hard and it came shortly after her parents divorce. She remembers being new to the city and crying most nights because she missed the song of the coquis, the warmth of the summer, and the sky filled with stars. Sure, Gotham was in the coast and had beaches, beaches where she had gone a few times with her friends through middle school, high school and college. Yet, none of them compared to the beaches of her home. She would fly over there during the summers with her mom and oh boy, did she adore it! Her family gatherings were great. Blasting salsa, bachata, merengue (her personal favorite being salsa), they were filled with the laughter of all her cousins and tíos and tias and her grandparents and even the neighbors. They would have a barbecue on the beach, and days in the Morro flying kites, they would have road-trips along the island and see all of the beautiful sites of her home. She remembers the time Nola went with her, her family decided to go to El Junque and she remembers that it had rained a few days before so naturally, they couldn’t swim in the rivers but they still could walk around. Nola’s shoe got stuck in the mud and she fell making YN laugh so hard, she tripped and fell as well. Both girls ended up covered in mud because of how hard they were laughing. She still has the picture her uncle took of both of them on the floor, covered in mud, smiling brightly at the camera.
So lost in her thoughts, YN didn’t notice Jason come to the apartment. He glanced at Damian arguing with Nola claiming she cheated and insisted a rematch. One that Nola was glad to give him. He chuckled and looked around for his girlfriend, finding her spaced out staring at her bubble filled hands. He furrows his eyebrows and decided to hug her waist from behind, leaving a kiss in her shoulder. He feels her jump slightly, snapping out of her thoughts.
“Jay! You scared me”
He laughs lightly and answers “now what has you so lost in your pretty head that you didn’t see me coming?”
She finishes the last dish, dries her hands and turns around, pecking his lips.
“Nothing much, mi corazón” she smiles up at him and he notices, her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.
“Now come on, my light, you know better than to lie to me like that” he says softly, his worry slightly increasing.
“I’m just a little homesick…I miss my family, and my mom”
Ahhhhh yes, you mom had moved back to PR on Yn’s third year of college to help her uncle take care of her grandmother
“Oh baby, come here” Jason pulls her closer to him and holds her tight. They are interrupted by a knock on the door.
YN walks to it and opens the door, only to find Bruce Wayne tiredly rubbing his hands on his face.
“Please tell me Damian is here. He won’t answer his calls or anything” he says and the girl laughs a little. Poor man, his children quite literally stress the fuck out of him.
“Damian! Your dad is here” she calls out and he comes out of the living room, with a small pout.
“Yang, YN. Thank you for having me.” He says barely acknowledging his brother and his father. You smile at him.
“Anytime, mi pajarito. And when you aren’t grounded anymore, tell me so that I can take you for another day at the Sactuary, they say Tantan the orangutan misses you”
At that, Damian smiles, nods and walks to the car, leaving his brother and father baffled. Bruce was convinced you were a mythic being of some sort, Jason was just too flabbergasted to function.
You wave at both, wishing them a good night for them to get home safe. Once you turn around, you see your o so lovable boyfriend, stuffing his mouth with the food that you had left for him, in pure bliss.
“This is the best thing ever, my love” he says after he swallows almost in tears
You laugh a little shaking your head, the sad thoughts slipping away little by little.
Author’s note: Little by littleeee you get that YN lore 😈 but in all seriousness, something I don’t see much in x Latina stories much is the yearning from home. Yes, I am a person currently living in my country, PR, but I have absolutely no doubt that it is something that happens to so many other Latinos who have migrated so I hope to show that part. Another thing is that I have noticed that in many cases, Latino culture is more family oriented than US culture, something that I also wanted to write in and represent through her yearning to spend time with her family and being at the moment, the only one away from home. Hope you enjoyed this! Lots of love!
-your writer!
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gardengalwrites · 2 months
20 Fic Questions
Thanks for tagging me, @angelosearch! This was a lot of fun and I tag everyone else who wants to play. :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 20.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 230,251.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Just FFVIII.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Dinner.
Body Poetry.
Gorgeous Cohesion.
It's a tie between And Death Shall Be No More and Sunset Cadet (She's A Class Act).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I always respond to comments, not only out of gratitude, but also because I love getting to engage with people in the fandom!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I'm emotionally incapable of writing angsty endings, so I don't have any fics in this category. 🥰
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? ...All of them. 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully, no. I've met some truly amazing people through this community.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? So far, I've written a three-part mini-series that contains smut. My primary tags for these ficlets are Forbidden Love and Mutual Pining. I would describe the style as emotional and poetic.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've never written a crossover. I'm not sure that I could, mainly because I don't feel that I know another universe (besides FFVIII) well enough to pull it off.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I've discovered.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No translations.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I always thought that would be cool.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Since I was a little girl, Seifer x Quistis (Seiftis) has been my OTP!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? None, as I personally restrict the number of WIPs to prevent this exact scenario.
16. What are your writing strengths? Based on readers' feedback: excellent characterizations, imaginative storylines, and magical use of language.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I always have this nagging thought that I need to write more, though I don't want to base "success" on a word count. However, it's true that I could fill my chapters with plenty more descriptions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I encourage this when the context requires it! Just be sure to do your research properly. Until I was asked this question, I didn't realize that I do this all the time when I'm translating dialogue from Korean to English (as you may have noticed, I am inspired by many K-Dramas). 😉
19. First fandom you wrote for? FFVIII.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? It is impossible to choose. They are all my favorite, each for a special reason. 🩷
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faux-fires · 4 months
tagged by @ranilla-bean for the 20 questions meme!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 35
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 466,309. Hey, that's not too shabby!
3. what fandoms do you write for? Currently NONE. previously: dragon age, tsubasa chronicle, supernatural, fullmetal alchemist, legend of zelda...
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Your Princess is in Another Castle ("Dragons kidnap princesses, everyone knows this… except sometimes, they get it wrong. Or do they? A story about mistakes, misunderstandings, and flower crowns. Also Kurogane's non-stop never-ending suck of a life, and the idiot that causes all that chaos to begin with.")
For Better or for Worse ("A 'five things' fic, featuring five different times Hawke proposed to Anders.")
The Centre of All Things ("Hawke gave Anders a ring, after their first night together, and never quite told him what it meant. As Kirkwall begins to crumble around them, Anders struggles to strike a balance between love and the needs of the mages.")
Adjustment ("A year after the end of Act 2, Anders comes home late, and Hawke missed him.")
Bound ("Anders receives many gifts from Aggressive!Hawke across the years. He's charmed by most of them, surprised by others.")
most of my fics predate ao3 and while i backloaded the TRC ones on, I can't be bothered doing the same for the FMA fic i wrote 20 years ago. and the SPN stuff, uh, well, AO3 kind of did it for me! i woke up one day and an old archive i forgot my fic was on had been ported to the archive, all my spn fics helpfully attached to my account in the process. when i tell you i orphaned them at something like the speed of light -
5. do you respond to comments? Um.... I MEAN to, but.... i'm not great at remembering...? i really cherish every one i receive and i KNOW it's bad of me, i can only offer apologies.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? i literally just write happy endings i can't answer this
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? how are defining happy??? look mikke takes the piss out of me ALL THE TIME for my definition of fluff, ever since i entered a fluff vs angst competition on the side of team fluff with a story in which one half of the otp was tortured and murdered (he got better)! *i* define a happy ending as one in which, during the course of the story, a character grows and develops. by that metric, an ending where the character loses everything and everyone they love but gains a mindset enabling them to find peace with the loss is a happy ending, TO ME. a sad ending, by contrast, is one in the character does not grow or change, and stays in the same state (or worse!) than they started the story.
so with that in mind, probably through a forest wilderness. people die! anders and hawke are rejected as monstrous by the people they tried to save! but they gained one (1) feral orphan and solved their relationship issues, d'awwww. <3
8. do you get hate on fics? nope
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? yes, but not in EVERY story. i find smut to require a lot of effort to write! there's complex choreography and emotions to handle... the only thing harder (HEHEHE) is fight scenes for the exact same reason
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written? i'm not interested in crossovers (blorbos from series a meet blorbos from series b) but i love a good fusion fic, where blorbos from series a have always lived in the world of series b. craziest... probs the trc/wow fusion fic i wrote for an audience of three people? idk i've written a lot! i dreamed of a zukka howl's moving castle fusion a few days ago (probably inspired by chiptrillino's gorgeous illustrations she's been sharing recently) so that was pretty fun, as someone who very, very rarely remembers my dreams.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? nope!
12. have you ever had a fic translated? yeah, to russian!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? yeah, @mikkeneko and i wrote a whole SPACE OPERA. well. half of one, i guess (oops).
14. what’s your all-time favourite ship? whatever i'm shipping at the moment
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i plead the fifth
16. what are your writing strengths? EMOTIONS. also i think i write humour well?
17. what are your writing weaknesses? starting, continuing and finishing. /sob
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? even if you're fluent in that language, it alienates more people than it impresses, i think. i love using other languages as an easter egg (like rana has a character named with a cantonese pun in the iconoclast) but whole dialogue is like... very hard to pull off, and outright mortifying if you don't actually speak the language and just google translate it.
19. first fandom you wrote for? the legend of zelda! my irl friends and i (aged 13) had a massive shared self-insert 'verse going on. my first steps into fandom PROPER tho was with fullmetal alchemist.
20. favourite fic you’ve written? this is a complex question because how do you define favourite? swift illuminations was probably the most fun to write (anders vs hawke arm wrestling) and i always enjoy getting to write comedy - your princess is in another castle has my favourite lines i've ever written, for example:
"Can I go?" Yuui asked Ashura. Despairing it was, then. At least he wasn't naked. It was a low bar to meet in terms of presentation, but so far two of the six people in this room weren't making it.
these skies are breaking i've always been fond of because it's 35k and i wrote it in two days but the plot is uhhhhhh. missing. ash on the windowsill same sitch, 50k in 36 hours and my first completed multi-chapter fic but i wince at how clumsy it is when i reread it. i'm proud of a lot of my later dragon age fics because they contain better exploration of ideas and characterisation, so... idk. toss up!
but in terms of stuff i'm most satisfied with, probs 'how to love a god' this short character exploration piece i wrote for the anderszine. first time writing second person and because of the zine space limit i had a hard maximum word count too so i agonized over every word choice. i don't really edit my own stuff - i post it pretty much hot off the hoop - but i did actually enjoy doing it that time.
uhhhh so that's me. but i'm tagging.... anyone who wants to do this!
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escapetodreamworld · 2 years
carnival and love
(Working on a better title)
Tumblr media
Words 6,057
Warnings: none, just fluff, flirting and mischief
Summary: the collinsport carnival is bigger then ever, a competition between business and a day with your family and girlfriend, Angie
A/n this was a birthday gift for beeb @arewecoolio i wrote it and sent it to her at the beginning of July, now everyone is allowed to read it, hope everyone enjoys it!
Tagging @sythaerin cause i know you wanted to read it
On June 1st a town meeting was called, all business owners were to attend. You go with Elizabeth and Barnabas, for two reasons, one, you're next in line to run the family business, two, you always go to town meetings to support your girlfriend.
You stand in the back of the room with Angie, talking before the meeting starts. "Do you know why we're here?" You ask, eyes scanning over the sea of people all crowding in trying to find seats. "I do." Angie says, a secretive smirk on her face.
You pout at your girlfriend, "really, you aren't going to tell me?" You give her your best puppy eyes, trying to coax her into spilling the secret. "You'll learn soon, my love." Angie says before being motioned over by the council, she nods at them, kisses your cheek goodbye before walking away.
You take your seat beside Elizabeth, moving her purse from the seat and setting it on the floor between you. The meeting goes on forever, just boring stuff like every meeting. Angie occasionally looks up from her notes and makes eye contact with you, offering you a smile that you always return.
Finally the head of the council calls on Angelique Bouchard, you perk up, Angie stands, moving to the microphone. "Good evening, I'm sure you all are wondering why you were called here today, it's because I have talked it over with the board and we have decided that this 4th of July weekend Collinsport will be hosting its first ever carnival" the room erupts in whispers and conversations. Angie looks at you before continuing. "As a way of bringing in money for the town, we have decided every business will work a game booth, we will be providing them along with prizes. The booth with the most tickets wins a bonus of five hundred dollars. If my booth wins, I will be donating the money to the town."
Angie continues on to talk about the rides and food trucks that will be, the entire room went crazy at the news as well, the mayor had to silence everyone so Angie could finish, she talked about how this year's firework display will be much bigger than last years. The crowd is buzzing with excitement about all this news, after Angie finishes her topic the head of the council tells everyone the rest of the meeting will continue as normal, more than half the people in the room file out, Barnabas and Elizabeth's included. "Are you coming?" Elizabeth asks, waiting by the row you are sitting in. 
