#... still not buying the evil if I'm honest but this...
celestialholz · 1 year
Rock/Poison/Corrupted? (or 'is Geeta evil? Probably not, she's just a bit awkward, but here's why if she is')
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... Huh. Are y'all good? There's a fair amount of evil!Geeta speculation online, and like... I can't honestly sit here and say to you that she isn't a little sus, but...
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And I know that I've personally commented before on how the Elite Four are the AU Treasures of Ruin and that if they are, that must mean Geeta is their evil 'king' (because, y'know... Kingambit. Her name means 'heightened surface', like the stakes. She picked her own Elite Four. She runs several institutions, and she also just so happens to give you this.)
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... But evil? Really? We actually out here assuming this woman's Volo incarnate for being a bit socially awkward and giving you a King's Rock? Yeah nah, sorry. You're going to need a little more than that to convince me, friends. At the moment, she just looks like a woman in a position of power who's a bit curious maybe but is slaying. When you write as much meta as I do, you need the good shit.
Except... I think we already have it, two generations ago. I'm sure we all remember this lovely lady...
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Hello Lusamine, long time no see! How have you been, completely unhinged?
And what does this woman have in common with Geeta, aside from being a research-involved girlboss? (Because yep, we know Geeta was pals with the professors...)
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Oh, now we're talking. This is the good shit. :D
There are only two Rock and Poison types available in all of the Pokemon world: one has a very close association with Lusamine, and the other is owned by Geeta.
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And, er... we all know how well this ended for Lusamine...
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Mmm. Purple, black, and gold accents... now where have I seen that before?
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... Oh, yeah. Casually stalking me around Paldea after I bother getting a decent number of badges. Well, fuck...
The purple for the Poison, the gold for the Rock, and the black for... well, they do call the Dark type 'Evil' in Japan... that's my kinda colour symbolism. ;) And before you come at me and tell me the Rock type's more brown... not in Paldea it isn't, pals, because this is a Rock Tera den.
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Now, whilst Lusamine had an emotional trigger that left her more susceptible to the neurotoxins Nihilego produces...
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... Geeta is permanently walking around with this shit.
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This is her day job, yeeting the sentient embodiment of poison at you in all its concentrated glory. And whilst I could make a good case for her having the exact same emotional trigger as Lusamine, I can't prove it, and I don't deal in pure speculation. :) But I can happily prove that she has own issues - issues that could quite easily be twisted to darker purposes, and perhaps already have been.
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This is an excellent example of pure, and unrepentant, arrogance. She shows zero remorse in saying no one can get through her, and yet you and I know that she has very little on her team to back up this overconfidence. She's seen by most people as the easiest champion we've ever had, and... maybe this is why. Because she must have known at some point, right? No one gets this far without being damn good at least earlier in their life...
Maybe once upon a time, Geeta did know exactly how to construct a team. She knew to put Kingambit last, and she knew to put Glimmora first. But... well, I've analysed final slots before, with Larry and Staraptor/Flamigo, and concluded that the last slot in a trainer's party symbolises potential - what that trainer could be, for better or for worse.
And, well...
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The 'Top Champion' can't be a Kingambit, because she already is.
(Hilariously, this is the Violet dex's version of Kingambit, which is also ringing a little bit close to home.)
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But if the final slot is potential...
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... Oh. Oh, hell. The genuine definition of 'toxic' there...
It's also very worth mentioning on the battle front that whilst Lusamine is also a powerful trainer, her AI is... questionable when you face her, to reflect her erratic nature under the influence of Nihilego. I don't know man, it's almost like there's a link here... /sarcasm
And although the anime's a separate canon, the idea is very much the same.
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So, whilst I'm not expecting some weird Glimgeeta fusion-ha! shit going on here, if you take the already-present social curiosities of our Top Champion, throw in the arrogance and the power she holds, and combine it with sentient venom...
Is Geeta evil, friends? Pffft, still not convinced. The great majority of her in-game time is spent being (seemingly, anyway) genuinely supportive of you, Nemona, and anything you both do to achieve greatness. Even those gym leaders who have a problem with her - Tulip, Katy, Larry and Grusha - all have their reasons, but they spring from a place of circumstance. Larry admits later she was right to ask him to use a new type and broaden his horizons; Grusha is afraid of her because she could fire him, and yet he's still gym eight; Katy understands that she can't go all out because of where she is, it just frustrates her... the only one with a truly viable case here is Tulip. Because if the Psychic-type gym leader thinks your vibes are off... your vibes are probably a bit off. But, despite all of that... I can't ignore the sus here. I can't ignore the Glimmora; I can't ignore the potential, whether it's been realised yet or not.
And so, if Geeta's evil... it's not because she's a woman, or a bad champion, or a tyrant, or whatever the hell else. It's because she shares a luxury apartment with a Hell Crystal.
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... a Hell Crystal that doesn't tera Poison. Maybe, so far, the Rock's been strong enough to hold out... let's see if it stays that way in the DLC, shall we?
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lit3rallyll0yd · 8 months
Hey love, hope your all right. So Hoe about dazai with an s/o who always acts cheery and all childish like him in order to hide their immense trauma. So whenever someone scolds Them bit too loud reader flinches but again brushes it off?? ❤️
You don't have to do it BTW ^^
"it's okay... to not feel happy all the time."
taglist : @justcallmesakira @riiwrites @silverbladexyz @atlasnessie
warnings : angst to comfort, lowercase writing, cursing, mention of past abuse, evil exes(heheh scott pilgrim), kunikida is SOOOO out of character holy shiiitttt (╥﹏╥) not proofread, sorry!!
HAII BABEEEE!!! consider your cravings feed!! i'm actually like this irl omg is that why i'm so excited to write this???? hope you enjoy
i love dazai so much :( my back hurts from slouchinggg i'll have back problems by the time i'm fricking twenty!!!!
osamu dazai x gn reader
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you are so cute.
almost everyday is a new adventure for him when he's with you.
he's the first thing you see in the morning.
he opens his eyes and your all in his face like; "hi, sisters!!" and he literally shrieks, but don't tell anybody.
you start tickle fights with him all the time when you seem to be in an upset mood or just want to hear him laugh, but can you ever win?
he will play along with you because too be honest; he is just as childish as you are from time to time. ESPECIALLY when he's with you!!
you grab his arm a lot and jump up and down when something really gets you excited.
once, kunikida agreed to use his card to buy you some ice cream at the fair and you grabbed onto dazai's arm and almost slapped him in the face with his own hand.
he's never really understood why you get so like that over something so childish.
be glad it's not fyodor; SHEESH.
until, one evening.
you screwed up on a mission with atsushi; too which caused kunikida to throw his anger out on you. all the two of you were ordered to do, was to steal the documents you were ordered to retrieve in order to take down this small organization of scary gifted (not the port guys; •⤙•)
atsushi had to save you from a sudden attack, injuring him in the process, having no other choice but to retreat.
yosano treated him up right away.
atsushi noticed the way your arms would flinch up to your face each time kunikida would raise his voice, but honestly kunikida was just ranting about how stupid it was for you to get distracted over such a childish thing like a stray kitten.
he gave kunikida a look, saying to calm down and just go rage somewhere else without having you in the room.
after that you mentioned none of this to dazai; however atsushi thought telling him the way you reacted would be the right thing to do as both your friends.
"HOW can you be so careless, y/n?!"
it was almost like you felt a knife stab through your rib.
over and over for the past couple minutes kunikida has been going off about you getting distracted on the mission you and your weretiger friend, atsushi nakajima, were assigned on.
"i thought you would be perfect for this job because of how focused you were on all our other missions. WHAT HAPPENED?"
you gulped on your spit, your arms shalking from the once again booming voice come from kunikida.
it was a simple mistake-
atsushi side eyed you to see how you were holding as he was just awkwardly standing beside you as kunikida continued to just shout at you.
he would noticed your lips tremble ever so slightly, you head held down low as your fingers played with the fabric of your pants as you plucked up the courage to finally speak; "i'm sorry, kunikida. i didn't mean to screw up-"
"we'll, you wouldn't have to be sorry if you had just DONE YOUR JOB!"
your eyes were fixated on the floor still as you took in a deep breath, "jesus, i knew you were childish, but y/n what the fuck!?"
he swore.
atushsi was also getting a bit uncomfortable at kunikida's screaming session.
