#. yet
The single most powerful argument against Christianity in the present moment is Contemporary Christian Music
Just, in and of itself, on its own terms, it stands apart as an unparalleled mockery of two thousand years of faith. Going on this alone, the religion responsible for producing this filth has no place in human civilization. No atheist could craft a more powerful refutation.
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vrailaru · 6 hours
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art for a friend whose request was just "elster with an apple"
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emthimofnight · 3 months
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Stellar's first word(s)!
(alternative title: Stellar betrays Shadow in HD)
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radiance1 · 1 month
Danny has been reincarnated.
Which was an odd thing to realize, it wasn't even a slow one he just... snapped into it one day. One moment he was staring at a wall out of boredom the next, well, he was staring for an entirely different reason.
It was a task for his now young -he thinks around three years old?- mind to work its way through the memories, but it wasn't like he had much else to do honestly. So, what does he know?
His name is Danny, like, his actual name and not just a moniker. He was once a halfa and he already knows he's going to be missing invisibility and intangibility. He, well, died. For like, a second time which actually makes sense because reincarnation-
He was a clone of two people from this thing called the Justice League which, weird name but probably some government or activist group. Wonder Woman and Superman. Which were pretty weird names to name your kids but eh.
He doesn't really remember much besides that from this life, or the one from before but he's an adult! He'll figure things out once he gets out of this containment tube thing.
Did he mention he was in a test tube? He's a tube baby now. He thinks? Or maybe it's more like he's being contained.
So he breaks out. Thank you apparent superstrength that he has no idea why he has but he's not going to complain! He then wandered around all of the other test tubes, able to remember just enough of English to see that yea, they're dead.
He probably was too, before he had memories zapped into him. Or a vegetable.
He then finds this really big container, checks it out, then opens it because the clone inside isn't dead!
'Project Match' it said. He'll just call him Match.
Was he thanked for helping him? Nope. You would think that he would be thanked or at least somewhat respected for saving this guy but nope!
He was, quite literally, held up by his leg and dangled in the air. Who dangles a three-year-old?! Well, he was technically and adult but still! The next few things were a blur but after pulling off the old Fenton charm he found him and Match outside as he tried to stop him from attacking random people.
Luckily the charms and privilege of the youngest (he's assuming he's the youngest, because he's physically three) was more than enough to get through to him. Sure, the guy couldn't form words, really aggressive for literally no reason, really weird but also absolutely cool looking eyes. But he worked around the first issue by developing their own personal language from like grunts and stuff, the second he once again used his youngest privilege to boss him around and the third a pair of sunglasses easily fixed.
He just had to steer Match clear of those random S crest mark thingies. Which was a weird thing to hate but hey, he's not there to judge.
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svetochey · 4 months
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fanart i drew of odysseus
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malacandrax · 4 months
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Somebody asked where kidstarion got the teddy and I went uh. too far drawing dad content.
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princip1914 · 11 months
A little hopeful moment which I missed on the first watch, but which I think is so important. Nina and Maggie come to have their talk with Crowley. Now, we all know that Crowley is Maggie—yes, sure, Nina is sarcastic and suave and cool and calls Maggie angel—but it’s obvious that Crowley is Maggie and Nina is Aziraphale. Crowley even admits it himself in the very beginning of this conversation when he tries to justify meddling to get Maggie and Nina together:
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“Nina needed rescuing.” Yeah, you know who else always “needs rescuing”? Anyway, moving on.
Nina says she just got out of a relationship and it would be a disaster to get into another one right away. And then this happens:
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Nina says she hopes Maggie will still be around, but she knows she can’t ask Maggie to just wait while she figures out her own baggage. There's no guarantee. And then Maggie interjects—
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The parallel between Maggie/Nina and Crowley/Aziraphale is so intentional as to feel heavy handed. So what does it mean that we get this exchange in at this particular moment in the script—buried within the conversation which is the catalyst for Crowley confessing his feelings, occurring in the lull immediately before the spectacular dissolution of everything the first two seasons were building towards?
“We could have been us,” Crowley says. Crowley walks out of the bookshop. Crowley turns off their song in his car. Whatever tentative blooming thing has been building between him and Aziraphale for six thousand years appears to be very clearly over. Aziraphale presses the kiss to his lips and knows there is no guarantee they will ever have a chance to be together. There's no guarantee that Crowley will ever want to forgive him, that he will keep on waiting for him.
