#*this was in my drafts for literal years. oops
bicholsdrarrysideblog · 11 months
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been reading These Fics by the AMAZING hsvh that are Canon But From Draco's POV and i was doodling some fanart for them and then I GOT CARRIED AWAY AND MADE A COVER FOR THE FIRST ONE... anyway oops i guess lmao
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spacedlexi · 1 year
i just remembered that i designed an entire town and was almost done digitally lining my drafts before i just forgot it existed 🤪
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teaandinanity · 9 months
So I found a meme template for 'About You: Video Games' which I wanted to do except a) we all know I am incapable of Not Talking, b) the boxes were tall and skinny and that is Not Ideal for shoving game titles into because they generally need width to be legible, and c) what the fuck do you MEAN I can ONLY PICK ONE so I'm converting it into text form. Also I'm rearranging the order because all time fave should not be first that's what you wrap up with c'mon.
I am also hoping other people will steal this formatting and tag me so I can go 'ooh that sounds neat!' about other people's games lists.
[cut because this will probably go long]
1. Childhood Game
Cannot pick.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time still holds a soft and nostalgic spot in my heart. Music! Horseback riding! Puzzles! I was terrible at it and did not beat it but I LOVED it.
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, which I also did not beat but which also nonetheless did SOMETHING to my id which persists to this very day, because it is fascinatingly batshit.
The Longest Journey has also left imprints on my id; I think it was the first adventure game I managed to beat, maybe the first game I managed to beat at all.I’d tried some of the King’s Quest games but I kept getting myself stuck in unwinnable situations and/or dying which obviously was not that fun. But TLJ wanted you to see the story; as far as I know, it’s impossible to get yourself into an unwinnable worldstate, so outside the sections where you’re beating your head against a puzzle it’s just wonderful.
2. Best Soundtrack
I already mentioned Ocarina but honestly a lot of the games I grew up with had excellent music, perhaps because the system limitations (midi instruments on a shitty tube television) meant the songs really had to be able to stand on their own. Other stand-outs for me include Legend of Mana and Final Fantasy VI, each of which has more than one song I remembered well enough to hunt down the soundtracks more than a decade after I played them. Also obviously there's things like Bastion now, which has amazing music, and Dragon Age: Inquisition has tracks that (between the music itself and the associations) give me Very Large Feelings.
3. Best Art Style
I have to at least mention Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning here. I still can’t believe a game that is this lovely while playing got such unutterably boring box art. Who did that to you, KoA:R, you deserved so much better. It's got the punchy, amped-up kind of color palette you see in World of Warcraft (which I love; gritty realism and unrelenting brown are boring) but with higher-quality textures and better models than an MMO that needs to be able to run on a potato can handle, and honestly the whole thing is just Nice To Look At. 
Also mentioning Legend of Mana again because the art was cute as fuck. A lot of the older pixel stuff had so much charm!
Throwing Winter Voices in, too, because while the game itself is an incomprehensible clusterfuck like 40% of the time, the other 60% it is quite lovely. It remains the only game where the SKILL TREE made me go, 'oh gosh that's so PRETTY.'
4. Relaxing Game
Flow is a good one. Also Stardew Valley. And Spiritfarer. Roots of Pacha.
5. Stressful Game
When I saw this one on the list I was like 'but I hate being stressed' and that is true but also:
Long Live the Queen is HORRIBLY stressful but also kind of neat?
And bits of Scarlet Hollow have stressed me out but I am VERY MUCH having a good time with that. Delightful horror-themed roller coaster of a game; it wants me to be having a good time even when I’m going AAAAAH! and trying to make impossible choices.
6. Tons of Hours Played
Rimworld. We’re not looking at my time played on this. 
Also every MMO I have ever played but especially WoW (which I am emotionally invested in still, WHY) and SWtoR (because if you let me decorate a house I will spend SO MANY HOURS decorating a house).
Also Crusader Kings, which is basically a Telenovella Creator if you’re successfully avoiding combat and is therefore delightful - I usually manage at least two generations of absolute nonsense before someone murders me horribly or I lose against the rebellion my aunt has raised because oops there are too many branches of the family tree and some of them are overly successful and have turned into kudzu and are now here to strangle me to death.
Also The Sims, over the course of all of these games the hours played are definitely horrifying. The hours just on 4 are um. Bad.
Baldur’s Gate 3 has over 100 hours already. Oops.
Dragon Age gets this also although that’s also why I haven’t replayed Inquisition; too much of it is spent schlepping across the Hinterlands  a g a i n.
7. Favorite Protagonist
For more defined characters: The MC in Gilded Shadows. So relatable. So snarky. Love her.
For less defined, I ADORE the Dark Urge route in BG3 - set enough to feel really connected to the world, but still so much freedom for the player to go nuts. Also the things that are set are UNHINGED, it’s fantastic.
8. Favorite Villain
[nervous villainfucker laughter]
Solas probably counts as an antagonist. Manerkol from The Soulstone War. Sarevok specifically in BG2:ToB when you could Found Family/Power of Friendship him into being less of a dick yes this was partly because I thought he was Very Hot shut up it’s not my fault his VA was Like That.
TBH if I find the villain compelling I probably also want to kiss him it is a recurring problem.
9. Favorite Ending
To The Moon made me cry, but like, in a good way.
The ending of Fire Emblem: Awakening was pretty darn satisfying imo.
I liked Tresspasser very much but I’m still a little irked that DAI was like ‘the real ending is DLC.’
10. Favorite Boss Fight
The final conversation in Trespasser. No, shoosh, it counts and I DESPERATELY want to see more climactic conflicts in games that aren't solved with violence. I loved Planescape: Torment and Fallout: New Vegas for letting me circumvent combat with other skills but Trespasser is the only instance I can think of off the top of my head where you just... Do Not Fight the Final Boss. The POINT is that you don’t fight. I love that.
11. Game You Always Come Back To
I have replayed Choice of Romance SO MANY TIMES and 95% of the time it is with the same MC. Ana is now a comfort character.
7KPP, partly for the fandom, which is full of friends <3
12. Guilty Pleasure
This would require me to feel guilty about my games and I generally don’t? I mean, I have admitted to playing the homophobic horse game to people I work with.
That said the homophobic horse game probably counts because I’m constantly like ‘why are you like this’ about the company as a whole and most of the people who work there and also a significant chunk of the player base.
Maybe World of Warcraft also. ActiBlizz as a company is more than a little bit Yikes.
13. All Time Favorite
I think I’m giving this to RimWorld. The base game was solid and fun and I played a zillion hours. The updates have been good. The dev actually listens to the player base about what’s wanted and then builds it into the game. Modding is allowed and adds some awesome stuff too. The expansions are great and add a ton to the game. It creates very compelling little stories. There are a bunch of youtubers with amazing playthroughs. I found a perfect map seed.
Like, my ALL TIME favorite game is the one in my head, that’s like 30% Breath of the Wild, 30% UnReal World, 20% RimWorld, 20% the homophobic horse game, but unfortunately that does not actually exist. Maybe if I win the lottery.
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jdschecter · 8 years
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I don't like the people who talk about things that they don't really know as if they knew everything. I love the ones who are able to be as they are, without complexes or showing their flaws. I like the natural, what is done and isn't said.