"atsushi got hurt on this mission, y/n, because you!"
without another word, you ran past atsushi who reached out t grab you back, however kunikida told him to let you go as he sat at his desk, removing his glasses, rubbing the bridge is nose.
with a frown he watched as you ran, looking at the carpeted floor to notice some tear stains following the exit.
you ran.
and ran, and ran, and ran.
into on coming traffic, past strangers who complained when you accidently bumped into them, and to yours and dazai's apartment.
there you were now. standing in the lobby of the apartment, the security guard awkwardly looking at you as you entered the elevator that has opened after a couple of seconds of waiting.
you used the mirror to look at yourself in as you quickly tried to wipe the tears away from your face, and maybe any makeup you may have had on? does it matter, it all melted away anyways!
your floor arrived, and the ding from the elevator dinged as you exit it and slowly walk toward the door of your home.
you fumbled for your keys that were in your pocket, even after all that running and bumping you did to get here, hands shaking with fear.
kunikida's voice echoed through your head; "are you really that childish? he never seemed to care...why does he have to shout?? there's no need for it, no? and even atsushi was there, double the embarrassment!!"
dazai's voice rang through your head as you looked up at him at the door step. oh, right, you unlocked the door but have yet to open it, causing osamu to do it for you.
"i thought you were at work, your shift doesn't end till..oh, well you still have 35 minutes?"
you pushed the thoughts in your head in the back of your mind, and gave him the biggest smile you could muster and hugged him, giggling and spinning around until you reached inside.
"don't worry, i just felt like coming home early to see my handsome and amazing boyfriend, who promised me ice cream waffles when i did get home!"
dazai chuckled, grabbing you by the waist and using his foot to close the door, managing to keep you in the air with one hand as he quickly used the other one to lock the door behind the two of you.
"well, i can tell someone's been excited all day?" you giggled, although your throat hurts from crying so much on the way here, dazai hadn't had seem to notice.
or so you think.
he placed you on the couch, gently kissing your lips before slowly pulling away. your eyes were still closed as he did and a smile on your face.
"feel free to choose whatever you like, my dear~" he taps the remote for the tv on your head and hands it to you; "well thank you kindly, my...man?"
he smiled at your cute comeback, causing you both to giggle as he walked to the kitchen.
you could hear him to rattle around with the toaster and opening and closing of fridges and freezers, probably for the ice cream.
when he was out of sight, you checked to feel anymore tears on your eyes and sniffled softly, not knowing dazai had already figured everything out.
"so, how was my sweethearts day, today? make any new friends?"
you chuckled, knowing he meant about the stray kittens you always seem to run to.
"it was alright, what about yours?" you tried to change the focus onto him, but he was smarter then that.
"mm, boring without my angel. day-off's are so sad without you," you heard the sound of the waffle popping out of the toaster, "didn't you have that mission today with atsushi? tell me, how did that go?
he expected the sudden silence that had filled the room. he scooped vanilla ice-cream into a small bowl for you; and only you, as he hummed.
"'donna, don't go quiet now. talk to me..."
you felt the tears roll back again. it was that voice that made you all emotional again. it was so soft and gentle, almost as if he's whispering into your when he's on the opposite of the room.
you took a shaky deep breath in as you stopped clicking the buttons on the remote, you stared at it, your hands shaking once again as you tried to control your crying.
dazai had a blank face was he added whip cream to top of the dish, and finally emerged from the kitchen...his eyes immediately on your figure which was seated on the couch, right where he left you, however your cute and childish personality wasn't.
he slowly walked over to you, his eyes drifting away from you to place the bowl on the table in front of you. you looked down to take a look at the dish; it was a waffle and ice cream scooped into it, like it's own bowl, and whip cream on the sides to give it the mountain shape, "you can do more then stare at it, ya'know?" he smiled, sitting beside you suddenly and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
you felt yourself suddenly start crying; to which he pouts at; "it was first mission, darling, there will always be more-"
he looked at you like wide eyes and nod; "something more?"
you sighed loudly and hugged yourself, "it's just-" you kept stuttering due to your lack of breath from your sobbing,
"take your time, it's alright." he gently scratches your scalp to sooth you.
"kunikida...gohot so mahad...he...he yelled, he swore at him, he got close to my face...ahand the..thehe thoughts..ihi..ihi could only thihink abouhut my ex...whoho would do the sahame when i screhw something uhup.."
although you kept sniffling and breathing hard through, dazai understood each and every word.
his hands moved to rub the back of your neck, as his other held your hand tightly as you cuddled into him, your tears staining his dress shirt.
"ihi...just got schahared...ihi just whanted to...to have you...buhut i didn't want to bohother you with my prohoblems.."
dazai couldn't believe was he was hearing.
you, giving him problems about your mental health? what are you, MAD?? no, just insecure. which he understood completely.
"may i?" he asks, taking your cheeks in his one palm, making you look at him. not knowing what you agreeing to, he suddenly pulls you in for a tender, soft kiss.
you almost forgot what his kisses felt like, all the memories of your ex made you almost forget you have found somebody new, who will never, ever, want to hurt you without having any sense of what he's talking about.
moments later, he pulled away, placing his forehead to yours's as tears spilled from your eyes; however these were the tears that brought joy and happiness to your relationship.
he was never good with the words of comfort, however this is the reason why he is learning to be better, for you.
"there are bad, bad people in this world, and sometimes they change, some don't. i would know, but that doesn't mean everyone has such an evil heart. like you.." he chuckled, poking your chest, "you have such a pure heart, only the kindest of souls could ever have a chance to ever get close to it and open up to it. kunikida is just a grumpy man, when things don't go as planned he just goes.."
dazai circled his finger by his temple, causing that adorable smile to appear on your face.
"oh, there's that smiiile~" he laughed as he suddenly dig his long fingers into your soft sides, causing you to squeal and laugh immediately, "theres that smile, yeaah, awh~ your so cute, i could just eat you up-"
you screeched when he nibbles on your neck, now tickling your upper ribs as well.
all those nasty thoughts that were in the back of your mind, dazai has a way of taking them and tossing them out the window and making sure you go to sleep with that cute smile on your face every night.
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i-smoke-chapstick · 4 months
Okay so like as I’m writing this, tomorrow is my birthday (I’m gonna be 19 😭) and I was wondering if I could get some birthday headcanons with the legion of horribles (poly but platonic) + (separately) zsasz?🥺
You don’t have to finish this on my birthday so I understand if it will take time but if you can do it that would be wonderful! Don’t feel pressured though!
Thank you so much Cupid!^^🫂
'400 LUX,
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⋆ Characters ↬ Oswald Cobblepot, Jerome Valeska, Bridgit Pike, Jervis Tetch, Jonathan Crane, Victor Fries, Victor Zsasz
⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; Birthday HCs with the Legion of Horribles! (+ romantic zsasz)
⋆ tags/warnings. GOTHAM!villains x female reader. PURE FLUFF! They adore reader so so so much! Reader turning 19 :> Age gap for Zsasz! All seven of these idiots. Good luck reader, you will need it!! Suggestive parts in Zsasz's. Reader probably drinking too much tea to be healthy. Also sorry I'm a little late with this, hectic week but happy late bday adal <3 love ya!
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♫ “We're never done with killing time, can I kill it with you?” 400 Lux by Lorde
Number one spoiler!
No seriously, good luck. You are basically Martin #2. He's buying the most extravagant gifts, and hosting the birthday party. He's getting mad at Jervis and Jerome (anyone who can't keep there mouth shut for the surprise.)
Hectically organizing this whole mess. To his best ability. Eventually he gives up under the stress and you'll notice. Just have a little sit down with him, and he'll HAPPILY celebrate your birthday far away from everyone else.
Once you two have a minute alone, he's making you his mothers tea, telling you all about his birthdays and how she used to celebrate them with him. He really just wants to make this the best day for you possible.
Have a small little laugh with him on the couch, look at baby pictures of him around the mansion, watch him get red in the face and scowl just a teeny tiny bit.