There is.
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bramblequeen · 8 months
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I’ve been meaning to do redraws from this great post for ages with some of the TWST boys. Doing these reminded me how goofy House of Mouse was in hindsight and true lightning in a bottle
I didn’t draw all of them in the post because I ain’t got time for it sadly. Be glad I didn’t curse y’all with Bald Idia (Baldia? Bidia?), but you do get Jamil’s Funky Dance Moves, what is probably Idia’s worst nightmare and Dire Crowley getting a well deserved slap for…being himself.
Please forgive the quality of the drawings and how crunched I made the screenshots. I just wanted these finally drawn and out of my hair
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adeleba · 8 months
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I like to think post-merge Lloyd would take a picture of his team family before any big adventures. Just in case...
(A late Lloyd follow-up)
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ourfinehouse · 1 year
Losing my mind because Kaz always looks for people's tells/weaknesses, and he does this with Ohval too, he finds her husband. Then she says "He's not my weakness. He's my universe." and Kaz Brekker, who believes Inej Ghafa to be his weakness and almost constantly pushes her away because of it, hears that and it changes his perspective and he allows himself to open up to Inej about his hallucination, dares to beg her to stay in the finale, admits out loud that he wants her. Ohval's words gave him hope and–
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dragonroilz · 9 months
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Red Hot Ranger
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stsgsk · 8 months
"You've saved me as what?" Satoru repeats for what must have been the fifth time.
You sigh, speaking again, slowly. "Cotton Swab. I saved you as Cotton Swab"
Satoru gapes at you, mouth opening and closing without a single word coming out. In the end, he pouts and look away.
You frown. "Hey, come on. Don't be like that," You walk around him so you're directly in his line of view, his pink lips sticking out as he crosses his arms. You show him your phone, where his contact really is saved as 'Cotton Swab'. "It's a term of endearment. An affectionate nickname. I mean, would you rather just be saved as Satoru? How boring is that?"
Satoru glances at your screen once, then looks away, clearly unimpressed. "You didn't even give me an emoji."
"Alright, alright" you say, going ahead to edit his contact name. "I'll add some emojis. Which ones do you want?"
Before you could blink, satoru had taken your phone. He gives it back to you a few seconds later, leaving you chuckling at the long list of emojis he had put after his name. His name, you just realised, he changed to 'bf'.
You look up at him with a grin. "You gonna explain that?"
"Nope" he says back with a matching grin.
He didn't explain that you two were now matching, because he had long since had you saved as 'gf' with a whole bunch of emojis after too.
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pharawee · 7 months
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"If you want to know, you have to test it yourself."
PIT BABE · Episode 1
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hazieash · 18 days
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Crop top Deathbit
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mangofanarts · 7 months
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Sunny and their crown friends (aka, their bodyguard, chauffeur and Accountant)
EDIT: @this-is-a-name-dont-worry Thank you for letting me know about their pronouns!! I wasn't aware :>!! Unfortunately I can't edit my tags to change some of it to they because I'm on mobile tho I'll use they/them for sunny more in the future!!
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tanglepelt · 2 months
Dc x dp idea i think 175
Jack and Maddie find out about Ellie and Danny being phantom all at once.
They didn’t take it well.
They couldn’t accept it. They could never experiment on something that looked so much like their son. They couldn’t even bring themselves to hurt the “clone” she too looked just like Danny when he was younger.
Clearly the no good spook had to leave. They kick him out with nothing. Not even his phone.
With jazz in a summer program, sam and tucker out of town he has no where to go. He has to leave before they literally chase him out.
Ellie in her ever so helpful way just pats his shoulders. She has the perfect place to crash until he can get in contact with jazz or his friends.
She tells him all about the clone she met and how they bonded. About how she’d dropped by many times unannounced at his adoptive parents house. About how cool they were. They didn’t even care if she used her parents around them!
Out of all the ways the reveal could have happened he never expected to be sitting in a farmhouse with a plate of pie. He guesses the Kent’s are too bad.
They were even okay to let him stay there until he could figure out what to do next.
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