#3rd eye chakra
marialeto · 10 months
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Wednesday November 29, 2023 🟤🟤
Brown ray of light
Body Elohim
3rd Eye
Number Two
Metal Element
Gabriel ascended master
Gabriel and Bailey 3
South and East directions
Feminine Masculine energies
Waning Gibbous Cancer ♋️ Moon 🌖 95.2%
Amphibians Day
Country of Portugal
City of Calvary, Jerusalem (Place)
Continent of Africa
Heart Mind Connection Wednesday
Pizza Wednesday
Note: Pepper and Pepperoni 🍕
Send an electronic greeting day
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Cosmic Meditation: Episode 2: 3rd Eye Chakra Healing | 2HOURS
Healing exercises for the third-eye chakra. Kitchari mudra: Curl the tongue to the back of the throat Shambhavi mudra: Bring your eyes up and gaze between the eyebrows Kumbhaka breathing: Retain your breath on the inhale and exhale http://bit.ly/3GFAURw Spotify Tiktok: @soundpodcast Twitter: @Sound9Effect
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aethyrmazz · 20 days
When you have an overactive Sahasrara/Crown chakra and Ajna chakra/ 3rd eye you become susceptible to sickness of the mind. This is why spiritual gifts are often written off as mental illness. They can easily spiral out of control if you don't have the proper skill to ground yourself in reality. For example...
People with an overactive Crown chakra often experience existential despair. These people may have psychotics breaks and dissociate, or experience dissociative seizures if the mind is unable to handle the sheer vastness of the universal energies flowing in. If you have experienced having an overactive Sahasrara you may have "delusions of grandeur" ; a "chosen one" complex, a sense of being separately and uniquely "special" or uniquely "enlightened".
The Ajna Chakra is a little different as it governs intuition, perception, and inner vision that gives you the discernment to see beyond illusion. When overactive it causes a sort of psychic flux to occur, or abnormal discharge in other words. So your intuition is running wild hungry cheetahs. This will quickly cause one to become overwhelmed, with mental overactivity, from constant stimulation. The lines between intuition and delusion become indistinguishable, which can get even more tricky if you're someone who trusts yourself more than anyone else. You will become overwhelmed by visions which you'll need to proper wisdom to interpret. People with an overactive 3rd eye may also become very paranoid. Unseen energies, sylphs, and hidden truths are everywhere, but you may start to see them in places they are not.
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bandit9994l · 1 year
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pyramidmedia369 · 1 year
Healing your way to a Divine Union
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Original post can be found here: https://pyramidmedia369.com/f/healing-your-way-to-a-divine-union
🔮🛕🔊  The truest form of healing happens through the Union of man and woman. Our world will only know discord without it.
📜 But, the HIGHEST form of healing happens through the union of self-realized men and women who can move with spiritual maturity, under all influence. I’m not saying you have to be self-realized & super spiritual to heal, to have a community or to find love. But one cannot grow in any of these areas without self-realization. Proper shadow work and inspection on yourself through meditation, is how you become self realized; opening the 3rd eye. You cannot ever be fully self-realized if your 3rd eye is not working. There’s a reason I always say #KnowThyself.
The path of one Knowing Thyself is how this level of unity & healing is reached. By first having no agenda other than to be fully self-realized within your own being. Then functioning your world from there. This must be done first to achieve the highest levels of union. You must first unify all parts of yourself, for yourself.
If you find the right person for you, you two can create your own agenda together by pursuing the same spiritual goals. An agenda that serves you equally, because you both know that what you do to your partner you’re also doing to yourself. 
Merging with someone who can aid your spiritual activation the same way you aid theirs is true Divine Union. Not just because you and your person love each other. Or because you think someone is your soulmate. Or because you been with someone for a long time. Attraction and infatuation aren’t even strong enough frequencies to give you the level healing I’m referring to. High frequencies have to be “REACHED” INTERNALLY, first. 
In a Divine Union, evolution should be happening in two places at the same time. That’s how 2 become 1.
⚛️ “Inside, then outside.” 🧘🏾
- Phoenix Son  🕊🌞
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annalouisemay · 1 year
Intuition, 3rd Eye Activation, Scrying Techniques, Full Moon Practice | ...
