#3rd eye chakra meditation
Cosmic Meditation: Episode 2: 3rd Eye Chakra Healing | 2HOURS
Healing exercises for the third-eye chakra. Kitchari mudra: Curl the tongue to the back of the throat Shambhavi mudra: Bring your eyes up and gaze between the eyebrows Kumbhaka breathing: Retain your breath on the inhale and exhale http://bit.ly/3GFAURw Spotify Tiktok: @soundpodcast Twitter: @Sound9Effect
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aethyrmazz · 20 days
When you have an overactive Sahasrara/Crown chakra and Ajna chakra/ 3rd eye you become susceptible to sickness of the mind. This is why spiritual gifts are often written off as mental illness. They can easily spiral out of control if you don't have the proper skill to ground yourself in reality. For example...
People with an overactive Crown chakra often experience existential despair. These people may have psychotics breaks and dissociate, or experience dissociative seizures if the mind is unable to handle the sheer vastness of the universal energies flowing in. If you have experienced having an overactive Sahasrara you may have "delusions of grandeur" ; a "chosen one" complex, a sense of being separately and uniquely "special" or uniquely "enlightened".
The Ajna Chakra is a little different as it governs intuition, perception, and inner vision that gives you the discernment to see beyond illusion. When overactive it causes a sort of psychic flux to occur, or abnormal discharge in other words. So your intuition is running wild hungry cheetahs. This will quickly cause one to become overwhelmed, with mental overactivity, from constant stimulation. The lines between intuition and delusion become indistinguishable, which can get even more tricky if you're someone who trusts yourself more than anyone else. You will become overwhelmed by visions which you'll need to proper wisdom to interpret. People with an overactive 3rd eye may also become very paranoid. Unseen energies, sylphs, and hidden truths are everywhere, but you may start to see them in places they are not.
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pyramidmedia369 · 1 year
Healing your way to a Divine Union
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Original post can be found here: https://pyramidmedia369.com/f/healing-your-way-to-a-divine-union
🔮🛕🔊  The truest form of healing happens through the Union of man and woman. Our world will only know discord without it.
📜 But, the HIGHEST form of healing happens through the union of self-realized men and women who can move with spiritual maturity, under all influence. I’m not saying you have to be self-realized & super spiritual to heal, to have a community or to find love. But one cannot grow in any of these areas without self-realization. Proper shadow work and inspection on yourself through meditation, is how you become self realized; opening the 3rd eye. You cannot ever be fully self-realized if your 3rd eye is not working. There’s a reason I always say #KnowThyself.
The path of one Knowing Thyself is how this level of unity & healing is reached. By first having no agenda other than to be fully self-realized within your own being. Then functioning your world from there. This must be done first to achieve the highest levels of union. You must first unify all parts of yourself, for yourself.
If you find the right person for you, you two can create your own agenda together by pursuing the same spiritual goals. An agenda that serves you equally, because you both know that what you do to your partner you’re also doing to yourself. 
Merging with someone who can aid your spiritual activation the same way you aid theirs is true Divine Union. Not just because you and your person love each other. Or because you think someone is your soulmate. Or because you been with someone for a long time. Attraction and infatuation aren’t even strong enough frequencies to give you the level healing I’m referring to. High frequencies have to be “REACHED” INTERNALLY, first. 
In a Divine Union, evolution should be happening in two places at the same time. That’s how 2 become 1.
⚛️ “Inside, then outside.” 🧘🏾
- Phoenix Son  🕊🌞
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lilacstro · 3 months
how to manifest with your jupiter sign
this post feels long lost due, I had many asks on this so I will make a post on this one <33
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Jupiter is a planet of faith, and optimism and abundance. However, you don't really have a planet specifically made for "manifestation", but if you think you had to guess one, I am guessing it would be Jupiter. Even in vedic astrology, people with strong brihaspati or Jupiter are considered lucky. Someone who was reading palms for me and my sister the other day said the first thing we do to see luck through hands is the Jupiter and Venus mount. But Venus is luxury you have in life and Jupiter is the fortune, I hope I am making sense. But otherwise, I have often seen 11th house be associated with manifestation
this post definitely checked my creativity and the methods of manifestations im aware of lmao. I have not taken this from any book but rather its mere observation of the charts I have seen until now, and asked my family to see if it worked for them and it made sense so its again a my theory kinda post lmao. I hope it is able to help y'all too <33 I was refraining from making a post on this one but it had a LOTT of asks so I decided to do it :) Let's gooooooooooo
use a combination of your sign, degree and house to find common grounds<33
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Jupiter in:
Aries/1st house: First of all, be precise and extremely clear about what you want. If you need to put the work or you believe in taking inspired actions, please do! I would also suggest concentrating/condensing your energy in your 3rd eye through meditations. Believe in yourself and also, don't jump 10 places. I have often seen people with Jupiter in 1st house have kind of a scattered energy, to put it correctly, not really laidback, not really fierce, and I think this should be fixed. I would suggest people with this placement to work with their chart ruler and Jupiter along to find a best method that could suit them, the best one I feel like suggesting for everyone, is meditation.
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Taurus/2nd house: I think people with this placement should definitely use affirmation tapes/affirmations. I would suggest methods that make you feel at peace and calm, and relaxing. Use aura meditations/ocean music before bed and calm yourself down and focus. Speak your desire into existence, using affirmations in front of mirror could be one thing you can do. If possible, make a vision board or buy a small manifestation souvenir suggesting your desire is complete. If possible, write your manifestations on a white sheet and bury them under a plant or soil in your garden.
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Gemini/3rd house: Write. Journal your desires, write them down, clearly. If you guys have things like a feng shui crystal turtle, write your desires on a paper and put it under that turtle. I would also suggest using affirmations, to people with this placement, be optimistic and say good things about your manifestation. Use the law of assumption. Listen to subliminals, it may really help as well.
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Cancer/4th house: FEEL your manifestation. Use music that makes you feel as if, evokes such emotions you know. Use the moon cycles for manifestation. Have you guys heard of Moon water manifestation? Basically, in a glass put some water and set intentions of your manifestation and put it under the full moon. Next day, drink that water. If you used a bigger bottle, then drink that water every time you set intentions of your manifestations. Use visualization
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Leo/5th house: Have fun with your manifestation. Enjoy what you are willing to manifest and feel the vibes coming in. Be confident that yes, it is coming and it would happen. Be creative about your manifestation. Try drawing your desires if you guys enjoy arts. Create beautiful DIYs like creative vision boards while blasting music, or pretty photo frames or phone wallpapers that would suggest completion of your desires. I would also suggest using heart chakra meditations, lifting your spirits up.
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Virgo/6th house: Create a manifestation routine. Something that locks you in and also, dont be too fixtated on when will it happen. Create a routine you enjoy and it can be absolutely anything. I however feel like suggesting 369 method, 55X5 method or things like so. One other thing I will say is, don't be afraid of helping someone if your boundaries are not crossed, and you may actually find that you have coincidences that lead you to what you had wanted. I would say, be open minded as well. Release pent up energy in your body time to time. I have often seen people with this placement are already very helping/people like to ask them for help.
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Libra/7th house: I would suggest talking about your manifestation, in a journal, to someone you trust or even to yourself in a positive, loving way! Enjoy talking about what you want, talk about it with love, faith and optimism. I would suggest using a sigil, especially near your mirror or when you are getting ready. Use a pretty paper, and make it super cute and to your aesthetic. If its possible, clean and program the ornaments you wear, or even if its a hair tie you wear daily. By program I mean, meditating on it and setting a vibration/energy that corresponds to your manifestation. pretending as if can help too.
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Scorpio/8th house: Don't talk about your manifestation until its complete, don't tell much people about it until you are close with them. Use sleep meditations (I would suggest Edward Art's sleep meditations) and please, believe in your manifestation but yourself first, that you can attract what you want. Use the law of attraction. Even though I suggest being on high vibrations, I would still say, let yourself feel your emotions, its important to feel yourself. Don't get too attached, fearful or desperate for what you want. Pray to whoever you believe when you're sleeping. Often seen people with this placement/8th house moons or stelliums have some kind of divine intervention with the things they desire. Be open to change in paths, if it is possible.
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Sagittarius/9th house: Be optimistic about your manifestation. Pray if you believe in a higher deity or power. This is a very lucky placement in my opinion and you have the power to achieve whatever you want, just desire it strongly and in a positive way. Use frequency meditations, and if possible. Have faith and patience and don't be in a rush for anything. Use manifestation journals if possible. I feel people with these placements are already quite spiritual or at least aware of such topics. Use affirmations/ religious affirmations if you believe in one.
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Capricorn/10th house: Talk about your manifestation, don't lie about what you want when asked, say it if its not violating your boundaries and if not, just say something neutral. I feel people with this placement, often manifest what they show, even if they are trying to be private or pretentious, its just weird. Act as if, and have some confidence. I feel people with this placement appear lucky to people so I would indeed suggest protecting your energy. This placement should also somehow be ready to accept the challenges that will come along when they ask for what they want, because these people often dream big but this placement again feels brings unpredictable things on your path. So, be open and flexible is a suggestion. But be assured, the rewards often exceed expectations!!
