#3 person tickle fight
trashyswitch · 1 year
Luigi's Secret
Chapter 2: 2 Plumbers Vs The Princess
Mario tells Peach all about their morning after work, and it ends up resulting in a big tickle fight between the three. Who ends up winning? Let's find out!
CHAPTER 2 IS OUT BABY! And today's also my 15th adoption anniversary! Meaning today was the day I walked into the court room an orphan, and walked out of the court room with a forever family! So I wanna dedicate this fanfic to my parents, my brother, and my extended family and friends. It's insane how one single day can change everything. I love you all so much, and I look forward to many more years of love, fun and happiness.
After their silly morning, Luigi managed to get his phone back and read through the story. The truth was, the fanfic Mario was reading, happened to include a specific theme that Luigi was quite embarrassed about enjoying. Mario was already making fun of Luigi for reading fluffy, unrealistic stories…so if he found out about this specific theme, then…who knows how Mario would react! 
Luckily, Mario had stopped reading only a couple lines before the secret theme of the fanfic had been revealed to him. What was that theme exactly? 
Well…Tickling. Tickling was the theme. The story Luigi was reading was a tickle fanfiction. Or, tickle fanfic, as the internet usually shortened the basic concept so it was easy to say. While the story Mario read for the moment was about some Roman guy conjuring up cute puppies, the fanfic would change into a tickle fanfic later on, that involved too many puppies dog-piling Patton and tickling him to death. So the fact that Mario stopped reading before that, was a huge stroke of luck for Luigi. 
And before you ask, yes…tickle fanfics exist. Not only that, but there is a whole community of people (mostly teens and adults) who drew, wrote, and chatted about different characters being ticklish while coming up with realistic scenarios where tickling each other would be incorporated. 
This community was called the Tickle Community…because duh. 
And telling by what you saw this morning…Luigi was secretly a part of that community…and he would rather take this secret to his grave, then let his brother find out about this…as would almost everyone in this entire community. Everybody in this community had roughly the same mindset: READ MY MIND, and GIVE ME TICKLES. Because as much as everyone in this community wanted to have tickle fights, NO ONE WANTED TO BRING IT UP, OR ASK. Because judgment is the ultimate enemy. 
Like in every other community, there is slang they liked to use. Short forms of words that showed their preferences within the community. But there are 3 main slang words: Ticklee, Tickler, and switch. People in the community will often shorten two of these words. Ticklee to lee, and tickler to ler. Switch usually remains the same. 
A lee is a person who likes being tickled by others. They often enjoy different types of teases, and get highly embarrassed whenever people refer to tickling in any way. Even the word ‘tickle’ will make them burn up and cower in embarrassment…but this is just code for “Please tickle me I’ve been waiting my whole life for this”. Lees often imagine themselves being tickled by certain people they trust and love…and when tickling casually shows up in the media, lees are secretly wishing they could experience that same playfulness too…to the point where it affects them psychologically. Lees have 1 hyphenated word in common: Touch-starved. They are all touch-starved in one way or another. So if you see a lee in their natural habitat, consider getting to know them and helping them out…they may love you forever. 
A ler is a person that enjoys tickling others. They often enjoy coming up with fun teases and games to play with their lees. Lers often enjoy seeing their lees in giggly moods of embarrassment. They often find it endearing, cute, and funny all at the same time! Lers also seem to enjoy feeling like the one on top. For some reason, lers often represent themselves as a step up from lees...As if they had a leg up in the situation. Which…they kinda do? Let me explain: If you put the 3 words in a pyramid hierarchy, you will see that lers are always at the top of the pyramid. Switches are in the middle, and lees are at the bottom. However, the lees must always be treated with more respect than the lers, because of their position in the community…Because if it weren’t for lees, then the lers and the switches would be forever alone. So…thank your lees next time you see them. 
A switch is a person who switches between being the ler and being the lee. Most of the time, switches express their switching through percentages based on how often they are in lee moods, or ler moods. Example: 70% ler, 30% lee. They are in ler moods 70% of the time, and they are in lee moods the rest of the time. You often have to ask them what mood they are in, to determine what side they want to take. But lers must fear switches…because they can go from a cute little lee mood, to the ultimate ler mood in the flip of a switch. And using their experience in both leeing and lering, they can often put the most evil ler into a lee mood in a few minutes and change things up. The reality is, switches should be on the top of the pyramid, but they are not because they are too powerful to be given such responsibilities. Either way, never mess with a switch. 
Now Luigi…He would say that he is a switch. More specifically, 50% ler, 50% lee. Being the younger brother often meant he was usually the lee between the two brothers…but thanks to their height differences, Luigi has often changed roles. 
But thanks to his brother’s evil shenanigans this morning, Luigi was stuck in a never-ending lee mood…and he was NOT okay…
And to make things worse? Mario had decided to tell Princess Peach about their embarrassing morning. 
“And then- then the dude has the AUDACITY to tell me he’s ‘taller, and cooler, and therefore smarter’ than me! Like- He was just asking for it!” Mario reacted. 
“Mario…” Luigi groaned, covering his face in embarrassment. “What?! It’s true!” Mario added. 
Princess Peach giggled. “I mean…the ‘taller’ thing isn’t wrong…” Peach teased. 
Luigi raised his head up and gasped. “YES! See?! Peach gets it!” Luigi reacted, pointing to Peach. 
Mario narrowed his eyes. “Don’t even think about it, Princess.” Mario warned. 
“Why not, shorty? Think you’re strong enough to fight me?” Peach asked. 
Mario growled and rolled up his sleeves as he got closer to her. “You messed with the wrong plumber.” Mario warned again. 
Peach smirked and picked up Mario under the armpits. “Oh, I know not to mess with Luigi. That’s why I’m taking his side instead!” Peach declared as she wrapped her left arm around Mario’s middle. 
“HEY! PUT ME DO-OOOOOHOHOOO! WAHAHAHA! WAHAhahahait nohohoho!” Mario yelled, throwing his head back and cackling in her arms. 
“Awww, look at this! The other brother’s just as ticklish! Maybe even more!” Peach teased. 
Luigi chuckled and just watched the two of them for a moment. “Y-Yeah…He kinda is.” Luigi muttered. 
“But which side is more ticklish?” Peach asked as she wrapped both her arms around Mario. “This side?” She squeezed his right side. 
This earned her a squeak, followed by a fit of laughter from the boy. “STAHAhahahap! Leheheave mehehe alohohohone!” Mario reacted. 
“Or this side?” Peach squeezed his left side next. 
Mario kicked his feet and squeezed his eyes shut, trying and failing to cover up his face as giggles and laughter left his lungs. 
“Not so tough and mighty now, are you, Mario?” Peach teased. 
Luigi could quickly feel the blush just filling his own cheeks. And he himself wasn’t even the one being teased! And yet, his stupid mind was making him all blushy and embarrassed. Maybe this was his way of showing empathy for his brother? 
Or maybe this was…something else…
Luigi widened his eyes and shook himself out of his momentary trance. Mario was right! He should not just be standing here! “Hold on, Mario! Imma coming!” Luigi declared, running over. 
Peach looked behind her out of the corner of her eye. “You, so much as touch me, and I will tickle you even more than I’m tickling Mario at this moment.” Peach warned with a smirk. 
Luigi paused and thought for a moment. Now, any other person would choose not to help at that point…Cause who wants to face the punishment?! 
But Luigi…Luigi was not that type of guy. So Luigi resumed his run back up to Peach, and started tickling her sides. “I’ve gotcha now!” Luigi declared. 
Peach yelped and jolted up, dropping Mario in the process. Then, Peach turned to look at Luigi with shock. “Did you just-” 
Luigi quickly caught his brother and placed him down. “There you go, Mario.” Luigi told him. 
Mario was breathing somewhat heavily, but managed to get out a ‘thank you’ before patting his back. Luigi then turned around to face Peach, and crossed his arms with a smirk. “And yes. I just did, Princess.” Luigi declared. 
Peach smiled in both shock, and excitement. “Ohoho, I can now understand what Mario meant.” Peach reacted, wiggling her fingers at him. “You really ARE asking for it~” Peach teased. 
Luigi’s confidence flew away from him in a single heartbeat. He gulped a slight bit at the wiggling fingers, before backing up slowly. “Ohokay, maybe I made a small-” Luigi shrieked as he tripped over something, falling onto his back. 
Mario chuckled and brought his leg back to his chest. “Payback.” Mario teased. 
Luigi widened his eyes and looked at Mario with confusion. “Wha- Mario, I saved you!” Luigi yelled, showing utter betrayal as he got up onto his feet again. 
“You took too long!” Mario argued. 
Suddenly, something grabbed at Luigi’s sides from behind him. Luigi squeaked and clamped his arms to his sides, suddenly bursting out into helpless giggles. “eEEHEHEhehehee!” Luigi giggled, covering his mouth. 
“Now I’ve got YOU~!” Peach tripped Luigi down, and literally started dragging him across the grass with both her arms under his arms. 
“EEEEP! WAIT-WAITNO-” Luigi yelled, struggling in her grip and attempting to get out. But quickly taking his position under consideration, Luigi moved his hands back behind him and squeezed her sides without even looking.
“eEEK!” Peach squealed, almost dropping him in the process. “YOU-” 
“What? You should’ve looked where you’re goi- OHNO!” Luigi reacted as he was thrown to the ground. 
“Now let’s see which brother has the most ticklish sides.” She declared as she started squeezing both of Luigi’s sides at the same time. 
Luigi threw his head back and bursted out cackling almost right away. “HAHAHAHAhahahaha! EEEEHEHEHEEK NAHAHAhahahahaha!!” Luigi laughed, kicking his legs wildly. 
“Oooooh! I think we know who the clear winner is~!” Peach teased. 
“It’ll always be Luigi. He’s more ticklish than me.” Mario added. 
Peach giggled. “I thought we established that you’re more ticklish?” Peach reminded Mario. 
“You didn’t tickle him yet. So you’ll have to be the judge of that.” Mario told her with a smirk. “MAHAHARIO SHUHUHUSSHHH!” Luigi yelled. 
“Only one way to find out:” Peach moved her fingers over to Luigi’s hips, and started digging in with her thumbs. 
Luigi let out a HUGE squeal, before spazzing out and absolutely ROARING with newfound laughter. 
“Well…I can already tell who’s more ticklish.” Peach teased, slightly shocked at Luigi’s voice flexibility. 
Luigi whined and covered up his face in pure embarrassment. He was already such a blushy mess at this point, it wasn’t even funny anymore…At least, to Luigi. To Mario and Peach? It was HILARIOUS!
“Ahahawww! He’s all embarrassed! How much cuter can you possibly get?!” Peach teased. 
Mario dropped his jaw and frowned. “HEY!” 
Luigi tried to mumble something against his hands. “Mhmhmmm mmmm MMMMm!” Luigi mumbled. 
Peach giggled at this. “I’m sorry, what was that?” Peach teased. 
Luigi uncovered his face and started hugging himself. “IHIHI’M NOHOHOHOT CUHUHUHUTE!” Luigi yelled. 
Peach laughed. “He says with his face all red.��� Peach teased. 
“Shhhhuhuhush.” Luigi mumbled, shaking his head with pure embarrassment. As much as he liked the tickles, the teases were beginning to drive him up the wall. 
Peach smirked before looking at Mario. “Any suggestions for tickle spots?” She asked. 
Mario chuckled. “Oh yes. Belly button, ribs, armpits, Luigi’s basically a walking ticklish spot.” Mario told him. 
Luigi whined and shook his head again. Mario had just told the princess every single ticklish spot on his body…and if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, then I don’t know what is. 
“Oh! And if you try this…” Mario walked up and sat down beside her. He wiggled his fingers at Luigi before bringing them mere millimeters from his ribs. Luigi squealed and covered his face again, already giggling up a storm. The man wasn’t even being touched, and was already a giggly little mess. 
Peach tilted her head. He…wasn’t touching his ribs…and yet, the man was giggling and laughing as if he WAS! 
Peach stared at Luigi, before looking at Mario. “How are you doing that?” Peach asked. 
Mario chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. Sometimes you don’t even have to tickle him in order to get him laughing.” Mario replied. “But when you touch down like this,” 
Mario finally placed his skittering fingers all over Luigi’s ribs, And poor Luigi uncovered his face and guffawed with surprise cackles. 
“Yohou get…the most happy little reaction out of him.” Mario replied, sounding like he genuinely loved hearing his brother’s laugh. 
“But what if he tries to get you back?” Peach asked with a smirk. 
“Oh! Then I just do this:” Mario took in a big breath and blew a large raspberry onto his brother's ribs. 
“eEEEEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Luigi screamed, squeezing his eyes shut. 
“That usually stops him from trying anything else.” Mario finished with a laugh.
Peach giggled and watched as Luigi slowly fell into a breathless state. He curled up into a ball, and took in breaths to try and recover from the heavy tickle attack. 
“So…having any regrets?” Peach asked, poking his side. 
Luigi giggled and attempted to push her hand away. “Quihihit ihit.” Luigi mumbled. 
“You didn’t answer my question.” Peach told him. 
As much as he loved the tickling, he knew he was gonna need a break soon. So Luigi nodded his head, and said what she wanted to hear. “Yehehehes. Ihihi regrehet ihihit.” Luigi replied. 
Peach smirked and gently squeezed his hip. “Good.” 
Luigi kicked his feet like a little ballerina, letting out a couple more giggles before going breathless again. 
Mario chuckled. “So you’ll keep fighting against me, but you’ll give up for Peach?” Mario teased. 
Luigi groaned. No matter what Luigi did, Mario always seemed to find a way to make fun of the man…and it was just not fair. 
“It’s because you’re not nearly as scary.” Peach teased. 
Mario looked at Peach with shock. “Is that so?!” Mario reacted. 
Peach bursted out laughing at Mario’s reaction alone. Luigi couldn’t help the little laugh that left his own mouth too. 
Mario only smiled and shook his head. “We’re all gonna have a long talk about this later.” Mario decided before offering his brother a hand. “Need help up?” Mario asked. 
Luigi nodded and took his hand. 
But when Mario started to pull, Luigi gave a quick little surprise tug.
“WaAH!” Mario yelped as he fell right into Luigi’s arms. “Luigi!” Mario yelled. 
Luigi started tickling his brother’s belly and ribs, while cheering excitedly. “Reveeeenge!” Luigi declared. “Reveeeenge is miiiine!” 
Mario squeaked and wiggled around in his brother’s arms, laughing helplessly while he threw his arms around and kicked his feet. “LUHUHUIGIHIHI GAHAHAhahahahaha!” Mario laughed. 
“You shoulda seen this-a coming, Mario~” Luigi teased. 
“You just don’t know when to stop…do you?” Peach asked. 
“Nope! We could do this all day.” Luigi replied. 
Peach smirked and gently separated the brothers. “How about I end this once and for all?” She offered. 
Luigi looked up at Peach with confusion, before widening his eyes as he was grabbed by the collar. Peach then held Mario in one hand, and Luigi in the other. With both boys in her arms, Peach started tickling both their bellies at the same time. 
“AAAAHAHAHAHAHahahahaha! PEHEHEACH WHYHYHY?!” Luigi cackled, wiggling around slightly. 
“WAHAHAIT NOHOHOHAHahahaha! WAAAHAHAhahaha stahahahap!” Mario laughed, kicking his feet helplessly. 
“Now I’ve got TWO ticklish boys in my hands! No one can stop me now!!” Peach declared proudly. 
And so ultimately, Peach ended up winning this round against the two brothers. But it wasn’t just Peach that won…Luigi also managed to get the reward he really wanted. 2 tickle fights in one day?! That’s absolutely unheard of! What are the chances of that casually happening?!
…Very low, as it would turn out. 
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
🎵🎶And the Haters Gonna Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. But the Heroes Gonna Train, train, train, train, train. Baby I’m just trying to chill, for real.
You could not find any reason to be bothered by school or work on this vacation however, your childhood friends could not seem to share in that sentiment with you . . . ———
you were busy lounging on deck, sipping a mimosa while the boys did laps around the boat. the constant splashing and competitive bickering completely manageable with your drink and book in hand. Mr. Bakugou also stood out on deck grilling up the mornings catch for lunch. His own little handheld radio out beside him as he watched the sizzling smoke and drippings of the fish. except either the radio was getting softer or the bickering and splashing was getting a lot-
“This is pretty fucking brillant, Deku. We can brawl out here no problem!” “Brawl?! Kacchan,”
boom. “ this is supposed to be routine sparing!” whoosh. “Hah? Fine. I’ll still beat you though! Land, air, or water!” Boom. Boom. Crack. Whooshing. Snap.
Masaru sighed, turning up the volume of the radio.
you hummed along to his exasperated sentiment. Focusing on trying not to let their fight distract you - you were just getting into the good part! Izuku and Katsuki fought each other like something straight out of a comic book. Katsuki’s glittering orange palms and Izuku’s glowing green tendrils as the two clashed in the sky. eventually plummeting back down into the ocean with a splash so violent that you and Mr. Bakugou nearly jumped out of your skin. Salty pellets of water misting down from the sky and creating that misty rainbow from the childhood garden hose. The two of you locked eyes before reoccupying yourself with your previous tasks. The slaps of wet feet approaching as they climbed back onto the deck of the ship. the drippings started splashing onto your page- gosh darn it! you were in the middle of the climax! You hastily tried waving them off with your freehand. “you better acknowledge them y/n. Stubborn as you kids all are, they’re just gonna keep crowding around you like that until you’re all drenched.” you groaned and shut your eyes. Uncle Masaru was right. “Fine. What do you two want?” “well we wanted to lift some weight.” Katsuki. you turned another page, “so? Go ahead, you won’t bother me one bit. As long as you do it over there,” you pointed, “so you don’t keep getting me wet.” “Y/N, but we need something to lift.” Izuku this time.
you groaned, slotting your finger between the pages as you turned to look at them. Wet hair brushed back to reveal their foreheads. A rare sight for Katsuki. A distinctly familiar look in both their eyes. Your eyes flashed between their faces, “aaaannd what does that have to do with me?” you huffed. A boyish grin spread across both of their faces. “Senior, you’re the perfect weight.” Katsuki chipped, Izuku nodding along enthusiastically. “I’m sorry, what?” Izuku beamed holding his hands together as he begged you with his puppy dog eyes, “Come on N/N, it’ll just be some push-ups-“
“- and dead lifts” Katsuki interjected. “-and you can even continue reading your book! We just need you to sit on our backs.” Katsuki added again, “actually, I need you to stay like a log. Don’t think y’can read on that one.” your mouth dropped as you stared them down. Okay, so this was real. You threw your hands up, “Of course, who brings weights onto a houseboat in the middle of the ocean when you have a perfectly good childhood friend to use.” “and- hey wait a minute don’t you have each other?” Kacchan groaned as Izuku answered, “well it doesn’t work that way because the other person does their abs and we flip off so we’re getting it done together, but not at the same time-“ Kacchan leaned down into your face, with a lopsided smirk, “Y/N if you don’t get up and put that book down I’m gonna pick you up right now and change gears to doing cardio because I’m gonna tickle you. Do y’er understand?” Izuku leapt to your defense, “Wait! You said we wouldn’t force her by tickling!” “ohhhh we always force her by tickling -“
That was enough incentive for you to leap out of your chair and attempt to make a head start and run away . . . you wriggled and wheezed in Katsukis arm as he held you up in the air with only one arm. Mercilessly holding up his other hand to your side, “wait, waaait. No, no, no!”
He chuckled, “what’d ya’ think you gonna do? Outrun two pro heroes? Tch- not so smart college girl. Sick her, Izuku.” Panic flared through your body as Izuku kneeled on the ground next to your kicking legs. They were gonna get two of your tickle spots at once, your tummy and the underside of your feet. Evil boys. “No. Please!” you wheezed wriggling against the single arm python around your torso. His fingers fluttering against every soft spot of your body, wiggling his nose into the crook of your neck as you shove against his hold. “I don’t know Y/N this works pretty well! Kacchan and I can swap out too.” Suddenly your ankle was caught and you gasped. An BIG mistake because the second you did that wet lips latched onto your neck blowing raspberries into your sensitive spot and more feather touches crawled their way from the bottom of your foot to behind your knee. Katsuki somehow found the oxygen to yell as his head came up between a sloppy and slobbery assault on your neck, “fucking brillant.”
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deadghosy · 3 months
Best friend headcannons pt.1||pt.2||pt.3
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Play fighting! Definitely mattheo play fights with you, maybe pulls a wrestling move where he grabs your waist and tries to pull you down only for you to elbow strike him in the damn shoulder.
Poor Matty groaned and fell like a rock as he face planted onto the carpet floor.
