Comic Five: 🎒𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🦌🧢
Show Five: 🪓🍴🔪🩸 ︻デ═一 🍸🥃
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umuthalavar · 10 months
Öff... bugün yatıp uyurum diye plan yaptım iş çıkışı. Bir arkadaşımız gelecekti unutmuşum. Hayır da diyemedim uzun zamandır görüşmediğim için. Neyse kalktık gittik. Saat bu saat oldu. Yarın yine uykusuz bir gün olacak ve yarın da arkadaşım yatıya bana gelecek. Yani kısır döngüye düştüm. Help!
Neyse bu günler geri gelmez diyip direnmeye devam ediyorum.
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temporalhargreeves · 2 years
I never related to the idea that some people thought they were broken before they discovered what asexuality was. I always knew with certainty that I would never feel that kind of attraction toward anyone and I was always content with that. When I found out about the Asexual spectrum in 9th year I was so proud of that part of my identity. It has since then been the piece of myself that I've felt the biggest connection with and the only part of me that I've felt was even worth being prideful about.
Aromanticism, on the other hand, has haunted me ever since I learned what it was. I've always known that my perception of relationships was vastly different compared to those around me and I always told myself it was purely due to my asexuality. Sure, I didn't feel that kind of connection with my partners or crave the things that other people did but of course that had to be because of my asexuality and nothing more.
Aromanticism made me feel broken in a way that I struggle to describe. Not in the sense that there's something inherently wrong with me because of my orientation. Rather, I had held onto the idea that I could have a traditionally romantic connection for so long that I feel like it's been taken away from me and it's left a hole in its place. Aromanticism made me feel broken in the sense that a piece of myself had been stolen as opposed to I was manufactured wrong from the start.
I've struggled with that part of my identity for an unbelievably long time now despite all the other personal struggles that have come and gone. It's only very recently that I've let myself even entertain the idea regardless of the fact that I've known it to be the truth since the beginning. It's within the past few weeks since I've created this blog that I've really started to feel a sense of acceptance toward my aromanticism and it's purely because of all the people in this fandom I see with Five profiles proudly talking about their AroAce identities and posting AroAce Five content. I understand it isn't canonical and that some people even wholeheartedly disagree but from what little I do know about Gerard Way I don't think they'd mind the representation the AroAce community has found in his character.
There's just something so simultaneously comforting and validating in seeing other people like me project onto this character I cherish so deeply something that I dislike about myself. It feels less like something that's been taken from me and finally more like a part of me that connects me to other people. For the first time, I feel like aromanticism has connected me to something and it's helped me so much in sitting myself down and realizing that it's okay.
This is the first time I've truly acknowledged that I am, in fact, aromantic. Even to myself. For a few months I've had a few very limited conversations about the possibility with a very small group of people but never really admitted it to myself fully. It doesn't feel as life-changing anymore.
To the few AroAce TUA mutuals I have and the handful of bigger AroAce TUA blogs I follow, should you see this, I want to thank you sincerely for filling such a supportive role in my terribly long journey to self-acceptance. It means more to me than I could ever express and I still can't manage to explain it as well as I wish I could.
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amourdelapluie · 1 year
Ne demiş Dostoyevski:
"Aslında insanı en çok acıtan şey hayal kırıklıkları değil yaşanması mümkünken yaşayamadığın mutluluklardır.
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collidingxworlds · 1 year
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Abigail Hobbs - Number Five - Sam Adams
I love how all three my main muses have the same alignment...with a few differences in the order of the other fitting ones xD Abigail is just as Chaotic Evil as she is Chaotic Neutral and her third alignment is Neutral Evil, which is sort of fitting considering the she is a killer in almost all my verses. Sam and Five both have True Neutral as the second alignment, but Sam's percentages are higher (also for the Chaotic Neutral part). Second alignment is Chaotic Good for them both, which is a good one for them too, since they can be decent people, at least to the ones who are closed to them. Third alignment is Chaotic Evil for them both, and that sort of fits, because they both have morals that are lose enough to allow them to do horrible things without a second thoughts. Then, Sam has Neutral Good as fourth vs Neutral Evil for Five. It makes sense. He's older, has worked as a hired assassin, clearly takes some pleasure in killing people.
stolen from myself ! tagging: @uselessdevice (Megan) @hvbris (Deirdre) @elisethetraveller @aubainmary & whoever wants to steal it !
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y'all I'm--
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bowithoutadaemon · 2 years
Ok wow, the last two assignments were basically "follow this video step by step and click on the same things as I do in the video!" but this third one is "look at all these words you have never heard and all these math symbols you haven't seen in the last 10 years or more and now do a task on your own!"
I went from feeling bored from lack of challenge to utterly confused and overwhelmed.