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Aquarius/11th house: USE PINTREST BOARDS IF YOU DOO. Use subliminals, Create a manifestation journal with affirmations and pictures. Use manifestation meditations. Experiment with your manifestations, let it be, and let it go. Don't obsess about what you're manifesting. Have a positive self talk. Your manifestation is actually likely to appear when you least expect it/don't bother about it much. Random but write yourself messages/emails or success stories as if you achieved what you want, this is a very good placements for strong manifestors imo
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Pisces/12th house: Use visualization, SATs coming to me specifically. Sleep in the state of wish fulfilled. Be helathy-delusional, and use crystals if you have one or are willing to use them and even better if you can charge them near ocean. Use water meditation, water-manifestation methods. Have strong faith :)) Use spells and charms. program your crystals and journals.
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EXTRA: Jupiter in air signs or degrees: Watch your thoughts and words, speak your desire in existence Jupiter in water signs or degrees: Watch your feelings, feel as if and don't let your feelings consume you eitherways. Beware of extreme delusion and mark a line on reality Jupiter in fire signs or degrees: Watch your actions and impulses, take inspired actions as needed, feel the excitement but don't get reckless or mindlessly impulsive. Know the line between what you feel like doing because of an intuitive nudge, and where you are being stupid or over faithful/risk taking.
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btw paid readings are open:)
support me on ko-fi :) that's it. I hope I was able to help and this post brought some clarity. I hope you liked this post. All the best :)) i love you all <33
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sanatanpragati12 · 1 year
ध्यान (Meditation) के लाभ : तरीका और इसके फायदे।
ध्यान (Meditation) एक भावना होती है जिससे व्यक्ति अपने मन को शांत करता है और उसकी महत्त्वपूर्ण तथ्यों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है। यह भावना अधिकतर धर्मों में मौजूद होती है और विभिन्न तकनीकों के द्वारा अपनाई जाती है। ध्यान (Meditation) के कई फायदे होते हैं, जो एक व्यक्ति के जीवन को सकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित करते हैं। ध्यान (Meditation) की शक्ति अद्भुत होती है। ध्यान करने से मन शांत होता है और शरीर…
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eatmangoesnekkid · 3 months
My attention is almost always focused on and directed towards what I desire to bring into the 3D reality, whatever brings incredible levels of lubrication, expansion, liberation, discomfort, purpose, or fun, and rarely, if ever, am I focused on what I don't. I live cognitively and somatically in abundance in my thinking and feeling, and generally believe that whatever I desire is possible, no template or carved out path needed. There is not one person on Earth who I have spent significant time around that hasn't heard me moan, sing, yell, and scream. I command life through my Sounds . I decree through my voice. I energize through my deep throat (chakra). A vagus-nerve-tending life, as I call it, is a life of relaxation, deliberate creation, and play, that requires us to normalize using our sounds, to tend to our throats, to ‘will’ life in the direction we really desire through our vocals, and to deeply listen for next step instructions. I was told to connect to the water element to access sacred flow states, surrendering to the current and affirming out loud that the universe had a plan, and all I needed to do was relax at the water, pray and wave at the boats passing by. In other words, I became obedient to the universe, therefore I did not have to become exhausted and worn down because I was trying to force something to happen as learned. Instead, I allowed myself to feel safe being helped and supported by something (mostly) invisible and eternal.
My consciousness has drastically increased since publishing my first book "You Look Like Something Blooming" to crafting a new series of books, "The Melody of Love." Speaking with an upgraded consciousness required me to open up my crown through a purification process of slow deep circular breathing, eating real food mostly prepared by me, and channeling my "life energy" or sexual vitality with my heart in order to be able to receive higher messages and downloads. Through some combination of meditation, breathwork, chanting, sacred bathing, kundalini yoga, female sexual alchemy exercises, eating mostly organic, wild, or fermented foods, and/or spending quiet time alone or in nature, especially in warm sunny regions, permitted my 3rd eye to open therefore I could process the higher intelligence I was receiving without having an inflammatory response. And my throat chakra had to evolve to allow me to communicate the advanced messages I was receiving and processing in the simplest, down-to-earth fashion as possible to readers. But none of that would have been possible if feminine expression had not been grounded into my body over the years through root posterior chain work, calve work, and feet work that gave me strength and softness to be able to hold a greater capacity of energy and allow it to pulse through my body and psyche, you see. When your soul lives in a human body, this is the only true way "ascension" happens, from the bottom up. But I am also very grown AF. Not a day that goes by that I don't connect to my throat (pussy, or breasts) and feel the profound peace of the present moment. Like open my mouth and massage my back teeth and throat with coconut oil which also massages my pelvic floor and reproductive organs because the throat, pussy, and pelvis are all energetically and physically connected. What you do to one is done to all parts. Because one thing I know about women is that we live too closed. Our legs need to be open. Our breasts/hearts need to be open. Our spines need to be open. Our minds need to be open. Our hips need to be open. Our toes need to be open. Our buttocks need to be open. And of course our throats need to be open. It’s like women learn to be talk and talk all the time but we do not learn to open up our throats so that energy can properly flow into our eyes, inner eye, and brain, which means that we can finally ‘see,’ ‘feel’, ‘hear’ and interpret at the subtlest layers of reality again. The lack of real circulation is harming our bodies of their greater capacities. That's why the average woman has not touched the tip of what's possible in her body, life, and intimacies. The chronic negative thoughts have carved calcification imprints in her creative portals, made them hard and full of scar tissue. "The Melody of Love" books and school share how to dearmour the female body and unleash the raw multidimensional creative potential for every female body, the hidden, the regenerative, and the uncommon. I created my soft life (the real kind) because I learned how to live tuned in and tapped on in my body and mind, and I want to teach more women and other female-bodied people everything I know. Because when I do look out into world I see that this world needs us. More embodied women. High Priestesses. -India Ame'ye, Author
Only posted for 48 hours.....
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cupiddivinearrow · 10 months
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What is your 💫💫💫Starseed ⭐️ Connection 💫💫💫? PAC Reading
Website Link: (Still a work in progress. So please bare with me)
Hey, check out my website, "Cupid’s Divine Arrow" with this link: https://cupiddivinearrow11.wixsite.com/cupidsdivinearrow-2
Discord link: https://discord.gg/bsWTW7FKbg
(I offer reiki sessions, energy shields, general, love, career, past lives, etc readings, sigils, etc. at reasonable prices…)
Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your body feels calm, open your eyes and let your intuition guide you to your pile. It’s okay to pick more than one pile!
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Crystal of Choice:
Smoky Quartz
• Keep you grounded if you're doing spiritual work or meditating
• Encourage a deeper connection to the Earth
• Support feelings of peace and calm
• Help you work through personal fears
Healing Energy
Trouble going with the flow
Innocent, Pure
Magnetic pull to water
Emotional, full of love, guided by love
Self discovery, Finding yourself
Divinely Guided
Unexpected Discoveries
Gaia, Mother Earth, Earth
Animals of Significance:
love, prophecy, verbosity, mediation
Feminine power, spirituality, renewal
Chakras of Significance:
Crown chakra
3rd eye chakra
Heart chakra
Astrological Energies of Significance:
Pile 1, this group is a very intelligent group. This pile is big on change and exploration. This pile might often have a traumatic past that can be crippling to some.
This pile may also have REALLY BIG HEARTS and moves out of love, most of the time.
The experiences that this pile undergoes are the stepping stones on their path. This pile often goes through changes, are often healing from friends and family, loved ones, that betray them. It’s hard for this pile to trust.
Pile 1, y’all often tap into your intuition due to the inner knowledge that y’all have buried within, knowledge that’s meant to help guide the Earth through the knowledge gathered from past experiences. This pile is meant to keep moving forward, to push through the hardships that could break an individual.
Pile 1, you may be seen as pure, innocent, angelic. Have a fondness to being close to the water.
Overall, this pile has the inner knowledge to push through any hardship, learn from it, and rise up from the ashes like a Phoenix.
Pile 1, you are here, on Earth, to share with the world about Patience. The world is always on the go, maybe this pile too, and it may be a bit difficult to slow down and just be. Be still. Be patient. Wait. But the thing that Pile 1 wants to express to the world that even when there is confusion on your path, being patient and keep in your faith will help push things along. People forget that faith sometimes requires patience, even when things are unclear.
This pile is big hearted, full of love, and nurturing energy. A part of your soul remembers the peace, unity and love that it shared amongst its soul family before having came to Earth and it yearns to feel that again. So when people hurt you, it strikes deep. Because it’s not really here on Earth. Which is the karmic wound that needs healing. Earth needs to heal the parts that make them stir the pot that causes a rift in unity. This pile is meant to shine a light on what’s keeping the Earth so divided, so it can be acknowledged and worked on.
Earth needs to learn how to tap into that Universal love that we all have access to and learn how to truly be sorry to those that are hurt by the carelessness of others. The shadows, hate, wounds, separation, severing, wrongs, and sadness must be acknowledged to bring change. To bring peace.
Pile 1, you may become a bit irritated or impatient at the idea of having to wait and be patient. Especially when your soul remembers being able to manifest your desire without the need to wait, or being able to listen to your intuition then and know what to do and where you were going vs now, where your intuition may whisper to you or not, and you feel more lost than grounded. Try to remember that other planets move differently than Earth, as well as, any progress is still progress. You don’t have to know where you’re going or what’s going on to move forward, just try to listen to your instincts and take a step. That’s all it takes. And by doing that, you’ll also be teaching the Earth to do the same. You’ll be leading by example which will encourage others to do the same.