"No, I'm going to stay, Angie will take me home." You tell her, Elizabeth glances at Angie, then looks back to you, she sighs.
"Do you have your keys?"
"Yes." You say. "Okay, don't stay out too late." Elizabeth says, adjusting her purse strap on her shoulder. "I won't." You promise. Elizabeth says bye and walking away to meet Barnabas by the door, you turn back to focus on the meeting, locking eyes with Angie, now that almost everyone has left she's more relaxed, eyeing you up and down, you raise an eyebrow at her, she responds with a wink and grin before turn her attention back to the mayor's rant about hippy kids and drug use. You don't pay attention, all you can think about is what that look Angie gave you meant, you definitely would be getting home late.
It's 4th of July, the last day of the carnival, and the only day you're required to work a booth. Every day before Elizabeth was paying her workers double to work it for them, Angie doing the same for her booth, so you could all spend time together and do all your family traditions. But the winner is revealed today and Elizabeth wants to be there, her and Barnabas still have a rivalry with Angie, and Angie enjoys the competition so you let them bicker and one up the other.
The car ride to the grounds the carnival is long, the car is packed, with Willy driving, Barnabas in the front, Elizabeth, Vicky and Juila in the second row and you, Carolyn and David in the back, Vicky, Julia and Barnabas all have blankets thrown over them to protect them from the sun. David chats excitedly about all the prizes he wants to win, on the way there. 
When we arrive Willy and Elizabeth get out first, opening umbrellas for the vampires, when you finally get out of the car you start helping get folding chairs and blankets out of the car, for the fireworks today. After everyone is out Elizabeth leads the way to the tent with the game the company is doing, balloon darts. You all file into the tent, Barnabas Juila and Vicky setting up their chairs out of the way from the game, because they'll be sitting in the tent until sundown.
Elizabeth opens the front of the tent, getting ready for opening in 10 minutes, you start putting everyone's things under the table holding all the small prizes, so it's out of the way. David is itching to go play games and eat as much candy as possible.
"Okay, listen up." You say, getting everyone's attention. "Rules for the carnival, Carolyn don't get in trouble, David don't just eat sugar today, Barnabas no killing anyone, the last thing we or this town need is a tourist to be found murdered." You say, everyone nodding, Carolyn and David definitely didn't listen. "Why was I singled out?" Barnabas asks, offended.
Angie walks into the tent. "Because you're the only vampire that is having a hard time controlling them self." Angie says with her usual snarky tone reversed for Barnabas. Angie walks over to hug you, you return her hug. Looking over her shoulder to see Barnabas rolling his eyes at Angie's comment, Julia and Vicky high five each other for having control.
Angie pulls back from the hug, keeping her hands on your waist. "Are you ready for today?" Angie asks you, you nod, "Ready for tonight! Less so for manning the game." You tell her.
Angie pouts sympathetically. "It'll be worth it, my love." Angie says, rubbing her hand on your side in a comforting way. You give her a small kiss on the lips as a 'thank you for easing my stress' you have to pull away before Angie can deepen the kisses, you know your family's eyes are on you. Angie smiles before turning towards Elizabeth.
"Ready to lose Lizzy?" Angie baits Liz with the nickname. Liz sends Angie her famous glare, but there's no hate behind it. "You wish Angelique, we're going to destroy you." Elizabeth fires back.
“You have your work cut out for you, Elizabeth. I promise not to gloat if you bow out.” Angie says with false sweetness, smiling a bit too sharp. 
“The Collins family has no intention of bowing out, but I do thank you for the opportunity,” Liz laughs, “I’m afraid I won’t be as kind before crushing you in the competition.” 
Barnabas, who had been waiting for an opening in the conversation, jumped in eagerly, “There will be no mercy at your loss when we lay you beneath stone slabs and crush you under immeasurable weight until your black soul returns to the pit of hell it crawled from.” 
Angie, You and Elizabeth blink, before the latter pinches the bridge of her nose. "Carolyn, please help Barnabas with his trash talk later." Liz says, Carolyn nods and looks at Barnabas ashamed.
Angie turns back to you, "I have to go, my love, but I'll be right across from your booth." Angie says, kissing your cheek before striding out of the tent, you unashamedly check her out as she goes, her shorts make her legs and butt look amazing.
You're not the only one that noticed Angie, Julia, noticed and in true Julia fashion she says something about it. "God she's got a nice ass." You whip around to glare at her, Julia grins at you, then glances over to Elizabeth, and you realize she said it to rile Liz up, and it worked cause Liz's face turns red with jealousy as she stares at the ground. You roll your eyes.
True to Angie's word her booth is right across from yours, as the day goes by and you take tickets, hand out darts and say your 'better luck next time's' you both will meet eyes and smile before getting busy again. When you sit down for what feels like the hundredth time to blow more balloons up, you catch Angie motioning a red faced David over, he's been running around with his friends in the sun for hours now, she tells him something then hands him money, David runs off again and Angie goes right back to working.
A few minutes later, after you've reset the board with balloons David comes running into the tent, hold a few cold water bottles. "Angie asked me to get you both some water." He says quickly, placing two on the table before sprinting out with the other two, you watch him swerve through all the people to get across to Angie's tent, where he hands the other two bottles to Angie, but before he can run off to rejoin his friends Angie stops him, he walks into her tent, where he reluctantly gets sunscreen rubbed into his face by Angie.
Finally David gets to go play again, and Angie looks over to you, winks and uncaps her water, taking a swig while keeping eye contact with you, your staring contest is broken when a kid runs up to your booth, this kid has tried six times to win the big green dinosaur stuffed animal, she hands you the tickets, and you give her 5 darts, "what color balloons are you aiming for this time?" You ask the girl. "Blue." She says with all the confidence in the world. You step aside and watch the balloon board, hoping she finally wins.
To your surprise the first three land their targets, the girl is getting excited, and you're getting nervous, you clutch your unopened water bottle as her fourth dart pops another blue, one more and she wins, Vicky, Julia and Barnabas are watching anxiously.
"Just one more sweetie." Her mother behind her says to her daughter, her mother is as amazed she's gotten this far as you. The girl concentrates very hard, her brow furrows, she throws her dart. 
The dart pops another blue balloon, Julia, Vicky, and Barnabas start cheering, they've been acting as the cheerleaders of the booth every time someone wins, the girl is jumping up and down screaming with excitement, her mother is overjoyed her daughter won, you unhook the big dinosaurs, handing it to the girl. 
"Congratulations!" You say to the girl as she wraps her little arms around the plushie that's bigger than her, the girl runs off, her mother following behind as the girl races off to show her father. You smile, happy the girl got her prize. You take a drink of your water finally, gulping down more than half of it before recapping it.
A few games later and Vicky tells you that we're out of blue and red balloons, meaning you have to blow up more, you blow two up when a thought occurs. "Julia," you look around, the booth has no one around it at the moment. "Can you breathe?" You ask, she looks confused.
"What do you mean?" Julia asks.
"I mean can you three in your condition, breathe." You whisper.
"It's not needed, but yes." She confirms what you had wondered.
"Oh good," you say before tossing a bag of blue and a bag of red balloons and the three of them. "I've been getting lightheaded blowing those up for no reason while you three sat there." You say annoyed, you turn away from them, taking some free take to breathe air, and of course stare at your girlfriend.
You smell the hot summer air and all the fried foods as you watch Angie work at her booth, Angie's assistant clocks you, leaning in to whisper something to Angie, who immediately smiles and looks over at you, she stares at you like you're the only person here, her smile genuine and beautiful.
Sadly this time it's Angie forced to look away when the mayor comes to speak with her, Angie nods to something he says and excuses herself from the tent, walking away with him. You're disappointed, Angie's assistant gives you an empathetic look, your sadness must have been clear on your face.
A few minutes go by and a voice on the big intercom comes on. "Just a reminder that the game booths will be closing early today, one hour remains, hurry and win some prizes." You sigh in relief that it's almost over.
Angie comes back to her tent shortly after, but with one man down in the booth a line has formed around the game, so she's too busy to look back at you. After a few more people have played your game you notice something truly amazing, the shadows forming, you poke your head out of the tent to see the sun has moved to where it's now more to the back of your tent, meaning.
"The sun is no longer an issue for you three, you can move around the tent safely and help Liz." You tell the three vampires, grabbing your purse and water. You tell Liz you're gonna go, kissing her cheek in goodbye, before slipping out the side of the tent so as to not let any light shine into the tent.
You finish your water before throwing the bottle in the trash, your first stop, Angie. You make your way through the crowd, sliding into her tent. You smile at Angie's assistant, then creep up behind Angie, kissing her cheek. Angie turns with a surprised look on her face, then realizes it's you. "Hello, my love." Angie says before grabbing you by the waist to pull you into a real kiss. When you part just a few inches you smile up at her. 
"Hi." You stare into her eyes, beautifully blue and filled with joy. You could stay like this forever, in her arms, staring at her. "Can you sneak away from the booth and spend the rest of the day with me?" You ask, pleading with her with your best puppy eyes. Angie smiles, cupping your cheek, her smile turns sad and apologetic. "I can't baby, not for another half hour." Angie tells you, you nod, understanding.
"Okay, well, i'll help you here until then," you tell her, "then maybe we can go enjoy the carnival together." You say, hopeful. Angie kisses you and agrees. You ask what you can do, Angie grins, with her hands still gripping your waist she starts backing you up, the back of your legs hit a stack of heavy wooden crates, Angie's hand move to your legs, lifting you up onto them, giving you a passionate kiss before whispering against your lips, "you can sit right here, and continue to look absolutely delicious for me." You smile, give her a small nod, bumping your noses together in the process.
Angie backs up, looking you up and down. "Perfect." She says, her eyes telling you exactly what she's thinking. you blush under her intense stare, Angie finally pries her eyes from you, focusing on the customers.
You spend the half hour on that crate, in the time you pulled your legs up underneath you, which cut off blood flow so now you're legs hurts, you've finished Angie's half empty water bottle, you've distracted Angie twice and had a lovely conversation with her assistant, and you've had three men ask if you were a prize, each time Angie looked ready to curse a whole new family tree.
Finally that half hour is over and two of Angie's workers come in to take over for her and her assistant, Angie thanks them, explains what they'll need to do, then finally, she offers you her hand, you accept it, intertwining your fingers, Angie's pulls you off the crates, you, stumble into her but Angie's catches you, once your steady you and Angie leave the booth.
You both walk hand and hand through the path, crowds parting for Angie. Everyone slowing down to see the two of you 'love birds' as the town calls you, walking together. "So, i thought we'd check out a few games, we only have thirty minutes for that, then food, because I've watched you all day and you haven't eaten anything yet," Angie says, replacing her hand in yours with an arm around your waist as she guides you over to a rigged ring toss game. "Or do you want to go on some rides before we eat?" Angie asks, moving to standing infront on you, pulling you close with her arm around you.
You think about it for a moment. "Eat then rides, its not a carnival if you haven't at least almost vomited," you say, making Angie chuckle and shake her head. "But Angie, why are we at a rigged ring toss game? there must be better games here." You ask, turning to look at the game, watching kids fail over and over.
Angie stands behind you, arms wrapped around you as she explains. "Because i looked at every single game here, and i can say with all the confidence in the world, that this game has the stuffed animal you will want." She says, her breath hot against your neck as she rubs her nose against you pulse. You turn in her arms a bit, giving her the best arched brow you could.
"With all the confidence in the world?" You question jokingly, making fun of her. Angie scoffs in fake annoyance before grabbing your hips and turning you back around. She points at the stuffed animal. "It's adorable." You tell her. "Told you." Angie smugly replies.
You roll your eyes, and get an idea. "Want to make it interesting?" You ask, leaning back against her. "What do you have in mind?" Angie replies. "Play the game, but if you lose, you have to take me to the shelter and let me play with the puppies for as long as i want." You say, smirking, cause Angie doesn't let you go there anymore after the hundredth time you were there and begged her for a puppy. 
Angie hums, thinking it over, before agreeing. "But if i win, you come with me on my next business trip." She says, you groan. "Angie," you whine. "That's a five night trip, investors and businessmen talking to me about buying shares and telling me how to run my family's company, it's so boring." You complain.
"Those are my terms. And you don't have to go into the meetings this time, you can spend the days however you'd like, I just can't stand the thought of being away from you for six days." Angie assured you, trying to make this trip sound fun.