He'll also scroll through your phone (he's horrible with technology) and look at your baby pictures too. You two end up having a good laugh and a semi-serious talk about childhood memories <3
He'll end up giving you his most personal gift when you two are alone, away from the "cretins outside" in his words.
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♫ “We might be hollow but we're brave.” 400 Lux by Lorde
The only time he's 100 percent serious is when he's busy with the sheer EFFORT he's putting into this celebration.
Him and Oswald have conflicting ideas. Oswald wants something extravagant, royal, fit for you, like a coming of age. Jerome still wants to throw you a ball, but more like a child's dream chucky-cheese type birthday.
What do you mean he can't get a bunch of arcade machines and a ball pit delivered to the mansion? He's pouting.
He'll be DAMNED if he doesn't book the entertainment and a GIANT cake, though.
Will get Jervis to hypnotize some poor sap to dance for you. You know, if you're into that. Might kill him too if you're a little evil like him. If you aren't into that, he'll let him live. That's your gift :>
Did i say a GIANT cake? Yeah. It's massive. FUCKING MASSIVE. He probably ends up eating more of it then you guys, to be honest.
Makes sure it's your favorite flavor too.
Makes everyone sit down when it's time for cake and candles, if anyone tries to get up he's screaming at the top of his lungs.
Remember that "USE THE TONGS, CARL!" Yeah, he's channeling that energy to the hypnotized people cutting the cake and setting the table.
Fully looks at you like a successor (and like, his only real friend) so he's a bit pushy for this to go well. Not as much as Oswald, but still set on making this a good day for you. He just isn't as overt.
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♫ “And the heating comes on.” 400 Lux by Lorde
Poor baby has never seen, attended, or had a birthday party in her life. It's new for her, it's intriguing. She loves this little strange family you guys have created.
You are LITERALLY her little sister, the only sibling she truly sees as her own!
It's obligatory for her to light the birthday candles (and almost burn the mansion down, chaos ensues)
Similar to Oswald, she gives you one intimate gift. Something she knows you'll love, something personal. You're favorite flowers, gems, or even a nod to an inside joke.
Arguing with Victor (Fries) about who has the better gift and who you like more.
When the day is nearing it's end, she volunteers to clean up to have some time alone with you. Everyone else is winding down, but you and her will get to talk like two best friends.
It's the only time she feels like a normal teenage girl. Just gossiping with you while putting Jerome's confetti in trash bags.
You'll probably have a little slumber party with her in the living room, eating left-over snacks and watching TV, throwing popcorn at each other. Speaking of popcorn....
"Hey, watch this!" She's nudging you, getting you to watch her make her own popcorn kernels with her flamethrower, signature smile on her face :>
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♫ “You drape your wrists over the steering wheel.” 400 Lux by Lorde
He was fighting tooth and nail for this to be a tea party. Still upset it's not. Ended up still hypnotizing someone to make tea for you all. Ah, Small victories.
Also? We saw him in that chauffer outfit. He will gladly be the designated driver.
Similar to the rest of them, he wants some time alone with you. So, he's hypnotizing a limo and pulling up and practically stealing you away.
Takes you on a little shopping spree. Anywhere you want to go, he'll take you there! Even if he doesn't particularly enjoy it. (cough cough, convince stores, cough cough)
Wants to take you to the tea shoppes and bakeries.
He is LITERALLY the most BUSY bee out of EVERYONE. Everyone is so obsessed with planning and whatnot, but he actually has to do EVERYTHING by himself.
Whose hypnotizing the cake maker, the gifts, the decorations, the people, the waiters? Ah, the list goes on and on. He's a bit tuckered out by the time you too are done shopping and he's off his list of errands.
Have a cup of tea with him after <3 he will be infinitely grateful to wind down with you if you find the time during the day.
Sings happy birthday obnoxiously loud for you. He also insists everyone has perfect table manners and etiquette. (Looking at you, Jerome.)
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♫ “I can tell that you're tired.” 400 Lux by Lorde
Silent, for the most part. Will refuse to sing happy birthday, and will truly only participate if it's the two of you alone. He...doesn't work well in groups.
He's getting a slap on the wrist from everyone because of it.
He'd MUCH rather steal you away periodically through the day, to just talk to you about your childhood. Congratulate you. He's happy for you, but he's a little scared you're getting older.
Very protective. Always. No matter what.
You might hear him laugh a bit, joke around with you, just simply checking the surroundings and chaos from Jerome.
If you are someone who prefers things more lowkey, you'll find yourself spending the majority of the day with Jonathan. Eventually you two will just pass by each other every now and then, and share a brief respite from the bustling outside.
You are TRULY his best friend. He wants to make this day as good for you as everyone else does. He just doesn't know where to start.
He'll probably end up giving you your favorite gift out of EVERYONE.
Doesn't matter what it is. He'll know. It will be intimate, genuine, and a very heartfelt message on the bottom of a card attached.
"Love you, Y/N." -Jonathan
Okay, not SUPER heartfelt at first look, but for him? It's as close as you'll get to him being vulnerable.
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♫ “We're getting good at this.” 400 Lux by Lorde
Jerome puts him on ice-cream duty and he's reasonably grumpy.
No, but genuinely, this is a VERY special day for him. He's a VERY proud dad!
Always wanted to have kids with Nora. Never got a chance. You really are his second chance at happiness, and he loves you so much. He gets to live out everything he thought he'd never be able too.
Wants to get more involved, but gets a little pushed out between Jerome and Oz.
Jerome probably makes him make ice sculptures. Or Ozzie asks him to freeze the body of your enemies. Perfect gift!
Similar to Jonathan, likes to keep things more lowkey. He'll sneak in a pseudo father daughter bonding moment, even if you don't know.
"So, uh, you're staying out trouble, right?"
He's asking, nudging you when you two finally get a moment alone. His voice comes out in a mumble, obviously not very experienced in this role of being a father. But he can't help it.
Overprotective dad scowling at Zsasz, you know, to get the point across. Zsasz staring riiiiiiight back.
"Just so you know...if you break her heart, I'm freezing yours." Victor #1 says, with a clicking sound, and a raise of his gun.
Victor #2 raises a non-existent eyebrow, and lifts his own gun in return. "Of course..." He drawls. The idle threats are there.
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♫ “You pick me up and take me home again / We're hollow like the bottles that we drain.” 400 Lux by Lorde
He's a loving boyfriend, you just have to get through his layers throughout the day!
Of course, he's your ride to and from the mansion. Driving with him, his hand on your thigh, disco music. Waking you up with kisses and birthday sex
He's grumbling just a bit everyone else wants to steal you away. Que him being a sassy boyfriend, rolling his eyes.
He ends up just standing around the mansion most of the day, sneaking bites of pastries or making idle conversation with the terrified waiters, while you are out with Jervis. He doesn't mind. It's your day. He is more then happy, this is his element. A whole day dedicated to his girl, and free food? Sign him up.
In contrast to everyone, he's the only person to give you a gag gift. Surprisingly, Jerome takes this too seriously to give you one. Victor doesn't, though. He'll give you a whole bunch of small gag gifts, just to see that beautiful smile on your face.
He'll end up getting you a real gift though. Something precious, gorgeous, elegant. Something absolutely killer. Black onyx necklace? Yes. You'll feel the leather of his gloves on your neck while he puts it on you.
Doesn't care if ANYONE looks at the two of you weirdly for the age gap. In fact, he'll become even MORE affectionate. Y'know, just to piss people off.
Speaking of age, he doesn't care you aren't 21 just yet. He's 100% sneaking the two of you some alcohol to drink. (Not without teasing you, of course, for being a downright horrible criminal!)
Oswald, Victor Fries, and Jervis don't appreciate you drinking. They are too protective. But Zsasz doesn't gaf what they say :>
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suzukiblu · 1 year
comfort w tim please? (i just want some fluff dkjshekdb 😂)
Well, this excerpt isn't Tim comfort, but hopefully counts for Tim fluff?
Context: pre-identity reveal/identity porn/idiots to lovers TimKon.
"Sounds like supervillain talk, dude," Kon says. Tim resolves to dial back on that at this point in his career. He's laying groundwork, yes, but subtlety is still the wiser course of action.
"You say that like you've never socialized with a supervillain before," he says dryly.