Pile 1, have y’all been feeling homesick lately? Is your soul remembering the times it had back home? Remembering the feeling of home? Just know that everything will be okay P1. Try to remember that you chose to come here to Earth and that you’re not alone. You didn’t come here alone. It’s time to fully give in to the human experience. Try to anchor your personality, your soul, and your spirit to the life you are living now. Whether you’re yearning for a place or person to find home, just know that this was your choice. Commit by putting both feet completely in and ask yourself how you can be more so? This has been a challenge for you Pile 1, and it’s one that you can overcome.
Pile 1, your soul is being called. It’s being called to connect with the Earth, with Mother Gaia. So often, we can get thrown in a rut; in a repeating cycle that leaves us moving on auto, doing the same things, over and over again, daily. This can cause our souls to start thirsting for more. Our souls were never meant to be stuck in a box. Limited. Stuck. Unsupported, alone. Stagnant. However, when we give ourselves permission to get in touch with nature and ourselves, it allows us to connect more to Mother Gaia, to Earth. To fill that void that we continue to try to convince ourselves will close if we just move, act, sound, etc a certain way. Allow yourself to listen to that little voice that tells you to go against the grain. It’s time to slow down and spend some time out in nature. Listen to yourself. Be still. Breath with Lady Gaia, Earth, the Divine.
🌎 Closing Comment:🌎
Pile 1, you are being asked to take things slow… one day at a time. Maybe it’s time to start looking into the stars and crystalline grids, which provides stored information that contains ancient codes of wisdom that had been forgotten by humanity. These ancient codes will help Pile 1 to assist humanity with the vibrational shift that’s taking place. The crystalline grid are constantly having stars shower emanations onto it, and information sent back to it once things are balanced on Earth. Lastly, this pile’s vibration may be raising and it’s causing y’all to activate your energy body to its highest form: The light body, which will require this pile to move slow in order to integrate this change.
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Crystal of Choice:
Rainbow Moonstone
Represents inner clarity
Cyclical change
Connection to the feminine
It is a symbol of light and hope
Encourages us to embrace new beginnings
Closely linked to themes of femininity:
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Innocent, Pure
Old Souls, Wise
Instinct, Impulsive, Spontaneous
Ice, Water, Emotional
Priest, High Priestess
Trust, Faith, Divinely Guided
Forward Movement
Completion, Ending of Cycles
Fate vs Destiny, Akashic Records
Saturn energy
Spiritual Warriors
Native American
Arctic/ Alaska
Cold/ Ice
Crown Chakra
3rd Eye Chakra
Throat Chakra
Soul, Divinity, Liberation, Creativity, Rebirth
Creation, Magic, Illumination
Polar Bear:
Power, Wisdom, Peace
Fire Energies
Some of you may want to check pile 1
Pile 2, **YALL ARE POWERFUL**!!!!! This is the pile that is meant to bring harmony and balance to the world. This pile has dedicated their lifetimes to bringing peace to the world. Y’all might not like big groups or need time to recoup after being in one. This pile may love being near water, or may need to. Some of you may be seeing 222 a lot, 888, 999, 1111. This pile may consist of those that may be on their twin flame journeys. Some of the people in this pile may be highly intuitive, which means you receive lots of downloads from the Divine/ Source/ the Universe. May be immature when it comes to communication, but stay in their heads a lot. May have a lot of love to give but may seem closed off. This pile may love to listen to music, or may be musicians and dancers, very artistic. This pile may also face a lot of trauma that they must heal from, to end unhealthy cycles so you can be reborn. This pile is helps the world to transition by spreading peace around the world through your life experiences that cause you to change and evolve. To grow without going dark. This pile is meant to make moving on and handling issues with Grace. To find yourself through lessons that teach you to let go of anything trying to hold you back and by doing the things you love, things that feed your soul. This pile is all about fairness and Justice through reflection and ascension. This pile is destined to have fulfillment. Y’all are or will be known for making life difficulties look easy. This pile is screaming Spiritual Warriors. You’re all about Faith.
As of late, pile 1, y’all may be letting things be for now. Not pushing anything, but learning to let things come to you. You came to Earth to teach others to do the same. You’re learning how to take the lead in your life. This pile may have a hard time trusting others to lead, as well, in themselves. Y’all might be having a hard time trusting in your actions. However, doubt is part of life. Every hero or leader has doubts, but they had to learn when to push through them. You asked to be here. You asked to undergo these lessons to ascend. You’re here to show Earth that just because something happens that doesn’t feel good, doesn’t mean it was bad or you’re living wrong. Social law vs Spiritual law. Which one matters more? Which one applies more? Care less what others think, and trust your instincts. So often people forget that Earth’s laws don’t apply to what’s meant to be. Now’s the time to help teach the Earth how to let go of control issues by ignoring the background noise, which sometimes, it’s our self sabotaging ways, and focus on your purpose.
Pile 2, have you been facing a lot of difficulties lately that’s been making you feel as if you’ve hit rock bottom? It’s time to love on yourself a little bit harder and have some compassion for yourself. As trying as it has been, please try to remember that situations in life are temporary. That nothing lasts forever and that diamonds are only formed under pressure baby! And you, pile 2, are diamonds in the making, if you’re not one already. So many people don’t realize that hitting rock bottom is a gift. A true blessing. Because the only way you can go is up. And the only way you can truly find out just how strong you are is by learning your fullest potential. Surrender to the alchemy of life. Don’t give up, you’re a Phoenix baby! Rise from the ashes and learn just how powerful you truly are. I bet you’ll surprise yourself in the end.
Pile 2, you may want to learn how to think like the Pleiadeans. You’re being called to learn how to let go of the situations in the past that made you feel bad about yourself. You’re being asked to see the bigger picture. What can you take out of those experiences? Have you tried to ask yourself what about those experiences that left you feeling down and out were a blessing? What did you learn? What was something positive you can take from your experiences. It’s all about perspective. “The glass half empty, half full” saying comes to mind. Just know, an old dog can learn new tricks, and it’s never too late for you to learn something new that could help change the future. Maybe you’ve been feeling inspired lately? The world needs more people that can see the big picture, artists, dreamers, inventors, & visionary thinkers. Trust in the vision that you have and follow through. It takes courage to pace a new path- have faith anyways. Trust that everything will work out as intended. Trust in yourself.
Also, Pile 2, some of you may already know that you’re a pretty strong empath, and for those that didn’t, well now you do... P2, it’s okay to keep some things for yourself. Y’all are so sweet, y’all make be overextending yourself, which can play a part on you feeling drained. So, P2, it’s time to start looking out for self more. It’s okay to take some time to self and to fill your cup. I mean, who’s gonna give you what your body needs and craves if you don’t? You gotta take care of you before you can help anymore. Being an empath, you can draw in others emotions and vibes, and it’s important to take the time to nourish yourself. And don’t worry about whether or not you have time to nurture yourself and do your life’s purpose. As long as you take care of self, the Earth will automatically receive the love that it’s meant to, because it’s literally surrounding you. All you have to do is BE. It’s time to take care of your energetic self. It’s okay, P2. The world won’t stop if you take some time for self, I promise.
🕊️ Closing Comments🕊️
P2, your soul is calling out to you to work on your perspective. It’s time to wake up. Yes, life can be hard. Especially when you’re feeling a calling to find a home, person or place where you feel at home, at peace. Your soul craves it because it remembers it, before all the difficulties of life on Earth. However, the difficulties we face can sometimes cloud of judgement and that’s all we focus on. Not realizing that all it is is a distraction. We’re a small speck of dust compared to what’s really going on out there. Time can be so fleeting. It’s time to see how our mindset affects our ability to follow our contract. Our soul’s experience is a flash compared to what’s really going on in the Universe. Take a moment to see the bigger picture. Find the strength to live on Earth with all your strength and keep pushing forward with great compassion and love from within. Don’t let life’s difficulties change you for the worse. You are a being of love. Try to remember to look at any experience with love in your heart, that’s the only way to truly move forward without allowing poison to warp our perspectives.
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Crystal of Choice:
Amethyst Crystal
aka “All Purpose Stone
Inner peace
Draws in love
Healing abilities
Assist in curing physical illnesses related to the head, lungs, pancreas, liver, stomach, muscles, and reproductive organs
Increase in Spiritual abilities
Cosmic Ancestors
New beginnings
Star energy; popular, magnetic
Needs to stay grounded
Unexpected Changes
Waters, Bodies of Water, Emotional
Forward movement
A shift
Creation/ Life/ Fertility
Greek ties —> Goddesses Artemis or Amphitrite
Egyptian ties —> Goddess Isis
Hunger for life, change, something new
Wish fulfillment
Masculine energy
Chakras of Significance
Third Eye
Animals of Significance:
Instinctual Energy, Independence, Regeneration
Fertility, Purity, Divination
Water, Creation, Emotions
Animal Deities
Divinity, Guidance, Wisdom
Astrological Energies of Significance
Mars energy
Neptune energy
Pluto energy
How’s it going P3!
This pile may be into the arts, such as music, dancing, drawing, etc. Some of you may be seeing 111s and 222s a lot. Some of y’all in this group may be intuitive. Some of y’all may have had to move on from things that could’ve left you broken. This pile might have a hard time balancing their emotions and their thoughts. Some of you may be feeling a bit pessimistic or depressed? Some of you may be thirsty for life and might be needing a change? Some of you may be dealing with some people in your life that are deceivers, liars, out for self, and it may be keeping you in a distorted energy. Some of you may be heavy in your masculine energy right now, whether you’re a man or woman (I go off energy, not gender). Some of you may be trying to juggle life, career, or relationships, especially after an unexpected change. Some of you have been manifesting a change in your career or hoping to receive a gift that would be a wish fulfillment. If any of this resonates, then this is your pile P3.