"Oh so I'm only there for your pleasure at night," You tease, turning your head enough to kiss her shoulder. "Alright, fine. You have a deal." You finally agree, Angie hugs you from behind, before stepping away to buy the rings for the game. You watch, smiling, so sure you're going to win this, but soon you remember you forgot to add a very important rule to the bet, 'no magic' you curse yourself for it, knowing Angie doesn't honor your forgetfulness when it comes to bets.
You watch, as every single ring slides right onto the bottles, you sigh, a thought of what you'll pack runs through your mind as Angie retrieves the stuffed animal, Angie walks over to you, presenting you sniffed animals to you. You take it, smiling at its adorable face, then signing. "Any chance you'll let me out of it because I forgot about your powers?" You ask, making yourself looking all pouty to plead.
Angie smiles, carefully caressing your cheek before pulling you in for a kiss, stopping just short of connecting your lips, "pack that lace set i bought you." Angie says against your lips before kissing you, answering your question.
You accept your fate. Six days of boring meetings and annoying men, but at least their will be amazing sex every night. You meet Angie's lips, kissing Angie, sealing the deal. You pull away when the intercom says 15 minutes till game booths close.
"So are we done or do you want a stuffed animal?" You tease, Angie while amused, shakes her head no. You nod, but continue to tease her. "Are you sure? because that one would look great in your bedroom." Angie has to pull you away from the games.
Angie manages to get you off the subject of stuffed animals and onto the subject of food pretty easily, mostly because you're hungry, you both decide corn dogs and fries would be the easiest thing to eat. While you're both waiting in line to order, you see David running around, a large cotton candy in his hands. 
"His blue tongue doesn't match that pink half eaten cotton candy." You state, pointing David out to Angie, she looks at him, witnessing his sugar high with you. "Oh lord." Angie says, watching him fade from view. The person in front of you finishes ordering, while Angie is distracted you order. Two corn dogs and a large fries. 
After you both have finished eating, Angie suggests going into the funhouse, you agree, thinking it could be cool. However from the moment you enter the attraction Angie lips are all over you, by the second room you give up and just lean against a wall, kissing her.
"Wait." You mumble against Angie's lips, she pulls back, ready to ask what's wrong. You hold up your stuffed animal, making a show of covering its eyes. "He's too young to be seeing this." You say, goofing off. Angie's laughs, smiling at you all happy and amused. Angie leans back in, capturing your lips again.
You're not sure how long you've been there, but your lungs are begging for proper oxygen instead of the short intakes you've been taking between kisses. When Angie and you hear coughing you stop kissing, but Angie doesn't release you from her grip, just turns her head to see who interrupted her.
You clear your throat before speaking. "Hello Mrs Williams, enjoying the carnival?" You attempt to make small talk.
She smiles, "Oh yes, it's been wonderful so far, it was lovely to see you both, come find me later." Mrs Williams says, glancing between you and Angie before giving you both a polite smile before walking away.
"We can mark funhouses off the list of places we can make out." You say, giggling at the awkwardness of being caught. Angie laughs too, resting her head on your shoulder.
You both soon find your way out of the funhouse, the sun having completely set during the time you were in there. Angie asks what you want to do now, you smile, you grab her arm, wrapping it around you, you lean into her side as the two of you walk around, no destination in mind, just enjoy the moment.
The moment doesn't last, soon David, Carolyn and Vicky come running up to you. "Y/n! Angie! Come with us! We're going to take Barnabas on the UFO ride, see if he throws up!" David says, bouncing up and down.
You look at Angie, silently questioning if she's up for it. "Why not! It'll be interesting whether he does or not." Angie says after thinking about it for a moment.
The five of you find Barnabas, dragging him to the ufo, while you wait in line Barnabas begins talking about the strange things he's seen. "And they've been cooking everything in oil, tubs of hot oil, and people are eating it." Barnabas tells Vicky, who nods along, already knowing this. Finally the line moves, and you all get on the UFO.
"What is this place?" Barnabas asks the operator. Carolyn and Vicky have to drag him over to the padded walls, you and Angie lean against the walls, a few spaces away from the others, not wanting to be near Barnabas.
The ride starts moving, slowly at first, but starts to pick up speed, Barnabas starts letting out a slew of curses, everyone im the ride looking at him, you and Angie just laugh as he starts trying to pull himself from the wall, he'd be strong enough to do it, but Angie is keeping him glued to the wall. Barnabas continues to shout and insist he should be freed from this hell. The operator ignores him.
When the ride finally slows to a stop Barnabas drops to his knees in the ride. He doesn't move, it takes Vicky, Carolyn and you to pry him off the floor, Angie's too amused to do anything but watch. Dragging him out of the ride isn't easy, especially because he refuses to walk, he just drags his feet while you and Vicky hold him up, all he does is complain about the world spinning as you struggle.
You sit him down on a bench, Barnabas dramatically slumps forward. "That thing was constructed by Satan himself!" Barnabas shouts. you roll your eyes. Vicky pats and rubs his back, David sits beside him, both of them concerned about Barnabas. Carolyn and you are growing tired of all this, Angie seems sick from the display of affection. Carolyn walks off, with a grumble about Barnabas not vomiting and being a baby.
"Right well, we're going." Angie says, not wanting to stay and see Vicky and Barnabas any longer, grabbing your free hand. "Okay um, Vicky, it's getting late so watch David," you say, then turn to David. "David, stay with Vicky, please." You beg, Angie already pulling you away with her, you turn, you turn around, falling in sync with Angie's steps. "Are you alright?" You ask, trying to read Angie's face.
"I'm fine, my dear, I can only take Barnabas in small doses." Angie explains, you understand that. he pisses you off just about everyday. "Lucky for you we're going on a trip next week!" You say, acting more excited then you are. Angie stops mid-walk, pulling you back as you attempt to keep walking, and like a poorly executed dance move you spin, stumble and end up in her arms, face to face, your arm and stuffed animal squished between your bodies.
"I know you aren't excited, but it means a lot to me that you're going, and I promise we'll have fun." Angie says, there's an emotion in her eyes, one you can't fully read, sadness? joy? Maybe both, she is vulnerable at this moment, something that's very rare for her.
"Being anywhere with you sounds wonderful, I'm looking forward to the week away, not having the Collins clan or the town breathing down our necks, watching our every move." You reassure Angie, squeezing her hand before bringing your joined hands to your lips, kiss Angie's hand tenderly.
Angie closes her eyes, breathing in when your lips touch her hand. "I love you." Angie breathes out, opening her eyes again to stare into your soul with her icy blue eyes, she watches your face, looking for any signs of disgust or any lies when you speak. "I love you too, Angie." You say, offering a warm loving smile, easing Angie worries with a kiss, just like you've done so many times before, and will continue to do for as long as you live.
Angie's shifts back to her confident playful self, getting more possessive and flirtatious with her touches. She's looking at you like you're prey, you have to gently remind her that you're in the middle of a carnival, with children all around and people watching your every move. Angie lets out a low growl noise when you mention being watched.
Angie composes herself, before suggesting you both head towards the fireworks that are about to start. You agree, following her as you try to relax and ignore the aching Angie's stare and growl caused.
Angie takes you in a different route then the rest of the crowd is heading, then you realize you're heading right for the ferris wheel, it's not the most original thing she's done, but you're still excited for it, what does surprise you is when the ride operator sees Angie he waves you both through the line, then hands Angie a picnic basket and blanket. 
You try to catch Angie's eyes, to silently ask what she's planning, doesn't look your way, so you settle for giving the ride operator a confused look, he shrugs and smiles sheepishly, you sigh.
When the ride clears and you're let on, Angie gets in the cart first, you settle in next to her, the man running the ride sets the bar down and locks it in place, soon you're moving backwards and up in the air. Angie carefully places the blanket over your legs, it has cooled down a bit since the sun set.
As you suspected, the ride stops just as you reach the top, you glance behind you, seeing no one in the cart directly behind you or in front of you for that matter. Angie slides closer to you, setting the basket on her other side.
"Okay, we're alone, what are you up to?" You ask eagerly, no longer able to hold your confusion in. Angie turns towards you, taking your hands in hers, giving you a bright smile, and right before she opens her mouth you're sure you have it figured out. "Oh my god," you say, shocked and confused.
"You're proposing?" you ask, nervously. Angie opens her mouth to speak but you stop her. "I mean, I knew we were heading there," "y/n" Angie says, but you keep talking. "but we talked about waiting until i graduate college next year." "Y/n!" Angie says louder, finally stopping you, you look at her wait.
"I'm not proposing yet, cause you're right, we agreed after college, and also, on a stopped ferris wheel during fireworks, give me a little more credit then that." Angie says starting serious, but laughs at the end.
You sigh in relief, then smile at her amazing laugh. "Then what was all this about?" You ask, still smiling at her.
Angie stops laughing but doesn't stop grinning. "I was going to romance you then ask you to go on my business trip with me, but you're love for bets and forgetfulness on rules was a better way of getting you to go." Angie explains, you facepalm and groan. "Of course." You say embarrassed, it now makes sense, Angie would have a way to get you to do something she knows you find boring.
Angie just laughs, teasing you. You find your beet red face behind the stuffed animal. Angie pulls it away from your face. "You are adorable when you're embarrassed." Angie states, watching you closely. Angie slides her hand under the blanket, resting her hand on your bare skin just above your knee.
You glance down at her hand, not visible under the blanket but you can see the shape her hand makes. You glance up at her, Angie's looking at you with that same look she was giving you before you both left to go see the fireworks.
You clear your throat. "So what was your master plan to get me to go? besides getting me up here to watch fireworks." You question, glancing at the basket. Angie removes her hand from your leg and retrieves the basket.
Angie places the basket on both your legs and opens it. "I know carnival food isn't healthy in the slightest, so I brought some healthy things." Angie says, letting you root through the basket. You find grapes and sliced apples, then you pick up two half full water bottles with a carbonated slightly yellow liquid. You look at her confused.
"They refused to let me bring a glass bottle and cups up here." Angie shrugs, you open one and smell it, champagne. You hand a bottle to Angie. "Here's to getting me to go on that trip." You say, and cheers a smug Angie.
You both sit there, eating fruit and sipping champagne as the mayor starts his speech on the stage the town built. "And finally, before we start the fireworks, the winner of the town business contest." He says, and you lean forward in anticipation. Angie leans forward too, the cart tipping forward slightly.
"Collins cannery!" The mayor announces. You let out a "ha!" Teasing Angie. "Elizabeth won't let you forget this" you tell her, knowing Elizabeth will brag about it.
"It's okay, I'll just remind her that you and I are intimate, that always silences her." Angie replies, grinning at the idea.
"Angie, that makes it so hard to look at her." You whine, knowing no matter what you say won't stop her.
"It's hilarious to see her turn red though." Angie says, while putting everything in the basket and back in the corner. The fireworks are about to start. "you're evil." You say as you curl up into her. Angie turns her head and bites your earlobe before saying right against your ear. "Yes I am." You can feel her grin against your ear.
The sky starts lighting up with color, loud popping sounds following closely after the flashes of light. And you aren't paying attention, way more focused on Angie's hand making it way back onto your leg, higher up this time, you do the same, placing your hand on her thigh.
Angie lightly digs her nails into your leg, her mouth biting all over your neck, causing you to moan, no fear of anyone but Angie hearing you with all the noise around you, however you don't think you would be ashamed if someone did hear you both up here, making out and groping each other like teenagers.
You hadn't watched any of the firework show, only pulling away from each other when the ferris wheel started moving again. You gather up the blanket, handing it back to Angie, you both got off the ride, making your way to the exit. The Collins agreed this morning to meet at the car after the fireworks.
You and Angie walk hand in hand out of the carnival and into the parking lot, where Liz is arguing with Carolyn about a ton of giant stuffed animals in the car, clearly not David's or yours, all though David is holding a dinosaur stuffed animal bigger than him, Carolyn must of given that one to him, and Julia already in the car.
As you approach the car Liz notices you and Angie, and grins, Carolyn takes the moment to climb in the car to get away from her mother.
"Angelique, it's a shame you didn't win, maybe next year." Liz says, gloating over her win.
"Elizabeth, I just thought you should know what y/n and I were doing on top of the ferris wheel during the fireworks." Angie says, not taking it any further because you're completely red in the face, clear to see in the floodlights of the parking lot is all Elizabeth needs to guess what Angie implied.