Bestie! mattheo who can’t help but lay his head on your shoulder when venting about how sometimes he feels like how his own brother hates him. He loves how you comfort him, and he loves you for being his greatest friend
Bestie! Mattheo who literally loves spending time with you to the point he takes you out on friend dates
Bestie! Mattheo who takes .5 pictures of you and has a whole album called “adorkable”
Bestie! Mattheo who will lend over his jacket to you if you forgot your own.
Headcannon bestie! Mattheo having a spare key to your house. Your house is basically his second home and this man isn’t living it down.
Bestie! Mattheo who literally is a good listener to you. Please let this man be your number 1 listener. He loves hearing you yap to him as your bestie.
Bestie! Mattheo who has you as his #1 emergency contact and pinned on messages. Don’t judge him, he’s just scared to lose the most beloved person he has rn.
Bestie! Mattheo who does tickled you or tackle you when you two are feeling playful at sleepovers at your house.
Bestie! Mattheo who comes to you for comfort of a nightmare.
“Can I sleep in here tonight? I had a nightmare.”
Is what mattheo would say when he sneaks into your window. He wasn’t lying about the nightmare, but he oddly can’t sleep without you so he just hops in bed and hold you closely.
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skyrigel · 4 months
I’m so glad you take requests for Anthony bridgerton. I’ve been in the mood to read angst with happy endings for so looong😫 so could I request Anthony bridgerton x wife angst where they have an argument/fight because he is stressed so he takes his anger out on her so she ends up giving him the silent treatment while he basically begs for her forgiveness
Say nothing then || A.B
Pairing: Anthony bridgerton x wife!reader
Warning: hurt/angst, superstitious thoughts, Anthony doesn't think he could outlive his father. ( Happy ending and little comfort, i promise.)
Rigel's note 🪩 : Thankyou so much for requesting, absolutely heart breaking to write this one, I took inspo from book, Anthony denying love because he saw his mother going in depression when his father died and taylor swift's lyric I said, "I love you" (I said, "I love you") You say nothin' back . I hope i did justice with this one sweetheart <3
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That's the way you loved Anthony, truly and completely and sometimes it was so hard to keep it in, it slipped through your lips everytime you kissed him. Pressing down in his skin and tickling his heart that was yours.
It gazed at him, dusk or dawn, ever so lovely, it scribbled down in your ink, leaving your love trailing down behind him.
When Anthony told you he would give you anything, you believed him, when he said he just wouldn't love you, you didn't.
That's not how it goes, perhaps you were naive and blinded but that, it was love that glinted in his eyes everytime he looked at you. When he would smile and reveal the book you yearned to read, hidden behind his back. When he danced more than any husband did with his wife so you didn't believe when Anthony said he wouldn't love you, that was only a matter of time.
However, there's difference between wouldn't and couldn't, Anthony was scared to love, for he knew it's a force and he would be damned if you were to be left heartbroken just like his mother, he would curse himself if he didn't wake when you would call out for him when he was dea Because Anthony was sure, he bloody knew he wouldn't be able to live past his father and in no universe he would want to see you begging, crying and slowly drifting away. Lost and sad, no.
So he wouldn't love you and he would save you from the greater grief, of getting left behind while the other is gone.
But love became too much sometimes, held too much of your heart and body and soul that it demanded to fly and then one such night, all the chains tattered and it was bleeding raw and fresh—
" I love you." You said, like you did every passing moment but oops you had said it now, in words and sound as Anthony kissed the back of your ear, it was the first time the words ever experienced by the nature, no doubt you had said it with every kiss, every touch, every gesture but this was new.
Anthony freezed above you, hands dropping whatever mischief they had in tow.
He pulled away from you in a blink of your eye and it took you a moment to realise what went wrong.
" Anthony ? Are you..you are okay honey ? " You whsipered, he didn't look at you, staring at his hands as he could see a story you couldn't.
" I.. Anthony ? " You said again because it scared you, Anthony wasn't the one to look away, all the things that scared you was nothing against the terror, the sinking gut wrenching feeling you felt when Anthony fliched at your touch and you shivered in ache. No, don't leave me. Please, please.
It was another pain to see Anthony like a stranger, like he didn't know you. He would, he promised he would know you anywhere but this, it was threatening.
" What did you say ? " You almost thought it was the voices in your head, the agony that coated the words could never be from him.
Never to you, he was drifting away with each heavy moment and the person who was at the edge of your bed, in your shared chamber, smelling like you, wasn't the person you knew.
" Anthony—" you tried, you couldn't help the choking of your throat as those eyes were fuming in rage, maybe there was love, hiding somewhere but you couldn't find it and it broke your heart. Anthony couldn't be right.
" You don't mean that ! " He was screaming, his whole body shaking as his fist slammed the mattress in fit of rage.
A strangled hiccup escaped your throat when Anthony gripped your shoulder, hard but not bruising, like he wanted to shake you out of this feeling. He couldn't.
" You don't understand, love, love, love—" he almost cried, his nose reddening, his whole face was burning.
" —its stupid ! Means nothing, does nothing, it takes away everything..." His voice tore down deep inside you, like breaking membranes and dropping vases, it could never be the same.
" You don't understand... don't say it ! You stupid woman ! " He bellowed when you worked your jaw to say something, Don't say it, I love you—
I love you, please, please, let me love you—
But just as he said it, it wasn't Anthony, it was like your mama reminding you how stupid you were, stupid, stupid girl, she would say.
Stupid woman, he had said and everything else was slowly fading, it was starting to slow down, like watching it from away, in different bodies, like you were the doorknob or the painting on the wall because you were crumbling under his touch.
Anthony mere few inches away and you wondered what he would do if you kissed him just then, would he stop this torment?
Would he pull away, back then he didn't when they were your silent ' I love you's ' instead he drank them in, tasted your love raw and wild and now refused them in sound and wave.
" What should I say Anthony ? " You were sure they never made it out, lost somewhere in void, perhaps still coiling around your cartilage but the shocked silence that echoed between the little space between you reminded you how words crawled out after all. Even those meant to be quiet. I love you.
" Say nothing then." His voice is so small that barely register and before you could, he's inhaling large gulps of air, drifting back and back and his eyes not quite meeting yours until he turned his back to you.
He was gone for the night.
Say nothing then.
He wasn't there for the breakfast.
Say nothing then.
He wasn't there the next day.
Say nothing then.
And the day next, and one that followed—
Until you reasiled you haven't said anything in days, it wasn't so bad afterall, it was, very, very bad and lonely but it was okay, as long as Anthony would come back, it should be.
It was very quiet when Anthony stumbled back, his steps shaking and vision dizzy.
He was terribly pissed. You turned the page you only half read and focused hard on the words, Anthony stripped his clothes as he climbed the bed next to you, in an attempt to kiss your forehead like he did every night.
He wasn't there to do it for days and you didn't sleep, it could surely go on, you pulled away.
Something hurt flashed through his eyes and he looked down at the sheets, chest heaving with untaken breaths.
" Good night Viscountess." He whsipered softly and You said nothing back.
Say nothing then.
You weren't sure how you did it but you managed to untangle yourself from Anthony by dawn, you slept for the first time in days and it was over with a series of dreams, each ended with you saying I love you and Anthony saying nothing back.
Silence was louder than words, it was also harsher than words.
Watching Anthony sleep was like playing we're good with him , you weren't sure if you could cry anymore than you had already.
It felt like nothing happened and it could go back to be like before, you could press your love to his skin and it wouldn't burn and leave scars.
But you didn't want that, that was something it had became unbearable, when love bled through you, it was unstoppable and you realised how you will love him enough to make it up for both of you but he wouldn't let you. He wouldn't love you either.
The hurt was visible when his hand trembled, he tried hard to catch your eye, you focused at the honey, so sweet. Anthony didn't know but it hurt you all the same. How much burden you felt in your bones when you couldn't tell him all the things you woke up with, to tell him about your dreams — nightmares now, to tell him that you hate him so much, to kiss him until he couldn't breathe and tear everything wrenched out of him, but you couldn't.
All the more heartache when Anthony brought out the third part of your beloved novel and when the smile never came on your lips, only tears that blurred your gaze so much that you turned away from him, Anthony was shattered.
It was the second day, you hadn't said anything at all, inside screaming didn't count as one. You watched ahead as the far, far away trace of green rolling grass from your balcony. It occurred to you how horizon was made, where earth met the sky and here you were, with souls of something same, whatever they were made of, and yet you and Anthony couldn't mingle.
" Isn't it beautiful ? " He looked at you like you would answer him, he hoped too much.
Say nothing then—
" Huh.." he tried to smile, it was so small.
You stared ahead because looking at Anthony only added salt to your wound, it was aggravating.
It was after some slipped moments when he spoke in a strained small voice, hurt and broken and it shivered you.
" I was so scared...still am," he said and his voice broke, a muffled cry escaped him and you looked at him, really. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and shush away every cry, every pain, every sadness.
Say nothing—
" I thought...I thought i could just keep it away, keep you safe..from me, from love—" and he was crying, not sobbing, not whimpering but crying as big warm tears steamed down his face and he dropped to his knees in front of you, hands reaching for you like moth reaching flame and you took him, held him.
" I..I..I thought.. could—" he sniffed," couldn't, i can't pretend anymore, I don't want to leave you in pain... don't want to leave you in hurt... can't can't can't keep it in." He cried more and more and more matter how much you wiped his tears, but more fell and it was then you realised, they were yours. You were crying too.
" I am sorry, I am so, so sorry for ever hurting your my sweet love—" he swallowed hard.
" Anthony.. it's okay.. it's alright." You assured him, maybe you and him could go with your love only pressed between silence and gestures and eyes and it would be enough.
But you couldn't watch him break, wouldn't and couldn't.
" I love you." He said, voice not shaking, eyes sincere behind the gleaming tears, " I love you, always had, always would." He brought your knuckles to kiss, love pressing down in your skin. It was golden in the last rays of sun.
" Anthony you don't have to say it." You understood, atleast you did. He shaked his head and smiled through his wet face.
" No, no...let me, " he exclaimed, " I love you my baby, my lady." He smiled and it reached his eyes, you giggled softly when he pressed open mouthed kisses on your hands.
" I love you, I love you and I love you." He said, " I am a fool for ever denying it, I am a fool for you my Viscountess." He inhaled, breathing after a very long time.
" I am sorry, I love you so much baby." His lip trembled and you wanted to steady them so bad.
" I love you too Anthony, truly and completely." You kissed his forehead and he melted in your touch, and you didn't know how much time ticked away with loud and whispered and blessed I love you's and that's the way he loved you, truly and completely.
Rigel's note 🪩 ( again) : I hope this was good, I am such a angst sucker myself<3 request through my ask box :) and can you reblog ? Please, please.
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stararch4ngelqueen · 11 months
(Part 2)
Time Written- 10:23 p.m.
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I wrote this 3 times and gave up. Severely gave up
“Wakey Wakey, sweetheart.” His lightly exhausted tone nearly roused your eyes open.
A faint click of a bedside lamp invades the silence shortly before Jason shuffles out of bed, displaying a warm glow to your light sensitive vision.
A small groan falls from your mouth, your eyes shutting closed in irritation from the distraction of your comfort. His arms left their sanctuary around your waist, a kiss of warmth remaining along your tummy before he readjusted a soft, thin blanket over your tired body.
Jason was considerate enough to turn off his alarm nearly three minutes before it goes off, saving his special girl a few minutes of precious sleep. As the midsummer sun dies down behind fluffy clouds, golden rays of light reflecting off skyscraper glass into the dead of the night, Gotham’s wild crowds creep out from their crooked caverns to play.
“Hey mama. Sorry to ruin the fun, but I think my arm ran out of blood flow.”
“Do you need it?” Your faint, croaked rumble spews from your barely moving lips.
“I mean, I suppose I’ll need it to fight an’ aim guns at unlucky bastards. Guess that means you gotta lose the pillow.”
Another groan leaves your lips before reluctantly raising your head, setting his arm free from its prison. You spent a minute of quiet suffering before Jason’s fingers cupped your head, guiding you to raise it just enough to slip a fluffy pillow to settle your pretty brain on.
The A/C was on full blast, the blank noise lulling your tired minds to sleep around seven. While it was counterintuitive to be snuggling together in this hot summer heat, you wanted nothing more than to be in his company, comfortable in his safety.
Bare feet shuffling along hard foot floor shifts to heavy rubber soles as Jason gets dressed. Soft cotton and polyester drops to the ground, replaced with tactical fabrics and scrunching leather. A short sonnet of clicks and snaps follow as he adjusts his belt and holsters, getting everything comfortably situated on his person.
“You’re not angry with me, are ya?” He clicks his tongue, fighting off a smile at your lack of response.
“Earth to Goddess.” His calm voice invades your ears as the floor creaks, the dressed vigilante shuffling to his knees beside the bed, settling close to your face.
“Princess.” Jason lightly chimes, brushing your cheek with the back of his pointer finger.
He then proceeds his ever loving assault via planting various kisses along your face, ranging from your cheek up towards your forehead, back down to your nose.
“Babygirl.” He cooes against your sweet smelling hair.
“Do you have to go now?” Came your eventual, irritated whine.
He leans forward, mattress gently creaking as he pressed his lips just under your ear for a quick kiss. “Not yet. You got me for five more minutes.”
Jason settles his head on your collarbone, your nose slightly tickled from locks of soft, dark hair. His eyes are closed, but for once, they’re content with peacefulness. That, and the events that would come within the next month, changing their lives forever.
Jason’s smile widens as your fingers mindlessly trails random shapes along his open palm, your hands always lingering somewhere along his body.
“Y’know I’d give just about anything to get back in bed with you,” his armored chest rumbles with his lowly spoken words. “But, I’m a little big in this get up to be this close to you at the moment. Don’t wanna crush you.”
Those sudden words couldn’t help but make you smile, scoffing just a bit. Ever the doting, overly concerned, slightly overdramatized, loving man he is.
“I don’t know who’s bigger right now,” your exhaustion let you speak in ghostly whispers. “You, or me.”
“Well, you’re the pregnant one,” he says, fighting off a strong, snarky remark with an amused smirk. “So, you definitely take the win with that.”
The look you gave him the second your eyes snapped open made him chuckle, as if he willfully insulted you. The irony of it, considering he was around 6’4 and 250 pounds, a large percent being complete muscle mass while you carried a seven pound baby.
“Kidding, babe. Kidding,” he soothes, trailing a few fingers along your swollen tummy just over the blanket. “Just trying to joke off the nerves. Doesn’t help that it’s my first time…”
“It better be your first time,” you mutter under your breath.
“Yeah yeah, It is. Don’t worry.” Jason’s voice is soft, his cheeks turning a light shade of red at that, and he can’t help but smile as the two of them laugh quietly at her joke.
The weight of their child is a constant pressure on your body to create an incredible miracle. It’s certainly something new, he always wants to make sure his little mama is happy and healthy. Mostly happy.
He trails a finger down your stomach, pausing when he feels a faint thud near the round lower edge of his palm. For eight months teetering on the edge of nine, the baby was definitely getting active.
“Think your boy’s getting ready to fight those unlucky bastards with you.” You lightly chide with a small grin.
“Language, mama,” Jason retorts, flicking some wisps of hair away from your head. “Don’t want ‘em to hear those foul words. An’ I’m not in the market for sidekicks.”
You frown again, scoffing at his hypocrisy.
The surrealism was intense, affecting him from the center of his brain towards the tips of his hands and toes.
Your boy, his boy. His son.
“You two keep the bed warm for me.” Jason murmurs before pressing a few goodbye kisses along your cheek. “I’ll come back with breakfast when you wake up, okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper, consciousness struggling to remain afloat. It’s a silly mental image; the reaction of the owners of an early bird, go-to diner frantically scrambling out of shock and awe when Red Hood himself enters their establishment.
He stands from the floor, lovingly glancing down at his beautiful, pregnant woman cradled in bed, nestled with his pillow, perfectly content.
“Be safe,” you whisper to him, watching him reach towards the lamp to shut it off. The warmth of the vanished lap changing his eyes from a strong emerald green back towards a crisp, steel-cut teal.
“I love you.”
Your voice always sweetened the deal, a perfect lullaby once it was his turn to sleep.
The perfect motivation for him to look forward to every morning.
“Love you too, mama.”
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ineffectualdemon · 6 months
Personally I prefer to headcanon that demon culture isn't actually more violent when you account for their biology
Demons are naturally strong and tough and so "beatings" and "fighting" are acceptable forms of affection because you're not actually going to hurt the other person. Like it literally doesn't hurt and is just fun for them. In fact it's not violence at all really.
It's like a tickle fight or play wrestling or hair ruffling for humans or when you playfully slap at a person's arm with no real power behind it. So it's less slap and more a caress
No one is getting hurt and it's just flirtatious playing! It's sweet!
Like you can practically bounce demon toddlers down the street like a basketball and they'll just be having fun. But you wouldn't want to actually cause them damage
Causing people damage who aren't your enemies and you don't have a reason to is just uncalled for and mean
And the problem with Moshang is Mobei actually thought he was getting the right strength for a human
Like he's like "ok. Humans are squisher so I have to be gentle but like, Qinghua is a cultivator and they're stronger usually. I mean I've seen him carry a wagon one handed. So if I hit him just this hard then he'll get this is flirting."
Only even pulled Qinghua is much squisher and he doesn't understand a punch to the ribs that bruises but doesn't break a rib is meant to be a playful "oh stop! *giggle*" type slap (because a demon wouldn't even bruise with that. It would be like a light tap)
I want Mobei to be fucking mortified by finding out how badly he got it
They spend half a day after Shang Qinghua's leg heals where they experiment with Mobei hitting something more and more gently until they find one that's safe for Qinghua
The servants and othere at the palace that Qinghua thought hated him then also get a lesson in how gently to hit a human and they are equally mortified because they thought their attempts to welcome Shang Qinghua were being rebuffed but no he's just so squishy.
They are so horrified and concerned that he's treated as if he's made of glass because
1. He makes Mobei happy
2. He has secured all the trade routes and controls the finances
3. People genuinely like him
Everyone is constantly concerned about his comfort in the Northern Palace and he has a lot of guards at all times
If he so much as trips the palace staff go into a panic
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pupkashi · 3 months
Ok so can i request something?
Im currently on my period and i feel my insides tearing apart. Im having rough months cause my roomate who was also my best friend got in a fight with me and blamed me for everything (that wasn't even my fault) and my final term exams are here as well :((( imagine all the pressure
Can i get something soft with toru?my period is killing me and I would KILL to have this man with me rn
a/n: me when a bad bitch tells me to write comforting fluff 🫡 in all seriousness i hope this helps you even a smidge my beloved !!! i know how terrible and hurtful fights with friends can be from personal experience and i hope things get resolved for you soon <3 i love u so so so much you sweet summer child I’m so proud of you & best of luck on exams !
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sundays are your favorite days, you’ve decided.
sunday means you’ll have a warm, lanky, white haired sorcerer asleep next to you when you wake up. his arms tightly wrapped around your torso with his over grown hair tickling the back of your neck.
it’s sunday morning, and satoru is wrapped around you like a koala bear. there’s soft snores coming from the tired sorcerer, making you wonder what time he got home last night. the clock on the nightstand reads 7:42 am, making you smile. you don’t move or try to turn to face your lover, opting instead for reveling in his warm embrace, letting your eyes close softly and listening to his steady breathing.
satoru is awake by the time you wake up again, he’s drawing light circles on your bare arms. you turn around slowly, finding him laying on his side propped up on one elbow with his head in his hand. part of his hair is spiked up every which way, the other completely flat and there’s stray strands of hair all over his forehead.
“morning sweetheart” he whispers, smiling softly as he wipes away an eyelash from your cheek. the pad of his thumb brushes against your cheek, his hands are a bit calloused and rough, but you don’t care. you let your eyes close at the feeling, smiling before fluttering them open again.
“g’morning toru” you whisper back, smiling as he leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead. “d’you get back late last night?” he nods.
“first years had more trouble than i thought they would” he adds on, “you didn’t wait up did you?” there’s a pout on his lips when he sees you nodding.
“not too long though don’t worry” you assure him, flopping onto your back and staring at the ceiling, “knew youd be upset if you found me awake when you got home.” satoru smiles, you had him all figured out and he loved it.
“can’t have my baby losing sleep over me, now can i?” his voice is still raspy and deeper than usual, it makes your stomach flip and your heart stutter.
satoru moves around until he’s got his head resting on your chest, closing his eyes when your fingers find purchase in his hair. you both stay quiet for a bit, your fingers running through his hair and satoru letting his body fully relax under your touch.
“missed you” he mumbles, not opening his eyes. “wish everyday could be like this” the sigh that leaves his lips makes you frown a bit.