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theearthangel1 · 1 year
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extendedprojection · 10 months
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Space Shades coming soon!
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theblackenedretort · 11 months
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serenityreikiclinic · 11 months
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Lapis in an AMAZING STONE!
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wavestatebliss · 1 year
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faerlithalgnomii · 1 year
Dab a little frankincense oil on your headband/bandana/hat/any head covering to protect your 3rd eye and enhance your crown chakra 💜
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lilacstro · 3 months
how to manifest with your jupiter sign
this post feels long lost due, I had many asks on this so I will make a post on this one <33
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Jupiter is a planet of faith, and optimism and abundance. However, you don't really have a planet specifically made for "manifestation", but if you think you had to guess one, I am guessing it would be Jupiter. Even in vedic astrology, people with strong brihaspati or Jupiter are considered lucky. Someone who was reading palms for me and my sister the other day said the first thing we do to see luck through hands is the Jupiter and Venus mount. But Venus is luxury you have in life and Jupiter is the fortune, I hope I am making sense. But otherwise, I have often seen 11th house be associated with manifestation
this post definitely checked my creativity and the methods of manifestations im aware of lmao. I have not taken this from any book but rather its mere observation of the charts I have seen until now, and asked my family to see if it worked for them and it made sense so its again a my theory kinda post lmao. I hope it is able to help y'all too <33 I was refraining from making a post on this one but it had a LOTT of asks so I decided to do it :) Let's gooooooooooo
use a combination of your sign, degree and house to find common grounds<33
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Jupiter in:
Aries/1st house: First of all, be precise and extremely clear about what you want. If you need to put the work or you believe in taking inspired actions, please do! I would also suggest concentrating/condensing your energy in your 3rd eye through meditations. Believe in yourself and also, don't jump 10 places. I have often seen people with Jupiter in 1st house have kind of a scattered energy, to put it correctly, not really laidback, not really fierce, and I think this should be fixed. I would suggest people with this placement to work with their chart ruler and Jupiter along to find a best method that could suit them, the best one I feel like suggesting for everyone, is meditation.
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Taurus/2nd house: I think people with this placement should definitely use affirmation tapes/affirmations. I would suggest methods that make you feel at peace and calm, and relaxing. Use aura meditations/ocean music before bed and calm yourself down and focus. Speak your desire into existence, using affirmations in front of mirror could be one thing you can do. If possible, make a vision board or buy a small manifestation souvenir suggesting your desire is complete. If possible, write your manifestations on a white sheet and bury them under a plant or soil in your garden.
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Gemini/3rd house: Write. Journal your desires, write them down, clearly. If you guys have things like a feng shui crystal turtle, write your desires on a paper and put it under that turtle. I would also suggest using affirmations, to people with this placement, be optimistic and say good things about your manifestation. Use the law of assumption. Listen to subliminals, it may really help as well.
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Cancer/4th house: FEEL your manifestation. Use music that makes you feel as if, evokes such emotions you know. Use the moon cycles for manifestation. Have you guys heard of Moon water manifestation? Basically, in a glass put some water and set intentions of your manifestation and put it under the full moon. Next day, drink that water. If you used a bigger bottle, then drink that water every time you set intentions of your manifestations. Use visualization
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Leo/5th house: Have fun with your manifestation. Enjoy what you are willing to manifest and feel the vibes coming in. Be confident that yes, it is coming and it would happen. Be creative about your manifestation. Try drawing your desires if you guys enjoy arts. Create beautiful DIYs like creative vision boards while blasting music, or pretty photo frames or phone wallpapers that would suggest completion of your desires. I would also suggest using heart chakra meditations, lifting your spirits up.
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Virgo/6th house: Create a manifestation routine. Something that locks you in and also, dont be too fixtated on when will it happen. Create a routine you enjoy and it can be absolutely anything. I however feel like suggesting 369 method, 55X5 method or things like so. One other thing I will say is, don't be afraid of helping someone if your boundaries are not crossed, and you may actually find that you have coincidences that lead you to what you had wanted. I would say, be open minded as well. Release pent up energy in your body time to time. I have often seen people with this placement are already very helping/people like to ask them for help.