Elizabeth's face turns from smug to angry and embarrassed immediately, she walks away, getting in the passenger seat. You turn to glare at Angie, who's just barely holding on laughter. "For that, you're taking me to see the puppies at the shelter." Angie nods, telling you it was totally worth it.
You sigh, shaking your head. You see Barnabas and Vicky nearing, Willy stumbling behind them. you give Angie a kiss goodbye, before climbing in the car, to be suffocated by all the stuffed animals, you hold yours close and watch Angie walk to her car, putting a basket and blanket in the back, get in and speeding off. Your car starts and leaves right after hers, and all you can think about the whole ride home is how amazing tonight was and how excited you are for your trip.
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wordthieve · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @apothecarose (thank you! I've been so absent lately, but really enjoyed this one)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
15 (feeling quite inadequate)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
340,933 (feeling less inadequate)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Schitt’s Creek (suspect I'll be rattling around there when active membership is down to single digits)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You can fall
Anything for Us
Bon Hiver
Open arms and wide awake
Working Out
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I still get blown away by comments on my work. I can't believe people are so kind. I try to respond to all of them, even if it's just something tiny. but owing to some personal crap I've kind of fallen off the response wagon lately. I'll get to them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I have a single angsty ending. Maybe in the other fandom I used to write for there are some less happy endings, but ... fic writing has become a kind of safe, happy space. It's all about the wish fulfillment.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It's You can fall (which privately I can appreciate is a little ironic). Partly because of all the angst they waded through to get there.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I feel like I'm tempting fate. No? Everyone is so very kind. It's part of the reason I like this fandom so much.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Did you know I started out not reading smut on SC? Hooo boy! I do write it, but it's always chock-full of feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have I??? Okay, now I'm paranoid ... no? Why, what have you heard???
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. If it had ever come up, I might be worried I'd be too much of a control freak/nice way of saying 'control freak'. I've only really thought about it in terms of a fic I have in my head that would require me to learn a LOT about gardening, and ... I'm quite lazy, really. Many, many of the collaborations I've read are incredible, though.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Positive thinking! None of them! (See above answer about being the last to leave the fandom)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ohhhh man! I think I'm good at emotions and creating a cohesive story.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Overdoing direction. I have such a clear picture in my head, I have to actively stop myself from describing every detail of it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I mean, this would require me learning another language. But if it fits the character, I'm all for it - maybe include the translations at the end, or provide a link to google translate? I enjoy trying to figure it out on my own though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
This will surprise exactly zero of you. I'm in danger of overselling it. But it's You can fall. Always.
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fioreofthemarch · 7 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @bahbahhh and @mistresslrigtar. thank you!!! i love this community <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
twelve (plus one I orphaned that we don't talk about)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
From the Ground Up 🦅
Hateno Housemates 🏡
Finding Her 📱
have and hold ♨
On the Life of Queen and Consort 🖋
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, I really, really do, and I often forget. But I promise I read them all.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean Link commits murder in this one
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my endings are happy but I think Hateno Housemates is the fluffiest
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not for a long, long time, and for that I'm very grateful. Got some less that positive comments on my portrayal of Zelda back in the day, when I myself was dealing with a lot of negative emotions and was feeding that into her a bit. But otherwise no
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, though I have tried. I deeply admire people who are great at it, because it's an artform unto itself. But it's not in my wheelhouse
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
All That Was Tangled Came Undone is an honestly somewhat mid cross over between BOTW and Kimi No Na Wa
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah. Probably not idk
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but it would be a wonderful honour.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I would love to!!!!!!!!!!!!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I write Zelink ofc but look, I gotta give it up to the OGs, Spirk. None of us would be here if not for a repressed Vulcan and a swashbuckling starship captain from a 1960s scifi sitcom making fuck eyes at each other
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
EVER? I think my BOTW 30 years later sequel will probably never get off the ground, because I don't think it would have much of an audience (yes yes write for yourself but writing into the void is also not that fun) and TOTK just kind of fucked up all the ideas I had. I don't know. Kill your darlings etc
16. What are your writing strengths?
I enjoy writing dialogue and put a lot of effort into making it flow nicely. I enjoy worldbuilding and building up a cast of supporting and minor characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Hm. Many. Over-explaining/under-explaining is a big one for me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I write in a fantasy setting with only vague hints at a different language (Gerudo) so the need never comes up. I think it should be done respectfully and as accurately as possible if it is required. I personally would avoid it unless I knew a good sensitivity reader & someone who spoke the it as their first language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
... ... Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (2010)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
If I had to throw them all away and keep only one, it'd naturally be From the Ground Up.
I'm going to tag @zeldaelmo and @spoiledspine !! Enjoy!!!
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This is a contribution for @dark-mnjiro! I hope it’s a good submission 😭
Categories: 🫧 (new work!); 🤝 (collabs!); 🚞 (smut); 🚺 (fem reader!), ❤️‍🩹 (angst towards the end)
Tw: there be smut somewhere down the line, but it’s not the central part of the fic! Character death occurs as well. Please tell me if I missed anything that requires tagging!
Disclaimer: Reader and Chigiri are sometimes referred to as Diarmuid and Gràinne! You are Gràinne! I hope this clears up any possible confusion 💕
You didn’t want to marry him.
Judging this man, you began to realize that you’d made the mistake of accepting his proposal to you. You figured that you hadn’t been resistant enough.
You only knew his nickname, which was Fionn. He was much older than you. You’d been presented to many suitors, several hundred of them in fact, and you liked none of them. When you saw his son, a very handsome man closer to your age, you began to wonder why he didn’t want you to marry his grandson instead. He selfishly claimed you for his spouse. Why did you think that this one was any different?
Eh, whatever. What’s done is done, you supposed.
You couldn’t back out now, not while there were so many people here for the feast. Even your good friend Bachira was next to you, gleefully telling you about some cockamamie tale of how he’d pulled his latest prank on poor Isagi. You could feel his eyes on you both…no doubt plotting how he was about to return the favor. You really couldn’t back out.
Or so you thought.
While Bachira was giggling away at the salty expression that was etched across Isagi’s face, you preoccupied yourself with looking around the room. Various foods, drinks, oh my goodness, that person’s hair looks terrible with that color of dress (and their shoes definitely didn’t match it either!), that pretty man with the red-pink hair-
How did you not notice him until now? He was stunning, you really wanted to smack yourself for overlooking him. You wanted to braid his hair for him, maybe pin back the fringe that kept falling in his face. His rose colored eyes seemed to glow when he perched near the fireplace. You swore that you could cut your finger on his jawline alone.
He made a noise of disapproval when you pinched his arm, pinching you back in retaliation with a small hiss.
“Ow! Why’d you do that?”
You pointed in the direction of the mystery man near the fireplace, who was now talking to your other friend Kunigami.
“Who’s that over there? Tell me.”
“I’m telling Isagi you’re bullying me again!”
You both glanced at Isagi, who was now talking to Gagamaru. He noticed you both looking at him and gave you the “I’m watching you” gesture to Bachira. You didn’t like the smile on his face…it was sweet and cute as it normally was, but you and Bachira knew that he had ulterior motives.
“Yeah, something tells me he won’t believe you this time. Might wanna start talking.”
Bachira pinched you again.
“Payback for pinching me a minute ago! Anyway, that princess looking guy by the fireplace is Chigiri Hyoma, and he’s your dear beloved old man’s right hand guy. People sometimes call him Diarmuid. Do you really wanna dip your toes into that pond?”
“First of all, don’t remind me…I shouldn’t have agreed to marry this old bat. Second of all, how’d you know?!”
“Uh, I’ve known you since we were kids? Don’t ask stupid questions!”
You stuck your tongue out at him and he responded in kind, but he tried to one-up you by crossing his eyes.
“You look so inappropriate right now, and I’m living for it.”
“I can make noises too if you want me to make this more interesting!”
“Not now! Wait until it’s dead silent!”
What you didn’t know was that you also captured Chigiri’s attention. He just did a better job of hiding it than you did. You were very beautiful, that he couldn’t deny at all. He’d only heard of you a few times in passing recently. He didn’t know what your name actually was, he just knew that you were sometimes referred to as Gráinne. Even he questioned the union between you and Fionn once he saw you. He was…quite a bit older than you. It was odd to him.
“I don’t get it either.”
Kunigami picked up on his behavior rather quickly. It was almost embarrassing…almost.
“He’s too old. Makes you wonder why he didn’t pass her off to his own son.”
Unable to deal with the looming reality that you would be married to a man who was about as old as any man related to you, you began to weigh your options. Your goal was to have everybody distracted enough that they wouldn’t notice you talking to Chigiri, but how? How would you do that?
You then remembered that you had a vast knowledge of plants, and you knew exactly which ones to use to create a powerful sedative. Bachira already had everyone distracted by his tale, one that you weren’t currently listening to, but it seemed interesting enough to keep everyone’s attention. You didn’t need to dismiss yourself this way, simply sneaking off to your room to search for the necessary herbs to create the sedative. You didn’t want them drowsy but awake, no. No, you didn’t want that.
You wanted them knocked the fuck out, and the key ingredient was the Scutellaria baicalensis: Baikal skullcap.
A little known fact about this pretty purple angiosperm of yours was that it contained high levels of melatonin, which only took about 20-50 minutes to kick in depending on the person. That was fine, you could wait, just as long as Chigiri didn’t ingest any himself. Not wanting to waste another second, you got to work on the extraction process. It didn’t take much time, surprisingly.
Now to spike all the drinks… you mentally apologized to Bachira, for he would also be affected by the potion.
Chigiri began to notice very quickly that everyone but him was beginning to feel drowsy. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but every person he’d spoken to cut the conversation short because they wanted to rest their eyes…yeah, they’re doing more than just resting their eyes.
He wasn’t feeling even remotely tired, and he noticed that you weren’t behaving the same way. In fact, you seemed to be getting closer to him…at least it seemed that way.
Well, until everyone was completely unconscious, and you were standing right in front of him.
“What happened? Why is everyone unconscious?”
Beautiful as it was, your smile chilled him to the core a bit.
“Nothing bad, I promise! They’ll wake up in a few hours from now…all I did was slip a little melatonin in the wine~!”
His blood ran cold at your sickly saccharine voice with your mischievous smile that made you scary, yet irresistibly adorable. Even Fionn was out cold, head resting against the mahogany table in a deep slumber, one that would probably leave an ache in his neck when he woke up. Chigiri was about to speak before your finger lightly pressed against his lips.
“Let’s cut to the chase here. I’m having immeasurable regrets about agreeing to marry him, and seeing your pretty face only helped me make up my mind. I don’t want to marry Fionn. It was a big mistake made by very, veeeery poor judgment on my end.”
You weren’t letting him speak yet. You wanted to get your piece out.
“I want to be with you, and I want you to run away with me-“
Chigiri choked on air after inhaling too deeply in shock. You patted his back to try and get him situated, but he immediately began speaking like he’d been accused of a crime.
“You want to what?!”
“You heard me. I want to be with you. And I think we should run away from here.”
“No, I heard you the first time! Loud and clear! I’m just…you what?”
“I really don’t see what’s difficult about this.”
He swore you were possessed. You’d been cursed, he swore!
“I- you’re about to marry Fionn.”
“Correct. And I don’t want to.”
“We just met! How can you want me when we don’t even know each other’s names? And to want to run away with, no less…”
You readily tell him what your name was. He briefly stops rambling.
“Hyoma Chigiri. I’m still not running away with you. Fionn would kill us both, and I’m loyal to him. I can’t do this.”
Ah, you didn’t want to do this, but you were left with no other option. A geis was in order, and that’s exactly what you cast upon him. He stood no chance.
“Take me away from here.”
And who was he to deny you your wish?
Rage bubbled within Fionn as he regained consciousness and you were missing. You, who he’d so graciously claimed for his wife, gone. At first, he thought that you’d been abducted.
Well, until he noticed that Diarmuid was missing too. Not wanting to believe the reality that you’d simply run away with his loyal companion, Fionn tried to believe that someone’s taken you and his companion went off in search of you.
But he couldn’t ignore the fallen engagement ring. That very ring that signifies his claim to you, the very one resting on the mahogany table like it was discarded trash. You weren’t with it, Chigiri wasn’t here. He connected the dots minutes ago, but he didn’t want to believe it.
He had no choice.
Rousing the partygoers from their slumber, Fionn put together a search group. He would find you both, come hell or high water, regardless of the cost!
“Find them, find them now! We are not coming back until we’ve found them!!!”