“don’t worry angel boy, one day it will be” you assure him, continuing to play with his hair, smiling when you form it into a giant spike before combing it down again. “for now, you wanna make breakfast?”
the sorcerer hums in agreement, standing up and stretching before the two of you head to the restroom, grabbing your respective toothbrushes.
“any plans today?” satoru asks, words jumbled and muffled thanks to the toothbrush in his mouth, but you understand him perfectly. you shake your head ‘no’ the two of you spitting and rinsing your mouths before heading to the kitchen.
there was only one way satoru would eat his veggies, and it’s if you made them in his eggs. while you chopped up some bell peppers, mushrooms and rinsed spinach, satoru put coffee to brew. small talk filling the space of the kitchen as you two slowly woke up.
it’s not long before satoru was wrapping his arms around your waist, letting his head rest on your shoulder as he watched you cook the eggs. he’s placing soft kisses on your neck, smiling when he hears your giggles.
“your hair tickles” you laugh, making no attempt at pushing him off you.
“should i get a trim?” he asks you, laughing when you immediately respond with a quick ‘no!’
before long satoru has two coffees on the dining table, accompanied by two plates of food that you set down moments later. it’s peaceful as the two of you talk, hearing the world outside wake up, cars going up and down the street every five, ten minutes and birds singing sweetly by the bird feeder you’d set up with satoru not long ago.
“think a dove is setting up a nest in the garden” you smile, watching as your lover immediately looks up from his food excitedly.
“really? i told you we should’ve gotten the bird houses!” his eyes are gleaming as he stares out the window, smiling at the sight of two doves at the bird feeder. me and you, he thinks, staying quiet so he could continue to listen to you tell him of the new season premiere tonight.
the day passes slowly, with you two lounging on the couch watching an episode of whatever show you two had started during the week before getting ready for the grocery store.
satoru takes grocery shopping you very seriously, writing down every item you say on a paper list as you check the pantry and fridge. soon enough the two of you are on your way to the store, satoru grabbing a shopping cart and following you as you pick out everything.
he does make himself useful by getting whatever you tell him to, smiling widely when you approve of his fruit picks and sets them in the cart gently. he does all of the heavy lifting, carrying all your groceries in the house in one trip, not even breaking a sweat as he softly sets them down.
the two of you work harmoniously putting everything away, never once bumping into each other and easily understanding what the other wants without having to say a word.
“should we do takeout tonight?” he asks, looking down at you. the two of you freshly showered and now on the couch. your head in his lap as you both wait for the new episode of your show to premiere.
“yeah, what’d you have in mind?” you ask. 20 minutes later the two of you are eating dinner, drinking a bottle of wine satoru picked up on his way back home.
it seems unreal to satoru. being home. no matter how many weekends he spends with you, they all seem to be like a dream. he doesn’t care much for the show on tv, but he still sits with you and watches it for the full hour, listening intently to anything you had to say.
its dark out, and to both you and satoru’s dismay sunday has come and gone all too quickly. you’re both back in bed, in each others warm embrace. conversation topics come and go quickly, the two of you laughing loudly at any little thing.
“oh my god it’s already two in the morning” you gasp, looking at your lover with a shocked expression, “how do we always manage to talk all night?” satoru laughs as you try to pull the blanket over yourself, as if that would instantly make you fall asleep.
“time flies when you’re with the love of your life” he sing songs, joining you under the blanket and looking at you with fond eyes.
“that’s not how that goes” you tease, watching as he rolled his eyes, muttering a ‘come here’ before getting you back in his arms, peppering kisses over your face as you giggle.
“toru you have to be up early!” you scold, the smile on your face is a juxtaposition to your words. and you can’t help but smack him softly when he points it out.
“alright, alright” he sighs, turning off the dim lights and leaving a mixture of moonlight and streetlights illuminating the room. “let’s go to sleep then.”
it doesn’t take long to get cozy, the weeks exhaustion still prominent as you two begin to doze off quickly. satoru tries to keep talking, but his words don’t make much sense as they’re muffled against the top of your head.
“g’night toru, i love you” you whisper, holding him a bit tighter as he replies, already half asleep.
“g’night sweetheart, i love you.”
sunday ends the same way it began. with satoru wrapped around you like a koala, his streaky breathing lulling you to sleep. his body radiating warmth that makes you feel more sleepy. you can hear his soft snores after a couple minutes, it makes you smile.
you don’t dwell on the fact that come tomorrow morning, his side of the bed will be cold and you’ll have to go back to your routine. instead you sigh happily, letting yourself enjoy your lovers company on your favorite day of the week.
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taglist (send an ask to be added): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @beautiful-is-boring @sweetheart-satoru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi @kentocalls @sadmonke
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berriblossom · 9 months
Cold hands and warm love
[Date with Death : Casper x Reader] [i am positively obsessed with this man that he's making write again| spoilers for endings#3 btw and the story.]
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There's something so oddly soothing watching Casper sleep with Azrael in his arms, all snuggled up without a care in the world. His ghostly white locks sprawled against your shared bed sheets. His eyes ever so softly flutteribg against his pale cheeks, the rays of sunlight dance across his face, almost creating his own personal golden hour.
You chuckled at the idea. Casper wasn't a huge fan of super bright things. Even when you managed to convince him to walk outside your apartment with you, he dons a pair of black shades and scowls at everything. Now that you think about it, he's even more like a black cat than anything, rather than a sign of bad luck but rather for his sassy attitude and his dislike for certain things.
As you quietly watch from your desk, with your pet sitting in the empty sunny spot of the bed, you think back to how long its been since tou winning the bet and being a somewhat embodiment of life while your sweet little now former Grim Reaper is the opposite.
Goodness, one small picture shouldn't hurt? Besides, Casper can't argue with how many not-so-sly pictures he has taken of you randomly as of late. Even changing his profile pick of you sleeping with Azrael while you napped on your bed after work. He tried fighting it off, saying he mainly picked the picture because Azrael looked so good in it while you just happened to be there....no other reason...(he said this while fighting off a flustered face while gazing back at the picture. He then denied making it his lockscreen too.)
You picked up your phone and began to open the camera feature and angle the camera to get the best picture possible. Hell you even move from the desk to hover slightly over Casper and your pet to get the best angle. "Stay right there pretty boy....just perfect..." you mumbled while snapping a few silent pictures. You went to adjust his snowy hair to move from his beautiful face. Just as you touch his cool face, sleepy red eyes flutter open and the iconic pout appears on the reapers face.
"Sunshine....what are you doing? Why do you have your phone like that..." Casper's eyes flutter as he fights off the sunlight beaming through the blinds, all while his sour pout turns into a playful one. Your pet scatters away while Casper tries to snatch your phone away to see the sneaky pictures you've taken of his sleeping figure.
"Ah ah ah! Nope, absolutely not pretty boy, if you can take pictures then so can I!" You shuffle off the side of the bed while Casper jumps up to grasp your hand and to get those pictures. You tease and weave yourself away from him and the bed, sitting on the edge you laugh at how pouty and upset Casper is.
His frustration only exceeded when you decided to flash him the adorable and beautiful picture of him in his sleeping form. As casper has told you before, reapers do not need to sleep or eat. But the idea that he was so comfy in your blanket and bed, cuddling Azrael closely. It just made you want to tease your little reaper to bits. Though sadly your teasing and fun was put to an end.
Suddenly, you felt two strong cold hands wrap around your torso and squeeze you gently. You could feel Caspers lips against your neck as he mumbked for you to please delete the picture. As adorable and pretty as he could be in those moments...the little rat decided to try and tickle you to get you to give uo your phone.
Luckily you were quick enough to slip from his grasp again(heh get it) and make your way back to your bed while cherishing your sweet victory. "Sorry casp, but you look too good! I might make this my profile picture on the chat room too!" His frustrated groans on embarrassment only fueled your decision.
"Sunshin pleeasseee....just....atleast make it your lockscreeb to while your at it...since you can't stop looking and staring at me. Just can't get enough, silly mortal.." ah his ability to bounce back is incredible as ever. But still it was fun while it lasted. Casper came to join you on the bed while bringing you back close to him...somethibg about "being warm." But you did not mind.
You'll never mind, your soul brings him warmth, his perfect heater if youll say. You chuckle as he scrolls through his camera roll whie trying to find a picture of you(an god awful one) to place as his profile picture on the chatroom. Yeah its going to be a long day. But you never minded.
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beeing1alive · 6 months
Cuddling with Tokyo Revengers - Boys
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f.t.: Mikey (Manjirō Sanō); Draken (Ken Ryūgūji); Mitsuya (Takashi Mitsuya)
l can imagine that it depends entirely on his mood and the situation
for example, if he is doing well and everything is okay, he would be playful
first you would have a tickle fight until one of you (usually him) gets so tired that you have to stop and then you just lie there like that
it just looks funny how you fall asleep completely tangled up in each other
but I am of the opinion that Mikey also sees something comforting in cuddling
so he also comes to cuddle when he is depressed
he doesn't want to talk, he just wants to be with you and sink into your calming aura
then he lies on your chest, his face buried deep in the crook of your neck and listens to the soft boom-boom, boom-boom of your heartbeat
your heartbeat and the warmth your body radiates are the most calming thing in the world for him
he is so big
he always wraps his arms around you completely
so he can protect and warm you, that's also what he loves about it so much
but also loves it very much when you cling to him so that he doesn't get up in the morning but stays lying down so that you can still cuddle
it often works, especially because he finds you so damn cute at such times
He doesn't know by himself, but somehow it relaxes him extremely when you gently trace his dragon tattoo with your fingers
or when you whisper sweet nothings in his ear while cuddling
it may not look like it from the outside, but he really likes compliments
he likes it best when he can hear you breathing softly next to him
loves cuddling after a Toman meeting the most, as being the vice-chairman can be quite exhausting
he just melts every time you cuddle
just for the record, he is a person with a robust confer and a gentle soul
he loves to spoon you gently, both as a small spoon and as a big spoon but likes to be a bit more of a big spoon because he is sweet and wants you to feel loved, protected and secure
loves to be fondled, whether on his head, on his back or anywhere else
he simply falls asleep within 2 minutes
when cuddling, he can forget his worries and duties for a moment and relax completely in your arms
he has so much responsibility that he sometimes forgets that he is just a teenager and the peace and quiet he gets when cuddling reminds him again and again
His favourite thing about cuddling is the feeling of your chest rising and falling slowly and evenly and how he can feel it against his chest or back
I also wrote other scenarios for them and other characters, so here is my masterlist if you want to check it out, requests are open <3
Attention: The characters and the gif do not belong to me. All credits go to the actual owners. If you want anything to be changed or removed, please write to me.
I hope you liked it <3
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kithtaehyung · 7 months
would u? (3tan717) | myg
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3tan717 drabble #1: would u? pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) series: masterlist | three tangerines | 3tan717 rating/genre: pg (18+) ; fluff ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: you see a certain fruit-centered trend online.. and decide to test it on yoongi note: i am so so so sorry this is out on the very last day of feb but things have been absolute bananas lately! tbh i’m surprised this is even getting posted on time and i have even more to do after this is shared but eff it shibal!!! note 2: as promised, this is dedicated to the people that submitted the answers i’m using for this drabble: anon, grapes / @yoongrace, and apryl @aprylynn for this idea hehehe! also i literally just finished this so it's legit unedited so i'm sry for any mistakes! off to go prep for events now! warnings: 3tan yoongi as always, working yoongi??, kitchen, period cramps suck but yoongi to the mf rescue drop date: feb 29th, 2024, 10:03pm est word count: 2.3k
Why does this have to happen every fucking month. Why can’t it happen every three? Or six? Or never ever ever? 
Groaning, you roll over, burying your face into the pillow on Yoongi’s side. 
To some degree, you feel placated, probably due to his scent still lingering next to your dismay. He had to get up early to finish a track, but he assured you can be in the room. 
You can hear a little bit of what he’s working on as it bleeds through his headphones, and even just this sliver of sound gives you chills. Not just because of what it sounds like, but the sole fact that Yoongi’s letting you even listen in the first place. 
Huffing out a bit of amusement, you remember the last time Yoongi let you stay while he worked—albeit at his place while he went to the studio. 
Damn, how much you’ve grown since then. All those memories, those quiet times and tumultuous times, everything leading up to now. How time has molded you with knowing hands. 
However, no matter how much has changed all these months, some things have not wavered, like the fact that you needed to be sure he was okay with it—and his answer making you absurdly shy. 
Did he really have to say that you’re either staying or he’s gonna leave? That scheming motherfucker! 
Some drum beats hit your cheek before you realize the menace himself is playing multiple different ones. It’s only a couple hits before he moves onto the next, and you’re about to lift your hea—
“Fuck, where the hell is that kick?” 
Your laugh is stifled by cotton. As tickled as you are to hear Yoongi like this, you don’t wanna do anything to distract him. 
But by doing so, that causes your body to tighten and fuck, it hurts. It hurts to move, it hurts to laugh, it hurts to just exist. God, you want him to come back and join you so bad, but you don’t wanna be that person. 
…Yet. Maybe if it gets so bad you can’t even sleep? 
“Found you! Fucking finally. Thought you could hide from me, huh?” 
Oh, fucking hell, he’s adorable. 
Yeah, there’s no way you’re making him drop everything right now. This is too precious of an afternoon to stop. 
Exhaling a mile long breath, you fight through your pain and feel for your phone, groaning as you shift yourself. When in position under sheets and warm sunlight, you cycle through apps as a distraction. 
Scrolling. Scrolling. Smiling at some animal videos a bit before scrolling again. 
After all of five minutes, you start to see a trend on your feed, and suddenly get the idea to try it on Yoongi. It’s simple and harmless, right? 
You [3:30pm]: would u peel an orange for me 
Yoongi doesn’t say anything, and you lift your head slightly to see if he looks at his phone. 
When he does, he checks it really quick before setting it back down on his desk, back to clicking on his screen. 
Ah. Damn. He must really be in the zone because… 
Blinking, you watch as Yoongi rolls his chair out to get up, setting his glasses down and heading out of the room with a light swing of his chains. 
Uh. What just happened? Did you upset him? You’re so stunned that his swift exit has you wanting to get up and follow him.  
But ow. Ouch. It’s maddening how much your cramps are getting to you. 
Bearing the punches to your gut, you start sliding out of the bed, straining and sucking in sharp breaths just to stand and pull Yoongi’s comforter over your tension. 
Padding out the bedroom, your worries make your steps tiny and heavy, and you regret sending that text because you literally just said you weren’t… gonna…
On the dining table—quiet—lie three tangerines, peeled and placed next to vibrant scraps while your lover peels a fourth with diligent, devoted hands. 
And you can’t even form words that match how you feel. 
Your vision swims right as Yoongi looks your way, his body stilling before he puts the fruit down. 
When he approaches with concern, you answer his silent questions through hiccups, “I—I thought you left cus—you were mad.” 
“I don’t even know,” you swallow, gesturing to all of your lower half and feeling him hold the slipping blanket. “It’s just… this, I guess.”
“Does it hurt?” 
“Like a motherfucker.” 
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry, doll. Hold up.” Handing you the comforter, Yoongi goes to his cabinets in the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of medicine before walking it over. “You gotta take something as soon as you feel it. Don’t let it get this bad.”
“I know,” you groan, resting your head on his shirt and inhaling his healing presence. “I didn’t wanna bother you.” 
Your forehead is kissed. “You’re not bothering me. Especially with something like this.” 
He walks away again to grab some water, and you watch as he pours some into an electric kettle before starting it up. 
Glancing back at the fruit, you sigh, clutching the bottle of pills while feeling the weight of his comforter. He’s probably not pleased with the way it might drag on the ground, so you gather it and pick the end chair to sit on. 
And then you sigh, “Sorry for making you peel those. I didn’t even plan on eating anything.”  
“Too bad. You’re gonna eat what I make you anyway.” 
Wait, he’s cooking? He has work to do! “You’re working, though. Don’t worry about me right now.” 
“It’ll be quick.” 
“What are you making?” 
A glass bowl and pan are procured from random places before Yoongi blinks in place. “Uhh.. You’ll see.” 
As he clunks them onto his counter and stove, you watch with hearts for eyes as he bustles around the kitchen space. Even doing things as simple as washing his hands, opening his fridge, and simply grabbing a knife gives you pause. 
And this is when you realize that you can watch Yoongi do absolutely anything and be amazed. 
Even when he stands, watching you with a look that’s wait why doesn’t he look—
“Take the medicine, baby girl.” 
Snapping out of your trance, you nod. “Sorry.” 
Yoongi continues to give you glances until you swallow down the painkillers, satisfied enough to continue his cooking venture when you take the second one. 
As the sun paints the apartment in marigold and light, you keep watching with a smile as he brings the kitchen to life. Butter sizzles in a pan, tangerines are getting halved on a board, and something is getting mixed with a whisk. 
Who knew that the neighborhood fuckboy would have a whisk on hand? Not the younger you, that’s for damn sure. 
But here Yoongi is, in the flesh, whisking away with veiny forearms that have you thinking the most absurd thoughts during this time of the month. The only thing that would cut through the raging horniness would be getting up to see what the hell he’s making. 
It’s starting to smell familiar though. But he put the tangerines in the pan so you don’t even know what to expect right now. 
Walking up—blanket left behind—you observe the kitchen before peering over his broad shoulder. “Mm.. Smells like pancakes.” 
Yoongi doesn’t answer, but when you see the consistency of the batter, you realize you’re correct. “Oh, it is! I’m smart.” 
“You are,” he laughs. “But you didn’t get it all the way right.” 
“Nope.” Yoongi then gently gets you to move before he pours the batter over the slices, and you crane your neck to watch as he evens it all out. “Just one tangerine pancake.”
“Oh, okay,” you scoff, earning a laugh at your side. “Whatever, chef.” 
“We’ll see what you say in a bit.” 
Is he gonna leave it or flip it? Probably the latter. 
“K. Gonna flip that once it’s done.” 
Nice. You smile to yourself, loving how you’re starting to really be on the same page. Nudging him, you keep watching as he lowers the heat and sets the lid on the pan. “What now?” 
“We wait,” he responds, dusting his hands together before cleaning up his mixing bowl. “And I’m gonna see if we have any sugar.”
Damn it, Yoongi cannot keep saying that two-letter word. It’s starting to be detrimental to your health. “I can help.” 
“S’ok,” he assures, nose upturned. “Just watch me work.” 
“Oh, I’m very good at doing that.” 
At this, Yoongi turns and gives you a smile that immediately reminds you of summer, and you almost feel like crying again. 
“I’ve actually never tried this, but. We’ll see if this works.” 
With nothing snarky, or teasing, or fake to say, you reply with a smile and a genuine, “I’m sure it will.” 
When he keeps staring, his eyes lower to your lips, and you don’t care that you probably look like a wreck, or feel like one. Because the way he’s looking at you now makes you glow. 
If only the kettle didn’t decide this was the moment to stop boiling. 
You were probably about to get the kiss of your life. 
But Yoongi halts in his tracks before shifting to get a mug, setting it down with a thud before checking on the pancakes. Pancake. Whatever that delicious-smelling thing is gonna be. 
“There’s some tea packets in that right drawer. Help yourself cus I’d rather you pick.” 
Chuckling, you oblige before scooting over. After seeing a small jar of granules on the counter, you start rummaging through the drawer, exploring the various options while hearing the sound of a plate behind you. 
Ah, Yoongi’s flipping it. 
As you turn, you’re just in time to watch the muscles in his back protrude through his shirt as he flips the pan, impressed as he sets the plate down because holy hell that looks great. 
“Sugar, sugar, sugar… Suga, suga, suga.” 
Laughing, you interrupt his silly search as you grab the jar you just saw. “Suga suga, how you get so fly?”
Yoongi stops to see what’s in your hand, and he huffs through a grin before grabbing it. “Thanks, doll.” 
You keep humming the song that’s now wedged into your head as you watch him sprinkle bits on the pancake. 
“I don’t have a blowtorch,” he admits, “But I do have this.” 
Rolling out a drawer, Yoongi takes out a long lighter before holding it to the sugary top, humming the same song you were just singing without even knowing it. As the sugar slowly but surely heats, you both keep humming and basking in a calm afternoon. 
And you don’t even feel the pain anymore. 
“Go ahead and sit, babe.” 
“You sure?” 
“Uh huh.” 
Following instructions, you make your way to the table, cocooning yourself in his comforter again as you await the cutest meal you’ve had in weeks. Months. Lifetimes. 
Speaking of lifetimes… You hope every version of you meets every version of him. No matter when. No matter where. Because you want every version of yourself to find happiness, and Yoongi has been the one to help you finally find it. 
And he certainly passed whatever the hell this orange theory thing was supposed to be. 
Plates are set down to break you out of introspection, and you glance up with eyes sparkling. 