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Libra/7th house: I would suggest talking about your manifestation, in a journal, to someone you trust or even to yourself in a positive, loving way! Enjoy talking about what you want, talk about it with love, faith and optimism. I would suggest using a sigil, especially near your mirror or when you are getting ready. Use a pretty paper, and make it super cute and to your aesthetic. If its possible, clean and program the ornaments you wear, or even if its a hair tie you wear daily. By program I mean, meditating on it and setting a vibration/energy that corresponds to your manifestation. pretending as if can help too.
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Scorpio/8th house: Don't talk about your manifestation until its complete, don't tell much people about it until you are close with them. Use sleep meditations (I would suggest Edward Art's sleep meditations) and please, believe in your manifestation but yourself first, that you can attract what you want. Use the law of attraction. Even though I suggest being on high vibrations, I would still say, let yourself feel your emotions, its important to feel yourself. Don't get too attached, fearful or desperate for what you want. Pray to whoever you believe when you're sleeping. Often seen people with this placement/8th house moons or stelliums have some kind of divine intervention with the things they desire. Be open to change in paths, if it is possible.
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Sagittarius/9th house: Be optimistic about your manifestation. Pray if you believe in a higher deity or power. This is a very lucky placement in my opinion and you have the power to achieve whatever you want, just desire it strongly and in a positive way. Use frequency meditations, and if possible. Have faith and patience and don't be in a rush for anything. Use manifestation journals if possible. I feel people with these placements are already quite spiritual or at least aware of such topics. Use affirmations/ religious affirmations if you believe in one.
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Capricorn/10th house: Talk about your manifestation, don't lie about what you want when asked, say it if its not violating your boundaries and if not, just say something neutral. I feel people with this placement, often manifest what they show, even if they are trying to be private or pretentious, its just weird. Act as if, and have some confidence. I feel people with this placement appear lucky to people so I would indeed suggest protecting your energy. This placement should also somehow be ready to accept the challenges that will come along when they ask for what they want, because these people often dream big but this placement again feels brings unpredictable things on your path. So, be open and flexible is a suggestion. But be assured, the rewards often exceed expectations!!
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Aquarius/11th house: USE PINTREST BOARDS IF YOU DOO. Use subliminals, Create a manifestation journal with affirmations and pictures. Use manifestation meditations. Experiment with your manifestations, let it be, and let it go. Don't obsess about what you're manifesting. Have a positive self talk. Your manifestation is actually likely to appear when you least expect it/don't bother about it much. Random but write yourself messages/emails or success stories as if you achieved what you want, this is a very good placements for strong manifestors imo
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Pisces/12th house: Use visualization, SATs coming to me specifically. Sleep in the state of wish fulfilled. Be helathy-delusional, and use crystals if you have one or are willing to use them and even better if you can charge them near ocean. Use water meditation, water-manifestation methods. Have strong faith :)) Use spells and charms. program your crystals and journals.
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EXTRA: Jupiter in air signs or degrees: Watch your thoughts and words, speak your desire in existence Jupiter in water signs or degrees: Watch your feelings, feel as if and don't let your feelings consume you eitherways. Beware of extreme delusion and mark a line on reality Jupiter in fire signs or degrees: Watch your actions and impulses, take inspired actions as needed, feel the excitement but don't get reckless or mindlessly impulsive. Know the line between what you feel like doing because of an intuitive nudge, and where you are being stupid or over faithful/risk taking.