P3, after a long and challenging time, the world is officially undergoing a shift. And that’s thanks to y’all doing your part P3. However, I see you’re having a hard time seeing past the difficulties in life and finding that spark again. It’s okay to focus on your spiritual growth, but you must also remember to live in the 3D. You may be feeling like you recently hit rock bottom. You need to remember that it’s okay to be spontaneous. It’s okay to surrender to pleasure and joy. You really need to focus on filling your own cup back up again. The Universe doesn’t want you drowning for love and fun, but to live! To find that spark that motivates you to keep moving forward. This world will drain you if you let it. Stay focused on moving forward, P3. I guarantee, that your manifestations and wishes are just around the corner. That’s a promise. Also, try to remember that life isn’t a race. It’s okay to relax and enjoy the moment. Enjoy the process. Have no regrets when looking back. You’re so much closer than you know P3.
Awwww P3 🥺🥺🥺 One word. Balance. It’s time to find balance. Some starseeds that come to Earth have a harder time living in it. Some starseeds have a hard time balancing their life out with their spiritual side, finding it easier to be part of the Earth than to worry about other things. This battle between the spiritual and Earth is called Transcendence vs Immanence. Most starseeds feel more comfortable with transcending. P3, you came to the Earth to show people how to balance out the 2. You need to learn how to BE in the world P3. Because you have a hard time having boundaries, it may be hard for you to BE in this world. You’re beings of pure, unconditional love. So you see the good in people, which often leaves you taken advantage of. Some of you have been relationships that you may partake in may tend to be a bit unhealthy, and this happens a lot. Some of you are here to learn how to love while in a separate body. P3, it’s time to learn how to love yourself and establish healthy boundaries. You are full of all the love you need and require. Maybe some of you are in a codependent relationship, or maybe some of you are in relationships where you give more than what you get and it’s draining you. P3, it’s time to establish healthier ways. If you lose yourself in relationships, it’s time to maybe, take some time to self and focus on loving yourself and getting to know yourself better.
Some of you may be Golden Children, aka Children of the Sun (I also heard Ra). Children of the Sun are suspected of being highly intuitive and gifted, but often are treated in a not so nice way on their journeys. Some of you may need to heal your inner child from trauma, and some of you may be expecting or will be expecting soon, and it could be a Child of the Sun. To help bring these intuitive children into the world to nurture and guide. Also, some of you who have trouble upholding your boundaries are a bit of a people pleaser and this is causing you to pour salt in your wounds, while adding on more. You’re not meant to be everyone’s cup of tea. You’re not meant to please everyone. The person you should be concerned with pleasing is yourself. Stop giving away your power. Embrace who you are and who you were meant to be. It’s okay if everyone doesn’t understand you. You weren’t meant to be placed in a box (society standards). Embrace the weirdness. Your uniqueness. It’s what makes you shine.
The life lesson you came here to learn P3, is that anything that is unaligned in your life must go. It’s time to question everything that you know and virtually scan what is acceptable and needed in your life, and what isn’t… or who. The shift that is occurring will be doing the same for the world. Society, the World, how people think…? The Unseen will start to be seen. Everything will start to change, or it will not survive. So you must make sure you’re doing your part. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is necessary. It’s time for the world to be reminded how the Universe operates, which isn’t based on what society is pushing today. It’s time to dismantle the ways and beliefs that are no longer serving. It’s time for you to trust in what you need to do and take the baby steps to make it happen.
P3, it’s never too late to learn something new. To change your perspective or goals, your career, or the relationships in your life. It’s time to step into your role and be a visionary for the planet. You decide what you believe… what you follow . And the decisions you make today could affect the wellbeing of the planet and its species, so it’s important that you get a different perspective than the one you’ve had. It’s time to open your mind and dream a new world. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. It takes alot of courage to take the path you’re being called to take vs the easier one. Trust that what you’re about to do will be successful, just hold firm. Doors are opening for you P3. You have the Midas touch right now. Your thoughts are extra powerful right now, the planets are aligned and the timing is right. The Universe has your back P3. All of your hard work is about to pay off, just keep going! Especially since now is the time to work on moving towards your dreams abd ACHIEVING those dreams. If you feel like you’re being called to shake things up and make some big changes, NOW’S the time to do it. Effortless changes are about to happen for you, if it’s not happening already P3.
Some of you may want to check out P1 if you were called to do so.
P3, it’s time to remember that you’re not alone, it can just feel that way when you’re not balanced in the 3D & 5D. You’re being called to check in with yourself more, and to start practicing honing your gifts. It’s time to step up. You came to Earth with a double mission. To grow as a soul and to assist in the shift to raise the consciousness of the world. Some of you in p3 may have many unique gifts that you do or don’t know about that has yet to fully be uncovered. Move towards your being called to do, whether it’s a creative project, a passion, or an adventure. It’s time to step up and leap. Also, some of you in P3 need to take some time to reach out to family or friends, or go on a friendly walk with a someone to gather your energetic resources. As an old soul, sometimes starseeds feel the need to isolate or be alone. But we’re humans. We’re beings that require group interaction and closeness. Find the balance, P3.
⭐️Closing Comments:⭐️
P3, if you’re working on any projects, just know this pile whatever it is has great potential to be successful. Don’t give up. Be like the Mintakans who saw the light in everything and everyone. There is potential in humans and situations, just gotta train yourself to see that. Try to have faith P3, and know that EVERYTHING and everyone are working out to the highest potential for all those involved. Also, try to figure out any unconscious thoughts and patterns you have and bring them to light. If we don’t face what is needed to addressed, they have a tendency to show up. So deal with whatever you’re not dealing with P3, before you’re made to by the Universe.
Children of the Sun
✨ And that concludes this reading! ✨
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Blessings!🕊️🕊️🕊️
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ladyyomiart · 2 months
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This is the entry I drew for DeviantArt's "The Holi Mandala Contest". 🏵️✨ I was inspired by the three following things to draw this mandala:
👉My indigenous heritage: My great-great-grandmother, Petrona, was a descendant of indigenous people. She wore her hair in an ankle-length braid and used to tie it over her head to smuggle things across the border, lol. She liked to smoke chala leaf tobacco and her great-grandchildren say she was extremely serious, silent, and that I'm very much like her in appearance. 😊
👉Some of my favorite tarot cards: My paternal grandmother used to read them when I was little and I continue the family tradition since then. 🔮 The cards featured in this mandala are: The World, The Wheel of Fortune, The Sun, The Moon, The Devil, The Magician, The Star, and Death.
👉My meditative practices: I've been meditating for about 20 years and the color palette I picked for this mandala corresponds to the colors of the human Chakra/Energy Centers. 🌈 The Hindu prayer mala beads that appear on it were also inspired by my own set of mala beads, which first belonged to a tibetan monk, and that I was gifted by a kind Tumblr user many years ago. 📿
I've been drawing mandalas since I was a teenager because I've always been fascinated by Hindu culture (the best meditative techniques I've learned come from Hindu and Tibetan cultures) and mandalas are also super relaxing to create and decorate. 🌼
Mandalas are used as a tool for contemplation and meditation, so here's a little explanation of the meaning behind each symbol drawn in the different "gates" (circles/sections) of this one:
🕉️1st Gate (center): The World Card. The Universe. The third eye chakra. The eye that perceives the universe so it can exist. Throat chakra. The power of speech and thought. I think, therefore I am. The chakra at the top of the head. The connection to the whole. The separate individual. Identity. The Self.
🕉️2nd Gate: The Wheel of Fortune Card. Time. Seasons. Inevitable changes. Growth. Movement. The solar system. The Gods of my ancestors. Emotions. Luck. Opposites coexisting as part of a whole.
🕉️3rd Gate: The cards waiting to be turned over. Destiny. The future. What is hidden.
🕉️4th Gate: The flames of Spirit. Creativity. Inspiration. Creation. Destruction. Purification. The sparkle of life.
🕉️5th Gate: My ancestors. The Devil Card. Protection. Strength. Support. Slaves who break their chains and raise their hands from the abyss, setting fire to the darkness. Survival instinct. Determination. The will to carry on.
🕉️6th Gate: The Magician card. The Star card. As above, so below. Manifestation. The morning star appearing in the sky at sunrise and sunset. Liminal spaces. Healing. Miracles. Achieving the impossible. Guides pointing the right way.
🕉️7th Gate: Feathers symbolizing freedom (flying high like a bird) of the mind and spirit (indigo and blue) and feathers symbolizing freedom of the body (red and orange).
🕉️8th Gate: Death Card. Material world/physical plane. Inevitability of change. Transformation. Humanity. The planet earth. Unity. Equality. Connection. We're different, yet we're all the same.
🕉️9th Gate: The laws of nature. Balance. Nothing can exist in the absence of its opposite. Cosmic protection and order. Containment. Harmony between instinct and reason. The Hindu prayer mala beads start the universe in the tassel section and end it when it completes its turn. Ouroboros, the snake that bites its own tail. The cycle of reincarnation. The beyond.
🎨Materials used: Sheet of plain paper, black needlepoint rollerball pen, and "Caran d'Ache" + "Faber-Castell" watercolor coloring pencils.