When Yoongi raises a brow, you just smile. When he asks what’s gotten into you, a chuckle escapes before you shake your head, 
“Nothing, baby. Just didn’t expect all this from that text.” 
As he plops into the next chair, you love the way the sun settles on his skin. Highlights his hair. Shimmers in his eyes. 
“Don’t even need to ask, babe.” He captures your attention with a calm look. “I was waiting for any distractions anyways.” 
So this was for him, too? Good. 
Grabbing your fork, you giggle. “Sounded like you were having a little trouble over there.” 
“I was! This is what I get for not saving my shit.” 
Both of you sit back in laugher as you throw your hands out. “Do that!” 
“I’m lazy!” 
“Tough shit!” 
“I know!” 
Grinning, you loll your head before waving your fork out. “You’re gonna save those sounds, and you’re gonna remember this day and thank me.” 
Yoongi just tightens his lips in a smile, eyes creased and glimmering. “Maybe.” 
“Yes. I’ll stand there and watch you until you do it.” 
For the rest of the afternoon—with full bellies and clear minds—you rest on the edge of Yoongi’s bed, forcing him to find the files he needs and watching him groan his way through saving everything. 
Constantly laughing at the ridiculously random names he’s assigning them.
When he’s done, you watch as he spins around in his chair, heart thumping with anticipation as you’re met with a waiting pair of eyes.
When he leans in, you feel incredibly shy. Always, always, always. This will forever remain the same.
And—just as well—Yoongi's kisses will forever taste like tangerines. 
Three of them, to be exact. 
fin. :)
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how did the first 717 drabble go! | join the discord hehe
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a/n: nothing much to say other than i love y'all so much! i will try responding to anything when i can (there's literally still all the 3tan12 feedback to get to) but i do read all the commentary sent in and it keeps me going strong :'))) so thank you again for being here and being amazingly patient with me. off to work on more things but i shall be back once the wild weeks are over!
a/n 2: suga suga how you get so flyyyy hahaha
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churipu · 9 months
Hello lovely 😊 I hope you're feeling well.
I was wondering if I can request reader sparring with the jjk men (especially with Itadori + any others). As they are sparring they goof off and play fight and the jjk men find out reader is ticklish (or vice versa!)
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featuring. itadori yuuji, gojo satoru, geto suguru x reader
warning. cursing :>
note. anon my love, i'm so sorry this took so long </3 and yes hunny i'm feeling absolutely amazing, i hope you are too. as a ticklish person, yes. this request, yes. i hope you like it, mwah mwah <33
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ITADORI YUUJI. sparring in between you both was a routine, both yuuji and you would spend at least two hours amongst twenty four to spar against each other.
"i learnt a new move, wanna see it?" yuuji offers, wiping a bead of sweat from the side of his face. he was breathing heavily in exhaustion but the adorement in his eyes was there as he looks at you.
"so i'm the punching bag?" he nods his head happily, you chuckled shaking your head at his look but nodded nonetheless, "you're so lucky that you're cute."
yuuji was no longer a stranger to the word 'cute' coming from you, he likes it. and he's proud of it, "i know," he laughs, approaching you. you just stood there and waited for what he was about to do.
the male latches his fingers on both side of your waist, squeezing them lightly — you pulled yourself away from his grip at the tingle you felt, narrowing your eyes at him, "is this going to be something that involves tickling?"
yuuji was such a lost cause. he shook his head, until it hits him. you were ticklish. the corner of his lips twitched up and the next second he was on top of you, "forget about the new move, i have a better move — tickle attack!"
god, your worst nightmare. his fingers slithering your waist, curling lightly on your clothed skin as you can't help but to squirm and let out a string of laughter, pleading for him to stop.
just hope he doesn't use it on you the next time you spar (he totally will).
GOJO SATORU. the first time he found out you were ticklish was when he accidentally brushes your nape during a spar session, and you swung your fist at his face at the sudden tingle.
"oh, shit. are you okay? i didn't mean to do that, toru."
he didn't even care that you just punched him across his jaw, he held his jaw but blinked his doe blue eyes at you, "no, no, it's fine. are y'ticklish?"
when you flinched and pursed your lips into a line, it confirmed his question — and the male has never been so happy to know an information about you. but do be aware he will be using it against you at times, which is obviously just so unfair.
"toru! stop," you giggled, kicking your legs as he tickled your sides, "i said i didn't do it, you idiot!"
gojo hums softly, his fingers still brushing over your skin vividly, giving your sensitive skin the slightest touch of his fingers, "huh, then who was it? who ate my kikufuku, hm?"
"i don't know!" you breathe heavily, stomach hurting from laughing.
"i know it's you, baby!" he began another round of tickling, practically manhandling you at this point — he has a large grin etched onto his face as his fingers dived under your shirt, brushing your sides, "come on, i won't stop until you admit it."
you laugh, pushing his hands away, "fine, 't was me! it looked great so i had a little taste."
he had a satisfied smile on his face, placing a short kiss on your lips, "wasn't so hard, right? and a little taste?"
"shut up! i ate all six of it." he loves to tickle you randomly, so do be aware of it.
GETO SUGURU. unlike gojo or yuuji, geto wouldn't take advantage of you being ticklish. he accidentally finds out while he was visibly losing in a friendly spar, so he grabbed your waist with one hand and was about to push you off of him — until he heard soft laughs escaping your lips.
he momentarily stopped moving and gave your side a light squeeze, and more laughter escaped your lips. he's so in love all he could do was lay there on the ground, smiling at you affectionately like your voice was all that mattered to him at that moment.
"'t tickles sugu." you breathe out, rolling off of his body.
"i didn't know you're pretty ticklish."
"'ts because i don't want anyone to know," you rolled your eyes, reaching a hand out for him to take. which he did, nodding in acknowledgement.
his favorite thing to do is to brush his fingers on your nape, not to make fun of you. he just does it to hear you let out a little laugh or two, your voice was so alluring that he just has to hear it.
he does it while you both are walking together, watching a movie, sparring, studying, eating, any time he gets to do it; geto would. just to hear you laugh.
"sugu, it tickles."
"sorry, baby. i like to hear you laugh," he mumbles out, nuzzling his nose to your cheek before placing a kiss.
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 7 months
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[3:16 pm]
You were out of breath, turning the corner and closing the door to your bedroom. Jeno was hot on your heels, chasing after you. You laughed, tiredly pushing all your body weight against the door to keep it from opening. Jeno laughed, out of breath, "You can't keep me out! Just say you're sorry and all this will stop."
You giggled, your feet sliding along the wood floors of your home, while he pushed with all his strength. You readjusted your stance, calling back "I didn't do anything wrong!"
This was the last thing you though would happen today. When you sat down on the couch, your favorite drink of choice, with your favorite blanket wrapped around you to catch up on your favorite reality show, you never imagined that it would be a problem. It was a show you'd been watching for years, you had your favorite personalities, least favorite personalities, watched the storylines change, and relationships evolve.
Jeno used to make fun of you for watching the show. It was "so fake," "so trashy," and had even been asked "how you even watch this." He had never even tried to sit down and watch with you. Well, until a month ago. He sat down and watched the first two episodes with you unexpectedly. He had been on his way out but stopped behind the couch, distracted by the argument going on on the tv. Five minutes later he was seated beside you, asking what the reason for the fight was and who everyone was.
You never thought he would actually get invested, so when you sat down to catch up on three weeks of missed episodes, you didn't think anything of it.
Jeno had come in from his outings and gasped like you just told him you scratched his beloved car. "I can't believe you're watching without me! How much have you watched?!"
"Well, I missed 3 episodes and the second is finishing up-"
"Two episodes!?"
That's when he lunged over the couch and began tickling you, while you laughed and tried to explain that you didn't think he would be interested. That he had spend years criticizing you for watching the show. Even told you that this show was rotting your brain. You had started running when you started the third episode and Jeno started tickling you even more.
Jeno was easing the door open now, you could hear his laughs while you tried with all your might to keep the door closed. You knew he could have easily opened the door by now but you appreciated him playing along. "You used to bash me for watching the show!" You laughed, your strength slowly leaving you.
Jeno now had an arm in, reaching to your side to poke and prod to weaken you, "And then I learned how much of an asshole Tom is! We needed to discuss!"
You gave up, laughing helplessly as you slid to the floor. Your shoulders were shaking with uncontrollable giggles, you could hear the theme song playing from the living room.
Jeno slowly slid the door open, face damp with sweat and a soft smile on his face, "I'm sorry I told you this show was melting your brain and killing your brain cells. Can you please restart the episodes so I can watch too?"
You leaned in, pecking his lips quickly as you laughter subsided, "Was it so hard to admit you liked the show?"
He nodded, "Nearly killed me baby. Let's go- and no spoilers!"
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joelmillerisapunk · 3 months
Beach Daddy VI. One Last Time
bfd!joel miller x f!reader
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series masterlist masterlist
wordcount: 13,941
summary: you find yourself in Joel's arms once more, torn between the love you share and the dreams that pull you apart.
warnings: 18+, age gap, finally finally unprotected p in v, some cute stuff goin on here, uses of the names darlin and babygirl, this involved a lot of me going "ahhhh" and "whyyy" and then "yesss" I didn't leave you with a mean cliffhanger this time.
notes: thank you to everyone for your love on this fic, I truly never thought this would be as loved as it is <3 I can't thank you guys enough for your support and the likes, comments and reblogs. Truly you guys have made this that much more fun to write. AND thank you to everyone who has been so so patient with me as I finished this chapter. I only have one hand to type at the moment so this took 50 years. ty @saradika-graphics as always for the divider
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Why don't you stay with me, share all your secrets tonight
We can make believe the morning sun never will rise
Come and lay you're head on this big brass bed. We'll be all right as long as you stay with me
The dark sky seems even darker through the tinted windows of the black car that Joel has sent to pick you up. He sounds urgent on the phone; when you tell him that you need to talk, he tells you that you have a lot to discuss, but he doesn't want to talk over the phone.  Eventually, you agree to have his driver pick you up and take you to his penthouse. Secretly, you're glad that he suggested meeting in person. You don't want to go over everything and why you left without saying goodbye, with your two roommates listening to every word of your conversation. Lin acts as though your life is more interesting than all of the reality TV shows she binge-watches every weekend.
The car is just as luxurious as you should have expected after seeing all of the amenities that the Miller family is used to, but you're still surprised at how supple the leather seats are as you slide across them for your long ride across New York. It's nice to spend the drive relaxed and not on the edge of your seat, afraid the cab driver is going to hit a pedestrian trying desperately to cross the street. You remind yourself not to get comfortable with this type of luxury; it's not going to last.
“Is there anything I can do for you to make the drive more comfortable, Miss?" Joel's driver calls back from the front seat.
“No, everything is perfect, thank you," you answer.
“There are snacks and beverages stocked for you if you change your mind."
There's sparkling water in the cupholder next to you, mysteriously maintained at the perfect temperature. You crack the seal and let the bubbles tickle your throat as you watch the skyscrapers pass by your window. You should have guessed that Joel's penthouse would be on the Upper East Side, but you can't help but stare at the buildings and how extravagant everything seems compared to your dumpy little neighborhood. The driver pulls to a stop in front of a tall building and gets out to open your door for you.
The night sky is littered with stars, which are muted by the bright lights of Joel's building. A doorman dressed in a uniform opens the front door for you and escorts you to the elevator, where he presses the button for the penthouse and backs out with a lift of his hat. You ride the elevator in silence, your heart beating increasingly faster as you pass each floor with a ding of the elevator. You can't help but wonder if Joel is angry with you for leaving the Bahamas without so much as a word. You hope it hasn't hurt him, but after your fight with Sarah, you couldn't stay, and you knew that Joel and you could never have a future together, especially when his only daughter hated you. Worst of all was the reason you were at his home in the first place. You couldn't let him risk his reputation for you. That photographer didn't need to have the opportunity to take more pictures of you together. You're convinced you're not worth the risk. The elevator stops at the top floor, and the doors slowly slide open to reveal Joel's front entry, a set of floor-to-ceiling glazed glass doors. You ring the small buzzer, and a few seconds later, Joel's unmistakable form approaches the glass.
“Darlin'," Joel says with a warm smile as he slides the door open to reveal his face.
You're relieved to be greeted so warmly. You had told yourself over and over again on the ride over that you couldn't pursue anything with Joel, but as soon as you see him, you have to fight to suppress your feelings for the man. “Joel, it's nice to see you again. Thank you so much for sending a car, although you really didn't have to."
“I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to," Joel says, reaching out his hand to you.
After a slight hesitation, you take it, and he leads you into his penthouse. The interior is decorated in a modern style with sleek lines and crisp edges, giving the entire space a clean and wealthy feel. A large statement dining room table takes up a large portion of the space.
It's glowing from the tiny flames of tealight candles spanning the entire length of the table. The light flickering off all of the surfaces adds a subtle softness to the sharp lines of the room. Joel pulls out a chair for you.
“I don't know if you've eaten, but I had my chef prepare a little something before he left for the night."
“I can always eat," you say with a small smile of thanks before he disappears into the kitchen.
He returns with two artful plates of filet mignon and asparagus spears. He sets a plate in front of you and the other in front of the chair directly across from you. He pours a generous glass of wine for each of you before taking his seat.
“This is absolutely beautiful," you say as you glance around the room.
“It is, isn't it?" Joel says looking around the room, too, before continuing. "Honestly, I tend to forget how nice this place is. Typically, when I'm in New York, I get so wrapped up in work that I forget to enjoy it."
“Well, you should slow down more often," you say, not exactly sure how friendly to be with the man you'd almost slept with and then ghosted.
“Well then, to more happy nights," Joel says, raising his glass to you.
You sigh, not picking up your glass to meet his. “Joel, don't you think we should talk about the photographer? We can't act as if nothing happened."
Joel sighs, too, and sets his glass back down on the table. “I know that we need to talk about what happened. I am sure you have a lot of questions for me. I'm honestly surprised that you even agreed to come here after everything my family and guests put you through. I just wanted to spend some time with you before we had to talk about all of that unpleasantness."
You're shocked that Joel is worried about you not showing up; he always seems so confident and put together. The entire time you had been worried he wouldn't want to see you again when he was worried about the same thing. “I was afraid you wouldn't want to see me again," you admit sheepishly.
“Babygirl, I would have to be crazy not to want to see you again."
Heat bursts into your cheeks, and you're thankful that the light is low enough to hide your blush.
“I have mentally kicked myself every day for not going to you right after I got back from chasing off that photographer. Then, when I woke up the next day, I found out you were gone, and it was too late. After that, I figured you needed some space, understandably. Your vacation was anything but relaxing," Joel says as he rubs the back of his neck.
“I should have at least stayed to say goodbye, but at the time, I didn't feel as though I could stay."
“I found out from some of my staff that you and Sarah were heard getting into an argument. No one knew what it was about, and I couldn't get a straightforward answer out of Sarah. What did she say to make you feel like you needed to leave?"
You look down at your plate and take a slow bite, trying to decide just how much of the fight with Sarah you want to disclose to her father. The meat is so tender it feels as though it melts in your mouth; you swallow reluctantly before speaking. “Sarah found out that I was Todd's previous girlfriend. She obviously wasn't happy about it, and things got pretty heated. I didn't want to stay after that."
Joel stares at you as though trying to get you to go into the horrible things his daughter had actually said to you. It's hard for you to understand why you still feel the need to protect Sarah from her own shitty behavior, but you hold your tongue anyway. “I know there is more to it than that."
“None of that matters anymore," you say, looking down at your plate again to avoid his piercing gaze. “We are going in completely different directions in our lives, and I doubt that we will ever cross paths again. We are from completely different worlds."
“You are right," Joel responds, watching you carefully. “You two are completely different. She is turning into everything I hoped she wouldn't, and you, well, you are… real."
The silence between you is only interrupted by the soft clinks of your silverware against your plates.
“I wasn't able to catch up with that photographer," Joel says softly, almost ashamed.
“I know," you respond, finally lifting your eyes to meet his.
“What do you mean?" Joel's eyebrows furrow together, clearly confused by what you are alluding to.
“Right before the flight I was on took off, an unknown number sent me a picture of us in the cove."
Tears start to well up in your eyes. Joel jumps up from his side of the table and is next to you in an instant. He grabs your hands from where they are resting on your lap. Even as upset as you are, the feeling of his hands on yours makes your entire body feel warm.
“Baby, why on earth did you keep this to yourself? If I would have known that he was blackmailing you, I would have had someone standing guard at your apartment day and night."
“I thought that if I disappeared, they would leave you alone, but whoever it was, they found me. That's why I came to find you at your office."
“What do you mean they found you?" Joel asks, concern flooding his eyes.
“Someone followed me back to my apartment. I ran down the street, but they must have noticed where I lived because the next time I opened the door, there was a box waiting for me.
Joel stares at you, absorbing every word you speak.
“The picture was inside of the box with a note that said, 'Tell Joel he is running out of time.' That's when I decided I needed to come and find you. I am so sorry, Joel. I thought this would all just go away if I walked out of your life."
"That son of a bitch," Joel curses, releasing your hands as he stands and strides toward the balcony. Your hands, now devoid of his warmth, feel empty and cold.
"Who?" you inquire as Joel retreats, opening the door to step outside onto the balcony. You rise to your feet, fully intent on following him when he doesn't respond to your question. You make your way out to the balcony slowly, a sense of awe washing over you. You've never been inside a home as luxurious as this one.
The balcony sprawls out before you, offering an incredible view of the New York skyline. The distant buildings cast a glow that lights up the night sky like stars anchored to the earth. It would be breathtaking if not for the tense conversation hanging in the air between you two.
Joel settles onto an outdoor sectional in front of a fire pit nestled within the coffee table. The lavishness of such amenities never fails to astonish you. You take a seat next to him and look at him with expectation in your eyes, but when he still doesn't answer your question, you press further.
"Joel, who is trying so hard to drag you through the mud? Surely, it isn't just about money. If that were the case, they would have sold the photo already, and it would be everywhere by now." You pause for a moment before continuing with conviction in your voice. "I'm sure someone would pay a lot for that picture. This seems much more personal."
"You're right, babygirl," Joel responds with a slight smile playing on his lips as he gazes into the slowly flickering flames before him: "You are very perceptive; you really will make an excellent lawyer." 
Your eyes meet his with determination: "I hope I get to be one," you say thoughtfully before adding with concern. "But I don't know how focused I will be if I am constantly having to watch over my shoulder or fend off journalists curious about our situation." 
Joel sighs at your comment and looks out over the cityscape below—a silent acknowledgment that perhaps you were more direct than he expected. Even though you're not in the public eye like he is, this situation still has the potential to jeopardize your future career.
"I am sorry for dragging you into my messy family drama," Joel finally offers, his eyes softening as he turns to face you.
"Someone in your family is trying to blackmail you? Who would do that?" you ask, your shock evident in the way your eyebrows shoot up towards your hairline. You watch as Joel struggles to articulate an explanation.
"I believe I mentioned a bit about my father and our strained relationship while I was growing up," Joel says, his gaze drifting away from you.
"Yes, a little, right after we watched the dolphins," you recall, encouraging him to continue.
"Well, a significant part of our issues was his constant absence. When I was younger, I convinced myself that his work kept him busy, but after his death, I discovered that it was likely due to an affair he was having."
"Oh, Joel, I'm so sorry," you say, at a loss for words. The thought of discovering infidelity after already grieving the loss of your parents is unimaginable to you.
Joel continues, "I don't know how long the affair lasted, but at some point, the other woman became pregnant. I found out about Blaine some time ago—my half-brother, the product of my father's long-hidden affair. I don't even know if my father ever met his other son."
Curiosity piqued, you ask, "Have you ever met him?"
"No, I searched for him for years without success. Once I finally located him, I had my security team investigate him. To put it mildly, he's made some very poor life choices. So, I never pursued a meeting with him."
You reach out and take Joel's hand in yours, feeling the tension in his fingers as they intertwine with yours. He looks at your joined hands, seemingly finding it difficult to meet your gaze.
"It wasn't long after he discovered a connection to the Miller family through a DNA match that I started receiving messages demanding money. My father made it clear that Blaine was to inherit nothing. When I didn't respond, he began threatening my family members."
"Oh no," you say, your voice laced with sympathy as you run your thumb lightly over his.
"I had my security team focused on protecting my extended family. I was naive to think he wouldn't have me followed to the Bahamas. My oversight led to us being photographed. Blaine, my delinquent half-brother, must be the one trying to use you to get to me," Joel concludes, his guilt apparent in his eyes.
"Joel, this isn't your fault," you reassure him, squeezing his hand and trying to catch his eye.
"It is my fault. I'm the reason you're being dragged into this blackmail," Joel insists, finally meeting your gaze.