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btw paid readings are open:)
support me on ko-fi :) that's it. I hope I was able to help and this post brought some clarity. I hope you liked this post. All the best :)) i love you all <33
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sanatanpragati12 · 1 year
ध्यान (Meditation) के लाभ : तरीका और इसके फायदे।
ध्यान (Meditation) एक भावना होती है जिससे व्यक्ति अपने मन को शांत करता है और उसकी महत्त्वपूर्ण तथ्यों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है। यह भावना अधिकतर धर्मों में मौजूद होती है और विभिन्न तकनीकों के द्वारा अपनाई जाती है। ध्यान (Meditation) के कई फायदे होते हैं, जो एक व्यक्ति के जीवन को सकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित करते हैं। ध्यान (Meditation) की शक्ति अद्भुत होती है। ध्यान करने से मन शांत होता है और शरीर…
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lifeonmarz-blog · 3 months
The 12 houses explained: short word format
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1st: Aries, Mars, Yang, Dragon, Bee, Face, Eyes, Eyebrows, Voice, Accent, First Glance, Passion, Drive, Self Esteem, 3rd Eye, Intuition, Hard on yourself, Mutable, Patience, Leader, Stoic, Muscles, Neck/Head tension, Animals, Intensity, Head scarf, Tender headed, Attracting energy vampires, Hard headed, Red, Purple, Sexual energy, Humor, Introvert/extrovert, Fear of child baring because loss of freedom, Judgement, Lymph nodes, Guitar, Fast talker, Sharp talker, Forward thinking, Warrior, Personality, Spine...
2nd: Taurus, Venus, Yin, Panda, Neck/Throat, Throat chakra, Mouth, Thyroid, Heart, Pink, Blue, Fluid, Security, Resources, Musician, Silent, Introvert, Nose, Scent, Taste, Parent, Singing, Arms, Dancing, Food, Breeze, Partnership, Sharing, Values, Luxury, Pleasure, Easy going, Soft spoken, Naivety, Split decisions, Indecisive, Moon, Father, Sturdy, Poker face, Children, Trustworthy, Grit, Victory, Horses, Trials...
3rd: Gemini, Mercury, Yin/Yang, Jack Rabbit, Hands, Feet, Speech, Tongue, Lungs, Fast pace, Exercise, excitement, Bounce back, Joy, Vigor, Youth, Fidget, Anxiety, Habits, Expressive, Musician, Storyteller, School, Journalist, Moral system, Networking, Group, Siblings, Questioning, Stocks/trading, Choices, Dedication, Picky, Options, Dare Devil, Flirt, Long lasting, Hopes, Trees/Forest, Art, Comedian, Chances, Materials, Time, Loyal, Boundaries, ...
4th: Cancer, Moon, Yin, Owl, Family, Mother, Compassion, Creation, Birth, Life, Regret, Sleep, Nipple, Breast, Anus, Stomach, Womb, Bellybutton, Heart, Sacral, Blue, White, Yellow, Ocean, Cold, Night, Cycle, Fly on the wall, Unspoken secrets, Pores, Suicide, Whispers, Distracted, Outsider, Alchemy, Caregiver, Chef, Guidance, Critical, Teeth, Passage/Gateway, Humming, Drums, Weight on your back, Pressures, Gratefulness, Gratitude, Obedience, Horse, Animals, Words that cut...
5th: Leo, Sun, Yang, Lion, Spine, Heart, Pets, Fun, Youthful, Children, Love affairs, Expression, Dance, Gymnastics, Loud, Bright colors, Short trips, Friends, Aunts/Uncles, Get togethers, Cars, Innovative, Actor, Protection, Magician, Gardening, Gossip, Alchemy, Adulthood, Relaxing, Bonding, Self destruction, Slick words, Hard work, Spotlight, Sharing, Rebuilding, Clothing, Renewed vision, Drawing board, Companionship, Grounding...
6th: Virgo, Mercury, Yin, Ant, Crane, Praying Mantis, Work environment, Routine, Structure, Time, Patience, Health issues, Hygiene, Nervous system, digestive system, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Notebooks, Writing, Movies, Home, Relaxing, Forgiving, Generous, Social Life, Bonding, Practice, Foresight, Letting go, Stable, Helpful, Tense, Pressure, Negative thoughts, Reminisce, Addiction, Sorrow, Indecision, Indigestion, Saving Finances, Strong will, Codependency, Maturing, Realizing, Criticism, Self Honoring...
7th: Libra, Venus, Yin, Dragon Fly, Peacock, Marraige, Partnership, Contracts, Joint endeavors, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, Caring what others think, Voice, Accent, Culture, Rebuilding, Learning new ways to do, Home decor, Learning gratitude, Giving, Reseveing, Welcome home, Comfort, Jot, Warmth, Spring, Flowers, New thought processes, Building Legacy, Defending yourself, Possessions, Slower living, Connecting to nature, Center of attention...
