#1970s lyrics
mememusical · 6 months
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Starters
"This Jesus Must Die"
Locations & names have been removed, so make sure to fill them in! Swap pronouns as necessary!
Good (name), the Council waits for you.
Ah, gentlemen, you know why we are here.
We've not much time, and quite a problem here.
Listen to that howling mob of blockheads in the street.
The whole town's on its feet.
He is dangerous!
A rabble-rousing mission that I think we must abort.
Look, (name), they're right outside our yard!
No, wait!
We need a more permanent solution to our problem.
What then to do about (name) of (place)?
No riots, no army, no fighting, slogans.
One thing I'll say for him, (name) is cool.
We dare not leave him to his own devices.
His half-witted fans will get out of control.
How can we stop him?
His glamour increases by leaps every minute.
He's top of the pole.
I see bad things arising!
I see blood and destruction!
Our elimination because of one man.
Blood and destruction because of one man.
Where do we start with a man who is bigger than (name)?
Fools, you have no perception!
The stakes we are gambling are frighteningly high!
We must crush him completely!
So like (name), this (person) must die!
For the sake of the nation, this (name) must die!
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musicalfilm · 2 years
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Chaim Topol (September 9, 1935 – March 8, 2023)
May his memory be a blessing.
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Blowing Smoke
A Jegulus song lyric one shot. I'm trying a new layout so lmk what you think! Guys this actually came to me like a fever dream.
wc: 1042 // @jegulus-microfic
Regulus isn't stupid. He sees it, all of it. He sees how she looks at James and how James looks back at her. It wasn't enough for him to have Regulus because you always chase the things you only get a taste of. This too, Regulus knows all too well. He stays hidden in the astronomy tower, behind tapestries, and alcoves in the dark. She can be loved out loud, in the common room, in the great hall, in the daylight. Today is the end day. Regulus plays the part of executioner and guilty both. He knows that to love something is to lose it too. That does not make this easier. 
James crashes through the door of the tower, rumpled and blushing. He was always loud, always the centre of attention. His eyes land on Regulus, and just for a second, Regulus stills. He can't keep this, but god, how he wants to. Maybe he never even had it, but there's something there, just not worth playing second for. James carries that boyish smile, the one reserved only for Regulus, but it's too late. A sacrifice is only a sacrifice once the blood is drawn. 
"Tell me, is she prettier than she was on the internet?" Regulus' face shifts into indifference. No preamble, no games. He is still a Black at the end of the day. 
"Reg, what are you talking about?" James shifts uncomfortably. He knew this was coming. Not this soon though, he pleads, not right now. 
"Are your conversations cool, like are you even interested?" Regulus stands, leaning against the railing of the tower. His arms sit crossed over his chest, less to be intimidating, and more to keep his heart where it should be. His tone is light, conversational almost. 
"This is about Lily." James' voice is toneless, his eyes immediately dull. Not now. Not now. 
"Who else, James, who else?" 
In any other scenario, you just might have been able to convince Regulus he was wrong, that James was just trying to protect them both. Maybe he would've believed that a year of hiding was worth it, that kissing in cupboards and avoiding eye contact in the dinner hall was just the way it should be. But Regulus will not be an object of shame outside of his home, he won't drag that ignominy behind him when he doesn't have to. 
"She's my friend." His eyes narrow. "I'm not going to avoid her just because she makes you insecure." James isn't an argumentative person. In fact, he's a talker, a placater, and so he can't quite figure out why defending Lily comes to him so easily. 
"I know what you are, brighter than the stars." Now Regulus' voice is pure mockery, just so he can see how far James flinches. "Did you mean that then?"
"That was a private conversation. Who even told you about that?"
"I don't think me finding out is the issue here."
"She was upset, she's got so much going-"
"And me, James? How much have I got going on?" Now Regulus promised himself to stay put together, but this, this is his frailty. Too emotional, too expressive when it counts the least. "I'm your dirty little secret because Sirius wouldn't be able to handle sharing. I'm one wrong step away from my parents beating me half to death. So tell me." 
"Tell me what the fuck is so awful in her life you just had to recycle the same line you used on me?"
James is quiet, chest heaving. He can feel curls sticking to the nape of his neck from sweat. How could he choose? How could Regulus make him. The silence was crackling like it was electrified. A blush crept up Regulus' cheeks. He looked younger in that moment, and something tugs at James' chest, but a callow face does not mean weakness. 