"Well, usually ones who wear a bit less," Kon replies, grinning wickedly at him.
"So you're telling me I should invest in a crop top before I try to take over the world and remake it in my own image?" Tim asks still more dryly as he raises an eyebrow at him with a little smirk, and Kon laughs and steps in a little closer, giving him a not very subtle up-and-down with his eyes.
"Only if you're trying to recruit me for your evil plans," he says, grin turning sharp. Tim wants to lick his teeth. "So I dunno, what are your feelings on Daisy Dukes?"
"I'm going to be honest, I'm not actually that much of an exhibitionist so at this point we're just describing my ideal costume updates for you," Tim informs him.
"Oh yeah?" Kon asks with another laugh even as he visibly preens at the suggestion. Tim is all for that, personally. Both the preening and the theoretical updates, in fact. And, a little more weirdly, just the idea of having anything to do with what Kon might ever decide to wear.
Yeah, that's probably a later thought, Tim decides. Like, a private-time kind of later thought.
"You're solar-powered, aren't you?" he says reasonably. "Showing a bit more skin can't hurt."
"I wonder if Superman would buy that excuse," Kon says musingly.
"Power Girl exists," Tim says still more reasonably. "And Supergirl wears a miniskirt, last I checked."
"Valid," Kon says, putting on a mock-thoughtful expression and tapping the side of his jaw. "Maybe I'll put in some cutouts and go for a lower neckline, tell the big guy he's making the rest of us look like prudes. What do you think, bikini or high-cut bottoms?"
"I don't know the difference," Tim lies, desperately trying not to overheat and die at that question and every single accompanying mental image that his useless brain has so helpfully decided to supply. "You'll have to provide examples."
"Will I now," Kon says, grinning all over again and pointedly cocking a hip. "What, pretty boy, you want a fashion show?"
"Well I did want to be a photographer when I was a kid," Tim says, although it was definitely never that kind of photography he had in mind. Kon laughs again and shifts in even closer, though, so it's worth it. Tim is mortified, but also undeniably into just . . . all of this, really, just everything about this conversation. Robin can't flirt with Superboy, but, well . . .
He's taking advantage a little, he can admit, but it's still just . . . nice.
He's wanted to flirt with Kon for way too long, at this point. Indulging in a little bit of it isn't the worst thing he could do.
And again, it's Kon, so it's not like it's serious or anything. The guy won't even remember this conversation tomorrow, much less anything about Tim Drake.
. . . admittedly that'd be counterproductive to Tim's long-term goals here, but still. He's willing to take his time on this. There's a plan. It has steps. Layers. Processes.
"I like you, man," Kon says with a wider grin, which is in absolutely no way whatsoever in the plan. "You're funny."
It occurs to Tim, almost disbelievingly, that he might've . . . made a good impression on Kon? Somehow?
Well that's weird.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
I have been craving more smutty Lesso fics. Do you think you could maybe write Lesso x reader where lesso has had to hide feelings for reader until the graduate. so when they finally graduate lesso cannot control herself anymore and so pulls reader away to her office where she admits everything to reader and then shows them that she means it buy absolutely worshiping their body and showering them whith so much praise.
{I love your writing so much and I am just looking forward to seeing more lesso smut :) Don't worry if you don't want to write this. }
Can’t wait anymore
*Authors note~ I love Leo and I’ve missed writing for her. I do love all of these women I write for and I find them all inspiring. With my shoulder playing up I’m not so sure how consistent my posts will be but truly I love all you guys so very much and I’m so lucky to have your support*
Trigger warnings~ dom lesso, sub r praise kink body worshipping oral sex unknown mutual pinning thigh riding
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
Watching you grow over your years at the school for evil Leonora found herself watching you from afar. You were of legal age when the school found you, but you still had to do the schooling in the appropriate pattern, you remained the oldest of your year and it wasn't hard to spot you in a crowded room. Leonora liked that about you. You weren't afraid to stand out and of course that allowed her many opportunities to push and help you grow as a person.
You were lying if you said you didn't find Leonora Lesso absolutely beautiful. She was your kind of perfect. You know she sees herself as this unlovable woman who deserves nothing but pain. Oh how you wished to show her how truly wonderful she is. Buy the little rule of no staff and student relationship exists so you waited and admired from afar until your graduation came. In no way did you think that Leonora would actually allow you to indulge in your private fantasies. But oh how wrong you were. Leonora was battling her own feelings for you.
She did her part for the graduation seamlessly, it wasn't obvious about her pinning or the way her eyes roamed your body as you walked the huge stage. But as soon as the graduation was over, Leonora took your hand and led you quietly from the great hall. You didn't know where too or why she was doing this now but if you were honest, you didn't quite care anymore. After all you were sure you could turn a trip to the doom room in your favour now.
But what Leonora did next shocked you, you were led to her own private chambers, something that no never had ever seen before apart from you. You didn't have much time to question it because the red head silenced you with her lips by slamming them onto your own. The kiss conveying the years of pinning and feelings she had hid away. You were quick to respond and try to dominate the kiss but submitted at the feeling of her teeth sinking into your puffy bottom lip.
"Y/n, tell me you want this, tell me you feel the same. I'm crazy about you pretty girl and I want you more than I want Evil to beat good" Leonora purred at you causing you to gulp and nod, "I always want you Nora." You again slammed your lips to hers as you threw your arms around her neck, truly wanting to get impossibly closer to her. "Gonna worship you my princess" Leo mumbled against your lips and smiled as she backed you against a wall absolutely adorning the gasp you let loose at your back making contact with the wall. She took advantage of that and trailed her kisses all down your neck before finding your pulse point and sucking hard enough to create a mark.
Your brain already in a haze, Leonora easily manhandled you to the bed where you where pushed on your back as she settled in between your soft thighs. From there items of clothing were slowly torn from your body and every inch of new skin was kissed and caressed with the upmost gentleness. It was slow and passionate, you found yourself struggling to focus on her words of worship as you soaked in the feeling of her touch. It was everything and more, than you could've dreamed of.
Soon enough you lay bare and Leonora was back to worshipping your beautiful breasts like the goddess you are, she would nip suck and swirl her tongue over the pert rosey buds. "Nora! I need you please I need you so bad!" You whined feeling so overwhelmed and desperate that you may actually combust if she doesn't fuck you soon. "Shhh you're so beautiful darling, I just want you to feel special love, I've waited so long for this" she murmured before kissing you again.
All of a sudden, you felt her bare skin minus her keeping her crisp white shirt and undergarments on. Her kisses trailed down to your thighs and they were decorated with her marks, the pinkish purple bruises contrasted with your beautiful skin, truly Leonora had never had such a pretty little thing in her bed but you were worth all of the waiting and more. And the moment you felt her tongue at your soaked foods you could've cried. "Nora" you mewled causing the red head to groan into your cunt at the sound and taste that was so uniquely you.
If there was one thing you were sure of was that the dean of evil was utterly amazing in bed, the way she was using her tongue was unlike nothing you'd ever heard of, god the way she made you feel and that talented tongue would haunt your dreams forever. Just the mere thoughts of an encore. Safe to say Leonora is truly magical and you are lucky to have experienced her like this. And the way you came harder than you ever had before, practically drenching her face as she shoved her tongue into your tight little hole in an attempt to get as much of your sweet reward as she could. Your walls spasming around her tongue as she tongue fucked you through your orgasm. "You look so beautiful when you come for me sweet girl."
She helped soothe you down from your orgasm with nothing but gentle words and touches, ignoring her own need in favour of loving on you. It was only when you were tugging her up to meet your lips that her soaked pantie clad cunt made contact with your toned thigh. "Oh fuck sweet girl, Jesus Christ" your whimpered before kissing you senseless. Only then you were overcome with the need to make her cum that you brought your hands to her hips to encourage her to rut against your thigh until she could no longer stay strong, seeing you underneath her was all she needed to cum undone, with your name on her lips. "Oh Nora you're gorgeous" you mumbled and trailed your hands from her waist under her white shirt to play with her chest. "Best graduation ever" you whispered lustily and pressed your knee into her centre again. You'd be here in her bed all day and night as long as it never ends.