⏳Drawing & coloring time: 28 hours.
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psychicpanic · 3 months
hi <3 do you have any advice for getting more in tune with the spiritual, and balancing/meshing that with your everyday life? i hope your day is wonderful!
HI!!!!! i love you. before i got into speaking with spirits and spirit keeping, i would meditate before i went to bed most nights. you lay down and clear your mind. meditating 5 mins before you do work, 10 minutes when you’re in bed before you go to sleep, has lots of proven health benefits. it also tunes you in more spiritually iykwim. mediation is how psychics get channeled messages, visions, communicate with spirits / spirit (the universe / god), etc. i used to meditate until it felt like i was on a boat floating on water. it feels great! you don’t have to get anything out of it for the first times, just take in how relaxing it is for your mind.
i usually meditate listening to binaural beats (frequencies that affect your brain waves to calm it down, tune into a certain frequency, sleep, concentrate, ANYTHING). there are LOTS of binaural beats to choose from. you don’t even have your be meditating to listen to them, you can listen to them all day for various things. i srsly stand by them like they srsly work wonders. there are binaural beats all over youtube, just search up “binaural beats for” [meditation / sleep / connecting to angels / chakra alignment / etc]. i would start with things that would benefit you most, like communicating with your angels and chakra alignments. (you can also get chakra alignments done by reiki masters. the 3rd eye chakra is how people communicate with spirit, but i believe with time and hard work you can clear them yourself).
every one of us has a guardian angel and multiple spirit guides (higher frequency / dimensional beings that watch over us our entire lives, that offer different things like decision making, protection, etc). you can ask throughout your day “guardian angel, can you show me a sign?” (same for spirit guides) and see if anything pops up for you. it could be an animal, a noise, a light, the trees suddenly looking extra green, etc etc. practicing is always good and fun! i love seeing signs. they can foresee the future (afaik my spirit guides can, but if anything, your angel definitely can), so you can ask them lots of questions about the future if you wanted and understood signs.
i hope this helped (-: LOVE YOU
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agape-philo-sophia · 8 months
➝ Your Temple, Building it and Entering it (“The Upper Room”).
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First to understand what we are talking about, take your finger to the side of your head, just by the eye. You will find a small indentation there which as you know is called, The Temple.
To discuss these things we have the Bible so let’s make sure that the Bible states that the temple is not a building:1 Corinthians 3:16 Don’t you know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? 2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
That should clarify for us that the temple referred to in scripture is actually the human mind. Now let us see how scripture tells us to build the temple. If you want to follow along, start at 1 Kings 6In building the temple we focus on your meditation because we know the temple in question is the human mind.
Look how the Bible describes the construction which goes beautifully with your meditation.1 KING 6:7 And the house, when it was built, was built of stone made ready before it was brought there: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was being built. Your temple is built in silence. Can you see how clear this is, even though its meaning is hidden? The silence of your meditation begins to build the temple.
Don’t concern yourself if you use music etc. Silence means separation from the constant drone of thoughts coming from the carnal mind. Construction on your temple has begun, in silence. OK now we get to that special part of your temple.
1 Kings 6:8 8 The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house: The right side of the house references the right hemisphere of the brain. Don’t concern yourself with trying to reach the right side as opposed to the left side. The right side is used simply as a separation from the left side which is the carnal mind. When you shut down thought, you have shut down the carnal mind, left side, and opened the door to the right side of the house. As your meditation grows, the energy flows upward through the spine in what is called Kundalini. The seven chakras, or the Revelation movement of the 7 seals.
This is a twisting Serpentine motion of the energy as it rises up the spine in a DNA pattern. The Bible describes the stairs going up to the Holy Place and note they are winding stairs.1 Kings 6:8 and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, Winding stairs is the serpentine motion up the spine. The middle chamber is the holy place. We rise in the serpentine motion of the electrical energy to the door on the right side and enter the middle chamber.
The holy place and into the third. But what is the third1 Kings 6:8 and out of the middle into the third. When we leave the holy place we enter the third where we wait and rest.. This is tremendously interesting. All of this activity happens in the 3rd ventricle of the brain. We enter the 3rd to wait.
Let us go to Stedmans Medical Dictionary for a description of the third ventricle. The third ventricle is a narrow verticle cleft between the two lateral ventricles. It possesses, a roof, a floor and four walls, anterior, posterior and two lateral. The roof is formed by the tela choroidea. So there is the room, where you shall wait. The room is an actual room within your brain called the third ventricle. During this time of Aquarius it takes on a special meaning when we read the words of Jesus concerning the Passover. His disciples asked him when the Passover would take place.
This was His reply.
Luke 22:10 10 And he said to them, when enter into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he enters.11 And you shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master said Where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples? 12 And he shall show you a large upper room furnished: there make ready.
Now you know where the large upper room is.You know that you enter via the door on the right side. Now in silence, begin to build your temple, that you may ascend the winding stairs and Passover to your new existence in light.
➝ Your Temple, Building it and Entering it (“The Upper Room”). https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/02/09/your-temple-building-it-and-entering-it-the-upper-room-2/
➝ Occult Anatomy in the New Testament – The Seed, Oil, Pneumogastric Nerve/Golgotha/Holy Ghost/Solar Plexus – George W. Carey, “God-Man: The Word Made Flesh” (1920). https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2019/02/16/occult-anatomy-in-the-new-testament-the-seed-oil-pneumogastric-nerve-golgotha-holy-ghost-solar-plexus-george-w-carey-god-man-the-word-made-flesh-1920/
➝ Christmas & It’s Esoteric Significance. Santa Claus, an Esoteric interpretation. 🔑 https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2020/11/20/christmas-its-esoteric-significance-santa-claus-an-esoteric-interpretation-2/
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battleangel · 10 months
Ghost In The Capitalist Machine
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The West, in service of capitalism and the medical and pharmaceutical industrial complexes, purposely severs the mind-body connection.
Just like corporate silos teams, departments and functions from one another within individual companies so that noone is ever really communicating and truly collaborating with one another, the West purposely silos your mind, body, heart, soul and spirit from one another so that nothing is truly holistically integrative and aligned.
This sets it up for it to be very difficult for you to ever experience your ego death, discover the true self, self-awaken, self-actualize, self-ascend, align and activate all seven chakras, open your third eye, experience a kundalini awakening, activate your pineal gland, receive esoteric downloads from the Akashic library and realize that what we call "reality" is actually a 3D three dimensional virtual reality videogame simulation of the actual real reality, which is the 10D ten dimensional dreamscape which we all travel to every night when we "fall" asleep and "dream", rapid eye movement "REM sleep" and "dreaming" is nothing but you shifting your consciousness via modulating your brainwaves and entering a meditative state that allows you to temporarily shift yourself back to the dreamscape from which you originated.
The 10D ten dimensional dreamscape is every possibility at one time, its the Big Bang, its traveling at light speed, its lush, its lurid, its visceral, its a kaleidoscopic explosion, its a constellation of lights, its walking through walls and walking on water, its falling endlessly through the sky without dying, its limitless, endless, eternal -- its your imagination.
Intrinsically, this just makes sense. We all know our mind and our imagination is the one thing that has no limits, no limitations, cant be controlled. We can think of anything we want. Thats all the dreamscape is.
We all originated from a kemetic explosion of source energy and love that created all of us at an infinity inflection point that, at the moment it happened, shot eternally into the past and into the future and in that one moment all living beings, aliens, humans, angels, creatures, unicorns, mermaids, sirens, vampires, werewolves, universes, star systems, galaxies, planets, nebulas, black holes, wormholes, suns, moons, stars, comets, asteroids, event horizons and supernovas were created in that one instant shot out eternally over all of time.
Our time in "reality" -- where I am typing this and you are reading this -- is very short-lived versus the eternity in which we have all existed in the dreamscape.
"Reality" is just a very temporary manifestation of our eternal energetic limtless selves as physical human beings and we are simply here to rediscover our true eternal selves by awakening, ascending, and self actualizing to our 3rd eye open selves after killing our own egos.
You have to kill your ego.
You have the ability to heal yourself from 90%+ of the physical and mental maladies and dis-eases.
But then that doesnt make Sudafed, Robitussin, Dimetapp, Vicks, Mucinex and Halls any money.
So, they suppress and sabotage your natural ability to heal yourself and natures ability to naturally heal you and invariably, no matter what the issue is, they are going to suggest a pill, a shot and/or a knife.
They wont ask if your gastrointestinal issues are being caused by anxiety at work, abuse in your relationship at home, stress from living paycheck to paycheck like 80% of all Americans, depression from being laid off and having your worker bee work slave identity obliterated, they wont ask how youre feeling emotionally and mentally, they wont ask when the last time was that you were out in the sun just to bask in natural sunlight, breathe fresh air, be near trees, walk barefoot in grass, they wont ask if you sit at a desk all week every week for 40 to 60+ hours chained to your desk non stop Slack email Teams Google Meet notifications non stop demands only getting up for a half hour or hour max to grab lunch from Wendys KFC Taco Bell Burger King McDs Sonics Arbys Chick Fil A Subway Five Guys before running right back to your desk the milisecond lunch is over for hours of useless masturbatory self-aggrandizing agendaless meetings noone actually needs to sit back down and work the rest of your life away...
They'll just grab a notepad, scribble an Rx for a chemical stimulant and laxative, tell you to try to drink more water then move on to the next patient on the assembly line.