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nyaagolor · 6 months
How do you rank the prosecutors on order of homophobia
forgot about this in my drafts for literally months oops. Anyway. Finished now!!!!
So I made this post a while ago that has some of the prosecutors and antagonists, but if you want a ranking of EVERY prosecutor (not including DGS bc i haven't finished yet) huzzah!!
Simon Blackquill: Not actually homophobic but he gets points docked for siccing Taka (known homophobe) at Klavier (known bisexual) for stealing his pretzels from the office pantry that one time. 3/10
Blaise Debeste: I think he's gay but he made me look at that ugly ass beard for far too long and I consider that disrespectful. out of principle? 8/10
Sebastian Debeste: Just look at him. 0/10
Miles Edgeworth: Bratworth was simultaneously gay, homophobic, and a misogynist, and eventually develops into a man who is only like 1.5 of those things. he's getting better. 5/10
Byrne Faraday: I don't really think he cares much about gay people he's busy being a single father and stealing shit. For the apathy? 2/10
Klavier Gavin: He's extremely gay and does a lot of work for the gay community but making Ema Skye deal with him is explicitly lesbophobic so 4/10
Godot: He has a lovely wife but whatever he was doing with Ron DeLite was probably not osha-compliant. I don't know what that means for his sexuality or stance on gay people and neither does he. ?/10
Ga'ran: I think she has a lot of other problems she should deal with first but considered she's bigoted to defense attorneys I don't think her being homophobic would be that out of pocket. Not sure I want to find out. 7/10
Neil Marshall: Have you ever been a gay bar? This guy would do NUMBERS. Also, real cowboys support gay rights. 0/10
Gaspen Payne: Being homophobic is actually why he got fired by the prosecutor's office and Winston is really fucking embarrassed about it. 10/10
Winston Payne: You'd think he'd be homophobic but you can't work for the Japanifornia Prosecutor's Office and hate gay people or you would actually go insane. He's like that one suburban guy who uses terms from the 60s but has the spirit. However, his ally lapel pin is really ugly so 3/10
Jaques Portman: He was calling Edgeworth slurs even before realizing he was gay. 9/10
Lana Skye: Dated Mia in college but refused to explain that to Ema because she has a lot of internalized homophobia and other weird issues of self. Repressed yuri personified. 1/10
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: He supports gay people but gets all his talking points from the internet so even though he's supportive he's also incredibly fucking annoying about it and no one wants to invite him to brunch because of it. Stop using twitter for fact-checking you jackass. 2/10
Franziska Von Karma: Despite the fact that her lesbianism is so strong it borders on misandry, I think she has a lot of internalized homophobia so she spends the first 25 years of her life being a judgmental little shit. She'll get better dw about it. I believe she can bring that number down with time. 6/10
Manfred Von Karma: I think when he finds out Edgeworth is gay he starts going to gay bars and picking up dudes just to show Edgeworth he has way more rizz than him. Considering how people in my notes have told me on numerous occasions how much they want him carnally, I think he could actually pull it off. In that respect I think he's done a lot for the gay community. It ends up cancelling out somewhat because I think he'd be kind of an ass about it. 4/10
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httpsuniverse · 10 months
mr lover [ ben chilwell ]
— right where you left lover girl sequel, this takes place two years later!
[ 𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗦 ] — ben chilwell x singer!reader . ⊹ ✶ ㄔ 🫂 °.   *
[ 𝗗𝗘𝗧𝗔𝗜𝗟𝗦 & 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 ] — romance, mentions pregnancy, google translated french . ⊹ ✶ ㄔ ℹ️ °.   *
࣪˖ 💭 .. 𝗘𝗬𝗔’𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦 ⌕ clearing my drafts again 😵‍💫 if you ask me, i’m obsessed with singer!reader fics lol
this work is purely fictional. names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. © httpsuniverse, 2023. do not steal, repost in other platforms, translate and/or claim this work as your own.
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liked by masonmount, yourusername, reecejames and others
benchilwell family time
view all 592 comments
user am i reading this right ?? ‘family’ time ??
user his dog clinging to y/n is the cutest thing ever
user they’re such dog parents 😭
yourusername my babyyy my babyyy
benchilwell which one?
yourusername one of you will be in a lot of pain if i say who
benchilwell 🙄
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liked by benchilwell, masonmount, cmpulisic and others
yourusername look at me, i am the favourite hooman now.
view all 826 comments
user not y/n quoting from captain phillips 😭
benchilwell once i get back home, i will take my title back
yourusername NONSENSE! you cannot dethrone the current favourite hooman
user y/n saying hooman instead of human 😭 that’s so dog momma of her
yourusername i birthed this child
benchilwell huh
yourusername huh
user pls he looks so comfy on y/n’s lap, he’s obviously not a lap dog
yourusername if he fits, he sits
user agreed 🤝
user why did all this time i thought y/n was a cat person
user she literally loves any kind of animal 😭 she adopted a ferret when she was a kid
yourusername omg !! mr fuzzy wuzzy was my childhood pet 🥹 maybe i should adopt another ferret
benchilwell what? no way
yourusername heheheheheheheeh
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liked by masonmount, yourusername, judebellingham and others
benchilwell home is where the heart is.
view all 289 comments
yourusername but god i love the english
benchilwell you know i love a london boy
yourusername 🫣🫣
user ben at this point, you really are the extra hooman
benchilwell i cant blame him
yourusername i told you i birthed this dog
benchilwell 😂
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liked by masonspriv, reecespriv, mikaspriv and 23 others
yourprivate hehe oops
view all comments
mikaspriv what the fuck is this how i find out ?!?!?!!
yourprivate heheheheheheheeheh
benspriv little chilly 🔜
masonspriv i never wouldve known if i hadnt opened this account
reecespriv me too mate
christiansprivme three
jackspriv me four
benspriv me five
yourpriv what
benspriv what
yourusername and benchilwell
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liked by masonmount, chelseafc, england, madders and 8,826,937 others
yourusername we’re getting him a human in a few months 🙈
view all 399,826 comments
benchilwell babe i thought we already agreed what the caption will be
yourusername mines funnier
benchilwell 🙄
masonmount who thought that covering his eyes would be cute
yourusername mine. do you have any problem with that? 😀
masonmount i don’t maam, it’s a great idea, very very cute!
user this is the cutest announcement 😭
user as a fellow dog mummy, i approve of this post!
weratedogs 100/10 for being such a good boy and will be the goodest big brother!
user as a y/n fan since debut, i feel OLD (we’re the same age)
yourusername omg since debut album?!?!?! 😳 we have to meet like RIGHT NOW
user y/n went from writing how she’s stuck in the past, to loving herself and loving a new person 🥹 now she’s probably gonna write something about her baby ... just thinking about it rn makes me emotional
— ❤️ by yourusername
england congratulations benchilwell and yourusername! 🤍
chelseafc shall we make a onesie for baby chilwell?
yourusername omg YES PLEASE
benchilwell 🤦🏻‍♂️
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liked by prodbymika, masonmount, madders, england and others
benchilwell eleanor chilwell is here 🩷👨🏻‍🍼 you did good mama, i’m proud and grateful to you, yourusername. i love you both
comments on this post have been limited.