Word count~ 1209
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uselesslexbian · 1 year
bottoms (2023) sentence starters.
we've looked like shit for years, and we are developing.
we're finally hot. at least, according to me.
nobody's going to want to fuck me this year, just like nobody wanted to fuck me last year or the year before.
i've been building tension.
i'm playing the long game with her, okay?
what the fuck happened to her?
that made me so sad. what?
i don't need this negative, really sad attitude. please.
what the fuck are you wearing?
nobody hates us for being gay. everyone hates us for being gay, untalented, and ugly.
oh my god, she ate shit is what happened.
she ate literal shit? what the fuck?
or did you get beat up again?
yeah, we went to juvie.
i don't want to say it, but we're fucked!
why do you always have to flirt with other women?
it doesn't count if they're not in high school.
would you like a safety ride?
i'm sorry that i looked at mrs. reilly and lightly grazed her left tit, alright?
don't talk to me, you ugly bitch, okay? i do not talk to girls in overalls.
okay, i might be ugly, but these aren't overalls.
you're being really mean right now.
i heard you, like, beat up my boyfriend last night?
maybe i SHOULD buy a gun.
what? don't buy a gun. nobody said buy a gun.
guys do that all the time, okay? that's the point of feminism.
that's not the point of feminism. you also don't care about feminism.
why would you lie to me?
so you killed a girl?
i know how to take a punch.
i was thinking, if they were coming at me with, like, swords and, like, knives, and like, guns and stuff, and you taught me how to punch like that, then i wouldn't die.
can i be honest? you're a person who's not coping with what's going on.
sometimes, when you have a new hobby, don't show up.
that's my favorite way to be an ally. you just say you're doing something, and then you don't do any of those things.
my dad left me, and i'm incredibly punctual.
i'm gonna finally reverse-stalk my stalker.
i'll be able to kill my stepdad.
i love talking about my trauma.
i literally jack off after every single therapy session.
yeah, well, all women are hot to me.
we had to just, like, fight people, sometimes to the death.
i still hear their screams at night, and that guilt will probably shackle me forever.
i realize now, i don't have to be that person anymore. i don't have to just let things happen to me.
i just get the hot people confused. jesus.
i can't answer that question, because i don't know how to read.
no, i would never cheat on you again, okay?
what about, like, a bomb? like a super small bomb. they're super easy to make.
yeah, let's do terrorism.
don't get distracted, 'cause we can be fined like $2 for this.
i really value when people use violence and raise their voices for me. it's actually one of my love languages.
no, leave the skin on his face, will you?
i'm not a fucking idiot. i just look like this.
man, i knew women were evil.
all of the blame just goes on me, then? like, none of this can be traced back to you at all?
i didn't want to do this from the beginning. you know that.
does it even matter? do you even care? do you actually like her? do you care about anyone other than yourself?
do you care about anyone other than yourself?
just find some other girl to jack off to and do nothing about.
if you don't wanna borrow firearms, then why are you here?
sorry, people didn't know you're gay?
i never had many friends, and that's sad. and as i've gotten older in this world, it's just gotten more sad.
okay, well, obviously, why would you lay it out like that? because it sounds insane.
i'm sorry for saying that you have no friends really loud in front of all of your friends.
i'm sorry for being an asshole a lot of the time. most of the time. all of the time.
that is obviously a red flag. are we not reading that as a red flag? that's crazy.
oh, now you want a bomb.
in your fucking dreams, which you don't deserve to have. when you sleep, it should just be like, total darkness.
i do want to say... i feel like you killed that guy.
we killed a lot of guys. we'll process it later.
you didn't have to start a whole fight club just to date me. you could have just talked to me.
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yyh4ever · 9 months
What did you think of the live-action yu yu hakusho I confess that when I finished watching the first episode I had good expectations for the next ones but from episode 3 onwards they lost their hand.
To be honest, I loved it! They skipped all the introductory parts and got right down to the point. It's a rough adaptation of the original, but the action scenes are amazing! I felt the love of everyone involved towards Togashi's work. There were more highs than lows.
Togashi wanted to draw a battle shounen, but since it was his first battle series, his editor advised him to take it easy at first. The first chapters were stand-alone adventures of Yusuke's spirit helping others. They weren't even adapted into the anime. Although I love those early stories, I don't think they are crucial to the story. I missed the comedy aspects though, that's what makes Yu Yu Hakusho so appealing. Yusuke's resurrection was a bit rushed, but I loved that "Hohoemi no Bakudan" (anime opening song) was playing on the truck's radio. I also didn't mind a 17-year old Yusuke or Kurama.
Even though they gave a more actual look to the characters, like Botan wearing peep-toes heels and Kuwabara with a dyed blonde hair instead of his iconic pompadour, we can still feel an atmosphere from the 90s in the scenery.
The stealing of the Artifacts of Darkness was so well adapted. Yusuke VS Gouki was an impressive fight. Masaru finally got to thank Yusuke, something that I missed in the original. Kurama telling his story to Yusuke at the hospital was genial as well. I think the motive that driven Hiei to steal the kouma sword in the live action suited him better. Togashi only made Hiei a main character because his editor told him so. That evil Hiei who kidnapped Keiko is so different from the Hiei who showed up later. Making Elder Toguro do the dirty job was more interesting! I'm just curious what they are going to do about Shigure in case of a second or third season. They probably have something in mind already!
Genkai's Tournament/Training was there in a different way. I don't care that much about Rando, but I missed all the pain the original Yusuke went thought to master the reiko hadouken technique. It was a little disappointing to see him absorbing the spirit wave with just an "okay". But, I'm glad they included some iconic moments of his training, like when he's upside-down balancing himself up with only his index finger on a needle.
Probably, what I missed the most was The Saint Beasts Arc. It was during this arc that the four guys got to know each other better and form a bond. Keiko and Botan also worked together and became friends. Considering the budget, I'm aware the live action didn't have time and money to produce it, they had to focus on the first big villain of Yu Hakusho, Younger Toguro.
Filming a whole Dark Tournament would be too hard, expensive, and maybe a little tiring to watch. Although the Rescue Yukina Arc and the Dark Tournament Saga were re-written, all elements from the original series were there:
They showed both Tarukane's mansion and The Hanging Neck Island;
Sakyo needed money to open a big hole to the Demon World. Goro Inagaki also slayed as Sakyo;
Younger Toguro wanted the same thing, he became too strong for the Human World;
Elder Toguro was insanely crazy. Probably, the best villain of Kenichi Takito's career;
A bunch of rich old dudes from BBC gambling;
Tarukane making Yukina cry to sell her hiruseki stones;
The random guy trying to help Yukina. Instead of killing her bird friends, Elder Toguro killed him.
There wasn't Botan and Keiko helping each other, but instead Keiko and Yukina teaming up, and I really enjoyed it;
Kuwabara falling in love at first sight, and asking Yukina to not hate all humans;
Best scenes and lines from Hiei VS Zeru and Kurama VS Roto were incorporated in the fights against Bui and Karasu;
Youko Kurama appeared! Jun Shison nailed it!
In the original, only Kuwabara didn't know about Genkai's death, I liked that in the live action Koenma kept it a secret from Yusuke as well. Elder Toguro making a puppet of Genkai out of his body was amazing!
Younger Toguro "killing" Kuwabara;
The memorable 100% Toguro VS Yusuke's spirit gun;
Sakyo telling the original plan was to make Toguro lose on purpose, so he could collect money from the rich. Also, betting his own life in front of Koenma;
It was interesting that Sakyo told his story and how he had bet his own life a few times to Tarukane instead of Toguro. I felt the Tarukane from the live action was a little bit more human. The actor did a pretty good job. Genkai's dead by the hands of Younger Toguro happened too quick and was disappointing, but they made up for that by showing their amazing goodbye scene in the Spirit World. Young Meiko Kaji was dazzling.
In the first episode, Koenma had sadness in his voice when he mentioned the former spirit detective. There was also that post-credits scene with Elder Toguro. I really hope there will be a second season. I think the Black Chapter Saga is much easier and more interesting to adapt.
I think those who have already read the manga or watched the anime, felt the love all the cast and staff have for Togashi's work. The new generation will probably buy the manga and watch the anime. The live action will surely bring new fans to the Yu Yu Hakusho franchise!