But I did find the words in the program and clicking those gave me some results that are probably the answer to the question in the task with those words. And I found a website that says the word in the last task has a synonym and that synonym is in the program. So now I got 3 numbers for the 3 tasks. I don't have the fainted idea what anything means or what those numbers tell me, but I am pretty sure they are the correct answer. Assignment done?
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mittsektor · 6 months
I really have to study for the exam this week but the f1 sprint is more important
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00ferze · 8 months
Bunca gamı bunca derdii...
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theseancekid · 2 years
verses tag drop
v. 00.01 ➤ WE WERE JUST KIDS
v. 00.04 ➤ BEST. FUNERAL. EVER.
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infllames · 10 months
"ben bir acayip oldum. gözüm kimseyi görmüyor, kimsenin kapımı çalmasını istemiyorum."
~sait faik abasıyanık
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horsechestnut · 9 months
(Whoops my hand slipped and started writing a Batfam Umbrella Academy AU)
From the Personal Notes of Mr. Bruce Wayne:
00.01 - Ability to manipulate gravitational fields allows for advanced gymnastic and combat capabilities. A strong leader, the others look up to him. Loyal to a fault, but needs to be watched carefully. Will choose the other children over himself or me.
00.02 - Determined, focused, strong willed. Has learned to use her ability to analyze the surroundings and formulate a plan prior to attack. Unfortunately lacks any leadership qualities and fails to communicate these plans to the team, preferring to act alone. Still has much to learn, but is eager to do so. My favorite.
00.03 - Adequate marksmanship and proficiency with ranged weapons. Can hold his own in a fight but relies to heavily on his powers. Insolent, can not take instruction or direction. His recklessness will be his undoing.
00.04 - Development of photokinesis is hindered by his unwillingness to fully commit to manipulating shadows as well as light. Charming and a neutral leader. Should Number 1 ever fail, he would be the best choice to replace him.
00.05 - Connection to animals has yet to prove useful. Fighting skills and determination on par with Number 2, but is unpredictable at best. Refuses to admit when he doesn’t know something. Has no respect for anyone but himself.
00.06 - Still fails to reach the full potential of psychometry abilities. Refuses to accept the possibility that he may be able to see into the future as well as the past. Useful for research and not much else.
00.07 - No clear talents. Some enthusiasm for puzzles and mediocre problem solving abilities. To headstrong. Irritating.
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fazalisans · 2 months
Bad Habit(s)
Beberapa bulan terakhir aku mulai dimintai tolong untuk mengurus persiapan umroh ibu. Beliau memilih untuk umroh mandiri dengan beberapa temannya di bulan Ramadhan nanti, katanya biar lebih murah dan fleksibel juga. Tapi ya gitu, semuanya harus diurus sendiri, mulai dari tiket pesawat, penginapan, visa, sampai belanja semua keperluan. Berhubung ibu sudah masuk kepala 5 (read: gen x berjiwa boomer), semua hal itu dilimpahkan padaku, alasannya "ibu mah gaptek", sebuah keputusan yang sejujurnya menjadi beban tambahan untukku.
Mungkin aktivitas sederhana seperti transfer, mengisi formulir dan membeli tiket pesawat adalah hal mudah dan harusnya bisa dilakukan dengan cepat bagi kebanyakan orang, tapi untuk manusia overthinking macam aku kegiatan itu sudah sangat menyiksa. Berbagai kekhawatiran mendadak muncul saat mulai memesan tiket, seperti "Jangan sampai salah ngetik nomor passport", "tanggal lahirnya udah bener kan?", "tanggal berangkatnya udah aman?", "jadwal penerbangannya udah bener kan?", "mau beli asuransi atau gimana?", "siapa tau ada harga yang lebih murah?", "transfernya kemana?", "payment nya "gimana kalau pesawatnya tiba-tiba reschedule?", dan berbagai kekhawatiran (yang harusnya gak usah terlalu dipikirkan) lainnya. Ditambah lagi Ibu yang suka inisiatif sendiri nawarin teman-temannya untuk "dipesankan sekalian aja tiketnya sama anak saya", tentu jiwa overthinkingku meronta-ronta, karena kemungkinan terburuk dari semua kekhawatiranku bakal bertambah berkali lipat. Kayak, "ini kan uang orang lain", "kalau tiketnya gagal aku harus ganti", "kalau harus reschedule dan ternyata ada fee tambahan apa harus aku bayarin ya?", "gimana kalau mereka marah dan kecewa sama ibu?" dan berjuta pertanyaan lain yang sukses membuatku gelisah.