yourusername thank you dada, we love you too 🩷
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liked by benchilwell, charles_leclerc and 3,826,929 others
yourusername the happiest i’ve ever been 🩷 merci pour tout mon benji. je t'aime toi et eleanor de tout mon coeur. (thank you for everything, my benji. i love you and eleanor with all my heart)
view all 150,729 comments
benchilwell 🩷🩷
user several chapters missed but i’m glad to see you so happy y/n 🥹
user i was surprised when they announced she was pregnant, bit i was more surprised to know that they’re married now 😭
user the hand placements of ben 😭
user i’m so alone yall
user AAA y/n 🥺
user literally went from being dog parents to real parents 🥺🩷
yourusername and benchilwell
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yourusername darling, don’t you ever grow up... just stay this little. happy birthday my sweet eleanor🩷 mama (with the help of dada) wrote a song for you baby, me and dada loves you sooo much. never grow up out now ✨
view all 238,861 comments
benchilwell growing up too fast, my ellie bear 🥲
user ellie bear... 😭 bens such a girl dad
user stopp im emo im not even a parent
user omg eleanor looks so cute!!
user milks expensive, im too young to be a mum
user my daily mantra every time i see ben or y/n post eleanor
user they have a little ballerina 🥺
user 4 years old already? 😭 time really flew by omg
yourusername i know right 🥺
user y/n and her happy ending 🥺 CURRENTLY TAKING A BATH WITH MY TOASTER RN
829 notes · View notes
ninyard · 1 month
kayleigh day hcs for the ask game 👀
this is so funny because i literally have a post sitting in my drafts of kayleigh day Moments that i've been thinking about for a few days now
realistic headcanon: when she was "selling" exy to schools and colleges and sports clubs across the world, and once she'd made enough money off of it to be able to, she would always make a point to offer free gear or trials or training to people in places where kids grew up in bad situations or surroundings. the schools with high dropout rates and high levels of gang affiliation amongt students, the programmes for kids who'd dropped out of school, the centres that worked with young adults who were previously incarcerated, prisons/juvies - it was really important to her to give people who had no chance at all in life the chance to be good at something. she didn't exactly inspire david to start the foxes, because he'd always wanted to do something like what he does now, but it was refreshing for them to bounce ideas off each other about how they can best help the people who need it through the sport.
may not be realistic it is hilarious: she kept her pregnancy a secret for a really long time. 1) so she could keep playing exy and they wouldn't want to take her off the Court because of it and 2) she didn't want david to work out kevin was his. so she told him kevin came early when he came perfectly on time, so wymack still believes kevin was a premature baby because nobody corrected it, because nobody knew. she probably was back on the court within a very short amount of time after giving birth because she hadn't been able to play for so long.
heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends: (iirc, there was something said about her death not being an accident, so this kind of goes in line with that. disregard if that's just something I made up oops) once kayleigh started to distance herself from the moriyama's in the lead up to her death, she worried that something would happen to her, considering how dangerous tetsuji's family could be. she wrote kevin letters for him to read when he grew up; for his first day of school, of high school, for his graduation, the day he went pro, for the day he won an olympic medal, the his wedding day, things like that. not even in depth letters, maybe some of them were cards, but they were just all of these different sentiments stuffed into one envelope with his name on the outside. just in case. when she died, tetsuji found it. when kevin found the letter that she'd written about wymack being his father, if he had've searched just a few books to the right he would've found the envelope, or one of the letters, or cards, a chunky bulge in between the pages of a book. tetsuji never gives it to kevin. maybe when tetsuji passes away however many years down the line, somebody finds it when they're clearing out his stuff, and they send it to kevin. or maybe tetsuji destroyed it before he ever got the chance.
unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own: kevin was older than just a baby/toddler when she died. in my heart he was older and remembers his mother being alive!! not saying he was a teenager or anything but in my head he was 7/8/9 when she died!
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maddygoesthemiles · 9 days
Oops I tried to post earlier but I guess drafts have disappeared? I can’t find them within the settings menu, but I did notice that I have 57 unanswered asks. They’re from literal years ago 🤷🏼‍♀️
Anyway…my goals for the day:
Run ✅
Haircut ✅
Clean out fridge and clean kitchen ✅
See Babes with my friends ✅ (it was pretty funny and very sweet!)
Clean floors
Clean closet
My run was fine. I felt better than I did last week but I still feel a bit slow.
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this-acuteneurosis · 10 months
I kind of want to get you started on mind tricks. cause like weak minded to strong minded dynamic and the blur away, but also the sith back in the day were for SURE a Caste system of force sensitive rulers and non force sensitives, and the jedi were their ENEMY off and on for thousands of years, cultural bleed through and dynamics of their own power systems but Ben we are not the droids you are looking for go away so I dont have to kill you, versus Qui hey I want this thing trade it for me.
Alright, Oct anon, it's been a while, but I have not forgotten you definitely forgot this ask in my drafts for who even knows how many months but it's found again, whoo!
It's taken me a while to get this together partly to try and arrange my thoughts in a logical order but also...
Guys, I really, really care about the use of agency in stories. Like, I've ranted about it in relation to droids, I've explained some of my problems with it in the context of the thematic changes between the OT and the PT, I stew over it constantly in my brain, it's a central theme of many of my own stories (including DLB).
I really don't like mind control, and not just in Star Wars.
Now, just because I don't like a thing doesn't mean it doesn't have a place in story telling. As a device, mind control/manipulation can be useful or important to a plot. To a theme. Overcoming it can be powerful or cool (Ella Enchanted-I prefer the novel personally, Tanjiro in Demon Slayer: Mugen Train), watching someone succumb to it can be agonizing (Frodo in Return of the King, anyone? Princess Euphemia in Code Geass?).
So, what is the point of Mind Tricks (and that naming choice, "trick," making it sound almost...harmless) in the Star Wars story, and maybe in the universe?
I feel like in its initial reveal, the mind trick was supposed to a) convey how "magical" Jedi were and b) get the plot from point A to B. Obi-Wan waves his hand, someone believes something hideously untrue, move along move along, don't think about it too hard.
Like, literally, audience, please. Don't.
Luke uses it in RotJ for pretty much the same reason. To convery a) Luke is well on his way to being a "magical" Jedi now (oh but wait, there's more character growth he needs!), and b) Luke needs to get into Jabba's palace and why would they let him in? Because he says so, so we will take him to Jabba now. Move along, move along.
I don't like the implications of this power existing, and as an adult who has been in situation where I have to report to higher powers, the disregard of the consequences of these things are a bit darker if I look too closely, but like...move along, I guess. It's fine as long as we're only using these powers on space nazis and slavers. Right?
Except then we get more movies. And cartoons. It's fine if Obi-Wan mind controls a person into not smoking, right? Smoking is Bad and Obi-Wan is Good.
Who taught Obi-Wan to use mind tricks?
Ah yes, my old nemesis.
To all you Qui-Gon fans out there, you may wanna leave. This analysis is probably not for you.