Netflix announced a new One Piece anime by Wit, made in partnership with Toei Animation. I'm also hoping that with the huge success of the live action, some anime studio or even Studio Pierrot will produce a remake of the Yu Yu Hakusho anime too.
By the way, I recommend watching the "Making of Yu Yu Hakusho". The main cast talks about all the trial-and-error process during the shoot. Action Director Takahito Ouchi also shares behind-the-scenes stories. They gave their blood to shoot this series! RESPECT!
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Spoilers for Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
I haven't actually finished the game but I was thinking, what if Zelda never returns to being a hylian and just remains a dragon forever? Who would be the next in line for the throne?
That's right.
Link. Why?
1. Link is from a long family of knights and one of the only known and confirmed nobles in the game
2. Link is one of the only people in Hyrule to know many classified secrets of the royal family (especially if he regains all his memories from his time as Zeldas personal guard and whatnot)
3. Link has saved and aided all of the different tribes on multiple occasions and united them under him.
4. He has personal friendly relationships with all the tribes leaders aka the chiefs and Zora king
5. Link is pretty good as descalating conflicts and finding middle grounds
6. Link is cononically just as compassionate and lovable as Zelda is and would be beloved as Prince
Theres more but I think you got the picture. Just imagine Prince Link, uncomfortable about this turn of events but willing to do what is best for his people.
So I propose a plot for the new DLC: Of course theres a new Big Bad (maybe a sorcerer like Vaati or something) who makes themselves a castle of thier own in the Depths and is trying to take over hyrule but in a different way than we've seen before. Sure they still create monster and cause havoc but they also do political stuff like scandal and slander
Link gathering alliances with the people of the different tribes and trying to clear his name after he's been framed for crimes he did not commit maybe? He, that doesn't really fit the vibe with what I'm going for, but what if the new Big Bad tried to make the people of Hyrule like him more and use thier love of him as a way into power?
Maybe disasters keep happening and the new guys servents/knights keeps saving the day but things keep getting worse and worse. Maybe there could be a new game mechanic where there's a ward or talisman that stops dark magic/ evil entities from entering the city and most of the disasters in that area stopping entirely and when the servent/knight tries to enter the city they hit a magic barrier and it sounds like a mosquitoe getting zapped by a bug zapper and they scream, revealing themselves to be a monster who had been the one causing all the disasters in the first place. The civilians freak out and the monster flees.
Link and the sage of that area believed in Link the whole time/was suspicious of the servant/knight follows the monster with Link and they find a maze like nest the monster has created
Cue dungeon
Cue boss battle
Rinse and repeat for all the sages people (maybe there are some previously unknown Zonai survivors that Minaru is awed and excited to find and she takes them in idk) maybe they were lost in time or something. Maybe thats where the big bad came from and the the Zonai children interrupted the Big Bads spell and thay wound up in the distant future, the children later running away in confusion and terror. So new tribe and dungeon? Just a thought
DLC features:
1. MASSIVE main quest to renovate the castle where you get to redecorate it however you want. Like you get to choose the furniture and decorations and have things restored to thier former glory. Granted you have to pay for repairs out of your own pocket (taxes can only go so far and thats going towards rebuilding the towns and stuff) and you get to put up your own pictures to replace those torn apart portraits and stuff you see around the castle in BOTW and TOTK. You can put up pictures of Hyrules former royals, the champions, the sages, ect. Or you can go the painting route where someone paints the photos you have on your Purah Pad like in your house in Terry Town. I would buy the DLC just for this to be honest
As you renovate the castle and dig out all the collaped pathways you get new memories of Links time as a soldier and get to see his family as well as memories with Zelda
I would throw so much money at Nintendo just to be able to renovate the castle to my liking. Like, so much you have no idea
2. Link getting a freaking crown and royal armor sets. One for prince and another after he's corinated as king near the end of the game
Armor sets based off of the new and old boss monsters
Armor sets based off of the mini-boss monsters including Gloom Hands (this one looks horrifying btw) and you get some kinda boost from each that represents that specific monster like a Hinox set giving you a food affect boost and Gloom Hands set boosts the power of the Phantom Ganon drops
Maybe a sage set that boosts the powers of the sages a bit
Forest dweller set that increases the durability of wooden weapons
3. Rebuilding the town ruins and creating homes for people all over hyrule like the Deya village ruins and Tabantha ruins and you can do it Lurelin Village style (I loved that side quest it was actually pretty fun)
Anyway, this is me officially releasing this idea to Nintendo it they want it so long as they credit me for the ideas they use from me. They don't even have to pay me (but hiring me would be nice)
Here's a poll to maybe help convince them this is a good idea
@nintendo :)
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caparrucia · 2 years
I'm gonna be real honest with you guys, every time I see someone under the age of 25 screaming about how fanfic is going to bring about the end of society by brainwashing people into abandoning all moral and social conventions and give into a life of libertine crime and horror?
All I can hear is a kid throwing a tantrum because they read something that moved them, profoundly, and made them question their stand on something they held as a deeply foundational belief in their world view, and they don't know how to cope with it, except insisting this is an insidious, evil power trying to destroy society, instead of. I don't know. Maybe have a good self-reflection session to really think through that sincerely held belief and determine if it's still valid or not.
I also, sincerely, genuinely think a lot of people buy into the boogieman of fanfic having so much destructive power because they're mediocre writers unaware of their own limitations that choose to self-aggrandize by pretending they have the power to change hearts and minds with their milquetoast unformatted chat fic. Like, "ooooh, I'm so powerful! I could destroy entire segments of society! But I am good and righteous and keep my power under control, in service of Good and Righteous causes only!"
Just write porn and be fucking normal about it, Jennifer.
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raviollies · 5 months
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Was rewatching a cutscene from Diablo 4 and *man* am I still disappointed with what they've done... I really enjoyed the art direction, the story (Give me any story centered on motherhood/evil mother who loves you in a fucked up way and I genuinely eat that up, yum yum - Lillith unironically best demon in that franchise), the soundtrack and the honestly up until endgame the gameloop was fine.
I gave an honest effort to endgame (I think i got to level 80 something?) but it just got less and less fun with the constant nerfs....I Loved Diablo 3 endgame because it was fun to just make bonkers builds and speedrun the rifts, and their decisions (greedy) to nerf enemy density/build dmg/drops is just...man. What squandered potential....Diablo was never about being balanced it was about what bullshit you can break in endgame to get revenge on that second boss that was spanking you in the beginning of the game (Duriel)
I will say I haven't touched D4 since S1 so if that's changed lmk!
I hope that this follows the redemption path of Diablo 3 & yeah I'm a sucker who'll buy the DLC because Diablo is a franchise near and dear to my heart, but I just get sad at how they massacre it...please...I believe in you....make DLC good...Reaper of Souls was good...please
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thedreadvampy · 4 months
So, wow, ok, it doesn't grant them voting rights or a seat on the Security Council but the UN has successfully voted to move Palestine from an observer state to a member state, which means it can put forwards motions and join debates.
this is. fucking miraculous. as a sign that the US is wavering in its support of Israel.
Of course they're bitching about it and the US right are already trying to pull all funding from the UN (frankly I'm in favour of this if it was unilateral can we be honest cause if the US actually shot its load and withdrew from the UN maybe the UN could be something other than an arm of US control) but this has never been allowed to happen.
(threatening to pull funding is America's favourite pasttime when it comes to Israel, and is also the only reason Israel exists at all, because America threatened to pull funding and aid if there was a single-state solution in 1947)
As long as the US puts its full weight behind Israel, as it has for over 75 years, the popular movement for Palestine will not find any expression at an international state level. Nobody who is not already in America's bad books will intervene without support, and even those who are already disliked by the US, like Iran, are afraid to risk kicking off all out war with the US.
This is all true while America backs Israel.
But I think, or at least I hope, that it's becoming less and less tenable for them to put all their eggs in the Israel basket. They're being increasingly condemned and cold-shouldered from outside, and facing a popular uprising inside to a degree they haven't seen since the 60s which they're so far unable to quash through propaganda or violence. Popular support for Israel is collapsing fast.
Now to you or I - normal fucking guys - this is a moral issue first and foremost. People are being killed in their thousands and That's Bad. But governments don't believe in people, they believe in numbers - profit margins, approval ratings, debts, how many potential enemies vs how many potential allies.