"If it weren't me, it would have been someone else," you counter, trying to alleviate his sense of responsibility.
"Don't you see?" Joel asks, frustration creeping into his tone. "If there had been another woman he could have used against me, he would have. There's never been anyone I cared for enough. I believe Blaine had us watched for quite some time before you left. He must have realized there was something more between us that he could exploit."
"What is between us?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper, as you grip your hands together tightly in your lap.
Joel hesitates, the weight of his words hanging in the air. He looks at you with an intensity that makes it hard to breathe. "There's enough between us that I couldn't bear the thought of him hurting you," Joel finally admits, not breaking eye contact.
A pang of disappointment hits you, but you push it aside. "Oh," is all you manage to say, feeling a sense of deflation. You chide yourself for harboring such feelings. You know better than to want him in that way. He's older, and he's the father of your former friend. A relationship between you two could only lead to heartache. Yet, despite all logic, you can't help but yearn for him to feel more for you.
Joel stands with you, gently taking hold of your arms and turning you to face him. He pulls you close, and you can feel the heat of his body against yours as you place your hands on his chest.
"Babygirl, you are... irresistible," Joel confesses, his words sending a jolt through you. "I found myself seeking you out, just to spend a few moments with you. I tried to keep my distance, but I couldn't resist my desire to be near you, to hear your laugh, or to be the reason for the smile on your beautiful lips."
His words ignite a flutter in your chest, and you struggle to steady your breathing, your hands moving up to caress his neck as your fingers thread through his hair.
"And that day I took you to watch the dolphins, I knew all my efforts were in vain. I gave in to my feelings for you, despite knowing it was wrong. I wanted nothing more than to take you right there on the sand of that beach."
Joel's lips graze yours, the proximity of his mouth making it hard to concentrate on anything but the possibility of what might come next.
"I let my guard down because I thought it was safe. Safe for both of us. I liked the man I was when I was alone with you. On the yacht, I was more myself with you than I had been in a really long time. You awakened a desire in me that I didn't know was still there."
"I couldn't stop thinking about you," you whisper, your lips brushing against Joel's, your body instinctively leaning into his.
His urgency matches yours as his lips meet yours in a passionate kiss. You explore the contours of his chest and neck with your hands, finally allowing yourself to indulge in the moment. His tongue slips into your mouth, and a soft moan escapes you, prompting him to pull you even closer. After a few intense seconds, you regain your senses and pull back, your breath coming in short gasps as you stare into his face, taking in his handsomeness.
"What's wrong?" Joel asks, a frown forming on his lips.
"I'm moving in two days," you say, trying to rationalize your hesitation. "I just don't want to start feeling more for you just to have to leave again."
"I have a home not far from Harvard. I travel constantly all over the world. This isn't really about the distance between us, is it?" Joel challenges gently.
"No," you admit reluctantly.
"Then what is it about?" he asks, moving closer, his gaze locked onto yours.
"It's about how complicated this is, with Sarah and Blaine... it's all just so much," you confess, unable to trust yourself to look at his enticing mouth.
"What if we stopped worrying about how complicated this is and just... gave in?" Joel suggests, brushing a lock of hair from your face. He leans in and kisses you sweetly once more before pulling back to gauge your reaction.
“Just for tonight”, you whisper, biting your bottom lip. Sleeping with Joel, even for just one night, is probably a bad decision, but you don't care at the moment. You are so caught up in the emotions he sends spiraling through you that you can't bring yourself to say no. At his touch, your skin is on fire, and the taste of him lingers on your lips even after he pulls away.
It's all the invitation he needs to pick you up and kiss you again and again. He trails a soft touch up your side, and your skin prickles at his wandering hand. He lays you back against the soft cushions, and you catch a brief glimpse of his skin as his shirt billows. You can't help but run your hand up his stomach, feeling each well-defined ripple of muscle. Goosebumps appear in waves along your body as the heat of his chest travels up your arms.
You help him out of his shirt as the firelight sends dancing shadows across his skin. His linen shirt falls to the floor in an unwanted pile. Joel leans down to you and settles his hand upon your cheek. The gesture is adoring, which makes your heart ache with happiness. You have never been looked at the way Joel gazes at you.
"You are so unabashedly beautiful, baby," he says, his eyes narrowing in a hungry gaze that leaves you wanting more. His thumb traces the soft contour of your mouth, melting away your thoughts of anything but him. His deep eyes penetrate your soul, warming you to your core. You have to have him.
You reach for the waist of his jeans, but he stops your hand and grins at you. "Slow down," he says. "If we can only have this one night, I want to remember every second of it. I want to memorize every curve of your body, every sound that crosses your gorgeous lips, every look on your face." If you are only going to allow me one night, I am going to make it count."
His lips meet the nape of your neck, making your entire body shudder. Every kiss and soft touch of his lips along your collarbone has you melting. Joel's hands slide to your waist, and he tugs up the fabric of your shirt. He gently eases the garment over the top of your head. You feel his eyes devour the sight of you in your black lace bralette.
A gust of wind sneaks through the holes of the lace, making your nipples even harder than they already are at the sight of him. Joel's lips trail down your neck and to your breasts, teasing you with his tongue. He kisses along the upper barrier of your bra, leaving you panting and writhing beneath him as you long for him to take your hardened peak between his lips.
Again, you reach for his belt and busy yourself undoing it. Your fingers fumble with the clasp, and he chuckles softly at you, but eventually, it gives way, allowing you to access his top button and zipper. You want to rip the fabric from his body, but you remember that he had told you to move slowly, so you do your best to keep your trembling fingers calm.
The moon continues to rise higher in the sky as you slowly and methodically abandon each piece of Joel's clothing. You are ready to follow his lead, but Joel insists on slowing everything down for you, making your body physically ache with desire for him. He unclips the clasp of your bra and lets it fall to the floor at his feet. His soft kisses trail every part of your chest as he makes his way down to your belly button. Your arousal burns inside of you even as the cool breeze of the evening nips at your naked body. Joel pulls you closer to him. The heat from the fire only warms one side of your bodies.
"Are you cold?" he whispers against your neck, his breath fanning out and warming your flesh.
Shivers continue to move down your naked body in response to him and the breeze, but you do your best to give him a verbal response, even though your ability to speak has evaporated when his lips met your bare skin. You can only manage a slight shake of your head. However, Joel sweeps you into his arms and back into the house. His bare feet are soft on the cold tile of the hallway, and he uses his back to push open a door. You can barely make out his bedroom in the dark, a skylight offering the only light in the room directly over the bed.
The bed is covered in a white goose-down duvet that flutters in response to Joel helping you into the pillows. Then, as the blanket settles around you, he crawls over top of you. You grab the sides of his face and pull him closer to you, your thumbs massaging against his cheekbones.
"I am so lucky to have met you. Taking that trip was the best decision I have ever made," you pant, and you kiss him hard, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth, your teeth clamping down on the soft flesh, leaving him leaning into you with want. You can feel his hardness against your thigh, which only serves to spur you on to kiss him deeper. When you release him, he smiles down at you, his eyes glistening in the moonlight.
"I’m the lucky one. I will always be the lucky one." Joel's fingertips brush your cheek as he moves a loose lock of hair away from your face.
He kisses you back and lowers his body to meet yours. You lift yourself up to him, wanting to get as close to him as possible. You need him so badly; the thought of there being any distance between you at all is unimaginable. His need for you is also apparent, and he presses himself closer to you, his hardness poised at your entrance. The heat of your bodies mingles in the warmth of his bed.
You grip the duvet cover in both of your hands, anticipating him pushing inside of you, but he is still gazing down at you, taking his time.
You are unable to fight your longing for him for another second, so you don't. With both hands, you grip his muscular back, spreading your legs wider to welcome him in. His smile shifts to a smirk, and then, he is moving inside of you. Your head tips back, and an ethereal moan leaves your lips as he fills you completely.
Joel takes his time with this as well, creating a smooth, steady rhythm that has you hanging onto him as your only grip left on reality. Your hands trail down to his firm ass, and touching him in such an intimate place sends another shiver of pleasure through your body.
Before long, you feel your body begin to spasm around him, and it is all you can do to keep oxygen in your lungs. Joel's lips are on your neck, and you can feel him increasing his pace to match your moans as you tumble over the edge, crying out his name in a voice you don't even recognize as your own. Joel keeps you at your peak for what seems like an eternity. By the time he tightens up and grunts a few times, filling you with warmth, you can hardly handle the intensity of what he is doing to your body.
After Joel finishes, he doesn't move off of you right away. Instead, he kisses you softly, taking his time, his tongue dancing around yours, as if he were savoring the taste of you. When he finishes, he kisses you a couple of more times, quickly, and then moves so that he is resting next to you.
He pulls you to his chest, cradling your head against him and running his fingers through your hair. You nestle against him, wrapping an arm around his chest. You want to tell him all of the emotions you are feeling in your heart, but you don't dare. You had said just once. How could you lie in his arms and tell him you love him when this wasn't just your first time making love, it was also goodbye? You can't do that to him. So, instead, you lie there in his arms, letting your heavy eyes close, listening to the rhythm of his heart and his breathing, wishing this was just the first time and not the last, but nothing can be done to change your circumstances.
This will have to be the end.
You wake up a few hours later, and Joel is still awake. You know by the look in his eyes that he wants you again. Your instincts say no, you shouldn't do this again, but the fact that you have already made love once, and the night isn't over, spurs you on. Before you can stop yourself, you are mounting him, and with him buried deep within you, you rock your hips, letting that feeling of euphoria wash over you again. You continue for hours until you are both exhausted. 
Finally, you begin to fall back to sleep and settle next to him, but your mind is too busy to let you fall asleep completely. You watch the look in Joel's eyes as he looks over at you. Your breath slowly starts to settle back to an average pace. He stares at you as though he can't look away.
The soft glow of early morning dusts the starlit sky. He kisses your lips so softly you aren't sure if it's real or if the entire steamy night has been a dream. He lays his head back on one of the many pillows and closes his eyes. A small hint of a smile still lingers on his lips. Joel wraps a soft blanket around your naked body in a protective way. You melt into his side and can feel his heartbeat. You listen to the steady rhythm of his breaths until they slow. You know he has fallen asleep. Despite the heaviness of your eyelids, your mind doesn't want to rest.
Joel has a way about him that makes you feel safe, wanted, and, dare you think it, loved. You haven't felt that way in a long time. This one night with Joel puts three years with Todd to shame. You can't see yourself ever finding any man as wonderful as Joel again. You feel a piece of your heart break, knowing this can't last… that you won't let this last. Knowing that everyone in Joel's life will make sure that you won't even get a chance to try. You don't want the ugliness of reality to ruin the perfect night you have shared.
Joel was right. If you were only going to have one night together, you needed to make it count. Rather than giving in to your thoughts, you close your eyes and fall asleep in his arms.
When you wake up, it takes you a few moments for your eyes to adjust to the morning light streaming through the skylight. You're at Joel's house, in his bed. The smell of his sandalwood cologne lingers on your skin and the silky sheets. You roll to your side and realize that you're alone. You sit straight upright, holding the sheets to your bare chest, as you look around the room. The door is cracked open, and you can hear the clinking of dishes coming from down the hall.
You drape your legs over the side of the bed, scanning the floor. After an unsuccessful search, you realize your clothes are still on the balcony. You make your way into what you assume is Joel's ensuite, pull one of his shirts from the closet, and slip it over your shoulders. After rinsing your face in the sink, washing away yesterday's makeup, you silently make your way down the hall back to the kitchen.
Joel is humming a light tune while he's scrambling eggs in a frying pan. You stand and watch him as he continues cooking, humming to himself, and occasionally smiling. Your heart lifts at the thought that those smiles are for you.
“Good morning," you say in a lighthearted tone, pretending as though you hadn't been watching him.
“A very good morning," Joel answers with a small wink.
“I hope you don't mind that I borrowed this. I couldn't seem to find my clothes this morning."
Joel laughs and splits the scrambled eggs onto two plates.
“It looks a lot better on you. You can borrow it anytime you like," he says, not taking his eyes off of you.
“Oh wow, you cook too. What can't you do, Joel?" you ask and take a bite of eggs into your mouth.
Joel pulls out a paper bag full of pastries and places each one carefully on a plate.
“Eggs are just about the only thing I can cook. I usually have a black cup of coffee on my way out the door, so my cook doesn't come until later. I always like to keep a few of these on hand, from the bakery down the street." Joel passes you the plate full of pastries and you pick out a fluffy croissant. When it's just Joel and you, it's easy to forget that he's insanely wealthy and amenities such as personal chefs are his norm.
“I would love a cup of that black coffee if you have it on hand." You smile and break the croissant in half, inhaling the buttery scent.
“How did you sleep?" Joel asks, pouring you a mug full of coffee.
“I slept amazingly. You'll have to tell me where you got your sheets. They are so soft," you tease.
Joel chuckles and sits down next to you, placing the coffee in front of you. He brushes back a piece of your hair and tucks it behind your ear. The simple action sends another wave of heat through you, and you have to remind yourself not to get used to this. You swallow hard.
“How did you sleep?" you ask.
“The best night's sleep I have gotten in a long time," he says with a smirk and a glance in your direction. You feel your cheeks burn at his insinuation.
“Me too," you admit, thinking about how great it felt just to sleep next to him.
You take a sip of the steaming coffee and continue working on your plate.
“So what have you been up to since I last saw you?" Joel asks as though you hadn't run away without saying goodbye.
“I have just been packing up the apartment and trying to remember everything I need to do before the move."
“Did you get everything taken care of that you needed to?"
“Yeah, for the most part," you say, glancing at him. You can't stop thinking about your night together.
“Have you gotten everything packed?" he asks with a hint of sadness in his voice, keeping his eyes on his food.
“Not everything, I am close, but I still have a few more things to sort out."
“I would offer to come to help you if I didn't have to work today. I have a meeting with investors, which I can't get out of."
“Oh, no, I would never ask you to miss work. I will just call a cab," you say quickly.
“Nonsense. I will have my driver take you home."
Joel helps you collect your clothes from the balcony and you use his bathroom to freshen up before he walks you downstairs. The same black car is waiting for you on the street in view of the lobby.
“I will call you later, babygirl. I promise," Joel says.
You nod and look up into his eyes with a small smile. Joel bends down and touches your lips to his. The kiss is soft and sweet; the heat lingers on your lips as the car pulls away from Joel standing on the sidewalk, watching you leave.
The drive goes fast on the way back to your apartment because you keep replaying the events of your night with Joel over and over again. You can feel your face heat up by the time you pull up to your building and Joel's driver opens your door for you.
“Thank you so much for the ride," you say with a smile, the driver nods but does not get back into the car.
“Is there something else?" you ask, confused.
“I have strict instructions to make sure you get into the building safely, Miss."
You give a weak smile and head into your building and up the stairs. As soon as you put your key in the lock, the door flies open. Both of your roommates are standing in the doorway with grins plastered on their faces.
“Somebody didn't come home last night. That better mean you have something to tell us," Lin says, she's nearly vibrating with excitement.
“I don't know what you mean. We just had a nice time catching up," you lie with a sly grin, and already know your roommates can see right through it.
“Oh, you two caught up last night alright. You slept with him, didn't you?" Aubrey says, and her smile gets even bigger.
“I did," you say barely above a whisper, your smile filling your face at the admission.
Both Lin and Aubrey squeal as they usher you inside and close the door.
“We need every single detail," Lin says.
“Fine, but I really need to shower first," you say, chuckling.
After your shower, the three of you sit down so you can spill the tea. You start off with the not so interesting parts and let it build.
“So everything started out on his balcony, where he kissed me. I was ready to rip his clothes right off his body but he wanted to take things slow. He said he wanted to memorize everything about me," you say, warming at the memory. “Since it was only for the night, I'm glad he made me slow down."
“And how is this man single?" Aubrey asks with a giggle.
“Honestly, I have no idea. The way he made me feel was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Plus, he made me breakfast this morning."
“We don't care about the breakfast! How was he?" Lin asks, waving her hand to make you move on.
“He was absolutely amazing, I think I actually left my own body at one point."
“How big is he?" Lin asks, leaning in closer with a grin.
You smack her arm lightly and start laughing, hard. “No way in hell am I going to tell you that!"
“It was worth a shot," Lin says with a mocking smile.
“Honestly, the sex was the best I have ever had. And it wasn't because of his size or his amazingly toned body, which it is by the way. It was the way he looked into my eyes that made me feel like I meant so much to him. I felt like he was seeing me for who I actually am, and adored every part of me. I haven't felt that way in such a long time," you gush as you wrap a towel around your wet hair.
Lin lets out an audible moan and falls back onto her unmade bed.
“Oh, you are so lucky. I don't know if I will ever find a man to look at me like that. Although, right now I could do with one with rock-hard abs," Lin says.
You laugh and toss a pillow over to Lin, and it flops onto her.
“It was absolutely amazing!" you continue daydreaming.
“So when are you seeing him again?" Aubrey asks.
“I kind of told him that it was a one-time thing…" you trail off.
“Why the hell would you do that?" Lin shoots straight up and practically shouts at you.
“In case you forgot, Lin, we are moving in just two days. How am I supposed to continue a relationship with him while he's living in New York?"
“You can't really believe that. The man is a billionaire, I am sure you would see him all the time if you really wanted to. You are just using moving as an excuse," Lin says. She stares you down until you can't take it anymore and look away. You make eye contact with Aubrey and can tell she feels the same way.
“It's complicated."
“We just want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy," Aubrey says and reaches out to hold your hand.
“I want to be happy too, but there is so much standing in our way. I am moving away, his daughter absolutely hates me now, and not to mention our age gap. Plus, the creepy stalker situation."
“It doesn't matter how messy it is if he makes you happy," Lin offers.
You sit in silence as you soak in their support. A knock on the door echoes through the entire apartment, making your heart beat faster. You all look at each other with apprehension.
You rush to the door expecting Joel to be on the other side. You're ready to tell him that you want to give this, to give it a shot. There's no one at the door, so you stick your head out and look down the hallway, but still discover nothing. Just as you're about to shut the door, you notice a small piece of yellow paper taped to it. You peel the tape off of the door and turn the note over. In tiny, extremely neat handwriting are five words. These five words make your heart drop and chase all thoughts of a relationship with Joel from your mind.
You can't run from this.
Everything about you had been so wonderful, and Joel couldn't get the memory of your intimacy out of his head. He sighs, resting his cheek on his fist as he rides along in silence, anticipating a busy meeting with investors. Vultures, all of them, but they were a necessary evil. The only thoughts Joel wanted to have today were of you. Unfortunately, he didn't always get what he wanted.
He watches as buildings whiz by, the scent of street vendors and car exhaust heavy in the air. People wander along the sidewalks, chatting happily with one another, arms full of shopping bags. He sees a couple lean forward and lock lips, a sadness stabbing into his gut. That could be us, Joel thinks to himself, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. Things had to be so complicated. Money could solve most, if not all problems, so why not this?
The car pulls into the building, and the door is opened for him so he can make his way inside. Bland colors like muted whites, greys, and blacks greet him as he exits the elevator and walks down the halls in his formal tailored suit. He gives an absentminded nod toward the secretary, not thinking much of either this meeting, the people here, or the day, as his thoughts are strictly locked on you..
Well. That was until he recalls a rather recent memory regarding the secretary. He remembers her words regarding the wonderful, intelligent woman he had in his bedroom only last night. Before entering the meeting, he gives her a harsh glare out of the side of his eye, something she doesn't notice, as she is busy typing on the computer. Perhaps something would need to be done about her unfair and unwarranted treatment of you.
Joel smiles to himself, the thought of being rid of this new problem tantalizing. First, however, he needs to handle the circus that is the investors. Thankfully, the meeting goes quickly, the bored expressions of the investors only mildly infuriating. It takes a lot of determination and hard work to run this company, so to see people a bit less enthusiastic makes his stomach clench with annoyance. Now he can move on to more important matters. His hand flies toward his pants pocket as he feels a vibration, raising a brow. Could it be you? He wonders, at this point excited like a lost school boy. He's a mess. Joel Miller, a highly successful man in this dog-eat-dog world. Brought to his knees by a woman twenty years his junior, but what a woman you are. To him, that doesn't matter. Joel brings out his phone, his heart fluttering and a grin widening across his face as he realizes the message is from you. Perhaps you're texting in order to work things out? He's been interested in you before, with obvious worries due to the age gap, but is now convinced that if you both wanted to, you could work things out. He would never force you to do so. However, after actually reading the texts, his heart clenches, and he feels a pit in his stomach. His hopeful smile melts into a deep, angry scowl. That bastard is still active, more than ever now. Blaine needs to be stopped, his antics this time included leaving a letter for you that reads;  You can't run from this.
