#15 minutes of... monkey.....
so i am watching 2001: a space odyssey for the first time and . gotta say this is NOT at all what i was expecting
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sen-ya · 4 months
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Summer of Lawlu @truffyfest || Lawlu Day! || “I never meant to fall in love with you, I just did.”
I spent far too long on this. Hands. So many hands. I’m drowning in hands. Anyway they’re special to me and it’s their day!!
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television--addict · 5 months
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alexturner2005 · 1 year
the REAL hello you live debut 😂 aka the soundcheck at red rocks 9/18/23 (video by me!)
ofc the staff member starts loudly moving the gates at the best part 😭 and people start loudly talking and laughing as if they're not witnessing history smh
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silvermarmoset · 10 months
your tags are SO true like it was one thing to bring tennant back pre-ncuti, since the whole point of that was quite transparently to increase viewership FOR ncuti, but to be like "actually tennant!doctor gets to go have his own life and ncuti is a totally different offshoot" is like ....... well.
i'm screaming a lot in the tags but i'm guessing you meant these ones?
#honestly. horrible horrible flex to set ncuti up across from the most beloved doctor from the start?#like i (and im guessing a lot of other people!) will /always/ be drawn to 10 and feel like he's our doctor#don't set ncuti up like that!! deny us dt and MAKE US LOOK AT HIM. this is so SO weird rtd wtf did you do
because yeah. it actually makes me a bit furious because leaving a spare doctor hanging around and sending Ncuti off as a double is just handing the perfect excuse to every bigot who wants to claim that Ncuti isn't the real doctor, the real doctor is back on earth in Donna Noble's garden. Why do that? Why make it easy for fans who want to drop the show now and pretend it's always the old way, forever?
i can think of reasons for doing it this way—like i'm 95% certain this was just a convoluted way to give Donna her happy ending—but none of the possible reasons i can think of justify going about it like this. I love Ten, and Tennant, I could watch him go on adventures forever, but the point should be I DON'T GET TO because because here's A WHOLE NEW WONDERFUL DOCTOR to go on adventures with! The whole constant point in Who is that change and death DO happen, and one of the joys is grieving the old while embracing the new!
But this episode doing this weird little pivot where you can die but still live, where a separate form of you can rest* so you can go on adventures....idk what moral RTD was aiming for here but it feels like he just shot his own next era in the foot for no particular reason beyond "we love Ten" (and we do but. come on)
*(what does that even mean?? canonically we know the doctor is restless and always running into trouble so what was the point of that?? it's confirmed he's going to mars on fun little trips!! this is the same man and you gave him a tardis and apparently there's no sacrifice at all?? what is this!! why!!)
#the giggle#dw spoilers#part of me is like. it's the epilogue! it's putting a button on the old universe and nuwho. but like—#NCUTI IS IN THE SAME UNIVERSE. it's still his universe! what are we even putting a button on here? are you going to tell me that every time#london gets invaded for the rest of the show (and lets be honest its going to happen within like 2 episodes anyway) we're all going to sit#and not wonder where The Other Doctor With His Own Goddamn Tardis is? why he is not helping here?#also. side note. it is not as egregious as *waves hands* everything else about this#but it felt like a very very big disservice to have ncuti's first moments still be david's#because i'll be honest. when david is onscreen i will watch him first. i will watch him and pay attention to him because he's my favorite!#putting ncuti across from ten (THE fave) is making him do TOO MUCH in his first twenty minutes of screentime#felt like setting him up to fail from the get go because of COURSE i was distracted by david tennant it's david tennant. OF COURSE.#just feel like rtd should have known better. PEOPLE DIE. make 10/14 die!! i will hate it but make me deal with it!!#then make me see 15 and fall fully in love with him#can you imagine if nine had been around during ten's first ep? skinny dt wouldn't have stood a chance. thats why we DO it this way russell#you HAVE TO MAKE US DEAL WITH LOSS. ugh im done fuming but yeah not happy w that#i mean. monkey brain me who loves ten and wants him to live forever was delighted.#the rest of me who has a brain and thought processes thought it was dirt and made 0 sense in any way.
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st4rstudent · 8 months
finding out last years toon fest was in Atlanta is really funny to me
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constantvariations · 1 year
Adam was a cringy edgelord ever since the trailers, he simply got worse in different ways later on
How can people even like that character is beyond me
It's called "seeing the potential in a character that the writers fucked over from the start because they couldn't give the racism plot they started and refused to drop any nuance or compassion thanks to their 'violence is uwu bad' white supremacist politics"
Also, cringe edgelord is not inheritely a bad thing. Just look at Shadow the Hedgehog - he's cooler than you or I will ever be. Or my current hyperfixation husband V from Devil May Cry, who is 100% a cringe edgelord and I love him for that specifically
Kill not the cringe but the part of you that cringes and you will know freedom
#rwde#exactly what is the purpose of you sending this to me?#do i look like a confessional to you?#what even is the point of going up to strangers and declaring an opinion?#'ugh i hate the color green' cool. didnt ask buttface#and coming to me - a doylist analyst - w subjective shit is 100% a recipe for disaster#did you expect me to forget that the same guys who gave the face of the racism plot a LITERAL FUCKING BRAND#ON HIS FUCKING FACE#are the exact same people who were chill w calling their coworkers slurs? even modifying them to be said on air in a cutesy manner?#you really expect me to forget that these chucklefucks laugh abt stalking women from their cars#are the same ones who continually fridge or underwrite the female characters to spotlight the men?#and then have to backtrack bc this is supposed to be a ☆~female empowerment~☆ show?#do you expect me to forget how they have fucked over every character with trauma#traumas that thousands if not millions of people deal w every goddamn day#traumas like abandonment. dismemberment. alcoholism. ptsd. poverty. starvation. prolonged isolation. suicidal ideation#every character that dared to not be sunshine Sally was killed off or written out or harassed into silence#there are so many more things i can say here but if you don't get the point i will gladly find you for an in person lecture#it will be 15 hours w only 1 bathroom break so think wisely before committing#either way fuck off w your flaccid opinions that a monkey on a typewriter would send off in less than 5 minutes#say something interesting or shut the fuck up#anon hours
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angel5ofp0rn · 5 months
♡ part one ♡
ExHusband!Price x f!reader
been thinking ab this post 4ever and need to get it out tbh.
**I’ve never done something like this b4 and I haven’t proofread so pls be nice 2 me ._. **
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You have been divorced from your ex husband John Price for two years. Still, he comes over and shovels your driveway for you every time it snows.
He’s come inside and warmed up in the mudroom nearly every 15-20 minutes, puffing hot breath into his hands and rubbing them together for warmth before stepping back out and shoveling again.
You meet him in the mudroom for his fourth warm-up break and hand him a mug of hot coffee. Dash of cream, one sugar.
“Still how you take your coffee, right?” You offer a small smile, hugging your arms around yourself as John takes a sip from the mug.
“Still the same.” He nods before he takes another sip, the small smile that had appeared at the corner of his mouth quickly fading.
He leans up against the doorframe, the shovel leaning against the wall next to him. He peers out of the door's window, checking over his work.
“I'll get goin' soon enough. It ain't snowing right now, the drive's nearly clear.”
You thank him again, even though you never asked him to do this in the first place. You can’t help but look up at him, meeting his blue eyes for just a moment.
Before he could reply, your two children came running around the corner cheering and squealing when they saw their dad.
John's smile brightens at their presence, his body language immediately softening as he squatted down to their level.
“Hey, my little monkeys. Come give yer ol’ dad a hug.” He opens his arms out wide, inviting both of them to come to him. It doesn't take long before they both go crashing into him, squealing, smiling. Their giggles filled the small room.
You just smile. Even if you and John aren’t always on the best of terms, you can’t deny that he’s a great father.
“Daddy’s cold.” Your youngest shivers a bit from hugging their dad, who still had snow on his clothes and frost on his beard from shoveling.
John tries to shrug it off, but you ask him to stay and warm up for a while.
For the kids, of course.
Plus dinner is nearly ready, and you definitely made too much for just you and the kids, anyway.
More cheering, more squealing, more giggling as John finally agrees and kicks his boots off, hanging his coat on the hook.
John’s blue eyes scan the new decor and different paintings on the wall, but he doesn’t comment on how much the place has changed since he moved out.
After dinner, the two of you stand in the doorway as you watch the kids play together in their playroom, that used to be John’s “man cave”.