A moral cost won't change things but an economic and political one will, and when the costs of supporting Israel outweigh the benefits, America will shuffle away from it and pretend they were against Israel all along.
If you believe, as I do, that Palestine will be free, then America still has time to do the thing it loves to do - come in blazing in defence of the underdog at the end of a genocide it sponsored and nurtured, claim the title of Great Liberator, and rely on everyone remembering that more than they remember the preceding decades.
the downside there is that the US has rarely been SO publicly, loudly in support of a second party state as it is with Israel. it has LOUDLY invested a lot - money, time, political capital - into Israel and the Zionist cause for over 100 years, and it's devoted a huge amount of its internal propaganda machine to a) the Goodness of Israel and b) the Arab world being the ultimate evil. I don't know if they can pull off the America Classic here. I don't know if anyone's buying it.
as well, the global incentives that made the US back the formation of Israel are still there - which is to say, there's a lot of Middle Eastern states with a lot of (reasonable) beef against the US, and Israel presents a powerful barrier to Arab unity. Could they transfer that power over to Saudi Arabia? Maybe, but that's still Arab. I think they're very afraid of losing a foothold in the Middle East. But also they're building hostility there again by continuing to support Israel, so they might be better advised to jump ship while they still can.
(the other fear I guess is that if they pull out and Israel survives and completes its genocide, they will also have lost the foothold, and will have burned all their bridges on both sides)
like my hope is that at this point the US state's relationship with Israel is a game of chicken and I hope they're coming towards a point where the internal division, the international condemnation, the rebellion of the UN, and the weakening of the Israeli state make it more threatening to US interests to stay allied to Israel than to withdraw.
And the US is the linchpin. The only thing allowing Israel to act with impunity is that the US is standing behind it holding a big stick.
When the US caves on Israel - and it will, sooner or later - the world will scramble to follow. So we have to keep making support for Israel politically inconvenient. Keep fighting US support for the occupation because the movement isn't visible much of the time but Palestine becoming a member state of the UN without US sanctions is a jolt of movement. It shows we're moving this huge thing off course, and we can't let up - the more it moves, the easier it will become to move.
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eff-plays · 5 days
I saw a good video about Astarion being a subversion/deconstruction of the seductive vampire, and it seems that Larian themselves just want nothing to do with the subversion part, and neither do most of his “fans”. It’s really disappointing because his original writer was very purposeful with how he wrote him, but at this point I guess it’s futile to expect Larian to stick to anyone’s artistic vision if they’re not part of a fringe group on a forum threatening to doxx their employees.
This probably won't come as a surprise but I've seen Astarion "fans" (they were mostly AA fans to be fair, but some Spawn fans aren't totally innocent either) trying to argue his writer (Rooney) never intended for the character to be a deconstruction of the seductive vampire trope, in fact, he apparently always intended for Astarion to be an power hungry evil vampire who is into hedonism and debauchery no matter what, with no chance for redemption. They fully blame Welch and their personal agenda for how his story turned out after launch and for making Astarion's sexual trauma and SA past such a central part of his character and for his seductive persona to be nothing more than a mask...one of the reasons given for this was wanting to make the character more palatable to the general audience, and the GA only wants someone they can "fix", and not a real vampire. It's just insane to be honest.
These fans simply don't want an engaging or compelling story, especially if a hot looking character is involved. They just want something or someone to get off of to and that someone ain't the real Astarion you get after the confession, so they pretend the real him is not the real him, but the horny vampire he was in Act 1. I've honestly never seen a fandom so dead set onto ignoring the actual characterization of what they claim is their favorite character, and for what? Horniness, so they can keep pretending he's some sex obsessed dude? His fandom should be studied and I mean it, I'm sure any study will reach some very interesting conclusions.
And Larian are just hacks at this point, if they are so willing to constantly break their own canon for the sake of horny or loud fans on the internet, who don't care about the story, and some of which are STILL stalking their (former) employees and despite it, still have active accounts on their forums. I doubt I'll ever buy a game from them again, but if they do Early Access again for a future game, I'm seriously thinking of gathering other former disgruntled BG3 fans and demand they put some weird shit into that future game just for the sake of doing it. Again, given they're such hacks there is a high chance they'll be doing just that considering fan service is the most important thing for them. Who cares about artistic integrity, right?
By the way, thank you for posting that video!
Yeah I agree with everything you said, but it's hilarious to claim that Larian/Rooney made Astarion a pansexual male survivor of sexual abuse to make him more ... "palatable"? To a "general audience"?
Because what, their trying to make him into a hypermasc, hypersexual macho vampire is ... subversive? That's subversive? When they themselves indirectly basically admit they can't handle him not being what they want him to be? Lmao. Girlies. C'mon now.
Also Rooney literally said with his own mouth he wanted Astarion to be different from the vampire cliché. But they're saying he didn't want that? They're so unserious ldfdjghkdjfhd
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
New prompt for a pervy Black Widow/Sugar Daddy AU - it's long sorry!:
THE SETUP -- Dream's family is broke and each sibling is tasked with (bullied into) trying to entice the new rich bastards on the block to marry them, without a prenup. Now, maybe the professed plan is a black widow end - 'cause the Endless family is sooooo less than honorable (and let's be honest, great, great, great Grandma Endless's 2nd husband only had his money and his short life to recommend him), but the plan is fluid. First, one of the children needs to snare the right mark.
They don't talk about why Destruction won't return his parents calls - like he's so much better than the rest of the family.
Sufficed to say Desire and Dream are seen as the ones with the best shot. So every rich dick (figurative & literal) party they can go to, every society invite they can wrangle, they dress Desire and Dream up in the newest sexy couture they can borrow based on the Endless name and the fashion worthiness of Dream and Desire; and as they get more desperate, the outfits get more sheer -- tits outs and hints of trimmed pubic hair on show. See, the recent Mugler RTW Spring 2024 (soooo many sheer outfits!).
THE SITUATION ON THE GROUND -- Dream has been on the block too f'ing long. Desire seems to be enjoying it, or at least the part where they are competing against Dream for the "win," but all of these men (/very rarely women) are absolutely gross. Handsy and odious and just evil, why, even for just as long as it might take to separate any of these people from their money, Dream would want them to touch him - he can't fathom. And unfortunately, the biggest interested mark so far is Burgess - and Dream thinks he literally, openly, traffics people and starts wars for "fun."
THE [NEW] MARK -- Enter Hob Gadling. Now, no one is really clear where Hob's reported billions have come from. They just know it's "clean" money now, and Mr. Gadling appears to be a respectable tech/finance guy, now. There are rumors that, 'Please, call me Hob', Gadling, is not a nice man and that people who go against him wind up suspiciously broken (many times in bloody pieces, not just broke), but well he's mostly charming.
Dream doesn't want to like Hob, again Dream knows all these people are just the worst (and let's be honest, the "plan" still involves a convenient honeymoon accident), but they keep running into each other, and Hob is hilariously vicious in his quiet comments to Dream, and Dream can feel the heat in Hob's stare as Dream's "dresses" get shorter, and sheerer, and really, at this point, Dream is walking around these parties mostly naked (with nipples that Hob's stares make so hard). Dream doesn't even want to discuss what happened when Hob put his hand on Dream's lower back to guide him through the party. *shivers*
Dream allows Hob a kiss after a particularly cutting remark about Burgess that has the whole party laughing; Hob takes the next few kisses that night; smudging all of Dream's make up and walking away visibly, shamelessly, hard. Dream's own full body flush can be seen under his sheer dress.
I'm gonna add the second part to this post!
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I love the concept of vaguely gangsterish mystery millionaire Hob!!! Honestly if Dream is being honest with himself Hob probably also made his money from human trafficking but the difference is that he's sexy, and funny. And he doesn't look at Dream like he's a piece of meat.
So yeah of course he's gonna let Hob buy him pretty things! At first it's all trashy but expensive stuff that Dream squirrels away to sell later. But Hob slowly persuades him to accept more tasteful (still very expensive) things. Floor length gowns and huge opals that glimmer in the light, and even a car (and a chauffeur to drive it, Hob doesn't want his darling having to do that). Dream’s parents are pushing him to get a ring on his finger, get married, get in the will... but honestly Dream is very happy as he is at the moment.