Joel will make damn sure that he can't, either. He needs to figure out the status of this situation with his head of security. He clenches his jaw and resists the urge to throw his phone against the wall. Reacting that way wouldn't be helpful. Joel ignores the secretary's wary, surprised look as he briskly walks past her. No doubt, she sees his expression and posture. He will deal with her later.
Sending a text, he makes his way to another meeting room, this one private. He waits for Bruce to enter, taking a seat himself and leaning back in a cushioned chair. Bruce does, after what feels like hours but could only have been minutes.
“You want updates on the Blaine situation, sir?" Bruce asks, causing Joel to give a curt nod. Bruce sighs, shaking his head. “I have good news and bad news. Bad news first, we have no idea where he is located."
Joel puts a hand over his forehead and lets out a soft groan, the stress of the situation spawning a minor headache. “What could the good news possibly be in this situation," Joel asks, his voice laced with frustration.
The security head isn't phased, likely having expected this reaction. Rather, he dips his head, taking out his phone to turn toward Joel. His expression is grim, and there are shadows under his eyes. Perhaps this situation is taking its toll on him as well. Joel will bear that in mind for bonuses. Bruce will get a big one, if he can coherently help Joel take Blaine down, of course.
“We're sure the pictures have not been released to news outlets. My team has been watching this issue like hawks. No sign of the media getting their grubby hands on this. Your reputation is safe for now, sir," Bruce explains.
Joel sighs, muttering, “It isn't my reputation I'm worried about." He shakes his head, holding his face in his hands and thinking for a moment. After composing himself, Joel looks back toward Bruce and gives a nod. “Thank you for your hard work. I hope we'll be able to find him soon. He's been making my life a living hell, and I need to put a stop to it." Anger swells in Joel's chest at the lack of progress despite the 'good news', and not at the head of security by any means. He knows that the team is doing their best. Those not doing their best, however, are about to get punished, and hard. Joel runs his fingers through his hair, making his way out of the room and dismissing Bruce back to his current position.
Now, Joel is headed toward the front desk, his jaw tightened and his expression twisted into an incredibly deep scowl. He approaches the secretary, who is leaning back, likely slacking off as she sometimes does. That's whatever to him, as long as she gets her work done. Insulting you, however, is not included in her job description, and it tells him how she thinks of, and treats people in general. 
Joel snarls at her, “You. You're fired."
“What? But, sir, I–"
“Did I stutter?" Joel asks dangerously. “Out. Now. You have five minutes to grab your things and go. If I return and see you here, I will address this with my head of security."
“Can you at least tell me what I did?" she asks, pouting as she stands up.
“Yes. You insulted someone who is very important to me because you thought you were better than her. Maybe this will teach you a lesson about treating people poorly. Now, out!"
She stares at him with a mixture of anger and horror, the latter expression doubtlessly winning out. There's no way she can touch him, not with the amount of power he holds. One moment she was on top of the world, abusing those below her, and the next, she's below the woman she mocked. Hopefully, Joel isn't emulating that. He ponders this for a split second, but then shakes his head. No. She deserved this after the treatment of you, but beyond that, it again shows that this behavior was likely not limited just to the one woman he cared for.
Joel makes his way into another room, taking a few turns in the hall before arriving at his assistant's desk side. His angry expression fades into one that is far more apologetic when he sees her typing away, stacks of papers to be organized on her desk. She looks up, puzzled, and tilts her head. “Sir?" she asks, taking her hands off the keyboard and leaning back.
There's no fear in her gaze, like some when they look upon him, given the position he holds. She knows him well enough that if she's actually diligent with work and a good person, he will return the kindness. Unfortunately, she's about to have something added to her workload. Guilt twists in Joel's stomach, but nothing can be done about that.
“I need a new secretary," he sighs. He adds, quickly, “I'll compensate you for your stress. I promise. A large bonus. I know it's a lot, and I truly appreciate your work."
His assistant sighs, glancing back to her computer. The slightest hint of frustration crosses her face, and Joel could have sworn the circles under her eyes got just a bit darker. Then, however, she smiles, letting out a chuckle. “Sure, Joel, I will get right to it. An extra day off or two added onto this bonus may help all of this stress, though."
“After we sort out the secretary thing and other pressing problems, yes. A week off, fully paid, and that bonus. How does that sound?" Joel asks hopefully.
She grins, giving him a thumbs up. Joel sighs in relief, glad that at least, that was taken care of.
Glancing at the time on his cell phone, he realizes he has lunch with Todd and Sarah. What fun that would be. Seeing Todd again after everything he's learned about him is less than appealing. Joel gets into his car, leaning against the door and staring out into the bright, sunny day.
What he wouldn't give to be with you right now, learning even more about you, talking about plans for the future. Joel licks his lips, shaking his head. Speak of the devil, though. On his way to the restaurant for lunch, his phone rings once more, and it's you.
His heart flutters seeing your name, but he knows this is serious. “Hello?" he asks, a hint of caution in his tone.
“Joel," you breathe from the other line. “You got my text, right? I'm so scared. Can we please talk? I really want to see you again to go over this."
“Yes, we can," Joel confirms, happy to be able to see you again, but sad to hear the stress in your tone. Given the circumstance, it's understandable. “I'll have Bruce pick you up. See you soon."
Your heart pounds with anxiety as you wait on the sidewalk, leaning against a brick wall and shuddering despite the warmth of the sun. Your reputation is currently at major risk. Your stomach clenches, swirling with negative emotions and sheer, utter fear. You've worked so hard to get where you are, to lead a successful life, and now this could ruin it all. You don't want to be stuck in a low-paying job, barely scraping by. Is Joel a curse or a blessing at this point? No, you can't think like that. Blaine is the one causing issues, not Joel.
The memories of kissing and fucking Joel flood back, and you recall how good it felt, how cared for you felt. You lick your lips, remembering the way Joel ravaged you in bed, allowing your eyelids to droop just a little. For a moment, you cap the fear, but that only lasts briefly before the wave of negative emotions crashes over you again. You start to pace, trying to reassure yourself that everything will work out. Surely your life can't be ruined by one picture, can it? But deep down, you know the truth. This is terrible.
By the time Bruce arrives to help you into the car, tears are streaming down your cheeks. You quickly wipe them away, not wanting your emotions to be so plainly visible by the time you arrive. It will be hard to hide your feelings from Joel, but you're too distraught to care at this point. You click your seatbelt into place, lean against the leather seat, and stare out the window, trying to distract yourself from the inevitable. 
Above, the sun begins to be obscured by clouds, a fitting metaphor for your mood. The greys of the asphalt mix with the bland white and black buildings you rush by, their windows dark, mostly covered by curtains from the inside.nYou pass a murder of crows picking at roadkill, twisting your stomach at the sight. Though all of this is mundane, it only serves to worsen your mood. The patter of rain on the windows confirms the approaching storm, accompanied by distant rumbling. You hug yourself, close your eyes, and try to calm down.
When you arrive at Joel's house, the sight of it in all its extravagance would usually excite you. You adore seeing Joel. But with the recent problems caused by your complicated relationship, it doesn't feel the same as when you left. Bruce leads you to the door and politely steps back, waiting for Joel's protocol. You hesitate but eventually knock, convincing yourself that texting would be silly given you're right here.
Moments later, Joel opens the door. Your breath catches as you stare up at him, momentarily lost in his eyes before snapping back to reality. Memories of your night in bed come flooding back, distracting you, but you know you need to stay focused. This is a horrible occasion, but even within this tiny pocket of time, you convince yourself that surely he can help. You make that decision just by looking at him, even if it feels a bit naive. After taking a deep breath, you reach into your purse and pull out the note for him to see in person.
A mixture of emotions crosses Joel's face. His lips twist into a scowl, his brow furrowing, reflecting the mood of the storm. Another rumble of thunder causes you to jump a little, but Joel has no reaction. He slips the note into his pocket and fixes his eyes on you. His scowl fades into a worried frown, his deep eyes gleaming with concern.
"Babygirl," he begins, biting his lip, probably searching for the right words. A silence stretches as he seems to lose his words again. You break the silence after placing a hand on your forehead and dragging it down your face. You will the tears to hold back this time because you need to keep your tone steady and convey how you're feeling.
After taking a deep breath, you say, "Joel, I'm frightened about what this could do to my reputation. That note definitely indicates action will be taken soon. I really want us to work out, but with that horrible person causing all this stress and danger to my life as I know it, I'm on edge and losing it."
This time, you can't stop the tears. They well up in your eyes and slowly glide down your cheeks. Joel stares at you for a moment, probably at a loss for words. Once again, silence stretches. Say something, you think to yourself, biting your lip and quickly reaching up to wipe away more tears. You raise your eyebrows, hoping he has all the answers. Sadly, he appears as lost as you are, his head hanging slightly, his body tense.
"I will take care of you. Just put your career aside, for now. Not forever. Let me help you. It will be fine, we can work this out," Joel finally says, causing you to inwardly groan.
That's not what you wanted to hear. You don't want to have to rely on him all the time. You don't want to put your dreams aside for some storybook relationship that may not work out, leaving you with nothing. You've worked too hard in life for this, spending countless hours in school to become a lawyer. Your dreams are crumbling right before your eyes. Is it because of Joel? An inner voice tells you no, it isn't. He has nothing to do with this. By how he treats you, you know he loves you back and wants to do everything in his power to make this work. But this situation has escalated beyond his control.
You shake your head, crossing your arms as he motions into the house. "Please. Follow me, at least. Let's talk this out," he pleads. You oblige, the pit in your stomach growing heavier.
You walk through the house, your eyes falling upon the fancy carpeting and light fixtures, still finding some comfort in them despite this situation. Truthfully, you need to start letting this go. You need to let it all go. With your mind stuck here, with him, there's no way to move on with your life and advance the way you want to. As much as your heart breaks having to admit that, you know you need to be a lawyer more than anything.
You take a seat at a table across from him as he raises a brow. "Eggs?" he asks sheepishly, causing you to smile despite the circumstances.
But that smile quickly fades into a frown as tears begin to flow once more. This time, you don't bother wiping them away. You take a deep breath and make the decision you need to. Steeling yourself, you look him in the eye and say in a very serious tone, "Look, Joel, we can't do that. I can't do that. I have to do this for myself. How can I rely on you all the time? How can you take care of me through all of this?"
"Baby, I have plenty of money and resources. I can easily take care of you; you don't need to worry about all of this," Joel says, his voice tinged with a pleading tone.
"I am not some child in need of being taken care of. I can't spend my days longing for the beach billionaire only to have my independence and dreams threatened. I want to be a lawyer for myself, not for the money. If my reputation is shattered, so is my life. I am sorry it has to be this way, but this has gone too far, and I need to say goodbye."
"What? No, wait, I–"
You're not listening at that point. Tears are pouring down your cheeks as you stand up quickly, whirling and bolting down the hall. You don't care if you're running away from your problems now. You don't care if you're running away from him while at the same time wanting to fall into his arms and tell him you'd drop everything so that he could care for you. You need to do this for yourself and not be caged by this nightmare.
The expression on his face, that brief glimpse of utter grief, has your heart pounding. You burst out the front door and hurry down to Bruce, sniffling and letting out a few whimpering sobs. You feel as though you're melting. The pattering rain makes you sopping wet, which does the opposite of helping the situation. You lock eyes with Bruce and gulp. "Please. Take me home. Just take me home."
He nods, thankfully asking no questions, and opens the door for you. You get in and rest your forehead against the window, shuddering with sobs. Bruce graciously raises the privacy screen, though you catch a sympathetic glance from him in the rearview mirror.
Strands of your hair fall into your face, but you don't care. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to calm yourself down after that horrible decision. How could you just walk away from Joel? He was so great, but you were just too scared. Scared of losing what you've worked so hard for, even if you do love him. You had to do this for yourself. You hate how much you still love him. You hate how you want this to work out. But most of all, you hate that you need to leave him. All of this is what's best for you, though.
As the car pulls out of the driveway and drives off, you glimpse Joel standing there, watching you leave, his shoulders slumped. He stands in the rain, not moving, letting himself get soaked. He watches you drive away until you can no longer see each other. 
You manage to calm yourself down at your apartment, telling Lin and Aubrey that you really can't talk right then because your head isn't in the best spot. You drown yourself in books, particularly those of law, to remind yourself just how important this is to you. You can't let some lovestruck incident stop you from chasing your dreams. When you finally look at the clock, it's 11:03 PM. You gasp, surprised at just how well losing yourself in rounding out your studies has worked to eat up time.
Tossing and turning in your bed, you can't get Joel's expression out of your head. Everything about that situation makes you feel horrible. 
Did you make the right decision?
You still feel that strong urge to contact Joel again and apologize for how you behaved. Running back would achieve the opposite of what you want, though. You have to let this all go. You can do that, right? Judging by how closely you clutch your pillow that night, imagining it's Joel, you aren't so sure.
The next morning, you wake up, yawning and rubbing your eyes. The smell of fresh bacon hits your nose, causing your stomach to rumble. Through all of this stress, you find yourself eating less than you should lately. You really should pay attention to your health. All of this stress is, no doubt, horrible for you. You enter the kitchen area, looking over to Aubrey. Her eyes sparkle with concern as she stares you down, tilting her head.
“How are you?" she asks with hesitation, as if concerned the question would shatter you to pieces. 
You respond with a shrug. “Been better. My focus is on packing. We have a lot to finish," you offer. 
Aubrey nods, finishing breakfast up and serving you at the table. She sits down across from you, munching on the scrumptious bacon and gesturing for you to help yourself. That you do, something you definitely don't regret. Cooked to perfection and warming your stomach at least a little bit, the bacon helps ease you even if only a smidgeon. You're grateful for the silence during eating, though, as you're still gathering your thoughts.
When all is finished, you return to packing. You haul some books and pack them into some boxes neatly, letting out a light sigh. Lin joins you soon, her cheerful expression fading upon seeing your face. Are there circles under your eyes? Probably. You went to bed at a less-than-reasonable hour. Not to mention, you tossed and turned all night, which probably contributed to how slow you are right now.
You break the awkward silence first. “I was very harsh with Joel yesterday," you begin. 
Lin gasps, taken aback by this. “The same guy you said you had amazing sex with? But why?" she asks. Aubrey leans forward, flabbergasted by this knowledge as well. You nod, biting your lip and feeling tears coming on again. You cry a lot lately, don't you?
“Because it isn't working out," you say with a short tone, gathering your bearings. A few items in boxes later, you decide to elaborate. “My reputation is at risk. I really want to become a lawyer, guys. I am so scared. I got a threatening note, and if pictures get out of us together, I'll be done for. You know how the media is. I will never be able to practice. My dreams are at risk of being completely destroyed," you mutter.
Aubrey and Lin exchange a glance, probably debating how to approach this. You glance up toward them, waiting for their response. Your arms are a little bit achy from moving some of the heavier objects into the boxes, but you make do. Probably best to rest after these final days of packing.
“And you're sure, dude, you're completely miserable." Aubrey asks softly. You hesitate but slowly nod. Her eyes have a skeptical spark to them, but she dips her head. “I'll take your word for it even if you seem a little unsure. The stress is getting to you. I can tell."
“Yeah," Lin agrees. “The way you talked about him was hot. I still wish I had a guy like that, but if it's not going to work out, then it's best to move on. Moving will probably be the best thing that can happen."
“New York isn't a good place to be right now," Aubrey adds, her nose wrinkling. “So many problems, and on top of all this? Thank goodness Cambridge is quiet. At least, it should be quieter. Look, I'll hold the fort for you here. You promise to stay in contact, though?"
Realizing you're losing one of your close friends, you tear up all over again. The best you can do is nod. You spread your arms, and your two friends rush over to you. One group hug and many tears later, you pull away from them. You place your hands on Aubrey's shoulders. “Lin and I are going to miss you so much, we will absolutely stay in contact. How could we not, you're like our sister?"
You all hug again, crying at splitting up. It had been you three against the world for so long. The sadness is interrupted by your need to load the Uhaul. That's even worse than carrying all of the heavy boxes around, admittedly. The conversation turns from the obvious panic-inducing subject of the Joel situation to brighter, happier topics. At least there isn't a cloud in the sky above this time, making the move a bit more pleasant.
You smile and enter the apartment, wanting to take one last break before heading out with the final boxes. The stormy mood hanging around your head is at least starting to dissipate. 
Lin and Aubrey take a seat before you, munching on some ham sandwiches for lunch. Lin eyes you and asks, “You ever think about writing a book or something? Your life sounds like a movie."
After a harsh look from Aubrey, Lin grins sheepishly and coughs. “Er, this will hopefully be a happy ending."
You chuckle, shaking your head and wiping away some sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand. “No, but I should, shouldn't I?" You chuckle.
Then, you sober a bit. “We don't need to avoid the subject if you have questions, though. I can tell there's something on the tip of your tongue."
Lin glances over to Aubrey, who shakes her head. Evidently your friend decides to ask the question anyway. “Do you think he will follow you? How bad was your fight, anyway? You said very harsh but that could mean a lot."
Aubrey leans over and elbows her, and Lin gives her a look that says, What? We were both wondering that.
You sigh and shake your head. “I don't think he will. At least, I hope not. I will put my foot down and tell him to go away if he does. Even if I really, really don't want to."
Aubrey's eyes sparkle with sympathy as she stares at you. “Still in love, huh? Not every day you find a man that looks at you the way you described. But, again, you should do what's best for you. Before everything else. There will be other men out there! If you think this won't work out, yeah, moving on is good. Not awesome, but good." You nod, wanting to take your friend's advice to heart and not put yourself in any more danger.
“We are really going to miss you Aubrey, life won't be the same without your great advice and support," you say and Lin nods in agreement.
“Yeah, who's going to keep my mouth in check now?" Lin says with a grin, though tears are in her eyes.
“No more crying!" Aubrey says, and you all laugh. It's going to be hard to leave this, your friendship means so much to you all. You try not to think about what Lin said. But you can't stop the thoughts running through your mind now.
What if he does follow you? Will you really tell him to go away? Or will you cave? This really isn't his fault, at all, but regardless of who's causing the issue, you together can't work.
You feel your heart clench at that, really, really not wanting to accept it. Thankfully, there's no way he would show up anywhere soon. He's too busy, right? 
You finish up your break with the other two, exchanging hugs again. They each take a few heavy boxes and head out to the Uhaul, grunting at how heavy they are.
As Aubrey passes you, she says, “You really take your studies seriously, huh? I'm glad you did what's best for you in that case, because just by all of this, your career being in danger would obviously crush you. Even more so than these heavy boxes are crushing me."
You have to laugh at her antics.
Placing the last box at the bottom of the moving truck, you wipe more sweat from your brow and smile to yourself. You can look to the future, leave this place behind, and start anew. You have so much going for you. All of this drama will be behind you soon. So will Joel. You bite your lip, not liking that thought. Maybe you should have been nicer as opposed to storming out like that. “Very harsh," you whisper to yourself.
“Uh…hey?" you hear Lin's voice. 
You're resting there, staring at a box, lost in thought. Letting out a sigh, you wave your hand without turning around. “Give me a minute, please," you respond, wanting to gather your bearings once more. All of your swarming thoughts keep contradicting you, after all.
“I don't think we have a minute. Someone is here to see you," she says. You furrow your brow and roll your shoulders back, turning to see what in the world she could be talking about.
Your eyes widen and your jaws drop as you spot a very familiar face. Your entire body tenses, and your breath catches as you take in the man standing before you. The man you'd driven away from and left there in tears only a day before. He wears a forlorn, lost expression, guilt seeping from every pore.
“Joel," you breathe. “What are you doing here?"
Seeing you again, so gorgeous in every way, brought back painful memories that, just hours before, he had said goodbye to. Yet here he is, staring you down with likely an incredibly pleading expression. A pit forms in his stomach as he wonders if this is disrespecting your wishes about space. He doesn't walk any closer to you, even though he very much wants to take you into his arms and hold you close. He swallows and lets out a soft sigh, opening his mouth to start.
“Babygirl, I–"
“Joel, what are you doing here? You–"
“I know, it–"
“Seeing you here again, I–"
“I wanted to talk about–"
You both stop, getting nowhere since your words are being tangled by talking over one another. He has the delight of seeing an amused glint in your eyes. You bring your hand up to your lips, covering your mouth for a moment in amusement before clearing your throat and letting out a sigh. Your expression hardens as, no doubt, you decide to stand your ground. Rolling your shoulders back, you lift your chin, regarding him with a small degree of wariness.
“Go ahead, Joel. I'll hear you out," you say, nearly causing Joel to collapse with relief. He has one last chance to make things right, and he needs to make it count. This isn't about him; this is about you. You deserve the life you've strived for. You're an intelligent, beautiful woman, and it's not his place to get in the way of that. Steeling his resolve, he does as you ask, nodding and refocusing his mind on the issue at hand.