“They're gonna make you tuck them in.” You mention, sipping your glass of wine.
John smiles, a casual shrug of his shoulders.
“Maybe you can convince them to go up and brush their teeth?” You lower your wineglass and offer a fake, pleading pout.
He looks down for a moment, pretending not to see the gesture. Instead, he looks back to the children.
“Right then, you two little monkeys. It’s gettin’ late. Go on up and brush your teeth. I’ll come tuck you in.”
Both children protest for a while, but eventually give in without too much of a fight. That’s a new one.
John lets out a chuckle as the children roll their eyes and go up the stairs. He watches them disappear from view before turning and meeting your eyes again, still smiling for this small victory.
As if he had just realized he was staring, John’s eyes darted down into his now empty mug.
"Let me take that." You reach for his mug but he shakes his head.
"I haven’t forgotten where the kitchen is," He smiles a bit. "'ll clean up and then tuck the kids in."
John makes his way over to the kitchen, placing it in the sink and starting water. You follow, and notice that he was also washing the dishes from dinner as well.
“John, you don’t have to-“
“I know.”
And that’s that.
You chew your bottom lip. This looked too familiar. It felt too familiar.
"I'm... gonna go check on them and get them in their pj's." You gesture to the stairs in the hall.
He looks up at you briefly and nods; "Be up in a bit, love.”
Once the water is emptied from the sink, he starts loading the dishes into the dishwasher. Once completed, he starts to wipe down the counters and stovetop, wanting to make sure he left no mess behind. Then he trekked back up the stairs to tuck in the kids.
You’re downstairs again, on the living room sofa. You wanted to let John have a moment alone with the kiddos before he left again.
He makes his way down the stairs and sees you sitting there in the dim lighting. He clears his throat a bit as he walks through the living room and back into the mudroom.
“They're tucked in. Not a whisper from ‘em.” He mentions casually as he gets his snow boots back on.
You thank him, turning to watch him leave, but notice him looking out of the door window and pause. So you make your way over to the door to see what he’s seeing.
It's started snowing and the driveway is completely covered again. It looks like he hasn't even shoveled.
John lets out a grunt of disbelief and sighs, pulling on his beanie and reaching for the shovel once again.
“Don't-“ You shake your head, placing your hand on the shovel. “It's snowing hard, there's no point in shoveling it all up just for it to be covered again. Why don't you... stay on the couch or something tonight.”
He stares down at the shovel for a moment, debating it. After a beat, he sighs a bit, nodding.
“I... could do that.”
You go upstairs to the bedroom and bring John some extra pillows and blankets to make a bed on the couch with.
You set everything on the coffee table and the two of you sit on the couch for a moment, just catching up and chatting about the kids.
“The kids both want to do soccer in the spring.” You mention, your cheeks a bit rosy from the wine you had with dinner.
“Football.” He corrects with a small smirk. You roll your eyes.
“Let me pay for the lessons.” He says; not asking.
Of course you refuse.
Of course he insists.
You settle on splitting it.
Then it happens again. Your eyes meet his. Neither one of you speaks. Suddenly you’re transported back to the first night you met; you were newly 21 and already tipsy when your eyes met those of an older man in his fatigues as he sat at the bar. You remember drunkly telling the older man that he had the prettiest blue eyes, and that you wanted a hundred of his babies that looked just. like. him.
You have two, at least.
“Oh!” You sit up a bit straighter, snapping out of your daydream. “I was going to ask you to look at something on my laptop. It's doing that thing again. It's upstairs.” You get up and head to your home office, John right behind you.
You open your laptop and hand it to John. He knew how to fix it last time, so it should take him no time.
He sits in your office chair and you step away into your bedroom across the hall to get into a pair of pajama shorts and a hoodie, since it's getting late.
The laptop whirred softly before he got it running again. Only took a minute. He sets it on the desk, leaning back in your chair with his hands behind his head as he looks up through the open door where you can be found, changing in the bedroom.
You were his wife at one point, anyway. Isn’t something he hasn’t seen before…
After you’ve changed, you lay on your bed, scrolling through your phone as you wait for John to fix the issue with your laptop, unaware that he was watching. Unaware that the laptop has been fixed for a while now, and he was just wasting time.
Eventually, his voice wafts through the doorway.
“Think I got it, love-“ He pauses for a moment. “Er, Y/N.”
“Ugh, thank you.” You sigh and sit up, taking the laptop from him and setting it on your nightstand. “Stupid thing always acting up.”
John sits on the edge of your bed as you take the laptop back from him.
“Not a problem. It was a quick fix.” He offers a small smile, rubbing the back of his head.
He takes a glance at you, noticing the pajamas you had put on.
"...Is that my sweatshirt?"
You blush a bit sheepishly, looking down at the oversized, grey 2XL Special Air Service hoodie you’re wearing. "Um..."
Another small chuckle escapes his lips. He shakes his head a bit, trying to contain his amusement.
“S’what I thought. You look... comfy." He reaches his hand out towards your leg, running his hand lightly over your bare legs, exposed by the shorts you were wearing.
Without realizing what he's doing, he has his hand on your thigh, and he gives it a light squeeze.
Eventually his hand travels higher to rest on your sex over your pajama shorts.
Usually, you'd tell him off. Monologue about how this isn't how things work because it complicated things and you both need to set boundaries.
But tonight you don't.
Maybe it's because you had two heavy-handed pours of your favorite wine with dinner. Maybe it was seeing him with your kids again. Maybe it had just been too long since you'd felt anything other than a cheap bullet vibrator.
So you let him slip his hand down your panties.
But it's a bit jarring to feel his wedding band still on his finger.
You look down at his hand for a beat when you feel it.
You look back up and place your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in and crashing your lips together.
John wastes no time in laying you back on your bed and tugging your shorts and panties off, tossing them somewhere behind him.
His lips are on your neck, his hands spreading your soft thighs apart. You can smell the musky scent of himself on him, mixed with that familiar cologne of his, and you breathe a sigh.
“Take this off f’r me.” He mumbles against your skin, sliding your his hoodie up your body.
Your body aches for this to continue, and John doesn't plan to disappoint, but he takes a moment to admire what's sprawled out in front of him. He lets out a satisfied smirk as he pulls you closer by your thighs. He's undone his belt and shrugged out of his jeans in no time.
You pull his shirt off over his head before you close your eyes and tilt your head to give him easier access to kiss your neck.
His scruffy beard tickles your neck, his calloused hands gripping your thigh and rubbing your slick, dripping pussy.
“So needy.” John observed as your back arched and your body squirmed at his touch. "Poor thing... No one's been keepin’ you satisfied, hm?”
You shake your head a bit. You hate that he’s right. You hate that he can tell. That he knows you too well.
But he’s right; no random Tinder hookup and no blind date that your friends have set you up with could ever compare to your ex husband.
“Should’a told me...” He murmurs as he leans lower, positioning his head in between your thighs, pressing desperate kisses to your aching clit.
He’s got you figured out completely. He’s always been good at that.
A smile forms as his hands move to grip your thighs. He lets out a quiet groan as your legs instinctively clamp around his head. The look of his veiny hands gripping your plushy thighs with that damn wedding band still around his finger is doing things to you.
His tongue slowly plays in circular motions, teasing you, loving the game. He takes his time, enjoying himself, as you continue to squeeze your thighs against his head. Hell, he’d let you suffocate him if it meant he could eat your pussy this one last time.
You try not to, but you let out a desperate moan of pleasure. He knew exactly what you like, exactly where to lick, exactly where to kiss, exactly where to nibble.
Damn him.
“You sound s’pretty, lovey. S’pretty f’r me.” He pants, his praise ending with a whimper.
Your eyes roll back. Fuck, he has you. He knows he has you. Your moans and whimpers are uncontrollable as he picks up the pace, all but slamming his thick cock into your pretty little hole.
You’re his, and he knows it, and in the moment, it’s true. Just him. Just you. The rest doesn’t matter right now.
John pulls out for just a moment while he swiftly flips you over, roughly gripping your hips and pulling your backside into him. He’s got the angle just right now, and your breath catches in your throat, followed by a needy whimper.
“Mine… All mine… Isn’t that right?” He whispers, more of a command than a question.
Your face is pressed against the mattress as John’s grip on your hips tighten. This angle, this position, John is so familiar with it. He knows what it does to you. He knows the way it makes you respond.