8th: Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, Yin/Yang, Vulture, Jaguar, Phoenix Death/Rebirth, Fears, Dark, Dreams, Escaping, Running, Hoarding, Lack, Homelessness, Strength, Stamina, Restart, Hard work paying off, Legacy, Against all odds, Elimination system, Pelvis, All the holes in the body, Burgundy, Purple, Black, Sex organs, Releasing worries, Manipulation, Smothering, Misunderstood, Coffee, Over giving, Partnership, Friendship, Sensuality, Secretion, Body odor, Roses, Fruit trees, Chapel, Railroad, Balancing, Power, Unseen forces, Intimidation, Relaxation...
9th: Sagittarius,Jupiter, Yang, Donkey, Whale, Shark, Liver, Legs, Posture, Religion, Long distance, Foreign travel, New ideas, Creative thoughts, Energy, Witty, Nomad, Idealistic, Larger than life, Focused on success, Friendship, Gatherings, Social Life, Relaxing, Luxury, Boundaries, Tired, Mental Illness, Restrictions, Insecurities, Grandparents, Quiet time, Relationships, Sharing, Attention, Harmony, Rebirth, Hard work, Getting over, Time, Late night thoughts, Male role model, Weight on your back, Responsibilities, Greedy, Guarded, Proud, Protection, Unique, Lavender...
10th: Capricorn, Saturn, Yang, Sheep, Alligator Honey Badger, Cactus, Sterile, Marble, White, Grey, Cold, Winter, Snow, Reputation, Social status, Farming, Popularity, Bones, Skin, Nails, Hair, Sharp, Leather, Goat, Structure, Skin conditions, Over explaining, Hard on others/yourself, Violin, Holding onto the past, Hard choices, Seeing others happen, Collecting, Finding purpose, Unique interest, Creative ways to make money, Standing up for yourself, Tunnel vision, Sharing, Networking, Group efforts, Working on love...
11th: Aquarius, Uranus, Yin/Yang, Moose, Mongoose, Snake, Friends, Parties, Organizations, Goals, Hopes, School, Science, mutable, unique style, Different friend groups, Water, Lakes, Rivers, Driving, Circulatory System, Pituitary glands, Changing course, Fear of change, Social media, Learning to stand alone, Trusting intuition, Defending loved ones, nonchalant, Increasing expectations, Std, Dead tree, Sticking it out, Elders, Community, Taking a stand, Protest, Elections, Politics, Numbers, Releasing restrictions...
12th: Pisces, Neptune, Yin, Fish, Birds, Friends, More to go around, Letting go, Releasing Past, Decor, Eye for style, Luxury, Opinionated, Energy field, Subconscious, Mountains, Fog, Spa, Skincare, Hygiene, Safety, Frienemies, Luck, Protection, Unprovided jealously, Foreign, Secret, Being watched, Self expression, Confidence, Talents, Anxiety, Depression, Breath, Dreams, Sleeping, Ufc/boxing, Always wanting more, Magician, Plants, Sunshine, Exotic, Target, Maturity, Completion...
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thesirenisles · 2 months
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♄ Utilizing Chakras to Heal your Saturn Wounds
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Chakra is a Sanskrit term used to describe each of the energetic power stations within the human body. These stations, when balanced, ensure the flow of divine energy from our root to our crown.
Balance is also significant to Saturn, which is exalted in the sign of the divine scales, Libra. Saturn’s placement within the natal chart creates restriction, either self imposed or through uncontrollable fated circumstances. As a result, the native lacks or struggles with the themes of whatever it touches, creating an imbalance among the Chakras.
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This pursuit of balance becomes a tasklist with progress reports every 27-30 years (Saturn's Return). The goal is to balance and master this energy.
Embracing the energy of the weaker chakras can assist in this process and in healing. This is a cohesive list (with recommended placements) curated to suit the emotional wounds or lack created by Saturn in the signs and houses. Of course, this can be used as you please! The frequencies can be found on youtube.