"Tell me if she takes you far." And James knows exactly what Regulus means. Even through his derisive tone, Regulus had something that kept James grounded, something that kept him tethered. And he hates it. 
"Far away from you." James is angry now, but he can't quite tell who it's at. "Far enough away from all the baggage you've been carrying." His head is a mess, and the only person who could help won't. Who the fuck does Regulus think he is? What the fuck has he done?
"My baggage? Oh, you're funny, Potter. Go on, run away again." Regulus' tone is harsh, derisive. "Up another hill to all the girls who'll help you bury it."
"Oh, fuck off Regulus. Back to surnames? Really? Can't we just talk?"
"About what? The lying? The running? The hiding? No, we can't fucking talk. Grow up."
"Baby Black, so insecure, so naive." James' words are trite to Regulus. "And the girls? What fucking girls? How could I when you're always just behind me?"
"Apparently that still didn't stop you." A flicker of hurt runs through Regulus, but he tamps it down. 
"You know nothing about me. You don't understand. I have a reputation. Everyone thinks I'm single, and Lily's just there. What do you want me to do when I'm constantly pushed in her way?" James is bright red and the air is cloying. His head is buzzing, and he just wants it to stop. "Everyone expects me to be put together, to get the girl, to be cool and funny, and attractive. I thought you'd get it."
"They're just blowing smoke," Regulus smiles, except it's not a smile at all. "I'll say what they won't." It's a realisation. Regulus knows that despite everything, despite being James' dirty little secret, he still has one thing James doesn't. 
James told Regulus the truth, everything. Every false laugh. Every tired smile. Every sleepless night. 
And James knows it too. 
"Reg, wait. Stop. Please." His hand reaches for Regulus, but he just misses, brushing the cuff of his jumper. 
"I know everything they don't." Regulus' footsteps echo all the way down the stairs. 
And for the first time in his life, James feels something bubbling up in his chest. A subtle burning that felt like agony. 
For the first time in his life, James Potter couldn't have the thing he wanted most.
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poprocklyrics · 11 months
Time cast a spell on you, but you won’t forget me. I know I could have loved you, but you would not let me. I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you.
Silver Springs, Fleetwood Mac
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victusinveritas · 1 year
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sweetdreamsjeff · 5 months
The poetry that inspired Jeff Buckley
Aimee Ferrier
Sun 1 October 2023 21:15, UK
Voices as incredible as the one belonging to Jeff Buckley don’t come around too often. Unfortunately, after releasing one record, Grace, Buckley, with all his potential, was taken away too soon. At the age of 30, the singer went for a swim from which he never returned, drowning in the Mississippi River.
Yet, his legacy lives on as one of the most influential artists to emerge from the 1990s, and his music is widely celebrated today for its emotional and lyrical complexity. Not only did Buckley possess an otherworldly voice, but he was also an extremely gifted guitar player and writer, with all his talents combining to create a masterful body of work.
Even when Buckley was covering other artists’ songs, such as ‘Lilac Wine’, ‘The Other Woman’ and ‘Hallelujah’, he imbued the pieces with his own distinctive style. Yet, his penchant for covers wasn’t a reflection of an aversion to writing. Buckley knew how to pen a stunningly poetic track, with songs like ‘Lover, You Should’ve Come Over’ and ‘Morning Theft’ suggesting that even if Buckley didn’t have the vocal pipes he was gifted with, he’d get by just fine as a writer.
Buckley took inspiration from many different writers and musicians when writing his own songs. Musically, Buckley looked back to folk artists like Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and, of course, his own father, Tim Buckley, from whom he was estranged. Elsewhere, he loved the work of Pakistani singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, the rich tones of Nina Simone, and Led Zeppelin, calling Robert Plant “my man”.
However, when it came to his literary inspirations, Buckley had an extensive book collection, which he no doubt looked to for ideas when writing his lyrics. He owned a lot of poetry, with Rainer Maria Rilke proving to be a particular favourite. Not only did Buckley own Dunio Elegies, Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations Poems from the Book of Hours, but he also owned his epistolary collection Letters to a Young Poet.
Buckley was also a fan of the classic American poet Walt Whitman, owning Leaves of Grass and From the Soil. Of course, no poetry collection is complete without copies of Arthur Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell and Illuminations, alongside some Charles Baudelaire – Buckley-owned Paris Spleen. The singer also owned the Selected Poems of confessional poet Anne Sexton and modernist writer T.S Eliot.