John lets out a loud groan as your whimpers and moans get more needy, desperate. He knows that you’re about to come.
He finishes right then and there, along with you.
You gasp a bit, surprised by the synchronization. Should you really be surprised, though? Only he would know your body like that. You’re his. He’s yours.
John slowly pulls his softening cock out of you, lying on the bed and pulling you into his chest. His hand grabs your thigh, draping your leg around his waist in an attempt to hold you closer.
He lets out a few deep breaths, letting the adrenaline and endorphins just fade away. Neither of you wants to move right now, both just content being in each other’s arms. Both content feeling the heat of each other’s bodies, just listening to each other breathing.
“Better than I remembered it.” John murmurs, his voice laced with a smirk.
You catch John’s left hand after he reached up to push your sweaty hair from your forehead. You hold it in yours, playing a bit with the wedding band.
next >>
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The Wayne boys most days without sleep before they finally crashed (two manage to beat out Batman)
Tim Drake - 12 days
Tim fidgets with his hands while staring at a wall.
Tim: All around the mulberry the monkey chased the weasel da da da da-
An alarm goes off a second later.
Kara, Kon and Bernard look on concerned.
Kara: Hey, Tim how long you been awake?
Tim, rocking back and forth: 288 hours.
Kara: 200 and what?
Kon: You've been awake for 12 days?!
Bernard: Again Tim?
Kara & Kon: Again?!
Bernard: I've seen it before.
Tim: Seen it before and I can go longer. The first record holder stayed up for 12 days. I can go longer. I can go longer. I can. Batman can't even do that!
Tim cackles rocking back and forth.
Tim: Coffee helps especially when you replace it with all other liquids.
Tim grabs a large cup of coffee as his hands shake vigorously.
Bernard, rubs his boyfriend's back.
Bernard: Timmy, let's take you home okay?
Tim: Home, no home. I fall sleep. Sleep for the weak... Did you know if you look at the walls long enough, new people appear.
Tim waves, laughing nervously then tenses horrified.
Tim: Their face is contorting again!
Bernard: Let's take you away from the scary... Invisible person and get you home to rest.
Bernard takes Tim's hand and takes him out of the Dunkin donuts.
Kara: I could not handle dating a batkid.
Kon nods.
Kon: I dated him for a while, I agree.
Dick Grayson - 18 days and 15 minutes
Kori and Beast Boy walk into the titans living room. Raven is meditating.
Kori: Where's Dick at?
Raven: Outside counting blades of grass.
Kori: Counting blades of grass?
Beast boy: Oh Jesus, has he been staying awake for days at a time again?
Raven nods with her eyes closed.
Raven: He'll crash at any second, but he thought being outside with the sun would 'revitalize' him.
Beast Boy: That's not- I'll be back.
Beast Boy goes outside where Grayson is actually counting blades of grass. BB walks over to him. He taps his foot. Grayson looks up, his eyes widen and one twitching.
Dick: Hey- Hey- Hey buddy. Did you know we have one hundred thousand blades of grass. I- Did you change colors?
BB: What color do you think I am?
Grayson squits his eyes.
Dick: Blue.
BB: All right we're on that color, how long you been awake for buddy?
Dick: I stopped sleeping last Wednesday... Then a week passed... Then another, that was 14, now it's Saturday of the second week.
Beast Boy arms crossed, sighs and walks off to re-enter the tower.
BB: 18 days this time.
Beast Boy walks away as Kori is shocked.
Raven: He's surpassing the world record holder. Also his brain might be dying.
Kori: Might be?!
Raven: He's a batkids, their brains are made of steel or something.
Kori: I have one trick that usually knocks him out-
Raven: I know it's sex.
Kori, giggles: Yes, but he falls asleep on top of me every time.
Raven sighs shaking her head while Beast Boy leaves the house with a water bottle.
Beast Boy: Right, I'm going to give him this sleep juice Alfred sent us. He says it knocks them out in a few seconds.
Raven: Smart choice.
Beast Boy: Thanks.
Jason Todd - 4 days
Jason: I can't sleep.
Roy: How long have you been awake?
Jason: About four days. Man I tried to go to sleep, but my body physically won't let me sleep!
Roy: Well you have been drinking Red Bulls every other hour. You're too focused on the mission. Just go to sleep.
Jason shakes his head while rocking back and forth.
Jason: Can't sleep... Won't sleep... No sleep.
Roy thinks about a way to get him to sleep then smiles.
Roy: You know you're becoming just like your dad. That's good, he can go six days without sleep, maybe you'll-
Jason stands up and goes to another room, closes his door and falls into his bed to sleep.
Roy: Works every time.
Damian - 1 day
Damian: I don't want to go to sleep! No!
Datmien kicks his feet as Bruce drags him to bed.
Bruce: Nope, you stayed awake for 24 hours. That's it. Go to bed!
Damian: You're so unfair!
Bruce: You're not depriving yourself of valuable sleep- Alfred shut up!
Alfred, who is reading a book about sleep disorders, smirks and then walks away.
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renranram · 5 months
Is there any chance you could make a jschlatt x streamer reader 1shot where she admits she has a small thing for jschlatt on her stream because her viewers asked if she had a crush on any streamers she watches and jschlatt happens to be watching her stream because hes a fan of her🤭 i think its such a nice fic concept :))
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fem!reader x schlatt
basically the submission hehe
" chat, i am not smashing tommyinit, he's a child! " you roll your eyes as drag the photo of tommy at the 'pass' side
you've been playing smash or pass with your twitch chat for a few minutes now, ' but he's 20 now ' ' he's a grown man ' ' he's a grown man with a husband and a girlfriend ' your chat spams
" well... during my time, he was a child, " you reply, dramatically rolling your eyes as you lean back your seat, talking about your dsmp phase
" but in all seriousness, id still pass him, he's literally like my little brother chat, dont be weird " you chuckle as you scroll to the next option, wilbur fucking soot, you pause, staring dead into the camera
before dragging the thing's photo out of the frame, you let the silence sink in as you glance at your twitch chat
poggerina; o7
y/n4lyfersmwa; mb guys he got out of his leash
you read as you chuckle, " ... anyways.. " you added, scrolling down as a tts donation caught your attention,
y/nsfavkitten donated $15, ' hello y/nn, just wondering if you had any small crush on an old dsmp member? ' the tts reads out
as you shift on your seat, " a small crush? " you repeat, before chuckling, " well.. if you donate another 100 ill tell you " you play it off as a joke
and continue on with the game, you put charlie in smash, ted in smash, jack in pass ( banter ), niki in smash, until the donator actually donated a $100, taking you in surprise
" oh my fucking god, y/nsfavkitten, i was just joking " you chuckle, " should i give you a refund? " you offer, not thinking it'd be serious
y/nsfavkitten: nononono but can you answer my last question? :3
you pause sighing out, before nodding, " for you y/nsfavkitten, fine, i did have a small crush, like a veryyy small crush on someone there " you confess as you can see your chat speeds up
akh1rah_1r: WHO
y/nluvsme: WHO???
jojosiwayouscareme: HELP WHO??
numberoneschlaggot: no way dont tell me you liked dream
" ewww " you squirm, chuckling as you shake your head, " ... i used to have a thing for schlatt " you confess
mitskimybeloved: AHH I CALLED IT
immacomebacklikeaboomerang: ship
renranram : Y/N X SCHLATT CANON FR
you groan out, as you chuckle, " guys dont make it weird " you mumble, a faint blush on your cheek as you shifted on your seat
meanwhile schlatt on the other hand wanted to do backflips, like genuinely, he was like a monkey getting excited over a piece banana
and he thought, why not shoot his shot,
@.jschlatt • 1 minute
same i ship it too, @.y/n'swebbie
↳ 11 ⇆ 9 ♡ 201
as you saw the tweet, your face turned redder like a tomato, chuckling like a teenage girl seeing abs for the first time
" chat, this is all your fault "
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monkey-wrench-series · 8 months
One month on; The future of Monkey wrench as a fully animated indie series.
It’s been exactly one month since Ep 3 of Monkey was released to the public, and as the ever want to be as transparent as possible with indie production it’s time we sat down and had a very important discussion on the future of the series…
So, as we said above, one month has passed from the public release of episode 3, and everything hinges on how well it does.