And the sex is obviously insane. Dream’s previous lovers have all been selfish and boring but Hob is just... he wants Dream ALL the time. He's always coming up behind him, gently groping him and whispering that he wants to go again, please, will Dream let him? And Dream has no inclination towards saying no. He'll let Hob do whatever insane sexual thing to him because he knows it's always going to be amazing. And of course Hob has the biggest, most perfect cock. Dream would be devastated if he didn't get it inside him every day. He doesn't care how many people see or hear him whimpering while Hob fucks him slow and deep over the bonnet of his fancy car.
He's getting fucked and the money is rolling in. What's no to love?
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forkaround · 11 months
I don't care about their Rich People Problems - A Rant
So, I was doing my weekly audit and I realized why I didn't like 2023 BLs.
I love Perth but I can't stand Kanghan. His problem is his dad is too nice. HIS DAD IS TOO NICE. He has money, his dad doesn't expect things from him. Like seriously. That's his problem.
Also the Only Friends characters. Their problems are seriously HAVING money and time. Money can't buy happiness type story. *deep breaths*
And Tantai from Laws of Attraction. They want to paint him as abused, but we know for the most part his dad only ignored him. There wasn't that much physical harm. And he has all this money that he can do anything with. Hell his dad even offers to send him to the US. They have money. And still Tantai doesn't have a job. He only has to pick a place and his name will get him a decent job but no, he is doing god knows what.
And the shows point it out over and over again. Like make up your mind, you want me to like them or not?
I can't stand any of these characters especially when they are paired with a poor boy.
Sailom has to carry the emotional and rational burden of the relationship while Kang acts out. Kang won't suffer any consequences what so ever but Sailom will and yet...
And don't get me started on Tantai and Thee. He has an evil father. He knows what his father is capable off and yet, Thee is taking the brunt of the fall, the blame, the beating, everything.
Same with Sand. He keeps saving Ray at his own expense. Not just emotional but physical, financial and social. And Ray gets mad at him??? Like boy take a look in the mirror.
Even a little bit with Bai Zongyi and Zerui's relationship.
I can't... I just can't with these characters.
I'm like read the room. It's 2023. Rich people are enemy No. 1 all over the world. Especially rich assholes with no self awareness and you make them into the romantic leads. Like 10 years ago I could have suspended my disbelief. In 2023, I can't. I can believe the 'everyone is gay' universe. I can believe all BL shenanigans. I can even believe people would choose to kiss other people with vomit still on their lips. But I can't suspend my disbelief and say they aren't Elongated Muskrat baby edition.
It's simply because the writers didn't know how to come up with a life struggle for these characters and that's why you have 'having money is a problem' problem. Like grow up.
You want power dynamics? There are other ways.
You want poor little rich character? There are other ways.
BLs have done it before. BLs have had decently written poor little rich characters. But this isn't it.
I still remember what Mark's mom said last year in Love Mechanics: (To paraphrase) 'Money can buy happiness but it's not as expensive as we think.' That is such a powerful, honest, realistic and rational statement.
Forget vampire BLs I want Eat the Rich BLs.
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lxkeee · 7 months
Honestly i love azrael,[name] and francis smm.I know [name] is self insert but i just love [name] smm rahh like when i had begin to draw arts for ya alot these past days if i am gonna be honest ngl
And i really wanna share my arts with ya but cannot bc i have to be at school for 12 hours☠️☠️😭😭🙏
Like i'm not in college or anything but this school has me dying💔
Btw i have some lore and headcanons to share with ya😈😈🫶
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So as far as we know [name] have to check the healthy and unhealthy one right?
So what if when she overworks too much and begin to become quite unhealthy it corrupt her?
Basically what i'm trying to say is that the sevens can get corrupted by the other meanings of their job.And [name] was the first to get corrupted.. And the corruption can be only healed by full rest and slumber sleep or the corrupted one have to seal the corruption away with a spell.
The reason [name] hides her other eye with her hair is bc her eye was quite corrupted so that's why she hides her other eye with her hair.
This corruption can just control or just destroy the one they are corrupting.But [name]'s corruption were trying to full strings on her body like trying to control but ofc she did the right thing but the corruption still wonders around her mind as when she is thinking the corruption will just annoy [name]
This oddly sounds like a frickinf mlp infection au help😭😭☠️☠️🙏
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Headcanons thehe:3
First of all francis would be often with azrael and will stuck with him for weeks.Francis supports [name] usual but in letters since he is in the earth with azrael.
I think how [name] shows affection and her love for the people she loves are gift-giving like after when lucifer fell she didn't liked giving physical touch such as hugs or kisses on cheek/forhead.She often buys expensive gifts or her beloved people's favorite stuff with letter or note inside.
Francis and azrael sometimes flirt and do couple stuff in front of [name] bc they wanna annoy her.And [name] kinda at first didn't care but as times went by she got annoyed alot.And one time she even like were gonna snap at the two
[Name] wears whatever she had seen in earth and kinda gives few of them to the sevens and francis,emily.
[Name] and micheal drink coffee alot expext [name] stopped bc it was ruining her mental health but micheal didn't stop☠️💔
[Name] and francis would ignore azrael as revenge for annoying them alot.Which azrael don't really like😜
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That's it for now😈🫶💗
I'm in class😭💔
Have amazing day/evening/night<
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I was actually thinking about the seven or the angels assigned on earth would eventually get corrupted by the sins or evil that is present there. Originally, I was thinking of their corruption like the one in noragami? When exposed to so much evil it would slowly corrupt them, making them sick and weird eyes would grow on their bodies of sorts and the few ways they can heal themselves are by cleansing themselves with holy water or if push comes to shove, like already borderline dangerous... Then a spell, a spell to separate the evil corrupting the angel. It has to be done by other angels as they need to lock the corrupted angel in a prison of sorts anddd forcefully separates the evil from the angel's body which could be very painful.
Also, yesss... Physical affections are one of her love languages and she often wears fashion that humans wear as she gets influenced by them and sometimes she gifts other of her close angel friends clothes too! [Y/n] and Michael often bonded over their need for coffee to function but she had to stop as it was making her go insane as she gets hyper lmao. Besides, she values her sleep. Poor girl just sleeps her problems away 😔
Trios never worked as she ends up being third wheel whenever Azrael and Francis flirts with one another 💀
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darksoul6444 · 1 month
Silly Game Time: Are you fan of the horror genre in general? If so, what's a horror story (movie, show, book, game, etc.) you really like, and why?
I love horror. To be honest any kind. Mosty games and movies but I read some few books. I love silent hill mostly 2 but I like sh from 1 to 4. Also i still can't get over p.t. cancelation. I also like resident evil series. Especially 2, 7, 8. I probably gonna buy 4 remake soon. I also love cry of fear. I think the atmosphere is amazing. I mostly talk right now about the 3d games but to be honest my first interactions with horror were rpg games. I know they are not that scary but i still like them so i thought about mentioning them. Ib love whole art gallery concept. Btw I need to play more horror games which the main place is art gallery. Also mad father, the witch house were part of my childhood. And creepypasta also were a part of my childhood but I don't want to talk about it. Also some other games I like are faith, fear and hunger, fran bow, it steals, inscryption, little nightmares, limbo, outlast, fnaf (yes i'm a fnaf kid), unsorted horror etc. When it comes to movies I really love shlashers. Maybe they are not the scary but they are some iconic characters i love. I like halloween, scream, nightmare on elm street, child's play, etc. Also can we talk about body horror and monster designs in genral? I saw a lot of amazing monster desings in general and I always love the creativity of people. Props to people because making something new, scary and unique at the same time is hard. And can we talk a bit about psychological horror? I think this kind of horror also needs some appreciation. I think the most scary thing are usualy we our self. And I love how some games/movies etc represent that. The way we ourself cause the pain to ourselfs and people around as. As the person we are goes deeper and deeper into self-hatred, paranoia, etc. Love that. Btw if you have any recommendations I would really like to hear them. It doesn't have to be a scary one I also love the ones with a intresting story or concept. btw I didn't check mistakes so sorry if there are some
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