You and Chigiri have been through a lot together. During the time spent fleeing from Fionn’s wrath, you two have never stayed in one place for long. Hopping from cottages to trees, to the forest across the River Shannon, there was always somewhere new for you both. Even his foster father, Aengus Óg, helped to conceal you both when Fionn came to his home in search of you.
“I haven’t seen Hyoma in years, and I certainly wouldn’t have missed Gràinne. He couldn’t have gone far, just keep looking!”
Asking Bachira was a dead end for Fionn. He wouldn’t give up his best friend for anything, even if he’d just seen you both hiding in his garden. No, it didn’t matter to him that you’d basically drugged him too. He found this too entertaining (and he cared about you).
“Nah, Gràinne and Diarmuid? I haven’t seen them since the party. Good luck though!”
Although he was still under the geis you’ve cast upon him, he was still free to produce his own thoughts. He just couldn’t go against the geis. Chigiri began to feel genuine love for you. Despite the circumstances, you were fun to be around, and he loosened up considerably during his time with you.
But he still hasn’t touched you. Not anything beyond kissing, at least, for a whole year. You were losing it! But what you didn’t know was that he too was conflicted. Chigiri wanted to touch you, he really did, but there was always the possibility that you would be found, and Fionn wanted his wife. If he found out that you’d been touched by another man, you’d both be killed. You were just lucky enough to not have been found yet, that people were willing to help you evade Fionn and his search party.
But you were making it so damn difficult to keep his urges to himself, swimming in the lake like you were meant to live in it.
“This lake is more exciting than you sometimes.”
“Excuse me?”
That damned smirk of yours.
“You heard me.”
“Don’t challenge me.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, and that was it for him. He chased you around the lake, splashing at you in response while you laughed. You two playfully wrestled and splashed each other until he trapped you in his arms.
“Do you forfeit?”
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I fold!”
Hyoma Chigiri was beautiful with water dripping from his face and body. Staring into those rosy eyes of his, you knew it immediately. He loved you. He truly loved you.
“Gràinne.. I love you.”
‼️ Attenzione! This is where the smut begins! Scroll away if you don’t want to read this!‼️
You didn’t need to hear anything more. Once you’ve reached your destination, a quaint wee cottage in the woods where Aengus told you both to go, you two couldn’t keep your hands off each other. You pinned him down to the bed you shared many nights together, kissing from his lips to his neck. The noises that left his throat were like music to your ears, and you wanted to hear more from him. It didn’t take long to find that spot, the very one that connects his neck to his collarbone, the very one that made him tick. There it was, that sharp whine from his pretty lips.
“Aww, so pretty ~!”
Chigiri wanted to protest, but he couldn’t get the words out when you lightly tweaked his nipple. All he could get out now were soft and sweet little moans of pleasure that shot through his body from every touch you gave him. Neither of you were thinking about Fionn and his search party. That didn’t matter in this moment, all that mattered was this moment with just you two, together. You released a delighted gasp upon seeing the bulge in his pants, a wet spot forming where his tip would be. His cock sprung to life when you freed him from the restraints of the blue fabric, leaking and angry red at the tip.
“Poor thing, you’re so pent up!”
He released a shaky sigh when you began to very slowly jerk him off, your lips littering his neck with kisses and little nips. You didn’t like how quiet he was being. You wanted to hear him let go, so you slowly took him into your mouth, sucking him like he was your favorite sweet. He’d been so tense during the beginning of your journey, and you were about to make him lose control of himself.
And lose it, he did. There was no such thing as silence now, silence was no longer holy to Chigiri. You would let him touch you this time, you’d let him hold onto your head for stability. He needed it now with what you had planned for him. His cock twitched repeatedly in your mouth and you knew that this was a good time to stop.
“W-what? Why’d you stop? I was so close…”
He couldn’t bring himself to say anything else when you slid down onto his dripping cock, pinning his wrists to the bed. You felt too good and he was worried that you’d leave him high and dry if he talked back. Wanting him to lose his composure even more, you begin to ride him at a painfully slow pace.
“You’re my prettiest boy, Hyoma.”
Soft whines emit from his lips as he gently gropes and fondles your chest. Chigiri wants you, he wants all of you now. He needs you. The love he’d formed for you bloomed tenfold in his internal garden. He didn’t want anyone else. Your warmth, your kindness, how headstrong you are when you want to be. He loves all of you. Being inside of you, after a year of wanting you, was akin to ecstasy in his eyes.
You sped up your movements after seeing his composure beginning to crack. Good, it didn’t take too long. You wanted to corrupt him more. Pretty moans echoed throughout the room as you bounced on his throbbing cock, he was getting close again. You two only had one night in this cottage before you had to settle elsewhere, so you intended to make the most of it. He pulled you down to his level, kissing you desperately and deeply as he tried to match your pace. The love that blossomed between you exploded with every stroke, every caress.
Tears sprung to his rosy eyes as he gripped onto your hips. Chigiri was so needy, and you were more than happy to offer him the pleasure he sought from you. You picked up your speed until he bit into your neck with a loud moan. He held your hips in place and emptied his seed deep into your entrance, penetrating your very womb. That was enough for your release to make itself known.
“I love you too, by the way.”
But little did you two realize, Fionn was closing in, and Lord above help you when he eventually found you.
“Maybe a boar hunt will help take your mind off of them for awhile, sir?”
“Perhaps. We set off in the morning.”
You were confused by Chigiri’s odd behavior. He seemed to be listening in on your surroundings more than usual, and it was worrying you.
“Beloved? What’s wrong?”
“I have the feeling that something might happen.”
“Good or bad?”
“Very bad.”
Neither of you wanted to think about it. You continued on the path to another village, one that was obscured by a great many trees and shrubs. However, Chigiri paused as soon as he heard a rustling near the trees. The clamoring of men alerted you both of Fionn’s presence, he and his men…but you were pretty sure that men also didn’t snort.
A gargantuan, wild boar burst from the bush and charged straight towards you both. Chigiri, not thinking twice, lifted you into his arms and broke into a full sprint to get you to safety. You both could see Fionn and his men pursuing the boar when he spotted you both. You swore his eyes burned red with a lust for your blood, no longer focusing on the boar that was chasing you and Chigiri.
He pointed his sword towards you both, fully prepared to kill you both along with the boar.
“After them! All of them! And don’t lose the boar!”
Fionn and his men gave chase to three targets now. Chigiri’s bad feeling was right all along. How could you not question it more?! He broke from the path and practically tossed you into a nearby bush…with a geis of his own.
“You can’t leave this bush until I’ve killed the boar!”
He didn’t respond to your protests as he charged the boar with his sword drawn, the two tearing into each other like one would tear multiple stacks of paper. You weren’t sure whose blood was flowing the most, you just knew that this would not end well. You tried desperately to break the geis, but it was no use. You were forced to watch as Chigiri and the boar slaughtered each other. The boar ravenously gored your lover with what was left of its life force, but you knew he wouldn’t die without taking it with him. With a quick slash of his blade, the boar’s head was lopped off. The geis was broken.
But so was your heart.
You rushed to Chigiri’s side as blood poured from his marred body, trying your best to stop the bleeding, but it wasn’t enough. He was losing too much blood, and Fionn and his men were rapidly approaching. You caught a glimpse of the horrified Bachira, who looked like he was about to be sick from the sight of Chigiri dying in your arms, blood staining your clothes and body. He gave you a bitter smile, tears mixing with the blood on his face, hand caressing your cheek weakly. You didn’t care much about the blood that would surely stain your face…you wanted your beloved to survive.
“Hey…you know I love you, right?”
“Stop! Don’t talk like that…don’t talk to me like you’re about to leave me!”
The men paused their pursuit. Fionn’s expression was unreadable for the most part, but you could see some degree of sadness in his withered eyes, no longer burning with unbridled rage for you both. He looked like he was breaking. Of course, Chigiri still meant something to him despite everything that happened.
The pleas spilled from your lips like wine from a shattered glass, pleading with him to save your beloved, pleading with him for forgiveness. Not for yourself, but for Chigiri. You knew he had the power to save him by letting him drink from his hands. Empathy filled his eyes, you could see it as he made his way towards the well, gathering water in his palms.
But his hands shook too much, the water spilled. He reached for another handful, but it spilled again. Fionn’s grandson, whose name you didn’t know, slapped his back and gripped his shoulders urgently.
“Get a grip. Breathe!”
Complying with his grandson’s urgency, Fionn was able to successfully carry a handful of water to you and Chigiri. He poured the water into his parted lips…but nothing happened. The worst has come.
“Hyoma…? Hey, wake up! Wake up!”
A heart wrenching, ear splitting wail emitted from your lips as the realization and grief set in that your lover didn’t make it. You couldn’t register Bachira hugging you tightly, trying his best to calm you down enough, but it wasn’t happening. You lost one Hyoma Chigiri, your Diarmuid, and you knew that you would never love again.
A/N: I want y’all to suffer with me (I say this lovingly, of course)
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solitaire-sol · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Big thanks to @mycupofrum and @lovelymasks for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
29, though all but one are 500-word microfics so it's not that impressive.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
17,377... which is pretty on-par, given the above.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, I'm only actively writing and posting Harry Potter fics, though I've written more widely in the past, for many and varied fandoms. Most of it went unpublished, though.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
All but one are oneshot microfics, and all are Prongfoot, of course. None of them have done big numbers, but I cherish every little heart!
this universe of you and me (we'll make ourselves inevitable) [45]
10. Diamond [41]
21. Deprive [25]
22. Lineage [22]
10. Hope [22]
5. Do you respond to comments?
Every comment! I might take a while, depending on how things are going for me, but I don't get a lot so the ones I have are extra-precious. As a commenter, I love it when the author responds so I know I'm not annoying them with my comment, so that's a factor, too.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Um... I guess the second bonus epilogue to 05. North? Since it leads into the canon path for Sirius, which is, as we know, not his best possible timeline.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm going to go with 16. Cultivate, because it's just kid!Prongsfoot and strongly-implied mutual crushes and nothing bad happens to them after this, okay?? we can pretend, dammit
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, though that's probably due to audience size + wordcount, so not much room to offend or people to be offended. Silver linings!
9. Do you write smut?
Yes! But none that I've published. It's good enough for me, but I don't know if anyone else would like it, and then: Self doubt! Preemptive cringe! And I don't post it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not in a "characters from Thing A meet characters from Thing B" way, but I've done some yet-to-be-published microfics that take HP characters (mostly James and Sirius, obviously) and put them in other settings, like Madoka Magica or Pacific Rim. So... Yes, I guess?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge! Honestly, I think I'd be kind of flattered that anyone would consider my writing worth stealing.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge! Although, like the above, it'd be very flattering if it ever happened.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not unless prose-style roleplaying counts as fanfiction! I'd be interested in trying it, but I have no idea how it would go.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
James/Sirius, Sirius/James, Prongsfoot, Bambibelle, by any other name, they're my overall favorite ship with 99.9% certainty.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
... Anything that's more than a oneshot, yes. It's so much easier to imagine the perfect fic and watch it play out like a mind-movie rather than hauling it out of my brainpan like a deep-sea fisherman wrestling a trophy marlin onto dry land, all typed and edited and posted despite second/third/more thoughts.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like descriptions and scene-setting and lore/worldbuilding, and I've been told that I'm pretty decent at this, so I'd say those? The fact that I've written a lot of microfics without any dialogue whatsoever probably says a lot.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue! Especially in HP, because the intricacies of British English and years of seeing British/Commonwealth opinions on Americans failing to write British characters (in fanfiction, specifically) has me too anxious to try. I have so many modern Prongsfoot ideas that I can't bring myself to attempt due to this, leaving them to rot like fallen leaves in the orchard of my imagination. More generally, I'm terrible at longfics or anything that requires extended effort because the number of spoons I have is variable but usually rounds up to "too few." Then I feel bad because I haven't been writing, etc etc, which is why I've only published microfics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I don't have any problem with it if it fits; I got really into Poe in middle school and he loves throwing in random non-English quotes without translating it, so I can't begrudge anyone who does it now. I only speak/write in English so that's the language my fics are in.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon. It was based on my first-ever playthrough of Pokemon Blue, but with the "Red" MC replaced by a pseudo-self-insert who spent most of the fic disguised as a boy/her own deceased twin brother whose soul was somehow inside of her for... some reason. (Note: I don't have a twin brother.) I wouldn't learn what fanfiction was for at least a few more years, but I'm pretty sure that was my first.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I once did a novelization of an obscure JRPG that rewrote huge chunks of the game, improved characterization, closed plot holes and fixed the terrible English translation, as well as expanding the world and lore. It had an actual physical folder dedicated to all my notes and I had plans for an even bigger sequel. Sadly, I only posted the first chapter before my computer died and I lost everything on it (back up your work, kids!), and I subsequently lost most of my notes in a move. I'm not sure if this is a subconscious contributor to why I've only written short-form things since then, but I have fond if wistful feelings about it anyway-- Like my fanfic lost Lenore.
