liam-93-productions · 9 months
Unseen video of Liam at Soccer Aid in 2022 (x) - 08.01
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montagsgedicht · 9 months
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V e r s t o p f t  –  8. J a n u a r   2 0 2 4
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An jedem Montag um 16 Uhr gibt es auf dem Wortspielplatz Texte zum Stichwort. Wer will, kann mitmachen: Am Montag einen selbst verfassten Text zum Thema mit den Tags ‘montagsgedicht’ und ‘verstopft’ versehen und in den eigenen Blog einstellen. Das Stichwort wird präsentiert von @lexiklecksi. Vielen Dank & gute Unterhaltung.
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saklinotlarim · 9 months
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Birinden kötü bir söz işitirsen sessiz kal, kendi vicdanı rahat bırakmasın o kişiyi.
Lev Tolstoy
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todaysromano · 2 months
Today, Romano took a mid-afternoon nap that ended up lasting until dinner.
Arab.com link
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iinsomnium-art · 2 months
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#IINSOMNIUM  a  selective  &  mutuals  only  BILL    CIPHER  from  the  series  GRAVITY FALLS   as  written  by  ren,  he  /  him,  29,  gmt  -7, sporadic  activity.   read  rules  &  DASH  ONLY.  mature  themes    may  be    present  and  studied,  mentions  of  gore  &  body  horror.  minors  dni.  this  is  a  canon  divergent  portrayal  of  bill,    ruling  on  own  headcanons.
a  study  in  —  Cryptic  messages,  mind  manipulation,  nightmares,  the  paranormal  &  the  supernatural,  demon  entity  reaching  for  tyrannical  rule,  breaking  through  dimensional  rifts,  Deception,  Psychological  horror  ,  being  an  Existential  threat,  All  knowing  eye  
  𝐈. carrd.  𝐈𝐈.  main  blog .  𝐈𝐈𝐈.  headcanon .  𝐈𝐕.  prompts . 𝐕. promo.
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 When  gravity  falls   &&  earth  becomes  sky -  𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭  𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡  𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭  𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐄𝐘𝐄.
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𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨  —  mutuals  only,  i  am  an  extremely  private  blog  and  i'm  here  to  just  have  fun  and  write.  i  am  not  affiliated  with  any  rpc  at  all  and  i  reserve  the  right  to  follow  people  i  see  myself  interacting  with. 
        border/ pinned template : ©isaworks
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I. my activity is going to be medium to low for as i am busy working ridiculous hours outside of tumblr. please keep in mind my time zone is [ GMT-8 ]. my free days will change but as of now im free Wednesdays and Sundays. and just because im free it doesnt guarantee a immediate reply to threads. or there are times im not mentally there to write for my muse. please give me time. if you lose interest let me know so i wont reply or if you want to start a new thread. feel free to send any prompts from ask memes i reblog at any time. asks are okay to make into threads. multiple threads im okay with as well.
II. i normally write paragraphs - often times more. i don't expect my partners to match me. please write in how youre most comfotable with. just dont half ass it. i also format my posts with small font, colors, and icons. i don't expect that to be matched either. im just dramatic.
III. pairings - i absolutely love it. the possible character development, chemistry and compatibility. i am open to pairings whether its with ocs or canon characters. -though would love to talk it through with muns to see if muses have chemistry. crackships and rarepairs are included. ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS
IV. NSFW \\ dark themes will be present on this blog and tagged accordingly using assigned trigger tags. please let me know if i didnt tag. im very smooth brain . but due to such content if you are under the age of 18, do not fucking follow me. im blocking on sight.