“I was wrong," he starts, watching as you raise a brow. “I should have never asked you to put your dreams on hold for me. It was selfish. I was blinded by my feelings for you, which in the end, would have harmed you. You will still have the position at the law firm I helped you obtain, though your merits were more than enough. I understand none of this is about the money. It is about you being you, going out there and helping people like you have always wanted to. Making a name for yourself. I apologize for being too dense to realize that."
Tears brew in your eyes that you reach up to quickly wipe away. He watches your shoulders sag and listens to the little sniffle you give as you process everything he's telling you. Several emotions flash across your face right then. The first is surprise, followed by acceptance, and finally cautious happiness. You wear a soft smile, moments later not bothering to wipe away the tears.
He has a feeling they turn from panicked and sad to tears of a more positive nature right then. He can't help but feel hopeful at this and a smile slowly creeps across his face.
“Thank you," you breathe, taking a few steps forward and hesitating. “Can I give you a hug?" His heart skips a beat, and he nods, delighted for this chance. It will likely be among the last ones you and him exchange, as he is not going to get in the way of your dreams, though he has deep feelings for you.
You continue, “I'm really happy you came to see me. I tried letting go of everything, but it was so hard, Joel."
He wraps his arms around you as you bury your face into his chest. The smell of sweet perfume wafts into his face, causing his entire body to relax. Everything about you is angelic, beautiful, and perfect. He wants to sweep you off your feet and take you away, to treat you like the princess you are, but he knows those thoughts are unreasonable. Rather, he holds you there for several moments before finally breaking the silence after a thought of seeing you for longer comes to him.
“Would… you like to have one last bit of extravagance with me before you start your new life in Cambridge? No strings attached. Just a night of fun for you, to rest your mind after all the stress you have been dealing with," he says.
Even if the stress was due to him, in some part at least, perhaps this all would help. You would know you were going to a better place following the night, if you accepted, anyway. He knows you don't want him to ruin your chances at law school, but he really doesn't want to let you go. The thought of never seeing you again after tonight makes his heart ache. He looks at you, trying to hide his desperation to be with you from his expression.
After a long pause, you pull away and look into his eyes. His heart drops, considering the high possibility you will decline. You have every right to, after all, given all that has happened. He opens his mouth to assure you that he would understand entirely if you said no, but you raise a hand to stop him, your smile widening. “Yes. I think that would be good for me, Joel. Thank you. Plus… I miss you. I am sorry for storming out the way I did," you mutter.
“Oh, I deserved it," he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was not putting you first or thinking of how hard you worked to achieve your goals. But I am delighted you decided to come with me."
Right then, rounding the corner are two women, your roommates. Seeing him, your jaws drop for a moment. One walks up to you, quickly, putting herself between him and you. You say, “Lin! What are you doing?"
Lin replies, “Making sure you're alright! You came home a wreck, and now this guy is here? He's the one you left, isn't he? Looks like how you described him."
“Yes, but we talked it out. I… want to spend one last evening with him. It's something he offered to do," you say.
Lin steps aside, crossing her arms and furrowing her brow. She looks over to the other girl and gestures to him and you.
“What do you think, Aubrey?" Lin asks.
The other girl, Aubrey, shakes her head, looking toward you. “Is this healthy? Are you sure you are not in danger? He clearly seems to care, but what about the stalker?" she says, side-eyeing him. “We just want to make sure you're okay."
He can't blame them, and this is not his place to intervene. He steps aside, waiting for you to explain the situation. Trying to interject and defend himself would not be wise at this point.
You give your friends a very sad smile. “Hey, I appreciate how much you two care. I know. I was a mess. I still am. But Joel apologized, he understands my dreams come first. It's goodbye after one last night. I'm not changing course or anything. I'm not dropping my plans. I just can't deny my emotions for him anymore. Really, I need this," you tell them.
He blinks in surprise, honored you would defend him in front of your friends the way you did.
Lin appears skeptical as she exchanges a glance with Aubrey. The sun shines down on all four of you, just a few clouds in the sky right now. The temperature is mild, so the atmosphere itself at least isn't making things worse.
A car rumbles by, its mechanical growls breaking the silence that had settled on your group. You're out of the way and on the sidewalk, so you're not disrupting anyone, at least.
Finally, Aubrey speaks up. “If you think this is what's best for you, then we support you," she says. “I know you won't walk away from your dreams for anyone, no matter how dreamy he may be. But be careful, okay?" Her eyes fall upon him, and there's a dangerous glint to them he rarely sees in any expression from another toward him that doesn't relate to his wealth. “As for you, don't play with her emotions or steer her away from what she truly wants. Understand?"
He nods, aware she is dead serious and wondering if that was a threat. Not that he's opposed. This is a caring gesture for you, and he's relieved you have friends like this that care deeply. “I do," he replies. “I know I was wrong, I was just scared for her and tried to protect her the only way I know. It wasn't the right way, though. And it will never happen again."
He hopes they believe him because it's all true. He would never ask you to sacrifice your dreams for him; it isn't fair to you.
“I will arrange for someone to drive your belongings to Cambridge and set up your apartment while we spend one last night together. Lin, if you'd like, they can set your stuff up there as well."
Lin and Aubrey exchange another glance and nod. Lin says, “Thank you, I'll take you up on that! Remind me to find a guy like you when I have to move again."
This lightens the mood, causing all of you to laugh. Thank goodness, the situation could have turned fairly complicated very fast. True to his word, he makes a call to his assistant, arranging for your things to be taken care of. One last thing to worry about.
When the other two women leave, you and he are left there together, silent and just staring into each other's eyes. He finds himself lost in yours, tilting his head and cupping your cheek.
God, you are beautiful. His breath catches just looking at you. He can't believe just how lucky he was to have found you, and that you found it in your heart to forgive him even if he's drowning in guilt over not putting your wishes first.
“Kiss me?" you ask in a hush tone, and he can't help but to oblige. He leans down and presses his lips against yours, stars practically rushing through his entire body. He is lost in all of you during that kiss, emotions swirling and skin crackling with chemistry. You eventually have to pull away for air, sadly, and you let out a soft sigh.
“Thank you," you whisper.
He smiles at you, taking you into another hug. “No. Thank you, babygirl."
He will make it count and see your smile light up the area again. Nothing is too much for you, and he is going to pull out all the stops. He looks at you and smiles. “One last night together," you sigh and smile up at him.
One last night together.
taglist: @brittmb115 @lizzie-cakes @puduvallee @theoraekenslover @harriedandharassed
@vickie5446 @chiyo13 @ashleyfilm
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delicrieux · 8 days
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ chapter summary. he's more sensitive than he looks.
pairing. gojo satoru x f!sorcerer reader warnings for this chapter. swearing wc. 3.5k author’s note. just wanna say a big thank u to everyone that stuck w this story and loved it along w me. there's still one chapter left, so here's some mini angst before our little happy ever after. also, i've recently realized that nothing actually happens in this story. there's no plot. you just hang out with gojo and the rest. that's it. no great fights or conflict or anything. just spending time with him.
ੈ ✩‧₊˚
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CHAPTER 13: the hakone incident
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you wake up smothered in an embrace, which isn't uncommon.
what is slightly more uncommon is that gojo is wound around you so tightly that even his dumb, big paw has got your breast held hostage. not much there to sink his claws in, yet sunk they are, still. you wiggle and grasp and dig, trying to extricate yourself from this prison, but the soft fabric that rubs against his crotch with every small movement has him hissing in your ear.
“mine,” is the first thing he mumbles, words laced with sleep. he cradles you tighter, hides his face in your hair. you pat his arm, ignoring his sleep-addled state.
some sort of half-coherent mumble is slurred into your pillow as a response.
“not gonna bother translating that,” you utter under your breath – it’s too early to be irritated with him, and he doesn’t deserve it also, since he is much too cute. however, “lemme go? i need to go to the bathroom.”
“no,” he stubbornly refuses.
“don't be like that.”
a soft groan, then a kiss to the exposed curve of your neck, and one more to the edge of your ear. his fingers twitch at the flesh, kneading and tickling, “fine, i need to go too. let's go together.”
“you wanna hold hands while i'm in the stall or something?”
he is unreasonable, but that’s hardly a surprise.
you disentangle your legs from his, untying his arms from your torso, then turning to sit up properly. instantly, your stomach flips. in the bleak, early sunlight, gojo is the first thing you focus on, sleep-dazed and smiling lovingly in your direction. cheeks creased and swollen with grogginess, hair a complete mess, eyes still crusted. you wipe a drop of drool from the corner of his mouth with your thumb.
once, he told you that he always sleeps the best when you’re sleeping next to him. maybe that’s why he’s so clingy, “morning.”
“yeah?” he mutters. one hazy eye blinks, then the other, and you can’t help grinning at the sight, “hi. hello. good morning, how are you? ‘m just the guy you're looking for, can i be of service?”
you try so hard to press your lips into a thin line, but instead they stretch more and more, “c'mon, up. long day ahead.”
you had expected to take the morning train to hakone, but instead, with your bags dutifully carried by a lanky idiot, you are led to sleek, black car parked inconspicuously close to jujutsu technical. suspiciously, you eye the tinted windows of the driver’s seat, expecting a personal chauffer – which would be way too much, but also quintessential gojo. when the car keys jingle in his hand, you blink stupidly, smothered under the sunlight.
“you have a license?” you blurt.
“yeah,” gojo says smugly, opening the trunk and dumping the bags inside, “to kill.”
“the circus must be missing their clown,” you state sharply, though you feel a bit silly for not knowing such a thing about the man you have spent 3 years hating and a few months liking enough to be willingly glued to his side.
he snorts, fixing his glasses and shutting the trunk. all suave and cool, he opens the passenger’s door for you, “got any red lipstick in that little purse of yours? could kiss my nose a bunch of times, see if it honks after.”
the urge to shove your elbow into his stomach and watch how he doubles over in pain is almost too tempting, but you resist. after all, you do have the mind to enjoy the view of his flexing arms as you enter the vehicle, the sight disappearing as he circles around to enter from the other side.
the interior smells nice and new – it’s definitely expensive, but your knowledge of cars begins and ends in that they have four wheels and roll fast when you press a pedal. you can practically feel the self-satisfaction radiating off his person, especially as his hand glides along the steering wheel. it takes a few moments of useless fiddling and some gears shifting until he begins driving. his hand seats itself upon your thigh, as though it had always been its intention.
“seatbelt,” he reminds, easily maneuvering out of the parking lot.
you slide the black band across your chest, buckling the lock, “thanks,” he mutters, palming your leg for good measure, “safe and sound.”
then, he slams the accelerator so quick and hard you're thrown back into the plush seat. the car screeches like a furious beast wrongfully insulted, engine purring loudly as its owner cackles. oh no.
here is where you learn that gojo is a terrible driver, as the speed limit is more of a loose guideline and traffic laws do not exist. he speeds past red lights that have you clutching the handlebar for your dear life, and he seems to delight in your mortified expression each time his eyes stray from the road, which is too much to be considered safe.
miraculously, you make it past the confusing and intricate tokyo streets in one piece and breathe a little easier. that is until you get to the highway, and he zooms between lanes like he’s playing a video game, jumping between cars and testing the limits of your patience to a level so extreme that you can hardly take it.
“could you slow down a little?” your voice has acquired a tremble, and you must be paler than you have been when you awoke. you think he’ll ignore you over the music, but he doesn’t.
he eases up just a little, and you remove your hand from the handlebar. it’s numb and tingly and aches from holding so tightly.
“i have some cds in the back,” he says, pinching your thigh. you think he doesn’t deserve to touch you like this, but unfortunately, it’s comforting, so you allow it. if you crash, you decide you will grab him and shield yourself with his body – his infinity will stop the impact, and you’ll probably live.
you twist and dig around, and once the cds are safely in your lap, your brows shoot up, “kat-tun?”
his lips stretch into a cheeky smile, and all of his grievances are forgiven with that, “they have a few good songs.”
“all of their songs are good!” you defend hotly. still, today is proving to be one surprise after the other – did he seriously listen to their whole discography because it’s your favorite band? if yes, that is very sweet. if he’s lying, well, you will not fight for the truth, because this has made you happy.
you change the music with barely contained enthusiasm and hum along. your initial impression must’ve been wrong, because gojo knows what he’s doing. he always does, and you reward him with a sweet smile for all of his efforts, which inspires him to lean for a kiss that nearly steers you both off the highway.
the first place you visit in hakone is not the hotel room gojo has rented, but the mall. you locate an expensive-looking restaurant and order your lunch – you, something modest and normal, and he enough to feed a family of seven. it’s always mildly fascinating to watch him chow down like his life depends on it, if not a bit off-putting.
“no one’s gonna take it from you,” you tell him when he slurps a noodle and almost chokes.
he glares at you over his shades, “shut up, ‘m hungry.”
you try to steal a piece from his bowl but he jabs your hand with chopsticks seemingly with the intention to break through skin. you yelp and shy away, wounded and afraid. he doesn’t even seem sorry.
he makes it up to you by treating you to coffee and a slice of cake, which he devours after you had a tiny bite. this is becoming a problem, but he looks very happy and doesn’t let go of your hand, planting quick, small kisses on the place he hurt, so you, once again, forgive him, as is the standard of your relationship.
shopping is next, and he steers you to each and every boutique that even marginally catches your attention. you pile everything you like on his arms, as though he was your personal assistant, and he, surprisingly, doesn’t complain. for the first half of you maxing out his card, he was stood outside the dressing room like a guard dog, shuffling back and forth, back and forth, waiting for you to pull back the curtain and reveal yourself so he could supply you with a verdict, which was always, without fault, “we’re buying that.”
he grew bored, though, and started whining that his feet hurt. invited himself inside and sat on the small chair in the very corner of the cramped space, very attentive when you changed in and out of your clothes. he even helped with the zippers and the buttons, and eventually, he got a boner from all this touching, so you had to stay for another good 10 minutes till he calmed down.
the blaring white lights, and you sweating. you stare at him, disappointed. he looks mildly uncomfortable, squirming in his seat and trying not to look at you, the mountain of clothes you discarded heaped on his lap.
“what am i gonna do with you?” you wonder aloud with a small sigh.
“i can’t help it. you’re hot.”
by the end of it all, you have acquired new perfume, a new set of luxurious makeup, and too many clothes to know what to do with. he carries your bags without you having to ask and leads you to get new underwear, but you make him wait outside the shop for that since you’re not risking another incident again.
when evening dwindles into night, he suggest a car ride around the city. the ocean breeze ruffles your hair when you roll down the window to admire the watercolor sights around you – the buildings, the people, the greenery, the mountain peak pitch black against the backdrop of the sky. you drive around aimlessly, and he's more subdued and mindful of the signs and the blinking traffic lights, his hand leaving your body only when he needs to switch gears. it always comes back with a little knead, and it always makes you smile.
“look, they're preparing for the festival,” you tell him as you pass by a closed off street of decorated stalls and convenience stores that look like they have been closed for the night, with two police men stationed across the entrance.
“you've ever been to lake ashinoko?” he questions idly.
“nope,” you turn another corner, the streets a little quieter, “it has the big torii gate, right?”
“yeah,” gojo hums, “we'll go there to watch the fireworks,” he seems distracted, “pretty stuff.”
“looking forward to it,” you reply, too interested in a display of colorful confectionary and sweets to decipher the tone of his voice, “where are we heading to?”
“dunno,” he mutters, knuckles slowly relaxing, “just around. you wanna head back?”
“nah,” you glance at him, a brow arched in curiosity. he looks oddly flushed. “you seem a little tired. wanna stop?”
“always worried about me,” he clicks his tongue, “’m a big boy.”
you pause for a moment. getou's words spring to mind, and you feel a bit nervous.
he's more sensitive than he looks.
maybe now's not the best time to bring up the clearly crumbling state of his best friend, but uncomfortable conversations don't have the luxury of waiting, nor do they ever fit into the right moment. you chew on your bottom lip in thought, as if the words would make themselves known without any effort from your part, but you find yourself no longer stuck on getou's haunting look but rather the way gojo seems a bit off his usual cheeky and snarky self.
you want to be a good friend. you care about both of them, and it hurts, in an odd, dull ache somewhere in your chest, when neither want your help.
is it so wrong to worry about gojo? you have come to terms with the idea that you like him, like him so much that sometimes, you feel half-crazy with a need to be by his side, constantly and without interruption, like today, like, hopefully, for many more days to come.
still, you are aware of the many walls and barriers he has erected to guard himself. and you, the person that likes him the most and has his attention almost at every given moment, still understand very little of who he is. you don't want to linger on the question if you ever will.
you must take example of haibara's endless positivity. step by step. even slow progress is still progress.
“i worry about everyone,” you eventually offer, more somber than you originally intended. still, it gets a faint snicker from him, and your cheeks puff with a mixture of amusement and relief. “you're not special, you know.”
“i hope that isn't true. i'd be crushed,” he teases back.
there it is. the little deflection that always makes you smile, despite how obviously it diverts from what's truly on his mind. it's a defense mechanism, you reckon. that said, you are not unaware that he has offered you little hints here and there, things he would only disclose in the dead of the night in the hush between soft laughs and your pillows.
without staring at him, you take a deep breath. heart light and fingers threaded against the seam of your shirt. here it goes, you tell yourself.
“i didn't used to worry so much, to be honest,” you confess, hoping he will at least listen before undoubtedly cutting you off, “but, i guess recently, i’m starting to see things from new perspectives. i know you don’t need it, but i still—”
he makes a sharp turn that doesn't seem coordinated enough, and suddenly, a stop-street opens to the left, overlooking a rocky beach and calm waters of the vast stretch of hakone's inlet. gojo parks dangerously close to the edge of the cliff and lets the air settle.
“honesty hour?” his smile is familiar to you, perhaps a bit too bitter to your liking. “alright. if we're playing this game, then i'd say that worrying is dumb, especially if it’s me you’re worried about. really stupid, actually. i don’t see the point in getting emotional over shit like that.”
“well, it’s not being emotional, it’s just—”
“no, shush,” he squeezes the length of your leg. you blink down at where he's touching you, and you look up when you realize he means to have the attention for just this. “look, what i'm saying is, i’m me, yeah? you can call me conceited all you want, but it’s the truth. i mean, i, okay, fine, fuck it,” he sighs, like he's annoyed, and you're just as grateful you can't fully see his expression as he likely is of yours, “a weak heart is not something to particularly proud of. i'm not someone that requires babysitting.”
this is likely the first time he has ever been so upfront about anything in his life, ever. maybe getou has seen this side of him, but even if that was the case, you'd never know for certain. you don't, however, appreciate the slight anger in his tone.
“no one's babysitting you,” you placate, careful to test his reaction before continuing, “we spend almost all of our time together, how is this surprising? and i don't think anyone would make an argument against you being the strongest, but you're still a person.”
you wonder when his hand slipped from your knee. he doesn't react for a good few seconds, as though gathering his thoughts, though you suspect, whether he was or not, this is not something he intended to dig deep enough to expose.
“well, yeah, duh,” he responds obtusely, but he offers nothing more.
this has gone about as well as you've expected, which is to say it has gone terribly, and it’s all his fault, because you were intending to go in a completely different direction.
“still a person,” he utters, and now he definitely sounds irritated, “the hell's that supposed to mean? you think i'm gonna roll over and let some curse get me or something? are you stupid?”
your stomach lurches like he has landed a heavy blow on it, and you need a moment to swallow past the ugly burn in your throat that your entire face stings with. somehow, what irks you the most is that you are hurt he would assume that you, of all people, would ever force something he doesn’t want onto him, as though the thought itself has made you a villain in his eyes.
as though stating a simple fact that he is human too is somehow insulting, somehow a threat to his title as gojo satoru and each and every connotation that comes with that honored name.
you have never asked him of anything. he's the one that started picking on you first, physically imposing himself into your life. he's the one that changed over the years and started showing new sides, he's the one that begs you to go on trips with him and buys you things and likes to hold you as he sleeps and complains that you make him horny even in situations that really call for tender affection instead of sexual advances.
you don't even ask him to like you like you like him, since you know that it would be met with harsh rejection. he would take it as a demand, no doubt, to be on your level – someone weak-hearted. his emotions have proven to be more volatile than his actions, and perhaps you’ve accidentally stumbled into something a bit out of your level of expertise. you can't brush it off with a snide, vaguely amusing remark like you usually would, nor do you want to.
you’ve changed, too.
his hand is back as a vice around your knee. your jaw clenches.
that was uncalled for.
“you're being mean,” you mumble, your words hanging stale between you.
he sighs after what feels like an eternity, sounding long-suffering and tired,  “sorry. that came out wrong.”