So like, Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon "I'm friends with the current Chancellor and thus an obvious, notable representative of the Jedi Order but I don't get along with my higher ups" Jinn. The thing you have to understand about my opinion of him is that, as a young, first time watcher of TPM, I liked him. He was funny, irreverent, direct. He was wise, or at least seemed to know things no one else did. He was a maverick, ready to go against all orders and advice for what he knew was right. And everyone around him was just stuffy and uninformed.
And to be fair, he wasn't wrong about everything. He's set up to be sympathetic. He's trying to treat with the gungans and they won't listen? Well he and Obi-Wan are right, the Trade Federation does go for the gungans. The Order says there are no Sith? Oops, wrong on that one. The Council makes the ambiguous assertion Anakin is "too old" to train. We've seen the OT. We know "too old" is nonsense.
But like, what does Qui-Gon do when he's thwarted?
He takes away people's agency.
Oh, you don't want to help us, Boss Nass, political leader? Cool, well I'm gonna undermine you in front of your entire court and you're gonna give us a whole ship (that we won't return) to help us defend a people you've been in an active war with for centuries. Oh, my currency doesn't work on this planet? I think it will mister small time junk dealer with a gambling problem (jokes on you for that one, sir).
This to me is a huge red flag in a story that is about literal slaves. I know people will defend the above examples. It was necessary. There were lives at stake.
You wanna know who would have suffered if Qui-Gon had been able to con Watto out of that part?
Anakin and Shmi.
Worthless (or event mostly worthless) currency on a planet where you have to buy water is literal death under the right circumstances. And who do you think Watto's going to reduce rations on. He's got cash flow problems? What's the quickest way for him to make back what he just lost? I'll give you a hint, he gambles on them later in the exact same movie.
So like, well before we get to "weak minded" or anything dubious like that, there's this awkward question of, "Why are the good guys always using powers to make people do things? And not worried about the consequences?"
And like, if we go back to simple story narratives, and trying to move things from point A to point B, that's fine I guess. I enjoy the OT. I'll move along.
But if you ask me to stop and think about it.
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hwanggeum-ashi · 2 years
Anger Management
→Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
→Genre: Fluff,Angst,smut
→ Word count : 4431
→ Guess who's back from the dead, Lol Lol me. This was in my drafts for so long and it's raining today and I'm suddenly in the mood to post as if I don't have finals looming over my head lmao. Enjoy the ride!
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You've known Taehyung long enough to know what habit, word, action pisses him off. It's in his twitch of an eyebrow, the slight click of his tongue and the ever prominent tick of his jaw, that tells you he's gonna lose it soon. And his blood is always boiling. He's never been the one to keep his anger at bay. Always getting in fights ever since he was young, coming back with bruises on his arms, a bloody nose or a busted lip.
And you've always been there to haul his ass back before any major damage could take place. You've always been a witness to his mom's scolding, countless grounding, lots of arguing and screaming and in the end, a strawberry cheesecake – a peace offering, one for him, because her baby had been hurt and one for you, because you had been his anchor all this time.
It was around the time when you were 8 and Taehyung was 9, when he got into fewer fights because your mom told him that you cried every time he got back with a new bruise. The following years went by fairly less fighting, as far as you know until puberty kicked in which ticked off his adrenaline to such a high, even you couldn't stop him. Still, you never stopped being his friend.
At 13, he broke his left arm, because he got into a fight with some seniors. He never told you the reason. At 15, he was suspended for a week for giving his classmate a bloody nose and he kinda deserved it. He was a major asshole to everyone. This gained Taehyung popularity points when he came back to school, only to fuel his ego more. At 16, he got into a biker gang but was found out fairly soon before he could do any more damage but the saddest part was
— He was sent to a boarding school.
And then, he came back a week before his 20th birthday.
And boy oh boy, did he grow up. He did not come in with so much of a hello, rather he climbed up the side of your wall, jumped, grabbed the sill of your window and slithered in like a ninja, settled himself on your bed and gave you a Cheshire cat grin. You, in your skimpy camisole and butt shorts, with a towel draped over your shoulder, hair falling out from your makeshift ponytail, dropped the mug you were holding and proceeded to scream.
Only, the scream never came as Taehyung's big, yes big ass hand covered your mouth. His other hand gripping your waist, holding you in place. Your wide eyes looked at him, then down at his hand, then again at him. When he felt you visibly relax, he let go of you slowly.
"you have big hands"
Taehyung only smirked at your reaction.
"You know what else is bi-"
"-what are you doing here? No. When did you get here?"
"why else? I came to meet my best friend"
"through the window?"
"through the window."
"glad to know we wasted money on adding a door."
He only laughed in response. His laugh. Oh how you missed his laugh. That boyish sound that reverberated through you. That boxy grin and closed eyes. You figured that questions can wait. For now you just wanted to hug your best friend and never let him go. And you did.
You pulled him in a bone crushing hug.
Because he winced. You pulled back to take a look at his face. It was a mixture of guilt, pain and 'oops?'. And you knew. Another fight.
"I'm going to kill you."
"Just hug me" And you relaxed your hold on him and nestled in his arms, softer this time.
You both sprawled yourselves on the bed and you started badgering him with questions. He told you that he came back on Tuesday but he didn't go straight back home because he had to take care of some things.
Which things? He wouldn't tell you. You didn't ask further. He said that things went south and he was in a bit of a pinch. To which you responded with a poke to his side. He gasped. Yep, bruised rib.
"I wish you would stop getting into fights."
"Don't worry. I'm fine."
You scoffed but didn't dwell on it. Over the years, you've learned when to shut up around him and when to hand his ass to him. Now was the time for you to remain silent.
Despite his soft hold on you, his breathing was a little shallow, his eyes weren't as bright as they usually would be around you nor was his tone deprived of hidden anger. You knew whatever happened must’ve been big enough to piss him off this much, that even you can't reach him. And it was rare when you couldn't penetrate through his anger and calm him down.
So you decided to let it go and fall into peaceful slumber with his arms around you.
His birthday came and went by with a breeze. It was a blast to be honest. Despite his anger issues, Taehyung managed to make great friends, all of which were apparently in the same college, including you. It was crazy, like it's some sort of fanfiction or something.
Taehyung was majoring in music and dance, two of the things he loved ever since he was a kid. Jungkook and Jimin were with him too. By the time first semester finished Taehyung managed to lay low and got into almost zero fights, give or take a few heated arguments which Jimin was amazing enough to handle in his own angelic sort of way. Jimin was an angel. Period.
The start of second semester seemed promising, Taehyung was no longer fighting, he scored well,was fairly popular in college, teachers and students loved him alike despite his anger management issues, his parents were happy. You were happy. But there was a nagging feeling at the back of your mind.
Things were going too smoothly.
That is until Friday night rolled up and in came a very, very angry Taehyung with bloody knuckles and ripped white shirt smeared with blotches of blood. You liked that shirt.
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you into your room and shut the door with a loud bang. It was a good thing your parents went to dinner at Kim's which you and Taehyung were supposed to go too but Taehyung had meticulously lied about you two having tons of assignments to do while you got a single text from him that had you stuck in the place for two seconds.
"Do not leave your house."
Silence in the room was heavy. Taehyung had his back towards you, hands settled on his hip, head thrown back, eyes closed and his brows twisted in a deep frown. Taehyung was breathing hard. His hands were shaking. You knew he was controlling his anger. But why was he here? He never came to you when he was about to blow up. Something about not controlling himself or whatever he said made you stop meeting him when he was this way. So why was he here now?