Below are the metrics for it on Youtube;
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Our hope was to have ep 3 hit 500k in two weeks. After 31 days we’re still under 470k views, ad rev as you can see is pitiful and engagement has evaporated. Maybe we set our hopes a little too high?
It’s not all doom and gloom though, this is the first ep to get this many views in this amount of time. Our patreon support has grown by 1/3 after the ep came out and our Scratch & Scritch plushies did ok, see images below;
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So as of now, we have enough money for voices, sound and music for episode 4. Voice recording begins next week and I hope to start the animatic for the ep sometime after.
As for the animation portion of production… things are looking a little tricky.
As you should know, animation, especially frame by frame stuff like we do, it’s obscenely time intensive and expensive. For ep 3 we had a rough animation rate of $20.83 per 1 second of animation and the same for clean up with very minimal edits and redos.
Seeing the recent animation pay discourse has honestly shaken us up pretty bad, we had no idea how pitiful our pay had been compared to other indies and we in no way want to exploit anyone for their work on the series.
With both Ash and I putting everything we had saved in Eps 1, 2 and 3 and seeing how below average they’ve all performed and with how little we can afford to pay our animators, on top of burning myself out horrifically doing 3 eps in a row, we’ve sadly had to come to the conclusion that full animation for this series is no longer financially possible at our current support level.
That does not mean we’re stopping production, however.
There are two possible routes we can take;
Route 1; Animatic hybrid.
Over the past week and a half I managed to solo out 5 minutes and 15 seconds of animatic keyframe animation for our recently released outtakes video.
At our current support level I can do the animatic keyframe route for most of the mundane stuff in an ep, and then go into full animation for the ‘good bits’, that way we can pay our animators an actual decent wage. Over time if our support grows we can return to full animation.
Route 2: Kickstart ep 4 for $100k
We have thought about doing a kickstarter type thing to get the $100,000 we’d need for the animation portion of the ep. We want to pay our animators properly for their time and skill and this would be the best route to go if we want to have ep 4 fully animated.
However with our current viewership and engagement with eps 1, 2 and 3 I’m not sure we could hit a goal of $100,000 in the 30 days we need.
Is it a risk worth taking?
What would we do for rewards?
Physical rewards would take money away from animation production and things like animated rewards would take time away from myself working on the ep.
That’s pretty much where my mind has been at the past few days. I’d love to hear your input and thoughts on how you would like us to proceed.
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factorydefaultlu · 1 year
About the Spice Prompt List 😶‍🌫️
4, 31, 40
Aaand character sugestions: Law, Luffy, Shanks
Monkey D. Luffy, Shanks x AFAB!Reader
Exhibitionism, vibrators, orgasm denial
AN: I left out Law because I haven't seen the anime in years and I'm afraid I'll butcher him horribly
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Monkey D. Luffy
He'd really done it this time. Luffy tries to be a good boy, but it's hard. Especially when he's bored, which is almost all the time.
You can't get anything done when he's hounding you for attention, so you get an idea.
"I want to play a game."
Luffy is excited by this idea, but he's going to be sorely disappointed when he realizes your full plan.
He's laid on his back in bed, a bullet vibe tied the tip of his cock, and it's been set to high.
You told him that if could hold his orgasm until you're done with work, then he can fuck you all night long.
Luffy didn't think of the technicalities of that agreement before he was nodding eagerly and pulling his clothes off.
You're sat at the desk across the room, finishing something or other. Truth be told, the work had been finished nearly 30 minutes ago, but you just wanted to torment Luffy a little longer.
He'd been a whining mess since the beginning, but after about 15 minutes of his cock throbbing and bouncing against his stomach, he began to beg.
"Please, please. Can't I just touch myself? I can make myself cum, you don't have to touch me!"
You reminded him of the agreement which earned a loud cry from him. It was hard not to give in, you'd stolen glances at him as you worked. The sight was absolutely divine.
His tummy was soaked in precum and his cock looked painfully hard and red. The sheets beneath him were wrinkled from how tightly he gripped them. Part of the agreement was not being able to touch himself.
You're shocked he'd actually lasted this long. You expected him to have cum all over himself within minutes, but he's determined to prove how much of a good boy he is.
Maybe you'll stop torturing him and let him finally drain his balls.
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"Started without me princess?"
His voice startles you, and you stare at him wide eyed.
Shanks is leaned against the doorframe, staring you down, a smirk on his lips and a devilish glint in his eyes.
You pull the vibrator from your clit, expecting him to come to you and make you feel good. He just clicks his tongue.
"No no, if you're start without me then you're gonna finish without me."
He sets himself in the chair by the desk, looking at you expectantly. You feel like prey under the eyes of a predator.
"Well? Show me how you get yourself off."
You press the vibrator against yourself again, your hips jolt as it hits your clit. The delicious waves of pleasure washing over your body once more.
Your thighs are wet with slick and sweat and you close your legs to feel more friction. Shanks narrows his eyes at this, "Darling, how am I gonna be able to see that beautiful, dripping cunt of yours if I you got your legs shut?"
He moves forward and grabs your knees, spreading you open and smirking at the sight.
"That feel good princess? Better than my fingers?"
You quickly shake your head 'no' and a whine leaves your lips as your orgasm draws near. Your wrist swivels the vibrator and you gasp at the pleasure.
Shanks admires your body, sliding his hands up your thighs and using his thumbs to spread your folds.
"Fuck that's good."
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simmer down and pucker up
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pairing: leon x reader
cw: daddy kink, ddlg dynamics, p in v, oral sex, semi-public sex
summary: he's not daddy in public, he's just leon. but you want daddy's attention.
a/n: not proofread. title is from do i wanna know? by the arctic monkeys.
wc: 2.3k
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You and Leon play daddy and baby girl at home - only at home, no one will ever know about this taboo little habit. You hide any obvious paraphernalia like the pacifiers in your sock drawer, and hope no one suspects anything based solely on the large collection of plushies that line the bed. The dolls you have are “collectors items” or “hold sentimental value”, “you’ve had them since you were a child”, etc. The list of lies is a long one. 
It helps that you don’t constantly dress in tiny pink skirts and thigh highs. You’re wearing your new strawberry shortcake panties, but no one can see those under your jeans. It feels weird to call the man you love by his first name. Leon. Who’s that? Oh, you mean daddy?
You have to call him Leon in public. You try to practice around the house, but it comes out in your sing-songy tone just like ‘daddy’. When daddy tells you he has to leave you cling to his leg like a koala bear. 
“C’mon, baby girl, I’m gonna be late,” he says, genuinely tired of arguing with you. 
“I wanna come with you,” you say. The truth is, you don’t really want to go to whatever professional event Leon has to attend - you just want his attention, and this seems to be your only option. 
“Fine. Get dressed,” he concedes. “You have 15 minutes or I’m leaving without you.” 
You want to tell Leon that he’s supposed to act like a daddy, not a father, but you don’t have time to make snide remarks because you have to go dig something that could be considered “cocktail attire” out of the back of your closet. You’ve never had a large professional wardrobe, so most of your dresses are skin-tight with a plunging neckline. You manage to find one that almost goes down to your knees, and though Leon gives you a look of mild disapproval when you walk downstairs, his mind is really filled with dirty thoughts he tries very hard to shake off before you leave. 
You tap his shoulder and hold up your heels, asking for help.  
“No, you’ve gotta practice being independent if you’re gonna come with me tonight, alright?”
“But daddy-”
“Ah,” he tuts, finger out in front of you. 
“But Leon,” you whine - like an adult this time, sitting on the floor to properly put your shoes on.
“Good girl,” he says with a kiss upon your forehead. Unfortunately, this feeds your baby girl behavior. You look up at him doe-eyed and grinning. 
You take Leon’s hand which is already outstretched for you and stand up on your own. Daddy would’ve picked you up and carried you out to the car, but Leon is mean and makes you walk by yourself and buckle your own seatbelt. 
Leon had warned you that it would be boring, and he was right. You’re beginning to regret insisting on accompanying him. It would’ve been more enjoyable if the banquet hall had a kids menu (the kind that comes with crayons). 
“Daddy,” you whisper, tugging at his sleeve. It’s his nice suit, but that’s not why he scolds you. 
“Uh-uh. We only say that word inside the house.” He told you it was because he didn’t want anyone to overhear you calling him that, but in reality, he’s worried about you making him hard in public. He’ll have to drink a lot more and hope he can induce whiskey-dick (though, that’s something that seems to have disappeared from his life since you got together). 