Dan hal yang aku khawatirkan pun ternyata kejadian. Tiket yang aku pesankan untuk 2 teman ibu dari KL-CGK ternyata ada perubahan jadwal dari maskapai, yang tadinya jam 9.40 jadi 8.45. Yang jadi masalah adalah, mereka baru landing dari madinah jam 5 pagi. Harus nunggu bagasi keluar, ngurus imigrasi, terus check in lagi ke penerbangan selanjutnya. 3 jam 45 menit sepertinya terlalu riskan, harus antri imigrasi dan ambil bagasi yang mungkin makan waktu 3 jam sendiri, dan udah gak bisa check in kalau ternyata molor. Apalagi arus balik lebaran. Ya Allah, yang umroh siapa, tapi aku ikutan pusing wkwkwkwk T_T
Aneh juga kalo dipikir lagi, ibu disuruh temannya buat pesan tiket ke madinahnya dari KL aja, katanya biar lebih murah, tapi jadinya harus beli tiket JKT-KL yang ternyata sekarang cukup mahal. Kenapa gak langsung JKT-MED aja sih? Gak perlu ribet transit, dan gak usah ngejar-ngejar jadwal. Maap jadi emosi. Hadeuh.
Yang jadi masalah lagi adalah, 2 tiket yang aku beli ini ternyata non-refundable, dan aku gak beli asuransi platform (atas keinginan 2 temen ibu itu, biar murah) dengan asumsi gak akan ada perubahan apa-apa. Setelah semalaman (sampai sekarang) nyari informasi reschedule, ternyata bisa ubah jadwal penerbangan di web maskapai, dengan catatan harus ubah semua tiket, gak bisa perorang aja.
Dan masalah berikutnya adalah, 2 orang ini jadwal landing ke KL nya beda, yang satu jam 00.05, yang satunya bareng ibu, jam 05.00. Yang satu gak mau reschedule (gak mau nambah bayar dan nunggu lebih lama), yang satunya mau gak mau harus reschedule. Kasihan juga kalau harus reschedule dan nunggu penerbangan berikutnya (14.45), berarti harus nunggu 15 jam di bandara, sendirian. Sebenernya masih ada 2 temen lagi, tapi nenek-nenek semua, yang kalau ikut reschedule juga mereka rugi banyak (waktu dan uang). Kalau gak reschedule, kemungkinan yang satunya bakal ketinggalan pesawat karena mepet sekali.
Inilah yang aku benci dari diriku sendiri. Masalah kecil dan yang berhubungan dengan orang lain selalu menyiksaku. Aku jadi sadar kalau aku belum siap (mentally) buat dipaksa ngurusin urusan orang lain. Rasa bersalah dan khawatir selalu menghantui setiap diberi suatu tanggung jawab. Padahal harusnya amanah itu bisa melatihku untuk belajar memecahkan masalah dan bertanggungjawab, tapi entah kenapa, rasanya berat aja gitu.
Gak apa-apa. Semoga pelan-pelan bisa belajar mengatur mental dan emosi, belajar buat bertanggungjawab, dan berhenti buat ngekhawatirin semua hal yang gak bisa aku kontrol.
Lah. Malah jadi mikirin tiket pesawat orang, padahal harusnya ngekhawatirin tesis yang gak ada progress dan yudisium yang jadwalnya makin dekat. HAHAHAHA.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.
Extra note: Taylor Swift konser di Singapura dan banyak mutual IG yang nonton (dan update di story). Aku cuma bisa rewatch movie nya aja, iri dikit ga ngaruh. Ya udah lah ya, semoga lain kali bisa nonton langsung.
Plis mbak Tay, bikin konser lagi kalo aku udah kaya raya ya!!
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temporalhargreeves · 2 years
Five Hargreeves || Post-Season 3 Hurt/Comfort & Family
"Sometimes even Five needs to break. He's crushing himself beneath the weight of his failures and the only way he's ever managed to find a modicum of relief is at the bottom of the bottle. He's worthless to them without his powers and all his efforts just keep coming up short. The solution is nothing short of getting shitfaced and wallowing, eagerly drinking himself under the table so he can get right back to work tomorrow. His plans, however, are interrupted and the idea is posed that maybe he doesn't have to suffer by himself."
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amourdelapluie · 1 year
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collidingxworlds · 1 year
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The Riverbed
Sometimes the roar is all you can hear-- and it rushes over you, the current stirring all that is known on the riverbed below; the Riverbed is a sign of flexibility, internal connection, and realism. They have learned that any root you set is temporary and that loving something does not mean it will stay. Even as the world changes around them-- changes them-- they trust in themselves. The Riverbed approaches problems with patience, but lacks the quiet insistence of the Frost. They are more like to adapt their approach and bend rather than push straight through. They like to know where they are going, but tend to refuse help in getting there. Though the Riverbed spends much time dredging through their own mud, trying to puzzle out the whys of what they are, they are reluctant to let others see what they hide under their stones. Many of those born under this sign feel like they are not their true selves, and some even consciously affect personas, trying to sculpt themselves into someone they might like better. The internal life of the Riverbed is rich but fraught. The Riverbed is subtle, outwardly calm, and always ready to slip on to what's coming next.
tagged by: @elisethetraveller (( thank you !! ))
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