"Shut up."
It was barely a whisper but you caught it. You decided to take a risk.
"what is-"
"I said- he turned to you quickly, eyes burning with rage."- SHUT UP!"
You jumped on the spot, watching him with wide eyes. But Taehyung wasn't looking at you.
He couldn't look past his blinding rage and edged closer towards you in two long strides. He had a death grip on your forearms. His finger digging in your bare flesh. You winced at the pain.
"Taehyung, you're hurting me." Eyes closing in response.
"Look at me. LOOK AT ME!"
You looked up at him from underneath your lashes and you were taken aback by the sight in front of you. His face was red with anger. His eyes were different shade of dark, not lust filled dark or mischievous dark but dark as in they were dead set to murder.
You shivered under his gaze. His jaw was set and you wondered if his teeth were hurting. His lips were all chapped but still red and you only hoped it wasn't blood.
"I- I don't know what I'll do. So just-"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath
"-so just stop."
You two stayed this way for god knows how long and you felt his grip getting lighter on your arms. There was a deep red bruise on both of them which didn't go unnoticed by him. He let out a deep sigh and rested his head on your shoulder, in the crook of your neck. His forehead was hot on your skin.
"Fuck you look hot like that."
You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion and turn your head slightly only to be met by his heady fragrance from his hair.
Fighting or not, Taehyung always managed to smell good. It made you sway. Without thinking, you brought up your hand and tangled them in his hair. You felt his body stiffen and just like that you were out of your trance and drew your hand back at the speed of the lightning.
Taehyung pushed himself off of you and grabbed your wrist tightly. He wasn't looking at you though.
"Don't stop"
His tone was still sharp and something told you that if you were to disobey, it wouldn't end up well with you. So you brought your hand back and massaged his scalp. He seemed to relax in your touch. But you made a fatal mistake by asking him.
"what happened?"
He drew back from you so quickly, almost knocking you over and gave you a death glare.
"Who said you could ask?"
His voice was cold and calm but he himself was seeing red.
"why can't you just stay quiet and let me be"
"you're the one who came to me."
You muttered under your breath, getting annoyed by the second.
"what?! What was that?"
When you refused to speak he asked you again with a loud voice which made your heart thump against your chest.
"Is that it? I can't come to meet you now?"
he raked his hand through his hair, messing them up even more and huffed. Shit he was beyond pissed.
"I can't come to meet my FUCKING BEST FRIEND?!"
"Best friends are supposed to know what's going on with each other."
You tried to keep your voice as level as you could but there was a slight tremor.
Taehyung pressed the palms into his eyes, he was controlling. He was trying not hard not to burst but you've had enough of his mysterious escapades. You had to know.
"What did you do Taehyung? Why are you covered in blood? Is it your bl-"
In a swift moment, Taehyung came up to you and grabbed your face, pinching your cheeks, making you instantly shut up.
"You’re so fucking annoying"
With that his lips were on you.
The kiss was unexpected but hot. Your body was on fire. His other hand snaked around your waist pulling you flush against his chest. He parted your lips with his and went for a deeper kiss. You were burning. Your hands were limp at your side. Your head, full with his strong arms around you, his smell and most importantly his hot tongue inside your mouth. You were out of breath.
Feeling you losing oxygen, he let go of you so abruptly that you stumbled a bit, already in a daze. Your lips were swollen, breathing heavy. You looked up at him only to find him scowling at you.
"I need to fuck you right now or I'll lose it."
One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Did you hear this right?
What did he say?
What did he just say???
"You heard that right. I want to fuck you."
When you didn't respond, he edged closer and closer to you until your back touched the wall.
"Can I fuck you?"
"I- what?- you-"
You were a stuttering mess. You couldn't believe the words that came out of your best friend.
Did you find him hot? Yes.
Have you ever had wet dreams about him? Yes.
Did you find him undeniably hot when he was angry? Yes.
Were you willing to take this step? Blank.
"It’s a simple yes or no question. Can I fuck you?"
You don't know whether it was his scent or his lips or the way that his hands touched you at the sides or the way he looked at you, you breathed out a 'yes'.
In an instant his lips were on yours again. This time it was more rough, more passionate, more raw. You melted into the kiss, your knees buckled slightly and if it wasn't for his arms holding you in a vice-like grip, you would've sunk to the ground.
You wrapped your arms around his neck for leverage and pulled him closer. One of his hands rested on the wall behind you as he pressed further into you. Your heart was beating against your chest so much it was hard to breathe. You felt a tap on your thighs, signalling you to jump and wrap your legs around him.
You felt glad that you wore shorts today. Taehyung hoisted you up on his hips like you weighed nothing and threw you on the bed rather harshly. He ripped your shorts and shirt in a frenzy, it took you a moment to comprehend what had just happened. You brought your hands to cover your bare breasts but he slapped them away and pinned them to your sides.
"Don't you dare hide from me."
You whimpered in response, eyeing him with glassy eyes
"Now that's the look I love."
Pinning your hands above your head, he proceeded to kiss down your neck, sucking at various places, marking you, painting you in red purple. His lips trailed down to the valley of your breasts, down to your stomach, just above your hip line.
He let go of your wrists but you didn't dare move them. Something in you felt like if you would move so much as even an inch, you’d be a goner. He massaged your breasts, rolling and pinching the nipples until you were breathing harder.
His hand travelled down without warning and rubbed your clothed sex making you moan out loud for the first time in the night. He motioned his fingers up and down your slit earning moans after moans from you. Your hands grabbed everything they could- bedsheet, pillow, his hair, his shirt. You tried your hardest not to buck your hips into his hand. He wanted you to beg.
Then his hands stopped and you let out a whine only to be shut up with a fiery kiss. It was probably at that moment, he got rid of the last piece of clothing and you were totally naked in front of him. You looked at him with hooded eyes, pleading with him to touch you. But he was just hovering above you, not moving an inch.
"Say it."
You closed your eyes and bucked your hips upwards, whining in the process. Something snapped inside Taehyung, he grabbed your waist and forcefully pushed it down making you gasp. He lent forward, close enough that you felt his breath on you. His whole body weight was crushing you. Fingers dug at your sides as you closed your eyes to drown the pain.
"Don't make me more angry than I already am. Say the damn words."
His voice was cold, devoid of emotion and yet it sent chills down your spine. You breathed out the words, hoping he'd hear because he was weighing you down so much you couldn't move an inch.
"Please.. Please fuck me."
"Now that wasn't so tough was it?"
Taehyung got off of you and you sucked in a long breath only for it to hitch at your throat because Taehyung's fingers found their way into your sopping cunt.
He slid his fingers up and down your slit, circling at the sides but not touching where you needed him. You wanted to bring your hands down to touch yourself but willed yourself not to because you knew you'd be in a lot of trouble. Instead, you buried your face in the pillow. With his free hand Taehyung grabbed your face and tilted it upwards.
"Look at me when I'm fucking you."
Your eyes were filled with tears of frustration. One stray tear slipped down your face. Taehyung bent forward and licked it, making you shudder. His other hand never stopped working up and down your slit. Occasionally he'd prod a single finger at your entrance but drew away quickly. It made more tears spill down your face.