“Can I play on your phone?”
“You have your own phone.”
“The battery is almost dead.”
He fishes his phone out of his pocket, but before he hands it over, he looks you in the eye and says as sternly as he can (which is not very stern, considering it’s you he’s talking to), “Just games. No texting, no calling, no email. Got it?”
“Got it,” you agree with a nod. 
He suppresses the urge to call you a good girl because it’ll further instigate you to mess with him, something he can already tell you want to do.
You play Neko Atsume until you get bored and hand Leon back his phone. Daddy says he has to do important work things, so you are relegated to a different part of the room. He tells you that you could come with him if you’re willing to socialize, but you said no. You want his undivided attention. Luckily, you’d anticipated this, and made sure your phone had a little bit of battery left. You leave the ballroom and head for the ladies room, locking yourself in a stall. 
A while back, you’d set a special ringtone for yourself in Leon’s phone, so whenever you called he’d know to pick up ASAP. You also made sure his phone always alerted him when you sent him a text. Calls are for emergencies and texts are for not-so-urgent things. You decide that your current problem - your neediness, which is mostly a constant - is not an emergency, so a call is not warranted, only a text. Plus, you can send Leon a picture if you text, rather than call. 
You couldn’t fit a bra under your dress which only makes it easier to take a picture of your tits and send it to Leon. The exchange goes as follows. 
You: daddy I need you!!
You know he’s flustered when he texts you back. 
daddy <3: Knock it off.
You: but daddyyy my princess parts need help :(
daddy <3: Where are you?
Oh, he’s caving and coming to see you. You think you’ve won, but you’re so very wrong. 
You: bathroom ;) 
daddy <3: Get out here now.
You find him standing outside the ladies room with his arms crossed. He stares you down and you think you’ve really pissed him off. He doesn’t say anything, but he yanks you by the arm like a child.
“Are we going home?” You can’t decide whether to be eager or apologetic, so you try to keep your cutesy tone as neutral as possible. 
“No.” He doesn’t say anything else until you get outside. He finds a relatively secluded spot where he’s fairly sure that you won’t get caught. 
“On your knees,” he says. 
You shouldn’t be as surprised as you are. You asked for him to come give you attention and sent him an explicit photo. But you really didn’t think Leon would be this bold. You’ve never done anything in public before and the idea makes you a bit nervous. 
Leon can see that you’re feeling shy now, but he’s too hard to soothe your nerves. “Do you want daddy or no?” he asks, with his hands on his hips. He’s impatient, he doesn’t have to pretend. 
You nod. Obedient now that you’ve gotten what you wanted. 
“Are you going to do what I say?”
“Yes, daddy.” 
Leon’s demeanor softens when he hears your sweet - almost apologetic - voice. 
“I know you can be a good girl for me.”
Good girl. The words are like magic, making you kneel in front of him. 
Leon looks around quickly before he unzips his pants and pulls his dick out. He’s so hard that it twitches in anticipation when your hand reaches to touch it. The tip is already leaking, too. You did this, and now you have to fix it. When you look up into his eyes, you can tell he’s not actually upset with you. He can’t be. He’s just tense because he needs to cum - he’s more desperate for you than you are for him. 
You know you won’t get rewarded if you tease him so you take him as far as you can down your throat. His eyes go wide, as he’s shocked by how much you can take. He sees your eyes water and he starts to worry until you start bobbing your head eagerly and he can’t think straight. Leon tips his head back and groans, louder than he should. He looks down into your eyes and in seconds, he feels the familiar sensation of his muscles tightening in his abdomen. 
“Baby,” he says, “daddy’s gonna cum soon.” He’s practically panting at this point, and more worried than before that you might get caught. The possibility of ruining his reputation as a hard-working agent - or worse, an arrest - is one thing, but now that he’s so close to the edge, the idea of being stopped before his orgasm hits is what he fears more. 
You remove him from your mouth and he thinks you’re going to turn the tables on him in an expert play. But you don’t. 
“Daddy, I want it on my face,” you say. 
And despite his better judgment telling him that this is the worst place to do this, he can’t help but give in. He finishes himself off with his own hand, painting your face with thick white ropes. It takes all of his strength to keep his eyes open but you look so pretty with your mouth open wide like this, eager to taste his release. 
When he comes down from his high, you take the initiative and get every last drop from his cock. He quickly slips himself back into his pants and the moment of clarity hits him. 
“What am I going to do with you?” He half-laughs because it’s either that or panic about the fact that your face is covered in an unmistakable sticky white substance. 
You reach into your purse, pull out some tissues and hand them to him. He cleans you up carefully, making sure nothing gets in your eyes. 
“Can we go home now, daddy?”
“Yeah,” he says, deciding he’ll figure out how to explain his sudden departure later. He can’t take you inside when you look like that. He holds your hand while you walk to the car and he buckles you in. 
“Am I still in trouble?” you ask on the way home, breaking the silence. 
Leon really doesn’t know. You were naughty, but then you were good, really fucking good in his opinion. And, he’s not good at punishing you. “Only a little bit.”
“Does that mean you’ll help me?”
“With what?” He turns to look at you when he stops at a red light. 
You look down at your lap, too shy to say the words.  
“Help you with your princess parts?”
Your breath hitches. The two words increase your arousal exponentially. Your tone quavers when you say, “yes, daddy.” It’s the correct response, but really, it’s the only words you can come up with anyway. 
He sighs. “You were naughty tonight.”
“Please, daddy,” you say, and when Leon parks the car in the driveway, you grab his hand and guide it under your dress. “I really need it,” you say when his hand finds your panties. 
Wet would be an understatement. Leon finds himself straining against the fabric of his pants already. You’ve done it again. He can’t help but think about how you taste. He doesn’t say anything, but you can see it in his eyes when you walk in the door. He takes your shoes off along with own and then picks you up and carries you to bed. 
In the bedroom, Leon is gentle with you, carefully unzipping your dress and slipping it down your body. He’s gentle, but he’s not selfless. He plays with your tits, sucks on them until he decides it’s time to move down between your legs. He takes his jacket off and rolls up his sleeves like he’s preparing for something laborious. He gets on his knees at the edge of the bed and pulls you towards him. He sucks on the gusset of your panties until you’re kicking your legs in protest. He finally takes them off, so he can truly savor you. 
It doesn’t take long for you to cum, crying out “daddy” over and over. But, Leon doesn’t stop. 
“Daddy it’s too much,” you sob. 
“Daddy’s not done yet,” he says, continuing to lap at your folds. You sob and tug at his hair, undecided about whether or not you really want him to stop. “Daddy, no more,” you say. 
“One more, baby. Just give daddy one more.” It’s more of a plea than a demand.
“I can’t,” you cry. 
“Yes, you can." WIth that, he hands you a plushie to squeeze. Whether the thoughtful act comes from daddy's nurturing nature or if it's a well-played bargaining chip, you accept it.
Daddy is right - you can cum again. When you do, you coat Leon’s face with your arousal, and your orgasm leaves you gasping for breath. When you open your eyes, you see Leon undressing. 
“Daddy I’m too sensitive,” you say. 
“Then how come you said you needed daddy earlier? Were you lying to daddy?”
You’re going to tell him that you need a break but when he takes his cock out you change your mind. It doesn’t matter how overstimulated you are, you want him inside you.
You’re wetter than usual, and that’s saying something. Leon slips into you with relative ease. Sometimes, you struggle to take all of him, but now, he's able to bury himself fully in your soaking cunt. Sorry, princess parts.
“Look, baby,” he says, pointing down at your tummy where you can see him bulging inside you. “Look how good you’re taking daddy.”
Your tears cease for a moment when you see his smile. 
“Daddy’s so proud of you,” he whispers into your ear and clamp down onto him in response. His movements are more forceful by necessity. You make it difficult for him to thrust in and out when you clench this tightly around him. Leon doesn't mind, he'll gladly fuck you roughly if given the chance. He loves to hear the way you babble nonsense, he loves to watch drool drip out of your mouth. Daddy loves you. That's the last thing he says before he cums.
When Leon has his second orgasm of the night, he feels like he’s about to blackout, and it takes every bit of his strength to not fall over and crush you. He can barely pay attention to you, so he only notices your orgasm when he feels your walls pulsating around him, making him cum harder - something that would’ve seemed impossible mere seconds ago. 