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7 - crown chakra
“I am divinely guided, inspired, and protected."
Imbalance Symptom: Attachment Enhances: Spirituality, Enlightenment, Intuition, Empathy, Awareness, Intelligence Right: To know and learn
Location: Top of the head Sound: Silence Gland: Pituitary Colors: White, Violet
Stones: Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Amethyst, Labradorite
Healing Frequency: 963 HZ
suggested placements:
🔮 saturn in pisces / 12th house
🔮 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house
🔮 saturn in cancer/ 4th house
🔮 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house
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6-third eye
“I trust, honor, and follow my intuition."
Imbalance Symptom: Illusion Enhances: Awareness, Intuition, Thought, Insight, Vision, Mental Clarity, Memory Right: To see
Location: Center of forehead Sound: Om Gland: Pineal Colors: Indigo
Stones: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Sapphire
Healing Frequency: 852 HZ
suggested placements
🧿 saturn in gemini/ 3rd house 🧿 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house 🧿 saturn in aquarius / 11th house 🧿 saturn in pisces/ 12th house
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5 - throat
“I feel safe to speak my truth and honor my voice.”
Imbalance Symptom: Lies Enhances: Expression, Communication, Diplomacy, Personal Voice, Creative Identity Right: To speak and be heard
Location: Throat Sound: Ham Gland: Thyroid Colors: Azure Blue Stones: Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Blue Howlite Healing Frequency: 741 HZ
suggested placements
🪬 saturn in gemini/ 3rd house 🪬 saturn in libra/ 7th house 🪬 saturn in aquarius/ 11th house 🪬 saturn in leo/ 5th house
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4 - heart
“I am worthy of receiving all that I desire.”
Imbalance Symptom: Grief, Depression Enhances: Love, Healing, Acceptance Right: To love and be loved
Location: center of chest, heart Sound: Yam Gland: thymus Colors: Green/ pink Stones: Jade, Green Opal, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite Healing Frequency: 639 HZ
suggested placements
💚 saturn in taurus/ 2nd house 💚 saturn in cancer/ 4th house 💚 saturn in leo/ 5th house 💚 saturn in libra/ 7th house
💚 saturn in sagittarius/ 9th house
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3 - solar plexus
“I am confident in my ability and stand in my power."
Imbalance Symptom: Shame Enhances: Power, Vitality, Manifestation, Self- Definition & Idenitity Right: To act and be an individual
Location: Belly button Sound: Ram Gland: Pancreas Color: Yellow Stones: Topaz, Citrine, Fire Opal, Amber Healing Frequency: 528 HZ
suggested placements
☀️ saturn in aries/ 1st house
☀️ saturn in leo/ 5th house
☀️ saturn in capricorn/ 10th house
☀️ saturn in virgo/ 6th house
☀️ saturn in aquarius/ 11th house
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2 - sacral
“It is my birthright to receive pleasure and I radiate with joy."
Imbalance Symptom: Guilt Enhances: Sex, Creativity, Abundance, Self Care/Gratification, Emotional Intelligence Right: To feel and have pleasure
Location: Lower stomach/ pelvis Sound: Vam Gland: Gonads Color: Orange Stones: Carnelian, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone, Orange Calcite Healing Frequency: 417 HZ
suggested placements
🔥 saturn in leo/ 5th house
🔥 saturn in pisces/ 12th house
🔥 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house
🔥 saturn in cancer/ 4th house
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1 - root
“I am here and the Earth supports, nourishes, and nurtures me.”
Imbalance Symptom: Fear Enhances: Security, Trust, Grounding, Prosperity, Stability Right: To be here
Location: Base of the spine, Perineum Sound: Lam Gland: Adrenal Colors: Red/ Brown Stones: Garnet, Ruby, Red Agate, Bloodstone Healing Frequency: 396 HZ
suggested placements
🌹 saturn in capricorn/10th house
🌹 saturn in scorpio/ 8th house
🌹 saturn in virgo/ 6th house
🌹 saturn in aries/ 1st house
🌹 saturn in taurus/ 2nd house
Thank you for reading!!
check out my blog for in-depth astro & mythology posts!
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