Youre not a person, just a "digestive system thats out of whack".
Then they never try to get to the root causes of why its "out of wack" -- environmental, lifestyle, mental, diet, work, relationships, finances, social -- they just give you a stimulant and laxative and tell you to call them in the morning.
Most modern OTC medicine (Sudafed, Benadryl, etc) and pharmaceuticals (presciption medications) are toxic, synthetic, lab made, harmful, unnecessary and at the absolute most typically just temporarily mitigate symptoms without actually alleviating and resolving them.
A quick fix that isnt even a fix yet is relentlessly pushed on us from the literal time we are children.
Pop a pill, get a shot, get Tylelon from the school nurse, swallow your Dimetapp.
Pepto Bismol, Advil, Tylelnol, Excedrin, Bayer, Midol, Pamprin, Zyrtec, Allegra.
The relentless societal lie that modern medicine is the supposed answer and cure to all of lifes ills is simply to endlessly fuel and fund the OTC drug and pharmaceutical companies and industries to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
The vast majority of physical and mental issues and maladies can be resolved naturally through medicinal herbs & plants, essential oils, breathwork, regulating nervous & PSNS, regulating vasovagus nerve, daily movement, being in nature (natural sunlight + fresh air + trees) every day for 20 minutes to an hour, sound healing baths, mhz audio, self healing reiki, yoga exercises, stretching, meditation, journaling, daily creative expression, self reflection, introspection, drinking 64+ oz of water a day, eating fresh fruits & vegetables 80%+ of the time, minimizing meat intake, minimizing soda, juice, caffeine, cofee and alcohol, eliminating processed and prepackaged snacks, minimizing sugar, fat, sodium, gluten & dairy, avoiding toxic and synthetic chemicals, GMOs, pesticides, additives, preservatives & artificial flavors in food, drinks, household & personal care products.
Counterbalance constant indoor artificial unnatural lighting and indoor recycled unnatural air, air conditioning & heat which purposely and by design disrupts our circadian rhythym, depletes our melatonin levels, contributes to insomnia and sleep disorders by ensuring you go outside in nature every day for a walk whenever weather allows for 20 to 60 minutes a day to soak in natural non-artificial non-fluorescent lighting aka sunlight, breathe in fresh unrecycled air, be around trees, put barefeet in grass, go in streams if possible...🏞🏞🏞
Modern society purposely severs our connection to nature by keeping us penned indoors like animals at almost all times (home; school; work; cars/buses/trains; malls/theaters/restaurants/salons/stores).
We are either inside of a building or we are inside of an artificial machine on our way to a building 99%+ of the time and this is totally and completely unnatural, toxic, harmful, dangerous and deadly.
Nature naturally heals us as well as activating our own natural self-healing properties which is why they do everything they can to keep us penned up inside like animals at all times.
Attending school, working, streaming, binge watching, scrolling, social media, gaming, messaging apps, reality TV, sports, competition shows, malls, movie theaters, restaurants, stores, salons, cars, buses, trains, prisons, daycares, grooming everyone to expect and demand total comfort in environment at all times - 70 degrees air conditioning in summer & 80 degree heat in the winter -- anything and everything to keep us indoors at almost all times and never outside in nature.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) cautions against taking unnecessary antibiotics as most sinus problems are caused by viruses, which antibiotics don’t treat and even those brought on by bacteria don’t usually improve any faster with antibiotics, the agency says.
So, whats an alternative to antibiotics?
Ive had severe sinus, nasal and chest congestion all week. I havent been able to lay down comfortably or sleep for more than an hour at a time. I have also had a pressure headache in my sinus and forehead area. My chest is also extremely congested and filled with mucus and I have been coughing non-stop.
Is it time to get the Mucinex? Antibiotics?
2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in warm water and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Peppermint herbal tea with 1/4 tsp each of ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and cayenne pepper and a tbsp of honey.
Essential oils in a diffuser for 3 to 6 hours (2 to 3 drops each of eucalyptus, peppermint, orange, grapefruit, lemon & cinnamon).
Drink 64+ oz of water.
Blow your nose one nostril at a time, while pressing the other nostril closed, then repeat on the other side. Blowing both nostrils at the same time actually inflames and swells the blood vessels in your sinus which will actually lead to more mucus being produced and can also lead to a sinus infection.
What does traditional indigeous medicine have to say?
Ayurvedic medicine is traditional Indian medicine.
Similar to TCM (tradional Chinese medicome), Ayurveda teaches that physical maladies and diseases are a result of blocked channels or srotamsi just like TCM teaches that physical maladies and diseases are a result of blocked chi or life energy force.
Specifically, Ayurvedic medicine teaches that congestion issues are caused by a mind-body imbalance called Vata which is caused by several factors including excessive stress & changes in climate.
If you were alive this winter, its been hard to ignore that it was 80 degrees on Halloween and I am typing this on December 2nd and its literally in the 40s but the humidity is fucking 91%!
Humidity over 50% means too much of the airs moisture has dried up, the air becomes excessively dry and even indoors it will feel uncomfortable.
So, imagine 91% humidity.
Even with this ridiculous bullshit, nothing substantive is ever done about climate change, same performative bullshit, same pretense on social media, same capitalist excess that has killed millions of humans, made tens of thousands of animal species extinct, currently melting the polar ice caps and glaciers, causing more natural disasters, filling endless landfills, destroying endless rainforests, damaging endless ecosystems, polluting endless oceans, endless carbon footprints, endless fossil fuels, endless Congolese dying for cobalt for a fucking iPhone 15 noone needs, endless overextraction of earths resources, endless raping and pillaging Mother Earth, endless fast fashion landfills filled with SHEIN and Fashion Nova fits that were only worn once, endless landfills filled with Amazon Prime Day deals that were humped pumped and dumped after one use, endless oil and gas, endless coal, endless nuclear waste, endless food waste, endless methane gas, endless fuel emissions, endless highways to nowhere, endless private jets for no fucking reason, endless McMansions constructed, endless overfishing, endless sweatshops, endless exploitation, endless slave wage labor, endless child labor...
Vata mind-body imbalance caused by excessive stress & changes in climate cause symptoms including respiratory congestion, restriction and breathlessness.
I have had severe difficulty breathing this week to the point where it has woken me up as I was unable to breathe.
So...time to grab the Sudafed or Mucinex?
Notice the pattern in Western medicine that any doctor in the West asribes to:
1️⃣OTC medicine➡️
If symptoms not alleviated⬇️
2️⃣Prescription drugs➡️
If symptoms still not alleviated⬇️
If symptoms still not alleviated⬇️
4️⃣Gaslighting, feigned disbelief, frustration, half-assed suggestions about a "lifestyle change or two".
For every single issue no matter how seemingly benign or innocuous or how easily addressed by the one thing these Western doctors will never ask you: How do you feel NOT physically?
Western medicine dehumanizes and commodifies the human body in the same degrading and militaristic way that capitalism does.
Youre not a person, youre a worker.
Youre not a person, youre a digestive issue, skin rash, migraine, ulcer, sinus infection, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, acne, back pain, tedonitis, neck pain, shoulder pain, tinnitus, food allergy, seasonal allergy, cold, fibroids, hypertension sufferer...
Look at the body part in question, never the person that embodies the body.
There is no ghost in the machine.
This is why your gastroenterologist doesnt talk to your dermatologist who doesnt talk to your rheumatologist who doesnt talk to your ENT doctor who doesnt talk to your general physician who doesnt talk to your gynecologist who doesnt talk to your pain management doctor who never talks to your therapist, psychiatrist, counselor, psychologist or life coach.
Youre not a person, youre a body to be endlessly sectioned off into completely separate and siloed pieces, never to ever be put back together or considered as one holistic entity that is a whole being with not just a body but a heart, mind, soul and spirit.
All 3 "solutions" endlessly, pathetically and purposely pimped by modern Western medicine (OTC & Rx pill, injection/shot, knife/surgery) all have potential harmful and even fatal side effects, include toxins & synthetic chemicals and mostly just mitigate, lessen or temporarily alleviate symptoms at the absolute most and never actually resolve or solve the symptoms entirely nor address or cure the actual root cause of the issue.
Just like everything else in the West.
Crash diet, quickie Vegas wedding, quick nip and tuck.
Everything in the West is wham, bam, thank you ma'am.
Whats the quickest fix and solution where I dont have to miss work?
How do I drop 20 pounds in 2 weeks?
What will make my symptoms go away where I can still eat a Big Mac every week?
The quick fixes that Western medicine promises to us as our eternal salvation and proof of "modern medicine" actually provides nothing more than the most temporary of relief at absolute best.
Thats all the West is.
Quick fixes, bandaids and half-assed "cures" that dont actually cure a damn thing and never actually address the root cause of anything nor even eliminate or the symptoms.
Then its back to school, back to work, back to taking the kids to soccer practice.
Everything in the West is based on total and complete mindlessness.
Congestion can be caused by a cold, the flu, allergies, pollution, COVID-19, or even just dry air.
Like extreme humidity of 75% to 90% in wintertime in freezing temperatures and constant indoor central heating blasting obnoxiously throughout the entire winter season?
Similar to the migraines I had last year where I didnt call my GP for medication and instead I switched my cell phone and laptop to Dark mode, turned off all the lights in my apartment, got off my phone completely and just rested with the blinds shut and, for once, shut myself off versus the previous 15 years where I had been in corporate HR, recruiter at Dow Jones and Bank of America, career advisor at Yale University, owner of career coaching and resume writing business with 100+ executive clients, freelance recruiter...and the migraines cleared up on their own.