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ichbinnurneugierig · 9 months
sprache verstopft
vers noch getropft
zuletzt bloß getröppelt
ein pömpel hat dann
das gedicht gerettet
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chaedomi · 9 months
I HAVE only reached chapter 18 in My Mom Got A Contract Marriage and I'm already getting ideas... how do we feel abt a (Platonic) Yandere fic abt the manhwa <3
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famousornotbuthot · 1 month
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skyovereuropeldkde · 9 months
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Die Tankstelle hat vorübergehend geschlossen und zeigt stattdessen allen Autofahrern auf ihren Preistafeln an, wie viel der Staat pro Liter Benzin oder Diesel tatsächlich von Ihnen nimmt The gas station has temporarily closed, but instead shows all drivers on its price boards how much the state actually takes from you per liter of gasoline or diesel
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Der Fiskus schlägt auf den Netto-Benzinpreis auf: Energiesteuer (ehemals Mineralölsteuer), CO2-Abgabe und 19% Mehrwertsteuer darauf, d.h. der Fiskus kassiert nicht nur die Mehrwertsteuer auf Benzin, sondern auch auf Energiesteuer und CO2-Abgabe, also Steuer auf Steuer. Allein die jährlich steigende CO2-Abgabe führt von 2021 (25 €/Tonne = 7 Cent) bis 2024 (45 €/Tonne = 12,7 Cent) zu einem Preisanstieg von 12,7 Cent ohne Mehrwertsteuer bzw. 15,1 Cent inklusive Mehrwertsteuer pro Liter. Bei rund 40 Millionen betankten Fahrzeugen wird der Fiskus Milliarden einnehmen, ohne einen Finger rühren zu müssen. Und wirft sie dann zumeist nutzlos, unsinnig und rechtswidrig (Artikel 16a des Grundgesetzes = Asyl nur für wenige politisch Verfolgte) an Länder und Menschen aus aller Welt zum Fenster hinaus. UND DIE ABZOCKE GEHT WEITER
The tax authorities add to the net petrol price: Energy tax (formerly mineral oil tax) CO2 levy and VAT 19% on this, i.e. the tax authorities collect VAT not only on petrol, but also on energy tax and CO2 levy, i.e. tax on tax. The annually increasing CO2 tax alone has led to an increase in price of 12.7 cents without VAT from 2021 (25 €/ton = 7 cents) to 2024 (45 €/ton = 12.7 cents) or 15.1 cents including VAT per liter. With around 40 million vehicles being refueled, the tax authorities will generate billions without having to lift a finger. And then throws it out of the window to countries and people from all over the world, for the most part uselessly, nonsensically and illegally (Article 16a of the Basic Law = asylum only for a few politically persecuted people). AND THE RIP-OFF CONTINUES
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somkvietok · 9 months
vďačná za autobus, ktorý meškal.
vďačná za tetu, ktorá so mnou v tom autobuse prebrala ako je vonku stále tma, že tomu ani sneh nepomohol :)
vďačná za pána, ktorý si dnes so svojimi deťmi (držiac ich za ruku) poskakoval po ulici.
vďačná za tichú cestu vlakom, v ktorom som skoro zaspala.
a vďačná aj za myšlienky, ktoré som tohto večera (sama so sebou) prebrala.
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bekindtoyou4007 · 9 months
Face still burns terribly from chemical burn a few days ago. I really should complain to the company... thought I was doing better with healing enough to have extra moisturiser on my cheeks tonight, but that's proved too stimulating. I've had a difficult time with cramps today, as usual TENS machine has done a lot of the heavy lifting. I will continue to do pelvic floor stretching in the hopes it helps. I also need to get back into eating healthy, I rather fell off the bandwagon today and yesterday what with drinking plus feeling repulsed by non chemical heavy foods... I'm hoping I can coax myself into healthier foods tomorrow because that also is said to help with pain management. I think a good night's sleep would be really useful. Despite a half tablet of melatonin at 8pm I still feel basically fine but a bit thirsty... I really hoped to be ready to drop off by now. I've had 2 bad nights of sleep already
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mi-vi-da · 9 months
Te odio con la misma fuerza que te amo.
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k-wame · 6 months
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Know Your TikTok Trends with PAUL MESCAL · ANDREW SCOTT ↳ Searchlight Pictures Pressroom · 08.01.2024
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ao3statistics · 9 months
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Someone safe Tim...
Date: 08.01.2024
This is self-made.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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ghlawstudent · 9 months
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It was snowing today ❄️
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baosam1399 · 9 months
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〔Bài dịch số 1125〕 ngày 08.01.2024 :
你不会的东西, 觉得难的东西 一定不要躲, 先搞明白, 后精湛,你就比别人优秀了。因为大部分人都舍不得花力气去钻研, 自动淘汰, 所以你执着的努力, 就占了大便宜。
Đừng trốn tránh những điều bạn không biết hoặc cảm thấy khó khăn. Hãy hiểu rõ chúng trước, sau đó nắm vững chúng, và rồi bạn sẽ "giỏi" nó hơn những người khác thôi. Bởi vì hầu hết mọi người đều không chịu bỏ công sức ra học tập và nghiên cứu nên việc bị đào thải chỉ là chuyện sớm muộn. Cho nên sự nỗ lực bền bỉ của bạn ấy, tự nhiên sẽ sẽ chiếm được lợi thế rất lớn!
- (Hoài Vũ Vũ/baosam1399 dịch)
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