"It’s sick that even your tears are delicious to me. I’m going to have to drive you so crazy whenever I fuck you so that you’ll always be on the brink of tears."
You managed to cry out. Without a warning Taehyung flicked his finger on your clit making you throw your head back and cry out. He did it again and again and again until it hurt from the direct hit. You were whimpering. Finally, he dipped two fingers inside you so deep and curled them. You let out a heavy sigh, head lolling to your side.
He picked up a fast pace, making his fingers curl every time he reached deeper. His thumb circled your clit and you don't know for how long you had been screaming his name. Your walls tightened around his fingers, a familiar knot in your stomach. Just a little more and you'd come undone. But then he retracted his fingers.
You let out a loud whine but was instantly put in place when Taehyung fixed you with a death glare. He removed his shirt and tossed it somewhere across the room. His belt was next to go. He was about to throw it away but then an idea struck his mind. He tied your hands above your head to the head post with the help of his belt. The leather felt cool around your skin. You were hot all over.
He freed himself of his jeans and boxers and crawled towards you, kissing your stomach, going down to your sex. When he licked a stripe, your eyes rolled back into your head, fingers gripped the belt and toes curled. You involuntarily pushed your hips upwards but Taehyung held them in place and proceeded to give you kitten licks.
Your impending orgasm was brought back to surface so quickly. You needed release and you needed it now. He sucked at your nub and you saw white all over. Taehyung stopped.
"Did you just cum? Without my permission?"
You froze. You did not wish for it to happen. You had it under control but you lost it. God you were fucked. So utterly, devastatingly fucked. A slap at your cunt made you jump but your throat was dry. God, you were shivering and so damn terrified. Luckily, for you Taehyung settled for no answer.
He gave your pussy a few slaps and you were reeling in aftershocks of your orgasm. He sucked harder, fingers pumping faster. You were so sensitive, you didn't know if you wanted to push him away or keep him in the place. Feeling your orgasm approaching again, he stopped again. But you caught yourself from complaining. You didn't want to piss him off more than you already did. He grabbed your face again and whispered in your ear. "You come, when I tell you to come."
Taehyung gave his dick a few calculative pumps and smacked it across your pussy. You were looking at him with pleading eyes, begging him to stop this torture. Taehyung clicked his tongue at you and pushed himself to a hilt with a single thrust. Both of you sighed at the feeling.
Not giving you any time to adjust, he started at an insanely fast pace. Sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room along with your moans that eventually turned into screams. Taehyung switched paces from excruciatingly slow to hip breaking fast. His fingers left more bruises at your sides. He placed one of his hands on your stomach and almost pulled out all of his length. He thrusted in slowly, watching him disappear inside of you and curled himself up so that he could feel himself in your stomach. You almost lost your voice by screaming out so loud.
Taehyung stilled.
You were going to cry.
Taehyung was looking at you with murder in his eyes. Panic overcame you.
What did you do??
What did you do????
Taehyung was so still, it hurt. You wanted him to move. Now. You were gasping so hard, possibly hyperventilating. And you cried.
"Taehyung.. Please move.. Oh god, please move. I'll do anything! Please Tae, please please. Just move!"
You managed to shout out the words between your sobs. He was a sadist. A true sadist. Having fun watching you crying, making a mess of yourself. You gripped at the belt tighter but dared not move your hips even though every cell in your body screamed. You were full on sobbing now, pleading with him.
"Hurts doesn't it?"
You gave him a weak nod.
"Then you should've kept your voice down."
He whispered against your ear.
"Tae… Please.."
You pleaded one last time, strain evident in your shaky voice.
And Taehyung did move.
And it damn near broke you.
He started at such a fast pace, you saw stars. He pistoned in and out of you, your wetness making him easier to dive in deeper and deeper. You were a total mess. You were crying, moaning, screaming, you don't know. All you knew was that in that moment, you needed to touch him or else you were going to die.
Maybe you're a masochist, because you risked it again and you cried out.
"I want to touch you please…"
Tears were now stained all over your face and fresh ones were already forming. And maybe, just maybe Taehyung took pity on you or maybe he wanted to feel your touch too, he freed your hands. And boy did they hurt. You instantly wrapped them around his back. Taehyung had taken to a relatively slower yet still harder pace. You held onto him for dear life and cried in the nook of his neck.
You felt your stomach coiling in a tight knot again. The feeling was there again. You vaguely remember begging not to stop when your orgasm washed over you. The intensity of it made your thighs spasm. Your fingernails left angry red marks all over his back as he fucked you through your orgasm.
You felt his pace falter. He was close too. Still not recovered from your orgasm and the overstimulation his cock caused made you cling onto him even tighter. And then he spilled inside you. White, hot painted your walls and you both sighed in unison.
Taehyung flopped down on you, you still had your arms wrapped around his shoulder. As soon as he caught his breath, he felt you silently crying. He stroked your hair.
"I'm sorry. You did so well. I'm sorry"
Your grip on him loosened and you looked at his face. He had a worried smile on his face. Your own face is red with tears and anger and post orgasm.
"God! I hate you."
You said softly.
"I know. I know. I'm sorry."
He hugged you once more.
You were both now lying on the bed facing each other. His eyes were closed. His face was no longer frowning. He was no longer angry. Whereas, your face showed 50 shades of tiredness.He looked so beautiful. So peaceful. You lazily traced your fingers on his lips and touched his nose softly. He smiled at your touch, eyes still closed. You smiled too. You inched closer and traced your thumb once again, against his lips and tapped. He opened his eyes at that.
"When you were 8,- Taehyung started. “-some boy said that your frock looked ugly. But it wasn't ugly, your mom made it for your birthday. It made me so angry, I punched him. He punched me back"
Taehyung laughed at the memory and turned on his back. You nestled against his side and placed your head on his chest, sensing that it's gonna be a long story and you'll finally know the truth.
"On Valentine's day, back in 6th, some guy from 7th grade was going to give you chocolates he picked up from the bin because Yu Jin- you remember Yu Jin?"
You gave a nod.
"Because she told him to."
"She hated me"
"When I found out, I kicked him. We got into a fight and he slammed my arm against the desk"
You softly traced your fingers across his arm as a way of saying sorry and urged him to continue.
"I never joined that biker gang. They were talking about this girl, saying how her body was fuckable and how they wanted–no, how they need to have her.”
You felt Taehyung’s heartbeat quicken so you placed a small kiss on his chest in attempts to calm him down.
“They were talking about you. I wanted to murder every single one of them. But I was weak. So I crashed their leader's bike. Which got me into a whole lot of trouble and then-
“Got sent to boarding school."
"Yep, straight to boarding school."
"You were so stupid and reckless."
You both laughed softly.
"And today? Why were you covered in blood? I got so scared you know?"
You brought his hands to kiss each of his burst knuckles.
"I found that biker gang again. They spewed shit. And I'm not so weak anymore. So I punched him. Again and again until he was bleeding, crying, begging-"
You placed your hand on his chest, calming him down again. Then you brought it up to touch his cheek and make him look into your eyes.
"I don't want you to fight again. Promise me."