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ash-isnt-writing · 5 months
“Fake it if you don’t belong here.” - The Hell Strip, Part 2.
Characters used/Mentioned: Vanté Ramirez (OC), Zuriel Damaris ( @p-3-t-r-1-ch-0-r )
A/N: Dw there’s probably gonna be more parts than this, maybe turning this into a full series. I’m not quite sure yet. Also here’s part 1 for anybody who needs it.
DISCLAIMER: THE CONTENT UNDER THE CUT MAY BE DISTRESSING FOR SOME INDIVIDUALS! I will try my best to tag as much as I can, but in case I miss anything, proceed with caution. Reader discretion is advised. I will not take credit for neglecting this warning. As of this, every post associated with this series will simply be marked as “STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLY” for I’m really not going to write this every single time.
Vanté sighed, running a hand through his hair. Coming back here always felt… off, especially now that none of his other family were present down here, his father especially.
The towering black granite walls didn’t feel as intimidating anymore, and he felt like he was allowed a new freedom. Now that he wasn’t holed up inside the walls, not allowed to leave and unable to make it out, it felt more like a home.
Juggling his usual life and the castle was… certainly a task, but he got it done anyway. And every time it brought new challenges.
Just like today. When Vanté heard about his son’s fall, he quite literally dropped everything. He couldn’t imagine Zuriel being the one to fall. Zuriel, who was highly appraised by the Gods, an angel of perfection and grace. The only thing that could have made it fall is if it were tainted by a demon… but that was impossible. Right?
“Guards, I’m heading out” He said as he slipped his coat on. The two nearby castle guards nodded, one of them speaking up.
“Where to, your highness?”
“There’s been an incident in the square” Vanté responded. “It requires my immediate attention.”
“Of course” The guard nodded. “I just worry with you suddenly rushing into this. I feared it was some danger.”
“It could be if you don’t stop your yapping, boy.” Vanté warned with a glare.
The young guard immediately went quiet, shifting on the spot. He knew better than to ignore Vanté’s warnings. All of staff did. As much as he wasn’t usually one to get violent, he was also very intimidating when he did.
Vanté took his leave, eyes constantly zipping around as he made his way through the mess of lights and buildings and demons of guilty pleasures. To him, it was ever more familiar each time he came down here. He was accustomed to the chaos of his people and how they spent their time among the neon lights and the messy streets.
But it would be like a nightmare for Zuriel, and he knew that. Crowded places were never its thing, which is what scared him so much. He wanted him to be alone here for as little time as possible.
Upon that thought, his eyes landed on a familiar, frail figure, wandering around and trying to figure out his way, trying to understand where it was and what was going on.
“Zuriel!” He yelled as he spotted his son, breaking into a sprint to catch up to him. Zuriel barely had time to process before he was scooped up and into his father’s arms, Vanté’s eyes taking in every part of him, scanning for injuries, registering the changes.
“Oh, kiddo…” He mumbled, beginning to walk back to the castle. He kissed its forehead, ignoring the multitude of people staring at him, not only because he was the heir to the throne, but because of the fallen angel in his arms. “It’s okay, ‘m here… you must be so scared…”
Zuriel stuck close to Vanté. He helped calm it, at least a little. He was a breath of fresh air in all of this distress and uncertainty, the familiarity it needed right now. After all this pain and uncertainty…
“Am- Am I stuck down here?” Zuriel asked meekly, looking up at its father.
Vanté met his gaze. Zuriel didn’t belong here. If not in the Upperworld, then he’d find somewhere for him to stay in the Overworld. But he wasn’t staying down here, that’s for sure.. “…Not if I have anything to say about it.”
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cxttlefishcxller · 4 months
𝟸𝟶 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜
I was tagged literal days ago by @residentdormouse and honestly I'm the worst at remembering anything ever sO here we are again, lads jfkdl;safd but yE BIG THANK for the tag, let's see what kind of shenanigans I can get into
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How many works do you have on AO3?
Five so far, none of them finished jfkdl;safd soon to be six, if I can get the rest of this damn chapter finished for Serenade's second iteration >.>;;;
What is your total AO3 word count?
57,252! Which is honestly more than I thought it was
What fandoms do you write for?
Man, what don't I write about? -ba dum tss- But for published works, it's primarily The Stand, with some IT thrown in, then there's Undertale, Gravity Falls, and Fallout. But I promise you if I like it, I've either written something or thought VERY HARD about writing something about it.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
This is easy, there's only 5 total fjdkla;sf but it'd have to go 1: Between Iron and Silver (an Undertale AU) at 22 2: La Petite Mort (a Fallout 3 blurb from ye olde k-meme days) at 17 3: Don't Fear The Reaper (A Gravity Falls zombie AU) at 14 4: Second Lead Serenade (My primary Stand fic that's getting a sERIOUS overhaul) at a whopping 3 5: Shine On You Crazy Diamond (an AU of my Stand AU only now there's Pennywise) at 2
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yES I try to every time! Sometimes I miss them though jfkdls;fd but I'm but a small hobbit that thrives off of validation, I adore every comment I get
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
UHM. Well, technically I haven't finished a gotdam thing yet, but it'd either have to be the Fallout one (which involves the MC slowly turning into a ghoul due to radioactive necrosis) or a pseudo-canon-maybe ficlet blurb thing I'm currently working on for Serenade involving a day in Teddy's perfect world, seemingly no-pocalypse centric, until you realize that he's not in some apartment he shares with his beloved girlfriend Piper, but trapped inside of his own mind by Flagg after being shot by Nadine.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, bold of you to assume I've got an ending on anything I write. But I'd have to say that the happiest ending I have PLANNED would actually be for Shine On. It's running along the plot of the IT remake, so the ending will have (potentially) all of our beloved Boulderites having their happily ever afters with the people they care about most.
Do you get hate on your fic?
My dear sweet anonymous reader, that would require for someone to actually read said fics. XD No for real though, everyone that's commented, friend and stranger alike, has been SO SO SWEET. I'm so grateful. No hate yet, but I'm sure I'd feel like I really made it as a writer if I ever did.
Do you write smut?
I used to! I used to write the SHIT out of some smut! But it seems like the older I get the more I worry about it being good, by whatever arbitrary unit of measurement someone may have, and then I just clam up and fade to black instead jfkd;lsafd I hope to regain my teenaged confidence someday.
Do you write crossovers?
The further I can get from canon, the better, as far as my brainworms are concerned! I only have one OFFICIAL crossover, but if y'all could see some of the bullshit I have in my giant stack of spiral notebooks, you'd probably be very concerned.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! At least I'm not sure why anyone WOULD. I only ever get a set amount of chapters into something before I'm spontaneously updating every few years like some literary cryptid.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Ohhhhmygoodness the memories. Passing notebooks back and forth in between classes to work on chunks of fics. Co-authoring Google Docs in back-and-forth narrative-laden pseudo-RPs. So, SO many Picrews. If my old laptops' data banks could talk. The stories they'd tell. In short, it's been a REALLY FUCKING LONG TIME but I had such fun with it. I'd love to do it again sometime. XD
What's your all-time favorite ship?
AUGH. UHM. If we're going for something in media I enjoy, I have so so many, but if I HAD to pick one at gunpoint it'd have to be Clarice/Hannibal. From like the OG book series. My poor friend group has already had to listen to me scream about subtext and discrepancies between media, so I'll spare the spiel but they're wonderful together and I'll die on that hill.
For stuff I'VE written? Teddy and Piper. TedPipes. ScreenPlay. My babies, my lovelies, my adorable idiots that can't quit pining long enough or can't quit fighting impending disaster long enough to realize they're already practically dating. I've written so much about them. I'll probably continue writing so much about them. I can't be stopped. jfkdl;asfd
Also for stuff I HAVEN'T written but exists in fic anyway, I'd have to go with both BirdBrains (Harold Lauder and Caktus' OC Crow) and HayGlen (Glen Bateman and Mouse's OC Hayden) because like. Have y'all seen them. HAVE YOU. Go see them. They're so so good.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them wELL that's a tough one because like. I bounce between ideas so much that it's hard to tell when I'll pick up a plot or drop a plot out of rotation only to pick it back up a year or three later. But if I had to pick one, Iron and Silver hasn't been updated since shortly after the pandemic started, and I really wish I could pick up steam on it again. I had a huge plan for it, and a serious amount of worldbuilding and backstory, but I just can't pick up the knack for it again. At least, not yet. I'm sure I'll come back to it eventually.
What are your writing strengths?
I've always been fond of my character development! I can't ever tell if I execute it well in practice, but in THEORY I have a good grasp of where a character starts and where I want them to end, and a significant chunk of what they go through to get there. I love Big Emotion. I love Introspective Pain. I love the silent struggle of Being Known. It's deLICIOUS, I keep working it into everything I write fjkdsa;fd
What are your writing weaknesses?
A: Follow-through. I have the Can't Finish Stuff disease. B: MOTHERFUCKING. ACTION SCENES. I can't get the pacing right! It feels too stilted or too flat, either too much detail or not enough with no happy medium. People who can write action scenes are glorious unicorns and I'm love them
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Wayyyyyyyy not confident enough to try it. I only know some basic phrases in Spanish, and some even more rudimentary phrases in Korean, and several swear words in a small handful of other languages. Definitely not enough to work with. I'm sure I'd manage to either do it wrong or end up unintentionally being insensitive. I'm a much bigger fan of just using italics to denote if someone's using another language instead, but that's a personal choice jfkdl;sa
First fandom you wrote for?
Labyrinth! To no one's surprise ever It was a horrible monstrosity of a trope-filled nightmare written in a Family Guy notebook in pure frigging pencil. I was also in the 6th grade. I wish I had Teenage Fef's shameless ability to write whatever the fuck she wanted. She was cringe but She was Free
Favorite fic you've ever written?
So far, Serenade is the one I've put the most thought into, and the one I'm having the most fun planning! Iron and Silver cuts a CLOSE second though; for the very same reasons, but I'm loving having the added fun of such indulgent friends helping me keep the Stand Wormies alive by hyping me up. XD
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I also cast OPEN TAG! It does 6d4 Writing Damage. But if y'all want to, I'm also tagging @beyondthetemples-ooc, @jaiesondurantkross and @caktusjuice-draws in a totally no-pressure-ever tag <3
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cuillere · 7 months
Thanks so much @trainofcommand <3 You keep tagging me in stuff and it's always a warm feeling for me to receive the mention <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, none. If I was to write some now, It'd be Detroit : Become Human or Stargate. the fandoms I have most written and published for are Star Wars and Dragon age :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wings, which is very surprising since I wrote it for a small fandom fest (Van Helsing - 2004)! I really didn't expect to regularly get more reading from this one :) Is that Blood? A kylux short I wrote as part of a challenge. Found myself reading through it again and I love it :)
A long Mission, another kylux short, with a hangry Ren and Hux knows him too well.
Hux and another. This one made my eyes water as I read through it again!
Promise my only published work for Stargate !!! Mcshep <3
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, unless people specify they don't want me to. I might take some time 'cause I don't always be available, but I will answer :) I feel like it's a way for the reader to be sure that I've read their comments and enjoyed them :) That they have warmed my heart with their words just as I did theirs :)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
mm, that's a hard one. Hux, mentioned above is definitely a contender! but also What's the matter? I thought you wanted it for Teen Wolf!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh, that's quite hard to say, too! Since my fics are usually quite short, and most of them are just happy or sexy scenes...