The digestive issues I had a few months ago I resolved by simply eating healthier (vegetarian 80% of the time - fresh fruits and vegetables - homemade salads & salad dressing, smoothies, oatmeal w/ flaxseed, quinoa & mixed nuts & 64+ oz of water a day + herbal tea), moving my body more, being outside in nature for at least 60 minutes a day every day and utilizing a stool to squat to eliminate versus calling my GP for a prescription or "referral to a gastroenterologist".
The severe sinus congestion that Ive had all this week where I refused to take Mucinex or Sudafed and, similar to the above issues, when I woke up today in the middle of the night because I literally was having difficulty breathing laying down, very similarly to the migraines and digestive issues, the sinus congestion issue is due to environment (24/7 indoor heat during the winter + extreme humidity of 75% to 90% despite it being winter with freezing temperatures below 32 degrees + dry air) and excessive stress (mind body imbalance) and, once again, the solution isnt OTC medication, antibiotics, nasal irrigation, OTC nasal spray or ENT surgery, the solution, as is the case 90%+ of the time, is natural remedies (vitamin C - fresh lemons + oranges; ginger + turmeric + honey + peppermint tea; apple cider vinegar + water + lemon; essential oils in diffuser; grapefuit seed extract; herbal tea facial steams).
Since physical and mental maladies and diseases are almost always rooted in a mind body imbalance, along with the natural herbal/plant/essential oil remedies, inner self healing is also key (self reiki, sound bath healing, breathwork, regulating nervous system & parasympthetic nervous system - PSNS, yoga, mhz audio, shadow work, somatic work, journaling, meditation, self reflection, introspection, movement, creative expression, stretching), healing in nature (being outside in natural sunlight, fresh air, trees, grass, streams every day) and healing with food (eating fresh fruit & vegetables 80%+ of the time, 64+ oz of water a day, eliminate processed and prepackaged snacks, minimize meat/dairy/alcohol/juice/soda/coffee/sugar/sodium/fat/caffeine/additives/preservatives/artifical flavors/toxins/synthetic chemicals/GMOs/pesticides).
Its also about doing inner work, addressing the mind body imbalances and aligning your mind, body, soul, heart and spirit.
Exactly what the Western medicine industrial complex, capitalism and corporate America never want you to do because once you do, you will self-actualize, and youll see all of the Wests bullshit for exactly what it is.
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thecosmicangel · 2 years
March 2023 Readings🔥Fire signs- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. 🔥
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There is a need to find balance and inner harmony. You may be feeling like you do not have control over your life at the moment. Spirit wants you to connect to your heart chakra more to help you balance the upper chakras. The energy at the moment can be too much for your crown and 3rd eye chakra to handle making you feel disconnected or not in control of your mind or life. The current frequencies and energies can be a lot for your third eye to handle so tap more into your heart chakra as your heart chakra and the wisdom of your heart knows how to handle this frequency updates way better. You may be needing a break from the outside world, social media and the public eye for a moment as you are being overstimulated and need some time to ground yourself. For you fire signs  I see a lot of creative potential, you are fertile with energy and ideas. To some this may manifest into a physical pregnancy so be careful of unwanted pregnancies because you are very fertile at this time. No matter the case you have lots of potential to bring your ideas and goals to life. Plant the seed and watch it grow as you water and nourish it. Some of you are trapped in fear or feeling fearful, anxious, or enslaved to your mind and thoughts, for some you need to get out of your third eye chakra it may be overactive and causing you to be delusional or driving you a bit crazy. Know that connecting with your heart your energy will expand and true wisdom and knowledge will find you. Your magnetic field will expand in size thus helping the energy in your heart be more balanced and flowing. When you tap more into your heart chakra your wisdom will expand and thus your crown chakra  will be receiving more downloads and frequency updates. Your hair is your antenna to the divine; it is part of your crown chakra. Some of you your hair will become healthier and stronger and more beautiful as your energy is updating and vibrating at a higher frequency. You will be having a stronger intuition, more connected to the divine your connection to the divine is becoming stronger. There is masculine fiery energy for you in this reading so I see that you are capable of taking control and authority over your life and whatever is going on for you at the moment. You gave the strength and energy to take on whatever is coming in for you. You are in your king's authoritative energy, for some I see a masculine fiery person coming into your life and this will be someone offering you love. For some this is you coming into union with yourself and having a type of kundalini awakening, your energy is rising up and new upgrades and new gifts are ready for you to open up to them. You can be feeling a lot of passionate, sexual energy for this month. Use this energy appropriately instead of burning it off fast by temporary satisfaction. Fire signs are currently in a stage of transition and change and are needing to balance out certain areas of life to continue on. Past person from your life is coming back to offer you something that can be related to love. This could have been a past lover from a past life or they may feel familiar. Let go of control issues, I also see some fire signs getting rewarded financially by something they did in the past.
Key words: balance, peace & harmony, love, union, kundalini, heart space,recovery , meditate to get answers,, rest, romance, snakes, alchemizing your energy, divine union, let go, Unbalanced 3rd eye chakra, overstimulated, hair, horseshoe, mule, dolphin, light skin man, windchimes, tent, stubborn, capricorn, gemini, sun, sagittarius
❕pictures used do not belong to me they were publicly sourced through Pinterest.
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reikihealsindia · 4 months
What Is Third Eye Chakra? Unveiling The Power Of The 3rd Eye Chakra With Reiki Heals India
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What is Third Eye Chakra?
The third eye is actually referred to as the ‘inner eye’ or the ‘mind’s eye’-being a metaphorical eye, located on the forehead as supposed to allow the bee to see beyond what is tangible. In Hindu religion, the term third eye is related to the ajna or brow chakra. The place of the third eye is over the brow but in the middle of the forehead in Hindu and Buddhist iconography, symbolizing the liberating knowledge that the ascetic attains in his course of meditation.
The Third Eye: Your source of Intuition and Awareness Centre
Among the seven existing chakras, the Third Eye Chakra is one of the most important and vital. It is located in between your eyes or in other words, it will be slightly above the eyebrows. This chakra is visually pictured as blue or indigo in its coloration and deals with the spiritual level or third eye. I believe that entertainment is one of the vital aspects that help with our psychological and spiritual health.
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wonderingfree-blogging · 11 months
In today’s world, the Law of Attraction has become a common topic, and while it may seem woo woo to skeptics and non believers, it has proven to be a very real, very obtainable practice by successful people, if you just get your mind right. What I mean by that, is simply that you must align the vibration of your beliefs and emotions with your desired reality. Know it is yours and feel as though it already is, and it will be.  Now, let’s take this a step further. We all have 7 chakra centers within our body, that play a major roll in our mental, physical and spiritual health. I want you to stop for a moment and consider how powerful your ability to manifest could be, if you used each unique chakra to fuel your dream into reality!   Here I will list each chakra center and its defining principle in relation to The Law of Attraction, as well as how exactly you can utilize these principles to create your desired reality: 1. 7th chakra (crown)- Consciousness creates     • The crown chakra is where your manifestation will begin. You will use your conscious awareness to draw attention to your dream. This can be done by consistently meditating on your desire, setting daily intentions and asking big questions (“What would it feel like if this were my reality right now?” Or “How might my life begin to change and improve if my dream were manifested into reality?” 2. 6th chakra (third eye)- Vision vitalizes     • Manifesting with the third eye chakra requires you to look within yourself to discover your life purpose through identifying past patterns, dreaming about your ideal life and becoming confident in what you want to manifest to fulfill your purpose. This could look like, spending time in silence, strengthening your ability to imagine through consistent practice and trusting your intuition. 3. 5th chakra (throat)- Conversion catalyzes     •Now that you have a dream that you want to manifest, it’s time to start communicating your desire to people in your life who have your best interest at heart and even to yourself by developing an internal dialogue with your chakras. Get excited and share with your loved ones what you are trying to manifest or broadcast it by posting about it on social media, a podcast or write a song about your desire and perform it.  4. 4th chakra (heart)- Love launches     • Now you are starting to see your dream take shape and form in your life. It’s time to allow relationships to blossom that will assist you in co-creating. Embrace asking for help and strengthening your support network. Connect with your heart and ask yourself what you love about your dream.  5. 3rd chakra (solar plexus)- Power produces     •It is time to take action. The solar plexus calls for you to be proactive and align your will with your desire. Also, a word of advice that I have for you, is that many people fear the action step and stay in the upper chakra levels listed above, and never see their manifestation come into fruition. Try not to worry about how your dream is going to become reality. This is where people get caught up. The details don’t matter, the universe will take care of it for you.  6. 2nd chakra (sacral)- Pleasure pleases     • It is here that we embody the water element of the sacral chakra by nourishing our dream through sustainable practice, getting rid of what doesn’t serve the purpose of our dream and learning to attract what we need first, then what we want.  7. 1st chakra (root)- Matter matters     • As our dream enters the final stages of manifestation, it’s important to honor the root chakra by fulfilling our commitment to our dream by finishing any projects related to it. Celebrate, rest and enjoy your efforts! I hope you find this information helpful, as I have found it to be so myself once having practiced this technique and actually seeing my dreams manifest into reality. I urge you to give it a good try, and if you do this right, you will be surprised at the life you can create with just your mind!