When his back hits the mattress, he doesn’t say anything, and after a moment, you place your hand on his chest, worried you might have given him a heart attack. 
“Are you okay, daddy?”
“Besides the fact that I can’t feel my dick anymore? Yeah, I’m good, very, very good.” 
Leon is quiet for long enough that you think he might’ve dozed off until he says, “You know, I think I was wrong.”
“About what?”
“Taking you with me was a great idea.”
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xiao-come-home · 2 years
How Genshin men wake up with you;
and spend their morning with you.
✰ Characters: Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli, Xiao, Itto, Ayato, Kazuha, Dainsleif, Alhaitham.
✰ Words: ~3,5k.
✰ SFW ; gn!reader, no mentions of pronouns. fluff.
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Warnings: a lot of physical touch and kisses, reader is implied to have hair, ayato is a bit sus, kazu deserves the world, alhaitham makes kavehs life a bit difficult by choice. msg me to add more.
A/N: this is a sequel to How Genshin men sleep with you post, with two new characters added cuz it was fun to write :') a lot of alhaitham's morning routine is assumed because usually, id try to base it off canon, so yeah ;3;
Kamisato Ayato:
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as the Yashiro commissioner, he has to wake up pretty early. but... there's only one problem - Ayato hates it with passion. poor Thoma used to shake him awake every 15 minutes, at least three times. ayato would just swat his hands away, press his face into the pillow and sigh loudly, promising Thoma to get up in a few minutes. (he didn't)
now that you're living with your boyfriend, you share the same bed. which means a few things - he clings to you the entire night, your limbs are tangled together in the morning, and now you're the one in charge of getting him out of bed (Thoma almost cried in happiness). he annoyingly turns off the screaming alarm and snuggles back into you.
he has a habit of, quite literally - squishing his cheek against yours as he lies next to you. he also likes to nuzzle into your neck and grip you like a monkey that found the last banana in its vicinity. he hums at you and lies down with his eyes closed if you ask him questions or say anything. you can tell by the tone he hums with whether he agrees on something or not, but generally, that keeps him enough busy not to fall asleep again.
i can't stress this enough, he's ALL over you. if he's in his "cheek-against-cheek" mode, he literally cradles your other one with his palm. if his face is in your neck and you lie on your back, his fingers are intertwined with yours. the more awake he is, the more kisses are being placed by his lips.
he definitely requests breakfast in bed. at this point he's cuddled enough, so now he wants to feed you. literally. he picks up the food skillfully with his favorite chopsticks and carefully brings it to your mouth, "open up my love," he speaks in his usual, soft-spoken tone, but it's clear his morning voice is still there. "that's it, you're so good for me. is it good? would you like some more?" hmm..
just so you know: he wants you to feed him too and will pout and threaten (playfully) to go back to sleep if you don't. since he likes to sleep more, there aren't many activities you share in the morning; as a result, he cherishes the morning snuggle and sharing your first meal together a lot. Ayato is always curious to hear about your upcoming plans for the day - but he won't say no to lighthearted conversations either. he just really wants to hear your voice.
Arataki Itto:
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listen. he either sleeps until 6am or 1pm. there's no in-between, sometimes he stays up all night or falls asleep on your lap on the couch as soon as he comes back home. no, he won't move.
it's hard to say whether he's a morning person - but probably not; he whines a lot into your hair when he has to wake up early and hasn't rested enough, babbling how dark it is outside and that you're too warm to let go of.
speaking of, he holds onto you in the mornings like his life depends on it - you have to work? no, no, no - just stay for a while longer, while he smushes your face right into his... um, prominent chest. you feel the warmth of his bare skin, his chin on top of your head, his large hands drawing invisible patterns of stars, clouds, or hearts under your pajama t-shirt; he sneaks a few kisses on your hair, humming in contentment when he feels you hug him back with your arm over his own hip.
he's totally willing to make you a nice meal before work though, and wake up earlier in the process. most of the time it ends up in absolute disaster and him taking twice as much time to clean it up. but... if you decide to make breakfast together, itto can actually cook up a nice meal (with "a little of your help"). while the preparations are done and the meal is almost ready to be served, the oni hugs you from behind and sways a little from side to side, nuzzling into your neck drowsily and trying not to drool on you.
generally, he's very touchy after waking up (as you can probably guess by now), so he wants to accompany you everywhere before you have to leave. he'll cuddle you before leaving the sheets, link your pinkies when you wait for the water to boil, go showering together, have his hand on your thigh if you do your makeup, attempt to help you with your makeup which might end up in very interesting results, and trying to mischievously steal some kisses just as you're about to leave.
Itto's hands cup your cheeks gently and he flashes you a boyish smirk; he leans in and connects your lips, purring as some of his unruly hair falls onto your shoulders. he always claims he "just wants to give his little sunshine a good luck kiss for the day," but in reality, he just wants to feel you real good before you depart for today. also, he really likes flavored lip glosses, and you keep buying them, so it's not his fault for giving in to your "devilish temptations"
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the bed is an absolute mess. the pillows are everywhere, his part of the duvet is barely covering him from the stomach down, and probably, he has one of his arms on your face.
it takes a while for him to fully wake up; once he opens his eyes just barely enough to see, he scans the room to make sure you're near him - and then he either gets up or decides to snuggle up to you, kiss your temple and go back to sleep for a bit more.
if it's a work day, he uses all his willpower (read: 30 alarms) to wake up earlier and just admire you. he likes to big spoon you and have his arm over your hip, gently grazing your hand with the pads of his fingers; Kaeya just can't get enough of the smell of your shampoo, of your warmth, of your presence.
before properly getting out of bed, he hovers above your sleeping form - it gives him butterflies to see you so peaceful; therefore, he always bends down and places a few butterfly kisses on your cheek with his pretty lashes. he chuckles lightly when he sees you stir in your sleep because of the interaction, so he gives your cheek a proper kiss and (unwillingly) leaves the warm bed.
just so you know - he WILL attempt to get in your pants if he has a day off. Kaeya's hands start to wander automatically as he kisses you awake (or at least attempts to), and if he feels like a little shiet enough - he might place his cold feet on your legs to help you wake up and have some fun! :)
you might need reinforcements if he doesn't wanna get up in winter when it's cold. Kaeya clings to the duvet like he's about to meet the grim reaper himself.
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he has a routine that he strictly follows - but at the same time, he's an expert at being quiet and letting you sleep. he takes his time getting dressed up though - he can't help but cheat a bit and watch you snore.
even if it's his day off, he still wakes up earlier than you. but there's a catch - he then leaves your shared bed for a moment to greet his maids and order them to make you a mix of your and his favorites for breakfast. he doesn't want to wake you up, but he really wants to talk with you again - so he might do that with that precious scent of freshly prepared food..
an absolute sucker for playing with your hair in the morning. he runs his fingers through your hair in the gentlest way possible, shifting closer to you and pressing a sweet, warm kiss on your forehead that he lets to linger for a bit longer.
likewise, when you play with his hair to wake HIM up - he might just feel his heart explode and shed a few happy tears. he's never believed there will be a day he meets an angel like you, even more so that graces him with such affection, sincere affection that makes your eyes sparkle.
Diluc leaves you his t-shirt he sleeps in just before going to Angel's Share - it smells like his body wash with a little bit of his natural scent. He usually takes it off in the middle of the night anyway, finding himself to feel a bit too hot for his liking.
Either way, you love cuddling with it. He's not there physically, but it's a reminder that he made it safely and spent the remaining hours of the night next to you.
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he also has his own routine! he wakes up as soon as the sun begins to rise, quietly walking to the kitchen and carefully making a cup of tea for himself. he drinks his tea slowly, shuddering at the taste; his taste buds overflown with the right combination of spices. he finishes his drink just in the right time - it's time to wake you up now.