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have never gotten hate on my fics, luckily :)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I thought I did, but AO3 says I don't ^^ What's sure is that I have som in my (numerous) wips. But also I don't write a lot and smut is rarerly my priority, so I guess it makes sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't think I ever did, though I do read them sometimes :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Neither. Though I have been thinking of some fics I'd like available in both english and french
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Well, I tend to hyperfocus and to change topics of interest every few months / years. I can't think of anything that has been my all-time favourite.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a few of those. One about Jack and Daniel (Stargate) for a soumate AU (which I don't think I've ever done, ever) is on my mind right now, but also an even bigger project for Les lames du Cardinal (which only have one fic, and that fic has 7 hits^^). I don't know If I'll ever take the time to really go through all of the editing, since the first draft is finished... It's from a ttrpg game we did with friends that I enjoyed a lot. Thing is during editing I realized I'd like to change... a lot of things. So maybe it'll neevr happen. it's also in French for the moment.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am weirdly drawn to writing angst, even though I'd rather read happy stories. I think I'm quite good at descriptions and feelings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogues and length. Dialogues are often a pain for me. I don't mind shorter fics, but when I have an idea that requires a longer fic, it never quite pays off. I've had multiple bad experiences that ended up scarring me and even though I still wanna make some, I'm very scared about them and the amount of work they require.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't think I've ever done it. It can get really messy for some readers, so I'd probably only do it if the dialogue can disappear from the fic and it's not too much of a problem. I think if a pov characters understands it, then the reader has to understand it. If the pov character doesn't, then I'll definitely tend to mention they talk another language, see if there are words or intention that can through, and probably avoid the actual dialogue altogether ^^
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I already mentioned I don't have favourites ^^ I guess the one that has surprised me the most is Wings, because really the prompt Spoke to me so much and I'm quite proud of what I did and of the end result.
As always, feel free to feel tagged :) My thoughts go to @sunwarmed-ash @cyberbullyingandroids @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
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piceuscelus · 6 months
t4t ciri/cerys, cerys is so determined to seduce ciri she doesn't realize how easy it's going to be (idk if you wanted, like, trans SPECIFIC prompts vs just prompts with trans characters? i do very much envision this as trans girls having slutty crushes on each other and being endearingly awkward about it bc maybe people haven't responded well to them in the past, or maybe ciri doesn't realize cerys is also trans? but also just a simple cute blushy t4t fuckfest would be great lol)
(i will send another, trashier prompt next)
hi i know this prompt was Forever Ago but i did NOT forget it
it just fuckin Refused To Go
but it went! finally! and now it's here! and it's even below my tumblr post limit! (it admittedly might not be exactly to the prompt. but)
it'll be going up on ao3 like, immediately after this ask posts in case anyone is terribly concerned about content tags but this one is Extremely Tame and soft
trans woman Ciri / nonbinary Cerys
It’s a pity, Ciri thinks, that she doesn’t make it back to the Isles very often. Of course, she knows perfectly well why she doesn’t – she rules both Nilfgaard and Cintra, and thus most of the southern half of the Continent. She’s entirely too busy to be galavanting off to Skellige without a purpose – her court will barely allow her the occasional Witchering break, and they only do that begrudgingly because if they don’t, she tends to start threatening to skewer diplomats. The likelihood of that stuffy lot agreeing to let her vacation to Skellige for no good reason is slim to none.
There is the upside, though, that she never has to bother with a week-long boat trip unless she has a hankering for being sea sick.
When she lands on solid ground, it’s bright and sunny and frigidly cold. She takes a deep breath and just revels in it for a moment, even as she starts to shiver, taking in the familiar smells and sounds. 
Of course, as soon as someone notices her standing there in the courtyard, a commotion starts up.
She sighs, but tolerates the sudden influx of guards and their squires rushing over to investigate, and then, once they’ve assured themselves that she’s a known guest, if an unexpected one, the addition of half a dozen maids that arrive to fuss. All of them are bowing so low they may as well be kneeling – it would be faster and require less stumbling, at least – and stammering as they try to address her with an amount and type of formality that’s always been a bit foreign on the Isles.
When she can finally get a word in edgewise, she cuts straight to the chase. “Yes, thank you, where is Queen Cerys?”
One of the guards answers. “Her Majesty is with the jarls, out on the cliffs.”
Ciri raises an eyebrow. “What for?”
“It’s a tradition, Your Imperial Majesty,” another guard says, the capital letters and his unfamiliarity with her title obvious in the stilted, slow way he speaks. “A…rebirth, of sorts, for the new year. All of the jarls, the druids, and the Queen jump into the sea to be cleansed.”
“And several others, for the fun of it,” one of the squires adds, sounding almost bemused, as if he doesn’t quite understand how the dive could be fun.
Ciri isn’t entirely sure fun is the right word, really – she’d probably use thrill instead. She remembers, now, years and years ago, watching Eist do something similar – but it was in the summer, when the cold waters were a fairly refreshing shock, and not the tail end of fall, when falling into the sea could easily become a death sentence if you were stupid or sickly. She’d been allowed to jump then, too, though only into the shallows and not off the cliffside with the rest (for the sake of her grandmother’s blood pressure).
Then again, the line between the concept of fun and thrill is a thin one, and, well – she’d come to the Isles for fun, hadn’t she?
“Which shore are they on?”
– – – – –
When Ciri finally makes it up the cliff where the local nobility are making like ritual-minded lemmings, Cerys is just beginning to strip down to her underthings in preparation for her own jump. It appears she’s the last of the leaders to go, most of the jarls already soaked and shivering on the beach below.
She keeps her more lurid thoughts to herself, watching Cerys shuck her dress, and makes a split second decision to distract her mind from the gutter. “Aye! Time for a late arrival?”
The spears immediately pointed in her direction aren’t a shock, so she mostly ignores them, just stopping where she’s at and waiting.
“Don’t you lot recognize the damn Empress?” Cerys asks, laughing as everyone sort of sheepishly shuffles their weapons back to where they belong. She looks at Ciri to continue, “And don’t you know better than to barge into a group of Islanders unannounced?”
Ciri laughs, too, but doesn’t bother answering – it’s a rhetorical question, and they all know that really, she’s allowed to barge in wherever she’d like. She gestures to the edge of the cliff. “Well, may I join?”
Cerys also gestures to the cliff, but with an over-exaggerated, fake curtsy. “You may!”
Immediately, there are a handful of damp squires appearing at her side, hands held out, so she strips off and hands her clothes over. She only strips down to the same as Cerys, the single layer of underthings – she doesn’t particularly understand the point of wearing anything for this, but she’s also aware that her penchant for nudity is unusual, and is willing to follow the Queen’s lead.
“Together, then?” Cerys asks, when Ciri steps up to her side. They’re both shivering lightly in the icy breeze wafting in from the waves. “Or would you like the honor alone?”
“You’re the Queen of the Skellige Isles, Cerys, it ought to be your honor,” Ciri says, half-teasing, and Cerys’ eyes sparkle.
“And you’re the Witcher Cirilla of Vengerberg, Lioness of Cintra and Empress of Nilfgaard, The Swallow Bearing the Sun in Her Wings,” Cerys retorts, “and you outrank me by a league. So?”
Ciri rolls her eyes as theatrically as possible at the full title, though she’s privately pleased that Cerys used both of Vengerberg and the informal order of it. “Together, then.”
She offers her hand as she takes a step closer to the cliff’s edge, toes already freezing in the sparse, damp grass. 
Cerys steps up alongside her and threads their fingers together. “Of course, Your Imperial Majesty,” she says, with a little half-curtsy, still a fake one since she’s not wearing a damn dress, and a smirk that belies the formal tone. 
Ciri immediately drops Cerys’ hand just to shove her off the cliff and jump right after her.
– – – – –
By the time they’ve swum back to shore, anyone else who wanted to jump has already done it, and it turns into a race back to the castle before fingers and toes go from numb to dead. All the same, they’re laughing as they finally stumble into the marginally-warmer stone halls, the mood easy and light, chatter and laughter echoing off of the high ceilings. 
It’s only when they’ve made their way to Cerys’ rooms, already prepped and ready with a large, steaming bath, that Ciri realizes she has absolutely no idea where she’s meant to be staying. Or if she’s even welcome. 
Her rank and power do a lot to smooth the way wherever she’d like to go – and her sword and medallion often do what the crown cannot – but she prefers not to use any of them like a cudgel. 
Cerys, though, seems to have the same realization a beat after her.
“I can send someone to make up a room,” she says, “but in the meantime, we could share a bath.” There’s a hint of lechery in the quirk of her lips. “Only if you don’t think that would be too…improper, of course.”
Ciri nearly asks where in the world Cerys picked up the idea that she’s ever given a single fuck about proper, but decides that playing coy is much more fun. “It might be,” she says, slowly. “But….”
She rubs her arms and shivers. It’s a little exaggerated, but certainly not entirely an act – she is cold, clothes still wet and skin a little slimy where the seawater lingers.
“It’s cold, and it’ll take too long to make up another bath for you,” Cerys says, and this time her tone is at least half-serious. “You’ll catch your death, Your Imperial Highness – and I cannot, nor do I want to, imagine the horrors your court would bring down upon me if I allowed it to happen. I’m just a lowly Islander queen, after all.”
The snark is back, with the last part, and Ciri can’t help how she snorts.
“Alright, alright.” She prods Cerys into the room and follows along, closing the door behind them. She catches sight of a door across the room shutting with utmost gentleness, likely a servant who had realized that they were not needed and decided to at least be discreet about their eavesdropping. “I’m sure my honor will survive the blow.”
“Mine certainly won’t, but it’s not as if I had much to begin with,” Cerys retorts, and Ciri chokes on another laugh.
“You know what they say about Skelligers,” she says, trailing off with a wink, and Cerys just raises an eyebrow.
“What, that we’re one good blow away from a fight?”
Ciri giggles. “No, that you’re one good blow to anyone’s honor.”
It clearly takes a second to click, Cerys squinting at her for slightly longer than a typical beat, but Ciri sees the moment it finally dawns, the queen’s eyes going wide before she starts cackling.
“That was awful, Cirilla,” she scolds, but she’s grinning wide and there’s no heat to her voice, just poorly-concealed laughter.
Before Ciri can come up with another witty reply – either about her wonderful wordplay, or the use of her full first name – Cerys is huffing and shaking her head, starting to tug at her own layers. 
She tosses them directly onto the floor with no care as she wriggles free of them, and Ciri starts to do the same, struggling out of the top dress and progressively wetter layers beneath, until she’s reached the last of them, her underthings still soaked and getting slimier by the second. 
She hesitates. As unpleasant as the soggy cotton is, and as thrilled as she usually is to be free of clothes, it’s…. Well. If this were just a bath with a friend, or even just fellow nobility, it wouldn’t be anything to drop her clothes. She’s done it before in springs and bathhouses. 
But this isn’t just another sovereign, or even just a friend. This is…well, it’s Cerys, someone that Ciri can admit (at least in her own head, privately, to herself) she’s been carrying a torch about for…as long as they’ve known one another, probably.
Cerys is speaking again, though, as she’s peeling out of the layer just above her underthings, struggling with the fabric as its soaked so much water up from the layer below, and Ciri is distracted from her not-quite spiral about her infatuation. 
“It’s rude to stare, you know,” Cerys says, and Ciri’s stomach drops to the floor in the split second it takes for her to notice the wry quirk to Cerys’ mouth. Before she can relocate her own words, Cerys continues, though this time it’s quieter, more of a mutter. “...then again, s’pose I have no room to speak on that.”
Ciri doesn’t think she was meant to hear that last bit. She’s aware that she should probably pretend she didn’t.
But she’s burningly curious as to what, exactly, that means, so she quirks a brow when Cerys’ eyes next catch hers. “Oh?”
Harmless, directionless flirting is one thing – something they’ve been doing for the same amount of time Ciri’s carried the torch – but that? That sounded like an admission.
Cerys makes a small, short sound, something of a cross between a squeak and a snort, coloring a little. “If I may be crass, Your Imperial Majesty,” she winks, and Ciri feels herself flushing, because this time the title sounds more genuine, even if it’s in a crude way. “You have a truly spectacular pair of tits.”
Ciri snickers, and before she even thinks it all the way through, she’s quipping, “Thank you, Yennefer helped me pick them out when I got tired of being shaped wrong.”
What she’s said sinks in just a second too late, and she sucks in a breath, biting her cheek against trying to over explain. It’s possible Cerys will misunderstand that – think it has to do with self-esteem, and not anything to do with the confused whispers about wasn’t the heir to Cintra a boy? – but if she opens her mouth again, she could give the truth away.
But Cerys’ mouth drops open to mirror how tightly Ciri’s gritting her teeth, and she stutters, “You were – ” before she’s squeaking and putting a hand over her mouth. 
They stand frozen, just staring at one another, for a long moment. 
Ciri tries to find her voice, tries to come up with something to say – to brush it off, or to admit the truth, or maybe a secret third option she hasn’t come up with yet. She doesn’t know, but the silence is stretching out longer and longer, and she feels like there are ants crawling along the back of her neck.
Despite all her frantic thoughts, Cerys beats her to breaking it. “Something we almost have in common, then,” she says, and finishes peeling out of her underclothes, revealing her own chest – perfectly flat, nothing but solid muscle and pink-white scars cupping the shape of her pectorals. “Mousesack helped me pick mine when I got tired of the same.”