He closed his eyes and exhaled as if it was physically paining him to make that promise. Then he opened his eyes and grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth, planting a soft kiss.
"I promise."
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badlydrawnarsenelupin · 8 months
Is it bad that I find it somehow funny that Leblanc Lupin has more fics on AO3 than Night Hood Lupin? Like the sheer contrast in time periods of release (1990s me thinks to the beginning of the 1900s, literally a 90 year difference) makes me think there’d be more Night Hood fics than Leblanc Lupin on AO3. Also, there are literally zero fics for Night Hood on AO3, which further cements the fact that this is hilarious to me.
Anyways, sorry for the convoluted rambling, but I think you’d find this interesting (Also I love your Arsene. Pretty Bastard has stolen my heart.)
// I mean, thinking about it the other way... The original Lupin was around longer and had a big impact culturally, so it does makes sense that it has more fics than Night Hood. There's a whole bunch of niche Lupin-related media that I rarely see people talk about/has zero fics, so it's not the only one lol.
Also apologies for the late reply! I had this answer written and drafted like two weeks ago and then completely forgot to post it oop. Have a Lupin doodle!
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threebooksoneplot · 26 days
so first of all, THANK YOU for creating this podcast. it just may be the best thing that’s happened in this entire century, apart from twilight coming into existence in general.
i found your podcast as i was desperately seeking some new way of filling every single second of my day with consuming twilight in any shape or form. i mean truly, one can only listen to the audio books while working from home so many times, which for me was every single working day for three years. not. exaggerating.
letting that sink in, imagine my reaction when you revealed your tumblr and ao3 names in the early days of the podcast and i realized that it’s made by literally my favorite bloggers/fanfiction authors in this fandom. i may or may not have full stopped in the middle of the street. seriously, i’ve been reading your works for years and i eat it up every single time.
anywaysss, now that that’s out of the way, the reason for this ask is because i can’t seem to find show notes for episode 17 – “big jeep energy” and i was looking for them because i was wondering if g ever remembered the name of esme’s dead son that the fans voted for at a q&a? sorry if you’ve already answered this or posted about it on here, i just didn’t find anything!
once again, thank you for creating this podcast, you and all your guests are a joy to listen to and it’s so refreshing to listen to someone talk about twilight in the same way that i would!
The "official" name of Esme's dead son is Joseph! Here's ohmycarlisle's account of how this came to be (and oops a bunch of episodes' show notes are still languishing in the drafts. it's my summer project —g)
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delumineight · 8 months
heyyy after 10+ years of literally not thinking of HP at all I’ve accidentally reactivated my romione heart… I found you and you read fic! so I thought I’d shoot my shot on what I’m looking for specifically- just good, devastating post-battle fic, the “we’re both traumatized, but I love you so desperately” type of fic- I’ve found (refound) some of the more iconic longer fics, but wondering what’s new out there in the last few years?
i… i reactivated your romione heart? shut up i’m going to cry omg??? i am trying my BESTEST to find this but i also have two of these in my drafts… no clue when they’ll be finished… do you want a one-hot, a few chapters, or a longggg multi-chap? i can tell you rn mine will only be one-shots because i cannot carry a plot oops ! hopefully these should occupy you for a moment while i find more one-shots and/or finish writing my own (you people need to write more angsty post-war one shots please i beg).
waking up by @hillnerd, 15/? chapters, nearly 170k words, also an australia fic but it is unfinished and i personally haven’t read all of it yet but if hillnerd wrote it, i’m sure it’s great.
what winning looks like series by chanel19, there’s four works in here and they’re all multi-chapter and insanely long, combined 405k words, i haven’t read anything except the first one but i trust that the rest is just as good i promise i’d never rec something that i had any doubts about
waves by sm_jl, one-shot, 1.4k words, listen the first part has the angst you asked for and the second part has the post-war you asked for !!!, i’ll never make a rec list without a shell cottage fic and i am soooooo not sorry about that
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celamoon · 1 year
Hi! New anon here! I know I should be sleeping rn, but like…y/n confessing thier love for the tot boys in the rain? 👀 I know it’s cheesy but I love cheesy 😭 (I would like either a fic or hc, you can choose :) ) -G (come to think of it, there isn’t much Tot content 😀)
There was a lot for a little bit and then it all died off 😭. Ofc! (Oh my god anon I'm so sorry this has been in my drafts for over a year I'm so sorry)
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Warnings: None
It's been so long since I've written for tot ngl (even longer now oops)
It's raining
It's pouring
the old man is snoring
You've just finished arguing with him over the newest case, and the both of you are in a flurry of emotions
You're wet from the rain, and you blurt it out
Artem is like *shocked pikachu face*
and he immediately rushes to apologize
1. because he's also in love with you
2. because he made you worry
and you're like blinking because you haven't registered that you even blurted it out
and when you do, you're a mess
Don't worry, Artem will take care of you 😭
You're out in the rain playing with him
idk I peg him to be a rain person
it's light rain
you two are dancing in the rain
all cozy
You know that one tiktok trend of ppl dancing to snowman in the snow? Yeah, that except you two are in the rain
There's classical music playing in the background
You two are waltzing outside
you lean in to rest your head on his chest after the dancing, and Luke runs his fingers through your hair
You mumble something against his chest
"God, I love you so much..."
You don't realize it was loud enough for Luke to hear
Luke mumbles into your hair.
"I love you too."
Now both of you are a blushing mess in the rain
You catch a cold the next day and Luke stays to take care of you
He's escorting you home in the rain because his chauffeur can't come
it's not pouring but it's not like sprinkling either
and he doesn't have his car-
He's like joking about you clinging onto his arm to stay out of the rain
"Jiejie, if you get any closer I'll assume you're in love with me~"
You're like
"Yeah, I'm in love with you, you man child. Get closer, I'm getting wet."
Marius like stops walking
and you're like
You good?
Then you see his face and you're like laughing
his face is so red
He looks like he just left the sauna
"MARIUS??? ARE YOU OK???" - you in tears
He's fine
And he manages to recover relatively quickly
He takes you to the only cafe open at the ungodly hour that the two of you are out for your first date
okok for Vyn the two of you probably stay late at his office bc of work
and you're like oh wow it's raining cats and dogs
and Vyn's like "I can call a cab for you"
and you're like oh it's fine dw I can walk home
Vyn won't let you do that btw
He calls a cab for you and while you're out waiting you're like
hey Vyn?
the car is approaching
You go quiet until the car's here and you open the car door
"I like you a lot."
slam the door closed and literally speed off
Vyn's like wait I didn't even answer your confession and you're like blushing a violent red in the back of the car
He goes back upstairs and resorts to texting you instead
he asks you on a date :)
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lovesick-boyz · 9 months
well… after being stalked and harassed for the past couple of months, i am finally back!! stay tuned lol i got some fics lined up for y’all 😁
anyway if you read that first line and thought to yourself “WTF?!?”, here is the full story for my curious readers (just a warning, it’s long and i rant a lot):
a couple of months ago, i started getting tagged by random accs on tiktok and insta that posted vids accusing me of the most random and heinous shit. honestly, it just baffled me the first time i saw them bc they made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
when the first ones popped up, i just blocked them thinking it was a random troll and went on with my life.