“you've just started a fight for no reason.”
“what, you crying? tough luck, maybe try being—”
“fine,” you don’t let him finish, unbuckling your seatbelt, “sorry for getting so emotional. see you at the hotel.”
“what?” he snaps, head swerving in your direction with a new, searing glare, “no. jesus. just. no. what?”
“i’m heading back,” you insist, but you are stilled in your attempts at fleeing by his hold. it'll bruise if you really want to test how badly he's going to grip you, probably, but this unexpected argument has really shaken you. he's only ever been this prickly at the start of year two, when the sight of you invoked some long-simmering resentment that he showed by cowing at you from each and every corner, like some hellish echo, “let me go, please.”
“hold on,” his fingers dig, and despite how you try to swat at him, he doesn't budge, “there's no need for this. i'm sorry, okay? don't get out the fucking car, for fuck's sake, i'm serious.”
“no,” he snarls, the sound sudden and vicious that you flinch from its force, “i said, no. i don't—you're not going anywhere. i'm sorry, okay, i'm sorry, i'm an asshole, i know, but just, just listen for a sec.”
you slump against your seat, lips pursed and arms tightly crossed in a way you know he finds childish but that, unfortunately for him, is a legitimate response to his infuriating behavior. to further throw him off, you make it very clear he does not have your attention, and that even if he did, it wouldn't do him any good.
you feel him slowly relax and tremble before petting at the little scratches he has accidentally carved in your skin in a way that lets you know he’s truly sorry. he lets out an uneasy sigh, fingers twitching every few seconds.
stillness. finally, silence, except for the wind that howls and the crash of the ocean below.
“i was talking bullshit,” he begins, the effort of it wearing him down to a barely audible, pathetic volume. “it's just, i can't... i don't know how, okay? that's the truth.”
“can't what?”
“you know,” he gestures ambiguously with the hand he isn't restraining you with, “there are certain expectations i gotta meet. i can't disappoint everyone. i mean, they wouldn't, i don't think, but... look, i'm sure you understand.”
“no, i don't, actually,” you snip, “i don't even understand what we're fighting about anymore.”
“i, just, it's, okay, whatever, fuck,” he thumps his head back against his seat, and the next words leave him in one big, excruciating spill, “i'm just not very good with feelings. this is all fucking crazy.”
like most secrets, they're out before he can reel them back. his lips slam shut so quickly that it turns into a tense line. you watch him, he watches you, and his face melts into something shameful. his eyes dart to the steering wheel and back, and you really hope he isn't planning on smashing the accelerator again to head face first into the rocks to escape whatever the hell is happening in this car.
“i'm not good at this,” he repeats slowly, painfully, as though you’re speaking different languages, “i don't want you to cry.”
“i'm not crying. i'm pissed off and i want to go home.”
“don't go home,” he rushes to say, “don't go anywhere. i'm not even sure where we are exactly, so just, calm down.”
“i can find my way,” you sniff irritably, and he suddenly looks utterly miserable, which you think is very unfair.
“christ, you couldn't even find the fucking bathroom in the mall, do you seriously think i'm gonna let you walk around alone at night cuz you're a bit angry with me?”
gojo really has a talent of saying the wrong things at the most right of times.
you scowl, “that's because i was following you!” yes, perhaps you did turn off your brain and mindlessly waddle after him, trusting him to deliver you to your desired location. is it a crime to be caught in the spell that is gojo satoru's enigmatic appeal? that should be considered a blessing instead of an inconvenience, surely, “don't patronize me. and if you don't quit being shitty, you'll be watching the fireworks alone, cuz i'm taking my ass to the first train and heading the hell back to tokyo.”
“sorry,” he bows his head, forehead softly smacking against your shoulder, “please don't go. i'm sorry.”
“sorry you went super shit on me?” you demand, still sulking, “or sorry you snapped?”
“sorry for... all of it, alright? i'll make it up to you. do you want new jewelry? you didn't get any. like earrings, or something. i'll get nice ones, okay?”
your eyes nearly bug out of your head, “huh? stop freaking me out. i sincerely hope you realize i don't hang around you to get free stuff. that's so shallow. do you even know me?”
“god,” he exhales heavily, like he's very, very close to banging his head against the wheel out of sheer exasperation. “i'm trying, you know. cut me some slack here.”
yes, you see he's trying his utmost best, and that's why you're already softening. but the sting still lingers. you will be gracious and assume that his attempt at buying back your affection was borne out of panic and is, overall, a genuine mistake, or maybe a show of something beneath the layers – who is he if not gojo satoru, the strongest, the richest, the prodigal son, the untouchable, unapproachable sorcerer? gojo doesn't deal with his mistakes gracefully. he overcompensates. he hides, and this time, he has failed to hide from you.
“and i don't want you to pay back the ice cream, either,” you finally mumble, tentatively reaching up to pet the mess of his fluffy hair as a show of good faith. an olive branch, because apparently, you will always possess a clearer mind than him.
he’s immobile for a second, and then he burrows even deeper into the material of your shirt, as though hoping to somehow melt away from it, and a heavy breath collapses out of him, “this is bad for my ego. don't ever take that control away from me. it's wrong. feels wrong.”
“fine. whatever. you win. happy? nothing happened, yada yada. friends,” you grumble.
“gross,” he groans, despite the clear warmth in his voice that makes your stomach flutter, “being a friend sounds a bit lame. but yeah. friends. and we're watching the fireworks tomorrow, yes? say yes.”
“okay,” you acquiesce, despite your reservations, “maybe.”
“yes,” he insists, stubbornly holding his position on your shoulder. he does, however, pout, and that lightens your mood significantly. “we are. right?”
“you have to be less annoying.”
“fine, and,” you start. you don't want to be cold with him, but you don't quite feel ready to let this go, “i want to sleep in a different room.”
he startles away from you like you’ve slapped him, “no. bad idea. forget it, it's not happening.”
“don't fight me on this, satoru,” you say, and his eyes widen slightly. “it's really not up for debate.”
“are you mad?”
“yeah,” you tell him, and it's true. “i'm not... mad-mad, but like. i need a little space.”
“okay,” he swallows thickly, like he doesn't like the thought of you so much as existing further than a ten meter radius from him, “got it. no problem.”
that must've hurt.
“just for today,” you assure him, “promise.”
he nods slowly. then, “can i… can i at least kiss you?”
you shake your head. no, not now. not yet.
“right, okay, of course,” he mutters emptily and sits back. with some space in between you again, you find his lack of warmth much more pronounced, not to mention the distance he puts there. for the first time today, when starts the car and shifts gears, the edge of his fingers doesn't brush your skin.
the drive back to the hotel is agonizingly silent.
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additional author's note: i think dating gojo would be very difficult since he's so emotionally stunted that he can't express himself and he's too afraid to try. i think he would also have significant trouble being on the same level as someone he considers weaker than him (not in a bad way). the only reason he even formed a connection with suguru was because suguru, at one point, was also the strongest, and he was the only person that understood him on that level. reader isn't the strongest, and the connection she offers is really different than what he's used to. he lashes out, but he still apologizes sincerely. i also thinks he takes her for granted, much like he takes getou. he's supposed to be in control because he's the strongest, and he's likely troubled about his own feelings, that's why he's so frustrated.
don't be too angry with him, he's really trying :(
but anyway, stan kami-chan because she is a baddie and if a baddie threatened to leave me i'd be clawing at her begging her to stay too
tags (bold couldn't tag!). @shokosbunny , @jotarohat , @alygator77 , @fortunatelyfurrygiver , @finnydraws , @mastermasterlist1p1 , @eolivy , @letsmyy , @staruus , @k0z3me , @damnshorty , @kaeyakaikai , @n4melesspers0n , @midnightwriter21 , @sillymercury , @byakuya61085 , @stillnotherapy , @mydearchoso , @plutoisaghoul , @byerno6 , @bqvz , @harryzcherry , @noira-l , @your-sleeparalysisdem0n , @satoryaa , @cccandynecklaces , @stuffeddeer , @cherriee-ee ,
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hazelfoureyes · 4 months
Promises, Rules, Enforceable Suggestions
The Safeword is RadioApple tidbit 2
“Okay so let’s review.” You set the notepad down between the three of you. Sitting in a line on the bed, you’d made some ground rules. Not that any of you could agree on even a title. 
But titling the list didn’t matter. Luci leaned in.  He was eager for something solid to hang his hat on. Metaphorically.
“We can enjoy each other’s company,” you had written ‘fuck’ but Alastor objected to the word, saying it was too narrow and excluded his favorite things, “even if it’s just two of us.”
Alastor hummed. The rule he originally fought against the most. 
But Lucifer had given him an odd look and added, “That goes for all of us.” A look that made Alastor cross his arms and recline again, a sudden heat to his cheeks he wasn’t accustomed to feeling.
“Next rule, no physical fights or destruction of property.” A pause, you quickly wrote down , “No making the other person hurt themselves.”
“Number three, we don’t formally announce it, but we don’t lie about it if asked.” You glanced at Luci. His eyes were wide, sweat already forming on his forehead. It was the rule he had asked for specifically. A compromise with himself about what to do regarding Charlie. 
Alastor took the pen, scribbling ‘can’t lie by omission’.
“Oh come on I know that’s directed at me.” Lucifer snatched the pen from him, “can’t pretend I’m the third wheel.” 
“Is that not the right word for you?” Alastor looked over your head to meet Lucifer’s glare.
Lucifer’s horns grew quickly, fire licking past his teeth.  
“Fuck. Come on, it’s literally the second rule.” You looked from one man to the other. When Luci seemed to calm, you set the pen and notepad down on the bed. “Anything else?”
You couldn’t see it, but Alastor had tapped Lucifer on the shoulder and mouthed something. You felt them lean into each other behind your back, whispers tickling the fine hairs on your neck.
Luci took the pen and added a fourth rule. Before you could finish reading, Alastor wrote just above Lucifer’s line.
Settling back to lie onto the pillows, you held the notepad above your head. You could see them both in your peripheral, “That’s not a bad idea.”
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Up next will be Male Reader part 2. Pray for me. Two dicks are hard to keep track of, I’m so scared about part four lmao
⟢Lucifer x Reader x Alastor - The Safeword is RadioApple smut💦
Alastor would give you anything, all you had to do was ask. When you asked for Lucifer, he delivered. But after seeing just how much you enjoyed Alastor’s rough handling, Lucifer takes a turn and gets a little lost in the pleasure.
Part 1 ꒰აMaleReader✧FemaleReader໒꒱ Part 2 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱ Part 3 ꒰აAlastorxLucifer໒꒱ tidbit (cute, not smut) Part 4 ꒰აFemaleReader໒꒱ ₊⊹⁀➴ Lucifer wins⟡Alastor Wins
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stnkiconverse · 2 months
Anybody of your choice with a reader who likes to randomly bite for no reason
How about everyone?
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Creepypastas x Reader who likes to bite
Ticci Toby
1. Playful Bites:
- You have a habit of playfully nipping at Toby’s arms or shoulders when you’re feeling particularly affectionate. He always laughs and pretends to be offended, but secretly he loves it.
- Toby's tics might make him a bit jumpy at first, but he quickly gets used to your playful bites and even starts looking forward to them.
2. Affectionate Gestures:
- Toby enjoys the unique way you show affection. Your bites are never harsh, and they make him feel special and adored in your own quirky way.
- Sometimes, Toby will bite you back, though he's always gentle, mimicking your playful nibbles with a grin on his face.
3. Comfort and Calming:
- When Toby is stressed or anxious, you gently bite or kiss his knuckles or the back of his hand. The familiar sensation helps ground him and brings him a sense of comfort.
4. Inside Jokes:
- The two of you develop a series of inside jokes about your biting habits. Toby will often tease you about being a “little vampire” (GIRL YOURE MY FAVORITE, sorry, its a kpop reference) or “his personal piranha,” always with a playful glint in his eyes.
- You respond by pretending to bare your teeth and growl, which never fails to make Toby laugh.
5. Public Reactions:
- In public, your biting habits can sometimes catch others off guard. Toby finds it amusing when people react, but he also loves how unique and unapologetically yourself you are.
- Toby has been known to protectively explain to others that it’s just your way of showing affection, ensuring no one misunderstands or disrespects you for it.
Ben Drowned
1. Playful Mischief:
- Ben finds your biting habit absolutely adorable and matches it with his own playful nature. He often encourages you by pretending to run away or daring you to catch him.
- Your playful bites often lead to laughter-filled chases and impromptu tickle fights, making your relationship feel light-hearted and fun.
2. Virtual Bites:
- When Ben is in his digital form, you tease him by pretending to bite your screen, which makes him laugh and play along, sometimes glitching the screen as if he’s been “bitten.”
- He occasionally sends you silly gifs of biting or nibbling, keeping your playful dynamic alive even when he’s not physically present.
3. Casual Bites:
- Ben loves to watch you while you’re focused on something, waiting for the perfect moment to lean in and “surprise bite” you. It’s his way of keeping things spontaneous and exciting.
- Your biting habit often catches Ben off guard in the best way. Whether it’s a gentle nip on his ear or a playful bite on his arm, he loves the unpredictability of it.
4. Protective Instincts:
- Despite his mischievous nature, Ben is very protective of you. If anyone ever mocks your biting habit, he’s quick to shut them down, making it clear that he loves you just the way you are.
- Your biting habit becomes a form of affectionate reassurance for Ben, reminding him that you’re always there and that your bond is strong.
Eyeless Jack
1. Calming Times:
- Your gentle bites become a calming thing for Jack. When he’s stressed from his medical tasks or haunted by memories of his past, your affectionate nibbles or gentle kisses help ground him.
- Jack appreciates the intimacy of your bites. They remind him that he’s not alone and that someone cares deeply for him, despite his monstrous appearance.
2. Quiet Affection:
- Jack isn’t one for grand displays of affection, but your bites fit perfectly with his understated nature. A soft bite on his shoulder while he’s reading or a gentle nip on his hand while you’re walking together speaks volumes to him.
- Your biting habit becomes a silent way to communicate your love, something Jack deeply values and reciprocates in his own quiet manner.
3. Medical Curiosity:
- Jack is curious about the physiological reasons behind your biting habit. When he asked you about it, you answered with “I just like doing it”, leading to him finding it fascinating and endearing.
- Sometimes, Jack will gently bite you back (bcs of his teeth), experimenting with different ways to reciprocate your affection while ensuring he's always gentle and caring.
4. Shared Solitude:
- The two of you often spend time in abandoned places, enjoying the solitude. Your biting habit fits well with these quiet moments, adding a layer of comfort and intimacy to your explorations.
- Jack finds your bites reassuring, a reminder that even in the quietest, most desolate places, he has someone who understands and accepts him.
5. Late-Night Conversations:
- During your late-night conversations, you often kiss/nibble Jack’s hand or arm when he says something particularly insightful or touching. It’s your way of showing appreciation and connection without interrupting the flow of conversation.
- Jack has a dry sense of humor and occasionally teases you about your biting, calling you his “little predator” (which you send glares his way when he does so)with a rare, affectionate smile.
Jeff The Killer
1. Playful Defiance:
- Jeff is initially taken aback by your biting habit but quickly grows to enjoy it. Your playful defiance matches his chaotic energy, and he finds it both amusing and endearing.
- Your bites often lead to mock battles, with Jeff pretending to be “attacked” and dramatically retaliating with tickles or playful wrestling.
2. Boundary Testing:
- Jeff likes to push boundaries, and your biting habit becomes a game of who can surprise the other first. He’ll sneak up on you and pretend to bite you back, always keeping things lively and unpredictable.
- Despite his rough exterior, Jeff appreciates the unique way you show affection. It adds a sense of normalcy and connection in his otherwise tumultuous life.
3. Affection Amidst Chaos:
- In the midst of Jeff’s chaotic world, your biting habit becomes a source of stability. It’s a small, constant reminder that there’s something tender and real amidst all the violence and madness.
- Jeff might not say it outright, but your bites make him feel cared for in a way he hasn't experienced before. It's a comforting contrast to his usual interactions.
4. Protective Reactions:
- Jeff is fiercely protective of you, especially because of your biting habit. If anyone mocks or misunderstands it, he’s quick to defend you with his usual brashness.
- Your bites are a reminder to Jeff that he has someone who sees beyond his violent tendencies, someone who cares for the person he is underneath.
5. Unexpected Softness:
- Over time, Jeff becomes surprisingly soft when it comes to you. Your bites are the only form of physical contact he doesn’t recoil from, and he even starts to look forward to them.
- Jeff might occasionally let his guard down and return your bites, albeit clumsily, showing a rare moment of vulnerability and affection.
Jane The Killer
1. Soft Moments:
- Jane is initially wary of your biting habit, but she soon realizes it’s your way of showing affection. Over time, she grows to appreciate it, especially during quiet moments when you’re alone together.
- Your bites become a way to break through her emotional guard, reminding her that it's okay to feel and express love.
2. Tender Affection:
- Despite her tough exterior, Jane has a soft spot for you. Your gentle nibbles on her hand or shoulder are a reminder of the gentler side of life, something she often misses in her dark world.
- Jane reciprocates in her own way, sometimes brushing her fingers lightly across your skin or giving you a soft kiss in return.
3. Silent Communication:
- Your biting becomes a form of silent communication between you two. A gentle nip on her ear or arm tells Jane you’re there for her without needing words, which she finds comforting.
- In tense situations, a quick bite can calm Jane down, helping her focus and reminding her she’s not alone.
4. Protective Nature:
- Jane is highly protective of you, especially when she notices others reacting to your biting habit. She’s quick to defend your unique way of showing affection, ensuring no one misunderstands or disrespects you.
- Your bites become a symbol of trust and safety, reinforcing the bond between you two in a world full of danger and deception.
5. Shared Solitude:
- The two of you often enjoy moments of solitude, where your biting habit fits perfectly. It’s a small, intimate act that brings comfort and closeness without needing to say much.
- Jane finds these moments soothing, a rare respite from her usual life of constant vigilance and danger.
Nina The Killer
1. Playful Affection:
- Nina loves your biting habit. It matches her nature, and she often initiates playful bite-fights, laughing as you both try to outdo each other.
- Your bites become a regular part of your interactions, a fun and affectionate way to express your feelings.
2. Cute Moments:
-She often teases you about being her “little biter” and encourages you to keep it up.
- Nina might respond with her own playful nibbles, turning it into a game that keeps both of you entertained and connected.
3. Mutual Protection:
- Nina is fiercely protective of you, especially because of your unique way of showing affection. She admires how unapologetically yourself you are and makes sure no one mocks or misunderstands your biting habit.
- Your bites remind Nina that she has someone who truly understands and accepts her, which is rare in her chaotic life.
4. Shared Excitement:
- Your biting habit fits perfectly with Nina’s love for excitement. It becomes a part of your shared adventures, adding an element of spontaneity and fun.
- Nina often initiates playful challenges, daring you to bite her in unexpected moments, making your relationship dynamic and full of surprises.
5. Comforting Presence:
- Despite her tough exterior, Nina finds your bites comforting. They remind her that she’s not alone and that someone genuinely cares for her.
- Your biting habit becomes a way to bring Nina back to reality when she's feeling overwhelmed, grounding her with a simple, affectionate act.
Homicidal Liu
1. Gentle Affection:
- Liu is initially surprised by your biting habit but quickly grows to appreciate it. Your gentle nibbles on his hand or arm are a welcome reminder of affection in his otherwise tumultuous life.
- He finds your bites soothing, a way to ground himself when he’s struggling with his internal conflicts.
2. Grounding Presence:
- Your bites become a grounding presence for Liu, especially during moments when he’s mentally battling with Sully or dealing with his PTSD. They remind him of your unwavering support and love.
- Liu appreciates how your bites help him stay connected to reality, offering a sense of stability amidst his emotional turmoil.
3. Silent Understanding:
- The two of you develop a silent understanding through your bites. A gentle nip on his shoulder or arm tells Liu that you’re there for him without needing words, which he finds comforting.
- In moments of distress, your bites become a way to reassure Liu that he’s not alone and that you’re always there to support him.
4. Protective Instincts:
- Liu is highly protective of you, especially because of your biting habit. He ensures no one mocks or misunderstands it, making it clear that it’s a special part of your relationship.
- Your bites symbolize trust and safety for Liu, reinforcing the bond between you two in a world full of danger and betrayal.
5. Shared Solitude:
- The two of you often enjoy moments of quiet solitude, where your biting habit fits perfectly. It’s a small, intimate act that brings comfort and closeness without needing to say much.
- Liu finds these moments calming, a rare respite from his usual life of constant vigilance and danger. Your bites become a reminder of the love and trust you share, something he cherishes deeply.
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Hope this was good enough!!
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