Zhongli sits on the bed and brushes some of your hair behind your ear; he kisses your forehead and begins to mumble good morning to you. He smiles at you and caresses your cheek with his thumb when he sees you trying to convince him to get just 5 more minutes.
while you finally get up and groggily change your clothes, he goes to prepare your favorite drink, be it tea, coffee, or anything else. he likes to put some mild spices in it to make your usual drink feel a bit more special and surprising. if you can't handle spices, that's fine! instead, he can give you a small snack :)
he really, really wants to brush your hair and vice versa. it's probably one of his favorite morning activities. he's trying his best not to pull your hair and if he does, he places an apologetic kiss on the crown of your hair. he'd be even happier if you let him style your hair, going to the garden or a flower shop nearby and decorating it with small flowers.
but... if you persuade him to get back to bed, he'll oblige. though, in return, you can't fall back asleep - he keeps you awake by asking you if you had any dreams or nightmares, to tell him about them, or what you'd like to eat.
he asks you to do his makeup! Zhongli's perfectly able to do it himself, but he loves seeing how focused you are on the given task, the corners of his lips going up when he hears you curse under your breath, trying to suppress his laugh.
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a morning bird (ha!) just like Zhongli, but he has no routine... unless killing demons counts as one. considering this, he usually isn't around when you wake up :( (not that he sleeps anyway.. 90% of the time.)
however, all it takes to make him appear is to call his name - Xiao never misses it and always prioritizes you first. he might roll his eyes if you call him "just" to lie in bed with you. but it's fine - he "berates" you (not really) while almost spooning you.
there are some rare mornings shared together with Xiao, though; he says he has to watch you to keep you safe and hopes that you won't question the excuse any further, but you know it's something else. After all, his hands covering the rosy cheeks seem to give everything away.
in reality, Xiao's cold heart gets well-deserved warmth whenever he sees you sleep. of course he still wants to protect you, but realizing how much trust you have in him to fall asleep without second thoughts is more than anything he could ever want. he smiles, eyebrows knitting together ever so slightly when he pecks your face all over; his kisses are quick and chaste. even though you can't really feel this now, you know his lips leave a tingling sensation.
he lets you sleep a bit longer on his bare hand and doesn't care if it falls asleep. he's so mesmerized by your faith in him that he just does not care. even as simple as it sounds.
when the tiredness gets the best of him, the next morning you find him breathing steadily next to you. you don't wake him up though, probably because as soon as you'd do that, he's gone off to fight the evil. give him a blanket and prepare a plate of almond tofu - the disbelief on his face quickly turns into adoration, accepting the meal and savoring every bite. after he's done, he kisses your knuckles and whispers "I love you" against your skin.
Kaedehara Kazuha:
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yet another person who wakes up extremely early. he opens his eyes slowly, blinking a few times to get used to the light; his crimson orbs scan the environment, and his face lights up when there's no danger around. he stretches his arms to shake off the remains of sleepiness and presses a good morning kiss on your shoulder.
he later decides to hunt or fish for fresh meat - depends on what you like more, but he'd be overjoyed if you let him do his signature dish! he doesn't go far, just enough to still keep an eye on you. don't worry - he's also prepared if you don't eat meat at all! he's more than happy to learn recipes to accommodate and just to simply make you smile more.
he starts a small fire nearby your sleeping form, the distance is enough to make you feel warm, but not enough to possibly hurt you. the crackling of fire wakes you up, along with the delicious smell of Kazuha's cooking. when he notices you slowly awakening, his mouth curves into a smile; he shifts next to you and kisses your nose.
he's trying to fight the grin creeping on his face every time you enjoy his food. really, that's why he does that every time you're traveling together. also, by this point - he still has a massive bed hair. please brush his hair in return. and braid it too - he'll touch the finished piece with a blush on his face and shyly thank you for being so kind to him.
also! he trusts you a lot and lets you change his bandage every morning. particular spots hurt more than the others and Kazu tries not to show his pain; but seeing how much care you're putting into it, disinfecting it, and kissing the pain away when he winces - the love stored in his heart makes the relief appear faster.
he ALWAYS makes sure you're all warm and comfy, especially in winter. Kazu covers you entirely with a thick blanket from his bag, the sole item in it during your shared travels. he's also willing to stay cuddled up together for a bit longer when he notices the snowfall outside. his warm breath fans over your neck as his arm over your waist tightens and brings you closer to him.
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again, another morning person - but slightly less by choice. as soon as Dainsleif shoots open his eyes, he tries to calm down his racing heart; he lets out a sigh of relief when his indigo eyes notice you sound asleep.
he smiles shyly at your intertwined hands. he brings them closer to his face, pressing a sweet kiss on each of your knuckles, careful not to wake you up and give you a bit more time to rest.
even though you've expressed multiple times that you hate it - Dain can't stop guarding you right after awakening himself. He won't get back to sleep no matter what, keeping an eye out on the possible danger. He's aware that you don't like it - but he can't let anything happen to you, not even a scratch if he's nearby. You're everything he has left. He's lost everything else and despite being aware of the strength that gods possess, he's willing to cross blades with them if it meant extending your life more in return.
he always shifts your resting body on his - sometimes just your head on his lap so you can sleep a bit more comfortably, or entirely, so he keeps you secure between his legs, using his chest as a pillow and having his arms wrapped around you tightly.
"Good morning, my star. How was your sleep? Did you have any pleasant dreams?" is his daily mantra he says when he sees you arise. Next, Dain caresses your lips with his own in a tender kiss. if you decide that you feel cheesy that morning, answer something along these lines: "it seems like I haven't awoken from my pleasant dream yet." his cheeks will flush cherry red, hand flying to cover the blush immediately; even if you can't see it, you know it worked. it always does.
Dainsleif might not be kazuha-tier when it comes to cooking, so he prefers to take you to various taverns for your first meal if it's possible (yes, he's in mom-mode when it comes to breakfast and won't stop until you eat, because "breakfast must not be skipped. it's the most important meal!"). however, when that option isn't available, he prepares you a meal himself. some recipes are long forgotten, they taste like nothing else you've eaten before - they taste bizarre at first, but later on dain finally hits the jackpot and discovers your favorite. while your stomach gets filled with khaenri'ahn delicacies, his chest almost suffocates with the warmth and he watches you with twinkling eyes and the most tender smile.
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this man. he ZOOMS out of bed as soon as the alarm rings. immediately puts on half of his clothes. when he's about to leave the room... he comes back near the bed, gives you a quick kiss on the forehead, and then moves to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee and your favorite drink.
he really wants to avoid Kaveh. he will NOT deal with him in the morning, nuh uh. unless he can make his day a bit worse than Kaveh anticipates...
either way, he lets you sleep 20 more minutes. the exact moment the clock on his wall hits 7:20am, he returns to your shared room and gently shakes you to wake you up. if you don't comply, he just takes you bridal style to the kitchen and sits you on his lap, regardless of whether you still sleep.
he loves pressing you tightly to his chest, inhaling the fresh scent of your laundry detergent and your own, natural one; he hides his face in your neck, closing his eyes. his lips connect with your neck and leave a trail of kisses, while his defined arm tightens around your waist. perhaps that will wake you up?
hearing Kaveh entering the kitchen and greeting you (and mumbling something to him too, but clearly not genuine) he looks at him with a slight annoyance. Kaveh merely lets out a "hmph" sound, clearly unaware of what Alhaitham is about to do. the scribe locks eyes with him shortly before going back to kissing your neck, but this time marking you; the obscene noises cause you to immediately awaken if you haven't, and Kaveh storming out of the room with a blush, muttering curses under his breath. Alhaitham only chuckles as you turn your head to face him, "good morning, love. you've finally woken up. we have to leave soon, so hurry up and drink it before it gets cold like last time."
on his day off, his day starts similarly - he wakes up a bit later though, but still needs his morning coffee. with the steaming drink on his nightstand, he joins you back below the cozy sheets, sitting down with his back against the headboard. he glances at you one last time and kisses your lips ever so slightly, the touch so tender that you barely register it; then, his eyes are glued to the book in hand he's been reading for a few days. if you wish, he'll gladly have you between his legs and let you snore on his chest - you don't even have to say a thing - he automatically rises his arm and waits for you to move without moving his eyes from the book. once you've settled comfortably, he pulls up the duvet and puts his chin on your head (and occasionally rubs your back gently, but denies it. even if you catch him. every time).
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hoonnieyyz · 3 months
↳ ❝ I Wanna Be Yours ❞
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↳ Pairing: work enemy!Jay x fem!reader
↳ Genre: fluff;
↳ Warnings: reader is claustrophobic, petnames (princess, sweetheart), they're stuck in an elevator, whipped jay, enemies to ??;
↳ W/c: 0.881k;
↳ A/n: likes, comments, reblogs, feedback are all deeply appretiaced! Hope y'all enjoy<3
↳ Now playing:
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You don't know what's worse, having claustrophobia and being stuck in an elevator, or having claustrophobia and being stuck in an elevator with your enemy, who was currently hugging you tight to calm you down.