but then i kept getting spammed by other accs with new posts where they not only involved me but also my friends, and accused us as a friend group of being horrible ppl.
i had enough (i can’t even remember how many accs i blocked) and deleted ALL my social media apps for a while (i.e. more than a couple of months, oops) and basically isolated myself from ppl so that i could focus on other things to distract me (i ended up making daily exercise a habit so ig that’s one good thing that’s come out of this lol, i also rewatched all the marvel movies in timeline order hehe). i wish i continued writing so i could’ve at least had more content to share by now, but i was feeling so negative and pissed that i couldn’t even bring myself to write anything (i even uninstalled notion from my phone and that’s where i keep all my drafts and fic ideas)
i only found out the full situation less than a week ago when i reinstalled tiktok bc i missed it, only to find more burner accs harassing me. i finally had enough so i reinstalled insta to rant about it on my spam acc for my friends to see and to my surprise a couple of them knew who it was and explained the whole situation to me.
it was my first time interacting with ppl outside of my family in months lol, when i tell y’all i isolated myself i really did mean it 🙃 my irl friends didn’t even know anything out of the ordinary was happening bc i’m notorious in my friend group for going off the grid for months at a time bc of how bad my mental health gets sometimes, they know to just let me be and let me deal with it alone bc they understand that’s how i work best. (they won’t see this bc they don’t know this tumblr exists but i wanna apologise to my dear friends for my disappearing acts, my bad, i love y’all for being so understanding and still being my friend after all this time 🫶🏼)
anyway, it turns out the culprit was this guy that my friend had rejected previously and he’s so bitter and hateful that he decided to harass me bc he knew i was one of her bffs (the ppl he targeted were the ones in her closest friend group which included me)
when my friend found out she was so surprised and appalled that he was harassing me too, bc him, my friend, and the other ppl he targeted all go to the same college together (and i’m the only one in the friend group that goes to a different college, so to reiterate once again: this guy barely knows me! the last time we spoke was at my friends bday party 3 years ago!! he’s literally insane!)
she knew he was harassing my other friends since they’re all in the same school and know him in person, she didn’t think i would be involved too and i couldn’t believe i was.
anyway, i just wanted to rant about this whole thing bc i’m having a hard time processing it tbh. i hope that guy rots in hell and also finds a job there bc he was acting hella unemployed like who has time for this? he made me feel so confused and paranoid for weeks and i hope he gets all the karma he deserves in the universe.
y’all wanna know something funny tho? i started writing a changmin stalker fic in june, way before this whole situation happened. life imitates art ig 🤪 anyway i finally finished it and i’m gonna release that fic next after i fine tune it, at least now it’ll be somewhat realistic lmaoooo
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kittensartswriting · 1 year
Bear Castle Chronicles 2.0
(actually there has been at least 4 different versions but let's not go there...)
I have officially un-shelved BCC (reintro here) after almost 2 years of hiatus. At the time I was very frustrated with it and felt like I didn't know anymore what I wanted and what was it's point. Now I have rediscovered a passion for it. With more distance to the story, I can more easily see the darlings that need to be killed and where I want to take this story. I will be rewriting some of the worldbuilding and restructuring the plot. Hopefully I get back to drafting it soon.
I drew some of the most central characters as I was thinking about the fashion. There's no big departures from my previous ideas, but I have much clearer image about the fashion in my mind now, so mission succeeded. I will use this as an opportunity to do a little re-intro to the characters. There is some changes to them, some older (which I never publicly introduced) some I have done since I un-shelved this WIP.
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Valeri cor Mantgamia (left)
Second youngest main sibling (25)
Accidentally becomes a spy but oops is the worst liar on the planet
Biromantic demisexual
Is in cavalry and there has all the homoromantic tension a man could ask for but is unfortunately the most repressed man
Is in for an existential crisis and unreasonable amounts of maiming (because he's my poor little meow meow)
Fiolev cor Mantgamia (right)
Youngest main sibling (19)
So in a much earlier iteration of the story he was a girl, but the character wasn't working out and I kinda made a whole different character, a boy, but I've still struggled figuring him out. You could say I transed his gender, so now he is transmasc
Valeri made him dress as a boy when they were kids and homeless, and while he doesn't see himself as a boy, he definitely doesn't see himself as a girl either and rather presents as a boy
Uses his ability to turn into a girl to con people though
Accidentally cons his way to being possessed by a demon and being part of a plot to start a civil war
Faerathos cor Mantgamia (bottom)
Oldest main sibling (28)
He was supposed to be the one tragically cishet sibling... They were all cishet at first....
He is bi of course he is bi I'm incapable of not making my characters bi
Accidentally commits high treason by (accidentally of course) having an affair with the empress
Also commits high bi disaster by accidentally having a thing with the emperor too, his long time homoerotic friend
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Agrippa noé Moireau (top left)
Tragically straight
Groomed to be The Long Lost Rightful Heir and The Chosen One
Is actually a tool of imperial control
Valeri's love interest
Cassia cor Mantgamia (top right)
Second oldest main sibling (27)
Plotting murder literally every waking moment
Spying for the enemy with the goal of overthrowing the government and murdering the imperial family
Targets Julie, who is partroned by an imperial prince, but accidentally catches feelings but oops she is bad at feelings (the whole family is very accident-prone)
Collected on the outside, disaster bi on the inside
Julie noé Maupin (bottom left)
Opera singer master duelist lesbian casanova occasional novelist
Has a dark secret
Does NOT want to get involved with any political shenanigas (gets involved with political shenanigans)
Cateline (bottom right)
Assassin to a criminal organization Fiolew gets entangled with
One-sidedly in love with their leader who has ambitions of power
Mute and communicates with writing
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Marcus K'irhinzaham (left)
The commander of Mantgamia house guard, which now only consists of him, and (according to popular (and his) knowledge) Faerathos is the only one left to guard anyway
Widely recognized as the greatest swordsman of his time
Short king (169 cm)
Cúén "Fechín" cor Faélci (right)
Previously named Conan cor Faélin, the last name changed a bit because I did some changes to his language and his first name didn't really fit the language either
Known in the army as Fechín, because he is imposing as his dead cousin to spy for the Cabalusian independence army
Gay trans man (which makes his cover solid, people think there's only daughter his age in his aristocratic family)
An asshole especially to Valeri but oops they have to secretly work together now
Gid'alon Child of Stars (bottom)
Vašáin, Ahinian third gender, in their case it means they are intersex and non-binary
In exile after doing a little bit of heresy
Just wants to do their research on the spiritrealm but oops one of the demons they studied possessed Fiolew
It's been such a long time since I used the tag list, so if you were tagged, let me know if you want to be continued to be tagged and I'll add you to the new tag list! If you weren't tagged, but would liked to be in future, also let me know! Tag list under the cut.
bcc tag list: @lady-redshield-writes @worldbuildng @siarven @hell-yeah-fantasy @heniareth @wilde-writing @contes-de-rheio @kainablue @lillayalightfoot @teacupwriter @sancta-seraphina @writingnosefreak @dotr-rose-love @writingwithhotchocolate @dove-actually @kathritana @ettawritesnstudies @the-ichor-of-ruination
(I forgot to add the taglist at first, I hope it still works even if I edited it in)
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