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orphancookie69 · 11 months
Hay House: Heal Your Life +...Unlock Your Next Transformation-Day 3
This has been one heck of a weekend, I wish it was lasting longer. We have some amazing speakers for today, read onward!
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Mystical Connections 2023 (7.5 Hours)
Transform your life with oracle cards-Colette Baron-Reid: She goes briefly into her background. Co-create with the universe with oracle cards. (View her cards digitally: Pick a Card - Use Colette's FREE Online Oracle Cards App - Colette Baron-Reid | Oracle Cards | Founder of Oracle School (colettebaronreid.com)) You don't have to separate the mundane and the mystical. We are not separate from the divine. Divination is talking to the divine. Be a mystical nerd. Oracle cards are a flashlight, shovel, magic mirror, dynamic communicator, mystical gps. Always ask permission and learn how to ask the right questions.
Learn to communicate with Spirit-Rev Sharon Anne Klinger: Your ancestors are more than just your family. Types of ancestors: family ancestors, landcestors, group foregoers, past life ancestors, purpose guides. 3 easy steps to speak with your ancestors: Intention and Invitation, Right Brain Activation, Trush Everything Always. Don't feed the medium. She gave readings.
Attract Angels Into Your Life-Kyle Gray: He goes briefly into his background. Everyone has an angel and no one has been forgotten.
Connect with your ancestors-Shawn Leonard: He goes briefly into his background. Connection to ancestors and soul family. Teach with stories. There is an interconnection to us all. Don't forget to talk to and include your people in your life. He did some readings.
Heal Your Ancestral Motherline-Rebecca Campbell: Stay open to healing and transformation. We are all a thread in the healing of humanity. Healing has its own mysterious timing. Heal your mother line with an affirmation. She did 1 card readings.
Clear Your Karma and Move On-Sandra Anne Taylor: Akashic record readings. Most people use the records to find out about past lives. The space time continuum is why. Your most emotionally charged experiences are what effects your akashic records. Shift your pattern energy. Fertility issues could be from a past life experience. Or other issues could be from a past life. Judgement is a karmic energy, let it go.
Meet Your Guardian Angel-Radleigh Valentine: He goes briefly into his background. Turn a muggle life into magic. You can not put god into a box. To humanize is to minimize. You have the same guardian for every lifetime. They know more about you than you know about you. Forgetting creates the feeling we are alone, even though we are not alone. Stay awake and see the signs. Power comes with joy. You are a divine soul having a human experience. You need to make a spiritual investment to have a divine return. Use automatic writing to talk to your guardian angel.
Reveal Your Soul Sense-John Holland: He goes briefly into his training. Intuition and psychic ability are from the soul. What is your psychic strength? Chakras, Auras, Meditations, and Breath. The clair senses. Clair Sentience, you are a feeler. Trust your gut and ask more. Clairvoyance, 3rd eye. Dreams are messages from the soul. Clair audience, ringing in the ears. He did some readings.
Activate The Power Of Your Heart-Estelle Bingham: Time and space are an illusion. It is all about the heart. Companion your heart.
Step into a powerful, multidimensional life-Sonia Choquette: Breath in, breath out-what is the most beautiful thing in your environment? Move around a bit. We are moving into a new frequency on this planet. Changes are internal and external. You can become 4th and 5th dimensional beings.
Talking Tarot - Krystal Banner (15 minutes)
She speaks about her background briefly. Tarot as a tool for healing. You don't have to be gifted a deck to start Tarot. You can read for yourself and for other people. Tarot is a tool for self discovery. Tarot is not negative. Bring shadow aspects to the light to heal it. Tarot is true and based on energy. Major Arcana, 22 cards, tends to be major moments of our life. Imagery in a card is reflective of the time period. The minor arcana is 14 cards, (4 suits), 1-10 and Paige, Knight, Queen, and King. The 4 suits represent elements: wand/fire, cup/water, pentacle/earth, and sword/air. There are astrology signs that correlate to the cards based on elements.
A Course in Miracles Made Easy - Alan Cohen (8 Hours)
I wanted to watch this one but did not have enough time.
How To Hear Your Inner Ding - Louise Hay (15 minutes)
Louise Hay calls her inner guidance, her inner ding. You don't need more therapy, you need clarity. We are always doing the best we can based on what we know. We are traveling with our inner ding inside of us. Metaphysics: there is more to the world than meets the eye. Proper guidance should bring you back to the person within you. Teach yourself and others to think. Let go of your self image. Safe is the worst possible place to be.
Connecting With Angels Made Easy - Kyle Gray (4.5 Hours)
I wanted to watch this one but did not have enough time. I love Kyle Gray though.
This was a cool thing for Hay House to offer. This would totally be worth the money to get the rest of the old and the new courses! The upside of living in an age of technology is that is so easily shared, is what we can learn if we just look for it. Or open ourselves up to it. What would you have liked to listen to?
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crystalsbyrob · 1 year
Crystal Ball - Bos Pages
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Crystal Ball - Bos Pages
  Crystal Ball - Bos Pages, This Is A Digital Download What will you get: - 1 PDF with 9 pages without background - 1 PDF with 9 pages in vintage background   When you think of a crystal, what is the 1st thing that comes to mind? For many, it might be a crystal ball. A crystal, carved and polished into the shape of a sphere, can be a powerful conductor of energy. The sphere is the perfect shape and the shape of our mother Earth. This shape allows the crystal to radiate energy in every direction at once. This is probably why a crystal ball is always been such a staple image when it comes to crystals. A crystal in the shape of a sphere has boundless potential and this is why they are so popular. Crystal spheres or crystal balls are inherently connected to the earth, sun, moon, and stars. They are an excellent tool in helping to open the 3rd eye chakra which helps to increase intuition and clairvoyance. It's no surprise that spheres are also a popular tool used for scrying. Scrying, also known by the names of hydromancy, crystal gazing and occlumency, is the ancient art of revelation. Spheres can be passed through the aura in crystal healing or held over the chakras. They bring a peaceful and grounded energy to the home. Crystal spheres are also a great center in crystal grids for earth healing, harmony, protection or psychic development. Grids always require a larger central stone which is meant to be the main source of energy that you want the grid to focus on. A sphere in the center with its ability to radiate outward in every direction is an optimal choice in shape. Pyramids and obelisks are also useful as center stones in grids. The roundness of the crystal ball symbolically represents a sense of oneness, wholeness, completion, karma, and respect for cyclical energies. The smooth surface of the sphere facilitates clear communication and helps to keep the energy flow moving. Crystal balls help to empower the mind with awareness and direct supporting healing energies through the conscious body.  Moving energy through time, Crystal balls and spheres may enable one to see circumstances from a different perspective. Crystal balls may be effective in purifying and healing any leaks in the auric field. Crystal balls and spheres are excellent "hand comforters" to use in times of stress. Holding a crystal ball brings its healing vibrations into one’s auric field allowing for a shift in the energy fields. Crystal balls and spheres are also excellent crystal tools providing a focal point for meditation. Crystal Ball - Bos Pages Overall, the sphere shape in crystal healing is possibly one of the most powerful. It radiates the energy of its crystal in every direction, displacing it evenly throughout the location in which it's placed. The sphere's connection to the Earth and stars makes it one of the most revered and widely used shapes in crystal healing. Crystal balls have been used for fortune-telling and clairvoyance since at least the first century. Their popularity has waxed and waned, but they continue to be popular tools for psychics, fortune-tellers, and mediums today. One of the first known references to crystal balls comes from the work of the Roman Pliny the Elder, who described the use of crystal balls by "soothsayers." At the time, crystal balls were referred to as "crystallum orbis" and, later, as "orbuculum." Crystal ball gazing became increasingly popular in Rome over the next several hundred years. While widely accepted by the Romans, the practice was condemned by the Catholic church, as it is specifically forbidden in the Bible. Around third to fifth century CE, the Druids of the British Isles were also using crystal balls (along with other reflective surfaces) to see into the future. Between the years 500 and 1500, crystal balls were more of a decorative accessory than a fortune-telling device in Europe. Some, however, continued to practice crystallomancy (though keeping it carefully hidden from the Church). It is suggested in some sources that the Arthurian sorcerer Merlin carried and used a crystal ball. It was during the Renaissance and the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, however, that crystal balls regained their importance and legitimacy as a fortune-telling tool. This was largely the doing of John Dee, an advisor to the queen, who became interested in using an obsidian crystal ball for scrying. Dee, who was also an alchemist and "natural philosopher," believed himself to be communicating with angels and demons through the sphere. He shared his readings with the queen, who began to make the practice more popular. Crystal Ball - Bos Pages During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the Roma people (gypsies) migrated in greater numbers from India to Europe. With their tradition of fortune-telling, they were ostracized by the Church but welcomed by many who sought out their advice. The Victorian era saw a resurgence of interest in all things occult, including spiritualism and crystal gazing. Crystal gazing became fashionable; it was claimed that when the sun was at its northernmost declination one could gaze into the ball, see a rising mist, and then experience a vision of the future. Crystal balls continue to be popular in the 21st century and are part of New Age, Pagan, and other belief systems. They are also used by psychics, fortune tellers, and mediums. Real crystal balls are beautifully unique, and no two are exactly alike. You can find many glass spheres that are the same, and these will work for scrying (crystal ball reading), but they don’t hold quite the same power as a genuine crystal ball Book Of Shadow Pages Shop Home Page Read the full article
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