They're both really bad to be honest, but in this situation, the latter was worse.
You don't really know how you got yourself in this situation, but you knew that you wanted to be out from it in an instant.
It was supposed to be a casual ride up a few stories to the headquarters floor, when you saw him, Park Jongseong.
He was in a rush, walking towards the elevator door with long, fast strides.
The door was closing, and with your constant slamming of fingers on the close button, he was not gonna make it.
Well, at least you thought so, because the moment you heaved a sigh of relief, his hand flew between the doors, squeezing himself in.
“Thanks for helping me,” he remarked sarcastically, making you scoff.
You took a few steps back, distancing yourself from him, making him chuckle.
You looked down on your watch, 15:06, was this elevator always this slow that you needed four minutes to go up from second floor to the eleventh? Or was it that with him in the elevator the time just slowed down?
Tapping your foot impatiently, you prayed to the elevator doors to open anytime now, but they didn't.
Instead, the numbers on top of the door stopped on the 9th floor…?
“Did you press a button?” you quickly turned towards jay, pointing towards the buttons.
“Are you actually that dumb or do you just act like one?” he tilted his head to the side, smirking, “the number panel is on your side, how would I press one if I haven't moved from my spot ever since I entered the elevator?”
“Whatever, it's gonna go up in a few so,” you turned your back on him, clutching your documents tightly in your arms.
Two minutes passed, five minutes passed, even ten minutes passed, but still nothing.
“Why isn't this stupid thing going up?!” marching towards the number panel, you pressed every button you possibly could, after every press looking up at the screen, praying for the number to change, but again, nothing.
“You're gonna make it worse,” you heard from beside you, “we're stuck in here, deal with it.”
“No! We're not! The help will be here in a few minutes and get us out of here,” you argued, turning away from him to a corner.
“Believe what you want, sweetheart.”
You didn’t say anything after that, which was kinda strange since you always retorted when he called you any kind of petnames.
After another few minutes of nothing happening, you could feel your claustrophobia kicking in.
It was hot in the elevator, like way to hot, you pressed your back against the wall, staring up at the ceiling.
“Are you okay?” jay asked, noticing your discomfort.
You just nodded, shutting your eyes tightly.
You could feel the walls closing in on you, the heavy weight pressing down on your chest.
“Hey, are you okay? I'm being serious,” he placed a hand on your shoulder, turning your body towards him.
“I-I'm c-claustrophobic,” you finally mumbled out in between deep breaths, “are we gonna fall?”
“No, we're not.”
“What if the elevator falls? Oh my gosh, I'm gonna die,” you panicked, unconsciously gripping his shoulders with your hands.
“We're not gonna die, because the elevator is not falling,” he cupped your face, making you look up at him, “understood?”
“But-" “No buts, we're gonna be fine.”
He suddenly pulled you into a tight hug, you too, buried your face in his chest, sighing out in a bit of a relief that the hug gave you.
Why were you and jay enemies in the first place?
He always picked on you, like a boy would do to a girl in the kindergarten, when he had a crush on her.
But jay most definetely didn’t have a crush on you, he was just an annoying guy from work you'd tell your friends about over a can of beer.
“Calm down, princess, everything's alright,” did he always have a nice voice like that? Or was it just because you were having a panic attack?
Yeah, definitely the latter one.
You can't really tell how long you two were in that position, with your head against his shoulder, and hands wrapped around his neck.
But you knew that his gentle caress on your waist was calming you down faster than you thought.
There was a sudden bang against the elevator doors, startling you.
“The help is here! We'll get you out in a few!” you heard from one of the workers.
Finally breathing a sigh of relief, you tried to pull away from jay, but he wouldn't let you.
“Jay, I'm fine, let go,” you tried to shook away his tight grasp but he just pulled you in even closer.
“Let's just stay like this, I finally have you close to me, I can't let the opportunity slip away,” he said, landing a soft kiss on your forehead, leaving you as confused as ever.
What did he mean by that?
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perseephoneee · 5 months
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↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ 1k celebration
last updated: 04/15/2024
↳ as a writer, i'm always consuming things about my favs, and i thought it was time to share some of my favorites. every story here has likely been reread by moi a million times. also-- my psyche can be easily viewed by how many stories are under one individuals *cries*
every headcanon from @via-l0ve
her boys @octoberclidan. (tfw)
dances with team free will @octoberclidan
cruel summer (18+) @waynes-multiverse
ladies with experience (18+) @hintsofhoney
dean reads you wrong @zepskies
she's my siren (18+) @fatecantstopme
smoke eater (series) @zepskies
a taste of summer @impala-dreamer
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ CASTIEL
dreaming (18+) @impala-dreamer
beautiful to me @impala-dreamer
angel alpha (18+) @crashdevlin
i'll watch over you @octoberclidan
if you will have me, i'm yours (18+) @gilverrwrites
neckties @supernaturalfreewill
love, by any other name @zepskies
peculiar @supernaturalfreewill
because of books @supernaturalfreewill
last night on earth (18+) @hollybell51
don't bet on it (18+) @hollybell51
his charge (18+) @impala-dreamer
sharing is caring (III) @zepskies
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ ISAAC LAHEY
sick reader @smellslikemultifandomimagines
aftercare @smellslikemultifandomimagines
hidden with isaac @scoopsahoy
mutual losing (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
facesitting (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
cruel summer @hotdogwillex
come back to me @hotdogwillex
cold feet, warm bodies (18+) @scoopsahoy
i'm gonna kiss you now @sourwulf
drunken confessions @teenwolffan-with-nolife
dream @rogershoe
fratboy!isaac (18+) (all time fav) @mermaidenisaacs
teaches you to kiss (18+) @mermaidenisaacs
prove me wrong (18+) @twjournals
dating the mikaelsons @wholoveseggs
hold (18+) @wholoveseggs
extra-extraordinary (18+) @wholoveseggs
blood bath (18+) @wholoveseggs
warmth (18+) @wholoveseggs
the result of naps @fitzs-trained-monkey
she knew better (18+) @klausysworld
distracted @theeoriginals
you bring me home @theeoriginals
sharp (18+) @theeoriginals
christmas khaos @wholoveseggs
goodnight kisses @kmikaelsonimagines
frustrations (18+) @madhatterbri
thigh socks (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
proposal @kmikaelsonimagines
Christmas in dixie @fitzs-trained-monkey
bruised and battered @fitzs-trained-monkey
shots @so-long-soldier-writes
little favors @fitzs-trained-monkey
of ice skates and sugar cookies @fitzs-trained-monkey
ten minute blood stain removal @fitzs-trained-monkey
like a box of chocolates @fitzs-trained-monkey
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ KAI PARKER
for my valentine (18+) @babeydollx
lace (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
game on (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
kisses @socio-kai-path1972
why? @socio-kai-path1972
affinity romance (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
is it hot in here? (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
party crasher (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
sex tea (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
say it again (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the red means (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the price of hatred (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
spoiled (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
birthday girl (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JIM KIRK/BONES
a well documented debacle @mybullshitsensesaretingling
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ PAVEL CHEKOV
sweatpants @youre-on-a-starship
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ LOKI
reformed villain squad @give-me-a-moose
overtime (18+) @cleo-fox
loki's happy ending @gingerwritess
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ BUCKY BARNES
graveyard @wkemeup
red flags (18+) @astroboots
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ FINNICK O'DAIR
oral headcanon (18+) @lucilleslore
darling and the virgin (18+) @wife-of-all-dilfs
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JAMIE TARTT
chilly cheeks @veryberryjelly
about you @buckychristwrites
saved you a seat @benedictscanvas
operation: tartt's heart @theowritesstuff
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ TENTH DOCTOR
family christmas @writerlyhabits
gestures and evasion @doctenwho
before you go @doctorslove
falling in love again @doctorslove
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ SPENCER REID
virgin!spence (18+) @fortheloveofwonderland
i'd bottle the feelings you gave me @spencersfunkysocks
all the women he's loved before @fortheloveofwonderland
a helping hand (18+) @sinfulspencer
second date @samuel-de-champagne-problems
preciously pure (18+) @foxy-eva
two ships passing in the night @hairringtonsteve
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