And the scars are – obvious, really, Cerys is hardly the first person Ciri has met with them, but it takes until she speaks for it to really click, and then – and then she’s laughing, caught somewhere between fierce relief and flustered sheepishness. 
“Good to know we have that in common?” she asks, voice shifting down a little, like it hasn’t since she was thirteen and Yennefer started teaching her how to pitch it higher, and she hopes that Cerys understands her meaning – that she means a bit more than just picking out surgi-magical modifications to their chests. 
She expects that Cerys will laugh, probably – that she’ll poke fun at Ciri, almost certainly. What she doesn’t expect, in any way, is for Cerys to step into her space, reaching out and cupping one roughened palm around the nape of her neck to yank her even closer.
“I’m pretty sure it’s more than that,” she murmurs, and then her mouth is ghosting over Ciri’s, the distant suggestion of a kiss.
Like hell is she going to turn that down.
They’re still shivering finely from the cold and wet, Ciri’s underthings uncomfortably slimy between them – really, it’s atrocious how seawater just never actually seems to dry, just turns to slime and then…crusts – but none of that really matters, not in the face of the kiss.
The kiss, which is going quickly from chaste and almost innocent to something decidedly more hungry, Cerys’ fingers finding  their way into Ciri’s hair, her other hand creeping around her waist and then up to cup her ribs. Ciri, for her part, gets her hands on Cerys’ waist first, and then shifts them to the lower curve of her spine and the place between her shoulderblades as they press closer. 
When they finally break apart they’re both panting, and the way Cerys’ fingers are curling around the curve of Ciri’s skull, a rough, callused thumb rasping back and forth just under her ear, has Ciri shivering for reasons entirely unrelated to the damp.
She doesn’t know if Cerys misreads the trembling, or if maybe she understands and simply makes an unrelated decision, but without a word she’s taking a step back, pulling Ciri gently toward the bath. The way she tugs at Ciri’s remaining clothes, though, is significantly less gentle. 
It’s a little hard to get naked, considering that they both refuse to step away from another with equal fervor, but between four hands they manage. They also succeed – somehow – in clambering their way into the bath without injury.
Through another kiss, they end up settled on a very convenient seat along the edge of the ridiculously large tub, Ciri on the ledge and Cerys perched in her lap. The position leaves their bottom halves in quite close contact for the first time, and before Ciri can even start to – explain? apologize? she’s not entirely sure – Cerys is humming, a distinctly pleased little sound, and settling her weight more firmly in Ciri’s lap. 
“Hello there,” she says, and rolls her hips, pinning Ciri’s half-hard cock properly between them. “I’d ask about pockets, but all things considered, I think I can just assume you’re happy to see me.”
Ciri wants to say something in response to that – even if it’s just to cry hypocrisy about Cerys’ early rebuke of Ciri’s earlier pun – but all that comes out is a thin, reedy little moan. 
It makes Cerys laugh, but it’s a breathy sound, cut off when she presses their mouths together again, so Ciri isn’t too terribly offended.
She’s usually more put together, she swears she is, but, well. This torch has been burning for a little less than most of her life, for fucks’ sake. 
While they kiss, Cerys starts to move, rocking her hips to grind them together, and both of them end up making broken, breathless little noises into each others’ mouths. The water intensifies the friction, washing away the slick either of them could produce well before it’s of any use, but it also makes the movements easier, smoothing out the jerkiness where both of them are startling to tremble.
Gods above, Ciri should not be this close because of a handful of kisses and a pretty queen in her lap. She’s not sure if it’s because she’s been pining for a ridiculous length of time, or that she’s not had much time for anyone except her own hand lately, or maybe that Cerys really is just that incredible. Whatever it is, she absolutely refuses to embarrass herself so thoroughly, at least this first time.
It takes entirely too much willpower, but she gets her hands on Cerys’ hips, stopping the rocking movement and splashing water over the edges of the tub with the sudden interruption to the water’s motion. Cerys makes a little sound, whiny and petulant, and Ciri is halfway through a choked sort of coo at how cute that was when Cerys’ eyes snap open.
“Sorry, was that – ”
Ciri feels a little bad when pressing her fingers over Cerys’ lips apparently gets some bathwater in her mouth, but she doesn’t need an apology and doesn’t want to entertain it. “I’m fine,” she assures. “I just – have a better idea.”
At that, the scrunched combination of shock and concern on Cerys’ face smooths out, replaced instead by obvious curiosity. Her eyes are bright and her lips are a little swollen from their kisses, and Ciri has to resist the urge to lean forward and nip at them, at least for now. Instead, she starts prodding Cerys off of her lap, and giggles when Cerys’ expression once again shifts in a heartbeat, turning to a small pout even as she follows the silent direction and finds her own feet.
Ciri can’t resist that, not entirely, so she leans forward to kiss the corner of the pout as she also stands from the bench. Cerys turns her head and turns it into a real kiss, because of course she does, and Ciri is weak, so she allows it for a long moment.
“C’mon,” she finally says, when they have to pull apart for air, and before Cerys can complain – or catch her in another kiss – she slips behind her and gently nudges her forward again.
She tries to turn at first, clearly trying to sit, but Ciri gets her arms around her waist and keeps her facing forward. She nuzzles against Cerys’ ear and whispers, “Like this,” before guiding her forward again, until her knees are pressed to the bench. 
From there, she drags her hands back down to Cerys’ hips, then her thighs, coaxing her to keep going forward, until she’s kneeling on the ledge. That’s when she seems to get the idea, suddenly tugging out of Ciri’s grip to scoot forward and bend at the waist, bracing her palms against the thick edge of the tub.
“Yeah, perfect,” Ciri murmurs, and leans forward to press a kiss between Cerys’ shoulderblades, fingers finding the stretched smoothness of the scars on her chest. She kisses down Cerys’ spine, hands following the same path but down her front, and when she’s reached where her back starts to curve into ass, Ciri shifts her weight and drops into a low crouch.
She uses her hands, curled around the very tops of Cerys’ thighs, to shift her hips up a little more, just enough to lift her cunt properly above the water.
Cerys shivers and whines, soft and breathless, and Ciri presses a kiss to where the waterline is lapping at the back of her thigh.
“This okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Cerys is almost panting. When Ciri looks up – she has to lean a little to the side, to see more than the curve of Cerys’ ass and spine – Cerys is turned to look over her shoulder, eyes gone wide and dark.
She keeps their gazes locked as she slowly trails her fingers up and to the side, along the cut of Cerys’ hipbone, and then in and down, until she’s petting over the soft curls just above her slit. Cerys’ lashes flutter, mouth dropping open for the space of a panting breath before she’s sucking her bottom lip into her mouth to bite at it. 
She whines when Ciri doesn’t keep going, squirming a little, hips rolling forward into Ciri’s hand. Ciri chuckles and turns her head to kiss along the curve of her ass and back down to the back of her thigh.
“Can I?” she asks, dragging her fingers further down, almost to Cerys’ clit but not quite there yet. Already, she can feel the heat – the difference between the water and Cerys’ body, the apex of her thighs, much warmer where she’s all swollen.
Cerys whines and bucks her hips, stammering out a, “P-please.”
Ciri lets the movement do what it intended to do, since she asked so nicely, fingers slipping over Cerys’ clit. The friction of it is a little rough with nothing but water between them yet, but Cerys just whines and bucks again, so Ciri keeps going, until Cerys has made a proper mess of herself and the touch is slick and wet.
“Good,” Ciri murmurs, mostly thoughtless, and traces an intentional, firm circle around Cerys’ clit at the same time she mouths along the edge of her outer labia, tongue flickering barely over where she’s wet and fluttering. Those touches earn her another whine, more desperate this time, as Cerys leans harder against her braced arms just so she can raise her hips and press back into the tease of Ciri’s mouth. “Yeah, fuck, so good.”
“C-Ciri, please,” Cerys breathes. 
Ciri curses and leans further forward, flattening her tongue over the slick mess built between Cerys’ thighs. The sound Cerys makes in response could be reasonably called a shout, if it weren’t so pitchy and breathless, and Ciri grins but doesn’t bother pulling back. When she teases her tongue at Cerys’ entrance, she gets another almost-shout, and when she presses in, the sound turns into a low, warbling little mewl.
Her cock throbs where it’s bobbing in the water, and she imagines the two of them are probably going to sully it enough that a brand new bath is needed, but that’s the only real thought she spares for it.
“Fuck, fuck, please,” Cerys finally gasps, after Ciri has spent a few minutes pressing her tongue just inside the clutch of her entrance and then pulling back out to trace her folds before doing it again. 
She hasn’t even really been meaning to tease – she’s just…taken with the taste of Cerys, with feeling her twitch and flutter. Entirely too taken to be paying much attention to the passage of seconds – or to keep moving her fingers, she realizes. The pleas, though, bring her right back, and she hums into Cerys’ heat before she’s pressing closer, rubbing at Cerys’ clit again as she presses her tongue as deep as she can get it. 
Cerys squeals, hips jerking, and Ciri reconsiders her original intention to pull back and say something filthy. Instead, she stays right where she is, shifting in her crouch just to relieve some pressure on her ankles, and tongue-fucks Cerys until the she’s starting to shake and babble.
“Fuck, fuck, you – ah, ah – oh gods, Ciri – ”
Whenever Cerys makes a new noise or starts shaking harder, Ciri follows that as if it were explicit directions, until Cerys is no longer babbling, she’s just making scattered noise, entirely breathless. She’s so hard she could use her cock as a hammer, but all she can really focus on is how sweet Cerys’ cunt is, all of the pretty noises and trembling that she’s working out of her with just her hand and tongue. It’s – heady, and hotter than it has any right to be, and so much more than she’d ever even dared dream about, at least consciously. 
Cerys can make jokes-that-aren’t about how far Ciri outranks her all she wants, but in Ciri’s opinion, Cerys is so far out of her league that it balances them right back out. She’s fairly certain Cerys would take offense to that, though, and not at all for her own sake, so Ciri fully plans to keep that as a thought to herself. 
She’s almost worried, for a split second, when Cerys’ suddenly goes tripwire-taut, but then her mouth is suddenly flooded with slick and she understands. She groans, but doesn’t let up on her ministrations, working Cerys through the peak of the pleasure and out to quivering on the other side.
“Ciri, Ciri, fuck, oh my gods – ”
She doesn’t stop until Cerys fumbles a hand back and catches at her hair. The feeble tapping at her head is, by itself, ineffectual in making her stop, but she doesn’t want this to tip into the bad kind of overstimulation, so she follows the silent direction and pulls back. 
She intends to ask something cheeky about if that was good, but before she can manage more than just the breath in, Cerys is leaning up and turning, the hand still sort of limp against Ciri’s head finding its way into her hair just to tug slightly. 
“Please get up here and fuck me,” Cerys pants, tugging at her hair again, and Ciri certainly isn’t going to say no.
It’s not the first time she’s experienced the sensation of her dick overtaking her brain, but she thinks it might be the most intense instance of it.
“Yeah, okay,” she murmurs, and lets go of Cerys just long enough to brace on the side of the tub and the ledge so she can lever herself back to standing. She ignores the tingling in her legs – it’s not bad enough she’ll topple, so it doesn’t matter – and instead bends to press along Cerys’ back, one arm slipping around her waist while the other hand goes to her throat. She nudges at Cerys’ jaw with her fingers until she turns properly and Ciri can kiss her again.
She has to take her hand away to reach down and guide her cock, but Cerys barely seems to notice, at least until Ciri is nudging up against her entrance.
“Yes, yes, fuck,” she gasps, head dropping back down as her knuckles go white around the edge of the tub. “Please.”
“I’ve got you,” Ciri murmurs, lips trailing along the curve of Cerys’ throat in absence of her mouth.
It only takes some more minute shifting, using her other hand to steady Cerys’ hips as she guides herself with the one around her cock, and she’s slipping in. They both make high, shocky little sounds, and Ciri bites at Cerys’ shoulder as her hips jerk.
She wants to go slow, to check in, but Cerys is letting go of the edge of the tub to throw her arm back, fingernails digging into Ciri’s hip when her hand finally finds it, and she doesn’t have much choice with the way she’s yanked, unless she wants to send the both of them tumbling over the edge of the tub and onto the floor. 
“Fuck me,” Cerys repeats, and Ciri makes a wordless sound of agreement before she’s doing just that.
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kimkaelyn · 10 months
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