Check out Buckley’s complete poetry collection below.
The poetry that inspired Jeff Buckley:
Dunio Elegies – Rainer Maria Rilke
Poems from the Book of Hours – Rilke
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations – Rilke
Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman
From This Soil – Whitman
The Odyssey – Homer
Early Work, 1970-1979 – Patti Smith
You Get So Alone at Times That it Just Makes Sense – Charles Bukowski
Selected Poems of Ezra Pound
The Complete Lyrics – Hank Williams
A Haiku Journey: Basho’s Narrow Road to a Far Province – Matsuo Basho
Paris Spleen – Charles Baudelaire
The Captain’s Verses – Pablo Neruda
Selected Poems – T.S. Eliot
A Season in Hell and Illuminations – Arthur Rimbaud
Writing and Drawings – Bob Dylan
Ode to Walt Whitman – Federico Garcia Lorca
New Poems: 1962 – Robert Graves
Fear of Dreaming: The Selected Poems – Jim Carroll
Selected Poems of Anne Sexton – Anne Sexton
Selected Poems – John Shaw Neilson
Selected Poems: Summer Knowledge – Demore Schwartz
The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara – Frank O’Hara
Poems – Pier Paolo Pasolini
Space: And Other Poems – Eliot Katz
Tim Buckley Lyrics
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pinkfloydhq · 8 months
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Roger Waters playing guitar in Pompeii. 🎧
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I really like the part in "Hot Dog" when Fred Durst said Fuck.
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urbadmami · 11 months
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reengineeredluminary · 2 months
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"I wish I could have known enough of love, to leave love enough alone .. "
Lyrics: Doug Ashdown 1978
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mememusical · 6 months
Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Starters
"Heaven On Their Minds"
Locations & names have been removed, so make sure to fill them in! Swap pronouns as necessary!
My mind is clearer now.
I can see where we all soon will be.
You've started to believe the things they say of you.
All the good you've done will soon get swept away.
You've begun to matter more than the things you say.
Listen, ______, I don't like what I see.
All I ask is that you listen to me.
"I've been your right hand (man) all along."
You have set them all on fire...
They'll hurt you when they find they're wrong.
I remember when this whole thing began.
And believe me, my admiration for you hasn't died.
Every word you say today, gets twisted round some other way.
They'll hurt you if they think you've lied.
Don't you see we must keep in our place.
We are occupied.
Have you forgotten how put down we are?
I am frightened by the crowd.
They'll crush us if we go too far.
Listen ____ to the warning I give!
Please remember that I want us to live!
Your followers are blind.
It was beautiful but now it's sour.
He won't listen to me!
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quadrophenia lyrics I unfortunately find kinda relatable.
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sovietpostcards · 2 years
“The Crystal Glass House” by Vladimir Vysotsky (1974)
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poprocklyrics · 3 months
Funny how the pages turn and hold us in between
Some Day One Day, Queen
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breezingby · 1 month
Grand Funk Railroad ~ I'm Your Captain
~ ♫♪♫ ~
Everybody, listen to me And return me my ship I'm your captain, I'm your captain Though I'm feeling mighty sick
I've been lost now, days uncounted And it's months since I've seen home Can you hear me, can you hear me? Or am I all alone?
If you return me to my home port I will kiss you, Mother Earth Take me back now, take me back now To the port of my birth
~ ♫♪♫ ~
Am I in my cabin dreaming, or are you really scheming To take my ship away from me? You'd better think about it, I just can't live without it So, please don't take my ship from me Yeah, yeah, yeah
~ ♫♪♫ ~
I can feel the hand of a stranger And it's tightening around my throat Heaven help me, Heaven help me Take this stranger from my boat
I'm your captain, I'm your captain Though I'm feeling mighty sick Everybody listen to me And return me my ship
I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I'm your captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I'm your Captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I'm your Captain, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm getting closer to my home I'm getting closer to my home I'm getting closer to my home I'm getting closer to my Home, ooh
~ ♫♪♫♪♫ ~
I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~
I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~
I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~
I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~
I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~
I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~ I'm getting closer to my home ~
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transgender-lyrics · 6 months
What are you, in love with your problems? I think you take it a little too far It's not so cool to have so many problems But don't expect me to explain your indecisions
-Talking Heads, "No Compassion" off Talking Heads: 77
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